#Cuz i don’t vibe with ya 4 sure
mrsblackruby · 1 year
you so called “leftists” Zionists which is hilarious to me because I consider you dog shit fascists but hey that’s just my personal opinion you’re just trash hats to me so don’t take it to heart. But honestly literally just cope, seethe, and cry cause I don’t give a fuck you aren’t entitled to a Jewish ethno state you dumb fucks and I’m glad you’re finally coming to terms with the fact I’m not on your fucking side you absolute turds. Stop stealing people’s homes and killing them you’re not the victim. You’re a thief. If you wanted peace you’d want an end to the apartheid state by a right wing government who created the Hamas themselves. Israel literally did this to themselves.
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honoviadakai · 9 months
What I think the Diaboys smell like: Mukami borthers edition
(CW: mentions of self harm in Azusa’s section and blood in all sections)
Top notes: old books, Tea, Herbs and spices
Bottom notes: Garlic, ink, charcoal
Ah yes
A refined smell from a refined man
This guy smells the least like a vampire
Like, the Mukami’s in general smell a tad more human than vampire, but Ruki smells the most human out of the 4 of them
And humans would never think he was a vampire based off smell alone anyway
Now in case you didn’t know, Ruki’s favorite food is soup
Why is that important?
Well it’s cuz ya boi smells vaguely of garlic, herbs and spices
Most people will believe he’s an Italian man before the idea of him being a vampire is on the table 😂
Tbh it works out in his favor and for this reason, he’s the most human passing out of all the boys
However he does give old man vibes
Cuz he smells like he works in a library that was built during ancient Roman times
He smells so concerningly of old books that I don’t blame anyone that assumes his skin is actually made of paper
He also smells like he bleeds tea
To be fair…he probably does
Caffeine doesn’t affect vampires in the same way it does humans so you bet your bottom dollar he’s drinking tea every chance he gets
You have no idea how happy he is that tea and coffee don’t give him heartburn or acid reflux anymore (╯ ‿ ╰,)
But he does go overboard with his drinking sometimes…Kou and Yuma had to hide some of his tea so he’s chill out a bit
That day, they learned that vampires can in fact go through nasty withdrawal symptoms…
Thankfully he was able to take his mind off of that with his hobbies!
He has a few but the ones he tends to do a lot , outside of reading, is calligraphy and drawing
He specifically loves using charcoal as his drawing material!
His dad used to take him out for walks and they’d draw some scenery together
His mother was the one to teach him calligraphy
Doing either of these two crafts helps him feel close to his parents again
So he’s grown to love the smell of the ink and charcoal on paper
Sometimes he gets so into his work that his nails and fingers turn black by the time he stops
His brothers can tease him all they want, but he doesn’t mind it at all
He used to get much dirtier as a child when he worked on his crafts
So having the ink and charcoal permeate his skin in both appearance and smell gives him a sense of pride
He thinks his parents would be proud of him too
Top notes: lilies, Gucci A Chant for The Nymph Eau de Parfum, berries
Bottom notes: Vongole Bianco, Cats, blood
Omg this guy smells so nice
First of, he naturally smells like lilies
Those flowers naturally smell sweet but super subtle
He also isn’t allowed to eat lots of desserts sometimes so he found a loophole and eats a metric fuck ton of berries when his sweet tooth is acting up
He’s not picky about the kind of berries he munches on, he just wants them to be sweet enough to satisfy him
So he smells very much like the cast of the Strawberry Shortcake franchise
And to top it all off, ya boi has pretty good taste in perfume
His favorite perfume is Gucci A Chant for The Nymph Eau de Parfum
It’s a very sweet, clean smelling fragrance that he makes absolutely sure to buy every 6 months
So based off all that you’d assume he always smells nice right???
Well…not exactly
First off, he is a vampire now and he does drink blood sometimes
But he doesn’t even smell like blood because of his vampiric nature
He just claims that’s why he sometimes smells like blood because the real reason is kinda embarrassing
So he’s an idol right? Part of his job is to sign stacks and stacks of autographs
He’s gotten so many paper cuts that he just starts wearing gloves
He has very delicate skin for a vampire, not as delicate as someone else on this list but we’ll get to him
He also smells like cats
He just really likes them so sometimes he just goes to cat cafes and plays with them
He also brings in strays and takes care of them
He won’t force them to stay if they don’t want to but 9 time outta 10 they stay so he just kinda smells like his feline friends
This dude also smells of his favorite food, Vongole Bianco
If left unsupervised, he will eat 5 plates of the stuff and he will smell of the pasta dish for weeks
Not in a bad way, he’ll just smell like he recently has dinner XD
@magnificentkidclamclod and I also came to the conclusion that once in a blue moon, this man will smell like French fries
Why and why’s it so rare?
Well for one, he’s just a big fan of McDonald’s French fries as well as their sprite so he will get it every chance he gets
Now as for why he rarely has it, it’s because of his manager and Ruki
As an idol he’s expected to maintain a certain weight and figure so he’s been told not to eat fast food
When his manager catches him he’ll just scold him and give him a slap on the wrist
But if Ruki catches him…it’s on sight
If Ruki even catches a whiff of fries on Kou, he’s running at him at full speed with what we blunt object happens to be close by
Unfortunately for the other 3 brothers, Ruki is a bit of a health nut and bans fast food from the house
Kou suffers the most and Azusa is the only one who helps him sneak contraband into the house
Yuma is true neutral on this tbh
He has a garden so he doesn’t care 🤣
Kou and Azusa will share fries every weekend at the mall followed up by a trip to the spa to get rid of the smell
Top notes: Dirt, Sweat, Sugar
Bottom notes: Blood, Fennel, Neem oil
Man is a farmer to his very core!
Doesn’t matter if he’s human or vampire, he’s gonna be up at 4 in the morning tending to every single one of his crops
And his scent always reminds everyone of this
He smells of the earth he tends to every day
He smells of the sweat of hard days works
And he smells of the fruits and veggies he tends and harvests
This giant bear of a man is the poster child of a rugged country boy 🤠
He also smells pretty sweet!
He eats sugar cubes so often that everyone’s amazed he hasn’t gotten diabetes yet
He also smells of fennel and neem oil
Those are really good, natural bug repellents
He’ll eat the fennel to keep the mosquitoes off him
He doesn’t need to cuz mosquitoes tend to avoid vampires but he did this a lot when he was human and old habits die hard
He sprays neem oil on and around his crops to keep pests away
All of these smells permeate into his being and set the gold standard of what your big, strong country boy should smell like
There is one thing that kinda weirds humans out though
He smells a tad like blood
It’s no where near as bad as the Sakamakis or the Taukinamis
But it’s juuuuust strong enough that sometimes his classmates will stop and ask him if he’s feeling ok
Thankfully his country boy aesthetic can save him from suspicion
Sometimes he’ll show them a cut he got from when he tried to clean the shattered remains of a pot and they’ll immediately drop the issue
Of course the dude who tends crops is gonna smell like blood! Hard physical work makes you bleed sometimes!
That’s all it is right?
He’s lucky he’s got such a water tight excuse cuz when he does drink blood, he gets a bit messy
Thankfully he cleans up after himself right away
Top notes: Blood, Shichimi Togarashi, curry powder
Bottom notes: Rubbing alcohol, fresh bandages, leather
Oh Azusa…
You beautiful, precious little masochist…
This one is the least human passing of the Mukami brothers and it’s not too hard to see why…
First off, he smells like the inside of a hospital morgue 💀
He smells like rubbing alcohol, bandages and blood
The strongest smell being the blood…
And here’s the thing
It’s his own blood that people are usually smelling
Yeah, sometimes it’s someone else’s blood
But 9 times outta 10 he smells like blood because he gave himself a few fresh cuts
And it’s usually a concerningly large amount of blood
He has the most delicate skin out of all his brothers
I’m also convinced he might have been anemic when he was human and maybe even still is
So combine all that and Azusa is basically a gusher
Thankfully he always has bandages on him
Unfortunately he doesn’t do much to cover up the bloody smell…
He does like spicy food so he tends to eat quite a bit of curry
So he does smell like curry powder sometimes
He also smells like his favorite food, Shichimi Togarashi
It’s basically like a seaweed mix
But it’s not enough to change very the weird bloody hospital smell he permanently has on him
Ruki does use the “He has anemia” card to make people less suspicious…but then Azusa gives Ruki a heart attack
Hell ask people if they wanna cut him
That’s not exactly normal human behavior so his brothers will step in and prevent him from doing anything to blow their cover
He also just naturally smells like leather
It’s very subtle but it’s nice!
As stated in Kou’s second, he also smells of French fries
He really likes McDonald’s fries…when they’re cold…
It weirds Kou out but he’s getting fries with his lil bro so he does his best to ignore it
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vacantgodling · 6 months
character questions for the btaf crew!!! 1, 4, 5, 6, 10
thank youuuuu 💛💛💛 rapid answers gogogogo
1. What motivates your character?
biscella: love
eduard: love (derogatory)
sjaak: love (for better or worse)
azelie: love, defiance
silvano: sadism probably.
luis: the idea of purity (he’s a cult leader p much so take of that what you will)
maritxell: luis’s will
rosita: luis’s will and “love” (derogatory and questionable)
gust: to eradicate vampires from the world by any means necessary (also kinda cult-y)
dalal: gust’s goals by any means necessary
florissa: to stay alive and hopefully escape
4. Does your character care about their reputation and/or how others perceive them?
answered this for some of them (eduard, biscella, sjaak and azelie) but for the rest:
silvano: 2/10
luis: -100000000000000/10
maritxell: 10/10 regarding luis, 0/10 for anyone else
rosita: 6/10
gust: -100000000000000/10
dalal: 9/10 regarding gust, 3/10 for everyone else
florissa: 5/10
5. Is your character more of a family or friends person?
the casavantes (luis, maritxell, rosita, eduard, azelie, and silvano) are are more family people bc they’re p much a vampire cult as ya do. the wolves (gust and dalal) are the same.
biscella cares about both equally.
sjaak cares more about his friends because he has no family.
florissa cares about HER family back home that she’s been taken away from. she has some care for the werewolves around her but not enough to abandon them if she got the chance.
6. What, if anything, sticks out about their appearance?
pain and suffering that you asked this LMAO i still don’t know what these characters look like too hard cuz my brain is kind of focused on making sure they’re somewhat historically accurate as well. However, i’ll give you the current defining characteristics of what they look like or their Vibe for now (which is subject to change)
biscella: dark curly hair, a long narrow nose (think india), tan skinned
eduard: pale asf, red eyes, black hair
sjaak: dark skin, afro-centric features, curly hair.
azelie: black hair, olive skin, pale green eyes
luis: pale asf, red eyes, dirty blonde hair
maritxell: pale asf, red eyes, long dirty blonde hair. scars around her mouth.
rosita: pale asf, red eyes, wavy blonde hair. scars around her mouth
silvano: luis 2.0 but younger looking
gust: he’s always wearing a hood or shroud that hides his face as well as a braided turban
dalal: has her hair covered in a scarf of some kind
florissa: long dark hair, several beauty marks across her face and neck
10. If your character is an antagonist or something of the like, do they self-justify their actions? If so, how?
did this for eduard, sjaak, and azelie, so let’s do the other VILLAINS—
luis: of course he self justifies; he doesn’t believe in god but if he did he himself would be god. what he says goes, and it doesn’t matter if he contradicts himself he’ll kill you if you point it out. he rules the casavantes estate with an iron fist and he has killed for it.
maritxell: all of her actions are deemed acceptable under luis’s command and if they are that’s how she justifies them. it doesn’t matter if they’re right or wrong if luis says, it goes.
rosita: she doesn’t like… self justify in the traditional way. she Knows she’s jealous and angry and that is her justification to herself, but she knows damn well if eduard wasn’t in the crypt she wouldn’t dream of acting this way towards biscella
silvano: he operates on sadistic radical equality. there is no division of the sexes in his mind and to him everyone should be treated as the same: a sack of flesh used to further the cause. it sounds good on paper until you think about what that entails 💀
gust: vampires need to be eradicated for the good of humankind is what he preaches and sure to some extent he may be correct. However, the steps and methods and lengths he uses to get there are questionable and bordering on morally reprehensible; but for the sake of humanity—
dalal: she doesn’t self justify so much as she acknowledges that in order for humanity to be safe she has to get her hands dirty. she, like azelie, is aware that she will have to do bad things to further her goals, but she doesn’t excuse what she’s done. she just hopes that what she does will lead to a good outcome and impact.
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gurorori · 1 year
The Seed and Queendom were so powerful whwhwbwhsjjdd i'm🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i love. Cure for me was also verrry fun i love her choreographies, she's such a skilled and fluid dancer !!!
And exist for life is so🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭 beautifulllll i'm wjqbwnnsns <333 in love. I love. A lot . Mwah thank you for all your recommendations it is. 3:15am and i have to call it a day but !!!!!! Wah
da seed always gimme chills cuz i love da message & its nawt jus a figure of speech either, aurora fun fact is dat shes grown up in very close proximity 2 nature n clearly has so so much love n respect 4 it an i think it show wonderfully nawt only thru her music but thru her entire energy. she bcome one with it!! there a reason every1 calls her a forest nymph / elf n so much more in da comments aha
tho i think 2 call her anythin but human is a bit unfair, i think shes very human in da most beautiful of ways. unironically
queendom is suhc an anthemmmm... n it warms my heart when i see live performances of it cuz it really feel like one big hug with every1 given da lyrics n jus da vibes it creates. luv it so much, n i love da music video n_n women....
cure 4 me is very special 2 me even tho it a bit sillier soundin than most of her songs (along w the chorus blowin up on tt) readin more ab it from aurora herself tho, it turn out da inspiration came from sumthin dats a very loaded topic & after dat i cudn look at it da same & grew even closer 2.. THE SONG? idk why im talkin ab it lik a human but. word from miss aurora:
"Like always, I got inspired by a really huge, dark and horrible thing that happens in the world. The first seed of inspiration came from thinking about the countries where it’s still legal to do conversion therapy for gay people and lesbians. I just thought that’s so pointless. The first idea was me saying, ‘I don’t need a cure for me – just let me live, man!’”
“Why is it so difficult for people to just let others be themselves? Then I thought that it could mean many other things. People tend to believe quite quickly that something is wrong with them if they’re not like the people they see in front of them. It’s so sad that it doesn’t take much for us to really doubt ourselves.”
^ lil context 4 dat is, aurora is definitely queer as shes talkd ab her attraction 2 ppl in da past & shes had a girlfriend be4 too. i think she mentions dat she feels different romantically in regards 2 men n women. but also she doesn label herself really, but i think this gives more insight into this song. as well as ive noticed ppl talkin ab her includin some of her own more 'weird' mannerisms n well. the dance is weird n silly too (/affectionate!!! its gettin added 2 sky soon like i talkd abt in dms, n im boutta spam it everywhere) n i think it an incredible move too.
i think cure 4 me can also b related back 2 auroras neurodivergence, which she has talkd ab before. she mentioned bein made fun of @ school 4 bein autistic (altho i don think she was ever diagnosed w it) n also bein put on adhd medication in da past - pretty sure dats her official diagnosis. but yeah. honesly, jus from watchin the way she carries herself n moves n talks in interviews & lives, she was always so clearly different & felt closer than other artists 2 me. like nawt in a 'wow shes so weird' way like sum ppl say. idk theres an inherent sense of belongin w dat person cuz shes so much like us too. man i started cryin but anyway i luv her lots she really mean lots 2 me.
exist 4 love is very beautiful too.. i luv da reference 2 the birth of venus, i love da influence of 1920/30s music too like many mentioned.. it make me melt into a puddle sumtime. we rly do exist 4 it huh.!!!!
but yah n_n thank 4 goin on this aurora journey wit me!!! am glad it was fun & am glad 2 infect ya so @/meowyoi, ya n i can all grow a bit more insane togethr <3
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leonsliga · 2 years
for the ask game: 8, 15, 22, 62, 88 and 99 if you feel like it 💛
Omg thank you Judith!! <3
8. So here’s the thing: I’m such a bum when it comes to my nails lmao…no clue why. I’ve still got a little bit of leftover teal polish on my toes, but my fingers are out here goin nude 😵 we love some good commando fingernails ig
15. Apparently there’s two #15s, so I’m just gonna answer ‘em both lol.
For 15a, god, I’m torn. I’ll tell you this much tho: you won’t ever find my introvert ass in a nightclub, and that’s a promise! As for the other three, I love museums as much as the next girl, but it’s gotta be between a forest and a library. I’m a bookish bitch, but I also love being out in nature and vibing amongst the trees, especially in the fall when the leaves start to turn or if that forest ends in a mountaintop :)
For 15b, my style is definitely pretty comfy and casual. When I’m not wearing football shirts, what I wear really just depends on the season. If we’re talking fall and winter, pretty much sweaters, leggings, and boots every day (think Rory Gilmore from Gilmore Girls or Eva Mohn from Skam only more extreme). These are MY motherfucking seasons. I’m a sweater slut…there, I said it. For spring and summer, I don’t care what I wear as long as I can wear flip flops on my feet 🤷‍♀️
22. I haven’t made any super big decisions recently, but I’m about to make a really big one: I’m about to apply for grad schools, and in the process, I’ve got to decide whether I want to stay in the states and round out my studies here or if I want to wrap things up over in Europe (I’m thinking Scotland, since I left a piece of my heart there a few months back). And when I tell you have I have no idea what I’m gonna do, I’m serious lol. I mean, if I decide to go to uni in Scotland, I’ve basically gotta commit to at least spending a couple of years there. And idk, I’m nervous about the weight of that decision and the unpredictability of the outcome. I might love it more there as much as I did the 4 months I studied there previously, or I might not. It’s tricky. Should I stay or should I go, ya know? Decisions, decisions…
62. The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word “heart”? Probably a feeling: passion. Giving your all to something—pouring your heart and soul into something you truly love. It doesn’t have to be a job; it can just be a hobby, something to pass the time. What better way is there to live life than with passion for whatever it is you’re doing or however it is you’re living?
88. First, a lil bb anecdote: my body loves sleep. I sleep like a bear hibernating for the winter; 9 hours is simply insufficient. I’m entirely convinced I could sleep a year if left unchecked or without alarms to stop me. But apparently this morning my brain decided to stage a coup d’état against my body, and I woke up randomly at 7am. Not sure why…I just did, I guess? So that’s fun. But my first thought of the morning was literally: “holy shit, what time is it?” And then when I realized it was the ass crack of dawn, I trust-fell back into my bed (good thing my bed is the most trustworthy inanimate object in the game), trying fruitlessly to will myself back to sleep for the next 2 hours. Eventually I fell asleep…I must’ve, cuz when I woke up again it was like 1pm 😵 moral of the story: my circadian rhythm is damaged beyond repair and not even that cute little thing called sleep can fix it.
99. Even numbers all the way, and it’s not even close! Do I know why? Absolutely not 😂 they’re just more satisfying and pretty idk
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lillyspeakz · 4 days
Was I wrong to post about my creepy ex following me everywhere on Pinterest and call him out for being that way?
He made like 3-4 accs trying to communicate with me
I already blocked 2 of his accs then he made another one just to like and comment on my posts
I could easily guess cuz of his terrible broken English and his self centred language that it his him and his entire Pinterest page gave the same vibe he gave, Arctic monkeys fan with the title wanna be yours which was his favourite song, mitski fan, same with AM, it was my love all mine
And guess what the boards were saved with those names
Another things was that there was a board called "fixing" which has pictures of couples/couple art/ etc. reminded me of after our break up he was desperately trying to patch up our relationship later, which i didn't want to and called him insane. Hence the last time I saw him
Also he reposted my pins with credit but without my permission, most of them
I sent the stuff to my bestfriend who did the investigation, and guess what it was that stalker weirdo. So I called him out on a post and later he was threatening me with law enforcements (ya I was that person who asked for help) then i tool a cc of the things and then he made ANOTHER account, basically calling me a ho. And alot of other drama happened but I sure do hope he leaves me alone after that, i took the ccs of harrasment and posted them.
At one point they called me a dictator and in another post that he made, he was comparing his situation to Wilburs, and called me Shelby. Also he called me d*ck chaser, and meat rider also saying that I would be doing those for a living later on.
Also get this, HIS PAGE WAS BASED ON HELPING PEOPLE WITH DEPRESSION. I mean I don't wanna be the judge, but there were alot of misinformation on the posts.
And btw when my bestfriend was investigating on him, he literally said that he has a number of mental diseases that originated from depression, and no he did not get a professional diagnosis. It was like he was showing of his list of mental illnesses to my bestfriend like WTF
Also speaking of bestfriend, he also followed her, she posts about k-pop, and when she asked him about k-pop he knew nothing.
So who's the real stalker???????????
So i did a post about
I don’t think you’re in the wrong for doing it love, you called him out and he got defensive. And I’m sorry that happened to you. Please be safe and please block him everytime
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Besties - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader ft. Kirishima
Warnings: Fluff, Crack, Good Times, BESTIE VIBES ONLY
Summary: Being Bakugou’s girlfriend, you had to get used to his jealousy. Even though you got used to it, you still chose to not deal with it and so you became close friends with the one guy he could trust. Eijirou Kirishima. Here’s how it worked out.
A/N: For the sake of the fic, Jirou and Kaminari are dating
So we all know how Bakugou and Kirishima’s friendship works but I headcanon Y/N (or this story’s version of Y/N) and Kirishima to have a friendship very VERY similar to André Harris and Tori Vega from the show, Victorious. Bakugou liked the fact that his best friend and girlfriend got along so well ESPECIALLY since he wouldn’t have to worry about other guys that Y/N would become friends with. He could trust Eijirou to stay just friends with Y/N and the friendship became ridiculously hilarious.
[Y /N] *Ripped Kirishima’s Red Riot poster* Oh Shit! *Runs to common rooms and hides in the crowd, casually talking to other friends*
[Kirishima] *Walks in* You!
[Y/N] *high pitch scream* Katsuki!
[Kirishima and Y/N] *Arguing*
[Katsuki] *Runs in* Woah, woah, woah! What the fuck is happening?!
[Kirishima] Can I talk to Y/N for a sec bro?!
[Y/N] I don’t have to talk to you about anything!
[Kirishima] Oh I think you do! *Picks Y/N up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes*
[Y/N] Let me go! *swinging arms and legs around*
[Kirishima] Don’t make a scene, Don’t make a scene
[Y/N] Suki! Help me!
[Katsuki] *Laughing his ass off*
[Y/N] *Walking up towards Katsuki and Kirishima moving shoulders and smiling* Heyyyy~
[Katsuki] *Pulling in Y/N with one arm and pecking her temple* Hey babe
[Kirishima] What’s the big news?
[Y/N] How’d you know I had big news?
[Kirishima] ‘Cuz whenever you got big news, this is how you approach someone. *Backs up a little and re-enacts Y/N’s walk* “Heyyyy~”
[Y/N] I don’t do that when I have big news
[Katsuki] Do you have big news?
[Y/N] .....yes
[Katsuki and Kirishima] *Laughs*
[Sero] Yo Bakugou! We got extra training with Aizawa! Let’s go!
[Katsuki] Okay! Later Shitty Hair, See ya babe *pecks your lips and runs off*
[Kirishima] So what’s the big news?
[Y/N] *explains*
[Kirishima] Oh my chiz!
[Y/N] I know right! Ouu let’s go tell those guys over there! *points towards group of kids and begins to walk*
[Kirishima] Wait wait wait *pulls Y/N back* We gotta do this the right way *smiles*
[Y/N] *Smiles and Nods head*
[Kirishima and Y/N] *Walks up to group moving shoulders and smiling* Heyyyy~
[Kirishima and Y/N] *Chilling at the Kitchen Island*
[Kirishima] *frustrated with something*
[Y/N] Hey...Hey look at me
[Kirishima] Noooooo
[Y/N] Look at me
[Kirishima] *Sighs* What is it cuz I’m not in the greatest moo- *looks up at Y/N*
[Y/N] *Shoots Kirishima with Nerf Gun as he’s talking and hits him right in the middle of his forehead for the 6th time in a row* WooHooo!! Oh yeaaahhh six fa sixxxxx *does a little dance in her chair*
[Katsuki] *laying on the common room couch* BABBYYYYYYYYY
[Y/N] *Walks to Bakugou* You finally awake babe? What do you need?
[Katsuki] Can you get me some water? *baby pouts at her*
[Y/N] Heh, sure. *gets water and gives it to Katsuki*
[Katsuki] *Drinks water and goes to sleep again*
[Y/N] *Walks back to seat infront of Kirishima and gets hit with Nerf Bullet*
[Kirishima] WOMP! *puts two fist in the air in victory and then does a little dance*
[Y/N] *Softly laughs*
[Kirishima] Like that?
[Y/N] *Laughs and claps hands softly* Moreee
[Kirishima] *Laughs and stops dancing*
[Kirishima] *Busts into Common Rooms during Y/N and Bakugou’s movie night* GUYS I NEED HELP!
[Katsuki] *Pauses movie* Aren’t you supposed to be at Kiyoko’s Birthday Party?
[Kirishima] Yes! I’m supposed to be at her birthday party! I’m supposed to be her date for that party! And I’m supposed to like her! But I don’t like that spoiled girl at all! Not even a little *picks up pillow and hits the couch with it at every upcoming word* And I *hit* don’t know what *hit* to do! *hit*
[Y/N] *Offers out bowl* .....Want some Mashed Potatoes?
[Kirishima] No I don’t want any- .....Gimme da bowl *takes bowl and walks to other side*
[Y/N] Okay, why are you with this girl if you don’t even like her?!
[Kirishima] Because of her daddy *eats*
[Katsuki] Who’s her daddy?
[Kirishima] *Speaks with stuffed mouth* Hawks
[Katsuki and Y/N] What?!?!! Hawks?!?
[Kirishima] Mhm!
[Y/N] Oh my god, he’s the number 2 hero!
[Kirishima] I know that! You don’t think I know that? If that man likes me and thinks I’m good enough he could hook me up with a spot in his agency as an intern. Why else do you think I’m dating his grumped up, crazy faced daughter?!
[Y/N] *stares in shock* that is terrible!
[Kirishima] I know! That’s why I’m upset! *takes spoonful bite of mashed potatoes* ‘Cuz I know, what I’m doing is wrong! 😭 .....are these potatoes hand mashed?
[Y/N] Yeah, why?
[Kirishima] They’re lumpy
[Y/N] *stares in offense*
[Kirishima] If you gon hand mash em, you gotta get up in there! Get out them lumps! *sadly uses fork to mash up potatoes even more*
[Kirishima] *Banging on Y/N’s dorm room door at 4 in the morning*
[Y/N] *Tiredly getting out of Bakugou’s arms and opening the door* Kiri?
[Kirishima] Did you get my texts?!
[Y/N] Yes, why do you think I’m standing here at 4 in the morning?
[Kirishima] I’m tripping out Y/N! I’m tripping out!!😭
[Y/N] *sighs* Alright, just come in
[Katsuki] *Wakes up* Ugh shitty hair, whats your deal?
[Kirishima] *frantically walks through the door* Go make coco!
[Y/N] I’m not making coco! *shuts door*
[Kirishima] ARGHHH-OWWW *rubs his temples as he flops onto Y/N’s bed at Katsuki’s feet*
[Katsuki] Geez man *tiredly rubs face*
[Y/N] What is wrong with you?
[Kirishima] *hesitates* I-...I think I’m in love with Jirou
[Katsuki and Y/N] *Eyes go wide and jaws drop*
[Y/N] *slowly shaking head up and down*...I’ll go make the coco... *stares as Kirishima in shock as she backs up to the door slowly*
[Kirishima] *Mouthing “I don’t know” with distressed look and shrugged shoulders*
[Y/N] *slowly but quickly leaves dorm room*
*Timeskip - Bakugou, Y/N, and Kirishima are all sitting on Y/N’s bed with their backs against the wall holding cups of coco*
[Y/N] You think you’re in love?....With Jirou?
[Kirishima] ....I think so..
[Katsuki] Okay, what happened tonight?
[Kirishima] I don’t know..we were just in gym gamma, working together, all night, and then we took a break and she played music and started singing and I sang with her. Then she showed me a song she’s been working on and I offered to help and then she started singing again and she just looked so...pretty and sweet
[Y/N] Okay but dude, you can’t love Jirou!
[Kirishima] You think I don’t know that?! Kaminari is one of my best friends and I would never try and move in on a friend’s girl. Uh-Uh, I don’t play that way.
[Katsuki] Good! So just..forget about this-
[Kirishima] I CANT! ARGH-OW *distressfully rubs temples*
[Y/N] Well why can’t you?
[Kirishima] Alright, you see. Ever since I was little I could never hold my emotions in. I could never keep my feelings inside, even if I want to, I just can’t. I always had to be honest with myself and let it out. Or else I get wonky in the head! *Rubs temples*
[Y/N] Okay-
[Kirishima] I- *broken sobs*
[Y/N] Okay-
[Kirishima] Argh- *broken sobs*
[Y/N] *Rubbing Kiri’s shoulder* Shhh-
[Kirishima] I don’t even- *broken sobs and shaking head*
[Y/N] Shhh. Listen. I don’t think you’re in love with Jirou.
[Kirishima] You don’t?
[Y/N] No. You guys were just there..together..alone, late. And you were tired.
[Kirishima] Yeah..tired, we were tired. That’s true.
[Y/N] And you guys were listening to music and singing songs..and so you felt emotional.
[Kirishima] Yeah! I did!
[Y/N] But by tomorrow, you’ll be fine again!
[Kirishima] Yeah! I bet I will!
[Katsuki, Y/N, and Kirishima] *Slowly raises coco cups to their mouths to take a sip simultaneously*
[Kirishima] This coco is good!
[Y/N] *Nodding her head* It’s from Belgium.
[Kirishima] Must be why
[Y/N] *Nodding her head* Mhm
[Katsuki, Y/N, and Kirishima] *All simultaneously taking another sip*
[Katsuki] .....Shitty hair..
[Kirishima] ...Yeah bro?
[Katsuki] ....Get out so I can cuddle my girlfriend and go to sleep
[Kirishima] .....Okay bro
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amor-immortalem · 3 years
My Adoring Fan Chapter 5
Chapter 4
A/N: A bit of a fluffy chapter as the twins make up
As Aurelius entered the kitchen, both Azalea and Mammon turned their heads to him.
“There ya are,” Mammon says as he leans against the island counter. “Only three hours after your Ma called for you, but, hey, at least you came home.”
“You’re not going to yell at me too, are you?” He asks.
“Well, that depends. Do ya know why what ya did was wrong and do ya understand why you’re being punished for it?”
Aurelius nods. “Yes.”
“Then no, there’s nothin’ I need to say that ya probably haven’t heard from your mother already.” The oven dings and Mammon goes to pull the peppers out and places them on a plate for his son. “Here, have somethin’ ta eat before we leave.” Aurelius nods as he grabs a fork and starts eating.
“Leave?” Azalea asks as she looks between them. “Leave where?”
“Home.” The demon says as Azalea looks surprised. “What, you thought we were bluffin’ when we told you two that if you had one more spat like this that we’d be pullin’ one of ya from the house? Your Ma and I can’t keep coming over here every two or three nights to diffuse a situation between the two of ya like this because ya can’t seem ta learn ta get along. An’ since Aurelius started this by going along with Zulima’s hair-brained idea, he has to move back home until we think he’s learned his lesson.”
“So Aurelius gets punished while Zulima gets away scott-free?”
“No, of course not. Solomon was here earlier ta dish out her punishment and Uncle Asmo will be here shortly ta decide how long whatever her punishment was will last and talk with her about why this was wrong in the first place. Their startin’ to get up fed up with her actions too and this is probably your cousin’s last chance ta prove she can shape up before they pull ‘er out of the house too.”
Azalea turns to her brother with an apologetic look.
“I'll let ya have a few minutes ta talk privately and then we’ll be leaving.” The Avatar of Greed steps out since he knows his children won’t honestly speak their minds if someone is listening.
“Listen,” Aurelius says as he leans his head against Azalea’s, the black streaks in their hair pressed together. It’s a thing they’ve done ever since they we little. “I’m really sorry about this. I knew it was wrong and I still did it anyway. Are you still mad at me?”
“A little bit.” The older cambion sighed, “You didn’t send that audio clip to Max, did ya?”
“Yeah, but if it’s any consolation, she didn’t listen to it and deleted it instead. You really should tell her though. I think you’d be really happy. She definitely likes you back.”
“Why did ya do it? I feel so betrayed.”
“I told Mum that I was just bored but really it was because I was getting annoyed with Zulima talking about how much she quote-unquote ships you two and wishes you’d just get together already...”
“I get that. She can be rather persistent.” Azalea sighs. “If that’s the only reason then I guess I really can’t fault ya for it... How long are ya gonna be gone?”
“Until the end of next term. I’m grounded too for taking so long to get back here, so I’m losing my phone and I won’t get to do any photoshoots for the next three months... I’m think of quitting all together when my contract is up actually. The time off will give me a chance to really decide.”
“Majolish is gonna be really mad that they’ve lost their top model,” Azalea laughs softly. “Hey, the reason ya wanna quit is ‘cuz of that letter, right?”
“Yeah, a little bit.” Aurelius hums. “Actually, while I was running from you, I think I met the sender of that letter- well more like I plowed into her as I was running away. She didn’t seem all that crazy and claimed she didn’t know who I was but I don’t know, I got some really weird vibes so I think she was lying.”
“Hey, I just thought of this but doesn’t that girl who hounded you to start a relationship with her reside at the House of Sorrow? Maybe she’s the one who sent that letter so she wouldn’t have any competition for your attention.”
“I didn’t think of that. It would make sense, actually. “Do you think I should write her back and say I know it was her? See if it was really her and give her a chance to come clean?”
“Why don’t ya do it at school? We’re all bound to have classes with her at some point in the day so being able to get her alone and there be no chance for interference sounds like the perfect opportunity. What’s her name? Is she pretty?”
“She introduced herself as Persephone- you know like that greek myth and yeah she is. Funnily enough, she looks a lot like that idol that Henry was crying about earlier. Her hair and eye color are the same shade of grey as that idol’s.”
“That’s really interesting, actually. When I was talking with Henry earlier, I proposed the idea that maybe she was taking a break to enjoy a normal teen life so I wonder if I was right. Maybe this is something you could actually pursue as far as a relationship goes... If she is that idol then she wouldn’t be interested in dating you for our family’s prestige, fame, or money since she has plenty of her own to begin with. I know you’re lonely just like I’m lonely.”
“Well, you’re not wrong,” Aurelius pulled back. “I do want to find a mate eventually, but I also just want to survive RAD first before I start looking. It would be nice to have someone that looks at us in the same way Dad looks at Mum- with nothing but love and adoration but not a lot of demons really like us. They mostly just tolerate our existence.”
“You’ll get that eventually.” Azalea smiled. “I mean I got my person so you should too sooner or later, right?”
“Yeah, we-”
“Aurelius, what’s with this letter you have?” Arella asks as she enters the kitchen. “This really worries me, Sweetheart.”
“I got that today actually and I think I know who sent it, but also I’m starting to suspect she wasn’t actually the one who sent it. I’m going to meet with her at school to clear the air over it.”
“I don’t think that’s a very safe idea, Aurelius. From the verbiage in this letter, she could be stalking you. I know from experience with Dad and Uncle Asmo that people like this will do anything to ensure they're the only ones who have your attention.”
“I promise I’ll be safe, Mum. But I have to find out for sure if it’s her or....” the teen trails off and Arella doesn’t like the sound of that.
“Aurelius, has a classmate been harassing you, Darling?”
“Yeah... I didn’t want to tell you and Dad because I didn’t want to worry you guys... it’s been a thing for a while. You would think after rejecting her for the thousandth time, she would get the hint...”
“What’s been a thing?” Mammon asks as he pops his head in the doorway. “C’mon, Buddy, let’s go home.
“Our son is being harassed by one of his classmates and he didn’t want to tell us for fear of worrying us. Also, he received this rather alarming letter today in the post.”
“What? Lemme see that thing.” He takes the piece of paper in his hands and scans it over, eyebrows raising in alarm. “Aurelius this is not okay.  Is this the person whose been botherin’ ya?”
“Maybe...? I can’t really be sure. The implied sender isn’t the person whose been bothering me at school rather a girl that just transferred to RAD but I think it might have been forged by that person so I would avoid the sender at all costs. I want to meet her and confirm whether or not it’s really her.”
“You absolutely will not be doin’ that.”
“Dad I-”
“I said no. Aurelius, ya have no idea how dangerous people like this really are. I’ve had someone like this threaten your mother’s life multiple times back when we had first started officially datin’. Even Uncle Asmo got the same thing when he and Solomon went public with their relationship and other demons found out they had a kid together. I think combined, your uncle and I got close ta a thousand of these types of letters. It got so out of hand that at one point Uncle Lucifer had to step in and deal with it for us. This spells out nothing but trouble for ya and I don’t want ya getting' hurt by some nutcase that has a few bolts loose in the head.”
“Dad, you’re overreact-”
“No, I’m not, you’re not doing this and that’s final. I still have every single one of those letters and I’ll let ya read the worst ones to show ya just how dangerous something like this can get. Believe me when I tell ya this is not something ya want to deal with. And I’m warning you right now. If you get another one of these types of letters, I’m pulling ya out of modeling until you’re at least 1700 years old.”
“But what about my contract? Won’t I get penalized for breaking it?”
“We had a clause put in the fine print that if your father and I felt you were unsafe or were not benefitting from it emotionally or physically for any reason during the term of your contracts, that we had the right to terminate them at any point in time for your safety.” Arella explained.
The teen only sighs. He knows he should listen to his father but there’s something nagging him at the back of his mind. “Alright, I won’t do it.”
“Thank you.” Arella let out a relieved sigh. “We should get going now. It’s late enough as it is and your father and I both have to work in the morning. Give your sister a hug if you wish.”
The twins nodded as they moved to give each other a hug.
“See ya at school, I guess.” Azalea sighed. “Sorry I got ya booted back home.”
“It’s fine. This wouldn’t be happening if I hadn’t started it. Love you.”
“Love you too.” They let each other go and Aurelius headed off with their mother after Azalea gave her a hug goodbye.
“Are ya good ta go back down the stairs in your room without sliding down the railing? Your room is messy and I don’t want ya tripping and hurting yourself over a pile of books. Ask your cousin to help ya clean it tomorrow.”
“I think so. If I need it, I’ll just guilt Zulima inta helping me. She owes me after that trick she organized.”
“Okay,” the demon chuckles as he pulled his daughter into a hug. “I’ll come back ta check on you when I get back from the fourth layer with your brother. Make sure you use that cane, please. It’ll only benefit you, kiddo. I love you.”
She nodded as she let her father go. “Love you too. See ya then...” Azalea watched them go before going to put the plates in the sink and climbing the stairs. She stopped at Max’s doors and knocked, knowing it was about the time she’d be getting ready to bed. When she heard a soft ‘come in’, Azalea pushed opened the door.
“Hey...” She says as she walked in and closed the door. “We should talk...”
find more on my masterlist
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yaypinecones · 4 years
_-My First Impression on Danganronpa Characters Pt.1-_
Makoto Naegi:
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When I saw his art design, I was wonder why his shoe came off and looks like he’s gonna fall down. Pretty normal, nothing unique about him. Then when I played the game I was like “Man, imagine this guy being the main character because everyone else looks interesting...well besides Sayaka” (but we’re not talking about her yet). To me, he looks like the guy you’d pass by class or didn’t know he even existed in your school.
Aoi Asahina:
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Hmmm yummy, I like donuts. I think we’re gonna be donut buddies. Yea this my first impression on her art. Plus she’s a swimmer that loves eating a ton of crazy amounts of donuts. When playing, it was pretty interesting that she writes Makotos name on her hand to remember him. Also, o thought the logos on the boxes of donuts say Crispy Creams lol. I love her already and I wanna be her friend :)
Byakuya Togami:
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“Is a spoiled brat or some blonde rich asshole?” I think those two figures on the chair legs say so. Is he some kind of a prince??? Looks like he could be the antagonist of the game. I hate this man, I wanna punch him in the face for literally insulting everyone and thinking he can be better than everyone else because he’s the heir of some corporate.
Celestia Ludenberg:
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OooOo I love her style! Her outfit looks like mix of a maid outfit and goth vibes lol. Also I thought she was a magician or dark magic kind of ultimate, but nah that can’t be it. To me, she gives off a mysterious aura or is it just goth vibes again??? I don’t know why she has those drill pigtails, it’s giving flash backs of a certain purple haired twin drilled girl from another game.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
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She looks cute lol. That’s pretty cool the she’s some kind of programmer or hacker. I don’t really have much of an opinion about her other than the computers. In game, she’s so adorable and her introduction was nice. She really looks down on herself when she mentions that Mokoto has that look. Must protect!!!
Hifumi Yamada:
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I gotta ask...why does he have 4 arms??? He looks so cartoony compared to all the other characters. Hyper realism gone wrong really. I have so many questions of this guy....like why is his hair look a nail, why is using the printer as backpack, and don’t even tell me why there’s a tissue and Clorox wipe???? Also on the right, is that a game or some kind of reference because that doesn’t match up the art style. I feel he’s some kind of pervert or creep. On game, he’s ok on his introduction I guess.
Junko Enoshima:
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I like her style too. She reminds me of those trendy girls and those people that buys pumpkin spice lattes. Plus that skirt is waaaay too short girl. I think she’s a rich girl too? Like some kind of famous model or stylist or a popular toy maker? Cuz the bear is there. Seeing her in game, she’s pretty cool and she’s the first person I wanted to hang out on the free time event.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
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Why is this guy crying? Also I wish I could read what the word says. He seems he needs emotional support because he looks stressed which is why he’s crying. Is he like one of those kids that takes over the class when the teacher is out? A class president I think? Definitely and probably a goody two shoes. Meeting him, was a lot to take a bit. He’s pretty loud at everything and seems he doesn’t have any friends, which is sad :( If I met him in real life, I wouldn’t want to talk to him too due to how loud he is and following the school rules all the time :/
Kyoko Kirigiri:
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Ok, she’s more mysterious and interesting character. Love her hair color. I can’t really get anything from her as she doesn’t explain what her ultimate is and it wants me to dig more information about on the wiki. But, I didn’t so I also tried spending time with her on free time events too.
Leon Kuwata:
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Eh I’m not really lnto baseball guys. The style looks cool and his face looks punkish tho. I’m surprised that his sleeve tore off from throwing a baseball thats now on fire, but pretty sure thats an exaggeration. I was confused that his art was different since his character art is just a punk guy. Then he explained that he doesn’t like baseball and wants to be musician. Aight good luck dude. That is all from this guy.
It sucks that I can’t stuff the rest of the other characters. Ima go make a part two. See ya guys.
Heres Part 2
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gabrielitas · 3 years
kindly ignore the "people we know" section, i made this for a presentation party
onto your questions!
- i indeed to band!! i play clarinet, but we have a marching season coming up so i was at percussion rehearsal. i’m one of the new drum majors for my band (so i conduct the show/im 2nd in line to the director). i’m my free time i fuck around with the ukulele and guitar. im not great but it calms me down.
are you in band?? it's so much fun dbsbsbs!! when the event ends we have to keep in touch (even if it's just to share shitty pics of me in a uniform)
1) i read svt as seventeen! it's really funny though because i don't read skz as "stray kids", i read it as "skizz" fbsbsbshja
2) i'd rather never meet them and b able to consume their content!! i've made it this far already :))
what are your answers to those two??
some sleepover questions!!
1) do you have any movie or tv show recs?? i've been watching buzzfeed unsolved and criminal minds on repeat and it's getting to me 🙄🙄 i plan on watching vip, the one about the north korean officials son, and the wind rises
2) do you have any funny school trip/ band (if your in it) stories? i have quite a few band related ones if you wanna hear them
3) where do you live (this is not supposed to be creepy). i’m from new jersey!! (we might have talked about this but i have a brain the size of a pea
4) what grade are you going into/ are you currently in. i’m gonna b a junior and i am NOT ready for it 😩😩 it's so scary
girl i have no good sleepover questions 🙄🙄 all i do at sleepovers is reenact fanfiction, watch movies, and gossip 😩
if you want gossip from new jersey -> i got drum major over a guy who's harassed me, my sister, and at least 3 of my friends and i’m so happy!! it felt so good to finally have a win 🤤🤤
ooo i’ll check out the slides later!! (i’m babysitting rn lol)
omg i don’t do band and can’t play any instruments, but i’m so jealous of ppl who do!😫 like,, u can just make music! that’s so cool!! and yes we *absolutely* have to keep in touch after the event!! (i would love to see pictures of u in ur uniform alsnksjsks)
ok so i read “ess vee tee” and ya i’d also choose consume content and never meet them, i mean,,, i’m a fan of the content so it just wouldn’t work for me to not consume it anymore lol
ok so for ur questions:
1) ok first of all i love buzzfeed unsolved!! in honor of them ending the series ive been rewatching all of it too lol (i just got to the iconic goatman episode) but i’d recommend downton abbey (i’m only on season four but i’ve rlly been enjoying it) and i’m currently making my way through disney’s tv adaptation of this book series i rlly loved in like,, late middle school-ish? it’s called the mysterious benedict society and the way they’re making the tv show feels so much like the book i rlly love it
2)uhhh so i don’t have any band stories (obvs lol) but i did dye my hair for the first time (well the first time i permanently dyed it) at midnight in the girls locker room? so i go to a rlly small jewish day school, and on the first night of hanukkah they do this thing where all the girls in the high school get to sleep over and light the candles for the first night and then watch movies and wtv and sleep in the not heated gym (and then wake up to pray and go to classes because hanukkah started the day before winter break that year and so we had to actually go to classes the next day🙄) but i had brought hair dye with me so two friends and i (shoutout to @eb4 for being one of those friends and seeing the chaos firsthand shakhskahs) left during the movie (it was parent trap so i almost stayed lol) and went down to the girls locker room and busted out the hair dye! we had to dye it in the sink cuz the school showers r 🤢 and don’t have curtains and i was already in my pajamas. so then an hour later we washed off the dye in the sink and voila! it was box black hair dye and my natural hair is rlly dark brown so it wasn’t like i was dying my hair some crazy color like the blue i have now) i for sure have other stories if u wanna hear them and i’d love to hear some band stories!☺️
3)omg it’s not creepy dw 😂 and i live in massachusetts! also i didn’t know that u live in jersey!! (ok so these two kids who joined my grade this past year r from jersey and they’re so chaotic and i get very similar vibes from u and now i’m wondering if it’s just a jersey thing sksnsjs)
omg re-enacting fanfic sounds like such a fun thing to do at a sleepover!! i only have one friend who reads fanfic and we were in seperate fandoms before covid so no fanfic re-enactments for me😔 i’ll def b putting that in my back pocket for when sleepovers r finally a thing again sjhshaha
aaaa that’s so awesome for u!!! i’m not quite sure what that means but u won and that’s always an awesome feeling!!❤️
ok now for my questions:
1) do *u* have any band/school stories???
2) do u do any extracurriculars other than band?
3) ok i know u told me u have a sister but is she younger or older? (lemme predict real quick….💭💭ur the younger one!)
4) what’ve u been doing so far over the summer?
5) shaniac or boogara?? (or shitfish lol)
i hope u have a good night and am sending u tons and tons of love!!❤️❤️
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thatsystemerror · 4 years
the best things about Outer Banks
*spoilers ahead*
Holy hell, this turned out so long. I decided to make a second post solely dedicated to quotes because I just could not fit that in here anymore. I guess it speaks for this show that I had enough material to make two... Anyways, enjoy!
pt.2 - The Best Quotes From OUTER BANKS
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NOT the pace at which John B and Sarah’s relationship develops
sorry, done with the venting now
anyhow, the group being TIGHT ™ 
JJ making you feel one of three ways:
“oh heLLO, JJ” (mostly without a shirt scenes)
“ugh, JJ” (he brought the gun and/or is being a dick scenes)
“awww, JJ...” (you know which scenes)
Kie’s outfits
the golden hour lighting
the sets being actual houses
the beach/sea/surfer aesthetic
the van
The Chateau™
JJ’s rings
Pope’s contributions being overlooked, always
everyone’s motivation on this show: “How much?” “400 mill”
conclusion: that’s worth fucking shit up
Kie actually being really skilled in politely but determinedly shutting her guy friends down when “macking” on her
ya know, until the Pope pity party at the end...
cuz that’s what it felt like, for real
I actually thought JJ and Pope might have a thing going...
the soundtrack full of surf guitar music
the intro font always making it feel like some 90s Miami-set crime show is about to start
John B’s hair, I think?
I mean, I don’t know what you’re into...
I just feel like it’s a breath of fresh air on the boy’s-hairstyles-tv-landscape
getting major “Don’t Breathe” vibes from the blind old lady shooting up her house
I appreciate them trying to make her actually kinda creepy, because they usually fail miserably with "scary” elements on non horror stuff
I don’t know if you catch my drift, just thought it was well done...
Sarah getting stung by a jellyfish and everyone just like not really caring??
all of them thinking for even oNE SECOND that they weren’t gonna get screwed over with the gold
JJ looking like the lead of any 90s teen production at all times
JJ just effortlessly blending in with the waiters at the party
or that time when he fake cried on command to save his ass
but like every character has good acting skills (or simply is a good liar, I guess it’s a matter of philosophy)
JJ and Pope betting money on Kie and Sarah
Kie starting a fire to save everyone’s ass
the Vlad and Val thing (cheesy for sure, but adorbs nonetheless)
highkey though the guy playing the drug dealer is a really good actor, cuz I’m sure he’s nice and cool and all irl but as Barry all he makes me think of is this:
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Topper’s Frosted Tips™ (gosh that sounds so unbelieveabley sexual I can’t believe it’s not sexual)
JJ constantly trolling every authority figure
Sarah not being the perfect-snobby-rich-chick-daughter despite being expected to be by everyone
JJ robbing the coast guard of a pen? because he ignored him
“bring it on Aggie, you bitch” sign (I don’t think stroms can read but nice touch)
especially the first few episodes finally being an accurate depiction of how teenage boys always wear their hat floating like 5″ above their head and hoW FUCKING DUMB IT LOOKS!!! thank you! please stop...
Pope loosing his pants at the cemetary (like imagine him having to explain that to his mama)
the “friends” awkwardly waving at Kie’s dad
that one silouette shot ✨cinematography, bitches✨
never actually seeing John B give the BMX bike back to that poor kid...
going back to save the Big John photograph from the street (tears, man... tEArS)
John B being a major wuss while Sarah is cleaning his wound
NEVER having the gun when actually needed
ALWAYS having the gun when it could get you in major trouble
JJ taking the blame to save Pope
JB’s finger guns after his first kiss with Sarah (John B you smooth mf...)
that opening shot in ep.4 zooming in on the boat through the storm clouds
everybody being collectively surprised to see JB in a school building
the blood splattering against the window of the car with JJ and his dad in it (terrible scene, A+ effect!)
JJ sneaking through the swamp with a backpack on his head
the actor of Sarah’s dad managing to give you the creeps with some subtle crazy eyes even before it turns out he’s actually crazy
Kie fooling Pope with her British accent
Rose thinking she’s some kind of High Priestess at the midsummers party
John B putting a bow tie on JJ
BROMANCE™ (alternative title)
JJ delivering the note dancing flirtatiously
Sarah thinking pushing John B down would magically have made him invisible to Topper watching them for thE LAST 5 MINUTES??!
JJ twirling Kie around when leaving the Kook party
Topper accidently confessing his creepy-stalker-love to a 13 year old
Kie slapping John B
John B slapping Kie
violence is not the answer, kids! but I guess these were friendly slaps, so it’s okay
JB telling Sarah how “everything’s fine” with the Pogues and then cutting to it being definitely not
John B saying: “I don’t give a shit if she’s an axe murderer” and Pope making this face: 😲
a brilliant plan being ruined by a porch light
everybody constantly shitting on 1... 2... 3!
is that a The Shining reference I’m seeing????
how tf did it take them so long to realize she’s blind I-
and then once they did, Sarah states: “that bitch can’t aim” ???
like yeah, obviously, you just said it yourself sHE’S BLIND!!!????
anywho, John B not even bothering to fake excitement over the fishing trip
JJ finding “that’s what she said” disproportionately funny
the group wordlessly agreeing that somebody should probably look after JJ at the drug dealer’s
Sarah confidently telling JB she’s a virgin without it being all awkward (rare sight in teen shows back in my day)
Pope’s “Thrasher” shirt (like damn that’s off brand, but funny!)
JJ getting floaties for drinks in the whirlpool
the Whirlpool Group Hug™
JB telling Sarah goodbye before the fishing trip and me deadass thinking for a sec that he set an alarm to creep into his gf’s room in the middle of the night
Ward having sOmE NErVE to interrogate JB after killing his father (and later basically calling Rafe a psycho?!! like bitch get a mirror and baptized, thank you)
John B driving through the fence at the airport
Sarah yelling at her dad “you’re gonna kill him” like that’s gonna stop him lol
the cop at the airport giving us real talk about what police first aid training probably looks like
JB wanting to tell the cops what happened out of the goodness of his heart
Wheezie sticking up for her sister
Rafe calling John B a maniac (the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I see)
JB locking himself in, in a house with Topper (like god damn, Karma’s a bitch huh)
Sarah, a teenage girl mind you, getting away from a trained-special-force-FBI-whatever-cop-dude in full armor by KNEEING him
Rafe talking to his Emotional Support Dealer™
the Pogues standing up to their parents for frIEnDsHIp!!!
JJ about to play “Operation” on his dad to get the keys
the missed opportunity to use “I Shot The Sheriff” on the soundtrack
I’m still a bit salty....
JB getting out of the cop car like that’s just normal
Pope going to shake Kie’s hand to make up
Sarah making it just in time
Ward being the “final card” lmao
Pope’s fam taking JJ into their group hug
the chill fisherman dude (with a wild romantic past?) taking in JB and Sarah
I demand a spin-off for that guy’s story btw
I’m so sorry for how long this must’ve taken to read. Seems like a good time to remind you that there’s more though: 
pt.2 - The Best Quotes From OUTER BANKS
It’s a great show (even though in parts I would’ve preferred them to step off the cheese grater a little bit). Overall (aside from the obviously heavy themes), it reminds me of all the Australian teen shows I used to watch growing up (mixed with “the Outsiders” maybe?) and it makes me actually a bit excited for summer. 
And I hate summer, so that’s saying something!
the best things about - masterpost
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crushzone · 4 years
🎬 About Me
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Original art of me and my fictional hubby, Ukai Keishin, by @achieve-the-sun​, posted with permission. 💕 
Hi there!
My name is Nin and I am the founder of Crushzone Cinema Theater. 📽 🍿 
Age: 23
Birthday: December 24th
Pronoun: She/her
Education: Graduated with a dual degree in Film and Global History
Occupation: Is currently a film freelancer in the camera department, who desperately needs money to pay rent every month lol.
- The sound of rain tapping on my window
- Watching my plants rise and droop to the moving sun
- Cooking and experimenting with different cuisines; Japanese, Thai and Chinese are some of my favorites.
- Giving my husband and my cat their head rubs every night.
- Drawing, painting, and photography. (Here’s some of my works!)
- The feeling of accomplishment after you’ve gone through SO much for a project with your peers. To work on your own movie or short film, and finally seeing it done, is such a rewarding experience.
- To eat my Mac and Cheese with ketchup, nutritional yeast, and steamed broccoli. (Fight me lol. 🦖 )
- Eating chips with chopsticks.
- Medjool dates with a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter 😋 
-Wearing oversized clothes, especially hoodies.
- Sitting at my reading nook, with my cat next to me on the chair.
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- The buzzing sound bees make when they fly.
- Slipping on my own chunk of hair on the ground; I have a lot of hair and I shed a lot.
- The heat, I may be from Thailand, but I am very much done with the blaring heat. One second I’ll look real cute with my face all done up, but the moment I step out, it’s already melting from my face.
- Going to sleep; there’s SO much more I could be doing right now!
- When my bangs desperately need a trim and is poking my eyes.
- Poor lighting, doesn’t matter if it is real life, just light it like you’re IN a film!! It’s so much more dramatic that way! (For real, come to my house, every corner is lit with some sort of a look/mood 😏)
- Loud noises; when people are yelling all the time, or something is loud, I get nervous when I can’t hear my own thoughts.
- People with bad attitude, a temper, or is just kind of mean in general. There is absolutely no excuse for you to be that way, and nothing productive comes out of it. Nuh-uh.
My parents hired a piano teacher when I was in elementary school, but because I didn’t enjoy her company (for some reason), I refused to absorb information. Little did I know, it would backfire me and would have absolutely no effect to her pay.
I’m that kid who always has 4 spare pencils and 5 erasers to lend out to my peers.
Will serenade to my cat every morning and night, so if you are ever my roommate, I apologize for my horrible singings.
Performed as a cave and pot in my high school production, and lemme tell ya, it is more difficult than it sounds.
Has no problem doing laundry in the morning, but the moment the sun falls, I will be too afraid to go down into my basement to do it. Some may say that it is an excuse for me to put laundry off for the next day, but I always tell my husband that there’s a “Babadook” in there. 👀
One time I stepped on a millipede, and I cried for 2 days because I felt really bad for it.
I’m actually VERY shy most of the times, so if you see me laughing a lot like a hyena, then it’s likely that it’s just me being awkward. OR I may just be having a good time, who knows.
I’m awful around kids, I am SO awkward and will stiff up like a rock (if you see me doing that, pls come safe me). One time this kid asked me why I laugh so much, so I simply just laughed some more while backing out of the room slowly. 🤦‍♀️ 
What is something you wish you were gifted at doing?
I wish I could sing. My husband is a musician, and it looks like he’s having so much fun. There’s just something so freeing about it, as if it’s another language that takes time to become fluent in, but when you are, it’s so captivating and expressive. I don’t think I’m an awful singer, but is just too incredibly shy to sing in front of others. 
What is the first movie you remember seeing in theater?
It may had been Disney’s Dinosaur (2000), not sure. All I remember was that there were a bunch of dinosaurs on screen, may had even been 3D with those glasses.
At one point, a tiger jumped at the screen, and I started crying. My mom and brother wanted to finish the movie, so my dad had to sit outside with me, until it was over. It was chill tho, my dad was teaching me different dinosaur names. 👶 🦖 🦕 
What is the first thing you do when you get home?
Pants off, baby!! I don’t usually wear a bra, but if do, then I guess it’s bra’s off first. Then I instantly hop into my plaid boxer shorts hehee. 🤭 
What has been the hardest thing for you to face or learn?
That people go through different stages of their life at different paces, and that is totally okay. When I was younger, I would always overwork, and as a result, I don’t really have a lot of time for myself. I did that, mostly, because I wanted to get a head start at everything, especially at my career. Now that I am 23-24, and had just graduated from Class of 2019, I’ve been getting film gigs since I was a sophomore, and is now a full time freelancer. 
Yet, I was not satisfied, because I got to work with a 21 y/o in a position that was under her, and it made me feel momentarily incompetent; like I wasn’t doing well enough. But it will never be enough if that’s the mindset; I never considered that she skipped university and went straight into film, so circumstances were entirely different.
Meanwhile, there’s someone 10+ years older than me who is struggling to get the work I’d get, and that is okay too. What I should’ve done is feel happy for her, and use that to motivate myself to improve.  As long as I never give up, and continue to do my best with a good attitude, everything will be just fine.
If you could give your younger self any advice what would it be?
That it’s okay to take a break sometimes, live life a little, and cherish all the happiness, sadness, heartbreak, and struggles that you are going through right now. Every tear will make you stronger, and genuine every smile will eventually pull you through. 
Time goes by very quickly, and every stage in your life is a part of you, so make sure you remember how you get to where you are well.
Do you see the glass as half empty or half full?
Half full, just grateful that there’s any liquid in the glass at all, and is excited to acquire more with all the space I’ve got on top, ya know? 🤷‍♀️ 
What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
That if you whistle at night, the ghosts will come find you. Or if you play hide and seek at night, then you’ve opened up some kind of portal that the ghosts will kidnap you away from this dimension forever.
Tbh, I think my grandma was just sick of me trying to learn how to whistle when I was in elementary school and of me running around the house at night, so she made these omen up lol.
What time do you usually get up in the morning?
Used to wake up at 13:00-14:00 all the time, but since I married an early bird, I’ve been up at 6:30-7:00 lately.
What time is your usual bed time?
Heeheee 1:00-2:00 in the morning, oops.
How has your birth order/characteristics of siblings affected you?
I have the loveliest older brother in the world, he’s 4 years older, and is very smart, diligent, athletic, and funny. Me being the only daughter, my parents are incredibly protective, so they’d always have my brother do everything for me. 
It was a relief when I was younger, but as I enter high school, it became a little frustrating; I felt like I was living under his shadows and can never be considered independent. They’d also spend a lot more time training with him cuz he’s a national competitive swimmer.
Because of that, I had a lot of time to myself, so I experimented with my own interests and grew in my own way. As I’ve grown, I can definitely say that it’s made me a lot more independent and introverted haha. I absolutely dislike depending on anyone (Will be my last resort), but it’s also nice to know that whenever either of us fall, we’ll always have each other’s back.
#tag games with Nin 🎮
Learn even more about me through various tag games I participated!✌️ 
#chats with Nin
My previous responses, rambles, vibe checks, and many more!
And please drop by my ask box and chit chat, I love interacting with you all! 👋 
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i-think-i-luv-ya · 4 years
Gunshot - KARD M/V Review Rant
I’m at it again with another so called review, when in reality its just a whole essay on my thoughts of my favorite artist’s comebacks, aka a rant lol. If you haven’t seen Gunshot, GO WATCH IT! I promise it’s amazing and this is one of their best songs/videos/comebacks etc. I have attached the video so no excuses! Also this is a lot of spoilers so don’t read this first it will ruin the shock and awe that is this video. And putting the “keep reading” to contain said spoilers and so ya’ll who don’t wanna read this don’t have to scroll endlessly to reach the end of my rambling.
Hi! Hello! Thank you for continuing reading! Lolol my Taemin 2KIDZ review actually got notes which was surprising, so hope you guys like this. I have a lot to say so here we go...
So first I wanna start on the meaning of the song. On his VLIVE BM said the song is about verbal abuse and how detrimental it can be to your mental health. Considering many pop songs, especially kpop, are all very cheery and upbeat I applaud them for covering such a serious topic in a way that’s not sad and slow. PLUS BM is creating new merch called healers where everything will be donated to an organization that fights against bullying (including homophobia and racism) which is incredible so be sure to check that out when it’s dropped. 
So on that note I wanna get into the song itself. Let’s start with lyrics. The song starts with the words “LOVE damn 4 letters” like what a perfect way to start a song. Also the way they blend a lot more English into this song is something I love as a non-Korean speaker. Plus the parts in English are so powerful? Well so are the Korean lyrics. Like KARD you guys just went hard with this whole song. The chorus is literally “You words are like a gunshot, I’m bleeding love”. Just wow. That definitely describes verbal abuse perfectly, especially coming from those you love because it’s those cruel words from loved ones that hurt the most. I mean “the words you spit out kill me like bullets”, how else is there to describe that pain because it fucking sucks. Other lyrics that just show the words are coming from the one you love: “As long as you love me, the good or the ugly, everything is okay” as well as “I won’t surrender my darling”.  And this relationship is obviously toxic with words like “Selfish I will never be enough even when I pour out all of myself” and “It’s like you control me, without you I’m lonely” and “So far you’ve concealed the true color” and “Without you dying slowly”. And they clearly have had enough with this abuse with lyrics like “Need to drag myself out of there, remove you from my life, take off the tag you” and “They hit me like a gunshot, I’ve bled enough”. 
Now into the sound of the song. It has all the classic KARD elements: it has a powerful sound with the instrumentals, it’s faced paced, it’s something you can dance to, and it has that chorus that slows down then just picks up again. But this song just sounds very different than anything they’ve released before? Not in a bad way, since this is probably one of their best songs. Between the lyrics, the vocals, and the overall sound where the music just doesn’t completely take over like in some of their other songs. Don’t get me wrong I love songs like BOMB BOMB, but it was very loud and a lot happening in the song at once. Which isn’t a bad thing, cuz that’s like the perfect club song. But with this song (and the whole album really) it shows them refining their sound. Also they had a lot more involvement with this song, especially BM who did everything from lyrics to producing which probably has a lot to do with it. The music itself just goes perfectly with the vocals. Just the flow is really nice, and the beat is fun, and them gun shots really just add to it. And can we talk about that breakdown when BM is like “1 shot, 2 shot, 3 shot, 4″? Like what??!! Those sirens and everything just ramps up just before it ends, like yaasssss. 
Now the music video! It starts with Jiwoo zipping up a body bag...which just sets the tone for the video cuz it’s like ok this is how it starts lets see how tf we got here. Then you find out at the end it Jiwoo zipping up the body bag of...well Jiwoo lol like WHAT THE FUCK?! (I’ll get into this here in a sec). Anyway in terms of the video it also has some classic KARD elements like the choreography that’s very intense and dramatic, the bright colors, the flashes and lasers, some crazy stuff happening, and some really cool props and visuals (not just the members lol). Other common stuff is the piles of technology surrounding them, especially J.seph. Like in Red Moon, there’s cameras and old televisions around them. This time the video starts with them being surrounded by cameras and J.seph has a pile of old computer monitors. There may be some meaning with this, but I don’t get it but think it’s an interesting theme. Perhaps its an analogy for them being constantly watched and put on every screen, like showing a darker side of being a celebrity (also will get into this in a minute when I talk about interesting interpretations and theories). 
Also this video gave me suicide squad vibes. Like Jiwoo with them pony tails and the way her makeup was done resembled Harley Quinn. And idk BM gave me Joker vibes (may be due to the coloring of his teeth), BUT he also gave me Harley vibes with the blue and pink coloring of his blonde hair (which is just an amazing look for him). Then BM was just covering everything in black, Jiwoo is just fucking shit up, Somin is ready to cut a bitch, and J.seph is burning shit up as usual (just like BOMB BOMB, so another parallel). Everyone looked good in this video...like they are all such great visuals. Somin looked like a queen as always with the jewelry and everything (they always do that and she looks stunning). Jiwoo pulls of that outfit with those threads everywhere, like that would drive me crazy yet she looks amazing. Blonde BM is truly a look. And J.seph? I think this was the best he’s looked in any video...maybe its the dark hair and clothes paired with those light contacts that just make his eyes stand out. Idk but looks good, all of them! Even with all those slashes to their faces! Also this video is a lot less sexualized, especially with the girls but that’s a whole other topic for another day.
So we know this song is about verbal abuse. I talked about how it could be from someone you love. Obviously the cuts on their faces are caused by the words and pain inflicted on them, until eventually its more than just lashes but a full on gunshot killing them completely. An interesting theory I read is this is a song to their fans, or really people just leaving hate comments. Again you can draw from the cameras and screens how their whole life is recorded, and how they are trying their best pouring their heart and soul into their music when they get all this hate and criticism. So these “shots” hurt the most when it comes from their fans. Also going with this concept, Jiwoo shooting herself could be killing who she is to be who they want her to be. Although there’s so many interpretations, especially to the ending. Like it could be her killing the weaker and darker part of herself (like the part of herself willing to put up with the abuse out of love), so by killing that part of her she is free. BUT, could this “winner” be that dark part of herself killing who she used to be? This could also be killing that pain, but by embracing it and letting it morph you into something darker like a person embracing that evil and using it to make themselves stronger and protect themselves. OR she is causing this pain on herself, it’s her own words are the insecurities and lack of love to herself that is affecting her until she ends up just killing herself (not literally but figuratively). Idk so many ideas and interpretations to the ending alone. Plus we have them all just spreading this darkness and anger (like BM literally painting everything black, which is symbolic into spreading darkness). But ya this video was amazing, the visuals were stunning and the song is just great.
The rest of the album (all 2 songs...hope they release more) was just as incredible. Hold On is a farewell to J.seph who will be enlisting soon, and omg that made me cry. So J.seph you better keep your promise and return soon because we’ll be holding on and waiting for you babe! This song was also really slow (at least for a KARD song) which just shows you they can be diverse in their music. Plus just the contrast of the verses (which are just super powerful) with the chorus (which is very melodic) was great. And with AH EE YAH, like that was so nice to listen to and its a cool mix between old music with that beat it starts with, to newer music especially with the way they rap. So, shows they have a lot of influences and it also shows a different side to KARD. 
Overall I think it’s a great comeback (idk what else they have planned but hoping for some new stuff because I’ve missed them so much). Please go show support and stream Gunshot and listen to the mini album! They are so talented and deserve so much more recognition. They have such hope with this comeback, but yet they still are like “we’re never gonna be number 1″ and that just breaks my heart. So show your support, hopefully they can get a win this year or just something big happen for them because they deserve it!! So that is the end of my rant...back to watching this video for the 100th time we go!! 
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clonecaptains · 5 years
Rank Pedros characters based off of how good they would be in bed ;)
1. Oberyn Martell - without a doubt in my mind, he’s first on this list. he knows of pleasures, he’ll take men and women to bed. he knows what he’s doing. and he’s versatile, a firm grip or teasing touches -  take your pick tbh. and he’s got the swagger, this sexual aura around him, you just know he can back up his reputation. he’s got a certain look in his eyes. he kisses deep. traces fingers along skin. he’ll smack your ass if you’re into that. he’s an observer but he knows what he wants. he def knows how to get what he wants - coaxing it from you, but he’ll def please you in all the right ways, because he’ll figure out what you like. 
2. Javier Peña - a prostitute told him how good he was in bed?? this is a man who knows how to please a woman tbh. his life is fully of stresses and he uses sex often to blow off steam, but he’s good at what he does. he fucks hard, but he’s also gentle too? the forehead kiss still kills me i can’t take it lol. he’s def a lover with a bit of an edge. 
3. Din Djarin - depending on your interpretation of him - i still feel like he’s up high on the list. because whether you think he’s a touch starved virgin or galactic sex fiend - it’s gonna be good. he is all about tact and precision AND he’s an emotional man. a lot of his emotions are not seen because his face is hidden, but he’s very expressive in his actions. if he cares about you emotionally, the way he is in bed w/ you will demonstrate how he feels - meaning he’ll know your needs. if he’s a one night stand kinda guy, it’s my headcanon that he’s one and done, but he’s definitely going to make sure she enjoys it too? he’s not an asshole. the root of him is emotional, it’s plan as day, so i still hold to my hc that sex is such an intimate act for him, it’s going to mean something even if it’s a one night stand, because in that moment it’ll be a deep act of intimacy for him. 
4. Whiskey - he also has the swagger and he’s a huge flirt. he’s a southern boy so he’s gonna have the charm and the manners. he’ll treat ya right cuz his mama raised him right. he’s a sweetheart, and a lil dirty. he’s down for whatever you wanna do tbh, if you want something kinky w/ the whip or lasso? he’s game. he’s gonna enjoy watching you get flustered over him but also if you have a smart mouth back at him he’ll love it. he’s a mess lol but he means well. he could easily be hot and heavy or sweet and loving, all with that southern charm and a smirk plastered on that face. 
5. Catfish - from triple frontier - he needs to be mentioned because reasons. him all dirty in the baseball cap did things to me so he goes on the list. first of all he’s a dad - so he did somethin right. second - he’s a military pilot. like din, he’s got the control and tact. and he’s even more soft spoken than din is. 
6. Ezra - ive only seen ‘prospect’ once but he had some sexy vibes going on. esp w/ that blond streak in his hair. he’s a southern boy too. he had such an interesting story because on one hand he was kind of an ass?? but then he turned around and did what he could to help. idk where im going w/ this but like he was very attentive. so in bed he might be a lil selfish but he’ll get the job done. 
7. Max Lord - don’t do it. you think you want it but you don’t. or maybe? i did put him on the list
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dimethief · 4 years
if R6S is a movie
Ok guys, I just couldn’t shake this idea out of my head. Tell me I’m not the only one who had vague feeling when I see some of the operators. Like I knew some of them reminds me some actors/actresses. 
*This are just my opions, and I would love to hear your thoughts*
If R6S is a movie, who are the casts???
1. Lion - Steve Rogers
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ya gonna tell me “but but but the face reveal doesn’t look like Steve at all”. Bruh, litterally in every fan art I saw Lion looked exactly like Steve Rogers. Plus, if he gets a clean face without beard, I’m sure he would 100% look like Steve Rogers. And when Steve has brown hair, they are almost identical?? 
2. Doc - Adrien Brody 
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ok, I know Adrien is Jewish and Doc is half Algerian. But COME ON, just look how identical they are. Plus Adrien has that kind of elegancy and pride that gives me Doc vibe. If someone is going to play Doc in the R6S movie, I wouldn’t be surprise it’s Adrien Brody.
3. Maverick - Jake Gyllenhaal
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If yall gonna say they don’t look alike, I might just jump out the building right now (JK LOL)  Seriously, in my head, Jake and Maverick are so alike. I even can see Jake play as Maverick in a movie with Maverick’s backstory. Those eyes are basically the same. And maybe if Jake had blonde hair, they would look more alike.
4. Bandit - Ken Duken
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Ight hear me out for this one. Ken is also German and he rock those beard! Dude has that rough look that matches Bandit’s face. I’m not saying he look 100% like Bandit, but I found him reminding me Bandit in his movie Berlin Falling.
5. Blitz - Bradley Copper
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Tell me they don’t look the same??? The jaw, the eyes, and the nose. I don’t think I need to explain much for this one, ok?
6. IQ - Nicole Kidman
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I basically believe that when Ubisoft desigh this skin, they did her face with Nicole’s pics hanging in front of them. Those eyes and nose are pretty much Identical. I would love to see Nicole Kidman playing IQ tbh.
oK i’m done. I also feel like Thermite, Thatcher, and Rook gave me a familiar feeling but I can’t remember who are those actors are so far.
7. Rook - Jamie Dornan
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ah shit I found who I was searching for Rook. I was like, ”who’s the guy in the  famous vampire fandom movie?? What is that movie called??” LOLOLOL. I’m gonna be honest, the reason I think Jamie look like Rook is cuz his big puppy eyes. They all have these type of youngness on their faces. I do not think his character in fifty shades of gret defines him. And as an actor with a look like this, he would play Rook very well. 
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shijiujun · 5 years
2020Because of You - Eps 5-6
Okay I am starting to dig these three dumbass and extra brothers as a family together? LIKE THEY’RE QUITE NORMAL SIBLINGS I SUPPOSE which is nice
Yuan Brothers: So we can see from episode 5 and 6 but mostly episode 6 that Jun Ping actually is quite fond of his big bro? I mean kidnapping aside, and that hostile first meeting aside, Jun Ping firstly can go into Jun Cheng’s house without the man opening the door for him (which means he knows the pw or has a key) and in ep 6 we have Jun Cheng walking into the Yan house where he KNOWS Jun Ping will be, and when Jun Cheng looks uncomfortable and a little sick Jun Ping is like... bro, you okay? Lie down if you want, I’ll get you some water LMAO and Jerom (the actor who plays Jun Ping) is currently the smoothest with his Korean hahaha and as always, Jun Dao cannot be half fucked about Lin Xun and his dad and the family, all this dude wants is Xiang Shi to be by his side 24/7 even tho he doesn’t know that yet
Jun Cheng can’t eat cake: So yes, BIG BRO CANNOT EAT SWEET STUFF?!! What a pleasant surprise, that makes his loud outburst at Lin Xun shoving cake into his mouth even funnier - And flor mentioned this about the connection part in ep 5 and LMAO i like how JC takes that connection into the next ep when Lin Xun feed him the cake he was like, why is my heart beating so fast haven’t i already confirmed that LX is not my dad’s son?!!
4th son saga: Dad apparently still wants LX to be his son to take care of him, and in ep 6 i think JC is considering it? IDGI THO unless he meant like be his dad’s son but not officially cuz THAT WOULD MAKE THEM ADOPTED BROTHERS REGARDLESS AND STILL PSEUDO-INCEST?!!! LIKE YJC WHAT ARE YOU THINKING he’s thinking that LX might come in useful but like from JC’s facial expressions and everything, this dude wants LX BY HIS SIDE and he’s willing to trick LX into it so yeah still confused about this 
BIRTHDAY. SCENE.: guys from my days in trapped you guys KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE BIRTHDAY SCENES RIGHT?!!! LIKE I LOVE THEM. I LOVED THEM IN TRAPPED, I LOVED THEM IN MODC, AND I LOVE EM IN BOY NOW!!! it was a short as hell scene but it was cute 
LIN XUN AND HIS HOUSE: OKAY LIN XUN MY BRO shouldn’t you be MORE ALARMED that this asshole who JUST SHOVED U IN A CLOSET IN EP 5 AND STUFFED A CLOTH AROUND YOUR HEAD AND MOUTH SO YOU WOULDN’T MAKE NOISE has literally just slammed open your door and saunter in as if like, he owns the damn place?!!! instead you’re like.... okay this handsome but also crazy psycho oppa that kidnapped me and was a bit forceful with me when he asked for the DNA swab thing AND ALSO SHOVED ME IN A CLOSET can sit next to me, can eat cake with me, etc. like if it was any other person or situation someone would have taken a bat or a mop and tell JC to fuck off
CP2: okay as much as i love Will Chang, i don’t feel for Xiang Shi at all? and honestly jun dao is a bit like confused and possessive only but cannot communicate why he wants Xiang Shi around, and idk what’s Xiang Shi’s game here because he gets angry at Jun Dao but then like wants Jun Dao to come and save him? So does Xiang Shi know that he likes Jun Dao?!!! And then the both of them talk about each other hypothetically having wives and children and what would the other do then? AND JUN DAO IS LIKE even if i get married and have children you’re still expected to stay with me, and if my wife dont like you she gotta go (gosh, just like his dad lmao) and I’ll find a new one - i mean... still don’t see the story here yet but i guess we’ll see with the remaining 4 eps
So like wow JC just jumps into wooing Lin Xun which is fucking hilarious because WOW HE FELL HARD AND FAST AND WHAT IS WITH ALL THESE RICH HEIRS TO GREAT FORTUNES THAT CAN COOK: so in ep 7, the way to someone’s heart is like a full course home-cooked dinner, so JC does that for Lin Xun and he’s like all ‘ no one can run away from me once i’m interested’ and i’m like SERIAL KILLER VIBES YA GUYS 
Yuewu seeing Jun Ping in the shower and screaming: OKAY i really dont know how i feel about how they did the SINGLE FEMALE CHARACTER WHO’S ALIVE IN THIS SHOW like you’d imagine that yuewu herself probably grew up with Jun Ping and Jun Dao too because of how often they hang around in the same circles, and honestly at that point when she sees JP in all his glory wouldn’t her first reaction be like ROLL HER EYES AND GO LIKE ‘wow what the fuck are you doing here, also yeah nothing i haven’t seen before, you sure grew up huh but argh pls put on some clothes, and sorry about that’ rather than start screaming?!!! and then we have the subplot where Yue Rong ‘GIVES’ Jun Ping to his sister?!!! i’m sorry?!!! like what!?!
CP2: ARGH another couple i’m frustrated with i just want the plot to MOVE like i cannot take this wishy washy but also only 2 min glimpse every other episode like where the hell is this couple going?!!
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