#Cooking with Love (Shaded with Love Volume 6)
bonefall · 1 year
Clanmew Masterpost
Clanmew is a constructed language made for Warrior Cats that I, @bonefall, run with my buddy @troutfur! I make the vocab and he does the grammar. I hope that this post will become a good, central place to keep links to everything we've done so far.
Clanmew is an OSV-order language, made with the sounds cats make in mind. "Base Clanmew" is built around the Clan Culture updates of the Better Bones AU, which means it is made with the ecology of southwestern Northern England in mind and only contains words for plants and animals found there. It also has phrases for cooking and crafting.
(specific regions modeled: Lancashire, Chester, Manchester, Merseyside, Clwydd is modeled for river biomes specifically)
You are free to use it for your own projects! We encourage you to consider how this language would evolve in your Clan's history, and add or remove words to make a dialect that reflects the culture's feelings and needs.
Everything you need to know for basic structure is in CLANMEW 101. Start here.
We have a constantly updating LEXICON of all the words we have made so far.
Have you made a dialect? Let me know and I can link you here so others can see what you're doing with it!
Below the cut:
In-universe information; How Clanmew evolved linguistically
"Expansion Pack" posts where I discuss etymology
Pronunciation stuff (until I make that IPA chart I keep promising)
Working translations; Names, parables, OC submissions
Dialect submissions (These are manned by other people!)
Historical Trivia
The linguistic evolution of Clanmew from Old Tribemew and Parkmew
Animals are named for the sounds they make.
How pronouns for objects change based on how the speaker feels about it.
More, using human examples
there is a secret post about cursing but you have to find that on your own ;)
Through Time Travel Shenanigans, Hollyleaf's name evolves into the word "Scourge"
The Clanmew Play-by-Play of that
The word for Everything
How hard is it for speakers of the other in-universe languages to pick up Clanmew?
On nicknames!
Squirrelpaw and Crowfoot discover corn
The names of the three ideologies... also thistles.
The Invalid Five
Expansion Packs
Directions, way-finding
Spirituality terms
Follow up: some plant parts
Patch (pattern) vs Patch (plants)
Den, camp, territory, construction
The two violets
Shapes of flowers
Generic terms
Rollypollies and centipedes
Rain... because this is England
The Clan Clock; time terms
The four seasons
Clerics and Common Herbs
Water movement
Parts of fur
Forest terms
Foxes, parts of a forest
Cuckoo bird
Shade and understorey
Waterside words
Pronunciation Stuff
Closest thing to an IPA chart I currently have
My process for coming up with words based on vibes
I was asked for more behind-the-scenes stuff so here you go?
How I hold my mouth when I speak
Trout Tips
How would Clan cats pronounce the Slavic TS, or the word pizza?
On the Double yy
Working translations
BB!Scourge's new warrior name, Iceheart, in Clanmew... and Nightheart!
Light, moon, wind, BB!Raggedstar's pre-honor title name
OC SUBMISSION: Flameshell, Fogwhisper, Willowsong
OC SUBMISSION: Lichennose, Mudthistle, Longpounce
"I love you"
Baby talk
"What have I done?"
"Fool Tale"
How to Clanmew-ify a strange word
Dishonor Title for "Mudpuddle"
OC SUBMISSION: Riverrunner, multiple-word names, walking words
OC SUBMISSION: Firefang, Rabbitdash, Peachfeather, plus a bunch of words for weasel-like animals
The use of tense in names
PROPHECY SUBMISSION: "Dust and flame will combine to destroy home"
OC SUBMISSION: The Caldwell Family
PROPHECY SUBMISSION: Six will come of every rank
OC SUBMISSION: Witherstrike
"I like this" and also parasitic worms
Prism, rainbow-color
OC SUBMISSION: Piebald Creature
Sneeze and Knockout
OC SUBMISSION: Penny-fitzgerald
OC SUBMISSION: Voidwhisper, Chalkwhistle
OC SUBMISSION: Poppyflare, Spikemane, Blizzardfang
OC SUBMISSION: Burning Hawk-fur
Dialect Submissions
Pfurr Clanmew (@troutfur)
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anotherfandom · 8 months
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So, I said I'd have another post with the full manga pages for reference as well as the source of the manga pages. I'm going to be using the overall chapter numbers and the individual volume numbers (not the 2-in-1 volume names) as well as the Viz localized chapter names for the references. And I'm gonna go in order of appearance in the intro.
Chapter 98, Volume 10, Typhoon Fun. Cute little note, the mouth squiggle was clearly made into a heart in the anime intro.
Chapter 15, Volume 2, The Yellow Ribbon of Happiness. Unlike many of the remade manga panels which altered some details, this one features the ribbons.
Chapter 25, Volume 3, Love and Suffering. The original manga panel featured Lum disguised as a regular human girl prior to her enrollment in the school, with her horns softened and squished to look like barrettes. This is also why her hair is shaded differently.
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Chapter 38, Volume 5, Everybody in the Rain. This one required me to make a guess. It does resemble Lum scratching Ataru in the Yellow Ribbon chapter mentioned above or Lum scratching Rei in chapter 6, but this is the only scratching while flying I found. I got some anonymous help with this one.
Chapter 26, Volume 3, How I've Waited for You. Beloved iconic scene recreated faithfully.
Chapter 12, Volume 2, Intention. Though it does somewhat resemble Lum's crying fit in chapter 2 and chapter 9, this scene is definitely from this chapter.
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Chapter 23, Volume 3, Zodiac Cycles. The middle part of the zodiac gyroscope device-thing lost its one-horned striped tiger-beast (Lum's zodiac sign).
Chapter 36, Volume 4, Tanabata Date. The fur on the chair ends up floating but we have all the details on the dried squid.
Chapter 83, Volume 9, A Century by Age Three. This was a red tint chapter originally, hence the manga page looking a little different.
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Chapter 354, Volume 33, Steal My Heart. Almost all the manga panel recreations come from early volumes or chapters, so it is kind of crazy that this one is from so late in the series. It is a wonderfully silly pose with the iconic Rumic gesture and yes, they replaced her uniform with the typical bikini.
Chapter 13, Volume 2, Puppet. The fan was made a bit more generic, despite UY often using the Japanese flag fan as a comedic prop.
Chapter 183, Volume 18, A Night Alone. This is the Lum cooking scene that I felt most matched the anime panel. The one in chapter 240 looked a bit different. Though they clearly drew a completely different gun than the one in either panel.
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Chapter 47, Volume 5, A Tragic Date. I completely overlooked this when I was digging because I misinterpreted what the anime panel was showing. I got some anonymous help and I am glad I did, because I was not gonna find it in the next 29 volumes. Anyway, this one has her beach swimsuit replaced with her usual outfit. Also, this is one of the few panels that is drawn very differently than the source seeing as Lum was drawn with very cutesy proportions in the original manga panel.
Chapter 111, Volume 11, There's a Cat on the Stairs!. I didn't expect this to be a panel recreation since Lum jumps out of it, but I saw it while digging and yeah, it is clearly the same goofy expression.
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cricketnationrise · 8 months
7:15am, ransom and bitty, haus kitchen, “honeybee” by anju
OMG new song obsession for real. its so sweet and lovely and like perfect sunday morning vibes - thank you for the introduction! i hope you like your ficlet!!! 💜🦗
want your own ficlet? followers can submit prompts using these guidelines through Jan 31 2024 (only 4 days left oh gosh!) all ficlets submitted by the deadline will get written!
7:15am, haus kitchen
No shade to Holster and an exquisitely co-planned kegster, but there’s nothing more perfect than early Tuesday mornings in the kitchen of the Haus. There’s no practice until the afternoon, the rest of the Haus either asleep or have already left to begin their day like the robot they claim not to be. It’s just Ransom, alone in the kitchen, watching the street wake up with the sun over his cup of coffee. It’s a nice moment of stillness before the eight AM class that kicks off his busiest day. Just him and the other poor fools with early classes.
Ransom does a double take when he sees Bitty of all people running back to the Haus, waving goodbye to Jack as he carries on for another loop of campus. He would have bet his share of Bitty’s pies for the rest of the year that Bitty would rather die than get up this side of eight on a day when he doesn’t have class until ten. 
Bitty practically dances through the front door and into the kitchen, the very picture of cloud nine, only catching sight of Ransom staring at him in shock when he twirls around toward the fridge for creamer.
“Oh! Mornin’, Rans. Didn’t know you’d be up this early!”
“I could say the same to you, Bits.”
Bitty’s cheeks go pink at that, his eyes flicking to the window. “Well, Jack offered to start checking practice again, after that last game, and the way practice has been going…” He trails off for a moment, lost in memories and Ransom doesn’t push, doesn’t want to remind Bitty even more of the hit from last season. Doesn’t want to think about how still Bitty was, just lying there on the ice, helmet thrown feet away from him.
“Anyhow,” Bitty says with determined cheer. “The only open slot was real early before the figure skaters so Jack—”
“He didn’t,” Ransom chimes in with mock horror.
“He did. Five o’clock in the morning. Well, actually quarter t’five so that we had time to walk over. Before the sun was even thinkin’ ‘bout peekin’ over the horizon.” He’s shaking his head ruefully but his eyes go soft, glancing outside once again, and Ransom feels a funny swoop in his chest. “It was real pretty in Faber though, seein’ all those pretty colors through the windows.”
Ransom can picture it in his mind’s eye, Bitty’s blonde hair etched in early morning rays like a halo, lit from all sides where the sun reflects off the ice like some sort of deity.
“I’ll bet,” Ransom manages to say before taking a hasty swig of his coffee.
“What are you doin’ up this early anyways?” Bitty asks, rummaging in the fridge.
“Got class at eight.”
“It ain’t even seven yet!”
That’s stretching it a bit, he can see the microwave clock blinking 6:59 over Bitty’s shoulder, but Ransom just shrugs. “I’ve got a packed day, five classes, plus practice after. So I started getting up earlier to have a moment to center myself before the madness.”
“Oh! D’you want me to leave? This can all wait.”
“No!” Ransom clears his throat before dropping his voice back to a reasonable volume. “I mean no, you’re fine to stay. I’d like you to, if you want.”
Bitty watches his face for a long moment before the furrow in his brow clears and he takes Ransom at his words with a wide smile. “Well then, sugar, you’ll have to taste test this french toast recipe I found the other day while studying for that food history class Jack and I are taking.”
“However will I survive?” Ransom deadpans, pleased when Bitty dissolves into giggles.
“I’m sure you’ll muddle through somehow,” he says solemnly, teasing Ransom right back.
Ransom sits back and watches Bitty flit around the kitchen cooking up a storm, lets his torrent words wash over him and fade to a pleasant buzz, and soaks up the honey-sweetness of Bitty’s presence, ignoring the clock for now. 
He’s got plenty of time.
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mavda · 2 years
Beast Tamers
Ch.1 |  Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4(1) | Ch.4(2) | Ch.5(1) | Ch.5(2) | Ch.5(3) | Ch.5(4) | Ch.6(1) | Ch.6(2) | Ch.6(3) | Ch.7(1) | Ch.7(2) | Ch.7(3) | Ch.7(4) | Ch.7(5) | Ch.8(1) | Ch.8(2) | Ch.8(3) | Ch.9(1) | Ch.9(2) | Ch.9(3) | Ch.9(4) | Ch.10(1) | Ch.10(2) | Ch.10(3) | Ch.10(4) | Ch.10(5) | Ch.10(6) | Ch.10(7) | Ch.11(1) | Ch.11(2) | Ch.11(3) | Ch.12(1) | Ch.12(2) | Ch.12(3) | Ch.12(4) | Ch.13(1) | Ch.13(2) | Ch.13(3) | Ch.13(4) | Ch.14(1) | Ch.14(2) | Ch.14(3) | Ch.14(4) | Ch.15(1) | Ch.15(2) | Ch.15(3) | Ch.16(1) |
Ch.16: Attack (2)
Shikamaru is deep in a book, only sees him when Naruto is standing over him. The place is nice, there is a quiet breeze running and the tree gives the perfect amount of shade from the sun. Shikamaru used to spend his days cloud gazing before, now he reads. 
“What are you reading?”
“The seventh volume of Great Lord Sarutobi’s ‘The tactics of warfare’, why?”
Naruto snorts. “I’m on the fourth still.”
“Sucks to be you.”
An understatement. “Where’s Sakura?”
“Probably reading or practicing with Lord Minato, why?”
Naruto stands silent and Shikamaru puts his book aside, takes a good look at his lord. “What’s the matter?”
“What answer did you give to that tactical question, you know, the one where you’re surrounded by enemies and only have a way to retreat that passes through a city. A bunch of people, like 20 thousand or something.”
“24,763 people.”
“Yeah, weirdly specific. What did you do?”
Shikamaru rests his arms on his knee, deciding this conversation needs him at least sitting in place. “Gave an overly complex answer that ended with me and my dad reviewing all previous volumes and giving new answers to all of them. Sucked, I can tell you that much.”
Naruto snorts, “What fucking answer did you give?”
“Just,” Shikamaru sighs, “took the latest study that talked about the percentages of professionals in each city, with that info had an approximate of what I had at my disposal in the place, made a plan with that in mind. You know, architects and engineers, cooks and nurses and doctors. I had a pretty well formed structure that could last till reinforcements arrived. What did you do?”
“Evacuated. Made a front with battle-abled people, made do with whatever amount of healthcare workers we had. Dad told me it was a good plan, but reinforcements would still be late and then what?” Naruto looks to the sky, uninterested. “Then I told him I would keep the enemy at bay till reinforcements arrived and he told me that that wasn’t wise and that the Nine-Tails is a trump card. I told him this situation seemed like one that needed a trump card and he told me that that wasn’t the case, cue me asking then when would a situation require the use of the Beast and he got real fucking quiet.”
“Naruto,” a whisper.
“So I may or may not have raised my voice a little and asked why the hell do I have this monster inside of me if it won’t do shit for our people.”
“Just you being a Beast Tamer is enough to help our people a great deal, my lord.”
Shikamaru’s obvious attempt at assuaging him is enough to make Naruto even madder. “My father loves me and that makes him resilient to use my power. Which I think is pretty fucking dumb.”
“My lord…”
“Your father is one of my father’s and grandma Mito’s most trusted counselors, and you will be mine when we come of age.” His eyes zero in on Shikamaru, annoyance seeping out of his body. “Will you also not use my power because you care for me?”
“I think I would try my hardest to keep that option out of the table, my lord.”
“But if it came down to it?”
Shikamaru keeps quiet. Because he doesn’t know the answer. 
No. Lies. He knows, he just doesn’t want to admit that his feelings are for once messing with his decision skills. “You are asking a very difficult question, my lord.”
Naruto snorts. “Shikamaru.” His friend averts his eyes. “Shikamaru,” Naruto repeats, his voice a little lower. More commanding. Shikamaru locks eyes with him. “I need you to promise me.”
“My lord…”
“I need you to promise me that when the time comes you will be able to use me as an asset without caring for my wellbeing but for the people we are responsible for.”
Shikamaru is silent.
“I find it frustrating, you know," Naruto snarls. "Would I like to change my situation? Sure. But I have long given up on even entertaining the idea of this life of mine changing. So I have been forced to come face to face with this, right? This Beast,” Naruto’s hand grabs at his stomach, “is as much a part of me as I will ever be. Does that make sense? I won’t ever exist without it, so it’s me. I am the Beast. And I’m paying the price for it.
“So when people tell me that they won’t use the Beast. That they won’t use me. Even when it is a viable course of action. Even when it’s the best course of action given the circumstances I just… I grow frustrated, you know.”
“It’s difficult to see you as an asset when you’re my friend.”
“We have responsibilities, Shikamaru. I have responsibilities. I am a weapon, a destructive one. One that could change the tide of battle in a second. And I need to know, when the time comes, that you will be able to use it properly.” Naruto blows a frustrated sigh. “So,” he repeats, “can you promise?”
Shikamaru is silent.
And Shikamaru thinks. He racks his brain searching for words that can simmer down Naruto’s mood. All of them cater to emotions and he knows Naruto will spit them out, not before munching on them and sneering in contempt. He is only left with logic and logic says-
Logic says what he doesn’t want to share.
Naruto sighs. A tortuous sound that seems to leave him completely deflated. “I need you to be the voice of reason- of logic. I need you to be able to leave emotions aside and do what’s best to us all. Pure strategy. Pure victory.”
And it’s Naruto’s whispered confessions that steels Shikamaru’s resolve. So be it. His role in Naruto’s life is to offer counsel, to manage Naruto’s responsibilities with the respect his lord gives them. And Naruto is nothing but a man bound by duty. 
“I understand,” he breathes. Quiet and short in hopes of maybe getting out of this predicament just by not being heard.
But Lord Naruto’s senses are heightened, and his whole body perks up at his words.
At his promise.
“You must remember, Shikamaru. You must.”
Shikamaru’s answer was not with words, but with actions. He threw himself even harder at his studies, bringing Sakura with him. No words were shared but her eyes lit up at his devotion in understanding. 
Shikamaru never asked if she had been subjected to a similar conversation with Lord Naruto, but he knew that even without one she would understand his motives. Her eyes were bright with the same fears he would catch in the mirror. 
Naruto would laugh at them and their solemnity and whenever they would share their worries Naruto would smile. That knowing smile they came to love and fear. 
“It will be okay,” he would say. Because at the end of it all, they both knew their lord’s life wasn’t a top priority for him. It was terrifying. 
“Keep me close to him,” Sakura would whisper, when they were away from prying eyes. A plea tinged with desperation. “I can heal him, just keep me close to him.” 
And she did. Time and time again. She was destruction incarnate, would keep her lord away from trouble because she would be able to fix it alone. Until she couldn’t.
Naruto brought Shikamaru to his face, their noses almost touching. Shikamaru’s feet dangling over the floor. He didn’t put up a fight. He also thought he deserved a punch in the gut. 
“Never again,” Naruto threatened. Sakura’s body behind closed doors, the beeping of machines the only sound Shikamaru was willing to hear. They meant she was still with them. “You hear me?” 
Naruto shook him, his voice a dangerous growl. And Shikamaru agreed.
“Never again.”
Danger ensued a delicate dance of moving pieces and resources and Shikamaru battled thousands of fights in his mind before ever making a move. The ridiculous amount of hours he had spent reading strategies and going over battle plans with his father was no longer ridiculous or agonizing. It had been just right. 
“No,” Sakura said once. “You can’t go there on your own.”
“Yes, I can,” Shikamaru corrected. He would. “It’s our best choice.”
“Change it then, we can’t put you at risk.”
A beat of silence no one dared to breach. 
“If you have a better plan-” Shikamaru started. Pure disdain in his voice.
“I have one, yes, send me.”
Their eyes locked and Shikamaru could see his own fear in her eyes. So they both thought the other was irreplaceable, huh.
“I could go,” a voice interrupted. And from there on Kiba joined their ranks. 
A team was born. And when Kiba dragged in Shino one day, Shikamaru’s brain brimmed with possibilities. But most importantly.
All of them shared the one knowledge he couldn’t give others but was imperative they all knew.
Lord Naruto’s life was top priority, even against his better judgment. 
They never shared their thoughts with their lord. 
“What’s the plan?” 
A simple question with so many answers Shikamaru remains silent. He can feel his lord’s energy, the waves of heat emanating from his body. To be useful. To bring peace to his people.
“We wait for Gaara’s team to arrive. They’ll have more intel, as of now our best position is right here.” 
Naruto nods then paces. He reads and rereads information Shikamaru is sure he has already memorized. He remains quiet. Lord Naruto has always found it extremely hard to keep away from trouble. His sense of responsibility in such a level Shikamaru has always dreaded it. He knows only one way to quench it. Feed him knowledge.
“It’s safe to assume this is it. Either this is the start of more concentrated attacks or this is their concentrated attack. I’m going for the former, it’s sloppy at best. They only have the Six-Tails so far and, I don’t want to give us false hope, but with just one of the Beasts on their side we can manage. Lord Gaara is coming as backup and Lady Yugito is to protect the lands near the Sand. Their attacks will bring them here. To our turf. We have the advantage in that regard. We have already sent evacuation notices to the villages nearby. Our people are aware of what's coming, we will receive structural damages but as long as it's our territory we can manage. We have sent scouts and we will know when they're coming. As long as Lord Minato and Lord Jiraiya get there we will be able to face the Six-Tails." Shikamaru brings a piece of paper in front of him, "One, two and Nine-Tails are on our side, three and Five-Tails have been sealed by other clans and kept secret and, frankly, they wouldn't interest Madara that much. Four-Tails is here and ready to explode if need be, but I wouldn't recommend it, we don't want to free more Beasts. Madara has the Six-Tails and the Seven-Tails was sealed by Lord Minato and Lord Jiraiya, so if Madara is doing this now it means that he somehow has gotten hold of the Eight-Tails…"
"Are you sure?"
  A beat. And Shikamaru is sure of it, "It doesn't make sense otherwise." He scribbles on a piece of parchment, opens the door and signals for a guard to send the message. "Hurry up."
  Shikamaru somehow feels time has slowed down. "My lord," Naruto's eyes are the bluest he has ever seen. "You are to stay here until further notice." Naruto nods, solemn and quiet. "When the time comes, if the time comes…"
"You will call for me."
There is a force compelling Shikamaru to leave now and leave the words unsaid. A deep need not to say what's next. His frown deepens and he remembers his promise. His duty. The role his lord has entrusted him. 
"Yes, my lord. When the time comes I will send for you."
Because it is no longer a matter of if and they both know it. 
Naruto lets out a shuddery breath, but he smiles. An encouraging smile Shikamaru despises.
"Okay, I'll stay here."
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oldsalempost-blog · 2 years
The Old Salem Post
Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays          Contact: [email protected]                                                    Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                                             Volume 7 Issue 5                                                                                                  Week of December 19,  2022                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR:  This will be the closing issue of Old Salem Post for the 2022 year. Our staff will enjoy the next two Mondays for the holidays and will be refreshed to see what 2023 has in store.  The older I get the faster it goes.  And, I have a lot I would like to accomplish in the New Year! Lord Willing!  I hope and pray you and your family have wonderful moments together. Cherish the time!   LRMartin                                                                                  
TOWN OF SALEM: We will close Dec 21, at 12noon until Dec 28, 8am.   *Downtown Market every Sat. 8am-12pm.  Place a memory ornament for your loved ones  on the Town tree all month long.  Next Town Council meeting Jan 17, 2023.                                              
.                                            ASHTON RECALLS        By Ashton Hester                COMMUNITY WELL SERVED RURAL SALEM RESIDENTS - (Last week I posted  a story written by Doris Rogers in 1977 regarding the death of Erby Bennett's mule, which he had owned for 40 years. Following is another story by Doris, in which Mr. Bennett was also involved. It was in the January 12, 1977 issue of the Keowee Courier. Due to its length, I am only posting half of the story this week and will post the second half next week). . .Days were lazy back then, especially summer days. . .Early in the morning on those summer days people of the Fall Creek community above Salem came to the community well to get their water for the day. Water to drink, water to cook with, for washing clothes, cars, for bathing and for watering the animals. . .And as they waited their turn at the windlass, the people dreamed and shared their hopes for the future. . .In 1935 this well was dug by the three Bennett boys, Vondiver, Erby and Oliver, and their friend Tommy Hancock. By hand, with picks, shovels, ropes and buckets, they worked their way down 55 feet to what was and still is the best-tasting water in the area. . .Over the years 15 families have been serviced by the community well--eight families at one time--which still has the original windlass. There in Bennettsville, Route 2, Salem, stands the provider and old friend, which now has a new cement-block box. . .Several times new residents wanted to put pumps into the well to prevent walking and carrying their buckets of water, but the two older Bennett men wouldn't allow it. Their reasoning was that unequal consumption would result in unfair advantages and would eventually leave the well dry. . .TO BE CONCLUDED NEXT WEEK      
ADVENT SEASON: The 4th Advent Candle was lit on Sunday: The candle of Peace for all mankind.   On Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, the white center candle of Christ will be lit to welcome the Christ Child, Emanuel, God with us.  
SHARING:  Recently, I stood on my porch and looked at some maple trees I planted, from one gallon cans.  They are huge now.  Mixed with them now are oaks, pines, cedars and dogwoods.  All of the trees have a foliage that is green, but different shades of green depending on the season. We must take time during our busy lives and enjoy the wonders of Nature, God created.  Let us be thankful during this time as we celebrate the arrival of Jesus Christ,            AMARTIN    
O HOLY NIGHT:   The beloved Christmas song “O Holy Night” was banned from churches in 1847 because the poem was written by an atheist and French poet, Placide Cappeau, and composed by a Jew, Adolphe Adam.  Imagine the feelings you would never have experienced if that song of unity and serenity of Christ’s birth had never been heard.  The story is told in the Franco-Prussian War of 1871, a French soldier started singing “O Holy Night” on Christmas Eve. In the middle of battle, the soldier stood up, unarmed from his trench and faced the Germans as he began singing the hymn. Germans in return sang a carol of their own language. The war ceased for 24 hours, and soldiers from both camps celebrated Christmas before returning to battle.  Since 1933 the cherished hymn has gained wide acceptance.                                    
JOTTINGS BY JEANNIE:  Wreaths Across America; Remember, HONOR, TEACH  After your family has enjoyed opening presents and savoring the holiday meal take a stroll through Salem United Methodist's cemetery. This year we are honoring our veterans by decorating their graves with Maine-grown Balsam Wreaths decorated with red velvet bows. Debbie Kimbrell, Patsy Earnhardt and I have been working on this project since August. As the wreaths are being placed on graves, I have the honor of reading the veterans names, ensuring that their legacy of duty, service, and sacrifice  is never forgotten. You Queens of Isaqueena! You Kings of Keowee! Wishing you JOY at Christmas and Always! MIZ JEANNIE                                                                                     
 EAGLES NEST ART CENTER , 501c3, 4 Eagle Lane, Salem                                                                                                                                                              Christmas Gift Idea:  Name a Seat in the Eagles Nest Auditorium is now open to the general public and community.  Single person, $200, Family or couples, $250.  Contact [email protected] or Darlene 864-710-8758.  Let ENAC hang a Memory Ornament for you on the Tree Downtown Salem for $10.    Or, give a donation to honor or in memory of a loved one.                                    STRING LESSONS?: $10 each group class. Contact  [email protected] or 864-280-1258.   Give a  Gift of Music!          ENAC REGULAR meeting Monday, January 2, 2023  at 5pm.                              UPCOMING PERFORMANCES IN 2023:                                                              MOUNTAIN FAITH BAND:  ENAC welcomes this family Bluegrass/Gospel band from Sylvia, N.C.  On JAN.14 at 7PM TICKETS $20   Available at the Town of Salem or call 864-280-1258.                                                        
 OCONEE MOUNTAIN OPRY JAN. 21 TICKETS $10.                                                                                                               
WOMEN ENCOURAGING WOMEN: FEB. 21 1PM-4PM  A Love Offering will be taken.  * This is a wonderful event for our local churches to help sponsor. *
ARE YOU IN NEED OF A COAT OR SOCKS?   Call Missy at  864-944-8732        Community Food Bank through local churches. No one should be hungry for food or love:  Contact Teresa and James Barker  at 944-0258                          
GOLDEN CORNER FOOD PANTRY:  Tamassee-Salem mobile food pantry.  Pick up at Salem First Baptist Church second Saturday each month.  10am-12pm .  Anyone on EBT ( food stamps) will automatically apply.  Call for more information  the Golden Corner Food Pantry 864-882-3610.                                        
Christmas Gift Ideas:  Give your burdens to God.  Then give  lots of Love, Hugs and Smiles so they can be returned anytime!    
                                                                                                                             Check on your neighbor!  Stay warm!         LRM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
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mango-mush · 2 years
i made a dbh/dst crossover fic!! It's called time twisted wires, pov alternating, and I'll update every Friday at 6:30pm mountain time!!
It's also on ao3!
Wx-78 woke up to the sun rudely stabbing him in the eye as per usual. He groaned and uselessly tried to ignore it by curling further into his fuzzy blanket; as usual, it didn't help much. He eventually accepted his fate and sat up to begin his daily quest to find his shoes.  
Because Wagstaff never thought to give Wx any shoes when he sent him here. When He first arrived last spring, every morning was pure torture. The dew wrecked mayhem on his feet, and not to mention the hidden puddles, or the mud pretending to be dirt. He had to constantly visit Winona for water damage and repairs. The shoes really helped. They were a gift from Warly. He’d have to somehow find a way to repay the favor. He finally found his shoes under his bedroll. How they move every night he'll never understand.  
He stepped out of his tent and the air felt cooler and nicer than yesterday. He more heard then saw the younger kids playing and he could smell Warly working on breakfast. He could see Walter playing with Woby. Whisper was leaning against Wes's leg whilst he and Wendy made flower crowns for Webber's family. He couldn't actually see Wormwood, but he was probably talking to his 'friends' In the garden.  
Wx-78 looked around the camp, trying to find something to do. The beefalo pen was already clean, the water and feed were full as well. None of the traps needed re springing, so either it was already done or Webber and Wurt both finally convinced their family not to step on them, which is unlikely. He'll have to try to wake up earlier tomorrow to help out more. He looked towards the kids.  
They seemed to be playing tag. Webber was 'it', and they were chasing Abigail. Wahh danced around where Wurt stood on the gross purple mud as she laughed at them. Wx kinda wanted to join them, but he knew his superior strength and speed would be unfair to the tiny fleshlings.  
Warly might need help with breakfast. He seemed to like having the kids help with meals. Wx made his way over to Warly. The closer he got, the better he could make out the scent of what Warly was making. He could smell baking batter and hot sugar. He got a bit closer to Warly and greeted him. "DETECTING… Warly!" Warly flinched a little at his volume   
Warly turned to face Wx. "Bonjour, my metal friend! Breakfast will be done in a short while-"   
 "DO YOU REQUIRE ANY ASSISTANCE?" Wx shifted his weight from foot to foot to ease his slight discomfort. No one likes getting interrupted, but Wx had to offer before he was sent away.   
"No thank you, mon ami, I've got it." Warly patted Wx on the head (how dare Wagstaff make him shorter than these fleshbags) and gave him a small smile. "Why don't you go find something to do?"   
"SIGH, OKAY." Warly chuckled at Wx's melodramatics and turned back to his cooking. Wx's eyes bounced from survivor to survivor   
Everyone is already doing something. They would probably be too intimidated by Wx-78's awesomeness to let him join, except wormwood! He was always practically begging everyone to talk with the plants, claiming that they were lonely. Wx started making his way towards the garden.  
It takes a short walk to get to the garden. Someone made a nice path to get there faster, no one knows who. The path has lanterns every now and again. Although you could probably make it back to camp before the Grue attacked, you would just have to sprint full tilt without tripping, in complete darkness, so better safe than sorry.   
Wormwood seems to have added more flowers, trees, and random crops to the path. It looks quite haphazard. If Wx tried, he could make it look much better… It smells quite nice though. And the shade is nice, the bees buzzing from flower to flower makes a lovely atmosphere.  
He finally got to the garden and made his way through it to find Wormwood. He was kneeling between four plots, seemingly talking to no one. "DETECTING… WORMWOOD!" Wormwood looked up at Wx-78   
"Hello robot friend! Was just talking to friends, want join?" Wx nodded and joined Wormwood, kneeling in the dirt.   
Wx pointed at a random plot. "ARE THEY POISONOUS?"   
"No, they carrot friend." Wx-78 knew that. He did. He just wanted to make small talk. "But! That one," Wormwood pointed at a circular one that looked like someone stretched out a green crown. "this is pepper friend! They very spicy!"   
"SPICY? IS THAT LIKE POISON?" Wormwood sat straighter and grinned at him, seemingly overjoyed to get someone interested in his plant friends.  
"Yes, yes! Very close, if hot and eat pepper friend then get very sick! So cool, yes?"  
Wx poked the small seedling "VERY COOL." The seedling bent under Wx's finger, but Wormwood didn't seem to mind.  
Warly called them all over for a breakfast of waffles, jam and honey. afterwards Warly pulled him aside "Hey mon ami, I need your help with something" Wx-78 stood taller at that. of course his help is needed, he is the best at everything!  
"AFFIRMATIVE, Warly. WHAT DO YOU NEED?" Warly slid his backpack off his shoulder for easier access. He obviously wanted Wx-78's superior strength for mining or chopping trees, or maybe he needed Wx's superior speed and cunning for a hunt!  
"You see Wx-78, I used the rest of our butter for breakfast, so I need you to go to the flower field to get more. I'll make you a butterfly muffin if you can get me some. Does that sound ok?" He called it! He's going to go on an epic hunt and demolish the butterfly population!! They will all be crushed beneath his superior metal foot!  
"AFFIRMATIVE, HOW MANY DO YOU NEED?" Wx couldn't help bouncing a little on his ankles. He was being useful, of course he's always useful! but now the survival of the entire camp was resting fully on his shoulders, as is his responsibility. As the supreme ruler, he needs to look after his minions.  
"Get as many as you can with these." Warly pulled out three debugging implements and handed them to Wx.
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hes-writer · 4 years
Exclusive Content
this is a master list of all one shots, blurbs, series parts, and unfinished content that i have posted on patreon (so far)! click the title to read the sneak peek (if i’ve posted one)
the one where harry has an eventful day
“Shit! Are you crazy?” Y/N gasped in surprise when the passengers seat was occupied, the door opening and slamming shut all while the car moved at a speed of 15 km/h —cursing her forgetfulness for not clicking the locks shut.
“Keep driving!” The passenger shouted, looking back through the windshield.
the one where y/n’s back hurts and harry draws a bath
“Took too long,” Y/N mumbled as they met in the middle, knuckling tiredly at her eyes. A pout sat on her face as Harry stopped himself from ducking his head and catching her plush lips with his, craving the sweet taste of her and her strawberry lip balm. Her arms wrapped around his snatched waist, halting his breath at the tightness of her embrace and settling for a kiss on her forehead, the scent of her shampoo wafting in his nostrils, knowing that she had taken a shower hours prior. Her back had been aching since then, the pain barely bearable for her stature, causing a crease in between his brows.
the one where harry receives a letter from y/n
Is it really worth it to look back in retrospect about ‘what had been’ when she can think about ‘what could have been’ if both of them realized their faults? Granted, he was more resilient in that sense than her, but he was no better at the time. She made mistakes and it had haunted her to this day, practically killing her with each moment she spent without him by her side.
+ UNWAVERING (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
the one where harry cheats (another version of ‘a cheat’)
"I-I'm in a bit of a rush, baby.” He took a step back, increasing the distance between them. "I have a meeting today. Lots of work to be done," Harry responded his tone suggesting that he didn’t want to talk anymore. Y/N nodded to please him.
"Right. Maybe we can go out tonight to grab some dinner," She suggested, a hopeful glint in her eyes and he almost felt guilty for putting her at the back burner of his mind.  
"I really have to go, baby," Peeking his head around her frame, he spotted the untouched toast and apple juice resting on where he should be. "I'm sorry."
the one where feelings aren’t mutual and hearts are broken
“I don’t want to be scared of what will happen tomorrow or if all we have is right now because we’ll have nothing left but I am,” A sob ripped through his throat, emotions were heightened tenfold because she was so close yet so far and they were still Harry and Y/N but at the same time they weren't. They’ve changed over the span of one night. “All we have is tonight,”
the one where harry and y/n are 7-year olds
Harry gasped in horror, crouching to his knees and getting his knee dirty beside the girl.
"Y/N? Y/N! Are you okay? I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen. I swear I wasn't mad at you, I was just jok- Why are you smiling?" Harry yelped, panic evident in his shrill voice. His hands wandered towards her face, tilting it left to right, up and down, searching for any visible and invisible injuries besides the bump on her forehead.
the one where y/n teaches harry the ‘renegade’ dance
“What are y’doing?” Harry asked, his eyes wide as his large palms ruffled the fluffy towel on his damp curls. The steam from the bathroom escaped to your bedroom where you were panting with effort, your chest heaving so hard that the peaks of your breasts rose with each breath. 
“Uh, what are you doing?” You retorted slowly, hiding your hands behind your back were your fingers gripped your phone. Your thumb dug hard on the volume bottom, frantically trying to decrease the music from the phone speaker. 
the one where harry does the ‘drop the towel’ challenge
“Hey, babe,” He greeted, walking closer to you in a towel that made him feel liberated. You hummed in a silent greeting, giving him a smile before doing a double-take at his appearance. He dropped the towel on the floor, his length hanging proudly between his legs. 
You gasped at the sight, the knife clanging on the marble counter, “Ooh, hi there,”
He smirked cockily, watching your eyes observe his body, tongue subconsciously peeking out between your lips until you snapped your head to the window, “Oh my god! There are people out there, Harry,” You wailed in alarm, bending over to hand him his towel.
DREAM WITH ME (exclusive content as of right now) - this fic will be posted on Tumblr when I return from my hiatus
the one where y/n has trouble falling asleep
Harry’s admiration gets interrupted when a sudden jolt took over Y/N’s body. He dropped his mouth open a little in shock, rubbing her back soothingly when she whimpered quietly, “Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe with me,” She must have had experienced one of those moments when she was falling until her vision drooped to a shaded black. 
the one where love fails
What happens when love fades away? How do you cope with the feelings disappearing slowly like a blot of dark blue paint diluting with every stroke of a ruffled paintbrush? Y/N wondered if there was a chance to fixing what has been lost--what has disappeared as the canvas soaked through in a permeated osmosis. Coating the brush of blue with white paint took several layers to completely cover the mistakes. There had to be an effort in wanting to make the faults and errors completely opaque from the eye; the bleary, watery irises soaked with tears, dampening her lashes in a thick haze as she cried.
ROUTINE (1) (the first part will be posted on Tumblr when I return from my hiatus. following parts will be patron-exclusive content)
the one where harry is a camboy
In a blink of an eye, Harry’s toned body was showcased on the screen, allowing him to view what his viewers had the pleasure of seeing. The ‘LIVE’ sign blinked repeatedly.
“Hello,” Harry drawled out purposefully using a deeper tone to set the mood. “How are you today?” His fingers stayed hung over the armchair, griping it slightly when comments started rolling in.
NOTES ON CAMP (1) (2) (3) (exclusive content as of right now) - this fic will be posted on Tumblr when I return from my hiatus
Y/N plastered a smile on her face as she shook Belle’s hand. “Sorry but I need to steal Harry away,” Belle tugged on his tattooed arm, fingers clasping around his wrists as he started walking along with her. “See you, Y/N!” Harry greeted, turning around with his arm draped over Belle’s shoulder.
“See you,” She whispered under her breath, looking at his retreating figure towards the cafeteria. Y/N couldn’t help the disappointment she felt, her shoulders slouching at the realization that it was too good to be true. Of course, he had a girlfriend.  A gentleman with chiselled features and a caring personality complimenting her? No way. Still, she wasn’t too sad about it. It wasn’t like they’ve known each other for long. Plus, they were co-workers! It would feel wrong to start a relationship anyway.
the one where y/n is stressed and harry wants her to take a break
“What d’ya mean I don’t get it?” He closed the paperback, making sure to clip in his bookmark to save his spot.
A pregnant pause slithered the room. Her fingers typing against the keys of her laptop ceased as she shot him a glare, “You’re not studying, are you? All you do is write songs, fiddle with a few instruments and sing it in front of people who adore you,”
Harry physically pulled his chest back. He felt like he had been shot. He knew she didn’t mean it though, but it still hurt to hear, “O-oh. I didn't know y-you felt that way,”
She continued, “You don’t know what it’s like having to spend hours researching so you don’t get anything wrong. Sleepless nights to perfect one paragraph that my professor nitpicks to the bone,” Y/N penned a few words on her notebook, not noticing the pout plastered on Harry’s face.
the one where harry wants something else
She pulled away, shaking her head adamantly, “No way! I spent all day cooking and you’re not gonna skip it just to eat my pussy,”
He the corners of his eyes squinted in offence at her description, “Your pussy’s top tier, baby.” Harry ‘tsked’ his tongue, “If yeh didn’t know that already, then I’m doing a horrid job,”
the one bff!harry just wants y/n to call him by his pet name
“Am I, Harry? Seems like you’re putting me at the back burner nowadays,”
He was speechless; had he? Harry didn’t mean to make her feel this way but he wasn’t aware that he was actively blowing her off for Ruby. And why won’t she call him ‘honey’? That was his nickname, wasn’t it? H stood for Harry but it was also the pet name Y/N had given him.
His voice emulated a soft, syrupy tone that lingered in the air whenever he spoke. He was the colour honey itself--golden and yellow like the colour of the sun. Harry was bright in its sense of intelligence and the way he illuminated the whichever room he entered. His kindness catered to everyone’s needs and left pieces of his heart wherever he went.
Harry was honey.
ROOMMATES SERIES (3) (4) (5) (6)
the one where harry and y/n are roommates
updates every 2 weeks!
will not be posted on Tumblr until the series is finished
Y/N gasped at Harry’s proximity, lids snapping open with her hand reaching over to pat along until she found her phone which was blaring with an alarm that she had set. Harry gulped, eyes wide as his mind ran through what the hell just happened.
“What are you doing here? Get out!” She yelled, tugging the sheets higher on her body. 
“I-I was just waking you up so you can make us dinner,” Harry stuttered out, his excuse sounding lame but he patted himself on the shoulder for making it up on the spot. Well, that was his intention in the first place until he got distracted.
“Is this okay?” Her doe irises searched his. Harry raised his head lazily to make eye contact, nodding his head with a bit lip. Y/N clenched her inner thighs together at his already blissed-out state, his pupils slowly becoming larger with arousal. “Friends don’t touch each other this way,” She purposefully drew out her statement, giving Harry an out of the situation if he needed to.
“More than okay,”
the one before ‘under the table’
“Fuckin’ dirty,” He spat, the pads of his thumb tracing circles on her hipbones, not feeling a trace of clothing resting on her hips. “Wearin’ a short dress with no panties,”
Y/N hummed, arms slanting behind her to support her upper body so that she could spread her legs further, making room for Harry’s hand. “Didn’t feel like it,”
“Y’just waiting for me to find out, hmm? You knew I couldn’t resist myself when you look so goddamn pretty,”
the one with fratboy!harry
“Y’alright?” Harry’s husky breath barely made its way to her ears, only then did Y/N feel the hand palming her lower back, another one gripped around her shoulders. Her front flushed against his own, feeling his hard chest on her heaving ones. She peeked one eye open, looking around at her angled stance, then to Harry who wore a concerned look scanning her face. Y/N nodded in response, blinking rapidly, her nipples hardening at a sudden cold breeze beneath the thin fabric of her dress, surely poking him through his shirt. She blushed at the thought and his brief glance over her where they touched, his eyes dilating the tiniest amount.
the one where harry’s a cheating asshole
Harry wormed his way through his delectable voice and his ever-present words that somehow scorched your shield to the ground. Again. He promised never to do it again and your love-sick heart trusted him. Again. 
But your trust wasn’t something that was particularly valuable to him. To Harry, it would always be there, lingering like the stars in the night sky; always present, always gleaming. Harry was very sorry for what he was doing to you. It was ironic, really; he hoped and prayed every day that you wouldn’t find out but his carelessness left everything out in the open.  
the one where y/n has silly thoughts
the one where harry and y/n share the same class 
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currywaifu · 4 years
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: escape room 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: minagi tsuzuru/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 3.4k words, 3 images
𝐚𝐧: the combi of my love for this tsuzuru sr card + a certain enabler + my first time wearing handcuffs being in an escape room = the birth of this fic. it’s chaotic, but so is every escape room experience i’ve had. wtf is this fic.
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One of the perks of having Tsuzuru as a boyfriend was that the two of you always found ways to have fun and go out on dates without spending a lot of money. Neither of you were big on splurging out a bunch of money anyway— not with you rather spending your allowance on necessities and Tsuzuru being the King of Part-timers™.
Watching community and college plays, having picnics, movie marathons, making dinner together, going grocery shopping, taking advantage of coupon sites, couples promos and happy hours to get great deals on things you wouldn’t normally be able to just for the ultimate discount...
It was domestic, it was homey, and it was Tsuzuru through and through; you loved every single second of it.
Which was why you were surprised when he suggested going to an escape room together.
“Those can be kind of pricey, right?” you replied, raising your voice slightly to make sure he could hear you despite the noise you were making in the kitchen. You turned the burner to high heat, scooching the veggies over to one side of the pan, melting the remaining butter in the other half.
“Oh, well, a friend gave me a 20% discount coupon. Apparently he didn’t need it anymore,” Tsuzuru’s voice was a little quiet coming from your phone’s speaker, and you quickly put down the soy sauce to adjust the volume before going back to the stove.
“I figured there was some kind of catch,” you replied with a soft chuckle as you continued stirring the veggies and sautéing the rice. “When do you wanna go? I know we’re both busy over the weekend, and that’s when we usually—“
Your hand halted its motions as soon as Tsuzuru uttered the word, “tomorrow.”
It wasn’t like you weren’t free, thankfully you only had one, albeit three hour, lecture during Tuesdays, but wasn’t he saying it a bit suddenly? It was a Monday evening, after all.
“Why tomorrow?”
Your boyfriend’s awkward laughter rang, but he remained undeterred as he explained to you his reasoning— going to an escape room would be a good way to get more writing experience, especially in terms of creating and feeling the ambience.
“Plus, not only is it cheaper if we go together, but the rates are also lower Monday to Thursday,” after a few seconds of silence on your part, he quickly added in, “and! And, we usually don’t have dates like this… so it’ll be fun, right?”
That thought process was so like Tsuzuru that you couldn’t help but smile.
Oh, the rice and veggies were already turning brown?
“You know what? I’m not even surprised,” you commented, adding and stirring in the rest of the ingredients. Ahhh, it was starting to smell heavenly, “by the way, have you had dinner yet?”
“About to. Excited to figure out what kind of curry we’re having,” a giggle escaped you upon hearing Tsuzuru’s deadpan voice, “are you almost done cooking?”
“Just about done!” after giving the rice a taste, you decided to season it with a pinch of salt and pepper, “thanks for giving me your fried rice recipe, by the way. Even though I’m the one cooking it, it feels like I’m about to eat something you made with love~”
As you were pretty much done with the kitchen, Tsuzuru’s exhale was a lot more audible to you. You could already envision the slight quiver in his tight-lipped grin and the way he would avert his eyes for a few seconds as he addressed you.
“Seriously, don’t be so cute,” he said, sounding a little exasperated, “sometimes I don’t know how to respond anymore.”
“A writer at a loss for words?” it was steadily getting difficult to keep the bubbling up amusement in check— you should probably be serving yourself dinner and accomplish your work for the night, but in the same manner it was always fun to flirt with the brunet. “When you put it that way, it makes me want to act even cuter for y—“
“Anyway!” you couldn’t hold back your laughter at his sudden interruption. Alright, that was enough for the both of you tonight.
“So are you free tomorrow?” he asked.
Well, who were you to be able to say no to that?
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You completed signing the waiver the staff asked you to fill out, before turning to Tsuzuru.
“I forgot to ask, but which room are we playing? They have, like, 3 different ones here.”
Your eyes followed where Tsuzuru’s pointer finger landed— a simple but eerie poster in black and white, the three masks you could commonly see in craft stores plain and copies of one another, save for one thing. The first mask had gloved hands atop its eyeholes, the second had them covering where the ears would be, and the third had them placed over the lips.
Domain of Discernment.
“I don’t know much about it, but it’s one of the more popular ones. Apparently we’ll be held captive by some serial killer named Sire Maniac, and we’ll have one of our senses taken away,” he explained. Before he could potentially say anymore, one of the personnel went over to bring you right by the room entrance.
After giving a brief rundown of rules and some info about the room itself, she brought out an unused pair of foam earplugs and a blindfold. “Since there’s only two of you, we’ll be taking out the not being able to speak part. Both of you, choose who gets their sight or hearing removed for 50 minutes.”
You and Tsuzuru turned to look at each other, quietly discussing amongst yourselves which option would be more beneficial, coming to the conclusion that you would be the one to don the blindfold and he’d be the one with the earplugs.
“You might accidentally fall asleep if you had the blindfold,” you joked, “besides, I trust you to be able to guide me.”
Not one to be a killjoy or cheat, he plugged in the foam properly as you get your blindfold tied securely by the woman, making sure it definitely wouldn’t loosen up midway through the game.
When the both of you are within the room already, the both of you hear (well, Tsuzuru lip-reads) the woman say one more thing.
“After hand-cuffing you two and I leave the room, the timer will start. Good luck.”
… hand-cuffing?
With a sound of a click and seeing the door shutting from the distance, the both of you knew the timer would be counting down from 50 right about now.
You’re the first to speak up. You’re unsure where he’s facing right now, so you pulled your left hand knowing the pull of the metal chain would catch his attention, and you were right.
At the slight pressure on his right hand, he turned to face you with a hum leaving his mouth, and unexpectedly finding himself stupefied at the sight of you. You opened your mouth to say something, and he can excuse himself all he wanted that it was him not used to lip-reading yet, but he knew it wasn’t the truth.
He felt a little guilty, really. You both knew how flustered or embarrassed he could get around you, but how blissfully unaware you must be right now that his brain was literally mush because of your blindfolded self and how you were handcuffed to him. He, well, he never thought… no, he could never—
Time to kill that train of thought. Right now.
He should really be responding to you right now. What… what were you saying?
“You want me to describe our… surroundings?” he sighed in relief as you nodded. Okay, at least a part of him was still functioning properly. All he had to do was focus on that and not hyper focus on you.
The two of you were in a cell of sorts— barred, jail doors preventing your exit into a much larger room, which inevitably would lead to a door the both of you would escape to.
Though the jail room was significantly smaller, there were an assortment of items to sift and look through— boxes with and without locks, some papers scattered on a small desk, a lampshade that was left turned off, and a CD player were what stood out the most to him.
After relaying it to you, you pulled him again by your shared shackles as you asked him to read out what was in the papers—the first, a hint on how to figure out the number combination to unlock one of the boxes and a code decryption guide.
The second, a torn page from a “book” of either plants or poisons, based on the content and stylisation. Atropa belladonna, also known as deadly nightshade.
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“Why are shade and floor highlighted though?”
Another pull on the cuffs. Another look at you— and trying not to be awkward about it as he combined his lip-reading with whatever the earplugs couldn’t block out of your voice.
“Shade? You said there was a lamp shade, right? Maybe a key or something is hidden under there?” you suggested, a pout set on your lips, “don’t know what the relevance of floor is, though.”
He didn’t have to look very far, the papers being situated on the desk beside the lampshade. It’s in his second time staring though that he realised something’s off with it. “You’re right, there’s something in the lampshade.”
When he lifted the bell-shaped cover, he’d come to find that there was no lightbulb in the first place, but a thin flashlight cleverly inserted within a vase. “If there’s a flashlight in the vase, then—“
“Shine a light on the floor!” you exclaimed, excited at the prospect of being able to move forward with the game, despite not being able to see.
Doing just that, he swished the flashlight left and right, verbally listing all the letters he could see.
“X, O, I, C, T…” you repeated, before trying to clap your hands (keyword: trying to, handcuffs say no), “the order is toxic! So the encrypt—“
“I’ll decode it ASAP,” Tsuzuru replied, immediately referring to the guide the “killer” oh so graciously left there.
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“The passcode is… 420652,” he fumbled with the digits on the only 6 numbered padlocked box, before grinning, “alright, we got it!”
Another tug, and at this point he’s already aware that tug or pull on the cuff equals you having something to say.
“If they were gonna do a 420 joke, they should’ve inserted a 666 joke for the full eerie, creepy effect.”
Okay, just how was he able to lip read that perfectly? Was he just that used to the dumb jokes you made?
“I can just imagine your dream escape room— all the hints and puzzles are meme related,” the earplugs were unable to block your laugh, ringing through the room as he opened the box. A key, and a CD.
Knowing that between the two remaining boxes left, one of them needed a key so that was pretty much solved. The disc, on the other hand…
He called your name, you turning to face him based on the direction of his voice. “Since there’s a CD player and a CD, and unless I go really close I wouldn’t be able to hear anything—“
“I’ll listen carefully, no sweat!”
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“I swear, if I hear the word wall another time, I will scream... and this isn’t even a horror room!”
The two of you came across your first real obstacle. Your audio just talked about poisonous vines growing on walls and other surfaces, while his box just contained another note that neither of you could decipher whatsoever. For five minutes, the two of you stood there, pondering.
Every once in a while, Tsuzuru would check the giant timer— currently displaying that 35 minutes were left.
“… honestly, just give it to me,” you suddenly spoke, Tsuzuru’s shoulders going up in shock.
“Give what?”
“The box! While we try to figure it out, I’ll use my nonexistent luck to just guess the passcode somehow,” you explained, feeling up the type of padlock it was “it’s just rolling everything around anyway until it magically opens.”
Within less than a minute, you had figured out the passcode.
“I’m—“ Tsuzuru trailed off, clearly just as shocked as you were. Your eyes probably would’ve been wide open right now.
“Eye… so this is where all my luck went,” you said, before shaking your head to refocus yourself, “okay! So inside the box is a… another key? It has buttons… car key?”
You hand the object to the brunet, who, upon taking it from you spared no second in his next actions.
“Wall,” he said out loud, pointing the car keys at the wall. With one press of a button, the wall, slowly but surely, opened to reveal another room. Though you couldn’t see it, the sound was loud enough to amaze you as well.
“Worm,” you breathed out, “pretty lit, not gonna lie.”
You wouldn’t know but the room was actually extremely dark, so not lit at all. Thank god he had a flashlight or else the handcuff + your blindfold + him not being able to lip read combo would be… particularly deadly.
The misunderstandings, he could already imagine it. Ah, well, for the writing experience.
“I don’t know what worm means, but yeah, lit.”
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“Sorry,” Tsuzuru apologised as he bumped into you for the nth time.
Obstacle number two was unlike any other. It wasn’t another audio recording, neither a puzzle nor riddle.
“Ah, shit, sorry!” you shouted for the nth time, raising your voice as much as you could so Tsuzuru would be able to hear you properly.
This was getting ridiculous. You were able to figure out the meaning of an audio file after a few loops, while Tsuzuru got to work reading more clues and unlocking locks. The real problem, however, was since the room was dark and had limited space, the two of you tended to crash against one another even with what limited movement you could make.
You had to wonder— did the staff get some sort of amusement or feel any pity watching people stumble around in this room through the CCTV? It wasn’t so bad in the jail room, but this closet? storage? room gave you two a run for your money. How did other people get through this room, genuinely? Especially the bigger parties?
“… I have an idea,” Tsuzuru mentioned. You wait for him to tell you what it is, his hesitance confusing you. However, before you could have said anything, you felt his strong arms wrapped around you.
Was… was there an equivalent to a verbal keyboard smash? Even if you weren’t saying it out loud to save you the embarrassment, the fact still stood that your brain was legit going ztesxrdctijmoljhnge right now. Help—
“How does this… help?” you asked, still a little confused by his motive. He wasn’t really one for PDA, and despite the two of you being the only ones in the room the fact still stood that the escape room staff are probably required to glance at the CCTV monitors every once in a while to check up on you two.
“Since we’re… handcuffed, and there’s barely any space it’d be better to just stay together,” he explained as nonchalantly as possible, “sorry, it’s just for this room. We’ll go back to normal when we get to the last room.”
See, if your brain was working right now, you’d be able to think of a counter or a better solution— actually, if you could see right now maybe you could point out something about Tsuzuru’s face that screamed he was lying, but something about escape rooms just made your logic go brrr.
That, or you were just a simp for your own boyfriend.
… not gonna lie, the chances of it being both were pretty high.
“Makes sense. Can’t bump into each other when you’re already stuck together,” you said, already convincing yourself.
Sorry to whoever’s manning the CCTV monitor, it was their fault for handcuffing the two of you anyway.
Well, this set up wasn’t that bad. Other than, you know, getting to hug Tsuzuru, you were able to still keep doing your task while he did—
You heard the padlock unlock after your fingers pressed a certain combination of numbers. Pushing the device upwards, the cabinet doors opened as you removed the lock.
“It’s a digit push combination padlock! How are you doing this? Blindfolded?”
“I… I have guessing powers. For locks.”
“I’m considering robbing a bank or business with you now.”
“Awww, cute couple’s date idea!”
After two or three minutes of Tsuzuru doing some last minute riddle solving, the sound of jingling keys and him letting go of you let you know of one thing— you two were almost out.
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With a writer compromising one half of the team, and an exceptional guesser and context clue figure-outer as the other half, you weren’t gonna lie— the last room was kind of anti-climatic to go through.
Every time the two of you ever accomplished anything, be it decrypting a message, unlocking something, or finding a hidden item the two of you still reacted to it— Tsuzuru being more on the shookt side and you being on the hype side.
With fifteen minutes to spare, only one thing was left to do— finding who Sire Maniac’s real name, and then decoding that name into number form so you could use it on the exit’s number pad lock. It was pretty obvious to you that you had to use the number equivalents of the name, but first… you needed to know the name.
“You sure you don’t want to try your luck?” Tsuzuru teased, procuring a huff out of you.
There were only two clues. The first was a letter to an A. R. Nicolas, detailing something about being thankful for a book.
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Initially, the two of you thought that that A. R. Nicolas would be his real name, but clearly it was some sort of pen name based on the second clue— several torn pages from a book penned by the very same A. R. Nicolas the letter was addressed to.
It was clear— Sire Maniac and A. R. Nicolas were the same person, but what was his third identity? His real identity?
“What are the poisons on the torn pages again? Those usually have something to do with the answer,” you asked Tsuzuru. The sound of shuffling of paper entered your ears as he began listing them off.
“Ricin, amatoxin, tetradotoxin, chloropicrin, batrachotoxin… and arsenic.”
“Huh… arsenic is the only one that ends differently, lol,” you pointed out with a laugh, before it quickly died as the realisation dawned on you, “no fucking way.”
“Okay what the hell, I think you’re on to something,” Tsuzuru replied hastily, “because A. R. Nicolas, as in A. R. Nic. Arsenic.”
“Tsuzuru. Tsuzuru. Tsuzuru—“ you chanted, before laying out one last game-changer, “Sire Maniac. Is a fucking anagram. For I am Arsenic.”
With a speedy enter of the number 2773642, the two of you had achieved freedom.
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“Not gonna lie, some parts of it were a little cliche, but… I had fun,” you told him, the two of you walking home together, “I felt simultaneously dumb and a genius at the same time.”
“Same to both, honestly,” Tsuzuru replied, before looking down at your hand linked with his. “Huh, haven’t you had enough of being stuck with me?”
You rolled your eyes. “I could say the same to you— didn’t you totally take advantage of us being handcuffed together? Or me being blindfolded?”
It was just a joke, but Tsuzuru’s sudden sputtering caught you off guard. Did… aha, no way, did he actually enjoy that gimmick?
“Tsu~ zu~ ru~”
“Whatever you’re thinking, that’s not it—“
“Are you sure? Because—“
“You’re misunderstanding something.”
“I’m just saying, it’s better to be honest~”
As the stoplight turned red, the two of you finally found the time to take a good look at each other. The laughter that erupted was instantaneous.
“Thanks for going out with me today,” Tsuzuru said softly, the blooming smile on his face impossible for you to not mirror.
“Thank you for inviting me,” you replied, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
After a few seconds, the stoplight turned green, and the two of you continue making your way back home.
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want to order again?
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𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐬: ⤷ curium fairway (the person who sent arsenic the letter) is an anagram for “i am currywaifu”.
⤷ the “reader is good at guessing part” is just based off of me. being really good at guessing padlock combinations.  ⤷ the hugging part was based on my two irl friends (who are dating) hugging in front of the cctv
⤷ the “one sense gets removed” and “being handcuffed to someone” part is based on two different escape rooms i played
⤷ i wasn’t supposed to make a whole concept for the escape room with media and riddles... but i decided to finally make use of all the research i did before on poison. am i on a watchlist?
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watchtower-feed · 4 years
Living with Tim Drake
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Notes: I got request for Damian and SO moving in together (which I will get to some day). But then I kept thinking about Tim and how I haven’t shown him much love lately. So I wanted to do a little character study of him. Words: 1,818
     You didn’t expect a message so quickly. After all, you just posted the ad for a roommate an hour ago. You texted back saying you’re free to talk and your phone buzzes in your hand. You quickly answer, bracing yourself for what kind of freak is in need of a place to stay so urgently.
     “Hello. This is Tim. I’m a college graduate and currently doing an internship at Wayne. Your place is really close by so it’s perfect for my commute.”
     Wayne is a little more than 5 kilometers away from your place. Definitely a length you wouldn’t like to walk on a daily basis. Especially since your neighborhood isn’t the best. But hey, it still beats Crime Alley and Arkham, right?
     “Hi, Tim. This is Y/N. But you obviously already know that. So I’m going to do a quick background check before I send you my address. I mean, you understand, right?”
     “Oh, definitely,” he answers right away but you could almost hear his nerves. He goes quiet for a bit and then you hear a notification that someone just sent you a message. “I don’t really have any social media accounts or anything--” You’re suspicious already. “But I am in the Gotham Gazette a lot.”
     “What?” you instinctively say. Not thinking. Ignoring the image of the screenshot he sent you. “What did you say your last name was?” You’re already flipping open your laptop and opening the Gazette website.
     “Drake. Wayne. I’m Timothy Drake-Wayne.”
     When he shows up at your door with a single duffle bag that wouldn’t even fit all of your pants, you greet him with a raised brow. “You know, I really thought this was going to be some sort of practical joke but you are him.”
     He laughs nervously, “Yeah… Living with that nightmare every day.”
     You stare him from inside your apartment before you laugh and let him in. You lounge over the kitchen counter and offer him some coffee. His eyes instantly brighten up at the caffeine rush.
     “This is really good.”
     “Yeah? I work at a cafe nearby and it turns out I like making coffee.”
     He looks at your set up behind him, a small commercial espresso machine with an extract bar with two spouts and a steam nozzle to warm up the milk, and a coffee grinder filled to the brim with whole coffee beans.
     He looks back at you quickly. “Please let me live here,” he blurts out with full conviction. It stuns you and then you laugh. “I’ll pay double your asking price.”
     You stop laughing then. “Deal.”
     Tim settles in quickly in your apartment since he doesn’t have too many things. A week’s worth of clothes, his laptop, two pairs of shoes, and some toiletries. 
     You had a roommate before him but she just disappeared half a year ago. You called her family and it turns out that she ran off with a lover. You thought she would be back in a month’s time but 6 months have gone by and her advance payments are about to run out.
     Needless to say, Timothy Drake-Wayne is now sleeping in a pastel purple bedroom littered with motivation posters and 30-Day challenge workouts.
     “You can take them down, you know.”
     Tim shrugs, “I kind of like them. They help me get up in the morning.”
     You roll your eyes.“Yeah sure.” Tim is not a morning person. He only thinks he is. He’ll wake up past noon. Then when you get home, he’ll greet you good morning even when it’s dark outside.
     “Is that a cut?”
     Without thinking about it, your hand reaches out to brush back his bangs and look at what is actually a gash on his forehead. “Tim, it’s still bleeding. Wash it!!”
     Before he could reply, you go to the bathroom to retrieve the first aid kit. You start fussing over the antiseptic, cotton, and gauze while he’s just staring at you. “Tim, wash it under the sink,” you repeat.
     A little dazed, Tim finally gets up and goes to the sink. You wait for him to finish, with a towel ready to dry his face. As soon as he’s done, you start dabbing the antiseptic on his forehead.
     “Hey. That doesn’t hurt.”
     You make a grim face, a look of disgust really. “Is that why you didn’t treat it? Because you’re afraid it’ll hurt.”
     He laughs, “No no. It’s just-- Usually when Alfred does this, it stings.”
     There are so many things you want to say to that. Who’s Alfred? Why don’t you tend to your own wounds? What happened? But instead, you say, “Do you often get into fights at Wayne or something? I always thought the people there are either frail-bodied nerds or millionaires too afraid to mess up their cuticles.”
     Tim laughs a little louder, “Why does it have to be at Wayne? I could have gotten this while saving children from a human trafficking ring down by the docks.” He raises an eyebrow at you.
     You narrow your eyes, unamused, “What a coincidence. After work, I just put the Joker back in Arkham Asylum.”
     He shakes his laughter, making it harder for you to put the gauze on. So you grab his chin to keep him steady and then expertly placed it on his gash with one hand. His eyes follow your hands, making him appear cross-eyed and you almost laugh. Then his eyes widen.
     “Wait a minute. Did you just get off work? It’s almost 6? PM?”
     You roll your eyes but you don’t really meddle with his sleeping schedule. He usually leaves the apartment when the sun is coming down and you never hear him come in. But you just assume his internship at Wayne is at night. 
     You wonder if he gets paid for it because he comes in 7 days a week, every night and sometimes even in the afternoon (or god forbid in the morning). But he doesn’t really need the money so maybe it’s a family obligation thing?
     Sometimes though, like once or twice a month, he gets a day off. He’ll sit with you on the couch while you drink the mochas you made and binge-watch NCIS.
     “You know…” you say one day, hugging your mug to yourself. “You never did tell me why you chose to live here.”
     “I did, didn’t I? It’s close to Wayne--”
     “Bullshit,” you call out. “I get that you bike to work so it’s an easy commute but you own part of Wayne. I know you can get a driver to get you there or work from home or not work at all if you wanted to.”
     Tim looks at you for a moment before he goes quiet. He’s staring into his mug and lightly shaking it to watch the liquid move around inside.
     You suddenly want to slap yourself, “I’m sorry. It’s not my place to know--”
     “No, it’s okay,” he says, smiling. He places the mug on the coffee table. He grabs the remote to lower the volume down and then hunches with his elbows resting on his knees as he stares at the screen.
     “It was just good timing when I saw your post. It was getting a little crowded at the manor.”
     You keep looking at him and wonder if you should stop him. This almost looks painful for him but Tim keeps going.
     “When I first got there, I was the only one there. Dick has his own place. Jason was--” he shrugs, “It was just me, Bruce, and Alfred.” Alfred, you now know, was actually their butler, but Tim talks about him more like a parent, to both him and Bruce Wayne.
     “It was great. Mostly quiet. Peaceful. And then like a hurricane, all of them just came, one by one. Dick, Jason, and then Damian. It was a nightmare. We were at each other’s throat. Literally!” he’s staring wide-eyed at you, half-hoping you’ll know he’s telling you the truth. “And I couldn’t get a single good night’s sleep. I just-- I needed my own place. Away from them.”
     Tim releases this long sigh, one that feels like he’s been keeping for a while. “When it was just me, Bruce, and Alfred, I never noticed it because I was too self-absorbed-- about the adoption and the--” he looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights then coughs and continues, “I didn’t notice that they weren’t as happy as I was. That they were in silent mourning.”
     “So when my brothers were at the manor, Bruce and Alfred-- They were shocked but I’ve never seen them look happier. It was so small, almost barely a hint of a smile. And I just--” He sighs again, this time leaning back to rest his head against the couch. “So I feel a little guilty about leaving.”
     You wait in case Tim had more things to get off his chest. This is the first you’ve heard him talk in broken sentences. He’s usually a lot more composed that his sentences are always grammatically correct, full-structured, and well-phrased. Like listening to an essay.
     When he doesn’t say anything more, you ask, “Do you regret leaving?”
     Tim Drake stares at the ceiling. He visits the manor every now and then but not much has changed. They’re still fighting a lot, with less intent to kill, but still enough to seriously maim. But really he misses seeing Alfred every day, helping him in the garden and eating his home cooking. 
     And Bruce. He wonders if Bruce is doing fine. If he’s happy Jason is back or proud to finally have his own son fighting side by side with him. He hopes Bruce’s is a little upset he left. He wishes he’d mourn for him a little like he did with Dick and Jason.
     But is he happy? Tim was feeling overwhelmed by the past that his brothers brought back with them. So much pain, regrets, and hatred. He never knew families could be so complicated. One minute they wanted to murder each other and the next they’re risking their own lives to save you. ‘Do I regret it?’ he wonders. ‘Do I regret doing what Dick and Jason have done, leaving the nest-- the cave and the Titans-- to find my own way of life? My own path?’ 
     ‘Not one bit.‘
     Then he turns to you with every intention of saying just that. He looks at you while you hold your white Superman mug in your hand, your lips hovering over the rim and the steam rises up to your face. He watches the light smoke dance as your breath goes in and out.
     Your eyes are staring at him with your hair hanging down, framing your face. He watches your cheeks slowly go red and your eyes widen. You look away, missing the same shade of red covering Tim’s cheeks.
✧ Watchtower Masterlist ✧  
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therappundit · 4 years
***BEST OF 2020: The Best Rap Albums From a Historically Horrible Year***
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So much has been said about this year, so on the last day of 2020 I don’t need to dive any further into exploration of what made this year so challenging (both at a personal and global level), but on the bright side I will say that two unrelated forces saved this year for me: 1.) my amazing baby daughter, and 2.) the seemingly never ending cycle of new, interesting music releases.
Before we dive in, just two points on my criteria for this list:
- must be released within this calendar year (1/1 - 12/31/20)
- must consist of at least 7 tracks
- rankings are according to a combination of my own favorite albums, and other impressive pieces of work that might not be directly up my alley, but I still found truly impressive
So for my last post of 2020...here are the Top 100 Rap Albums/Projects of 2020 (and a more than worthy list of albums that belong on that same list, further down the page):
10. HOMME by Kipp Stone
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Without a doubt the most under-the-radar project on this list, and technically a mixtape and not an "album"...but that doesn't matter much to me, because this effort contains every bit of passion, every bit of perspective, and every bit of sheer love for rapping as any of the the best rap albums of 2020. It's hard to say whether East Cleveland is headed towards similar territory that Detroit, Buffalo, and Rochester now occupy, but with HOMME Kipp Stone captures the hunger, anxiety and forever shoulder-chipped struggle of having big dreams that seem more like unlikely fantasies. Kipp was buzzing a few years back, but making his grand return with this project is confirmation that he is next level talent and is more than ready to make a big splash in 2021.
9. Reasonable Drought by Stove God Cook$ and Roc Marciano
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Quotes, on top of quotes, on top of quotes. Not sure what else to say about Roc Marciano's protege at this point, who came out of nowhere to close out 2020 as one of the most sought after feature-verse assassins in the business today.  Yes, his bars are hilarious, but it's the outside-the-box references and unpredictable bar pairings that truly made this project such an impressive debut. Roc provided high quality instrumentals for Reasonable Drought, but it's clear that he was intentionally lurking in the background to allow the Stove God to stand on his own two. While the album is probably not at the level of Jigga's classic Reasonable Doubt debut that this project tips its' cap to, it's not hard to imagine that someday we will look back at Stove God Cook$' debut as the coming out party for one of New York City's finest MCs.
8. Àdá Irin by Navy Blue
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I never imagined that one of the biggest challenges at this point would not be whether or not Navy Blue deserves to be recognized as having one of the top rap 10 albums of 2020, but rather which album to choose for the top 10!? From Earl Sweatshirt affiliate and Soundcloud producer to standout solo talent, the west coast born by east coast stationed MC/writer/producer/model/skateboarder (!?) had himself a banner year. Of his many gifts, his strongest is his ability to craft beautiful, soulful soundscapes that blend the best elements of the NYC lofi scene with shades of late 90's L.A. underground. Dealing with themes of love, loss, joy, and depression, Navy seems to possess wisdom well beyond his years, and it enabled him to craft not one, but two of the most inviting and accessible offerings from lofi circles that I have heard, and I mean that in the best way possible.  
7. From King To A God (Deluxe) by Conway The Machine
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He did it. Griselda's top muscle came through to deliver his most well-rounded, and arguably strongest overall project yet. Everything from the bars, to the varied production, to the bleeding soul of this project exemplifies the difference between an album and a "tape". The Machine was a machine in 2020, blitzing an astronomical number of feature verses, but FKTG was the gem he needed in his crown to solidify himself as a contender for best MC in the game moving forward. While this is not his actual Shady Records label debut (who knows when that will arrive now), this certainly feels like his major league arrival.
6. Alfredo by Freddie Gibbs and The Alchemist
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Two hip-hop specialists getting together to drop a project just for fun in the middle of a pandemic...what could go wrong? Well, almost nothing, actually. Freddie arrived dripping with soul and Al slid a nice little package of beats his way, and what we ended up with was a strong partner-project to FETTI (their previous stellar collaboration alongside Curren$y), only packaged with little snippets of personal revelations and free-flowing opinions throughout. Gibbs is one of the masters of hooking you in with his voice and contagious flow, so much so that his skills as a talented writer are often overlooked. While not necessarily the incredible revelation that his collaborations with Madlib have been thus far, there's enough strong chemistry here between MC and producer to lock Alfredo down as easily one of the best rap projects of 2020. And the Grammy's would certainly agree.
5. Descendants of Cain by Ka
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One of the genre's true master writers, Ka albums feel like audio literature placed over hard-nosed rap beats. Many rappers view themselves as true artists, but few can say they are capable of weaving the type of rhyme poetry that Ka seems to wield with casual ease. The truth is that it's not easy, we just aren't around to witness the care and editing that goes into Ka's work. Featuring too many stirring quotes to single out (and let us not forget an incredible surprise verse from fellow Metal Clergy-man, Roc Marcinao), Decendants of Cain is yet another impressive addition to Ka's catalogue, doing more to capture the paradoxical surroundings of environments that are equal parts harsh and loving - and often doing so through religious metaphors - than many MCs can do in a year. His lyrical paintings of the world may be bleak, but they are not without hope.
4. As God Intended by Che Noir & Apollo Brown
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Apollo Brown has been one of the most revered - albeit not loudly proclaimed - underground hip-hop producers of the past decade. He has joined forces with many talented MCs to drop full partner projects, but perhaps none as under-the-radar as Buffalo's Che Noir. But what Che Noir lacked in household name status heading into 2020, she more than makes up for with conviction, writing ability, and the skills of an elite MC. The result of this collaboration is a beautiful, personal, at times painful, and at times just straight badass album, and one that deserves recognition from top rap circles. In my opinion, this is the greatest production work of Apollo Brown's career thus far, and it's hard to say where it will rank for Che Noir since she seems to be a fresh talent that is very much still on the rise - but as of right now, you have to call her one of the best in the biz today.
3. Pray for Paris by Westside Gunn
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Westside Gunn is one of the masters of the volume game. That's not to say he - or anyone in camp Griselda - sacrifice quality over quantity, but it's safe to say that you know what you're gonna get with a Westside Gunn album. Welp, WSG rewrote the script with this one. What began as an art-inspired passion project between album releases ended up being the overall strongest Griselda project of 2020, and one of the year's most fascinating rap albums. Since his highly regarded Supreme Blientele album, Gunn has gradually been pulling his own lyrical content out of the spotlight, opting to play cook and curator, throwing a mixture of in-house producers and rappers in a pot with outside talent, to mirror the ambiance of a dark, gritty rap fashion show. His projects are less statements of content, than they are audio "scenes" that the listener is invited into, as if they’re Basquiat level exhibitions quantum-leaping forward in time to now live amongst a hungry, thriving rap scene in upstate New York. That's not to say that PFP isn't a lyrical feast as well, with everyone from Tyler, The Creator to Joey Bada$$ to Wale to professional dancer Cartier William having their turn in the spotlight. All thanks to Westside Gunn, the rare MC that enjoys being the host of his own party more than being the center of attention at one.
2. A Written Testimony by Jay Electronica (featuring JAY-Z)
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While some are waving the Act II flag as Jay Electronica's "real" debut album, I am less interested in a cool collection of mostly-finished old songs, and much more interested in a polished,  brilliantly produced project with (again, mostly) new verses from both Electronica and JAY-Z. It's easily the shortest selection on this list, but I feel like the quality of each individual song makes up for the brevity. I couldn't care less whether anyone thinks this is more of a duo-album or a solo piece, because the themes are certainly coming from Electronica's wheel house, and the fact that Hov was able to tweak his content to meet him there, is one of the things that makes AWT so special to me. 
1. The Price of Tea in China (Deluxe) by Boldy James and The Alchemist
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No, it doesn’t represent a seismic shift in the culture, and no it’s not *the album* that we heard blasting out of everyone’s (or anyone’s) car speakers this year, but when it came to sheer execution, and mastery over the style of music they were aiming to make, there just simply wasn’t one flaw in Boldy James and The Alchemist’s The Price of Tea in China. From the distinctly moody production, to the guest verses, to the steady hand of a wizened veteran of the street life, intent on sharing unfiltered tales of his underworld without any additional bells or whistles, it all clicks so well that I can’t picture taking the project out of my rotation. Uncle Al went deeeeeeep into his bag with this one, and Boldy seems to have returned from the industry grave to reach the highest level of recognition of his career. In a year stuffed with a plethora of high quality examples of every flavor of rap music imaginable, The Price of Tea in China is the ideal pick for album of the year, because it’s prestige is built upon it’s ability to simply be what it wanted to be without turning an ear to trends or reaching for broader recognition. TPOTIC’s broader recognition is made possible due to Boldy & Al’s artistic commitment to just making the type of music that a MC from Detroit and a legendary underground producer from Los Angeles love to make, and for that we should be very grateful.
Top 100  (all belong in the Top 25-50, but…there’s only 100 spots in the Top 100, so here we go):
11. FlySiifu by Fly Anakin & Pink Siifu
12. Song of Sage: Post Panic! by Navy Blue
13. Eastern Medicine, Western Illness by Preservation
14. Too Afraid To Dance EP by Chuck Strangers
15. Noise Kandy 4 by Rome Streetz
16. Mt. Marci by Roc Marciano
17. Burden of Proof by Benny The Butcher & Hit-Boy
18. Battle Scar Decorated by Monday Night & Henny L.O.
19. We Know the Truth (Deluxe) by Drakeo the Ruler
20. The Allegory by Royce Da 5′9″
21. Bag Talk by yungmorpheus & Pink Siifu
22. Innocent Country 2 by Quelle Chris
23. Weight of the World by MIKE
24. Kontraband by Rome Streetz & Farma Beats
25. BRASS by Moor Mother & billy woods
26. Try Again by ovrkast.
27. Shrines by Armand Hammer
28. The Smartest by Tee Grizzley
29. Good Energy by Grafh
30. Substance Abuse by Rigz & Futurewave
31. Cold Water by Medhane
32. King’s Disease by Nas & Hit-Boy
33. Milestones by Skyzoo
34. Young & Turnt 2 by 42 Dugg
35. My Turn by Lil Baby
36. Manger on McNichols by Boldy James and Sterling Toles
37. The OutRunners by Curren$y & Harry Fraud
38. Mach’s Hard Lemonade by Mach-Hommy
39. Sages by Henny L.O. & Ohbliv
40. E.L.E. (Extinction Level Event): The Final World Front by Busta Rhymes
41. Lake Water by SeKwence
42. At the End of the Day. by Fly Anakin
43. Sole Food by Deniro Farrar
44. The Oracle 3 by Grafh
45. The Blue Tape by Tree
46. lo&behold by lojii
47. Who Made The Sunshine by Westside Gunn
48. RTJ4 by Run The Jewels
49. Whitehouse Studio, Pt. 2 by Various Aritsts [Detroit]
50. Carpe Noctem by Big Ghost Ltd
51. Infinite Wisdom by Lord Jah-Monte Ogbon
52. The Throwaways by The Opioid Era
53. Anyways by Young Nudy
54. PTSD (Deluxe) by G Herbo
55. Holly Favored by Monday Night & Foisey
56. THE GOAT by Polo G
57. Dump YOD: Krutoy Edition by Your Old Droog
58. The Face of Jason by ANKHLEJOHN
59. Two4one by Jay Worthy
60. Poetic Substance by RIM & Vinyl Villain
61. ve·loc·i·ty by H31R (Maassai & JWords)
62. UNLOCKED by Denzel Curry & Kenny Beats
63. Slim E and Friends by CHASETHEMONEY
64. Alone Time by YL
65. FLYGOD Is An Awesome God 2 by Westside Gunn
66. OBLIVION by Black Noi$e
67. Sleeper Effect by Sleep Sinatra
68. Savage Mode 2 by 21 Savage & Metro Boomin
69. Thug Tear by Big Kashuna O.G. & Monday Night
70. II - The Next Wave by Quakers
71. Demon & Mufasa by Yhung T.O. & DaBoii
72. Eternal Atake by Lil Uzi Vert
73. Miles by Blu & Exile
74. IMMORTALKOMBAT by Al Divino & Estee Nack
75. The Baltimore Housing Project by Jay Royale
76. I’m Still Perfect by Baby Smoove
77. The Grotesque & Beautiful by Teller Bank$
78. Crime Scenes by Ransom & Nicholas Craven
79. Streams Of Thought, Vol. 3. by Black Thought
80. Ways and Means by Rasheed Chappell & 38 Spesh
89. Sacred Psalms by El Camino & 38 Spesh
90. As Above So Below by ANKHLEJOHN
91. Tomorrow Is Forgotten by Stik Figa & Conductor Williams
92. So Help Me God! by 2 Chainz
93. Sauce Monk Volume 3 by Sauce Heist & Camoflauge Monk
94. A Beautiful Drug by WTM Scoob
95. Don’t Play It Straight by Small Bills (ELUCID & The Lasso)
96. No More Humble Fashion by Flee Lord
97. Pharaoh Chain by Planet Asia & Tha Musalini
98. Numb by Sha Hef
99. Interstate 38 by 38 Spesh
100. Get Money Teach Babies by Heist Life & Spanish Ran
THE REST OF THE BEST (all belong in the Top 100 releases of 2020, blame 2020 for being such a stacked year for music) - in no particular order:
Assata by CV$ a.k.a. Con$piracy & Teller Bank$, Spencer for HIGHER 3 by Vic Spencer & sonnyjim, Big Bad Boldy by Boldy James & Real Bad Man, Da 5th Power by Mooch, Muthaland by BbyMutha, Act II: Patents of Nobility (The Turn) by Jay Electronica, Long Story Short by Heem, Eileen by 14 Trapdoors, Free Drakeo by Drakeo the Ruler, Da Fixtape by Da Cloth, The L.I.B.R.A. by T.I.,  Sinners & Saints by Rasheed Chappell & Buckwild, Black Schemata by yungmorpheus............... Polly by the Powder Keg by Chuck Chan & Pad Scientist, High Off Life by Future,  Memphis Massacre 2 by Duke Deuce, LSD by The Leonard Simpson Duo & Guilty Simpson, Funeral by Lil Wayne............ RAW UNKNOWN by Spectacular Diagnostics,  Nezzie’s Star by Eddie Kaine,  ShrapKnel (self-titled),  The Bluest Note by Skyzoo & Dumbo Station,  WUNNA by Gunna,  Meet The Woo 2 by Pop Smoke,  Fresh Air by UFO Fev & Statik Selektah,  Vito by Vince Ash, Avenues by Tony Seltzer & Adrian Lau, Spilligion by Spillage Village, GRIMM & EViL by GRiMM Doza, Closer Than They Appear by Lyric Jones, RUDEBWOY by CJ Fly, Wired Different by Ty Farris & Bozack Morris,  Rocket to Nebula by Killah Priest,  NO Blade of Grass by V Don,  I’m My Brother’s Keeper by Yella Beezy & Trapboy Freddy................. Carhartt Champions by Tree Mason, No Hook 3 by Dunbar,  Rowhouse Whispers by Ray West & Zilla Rocca,  Magneto Was Right #4 by Raz Fresco, DUMP LIFE by Tha God Fahim, Jay NiCE & Left Lane Didon,  FNTG: From Niggaz to Godz by Squeegie O,  PANAGNL4E, Vol. 2 by Los and Nutty,  Thank You For Using GTL by Drakeo & JoogSzn,  Adjust to the Game by Larry June, BETTER by Deante’ Hitchcock,  No Cosign Just Cocaine 3 by Ty Farris, Vangarde by Mr. Lif & Stu Bangas,  MSYKM by Tsu Surf,  Your Birthday’s Cancelled by Iron Wigs.................. LULU by Conway & The Alchemist, No One Mourns The Wicked by Conway & Big Ghost, Talk Soon by Nolan The Ninja, FULL CIRCLE by Medhane, Detroit 2 by Big Sean, Juno by Che Noir & 38 Spesh, Send Them To Coventry by Pa Salieu............... Marlowe 2 by Marlowe (L’Orange & Solemn Brigham), The Versace Tape by Boldy James & Jay Versace, The Balancing Act by Statik Selektah, Capital Gains by Willie The Kid, Deutsche Marks 2 by Willie The Kid & V Don, Keep Going by Larry June & Harry Fraud, The Sharecropper’s Daughter by Sa-Roc, Seven Times Down Eight Times Up by Elzhi & JR Swiftz.................... The Ghost of Fritz by Jamal Gasol, Don’t Feed the Monster by Homeboy Sandman & Quelle Chris, Anime, Trauma and Divorce by Open Mike Eagle, Brentwood by Poloboy Nunu, The Listening Session by Billy Danze & TooBusy, Midnight Sons by Zilla Rocca & Chong Wizard, A Piece of Mine by Bub Rock, The Rock Period by Bub Rock, WINTER by DJ Muggs, Bartier Bounty 2 by Sada Baby, Cincorginals by Tobe Nwigwe, Director’s Cut (Scene Three) by Ransom & Nicholas Craven, Rather Be A Real One by Vic Spencer.............. Exhibit Q by Deniro Farrar, After 12 by Che Noir, Blank Checc by Baby Money, Jesus Is My Homeboy by YL, The People’s Champ by Flee Lord, In The Name of Prodigy by Flee Lord & Havoc, Culture Over Corporate by Uptown X.O., Sell Sole 2 by Dej Loaf, Progress by Struggle Mike, Merry Wickmas by Shawny Binladen, Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From by Donsmith, Serene by VRN Hayes, In My Life by Dat Boi Vic,  Ho, Why Is You Here? by Flo Milli, Limbo by Aminé........................................thank you, and cheers to a happier, healthier New Year. 🙏
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homosociallyyours · 3 years
Nosy meme: 2, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 22, 29, 33, 47, 50. 💜
OMG thank you Brynn!! So many questions to answer :) I’m putting it under a cut bc I know it’s gonna get long...AND YES IT DID. 
2) What are you obsessed with right now? Below Deck, this ridiculous Bravo show that follows a charter yacht through an 8 week season of trips. It’s dramatic and full of wealthy people like most Bravo shows, BUT it’s also following the people who staff the boat, not the guests, so it’s more relatable than Real Housewives. I just wrote a one shot ficlet about 2 of the women on one of the more recent seasons yesterday. Ridiculous. 
6) Describe your dream home. I feel like I always have a slightly different answer for this. Right now: my ideal home would be pretty small, maybe 700-800 sq ft, with a single bedroom, painted a vibrant pink and accented with green and white (think climbing vines with tiny, bright white blooms) and a small alcove done in a pale blue that housed a murphy bed for guests. The kitchen would be ultra organized to optimize space (I would NOT be the one to do this) and would be equipped with an air fryer, slow cooker, instant pot, and microwave in addition to standard brand new appliances. There’s a fold down table that can seat up to 4 in the kitchen, though it’s usually just set up for me. The bathroom has a shower done with celadon green tile with a bench seat built in and glass doors. The living room is small and simple, but there’s a big comfortable grey couch and a tv. The whole house has hardwood floors, and the windows each have a bit of stained glass in them up top so the light is sometimes colored as it filters in. There’s a covered carport with a doggie bath area and a chest freezer, and in the fenced back yard there’s a hot tub and comfortable lounging furniture among all the greenery. The house doesn’t have a lawn tho, fuck that. You can’t hear sounds from the street-- it’s a quiet house. I live alone unless i want a visitor. It sounds so nice.  
12) What’s one of your fantasies? Having my dream home as above, lol. But really my most typical fantasy is being able to afford a weekend away at a fancy airbnb by the ocean that allows dogs. It turns out the owner is fat butch dyke who loves dogs and we end up playing scrabble together sitting at a picnic table outside. She offers to cook me dinner; I put together a cheese plate while she grills steaks and broccoli, and we basically fall in love, turning my silly 2 day vacation into a lifetime of slow, sweet, happy love. ://////////
13) Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced? I would, maybe? But also idk bc they’re extremely sensitive already and I don’t want them to lose sensation BUT i also don’t want them to be more sensitive bc that could cause legit problems. 
19) If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to? Nah, I like my name. Though if I were going to change it I think I would just go by a variation of my first name-- Dottie. 
20) What is something you’re obsessed with? Other than Below Deck? Yorkshire Gold tea. I bought it bc Louis Tomlinson drinks it and my whole life changed for the better. It’s SO FUCKING GOOD, ok? It rarely tastes bitter, even when you accidentally oversteep it, and the flavor and aroma are surprisingly complex for a simple black tea. I have been into teas since I was a teenager, and while I could never entirely give up some of my single origin black teas, Yorkshire Gold is my current (forever?) go to for a daily cuppa. 
22) Tag someone you think is hot. HELP I don’t experience attraction this way anymore :p Literally idk who to tag?? WAIT @mxaether!!! Kams is super hot in all the ways, I adore them so much. 
29) What’s the most overrated movie? In general anything directed or written by a white man who’s made lots of movies. I really try not to watch slogs like that anymore, but the last movie I watched that genuinely made me want to yell was The Dark Knight. Do I remember the plot? NO bc my ass was BORED BORED BORED and when I kinda thought it was about to be over NOPE! there was another hour of the movie left. Fuck that garbage. I haven’t seen it but I’m pretty sure I’d feel the same about that Snyder cut of Justice League. I read a long synopsis/breakdown of the movie (from someone who loved it!!!) and spent the whole time frowning with disgust bc it sounded like The Worst Thing I Could Ever Sit Through. 
33) If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like? For the most part, not that different? I would have an endless supply of incredibly soft, comfy leggings with bright, eye-catching colors and patterns along with stretchy, form fitting dresses that were equally loud. Soft, loafer style slippers in a variety of colors. All my under things would be high end and custom made (also colorful! no white underpants! ever!) I would also have access to ultra fancy party clothes: stretchy, body con jumpsuits with plenty of sparkle (picture: a coppery jumpsuit that fits tight through the hips and ends with a high waist, the top slit in a deep V but draping softly with a bit of volume. The back has a light, diaphanous, cape of sorts), twirly dresses, etc. Everything is INCREDIBLY comfortable and easy to move in, but glam and fun and whimsically sexy?  
47) If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick? None celebrity, left beef. :P Truthfully tho it’s Alex Guarnaschelli...she cooks for me, I serve her in any and every way she wants or needs. Would also say Lizzo but I worry that her partying days are still here and I know I wouldn’t be able to keep up. 
50) What’s your favorite kind of weather? Sunny but breezy, almost cool in the shade, for midday. In the evening the temperature drops enough that you’re grateful for a sweater but not so much that you’re ever actually chilled, and around 2am there’s a light but steady rain for an hour or two that’s barely noticeable by noon the next day. 
If anyone read all of these and for some reason wants to send me more, the asks are here
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infinite-hearts-333 · 4 years
Masked Love Chapter 1
Sander sides, Rociet, Human/Magical AU
WARNING: mentions of past dehumanising, reference to PTSD flashback??, um bullying reference. 
~~18/5/2022 6:37am (Present time)~~
Janus grumbled, pulling the weighted blanket over his head more as what sounded like his mama's voice filled his too-tired, half asleep brain. “Noooooooooo….”
“Janus! JANUS! I know you're awake up there!!”  
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” Janus groaned back, pulling the blanket tighter over his head. 
“JANNIE IF YOU DON'T LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER I’LL COME UP THERE WITH THE COLD BORE WATER AGAIN~!” Came the singsong voice of his mom, and Janus full on scrambled out of bed, covers sent flying and he had to double check his claws to ensure they didn’t ensnare on anything through his half sleepy, half panicked daze. 
“COMING! COMING!! Yesh….” he called, before grumbling, yawning, completely use to the soft popping of his unhinged jaw, forked tongue tasting the air. Waffles…. Mmmmm…. 
He quickly got ready, body automatically from routine, getting changed into his clothes- a lime turtle neck, black jacket with pins and patches attached, sunflower yellow beanie, skinny black jeans and his boots. He hummed a loose tune as he moved, alike to clock work, moving to turn to his bed, tugging the poor flinged sheets back into the right position, snatching up his stuffed dragon that had fallen onto the floor and placing it on top of his pillow gently. 
Janus’s room was, in fact, the attic. His mum and mama weren't… expecting him when he showed up, but they took him in and loved him all the same. The rickety old house they had didn't have enough rooms for Janus to move into when he got older, so his parents spent ages rebuilding the attic for him. You could tell in some places- the seams where the wall met the roof weren't all the same size, the floorboards ran crookedly rather than straight, there were chips in both the walls and the floor where the wood wasn’t smooth.
But janus loved his room. It was cosy- there different metals and CD disks strung up which glinted like precious gems under the sky window, he had a large rainbow flag hanging over his bed in the corner, fairy lights stuck on the wall all around the room. Boxes upon boxes peeked out of his bed, filled to the brim with the most random things, leaves, feathers, stones, shells, bones, name it, Janus probably had it. 
Walking to where his room ended, a wall with a human sized hole in the floor, he paused by the mirror, only to wrinkle up his nose in disgust at what he saw staring back. Janus was actually pretty handsome, nice clear tanned skin, brilliant eyes that shined lime and forest green and firefly yellow all at the same time. Chestnut hazel hair that hung in ruffled curls framed his face. He was strong, a little buff and according to his mother and mamma, quite the personality. But there were two things.
Janus’s jaw. It faded into the most horrid shade of olive green, splotches of lime, deep forest green and the colour of dying cactuses for scales, littered across the bottom half of Janus’s face. Two gross dusty pink scars ran from the corners of his mouth, stretching out and curling, nearly to touch his ears, one on each side. Darting in and out of his abnormally large fanged mouth was a forked blue tongue, fading into pink at the back of his mouth, the slightest sign that janus was once human. 
He softly sighed, turning away to wander to the wall, and so the holes well, jumping through it to land on the couch flawlessly. “Morning.” He mumbled to the two females cooking and giggling at each other. “Morning' darling~!” called Mamma, smiling brightly. “Did you sleep well, little snek-a-doodle?” Teased his mum, smiling warmly as she parted from her partner to ruffle her adopted son's hair. 
Janus smiled back up at her, and couldn't ignore the pang of happiness when all he found in mum's eyes was love. “We made waffles for your big day!” Chimed Mamma, beaming as she worked at the stove. 
Ah. Right. High school. Janus groaned, leaning back to painfully donk his head against the wall. “Do I have to go?” He whined. “Yup!” his mum said, popping the ‘p’. Janus rolled his head off the wall, allowing his eyes to drop to problem number two in his life. His hands. Or well…. Talons.
Janus’s hands, a lot like his jaw dyed into that horrid olive colour, splattered with scales. He had four ‘fingers’ instead of five, each ending with a large sharp claw that was almost an ivory green if held in the right light. Scars lined his hand where the scales started, signs that janus wasn’t born with these abnormal features. 
His mum then slapped him over the head with a rolled up newspaper. “OW! Hey!!!!!” snapped Janus. His mum raised an eyebrow. “You were pulling the face you make when you're judging yourself. And I'm having none of that. You're beautiful, fullstop.” she narrowed her eyes at him, daring him to prove her wrong. Janus chuckled. “Guilty as charged.” he hummed, standing to walk over to their small island counter. 
His mom huffed, nodding, walking alongside her son, combat boots making a soft thumping noise on the tiles. Janus hid a wince as the sound of clicking heels entered his mind. 
Click, click, click. 
He swallowed, sitting.  “Here you go!!” chirped Mamma, smiling as she placed the plates down. “Thank you dear.” Mom said softly kissing Mamma’s cheek on her way past. “Thanks mamma.” Janus chipped in, trying not to show his teeth while he smiled. Mamma beamed, swirling around to plop down in her seat. 
Janus reached out to grab the berries, randomly dropping them over the waffles. He was cautious, ensuring he didn’t open his mouth too wide, taking in small little bites. Mum started talking about what she would be doing while Janus was at school, working on the new barley crops. “Those darn aphids! They've been going off everywhere!!!” Janus slowly chewed on a piece of blue berry. 
“I think you're gonna need to get some pest spray mum.” Janus pointed out. Mamma nodded. “Do you want me to pick some up honey? I’m going into town anyway for some more mango seeds.”
Janus smirked against his milk glass, washing down the waffles. “Again with the Mangos Mamma?” 
Mamma shrugged, smiling. “I want to make some jams! And maybe I might try making mango sorbet again.” Janus grinned. “Yes please!” His gaze flickered to the clock on the wall, and he sighed. “Well, as much as I hate it, I should go.” he said with a huff, shovelling the last of the waffles into his mouth and drowning the milk. 
“Okay darling, have a nice day!” Mamma said with a smile. “See you this afternoon ‘kay snek-a-doodle? You’ll help me with the cows again?” Janus smirked, collecting his plate and glass. “Absolutely.” he stated, placing his dishes in the sink. “See you this afternoon!” he called, snatching up his gloves and mask off their hanger and then scooping up his bag.
He swung his bag half on, fumbling to put on his yellow gloves. They were bulky and too big to allow room for his claws, a black band around the start of the four fingers and wrist to prevent slipping and looked ridiculous, but it was better than exposing his features to the world. He had to be careful, pausing to ensure none of his scales got caught on the fabric. He then put on his mask, a simple also yellow fabric that covered his mouth and nose. He then twisted to reach into his front pocket of his bag, pulling out his earphones and lime mp3 player, shoving the buds into his ears and turning it on, blasting the music at the highest volume. 
[ 🎶 Looking for an exit in this world of fear
I can see the path that leads away
Mama never left, and daddy needs me here
I wish the wind would carry a change
Looking through the window to a world of dreams
I can see my future slip away
Honey you won't get there if you don't believe
I wish the wind would carry a change 🎶 ]
He wandered through the fields of crops and fields of animals, waving a hello to the farmer next door. Michel, his name was, he grows the best peaches. He guessed that there was a satisfying crunch as Janus jumped from a small ledge down onto the orange autumn leaf-covered road. Wandering along the side of the road, Janus quietly hummed along to his music all the way to the bus stop. He quickly checked the suns position, having done it many many times, relieved to find he was on time and the bus should be here any minute. 
[ 🎶 I've had enough
I'm standing up
I need, I need a change
I've had enough
Of chasing luck
I need, I need a change 🎶 ]
Sure enough the death machine, painted yellow and screeching nearly as loud as its passengers came swerving around the corner, somehow audible through Janus’s music, metal rusted gears screaming as the beast came to a halt. That thing was definitely gonna kill people one day. Janus huffed, climbing the rickety steps and flashed his card at the bus driver, who looked like he had been going for six months without sleep and would snap someone's neck.
They traded nods, having known each other since Janus first ‘moved’ to the country. They never really spoke to each other, but traded nods, ‘hey’s’, and ‘mood’s’ so he was cool. Janus sat right behind the bus driver, dumping his bag next to him so no one would take the seat next to him. Not that it was necessary, everyone actively avoided him. He then maintained his death glare, slipping it on as easily as putting on his mask. 
Some kids, janus found, take enjoyment in throwing things at the bus driver, so janus took it upon himself to protect the bus driver from the nuisances, and in return, once the bus driver found out, he would keep the passengers from taking the spot so Janus wasn't forced to sit next to anyone. 
[ 🎶 I'm setting fire to the life that I know (I know)
Let's start a fire everywhere that we go (we go)
We starting fires,
We starting fires till our lives are burning gold 🎶 ]
Janus sat, guarding the busdriver and spacing out till he felt the bus sharply halt. Hip hip hooray for hell. He sighed, standing up and wandered off the bus, bidding farewell to the busdriver with a small nod of the head. He turned his attention to his new problem. 
The school's shadow engulfed him standing tall over him, and a part of janus feared it may crumble and crush him. People were chatting, boys flirting and betting, bullies shoving random people and dropping curses. Janus’s personal hell. Well, here goes nothing!
[ 🎶 I've had enough
Of chasing luck
I need, I need a change 🎶 ]
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lemons-made-here · 5 years
Deku n$fw headcannons :3
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If you haven’t noticed by now, here at this dirty lemonade blog, we love Broccoli boy, headcannons below, enjoy! -Admin Fern
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Very affectionate after sex, insists on cleaning up, giving you a massage and bathing you at a minimum. After that, its cuddles and ‘I loves yous’ until you both fall asleep
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Secretly, he really likes his v-line and abs, he’s worked really hard for them and likes to show that his effort paid off
On you, he likes your chest and collarbones. Guy, girl or non-binary he doesn’t care, its just a differently level of closeness when he can hear your heart beating. But something about your collarbones... they’re his blank canvas, and you better believe he’ll make a masterpiece
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Its complicated. He doesn’t want to cum on you, he finds it degrading and coming in you, well, he just turns into a blushy mess. If he had to pick he’d probably choose on your thighs or stomach, as long as you let him clean up afterwards
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He really, really wants you to lick his abs, with something on them, leaving hickies, he doesn’t care. Put your tongue anywhere close to his happy trail and he’s done for
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
None. Zip. Zero. Nada. Before he met you he was sincerely afraid of watching porn. The fact that its other people creeps him out. You’ve taught him everything he knows.... which is a lot
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Standard missionary, you riding him, him riding you, you straddling him, the list goes on and on. As long as he can see your face he’s golden.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
 If you you crack a joke or say something amusing he’ll laugh, but for the first couple months of your relationship he’s really uptight about the whole thing. Once you’ve been together for a while though, he’s not above tickling you or giggling during sex.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He’s a lighter shade on top, and since UA he’s worn a jockstrap with his hero uniform, and he’s been waxing to this day, so neither of you really worry about it
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Extremely, anything he can do to make the moment more romantic for you he will. Though he doesn’t believe sex is the ultimate display of love, its still up there for him, he tries his best to make everything perfect
J = Jerk Off (How often, what are they thinking about, …)
When you two met he was an up and coming superhero, what did you expect? With patrol, mission and generally just being a superhero the adrenaline is almost 70% of his blood stream. Maybe two or three times a day if he had the time. He doesn’t as often now that he’s with you, but isn’t above it if you aren’t in the mood
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Pretty Vanilla over all, maybe bondage on occasion but nothing too extreme. Needs to be praised, please tell this poor bean that he’s doing something right. He also can’t hold back a moan if you pull his hair. Play with his nipples and he’s putty in your hands 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Prefers your guy’s apartment, but within those boundaries, anything’s game. The couch and bed are most used, but shower sex is a highly regular occurrence. Outside of that however, it’ll take some convincing. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Your adoration, The way you look at him as if he’s your world (he is), when you hug him tight and just tell him what he means to your. But touching wise, lay your hands on this thighs, neck or stomach and he’s gone. Hickies on his collar bones and running your hands through his hair will also turn him to mush.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Degrading you. You are the light of his life, he could never ever out you down like that. Anything to do with hurting you either, its just a no-go for him. Sex is supposed to be pleasurable, and Izuku would be extremely uncomfortable harming you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He prefers giving, you could crush his head between his thighs and die happy, he takes extra time to admire you and your legs, because when he’s between them he’s in heaven. He’s kinda skittish reciving though, he doesn’t want to ask, but if you go down on him, expect enough whimpers, mewls and pants to last you a lifetime.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He prefers sensual most of the time, sex is always filled with you both dotting on each other and constant “I love yous”. Slow kisses and holding hands are always in order. If you do want a faster pace, he’s down, but he’ll want you to ride him so you’re in control.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’s almost always in the mood, so if you are, you’ll go at it. There have numerous times in your time at UA that’d be a little late to lunch with your hair tousled and budding hickies on your neck. Without fail, quickie or not,his number one goal is ti make it good for you, so if he doesn’t finish, you’ll get a quick peck on the forehead and a “Its alright, You can pay me back later”. And by pay back he means cooking dinner, cuddles or a movie night, so don’t be surprised when he’s confused by an impromptu blowjob later that day.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Though he’ll be shy at first, Izuku’s willing to try almost anything once. You’ve discovered through his flustered cheeks that while he’ll hide it, Deku can and will get harder in the prospect of getting caught. One time he couldn’t keep his hands off you to the point that he accidentally lead the two of you into Bakugou’s dorm and not his own...You weren’t caught, but it was a fun game to tease him on the thought that his childhood friend could walk in at any moment.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Izuku can go four or five rounds without much effort, but he’s more than happy to stop after two or three if you’re tired. It doesn’t really matter how fast, but more than three and he’ll start getting sensitive. He starts thrusting a little weaker and  cumming a little easier, but don’t seem to notice, you’re too busy with your eyes in the back of your head.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Various vibrators, plugs, and light bonage rope are all a part of your collection. You only tend to use them on special occasions. Izuku would much rather just get you off on his own. But if you ask nicely, or tie him down they’re sure to become a regular occurrence
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He prefers not to tease, you on the other hand
“P-Please (Y/N)” Izuku whimpers between pants, you push the plug close to his prostate, he only let’s out another cry
“Please what love?”
Izuku only lets out a whine, squirming as he pulls harder against the restraints
“Please let cum!” Izuku pleads, looking down at you with tear stained eyes. Three times, you’d edged him three times and still had given your boyfriend anything more than quick pecks. You stroked his sides and licked a stripe on each sides of his v-line.
“Alright baby, just give me one more time”
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Loud, very very, loud. Whimpers, whines and groans fall out of Izuku mouth no matter who’s topping. If you need him to be quiet though, he’ll bite his lip or bury his head into your shoulder. Either way, he’ll let you know it feels great
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s a little bigger than average, maybe 6-7 inches, but he’s far girthier than average, hitting all your spots just right. But he thinks he’s small (bb no) so if you mention any of the above and he’ll turn into a blushy mess.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
All the time, every hour of everyday he’s willing to fuck you or be fucked. Strangly, half the time he doesn’t know he’s horny. If he is, he’ll twitch a little more than often, become a little whinier for your touch. Unless he’s aching hard or has just woken up, he doesn’t know he’s turned on, his constant anxiety of being the next hero takes up a lot of his min and you too, of course.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He physically cannot sleep until you are safe and well. Either way, he’ll run his fingers through your hair, rub your back and cuddle. When he’s 100% sure you’re asleep, then he’ll start to drift off
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mhdiaries · 4 years
Diary of Draculaura
Volume one thousand five hundred and ninety-nine... and three quarters
Another great day to be alive... okay technically it’s a great day to be undead but it’s still a great day and I’m going to enjoy it.
It rained today which means I didn’t have to wear so much sunscreen when I went out for a walk. It’s also nice for my garden. Mmmm fresh tomatoes, carrots and lettuce. Count Fabulous loves it too - not the vegetables but all the bugs they attract, it’s like a bug buffet for a bat.
Father “surprised” me by buying my school clothes this year. I love my father but you’d think after 1,599 years he’d realize there’s more to fashion than whalebone corsets and black velvet lined hooded capes. At least he left the tags on everything this year so I can return it all for something splashed with a little color. I reeeaaallly hope he didn’t bite the clerks this time. That’s sooo gross and embarrassing.
We got new human neighbors today which I thought was a little strange cause my father is kind of intimidating to humans... and monsters too actually, but it doesn’t seem to bother Mrs. Jekyll, and her son Jackson Jekyll who is my age... well, I mean technically he’s really not but we’re going to be in the same class. When he gets moved in I’m going to give him the entire lowdown on Monster High.
I took a casketberry pie over to the Jekyll’s today as a haunted house warming gift and Jackson answered the door. Wow! He is scary cute and really sweet. I got bats in my stomach an ghost bumps just standing there talking to him. I don’t know what it is but there’s something a little mysterious about him.... I like it!
Clawdeen Wolf came over yesterday. We were supposed to be going through my closets to collect some of my out of date fashion and give them away to Ghoul Will. It also gave me a chance to give some of them away to Clawdeen. She has a big family and I have almost 1600 years of clothing - it would be selfish of me not to share with my best friend. Clawdeen has a lot of pride though and so I had to combine the two. After we pulled out a bunch we cranked the music and started trying outfits. We had such a good time that it woke father up. What a grump! Anyway, I can’t believe chain mail was ever in style. It’s so 15th century. Of course Clawdeen looked fabulous in it.
Jackson came over tonight to return my pie plate. Father got to the door before I could and totally went all Transylvania on him. “Good evening. Vat can I do for you?”
I was like “Oh no!” but then Jackson asked to borrow a hammer cause he needed to drive a stake into something. It flustered my dad so much I think he turned a shade whiter. Then Jackson said, “Gotcha!” and my dad regained his composure, barely. “Draculaura you have a visitor!” Later on I heard father muttering something about Jackson being more than he appears to be. I don’t know about that but he is sweet, funny, cute and not afraid of my father! Perfect!
I went to The Maul with Clawdeen Wolf today to exchange some of the new school clothes father got me. We met Mrs. Stein and her new daughter Frankie Stein while we were there. Frankie is going to be in our class at Monster High and her mother was taking her back-to-school shopping. Mrs. Stein is really, really sweet but her fashion sense is well... not really current. Anyway, we were able to rescue Frankie for a couple of hours and show her the best of what this century’s fashions had to offer. We had a great time and Frankie Stein is definitely built for fashion. I think Clawdeen might have even been a little jealous... I also suggested that Frankie should try out for the fearleading squad! She was really excited about that and I think we’re all going to be great friends.
Cleo de Nile was unhappy with me because I had to miss fearleading practice this morning =( but Count Fabulous got another mothball and I had to take him to the vet. I scolded him for being such a pig but he looked so miserable I couldn’t be mad at him for long. If he’s not going to be a vegetarian he should at least stick to eating something smaller like gnats or mosquitoes.
So my Sweet 1600 birthday is coming up soon which I’m really looking forward to but it also means something I am not looking forward to and this is having “The Talk” with my father. We do this every year around my birthday and it usually bums me out for at least a couple of days. “The Talk” goes like this, “Draculaura I have been extremely tolerant of your keeping daytime hours, our friendship with that pack of mangy werewolves and your insistence on being happy. But I believe it is imperative that you return to your roots and give this ridiculous idea that a vampire can be a vegetarian. It is unnatural, un-monster like and I think it is time you return to what you once were.” Then he stands there with his arms crossed looking very serious.
I used to get mad and tell him that it was my life and I could choose to live it however I wanted to, which caused an even bigger fight, but then I started just giving him a kiss on the cheek and big hug which totally disarms him and he doesn’t bring it up for another year. My father is the most scary cool monster ever and I know it’s hard on him, but being my own monster makes me happy and I’m never going back to the way I used to be.
Jackson Jekyll asked if I wanted to go for a walk with him today which was totally creeperific until he asked me to bite him! I thought he was just kidding but he was totally serious. When I asked him why, he said it was because he didn’t want to be the only human at Monster High and that if he were a vampire he would fit in and we could hang out. He was so sweet about it but I told him why I became a vegetarian and how that meant I couldn’t possibly bite him. I could tell he was disappointed but I told him just because he was human didn’t mean he wouldn’t fit in or that we couldn’t hang out. That seemed to make him feel a little better but I don’t think he’s giving up on the idea of me biting him.
I just finished working on a newsletter for V.A.M.P. which stands for Vampires Advocating Meatless Proteins. I put in some recipes, a short story and some poetry. I think it’s a great organization although I’m the only member so far. I even gave a copy to father who circled some spelling errors and gave it back to me. Well, at least he read it close enough to find mistakes!
Clawdeen Wolf’s family always has an end of the summer boo-b-que and they always invite me even though, in the past, our families haven’t always gotten along but since Clawdeen and I are like best monster friends forever I always get invited. Of course they are all like total carnivores so I usually bring my own food. At least they don’t tease me... too much... about the tofu dogs and veggie burgers I bring =). This year I invited Jackson Jekyll to go with me and I think he had a good time although Clawdeen has a really big family and they can be pretty rowdy when they’re all together.
As much fun as I had at the cook out yesterday, it was still a sign that summer is ending and school is about to start. I mean I don’t dislike school and I love seeing all my friends every day but there’s nothing like summer time and the freedom of just being able to do whatever I want whenever I want to.
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alishbakhanus · 4 years
Celebrate a relaxed outdoor wedding
An outdoor wedding is a dream for the newlyweds and guests. Of course, the planning is often a bit more extensive and you are heavily dependent on the weather, but it’s worth it!
We have summarized all information about getting married outdoors – whether in the garden, park or on the beach – and have lots of great suggestions and tips ready.
1. Outdoor wedding locations
A wedding in the country – getting married could hardly be more romantic. Which outdoor locations are suitable for such an event? Choose for yourself and see where you would like to celebrate your wedding outside:
Beach wedding
The bride in flip-flops, the groom in a straw hat and a delicious cocktail as a welcome drink? If you prefer a casual wedding, the beach motto is the right choice.
For many, a beach wedding is a dream that seems out of reach. If you don’t want to fly out your wedding party, you will also find great beach bars in the middle of Germany, where the beach feeling simply comes to you.
Sand, water and cocktails – if you and your guests create a holiday mood, the beach wedding in Germany is just as perfect!
Wedding at the lake
A romantic wedding motto with plenty of scope for decoration and beautiful actions.
For example, you could organize pedal boats and instead of a car parade all drive one behind the other out onto the lake – ideally at sunset
Forest wedding
Getting married under an old oak tree with brightly colored lanterns in the branches, a ring pillow made of moss and the wooden guest book? That sounds tempting! The only important thing is that in the end everything fits together harmoniously and that nature can be found in all decorative items.
The season of the year is particularly important for a forest wedding. Only in late spring are all the trees nice and green again. In autumn you can create a magical atmosphere through the colorful leaves, but then the winds can be stronger again.
Meadow wedding
Whether in the park around the corner or on the nearby farm – a wedding on the meadow in nature also brings many great opportunities.
Usually the meadow wedding is very relaxed and the party is more informal. This is why this motto is particularly suitable for weddings with a low budget, as luxury would be out of place here. .
Wedding in the garden
Do you or your parents have a spacious garden that would comfortably seat all of your guests? Perfect! Because getting married in the garden is not only the easiest, but usually also the cheapest option for an outdoor wedding celebration.
You can design your garden wedding exactly how you like and don’t have to adhere to guidelines. Only with regard to the volume of the music should you short-circuit yourself with the neighbors beforehand (or simply invite them all).
Depending on the number of guests, think about parking and how many toilets are available.
Wedding in the park
To celebrate your wedding in a public park, you need a permit from the municipality or city administration. It is an advantage if you can include a nearby café or restaurant. Otherwise you not only have to transport furniture, food and drinks, but also toilets and the power supply into the middle of the park. Unfortunately very time-consuming and expensive.
But if the organizational aspects are feasible, getting married in the park can be a very special experience for you and your guests.
Such a spring wedding in the park , when the wonderful flowers are blooming and the rays of the sun illuminate the fresh grass, is simply indescribable!
Wedding in the botanical garden
Getting married in the country, in the middle of the most amazing flowers and plants there is – wonderful! Many botanical gardens offer such a heavenly wedding and are well equipped for it.
This sweet bridal couple has come up with an animal motto for their outdoor wedding: A peacock wedding – the perfect motto for a wedding in the botanical garden, because there are often a few free-roaming animals there.
Wedding on the farm
Rural charm and a rustic atmosphere – for those who love nature and the informal, getting married on a farm is the right choice.
2. Celebrate your wedding outside – a bad weather contingency plan
The weather is unpredictable. Even in July or August there can be bright sunshine one day and pouring out of buckets the next.
So don’t rely on your luck, but forge an emergency plan. Then you can look forward to your wedding day much more relaxed.
Locations where the wedding can take place outside or inside, depending on the weather, are of course ideal.
If you don’t have that, you may rent an alternative location if there is not only showers, but continuous rain. Or does one of your friends have a party room, winter garden or something similar? Consider all the options and better plan twice.
Our tip: So that your mood does not go down in rainy weather, take out wedding weather insurance. The compensation of € 5,000 will surely make up for the rainy weather!
But even in extreme heat you should keep an eye on the well-being of your guests. Sufficient water and sun protection are essential on hot days, especially at an outdoor wedding.
If you celebrate your wedding outside in the summer, check out our 10 great ideas for a little cooling off!
Wedding fans are a nice idea of how you can provide refreshment for your guests during the wedding. Already placed on the chairs at the wedding ceremony or in a pretty basket, they are a practical guest gift for the summer heat.
3. The outfit for outdoor weddings
Food and drinks
Depending on the number of guests, it is advisable to have the physical well-being of the guests provided by a catering service or a food truck. This saves you a lot of organizational effort and distraction on the wedding day.
Don’t stress yourself or your family about trying to cook the food yourself. A catering service conjures up what you like and also brings dishes with you.
If you want to get married outside, there is a lot to organize. From beer benches to garden chairs decorated with chic covers – choose what suits your wedding.
Is it possible for family and friends to borrow bar tables, for example?
Then label the borrowed furniture well. The alternative: You can also borrow everything from a single source. This is often less time consuming, but of course it costs more.
Tents and umbrellas
Usually the most practical option is to set up the food and seating under one or more tents . So you are safe from possible showers. They also provide shade when it is very hot.
The side walls can be suspended as required so that outdoor fun is not spoiled. For the evening you could also think about a tent heater or patio heaters.
There are enough tent rental companies, it is best to get several offers and get advice on how big the tents should be. The music and technology should also be housed in a separate tent.
Also consider who should set up the tents in the morning and plan helpers.
For the outdoor wedding, you can put up a few parasols instead of tents in case the weather gets extremely hot.
Power supply
There must be enough electricity for the music, microphones and any lighting system. Is an extension cable enough or do you need a generator?
It’s best to discuss this with the DJ and ask if he’ll take care of it. Incidentally, you can find DJs near you in our business directory.
Also keep in mind that food and drinks should be kept cool.
Candles and gas lamps are ideal for the light in the evening. Only the area where program items and wedding games are presented should be well lit – after all, every wedding guest wants to be able to see the performance properly.
Sanitary facilities
If you have to go to the toilet, you don’t want to have to walk forever. So it is best to plan according to the accessibility of the sanitary facilities and, if necessary, indicate the way. You should also note that mobile toilets may have to be cleaned in between.
Mobile coffee bar
A fun idea and a great surprise for your guests is a mobile coffee bar. It can be driven anywhere without a water or electricity connection and will delight you and your guests there with delicious coffee specialties, soft drinks and small snacks. Ideal for an outdoor wedding!
4. Decoration for the outdoor wedding location
Which decoration you use at your outdoor wedding almost comes off by itself.
Simply adapt this to the location and emphasize the beauty of your outdoor wedding location with the decoration.
Green wedding decorations are diverse – your imagination is required here.
Depending on the weather, the decoration must also be attached accordingly. For example, place beautiful stones on the tears of joy so that they don’t blow off your chair. Get tall lanterns or lanterns for the candles and save the rose petals on the floor if they would fly away anyway.
In contrast, mosquito spray as a guest gift or mosquito candles are practical. Compartments for generating wind are also a great gift for guests.
5. Information about the wedding outside for the guests
Your guests are sure to be delighted by such a special and extraordinary outdoor wedding. Therefore, inform them early enough about the exact conditions (ideally with the wedding invitation).
For example, that it can get cooler in the evening, that the floor is not suitable for high heels or that allergy sufferers shouldn’t forget their pills.
If necessary, also mentions the location for plan B with a telephone number for clarification in case of doubtful weather.
6. What else you should consider when getting married outside
For an outdoor wedding, you should allow yourself a certain budget buffer. At the wedding in nature there is one or the other “grass stain” on the cover that you have to have cleaned. If necessary, you should reserve two locations in case it rains or you have to pay for the tents if you don’t need them at short notice.
But that doesn’t mean that your costs have to be higher than for a “normal” wedding – on the contrary, because casual weddings outdoors are often much cheaper.
It is best to record all costs in our clear budget planner so that there are no surprises.
There is also more time to plan for the organization, as you may have to clarify and procure a lot more and need more helpers.
7. The outdoor wedding ceremony
Whether you “only” want to celebrate your wedding outdoors or also want to hold the wedding ceremony outside – that makes a big difference.
Courtesy: best outdoor venue
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xx-sikki-nixx-xx · 5 years
Tommy Lee
requested by @fan-with-issues
Aftercare(what they’re like after sex)
As we all know Tommy is a hopeless romantic so after sex he is very attentive and loving, Kissing your forehead and playing with your hair, he loves to pamper his girl so even though he isn’t always the most affectionate (especially around the band) after you two finish he is the most lovey dovey boy you’ll ever meet.
Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and their partners)
Let's be real here Tommy loves boobs… it's just the truth he loves your boobs no matter what size he thinks they’re as he would say “awesome” he loves playing with them and watching them bounce up and down when you’re on top. He also steals your bras so you have to go braless in public because he likes to watch you when it gets cold (if you get what I mean) 
 Cum (anything to do with cum…basically I’m a disgusting person)
Tommy likes to cum inside of you obviously but when you won't let him because you don’t need a baby any time soon he likes to cum on your stomach, as for your cum when you two are finished he likes to lick you clean because he loves the way you taste and he likes to make you feel like the princess you are. 
Dirty secret  (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Tommy is pretty much an open book but the one thing he doesn’t tell people is that once he had a threesome with none other than Nikki Sixx and some groupie they met on tour… doesn’t seem like a big deal but the thing is some gay stuff may have kinda happened due to intoxication and from that day forward Nikki and Tommy swore never to speak of it again.
Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) 
C'mon we all know that Tommy Lee has had his fair share of experience and for sure knows exactly what he’s doing, it only took him one time with you to know exactly what you like and what it takes to make you cum and he imploys that method every time you two fuck to make sure you have the best time possible because as previously mentioned Tommy is big on making you feel good.
 Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Our boy Tommy loves doggy style because it gives him all kinds of possibilities, he can grab your boobs, he can pull your hair, he can choke you, he can rub your clit it's perfect for him and he loves how deep he can go in doggy style… not that it’s necessary seeing as we all know about Tommy’s 10 inch situation
 Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Tommy’s a goofball so yeah sex like the rest of his life isn’t very serious, especially because now that he trusts you he feels he can let loose and be himself. His favorite thing to do is look up at you while he’s eating you out and wiggle his eyebrows which always insights a giggle from you. 
 Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc)
Tommy is a little narcissistic so he likes to be groomed, he had pubes but they’re trimmed nicely so that they don’t get in the way or tickle your face when you give him blowjobs. Yes the carpet matches the drapes it's a nice warm tone shade of black just like his beautiful head of hair.
Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Tommy goes all out on romantic occasions, for instance for your one year anniversary he did the whole cliche rose petals and scented candles and red velvet bed sheets, that night after a delicious dinner he managed to cook without burning the sex was like every romantic comedy ever, slow, gentle, romantic, passionate, missionary looking into each others eyes with a lot of kissing. Not something you want all of the time because you also love the rough angry sex you two have but it was a sweet gesture.
 Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Tommy isn’t big of Jacking off because sex is 90% to pleasure you but occasionally he gets an inconveniant boner that he needs to get rid of quickly and you aren’t always around to help so he’ll occasionally finish himself off in his hand but very rarely.
Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Tommy LOVES handcuffs… why? Because when you two are doing doggy style he likes to cuff your hands behind your back to prevent you from trying to put the focus on him because he wants to be in control and keep the focus on you. Another kink Tommy is really into is spanking, when he’s going at it from behind he likes to land a few hard slaps on your ass to watch you jump and squirm, he’s not into it because it puts you in pain he’s into it because he likes to hear you whimper and ask for another because you both know you secretly like it but you’d never admit it to Tommy.
Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Tommy is very easy to turn on… even looking at him a certain way gets him like an overstimulated puppy bouncing up and down and begging to be touched, but his favorite thing is thigh riding especially if you are trying to pretend that you aren’t doing it like if you’re out at a bar with the guys sitting on his lap and you suddenly get horny so you discreetly grind down on his thigh to relieve some of your needs, it really gets him going knowing how desperate his babygirl is for him and he will as soon as possible drag you to the nearest bathroom to help you with your desires.
 NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Tommy’s not into knife play or blood play, he’ll do almost anything else but he doesn’t like the idea of doing that to you because you are his beautiful perfect princess and he would be too scared that he’d cut too deep and seriously hurt you, besides he doesn’t need knives to mark you as his… that’s what hickeys are for. He also isn’t into shit or piss for obvious reasons (that’s just too far for him)
Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Tommy loves to eat you out because as previously stated he loves to make you feel good and the best way to do that is with his tongue and fingers so he’ll suck and lick and kiss you for as long as it takes to make you cum, Tommy also likes receiving I mean how could he not but he usually doesn’t make you and when you try he’ll say “baby you don’t gotta do that, I can get off fucking you, I do it to you because you need a little more help finishing and I love you” and then he’ll kiss your forehead like the sweetheart he is.
Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends on the mood tbh like most of the time it’s rough but passionate but there are times when Tommy’s feeling extra cuddly and he’ll take his time more kissing every inch of your body and whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
 Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Tommy isn’t a fan of quickies because he always feels guilty after a quickie because he feels like he hasn’t got the chance to pleasure you as much as he’d like to so he rathers to take his time but occasionally like when he’s on tour he’ll resort to a quickie before a show or some similar situation.
Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Tommy likes to experiment but tbh you two have already tried everything because he likes to experiment so much that it all happened very quickly in the relationship. 
 Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
A LONG ASS TIME to the point that if you two decide to have sex one night you two usually finish and realise it’s time to get up for the day. 
 Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Nope Tommy doesn’t have toys because weather it’s on you or himself he likes to do everything his own way by himself without help from toys. 
Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Tommy isn’t a big teaser because he ends up feeling bad and having to make it up to you, but he has his moments where he’s pure evil especially when you’ve been teasing him all day he can be especially cruel. 
Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Tommy isn’t big on noise but he lets out a few cute grunts when he’s about to cum, but he heavily encourages you to be very vocal because he loves to hear what he does to you, his heart swells with pride at every moan, squeal and little grunt you make. 
Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Tommy has this big fantasy of watching you with another man preferably with one of his band mates, he loves watching your movements when you have sex with him and he loves the idea of getting to watch you from a third person angle. 
X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Yearning (How high is their sex drive?
As high as Nikki Sixx in the late 80’s (sorry I’m a bad person) but Tommy is almost always at least a little horny and can spring to action at any moment you need him which is very helpful in your opinion. 
ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
After about 5 or 6 rounds in one night Tommy is out like a light afterwards, of course he’ll take the time to clean you up, make sure your comfortable and cuddle you up in his chest but after that he’s asleep almost immediately but that’s ok because so are you.
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