haveyoureadthisfanfic · 9 months
Summary: One thing Steve should have learned when it came to Darcy Lewis, never give her ideas because she won’t ever let them go. After Pepper’s baby-shower Darcy finds Steve in the kitchen trying to get drunk, who would have ever thought that the conversation that would come would lead to her pregnant with Captain America’s baby? Not Darcy, and certainly not Steve.
Author: @rhiannon-a-christy
Note from submitter: I know the summary makes it sound like a one night stand and unplanned pregnancy is about to happen, but what actually happens is a convo about them both wanting kids but thinking it's never gonna happen for them, and deciding to work out the logistics of doing fertility treatments together to have a baby they'd co-parent as friends (but then as they plan all this, they do fall in love along the way and it's very sweet).
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kaunis-sielu · 2 years
Sick: 3
When you wake up you don’t feel much better than you did when you went to sleep. You’re just, exhausted.
But you won’t tell Helen that, she doesn’t look like she’s slept yet, she and Simmons are looking at something in microscopes. You don’t say anything until both women are away from the eye pieces.
“Hey,” Jemma glances over her shoulder at you, she’s in full hazmat gear and looks miserable.
“Hi. How are you feeling?” Jemma asks but Helen doesn’t look at you. You know that she isn’t because you’ll be able to tell with a glance if she’s rested or not.
“Totally fine. Has Helen slept yet?”
“Helen.” You scold but she doesn’t stop working.
“I’m fine.”
“It’s been over 24 hours.”
“Not the longest I’ve gone.” She argues and you frown at her back.
“Jemma a little help here.” You look over at her and you see her sigh.
“Helen, we can do this, you should take a break.” Jemma tells her but you don’t have much hope she’s going to listen.
“I’m fine I swear.” She still hasn’t looked at you so you know it’s bull shit.
“Then look at me and say it to my face.” Helen is a shit liar and you all know it. You see her shoulders slump in defeat as she turns toward you. “The last thing we need is one of us down.”
“You’ll have to do it for me.” She tells you with a heavy sigh. “I can’t turn off, not with a puzzle like this.” You nod, if this is what you need to do to make sure she stays healthy and get some rest you’re fine with that.
“Do you just wanna share a room?” You ask and she nods then follows you into the room you’d just left. She lays on the bed that you hadn’t used and once she’s comfortable she looks at you.
“I’m ready.” She says softly and you touch her shoulder. With two slow, heavy blinks she falls asleep.
You head back out into the lab and head directly for Tony, Sam and Clint.
“How are they?”
“No change.” Jemma says, “Which is probably a good and a bad thing.” You nod as you gently touch each of your friends to make sure they’re not in any pain. You’re relieved that they seem to not be in much pain, you’re sure the IV’s they have in probably have some pain killers in them but you’re still glad you can focus more on other things. Like helping figure out what’s wrong with them.
“How are you feeling?” Jemma asks as she watches you take Clint’s temperature.
“Fine. A little tired but nothing like this.”
“The second you feel any sort of symptoms I need to know.”
“Okay.” You agree absently, Clint’s temperature is still up, 100° is a little high but it’s nothing like the 102.7° Sam was yesterday.
“Nox, I mean it.” Jemma says and you meet her gaze.
“I will. Sorry, I didn’t mean to make it seem like I wasn’t listening.”
“I just, I’ve never seen anything like this and neither has Helen.”
“You’re worried.” You don’t have to ask, you can see it.
“Me too.” You admit softly this isn’t like anything you’ve seen either. Someone taps on the glass of the wall and when you look over you see Steve. He’s holding a bag and a to go cup, god you miss him.
“Hi Honey,” he says with a little smile, “can I give you some food?”
“You’ll have to put it in the slot and send it through.”
“Can I stay?” He asks and you nod. Jemma suddenly vanishes to give you and Steve a moment. “I miss you.”
“I know but it’s the only way until we can figure out how to make this stop I can’t risk you.” You tell him, you can’t imagine how loud he must be talking. “Do you want to send an ear piece through? So we can talk?”
“You’re a genius.” He says with a grin before shoving the food and drink into the little delivery slot and closes the door on his side.
“Is it safe to come back or are you two going to be all gross and lovey?”
“I mean he’s going to get ear pieces so we can talk so, it’s probably going to be gross and lovey for a minute.” You tell her with a laugh and she fake retches. “Excuse me, you’re the one who got married to your bestie so don’t even with me.” You tease her and she laughs.
“I wish he could be here.” You hum softly, you’re glad you know where Steve is but you also wish he was a lot further away.
“Why don’t you get your pepper pods and call him? I know you two like to bounce ideas off one another and he might be helpful.” You open the bag and see a bagel wrapped in paper towel and one sip of the drink reveals that it’s not coffee like it looks, instead it’s orange juice. God you love him.
Steve comes back and sends an ear piece through and then gets comfortable on the other side of the glass as you put in the ear piece.
“I brought our book.”
“Chronicles of Narnia?”
“You don’t mind reading?”
“Of course not.” You hum happily and Steve starts to read as you work. You’re peering through a new sample of Sam’s blood, whose temperature has gone down even more than before. It’s still too high but you’ll take it as good news, you have to take it as good news.
Helen wakes up a few hours later, you’re still listening to Steve read, he’s finished the Magician’s Nephew and has moved onto the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. You love the way his rich voice fills your ear as you work.
“How’s it going?” Helen asks and Steve pauses, the two of you are still only wearing masks, not the full hazmat suit that Jemma is wearing.
“Temperatures are down and Jemma has been working with Leo, running through things but so far no big revelations. How are you feeling?”
“Well rested. Thank you.” She says and you nod, “I’m going to take more blood. I just, I feel like this is there somewhere.”
“Do you want to take bone marrow too?”
“Maybe. I want a look at the blood again.” She says and you nod. The door to Bucky’s quarantine room opens and when you glance up you’re shocked at what he looks like.
“Buck?” Steve says in your ear and you know you’re not the only one who noticed how pale and confused he looks. Bucky stumbles toward Helen, he looks furious and you dart in front of her.
“Кто ты? Где я?” He growls in Russian.
“Bucky,” you say crouching, you just need to get a hand on him. “I’m your friend, Nox.”
“Кто такой Баки? Я не знаю тебя.” You dive then, touching his leg and he stumbles back. “Doll?” He says in English, and you hear the door open with a hiss. Steve has overridden the safety protocols and is in the room.
“No!” You scream jumping up and crashing into Steve to try and force him back.
“Steve! Get out! Get out!” You’re in a blind panic, if Bucky can get sick so can Steve. “You have to get out!”
“Honey, it’s too late.” He says down at you with a sad smile, “I’m already exposed so let me help.”
“Why.” You breathe, “why would you do this? I can’t, Steve, I can’t.” You can’t lose him and it’s suddenly a very, very real possibility.
“He didn’t know you.” Steve says simply, his hand cupping your face. Of course he would abandon any thought of keeping himself safe if you were in danger.
“Nox! A little help.” Helen says pulling your attention to the her, Jemma and Bucky. “Steve at least put a mask on you dumbass.” She snaps and he nods moving away from you as you move toward Bucky.
“James, I’m going to help you rest now.” You tell him gently cupping his face, you’re grateful he’s already on the floor propped up against the wall.
“I’ll get him into a bed.” Steve says coming toward you.
“No!” You snap, “stay away from him.”
“Honey, I don’t think you can lift him.”
“Watch us.” You snap, and thankfully he stays back.
“Steve you should go to one of the quarantine rooms.” Helen says, and he scowls down at her. You focus on getting Bucky onto a backboard, rolling him as a team you, Jemma and Helen get him onto the backboard.
“On three,” Helen says, “one, two, three.” You all lift him together and place him on one of the two last open beds in the room. God please, please don’t let Steve be the next one. After you get Bucky onto the bed you check his temperature while Helen and Jemma get him hooked up to some monitors. Then Helen takes some blood and hurries over to the microscopes are. Steve watches from the doorway of his own quarantine room, his arms folded across his chest and the sight of him, in here, makes you want to vomit, to scream, to break something and to cry all at the same time.
“We’re going to figure this out.” Jemma says softly, placing a hand on your arm. You know you will, but will it be too late?
Tag list:
@foxyjwls007 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @killcomet @wonderlandfandomkingdom @abschaffer2 @capsiclesdoll @patzammit @sass-masterkittenmama @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
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kining-the-evil · 2 years
I don’t give permission for anyone to post any of my writings anywhere. This is the only place my writing will be found
Kinktober 2023
Agent Carter Masterlist
Agents Of Shield
Avengers Masterlist
Criminal Minds Masterlist
FNAF Masterlist
Heathers(1988) Masterlist
House MD Masterlist
Hunger Games Masterlist
Knives Out Masterlist
Scream Masterlist
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sergeantrosabellaswan · 3 months
The Selection, MCU crossover royalty AU
SUMMARY: Fifteen girls. Two princes. One crown. The competition of a lifetime.
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The arrow flew from my bow, quickly and silently making contact with the target, killing the deer instantly. Before the creature had even hit the ground, the Queen’s Bandits had pounced, knives out to cut dinner down to smaller pieces.
“That was a good kill, Rosabella!” Thor was quick to lavishly praise me, a hint of jealously shining in his eyes; his father had been one of the village hunters before he died three years previously due to bandits.
I leaned my bow onto the toe as my boot as I leaned forward, watching my little band of misfits hard at work. For the millionth time, I cursed King Joseph, if he could even be called a king; he had sworn to care for his people, but had neglected my small village by allowing bandits to invade us nearly every other week.
I ducked my head to pick at my threadbare blouse, all but see through due to one too many washings. My boots were no better- practically falling apart, with duct tape wrapped around the ankles and heels, making the sad looking footwear wearable- for the moment being.
I glanced around the dense trees nervously; even though I knew that the eight of us could take down bandits, should they dare to make an appearance, I was still wary out in these dangerous woods.
“Victor, do you think this will be enough for dinner, or should we continue hunting?” I asked quietly, speaking for the first time that day.
The red haired man quickly took inventory of the meat, skins, bones and organs, all which were tucked in heavy duty leather bags to make transportation easier on us all.
“I would get at least one more kill,” he answered with a simple shrug, his voice soft as well, waiting for me to make the call.
I nodded silently before turning, nodding to my close friends, who all quickly fell into line behind me; Sam, with his on the spot sense of humor and heavily tattooed body; Victor with his quick mind and even quick ability to do mathematics in his head on the spot; Thor, with his brutish strength and sweet, easy going nature; Loki with his graceful agility and ambidextrous hands, Pietro with his charming smile and sweet kisses; Peter with his nimble ability to quickly scale trees to keep a lookout for kills and bandits.
And then there was me.
Rosabella Swan.
I was skilled enough with many weapons, my main weapons of choice being deadly close combat and throwing knives and my trusty bow. My ability to skillfully hunt and my general distrust towards all except my Queen’s Bandits made my temper somewhat unpredictable; but what I lacked in social skills, I made up for in being the village sheriff.
“Loki, do you hear anything?” I asked, my voice coming out as a quiet whisper. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw him tilt his head as he closed his eyes for the briefest of moments. His eyes shot open as he quickly took up the lead, taking up deeper into the wood on a heart thumping chase.
At long last, I spied our target, and I loaded my bow with an arrow and got ready to take aim. I breathed in silently before letting the projectile fly. A smirk took over my face as the deer fell, and once more, my Queen’s Bandits got to work.
I watched them work as I slipped back into my thoughts once more; da’s brutal murder still fresh on my mind. The hand that wasn’t holding my bow clenched into a tight fist and I had to stop myself from breathing heavily. My father had sent countless letters to King Joseph, begging for help in defending the village from bandit raids, only to get chirping crickets in response.
The king had da’s blood on his hands; if I should ever meet him, I would deck him and most defiantly break his nose. I honestly didn’t care if assaulting a member of the royal family was certain death, I knew I had to make the king feel what I had felt for the past three years.
He had worked so hard to make the capitol and all the surrounding cities and towns prosperous, so why had he ignored the little village of mine?
I was snapped from my thought by Loki standing in front of me and placing a gentle hand onto my shoulder.
“Are you alright?” he asked me softly, his hand rubbing a comforting circle into my skin. I smiled up at him before pulling away.
“Come on; we should be heading back now,” I called out in a soft voice, avoiding his concerned question. “I don’t feel safe this deep in the woods with bandits running underfoot once the sun goes down.”
“Following right behind you, sheriff,” Pietro said, his easy smile nearly making me swoon at my dark haired lover. I barely managed to stop myself from making doeful heart eyes at him as I turned, a light blush dusting my cheeks as I led the way, my boots silently marching through the underbrush and leaves.
I skillfully followed the subtle X’s that I had marked the trees with to help lead us back to the village, my eyes darting from every tree to every bush; it wouldn’t surprise me if bandits attacked us in the open.
I didn’t like being vulnerable; it only led to certain death around this neck of the country.
Within minutes, we were on the less traveled road that led to the village; I couldn’t help0 but notice fresh tire tracks in the dust.
“Careful, now,” I warned in a soft voice. “I don’t think it’s the bandits, but be sure to keep your guard up!” I’d didn’t have to turn my head to see that everyone was nodding their heads in silent agreement as I slowly led the way towards the only exit into the crudely fortified village.
I was about to round the bend when Thor placed a hand onto my shoulder.
“Wait here; I’ll go check it out,” he breathed into my ear before going first before I could kick up a protest.
Barely even a minute passed before he called out to us.
“It’s safe!” his booming voice nearly making me jump. I was first to go around the bend, where I saw a motorcade was all but blocking to entrance. As we approached, we all couldn’t help but notice a man in an expensive looking suit was arguing with the half dozen sentries who were guarding the village from bandits.
“Look, you going to have to wait for the sheriff to return from hunting,” one of the sentries was saying firmly over the other man’s blusterings, clearly done listening to whatever crap the he was trying to feed the armed sentry. I could only roll my eyes as I marched up to the front of the village with most of the male population of the Queen’s Bandits falling in behind me.
“Sheriff! Welcome back!” a second sentry called out in an annoyed tone of voice. “These blokes are trying to get in… some kind of official business… I’m sorry to say that I tuned them out after they mentioned something about royalty or whatever…”
“You’re the sheriff?” Mr. Fancy Pants asked in shock. “But you’re a girl!”
This made me stop and slowly turn to face him. I drew myself up to my embarrassingly short height before marching straight up to that sonofabitch and staring him directly in the eye.
“I am not a girl, I am a dangerous storm with skin that will destroy you unless you tell me what you Goddamned hillbillies think you’re doing in my village,” I hissed venomously, ignoring everything until Pietro placed his hand onto my shoulder, messaging my skin gently. My hand went up to his as I stared up at the messenger, who was clearly trembling in his spotless shiny boots.
“I’m afraid this is between King Joseph and Miss Rosabella Swan,” he sniffed delicately, making my blood boil at the name of the king.
“It would be a wise choice to state your business,” I growled, not at all amused with the colors that the man’s face was turning. “Right now.” When he didn’t answer, my volatile mood turned even further south. “Turn them away!” I barked before beginning to storm into the village.
The sound of a car door opening caught my attention and my hand went to the knife I carried at my back, my head turning to see who was emerging from the motorcade.
My blood went cold as King Joseph ambled up to the little cluster of people blocking the front of the village.
“You!” I snarled, beginning to charge towards the man who was responsible for my father’s murder; I was stopped by Thor and Loki, each grabbing a hold of my arms as two more men joined the king. I didn’t recognize them; one was a scrawny blond who looked like a gust of wind would blow him over; the second was a well-built man with dark hair that lightly brushed his shoulders.
I laughed bitterly at the shocked expression on everyone’s face.
“What brings such a murdersome king like you to my small village of Wakanda?” I asked with a deep scowl etched into my face.
If you liked this, then please consider buying me a coffee HERE It only costs $3!!!
TAGLIST @cxptain
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Custom Funko Pops
I know I've posted this once or twice before but I figured why not do it again. I'll add others as I do them.
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Howard Stark:
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Here are some custom funkos I've done in the past. Some info:
The starting price is $60
I require half payment upfront and the other half when I'm done.
Depending on who you want and how complex the design is, the price does increase.
I can do a bulk order of multiple characters.
These can take anywhere from 1 week to over a month, depending on the shipping of parts, the design, and my health.
I do customs outside of Marvel and fandom.
Free Shipping to those in the US.
Feel Free to message me anytime!!
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secretsandlabrats · 9 months
I just know that my family is tired of hearing me talk about fictional and traumatic women & men in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Franchise, like I’m sorry that I have a type (it might be concerning to most but to me they’re beautiful).
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comment-exchange · 2 years
Fandom Highlight: Marvel Cinematic Universe
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Our current Fandom Highlight is Marvel Cinematic Universe, we have 13 Marvel Cinematic Universe works on our masterlist so far.
Fic - 3 Times Bucky Was Gone On Sam (Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes) Fic - 5 Times Peter Was Suspicious About Sam and Bucky (Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes) Fic - how Life Began (And Why It Can’t Rest) (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes) Fic - 5 essays michelle jones writes about her breakup (and 1 she writes about reuniting with her ex) (Peter Parker/Michelle Jones) Fic - The Trouble With Jersey (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes) Fic - Not All Heroes Wear Masks (gen) Fic/Art - Soldering On (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes) Fic - Messing up the Freshly Made Bed (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes) Fic - In vs. Out (Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes) Fic - From Russia With Brainwashing (James Bond/Alec Trevelyan, Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes) Fic - Promptember 2015 (Multi) Fic - The Other Bar Breaks (gen) Fic - The Face of All the World is Changed (Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons) Fic - Making Amends (Thor/Loki) Fic - A Thruth Shared (Thor/Loki)
If you have any Marvel Cinematic Universe fan works you think deserve more attention, you can submit them. You can find more information about the Fandom Highlights event and upcoming fandoms here.
The next Highlight will be Legend of Zelda and will start on the 1st at midnight GMT+1.
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You're One of a Kind masterlist
This is a collection dedicated to the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) - My works (oneshots or multi chaptered) and questions will be pasted here - Italic are oneshots; Bold are completed :3
Nothing Available
Common relationships already: not available
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igotanidea · 2 years
Be careful who you bring home : Morpheus x reader
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part 2 is up
request/summary by anon: you know how people get pets for emotional support? reader with anxiety or fear of loneliness finds a big black cat in a park and she is just: yeah, you are coming home with me. cat happens to be post imprisonement!morpheus. he wants to argue, but she quickly takes him to her apartment which is conveniently close to the park. reader cooing to cat: who is my little baby and Matthew seeing it from the street and laughing at his boss. with 142 for reader (maybe he said something while being a cat) and 153 for morpheus.
142 was "it's just your imagination", 153 was "put me down" I might have changed the request a little bit but I hope you'll like it. Also thete is a bit of a twist/ crossover in the story. Wonder if you'll get it :D
„Have you ever considered getting a pet?”
The girl in her mid-twenties, dressed in comfy, black clothes sitting in front of the therapist frowned in confusion.
“A pet” she repeated “and why would I need that?”
“You know, it is proven that they have positive effect on people who suffer from depression and anxiety, so maybe this would be a good idea for healing process”
“Do you give such advice to all of your patients, doctor Raynor? Did you give such advice to Bucky, as well?”
“We both know he is not that kind of guy.”
“Really, why not?” the girl shrugged “he had some goats in Wakanda after all.”
“Stop joking around.”
“Jeez, fine. I won’t get a pet. In my current mental state I can barely take care of myself, let alone any other living being. Any other words of wisdom coming from you?”
“Not with this attitude. You may leave for now.”
“You know if I was paying you that would be the shittiest session not worth a dime.” She grabbed her coat and without a word, hands in the pocket left the room and not-so-pleased therapist.
A pet. Good joke. A four legged animal who would wake her up in the morning and at night asking for food or caress. A being that would turn her life upside down since it would require constant care and supervision to avoid destroying her apartment. Nope. Thank you very much. She was good enough by herself. Determined to get her head and broken soul back together and get clearance to get back to SHIELD and field operations. She missed that, but apparently beating up a bunch of bad guys leaves you in emotional trauma and in need of recover. Bullshit! She was an agent, for god’s sake, not a crying mess. Her attitude was far from cheerful and optimistic but just today she had to curb her murderous thoughts since one of her nieces were supposed to visit. Jemma was five years old and was still going through her princesses, pink glitter and unicorns faze. She was a challenge to be around, but definitely worth it. Her father, agent’s sister were supposed to drop her in straight to the house, but just a minute ago she got the message about the change in plans. Since the weather was beautiful and it was not often this time of the year, he took the chance for a little walk in the park and decided to meet his sister there instead of in the four walls. As she approached the park, she noticed her family amongst other walking people. Jemma was running around, picking leaved and jumping into the pools with loud, happy squeals. She could not hold back the tiniest smile on her face.
“She’s gonna get all wet and dirty and then who will tend to that?” the girl mocked while coming closer
“Hm, don’t know. I think at this point she would be someone else’s responsibility.”
“Hello, brother.”
“Hello sister” he hugged her tightly “how you’ve been? Life still kicking you in the guts?”
“I mean, when it doesn’t? You know my line of work….” Her brother was convinces she was just some regular office worker dealing with boring documents, since that was simply safer for everyone.
“Right, so mundane and ordinary…..” he rolled his eyes
“Auntie!” Jemma turned around and run straight to her favorite relatives not caring about the mud she left on her trousers while clutching to her legs.
“Hi, cupcake. Don’t you have to much energy?”
“I have so much to tell you! About the rhyme I’ve learned and some new letters I came across and my friends and everything” little girl jumped around in excitement “And I know a new magic trick dad showed me. But I still don’t quite understand it….” she frowned
“It;s ok, cupcake, we can work on that.”
“Oh, thank god. Like I said, your responsibility now. Good luck.” Girl’s brother was quick to get himself some freedom “just don’t give her too much sweets, you know how she gets after that”
“Yeah, too well. See you in a couple of hours then. Come on, Jemma” she took her niece’s little hand sticky with some mysterious substance “ let’s go home.”
If only it was that easy. They only took a couple steps when the little one broke out from aunt’s grip.
“Look, auntie, a cat!” she run over to the bench where unusually big and beautiful animal was soaking up the sun.  Before he realized what hit him, he was squeezed and carried by a little pair of still sticky hands and it was visible he did not like it.
“Jemma! Leave that animal alone. It may hurt you.”
Do not refer to me as “it”. I am a male personification. And put me down! Immediately!
She could swear she heard something in the back of her mind, but let it go. After all, cats do not talk and she was in therapy for mental trouble so it was probably just her mind playing tricks on her.
“Can we take him home, auntie, he’s so sweet, please” little girl pouted
“No. Of course not, look at… him. He is very good looking, so most probably belongs to someone. Not a chance he’s a stray cat. “
“I can’t see anyone looking for him” a couple tears showed up in Jemma;s eyes. “Please, auntie, please….” Great, now she was crying out loud getting the attention of few pedestrians.
“Ok, fine, fine, just please stop crying.”
“Thank you” Jemma stopped her actions in a second and smiled widely showing the jags in her mouth. “I will carry him so don’t worry about it, auntie” she held the cat even closer not caring about him writing in her embrace.
“Just be careful so he won’t hurt you” she warned following her niece, wondering what the hell she got herself into.
I will not hurt this little mortal.
At this point, the older girl was pretty sure she was going crazy. And to think that Raynor wanted her to have a pet to help her mental health, not deteriorate it.
“Auntie, look, I made him pretty”
“Mhm, great” she did not even bother to look up from some records she was currently reading “wait, you did what, Jemma?” a second later she came to realization what a five-year-old girl can mean by saying “made pretty”.
“Look, auntie” said five year old was quick to get the cat out from behind and proudly present it. Despite her rather gloomy attitude the older one could not hold back a laugh. Black fur was now embellished  with colorful glitter and was wearing a crown. If it wasn’t for the lack of resources at home Jemma would probably extend her imagination even more.
“Oh” she cooed “look who’s pretty boy” her grin was now getting wider and wider. She was no expert on animal behavior but the look on its face clearly indicated it was not happy with the situation.
“I wanted to give him a braid, but the fur was too short” Jemma saddened
“Don’t worry sweetie, it looks just perfect. Like a ….”
“Princess!” Jemma squealed and turned around with the cat still in her embrace.
“Don’t you both dare. This is humiliating”. Once again there was this little voice inside girl’s head.
“Ok, honey, why don’t you let go of the cat now. I got a snack for you.”
“Chocolate cake?” Jemma asked innocently while playing with her fingers and shyly looking at the floor
“Apple and carrots”
“That is boooooring. And I don’t like carrots” Jemma whined
“Well, too bad for you. I heard veggies give you strength. And then your skin looks healthy and shines almost like the cat’s fur. Wouldn’t you like to look beautiful?”
“I’d rather be smart” Jemma retorted taking her aunt aback with maturity of this sentence “but I guess beauty can help in future. I saw on TV that pretty girls always have what they want so whatever” she shrugged and rushed towards the kitchen where the snack was already waiting for her.
“Unbelievable” her aunt shook her head “but she’ll be busy for a while, so how about we get you all cleaned up, huh?” she picked the cat from the floor and walked towards the bathroom ignoring the writhing animal, who was not happy about forced wash.
Put me down! It demanded again and the girl stopped looking him straight in the eyes trying to check out if she was really going nuts.
“Oh come on, girl, get yourself together. It’s just your imagination.”
She walked straight into the bathroom and started gently combing out the fur. Surprisingly, her action bring the animal comfort because surprisingly to both of them he started purring.
Two hours later, tired and sleepy Jemma was picked up by her father and her aunt could finally let the cat out into the wild. It was impossible earlier since the little girl was checking on him every five minutes, refusing to drop this action.
“Sorry about today. “ she muttered opening the door “but hey, on the bring side at least you have a nice story to tell to your fellow cats. Besides, you really are a pretty animal.” maybe it was another impression or the flicker of lights, but it seemed like the cats fur became a bit reddish and he squinted. “go, now, find your owners, get home safe, fella.”
It was just a couple of hours, but the girls was actually starting to think that maybe, hypothetically, Raynor was right about this whole “emotional support pet” stuff.
Morpheus bristled and crossed the street. Only on the other side of the road he changed back into the anthropomorphic personification of dreams.
“Um, boss?” his loyal yet rebellious Raven perched on the branch, tilting his head slightly. If he was still human he would probably laugh himself silly.
“Not a word, Matthew. Not a single word about it. To anyone” he reached for his sand and completely ignoring further words of the bird transported them back to the Dreaming “Do I make myself clear” he made sure before entering the palace.
“Sure thing, boss. But it was funny don’t you think?”
“Hold your tongue, Matthew!”
@somest1 @pinksirensong
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untoldreader · 10 months
Masterlist Of Masterlists⚜️
Welcome to my Masterlist of Masterlists
Please give feedback
Marvel Universe
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Kate Bishop
Falling For The Archer
Archer's bond
Wanda Maximoff
The Witch & Her Possession
Natasha Romanoff
Shadows of Love: Natasha Romanoff and Y/N'S Destiny
Yelena Belova
A Dark Love
Dancing in the Moonlight
Maria Hill
Relentless Devotion
Peggy Carter
The Forgotten Past
Carol Danvers
Cosmic Connections: Carol Danvers Finds Love
Bucky Barnes
A Soldier's Redemption
Steve Rodgers
Threads Of Fate: Wanda, Natasha, and Y/N
The Miraculous Trio: A Journey of Love, Power, and Parenthood
Cross-over event story title coming soon-☆
Beneath the Veil: Love and Loyalty in the Underworld
Eternal Flame: A Maria Hill, Natasha Romanoff, and Y/N Love Saga
Temporal Veil: Unmasking Hydra's Schemes
Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Daisy Johnson
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Bobbi Morse
DC Universe
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Kara Danvers
Lena Luther
Alex Danvers
Maggie sawyer
Lucy Lane
Sara Lance
Thea Queen
Laurel Lance
Felicity Smoak
Nyssa AL Ghul
The Flash
Iris West
Caitlin Snow
Wonder Woman
Diana Prince
Rachel Roth
Donna Troy
Harley Quinn
Ava Sharp
Vampires Diaries Universe
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The Originals
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
Freya Mikaelson
The Vampire Diaries
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Katherine Pierce
Hope Mikaelson
Josie Saltzman
Lizzie Saltzman
Penelope Park
Crime Shows
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Criminal Minds
Emily Prentiss
Scream Universe
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Tara Carpenter
Sam Carpenter
Masked Obsession: Ghostface Sam Carpenter x Y/N Love Story
Amber Freeman
Kirby Reed
Wednesday Addams
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Enid Sinclair
Wednesday Addams
Stranger Things
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Teen Wolf
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Allison Argent
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Fear The Walking Dead
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The Walking Dead
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Maggie Greene
Carol Peletier
Tara Chamblers
The lOO
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Octavia Blake
Clarke Griffin
Raven Reyes
Wynonna Earp
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Waverly Earp
Wynonna Earp
Nicole Haught
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peach-and-bugs · 3 years
Tumblr media
characters that I write for are organized in alphabetical order by fandom and by name. links will lead to my complete list of posted work for said character:
willing to write for characters: romantically (➵ ) platonically (✸) or nsfw (✧)
Character Alphabets (sfw ✸ & nsfw ✧)
Ask Box Headcanons and Blurbes
Agents of shield
Bobbi Morse ✸ ➵ ✧
Daisy Johnson/Quake ✸ ➵ ✧
Jemma Simmons ✸ ➵ ✧
Jiaying ✸ ➵ ✧
Leo Fitz ✸ ➵
Malinda May ✸ ➵ ✧
Phil Coulson ✸ ➵
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina 
Hilda Spellman ✸ ➵ ✧
Madam Satan/Lilith ✸ ➵ ✧
Sabrina Spellman ✸ ➵
Zelda Spellman ✸ ➵ ✧
Doctor Who
Amy Pond ✸ ➵ ✧
Bill Pots ✸ ➵
Clara/Clara Oswald/Oswin ✸ ➵ ✧
Eleven/Smith!Doctor ✸ ➵
Jack Harkness ✸ ➵
Missy/Gomez!Master ✸ ➵ ✧
River Song/Melody Pond ✸ ➵ ✧
Simm!Master ✸ ➵
Thirteen/Whittaker!Doctor ✸ ➵ ✧
Twelve/Capaldi!Doctor ✸ ➵
Five Nights at Freddy (movie)
romantic (➵) platonic (✸) nsfw (✧)
Mike Schmidt ➵ ✸
William Afton ➵ ✸
Vanessa Shelly/Afton ➵ ✸ ✧
Killing Eve 
Eve Polastrí ✸ ➵ ✧
Villanelle ✸ ➵ ✧
The Legend Of Korra
Asami Sato ✸ ➵ ✧
Bolin ✸ ➵
Bumi ✸ ➵
Izumi ✸ ➵ ✧
Korra ✸ ➵ ✧
Kuvira ✸ ➵ ✧
Kya ✸ ➵ ✧
Kyoshi ✸ ➵ ✧
Lin Beifong ✸ ➵ ✧
Mako ✸ ➵
Opal ✸ ➵
Tenzin ✸ ➵
The Last Of Us (Games)
Abby Anderson ✸ ➵ ✧
Dina ✸ ➵ ✧
Ellie Williams ✸ ➵ ✧
Joel Miller ✸ ➵
Tommy Miller ✸ ➵
Agatha Harkness ✸ ➵ ✧
Bucky Barns/Winter Soldier ✸ ➵
Bruce Banner ✸ ➵
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel ✸ ➵ ✧
Darcy Lewis ✸ ➵ ✧
Drax ✸ ➵
Gamora ✸ ➵ ✧
Hela Odendottir ✸ ➵ ✧
Hope van Dyne/Wasp ✸ ➵ ✧
Jane Foster/Mighty Thor ✸ ➵ ✧
Kate Bishop ✸ ➵ ✧
Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab ✸ ➵ ✧
May Parker ✸ ➵ ✧
Mantis ✸ ➵ ✧
Maria hill ✸ ➵ ✧
Monica Ranbough ✸ ➵ ✧
Natasha Romanov/Black Widow ✸ ➵ ✧
Nebula ✸ ➵ ✧
Okoye ✸ ➵ ✧
Peggy Carter/Captain Carter ✸ ➵ ✧
Peter Parker/Spider-Man ✸ ➵
Sam Wilson/Falcon/Captain America ✸ ➵
Scott Lang/Ant-man ✸ ➵
Sharon Carter/Powerbroker ✸ ➵ ✧
Sylvie Laufeydottir ✸ ➵ ✧
Thor Odenson ✸ ➵
Valkyrie ✸ ➵ ✧
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch ✸ ➵ ✧
Yelena Belova ✸ ➵ ✧
Parks and Recreation 
Ann Perkins ✸ ➵ ✧
April Ludgate ✸ ➵ ✧
Donna Meagle ✸ ➵ ✧
Jennifer Barkley ✸ ➵ ✧
Leslie Knope ✸ ➵ ✧
Star Wars 
Ahsoka ✸ ➵ ✧
Captain Phasma ✸ ➵ ✧
Finn/FN-2187 ✸ ➵
General Hux ✸ ➵
Han Solo ✸ ➵
Leia Organa ✸ ➵ ✧
Luke Skywalker ✸ ➵
Padmé Amidala ✸ ➵ ✧
Rey ✸ ➵ ✧
Rose ✸ ➵ ✧
Stranger things  
Argyle ✸ ➵
Chrissy Cunningham✸ ➵
Dustin Henderson ✸ ➵
Eddie Munson ✸ ➵
El/Eleven/Jane ✸ ➵
Erica Sinclair ✸
Jim Hopper ✸ ➵
Johnathan Byers ✸ ➵
Joyce Byers ✸ ➵ ✧
Karen Wheeler ✸ ➵ ✧
Lucas Sinclair ✸ ➵
Max Mayfield ✸ ➵
Murray Bauman ✸ ➵
Nancy Wheeler ✸ ➵ ✧
Steve Harrington ✸ ➵
Will Byers ✸ ➵
Alma LeFay Peregrine (mrs peregrine's home of peculiar children)✸ ➵ ✧
Elizabeth Corday (ER) ✸ ➵ ✧
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (RE:V) ✸ ➵ ✧
Laura DeMille/Madame Rouge (Doom Patrol) ✸ ➵ ✧
Lily Lebowski (Crossing Jordan) ✸ ➵ ✧
Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates (Wednesday) ✸ ➵ ✧
Millie Rusk/MolotovGirl (Free Guy) ✸ ➵ ✧
Miranda Croft (The Flight Attendant)✸ ➵ ✧
Dr. Olivia Octaviouse (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)✸ ➵ ✧
Jackie Tayler (1996) ✸ ➵
Laura Lee (1996) ✸ ➵
Lottie Mattews (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Misty Quigley (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
"Nat" Natalie Scatorccio (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Shauna Sadecki (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Taissa Turner (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
Travis Martinez (1996/2021) ✸ ➵
"Van" Vanessa Palmer (1996/2021) ✸ ➵ ✧
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competitivedust · 1 year
I woke up today thinking about how much like Daisy and Jemma, Sharon Carter is also a victim to the mcu's casual sexist tendencies. This lady stood up against Hydra and its cronies when they literally had Steve Rogers declared as a fugitive. She goes against her orders to help Steve, Sam and Bucky because she just knows right from wrong. To see her turn into a petty grumbling ex in fatws is an insult to who I know her to be. And I love both Bucky and Sam (or used to love, eh whatever) but they didn't need to put her down to prop these guys up. But hey welcome to marvel, where we love shitting on women to make our favourite men look better.
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realityuniverse · 11 months
Reality Cosmicson: Pan
Daisy Johnson: Bi
America Chavez: Lesbian
Kamala Khan: Bi
Talia Aster: Pan
Carol Danvers Lesbian
Valkyrie: Bi
Wanda Maximoff: Pan
Darcy Lewis: Pan
Jemma Simmons: Bi
Leo Fitz: Bi
Melinda May: Asexual and Bi
Phil Coulson: Bi
Alphonso Mackenzie: Ally
Yo-yo Rodriguez: Queer
Sam Wilson: Gay
Bucky Barnes: Bi
Sharon Carter: Bi
Yelena Belova: Asexual, Lesbian
Kate Bishop: Bi
Cosmic Witch: Bi
Plaugebringer Goliath: Lesbian
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kining-the-evil · 2 years
Request- Open
Below the cut is information on how to request as well as my masterlist.
I give no permission for anyone to repost any of my works on anything. This is the only place my fics will be
Agent Carter
Agents of shield
Criminal Minds
Five Night at Freddy’s
House MD
Hunger Games
Knives out
Characters I Write For-
Knives Out
Ransom Drysdale
Marta Cabrera
Agents of shield
Phill Coulson
Daisy Johnson
Leo Fitz
Jemma Simmons
Grant Ward
Al MacKenzie
Melinda May
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Clint Barton
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce banner
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Macimoff
Kate Bishop
Bucky Barnes
James Rhodes
Scott Lang
Agent Carter
Peggy Carter
Howard Stark
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Penelope Garcia
Derek Morgan
Jennifer Jareau
Emily Prentiss
David Rossi
J.D(Jason Dean)
Veronica Sawyer
Heather Chandler
Heather Duke
Heather McNamara
House MD(I’m on season five so this is subject to chance)
Gregory House
James Wilson
Lisa Cuddy
Eric Forman
Robert Chase
Hunger Games
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
Haymitch Abernathy
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Dewey Riley
Randy Meeks
Sam Carpenter
Tara Carpenter(only after high school)
Mandy Meeks-Martin(only after high school)
Chad Meeks-Martin(only after high school)
Five Nights at Freddy’s
William Afton(both movie and game)
Michael Afton
Michael Schmidt(movie)
Situations I’ll Write-
Age regression
Plus size situations
Nonbinary reader
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kaunis-sielu · 1 year
Sick: 7
You get split into four groups. No one fights with Natasha when she takes the lead and splits you into teams.
Team one is Hope, Pepper, Kamala, Nebula, Gamora, Felicia lead by Carol. Team two is Jessica, Jane, Jean, Sue, Shuri, Helen, Valkyrie and lead by Okoye. They’re going to stay here, keep working on figuring out a cure. Team three is Jessica Jones, Kitty, Elektra, Kate, Rogue, Storm lead by Natasha. The final team is Wanda, Monica, Jennifer, Doreen, Yelena, America and you’re team leader. You’d been a little surprised that Natasha had decided to put you on a team and not keep you back.
You’re going to the first location you’d found in Georgia.
You work with the other team leads. You want this to be an organized attack, overwhelm them so they can’t back one another up.
“Do we have anyone else we can call?” Carol asks, “in case they do something else while we’re busy at their bases.”
“Do you think we should split into a fifth team?” Natasha asks. It’s been so interesting to work with so many women, there’s been open discussion and no egos to fight with.
Not that Steve isn’t a good leader. He is. It’s just that no one seems to feel comfortable disagreeing with him outside a private conversation.
“We have the Dora.” Okoye offers, “but we cannot leave the king unprotected.”
“Anyone else?” Carol says and Nat
“I mean there are a few more, questionable, people we could call in.”
“More of the Widows.” You offer and as predicted Natasha says,
“Nat, they’re back up.”
“That’s loyal to the highest bidder.” She argues, “they are not an option.”
“We’ll be fine.” Okoye says confidentially, you wish you shared her confidence.
Less than an hour later you have your plan of attack, several Quinjets going to different places, the attacks will happen at the same time so they can’t back one another up. But this also means neither will you.
You split off, each coordinator giving her team the information that they’ll need then the first team takes off. Your team is second so you get changed then head to the med bay.
You know he won’t be able to hear you, or respond in anyway but you need to talk to him. Just like you would in any other mission. When Helen sees you she gives you a sad little smile but leaves you be. You slip onto the bed next to Steve and wrap an arm around his waist.
“Steve. I love you so much. I’ve got this mission that I think is going to save you guys. I don’t know. Nat seems anxious but I think she just doesn’t like the fact that we don’t have some of our heavy hitters. You, Buck, Hulk, you know. The super strength crew. I’m terrified we won’t find what we need but I have to be optimistic. I love you. I’ll be safe. I’ll keep my head on a swivel and I’ll come home. I love you.” You press a kiss to his cheek, one that he’d grumble at if he was awake before he’d kiss you fiercely. Then you slide back off the bed and make your way to the door.
“Nox, we have these for you.” Jemma says, “they connect you to us.” She passes you the glasses case, “kind of like FRIDAY.” She explains, “They’re able to record everything you see and transmit it back here.”
“No. Closed circuit, live feed to us. This way we can communicate if we see something we think might be helpful.”
“Love that. Did the first team get theirs?”
“Just in time.” You glance down at your watch then look up at her. “If he gets worse I expect to be told.”
“Are you sure?” Jemma asks and you nod.
“Okay.” She agrees and you head out making your way to the hangar. You’re going to get this taken care of and you’re going to get him back.
The plane ride is quiet. You kind of miss the constant bickering between Sam and Bucky. You miss sitting with Steve looking over the plan. You miss checking your weapons with Clint. You miss them.
You land two miles away, Wanda and Squirrel Girl go to the left, one of Doreen’s squirrels scurries ahead to get some intel. You and Photon are going to go in the back if you can as Yelena, Miss America and She-Hulk cause mayhem at the front. Miss America’s ability to open portals and Yelena’s stealth and She-Hulk’s indestructibility makes for a chaotic trio. Doreen relays her intel back to the team and you and Photon move rapidly into the building when the guard rotates. You’re not surprised that the guard is a couple of huge women.
“SG can you get one of your furry friends inside?” You say into your comms unit.
“Copy, Carl is working on it.”
“Carl?” Yelena asks and Monica grins at you. Doreen names all of her regular squirrels but you’re fairly certain that this is the first time Yelena has even met her. You slide the glasses on then wait for Doreen to tell you where the guards are.
“Do you want to try and phase in?”
“I should be able to take you with me.” Photon tells you and you look over at her with a nod.
“We have a rotating group of guards. Almost never a gap in the chain. I don’t think they know we’re coming but there isn’t a lot of gap.”
“Okay, so Photon and I are going in, girls. Make some noise.” That’s when the assault starts. Wanda and Doreen from the side and the rest of the team from the front. Photon grabs your hand and you step through the wall. You squeeze your eyes closed as you step, just in case, but when you don’t meet any resistance you open your eyes again.
“Let’s go.” You tell Monica and the two of you start running. You pause at the corner of the wall and when the woman comes around you touch her and put her to sleep. Before she can hit the ground you and Monica catch her and drag her down the hallway to what your glasses tells you is a closet. After shoving her into the closet you take her badge and slip out of the closet.
You follow the glasses directions to the room that’s using the most power, there you find a giant computer and a what looks like a lab set up.
“Grab what you can.” You tell Photon as the building shakes with a loud boom.
“You might want to get out of there.” Yelena says, “it looks like they’re less interested in protecting the building and would rather just take it down.”
“FRIDAY get the information out of this computer.”
“Just place the bug and I’ll do the rest.” She says as I place the small bug, a literal mechanical bug, onto the computer. Then as the building shakes again you run over to the desk to help Monica shove papers into the bag she’s found.
“Go!” You tell her as chunks of the ceiling start to fall. You have maybe two handfuls of paper left, “get that woman out of the closet and go!”
“I’m not leaving you.” She argues and you glare at her. “Cap’s orders.” Even when he’s not conscious he’s protecting you.
“Nox! Photon! It’s time to get out! Now.” Wanda says over the comms, you and Photon look at one another in concern.
“FRIDAY scan for any other living people in the building.” You tell her as you throw you bag over your shoulder and start running with Monica to one of the exterior walls.
“Just the woman in the closet.” She says as you take a left sprinting back down the halls.
“Can you phase with us both?”
“Take her, then come back.” You tell her and when she opens her mouth to argue you stop her, “We don’t have time for this Mon! Go!” You yell yanking the closet door open. Thankfully she listens and after the two of you hoist the woman onto her back she phases through the wall. A spilt second later the wall starts to crumble and a red dome encloses you. Wanda pulls you out of the building so quickly that when you hit the ground you tumble to your feet.
“Meet at the jet.” You tell your team, panting, god it’s nice to be done. “FRIDAY, where are the rest of the teams?”
“Mission successful, the last team with Captain Marvel has Dr. Dedrie.”
“Yes.” You whisper, “Wanda. You’re probably going to need to read a mind later.” You warn her and she nods gravely.
Yelena and Doreen have a couple of captives, along with the woman that you and Monica had brought out of the woods. You all get onto the jet, bring your prisoners to belly of the jet then you head up. You’re so ready to get home and get back to work. You start pulling papers out of the backpack and looking them over with the glasses on. You don’t have much, but maybe all this will fit together somehow.
God please let this all fit together somehow.
Tag list:
@foxyjwls007 @andahugaroundtheneck @also-fangirlinsweden @pagina16ps @princesssterek @valsworldofcreativity @dumblani @inkedaztec @loving-life-my-way @animegirlgeeky @shinycupcakebaker @eralen @sophham @gh0stgurl @killcomet @wonderlandfandomkingdom @annielr @abschaffer2 @capsiclesdoll @patzammit @sass-masterkittenmama @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
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confessorcanary · 2 years
Inky and Kaden’s Sortings: A Masterpost Update [2022]
Because Tumblr burped and @sortinghatchats disappeared, Inky and Kaden have had to build it back up from scratch. That means my old post, from 2017, has a bunch of broken links now. But never fear! I’ve spent the past few years tracking down every last reblog on this site with an unusable ‘search’ function. 
Sortings by Inky and/or Kaden 
Marvel Cinematic Universe 
Agents of SHIELD  ——More on Melinda May, Jemma Simmons
The Avengers  ——Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Nick Fury, Agent Coulson  ——Natasha Romanoff, Maria Hill, Jane Foster, Sharon Carter, Pepper, Sif, Darcy ——Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Vision, Ultron, Loki ——Steve Rogers ——Bucky Barnes
Guardians of the Galaxy  ——Peter Quill
DC Universe 
DC Women  ——Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Barbara Gordon
The Chronicles of Narnia  ——The Pevensies  ——Addressing their popular Sortings
Diana Wynne Jones ——Charmed Life  ——Conrad’s Fate
Harry Potter ——The Golden Trio, the Silver Trio, Draco, Dumbledore   ——More on Harry’s Secondary  ——More on Hermione’s Secondary  ——Bellatrix Lestrange  ——The Marauders, Lily Evans, Severus Snape
The Hunger Games
The Lord of the Rings  ——The Hobbits
Outlaws of Sherwood
The Tortall Universe  ——The Women  ——The Men
Inky’s novels 
The Alliance Trilogy
Leagues and Legends (Parts 1-3)
TV series 
BBC Sherlock
Friends  ——Phoebe
Game of Thrones
The Get Down
Gilmore Girls
Orphan Black
Supernatural  ——More on Dean Winchester
Teen Wolf (Parts 1-2) 
Veronica Mars
White Collar
Web series & Web comics & Podcasts
Check, Please! 
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries 
Welcome to Night Vale
Legally Blonde 
Les Misérables ——Javert 
Wicked  ——Elphaba, Galinda 
Disney Princesses  ——Tiana ——Moana  ——Mulan 
Star Wars  ——The Force Awakens 
Animated series 
Avatar: The Last Airbender 
The Legend of Korra 
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