#Courtney Cole
mandoreviews · 2 years
📚 The Christmas Dress by Courtney Cole
This book was not bad at all, but… there were some weird sentences in it. One was “his cologne makes my ovaries tingle.” Like… what the heck? 😂 Other than the occasional insane sentence, the book was interesting. There were several subplots that were almost more interesting than the main plot, but they all worked well together with the main plot. This was an enjoyable read.
Rating: 7/10
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danielleurbansblog · 2 years
Meet This Author: Courtney Cole
Meet This Author: Courtney Cole
Q: What were some of your favorite books when you were a kid? Oh boy.  I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday, but lemme think… I’ve always been drawn to books that make me FEEL.  When I was in grade school, I read Where the Red Fern Grows, and that ending gutted me. It was actually how I figured out that I could write. I was so upset, that I re-wrote the ending the way I wanted it…
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rebouks · 1 year
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Previous | Ne-.. what, no next?!
jkjk.. NEXT!
Well.. that's a wrap folks! I can't believe it's almost been two whole years of Somnium! Thank you so much to anyone who's read along and gotten as attached to my guys as much as I have. I had no idea where I was going or what I was getting into when I started this, and what a beast it turned into!! Over 790 scenes 😱 I've had more fun than I could've imagined and although this is the end of Somnium, it's not the end of Oscar n' co. and certainly not the end of my storytelling ventures! But I'll ramble about my future plans in another post I think... Big kisses and hugs to you all on this momentous occasion ahaaakjsdkjd! 🤗🧡
Also! plz enjoy this silliness I faffed around with just for funsies...
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pruechaosbracket · 1 year
ROUND 1-C: Countney VS Dakota Cole
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fated-mates · 3 months
A classic among classics, we’re talking ENEMIES TO LOVERS this week! We get to the bottom of what we think of as “enemies,” and how it differs from “rivals-to-lovers” and “friends-to-enemies-to-lovers” and “friends-to-lovers” (jk, we’ll never understand friends-to-lovers). We revisit some of our very favorite romances, talk about stakes, about impossible situations, and about how sexy hating someone can be.
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la-hoire · 1 year
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L.A. Noire Characters + "I want a baby" meme
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nicki-flemings-curls · 8 months
Doll house photos under the read more
Alright so I haven’t had time to buy contact paper for the flooring, or figure out wallpaper, or even finish decorating some of these rooms but here’s the current progress!
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First up, Kits room! Kit, Ruthie and Sterling (played by Eli) are plotting their next adventure!
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Below that we have Samantha’s room, where Rebecca is also hanging out! I got Samantha’s bed, nightstand and Clara (plus the dress that Nellie is in) from a really great Facebook marketplace find! Also I wanted Rebecca’s menorah to be on display until I have the space for a room specifically for Rebecca!
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Next up we have the parlor! At the moment it’s Elizabeth and Felicity taking tea in there (with Lydia serving tea) but I plan to switch between it being for Elizabeth and Felicity, Caroline and Lydia, & Cecile and Marie-Grace! So my goal is to try and get the back walls looking similar to Caroline’s parlor! Also I don’t know if I’ve properly introduced Lydia because I got her in the same week as Lindsey and Emily (I didn’t intend to buy 3 dolls that week lol), but this is my gorgeous truly me #21 that I found for pretty cheap on Mercari about a month or 2 ago.
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Then on the other bookcase we have Courtney’s bedroom! I plan to move the shelf above this up to give it a higher ceiling and set out more of Courtney’s sleepover stuff but for now her and Abby are enjoying just hanging out!
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Above that we have the game room, which currently only has my GOTY’s on display. Joss and Corrine are in a heated game of air hockey, while Kailey and Lindsey are on the computer. I was shocked to see the twin’s computer at the benefit sale this past year and I’m soooo glad I picked it up!
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Here’s a better look at Kailey and Lindsey on the computer.
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Then finally we have the room that I plan to change out for different scenes. Right now it’s a camping scene. Originally it just had Nicki, Mia and Sprocket, but my mom was like “you should add Luciana and her telescope!” So now Luci is third wheeling Mia and Nicki’s camping date 😂 (did I mention my Nicki and Mia are dating? Bc they’re dating)
I can’t wait to figure out wallpaper and flooring but that’ll probably take a few weeks since I know I’m traveling next weekend, and then pride is the weekend after that. (Yes I know it’s October but they wait til it’s cooler out where I live bc it’s unsafe to hold pride in the middle of summer bc of the heat). But hopefully I’ll have some wallpaper and flooring done by Halloween!
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gori-thegorilla · 4 months
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xoxostephanie11 · 9 months
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"Feminist romance novels are everywhere. With so many options and so little time, sometimes it’s nice to have a list like this as a starting point. This is going to be a very fun list of delicious feminist romance books that you must pick up and read, but before all that, we must discuss the feminism of it all.
For the sake of this article, I am following Mikki Kendall’s approach to feminism in Hood Feminism. The idea is that committing to intersectional feminism that includes trans women, women of color, and disabled women means understanding feminist issues are inherently variable and not always immediately recognizable as feminist issues. Kendall explains, “A one-size-fits-all approach to feminism is damaging because it alienates the very people it is supposed to serve, without ever managing to support them” (3). So, while feminism is about the promotion of gender equality, that is just an element of feminism. The role of active feminists is to be aware that more than just a person’s gender impacts their access to rights and services. While I would also recommend reading bell hooks and other excellent feminist writers, I appreciate Kendall’s explanation here.
Feminist literary critics have also looked at how romance can talk about the complexities of feminist issues within their story framework. Avidly Reads Guilty Pleasures by Arielle Zibrak understands the ways romance novels are a source of feminine media culture some associate with shame and censure, reflecting that the Western world often diminishes feminine interests and pursuits. All that is to say, romances have been praised for centering feminist interests and issues like love, job security, equal partnership, and reproductive rights."
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October sky, 1999
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danielleurbansblog · 2 years
Review: Home for Christmas
Review: Home for Christmas
Synopsis: From New York Times bestselling author Courtney Cole, the Magic of the Christmas Season sends a woman back in time to the 1940s where she meets her own grandmother and learns the true meaning of family and the holiday.Piper McCaulley doesn’t know which way is up or down. Her gran, her last remaining family, died two weeks before Christmas, leaving Piper to reevaluate her life. Did she…
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rebouks · 1 year
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Oscar: You can have a drink if you-… Courtney: It’s already hard enough, isn’t it? Oscar: That’s what she said.
Courtney: [snickers] I bet-.. I’m serious though, are you good? Oscar: Watching everyone make the most of an open bar n’ get wasted is super fun, of course; but I’m doing okay. Courtney: We could always-…
Oscar: What kinda wedding do you want-.. still fancy eloping in a forest somewhere? Courtney: I don’t know. After everything we’ve been through, maybe it’d be nice to celebrate together.. y’know? Besides, you haven’t even asked me properly yet!
Oscar: [gasps] Asking whilst drunk n’ puking my guts up doesn’t count?! Courtney: I was only fucking with you, but when you say it like that… Oscar: Well, I can’t exactly ask you here.
Courtney: Why not? Oscar: You know I live for your impulsiveness, but you can’t propose at someone else’s wedding without asking them. Courtney: So, let’s go somewhere else.
Oscar: I’m scared I’m gonna rip these pants. Courtney: That’d be terrible. Oscar: Hah-.. oof, okay.
[Courtney snorts, devolving into a fit of laughter] Oscar: Excuse me-… Courtney: Sorry, sorry! I didn’t expect you to actually get down on one knee.
Oscar: Psh.. you know I don’t have a ring, right? Courtney: I don’t want one. Oscar: I don’t have a plan either…
Courtney: [grins] Duh, spontaneity is our thing.
Oscar: I think your reckless abandon is one of my favourite things about you-.. your sense of humour, your creativity, messiness, positivity, obsession with complicated plant names; it’s all perfect. I’m amazed that you ever gave me the time of day. It meant everything to me back then, that you saw through my bullshit-.. it still does, and I’m sorry it wasn’t enough. I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for the way things turned out, but I’d like to spend the rest of my days trying to make it up to you-.. making sure you’re happy.
Courtney: Awh.. you’re gonna make me cry. Oscar: Not doing so hot on the happy front so far, huh?
Courtney: [laughs thickly] I’m good, carry on. Oscar: You’ve felt like home to me from the moment I laid eyes on you, Cookie; I genuinely can’t imagine not marrying you… So, will you marry me?
Courtney: No. Oscar: [cackles] No?! For fuck’s sake! Courtney: I just wanted you to get all gooey-.. and rip your pants.
Oscar: Shame they’re still intact. Courtney: Mmh, I want another baby. Oscar: You’ve gotta say yes first.
Courtney: In what reality would I say no? Oscar: Aha, true.. but we definitely can’t make one here. Courtney: We definitely could.
[Oscar ponders for less than a millisecond before dropping Courtney from his knee, catching her by the small of her back] Courtney: Wh-.. ah! Oscar: [chuckles] You better keep it down.
Courtney: Pfft, no one’s gonna come round here. Oscar: No? Courtney: [giggles] Well…
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Which Love Triangle Is Worse? (Ninjago Vs Total Drama)
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Hey, this is called a sponsor, right? For advertising something? Why don’t we try it? For a book?
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Destiny’s Burden. An original story by yours truly.
The world of Destiny takes place a century into the future, where Earth and all its morally questionable implications were wiped out for the sake of a utopia.
The beloved savior, Mary Sue, rescued everyone from extinction by creating a world system that would change all of humanity.
Destiny, from all the Chosen One stories you’ve heard, is the dominant force of society. Those who’ve praised Mary Sue have been granted a loving world of kingdoms with the clearest right and wrong, and lives of great fortune. Those who’ve rejected her ideals were cursed to become the Dark Lords, the villains and the black of the stories that would come.
When certain children come of age, they are granted a destiny of their own, abilities of a Chosen One, and given clear stories for them to follow and train for. Stories that would bring peace to their wonderful world, against the Dark Lords who dare to try and change it.
A generation of Chosen Ones begins with Charlie Sue, the descendent of Mary Sue herself, being assigned the task of becoming the savior of the entire land after a group of Dark Lords steal power.
With the help of a few Chosen One friends, Charlie must train for the day he claims his place as Destiny’s savior.
And if Destiny really is that pleasing of a utopia.
An original fantasy action story by yours truly. Questions are free to be asked in messaging me, and followers of my blog will, in time, get a chance to beta read parts of the story and give much needed feedback to make this a great passion project. More info coming soon.
Now, onto the post.
You know, this was easier to decide than I thought.
I know, it didn’t sound like it would at first.
Okay, lets think of a better intro...
Both of these cartoons means quite a bit to me. 
I already talk about Total Drama on my blog quite a bit, to the point where I think some of my followers think I’m a TD blog. I’m not. There’s other stuff I talk about. In fact, there’s even more I could talk about with TD, and opinions I have yet to share. 
However, it is an absolute CRIME in my head that I have not talked about Ninjago as much as I do with TD. I mean, I made a Skybound review awhile back, which holds up on my opinions, but that’s about it.
Why do I say this? Well because, I have the LAMEST childhood over. I did not grow up with Total Drama. I watched it when covid hit and I had nothing better to do. I didn’t even watch Avatar The Last Airbender until last year, which is NUTS. 
I was more so into MLP as a kid, but I stopped watching it around Season 6, not through any puberty hit, but because my parents HATE me watching MLP. (For reasons I don’t get.) And I was also bullied heavily for liking MLP, so...
I also was obsessed with Minecraft Story Mode. (And I did make a few posts about it. They’re old, though.) It’s sad to me what happened to that series...
I also binge read the Sailor Moon manga, and I have all the books still. I watched the 90s show too, but... I honestly did not like it.
I would say, ‘what a surprise, the book is better’, but you’d be shocked to hear the Sailor Moon fandom say that the 90s anime is superior. For me... no.
Then I had one brief RWBY phase. And I mean BRIEF. In actuality, I don’t hardcore hate the show, but the one aspect of the show that prevents me from getting into it is it’s awful protagonists. I dunno, maybe I’ll make a post about that topic, because it’s astounding to me how bad their protagonists are.
And if you know me, I more so tend to have more to talk about when it comes to the flawed shows rather than shows with perfect writing. I said it over and over again, YES, I’ve watched ATLA, and Arcane. Those shows are amazing. Do you want me to praise those shows like the 7 billion other people on planet earth have?
Okay, I’m getting off track.
But there’s one show in my childhood that I distinctly remember being a part of my childhood more than any of these: That’s Ninjago.
I remember when I was around eight years old, and my sibling and I would tune in every week to watch an episode on Netflix. And I don’t even like the shows my sibling watch. But we both bonded with this show specifically. I think it has to do with this being the first show I’ve watched that wasn’t just one episode adventures. This was a show with substance, with story arcs that branch for multiple episodes, with characters to follow. Something I was not familiar with at the time.
Also Zane. Best boy. No I’m not taking criticism.
Before I even made my Tumblr account, I would write private essays talking about Ninjago. They’re terrible. 
I have huge memories of this show. I WANTED to talk about this show for awhile, but couldn’t figure out what to talk about.
And then in my creative writing class, we were talking about tropes we hated. 
My teacher said ‘the love triangle’. (I didn’t have that on my list, surprisingly)
It seemed like everyone, besides myself, hated the love triangle trope. And it seems very valid.
Like, just pick one love interest, darn it!
So that got me to make this post. Why a contest between these two shows?
Well they both have a love triangle that the majority of the fandom hates, they’re both known for destroying a relationship people liked, and they both take place in their Season Three.
And also, everyone hates these plotlines, so I wanted to ask myself, are they really that bad? More importantly, which is worse?
That’s what we’re here for.
Keep in mind, this is my POV on these plotlines. There’s obviously gonna be disagreement and I would love to hear your opinions when reblogging.
But there’s one key factor that I think makes people lean to one argument:
My first claim is that it has to do with nostalgia of the show that springs our reactions.
When I watched the Ninjago love triangle as a kid, I was confused, cringing, and angry.
When I watched the Total Drama love triangle when I’m older, I was just like ‘okay, so we’re doing this.’
So obviously, there’s a great line of bias. As a kid, your brain hasn’t fully developed, so when bringing up a concept that isn’t black and white, and emotionally damaging, you’re gonna get heavy results. 
It was the same for when Zane died in Season Three. I was a kid. I was TICKED.
Looking back now, that was an expertly built up scene and one of the best payoffs to a character arc in the show. 
‘Animation is for babies’
And yet you have this:
“Are you working for Silco?”
“Fuck you”
-Arcane. (And that’s the LEAST adult thing in the show)
It’s the same thing with shipping.
Kids media are given the simplistic idea that romance is absolute. That you have one person destined for you and it will all work out.
A love triangle is... complicated, for kids heads.
So when another guy a character is in love with enters the picture, kids are gonna be confused and relatively act negative towards it. Despite the fact that love triangles... do actually exist in the real world?
Anyone remember Hamilton? Of course you do.
This is why we tend to hate Love Tringles in my eyes.
But I want to be as objective as possible with this, and discuss each storyline and their problems. So lets coin toss and decide which show we start with.
*Flips coin*
*Gets Heads*
Ninjago, it’s your lucky day.
I guess it’s fitting since I watched this show first.
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Ninjago (Jay, Cole, and Nya Love Triangle)
Ninjago is a show produced by LEGO, which tells the story about a group of ninjas being assigned to face against the evils of the titular world. It’s also LEGOs biggest TV show to date.
This is more of an action superhero show than anything, and I think that’s gonna be the biggest difference here. Both shows I’m talking about have different priorities.
But I’m just focusing on the love triangle.
This plotline springs in its third season, Rebooted. It’s an eight episode long season, and the plotline gets introduced in the premiere briefly, and stays relevant all season between the three characters involved. It gets carried over to season four in that third episode, and it’s mentioned briefly in the premiere of season six. Then it ends.
People tend to hate this love triangle for a certain reason:
WHY was this love triangle needed?
I tried researching what was going on behind the scenes when the decision was made, but I could not find anything. I may be bad at research though.
My best guess is this:
Ninjago was originally supposed to end after Season Two: Legacy Of The Green Ninja. However, from the success of the show and insane toy sales, they made the decision to continue the story and make a third season. The task of continuing a story you designed to end is... daunting. For any writer.
So my biggest assumption on why they decided to do a love triangle was because they were still struggling to figure out what to do with the story of Ninjago from where they intended to end it.
I don’t hate Rebooted. Rebooted has its moments. But the season also carries a lot of lows, and this is one of them. It’s why I think most of the fandom sees this as a mid tier season overall, and pretty mixed.
So lets give context to the love before the season:
Right from the pilot episodes, one of the missions of the newly formed ninja team was to rescue the fire ninja Kai’s sister, Nya. 
And the lightning ninja, Jay, says this:
“We’re saving a girl? Is she hot?”
Right off the bat, and before they even met, the writers implied that Jay was gonna have a thing for Nya, the most major girl character in the entire show.
Jay and Nya properly meet in the second pilot episode after Kai rescues her, and they exchange their favorite colors. It so happens to be blue. Flirting.
Right off the bat, there is no hate each other until they love each other bull, there is no will they or will they won’t, from the moment they met, these two have had a thing for each other.
In fact, we don’t even really do a ‘will they or will they won’t’ with them, because the flirting carries over in the proper first season of the show.
So much so that their big milestone in their relationship is in Episode 8.
Yeah. That’s quick. It’s almost impressive.
Basically, that episode has Jay trying to impress Nya, Kai tricking him into giving his sister an allergy (like the great brother he is), and despite this, Nya accepting his proposal to go on a date. Unfortunately, Jay gets his finger pricked on a snake fang, and it’s worse sounding than it sounds when you know the context of the show. Wacky hijinks ensue when their secrets of their identities clash, with Jay being a nobody from a junkyard, and Nya being a Samurai ally to the ninja and wanting to keep that a secret because of some sexist bull. 
But by the end of the episode, they make up, confess their feelings, and become an official couple.
From there, there’s minimal drama between their relationship for the rest of Season One, and all of Season Two. It’s just been them flirting and praising each other, and being supportive. 
There was also an episode where an evil clone of Jay kisses Nya, and tells the real Jay about it, which makes Jay so mad that he essentially MURDERS him. 
Compared to Total Drama, and due to different show circumstances, this is actually a very tame thing to do.
So, Jay and Nya as a couple, pre-Rebooted, has had next to NO issues.
Now you might be wondering, if that’s the case, WHY IN THE NAME OF HECK did they decide to throw Cole into this? Where did he fit in all of this?
Well, I just rewatched all of Season One and Two for this post, and in terms of Cole and Nya interactions... there was nothing.
I’m not kidding. These two have not had ONE interaction with each other pre-Rebooted. The most is when Nya is talking to all the ninja, not Cole specifically.
So why would Nya suddenly have a thing for a guy she never talks to, when she has a good relationship with Jay?
And whatever you Total Drama people who haven’t watched Ninjago are thinking, it’s even dumber than that.
So in the premiere of Rebooted, they go to this sci-fi tour at the new Ninjago central tower... thing. The ninja are left doing plot stuff with Cyrus, and Nya is left to take care of kids and be a chaperon to a field trip. Little girls find this ‘perfect match’ machine, which is SUCH a real thing in the real world (sarcasm), and they make Nya try the machine.
And her perfect match is said to be Cole.
THAT is how Nya gets feelings for Cole.
Told you it was dumber than you think.
She did not gain feelings for Cole through any interaction with him, or other people pressuring the concept, or even her current boyfriend being any wrong to her. 
It’s a freaking. MACHINE.
So right at the next time Nya is focused on, she is flirting with Cole. She mistakes him referring to the students with their kids, she gives him the looks, and she’s also holding hands with him.
Yeah. Nya is essentially CHEATING ON HER BOYFRIEND.
And again, she’s only doing this because a MACHINE SAID SO.
It’s not like she’s even trying to hide it, as Jay catches them. 
This makes Nya look horrendously unlikeable in the season, as you’d expect.
Why is this so OOC for her? Because there was ZERO prompting for this to happen. None. 
At most, you could say that Jay’s ego made her feel lesser of relevance, but to Ninjago’s credit, they do address that... IN SEASON SIX. 
So that’s not an excuse here. We’re talking about BEFORE Skybound.
Until Skybound, and I guess Tournament of Elements, Nya hasn’t had an issue with Jay’s ego. Again, in the episode where they hook up, she tells him that he doesn’t need to impress her. And they both agreed on such. 
In the third episode of Rebooted, it’s revealed that PIXAL is the AI of the machine that did all of this. Not only does she not apologize or tell Nya that she should let her heart decide, but she encourages the cheating and to dump Jay.
To be fair, I don’t really hold PIXAL accountable for the love triangle. At this point in the story, she’s just a robot doing her job, and knows little about showing humanity. And she just woke up from a near death experience, so yeah, I think it’s safe to say that she was numb when she told Nya this. PIXAL is really not trying to harm anybody, or say anything personal, she’s just saying what the program of the machine told her to say.
However, Jay hears PIXAL claim that Cole is Nya’s perfect match, explaining that Nya was indeed cheating on her, and it absolutely ENRAGES Jay.
So much so that when an unexpected Cole walks into the room, Jay physically tries to beat him up. 
They were friends before, and had some playful teasing in the first two seasons, but now it’s gone.
This is, deemed by many fans, one of the WORST scenes of the entire show.
I don’t blame them. I hate this scene too.
Even if you take the so called build up out, the scene is accompanied by awful dialogue and puns, so... there is NO ironically enjoying this either.
So from then on, Cole and Jay hate each other and spend the rest of the season fighting over Nya. To be fair, past this episode, it just turns into spiteful comments, and doesn’t escalate to any physical fighting until Season Four. 
And it’s not like they’re trying to kill each other. Quite the opposite in fact. (Jay does oblige in saving Cole from getting lost in space, no hesitation)
So yeah, this season, because of the love triangle, assassinated all three characters involved. And mind you, I LOVE Ninjago’s protagonists. I LOVE these characters. So when I say they’re OOC here, I mean it.
I already talked about Nya and how this was out of character for her. Because the sexist BS is the biggest pet peeve I have with Nya. Otherwise, she’s very compassionate, assertive, and a girlboss with a very strong character arc throughout the entire show.
Jay does have a right to be angry. After all, he was cheated on. But I think he’s mad at the wrong person. He never blames Nya for this at all, and only pins it on Cole as a heartless monster. That’s odd to me, because Nya cheated, and he SAW THAT. I thought he would yell at her at least once, but no, instead he demands she picks him like an egotist. That’s what someone possessive would do, and Jay has NEVER done this before.
Besides, if you think about it, he’s only mad because PIXAL, an AI, said he was no good for Nya. In that case, he should be mad at PIXAL too. Sure, I said that PIXAL couldn’t help it, but if I were Jay, yelling at her would be warranted. 
But nope. It’s all Cole’s fault, even though Cole was kind of a victim of circumstances.
Speaking of, why is Cole even into Nya?
Like I said, they haven’t talked before this. Cole has shown no signs of liking Nya, in fact, he seemed to support Jay and Nya as a couple. This is especially strange because Cole is the kind of character who knows exactly what he wants. If he was into Nya, he would’ve said so right away, especially before Jay even got with her.
The worst part is, the rest of the season only consists of Nya trying to decide who she likes, and the other two trying to fight for her affection. I don’t think they even mention the cheating after this. And again, it goes absolutely nowhere until Season Four, Episode Three.
In that episode, Jay and Cole are forced to fight each other by Clouse rigging the titular tournament. They’re actually not okay with this until Neuro, a guy who can read minds, escalates their rage. Then they’re okay with beating each other up with a ton of rage and grief towards each other. 
Before the match, Lloyd tells them to remember who the real enemy is. He is referring to Chen. This is the driving force to the rest of the fight.
In a fight scene that is actually visually pleasing, ngl, Cole and Jay go all out until a random point in the middle where Cole decides, ‘hey, you’re not my enemy, and I never even liked Nya, so yeah, I’ll just sacrifice myself so you can stay in the game, symbolizing how you won this love triangle.’
And they make up.
Despite the little effort and prompting beforehand. Like I said, they only did this because Lloyd said so. So why are they making up now if they hate each other so much?
And then any love life plotline with Cole completely drops, and Cole is left with no love interest until Master of the Mountain. Cole and Nya have some scenes together after this, but it’s clear that they’re just friends and it never goes anywhere. And in Skybound, the love triangle is just treated as the plot device that broke up Jay and Nya, as they get back together.
So did the love triangle really amount to anything besides that?
You can wipe out this plotline entirely, and not much changes. The villains don’t take advantage of that specifically, and they forget about it afterwards, with no build up beforehand. 
Yeah you could argue Chen and Clouse took advantage of it, but they were after the ninja because they were spoiled the behind the scenes drama of their little game. They were threats, and an alliance, which their games try to discourage. So they would’ve set Cole and Jay up against each other anyway.
I fully understand why people hate this plotline, as it’s used for unnecessary drama. Unlike Total Drama, which uses titular DRAMA as a part of the plot’s torture, Ninjago has no reason for their drama to be unnecessary. This is not a torturous scenario Ninjago is living in, this is an action show!
I guess I can appreciate that Jay and Nya were able to recover from this and get back together. They even get married. My heart sings.
And at least in Ninjago, this plotline drama doesn’t seem to escalate, and people are able to forget about it.
Total Drama is a completely different story.
So lets talk about that.
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Total Drama (Courtney, Gwen, and Duncan Love Triangle)
 I talked about Total Drama quite a bit on my blog already, so I’ll be brief.
Total Drama is about a group of teenagers being scammed onto a game show to try and become celebrities. Torture ensues. 
It’s far more treated like a reality show in cartoon form, I guess that’s the best way I can explain it.
Despite the fact that the love triangle here is HIGHLY loathed, even more so than Ninjago, and that I did headcanon posts of all three characters, I’ve avoided talking about the love triangle before this.
That fandom is THAT violent when it comes to this topic.
You will NEVER get the same POV about it.
So what I’m gonna say is guaranteed to tick off at least half of the people who read this.
PLEASE, just hear me out.
I don’t really ship either.
I haven’t been a hardcore Jaya fan either, but it’s the same mindset I gave to Duncney and Gwuncan. In the latter two’s case, it’s because they’re trapped under such awful circumstances, that being the show’s setting used to stress them out, screw up their heads, and torture them. And also the executives who forced this on the writers.
In the context of Total Drama’s writing staff, they didn’t want to do this either. They were forced to by the executives, who wanted to teach kids that breakups happen and you could end up with someone else.
That sounds like it has good intentions...
Until you find that the actual moral they delivered with the first breakup was that ‘If you break up with someone, the entire world will hate you. And you deserve it.’
I don’t think I need to tell you that’s a bad message.
To be fair, I’ve never been against either ship involved, so I don’t hate either.
But the canon circumstances?
Let’s get this started:
So the first season of Total Drama is kind of a different story than with Ninjago.
Unlike Ninjago, which just had Jay and Nya as a couple and Cole was someone I assumed was ace (welcome to the club), all three people involved in the later love triangle had an established love interest and relationship.
Gwen, the third wheel and the Cole in this case, had a relationship with Trent, your typical guitar playing love interest and as generic of a love interest as you can get. But they get in a few shenanigans with Gwen being a stubborn loner, and Heather being Heather and doing one of my most hated story tropes, so they don’t get together until the end of the season. 
And then in season two, Trent gets his character assassinated and becomes possessive over Gwen, OVERLY so, and it causes Gwen to break up with him because as I said in previous posts, Gwen doesn’t know how to deal with relationships. 
And then the entire world treats Trent like a victim, that Gwen was the abusive one, and everyone hates Gwen.
And this is just the START of the Gwen social punching bag.
Then in season one, there was another relationship relevant to this topic: Duncan and Courtney.
They’re presented as your typical bad boy/good girl dynamic.
And they actually had fun chemistry. Ngl.
Duncan flirts with her, and Courtney tries to deny her feelings for him and masks it through lectures, claiming she hates his rude and rebellious behavior. Despite this, they keep having sexual tension, and they have a kiss in Episode 12.
You could say Ninjago has an advantage then, but keep in mind that Ninjago has 13 episodes in its season one, and Total Drama has 26 episodes. So I’d say they’re both impressive.
I would say that on an enjoyment standpoint, Duncan and Courtney, and Jay and Nya are very fun couples with fun chemistry. That’s why people liked them.
Jay and Nya however, barely had any drama going on in their relationship before Season Three.
Duncan and Courtney are a different story.
Like I said before, Courtney tried to deny her feelings for Duncan and masked it through lecturing her own love. It’s not until she finds out about Duncan’s more positive traits that she realizes she wants to be around him. Or rather, she can FIX him.
Yeah. Courtney is a fixer upper.
This is a trope in romance, and not a very good one if you ask me. Usually, I use the fixer upper to claim why a relationship would NOT work.
And I don’t want to take this all out on Courtney and say she’s the problem. Duncan is a jerk as well. He’s a bully, he cares more about his image than being himself, and he also does stuff we’ll talk about in a minute. But in terms of the couple aspect, Courtney is the one raising the red flags in the beginning.
Now, I do think Courtney cares about Duncan and thinks she’s helping, but that is not the point. You can love your partner, and still abuse them.
Instead of these two working through their differences, Courtney just hands Duncan a list of things she wants to change about him, and is VERY strict about him following that. Prior to this, Duncan has annoyed her by trying to flirt with her, and she responds through lethal hits to the nuts, or physical punches, or mentally guilt tripping him. Prior to even that, she DITCHED him in his hour of her need for a million bucks.
Yeah, Total Drama LOVES romanticizing abusive relationships. That is a PROBLEM.
So Duncan, in his stress of the relationship, decides he doesn’t want anything to do with her anymore, and he votes her off the show, breaking them up.
And then he wins a million dollars, and they get back together.
“Now you’re saying that I’m a gold digger, but check my gleam up, hey go figure.” -Six
And then in Celebrity Manhunt, they publicly humiliate each other yet again, sue each other, and break up. So what was the point of them getting back together?
I heard people claim that in this same special, they have a kiss on the bus while bickering, so that means they’re back together.
If you want to see it that way?
Courtney did.
But let me ask you this: Where in this episode was that confirmed? Where did they agree to get back together?
Duncan never made it clear to Courtney that they weren’t back together in his mind. They had what you called a fling. Duncan does this. He is a horndog.
This is Duncan emotionally using Courtney for his own image. See, I told you Duncan wasn’t innocent in this.
Then there’s Gwen.
Unlike Cole and Nya, Duncan and Gwen actually DID have interactions pre-season three.
In season one, their dynamic started around the slasher episode, as they bonded over their shared enthusiasm for blood and gore in movies. They orchestrate the survival plan for the challenge, and betray each other, but I don’t think either of them took it that personally. They also helped each other/bickered in the castaway episode.
Their friendship properly starts in season two, where they have friendly interactions and help each other out in challenges. Gwen even picks Duncan first to be her teammate. 
It gets to a point where Trent, Gwen’s girlfriend at the time, gets jealous and thinks Gwen is hitting on Duncan. Gwen denies it and claims they’re friends, but no one believes her. In fact, when Gwen is sent to the Aftermath show and broken up with Trent, everyone accuses Gwen of dumping Trent for Duncan. Another reason why the show wants you to hate Gwen and absolutely no one else.
That is frustrating.
In the Celebrity Manhunt special, it’s revealed that Gwen DOES indeed have a crush on Duncan and just doesn’t want it to surface because he’s with Courtney. When she hears they broke up, she becomes interested again.
This is a year after season two, so we don’t know what happened that made Gwen change her mind.
Did Gwen and Duncan bond off screen?
That’s an even bigger possibility in this show than in Ninjago given the circumstances, but they never establish that they did.
Duncan quits Season Three at the start, but the producers track him down anyway. Before he returns, Courtney talks about how she misses him, and wants him back.
There’s also this exchange between Alejandro and Courtney in episode two that I noticed upon rewatch that I find interesting:
“Such witty remarks from such fiercely intelligent women. I’m both humbled and intrigued.”
“Nice try. But I’m with Duncan.”
“And what pity it is that you should give yourself to a quitter, who doesn’t deserve you.”
“That’s not-Duncan is-totally-you’re just- will someone hurry this camel up?!”
Obviously, Alejandro is playing her. He is the season’s bad guy after all. He’s taking advantage of the relationship strain. 
But consider how Courtney stutters when trying to defend Duncan? She’s trying to dodge any notion that Duncan would leave her. She thinks she’s doing the right thing, and can’t fathom the idea that she’s done something wrong. She doesn’t WANT to believe they’re broken up.
I’m shocked no one brings up this scene, actually.
During this, Gwen and Courtney, being on the same team, become friends from their shared hatred of Heather. Really, I think they just became friends because they’re the only non-simps, non-insane, non-horrible people on their team.
Friendships come from very unlikely places sometimes.
They didn’t really have any interactions before this. Cole and Jay had two whole seasons being on a team.
And then we get THE SCENE.
Duncan comes back, and immediately, Courtney lectures him for leaving her, then embraces him. He says that every time he ran from the cops, he thought of HER.
He’s staring at GWEN.
It brings her in a spiral of question late at night, and she’s clearly not thinking clearly. Are Duncan and Courtney a thing? Are they not? Does Courtney deserve him? Is Courtney a bad influence? Does Duncan like Gwen? Is Duncan interested in her?
Duncan shuts out any questions by coming into the bathroom to kiss her.
Thus, he cheats on Courtney with Gwen.
This can be interpreted in a lot of ways, but I think there’s two we can bring up.
One is the nature of Duncan’s character.
He is a horndog who cares about his image. He wants to be seen as a bad boy and not his true self. He wants is bad boy persona to be his true self. He wants validation from the people around him, so anyone who finds interest in that persona, he will bang. 
He’s not sweet good intended Nya. He’s quite the opposite.
But I don’t think it’s clear what his intention was. Was he trying to escape his situation with someone he trusts? Was he trying to spite Courtney? (I mean, All Stars implies that) Was he trying to start over with a new girl? Is he using Gwen? Does he actually love Gwen?
None of these questions get answered. We are given NO clear idea why Duncan did this. That’s why there’s such a division in perspective.
They could’ve at least had a confessional where Duncan explained his intent, whatever it was, but nope.
The other factor is the influence of the show.
This is the machine from Ninjago.
This is the PIXAL, if PIXAL was a sociopath.
The show fans assumed there was something going on with Duncan and Gwen, and they pressure them into trying to admit that being the truth. EVERYONE, throughout the year, pressure this. Geoff, Heather, fans, Chris, even Courtney herself. 
I talked about this in other posts, so I’ll be brief. The show screws up the morality of SEVERAL characters, to the point where they will do nasty stuff you wouldn't see them do in season one, where they were pure.
It’s very easy to assume that Gwen would only have feelings for Duncan because the show is pulling her strings.
But they don’t establish that either. That’s just my interpretation of it to try and make sense of this writing.
So take all of this with a grain of salt.
Gwen regrets the kiss afterwards, somewhat, well, only because afterwards Courtney goes on and on about how Duncan’s her boyfriend. I think Courtney’s just rubbing this in because she knew Gwen was crushing, and wanted to keep her away from him.
I guess you could say Courtney is Total Drama’s Tsundre.
That makes a lot more sense in a minute.
Gwen and Duncan discuss the matter of Gwen kissing Courtney’s boyfriend in a song. Duncan sings he has no regrets, and Gwen reminds him of Courtney. They both agree that they should stop with the secrets and come clean. They know what will happen, so it’s better to just tell the truth.
Then Duncan gets mauled by a bear, so they have to wait until after the challenge.
But then Alejandro figured it out and outs it to Courtney, ruining it.
Courtney IMMEDIATELY becomes bloodthirsty on Gwen, and next to EVERYONE joins Courtney in berating Gwen. (Except Cody)
This scene, alongside the Jay and Cole scuffle, hurts to watch.
But I will confess, I prefer to watch the Total Drama fallout scene, because I think the voice acting in the scene is better. You can feel Courtney’s heartbreak as she screams at her nonstop, and the sinister craziness awakening in her. And Gwen CRYING?! REGRETTING what she did?!
Come on, there’s at least SOME value here besides Cody getting a dub.
Even if it is little value besides Cody getting a dub.
From here on out, EVERYONE on the plane (Again, except Cody) HATE Gwen’s guts. They will not let her forget what she did. They will never give her a single iota of grey area besides ‘You suck Gwen, we hate you, the entire world hates you, and you deserve to be hated. Go jump off a plane and die so we can have a party about it.’
Gwen and Duncan even try to apologize, but no one takes it.
This is like Cole and Jay, only it’s not just Jay berating Cole, it’s EVERYONE.
I think I would’ve stopped watching Ninjago for years if that was the case, because that would’ve been PAINFUL to watch.
Courtney is the key factor of this hate club, and rallies everyone up to hate on Gwen and Duncan and try to remove them. Sierra, Heather, Tyler, Alejandro, who the last one WANTED to happen as he’s now in control of her. 
And unlike Jay, Courtney actually DOES berate the cheater for what they did. Deserved.
But then again, at least Jay doesn’t sing a song about trying to kill the other point of the triangle.
To Courtney, this is all a serious betrayal. Gwen and Duncan were the only people Courtney allowed herself to open up to, and then they betray her. She has a right to be mad, but not a right to her actions driven by the madness.
For Gwen, Duncan is now the only person she can feel safe with. People tend to cling to the kindness in their life that’s the closest to them. This is why Gwen chooses to stay with Duncan and ignore all the hate she’s getting. She needs love in this moment. 
And then Duncan tries to play Alejandro by pretending to still be into Courtney. It’s an act, but still.
We never see on screen if Duncan explained himself and apologized to Gwen.
Ninjago had a whole season and three episodes worth of love triangle drama.
Total Drama only has three episodes.
And then it abruptly ends unconcluded. 
Courtney wanted to get revenge on Gwen by dumping her off the plane and making Duncan jealous of her.
Technically, she WON.
She gets Gwen out, and she, not intentionally, uses Scott to make Duncan jealous, which causes Gwen to leave him.
Sorry, getting ahead of myself.
Now lets address All Stars.
You could argue this focuses on the love triangle as well, and... kinda? But, All Stars seems to bail on EVERY plotline World Tour had. I have NO IDEA why this is, as unlike Rebooted, World Tour is a FAN FAVORITE SEASON. But they bailed on everything.
And it’s clear that the writers had no objective with giving the love triangle an ending. 
The season is more so focused on Courtney finding a new boyfriend in Scott, that she plans to use, Duncan being thrusted into a heroes position and wanting to be a bad guy again, and Gwen, once again, being hated by everybody around her.
Duncan and Gwen have NO romantic scenes together, and Gwen constantly shuts him out in favor of trying to make things right with Courtney. The girl she BETRAYED.
She also claims that Duncan was not Courtney’s boyfriend at the time, thus she didn’t do anything wrong...
I’m ASSUMING Duncan told Gwen that story to get her on his side. THAT would make sense of this phrase. BUT the writers never establish that.
And again, Duncan only gets jealous because Gwen’s ignoring him when he’s trying to help, and Courtney’s finding a new slave to give her the win. My assumption is that he’s trying to strike up a conversation with Gwen, considering Gwen wanted to make things right with Courtney, but again, no establishment that this is Duncan’s motive.
So Gwen gets fed up with that, and dumps Duncan, shutting him out of her life.
This scene is SO QUICK, that it feels like an afterthought. There’s no blowout, there’s no prompting, there’s no remorse for the action later besides one Duncan confessional, it’s just ‘okay, they’re broken up now, Gwuncan haters can chill the F out.’
Is that the motive? What about the people who liked Gwuncan as a concept and wanted to see more of them? 
Here’s a writing tip: If your fans don’t like an aspect of your story, DON’T bail out of it. WORK on it. MAKE IT BETTER.
In my series that I’m doing, Destiny’s Burden, a lot of my beta readers didn’t like one of my characters at first. They considered her insufferable, annoying, selfish, and stereotypical. But instead of writing that character out of the plot, I took the time to give that character development, and have them develop less of a spoiled personality. Now that character is a fan favorite among my beta readers.
And then there’s the last part of this. Gwen and Courtney making up.
Unlike Tournament of Elements, which threw in the forgiveness at the last minute, Gwen actually puts in the effort beforehand to be friends with Courtney again. She tries REALLY hard actually.
Gosh, I CANNOT believe I’m saying ALL STARS did something better than THE TOURNMENT OF ELEMENTS. WHAT AM I ON?!
And, looking at the Cole and Jay tournament fight, and the Gwen and Courtney boxing match... this is the same scene.
This is literally the same scene, minus the sacrifice Ninjago had.
They duke it out, they beat each other, and they apologize in the middle, explaining that they never missed the girl/guy, they just missed each other, and they make up and become friends again.
I prefer the Ninjago scene though, because it’s way more visually pleasing, and the dialogue seems more sincere to me. Courtney and Gwen’s ‘apology’ is so corny I can’t-
So what is the ending of Total Drama’s love triangle? Courtney and Gwen become best friends in la la land, they trash over Duncan, and cheer when he’s thrown in jail.
And then Courtney betrays Gwen, making all the love and support Gwen got back meaningless. But hey, that’s not relevant to this topic.
Most people in the fandom claim that this was character assassination on all three characters. Just like I said with Ninjago. 
Here’s the thing: Total Drama has more episodes around this time. Ninjago didn’t. I know NOW it’s not a contest on which show had more episodes, but looking at it, Ninjago, in four seasons, had 44 episodes, and Total Drama, in four seasons, had 91.
This is a double edge sword, as on one hand Total Drama has more to work with. On the other, Total Drama has more to work with.
After all, like I said, we are given no clear motive for why Duncan even cheated, or didn’t tell Courtney that they weren’t together anymore. Gwen was cheated on technically in season one, and here she is doing that same emotional betrayal in season three to Courtney. And again, the whole ‘he wasn’t your boyfriend’.
There’s multiple instances where literally ONE MORE SCENE of ANY part of this plotline could’ve helped it make more sense. But no. The writers just really did not want to write this. Again, they were forced to. It shows.
But I will say this, unlike with Ninjago’s love triangle, the Total Drama love triangle is SEVERELY plot relevant. You CAN’T write it out.
Everyone says they should’ve just written it out... how? 
Every fanfic I’ve seen that’s written the love triangle out actively made the story less interesting, and gave the three characters involved nothing to do. 
The villains, again, take advantage of the situation to give themselves plot armor. This is how Alejandro uses Courtney. She would’ve never helped him otherwise. This is what makes Heather jealous, prompting the last quarter of World Tour. This is what season two’s Gwen bashing has built up to. This is what makes Gwen the biggest social punching bag of the entire show. This is what spawns Gwen to become a villainous vulture. This is the start of Duncan’s downfall, and his mental distress getting him behind bars later.
You NEED the love triangle to be a thing for the story to make any sense.
I’m sorry, but that’s what I see.
Which is Worse?
Now to answer the money question.
Which plotline is worse?
This is REALLY subjective. So take it with a grain of salt.
Both of these plotlines have huge issues. They are both dampers to their season three. 
Ninjago had a worse motive, a more pathetic fight, dragged on, and had no plot relevance whatsoever.
Total Drama had a more unlikeable cast participating, poor establishment of motive, ended way too quickly, and suffered from no ending.
I think we can both agree on the quality on both of these plotlines.
It really depends on which plotline I would prefer to watch a compilation of over and over again.
And in that sense...
I think I’d pick Total Drama as the better one.
This is for a few reasons: 
One is that Total Drama is a far more morally grey show, so its characters are far more morally grey than with Ninjago. It’s more believable that the TD characters would do stuff so spiteful towards each other, than the Ninjago characters. This makes it so that you can see everyone’s point of view, and the plotline becomes welcome for multiple interpretations. 
Two is that there was SOME build up to the cheating. You could say that it was bad build up, but at least it WAS build up. What build up was there in Ninjago? Oh yeah, none.
Three is that Total Drama’s plotline is actually plot relevant. If I have to watch the love triangle to watch World Tour, I’ll watch it. I won’t skip it. If I skip it, I know I’ll miss vital information for the rest of the story.
That said, though I say Ninjago is the worse plotline, it does have an advantage of having a better makeup scene, and an actual ending. And the characters were able to recover because of that.
Because, with all six of these characters, I DO like them all. I want the best for them (even if Duncan arguably doesn’t deserve it)
But let me know your thoughts. Would you agree? Disagree? Is there something I missed? Let me know.
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stoptakingusernames · 4 months
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I ranked LA noire characters by how well they would survive in the hood/ghetto.
The original post I got the idea from :
I didn't put much thought into this.
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la-hoire · 11 months
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