bekala · 2 months
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An AU of an AU. Alternate Orders
She’d expected to be dealing with a version of Bucky with three years of life as a prisoner of war under his belt, but this version seemed to think the Howling Commandos were going to come barreling through the door any moment. “What year is it?” Darcy asked slowly, a suspicion starting to form. “What the hell kind of question is that?” Bucky asked. “Worst interrogation I’ve ever been a part of.” “Humor me, soldier,” Darcy said. “1945.” “Shit,” Darcy muttered. “The power surge—” The team doesn’t arrive on time, and Darcy and Bucky go through with the wipe, using the chair to remove all the Hydra programming and Bucky’s memories, but an unexpected power surge mid-process throws a wrench in their plans. Now they’re still on the run, this time with a whole new set of complications. 
Picks up immediately following chapter 21 of Order of Operations
Rated: E mind the tags
First 3 chapters are up.
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noprobllama92 · 9 months
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chapters: 1/1
words: 7,868
fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Marvel Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
rating: Explicit
warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Darcy Lewis
characters: James “Bucky” Barnes, Darcy Lewis, Jane Foster
additional tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Tony Stark is Darcy Lewis’s Parent, Mutual Pining, Post-Movie: Captain America: Civil War, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Darcy Lewis is Tony Stark’s Daughter, Snark, Kissing Booths
summary: Darcy’s not happy with her role at the Avenger’s charity carnival, but a certain super-soldier makes it all worth it in the end.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 6 months
Summary: One thing Steve should have learned when it came to Darcy Lewis, never give her ideas because she won’t ever let them go. After Pepper’s baby-shower Darcy finds Steve in the kitchen trying to get drunk, who would have ever thought that the conversation that would come would lead to her pregnant with Captain America’s baby? Not Darcy, and certainly not Steve.
Author: @rhiannon-a-christy
Note from submitter: I know the summary makes it sound like a one night stand and unplanned pregnancy is about to happen, but what actually happens is a convo about them both wanting kids but thinking it's never gonna happen for them, and deciding to work out the logistics of doing fertility treatments together to have a baby they'd co-parent as friends (but then as they plan all this, they do fall in love along the way and it's very sweet).
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readingisloving · 6 months
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Welp, Darcy has seen some shit in her time but even she had to admit time travel is new. Aaaaaand entirely unwelcome. She's a good and proper millennial and she goddamn acts like it! Out of everyone in this universe, why was it her?! Or Ian's goddamn, no good, dirty, rotten machine hurls Darcy back in time. In Utah. Oh, he also turned into dust right before she left so she's got a feeling no one is going to be looking for her. What's a girl to do but try to blend in and make a new life?
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What Souls Are Made Of (Bucky Barnes/Darcy Lewis Soulmate AU)
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A/N: Not betta’d, not proof read. 
Soulmate Identifying Marks: the first words your soulmate speaks to you are tattooed on your skin. 
Darcy frequented coffee shops almost every day. She always ordered an iced coffee, no matter the weather. In the 100 degree New Mexico heat or in the middle of a New York blizzard, never did she order a hot coffee. The reason for this quirk of hers? She didn’t want to scald her soulmate when she inevitably spilt coffee on them.  Her soulmark, black script under her left clavicle, written with a penmanship that Darcy was awed over were the words “It’s okay Sweetheart, I didn’t like this suit anyways.” She wasn’t one hundred percent sure that she’d meet her soulmate at a coffee shop, but that was the only logical explanation for how Darcy would ruin someone’s outfit, so she kept her fingers crossed and set aside an astronomical coffee allowance each month. When Darcy moved into the tower, Jane always teased her for bothering to walk the six blocks to the nearest coffee shop when Avengers Tower had it’s own coffee place only a few floors below them. She just always stuck out her tongue out at her best friend/boss on the way out the door.  
Bucky didn’t have a soulmate back in the 40s. He was a blank, just like Steve, it was one of the reasons he and the punk bonded the way they did; they only had each other.  Throughout his time as The Asset, he couldn’t remember ever realizing he had a mark. When your brain is being frozen and thawed over and over, memories turn into a haze of confusion. When he finally had come back to himself, falling from the Triskelion he filed it away for later, not wanting to think about the fact that he had a soulmate. Finally when his running was over, when he had obliterated every hidden Hydra base he had memory of, he found a safe house in the middle of nowhere and tried to put the pieces of his soul back together. His soulmark scared him, it rocked him to his core. Their placement wasn’t lost on him, words scrawled down his right forearm, his dominant hand, the hand he always shot with “You’re covered in blood”. He was terrified that somehow Hydra would find him, turn him back into their weapon, that the Soldier would meet his mate first, and he had no doubt of what the Soldier would do. Their inky black letters were the only reassurance Bucky had that he hadn’t already met them. That his soulmate was out there somewhere, alive and well. He prayed to a god he didn’t believe in, hoping he’d never meet them. 
Bucky hated going to his therapy sessions, he hated having to go meet with a government appointed shrink who he knew was more worried about cataloging every detail about his time with Hydra than they were helping him heal. But it was a requirement of his freedom, that he meet with a shrink once a month, to prove he was making progress, that he was no longer the monster he once was. He scoffed sardonically at the thought, he knew better. He would always be the monster they made him, it was always lurking in the back of his mind, waiting. But he pretended, he put on the black suit in his closet, showed up and told them what they wanted to hear, that he was cured, no longer the weapon he had been, trying to believe the lies himself. This day was no different, he was leaving Dr. Adam’s office blocks away from the tower and trying to calm himself. He counted to 10, breathing in and out slowly, trying to make the anger boiling up in him subside. He was tired of jumping through hoops, putting on the stupid government monkey suit, sitting through an interrogation every month. He still wasn’t free, not really, he had just traded one handler for another, no matter how Dr. Adams had tried to spin it. His head was spinning, he had to get away from the crowds and the noise on the street. He ducked into an alley, one he often used it to cut through to Stark’s gaudy building, ripping off his suit jacket and loosening his tie. He couldn’t breathe, he was suffocating. He started muttering to himself, repeating the grounding words Sam had taught him over and over again like a mantra. Bucky finally came back to himself, not knowing how much time had passed. His panic attacks always felt like they went on forever but usually they only lasted for a few minutes. They became shorter the more he used the techniques Sam had been teaching him. He ran his flesh hand over his face, wiping away the sheen of sweat that had appeared. Taking a deep breath he grabbed his phone out of his back pocket, glancing at the time, 2:08, he was late. He and Steve had planned to meet in the gym at 2:00. Working out and talking things out with Steve always helped after his therapy sessions. He cursed unlocking his phone to shoot Steve a text letting him know he was okay just running behind, when he heard a scream. 
Darcy knew a petite woman probably shouldn’t be cutting through alleys alone by themselves in New York City. It didn’t matter that it was the middle of the afternoon, nothing ever good happened in dark alleyways, even in downtown Manhattan. But she was running late, her favorite coffee place always closed at 2:30 for the afternoon, reopening around 5:00 pm for the after work crowd. She normally wouldn’t have cut it so close, but she and Jane had to catch a flight to New Mexico at 4:30, planning to observe a meteor shower in the middle of the desert, and she couldn’t miss it. According to Jane this shower only occurred once every 200 years, so she knew that if she was late Jane would kill her. Any sane person would just skip their coffee run, shrugging it off and go back tomorrow, but Darcy was not sane. What if today was the day she’d meet them? What if she didn’t go today and that was when fate had decided that it was time, and if she missed them what if she never got another chance? Meeting your soulmate was never a guarantee and Darcy was not taking any chances. So she prayed to Thor, shooting up a glance at the sky hoping Heimdall was watching and ducked into the alley. 
Darcy wasn’t stupid, she kept her head on a swivel, she was halfway through the alley. It was long, cutting her commute by two blocks but she had never had any issues before so she hoped she wouldn’t today.  She spotted the man sitting at the bottom of the fire escape before he saw her. He had a bottle of liquor in his hand, muttering to himself and then taking a deep swig from the bottle. She debated turning back, but something was nagging her to keep going. She stood up straighter, digging her hand into her messenger bag. She admonished herself when she realized in her haste leaving the lab that she had forgotten to make sure she had her taser. That would be the last time she let Stark tinker with her toys, her science bro hadn’t put it back in her bag like she had asked him to. But Darcy wouldn’t let herself panic, nothing had happened, she would just confidently walk past the man and be on her way. She suppressed her cringe when he noticed her walk by and catcalled her. She ignored him, head held high and increased her pace minutely. 
“I was talking to you, bitch!” The man yelled, getting up from the fire escape. 
Darcy knew she should’ve just kept walking, ignoring her indignation and keep her mouth shut, that would be the smart thing to do; but Darcy never considered herself smart. 
She turned back, outraged at the audacity at this man. “And I was ignoring you, bitch!”
“The fuck you just say to me?” The man yelled walking towards her before bracing himself on the railing of the fire escape, clearly drunk. 
“You heard me.” She said, turning and storming off, muttering about sexist repugnant assholes and their lack of respect. It was then when she was shoved from behind, slamming into the brick wall on her left. She let out a shout, she hadn’t heard the man come up behind her. She turned, laying a solid right hook into her assailant, she had been aiming for his jaw but she had underestimated how tall he was. The punch landed on his shoulder, making the man stagger back but it didn’t give her the advantage she needed. 
She was shoved again hard against the brick, her head slamming back into the brick with a crack. The man was right on top of her, pressing her against the wall. 
“You should watch your mouth Bitch. Wouldn’t want to piss off the wrong guy, never know what might happen. .” He sneered, pressing something cold into her abdomen, if she had to bet it was the end of a gun. 
She wanted to scream, to panic, to blindly lash out at her attacker but a voice sounding strangely like a certain red headed Russian she knew told her to be calm, to take stock of her position, analyze what assets she had to her advantage. Her arms weren’t pinned to her sides but there wasn’t anything within arms reach. She knew she didn’t have the strength to fight him off outright, so she decided that running was her only option. If she could get in a good strike or two and  then run, she should be able to escape and get help. She’d have to take him by surprise, but she could do it. 
“You’re right.” She spoke softly, slowly raising her hands to her sides in surrender. 
The man smiled “damn right, pretty girl like you shouldn’t talk like that, especially to a man.” He raised one hand to her face. 
Darcy tried not to flinch away, focusing on how the movement exposed his face to her. Now was her chance. Natasha always told her that the eyes were a weakness, that when cornered she should use any weakness her attacker had to her advantage. So she struck, using her sharp nails to her advantage, gouging at her assailants eyes. He screamed, automatically reaching up to protect his eyes. The sudden movement made her vision swim, she definitely had a concussion. She shoved him then, trying to get him off of her enough so she could escape but his weight mixed with her incoordination from her head injury made it so he didn’t move very much. He pushed her against the wall again, and Darcy fought, panic finally taking over. She kicked out blindly, hoping to knock him off balance so she could escape. 
She heard the gun go off before she registered the pain in her side. She slid down the wall, hands automatically going to where the bullet had lodge in her stomach. She watched her attacker run away, having enough energy to push the panic button hidden on her necklace as her vision grew black. 
Bucky was running before he realized it, he was so focused on the man running out of the alley that he almost ran past her. She was slumped against the brick wall, one hand clutching her side, the other holding on a pendant around her neck. She seemed vaguely familiar but he was unsure where he had seen her before, if he actually knew her or if she was just a random face in the crowd. He shook his head, as if he could shake the feeling that he knew the woman bleeding in front of him. He knelt, laying her body flat, leaning over her to check for a pulse. She was breathing thankfully. He placed pressure on the wound with his metal hand and grabbed his phone out of his pocket with the other, dialing Steve and putting the phone up to his ear before applying pressure with the other hand. 
“Buck you’re—.” Steve answered but Bucky cut him off. 
“Track my location, I need medical, one civilian, gunshot wound to the lower left abdomen, I’m not far from the tower. 
Steve was gone, the voice of the Captain replacing him “Okay Bucky, they’re on the way, I’m headed your way too, ETA 2 minutes.” 
Bucky straightened his head where it had been cradling the phone, letting it fall to the ground. He didn’t know the woman bleeding underneath him, but he would save her, he needed to save her. 
An extreme jolt of pain brought Darcy back to consciousness. She moaned and opened her eyes, squinting against the sunlight. There was a man above her, she panicked momentarily before she realized it wasn’t the same man that attacked her. He was on the phone, she heard him talking frantically, calling someone for help. She studied the man before her, the figure was blurry but she could make out some of his features. He was handsome, striking blue eyes and beautiful brown hair that was tied back into a man bun. She didn’t normally like longer hair on men but he pulled it off. His hair style was a contrast against his outfit, he was wearing black pants and a white button-down shirt. It was a shame he was covered in blood, why was he bleeding?
“You’re covered in blood.” Darcy spoke, raising a weak hand to poke the man on the chest. Another wave of pain radiated from her side and that’s when she looked down, noticing the man had both hands pressed to her side. She frowned then, she was bleeding, why was she bleeding? She ruined this man’s nice outfit. Tears sprang to her eyes then, she hadn’t meant to ruin his suit. A part of her knew that the last thing she should be worried about was this man’s clothes, she was literally bleeding to death, but the blood loss was getting to her and clearly making her brain a little insane. 
“I ruined you outfit.” She said as she ran her hand down the mans front, as if she could wipe away the blood. 
““It’s okay Sweetheart, I didn’t like this suit anyways.” The man replied in a soothing tone. She hummed and blinked hard, trying to fight off the darkness. He had a nice voice, she thought as the world around her started to fade. It was warm and she was so very cold. 
Bucky was counting the seconds that went by since he talked to Steve. Two minutes, who knew 120 seconds could go by so slowly. At 51 seconds he pressed harder on the woman’s side, hoping he wasn’t pressing too hard but the blood was seeping past his palms. He heard the woman groan then, the excessive pressure and pain rousing her from her unconscious state. She was frowning up at him, a confused look painted on her face. She licked her lips and Bucky tried not to notice how nice her lips were, or that they were painted the same color of the warm liquid leaking between his fingers. His eyes were torn away from her face and to his chest where her small hand nudged his chest. 
“You’re covered in blood” she spoke, the words sounding as if she was confused as to why that was. 
Bucky inhaled sharply, her words setting off alarm bells in his mind. This injured woman bleeding out beneath him was his soulmate. She was his, and she was dying. He leaned on his army training to keep his fear at bay. His panic would not help either one of them, and he would help her, she would not die today, he wouldn’t allow it. He was roused from his thoughts as her her hand traveled the length of his chest. 
“I ruined your outfit.” 
She was crying, tears silently falling from the biggest blue eyes Bucky had ever seen. She was scared, he could see it in those aegean eyes. She was scared and yet here she was worried about how her blood had ruined his suit. 
“It’s okay Sweetheart, I didn’t like this suit anyways.” he spoke in what he hoped was a soothing voice. He wanted to ease her worries, if she only knew how much he hated this suit. He hated it even more now that it was covered in his soulmates blood. She smiled up at him as her eyes began to close again. 
“Come on doll, you gotta stay awake okay? Help is coming.” Bucky urged her. He wanted to pat her face, to rouse her but he could’t remove his hands from the oozing wound. How many seconds had It been? Surely it had been two minutes. The panic was setting in, this wasn’t what Bucky had planned, this wasn’t how their meeting was supposed to go. 
“Please, please doll, just stay with me. Stay with me, please, please.” That’s how Steve found him, begging his soulmate to stay with him. Bucky didn’t even realize help had arrived until he was being shoved aside by Stark’s medics. Steve had to forcibly drag him from his soulmates side. 
“Buck, they got her. They’re helping her, she’s gonna be okay Bucky.” His best friend was in front of him now, grasping his shoulders shaking him. “You okay Buck?” Steve questioned, concern lacing his voice. 
“It’s her Steve. It’s her and she lost so much blood and I couldn’t—” Bucky choked on the words “—I couldn’t stop the bleeding. She wasn’t supposed to be the one bleeding. It wasn’t supposed to be hers.” It was then that Bucky felt the tears, tracks of wetness falling down his cheeks. He went to wipe them away but stopped short, catching the sight of his soulmates blood on his hands. 
The sound of Iron Man’s repulsors drew both he and Steve’s attention. “Where is Darcy? She activated her panic button.” Stark questioned anxiously. 
“Who?” Steve questioned as Bucky pointed towards the medical team.
“Darcy!” Tony rushed over to the woman surrounded by medics. “I have a medical team ready back at the tower, she stable enough to be moved?” Stark asked worriedly 
“Times not on her side, sir. We were able to temporarily cauterize the bleed but it’s not a permanent fix, any jostle and the bleeding will start back up. She’s lost a lot of blood.” 
“FRIDAY notify medical, we’re gonna need an OR right now. I’m bringing Darcy in through the the Penthouse.You guys get her ready to move, I’m taking her back, quickest way to get her to medical.” Tony demanded turning back to face Bucky and Steve. 
“Did you do this? Did you lose control? If you hurt her, I’ll kill you.” Tony pointed accusingly towards Bucky his voice laced with malice. 
Steve opened his mouth to object at Stark’s accusations but Bucky spoke up first. Unsurprisingly Stark had suspected he was behind the bloodshed. He knew what it looked like and he knew what Tony thought of him. “I was at the opposite end of the alley, heard her scream, came running. The person who attacked her ran, couldn’t chase after him and keep her from bleeding out. Don’t know what he looked like. Tell the doctor’s she’s got a head injury, she wasn’t making much sense when she was awake.” 
Stark nodded once in comprehension, not even apologizing for his assumptions before he turned, bundled the brunette in his arms and took off. 
“Steve, please, I gotta…” Bucky’s voice trailed off, turning back towards the tower. 
“I know Buck, go. I’ll meet you in medical once we’re done here.” 
Bucky took off running, sprinting as fast as he could, his thoughts racing faster than his feet. Darcy…his soulmates name is Darcy. His soulmate was Darcy and she would live. She must live. 
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wheredafandomat · 2 years
Dr. Laufeyson
Chapter 4 ~ Rekindled
Warnings etc: Loki x female reader au where Lokis a therapist, therapy, flashbacks, smut?, swearing, mentions of past trauma later in the fic including abuse both physically and sexually - not explicit detail, 18+. PLEASE tell me if I ever leave anything out x
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Arriving home, Loki put his bag down before looking at himself in the mirror in his hallway. He ran his fingers over the frame of his glasses before a small smile pulled at his lips. After you had tightened them, he found himself not needing to readjust them on his face. He found himself wanting to leave them on remembering your concentrated expression as you altered them. Leaving them on, he walked over towards the kitchen before pulling out a few ingredients including some chicken that he left out to thaw whilst he showered and changed. Once he was back, he played some music whilst he quickly whipped up a stir fry. Settling down, he ate that as well as a glass of wine. This was him unwinding.
Once he was finished, he loaded his dishwasher before his phone rang. Picking it up, he saw her name flash over his screen. He found his face heating up, not knowing what he’d say. He hadn’t spoken to her in what felt like forever and he wasn’t sure what he’d say or if there was even anything more that needed to be said. Before the phone rang out, he quickly answered it, running a hand through his hair as if she could see him.
“Hello.” He answered evenly, feigning nonchalance.
“Can we talk?” She asked.
“Yes.” He nodded, again as if she could actually see him.
“I’ll come to yours?” She offered.
“I’ll see you soon then.” He spoke before ending the call.
Loki waited eagerly for her to arrive. It felt like forever since he had a guest let alone one he had shared a past with. About an hour later, he heard the doorbell ring, she had arrived.
Bucky dropped you to the garage to pick your car up before driving behind you as you drove back home. You spent the rest of the day getting ready for the night ahead. Your parents, although estranged, still hosted the best galas which they always extended an invitation to you for. You had asked Bucky to come along with you with the promise of a free bar and an insight to how the supposed elite lived. He agreed, even renting a tux to wear. You wore the dress your mother had sent you along with a hand written note from Donatella herself. Shimmying into the dress, you already wished for the night to be over.
You and Bucky made your own way towards the mansion where the gala was being held. Your car was valeted whilst you both walked inside instantly being hit with the scent of expensive perfume and champagne. You grimaced when you caught eyes with your mother who smiled at you from across the room. How she was able to see you was a mystery. Deciding you’d ignore her presence completely, you dragged Bucky towards the bar where you ordered some drinks and spent the majority of the night. Wise, your parents decided they wouldn’t disturb you.
“I need to go to the toilet.” You said, standing up and slightly swaying on your feet.
“Mmm.” Bucky hummed in response, sipping his drink.
On your way, you moved through the crowd feeling as if you were floating. The music was loud in your ears causing you to close your eyes as you lazily smiled, shaking your hips.
“Hey.” You heard in your ear as two hands made their way onto your body. Turning your head slightly, your eyes met with those of Stephens, the head surgeon from the practice your parents were donors for. You had spoken to him before, a few times, even shared a bed before and occasionally a wall.
“Hiii.” You slurred in reply, falling back against him as you continued to dance.
“Haven’t seen you somewhere like this in a while.” He remarked, hands finding your hips.
“Because I hate things like this, wanna take me someplace quieter?”
He grinned in response.
Loki stood with his back to Darcy as he waited for the kettle to boil. He could feel her eyes on the back of him but no words were exchanged between them. Now that she was here, he felt a deep buried anger rising through him. She left, he didn’t force her out and now she was back and he wasn’t fighting her away. Perhaps he was that lonely that he’d settle for unwanted company as opposed to none.
“Here.” He said, handing her the tea which she took.
“Thank you.” Darcy answered.
“So what did you want to speak about?”
“I wanted to say I’m sorry.” She answered honestly. A mirthless laugh passed his lips as he lent back against the kitchen counter.
“Sorry? Sorry for what? For leaving or not returning any of my calls or for breaking up with me over the phone?” He spat, surprising even himself with his tone.
“Loki.” She exhaled, putting her tea down as she stepped towards him “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“Course not.” He answered sarcastically before she put her hands on his cheeks.
“It wasn’t that simple Loki.”
Your head hit the wall behind you as Stephen thrusted into you causing you to grip his shoulders as your legs tightened around him. He continued moving in and out of you, using his grip on you to move you up and down his shaft. He bit his lip, concentrated on cumming.
“Kiss me.” You spoke through gritted teeth. Reaching forwards, Stephen kissed you sloppily as he continued moving in and out of you. You moaned into the kiss, feeling yourself quickly approaching your orgasm.
One of his hands gripped your cheeks before he crashed his lips onto yours again before the door knocked. Turning around, you faced the door as it opened. Stephen quickly pulled out of you, doubling over as he scrambled to pull his trousers up.
“Home now.” Christine spoke, cutting her eye at you.
Before he could let his rational mind take over, Loki was kissing Darcy as he lifted her onto the counter. Her hands lifted his top, pulling it over his head as he stood between her legs. He pulled her panties down under her skirt before opening her legs further. Quickly he thrusted inside of her, revelling in the feeling of being buried inside. Embarrassingly quickly, his hips stuttered as he ejaculated.
“It’s just—it’s been a while.” He excused, catching his breath as he pulled out of her.
When you finally reached home in an Uber as opposed to your car alone after Bucky left, thankfully avoiding your parents the whole night, you kicked your heels off before near tearing the the expensive dress off of yourself. You went into the bathroom before plugging the bath and turning the taps on. Once it was full, you made your way into it, feeling yourself sobering up as you soothed your skin with the hot water. It felt like a warm embrace as opposed to hot water scolding your body. You sniffled as you cupped some water before splashing your face with it, mascara already running down it. You couldn’t fight the flood gates that opened as you sat in the bath sobbing.
Once Darcy had left with the promise that she and Loki would speak properly soon, he made his way into the shower. His mind ran over the events of the day including his session with you. Where do you go he thought again before he gasped, skin reacting to the temperature of the water as he realised how hot it was. Quickly turning the water to cold, he soothed his skin, releasing a deep breath. Above all else, he was excited for his next session with you.
Once you were out of the bath and laying in your bed, your mind drifted to the thought of your earlier session with Loki. Perhaps you would open up in the future, he seemed as if he generally cared. Regardless, you were excited for your next session with him.
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scarlettsoldier · 11 months
obscure fanfic question, but does anyone remember the fic darcy lewis, archaeologist?
does anyone know what happened to it? tagging @fuckyeahdarcylewis but really if anyone knows
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fuckyeahdarcylewis · 1 year
A Long Time Ago, In A Darcyverse Far, Far Away
by Azure_Waves
A collection of drabbles to celebrate May the 4th, Darcyverse style.
Words: 600, Chapters: 6/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Mandalorian (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Darcy Lewis
Relationships: Din Djarin/Darcy Lewis, James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis/Loki
Additional Tags: Star Wars Day | May the 4th, darcyverse discord may the 4th event, Drabbles
from AO3 works tagged 'James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis' https://ift.tt/vWw7YJZ via IFTTT
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ours-is-feral-love · 1 year
Wintershock Story COMPLETE - Chapter 11: June Out Now!
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High school seniors Bucky and Darcy are forced to spend time together because of Steve, their mutual best friend. But as the months go on and the seasons change, they find themselves running into each other on a regular basis. It isn't long before they reluctantly start learning things about one another, and as the end of their senior year approaches, Darcy comes to Bucky with a request she really hopes he doesn't refuse.
All 11 Chapters (of 11) on AO3 now!
Chapter 1: August
Chapter 2: September
Chapter 3: October
Chapter 4: November
Chapter 5: December
Chapter 6: January
Chapter 7: February
Chapter 8: March
Chapter 9: April
Chapter 10: May
Chapter 11: June
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the-run-verse · 2 years
A reminder that the amazing & incredible duo of @10scheherazade01 and @blackestglass have recorded podfics of several works in @themonkeycabal 's Run 'Verse, including the fic that started it all - We'll Run Like We're Awesome.
The amount of time and talent it takes to create this many quality podfics of significate length is greatly appreciated! As is the time and talent it takes to write said fics. All three of them are awesome! 😊
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the-widow-sisters · 2 years
Chapters: 1/11
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Marvel, Captain Marvel (2019), Hawkeye (TV 2021)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
  Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
  Relationships: Yelena Belova & Kate Bishop & Carol Danvers & Darcy Lewis & Natasha Romanov, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanov, Yelena Belova & Carol Danvers, Yelena Belova & Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova & Darcy Lewis, Kate Bishop & Darcy Lewis, Carol Danvers & Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis & Monica Rambeau, Carol Danvers & Monica Rambeau, Carol Danvers & Natasha Romanov, Kate Bishop & Carol Danvers, Kate Bishop & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Kate Bishop, Peter Parker & Natasha Romanov, Darcy Lewis & Thor, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie/Thor (Marvel), Carol Danvers/Steve Rogers
  Characters: Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Carol Danvers, Darcy Lewis, Monica Rambeau, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Bruce Banner, James "Bucky" Barnes
  Additional Tags: POV Carol Danvers, Awesome Carol Danvers, Protective Carol Danvers, Sweet Carol Danvers, POV Yelena Belova, Yelena Belova Adores Natasha Romanov, POV Natasha Romanov, Natasha Romanov Is Not A Robot, Protective Natasha Romanov, POV Darcy Lewis, Awesome Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis has no filter, Awesome Monica Rambeau, Sweet Kate Bishop, POV Kate Bishop, Awkward Kate Bishop, Awesome Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Platonic Relationships, Family, Family Fluff, Family Bonding, Team as Family, Avengers Family
  Series: Part 191 of Widow Sisters and Many Marvelous Marvel Women (Restoring Our Broken Hearts)
When Christmastime comes around at the compound along with Secret Santa, Natasha, Yelena, Kate, Carol, and Darcy find themselves in the middle of many holiday festivities with many old friends and even a new one or two.
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cherrybright · 1 year
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Movies), The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Thor (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis, Darcy Lewis & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), James "Bucky" Barnes & Sam Wilson, Darcy Lewis & Pepper Potts Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Darcy Lewis, Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Sarah Wilson (Marvel), Alpine (Marvel) Additional Tags: Mentioned Tony Stark, Mentioned Steve Rogers, Mentioned Jane Foster (Marvel), Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Spoilers, Fluff, New York City, Meet-Cute, Angst Summary:
Bucky and Darcy went through a lot. They've lost a lot. Actually, they've lost so much they're not sure how they can move forward anymore. Maybe meeting each other could do that. Maybe meeting each other could change everything for them. But are they ready for it?
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noprobllama92 · 9 months
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chapters: 6/6
words: 32,350
fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Marvel Movies), Captain America (Marvel Movies)
rating: Explicit
warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Darcy Lewis
characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, with cameos by Natasha Romanoff, Jane Foster, Tony Stark
additional tags: Darcy Lewis is Tony Stark's Daughter, Mutual Pining, Love at First Sight, Bucky Barnes Feels, Explicit Sexual Content, Canon Divergence - Post-Movie: Captain America: Civil War (2016), 5+1 Things, POV Bucky Barnes, Some angst, Happy Ending, Eventual Smut, POV Darcy Lewis
summary: Five times Bucky saves Darcy and the one time she saves him.
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bekala · 2 years
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Art by @noxnthea
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readingisloving · 6 months
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The magnetometer rests in pieces. Wires are tangled, the dial removed, and the plastic covering cracked in half. “Ahh,” Darcy says dryly. “You killed it.” He taps his fingers against his thigh. “Old habits. Thought it could’ve been a security risk.” It takes an awkward pause for her to realise he meant it could have been a bomb. “Geez, man,” she says, looking aimlessly around the room and scratching the back of her head. “Your life until now must have sucked.” Or: in which Darcy is unknowingly good at giving orders, and Bucky takes solace in the fact.
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shego89notabot · 1 year
Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers Characters: Darcy Lewis, Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Phil Coulson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Happy Hogan, Jane Foster (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Melinda May, Alexander Pierce, Remy LeBeau Additional Tags: Non-Consensual Touching, Darcy Lewis is Tony Stark's Daughter, Protective Tony Stark, Medical Trauma, Past Rape/Non-con, Date Rape Drug/Roofies, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Past Torture, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon means nothing to me, Angst has no place here either, No beta - we live like BAMF women here, Timeline What Timeline, Everyone Is Poly Because Avengers Summary:
Tony discovers Steve Rogers was found alive before the events of the Avenger's movie. After finding him being abused while still unconscious he has him brought to the tower for safety so Steve wakes up in a completely different situation with a subdued, sympathetic Tony Stark offering support and friendship. How will this change future events? And what will happen when Tony's brilliant hacker daughter, Darcy Lewis, discovers HYDRA hidden within SHIELD at the same time?
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