#DC Middle Grade
not-another-robin · 1 month
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Im thinking about Helena and old(er) Alfred... pap pap and grandbaby
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jesncin · 1 month
How would you describe your art style and the techniques you use, if it’s not too much trouble?
I'd describe it as a mix between modern american tv animation style (Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Bee & Puppycat, etc) and trad pub middle grade graphic novel art style. I've purposefully pushed for my art to be as "marketable to the american market" as possible, but my hand also leans towards western styles. I do end up sneaking in some manga influences every now and then (Yuhki Kamatani's layouts are beautiful, and I always liked Haikyuu. Art wise I find the characters really appealing) plus my coloring style comes from years of being inspired by webcomics of all sorts. Basically we try to be Gurihiru haha (those power Asians are way above my level though).
Professionally for work, my techniques are fairly standard for comics I think? Except instead of like penciling, inking, coloring a graphic novel in various stages- we just finish everything in one go a page at a time to keep the process fresh ("the webcomic method"). For the fancomics I draw for fandom, it's a looser version of what I do for work. Apart from Sons of Mars, all of my fancomics are just cleaned up sketches with colors slapped on and handwritten speechbubbles. I do everything digitally.
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evasive-anon · 1 year
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This comic casually referring to Jason as a 5th grade dropout had me fucked up almost as hard as this kid dropping a line about graduating from the streets like it was his education section on MySpace in 2004.
From Batman The New Adventures #410 and #409 (1987).
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literarycupoftea · 4 months
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Can we just take a moment to appreciate how awesome this cover is?
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cjbolan · 1 year
Maybe one reason I like My Adventures With Superman is that the main friendship dynamic reminds me so much of Emily Windsnap :
Lois Lane = Emily (the girl whose endless curiosity and tenacity often gets herself and her friends into trouble)
Jimmy Olsen = Aaron (her eccentric yes-man who for the most part goes along with her schemes)
Clark Kent = Shona (her more cautious friend who often tries to hold her back)
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geekyliteracy · 1 year
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This comic is similar to Black Canary: Ignite but this one has a lot more fun! It was a fun and funny read that pokes fun and the Batman mythos and superheroes.
4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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ci6da · 11 days
There’s gonna be a school trip to ny (and dc but that doesn’t matter)
And it’s inspiring me to actually stay in school and not to go bacj to homeschool
Schools hard but I’m harder when I get a good slice of ny pizza
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kittymaine · 3 months
Swamp Thing: Twin Branches by Maggie Stiefvater with Morgan Beem
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I found Swamp Thing: Twin Branches written by Maggie Stiefvater art by Morgan Beem in the bargain bin at Ollie's. Very unfair to this book, as it was quite good. You deserved better Swamp Thing: Twin Branches, but at least I benefitted.
This book is a graphic novel following two twin boys in their last year of high school, Alec Holland and Walker Holland. (Huh. Jeez. I wonder which one is going to turn into a plant monster.) These two twins couldn't be more different. Alec loves plants and science, he has trouble relating to people and would rather spend time in his home lab experimenting. Walker is the life of the party, always happy and ready with a joke, and always there to divert attention and agitation away from Alec when he needs it. Right when the two of them are poised to go to the same college, their parents' marriage falls apart when Alec and Walker walk in on their dad cheating on their mom. In an effort to get away from the messy divorce their parents are going through, both brothers head south to stay with relatives for the summer.
Before Alec can set up his lab in his aunt's garage, his cousins dogs get into his boxes and end up eating a bunch of his specimens. Alec is devastated and retreats into himself and into a hastily put together lab in the local high school science lab. Alec is going through his own drama, tension with his brother and cousin, attraction to the cute girl he shares the lab with, angst over whether college is the right place for him. But, behind all that, something strange is happening to his cousin's dogs. Something strange is happening to anyone who comes into contact with his specimens.
This was my first exposure to DC's young adult graphic novels, and I think it was a pretty good one. Full disclosure, I do really like Swamp Thing, so I might be a little biased. This book takes a while to get going, but once it did, I really liked the way the artist depicted the weird animal/plant hybrid creatures. I also thought the character work was pretty good. It's a slow build, but it felt well deserved. I also liked Abby's character redesign a lot, I thought she was very likeable. It ends kind of abruptly at the end, but it says this was season one, so I assume they'll be more later, which I would be interested in reading.
I recommend this book to anyone who is okay with a middle grade horror book with a slow build.
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kryptonbabe · 20 days
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Supergirl, Streaky and Comet by Mike Maihack DC give this man a middle-grade or young adult Supergirl miniseries!
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captainkirkk · 9 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
if you wanna be my lover (you gotta get with my friends) by mindshelter
MJ still remembers Ned’s initial disbelief when Peter—infamous for missing class back in sophomore year, suspended for two weeks freshman year—finished his bit of the group write-up four days early. The work was perfect, and so was Ned's chemistry grade. After that it was Peter this, Peter that, Peter parted the Red Sea, it’s true, MJ, I was there; I saw it. MJ, hey, are you listening?
Then Ned says, “We should invite Peter to join AcaDec.”
or; peter isn’t rock bottom on midtown’s social ladder; he’s underground. friendless, rumoured to get into street fights. ned declares him bestie material anyway, and mj catches feelings.
she also meets tony stark(?) in foodtown, of all places, and makes a spider-man(??) sighting.
law of insomnia by thewunderkind
אנחנו נפגשים שוב” "I'm sorry, I do not understand," And then Iruma lowers himself, getting on his knees and bowing until his forehead meets the ground.
Or the one wherein they're soulmates and only Alice is aware of what is happening.
how's it go again? by timdrakesuperspy
Tim Drake's universe is falling apart. He's surprised when he doesn't fall with it, due only to Mr. Mxyzptlk's misplaced feeling of debt. He's even more surprised when the imp crash-land him in the middle of the Wayne family's dinner.
OR: After Tim fails to bring back enough proof that Bruce isn't dead, his life sucks. So of course the universe falls apart. So of course a nosy interdimensional imp decides to intervene and send Tim to a universe unnervingly off from his.
the back corner booth by destiny919
"Hey, Hood," Rhys says seriously. "I've got something for you, but it's a little outside your usual service range."
Jason raises his eyebrows under the helmet. He never gets kids from outside the Alley, if only because they have no way of meeting one of his liaisons, or any reason to trust the Red Hood. "How far outside?"
Rhys smirks. "Not too far. Just Bristol."
Jason really, really hopes his appalled expression is coming through the helmet.
to find an intended (a bit unintentionally) by nyoomerr
It takes about five minutes after they first meet for Shen Yuan to start flirting with Luo Binghe. Aggressively, too, in a way that even some of Luo Binghe’s most frequent bed partners wouldn’t dare to. It’s shocking and infuriating and, unfortunately, Luo Binghe finds himself charmed.
Too bad Shen Yuan doesn’t actually know that his actions come off as demon-flirting in the first place.
Clone Wars
an ill-advised gift by S_C_G
The Senate tries their hand at some regime change in the Mandalore sector.
It doesn't go well.
The Senate tries their hand at sending a gift to better relations and buy some time.
They couldn't have made a worse choice.
Or, the Senate gives the Mand'alor a child. This, quite predictably, backfires.
let me lie with you by MadMothMadame
The War is over. With the Sith conspiracy uncovered, and Sepratists suing for peace, Obi-Wan knew things would not be the same as they were before. Some changes would be for the worse, but when he thought about Cody, and all they had the potential to become now that rank and the weight of war no longer had to stand between them-
Well, some change could only be for the better.
He should have known better.
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lesbianjackies · 4 months
the yellowjackets’ favorite books hcs bc i saw one of these and disagreed with all of them 👍
jackie: okay i’m so sorry but this girl only reads trashy romance novels she found on booktok. it drives shauna BONKERS because she’s incapable of getting jackie to read anything she likes.
natalie: i don’t think she’s a reader but if she was she would be a comic girlie. dc > marvel and she gets into fights with van over it regularly.
laura lee: she genuinely really likes theology books and she FOR SURE grew up on american girl and still loves them. she will pick up anything if she hears it’s gay or christian but she has really high standards and she’ll dnf any book that doesn’t meet them.
lottie: she’s an astrology girlie for SURE so i think she reads a lot of books on that to compile as much knowledge as she can (so she can psychoanalyze her friends). i also feel like she was a greek mythology kid so i think she’s read a lot of the original myths and likes a few select retellings (but they’re not the popular ones. she, like laura lee, has really high standards).
van: okay SHE is like definitely a comic girlie for sure. marvel > dc. she’s also just into those classic middle grade books every queer person read as a kid like harry potter and percy jackson and still has a lot of nostalgia for them. oh she was also a warrior cats kid for SURE. lmao.
misty: WARRIOR CATS KID AND IT SCREWED HER UP FOR LIFE. big into harry potter & lord of the rings and also just random niche fantasy series. reads a LOT and she’s active in a lot of fandom circles and she tries to get everyone she talks to into the books she reads.
taissa: def a nonfiction girlie. books on law, books on feminism, books on queer history… van thinks everything she reads is boring as fuck and she thinks everything van reads is stupid. true love 🫶
travis: ough okay i think travis is ALSO a comic girlie. but i think she’s more niche with it. i think she likes like….. umbrella academy type shit idk. and i think as a kid she was into stuff that was “for girls” until her dad bullied it out of her and now she gets really upset when she sees those series / hears someone talk about how they read them.
shauna: CLASSICS. brontë sisters, jane austen, edgar allan poe, emily dickinson…… yeah. she’s SO pretentious about it too she has two copies of each book so she can have a pretty one on her shelf and then a torn up copy that she can write notes in and she’s always carrying books around and reading them in public to show people she’s smart……. yeahhhh.
mari: mari doesn’t read that’s for fucking nerds. (she was a warrior cats kid and she’s obsessed with harry potter, percy jackson, and the lord of the rings. tell anyone and she’ll hurt you badly.)
akilah: rainbow fairies kid!!!!!! doesn’t read as much as she used to; if she does pick up a book it’s gotta be something that really speaks to and connects with her.
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jo-harrington · 10 months
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They were always better when you watched them with someone else.
You glanced down at the hands in your lap: yours and Sam's, twined together like your lives have been for the past 5 years. The best of friends from the moment her family moved into town. You couldn't remember a time when you existed without her.
She's chatting now, telling some story about her boyfriend's dunce behavior to cheer you up after Mark broke your heart. Douchebag. You don't really know how you got here of all places; how things seemed to go so right with him and then so terribly wrong.
Sam made a joke at both Patrick and Mark's expense. You laughed and the sound of it was unfamiliar and almost roared in your ear, like a hundred people were laughing.
Everyone always laughed at Sam's jokes. Everyone loved Sam. Everything always worked out for her, even in the most unlikely situations. She was just lucky like that.
You told her once, after she won the talent show at school, that it almost seemed like she was the star of The Samantha Show or something. She found it hilarious, apparently, but you had an inkling that her feelings were still hurt. This was real life, not TV. She didn't just win because she was some main character, she worked really hard on her dance routine.
You felt a little bad after that, never brought it up again. The dark little voice deep down inside you smothered for now.
Because yeah, she did work hard. You knew that. She was smart and talented and funny and caring and a great friend and neighbor and that's just how it was because...
Because she strived to be all of those thing.
Things you…really didn’t bother with.
Because you were…
Average, squeaking by a three-point-something GPA, wannabe artist who could barely draw, never left town before even when there was that field trip to DC because you got the mumps. A little nervous, a little clumsy, a little romantic with your head in the clouds. You always had a crush but nothing ever really came of those crushes until Mark.
The only boy to ever like you back and then he broke your heart.
“I just want to disappear,” you muttered pathetically and let go of Sam’s hand to cover your eyes again.
"So do it!" Sam finally hopped to her feet in the way that only she could, raring for another passioned, motivational speech that she was known for. You really needed one of those and also loathed that she was about to give you one. "Disappear! Leave!”
This was not the speech you expected.
"Uh, what?" you let out a mixture of a scoff and a laugh, tears forgotten for now. "What do you mean leave? Hello, graduation in a few months. Prom? Then college. What happened to your big plan last week? One last summer in Port Geneva?"
"Forget one last summer," she waved her arms wildly. "This is your life! You're my best friend, I want you happy. Tell me the truth. Do you really even want to go to college? Wouldn't you rather pack up big blue and go on that adventure like you talked about in 8th grade?"
At your blank stare, Sam grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you.
"That's the whole reason we're friends in the first place don't you remember? The ice breaker?! Are you kidding?"
"I don't have a clue," you giggled as she jostled you around.
"Our entire friendship built on a lie. UGH. Ok. Mrs. Mills what-do-you-wanna-do-in-10-years activity? And everyone's was stupid. Tina wanted to be on the cover of Tiger Beat for the Girl Superstar issue. Patrick...gotta love him...but he wanted to be the starting quarterback for the Miami Dolphins. Mine was so dumb I don't even want to say it, great first impressions I made as the new kid.
"But you wanted to see the world! Pack your bags and board a train around the US. Paint the sunset at the Grand Canyon. See glaciers in Alaska! Hell, you even said you'd travel to Middle Earth if you could. And I thought you meant the equator!"
You both laughed and as she went on and on about things you apparently said 4 years ago and as the memory came back to you, your heart ached.
Yeah, you did say that stuff didn't you? You’d been such a silly, idealistic kid before you grew up and reality hit you time and time again.
"That was just kids stuff Sammie," you laughed dismissively. "I'm...I'm gonna take classes at State, and I'm gonna work at the furniture store and I'm gonna..."
"You're gonna pine over Mark Greckman over the rest of your life?" The hands were on her hips again. "No, ma'am, you...you're gonna go on your adventure and...oh my...you're gonna find a prince of some European kingdom or...or a handsome stranger in an Italian villa. Or both. Hoards of men fighting for your affection."
"Please stop," you stood up and grabbed her as she started waving her arms around and pantomiming kissing a tall stranger. "Stop it."
"Ok I'm done, I'm done," she promised. "I just don't want you to be crying over that idiot anymore. And we might be close to graduation but...I don't know...you can still change your mind."
"Hmm," you shrugged. "I dunno. If just sounds so…”
“Unlike you?”
"Just think about it," she urged you. "You and your Volkswagen Beetle…and the world...the whole universe if you want it! The possibilities are endless. I just feel like...1985...it's gonna be your year."
There was a spark of inspiration that grew inside of you, and in your heart, you knew she was right.
You pulled her into your arms, grateful to have your best friend.
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"Port Geneva was filmed in front of a live studio audience."
Eddie hit the rewind button on the remote and watched the scene speed in reverse until it hit Sam’s big speech. He hit play and watched for a minute then paused, the blurry image of your giggling face frozen on his screen for the foreseeable future.
He sighed and leaned back on the couch to enjoy your company for a minute.
The living room was dark, only illuminated by the glow of the TV and the street lights outside shining through the windows. There was a stack of tapes on the coffee table, along with his abandoned homework. The pizza he ordered would be here soon but for now…it was just you and him.
“M’sorry Mark was an asshole,” he said aloud into the still room. “To be honest…I kind of warned you about him way back.”
You don’t say anything. You never do.
“I know, the heart wants what it wants.” He picked a piece of lint off of his jeans. “I just want to look out for you honey.”
You stay smiling on the screen, and he can imagine it got the slightest bit bigger when he said that.
“I know you try to look after me too. Guess that doesn’t stop either of us getting hurt right?” He chuckled and pat his hands on his lap.
This was pathetic, talking to a fictional character like they were really in the room with him.
You were just…you were everything. And you’d been there for him, a balm to his woes. You had been since he started watching Port Geneva way back when, but especially since everything went down last year.
With his dad and the house and…
There was a knock at the door and Eddie hit the eject button so he could put in the next tape in watch with dinner. It was gonna be a good episode, you tell Mark off and even punch him; he remembered it fondly.
Defending yourself. He was proud of his girl.
Eddie ate his dinner and watched his episodes, taped from when they originally aired. Wednesday nights at 9pm, right before the news. He did his homework and occasionally repeated the rewind-pause-play act that he had perfected over the years so he could make another joke or, just once, complain about his chemistry homework.
Life was hard. For everyone. But especially if your name was Eddie Munson. Still, he endured. He’d never been a stranger to fantasy and escapism, he had his books and his game and his movies but there was something so…comforting in the realism that was your show.
A small suburban town full of normals. All sorts of mundane activities that mostly everyone made feel were…life altering events. And a handful of misunderstood outcasts—like you and Scott and Bonnie—who played supporting characters to the stars. Stars that were, quite frankly, unrealistic and annoying.
Eddie felt that way sometimes though, like he was just some background character waiting for his chance at the spotlight. Who had been the main character in his story, huh? Ronnie? Yeah…he could see that, now that she was on her great college adventure.
But with her gone, what would come of his storyline? Did he just fade into the background again?
Eddie ejected the tape before the current episode finished and propped his feet on the coffee table as he flipped the channels to something else. He needed to focus on something else. He would come back to his tapes, to you, another night and he would wish that you were real once again. Knocking on his door, taking him on a grand adventure with you.
But for now he just needed to stew in his…sad secondary character thoughts.
You got your time in the spotlight, a 2-episode arc at the end of the season, and as much as he hoped that it would be his turn soon…to be the character everyone loved…the person everyone loved…he knew it might never happen for him.
Eddie the Freak. Eddie the outcast. Eddie the idiot.
He would even take a single scene dedicated to him at this point.
Was that too much to ask?
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Coming in 2024.
Find the Masterlist here. And the original blurb here.
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prismuffin · 1 year
Masterlist 2:
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Full Fanfic Masterlist
How Peter Parker and Steve Rogers react to their crush asking to play with their hair
Hobie Brown helping trans!male!Reader with dysphoria Hobie Brown reminding ftm!Reader not to overbind Hobie Brown turning into a cat and causing chaos in the SpiderSociety
How Miles Morales acts on a rooftop date with another hero Miles Morales reacting to grieving reader Miles Morales being caught wearing his guy crushes hoodie Miles Morales reacting to his crush suddenly asking him out in the middle of a normal conversation Miles Morales with a younger!sister!reader
Platonic!Miguel O'Hara comforting transmale reader after a breakdown Miguel O'Hara reacting to reader coming out as trans (ftm)
Miles Morales and Hobie Brown (separate) reacting to male!Reader with brain issues Miles Morales and Hobie Brown (separate) reacting to male!Reader getting a good grade on an exam
Pavitr Prabhakar and german!male!Reader bonding by learning about each other's cultures
SpiderTeens reacting to gn reader adopting them all
Stranger Things:
Nothing yet!
The Umbrella Academy:
Nothing yet!
Criminal Minds:
Nothing yet!
Hitman Trilogy:
Nothing yet!
Mission: Impossible:
Ethan Hunt reacting to his son being a part of the syndicate
FarCry 5:
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Detroit Become Human:
Connor helping male!trans!reader with testosterone shots Connor helping gn!Reader calm down from a panic attack Connor with a s/o who's a maladaptive daydreamer Connor with an insomniac s/o Connor with a s/o who's a wild/active sleeper
Our Life Beginnings & Always:
Nothing yet!
Error 143:
Nothing yet!
Sally Face:
Nothing yet!
WatchDogs Trilogy:
Nothing yet!
COD: Modern Warfare2:
John Price dealing with being a sleep talker
Konig reacting to short!male!Reader climbing him like a tree to see something Konig reacting to short!male!Reader being on his shoulders^^Part 2
Ghost, Konig, and Price (separate) reacting to male!Reader with dermatillomania Ghost and Konig (separate) reacting to having to cuddle up to male!Reader for warmth Ghost and Konig waking up to cuddling male!Reader ^^Part 2 Ghost and Konig (separate) having M!Reader be their gay awakening
The Imperfects:
Nothing yet!
Nothing yet!
Girl From Nowhere:
Nothing yet!
Metal Lords:
Nothing yet!
Dc Universe:
Batfam being jealous of the readers pet/animal Batboys reacting to Tim Drake's "bad-boy" boyfriend Taking care of Batboys (seperately) after they got their wisdom teeth removed Batboys reacting to boyfriend!Reader smacking their ass and running away Batboys + Conner & Wally being caught wearing masc!Readers hoodie Batfam reacting to Tim Drakes boyfriend who is the Jokers son ^^Batfam reacting to Tim Drakes boyfriend who is the Jokers son pt2^^ Batboys reacting to getting hard during training with M!Reader Anthro!Batboys having their ears and tail expose their romantic feelings for male!reader Batfam reacting to Tim Drake making a contract with a demon!male!reader BatBoys reacting to them thinking male!reader called them a goodboy
Sugar Daddy!Bruce Wayne accidentally falling for male!sugar-baby!reader Bruce Wayne with an energetic anti-hero husband
Conner Kent accidentally using X-ray vision on trans!male reader
Male!Justice League members reacting to rogue!reader moving out of Gotham and into their city
Jason Todd reacting to male reader falling asleep on him Jason Todd reacting to a gn reader who can't swim Injured!Jason Todd waking up to Reader in his hospital room
Damian Wayne with a child!brother!Reader Damian Wayne being caught wearing his guy crushes hoodie
Dick Grayson reacting to a very cuddly male reader Dick Grayson waking up his cuddly guy crush Dick Grayson reacting to a sad!male!Reader needing cuddles
Hal Jordan's (Green Lantern) reaction to reader having a lot of lantern rings Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) x recovering!male!Readers Hal Jordan reacting to being bitten by masc!alien!Reader
John Constantine reacting to a food-pusher Reader John Constantine with a werewolf s/o (gn reader) Hungover!John Constantine waking up in a caring Readers bed John Constantine reacting to a male!Reader that reminds him of his younger self ^part 2. John Constantine reacting to similar!male!Reader reading his soul John Constantine being bullied by a cat in a pub John Constantine reacting to a Reader that smokes John Constantine having a demon!Reader be attached to him John Constantine reacting to reader being turned into a baby John Constantine reacting to male!Rader lighting his cigarette with John's
Kid Flash (Wally West) reacting to accidentally courting alien!reader Kid Flash (Wally West) with a night owl boyfriend Kid Flash (Wally West) accidentally petting one of winged!male!Readers arousal zones Kid Flash (Wally West) and winged!male!Reader finally getting together Kid Flash (Wally West) cudding male!naga!Reader Kid Flash (Wally West) with a partner who's part of the BatFamily
Tim Drake reacting to guy crush reader accidentally cuddling him Tim Drake reacting to Rogue!Reader flustering him Tim Drake with a caring and patient boyfriend Tim Drake with a boyfriend who's very physically affectionate
How Superman, Batman, Hal Jordan, The Flash, and John Constantine react to someone handing them the unconscious reader out of the blue How Batman and Superman reacting to their long-term partner being their worst enemy
How Wally West, John Constantine, Hal Jordan, Dick Grayson, and Conner Kent react to falling asleep on their crush (male reader) How Wally West, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and Conner Kent taking care of their drunk guy crush How Dick Grayson, Wally West, Tim Drake and Conner Kent react to playing seven minutes in heaven with their guy crush How Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and John Constantine react to their crush asking to play with their hair How Tim Drake and Damian Wayne react to their crush randomly asking them out in the middle of a conversation (seperate) How Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Wally West and Conner Kent (sperately) react to Alien!Panther!Male!Reader cuddling up to them randomly
How Justice League boys react to empathic color!alien reader turning pink around them How Justice League boys react to male!Reader being turned into a cat How the Young Justice League reacts to a male!Reader with an Eating Disorder
Back to directory;
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cjbolan · 2 years
Up to Chapter 6 of Emily Windsnap and the Pirate Prince. Just realized Emily, Sam, and Noah’s dads all have the same name (Jake/Jakob)…is this leading up to some Batman vs. Superman moment 😆?
Sam or Noah: Save….Jakob!
(Think Jake ever goes by “Jacob”?)
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dahliadew · 1 year
The Haunting of the Fortress of Solitude (dp x dc fanfic prompt)
So it finally happened he's been kidded out, well it was bound to happen eventually, from missing class to coming home way past curfew; Danny knows he's been freaking his parents out a lot recently. But he never thought it would come to this point, and it's not like there's a lot he could do about it; if he tells his parents about his ghostly after-school activities, then he runs the risk of being dissected, and it's not like he can go to Jazz or Vlad. One, jazz is finally away at college, and it's not like she has the money or space to house him, and it's not like he'd want to put that responsibility onto her, and two, Vlad is crazy, so he's out the right way. The only remaining option is Aunt Alicia. But he hadn't spoken to her in years, so it was a roll of the dice as to whether or not she'd help him.
So he's on his own in the middle of a heat wave with a core that's mostly made up of pure ice, well sometimes the most straightforward option is the best one, and he, like the dumb ass he is, flies down to the Antarctic, looking for a place to hang out for like a mouth. Or, at the very least, as long as it took to figure something better out.
On his way down how, ever, he found something weird and marvelous. A large, jagged crystal building that sang to his core. Stardust was embedded in the walls of the building, and ice trailed across the floors; it's almost like this building was put here for him specifically. And everything would be perfect if it wasn't for Superman showing up and killing the vibe.
So Danny does what he does best and becomes the best darn ghost that he can be to get his so hideout back. Later, he learns that this is actually Superman's (sorta) house, but well, gosh darn it, he's got squatters' rights, so if Superman wants him gone, he's going to haft to evict him himself.
Superman, however, has been having a bad time lately. Things at the daily planet have been tuff with his boss getting on him for missing meetings, Louis going on a two-week trip to Gotham to do a profile of the hottest man of the year three years running Bruce "Brucie" Wayne and to top it all off there something in the fortress of solitude. At first, he was worried that some animal had somehow gotten into the building, but he knew he would have seen it already. He's already looked over the whole building with X-ray vision, and other than a few bears roaming around the building; he hasn't been able to find anything.
But regardless, so far, not only have four of his super and regular suits been accosted in fine-grade glitter, but his minimal furniture is also moved just slightly to the left (including the central console THAT IS BOLTED TO THE FLOOR). Black voids have even started to engulf his vision when he enters certain building parts, with his vision only clearing when he emerges in different parts of the building than where he was before.
What Clark doesn't know is that the fortress itself is somewhat sentient, and with the arrival of what it perceives as another lost son of Krypton, it is more than happy to play with what it sees as a young child. Plus, the fortes thinks Ka-EL needs to let loose more often and playing with this child will help both destress him and help train the baby that showed up on its literal doorstep.
As for Superman, Ok, maybe it's gone beyond the scope of what he can deal with, but he's having a bad day, and he refuses to lose to whatever the heck is in his house. And he would have continued to do this if not for the fact strange portals opened periodically with otherworldly eyes and limbs reaching out and brushing against him as he walked through the halls. Ok, maybe it's time to call Batman.
So he does. He calls him, and you know damn well that he is polite about it, so there is no reason for Batman to hang up before continuing the call. (he knows B is laughing at him, even if B never laughs, he KNOWS). When he gets a hold of Batman again, it takes less than three minutes for the two of them to decide they need to get Constantine.
Once they finally get him into the building itself, it takes Batman virtually breathing down John's neck to keep him from running out the door, which is odd because as soon as the other two show up, everything seems to return to normal. That is until John starts to draw some seals along the floor then a voice rings out, crying, demanding that they stop. And it's here that, for the first time, Clark comes face to face with what he thinks is the ghost of a Kryptioian child. And things get confused further when Danny, not understanding the conversation entirely, plays into the ghost angle, thinking it will make them leave. But instead, Clark is both horrified and delighted that there is a child's ghost in his home, someone with a direct connection to his home world. As for Batman and John, they both realize they need to do something quickly; otherwise, Superman may have a heart attack. They do not need another ghost on their hands.
As time passes, the two end up sorting things out, even with Batman's paranoia and John's skepticism and end up living together both in Antarctica and Metropolis, with Danny flying between the two at his leisure. But eventually, Danny knows he needs to transform back into his human form, and with Superman constantly hanging around him, finding time to do that becomes complicated. So when he eventually does transform back in the midst of a battle with a powerful magical enemy, Superman, in shock, thinks that Dan-El has somehow come back to life but in a hybrid Kryptonian/human form. And so he, as the resident alien on Earth, takes it upon himself to try to teach him how to be human on Earth. Now Danny, on top of everything, has to pretend to be both an alien from a species he knows little to nothing about and also now act like a human who isn't supposed to know anything about being human. Well, that's just great, but at least he doesn't need to worry about paying rent anymore.
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