maltascapes · 5 months
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Knights Era Coastal Artillery - St Mary's Battery - Comino
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lutnistas · 9 months
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one-day trekking around Comino Island ( Malta ) 
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fieriframes · 6 months
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[Crushed red pepper. Comino. Muy bien.]
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iamflowerta · 7 months
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Comino, Malta, 2019.
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2x-sarah-x6 · 9 months
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exploring-malta · 10 months
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We spent the day in Comino on my mums cousins boat with her husband Eric, her son Matthew and their dog Mandy.
My mums cousin Pauline brought out a spread of stuffed olives, dips, galetti (Maltese crackers), luncheon meat , ġbejniet (Maltese sheep’s cheese) and cubed tasty cheese.
Then for lunch she prepared meat pie and a tuna and spinach pie.
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limitlessmalta · 1 year
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Hey everyone, I'm going to give you a quick mid-week catchup about what we've done and what's more to come this week.
The week started off with me (and most of the other guys) being very tired and exhausted because of the exploring we have done in the weekend. Work wise I went on with the same task I had last week because I wasn't finished yet and there's no deadline. When I was finished with the task I needed to make a PowerPoint about it and present it. What I didn't know is that I needed to present it for 15 people. I was a bit shook at first but managed to do my best and it resulted in very good feedback from my mentor but also the people who I presented it to. I was very happy and didn't know that the things I did were so useful to them but apparently they are. We also can't forget the absolute embarrassing performance Real Madrid put up against the greatest team in Europe, Manchester City. Lovely to watch on a wednesday night!
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For the coming days we are obviously going to work but also explore the island(s) a bit more because we can't miss out on the beautiful experiences this internship (and Malta) has to bring. We are planning to go out again because we found it very amusing and had a great time. Obviously we will be behaving ourselves and will be causing no trouble whatsoever. We are also going to Comino if the weather is suitable to swim because it has been a bit rainy and dull since we've been here.
Comino is a small and picturesque island located between Malta and Gozo. Known for its stunning beauty, it offers crystal-clear turquoise waters, pristine beaches, and the famous Blue Lagoon which hopefully we'll be swimming in and you guys will be the first to know! With limited development, it provides a peaceful escape, ideal for swimming, snorkeling, and enjoying the calm atmosphere.
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travelella · 11 months
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Blue Lagoon, Comino, Malta.
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pretty-places · 1 year
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Doing it for the gram.
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kurtarrigo · 2 years
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Out of this world. . . . #blueplanet #seascape #underwater #freediving @fabricebdupuis @aquatech_imagingsolutions #comino @lovinmalta #thebigblue https://www.instagram.com/p/CfuBxQYKL5-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maltascapes · 9 months
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The Lone Guardian - St Mary's Battery - Comino
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lutnistas · 9 months
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one-day trekking around Comino Island ( Malta ) 
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chefherrera · 1 year
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PUERCO, AJO, COMINO Y CHILE. Para esta #marteada le presento una preparación que viene de tiempos muy antiguos. De las antiguas recetas de estas tierras mías se cuenta una -que ya no existe- de carne de cordero con chile, ajo y comino. Platillo muy probablemente traído por aquellos antiguos pobladores sefaraditas, pues su mención aparece en la viejas crónicas. Pero las cosas cambiaron y el plato evolucionó. Aquel ganado ya casi no aparece en nuestra gastronomía y fue sustituido por el puerco y la res. El adobo de elabora moliendo en mortero ajo, comino tostado, chiles rojos secos, un poco de vinagre, un toque de miel de abeja y aceite de cacahuate tostado y con esto se untan las carnes, y así se dejan reposar antes de cocerlas en su propia manteca con cebolla. Hay variantes, todas ellas buenas y provechosas; algunos añaden cerveza, otros jugo de naranja y otros más, mezcal de la sierra. Mi versíón va como ya lo indiqué y al final decoro con cilantro y ajonjolí y sirvo con arroz blanco. Es un plato evocador cuyos perfumes nos trasladan a otra época y cuyos códigos gastronómicos hablan de nuestra tierra, su cultura, su gente. Este es un platillo que viene incluido en mi próximo libro; lo invito a que lo pruebe. Marque al 8119577070 y dígale a Chela que le separe mesa. Estamos ubicados sobre la calle de Manuel González 115, entre Vasconcelos y Garza Ayala, en el centro de San Pedro. Abrimos de lunes a sábado en horario corrido a partir de la una de la tarde. ¡Acá nos vemos! #cocinamexicana #cocinaregional #cocinanorestense #nuevoleón #monterrey #puerco #comino https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm9hVKVupIy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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todoespecias · 1 year
Y a ti, ¿te importa un comino el comino?
Y a ti, ¿te importa un comino el comino?
¿Cuántas veces has escuchado la expresión ‘me importa un comino’? ¿Quieres saber de dónde procede esta frase hecha tan popular? ¡Sigue leyendo! (more…)
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fieriframes · 7 months
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[Lemon juice, salt, comino, pepper, ground garlic.]
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xaviergalatis · 9 months
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