#Cullen is a Lightweight
theluckywizard · 11 months
LUCKYYYY I come begging for a Dorian & Cullen situation this Friday!! From the Charles Dickens prompts: Bring in the bottled lightning, a clean tumbler, and a corkscrew. - Nicholas Nickelby
Hope it inspires you!!
The Commander, the Tevinter and a Bottle of Lightning
My first submission for @dadrunkwriting this fine Friday!
WC: 3,325
Rating: Teen (CW: alcohol use, some sexual subtext)
Relationships: Dorian Pavus & Cullen Rutherford, Rose Trevelyan/Cullen Rutherford
Summary: It starts as a professional favor to Rose, taking the Stick in the Mud out, drawing him away from the work he clings to so desperately. But what she doesn't know is that Dorian has positioned himself to be double wingman extraordinaire and Cullen is about to be utterly boiled in the bag.
“Come,” says Dorian, flicking his fingers in an impatient gesture at Cullen who is still flanked on every side by waiting staff scouts.
“You– you can’t be serious,” says Cullen, looking to his staff to validate his astonishment. It doesn’t take more than a second to realize that the mage is, in fact, serious.
“No, no, quite serious. You’re going to abandon your post this very moment. I insist,” says Dorian, his gray eyes bearing down on the Commander with aggravating persistence. He flicks his fingers again. Cullen gathers up all the reports and directives around him, signs a few in a barely recognizable hand and waves the scouts off, bracing himself against the desk in a sort of defeat. There’s no evading Dorian’s single-minded assault on his schedule.
“Dismissed,” he says. They file out, bouncing uneasy looks behind them between their Commander and the impertinent Tevinter with his provocative, impractical shoulder-bearing armor.
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise, Commander,” he says. “I know you’ve forgotten what fun is, but surely a military man knows a thing or two about surprise.” Cullen feels about as captive as when Rose comes and commandeers him, blithely whisking him away without much consideration for all the pressing tasks that weigh upon him. But the urgency of these tasks is often invented, trumped up to occupy his mind, to fill the space where nightmares and guilt might otherwise fester.
Dorian leads him across the bridge back into the keep, through the rotunda past Solas’ unsanctioned murals, into the main hall and across the way until they’re back in the balmy clutches of the late spring afternoon in the courtyard. Dorian has seemingly claimed two chairs in the garden flanked on all sides by shrubbery and herbs, a chess set ready on the little table between them.
“Chess? I didn’t know you played chess,” says Cullen, surprising himself with a sudden smile. But then they’d come easier since Rose’s exasperating arguing had eased into playful teasing in Haven, prodding him until his smiles sneaked away from his control, giving him permission to feel something other than guilt, terror, and a dogged desire to atone.
“What do you take me for? Every proper Tevinter can play a lively round of chess,” he says. “I was surprised to learn you liked it.”
“From who?”
“Who do you think?”
“Ah. She put you up to this, did she?” he asks, his amber eyes flicking up to Dorian’s who simply shakes his head.
“Would it be so bad if she did?” he replies, raising his eyebrow at the commander. Dorian flags down a nearby courtyard staff member bringing drinks around to others taking respite in the garden. “A bottle of Lightning if you will. Two tumblers. Oh, and we’ll be needing a corkscrew.”
“Lightning,” Cullen says skeptically.
“It’s a Tevinter specialty. Infused. Delicious. They found a crate of it washed up on the Storm Coast. I thought I’d do the honor of introducing you to it,” he says with a winning smile. Cullen doesn’t normally imbibe, preferring to maintain control of his senses lest he lose his grip on the writhing mass of darkness that looms underneath it all. He’d dabbled in Kirkwall, bitterly remembering how Samson of all people would take him down to the Hanged Man, order him too many pints that he didn’t actually want and then he’d drink them out of a sense of obligation. He remembered the way his mind swam, anxiously, pleasantly, wildly, the way the denizens of the establishment, those who never seemed to leave, fell all over him, the regretful way he’d submitted to it on occasion. No, drink made him nervous. He feared what it might unlock inside him.
“You look hesitant,” says Dorian. “If it makes you feel better, I promise that I’ll deliver you back to your tower in one piece. I can think of at least one person who would have my head on a platter if she thought I’d abused you.”
The sentiment glows inside Cullen, his smile breaking out at the corners of his mouth again. Rose had clearly sicced Dorian upon him for some reason. And if she had arranged this, then perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to partake. He’d hate to disappoint her. The bottle arrives, a ridiculous looking thing that matches the presumption of Dorian’s wardrobe. Dorian pours a finger into each tumbler after deftly uncorking it. The liquid is vaguely violet. Dorian swirls it in delight.
“Hear that? It crackles slightly when you swirl it.”
“Maker’s breath. Literal bottled lightning?”
“Well I said it was infused, didn’t I?!” says Dorian. “It won’t hurt you. Well, maybe a little, but all the best drinks do, you know.” But Cullen wasn’t one to back away from a challenge either and he lifts the tumbler, swirling the glass as Dorian had done to hear the snap and hum of the electricity infused inside it.
“I don’t understand why anyone would bother,” says Cullen, sniffing it carefully.
“For the sensation, you Fereldan pud,” says Dorian, though Cullen can feel the affection in the prod. Dorian takes a sip and wiggles his shoulders with obvious pleasure. He gestures at Cullen with his head, encouraging him to follow suit.
Cullen sips, recoiling instantly from the little shocks that cross his lips and tongue.
“Surprising, isn’t it?”
“It’s unpleasant,” says Cullen, frowning at the drink.
“Every drink is an acquired taste.”
“One shouldn’t have to acquire a taste for something. It either tastes good or it doesn’t.”
“Complexity takes time to appreciate,” insists Dorian. “You must own that at the very least.” Cullen grumbles and takes another sip. Well, at least there’s chess, and he’s all too keen to humble this presumptuous brat of a Tevinter. He moves out a pawn and Dorian quickly counters, smiling behind his glass.
“I find it shocking that she’s so enamored with you,” says Dorian, openly discussing the Inquisitor’s private feelings. Cullen feels both anxious and thrilled about it, desperate for more details even though it feels like a proper violation. Then again, even Cole had presupposed Rose’s feelings in his strange and garbled messages, insisting he follow his fox, Rose, and that she was somehow fond.
“If there’s any truth to it, I’d find it shocking as well,” says Cullen, moving a cleric next. He watches Dorian make his first mistake, and a swell of actual glee rises inside of him. He sips the lightning which snaps at his lips and tongue petulantly. Dorian shakes his head at him with a pleasant smile under his polished mustache.
“Maker, the two of you have needed a bedroom since I first saw you arguing in Haven,” says Dorian, drinking deeply.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” says Cullen. “Our arguments are purely professional.”
“They may have been professional but if I’d cut the tension between you, you would have each flown halfway across Thedas,” muses Dorian, excessively pleased with his own witticisms. Cullen takes Dorian’s knight, celebrating with a peppery little sip. The man looks rankled by his misfortune, scratching his forehead, settling forward to lean on his knees with his elbows.
“Nonsense,” says Cullen, taking another drink, which Dorian answers with a knowing little shake of his head.
The chess match progresses in this manner, Cullen victoriously capitalizing on Dorian’s slapdashery, little sips on the lightning brew sliding down his throat with increasing ease. And soon he’s feeling buoyant in his chair, strangely smiley.
“That’s a good look on you, Commander, I’ll be honest,” says Dorian, the compliment so casual that Cullen forgets to reject it on its face. “She’d love to see it!”
“Rose, you cretin,” says Dorian, grinning in amazement. Cullen smiles again, shaking his head.
“I hardly think I’d be so lucky,” he says. “She humors me. About the same amount as everyone.”
“And yet you’re the one she takes down to the lake each morning,” says Dorian, sipping again. 
“Maker’s breath, how does everyone know about that?”
“Does the speed of the gossip really surprise you?” asks Dorian. “The Commander of the Inquisition’s forces and the illustrious leader herself?” Cullen grunts, staring at the crackling sap in his glass with a slight scowl. The appropriateness of it– the appearance of it– had always concerned him, but their time alone together rapidly eroded that concern as hope had spilled in in its stead. 
“I don’t deserve her,” he says openly and nearly bites back the words after they slip out, but they’re out and it feels strangely liberating. He looks at the board after the Tevinter’s latest move. “Dorian you’re fumbling your way to a crushing loss, you know that, right?”
“Don’t deserve– Kaffas. If work is your bride, misery is your mistress,” spits Dorian, ignoring the match. “Don’t you want to be happy?” 
“I suppose. I’ve just– forgotten how to do it.”
“You just– let it flow?” says Dorian. “Not that I’m the best example.” Cullen stares at the board, shaking his head, running a hand through his hair.
“The match, Dorian. Your tactics are a mess… look at this– what are you even doing?” Cullen says too loudly, gesturing broadly at the board. “You’ve hung your rook and I’ve pinned your knight! I’ll have you in three at this rate!”
“Ahhh, but it’s not about the chess, is it? It’s about the camaraderie!”
“You’re thinking of Wicked Grace. I play to win.”
“Then by all means, win!” snaps Dorian, snatching up Cullen’s glass to put another splash. Cullen is a little disappointed that he isn’t putting up more of a fight after all his bluster, but he can hardly turn down an opportunity for victory no matter how effortlessly earned. At this point the man’s all but given up.
Dorian reaches an arm across to gesture at Cullen’s armor.
“Don’t you own anything comfortable?” he says, his words languid.
“It’s perfectly adequate,” he says, noticing the way his own words have softened under the influence of the spirit, like his tongue is slower, a little bit lazy. “I like this just fine.”
“Not that I’m complaining, it’s quite the look. But wouldn’t you like to shake it up a bit?”
“I– I wouldn’t know where to begin.”
“You didn’t pick this getup, did you!?” cries Dorian triumphantly, touching upon something that forces a deeper flush into Cullen’s already flushed cheeks.
“It was– a combined effort between Josephine and Leliana. They thought I looked too young to be their general. This look was meant to remedy that,” he admits with shocking ease. He clutches his hand over his mouth like maybe he shouldn’t have. Dorian is all amusement.
“Did they ask you to grow a beard as well? That would have done the trick nicely.”
“They may have,” replies Cullen, unnerved by Dorian’s perceptiveness. He takes a tetchy swig, swallowing back the liquor, the tiny shocks traveling all the way down to his stomach.
“Well if you want to impress You-Know-Who, you should consider widening your selection of apparel. How do you expect her to find her way inside all that armor? It looks worse than a Dwarven puzzle box.”
“Preserve me, yes, yes. I know.”
“How can you speak of her so?” Cullen asks, agitated by the man’s brazenness. Not that he expects Rose to be a perfect bastion of chastity, but she hardly deserves such insolence. They’d all learned about her Dalish lover while she was still unconscious in the Chantry cells of Haven, Leliana not one to leave a stone unturned.
“Why wouldn’t I? Maker knows the two of you need all the help you can get. And I wouldn’t say it if there weren’t a kernel of truth to it. It’s meant kindly.”
They play onward, the intoxication finding its way deep into the pit of his mind and he’s surprised to learn that the bottomless well of pain and darkness inside of him is stoppered under it, buried by sensation and the flow of mirth that Dorian had described earlier. He’s buoyed by the prospect– the illicitly gained knowledge of Rose’s feelings, an unbridled lightness fluttering in his chest that he hadn’t felt in more than a decade. Longer even.
“She must be mad,” Cullen slurs after he routs Dorian at last, but he says it with a smile.
“Maybe a little. You are a bit of a stick in the mud. ”
“I am not. I’m– I’m reasoned.” 
“And you’ll reason yourself right out of happiness,” says Dorian. And the truth of it swims through Cullen’s mind. He avoided happiness as assuredly as he’d avoided every invitation to the tavern by colleagues, even innocuous invitations by Rose herself. He ducked and dodged it like it could actually hurt, but really it was just a stubborn insistence on clinging to the dark prison he’d made his home. It was miserably comfortable. And change terrified him. 
“She’d regret it,” he considers after another ill-advised sip. The bottom of the glass looms but Dorian hasn’t poured more.
“That’s for her to decide, don’t you think?”
As if summoned by the looseness of his thoughts and words, the Inquisitor strides up to the pair of them with an easy bounce in her step. Cullen jumps to his feet, panicked, realizing belatedly that he needs to steady himself on the arm of the chair.
“Are you two playing nice?” she asks as Cullen slides back into the safety of his chair.
“I’m always nice,” says Dorian with a grin. Rose picks up the bottle, glancing over at Cullen with his favorite little smirk. 
“Is this what you were on about, Dorian? Bottled lightning?” she asks. She notes Dorian’s empty glass and then reaches for Cullen’s on the table, holding it up to her nose.
“What do you think of it, Cullen?” she asks, her eyes dwelling on him as she awaits a response.
“Surprisingly easy to drink,” he grumbles, blushing brightly. She lifts his glass to her lips, sipping his drink, sharing a glass, which feels breathtakingly intimate, another little wall between them crumbling away. 
“For Maker’s sake,” she says with a cough, presumably being shocked and pinched by the ridiculous libation all the way down. “I’ve had strong stuff, but nothing that actually zapped me.”
“You saw what it was called,” says Dorian with a grin. “Join us.”
“I’m not sure I dare encourage you two,” she says, taking another sip from Cullen’s glass. 
“I– um. I should go. Those… reports you had me leave behind need attending to,” Cullen says, rising to his feet, swaying gently, drawing a snort of amusement from Rose, whose pitying look sears his soul. When he wobbles, she slides to his side to scoop an arm around him, his astonishment plain on his face as he gazes down at her. If it weren’t for the intensity of his mortification he might find the wherewithal to feel giddy. Her hand curves around above his hip where the breastplate ends and he begins to hear it– no feel it– the song drawing him in like a comfort. It lulls his senses further, fills him with wanting, stripping away trepidation and doubt. It intensifies the closer she draws to him. The song is her.
“Dorian, shall we escort our esteemed general back to work?” she says lightly. “Perhaps you might interest the people in the main hall in a bit of fascinating magic? And then maybe swing by Ellendra’s for a bottle of her finest?”
“I think I follow,” says Dorian, tapping his forehead with a finger. He slips off ahead. Cullen can’t decide if he’s euphoric or dying a little inside. Perhaps some odd combination of both. Dispossessed of his senses, he moves along with her, leaning a bit more heavily against her than he ought to. When she doesn’t recoil from him or laugh at him, his embarrassment blinks out and he submits to the resonance between them.
“I hope you’re not upset,” she says.
“Why would I be?” he asks, a cheery quiescence about his words, the spirit and her company washing him in a hazy rapture. Inside the main hall, Dorian has drawn nearly everyone away from the courtyard entry with performative antics closer to the throne. Only Varric and Hawke remain unmoved by the entertainment, sitting placidly by the fire tending their own drinks, their eyes falling upon the pair in amusement. Rose discreetly puts a finger to her lips to them as they drift heavily by.
“Damn, Curly,” utters Varric quietly, a smile breaking at the corner of his mouth. Hawke shakes his head, grinning behind his glass at the pair of them. They cross through the rotunda and then the bridge. Distracted, Cullen reaches down to pick up her braid and holds it up to his lips.
“Are you sure you wish to do that, Commander?” she teases him. “I won’t let you do anything you might regret when your senses return.”
“Very much so,” he smiles, lolling to the left. She counters his stumble and drags him up the steps to his door.
“You’re basically soup,” she says, depositing him on the edge of his desk. Her braid slides through his fingers as she steps away to pour him a glass of water.
“I feel like soup,” he says with an absent smile. Rose stands in front of him and hands him the glass.
“It’s surprisingly charming,” she says, reigning in her amusement. Without the slightest inhibition in place, Cullen reaches up and traces a finger down her cheek. She closes her hand around his and lowers it gently enough that he knows it’s not a rebuff.  “Dorian is going to show up with another bottle for you. And you’re going to follow my orders and drink it up.”
“Another bottle!?” cries Cullen, the liquor having stolen away any semblance of volume control. Rose presses a finger to his lips to shush him.
“I’m right here,” she says quietly. Cullen wonders if that counts as a kiss.
“Another bottle?” he tries again in a whisper. 
“It’s not what you think,” she says. “And then you’re going to go to sleep and I’ll see you first thing in the morning.” His hands impulsively sneak around her waist just as the Tevinter swings through the side entrance holding out a small corked draught. She disentangles herself gently while Dorian covers his knowing smile. “When you’re not absolutely badgered off Dorian’s booze.”
“Ellendra’s miracle cure, as requested,” he says, handing the bottle to Rose. “Shall I leave you two?”
“I’ll be getting back to work,” Rose says.
“Well that’s hardly fun,” says Dorian.
“He’ll be more fun when he can stand up straight without an assist,” she says, glancing at him. “How much did you pour him?” Cullen’s blush finds its way out from under all the wooziness and he snatches up the corked little bottle with shocking fervor. If he’s going to see her first thing he’d best be set to rights. 
“Nothing fatal, I promise,” insists Dorian. “Three fingers. Maybe four all told.”
“Maker, Dorian. Another splash he might have been sleeping in the bushes in the bailey below,” she laughs, and then looks pityingly at Cullen again, wrapping him up in that gorgeous song of hers.
“I am right here,” mutters Cullen, annoyed to be talked around.
“Are you though?” asks Dorian, quirking his brow. Rose smiles at Cullen and reaches over to straighten his mantle in a way that undoes whatever is left of him after all that bottled lightning.
“See you tomorrow,” she says, taking her leave and Cullen is left with the brat.
“Well that worked out better than I thought it would,” Dorian says, leaning on the desk beside Cullen.
“You plotted this? The pair of you?” 
“No, no, it was mostly me. She needs nearly as much help as you,” says Dorian, brazen as ever. 
“–breath. I know. Quite. But I couldn’t be happier. And neither could you. Now be a chum and don’t cock it up.”
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susurrus-mxfluffy · 7 months
Currently, Chapter 15 has writer’s block beating me over the head with a club, so I’ve not been able to write anything solid in about a week or so 🥲
So lemme tell you a bit about my main character! She’s a personal reflection of myself, despite the fact that she wholly identifies as a woman whereas I’m a lovely non-binary creature 🥰🥰🥰🥰💗
Akatani “Tani” Hikanari (MC)
(Ahk-UH-tahn-ee) (Hee-kuh-nar-ree)
I’m giving enough info out but not enough for spoilers; I’ve also included the pronunciation of her name because I wanna make sure that it’s read properly (I’m not trynna sound like a pain in the ass about it, I promise) 🤣
•Well for starters she’s a fucking spitfire and a half tbh (gee I wonder why?) 🤣🤣
•Tani is 20 years old at the beginning of the fic 😁
•She’s got long, silky, jet-black hair, jet-black eyes, and an athletic yet vaguely curvy physique (C-cupped chest, slightly wide hips, and a plump lil 🍑)
•She’s loud and willful and will throw herself in harm’s way to protect her students, her friends, and her Village 🥰
•She’s the jinchūriki of the Two-Tailed cat Matatabi, a being who’s the fucking complete opposite of my OC; where Tani is loud and uses vulgar language, Tabi is more formal/polite yet kind, like fr Tabi is so fucking nice and respectful and chill (until she’s not tho) 🤭🤣
•Tani’s favorite color is a darker shade of green, think like an evergreen
•Her favorite foods are miso soup, pork tonkōtsu ramen, and steamed gyoza
•As far as sweets go, she loves strawberries; like she could gorge herself on a bush of them and it still wouldn’t be enough 🤭🤣🍓
•She always smells of cigarettes, and the forest; she smokes to deal with the bullshit she’s had to endure (tbf I’ve done the same shit so I can’t say I entirely blame her 😅🤣🥲)
•She’s a fucking lightweight when it comes to alcohol, like she can get white-girl wasted in no time 🤭🤭🤭🤣🤣🤣
•She was a shinobi in the ANBU Black Ops from the time she was 11 years old until she was 18 🔪🏹
•Idk if weed🌿 is a thing in the canon-Naruto universe, but I def plan to introduce it in the next coming chapters and I feel like Tani would def end up being like me: a chronic pothead 🤣🤣🤣
These are just some lovely little facts about my OC! Please send me an ask if you wanna know more info about Tani! 😁💗✨
Gently tagging some lovely folks that I either know personally or just know from this lovely little corner of the Internet 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
@holdmyteaplease @the-sundry-system @sundry-whovengerslocked @gail-skywalker @macksting @narutwitter @itachianon @cupcakeswriting @emmett-mccarty-cullen @mcshakes
Please reblog this! I’d love for more folks to interact with this 🤭🥰💗
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cityandking · 23 days
stature, night, formal and wardrobe for narayani, lira, and vesper
thanks!! // oc asks: character design edition
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
NARAYANI — rani is small like most dalish (around 5'/5'1) and, also like most dalish, pointy-eared and slight. the armor she wears bulks her up a little, but most of her more casual fits accentuate how small/lean she is—lots of lightweight and flowing fabrics shaped by belts and ties. LIRA + VESPER — answered!
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
NARAYANI — strips down to whatever her undermost layer is. probably a shift of some kind, sleeveless and loose. she'd also 100% borrow solas' tunics once they get together (and maybe even afterwards oof) LIRA — honestly lira would have a proper set of pajamas, but since heading out on the road she usually just sleeps in a softer/older/more threadbare pair of pants and a shirt—something she can wear in case she has to get up in the middle of the night to fight darkspawn VESPER — BTNP (big tee no pants). her usual bedtime fit is a big shirt and undies (she starts stealing cullen's down the line—she likes a big shirt!)
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
NARAYANI — depends on what formalities she's celebrating. with her clan she tends towards lighter, looser, more traditional fits; with the inquisition she tends to go with whatever josephine picks out for her. she doesn't have any particularly strong feelings about dressing up; she tends to care more about the occasion than the costuming. that said, it can be nice to look fancy every now and then LIRA — as commander of the grey her formal look is usually her nicest set of warden blues, with all the regalia and the buffed and polished silver armor. she's worn a lot of dresses though, and she cuts a hell of a figure in full doglord regalia. she doesn't get the opportunity to dress up a lot and the fragment of the girl she once was that lives deep inside her really enjoys dressing up nice VESPER — vesper's formal look is either a really nice set of formal inquisition armor/robes (breastplate, tabards, gold embroidery, something glorious and blazing) or a dress with so many layers of taffeta and silk that it looks like fire flickering when she moves, with jewelry and pearls in her hair and all the trappings of nobility. vesper doesn't love formal events, but she does enjoy getting to look nice so it's like. silver lining?
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
NARAYANI — not enormous, but as inquisitor it does seem to keep growing?? she would wear things threadbare but turns out josie has an issue with that so somehow her wardrobe just. keeps growing. eventually she starts appreciating it. LIRA + VESPER — answered!
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tragicallywicked · 9 months
Jalice Prompt : Their first time playing baseball
I must warn you, I know nothing of baseball rules and whatnot, so I apologize in advance.
The sun was hiding behind thick clouds, making it an ideal day for the Cullen family to be outside. The vast clearing in the woods was buzzing with anticipation as Alice and Jasper, the newest members of the family, prepared for their first baseball game with the Cullens.
“Are you sure this is safe?” Alice asked, eyeing the steel bat in her hands. It felt lightweight given her strength. Her pixie-like features displayed a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
Jasper, always the more reserved of the two, glanced at her, his golden eyes softening. “I’ve been through wars, darlin’. A game of baseball should be child's play,” he remarked with a wry smile.
Esme was setting bases while Carlisle explained the rules, emphasizing the importance of controlling their strength. “It’s all in good fun, but we don’t want any accidents.”
Emmett, unable to hide his excitement, boomed, “Wait until you hear the thunder. That’s our cue to hit the ball!”
Rosalie smirked, “It makes our game more… dramatic.”
When the thunder finally rolled in, marking the beginning of the game, Alice was up first. As the pitch came hurtling towards her, she swung with graceful precision, the ball shooting up like a comet. It disappeared into the dense woods, with Emmett chasing after it.
Jasper stood close by, watching Alice with admiration. As she danced around the bases, her laughter echoed, blending perfectly with the sounds of the storm. When it was Jasper's turn to bat, he took a more calculated approach. While he didn’t send the ball quite as far as Alice, his strategic placements made it difficult for the fielders.
As the game continued, Alice and Jasper's synergy became increasingly evident. Every move, every play seemed to flow seamlessly between them. While other members of the Cullen family had played together for decades, Alice and Jasper, with their deep bond, displayed a unique kind of connection on the field.
Jasper, with his military background, was astute in predicting the trajectory of the ball and positioned himself accordingly. Multiple times, when a ball seemed destined to soar past, he'd appear at the right spot, leaping with grace and precision to catch it. Meanwhile, Alice, with her premonitions, was always a step ahead, positioning herself to cover any gaps or support Jasper in a double play.
At bat, they were each other's most ardent supporters. When Alice swung her bat, sending the ball spiraling towards the horizon, Jasper would be the loudest, his voice echoing with pride and encouragement. And in return, Alice would stand at the sidelines, her bright eyes tracking Jasper's every move, clapping and cheering, her enthusiasm contagious.
Their mutual encouragement and understanding went beyond words. The way Alice would glance at Jasper before a particularly tricky play, or the nod Jasper would give her in acknowledgment of a job well done, showcased the deep trust and partnership they shared. It was clear to everyone watching that the two were not just in sync during the game, but in every facet of life.
As the innings went on, the atmosphere grew thick with competitiveness, yet the game always maintained its light-hearted essence. Edward, possessing the uncanny ability to read minds, often tried to anticipate his opponents' next moves. However, Alice, always unpredictable, made it a fun challenge for him. She would abruptly change her decisions, causing Edward to double back or leap in the wrong direction, leaving the others in splits.
Emmett, with his strong physique and playful nature, tried to unnerve Jasper, pretending to charge at him just as Jasper was about to catch a ball. Yet, Jasper's calm demeanor never wavered. He'd deftly sidestep Emmett and position himself perfectly to catch the ball, giving Emmett a knowing look each time.
Rosalie, renowned for her powerful batting, took her stance. As the pitch came rushing towards her, she connected perfectly, sending the ball high into the air. Alice, using her speed and agility, made a stunning leap to snatch the ball out of the sky, landing with a flourish and shooting a playful smirk at Rosalie.
During a crucial juncture, Carlisle stepped up to bat against Jasper's pitch. Their gazes locked, a silent challenge passing between them. With a powerful swing, Carlisle hit the ball, which raced towards the boundary. But Alice, always alert, sprinted with incredible speed, managing to relay the ball to Jasper who tagged the base just in time to declare Carlisle out.
The game neared its climax and the tension was palpable. Edward and Emmett's team was just a few points shy of victory. During the last play, a powerful hit from Edward had the ball soaring towards the boundary. Just as it seemed that the game was in the bag, Jasper made a diving catch, securing the win for his team.
Emmett, competitive as ever, playfully growled at Edward. "You could've hit it a little harder, couldn't you?"
Edward, rolling his eyes, responded, "Maybe if you'd run faster, we wouldn't be in this position."
The situation seemed to be escalating with the brothers-in-law locking eyes, a mixture of amusement and challenge evident. But then, Alice stepped between them, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Come on, guys," she teased, "it's just a game. Besides, I always knew Jasper was the real MVP."
The tension immediately dissipated, replaced by laughter. The playful banter, led by Alice's witty comment, reaffirmed the bond among the Cullens. The day wasn’t just a display of their athletic prowess, but a testament to their tight-knit family bonds and the joy they found in each other's company.
Esme came over, wrapping an arm around each of the newcomers. “You two did wonderfully,” she praised.
Alice, breathless from laughter and the exhilaration of the game, leaned into Jasper. “That was unexpectedly fun,” she admitted.
Jasper wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. “Everything’s an adventure with you, Alice.”
And as the rain began to fall, the two of them stood there, enjoying the moment, surrounded by their new family. They had found their place, not just in a baseball game, but in the heart of the Cullen clan.
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visionsofmagic · 2 years
⎯ stories with song lyrics [requests are open/a request post]
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Explanation: I was thinking about writing stories with some song lyrics I am in love with. Below, you can see these lyrics [some will be added as well from time to time] and characters/people’s name that I like and can write stories about them. So, you can message or ask me with a lyric [or more than one] and a specific character/person [it can be two character at one time a well]. Then, I will write it. ^^ Feel free to add your own imagination as well. Also, you don’t have to use lyrics to ask a requests.
Stories can be one-shorts, series, headcanons.
important notes: i really want to write about jk, tae [from bts], peter parker, wanda maximoff, and bucky barnes [from marvel], bats [from dc]. so, this ones will come sooner because i already have some ideas about them with some of these lyrics. so, you can request it as well or you can wait me for to write this without any request. ^^
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↬ for example: “I want to read a story about Jungkook with 1st song lyric.”
[or] “I want to read a story about steve rogers x reader x bucky barnes with 41st song lyric.”
[or] “I want to read a story about peter parker  with 9th and 45th song lyrics.”
Warnings for requests: please identify what gender you want it to be; female reader or male reader and please describe what you want to read, so, I can really understand your wishes. ^^ [also, it can be an original character as you wish, will created by me of course.]
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◆ Characters/People
⌑ dc ⌑
Bruce Wayne/Batman [every version of him, especially robert p.], Clark Kent/Superman, John Constantine [movie version]
⌑ marvel ⌑
Steve Rogers/Captain America, Peter Parker/Spiderman [tom h. and andrew g. versions], Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier, Loki, Thor, Wanda Maximoff/The Scarlett Witch, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange
⌑ tv series ⌑
The Boys (2019-) Billy Butcher, Homelander, Soldier Boy, Queen Maeve
The Sandman (2022-) Morpheus/Dream/The Sandman, Corinthian/Nightmare
⌑ movies, movie series ⌑
Star Wars (not specific movie) Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Obi Wan Kenobi [tv series’ version as well]
Uncharted (2022) Nathan Drake - also game version too.
Twilight (all of them) Edward Cullen, Alice Cullen
In time (2011) Raymond Leon
American Psycho (2001) Patrick Bateman
John Wick (whole series) John Wick
The Prestige (2006) Alfred Borden
⌑ idols, actors, actresses ⌑
bts [especially jk & tae], chris evans, elizabeth olsen, sebastian stan, tom hiddlestion, tom holland, chris evans, robert pattinson     
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◆ Lyrics
1. A little bit older. A black leather jacket. A bad reputation. Insatiable habits. He was onto me, one look and I couldn't breathe. Yeah, I said, “If you kiss me, I might let it happen.” ▸my oh my, camila cabello [m]
2. Our secret moments in your crowded room. They've got no idea about me and you. & Say my name and everything just stops. I don't want you like a best friend. Only bought this dress so you could take it off▸dress, taylor swift [m]
3. I'm not here for games. I told you what it is, you chose to stay, oh. Baby, you chose the pain. 'Cause you don't know me, you just know my name, oh ▸renegade, aaryan shah [dark theme]
4. You don't know what you did, did to me. Your body lightweight speaks to me▸under the influence, chris brown
5. Please understand that I'm trying my hardest. My head's a mess but I'm trying regardless. Anxiety is one hell of a problem▸consume, chase atlantic [angst]
6. Bend it over slow 'cause daddy I know how you like it. Backseat of the 'Rari pullin' over just to ride it. Make you get down on your knees. Can't always havе what you please. This bitch ain't comin' for free & you know I carry a knife. You should be scared for your life. 'Cause you know I don't play nice▸oh mami, chase atlantic ft. maggie lindemann [m]
7. Don't worry, my hands. They're only warm for you. If I'm ruining you right now. Please forgive me. Because I can't live without you▸pied piper, bts
8. Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours. But was he yours, if he wanted me so bad? Pacify her. She's getting on my nerves. You don't love her. Stop lying with those words.▸pacify her, melanie martinez
9. And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me". I can't help this awful energy. God damn right, you should be scared of me. Who is in control? ▸control, halsey [villain vibe]
10. There's parts of me I cannot hide. I've tried and tried a million times. Cross my heart and hope to die. Welcome to my darkside▸darkside, neoni [villain vibe]
11. And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight. But my hands been broken one too many times. So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude. Words they always win, but I know I'll lose▸another love, tom odell [angst]
12. Terribly like terrible, she's the villain. One as sweet as caramel, she's my saint. Think I'm getting butterflies, but it's really. Something telling me to run away▸inferno, bella poarch & sub urban
13. I could be a better boyfriend than him. I could do the shit that he never did. Up all night, I won't quit. Thinking I'm gonna steal you from him. I could be such a gentleman. Plus all my clothes would fit▸boyfriend, dove cameron [from this lyrics, I am getting a big vibe of wanda x f!reader, so, you know what I mean]
14. I keep forgetting I should let you go. But when you look at me. The only memory is us kissing in the moonlight▸can’t remember to forget you, shakira & rihanna
15. Yeah, we danced on tabletops, and we took too many shots. Think we kissed, but I forgot last Friday night▸last friday night, katy perry
16. Don't blame me, love made me crazy. If it doesn't, you ain't doin' it right. Lord, save me, my drug is my baby. I'll be usin' for the rest of my life ▸don’t blame me, taylor swift
17. Call me in the morning to apologize. Every little lie gives me butterflies. Something in the way you're looking through my eyes. Don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive▸teeth, 5sos
18. Six feet tall and super strong. We'd always get along. Alright, alright. Ooh, he'd pick me up at eight. And not a minute late. 'Cause I don't like to wait, no. Kind and ain't afraid to cry. Or treat his mama right. That's right, that's what I like▸guy.exe, superfruit [fluff]
19. I'm in love with a fairytale. Even though it hurts. 'Cause I don't care if I lose my mind. I'm already cursed▸bad blood, taylor swift [note for this one; I added these part but I will write with whole lyrics because this song’s every lyric is amazing for an au, or a love story]
20. And you're startin' to bore me, baby. Why'd you only call me when you're high?▸why’d you only call me when you’re high?, arctic monkeys [protective or possessive vibe]
21. But you didn't have to cut me off. Make out like it never happened. And that we were nothing. And I don't even need your love. But you treat me like a stranger. And that feels so rough▸somebody that i used to know, gotye
22. Right now, I'm shameless. Screamin' my lungs out for ya. Not afraid to face it. I need you more than I want to▸shameless, camila cabello
23. We laugh together, we cry together. These simple feelings were everything I had. When will it be?. If I see you again. I will look into your eyes. And say, "I missed you"▸still with you, jungkook
24. She said, "Fuck me like I'm famous", I said, "Okay"▸slow down, chase atlantic [m]
25. You're too late. Had your girlfriend at my house for two days. Should be obvious, the reason she stayed with me▸too late, chase atlantic [m]
26. Where have you been? Do you know when you're coming back? 'Cause since you've been gone. I've got along but I've been sad▸reflections, the neighbourhood [angst]
27. And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime. And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine.▸dandelions, ruth b. [fluff]
28. You'll never know the psychopath sitting next to you. You'll never know the murderer sitting next to you. You'll think, "How'd I get here, sitting next to you?" But after all I've said, please don't forget ▸heathens, twenty one pilots [dark theme, like mafia au]
29. But mama I'm in love with a criminal. And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical.▸criminal, britney spears [this one is like mafia au too]
30. Oh, dear diary, I met a boy. He made my doll heart light up with joy. Oh, dear diary, we fell apart. Welcome to the life of Electra Heart.▸ bubblegum bitch, marina
31. Come on, don't be silly. I beg of you, stop. I'm sure that he doesn't reflect. What he really is▸ainsi bas la vida, indila [dark theme]
32. I can't be your Superman. Can't be your Superman & Don't get me wrong, I love these hoes. It's no secret everybody knows. Yeah, we fucked, bitch, so what? That's about as far as your buddy goes & I never loved you enough to trust you. We just met and I just fucked you▸superman, eminem [so much homelander vibe]
33. You think I'm crazy, you think I'm gone. So what if I'm crazy? All the best people are. And I think you're crazy too, I know you're gone. That's probably the reason that we get along▸mad hatter, melanie martinez [dark theme]
34. I'm tired of being home alone. Used to have a girl a day. But I want you to stay. ▸ lost in the fire, the weekend [playboy vibe]
35. We found each other. I helped you out of a broken place. You gave me comfort. But falling for you was my mistake.▸ call out my name, the weekend
36. Give it to me daddy, that's what she keeps screamin'. Give it to me daddy, She love the way I beat it.& Lights down low, time to get naughty. ▸lights down low, maejor ft. waka flocka flame [m]
37. You can say what you like, don't say I wouldn't die for you. I, I'm down on my knees and I need you to be my God. Be my help, be a savior who can.▸ train wreck, james arthur [angst, mainly]
39. We used to be close, but people can go. From people you know to people you don't. And what hurts the most is people can go. From people you know to people you don't ▸ people you know, selena gomez
38. One: Don't pick up the phone. You know he's only callin' 'cause he's drunk and alone
Two: Don't let him in, you'll have to kick him out again
Three: Don't be his friend. You know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the mornin'
And if you're under him, you ain't gettin' over him.▸new rules, dua lipa
40. Saw you there and I thought. "Oh, my God, look at that face. You look like my next mistake. Love's a game, wanna play?" ▸blank space, taylor swift
41. I know I can treat you better than he can. And any girl like you deserves a gentleman. Tell me, why are we wasting time. On all your wasted crying. When you should be with me instead? ▸ treat you better, shawn mendes [love triangle vibe]
42. Only love can hurt like this. Must have been a deadly kiss & But every time you're there I'm begging you to stay. When you come close I just tremble. And every time, every time you go. It's like a knife that cuts right through my soul▸only love can hurt like this, paloma faith
43. I heard from a friend of a friend. That that dick was a ten out of ten ▸ need to know, doja cat [m]
44. Evil, I've come to tell you that she's evil, most definitely. Evil, ornery, scandalous and evil, most definitely ▸ doin’ time, lana del rey
45. Baby, I'm a sociopath. Sweet serial killer. On the warpath. 'Cause I love you just a little too much ▸ serial killer, lana del rey [dark theme, dark!nat and wanda vibes or dark!mc/reader with a pretty boy like peter p.]
46. Guys my age don't know how to treat me. Don't know how to treat me. Don't know how to treat me. Guys my age don't know how to touch me. Don't know how to love me good ▸ guys my age, hey violet [mature, sugar!daddy/mommy theme]
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love, rose <3
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/perseprose/profile you can request in ao3 too. i will publish this in there too.
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samseabxrn · 9 months
word search tag game
Thank you @rowanisawriter for the tag!! This was a lot of fun. My words were bright, bed, sunset, handle, and snow:
bright — from chapter 1 of those who are in favour with their stars
It’s not strong enough to get him drunk, not with his metabolism, but he knows the color is high in his cheeks and his eyes feel bright when he looks at her. On her end—to put it mildly, Shepard is a lightweight, and six slow swigs in, she had to stop because she said the world was already beginning to go soft and hazy.
bed showed up about 25 times 💀 — from a desperate light that since has died
Her bed in the dormitory is too soft. Each morning, she wakes with a twinge in her upper back, and it lingers through lecture and practicals and mealtime, until she returns to the same small bed at curfew. It’s probably worn through from generations of apprentices before her. From this point on, very few things will be new just for her.
handle — from chapter 2 of rivers of bitter certainty
Their prisoner—Herald—is a handsome man. He is clearly noble from the way he carries himself, with a confidence that only comes from having enough money to always be right. Even when his wrists were bound, he exhibited a cool indifference to his precarious position that Cullen hated and envied in equal measure. He does not rub at his neck, or pull at his collar, or fidget with his wedding ring. The only reason Cullen noticed this last object is because it continually clinks against the markers that litter their little map; Lord Cavanaugh began to handle them without hesitation from their first meeting.
snow — from and it's peaceful in the deep
Instead, he was left with only the sight of her body, silhouetted by the burning fires outside the chantry, and the sound of all those bottles clinking in her pack as she ran. Not one of those bottles remains. He imagines a trail of lyrium spilled in the snow, pooling and sinking into its white depths.
sunset did not show up at all, surprisingly!
I'll tag anyone who's interested in doing this! Your words are sparkling, time, trace, crease, and fear.
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inquisimer · 2 years
happy friday friendo!!! I'd love to see "Slow dancing" from the non-sexual intimacy prompts for Cullen/non-inq Trevelyan. 💚
HAPPY FRIDAY RO thank you for reminding me how much I love my Trev, I've been so hyperfixated on Neria lately, but Acacia is still my beloved little spitfire🥺
wc: 982
for @dadrunkwriting
Drew, it turned out, was an abysmal dancer.
It made Acacia wonder how he’d survived so long in the field, if he truly had this little control over his footwork. The dress robes Josephine ordered for him were flattering, but in desperate need of alterations and Drew seemed to catch the hem with every third step. Although maybe he was simply wilting from his proximity to the disgruntled Seeker—she looked about as happy to be in the impromptu dance hall as Cullen, who was glancing at the door nearly as often as Drew stumbled in his dance.
“Again.” Madame de Fer’s voice cracked over the assembled students like whip. Despite the heat in the lower levels of Skyhold, no sweat glistened on her skin. Her eyes followed every movement, sharp and scrutinizing and clearly displeased with the Inquisitor’s progress—or lack thereof, actually.
“You cannot expect to win favors at Halamshiral without gracing the dance floor, Inquisitor. Most Orlesians have choreography specifically for conducting business.”
Drew and Cassandra joined hands once more and began stilting their way to the tune of Vivienne’s bespelled lyre.
“Do you think they’ll even make it halfway through this time?” Acacia muttered, nudging Cullen lightly with her elbow. He snorted and rolled his eyes, but before he could give her an answer a shard of icy mana sliced down her spine, making her shriek and jump.
“Hey!” She whirled on Drew, because only he would be so petty. The pair was ostensibly still making their way through the steps, but the uptick at the corner of his mouth betrayed him. With a sigh, Madame de Fer waved the spell off the lyre and shooed Cassandra and Drew toward one of the benches before rounding on Acacia.
“If you’re so eager to critique, perhaps you should take a turn on the floor.”
Never one to back down from a challenge—and there was clearly a challenge in the madame’s steely gaze—Acacia nodded her acquiescence. She wasn’t worried; a girl didn’t survive as long as she had in an assassin’s guild without an awareness of her limbs. True, that dexterity more often applied to backstabs and dodging, but it really wasn’t that hard to translate the concept to dancing.
So she might as well have some fun with it.
“Care to join me?” She tilted her head; with her waves pulled up in a haphazard bun as they were, the diffused sunlight caught easily on the sweat glistening at the juncture of her neck. As she’d expected, it trapped Cullen’s gaze as well. He did a relatively good job of concealing his slight intake of breath, and the blush on the tips of his ears was almost indistinguishable from how he flushed from the heat, but Acacia had more than enough practice reading the Commander by now.
His eyes glinted, one part dangerous, two parts desire. He’d shed his usual armor and unbuttoned the top few buttons of his lightweight shirt, exposing a skin that she would have like to lick, were they in less mixed company. She really ought to get a medal for her restraint; what with the way his cuffed sleeves framed his forearms, and how the heat loosened one of his curls, making it fall across his forehead.
“You can hardly dance alone,” he murmured, taking her proffered hand and tugging her into his arms, perhaps slightly closer than a casual acquaintance would have done, but nothing that couldn’t be overlooked or explained away. Vivienne gestured again and the lyre picked up once more, a softer tune with a slower pace, but a clear cadence for them to follow nonetheless. Cullen took the lead and Acacia let him, clasping one hand at his waist.
It was odd to feel his touch through fabric; the heat of his fingers muted compared to the flames that usually danced across her skin. But their experience wasn’t for naught; they found a rhythm easily—she stepped forward and he stepped back, he went left and she followed with no hesitation. She read the gentle pressure in his embrace without even thinking, dipping when he wanted and spinning under his arm with no small amount of grace. The oakmoss that he pressed between his clothes was fragrant in her nostrils and for a moment she lost herself in the familiar scent, the familiar comfort his gentle touch brought.
And then the song ended.
They held together for a few beats longer than they should have, both breathing heavier than the dance should have necessitated. Her eyes fluttered open and found him staring at her intently. His lips were slightly parted and the yearning she read in his gaze was enough to shock her out of her trance. She narrowly avoided skittering out of his grasp, drawing on years of espionage to simply tug her hand out of his and step back so his arm slid from its familiar position around her waist. He held her gaze for a few more breaths, perhaps even longer, but she broke away and looked toward Madame de Fer.
“Satisfactory, my lady?”
The mage’s mouth curled in an amused smirk; in her shadow, Acacia could see Drew, eyes flitting between his sister and the Commander as if trying to solve a complicated riddle and not quite parsing the answer.
“Indeed. I would say you’re well prepared for at least this portion of the Empress’ ball. And you’ve certainly defended your propensity to tease.”
Acacia forced a devious smirk onto her face; always best to play nonchalance—it would make the observers doubt their own conclusions. “Just so. You’ll need the rest of this time to whip that one” —she nodded at her brother— “into something remotely presentable, as it is.”
“Unfortunately.” Vivienne rolled her wrist once more and her lyre picked up the previous tune. “Again, Lord Trevelyan. If you would, Seeker Pentaghast?”
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soulventure91 · 1 year
20, 30, and 40 for Kassi? 💖
solidify the novel bbygirl yes good |
20. What were the most deeply impressive political or social, national or international, events that they experienced? So the Cursed Lands, where Kassi's tribe and other nomads that make use of "true" necromancy (ie using necromancy for better ends than popularly believed), are a massive stretch of steppe where their ancestors' civilization and nation were destroyed when demons effectively corrupted many necromantic arts aaaand then there was a massive volcanic eruption when the more demonic-aligned necromancers tried to tie the Cursed Lands to the demonic plane via reality warp. Yeah. Which is how the tribes came about in the first place, so while Kassi was not born at that time (which is ~200 years before the planned novel) all of that has a heavy impact on her culture. On a more positive note, probably the most personally deeply impressive event Kassi got to witness was her first Wind-Dance: a semi-annual event where the tribes all gather to trade and perform a ritual battle using tribal kites. Each tribe has a minimum of three kites (one for the war-leader, one for the tribe chieftain, and one for the dead-speaker) supported by others made for communication and marking territory; the Dance itself sets tribe against tribe as a way to indicate favor and capability without actually killing each other off. Kassi's first Wind-Dance (at around age 6-10) was highlighted by her accidentally ripping Seta's kite and trying to mend it with plaster meant for setting bones instead of a lightweight paper paste or sewing the tear before the Dance started. That was where she learned that the dead-speaker's kite is often kept for many years as it takes on necromantic energy from those who work on it; Seta's kite dated back to the very early days of the tribe, not long after the volcanic eruption. However, because of this ability, the kite could effectively act as a kamikaze bomb: by sacrificing the kite, the eruption of energies can also wipe out several kites and actually increase the tribe's standing. Kassi helped to make the replacement kite, and thus officially started her training as a necromancer.
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive? Kassi's a very in-the-moment person, so she doesn't really hold onto anything at present. However, if she were to be severely, personally slighted, I don't see her being someone to let that go easily. Kassi offering forgiveness depends on the slight and who gave it. She can range from 'oh you just didn't understand, ok let me explain it's fine miscommunication nbd' to 'i will burn your city and salt your fields and your descendants will suffer for ages to come'. She totally has that range. Never dis the sunshine necro.
40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one? Kassi is super sassy and can catch onto wordplay/innuendos very quickly. No one is safe. In a private rp I've done a couple rounds on where Kassi manages to portal herself from Diabloverse to Thedas (Kirkwall, to be specific), she is so sassy to Cullen and two Templar OCs that basically become her best friends within an hour of meeting her and dragging her ass to the Gallows. Those Templars, Jerrik and Dylen, will actually appear in the novel!! For the most part, Kassi's humor is upbeat and funky, always finding ways to poke fun even to situations that could be very politically difficult if talked about with a straight face (eg., the mage situation in Thedas after living as a free-roaming spirits-of-the-dead-interacting necromancer her whole life). But she's also able to be serious when the situation calls, very clear about the things she can and can't do as a necromancer, and always kind to those who need it.
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soundmelive · 5 months
The "Vampire Skin" trend on TikTok is a makeup technique inspired by the vampires from the "Twilight" franchise, particularly the character Edward Cullen, who is known for his glittering skin. This trend was started by TikTok influencer August Sombatkamrai on September 30 and has since gained significant popularity, with the hashtag #vampireskin amassing 2.7 million views​​. The essence of this trend is to create a glittering, glowing skin effect. It involves mixing foundation with liquid glitter and applying it to the skin, followed by adding powdered silver glitter for enhanced shimmer. The key is to use a moderate amount of foundation to maintain a subtle glitter effect​​​​. TikTokers have been experimenting with various types of liquid glitters, highlighters, eyeshadows, and other glitter-containing products to personalize their looks. The trend allows for a lot of creativity, as there are no strict rules about the amount or type of products to use. This makes it accessible to many people, as they can use products they already have at home​​. Celebrity makeup artists Judi Gabbay and Allison Kaye have offered professional tips on achieving the vampire skin look. They suggest that a liquid highlighter can be more wearable compared to liquid glitter. The process involves mixing the highlighter with a lightweight foundation and applying it with a damp beauty sponge, focusing on the high points of the face for a glittering effect reminiscent of the "Twilight" vampires​​. In summary, the "Vampire Skin" trend on TikTok is a makeup technique that creates a shimmering, glowing skin effect, inspired by the glittering vampires of the "Twilight" series. It has gained significant popularity for its simplicity and the ability to customize the look using various glitter and highlight products.
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thatfanficstuff · 3 years
Her Three Kings- Chapter Eleven
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A Volturi Kings x ofc story
Warnings: nope.
A/N: Only two more chapters until they meet! Just kidding. It’s here. I’m so excited.
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The final goodbye was as horrible as Lily thought it would be. Knowing Carlisle would be traveling with her helped somewhat, but she was still heartbroken to be leaving the rest of her family. She stared out the window beside her while they drove to the airport and Carlisle reached over to clasp her hand in his. She squeezed his hand in thanks and kept hold of it until they reached the plane.
Their luggage and her belongings had all traveled ahead of them and were already loaded on the plane. The only thing she’d kept with her was the backpack that had once belonged to John. It held the things she didn’t trust to anyone else. Even her sword was stashed in the cargohold. Mainly because she was fairly certain they weren’t going to allow her to appear before her mates armed.
She took a seat near the window and dropped her bag into the seat across from her. Carlisle sat beside her. The guard sat further away giving them the semblance of privacy. Growing up with vampires, Lily was used to having none so it didn’t faze her much. When Lily wasn’t sleeping, her and Carlisle talked more about Volterra or played hangman and cards. Sometimes she just stared out the window and contemplated her future. She’d brought a book but after reading the same page three times and still not processing it, she gave up.
The closer they were to their destination, the antsier Liliana got. When they were about forty minutes out, Jane approached. “Excuse me, Mistress.”
Lily gave her a tight smile. She really hated being called Mistress but had been unable to get them to call her anything else. “Yes, Jane?”
“We will be landing soon should you wish to don more suitable attire,” the girl suggested.
Liliana blinked at her a couple of times before smiling. “Thank you, Jane. That is most kind of you.” Lily pulled a sheer cardigan the same color of green as her off the shoulder crop top from her bag. She slipped it on. “Much better.”
Jane stared at her for a long moment without saying anything.
Lily leaned toward Carlisle. “I think I broke her.”
“Is there not something else you would rather wear? We can arrange for you to change at the airport if your clothes are below.” Jane’s voice was as calm as ever but it was obvious she was trying not to say something biting to her new queen.
Contrary to what Jane may have thought, Liliana had taken great care with her appearance. She had dressed in a pair of lightweight khaki cargo pants and her off the shoulder olive green crop top. Her brown hiking boots were comfortable and went well so she’d worn those. Alice had done her hair in a messy updo and used one of her hair scarves as a wide hair band with some strands of hair pulled through to frame her face. She’d also done a light makeup. Lily had finished everything off with multiple bracelets and rings along with a metal choker and her necklace with the Cullen crest. She even had her nose ring in. She was quite pleased with the look if she were honest. And most importantly, she felt confident.
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“One of the most important things my father taught me was to always begin as you mean to go on, Jane,” Lily said. “I would hate to give them the false impression that they are getting a proper lady.”
“Yes, that would be most horrible,” Jane responded in a completely flat voice.
Lily couldn’t help grinning. “We’re going to get along just fine, Janey.”
The guard turned on her heel to return to her brother’s side. Lily waited a couple of beats before she started laughing. She leaned against Carlisle and he began to chuckle as well. “Shhh,” he attempted to quiet her when he noticed that all four guards were watching them. That only made her laugh harder.
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By the time they arrived at the castle, Lily’s stomach was churning though she did her best to hide it. Two weeks of texting and the occasional phone call did nothing to prepare her for actually meeting the three kings that were her soulmates. She took a breath as they stood before the massive doors. Felix and Demetri were waiting for her to signal that she was ready.
“Let me take your bag,” Alec said from beside her.
Lily frowned at him, reluctant to hand it over.
“I’ll take it straight to your room. You will be fine,” he assured with a soft smile.
She nodded once and handed the pack over. “Thank you, Alec.”
He bowed his head and raced away. She turned back to the doors. “It’s not like they don’t know I’m out here. Let’s do this.”
Felix’s lips twitched while Demetri outright grinned at her. His grin was infectious and Lily found herself smiling as well. He winked at her and opened the door. Lily stepped into the room, Carlisle trailing behind. Her heart raced as her gaze fell on the men sat on the thrones on the far side of the room. All three sat straighter as they watched her approach. Her gaze moved between them, unwilling to pick one to settle on. No picture could ever do them justice. She wanted to greet them, to say something, but she was too wrapped up just watching them. If she’d had any doubt that they were mates, it evaporated with the feeling of elation in her chest at finally being in their presence.
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Marcus POV
She was stunning. Breathtaking. If he still needed to breathe that was. Carlisle had sent them pictures but they were nothing compared to the real thing. And it went far beyond her looks. It was the aura that seemed to surround her. She was confident. True. Theirs. Most importantly, his.
The only thing more beautiful than the woman in front of him was the vibrant, brilliant gold true mate bond connecting them to her. That it would be so strong upon their first meeting spoke volumes. She was truly perfect for them.
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Caius POV
He ran his gaze over her from head to toe. She was pretty for a human, he supposed. But could she not even be bothered to dress herself appropriately for their meeting? Did she not care? His eyes moved from her to Carlisle behind her. Surely he’d taught her better. His gaze flicked back to his mate. His human mate. He barely managed to keep the snarl from his lips.
His eyes narrowed as he took a better look at her. Was that a nose ring? Caius couldn’t fathom how the fates thought this was the perfect woman for him. He couldn’t imagine anyone more wrong for him. For all of them.
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Aro swallowed as he took in the stunning creature in front of him. Something about her made him want to take her hair down so he could run his fingers through it. He wanted to curl up with her while they read or just watched the world pass around them. He just wanted to be near her in whatever capacity she would allow it.
It was an unusual feeling for him. Normally his first thought was always about how someone could be of benefit to their coven. To him. But all he could think of was how much he wished he could take her in his arms right now. He could only think this would be the beginning of an amazing eternity with her.
Being the first to recover from her arrival, Aro stood and stepped forward to greet her. He grinned as he approached her. “Liliana, it is so lovely to finally meet you in person.” He held out his hands. “May I?”
Elation flooded through him when she shrugged and held out her hand. That she would trust him already meant—Aro frowned when he realized that he was only seeing a very small portion of her memories. He was seeing the moments that brought her to them but that was all. His brow furrowed. “What is this? I don’t understand.”
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Lily POV
Aro looked so confused and upset that Lily felt a little bad for blocking him from her memories, but just a little. He had to earn it. She pulled her hand away from him, her chest aching slightly as she did so. “It’s my gift.”
His brow furrowed. “I’ve never seen a shield that allows only partial access and you seem to be controlling what I see.”
She shook her head. “I’m not a shield. I can block things. I really don’t know how else to put it. I simply put up a block between that which I wished you to see and that which I didn’t.”
Her mate’s eyes went wide. “Amazing, cara mia. I understand and do not take it personally though I do hope you allow me access to everything eventually.”
“Show them, Lily,” Carlisle said from behind her. He never pushed her to share her gift with people, but she understood this was different.
She took a breath and shifted her gaze to Marcus. He lifted a brow at having her attention. With a thought she put the block up on their bonds, though not all the way. She didn’t want to cut off the link with them. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” Marcus said. Aro immediately moved to him to take his hand so he could see as well. Caius seemed disgruntled that he wasn’t in on the secret.
Moving her eyes to him, she dropped the block on the bonds and instead blocked her scent and the sound of her heartbeat. Every vampire in the room snapped their attention to her. It didn’t intimidate her. Her gift was odd. She knew that. As the only human in the room, they all knew the instant her blocks slid into place.
Lily blinked as Caius suddenly appeared in front of her. He was fast. She hadn’t even seen a blur. He ran a hand along her jaw as he studied her face. Grasping her chin lightly, he turned her head and sniffed along the length of her neck. Why was that so hot? When he finished, he took a step back. “Impossible.”
She shrugged and dropped all the blocks except the ones she kept in place all the time. Caius inhaled deeply as her scent came back, his eyes turning a deeper crimson as he did so. She smiled and gave a small nod. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Caius.”
“Little human,” he answered with a sneer.
She shook her head at him, but said nothing further. She wondered if it would do any good to remind him that he’d been human once upon a time. Or maybe he’d just take it as an insult.
When he didn’t get the response he was looking for, he looked past her to Carlisle. “And what is your purpose here, Cullen?”
“Excuse me, sir, but that is my emotional support vampire,” Lily said.
A snort of laughter carried to her and she glanced over to see Demetri with his hand over his mouth. Jane and Alec were both smirking as well. Caius however just stared at her without blinking. That was creepy. He was a little unsettling. But he was hot. God, what was wrong with her?
She dragged her eyes from him to look at Aro as he returned to stand in front of her. He smiled at her then reached past her toward Carlisle. He returned the gesture, revealing his gloved hands. A flash of hurt showed on Aro’s face and Liliana reached out and touched his wrist. “That was my doing. Sorry. I wanted you to get to know me the regular way. If it bothers you that much, it’s okay. I don’t mind.”
His gaze softened as he turned to her and took both her hands in his. “Whatever you wish, cara mia. I look forward to getting to know you in whatever way I can.”
She smiled and glanced to his left where Marcus still sat on his throne. His sharp eyes were taking in everything. When he noticed her watching, he smiled and held out a hand as he stood.
Returning his smile, she stepped past Aro and walked over to the quiet king. He met her at the bottom of the steps and took her hand in his. “It is so lovely to finally meet you in person, Liliana.” He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, keeping hold of it when he finished.
“It’s nice to meet you, too, Marcus.” She looked at him for a moment, uncertain what to say. She just enjoyed being in his presence. Her gaze darted down then back up as she bit her lip. His crimson gaze met hers and he tilted his head slightly. “Could I have a hug?” she asked. Her voice was so quiet even some of the vampires in the room had trouble hearing.
He grinned and pulled her to him. Wrapping his arms around her, he buried his nose in her hair, taking in her scent. “You need never ask for affection from me, dolcezza. It will always be freely given.” The whispered words brought happiness with them and the arms she’d curled around him squeezed.
“Thank you, Marcus.” She still sounded so quiet, so shy. After releasing him from the embrace, she stepped back. She turned so she could run her gaze over her mates. “Is there somewhere I could freshen up? It was a long flight.”
“Of course,” Aro exclaimed at once, clapping his hands together. “We will show you to your rooms immediately.”
Lily blinked as the three kings led her and Carlisle from the room. She hadn’t expected them to show her personally. They took the stairs up a couple of floors and stopped at a room just off them. “Carlisle. This is your room. I know it’s not where you are used to staying, but we thought it best if you were easy for our mate to find,” Aro explained. “She has the rooms right above you.”
She made note of where the room was. It would be easy to remember.
“Thank you, Aro. I’m sure it will be fine.” He opened the door and turned back to Lily. “Text me if you need anything.”
She nodded and he disappeared into the room. She followed her mates up one level to the top of the stairs. They ended in an open area filled with plants and huge windows in the ceiling. There was also a collection of couches and chairs in the middle and a large television hung on the wall above the fireplace that sat to the side of the stairs. A long table sat to one side and was covered with books and papers. Wide eyes took everything in.
“This is our shared area,” Marcus explained.
“This is our floor. No one is allowed here without our express permission,” Caius said as he stepped past her. He stood a short distance away and crossed his arms over his chest.
Aro took her hand and led her toward the left. A large set of doors emblazoned with an A stood there. Further down there stood another set of doors, much smaller than the first. “Behind these large doors, is my office and private rooms. They are all connected. The smaller doors lead to my bedroom.”
Her face heated at the mention of the bedroom. Why did her body insist on acting like a hormonal teenager around them? So embarrassing.
Obviously seeing the color on her cheeks, Aro chuckled. He turned her so she faced back toward the common area. “Beside me are Caius’ rooms, across are Marcus’. Our initials are on the doors in case you forget.” Then he led her to the right, to the rooms that ran behind where the stairs were. “And these are yours.”
“We can do a full tour later, dolcezza. For now, let us show you the bedroom.” Marcus took her hand from Aro and led her over to the small doors that had been painted white. Instead of an initial, intricately carved lilies served as the handles on the doors. She ran her fingers over them and glanced up at Marcus. He gave her a soft smile in return.
She pulled open the door, understanding the heaviness when she saw how thick the wood was. As the beauty of the room was revealed, Lily gasped. She stepped inside and sank into the plush carpeting. The entire room was done in white, lilac and sky blue. The king sized bed was draped in netting with fairy lights wrapped around the top. Across from it, a TV was mounted on the wall. It was on an arm so it could be pulled out and watched from the bed or the small sitting area. A dresser stood beneath it.
The sitting area had a lilac rug with blue and white flowers. The couch and two chairs were white with lilac and blue pillows and throws. A wall of shelves stood beside it. While there were a few books and things on the shelves, they were mostly empty waiting for her to fill them. There were three doors leading off the room. She opened the first to show a massive closet that already held a selection of clothing.
“We took the liberty of providing a few things we thought you might like,” Aro said. “The door near the shelves leads into your other rooms.”
She turned to look at him and simply nodded, still in shock. Moving across the room to the remaining door, she opened it to find an amazing bathroom. There was a large shower with dual heads and a separate massive bathtub. She could live in there and be perfectly happy.
Once she took everything in, she looked at her mates. Aro and Marcus stood near the bed, hands clasped in front of them as they watched her. Caius leaned in the doorway trying to appear uninterested, but she could tell that he was just as anxious for her reaction as the other two.
“This is absolutely perfect. It’s beautiful. Thank you,” she told them, willing the tears she felt creeping up to disappear. She ran across the room and threw her arms around Aro. He sighed, his shoulders dropping as the tension left him. She buried her face in his neck and he returned the gesture. “You are very welcome, my mate.”
Releasing him, she turned to Marcus to hug him as well. “It is our pleasure to care for you.”
Last was Caius. Unlike with the other two, Lily couldn’t just pull him into a hug. She wasn’t sure he even liked her. As she stood in front of him, he stayed leaning against the doorframe. His arms were crossed over his chest again and he ran his gaze over her from top to bottom. “If I hug you, are you going to eat me?”
He hummed and the corner of his mouth kicked up into a smirk. “My brothers would be very unhappy with me were I to do so.”
“That was really a yes or no question,” Lily told him.
The blond let out a little growl and grabbed her arm to pull her forward. He gave her a one-armed hug and kissed her forehead. “I am glad you are happy, little human.”
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thebookworm0001 · 2 years
@riza03shinigans asked me to talk about my oc and while i have many ellana has my heart so she's getting an info dump
Ellana Lavellan is my canon inquisitor for dragon age:inquisition. she's about 27 years old at the start of the game, leaving her around 29 at the end of trespasser. in my canon worldstate, she's the granddaughter of Clan Lavellan's Keeper. her magic came in later than her peers, but with a bit more spectacle (she was hanging out on a dread wolf statue when some templars wandered close. she, understandably freaking out, stood up and hit her head on the wolf's jaw. in her first act of magic, she set part of the forest on fire to get away. very eventful but luckily no one in the clan got hurt. this is where her in-game scar comes from.) she was very dedicated to her studies and to her duty as future keeper and found a deep love for learning and discovery. eventually, she fell for another clan member, Ahnen, whose hunt to bring back a bonding gift ended with both his prey and him dying. She would use the bear pelt he brought back as a blanket and mantle through the rest of her life. A combination of her grief and desire to learn more than she thought she was capable while serving her clan led her to depart - electing to be a wandering keeper to search for lost knowledge, care for her people as they traveled between clans, and find some distance from painful memories. The first place she was asked to visit was the Conclave. That went fairly poorly. and turns out the man she fell in love with was responsible for it all.
Ellana is intensely curious and feels things very deeply. she's gained the skills over her life to temper her emotions with logic - a necessary ability both as Keeper and Inquisitor - but does find the former overwhelming on occasion, especially when faced with great loss. She is deeply kind, intelligent, loyal, and committed to justice. As Inquisitor, she seeks to have people atone, righting the wrongs they have committed and serving those they have harmed - though how that presents can vary. Those she cares for may find themselves beholden only to her opinion of them. Those she does not may find themselves at the mercy of the many they have injured. Other times she lets her boyfriend straight-up kill you for corrupting his spirit friend.
On an unrelated note, she is very short. She is 4'11" and just. so tiny. she's not necessarily thin, though. before she came into her magic, she trained with daggers and continued to do so after to ensure she would never be left without the skills to defend herself. not to mention her staves aren't exactly light, so she's got a fair bit of muscle. she's not taking down Bull or anything, but she could knock Cullen on his ass in a fair fight.
Ellana is also aro-ace. getting specific with labels, i'd say she's demi or gray. either way the important thing is she's not attracted to people almost ever and it usually requires a previous established relationship. Ahnen she was romantically attracted to but never developed a sexual attraction to him. She's also in several aus with @roseategales ' Eludysia, where she's in a poly relationship with her and solas. their relationship is my favorite thing ever.
lets see what else can I info dump... uh, varric's nickname for her is violet on account of her green thumb. and the bright purple eyes and vallaslin. she's a dumbass who puts a magic mirror in her house after finding out her ex-boyfriend is using said magic-mirrors in his plans to reshape the world. she's a fire mage primarily and so is something of a living space heater. she is a Mom FriendTM. She's got a full-back vallaslin that has representations of all the elven gods within the design. 4 of my 6 published fics feature her - two of them are very smutty. one of the smutty ones is just horribly heartbreaking and i'm very proud of that. she can't hold her liquor she is a lightweight. she's got resting bitch face. she can be incredibly sassy when she wants to be - or when she's tired.
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bitchesofostwick · 3 years
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Chapter 3: Well Met
She had done a decent job of hiding her nerves throughout their journey, Cullen admits to himself. Enough so that he’d truly believed she had no misgivings about meeting his siblings, at least until she told him herself that she did, and even then, he wasn’t so convinced. Ellinor, indeed, had seemed sure when he didn’t, held herself with a certainty Cullen only found easily at Skyhold, among work, among his soldiers. For the bulk of their travels across Ferelden—their comfortable ride through the Hinterlands, their stays at inns in Redcliffe, the Southron Hills—she’d carried them both with her confidence and her determination. On some days her courage had nearly chased away his anxieties entirely; on others, her soft words of encouragement and reassurance were at least enough to keep his nerves under control.
But on the morning they’re to arrive in the South Reach, he sees her own fears in her eyes. No amount of gentle smiles and wry jokes can hide that from him.
“Help me with my hair,” she murmurs. They’ve packed their horses already, dressed for the day—himself in a simple cotton tunic and pants not unlike any he’d wear on any other day, though he’d left behind his suit of armor at Skyhold at Ellinor’s insistence.
She dresses differently. Gone are her dark traveling leathers, replaced instead with a lightweight blouse and pants and a fitted belt. Simple clothing, sensible clothing, notably different from the silks and gowns she might wear at Skyhold to impress the nobility or worse the Orlesians or even worse the Orlesian nobility.
She wants to fit in. But my darling, they already love you.
She holds out a firstful of pins to him, complete with a single ribbon—pale blue, to match her blouse.
“The usual?” he asks, accepting the pins and ribbon and gathering her long brown hair in his hands once she turns around.
She chuckles. “What else?”
“I can try one of the fancier braids that Josephine does for you. The one that sits atop your head like a little tiara.”
As quickly as she’d turned her back to him, she spins around again, raising her eyebrows with a curious glint in her eyes. “Cullen, I love you, but I’d rather my hair be presentable than a mess of knots on the day I’m to meet your entire family.”
Continue reading.
header art by @vvakarians​ <3
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mccartneysbass · 5 years
foresaken destiney
pairing: jasper hale x reader
word count: ~2.1k, unedited excuse the over usage of commas and all other mistakes, I’m trying something kind of new with my writing sooo without further ado, enjoy!
summary: When the Cullens move to Forks, Y/N knows that something isn’t right about the Cullen family. As they investigate further into the mystery that surrounds the family, they wind up finding out more than what they were looking for. Meanwhile, Jasper struggles with the fact that his mate is human. 
part i | part ii (to be posted)
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Working at the front office had its perks, like having access to school files and being able to hear all the latest news, well more really, gossip from the office workers. Which was how you knew Forks was about to receive several new students all courtesy of the brand new Dr. Cullen; who had all the office workers willing to risk it all. Apparently, he was young but had adopted several teenagers after their family had passed away. Taking advantage of the office workers chattering about the Cullens, you searched through their schedules trying to see who you would end up having in class. Midway through your mini inquiry, the office door swung open and the family of the hour entered. 
They all wore a variant of white and you couldn’t help but wonder if they had coordinated that morning. You handed each of the new students their schedules, each of them politely greeting you, their golden eyes shone brightly under the florescent lights. It was the last one who gave you an odd vibe. He looked like he was in pain, his hair was wild, sticking out in odd directions and he kept staring at you. His stare was broken by the shortest one, who pulled him down and whispered in his ear. You couldn’t hear what she said but it had a visible effect on him, his shoulders dropped.
He stuck his hand out at you, “Jasper Hale.”
You couldn’t help but feel tense, there was something about the new students that just didn’t sit right. But as soon as the feeling came you felt oddly calm and relaxed. Taking his hand you offered a small smile, “YN.”
Two things stuck out to you: how cold his hand was and his accent. You wondered what type of accent it was, you knew it was southern but you couldn’t quite nail the state. Alice broke you out of your thoughts, “YN, do you mind walking us to class?”
“No problem at all! I actually think I have next period with you and Jasper,” you replied. She clapped her hands before taking your arm and dragging you out of the office. You hid your surprise with a laugh, before leading the Cullens to their respective classes. Jasper was right behind you as Rosalie, Edward and Emmett trailed behind engrossed in their conversation. Alice who still had a grip on your arm, pulled you even closer to her, “If you aren’t busy this weekend YN, you should show us around Forks and Port Angeles.”
“Alice,” Jasper said firmly. There was an unspoken conversation as the two looked at each other.
“Relax, it will be fine. So what do you say, this Saturday?” Alice excitedly continued.  
Running a hand through your hair, you let out a breath, “Of course. It would be my pleasure, though I will give you a fair warning, there isn’t much to see.”
“We are more interested in the company anyhow,” he drawled out. You could feel a slight blush at his words, before you could control yourself you blurted out, “I love your accent. It is uh- very soothing.” Mentally you chastised yourself, you hadn’t even known them for a full five minutes and you were already a twitterpated mess.
He smirked, “Texas, ma’am.” The accent was even more obvious.
You waved your hand in front of the classroom door, “Well this is it. I will see you next period, cowboy.”
You had seen the Cullens throughout the day, they were the only thing the school talked about and you couldn’t blame them. It was the most exciting thing to happen in Forks since sliced bread. By lunchtime, the whispering that surrounded the new arrivals was beginning to pique your interest even more. The rumors ranged from plausible to just outright ridiculous: your favorite one being where Dr. Cullen was secretly running a cult.
“So Nancy Drew, know anything about the new kids?” Lauren asked before you even set your food down on the table.
You threw one of your french fries at her, “Sheesh, let the new kids breath a little won’t you? And to answer your question, they seem perfectly nice, if not a bit odd but nice.”
“Really? They’ve been giving everyone the cold shoulder, not that I care. As if they are anything special,” Jessica added.
“I’m going to shoot my shot with the blonde one,” Tyler huffed.
Stifling a laugh you replied, “Please, the day you have a chance with Rosalie is when I meet the Beatles.”
When they entered the cafeteria you again thought they had to have coordinated. Locking eyes with you Alice waved, you glanced to the side of her and were met with Jasper’s stare. It was odd how he made you feel butterflies in your stomach while also unnerving you. You nodded to Rosalie and Emmett, while Edward only narrowed his eyes at you.
Throughout the rest of the day, you couldn’t shake the nagging feeling of someone watching you. It was a constant and kept you on edge. The same gut feeling from earlier came back full force, you didn’t shake it off this time.
The rest of the week the same feeling of being watched stayed with you, even at home you felt it.  You had woken up several times throughout the night and saw those distinctive golden eyes. You had chalked it off as nightmares or even sleep paralysis but when you started finding items in places you hadn’t left them before your suspicion grew.
Alice and Jasper had taken to you relatively fast, they often hung around you and made sure to greet you every morning. You couldn’t quite figure out what was the deal with Jasper, he switched between looking at you as if you had just shoved his favorite pet off of a building and like you were the only thing that mattered.
You would find him waiting for you outside the office every day, “Here let me,” he would say as he took the textbooks from your hand. As you walked together to your next class he broke the silence, “What is your favorite subject?”
You hesitated for a second before you started rambling, “History. I love the post-world war II era. Oh and the culture of the 1960s, great music.”
He gave you one of his smirks, “Really? I love history as well. Although, I am much fonder of the antebellum period.”
It was almost 2 weeks since the Cullens arrived in Forks, they continued to be the talk of the school. They certainly continued to be the only thing Jessica and Lauren discussed during lunch. Their constant digs at you for being the only person to break into their tight-knit circle were starting to get on your nerves.
“I need a new lease for my camera, do any of you want to go with me to Port Angeles after school?” Angela interrupted Jessica’s ire towards you. If it wasn’t for Angela you didn’t know how you would’ve survived the two.
“I will! I need to make a quick stop at my dad’s office to pick up some files. He wants me to help with one of his cases.” You eagerly replied, you were dreading the drive to Port Angeles and now you would at least have some company. Your Father was a private investigator and you had often helped him with his cases and around the office. He had taught you everything you knew, from being observant to never doubt your gut feelings. As you grew older you started to get more hands-on with the investigations; stakeouts and learning how to take the money shots. You enjoyed helping him out, the disappearances and bigger cases were all puzzles that were waiting to be solved. All of that for better or for worse had bled into your high school days, it wasn’t like any of your snooping was hurting anyone.
“Ooo do tell. What’s the spicy drama this time?” Lauren leaned forward.
“I can’t really say much but it is the typical money shot case. Infidelity and whatnot, the usual, it will probably eat up my weekend,” you replied, not wanting to give too much information.
As everyone scattered to get to class, Jasper brought you to the side of the hallway. “What’s this I hear about you tailing someone?” Jasper questioned.
“How did you hear? But yes, I’m doing some lightweight work for my Dad,” you answered wondering how he could have heard about your upcoming job.
“You’re not going. I don’t want you to put yourself in danger.” He scolded. You couldn’t help the flare of annoyance.
“Well, news flash for you. You’re not the boss of me, you have no right telling me what to do. I’ve been doing this a lot longer than you think. Who do you even think you are?” You snapped.
His once golden eyes were almost black, he looked like a completely different person. He grabbed your bicep as you turned to leave, you squirmed under his grip, “Let go of me.”
Before you could even blink Emmett and Edward were pulling Jasper off of you. There was an almost animalistic snarl from Jasper as they dragged him out of the school.
Alice was by your side and started leading you away, “He’s just hungry, low blood sugar.” Alice reassured you. You wanted to believe it but the way that he reacted there was something more.
“You have to be kidding me. There is no excuse for the way he was acting. Just stay away from me.” You pulled away harshly from her grip. She put her hands up, “I know and I’m sorry. You will understand everything soon, YN. Just please,” you didn’t hear the rest of what she was saying as you ran to your car.
You sat in one of your father’s car, it was nondescript, which made it perfect for your stakeout tonight. He was currently out by the border trying to catch a bounty, leaving you to get the cheating husband.
Going on this stakeout was a much-needed distraction from the happenings of today, but it was also served as time to review everything that had happened. You dwelled in your thoughts, while you waited for the husband to leave his work and head towards the mistress.
Thinking back to your uneasiness you realized that it had all started when the Cullens arrived. Was it just a coincidence or was it something more? The Cullens seemed too perfect for you, there was something not right about their story. The good Doctor Cullen seemed too young to be so well respected and not to mention all of his adopted children sharing the same distinctive eye color and skin complexion. They had to be hiding something, you made a note in of the journals you always carried with you to look into their card statements and where they had previously lived.
You were broken out of your thoughts when you saw that the husband had finally gotten into his car and was heading out. Making sure to stay a decent length away as to not create suspicion you followed him all the way to a sleazy motel on the outskirts of Port Angeles.
Taking out your camera you started taking pictures of him exiting his car and making his way towards the motel room. The door swung open before he even touched the handle revealing a young woman, she pulled him in. In their passion, they had forgotten to close the curtain fully allowing you to take enough pictures for the husband's wife to make her case. It was too easy.
Returning back to your father’s office you decided to stay instead of making the drive all the way back to Forks. You printed out the pictures, having everything ready for when the wife would come in tomorrow. Not feeling tired at all you decided to get a head start and begin looking into the Cullens.
One of the best parts of being a private investigator, well having your father be one, was having access to websites that made tracking anyone down easy not to mention digging up dirt. The records of their previous schools all said the same thing: excellent students, kept to themselves, etc. Even Doctor Cullen’s past employments praised him.
There was nothing off about their paperwork, the adoption papers, not even their credit card statements revealed anything, except that Alice apparently had a shopping problem. You stared at the screen wondering what they were hiding. It was all just too good to be true.
You ended up falling asleep on the pullout sofa, all the while Jasper’s golden eyes plagued your thoughts. For the first time in weeks, you didn’t have the feeling that someone was watching you.
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
Blood Lotus and Arbors Blessing for Fane? 👀
Well, well, well, I see you chose one particular plant that lets me demonstrate the sheer amount of alcohol that Fane can consume and still not get drunk! Clever, clever! >:D
Blood Lotus - Is your character a lightweight when it comes to intoxicating substances? How did they come across this fact?
So to start, Fane is not a lightweight by any means and allow me to show you!
"Are we seriously doing this, Varric?", Fane asked, arms crossed as he sat at one of the tables in the tavern, watching as the dwarf meticulously set down bottle after bottle of different liquors. He recognized them, since each one was a brand they had stumbled upon out in the wilds during excursions.
Varric glanced up as he set the last bottle labeled 'Dragon Piss' down in front of him before stepping back, nodding with satisfaction and grinning like a fool. Fane didn't like that grin. That grin meant bad things. Baaad things.
"This is a test, Tempest!", Varric proclaimed, reaching forward to pull the cork of one of the bottles, giving it a precarious sniff before making a face that said, 'Oh, that's a strong one' before setting it back down, and grinning again.
Fane lifted a hand, slowly rubbing at his face before sighing. He should have known the dwarf's offer of a round of cards was a bad idea, but he had agreed. Why had he agreed? He should be in bed. He should be doing something other than drinking, but here he was.
"And tell me, what is this test trying to prove?", Fane asked, instantly regretting it as Varric let out a laugh, pulling the cork off another bottle and then another and then another. Oh, this was bad and so was the smell as he grimaced slightly at the one labeled 'Dragon Piss'. His kin's piss did not smell like that. Not at all.
"It's to test if that body of yours is just for taking hits, or if it can take a different type of hit.", Varric explained, finishing his mass uncorking of bottles to plop down into the chair directly across from him, smirking with a twinkle of mischief in amber eyes.
Fane raised an eyebrow, idly reaching out with a hand to grab a hold of a bottle, giving it a swirl, but never disconnecting eye contact with the set watching him. Another glint of deep brown within otherwise bright eyes told him exactly what he needed to know, and it also had him heaving a sigh. He should have known.
"You want to see how many bottles it takes to get me wasted.", he said matter of fact, nearly snorting when Varric's eyes widened a bit before they schooled themselves, cheeky grin still in place.
"Keen eye, Your Holiness.", Varric joked, but cleared his throat when Fane threw a truly venomous glare at it. "But, yeah! I overheard a certain conversation between you and our resident apostate, and it got me curious." That same cheeky grin seemed to grow at those words, making Fane let out another sigh. He and Solas really needed to stop having their talks in the rotunda. Sound carried, voices lingered.
Stone talked to stone.
"I'm guessing it was the one from the Winter Palace?", Fane asked, knowing that it was, but playing the fool. He already toed the line with his earlier observation, as insignificant as it was. He didn't need to pique Varric's curiosity more. "The one where I drank ten bottles of port, five bottles of brandy, and three shots of whiskey?"
Varric nodded. "That exact one!", he affirmed, pointing at him with a finger before leaning back in his chair, propping his boots up on the table. "According to how Chuckles worded it, you were drinking throughout the night, but every time I saw you, you looked as steady as a vessel.", he stated, leaning over a bit to grab his own pint, as if the whole thing happening was a riveting show.
Fane shrugged. "I took swings here and there. That place had my nerves all frayed, and why not take advantage of the free drinks?", he said. The masks had also had him on edge, but Varric didn't need to know that.
"Oh, I get that, but the amount...", Varric started, pointing with his tankard with a thoughtful expression. "...that's the kicker! And why I have to see a repeat!", he declared, taking a swig of his own ale.
Fane let out a tiny growl before just sighing once again. As much as he didn't want to entertain this, his head pounding from today's 'meetings' and Cullen and Cassandra's disapproval with one of his actions, he had to admit, a drink would be nice.
Really nice. He wouldn't get drunk anyways. Not from the meager line up before him, at any rate.
"Fine, dwarf.", Fane acquiesced to the test, sitting up straight to lean his elbows on the table, feeling a tiny, tiny smirk beginning to form as he saw the flash of surprise in amber. "I'll take your test and get the highest marks, too.", he said, raising the bottle in his hand and taking a generous swig with a single flinch. It was strong, it burned going down, but still piss weak.
Varric let out a barking laugh, slamming a hand down on the table and nearly upending all the bottles.
"Andraste's tits! I'm gonna mark this day on the calendar!", Varric roared, raising a hand in a sweeping pattern as if displaying something. "'Fane Lavellan learns to loosen up! All thanks to his friend and loyal ally, Varric Tethras!'".
Fane scoffed, rolling his eyes as he took another hearty swig. He looked down into the opening of the bottle, feeling his face go flat with boredom.
"I'm not going to be loosening up anytime soon with these drinks.", Fane grumbled before shrugging, taking another long, long swig, practically chugging it until he felt no more liquid enter his throat. "See?" He shook the bottle a bit, showing the now wide eyed dwarf it was empty. "Pathetic."
"Oh, we'll see about that once you down all twenty four!", Varric exclaimed, shock wearing off to be replaced with rapt excitement. "Fifty sovereigns says I have to drag your ass up the stairs to Chuckles by the end of the night."
Fane leaned back, taking another bottle with him and mimicking Varric's position. He felt his smirk widen at the challenge, the bet, and felt a warm sense of giddiness in his chest. Maybe the alcohol was stronger than he thought? Nah, couldn't be. Just the room.
"Make it a hundred and a sneak peak of your next chapter, and I'm in.", Fane raised the stakes as he took a generous sip of the next bottle, its front label reading 'Butterbile'. It certainly had an essence akin to bile; musty and...damp.
"You drive a hard bargain, Inquisitor, but I'll take that bet!", Varric agreed to his terms, grin now ear to ear as he took a swig in turn.
Maybe grins of sun when the being that bore them came from the Stone wasn't so bad after all as Fane took another chug, smirking and warm all the while.
(Fane won the bet. And he had to carry Varric up the stairs instead. XD)
Arbor Blessing :: What is the happiest ending you can think of for your character?
Fane's happiest ending would be that his kin were free, able to do what they did without fear of being leashed again and that he and Solas could finally rest. Somewhere quiet, disconnected, but still aware of everything they fought for. Maybe the forests, maybe on the road, learning and observing a world they hadn't seen in centuries. An ending where no one had to die. Perhaps scarred and tempered, but not dead, not gone. Fane built friendships with everyone, and while I haven't shown that very much in my writing, it's the truth. He's just like Solas in that he doesn't want to do what he has to do, but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and push through.
I just see Fane and Solas with Yune (their adopted dragon) just...living. Actually living and not just walking through the world like it's a nightmare, an illusion, a mirror waiting to be broken.
Thank you for the ask, friend! X3
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WIP Whenever!
I was tagged by @musetta3 @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold and, a while ago but I didn’t have much at the time, @pikapeppa. Thank you all so much for the tag!
Can’t wait to eventually show you all the chaotic night out that leads to this 😂
“Maker’s breath!”
Whatever Cullen had expected to find when he and Josephine rounded the final stairs up to Evelyn’s quarters, it hadn’t been to be face to face with a large golden nug. The glittering monstrosity, normally hidden in the underforge like the abomination it was, stared at them with beady eyes. Cullen was just fast enough to catch himself before he ran into it face first, throwing out a hand to stop Josephine from colliding into his back.
A few wheels of cheese sat at its wretched little feet like some sort of shrine. A dagger protruded from one of them, and Cullen carefully stepped around it.
The only thing more terrifying than the creature that greeted them was what he found behind. Three daggers - two matching, and one whose mate was stuck in a cheese wheel - were strewn across the floor. An arrow was lodged in the wall, and Cullen’s eyes first found Sera, face down with her bottom in the air, dead asleep on Evelyn’s sofa. In the far corner, Leliana scribbled furiously with a quill at Evelyn’s desk, stroking a real, live nug in her lap with her free hand. The creature sniffed around, poking its head out above the desk to investigate the intrusion and squealed in alarm, but Leliana quickly shushed it by stroking its bald little head.
Evelyn was cuddled up with the Champion on her bed, her backside pressed firmly into Hawke’s front. They lay on top of Evelyn’s blankets, all still in yesterday’s clothes. Evelyn was missing a boot, which he found discarded on the balcony, and Hawke had an arm around Evelyn’s waist, her loud snoring carrying through the room.
“What in the Maker’s name happened last night?” Cullen demanded from Leliana, who was still scribbling.
“Shh! You’ll wake them! I’m trying to draw them before they move. Varric will get a kick out of this.”
It was too late. The women stirred (except Sera, who drooled onto a decorative pillow). Evelyn squinted and clamped a hand over her eyes.
“Fuck,” she groaned as the sunlight poured in from the stained glass. Hawke pulled back Evelyn’s hair and leaned in toward her ear.
“Good morning, Your Inquisitorialness,” she teased. Evelyn’s eyes sprung wide as she whipped her head around to look at her bedmate. Her eyes traveled from Hawke, to Sera, to Cullen, before she finally rolled onto her stomach and shoved her face unceremoniously into her pillow.
“Oh, come now, Inquisitor! It’s not so bad!”
“Fuck off, Hawke.”
Oh, my poor lightweight Inquisitor 😂
You can find the whole fic (so far) here!
Tagging back the three who tagged me, and also tagging @hawkeish! I wanted to give you a preview of Hawke, since you write her so well yourself! ☺️
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crackinglamb · 3 years
Chapters: 8/29 Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Female Lavellan/Solas, Fen'Harel | Solas/Female Lavellan, Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus, Female Hawke/Varric Tethras, Cullen Rutherford/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Cremisius "Krem" Aclassi, Hawke's Mabari (Dragon Age), Abelas (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Modern Girl in Thedas, Established Relationship, Fluff-uary 2021, Tumblr Prompt, Fluff, Romance, Rating will change, Eventual Smut, Carly & the Ancient Elvhen Boyband Series: Part 4 of Til It Squeaks: A Modern Girl's Take on Thedas Summary:
A multi-ship romp of fluffy prompts! Featuring Carly and Solas, Dorian and Iron Bull, Varric and Hawke and more. These all exist within the worldstate of Twist, an MGIT AU. Pairings will head each prompt in the author's notes.
NSFW will be marked with **.
As always, beta'd by Iron_Angel.
Chapter 8 - Being Silly
“I've set myself up for a world of trouble, haven't I?”
“Quite possibly.” He leaned over and kissed her nose.  “Ale or wine?”
“Pfft, lightweight.  Whiskey or go home.”
As Solas sauntered around the stairs towards the bar, Felassan called out, “She's my kind of woman, Fen'Harel.  Watch yourself.”
“She would break you in half, falon.”
“Or you would?” Felassan laughed as Solas returned with a whole bottle and several glasses.  
“She has no need for me to fight her battles for her,” he said mildly, and poured a healthy shot into each glass before handing her one.  “Now shoot, Felassan.  You're living up to your name.”
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