#Color Magic
glamourwxtch · 20 days
glamour magick you can practice every day ᥫ᭡
you can use glamour magick for everything, not just beauty and love and that's why it's my favorite kind of magick
daily showers:
washing your body, your face or your hair can be such a powerful practice. enchant your soap, body wash, face wash and shampoo and use them to remove all the negative energy, any bad thoughts, insecurities, bad memories, health problems and just anything you want to get rid of. i do that by holding the tool (e.g. a bar of soap) in both of my hands and i just focus on my intention for a while. something like "this soap will wash off any negative energy that clings to me" or "this shampoo will get rid of any negative thoughts i have"
face, body and hair care:
just like you can enchant your beauty products that wash your body to remove any bad energy, you can enchant any products you're going to leave on your body to bring positive things into your life. i use my conditioner to give me confidence, i use my magical toner for beauty, love and attraction, i use body lotion and moisturizer for protection and hair oils for abundance.
mirror magick:
something as simple as looking at yourself in the mirror, repeating positive affirmations, spells and visualizing yourself as the best version of yourself can absolutely change your life. i love how confident and beautiful it makes me feel.
enchanted jewelry and perfume:
just like any beauty and skincare products, you can enchant your jewelry or your perfume and wear it. love, good luck, protection, attraction, confidence, anything you need and want!
color magick:
color magick can be a part of glamour magick too! just pick the right color behind your intention and add it to your outfit or makeup or paint your nails with that color.
i already mentioned how washing and conditioning your hair but brushing it can also be a great ritual! brush it gently and repeat your spells and affirmations. your hair easily absorbs energy, it's like a sponge. so if you give it as much love and care and positivity as possible, there will be no space left for any negativity.
those are some of my favorite, very simple glamour rituals and they all have changed my life
take care my loves! ᥫ᭡
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eclectic-earth · 2 years
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Little ways to have a more Magikal Day 🌿🌞🪐
credit: @CraftingWitch on Instagram !
posted 06/19/2022
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aspens-apothecary · 8 months
Color Magic Cheat Sheet
Hey all!
Color magic is a good way to incorporate magic into your day to day life and add more power to spells. Here is a little cheat sheet for you!
Red: Passion, Love, Charisma, Strength, Lust, Courage, Will, Vitality, Energy, Anger, Motivation(good in glamor spells)
Orange: Creativity, Justice, Success, Ambition, Joy, Opportunity, Harvest, Attraction.
Yellow: Learning, Knowledge, Focus, Confidence, Memory, Happiness, Friendship
Green: Prosperity, Nature, Grounding, Money, Luck, Fertility, Growth, Self-Awareness, Success, Hope, Growth
Blue: Communication, Travel, Loyalty, Forgiveness, Tranquility, Healing, Truth, Childhood
Purple: Psychic Ability, Divination, Wisdom, Knowledge, Intuition, Meditation, Spiritual Power, Astral
Pink: Love, Self-Love, Femininity, Beauty, Compassion, Romance, Affection, Emotional Healing
White: Spirituality, Peace, Calm, Cleansing, Purity, Higher Self, Truth, Innocence
Brown: Home, Protection, Fauna, Family, Loyalty, Stability, Grounding, Pets, Concentration
Black: Banish Negativity, Protection, Loyalty, Binding, Energy, Absorption, Defense, Justice
Silver: Divination, Lunar Energy, Clairvoyance, Intuition, Feminine Energy, Dreams
Gold: Healing, Wellbeing, Wealth, Cosmic Energy, Attraction, Luck, Prosperity, Abundance
I hope this helps!
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bruxasdebolso · 27 days
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korva-the-raven · 1 year
I humbly present, my Color Museum.
All color items are found objects and found in the wild.
The Stars of the Show ⭐⭐⭐
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Items that are too big for glass vials or are still searching for their color group.
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How it started.
With a glass jar being filled with shines and found objects that came home in my pockets...
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And later blue items were sorted into their own jar...
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Then orange and green became a color group thanks to the fishing lure...
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Blues got split up to fit the glass vial aesthetic, but blues have the most objects in their color group.
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Found this bit of ribbon and into a glass vial it went. That's when the Color Museum was conceptualized.
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And these beauties were found, cleaned up and into a glass vial they went. I've shown these before, probably someone's lost candi.
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And these colorful little floofs. I actuall found the pink, blue and 2 orange togeather. And then later in the day found the purple one in a different place. So orange #2 will probably join a different color group in the future
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I have purple, red and pink color groups starting to form, we'll see how they shape themselves over time. For now, all the pieces in my Color Museum are just chillin on a shelf, but I'd like to find them a printer's drawer or something for display.
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whimsicallypink · 1 year
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thejournallo · 6 months
Explain the basic: The various practices
Let's dive into it right away!
Disclaimer: Everything I will talk about in this post is all information gathered from books and online research on affidable sites. Please be aware that when reading and learning about witchcraft, you have to have multiple sources of information to learn from. I will always be here teaching, but out there are people doing the same things! (have multiple sources to learn)
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In my last post about witchcraft, I talked in a general way about what witchcraft has in itself and what there is to study and know. Now we are going to talk about the many ways a witch can practice, discover, or try along the journey of becoming a witch;
Wicca: Wicca is a modern pagan witchcraft tradition founded by Gerald Gardner in the mid-20th century. It involves the worship of nature and a dual deity, the god and goddess. Wiccan practices often include the use of rituals, spells, and the observance of the Wheel of the Year.
Traditional Witchcraft: Traditional witchcraft is a term used to describe various pre-modern and folkloric practices that have been passed down through generations. These traditions often focus on practical magic, herbalism, and working with spirits and ancestors.
Kitchen Witchcraft: Kitchen witches focus on magical practices that revolve around everyday activities, such as cooking, cleaning, and gardening. They believe that magic can be found in simple, domestic tasks.
Hedge Witchcraft: Hedge witches often work with the spiritual world and practice divination, trance work, and shamanic journeying. They are known for their ability to "hedge ride" or travel between realms.
Eclectic Witchcraft: Eclectic witches draw from various traditions and practices, creating a personalized and unique path that suits their beliefs and needs. They may combine elements from different traditions and adapt them to their own practices.
Shamanic Witchcraft: This combines aspects of shamanism with witchcraft. Practitioners may work with spirits and totem animals and engage in journeying and spirit work.
Ceremonial Magic: Some witches incorporate elements of ceremonial magic into their practices, including the use of complex rituals and symbols and the summoning of spirits or deities.
Solitary Witchcraft: Many witches prefer to practice alone and are known as solitary witches. They create their rituals, spells, and magical practices without belonging to a specific coven or tradition.
Green Witchcraft: Green witches focus on herbalism, plant magic, and nature-based spirituality. They often work with the energies of the Earth and its natural elements.
Hereditary Witchcraft: Some individuals claim to have hereditary witchcraft in their family, passed down through generations. These practices can vary widely but often emphasize the importance of family traditions and rituals.
Chaos Magic: Chaos magicians embrace a more experimental and eclectic approach to magic. They often believe that belief itself is a powerful tool for creating change.
Modern Witchcraft: In recent years, witchcraft has experienced a resurgence in popularity, with a focus on self-empowerment, feminism, and personal transformation. This modern form of witchcraft often incorporates elements from various traditions.
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Obviously, as there are many types of practices, there are many types of magic:
Black Magic:Black magic, also known as "dark magic" or "left-hand path magic," is often associated with practices that are considered harmful, malevolent, or morally objectionable. It is believed to involve the use of supernatural forces or rituals to bring about negative outcomes, harm others, or achieve selfish or destructive goals. Examples of practices associated with black magic may include curses, hexes, necromancy, and invoking malevolent entities. These practices are often intended to cause suffering, illness, misfortune, or even death.
White magic: White magic, also referred to as "light magic" or "right-hand path magic," is typically associated with practices that are viewed as benevolent, healing, and morally acceptable. It involves using supernatural forces or rituals for positive and ethical purposes. White magic includes practices like healing spells, protection rituals, divination for guidance, and benevolent energy work. It aims to promote well-being, positivity, and the greater good.
Blood magic: Blood magic is a form of magic that involves the use of blood, either the practitioner's own blood or the blood of animals or other individuals, as a powerful and symbolic component in rituals and spells. Blood is believed to have a strong connection to life force and vitality. In blood magic, it can be used for various purposes, including sealing oaths, making pacts with supernatural beings, enhancing the power of spells, and connecting with ancestors or deities. (NOT EVERY DEITY WILL ASK YOU FOR BLOOD. THIS IS A TYPE OF MAGIC TO LOOK UP BEFORE YOU START. Blood is a POWERFUL intrusion.
Candle Magick: This type of magick involves using candles of different colors and inscribing them with symbols or intentions. The flame and wax are used as tools to manifest one's desires.
Sigil Magick: Sigil magick involves creating a symbol, or sigil, that represents a specific intention or desire. The act of creating and focusing on the sigil is believed to help manifest the desired outcome.
Crystal Magick: Crystal magicians work with the energies of crystals and gemstones to promote healing, protection, and other intentions. Each crystal is believed to have unique properties and energies.
Elemental Magick: This form of magick focuses on the elements (earth, air, fire, water, and sometimes spirit) and their corresponding energies. Practitioners invoke and work with these elements for various purposes.
Moon Magick: Moon magicians align their magickal practices with the phases of the moon. They believe that the different phases (new moon, full moon, etc.) have specific energies that can be harnessed for different purposes.
Divination: While not traditional magick in the sense of casting spells, divination practices like tarot, runes, astrology, and scrying are often used for seeking guidance and insight into future events or understanding the present.
Necromancy: This is the practice of communicating with the dead or working with the spirits of the deceased. It can involve mediumship, seances, and rituals aimed at contacting or influencing spirits.
As said before, you are in complete control of your journey to try and practice whatever type of magic, but be respectful of the ones that are religions or traditions like voodoo or hoodoo.
Hoodoo and Rootwork: These are African American folk magick traditions that blend African, Native American, and European influences. They often involve the use of herbs, candles, oils, and other materials for practical magic.
Voodoo and Vodou: These are Afro-Caribbean religions that incorporate magickal practices. They involve working with spirits, ancestor veneration, and ritual practices.
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I added a little more of what I should have added as a priority, but I think this is all for now. In case I find anything new, I will add to it and try to explain as well as I can.
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As always, have a wonderful day or night! I will love to know your thoughts, and I will be here in case you have any questions.
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citrinemystic · 1 year
Listen. Listen. Hexadecimal code sigil work. Well, maybe it's more like a cousin of sigils. But like, hex codes. They're made up of letters and numbers, right? So you can code a message into them, and then use it in witchcraft. It's a bit like typical color magic, but more intentional.
As an example, say I want a color for protection. First I'll reduce it to protec. P is the sixteenth letter, and so I further reduce it by adding 1 and 6 to get 7. I do the same for all of the letters through T. So P = 7, R = 9, O = 6, and T = 2. Since E and C can both be used in hex codes, I leave them as letters. The result is #7962ec, which is this color:
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Which is a nice enough color, but say I think it's not quite right for the protection spell I had in mind. So instead of using protec, I'll instead use Castle, and using a similar method to what I've described above, I get #ca123e, which looks like this:
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Now that's a nice bold color, and since it's a red, I can use it as a way to say KEEP OUT. Or something.
The beauty of it is that while there are a finite number of potential colors/shades, for my puny human brain it's effectively infinite, and there's a significantly large number of different combinations I can try to get just the right shade for my intention.
In my opinion this would be best applied to digital witchcraft, but using a platform like Canva I can still design wards, sigils, etc. online and then print them out for real-world use.
So yeah. Hex code magic.
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thewrathfulwitch · 6 months
Color Theory
Color theory at its mundane level can be used in the witchcraft level due to it's versatile nature. These are some of the more common colors we see:
Red: energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination, passion, desire and love
Yellow: joy, happiness, intellect and energy
Orange: determination, passion, intellect, and energy (a mix of red and yellow's associations)
Green: growth, harmony, freshness and fertility
Blue: trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth and heaven
Purple: power, nobility, luxury, and ambition
White: safety, purity, cleanliness, and faith
Black: power, elegance, formality, death, evil and mystery
Knowing this, I associate different types of witchcraft associations to these colors:
Red: Baneful magic, love magic,
Yellow: Healing magic and release (cord cutting, letting something go spell)
Orange: Healing through the rage and bringing joy back into your life
Green: Money magic, cleansing, paired with red it could bring fertility in love/lust
Blue: Deity/Ancestor/Spirit Guide work and your practice overall
White: Cleansing and purifying
Black: Death magic and banishment
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thewitchywitch · 1 month
Quick Witch Tip 5
Use friendship bracelets as an advanced form of knot magic. Each knot seals the intention into the bracelet and you can use colour magic in conjunction with this to really layer up your intentions
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crazycatsiren · 11 months
Hopping on the correspondences train here: in my native culture, it greatly depends on context, and how a specific color is used for what.
I will never wear a white flower in my hair when there hasn't been a death in the family, because we do that when we're in mourning.
That doesn't mean I can't wear a regular, generic summer dress that happens to be a white colored one.
A white veil is worn for mourning purposes, but a white headscarf isn't.
I have scented candles around my house that happen to be shades of white, which are lit for fun. But on an altar or in a sacred setting, the meaning of a white candle will not be the same.
It's something that those of us who grew up with these customs just know. And more often than not they stay with us.
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witchyvvirgo · 10 months
I’m trying to create a pattern for my son’s first pair of mittens (with a lil magic of course) but I’m stuck between two designs. If anyone would care to give their input?
The first design is a crow, the second design is a set of jackalopes with my son’s initials.
I can’t fully take credit for the designs, as the black work came from another pattern I had from awhile ago but I can’t find the original creator
I can’t wait until his little hands are bigger so I have more room to play with designs. Although I really want to enjoy making this first pair of mittens and I want them to be special.
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thewitchwithnoface · 7 months
Color Magick in a Nutshell
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We live in a world full of c o l o r
Why not use that color in your magickal practice? Color magick is an excellent form of magick, is beginner friendly, and is a great way to bring expression and magick into your daily life. Color can be used in the form of candles, art, clothes, makeup, and just about any other form you can think of. And the best thing is: all you need is color. Below you'll find a list of magickal correspondences of the colors. Whether you do your research here, or on google, you'll find 800 lists of the magickal correspondences of color. Some will have less, some will have more than what I have listed. Only use mine as a cheat sheet, not as strict, unchanging gospel. I am not negating anyone else's lists or the resources you use (always remember to cross-reference!)
White: purity, innocence, peace
Black: protection, banishing negativity, binding, defense
Blue: communication, travel, forgiveness, tranquility
Purple: psychic ability, divination, wisdom, intuition
Pink: love, self-love, beauty, compassion, emotional healing
Red: passion, love, strength, lust, anger
Orange: creativity, justice, success
Yellow: knowledge, focus, confidence, happiness, friendship
Green: prosperity, nature, grounding, money, luck, fertility
Brown: home, protection, stability, fauna, grounding
Silver: divination, lunar energy, clairvoyance, intuition
Gold: wealth, solar energy, abundance
How do I incorporate color magick into my magickal practice? Anything that is colored can be used. Use colored candles in spells to fit your intentions (also remember that white can be substituted for any color). Dressing in particular colors (including makeup and hair colors). You'll find that even stones and gems have similar properties to their colors (i.e. green adventurine for financial abundance, rose quartz for self love, black obsidian for protection, amethyst for divination/intuition). Use colors in any way you wish and welcome a little color into your magickal practice! If you wish to read more articles like this, find resources, or find other witchy friends, feel free to join our discord -> https://discord.gg/rbV7dmPFGf
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littlewitchygreen · 4 months
Color Magic: Yellow
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Below I have included a list of correspondences, the history of the color, the biology and psychology of the color, and the magical uses it has. Enjoy!
Associations: Communication, intelligence, creativity, energy, joy, learning, memory, comfort, hope, confidence, spirits.
Element: Air and Fire
Planet: The Sun, Mercury, Saturn
Direction: East
Season: Summer
Day: Sunday
In Tarot: The Wands and Swords
The Sun, Mercury, and Saturn are all associated with yellow because of the colors of the celestial bodies. The elements ruled by yellow also have ties to the Sun and Mercury, as they are ruled by fire and air respectively, but also because both of those elements contain the color yellow in various ways. Yellow is associated with the East due to the Sun rising in the East. Summer is associated with yellow due to the Sun and heat. Sunday is associated with solar deities and the Sun again, which associates it with yellow. In tarot, yellow is associated with the suit of Wands as the suit of fire, and the suit of Swords as the suit of air.
Yellow was one of the first colors humans were able to use as a pigment. There is evidence of the color being used in cave art from 45,000 BCE, and that they were used as body paint. The earliest pigment derived from ochre in clay soil, and have since also been used in dyes and paints for a variety of purposes.
In Europe, yellow was considered the color of the sun and gold, and in Egypt they would often paint the gods yellow to resemble gold, as a sign of their divinity as the ‘flesh of the sun’. In Rome, it was also used to depict people’s skin - especially in Pompeii. In Buddhism, yellow is representative of humility and is frequently used in temples. A lot of art in Christianity uses shades of yellow to show outsiders, like Judas, as separate from the others depicted, and other shades to show warmth and joy in others. In ancient China, yellow was only allowed to be worn by the emperor, and was often considered a sign of happiness, power, luck, and wisdom. In India the color is often associated with happiness. While there are many meanings across Native American cultures, a few more common ones have been the sun, the earth, power, and wisdom. In many African nations, yellow is associated with wealth and royalty due to its resemblance to gold, as well as spirituality.
In the fourteenth century, yellow also became the color of envy, lying, treason, and untrustworthiness. This is also why there are phrases like ‘yellow-bellied’ for cowardice, and ‘yellow journalism’ for sensationalist journalism. This had its origin in the medicine of the time in the west - the medicine involving the humors, where yellow bile was associated with an unstable temperament. It has also been used as a color to draw attention, historically - for both good and bad purposes in sociopolitical movements, for safety, for business, and more.
Psychology and Biology
Psychologically, yellow often is considered a happy color due to its brightness and associations with the sun and summer, and often is considered an enthusiastic color. Various shades are also more attention-getting, so they are also associated with caution and anxiety as well, or more alertness to them in general if the source is not a potential threat. It has been shown to improve mood, increase social activity, and boost cognition and creativity for a period of time. In some cases, yellow can also increase feelings of dishonesty, mental agitation, and somewhat suppress empathy in favor of logic.
Biologically, yellow has shown some signs of increasing the body’s metabolism. As it can be an intense color, it also has been known to cause eye fatigue. In addition to the psychological agitation, yellow can also physically agitate people as well, increasing frustration in some people. A few studies suggest that people may lose their tempers faster in yellow rooms, and that babies may cry more in yellow rooms as well.
Magical Uses
Color magic for yellow can be used for mental pursuits, creativity, or communication workings. It can also be used for luck and prosperity spells as well, due to its associations with gold. Yellow can also be used for workings involving power or wisdom, or in workings involving anxieties and truth. As with other colors, there is no strict limit as to what can be done with it.
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thewitcheslibrary · 14 days
Colour magic
Colour magic is a component of many magical traditions since colours have specific connections. However, keep in mind that certain traditions may establish their own correspondences that differ from those listed.
When it comes to employing these correspondences, be imaginative and think outside of your usual comfort zone. You may have a variety of candles, coloured paper, altar cloths and fabric, ribbons, or even ink on hand to employ in different magical workings.
Spells and incantations should be written in the proper colour or on comparable coloured paper. You may use stones, plants, or flowers in whichever colour you like. If you meditate or perform chaka energy work, you can visualise yourself surrounded by light of the colour you require for your magical works. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination.
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Red is associated with boldness and health, as well as sexual love and passion. It can be useful in spellwork. Use red lipstick to kiss your partner, fill a red cloth pouch with herbs to improve your sex life, or light a red candle before a difficult task to give yourself a little additional bravery. If you participate in sports or other competitive activities, wearing anything red under your uniform might boost your confidence.
Red is also connected with war and strength, so if you're ready to engage in physical or mental combat, red may be a helpful colour to have; imagine yourself bathed in a great crimson glow before marching into battle. Red is also related with the root chakra. As a result, it is linked to our sense of stability as well as our interactions with the physical and material worlds.
Magic uses: Love, physical energy, health, willpower, Passion, courage, strength, intense emotions
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Pink represents friendship and pure, innocent love. Have a crush on someone but aren't quite ready to ignite the flames of passion yet? Use pink roses or other flowers to convey your message. Dress in pink to make new acquaintances. Burn a pink candle to invoke emotional and spiritual healing magic, or to foster a new relationship.
Magic uses: Romance, spiritual awakening, partnerships, children's magic, Affection, friendship, companionship, spiritual healing
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If you're working for attractiveness and encouragement, incorporate orange into your magical endeavours. Light an orange candle to attract fresh chances into your life; if you desire excitement and adventure, wear something orange that will catch people's attention. Orange is a colour of creativity and self-expression, therefore utilise it while performing magical rituals connected to concerns like writer's block, or if you're an artist who feels like your muse has been suppressed recently. Because orange is connected with the sacral chakra, it represents both sexuality and emotion, particularly our ability to form emotional relationships with others.
Magic uses: Adaptability to sudden changes, encouragement, power, Energy, attraction, vitality, stimulation
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Gold is related, as one might expect, with money prosperity, commercial ventures, and solar connections. Hang gold colours around your entryway to attract money, or burn a gold candle for workings that will help your business succeed. If you want to give your profession a magical boost, wear gold jewellery or keep a piece in your pocket. Gold is also beneficial in situations concerning the law, courtrooms, and the justice system; if you are waiting for a judgement in a civil action or a criminal case, tuck a piece of gold paper inside your shoe before entering the courthouse.
Magic uses: Success, health, ambition, finances, good fortune, divination, Inner strength, self-realization, understanding, intuition
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Yellow is an excellent colour for persuasion and protection. It's a bright, cheery colour that promotes happiness - and when people are happy, they're far more inclined to see things your way! Yellow is associated with self-empowerment due to its affinity for the solar plexus chakra. A person with a strong solar plexus chakra has a good mix of self-confidence and self-control.
Magic uses: Communication, confidence, divination, study, Intellect, inspiration, imagination, knowledge
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As you might expect, green is associated with financial wealth and money, but it is also firmly linked to fertility magic. Green also corresponds to the heart chakra. It is our emotional centre, which allows us to love others and receive love in return. Forgiveness, romantic love, compassion, empathy, and platonic love are all centred in the heart chakra, thus use green for spellwork including these topics.
Magic uses: Prosperity, employment, fertility, health, good luck, Abundance, growth, wealth, renewal, balance
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Light blue-
Light blue is connected with magic, including healing, patience, and understanding. To promote wellbeing and good health, sew a sachet or pillow packed with therapeutic herbs or crochet a baby blanket out of blue flannel cloth. If you have a sick buddy, write their name on a blue candle before burning it. Another wonderful suggestion is to give them a pack of blue socks.
Blue is also the colour of the throat chakra, which serves as our communication centre. It's what allows us to be honest and open with the people in our life. Our capacity to trust and be trustworthy, to speak truly and fairly, all stem from the throat chakra, therefore utilise light blue if you need to get to the bottom of a problem or establish channels of communication.
Magic uses: Well being and good health, communication r better communication spells. Healing, psychic ability, harmony in the home, understanding, Peace, truth, wisdom, protection, patience.
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Dark blue-
If your magical practice involves despair and emotional weakness, dark blue is the colour to utilise. Dark blue, or indigo, is associated with the brow chakra, where many people think our Third Eye is placed. Our ability to self-realize, to develop our psychic powers and empathic skills, is linked to the brow chakra, as is our ability - and desire - to recognise, admit, and then let go of emotional baggage, thus employ dark blue in workings of this type.
Magic uses: Healing, psychic ability, harmony in the home, understanding, Peace, truth, wisdom, protection, patience
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Purple is the colour of royalty, and it represents ambition and strength. Wear a purple tie or scarf as an accessory if you know you'll be at a business meeting where there may be disagreement. Purple or violet is related with the head chakra in several metaphysical systems. This is the part of ourselves that is concerned with our connection to the Divine, the Universe itself, and our capacity to understand our role in the big scheme of things. If you're doing magic to strengthen your connection to the deities of your tradition or path, utilise purple.
Magic uses: Spirituality, wisdom, devotion, peace, idealism, Divination, enhancing nurturing qualities, balancing sensitivity
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The spiritual connotation of the hue indigo is commitment and sincerity. Indigo is an extremely dark blue with hints of violet. In the ancient world, lapis lazuli was one of the earliest stones mined and used in jewellery. It was a positive hue that was thought to shield the deceased from evil in the afterlife.
Magic uses: Emotion, fluidity, insight, expressiveness, Meditation, clarity of purpose, spiritual healing, self-mastery
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Brown can be used in projects involving the environment or animals. If you need to reconnect with the natural world, light a brown candle or carry some brown dirt in your pocket. A sigil, which is also connected with home life and stability, can be created on your door or threshold with a brown marker or paint. Inscribe spells or charms on brown paper; sandwich-sized lunch bags are ideal for this!
Magic uses: Endurance, solidity, grounding, strength, Balance, concentration, material gain, home, companion animals
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Use black in magical workings involving negativity and exile. If someone bothers you, jot down their name on a sheet of paper. Burn the paper around the edges with a black candle, telling them that you are burning away any hostility, desire, jealousy, or other sentiments they may have towards you. Burn as much of the paper as you can, leaving only their name, and then bury it. Another alternative is to put their name on a black balloon, load it with helium, and then carry it far away before releasing it into the sky.
Magic uses: Dignity, force, stability, protection, Banishing and releasing negative energies, transformation, enlightenment
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White represents purity, honesty, and our connection to the divine and higher selves. It should be noted that in candle magic, many Pagan traditions allow for the use of a white candle instead of any other colour. Use white for workings that involve harmony and peace, the consecration of magical equipment, blessings, and purification.
Magic uses: Peace, innocence, illumination, purity, Cleansing, clarity, establishing order, spiritual growth, understanding
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Silver symbolises reflection and truth, intuition, and lunar connections. If you need to undertake any full moon scrying or any other type of activity involving psychic development, dreaming, or astral travel, use a silver candle. Because of its lunar ties, silver is associated with women's secrets, the tides, and pregnancy.
Magic uses: Wisdom, psychic ability, intelligence, memory,Spiritual development, psychic development, meditation, warding off negativity
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Grey is often connected with stability, calmness, and composure. Grey stones signify something long-lasting and sturdy. It is also a colour linked with knowledge gained through ageing. Because of this, some people link grey with ancestral representation. Grey can also be connected with loss or depression, and it can affect the mind and body by eliciting disturbing feelings. Because grey is a combination of black and white, its meaning varies - deeper hues closer to black can be more enigmatic, while lighter shades closer to white can be more enlightening.
Darker colours, such as charcoal grey, invoke the power of black but lack the negativity associated with black, whereas light greys share some of the traits of white. Grey is considered a colour for both men and women. Light greys are regarded feminine, whilst dark greys are considered manly.
Magic uses: Stability, contemplation, neutrality, reserve, Complex decisions, binding negative influences, reaching compromise
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nixieofthenorth · 5 months
Yule/Litha Masterpost
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Northern Hemisphere
The History of Yule
Yule Facts
Yule Correspondences
Yule Crystals
Yule Colors
Yule Plants
Yule Incense & Oils
Yule Animals
Yule Foods
Yule Ritual & Magick
Yule Deities
Yule Altar
Yule Activities
Last Minute Yule Ideas
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Southern Hemisphere
Litha History
Litha Facts
Litha Correspondences
Litha Crystals
Litha Incense & Oils
Litha Colors
Litha Plants
Litha Animals
Litha Foods
Litha Deities
Litha Altar Ideas
Litha Ritual & Magick
Litha Activities
Last Minute Litha Ideas
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