#Dark jercy
imaginejercy · 1 year
[warning! Dark Jason Grace].
Percy thought Jason was better than his father.
He dared to hope that the son of Jupiter would accept the refusal and accept it, find himself another girl or boyfriend.
the hands on his wrists were firm and confident, someone else's knee rested between his forcibly spread legs, electric blue eyes shone with cold-blooded confidence.
— Hush, Perce, — soft lips gently touched his neck, goosebumps ran over his skin, — I will be gentle and affectionate, you will enjoy it if you don't resist and scream.
a few hours later, Percy is left lying on the floor with pain throbbing all over his body, painted skin and dried blood on his thighs.
Jason even kissed him and covered with his toga.
clutching the purple cloth to his chest, Percy burst into tears.
truly the son of his father.
Oh my god I love this! This is exactly the type of Dark Jercy content I'm into!
I love this so much I want to tattoo it on my body. 💕
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goldenqingxin · 8 months
“dark percy this” “akhlys vs percy” that…
dark jason grace.
when i was in my chemistry classes i was told that most decisions, most thoughts, most movements and most pains are caused by electrical currents going through our nerves.
i repeat.
everything your nerves do is electricity.
jason could, if he wanted to, tap into that. he could make you feel the most excruciating pain in the world without giving you a MINUTE to stop him. he could manipulate every thought you’re ever had and every movement of your body and you wouldn’t even NOTICE.
and that’s just talking about electricity and nerves. he controls wind and air too.
percy’s cool and all with his “70% of your body is made of water” but how about “i’ll take every atom of oxygen away from you and watch you rot faster than a dead body”? how about choking you despite the air being totally fine around you? taking away every bit of air in your bloodstream?
and what about air pressure? maybe i’m pushing it, but the way he saved piper in tlh speaks volumes on his control on the air around him. what if he can make your entire body implode on a whim by making the pressure around you exponentially higher?
jason has so, SO much potential.
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Jason and Percy.
Everyone expects Percy to be the feral one, and to some extent he is. Jason is polite and rule following and Percy definitely isn’t.
But one of them is down with murder and chewing your enemies to death and it isn’t Percy
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When Percy was mourning his lover, Nemesis, the goddess of vengeance and balance, appeared to him and told him that Jason's death was his punishment for her and Hecate's pain, in the battle for Manhattan, Percy took away their most precious thing — their children.
Nemises would barely be able to get the words out before Percy obliterates her.
Because he's alone, grieving and all his sadness is turning to rage.
And she's the first thing he comes into contact with.
Also Percy doesn't believe her for a second.
Because this isn't balance.
This isn't a debt paid.
Because Jason was innocent.
Jason was the God's scapegoat.
Jason was life and love and everything to Percy.
Jason who took on every task and quest just to help others.
For the fleeting hope that his father would recognise him.
Would love him.
And he got nothing.
All he hears is that they took Jason from him.
Deprived him off his lovers soft smile, the furrow of his brows while he was in deep thought.
The fondness his eyes held for all that came his way.
These goddesses didn't know pain.... Not like Jason had.
And Percy would make sure they suffered.
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striveattemptfail · 2 years
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cw gotham knights (trailer) / twt src
now i know i can't be the only one preparing themselves for an onslaught of jayharvey/twohood posts bc these two mfs decided to play iconic characters from gotham city
especially now that task force z exists????
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task force z (2021) #6, #7, #12
bruh cockles is gonna get a whole new set of remarkably well done ship edits very soon
ETA: please see my reblog for jackles as bruce wayne update!
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elvishdemigod · 2 months
Seeing a black haired x blonde hair m/m fanart of something is "Is this Jake and Aiden? Almost any ship involving Nico di Angelo (including Percico now)? Jason and Percy? Lysander and Eroan? Vanyel and Tylendel? Johann and Florian? Some anime ship?
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
Could u go more into how Nico would be the villain in relation to this ask https://www.tumblr.com/yonemurishiroku/716941674120724480/jason-had-a-rendezvous-with-percy-before-his
I’m deeply fascinated by what u seem like o be implying
JAAksda pal you have no idea how much this ask delights me. Finally, a chance for me to ramble.
Ok. So.
The idea of this story is that Jason and Percy have a daughter before Jason dies, and years later, the girl embarks on a quest to find her other father. Why, you ask? Idk LMAO I just need her to do that so that I can put Nico in it.
Before that, though, I just want to make it clear that - imo, an antagonist doesn't have to be a villain. Generally, an antagonist is anyone whose goal(s) contradicts to those of the protagonist(s) - regardless of who is the right one. This is more common in seinen mangas (where the characters tread the line of good and bad as if it doesn't exist), though I guess it might be new/rare in mainstream children entertainment (?).
Anyway. So. Where does Nico fit into all of this?
As explained, if it's up to me, I want Nico to be the one hindering Jason and Percy's daughter on this quest to find her father. He's the antagonist because he does not wish the girl to reach Jason himself.
This sounds ridiculous, I know, I know. I have my fair share of saving/resurrecting-Jason!AU as well, but this AU though. Just hear me out.
My peculiar (and uncomprehensible) interest aside, Nico lost both his mother and his sister (sisters if you count Hazel, and you should, rlly) to the gods, and a large portion of his story is about how he overcomes said lost, especially Bianca. Half of his story is grief personified. He understands most what grief feels like and how disastrous it can be.
Seriously, you would think Nico would emphathise the most to Jercy's daughter (now named Dora bc I just found anon's latest ask ajsdhkja) - especially considering Jason mattered a lot to him, too.
But the thing is, Nico has learnt how to let go.
And how important it is to let go.
That's the whole thing, really.
Nico knows the horrible things grief can do to its bearer. He experienced it himself. It's love, and mayhaps pity, in a way, that Nico wishes Dora to move on from a father she has never known, just so she wouldn't end up lost like he has done so many years ago.
Moreover, since this AU is set in a future timeline and I always picture Nico as a die-hard follower/ lovechild of the Underworld, Nico - like Hades - wouldn't wish a demigod to come trashing their land for a deceased loved one. It's against the law - and to hell with it if I'm not making Nico Hades' executor or law enforcer.
So, Nico has every rights and reason to stop Dora.
That's what Nico would tell Dora for you.
I, the personification of madness I am, would like to add a hidden motivation, though. I don't know what it's called, but I suppose it's Nico's coping mechanism and in a way, jealousy. To Dora, that is.
In TOA, Nico didn't even try to summon Jason for a closure (no thanks to you, Rick). I don't like it either but let's just take this as Nico has found his own closure. He learnt how to lick his wounds and patch himself up, in which he finds relief.
How, do you think, Nico would feel to have someone come tearing that down?
Tbh this is a lot of things to unpack.
Firstly, Nico's grief for Jason - which he himself had buried deep down for his own sake - is pried open upon seeing Dora demands for her father purely out of love.
Secondly, Nico's feelings of incapability when he failed to savage Jason's lif - now resurfaces full force with how Dora (supposedly) fights for her father. And the jealousy accompanying it.
Are you with me? I'm talking about that feeling when you realize that, though a slim chance, there might have been hope after all - but you let it slip away because you're just incapable. It's all your fault.
And now, when another has come to seize that chance, claiming the hope you've forsaken as savable, you just don't want to admit it. You want to prove it to be futile, just so you don't have to live with the self-blames.
Ok, that concludes the motivation. As of How Nico as the antagonist would be like, ngl I have a bunch of ideas and none of them makes sense LMAO. Though, if there's anything I want to cement, it's that 1/ Nico has no direct ill-intent towards the daughter; and by that I mean 2/ he's a terrifying enemy anyway.
The first one because obviously. Nico isn't a bad person. Different goals, that's for sure, but he means Dora no harm. Nico just wants Dora to let go of Jason and get the idea of resurrection out of her head.
Also she's literally Percy's child and idk maybe Hazel's, Piper's, Annabeth's god-daughter. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Hazel would skin Nico alive if he hurts the girl more than necessary. 💀
The second one is more fascinating (at least, in my mind, lmao). There're actually so much to this:
Strenght-wise, Nico di Angelo is terrifying.
That's canon and there's nothing that could change it. I mean. Literally. Son of Hades. Prince of the Underworld. Hades' nepotism. The Underworld at his beck and call. He himself is a resilient and powerful demigod borderlining on deity. I've talk too much about this. Srsly What's more would you need?
Sure Jason and Percy's child have her own disastrous powers (being the child of both heaven and sea does that to you), but Nico has one thing Dora can never match: experiences. Percy, the greatest swordmen of their generation, can teach his daughter every move. But Nico has his own set of skills honed through years of just being a son of Hades with a bunch of dead heroes. And that's without the at least 10-12 years generation gap between him and a legacy. Nico has his advantages.
And he doesn't hesitate to use them.
Plot-wise, Nico has many ways to affect Dora.
The first is that Nico understands Dora's motivation. Too much.
As I've mentioned, Nico is the first one who understands what it feels like to lose a family member to the divine forces. He also lost his memories of his mother, Maria, which makes his situation a littlle more similar to Doras's than necessary. He understands Dora's reason, her wishes and her drive.
And it's so much easier to predict one's movements when you know where they're heading, what drives them forward.
Another thing is their family tree. Basically: Nico is a friend of Percy's and even a closer friend of Jason's, which presumably enables him to watch their child closely, thus see through them easily.
Do you know how difficult it would be to fight someone who has been watching you grow up, knowing your weaknesses, your limits, remembering things about you that you yourself can't recall? Nico knows even Jason, the father Dora has never known yet could kill to meet.
And what's more is that all of these^^^ just so happens to align oh so perfectly to Nico's manipulativeness. Really, this just feels unfair lmao.
See. This is why I adore Nico as the antagonist, especially in the specific AU. Nico has all the potentials of a formidable enemy to Jason and Percy's daughter, and I haven't even moved to the part about what Nico-Percy&Jason dynamic can provide.
Because Nico's still basically their family's friend, as long as he doesn't go overboard with Dora, he can just... literally come to their dinner, for example, and act as if he wasn't threatening Dora and his presence is his own warning to her.
Dora could walk out of her room and see Nico sitting there, amongst other guests of the gathering, in her house. His eyes find her efforlessly and pin her to the wall just as easily. When he voices his disapproval of Dora's intentions, he doesn't even flinch under Percy's harsh interference. In fact, Nico and Percy proceed to have a near-brawl across the dining table over Jason Grace, and then Bianca di Angelo, and then Jason Grace again. Dora has never seen her father that furious and it scares her. Dora has never seen anyone capable of being so calm, so cold in front of his angry father, and this Nico scares her, too. It's Aunt Thalia who ultimately brakes them off, with the help of Hazel and Annabeth. Before Nico leaves, though, he looks straight into Dora's eyes, and just his hardened gaze promises millions of challanges waiting for her on the way to her father. And challenge her he did. Nico has all the connections he needs to hold Dora down until she gives up, and he plans to use them all up if he has to. Percy doesn't like the Underworld. Dora has never understood it when Aunt Hazel is so nice, so kind to her or everyone. She sees it now - in many horrific creatures Nico has sicced on her and in his sad, sad eyes and his cold, cold voice. Nico comes to her after each challenge - never one to hide his intentions of sabotaging, sick check-ins to see if Dora's will has crumbled. He tells her to give up, Would Jason want this?, that You'd think I have tried before, and You are not the only one who loves him so much. He coaxes and he threatens just as much. Years of being an ambassador and dealing with whining ghosts makes him excellent at pursuing. Each and every time, his words weigh more on Dora's childishly mind. The Underworld sips away her strengh and Nico's quiet heavy voice draggs her down, down, down...
You might be wondering where the adults are.
Percy, her father, has always grown tense when it comes to one Nico di Angelo. He would fight for the love of his life, though. And yet, Jason has always been close to Nico's heart. Not as close as Percy's, but Nico makes it up with love to spare. Aunt Thalia seems just as eager to bring Jason back as Dora and Percy. Nico fights her just as fiercely, if not even more. They have their own problems to deal with. "You don't get to abandon your brother twice and then demand him return!"
Hazel, Will and Reyna are the only ones who hold a slim chance of changing Nico's mind as they're the only ones close enough, yet that's also what makes them emphathise with him more than Dora would like. They'd help Dora if she needs, but they wouldn't interfere when it all comes down to it. In fact, Hazel tried, once - only because she was resurrected by Nico - and it ended up angering Nico further. No one wants a repeat of that. Leo help Dora tremendously, and Nico asks him "Making up for all those months you were warming it up with your girlfriend whilst he was searching the world for you?" Piper and Apollo try their best, until Nico looks at them with a resentment that makes his shoulders tremble and his laugh burst out maniacally, "Did you forget it was your lives that Jason traded his own for?" The revelation left Dora reeling.
Srsly this AU is just a pure delight.
Anw, if I were to write this, I honestly wouldn't know how to put an end to the story.
I mean, I love Antagonist!Nico. I also want Jason to meet his daughter, but I know that you're not allowed to meet dead loved ones lest you stray further from life. I also don't have any morals when it comes to fictionals.
So like. Who do I want to win? I honestly don't know lmao.
But I want Dora to defeat Nico.
Mainly because I find it a spectacular sight when Nico falls on his knees and confessing his petty motivation - that of the jealousy and insecurities blah blah I've mentioned above - whilst letting out every ounce of grief turned malice he has been forcing down since Jason's death.
And Dora's love for her father would triumph them all. And hopefully, she can save both - in a way I have yet to thought of bc all I want is antagonist!Nico lmao.
Anywayyyyyyy this is such a delight to write all of this down when I have at least 5 fanfics sitting in the drafts LOL AJsKHDAKSdh THANKS A LOT FOR THE CHANCE. 🥺🥺🥺 I'm so glad I can share my Antagonist!Nico agenda and someone's willing to listen lmao i thought i was the only one.
Hope you enjoy!
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Hit me with prompts
Pepper me with ‘em
(I’ve got misguiding motivation that I’m dubious of and it has no where to go)
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pareiwheeler · 6 months
i’m gonna rate pjo ships because i’m bored and my opinion is Correct
percabeth - 11/10, i actually love them so much i don’t think there is a single ship i love more than them.
grover/juniper - 7/10, they’re cute, i just feel like there’s no depth there. also wasn’t grover willing to cheat on her with that daughter of iris?!?! correct me if im wrong but …🤨
jiper - 2/10, actual snoozefest like i’m sorry but it’s just copy and paste percabeth without everything that makes percabeth good. also they’re both queer and were forced into the relationship by hera/juno
valgrace - 10/10, I LOVE THEM. the tragedy the trope i just. ugh i love them
caleo - -890/10, hate it.
jercy - 9/10, they’re silly, also love a good enemies to lovers trope. at the VERY LEAST they both had a lil crush on each other
percico - 1/10, it rubs me in all the wrong ways, especially with the age gap and the nature of their relationship. i can’t see them as anything but friends who occasionally run into each other and have awkward catch-ups. obviously love the unrequited crush but the relationship is . Different
solangelo - 9/10, used to hate them but then i read s&ts and cut them some slack. just wish will was an actual character instead of just “nico’s boyfriend :3”
jeyna - 8/10 SO much potential but i still feel like it would kind of be basic. also reyna kind of throwing away the idea of being with jason when percy showed up was odd
pipabeth - 10/10, silly silly silly. i love them. also love the idea of a little polycule with percabeth and pipabeth and jercy. i’ll shut up now
valdangelo - 10/10, almost feels like what rick wanted solangelo to be. like sunshine character with a tragic past x dark character with a tragic past in its prime. they’re also hilarious
frazel - i DESPISE the age gap. i wish rick would have just made her 16 like everyone else because 13 x 16 is such a huge gap in emotional maturity. she’s a kid dawg 😭🙏 OTHER than that they’re cute, but i really hate the gap
valzhang - 7/10, honestly can’t see frank being into leo LIKE that but it’s a fun ship, they’re honestly so silly especially in mark of athena. they hate each other (besties (boyfriends))
jasico - 10/10, Oh the tragedy i can’t take this. like if it wasn’t tragic i wouldn’t like it if that makes sense. but the image of nico needing to be held back from shadows so he won’t freak out and avenge jason himself Ohhhh yeah that hits hard
perleo - 5/10, eh, they’re just friends to me. BEST friends, but that’s it
ruegard - 10/10, the patrochilles parallel will ALWAYS GET ME. they better kiss in the show
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rosesradio · 22 days
how it feels to write...
valdangelo: i'm in my friend's gaming room, and they just pulled out a huge box of snacks i'm not allowed to have at home. super smash bros is cued up on the wii. it's 2013, and nothing bad has happened yet.
jercy: i'm sitting in a field at my old high school, the air cool and refreshing as i crack open a new queer romance i requested the library to order. some people are playing football in the distance, though i couldn't tell you who's winning or what's going on. it's a spirit week day, and i'm allowed to wear a hat.
lukercy: i'm in the club when i shouldn't be. i have plans the next day, though maybe i should forget about them. there's someone speaking to me, their voice warm and low. i don't know their name and don't care to know. i can only look at their lips.
valgrace: i'm with an old boyfriend in his shoebox apartment, talking for hours until we realize it's way past the time i should be home. it doesn't matter. his bed is warm and time stands still as i am, for a fleeting moment, understood.
lukethan: i am crawling through a haunted maze that the church put together, my heart pounding. i'm not sure why i'm so scared; my parents said everything would be okay. the money is for a good cause. it's dark, and i can only hear my own shallow breathing. a warm hand latches out like a python, grasping my ankle.
jasico: i'm weaving through the trees at girl scout camp. after the third time walking through the poison ivy fields, i have no rash; perhaps i am immune, perhaps i am a superhero. there is a large cement box in the center of a field, some sort of industrial project i do not yet understand. inside there is a deep, empty blackness. it calls out to me. i should jump in.
lukabeth: i am at a party at my friend's house, playing a game one of them found online. hands wrap around my throat, pressing me to the bedroom door. i black out, dreaming in shades of yellow. in the dream, i'm yelling at my sister, crying to her. i am ignored. i wake up, gripping the carpet with sweaty hands. a strange man comforts me, telling me i shouldn't have played such a stupid game. his breath smells of alcohol. there are no sober adults in the house.
x readers: i am in an auditorium, putting on a play like i used to as a kid. much like the stress dreams, i have over forty lines and didn't crack open the script. i manage, and i look out, and i wait. the lights don't blind me this time. i can see everyone in the audience. they wear masks and clap politely. the sound is muffled, fading into silence like tv static. their eyes are expectant once more.
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bisexual-bat · 16 days
intro post!!!!
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hi! im abby most people call me abbs!
im bi and she/her prn
i ride horses pls DO NOT be in my dms asking me if i can ride
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tv girl, chappell roan, lana del ray, alex g, conan gray, sabrina carpenter, the heathers , mitski, arctic monkeys, david bowie,queen, abba, hotel police, hydra melody, the vanished people, tyler the creator, weezer, yaelorke
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a lil bit about me
my favorite colours are dark red, dark purple and dark green
im a december sagittarius
im a gryiffindor/sytherin
cabin 3
sirius kinnie
im texan
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-rape supporter
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pjo, harry potter, maruaders (fuck jkr) , hunger games, agggtm, haikyuu, jjk, kny, hxh, op, bsd, hoo, mc, toa, marvel and dc
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my lovely lovely moots
@jacktheeldergod2 - practically my big brother
@sspadfoot - one of my bsf
@theprongspotter - some one i would consider a sibling
@im-just-here4853 - aves, ava my love (platonically unless...... jk)
@addieq - my bsf irl
@mattirose -my other bsf irl
@pumpkin-gizzards - mwah
@marylily-my-beloved - ur so cool 😭
@sellingbonesforsapphirestones - yall are one so cute and two so cool
@thatgayash - my platonic partner <3
@im-on-crack-send-help - ahhhhh ur so freaking pretty and nice <3
honorable mentions: @cloverthesimp365 @tanklocks @slveepyscwrs @demimoon @lonely-linn
@z1ggystardus3rr @zsrntyouil @virtualdetectiveduck @mae-occasionally-reads
@savburns @permetutotheworld @equippedtolove @yourlocalbadgerscales @mrtoadthetoad
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shippspspps 🚢
maruaders : dorleneeeeee, wolfstar, jegulus, rosekiller, pandalily, marylily
hp: drarry, linny, roniomne
pjo/hoo/mc/toa: percabeth, solangelo, valgreaceeee, frazel, jercy, piperxshel, fierrochase, blitzstone,amirx sam (idk theri ship name), *im sure there's more idk rn)
hq: kagehina, tsukiiyama, daichi x suga, asanoya, kuroken, iwaoi, (probs more idr rn)
jjk : stsg, itasushi, nobamaki, inuokko etc idk
bsd: sskk, ssk, fyolai
hxh: killugon, leopika, etc
also the most AMAZING mood board from @im-on-crack-send-help
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aroaceleovaldez · 7 months
re: my posts about askblogs, a couple of folks were saying some of my links weren't working on mobile (they were links to sidebar pages on one of my blogs, so that's probably why - mobile tumblr doesn't like extra pages on custom themes for some reason) so I will just made a rebloggable version of this:
The following is a list of as many Riordanverse askblogs as I'm aware of (if there are more I will edit and add them):
The following list has been compiled for informational purposes and content per blog has not been verified nor is it necessarily endorsed. Viewer discretion is advised.
Blogs marked as "18+" are known to feature 18+ topics. Not all blogs have been checked for 18+ content.
Bolded names are blogs that are known to be active within the past 2 years or so.
Blogs have been marked with the major characters focused on, if they are a non-Riordanverse AU, and any other relevant information.
I reached a link limit so if a blog is not directly linked, the url is as written.
Illustrated Askblogs:
Askoceanman (Percy Jackson)
Ask-dark-percy (Dark!Percy Jackson)
Deadangelos (Nico di Angelo)
Knowing-nico (Nico di Angelo)
Wtfisrepairboydoing (Leo Valdez)
Ask-piper-mclean-queen (Piper McLean)
Piper-mcqueen-ask-blog (Piper McLean)
Jason-grace-answers (Jason Grace)
Askreyna (Reyna Ramírez-Arellano)
Willsol-ass (Will Solace)
Askwill-solace (Will Solace)
Ask-will-solace-stuff (Will Solace)
Frankandleo (Leo Valdez & Frank Zhang)
Thepiper-and-thepercy (Percy Jackson & Piper McLean)
Ask-percy-and-nico (Percy Jackson & Nico di Angelo / Percico) 18+
Askpercyandnico-blog (Percy Jackson & Nico di Angelo / Percico) 18+
Askleico (Nico di Angelo & Leo Valdez / Valdangelo) 18+
Askpleo (Percy Jackson & Leo Valdez / “Pleo”)
Ask-magnuschase (Magnus Chase)
Askalexfierro (Alex Fierro)
Ask-the-romans (Roman campers)
Ask-jupiter-academy (Roman campers & OCs, AU)
Asktheargoii (Crew of the Argo II)
Argoii-official (Crew of the Argo II)
Ask-those-demigods (All PJO characters)
Ask-pjocrystalgems (Steven Universe AU, Misc. PJO characters)
Aphrodites-warrior (Original Character)
2crublord-blog1 (Sollux Captor, PJO Homestuck AU/Crossover)
Camphomestuck (PJO AU Homestuck, All Characters)
Cosplay Askblogs:
Askthepercy-blog (Percy Jackson)
Ask-plutos-ambassador (Nico di Angelo) 18+
Ask-nico-di-angelo (Nico di Angelo)
Ask-miss-metal-detector (Hazel Levesque)
Ask-the-pine-tree (Thalia Grace)
Therealalexfierro (Alex Fierro)
Ask-irl-percyandnico (Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson / Percico)
Ask-percy-nico (Nico di Angelo & Percy Jackson / Percico) 18+
Pjato-ask-will-and-nico (Nico di Angelo & Will Solace / Solangelo)
Ask-solangelo (Nico di Angelo & Will Solace / Solangelo)
Ask-nico-bianca-blog (Nico & Bianca di Angelo)
Askthegraecoromanbffs (Nico di Angelo & Reyna Ramírez-Arellano)
Askthalianca-blog (Thalia Grace & Bianca di Angelo / Thalianca)
Text Askblogs:
(Not all askblogs in this section have been checked for 18+ content)
Ask-percyjackson-blog-blog (Percy Jackson)
Askpercyandsally (young!Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson)
Askgroverunderwood-blog (Grover Underwood)
Ask-wise-girl-blog (Annabeth Chase) (Reposted art)
Ask-annabethchase-blog (Annabeth Chase)
Annabeth-says-blog (Annabeth Chase)
Percys-girl-blog (Annabeth Chase)
Ask-annabeth-blog (Annabeth Chase) 18+
Askachase-blog (Annabeth Chase)
Asktheannabethchase (Annabeth Chase)
Ask-drunk-annabeth (Annabeth Chase) (cw: Alcohol) 18+
Ask-thalia-grace-blog (Thalia Grace) 18+
Ask-thalia-blog (Thalia Grace) (Broken links)
Asknico-di-angelo (Nico di Angelo) 18+
Nico-di-angelo-is-me-blog (Nico di Angelo)
Ask-jason-grace (Jason Grace)
Ask-pipermclean (Piper McLean)
Askpma (Piper McLean)
Askleovaldez (Leo Valdez)
Ask-annabeth-and-percy-blog (Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase / Percabeth)
Ask-percy-jason-nico-will (Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Nico di Angelo, Will Solace) 18+
Ask-percico (Percy Jackson & Nico di Angelo / Percico) 18+
Ask-jasonxpercy (Percy Jackson & Jason Grace / Jercy)
Asklvnd (Leo Valdez & Nico di Angelo)
Askreynaepiper-blog (Piper McLean & Reyna Ramírez-Arellano)
Asksolaceanddiangelo (Nico di Angelo & Will Solace / Solangelo)
Ask-rachethabaster (Titan Army AU!Rachel, Ethan, and Alabaster [Ship])
Percyjacksonats (Argo II Crew)
Ask-pjo-hdo-blog (General PJO/HoO)
Ask-pjo-and-hdo-blog (General PJO/HoO)
Ask-pjo-gods-and-demigods-blog (General PJO/HoO)
Ask-the-percy-jackson-cast-blog (General PJO/HoO)
Askpercyjacksonquestions (General PJO/HoO)
Askpercyandthegang (General PJO/HoO) 18+
Asktopjo-blog (General PJO/HoO)
Ask-para-pjo (General PJO/HoO)
Ask-twilight-pjo-thg-hp-blog (Crossover)
Ask-a-down-on-her-luck-demigod (OC)
New-rome-historians-association (OC)
Ask-frederick-tanner-son-of-ares (OC)
Deaths-child (OC)
Voice Acting Askblogs:
Ask-percy-voice (Percy Jackson)
Askgrovervoice (Grover Underwood)
Askannabethsvoice-blog (Annabeth Chase)
Askthaliavoice (Thalia Grace)
Asknicovoice (Nico di Angelo)
Ask-nico-voice (Nico di Angelo)
Askjasonvoice (Jason Grace)
Askfrankvoice (Frank Zhang)
Pjovoices (General cast)
Other Askblog Types/Unknown or Uncertain Category:
Ask-the-percy-blog (Percy Jackson) (Some links broken)
Askgrover-blog (Grover Underwood)
Sonofdeathnico (Nico di Angelo)
Askjasongrace (Jason Grace)
Ask-leo-valdez (Leo Valdez)
Askwillsolace (Will Solace)
Askleoandnico (Fem!Leo Valdez & Nico di Angelo) (Reposted art)
Ask-the-underworld-fam (Hades, Persephone, Nico, Hazel) (Some reposted art)
Ask-princessandromeda (Titan Army, Text & Art, some RP)
Former Askblogs:
The blogs in this category have been labeled their original blog format, if known.
Askperci-thedemigoddess (Fem!Percy Jackson) (Cosplay, Retired by recently active)
Askaphroditenico (Child of Aphrodite!Nico di Angelo) (Illustrated, Deactivated)
Asktheghostking (Nico di Angelo) (Text/RP, Retired)
Ask-biancadiangelo (Bianca di Angelo) (Cosplay, Retired)
Ask-jasico (Jason Grace & Nico di Angelo / Jasico) (Cosplay) (Warning - most recent posts feature discussion of heavy topics)
Ask-magicalboy-leo (Hecate!Leo Valdez) (Illustrated)
Leovaldezaskblog (Leo Valdez) (Cosplay, now regular blog)
Ask-reyna-of-the-romans (Cosplay, now regular blog)
Askpercicoblog (Percy Jackson & Nico di Angelo / Percico) (Illustrated)
Mangocheeseandthegodsofassgard (Magnus Chase) (Illustrated, Deactivated)
Ask-evan-jackson (Dear Evan Hansen Crossover AU) (Illustrated)
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goldenqingxin · 8 months
Dark Jercy who satisfies their desire to use their power by killing offenders.
just think about it.
The police of New York and California are horrified by the brutal lynching of unknown people, the murders began with strangulation and fracturing of the skull ending with throat slit to the chest and prolonged drowning.
And many other things that are simply impossible.
The dead were alive and most likely conscious when this happened.
Corpses look indescribably terrible, specialists with many years of experience, who just saw this, lock themselves in the bathroom for a long time and after a long conversation with psychologists.
Some glorify these vigilantes as cruel heroes and defenders, some despise them considering them calculating sadists.
No one will ever know who it was and no one will ever pay attention to a cute couple of students in love.
that sounds insanely cool honestly, like what would the mist show them? imagine literal physicists looking at the dead to figure out how in the world someone had 0% blood oxygen in broad daylight in like, NYC…
on that note though, i bring you wanted criminals:
whoever they’ve killed, it was for survival— but the way it happened made them both look like heartless murderers, so they’re on the run from everything (FBI, interpol, CIA). only a handful of detectives actually are on the case and those who researched long enough know that these boys have given the authorities the opportunity to dismantle multiple laundering fronts… so technically, instead of being wanted, they’re kinda being headhunted…
not coherent but whatever percy is wanted for, apply it to jason too. sprinkle some self defence, dark web or yakuza-esque stuff, and hoo antagonists and we’ve got the perfect unintentional mafia AU..
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wolfpawzjakey · 5 months
Jason is not soft and pleasant like a light breeze in summer or spring, but he looks and this image is perfect. Percy knows that Jason is lightning and wind at the same time - stormy and lashing, ready to knock you down, drag you a couple of kilometers and kill you by firmly putting your head against something or frying with one precise blow quickly but painfully.
And he's also the law the one that no one dares to violate, the one that everyone obeys and respectstruly the ideal son of the lord of the gods, perfectly combining the element of his father and his dominion over power.
The law is harsh, you break it and he doesn't care why you did it, he will just punish you, perhaps with death, perhaps with the pain of your loved ones.
Percy knows, knows how ruthless the wind and lightning are, how harsh the law is, but that doesn't stop him from loving.
And You truly wonderfully and concisely conveyed Percy's condition and his relationship with his daughter - Percy's pain will always be in his heart, but Aisha is next to him, his light in the realm of darkness, his saving grace and for her sake he will continue to fight — Lou June 🪷
Percy is the perfect picture of the sea. A beauty that people from all around fawn over. He’s beautiful as the sea on a perfect summer day, elegant as the waves and as calming as the crashing sounds the water makes against the shore and cliffs.
Jason is one of many who have fallen into the lull of Percy’s oceanic pull, the luckiest of them all to be chosen by the man himself, which is why Jason knows the most that Percy is a hidden danger. Despite the unrelenting chaos he hides beneath the surface of his skin, he attracts people to him, unbeknownst to them he could be their death.
He is like a riptide, a well hidden killer, easy to forget about until you’re trapped in his control, only escaping by luck and nothing more. He’s unpredictable once caught in his grasp and powerful enough to take your life within mere moments. Percy is a creature of surprise, a constant unknown factor no matter how much people have tried to study him. No matter how much the gods have tried to study him. To no avail, they walk away with no more information than his body and actions are willing to give, if they’re lucky enough to walk away at all.
Jason knows that’s how he always will be, dark, unforgiving and unpredictable beneath the surface, but his affections will never fade. He will admire Percy like he’s a hidden oasis in the middle of the desert, kneeling in reverence on the grounds his waters lap at.
I am so tired rn so this is probably ASS (I started taking some meds again that I stopped taking cause I ran out and forgot to refill oops) but like, ugh. Power couple (literally I’d be scared) Jercy just makes me melt. They’re both such dangerous individuals. They are the sky and the sea and the earth all in one and could wipe areas in moments and yet they are some of the most caring characters ever. I love them because they could so easily be stronger than some of the gods but they’re just… two guys, who love their friends and each other and unless they’re fucked with they’re just peaceful. I love them….
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pupharrington · 4 months
First chapter of my jercy fic is live!
Read Woebegone here!
Jason Grace/Percy Jackson
wc: 2,926 (incomplete, ongoing)
a dark!jason and dark!percy where percy, presumed dead from falling into tartarus alone, winds up back at camp, and perhaps is a little vengeful of how he ended up there.
Percy’s body washing up on the lake shore might be a contender for one of the worst things to happen at Camp Half-Blood.
Tumblr media
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maxcreatesthings · 3 months
AU: Instead of kidnapping and stealing Percy's and Jason's memories, Hera decided to make a sort of school swap with the Big Three children.
Summary: Greek and Roman demigods mix like oil and water.
Greek demigods are far more sporadic, easier to trust, more powerful, and chaotic. But they lack the numbers and the quick but good work the Roman demigods have.
Roman demigods are far more organized, they have more strength in numbers, and they know how to work quickly and get the best results. But they lack the power that comes with being a direct descendant of a god/dess, and the trust that comes with having constant life-or-death situations.
Not to mention the Big Three kids.
Camp Jupiter has two of them, Jason Grace and Hazel Levesque, a son of Jupiter and a daughter of Pluto respectively.
Jason could control the winds, and Hazel could pull the riches from the ground.
Camp Halfblood had the whole set with Thalia Grace, Percy Jackson, and Nico di Angelo.
Thalia could control lightning, and Nico could control the undead.
The best way to describe Percy's power? He could control anything that has water in it.
So what would happen if these two forces were to mix?
Ships: Jason/Percy (future), Thalia & Reyna (they're in a qpr), Will/Nico (future), Percy/Annabeth (present + polyamory!!!!), Annabeth/Piper (future), Frank/Hazel (future)
What I changed from canon:
Hazel's age. Her and Frank's canon relationship sorta gives me the ick since she's 13 and he's 16. She's 14 here, and won't be dating Frank until she's around 15-16 years old.
The Lost Hero + The Son of Neptune never happened here, obviously. Piper and Leo were latecomers, so to speak, but both of them got claimed by the first week like how it happened canonically.
Leo and Percy are balls of ultimate dumbassery and chaos together!!!! We were robbed of their friendship in canon for real. And also, Leo's aroace. Thalia helped him find the terms of his sexuality. He won't stop flirting and being himself, of course, he's just aroace now.
Speaking of sexualities, polyamorous percabeth <3
in this au, Annabeth and Percy are more chill with their relationship. sometimes they go on dates with other people if they want to, their partner knowing full well what happens and who they're dating.
genderfuck + asexual Percy the Beloved
no but seriously, i think he would not give a damn about his gender or sex. he could do either if someone else wants him to, but he generally doesn't care about it
Nico and Thalia getting adopted into the Jackson-Blofis household
the addition of Max Jackson and Ezra Jackson, two of my OCs that Sally fosters for Percy so that he could adopt them both when the time is right.
Nico still revived Hazel and became an Ambassador of Pluto for a bit, but Hera screwed with his plans to keep things hushed up about the Greek/Roman division. He helps (somewhat) with easing both Hazel & Jason into Camp HalfBlood and Percy & Thalia into Camp Jupiter.
did I mention that most of the big three kids are gonna have a sibling dynamic? because they're going to have a sibling dynamic (except for jercy, of course)
pipabeth is… well, it's happening, as much as lesbians who are so dumb about each other can be anyways (they are in a situationship is what I'm trying to say here)
the big three children can be dark sometimes, and that's okay!! we <3 the dark! little big three here
Annabeth isn't as controlling as she is canonically (someone had to say it)
Piper is less "I'm not like other girls"
Leo is a bit more mature, and doesn't make fun of people he doesn't know well like he did with Frank in Mark of Athena
Edit: forgot to mention that percy is a hopeless romantic here! He's the one who remembers any anniversary, gifts, etc form his loved ones
If you have any questions about this au, feel free to ask! it's still in development here, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about this au <3
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