rubbish78 · 1 year
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Gerard Way‘s little dance moves from The Black Parade Is Dead! 2007 (x)
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elusiveclownbox · 9 months
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some ghoulette gifs (feat. rain and phantom) i made from my ritual videos •v•
because i love them,,,,very much
might make a Papa and ghoul one later papa and ghoul one here!
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the-mother-of-lions · 5 months
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bitch i'm back like j christ
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chaocollective · 2 months
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suchawrathfullamb · 4 days
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what book is this?
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dosomethingbabe · 6 months
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THE MAN Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour (2023)
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ghcstcd · 17 hours
light hearted dewdrop and ghoul sketches?
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bottle-of-allay · 9 days
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You've got mail!
Hermit-a-day May #26 groups and collabs (post office crew!)
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minasvalentine · 9 months
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don’t mind him he‘s doing a little dancy dance
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callmebabygirll0 · 1 year
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birthday girl🎀
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captainmartin20 · 8 days
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waffulaa · 8 months
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VOCALOID Luo Tianyi - Time to Shine MV (Beijing Olympics 2022)
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ssaseaprince · 8 months
I'm going to say something controversial that I hate, but is completely true.
Will and Abigail barely knew each other. Their relationship was born solely out of a trauma bond, not any kind of love or substance. The obsession Will has towards her does not correlate with how weak of relationship they actually have. If Abigail saw anyone as a father figure, it would've been Hannibal because she barely knew Will. Will loved Abigail because she was such an important tool in his becoming. He didn't love her because he loved how passionate she was about dance, or how smart she was, how amazing her humour was, or how witty and sarcastic she was, or any of the things that made her who she was. He loved her for her darkness, and that's all he knew about her. Will's level of obsession with her did not match the depth of their relationship, and he did not love Abigail for the girl that she was, he loved her as a killer that complimented his own darkness. And I think it's sad that nobody ever truly loved Abigail for who she was fully.
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bigfootsmom · 1 year
Slow dancing for the soft prompts?
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“C’mon, up you get.”
Eddie’s voice cuts through the gentle hiss of rain against the windows and the soft staticky music leaking from the small radio perched next to the fridge. 
Buck lifts his head from where it had been resting on his folded arms, blearily searching the now dark kitchen for his husband. He can feel the beginnings of a headache pounding in his temples and his mouth feels like he swallowed sand. 
“Wha– what time is it?” Buck asks, throat clicking as he tries to rewet his mouth. 
Scrubbing his hands over his face, Buck twists in his kitchen chair to look at the clock hanging on the wall. It takes him a moment to read the small numbers, but when he does finally manage it he’s surprised to see how late it is. He had planned to already have dinner ready, but the remnants of half completed prep is strewn around the countertops. Halfway through preparing the food, Buck had to sit down at the kitchen table — the ache in his leg becoming too persistent to ignore.  
“It’s time for you to go to bed,” Eddie hums, smoothing a warm palm across Buck's shoulders. Buck leans into the contact, shifting toward Eddie’s warmth like a sunflower seeking the sun. 
“Mm— not tired,” Buck mumbles, tilting his head up for a kiss. 
Eddie complies with the request, easily planting one against Buck’s lips before asking, “oh really? Why were you sleeping on the table then?” 
Buck sags, knee and hip twinging as if to remind him why. “I was just resting.” 
Calloused fingers card through his probably wildly unkempt curls, and Buck finds him sinking more and more against the solid warmth of Eddie pressed against him. Just when he thinks he could actually nod off like this, Eddie breaks the silence. 
“Is your leg bothering you?” 
Biting his lip, Buck sighs as he spins his wedding band around his finger. The warm metal glints in the lowlight of the hall light filtering into the kitchen. There are more days than not that his leg ends up bothering him. But that’s to be expected when he had fallen through the floor of a burning warehouse and landed on his previously crushed leg. Today is just particularly bad. 
Buck had known it was coming, had woken up with the telltale stiffness in his joints. But he had ignored it, not bothering to do any of the stretches his PT had taught him, hoping to muscle through like he used to be able to do. He knows that was stupid of him. There’s a small curl of embarrassment settling in his belly, and he debates not telling Eddie. He doesn’t even have a good reason he can provide for why he didn’t do anything. Not one he can articulate at least. 
In the end, he decides he doesn’t like lying to Eddie, even by omission. “Yeah, it is.” 
“Did you do your stretches?” 
Buck’s silence is answer enough and Eddie nods to himself. “Okay, c’mere.” 
Eddie gets a big hand wrapped around Buck’s bicep and helps him stand from the kitchen chair. Buck goes willingly, letting Eddie pull him up and into his arms. 
At first, he thinks they’re just embracing, and he’s not complaining about it, soaking up all the heat radiating off of his husband. Then Eddie starts rearranging Buck’s arms, getting them loosely looped around his neck before Eddie’s palms slide to Buck’s waist, holding him gently. 
The music coming from the radio is low, too low for Buck to identify the song that’s playing. But he can hear enough to realize that Eddie is moving them in a slow shuffling rhythm around the kitchen that matches the staticky rhythm humming through tinny speakers. 
“Babe, what are you doing?” 
“Dancing— we’re dancing,” Eddie replies, swaying their bodies together as they rock side to side. 
Buck shoots Eddie an incredulous look, but he just leans forward and kisses it off Buck’s face. “We can do your stretches instead, if you would like?” 
With a laugh, Buck shakes his head fondly. “You’re ridiculous,” he mutters, but continues to follow Eddie’s lead, letting himself be slowly spun around the kitchen. 
It helps. The ache doesn’t leave him entirely, but the stiffness slowly bleeds from his joints — the slow gentle movements of their “dancing” and the warmth of Eddie helping to ease the persistent discomfort. 
Gradually, Buck finds himself relaxing, allowing more of his weight to settle on his husband. Eddie accepts it gracefully, a pillar of strength against Buck. 
“There you go, baby,” Eddie murmurs, pressing a kiss to Buck’s temple. 
Tucking his head into the hollow of Eddie’s throat, Buck sighs out, “thank you.” 
“Always,” Eddie says as if it’s just that easy. 
Maybe it is. 
send me a soft prompt and I'll write a little something!
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mythtiide · 2 months
I challenge you to draw Falke in a suit and Adler in a wedding dress
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marrige win!!! 💐
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murderfathers · 5 months
just saw a tiktok post of hannibal with these quotes and somethin stupid by frank sinatra and now im shedding tears , happy first day of 2024
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by oxrpheus on tt
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