#Ciel really does have the best brother figures
x-theolivia · 1 year
Please may I have a funny Fairy tail scenario of when Lyon knew exactly what he was doing when he pretended to flirt with Wendy in the Fairy tail guild to get a reaction out of Gray's younger brother who is the same age as Wendy. (It worked) It was fair to say that Wendy was suddenly in a possessive hug and the person hugging her is Gray's little brother..Gray's little brother actually told Lyon "Don't get any ideas flirting with my Wendy old man." (The younger brother of Gray Fullbuster actually stuck his tongue out childishly at Lyon) *cue the muffled laughter from the other members of Fairy tail at the unexpected cheek from a usually grumpy kid and Lyon's expression of being called an old geezer was rather funny actually*
Gray's little brother was absolutely mortified at the "My Wendy" comment he made as pointed out by Gray himself and Gray's younger brother denied any explanation of that he actually liked her (as teased by Happy).
It's Platonic considering Gray's younger brother and Wendy Marvell are children and Gray's younger brother was rather cold figuratively, exactly like Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler but Wendy actually brought out the best in him *you know the rest about Gray's younger brother*
Naw, that’s so cute I would love to write this!
⟹She’s mine⟸
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Fairy Tail Masterlist - Navigation
Summary: After you’ve got friends with Wendy, you get possessed. And when Lyon, the one who took your brother, flirted with Wendy… you saw red
Pairing: platonic Wendy Marvell x male!reader (just because their too young)
Warning: FLUFF, possession and age gap (ig). tell me if you find more.
Author’s note: Fairy Tail and this gif don’t belong to me! And warning about a very bad English!
3 months after getting friends with Wendy, you became even closer
You wouldn’t admit it but you like her. So it does bother you when Lyon shows up, out of nowhere, and starts to flirt with her. He, a 19 years old guy, with her, a 12 years old girl. It doesn’t seems right.
„Naw, don’t be shy. You’re cute when you blush“ Lyon tells Wendy. And it‘s Wendy. So she blushes even more and gets flustered. Especially when he drops a line: „Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears“
Both are standing in the Fairy Tail hall and you were watching them from the other end. Leaning against the wall, arms crossed and a grumpy grimace on your face
He does this on purpose. That’s for sure.
And it shouldn’t bother you that much, because its fake. But it does.
And this bothers you too.
Lyon gets even closer to her. But instead of looking at the flustered Wendy, he gives you a look… just for a second. You see red.
You don’t know how you manage to cross the hall this fast but after some moments you drag Wendy away from him, in your arms. In a possessive hug. Lyon looks suprised to see you and it seems that everyone in this room stoped in their motions to look at you
But you don’t care. You stick your tongue out childishly at Lyon and glance at him
„Don’t get any ideas flirting with my Wendy, old man“ you say grumpily, with Wendy still in your arms
The hall muffles their laughter about this scene but you don’t get it. Instead you watch when Lyon makes a funny grimace about your comment of him being an old man
„I‘m not an old man!“ he argues but you let Wendy go, grab her hand and walk away from Lyon
Later that day, Gray walked up to you
„Hey little brother“ he greets you but you just roll your eyes
„What do you want, Gray?“ you ask him but he isn’t offended, instead he has this smug grin on his face
„Why do you grin like this?“ sometimes you think you brother should go in therapy
„So, you like Wendy?“ he asks out of nowhere and a instant heat crawls up your face
„What?! No!“ you disagree but he leans down to you
„But you called her yours. „My Wendy“ you said“ he makes fun of you and acts like you
Did you really said this?
„no I didn’t! Your ears seems to be broken or something. Maybe you’re deaf“ you deny but now even Happy flies above your heads
„Y/N is in looooooovvvvveeeeee“ he sings
„I‘m not!“ you deny again
But, oh shit, you are
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May a request Headcanons Hurt/Comfort about family relationship with: Doll, Maurice, Ciel and Joanne :3
I hope this is what you wanted!! <3
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Hm, well… family relationships can be tricky, no doubt. After all, look at him and his twin. What’s more complicated than that? It’s something he understands, but, unfortunately, not something he really knows how to be a comfort with. He’s not good at that simply because he’s had so little comfort for his own issues, he doesn’t know how to help someone else with theirs.
Though, for all his imperfection in comforting, and for all his own attachment to his brother, he does have one gem of advice: “So what if they’re your blood? If they don’t treat you well, what makes them different than a cruel stranger?” Even though he doesn’t always take his own advice, he does believe that you shouldn’t tolerate bad treatment on the sole grounds that it’s coming from a family member. Hold them to the same standard you’d hold anyone else, and if they don’t meet that standard, do something about it. Or he will.
He’s so busy, he doesn’t often have the time to be with you. When he does, he… wants you to be happy. He doesn’t want anyone to steal your smile. If there’s anything that can be done without causing friction with your family, he’ll do it for you as long as he’s able. Don’t be afraid to tell him if there’s anything he can do, alright?
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Eh… God… sorry to say, relationships with family are probably the one thing that Doll doesn’t have to worry about. She loves her family and they love her, very much, so it’s unbelievable to her that you’d be having problems. Don’t everyone’s families love and support them? It’s… sad to her, to think that your family isn’t like her family.
She really, truly, fully thinks that if she can only get herself into your family and talk to them, maybe something might change. The unfortunate fact is that some people just don’t understand the impact their treatment of others has, so surely, if your family knew how they were affecting you, then they’d be nicer. They’d take your feelings and thoughts and words into consideration. Right? She’s desperate to believe that; she can’t conceive of a family not caring about one of their members.
She’s here for you regardless, though. No matter what happens, she’ll be a steady source of stability for you. If your family aren’t treating you well? She’ll treat you twice as well, over the top, to make up for it. You don’t deserve to be hurt, so regardless of everything else, she’ll make sure you’re taken care of.
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In the same vein as Doll, Joanne is… not to say useless, but he struggles to figure out how to best comfort you. His own family is incredibly supportive and loving; his parents rarely pressure him toward or away from anything, and his sister is the best older sibling anyone could ask for. That’s what’s normal for him, so he’s surprised that your family isn’t like that.
It hurts him to see you hurting! Perhaps if your families came together and saw how Joanne’s family treat him, it would be a sort of… learning experience? Your family would see how much someone flourishes when treated well, how happy and kind a person it makes them. He arranges some kind of dinner or afternoon tea or something like that, to try and win your family’s support. If it doesn’t work, (and it might not), he’s going to be devastated that his idea didn’t help you.
He’ll treat you right, even if he’s not technically ‘family’. The thought that he treats you better than your own family is sad; if he’s the only place you’ll get such treatment, though, he’ll give you all the comfort you could ever want. If nothing else, he’s very good at making you feel like your voice is heard and that you’re worthy of being treated kindly.
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Is quite possibly the worst person to come to if you’re dealing with family problems. Not because he’s unsympathetic, but because he’s normalized bad family dynamics. Or, rather, his father has. He grew up watching his father criticize and hurt his mother, and gradually he’s become a victim too. He thinks that whatever you’re going through, it’s probably… normal.
… That doesn’t mean he has to like it, of course. He just takes the approach of thinking perhaps you didn’t try hard enough to ‘avoid’ your family’s punishments or whatever it happens to be… because that’s the view he takes himself. It still doesn’t mean he likes seeing you hurt, so he tries quite hard to teach you techniques that have helped him in the past. Trying to tiptoe around conflict, doing your best to do what’s expected of you, pleasing your family? He doesn’t want you hurt, so he passes on what’s worked for him.
He knows deep inside him that something has to give. While he’s terrible at standing up to his own family for himself, the strength suddenly snaps together when it comes to defending you from your family. He can’t just stand by forever, watching you be hurt and putting a tiny bandage on it. When the time comes, he���ll probably sweep you away entirely, making damn sure you’re safe from your family.
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kkuracafe · 2 years
Hello I don't know if this will make sense but I'll try my best to explain it, could I request headcannons for Sebastian Michaelis from black butler where he is like a father figure to a teen girl, who never really had a father figure. 100% platonic ofc, but I just thought it would be sweet to see this demon go from only having one end goal to eventually caring about a human that doesn't benefit him in some way
If this is to confusing I completely understand but if it you end up doing it, thank you <3
Thank you for the request! It's not too confusing don't worry, I hope this ok ♡
Sorry it's so long, if you want a shorter version I can make one ^^
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I feel like he can intimidating at first, he doesn't really smile and he seems very cold at the start
He found you a couple years ago out in the streets, you mother had left to go work and you didn't have a father
Him and Ciel were tasked to find someone who was hiding in the slums and while walking Sebastian noticed your small figure sitting in the corner sniffling and shivering (Probably also starving)
His first mission was to protect his master and find the person but seeing you freezing he felt bad (a little)
When he approached you, you seemed terrified. You never really saw men that much and your mother always warned you about strangers, especially strange men
So when he bent down and wrapped one of Ciels extra coats around you, you were shocked
He gave you a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes but it comforted you none the less
"Keep the coat, it shall keep you warm till your mother comes back"
How he knew your mother was gone, you don't know but you agreed either way
The next time you met, your mother was going to court for stealing bread
She was your only caregiver and you didn't want to end up in one of the Orphanages in Londons slums
Sebastian walked up to you seeing how distraught you were, he put a hand on your shoulder and told you that his master wasn't going to send your mother to jail
(Turns out your mom worked for Ciel)
But your mom ended dying from Cholera because of how bad living conditions were
Sebastian couldn't help but feel bad again, you've lost so much and so he managed to convince Ciel to take you in
You and Ciel became friends shortly after you moved in
At first Sebastian scared you, he was so strict and everything had to be on time but one night he found you crying over your mom and you noticed he wasn't that scary, he was just doing his job
He (awkwardly) comforted you and ever since that day you two got closer
Fast forward two years, Ciel is like a little brother too you and Sebastian is like the father you never had
Sebastian was confused at first, his goal was to protect his master. Yet he didn't want your soul, he just wanted to make sure you're safe
He loves it when you get all excited and talk to things about him thar would be considered "not proper" for a lady in your time
You and Ciel would regularly play chess while Sebastian (not so secretly) helps you win
(Queue Ciel whinning)
Loves it when you open up to him too about issues, he likes helping you
Gives you hugs even though it's awkward at first you both get used to it
If you're sick, do not fret Sebastian is 100% going go make sure you're taking care of
And if anyone says anything rude to you about being a female or disrespect you..they may never speak to you again out of fear
If you got a boyfriend (or a secret girlfriend), he'd probably stalk them till he knows they're safe for you to be around
Don't take it the wrong way he just wants to make sure his child is safe!
Won't admit it but you mean more to him than Ciel does
You'd try and scare him sometimes and since he wants you to be happy he'd fale being scared
Also you'd probably know he's a demon after you see him kill a whole squad of people part of the mafia and their leader without effort
I hope you enjoyed ♡♡♡
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evolsinner · 3 years
i must've fallen asleep in the car because when i wake up, it's 3:00 am, and i'm in bed with a muscular arm wrapped over me. i smile, interlocking my fingers in the bruised hand at the end of it. the fingers gradually reciprocate and i'm at even more peace when i realise that isaac is also awake.
the room echoes with the soft sounds of an electric fan somewhere in the corner. there are blue led lights underneath the bed which lights the room up in a bluey lambent glow. i lift the covers off me, the heat wearing down on me like a hot summer's night.
"where're you going?" isaac questions groggily in his sexy tired voice.
the slightest movement and he thinks i'm in trouble. i imagine he's always gonna be half~awake considering everything i filled him in about. 'twas a lot, would explain why i fell asleep in the car right after.
"gee, relax, just tryna get comfortable."
he snuggles his head into the crook of my shoulder. "thought that psycho brother of yours, kayden, or whatever his name is was gonna steal you away from me again."
“new hotel?” i change the subject.
“yeah. figured a penthouse might expose us.”
"good call. hey...isaac?"
"can we have a black wedding?"
he chuckles, "sure."
"and rainbow bridesmaids and groomsmen?"
he laughs even harder, "i'd like to be in your head sometime, luv, as the stuff you say, brightens my day."
"well, don't get too excited because it's not all sunshine and lollipops."
"of course. anything else you want for the wedding?"
"can it be a destination wedding?"
"can we have ice cream cake?"
"yum, check."
"oh! oh! also, unicorns and pegasus' and alicorns and~"
"woah, woah, calm down, luv, that's a whole trip to wonderland."
i break into laughter.
he kisses my ear lobe, "missed you, my baby."
that tone in his voice makes me wet weak. it's my favourite one too. although, i guess if his voice affects me then i have always been fucked from the start. because, man, when he would yell in class, yeah, i would be butthurt, 'cept i would also be strangely turned on? like, the fuck was wrong with me?
"missed you too," i giggle as the nibbling travels down my ear to my neck.
"missed you a lot,” he seems to be getting at something...
"doubt it," i flip on my back.
he grins and kisses the tip of my nose. his nose kisses are by far the best. it gives me a sense of protection; humble protection at its finest. it's like springtime with yellow sunlight shining in through the drapes. a peck lands on my cheek and i crinkle my nose as i beam from its tenderness. next, a rare kiss lands on my eyelid when i blink. he’s showering me with kisses and i giggle at each random place he plants them on.
i've looked into hazel coloured orbs, and i was trapped in a painting of a forest fire. i've looked into crystal coloured orbs, and i've drowned in the deepest of oceans. and now these emerald coloured ones, i'm up there with the northern lights, lost in neverland and never do i ever wanna come back down.
i lift my head up and plant a kiss on his sugary sweet lips. an explosion of marshmallows dipped in cherry wine erupts in my mouth. i was craving his taste and this whole time i was taking the wrong doses of another.
he leans further over me and slowly slides his hands up and down my waist. the skin he leaves touched has a tingly sensation to it and goosebumps form all over me. just when i thought i've subdued the sensation, he runs his hand over the area again; there's no break for me.
his lips melt over mine like fairy floss liquefying in the stinging sun and now all i see is iridescent saliva coating his mouth. he deepens the kiss, his tongue fighting a war with mine like he's some warrior on a battlefield.
it makes me remember the first time we kissed and it wasn't even that long ago. please, god, take me back to the first time we kissed. and he does, he does take me back to the first time we kissed.
sir's hand rummages over the bedside table and some things fall down. i'm tryna keep him from ripping his lips off mine. he looks across for a few quick seconds, his hand running over random objects, then he gives up on his objective.
"god," he groans in frustration.
oh. "who cares? just pull out in time."
"luv," he raises his thick eyebrows, "don't think i could do that 'in time' on this particular occasion."
well, damn, he missed me more than i had expected.
"besides, pulling out isn't a safe form of protection," he adds.
"ugh, since when did you care about that?"
"since when i get you pregnant, i don't want it to be by accident. i want to make sure it's the best sex of your life."
i gulp.
"yes," he raises his eyebrows, amused at my shocked expression. "one of these days, i'm going to impregnate you. can't wait to see you grow big, snack on a bunch load of candy, and then have you pop out our precious little one."
i turn crimson.
"be right back," he smiles, sitting up on the bed. "i'll go check if i have some spare protection in my car," and retrieves his fallen phone.
"wait," i get up and lean onto his back. "i'm coming with."
"babe," he chuckles, "i chose the first floor for a reason. the car's right out there. i won't be long, i promise."
"please, i want to go with you," i plea like a little girl. "bad things happen every time you leave me alone."
"alright," he plants a firm kiss on my forehead, his palm resting at the nape of my neck. "let's go on an adventure to the car park, shall we?"
"race you!" i quickly jump off the bed and speed towards the door.
"hey!" he laughs out and chases me. "i wasn't ready, cheater!"
i run down the golden hallway and into the massive oval~shaped space of the reception area. the borders of the walls are painted gold and the walls themselves have a luxurious~looking pattern on it; too detailed to find out how it begins.
i pause, standing in my pyjama shorts with my eyes darting around to locate the exit.
"there!" one of the receptionists catches on and points to the revolver door right at the front.
my face lights up like the cheshire cat. the receptionist dude chuckles. he and his other three colleagues are really enjoying this little show in front of them. i mean, who wouldn't? two guests running around wildly, barefoot, in the middle of the night.
"catch me if you can, jay!" i sprint straight to the glass revolving door.
isaac reaches me a tad bit late and he just misses the slot i get into.
i stick my tongue out at him like 'ha~ha'.
he scoffs, "fuck you."
ah, yes, our 'fuck yous'. our forever and always.
i rush to the car, and once i reach it, i come to an abrupt halt.
a pair of keys jingle obnoxiously behind me.
"guess i've won, sweetheart."
i frown like a child whose third scoop of ice cream has gone crashing to the ground. "you're a cheater," i rebut, heading across to the passenger seat with my arms crossed. "plus, i meant who gets to the car first, not who gets inside."
"ah, rules, rules, rules," he mocks with a sly smile playing on his lips. "always new rules with you."
i purse my lips to stifle a grin.
he walks over to me and cages me but doesn't say anything.
"..isaac.." i break into a diffident smile, glancing away.
"what?" he chuckles.
"stop..doing that."
"'doing' what?"
"that..that eye thing."
"sweetheart, i have no idea what you're talking about."
i roll my eyes, blushing.
he continues to stare.
"see! you're doing it again!"
he laughs, leaning into me, "i can't help it, darlin’, you're just so beautiful."
"whatever," i get way too shy to make eye contact.
the bimmer beeps twice behind me.
i look at isaac with surprise.
"looks like you've won, daisy," and he opens the door for me.
i blush incredibly, chaotically even, and upon his request, i hop inside the car.
that's right, loser, i did win.
-ˋˏ ༻🥂༺ ˎˊ-
there was no, um, you know in the car, so now we’re on our way to the servo to get some.
"this is a nice song."
"you like it?" sir faces me. "it's by that french singer, ah, what's her name. right," he snaps his fingers, remembering, "'indila'."
"'une dernière danse'," i say. "what does it mean?"
he chuckles.
"what?" i beam timidly. "are you laughing at me?"
"no, it's just the way you pronounced it," he shakes his head. "it means 'one last dance', fyi."
on the spur of the moment, isaac pulls up to the side of the road.
"what are you doing?" i query.
"an idea popped into my head," he announces. "get out of the car."
"just do it."
i take my seatbelt off and exit the car. there, i stand in front of the windshield, freezing my ass off. it's dark as fuck, but the white headlights of the bmw give us plenty of vision. sir takes off his seatbelt and cranks the radio right up. he steps out of the car, leaves his door wide open and meets up with me.
"can you please tell me what's happening?!" i yell over the music.
"we're going to dance!" he places a hand on my waist and another on my shoulder.
"what?!" my eyes bulge out of their sockets. "in the middle of the road?! barefoot?!"
"we're barely wearing any clothes!!"
"better this way!"
"what if a car comes?!"
"then we die!"
"i can't dance!"
"follow my lead!"
🎶je remue le ciel le jour, la nuit je danse avec le vent la pluie
the chorus hits once again, and simultaneously, isaac brings my waist closer to himself as he takes a full step back. i follow his lead, letting him guide me. backward, left side, forward, right side.
🎶et dans le bruit, je cours et j'ai peur est-ce mon tour? vient la douleur
"oops..!" i step on his foot by accident. "sorry..!"
"don't worry!" he chuckles, twirling me around. "you're doing amazing!"
he repeats the steps, nodding at me supportively. a few vehicles begin pulling up to watch us dance! the rest, however, honk impatiently, heading around to get past us.
🎶je remue le ciel le jour, la nuit je danse avec le vent la pluie
the steps are sped up and repeated one final time before everything slows down to a finale. confidently, isaac pauses and dips me. i stare at him in total awe. i think he's in love, like, really in love.
🎶et je m'envole, vole, vole, vole, vole, vole, vole
the few drunken humans gathered around us erupt with applause, whistling here and there.
"i love you," sir mouths, bringing me back up.
guys, i think he loves me.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 4 years
“This is your captain’s order!” - Twisted Wonderland OC
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School Uniform
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Dorm Uniform
(Picrew used)
Jonah Argentum is the main protagonist in my fanfic, Twisted Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure and taking the role as MC/Yuu. A mysterious non-magician student who doesn't have any memories of his past. Gaining the title ‘Captain' of the Ramshackle Dorm’, he's the one who leads his crew out of their own mess and is very protective toward them.
==/Technical Information/==
Japanese: ジョナ・アージェンタム
Romaji:  jona aajentamu
Voiced by: Akira Ishida
Debut: Chapter 1: The Flickering Darkness!
==/Biographical Information/==
Name: Jonah Argentum (ジョナ・アージェンタム / jona aajentamu)
Gender: Male
Age: 16 (Chapter 1-68); 17 (Current)
Birthday: 31st October
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 157 cm
Eye Color: Black (left), Yellow-and-Red (Right, covered by an eye-patch)
Homeland: Radiant Haven
Family: Benjamin Argentum (father); Dinah Argentum-Goldstein (mother, deceased)
==/Professional Status/==
Dorm: Ramshackle Dorm
School Year: First
Class: 1-A, Student no.3
Occupation: Student, Part-timer at Mostro Lounge (former)
Club: Board Game Club
Best Subject: Flying Skills; Astronomy
==/Fun Facts/==
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous, but prefers right hand
Favorite Food: Bonzabeast Stew
Least Favorite Food: Kimchi
Dislikes: His 'crew' getting into troubles; Any memories problem; Not understanding anything
Hobby: Cooking; Flying; Stargazing or just looking at the night sky in general; Just talking to people; Exploring, investigating, and treasure hunting
Talents: Cooking; Strategist leader in battle; Possible Team Mom
Jonah is, at his core, a nice guy. He tends not to get involved too much but can be curious. He likes exploring new things that he didn't understand before (even if he had trouble catching up with school). Around his friends, which he often calls them his 'crew', he's the voice of reason and probably the only sane one around the bunch, which makes him the captain of the crew.
And speaking of being a captain, Jonah does have that commanding aura. He knows when he can be lenient or when to be serious. He takes the role of 'captain' pretty serious, making sure his crew listens to his order so that they can get out of the mess they got themselves into.  Because he cares to much about his friends, sometimes he forgets about himself. He would risk himself jumping into trouble as long as his friends are save. Thus, he very often gets himself in trouble that almost takes his life.
Between his days, he grows to have a big heart. Compassion can be his biggest strength. He believes in forgiveness, second chances, and people can changes. He wants to understand the situations first and provide helps the best as he can. He may step back if it becomes a more private matters, but willing to be a mediator.
Grim (closest friend; crewmate; fellow Ramshackle Dorm)
Dire Crowley (possible father-figure)
Ace Trappola (close friend; crewmate)
Deuce Spade (close friend; crewmate)
Riddle Rosehearts (friend, Riddle may have a little crush on Jonah after Heartslabyul Arc)
Trey Clover (friend)
Cater Diamond (friend)
Azul Ashengrotto (he cleaned the Ramshackle Dorm and Jonah keeps reminding himself to say thank you, Board Game Club member, former his boss at Mostro Lounge, their relationship is a bit wobbly after the whole contract shenanigans,)
Jade Leech (former coworkers at Mostro Lounge, fellow-chef , their relationship is a bit wobbly after the whole contract shenanigans )
Floyd Leech  (former coworkers at Mostro Lounge, he likes to hug Jonah unannounced, their relationship is a bit wobbly after the whole contract shenanigans)
Leona Kingscholar (acquaintance but grows some respect between them; Jonah stepped on his tail once and Leona disintegrated his arm)
Ruggie Bucchi (acquaintance ; Ruggie is grateful from Jonah saving his and Leona’s butt and grows respect between each other)
Jack Howl (friend; crewmate)
Vil Schoenheit (potential brother-figure since both of them are Crowley’s godson)
Epel Felmier (friend; crewmate, flying buddies, Epel saved him once from falling)
Idia Shroud (acquaintance, Board Game Club member)
Ortho Shroud (acquaintance;   Board Game Club (honorary) member)
Malleus Draconia (acquaintance, they had a cryptic midnight conversation once; Apparently they met each other once when Jonah was 10 years old)
Kalim al-Asim (partner in training camp)
Jamil Viper (not the best considering he’s behind the training camp fiasco)
Alchemi Alchemivich Pinkaa (unknown relationship, though it appears that they were good friends back in Royal Sword Academy)
Jacob Orion Columbus (childhood friends before amnesia; their relationship are rather shaky)
Magdalene Killigrew (childhood friends before amnesia; their relationship are rather shaky)
Bridgette Eduarda Newton (childhood friends before amnesia; their relationship are rather shaky)
Benjamin Argentum (father and son; their relationship are rather shaky)
Jonah has amnesia. While he can do basic stuff like talking, writing, cleaning, and cooking (which he’s really good at it), his other memories revolving around his past and family are blocked [Chapter 136-137]
The Dark Mirror said that he has magic power inside but is dormant for an unknown reason [Chapter 3]. Though it could be related to his blot-absorbing eye.
When he takes the lead, he usually reveals his strange eyes. It makes him more confident.
He’s a slow learner. He’s not great at schoolwork, but when he finds his right tempo. he can learn faster.
Jonah has a history with Royal Sword Academy and Che’nya implied that he once attended there. During the Interdorm Magishift Tournament, when Jonah passed with some RSA boys, they recognize him despite Jonah himself doesn’t because of his amnesia.
After Savanaclaw Arc, Jonah loses his right arm starting from below his elbow. It’s replaced by a modern prosthetic/cyborg arm (courtesy from Idia) [Chapter 64-65]
While magic can work on him, Jonah is immune to potions, poisons, and non-magic medications (like aspirin, kool-aid, and cough medicine). This is the reason why his bone can’t grow back after losing his arm despite bone-growing potion exist. His body basically rejects them, leaving him throwing up everything. If you force him to drink them and he somehow managed to swallow them, he'll just become sicker than before. [Chapter 63; 97]
==/Behind the Scene/==
Jonah is basically my version of the MC, though I'll try to make him stand out more. 
 In the game, it is unclear why the MC can’t get home, that’s why I gave Jonah one reason: he’s unable to remember his home, thus the Dark Mirror can’t send him back
Jonah is actually based on an already existed Disney villain. I will talk more about this when my fanfic is nearing the end.
While Jonah's eye is also related with the Disney villain, it is also inspired by Itsuki Iba from Rental Magica (who reminds me of Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler)
My goal is for Jonah to befriend with all first years. We're going to make a squad! Outside of Ace, Deuce, and Grim, there will be Riddle, Jack, Azul, Epel, Sebek, and Malleus. I don’t know about Scarabia and Ignihyde yet, because I can’t really separate Jamil-Kalim (but leaning toward Kalim) and Idia-Ortho (possible both).
I've sort-of planned for Jonah to end up in a romantic relationship with one of the characters. Who? I won't tell you. Yet.
I often refer to the gang as the ‘Golden Trio’, because Jonah, Ace, and Deuce remind me of Harry, Ron, and Hermione (this is coming from someone who never read or watches Harry Potter) so can I ship ADeuce now?
If you want to read more about Jonah, check out my fanfic Twisted-Wonderland: Our Precious Treasure [https://archiveofourown.org/works/23666923/chapters/56812873]
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chibimyumi · 5 years
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Dear @lunitamoon​​,
First of all, I am sorry it took so long to get to you, but thank you very much for your sweet compliments! The day you sent the ask was great, and so is today. I hope your life is good to you too.
But now without further ado, your question.
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Uchikawa Reo
I think Reo is a very good actor. My first opinion of him when I saw him in Noah’s Ark Circus 2016 was that he has a lot of talent. Some of these talents were not polished yet, (his singing being one example, but given his young age I couldn’t possibly blame him), while other talents were already polished to a sparkling gem. When people talk about Reo, it is usually “cuteee, so tiny!!!” or compliments of the like. His looks make people shove his remarkableness as an actor under these irrelevant external qualities. That is a shame, so please allow me to highlight a few things that are remarkable about this boy.
Character interpretation and understanding
I think Reo understood the character of O!Ciel very well and he was able to deliver many of the nuances even his first time in the role. When hastily interpreted, O!Ciel’s character runs the risk of being taken for nothing but cranky, sulky and haughty. Reo however, even at the age of 12 managed to see that these three obvious traits have a much deeper root: ‘doneness’. O!Ciel is done with his butler’s sauciness, done with people around him imposing their opinions on him, done with the world. Uchikawa Reo managed to capture this fatigue quite well.
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In the scene where Soma is altogether a bit too clingy, I think many would think O!Ciel would push the prince away or slap him away. Reo however, did not. He was trying to pull away Soma’s hands, but he never showed antagonism. Just doneness. Regardless of whether O!Ciel does or doesn’t see Soma as his ‘big brother figure’ and ‘friend’, he does care about him. Even when Reo-bocchan said: “I’m exhausted because of you,” there was no callousness in his voice; just irritation.
Reo managed to find a beautiful middle ground between ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ for O!Ciel, and that is exactly what I believe our Trash Baby Lord is. That is a lot more nuance in character study than I could possibly expect from most actors, let alone a 12 year old one.
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Another example of Reo’s great understanding of his role is in the scene where he questions his butler whether he would be able to bring them to Baron Kelvin’s manor within an hour. Here he raised an eyebrow as he spoke. This raised eyebrow is very significant.
In the post ‘That Butler, Punchable‘, I discussed in detail how Sebastyun is constantly being very snarky at his master, presumably so because he did not consider the boy worthy of his full respect. In the scene of this example however, O!Ciel has earned the demon’s full respect, and he knows it.
Raising an eyebrow, O!Ciel shows that he has reestablished dominance as master, and that intellectually he is on the same playing field as the demon. He knows what he is doing, and unsurprisingly, the question asked was thusly phrased as a rhetorical one. Hence I did not translate this line as: “can you?” but instead as “you can, right?” Through this nuance, Reo-bocchan shows a great level of confidence and his grasp over the case.
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Something else remarkable about 12-year-old Reo is his body-language. In the showdown between him and Baron Kelvin, Reo knew very well how to deliver his actions and the tension of the scene to even the people in the furthest back of the theatre. He takes his time to carry out every movement with meaningful decisiveness. One powerful kick. Re-assume stance. Walk behind his victim. Trap him under his foot. Point the gun at him. Had Reo just kicked Kelvin and stood on him in one consecutive movement, then the impact would have been broken.
I am not sure whether this was intentional, but before Reo pointed the gun at Kelvin, the hand that held the weapon was relaxed, which meant it would not attract attention away from his footwork. Only when the footwork was finished did Reo reveal his gun again from underneath his cape, effectively re-shifting attention back to the weapon when that should be the central focus again.  In theatre where audiences don’t view the production through edited and selected footage, it is vital that actors know where they should draw attention to, and reversely, where not to. Reo did well.
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Reo’s natural flair for comedy is also noteworthy. O!Ciel’s character’s funniness is mostly his insane cuteness and inability to can at times; not because he has funny remarks to make. Trying too hard to be funny is a big theatre/movie sin, but Reo is luckily no sinner
As demonstrated above, Reo has an excellent understanding of his role and is careful in maintaining it even when the musical calls for comedy. Reo employed a very advanced technique of achieving comedy; namely discrepant solemness. He does not loosen up or start monkeying around; instead he maintains his usual up-tightness while tricking Aberline into saying his own name wrong. The brilliancy in this scene was not just Reo’s ability to employ this advanced comedy technique, but also that the nature of this skit was perfectly in character for this insidious, manipulative brat.
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In Tango on the Campania Reo filled most of the ‘space for growth’ he still had in the previous musical. Even though Reo’s body language on stage was already great in Noah’s Ark Circus, he did have the tendency to stand idle when the scene’s focus was not on him. In the latest musical however, Reo would not forget to also act when he was in the background.
His singing also largely improved, and was able to prolong his notes as well as transitioning between the notes. He still had trouble hitting the highest of notes, but his voice would no longer die off mid-way in its ascending.
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Fukuzaki Nayuta
I think Nayuta is a great actor too, and personally a seemingly very underrated gem. In the first run of the Lycoris that Blazes the Earth (2014) Nayuta was admittedly not the best actor ever seen in theatre history. However, he did up the game for Ciel actors even at the time. Acting style is more preference-bound, but undeniably Nayuta’s singing was more solid than any past Ciel performer before him. Despite him having outclassed past Ciels’ singing, Nayuta received a lot of hate from fans, most amounting to: “I can’t watch this, he is too ugly.” (Yes, very constructive, very legit. Ughum. The Kurofandom never fails to remind me how so many are here just for the pretttiiiiiiessss >_>)
In 2015, Nayuta’s voice was actively dropping, sending him in a constant swing between up-and-down. I don’t have experience with a dropping voice, but I heard from everyone who did that it is incredibly hard to control your voice in speaking, let alone singing. And yet, though his voice was rough at all times, Nayuta did manage to hit all the tones. I find that very impressive. I think technique-wise, Nayuta is the strongest singer among all Ciel stage-actors so far. I haven’t heard his singing after his voice-change was complete, but I can imagine him having become a very good singer now. His capacity for control over his voice is superb, after all.
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Nayuta’s acting is very subtle but convincing. When Nayuta-bocchan was in his cage, he even added some little movements of the hand that would not be in people’s usual expectations given the situation. To me, this little quirk seemed to convey how despite already having hit rock bottom, the last straw had only fallen just now. This boy is not just scared and desperate, he is murderously angry and resolute.
Nayuta’s subtle and yet convincing body-language can be seen throughout the musical. To demonstrate what I mean by ‘convincing’, I wish to point at Tango on the Campania. Compare Nayuta’s shaking to the headbanging of the stand-in for O!Ciel... Nope. (This actress is not a child, so I can be harsher.)
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Again, Nayuta’s acting is subtle, but it does mean it is easily missed, especially in a live theatre. (’Overacting’ is obviously a thing (see demonstration 1 above ⇈), but to the people who initially criticised Furukawa for “moving around too much”, that’s the theatre medium for you. Theatre was not made to be recorded and viewed in close proximity. Moving any less will basically be invisible in a theatre (see my analysis of Tamaki’s performance as Snake).)
Enough side-tracked, back to Nayuta. In the scene where Nayuta-bocchan just woke up, he performed the panic dying down slowly expertly. We can tell that the shaking and heavy breathing really got the better of him, but that the boy was actively trying not to show his butler.  This was probably not visible live, but we have footage of it, so let us savour the panic-dying-down for what it is.
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Though I might go as far as to say Nayuta might be better suited as a film-actor than theatre-actor, what was not missed on live audiences was this iconic scene below ⇊ when it finally dawned in O!Ciel that he had been chasing the wrong tail all along.
The atmosphere he created was incredibly tense, and we could practically hear the gears grinding and suddenly coming to a shocking halt. Bravo. It is ultimately for this scene that I think Nayuta would make a phenomenal stage-actor with just a BIT more stage-oriented instructions from the director.
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Another scene that also conveyed the tension excellently was when O!Ciel was putting up with the Viscount. Nayuta knew better than put on an insulting high-pitched voice in parody of “a girl’s voice”, instead he minded the intonation of speaking and subtler mannerisms girls are socialised to perform.
When the Viscount really got way too close, Sasaki’s acting was incredibly flamboyant and loud, and yet it never threatened to overshadow Nayuta’s performance. Nayuta knows very well how to keep people’s attention on him even when he doesn’t have lines to say. When the Viscount turned Nayuta-bocchan around, the boy’s facial expression spoke voluuuumes.
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Sakamoto, Nishii and Tanaka
I don’t have footage of them, and I am not going to get them legally or illegally, so I will include no visual examples of them in this post.
I don’t want to be harsh on children, they all did their best I believe, but do allow me to say that I am not very enthusiastic about their performances.
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Sakamoto’s performance of Ciel was not very memorable, but I think it mostly has something to do with his part in the script just not being memorable at all. To sum up; Ciel in ‘Friendship’ received some guests from Japan, played chess, and stared wide shifty-eyed until the case solved itself. Sakamoto’s singing was decent, though. I wish they capitalised more on that.
Nishii... I think many people were initially especially enthusiastic about him because he did not “look like Vincent Phantomhive”. He did his best, I could tell he had fun in the performance, but whatever acting-talent he might have, the musical never gave him any chance to shine. That musical gave his character ZERO nuance. Nishii’s singing was very unpolished, and in the mere 3 weeks of audition time, there was also no time to get it polished. But then again, the same goes for the singing of most of that cast.
Tanaka... I could tell he did his best, but perhaps he was doing his best not to f*ck up a bit too hard. The songs in this musical were rather challenging, and Tanaka always seemed very tense as he was trying to chase the notes. It was like he was desperately clinging to his spot within a safety-zone, which ultimately meant he didn’t explore any potentials outside the range of monotony. When it comes to acting, it also seemed like cranky outbursts were the only emotion he dared touch upon.
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So that was that! Thanks for reading!
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aqueerdarrenstan · 4 years
Kuroshitsuji Theory - Who Summoned the Demon?
So I realize I have never even once reblogged Kuroshitsuji to this blog, but lately I’ve been so consumed by this manga and this one particular theory won’t stop haunting me. It’s been an eternity since I really got taken in by a juicy piece of media like this (maybe since my Death Note days), so I figured I really needed to get it off my mind by writing it out.
This is- quite long, lmao. And I’m not sure if someone has already made this theory, because I only recently started diving into the fandom. Spoilers begin under the cut.
I’m gunna start off by saying that I can’t believe someone actually pulled off the “[Character] has had a secret twin the entire time!” and it was honestly one of the best, well executed plot twists in all of manga. I only just recently got back into this story, having loved it back in like 2010 but never seen more than the first two seasons of the anime. I was actually shocked to learn that the story was still going on ten years later, and got so excited I accidentally spoiled this big plot reveal before I started reading the manga. At first I was mad at the thought of it, but the fact that Yana Toboso had laid out hints since book two had me stoked. I quickly became obsessed with finding all of the hints to this beautifully planned plot twist, and in the end I’m glad I was spoiled of this because it was such a joy finding all the little Easter eggs I would have bypassed if I had not known.
But it also made me very wary of other plot twists that could possibly happen. It made me suspicious of moments where something is just ever so slightly off; that might not be translation miscommunication, but rather something more. Specifically around chapter 135 is when something caught my attention. After the mansion is attacked on December 14th and the twins are sold to a mysterious man, Our!Ciel seems to have a glimmer of hope that things will get better. We can already see how Real!Ciel seems to be more cautious than O!Ciel. He doesn’t buy into the hope like O!Ciel does so easily; he knows that something is going to go very wrong.
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Yono has laid out the differences between the twins so well; it’s as subtle in their personalities as it is in the wisps of their bangs. Specifically, a few chapters earlier gave us insight to how protective R!Ciel is of his younger twin. We also get a whole segment about how upset he is by the idea of O!Ciel leaving him in the distant future to own a toy shop outside of the Phantomhive land; he is so devastated by this idea that he refuses to leave his bed to go to class.
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He seems specifically upset that O!Ciel has no qualm about leaving his older brother. This is a key moment for R!Ciel- that perhaps his younger brother doesn’t need him as much as R!Ciel needs to protect him. Fast forward a few chapters, and in the midst of their torture we have moments when R!Ciel continues to vehemently protect his younger brother as much as he could while locked in that cage. Offering words of encouragement, promising that they’ll make it out. But then the culmination of events comes to a head, and R!Ciel shows that he is once again more wary than his younger brother.
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See, we had been made to believe that the choice between brothers was a random one by the next pages.
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And then we are made to believe that this is a sacrifice made by O!Ciel to summon the demon. The demon continually says as such, but this is where I get thrown off in the following panels.
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Certain things about this just don’t line up. In order for the demon to appear, a soul needed to be sacrificed to it as an offering. O!Ciel, however, doesn’t even seem fully aware until this moment that this meant his brother was officially dead. He saw his brother stabbed, certainly, but the state of shock hadn’t settled in yet to absorb the fact that R!Ciel was truly dead. A few pages later and we get:
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O!Ciel is completely confused as how how he would have sacrificed his brother’s soul to a demon. He had no conscious thought about summoning the demon; certainly, he had several pages of wishing death upon everyone else in the room after seeing his brother stabbed, but he didn’t seem aware of the fact that his brother was truly dead until he pieces it together at the demon’s hint.
This raises the question: is it even possible to accidentally sacrifice someone to summon a demon? O!Ciel had no choice in the matter at all, about his brother being taken over him, and he seemed to be in complete denial about all of it. Further, there is a whole page after R!Ciel is taken where O!Ciel begs someone to help save R!Ciel. There is something to be said about it being subconscious, as if maybe O!Ciel had been preferring death to this torture without realizing it also meant he was wishing for his brother’s death. But to me, what seemed much more in character:
It was R!Ciel who summoned the demon, using his own soul as sacrifice.
It would make sense for R!Ciel to come to this conclusion in those moments before death. He was more perceptive to the upcoming danger than O!Ciel; he knew what the society was boiling down their torture toward. While it seemed O!Ciel was shocked by the turn of events, R!Ciel seemed to have pieced it together. He knew one of them was going to die.
And if I can pick his brain, it’s easy to see his choices lay out in front of him. If one of them were to die, would R!Ciel simply hand over the brother he spent his whole life to protect? Wasn’t he painfully aware that O!Ciel didn’t have the separation anxiety he himself felt when he was apart from his twin? He knew that O!Ciel would be able to live without him, but he was unsure if he would be able to do the same. Didn’t it take his parents telling him that he would still be able to help his brother with the toy shop by being head of Phatomhive for him to agree to let O!Ciel pursue that dream on his own? R!Ciel wouldn’t be able to help a dead O!Ciel; it would leave him truly alone the way his own death wouldn’t. After all he still needed to protect his younger brother.
To protect his younger brother. How would he be able to protect his younger brother with his death? Certainly O!Ciel would be next on the sacrifice table- unless. Unless they managed to summon the demon on the first try. The only way to buy a bit of time for O!Ciel would be if they were to summon the demon with R!Ciel’s soul. Or better- if R!Ciel was able to summon the demon on O!Ciel’s behalf, the demon would then belong to O!Ciel, wouldn’t it? R!Ciel would have no way to be certain, but what more could he have done? He was on his last rope. It was either try and O!Ciel would be gifted power great enough to acquire freedom, or create enough of a pandemonium that O!Ciel could possibly slip free.
Whether R!Ciel came to this conclusion in the cage or not is irrelevant. “”It was a choice made without reason” my ass. Perhaps to O!Ciel, at least; we all know it could very well be missing panels- we know how much Yana loves to do that. R!Ciel could have swayed the choice somehow. Even if he came to the conclusion as he was being dragged away and set on the table, it would still be valid.
This leaves the demon choosing to latch onto O!Ciel for some reason. We see him wander about for a bit uncertain of who had summoned him. Perhaps with R!Ciel’s soul eaten, it was harder for him to place that. But then he caught onto O!Ciel; someone similar enough to the one who had summoned him to fool everyone in his life for three years into thinking he was the other. The demon may or may not have been aware that it wasn’t exactly the same person to summon him. I don’t think it changes much, seeing as the only thing the demon cares about is his next meal. After all, he’s used to getting at least two meals per summoning, and if he ate the summoner’s life as his first, then what? Or he could have been unaware, and after all, hadn’t the boy in the cage been denying god? Hadn’t he just lost his twin brother? It certainly seems he is the only person in the room who could have summoned him. After all, who would sacrifice their own life to summon a demon? Wasn’t the purpose of summoning a demon to then be granted its power? Certainly the demon has never encountered that before, so why would he assume he already ate the summoner’s soul to get there?
On the denying god thing, I do think that R!Ciel had certainly been swayed to do so in his last moments. The parallel of this moment, O!Ciel convincing R!Ciel that god doesn’t exist, could very possibly been going through his head.
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Yana loves a good parallel.
But this also begs to answer questions about what the reconstructed R!Ciel is up to in the latest chapters. Could someone so protective of his younger brother be ruining his life as such? There is still so much in the air about this, this theory aside, that it’s hard to tell. It seems he is upset that his twin brother escaped without him, didn’t use the demon to save him like he would have for his twin. But it is also in the air that this version of R!Ciel is even the real Real!Ciel. After all, his soul was definitely eaten by Sebastian. With the reanimated body, did the original soul come back, or a copy? Is the soul a clone? And if it is, can that soul really be considered the same as the original? The shinigami were called back for the reanimated corpses, but none that we know of so far came back for Ciel Phantomhive- perhaps because they too got confused by O!Ciel taking his name? Who knows.
And more importantly, would that mean that Sebastian should truly belong to R!Ciel? This concerns me because of how much the demon stresses that he would never take upon two contracts at once, and makes a special exception to allow it into the third clause, even though it is technically its own clause. I could see R!Ciel using this to his advantage in whatever game he is trying to play, though I’m not sure how effective it would be.
This theory has been kicking my ass the past few weeks. It blooms the story open for me in ways that get me too excited for the upcoming chapters to only be once a month. I need ANSWERS, MS. TOBOSO.
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hearthhhh · 4 years
Black Butler Matchup please ^_^ Hiya, I’m Chu (She/her - Heterosexual- INFJ- 17 years ole) I’m an extremely introverted person and would go as far to say social interaction intimidates me.. well except with people I’m extremely close with I’m super soft and referred to as the mom friend but I actually have a pretty dark sense of humour aha, I enjoy drawing, painting and anime oh and video games
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I love you Chu marry ME first 👀
I’ll just pair these asks together, and since I already started with the Black Butler ask, I’ll leave you with an extra character 😉
I pair you with...
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🥢 It’s a little headcanon of mine that Finny would be best with someone more on the quiet side! Since he’s pretty loud and excitable, so introverts would be able to balance this and be sort of grounding in a sense. I also think Finny would just find girls easily flustered and quiet cute.
🥢 You become a maid for the Phantomhive household. Finny thinks you’re cute immediately, but it takes him a really long time to realize it’s love at first sight.
🥢 He’s taken by your introversion, and goes as far as to comment on your small voice. It probably flusters you, but he just thinks that’s even cuter.
🥢 On top of our passive voice, you’re so motherly, especially over him. It’s practically impossible not to dote over him, especially when he’s eating. He loves it when you wipe his face after he’s made a mess, teasing him playfully. While the other Phantomhive servants have taken to looking after Finny like they would a little brother, Finny feels like he’ll combust into flames whenever your eyes zero in on him and you move to help him out.
🥢 One late night Finny’s kept up by thoughts of you, a dopey smile on his face. Baldroy decided enough was enough. Finny was obviously enthralled with you. This is where Finny, with the help of Baldroy, figures out he’d loved you all along. And so Finny was given the worst advice of his life along after midnight.
🥢 Finny does his hair in a well kept way that’s totally uncharacteristic of him. He even tries to tone down his excitement, though he’s practically vibrating with unspent energy by the end of the day. He even talked in a more professional tone, which slipped pretty easily, so it was obvious trying to keep up some sort of act. You realize very quickly that something was off.
🥢 Before Finny went off to his quarters for the night, you pull him aside and question his behaviour. You try to be as nice as possible, smiling encouragingly, but Finny is still brought to tears.
🥢 Finny tells you everything about his hopeless crush in one quick breath. You console him for almost half an hour until he can fully process that you feel the same.
🥢 You guys have the purest relationship. You baby him and call him sweet knicknames, and he tries to do the same to you. He’s not too good on the spoiling part, but he makes up for it with tons of affection.
🥢 You two practically radiate romantic PDA, not so much that it’s uncomfortable, just mushy and cute. You two are so childish with each other and fit together like puzzle pieces, and you both wonder why you hadn’t gotten together sooner.
I pair you with...
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🥢 I think you’d hit it off pretty quickly! You both work for Ciel and sort of flunctuate towards each other, especially in social situations. You and Snake stay pretty close to each other’s sides.
🥢 After you guys get to know each other for a bit you realize you’re both introverts, and notice you’re both equally uncomfortable being a spectacle. So you take comfort in staying close to each other.
🥢 Both if you are pretty introverted! Snake is so introverted he literally speaks through his snakes. A little later in your friendship, I bet he’d be totally chill with you leaning over to whisper in his ear, then he’d repeat exactly what you said to someone in the room.
🥢 You both stay as friends for such a long time it became hard not to see one of you without the other. You were so close, it was kinda unsual to onlookers.
🥢 Then the other servants started to point things out. They thought your feelings were obvious, so they’d just assumed you two were already together. But you weren’t, so all three of them didn’t miss the chance to tease and pester you two.
🥢 Eventually you have to clarify. You two spend every waking moment together, and sometimes spend nights in each other’s room because you were talking too long and fell asleep in the middle of your conversations. You’re the one to ask Snake what exactly your relationship was.
🥢 Snake was under the assumption that you two were already dating. If you’d like to have a conversation about your relationship he’ll answer whatever you ask or purpose, but otherwise he doesn’t really need to ask about what you two are. All Snake needs to know is that he loves you, and as long as he’s by your side as much as he can, he’s content with whatever you’d like to be.
I pair you with...
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🥢 Your introversion is pretty refreshing to Jumin. He does get along with you pretty quickly, although he comes off as indifferent. But Jumin likes that you’re quiet and come off as well kept.
🥢 Meeting him for the first time, Jumin would treat you like a friend. I’d imagine he’d invite you to dinner for two reasons. One being he can’t believe you don’t eat the same high quality food as him, and he found this really expensive restaurant for the two of you and paid for it just so you could have the experience. That other reason was a little for selfish... Knowing Zen he came off as flirty, and Jumin asks you out to tease him. It’s a win win for Jumin, he gets to meet his good friend face to face and fucks with Zen.
🥢 Jumin is pleasantly surprised when you meet. You came off as timid and formal over text, and come off the same earlier on in the meal. Gradually you unwind, and your sense of humour shines through.
🥢 Jumin loves how you speak of the things you like. You talk in a soft loving tone, and he almost thinks of you as childish in a sense. You talk of video games which Jumin knows nothing of, though chose to remain silent. If it were anyone else bringing up video games of all things at a five star restaurant he’d have up and left out of spite. But it was you.
🥢 Everything goes downhill from there, in a good way.
🥢 Jumin’s magically online whenever you are. He’ll postpone meetings to call you on the phone. The day after he sends Jaehee to make a shit ton of reservations at different restaurants for the two of you.
🥢 Jumin asks you out privately, maybe some really romantic reserved back room in a restaurant. Candles lit, rose petals on the table. When he starts speaking it’s as if he’s asking you to marry him, it’s so extravagant.
🥢 Once you’re in a relationship Jumin really likes the way you motherly dote on him. He’s used to people tending to his every need, but you’re different. He loves watching you cook, and doesn’t even care if it’s bad, he eats it anyway. If he doesn’t like it he doesn’t tell you, though he wouldn’t openly give bad critiques. Maybe just stay silent and shrug, but he’d shower you with praises when he likes something.
🥢 Jumin especially loves the way you treat Elizabeth the third. It’s really important that his partner gets along with her. He loves watching you stroke her fur casually, or when your voice pitches up to coo at her in a doting voice. Sometimes it comes off maybe as a bit freaky, with him watching you two intently and silently.
🥢 The other members of the RFA are pretty surprised when you get together. Zen and Yoosung team up together and say that Jumin doesn’t deserve you in a joking manner, though they’re still glad that you’re happy nonetheless. Jaehee probably would end up telling you over the phone that if she could ever imagine Jumin with someone beside Elizabeth the third, it’d be you.
Alternate Matchup: Gregory Violet
Alternate Matchup: Zen
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lumiolivier · 5 years
Fan Fiction Master Post (and Where to Find Them):
Hello, Internet.  It’s been about a year and a half since I last updated my master post and it’d be nice for you to pass this one around instead of the others.  And so much has happened since the last list!  I finally jumped on the Ao3 train!  This list has got everybody here.  If you got nothing better to do and need a little fic to put on the wounds life has dealt you (or if you’re a little bit of a masochist and want something that’ll tear your soul to shreds), then pick a link and indulge yourself, K?  Like last time, this list is organized alphabetically by fandom and chronologically, if there’s a series.  You’ll see what I mean.  Enjoy!
** indicates a story in progress as of the time of posting this list.
Attack on Titan:
Classified Files:  Ackerman, Levi
AU Crack! Hanji needs a favor from Levi, but there's no way Levi would be so willing. That's what she has Eren for! But...Well...Why can't Hanji's experiments ever go right?
Black Butler:
Just a Simple Interview, Right?
1 of 4.  What starts out as just an interview with 19 year old earl Ciel Phantomhive for the paper turns into a little more than that a young reporter bargains for when she meets his enigmatic, yet beautiful butler. (Mostly T rated with some lemon chapters)
His Strange Little Girl and Her Butler, the Enigma
2 of 4.  She had her interview, but gained a few new friends and one very, very special butler. Now, she has her beautiful demon husband for the rest of eternity. But when the honeymoon’s over…is it really over? Of course not. We can’t have anything simple, can we?  (Also T rated with a few lemon chapters.)
You, Me, and Cambion Makes Three
3 of 4.  The Michaelis family has grown by one. The young lord has finally married Lady Elizabeth. So, what comes next? A little catastrophe, perhaps?  (Yet again, T rated with a few lemon chapters.)
Her Butler, One Last Time
4 of 4.  So blissfully living as a magazine contributor in modern day New York City. Until she meets her new landlord…or her demon husband from a past life?
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect
(Mini-series) She’s graduated college. Her boyfriend dumps her. Her roommates find a way to cheer her up. But for whatever reason, she’s feeling a little desperate. Especially when the DJ keeps giving her looks. He feels like he’s seen her somewhere before…
Trouble Comes in Threes
(Hetalia x Fruits Basket)  Francis, Gilbert, and Antonio could get anyone they want. They're beautiful, they're young, and the whole school knows it. But...They've had it all and grow bored. Even traveling outside city limits wouldn't prove to be any sort of challenge. But after a mess of a party, it appears Yao and Kiku's family tree is extending its roots when their cousins relocate. They couldn't stay at the Sohma house forever.
A New Hacker Has Entered the Chat**
(DRAMAtical Murder x Mystic Messenger) The RFA is usually pretty airtight when it comes to their information. Although, when their systems end up getting hacked, Seven and MC put their heads together to figure out who did it and why their source is coming from two different places. 
DRAMAtical Murder:
His Angel Bunny
When Angel goes into work on her day off, she just wants to throw her head against the wall. Until she sees a cute boy with a face full of metal and a heart full of sadness. She had to do something about it. Little did she know, that would lead to the greatest domino effect adventure of her life.
About Time
Just a quick one-shot of Koujaku doing a HUGE favor to humanity. Thank you, Koujaku, for your bravery and your services.
Death Note:
Ever wonder how L happened? The name? The person? The little boy behind it all…? (child!Lx parental!Reader going into the Kira investigation)
Fairy Tail:
The Princess and the Dragon  
(AU) She wants to be where the wizards are. However, her father has other plans for her. Stay out of the books, Lucy! You don’t need to practice magic! How do you expect to further the bloodline if you don’t meet anyone?
The Siren’s Song
(AU) Beware a frozen heart desperate for warmth...What a load of garbage...Right?
The Knight in Shining Armor (At the time of me posting this, the last chapter is going out this week)
(AU) Erza's flashbacks to the days before she joined the guild kept getting worse and worse. Master Makarov couldn't stand to see one of the strongest members of the guild falling apart like that, so a special job for a special S-Class wizard should be enough to snap her out of it. Especially when that job is for the Fiore royal family.
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Halfmetal Heart
Edward and Winry’s precocious daughter Tricia has picked up the family trade, but when she goes to apply for her state certification, something wonderful catches her eye…
Don’t Forget
Their house used to be a pile of ash, but now, it’s a home as Edward and Alphonse reflect on the day it burned.  One-shot
Happy Birthday, Sir
Today marks a very special day in Amestris. It’s the Fuhrer’s birthday! And his wife has a little something, something planned for him, but can Mustang let it be a surprise?  One-shot.  Partially goes off the Halfmetal Heart canon
The Spark and the Sparrow
Just some young Royai fluff about a thunderstorm that happened at Master Hawkeye’s house.  One-shot
Candy From Strangers**
Amelia's boyfriend is a jerk. No matter how anyone looks at it, he's a straight up jerk. One night, things got a bit out of hand and...Well...He's her ex-boyfriend now. A broken plate to the cheek does that. But a kind hearted stranger in the park was more than ok with fixing up more than the deep cut on her cheek.
Draw a Circle
France stumbles on a mysterious naked woman and can't keep her to himself, so he consults his good friend Britain. Who is she? And where did she come from?
The Legend of Zelda:
Courageous Duality
Five years after the Kokiri Village has been burned by the Gerudo King’s newest apprentice, Link gathers the intestinal fortitude to go back and pay his respects to his old home. Until he finds his true destiny deep within the Lost Woods.  Takes place after Ocarina of Time
Kilgrave’s Good Little Girl
Who better to bring in a murderous psychopath than a murderous psychopath?  (Reader)
Mystic Messenger:
Mistake Messenger
A one-shot collection of alternate routes for Mystic Messenger ranging from sweet and fluffy to naughty and depraved. MC x EVERYONE.
Man’s Best Intern
(AU) Poor Jaehee. Overworked. Underpaid. Under appreciated. Luckily, with the newest C&R intern, anything is possible. Although, when Mr. Han takes a particular shine to her, Jaehee’s workload may be doubled even more.
The Number Next Door**
(AU)  MC has finally gotten the opportunity to move into the apartment building of her dreams. After years of clawing her way up with her design blog, things have finally fallen into place for her. That is, until she learns her next door neighbor likes to blast meme music at 1AM.
Regularly Scheduled Programming
(One-shot) Saeran and MC indulge themselves with one night a week for garbage TV. Although, sometimes, we can't always get what we want.
Ouran High School Host Club:
Kiss, Kiss
1 of 3.  You’re starting at a new school and for any normal person, that’s difficult. For someone with your list of diagnoses, it’s even worse. Especially when all you want is to keep your head down and find a quiet place to study.
Back to Normal, I Guess
2 of 3.  After her summer in New York, Lana goes back to her school in London with her heavy heart full of the memories she made at Ouran Academy. But little does she know, the Ouran Host Club will always be there to welcome her back, no matter what time zone she’s in.
Our New Normal
3 of 3.  Lana misses Japan. Can we blame her? Unfortunately, she had to graduate from Ouran Academy sometime. But her new life in New York with Kyoya is only just beginning. College is an entirely different ballgame.
Daddy's only looking out for his little girl and he wants what's best for her. She's not ready to take over the...uh..."family business" quite yet. She doesn't understand why she has to go so far just to go to school. But Daddy's word is law. Hey...Why does the angry guy in her homeroom seem familiar? And what's a host club?
A Family Forged in Fire
1 of 2.  Lena was living in an orphanage. Constant rejection day in and day out. They were looking for a baby, not her. Little did she know that a case would bring a pair of brothers that would turn her life upside down.
When the Fire Goes Out
2 of 2.  After taking down the devil himself, a girl needs to get away, doesn’t she? Even though it puts her brothers in a worry and opens up a golden opportunity for someone new to slip into her life.
Yuri!!! On Ice:
1 of 2.  AU: Victor and Violet adopted two precious little boys that they can’t help but love and became an unorthodox family. Even though the youngest can’t stand the oldest, but that’s the way siblings work. And things get even more troublesome when they both want to take up the very thing that brought Mommy and Daddy together.
Off the Rails
2 of 2.  After Junior Grand Prix, the Nikiforov family has moved to New York and began their training for next season, including Violet’s comeback. However, her comeback may be a bit more than she…or Victor…bargained for.
Not a Perfect Fairytale (But It’s Ours)
Fairytale AU.  Whoever decided the prince needed a princess has terrible foresight…
Yurio is always a little paranoid, but for some strange reason, today, his radar was up even more than usual. Especially when Yakov doesn’t yell at him for missing a simple jump.  One-shot
Dr. Nikiforov Has a Ring To It
Getting sick sucks something awful on its own. Getting sick with no one else home but your overbearing roommate to take care of you? That’s a mess in itself.  One-shot
Pierced Through the Heart
(One-shot) Yurio and Otabek had been together a while now. Why couldn't they have something match like Victor and Yuri?
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mei-rin-blossoms · 4 years
♥️ ♣️ Send a playing card to my ask box! ♦️ ♠️ @ask-zhang-qing
A♥️ - Who was the first person your muse ever fell in love with?
Canonically? Sebastian Michaelis. But during out adventure here, on tumblr?  I don’t even remember. My goodness, it’s been 7 years! I have never thought I’d stay here for half this time!
2♥️ - What’s your muse’s family like?
This depends on the verse and on the thread. Usually, since her family is dead, the only family she has is her friends. But yeah - in modern verse, she sometimes does have her father, who is simply abusive.
3♥️ - How would your muse react to a confession of love?
Blush. Maybe even faint. She is not used to hearing that someone likes her, let alone feel anything more.
4♥️ - What are your muse’s thoughts on starting/raising a family?
Mei-Rin is in a true need of a family. Although she has been an assassin, she’s soft at heart, and really wishes to find someone with whom she could spend her life with, and who would be the father of her children.
5♥️ - What was your muse’s most heartbreaking separation/divorce/etc?
Canonically none. During the 7 years of my rping here, I guess it’d be the break-up she had with @darklyevermore ‘s Alan, or maybe when @bone-biscuits-and-marmite ‘s Undertaker left her when she was expecting.
6♥️ - What sort of charity work has your muse done?
None; though, when she sees someone in need, she tries to share whatever she has. Still, she’s quite poor.
7♥️ - Has your muse ever cheated or been cheated on?
She is not quite the person who would cheat, and I cannot really remember any thread in which she would be cheated on.
8♥️ - How well does your muse perform in social situations?
Honestly? She’s just as socially awkward as I am. Therefore, she’s simply terrible. She’ll faint, stutter, maybe even run away.
9♥️ - Has your muse ever had unrequited feelings for someone?
Yes. Usually it is this way. Canonically, it’s Sebastian, but there have been some threads in which she was in love with people who did not love her back.
10♥️ - What was the last party or social event your muse went to?
Uh... I can’t really remember? She’s not the party person, and she’ll rather stay away from these kinds of things. Though, if I recall it well, it was a masquerade.
J♥️ - Who does your muse consider their best friend?
Finny and Bard, and she won’t ever be made to choose just one of them. They are her brothers.
Q♥️ - Who is someone special that your muse always thinks about?
Canonically, there are a couple of such people, starting with her young Master, through Sebastian, and ending with her fellow servants. As in rp, I think this person is @a-murder-of-muses ‘s Ryat. Just because they have known each other for a long time. Like, really long.
K♥️ - Who does your muse look up to as a role model?
Sebastian. He’s the perfect servant, and she wishes she could be one, too.
A♣️ - What’s your muse’s strongest talent?
One would say, her perfect aim. I say, her devotion and unconditional love. If she loves, she loves forever, and no matter what. And this is a kind of talent.
2♣️ - What topics of conversation does your muse enjoy the most?
Every. Sometimes she needs to talk about idle little things, like books. Sometimes she needs to talk about life. It depends on the situation.
3♣️ - How creative is your muse?
Not really creative. I think she’s mainly too scared to accept her own creativity, and therefore, she won’t develop it.
4♣️ - What does your muse have the most passion for?
I think books. She loves reading (even though she mainly reads romance books), and if she was given a day off, she would most probably spend it lying in the garden full of flowers and reading.
5♣️ - What would your muse change about their current lifestyle?
Probably she would wish that it was not necessary for her to kill anyone ever again. She would wish to be just a maid, and nothing more - as long, of course, as her young Master is happy.
6♣️ - How do your muse’s “gut feelings” usually turn out?
Mei is not the best at forecasting. Sometimes she’s scared something will happen, and it turns out to be completely untrue - but she’s mainly afraid that it she has hopes everything will be all right, she will be deeply disappointed.
7♣️ - Has your muse ever felt “trapped”, either figuratively or literally?
Yes. For the great part of her life, she has been trapped, doing a job she has never wanted to do. Now, she’s trapped by her own mind and memories, from which she cannot escape, and she doubts she ever will be able to live a free life.
8♣️ - What is your muse the most stubborn about?
She. Won’t. Have. Anyone. Take. Care. Of. Her.
Like, she’s a strong and independent woman! Well, of course she’s not, and she needs lots of help, but she hates to admit that, and she’ll need to get really comfortable with someone before she lets them take care of her. 
9♣️ - What is your muse’s proudest accomplishment?
The fact that she’s more and more competent as a maid. That no longer does she break everything, and sometimes she is almost good.
10♣️ - When was the last time your muse took a vacation or trip?
She hasn’t had a vacation in a long time. But, if you can say it was a trip, she went on a spying mission with Lan Mao.
J♣️ - Who does your muse trust the most?
Bard and Finny, canonically.
But, as in many of the previous questions, it’s verse-dependent.
Q♣️ - Do other people consider your muse charming?
She is sure people don’t like her, and see only the worst things in her. But that’s not really the case, some actually see her as an endearing one.
K♣️ - How important is integrity to your muse?
It’s really important. Of course, she has her own moral system, with which some would not agree, but she believes that things that have to be done simply need to be done, and there are no excuses.
A♦️ - What is the most important message your muse has ever received?
Canonically, I don’t remember one. In some of the threads, it’s usually a message that she’s got a job. That actually changes her whole world.
2♦️ - How important is money to your muse?
It means nothing to her. Of course, it does make life easier, but she believes one can be happy without it - or sometimes it’s even easier to be happy without any money - because money means trouble.
3♦️ - How does your muse handle indecision?
Very poorly. She’ll look for advice, but she’s bad at asking for it, so in the end, she usually makes very poor decisions.
4♦️ - Is your muse more of the patient or instant gratification type?
She feels temptation quite often, but - surprisingly enough - she is quite patient. She loves the thought of how wonderful it’ll be to indulge after a long time of waiting.
5♦️ - How often does your muse change plans?
Not often. Something really important needs to happen for her to change her plans. Usually she won’t plan if she’s not certain it’s the right choice, so it’s hard to make her change her mind.
6♦️ - Is your muse responsible with their money?
Since she’s been poor her whole life, she’s definitely a responsible one. As I mentioned before, she feels tempted rather often, but she’ll think twice before spending money, and quite probably, she’ll rather save than spend.
7♦️ - When was your muse the most down on their luck?
Once again, thread-dependent. But canonically, I think it’s the beginning of the manga, when she does everything - everything - wrong, especially breaking her glasses, which means she really cannot do anything right, for she simply doesn’t see.
8♦️ - Has your muse ever received money or gifts from a mysterious benefactor?
No, never. And even if she did, she’d try to find out who it was, so she could somehow pay back.
9♦️ - How much money does your muse spend on average?
As much as it’s necessary for her to live a normal life. Sometimes she gives in to the temptation, and buys herself a book.
10♦️ - How financially successful is your muse?
Probably more successful than one would believe she’d be, considering she is but an orphan. But actually, yeah, she’s poor.
J♦️ - Who does your muse do the most business with?
Her fellow servants.
Q♦️ - Has your muse ever been gossiped about or participated in gossip?
She hates to admit that, but yes, sometimes she, too, enjoys gossip. She’ll rather avoid spreading it, but she likes to hear some news. As for being gossiped about, I can’t remember such a situation.
K♦️ - If your muse were to start their own business, what would it be?
Either a coffee/tea shop, or a book shop. There was a thread where she had a flower shop, too.
A♠️ - What was the most painful loss your muse had to go through?
Losing her childhood friends, Yan and Hao. Also, that moment when she thought she had lost Sebastian forever.
2♠️ - How often does your muse wish to be left alone?
Quite often. She doesn’t like to be in a large group of people, and sometimes even Bard and Finny are too much. However, she cannot be completely alone for an extended period.
3♠️ - Does your muse ever let anyone see them cry?
Sometimes, yes. But usually not; once again, she hates when people may see her as weak, and tears are a sign of weakness.
4♠️ - What’s the worst injury your muse has ever recovered from?
As a punishment, she was usually beaten. There were times when her boss almost beat her to death, and yet, she’s still alive - just scarred.
5♠️ - Has your muse ever had to change their lifestyle in a major way?
Yes. First, when her parents died, and she needed to get used to the street life. Then, when she was forced to become an assassin. And after that, when she started her job as a Phantomhive maid. Recently, when Ciel returned, and they were all kicked out of the manor.
6♠️ - Does your muse believe in fate/destiny?
Yes. But she also believes in one’s ability to change it.
7♠️ - What’s a hard truth that your muse has to learn/has learned?
That things hardly ever go the way we want them to go, and it’s better to just grit your teeth and go on, even if it hurts.
8♠️ - What does your muse work the hardest for?
She wants to be a proper servant and prove her worth to the world.
9♠️ - Has your muse ever felt forced to change?
She feels that all the time; after all, she does not want to be an embarrassment or shame, and this is what she believes she is.
10♠️ - How does your muse cope with grief?
Not well. Mei-Rin isn’t good at coping with any emotions, because she’s really sensitive, and therefore, she’ll cry a lot, and sometimes grief would make her almost unable to function normally.
J♠️ - Who would your muse most likely end up in jail with?
Finny and Bard.
Q♠️ - Does your muse manipulate others easily or are they easily manipulated?
She is quite easily manipulated. Threaten her friends, or play with her emotions, and she’s all yours.
K♠️ - What is one thing your muse considers a grave injustice?
The fact that there is so much suffering in the world, and there is nothing one could do to change that.
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justmewoo · 5 years
Brother Knows Best Part [1/?] Tony Stark x Brother Male Reader]
This is something I came up with two days ago and it is unedited. But I have a big idea and i'm planning in writing it as a one shot that contains for or five chapters long. So if you like this first chapter let me know and I will be happy to work on part two. I hope you enjoy my crappy writing and let me know if you want me to tag you on the chapters.
WORD COUNT: 4,180 takes place in the middle of infinity war and endgame.
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"Take care of your brother for me [M/N] we'll be back in no time." That was the last time I ever saw my Mother and Father alive before they died in a car crash. 
It has now being more than two decades since it happen. I was twenty six years old while my younger brother Tony was twenty one. I'm the oldest of the two but not everyone knows about me.
Ever since the death of my parent's Tony became distant not that we we're ever close to begin with. But he simply didn't want to see me anymore. Which of course, hurt me seeing him act this way towards me. But, it was his choice and there was nothing that could convince or change his mind about the decision he wanted to choose. I had resigned from Stark Industries because Tony wanted to take over the industries and quite friankly I didn't want work there anymore. 
I was able to start out fresh in another country. So what better place than to start out fresh where no one knows about your family name than in Tokyo Japan. I had become a high school teacher for psychical education. The first year was a bit difficult to understand and learn japanese when I had arrived but during the second year living here I was able to pick up every word and enjoyed their culture and festivals very much. With the money that I had saved I was able to rent an apartment in a good neighborhood. Being a foreigner here people where nice and helped me a lot especially when it came to riding the trains. At first it could be confusing at firs till at least you get the hang of them. The staff of the school where I work in have all being helpful and caring since the day I joined them. 
The students I first taught where good kids they where a bit crazy knowing they would be getting a foreigner for a teacher. Even though I couldn't really speak their language it was fun to see them try and speak english. I got along well with them which was amazing since it could be difficult when teaching high school students. But after being here for more than four years i'm able to communicate with them just fine.
I made good friends on here too some of them are from the staff while other's I met out in the streets I also got to meet someone special here. "[F/L] Sensei someone's here to see you in the office." Said a young voice that belong to a student. I had decided to fake my last name because in Japan they had technology that only Stark Industries could only create.
"Thanks, Yuki i'll go right away. Alright everyone take a break while I come back." I yelled as I took off running to the main office inside the school. I speed walk down the hallway till I finally reached the small faculty room. "[F/L] Sensei there's someone who wants to see you in the principal's office." A staff member said. I bow and said thank you before knocking on the door and hearing a come in. I opened the door to find the principal and my pregnant wife of three months talking before I walked in shutting the door after me. 
"[F/L] Sensei, your wife is here to see you. I'll leave you two to talk." The principal said smiling wide at me before leaving us alone. I walked over and hugged her. 
"Aiko what are you doing here didn't you have your appointment today with the doctor? Is the baby alright." I asked worried as she returned the hug. 
Aiko shook her head smiling up at me. "The baby is fine I have a suprise for you." She said taking out something from inside her bag. It was a white medium bag. "Open it." I took it from her and slowly opened it inside was a blue shirt that had english words written on it with a small picture in the bottom of the bag. The shirt said "Daddy's boy." Written in white. 
I took a look at the picture of the baby and dropped the bag and shirt on the table behind me and crushed Aiko in a big hug. I kissed the top of her head and smiled while looking at the picture of my son. "I still can't believe i'm finally having a family of my own." I whispered to myself looking up at the cieling thinking about how happy my parents would had being if they where still alive. 
After school ended Aiko decided to stay there and wait for me till the last class was done so her and I went walking home together. The school was about two blocks away from where we live. Aiko and I walked down the streets holding hands along with the students who made their way home. I had changed from my track suit before leaving into regular clothing that was just a plain white shirt and some blue jeans. Aiko wore a nice summer white dress with some sandles. "Ne, [M/N] can we go to the convience store for some snacks?" Aiko asked. 
"Of course, anything you want infact i'm craving some rice curry from there." I said smiling at her. Aiko nodded rubbing circles on her small bump with her right hand. As we continued to walk down the street I kept looking back taking a few glances here and there. I had a feeling someone was following us. Unware of my wife's glance she worried but I assured her that everything was fine. A few minutes later we had finally arrived to the small convience store around the corner. Behind a tree I noticed a tall figure hiding. Feeling a bit unsure about this person I let Aiko go inside the store and said to go inside while I went back to the school because I forgot some papers and would be right back. I speed walking away until I saw go inside and walked careful to the man who has being following us. I tricked the guy and climbed on the tree next to it glaring down at him. 
"How did you find me here." I stated more than a question. I crossed my arms not leaving my eyes off him. 
"I just wanted to see how you where doing it's been a long time since I last heard anything about you." 
"There's always a reason why you suddenly show up so cut the crap Fury. What the hell are you doing here?" I said angrily. 
"First come down from there I see, you still remember all that training you did when you where younger. Alright you caught me but first come down from that tree people will think i'm crazy if they see me talking to myself." He said. 
I sigh. Before coming down the tree I walked over to him to face Fury. "Alright i'm down now what is it." I spoke eyeing him and the store that Aiko is in. 
"I don't have a clue if here in Japan or if you have seen it in the news but Tony has being known as Iron Man he's part of The Avengers. A super hero team who saves people back in New York." 
I laughed. "Seriously.... Tony a super hero, and The Avengers? Really you came all this way to tell me that. Your pulling my finger Fury. Tony is a selfish guy he doesn't care about anyone or anything just look at me he didn't give two shits about me! The only thing he's ever cared about is drinking and having a good time with girls that's all he's good for. Seriously they seriously couldn't come up with a better name than the Avengers? Yea, I don't bite it and if it was true then I never heard of them nor do I want to know about them either. And I don't want to know anything about Tony either. Tony isn't capable of becoming a hero." I turned my back facing him. "Whatever your plan was for coming here isn't going to work. I have a family of my own now anything Tony does isn't any of my business nor my problem."
"I understand you have a beautiful wife and a baby on the way but, I want you to come back to New York. The Avengers aren't having a good time right now especially with what's happened in Sakovia. Tony needs you the team could use someone with your skills. I get it that your family is important to you but you can't walk away from your brother." 
I crossed my arms and roll my eyes. "Family doesn't walk away and turn their back on you. And that's something I will never do to mine. He's a grown up now not a little kid who needs guidence from someone like me. My kid won't ever know about him nor carry the Stark name either. So now that Tony needs me he remembers that I exist, no because to my he died the same day my parent's did. I no longer have a brother so leave and never come back here again because next time I won't hold back." I glanced at him before walking away and not taking a look back. I wiped the tear with my hand and smiled seeing Aiko through the window before standing in the middle of the street looking between her and where Fury used to stand.
I walked inside the store and looked for Aiko. I found her on the isle of the bread and drinks. I kissed her cheek to see her carry a basket with food. I took it from her and carried it with my right hand. "I was getting worried where you able to find those documents?" She asked politely. 
I nodded." Yeah, I found the documents I dropped them at the office. So what do you have all here are you sure you will be able to eat all this?" 
"What are you emplying that I eat too much food huh?" She yelled angry. I shook my head. 
Here come her mood swings. "Not at all hun, I was just asking because I never seen you eat some of these. For instance you don't like sugary foods and you have four boxes of chocolates that contain way too much sugar." Aiko suddenly hugged me and cried. "Hey, it's okay hun no need to cry about it. You can buy them only if you don't eat all of them today." 
"Thank you [M/N] alright what if we buy some potato chips and eat them with a spicy ramen." Aiko walked to the next aisle looking for ramen. I sigh before following behind her. While she talked to herself I couldn't help but remember the days after my parent's death. 
Tony had locked himself inside his room after the funeral of our parents. The house was packed with people who knew our father and mother. There was also people from the Stark Industries who worked with my father including Hank. Being the oldest I had the responsibilities of taking care of everything but it was overwhelm. People all dressed in black suits giving their sorrys to me while Tony wouldn't come out of his room. I was out of excuses whenever they would ask about him and said he wasn't feeling well or he was simply not here. But I knew that he was probably drinking his pain away. When everyone left I untied my tie tossing it to the sofa. I stood up hearing Tony's sobbing and cursing out every word he ever knew about. I sigh, I quickly made my way to his room but the door was locked. I bang on his door quite a few times. "Open the door Tony we need to talk." I yelled. 
"Leave me alone you can't boss me anymore [M/N] so but the fuck off." He yelled back. I continued to bang on his door until my fist couldn't take it anymore. So I kicked the door with my foot. I saw Tony falling from his bed wearing pyjamas holding a glass of wisky in one hand and a bottle on the other. "What the hell did you do to my door asshole!" Tony yelled tackling me but quickly I moved away from him grabbing him by the back of his shirt. I used my strenght throwing him to his bed. I took the bottle and glass away from him smashing it to the floor. 
"Calm down, I know how you feel you aren't the only one in pain. I lost them too Tony you can't be acting this way!" Tony stood from his bed pointing his finger at me. 
"Shut up, I don't want to hear you. Do you know how much I have hated you? You think I never noticed how much they perferred you over me!? All they would say is 'Why can't you be more like [M/N]?' 'Why can you be smart like him?' 'You are nothing like your big brother.' I'm tired of hearing all of that shit!" I could smell his breath smelling of alchol as he stood right in front of me glaring. 
I knelt my eyebrows in anger. My right hand turned to a fist shaking trying my best not to punch him in the face this very moment. "Look. Your drunk and have no clue what you're saying so go to bed." I moved away from him picking up the glass and bottle that had broken. My back faced him as I picked it up. "I i'm so glad that I don't act like you do because I would have been so miserable living the life you so call have. Or should I call you Mr. Howard Jr. President of the Stark Industries. I seriously can't wait to see how you run it all by yourself without dad's help." Tony said popping the p at the end of his sentence. 
I stood up from the floor to face him once more. Tony had a big smirk on his face. "You have no idea how much pressure it's taken on me since before you where even born. From day one I was expected to be incharge of dad's industries. I wasn't allowed to have a normal childhood. I didn't become the intelligent Tony Stark winning medals at a young age. I'm sorry that you always felt that way towards me. But you don't need to worry about me because I heard you argue with him before they left about wanting to take over the company so your wish has come true little brother it's all yours because I quit." I shouted walking out of his room. I toss the bottle in the kitchen and walked back to the living room and grabbed my tie before marching to my room. 
I grabbed the suit cases I had inside my closet and begin to pack all of my clothes inside. I grabbed everything from jeans, to shirts, to sweat pants and just started to unhook everything from the hangers and into the suitcase. I only had two suitcases so in the other one I placed all of my suits and belongings. Once I had finished packing I grabbed the picture that I had hanging in the wall and put it on top of the clothes so it wouldn't get broken. I took the picture from the glass and ripped the end of the picture throwing it on the floor. A tear escaped from my eye as I looked at it before placing it back  and zipping the bag. I turned around yanking another picture frame of Tony and I together when we where younger. I slammed it on the floor stepping on it cracking the frame and ripping the picture in half. I grabbed ny suitcases stopped in the doorframe before taking a look at my old room before slamming the door shut and leaving. When I walked passed Tony's room he was already knocked out on the bed. I was so angry that I didn't bother to say my goodbyes and walked out of the house. I had joined S.H.I.E.L.D and got training for about ten years years with Fury's help who was able to keep it under cover. But after being there I realized that working for them or the training was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life so that's when I decided to leave for Japan. 
"Alright your change will be 400 yen." Said a voice snapping my head to the person. It was the cashier I nodded taking my change and grabbing the bag from the counter. Aiko and I left the store holding each other's hands. Outside the store she ate a snack as we walk making our way home. The walk home was peaceful and quiet but seeing Fury and talking about Tony brought too many memories that I haven't had for a long time. 
As the months continued to past it turned to two years I tried to live my life as always except now that we have a toddler who's almost three years old makes it difficult because he just wants to walk and try to take things inside his mouth all over the house. The first couple of months where a bit hard because becoming a first time parent has it's challenges. Guessing when they need a change of diaper, or when they want to take a nap. But one thing that I definatly won't miss is my son's crying in the middle of the night. Aiko took maternity leave after she had our son but I told her its best if she stays at home becoming a fulltime mom because I don't want him not be surrounded by his parent's. I want Yuki to feel love and live a happy childhood so he could remember all the good times he had growing up. I want to spoil him when he's a bit older and take him on family trips. I just simply want him to have the life that I never had. 
I just got home from work. So slowly I knocked on the door waiting to see Aiko and Yuki. A few seconds later the door opened revealing them smiling happily at me. "Welcome home." Aiko said as Yuki reached for me wanting to be carried. I peck Aiko in the lips while sweeping the baby from her arms and walked inside together. I took off my shoes in the small entrance then followed her to the living room.
I took a seat in the couch with Yuki in my lap. "Dinner's about to be ready do you want a cold beer or a glass of water?" She asked walking to the kitchen. 
"A beer would be nice with this weather right now anything cold cools you down. Thanks hun, so what have you done today." I asked turning my attention back to Yuki. Yuki only stared back at me smiling and giggling. "Are you excited for this weekend buddy? Where finally going on vacation with your grandparents." The baby babbled none sense and continued to play with his favorite plushy. "Alright dinner's ready." I got up from the couch with Yuki on my arms. I took a seat in the chair as Aiko served dinner. She came back to the dinner table with a bowl of rice and another plate of meat with vegetables. She then carried Yuki in her arms and sat on the other chair next to me. 
After dinner I had taken Yuki inside the warm bathroom for his bath time. I had a pair of boxers and got inside the tub with him in my arms. I had brought a few toys of his to play with and ran the water in good temperature not so cold and not too hot either. I grabbed a small plastic blue bowl placing it under the running water and began to shower him. I them grabbed the baby shampoo and washed his couple of small hairs of his head. Next I rinsed the shampoo of his head and covered his eyes with my free hand so the soap wouldn't get inside his eyes. Yuki splashed water wetting my face. I glared down at him with a funny face causing more giggles to come out of him. Yuki looks Japanese but has my eye color and smile but the rest of his characteristics are the same as Aiko's which makes me happy that he doesn't have a trait from my side of the family. "I'm going to teach you English when your older young man." I said in English but he didn't seem to care about a clue of what I said. Aiko knows both languages as well so we want him to learn to speak it as he gets older. Anyway, then afterwards I let him play in the water with his toys for a couple of minutes before finishing his shower. 
After I had finished him shower Aiko came and took him to his room to get him dressed while I took a shower. I was in deep thoughts thinking about work when suddenly I had heard a yell and stuff being thrown around. I closed the water and put a towel around my waist running out of the bathroom to my son's room. Forgot to mention but it was already pass eight at night time when I was showering. When I got to the room I saw Aiko holding Yuki in her arms cornered by a woman with blond hair and wore black gear. The woman turned around at the sound of my steps. 
She smirked after taking a look at me. "I'm sorry to interrupt your shower but I need you to come with me." I walked up to her glaring. 
"Who the hell are you? Get away from my family." I yelled grabbing her from the arm throwing her to the wall. Aiko and Yuki looked at me scared but I was standing confront of them protecting them from the mystery woman. Too busy to noticed I failed to see Aiko placing a hand over her plain stomach. 
The woman got up from the floor and stood up. "I'm not here to do anything dangerous to you or your family but Fury gave me your address and we need you to help us. The world is in great danger." 
I shook my head and clinched my hands into fist angry. "I already told Fury i'm not going back to New York your part of the famous avengers aren't you? Then saving the world from evil is part of your job not mine. I'm never going back so leave my house before I throw you out myself." I said through my teeth. 
"Tony's missing." She responded back. I stood silent as she took out a phone showing me a clip of the news. Two creatures in the middle of a destroyed New York.
"What's going on [M/N]." Spoke Aiko lowering her voice. And putting Yuki on the ground. I looked at them three before walking over to her. "There's something you need to know Aiko.... I have lied to you my last name isn't [Fake Last Name] my real name is Stark and i'm from New York. I used to be a part of SHIELD bu- 
A sudden slap made it's way to my left cheek. I turned my head away then looked back at Aiko who had tears coming down her cheeks. She back away from me and took a glance at Yuki who also began to cry. "Get out of my house I never want to see you again. Get out and leave us alone!" She yelled in anger. 
"Let me explain I didn't want you and our son to be in danger I had to lie to you but i'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." Aiko pushed my hand off her arm and walked out of the room and left the apartment with a crying Yuki. 
After I heard the door shut I sigh thinking about what to do. But even though I still had a grudge against Tony I had to find him especially after seeing those creatures. "What's your name?" I asked. 
"Natasha Romanoff I go by Black Widow i'm sorry about your wife and kid but if this wasn't truly important I wouldn't had been given orders by Fury to come find you. But the earth and everyone are in danger including here in Japan." 
"I guess there's no way running away from what you became right? Shield or anything to do with Tony will always come looking for me. Alright where are we going?" I asked as much as it pains me to leave my family.
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potionsmasters · 6 years
Maya daddy please share your favourite fics (doesn't have to be just Snarry). You shared that Spirk fic long ago and I want more
Ohh baby you’re in for it now ;)
Severus Snape/Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
This Time of Ours by emynn (complete; 35k+)Severus Snape wasn’t supposed to die. Neither was Harry Potter. 
Snape: The Home Fries Nazi by pir8fancier (complete; 27k+)When Harry defeats Voldemort, all those marked by Voldemort lose their magic. Snape decamps to the United States, where he becomes a fry cook in a diner. Five years after Voldemort’s defeat, Harry comes to him for advice.
Rapture by mia_ugly (complete; 48k+)Snape sees the man, for the first time, on his twenty-fifth birthday.
A Nick in Time + the sequel Growing Pains by tiranog  (complete; 52k+ & 120k+)After a strange dream on Christmas night, Harry Potter awakes to find his world strangely altered.
Painted in the Worst Light by asecretchord (complete; 98k+)Severus survived Nagini’s bite and is now on trial before the Wizengamot. Due to a weird loophole in the law books, he has the right to choose any Ministry employee to defend him, and he chooses Auror-trainee, Harry Potter. 
Hints From Severus by cruisedirector, Dementordelta (complete; 27k+)When Rita Skeeter seeks Snape’s help with a household advice column, Snape reads a letter from a correspondent with a familiar problem.
Unregistered by htdcd (complete; 72k+)Harry gets a unique opportunity to get to know Severus Snape. Who knew Snape would turn out to be a cat person?
The Courtship of Harry Potter by dkwilliams (complete; 27k+) Another teacher’s interest in Harry Potter forces a reluctant Snape to compete for the young man affections.
Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester*** (Supernatural) ( i can’t believe i wrote Dead Winchester in the original post what a fkin typo amiright)
Courting Death by theproblematique (complete; 50k+)Sam Winchester lived the first six months of his life in a happy family; the next twelve years as John Winchester’s only son, and the last decade as an orphan. He’s supposed to die at twenty-two trying to save the woman he loves from a fire, because he doesn’t have a brother to pull him back. But the night Sam meets his Reaper he discovers that Death is overly fond of pop-culture references, too beautiful to be real, and reluctant to kill him.(I love this fic more than words can describe tbh)
The Truth in the Lie by flawedamythyst (complete; 62k+)Sam and Dean pretend to be gay lovers while they hunt a monster on a bus tour of Nova Scotia. (I love a good fake dating fic like hell yea bruh)
Fumbling in the Dark: Love Advice For the Romantically Impaired by leonidaslion (complete; 72k+)True Love really is blind…
Harvey Specter/Mike Ross (Suits)
Not the Worst Step-Dad in the History of Everything by Pookaseraph (complete; 15k+)When the son he never knew he had is deposited on his doorstep by Child Protective Services, Harvey does the kindest thing he knows how to do: put Mike Ross on the case. Mike responds by doing what he does best: get emotionally attached to the client.
Wear My Name by LunarFlare14 (complete; 55k+)Harvey has always put on a good show at work. He has put a lot of effort into the smoke and mirrors act, and it had worked to his advantage- until now. Backed into a corner by a law he can’t side-step, he decides Mike is his only way out. They’re getting married, and Mike really has no say in it. (Based off “The Proposal” which is one of my fave romcoms)
Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive (Kuroshitsuji)
Under These City Streets by DisgruntledMinion (complete; 90k+)The city held many secrets: hidden pathways that led to a hole in the wall restaurant boasting the best pizza in town or that the dinky looking building off Hickory Ave. was an upscale club. That creatures of the night existed among humans was not one of them. Ciel only wished he remembered that those same beings kept secrets of their own.(hands down the best vampire!AU I’ve ever read. I’m not kidding) 
Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier (X-Men)
The House Spouse by Butterynutjob (complete; 78k+)Erik Lehnsherr is an out-and-proud gay author, columnist, and television personality (a la Dan Savage). Charles Xavier is a straight widower with two children who hosts a radio show dispensing (somewhat conservative) advice about sex and love to teenagers (a la Drew Pinsky). Their mutual attraction is undeniable, and yet, frustratingly, Charles still denies it. Erik figures with the right opportunity, Charles will act on his feelings, and when the opportunity to ‘bid’ on Charles to be his ‘spouse’ for the week comes up, Erik wins the auction.
Hank Anderson/Connor (Detroit:Become Human)
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This by MorganOfTheFey (complete; 66k+)Connor has a three year seduction plan to make Hank love him back, and it starts with getting the lieutenant into his bed.(hilarious fic, made me laugh so fkin hard, also sweet&kinky)
Autodidact by yohan (complete; 11k+)After installing new sensory upgrades, Connor’s life begins to change.(this fic is short but it makes me feel A Lot)
A Tourist in a Dream by Octobig (wip; 164k+)(there’s a reason everyone is screaming about this fic and that’s because it’s amazing thanks for coming to my TED talk)
Skin Deep by bughnrahk (complete; 53k+)Hank is 53 years old. He’s never had a soul mark, doesn’t have a soul mate. And he’s fine with that. He cheated the system once and it cost him everything he had. Never again.When August 2038 rolls around and the number ‘313 248 317 - 51’ appears on his arm in perfect Cyberlife Sans font, exactly where a soul mark should be, Hank wants nothing to do with it.
eighteen wheels on an uphill climb by blackeyedblonde (wip; 73k+)Hank is going to die. He’s going to die right here in Kentucky, 53 years old, halfway to broke, and tragically sober. Survived only by a nine-year-old St. Bernard and the 31-year-old twink who delivered the fatal blow.(this fic is my current obsession. I’m not kidding. I reread the WHOLE FIC every time a new chapter comes out. this will put me in an early grave)
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Hey man, I hope you're holding up okay! I was wondering if you'd be down to do reactions for Ciel, Alois, Soma, and Lizzie (either together or separate is totally fine!) having an older sister figure!reader? If you need me to clarify anything or just wanna do one or two of em, that's totally fine! Stay hydrated ♥
this is such a pure concept and I love it so much!!!
you stay hydrated too, and please stay safe, sweetie!
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Oh, he loves you so much, so, so much!! You are the best big sister ever and he absolutely adores you! Please don’t ever leave him! You’re the last thing keeping him at least the smallest bit sane. After everything he’s been through, and the fact that he’s already lost his brother, he desperately needs and wants family. He wants love. Now that he’s basically claimed you as his big sister, he’s going to be very clingy with you; basically being the annoying little brother who always wants to tag along with whatever you’re doing. He might occasionally threaten to do bad things if you don’t give him his way… say, he will threaten to strip off his clothes and run naked through the streets if you don’t let him have candy before dinner. But surprisingly, he’ll actually usually apologize and not go through with it, and moreover, he’ll listen to you if you ask him to do something most of the time. He also will always, always want you to sit with him until he falls asleep, and the first thing he does every morning is give you a hug and kiss on the cheek.
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You might not be his sister by blood, but you can be damn well assured youare his sister. He won’t let anybody doubt that for even a second, nor will he let anybody get away with thinking you don’t mean anything to him. You are probably the single most important person in his life who’s still actually alive, or at least you share that spot with Lizzie. He loves you very much, which is why he tries to keep you out of his more dangerous work. Of course, he can’t really keep it from you, so you usually disregard his warnings if you think you can protect him, much to his frustration. Because he trusts you so much, he shows you his contract mark and tells you everything about Sebastian; and he orders Sebastian to obey any order that you give despite the fact that the demon has no contract with you. (Yet. There’s no saying you won’t form one to keep Ciel safe.) During downtime, he relaxes by playing chess with you, and he will often seek your advice in running Funtom. When there are quiet moments and he needs comfort, he will always come to you in private, seeking a long embrace from his big sister.
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Ooooh, she’s always wanted a big sister, and now she can finally have one!! She’s so excited that she actually got to choose who her big sister would be! It honestly goes without saying that she adores you with all of her heart. From dress-up to makeovers to accompanying her to parties, you’ll be treated to the full gamut of experiences as a big sister. It’s no secret that she loves her big brother Edward too, but secretly she’s always wanted a big sister. After all, she can’t ask Edward for advice about her relationship with Ciel unless she wants to risk her brother razing the whole of London to get revenge on whatever slight he thinks Ciel has committed against Lizzie. She really loves for you to do things like brush and braid her hair, and she’s notshy about letting the whole world know just how much you mean to her. She knows you’ll always be there for her no matter what happens, so she feels like she truly can come to you with anything she needs to talk about.
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Perhaps you haven’t always been in his life, but you’re here now, and he trusts you with his entire self! Why should it be any different than having a sister he’s known for all his life? Some bonds just don’t work like that. Anyway, at least he thinks it’s better to have you now, because many of the things he finds himself dealing with lately are so much more overwhelming than the things he dealt with as a child. Support is something he’ll always need; especially now when he’s so unsure of himself and his place in the world. You will absolutely have to get along with Agni, which is really no problem since it’s impossible not to. Put the two of you together, and you’ll be an unstoppable force of encouragement for Soma. More than anything, he’ll actually act a bit more spoiled around you than he actually is ― begging you to make cookies or help him with his hair or whatever strikes him in the moment that he wants you to do. He just loves spending time with you and being reminded that he will always have you.
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grimalkinmessor · 6 years
Newt sat stiffly in the metal chair he’d been tied to. He had schooled his face into an emotionless mask, but inside he was cursing himself. Albus had taught him better. Theseus had taught him better. And while Percival may have made his mistakes as well, he would have certainly known better.
But Newt had been desperate. It had been years since Theseus had pressured him into joining the Ministry Family, but he was still underestimated. Overlooked. Well, he supposed that was part of his job description, but still.
He was the best spy the Ministry had, and they hated to acknowledge it. So they put him down, stifled him, again and again. It was beyond patronizing. Irritating.
No one was telling him anything, his friend and old professor Albus had almost been killed, and Theseus had gone off on a secret mission that he couldn’t tell Newt anything about. So he decided to take matters into his own hands.
Somehow, he thought of approaching Nurmengard. Alone. Like an idiot.
Newt should have known something was up. There were only three guards around the entire perimeter, and he hadn’t even thought of casting a spell to check for more. Newt’s eyes were good, and he relied heavily on being able to go unnoticed by most people, but really, he should have at least checked. He hadn’t told anyone where he was going either, so he couldn’t count on a rescue.
The sound of squealing metal made Newt jerk a bit, just minutely, and his eyes darted up to see the lift grinding down from the cieling. He steeled himself and made sure his expression revealed nothing. Theseus had trained him well. Harshly, but well.
The gold lattice clanged to a halt and squeaked open. Newt held back a wince. The Dark Lord himself, Gellert Grindelwald, stepped out of the lift, a coy smile on his lips and his hands clasped behind his back.
“Hello, Newton,” Grindelwald mused as he made his way leisurely forward. “Welcome. Do you like the mountain?” Newt stayed silent, jaw tight and eyes icy. Grindelwald chuckled. “I prefer the tropics myself. Sand over snow. My Oma owned a private island, you know—small thing, nothing to boast of. One summer however, I went for a visit and discovered the place had been absolutely infested with rats.”
Newt swallowed. His glare sharpened.
Grindelwald took his hands apart and placed them in his cloak pockets. “They would ride over on the fishing boats and devour the coconuts. But how does one get rats off an island?” He held up a finger with a sly smile. “My Oma showed me. We buried an oil drum and changed the lid to one wired with coconut bait. Then, we left it. The rats would run to the coconut and,” He trailed his fingers down in a jerky flutter. “They would fall into the drum. And after a month? You have trapped all the rats.”
Confusion and apprehension swirled in Newt’s mind, but he didn’t let it phase him. The longer Grindelwald rambled on with pointless stories about rats, the more time Newt would have to figure things out. But Newt was oddly...enraptured with the story.
“But what do you do then? Throw the drum into the ocean? Burn it?” A grin curled Grindelwald’s lips and he shook his head. “No. You simply leave it. And then they begin to get hungry. Then, one by one—they start eating each other,”
Newt’s eyes flashed.
Grindelwald spread his hands as he waltzed into Newt’s space. “Until there are only two left. The two survivors. Then what? Do you kill them? No! You take them, and release them into the trees. But now they do not eat coconut anymore—they only eat rat. You have changed their nature.”
Something in Grindelwald’s posture changed then, softened and straightened at the same time. He stopped in front of Newt, looked down at him. “I have heard a lot about you, Newton. Your tenacity, your penchant for trouble, your apprenticeship to Albus,” He murmured, gaze dim and glittering. Lifting his chin, his eyes sharpened, searing. “The two survivors. This is what he made us.”
Newt met Grindelwald’s corybantic gaze with a cool stare of his own. His chest felt flinty. “I made my own choices.”
Grindelwald laughed then, a gritty thing. He wagged a playful finger at Newt. “You think you did. That is Albus’ genius. His master manipulation. Getting everyone else to do his dirty work for him.”
Theseus’ stern face flashed in his mind. Newt leveled Grindelwald with an unimpressed look, a copper curl in his eyes. “Godric’s Hollow. Ariana. He told me.”
“My late teen years, I remember. I had thought Albus easy—I was the most important thing in his world back then. But then he turned his back on me when I least expected it. And now he has you.” Grindelwald tipped his head, curious. “I wondered what it was about you. You are not nearly the wizard I am. A bit pathetic, if I am honest. A mess held together by his brother’s iron grip and few unruly pets in his basement.” It was a clear jibe. An pointed insult.
“Don’t forget my horrific love of muggles,” Newt drawled, unruffled.
Grindelwald laughed again, his condescending smirk morphing back into the glimmer from before. He leaned back and sat down in the chair placed across from Newt, hands folded in his lap. “You are still clinging to your faith in that old man,” He sighed. “When all he does is lie to you.”
“He never lied to me.”
“No.” Newt answered immediately, perhaps a little more sharply than he’d meant to. He grit his teeth and soothed his ire down.
Grindelwald grinned. “Tell me, what did he say to you about the attack? Did he tell you to come after me?”
Newt stared forwards, resolutely not looking at him. “I came of my own accord.”
“No, you came of Albus’ accord.” Grindelwald leaned forward and fixed Newt with an intense stare. “Did he tell you that it was clearly me? That the Ministry would not take it seriously? That he had very few he could trust with the information that he had handed to you?”
Newt’s nails dug into his palms. That was exactly what Albus has told him. His silence was enough of an answer.
“And your brother.”
“He prodded you into your position, yes? Told you they wanted you there?” Grindelwald shook his head. With a flick of his wrist he had a file in his hand. He let it fall open. “Newton Artemis Fido Scamander. Subject is uncooperative, unpredictable, and impulsive. Immediate suspension from government and traveling advised. Overridden by Theseus Apollo Fortem Scamander.” Newt chest froze. Grindelwald stood again, file thrown aside and arms up as if in question.
“What is this if not betrayal? Albus—not your brother, perhaps, but your mentor—sent you off to me, knowing you were not ready, knowing you would likely die—Albus is a very bad role model, Newton. He will lead you, blind mule that you are, to ruin.”
Grindelwald leaned down and curled his fingers around Newt’s collar, then down to flick open the buttons of his dress shirt. Newt tensed but kept his gaze level, breathing even. Lithe fingertips smoothed the right side of his shirt away to reveal the claw marks of a nundu. One that had gotten him expelled. One that Albus had known about.
The Dark Lord clicked his tongue and slid his palm almost pityingly along the gouges. “Oh, look what he has done to you.”
“Well, he never tied me to a chair.”
“His loss,” Grindelwald purred, pity vanished in the face of something sly. Something sensual. His fingertips trailed lightly over Newt’s chest to tap lovingly at his collarbones.
“Are you sure this about Albus?” Newt raised an eyebrow and glanced down at the hand tracing over his chest. Surely this man hadn’t gone through all that trouble to incriminate Albus, deprecate Newt’s confidence, just to try and seduce him? Perhaps without the ropes and the ever-close threat of painful death, it would have worked.
“It is about him,” He mused, a bit distractedly. “And you, and me. We are the last two rats on the island, Newton. So we can either eat each other...” He trailed off and cupped Newt’s neck, a thumb across his jaw. “Or we can eat everyone else.”
He smirked. Newt’s pulse was quick beneath his palm, the barest hint of a flush on his cheeks, hidden by freckles.
“Oh, how hard you are trying to remember your training now, hm? What is your Ministry’s regulation for this?” He slid his hands down to squeeze Newt’s thighs, slid them up and back to his knees. “Well, first time for everything.”
He expected a flush, perhaps anger or embarrassment. Grindelwald did not expect Newt to raise his eyebrows, lean forward, and murmur, “What makes you think this is my first time?”
Startled, but not one to be deterred, Grindelwald flourished a hand to his own chest with faux innocence. “Oh, Mr. Scamander. To find the physical things so dull!” He stepped back and swept around Newt to tap his wand to the ropes. They fell away and Newt quickly swung his arms around to rub at his wrists. Grindelwald smirked. “Ha! England, the empire. With their complacencies and corruption—ruin. You are living in their ruin as well; you just do not see it yet. At least here, there are no old Professors skating around orders, yes?”
Grindelwald walked away from Newt to stand in front of him again. “If you wanted, you could rise above them all, as I do. With me, you would be able to pick your own path, as you currently do, just without consequence. With praise. Name a place, name a person, and you may go. You could live a life without restrictions, Newton.”
“Just your restrictions, you mean?” Newt muttered, eyes narrowed.
“You wound me, Newton,” The Dark Lord was amused. He stretched an arm out. “I offer you a way out of Albus’ web, a way to freedom, and how you scorn me.” He spun on heel and tipped his head meaningfully. “Come. Perhaps if I show you what I mean, you will see sense.”
Newt bit down on the caustic remark that wanted to escape and stood. He followed after Grindelwald silently.
He wasn’t the Ministry’s best for nothing, after all.
For @needycharcoal
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diabolikgrimreaper · 5 years
Kuroshitsuji Theory: Who Killed Agni? (Part 1)
All that we get is a cloaked figure, nothing more. However, there are events leading up to his death that are very suspicious, and it could help us to determine what really happened.
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Now, Agni died before the big reveal of the twin Phantomhives. Meaning, he had no idea that Ciel had a brother. So, what Soma and Agni thought was a childhood photo might have actually been of r!Ciel not o!Ciel, like they probably guessed
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That’s not Ciel. (Chapter 126)
This could very well be forshadowing in some way or another who killed Agni. As in, perhaps R!C or Undertaker sent a murderer after Agni because he knew too much or had suspicions. This reminds me of Macbeth by Shakespeare, and how Macbeth sent murderers after Banquo because Banquo had suspicions about Macbeth’s wrongdoings. How does this play into the plot, you ask? Well, in one of the OVA’s and in a character name, Othello, you can find references to other famous works of Shakespeare.
Also, there were 3 murderers that went after Banquo sent my Macbeth. I have previously theorized that there are 2 Vega’s and that Canopus is injured. That only leaves Polaris. So, 2+1 = 3. Boom. You got your 3 murderers. Are you saying that Agni could have been killed by multiple people? Yes, yes I am I believe that VEGA and POLARIS were there at the time of Agni’s death.
Vega, if my previous theory is correct, is Doll and/or Joker from the circus troop. They both have skills that most humans do not possess, but them alone are not powerful enough to take down Agni. Polaris would have to be somebody with passion, and would be willing to do anything for R!C. Tanaka is the only person to fit this description, but I will explain more about Tanaka in part 2.
The parellels jere with Kuroshitsuji and Macbeth are prominent. However, they are very subtle and need to be looked for. Maybe because I just finished reading Macbeth I have it is fresh in my mind, but I do see a parallel here. And this isn’t too far fetched considering that the grim reaper Othello could have been named after a Shakespearean character who killed him self... but I’ll get into that after I read Othello (by Shakespeare).
Now that we ah e established the 3 murders and the “Macbeth” of Agni’s murder, we can ask the question, where are the other two starlords and why is there only one shown? My best theory for this is that Vega was most likely watching from afar. If Polaris is Tanaka, or even if it isn’t, Undertaker would be aware that Agni isn’t one to go down fast, especially when his prince’s life is on the line. So, UT and R!C most likely send Vega to spot Polaris.
Another thing, Agni was acting suspicious some moments before his death. So much so, that Soma, a person who has spent his whole life around Agni, had noted on some drastic changes that he saw in Agni.
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(Chapter 126)
Agni was more appreciative than usual. He is very calm and collected while graciously complimenting his prince. Now, we don’t know to what extent ranges Agni’s abilities, but we do know that he supposedly was gifted his powers from a god. “अग्नि (Agni)” means fire or ‘God Of Fire’ in Hindu. I find it suspicious that he was near a fire moments before his death and his name roughly translates to flame... hm... suspicious. No?
I believe that Agni could have suspected that there was a foreign person lerking around, but since there presence was not that strong, he ignored it. The presence that he could have sensed was Vega’s. Since the presence of Vega, being a bizarre doll, was weak to null, he wouldn’t have seen it as a threat. However, when a strong presence like Polaris’s showed up, he could have been so shocked, stopped dead in his tracks. Which leads me to believe that Polaris isn’t a bizarre doll... he is still alive Tanaka.
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(Chapter 126)
He looks fearful, because Soma is in danger as well. When the gun is pointed at Soma, all that he says is “hey, why are you touching me like we are friends?” Which indicates that the murderer was a servent (Tanaka) or somebody who appeares to be a servent. I doubt that Soma said this to a peasant or a stranger because it has been shown in the past that Soma feeds the homeless and hungry, and he embraces the touch of strangers. However, if that stranger is a servent, he will treat them as such. Kind of how he treats Agni, but less nice, but still pretty nice.
So... who could have Soma been talking to? Find out whenever I decide to post Part 2.
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kaijuguy19 · 5 years
Angelic Friendship
A BATIM fan fic for a contest held by @celina-melody Wanted to give my try at it. :) 
Celina Angel hummed a merry tune as she walked along the streets that are adorned with the many rainbow colored light posts that reminded one of a cave filled with jewels. It was rather a good day at work since she was able to get her daily tasks as general done on time which leaves her a lot of free time this weekend. She thought of how to spend it when she heard sobs or at least what she thought was sobs around the alleyway. Both curious and saddened at the noise, she went towards it to help out this person though she had her sword in ready in case if it was a trick. After all she was compassionate but that didn't mean she was gullible.
She reached the spot then looked at the corner to find a female angel, sitting down at a sidewalk covering her eyes as she sobbed. she had a black dress with black hair which reminded Celina of someone she knows well. Carefully walking up to the female angel she sat down next to her.
"Alice?" Celina asked. The female angel looked up in surprise to see Celina then looks relieved.
"Oh....Hi Celina." Alice replied. "I didn't see you there...I'm sorry I need to be alone for a while."
"Are you sure?" Celina asked her with a concerned look. "You look pretty upset I mean extremely so. Are you sure you want to be alone?"
"Well..." Alice said in a drawn out sentence but then she sighed. "Actually no...I...I don't know what to do..."
"It's ok Alice." Celina said to her putting her hand on Alice's shoulder. "I'm your friend you can talk to me."
Alice looked at her in both relief and emotional. "Thanks....The Guardian Angel council found out about me and Bendy."
"Really?" Celina said in surprise. "How did that happen?! You were so careful about keeping a secret for a long time! What changed?"
Alice looked down again but with a more angry tone. "Someone tipped them off. I have a feeling that it's one of the demons that had a beef with Bendy and him ratting out on my friendship with Bendy was his way of hurting him. So the council stripped me f my guardian angel rank, then they made sure to not have any high end place in Heaven take me in."
Her voice then cracked with sadness as she struggle to keep on but tears again started to flow. "To add insult to injury they kicked me out of my own house as a way to make my punishment worse. I have no where else to go!"
She sobbed again making Celina hug her tightly. Celina has heard about that sect of angels and how they deal with any demon related incidents even more severe then in her own unit even if it was minor so seeing it happened to one of her best friends was heartbreaking. She knows too well what it was like to be faced with persecution by angels who weren't understanding of her history with demons in her family. As Alice stopped sobbing, Celina began to have an idea of how to help Alice.
"You know Alice" Celina said at last. "There's no law saying that you can't work or live on one of the lower levels of heaven. My level's just one step down from yours so you can always move into my place and go to my other job."
"Ot-Other job?" Alice asked in confusion.
"Yes." Celina said. "My other job is at a nightclub when I'm not spending my hours as a general. I work as a singer,dancer along with other "fancy" professions." She giggled at the last part.
"Celina I...I don't know what to say. You don't have to do that." Alice said.
"I know. It's because I want to." Celina held Alice's hands. "I can't ignore someone who needs to help especially a friend like you."
Alice looked at Celina with joy then hugs her. "Thank you so much Celina!"
Celina hugged back, Happy that Alice's now in a better frame of mind, and getting out of a horrible situation.
They soon left for Celina's house which isn't far off from the alleyway thankfully. When they've entered the house, Celina wasted no time showing giving Alice a tour of her house along with the room Alice will be sleeping in. When it was finished Celina guided Alice to her dressing room.
"If you'll be working at the club you'll need the right clothing for it." Celina went over and searched for some clothes. "Is there a specific job you'd like to take there Alice?"
"Hmmm tough choice." Alice pondered. "I guess....I'd like to show off my singing and dancing to the audience still."
"Good choice." Celina said with a smile "but you can get to do more then that for them if you want." She giggled with a coy look.
"What do you mean?" Alice asked in confusion but then she quickly figured out what she meant and blushed deep red. "Oh Celina I don't know about that."
"Listen you don't have to go that far if you don't want to!" Celina said quickly, not meaning to make Alice uncomfortable. "It's that if you wish to do more for the crowd other then singing and dancing like getting intimate with a male guest, you can."
Alice pondered for a bit, She's always been a more conservative angel despite being in fancy clubs but deep down she's always wondered what it's like to be more sultry and seductive especially with wearing sexier clothing. In the past she didn't want to show it due to her status as a guardian angel but things have changed now with her no longer being an angel meaning that she doesn't have to follow rules like that anymore. In a way it's liberating.
"Well..." Alice finally replied. "I can grow into this overtime. After all I don't follow the guardian angel rule anymore."
Celina smiled. "That's great Alice! I promise you won't regret this!: She finally found some clothes and gave it to Alice. Alice took them and went into the dressing room to change. Celina at down to wait then started to write letters to her brother and sister about the news. Celina looked up when she heard Alice coming out of the dressing room to present herself.
Alice is now wearing what seems to be a showgirl outfit that does evoke a green sleeveless leotard used for ballet. Celina noticed how it brought out how big and lovely Alice's breasts looked along with how the outfit brought out Alice's curves. Alice is also wearing fishnet tights with blue heels that made her already attractive legs even more desirable. Alice's rear end showed some blue feathers coming out from the back. On Alice's arms Celina saw that she was wearing blue elbow high gloves similar to her black ones from before. Completing the look was Alice's head piece that was both green and blute complete with a black feather at the center reminding one of the fashion women wore at parties in the 20's and early 30s. Alice blushed as she showed off her new suit.
Celina was taken aback about how amazing Alice looked in it that she rushed over and hugged her. "You're going to make everyone fall in love with you!"
"Th-Thanks Celina." Alice said as she adjusts her suit still blushing. "I won't lie I feel pretty exposed even though I know I'm not that exposed....But I like it."
Celina looked at Alice with a confidant grin. "Glad to hear it. I get the feeling that your debut at the club will be a hit."
Three days passed since Alice moved into Celina's house and started training for her debut night at the club. The night eventually came as dozens of angels in the district including her brother Ciel, and interesting enough Bendy and Boris who disguised themselves to not be discovered.
"So Celina invited you two as well?" Ciel whispered to Bendy.
"Yeah." Bendy replied. "Well Boris convinced me to do anyway."
"I figured it'd be good to help get his mind off what happened." Boris replied, looking at Bendy with sympathy. "After what happened with Alice getting the boot he needed something to get his mind off."
"I appreciate it Boris but that feeling ain't gonna leave anytime soon." Bendy grumbled. "Least seeing some hot women will distract me." He sighed.
The curtains then ruffled as Celina stepped out into the stage. She was wearing a blue waist jacket covering a white shirt with a vest and tie. She was also wearing a purple leotard underneath the shirt along with fishnet tights and purple heels. On top of her head was a big purple top hate with a blue stripe going around it. She looked quite stunning and got a lot of whistles from a lot of angels. she giggled as she took off her top hat to speak.
"I'd like to thank you all for attending this night." She said "Because I'm here to introduce a new member to this family. She's pretty well known in heaven but this is where she'll begin anew. I would announce her name but she'd like to do the honors herself."
She then placed the top hat down on the stage floor then the hat comes back up slowly on it's own to reveal someone that was inside it. First came the blue heels then the legs covered in fishnet tights followed suit. Afterwards came beautiful birthing sized hips with a curved body coming with it. The other reveals came in two beautiful breasts covered in a green leotard like outfit with slim arms covered in blue elbow high gloves . The audience looked in amazement at this transition as it led into the body being fully revealed with only the hat remaining covering the head. Finally the arms came up and pulled the hat away from the body revealing Alice Angel's head with her headdress who then gave it back to Celina. Bendy and Boris stared at the sight, mouth opened comically at the stunning sight of Alice Angel wearing such a sexy outfit. Ciel in kind was smitten at the sight of the lovely angel. Alice smiled as she heard the music begin playing then began singing.
I'm just a lonely angel Sittin here on a shelf At times it seemed If I just dreamed I'd not be my myself
I never gave up hopin That you would come along How bleak it seemed Till you found me So now I sing this song
Alice then swayed her hips back and forth as she began to dance to the music almost hypnotic like. She continued singing.
I'll Be Your Angel
I'll be your angel sent from heaven above Your little angel cast down for you to love I'll be your angel Ya fit me just like a glove So wontcha say a prayer to me baby
As she sings, she keeps on dancing in a pretty sexy manner such as bending down to reveal her cleavage mostly to Bendy who if it weren't for Boris holding him back would've leapt at the chance to be smothered in them as well as leaning on walls then slowly coming down sensually.  Ciel tries to get his nose to stop bleeding but to no avail.
Cause I've been waiting And I've been so alone Ain't had nobody I could call my own So be my angel and say a little prayer to me
Celina joins in the dancing, wanting to join in the fun. all around the audience started to cheer as they grew to love the act more and more. Alice and Celina then walked off the stage and into the audience. Celina went around giving some lucky audience members some attention by sitting on their labs and caressing them. Alice meanwhile went into Bendy's direction, much to the Ink Demon's joy. Alice then sat on Bendy's lap then wrapped her arms around his neck knowing well that this is her beloved ink demon coming to see her.
And when I fall it's into your arms I never could resist all your charms you devil!
It's far too late my soul cant be saved Cause When I hear hear ya callin my name you angel
Alice then kissed Bendy's forehead which made Bendy almost faint with happiness. Alice giggled then got back up singing more.
My heart goes she boop de boop boop she boop bee do wow!
Both Alice and Celina got back on stage as they both sing the last few verses of the famous Lonely Angel song.
Brush off my halo and try out my wings Im just your puppet When ya tug on my strings I'll be your angel And fly straight into to your heart I'll be your angel And fly straight into to your heart Sha boop de boo boop she boop bee Doo Bow!
They finish it off with them waving at the audience who cheered and clapped then with a gust of wind they flew back to the curtain. the rest of the evening consisted with other angels both men and female serving the guests refreshments and fanservice. Ciel, Bendy and Boris were still stunned about the inclusion of Alice Angel whom they thought wouldn't show that side of her. Well they were proven wrong and they had a feeling Celina helped her in that. Not that they had a problem with it not by a long shot.
When closing hours came, Celina came and led them into the dressing room where they met Alice still wearing her suit greeted them.
"So what did you think of my act boys?" Alice asked in a coy voice. "It took you all by surprise didn't it?
"Well-Uh-Yeah-Errrrrr…" Bendy stammered still blushing at the sight of Alice Angel's outfit.
"Well of course Alice! You did all sorts of things that we'd didn't think you'd try in million of years!" Boris replied "I mean yeah we all love it but still talk about coming out of your shell!"
"That's one way of putting it Boris." Alice chuckled.
Ciel looked at Celina with an amused look. "You've really managed to turn Alice's life around Celina."
"I know." Celina replied. "It took time yeah but still Alice really came to grow into this act. Best part is that since she's now a hit, the higher Angel council won't bother her much since she's out of their jurisdiction."
Alice hugs Celina. "I know I've said this many times Celina but thank you so much. You're really a good friend."
"Thanks too Alice." Celina replied with a smile. "I mean friends need to look after to each other."
Alice nodded then turns to Bendy. "I hope after what we've been through we can still be in touch. I know I'm out of a lot of clearing but still."
"You kidding me angel of course!" Bendy replied. "I wasn't gonna give up seeing you before but with all of this amazing stuff you have going I ain't gonna miss every night you do!"
"I figured you wouldn't." Alice smiled. "You may want to change your disguise up every now and then. After all wearing a trench coat and a fake mustache isn't going to fool anyone twice."
"Heh fair point." Bendy chuckled.
Boris looked happy about seeing two of his friends this happy especially with what they had to go through. He still couldn't stop feeling sorry for Bendy when he first heard about Alice being kicked out and trying to hide his anger and guilt. But now things are now going smooth from now on. a thought came to his mind all of the sudden then looked at Alice.
"There's one thing that I'm still wondering Alice." He asked her. "How the heck were you able to pull off that coming out of the hat trick you and Celina did?"
Both Alice and Celina giggled. "Oh Boris a magician can't reveal her secrets." Celina replied.
Celina Angel and Ciel belong to @celina-melody
Alice Angel,Bendy and Boris the Wolf belong to TheMeatly/ Kindly Beasts.
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