#Darkiplier fanfic
intolerable-sushi · 8 months
I am sad and lonely so I am writing a Dark x reader angst story. Here is a small snippet.
The road to vengeance was paved in blood and sweat. It was a path Dark had no trouble taking. Friendships and bonds were not something he saw value in so using and killing people to get his way was a very casual thing for him. The only thing he truly wanted at the end of the day was to bestow the same suffering onto Mark as he did to everyone around him. However, despite his best efforts to focus on the task at hand on thing continued to plague his mind. Someone from the past who continued to haunt him no matter how hard he tried to forget.
The attorney. His attorney.Damiens's attorney
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ariwritessometimes · 1 year
Cause of Death, Chapter 9
Now available on Ao3!
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otterlyinluv · 3 months
Dark is just a little black cat.
A void with eyes if you will.
Sometimes, you see a vaguely upset shadow on your wall, and because you know the drill by now, you simply reach your arms out.
A few seconds pass.
The shadows stir.
Then, Dark is in your arms, his face in your shoulder. The only thing visible from him is the tuft of black hair and his red-blue aura. Its faint buzz is the only sound in the room as you let him rest.
With the way he's pressed against you, you can literally feel his chest rise and fall ever so slightly slower. Calmer. Maybe even relaxed.
If Dark really was a cat, he would curl up in your lap and start purring.
I saw a post about black cats and thought of the grumpiest one of them all
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yuckie-obsessive · 2 years
Did You Miss Me?
Remembered ADWM when Dark says, “Did you miss me? I missed you- very much.” And now I wanna make a drabble on it.
Maybe a little variation on what happens in ADWM. Thinking of making a new HC where he can’t touch you unless you give him permission or initiate it first. Of course he can ask for it or give vague gestures in hopes you will accept him.
Darkiplier x Reader (gender neutral)
Set up: essentially the same intro as ADWM, but a little more intimate. Sfw only tho
You had become extremely disoriented from the rough switch in atmosphere. The ringing that echoed within your mind was not helping either. Your date was no where to be found and neither was the stage.
“Hello, darling.” A disembodied voice greeted. Then a monochrome figure appeared in front of you, though it was difficult to keep eyes on him when he was surrounded by blue and red doubles.
He straightened at your distress and the visual glitching subsided slightly.
He cleared his throat, “I missed you, dear. It’s been quite some time wouldn’t you say?” He took a step forward, extending a hand, only for you to take a step back in confusion. He clenched his hand and let it fall.
“My apologies, this must seem rather forward. Though I must admit,” his jaw clenched, “I’ve grown tired of this perpetual game we’ve been forced to play.”
He straightened his already perfect suit and sighed, “It doesn’t matter… surely you must be aware of this cycle by now?”
You had felt rather caught off by the consistent, repetitive actions you had been forced to perform. You slowly nodded.
“Then let me further enlighten you,” he waved his hand to summon different visions of your adventure so far, even things that have yet to occur. “You must understand this was all his plan (y/n). I have simply disrupted this game, if only momentarily.”
“How did you-“
“This isn’t our first encounter. We have met many times in the past.” His expression shifted, but returned so quickly that you thought you imagined it. “It was brought to my attention that he decided to drag you along once again. A shame he continuously removes your memories of his games… our little meetings. Manipulating the plot to suit his needs,” his sudden harsh tone and odd shattered reflection startled you. He took a breath so steady himself and moved closer, now towering over you. “I can take you from this wretched cycle… to show you what we had together,” once again, he offered his hand.
“Please, (y/n)…” His voice grew strained, “Let me in... Let me be everything you need,” his head tilted to whisper softly into your ear. Dangerously close yet still refraining from contact.
You looked to his hand and cautiously moved to take it, but hesitated.
“I promise you this, your every need will be met. Your heart’s desires fulfilled… Let me protect you now where I couldn’t before. Let me amend my mistakes…”
You felt a great sadness from his words. Letting your naive trust get the better of you, your hand lightly accepted his.
The moment your hands connected, he rushed to embrace you causing you to gasp. He buried his face into your neck, reciting apologies and promises of loyalty. The air grew lighter, and for the first time since you could ever remember, you felt lucid.
He removed himself and held your shoulders. His smile filled you with warmth.
“Let’s catch up, old friend.”
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franklyshipping · 5 months
No-One Is Above A Smile ~ A Markiplier and Ethan Nestor Ego Fanfic
Hello again! This time we're writing from a fab prompt from @coolm456 featuring not just Unus & Annus, but Darkiplier too! This is a fun one, so without further ado LET'S DO THIS!
TAGGING: @darkipli-ler
The primary living room of the ego manor was usually very sophisticated, full of leather furnishings, fine mahogany, with a colour scheme of dark browns, reds, and glimmers of gold. Today it was still sophisticated, but there was more of a monochrome vibe filling the room courtesy of the trio using it as their “hangout” space. Dark was in his favourite armchair, scotch resting on his knee as he let himself relax. Annus was reclined on one of the sofas with his eyes closed, a peel-off charcoal face mask in place. Meanwhile, Unus was sat cross-legged on the carpet with about six blankets covering him, and Dark Chica was laying in his lap and boofing softly for tummy rubs. It was an unusual scene for sure, but this time of decompression was much needed for the trio, just to have a little break from the chaos for once. It was mostly silent other than steady breathing, but every few minutes Unus would snort or giggle as Dark Chica spontaneously licked his cheek or ear. At the sound of his giggle Annus smiled subtly, and Dark raised an amused eyebrow.
‘Having fun Unus?’
Dark asked, and Unus grinned. Today he’d swayed away from his stoic side to his more giddy self, mainly due to having Dark Chica’s attention.
‘Yohour dog is the behest!’
He replied, and Dark Chica immediately boofed and licked at his neck, which happened to be a particularly ticklish spot. Unus scrunched up with a giggle as Dark chuckled and Annus rolled his eyes. The elder of the existential pair sat up on his sofa, peeling his face mask off effortlessly as he smirked.
‘I swear you somehow get more ticklish every day.’
‘I do not.’
‘Yes you do.’
‘No I do no–AH!’
Annus’ fingers darted out to flutter at the back of Unus’ neck, coaxing out yet another torrent of giggles which in turn excited Dark Chica more so she licked one of Unus’ ears. The younger man’s cheeks reddened as he batted Annus’ hand, attempting to clear his throat as he glared up at him. Dark bit back a chuckle as he observed, shaking his head lightly as Annus mocked.
‘I hope I didn’t embarrass you.’
‘Annus I swear I will go for your armpits if you don’t shut up.’
‘Oh my, is that meant to be a threat?’
Annus taunted. Unus appraised him, all stretched out without a care in the world. In a flash Unus suddenly darted his hand out towards one of his armpits in a feint, and Annus suddenly lowered his arms to protect himself, letting out a nervous noise from his throat. Annus frowned as Unus grinned at him, giggling and returning his hands to Dark Chica’s belly.
‘That’s what I thought.’
‘Oh… shut up.’
Unus snickered as a slight smile appeared on Annus’ face. Dark rolled his eyes at the pair of them, amazed that two existential beings such as them could be so endearingly ridiculous and wholesome. He sipped at his drink and remarked amusedly.
‘I had no idea you two were getting so soft.’
Annus raised an eyebrow at Dark as Unus gaped, the two replying in tandem.
‘Excuse me?’
‘We are not soft!’
Unus’ particular indignance made Dark snort as he set down his drink, and Annus narrowed his eyes as the shadowy man replied.
‘And yet those tickle spots of yours suggest otherwise.’
Until that point Dark Chica had been flopped fully horizontally and on the verge of a nap, but hearing the word “tickle” from her dad’s mouth made her perk up. Suddenly she was paying attention, but no-one else quite noticed.
‘Those don’t indicate anything of the kind, everyone has them.’
Annus retorted, and Dark sneered.
‘Do they?’
‘Don’t you?’
‘Oh please.’
Dark chuckled, and Unus and Annus shared a blatantly surprised look at the implication. Was Dark… not ticklish? Both of them racked their shared memories, certain that they’d heard somewhere that Dark was ticklish like every other ego in the manor. And yet… the conviction with which he spoke, the casualness, was undoubtedly very convincing. Unus couldn’t help but gape at him, the idea of someone not being ticklish just baffling him.
‘You can’t be serious?!’
‘I’m always serious, Unus. I’m sorry to disappoint you.’
Dark replied with a little grin, internally crowing at himself at the prospect of actually getting away with this. This had to be the most bold-faced lie he’d told in a while, and the idea that it was actually working rather tickled him, if you’ll pardon the pun. Meanwhile, Unus and Annus felt bamboozled, which was a rare thing for the pair. Dark had been the one to educate them on tickling in the first place, but now they thought about it they’d never seen him getting tickled himself. Could it really be true?
Amidst all of this… Dark Chica’s attention darted from the shocked pair, to her smug dad. Despite her being a supposedly “dark” puppo, she was in fact a very good girl and very smart girl indeed. She was taking in the interaction with far more intelligence than you might think – in fact, she was always able to sense when her dad was telling a sneaky lie. She also remembered hearing the world “tickle”… and everything made sense in her belly-rub-loving brain. So, she figured she’d get in on the fun.
In an instant she’d popped up on her feet, and bounded to Dark whilst wagging her floofy tail. Dark naturally reached out to give her some chin scratches, which she let herself enjoy for a few moments… but then to everyone’s utter shock she chomped down (harmlessly) on one of his shins and pulled him out of his chair onto the carpet! Dark yelped out as he landed on his back with a thump, making Unus and Annus bite back laughs.
‘Wha– Chica?!’
Dark looked at her in disbelief – he knew she was playful, but this was a lot! Dark Chica boofed at him and put a paw of his chest so he couldn’t sit up, before looking at Unus and Annus. The silence made it clear that everyone was confused, until the duo watched her start nudging at Dark’s and neck with her wet nose as Dark spluttered. That was when they realised. She was trying to tell them something very interesting indeed, and Dark had realised it too. He let out a casual chuckle, clearing his throat a little as he tried and failed to sit up.
‘Hah, alright Chica alright, we can play just–’
‘Hold on there Dark, I think Chica’s trying to show us something.’
Annus interrupted, a thin grin on his face as he and Unus shared a devious look… before pouncing together and pinning Dark down properly. Dark Chica barked with excitement, her tail wagging as Dark grunted and struggled and let out a number of vague threats… until Unus started fluttering his fingers down the sides of his neck.
‘What have we here?’
‘Are you sure? Chica seems to think it’s something.’
‘Unus, Annus, let me go!’
He grunted, but the wobbly smile on his face made Unus and Annus share another grin. Dark Chica boofed again, and Annus chuckled as he scratched fondly behind her ear.
‘Is your master lying to us, hmm? Is he ticklish?’
Dark’s face reddened as Dark Chica boofed, wagged her tail harder, and licked Annus’ cheek for good measure. That was all the confirmation they needed. Dark let out another series of grunts, gritting his teeth and trying not to giggle as Unus’ fingers kept fluttering.
‘D-Desihist this!’
‘Desist what?’
Dark went to speak again, but ended up snorting and chuckling as the flutters snuck behind his vulnerable ears. He tossed his head weakly, his fresh giggles taking all the heat out of his growl.
‘I’ll gehet yohohou fohor thihihis!’
Unus grinned and snickered, whilst Annus leaned over Dark with a twinkle in his eyes.
‘Did you just threaten my other half?’
Dark couldn’t ignore the chill he got down his spine, Annus’ voice echoing a little in his ears. Then before he knew it, a laugh had exploded out of him as Annus’ hands delved beneath his shirt, scratching swiftly at his sides. Dark jerked and twitched, but his hands were pinned beneath Annus’ knees, and he had no chance of freeing them now.
‘Yehehes! Yohohou wohon’t gehet away wihith thihihis, eheither of yohou!’
He exclaimed, trying to maintain some semblance of a tough façade. Unus giggled as Annus smirked.
‘Somehow that doesn’t fill me with dread.’
Annus continued his scratches as Unus’ fingertips zeroed in behind Dark’s ears, tracing the shells as Dark tried to toss his head even more – he was refusing to admit to himself that he was screwed, even though it was so adorably obvious.
‘Dahamnit gehehet ohohoff mehe!’
‘Aww, this doesn’t tickle does it–?’
Unus snickered at Dark’s outburst as he and Annus continued their tickling, Unus’ fingertips now teasing right behind Dark’s earlobes – an utterly maddening tickle spot, by the way – whilst Annus’ thumbs were massaging circles into the dips of Dark’s fleshy sides. All Dark could do was belly laugh and thrash about, meanwhile Dark Chica was sat and watching with a happy look on her face – though occasionally she did playfully nudge Dark’s shirt or lick his face.
‘Sounds like Chica loves that laughter of yours Dark, I wonder if we can make it louder?’
Annus mused, and started squeezing Dark’s sides rapidly to make him cackle – it got so intense that Unus had to abandon his ears to hold his arms as he tugged at them. Unus had Dark in a half hug, giggling as Dark howled with a red face, his eyes flickering with crimson and blue flashes.
‘Listen to that laugh! I think he’s enjoying that Annus.’
‘I quite agree Unus.’
Dark’s laughter was deep and warm as it reverberated around the room, like his mirth was a mighty opera. His hair was quickly becoming dishevelled as he struggled vainly against the tickling (which he was secretly enjoying, but Unus and Annus didn’t need to know that). It had been quite a while since Dark had been tickled so thoroughly, and honestly? It was even more fulfilling than he’d remembered. Though, Dark couldn’t help but kick as the tickles at his sides grew deeper and more intense, his instinct to wriggle free irresistible.
‘Why should we do that?’
‘Hmm, I suppose that is an option…’
Annus remarked. Then Unus grinned and piped up.
‘Maybe if you admit how ticklish you are we’ll let you go.’
Dark’s lips parted in shock. The audacity of the demand was one thing, but the embarrassing nature of it was what really took the damn biscuit!
‘I would be amenable to that. What do you say Dark, will you confess?’
Thankfully Annus eased up on the tickling for a moment, allowing him to catch his breath, before he spluttered his indignant response. As if Dark would give in so easily!
‘Absolutely not!’
Dark started kicking again in an attempt to escape, though the existential duo didn’t miss the smile he was wearing – the fun of the whole thing was obvious, and they were happy to keep playing. Unus laughed as he hugged Dark’s torso again to try and keep him down as Annus resorted to grabbing at Dark’s legs, his hands gripping his knees and squeezing them… which drew out the most colossal shriek from Dark. There was a moment of silence as everyone looked at each other. Unus grinned, Annus raised an eyebrow, Dark Chica boofed, and a wobbly smile appeared on Dark’s face as he cleared his throat.
‘Oh dear, what’s this?’
‘Annus, my friend–’
‘I think I know just how to persuade you.’
Dark was a hysterical mess in seconds. Gone was any semblance of the smart elegance which hung from his figure every day, for here now he was merely a man whose kneecaps were ticklish as hell. Annus was delightedly squeezing them, pinching them, rubbing them with his thumbs and forefingers as Dark cackled and jerked. Meanwhile Dark Chica had started barking along excitedly and doing tippy-tappies, happy to see her dad laughing this hard. Unus giggled along, giving Dark’s arms a squeeze.
‘I think you’ve got his sweet spot.’
‘Mm so do I, I wonder if he’s considering a little confession yet?’
‘It’s hard to tell, I think we keep this up for a few minutes.’
‘Fine by me.’
And so they did. Five minutes objectively is not such a long time, unless you’re being tickled of course. Then it might as well be five centuries! Dark was helpless as his knees were tickled within an inch of their life, his suit trousers offering no protection as misty grey tears built in his eyes. Eventually he knew he had to do it. He had to admit defeat, though it pained him to even think of it.
‘It doesn’t have to be a torment, you know what we wish to hear.’
‘I shall take that as a compliment.’
Annus smirked as Dark let out yet another howl of laughter… before he finally conceded.
Unus and Annus shared a satisfied grin, before they released him carefully from their tickly grip. He remained on the carpet, and slowly rolled into his side and tucked his knees up to his  chest as he panted. He closed his eyes for a few moments, his smile lingering as he felt himself start to calm down. When he opened his eyes, and before he could say a word, he was greeted by Dark Chica lying by him on her belly. She licked his cheek, and he huffed fondly.
‘You were absolutely no help.’
She boofed happily and licked his nose, making him laugh as he sat up – naturally she flopped in his lap, earning her some affectionate belly scratches as her tail thumped rhythmically on the floor. Dark looked between Unus and Annus, his eyes narrowed yet warm.
‘You’re both lucky I value our friendship.’
‘And we value yours.’
Annus replied as Unus grinned, before sitting close so he could scratch behind Dark Chica’s ears softly. Dark smiled lightly as he and Annus shared another look… and Dark was surprised to see Annus’ expression turn soft.
‘It’s endearing.’
‘What is?’
Dark asked. Unus and Annus shared another look, and Unus replied.
‘To know you’re as ticklish as the rest of us.’
Dark huffed and rolled his eyes, but nevertheless felt the warmth of the sentiment the existential pair exuded as they all sat there together. It didn’t take long for them to get comfortable in the soothing room with countless blankets, with the sweetest (and most attention-seeking) puppo in existence. They were a dark group indeed, right to each of their cores… but even so, there was no-one there who was above a smile.
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jasminesjournal · 5 months
Something new…
I want to write reader inserts. While I’ll keep up with my OC writing I want to keep the door open to add more than just that and leave you guys empty of my content when I have no ideas for that OC.
Here’s the thing, my OC writing would take more planning than reader inserts because it fits a timeline for that OC. With a reader insert I can just use a prompt and a character.
Speaking of which, my inbox is open! Have a request for the following characters? Send it in!
Have Written:
Carlisle Cullen
Dr. Iplier
Dr. James Wilson
Lucifer Morningstar (Fox)
Dr. House
Prince Sidon
Have Not Written (but want to try)
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Dr. Strange
Iron Man
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leighsartworks216 · 1 year
Markiplier Egos Masterlist
I have too many links on my main masterlist lol
Main Masterlist
Request Rules
Tag List Form
The Host
Please Stay - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, lots of blood, wound descriptions, implied self-h*rm, awkwardness, just sorta the beginning stages of a crush so it's really cute
Help - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, depression, intrusive thoughts
Friendship - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Cuddles - The Host x gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: swearing, anxiety, awkwardness
“Did you sleep well?” Headcanons - The Host x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Wilford Warfstache
Blanket Thief - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
Scary Movie Night - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: broken glass, panic attack, swearing, hurt/comfort but mostly fluff
Wilf Welcoming You Back Home Headcanons - Wilford x gn!reader
Warnings: mentions of food and drink
Pet - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, reader is angy, bad accents
Parole - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: cat
My Handsome Guy - trans!Yancy x transmasc!reader
Warnings: dysphoria (not explicit), Yancy calls you “doll” in a gender neutral way, period stuff
Breakfast - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing, slight paranoia (?), slight abandonment issues
Star-gazing - Yancy x gn!reader x Illinois
Warnings: none
Solitary - Yancy x gn!reader
Warnings: panic attack, claustrophobia, swearing, hurt/comfort
Hyperfixations - Yancy x autistic!gn!reader x Illinois
Warnings: slight swearing???, fluff
Just a Little Dark Drabble - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
A Thousand Awful Days - Dark x transmasc!reader
Warnings: dysphoria, swearing, fluff
Overwhelmed - Part 2 - Dark x (implied) autistic!gn!reader
Warnings: overstimulation/sensory overload, being nonverbal, zoning out, swearing, can be read as platonic
Damien and Dark ramble - Damien x gn!reader, Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Grief - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: grieving, depression, loss of a pet
Period Pains - Dark x AFAB!reader
Warnings: talk of period stuff that may cause dysphoria
Trauma (Songfic) - Dark x DA!reader, Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: angst
Birthday Wishes - Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: mentions of purgatory, fire/matches and a knife
Dark Drabble - Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: none
Just A Child - Dark & teenage!gn!reader (platonic)
Warnings: Actor is a creep (implied), hurt/comfort themes
Panic Attack Comfort Headcanons - Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: panic attack (obvi), mostly fluff
Pretty Boy - King!Dark x masc!reader
Warnings: things get a little spicy 😳
Gone, I’m Gone (Songfic) - Dark/Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: explicit descriptions of blood, broken bones, starvation and dehydration, swearing, manipulation, extreme angst
Papers (Songfic) - Dark/Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: Actor is an asshole, angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of some events from WKM
Of Cowboys, Cave Ins, and Crushes - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: being trapped in a small area, death, minor injuries that are not explicitly described
Partner - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Free of Charge - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: illness, swearing, hurt/comfort
Reckless - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: death, blood, injury, swearing, ANGST
Family Reunion - Illinois, no reader
Warnings: none
Stay Safe - Illinois x gn!reader
Warnings: swearing
Star-gazing - Illinois x gn!reader x Yancy
Warnings: none
Careful Not To Fall In Love - Illinois & Indiana Jones
Warnings: none
Hyperfixations - Illinois x autistic!gn!reader x Yancy
Warnings, slight swearing??, fluff
Midnight, The Stars and You (Songfic Kinda) - Damien x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Damien and Dark ramble - Damien x gn!reader, Dark x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Trauma (Songfic) - Dark x DA!reader, Damien x DA!reader
Warnings: angst
Gone, I’m Gone (Songfic) - Damien/Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: explicit descriptions of blood, broken bones, starvation and dehydration, swearing, manipulation, extreme angst
Sodomy - Damien x male!DA!reader
Warnings: internalized homophobia, religious trauma, hinted emotionally abusive parents, sodomy laws
Papers (Songfic) - Damien/Dark x DA!reader
Warnings: Actor is an asshole, angst, hurt/no comfort, mentions of some events from WKM
Hug - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Reader Who Can’t Spell Headcanons - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
First Kiss Headcanons - Google x gn!reader
Warnings: none
You’re Not The Captain AU
One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Ficlet
You’re Another Engineer AU
Captain’s Log - Ficlet - Addition
Dogs in Space Headcanons - ISWM Crew + Captain!reader (Slight Captaineer)
Engineer Mark
Kiss It Better - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: minor injury, but mostly just fluff
Captain, My Captain - Engineer Mark x AFAB!reader
Warnings: period fic, cramps, swearing
In My Solitude (Songfic) - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: loneliness, depression, possible su*c*dal thought (written in red text just in case), death, heavy angst, maybe a little fluffy at the end but like a sad fluffy
I Missed You - Engineer Mark x transmasc!reader
Warnings: being (unintentionally) misgendered
#1 Captain - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort
Your Captain - Engineer Mark x gn!reader
Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, loss of identity, overworking
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Darkstache and Bactor Double Date - Requested by @justnyat
Wilford and Dark had been dating for quite a while, they were actually happily married with four kids now. They hadn't had a date in years. So, Wilford thought of a great idea, a double date. But with who? Benjamin and Actor, even though they weren't dating. But, hopefully this double date would get their relationship closer. So they headed out to the bar that they were going to meet Actor and Benjamin at, their four kids were being babysat by Dark’s mother.
They finally arrived and sat at the table next to Actor and Benjamin, the two not noticing them yet.
“Did you buy a new suit just for this master?” Benjamin asked, smiling. Actor showed off his new crimson suit. “Of course, my dear, you deserve the best for this outing! Well, so do I, but I thought of being generous.” Actor stated. Benjamin let out a little chuckle until he noticed Wilford and Dark watching them. “Ahem, yes, yes. You would want to impress others wouldn't you?” Ben did not like when the two caught him and Actor flirting.
“Already started getting horny without us eh?” Wilford smirked. Benjamin blushed. “SIR WARFSTACHE, THAT'S NOT WHAT THIS IS-!” Wilford chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Wilford, leave the poor butler alone. Actor is nothing but bad news anyway.” Dark looked at Actor with a glare of hatred, as usual. “Alright, my dear lamb~” Wilford teased. “Shut up.” Dark said as he sat down at the table.
The night went on with the four drinking and talking to their partners. And, of course, Actor and Wilford were the drunkest by the end of the night.
I hope I delivered well >:3
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cozyenigma · 8 months
Word Count- 1201
Request?- Yes!
Tumblr media
(sorry this took me so long! I hope the tarot parts aren't too basic and it's what you envisioned! And of you'd still like the anon handle you can absolutely take that one!)
Tag List- @cookielover0001010 , @swag-droid , @watchoutforfrostbite
Warnings- None
Dark didn't need to eat or drink. Food didn't nourish the carcass he hauled around and drink did nothing to quench his thirst. When he found himself presented with these things anyways, Dark always took a small amount of pleasure in others discomfort when they noticed he never touched anything.
Still, in the privacy of his own office, away from annoyances and prying eyes, he let himself imbibe. A steaming hot cup of sencha sat on his desk. The fine china cup, delicate and thin, gleamed atop its saucer. Heedless, of the temperature, Dark took a sip.
It tasted like ash.
One of his human components, he wasn't quite sure which, had liked to take tea in this setting once upon a time. Steaming hot tea in a window seat with a good book. As much as Dark was annoyed at the bleed over, the habit helped.
As did the readings. Dark knew which one this habit stemmed from. The cards seemed to flow in his hands. Shuffling and dealing and reading. The deck was worn. Creased and faded at the edges, the cards showed their age. Part of him wondered if this was her set when she was alive. Probably not.
As he was going to set the spread of cards, the hairs on the back of his neck prickled. Dark's hands paused. Then he gathered the cards back into one stack.
"Back again, are we?"
The air grew noticeably colder, the steam rising from his tea that much more pronounced. They were here alright.
With a sigh, he started shuffling again. "Are you going to skulk about or try and wreck my office again?"
His answer was a lamp tumbling to the floor, glass skittering across the hardwood.
"Right." Dark ignored the blatant hostility and cut the deck. The DA, reduced to the presence they were now, would eventually tire of the destruction. They always did. It was only Dark's own aura that kept them from doing physical harm to his body.
The destruction was a nuisance but only that. While he didn't enjoy replacing and repairing his furnishings every other week, he wasn't about to give them the satisfaction of seeing any reaction. Eventually, after he heard them gouge long tracks into the floor, they stopped.
He hummed and placed the deck on the desk.
"If you're finished?" Dark gestures to the cards and waited.
The room was still and silent once more. He knew they could move and choose the cards. Whether or not they were shocked or just refusing, he could only guess.
"If you won't," he took up the deck himself, giving it one more shuffle. "I'll ask a question for you, I'm sure both of us have been thinking it. Why do you keep coming back?"
The sound of broken glass crunching under foot. They were seemingly grinding the shards into the floor. That got to them.
"Let's keep it basic, shall we?" He kept going, tone too casual for the situation. "Basic three card pull. Past, present, future, hmm?"
They slipped through his hands as easily as water. Three cards, situated in a line right in front of him. Dark pictured them in his head, brooding as they sat opposite. It almost made him smile.
Delicately, he flipped the first over. A woman wrestling with a beast that might have, once, been a lion. The wearing of time and distortion made it seem otherworldly somehow.
"Strength," he laughed. "Makes sense, I suppose. You always were confident in your skills, even when we were young. Clear choices, clear purpose. I imagine you and everyone else thought you were aiming for bigger and better things, hmm?"
The walls themselves seemed to creak ominously around him. If he didn't know better he might suspect they could bring the ceiling down on top of him.
"Yknow," he said, resting his fingers atop the next card, "this is less the cards talking and more supposed to be the people themselves talking. To put things to words, I suppose. Though you can't quite manage that can you?"
The tea cup beside him abruptly cracked in half. Hot tea leaked out in a small flood, nearly taking the cards with it and soaking into his sleeve. Dark paid it no mind.
"The present now then, shall we?"
This next card was so worn down he very nearly couldn't read the text. Though he'd know the upside down design without it well enough.
"Reverse wheel of fortune," he leaned back, shaking errant drops of scalding tea from his hand. "A run of bad luck. Much as you try you can't control the past, you can't control the present either. Oh my poor, poor friend. I can understand that, to a degree."
He scanned the room, looking for a shimmer, a shadow, anything to indicate where they were. If they actually occupied any sort of space in this reality. The empty, cold office didn't provide him with any insight on that.
"Neither of us were in control then," he said eventually, "as for now…"
Dark flexed his hand. What was once their hand. "I suppose I'll be taking that back for the both of us, hmm?"
No response. Nothing was destroyed in a fit of impotent rage but he knew they were still here. That crawling every present feeling of being watched was still there.
"Stop trying to change things," he murmurs, "I don't pretend to know where you're existing now but there's surely better things for you to be doing. Maybe even actually rest."
Again, nothing. Dark huffed and, without further preamble, flipped the last card. This one made him laugh. As much as he could laugh, anyways.
"Justice? Really?"
The card was fairly self explanatory, as far as other cards in the deck went. The woman depicted held a scale and sword, regal and just. At some point the face was nearly erased, a small tear going through where her eyes would have been. The now cooled tea had soaked into the paper, giving the card a sickly brown green tint.
"You're pinning your hopes on karma, is that it?" He tossed the card back onto the desk. "I don't think so. The world isn't that kind. If anything, I'll be bringing you justice. Bringing down the man that caused all of this is karma enough, I think."
The deck next to him abruptly flew apart, cards pinwheeling in the air and just adding to the mess. Heaving a sigh, Dark got to his feet.
"One of us can keep going with this cycle, old friend," he'd admit, the old moniker was a dig he couldn't help but slip in, "and I think you know who."
If they heard him they chose not to show it. The room was more than still, it was empty. That pressure, the presence in the air was gone. Which left Dark among the ruins of his office once again.
"Same time next week, I suppose," he mutters, plucking a card from the desk and giving it a flick. The sencha had truly soaked the thing. Even with the paper starting to warp and discolor, he could still make out the tower clear as day.
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otterlyinluv · 2 years
A touch of darkness (pt.2)
Here's part 1
Summary: What happened after the office incident OR in which Yancy tries to eat breakfast and Wilford becomes a matchmaker
Pairing: Darkiplier x DA!Reader
Tags: sfw, fluffy, jealous Dark, proximity, thunderstorm, comfort, confessions and realisations
A/N: I apologize for the long wait, I actually finished it earlier but I decided to scrap the last third and rewrite it completely- Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2.9k
"So you like Mr. Doom and gloom, so what?"
You almost choked on the chocolate milk Wilford made you.
"No, that doesn't make sense. Nothing even happened. He just fixed my computer, and then I felt weird."
Wilford raised an eyebrow at you.
"My dear, you might not see it, but you look like a lovesick fool."
Your face started to feel warm.
"No, I do not! I came for advice, Wilford, but now I know I chose the wrong person." You stood up from the armchair, leaving the chocolate milk on the desk, when Wilford started to wave his arms around.
"Okay, okay, fine, I'll stop." He grabbed you by the shoulders and plopped you back on the armchair.
"Now," he said, no longer in the spot he was a second ago. His little teleporting shenanigans didn't bother you as much as they did during the first months of your stay at the mansion. Whenever he suddenly disappeared and reappeared at a completely different place, you'd always get a mini heart attack, which lead to him doing it even more frequently to mess with you. What you hadn't realized then was he did it only to get you used to things that weren’t exactly normal. Wilford was a good guy at heart even if his methods were a bit... unconventional.
"Since you don't believe me, we'll go about it in a different way." You turned around to where he was. He made you stand up from the chair and gripped your hands.
"Which thoughts race through your head like fluttering butterflies frolicking in a field when he’s with you? How does he make you feel in general?"
The corner of your mouth turned up at the metaphor, and you looked off into the distance. After the encounter in your office, you started bumping into each other far more frequently than before. Or maybe you noticed him more. And when you did see each other, his gaze seemed to linger on you a suspiciously long time. Whenever you made eye contact during meetings, you felt a flutter in your chest. A flutter you didn't feel with anyone else.
You looked at Wilford with a sense of epiphany. His eyes seemed to light up.
"Am I interrupting something?" Dark said, standing in the doorway, his arms crossed.
You ripped your hands from Wilfords'.
"Oh, Darkie. Why we were just having a lovely chat, nothing for you to worry about." Wilford drawled, putting his arm over your shoulder.
Dark's eyes darted to your shoulder, and his gaze hardened. The colored aura that surrounded him seemed to gain a more blue hue. It only lasted a couple of seconds before he rolled his neck.
"Excuse me." He suddenly ran off out of the room, his fists clenched.
You saw Wilford grinning out of the corner of your vision as he put his arm away from you.
"Wilford, what did you do?" You said, glaring at him.
"I just gave him a little push, that's all." 
You really wanted some cereal.
The mansion was pleasantly quiet because you liked to wake up earlier than everyone else. While listening to Illinois boast about all his adventures or Google try to subtly persuade you to grant him admin privileges was entertaining once in a while, it wasn't something you wanted to do first thing in the morning.
You were able to find your favorite brand of cereal, a spoon, and some milk. The only thing that was missing was a bowl. You looked into the cupboard where the bowls usually were, but there were none. You wondered who kept misplacing the contents of the cupboards and kept searching.
Still nothing.
You grabbed a chair to stand on so you could reach the cupboards that were higher up. You carefully stood up on it and opened the one closest to you. Finally!
Unfortunately for you, the bowls were on the top shelf. You huffed and stood on your tiptoes. After stretching your arm as far as you could, you were finally able to grab a suitable bow.
But you leaned back so suddenly you lost your balance. You flailed your arms in a futile attempt to regain stability. You mentally prepared yourself to come into contact with the cold hard floor when you felt someone grab your waist to support you.
You let out a relieved breath only to look down at the grey hands, which were now firmly holding you in place. The area which the hands were in contact with was completely devoid of color. You turned around to see Dark without his signature jacket, his eyes wide. You were frozen, but your skin burned where his hands were.
"You should be more careful. You would have fallen if I hadn't gotten to you in time."
You couldn't move. The only thing you felt was the oddly gentle hold he had on you. The bowl, which you were now holding safely, was the last of your worries.
"Still as clumsy as ever," he chuckled under his breath. His thumbs twitched, and you blinked at each other in realization of your compromising position.
He cleared his throat as he stepped back as if burned, removing his hands in the process. You carefully got down from the chair.
It was so quiet you could almost hear his aura crackle in the air like static.
"I, uh... Thank you for... that."
"You are welcome," he said quietly.
You were looking at the ground, your face strangely warm. Your gaze traveled to his shirt, the first two buttons undone, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His hands bordered with blue and red the hands that held you were now hanging at his sides.
You stared too long. You could feel him looking at you. You glanced at him.
He was looking straight at you. So intensely that you felt like he could see directly into your soul. So expressively, his eyes seemed more brown than black.
He took a shuddering breath.
"Is youse making cereal? Leave some for me!" Your head jolted to Yancy standing in the doorway.
Dark snapped out of whatever trance he was in and promptly left the room with no parting words.
"Woah, what got him so worked up?" Yancy walked to you as you looked at the door, deep in thought.
"I'd like to know that too."
After having finished your perfect bowl of cereal, it was back to sitting in your tiny office. Normally, it wouldn't be that big of a deal. Nothing special, just you sitting behind your desk working at your computer. Except you weren't. You couldn't.
Not when whenever you closed your eyes, you could remember Dark standing over you so clearly. Your little... encounter happened a few weeks ago, yet you still couldn't focus properly while you were here. It took you at least half an hour to distract yourself enough to at least start working. It was frustrating, but there wasn't much you could do. Talk to him about it when he has most likely forgotten about it already? Yeah, sure.
Now that you thought about it, there was something else that was making you unfocused today. Why did Dark look like he wanted to murder Wilford when he was just being touchy as usual?
And this morning... He just caught you out of politeness so you wouldn't fall flat on your face. Or maybe he just didn't want you to break the bowl. You didn't allow yourself to even consider the possibility that maybe he didn't want to see you hurt. And the way his hands stayed on your waist just a few seconds more... Boy, did you forget how to talk then.
Maybe you were looking into it too much. Sure, he was nicer than before, but he could simply be more comfortable with you. As a friend. Yeah, that must be it.
Satisfied with your thinking session, you were ready to get to work.
Your concentration was disturbed by the sound of your door opening, followed by a thud of something heavy being dumped in, and then the door immediately slammed shut again.
You looked up from your computer to a sight you never would have expected - Dark rapping at the door, violently shaking the door handle.
"Now Damie, remember what I told you. If you want something, go get it!" Wilford slurred, his voice muffled by the door.
"Wilford, open the door this instant, or I swear I will kill you. I am serious."
"Oh, promises, promises. Focus your energy on the important things!" Wilford's voice faded away as he supposedly walked away from the door.
"That insufferable..." he mumbled to himself, turning around.
His clothes were wrinkled as if someone tried to physically push him into the room but was met with resistance. You couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.
"Uhm, welcome, I guess."
He sighed. "Hi."
"So, what happened for you to end up here of all places?" You leaned on your arm. It might have been an unexpected situation, but that didn't mean you weren't going to enjoy it. Dark, on the other side, seemed really determined to fulfill his promise to Wilford. "When Wil sets his mind to something, nothing can stop him. Not even me." He tried to open the door to emphasize his point, and as expected, it didn't budge.
"Can you not get out by... other means?" You never really knew how his powers worked. And you doubted he would tell you even if you did ask.
"No. I don't know how he did it, but he managed to completely lock me out -" He looked around. "-or in. Technically."
As his eyes surveyed the room, you realized how small it was. It was enough for you, but Dark seemed to fill a big part of the room just with the colored aura that surrounded him. Come to think of it, why was he standing so far away from where you were?
"Well, I'm guessing we're going to be here for some time, so why don't we sit down somewhere more comfortable?" You pointed to a light brown sofa leaning against a wall. His eyes followed your hand to the middle-sized sofa. You winced. You didn't want to make it awkward for him to sit down there alone, but maybe he would rather you didn't sit with him. Why didn't you just ask him what he wanted in the first place-
He simply nodded and sat on the sofa. Having no other choice, you plopped down next to him.
Small raindrops started hitting the window.
You turned to say something to fill the silence at the same time as he did, which resulted in you looking away from each other. He let out the quietest chuckle, and you couldn't help yourself but do the same.
"You can go first." Dark said.
"Ah, it wasn't anything specific, just that the rain is getting stronger." You expected him to simply nod and direct the topic somewhere else. Instead, he looked over to the window. The rain was now strong enough to be audible if you were both quiet, which is what was happening now. Dark looked as if he was observing the rain. As if simply the fact you told him about it gave it value.
"It indeed is."
After a couple of seconds, he took a breath. "I've never noticed how small this office is."
"You're right, but I like it. It makes it feel cozy. It also holds memories more easily. " In fact, your brain was recalling a rather specific memory involving him. But you doubted he would be thinking of that.
"Well, I'm glad. The area carries a certain air that only you have."
"Oh, and what might that be?" You smirked.
"Comfort. Something you want to return to and treasure every moment spent with."
You stared at him wide-eyed.
"Ah, I said too much, didn't I? Forgive me." He looked to the door.
You were touched by how highly he thought of you. Yet there was an unspoken implication in his statement.
Thunder rang out.
You flinched and crashed into Dark. His arms shot out, cradling you against him.
"Are you alright?"
You squeezed your eyes closed as you tried to focus on your breathing.
"I... I'm just scared of thunder. The sound..." You trailed off, heart beating rapidly in your chest.
His hold on you tightened as he gently moved your head to the crook of his neck. He rubbed his hand across your back in soothing motions with a soft "Shh" every couple of seconds. You let him hold you until you eventually stopped shaking like a leaf in the wind.
That's when you realized what a compromising position you were in and stared at him in shock.
"I apologize, I overstepped." He frowned, untangling his hands from you.
As soon as you felt the absence of him, you realized.
"I don't mind." You said, and his face visibly relaxed. "I actually don't mind a lot of things when it comes to you. Simply being with you is... nice."
He let out a quiet laugh. You wished you could put the sound in a bottle. "You're just saying that because we are stuck together."
You laughed and let out a rebuttal.
Minutes passed with other witty remarks, and before you could realize, the brief rainstorm had completely passed. You were confused that you hadn't heard another thunder since there had to have been at least one. But you had gotten too involved in Dark's quips to notice the sound. Dark cracking jokes... now that was something you would have never imagined.
"Penny for your thoughts?" Dark asked, leaning his head on his arm.
"You were staring at me without saying anything for a while now, so I figured you had something interesting going on in that brain of yours."
Heat rushed into your cheeks. You didn't realize you had been looking right at him.
You cleared your throat and saw him smiling out of the corner of your eye. "I was just wondering," you smiled back, "do you often run away?"
Dark quickly turned his head away in shame.
"First, it was when I was talking with Wilford. You came in and then suddenly excused yourself. Then, this morning, too... What's going on? Did I do something?"
He sighed. "No, no, you didn't do anything. It's me." He added quietly.
"How so?"
He responded after a couple of seconds. "I am afraid that if I tell you, a lot of things might change... between us." The look in his dark eyes was earnest, almost nostalgic.
You pondered upon his statement for a few seconds. "Does change always have to be bad?"
As soon as you said the sentence, you were hit with a sense of deja vu. You felt like you've said it before, but how?
In tandem with your confusion, a slight shock spread on his features. As if in a trance, you put your hand on his cheek. Looking him up and down, you studied his features. There was nothing different from what you've come to know. Why were you expecting to see something else?
Your fingers moved on your own in a caress.
His eyes fluttered shut. You traced over his forehead, moving to his cheekbones when you ended up near his lips. Features oh so familiar like you knew them for years. Now that his eyes were closed, he seemed different. At peace. So close.
He opened his eyes, and there it was again. The two of you in your office. The proximity close enough to feel electrifying. None of you said anything as a decision hung in the air. But only up until his onyx-like eyes flicked from your own to your lips.
He smiled. "Would it be foolish of me to say I want to kiss you right now?"
And you answered by leaning in.
You let yourselves be entangled by the sheer amount of emotion as your lips brushed against each other. His arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you even closer like he wanted to drown himself in you. You basked in the softness of your embrace, finally feeling as if everything has fallen into place.
He pulled away as you tried to catch your breath.
"So beautiful." He whispered, tenderly tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
Before you could respond, he went right back in. Not that you minded, of course.
No sooner than a minute had passed were you interrupted by your office door swinging open.
"Glad to see you've finally figured yourselves out! Now, if we could-" Wilford's voice was cut off as Dark slammed the door with a motion of his hand.
He brushed his hair away from his face and turned back to you.
"It did look like he needed something." You gazed at the door pensively.
"I am sure he did, but," he smoothed out your shirt, "I do believe you don't want anyone seeing you like this."
You tried to keep from laughing as you regarded his own disheveled appearance. "You're not too neat either, Sir 'Irons his shirts every morning'."
He rolled his eyes but smiled at you regardless. Getting up from the couch, he held out his hand, which you accepted, and headed to whatever wacky escapade Wilford was up to this time.
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intolerable-sushi · 7 months
What once was
I finally finished the angst(?) Dark x reader story. I'm not a hundred percent sure if this actually counts as angst, so please let me know. And let me know if these types of stories are something you guys would like more of!! This story is super short by the way.
The road to vengeance was paved in blood and sweat. It was a path Dark had no trouble taking. Friendships and bonds were not something he saw value in so using people to get his way was a very casual thing for him. The only thing he truly wanted at the end of the day was to bestow the same suffering onto Mark as he did to everyone around  him. However, despite his best efforts to focus on the task at hand, things continued to plague his mind. Someone from the past who continued to haunt him no matter how hard he tried to forget.
The attorney. His attorney. Damiens's attorney.
The person who had been at his side for years. The person who trusted him with their life, and didn’t doubt him for a second. The person that Damien had grown to love only for Dark to cast them aside. Despite his lack of emotions, Dark couldn’t help the feelings of regret and guilt he felt every time they invaded his mind. 
He told himself that leaving them in the mirror was for the best. That leaving them there would keep them safe from Mark, but he knew that that was a lie. They could have easily shared the body together, and maybe even worked together to stop Mark, but he was a selfish creature by nature. He hadn’t wanted to share the body with them, and ultimately they would have been nothing more than a hindrance, so he left them there. Cast them aside with no hesitation. He had been surprised the first time he recognized them. He was even more surprised and infuriated when he saw them with Mark. That bastard had somehow managed to worm his way into their lives again, but something seemed different. 
The two of them were constantly going on adventures in Mark’s van, and they were….. They were smiling. They looked like they were truly happy and having a good time. The sight boiled his blood. How dare they give HIM that smile. Don’t they remember all the death and misery he’s caused. He could barely keep himself intact at the thought. As much as he wanted to make his presents known to the two of them, Dark decided to wait for the proper time to reacquaint himself with his old friend. 
He didn’t get an opportunity until they were sleeping alone in the van one night. He materialized beside them and watched them sleep. They were just as breathtaking as he remembered. Despite years having passed since that night, despite everything they were still themselves. Out of everyone there that night, they changed the least. Dark’s observational time was interrupted as their eyes snapped open. 
“No………No…. No. nononononononononono!” The sat-up straight and backed up into the back door of the van. Their eyes were wide and filled with fear. They began to hyperventilate as they stared at Dark. 
“It is alright I’m not here to hurt you. I would like to talk-”
“ GET OUT!” It was Dark’s turn to stare wide eyed. “ I remember you! I remember what you did to me! You left me there for years!! Do you have any idea what it was like? To be slowly consumed by a being as old as time, to be constantly cold and alone with not even your screams to accompany as they are swallowed by the void. I don’t even remember how I got out. I only remember clawing my way out of that fucking house And you have the fucking adacity to come here to me wanting to talk!?” They had started their rant screaming and ended it sobbing. Dark could only stare at them. Despite everything, even now, he held back feelings. 
“ I did what I thought was best. I had to keep you away from HIM! He would have used you against-” 
“Are you talking about Mark? He was there for me unlike you! He let me stay here! We make videos together and he acts like an actual friend!!” They cut him off. 
  Dark could feel his form beginning to break as he listened to them defend him. “And it's just that, an act!! He doesn’t actually care about you!! He’s just using you!!”
“At least he cares enough to pretend!! At least he cares to take care of me! Where were you when I was alone in a world that has changed so much!! I can barely remember what it used to be like, but I remember that you used to be my friend. Why, why did you do this?” They stared at Dark with tear stained cheeks, eyes begging for an answer. An answer that he could never give them. He could only stare at them expressionless. The two stared at each other for a moment longer before Dark vanished. This had been a foolish endeavor. He should have known better. Once he materialized again in a random field he let everything go.
Every emotion he had came flooding out, the guilt, the shame, the love, the rage, everything. His form splintered and broke in a way it never had before, he felt like he was back in the house again. But he deserved this. The suffering they had gone through had been his fault. The hate they had for him was justified. He had pushed them towards the man who orchestrated the suffering of everyone around him. It was at that moment, in his agony, that Dark realized that he had truly become the villain that Mark had designated him to be. He had hurt someone who was not only truly innocent in this whole situation, but someone that Dark had truly cared about. Dark’s form continued to break and tear through the night as his mind returned to the love that had been, a world long gone, and a man he once was.
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jacksepticeye-simp · 4 months
Welcome Home, Part 1 (Darkiplier x reader)
Today had been an odd day, the sun was blocked out and it was raining. You were really confused. The forecast said it'd be sunny & hot, yet here you were in shorts and a t- shirt, freezing your ass off through the airport. 
You sighed and exited the building, waving over a taxi. Once you were inside, you sighed a bit. "Where to?" The driver asked, looking over at you. You gave her Mark's address and leaned your head back a bit, water dripping from your hair. 
"Crazy weather today, don't you think?" She asked, her eyes now focusing on the road. 
"Mhm, I came here dressed for hot weather." You replied, staring out the window. You checked your phone, Mark hadn't responded to your text. Maybe he was still setting up parts of the set. The taxi pulled up to the gates of the gigantic mansion. Along the gates was some writing.. "- .... . / -.. .- .-. -.- / --- -. . / .... .- ... / .-. . - ..- .-. -. . -.." It was probably in morse code or something. 
You didn't question it because you had better things to do. Mark stood on the front porch of the mansion, dry as a bone underneath it. Lucky bastard must've not had to deal with the rain when he arrived. Standing beside him was honestly the last person you'd ever wanted to see. Mark's girlfriend, Amy. She smiled at you and waved excitedly, you smiled back still a bit pained whenever you looked at her. 
You were happy for her of course, How was she to know anyway? You never made your feelings clear to either one of them. "You should get inside, the rains just getting worse and you're already pretty soaked." Amy said as you approached the porch. You followed them inside the mansion, leaving a trail of water behind you. "
So how was the flight?" Mark asked, walking beside you. "Long and boring." You replied, not meeting his eyes. "Damn. Hey, how about after we're done with the first filming sesh tomorrow we go out for food and stuff, Like old times?" Mark suggested. You shrugged. "Sure." The 2 of you walked upstairs. He gave you the keys to your room and then went back downstairs. You opened the door and walked inside. 
A shadow stood in the middle of your room. It turned and faced you, starting to approach. You shrieked and backed into the table, knocking a mirror down. Shards of glass went all over the floor and a loud, painful ringing filled your ears. You shut your eyes tight as the shadow approached closer. 
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southerndragontamer · 11 months
Egotober Day 30: Witch
Celine had been called a witch many times. She’d found her abilities early when her and Damien had been young. And she honestly liked the dark gothic aesthetic and style. She’d also been called an ice queen but witch was much more common. It was mostly in childish insults or whispers around her, there were very few that dared to shout it in her face for fear of what she’d do to them. But one of those few it turned out was her husband.
It had been another argument, for what reason she couldn’t remember clearly now as she stalked through the manor with anger bubbled in her veins. But the last part of it rang in her head like the echo of a gunshot. ‘Don’t you try to play innocent with me you conniving witch!’ Her hands shook as she threw her suitcase open. She felt the burn in her veins, the sparks of energy at her fingertips. She wanted to show him what the word really meant. What someone could do with powers like hers. But Celine still loved the proud man she’d fallen for, she didn’t want to hurt him that way at least. But she needed to leave, at least long enough to cool them both off….
Dark blinked once as the memory faded to the back of his mind from where it had been brought out. As he looked at the so called ‘hero’ in front of him. Still in that stupid red suit with that arrogant smirk on his face at what had left his lips. ‘Celine was nothing but a conniving witch!’ Dark’s face twisted in a mocking sneer as he loosened his stance and moved forward in a predatory prowl. The righteous anger of a protective brother filled his words as a hand clenched into a fist.
“A witch was she? Little more than someone who performed parlor tricks or was someone to blame when things went wrong? Well..”
Dark had a vicious pleasure summer in his veins that was shared three fold as he felt the bastard’s nose crack under his fist. As he watched him fall to the ground. He smirked as he felt the brother step back. As his body shifted and changed to match the pulse of fury that only a scorned and betrayed woman was capable of making.
She looked more elegant, the suit fell against her curves with a sensual sort of ferocity. Dark rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck as she set her heel on his throat. Magic, so much stronger, darker than it had been before leapt into her hands with barely a thought. She smirked at the furious, shocked and…..yes afraid look on Actor’s face. He hadn’t expected to deal with her and the strength of venom in her voice, if it had been possible, would have killed him from necrosis ten times over.
“Maybe I should show you how much of a witch I really am.”
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leighsartworks216 · 2 years
Pretty Boy
King!Darkiplier x masc!reader
Requested by @thecosmosstuff:
"Royal AU Dark x Reader 👀"
"Whenever you get in the right brain I wanna see your version of Dark calling reader a pretty boy brbrbr”
Warnings: things get a little heated 😳
Word Count: 708
Tag List Form
This meeting was getting old fast. The babbling nonsense of his most trusted courtier was grating on his nerves. Perhaps it was the long, drawn out syllables, or the bombastic gestures he performed; dancing around the throne like a peacock on parade.
Dark sighed, rubbing his temples to push away the on-coming headache. All the effort it took to become a king, and this was it? Certainly having all this power was overrated.
And then he saw it. His dark eyes landed on a familiar figure hiding behind a pillar. Salvation.
His lips curled devilishly around his words, his eyes never leaving you. “Leave.”
Wilford stopped in his tracks, peeking over the back of the throne. “I beg your pardon?”
Dark’s hand waved lazily in the air. “You’re dismissed. We’ll discuss…”
“Cape fabrics?” Wilford supplied.
The king couldn’t believe they were discussing such a dull topic. He sighed. “Yes, we’ll discuss it later.”
The courtier pouted, but Dark paid him no mind as he stomped out of the throne room. He sat back in his chair, relaxing into the plush, velvet cushions, legs spreading languidly as he pat his thigh - an offering you couldn’t refuse.
You tried to casually saunter over, to draw out the time between you, make him feel the same longing for touch as you did, but it was practically an eager skip to his trained eyes. You’d been together too long, and he knew how to read you like an open book.
“Thank you for saving me from that hell, darling,” he purred. Large hands grabbed your waist the moment you were within reach to pull you into his lap. “I’ll be sure to make my gratitude well known.”
You brushed back loose strands of dark hair from his face. He looked dashing in a crown - the polished gold metal, and glimmering blue and red jewels brought out his powerful aura. “Such high praise for such a small kindness.” You leaned down, nearly pressing your forehead to his, but not quite. Noses brushed, lips a mere inch away. He couldn’t tear his eyes from yours.
“Deserved praise.” His voice came as a low growl from the back of his throat. A hand resting over his chest sent the vibrations of his assertions up your arm in the form of goosebumps. “You should interrupt more often, dear heart.”
“And get in between you and your fabric choices?” you teased. His eyes darkened for a moment just thinking about Wilford’s obsession with always having the perfect material for every scrap of fabric that may come in contact with his body. “What kind of lover would I be then?”
Unable to bear the distance any longer, he pressed his forehead to yours, sighing at the contact. To touch you was a wonder he never wished to take for granted. “My dear,” he cooed, “to have you come between me and Wilford’s endless nonsensical droning is an honor of the highest order.”
A short, longing kiss graced your lips. You could feel the hidden desire for more behind his movements as he pulled away with great reluctance, as his hands tensed at your sides, as he breathed you in like this was the last time you would ever see each other. Your hand wrapped around his neck, fingers tangling in the long hair at his nape. He groaned as you tugged him in for another kiss, and another, and one more. He would devour you in this chair if he could.
What a brilliant idea.
A sinful grin split his lips as he wrapped an arm around your waist and held your thigh with a strong hand. In one strong movement, he was kneeling before you and you were sitting in his throne. Warm, wet kisses were trailed down your throat. Sharp teeth found your jugular and nipped ever so softly at the skin separating him from your lifeblood. He reveled in the shaky breath his actions pulled from your throat.
“Oh, my dear, gorgeous, pretty boy,” he nearly moaned into your skin. “I believe we have a meeting.”
Warm hands ran over your thighs, pressing them apart as a smirk pressed kisses into your jaw. “And I do believe it shall run a little long.”
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yuckie-obsessive · 1 year
For the Best Ending
I had some inspiration from a fic I reblogged and I wanna give sortof a short conclusion to “Just the Start”.
Set up: after many losing so many well fought battles, Dark finally manages to rip you out of Mark’s hold. He whisks you away, back into the mirror of the reclaimed manor. What used to be your prison was now your home.
Tw: manipulation, mind control, mentions of trauma, anxiety, episodes, forced isolation
Darkiplier x Reader (gender neutral)
Words: 487
Life was finally calm. Fighting for so many years has left him tired and anxious. Some part in the back of Dark’s mind was always waiting for another struggle.
But he’s won the war.
Taking the manor as his own-
And taking you away from everything else.
The home was the mirror reflection of the outside world. Precisely built to allow no room for an escape- and for that matter, no entrance for anything that could threaten the peace.
Though he could never quite figure out how to keep Wilford from occasionally appearing, much to Dark’s chagrin. It was a rarity that you two interacted so it wasn’t too much of a bother. Though, there were those odd instances where he would let a reminder slip off his tongue. A stressor on Dark’s already heavy shoulders. To which Wilford was swiftly removed after.
It was surely too painful.
To be reminded of the nightmares that occurred before you returned to the mirror.
He memorized the signs.
It started with headaches, leading into hours of pain and disorientation before all culminating in an agonizing trauma induced episode. He couldn’t stand seeing you go through this.
Currently the both of you were relaxing in a peaceful silence. Resting in the library, immersed in your respective novels.
You started straining and groaned, another headache.
Dark was quick to his feet and took long strides to arrive at your side.
“What’s the matter darling?” He placed a hand to the side of your face, thumb already at your temple.
You grumbled again and muttered, “Just another headache Dark, I’ll be fine.”
He let a small sigh escape him.
“I know, I know you will be…” his thumb dancing in small, concentrated circles. Watching you fade quickly under his familiar influence, “I’ll make sure of it.”
He let your body relax completely, falling into a deep slumber, then carrying you to the love-seat. Placing you in a position to have your head in his lap, he gently stroked your hair and let his fingers brush along the frame of your face.
If this is what must be done to ensure you remained content in a peaceful existence, he would continue this practice until the end of time.
Once again he pushed back those problematic, painful memories that consistently bubble to the surface.
You wouldn’t remember that snake, the fear, the hate… the betrayal.
He might shatter if you looked at him with that broken expression again. He fully regretted his actions, those fueled by emotions he couldn’t control at the time.
He’s stronger now.
Strong enough to become your rock, your sword and shield.
He did this for you to make up for the hurt he caused. To protect you from the loss.
You deserved a happy ending.
He felt honored to help you achieve it and reveled in the chance to be included.
“I hope you can understand why I’m doing this for you…” he took in the minute movements in your expression as you dreamt. “Sweet dreams (y/n). I’ll be right here when you wake.”
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lotusconstellation · 1 year
Greetings and salutations everyone! My name is Lotus, my pronouns are They/He.
I am a multi-fandom writer, I haven’t posted anything but I do write a lot in my spare time and I would be happy if you guys sent in suggestions or request on what I should write.
For now, the fandom’s I will write for is
-Lego Monkie Kid (LMK)
-The Stanley Parable
-The Monkey King: Reborn
-New Gods: Ne Zha Reborn
-Markiplier egos
-Septiceye egos
-Stardew Valley
(Will add more in future)
I do have to warn you: !!Updates will be slow!!
I struggle with motivation a lot, and I also overthink a lot when I write so please, be patient with me.
I have a few important things to say before I move onto what I will and will not write:
This is a gender-neutral blog. All readers will be classified as gender-neutral or if you are transgender. If you want something specific, then you will have to DM me.
I also write for myself, writing my comfort characters x my persona and will probably post some of my work on here. I am not entirely comfortable with writing others personas or OC’s just yet but I am not opposed to doing so, if you would like me to write any OC’s, self inserts, or persona’s, please DM me and we’ll discuss it!!
This applies to my do's and don'ts, but this is very important for everyone to hear. Do not request anything that goes against the creators wishes, especially if you know that your request is going to be against their boundaries. If you do so, I'm going to say no. We need to respect everyone's boundaries, including the creators! They have every right to have a set of boundaries and should be respected.
What I will write:
-Implied Suggestive content (depending on the fandom I am writing for)
-Yandere Content
-X reader
What I will NOT write:
-Character x Character
-Any serious topics such as sexual harassment, r@pe, self harm (this one might have an exception), etc
That’s all, have a good Day/Afternoon/Night! Hope to write for you soon! 💜💜💛💛
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