#Danny Rand x Reader
frankcastle72 · 2 months
Imagine drunk sex with this man 🫦
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stuck-in-2012 · 11 months
Theres nothing wrong with you, its true, its true
“Hey, have you seen...” Peter trailed off as he looked around the room searching for the one missing face among his team.
“I thought they were with you?” Ava asked, watching Sam’s face slowly contort in worry, hand reaching out to his helmet, ready to zip away in a blur of blue light.
“Yeah… they were. I’m here for…” Peter pointed at Sam.
All eyes turned to Nova as he stood slowly, nerves getting the better of him. Something was wrong. Not ‘time to dive over the tricarrier and make a dash before they hit the ground below’ level wrong, but Webs’ brows were knit and he came looking for Sam specifically. That only happened when a special kind of TLC was needed. “Where?” Sam’s terse voice came out like a demand as he put his helmet on.
“The usual”. Peter hadn’t gotten three syllables before Sam was gone down the hall.
“So what happened?” Ava asked as Spidey sat down.
“Fell into the wrong corner of the internet.” At Danny’s confused look Peter went on. “ ‘Phobes, “that doesn’t exist”, just crummy people being crummy people.”
Iron First nodded and frowned at the hall sympathetically.
 Nova stopped outside the locked door. “Babe? It’s Sammy, can I…” He paused, not so much waiting for a response but listening for… The door panel light changed to green indicating it was open from the inside. As Nova opened the door, light flooded the room. …’sign 1: sitting in the dark’. “Oh, honey…”
He took his helmet off and sat nearly flush on the bed. Sam held his arms open slightly. Not a demand, just an offer. A welcome one at that, tangled hair got pressed into the side of his face as he was pulled close. Sam could admit he wasn’t the best at comforting and worse at offering affirmation but thankfully he was dating someone that gave really good preemptive instructions for how to help and what to do when/if they get like… this.
“Mm?” Sam prompted, nuzzling.
“Mm-mm.” Well, alright then… ‘sign 2: not having emotional energy to communicate verbally’.
“Do you…” before Sam could offer things he knew they liked they started to cry. “Yay, there you go I gotchu…”
“It… it sucks!” they clutched onto the gold straps of his suit as shaky breaths turned into earnest sobs. “Just, sucks.”
Gentle pets and tight hugs, helped the tension ease and the tears flow. Letting it out always was the best thing for them. Sam took a deep breath -one they mimicked trying to calm down. “No, no no, let it out, gumball, let it out”- hearing them sob like this was always contagious, making his eyes water. Sam reached for their phone, their ears must be ringing like sirens in the silence... ah, yup. A familiar icon; four houses: three blank, one with colorful stripes.
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As the emotional chords and lyrics filled the small space as did more tears and sobs. Sam held the shaking body close as the song looped again and again. When the first yawn broke through he knew they’d feel better soon. They tugged at the strap they still held getting Nova’s attention. When he looked down they pressed the tips of their fingers to their chin and pulled a flat hand away from their face.
“Don’t thank me, baby. You don’t have to thank me. I love you, I’ll always be here when the world sucks.” That got a little giggle, before the sobs came back and they latched on like a vice. A few tears slipped down his own face. He couldn’t help it, as much as he’d like to be a calm and collected comfort watching the dysphoria hit always broke his heart to see.
“Ooh! Hol’ on a sec.” They let go and scrubbed their face as their boyfriend searched through their regular day bag. “Ah ha!” he sat down just as they tossed away a soiled tissue. “Bam. Passport and driver’s license are next.” Sam set a small card in their hand. They looked at the piece of plastic and smiled before clutching it to their chest. Their S.H.I.E.L.D. I.D. was the only official document they had that had the correct name on it. It was useless everywhere else but still made them happy to have.
“I love you, Sammy.”
“I love you, too, handsome.”
A pause. “Promise?”
“Yeah. The real you.” His statement accentuated by running his fingers over the bump of each scar on their chest. “We can talk to Connors about bottom and T. tomorrow if you feel like it then?”
They nodded and presses kisses to his shoulder as they pulled him to sit in their lap, tangling themselves together snug. More tears flowed, again and again as they curled tight. After what felt like could be an hour a knock tapped at the door. They nodded into the boy clutched in their arms prompting Sam to hold them tighter and turn to the door, “It’s open.”
The team peered in with matching sorrowful expressions. Sam may be the one actively in a relationship but all five of the team had grown to need the young agent. Danny held out bottle. Sam looked down. “Do you think you could try and drink some water, love?”
They sniffled and sat up eagerly, nodding and pulling stray hairs off their wet face. Danny smiled at their immediate interest in hydration. Sam pressed a kiss to their temple after they swiftly downed 3/5 of the liquid. When they yawned for the n’th time Ava ushered the others to leave and let the couple be.
“What’s up?” Peter asked from the doorway.
They pointed to Sam, then to the team, then snuggled back into their boyfriend. Surly they weren’t asking for Sam to leave (they didn’t do it like that). At Peter’s confused face Sam spoke to his partner loud enough for the others to hear the message being translated to them, “they’ll grab me if Nova’s needed.”
“Nah, dude stay, we go-” Sam cut Luke off with a shake of his head and continued quieter, “they’ll spiral if they think they’re keeping me from something.” The taller boy nodded as the four heroes bid the two goodnight and closed the door.
“Think you could sleep?”
The start of a nod before a shrug.
“Wanna try?”
Soft nodding.
“Okay,” Sam sighed as he spoke and laid down. He felt the familiar weight and warmth as they curled around him and pressed a few gentle kisses to the back of his neck.
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petertingle-yipyip · 2 years
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season 2b - what a time
tags: @ironprincessstranger @americaarse @dusstory @johnmurphys-sass @astrobees @mayasaurus--rex // one // three // masterlist
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 4,608
Summary: Peace didn’t last long as an odd case lures Matt back in. Following right behind him as always, Y/N ends up drawn in as well. But who are they really up against?
The next morning, Matt was up before you as usual. You were still rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you left the bedroom, only to find him throwing the med kit across the room.
“Goddammit.” He mumbled. “Goddammit!”
“It was one time.” You reasoned as you stepped closer and put your hands on his shoulders, feeling the tension in his muscles relax slightly. “Neither of us were gonna let those kids get hurt.”
“Y/N, we weren’t supposed to do it again.” He sighed, straightening up and trying to push past you. “We’re not them anymore!”
“Hey.” You stepped in front of him and put hands on his chest to stop him, which earned you a slight glare of annoyance. “Don’t do that, alright? I don’t regret what we did last night. Neither should you.”
“We stopped for a reason.”
“But we can’t stop being who we are. What we did as Exodus and Daredevil got Fisk. What I did as Y/N almost had Frank off the hook and what you’ve been doing as Matt is helping people like Aaron James.”
“You’ve been waiting for an excuse, haven’t you?” He scoffed and raised his brows expectantly.
“First of all, I don’t need an excuse. If I want to put my mask on again, I can. And I don’t need your permission.” You answered firmly. “Second, you were the one that dragged me into that alley fight. You didn’t hesitate. Not once.”
He scoffed slightly.
“Matt, those kids needed help! No one else was around. If we hadn’t stepped in, they would’ve been shot dead in that alley over a stupid TV. We saved them, alright? It was a good thing we did.”
“We weren’t supposed to do this.” He sighed and leaned his forehead down to rest on yours.
“I know…” Your eyes closed as you answered gently, taking in some of his warm stress and anger. “But it was just this one time. Just once.”
“Just once.”
“As long as the suits stay locked away, we didn’t break any promises, okay?”
“Okay.” He smiled softly. “Thank you.”
“For what? Not letting you make a big deal over a couple punches?” You joked and wrapped your arms over his shoulders.
“For being there.” He clarified with a chuckle as he rested his hands on your arms, turning his head to leave a soft kiss against the crook of your elbow. “Last night and right now.. I don’t know what I'd do without you.”
“Probably something stupid.” You grinned and he laughed. “It's your usual go to.”
“Hilarious.” He smiled as his phone announced Foggy was calling.
You two met Foggy down at Josie’s and for a few minutes, it almost felt like old times. You three chatted about life and were catching up when Foggy made a comment on Matt’s knuckles. You had left your own to heal naturally, but made sure to keep them out of sight since Foggy didn’t know your own secret.
“That why you called? To see if I’d done anything stupid?” Matt commented as he stood and put his jacket on to leave.
“Sit down.” You sighed and tugged his hand, to which he pulled away roughly.
“It’s not stupid. I know you’re trying.” Foggy tried, though Matt didn’t care.
“Earth shook, Foggy. Cops weren’t coming.”
As Matt tried to walk past, you grabbed his sleeve and pulled him back. He sighed loudly but you grabbed his arm tighter and pushed a heat of anger the hand you had on his sleeve until he made a noise of discomfort. You cleared your throat as you glared at him and he huffed before settling next to you.
“He didn’t do anything.” You explained, lying through your teeth. “Last night, before all of that, I took him to Fogwell’s. I kept instigating him and we took it too far.” You showed Foggy the back of your own hands.
Your friend sighed as he looked at your knuckles. He turned back to your face and you could see the uncertainty in his eyes but you put on your most convincing face.
“Whatever you’re doing, I’m not gonna judge.” He said finally.
“Excuse me?” You said with wide eyes when you realized it didn’t work and Matt chuckled beside you as he threw an arm over your shoulder.
Usually you were a great liar, even when you told shitty ones.
“But I think I can help you guys through it. I came to offer you two something. These are some case files for stuff that I’m too busy to handle right now.” Foggy explained as he pulled a small stack of folders from his bag.
“Mr. Big Time doesn’t have for the little guy anymore?” You teased gently.
“C’mon, I don’t need your charity.” Matt groaned and you elbowed him slightly.
“This isn’t that! I’m outsourcing to two of the best lawyers I know.”
“Fog, I don’t do lawyer stuff anymore.” You said simply as you flipped through the files.
“You were one of the smartest people in our class but you expect me to believe that you just gave it up to work for a security company?” He teased. “Not even the FBI. But a security company. I don’t buy it, Y/N/N.”
“Yeah, well you don’t have to.. You outsourcing the kind of stuff he’s doing anyway?” You nodded to Matt.
“Yeah, it ranges from petty bullshit to life-changing kind of important. There’s malpractice, worker’s comp. Y’know, good people that need justice.”
“It’ll keep you busy.” You tilted your head back to look at Matt. “And you’d still be a hero. Just a different kind.”
He scoffed lightly and you could see he wanted to comment on your use of that word, but he said nothing since Foggy was there.
“I know it’s not a solution, not long term anyway.” Foggy continued as Matt came and sat back in his seat. You leaned your chin on his shoulder and snaked your arm around his. “But it’s the best I got right now.”
“And if it doesn’t work?” Matt asked genuinely.
“Then at least we tried… And maybe we can get Y/N back in the game.”
You and Matt laughed and it really felt like old times then.
You three stayed a while longer, talking and drinking and laughing. It wasn’t until Foggy got called back for work that you all separated.
“What’s bothering you?” Matt asked as you two walked the streets back to your apartment, his arm over your shoulders and the other guiding his cane across the sidewalk while your arms hugged the files to your chest.
“Huh?” Your head snapped up from the sidewalk and he chuckled softly.
“What’s wrong?” He repeated with a gentle smile. “You’ve been quiet since we left Josie’s.”
“I’m a pretty good liar, right?” Your brows furrowed and it made him laugh again. “I’m serious!”
“You are. You’re a good liar, yeah.” He laughed and you smacked his chest. “You don’t really have a tell so I can’t tell the difference most of the time.”
“Then why didn’t Foggy believe me?”
“You probably just used your abilities more subconsciously than you realized so now it’s a little different.”
You frowned slightly with a small huff.
“Don’t give me that face.” He sighed and using the hand that was over your shoulders, he gave your face a gentle squeeze. “It’s not a big deal, sweetheart. He’s not gonna figure anything out.”
“It’s not that. If he figures it out, he figures it out. I’m not worried about that. I just… Nevermind.”
“No. Don’t do that… Talk to me, c’mon.”
“You wouldn’t get it, Matt, alright? Can we drop it?”
“Hey.” He sighed and pulled you to stop. “I’m listening, okay? Why is it so important that you can lie?”
He spoke so softly, so genuinely, that you found it hard to tell him no.
“I’ve been lying my whole life, right? To everyone. It’s how I survived.” You explained carefully and Matt nodded along. “But a lot of girls I knew didn’t because they couldn’t lie.”
“You think something’s gonna happen?”
“I wouldn’t exactly be surprised… We have terrible luck.”
“Yeah, we do.” He chuckled slightly before replacing his arm, pulling you to walk with him. “Anything that comes for you comes for me too, okay? You’re not alone anymore. Even if you can’t lie your way out of it, which you know you can, I’m not leaving you to deal with anything by yourself.”
“I won’t let my problems take you down.”
“You’re gonna have to kill me to stop me.”
“You forget that I’ve almost done it before.”
“I knew you weren’t gonna.” He said proudly.
“The whole time you were just calling my bluff?” Your jaw dropped.
“Even when you swore you were cold and ruthless, I knew you had a heart.” He teased and you smacked his chest, which got him to laugh. “Yeah, love you too, Y/N.”
You got the call from Foggy just as you two were hitting your apartment building. He told you he’d buy you lunch for a week if you and Matt went to talk to someone who he swore ‘could use the two best lawyers he knew’. Reluctantly, you agreed so you led Matt to the precinct so you could meet with her.
“Please stop talking.” You announced as you and Matt entered the small room. “Jessica Jones, we’re your attorneys. Detective, please leave us to confer with our client.”
The detective huffed slightly before pushing past and out of the room, leaving you and Matt with Jessica.
There was an annoyance radiating off her that she wasn’t trying to hide. But there was also impatience, maybe a bit of fear. Whatever happened, she had no idea why and who did it and maybe that uncertainty was what scared her.
“You two public defenders?” She asked as you two took your seats across from her.
“Hardly.” You snorted. “We were recommended by a friend that works with-“
“Let me guess. Jeri Hogarth.” She rolled her eyes.
“Right.” Matt nodded.
“I didn’t know she did diversity hires.”
“We’re independent, actually. We don’t work for her firm.”
“Well I’m not paying you.”
“Can’t imagine you could.” You commented, earning a grind of her teeth and a glare that made you smirk. “Considering Alias Investigations has stuck its head in the sand after your riveting appearance in headlines across New York.”
“What the hell did you just say?”
“Oh, I think you heard me, Ms. Jones..”
“What my partner means.” Matt said firmly so you let out a loud sigh and leaned back in your chair. “Is you don’t have to.”
“Why? Hogarth will foot the bill?”
“Yeah. And I’m Catholic. I have a soft spot for hopeless causes.” He joked which made you chuckle softly.
“Explains her.” She nodded to you.
“I’m not the prime suspect in a murder case, am I?” You answered with a tight smile.
“Ms. Jones, may I ask how long you’ve been a PI?” Matt tried to change the subject.
“Are you always this rude to people trying to help you?” Your brows raised.
“I think I’m gonna find my own lawyer. Thanks.”
“Okay.” Matt nodded and closed his folder. “But in reality, you don’t need one. The NYPD doesn’t have anything to hold you on, despite the mess you’ve gotten yourself into.”
“So I can walk?”
“Your home office is still an active crime scene and you’ll need to be available for follow-up questioning.”
“So don’t leave town. Yeah, I know the drill.” She cut in and it was your turn to grind your teeth.
“She cuts me off again, I'm punching her in the mouth.” You mumbled under your breath, earning yourself a discreet kick under the table from Matt.
“We read your file. We know who you are, what you can do.” Matt told her, leaning in to speak quieter. “Legally, yknow, if there’s something not ordinary about this case, it would stay between us.”
“What part of ‘I know the drill’ did you not understand?”
“I know you’re pissed off, Jessica.” You said finally.
“Nothing happened.”
“I know you’re a little bit scared because you don’t know why whatever happened in your apartment happened. You’re annoyed that we’re here. And there’s something that you’re very interested in but refuse to say. But I'm telling you, in more ways than one, we are the best allies you could have for whatever angle you’ve got.”
“Nothing. Happened.”
“Then I guess you’re free to go.” You shrugged before she stormed out of the room, practically leaving a trail of angry smoke behind.
“That could’ve gone better.” You mumbled as you and Matt were leaving. “Foggy’s gonna owe me more than a week's worth of lunch for that.”
“She knows something.” Matt explained after a minute of silence, clearly listening to something.
“Who cares?” You shrugged. “She doesn’t want to talk. Let her be the cops’ problem.”
“Whatever this is, I don’t think the cops can handle it.”
“Matt, don’t. You go down that road again and it’s gonna go bad somewhere along the way.”
“I just think-“
“We agreed we were done. We slipped up the other night, but those kids needed us. We dealt with that and you had an entire moment of crisis about it. Jessica Jones is a grown woman who can clearly defend herself and doesn’t need or even want us around. Let it go.”
“Then why'd you read her like that? If you didn’t want to get involved with anything outside the case, why read her?”
“It was practically plastered on her forehead.” You reasoned, though you were a bit curious as to what really happened. “Matty, if she wanted our help, I’d say we look into it a little bit more. But she doesn’t. So let’s not”
“If you didn’t pick a fight with her as soon as we walked in, maybe-“
“Nuh-uh!” You cut in. “She was closed off and irritated before we even walked in. Don’t blame me because she’s a grouch.”
“You didn’t help it by instigating.”
“Does it really matter? We both have work tomorrow anyways so let’s just give it a rest. At least for tonight. Please.”
The next day, you and Matt were getting ready for work.
“Did you want me to bring lunch by today?” You asked as you were tying his tie. “I’m only supposed to be running a couple short training groups today, so I’m pretty sure Billy won’t care if I leave early.”
“Uh, maybe. Depends how long this client meeting takes.” He answered, though there was something underlying in his voice.
You hummed slightly and tightened the knot a bit harder than you needed to, earning a small groan from him.
“This isn’t about Jessica Jones again, is it?”
“Y/N..” He tried.
“Nope. I’m not doing this.” You shook your head and put your hands up in surrender as you headed to the bedroom for your shoes. “I don’t want to be involved in whatever Jessica is dealing with.”
“There’s something else going on. If I can find out what it is…”
“Now who wants an excuse for that suit, hmm?” You said as you passed him. “I’ll see you after work then.”
You tried to get through your day as normal as possible. You met with Billy first to get the day’s schedule as usual, but as he explained what the groups were and what the exercises were going to be, your focus drifted elsewhere. You were worried Matt’s newest obsession with whatever Jessica Jones was involved in was going to suck him and you back into the life you left behind.
The life you both locked in a case and weren’t supposed to touch again.
But still, there was that part of you that was itching for something to fight for. Something bigger than training Anvil’s new hires. Something that put your training to good use. And that part kept screaming that whatever was happening now was connected to that lingering darkness that hit you like a truck only a handful of weeks prior.
Work went by in a blur. When you were giving Billy the rundown of how everything went, you were seventy percent sure you were making it up. You couldn’t remember how anything went. Your mind was definitely elsewhere.
“You sure you’re alright?” Billy insisted gently. “Wanna grab a drink? Might take your mind off it.”
“Sorry, I’m- Yeah, everything’s fine. Just a weird day, I guess… Rain check on that drink though. I should just get home, see if Matt’s back yet.”
“Y’know, when are you gonna let me meet this Matt you keep talking about?”
“No, I don’t think he’d like you very much.”
“What?” He laughed slightly. “Don’t think I’m charming enough?”
“Too charming, actually.” You smiled with a small shrug. “He might think you’ve been trying to make a move on me this whole time.”
“I see.. That obvious, huh?”
“Yeah, my blind boyfriend could put it together.” You laughed. “See you tomorrow.”
When you got home, you found the doorknob was slightly oily, like someone with a wet or clammy hand opened it. Your fingers slipped into your bag and pulled your switchblade. As you crept through the doorway, you turned the notch and opened the blade.
“Put that little thing away.” A familiar voice called from the living room. “You wouldn’t stab an amputee, would you?”
“I used to beat the shit out of a blind guy for kicks. I’m not really the one with any moral high ground.” You sighed and dropped your stuff on the table. “You’re missing a hand.”
“I hadn’t noticed.”
“What do you want, Stick?”
“Matty’s gotten himself in deep shit. They need our help.”
“Sorry. They?” You went to pull a beer from the fridge. “Beer?”
“Just come with me. And bring those little buzzers of yours.”
You sighed as you popped the cap off your drink.
“We told our friends we wouldn’t do that anymore.” You said honestly.
“Well if you don’t, all of New York is gonna pay. You think that ‘quake’ was an accident?”
“Are people gonna die if we sit this out?” You asked carefully.
You should say no. You knew it. You knew you should tell Stick to get out, to call someone else. You were supposed to live a normal life.
But Exodus was normal for you.
“Listen close, girl. People are already dying because of this.” He answered flatly. “You can either get off your ass and try to stop it. Or you sit there and let it happen.”
“I hate you.” You groaned and slammed your bottle down. “You’re bringing me because I won’t hesitate to pull a trigger, huh?”
“These people won’t stop. You know that.”
“What do you mean?”
“The Hand.”
“What?” Your body went cold with the memory of Elektra dying at your feet.
“I’ll tell you more on the way.”
You pushed past him and went to the door that hid your suits, trying to clear the red tint that was clouding your vision. All logic went out the window when Stick told
you who you would be up against and all you could think was revenge. Wiping them out completely, though it wouldn’t bring Elektra back. But it might make you feel better, like there wasn’t something unfinished.
You slid Matt’s case aside - deciding you weren’t going to make the decision of his suit for him - and opened your own, seeing your suit staring back at you for the first time in months since you washed the blood out of it. The first thing you grabbed were your Bites, setting them in your lap before you pulled your top.
Then your mask slipped from the fabric and landed in your lap as you were tucking a gun to your waistband.
You thought about leaving it. You wouldn’t need it anyway. You didn’t need to hide this time.
But it had very helpful features…
You shoved it in your pocket and threw your top on before slipping a knife under the cuff. You grabbed your Bites and kicked the case back into the closet. You slammed the lock shut and turned to face the old man.
“Can you promise me one thing?” You asked.
“We don’t have time for this.”
“Just- Stick, c’mon. Please.”
He groaned but turned to you expectantly.
“If it gets to a situation where it’s me or Matt. I need you to make sure he gets through it.”
“Kid, you know it’s gonna kill him if something happens to you.”
“I know you care about him in whatever way.” You continued and gestured for Stick to lead the way. “I just need to know you’ll look out for him first, no matter what happens to me or anyone else.”
He sighed heavily as you two left your apartment.
“I’ll do what I can to make sure Matty gets through this.”
“Thank you.”
“But don’t try to get yourself killed. He doesn’t need both of the women he’s loved dying in front of him.”
You had no idea where you were going or what the hell Matt got himself into. But the second you had a minute to get him alone, you were going to tear into him. For running towards something you told him to leave alone. For doing it without you. For not trying to call or get a hold of you.
Despite that, every step you took behind Stick felt like something digging into your chest. There was something you were walking into, something other than another fight against the Hand. It was easy to tell, especially since you could feel a growing tension among a small group - maybe four people.
And there was something important Stick wasn’t telling you.
Stick told you to go in first and diffuse the situation while he kept a lookout. He said you’d need everyone to win this fight and you were the ‘most qualified’ to get everyone on the same page, meaning he wanted you to use your powers and calm everyone down. You let out a deep breath before going in.
You snuck in through the back door of the restaurant after fitting your Bites to your wrists. You hung your mask off your neck and folded your hands behind your back as you made your way into the main room.
“You wanna take your hand off my shoulder?” Matt said tightly.
“Take off the mask.”
You surveyed the group quickly.
Jessica Jones. A scrawny white boy, radiating a false sense of bravado and confidence. A taller, broad shouldered man who you vaguely recognized from a story in Harlem. And Matt.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Jessica groaned when she made eye contact with you.
“Thanks for the invite.” You smiled, earning quick head turns from the other two men. “Get your hand off him.”
“Or what?” His brows raised. Getting a better look at him, you knew why he stood out for you.
Unbreakable skin.
“Or you’re not going to like what I do next.”
“Try me.”
“I can be very resourceful.” You said carefully as the other man stood, still chewing a mouthful of food though he put his hands out as if he was going to say something to you.
“Sit down.” You said firmly and pointed to his seat. He sat almost instantly with wide eyes.
“Counselors. A word?” She asked with a short eye roll.
You moved around the table and Jessica followed, though you made a point to step between Matt and the other man to shove his hand off and offer a warning glare.
“How did you find us?” Matt asked as you two stepped to the side with Jessica.
You thought about the old man you left outside but decided against mentioning him.
“You’re not exactly hard for me to find.” You said instead. “What did you get yourself into?”
“It’s the Hand.” He sighed heavily and reached for your arm, pausing when he felt the protective material. “What? You just came ready to fight?”
“Considering you were supposed to be home already, I had a feeling you got yourself into something stupid.”
“Y/N, we can’t do this again.”
“They don’t stand a chance without us.” You said honestly. “We’ve gone against them before. I think our friends would understand.”
“So it is you two.” Jessica said simply, a proud smirk on her face. “I know who you guys are.”
“What?” Your brows furrowed.
“Exodus.” She used a finger to tug your mask slightly, earning an annoyed smack of her hand. “And the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen.”
“Whatever you’re insinuating about us-“
“I’m not an idiot, alright? I can put two and two together. Besides, you leaping around the city like a Russian gymnast didn’t exactly help.”
“You did what?” You turned towards Matt. “You’re gonna tell me you didn’t know she was tailing you?”
“You don’t have any proof.” Matt said instead.
“I did.”
“What?” Your brows raised.
“He smashed it.”
“Ты, должно быть, шутишь.” You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. (You’ve gotta be kidding me.)
“Listen, I’m not threatening either of you. But they saw him fight, how he’s covering his face. They’re two seconds away from putting it together.”
“You really think they’re that perceptive?” You looked to the two men, one stuffing his face and the other just watching with gross interest.
“At least one of ‘em.” She nodded. “I want zero to do with this ancient organization, alright? I just want to crack my case… Judging by the way you’re dressed-“ She gestured to your mask. “-and the way you sprang into action, I’d say you two want the same thing.”
Jessica stepped back to the group while you waited with Matt for a second, feeling his hesitation grow.
“I’m with you, whatever you wanna do.” You offered, reaching for his hand. He wrapped his fingers around yours but you felt him graze the gauntlets on your wrists. “But I know they need us.”
“You want to do this, don’t you?” He asked gently.
“I’m not gonna lie to you. I still hate the Hand, with everything I have in me. I want to put a bullet in each and every one of them. I want revenge, Matt. But it’s more than that.”
“What happened? Did they come after you?”
“No, I just… I felt something, someone a couple months ago. You remember when I got kinda weird and quiet? And then earlier today, something just didn’t feel right… I can’t ignore the feeling they’re connected.”
He sighed but nodded, pulling the scarf off. You shook your hand free from his and gently placed it on his cheek and he closed his eyes as he leaned into your touch. His hands slid under the fabric of your open top and rested against your lower back while he leaned down and kissed your cheek. Gently, he pressed against you and brought you two back over to the group.
“My name is Matthew.” He said simply as he handed Jessica back her scarf.
You glanced around the group, taking in the expectant stares. You sighed to yourself as your brain habitually was shoving ‘Exodus’ to the forefront. Out of instinct, you knew you didn’t owe these people the truth. You could make up any name you wanted. You could be anyone you wanted to be. But realistically, you knew you didn’t need to be anyone other than yourself. Your fight wasn’t for anyone other than yourself.
“Y/N.” You said finally.
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mrs-barnes-library · 1 year
What about a hc of Deidara with s/o who has similar powers like Danny Rand/Iron Fist?
Having The Same Powers As Iron Fist || Deidara x reader
A/n : I'm a real Marvel fan but I had to make some researches in the comics and the series lmao because I didn't know anything about his powers. It was really fun though :3c
THANK YOU so much for the ask ! It was a real pleasure to write 😍🔥
OUTFIT REFERENCES : You can either imagine you're wearing THIS inside the Akatsuki robe OR that you have your own type of robe like THIS
Masterlist ⚜
Warning : Mention of fight and injuries but it's soft
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 1161
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First of all for me it's logical to think that you are part of the fearsome fighters of the Akatsuki. Proudly wearing your black outfit with a red cloud pattern so recognizable everywhere you went. It's your boyfriend, the explosive artist Deidara who designated it, as it was a bit too long for you and was getting in the way when you were fighting
Even though it looked great on you, he liked it better when you took it off, revealing your yellow and green outfit, matching the color of his hair and ring. With a black tattooed dragon resting proudly on your chest, which he was trying to replicate with his clay
He sees you as a real masterpiece, his masterpiece
On the other hand you prefer to think of yourself as a Swiss Army knife and you have good reason. You have already mastered a great number of martial arts. In fact all the most important ones. Jujustu, easy, taekwondo, a piece of cake and not only that. You proudly add kung-fu, boxing, judo, karate, muay thai, savate… you have enough to say for an hour
That's the reason why you were able to join Akatsuki, they realized that your fighting skills were beyond comprehension. You were very grateful, because you were surrounded by ninja deserters, nukenin, like you and especially because you met your soul mate, the beautiful Deidara, the artist who gave back its colors to your life
At that time, however, no one suspected that your fighting abilities were not at all due to a particular power but only to your training and that you were saving your true potential for an
emergency case. Only if the fight became really out of hands
If your allies didn't know the extent of your powers, how would the enemies know ?
So for a long time your comrades only saw you fighting hand to hand with nunchakus or a stick
Deidara was amazed every time he attended your fights when you were paired together. One day you caught a kunai thrown at full speed towards your eye with only two fingers. He felt that sometimes it was almost too easy for you. It's true that with your stamina, your speed, your agility and your 5 fives multiplied like that no enemy could compete with you
That is, until the Konoha ninjas got involved
The problem is that this is the village you deserted and they, at least the older ones, already know your secret power and your level of fighting
That is to say that somersaults and baton twirling were useless against opponents like Guy Maito or Kakashi Hatake who once trained with you
Using your secret weapon was your only way to get the upper hand in the fight, as you had never used it on them for fear of hurting them. However times had changed and now you were part of the Akatsuki
For the first time you revealed to your fellow Akatsuki your true power as you clenched your
fist to concentrate your chakra - or chi as you liked to call it - lighting it up before punching the ground. This created a mini earthquake, as the shockwave blew your enemies backwards, giving you time to recover
The fight had ended very badly. Deidara had lost his arms and he was waiting for the enemies to leave to recover them. But in the meantime he was suffering the martyrdom. So you hid behind a tree and put your shining hand on the place where his arm should be and eased his pain. To his surprise he relaxed immediately and gave you a loving and affectionate toothy grin. Until he realized that it was you that was taking the pain for him
"Sunshine please don't hurt for me" he said to you while moving back slightly to cancel the effect of your power but you came closer and resumed what you were doing brushing one of his gold strand behind his ear. He looked at you with hearts in his eyes before kissing your cheek
After the fiasco of this mission you decided to train even harder to make sure to never see him hurt like that
You managed to master the Iron Fist with your second hand. Being able to concentrate your vital energy to strike without taking a momentum with that one too
You took a cue from Guy and Rock Lee's kicking style attacks for the rest of your training. Trying to concentrate your chakra in your foot so that it can blow through walls and metal doors
Deidara loves to call you "The queen of the grand entrance"
The last step of your training was the most difficult. This is the mental side of your power
You realized that in a moment of stress you could communicate mentally with your boyfriend
The first time it happened you were 500 meters ( 0.007 miles ) away from him and he heard you yell a mentally directed insult at your opponent but he could have sworn you were screaming next to him, turning around to make sure you weren't there but of course you weren't. In the evening he had asked you about it and that's when you realized your potential
After weeks of training you were able to establish a psychic link with your allies enough for them to respond to you in battle
In everyday life it was quite practical to exchange sweet words with Deidara without the others hearing or just when you wanted to see the pink rise on his cheeks and his eyes turn to the other side as the pink turned red
It's in the extension of this ability that Itachi came to talk to you. Indeed, he was wondering if your pshychic ability could be close to his hypnotic Sharingan. Two hypnotists in the ranks of the Akatsuki was better than one
So you started to train with him and after much effort you were able to master light effects that had the ability to hypnotize your enemies
Deidara was a bit jealous during the time you were training. He felt that you were spending all your time with the Uchiwa. But the truth was that he wasn't going easy on you and the training was more torture than fun as Deidara feared
At least, thanks to Itachi, you were able to improve your kunai throwing and your psychic abilities
All the members of the Akatsuki were pleased to have a member as powerful as you
Soon you would be able to rule the world with the help of you and your powers
And Deidara couldn't be prouder of you. He never stopped reminding people that you were his muse, his sorcery of inspiration and above all the love of his life
"On your knees all of you ! The muse of destruction is going to take over your lives on behalf of the Akatsuki !"
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 👅🍭 Again my requests are open 🥝🍯
Taglist : @malfoyscamander, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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liz-allyn · 1 year
sugar and vice, pt. 12 [mob!tasm!peter x fem!reader]
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summary: paint it black.
words: 8.7 k
chapter warning: very graphic descriptions of drug use, sex, violence and gore. smutty sorta dubcon spicyness (under the influence), alcohol, clubbing, being stoned, dry humping, needles, small dick energy, **tw sa - groping**
series warnings: mob-typical violence, bang bang shoot shoot, whump. hurt/comfort. sexual situations. spousal abuse. family trauma. drug use. coercion. kidnapping. gore. blood. toxic/yandere!peter (maybe, sorta), negative self talk, shameless forced proximity trope. ‘only ten one bed oops’ trope, imprisonment. slowest burn. a dash of questionable and/or morally grey intentions. extremely toxic relationships.
This version of TASM Peter is not canon. The relationships and characters here are not healthy.
Please don't date a mob boss.
18+ You’re responsible for your own media consumption, but if you still can't name the Mambo #5 women then gtfo.
a/n - Part 11 and 12 were the same chapter until I looked at the word count. Read 11 first! Also, it might be fun to listen to the official Sugar and Vice playlist on Spotify for this chapter.
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Go back to Part 11.
Part 12
Honey didn’t know this song, and she was nowhere near as coordinated as Felicia. Something something something about a monster and someone rapping really fast—fuck, this dress is so short!
Felicia had sectioned herself and Honey away from the crowd, up on an elevated platform two feet off the ground. It was a tiny island in the vast ocean of sweaty, pulsating bodies. She felt somewhat relieved up there, not worrying about strangers breathing down her neck or wandering hands feeling up her backside. Simultaneously, she felt exposed. 
“Relax,” Felicia hollered over the sound of the music. The taller woman wrapped her lithe but toned arms around her neck, gazing down at her with a million-dollar smile. “No one’s looking at us, honey. And if they are, it’s eating them up inside.”
“Why?” she shouted back, her voice audible above the loud music. “I don’t want to make anyone... eat... themselves?”
Felicia leaned into her space as if whispering a secret, her eyes swimming with mischief. “Because they want what they can’t have. And we can have what we want.” She lifted her eyes across the room. “Speaking of which—Annabelle!” 
Honey spun around to see a pink-haired woman with a long bob cut standing behind the bar pop her head up at the name. The two women locked eyes. Felicia said nothing, just smiled, pointed her index finger in her direction, then added another finger to form the number two. Inexplicably, Annabelle must have known exactly what the gesture meant because she nodded and went to work mixing cocktails. 
“Come on, babe, let’s have a drink,” Felicia said, pushing back her platinum locks, slightly damped with perspiration. Honey followed her order, and carefully tread down the small staircase off the platform to floor level. Felicia cut across off the platform, marching her stilettos through the center of someone’s VIP table, then onto the seat of an open chair, then onto the floor. 
She took Honey’s hand and led her to the bar. The sea of people parted in front of her as if she was Moses. Honey looked over at her in awe, as if she was a divine figure.
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Danny Rand was in prime form tonight. Silk shirt half unbuttoned, skin flushed from alcohol, he poured a bottle of Cristal directly into the mouth of a fangirl on her knees front of him. 
Rolling his eyes at the scene, Miguel’s voice rang out as he approached, “Well, look who it is!” 
Eyes turned towards the uninvited guest as he sauntered up to the VIP table. Danny looked up from his game with a sour face, chest puffing up, nostrils flaring. He sighed heavily as he recognized the figure strolling towards him, curling his lip. Miguel held his arms outstretched and said with a boisterous tone, “If it isn’t the Boy with the Magic Fist!”
Danny tossed a dirty look at him. “It’s Iron Fist, bitch,” he growled, snatching his glass from the hands of one of his friends. The sudden shift in tone rippled outwards among his guests, the festive energy deflating like a balloon.
Miguel held his hands up in surrender. “How you spend your Saturday nights is your business. I’m here because the boss wants to see you.”
The young fighter downed his flute, emptying it. He glowered as he lowered the glass, breathing venom over it’s rim. “Your boss,” he sneered, pointing daggers. “Not mine.” He sat back on the sofa, wrapping an arm around his supermodel Barbie doll. He crossed his leg and leaned back smugly, glaring up at Miguel. “I’m no one’s lapdog.” 
“Oh yeah?” he flashed a supercillious smile. “Why don’t you tell him that yourself?” Miguel leveled a hard gaze at him. “He’s here.” 
The second he finished his sentence, the crowd shifted, like an icy chill blew through the area. Danny sobered instantly, his smile fading. His guests read his reaction, awkwardly averting their eyes, minding their drinks quietly.
“Hear that? Your whistle’s blowing,” Miguel added with a showy flourish of his arm. “After you, bitch.”
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A little later, Honey, Felicia, and Eddie had taken over an unoccupied couch at a floor-level VIP table. It was unoccupied because Felicia had kindly asked the previous occupants to fuck off, here’s $2,000, go buy yourself a good time, handing them a wad of cash. 
Honey didn’t know this song either, but she bounced her knee, pretending that it was to the beat of the music and not the beginning of a panic attack. Anxiously, she tugged at the her dress, pressing tightly against her thighs. “Does anyone know where Peter is?” she called out. “He’s been gone for an hour, right?”
Felicia chuckled, dancing in her seat as she sucked back the rest of her cocktail, “It’s been twenty minutes. Relax, Queen Bee.”
“Does anyone know what he’s doing?” she asked. “What’s taking so long?”
Eddie shrugged. He was leaning back on the couch nursing a beer, eyes redder than roses. He looked serene amidst the chaos, and Honey envied it.
Felicia met her with devilish eyes and a sultry smile, “Daddy’s workin’, hon.” 
Honey gulped at the phrase, feeling her entire upper half flush red. She averted her eyes, anxiously tucking her hair behind her ear. 
“Aww, so cute,” Felicia remarked smugly. “Why don’t you finish your drink so we can go dance?”
Honey looked down at the bright turquoise liquid, only a quarter-way drained from the highball glass. Something called an ‘Adios Motherfucker.’ She picked up the glass and sucked on the straw. The alcohol burned fire in her chest but did little to quell her nerves. An air horn erupted nearby. She jolted in her seat at the noise.
This was too much. This was all too much. This was stupid. She was stupid. She was down here drinking in the world’s shortest dress when if anything she should be with Peter, betraying him by digging up his dirt and feeding it to her shitbag of an ex-husband that threatened to murder her whole family—
“I can’t!” Honey overanxiously exclaimed. She brought her hands to her face, trying to seal off the stimulation, bordering on panic. “I-I can’t do this! I need—” She sighed, turning to Eddie, who looked like he was somewhere else. Maybe the moon. “Eddie!” 
He didn’t respond, just stared at the spotlights, gently tapping his fingers on his thigh. 
“Eddie!” Honey called again, louder this time. No response. 
She carefully stood up and walked the short distance to stand directly in his field of view. “Hey!” she said, more forcefully. He snapped out of it, blinking bloodshot eyes up at her. She loomed over him with a straight face, her arms crossed. “Eddie? Hi. It’s me. I would like some drugs. Please.”
He blinked, stunned. Eyes wide. “Uhm, okay?” He stared up at her suspiciously. “That’s... not like you...?”
Her brows furrowed, offended. “How do you know?” she challenged defensively. “I can do drugs! I’m ready to do them. Give them to me. Give me drugs!”
Her voice echoed. He sat up, alarmed by the volume of her voice. “Shhhhhh! Okay, okay—first of all?” he said, whisper-shouting again. “Some discretion in public would be nice!” Apologetically, she tucked her neck into her shoulders, glancing around conspicuously. Thankfully, no one in the vicinity seemed to notice.
Eddie looked up at her, addressing her seriously, “What are we talkin’ here? Some Amps? Maybe some Bars? Some Vitamin-K?” Honey blinked at him, eyes wide. “Skittles? Slush-os, Squid Inks, Screamers?”
“The last one!” she answered. Her face crossed almost immediately. “Wait—I don’t know what any of those words mean.”
“No, shit,” Eddie scoffed wryly. “Most of ‘em I made up just now.” 
She sighed in frustration, folding her arms even tighter. Eddie inspected the area, with its loud noises and overstimulating lights. It wasn’t his scene either. 
“Look,” he declared sincerely, “I just don’t think this is the time or the place.”
“What is wrong with you people?” Honey scoffed. She looked back at Felicia and Eddie, her frustration boiling over. “Why does everyone always treat me like a kid—like I’m stupid or something? I can make my own choices!” Eddie and Felicia glanced at each other uncomfortably. “I know what I want,” she demanded with resolve. “And I want to just... survive this goddamn night!” 
Felicia looked away, a solemn look on her face. 
She held Eddie’s gaze firmly, pleading with a steel expression. “Please.”
It was the desperation in her voice that skewered him. Eddie stared, turning her words over and over again until eventually his shoulders dropped. “Alright,” he groaned in admission, rubbing his hand down his face. “Okay, okay, I might have something.”
Relieved, she clapped her hands like she was 6 and had just been presented with the exciting prospect of getting a Happy Meal after school. 
Grumbling to himself, Eddie dug through his pockets, eventually retrieving a long, thin tube. Discreetly, he passed it to her. She took it in her hands, examining the object curiously. 
A honey stick. She looked up at him curiously. 
He put a finger to his lips in a shush. “That one’s special,” he explained. “You’re gonna wanna ease into it, okay? Only half? Or maybe half of a half. Just to see how you react—” 
She quit listening after that, ripping the end off the tube and pouring the contents down her throat. 
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Honey didn’t know this song, but loved this song. The beat buried itself beneath her ribs, the melody hypnotic. She swayed and rocked to the music, gripping Felicia’s hand—her hand is so soft, what is this song, what kind of lotion does she use, it’s been forever since I’ve gone rollerskating, do they still have rinks—?
Something magical was happening. She was ascending. Beyond the dance floor, beyond the city, beyond the earth. She had received the knowledge of the gods—Fruit by the Foot, what a novel concept—and had become like them. 
She was a god. God was a woman. And it was her. Probably.
Fuck, this stuff is really, really great.
Her mind was buzzing—no, vibrating, like it was strapped on a rocket ship headed for the sun. She was sure if she’d had an MRI done—ooh, missed opportunity—her brain would be lit up like a summer thunderstorm. 
Time was moving so slow. And then fast. And then too fast. Then slow again. Time was everything. It was the key to the whole universe. Time stretched out on an endless plane. Every moment an eternity. She was immortal. She was like the gods, with her newfound ability to slow down time.
She knew two other things for sure.
Number One. She had a new understanding of what terms like Death and Heaven meant. Death was the cessation of time. Heaven was the moment you want to live in for all eternity. For her, Heaven is the maple tree in her mom’s boyfriend’s backyard, the one she would climb and fantasize about her future. Fantasize about her Heaven. Heaven was also a log cabin in the mountains surrounded by white pine with a flowing river, just a mile away from an old campground. Somewhere there’s an oak tree with initials carved into it: M + B, with a heart enclosing them both.
Number One. Section A. Or Section B. Peter Parker is also there. She’s in love with Peter Parker. She doesn’t know who Ben Reilly is, but she knows Peter Parker—add to number one, appendix C, this song makes me feel alive—and Peter’s a good man who loves The Sandlot and wanted to build his home where his aunt first fell in love with his uncle. 
Section B/C. Peter Parker is such a sap. He’s a romantic. He’s broken. He’s filled with love and darkness and passion and rage. He’s terrifying. He terrifies her. It’s terrifying, the things he makes her feel. It’s terrifying, how safe she feels with him. How fucked up is that? Surely, of either of them, she was the most broken of all.
She forgot two.
Fuck. She might be high.
“I’d say so. Why don’t you just drink some water and not worry too much about it?” Felicia said.
Honey glanced over at her companions. Her friends. Eddie and Felicia, staring at her patiently, charitable with their attention. 
Oh shit. I said all that out loud?
“Yeah, you did,” Eddie nodded with a worried frown.
Honey gazed at him, blinking. Then broke into a giggle. “I’m-I’m sorry,” she laughed, as the giggle turned into a full-body hysterical laughing fit. Eddie and Felicia gave each other a look. “I’m sorry! You can read my mind, Eddie! We can mind-meld! God, it must be so noisy in there!”
He sighed, “I’m used to it.”  Honey continued to laugh herself out of oxygen, tears streaming down her face.
“What the hell did you give her, Eddie?” Felicia snapped.
His shoulders touched his ear lobes, his face whiter than a ghost. “It’s weed! Just weed!” he defended. “Not even that strong! Like... the stuff that would make your grandma call you a pussy. An insanely tame amount!”
Honey grabbed Felicia’s hand, tugging gently. Unable to stop laughing, she chuckled out the broken sentence. “I.. I don’t wan’t... I don’t want... you to think.... I’m weird... I really don’t... I just... want to tell you... that I want to kiss you right now...”
Felicia shot Eddie a dirty look. Turning back to Honey, she smiled kindly. “Oh, you’re so sweet,” she said and planted a chaste kiss on her forehead. “Sadly, I have to decline, honey bunny.”
“Do-Dou- d’you not.. wanna kiss me?” Honey suddenly blanched. “Is.. is it me? Is it... d’you hate me? Am I annoying? Am I being annoying? I’m being annoying, right? I’m sorry—”
“Shh, shh... Not at all, sugar,” Felicia crooned softly, wrapping a gentle arm around the girl’s shoulder. Honey felt her anxiety ease almost immediately. Felicia rubbed her shoulder gently, a warm smile on her face. “It’s ‘cos I don’t shit where I eat.”
Honey stared at her inquisitively, tilting her head. With a sharp snort that would put a hog to shame, she burst into another fit of laughter.
Felicia stared daggers at Eddie. “You’d better sober her up real quick. Pete’s not gonna like this—”
“Peter?” Honey parroted, her heart racing. “Where’s Peter? Is Peter here? Where is he?”
“Relax, relax,” Felicia replied with a soothing voice. “He’s upstairs working, remember?”
“He’s working?” Honey repeated her chest tightening.
“He’s in a meeting, hon.”
“A meeting?” Honey exclaimed with a shrill voice, filled with alarm. “An important meeting? What about? I have to know! With who? I have to be there!”
Felicia shook her head, shushing her again, but it was like trying to tame a wild horse. “It’s okay—”
“No, no, it’s not okay! Nothing about this is okay!” she protested, her voice nearly breaking. “This is not okay! I have to be in that room. I have to be in that meeting! It’s very important that I’m there!”
Eddie and Felicia shook their heads, trying to take her by the hands and lead her toward the exit. “C’mon, hon, let’s go wait in the car—”
“No, no, I need to be in there,” she pleaded. “He needs me to take notes! Very detailed notes!”
“It’s okay,” Eddie coaxed her. “It’s okay, someone else’s gonna take notes, I promise. You don’t need to be there—”
“No! It has to be me!” she shouted, tears brimming. Like a spooked cat, she took off, barreling up the stairs. Panicked, Felicia and Eddie ran after her.
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“So they tell me you’re the underdog, despite all those wins,” Peter remarked, not unkindly. “The odds are uniquely stacked against you.” 
He sat across from Danny in a secluded, private lounge. It was part of a third floor club that had been cleared out for Peter to use. The tone of this room was vastly different from the party outside. Miguel sat on a sofa adjacent to the two men, arms crossed with a terse expression. Beside him, Jessica lounged with her legs crossed, a martini in her hand, looking more relaxed than Miguel. The rest of Peter’s men lined the walls, along with a couple of Danny’s bodyguards that could’ve been former football linebackers. 
Peter wasn’t concerned. Whatever Danny needed to feel safe. Remaining calm, he kept the tone light. “75-to-1, I hear.”
Danny’s temper was starting to unravel. The remark wasn’t stated with cruel intentions, but Danny glowered at it anyway. “Do I look scared?” he boastfully replied, surrounded by his three bodyguards. Peter subtly smiled. Danny muttered, “I’m in control of my own destiny.”
“I have no doubt,” Peter nodded in agreement. It was a somewhat patronizing tone, but it was the truth. “I have faith in you.” A shadow darkened his expression, “So does our old friend.”
The word slithered like a viper. Hearing it sent an uncomfortable shockwave through the room. Like they’d heard the ghostly moan of an apparition, everyone tensed, wary eyes being flicked towards one another. Danny froze in his seat, now aware of the context of this impromptu meeting. He frowned bitterly, crossing his arms. “What can I say. The fat bastard knows how to pick a good horse.”
Peter pursed his lips, dropped his gaze to the floor. “That he does,” he uttered, rueful and contemplative. He brushed his bitterness aside, meeting Danny’s eyes again. “In fact—he’s willing to bet the whole farm on it.” 
The boxer lifted a brow curiously. Peter explained, “He put a hefty chunk of change up, betting you’d win the fight tomorrow. Take Crusher out before the fourth round. Millions of dollars, too. That’s not for nothin’.” Peter leaned back, sighing disdainfully. “‘Course, it’s all illegal campaign contributions and even a couple of sacked pension funds. But if you win, he’ll make a killing. And all that blood money gets washed clean.”
“Blood money,” Danny bitterly replied. “That’s rich comin’ from you.” Peter narrowed his eyes at the remark. “And it’s not a matter of if I win,” he added, as if it was written in stone. “It’s when.” 
Peter flicked his eyes over to his closest colleagues. Miguel shared his same resentment, as did Jessica. Rolling her eyes subtly, she came to a stand. Stepped over to the bar to make herself another drink.
“You wanna jump on the bandwagon too?” Danny smirked at Peter. “Make a bet? Books are still open. Y’know, in case you’ve got any spare change you want cleaned.” The last sentence was thrown at him like a spear, followed by a wry chuckle.
Peter frowned solemnly. “Not this time, Danny,” he said tenderly. Apologetic. Almost. “In fact— need you to go down.” 
The other man dropped his smile. His eyes went cold.
“In the third round,” Peter added. As if it was written in stone..
Danny stared. Silent. Confused. The room was quieter as a tomb, nothing but the bass booming beneath the floor. Then, he broke into laughter. “Whaat?” He glanced around at his buddies, snickering. He turned back to Peter. “You’re kidding, right?” 
Peter’s face remained unchanged. Solemn. Remorseful. Even without words, Danny could read the response on his face. A fury ignited instantaneously, like the fuse on a stick of dynamite. 
“Are you fucking with me right now?” he demanded, glaring. Danny glanced around anxiously at Peter’s crew, his rage rising steadily. He turned back to Peter, eyes flashing with vehement betrayal. “You’re serious?! You want me to throw the match?!”
“I’m asking, Danny,” Peter calmly replied, empathy weighing his words. “However you wanna do it.”
The humor evaporated in his hot gaze. “Are you out of your fuckin’ mind?” Peter turned his eyes downcast as Danny protested ferociously. “This isn’t some bullshit undercard match! I’m goin’ for the Belt!”
“I understand that.”
“It’s the biggest fight of my whole life!” he hissed, raising his voice. “And you just want me to walk away? To lose? In front of everybody?”
Miguel and Jessica gave each other a tense look. Pressure rising like the room was the inside of a tea kettle.
Peter retained his composure, sympathetic to his associate’s dilemma. “I know it’s asking a lot,” he reasoned, “and I respect that. You worked hard to get here—”
“Eleven million, Parker!” Danny barked back. “That’s just one endorsement deal on the table.”
“With Roxxon,” Peter nodded, a small bite added to his voice. “I know. There will be temporary consequences, I’m sure. But I’ll make sure you’re compensated fairly.”
“I don’t want your money, asshole!” he sneered. “I want my goddamn championship title!”
Peter huffed with frustration, attempting to reason with him. “You have my full confidence that you can take it in the rematch next year,” he suggested. He lowered his voice, pleading with him, “I just need you to take a knee on this one, Danny. It’s all I’m askin.’”
Nostrils flaring, he replied with poison packed in each word, “Why the fuck would I do that?”
Jessica’s breath caught in her throat. Miguel went still. Ominous, ghostly chains rattled, as Peter Parker’s patience evaporated like a rainstorm in Hell. 
Peter’s eyes darkened, his gaze cold. “Because I’m asking you.” 
It was both a statement and a warning. Danny bit his tongue, glaring. 
“Because you hate Kingpin as much as I do,” Peter added, more composed. The next breath between the two men was calmer, composed by the clarity of having the same enemy. 
“And not to mention,” Peter said matter-of-factly, “you owe me.” Peter had trapped him in his gaze. For once, Danny Rand had nothing to say, but Peter wasn’t listening for words. He followed the slowing beat of the athletic muscle, and instead listened to story his heart was telling him. 
If the next words to come out of Danny’s mouth were lies, he’d know—
“No, I have to be in there, it’s an emergency!” Honey’s slightly slurred words pierced the bubble as the door swung wide open. All eyes turned towards the door as she walked through, barefoot and hold her heels, one in each hand. Desperately, one of Peter’s guards tried to wall her in with his body (keeping his arms stretched wide, hands clearly visible). It was a hopeless attempt to hold her at bay, a flimsy seawall against a hurricane. She rounded him, still babbling incoherently.
Peter raised his brows with alarm, jumping to his feet. “Honey, what’s the matter?”
“I hafta talk to him!” she barked at the guard, then turned to Peter. “I hafta talk to you!” 
Miguel buried his face in his hands with a groan.
“What is this?” Danny uttered in confusion. 
“It’s s’so important!” she said, almost desperately. Peter pinched his brows together as she waddled towards him, holding the hem of her dress down
“What happened?” Peter scanned her face urgently, hovering his hands above her cheekbones, observing how blown-out her eyes were.
“I-I-I’m here. I’m here!” she announced, as if that was some kind of relief. “Okay, um... I’m... here to tell you—” She hiccuped. “I have something very important to tell you! And... It’s-It’s a s-secret! An important secret!” He gazed at her pecularly as she looked up at him with bleary eyes. “I need to tell you—ugh, oof, I’m riding a surfboard, time is moving slow—Okay, you know how time is the key to the entire universe, right—?”
“Hon, come back here!” Felicia called after her, as she and Eddie rushed through the doorway. Peter turned over at them, tensing.
“What is this?” Peter demanded. “What happened to her!”
“It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine,” Eddie anxiously mumbled. Both he and Felicia were suddenly at her sides, each taking one of her hands gently. “We’re just gonna go find some peppercorn—”
“Uh, we don’t have a kitchen here,” Jessica supplied warily, side-eyeing the dazed woman. “Maybe we have some behind the bar—?”
“This is just great,” Miguel sardonically hissed, glowering at Eddie.
“Answers,” Peter glowered at Felicia and Eddie. “Now.” 
“Take it easy, will ya?” Felicia shot him a dirty look. “Don’t get your panties in a twist—she just got a little too faded.” Felicia said to Honey, “Which is totally okay, and why we’re gonna go home, right?”
Eddie rushed over to Peter, pulling him away. Felicia took Honey by the arm, now taking over the one-sided, stream-of-consciousness conversation. 
“Okay,” Eddie explained, apologetic, “so she’s fine. She’s gonna be fine. It’s just a little edible—”
Peter’s gaze could skewer through stone. “Eddie. What the fuck, man?” He hissed through gritted teeth, bringing his fingertips to his aching temple. “Why is it every time there’s trouble your goddamn name is attached to it?” Eddie reeled back as Peter jabbed his finger into his shoulder, chastizing in hushed tones. “I can’t believe you’re that fuckin’ stupid! Drugging her up, here? Now?”
“First of all, I didn’t drug her up,” he declared defensively. “She asked!”
“You should know better!”
“Hey, asshole,” Eddie sneered through his teeth, his eyes flashing angrily, “she’s a grown-up. A goddamn, full-grown, life-sized adult. Did you know that?”
“Everyone’s talking so fast,” Honey breathlessly stated, turning to Felicia with wide, nearly-tearful eyes. “Everything’s so fast. Did I make everyone mad? Did I ruin everything?”
Danny snorted, amused by the exchanged, “This is fuckin’ great. You’re doin’ great.”
Honey glanced over at him, “Oh, hello. Do you do crime to? I just did drugs!”
Danny chuckled, nodding along, “Oh, is that right?”
“Hey, wait, I know you!” she said, recognition lighting up her eyes. “You’re famous. You’re on TV!”
“Right, you are, dollface,” Danny snickered, letting his eyes travel up her body. He grinned devilishly, “And what’s your name?”
“Fuck off, limp fist,” Felicia brushed him off with a glower, turning her attention back towards the two men bickering on the other side of the room.
Eddie and Peter were at each other’s throats. “She can make her own decisions, man!” Eddie argued. “What the fuck’s with you being so controlling all the time?”
Peter’s eyes went black. “What did you just say to me?”
“I’m just saying, she’s a grown woman!” Eddie whined defensively. “You don’t need to baby her all the—”
“Jesus, will you two knock it off?” Felicia groaned.
“I’m not talking to you!” Peter barked at her, pointing his finger in her direction, then turned his wrath back to Eddie. “And what the fuck do you know about it, Brock?” Peter snapped. “You never took care of anything in your life!” The other man grimaced at the insult, a stab in the back. “All you’ve ever cared about is yourself. You’re nothin’ but a fuck-up!” Peter’s voice cracked like thunder. “You’re just a fuckin’ drug dealer!”
The other man blinked wounded eyes at him, taken aback, as he simmered with disgust. Pursed his lips. Quietly seethed. Swallowed hard. And then Eddie walked out on him. Peter was left standing in his cold wake, panting like a maniac. His gazed dropped to the floor. 
“Nice job, Pete,” Felicia muttered, arms and expression both cross.
“Don’t be sad, dollface...” Danny simpered as he leaned out of his chair with one hand on Honey’s wrist. They were still locked in their own private conversation while everything fell apart behind them. “Why don’t you come sit with me and let me cheer you up, yeah?” 
His hand gripped her thigh at the hem of her skirt, fingers brushing up between her legs. She jolted—practically jumped out of her skin, like someone dropped a snake in her bed. 
“Hey!” she cried at the slight, brows furrowed. “No touching! We have rules!”
Danny didn’t reply. Instead, his head went sideways, his whole body ejected from the armchair. She gasped as his body hit the floor with a thud, and felt an iron grip pull her away by her upper arm. 
Suddenly, Peter was in front of her, eyes filled with fire, standing defensively between her and the sorrysonofabitch that groped her. The champion boxer groaned on the floor, dazed by the ringing in his skull. 
“Get her outta here,” Peter muttered as he stood over the assailant, but Felicia was already at Honey’s side, whisking her away. Everyone else remained statuesque. Danny lifted off the ground and Peter met him immediately with another wrecking ball punch.
In the back of Peter’s mind, he heard shouting. Threats. Guns drawn.  
But Peter didn’t care. Because that was only the first hit, and he had more to give. 
Danny was flattened after the first blow. 
The second loosened his jaw. 
The third knocked out teeth. 
The fourth and fifth cracked bone. 
The sixth wasn’t for Danny, it was for one of his bodyguards who tried to tackle Peter from behind. In response, Peter lodged the man’s body into the concrete wall. 
Gunshots rang out. He didn’t know from where. He didn’t know from who. Didn’t matter.
The seventh punch was the last thing Danny would ever see out of his right eye. As it left his body, so did the ability to fight back.
“Pete! Stop!”
—don’t stop—
Miguel was there. Somewhere.
—teach him a lesson—
—savagry will be met savagely—
—no one goes unpunished—
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Honey had a point. Time really was the key to the whole universe. 
Time was everything. 
Uncle Ben used to say that all anyone has is time and what they choose to do with it. Ben Parker was a good man. Ahead of his time, in many ways, and also a relic of a time gone by. 
Peter used to be obsessed with time, astounded by the significance of a single moment of his life. One little choice. He imagine what his life would be like if he hadn’t intervened in the convenience store. What if he’d just let it go? He should’ve zipped up his hoodie, tucked in his chin, took off down the sidewalk, and left well-enough alone. 
Maybe things would be different. Maybe Ben and May would still be alive. Maybe Peter’s whole life would be different. Maybe he’d be more than just a monster.
It was just a moment. A split-second choice.
In less than 18 hours, Danny Rand was set to become the next heavyweight champion of the world, broadcasting and streaming all over TV and Pay-Per-View. 
Now, he was going to spend the rest of his life eating through a tube. That’s what Felicia was telling him, right in this moment. She was pissed. She is pissed. Pissed at him. 
what did she ever see in you anyway? — monster — can’t even stand the sight of you — parasite—you’re fuckin’ pathetic. a psycho-stalker creep—
“He’ll live,” Peter said emotionlessly, still lost in a cloud of darkness. He was standing in his foyer at the penthouse—how the fuck did I get here—and Felicia stopped talking.
Peter blinked again, and she was gone. He looked at the clock, brows furrowed with confusion. It was still night, but too much time had passed. How long had Felicia been gone? How long has he been standing here? 
How long has it been since he was anything other than alone?
The sound of soft giggles filled the air, and his feet were moving towards them. He was outside of himself. Watching himself. Split in two. Torn apart.
And then he saw her.
Honey was dancing, twirling around the living room wrapped in a terrycloth bathrobe, her hair wet from a recent shower. The lamps were off, but the room was lit up by her presence. Behind her, outside of his 30 foot windows, the glittering backdrop of a sleepless city sparkled like fireflies in the night. She fluttered like a butterfly, her wings beating to a melody that only she could hear. 
She was elated. Beaming. At the sight of her, he felt the darkness pull back and the shadows lift. He was hypnotized. The fog melted off of his brain, and everything came into focus. Time moved on, steadily, second by second. He watched her, a smile playing on his lips that he wasn’t even aware of. Relishing every moment.
“Ooh!” She stopped suddenly, slackjawed at his presence. Embarrassed, he brought a hand up behind his neck. He really needed to stop staring at her like that, he thought. It was pretty creepy. 
Honey ran towards him with stars in her eyes. She threw her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest. Her tight embrace took his breath away, but not from the force. His body tensed, trembling hands lifted away. Slowly, he brought his arms down around her, folding her into his arms.
If only he had the power to stop time.
“Yay! You’re home!” she crooned with childlike joy. “Did you bring muffins? I love muffins. We should get some muffins. I can make some muffins.” She lifted her gaze, looking up at him as she rested her chin on his chest. “Also, I think I’m high.”
He let out a soft chuckle, cracking a smile. “Yeah, you’re high,” he laughed. 
“Like really high?”
“Really high.”
“Like astronautical?”
“Astronomical,” he replied. “And yes. Like Hubble telescope high.” She giggled, blessing him with an endearingly pure grin that drew his soul from his body. His eyes flitted around her face, inspecting her eyes slightly pink from dryness, her skin naturally glowing from her face wash, her dopey smile topping it off. He allowed himself to just admire her, relishing in the warmth of her embrace. 
But soon, his smile faded. The memories of that evening trickled back in.
“Are you okay?” Peter asked, eyes filled with concern. He pried his own hands from her body, allowing her to stand freely on her own. It was important that he respect the rule that he had nearly beaten a man to death to defend.
“Me?” She pointed at her own chest, as if she was unsure who he was talking to.
He laughed, “Yes, you. Are you okay? How you feelin’? D’you need some water? Need anything?”
“I drank water,” she nodded dutifully. “I love water. Your water tastes so good. Everything tastes so good. Have you tried muffins? They’re so good.”
“That they are,” Peter nodded. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed.”
She sprang to life, eyes lit up like fireworks. “But I’m not even tired! I want to stay up... Stay up all night!” There was a teasing mischief in her eyes that made him dizzy every time he looked straight at it. 
“It’s late,” he remarked with a sober tone, letting his eyes fall to the floor. “You should get some sleep. You’ll feel better.” A familiar pang thrummed in his skull, piercing behind his eyes. His fingers kneaded at the ache.
“But I feel great!” she chirped, bouncing over to the couch and plopping down on it. “Let’s watch a movie! Let’s watch—ooh, we should order pizza.”
He pushed a smile on his face, although exhaustion weighed down his limbs. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I think you outta be going to bed.”
“Is that what you want? To take me to bed... Daddy?”
Time stopped. His stomach clenched painfully, like he’d been kicked in the ribs and tossed down a flight of M.C. Escher stairs. Timidly, he looked back at her. 
Everything had changed. He had the urge to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
She was leaned back, propping herself up with her palms. Her body was draped scandalously across his sofa. The white robe she was wearing was dampened by her wet locks. The cowl hung dangerously low on her shoulders, revealing taut skin stretched over her clavicle that softly curved towards her cleavage. The belt was tied loosely around her waist allowing a peek at the inside of one of her thighs.
If her body was a sin, the look on her face was the devil. 
The sweetness was gone. Seared off. Caramelized by a flame burning in her eyes that threatened to melt him. Her lip curled into a sultry smile, spicy heat dusted on her lips. The thought of tasting the fire there made him sweat. 
This… wasn’t a dream. Was it?
He was gawking, he was pretty sure. Staring at her with an almost virginal awe. She bent one of her knees, sliding it higher up. Spreading her thighs a little wider. He swallowed hard, eyes trained on the pathway of soft flesh leading to her core.
“You like that, huh?” she cooed, her voice an intoxicating blend of coquettish mischief and innocent curiosity. He took a step backwards. Unwilling to trust his eyes. Or his body. “You have your little nicknames and I have mine,” she grinned. “You can call me Honey if I get to call you Daddy.”
The tips of his ears were burning red. The sound of his blood pumping was like an incoming tsunami. Rushing to the areas of him that had come alive with just a few words. He swallowed hard.
“Come over here,” she said, rolling her head to the side. “I wanna tell you a secret.” 
His eyes were hyper-focused on the way her teeth pinched her bottom lip. His stomach was twisted into a pretzel. He considered the distance between them, a few feet of ceramic tile, and doubted it was enough space. Not with her looking at him like that. Like she was the predator. He felt unsafe in her gaze. 
“I, uh…” his voice tremored, “I don’t think... that’s a good—“
“I have a theory,” she sang. “Wanna hear?”
He slammed his eyes shut, sealing them off from her seduction. “Is it about time?”
“No. It’s about power,” she said with a Cheshire grin. Curiosity pried his eyes back open. She was giddy, shimmying her shoulders, with a sing-song voice. “I never noticed this before but... I have all of it. And you have none at all.” 
He stilled. Eying her, turning over what she’d said in his mind
“I can prove it too,” she teased, glowing. “Watch.” 
She brought her arm up, curling her finger in a come-hither motion. He stared at the end of her finger like it was the barrel of a gun. He looked up at her face, seeing a hunger there for more than just food.
The single word made his cock twitch. He swallowed a groan, holding back a grimace. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her body. Fists clenching and unclenching. Once he met her eyes again, the look there was pure lust, implanting sinful images into his brain.
Maybe she was right. If she was all-powerful, she’d just discovered that power and was flaunting it like a kid who had just found their dad’s gun. 
He was trembling. Folding like a house of cards. He was so fucked. Slowly, he treaded to the sofa, stopping at the far end opposite her, and sat down. She watched him sit back with the distance of a whole continent between them. It wasn’t enough. It didn’t deter her.
She crouched onto her hands and knees and began a slow crawl towards him. He averted his eyes from the parting of her robe at her chest, staring forward again. His headache was getting worse. Everything was getting worse. 
“Now, do you wanna hear my secret?” she whispered, stalking towards him like a lionness. 
His jaw clenched. His fist clenched. “I thought you already told me your secret.”
She was suddenly at his side, pulling his gaze towards her by his chin. He felt pliable. Moldable. “I have lots of secrets,” she whispered dangerously. 
Unsafe, was all he could think about, gazing in her lustful eyes. He felt like taffy in her grip, melting into the sofa as she climbed on top of his lap, straddling his thighs. 
His breath hitched, feeling her heat everywhere—his chest, his belly, down to the hardness beneath his belt. She was electrifying him, burning him from the inside out. He didn’t need to touch her. In fact, his fingers were buried into the sofa cushions, tearing holes in the upholstery. Just feeling her up against him made him want to rip his own skin off.
Then she rolled her hips against his. His lashes fluttered shut. Brain exploding. Muscles straining. It was like she’d dug her fingers in through his chest and ripped out his insides. He was being torn apart. It hurt. Pure, blissful agony. It dragged an involuntary groan up from his lungs and out through his teeth.
His eyes opened, softly panting, knuckles white. The person staring back at him was more than a devil.
She was temptation incarnate, wrapped up in a bow. 
“My secret,” she cooed tauntingly, “is that I’m not a good girl.” His eyes followed hers, neither of them blinking, like two serpents in showdown. Each one threatening to swallow the other whole. “I never was.” 
She crushed her heat against his, letting her fingers trail up the buttons of his chest. The sensation made every hair of his stand on end.
“I’m not sweet.” She didn’t say the words, rather she moaned them. He felt the rumble of her chest against his, her lashes fluttering closed. He was hyper aware of the friction between them. The two of them were like magnets pushing towards one another. Every fiber of fabric that separated them felt like sandpaper. 
Her hands traveled up his chest, fingers fanning out over the soft spot at the base of his neck. Like he was made of rubber, he dropped his head against the back of the couch. He breathed deep and slow, cock twitching at the feeling of the pressure she placed on his trachea. She was riding him, rutting against him at a tantilizing, torturous pace.
Staring up at her beneath heavy lids, jaw clenched tight, he struggled to not picture what they must look like. The image of her rubbing against him would brand itself into his brain forever. A picture like that would drive him mad, or even worse, he might rip apart her robe or the couch, or both. Instead, he drove his fingers into the sofa, as if attempting to push his fingers in between the threads.
“I’m not an angel,” she breathed, her voice trembling, “or a doll, or a peach, or a baby.” 
From his neck, her fingers grazed down to his concrete shoulders. He was so tight. Biceps locked up, abs were steel, every other part of him was rock hard. He was hypnotized with lust, intoxicated with want. With her hands on his shoulders, she had better control—or at least the illusion of it. A particularly heavy grind pulled a whimper from her lips, and he was terrified that if he heard it again he’d come on the spot.
“I hate being called those things almost as much as I hate being bossed around,” she breathed hotly, her mouth falling agape. He licked his lips at the sight. “I can’t st-stand being controlled by... by anyone.” 
She dragged her hips up and down. A breath caught in his throat as he realized he could feel her wetness seeping through his pants. He breathed deeply through his nose, nostrils flaring. His own voice was screaming in his head—don’t look down, don’t look at her body, whatever you do, don’t look at her—while another darker voice encouraged a primal response. 
“I h-hate all of those things,” she groaned, her hips grinding steadily now against one of his thighs. He wasn’t sure if she could feel the outline of his cock through his slacks, but he could certainly feel her. Her heartbeat thrummed faster. With her mouth lewdly agape, she leaned her weight over his torso, tickling the shell of his ear with her breath. 
“Except when you do them,” she gasped sinfully. His heart nearly stopped at her words. This wasn’t a dream. This was the gates of hell. 
“Because when you do it, it feels good. I like the way it feels.”
Every word crawling through his brain like an earworm. A parasite burrowing deeper in his skull. 
“Stop...” he breathed, his voice barely strong enough to carry the word.
—don’t stop—
“Everything you do feels good.” 
—this isn’t real—
“When you tell me to come to bed...” 
—desperate whore, wants it bad—
“When you dress me up in pretty things and show me off.”
—this isn’t right, she’s not right—
“Even when you hurt people to protect me.”
—filthy slut—
“When you look at me like you wanna fuck me in front of all of your friends.”
—this isn’t what she wants—
—she wants to hurt you. wants the pain—
“All my life everyone’s always made me feel like I was less than. Like I was worthless. But when you look at me, I feel special. I’m your favorite toy.”
—stop her—
—silver tongue—
“It’s sick,” she breathed, her voice edging on ecstasy. She dug her fingernails so hard into his skin it hurt. Every part of his body hurt. 
—she’s close—
—none of this is real she doesn’t fucking love you and you know it—
—you’re unworthy—
“I’m s-so sick,” she moaned. “So-so br-broken.” 
—stop this—
—don’t stop, you worthless fool—
An unhinged laugh bubbled up behind her words. “I fucking l-l-love it...” Her eyes rolled up in her head. Peter bit down so hard he could taste blood. “I... God, Peter, fucking break me apart—”
His hands were on her like a crack of thunder. Gripping her by the shoulders, he lifted her body up, twisting around and slamming her flat on the sofa. The force punched the air from her lungs. The whole world flipped, her head spinning from the dizzying speed. The drugs in her system were only stepping on the gas pedal.
Her wrists were pinned together above her head in a move so swift she barely registered it had happened. He loomed over her, eyes blown black, chest heaving. She felt her stomach flip, dropping down into the pit of a rollercoaster. Her muscles tensed, pelvic floor twitching—fuck me that feels so good fuck me fuck me Peter punish me—
His hand clapped down over her mouth, ice shooting from his lips. “Shut up.”
She gasped at the change in tone. Eyes wide open and frighteningly alert, she gazed up at his swirling visage. 
“Stop means stop,” he breathed darkly, his voice trembling with a rage that she couldn’t fathom. His hands were frigid steel exposed to winter. Colder than a corpse. For a moment, everything was blindingly clear in her mind. Washed out with bright lights that burned her eyes. 
Something was wrong.
This wasn’t safe. She wasn’t safe.
Soon her own thoughts were drowned out by the slamming of her heart in her chest. In a horrified daze, she stared up at him, too afraid to blink. She read the anger on his face. The lust. The sharp line drawn between his brows. Eyes black as onyx.
Solid black. 
Everything was wrong.
Her chest jolted in short gasps. She struggled to take in air through the giant palm stretched across her mouth. Her chest was tight. Whole body pulled tight. Her hands felt glued together. Even if it were possible, she was too terrified to move. Her nostrils flared frantically. She was paralyzed. Bound by darkness. By the black of his eyes.
She couldn’t breathe. The world was going darker.
Fading to black.
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When her eyes cracked open, it felt like they were covered in gum and her eyelids were made of sandpaper. Harsh daylight flooded in through the windows. Immediately, she felt throbbing at the base of her skull. She ached from dehydration. 
Her body was a desert. A barren wasteland. A potato chip.
She groaned weakly, dragging her hands down her face. When her vision came into focus, her brow furrowed with confusion. 
She wasn’t the bedroom. Not hers. Not Peter’s. She was in the living room, spread out on the couch wearing a bathrobe that was in danger of falling open and revealing her chest. Blushing, she yanked on the sides of the robe, covering herself modestly.
Her mind was covered by a fog. A thick haze made her memories feel like fleeting shadows. Glancing around the living room, she was even more baffled by the fact that she was alone. Not a soul in sight.
Drop by drop, her recollection of the night before revealed itself, like droplets of water streaking through condensation on a window. She had tiny slivers to peek through, and in those cracks she could see the club. The music. Her awful dancing. Felicia. Eddie. Alcohol.
Already, this was a bad combination.
Peter. His face full of concern. He was worried. He was protecting her...
He was killing a man. Beating him to death. The blonde sleazeball in the tiny shirt. The one who touched her.
Her stomach lurched and buckled. Nausea choked her. Fighting off her dizziness, she cupped her mouth and stumbled out of the living room. 
What had happened after that? Why did everything feel off? Unsafe? Why was that part of her mind just... empty? 
Her feet carried her as quickly as they could down the hallway, anxiety twisting her stomach into knots. 
There was a hole in her memory. A giant gap. She hated it. She hated not being able to remember.
She stopped in her tracks in the hall. Stilled her breath. Listened intently, wondering if she’d heard what she thought she’d heard. A voice that she didn’t recognize. And a moan. A breathless whimper.
The recognition had a whiplash effect. Her heart skipped a beat and sank at the same time. Something was wrong. 
Through the stillness, she heard it again. This time as a grunt. Grinding out in pain.
Why couldn’t she remember? What was it—it was right in front of her mind, and yet... it was too dark to see. The shadow of an eclipse. A dark spot.
A black hole.
She crept towards the sound warily, her feet like falling snow. At the end of the hallway, the door to Peter’s office was cracked open. A light spilling into the dark.
Another moan.
Something is wrong. Everything is wrong. She shouldn’t be here. This is stupid. She should run. Whatever is happening is wrong and she didn’t want to know about it. Didn’t want to see who could be in there with him. Making him make that sound. 
She heard that voice again. Dark. Could only make out a single word.
And then another groan. It was unmistakably Peter. Unmistakable agony.
Against her better judgment, her toes propelled her forward. Easing slowly towards the gap in the doorway. Staring through the blinding light.
A lithe body laid back against the side of his desk, long legs spread out across the floor. It was Peter, wearing the same clothes he did at the club the night before. But everything else about him was unrecognizable. 
His skin was pale, corpse-like. Baggy circles beneath his eyes. His body shivered like he was fighting an icy fever. Dress shirt was shredded, torn open, with bloody claw marks on his chest that look like he’d been mauled by a lion. In his lap, he cradled one arm. The other hand trembled as he held the plunger of a hypodermic needle.
She watched in horror as he injected a substance into his twitching forearm. An ebony, oil-like liquid flowed from the syringe into his flesh, blackening a vein as it traveled up his arm. His eyes rolled back, head thumping against the desk. 
The black stain spread like ink through water. Cutting through his body faster than blood could travel, branching out like black bine stems across his skin. Black oil oozed from the chest wounds, and after a few blinks, the lacerations vanished. Faded as if they were never there.
Jagged lines covered his body, as if someone took roads on a map and tattooed them on his skin. Soon the etched lines followed the path of his lymph nodes, up his neck, and across the sharp curves of his face. His eyelids opened to reveal onyx orbs beneath, glassy black and void of life. Void of light. Inhuman. 
She blinked rapidly, doubting her own vision. Questioning her sanity. Debating her own logic, even her wakefulness, as she watched the stain spread until it had consumed his body. 
Not a stain. Not a tattoo either. 
Whatever it was, it was moving. And it was alive.
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Continue to Part 13
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marvelstarker-mha98 · 2 months
The Invention Left By A Little Stark-book 2 Chap 3: New Designs
Pairing: Tony Stark & daughter!Reader, Tony stark & Jarvis, Tony stark & Bruce banner, Tony stark & Jennifer Walters, Bruce banner & Jennifer Walters, Tony stark x Pepper Potts Mentioning: Danny Rand, Ben, peter and may parker
Co author with: callikc Tag:  @venomsvl  @geeksareunique @huntective-kyeo, @klc13, @natsbiggestfan1, @carellmcu, @laura-naruto-fan1998, @fansformentalydistroyedmen SHIELD was dust at this point.
The organization - once one of the biggest in the world - was now naught but a memory to most. The leaks caused by Natasha changed everyone's perspectives on pretty much everything. However, the one thing that never wavered was the fear of HYDRA. After discovering that they had always been within SHIELD, people didn't trust the government anymore.
On the other hand, all hope wasn't lost. Although SHIELD was disbanded officially, a small faction remained.
Small teams still worked in its name to continue the good parts, fighting against the bad and ensuring the safety of humanity. Perhaps it would make a resurgence in time, perhaps the new SHIELD would remain hidden in the shadows, and perhaps it wouldn't last. Either way, the world was turning thanks to them.
After the argument between Strucker and Dr. List approximately five days beforehand, HYDRA was once again scheming. However, the focus of this particular day would be New York City.
It was early afternoon.
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Kids fresh out of school for the weekend were running wild in the parks and streets, tourists were crowding every notable spot imaginable, stray animals were slinking around the alleys, and people were running around to get lunch on their work breaks.
It was chaos, but a good kind of chaos. The kind of chaos that makes you stop and stare, simply immersed in wonder of how far people had come since the disasters of previous years.
The Avengers played a big part in that.
They gained more and more recognition by the day, and other allies were also stepping up to defend their city.
NYC didn't house monsters or aliens anymore. The rumors of gangs and smugglers and dealers were still very real, but they were always dealt with before the trouble got bad. Burglary, heists, speeding, and Karens were still a threat of course but the Avengers and other vigilantes normally let the police handle those ones.
Now, inside Stark Tower, Tony was in his main lab. The employees were at work with the new interns and most of the other staff were on lunch break, leaving him undisturbed.
The Avengers were having a week off after taking care of a rebel group selling weapon tech in Boston. It was a well deserved break.
Steve was out with Sam attempting to find a not dead best friend from the 40s, Thor was off-world, Clint was out of state, Natasha was in the fashion district, and Bruce was on a video call with Tony while at a family reunion.
"Check this out." Tony told his friend, adjusting the view to display his newest creation.
It was an autopilot Iron Man suit with a hulk buster arm. Although it was intended to fly on its own, JARVIS was in control for now.
In front of the suit was a large target strapped to an even larger mannequin bolted to the floor.
After Tony snapped his fingers, JARVIS set the suit into motion. Bruce watched intently, hoping the creation would be enough. The whole point of it was to subdue Hulk after all. If he ever frenzied and lost control, they would need a way to keep him in check.
On the other hand, he didn't approve of Tony's work habits. The man had been up for days at a time just throwing himself into every step and not stopping until it was perfected.
Bruce was surprised as he watched the buster arm deliver a blow to the mannequin target. The top of the mannequin bent back but quickly sprung up again, only to be greeted with a series of punches from the arm. If he had to compare it, he'd say it resembled a yoyo movement.
After the berating attacks, the mannequin finally snapped from the bolts that shackled it to the lab floor.
A small cloud of dust and debris lifted from it and the mannequin itself was thrown into the furthest wall with a deafening thud. While Bruce flinched, Tony turned to look at him with a shit-eating grin showing that he was beyond proud.
"Cool, am I right?" He asked. "Tell me you won't be picking up chicks with this."
Bruce hesitated. "It's definitely a concept."
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Although his look faltered, Tony kept up a smile. "What's wrong with it this time?"
"Nothing. Just, uh... Don't you think the punches are kind of... I don't know... Comedic?"
This time, his smile did vanish. "Are you messing with me right now? It's awesome."
"No, yeah, definitely... Something." Bruce then sighed. "Tony, I don't want extravagant exaggeration. I just want something to make sure no one gets hurt."
"Okay, I hear you. I hear you and I still oppose you."
"Look, Hulk smashes. He doesn't dance like yoyo."
Tony grinned again. "Bet you'd like him to."
"Come on, Brucie Bear! Give it a chance. Imagine you get to use this at some point. Imagine you're surrounded and helpless and I can't save your life. What are you gonna do?"
"I don't see how this is relevant."
"The Hulk Buster is gonna save you!"
Again, he sighed. Tony merely carried on without missing a beat.
"If you've got too many enemies, imagine how handy the yoyo will be then, huh? Imagine two yoyo arms!"
"How did you even come to this?" Bruce asked.
"A nap. A really nice and really relaxing nap."
"Yeah, it was like-"
"Bruce!" A new voice interrupted.
Tony frowned, looking at his friend who had startled a little bit. Soon enough a woman with dark curly hair came onto the screen and slung an arm around Bruce's shoulders.
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"Hey, green bean cousin of mine." She greeted. "What's taking so long? Nana J is getting snappy and Ched's provoking her."
"Give me five minutes." Bruce told her. "We're almost done."
The woman looked at the screen, raising a brow upon seeing Tony. "No freaking way."
Tony smirked. "Hey."
"You're Iron Man!"
"Very observant of you."
"Jen, this is Tony." Bruce said, trying his best to keep a straight face. "Tony, this is Jennifer. My cousin."
"Oh, hey. The attorney, right?"
Jennifer looked at Bruce with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. "You told Iron Man about me?"
Before Bruce could answer, there was a crash from his side of the call followed by angry yelling. He groaned.
"Tony, I gotta go." He said.
Tony wasn't particularly bothered and gave a shrug. "Sure thing, Brucie Bear."
"Let's not make that a thing."
"No, let's."
"Oh, hey, before you go!" Jen said. "I got a question."
Tony nodded. "Shoot."
"You know Captain America really well right?"
"Oh, yeah, totally. Besties."
"Great! Please, please tell me you know whether or not he's a vir-"
"Alright, we can pick this up later." Bruce interrupted, well aware of what his cousin was about to ask. "Try to dial down the yoyo, Tony."
Tony shrugged, putting on an innocent smile. "If I must. Talk later."
The video call ended with a drastic goodbye from Jennifer. When the screen disappeared Tony turned to look at the mess left by the Hulk buster.
"Yeah, no can do." He said. "The yoyo is actually getting dialed up."
"Sir, is it wise to go against Dr. Banner's wishes?" JARVIS spoke up.
Tony sat himself in a spinning chair and spun to face the Hulk Buster that was still punching. Since the mannequin had been destroyed, it was now punching air.
"Everything I do is wise." He countered.
JARVIS switched off the arm, letting silence fall in the lab. "If you say so."
Tony rolled his eyes and let himself relax. As he did so, his hand found its way to his chest where a familiar key hung. He hadn't taken it off for a year.
"Do you think she'd like it?" He asked more seriously. "(Y/n)."
Most people had forgotten your name now. After the data leak and your announcement and then the assassination the world certainly took its time in moving on. But it still did it.
Your true family couldn't ever forget, though. Tony, Pepper, Happy, Rhodey, Agent Hill, and the Parkers... They always remembered your name. They cherished it.
During moments of solitude and isolation were when Tony most frequently found himself haunted by the memories. The last few hours he spent at your side were simultaneously the best and worst in his life.
"I like to think Miss Stark would indeed love the design." JARVIS said.
Dum-E - who was positioned at the desk Tony was sitting at - beeped in monotone. It was clear that even his semi-conscious body missed you.
Tony sighed. "I know, buddy."
After a moment of mourning silence, JARVIS spoke again. "Ms. Potts is on her way up, sir."
Tony looked at the mess of his lab.
The floor was cracked from where the mannequin had snapped, the dust was hanging in the air, pebble-sized debris was scattered around, and the mannequin was against the wall where an indent had now been made.
Spring cleaning was not an option.
"Dum, you wanna do your old man a favor?" He said.
With a series of beeps, the machine obeyed, getting straight to work. Tony jumped to his feet and began to move the mannequin right as the lab door opened.
Pepper stopped as she took in the mess.
"Did I miss something?" She questioned.
Tony - midway through shoving the mannequin in a closet - dropped the target and simply smiled, his arms spread wide.
"Pepper Potts, love of my life." He greeted flamboyantly. "How are you?"
She remained quiet, too stunned to speak.
"Good, good." Tony continued, walking over to embrace her. "Taking a break from all that paperwork? My lovely CEO."
He placed a kiss on her cheek and she finally smiled back. Upon seeing this, Tony grinned.
"The paperwork is fine." Pepper told him. "I just got concerned when I heard what sounded like a bomb go off up here."
"Oh, that." He glanced at the corner which was still being cleaned by Dum-E. "I wouldn't call it a bomb, persee."
"Then what?"
"Just some Avengers stuff. I'm working on a thing for Banner of the Apes."
"Ah." She nodded. "No further questions."
"Yeah, probably best. I'll work on the mess thing."
During the past year, Tony and Pepper had still been going strong. A lot of it was obviously because of their personal dedication, but another part was also due to your will. You had made it clear that you were so happy for them and hoped they'd go on forever which made them all the more determined to make their relationship work.
They had arguments and disagreements like every other couple but they always figured it out in the end. Maybe Tony ended up sleeping on the couch once in a while and Pepper stayed late at the office, but their love never wavered.
"I hope you didn't forget about tonight." Pepper said.
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Tony blinked as a frown slowly appeared on his face. "Tonight?"
A deadline?
"Uh..." He didn't know what he was missing. "Yeah. Tonight. I remember."
Pepper merely rolled her eyes. "You forgot, didn't you?"
He grimaced at her stern tone. "Yes."
"Oh, my - Are you serious?"
"Sorry, sweetheart. Got carried away today. I'm sorry."
Pepper sighed. "We're hosting dinner with the Parkers tonight in the apartment. Rhodey's coming too."
"Oh!" We shifted his gaze, suddenly remembering. "That."
"Yes, 'that.'"
"Did we have any plans?"
"Right. No, yeah, I got it. Shit." He looked at the ceiling next. "JARVIS."
The AI replied immediately. "Yes, sir?"
"You're supposed to remind me of these things."
"I did. Three times. You told me to hit the snooze button."
Tony pursed his lips, feeling awkward now. "You sure? Doesn't sound like me."
"We've still got time." Pepper assured him. "If you pick Pete up now then you'll have a few hours before the others finish work."
"Alright. J, order a bunch of Italian ingredients and get one of the interns to sort out delivery. I'll figure out the rest while I pick up the kid. Pep, you coming?"
"Sorry, I've got a meeting." She apologized. "Rand Enterprise."
Tony made a face. "Ugh. Fine. Deal with Danny Fisty."
"I'll be done in a couple hours and I'll meet you at the apartment, okay?"
He didn't say anything but nodded and leaned in for a quick kiss. Afterwards, Dum-E made a few high pitched beeps to signal that he wanted to join them. He'd only joined the Saturday dinners once before when it took place in the tower due to a schedule conflict.
"Not this time." Tony told the bot, understanding perfectly what he was after. "Dining tables aren't made for robots. Remember the disasters last time?"
He did a much more depressing beep.
"Work on cleaning up your own messes and maybe next time you can come." Pepper told him in a soft voice, much like a parent comforting a child.
Tony put his arm around Pepper's waist and gave her another quick kiss.
"I'll see you later." He said.
She nodded with a smile. "Remember, Ben and May finish work after seven. May said Peter's with the Leeds'. He and Ned had a sleepover."
"Ugh, children." He teased. "You sure I can't leave the kid?"
Pepper smiled again and playfully nudged him. "You like him really."
"Eh. Sometimes."
"Go on. He adores you, you know that."
"Well... I do like being the favorite."
He gave a little shrug, stepping back to turn off the lab lights. "Get me the address, J. It's been a hot minute."
"Already done, sir." JARVIS told him.
"Thanks, Tony." Pepper said.
As she spoke, she glanced at the mess the Hulk Buster had made. "Seriously, how did that happen? What are you working on exactly?"
Tony merely smirked.
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polyamships · 1 year
May and June 2023 Polyam Shipping Day roundup
Hi everyone - it's been a hectic past few months and we missed our May roundup, so here is the roundup for May and June for Polyam Shipping Day.
We had nine works for the month of June across eight fandoms, and 3 works for the month of May across 3 fandoms. All are linked below:
Boy Meets World: Trust Me (fanfic) by The_Lavender_Creator, ughdotcom (angela moore x cory matthews x shawn hunter x topanga lawrence-matthews)
Far Cry 5: Trusting Them (fanfic) by AutisticWriter (deputy x joey hudson x staci pratt)
Final Fantasy XIV: Clearing The Air (fanfic) by @theoreticalconstruct (thancred waters x urianger augurelt x warrior of light x y'shtola rhul)
Kamen Rider Geats: patiens (fanfic) by @flaim-ita (azuma michinaga x kurama neon x sakurai keiwa x ukiyo ace)
Kamen Rider Geats: The Star of the Stars of the Stars and His Co-Stars (fanfic) by @merryfortune (azuma michinaga x kurama neon x sakurai keiwa x ukiyo ace)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint: The Remaining Stars (fanfic) by@xnicowritesx (han sooyoung x kim dokja x yoo joonghyuk)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint: Trust During the Apocalypse (fanfic) by @xnicowritesx (han sooyoung x kim dokja x yoo joonghyuk x yoo sangah)
Sense8: You Have Us (fanfic) by ughdotcom (kala dandekar x rajan rasal x wolfgang bogdanow)
Sense8: will you touch me like you love me? (fanfic) by @heavensenthale (kala dandekar x rajan rasal x wolfgang bogdanow)
Sonic the Hedgehog: Trust (fanfic) by @sonysakura (amy rose x shadow the hedgehog x sonic the hedgehog)
Stargate SG-1: the journey home (fanfic) by @nonbinaryezrabridger (daniel jackson x sam carter x teal'c)
Ultimate Spiderman: stars (art) by @rolaplayor101 (danny rand x peter parker x sam alexander)
Thanks to everyone who took part this month!
Gentle reminder that if you want your fanwork to be included in the roundup it needs to either be submitted/@ us on tumblr or in the official ao3 collection, and if not uploaded on the day in question let us know what prompt it’s for. And if we've missed any items please send us a note and let us know.
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californ1asnow · 7 months
Multi-Fandom Masterlist
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[writing requests - open] |ao3|
Currently working on Broken Promises (Mike Schmidt x Reader)
Keys ↴
♡- fluff
✵- smut
☽- angst
Characters I'll currently write for:
Mike Schmidt - fnaf Peter Parker (all versions) - mcu Matt Murdock - Daredevil, mcu Danny Rand - Iron Fist, mcu
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TASM! Peter Parker ↴
How You Get the Girl ♡/☽
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Mike Schmidt ↴
Needy ✵
Mike Schmidt ↴
Broken Promises☽
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Feel free to request a song for me to write about! Send an ask with the character, song, and possibly short description of plot (or you can leave it up to me).
Speak Now
All Too Well - mike schmidt x reader
How You Get the Girl - TASM! Peter x reader
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Who i write for
I write smut, fluff, and angst | I'll do character x character and character x reader
America Chavez
Kamala khan
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Steve Rogers
Moon Knight (Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley)
Thor Odinson
Loki Odinson
Matt Murdock
Danny Rand
Steven Strange
Life is strange
Alex Chen
The last of us
Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
Assassins creed
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petertingle-yipyip · 2 years
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season 2b - ain’t it fun
Tags: @johnmurphys-sass @ironprincessstranger @americaarse @dusstory @mayasaurus--rex @astrobees // four // six // masterlist
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 5,228
Summary: The rapid rollercoaster of the Hand’s latest plot goes into sudden free fall and your small group of Defenders is forced to make a drastic move to save NYC.
You woke up in an awkward position in a chair in a police station. You got yourself up in a hurry, nearly tripping over a nearby coffee table. You glanced around in a panic, patting the back of your belt and your wrist. Your handheld blade was gone but your retractable was still there. Oddly enough, you were more relieved that you hadn’t had that one taken. You rubbed the skin under your nose and winced as your knuckles hit the tender area. Dried blood flaked off so you sniffled and scrunched your nose until the ache went away and you felt you could breathe clearly.
You turned and found Matt on the couch on the opposite side of the room. You hurried over and woke him gently, though he got up in the same panic you did.
���Hey! Hey, you’re okay!” You said quickly, grabbing his arms and pulling him in for a tight embrace.
After a moment’s hesitation, he wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face in the crook of your neck.
“Are you okay?” He asked when he pulled away, hands coming to either side of your face.
“Yeah, I’m alright.” You nodded and put a hand to the back of your head, under your hair to feel the collection of dry blood against your scalp. You frowned slightly and wiped your hand on your pants, but your fingers met with a series of frayed strings. You glanced down and saw an angry red gash against your leg that had begun to heal. “Could be worse, I guess.”
You jumped as the door flew open and you turned to see Foggy come into the room. You sighed in relief and Foggy came to give you a quick embrace.
“Where are we?” Matt asked quickly as you came back to his side.
“Harlem precinct. Private office.” Foggy explained. “I’m glad you’re both okay. Claire gave you guys a quick once-over and nothing’s broken, even though you both looked like hell.”
“She wasn’t trying to kill us.” You spoke quietly, rubbing the back of your head and feeling the thick thread of stitches. You thought it ironic that stitches to the back of your head was how you met Claire in the first place.
A lot of full circle moments happening recently.
“I wasn’t wearing the suit.” Matt breathed in relief as he sat in a nearby chair, taking your hand and pulling you to sit on the arm beside him. You gingerly ran your fingers through his hair and he sighed softly.
“I know… There is a God after all.” Foggy joked and you smiled slightly. You were in part relieved that Matt wasn’t in the suit, given that it could’ve exposed his secret. But you also wondered if he would’ve fared better against her with it. Then again, you wouldn’t have gotten as close to killing her as you did.
It still felt wrong to think of killing Elektra.
“We need to go.” Matt patted your leg and your attention was drawn back. “He’s in danger.”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “But we need everyone else.”
“Who?” Foggy asked quickly.
“Danny Rand. They took him.”
“The billionaire?”
“Stick.” He sighed sadly and dropped his head against your side. “She killed Stick.”
“I’m sorry, Matty.” You said softly, gently rubbing your thumb across his cheek. He sniffled slightly and turned to press a thankful kiss to the palm of your hand. “I tried but…”
“No, I know. It’s okay.. I’m okay.” He nodded slightly and blew out a sigh before he stood . “They um- Yeah, they took Danny. We have to save him from the Hand.”
You stood with him.
“No. You are in no position to save anybody.” Foggy said firmly and blocked you both. “They haven’t pressed charges but they found you both in a room with two dead bodies.”
“I don’t have a choice. He’s the Iron Fist.”
“I’m not gonna pretend to know what that means.”
“Foggy, the person who did this, who took Danny… It’s Elektra.”
“Your ex-girlfriend?”
“He’s telling the truth.” You said, remembering the words she spoke to you before she went after you and the thought of her voice sent a shiver down your spine.
You cannot take him from me.
At least Foggy tried to remind him that Elektra was his past.
“She’s dead.”
“She’s not, not anymore.” Matt sighed.
“The Hand has some resurrection ritual and they brought her back..” You told Foggy before turning to Matt. “I heard them talk about needing more of a substance so maybe that’s what they need Danny for. He unlocks something for them so this could be it.”
“Y’know, Y/N/N. When I saw them bring in him, I wasn’t surprised. But you…”
“Foggy, I-“
“I’m glad you’re okay but this isn’t your fight.”
“I can’t let him do this alone.” You answered firmly. “Especially if it’s El.”
“You do realize that you were stabbed and your head was split open? That you were unconscious?”
“I know how it looks but-“
“There is no but!” He cut in suddenly, and you had to take a step back. “Do you not understand how dangerous this is? You’re not him, Y/N. You shouldn’t be doing this!”
It was odd to have Foggy yell at you. Arguments with Karen over your vigilante work was expected, even a part of your routine at that point. But Foggy. You hardly ever heard him yell in general. You realized then just how much not knowing you were more than capable of keeping pace with Matt as Daredevil worried him. And it made you feel terrible. It also worried you even more about how he would take your reveal.
“It doesn’t matter.” Matt said, gently pulling you to his side. “Whatever they’re gonna do with Danny Rand, it’s not good for anyone.”
The conversation was halted when the Detective that you remembered from your first meeting with Jessica came into the room. Foggy offered you an apologetic expression but you didn’t acknowledge it. He was right and you knew it. Without him knowing your alter ego, it would be insane for you to get involved against the Hand. But it wasn’t the right time to tell him in the middle of a precinct. You blew out a sigh and moved across the room, pacing in a small area near the sofa.
You were thinking of Elektra and why she hadn’t killed you. Clearly, she didn’t care for you. She blamed you for her death and you had accepted that. It broke you every time you thought about it but it was true enough.
It was your fault Elektra Natchios died. But you wouldn’t take responsibility for whatever the Hand replaced her with.
You knew it was only for Matt’s sake. She saw the way he cared for you, the way you spoke of him. She had to have understood that Matt loved you, so killing you would’ve only drove him away. As twisted as it was, at least you were alive.
“Ms. Y/L/N?” The detective called, making you stop your movements. “Care to add anything?”
“No.” You said simply, though you weren’t really sure what had already been said. “Am I being charged with anything?”
“You’re a witness to a murder, same as him.”
“I got my ass knocked out.” You scoffed. “What am I supposed to be able to tell you?”
“You could talk about that stab wound.” She gestured to your leg.
“Don’t remember.” You shrugged.
“And the back of your head?”
“Probably when I lost consciousness. I don’t know.”
“Tell me, Y/L/N. Is all of that blood yours?”
You pressed your lips into a line and shrugged quietly, the small act of defiance spiking her annoyance with you.
“Y’know, it’s interesting…. You clearly know some of the people here.”
“And why does that matter?” Your brows furrowed.
“Because they’re here cause they need protection. Because someone cares about them… But you were never here.”
“Detective, I’m gonna ask you to stop while you’re ahead.” Your skin began to feel warm under your sweater.
“Y/N..” Matt said softly, probably picking up on the slight uptick of your heartbeat.
“Just makes you think, doesn’t it? Whoever cares about the people you know doesn’t seem to care about you as much… Do they?”
“I don’t have answers for you, Detective. You can’t bully information out of me when I don’t have it. Now if you’ll excuse us, I’d like to talk to my lawyer-“ You gestured to Foggy. “-and my boyfriend-“ You gestured to Matt. “- in private.”
“You can talk all you want.” She nodded slightly. “When we’re done. And you can change into this. We need your sweater for the blood samples.”
She gestured to the open door where two cops were waiting before she threw a t-shirt at you, matching the one Matt wore. You scoffed and stepped to the back of the room and turned away from the prying eyes, discreetly pulling your retractable from your wrist and shoving it into the front of your waistband before changing your shirt. You felt everyone - save for Matt’s - staring at your back, scanning for some sort of injuries or clues and you assumed the worse they could see would’ve been old scars and some bruises. Maybe a few welts and red marks. You looked the detective in the eye and dropped the sweater to the ground at her feet as you walked by.
As you were led down the hall, you met with Luke and Jessica. Your small group was led to a secluded room with the door shut behind. You huffed a sigh and leaned against the far wall, arms crossed while the detective and another officer tried to weasel information - or more likely a confession - out to you.
“Captain, my clients are exhausted and under extreme emotional distress. I’m sure you can understand how much they need to go home.” Matt urged and you chuckled under your breath.
“I’m not sure you understand the severity of the situation.” The Captain argued. You pushed off the wall and moved to Matt’s side at that point, putting your hand on his shoulder and his hand meeting your lower back.
Before you could say anything, Luke told them the basics. You sighed inwardly and dropped your forehead against Matt’s arm. You felt his shoulder shake with a small chuckle before he patted your back.
You lifted your head and he nodded to you. You took a few steps away and leaned against an empty desk on the other side of the room, growing more and more annoyed with the pestering of the officers. You noticed that the captain was getting aggressive with Matt so you lifted your hand. Your fingers twitched and toyed with his emotions, allowing him to agree with Detective Knight and leaving the room.
The detective was taking you all to another area when you ran into Karen.
“Detective, can I borrow Ms. Y/L/N? Just for a minute.” She asked as you all walked by.
“Yeah, I’ll be right there.” You nodded to the group and waited till they were out of earshot before you said anything else.
“Hey.” She smiled softly. “What um- What’s going on?”
“Wait. I just.. Karen, I’m sorry.” You said honestly. “It wasn’t fair for me to just show up and expect you be go along with this out of nowhere.”
“No, it’s okay.” She reached for your hand. “It was just a lot to take in and now.. I shouldn’t have been so mean about it… And Foggy was asking about you.”
“Shit. What’d he say?”
“Just wondered where you were, why Matt didn’t bring you here.”
“Did you say anything?”
“Uh, yeah, actually. I blamed your boss.”
You couldn’t help but laugh and she smiled, despite the worry she felt.
“Y/N, what’s going on? It seems really bad and it’s only a matter of time before they start to put things together.” She said gently, the concern dancing in her words.
“Yeah, I know.. The detective, I don’t think she suspects me but there’s a few eyes on Matt right now and I don’t like it.” You spoke honestly.
“I just…” She sighed. “I don’t get it. You two were finally rebuilding your lives.”
“This is part of our lives.” You shrugged slightly. “As much as we thought we could just pack it up, it found a way to suck us back in. You didn’t always hold that against me.”
She sighed and dropped her eyes.
“Y’know, I’ve lost a lot of people with this life. I don’t wanna lose you too but… I can’t sit here and have this argument with you because I’m not going to change my mind.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Yes, it is.” You laughed slightly. “You don’t want us to do this anymore and that’s fine. I get it. I know it’s a lot to handle and it’s stressful and it’s not fair to assume you’d stay around through it all. But we have to do it. A lot of people are going to die if we don’t. Hell, people have already died because of this.”
“But it doesn’t make sense! How did you two even-“
“Look, Karen, I can’t sit here and apologize and explain every minuscule detail to you all night. Alright? I won’t apologize for doing what I feel I have to do. So if you’re pissed at me and him, fine. But you don’t get to threaten me with choosing our friendship or this.”
“I’m not trying to give you an ultimatum, alright?”
“Then why did you pull me aside? I know you can find out anything to need from everyone else here.”
“Exactly… I have to go.” You patted her arm and hurried to meet with Matt and the rest of your team down the hall, despite Karen calling you back.
“Everything okay?” Jessica asked carefully after you slammed the door shut behind yourself.
You looked over for a second before sitting on the arm of Matt’s chair. You took a deep breath and found nothing came to the surface. You weren’t angry about your conversation with Karen. You weren’t worried. You weren’t happy. You were just… done. You were tired of hiding who you were and apologizing for it.
“We need to figure out how we get out of here.” You said instead of dwelling on that mildly worrying idea.
“Yeah, well, we’re only here because his ex-girlfriend almost killed every one of us.” Luke pressed and you ground your teeth. At least he said ex this time.
“Did she take Danny or did she kill Danny?” Jessica asked quietly.
“I don’t know.” Matt sighed and you put a hand on his shoulder. “But if what Stick said is true, and they didn’t leave his body behind, we have to believe they need him alive.”
“He is alive.” You nodded, eyes focusing on Matt’s hands in his lap as you opened up for his emotions. You learned Danny had a specific emotional signature early on and you chalked it up to his special hand. “He’s scared cause he’s alone, doesn’t know if we’re alive or of we’re trying to find him. Doesn’t know if Elektra’s gonna kill him…”
“Before you showed up, the old man was trynna slice him wide open.” Luke added. “And you can, what? Feel him?”
You nodded quietly with a small shrug while Matt talked.
“Stick must’ve known what the Hand was planning on doing with the Iron Fist.”
“You don’t think he would’ve told us? Or at least you.” You tried.
“I don’t know.” He sighed, partly in resignation and the other part in sadness. “But maybe he didn’t either.. Can you tell anything about the place?”
“The feeling is echoing, like it’s coming from somewhere deep and hollow so it’s ricocheting.”
“Midland Circle.”
“What did you come back with from the architect?” You looked to Jessica.
“He was planning to blow the building.” She answered quickly. “Collapsing it straight down into the hole. There were some blueprints in the piano.”
“So what are we gonna do about it?” Luke asked as he stood.
“Let’s just blow the building.” You shrugged. “They have all the explosives here. If someone can cause a scene, I can-“
“I just got out of jail!” Luke insisted. “They don’t even know who you two are!”
Matt jumped up and went to the door, seconds before someone knocked. Foggy was at the door and dragged Matt outside and while you were tempted to eavesdrop due to his urgency, you were pulled back to your conversation with Luke.
“If you don’t wanna blow the building, I can do it myself. Wouldn’t be the first time.” You offered and you were given looks of disbelief. “It was a vendetta thing.” You shrugged. “Here’s the plan. You guys can get in and find Danny. Once you’re all clear, I take it down. Any heat comes from it and it falls on her.” You made a vague gesture to where your mask would sit.
You saw Foggy push a bag into Matt’s hands so you moved over to the door and cracked it, just enough so you could be nosy while Jessica turned and talked to Luke.
“I don’t know why her stuff was in your apartment but I’m guessing you can get it to her.” Foggy said with a sigh.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I will.” Matt nodded as his hand felt around inside the bag.
“As long as you’re not cheating on Y/N with her.”
“Foggy, c’mon.”
“What? You gonna try and tell me that Y/N is her?”
“I- .. That’s not what I’m saying. And I promise, I’m not cheating on Y/N.”
“Good.” Foggy said with finality. “Because Y/N would probably beat the hell out of you for that and I’d let her.”
You smiled to yourself slightly and went back to your original conversation.
“None of that matters if we can’t get out of here.” Jessica complained.
“Yeah, no shit.” You scoffed. “My offer stands about blowing the building.”
“Y’know what, you little pyro.” She turned to you and you gave an innocent shrug. “You’re not blowing the building.”
“Well then you’re not gonna like the only other way this is gonna end.”
“You need to tell Foggy when this is over.” Matt said simply as he came back in, quickly flashing the inside of a bag where both of your suits were shoved inside. “He said that either this is you or I’m sleeping with her.”
“Both are true.” You nodded. “We get out of this alive, I’ll tell him everything.”
“Look, back to what’s actually important.” Jessica emphasized and you rolled your eyes slightly.
“Whatever we have to tell these cops, we need to get to Midland Circle.” Luke finished.
“So how do we get out of here?” You asked and turned to glance around.
You paused and moved closer to the wall, trying to remember the shape of the building and the path you took to the room. You pressed your hand flat against it and knocked with the other, noticing it wasn’t a dense sound.
“Matt. Bring me the bag.” You gestured behind yourself until you felt the straps land in your hand. You rummaged through it until your fingers closed around your mask. Holding it to your eyes, you scanned the wall. “It’s not load-bearing and it leads straight out. We can get out this way.”
“You sure about this?” Jessica asked, suddenly at your side.
“No…” You turned to her with a shit-eating grin that she frowned at. “You got a better idea?”
After exchanging looks, Luke and Jessica knocked a hole in the wall. You four hurried through and headed towards the building, but the patrolling cop cars forced you to duck into the closest alley. Matt explained the APB and the thought that you and Matt were kidnapped. You almost laughed at the idea.
Jessica led your group down to the subway where you rode the last few blocks in general silence. She took a beer from a passed out homeless man and you ignored the pinging of a phone call in your implant. Instead, you leaned against Matt’s shoulder for the trip and just took the time to enjoy his company.
The back of your mind couldn’t ignore the question burning there. Would Matt choose Elektra over you?
You wanted to say no. You wanted to be sure that Matt was yours, that Elektra was the past. But something was still there. Something that was just enough to potentially pull him away from you.
When you reached Midland Circle, you and Matt ducked into the nearest alleyway to change. You were shrugging on your pack when Matt finally spoke.
“You’ve been quiet since we left the precinct.” He said simply.
“Not much to say.” You said softly as you kept your attention on piecing your accessories in their places. “You haven’t been very conversational either.”
“Y/N, I know you. I can tell something’s bothering you. You’re practically vibrating.”
“Yeah, something is bothering me a little.” You nodded, slipping your retractable back to the inside of your wrist and fitting your Bite over it. “But if I say anything about it, you’re going to tell me that there’s nothing to worry about. That what I keep thinking isn’t what’s actually going to happen.”
“So why worry in the first place?” He asked gently. You made a small noise of annoyance and clipped your belt around your waist. As you were reaching behind to check what knives were still in place, Matt’s hands wrapped around yours, stealing your attention. “C’mon, Sweetheart. Talk to me.”
You sighed slightly and he took a small step closer.
“You’re going to try and save her.” You said simply and his brows furrowed. “Normally you being the hero is a good thing but… You know I loved her, too. If I could go back to that night and trade my life for hers, I would.”
“But I can’t.. This isn’t Elektra anymore. The girl we knew would never have killed Stick, even if she was pissed, because of what he meant to you. She wouldn’t have put a sword to my chest with serious intent. She’s gone, Matt. We can’t save her. There’s nothing in her that I can use to change that.”
“That’s what you’re worried about?” He offered an apologetic smile and you groaned softly. “Y/N, you are my priority. Alright? I have to try and help Elektra because I know there’s some part of her still in there.”
You sighed in annoyance and pulled your hands away gently and checked your belt while he talked.
“But it’s not because I still love her.”
“But you do.” You said simply as you knelt to grab your mask out of the bag. You hung your arms over your upraised knee and looked up at him. “Don’t you?”
He knelt in front of you and put his hands on either side of your face.
“I love you, Y/N. I am in love with you.” He insisted, giving your face a gently shake to emphasize his words. “Nothing is gonna change that.”
“Just promise me…” You stopped to clear your throat and will away the tears. “Promise me you won’t die for her.”
He pulled you closer and placed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“I promise.”
You smiled softly as he took your mask out of hands. He slid the strap over your head and positioned the lenses over your eyes. He patted your cheek twice before grabbing his own helmet and standing. You climbed to your feet and shook out your arms, feeling the tension fall away.
You two met with Luke and Jessica, heading around the back entrance in the parking garage after she made a joking comment about your suits. Matt warned that you weren’t alone so you tapped your mask and watched the figures take shape. Madame Gao. Murakami. And a man you didn’t know.
At the base of the stairs, you broke off from the group. You crept behind the cars and pallets until you were at the side of your adversaries. There was a brief conversation between everyone and you made a face to yourself. You watched from your vantage point as everyone who had weapons readied them. You turned to glance at Matt, who offered you a knowing smirk and a slight nod.
You flicked the knife from your wrist and hopped over the closest pallet. You swung your feet and knocked into the side of Murakami’s head as the rest of the fight ensued. Your opponent steadied himself and glared at you, to which you couldn’t help but grin widely.
“Who are you?” He asked angrily.
“Месть.” You answered proudly. (Vengeance.)
He charged at you, swinging his weapon with a hard intent, but you dodged his attacks. You knocked his weapon to the side and pinned it against a car with your elbow. You spun toward him and slammed the back of your head against his nose, hearing an echoing crack, before you reached under your other arm to jam your knife between his ribs.
He cried out and shoved you away, which caused your blade to jerk and break through cartilage on its way out. As you turned to face him, the blunt end of his weapon slammed across your cheek. The impact threw you against a pallet and he grabbed you by the back of your neck. You reached up to lock your hands around his wrist before you used the pallet as footing and threw yourself into a flip, yanking him with you. You spun so you two could face each other before you swiped the extended blade again. He narrowly avoided it and slammed his knee up into your ribs so your hold on his wrist broke and an old injury began throbbing again.
You swung a fist that he caught so you tried the other hand. You were caught again and your hands were twisted outward. You winced slightly as he pulled further and you saw over his shoulder that your sound had caught Matt’s attention. You lifted one foot and kicked out hard at his chest to send him over to Matt. Your boyfriend caught him by his arms and threw him over his head and through a nearby sheet of glass. You came crashing through soon after and slammed your knee against Murakami’s temple, forcing him back to the ground while you were grabbed from behind.
As your hands came up around the arm at your neck, you saw the blade was still extended. You smirked and slammed your hand back, feeling the knife sink deeply into their shoulder. You yanked it back and jammed your elbow up against their nose before dropping and sweeping their legs. You turned to Murakami in time to see him coming at you with the sharp end of his weapon. You leaned away and caught his arm, flipping him over your back and into a pile of concrete. You reached back and pulled your staff, flicking out the blade as he got back to his feet.
He ran at you and swung his blade again but it clashed against your own. His movements were quick and precise as he backed you against the hood of a car again. You were bent backwards against the cold metal with his hand forcing your blade closer to your throat. He was quick to climb to the hood of the car, pinning his knee against your chest. You woke the Bite on your free hand and reached up with it to grab his shirt front, yanking him down so his face slammed the windshield as you fired a devastating shock from your weapon.
You slipped out from under him and went to slam the blade down through his spine but he narrowly spun out of the way. His movement led to your blade sinking into the hood instead. You planted your hand against the hood and slid over, landing in a crouch and lifting the blade at your wrist. He was quick to put a hand to the side of your head and slam it against the car, resulting in your ears ringing violently.
He yelled something to one of his partners before cutting a nearby tube, leading to a cloud of white smoke coming out. You threw your arms over your head when the smoke was ignited and it suddenly became fire. You stayed in your crouched position until Luke came to squeeze the pipe shut. You let out a small wince when you felt the harsh burns across the back of your hands and fingers.
“Baby?” Matt said in a panic as he found your crouched form, though when you peaked out from behind your arms, he was flooded with relief. “Hey. You okay?”
He gently moved your arms and helped you to your feet. You muttered some assurance and praise for Melvin’s work on your top as you tucked away the blade at your wrist and reached for the one buried in the hood. You rubbed the blood at the side of your head gingerly as you were stopped by the same detective that was looking for answers, only time she wasn’t trying to stop you.
You all hurried to the ground level of the building and stopped for a moment to figure things out. Matt explained how to get to the structure, but the girl who had been with Danny - you realized you hadn’t learned her name - stopped you all and showed the bag of explosives.
“Glad someone else gets it.” You nodded to yourself and knelt beside her to see the blueprints she was unfolding.
“Exodus.” She stared in amazement.
“Y/N.” You smiled.
“They’ll have us on obstruction of justice and domestic terrorism.” Jessica urged. “And your boss can’t get us off for that.” She said to you.
“The Hand is relentless.” You said simply, drawing the pain and heat from your fingers to heal the mild burns. “If we don’t get rid of all of them, they’ll just keep coming back. None of us will know peace again because they won’t stop until we’re dead.”
“There’s no guarantee that exploding this building ends their organization.” Jessica countered.
“We’re here to save lives, not take them.” Luke added.
“I came willing to do both. These people aren’t really alive anyway…” You shrugged and stood, moving to Matt. “You’ve been uncharacteristically quiet, Matthew.”
“The building’s empty.” He nodded and reached for your hand carefully, his fingers gently grazing over the new ghosts of scars. “There’s no one else here, just us and them.”
“You’re okay with this?” Claire turned on Matt. “Just because she is?” She gestured to you.
“Ouch.” You frowned.
“You know what I meant.”
“No, but..” Matt made a face. “She’s right. And the architect knew it. The only way to stop this, to save the city from whatever’s coming, is to bring this building down.”
“Then that settles it.” You said simply and glanced around the group. “Unless there’s any better ideas?”
You were met with silence.
“Then that’s exactly what we’re gonna do.” Matt confirmed.
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youatemylollipop · 2 years
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Sam: What do you mean the earth isn’t flat!
Peter: Haven’t you been in outer space? You’re supposed to know this sh*t!
Y/N: Wow…
Hulk: …Hulk not smash earth, so earth not flat.
Sam: …
Y/N: …
Peter: I know bud.
Y/N: Wait… Does this mean that if I smash earth it’ll turn flat?
Peter: …
Sam: …
Hulk: …
Y/N: What?
Y/N: Oooh… I get it. I can’t, but Hulk can!
Peter: …
Sam: …
Hulk: *nods*
Sam: Wow…
Y/N: Don’t mock me…
Danny: Faith is to believe in what you don’t see; the reward is to see what you believe in.
Peter: …
Sam: …
Hulk: …
Y/N: …that was so zen! *awestruck*
Sam: …
Sam: …Seriously!
534 notes · View notes
rengokuswif3 · 2 years
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Word Count: 2.6k
Pairing: Strange! Fem! Reader x Danny Rand
A/N: based on the headcanons I posted awhile ago. also it has a shitty ending but you know how it be
Warnings: gets a little heated but nothing over pg-13, I swear. On god. Also Doctor Strange tries to give them “The Talk”
“Careful with that!” Danny yelped as you nearly hit him with the books. You had been working on perfecting a new list of spells Mordo had given you, and you were having a particular hard time with this telekinesis spell.
“Sorry.” You giggled as he walked farther back behind you. Some other sorcerers were working in the library, and would glance at the two of you every time you made any noise. So it was pretty often since both of you would laugh every time you messed up a spell.
“Y/N, focus.” Danny reminded over your shoulder.
“You know, telling me to focus just distracts me from focusing.” You mumbled as you tried to regain control over the heavy books you were levitating.
“Steady your hands.” He added.
“Danny!” You turned to snap at him for distracting you, instead making you completely loose focus.
You loose control of the books, and they fly across the room. You wince as the heavy books knock a whole shelf over, and it starts a domino effect. Danny watched with his jaw dropped as the shelves all tumble over, books scattering across the floor as they fell out. It stops with one last crash against the far wall.
Every single sorcerer and sorceress turned to glare at you, annoyance evident. You feel their stares but don’t look them in the eye, since they can all be really scary and intimidating when they needed to be.
“Sorry.” You smile nervously. That only seemed to make them glare harder, if that was even possible, at you.
“I think we should leave.” Danny whispered to you.
“I think so too.” You nod, and followed him out of the room. You two rushed outside, nearly knocking Wong clean over. Seriously, what was wrong with you today?
“What are you two up to now?” Wong asked, smoothing his robes out.
“Sorry, Wong.” You grin, grabbing Danny’s hand and sprinting away.
“You are in so much trouble!” Danny laughed as you both ran, scared to be caught by Wong once he figured out you had ruined half of his library.
“Don’t remind me!” You say as you two reach a temple, where your father was talking to Wiccan, a magic user your age who would visit once in awhile.
“Ms. Strange, to what do I owe the pleasure?” Wiccan greeted you. “Hello, Iron Fist.”
“Hey Wiccan.” You greet quickly.
“Y/N, what did you do?” Your father raised a suspicious eyebrow at you.
“What? Nothing.” You say, though it was obvious you had done something from your tone of voice.
“STRANGE!” You hear Wong scream from the library, which was only a few buildings down.
“Gotta go!” You shout, taking off down the street.
“Wait for me!” Danny scrambled after you.
You looked behind you and saw Wong racing after you, which was funny enough on its own, but you also saw your father shaking his head in disappointment, which was even funnier.
You and Danny ducked behind a building once you momentarily lost sight of Wong. You both stifled your laughs as he ran by, and he turned to say something.
He stopped when he realized how close he was to you, your bodies pressed against each other in the small alleyway. You stared into his emerald green eyes, admiring the sparkle of mischief that was so rare to see in the honorable warrior.
You both realize you’ve been staring at each other and look away, clearing your throat awkwardly. You poke your head out of the alleyway, not seeing Wong anywhere.
“Uh, coast is clear.” You tell Danny.
“Can’t you just use a sling ring and take us somewhere…where Wong isn’t after our heads?” He asks.
“Oh shit you’re right.” You dug into your pocket, sliding the ring onto your finger. You point and think of his room in K’un Lun. The portal opens, just as you hear a yell behind you.
“Run!” Danny yells, jumping through the portal as Wong charges at the both of you.
“Sorry Wong!” You shout again before following, and closing the portal just before Wong can get to you.
You pant, out of breath. You make eye contact with Danny, and you both burst into laughter. You fall onto his bed as he sits down like a normal person.
“You are in so much trouble when you get back.” He chuckles as you continue to die laughing.
“It’s not like I meant to knock over half of the library.” You giggle as you sit up. “Did you see my dads face? And Wong running? It was totally worth it.”
“Okay…I guess it was pretty hysterical.” He nods after awhile. “Still, he’s going to kill you.”
“Eh. He’ll probably just make me clean it up. I could just steal the Time Stone and fix it.” You shrug.
“Doesn’t your dad never let it out of his sight?”
“Please, he takes it off when he sleeps.” You scoff. “Besides, even then it’s not that hard of work.”
“If you say so.” He smiles.
You both catch yourself in a silence again, staring into each other’s eyes.
You’ve been best friends forever, ever since you and your father first visited K’un Lun back when some inter dimensional demon was threatening your existence again. He had been kind, polite, charming, and practically making you swoon over his stunning smile. The first time you hung out was at the K’un Lun library, and he taught you some meditation techniques to strengthen your focus while you were casting spells. Eventually one of you was hardly seen without the other. Whether it was studying, eating, drinking tea, working, or training, you would always do it together.
He’s been your best friend for almost 3 years now, was it a crime to develop feelings for him? You didn’t think so. And how could you not, he was an amazing person, and it didn’t help that he was really hot. Especially now, as you both couldn’t take your eyes off the other.
“Um…Y/N?” He says, just above a whisper. “May I, uh…may I kiss you?”
Your eyes widened, stunned that he asked you that. Sure, you’ve been flirting back and forth for the past couple weeks, but you didn’t think it was because he actually liked you.
“Sorry, sorry. Forget I said anything.” He looked away. “Sorry, I didn’t-“
You grab his face and crash your lips onto his. He’s stiff at first, but quickly melts into the kiss. You tangle your fingers in his sandy blonde hair as his arms wrap around your waist, your chests pressed against the others. You’re holding onto each other as if the other would disappear if you let go. Your kisses become more heated and passionate with each one, pent up feelings for each other over the years pouring out.
When you do finally pull apart to catch your breaths, you’re still holding each other and press your foreheads together. You breathe in the familiar scent of incense and green tea, trying to savor and soak in the moment.
“You know I’ve liked you ever since we met?” He whispers after a few seconds.
“You know I have too?” You smile as you pull away slightly, just enough to fully see his face, most likely chiseled by the gods themselves.
“I apologize if it is too soon to say this but…I love you, Y/N Strange.” He smiles sheepishly, a light blush spreading across his face.
“And I love you too, Daniel Rand.” You beam, overjoyed that he did indeed feel the same way you did. You just felt stupid that it took you two dorks 3 years to finally realize it.
He leans in and kisses you again, holding you close as he lays you down so he’s on top of you. You grab his hands and intertwine your fingers as you feel his tongue swipe across your bottom lip, and you part your lips to deepen the kiss.
“Ha! I knew you-! Oh.” Someone shouts as the door slams open.
You recognize the voice and shove Danny off of you, both of you whipping around to see a very stunned Wong in the doorway.
“Hey there, Wong.” You scratch the back of your neck as Danny quickly climbs off of you and catapults himself to the other side of the room. Both of your faces and necks turn bright crimson red the longer Wong stares.
“Well, um…I guess I owe Mordo and Scarlet Witch $25.” He finally states.
“What?” You raise an eyebrow.
“We have a bet going.” He shrugs, before crossing his arms and his usual poker face returns. “So sorry to interrupt your little make out session, but I have 30 bookshelves knocked over and the books are all over the place.”
“Wong, I swear it was an accident.” You spit out. “I promise I’ll help clean it up.”
“Oh no, I wouldn’t ask you to help with something that time consuming.” He says, dripping with sarcasm. “You’re cleaning it up by yourself.”
“Yes sir.” You sigh.
“Now, I expect it to be properly organized by tomorrow afternoon. Let’s go.” He motions for you to follow him.
You groan as you get up, dreading the hours of arranging the shelves you’d have to do. You slip the sling ring into Danny’s hand as you pass and whisper, “My room tonight.”
“Wong, have you seen Y/N anywhere?” Doctor Strange walked into the now neat and tidy Kamar Taj library that you had spent hours working on about a week ago. He had been looking for you, wanting to help you practice perfecting the telekinesis spell, which obviously didn’t go well the first time.
“I believe her and Daniel are tending to the Garden of P’an-T’ao.” Wong waved off the question, deeply concentrated on trying to win a Twitter roast against this talking raccoon. And this talking raccoon was quite brutal, to Wong’s surprise.
“Is it just me or have they been hanging out way more often lately?” He asks his friend.
“They always hang out.” Wong mumbled.
“Well yes, but they’re basically joint at the hip now.” Doctor Strange paced. “There’s something going on between them, I can feel it.”
Wong stayed silent, trying to think of ways to divert the doctors attention elsewhere. He had another bet going with Mordo and Scarlet Witch, Wiccan and Magik had joined in on this one, so he wanted the grand prize of $80. Now they were betting on how long it would take the Sorcerer Supreme, one of the smartest men on earth, to figure out that his daughter was now dating the Iron Fist, and Wong had bet the longest amount of time.
“They’re just gardening.” He shrugs once more.
“I suppose. But every day?”
“They’re probably just enjoying the last few weeks of summer left.” Wong quickly adds. Thank god you had complained about having to do homework again soon, or he wouldn’t have thought of that.
“…you’re probably right.” Strange nods finally.
“Oh, curse you, rodent!” Wong throws his phone down after reading the latest, and particularly nasty Tweet the raccoon had just posted.
“What on earth are you doing?” Strange picked up the phone and his eyes widen. “Oh wow. That’s clever.”
“Load of help you are.” Wong scoffed, still offended by the insults.
“Ha! This ones even funnier!”
You were definitely not gardening. First, because gardening was one of the worst things ever. Second, because you would much rather be spending time with your boyfriend. You cringed at yourself when you felt giddy just saying that, but you were in fact now dating Danny Rand.
You weren’t necessarily hiding it, but it was quite amusing that your father hadn’t yet cracked the case. He was a smart guy, but was apparently clueless about your personal life. Human interactions weren’t always his strong suit, to be fair.
You and Danny were just peacefully reading in your room, since you still needed to do more research for Mordo’s “tutoring” (which was really just him watching you make mistakes over and over until you learned how to fix them yourself), and Danny was always reading. You two were just nerds that way. So when your father burst into the room, neither of you were thoroughly impressed. I mean, it’s only taken 2 weeks for him to figure it out.
“You two are dating?!” He screeches at the both of you.
“Really?” You say sarcastically as you turn to your boyfriend. “Danny, why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve put my book down.”
“Now is not the time for your clever little jokes, young lady.” Your father snaps, offended when Danny snickers. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Gee, maybe it was because you’d react irrationally. My mistake, I should’ve known you’d be totally cool with it.” You say dryly.
“Plus, we weren’t exactly hiding it.” Danny added.
“Shut it, blondie.”
“Dad, don’t be rude.” You cross your arms.
“Well, now that I know you’re dating, I think we need to have a little discussion.” He clears his throat awkwardly.
“Oh God…” You groan, already knowing what’s coming.
“You’re too young to have sex, but if you’re going to do it-“
“Do it safely, responsibly and consensually.” You and Danny recite, already hearing this a million times from Wong and Mordo when they found out you were dating.
“…right.” Your dad narrowed his eyes at you. “So don’t forget to-“
“Use protection.” You both say,
“…um, yes. And make sure-“
“We both consent with an enthusiastic yes.”
Your dad stares at the both of you, apparently you had already heard this speech. He was your dad, he hadn’t given it to you before. He would have to have a little chat with the other sorcerers. But he sensed that you two weren’t taking him seriously, despite how maturely you were taking it.
“I’m just saying, you know how many girls your age I’ve seen giving birth at the hospital?”
“Dad, you were a surgeon, not an obstetrician.” You blink at him. “Besides, I don’t want children, I’ve mentioned this. That’s more than enough reason for me to uh…not do it.”
“Well then. This was a lovely chat. Carry on with your…reading.” He slowly exits your room, leaving the door open. Not that it really mattered, he stepped through a portal to the Kamar Taj library, leaving you two alone in the Sanctum.
Doctor Strange turned to Wong, hand on his hip and an eyebrow raised. Wong stared at him, freezing mid-bite of his food.
“So when were you going to alert me that my daughter was dating Daniel?” He taps his foot in annoyance.
“What? You weren’t supposed to find out till November!” Wong threw down his food. “Curse Wanda.”
“Anyways.” Strange shook his head as he joined his friend at the table. “I gave them a little chat. I think I really got through to them. We’re on a new found level of respect.”
“Now is not the time for your clever little jokes young lady.” Danny mocks your dad, and you double over in laughter.
“Can you believe him?” You wheeze. “Oh man, that made my year.”
“So are we ever going to tell him that we’re waiting till marriage?” He asks as he follows you through the Sanctum, on your guys’ way to the library.
“Nah.” You giggle as you intertwine your fingers. “I’ll let him stress.”
“You’re an evil daughter.” He chuckled.
“Hey, that’s what he gets for sitting and watching me put every single book away when I knocked them over.” You shrug, placing a kiss on his jaw.
“You’re the one who knocked them over with your clumsy ass.” He laughs as you open the door to the library.
“I am not clumsy!” You shout, slamming the door open. Turns out you slammed the door so hard, and your father rearranged the shelf placement, because the door knocked over a case of books. Then another, and another, and another…
“No you’re right, you’re graceful and elegant.”
“Run?” You wince as the last shelf makes a loud BOOM as it collides with the marble flooring.
“Run.” He simply nods.
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lina-lovebug · 2 years
Danny Rand x Y/N x Dick Grayson
Part 4
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"Thank God you're alive."
Dick Grayson felt like his world collapsed when he was told that (Y/N) was shot. Not the arm, or leg, but center chest during a mission that he left because he thought she could handle it.
Especially with her old team.
"I'm fine. It didn't even leave a mark," She lifted up her shirt to show that there was no scar, not even a scratch, where the bullet entered.
"Still, I thought. . .I thought the worst, baby," Dick whimpered, his entire demeanor almost crumbling at the thought of the woman he's loved more than anything else just dying.
And he blamed himself.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have let my guard down."
"No, no, this is not your fault. You saved ninety kids from absolute hell on earth, (Y/N)."
"No, I didn't," You dismissed, walking around him and towards the kitchen.
"The team did. Nova extracted the kids while Luke kept watch, and White Tiger and Spiderman apprehended the traffickers who weren't murdered. I just laid there, and Danny had to fucking carry me back like a baby," You groaned, remembering how useless you felt on your own mission.
"You called him Danny."
You looked up at him, and without the domino mask and in the comfort of your own home, you could tell now more than ever that Dick Grayson was frustrated yet nervous.
"Yeah. . .? So?"
His brows furrowed, "He's Iron Fist. You called everyone else by their hero alias but him."
"Are you fucking serious right now? What's wrong with you?" You immediately got defensive, trying to turn the narrative but you've always called him Danny. Only on the battlefield did you call him Iron Fist.
"You've gotten closer to him and I don't like it."
"He was my teammate, and he just saved my life! So sorry if I called him by his birth name," You were confused.
Did he not trust you?
After all this time?
"I could say the same shit about Zatanna," You crossed your arms.
"Zatanna is not the topic of this discussion."
"But when she is, Zatanna is some amazing sorceress! She's undefeatable, she's changed so much! God, first she's a nuisance in our lives and now she's a saviour for respecting our relationship?!" You yelled at him. Zatanna always made it clear that she wasn't going anywhere when you and Dick got together, but he always shoved her away.
"Zatanna is not the one always looking you up and down like you're some meal!"
You stepped back, "What are you talking about?"
"You're a Widow, (Y/N). Figure it out for yourself."
You did notice it. The way that Danny always gravitated towards you at meetings, the way he would subtly and 'accidentally' brush his hand against your thigh, and the way he stared. Maybe no one else noticed but you recognized it well. It the same stare he gave you after a mission where your suit was ripped and you had to get it fixed, and as mature and zen as Danny is - he was feral.
Only moments after you dropped it off to have it fixed and made your way to your room, you found Danny waiting outside with a clenched jaw and a lustful gaze.
That night was your first time together.
And the thought of that look made you shiver.
"I'll talk to him. Danny is the most respectful man I know, and he would never make a move on me," You expressed. He always asked, no matter the situation. Being raised by Monks can teach a guy a thing or two.
"After this, after SHIELD has all their shit fixed, I don't feel comfortable with you being around him anymore. I know its a lot to ask, but-"
"It is," You cut him off, "even if I were to just hang with Luke, Sam, Peter and Ava - Danny has always been their friend. They're a group, so I can't just tell Danny to fuck off when I want to see them. And it's been years since I've seen any of them. I want to repair the friendship we had."
Dick sighed, not knowing what to do. He loves (Y/N), he knows he always will, but the mere thought of Daniel Rand being the constant in her life made him jealous. She even said Danny was her first love, and as much trust that they've built up, he wanted to be selfish.
He wanted Iron Fist to go away.
"Then I want to talk to him."
Her head snapped up.
"To Danny?"
He nodded, "I need to know, man to man, that he no longer has feelings for you. That I can trust him."
(Y/N) felt off. Yes, this is a good thing, they should talk this out and clear the air. But Danny compared to Dick? Danny doesn't lie, and if he still has feelings for her, Dick might very well lose it.
But she still said, "Okay."
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Favorite Types of Dates
• Sam struggles between his thrill seeking and his hopeless romantic sides. Theme park dates are usually the middle ground.
• The most common is Sam making you guys dinner, cuddling and playing video games or watching movies.
• The all time favorite of his was after being able to tell you about him being Nova. He took you flying above the city and told you about his time in space with the guardians of the galaxy.
* Study or training dates are most common. Ava is the ultimate multitasker bonding, and being productive.
* If that’s not your style, she can be convinced to actually relax but she’s a little lost so you will have to be the planner.
* She’ll probably never admit it but one of her favorite dates was just talking to you and relaxing.
- Danny’s well aware of what his partner wants. He’s observant like that. Basically imagine your dream date and that is what he takes you on.
- However, he’s so wrapped up in what you want, that he sorta forgets about himself so the boy is shook when you surprise him with his favorite stuff.
- His favorite dates are when you two mix your favorite things to do because it feels like you’re sharing a part of yourself with him and he with you.
+ Classic movie date guy. His other default is workout date so take your pick.
+ He’s very easily convinced to try new stuff but he will try just about every romance trope at least once just to see what you like. There are many funny and awkward moments come from this.
+ His favorite dates are the ones you guys laugh over. Sure, they can be embarrassing in the moment but they’re good memories.
# Poor boy needs a break. Any date he can relax on is a win for him.
# Movie marathons are a must. He likes them normally but add his partner and cuddles and it’s a perfect day for him.
# Boy could listen to you talk about your interests all day so his favorite date was watching a movie you like and listening to you list off random facts about it.
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c0s-lettuce · 2 years
colleen's marvel masterlist!
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peter parker
see you later (one-shot)
synopsis: villains from different universes start bleeding into your world. and just as things fall apart, a different spider-man shows up. and he seems rather fond of you.
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star (one-shot)
synopsis: kate drags you out to the club. but while you're there, you can't stop thinking about her.
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box cutter (one-shot)
synopsis: you are tasked to threaten talk to kazi about the issue of ronin. but, of course, you have some fun doing it.
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synopsis: you never thought you'd see peggy ever again. but a trip through the multiverse proves you wrong.
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synopsis: it's clear that you and peggy feel things for each other. a trip down memory lane encourages a further step in your relationship.
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insurmountable (one-shot)
synopsis: being stuck in a memory prison is loki's own personal hell. all until you show up, somehow going against the laws of the prison.
neighbours (series, incomplete)
synopsis: after the events of svartalfheim, you decide to leave asgard. your many years on sakaar go well until loki returns from the dead once again.
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danny rand
please be careful (one-shot)
synopsis: after years of being presumed dead, your best friend returns to new york. and now he also thinks he can fight the hand alone.
white light (one-shot)
synopsis: you used your powers to help heal a bleeding danny rand. and he is forever grateful to have met you that night.
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frank castle
i owe you one (one-shot)
synopsis: frank crashes into your clinic one night, bleeding out. you use your healing powers to help him.
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send a request!
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Danny Rand x Reader: Ice Skating
Summary: If nothing else, you’ll always have each other.
Rating/Warnings/Tags: All
Challenge:  "25 days of Christmas" Challenge by Sweet-n-Chaotic on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire
Notes: I have never seen or read a single thing with Iron Fist in it.
Ice Skating
New York City always seemed its best during the Christmas season. Sure, the tourists were aggravating and the weather could get bitterly cold, but why complain about little issues like that when everything seemed so…something? All you knew was that there was a sort of freshness in the atmosphere. Nowhere was that more obvious than at Rockefeller Center.
The tree rose into view long before your eager legs could get you to the ice rink. Your hand wrapped tighter around the hand it was holding: that of your boyfriend, Danny Rand, who at least was game enough to pick up his pace along with yours. You pushed your way through the crowded sidewalks until you stood just before the giant twinkling structure.
“[Name], what are you doing?” Danny asked, a laugh in his voice.
His cheeks held high color beneath the thick wool hat you’d stuffed over his curly hair. He looked so cute that you could have kissed him, which was exactly what you did. Afterward, you kept his hand locked firmly in yours
“It’s not what I’m doing, Danny,” you said. “It’s what we’re doing.”
“I don’t follow.”
“Remember how you promised to let me take you out today?”
“And remember how you said we could do anything I wanted?”
You hopped, gesturing at the ice skating rink built around the tree. “Well, today you and I are going ice skating! Ta-dah!”
His eyes moved from your face to the rink and back again. You felt his fingers stiffen around yours, but otherwise he didn’t try to get away. He easily could have if he wanted to, so you took his staying put as a good sign. Less so what he said next:
“I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.”
“It’s a perfect idea, and I’m going to tell you why. One, something’s been eating you for the past couple of weeks. You don’t have to tell me what, but you need a change of scenery. Two, you’ve been back for ages now, and you still haven’t done this. It’s practically a requirement for all official New Yorkers. And three, you’ve finally adjusted to wearing shoes, so now is the perfect opportunity!”
Danny shot you a look at your mention of his preference for going barefoot. “I don’t know. I haven’t been ice skating since before the accident. I don’t expect I’ll be any good.”
“Ice skating is like riding a bike. You never forget,” you said, shoving him toward the entrance.
“Bikes don’t have blades on the bottom of them!”
“Okay, so they’re bladed shoes. Isn’t that one of the coolest things ever?”
“Actually, that is pretty cool,” he said.
“So you’ll do it?”
“I’ll do it. Just don’t laugh when I fall flat on my face.”
It was an easy promise to make. Danny excelled at just about everything physical, and you didn’t doubt that he’d be an instant expert at ice skating, too. The plan was not to embarrass the man you loved. He just needed some TLC and was often too busy doing nine million different things for you offer it to him. Hiding it inside a date was just the ticket.
Of course, he didn’t suck. No sooner had the two of you slid onto the ice than did he start doing leaps and spins that appeared to defy gravity. The only reason you could keep up was because of how long your parents had pinned their hopes of getting a gold medal for figure skating on you. Those around you didn’t seem too thrilled by your and Danny’s antics, but you didn’t care. At least he was having fun for the first time in nearly a month.
Only when you (not Danny, never Danny) had gone all out for so long that you could hardly catch your breath did you stop. For a guy that hadn’t been in ice skates since kindergarten, he sure knew how to use them. He took both your hands without breaking stride, then guided you backwards toward a bench. You collapsed onto it with a laugh.
“You really know how to show a guy a good time,” Danny said, as he took a seat next to you.
“Good grief!” Your forehead might have been pressed to your knees, but the world continued to spin around you. “You sure you weren’t taking skating classes in K'un-Lun?”
“No, we were pretty busy with other matters. Listen, [Name]…”
You forced yourself to look up at him due to the seriousness of his tone.
“About what you said earlier…I have been a little down lately. You’re right. But you know it’s got nothing to do with you, right?”
“I hoped. Do you mind telling me what it is about?”
Danny wasn’t a private man. He talked a lot about K'un-Lun and his training as Iron Fist. All that talk about it had quite nearly driven you away from the man before you’d fallen for him. But he’d clammed up over that, too, as of late. Something had happened—but if he didn’t want to tell you, you weren’t about to push.
To your surprise, however, he gave you an answer: “I just don’t really know where to go from here. Everything I do winds up blowing up in my face. I don’t know if I even want to stay in New York much longer.”
His face fell into an uncharacteristic frown as he went on. When he went quiet, you distracted him by slipping your hand once more into his and tipping your head onto his shoulder.
“None of that really matters, Danny.”
“Why do you say that?” he asked.
“Because no matter where you go from here, I’ll always be with you. We’re in this together.”
“Well, when you put it like that…” He kissed the top of your head.
You closed your eyes. Maybe the fresh, electric feeling in the air wasn’t just Christmas that year. Maybe it was the approaching of something grander still.
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