#Cody is a fuckboi
rythmicjea · 5 months
The Suite Adult Life - Christmas
Sorry I didn't get this post out yesterday! I am at a writers conference in the nation's capital currently trying to pitch a version of this story for publication. So... with your support it might be the reboot everyone is looking for, or better yet, may bring the Sprouse Twins back to the IP.
This chapter opens with one of my favorite lines in the entire story. But you'll have to read it to find out what it is! However, I love this little exchange and I hope you do too!
London: I’d like to make a reservation for 7pm. Cody: That can be arranged. Do you know what you would like to order? London: #8 off the menu Cody: See you then. London: Until then ;)
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total-drama-brainrot · 7 months
maybe for cody, a more casual outfit? to this day i can’t comprehend wtf is up with his shirt(s)
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softboy cody 😌
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sydsaint · 5 months
I am INSUFFERABLE when it comes to him <3
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Summary: Solo enacts his plans to take over as the Head of the Table. Complete with his own new enforcer, Tama Tonga. And to top it off, Solo also has a new inside (wo)man to replace Paul in Nick Aldis's assistant, whom Tama takes an interest in.
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It's going down tonight. So stay ready.
You read the text from Solo on your phone with an eager smile on your face. Across the room, Nick yaps away on the phone with someone from the FOX executive office. You glance over at him and nod to the door signaling that you're stepping out when he meets your gaze.
Nick nods and goes back to his phone call. You rise out of your worn-out office chair and step out into the hall. You make the journey from the office all the way down to the staging area backstage, where some of the crew are keeping an eye on the flow of the show.
"Everything alright down here, guys?" You head over to the crew once you're through the door.
"Yep." One of the crewmen nods and glances back at you. "Need anything boss?" He asks you.
You shake your head and turn your attention to the monitors on the wall just as Solo is making his way down to the ring. "I just came to check up on stuff for Nick." You explain.
The crewman nods and both of you go back to watching the monitors carefully.
Out in the ring, Solo steps into the squared circle with Jimmy and Paul at his side. Roman is busy sulking after his loss to Cody, so he didn't bother to show up for work. Like usual.
Paul attempts to start his usual spiel about Roman's loss and how this obviously isn't the end of the Tribal Chief. But Solo cuts him off. Paul watches in shock as Sikoa snatches the microphone from his grasp and lays down the new law.
Backstage, you watch with a neutral face as Solo embraces his brother in one last heartfelt hug. The brothers share a friendly-seeming hug before suddenly a hooded figure rushes the ring and takes Jimmy out with a hard blow to the back of the head.
The hooded figure rises to their feet and pulls off the hood to reveal Tama Tonga. One of the great Haku's sons.
"What the hell?" One of the crewmen comments once Tama is revealed. "I didn't see this on the schedule." He picks up the schedule for the night and does a quick once-over of it.
"It's been cleared with the boss, don't worry." You set a hand on his shoulder with an assuring smile.
With the secret now out, you walk away from the stagehand desk and head for the curtain. Solo comes marching up the ramp and through the curtain a few seconds later. You smile at him and glance over at Tama as he steps up behind Sikoa.
"Tama, this is, YN. She's our inside girl." Solo glances between the two of you. "YN, this is my cousin, Tama Tonga." He introduces the two of you.
"Nice to finally meet you, Tama." You step forward and offer your hand for a handshake. "Solo's been talking nonstop about his new enforcer."
Tama glances down at your outstretched hand before he does a once-over of the rest of you. A sly smile plays on his lips as he reaches out and shakes your hand firmly. "The pleasure is all mine. Trust me, sweetheart." Tama grins at you.
Your eyebrows raise slightly with intrigue as you drop your hand back to your side. Tama continues to look at you with a gaze that could bring a girl to her knees. The look on his face screams smug, self-assured, fuckboy. But boy are you digging it.
"Well, I'll let you two handle whatever business that you need to get done." You step back over to Solo. "News about our new buddy here should be reaching Nick's desk by now. So I've got to go smooth that over with him." You explain.
"Anything I need to worry about?" Solo asks you.
You shake your head and wave your hand dismissively. "Not at all." You assure Solo. "Nick's a pushover. And I already submitted all the mind-numbing paperwork earlier today."
"Atta girl." Solo nods with a pleased look. "Meet up back in the locker room after the show, yeah? We'll grab drinks and get to work on the next phase of the plan." He suggests.
"Yes, boss." You tease and dismiss yourself. "I'll catch you two sinister backstabbers later." You add with a playful wink.
Solo and Tama both watch you walk off before Tama turns to his cousin. "She single?" He outright asks Solo.
"Far as I know, yeah." Solo rolls his eyes. "Come on, I'll show you where the locker room is." He nods to the hallway to the far side of the room before taking off.
Tama grins to himself and follows Solo back to the locker rooms. Plans are already forming in his head about how he's going to knock you off your feet the next time that he sees you.
A few hours later, you finally finish putting all of Nick's worries about Tama to rest. Smackdown has come to an end and the arena is beginning to become deserted save for the cleaning crew. You make your way down to the locker rooms and knock on the new Bloodline locker room door.
"Yeah?" Tama answers the door with a sneer that instantly warps into a shit-eating grin when he sees you standing in the doorway. "Well well well, look who finally decided to show up?" He steps out of the way and lets you into the room. "How are you doing tonight, pretty mami?"
"Better now that I'm done listening to Nick bitch and moan about you." You quip back with a playful grin. "You're not here for more than a couple of hours, Tama. And you're already a pain in my ass." You tease him.
Tama chuckles, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, by all means then, gorgeous. Tell me? How I can make it up to you?" He asks you.
"Oh, I'm sure that I'll come up with something." You giggle and step past him so you can get to Solo. "Everything's all smoothed out with, Aldis, Solo." You report to Sikoa. "Tama is officially entered into the roster database as a member of Smackdown."
"Good." Solo nods. "You ready to head out then?" He asks you. "Because I am more than done with this place." He sneers and gets to his feet.
You nod and everyone heads out. You all stop back at the hotel to change out of your work clothes and agree to meet back up in the lobby later.
You get back to your room and immediately dig around for the most suggestive top and pant combo that you have with you. You find what you're looking for and touch-up your makeup as well before heading down to the lobby.
When you make it down to the lobby, Colo and Tama are waiting for you. Solo doesn't seem phased by your wardrobe change. But the look in Tama's eyes makes you shiver. Oh, yes. You're about to have one hell of a good rest of your night.
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godisshook · 1 year
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Cody is the ultimate fuckboy. He prides himself on never getting attached and only using others for sex. A path of broken people and torn relationships is left wherever he steps foot, and he just doesn't seem to care. He was a horrible boyfriend, but he was my friend regardless. In my defense, we had known each other since grade school, and I can confidently say that this is a recent development. The worst part of it all is nobody else seemed to care (aside from those he hurt of course) about his dating behavior.
I tried to be a balancing force in his life, as much as I could, hoping that I could be a good influence on him, or at least prevent him from doing as much damage as possible. I tried to steer him on the right path, using our friendship to hopefully help him understand, but all my pleas fell on deaf ears. Usually, I was the first to know if Cody had entered a new relationship, but I stopped receiving those all-too-common relationship updates from him for months. Knowing his habit of being a serial dater, it seemed far too suspicious that something hadn't happened in all of this time.
In addition to ensuring Cody doesn't implode by ruining every relationship he had, it was also my plan to make this summer the best of my life, and that meant changing everything. I have only dated one guy, and that resulted in an incredibly underwhelming breakup and an even more underwhelming friendship afterward.
Our gym days had been a sort of ritual between the two of us forever, I always did cardio, while he did weights. We used this time to catch up on each other's days and make plans, all intermixed with some exercise. As one of our many rambling conversations soon circled to the topic of relationships, I used the moment to bring up my grievance with him, in the sternest way I could. Balancing seriousness with a friendly air, I said, "It is wild how you manage to be so bad at keeping a relationship." He replied, "Remind me, you've been with how many people?" With an immediate, "Oh, one!" Keeping up with the banter, I quipped, "But, I mean, at least my one relationship still likes me after." Even as the words left my lips, I knew I had crossed an invisible line. Cody's look at me only proved my thinking, as I glanced over to a blank stare.
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The moment suddenly felt intense. I thought I had hit too deep, even gone too far. I steeled myself and prepared a response, but as I did, I noticed a smile appear on his face, soon replaced by a full-faced chuckle. As the sudden shift in emotion gave me whiplash, I could only manage a light laugh, but I felt his strong hand pat my back, as he said "I mean, if they hate me so much, they should take it up with me, but they all knew what they were getting into." The seriousness of his response was dulled by his kind demeanor, but his words hit hard.
He always had that effect on people, where his words never seemed to match his face. I always thought it was a quirk of his, but at this moment, I became aware of just how effective it could be. His disarming smile made it impossible to hate him for long, and his way with words always got him out of whatever jam he found himself in. As if nothing had happened, he said, "You wanna go on the treadmill?" Whether it was a strategic olive branch, or him just genuinely not caring, I did not care to know, I grabbed my water bottle and followed behind him.
As our workout drew to a close, I sat to cool down, and scrolled through my socials as Cody still migrated around the gym. He would soon place himself right between me, and a mirror on the wall. Looking up from my seat, I said, "Why arent you sitting down?" As if he took offense to the statement, he responded, "I have to admire my hard work first." Knowing that this was the least ridiculous thing he could have said, I replied, "Y'know what, knock yourself out." Before I could even properly go back to scrolling through social media, it became obvious why he chose this position, as he lifted his shirt to admire himself in the mirror, and chose to close the distance between us.
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Cody had always made it obvious he had feelings for me. But due to my general aversion to dating and knowing his dating habits, there was never a chance for anything to happen. Despite all of this, he flirted as if we had never seen each other, which always yielded interesting situations. This felt like a nice shift from things, and I soon reassured myself, thinking that maybe I did actually get through to him, and all of these months were him reflecting on things. While I most definitely was going to exaggerate my role in this process, despite the true cause, it was fun to think about.
There were many days like that afterward, with quips and banter, and our friendship remained strong. He invited me to the park, an event that seemed very date-like, but one that was incredibly pleasant nonetheless. Weeks filled with the usual late-night texts, sudden house walks, and constant snack trips, things felt so familiar, so, safe. I reveled in this moment, as with our return to college, life would get busy, and we would inevitably fall out of touch, meeting in hurried coffee rushes, or quick workout sessions.
For now, there was peace, and I appreciated it whenever I could. After lounging my day about, I received a sudden text from Cody.
"Come to the gym," He texted.
"What do you mean, it's literally closed," I responded.
There was a second of hesitation, but a speech bubble quickly followed with an,
"I know."
It was weird, but he's had stranger ideas, and so I followed along, wanting to see what situation he had conjured up today. I arrived at the gym only ten minutes later, as it was a quick walk from my place. As I approached the door, I noticed it was already ajar, and in the parking lot, a single black car was parked at the far end. "Cody," I thought to myself. I entered, and the few lights that were on illuminated a path to the far back. With a tinge of paranoia overtaking me, I looked around to see if the cameras were on, but to my surprise, they had all been blacked out. When I finally reached the back, Cody was standing there, expectantly.
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In a cool tone, he said, "I've been thinking about what you said a while ago, I do need to get my act together, I wanna do better." A look of surprise came over my face as I replied, "How so, and why does it involve us being here so late?" My question was met with hesitation, a moment of silence, but even that felt like an eternity. Breaking the lull, he responded, "Let me show you." He was serious, there wasn't even a smile to join his words, he wanted me to know he meant what he said.
Things felt different this time, as Cody closed the distance between us, I felt an indescribable heat and urgency emanate from Cody, as if everything in this moment was his world, and was waiting for my word to let loose. I had been able to resist his charms for years, but this moment felt, different. It was as if everything had aligned for this to happen, but it was just right. "I know you can't stand my dating habits, but I did it all to try to replace my desire for you.
My body gave away my feelings in a way words could not, and I leaned onto Cody and laid a kiss on his cheek. I whispered, "I should've done that from the start." The kiss elevated the heat of the moment, and a sharp intensity came over Cody, desire and joy mixing, as he assessed just how he was going to have his way with me.
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Suddenly, I felt my knees hit the ground as his warm hands moved expertly around my chin, bringing my gaze up straight to him. "There's a reason I haven't been seeing anyone because it's always been you." His words lit a dangerous spark, and I could not resist anymore. But just as the moment was set to hit a fever pitch, a noise outside brought us back to reality. As the sounds of footsteps drew close, we rushed out the back door, and ran to the forest behind the gym, an escape route we were used to navigating for years. It was exhilarating, it felt like, in this small rush, we were back to being kids again. As we approached the other side, we watched our breaths for a moment, and after looking around to ensure we hadn't been followed, we walked up onto the sidewalk.
The walk was calm and serene, with few words spoken, but many thoughts still communicated. I felt my cheeks redden, a blush overcoming me. Cody took notice of it, but only his eyes gave away his knowledge of things, as he continued conversating as usual. In a second, as if he finally had his chance, he asked,
"You wanna go back to my place?"
It was obvious what his offer entailed, but there was a curiosity nagging at me, and I just had to resolve it. "What are we?" I asked. It was a brave question, I could have gravely misjudged the moment and ruined the friendship right here, but I felt bold, and it was a time for big steps. The usually calm and hesitant Cody became fiery for the moment, responding, "We're whatever you want us to be." It was clear what he intended with this, but it was my turn to hesitate. With uncertainty meandering throughout me, I replied, "Let's keep things casual for now, then." "Fine by me," he shrugged.
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His arms went over my shoulder, bringing me close to his chest, where I could feel the intensity of his heartbeat. The rest of the walk back was silent. Where once there was small talk and expectant words, it was now a walk of resolution, one of completion. Finally arriving at his, I splayed myself on his bed, and turned on a movie, as he went to the bathroom to take a shower and change. Even though I snuck a peek (of course) things were relatively PG, likely due to me being too exhausted to actually capitalize off of him being in the shower.
I looked around his room, a place I had been to many times, and once I had seen change countless times over the years, as new aesthetics came in, and old looks went out. It was fun to see all of this change, and made me admire just how long our friendship had lasted. Just as I thought that the situation that I now found myself in could put the whole friendship in jeopardy. I had just told him I wanted to "keep things casual." Which I immediately regretted, not knowing what response he even wanted. With my overthinking taking up every moment, I couldn't truly enjoy the fact that my hot friend wanted to date me.
Taking in how I even got to this moment, things seemed so complex. The guy who I had been lecturing for ages on how to be a better boyfriend, somehow wanted to be with me? It seemed like one of those perfect coincidences like the stars aligned in my favor just this once. I was going to take it in stride but still was mired over what he wanted out of all of this. With my thoughts all over the place, it seemed fortuitous that the person to take me out of that lull would be none other than Cody.
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His return from the bathroom resulted in him only in his boxers and a sweater, his bulge already noticeable as he walked out. As he sat down, I resisted the urge to drool on the spot. He sat right next to me and started watching TV. I could not resist the urge, and immediately laid my head on his waist, feeling his bulge just inches from my head. Both of us were making moves, but in a way that allowed us deniability, it seemed that we were each taking my words to heart.
We continued watching, only getting ten more minutes before Cody decided to lift off his sweater, revealing his muscled chest. He knew exactly what he was doing at the moment, and as I had to shift my head to accommodate him taking his sweater off, I was now face to face with his toned body. I had to admit, he knew exactly what times he was hottest, and this was definitely one of them. I was mesmerized by him, and he knew he had me enamored.
I decided to still resist, wanting to beat him at his own game. I sat close to him, resting my head on his shoulders, and laid my hand on his bulge, while watching the movie innocently. It was my bravest moment, but I felt his cock pulse under my hand in response, meaning I had clearly succeeded. Cody kept his cool for now, but his face was going flush, it was clear that his body was going to betray his mind when it came to how he felt, and that was most apparent when it came to his dick.
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His bulge was getting more noticeable, and it was clear that this movie was no longer the focus of the night. I looked over and met with bedroom eyes from Cody. As his bulge grew, I knew what I was being beckoned to do, but I, always the tease, wanted to extend the heat. I laid a kiss on his cheeks, "You seem so excited to watch a movie with me," I quipped. A strained look came over his face as if he was simply waiting for the go-ahead.
I only gave him kisses, but he returned them with a special intensity. Small pecks became deep kisses, and we began feeling each other up and down. The moment could have gone further, the feeling was there, and the moment had aligned. To my surprise, however, Cody would be the one to stop it in its tracks. Separating from the kiss, he said,
"Please, just stay the night."
I was awoken by the smell of eggs and bacon cooking downstairs, and my nose guided my path to Cody cooking in the kitchen. It was obvious I made the right decision in staying, as Cody was set to dote on me every second he could. Hypnotized by the delicious-smelling food, I could only sit and grab a plate, as Cody said, "Take as much as you want, I made plenty," I confessed, "You are truly my favorite person." "I know," he replied.
I lounged about, enjoying my day by doing absolutely nothing. Even on Cody's bed, I felt a comfort that I hadn't experienced in a long while. Things just felt, right. As Cody ran errands, I watched TV, changing between reality shows and trying to beat commercial breaks. He would return occasionally, and always lay a kiss on my head or, if I had gone into one of my many naps of the day, simply leave a snack for me as he left.
As the lazy day drew to a calm evening, I stood up to go home. I had walked to his with none of my things and had to steal even the clothes I was wearing from his closet. Deciding that I had to go get my things, I stepped out, leaving a note for Cody on his return. Instead of the note greeting him, it would be me, as when I opened the door, none other than Cody was standing right there, having returned. He noticed me holding my stuff and putting things together in a second. Instead of letting his feeling be known through words, he simply dropped everything, and grabbed my waist, laying a deep kiss on my lips. As he drew away from the kiss, he said, "You don't have to go."
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His disarming smile once again clouded everything, as it felt as if I couldn't say no. I said, "But none of my things are here." He immediately replied, "We can get it and you can come back." As I finally put the pieces together, I understood what he was truly asking. He had long wanted us to live together, and this was the moment.
I had lived by myself for years, and there would be worse people to live with, so I finally responded, "Y'know what, I can just use your stuff." Cody broke into a full smile from this, and he closed the door behind him and began kissing me continuously. The only moments we stopped were to come up for air, as we took off each other's clothes then and there, leaving on only the more base layers. I felt his bulge press against his shorts and decided to play with him a bit.
Maintaining the kiss, I brought the distance between us closer, pressing straight into his bulge. As I did, a jolt seemed to go through Cody, as he bucked against it, temporarily breaking the kiss. Grabbing me tighter he said, "You do these crazy things, and don't expect me to respond?" Before I could respond, he had lifted me up on his shoulder and was carrying me to the room. Seeing the kitchen and hallway move around me, without my legs being able to do a thing felt, different, but sexy nonetheless.
Finally reaching our destination, he took care as he entered the doorway, and finally getting inside, rushed to throw me on the bed, to which I exclaimed "Hey!" He quickly replied, "Your whole trip here wasn't allowed to be amazing." I giggled at this, and got up on my knees, beckoning the still-standing Cody over to the bed with a finger. He walked over in a sultry manner, and as the distance between us closed once more, I felt up his body, admiring every bit of muscle as I made my way down.
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I took him by the waistband, and pulled him onto the bed, resting my body right beside him, able to feel every breath hit me, as his heartbeat pounded against his chest. It was a singular second of peace, we both knew where things would go from here, but in this moment, we were just laying by each other, without a care in the world.
The feeling was nice, but I decided it was finally time to take this to the next level. I moved our bodies closer to each other, and took his face into my hands, laying a light kiss on his lips. He took this for exactly what it was and returned the favor. With that, things heated up faster and faster.
After I initiated things, Cody truly let loose, our hands taking off what little clothes remained on the other's body. His dick, as if it was waiting to be released, bounced up from his underwear, and as I noticed, I could only laugh. "You really wanted this, didn't you?" I asked. "More than you could even imagine," he responded. Instead of taking off his underwear immediately, I teased his prominent bulge, guiding my hands up and down, and was met with a deep sigh in response. Taking a hand to his chest, I moved my hands down, taking deliberate slow care to every point on his chest, to which Cody took my arm to guide me further down once more.
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Now noticing the position he had me in, Cody quickly took control, shifting my body under his, and taking my wrists in his hands, a steely stare meeting my eyes. Once again, there was hesitation, as he assessed what to do. Taking advantage of this, I asked with a chuckle, "What? You didn't think you'd get this far?" Instead of a response, however, my words were met with a sudden kiss, his lips pressing into mine, hard. The intensity of the kiss sent a flash throughout me, and his bulge now pressed against my thigh, as if it was waiting for permission to be let out. As a flurry of emotion came over me, I could only muster a single response.
"I'm all yours."
He moved like a man possessed, laying hot kisses throughout my neck, and moved my thigh up, in a moment, he moved down and began eating me out. His tongue worked expertly, and I could only moan in response, pleasure surging throughout me. A fire came over his eyes, as he knew he had me exactly where he wanted me. With a flourish, he took off his underwear, and his cock was finally freed. I gawked at his size, unaware that someone's dick could be that big.
I took the initiative, taking it in my hands and jerking him off. It was now his turn to respond with a low grunt, his deep voice bucking against the pleasure he felt. Taking things into his hands once more, he grabbed the lube from his dresser, and wet his cock. As his tip entered me, I felt a wave of heat overcome me, as my body responded to him entering me.
Soon, he was fully thrusting into me, his cock filling me up entirely. Shocks of pleasure strike through me as he continued fucking me, with me only being able to make small moans, each thrust silencing me again. We fucked for what seemed like hours, trying each and every position. Each time I thought we were done, he would cum again, setting the cycle anew once more. Load after load filled me up, and soon I became numb, after being fucked to my limit. Cody, still full of energy, kept going. I found myself wanting to keep going, for him, and didn't want this moment to end.
I felt as if the world around me was blacking out, with my only focus being Cody's warm face, laying kisses all over me as he continued pounding me. In one final thrust, I was sent to true climax, and everything became hazy. Cody's voice would be the thing to break the fog. I focused on his words with his voice being a familiar sound to my ears.
"I'm addicted to you, did you know that?" He asked.
On the verge of blacking out, I replied,
"I always did."
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So I started finally watching the second season of The Unsleeping City the other day while working to keep me sane and I can't believe I didn't get on the Cody Walsh train sooner. Best cringe fail fuckboy edgelord goth paladin of my life. The me that was also a 27 year old shithead is in love.
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noco is so good when you are not un-nerding cody and not turning noah into emo fuckboy AND they are both still losers.......
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sgrdoll · 2 years
Bet on It
synopsis - aew star hook has a fascination with the pretty makeup artist backstage. his friend bets he can’t go an entire night without bothering her.
warnings - smut, fuckboy!hook, hook shamelessly yearning, ofc, sub!ofc, dom!hook, blowjob, face fucking
a/n - hi! i’m back again but with something a little different. i know this probably won’t be my most popular fic bc it’s such a niche fandom. however, i really like pro wrestling and i hope you all can enjoy this fic regardless of if you like it or not. love you guys!!!
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Tyler’s eyes narrowed when she walked across the room. The way she dressed made him want to throw his head back and groan.
He was leaned against the wall watching her do the makeup of some of the women that were going on tonight.
As far as he knew she was the head makeup artist for the company and did her job pretty damn good, always in a pair of heels with her hair perfectly done too.
The outfit she had on today was a little more revealing than what he was used to but he definitely didn’t mind. The baby pink skirt and matching top made her body look out of this fucking world.
Tyler had never needed to go to the makeup chair before so they had never officially crossed paths. However, he’s been watching her since the first time Cody brought his wrestling class to their first TV taping.
She’s always there, and she’s always working. Currently, she was talking to Britt while doing some crazy eyeshadow look on her that seemed impossibly difficult to him.
Ty could hear her giggle from where he was standing and he wanted nothing more than to go over there and drag her back to his private lockeroom and have his way with her.
“Again, man? You gotta leave her alone,” Dante Martin put a hand on his shoulder which Tyler immediately shrugged off.
He knew he was joking but it still hit a little too close to him. Tyler always wondered if she noticed him and the close eye he kept on her. 
“Shut up. Don’t you have a top rope or something to jump off?” Tyler rolled his eyes.
“Why don’t you just go talk to her,” Dante ignored his previous comment.
“What would I even say? ‘Oh hey, I’ve been staring at you for the past year and I want to do you in my hotel room?’”
Dante laughed, “You don’t obsess over a girl for an entire year and only want to fuck her. We both know you actually like her.”
Ty had never had a serious relationship before and didn’t desire it. He was very focused on his career and didn’t have time for any distractions, even ones with impossibly long legs and high cheek bones.
“That’s exactly why I can’t talk to her. I’m way too busy. I don’t have time to treat her like she deserves,” he grumbled back in response.
His friend grinned, “How can you say shit like that and not see it?”
“See what, asshole,” he hissed back.
“That you’re not going to be able to just stop thinking about her.”
“I could totally stop thinking about her if I wanted to. She’s like, like a side hobby,” Tyler responded a bit flustered.
“A side hobby?” Dante was hysterically laughing at this point.
“If she’s such a side hobby, let’s make a bet,” Dante said to him.
“Oh yeah? What kind of bet?” Tyler was intrigued at this point. He was never one to turn down a challenge. He stopped leaning on the wall and stood up straight.
“If you can leave her alone for the rest of the show - that means no looking at her, no standing by the makeup chairs, and no scaring off the rookies who try and flirt with her - I’ll pay for you to finish the rest of your sleeve,” Dante said slyly.
Tyler’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, “Dude, my tattoo artist is charging me $2500 in cash for that.”
“I know. But I’m almost positive you won’t win,” he laughed.
“What happens if I lose?” Ty inquired.
“I get your private lockeroom for 5 more Dynamites,” Dante responded matter of factly.
“Bro, my dad rents that out for me.”
“Yeah and everyone fucking hates you for it,” Dante added.
“Call me daddy’s money all you want but I get to do my pre-match ritual in silence, without you assholes screaming in my ear.”
“And that’s what I want.”
“Fine. You have a deal,” Tyler stuck his hand out and Dante shook it.
“There’s no way you’re winning,” Dante cackled while walking away from him.
Tyler walked to catering and tried not to think about her there without him. It was stupid really. She had been working there longer than he had and he was scared for her well-being.
He sighed and stabbed the chicken on his plate with a fork. It was going to be a long ass night.
Dynamite had started a couple of hours later and he had a match tonight, but for some reason he couldn’t focus.
Well, not some reason. He knew the exact reason, and she was most likely sucking on hard candy and playing on her phone in the backstage area.
Tyler tried hard to shake it off, he really did. But he couldn’t jepordize his match for some stupid bet.
His phone dinged and it was a text message from Dante.
Are you cracking yet, lover boy?
Tyler wanted to hurl his phone at the wall. He felt like he was going absolutely insane. He wanted to slap himself for allowing his attraction to her for getting this far.
Ty hated to admit it to himself, but he did actually like her. He liked her much more than a one night stand or a casual hookup.
He had been going backing forth between the pros and cons of just going to find her when the Bucks walked into his dressing room.
Tyler immediately stood up from his seated position when they walked in. He pulled himself together so he could talk to his bosses.
He stuck his hand out to shake theirs, “What can I do for you guys?”
After they finished shaking hands with each other Matt started talking, “It’s about your match tonight. Tony made a last minute decision for you to go over.”
Tyler’s face was one of surprise, “Like, win the TNT title?”
“Yeah,” Matt brushed over this news, “Sorry it’s on such short notice, kid.”
“No, don’t sweat it. I’m psyched,” Tyler tried to keep his cool.
“We figured you would be. Go change the finish with Sammy and you’ll be set. We watched you guys practice this morning and the match you have planned should stay the same. The only change we want is for you to tap him out,” Nick instructed the young talent.
“Of course. Thank you so much. This means a lot to me,” Tyler was very grateful for this opportunity but also incredibly nervous.
The group exchanged pleasantries for a while longer until they left the room. Ty could feel his heart speeding up. There was no way he could go out to win a title feeling like this.
His palms were sweating and despite the news he had his focus was still somewhere else. He checked his watch to see he had an hour and thirty minutes until he was gonna go out.
Fuck the bet.
There was no way in hell Ty was going to fuck up the biggest match of his career over a bet.
He threw a hoodie and sweats over his gear and stepped out of dressing room, already feeling the clouds clear out of his head.
Ty booked it to the makeup chairs like he was being chased.
He stopped just a few steps behind where she was lounging.
She was perched on one of the chairs with her legs swinging. She was on her phone with a cherry red sucker in her mouth, just as he suspected.
She was a sight for sore eyes and he felt relief wash over him knowing she was perfectly fine.
“Hey,” he said suddenly making her look up from her phone. His voice was a surprise to his own ears. He had never spoken to her and now was probably not the best time to start.
She looked up at him from her chair and took the sucker out of her mouth, “Hey.”
The way she was smiling at his made his chest ache, “I was wondering if you could fix my hair before my match. I totally slept on it wrong.”
She looked skeptical. Tyler knew he sounded stupid. His hair was probably the easiest in the world to manage. All he did was run a brush through it and call it a day.
“Of course. Hook, right?” She called him by his in ring name.
He chuckled as he sat down in her chair, “Yeah, but you can call me Tyler.”
When her fingers began to comb through his hair he wanted to groan.
“I’m Ariane, but everyone around her calls me Ari.”
He finally knew her name and it fit her perfectly. He could feel all of his nerves slipping from his body as she touched him. It was like she had some sort of magnetic aura that dissipated all of his anxiety.
He stayed quiet as she moved his hair every which way. Her long pink acrylics were perfectly scratching his scalp. Ty fought the urge to shiver and lean into her touch.
“What gear are you wearing tonight?” Ari asked.
“I’ve got the orange on tonight.”
“You always wear those,” she teased, “What about the chain?”
He pulled his gold chain out of his hoodie and showed her. He was impressed she knew he always wore a chain to the ring. It made Ty smile that Ari watched him maybe as much as he watched her.
She moved from behind him to get a better look at the chain.
Ari leaned in and touched the chain around his neck. Her tan fingers brushed against the pulse point on his neck. He closed his eyes and took in a breath. Her long dark extensions created a curtain between them and the outside world. Tyler wanted to feel her hands on him forever.
Their eyes locked for a second and she smiled at him in a way that made him want to bend her over his lap and make her start fucking counting.
He tried not to lose control of the situation. It felt like she was holding him in the palm of her hand.
“This is really nice. It’s different than the ones you usually wear,” Ariane said finally and stepping away from him.
His mouth twitched into a small smile, “You pay a lot of attention to my chains?”
“You’re the only guy on the roster who doesn’t ask for my advice on gear. I like to see what you’re wearing.”
“Well, this one was my dad’s in the 90’s. He wore it when he proposed to my mom,” Ty couldn’t figure out why he was volunteering this information. He kept most of his personal life to himself but she made him spill his guts with only a few words.
“And you’re wearing it to win your first title,” she must’ve noticed the look he gave her, “You tend to hear a lot when you’re doing an entire roster’s makeup and hair.”
“The chain is a good luck charm. It made my mom say yes, maybe it’ll keep me from fucking up any spots,” he joked.
“I’ve never seen you mess up a spot before,” Ari rolled her eyes adorably.
Tyler really wanted to grab her and kiss her. Actually, he wanted to do more than that, he wanted to take her back to his dressing room and flip up that impossibly tiny skirt and fuck her. He had to get himself back under control.
He took a deep breath and stood up. He was standing almost chest to chest with her. Ty had a few inches on her, even with her heels. He looked down at her parted lips and smiled.
“Next time you have any advice on my gear, you can come find me in my dressing room,” his words dripped with sexual innuendo that made her noticeably flustered.
He walked away from the makeup area and to gorilla. Ty stripped down into his gear and waited for the women’s match to end.
He felt way more confident than he had in his lockeroom. Tyler was calm, satiated even. He talked to Ari for the first time ever and even flirted with her. He could comfortably take her off of his mind for now.
He was ready to go out there and have the best match of his life.
Even though he felt on top of the world, he still felt anxiety pooled in his belly. Any person in their right mind would.
This is going to be his first title run and he wants it to be amazing.
“Hey,” Sammy grabbed his shoulder, “The Bucks wanted me to come talk about the match with you.”
His calm attitude didn’t last long when he heard Sammy’s voice. Sammy Guevera was not an easy person to be around. Almost everyone on the roster hated him, besides his equally annoying wife, Tay.
“Yeah. All we have to do is keep the same combinations until the last three minutes. They want a submission victory so I was thinking you try for a frog splash and I catch you midair. I’ll give you a couple of suplexes and then put you in the redrum.”
“Whatever,” sammy rolled his eyes like the asshole he is, “I’m still pissed they sprung this on me last minute.”
“Maybe it’s because you called one of the most experienced veterans in the back a jobber,” Ty spit back at him.
Just because they had a match did not mean they had to like each other.
“Let’s just get this over with,” Sammy grumbled while walking away.
As the semi-main event ended with Britt holding her championship with a confident smirk on her face. He felt like his chest was on fire the closer it got to his match.
Tyler stood up and took a deep breath. He had seven minutes until his entire life would be changed.
He knew he had to go out first and stood at the curtain.
The match went off without a hitch. Tyler was surprised considering Sammy kept giving him stiff punches and slapping him in the face.
Ty kept it professional, though and managed to finish the match without actually beating the shit out of him.
He walked to the back with the TNT titled draped over his shoulder as the backstage personnel and Tony Khan gave him a standing ovation.
His dad was the first person to hug him and tell him how proud he was. Tyler fought tears when they embraced.
He thanked everyone profusely and spoke to Tony privately about how grateful he was.
Ty was in the middle of picking up his sweats and hoodie when Dante came into view. He mentally groaned, he was going to get so much shit from him.
Dante wrapped gave Tyler a hug and when he pulled away he smiled, “Couldn’t do it could ya, champ?”
“Fuck off,” Tyler groaned, “It was the only way that match wasn’t gonna be shit. It was impossible to focus with her on my mind.”
“You sound like a fucking love sick puppy,” Dante laughed at him.
“Yeah yeah. What are we doing to celebrate?” Ty smirked at his friend.
“I’ve got some of the boys together and we can go grab drinks downtown. This is my first time in Nashville so I think Bowens is picking.”
“Sounds great. Let me go take a quick shower,” he replied walking away.
“Enjoy that private shower while it lasts!” Dante called from behind him.
Tyler just flipped him off and kept walking to his dressing room. He really was dreading giving it away for five weeks.
Just before he made it to his lockeroom he saw Ari leaning against the wall next to the his dressing room door texting on her phone.
“Hey,” he smiled at her.
She looked up at him, “Hey, champ. That was a great match. Congratulations.”
Her smiled was so genuine and happy it made his heart flutter a little bit, “Thanks. Hey, some of the guys are going out to celebrate. Wanna come with?”
Tyler watched as her green eyes lit up at the prospect of going out with him.
“I’d love to, but before I think you told me I should come into your lockeroom when I had any thoughts about your gear,” she gave him a sultry look through her false eyelashes.
His mouth quirked into a smile, “Yeah, and what is it you wanna say about my gear, doll?”
“I think it would look much better off,” she had an innocent look in her eyes despite the words she was saying.
This turned him onto no end. He didn’t even bother to say anything else, he just opened the door and pulled her inside.
He quickly locked the door and pressed her against it. Their lips touched and it felt like his skin was buzzing against her own.
He kissed a trail down her neck. He sucked and nipped at the delicate skin until there was a distinct hickey.
“Such a fucking tease all the time, hm? All those tiny little outfits” He said against her neck.
Tyler could hear her shaky breathing and the occasional whimper.
He smiled against her skin and finally pulled away, “If you want to stop, just say so.”
With that he tugged her over to the couch and pulled her onto his lap.
Their mouths were on one another’s in an instant. Their lips moved in a feverish manner, as if they couldn’t get enough of each other.
Ari was the first to pull away, “Let me properly congratulate you on your win, champ.”
She slinked down to her knees in front of him and put her hands on his bare thighs.
Tyler’s hand ran through her hair and Ari spoke again, “It’s a wonder it’s taken you this long to say something.”
He looked down at her in confusion as she started to palm him through his shorts, “I’ve seen you stand at my makeup station for months and stare at my ass. That’s why I’m dressed like this tonight.”
She kissed his thigh and whispered, “Just for you.”
Tyler finally said something, “Dressing like a whore at work just to impress me? I’m honored, baby.”
Ari rested her head against his thigh and stared at his hard on still confined in his pants.
Ty wrapped a hand in her and forced her to sit up properly, “Are you gonna let the champ fuck your face doll?”
She nodded eagerly, “Please fuck my face Tyler.”
He didn’t have to hear anymore, he pulled his cock out, “Stick your tongue out.”
Ariane shivered at his dominant voice and did what she was told.
He used his hand that was wrapped in her hair to guide her down his cock. Ty slowly sunk his cock in her mouth and groaned out when she made it to the base.
She began gagging a little bit and he let her pull off, “You’re so big,” she whimpered.
Ty thought she looked so cute like this, almost frustrated she couldn’t take him all the way down her throat, “You’ll make it work, baby.”
She wrapped her lips around his tip and looked up at him to signal that she was ready for him to continue
He started bobbing her head up and down his cock. His groans made her even wetter than she was.
Ty kept cursing in his deep voice and watched as he fingers snaked in between her legs and underneath her skirt.
“Cant even handle sucking cock without something inside you? Fucking hell,” he chastised her while moving her head faster.
He threw his head back when she started swirling her tongue around his length.
“Fuck,” Ty said aloud, “I’m gonna cum down that pretty throat.”
She nodded her head around him to assure him it was okay. Somehow he forced her to choke his cock down even faster.
Ari sucked impossibly hard and his hips bucked up into her mouth right before he came. She felt his hot seed shoot down her throat in long spurts and whimpered around him.
When he was finished with her he took her off of him.
They both stopped for a moment, him breathless and her with spit around her mouth and tears in her eyes.
“Come here,” he said while putting his shorts back on properly.
Ari obediently sat in the couch next to him before he grabbed her waist and sat her on his lap.
His arms wrapped around her, “We don’t have to go out with them tonight. We can go back to my hotel room and talk or something. I don’t want you to think I wanted this as a one time thing.”
Her voice was hoarse when she first started talking, “Today is a big day for you. You deserve to go out and celebrate.”
“Did you drive here?” He asked, ignoring her last comment.
“No, I ubered, why?”
“I’ll drive you back to the hotel then. Or the bar, it whatever you want, baby,” he smiled at her warmly.
She whined, “I can’t let you not celebrate you’re first title win. I’ll come with you to the bar and we can talk about all of this later.”
Tyler kissed the crown of Ari’s, “You know this wasn’t a one time thing for me, right? I want to have something real for you.”
She lifted her gaze to his, “Then we’re on the same page.”
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adrunkskeletonsduck · 2 years
Tʜᴇ ᴀᴇsᴛʜᴇᴛɪᴄ ⵊ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ Sᴛᴀʀ Wᴀʀs ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ
You guys seemed to like the last one lmao | Sᴛᴀʀᴡᴀʀs Mᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
I have completely destroyed my Pinterest feed for these
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Anakin Skywalker - “swag” aesthetic, that was the closest thing I could find to his at least. “you only live once” kinda guy. Spends his time fuckin around with friends hes got a lot. He isn’t a fuckboy but he’s got every girl ogling him and he loves the attention LMAO. His social life always takes priority when it comes to him
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Ahsoka Tano - Idk what this is called, but I love it. She loves to go out in nature, her room would be filled with fake and real plants, and she loves the city at night. Unlike Anakin, she balance her school life and social life very well. Shes the coolest girl to be around, and your ride or die!
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Commander Cody - Gangsta aesthetic or at least he tries. Again like I said in the last post, he's a sneaker head. He hit a vape once or twice and didn't like it, he did get some cool photos out of it tho. Despite speculations he takes school seriously, just like all his brothers, he plans on going places after college.
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Captain Rex - I struggled with his so much, and I still don’t completely know </3, but I think he’d be an artist aesthetic with a little bit of jock mixed in. Like he’d be on the (American) football part minus the asshole-ness that’s usually comes with those guys. This man can drawww, I just know he can.
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Commander Wolffe - Your typical bad boy, but he does it better than anyone. 100% smokes, he doesn’t have a huge friend group like anakin but he’s still got enough. Likes more calm hangouts and definitely a stay in typa guy.
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Obi-wan Kenobi - A mix of light academia and soft boy aesthetics. Keeps to himself, doesn’t talk much unless he has to or he likes you. His Starbucks order is some type of expresso. Loves architecture for some reason and has definitely been to Rome.
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melodymunson · 1 day
AHS, Michael Langdon, Duncan Shepherd, Xavier Plympton, Jim Mason, and Andy Dolan masterlist
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My fics for Cody Fern and American Horror Story
Jim Mason x reader- drown in this love
Jim Mason x reader- nothing fucks with my baby
Jim Mason x reader x Duncan Shepherd x Michael Langdon x Andy Dolan- Adopting a pet
Xavier Plympton x reader x Montana Duke- wild side
Xavier, Montana, and reader attempt to have a drunk and high threesome at his apartment but when the reader fails to have a major orgasm and when the sex is less than expected, Montana steps in to finish off the job.
Michael Langdon x reader x Madison Montgomery- bad romance
Michael, Madison, and you are a couple at the outpost. All that is standing in their way is the coven of witches. When Michael catches you and Madison in the act he teaches you both a lesson you won't forget.
Duncan Shepherd x reader- birthday surprise
You decide to try and find yourself a good summer at Camp Redwood with your good friend Xavier despite the threat of Mr. Jingles. When you happen to stumble upon Brooke and Montana in the forbidden cabin, a wild night for you and Xavier ensues.
Xavier Plympton x reader x Montana Duke x Brooke Thompson
You decide to try and find yourself a good summer at Camp Redwood with your good friend Xavier despite the threat of Mr. Jingles. When you happen to stumble upon Brooke and Montana in the forbidden cabin, a wild night for you and Xavier ensues.
Duncan Shepherd x reader- forever and always
You meet Duncan at a charity fundraiser and after winning a date with you, he takes you out. Soon after you start dating him and go on many dates together, falling in love before you get your happy ever after with your one and only Prince Charming.
Jim Mason x OC multi-series Heart of Novocaine
Jim loves to party and has a drug problem but when he finds out that his best friend has a drinking problem, he decides to get help for both of them. He is in love with her. The problem? She already has a girlfriend and he has a girlfriend too. Are they a match made in heaven for each other or are they just another lesson in each other's lives?
Duncan Shepherd x OC multi-series Strangelove
Duncan and his girlfriend Rose have been together for going on two years. They care deeply about each other. She has a secret though that he doesn’t know. Their relationship will be put to the test and their boundaries will be pushed. Will they be able to stay together or will their relationship start to unravel?
Duncan Shepherd x OC multi-series Another life
(Inspired partly by Eli Roth's/Keanu Reeves movie Knock Knock).
Duncan and his girlfriend of almost 3 years have their relationship put to the test when she goes away on a trip and Duncan is left at home until he receives a visit that will change his life forever. Crossover with American Horror Story Apocalypse and the Outpost/Michael Langdon.
Michael Langdon x reader multi-series Waiting For a Girl Like You
Michael is a player and reader knew him when they were kids. You go your separate ways and later cross paths again in college. You can't help but feel an attraction towards him. He ends up becoming your Italian tutor and you both come to know each other again. The problem? Michael is a fuckboy. Will your and Michael's rekindled friendship turn into something more or will you stay friends/FWB?
Surviving the Apocalypse- Michael Langdon x OC witches series
Who will survive the apocalypse? Its the end of the world. Michael, Coco, Gallant, Mallory, Venable, Mead, 2 witches Harmony and Scarlet, among others are some of the lucky few to survive. Or are they? They will be tested and pushed to their limits. Michael must test those left alive in outpost 3 but will he be able to resist temptation?
Andy Dolan x reader (abandoned wip)
Andy and reader had a tumultous and often complicated relationship and neither wanted things to end. They dated for almost 4 years but never married and even had a kid together and it was a girl named Opal.
Duncan Shepherd x reader x Emily Nelson (Simple Favor crossover oneshot).
Reader is best friends with Emily and dating professor Duncan. One night they decide to take their relationship to the next level with Emily once reader reveals her true feelings for the other woman.
Michael Langdon x reader oneshot- If I was Your Vampire
Michael Langdon x wife reader x Mallory oneshot (WIP)
Michael and you are married and in the outpost 3 together. When Mallorys true intentions and identity are shown she gets exposed and Michael and you make her pay.
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rythmicjea · 5 months
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I promise you this story is NOT what you are expecting...
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melsimps · 1 year
I drew some art, tried to make one of Tobias' first big villains (outside of Cody/Scorpion and Silbara).
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The Quentin Beck of earth 311619 is a man plagued by grief and misery. He sold his soul to a powerful demon in order to gain magic powers, all so he could try and bring his wife back from death.
He has been alive since the 1820's and has travelled around a lot in order to try and find a spell or incantation that could bring her back.
His search has nearly driven him mad; the only thing keeping him going is Asmodeus, who wants her servant to keep up his end of the deal.
He also helps drive conflict between Tobias, Araven, and the Moon boys. Because he comes, pretending to be a hero, only to reveal his true colours when the boy (thinks he) is alone.
Idk, I may write something.
He's also a MASSIVE fuckboi.
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All-Time Total Drama Characters Ranking (My Personal Opinion!) // First Generation Cast to BRAND NEW 2023 Cast!
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OK, I know some of these are takes, so I will explain myself based on some of them by groups.
S Tier Choices: Alejandro is the greatest villain in Total Drama history, don't come at me. Him and Heather? Masterful. My favorite couple/pairing on Total Drama of all-time. LeShawna is probably the best, most likable character in Total Drama history. Gwen may be a surprise some some, but she's always been a personal favorite. Sanders and Kitty were my favorite part of Ridonculous Race. And yes, there's lots of the newest generation of the show, because the new season was actually phenomenal. Shawn is my lone TDPI pick, he's just a giant dork. Oh, and Harold deserved to win TDA.
A+ Tier Choices: Noah and Tyler were absolute standouts for me in Total Drama World Tour. I loved their character development. And I loved Noah (and Emma!) in RR! Julia is one of my favorite villains, and her 'bad side' reveal was so well done. Lots of people don't like Jo, but I thought she was great in Total Drama Revenge of the Island. Raj and Bowie have my heart in a chokehold.
A Tier Choices: Trent is still my beloved musician child from TDI and he deserved better in TDA. Sierra is either a 'love or hate' character, but she made me laugh multiple times. I like her! Cody was one of the best parts of TDWT. Sammy and Jasmine's friendship was one of my favorite things in the *interesting* TDPI season, and I just adore Scarlett. Also, Don was a great host, and Carrie, Ryan, Rock and Emma were great!
B Tier Choices: Owen had good moments in TDI. Then they just used him for fart jokes. I haven't seen enough of Axel to love her, but she has so much potential. Anne Maria was hilarious, but her elimination (aka, quitting) drops her. Jen/Tom were a great duo, and Mickey and Jay were fun to laugh at (sorry, not sorry)! Chef's best moment? The Basic Straining Episode and his fights with Izzy.
C Tier Choices: Dawn's voice annoys me, I'm sorry. Svetlana and Vito are the better of Mike's personalities. I love Sam and Dakota's storyline, but Sam on his own is meh. Scott was great in TDRI, but drops because of his lameness in All Stars. Stephanie is wild and chaos, and I love chaos.
D Tier: OK Courtney fans, don't come at me too hard. I personally just don't like Courtney. I loved her in TDI, but then All Stars and World Tour ruined her for me. Then, the creators killed my chances of liking her again in TDAs. Courtney is the type of person that, if she was real, I would want to fight constantly. She annoys me. There, I said it! Also, I know Scary Girl is going to be controversial, but she just isn't my type of character. Funny moments for sure though. Her scaring Damien was funny.
F Tier: Chester, Manitoba and ... ugh, Mal, were just God-awful. Justin had two seconds of being a villain and then *poof* he went back to being a crappy character. I loathe Blainley, but she isn't in the lowest category for one of the best TDWT lines: "Alejandro and Heather? Give it up and just make out already!"
Swiss Neutral: Don't know enough about these three, and don't really care!
The Worst: Enough said on all of them. Sugar is gross. Chase is a fuckboy. Taylor is a whiny, entitled little shit. Not shocking that lots of TDPI characters are on here. They. Stunk. And Ezekiel... the worst storyline in Total Drama history.
There you have it, folks! *Roast Me*
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what do you think of cody ko calling harry a ‘fucker’ and a ‘fuckboy’
I think Cody has absolutely no idea who Harry is beyond his public image that’s pushed in the press. And also that he’s always saying things for a joke or whatever and should not be taken that seriously. Oh and also, that he’s a bit of an ungrateful dick since he got invited to the My Policeman premiere in LA and attended with his wife. But that’s neither here nor there. Why would you pay attention to that. It’s obvious all he knows is what the press say, and that is that Harry sleeps with anyone who has a vagina and looks like a model, and that he’s homewrecker…. So what do you expect 😒
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butterflyrry · 1 year
what do you think of cody ko calling harry a ‘fucker’ and a ‘fuckboy’
I don’t know who he is and I’m not trying to go find him. But my guess is that he knows fuck all about Harry and is just running his mouth.
My advice:
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fallingsunflower · 1 year
but cody claims to say he knows people who know people that have said harry is a fuckboy and even tweeted it back in 2014
idk love. I really don’t give two shits about what Cody says 😭 it doesn’t change my opinion on Harry
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ferretrade · 2 months
Get to know me tag game!
Thank you @anxiousotters for tagging me! and it only took me forever to do it
Rules: answer + tag 9 people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with
Favourite Colour: pink (but secretly green)
Last Song: I genuinely don't know, something on the radio but the last thing I put on actively was the beaches' blame my ex
Currently Reading: the exvangelicals by sarah mccammon
Currently Watching: just finished the doc series, america's sweethearts: dallas cowboys cheerleaders (and wow man)
Currently Craving: I just ate a bunch of chocolate
Coffee or Tea: tea, I hate coffee
Any hobby you would like to try? only a million. I'd love to do more arts (painting, print making, sculpting, pottery), clothes making, quilting. why do things cost money tho??
Any discipline you'll follow during the Olympics? I will watch anything that is on, that said I AM paying a bit of attention to gymnastics bc simone biles, and I enjoy the field hockey and soccer matches
Any AU/Alternate Universe you've been plotting for? I'm working on cody & kids (5+1), what if cody was MC of different corps au. I've done some high level plotting for a soulmates au that I've very excited for because it's got some new twists. and then I'm mentally plotting out fuckboy cody who falls in love with obi-wan.
open tags bc i am Tired and i love you all
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