#I’m gonna say whatever the hell I want cause I care about this issue
mrsblackruby · 1 year
you so called “leftists” Zionists which is hilarious to me because I consider you dog shit fascists but hey that’s just my personal opinion you’re just trash hats to me so don’t take it to heart. But honestly literally just cope, seethe, and cry cause I don’t give a fuck you aren’t entitled to a Jewish ethno state you dumb fucks and I’m glad you’re finally coming to terms with the fact I’m not on your fucking side you absolute turds. Stop stealing people’s homes and killing them you’re not the victim. You’re a thief. If you wanted peace you’d want an end to the apartheid state by a right wing government who created the Hamas themselves. Israel literally did this to themselves.
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bloop-bl00p · 2 months
My issue with the Hellaverse rulers
We all know the story of Lucifer causing a war in Heaven due to his hatred of mankind, losing and taking a quarter of the angels with him. Those Fallen Angels became the rulers of Hell, essentially torturing the sinners and going to Earth to tempt us or just chill out and give us math lessons (I’m not joking, some do when summoned.) Not in Viv’s Hell though, they were no war so where do the other demons come from? How did these demons manage to harvest such great powers, powers that can give them access to Earth and outrank the lower class? You can theorize that the Seven Deadly Sins were born from the sin of humans or some shit but that’s headcannon territory and this does not explain what created the Goetia. Are we supposed to believe that the second Lucifer and Lilith fell everyone was there to greet them with flowers and a little flag saying “Congratulations! You fucked up but you get a new kingdom!”
Talking about the Goetia…
How exactly do they work here? The Arc Goetia is listed in a book known as the Lesser Keys of Solomon. Their section contains detailed information about 72 demons and how to summon them, these demons were Fallen Angels. A random King named Solomon who appeared to be a master of witchcraft received a ring from an angel that gave him authority over demons and he used them to build temples.
And then you have the Helluva Boss version, with a Stolas born in Hell, who is at least 35. Why do they even exist in this world? The whole thing with the Goetia is that they were demons at the service of King Solomon around 970 to 931 BCE.
You also have those characters who are classified as such but those do not appear in the book like Stella who’s Andrealphus’s sister and who are their parents you ask? Figure it out. But fair enough maybe they do something that is specific to them like I don’t know:
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[Context: Stolas wanted Blizø to kill said a candidate who was causing trouble for his associate.]
Ah! So the Goetia mission is essentially to make life worse on Earth using lower species like imps to do their binding. I would have hoped but… it’s a screenshot from the pilots which isn’t canon anymore. And til now, we have no indication that this is what the Goetia does in the cannon.
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Stolas is immortal why does he need to have a child? Maybe it’s for other Goetia duties that will never be addressed in the shows but he’s the only character who is visibly shown to be forced into a marriage. Paimon clearly doesn't care if you are gay, asexual, or whatever if he wants you to make a baby you will make a baby. So naturally Andrealphus will have a wife, right? He’s only a duke and his sister got married to a Prince seemingly to alleviate their family so shouldn’t he marry a Princess or something like that, his parents would certainly pressure him to do so. And since Stolas needs an heir despite being immortal, wouldn’t he need one too?
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[Context: God the inconsistency's gonna kill me. This is Stella’s party in ep1 of season 2 and you can see two men dancing together.]
Stolas could have been openly gay since the beginning, so what prevented him from divorcing Stella the second Octavia was born? The girl would have been too young to remember her mother and if she asked questions he could have just explained to her that Stella wasn’t a good person.
“But he played along so she could have a normal childhood.”
That would have been a great excuse if Stella did the same thing.
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This woman literally threw their butler at her husband the second she learned he cheated on her with an imps not caring that her daughter was there! Stella is quick to anger and will most likely choose physical violence when she’s upset. How did Stolas though that THIS was a normal childhood for Via?!! And it’s not like he was trapped in the marriage they divorced quite easily… wait a minute…
Does Viv even understand the concept of arranged marriages?! Usually, both families benefit from the union (financially, religiously, and other), but few result in divorce due to the massive social pressure caused by the two families and the constant control and influence the parents have on their children. Realistically speaking, Paimon would have threatened Stolas for trying to leave Stella because there’s no way he married his immortal son just to get a new kid in the family.
Yet, it still happened without any complication and Stella left his castle. So where’s Octavia?! She’s his heir! He’s supposed to learn her fairy dust and star magic or some shit, he should automatically get full custody of the child! We don't even know what the girl's relationship with her mother is but considering Stella is framed as a psychopath, I wouldn't want my kid to stay with her EVEN for vacation, Octavia is 17 she saw her mother throwing a tantrum once I think she’ll understand why her father doesn't want her near Stella.
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estrellami-1 · 2 years
Because of You
Steve’s not great at taking care of himself.
Everyone else, sure; he’ll bug them to hell and back about eating, about drinking water, about getting outside to see the sun. He’ll force vegetables down his kids’ throats if he has to.
But himself? He knows he’s not worth it. He knows he doesn’t need to take up that much space, that many resources. He gets by, eats when he needs to, drinks water if he remembers.
But he takes care of his people. And lately, his people has included one Eddie Munson.
“Hey, Eds,” he says, staring blankly at the wall as he cradles the phone to his ear.
“Hi, Steve. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, fine. Just wanted to check in, y’know? Make sure you’re doing alright.”
“Yeah, m’fine. How’re the kids?”
Steve chuckles. “The little shits are great. Driving me crazy, like always. Dustin claims he hates you because of whatever you pulled last Friday during the game.”
“Campaign, Steve.” He chuckles too. “Yeah, I was a little bit evil. It was a lot of fun. Henderson’s full of shit.”
“I know,” Steve answers. “We all do. He does. I think he gets his dramatics from you.”
Eddie gasps. Dramatically. “How dare,” he says, then immediately starts laughing when Steve does. “Hey, Steve?”
“Yeah, Eddie?”
He’s quiet now, serious. “How are you?”
Steve lets a quiet little chuckle slip out. “M’alright.”
“Just alright?”
Steve rolls his eyes. “I’m fine, Munson, c’mon, quit worrying.”
“You’re always taking care of everyone,” Eddie says, bold like he knows Steve won’t stop him. He’s right, but still. “But who takes care of you?”
“You’re right,” Steve deflects. “I do take care of everyone. Speaking of which, have you eaten today?”
Eddie doesn’t laugh. “Have you?”
“No.” Hesitant, quiet.
“Will you?”
“I don’t know.”
“For me?” Parroting Steve’s tone. Hesitant, quiet.
“For you? I- Yeah. I might… need help.”
“That’s okay. Want me to come over?”
“I don’t- no. Just… over the phone?”
Eddie hums. “I can do that. What’re you in the mood for?”
Steve huffs a humorless laugh. “Nothing.”
“Not really gonna cut it here, babe.” They both ignore the slip. “Want choices?”
Steve sighs. “Dunno. Sure.”
“Do you have the energy for anything involving more than five steps?”
“I- guess? If I have to?”
“So that’s a no,” Eddie says, mostly to himself. “PB and J?”
Steve makes a face. “What am I, Dustin?”
“You’re about as stubborn as him right now, yeah, and he gets that from you.”
“Fuck you too.”
“Maybe later. PB and J? Yes or no?”
Steve sighs again. “Fine.”
“Okay, good. Which phone are you using?”
“The one in the kitchen.”
“Okay, good, so you can narrate to me what you’re doing.”
Steve sighs. “We really don’t have to do this-”
“Y’know, I kinda think we do. Up and attem, Stevie-boy, first things first is bread.”
Steve groans, but goes and gets the bread, narrating the rest of it without prompting. “And you?” He asks after his sandwich is made. “Have you eaten?”
“Uh… no.”
“Goddamn hypocrite.”
“I forgot! It’s not an energy thing, I literally just… forgot. That I need to eat.”
“Right, because that makes perfect sense.”
He imagines Eddie rolling his eyes. “It does in my head,” Eddie argues. “I’ll eat, I swear. I’ll do it right now if it’ll make you feel better.”
“Yeah,” Steve agrees quietly.
“Okay,” Eddie says, just as quietly. “Give me one second, I’m in my room, let me switch over to the one in the kitchen.”
A few seconds later Eddie’s back, panting slightly as he opens the fridge. “Okay. Shit, we need to go shopping. There’s not much to have in here. Uh… cheese? And tortillas? I could do a quesadilla?”
Steve snickers. “Who’re you, Mike?”
“Hey, fuck you, Harrington.”
“Maybe later,” Steve parrots.
He imagines Eddie rolling his eyes again. “Anyways. I’m just gonna think out loud while I cook, if you don’t mind, ‘cause there’s this one part of a song that I can’t quite nail down, right? I’ve got the melody and I’ve got most of the lyrics, and that’s what’s really giving me issues-”
Twenty minutes later he’s tossing the burnt quesadilla into the trash and hanging up to dial a pizza place. Steve laughs at him long after the line’s gone dead.
It keeps happening, is the thing. Steve asks if Eddie’s eaten, Eddie asks if Steve has, and they’ll eat over the phone together. One time, Steve changes the script. Says yes when Eddie asks if Steve wants him to come over. “Okay,” Eddie says. “I’ll be there in twenty.”
He arrives promptly when he said he would and proceeds to make himself at home in Steve’s kitchen, going through his fridge without a qualm. “Ooh, you’ve got rich people food, can I use it?” He holds up various vegetables as an example.
Steve snorts. “Sure.”
“M’kay. I’m gonna make stir fry, ‘cause I saw this recipe and have been dying to try it. Anything you don’t want?”
Steve shrugs. “‘M not really picky.”
Eddie cooks, and they eat, and Eddie makes Steve laugh five more times, even though he feels like shit, and Steve makes Eddie laugh too, and it feels more like an accomplishment than it should.
They keep flirting, too. They both know, and it’s not that they’re scared to say it, they just know it’s not time yet. Neither of them know when it will be time, but they both know they will know.
It confuses Steve if he thinks about it for longer than five seconds.
Then, one day, it comes to a head. Steve arrives at Eddie’s trailer, unannounced, eyes shining with something that has Eddie treading carefully. “Steve?”
“Eddie.” He swallows, looks around. “Am I interrupting anything?”
“Nah, you’re always welcome here. C’mon, let’s go sit on the couch, you look like you have something you want to say.”
Steve swallows again. “Yeah.”
“Okay.” Eddie sits, watches as Steve does the same. “What’s up?”
“I like you,” Steve blurts out. “I know you know I do, and I know you like me, and we both know that we both like each other, but I realized it’s… it’s something else, Eds, because I- I ate. And it was hard but I did it by pretending your voice was in my ear, telling me I could do it, reminding me of the next step, and it was just a sandwich but-” he looks away, swipes at his eyes. “I did it,” he whispers. “I did it for you. Because of you. And I don’t know what the fuck we’re doing, man, why we’re dancing around each other, but I don’t want to anymore.” He shakes his head, looks directly in Eddie’s eyes. “I wanted to say it, to lay it out, and let you do what you will. Because I trust you. I feel safe with you. I believe you’ll take care of me, because you’ve already proven you will.”
Eddie swallows, eyes glassy. “I forgot to eat,” he whispers, and Steve laughs.
“That’s okay. I’ll remind you.”
“And on the days neither of us have the energy?”
“We rock-paper-scissors for who calls the pizza place.”
Eddie laughs, then. “Okay,” he whispers. “Okay, Stevie.”
“Okay,” Steve agrees, and moves to lean into Eddie’s side.
They don’t kiss, not yet. They don’t need to. They both know. They get up a few minutes later, and Eddie finds something to eat, and Steve sits on the counter and teases Eddie with something akin to pure happiness shining in his eyes.
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littledollll · 2 years
Can I request a Larissa weems x non-binary reader enemies to lovers fic? R is the new English that the board hired but Larissa doesn't like them and was very against the hiring because she didn't like r's vibes (aka is extremely attracted to them and doesn't want another gomez situation).
This leads to lots of snarky comments and public debates/intellectual sparring matches (which leads to actual sparring matches) also little things which r knows Larissa hates (and vise versa) like quoting book passages at her.
Eventually it gets to the point where Larissa is sitting in on all r's classes because she “doesn't trust” their teaching as it's known to be more unconventional (cue r asking Larissa questions about the course rather than the students).
The students (mainly Enid and Wednesday cause they ship it) have had enough of their bickering (which is clearly flirting) and one day lock them in the classroom together telling them they aren't letting them go until they work out whatever silly rivalry they have with each other. This leads to a confession from Larissa that she finds r attractive and she doesn't actually hate them which r laughs at because they knew the whole time and was using it as a way to flirt with Larissa because she looks so adorable angry and because they like a partner who intellectually challenges them.
Larissa Weems x reader
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A/n: larissa brainrot GO!
Warnings: none
Saying that larissa weems had nothing personal against you would be a blatant lie. It was very personal.
She hadn’t agreed to hiring you but you were a direct board hire. She hated many things about this. One, she didn’t have control over the situation. Two, there was something about you that set her off. Three, you were attractive, so attractive.
You plagued everything inch of her mind and she hated every second of it. Larissa barely tolerated you, being around you made her feel things she didn’t want to feel. And oh she made it known that she didn’t like you, the staff, students, hell even parents knew. Nobody could pinpoint why, you were a good teacher and certainly loved by all.
Larissa went as far as to join your lessons, claiming it was to revise your work since you were known to be a little unconventional, she wanted to know how your class worked. Which turned into a back and fourth of you both trying to catch eachother fail or be short on information, this carried on until the end of the class and did not go unnoticed by the students.
This was becoming the norm. Every day the two of you would go back and fourth. Every week she found something to call you into her office for. Every month she sat in class, which she actually found to be very entertaining but would never admit.
You got under eachothers skin like no other, and everyone could see it. And this constant bickering of yours caught the eye of your students, more specifically, Enid and (hesitantly) Wednesday.
One day after class, all the students made their way out but like always Larissa stayed behind, she always had a petty remark or a look to give and you lived for every single one. What you didn’t notice was the two plotting girls standing outside the door, not until you heard it slam shut.
Larissa sighed, assuming maybe it was a misbehaving student trying to gain attention or be funny. That is until she tried to push the door open and it wouldn’t budge. Then Wednesdays voice chimed in.
“You two are gonna stay in here until you figure out and solve whatever issues you have with eachother, Enids blocking the door, so you really have no choice.” You scoffed. “Since when do you care about anything, ever, Wednesday.”
“I don’t, it’s just interesting to study you both and I’m looking for a muse for my writing. Also Enid cares, and I’m being forced.” That last part was a lot more quiet, Larissa gave you an unamused look and sat on your desk.
Smiling, you sat across from her. “So٫ Larissa Weems, what 𝙞𝙨 your issue with me?"
“Are you truly giving in to their antics?” you noticed Larissa actively trying to avoid you. You stood and walked up to her.
“Mhm, if you have any better ideas please do suggest! I don’t know about you but being locked up in a room that’s not my own isn’t my favorite pastime. I’d like to get out of here, and I actually want to know what your problem is.”
You noticed the blush spreading across Larissa’s face and she cleared her throat avoiding your gave, opting to look down at her hands instead.
“It is near impossible for me to know how to act around you.” She was quiet, barely speaking loud enough for only you to hear. With a sigh, she continued.
“At first I didn’t like you being around because I had no control over your hire. I’m sure you know I like things being in my control. But I got used to you, I started liking you. How you teach and act I mean you’ve effortlessly gained everyone’s affection. My issue with you is that I like you. Maybe too much.”
You tried to suppress a laugh and failed, making her look at you embarrassed and confused. “I thought you looked cute when you were angry but I think I like you better all flustered.”
Larissa frowned, still not quite grasping what you just admitted.
“Darling, what I’m saying is I like you too. I like that you challenge me constantly and I like how adorable you get when you don’t get your way, I like the care you have for every student, I like you Larissa Weems, even while you try to make my life impossible, maybe even more so because you do.”
She pouted. Strong, intimidating Larissa Weems pouted at you. “You- like me. And actively looked for things you knew would set me off because it’s cute? Unbelievable!”
And with that you took her face in your hands, a smile on your lips. “Like I said, adorable.”
“You are insufferable.” She mumbled, though she couldn’t find it in herself to tear her eyes away from you. “Hm, apparently you quite like that about me too.”
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months
What are your opinions on each of the songs? (you can answer with as much or as little detail as you'd like)
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Big shocker that the songs from the 2 good episodes are in S and the only one that isn’t is still B tier/sar
The first 2 songs in S made me either tear up/shake violently or cry, and therefore they deserve to be up there IMO. Out for love is also just genuinely catchy and had actual build up to it. Also God “Ready for This” just. OOUGGGHHH IT SCRATCHES MY BRAIN SO GOOD LIKE A WARRIOR CATS MAP. I like it a lot. You cant have multiple characters sing about working together and expect me to NOT cry.
“Stayed Gone” isn’t one I listen to often but it’s so peppy and fast and full of hatred I can’t help but enjoy it. Also everytime the song starts my brain does this
I dont know anything about Welcome Home
I have. Issues. With “Loser, Baby” but aside from those the song holds a lot more weight to it than I usually give it credit for. And for as cheesy as the start if it is, the line before of Angel talking about self destructing resonates with me a lot. Also Husk lays down in a puddle of vomit and no one talks about that ever.
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I think the first song in B is “Happy Day in Hell” and I’m adding it there 1. Because it is the first song 2. It gets a reprise thing 3. Charlie almost gets hit by a truck. Other than that it’s not really my favourite but I respect the impact it has.
“Hell is Forever” just fucks. End of story. Alex Brightman killed it.
“Respectless” is good I love Velvette’s VA, but the sudden start of the song and the ending are so out of left field the first time me and my friends watched this show we had to pause cause we lost our fucking minds. Could’ve been better but I’d listen to it again, yeah.
“Hell’s Greatest Dad” is silly and funny and maybe I’m biased as a violin player and jazz enjoyer but a lot of the instrumental tickles my brain so nicely. I will say though it confuses me so much because why does Alastor care about being seen as a father figure?? My mom said it could just be him wanting to show up Lucifer and that’s it but I dunno.
“More than Anything (Reprise)” AKA “Charlie and Veggie Kiss Scene - Hazbin Hotel”
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This song sounds like it’s straight out of Barbie & Th Diamond Castle and I’m honestly pissed the girls in the movie didn’t kiss so I’m coping with this. ALSO THE FACT ITS A REPRISED SONG ABOUT LOVE MAKES ME A BIT CRAZY. I never noticed this was the same song Lucifer sang to Charlie SOMEHOW but that’s actually really cute.
“It Starts With Sorry” Has a big part in Sir Pentious’s character growth and just his character in general. I’ve been working on this in my Pentious rant but I never see people mention how much this song probably meant to him. Yeah it’s super corny, but he was fully expecting to be killed and had just been told to kill himself. This was definitely huge for him and I’m not gonna be convinced otherwise.
“You Didn’t Know” is really good but Lute’s part is by far the best and I pray to GOD she gets her own song in S2 her voice actor can SING. GODDAMN! I am very interested in Lute’s character development and I love seeing what people do with close-minded characters like that and hopefully Vivzie doesn’t condemn her to Vivziepop Woman Syndrome. If she isn’t important in S2 I’m going to be pissed but I dunno maybe S3 if we get one.
“More Than Anything” Wish my dad was like this! This song is incredibly sweet and I appreciate it a lot. Honestly might go way higher on the list if I keep thinking about it.
“Whatever It Takes” Sorry you will never be Imagine Dragons. Vaggie doesn’t sound anything like herself cause her VA is making her voice so much more gruff for her character, which is fine! I like her voice (the voice direction is not very good but I digress) it’s just her voice is so high in this I can’t even tell it’s Vaggie.
“Welcome to Heaven” is boring, but we got a Molly cameo!
“Poison”. Read this and this and this. -10/10. I’d rather make out violently with Elon Musk.
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salbei-141 · 1 year
Go to sleep, I got you (Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x reader)
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word count: 3.3k
warnings: 18+, anxiety, daddy issues, pure fluff and comfort, mention of night terrors
a/n: do I believe Ghost is as soft as I’m gonna make him in this? No not really. Do I care about the realism of his character? No, I don’t.
Hopefully this is a nice comfort fic for any of you struggling with anxiety or having a hard time - I get how difficult it can be and I'm a sucker for fluffy fics when I feel like that.
(all is edited, praying there's no more mistakes)
You had been struggling to sleep recently - every night as you were getting ready for bed you felt each symptom of your anxiety starting to brew. You had been through hell and back several times and yet it was a sudden increase of unnecessary adrenaline that was causing the most havoc in your life. You hadn’t mentioned it to anyone on the base, scared you’d be put on leave or something - that was the last thing you wanted.
Feeling your heart rate pick up, you sat yourself on the edge of your bed, holding your head in an attempt to steady yourself. Instead you felt yourself becoming increasingly claustrophobic, and the layers of your uniform started to feel like they were choking you, causing you to start sweating in a panic with a wave of dizziness taking over your senses. Sliding onto the cool floor, you removed the layers of your uniform and sat there in your trousers and a bra. Mentally you were going over breathing in and out, focusing on deep breaths, but you were struggling to fill your lungs, and started to panic further when you were only achieving shallow breaths. That’s it, you needed to get out of this room. Suddenly everything started closing in on you, so quickly grabbing a hoodie, you threw it on and made your way out of the barracks and outside. Finally taking a deep breath, you felt your lungs filling with the air you felt like you were lacking. With another breath, you slid your back against the cold bricked wall.
How much longer were you to continue like this? You didn’t want to receive help, you felt like you should be able to get through this without being a burden to anyone else - for god sake you were an adult now, and at the very least you were expected to take care of yourself. You didn’t want to go ask for some drugs either - dad had drilled that one into your head since you were a kid - “you need to grow up y/n, you can’t keep acting like this - I ain’t about to have a kid who has to pop a pill every time they feel a bit scared”, the memories felt harsh when you’d look back on them, but you always gave your dad the benefit of the doubt, it was tough love your mum would say.
Suddenly you felt tears welling up in your eyes - all you had ever wanted was a bit of support growing up and instead, you were left fearful as you dealt with things alone. You couldn’t help but let yourself be vulnerable - there was no one around at this time, so you knew you’d be okay.
Before any more tears were able to decorate your face though, you heard a familiar set of steps coming from your right. Wiping at your eyes, praying they weren't obviously red, you looked up at Ghost - both of you made eye contact and he spotted your red eyes immediately and felt his stomach drop. The whole team knew he had a soft spot for you - he'd always be by your side after missions making sure you were okay, and when you all went out drinking after any successes, he'd watch you from whatever corner you were all sat in as you danced with the team and made drunken conversation with whoever would speak to you - ready to jump them like some sort of animal if they ever made the wrong moves on you.
Without a word, Ghost crouched down on his knees in front of you, neither of you breaking eye contact with each other, "What's going on with you love?" he asked in a soft gruffness he had reserved for you and you only.
You put on a smile, hoping you could convince him enough, "Hi Ghost. I just couldn't sleep - back was killing me after training today" You laughed out, not wanting to bother him with your issues - your dad had taught you better.
He could see straight through your bullshit and he wasn't leaving you until you told him the truth and he could actively tell you were okay. "It hurting you that much it made you cry?" he got you - he'd seen you beat and shot several times on the field, and it was rare he'd see you cry then, let alone from some back pain.
You softly sighed, looking away, you didn't want to make eye contact with him right now - you felt bad for lying, especially since you knew he'd caught you out.
"Love, tell me what's going on." you shivered as the breeze hit you both, and Ghost stood, holding his hand out to you, "We'll talk inside where it's warm." swallowing, you took his hand, allowing him to pull you up from the ground - his hands felt nice, they were rough, but they were gentle - you teased he was a gentle giant once, and you stand by that comment.
"Ghost?" you mumbled to him, hoping he heard.
Without missing a beat, his head snapped to yours, "hm?".
"Can we go to your room? I can't go in mine right now. I'm sorry, we don't have to, I under-" before you could continue your mumbles he cut you off.
"y/n, of course we can, you don't need to apologise to me for anything, okay?" you nodded in response, his eyes were kind, and he wasn't mad.
Following Ghost to his room, you felt your palms starting to sweat again - you knew he'd get you to talk, and you'd never said this to anyone, you were scared to admit your vulnerabilities - you struggled to accept them yourself, let alone have someone else accept them or even worse if they didn't accept them, then singled you out more than how you already felt.
Ghost opened the door to his room, waiting for you to walk in first like the gentleman he is - it made you smile, it was a simple gesture, but you appreciated it nonetheless. As you walked past you chuckled to yourself as you noticed the size difference between you both, he was towering over you - it always made you giggle being stood next to the giant.
His room was fairly bare - yours was too though, the barracks weren't home to you even if you did spend a majority of your time here, you didn't ever want to settle enough to the point where it became home - Ghost seemed the same.
You walked in, settling on the edge of his bed, feeling yourself sink down as you placed your weight onto it. You had a scowl on your face, there was a noticeable difference in the comfort of his mattress to your own - it really did pay to have a higher rank sometimes.
Looking back up at Ghost, you watched as he sat next to you, not looking at you, but you knew his full attention was on you. He had a staring problem, but he knew better than to make you feel any more vulnerable than what you were.
"So, you going to tell me what's been going on y/l/n?" it was rhetorical - as much as you knew he'd never make you talk more than what you felt comfortable with - you also knew he wanted enough information so he could understand you and try and help you.
Fiddling with your hands in your lap, you felt yourself growing anxious again, "uh, so lately I've been getting I guess you could call them anxiety attacks of sorts. I say lately, but I've dealt with it since I was a kid, but recently it's felt like I've been losing control Simon." you felt yourself tearing up again, you didn't like this one bit, and Simon could tell. You felt his hand move to your knee and rest on your thigh, circling it with his thumb in an attempt to calm you down and prompt you to continue. "I end up staying awake for hours on end - I just have all these thoughts going through my head, spreading like wildfire - one concern after another, and I'm so exhausted Simon, I really am, but I have no clue what to." He continued rubbing soft circles into your thigh, listening intently as you went. "I need...I...I think I need help Simon." you looked up at him, seeing his gaze on your own - his eyes were sad, he had no idea you'd be struggling with this by yourself, and he wished he'd noticed sooner. With a deep breath, and a wipe of your eyes you continued, "I didn't want to tell anyone, I don't want to take leave from the team - it wouldn't help, and I know it wouldn't - I'd just be even more alone, with even more time to linger on my own thoughts. And I thought I could do this alone, I mean I'm not a child anymore, I should be okay, why can't I do this?" and that's when you broke, you fell into his shoulder, then his chest as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, bringing his spare hand to the side of your face, stroking it gently as you cried.
Simon felt his heart ache hearing your cries, he wanted to take all the pain you felt away - you didn't deserve to feel like this, you were so good to him, to the whole team, you shouldn't have to endure what you're going through.
As your cries slowed down into little sniffles, Ghost took his chance to speak, while you continued to feel secure in his arms, "Love, I'm sorry you had to deal with all that alone, I wish I had noticed sooner," he squeezed you to him gently a bit more, "but you don't need to feel as alone as you do. You know I'm always here for you, and I can guarantee you the rest of the team is too, but I'm more than happy to be your first point of contact at any time - I don't want you to feel like you can't ever come to me, I'll be here to support you. You're not going to be put on temporary leave either, if it's not going to help you then it's not going to happen, okay?" he felt you nod into his chest, making him smile underneath the mask a bit. "Look, how about you sleep here tonight - only if you feel comfortable of course. Maybe you'll sleep better if you weren't so alone, and we've got another long day of training tomorrow, so I'd rather you weren't sleep deprived trying to spar Johnny who will be full of energy", feeling you chuckle into his chest, Ghost felt warmth spread throughout his - you weren't crying anymore, but you still felt exposed.
Gently standing from his position on the bed, Ghost pulled you up, encapsulating you within his arms once more. You couldn't lie, you'd never felt so protected as you felt right now, you knew Simon would never let anything hurt you, and there was a newfound comfort in knowing he didn't see you as a burden, but he was read to assist you in your panic attacks, and help you sleep. You felt your heart flutter at his actions.
"How about you take a pair of my pyjama bottoms to sleep in love, then we'll get to bed?" you again nodded at the suggestion, you were happy you felt like you were going to finally get a decent night's sleep because of Ghost - the big man that everyone seemed to be afraid of, but not to you - you could never fear him, you saw the man he was under the mask, even if he tried to hide it from you.
Handing you a pair of bottoms, he allowed you to enter to bathroom to get ready for the night while he waited on the bed. Walking in you looked in the mirror, noticing how puffy your eyes were. Splashing some water on your face, you then patted it dry and removed your own trousers to put his bottoms on. They were huge - engulfing your legs, so you had none left. Chuckling at the size of his clothes, you rolled the bottom of the pajamas up enough that you wouldn't trip over them. Removing your bra, so you didn't have to deal with it digging into you all night, you placed it on top of your folded tousers. Finishing up in the bathroom, you took a final breath and walked out.
"Feeling better love?" you nodded at him giving a small smile, and you noticed the way his masked shifted where his lips were - he was smiling too.
"Alright then, go take a side and I'll be with you soon" he said as he made his way into the bathroom to change himself.
Laying in Simon's bed felt like a dream, you were entranced by the scent of his aftershave on the bedding - already feeling relaxed enough to fall asleep then and there as your eyelids became heavy. You were ready to give in to sleep but wanted to wish Simon a goodnight.
Turning on your side, and gently closing your eyes, you were willing yourself to not fall asleep. Before you knew it though you felt a dip in the bed next to you and the lights went dark. Turning to face Simon you placed your head on his chest whispering a small "Thank you and goodnight" into his ear and it made his own heart skip a beat that you appreciated him enough to do that.
Wanting to remain on his chest and listen to his heart beat as it lulled you to sleep, you moved back onto your side not wanting to cross a line. You already missed the feeling of his breath in your hair, and his skin against your cheek. Feeling a surge of confidence you turned back to Simon, he was secretly hoping he'd be able to hold you again - his arms felt empty and as much as he knew he was helping you sleep, you were doing just as much for him - he doesn't know when he last had a full night's sleep either. "Simon, can I uh-" before you could finish the sentence he moved you back onto his chest, wrapping an arm around your waist as your hand landed on his chest. Feeling you smile into his chest, he placed a chaste kiss on top of your head, making you catch your breath realising he'd removed the mask - he trusted you, and you felt a surge of happiness spread within you.
Humming into his chest, you felt your eyes close as you listened to the rhythmic beat of his heart as his arms remained circled around your body, keeping you in place and secure - he made you feel in control again. With a final breath, you succumbed to sleep as Simon watched your breathing go into a steady pattern. Knowing you were okay now, Simon closed his own eyes, holding you close to his body, relishing in your warmth and comfort, and he too succumbed to sleep and found himself void of night terrors and only with visions of you in his dreams.
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year
CAN WE- *trips and falls over literally everything* CAN WE PLEASE
Talk about just how much Yang LOVES Blake
Yang loves this girl SO MUCH she made sure she ate she made sure she relaxed and rested and was feeling ok and was sleeping regularly yangs such a caring person she would’ve done a lot of this just cause they were teammates but she FELL for her and she fell so hard and All she wanted to do with those feelings was to do nice things for Blake with the only thing in return of just being around her
And then Ad*m comes in and fucks with Blake’s head and cuts off her favorite persons arm and Blake leaves Yang in a way she KNOWS Yang will be upset about that she purposely did so Yang would h a t e she says she wants her to hate her because of self destruction and self worth issues trying to punish herself and you know what??? After all that work to get Yang to be angry with her she’s NOT
girl spent two seasons trying to turn her crippling depression about Blake leaving into anger AND FAILED Blake left her after she LoST AN ARM in an attempt to save Blake (not Blake’s fault I love u) and she fully left immediately after with no explanation no note nothing thinking she doesn’t matter to Blake that Blake doesn’t care about her at all and Yang can’t find it anywhere within her to be really truly mad at all she makes eye contact with Blake when they reunite and yangs eyes are just only full of love and surprise
Have y’all- LISTENED TO ALL THAT MATTERS??? I’m im crying I’m crying just thinking about it I AAAAA
andANDAND AND yangs very touchy-feely right? She gives a bunch of hugs and stuff?? Maybe but she like historicity NEVER lets anyone touch her really no one can touch her on her bike not even Neptune in jr’s club she hit anyone who tried to touch her that weird bandit that worked for raven couldn’t she sent him out the door bouncing
But whenever Blake touches Yang like initiates the touch her eyes are immediately like 🥺🥺🥺🥺 like she’s so SOFT it doesn’t matter the situation the barn when fighting Adam whatever she just she MELTSSS on the spot instantly even just EYE CONTACT kills her on sight locking eyes with blake belladonna brings this girl down so quickly she’d do anything she said
Blake says she’s not stoked about arresting Robyn?? You wanna commit a war crime and tell her everything because we can do that if it makes you feel even a tiny itty bit better I love you so much
She cares so much about what Blake thinks of her that when atlas is fully going to hell she goes “you think she thinks less of me🥺🥺🥺” SHES SO WORRIED ABOUT IT she just wants Blake to like her she loves her so much she’s so worried what Blake’s gonna think of her
It’s so late it’s now morning im so sorry rwby fandom if my words make no sense
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whiterosechrista · 5 months
Vent time!
Hey all.
So, I know I said in my first post that I’m not comfortable with heavy/political topics, but I really need to vent.
I sent a friend the link to the YouTube video for that Palestine bundle. She wasn’t the only one I sent it to, but she was the first to respond;
“Sorry, I stand with Israel but seems like a good deal otherwise.”
So of course I was like “with all due respect, why are you supporting GENODICE?” and she said it was because she;
“[stood] with anyone whose agenda was eradicating terrorism.”
Me, not knowing the full details of the Palestine situation, but knowing enough to know that didn’t sound right, said;
“So innocent Palestinians are terrorists then? People who’ve lost their homes, their family, their lives? For no reason other than Israel not liking them?”
“No the terrorist group Hamas.”
Before I could think of an adequate comeback, she continued;
“Who pillaged, massacred, raped, and reaked havoc onto Israeli citizens on october 7th with full intentions to cause harm and destruction to the Jewish race.”
Me, having not heard about that, was startled long enough for her to send one last message;
“And my heart goes out to all citizens of any country who gets caught in acts of war, but they were warned beforehand when Israel bombed those places. Who even does that in a war?? A country and government who actually cares about its citizens and their enemy’s citizens. They only bombed those places to reach the underground bunkers and tunnels that Hamas was and still is using to hold weapons of mass destruction which would be used on thousands of Israeli citizens with the sole goal to kill Jews.”
Yeah. She justified a bombing.
It took me a while to come up with a decent response to that, and I’m not even sure it’s the most appropriate one, but my feelings were scrambled and I wasn’t quite sure how to convince my friend (who’s only 16 by the way) that terrorism doesn’t justify bombing a place with innocent people, but I tried;
“I’m not defending Hamas at all, they can go to whatever hell they believe in. What I’m saying is that they’re not the only ones doing that. There’s many sides to every war, and if Israel had never started bulldozing, massacring, and invading Palestine, the chances are so much lower that Hamas would’ve ever done those things. I’m not gonna force you to believe me. I’m just gonna end with: the bundle is supporting the CHILDREN of Palestine. Not Hamas. Nowhere near Hamas. It’s supporting the children who never should have to go through the things they did, who are hurting and starving because some adults believe it’s okay to go to war.”
She hasn’t replied. Her notifications are silenced. I don’t know what to do.
Her family is pretty heavily Jewish, the kind that teaches their kids Israel’s in the right (at least on her dad’s side, and that’s who she stays with mostly, which is a problem ‘cause he’s not a good dude and shouldn’t have custody of her, but her mom has mental/neurological issues, so he used that in court (I think, I was only 11 at the time)), and I’m now worried that she’s going to get dragged into things that’ll seriously hurt her.
Mom warned me against having this debate with her again until she’s older and more independent, since living with her dad’s made her sheltered + naive and she’s not old enough to deal with the idea that her family’s been telling lies her whole life.
She’s right, of course, but I’m just so worried now. I don’t want my awesome friend to be brainwashed by this bullshit propaganda. I don’t want her to stop talking to me because she thinks I’m supporting terrorism or something. I want her to form her own opinions and live her youth freely without her closest family shoving lies down her throat.
She and her mom stayed with my family when the whole custody battle happened, and our moms have been friends since, which is how I got back in touch with her a year or two ago. As such, I feel almost a sisterly responsibility as the older one to make sure she’s doing okay/staying safe/etc.
Why is life like this?
Why do people support genocide and try to get their kids supporting it too?
What do they think that results in? Aside from a whole generation of kids who’ll grow up and realize their parents were liars, not to be trusted?
I don’t get it. I don’t want to get it. I just want all my friends to be safe and happy. Is that too much to ask?
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revivisection · 3 months
RT ask: 2 4 6 8 14
😁😁😁 #love#friendship#friends#loveandfriendshipwithfriends
2. What is their Origin? Who were they before they became a Rogue Trader?
crime lord babeyy. soon as i saw it, of course that was the origin i was gonna pick. cosmas formed in my mind like aphrodite out of the sea. who did i castrate to make him… it was first born out of necessity, boy’s gotta eat (and also keep the other children he was looking after alive (don’t worry about it)), but he’s also got ambitions. he may be a super smart guy who does a lot of things but i don’t know jack about shit so we’re keeping it vague 💯 he’s cold trading he’s thieving he’s making connections he’s recruiting (realizes i can’t say goon anymore) people he’s territorial he’s a businessman he’s a father figure he’s uhhhh killing people etc. it’s like rogue trader shit but illegal because he doesn’t have a warrant (yet).
4. What does their name mean? Is it significant?
cosmas means order and decency, which is kind of funny… it’s also the name of a saint. according to a quick peruse of wikipedia, cosmas and his twin damian provided medical services for free, sort of in line with rt cosmas’ iconoclast actions, and they also survived a few attempted executions before finally dying, which is like how rt cosmas viciously clings on to life. and i like the name cause it’s space-y. i don’t imagine the meaning would remain in-universe, but cosmas has gone by many names and this was the one he liked best in the end. he named himself after the universe itself, which feels right for him.
as for his last name, the game gives you one based off your origin (besides sanctioned psyker, for some reason). the one for crime lord is “stubbs” which, i don’t know why i’m mr. stubbs, but i like to imagine it’s a nickname he picked up for [reasons pending, possibly forever]. not really a surname, but you say it like one. he had an actual family name before that, but he’s long shed it.
he becomes a von valancius and uses the power of that name often to his great advantage, but he doesn't really internalize it. it's a title, it's something he can use, it's not a name name like "cosmas" is to him.
6. What is their Conviction? How adherent are they to it? Does it change at all over the course of the game?
iconoclast, which is based in me wanting to be Nice in a Video Game, and then i had to turn it into actual characterization later. i stick to it pretty closely, though i’ve made a couple dogmatic/heretic choices too. cosmas is quite resolute in his beliefs (one could say stubborn), he’s not easily swayed, especially not by the most argumentative of his companions.
encroaching on question 7 territory here i guess, but i have trouble really explaining it so this is how i gotta say it. cosmas took up/was put into a caregiver/protector/leader role early on in his life, and chose to continue to be that person rather than look out solely for his own survival. he has more care for the common people than expected of his position because he knows what it’s like, he’s been one of them, but there’s also a possessive aspect to it, everything he has investment in (emotional or material) belongs to him. he is like a livestock guardian to me. born from my own reluctance to trade my people units i guess, they’re just little stats in a menu, but some of these offers are shady as hell… what are you going to do with them… guess there’s a lot of compassion in that guy, i’m just really caught up in his personal issues that your chosen questions don’t really touch on lol.
8. What was their Triumph? Do they take pride in it?
apex of brilliance, he got his hands all over a whole star system. where exactly it is, what it or any of the planets are called, who fucking knows. maybe one day i’ll know but i am Not acquainted with the. whatever it’s called when it’s geography for space. i mean i guess it’d be astronomy but the implications are different. anyways, he’s very proud. sure his domain as a rogue trader is much larger, but it doesn’t feel like he earned it like he did with his star system. i think i picked this one in particular because of the int stat boost...
14. Who was the most important person in their life prior to becoming a Rogue Trader? Is that person still in their life now?
his right hand, his enforcer, his sister, damia (after cosmas and damian because i had to). they’ve been together since early days when cosmas had his own gang of unfortunate kids, though only he and her made it to adulthood. they’re not bio siblings but they basically adopted each other. he left her to take care of things back home while he went to the koronus expanse, so they’re cut off from each other during the game. i’d say they generally get along and work together well, but they don’t always agree and cosmas Has To Have His Way Always, which can and has caused friction. i also think their relationship was strained by [question 9 related event] which they left unresolved ^_^ he misses her but trusts her not to fuck things up while he’s gone. she’s always fallen into following him since she was the younger one, he took on a guardian role for her, she’s his best subordinate, there was a lot of potential left untapped there. maybe even surpressed. i don’t think they see each other again for a long time, a lot changes during then, damia feels sort of abandoned, but she also doesn’t want to take second place by cosmas’ side again. their reunion might not be the happiest.
before writing this my idea for damia lacked conflict, which made imagining her really boring. things can always change, and she’s still not really a character, but now that i’ve laid down some issues there i like her a lot more.
fun fact, their stupid nicknames for each other are cosy and damsy. it came to me one day and then never left my brain, so this is real lore now.
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
DECEMBER DRABBLES — 4. Richie Jerimovich 🌨️
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A/N; why do I like writing for shit-talking assholes? 🤭 just expect this to be a little chaotic and I apologize in advance but it’s richie we’re talking about here! + it’s snowing up north here officially so that put me in the mood to write this little thing.
WARNINGS: mentions of mental health issues, drugs, + grief and emotional stuff, usage of firearms, cruelty to animals? & Language. + OC/reader has a name in this.
PROMPT: #13. “How’d you get a reindeer in the apartment?” + #10. “Who decorated your tree? A toddler?”
With your name flashing across Richie’s screen, he almost hesitated. However he didn’t feel as if it was the wrong choice, not after he just got into a screaming match with a new customer that wanted to argue over prices. As if Richie could ever over-charge someone for a product when that item’s been the same price since forever. Richie didn’t particularly care for the new found rush The Original Beef or “The Bear”—whatever the fuck you chose to call this place, received but he enjoyed the outcome of counting the registers at the end of the day.
He was up front at the register, his usual spot when he received your call. Fortunately for him, he was dealing with a customer who was holding up the line a bit trying to decide between two sandwiches, asking thousands of questions that Richie didn’t have the patience for. So he held up his finger at the woman before she could propose her eighth question and pressed his phone to his ear.
“Yeah?!” He shouted into the phone.
It was quiet on your end and Richie almost questioned if you meant to call him. Things between you two were…heated or simmering down? To say the least.
When he didn’t receive a response right away, Richie tried to get your attention another way by raising his voice more, “HELLO?! Dayana start speaking before I hang up and spam you with calls myself!”
“Richard,” Dayana’s tone was hushed, “stop yelling in my ear and listen very carefully.”
Dayana always had a soft yet raspy voice but he didn’t like how she sounded right now.
“Are you completely losing your voice or something?! ‘Cause I don’t understand why you’re talking so low?” Richie felt his eyes forming into slits.
There was shuffling on the other line but besides that it was eerily quiet wherever Dayana was, “Quick question for you: how’d you get a reindeer into the apartment?”
Richie didn’t know what the hell she was talking about. He hadn’t been to Dayana’s apartment since their last disagreement which was…he didn’t know…maybe two weeks ago?
“I hope you’re talkin’ about a ornament ‘cause if you’re not…then you need to lay off the gas unless you got into my pills?” Richie mouthed off to Dayana, assuming that she had to be high if she wasn’t talking about some ornament.
Huffing Dayana replied, “I’m not high but I know you’re an asshole who probably set me up so that I’d call you and we’d be on speaking terms again. You’re gonna get this damn reindeer out of my house or I’m gonna haunt the shit outta you when i meet my maker soon.”
“What the fuck are even talking about, D?!” Richie exasperated, plugging his ear with his raised finger to hear the woman better.
Dayana huffed, tired of these games, “You put this shit here on purpose, I know you. So you better get it out.”
“You mean to tell me you got a actual reindeer in your apartment?” Richie was in disbelief, “I dunno if you know this sweetheart but we live in Chicago, not the north fucking pole.”
Dayana didn’t have time to argue the specifics especially when she could feel her blood pressure increasing. She was so sure that Richie was pulling a prank on her simply because she pissed him off two weeks ago. They weren’t exclusive so she didn’t need Richie’s jealousy when she slept around with anybody else; it didn’t bother her (much) that he tried to go on dates with other women that weren’t her.
They were both messed up individuals mentally who tried to find comfort in each other. It wasn’t healthy how they went about their relationship, platonically and romantically but they were trying to do what their old friend Michael Berzatto struggled to do, survive. Life was anything but easy yet freedom had to be out there somewhere on this earth and maybe the pair wanted that from each other.
Was it acceptable to find that freedom in someone else? Or did that start to become a heavy chore from the person that you sought that freedom from?
Richie was met with a dial tone shortly after, which didn’t sit right with him. This woman didn’t get to just hang up in his face like that! Normally Dayana could take him running his mouth no problem although she sounded calm on the phone, he knew Dayana was just as tired as everybody else.
He also didn’t like the fact that Dayana thought he did this and what she would do if it all became more than what she could handle.
Then his mind got to racing with what could go wrong. He wished he could have been there with Mikey up on that bridge and wished he could have done something. Anything.
Wished he would have known.
Now with Dayana…he still wasn’t sure if she was just pulling his leg. There was no way a possible reindeer could be in her house with her being so blunt about it right? Unless she was in hiding…of course she had to be! It’s not like Richie ever thought she was hopeless but she didn’t have much to defend herself with…besides a mean right hook.
With the way everyone was feeling according to the top three: physically, emotionally, and the most important of all—mentally he began thinking the worst. So he began pacing the front behind the registers calling Dayana constantly, despite the line slowly building up again and leaving the new teenage hire to deal with this on his own.
“Richie, what the hell are you doing back here?” Carmy glanced over at the taller man but continued chopping up some parsley, “the orders aren’t gonna place themselves.”
“Someone’s gotta take over for me. I gotta go, something’s up with Dayana.” Richie muttered as he hung up and kept trying to call.
Carmy turned to Richie, placing a hand on the table and leaning into it with a sharp inhale, “Okay cousin. Just…don’t go doin’ anything stupid.” He warned.
Richie patted his pockets just as Carmy said this. He appreciated that the kid wasn’t grilling him with questions in that moment although he knew bits and pieces of Richie’s history with the said woman.
It was almost as if Richie didn’t hear Carmy as he went through the kitchen to the staff room. Yanking off his apron, shoving on his puffer, and rubbing his hands along the locker for his piece. Autopilot was on as he shoved weapon into his pocket, keeping a hand inside of it to make sure it didn’t slide out on his way out. The man chose to exit from the back of the restaurant, not wanting Carmy to switch up and check on his well-being right now.
If anything happened to anyone else he cared about…Richie was positive he would raise hell. His couldn’t tell you approximately how long it took him to get to Dayana’s or how many lights he ran to get to her. His anxiety was beginning to get the best of him now and only amplified as his tires squealed right behind Dayana’s parked car.
Throwing the door open, he hopped up the curb and jumped the black fence to get to Dayana’s building. Up the path he went, to the left he raced up and around the steps, meeting the walkway that held the multiple apartments. His breathing was ragged as he sped-walked down the wooden walkway, his bright blues scanning the numbers until he got to apartment 11.
Richie wasted no time racking his knuckles against the apartment door, listening to any sound of disaster. When he didn’t receive a response, he began pounding on the door next, his forehead resting against the door as he waited.
He started calling her name until he heard it.
A grunting noise followed by a snort that didn’t exactly sound human to Richie. He tried for the knob, which was locked and stepped back to pull his Glock from his pocket. Taking the safety off, he aimed the gun before he went to work, kicking that knob in as much as he could. Then he had to use a bullet to get it completely off.
Squatting down he managed to get some fingers in, the material of the door scrapping his skin, making him suck air between his teeth, as he did so reaching for the top lock from the inside. Due to his long arms he was able to feel around for the latch, to flick it over to get the door fully open. Yanking his arm out, he got into a ready position again before he kicked the door back.
Stepping into the living room of Dayana’s 475 sqft apartment, Richie saw that her furniture in the living room still appeared to be in tact. Although the single bedroom and bathroom were to the left of the living room, Richie crept to the kitchen to see the dining table on its side.
That’s when he aimed his gun quickly to the left, firing off at you guessed it—a reindeer which charged at him at the same exact time. Richie’s stumbled back at the impact, hoping it’s antlers didn’t pierce any part of his body as his head slammed back against the white wall, leaving the reindeer to run by him and out of the apartment.
The man laid there disconcerted than in disbelief as this point. His head shifted to the left to make sure that the reindeer was in fact out of the apartment, hearing the foul-language of other tenants and more shots fired outside to confirm his worries.
“Dayana!” Richie groaned, as he slowly pushed himself off the floor.
Shortly after, the woman peeked around her corner, noticing the front door was completely damaged before she settled on the 6’1 man that was now on his knees in her kitchen entry way.
Her feet quickly padded against the Mahogany wooden floors, tossing her Dyson vacuum to the side? as she stood in front of Richie who was now glaring at the red stain on her wall.
Dayana barely acknowledged the new mark before peering down at Richie who looked up at her, “…Told you i wasnt fucking around.”
“What?” Richie seethed, “and I told you I didn’t put Blitzen in your damn apartment for fun either!”
Sighing, Dayana relaxed her shoulders, finally looking at the blood on the wall and also the blood that was oozing from Richie’s bottom lip, along with the bruise that was beginning to form on his chin.
“Well…thanks for taking a beating for me.”
Richie scowled as he got to his feet, standing beside her as he exhaled, “yeah, don’t mention it sweetheart, but man, that bitch got me good right in the kisser!”
“I see that.” Dayana gripped Richie’s forearms, peering at the injury and then added, “and I’m sure that new lump on the back of your dome gave your lopsided head some more definition.”
“Ah, fuck you.” Richie lightly pushed her off, while she laughed to herself a bit.
He noticed the unease from her as he did this, his eyes immediately going to his Glock to put the safety back on. He then moved to tuck it into the back of his waistband so that it was out of sight and out of mind.
When he raised his hands to show that all was clear, Dayana then nodded her head back to the living room. Richie followed the woman out, taking a seat on her olive green couch after she motioned for him to sit.
“Want to run down what exactly happened?”
“I can’t really tell you much,” Dayana admitted, “all I remember was coming home, rushing to the bathroom, and came back out to get something to eat. I didn’t realize the damn reindeer just chilling in the living room like he owned the place. I tried to give it some carrots from my platter but he was clearly looking for something else on the menu.”
Richie quirked up a brow, a smirk forming on his lips but Dayana immediately shushed him from making a sexual joke. He raised a single hand that rested on the edge of the bubble sectional in mock surrender, “speaking of carrots, I think I actually snatched some of Marcus’ new cornbread carrot cake on my way out. It should be in the car if you want it.”
Scoffing out a laugh Dayana ran a hand over her hair. “Maybe later, Richie. Let me clean you up first.”
Richie wouldn’t argue with that as Dayana gave his knee a squeeze, getting up from the coffee table as she disappeared to the back of the apartment. The man got himself comfortable, snatching the remote from the coffee table to turn the flat screen on, before he spotted a neighbor eyeing what happened to the door and carrying on.
The man laughed at the typical mannerisms before he focused in on the tree that sat in the corner of the room. His face twisted in disapproval before Dayana came back into the room with a first aid kit.
“Who decorated your tree? A toddler?” Richie impugned, figuring it was Dayana’s latest hookup that she was involved with before, that he last spotted on her Instagram that sparked their argument, a Hispanic man that was Carmy’s height—a toddler’s height, age, and a firefighter.
Careful Richie your insecurities are showing.
Dayana let that roll off her shoulders knowing what Richie was hinting at and that it was clear that he still felt some type of way about Dayana’s encounter with another man. Perhaps it had something to do with Mateo being in her age group—younger than Richie and that they possibly had more in common…but mainly he was keeping her warm when that was his job.
Viewing the bow-covered tree for a bit, the woman smiled as she stood up on her couch and sat behind Richie on the top of the sectional. Richie settled his shoulders against the back of Dayana’s lower legs as she opened the kit to place right into Richie’s lap to assist her.
“Actually, Sylvia did.” She mentioned as her hands gently combed her fingertips through Richie’s hair to locate the injury.
Richie turned his head to her then, trying to catch her eye and to see if she was serious or not. Since when was his nine year old daughter spending time alone with the woman he was slowly developing feelings for?
“Uh wow…” Richie said after some time when Dayana held his stare, no sign of lies written in her eyes.
Dayana hummed, turning him back around so she could work, “Mhm. She’s driven just like her dad. Came by a week ago to help me out…I’m not sure how she found my address. I asked if her mom knew if she was here but she was adamant about getting my tree up with some bows she made me. We had a good time, and I called her mom right after just in time when she got off work.”
Richie knew that could have went one of two ways since Dayana and his ex-wife, Tiffany weren’t on the best terms once a upon of time. They grew to be cordial it seemed long before this event occurred. Tiffany appreciated Dayana calling her about the whereabouts about her shared daughter with Richie. Tiffany had full-custody of their daughter Sylvia since she felt like Richie wasn’t a competent father/role model in their child’s life.
Dayana was vocal on Tiffany’s decision for her fight for full custody simply because she didn’t believe he was a bad father. And she wasn’t fully bias on that opinion either, she knew how much Richie wanted to be part of Sylvia’s life when he didn’t have a father in his own! She also didn’t like how Tiffany tried to use his anxiety and depression against him in court and of course that got back to the Honduran woman.
“What did you two talk about?”
Peering into his head, Dayana found the access to the bleed on his scalp and applied pressure with a white cloth, knowing that this wound wouldn’t require stitches.
“Oh you know just girl talk,” Dayana trailed off, “and how she listens to your favorite song when she has a bad day at school.”
Richie wished he had a cigarette on him hearing that. He hated hearing that his kid was still having issues at school and why Tiffany wasn’t taking any action. If it was up to him and if he knew names, he would be the first one pulling up to kick the shit out of a kid in a heartbeat.
Nobody fucked with his number one girl.
Taking deep breaths, he closed his eyes shut taking multiple inhales as he tried to focus on the fact that he daughter knew his favorite song.
“What did she say it was?”
“‘That old song by Usher and the rapper who was on ‘Justin Bieber’s best song’.” Dayana informed Richie who puffed out a laugh, using the back of his hand to wipe at his nose.
That was right.
If they weren’t playing that in the club then Richie considered the place whack. That man still had a soundtrack from the early 2000’s don’t mind him.
“God, I love her.”
“And she loves you too, no matter what.” Dayana told Richie, resting her free hand against his chest in understanding.
Richie placed his hand right on top of Dayana’s, squeezing it against his chest, feeling himself getting emotional as he stared out at the tree and shuddered against Dayana’s touch, finding comfort in her again, even with her now broken ajar door.
Continue along with my December anthology prompts here.
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nudystar · 11 months
okay this is my final statement, cause deadass I’m over it now
for the server thing, I did feel sorry and apologized to WHO I needed to apologize to. if I ain’t apologize to you, then idk what to tell you. apologies to the folks that had roles that we lied about.
to the folks that I ain’t never had beef with me, why are yall tryna make somethin out of nothin ? like deadass, some of yall I haven’t talk to in a minute and some of yall I never even interacted with. yall sayin yall fighting for your friends but I’m the villain when I do it ? please get out my face with that. you starting stupid ass beef when I don’t even talk to half of yall wtf. yet I’m childish ? alright.
naj, you specifically, what problem do I have with you? I want you so specific and let me know what we have going on. I never had an issue to begin with, we was never beefing so why tf are you talking so much shit about me? you trying to act all big and bad when I never had a problem with you. now you wanna talk as “civilized adults”, after dragging my name through the mud FOR THREE DAYS ? yeah no, kiss my black ass and suck my damn clit !
do I feel bad that your friend got a death threat ? yes ! but it sure as hell wasn’t me or my mutuals 🤷🏽‍♀️. unlike yall, we have some couth and don’t be bothering nobody.
y’all constantly say I’m sending high schoolers to fight my battles and paint me as this pussy bitch. meanwhile y’all akeke and laughin with mean girls and damn near bullies, constantly dragging folks names through the mud fa no reason. to this day, yall stay on imani’s ass about a discord server from three months ago, after handing out apologies like an eviction notice. deadass, all seriousness, leave them alone. some of yall ain’t even deserve an apology but hey, whatever helps yall sleep at night
y’all stay coming at me with this “I got high schoolers to fight my battles” and “I got a gang of middle schoolers hyping me up”. boy yall sure don’t know me 😹, yall just assume everything cause some of them have minors in their bio. I got moots that’s my age and younger moots (oldest is 19). on top of that, I’ve met these niggas when I was 17, say it with me SEVENTEEN !
omg, crazy right ? I met them when I was a minor, that’s like so insane ! so if you do the math (correctly !), I’ve known these niggas for two years. I’m sorry that I have a strong ass friendship and I got folks who actually care about me 🤷🏽‍♀️ . meanwhile, yall are mdni blogs interacting with minors. hmm, but doesn’t mdni stand for MINORS do not interact ? or maybe I just miss a memo ?
small note, yall literally lack math, english, and comprehension skills if you think my friend, juice/mypimpademia, is 14-15. not only can yall not spell, yall don’t make sense either. if she had her blog for about 2-3 years and she’s 14, wouldn’t she be 11-12 writing on here ? oh, hm, that’s doesn’t seem right. y’all just be seeing minor and think it means 13-14, oh y’all do not know the definition of minors…..which means anyone BELOW the age of 18, 10+8, 9+9, 14+4. cmon now guys, I thought we were better than this !
speaking of them, yall stay talking about how I got high schoolers as friends yet be so mad that yall are blocked by these same minors 😹. niggas are so pressed about being blocked by these high schoolers, it’s sad ain’t gonna lie. now I ain’t they damn momma or their damn parent, so idgaf what they do and when they do it
also, to think I’m trying to disrespect someone talking is honestly so…wow ! y’all saying I’m correcting her aave when I use aave my own self, you can literally scroll and see it yourself but anyways ! not only that, say I grew up in a white neighborhood just cause I corrected her grammar ? not her aave, her grammar. maybe if she wasn’t being rude asf to the op, nobody wouldn’t say anything but hey 🤷🏽‍♀️.
not only that, aren’t you insinuating that only white folks can talk proper ? that they’re the only ones who can speak properly ? isn’t that pushing a stereotype to a black girl ? hmmm, says a lot about you as a writer, especially as black writer.
to the eren discourse, what’s to say atp ? y’all still gonna romanticize hood love and paint black love as violent and stereotypical as much as you can. yall gonna continue to slap eren as this fake black man and still gonna be blinded to your wrongdoings. y’all still gonna paint onyankapon as this stereotypical black man who ain’t shit, paint him as aggressive asf and only smoke weed. but hey if that floats your boat, it sure asf will sink mine !
in conclusion, I genuinely don’t care if black tumblr don’t fuck with me no more. imma still stand on what I said 😹, yall ain’t making change shit about what I said unless I said something out of line. some of yall did already but I digress !
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Hi Cas!!! It’s wedding anon. Real quick, CONGRATULATIONS! My partner and I are both young teachers, and I have to say, i’m SO happy for you. My fiancé moved schools after they treated them badly, and didn’t allow her to use Mx. instead of Ms. (which is really important to them). 
Idk if you’re still taking advice, and i’m from England so there’s definitely some differences, but I teach 11-16 yr olds and honestly?
I’ll always say the best thing to do is be on their side. If they get caught in a hallway, oh they’re on their way to me. If they’re uniform is wrong (idk if it’s non uni in the US but like, breaking uniform rules) then I already punished them and they can’t change it (jewellery wont come off/don’t have spare clothes). If they’re eating in classes, yeah i told them, i’ll talk to their teacher. 
Obviously you have to be careful with serious issues but the silly small rules really freak out the youngest years and really piss off the oldest years. As long as you have boundaries to how far you’ll help them, say for example, any kids can always come to my room and chill out- but if they make anyone uncomfortable they are not welcome back. 
Also at my school there’s big queues for lunch, but you can get an early lunch pass to skip it. There’s a kid in my tutor base (idk if you have those) whose friends all have early passes for dinner cause of a club. So I gave her one so she can eat with them and then come to my classroom and do her homework. 
Oh and try to not set group tasks with a fixed number of people. If you’re alright with it, all group activities go better when they’re with friends. Especially at that age. But not if you limit the number. “It’s supposed to be two, but i’ll allow three.” “Groups of four, yeah okay you guys can be a five.” As long as they DO the work, it’s easier for everyone. 
(And when they’re dicks, remember that they’re learning from their parents and the internet. It’s not their fault. I know you know that, but the most important thing at that age is more than one second chance. Cause they’re gonna be teal annoying basically all the time) 
ANYWAY- there’s a new development you WONT believe. 
Also, WOW, your mum tried to wear a wedding dress to YOUR wedding, damn you really get it then 😭
(Oh god I haven’t even begun to worry about what she’ll wear if she comes).
I feel like parents get a free hand at  being a dick more than others, but for good reason. My mum sacrificed so much for me, and grew up in a totally different way than I did. I don’t blame her for her attitude, but I’m getting a little sick of the guilt tripping.
I stopped going to church every weekend during university (once i moved out) about six years ago, and my mum DROVE UP to my dorm and sat me down and gave me a three hour speech about how she CANNOT STAND me not going to church cause then i’ll go to hell and she just wants me not to go to hell and why don’t I just go to church and pray to god so that she can know I won’t go to hell.
And not to get into a thing- but the reason i’m against being a christian is because of christian’s. Like it’s fine if you decide the way you live is what will get you into your heaven, but like- don’t act like everyone else you meet who also isn’t a devote christian is going to go straight to hell. In fact, trying to decide who does and does not go to hell feels incredibly not christian. 
Anyway, as you can see I have a complicated relationship with my mother and with religion. So I sat my mum down yesterday and told her that I want nothing more than her at my wedding, and that i’ll happily take whatever suggestions she has, but that where I get married has to be up to me and partner. I also tried to explain that we literally CANNOT marry in a catholic church due to their rules but she just yelled more about our queer marriage. 
At one point she said “since your wife is only half a women can’t she just become a man for your wedding” and then she had to sit through my own thirty minute speech about how to not devalue my partners identity… but like- can trans people marry in catholic church’s if they’re just a straight couple and the trans person just doesn’t tell anyone???? I feel their system is flawed. ANYWAY. 
She’s not coming. She won’t be at a wedding “facilitating the devil”… WE’RE GAY, by her standards just standing next to my partner is “facilitating the devil”.
I know her tones though, I think she’s gonna change her mind. 
So my dad hasn’t been around much of my life. He’s coming to the wedding only if my mum is. I don’t really care whether he’s there or not. I’ve already told him he’s not walking me down the aisle. He doesn’t give a shit (he never has). He’ll show up if my mum does, or not if she doesn’t. 
(It’s a long story but when I was in second year at university, I lost my campus dorm… and this annoying bartender guy took me in when I almost became homeless and cooked me food and stuff and like- he’s my dad now, i’m a found family girlie). 
ANYWAY. So yeah, but he’s also super catholic. So he, who doesn’t give a shit about ANYTHING, who never supported my mum, who laughed when I told him I was engaged cause he NEVER KNEW i’d been dating my partner… of five years. HE wants to find me a wedding venue. And this isn’t to be nice by the way, it’s to exert his power in any way he still can. 
And naively I had thought maybe he was being nice. BUT THAT PROVED NOT TRUE. Just… let me build up to saying this… 
So my sister has helped me find actual potential churches that would accept our marriage (“only if YOU want, don’t listen to mum”) and my dad has… are you ready… PUNCHED A FUCKING REVEREND. 
Yep you heard that right.
And NOT because he was homophobic. 
No no, they were ALREADY mocking me and partner, saying how funny it was that we were going to hell for BEING US. 
No, he punched our CHILDHOOD churches reverend (not the same person we had back then but still) because he has the audacity to call my dad a BAD father and husband for- everything (apparently my dad got to gossiping with him about cheating on my mum, and that time he hit me, and that time he smashed a beer bottle over my sisters cat).
You forget how psycho your family is when you’re away for so long (I know my sister forgot too) until your back. Around them again. 
But ANYWAY. He’s sort of invited. He’ll either come with my mum if she comes. Or not if she doesn’t. I don’t care if he’s there. Unless he punches someone again, i’ll probably never even notice him. 
The funny thing about all of this is, while yes a venue is one of the most important things, we’re not actually getting married until January 2026, that’s like a year and a half away (my partners always wanted a winter wedding cause they’re fucking adorable). 
Anyway, that’s the update. A year and a half until my wedding and my dads punching reverends and my mums yelling about the devil. 
I shouldn’t have invited them.
Hi hon!
Thank you so much for the advice, I really appreciate it. I'm definitely going to keep all of that in mind.
As far as your update- OH MY GOD
Well, I am SO proud of you for standing up to your mum. That's NOT easy. And your dad sounds...wow. But I'm glad your sister is being so supportive!
But I do want to say- I think you were right to invite them. And the reason is because if you chose not to invite them, you would never know if they would be supportive or not. You would be assuming the worst. But by inviting them, you're giving them the choice to be supportive, and you're assuming the best. Is it going to hurt if they don't show? Absolutely. But now you know that they chose to not be supportive. And that was them. Does that make sense?
But again, I am so proud of you for standing your ground and standing up to your parents. And for defending your partner when needed! You're amazing <3
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howaboutcastiel · 2 years
If!!! And only if!!!!! You feel like it!!! Could you maybe do hcs or a Drabble about one or 3 of the moon boys with a reader with ocd 👉🏻👈🏻 like she feels self conscious about the weird patterns/habits/aversions she has? Like she can’t scratch down their back during sex and can’t handle spit, or it takes forever to settle into bed because everything needs to feel right
I know you don’t have ocd so maybe this is just hard or weird to write but I often think about the issues my ocd is gonna cause in relationships
Hey babey!!! Happy Hanukkah ❤️
I know you sent a similar ask sooner, I’m sorry I haven’t completed it!!! I will try my bestest to make these HCs accurate, but you’re right that I do not have OCD and I’m sure there will be some inconsistency. Anywhomst…
Lunar Therapy (OCD)
Steven Grant:
Is absolutely not weirded out by strange habits. Hell, the man has so many odd habits of his own that he couldn’t dream of judging you for it. He will ask and try to understand which habits are borne from anxiety, so he knows how to help you through potentially dangerous/harmful compulsions.
He will do whatever he can to accommodate your habits so that you aren’t ever unable to complete your routines, and so that you never end up hurting yourself in the repetition. He also will check in regularly about how your obsessive thoughts are affecting you. He never wants you to hurt in silence.
About the sexy stuff, Steven never wants to ask something of you that you don’t enjoy. All he ever wants is to make you feel good!! (Of course it is, have you seen the man??) No spitting and scratching? No problem.
That being said, he’ll ask a million questions about what you ARE into, then proceed to check out a dozen library books and read a dozen more blogs or online resources about how to do those things to the best of his ability.
As for going to bed. Have you SEEN Steven’s nighttime routine? You’re not going to bother him. Whatever you need, he understands. He’ll buy you one of those fancy stiffness-adjusting beds if he thinks it will help.
Marc Spector
Is kind of scared at first because he feels like anything he does to try and help will only make you feel worse. He asks a million questions, just like Steven, but they’re more tip-toey questions because he wants to understand, but not overstep your boundaries.
He’s a very methodical person, so he’ll take inventory of everything you tell him so he can learn your behaviors. He has an almost formulaic way of interacting with you sometimes, but it’s because he desperately wants to be helpful and never a burden (plus autistic brain sometimes means black and white thinking, coming from experience).
He tries not to mention your compulsions at all unless you’re hurting yourself, or you express to him that you’re self-conscious about them. He thinks no differently of you, and he will tell you this, but he is over-protective and you know it and so does he.
As for sex? Whatever you say, goes. Marc won’t have the long conversation with you that Steven will, but if you tell him no spit, he’ll remember that forever and he won’t do it again. He’ll ask more questions DURING sex to make sure you’re into it, but you’ll never sit down to talk about all your do’s and don’ts.
He’s also willing to have sex whatever way you desire. Because he’s so, so dreadfully horny and touch-starved.
Marc sleeps like the dead. He doesn’t care if you toss and turn or need the room a certain temperature or anything like that. He hits the bed, he’s out like a light. With that said, whatever kind of blankets or mattress you prefer are what he’ll get.
Jake Lockley
Is weird. He’s a weirdo. Have you ever seen him without that stupid hat on? That’s WEIRD.
No seriously, he doesn’t care how strange you think you are. He knows he’s stranger. In fact, normalcy is more uncomfortable for him. He doesn’t want you hiding any of yourself from him, especially the parts that you think are strange.
When Jake loves, he loves completely. He doesn’t just “tolerate” or accept your weird habits as part of you, he LOVES them. He thinks about the peculiar things that you do and he’s charmed.
Like the other two, he’ll make sure that you don’t hurt yourself. Other than that, he treats your compulsions as a fact of life. He’ll even joke with you about them, if you’ll let him.
When it comes to sex, Jake builds your sex life around your comfort foremost. He enjoys sex from very kinky to very vanilla, so whatever is best for you is what he’ll base your intimacy on. He’ll have a big, long conversation about it just like Steven. Admittedly, it will be a much more cheeky conversation than Steven’s more professional one.
Jake will never, ever fall asleep before you. Sometimes, if you aren’t having a cuddle session, he might not even come to bed until he hears your breathing steady. He’s a protector, he’s formed a habit of watching you fall asleep.
So, maybe he’s distressed when you take a long time to go to sleep, but not because he’s bothered or tired. He just wants YOU to have a restful night. He’ll do whatever it takes to make sure it’s restful.
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midnighttheroies · 2 years
Helluva Boss Theory “Stolas, Stella, and Octavia Relationship”
before you read this blog, their will be mentions of abuse, and a very light mention of SA, so please keep that in mind before reading this
i wanted to dive into the relationship between the goetia’s, and how their relationship is now, and it will progress in the later seasons to come
What is their relationship dynamic now?
in childhood, octavia seemed to be very close with her dad, and so much her mom, yes she did call for her when she had a nightmare, but if you look at the background, you can see a drawing made by her, that’s is supposed to be her and her dad, and we see no other mention of stella at all
now in current time, she still seems to be more of a daddies girl, but their is a bit of strain between them due to stolas cheating 
(even though it’s rightfully deserved) 
and stella being a fucking bitch about it, but it looks like stolas is the one to always put octavia first, to listen to her, and to actually spend his time with her, even if he get’s distracted, he always makes it up to her, and not to mention is never-ending support, such as having interest like stylish occult, but he loves her regardless of who she is, and will forever love her
stella on the other hand, has yet to do and shown to do anything of these things, i am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt since the show just started season 2, but i think it’s worth mentioning that even when octavia is near, she doesn’t stop screaming and yelling at stolas, and then goes about her day, not once does she ever ask about octavia or even properly acknowledge her, in season 2 ep 1, stella referres to her as this “i’m glad one egg fell out of me”, she called her own daughter an egg while referring to how terrible stolas is in bed, 
(which btw, i would classify that was SA, nothing about that is consent at all), 
she calls her own daughter an egg, like she’s property to her, where as stolas refers to her as “girl”, like octavia is a person, not an object and in season 2 ep 2, when stolas and stella are arguing, and stella ask’s stolas if he’s turning Via against her, which is btw a very CLASSIC thing for a narcissistic mother to say, that’s all she ask’s when referring to via, not to ask if she’s okay, just that, basically, if whatever concerns her daughter ends up negativity effecting her, then she suddenly cares about her daughters existence
how will their dynamic change as the season progress
i think for stolas and octavia, their’s definitely going to be a-lot of issues that are gonna spring up that i think well hinder their relationship a bit, octavia doesn’t know her mother is abusive and that her happy family was just a facade stolas made up so she could have a normal life, but due to this, she doesn’t understand why her father cheated and does seem to hold some resentment towards him because she is now lead to believe that all the fighting and dysfunctional dynamic between her parents is due to the cheating, and while the affair did bring light to their unhappy arranged marriage, it wasn’t the cheating that ruined marriage, it was stella
i 100% believe that stella will try to manipulate octavia into resenting her dad, cause she knows how much octavia means to stolas and she likes to torment him for the hell of it, i also think she will very slowly start to become abusive towards octavia as well, especially when their both alone, but she’s going to be very smart on how she does it cause she is aware that stolas is more powerful then she is and would go fucking insane if anyone where to even touch his daughter
i can see octavia either slowly start to fall or it, but then eventually will see past through the manipulation and abuse, or completely have it clicked into her head what was happening behind their arranged marriage,
i defiantly do think when octavia finally learns the truth, she will feel very guilty and probably fall into a deep self-loathing state, because in her mind, it would translate to “my dad went through abuse all because of me, he had to pretend to be happy and let himself get abused because of me, my existence caused him pain”, and i defiantly think she’ll feel even more guilty cause this entire time, she was blaming her dad for how their family became, saying things like 
“i guess wanna go home, but home doesn’t even feel like home anymore, you ruined it” and “why does he hate her more then she loves me”
which we all know is not true all, he literally went through so much abuse from his shitty wife just to give octavia the childhood he never had, he loves her more then he hates stella, but octavia doesn’t know that yet
but luckily, stolas will be their to reasure her that he loves her and that her existence was the only thing that got him through that horrible time in his life, because it’s true, octavia was his only light during the abuse he had to endure, and i think that would also make via like blitz a little more, cause it’s no longer “my dad cheated on my mom with some random guy” it’s gonna be more “my dad found love in someone else and can actually be happy with him and does’t have to be with that abusive bitch anymore”
(though tbh, i think octavia would hate blitz for originally using her dad for the book, but overtime, will grow to like him, and loona can defiantly be a great support system for her, since she seems to have a good understanding on how abusive some parents can be, since she seemed to understand the situation that via is in) 
Isn’t it too early to call something out like this?
i’m gonna be honest, maybe it is, considering we haven’t seen how stella and octavia interact with each other, but considering how she is with stolas, and how much of a abusive narcissistic bitch she is, it wouldn’t surprise me if she only cared about octavia when it affected her too
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babvblue · 1 year
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@oretscvs​ sent ⤿ anotha one for jesse :) 🧱 😱 🤝🏆💀👗😍
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🧱 : how would you describe your muses’ morality? what are their core values?
i’m gonna use the alignments again to explain this bc he is very much chaotic neutral . he truly just does whatever the hell he wants the majority of the time no matter if it’s ... legal or not .. so you could say that his morals are loose . he’s not a raging asshole that doesn’t care about anyone bc he does care but it’s with select people & if you’re not one of those select people ... rip to you i guess ? it’s truly just a case by case kinda situation with him . so it’s probably not that surprising that his core values are likely autonomy, honesty & courage . the only value that makes him a little closer to chaotic good on the neutral scale is he very much values loyalty .
😱 : does your muse have any specific fears? where did those fears come from?
uhh .. committing ?  no but seriously . he’s scared of truly committing to someone romantically . & he’ll say it’s bc he doesn’t like being tied down & wants to able to do what he wants with his life the way he wants to do it , so he has flings/situationships rather than relationships . & though he use to not tell the girls he was with it would never be anything serious , he’s at least matured enough to tell them straight out , right from the beginning , that he doesn’t want anything serious now . but the truth is that he’s really just worried of committing to someone & ends up fucking it up & ending up like his father just...leaving . & the cause is , yeah you guessed it , daddy issues <3 
🤝 : how does your muse approach intimacy? are they hesitant, or do they like it? what types of intimacy do they like and dislike? (ex. physical intimacy, sexual intimacy, emotional intimacy, etc.)
he’s a big physical & sexual intimacy man , it’s truly just what the majority of his flings/situationships have ever been because it’s what is easiest for him . he’s honestly never had any kind of emotional intimacy with anyone , at least when it comes to his romantic relationships , bc that’s scary territory for him . being open with his feelings , like his deep inner feelings , & being there for someone in that way opens him up to possibly falling in love & he’s not about that life !! ( he is but he’s a fucking punk as bitch )
🏆 : is your muse multitalented? what are their hobbies, and why did they pick up these hobbies? if they don’t have hobbies, why don’t they?
there was a moment when he was on the ( american ) football team at school & he didn’t hate it ... he was fairly decent . but then he punched some kid that was talking shit on the field so was kicked off the team & then he dropped out of school at 16 so that was about as far as his football career went !! but it’s okay bc his main interests are cars & mechanics . he’s always enjoyed that you can pull them apart , see what’s broken , & piece them back together . but he didn’t really get to explore that until he made an agreement with his mum that he could drop out as long as he took up the offer of a mechanics apprenticeship with matteo at his garage & marina .  but apart from that he does enjoy the odd video game to help him ‘wind down.’
🐱 : does your muse have pets? did they have pets as a child? how do they feel about animals?
he has a sable german shepherd called rae ( named after the rally driver colin mcrae ) that he got a few years after the two he grew up with died & he’d moved out of home into a place of his own . largely bc he missed having an animal about bc he is very much an animal lover . definitley leans more towards dogs than cats but he still likes cats . but because of his rally driving , he’s gone sometimes for stretches of time , so even though he hates leaving rae behind ( he has taken him a few times with him if the races are near-ish ) rae usually stays with his mum or frankie & matteo .
👗 : what is your muse’s fashion sense like? are they able to dress the way they want to? what would they wear in an ideal world?
he looks like he could be a blue collared working man from the 80s . you know , denim ... denim ... & more denim with white t-shirts . think bruce springsteen in the 80s , the 80s footloose , the outsiders , ray from panic .... a red flag walking !! so he is definitley able to dress the way he wants to .
🎵 : is there a specific song or songs you associate with your muse? 
danger zone by kenny loggins  triggered by chase atlantic  long way off by sam fender hollywood's bleeding by post malone heaven by amy allen
🧸 : does your muse keep anything sentimental? if so, what do they keep and why?
you could argue that his car is sentimental since matteo gifted it to him & it serves as a reminder of how much matteo put on the line for him by giving him a chance at actually having a Life that isn’t in a jail cell .  but other than that, he has a little collection of trinkets he buys from each town/city/soon to be country he goes to with his racing that are scattered all throughout his place as a reminder of where he’s been.  he also has a small glass bottle filled with coloured wood & metal charms that was given to him by the delgados before he did his first official rally race for good luck & he’s never gone to a race without it & so far he’s come out the other side of each race alive & in one piece . it goes hand in hand with his mum’s caduceus necklace that she gave him when he was 16 & going through the roughest patch so it serves as yet another symbol of what his mum has done for him . it also just serves as a reminder of her in general bc she is an er nurse at the nearest hospital & he is in fact a mummy’s boy <3
😍 : does your muse believe in true love? why or why not?
he does not !! largely because he’s been given no reason to believe that true love really exists . he doesn’t believe that there is 1 person out there that is meant for you & there is only 1 person that can be your true love . he believes that it’s all based in circumstances & timing & anyone , no matter who they are , that comes into your life at the right time or during the right circumstances can end up being what someone might call a true love . 
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simmerdowndee · 4 months
windenburg years episode five part three
Theo and I are getting ready to have lunch with his mom and dad. As I was making lunch, I got a call from the cake shop. They called and asked why I decided to cancel our order. I’m confused, because I didn’t cancel anything. That is where we are getting the cake.
Dakota: Babe, did you speak with the cake shop about canceling the cake?
Theo: No?
Juniper: Oh Dakota! I meant to tell you; I called them.
Why would she call them?
Juniper: I found a cake company here that was so much cheaper and had better flavors, so I canceled your initial one. We can all go cake tasting together. It will be much easier on Theo’s pockets.
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Has she lost her fucking mind?
Theo: Why would you do that?  
Dakota: Yeah, please. Enlighten us?
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Juniper: I just figured since Theo seems to be paying for it all, I could help him out with finding less expensive alternatives….
Dakota: If Theo had an issue with the price, he would say something.
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Juniper: Oh, c’mon Dakota, he lets you get whatever you want regardless. You’re quite spoiled…
It’s his mom. I have to be calm. I cannot blow up. I cannot blow up.
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Dakota: No disrespect Mrs.’s Grove, but you are overstepping at this point.
Dakota: This is Theo and I’s wedding. You do not get to make decisions like that without telling us. Hell, you don’t get to make decisions about MY WEDDING.
Juniper: What was the point of inviting me to help if I couldn’t make changes?
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Dakota: Exactly, you are here to HELP. This is not your wedding.
Theo: Lets all calm down a bit.
Dakota: No, I won’t calm down. Your mom for the last two days has had an issue with EVERYTHING that’s been decided. Once again, THIS IS NOT YOUR WEDDING!
Juniper: See, spoiled.
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Theo: Mom, that’s enough.
Dakota: I’m not even fucking hungry anymore. I’m going to take a nap.
Theo: Babe wait….
Where the hell does she get off thinking she has any kind of say so at a wedding that has nothing to do with her? Also, I’m spoiled now? Theo has never been forced to buy me anything he didn’t want to. Is this Theo saying this? Cause I’ll let his ass have it too. I’m going to go take a nap to calm down….
I nap for about an hour and Theo comes in and wakes me up. His mom and dad left once they finished eating lunch (without me).
Theo: You should eat something. You didn’t have lunch with us.
Dakota: Oh, you went ahead and had lunch with them. Cool.
Theo: I mean I didn’t want to waste the food. You spent all morning preparing it….
Theo: C’mon babe, you know I would have preferred to eat lunch with you.
Dakota: I’m not hungry….
Theo: Babe….
Dakota: I’m gonna go call the cake place back and tell them I want my original cake.
Theo: I already took care of it.
Theo: I also talked to my mom and told her she was wrong for what she did/said. She wanted to wait for you to wake up and apologize, but I told her to let you cool off.
Dakota: Theo, be honest with me. Is this wedding too expensive? You mentioned once before that it was expensive and then your mom seems to also think you’re spending too much…
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Dakota: I can ask my parents to help with my dress…
Dakota: Or we can just scrap the wedding and elope.
Theo: Yes, it is expensive.
Dakota: Ok-
Theo: But I never had an issue with it. I want you to have the wedding that you want.
Dakota: Do you think I’m spoiled? Is that coming from you?
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Theo: No baby, I’ve never said that. I truly don’t know where that came from.
Theo: I’ll be honest with you; I think my mom is trying to take over because she never got her own wedding.
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Dakota: What do you mean?
Theo: My grandparents didn’t approve of her marrying my father, because... well… me.
Dakota: You?
Theo: My mom had me before she got married.
Dakota: Well, that explains some of her “eagerness.”
Theo: Still doesn’t make what she said or did right.
Theo: I’m sorry.
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Dakota: You don’t have to apologize to me.
Theo: C’mon, let me make you something to eat.
Dakota: You sure? Makes me seem kind of spoiled….
Theo: Bring your ass out here and eat.
It makes sense now why she was so quick to want to make changes, however it’s not my fault nor Theo’s that she didn’t get a wedding. I feel for her in the sense of her parents not accepting her marriage but at the same time, you cannot take over my wedding to make up for it….
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