#Crystal healing guide
reachlovenheal · 1 year
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Crystal Healing Therapist In Pune
Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is a practice that involves using crystals and gemstones to promote healing, balance, and well-being. This ancient practice has been used for centuries in various cultures and is still popular today. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of crystal healing and how it can promote overall wellness.
What is Crystal Healing?
Crystal healing is a form of alternative therapy that uses crystals and gemstones to promote healing, balance, and energy flow. It is based on the belief that each crystal has its own unique properties and energy that can be used to balance the body, mind, and spirit. Crystals are placed on or around the body, and their energy is believed to interact with the body’s energy field, promoting healing and well-being.
Benefits of Crystal Healing
Crystal healing has been used to treat a wide range of conditions and promote overall wellness. Some of the benefits of crystal healing include:
Stress Relief: Crystals such as amethyst and rose quartz are known for their calming and soothing properties, making them excellent tools for stress relief.
Pain Relief: Crystals such as clear quartz and tourmaline are believed to have pain-relieving properties, making them useful for treating conditions such as headaches, migraines, and arthritis.
Improved Sleep: Crystals such as moonstone and selenite are believed to promote restful sleep and help with insomnia.
Increased Energy: Crystals such as citrine and carnelian are believed to have energizing properties, making them useful for boosting energy levels and promoting motivation.
Emotional Healing: Crystals such as rose quartz and lapis lazuli are believed to have emotional healing properties, making them useful for treating conditions such as anxiety, depression, and grief.
How to Use Crystals for Healing
There are several ways to use crystals for healing. Some common methods include:
Wearing Crystals: Crystals can be worn as jewelry or carried in a pocket or purse for ongoing healing.
Placing Crystals on the Body: Crystals can be placed on specific areas of the body to target specific conditions.
Using Crystal Grids: Crystal grids involve placing several crystals in a specific pattern to amplify their healing properties.
Meditating with Crystals: Meditating with crystals can help to promote relaxation, balance, and overall well-being.
Final Thoughts
Crystal healing is a fascinating practice that has been used for centuries to promote healing, balance, and well-being. Whether you are looking to relieve stress, improve sleep, or treat a specific condition, crystals can be a valuable tool for achieving your health and wellness goals. With their unique properties and energy, crystals offer a natural and holistic approach to healing that can be used in conjunction with other therapies or on their own.
ReachLovenHeal Pvt Ltd ( Reiki Healing, Reiki Courses, Black Magic Reversal ), Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is one of the best places for Reiki healing in India. The center offers Reiki training, healing sessions, and workshops. It has a team of experienced Reiki masters who have helped many people heal from various ailments. The center also offers distance healing for people who cannot visit in person.
Lovenheal Reiki healing Center in Pune is experienced Reiki practitioners who provide healing sessions to clients. Lovenheal also offers Reiki training for those who want to learn this technique.
The team of Reiki masters at the center is dedicated to helping clients achieve physical, emotional, and spiritual balance.
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arcane-trail · 2 years
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wizard-irl · 1 year
Buying Crystals - Summary and How to Buy
Part 7 of 7 on a guide for buying crystals. Read the rest here!
So now we are done. Hopefully, you’ll walk away from this as a smarter customer and have a deeper knowledge of crystals that goes beyond metaphysics. 
In summary:
Mineral mining, in general, often coincides with human exploitation in developing countries without proper labour regulations. The workers are not paid fairly and are not given adequate safety equipment. The money from mining is more likely to go to militant groups than to the workers. If a seller does not disclose the source of their minerals in more detail than the country, don't buy from them.
Synthetic crystals are not lesser than natural crystals as they are chemically and structurally identical. Their differences come from being grown in an environment best suited for their growth instead of the imperfect conditions in the Earth. It then follows that a synthetic crystal would not be metaphysically different from a natural crystal. If a synthetic crystal picks up the energies of the lab, why wouldn't a crystal pick up the miners' pain? If a seller does not disclose a crystal being synthetic, don't buy from them.
Crystals may be modified in many ways. Such modifications may not be disclosed or passed off as natural crystals. If a seller does not disclose modifications, don't buy from them.
Crystals are often sold under different names, some of which are trademarked. If a seller owns a crystal's trademark, don't buy from them. Be wary if a seller does not own the trademark but sells a trademarked crystal. Find a crystal's "generic" name before buying a trademarked crystal or one with an unusual name.
Many crystals are outright faked. There are many ways to find out if your crystal is real. Andara crystals are glass slag. If a seller does not disclose their listing is an imitation, don't buy from them.
Due to this lack of scientific basis in crystal healing, proving claims about a crystal's metaphysical efficacy is difficult. This means sellers are all too willing to use your spiritual beliefs against you by using terms such as "supercharged," "Pleiadean," "high vibrational," etc., to make you think a crystal deserves more money than it does. If a seller relies heavily on spiritual buzzwords to sell you the value of a crystal, don't buy from them. If you wouldn't buy the crystal without spiritual buzzwords attached to it, don't buy it. 
And now, what should you look for when it comes to buying crystals?
Know how to search. Using "crystal" is going to give you purely metaphysical options. Search Google with "[name] -healing" to filter out any metaphysical stores and results.
Know the physical properties of your crystal. Metaphysical properties are great at finding what you need but aren't useful in how to find it. I'll make a separate post about this since there's a lot to cover, but at minimum, know a crystal's common colours, chemical composition, and crystal system. MinDat is a great resource for this.
Stay away from metaphysical sellers until you know what you're doing. Again, due to the impossibility of verifying their spiritual claims, metaphysical sellers are more likely to manipulate you into buying something for a higher price. I have also seen metaphysical sellers leave off where a crystal was mined from more commonly than non-metaphysical sellers. Until you get a good feel for scams or have good reason to trust this particular metaphysical seller, stick to non-metaphysical sellers.
When you find a listing, look at what name the crystal is listed under. Look out for trademark symbols, fanciful names that evoke an emotion or appeal to spirituality, or otherwise odd names. "[crystal] trademark" is a good way to check. As an easy reference, I have compiled crystal names and trademarks with their "generic" counterparts.
See how the crystal is described in the listing. Does the crystal's apparent worth rely solely on its metaphysical properties? Does the seller emphasise its spiritual benefit? Will this crystal be more beneficial to you than others of the same type? Metaphysical language itself is not a hard red flag since sellers know part of their customer base is people who use them metaphysically, but overuse of it to the detriment of describing the specimen itself is.
Find what country the crystal was mined in. Be aware of areas of active conflict and the mining regulations in developing and least developed countries. These countries are more likely to have laxer mining regulations, meaning more room for worker exploitation. I have seen sellers being cagey about their source country; if they are, look elsewhere. If you're buying in person, ask the store staff if they know. You can't be sure you're not contributing to exploitation if they don't.
Find the location or mine a crystal was mined in. A specific mine is best, but states, provinces, etc., may also be helpful. Look up "Are [location] 's mines ethical" or "Is [mine] ethical." See if there's any public statement regarding working conditions and sustainability. If a specific location is not listed, be wary. Working conditions can vary within a country.
Are there multiple images of the crystal provided? Is there a video of the crystal in someone's hand? More importantly, do these photos/videos appear elsewhere online that are not connected to the seller? Fraudulent listings are quickly revealed with a reverse image search if they reuse images from elsewhere.
Look at the price and compare it with similar listings. Overpricing is revealed by doing this. Don't compare it to another listing of the same mineral from the same seller. If you compare a price from a metaphysical seller, only compare it to others if you trust the other seller.
Finally, look at reviews if reviews are available. Don't stop at reviews on the seller's site; look at other sites. Reviews may mention things the seller wouldn't and may include images of their own as proof of purchase. Searching "[site/seller] credible/trustable/scam/reviews" is a good place to start.
Good, Suspect, and Bad Listings
These listings are fictitious but based on listings I’ve seen before. Both listings describe the same specimen.
Good Listing
From a site called “Mining Auctions:”
Quartz var. Amethyst Mined in the Four Peaks Amethyst Mine, Arizona. This specimen is a sharp, sceptre-habit crystal with rich purple hues at its tip that transition into being colourless at its base. Minor red inclusions on the base, likely iron. Amethysts is derived from the Greek word “αμεθύσκω,” meaning “not drunken,” as it was believed to prevent drunkenness when put into wine.
Amethysts is derived from the Greek word “αμεθύσκω,” meaning “not drunken,” as it was believed to prevent drunkenness when put into wine.
This listing tells you all you need to know: what it is, what it’s shaped like, what colour it is, and any other pertinent information, such as its inclusions. This mine is known for amethysts, and, being US-based, it is ethical in its treatment of its workers. While it does give a brief metaphysical mention, this is in an etymological context and does not dominate the listing. This is a trustable listing.
Suspect Listing
From a site called “Beauty Crystals:”
Amethyst Sceptre Amethyst sceptre from the US with minor iron inclusions at the base. Amethyst is a powerful crystal used in antiquity to relieve addictions, and supports inner strength. It connects with the third eye chakra to connect the physical plane to higher planes, and opens and activates the crown chakra to allow access to divine wisdom. Amethysts will fade in sunlight.
This listing, while it does give you essential physical information, including that amethysts fade in sunlight, there is no specific information provided for where it was mined. While a crystal mined in the US is almost certainly ethical, this will not be the place for other countries. Furthermore, the metaphysical descriptions, most of them appropriative, dominate the description to the detriment of the rest of the specimen's appearance. I would be wary of this seller and listing, but I wouldn't say to never buy from them based on this listing.
Bad Listing
From a site called “Lemurian Crystal Healers:”
Amazethyst™ Reiki Wand Normal amethysts are renowned for their ability to regulate emotions, relieve stress, and enhancing psychic ability. However, when we checked its energies, we found that it had the energetic signatures of the Pleiadeans!  The Pleiadean lightcodes have made the psychic abilities of amethyst more pronounced, as this crystal vibrates on a high vibrational 12D energy spectrum that allows you to connect with your galactic family and your past reincarnations. It’s emotional effects are also more pronounced, fantastic for depression, anxiety, and bipolar. Its purple hues stimulate the Third Eye Chakra, and may be used to trigger your Kundalini Awakening. As said in a channeled message from Archangel Uriel, was used in both Atlantean and Lemurian societies to help clear the mind and stabilise negative emotions. They emit pure love and light and will flood one’s soul with love, peace, divine power, and joy. Amazethyst™ has red iron inclusions, mixing the Divine Feminine energies of the Pleiadeans with the Divine Masculine. Amazethyst™, as all crystals, are multidimensional beings that have come to Earth to help us with our Ascensions. They remind us of our own magical beingness that allows us to achieve our own Divine Christ-Self.
It’d be easier to break down what this listing does wrong in a list:
The site’s name uses New Age buzzwords (Lemurian) and metaphysical-connoting words (crystal, healers).
The cutesy, trademarked name.
Undue emphasis on metaphysical properties.
No area is given for where the crystal was mined.
New Age buzzwords (Pleiadeans, 12D).
Misuse of scientific terminology (vibrational, spectrum).
Appropriation (reiki, chakras, Kundalini).
Spiritual appeals to authority (channelled message from Archangel Uriel).
Weird capitalisation (Divine Feminine/Masculine, Ascension, etc.).
Meaningless fluff (What does “Divine Christ-Self” mean? What is “Ascension?”).
This is a listing you should never trust and a seller you should always avoid. And if this listing makes you want to buy it even more, remember that this seller likely doesn’t give a damn about your spiritual well-being or at least cares more about your money.
Now we are finally done. This was a several-week effort of trying to fit together everything I know about crystals and an intentional effort to try to not sound mean so that I don’t scare away anyone who needs to hear this. My issue with people buying crystals isn’t that they’re buying them, but that people are allowed to sell crystals without disclosing what they need to disclose and shoving as much spiritual-babble into them to make them seem like they’re worth more. That is the issue.
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monthlydinners · 10 months
A Beginner's Guide to Crystals
Since childhood, I’ve always been fascinated with all things magical and otherworldly. I loved stories about witches, pretending to make potions, and experimenting with Ouija boards at sleepovers. I was particularly interested in the zodiac, and learning about my natal chart in high school was a formative experience for me. I was the resident expert on everything astrological (at least in my own…
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angelicsaggie · 2 years
Lifestyle Master List
Saggie’s Introduction
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Updated: February 28, 2024
Start Your Spiritual Journey: Root Chakra
Start Your Spiritual Journey: Sacral Chakra
How to Strengthen Your Spirituality
Programmed Meditation
Entering the Spiritual Realm
Embracing Spirituality
Your Environment
What’s Your Power From the Moon?
What’s Your Superpower?
Receiving Messages During Your Spiritual Journey
Shadow Work
Breaking Cycles
Crystal Energy
How to Boost Your Energy: Orange
The Impact of Crystals: Rose Quartz
The Impact of Crystals: Selenite
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indiegirlcrystals · 10 months
In the world of crystals, few hold the enigmatic allure and spiritual potency of Lemurian Seed Crystals. These remarkable gems, steeped in ancient legend and revered for their metaphysical properties, stand as guardians of ancient wisdom and cosmic connection. Join us on an exploration of these extraordinary crystals and unlock the secrets they hold.
The legacy of Lemurian quartz crystals extends beyond their physical appearance and metaphysical properties. These crystals are believed to hold a profound connection to an ancient civilization called Lemuria, a lost land steeped in mystery and spirituality. The legacy of Lemurian quartz crystals revolves around several key aspects:
Ancient Wisdom and Knowledge: According to legend, Lemurian Seed Crystals were programmed by the inhabitants of Lemuria, who encoded them with spiritual and cosmic information. These crystals are said to act as repositories of ancient wisdom, holding the keys to accessing higher consciousness and ancient knowledge.
Spiritual Awakening and Evolution: Many believe that working with Lemurian Seed Crystals can trigger profound spiritual growth and awakening. They are thought to facilitate a connection to higher realms of consciousness, aiding in personal and spiritual evolution.
Healing and Energy Work: The energetic properties of Lemurian quartz crystals are associated with healing and energy balancing. They are believed to cleanse and activate chakras, promote emotional healing, and facilitate energy flow, aiding in holistic well-being.
Connection to Lemurian Energy: These crystals are considered to be attuned to the vibrations of Lemuria, acting as conduits to the spiritual energy of this ancient civilization. Working with them is believed to create a bridge to Lemurian energy, offering insights, guidance, and a deeper connection to the past.
Teaching and Learning Tools: Lemurian Seed Crystals are often regarded as spiritual teachers. Many people believe that they hold a unique ability to impart knowledge and guidance, serving as tools for personal introspection and spiritual understanding.
Spiritual Community and Unity: Some see these crystals as symbols of unity and connection to a greater spiritual community. They are believed to carry the collective wisdom of Lemuria, fostering a sense of oneness and shared consciousness among those who work with them.
The legacy of Lemurian quartz crystals transcends the physical realm, intertwining myth, spirituality, and ancient wisdom. Their allure lies in their mystical past and their perceived role as keys to unlocking deeper spiritual understanding and connection. Whether viewed as carriers of ancient knowledge or catalysts for personal growth, these crystals continue to captivate and inspire seekers on their spiritual journeys.
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holisticsoulhealer · 1 year
Wisdom and Kindness - A Spiritual Story
This newsletter has the possibility of holding the energy of relaying that greatest of greats - wisdom and kindness.
The difference between the personality, character, and ego traits and wisdom become more obvious as we hopefully learn with the aging process ( that’s not everybody of course.)
Wisdom can be defined in spiritual terms in this way, “wisdom doesn’t need to speak. Instead it sits back, listening with the heart fully engaged, while the personality speaks out loud.”
Kindness is one of the loveliest traits of mankind when we exercise it, and all too often we haven’t been particularly famous for being kind at all, not now or throughout our history. Let’s hope there’s massive room for improvement in this area.
Bringing the two energies of both wisdom and kindness together, is a wonderful combination, and one we all deserve to not only meet in our lives, but also to experience first hand.
I am living every day with a man so kind and loving, it sometimes takes my breath away. He is way more patient than me, and even on the roads in the state of Florida (which currently has the absolute worst drivers I’ve seen so far), he has a tolerance that I don’t possess. It’s one of the things I’m working on. The urge to sit with my head out of the window, using very bad language, is one I have to stop myself from doing all the time. Enlightened? I think not!
He has shown patience to grown and growing, quite selfish and uncaring people in his life, while he continues to love them and leave doors open for their behaviors and attitudes to change. While I am a door closed, locked, bolted and I’m in another realm, far enough away to forget any of that even existed.
I am learning so much from him, and it’s really cute, because he thinks he’s growing and learning from me (perhaps we won’t tell him just yet.)
I personally had a very different childhood than any of my siblings. They didn’t care for my mother, and I adored her. They didn’t bother to get to know her, and I couldn’t soak up enough details of who she was, what mattered to her and how she grew up in war torn England. I found her fascinating, lovely, wise, kind and one of the best people I had the great pleasure to meet. I certainly preferred her to anyone I lived with, and she was a woman close to my heart and soul. I don’t know or understand anyone who had the opportunity to meet her, to not appreciate the gentleness of her soul. I knew that about her, and felt better about me for being able to see the wisdom and kindness in her.
I seek that in everyone now (not as much the Floridian drivers yet, but I’m working on it!)
As always, please share this post with anyone that you feel can benefit from it! Please like us on your social media channels and subscribe to our mailing list if you haven't already done so! We are mailing out a monthly newsletter and a recap each week of our blog posts and interesting tidbits! This is how you can stay informed with what is new in the world of The Holistic Soul Healer!!
Love & Blessings,
Get personal with your Angels!! Connect with me and see what they have to say!!
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Unlock the transformative power of the moon with our comprehensive Moon Ceremony Bundle—your ultimate guide to aligning with lunar energy for the rest of the year!
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starseedpsychics · 7 months
Making Meditation Fun for Children
In today’s fast-paced world, children are often bombarded with stimuli from various sources, making it challenging for them to unwind and find a sense of calm. Introducing meditation to children can provide a valuable tool for relaxation, focus, and emotional well-being. The key, however, is to make meditation an enjoyable and engaging experience. In this blog, we’ll explore creative ways to make…
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ismailfazil1-blog · 8 months
The Chromatic Cure: Unlocking the Healing and Transformative Potential of Color Therapy" delves into the fascinating realm of chromotherapy, exploring the ancient practice of healing with color. From chakra balancing to holistic wellness, this comprehensive guide explores how color therapy can alleviate stress, boost energy, improve sleep, manage pain, and reduce anxiety. Discover the power of color visualization, rejuvenate with color baths, harness the energy of color crystals, and immerse yourself in the intricate world of color mandalas. Whether you seek physical or emotional healing, this book unveils the spectrum of possibilities for enhancing creativity and achieving overall well-being through the vibrant palette of color therapy.
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zwenaellecrystal · 9 months
How to Select Your Personal New Year Crystal
As we step into January 2024, a new chapter unfolds, offering a fresh start and new opportunities. One of the most empowering ways to embrace this new beginning is by integrating the mystical world of crystals into your journey. Today, we’ll dive into how to select your personal New Year crystal, a companion that resonates with your aspirations and energy for the coming year. Criteria for…
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shokorohandmade · 9 months
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"Explore the captivating world of Rose Quartz, where beauty meets meaning. This delicate pink gemstone holds powerful healing properties, invoking love, compassion, and harmony in our lives. Dive into our comprehensive guide to uncover the rich history, spiritual significance, and practical uses of the "Heart Stone." From jewelry to skincare, discover how this enchanting crystal can transform your daily life. Embrace the power of love and healing with Rose Quartz. 💖✨
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wizard-irl · 1 year
Buying Crystals - Common Fakes
Part 5 of 7 in a guide for buying crystals. Read the rest here!
We are finally at the wholly fake crystals! These crystals are either dupes of real ones, real crystals passed off as other crystals, or man-made crystals without a natural analogue. I'm excited to get into this because once you know what to look for, its hard to be scammed.
And to be clear, if you value any of these, either as collector's items or as spiritual tools, that's perfectly fine. My issue is when people try to pass off crystals (or not-crystals!) as something they're not.
Real Crystals Sold As Fakes
Howlite - A very common dupe for turquoise. Real turquoise is very expensive, so cheap turquoise is likely to be dyed howlite. This may also be called turquenite. Acetone removes dyes.¹ ⁶
Malachite - Genuine malachite is green to dark green (never stark black), the colours fade together softly, without uniform patterns, and often with circular patterning. Conversely, fake malachite, often made of resin, may have black, hard lines, and uniform patterning normally without circular patterns.²
Clear quartz - Clear quartz is often faked using glass. Real clear quarts will have some kind of inclusion, even if they’re not visible to the eye, and will NEVER have bubbles in it.³
Obsidian - There are many types of natural glass, such as obsidian and moldavite. Real obsidian is opaque, dense, and its colours range from black to brown. Many fake obsidians promise vibrant colours impossible for real obsidian to form as.⁴
Moldavite - Moldavite is incredibly rare due to not only being found in one location, but being exclusively formed by meteorite activity. Real moldavite will be mossy-coloured, while fakes may tend towards light green. White moldavite is not real; it is typically calcite.⁵⁻⁶
Moissanite - Natural moissanite is incredibly rare. Most on the market will be synthetics.⁶
Citrine - Citrine is heated amethyst, but most citrine on the market will be artificially heated and sold as natural. Natural citrine has a colour ranging from olive to lemonade, and will never be found on a geode. A telltale sign of artificial citrine is any sign of a parent geode, especially a bright white colour on the bottom of the crystal, as well as the crystal’s colour generally looking “crispy” or bright orange.⁹
Prasiolite - Green quartz is incredibly rare in nature, and thus, most found on the market will be heat treated amethyst of certain localities. Typically, natural prasiolite is light, translucent green, while darker varieties are treated.¹¹
Geodes - Geodes are typically made of quartz, but less commonly calcite, dolomite, aragonite, akerite, hematite, magnetitie, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite.¹² Anything else is either incredibly rare or nonexistent. Many geodes may be dyed, modified, or sold as crystals they are not.¹³
Man-Made Crystals Without Natural Analogues
Glass (artificial) - There are many types of glass that are sold as natural crystals, such as goldstone (erroneously marketed as sunstone) and opalite (opal imitation, erroneously marketed as moonstone).¹⁰
Smelt quartz - Also known as cherry, blueberry, etc. quartz, are made of dyed glass.⁶
Slag - Slag is the byproduct of smelting. Names of commonly sold slags are: Fordite/Detroit agate, Sieber agate, andara crystal, rosarita, leklai, Frankfort green, and Leland blue.⁶⁻⁸
Cermikite - Also called alum crystal, these are commonly made in “grow your own crystal” kits. They are made of potassium aluminium sulphate.⁶
Chalcanthite - Synthetic crystal made of copper sulphate. Natural chalcanthite is incredibly rare and grows as fibrous crystals. This is a toxic crystal.⁶
Lopezite - Synthetic made of potassium dichomate. This is a toxic crystal.⁶
Cubic zirconia -  Diamond imitation made of zirconium dioxide.⁶
Further Reading
I cannot list all possible fakes and dupes. However, I can point to a few sites.
Crystals Rock
The Vug
Mineral Expert
If you need more specific advice, I'd say to simply search "how to tell if [crystal] is real/fake."
In the next part, we are discussing the root of why we need to be so careful when it comes to buying crystals: capitalism.
"How to Spot Fake Crystals", Crystals Rock.
"Fake of Real Malachite?", The Citrine Circle.
"How to Tell If Your Clear Quartz is Fake", Manifest and Flow.
"Real Vs Fake Obsidian Stone", How to Find Rocks.
"Real Vs Fake Malachite: How to Tell Moldavite Is Real", Truly Experiences.
"Toxic Crystals, Fakes, and Forgeries", Solstice Stones.
"Leland Blue Stones", Leelanau.
"Rosarita Stone History", TFD Jewellery.
"(Real vs Fake Citrine) How To Tell If You Have Real Citrine", Rock Seeker.
"'Fake' Crystals — Opalite, Goldstone, and More.", Marble Crow Blog.
"Prasiolite", The Quartz Page.
"Geode", Britannica.
"Are There Fake Geodes? (How To Spot Man-Made Geodes)", Rock Seeker.
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juliejewelssmoot · 1 year
A Loving Kindness Guided Meditation
Julie shares her first ever loving kindness meditation.
Julie shares her first ever loving kindness meditation.
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starphyre-blooms · 1 year
The Message:
Todays message asks us to go within. Think about what is is that you want out of life. How does that thing make you feel? Do you find yourself beaming with optimism at the endless possibilities of how things could work out in your favor? Do you find yourself feeling anxious as your mind creates the illusion of fear? Do you automatically start strategizing how to go after it while remaining detached from the outcome? What sorts of things stop you from going after what it is you truly want out of life? Do you allow your fears to become self fulfilling prophecies?
Todays oracle card asks us to shed our attachment to a specific outcome and allow things to unfold in the way that is meant for us. Trust the process and understand that you are divinely guided at all times. Open your heart. Let yourself fill with child like wonder. Connect with your heart. Your heart is wise. It knows the truth and it will tell you if you will listen. When you have a thought, pay attention to how you feel. Does your heart beat calm and steady? Or does it palpitate with dread? Explore that feeling. You are a strong, resilient character of limitless potential. Todays message asks us to tap into our endless well of potential.
Join me friends, so we can explore our potential together. You don’t have to go it alone.
🙏🏽 Starphyre 🫶🏽😇🪽
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Wondering In Which Hand To Wear Crystal?
Did you know that the placement of crystals on different hands can have unique effects? 🤔 Crystals have been cherished throughout history for their beauty and metaphysical properties. 🔮 From ancient civilizations to modern-day seekers, wearing crystals has been a symbol of protection, healing, and spiritual connection. 💫
Visit our website to shop & start your healing journey.
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