#Dental Practice Listings
Selling Dental Practice
Are you considering selling your dental practice in Florida? Look no further! At Dental Broker Florida, we specialize in facilitating seamless transitions for dental professionals like you. Selling your practice is a significant decision, and we understand the importance of finding the right buyer who values your legacy. With years of experience in the dental industry, our team is dedicated to ensuring that your selling experience is smooth and successful. From comprehensive valuations to strategic marketing, we handle every aspect of the sales process with the utmost professionalism and confidentiality. Visit us at www.dentalbrokerflorida.com.
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ddsmatch · 10 months
As 2023 comes to a close, it’s the perfect time to reflect on your experience serving your patients. You’ve given your best, from simple recall appointments to the complex cases that put your skills and patience to the test. Every smile transformed, every dental issue resolved, and the countless lives you’ve touched are tangible reminders of your unwavering commitment to people’s wellness.
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ddsmatchmi · 9 months
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If you're considering buying or selling a dental practice in Michigan, DDsmatch is your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of the dental business transition. With a proven track record in facilitating successful dental practice transitions, DDsmatch provides a specialized platform that connects buyers and sellers in the dental industry. For sellers, the platform ensures a seamless and confidential process, maximizing the value of their practice. Buyers benefit from a comprehensive database of available dental offices, streamlining the search for their ideal practice. DDsmatch's expertise in the Michigan dental market positions it as a valuable resource for anyone looking to navigate the sale or purchase of a dental office in the state.
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plusdoctor-blog · 1 year
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it’s an all-in-one solution for all of your dental office management needs.The Best Dental Clinic Management Software for your Clinic. 
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wileys-russo · 9 months
would you be willing to write reader getting her wisdom teeth out and being all loopy and out of it while leah takes care of her (their relationship is relatively fresh) and she asks leah if she wants to know everything reader loves about her and leah agrees, thinking it is mostly going to be like sexual stuff or about her body but reader lists almost exclusively her personality and stuff like leah being super eloquent and hardworking etc and leah is just very positively surprised and swooning at it
it’s just fluff basically but a bit cheesy lol
happy gas II l.williamson
leah spun her keys around on her fingers as she returned to the dental clinic, jogging up the stairs and shoving her keys in her pocket as she stepped inside, a slight shiver going down her spine as the air conditioning pumped down onto her.
"hi, i'm here to collect my girlfriend? y/l/n, i was told to come back around two." leah smiled politely, resting her arms on the counter as the receptionist nodded, stepping out to check with the doctor.
"she's just waking up a little from the anesthesia love, take a seat and you'll be able to see her shortly the nurse will come and fetch you..." she trailed off expectantly with a raised eyebrow. "leah." the blonde smiled, thanking her and moving to sit down in the waiting room.
shifting around in the hard plastic chair the footballer busied herself watching a the big quiz re-run playing on the small telly above her. "leah? leah? leah!" she'd become so engrossed in the show, even mumbling along answers that she almost missed her name called out.
shooting out of her seat she sent the nurse an apologetic smile and hurried after her, making small talk as she was lead toward the recovery room. "is that-" leah started with a frown hearing a familiar laughter echo through the halls.
"sure is. your girlfriend is up there with one of the worst behaved but most amusing patients we've had!" the nurse chuckled and opened the door, leah stepping in after her.
"lee lee! you didn't leave me." you beamed happily, spitting the gauze out as the nurse hurried over to replace it with some fresh ones. "no i didn't, i told you i'd be back right after your surgery sweets i just went to get something to eat to pass the time." leah smiled with a shake of her head.
"she's certainly a character." the doctor chuckled with a shake of his head. "oh yes she is." leah agreed, the two of you were a relatively fresh pairing, having gone on several dates and a prolonged talking phase you'd only been dating for around three months now.
"is that normal practice? my little brother had his wisdoms out a couple years ago and never needed that." leah frowned as she noticed your hands had been restrained to the arms of the chair with velcro.
"no its not, however your girlfriend seems determined to pull out her gauze and if she doesn't keep it in her mouth long enough to stem the bleeding she's in for a world of pain." the doctor explained as leah nodded along.
"if she's not pulling it out she's screaming, singing or yelling causing it to fall out." the nurse sighed as you rolled your eyes and leah moved to be by your side.
"love can you please be quiet for a little bit? if you don't keep the gauze in your mouth to stop the bleeding they'll need to remove all your teeth." leah warned as your eyes widened in fear at the lie and you were instantly silenced.
"well thats one way to do it." the doctor laughed as leah smiled smugly and ran a hand affectionately through your hair. "so! aftercare." with that the older man ran leah through everything she would need to do as your primary carer for the next forty eight hours.
your hands now freed and helped into a wheel chair as the anesthetic meant your limbs weren't quite strong enough to hold you up leah wheeled you out of the clinic, shaking her head as you blew kisses to all of the nurses.
"stop that! save some for me." leah teased flicking your ear, some sort of gibberish mumbled from your mouth which was still stuffed with gauze. another nurse helping leah get you from the wheel chair into the car you happily waved her off as she returned with the chair toward the clinic, leah slipping into the drivers seat.
"why am i in the back!" you huffed, words a little muffled from the gauze but with the drowsiness wearing off they were less slurred.
"because you got voted one of the worst behaved patients at that clinic and i wouldn't put it past you to grab or push something you dont need to up here." leah smiled in amusement as you scoffed.
"thats so mean! they really voted me that." you seemed genuinely heartbroken as leah pulled out of the carpark. "love are you crying?" leah bit down on her lip to stop her smile as she glanced to you in her rear view mirror.
"yeah! thats really mean of them, i was so nice." you sobbed and leah couldn't help but cover her laughter with a cough knowing this was only the side affects of the anesthesia. "baby girl you both threatened and tried to bite the poor doctor multiple times, thats not very nice." leah reminded, corners of her mouth curling upward.
"cause he wouldn't keep his dirty glove covered hand out of my mouth!" you huffed with a scowl, head thumping against the back seat. "thats because he needed to remove your wisdom teeth you muppet, which are in your mouth." leah chuckled with a playful roll of her eyes.
"lee lee i am starving, get me some food please." you demanded, kicking the back of her chair like an annoyed child. "you're not allowed to eat for another four hours my love, sorry." leah apologized, your protests falling on deaf ears as she continued to drive home.
placating your whinging and trying her best to keep you quiet so the guaze stayed in your mouth leah felt a sense of relief wash over her when finally she pulled into the driveway of her apartment where you’d be staying the next few days so she could keep an eye on you.
she scrambled out of the car and hurried to your door, opening it before you could and helping you out, your legs a little stronger now some more time had passed.
successfully getting you up and out of the car and into the house she helped you onto the sofa, dashing off to change clothes so she was more comfortable, changing in lightning speed given she didn't want to leave you unattended for a moment longer than needed.
finally after a half hour of squirming and wiggling and fighting leah at every turn to take the gazue from your mouth or get up and move about you'd settled, an ice pack resting on your jaw to help the swelling as your back pressed into leahs front.
"leah." you spoke up, tilting your head back and shuffling a little so it rested on your shoulder and she hummed. "do you wanna know everything i love about you?" you smiled tiredly as your girlfriend chuckled, already quite sure what would be next out of your mouth as she gestured for you to continue.
but to her surprise it wasn't anything of the sort that she'd expected, no cheesy pick up lines or suggestive comments, no cheeky remarks about her body or your time spent together in the bedroom. in fact, it was the complete opposite of what leah expected.
"mm well i love that you're so passionate. about football, the arsenal foundation, your friends, your studies, your hobbies, a very very passionate woman." you started, a slight slur returning to your voice as the pain medication you'd just taken started to kick in.
"i love that you make me feel loved, and safe, and accepted, and happy, and comfortable. you love me for me and you have never asked or expected me to change." you continued, leah stunned into silence as you affectionately patted her leg.
"i love that you're so well spoken, and you always know what to say. but sometimes you know what to say and you don't say it because you want to annoy me and it works! because you know too well how to annoy me." you rolled your eyes as leahs smile grew.
"i love how much you love your family, its so special to watch the bond you all have. i love how much you love football, as a player and a fan and a spectator and sometimes an unintentional gaffer!" you grinned lopsidedly, your eyes closed now as leah pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, hugging you tightly.
"i love how good you are with my neices, and how much my mum loves you, even if the two of you gang up on me now!" you cracked open one eye tiredly to glare up at her causing her to chuckle and run a hand through your hair.
you paused as you let out a long yawn, again shuffling back so you were laid down a little more and comfortable once again between leahs outstretched legs. the girl assumed you were finished, her heart well and truly melting at your sweet confessions.
"i love that you are unapologetically yourself and you stand up and speak out on what you believe in. i love that even though you can't cook to save your life you order me pizza and let me pick the movies we watch." leah was grateful the two of you were alone now as she was sure if any of her friends and family saw just how in love she looked with you right now she would have the mick taken out of her forever.
"i love how strong you are and how you bounce back from everything, and you always try to find a silver lining or a different way to look at things. i love that you're so honest and open about how you're feeling and what you need when you need it. i love that-" your last few words were barely understandable as you inhaled and exhaled deeply, eyes fluttering shut again as leah waited a moment before confirming you had indeed finally fallen asleep.
she could have cried at everything you said, and to be honest she was shocked she hadn't given she was basically a puddle of a human being, a pile of sap and heart strings and lovesick puppy eyes for you.
"oh my pretty girl, my best girl, if only you knew just how much i love and adore you. but i promise to spend each and every day showing you so, forever and always."
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transform4u · 3 months
Getting taught a lesson
Ethan Campbell sat in his car, staring at his phone with a sense of resignation. His fingers scrolled through job boards as he contemplated his future, the morning sunlight casting a dull glow inside the car. Another day of teaching loomed ahead, an event he approached with all the enthusiasm of a dental appointment. The prospect of facing another day teaching the morons on this campus and dealing with their behavior was daunting enough to make him consider bringing a flask to work.
"God, I hate my life," he muttered, the words carrying more weight than he intended. His gaze flickered to his phone screen where a notification from Grindr blinked insistently, but he brushed it aside. The loneliness that had settled into his routine was a constant, punctuated only by sporadic, unsatisfying encounters.
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Ethan navigated through the throng, feeling out of place in his own workplace. He questioned his decision to stay, debating whether feigning illness and leaving might have been the wiser choice.
Ethan Campbell's career as an adjunct professor of English had been marked by a distinct air of intellectual superiority, one that often set him apart from his students and even some of his colleagues. He prided himself on his erudition and discerning taste in literature, often dismissing popular fiction in favor of dense philosophical treatises and obscure literary works.
Ethan's teaching style and choice of literature often clashed with the expectations of his students. He favored novels that dissected societal norms, questioned authority, and probed the complexities of human nature. His syllabus included works by authors like Toni Morrison, James Baldwin, and Virginia Woolf—writers whose narratives challenged the status quo and delved into issues of race, gender, and identity.
To his students, Ethan's reading list was derisively labeled a "woke reading list," a term that sparked eye rolls and muttered comments among those who preferred lighter fare or more traditional classics. They found his lectures dense, his interpretations overly critical, and his insistence on unpacking every nuance of a text exhausting.
"He acts like we're supposed to dissect every sentence like it's Shakespeare," one student quipped to his friend after class, echoing a sentiment shared by many. Ethan's lectures were punctuated by impassioned monologues on intersectionality, postmodernism, and the deconstruction of literary canon—an approach that left some students feeling alienated and others intellectually stimulated.
For Ethan, teaching wasn't just about imparting knowledge; it was about sparking intellectual curiosity and fostering critical thinking. He saw himself as a gatekeeper to a realm of ideas that could reshape the way his students viewed the world—a responsibility he took seriously, even if it sometimes earned him the reputation of being pretentious or out of touch with the practical concerns of his students' lives.
In the quiet corridors of the college campus, a clandestine plan began to take shape among a group of unlikely allies—jocks and science nerds who shared a common disdain for Professor Ethan Campbell. They had grown tired of his lofty lectures, his condescending demeanor, and what they perceived as his out-of-touch worldview. As they idly bantered in the campus cafe, an idea was born—one that would turn Ethan Campbell into the very caricature of a college guy he'd disdain.
It started innocuously enough with a casual conversation over lunch. Chad, the star quarterback with a mischievous glint in his eye, suggested a prank that would teach Professor Campbell a lesson. The math nerds, led by Brian, contributed their expertise in chemistry to concoct a plan that would alter Ethan's reality.
Late one evening, under the cover of darkness in the campus chemistry lab, the group huddled around a workbench littered with beakers and vials. With meticulous precision, they synthesized a chemical compound that, when ingested, would temporarily alter the fabric of Ethan's reality based on suggestions fed to him—suggestions carefully crafted by the jocks to mold him into the exact guy Ethan hated, "typical college guy."
The plan crystallized around an innocent apple, carefully chosen to be Ethan's mid-morning snack during his next lecture. Brian, the brains behind the operation, carefully injected the compound into the fruit, ensuring it was undetectable to the naked eye.
On the appointed day, as Professor Campbell droned on about existentialism in modern literature, the unsuspecting target reached for the poisoned apple during a brief break in his lecture. Oblivious to the eyes watching him, he took a crisp bite, unknowingly ingesting the chemical that would soon alter his perception.
"James Baldwin didn't just observe; he dissected the human condition with a raw, unapologetic clarity that forces us to confront uncomfortable truths," Ethan reiterated, his voice carrying the weight of conviction that had long defined his lectures. His gaze swept across the room, meeting the eyes of students who had grown accustomed to his impassioned discourses.
Amid the expectant silence, Trey's meaty arm abruptly shot up, breaking the reverie. "Yo teach!" Trey grunted, his voice resonating with an unusual intensity. Ethan stifled a sigh, the flicker of annoyance evident in his eyes as he responded, "Trey— I'm in the middle of my lecture. Can't this wait?"
"Naw, professor," Trey persisted, his words laced with a disarming sincerity. "I got some uncomfortable truths for ya'. Don't you think all this woke liberal stuff is a bunch of crap?"
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Ethan's fingers instinctively moved to massage his temples, a dull throbbing beginning to pulse behind his eyes. It was as though a haze was settling over his thoughts, obscuring the clarity that had once defined his intellectual pursuits. Ayn Rand's name surfaced in his mind, her ideas on rational self-interest and individualism now appearing more coherent, more compelling than they had ever been.
"As I was saying," Ethan resumed, his voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. "Ayn Rand believed in rational self-interest, the pursuit of one's own happiness…"
His voice faltered, the words hanging in the air like a fragile thread. The pain in his head intensified, a relentless pressure that seemed to coincide with the erosion of his once-firm beliefs. Memories of spirited debates on social justice and systemic inequality fragmented and slipped away, replaced by a growing inclination toward perspectives that he had once dismissed with righteous fervor.
Ethan's ideological landscape shifted, reshaped by the unseen influence of the chemical compound now coursing through his system. Concepts that had once anchored his worldview—equality, justice, solidarity—began to recede into the background, supplanted by a burgeoning affinity for viewpoints that echoed the sentiments of those he had often scorned.
As the lecture hall buzzed with whispered conversations and suppressed laughter, Ethan Campbell struggled to reconcile the fragments of his shifting consciousness. His head still throbbing, Ethan's focus wavered as he attempted to maintain control over the deteriorating situation.
"Bro! Yo, Bro!" Hunter, a burly figure from the wrestling team, called out, his voice tinged with a mixture of amusement and disbelief. Ethan winced at the familiar address, his patience fraying. "I'm not your bro, Hunter—I'm," Ethan started, his words interrupted by a sudden surge of discomfort in his chest.
"I'm your—your professor, and you should address me as such."
"Okay—uh, Professor Bro, hahaha—uh, have you been working out 'cause you're looking ripped," Hunter rumbled, barely concealing a smirk. Ethan's hand instinctively gripped his chest, a sharp pain spreading through his muscles. His shirt strained against an unexpected expansion as his once-modest pectorals ballooned into hefty mounds of muscle.
Ethan staggered, his balance faltering as a sudden heat surged through his abdomen. His shirt stretched and strained as six tight-packed abdominal muscles emerged, carving themselves into prominence over his previously flabby gut. Each muscle group defined itself with startling clarity, a stark contrast to the softer contours that had defined Ethan's physique until now.
As Ethan struggled to comprehend the rapid changes overtaking his body, his legs began to thicken, quads bulging with newfound mass. His feet, confined within shoes too small to accommodate the burgeoning growth, burst through the seams as they expanded to size 14. The sensation was alien and overwhelming, his lower body morphing into a shape that bore little resemblance to his former self.
Simultaneously, Ethan felt his biceps throb with an unfamiliar sensation. The muscles swelled to the size of footballs, straining against the sleeves of his shirt. His arms, once slender and unassuming, now boasted a formidable strength that belied their previous appearance. The transformation extended to his neck, where his Adam's apple grew more pronounced, signaling a deeper, more resonant voice emerging from within.
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"Well, yeah—Pride is coming up and I have to look good for—" Ethan's feminine voice faltered, the words catching in his throat as he struggled to reconcile the alien masculinity that now coursed through him. The jocks exchanged knowing glances, their mischievous grins widening as they witnessed the extent of their prank's success.
"Bro," one of them muttered under his breath, a smirk playing on his lips as Ethan's transformation continued unabated. The professor who had once commanded intellectual respect now stood amidst a chorus of laughter and incredulity, his physical and vocal metamorphosis a testament to the power of unintended consequences.
Tucker, the quarterback for the football team, couldn't help but be a prick in class. With his feet propped up on the desk and a smug expression plastered across his face, he had no qualms about disrupting Ethan's presentation. "Yo bro, what are you talking about pride for? You always tell us you hate fags, you're always telling about how much pussy you've scored over the weekend, bro!"
When Ethan heard Tucker's words, he felt a mix of embarrassment and anger welling up inside him. "I-I was just kidding," he stammered, trying to recover from the awkward situation. But as he looked around at the shocked faces of his classmates and saw Tucker grinning cockily at him from across the room, something shifted within Ethan. As Ethan tried to explain himself, a cocky grin washed over his face.
Ethan's face contorted into a snarl as a long-festering wave of homophobia washed over him. The mere mention of Pride and fags sent his blood boiling with disgust. Memories of making fun of loser gays filled his mind, and he couldn't help but let out a cruel laugh.
"Fucking fags," he spat, glaring at Tucker. "You think I give a shit about some gay pride parade? I don't care if you like dick or not - just keep it to yourself."
Ethan launched into a long rant about feminist bullshit and how it was ruining the world. "You know, I'm sick of all this political correctness," he said, gesturing wildly with his hands. "I mean, come on! We're men! We should be able to say what we want without having to worry about offending some snowflake."
He paused for effect before continuing. "But enough about that nonsense," he said with a smirk. "Let me tell you about the hot blonde bimbo I scored with over the weekend." Ethan recounted in vivid detail how he had fucked that chick's brain out - describing every moan and groan she made as if it were happening right then and there in front of his students
"Haha, teach that was epic! You'll be a perfect fit for the frat," Topher, the baseball pitcher, chimed in, his voice filled with a mixture of admiration and amusement. Ethan's head throbbed with each word, the impact of the chemical prank continuing to wreak havoc on his once-sharp intellect.
"You're the dumbest, loudest, most obnoxious bro on campus," another voice added, laughter rippling through the lecture hall. Ethan struggled to focus, his thoughts slipping like sand through his fingers. The weight of academic discourse and literary analysis dissolved into a haze, replaced by a flood of trivialities and frat-boy banter.
Like a wrecking ball to his mind, Ethan felt himself growing dumber, his mental acuity fading with each passing moment. The intricate plots of novels and the nuanced critiques of societal norms were replaced with useless sports trivia and memories of pulling pranks with his bros. The lines on his face seemed to smooth out, the clock of his life winding back until he felt like a carefree 20-year-old college sophomore once again.
He remembered the struggle of his freshman year, nearly flunking out until he switched to Econ to fit in with his frat brothers. Memories flooded back—a wild party last night, the taste of cheap beer still lingering on his tongue. A wave of nausea hit him, and he let out an unapologetic buuuuurrrrp, the sound echoing through the now rowdy classroom.
"You bros—what are we doing in this boring class, let's party! Let's get wasted!" Ethan hollered, his voice now unrecognizably boisterous and carefree. The words slipped from his mouth effortlessly, devoid of the eloquence and depth that had once defined his speech.
The entire class erupted in cheers, the students joining in the revelry of Ethan's transformation. Gone was the professor who had challenged their intellects with complex theories and philosophical debates. In his place stood a caricature of collegiate stereotype—a figure of amusement and camaraderie among his peers.
Ethan's name slipped away from him, lost in the tumult of cheers and laughter. He was no longer Ethan Campbell, esteemed professor of English. As the echoes of applause filled the lecture hall. And as he looked around at the faces of his cheering students, he was ready to party.
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As the group entered the local college pub, Ethan's face underwent a subtle transformation. His jawline, already strong, seemed to chisel itself into sharper relief, giving his face an air of calculated confidence. His lips curled into a perpetually cocky grin, one that exuded a blend of charm and entitlement.
His eyes, normally warm and inviting, now sparkled with a glint of mischief and bravado. They scanned the room with a self-assuredness that bordered on arrogance, taking in the attention from others with a satisfied nod. Ethan's posture subtly adjusted, his shoulders squared confidently, as if he owned the space around him. As soon as Ethan stepped into the bar, he assumed a persona that was a stark departure from the reserved professor he had once been. He swaggered through the crowd with an air of entitlement, exuding the brash confidence of someone who believed the world revolved around him.
At the bar, surrounded by his bros, Ethan's behavior escalated to the epitome of obnoxiousness. He loudly heckled the players on the screen, critiquing every move with an exaggerated bravado. His voice carried over the din of the bar, drawing attention to himself with every shouted comment.
As he stood at the bar, Ethan's eyes were glued to the sorority chick with big tits and blonde hair across the room. Ethan's demeanor shifted into overdrive. He flexed his muscles, struck exaggerated poses, and flashed a grin that oozed harm. A sudden tan seemed to wash over his body, adding to the illusion of athleticism and vitality.
Ethan turned to his bro Topher and yelled out loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear: "I'm plowing that bitch tonight! Bet!"
"Dude, you're like the biggest party animal on the team," Spencer shouted over the cheers, slapping Ethan on the back with exaggerated enthusiasm. "Coach was right to make you the captain, Zayne!"
In that moment, everything clicked for Ethan—or rather, Zayne. He was no longer the boring college professor burdened with intellectual pursuits. He had transformed into Zayne, the embodiment of every fratbro stereotype—dumb, obnoxious, and self-assured. Captain of the college football team, his path was clear: lead his team to state victory and revel in the adoration of his peers.
Zayne was the loudest, most obnoxious bro at the bar that night. His muscles bulged under his tight t-shirt, and he downed shots like they were water. He grunted to his bros Topher and Spencer about his "sick gains" at the gym earlier in the day, flexing for them whenever he could get away with it.
Zayne caught sight of himself in the mirror at the bar, and he couldn't help but check himself out. His huge muscles were on full display, and he felt an undeniable sense of pride swell within him.
As he flexed for the mirror, admiring his chin strap beard and tight t-shirt, Zayne became more vain and vapid by the second. He couldn't believe how hot he looked; it was like all those hours spent pumping iron had paid off tenfold. With each passing moment, Zayne sank deeper into a state of self-absorption - lost in his own reflection.
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The energy in the room was electric as Zayne, Tucker, Topher and the rest of the frat house down they're shots. They had just come from a grueling workout at the gym, and they were amped to let loose and party.
"Dude, I just hit the gym and killed it!" Zayne exclaimed excitedly. "I'm so pumped for tonight." His eyes scanned the room hungrily, searching for any signs of hot chicks who might be interested in joining them.
Topher nodded in agreement. "It's about to get lit af in here," he said confidently. "Damn right fam. Let's go find some babes to party with." Zayne hollered. With that, they made their way over to the bar where a group of girls were already gathered around another table laughing loudly.
Zayne spotted a drunk sorority chick from across the bar and grunted to his bros, "Yo, let me show you how it's done." He made his way over to the blonde bimbo and shamelessly flexed his muscles. She giggled vapidly in response.
"Hey babes, check out this fine piece of ass," Zayne said with a dumb laugh. His hands began roaming her perky ass and tits as he continued talking about football and gym sessions with with the blonde chick. Flexing his biceps as regaled her about today's football pratice. The girl seemed entranced by Zayne's bravado; she didn't even notice when he slipped his hand down her pants.
The night became a drunken blur of partying, drinking, and hitting on dumb bitches. Zayne lost track of time as he moved from one girl to the next, flexing his muscles and telling stories about football and gym sessions. His frat brothers hollered in approval from across the room while they downed shots of tequila.
In between making out with various girls, Zayne would occasionally glance over at Tucker who was deep in conversation with a brunette beauty at another table. Topher had disappeared somewhere into the crowd but could be heard cheering every now and then when someone scored a touchdown or did something particularly impressive on stage during karaoke night.
Zayne met up with a hot cheerleader chick who had the biggest rack he had ever seen. They ordered shots and grinded and danced throughout the night. He knew he had found the chick he was going to plow that night.
As they continued drinking, she began stroking his firm pecs and squeezing his huge biceps. She was dumb, blonde, and drunk - just the way Zayne liked it. He couldn't help but laugh at her inane comments as they made their way back to his place later that night.
Zayne was the most obnoxious, dumb, crude conservative asshole in the frat house. He loved to flex his muscles and brag about his "sick gains" at the gym. His favorite pastime was hooking up drunk sorority girls and taking them back to his place for a good time and working out.
Despite being a total douchebag, Zayne had an undeniable charm that drew people towards him. His bros Topher and Tucker looked up to him as their fearless leader - someone who could always be counted on for a good time or an epic prank. Zayne has become the epitome of an obnoxious, dumb republican bro in the frat house. He's always flexing his muscles and showing off his latest workout routine, which consists mostly of bench presses and bicep curls. His wardrobe consists mainly of tight t-shirts that showcase his pecs and abs, paired with baggy shorts or jeans that hang low on his hips.
His hair is styled into a messy quiff that he thinks makes him look like a "total stud," but it just ends up looking greasy most of the time. Zayne is constantly talking about how hot he is and how all the girls at the bar can't resist him. Zayne is just another spoiled, entitled rich white frat boy. He comes from old money and has never had to work a day in his life. His parents have always given him whatever he wants, so it's no surprise that he expects the same treatment from everyone else. He loves nothing more than throwing his weight around at bars and clubs, buying rounds for everyone just because he can afford it.
Whenever someone disagrees with him politically or challenges one of his opinions, Zayne gets extremely defensive and starts shouting about how great America is and how liberals are ruining everything. He loves to start fights at bars just so he can prove how tough he is by throwing punches.
Zayne is the epitome of what people hate about frat boys. He's the most obnoxious, dumb conservative bro in the house, and he knows it. His muscles are sculpted from hours spent at the gym, and his clothes scream "I'm hot stuff." He loves to show off his physique whenever possible, often wearing tight shirts that reveal his chiseled abs and flexing for anyone who looks his way.
His personality is just as big as his ego; Zayne thinks he's God's gift to women. At bars, he loves to order rounds of shots for everyone around him while shouting out cheers like a drill sergeant leading troops into battle. His favorite pastime is pulling gross pranks on unsuspecting victims with his bros –
When it comes time for scoring with drunken sorority chicks at bars (which happens often), Zayne goes all-in by buying them drink after drink until they can barely stand up straight anymore before making his move on them later in private rooms or dark corners of the bar.
In shot: if there were ever an award given out for being "Biggest Douchebag on Campus," then without a doubt that trophy would belong solely on Zayne’s mantlepiece because this guy truly embodies everything people despise about frat boys – but somehow still manages remain the most popular bro on campus. Zayne is the quintessential douchebag, and he knows it. He struts around campus with an air of confidence that only comes from being completely oblivious to his own shortcomings. His muscles are always pumped up from hours spent at the gym, but his brain is as soft as marshmallow fluff.
As he flexes in front of the mirror at the bar, admiring his reflection, he can't help but feel a surge of testosterone coursing through his veins. It's not just because he looks good; it's because he knows that every girl on campus wants him. And tonight, he has one lucky lady all to himself.
His date for the evening giggles vapidly as Zayne whispers into his ear "Why don't we had back to the frathouse and you can show me what a slut you really are". Zayne drunkly grunts. She doesn't even know what she did to deserve this guy; all she knows is that she wants him more than anything else in the world right now. As they make their way back to his place, Zayne can feel himself growing harder by the second… until finally, out pops a massive 10-inch cock! He grins like an idiot and starts thrusting against her without even bothering with foreplay or lube – after all, who needs those when you have such incredible stamina?
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watermelllonarchive · 2 months
Blogs On Tumblr
These accounts have reached out and requested I share their Tumblrs and Go Fund Me campaigns. So once a week, I will try to post a list of blogs here on Tumblr that are documenting their lived experiences in Gaza. I'll be updating this post weekly but if you're seeing an older version, .
Posted: July 29, 2024; updated September 8, 2024.
Check my tag #on tumblr to see the latest
Check out these Tumblr blogs and Campaigns:
@siraj2024 - shares frequent updates from Gaza on his blog. There is a GFM for helping him and his family rebuild. (Link)
@alaakh99 - is a mother of two who has been sharing updates on the conditions she and her children are experiencing. She has a to raise money to evacuate. (Link)
@mohammed-atallah - is in northern Gaza. He suffered a major injury to the hand and wrist in February when going to pick up aid from a relief truck. His GFM is to afford surgery and to rebuild his home. (Link)
@israa-elazaiza - and her family are trying to evacuate Gaza. You can donate to their GFM (link.)
@amjadshiltawu - shared that his wife Suha lost her parents and siblings in the genocide. You can donate to their GFM to help them evacuate (link).
@marwanalhabil is fundraising to help his family evacuate Gaza. (link).
@ahmedabuyamin - Ahmed and his wife welcomed a baby girl this summer (2024). He is trying to get his children, his wife, and himself to safety. You can help them here. (Link)
@mahmoudkhalafff - Mahmoud is a doctoral student in Ireland whose family is trapped in Gaza. He is raising funds to help his them escape to safety. He shares his story here. You can donate to help his family here. (Link)
@tamer200333 - Mahmoud's sister Maysaa is suffering from advanced fibroids in her lungs and desperately needs treatment. You can donate to their Go Fund Me here. (Link)
@fahedshehab-new : Fahed and his wife Reem are parents of 5 children with the oldest being 14 and the youngest 18 months. They, along with Fahed's mother, are trying to evacuate and have a Go Fund Me (link)
@free-gaza : Doaa is a seamstress specalizing in traditional Palestinian agriculture embroidery. She has evacuated to Egypy but needs a sewing machine to re-start her business and keep this cultural practice of embroidery alive. (Link)
@abdullahgaza - Abdullah Salem Alhabil's family is trying to evacuate Gaza and his father, who is suffering from heart disease, is in need of an urgent operation. Their Go Fund Me can be found here. (Link)(Campaign has been verified by Operation Olive Branch master list line 81; Project Butterfly Effect line 625)
@supportmyfamily - Ahmed AlSaidi has recently started his Go Fund Me to evacuate his wife, children, and parents. (Link)
@rem096 - Reem, her husband, and their sons Malik and Hassan are trying to evacuate. They plan to move abroad and for her husband to pursue a doctoral degree. (Link)
@save-salam-family - Salam is raising funds to help family escape. She and her husband Ahmed have two young children. (Link )
@noor-y-ashour - The focus of Noor's campaign is her young son Muhammad. He is disabled and unable to walk. They are raising funds in hopes he can evacuate for medical care. (Link)
@aya2mohammed - Mohammed and his family (wife, 3 kids, and his parents) are trying to survive. Their tent burned down recently and the children have contracted scabies. (Link)
@yousefbanna - Yousef and his family are struggling to endure the war. He lost his home as well as his business. (Link)
@helplamyaafamily - Lamya, her husband Mohammed, and their infant daughter Hoor are raising funds to evacuate to Egypt. They hope to go once the borders are open (Link)
@ahedalshaer - Ahed is a dental student from Rafah. She and her family are raising funds to evacuate and for her to continue her education. Campaign verified by The Butterfly Effect Project, line 407. (Link)
@Mahmoud-Sharif - Mahmoud and his wife Soha are parents to 4 young children. The youngest child was born this August (2024). They have a GFM to evacuate their family (Link)
Disclaimer: The purpose of this blog is to archive social media (at this point just Instagram) posts from everyday (not journalist, celebrity, or large influencer) Palestinians in Gaza sharing their day to day life experiences (things we don't typically see on the news, how they are living). Though I share Go Fund Me accounts for creators whose content I post to this page, the core purpose of this account is to serve as a digital archive. I am not able to independently vet and verify blogs shared in this list but most have been verified by other Tumblr users.
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ask-a-vetblr · 17 days
My 9 yo dog recently got 3 teeth extracted. I was hoping to control her tartar and plaque by brushing, and I feel like I waited too long and that this could have been avoided. Are there any risks associated with having general anesthesia regularly for dental cleanings? I was under the assumption that it is better to try to control tartar and plaque by brushing daily and that frequent dental cleanings should be avoided unless signs of periodontal disease start to emerge. I understand there are stipulations to this based on whether the dog has heart disease, but what would be the "general" recommendation?
gettingvetted here.
The recommendation from board certified veterinary dentists is that all animals need a dental cleaning with radiographs under anesthesia once a year, and that the teeth need to be brushed daily. If the owner cannot or will not commit to brushing, there is "no point" in doing cleanings at all, similar to if you got your teeth cleaned twice a year and then didn't brush your teeth between cleanings.
However, on a more realistic, general practice point of view, it very much depends on the animal. Daily brushing is definitely the gold standard. Not one of my clients brushes their pets' teeth daily. I will often recommend picking 2-3 products for daily use off of the VOHC product list if the owner won't brush. They usually won't get things from the VOHC list either. Because why would you listen to the professional that you're paying for an opinion. But that is what I recommend. Some animals, like small or brachycephalic dogs, or cats with resorptive tooth lesions or stomatitis, may need cleanings every 6 months and may lose many or all of their teeth even with aggressive care. The average dog or cat would probably need a cleaning a handful of times (3-4x) in their life but due to a lack of at-home care and more frequent cleanings, they will probably need to have a handful of teeth extracted at each cleaning or at least accumulate heavy tarter. Sometimes large dogs can get away with one or two cleanings in their lifetime but they will probably get some fairly heavy tarter between cleanings. This also doesn't account for dentals required for specific pathology, like broken teeth or jaws, checking the mouth, throat, nose, or sinuses for cancer, etc.
General anesthesia is not harmful for an otherwise healthy pet, and the effects of anesthesia are not cumulative. Also, part of the point of a dental cleaning with anesthesia is to perform radiographs which allows the vet to diagnose pathology below the gumline where it is invisible to the owner, as well as performing an ultrasonic scaling under the gums where regular tooth brushes cannot reach. Hence the gold standard recommendation of yearly dentals.
Hope this helps!
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babyjakes · 7 months
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〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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about the event | eun hosts a private practice blurb night for the month of march 2024!
dates and times | requests will be accepted over two weeks, from mon. march 11th to sat. march 23rd. the event will begin at 12pm cst on sat. march 23rd.
submission guidelines | the theme of this event is eun's new medfet au, private practice! check out the private practice au masterlist to find out more about the characters. more detailed requests are more likely to be chosen. please make sure your submission follows eun’s general request guidelines. please include the following in your request:
the doctor of your choice (levinson for nondark or soft!dark, hansen for truer dark) a nurse or specialist to assist a medfet theme or scenario medfet and other kink elements you'd like included a daddy!character for reader (if relevant)
looking for medfet inspo? | eun's providing a list of ideas below the cut!
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medfet prompts.
gynecology: exams, screenings, procedures orgasmic and sexual functioning: pleasure response testing, orgasm trials, forced orgasm therapy, toleration of penetration deviance and behavior: refusal to orgasm, breaking no touch/play rules, general brattiness/defiance medical bondage: restraints, dental gags, drugging/sedation watersports: holding kink, forced wetting/release, diaper play, catheter play medical tools and devices: injections, sexual enhancement drugs and topicals, dilators, speculum, thermometers, suction devices, vibrators, swabs and brushes, "penetration" (fucking) machines, response testing equipment, plugs general medical supplies: exam tables and chairs, scrubs, lighting, gloves, masks, machinery regression elements: being examined/inspected, surrendering control, being good for daddy and/or the doctor, sex as a regressive technique specific to andy's character: aftercare elements, trouble/help with regressing, providing comfort through exams/procedures specific to pete's character: bondage and medfet inventions, testing new equipment and treatments on patients
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smallgodseries · 6 months
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They are best-beloved of the young, when they must compete with a host of other divinities for attention, with small gods of plush toys and fashion dolls, of cartoons and new experiences, of fear and joy and novelty.  They are never powerful in the eyes of their youngest applicants, although they are sometimes leant additional strength by the allure of the forbidden.  They don’t make kids hyper.  That’s an urban legend, bolstered by the natural excitement born of getting something rare and nice, and the occasional child whose system is wired to respond to a burst of energy by burning it off immediately.  Still, they receive credit—or perhaps blame—for any number of hijinks, for broken windows and woken infants, for the natural exuberance of childhood, and they don’t deny it, because they are not a small god of childhood nutrition or the like.
They are small, and simple, and content to be what they are.  Bright, colorful, cartoonish, and implicitly extraterrestrial, even though there is more of Boise than Betelgeuse in their list of ingredients.  Their boxes are designed to be inviting, and they can make any kitchen their cathedral with a minimum of preparation and but a single invitation to arrive.  With cleverly clipped coupons, they will come virtually for free, and they like it that way.  It allows them better access to their adherents.
And of course, there are always those who will continue their worship into adulthood, those for whom marshmallow sweetness and color-changing milk are reminders of a childhood spent sweetly, or proof that they are finally secure, finally free from the ownership of parents who put their own preferences at the head of the line, finally able to live their own lives.  Those will not always be the people you assume.  The judge in her solemn black robes eats a bowl of Frostie-Os before she proceeds to the courthouse, the accountant in linen and wool enjoys Fruity Sugar Dreams every morning before he turns to his spreadsheets.  They turn none away.
They do not cause tooth decay when proper dental hygiene is practiced; they are not solely responsible for poor nutrition or any other ill.  They are only here to bring us light and joy and to serve as part of a balanced breakfast.
They are a neutral god, and we would do well to treat them as such.
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letsberealgenz · 5 months
50 easy habits that will change your life
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Have you ever been in a situation where you know you need to change your life but you just do not know where to begin from? Or probably you feel a great sense of stagnancy in life where you can’t seem to see the way forward.
If you’re one of us, then you’re definitely at the right place honey! Let’s just begin with the ultimate truth of life. If you track your entire life journey from childhood to adulthood, you would come to a realization that routines are what put you where you are right now. Think about it, isn’t habits are the one which makes up your daily routine?
Now we know the root level solution and isn’t it funny how it’s the smallest habit in your life that’s actually contributing to the biggest difference? And it’s so easily to overlook it because it seems insignificant. We go out looking for life solutions but who’s going to let you know that it was internal all this while?
All that you’ve been searching for was here all this while waiting for you.
1. Fix your sleeping schedule
2. Rise early (utilize the morning hours)
3. Pump your body with clear fluid
4. Meditate (or even pray)
5. Solitude with nature
6. Journal
7. Read
8. Self-study (research)
9. Keep your phone away first thing first when you rise in the morning
10. Workout
11. Healthy consumption
12. Join the right societies/organizations/communities that’s going to help you grow 1% better each day.
13. Listen to podcasts/audiobooks (watch YouTube videos that’s actually helping you in some sort of way amidst the entertainment)
14. Intentional living
15. Reduce mindless spending
16. Track your finances
17. Goals reflection
18. Night journaling
19. Declutter your space
20. Mix with the ‘right’ people
21. Keep an open-minded perspective
22. Allow others to express themselves openly
23. Self-care routine
24. Reward yourself from time to time
25. Step out of your comfort zone as regularly as possible
26. Learn something new everyday
27. Consume your vitamins/supplements
28. Reduce Netflix binging
29. Reduce toxic social media consumption
30. Detox your following list
31. Get your blood test done
32. Dental checkup too
33. Get a glow-up for yourself
34. Reflect your personality/attitude from time to time
35. Check up on your family/loved ones regularly
36. Declutter your wardrobe
37. Set up a vision board
38. Buy things that you ‘need’ only not that you ‘want’ (get what you want when you have that surplus amount)
39. Volunteer
40. Rest day (stillness)
41. Celebrate every milestone despite how small it is for you (for someone else it could be a big achievement)
42. Avoid using your phone during social setting
43. Set up your environment for success
44. Cheat day
45. Set boundaries for yourself and others too
46. Think in the long-term perspective
47. Plan your important days way earlier
48. Practice gratitude as a lifestyle
49. Don’t focus too much on the negative news (learn from it and leave it behind)
50. Detox your smart devices (set up space for applications that you truly need only)
Watch the full video here! Talk to you soon xx
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Sell My Dental Practice
Ready to sell your dental practice? Trust Dental Broker Florida to guide you through the process with expertise and professionalism. Our team specializes in helping dentists across South Florida achieve successful sales. Start your journey today with a consultation from our experienced brokers. For more details visit us at www.dentalbrokerflorida.com.
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timkonshipper · 1 year
Tim Drake headcanon
He took a dip in the pit but came back from it stronger. It took a while to overcome the side effects but he redirected it into bankrupting Ra's and weakening his assasin empire.
He lured a couple hundred assassins away from Ra's to keep for himself. The small voice in his head told him he had already took a bunch of Jason's shticks and made them better so why not add another to the list.
He buys a big mansion somewhere in the middle of nowhere and starts his own assassin organisation
He takes the computer specialists and assigns them to scouting targets and draining their bank accounts(to be split among the assassins - tim had enough money).
He organises the rest by their specialities. Whenever he takes a new target he checks out their insurance coverage and replaces it with a really bad one. Then he sends out his groups according to the new insurance plan. For example if there is no dental insurance then the dental group will knock them up real bad. Combined with no money in their bank accounts, painful injuries and hospital bills that are not covered by insurance the targets feel emotionally drained(retribution for whatever they do to others). Then the special attack group ends them when they least expect it very painfully.
All in all he gets around gotham and branches out throughout the entire country.
But in the end he never has blood directly on his hands so he counts it a win.
He is also a shark in the boardroom and definitely uses his skills to his advantage. No-one questions him because they're scared shitless of him. He's practically a legend in the company.
Despite his many lucrative businesses he always makes time for date nights with kon and hangouts with kon, bart & cassie ♡ They all know of his assasin group but dont care since he's happy.
Also he ditches the dumb name and costume. He goes by peregrine and designs an actual costume - spiked leather jacket(inspired by kon), black onepiece(fitted with standard bat procedure) and black greek style circlet with wings(inspired by bart and cassie). He uses his bo staff but attaches retractable blades to make him seem like the bringer of death in a way
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earlymodernlesbian · 2 years
Literary Heroines Ranked by How Likely They Would Be to Go Down On a Girl
So Allison @songofsecondapril texted me yesterday afternoon:
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and i was like:
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(Her ~aggressively hetero~ version can be found HERE!!)
10. Anna Karenina from Anna Karenina
She would but she'd want to use a dental dam
(Which, no judgement!! Safer sex is good!! But like. You know.)
9. Jane Eyre from Jane Eyre
She def would but she'd pray about it first.
8. Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility
She did “just for practice” with her female friends when she was younger but thought she would grow out of it
Never really interrogated what she was “practicing” for by eating pussy
7. Cathy Earnshaw from Wuthering Heights
Allison: IDK if she would, she's kind of weird.
Me: Yeah, exactly, she's weird!
Allison: No but she's like antisocial weird.
Me: Yeah, she's Smith College weird.
6. Lucy Honeychurch from A Room With a View
She's straight but she's on vacation!!!
5. Marianne Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility
UHaul QUEEN tbh
Bi and openly dates girls but never formally ~came out~
4. Elizabeth Bennett from Pride and Prejudice
She would and she has!
3. Emma Woodhouse from Emma
Listen, she definitely would but she'd have some weird power dynamics around it
Like she WANTS to be a pillow princess but first she has to go down on you to show you how to do it properly
2. Mina Harkness from Dracula
Like, canonically
1. Jo March from Little Women
It almost feels like cheating to include her because it’s so obvious???
BUT then it also feels a little bit weird because we literally see her grow up from childhood in her book
(Which tbh feels WAY MORE COMMON among female classic literary main characters compared to male classic literary main characters and there's probably a dissertation in that topic somewhere but ANYWAY)
I decided it is in fact *not weird* and in fact necessary to make Jo number one on my list because she would just be so eager and excited to even though it's her first time!!
Listen Jo's problem is that all the women she knows are people she's related to.
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fuck-customers · 1 year
CW body shaming and cruel comment
Asshole customer today tell me I shouldn't smile so much til I see a dentist. Fucking he'll.
Add that to the list of cruelest comments from customers. He wasn't even mad whej he said it like arguing or anything. It was just out of the blue and tbh that makes it do much worse and now I feel lile shit.
And yes I see the best option I have financially - dental school nearby gives free cleanings and x-rays so their students can practice. And I take rlly good care of my teeth and gums. I just cant afford a fancy cosmetic dentist.
Fuck that guy and fuck customers who think I make en9ugu to get celebrity fancy teeth. Also fuck everyone else who's shamed me for my teeth. Fuck working there and fuck that guy.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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Unhoused Solidarity In Action
This is a non-exhaustive list of resources you might have access to, or know of, that can be used to aid unhoused community members directly. Many of these focus on direct mutual aid as individuals but can be helpful to consider when in community organizing settings. - What do you (or someone you know) have access to, that you can provide to the community? - Can they be accessed, used, or provided: regularly, occasionally, only in emergencies, weekly, daily, sporadically, consistently, etc.? - Consider seasonal needs (winter coats don’t help us when it’s 90 degrees out!) - Remember to practice active, informed consent with individuals and ask if these would be helpful! Don’t take it personally if your offer isn’t helpful to someone, it might help someone else. - These should be realistic and not compromise your safety or well-being. Remember to prioritize safety over comfort.
- Consider your relationship with this person (generally, don’t offer complete strangers into your home)
- Location matters a lot. Unhoused people often need to be near “hubs”/cities, close to resources and systems of care.
- Some people can’t live in hotels, couch surf, or any of these options without losing their housing vouchers, and in some cases health insurance or other assistance programs. Legal definitions of homelessness (used by voucher programs) usually don’t include people living in hotels/motels, or couch surfing (including most of these options). Check with the individual to see if this might be helpful.
Extra bedrooms
Campers, trailers
Land/yards to camp on, park at, etc.
Donate funds or points for a hotel room
Floor space
Safe parking lots to sleep in your car in (sleeping in your car is considered legal homelessness in most places)
- Emotional capacity and minimizing the risk of burnout are important here especially
Do outreach with a community org
File for grants
Provide education materials
Share knowledge regarding resources
Emotional support - build genuine connections with your local unhoused neighbors
Reach out to companies for donations
Create or add to lists of resources, open bathrooms, etc.
- One of the biggest barriers to accessing existing resources is transportation (also mailing addresses, internet access, and active phone service)
Personal car, ride-sharing/carpooling
Bus tickets/passes
Old/not frequently used bikes
Taxi services/vouchers
Uber/Lift gift cards
Coordinate rides for people
- A lot of unhoused people prefer “comfort foods” to “health foods” - Ask about dietary restrictions, the cooking ability of the unhoused person, the cooking equipment, etc. - Soft foods are frequently more accessible to us as dental issues are very common - 100$ in fast food is significantly less than 100$ in homemade food
Can cook hot meals
Can pay for meals
Knows someone (person, business) who can supply food
Inviting people over for a meal
Gifting food (be sure to be considerate of dietary restrictions, cooking ability, equipment needed to cook, etc.)
Have a community dunkin gift card
Make or add to a fruit tree map (fallingfruit.org, community gardens, federal university campuses)
- Money should be freely given, with no strings attached - Ask what form works best for them— cash apps/virtual, physical cash, gift cards, quarters, etc.
It is best to provide cash donations directly to impacted individuals (or organizations) with no strings attached
Provide relevant, local chain store gift cards (Grocery stores, coffee shops, restaurants)
Coordinate fundraisers
Apply for grants
- Ask individuals what they need most!
Purchase and donate supplies directly to individuals or organizations
Reach out to businesses
Donate old phones or computers
Add someone to your family phone plan
Donate professional clothes for interviews
Donate an outfit you would actually wear
Talents, Trades, Skills
Your hobbies might be helpful! Crochet is extremely trendy right now (easy to learn, you could make hats/scarves for community members)!
Professional ties/experience Examples: You’re a cosmetologist who can do free haircuts for an hour each week, or you’re a graphic designer who can create a website for an organization for free, or you’re a nurse who can provide wound care to encampments
Community gardens
Connect with and partner with non-profits or community-based organizations in your area (or help start one if there’s none!)
Allow people to use you as a reference for job interviews
- Not just toilets, but showers and mirrors are important too
Ask businesses to pledge to have open, public, accessible, and free restrooms
Your personal restroom
Make a list of local public restrooms
Free gym memberships or add someone to a gym plan
- In order to access most services, you need most, if not all, of the following: transportation, identification, important paperwork, printing/faxing access, mailing addresses, internet access, active phone service, free time during business hours, and emotional and mental ability (and capacity) to complete everything required (forms, applications, phone calls, interviews, annual reviews, verifications) in a timely manner (usually on a strict deadline)
Case management experience you can volunteer
Peer support for service navigation (great option for people with prior lived experience)
Advocacy within services
Offer to provide a P.O. box or use your address to receive mail
Housing skills
Allow someone to use your library card for books, computers, the internet, etc. (most libraries won’t allow unhoused people to get a library card)
Volunteer at a shelter
Allow someone to use your home wifi, printer, phone number, mailbox, email, etc.
- If you can’t donate your own personal funds, fundraising is a great way to help out
Community mutual aid asks (in person or online)
Art walks
Skate competition
Tip jar
Gift basket raffle
Clothing and food drive
Game tourney
Live streams
Start a GoFundMe for individuals/orgs
I strongly encourage you to look over the matching slides I created for this workshop: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1VDngImsMByUFmKX611zAJ43a0UcYIfMBxrbh_g1IJvc/edit
As a disclaimer: I have been homeless/unhoused for over half of my life. My experiences of homelessness have included while being a infant, toddler, young child, preteen, teenager, and young adult. I am 24 years old. My most recent experience of being unhoused was last year, and I am currently precariously housed (meaning: at high risk of losing housing again). My experiences of homelessness have included sleeping outside in a tent, sleeping on park benches and under freeways, walking around all night to avoid hypothermia and freezing to death (something that has happened to several of my friends), couch surfing, sleeping in cars, squatting, sleeping in motels, living in a shelter, and institutionalized. I have been homeless with family a few times during early childhood and again when I was 15. All of my other experiences of homelessness have been on my own starting at age 9 or 10, and the last time I lived with a parent I was 16. I have been homeless in both rural and urban areas. I have been homeless in New England/Northeast United States as well as the Pacific Northwest.
In addition to this, I have many contributing factors to my experience, including being disabled, a person of color, trans, queer, a survivor of child abuse and CSA, being trafficked, and a drug user and a SWer, amongst other marginalized experiences.
That being said: my experience of being unhoused/homeless is not the universal experience. While I know many people of all different demographics who I’ve met on the streets, I cannot speak to every single person’s experiences. I especially cannot speak to experiences outside of the United States, aside from what I hear secondhand.
This is meant to serve as a general guide to accompany a workshop I created, and might not be helpful for everyone. If it’s not helpful, I hope it inspires others to offer creative solutions. I’m always working on expanding this list. Thank you for reading.
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