#Designs und Motive
spoodesignsde · 4 months
Schmücken Sie sich mit der zeitlosen Eleganz von Silber, wo jedes Stück eine Geschichte von Anmut und Raffinesse erzählt. Unsere Schmuckkollektion aus Motivsilber zelebriert die Schönheit aufwendiger Designs und feiner Handwerkskunst. Von bezaubernden Blumenmustern bis hin zu geometrischen Wunderwerken ist jedes Stück ein Beweis für raffinierten Stil und exquisite Details. Werten Sie Ihren Look mit unserer atemberaubenden Auswahl an Ohrringen, Halsketten, Armbändern und Ringen auf, die jeden Anlass mit einer Aura dezenten Glamours ergänzen. Entdecken Sie noch heute den Reiz von Motiv-Silberschmuck.
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altherasart · 1 year
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Süßes Halloween-Design mit Geistern und Kürbissen
von AltherasArt
Entdecken Sie unser süßes Halloween-Design mit niedlichen Geistern und fröhlichen Kürbissen. Perfekt für eine festliche und spaßige Halloween-Stimmung. Holen Sie sich jetzt dieses bezaubernde Design
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Holy hell, a Mama Waldini design before GTA 6!?
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Kinda smol and def filled w/ mistakes und stuff, but here's my girl! Wanted to base her off of Ms. Pickles from Rugrats, but I think I may have gave her more of a Jimmy Neutron's mom design. Might redraw her when I have motivation-
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hintergrundbilder4k · 2 years
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★Bester Hintergrundbild-Designer★
Hintergrundbilder Disney
Hintergrundbilder Disney" sind Bilder, die Motive und Charaktere aus den beliebten Disney-Filmen und -Serien zeigen. Diese hochwertigen Hintergrundbilder sind speziell für den Einsatz auf Computern, Smartphones oder Tablets entwickelt worden. Mit verschiedenen Themen wie Prinzessinnen, Superhelden, Zeichentrickfiguren und vielen mehr bieten die Disney-Hintergrundbilder eine magische und unterhaltsame Möglichkeit, den Bildschirm zu personalisieren. Sie sind ideal für Disney-Fans jeden Alters und bringen die einzigartige und faszinierende Welt von Disney direkt auf Ihren Bildschirm.
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mariacallous · 10 months
Hamas’s Political Leaders Aren’t in Charge
From the comfort of Doha, Hamas’s political leaders have been negotiating the release of Israeli hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. Others who live in Beirut under the patronage of Hezbollah sporadically brief the press. And yet according to at least four Israeli and Arab officials the key players are Hamas’s military leaders inside the Gaza Strip itself.
Every time there is a communication blackout in Gaza, negotiations for hostage release are set back, a Qatari official aware of the negotiations told Foreign Policy. While the political leadership in exile has a say in the ongoing hostage negotiations, two of the group’s more extremist leaders based in Gaza seem to have an upper hand.
Mohammed Deif, the chief commander of the al-Qassam Brigades, or the military wing of Hamas, and Yahya Sinwar, Hamas’s leader of the Gaza Strip and the man who helped form the brigade in 1991 to oppose the Oslo Accords with Israel, are the architects of Oct. 7 attack, and the top authorities laying down conditions for hostage release. For instance, the demand during negotiations that Israel stop flying its intelligence gathering drones was insisted upon by Hamas so the position of the men holding the hostages wasn’t exposed.
“They show us a united front,’’ an Arab source briefed on the matter said “but like in any war, anywhere, the military wing has more sway.’’ Hugh Lovatt, a senior policy fellow with the Middle East and North Africa Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), said that, while Hamas still works through consensus, the military leadership is the dominant voice. “The al-Qassam brigade physically holds hostages so they are the ultimate power brokers,’’ he told FP, “but not the only ones.’’
Sinwar, 61, and Deif, 58, were both born in Khan Younis refugee camp in southern Gaza, the current headquarters of Hamas according to former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. “They are probably hiding in Khan Younis and that’s likely where the bulk of hostages are held,’’ Eran Lerman, Israel’s deputy national security advisor between 2006 and 2015, told FP over the phone.
“With all due respect to the fat cats in Qatar, these are the guys who are calling the shots,’’ on hostage release. “These are very dangerous men,’’ he added pointing to suicide bombings and abductions carried out in Israel on the orders of Sinwar and Deif, both of whom have been designated as global terrorists by the United States.
There are many questions around the men who patiently schemed and planned the attack for at least two years. A look into their past, and of the organization they represent, offers an insight into their motivation and aims, and perhaps even explains the specific brutality displayed on Oct. 7.
An offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas was formed after the outbreak of the first intifada, or uprising, in 1987 and never recognized the existence of Israel. It was opposed to peace talks and violently pushed out Fatah from Gaza in 2007, albeit after winning an election. Over the years some of Hamas’s senior leaders were chased out of Gaza or chose to live elsewhere but soon enough they became unacceptable to their Arab hosts.
In 1999, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan suspected Hamas of fomenting trouble and kicked them out. They moved to Syria next. But that didn’t last. In 2012, the group sided with Syrian rebels in the civil war and fell out of favor with the autocratic Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Since then, Doha has been the hub of the political leadership and hosts Ismail Haniyeh, the chairman of Hamas’s political bureau, and senior leader Khaled Mashal, among others. Saleh al-Arouri, the deputy of the political bureau, and the group’s spokesperson Osama Hamdan, reside in Beirut. All these years while the leadership in exile spent its days comfortably, or luxuriously, depending on where they are, Sinwar and Deif roughed it out on the ground, often under the ground, to escape Israeli missiles.
Deif is the nom de guerre of Mohammed al-Masri, who has escaped seven assassination attempts by the Israel Defense Forces, which has earned him the reputation of local hero. “Put the sword before the sword, we are the men of Mohammed Deif,’’ is a popular protest slogan in occupied territories, while the man himself is often described as “the cat with nine lives.’’
When asked why Israeli spies and forces have repeatedly failed in finding Deif, IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus told FP, “because he is very careful, very disciplined, willing to sacrifice comfort, family and pleasantries of life.’’ Lerman, however, attributed his survival to “sheer luck.’’ Lerman said that once Deif “crawled out of a bombed building,’’ and another time the IDF had to abandon the operation to assassinate him out of the fear of causing too much collateral damage, “another very lucky escape.’’
His 7-month-old son, 3-year-old daughter, and wife, however, were killed in an Israeli airstrike in 2014. Some experts believe that to some extent Deif is formed by his personal experiences, that led him to plan an attack that involved killing anyone who came in the way, including children.
“He was the brain behind the (Oct. 7) attack, in cooperation and dialogue with Sinwar,’’ Lovatt of the ECFR said. “Very little is known about him so there is a risk of overanalyzing but what we do know is that he is a hardliner and has personally suffered tremendously in the past.’’ Deif lost his family and some of his limbs were reportedly amputated in Israeli strikes. “That personal history has affected how he views the course of Palestinian liberation and clearly fed into the way how he approached October 7.’’
Deif is the most secretive leader of the organization with just three known photos: In one he is masked, another is from ages ago when he was in his 20s, and the third is a silhouette that was last seen on a Hamas channel shortly after the attack when his audio message was aired. “If you have a gun, get it out,’’ he said in the audio recording. “This is the time to use it. Get out with trucks, cars, axes. Today the best and most honorable history starts.”
Thus far, Deif has failed in provoking an all-out Palestinian uprising and the response from Hezbollah in Lebanon and Houthis in Yemen has been ceremonial, smashing any plans to turn this into a regional war. But he has succeeded in redefining Hamas, not a governing body responsible for the welfare of Gazans but an armed revolutionary force dedicated to fighting Israel.
According to a survey conducted in Gaza by Arab Barometer, a research network, days before the attack as many as 75 percent respondents said they ran out of food over the last 30 days and didn’t have enough money to purchase more. Two years ago, 51 percent made the same claim. But as Gaza’s people were going hungry, Deif and Sinwar only pretended to be concerned. They quietly trained their men and planned the attack while fooling the Israeli authorities that they had no appetite for war and were, instead, concerned about Gaza’s economic issues.
“Sinwar sat in Israeli jails for years. He knew us from the inside,’’ Lerman said. “He misled us and hinted he was willing to work out a relationship, a quid pro quo, goods for Gaza and working permits’’ for the people of Gaza to work inside Israel.
Sinwar was among the 1,027 Palestinian prisoners released in exchange for one Israeli soldier in 2011. That experience perhaps convinced him that taking Israeli hostages was the surest way of seeking a prisoner swap. Israel has agreed to release three Palestinian prisoners for every hostage abducted in the October attack, and experts believe the return of Palestinians to their homes all over the occupied territories will earn Deif, Sinwar and the al-Qassam Brigades more fans. Arab officials believe large-scale killings in Gaza are likely to have the same effect.
“In the next 10 years, the children orphaned in this conflict are not going to be pacifists,’’ an Arab official told FP on the condition of anonymity. “With every generation we see Hamas’s leaders are getting more extremist. Khaled Mashal was a moderate, Haniyeh is more extreme, Sinwar and Deif are even more extreme. As long as we are in a bad cycle on the ground this can be expected. The only way to combat this is to provide real solutions, right now there is none.’’
The survey by Arab Barometer found that a majority of the people in Gaza were frustrated with Hamas’s ineffective governance and preferred a two-state solution. Forty-four percent said they had no trust in Hamas at all, however, the group added that according to its research, every time Israel cracks down on Gaza there is an upswing in Hamas’s appeal.
The long-term impact of the attack on the Palestinian cause remains unclear, but some Palestinians feel it has brought Palestine back into news and made the world pay attention. Ali Jarbawi, a former minister of the Palestinian Authority, said the world can no longer ignore the Palestinian struggle. “I ask you, who was talking about the Palestinian freedom before the attack?’’ No one. Are we talking about it now? Why are the Americans talking about the two-state solution now?’’
But for many others, particularly in the West, the brutality of Hamas’s attack has made it hard for them to see the group as a resistance force or even a militant group. When it barged in people’s bedrooms and shot them dead it resembled more as a terrorist organization. That too is the legacy of Sinwar and Deif, the duo that the IDF has vowed to find and kill, but not just them.
“All Hamas leaders, inside and outside Gaza, are dead men walking,’’ Conricus, the IDF spokesman, added with an air of confidence. “Either we will get our hands on them or our missiles will find them, wherever they are,’’ he said, alluding to assassinations on foreign soil that has historically earned Mossad its reputation. “It is just a matter of time.’’
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ihchar · 8 days
These are my designs of Christophe de' Loren and Gregory of Yardel + my O.C. Charlotte!
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I'm planning on drawing little headliners of the characters based on the head cannon / fanfic, so that way I have more motivation to learn now to use colors und see if I can find my true art style, so yeah!!
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mondfamilie · 7 months
🚀 Die Reise zum Wintermond
Ein Weltraum-Abenteuer
Die Perpetrator ist ein schnelles Boot; Silberglänzend liegt sie am Gate. 800 Tonnen, hybrides Design, Deep space und auch atmosphärentauglich.
Ausgelegt ist es für sechs Mensch Besatzung, Doch sie sind insgesamt nur zu dritt. "Mechatroniker sind hier nicht mehr nötig," Der Sekretär hat einen Fernkurs besucht.
Hochtemperierter Kern mit Natrium-Kühlung? Das hat schon auf Uentrop nicht recht funktioniert, Dem verlassenen Posten im Hamm-System. Der Held hat, wie es scheint, ein schlechtes Gefühl.
Die Sonderausstattung mit THTR, John hatte sie zu erwähnen vergessen. Unser Held kennt weder die Schiffs-KI Noch die Flausen dieses Reaktortyps.
Ein Video-Call mit der Rechtsabteilung stellt seine Motivation schnell wieder her. Jonathan und er gehen jetzt zusammen An Bord ihres Bootes, auf zu den Sternen.
Fortsetzung folgt
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birdxdeals · 2 months
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beardeddetectivepaper · 2 months
Responsibility for Enforcement: administrators and teachers shall enforce the so dress code(108-8)und the principal or designee shall be the final judge as to the appropriateness, neatness, and cleanit wearing or whether or not apparel is disruptive, unsafe, or in violation of the dress code, NOTI admoon has fe regarding approprate dress. All students shall maintain the following standard dress drawn from noard pelley 1. Appropriate shoesshall be worn. No houseshoes or bedtime slippers will be allowed mon top sneeil to be worn for PE classes. 2. Midriffs shall be covered. Shirts should always be the appropriate length and at no pon should student's stomach/belly. 1. Appropriate undergarments shall be worn and may not be veible. No sagging pants/shorts and be be worn at the appropriate times. 4. No strapless garments, tank tops, or revealing shirts will be allowed, even with a jacket of cover 5. Shorts skirts, and dresses should be no shorter that three inches above the knee, skintight, or revealing 6. Distressed jeans/pants are allowed, Holes, tears, orrips that expose skin are allowed if they are below.thenee. If the holes, tears, or rips, are above the inee they must have something under them, and skin shout not be seen 7. No caps, hats, handanas nor hoods covering the head are to be wom in the school building during the slay um there is a special activity during which they are deemed appropriate by the school administration. 8. Clothing of ornamentation that does any of the following & prohibited. a. Desplays or advertises substance dlegal for minors. b. Displays suggestive phrases, designs, markings, orprofanities. c. Advocates, promotes
In recent weeks, Kharkiv, the second-largest Ukrainian city located less than 19 miles from the Russian border, has faced relentless bombings aimed at rendering the city uninhabitable and breaking the spirits of its residents. Exploiting the lack of air defense, Russia has targeted the region's energy infrastructure, leaving nearly 200,000 people without electricity and causing frequent power outages for half of the population. The relentless bombardment has also rendered many communities near the Russian border uninhabitable, leaving Kharkiv under constant threat, with ongoing shelling and drone strikes displacing families and causing widespread devastation. The situation is critical, and we urgently need your support.
Razom is on the ground, providing aid through our programs: Razom Health, which delivers medical supplies and supports local healthcare facilities; Razom Relief, which distributes emergency food and hygiene kits; Razom Heroes, which supports first responders; and Razom Advocacy & Connect, which connects the U.S. media and policymakers to Ukrainians in Kharkiv. Together, we can make a difference. Donate today and stand with Kharkiv! They need our help now more than ever.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Razom for Ukraine is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Razom, which means “together” in Ukrainian, is dedicated to upholding the principles of the Revolution of Dignity (Maidan) and actively contributing to the establishment of a secure, prosperous, and democratic Ukraine. We achieve this by creating, inspiring, and collaborating on initiatives that motivate people to think, partner and do.
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deckofmanymore · 1 year
Bin gerade frisch aus einer hitzigen Diskussion mit meinem Vater über das Motiv der Krawatte von Kai Warnecke, der heute im Heute Journal interviewed wurde, weil die einfach ein hammermäßiges design hat - nämlich knall rosa, mit vielen vielen mini kleinen Schlüsselchen drauf
Glücklicherweise hat der gute Mann auch ein Instagram und hat die auch schon mal für die Tagesschau getragen, dehalb kann ich hier auch ein scharfes Beweisbild präsentieren:
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Und wenn man auf einem anderen Bild ganz nah ranzoomt, kann man auch richtig schön die kleinen Schlüssel sehen:
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Einfach toll :)
Jetz muss ich nur noch herausfinden wo der die her hat, weil ich die verdammt nochmal auch haben will
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fvcksin · 5 months
Ornament Element "Feuer"
Ornament "Sternenklare Nacht"
Tattoo Wanna Do Frühlings Aktion. Ovales Ornament Design Der Preis gilt für eine Größe zwischen 12x7cm (Mindestgröße) und 16×11 cm ( Maximalgrösse) an beinen Oder Armen. (Abweichende Größen auf Anfrage) Bei einer abweichenden Platzierung werden zusätzlich 50€ fällig Dieses Motiv wird nur einmal vergeben. Nach erfolgreichem Zahlungseingang erhaltet ihr einen Link zum Kalender und könnt euch einen…
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View On WordPress
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aemeth1 · 2 years
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Yelena and Natasha, red and sepia poster.
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altherasart · 1 year
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Süßes und gruseliges Kürbismännchen Designvon AltherasArt
Entdecken Sie unser einzigartiges Design mit einem süßen, aber auch gruseligen Kürbismännchen. Perfekt für Halloween und Liebhaber des Schaurig-Schönen. Holen Sie sich jetzt dieses originelle Design!
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vivid-and-void · 2 years
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Gerard Keay.
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corestilo · 1 year
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Mode Suisse and Friends 2023
KAZU Nach neun Jahren wieder zurück an der Mode Suisse 2023. Japanische Stoffe und Motive treffen auf europäisches Design.
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thommi-tomate · 1 year
Kochen für kleine und große Champions
Servus everyone and welcome to this extra edition of the Müller Mail
I am currently traveling with the DFB team in the USA, but I would like to use the time to present something very special to you today:
My new cookbook "Kochen für kleine und große Champions" 👨‍🍳 📖
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Together with nutritionist Dr. Matthias Riedl, an absolute expert, I am now launching my first book on the subject of nutrition. For me it is important to bring nutrition knowledge to the forefront. The book should not just be a collection of great recipes. It should be a practical guide that helps you to understand the topic of healthy nutrition and to integrate it into your daily life.
I was able to learn a tremendous amount from "Doc Riedl" during the joint making of the book. You will find much of this in the first half of the book. From my point of view, this is an enormously important part.
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Did you know that many foods have real "superpowers"? With this book you can awaken your children's curiosity and learn a lot yourself.
Nutrition is not just a fashionable topic, but an essential part of a healthy life. And if we transmit these values to our children at an early age, we prepare them for a life full of vitality and well-being.
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Overnight oats with nuts and cocoa
For 4 persons
Preparation time: 10 min
Resting time: 2 hours or overnight
200g Oat flakes
½L unsweetened soy drink
2 tablespoons maple syrup
2 tablespoons defatted cocoa powder
1 tsp cinnamon powder
4 tbsp cashews
1 mango
4 tbsp. hazelnut butter (alternatively almond or peanut butter)
4 tbsp. cocoa nibs
1. in the evening, mix the oatmeal with soy drink, maple syrup, cocoa and cinnamon powder in a bowl until smooth and all the lumps have dissolved. The oatmeal mix above night - or at least 2 hours - covered in the refrigerator.
2. the next morning, coarsely chop the cashews and lightly roast them in a pan without fat over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove and leave to cool
3. In the meantime, peel the mango, cut the pulp from the stone first into wide strips and then into cubes.
4. To serve, spread the oat flakes, decorate with the mango cubes and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of hazelnut butter, toasted cashews and cocoa nibs.
Cooking tip:
If you prefer a hot breakfast in the morning, you can heat the oat flakes overnight in a saucepan or in the microwave before sprinkling them on top.
If the oat flakes become too hard when reheated, add an extra splash of soy beverage.
Blueberries can also be substituted for the mango.
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In the book you'll find more than 50 everyday-friendly, quick-to-prepare and tasty recipes for the whole family. From clever ideas for "sneaking" something healthy into kids' mouths to tips for staying fit with healthy food, it's all here.
We have tried to design the book in a way that is understandable and easy for everyone to put into practice. No complicated recipes, but simple, delicious, fun and healthy dishes.
I am convinced that healthy eating is an important key to a fit and happy life. With this book I want to motivate you to try new things in the kitchen and show you how much fun it can be to cook with fresh ingredients.
Positive reviews - I'm glad 😀
The book has only been out for a few days, but the first positive reviews have already started flying in.
I find the one from Eric, who writes at the end, especially funny:
"The ball is in the pot! The home game can begin! 5-delicious Champions League pies for this book! Delicious bullseye for the whole family."
My cookbook is now available
The cookbook "Cooking for Little and Big Champions" is now available on Amazon or in stores. I would be happy if you take a look inside and try out one or the other recipe
So, guten Appetit and stay encouraged!
Euer Thomas
Source: Die Müller Mail
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