#David had a whole segment mentioning it
capitalisticveins · 11 months
i desperately need a Freelancer and Gavin Solstice audio omg
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raspbeyes · 1 year
Information dump on ch 6 incident (all evidence connected to nico and ace's incident)
With the hiatus im determined to make some progress in solving this whole mystery. personally, i dont think it is possible due to all alibis for the previously assumed time of the crime are now irrelevant, but at the very least, getting a chance on the method could help before finding out who
But a mystery that i think can be solved is Nico's attempted murder in ch 6. it has to have some connection on arei's death and judging by the fact a) neither ace nor nico spoke abt it, keeping it narratively still a mystery demanding to be solved; b) it was mentioned again during arei's investigation with charles; c) and has similarities (neck injury, grippy tape, second floor) to the arei's death, that means it is very much connected to the main murder. With the fact we're gonna need a part two for this trial, this attempted murder is gonna need to be dissected.
So use this as my best attempt to compile everything from that scene:
The Timeline
Okay, Arei's time of death is still up in air, but it is at least known to be after her meeting with David in the relaxation room during the evening hours the day after Ace "bda" and prior to monotv's motive reveal at 8 am.
Ace's "bda" occurs on the night of ch 4, 5 and 6 (three episodes encompass the morning, noon, evening, and nighttime of that one day, which I'm calling Day 1 for reference) , which included arei's trauma dump in the morning, nico's exposed secret at the cafeteria at noon, eden and arei's reconciliation in the afternoon, and then the "bda" at or after 10. Teruko goes to the dress up room after 10 pm to find eden, and the two stumble on the scene then.
Following Teruko and Eden being kicked out, monotv keeps the gym closed following the "bda" until noon of the following day (Day 2) when teruko and rose first enter. J had tried to enter during the morning but was rejected. So from around 10 pm of Day 1 to 12 pm of Day 2, the gym was closed off.
The Crime Scene
The sound was the first thing we hear that alerts Eden and Teruko to the gym. It is given the sound effect of "BANG!" but listening to it back, it sounds like multiple items are being toppled over. And not heavy things, they sound like cans in the video. I'll mention it later but there is a step ladder, a broom, fan bench, and the weight rack that are found on the ground, so the sound can come from any of those.
The fan: One of the main things pointed out during arei's investigation. It is found during the "bda" on the ground in front of ace, with teruko commenting it appeared to be ripped out. This fan is strangely not returned to the gym, even after clean up. MonoTV explains that only the playground and gym have these fans, used to reduce moisture
On one of the fan blades, there is grippy tape (It looks visually the same as the tape on the carasoul in the playground found at Arei's crime scene) used to tape a wire to the fan blade, with only one end of the wire taped. About this tape, it is something Rose comments not finding the next day when using the just opened fitness room. This tape is used the night prior, left at the crime scene after Nico fled, found missing after MonoTV cleans all night and morning with zero interference, and then found again at Arei's crime scene, explaining her arm rashes, on the spiny thing poles, and thrown out in clumps in the trash can
Speaking of wire, there are two separate wires at the crime scene. There is one that was tapped to the fan blade (being wrapped around and then tapped) with one end fully in blood. Then there is the wire Nico was caught holding before being dropped on the ground. Curiously, this second wire has blood left on two seperate areas: A lot of the center and another shorter segment drenched in blood near one end, but not meeting that end. The wire fits the wound on Ace's neck and Hu's secret weapon is known as being wire
There is a step stool and broom scattered on the ground, and we cannot be sure they were arranged like this originally or had been moved. What Teruko mentions is that these both came from outside the gym. I checked chapter 1 for any possible step stool or broom on the first floor and saw none. Though I don't think we ever looked inside storage yet. Checking through chapter 2, I again didn't find any step ladder or broom.
Based off ch 8 where Teruko compares the crime scene with Charles, we notice the most major component in the gym moved is the weight plates rack, with one weight plate left on the ground near the fan during the scene of the crime. It never does seem to be commented on, but it is something that was moved during the crime before being cleaned away
Pretty obvious, but the bench next to Ace on his right is tipped over
Ace's body: It is mostly clean outside of small stains splattered on his vest and pants. In the initial scene of the "bda", Ace's right glove has its finger tips bloodied, especially the thumb and pointer. There is the obvious neck wound, which is thin and fits the type of wound from a wire
Nico does not have their little cloak thing. Might just be superfluous information though
While not outright seen, turpentine was used to knock out Ace, according to Teruko the day after judging how by how Ace "stayed unconscious for much longer than can be expected by blood loss or asphyxiation". Teruko then concludes that Nico had stolen the turpentine from Rose since Nico asked to watch Rose paint the afternoon prior to the "bda"
The Who and Motive
In terms of the most definitive culprit, it seems to be the clear cut of Nico. When it comes to accusations of killing Ace and stealing from Rose, Nico does not deny, only denying when Ace accuses Nico of killing Arei. When Charles asks if Nico tried to make a serious attempt on Ace's life, Nico answers yes. When people pressed them about it in chapter 9, Nico says they were "caught up in the moment" and had never thought of the idea of Ace's trial or his own possible execution, showing Nico was very hopped up on pure anger and emotion. And any theories that Nico had been trying to actually intervene on a possible attempt on Ace's life from a third party no longer hold any weight.
Nico's secret was threatened to be exposed by Ace in chapter 6 and being further antagonized by Ace. The last we hear from Nico before the incident is them saying he "wasn't ready" for the secret being revealed, even when in front of David and Hu.
However, other potential people that could be involved. Hu and David both are possible.
Hu is the most hostile towards Ace, growing upset with him with the classic "DR antag slap to the face" to Ace the noon prior (Can't wait for David to get one). She's also the most defensive of Nico, both right after in chapter 7 and during the trial. Not to mention it is her secret weapon used in this case and it wasn't like Arei's weapon in which it could have been accessed by anyone.
With uh - recent unravelings in episode 11, we now know of David's knack of causing problems, wanting to facilitate an enviorment in which a murder can take place. He also was the one to reveal Nico's secret and "comfort" Nico afterwards. While I doubt he's Arei's killer, he could play a part in this case. Hu mentions David "toying with her heart", meaning Hu was close to David ... so maybe close enough to get her weapon?? Again, this is all just speculation.
Other potential third parties are Eden, Veronika, Levi, and Rose. Eden doesn't seem to want Ace dead ofc, though she was at the dressing room at 10 pm on the account of being told by Hu of Teruko's new clothes and wanting to deliver them. She was also still wary of Arturo. Veronika is kinda just always possibly connected to a crime as her motive always is to start intrigue and drama. Levi does harbor some sort of resentment to Ace as much as he tries to be patient, and he also was the only person to come out of his dorm room when Ace was screaming the hallway. FInally, Rose was the one who Nico stole from and when confronted, Rose is visibly upset and says she'll sleep for the rest of the day. Not all of these characters am i considering culprits, they just have some motive or action worth noting.
So yeah, here's about every piece of evidence I was able to get out of the chapter. I'll make a follow up post on my theories, but use this as a resource or a refresher if you like :D But I'd love to hear others theories!
(edit: OMG SORRY! Tysm to the person who mentioned it, I did misgender Nico throughout this post. I'm so sorry about that! It should be fixed now.)
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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Tim And Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! #27: “Jazz” | September 8, 2008 - 12:30AM | S03E07
Hey, this is a good one. Alright? Perhaps less-than-classic. This one has a runner where Tim & Eric are Jazz musicians who smugly tell meandering stories that make them sound like a coupla stupid dopes. I like these segments mostly! Ending the show with the smug delivery of “online? What like WAITING online at the BANK??” is just great. To me. I keep forgetting to say “to me” after all my opinions, sorry! There are a handful more segments in the deleted scenes of these two funny funny jazz men. 
The cold open is James Quall doing Ronald Regan, probably originally shot as part of the season two sketch. This seems slightly like they are scraping the bottom of the barrel, but it turns out they’re setting up a strong sketch in the middle of the episode. More on that… LATER!! Anyway, this sketch references David Stockman, which is an ancient reference. He worked for Regan and may or may not have tried to list ketchup as a vegetable in some school lunch legislation. It is hilarious that this is where his mind goes. Tim & Eric sorta acknowledge the weirdness of the reference by putting up a bogus, likely unrelated portrait of the supposed David Stockman as if it explains anything.
Maria Bamford! For some reason I fail to think of her as a member of the Tim & Eric family even though she is maybe one of the best guests ever. That is not a dig on Maria, Maria is such a singular entity that it’s hard to think of her being part of anything else. Even me periodically thinking about how she’s the funniest person in the world, possibly, is to vastly underrate her. She fits in with the Tim & Eric universe really well, I THINK, TO ME. Here she’s a host of a show about cleaning up after your cat. The little belly crawl towards the litter box in the opening makes me laugh, and I realized that this imagery used to pop into my head everytime I had to scoop my cat’s litter. Lucy. Her name was Lucy. She has passed.
There’s a fairly good Doug animation in this one, too featuring funny guys and their funny hats. This leads into a Beaver Boys sketch that is exceptionally brainless. The Beaver Boys are up to their old tricks!! They are on a sex-having date with freaking TWINS, but they blow it by not being able to control themselves and gorging themselves on shrimp and white wine being served at the table next to theirs. It’s very stupid, but I see the Beaver Boys as some kind of meta commentary on the nature of very specifically-premised one-note recurring characters in various forms of media, especially on sketch comedy shows. Their return is the joke. I also just like this sketch, despite there not being much to it. There is something funny about the stereotypical way the girls get up and leave, angry, as though what they are doing is typical guy behavior and not the product of a serious brain disease, which is what these boys must have.
Probably the best sketch is a fake trailer for a James Quall biopic where Quall is portrayed by Saturday Night Live’s Bill Hader. His impression is immaculate, and he’s very funny as Quall. There are some charming outtakes from this one, including one where David Liebe Hart (who shines as himself) ruins a take with indigestion, and one where we see the real James Quall watching Hader work his magic and laughing like crazy.
Everything outside of the Quall trailer feels a little dashed off, but I found most of it funny and the episode worked for me as a whole. I think a lot of what made this episode great is the editing, which I think this show should have won an Emmy for. 
I forgot to mention the guy who wants to make sure his condo has enough room for his boys. Dang it. I love that guy.
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast: From the Kentucky Nightmare DVD (aka Volume 5) (September 11, 2008)
The final DVD release of Space Ghost Coast to Coast… EVER! This was a two-disc set that included the final Cartoon Network season and the first Adult Swim season. This was the first time I ever saw the uncut Fire Ant. The extras included the colonial man ending of Snatch, which before I’d only seen in a very low-quality internet vid, Table Read Extra, the Conan and Busta Rhymes Raw Interviews, and two nice videos of George Lowe and, C. Martin Croker’s audio recording session for “Kentucky Nightmare”. George’s in particular is fun to watch, because he loves to josh between takes. There’s also easter eggs, but I forget what they are. 
This is a GREAT release and like Volume 4, it was only available through the Adult Swim online store, and is considered very rare. At one point, it sold out and they repressed it and put it on the store for $15 and you could get a copy of Volume 4 for $5. Imagine! Paying a combined $20 for volumes 4 & 5 of Space Ghost Coast to Coast! I came perilously close to selling both my volume 4 and 5 DVDs when I was jobless, but was able to pull them off eBay when I made some money sucking dick.
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randomvarious · 2 years
1990s Hip Hop Playlist
Hell yeah, some 90s underground rap and turntablist shit for your earholes! I’ve had a version of this playlist up on YouTube for a minute now, but I finally just got around to starting one for Spotify. So, for now, this thing leans heavily on west coast acts, with contributions from the likes of Rasco, The Visionaries, Lootpack, Insane Poetry, and Evidence and Joey Chavez, but we’ve got some of that raw and gritty New York street fare from the legendary D.I.T.C. crew and Missin’ Linx as well, plus some Midwest representation from turntable wizard Mr. Dibbs and clever horrorcore wordsmiths Bizarre, Eminem, and Fuzz Scoota. Just lots of dope beats, verses, and record scratches all throughout this thing; bet on it.
Also, I feel like I should mention that the Missin’ Linx song, “M.I.A.,” uses the same samples from David McCallum’s “The Edge” that Dr. Dre used for his own much more widely known classic, “The Next Episode.” But guess which one came out first? That’s right, the Missin’ Linx track! Can’t prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt, but it sure sounds like Dre heard “M.I.A.” and then decided to make his own tune using those same David McCallum samples. Some people might even go so far as to label that as an act of beatjacking 👀😅.
This playlist is ordered as chronologically as possible and links are provided below to songs that have been posted about previously in order to give them more context:
DJ Grazhoppa - “Milky Rmx” Rasco & Kutmasta Kurt - “Me & My Crew” Bizarre feat. Eminem & Fuzz - “Trife Thieves” The Visionaries - “Blessings” Mr. Dibbs - “Judah’s Transmission” Dignified Soldiers - “Themes, Dreams & Schemes” Joey Chavez feat. Evidence - “Reservation for One” Missin’ Linx - “M.I.A.” Kutmasta Kurt feat. Master of Illusion & Motion Man - “Magnum Be I” Lootpack - “Weededed” Insane Poetry feat. DJ Melo-D - “Lyrical Catacombs”
Playlist is also on YouTube and YouTube Music, but with *nineteen* more songs that aren’t on Spotify at all, including two cuts from a guy that moved from the Harlem/Washington Heights area of NYC to Germany named Raucous a/k/a Sabotage, a J Dilla remix of a N’Dea Davenport tune that includes both a verse and adlibbing from Mos Def, another track with Eminem, plus a whole bunch more west coast underground shit that’s in the same vein as what’s in the Spotify playlist already. That means a little Planet Asia, more Rasco and Evidence and his fellow Dilated Peoples groupmates Rakaa-Iriscience and DJ Babu, some great turntablist tracks, and more underground acts you might’ve never heard of, like Double Life and Raw B, Izm da Mad Soul, and Sacred Hoop and Z-Man. It’s a mix of that underground stuff and then that super underground stuff 😄.
Ric Harris - “I Can See Clearly Now” Raucous a; k; a Sabotage - “Say No More” Raucous a; k; a Sabotage - “No Way Out (Roey Marquis II Remix)” N’Dea Davenport feat. Mos Def - “Bullshittin’” Rasco feat. Defari & Evidence - “Major League” Rasco - “Cordless Mics” Bedroom Produksionz - “S.E.L.F.” Double Life feat. Raw B - “Cycles of the Mind” Izm da Mad Soul - “Maintaining Izmatic Degrees” Live Human - “Almost Live” Sacred Hoop feat. DJ Marz & Z-Man - “Not Our House” DJ Badrok - “1-800-Coming Correct” Apollo, Vinroc, Shortkut & Richness - “Live at Cue’s” Bad Meets Evil - “Nuttin’ to Do” Rakaa feat. DJ Babu - “On Deadly Ground” Planet Asia feat. 427 - “Bringin’ It Back” DJ Dusk - “Meditation, Part 1″ Babu - “I’ve Always Wanted to Be a DJ” Mr. Supreme feat. Al’ Tariq - “Run the Show”
Plus, I’m also breaking this playlist down into smaller segments, so if this feels like too much, consider checking out a hip hop playlist that focuses solely on the year of 1998 instead.
YouTube / YouTube Music
More to come, eventually. Stay tuned!
Like what you hear? Follow me on Spotify and YouTube for more cool playlists and uploads!
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zedxspacess · 26 days
Reflecting more NJPW and watching the G1 this year, something finally clicked with me. When AEW talks about "sports-like presentation" or putting in ring wrestling first and telling stories that way, I feel like NJPW has been emulating that energy way more than AEW itself. The parts that I like in AEW, I find more in spades in NJPW. I like Dynamite, but sometimes it can get too promo/pomp and circumstance heavy for me if they aren't doing marquee matches or important promos after a decisive win/defeat. What I usually look forward to in terms of a wrestling show are Collisions, because that's usually the day they book crazy or interesting matches with the more "sports entertainment" segments isolated in the Patriarchy-verse or BBG or HOB verses. And even then, they take their shenanigans seriously, if that makes sense? In New Japan, you still have out there gimmicks and characters like EVIL, Great O Khan, and Gabe Kidd, but they feel sincere. Same goes for Christian Cage, BBG and HOB, they feel sincere and at least try to be creative with their shenanigans too. But then you get acts on Dynamite like the new Elite, Jericho, MJF, who are so tongue in cheek and smarky, who don't wrestle a lot, rely on promos that reference smth extremely online, etc. I'm tired of it. Gabe Kidd is a foul, loudmouth brat who waves the flag of his company like MJF, but somehow his energy is different from Max's where you feel immersed in his character. I can't quite place it or describe it other than a true sense of sincerity and passion that radiates off of Gabe but not MJF, regardless of intention.
The more I think about it, I think modern American wrestling TV can't really do true "sport-like" presentation the same way NJPW or NOAH does because of it's weekly format. Old ROH was pretty close to that at times and it wasn't weekly for a long time. I think in modern days, CMLL is the closest to a weekly western sports-like wrestling show, but even then, they have their own quirks like heel refs and nebulous rules not being enforced. When Ospreay first came in and had his feuds with Bryan and Swerve, the way he approached it felt like something from NJPW. His character is very sincere, the stakes were simple, realistic, but managed to be emotional as seen with Swerve. Which is why I've been disappointed by the MJF feud until the very end where Max blurts out his insecurities or the debate over the "feeling" of AEW that were mentioned at the very beginning, but were sidelined by the whole America vs UK thing.
DGMW, I still like promos and the pomp and circumstance of American wrestling, I like the variety and creativity it provides; the Toni Storm-Mariah feud is an amazing example of it. And out of all the mainstream American wrestling shows, I'll choose AEW over the other ones. But if you're trying to market your promotion as a "sports-based" pro wrestling show, but your matches have distractions and interferences and run-ins from a lot of different groups...then be honest with yourself. NJPW only really has one faction that does DQs and interferences and a lot of people don't like them: House of Torture. It used to be the Bullet Club's thing to do that, but even the War Dogs have taken up the honorable villain approach to matches now, aside from the stray "Gedo hands David Finlay a weapon" or "Gabe Kidd low blows you" moments. Those are starting to become even rarer too.
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asseater3k · 1 year
Meta gear Mania Days:9&10
Covering after compleating peace walker so spoilers might occur under the cut
GAMEPLAY- this was a weird one it plays like a weird mush mash of phantom pain and snake eater but not as interesting as it entails. The depth of survival mechanics is unimpresive in relation to MGS3 which is fine but there are some strange holdover like the camo index and bones of the original camo system except instead of being able to swap at any moment its all pre mission since it seemed footstep noise was far more impactful on stealth than actual camo I basically never swapped out of the sneaking suit once I unlocked it. On the subject of missions the whole mission based structure was weird especially when the story is structured much more like a classic metal gear long ass mission the constant breaks actually really got on my nerves untill I remembered that it was originally a psp game and as such was meant to played in bursts on the subway during your commute to your job as a salaryman not as parted of a demented pseudo speed run of an entire franchise. What I experienced as frustrating and jarringly momentum breaking to be continued screen was in fact a gentle blessing to those dedicated office workers who would soon arrive at their stop. Interesting tidbit when you start the game you given three control schemes one of which is basically just monster hunter freedoms control scheme and is even referred to as such in the game I didnt use it although funnily enough i did end up using the old monster hunter claw in segments at the end. Another important thing to mention is that I fucking suck at this game and I think its fair to chalk a few of my annoyances at how the game played up to that fact. What I wont concede being a skill issue is that like half of the boss fights suck all three of the normal vehicles are not fun to battle and the chrysilais gave me an aneurysm. I don’t like to get mad at games and I’m proud to say I dont get mad at games very often, but the chrysalis just pissed me off. Looking back I don’t even know why, like when I think about it its not that bad like the normal vehicles are bad because they’re boring and samey but like chrysalis just hides and blasts you while shooting grabbers at you and also missiles. Maybe its just that I kept getting kind of locked up by the missiles or the small health pool or that I got unlocked and killed a lot just before I i switched back to ration from the sonar thing also i miss the trigger menus. The side ops were fine.
STORY- I don’t Have a ton to say other than its really good its very personal mostly focusing on big bosses grief but the dialog and performances where really strong David hayter goes off and does such a good job of sounding just so weary the gathering of freaks was fun and the “secret” ending was interesting but I was kinda done with the game at that point I do appreciate that strangelove’s whole motivation is being down so tremendous that she brings the boss back as an AI that was fun also I adored the motion comic style believe it was mostly shinkawa doing the art and it was amazing I love his kind of schratchy style that manages to be so utterly full of life Kaz is hilarious, and I hope Huey went to hell before he died
Moving foward- coming close to the end here I really had to beat peace walker today to have a hope of getting this whole challenge complete and grinding like that has kind of burned me out with regards to talking about it like there’s really so much to dig into especially with how Big Boss is jumpstarting the nightmare war economy that the series talks about and is about to focus a lot more on in the next game but I’ve got three hearty days for MGS4 and I’m very excited see you then
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we’re too stupid ~ the vlog squad
word count: 1885
request?: yes!
@iawaythrown​  “May I ask for a vlog squad x popular youtube reader
The reader has their own very popular youtube channel/podcast like a scientific/space podcast. (Like a Vsauce\GameTheory channel) The vlog squad and the reader fan base (somehow) always wants them to collab. One day David says "It won't happen because the reader probably doesn't like us." This ends up getting everyone on the podcast.”
description: when their favorite youtubers show interest in being on their podcast, they jump at the chance to invite them on
pairing: vlog squad x gender neutral!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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“You know what I’ve been listening to a lot lately?” Scotty asked David on the newest vlog David had uploaded. You were watching the vlog on your TV while you prepared to upload the newest episode of your podcast. You had a drink half raised to your lips when Scott responded to his own question, “The Spaced Out podcast.”
Your drink nearly slipped from your hand at the mention of your podcast. You were sure you had imagined it, so you went back and repeated the part just to be sure. The name of your podcast slipped from Scott’s lips again and you had to pause the video to scream with excitement.
When you placed the video again, David spoke next. “Oh wait, is that the one about space and shit? You played it for me before.”
“Yeah! Man, it’s so interesting. I could honestly listen to the host talk about space all day,” Scott said.
“He keeps bringing it up during the Scottcast, too,” Jeff commented. “I’m starting to think he’d rather co-host that podcast instead of our own.”
“Man, I’d love to be on that podcast!”
You could hardly contain your excitement. Your favorite YouTubers knew who you were?! They knew your podcast?! You had to be dreaming, you were sure of it.
“There’s no way they’d ever have us on the podcast,” David was saying. “We’re too stupid and immature, they’d probably hate us.”
“Speak for yourself!” Zane, dressed in some weird costume for a bit, called, causing the boys to laugh together.
This gave you an idea. You put your laptop aside and opened Instagram on your phone. You searched the name “David Dobrik” and went to his DMs.
A week later, your podcasting room was filled with 11 extra people than there normally was. The room was only small with a handful of seats, so a lot of your guests were squeezed in together or basically sat on one another. No one seemed to mind, though. Every single person in the room was super excited to be there.
“What’s up all my space geeks? Welcome back to another episode of The Spaced Out podcast, the podcast where we discuss super nerdy space things,” you started with your usual intro. “Today’s episode is a little different, though, as today I am joined by not one, not two, not even three, but eleven special guests. You heard me right, eleven. Special guests, wanna say hi?”
All eleven of your guests rang out with a chorus of, “Hello!”s at the one time, making it all come out as just a shouting mess. You laughed and waved a hand to silence them.
“In case you had trouble understanding what they were saying,” you said, “my guests today are David, Scotty, Toddy, Zane, Erin, Carly, Natalie, Heath, Mariah, Corinna, and Jeff, better known as a large chunk of YouTube’s biggest vlogging group: The Vlog Squad!”
The Vlog Squad cheered at their introduction as you just clapped your hands.
“Can I just say,” Heath said once the noise started to die down, “that I am impressed with how fast you said our names and how easy it was. You didn’t even stutter once.”
“I’ll be honest, when David told me exactly who was coming I prepared myself for this,” you admitted. “I’ve never had so many guests on the show before. Actually, I don’t know if I’ve ever had any guests at all. I don’t really know anyone in my real life that’s as interested in space and science as I am.”
“To be fair, none of us are, either,” Jeff joked, causing the room to laugh.
“Yeah, you picked the wrong people to be on your podcast,” Corinna added.
“You don’t have to have any sort of interest to be on the podcast, really. As long as you don’t mind me talking about my nerdy space obsession every now and then anyone is welcome on the podcast.”
Your heart was beating so fast you were sure everyone else could hear it. You were shocked that you were managing to remain so calm in that moment. Your favorite YouTubers were sitting right there in front of you, being guests on your podcast, and somehow you were acting as though they were just friends that you had convinced to come on the podcast.
“Is there any cool space facts you can share with us to get the ball rolling?” David asked.
“Dude, I’ve made over 300 episodes of this podcast that is literally all about space, you gotta narrow down your parameters there,” you told him.
“What’s your favorite space fact then?”
You thought for a moment, going through all the little facts you had in your mind. There was so much you could share with them that you really didn’t know where to start.
“Okay,” you said finally, “I have one. I think David will like this cause we all know he’s made of money: there is a planet that is called 55 Cancri e. It is over twice the size of Earth and it is potentially made of diamonds.”
They all gasped and made comments of astonishment at the same time at this.
“Like, literally made of diamonds?” Corinna asked.
“It’s hard to know for sure. It’s roughly 41 lightyears away so it’s not exactly easy to reach, but they think it’s made of graphite and diamonds,” you explained. “My favorite fact, and one that’s a little scary, is that it’s actually completely silent in space. Like not a single sound, because atmospheres around planets are what contain the soundwaves to make noise.”
“I told you,” David said, turning to face Scott. “We’re too stupid to be on this podcast.”
You all laughed together. “You guys aren’t stupid! I was just fascinated with space as a child and my parents let me feed into that fascination. They always bought me books about space and brought me to visit certain space centers. I was that kid that always said she was gonna grow up and be an astronaut. Instead, I just talk about them on the internet.”
Everything was going so well. You were getting to know your guests and they kept urging you to tell them facts and stories about space. You knew a lot of what you were telling them you had talked about on the podcast before, so devoted listeners probably wouldn’t be too interested in a lot of what you had to say in that episode, but you didn’t mind too much. You just loved to see the looks of astonishment on everyone’s faces as you continued to tell them fact after fact.
When you came to a segment you did in the podcast in which you would read messages from fans, you decided to your guests choose which messages to read and respond to. David took the tablet you used for this first and read through the thousands of messages you received between uploading your most recent episode and recording the current one.
“Are you going to talk about the new 4K pictures of Mars?” he read.
“Oh my God, yes!” you responded. “That will be next episode. I haven’t looked at them all yet because I wanna have a live reaction to them, but I did see one picture and it looks absolutely stunning.”
“It blew my mind how it just looked like a desert here,” Carly commented. “Mars is a lot more like Earth than we think. Sucks that we’ll never be able to live there or anything.”
“I don’t think we’ll never be able to live there, but I don’t think it’ll happen in our lifetimes,” you commented. “But that’s a whole other thing, let’s move on from that.”
“What has been your favorite space related story of the past year?” Natalie read the message she had picked.
“I don’t know if it’s my favorite, but it’s definitely one that I was very interested in reading: a star just vanished in 2020,” you responded. “Apparently that’s something that can just happen, stars can just suddenly disappear and no one knows where they went. This star from the Kinman dwarf galaxy that shined almost brighter than the sun just vanished between 2011 and 2020, and they have no explanation for it. That story stuck with me the most cause I just find it funny that a star that bright just vanished and no one can figure out where it went.”
They continued reading you messages for a while before passing your tablet back to you.
“While I wish I could sit here with you guys and talk about space and your vlogs forever, unfortunately we are running out of time,” you said. “I want to thank the Vlog Squad again for joining me on this episode, and I hope I didn’t bore you guys to death with my stories and facts.”
“Not at all!” David spoke. “I can’t speak for everyone, but I really enjoyed myself. Listening to you talk was really interesting.”
The rest of the group agreed. You tried not to blush from all their kind words.
“I always wanna thank our sponsors again. As always I appreciate them supporting my show, and of course I want you guys, the listeners. Your constant support for the show means so much to me. If you wanna hear more fun facts about space that you’ll never use in live, follow me on my social media. If you’re not already following the podcast, follow the podcast! I upload episodes every Friday, and if you want to be involved in the show be sure to send me your space related messages and maybe I’ll read them out on the next episode. Have a good weekend, little space geek out!”
You ended the recording and the group almost cheered for you. You smiled and stood to thank them again for coming on the show. You were shocked when Corinna pulled you into a hug, which caused the rest of the group to hug you one by one.
“This was the most fun I think I’ve ever had,” Erin commented. “Would you be open to having more guests on the show? I’d love to come back and to just listen to you talk for a full hour.”
The rest of the squad agreed. You really didn’t think you could feel any more excited or on cloud nine, but they kept surprising you.
“I would definitely be open to having guests again,” you replied. “If you guys ever wanna be on the show again, just send me a DM. I’d love to have you!”
“We’d love to have you on the vlogs sometime, too, if you’d be open for that,” David told you.
There they go again, making you feel like you had passed cloud nine and now were on a completely different planet with excitement.
“Y-Yeah!” you managed. “Of course, I’d love that!”
After some more small talk, you showed the group out and thanked them again for coming. Once you were sure they were gone and unable to see you, you began jumping for joy and exclaiming with excitement. You couldn’t believe it! You had just hosted a podcast with your favorite people, and they asked you to join them for filming sometime?!
“This is the best day of my life!”
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
OK, I know this will probably be painful, and I may be a bad mutual for asking but...would you be willing to identify what, in your opinion are the bottom five worst Shadow adaptations, and give a detailed breakdown of why they were so lousy?
Oh christ, okay. I don't think you're gonna get as much of a detailed breakdown for these compared to some of the others, because I take more issue with adaptations that do have good qualities but also big or deep problems to talk about.
For example, I can't include Garth Ennis's Shadow in this list because the comic has a lot of strong points to it, despite a deeply, deeply detestable take on The Shadow's character, where as the rest of the Dynamite run doesn't reach neither the lows or highs of his run. Likewise, Andy Helfer's run has a couple or a couple dozen moments every issue that make me want to tear something to shreds in frustration, but it's also at many points a really good comic with great art and some occasionally very inspired writing. Really, I'd just be repeating myself talking about what I hate in those.
But, fine, let's list some of the others.
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I think I'm just gonna have to get the elephant in the room out of the way here, and address that I won't be including Si Spurrier's 2017 Dynamite mini in this list, and I think at least some of you might be angry it's not Number 1 by default. I'm doing this because I intend to one day really revisit it, think about it and it's reception and what it was trying to do, and talk about it on it's own, now that it's been 5 years and everyone has moved on and we can maybe talk about it without kneejerk hatred driving everyone nuts (your mileage may vary on how warranted it was).
I'm also not going to be talking about James Patterson's new novel, because I haven't read it. It seems to be considered a forgettable potboiler by mainstream critics and a resounding failure by everyone who likes the character whether they've read the book or not, and frankly I don't have it in me to learn what the fuzz was about anytime soon, I got my hands way too full as is.
And I won't be including the Batman x Shadow crossovers here, because again, they do have a lot of virtues that put them far ahead of some of the really worst Shadow media, and I've talked enough about how badly I think they mangled The Shadow, which is really the big problem I have with them (well, that and Tim Sale blatantly copying a Michael Kaluta cover, that was really shitty). I don't really hate them anymore, I just get tired and frustrated thinking about parts of them, I said my piece as is. Really, my frustration over this comic is what inspired me to start writing about The Shadow here, so I guess in a way I do owe it at least that much.
5: Archie Comics's Shadow
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I think some of you might be wondering why this isn't ranked higher, but to be honest, I don't actually harbor any hatred towards this. I mean, I have to include it, but I find it kinda silly that some people even today actually care about the existence of this comic enough to hate it.
For fans back then? Oh yeah, obviously, but this dropped to such instantaneous backlash that it never really got to live past 6 issues. Really, everything wrong about it can be understood immediately from the covers, and I've actually read the comic in it's entirety to see if there was anything worth taking. I found only a couple of things of note but, no, this really is just a painfully mediocre superhero comic that happens to have a couple of Shadow names in it. If anything, it gets too much credit.
The actual contents of what it is are never going to justify it's reputation, but the existence of it and the disproportionate response to it is the funniest and most enduring legacy it could ever ask for. This whole comic is The Shadow's version of Spongebob's embarassing Christmas photo.
4: David Liss's The Shadow Now
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This is another "The Shadow as an immortal in modern times" comic and I think you may have noticed the pattern with those by now. I may revisit this eventually and I do have some moments from it saved for reference, but overall: It sucks, and it doesn't even suck in a way that lets me talk much about it, it's a diet version of Chaykin's Shadow. If Archie's Shadow is a generic mediocre superhero comic wearing The Shadow's name, this is a generic crime story playing beats from movie. The Shadow is an asshole and not even a grandiose or sinister one, he just feels like a sleazy douche in a costume. The art is a 50/50 coin toss between appropriately moody and "Google images with a filter on them", I don't remember anything about the plot other than Khan had a bomb again and he had a daughter, and there were new versions of the agents and the Harry stand-in turned evil and Lamont shacked up with Margo's descendant which, uh, no. I don't really hate this but I really have nothing nice to say about this comic other than Colton Worley's art is nice sometimes. I can't really muster anything else to say here.
3: Invisible Avenger
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...uuh, wha-
Yeah, I remember nothing about this one other than it's painfully boring and nothing about it, nothing at all, works in the slightest and I drift off to sleep even now trying to give this a rewatch. To be honest pretty much every other Shadow serial not starred by Victor Jory sucks and I don't really have anything to say about them, this one is just the worst of the lot. I dearly wish there was a good Shadow tv series but, if it was going to be like this pilot? Good riddance.
2: Harlan Ellison's The New York Review of Bird
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This isn't really a Shadow story as much as it's a Harlan Ellison story that happens to feature The Shadow, but man am I glad that Ellison's "Dragon Shadows" was canned, because holy shit what a goddamn nightmare Harlan Ellison writing The Shadow for real could have been, going purely by the one time he ever touched the character. New York Review of Bird is a purely farcical parody story that wears real, real thin even before "Uncle Kent" shows up, and we get to see in it what is by far the most detestable and irredeemable take on The Shadow ever put on print, and not even in a critique or deconstructive way or anything that could be remotely worth discussing.
I don't hold any particular affection for Harlan Ellison and his writing (despite liking some of it) and I've come to notice the major red flag that is finding someone who looks up to Harlan Ellison in any capacity as a person, and this story in particular really feels like Ellison aggressively trying to channel his jackass tendencies through every line, just him being nasty because he built a personal brand on being nasty. The only reason this isn't Number One is because it's a very short story that saw zero influence or reputation, and thus it only exists as a brief mention in The Shadow wiki, and a brief mention is all it really calls for.
1: Howard Chaykin's Blood & Judgment
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I'm guessing most of you already knew this one was in the top spot before I started writing.
I would actually rather not write a big piece on Blood & Judgment, because I think (or at least I hope) it's influence on The Shadow has waned a lot over the years and I would prefer to draw it the least amount of attention possible, but if I HAVE to talk about this, I guess I'd rather just vomit this out of my circuits now instead of giving it it's own post.
I would prefer to use a less unpleasant image on my blog, but if I'm going to talk about this comic, there's no image to better convey it than this drawing of macho asshole Cranston holding a sexualized mannequin at gunpoint. By leaps and bounds, Blood & Judgment is the most misogynistic Shadow story I've ever read. It's ironic that Chaykin justified the rampant misogyny he gave The Shadow with the idea that this is just a man from the 30s would act like, when he admits in the same breath that he never even touched the stories, and he wrote a story more sexist and demeaning to it's female characters than anything, literally anything, written in the Shadow pulps. It's almost impressive even.
I'll paste some segments from Randy Raynaldo's review
In Flagg, he intended to present his own point of view on American society while keeping his work tongue in cheek and acessible. But this vision dimmed, and Flagg had become a vehicle by which Chaykin could play out fetishes and portray gratuitous and stylish violence.
In The Shadow, stripped of the political and social veneer which was supposed to make Flagg unique, Chaykin's sensibilities and excesses become disturbingly apparent. For all of his liberal posturing, Chaykin's work demonstrates zero difference from the same kind of mentality exploited and made popular by similarly violent popular culture icons like Dirty Harry and Death Wish.
More than half a dozen individuals are indiscriminately and violently murdered in the first issue. Although the victims are characters who played major roles in the myth of The Shadow, we feel little sympathy for them, even for those of us who knew these characters at the outset. Who dies is unimportant, it's how they die that is the fascination.
Chaykin uses sexual decadence as a means by which to establish villains, and undercuts this device by making the protagonists as promiscuous as the villains. For all of Chaykin's seemingly liberal leanings, he demonstrates very little sensitivity in his portrayal of women.
Because everything works on rules of three, this comic also follows the pattern with other works mentioned here, as this isn't Howard Chaykin writing The Shadow: it's The Shadow reimagined as a Howard Chaykin character. He looks and acts exactly like Reuben Flagg and the typical macho protagonist of Chaykin's other works, he's a cynical sleaze with an entirely new origin who half-assedly dons a garb to machine gun people, and I already wrote a separate piece on why the machineguns are kind of emblematic of everything wrong with this take.
I understand that Chaykin has, or used to have, a big following of sorts, and I've tried to wrap my head around this for years, but I genuinely still don't get why Shadow fans stomach this comic unless they happen to be Chaykin fans first and foremost, I really don't. Everything, fucking everything Shadow fans hate about modern depictions of the character can be traced right back to this. The parts that stuck and changed the character for the worse, like him being defined as an immortal, bloodthirsty warmonger who got all his skills and powers from a magic city in Tibet, or Lamont Cranston being a coward who fears and hates the Shadow, or his agents being expendable slaves, stuff that has been ingrained into the mythos through this and the Alec Baldwin movie and other comics, to the point that people now think of it as the norm, that it's the baseline of what The Shadow is, and I hate it, I genuinely fucking hate it,
I hate it so much that it's a big part of the reason why I created this blog and why I want so badly to get to write The Shadow, because I plainly couldn't stand not having ways to tell people that this is all wrong, that this is actively shooting down the character's odds for success, and that they are missing out on something really great, because the well has been tainted with garbage that won't go away and everytime I read the words Shambala in a Shadow comic, even an otherwise good or great one, I get just a wee bit cross.
The only semi-redeeming aspects I can think of for this comic is one or two cool moments, like when The Shadow hijacks a concert using his Devil's Whisper or when he tames dogs with a stare. Just breadcrumbs of "not garbage" amidst an ocean of anything but. I hate that talking about why I hate this comic in-length can almost feel like I'm still enticing people to check it out of curiosity, but if you wanna do that, fine, just know this: The worst part of Blood & Judgment, even if you don't care at all about what it did to The Shadow, is that it's boring.
It is a deeply boring comic. If you like Howard Chaykin to begin with, you'll probably like this okay (although even Chaykin fans told me that this is his weakest work and that even he seems to agree). If you don't, I plain don't see what you could get out of this.
The comic itself is just nothing. It's the comic book equivalent of a pre-schooler trying to get a reaction by swearing. It has nothing whatsoever other than half-assed attempts at shock value. The plot isn't there, the ideas are stale, the dialogue is needlessly oblique and comprised entirely of unfinished sentences, interrupted conversations and one-liners without build-up. The characters are all unlikable and uninteresting stooges with no personality, or joyless cartoons. There's no heart or emotion or logic, and it isn't even funny enough to succeed as just an outrageous exercise in 80s excess. There's nothing in here.
I get "why" it was popular enough at the time, a rising star creator penning a modern revival of an old character based on controversy that pissed off the old fans, it's an old story that still gets repeated today. But manufactured controversy is not a replacement for storytelling and it rarely ever exists to benefit the people who actually want to enjoy the stories, it only benefits those for the crude benefit of those who want to sell you something out of the controversy.
I guess they got their money's worth back then.
Phew, okay, I did it, I finally vomited out a piece on Blood & Judgment and some others, allright, let's put this piece of negativity behind us now.
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Raise the Stakes, Part One
So this is a sequel to Place Your Bets. It's actually just the first part of a sequel because I'm trying to publish things in shorter segments. Time is valuable and I know it can be tricky to sit down and read through someone's 8,000-word opus.
That said, you will have to read Place Your Bets first or this isn't going to make any sense.
Pairing: David Finlay x OFC with mentioned Jay White x OFC
Word count: 1,641
Content advisory: Brief sexual references, Jay being an emotionally abusive asshole
You’ve tried three or four times to reconcile the pay statement from New Japan with the list of expenses you submitted for Jay last week. They’re different. The check is lower than it should be and even though it’s not by a lot, this sort of thing drives Jay mental and he’s been in such a mood since you dared go on a date that you’re going to extraordinary lengths to try to pacify him.
If anything, you feel like making more of an effort is making him harder on you. He’s had you working practically around the clock, thinking nothing of waking you up in the middle of the night to demand you find some obscure record, or complaining that he doesn’t understand something. He’s demanded you reschedule every appointment you’ve made for him at least once, so that everyone who’s relying on you so that they can work with him has been screaming at you.
So you’re exhausted and anxious and you can’t figure out why you have a check that doesn’t match your invoice because the accounting department here codes everything differently, so the amounts per line are combined or split up in ways you don’t understand and you have to patch it back together. It’s impossible.
The thing is, you’ve done it before. The expense checks are screwed up 4 times out of 5 and it’s always a chore that takes you hours to resolve. You’ve done this when you’ve been travelling nonstop for a day, when Jay has been screaming at you for hours, and when you’ve been surviving on coffee and stubbornness. The difference now is that you’re distracted.
In the years you’ve had this job, you’ve never felt distracted this way. You keep replaying your night with Finlay in your mind and you catch yourself smiling like an idiot at the way your stomach flips. Despite the fact that Jay’s been keeping you on a tight leash, you’ve caught plenty of glimpses of David around the place. Sometimes, you’ll pass close enough that you catch a whiff of his soft amber-y cologne and your skin shivers. And you look. Jay isn’t interested enough in you to watch you closely enough to see what you’re doing as long as he knows he can order you around whenever he feels like it.
David looks back, too, with a sly smile or a wink. He actually has to be a little more cautious about it because Jay has been watching him since their New Japan Cup match, already fantasizing about revenge. But he has his techniques. He’ll glance over and lock eyes with Jay before letting them drift to you. The looks you exchange feel almost as intimate as when the two of you were naked in his bed together.
You’ve sent a couple of cryptic text messages back and forth but David’s perfectly aware that Jay will flip through your phone without even asking because he considers it his property. It’s killing you, always being in each other’s orbit and being unable to do anything about it. But more importantly, it’s distracting you from work.
You’re standing over the table, using a pencil to note where you think the things from your invoice have been entered on the payment statement when your breath catches. There’s that scent in the room with you, easing close behind you until you feel a strong pair of arms close around you.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself,” he murmurs into your skin.
You exhale and let yourself melt into him, resting your hands over his as you incline your head back.
“I can’t stop thinking about you,” you breathe.
He holds you a little tighter.
“I have to go back to the States to do some Impact shows. I’ll be gone a few weeks.”
You whine quietly.
“I’m leaving tomorrow night.”
“It’s not fair.”
He hums and kisses his way up your neck, making your whole body tremble.
“Any chance you could sneak out tonight?”
“I’d like to see someone try and stop me.”
“The slave driver won’t be happy.”
“I cannot tell you how little I care right now.”
He loosens his hold and you take the opportunity to turn around, touching your lips to his as you’ve been longing to do for days. You peck at each other a few times, smiling, both of your eyes lit from within.
“I’m in room-“
“I know what room you’re in,” you grin.
“Are you stalking me?”
“Damn right I am.”
You give in to the urge to kiss a little more urgently until a noise at the door has you jumping apart like reversed magnets.
You’re terrified it’s Jay because you are in no way ready for that showdown. But it’s Sanada coming to get a drink from the vending machine. He cocks an eyebrow at the two of you, which is enough to let you know that he’s aware of the nature of what he’s interrupted.
It isn’t a problem, though. He doesn’t talk to Jay unless they have a match and even then it’s only going over the game plan. He’ll gossip to his LIJ buddies but it’ll stay within their tight little circle. They'd rather laugh at Jay behind his back.
When he leaves, David takes your hand and the two of you are smiling like teenagers again.
“Guess I should run away before we really get caught.”
You kiss him, fervently, and you’re hardly able to pull yourself away.
“I’ll text you when I know what time I can escape.”
You’re both blushing as he exits the room. When you turn around to face your payment problem, you could swear it’s gotten more complicated than it was before.
“I need you to reschedule that appointment with the physio guy to Thursday,” Jay grumbles.
He’s been hovering since he came in, although he hasn’t been quite as obstreperous as usual, muttering to himself or to his game console rather than outright trying to interrupt you. You could take your work to your room but then he would be texting and calling you all the time, assuming that you weren’t working if he couldn’t see it. You’re still trying to untangle the knots of the expense report and it’s tantalizingly close. You’ve gotten nearly this far a couple of times only to be forced to backtrack and re-evaluate but this time you can see your way through; just a couple of twists and tugs and you’ll have it all smoothed out.
You roll your eyes at the sound of Jay’s voice, content that he can’t see your face from his vantage point.
“We’ve been through this, Jay. This guy is a specialist they’ve brought in and his schedule’s been set by the company. No changes, no exceptions.”
“Well you need to ask, at least,” he huffs.
“Why? All it’s going to do is aggravate management and you won’t get what you ask for.” You pivot to face him. “Why would you even want to change it?”
“I have something I want to do on Wednesday, not that it’s any of your business. I’d rather see him on Thursday.”
“It’s not going to happen.”
You fully expect from the look on his face that he’s going to lose it and start screaming about how you’re just there to do what he says. But though his lips twitch and his nostrils flare. He says nothing. Perhaps this is it. Perhaps this is the week that he fires you and replaces you with someone new who’ll do everything he says and flatter his ego without the attitude you’re prone to giving him. A couple of times, he’s told you that you were fired in a rage, only to contact you hours later and start grumpily giving you orders again. He never apologizes when this happens but he’s always a little quieter and less belligerent for a few days.
This nonverbal fury is something new, so maybe it’s a sign that the end is nigh. Maybe you’ll suddenly find a way to reinvent yourself without Jay White in your life. Take a calligraphy class. Teach English at some private business school. Get a dog. Have a relationship with someone who could love you back.
With that in mind, you force yourself to work out the final parts of the project that’s haunted you all day. You’re so happy when it’s done, when you understand exactly what’s missing and what you need to tell them to have it corrected, that you want to stand up and cheer and pat yourself on the back because god knows that no one else will.
Normally, you’d email the head office right away and go through everything you’ve found in concise bullet points to make sure you’re understood but instead, you close your laptop and stand up.
“Right,” you say breezily, “I'm off then.”
“Off where?” he growls without looking at you. “Another date?”
“Actually, yes.”
“This is becoming a problem.”
“No, it isn’t. I’ve done everything that’s required of me. I’ve jumped through every insane hoop, dodged every trap you’ve given me. You know perfectly well that the fact that I’ve been… that I’ve… There is no issue with my work.”
“I say it’s becoming a problem and in this equation, I’m the only one who matters.”
His reflexive cruelty always hits you right in the stomach, like you’re in the ring with him, and knowing that you have someone who wants to be with you and wants to please you doesn’t dull that at all.
“I matter Jay,” you say quietly. “I just don’t matter to you.”
You see a muscle in his beck twitch but even though you give him a moment, he says nothing. And it’s a painful realization that the only reason you’re waiting is in the desperate hope that he’ll contradict you, that he’ll surprise you for once in his life.
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lovely-necromancy · 3 years
A Cure for Insomnia CH.7
DISCLAIMER: Anything said about the Warrens in this work of fiction is not fact and more of an opinion. Not a skeptic just not a fan of their protocols and practices. I am not accusing the Warrens of anything in this work nor am I stating to know what actually happened in any of their cases. If you want to form your own opinion the podcast And That's Why We Drink has done multiple segments on their case files and given multiple reasoning for certain aspect of the cases.
If you didn't care that's fine I'm just trying not to get a defamation case.
Finding yourself lost to the humdrum of another by gone weekend and in the midst of a dull Monday morning is where most people start praying for some excitement. But when the excitement is debating the possibility of a stalker, you'd gladly take another lack luster week than deal with this bullshit.
And debating the possibility is the wrong thing to say. It's more accurate to say you've been contemplating what the proper steps to take in this situation are. Going to the police, or rather the Sheriff, is out because of how fucking useless they are when there's not a suspect present or Blue's Clue style trails for them to follow like breadcrumbs.
While David's surprising reappearance does stick out, you have no evidence to pin this to him. Then with all your knowledge on true crime and the likely hood of suspects it tends to be the first one who you've encountered in the stories. And that would point to Tim since you met him right before these shenanigans started but you were with him last night at the mini mart and even lost those fifty minutes together. So, there's no possible way Tim broke into your home and placed a book on your coffee table.
Then there's the issue of the book. You noticed it missing instantly because Toby had taken something from its shelf that you then went to put back. But it gets placed on your coffee table after you left, but not after you left the first time to take Toby home. Which was before you'd even notice the book gone. They were watching you, and knew you saw the book missing. You had to figure out how they were watching you. In case it was cameras you had changed in the dark of your closet today. And thankfully you've had practice showering in the dark before.
You really need more proof that you are being stalked and soon. The sooner you get that the sooner you can involve Big Jo. You'd thought on this all of yesterday on what you'd do and who you'd ask for help and the Cowells seem like your best bet in terms of stopping the stalker. Though that's only after you have proof. While Big Jo will help you out in a heartbeat you know it's more of a save his own skin down the line type of help and not out of the kindness of his heart, without proof he'd only humor you for a little bit. Not to mention if the stalker knows you're on to them at this point they could stop making it obvious, they'd get stricter with themselves, leave less evidence of their presence behind. Meaning it'd take longer to to get proof to catch them and even longer for you to feel comfortable.
Which is why you shoved away the idea of couch surfing until this blows over. If they were watching you at your house what would stop them from following you somewhere else. And if that happened and your friends got targeted or hurt you don't know how you'd live with yourself knowing you brought that to them. Or the other alternative of the stalker psychologically fucking with you and making you look crazy to your support system in this town before ultimately taking you down.
An even bigger reason as to why you suspect David. He'd been the first to start talking about Bambi's “wanderlust” before she disappeared. She'd laugh it off when people commented on it, but never really made mention of wanting to leave. He got it into everyone's heads that she wanted to get out of Kepler. To travel yeah, but she loved this town, she said it was home, she'd never leave without saying something.
When you came into town she'd been your first friend in years. You'll be the first to admit that you latched on to her but she quickly got you out making more friends with the residents. And even when you started hanging out with Hollis, Jake, and Kirby off planning events and deep diving for obscure movies for Saturday Night Dead she'd still talk with you everyday while she worked.
You really miss her.
Even if it wasn't David behind this, if this stalker was the person behind whatever happened to Bambi, you'd catch them. Not for peace of mind but so she'd have justice. It's what she deserves.
“uugggggggggh” you're pulling out your hair as you lay face down on the counter.
“I've never read The Book Thief but I didn't think it was supposed to be a frustrating book.” Nate says as he stops his dusting of the shelves.
You'd been “reading” the book your stalker left for you to find. Hoping you'd find a clue somewhere within it's pages to point to a suspect. But you've combed every page and not even the slightest mark had been left.
“Sorry I...I just have a lot of thoughts right now.” You say looking up through your arms that are now draped over your head.
“Want to talk?”
“Not now.”
The concern and uncertainty behind his gray eyes gives away his skepticism.
“Well, I'm here if you need.” a gentle reminder.
“I know and I appreciate it!”
Nate returns to his cleaning, sometimes it's like he was programmed to be productive. Most times actually. And you turn back to your book, having found no clues you decide to actually read through it. After all it is one of your favorites and maybe it will serve as a distraction from this whole mess. Help you calm down some.
An hour into your reading you're so engrossed in the story you hardly notice when the bell rings signaling the entry of a customer. If it wasn't for Nate calling out you'd have missed them completely.
“Hey welcome to Book & Nook.” the sound of his voice bombing through the quiet store front, startling you.
You look up at the right moment to catch sight of a furry black and brown rear going down an isle. Connor! Oh wait don't get too excited he has to be on duty to be here.
Now knowing that Brian has a need for the service dog too, you decide to wait and see who has Connor today. If it's Toby you could have a nice chat but if it's Brian you could be polite. Maybe thank him for helping with your episode the other night. Discretely of course, Nate would worry if he knew you had a panic attack. He'd probably assume it was due to the stress of the previous week and might force you to take some time to yourself. And that's the last thing you'd need if you were being stalked.
You really need to come up with an action plan. Keeping in mind that the stalker may not leave clues or escalate for a while it's probably best if you start getting active around town. Planting your roots deep and saying “hey I'm not going anywhere willingly”, but like subtly, y'know. Maybe start making habits about obsessively getting receipts even for packs of gum so if the last person who sees you is a cashier maybe they'd remember the strange interaction and might be able to help police find your body quicker.
God why does this all have to be so frustrating? And why you? Who stalks the mentally ill person who does nothing put listen to horror podcast and watch paranormal and true crime shows? Do they want to be harmed? Do they want to get caught. Oh for fuck's sake, that's another rabbit hole of possibilities.
You could've ignored the chime of the bell, but you most certainly couldn't ignore the boisterous voice that rang through the store. A welcomed distraction from your current mental struggle.
“What's up bros and non binary hoes?” Jake walks through the store like he owns the place, carrying a picnic basket over to the counter. As much of a Chad move it is Jake's a really nice guy he just has too much natural swagger in everything he does. It's probably the snow boarding showman in him.
“Jakey!” A very much welcomed distraction. Jake can always cheer you up with his “rad” antics and laissez faire attitude.
“What are you doing here?” while some of the stunt crew occasionally comes in for a book or to chat with you during your shift. Jake's never been one of them. You want to make the joke that the guy never learned to read but you've seen him actually read the manual that came with the new heater they got installed at the lodge. More of a practical reader than a for funsies reader.
“Sup YN, came to show you the picnic set ups that got in.” he places the basket on the counter and his hands give a jazzy effect for emphasis. What a dork.
“You missed the reveal at Saturday Night Dead, so I thought I'd stop by and let you see the final product before we finalize everything next week. After all 'Pride Picnic' was your idea, makes since that you should get the final say.”
With all the excitement of the past week you'd forgotten that it was already June. And you all had been planning a picnic for pride instead of a parade this year. So, and to quote yourself here, “Even the quiet queers can celebrate.” You guys had been planning this practically since you met. Seeing as you'd pretty much solidified a spot in Kepler's LGBTQIA+ community and planning committee. Really it was just the usual suspects for Saturday Night Dead; The Hornets, Hollis, Jake, and Kirby. But The Hornets, Hollis, and Jake were the extroverted types so when you mentioned a picnic to include the introverts or even the closeted of the community Kirby jumped at the idea before they could argue. Which they hadn't, everyone had been psyched for a change of event and for something that was more of a big block party than a traffic jam for the small town.
“Well?” you ask with anticipation nearly killing you.
Jake can't help his excited huffed laughter, kind of sounds like the 'boof' of a dog. And in one grand motion he opens the wicker basket revealing the lovely Pride set. It was a typical eight person set including stackable cups, forks, spoons, knives, flatware, and even bowls. One of item of each was assigned a color, going through the rainbow from pink all the way down to violet. It'd been a bit of a battle for Hollis to get the manufacturer to include pink and violet for some reason but they'd managed to persuade them enough. Probably pulled the influencer card and the company's marketing team caved instantly. But it got done, so yay to sell outs. One thing that'd been unanimously agreed on was having the modern flag incorporated. Which when you pulled out the thick durable blanket, was a vision that you couldn't have ever dreamed up. It wasn't a flimsy cover that was so thin that you could see through, but it wasn't the rough texture that most thicker blankets tend to have. And it was ginormous. But then again the basket was supposed to fit eight people per. Meaning the blankets would have to be eight person as well.
“Dude it's perfect.” you really didn't need to say anything, Jake could see your excitement from the stimming sway you were currently doing. But you took no notice of your stim as you stared in aww at the basket before you.
“Are non committee members allowed to see?” Why even ask when you're already craning your neck for a peak.
You and Jake share a look before rolling your eyes and waving Nate on over to inspect the Pride Picnic box.
“Woah you guys did great on this.” Nate says as he undoes the wrap around the cups to give one a tap. When it gives the tap tap that only ceramics make he nods in approval at the quality.
“Hollis was the lesion with the manufacturer so it was in our favor from the start.” Jake responds, not only were these baskets ordered at a heavily discounted rate due to bulk buying but add on the influencer discount and yea it pays to be an extreme sports streamer. So the man was allowed to be proud of his partner.
“Blankets don't leave a lot of room for food though.” you note with a pout.
“Yea we noticed that Saturday too,” you may have been pouting but Jake looks like a whole kicked puppy. “But we have an idea for that...at least for the picnic.” wow human labradors bounce back fast.
“Everyone brainstormed and we thought doing like a potluck style picnic for sides and deserts, then Barclay said he'd take care of main dishes.” That did sound like a good idea but with the turn out you were expecting you weren't sure. Especially with the time frame being two weeks. It's such short notice.
“Jakey, we're talking like block party amount of people, maybe like half the town max here...won't that be too much for him?” He'd already donated so much for you to even be able to order all these baskets since this wasn't a city sanctioned event. Sure everyone in the committee chipped in for a basket each or in some cases splitting one, but the majority of funds came from Barclay even if he said it'd be a donation from the lodge to add catering to his plate it was all too much.
“He'll be fine, he offered. And you haven't seen the lodge in the winter. Barc's used to it.” despite his confidence in the mountain of a cook, you think you'd stop by the lodge this week and offer a hand.
Nate and Jake get side tracked on discussing the details of the picnic while you struggle to fold the huge blanket. Having to step outside of the counter to get better leverage. When two large hands come from either side of the blanket and stretch it more. Jumping back from the blanket like it burned you. Amused hazel eyes meet yours as the blanket lowers until you can make out Brian's grinning face, your pretty sure that's the most genuine look he's had.
“Sorry, looked like you needed some help.” he's still grinning and while it isn't mean spirited, the lack of any sheepishness let's you know he's not really sorry. He'd been trying to at least give you a little scare, the fuck boy.
“Hey...ya thanks.” you say making to grab the bottom of the blanket and lift it up.
The two of you fold the blanket back up in no time with a weird synchronization for two people who never said a word. You just followed his lead and in no time the blanket was placed on the counter by Brian. Nate and Jake lost in conversation on the other side of the store, from what you can hear Nate's telling Jake about the faucet in the backroom that won't stop leaking and Jake offered to help.
“Mind if I have a look?” cocking his head towards the basket.
“Oh go ahead.” You don't see any harm in letting him have a look, if he was a homophobic dick who'd trash the box it wouldn't make sense that he gave you a ride. Or help you fold a pride flag picnic blanket up.
Thinking back on it he knew a proper gender neutral substitute. Even if he wasn't an ally in the sense of actively participating with the queer community he was in the sense of his awareness and knowledge. You've already extended an offer to Tim maybe Brian would appreciate one too.
“We'll be having a Pride Picnic this year in place of a Parade. Anyone for it is welcome to come.”
“Yea I think I heard talk of a potluck, right?”
“mmhmm” just as you go to nod your tic kicks in and your neck snaps left then right, “Barclay, he runs the Amnesty Lodge, he'll be cooking the main dishes. From what I hear we'll have most dietary restrictions covered.” Brian's brow furrows a bit as he tilts his head to look at you, before he straightens it back.
“That's right you haven't been here long.” he says it stoically and more to himself.
A comment like that should send your mind racing with thoughts of you stalker, but Toby could've just as easily mentioned it. Brian seems lost in thought after this and you take the time to look elsewhere, and see Connor who's sitting at Brian's side staring up at him.
Mindlessly you start to push your thumb into your palm with the other fingers on that hand rhythmically. Brian has Connor, and Toby said it was for seizures. Is it rude to ask how he's doing right now? You two have only spoken once, sure he helped get you to work and home but you'd argue that Toby did most of the work in both those cases. Not to mention you'd had breakfast with Toby and got to actually have a conversation and learn about him. You'd maybe said seven sentences to Brian since meeting him. It would definitely be weird to ask if he was ok.
“You ok there su- YN?” you note he did correct himself from calling you 'sugar'.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts you look up confused at him.
“Uh...yea why?”
“Your hand.”
Looking to see what he's talking about you see you've just been pressing your thumb into your palm fingers dancing along in a rhythm you've long since forgotten the origin of. Cracking you thumb a few times and flexing your fingers you look back to Brian.
“Sorry just thinking, that happens sometimes.” you interrupt the silence before it has a chance to settle, “So...yea...everyone's welcome to the Picnic. Dogs too on or off duty. It's next Sunday just show up to Amnesty Lodge at like ten thirty in the morning and then everyone's hiking on over to the Archway. It's a great clearing and big enough to hold everyone.”
“I'll talk ta the boys 'n see what they think.”
“Ok cool cool, and when I said next Sunday I did mean next Sunday,”
“And not this one, gotcha.” You give him a smile which he returns.
Maybe this fuck boy look a like wasn't so bad...or he was just used to Toby's masked expressions. Still too soon to tell, he might still turn out to be a fuck boy in personality too.
“Do I check out here or...” you've only just noticed the four books on the counter.
“Oh yeah sure thing.”
Once you're behind the counter you have a clear view of the books that Brian's brought over Ghost an American History of Haunted Locations, Bell Dame, Deer from Hunt to Table, and lastly the first book in the Magnus Chase series. Odd collection but you yourself would read three out of four of them so you really can't say much.
“Oh have you read Percy Jackson or the Kane Chronicles?” making small talk isn't your strong suit but if you can find a fellow Riordan fan you'll make the attempt.
“What? Oh, oh nah, these are for Toby. He's working right now but wanted me to pick some new books up for him.” you make a note to try to talk to Toby about the series in the future. If he is a Riordan fan you can't wait for him to get to the Trials of Apollo series. “But 'e's read Percy Jackson, so is this next?”
This man has no idea the can of worms he just unleashed upon himself.
“No. Now has he read just the Percy Jackson series, or has he also read The Heroes of Olympus books?” He stares blankly at you.
“He's read whatever Percy Jackson was in the title of.”
“Ok, c'mon.” swiping Magnus Chase from the counter you make your way to the fiction YA section. Placing the book on the empty spot it came from you glance the shelves before finding The Lost Hero.
“This would be next, there are five in this series,” you pass the book off to Brian so you can point back to the shelf, “Then he'll have the Kane Chronicles, Magnus Chase, and Trials of Apollo series to look forward to. Book counts in each are three, three, and five.”
“So....Heroes of Olympus,” you nod at his pause, “five books in the series, Kane Chronicles three, Magnus Chase three, and Trials of Apollo five. Got it.”
“If you need help grabbing the next title just get me I've got it memorized from how obsessed with the Riordaverse I am.”
“Big reader?” he asks with a smirk.
“Not at all, just a found a good writer. Toby would probably like Neil Gaiman's work too. Maybe Diana Wynne Jones.”
“I've tried to get 'im to read American Gods but he just won't have it.” well this is awkward.
“I was thinking more Good Omens and Coraline.” Yea so this is a silence. Best make haste. To the counter!
Checking Brian out for the proper next book in the series, plus those other three, you forego the attempt at small talk. However, this is Kepler and you live in the radio quiet zone...the dial up internet doesn't make this a fast check out on your electronic register.
You remember two of the other books had been paranormal, might be worth a shot to bring up Saturday Night Dead in an attempt to stall for the register.
“Did Tim let you guys know about Saturday Night Dead over at the Cryptonomica?”
“Yea, somethin' bout cheesy horror movies right?”
“mmhmm, normally they're the good kind of bad but this week kick starts months of horribly awful kind.” the computer has finally loaded.
“Jeez YN do you want people to come to the show or not.” Jake's laughing so he can't be angry that you're insulting the upcoming movie list.
Scanning the books through you don't look up when you state, “I just have the personal opinion that you shouldn't prey upon low income families and sell their nightmares for profit then run.” you do look up after bagging the books to say, “Allegedly. And your total's thrity-five o'seven.”
“What's the movie?” Brian inserts his card into the chip reader.
“Insidious.” you and Jake said it at the same time, but in two totally different tones.
“Not a fan huh?” smirking bastard, he is a fuck boy you decide.
“The movie's fine, the case file and the people who inspired it are not.”
Brian's removed his card and opens his mouth, probably to egg you on even more when Jake throws in his two cents.
“Yeah yeah YN. Hollis told me all about the powerpoint. How 'bout we save this rage for Saturday. It's only a couple weeks.”
“Jake....there are at least 10 Amityville movies.” That shakes his mood.
“There are three Annebelles, Conjuring, and Insidious movies. Don't forget The Nun, La Llorona, The Haunting in Connecticut, and by the time we finish all those, there could be another Nun movie or The Crooked Man will have come out.” it's so matter of fact and you dare any of them to challenge you on this. Sad thing is you aren't even sure if those make up all the case file movies. But you do know it's a majority of them.
“For someone who hates these people, you sure know their movies.” Nate calls from his stool as he resumes dusting. God damn him and his uncle ways.
“Nah I get it, lay all the facts out so it's easier to see the lies and deceptions.” Brian supplies the other two men. Reaching out for his receipt he smiles down at you...a bit more genuine you note. Like the one you saw earlier. You are on a roll with this guy.
Like a Vespa it hits you. The reason Brian seems so familiar and so frustrating. The reason he gets under your skin with just a look. You should have caught on sooner but you'd paid so much attention, or not enough attention, to everything around you both. Looking at his face you hand him the receipt. It isn't real. He isn't really him. He'd been lying. No not lying, acting.
Just as he crosses the threshold you call out, “Your mask is really fucking irritating!”
Through the windows you see him pause as your words catch up with him, and you watch as he turns to make eye contact with you. He smiles again, and it's a nasty thing. A twisted smile mixed with...not ill intent but definitely not a friendly grin. His hazel eyes have a lively gleam in them. And you understand what that smile means.
The game is so on. Fuck boy.
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isthisthingeven0n · 5 years
not always second best : z.h
brief summary: you’ve always felt second-best in your friendship with zane to his evident love for stassie, but how much longer can you keep quiet before you say something you might regret? 
word count: 1.7k requested: yes by an anon! i barely write for zane so i jumped at this one lmao warnings: zane being a drunk mess, some angst but fluff included
* masterlistin’ / masterlistin’ 2.0
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website know it hasn’t been approved me unless specified. all rights reserved. - i have to start doing this as I had some shit on my other blog with plagiarism)
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It was always a thought that lingered in your mind, but whenever you tried to dismiss it, somehow it always found a way to wiggle itself into the forefront of your thoughts. 
What didn’t help was how often it was brought up, but you were surrounded by attractive guys who would be attracted to pretty girls. Add their social status into the mix and their ideal type is someone on a similar level, such as a model. 
You weren’t upset by it, not anymore. At least, that’s what you told your friends whenever they noticed the disheartened look on your face when her name was brought up into conversation. 
Sitting in Scott’s house, you were lost in the conversation as you remained leaning against Zane’s chest with heavy eyes. “Someone’s clearly tired, huh baby?” Zane jokes, looking down at you with that cheeky smile.
“Ssh. I’m sleepy.” You whine, rubbing your eyes as you feel his chest rising and falling.
“Okay, sorry boo.” He rests his arm around your back, pulling you closer into his embrace as you continue to listen to the topics being discussed.
“So there’s that club tonight that we could go to?” David suggests, immediately looking to Zane. “You guys down?” He eyes the room, watching as a few nod in response.
Zane nudges you lightly, waking you up from your light sleep. “Mmh?” You mumble, sitting upright. “Did I miss something?”
“Wanna go out tonight?” David repeats himself, sitting on the sofa opposite you beside Todd and Natalie.
You shrug your shoulders in response. “I don’t think so, I have too much work to catch up on.” You admit, feeling deflated enough as it is with your workload, a hangover is the last thing you need to add on top.
“Okay, well I texted Madison and she’s coming,” David reads from his phone and you see out of the corner of your eye Zane shuffle as he reaches for his phone.
“I’ll check if Stass wants to join.” He eagerly speaks up, texting away with a smile on his face as you shuffle along the sofa, leaning against the arm of it as opposed to on his chest. 
“Y/n, do you feel like a Starbucks? I know you mentioned it earlier when we got here.” Mariah suggests to you as she stands up with a small smile on her face, knowing you all too well.
Without saying anything you follow her, watching as she glances back to Heath knowingly. You were aware Heath knew how you felt about his best friend to a certain degree, but it remained unspoken of. 
Walking alongside Mariah to her car, she rests her hand in yours and squeezes lightly. “I know it’s hard, seeing him talking about someone else,” She starts as she unlocks her car as you silently climb in. “but he’ll realise that he’s been blind this whole time.” She encourages, but it’s no use. 
“It’s been nearly a year, Mariah.” You comment sadly as she pulls away. “I don’t think he’ll flip a switch anytime soon.” 
You know you shouldn’t have started, but once you begin it’s close to impossible to tear your eyes away. 
Photo’s and videos were burned into your brain as they played from various perspectives. One moment you’re watching Zane taking shots with Stassie and the next David is filming girls with sparklers and a fluorescent ‘Vlog Squad’ sign as the music plays. 
Locking your phone, you avert your attention back to your laptop. “Get it together,” You mutter to yourself as you release a heavy sigh, focusing on finishing this sponsored segment for your video next week. 
It was nearly 2am by the time you were finishing up. You were ready to collapse down in bed and not move until 2pm the next day, that was your plan at least until you found your phone to see dozens of messages and missed calls. 
Through all of the texts, there was a common theme of zane, injury, hospital, blood, drunk, y/n, help, stassie. 
Sitting upright, you dial the last number that texted you.
You close your eyes, trying to remain calm as you listen to what feels like endless rining. “Oh thank god,” You hear Matt exhale deeply through the phone, the sound of voiced concerns in the background.
“What’s happened, is, is Zane okay?” You quickly ask, feeling your heart starting to beat faster. 
Matt glances behind him as Zane sits unconscious in the hospital bed. “He’ll be alright, but we’re at the hospital-”
“Which one?” You cut him off as you pick up your car keys, not thinking twice. 
“The usual one.” Matt comments, trying to find humour in his voice, but this time it refuses to follow. He knows this isn’t Zane’s first time being in the hospital with another drunken accident. 
“Okay, I’ll be there in like thirty minutes.” You tell Matt who looks ahead, seeing a few of your friends huddled together as they discuss what actually happened. 
“Thanks, Y/n.” He mutters before hanging up, returning to see what David actually captured on camera to solve another case of accident-prone drunk Zane. 
As you arrive at the hospital, you can already see a series of your friends in the waiting room. 
David is the first to notice you, and waves as you rush over, panting lightly. “Is he okay, what happened?” You question, looking around at everyone who shrugs their shoulders in response. 
“He was joking with Stass about something,” Heath speaks up, letting out a heavy sigh. “and she playfully nudged him, then he did it back but stumbled over the bed and fell backwards.” 
“Right into the corner of that concrete planter,” Mariah finishes, hearing you wince. 
“Oh my god,” You cover your mouth as Mariah nods. “how bad is it?” 
Mariah looks over to Heath who steps forward, walking alongside you away from everyone else. “He’s got a concussion, starting bleeding everywhere which caused everyone to sober up fast.” A nervous laugh leaves his lips whilst you remain silent. “We’re just waiting for him to wake up.” 
“Okay,” You nod, processing all of this.
Sure, Zane can be stupid and end up with minor injuries. But never before has he fallen unconscious because of his lack of judgement, not like this. 
“Stassie is in with him now and the Doctor,” He admits, waiting for a response from you, but you remain silent. “she’s going to come out soon, let us know what they said.” 
Turning back around, you see Stassie walking down the corridor, looking like she’s strutting down a runway whilst you were in an oversized hoodie and leggings. 
“What did they say?” David speaks up as Stassie pushes her hair over her shoulders. 
“Well, he’s going to be fine.” She states and you let out a sigh of relief, resting your hand over your chest as Mariah hugs you from the side. “He’s awake and he erm, is asking for Y/n.” She looks directly at you through everyone, quickly glancing away to hide her sadness. 
“Me?” You question, feeling Mariah nudge you forward. “What, what room is he in?” You step forward, looking back as Stassie mutters it to you before taking a seat in the waiting room in the far corner.
Walking alone you bury your hands into the pockets of your hoodie as you turn the corner, approaching the room Stassie mentioned. You can see the blinds are open and through the slats there he is, head tilted to the side and mouth ajar. 
Pushing the door open you sneak in. “Hey stranger,” You call out with a light laugh, watching as Zane tries to lift his head up but groans. “no sudden movements, okay?” You tell him as you walk over, taking a seat beside him. 
Now that you’re able to see him up close, you can see the damage that’s been caused. Along the left side of his face, there is dried blood residue still embedded in his hairline, leading up to the now stitched wound. 
“You really go all or nothing, don’t you?” You joke, seeing him give you a half-smile as he extends his hand toward you. 
Looking down, you reach out and take his hand in yours. He squeezes it lightly as you focus on his droopy smile. “I’m sorry,” He mumbles to you, seeing you tilt your head in confusion. “I, I’ve been such a dick to you.” 
“What’re you talking about?” You chuckle, looking over at what he’s been hooked up to. 
“I’ve just been blind about a lot of things and weirdly hitting my head cleared things up.” He rambles, shuffling on the bed to look at you solely. “All the stuff with Stassie and seeing her when I woke up, all I wanted was to see you.” He explains whilst you remain silent, taking it all in. 
“Well, here I am.” Your nerves take over as you smile, watching a crooked grin cross his lips. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” 
“I’m better now that you’re here with me. Stass got annoyed that I fell again.” He admits as you roll your eyes.
“I mean, she’s still outside waiting.” You tell him. “I think she’s just upset and hoping you’re okay.” 
Zane shakes his head. “I doubt it,” He admits. “she wasn’t exactly happy when I woke up calling out for you, kinda ignored the fact she was there.” 
“Oh,” Your eyes widen as heat rises through your body. “so, what now?” 
“Well, I’m waiting to be discharged, but I wouldn’t mind just going to bed.” He tells you and you nod along. 
“I wouldn’t mind that to be honest.” You rub your eyes, removing the heavy sleep from them as he chuckles. 
“Thanks for coming, Y/n. You’re always there for me and I want to be that person for you.” Zane states as the doctor walks in. 
“I’ll always be here for you Zane.” You smile softly. “That’s just what we do for one another.” 
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disengaged · 4 years
u mentioned in ur dave/lars analysis that a Donnington MOR '88 thing happened, and i have no clue what that means what happened
AH YES........... i was referring to the Monsters of Rock festival at Donington Park Raceway (in Castle Donington, UK) on august 20, 1988 !!
(cont. below the cut)
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some backstory: Monsters of Rock was a huge annual rock/metal festival in England !! it was a big deal, tons of people, Metallica played on it in '85, '87, '91 (the famous Moscow performance) and '95. in 1988, it was Megadeth's turn to snag a spot on the bill.
note: the Donington MOR festival is NOT to be confused with Van Halen's Monsters of Rock Tour, which took place in the US that same summer. (Metallica were on that bill as openers with Dokken from May 27th until July 30th, then dipped out, AJFA was released a month later.... Yadda yadda. Different thing completely.)
so anyways. Big festival. Metallica were not on the bill, were not in the UK, and were allegedly not in any form of contact with one David Scott Mustaine.
but alas, Lars showed up to fanboy over axl rose for some reason, which is how we ended up with these famous pics:
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yay!! fun times.
(...unfortunately, the festival itself quickly turned ugly; Alan Dick and Landon Siggers were crushed to death in the crowd during GNR's set, which is just.... awful. really, really awful. shortly after Megadeth's set, Ellefson announced he was leaving for rehab, too, etc etc etc.... chaos. pandemonium.)
but i digress !
there was a lot going on that day, and a lot of it was not recorded (????). and like.... idk abt u guys but it's still just very interesting to me that Lars showed up on his own, hung around, played buddy buddy for the cameras n shit (while he was obviously keenly aware of how much attention was on the two of them, cuz every media outlet with a finger in the thrash metal pie was HUNGRY for the davetallica feud .... smh), and just like..... left it at that, i guess .
Lars and Axl even joined in on Anarchy in the UK during Megadeth's set, which uhh..... Yeehaw, motherfuckers!!!! (tragedy aside, i do wish the whole festival had been more closely recorded in regards to the performances. there's next to no real footage of Megadeth's set........... le sigh.)
TL;DR: i obviously have no way of knowing whether or not they exchanged much conversation, or if anything happened between them whatsoever......... but honestly ......... it’s just a profoundly weird tidbit of metallica/megadeth lore. very strange vibes.... definitely worth making a stop with the time machine lmao, i would kill to know what the fuck the mood was like in that situation (and what james thought abt it after skdjdjdkdk) 👀
also, here's this little segment about it from the Mustaine book (which conveniently does not mention Lars at all, but whatever):
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aaaand for further reading, if you're interested:
UKRockFestivals.com (overview of the day + crowd member recollections)
pre-show interview with Mustaine & Chuck (August 20, 1988 ... atrocious quality)
half of Peace Sells (...clip is only 1:47 lmao, you can see the crowd & the atmosphere tho. insane)
Anarchy in the UK with Lars & Axl singing in the backing vocals
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Something As Stupid As Jealousy and Queso (1/1)
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Emma Swan is in love with her best friend. 
It’s the most cliché thing in the world, and she kind of hates herself for it. But she doesn’t hate Killian, not at all. And maybe, just maybe, if she focuses on her coursework and her finals she won’t have time to think about his stupid blue eyes or the way he makes her smile. 
Maybe, just maybe, she’s the biggest liar in the world. 
Rating: Mature (but just barely)
a/n: It’s the 15th, so it’s time for me to wish @carpedzem​ the happiest of birthdays! Nat is such a sweetheart, and she’s so talented! Like, if you haven’t seen her artwork, I encourage you to go check it out now. She’s been the most fun to get to know, and I hope this story is everything she wanted! I think I tried to get it all in there ❤️
Found on AO3 | Here |
“Hey, are you that – ”
“Yep,” Emma murmurs, picking up her pace and flicking her hand toward the guy who’s calling out to her. She doesn’t have time for this today. She’s got to fix a paragraph in her paper, which will inevitably lead to her changing the entire thing around, and she doesn’t want to be up until a minute before midnight turning it in at the actual last moment.
One and a half more semesters of this, and then she’s free.
Well, for a little while. She’s not exactly sure what her plans are yet for after she graduates. That’s the end goal here, but it’s also not something she can focus on right now.
Paper. She’s got to focus on her paper. One track mind and all that.
“Loved the episode last night,” someone else yells. She recognizes him. He’s in her Cross-cultural Prospective class, and now she’s going to have to hide away whenever they’re in lecture.
“Thanks,” Emma mumbles, flashing him a tight smile.
There are a few more comments thrown her way as she walks across campus, and after being told by some guy she’s never met that he would gladly have sex with her, she turns from main campus and walks an extra mile out of her way to get home without having to see anyone else.
She needs coffee.
And grilled cheese.
She also probably needs some water, but that’s a problem for another time.
Oh, Mexican food might be good tonight.
The moment Emma gets home, she kicks off her sneakers, leaving them strewn across the entryway, and drops her backpack to the ground before stalking into the kitchen, turning on the coffee machine and grabbing an apple from the bowl on the counter. Mary Margaret must have gone grocery shopping this morning if they have fresh fruit.
As the coffee percolates and Emma bites into her apple, she pulls her phone out of the hidden pocket in her running pants and scrolls through her Instagram. She’s got her notifications turned off so she never sees anything unless she actually opens up her app. Things get too crazy otherwise.
@KillianJones33 mentioned you in his story.
Emma huffs, and clicks on the link until she’s opening up Killian’s story. It’s a video, and she immediately knows what it is.
The asshole.
“So,” Killian begins, “as you can see here is a perfectly clean house. However, if you look down at the floor, there’s a trail of shoes, specifically Emma Swan’s shoes that she has left in every room of this damn house….except for her bedroom.”
The camera flips around so she can see his face and the shit-eating grin he’s sporting. Why is he this way? He’s so damn dramatic about everything.
“Do you think publicly shaming her will make her pick her shoes up, or am I cursed to live like this forever?”
The coffee machine beeps behind her, and Emma tosses her half-eaten apple into the trash before grabbing a travel mug out of the cabinet and pouring it three fourths of the way to the top so she still has room for her creamer.  As soon as she’s got the creamer in and has the top firmly on, she starts walking out of the kitchen and through the living room until she’s turning the corner and walking up the stairs, kicking away a pair of her heels that she wore on a date last week. Killian’s door is closed, but she knows it’s not locked.
“You are an asshole,” Emma grumbles the moment she’s got the door open.
Killian’s sitting in his bed with his back resting against the headboard. His room is obnoxiously clean. It drives her crazy. All of his clothes are in his closet, his bed is made, and there’s absolutely nothing out of place. He claims it’s from being raised by a brother in the military, but she thinks he’d be this way no matter what.
This is probably why her shoe thing bothers him so much.
“Can you clarify why I’m an asshole, love? There are simply so many options.”
“Your video about my shoes.”
Killian clicks his tongue and raises his brow before returning to looking at his laptop, fingers tapping against the keyboard. “Your shoes are a menace. You have to pick them up.”
“Why would I do that when I have you?”
“Because I’m not your maid.”
“But you hate when things aren’t clean, so it drives you crazy enough that you clean it up.”
“Is that your entire goal? To drive me crazy.”
“Oh, absolutely.” Killian chuckles and keeps typing, and Emma takes the opportunity to walk over toward his bed and climb up on the mattress, settling down beside him and taking a sip of her coffee. Why is his bed so much more comfortable than hers? “Did you go to campus today?”
“Aye.” “Were you accosted by people?”
“I had seven different women ask me out on dates.” “Really?” Emma asks as her stomach flips.
He hums. “I haven’t even seen the episode, so I’m not sure what we did in it. Have you?”
“Nope, and I haven’t checked any other notifications besides yours.”
Killian clicks around on his computer, and Emma recognizes the program he uses to make the designs for the ship he’s working on. She has no idea how any of the engineering works on this program, but the artistic design looks nice. She can leave all of the engineering stuff up to Killian.
“Well, Swan, I say we watch it and see what our dear friends did to make us famous today.”
“If we have to. But if I hear something else about my brother’s sex life, I’m going to die.”
“Don’t be dramatic.”
“Just play the damn video.”
“Today,” David begins in his best on-camera voice, “we’re going to talk about arguments while in a relationship and how to deal with them. Now, Mary Margaret and I are no strangers to arguments.”
“I mean, I would say we don’t fight too much,” Mary Margaret adds in.
“Well, that’s not true, is it, honey?”
“It is true!”
“Last night we got into a fight over what to have for dinner.” “David, that was a disagreement over food. That was not a fight.”
“Yes, but we’re talking about disagreements as small as not being able to decide what to eat for dinner and as big as what would happen if you and your partner realize you have differing opinions on whether or not to have kids.”
“I still say disagreeing over food doesn’t count in our segment.” “That’s because we ended up having lasagna when you wanted lasagna.” David leans over to press his lips to Mary Margaret’s. “We can have chicken tacos tonight.”
The video has a quick transition before shifting over to Emma and Killian standing the kitchen as Emma stuffs half of a croissant in her mouth all at once while Killian presses a beer bottle to his lips.
“Oh my God,” Emma mumbles, “they’re literally arguing over whether or not they argue and then telling people they don’t argue.”
“I’m sure their audience is eating it up, love.”
“Oh, I know they are. It’s ridiculous. They’re all ridiculous.”
Killian snickers into his bottle and his eyes fall to the camera.
“People like watching them sweetly bicker, Swan. I mean, obviously. It’s how they get to live in this house. It’s how we get to live in this house.”
“Yeah, but you pay rent while I don’t.” “Which I believe is nepotism.” Emma rolls her eyes. “Technically, I’m not biologically related to either of them, so can it really be considered nepotism?”
“Aye, it can.”
“Emma? Killian? Can you settle this for us?”
They both groan, and Emma buries her face in Killian’s shoulder while Killian playfully tugs on her ponytail.
“You argue,” Killian answers, “but you rarely have a heated fight. It’s always calm and collected and very rarely does it last more than a few hours.”
“Except for the fight over the handles in the kitchen,” Emma mumbles.
“Swan, don’t bring that up!”
Emma pulls her forehead off Killian’s t-shirt and looks up at him. His brows quickly move across his forehead. “It’s true, though. I thought I was going to start having two Christmases.”
“You have two Christmases now.”
“Okay, well, three if we keep talking about tha handles. Mary Margaret’s, David’s, and yours.”
“It’ll be a damn fine time.”
“Emma,” David interrupts, “stop flirting with Killian and answer our question.”
“If that’s what you consider flirting, it’s amazing you ever got married.”
“Aw, but he’s so charming,” Mary Margaret sighs.
“Here we go,” Killian grumbles. “You got them started, and it’s never going to stop. What time is your first lecture today? Ten?”
“Yep. You want to give me a ride?”
He waggles his brows. “Why, Swan, I thought you’d never ask.”
Emma slaps his shoulder and reaches around him to grab his mug and take a sip of his coffee. “You’re an asshole.”
“I like to think I’m a scoundrel and a devilishly handsome one at that.”
“Shut up, KJ.”
“As you wish, milady.”
“All I wish is for us to get out of here.”
Killian pauses the video there before looking back over to her. “Are you interested in watching the rest or are we just going to assume they’ve imparted wisdom on their loyal YouTube followers on how to have a healthy argument?”
“Nah, I’ve heard enough of that for most of my life. I don’t need to hear it now. Plus there’s the risk of the whole sex life thing.”
“Really? Because I feel like maybe you could learn a lesson or two about having a healthy argument. I’ve been the recipient of one too many lashings from you.”
“Maybe if you weren’t an asshole and showed the world me being messy then we wouldn’t have this issue.”
Sighing, Killian leans over and presses his lips to her temple. “Just pick up your shoes, darling.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Emma gets up from his bed, knocking over a pillow before standing and tugging her leggings up. “I’ve got to work on my paper. You want to get dinner tonight? I’m thinking Mexican. I’ve been craving queso for about an hour now, and I have to have it.”
“Uh, yeah,” Killian starts, scratching his ear, “maybe another night. I’ve got a date tonight.”
Emma’s fingers loosen on her mug, and she has to quickly grab it before she drops it. “Wait, what?”
“I have a date. I told you I was asked out.”
“I had a guy tell me he would have sex with me, but I didn’t take him up on it. I thought you were joking about all the dates.”
“Twas not.” He flashes her a smile, all of his perfectly white teeth on display. “Good luck on your paper, Swan. You’ll be grand.”
“Thanks, KJ. Good luck on your date.”
“Darling, you know I don’t need luck when it comes to that.”
“Well, if your head keeps getting bigger, you might. Wouldn’t want you to not be able to fit in the restaurant.”
“That’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
Emma nods and turns on her heels until she’s walking out of Killian’s bedroom and heading back down the stairs. She needs to get her backpack and her laptop and start working, but the determination she felt on campus has melted away. She doesn’t honestly care about school right now, is definitely in the burnout stage of the semester when it’s only halfway through, and she desperately needs fall break. That’s just…three weeks away. She can do three weeks.
She can do this paper.
And prep for her internship interviews.
And pick up all her damn shoes.
“Emma, are you going to want some of this chicken?”
“No, Marg, I’m good.”
“Have you eaten today?”
“Have you eaten since noon?”
Mary Margaret sighs, and Emma knows that she’s eating dinner with Mary Margaret and David whether she likes it or not. She probably should. She had some cereal this morning and then maybe that apple and…shit, she really hasn’t eaten, has she?
“I had an apple?”
“Why are you saying that like it’s a question?”
“Because I very much feel like you’re my mom right now.”
“I am four years older than you. I am not your mom. We go out for drinks!”
“You’re also married to my brother, who likes to act like my wannabe dad, so it kind of factors in or whatever.”
“David,” Mary Margaret says, placing her hands on her hips, “can you believe that Emma thinks we act like parents?”
David turns from where he’s manning the stove. “Considering Emma only lived with my mom for three years and has lived with us for four years, I feel like maybe we do have that kind of parental thing going on. Just by having her longer and all.”
“That’s horrible logic. Also, I think she knows too much about our sex life for us to be parental figures.” “Oh my God, kill me now.”
“I still think Emma should be banned from watching those particular videos.”
“Well, it comes up pretty often. It’s not like we can tell her don’t watch from minute four to minute nine because we’re talking about sex.”
David hums. “Maybe we should do that. Less scarring that way.”
“I am famous online,” Emma sighs, falling back onto the couch and closing her laptop. She’s only got one more paragraph to edit on this damn paper, but she needs a break. She ended up changing the whole thing, and it was too much. “That’s all because of you guys. I could continue on in my anonymity if you guys didn’t have cameras all over this damn place and like to include me. I have been scarred enough. I don’t need more.”
“You said you were okay with that!” “I mean, I am, but – ”
The stairs creak, and before Emma knows it, Killian’s walking into the living room. He’s got on a pair of dark jeans and a gray button-down, his favored leather jacket tossed over it. It’s what he wears all the time and is not exactly something special, but his shirt is unbuttoned more than usual so that she can dark tufts of his chest hair and the silver of the chain he wears, his mom’s wedding band at the bottom.
Emma sits up from where she’s stretched out on the couch and desperately tries to fix her hair while her stomach tightens and her throat is doing that stupid thing where it doesn’t let air pass through.
“Oh, you look nice, Killian,” Mary Margaret says. “Where are you off to?”
“I have a date.”
David drops the pan. “Date? You didn’t tell me about a date.”
“It was a last-minute thing, and last time I checked, you weren’t my keeper, Dave.”
“I don’t care about you dating. I care about the fact that I made food for four and now we’re going to have to put half of it in the fridge.”
Killian chuckles and shakes his head. His hair doesn’t move out of place. “I think you’ll survive. See you guys in the morning, aye?”
“You assuming you’re going to get lucky?”
Air. Emma needs air.
“I’m assuming you’re all going to be in bed before ten tonight, but if you want me to wake you up – ”
“I will murder you,” Mary Margaret growls.
“Noted.” Killian salutes them before nodding his head and walking toward the front door. “See you later. Swan, don’t let Mary Margaret murder me later.”
“I’ll try,” Emma hums before waving her hand, ushering Killian out the door.
Shit, shit, shit.
“Who is his date with?” Mary Margaret wonders.
“I’m not sure. Emma, do you know?”
“Uh, I don’t know,” she croaks, “some girl who asked him out after seeing him on the show.”
David’s brow raises. “Really? Women ask him out after the show? Because we include the two of you because our viewers think you have so much chemistry and should be dating. I’m surprised by that.”
If Emma could disappear into nothingness, she definitely would. She hates talking about the damn show already and definitely doesn’t want to talk about it when it comes to this. Killian gets asked out by all of campus while she has every guy she speaks to assume she’s dating him but still offer to fuck her.
It’s a curse.
It’s also not like it matters because Emma’s an idiot who is definitely in love with her best friend like some kind of giant cliché that David and Mary Margaret would include on their show.
“But good for Killian,” David continues as he turns the stove off. “I hope it works out for him. He’s had a rough go of it since Milah.”
Mary Margaret glances over toward Emma, pity in her eyes, and Emma has never loved and hated Mary Margaret as much as she does right now. Emma’s never said a word about Killian in the whole having feelings for him regard, but Mary Margaret knows.
She always does. Some kind of magic intuition with that one.
“David, sweetie, why don’t you set the table? Include a seat for Emma because she’s eating. I’ll finish preparing everything.”
David nods and kisses his wife’s cheek, effervescent smiles on both of their faces.
That’s them. It’s not perfect. That’s what they tell their viewers, and they mean it. But it’s pretty damn good, like some kind of realistic fairytale where you have to wake up the next day after riding off into the sunset.
At least you’re waking up with the person you love, though.
Dinner is fine. Well, it’s good. It really is. The food is delicious, and she genuinely enjoys spending time with David and Mary Margaret when there’s no talk of the show or school or anything else that she’s tired of hearing about. David starts laying out Christmas plans despite it only being October, and they try to figure out her dates to go spend time with Ruth as well as Killian’s family. She almost makes a quip about Killian having someone else to bring to his brother’s Christmas this year, but that would be beyond stupid and petty.
He’s going on a date. He goes on dates all the time. Hell, she does too. She went on one last week. They never amount to anything.
Besides, who is she to keep Killian from living a life that makes him happy?
David and Mary Margaret go to their room a little before nine after helping Emma finish up her paper, and Emma grabs a blanket out of the basket before stretching out on the living room couch and turning on the television to watch a movie. She doesn’t really care what’s on. She’s mostly looking at her phone anyways because she’s absolutely and totally pathetic.
This isn’t her. She’s not some girl who gets caught up in feelings and emotions and jealousy. She’s tougher than that. Hell, she lived most of her life in foster care, and none of that was pleasant. It was whoever was biggest and strongest winning, and she’s not about to go back to being someone who is weak. She’s not going back to being the girl who Neal took advantage of.
If anyone else were inside her head, they’d tell her she was being stupid with that thought process, but they’re not inside her head.
And they’re definitely not keeping her from scrolling through Killian’s Instagram feed.
He doesn’t post that much. He’s just not very into it, but last week they went to the beach, and he’s a sucker for posting a picture of the ocean. There are a few of those, several with Robin and Will, even more with Liam or David, and then there are the ones with her. Those are the ones she takes the most time to look at.
There’s a picture of her sitting under her favorite tree on campus. It’s shady and comfortable for her back and she likes to sit there to study so no one but Killian will bother her.
@KillianJones33: If she stays in this spot long enough, I believe she’ll become one with the tree.
Not his best caption, but they can’t all be winners.
There’s another of the two of them at the beach. Her cheeks are red and her skin tan while her hair is curling into its natural state. They look happy, cheek pressed against cheek, and if she does say so herself, her breasts look fantastic there. That bikini top is a miracle worker.
@KillianJones33: Jones and Swan are at it again, and by that, I mean there’s sand in some rather intimate places. I wonder if Emma will help me out with that later.
She keeps scrolling to picture after picture, the others mixing in with the ones of the two of them, but her eyes only focus on the certain ones. Her favorite, she thinks, is one that Liam took at Christmas last year. Her hair had looked fantastic that day, mostly thanks to the ribbon Elsa had tied in it and the magic of her curling wand, and that’s the first thing Emma notices before she looks at the fact that she’s kissing Killian’s cheek while he smirks down at her, the slightest bit of blush on his cheek.
This picture is framed in her room, but it’s nice to see it this way too.
@KillianJones33: Not pictured: the mistletoe.
PS: there was no mistletoe.
Have his captions always been this ridiculous? She guesses he can’t exactly write the dirty quips he usually says. Or, at least, write them to the full extent. He might get kicked off Instagram.
Her stomach churns, the chicken obviously coming back to haunt her, and Emma quickly exits out of the app. She almost goes back to look in his tagged photos to see if there’s anything new there, but she’s not going to be that desperate. Instead, she turns back to the TV and tries to pay attention to the movie and not her phone or the clock ticking away in the kitchen.
If she chugs an entire bottle of Nyquil, she should be able to fall asleep, right?
That totally isn’t a healthy idea.
Neither are most of the decisions she’s made tonight.
But hey, she’s finished with her paper, and she probably deserves to sleep through the night.
She obviously doesn’t fall asleep easily.
Emma’s on her second movie of the night when the front door clicks before it opens, Killian walking through soon after. She doesn’t want to see if he’s brought the girl home or hear about his night if he didn’t, so she pulls the blanket up over her face and turns toward the couch, trying as hard as she can to even out her breathing. Killian is far too observant for her to half-ass being asleep.
There’s only the sound of one pair of footsteps, though, and there’s no voices talking, so she breathes a little easier than she was. He walks around and steps into the kitchen, the fridge dinging when it’s opened, and then there’s a drawer pulled. She doesn’t really know what’s happening after that, and for a moment, she thinks about letting him know she’s awake. That idea quickly dies when she hears him come closer to her and then lean down until his scruff is brushing against her temple, quickly followed by the softness of his lips.
“Goodnight, love.”
And as quickly as he was there, he’s gone, walking up the stairs and disappearing to his room.
Her heart is beating unnaturally fast. This cannot be healthy. This should send her to the hospital or something.
Slowly, she turns on the couch until she sees a neon pink post-it note right in front of her.
Swan, the queso you wanted is in the fridge. I got a large, so I fully expect you to share it with me tomorrow. Saturday lunch date as a rain check for tonight?
Her cheeks flush, all of the blood in her body rushing there, and that can’t be good when her heart is still doing unnatural things.
He brought her queso.
She’ll forget that he only brought it to her because he was on a date with another woman. That’s not important.
Nope. Not at all.
She and Killian eat queso for breakfast, and neither of them bring up his date.
Midterms come and go all while Emma’s twenty-second birthday does the same. If she were to look back, it’d all be some kind of blur where her nose was constantly stuck in a book and the only time she got to breathe was when she was running at the gym with Ruby. But she knows that it wasn’t all that bad, that she mostly has a major case of being done with this whole school thing, and that there were good moments.
That there were also bad ones too.
But it’s fine. It’s good. She’s fine, and if she minds her own business, everything will be okay.
If only everyone else would do the same.
Mary Margaret and David keep putting out new episodes, which means Emma keeps getting stopped on campus and tagged in a million things online. It wouldn’t be a day in her life if she didn’t have some girl “literally screaming” over how cute she and Killian are.
The fact that comments like that solidify the stupid, stupid thoughts in Emma’s head really don’t help her.
But she ignores them, mostly, and keeps moving on with her life.
Killian keeps moving on with his life as well.
His schedule is mostly the same. He gets up and goes to the gym, usually dragging her along with him to meet Ruby before Emma even gets a chance to brush her teeth, and then they both head home to shower and get ready to go to class. Sometimes they see each other on campus to grab lunch, sometimes not, but all in all, things go on as normal.
Except for the fact that Killian misses dinner at least twice a week, if not more. She chalks it up to studying or working on a group project he has, which seems to be never ending. There are also the days where he’s gone doing the yard work he freelances from different neighborhoods around town. Yet, he’s mostly gone at night more than usual, and while he’s never been one to be shy about his dating life in the past, Emma can’t help but think that maybe something different is happening now with Belle.
Maybe, just maybe, this is the time that’s going to be different.
She could vomit.
He’s home tonight, though, and she really, desperately wishes that he wasn’t for once.
“So,” Mary Margaret starts, clapping her hands together, “we’re going to answer your questions tonight, and we’ve roped Emma and Killian into actually sitting down with us instead of standing in the kitchen talking behind our backs.”
“Can it really be behind your backs when you have cameras set up to record us?” Emma snarks.
“Those are behind the scenes secrets, Emma. Hush.”
Emma rolls her eyes, and makes the mistake of looking across from her to see that Killian is staring at her.
He doesn’t look away either, blue eyes peering into hers, and the moment his lips curl up into a smirk, she has to look away, focusing on David and Mary Margaret.
“Anyway,” David coughs, “you all submitted questions last week, so we’ll be going through them. First, from Cara G, we have ‘what would you do if you had feelings for someone you’re friends with but were unsure of how they felt?’”
Cara G has got to be kidding her.
This is the question they start with? And this is the episode where she has to give actual input? She would rather have to retake Organic Chemistry, and that was like legal torture she paid for.
“Tell them how you feel!” Mary Margaret gushes, bouncing up and down in her seat. “Love is such a wonderful thing, and you don’t want to regret what could have been.”
“Eh,” Killian coughs, scratching his ear. “It’s more complicated than that. Sometimes, I believe, you’d rather have the friendship and be content with that than risk mentioning you want to start a relationship and lose it all.”
“Do you really think you could lose it all though?”
“I think it depends,” Killian continues, grabbing onto his chain and absentmindedly toying with the ring. “Some people can move past that if their mate doesn’t feel the same way. Others would feel uncomfortable and run from that friendship. It’s not all black and white. It’s a million shades of gray, and if Cara’s friend is someone who is close, it might be traumatic to have to risk that friendship. Honesty is often the best policy, as Mary Margaret said, but that doesn’t make it any less terrifying. It can take time to build the courage.”
“I don’t think fifty shades of gray is our type of content, Jones,” David jokes.
“For all that I have to hear of your sex life, I think it might as well be. I said a million, not fifty. I know you’re rubbish at math, but there’s a bit of a difference.”
David and Killian keep bantering back and forth. It’s constant and a little petty, but eventually they do move onto other questions. Emma doesn’t hear most of them, though. Her heart is beating like a drum, and she can’t seem to focus. Killian had stared at her throughout his entire answer to the question, had barely blinked, and she couldn’t look away this time.
She can’t stop thinking about it.
Why would he do that? Why would he stare at her like that? Why the hell would that be the first question they answer? Couldn’t they have started off with something easy like good first date ideas?
This blog is the worst.
And she’s done with it.
Emma hasn’t slept more than four hours in two days.
That’s probably an exaggeration (it’s definitely an exaggeration), but that’s how she feels. She’s always thought people made too big of a deal about finals week, that it wasn’t actually as much torture as people make it out to be, and for the past three years, it hasn’t been. Hell, it wasn’t even that bad when she was working as a waitress at Granny’s and barely had time to breathe between classes.
This past week, however, has been awful.
Winter break can’t come soon enough.
(Is she always waiting for some kind of school break? Is that what her life is now?)
She hasn’t been able to focus. She looks at her notes, starts outlining and going into more detail, and then one page in she’s looking at her phone or getting up to go downstairs to get something to eat. She’s only got one final left, though, and she’s just got to power through it.
It would help if she couldn’t hear talking from Killian’s bedroom.
Belle is here, which shouldn’t be shocking, but it’s been so long since he brought someone home that Emma forgot he was capable of doing that. She has been unnaturally obsessing over his dating life for the past few months, but she forgot about this part.
It was always the worst.
And the girl he’s with is an absolute sweetheart too. She’s gorgeous and kind, and Emma is sure she’s smart. She doesn’t hate her, but she could do without this distraction when she’s waist-deep in notes for her final.
It goes on like that for the next few hours, Emma trying to study while the noise from the other room stays steady, but eventually, she hears his bedroom door open followed by footsteps leading down the stairs. It takes nearly everything in her not to get up and look out the window to see if Killian is leaving with Belle. She doesn’t though. She has the tiniest bit of self-respect left, and she really has to study. Passing is all she’s focused on right now.
(Or, at least, two percent of what she’s focusing on.)
(She’s such a liar.)
“Hey, Swan,” Killian says as he opens her bedroom door and walks in, “I am absolutely starving, and I was wondering if you want to get some Mexican. I can get it delivered if you want. I think queso is calling my name, and I know it’s always calling yours. It can power you through your last final.”
“No thanks.”
His brow arches. “No thanks? Who are you and what have you done with Emma? You always want queso.”
“Nothing,” she mumbles, looking away from him to her notes. “I’ve done nothing. I’m just not particularly interested in getting dinner with you.”
“Are you okay?”
That’s the question, isn’t it?
“Just peachy.”
“I know you’re not because you just said peachy, and I’ve never heard you use that phrase before.”
Emma rolls back in her chair and crosses her arms over her chest. “Do you always do this?”
“Do I always do what?”
“Spend time with a girl, finish with her, and then decided ‘hey, maybe I’ll remember that Emma exists and ask her if she wants to get food?’”
His brows furrow as his arms cross over his chest. She definitely doesn’t pay attention to the way his sweatshirt clings to his arms. “Bloody hell. What are you talking about?”
“The queso! You brought me home queso because I said I’d wanted some, but you brought it home as takeout from your first date with Belle! Didn’t that piss Belle off? Doesn’t it piss her off that I live down the hall from you? Because I can’t seem to talk to a guy about you without him getting pissed off.”
She’s not making any sense. She knows she’s not. She just can’t seem to stop rambling and talking out of her ass. Seriously. This might be the dumbest, most confusing argument she’s ever picked.
She’s picked a hell of a lot of arguments, too.
“Ah, well.” He reaches up to scratch his scruff. “Belle and I went to Petite Violette, the French place downtown. I stopped and got you the queso on the way home. She didn’t know anything about it.” “Why the hell would you do that?”
“Because you said you wanted it!”
“I don’t want pity queso! I don’t want to be an afterthought to the rest of your life!”
Killian groans as Emma stands from her chair and runs her hands through her hair, tugging at the strands. She’s crazy. She’s legitimately crazy. How the hell is she going to get out of this?
“It’s not pity queso, lass. Why do you insist on being so damn frustrating?”
Emma laughs before pointing to her chest. “Me? I’m the frustrating one? How the hell am I the frustrating one?”
Because she’s not making any sense.
“You’re making absolutely no sense right now! And because you can’t bloody see that I would rather eat queso on the couch with you than sit in nice restaurants with anyone else. I don’t want to keep going on dates when the woman I fancy lives five feet down the hallway and picks fights with me over cheese dip.”
What the hell?
“You absolutely asshole!” Emma reaches forward and pushes at his chest as her heart pounds. “You have a girlfriend. You can’t say shit like that when you have a girlfriend. Belle doesn’t deserve that.”
“Belle? You think Belle is my girlfriend?”
“Isn’t she?”
Killian’s chuckle is dark, and he turns around to thread his fingers into his hair before turning back around to look at her. “Belle is in the literature elective I’m in, and we decided we were better as friends. God, I can’t believe this is how we’re having this conversation. I just told you I fancied you, which is definitely understating it, and you thought I had a girlfriend. I’ve thought about telling you this for years, and we’re having it out over fucking queso dip.”
Emma has never felt so stupid.
And petty.
And like an absolute asshole.
It’s not Killian who is one. It’s her.
Yep. Definitely her.
She should really pick up her damn shoes.
In the back of her mind, Emma knows that she has several options here. She can either tell Killian she’s sorry and to forget about it, be an adult and actually hash whatever this is out, or she can take two steps forward and finally know how Killian’s lips feel on something other than her skin.
I don’t want to keep going on dates when the woman I fancy lives five feet down the hallway.
They can talk later.
Taking two steps forward, Emma wraps her arms around Killian’s neck, presses up on her toes, and then she kisses him.
She freaking kisses Killian Jones.
He’s mumbling something when their lips first touch, but she doesn’t hear it over the thundering of her heart. She doesn’t hear anything but Killian’s subtle gasp and the way that their bodies come together. He’s so solid. She knew that, but it’s different this way. Killian doesn’t move at first. His body and his lips are still, but then she’s being pulled even closer to him until she doesn’t know where she ends and he begins. She does, however, have acute awareness of the way that Killian’s left hand is on her lower back while his right is tangling into her hair until her entire body is shivering.
In the darkness of the night, usually after she and Killian have had a day spent together, she’s let herself imagine this as if it wasn’t something forbidden by her own heart.
She’s let herself imagine being as bold as the people who write into David and Mary Margaret’s blog, telling them of how they took that leap from friends to whatever this is.
Whatever this could be.
Killian pulls back from the kiss, and for half a second, Emma’s heart drops to her stomach. But then she’s blinking and looking up at Killian as he looks down at her, his fingers still toying with her hair.
“You’re absolutely impossible.”
“I think you kind of like that about me.”
“You’ve got no bloody idea how much I love you for that.”
And then his mouth is on hers again, slowly devouring her with the tenderness of the friend she’s known for three years and the fire of someone who is acting on feelings that he, too, was obviously harboring. Her mind briefly flashes back to two weeks ago, to the two of them answering questions for the show, and Killian saying something about not wanting to risk the friendship.
Sometimes it takes time to build the courage.
Or sometimes it takes Emma picking a fight over something as stupid as jealousy and queso.
She’s not sure if she’ll ever be able to eat Mexican food again.
She’s not entirely sure that she’ll ever be able to look Killian in the eyes again after this. Such a pity. She’s always loved his eyes.
“Emma,” he growls as her hands fall from his hair and move down his body, slipping underneath his sweatshirt until her fingers touch a thick patch of hair that she knows goes lower thanks to Killian’s penchant for not wearing a shirt. “I’m afraid that if your hands go any lower, I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”
“That was kind of the plan.”
He shakes his head, wonder in his smile. She imagines she’s got the same smile sketched across her lips.
“We’re talking after this, aye? Don’t think I’m going to let you brush past everything.”
“Don’t be like David and Mary Margaret.”
“Darling, you’ve practically got your hand down my pants. I’d rather you didn’t talk about your brother.”
Emma brings her bottom lip between her teeth and tugs on his jeans again. “Deal.”
He kisses her then, a building pressure mounting between her thighs and over her skin, and for all of the thoughts and reservations that should be building, there’s nothing in her mind but Killian and how good this feels.
How good it feels that this is with him.
How right.
Clothes are shed faster than she’s willing to admit, Killian’s mouth and fingers working wonders on her body before she can do the same to him. It’s wonderful and so damn satisfying while also being awkward and absolutely hysterical when it probably shouldn’t be. Emma has known she’s wanted this for longer than she’s willing to admit, but having your best friend be inside of you for the first time isn’t something that’s going to come without a little awkwardness.
It’s an awkwardness she’s grateful for.
Killian seems to be too because even with the sounds of skin moving against skin and moans that are a little too loud, his smile is so wide that he’s got crinkles around his eyes.
There’s something to be said about sleeping with your best friend, especially when he can easily slip between making a joke about a patch of unshaven hair on her thigh she hasn’t shaved before waxing poetic about how she feels wrapped around him. It’s foreign and familiar all at once, and Emma could get lost in the dichotomy of it all.
“If I fail my final tomorrow, I’m blaming you,” Emma pants out as Killian hits a particularly deep spot inside of her that is causing her breathing to be a little shallow.
“I’ll help you study when this is over.”
“That is true romance right there.”
Killian laughs as he dips his head down to run his lips over her jaw, inching over and over on her face until she’s swallowing both of their laughs with her kiss.
“I love you,” Emma whispers as her thighs tremble. “I wasn’t sure if that was clear or not.” Killian grunts and his thrusts falter before steadying as he stares down at her with those blue, blue eyes. She’s doing that thing where she can’t breathe again, but it’s in a good way this time.
“I love you, Emma. I feel like I always have even when you took my seat in Organic Chemistry.”
“It was totally worth it.”
“Aye, it was.”
This is weird and wonderful, and she wouldn’t wish to be anywhere else.
Killian does help her study for her final after all. He’s always been good at that, and tonight is no different. Except for the fact that his hand stays on the inside of her thigh, fingers trailing across her skin and teasing her, and they definitely get carried away once or twice and fall back into bed in between going over her notes and hashing out feelings. It’s pretty much her two least favorite things, but like everything else with Killian, it’s different.
Different is good. It’s what she needs.
She totally aces her final.
They get queso the next night to celebrate the ending of a semester and the beginning of some new, great things.
(Mary Margaret and David are totally going to have an entire episode about this, aren’t they?)
One-shot tag list: @therealstartraveller776​ @stahlop @shardminds @carpedzem @captainsjedi @galaxyzxstark @thejollyroger-writer @kmomof4 @tiganasummertree @xellewoods @idristardis @karenfrommisthaven @shireness-says @scientificapricot @captswanis4vr @a-faekindagirl @ultimiflos @jamif @dreameronarooftop15 @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke  @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @mayquita @teamhook @kmomof4 @ekr032-blog-blog @superchocovian @ultraluckycatnd @cs-forlife @andiirivera @qualitycoffeethings @jonirobinson64 @mariakov81 @spartanguard @snowbellewells​ @bluewildcatfanatic​
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aion-rsa · 3 years
1971: The Year That Music Changed Everything Review – The Revolution Is Hummable
Apple TV+’s 1971: The Year That Music Changed Everything is immersive and fairly ambitious. The eight-part documentary series wants to run 33 revolutions per minute, and only comes up about a third short. It captures how musicians’ fingers were on the pulse of the day’s headlines and the laid the tracks for the nights’ rhythms.
Artists sang the news, sometimes causing it, other times reacting. Rock and roll had grown up and rock musicians took on responsibilities. Rhythm and blues got loose and soul musicians took to the streets. A former University of California philosophy professor named Angela Davis was charged with aiding and abetting the murder of a judge and Aretha Franklin personally offered to post bail.
The documentary series points out how The Beatles took the lead on youth culture movement during the 1960s, and how the elder society tried to beat it down in the 1970s, only to have John Lennon read the news and write “Gimme Some Truth,” before breakfast. Or to charge Oz Magazine, a British underground newspaper, with obscenity, and find Lennon outside the courtroom with a bullhorn in his hand and a single about it on a flipside. British television tried to celebrate the wake of the Beatles’ breakup with regressive programming. American TV fought to stay as progressive as its radio stations.
The docu-series was inspired by the book Never a Dull Moment: 1971 the Year That Rock Exploded by David Hepworth, but leaves out all the more gossipy bits. We don’t get cake from the Mick and Bianca Jagger wedding, but we get exiled with the Rolling Stones right on Main Street. Co-directed by Asif Kapadia (Senna, Amy, Diego Maradona), James Rogan and Danielle Peck, 1971: The Year That Music Changed Everything doesn’t look away from rockstar excesses, but it also doesn’t indulge them. We get the feeling albums by the Stones and Sly and the Family Stone may have achieved perfection through the sloppiest of accidents.
The artistic stories are a lot of fun to watch, though. Listening to Keith Richards talking about getting out of France minutes before both the mob and the cops were about to bang down the door is almost as much fun as sitting in the mid-section of the speedway concert at Altamont. Far enough away from the Hell’s Angels pool cues, but close enough to feel the danger, and still at the right place for the sound mix.
The best part of 1971: The Year Music Changed Everything is the footage. We get a clip of George Harrison and Bob Dylan rehearsing a song they didn’t do on stage at The Concert for Bangladesh. Home movies capture the Stones in Villa Nellecôte, scoring dope and nodding out during sessions for Exile on Main St. There is footage of James Brown performing in Paris which hasn’t made its way to his fans here. Gritty black and white celluloid shows David Bowie awkwardly miming his way through his first visit to Warhol’s Factory. Candid photos capture insanely intimate moments like a fan biting Marc Bolan’s hair. It is fun to watch Dick Cavett try to crawl up his own ass while trying to interview James Baldwin and Sly Stone. One highlight is the Ike and Tina Turner Review, along with the Staple Singers and dozens of other Black musicians visiting Ghana for a concert.
It is exhilarating to hear Marvin Gaye explain, in his own words, why What’s Going On was the record he was put on this earth to make. It is very cool hearing Lennon say how much it means to have revolutionary music coming from Gaye. There are no talking heads. Interviews, like those done with Elton John, are only heard through voice-overs. This adds to the intimacy of Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders remembering how personally she took Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young’s song “Ohio,” after having been on the campus at Kent State during the shootings. It stands in stark contrast to President Richard Nixon declaring his love for “square music” while he gives an “off with their heads” glare at the most civil of disobedient young people.
The documentary mixes the musical stories with the period’s news. Archival footage includes protests, police brutality, the My Lai massacre trials, Charles Manson, and Lance Loud, who taught American families to embrace differences on the proto-reality TV show An American Family. The documentary also shows Nixon launching the war on drugs as a military offensive. It takes on the Attica prison uprising, and the prison study at Stanford, which proved anyone can be a mindlessly cruel bastard if they have something to hide behind, like a badge and a baton. The documentary doesn’t mention it, but the study seems even more accurate when considering the attempted damage done by anonymous Internet trollers. The documentary also offers a broad spectrum of retro-fashion tips.
The post-counterculture musicians didn’t only face political pressure. The documentary also highlights how newer artists were challenging the established pecking order of rock. A slightly premature delving into Glam Rock rebels Bowie and T. Rex’s Marc Bolan replaces any segments on heavy metal and hard rock. “We were creating the 21st century in 1971,” Bowie says in the opening of every installment. We applaud as Kraftwerk fires their drummer for a drum machine.
Because the series focuses on the theme of interactive social change, it skips a lot of what was happening musically in 1971. Some of it is understandable, and some appears arbitrary. Not to let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch, but the series includes a segment on the Osmonds but doesn’t mention The Jackson 5. While we get a broad overview of world music, we get precious little of the electricity of Latin percussion which propelled Santana and War. 
The doc talks about the growing Jesus Saves movement which was sonically represented in Jesus Christ Superstar, but they don’t even offer a sound clip of Jethro Tull’s Aqualung, which proclaimed “man created god.” I get it, a lot of the rock and roll press, and I’m looking at you Rolling Stone, has had a bug up their ass about prog music for years. The documentary relegates all of eight seconds to Yes, but only as an example of the snobbishness of dinosaur rock. But this is 1971, even T-Rex is new. The Flintstones hadn’t been off TV for a decade.
“Rock stars, is there nothing they don’t know?” Homer Simpson once asked, reverently. That kind of thinking began in 1971. Musicians were the most influential people on the planet. When Carole King told you to get up every morning with a smile on your face, you felt beautiful. If Gil Scott-Heron warned you about the cop’s “No Knock” policy, you double locked your door. 1971: The Year Music Changed Everything is an excellent time capsule of music from a time which was a lot less innocent. How do we get that lack of innocence back?
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1971: The Year Music Changed Everything begins streaming on Apple TV+ on May 21.
The post 1971: The Year That Music Changed Everything Review – The Revolution Is Hummable appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3hBH4ad
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To the people who sent anons or messages mentioning vaguely what David said. Thank you. Hopefully a video will eventually be posted somewhere so I can post more of what he said because I hate not knowing the full story! (And I really want to see it!)
But I’ll say this in the meantime. I don’t care what TF Pete said. I don’t care if you liked what other people said better. PM is a controlling attention seeker. Period. It pisses me off that he and Netflix almost definitely had Gillian throw in a mention of him during the X files segment from what I hear because David was involved. I’m sure David was also limited in what he could say too 😒
I am so glad David got to be a part of this (because he deserves to be) but guess who is going to get the most attention? Oh right. The fake boyfriend who apparently yells at Gillian privately and sings her praises publicly. Having them both in the same segment shows how really really messed up this whole thing is.
David deserves so much better than this mess.
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rainstormfes · 4 years
Anime Expo Lite Day 1 Experience!
Program: Warner Bros. Japan Presents "Stay connected with Anime"
This whole program made me so frickin happy, SEIYUU AND JAPANESE GUESTS EVERYWHEREEEE WHILE TALKING ABT ANIME YESS (note: i typed most of this while the event was going on so pls bear with all my keyboard smashes and small comments lolol i just rly wanted to make a review for this event since i knew tons of seiyuu and anime that i love would be there and talked about. Also also i am not allowed to share any screenshots or recordings of it so just fyi 👍🏻)
It started out with talking about DanMachi 3 with guests Matsuoka Yoshitsugu (voiced Bell Cranel) , Minase Inori (voiced Hestia) , Osawa Nobuhiro (from EGG FIRM), and Matsukura Yuji (producer from J.C. Staff)
They answered many questions like how the author was inspired by the voice acting from the two guests specifically, talking about specific scenes
one of the producers was asked about production for DanMachi and he was like ‘brUH the volumes got thicker and thicker as they kept getting released like DANG’
They prepared a teaser image for the third season and for the big reveal Matsuoka had to tear a curtain off of a huge posterboard but the curtain got caught and made it almost fall xDD (very cute and awkward moment, Matsuoka never change pls omg youre too precious)
Matsuoka was asked if there was any difficulties when recording s3 and he just talked about how Bell went through lots of growth and that he had to think about how to properly act out just how mature Bell got, considering he’s now a leader of his group
Minase-san answered the same question. She talked about how she made sure to try and keep in mind how close all of the characters are and Hestia’s mental and social growth
Iguchi Yuka (voiced Chigusa) sent in a vid message since she sings the opening!! And it was announced that sajou no hana would be performing the ending song! Both vid messages were very nice and cute and both artists just talked about how they were looking forward to everyone’s reactions to their songs and to look forward to the anime
Airing of DanMachi 3 will begin in October woop woop!🎉🎉
OML WHEN MATSUOKA-SAN DID HIS ENDING REMARKS he pointed to the posterboard and was like ‘thIS NEW CHARACTER IS CUTE’ and said ‘whO TF IS THIS’ (pointing to new characters on the posterboard lol)
The next anime that they talked about was Shokugeki no Soma: The Fifth Plate with guests: Matsuoka Yoshitsugu (voiced Yukihira Soma) (MY GOSH HES SO AWK AND CUTE OMLLLLL he was like ‘can i speak now’ cause there was that kind of awkwardness in the first segment too 😅) and Yonetani Yoshitomo (animation director)
Yonetani-san was asked how he felt abt the anime. He talked about how he wanted to express how amazing the cooking/food was as well as wanted to excite (oh b o y 😳) the audience
Matsuoka-san was asked the same thing. He talked about how he’s been following Soma since day one and thinks a lot abt his growth in Totsuki. He talked about how he kinda thinks about his own high school days (comment from director lol that he might just cry during his final recording session which i feel, its been 5 years since the first season was aired)
bruh matsuoka’s mixture for a sauce for tonkatsu was frickin WACK he put strawberry jam, cream, waSABI???, KETCHUP?!?!?!, along with SOY SAUCE, there was more but that combo i put alone looks so frickin wack. 
Jun’s sauce oMG HE STARTED W NUTELLA AND PEANUT BUTTER WTF OMG THIS MISCHIEVOUS MAN I CANTTT 😂😂. He put in LOTS of mayo uhm... he crushed sesame seeds and dried fish together OMLLL HE WAS LIKE SHE NEEDS HER CALCIUM W THE FISH HES SO CHAOTIC and since he ran out of time he couldnt crush the fish properly so there were just HUGE CHUNKS OF FISH IN THE BOWL. omg when he was mixing it..... ew. the takamina was like E W. the way he was selling it was pure g o l d OMG HE PUT IN MF SQUID JUST NOW I CANTTTT HE IS IRL SOMA XDDD poor takamina she was fake crying, girl saME (she’s the judge)
Takamina surprisingly enjoyed matsuoka’s sauce (she was like the ingredients somehow WORKED xD) “it feels like i had a nice meal” (GIRL HOW??? XD)
as for Jun’s sauce review: FDSAFD TAKAMINA SAID THAT THE SQUID WAS STARING AT HER I CANTTT. she described it as a theme park which is perfect. tons of flavors were trying to be the main thing. The squid leg works with tonkatsu so it was ok in the end
matsuoka’s sauce won bc the squid in jun’s was kinda unnecessary but in the end she liked both (kinda surprising lol)
Matsuoka’s comments on the shokugeki: he enjoyed doing it w jun since he was very good at talking (especially when he was making the sauce). Both their sauces were “okay” lol
Yonetani-san’s comments: he talked about how he struggled to cook when he was a child but even through the small irl shokugeki they did he learned smth lolol
Matsuoka was asked which lines were more memorable for him (other than soma’s lol): he talked about how the explanations for the dishes (the monologues when theyre being made and when theyre being presented) were difficult and whenever he recorded those kinds of lines, it was kind of difficult to record since it would be hard to express a good portrayal of soma’s energy if he didn’t even know what he was talking about (so on the side he had to keep using wiki to understand what soma was even talking abt lol)
Question abt the production of the anime: Yonetani-san talked abt how there were lots of complicated words; there were lots of cuts in certain scenes made to try and portray the energy that they wanted in the anime
“If you could try any of your character’s dishes which one would you choose?” Matsuoka: he wanted to try the chicken wing dumplings and a recipe book was released before so he tried it... and it turned out BAD XDD
Someone asked abt where the producers get ideas about the ending theme sequences: Yonetani-san’s used the songs as inspiration for the backgrounds used for the ending themes, also trying to relate to the cooking and the theme of high schoolers just going through life etc
OH SCHIZ THERE WAS A SPECIAL MANGA RELEASED. A small part of it was voiced by matsuoka, jun, and takamina it was vvv cute (the full would be released on Shounen Jump at a later date)
Ending remarks: FASDFDSA THIS ACTUALLY WILL BE THE LAST SEASON OF SHOKUGEKI OMG 😭😭. OMG MATSUOKA IS SO FRICKIN CUTE AND AWKWARDDDDD he was doing a small clap at the end hes so adorable someone protect him pls :(((
The next and last anime talked about was JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, where there was a behind the scenes vid made:
Ono Kensho (voiced Giorno Giorvanna) was there ofc along w two producers from David Pro (Kasama) and Warner Bros Japan (Omori Hiroyuki)
OMG FIRST THEY TALKED ABT THE STAND CRIES YESSS. DSFDSAF THEY ACTUALLY COUNTED HOW MANY MUDA’S ONOKEN HAD TO SAY that is so amazing i love the dedication. onoken mentioned how he talked to koyasu (voiced Dio Brando) abt counting the muda’s but he was like ‘ehhhh i never did that lol’. overall, everyone from all seasons tried to match the scenes but koyasu was basically the odd one out not rly needing??? to follow it lol
FDSAFDSA BRUH THERES 17 RERO RERO’S hirakawa-san practiced in the BATH the dedication is INSANE i love this
lolol onoken scrunches up his face when he says his mudas lol vvv cute (so thats a good tip for anyone wanting to say it properly)
one of the reasons they chose onoken in the first place to voice giorno was the fact that his muda’s were strong, thats frickin awesome (and he asked for a redo so that just shows great dedication, smth that staffs would want in their seiyuu)
next they talked abt the anime-only scene of giorno giving gelato to a kid. they wanted to show how kind giorno was despite eventually becoming a gang-star. its personal to kasama-san since he had actually went to italy and had experienced intense heat there and went to a gelato stand so he wanted to preserve that memory in film
they moved on to talk abt how the hitman team was first introduced in ep 10. they decided to enhance the anime by showing the many teams of passione in their own meeting places, trying to emphasize how close everyone was in their respective teams
next they talked about how the second theme for golden wind was kinda hard to make (the animation and song IS amazing which i personally appreciate). considering that they needed to kind of match up with “Fighting Gold” (the first op), it was hard to produce something for it. And they had already decided to make an alternate version of it as well, animation wise. For a while they were stuck but eventually they managed to create smth which ofc ended up as the second op for Golden Wind (and also mentioned how that also happened for Stardust Crusaders, with changing the op’s animation to showcase everyone’s stands and also the small interaction between joutarou and dio)
AHHHHHH THEY MENTIONED THE FAMOUS DIO POSE THAT GIORNO DID AHH YESSSS THANK YOU DAVID PRO FOR DOING THAT, they said that they felt that they needed to live up to fans’ expectations so considering how dedicated of a fanbase we are, they decided to put that little nod toward dio’s pose with giorno doing it too
Ending remarks: lolol kasama-san was like ‘watch jojo in these difficult times to brighten up your day’ and honestly i just might :D
Omori-san was also a guest for the live broadcast too! Plus, Kanno Yugo who’s in charge of the music for Golden Wind!!! (a frickin king providing giorno’s iconic asf theme)
OMG THE THEME LETS GO HE TALKED ABT IT: considering his experience with parts 3 and 4 for the themes, he felt he needed to try and one up himself lol; he’s grateful that his music is loved by the fandom and hopes to meets everyone’s expectations (my king you’ve done amazing work)
He talked about how making music for jojo feels like competing in the olympics (cant blame him lol its a pretty difficult job to one up yourself every time theres a new season. since he started working with jojo at stardust crusaders and considering how iconic joutarou’s and josuke’s themes are, needing to make smth as amazing as those themes mustve been tough but he def delivered in the end)
OMG KANNO-SAN PERFORMED LIVE AHHHHHH and ofc its Il vento d’oro :)) THAT WAS SO FRICKIN AMAZING OMG ugh that made me so happy
Ending remarks: both guests were very wholesome, saying to stay safe during this situation. Omori-san stayed behind to say a small message on behalf of warner bros japan, saying to continue to support them and thank you for supporting the anime :))
Overall an amazing experience 😊
I loved everything that happened. It was nice to finally see some of my fave seiyuu at an event despite what’s going on in the world right now, it definitely brightened up my day :D
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