#Dethklok fan fiction
writingismetal · 5 months
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•Hey there! I’m just a silly little guy who likes to write. I have been obsessed with Dethklok for years and have written way too much about them. I am your god and you are my children and I will give you great gifts of Dethklok fan fiction if you ask nicely.
About me: I am an adult, over 21. Writing is a long time passion of mine. I will try to answer requests when I can, but I work a full time job and plan to return to college, so please be patient<3
[On this account I will accept submissions for Dethklok short stories, imagines, share head canons, etc. ]
What I will write:
I will be open to most submissions; I will write some kink if asked. I won’t post anything too graphic, but this isn’t a strictly safe for work account and I am over 21. I will not follow back minors or personally DM/befriend you.
-Self inserts
-Shippings/pairings (of the band or other characters from the show, such as Trindle, Abigail, Knubbler, etc).
-Romance, fluff, angst, kink,
-Ladyklok (as in Dethklok gender-bent, not the tribute band).
-I’m okay with writing a variety of kinks/ kinky scenarios, but if the ask makes me genuinely uncomfortable or I find it to be offensive/too graphic/disturbing/gross I will not write it.
- (will add more later).
What I will NOT write:
-Anything having to do with minors. I am fine writing fluff/platonic imagines if asked, but I will not write anything sexually explicit for a minor. If I discover you are a minor and have requested/asked for sexual writings/imagines, I will block you.
-Nothing blatantly discriminatory/racist/transphobic/homophobic, or disrespectful to a certain group of people.
-No scat/shit/farting
-I won’t be writing anything shipping Magnus and Toki, as it makes me personally very uncomfortable. I am fine writing something with him back in the day when Dethklok first started out, but overall his character made me very uneasy for personal reasons that I don’t feel I need to disclose. Yes, he is just a cartoon character and I know it’s not that deep, no I don’t hate you if you like him or ship him with Toki and yes I am fine with you having a different opinion, but for a personal reason, I won’t be doing that.
-I won’t write anything shipping Dr Rockso and minors. I am fine writing Rockso, just will not write him interacting with minors, or sexually involved with minors. cause that’s fucking gross.
-Anything involving sexual stuff with Charles. Sorry bro. It’s just awkward lmao
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papabigtoes · 1 year
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Headin’ to the hotel prepping for my surgery that’s tomorrow - since I’ll be relatively offline for a handful of days, I wanna post a little buffer for the next chapter of Planet Pissed (with edited bits to fit) which will include a fake advertisement for Duncan Hills Coffee
Also, a little spookyface
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Totally Real Legit Metalocalypse Movie Script Leak
PICKLES: Yeah but how exactly are we supposed to do this whole "chosen heroes of ultimate destiny" crap?
NATHAN: Yeah can't we get like a Facebones video or something to figure out how to defeat Salacia?
ABIGAIL: I'm sorry, you want...Facebones?
TOKI: Yeahs our cool cartoons pals alway knows how to explains stuff to us!
ABIGAIL: Guys I'm afraid there is no Facebones video on how to defeat Salacia to my knowledge.
DETHKLOK: (indistinct mutterings of disbelief)
MURDERFACE: Ugh juscht when we needed him moscht! That fucking dildo left us juscht like Charles!
ABIGAIL: That's because Charles is Facebones!
NATHAN: What?!
CHARLES: Boys, I know it's been a long time, but we don't have any more time to waste. Salacia's forces are closing in and the Black Klok is almost at zero. The hour of the Metalocalypse is upon us now and we have to be ready for it.
PICKLES: Do the voice!
CHARLES: I'm sorry the what now?
NATHAN: Yeah we miss that little goofball Facebones! And also you obviously ,but you're Facebones which means we missed the both of you!
RANDOM BLACK KLOK MEMBER: Wait a minute, you were the voice of Facebones this whole time? We seriously cracked Falconback before we figured out who the voice was?
CHARLES: It's an industry secret and there are serious consequences to anyone who violates the NDA. Or rather "were" but you get what I'm say-Look, the fate of the world is at stake right now and we're wasting time with all of th-
TOKI: Buts we wants Facebone!
SKWISGAAR: Yeahs we haven'ts seens hims in ages! I donts knows how wes even survives how without hims for this longs!
CHARLES: (using the Facebones voice) ...Hey guys, it's me Facebones.
CHARLES: *sigh*
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Chapters: 15/? Fandom: Metalocalypse (Cartoon) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Pickles the Drummer/Skwisgaar Skwigelf, William Murderface/Toki Wartooth, Nathan Explosion/Charles Foster Offdensen, William Murderface/Pickles the Drummer, Skwisgaar Skwigelf/Toki Wartooth, Pickles the Drummer/William Murderface/Skwisgaar Skwigelf/Toki Wartooth Characters: Skwisgaar Skwigelf, Pickles the Drummer, Magnus Hammersmith, Nathan Explosion, William Murderface, Toki Wartooth, Charles Foster Offdensen Additional Tags: Pre-Klok, Trans Male Character, Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Drinking, Alcohol, Oral Sex, Sex, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Scars, Blood, Blood and Injury, Self-Harm, Polyamory Summary:
Everybody has been under pressure after being signed to a major label, some more than others. Pickles finds himself wanting to reach out and offer comfort to Skwisgaar who seems the most affected by Magnus' sudden mood shift.
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elodee · 2 months
Xisuma x Dethklok
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I drew Xisuma in the style of a Dethklok music video!
I picked this one for him because X is a big fan of metal and I am a big fan of Dethklok, a fictional death metal band from the show Metalocalypse. Even though the band is fictional, they produce real metal and their music is great.
Warning: Metalocalypse is hilarious but also very adult, with graphic depictions of violence and inappropriate themes - this extends to a much of Dethklok's music and music videos as well, so please be aware of that if you decide to look them up. Obviously I wont be posting anything like that here.
If you want to learn more about Metalocalypse and Dethklok, or just want to see my style references, keep reading below the cut!
Dethklok is a fictional band created by Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha. Small both writes and is the main performer for the band. The band, consisting of 5 members that don't actually exist, are stars of the show Metalocalypse.
In the show, Dethklok has become so popular that they control the entire planet. Nearly every episode ends with the band performing one of their original songs, which somehow causes horrific violence to everyone listening. However, since they are idiots, they also seem oblivious to the destruction their awesome, face-melting, eldritch-beast-summoning music causes...or they just don't care because they're ultra wealthy megastars.
The show heavily, but lovingly, satirizes the metal scene and, less lovingly, the music industry and celebrity in general. The over-the-top gore is played for laughs, but the characters are interesting and endearing. There is genuinely a lot of heart under all that growling and corpse paint and a lot of care goes into their (often very funny) music.
If you are interested in checking out their music and want a PG track, I recommend Go Into the Water. This is one of their few non-violent music videos (big epilepsy warning though) and there's no profanity or graphic imagery in the lyrics. The premise of the song is that the band realized that fish can't listen to metal because they're in the ocean, and they thought that was sad, so they set up a concert just for the fish.
Style references:
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Set design/aesthetic from Black Fire Upon Us (this song is awesome and was my primary design reference, but the music video is VERY violent, so be warned)
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Nathan Explosion's evil DnD paladin fit also from Black Fire Upon Us
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Dethklok's band logo
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polyklok · 1 year
Attention Metalocalypse fans
Do you miss Dethklok? Just want a tiny bit more?
I’m not sure how many people are aware, but I’d thought I’d spread the word anyway-
There were DVD special clips of unscripted Dethklok interviews, some tv extras, other little tidbits and it’s extremely important to me that they are seen and HEARD
First of all, there’s a classic of Dethklok listing bands for over 20 minutes. It’s so dumb but nothing has made me smile so stupidly like this has. They all hype eachother up, Toki goes sicko, it fucking rules.
There’s also Skwisgaar teaching us how to play guitar. If you’re into silly degradation by a bimbo Swedish guitar god, this is probably for you. He also…sells us a guitar?
You obviously got Nathan Explosion reading Shakespeare (not really) and then he does it some more! (Not really)
Dethklok just…watching NASCAR. (Part of the reason why I think Murderface is from the deep south) Maybe that’s not classy enough for you; not enough Zazz? That’s alright, they also visit IKEA!
(A non-video one, which is surprising) Revolver interviews Nathan Explosion, in which this goth himbo realizes he doesn’t remember being borne
Okay, so I’m editing this bit by bit and this lovely person posted another non-video Dethklok interview, this time with Toki and Murderface reviewing music!
Eddie Riggs roadies for Dethklok. Reminder to all the Jack Black was/is a large fan of Metalocalypse! Also, they summon death (may or may not be related, I’m unsure)
Charles gettin drunk with the band! (This one might’ve been in the show…I don’t remember)
Murderface goes to the opera and talks awkwardly on the phone for too long. Like, way too long. Seriously.
Pickles goes on a trip. It’s wonderful to just hear him ramble honestly.
Don’t like Murderface? First of all, how fucking dare you. Secondly, you can listen to Charles Offdensen on the phone instead! Maybe they’re talking to each other!
Toki vs Skwisgaar staredown, courtesy of @doomstar because I forgot it! Skwisgaar, honey, your homosketuality is showing.
Dick Knubbler interviews Murderface and Toki over the song ‘Takin’ it easy’ (a classic)
Murderface plays wheelchair bound, “I wish my grandma was dead.”
Pickles the drummer is drunk is public. That’s the whole thing.
You can listen to Facebones selling you Dethklok references or even Facebones giving a special Mordhaus tour!
Facebones listing types of klokateers? Sure! How’s about Facebones (also the scientists) explains moshing? Not your cuppa tea? That’s ok, you can listen to Facebones…names… places…
A memorial for the dead klokateers, very emotional. Also Inside Mordhaus; The Klokateer story, which sorta gives us a small view into the true intensity of the job.
SoundGarden’s ‘black rain’, which pretty heavily includes Dethklok in the music video. It’s actually a very cool reference.
Dethklok gets in tune, where they just struggle with their instruments for a bit…yeah
A ‘fact or fiction’ interview that’s actually pretty recent, all things considered.
This extras compilation video, while it does include a lot of the stuff already on this list, it also has other stuff that I can find individually or some random interviews. If you have some time, I’d give it a looksie!
There’s also short ‘interview’ clips. Dethklok talking about;
Insects (I particularly like this one because pickles forces the rest of the band into a closet so he can have alone time)
And the future
It’s just nice to get a little extra content, ya know?
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lizzardthing · 7 months
this is only going to make sense if you like adventure time, venture bros, and metalocalypse. spoilers for all. This is my convoluted theory that’s hanging on by a thread that Adventure Time is a distant future of Metalocalypse.
Okay so basically MTL, Venture Bros and Adventure time (and thus every other piece of media that any of those are connected to) all take place in the same universe and imma gonna tell you why.
First of all, because in Venture Bros Dethklok is, at least, a fictional band, and at most a real one. Dermott is a fan of them.
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Okay so like, why does that matter? Because Marty, Finn’s biological father and thus Finn as well, is related to the Venture family, and also Pickles the Drummer.
First i will explore the less interesting portion of this, which I have less evidence for but also isn’t that important, which is that Pickles and Malcom, aka the Monarch, are related.
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Like. Are you kidding me. THAT IS LITERALLY THE SAME GUY.
They both have red hair that’s receding but refuses to actually go bald. They both have crazy eyebrows. They both have unusual endurance and a short temper. They both have a contentious but mostly loving relationship with their tough, raven-haired partner with an unusually low voice.
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They also just share so many traits. Shit dad. Shit overachieving brother. Deep, deep hatred for everyone and everything.
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Okay, so these guys exist in the same universe and are related in some way. Can we deal with that?
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I’m getting ahead of myself though, okay. What proof do I have of him existing in their shared universe? Well, Finn is a fan of Rusty Venture the Adventure Boy comics.
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He’s reading one in the “Ghost Fly” episode.
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This was the best pic I could find of it, but I swear to you that the kid on the front is a redhead, and Finn even mentions out loud that it’s called Adventure Boy.
Okay, but like, existing in the same universe and being related are different, right? Yeah. They are. But personally I think it makes a lot of sense that Marty and Finn are distant Venture relatives. They have all the traits of a Venture boy- bad with women, mischievous, laid back but somehow also completely neurotic (also something i forgot to mention earlier with Pickles) and of course, adventurous.
(continuing in reblog bc there’s a pic limit and the visuals on this are important to me)
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thepermanentrainpress · 8 months
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Starting the night was guitar virtuoso Jason Richardson (All That Remains), taking centre-stage as he showcased his versatility as a guitar player, seamlessly transitioning between heavy riffs and melodic solos. With only backing tracks and lack of a live band, Richardson was truly the main character of his performance. His ability to captivate an audience is truly remarkable with the entire crowd headbanging and moshing in unison. Incorporating elements of rock, metal and djent, Richardson left metalheads itching for more.
With a quick crossover, Dethklok descended upon the stage as the lights dimmed, with metalheads set for a night of unparalleled brutality, humour and musical prowess. Dethklok – known for their adult animated series Metalocalypse – is Brendon Small’s brainchild brought to stage. With the performing band cloaked in shadows, the primary focus was upon the fictional characters of Dethklok which encompassed the giant screen behind them.
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Playing songs such as "Murmaider," "Thunderhorse," and "Bloodlines" with interludes featuring in-universe character Facebones put the band’s tongue-in-cheek humour on full display. The band’s interaction with their fictional manager, Charles Foster Offdensen, added an extra layer of comedic brilliance to the show. As the set reached its conclusion, Dethklok left the stage to thunderous applause and a sea of satisfied metalheads – many adorned with corpse paint, eagerly craving for more.
Last but not least to grace the stage of the Forum was BABYMETAL. Hailing from Japan, the trio combine J-Pop and heavy metal into an image which took the world by storm – and consequently delivered a performance that was equal parts adorable and ferocious.
The Kami band, BABYMETAL’s backing band, provided the sonic backdrop for Su-metal, Moametal and recent addition Momometal's performances. Their tight, precise, and technically impressive instrumentation laid the foundation for the band’s unique sound.
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One of the highlights of the evening was the choreography and stage production. BABYMETAL’s live shows are known for their elaborate and synchronized dance routines, and this concert was no exception. The contrast between their adorable, almost theatrical moves and the crushing metal riffs create a visual spectacle that is mesmerizing to watch.
The setlist featured a mix of songs from their diverse discography, ranging from catchy pop-metal anthems like "Gimme Chocolate!!" to more progressive collaborations such as "Distortion" featuring Alissa White-Gluz of Arch Enemy, and "METALI!!" featuring Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine.
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The trio’s interaction with the audience was heartwarming. They expressed their gratitude in English and engaged with the crowd despite the language barrier. The band’s message of unity and positivity resonated with fans, creating a sense of camaraderie throughout the concert.
All good things come to an end as BABYMETAL closed their set with "Road of Resistance," leaving the venue with deafening cheers and chants for more.
BABYMETAL’s performance in Vancouver was a testament to the band’s ability to blend seemingly disparate musical genres into a cohesive and entertaining performance. Whether you’re a fan of J-Pop, metal, or just appreciate live music as a whole, BABYMETAL’s concert is a unique and captivating experience that transcends boundaries and leaves a lasting impression.
Written and photographed by: Timothy Nguyen
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writingismetal · 5 months
Skwisgaar comforts you through a panic attack:
Request for my lovely friend! 🩷 So sorry it’s a bit shorter than I wanted, I will write more imagined after I’m better. I’m so sick rn.
Here you go!
Tonight wasn’t too different than usual. You were sitting alone on Skwisgaar’s bed, waiting for him to finish showering. The two of you were close friends, maybe a bit more, but no one needed to know that, at least not yet. As you waited, wrapped in his favorite fur blanket, you began to feel anxious. The feeling arose almost out of nowhere, but it wasn’t going away no matter how many deep breaths you took. Skwisgaar knew of your anxiety and frequent panic attacks and was surprisingly good at calming you down. He’d mentioned many times before that he had years of experience under his belt due to helping Toki through his panic attacks.
As you sat alone, your heart pounding in your ears and hands trembling, you heard the bathroom door open. Skwisgaar emerged freshly showered and smelling of expensive cologne and shampoo. He was only in his underwear, but for once it wasn’t sexual, he was just that comfortable around you. He smiled slightly when seeing you, towel drying his hair.
“Dids you misses me?” He teased, setting the towel aside. When no response came, he frowned, his usual sour expression taking place on his features.
“Dids I uh…does something wrongs?” Skwisgaar was always preoccupied with the fear he wasn’t good enough for you; he’d never been had much stability with his hook ups, but you were different, you weren’t just a one night stand. The ‘not relationship’ or whatever you guys had going on, meant far more to him than he’d ever admit.
You merely shook your head, trying to force some type of communication, but there was nothing.
The guitarist stood there in his underwear, arms crossed, skeptical. He was truly so beautiful and you were briefly frustrated that his first thought was that he’d disappointed you anytime something went awry.
“No-“ you finally managed, trying to take a deep breath but it was extremely difficult. “You did nothing wrong, babe.” You assured him, and he visibly looked relieved, tense muscles going from stiff to relaxed in seconds.
“Thens if I ams…eugh…nots de problems, then what?” He sat beside you awkwardly, unsure where to put his hands or how to approach the situation; he never wanted to make the wrong move or do anything to make you dislike him (which wasn’t possible).
“I…I think I’m having a panic attack- I…Fuck. I can’t breathe….”
Skwisgaar’s hardened features instantly softened, his eyes displaying pure empathy that most people thought he wasn’t capable of. You loved that about him, and already felt somewhat calmer, at least mentally.
Skwisgaar scooped you up in his arms, engulfing you in a warm embrace. As much as he always insisted he wasn’t a touchy person, he took every opportunity to express physical affection to you. Physical touch was his love language and it always made you feel better when he held you.
“Comes here…I gots you, ja? No needs to worries…”
Once in his arms, you broke down into his chest, tears of guilt soaking the blanket he’d wrapped you in. You never wanted to burden him, you knew he wasn’t upset with you, but each time you always apologized.
“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…I wanted to have a nice night with you and I ruined it…” You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, anxiety getting the better of you, it always did lately.
Skwisgaar shushed you, kissing your cheek.
“It’s okej, min kärlek. It’s okej. You didn’t ruins anything, I promises.” He kissed you again, soft and sweet, holding you in his arms. He wasn’t the strongest guy around, but you always felt so safe in his arms. So protected.
“Are you sure?” You sniffed, glancing up with watery eyes, your make up smudged and running down your cheeks.
Skwisgaar pursed his lips, looking at you pitifully as he used his thumb to wipe away your tears.
“I ams more sures than I evers will be.”
Your heart was still racing and you still couldn’t slow your breathing, but you nodded, nuzzling your face against his bare chest. Everything was so fuzzy and you felt so shaky, even your teeth were chattering slightly, but you were so thankful for Skwisgaar helping you through this.
Skwisgaar held you tightly, smoothing down your messy hair. You eventually relaxed against him, yawning. Listening to beat of his heart was helping take focus off your ow. He seemed to notice the change in your demeanor, smiling at you fondly.
“What?” You asked, wiping the remains of your tears from your eyes.
“You ams so beautiful. You knows that?”
“My make up is ruined and I can’t breathe outta my nose from snot build up. But thank you.” You laughed, picking the pieces of dried mascara from your eye lashes. Your tears had cleared up and you began to feel a bit better, but you remained in Skwisgaar’s arms.
“Pfft. Doesn’t looks bads.”
“Then what’s it look like?”
“Heugh…uhhhh ahhh…coulds looks like you maybes just hads passionates sex?”
You scoffed at him, but you both laughed at his stupid joke like it was the best one you’d heard.
“Of course, that’s where your mind goes.” You teased him, not missing the smirk he tried to hide.
“Just says-ing it likes I sees it.”
The next hour passed with the two of you cuddling together and sharing a blanket, which Skwisgaar kept hogging to himself because he was cold but wouldn’t put any pajamas on. He was too stubborn for his own good sometimes. But so were you, and he had to physically force you to take your make up off before bed when you began to fall asleep in it.
“It’s fine, I’ll take it off tomorrow. I’m too tired.”
Had been your excuse. And when you wouldn’t budge or obey Skwisgaar’s commands, he huffed and got up. He returned from his bathroom with make up wipes and facial moisturizer.
“This ams ridiskulous! And you wonders why’s you eyes gets itchy. Does I has to does this every nights?!”
You let him clean you up and could only smile brightly as he used his talented fingers to scrub away at the eyeliner you refused to take off. He was huffing and scolding you in a loving way, like a concerned mother, and it was the sweetest thing. He was so gentle with you, even with his attitude. After he finished wiping your face, he squirted some of the moisturizer into his hands and began to lather it on your face, massaging it into your skin until it was soft and smooth.
“Woah. This stuff smells so good- and my face feels so nice!” You exclaimed once he’d finished completely.
He merely rolled his eyes at you, snuggling up behind you to spoon you.
“Almost likes I knows what I’s talking abouts, ja?”
“Oh whatever.” You laughed, closing your eyes when he turned off his lamp.
Skwisgaar nuzzled his chin against your neck, resting it on your shoulder lazily.
“Godnatt, lilla ett…” He whispered, pecking a kiss to your cheek.
You ended up passing out on his chest, legs tangled with his, his arms wrapped around you. You had fallen asleep first, panic attacks were draining and you always felt so exhausted afterwards. Skwisgaar didn’t mind, he was usually the last to fall asleep at night anyway. He stroked your cheek lightly as not to wake you, his chest felt tight from how much he adored you. Maybe some day he’d even tell you that he loves you. Skwisgaar hadn’t ever felt this way before and he didn’t want to lose you. Ever.
Hope you enjoyed!🖤🩷
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chordsykat · 1 year
Hi there and Happy New Year to you, too! New art is incredible! I remember you answered someone a long time ago that you don't have plans for Dethklok to be involved relationships with your OCs (I am not that OP) but what about if the universe resets? (Rhea's main)
Well now there's an idea near and dear to my heart. I think, because I'm a huge fan of multiverses in fiction, and my personal spirituality tends to align more with ideas of reincarnation and guidance of the living in death (old Shawnee traditions die hard), I like the idea of "anything is possible", let's say. Friends in one lifetime, enemies in another.
In Dethkomic 2, I'll finally show my hand when it comes to what counts as "shipping" my characters with canon, I guess. Moreover, I think you'll see where everyone stands with one another. I promise you'll enjoy the ride, even if I can't promise romance.
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Except Sparkleface. Sparkleface is eternal. :D
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Kloktober 2023: Favorite Headcanon
This was gonna be two separate posts ,but for the occassion I combined both of them. Takes place at a hypothetical point after AOTD ,but the only major spoilers are for Requiem. Enjoy
Skwisgaar: I should has knowns all alongs. Why hasn't I figures this outs sooners?
Charles: Skwisgaar, I know it's a lot to process ,but...these dark secrets I've held for way too long now
Charles: Wait that's what you're worried about? You do realize I...committed actual war crimes even before I met you guys, right? Could at least get the country you're disparaging me for right.
Skwisgaar: I cans excuse murders buts how cans I works with a mans from a country that only hasks three hour of sunlights and and obskessed with windmills?! Most happiests countries in the worlds my asskes!
Charles: Ummm (not sure where to start with that one)
Pickles: Wait a minute, how the f🎸k do you have an American accent? ...And also actually speak English correctly?
Charles: Were you even paying attent- I'll just... Look the point is-
Skwisgaar: Psst Du kan inte ens tala ditt modersmål rätt.
Charles: *sigh* Jeg har ikke tid til det her, du afsporer samtalen mere end normalt.
Nathan: *quietly* The hell's going on now?
Skwisgaar: Det låter som att du suget en spikad dildo.
Charles: Åh som din mor?!
Even if the English-speaking Dethklok members didn't pick up on what he was saying they at least felt the emotion of that one with Skwisgaar and Toki being especially shocked in the "holy shit, did he just say that?!" sense. The latter filling Charles with some regret as Norwegian is the closest linguistic cousin to Danish so it was crystal clear(ish) to him
Swksigaar: Maybes I umm...I mights has takes it too fars...I ams kinds of wish she dids does that sometimes. So like...I ain'ts that offendeds ,but likes...I nevers seens thats before. Likes...wow!
Charles: *deep breathe* I'm sorry I'm just...not immune to stress either. And this has whole thing has been hard for me as it has for all of you.
Pickles: It's cool (the other band members overlapping with some variation of that)
Toki: Why dids you sounds so demons possesseds though?
Murderface: I mean I can only imagine how frustrating it must feel being trapped in that underwater volcano for years…getting all steamy and…populated entirely by men.
Nathan: God it’s pretty much that stupid submarine but like ten times worse because you got that vow of celibacy and shit. Are they also allowed not to jerk off?
Charles: Well ummm you don’t have to worry about that because I uhh…I’m actually asexual.
Pickles: A sexual…what? Deviant? Voyeur? W-what do you mean?
Charles: *just kind of stares in bewilderment*
Skwisgaar: I think he ams just means he cans makes littles tiny Charle by splitting himskelfs in twos.
Nathan: What like if you tear his arm off a while f🎸king guy will grow from it?
Toki: I thinks so?
Nathan: That’s pretty metal if you ask me
Charles: Guys it just means I’m not interested in sex. Alright? Like you were constantly living up to the sex, drugs, and rock n roll but honestly... I was personally into a third of those things.
Murderface: ...I guess that makes sense?
Pickles: How the hell did you put up with us for so long though?
*insert montage of Charles staring at him in the background of various escapades with groupies just looking mildly annoyed at worst*
Charles: Honestly, all due respect: you kind of build up one hell of tolerance for pretty much everything.
Nathan: I guess that makes sense
... (long moment of silence, the sound of frosty winds filling the awkward atmosphere)
Charles: And umm if you're curious we are allowed, just so long as it doesn't end being used for procreation it's fine.
Nathan: Yeah but do you umm specifically umm y'know?
Charles: I can neither confirm nor deny that right now
Nathan: 'Kay umm that's fine.
Charles: I missed you guys, I really did
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Diversity win! The capitalist war criminal turned cult leader is asexual and Danish
[Also author's notes: 90% of the Swede-Dane conversation was Google Translated, I am sorry (I have a Norwegian acquaintance on Discord ,but I didn't want to bother them especially since...well I won't ruin the joke but it was quite much if fun to write) althpugh I did make human corrections when needed and I did at least translate that last phrase on my own. Could've still screwed up]
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pobodysnerfect · 9 months
❝ WOULD THAT be brutal enough for you? ❞
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POBODYSNERFECT: (humorous) alternative form of nobody's perfect, as such presenting an immediate example of that claim.
a roleplay blog for WILLIAM MURDERFACE of the METALOCALYPSE series, bassist for the famous metal band DETHKLOK
character themes of the asshole, an insecure critic, unresolved repression, STRUGGLING SELF IMAGE, stardom.
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RULES are located beneath the readmore.
Content Warning: Given what the show is, this is meant for an adult audience. Violence, body mutilation, mentions of suicidal ideation, alcohol and drugs, and generally everything that surrounds the world of celebrity A-list rockstars will be present.
Disclaimer: Writing of certain topics do not reflect my personal beliefs. These topics can come up at any time (not out of character, of course) homophobia, internalized fatphobia, toxic masculinity, cult culture, fanaticism, and a general disregard and disdain for humans and the fans. I do recommend not following this blog if you want zero mention of any of this fictionally represented on your dashboard. I will do my best to tag everything! If there is anything specific you would like tagged, or if there's anything I need to avoid while writing with you, please just let me know! I have no issues adding specific trigger tags or avoiding your discomforts within reason.
If you've made it this far! A little bit about me. I'm Rowan (they/them) 30+ years old and have been writing on Tumblr for over a decade. I'm split between a few blogs and due to life being life, will probably be low activity. That being said I'm pretty friendly just hit me up in IM or Discord!
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vicekings · 10 months
Fuck it we ball!
Your OC enters a massive bookstore. It is broken into genres and other book related items. Pick a section and tell us what they will get, if anything. -Reader specific knick knacks -Fiction -History -Magazines
Aight, we’re gonna slap down a few of the different lads bc I’ve got three of ‘em on my mind at the moment takin up equal attention
JD - Immediately hits up the music history section to see the new arrivals. He’ll also check in on any Dethklok or Dethklok adjacent books— see how many are in stock, see who’s looking at them. Any Dethklok fan in a bookstore near Mordhaus has a chance to run into JD and get their copy of Dethwalker: An Unauthorized Biography of Dethklok’s Bodyguard signed if they ask nicely.
Once he’s done his scouting of the music section, he’ll go through the kids books and see if anything might interest his niece, his nephew, and/or Toki. If there are any knick knacks or toys that he finds cute, he might pick ‘em up for them. Other than that, he’ll swing by the tabletop games section and see if there’s anything that tickles his fancy
Much like JD, Mitchell will also check the music section first. Usually just to browse, see what’s new and all that jazz. After that, it’s onto the sports section to look at anything hockey related, then history to see if there are any interesting new titles— he usually likes anything related to medieval society or the history of various diseases. After that, he usually just wanders aimlessly and looks for literally anything that might be interesting.
Lastly, Father Greg makes a beeline for the romance section. The smuttier, trashier, and stupider, the better. He reads as much as he can get his hands on and either enjoys it for what it’s worth, or hates it and bitches to his husband about it the entire time he’s reading it. His husband finds it hilarious, and compares Greg to Oscar the Grouch when it comes to his enjoyment of trash. Greg in turn compares him to the Count. His husband finds this less funny
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concerthopperblog · 10 months
Dethalbum IV: Last Call with Dethklok
On August 6, 2006, Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha had a vision to create an adult animated television series on [adult swim] that would be centered around a melodic death metal band named Dethklok. The show featured fictional band members: Nathaniel Explosion – voiced by Brendon Small (vocals), Skwisgaar Skwigelf – voiced by Brendon Small (guitars), Toki Wartooth – voiced by Tommy Blacha and Mike Keneally (guitars), Pickles – voiced by Brendon Small (drums), and William Murderface voiced by Tommy Blacha (bass). Brendon Small wrote the music for the show and it would serve as vital pieces in many of the animated scenes throughout the show’s history. The show would instantly be a hit on [adult swim]. So much of a cultural phenomenon, that Brendon Small would go on to release The Dethalbum in 2007 featuring songs like “Murmaider”, “Awaken”, and “Bloodrocuted”. The album would be produced by Ulrich Wild, who was known for producing albums for bands such as Pantera, Static-X, Stabbing Westward, Deftones, and Breaking Benjamin.
Brendon would enlist the help of metal veterans Gene Hoglan (drums), Mike Keneally (guitar/backing vocals), and Bryan Beller (bass/backing vocals) to help with touring as Dethklok. Currently, the touring band now consists of Brendon Small (guitar/lead vocals), Gene Hoglan (drums), Pete Griffin (bass/backing vocals), and Nili Brosh (guitar). Dethklok as a band has released a total of four LPs with their latest release, Dethalbum IV, on August 22, 2023, by Water Tower Music. So, let’s talk about Dethalbum IV and what to look for when you hear it!
The very first (1) track, “Gardener of Vengeance” begins with a brutal assault of thunderous double bass drums from Pickles/Gene Hoglan (Death, Testament, Dark Angel, and Strapping Young Lad) with some crunchy riffs courtesy of Brendon Small. When Nathan Explosion/Brendon comes in with his bloodthirsty vocals, the listener is once again transported to a land that is all so familiar. The land of brutality that is Dethklok. “Gardener of Vengeance” is the perfect track to kick off this album.
The second (2) track, “Aortic Desecration”, is also the first single released from Dethalbum IV to the public. Well, they picked a great single to get old and new fans alike eager to hear the entire album. “We’re all going to die!” will go down as one of the brutal beginnings of a metal song. I feel some Morbid Angel influence interwoven in this vicious track. I cannot wait to see Dethklok perform this song live and sing “Aortic desecration. How could I be so wrong? Disemboweled publicly. This is the dying song”.
Track four (4), “Mutilation on a Saturday Night” showcases Pickles/Gene Hoglan’s abilities to bring out some guttural thrash beats as the band creates another Dethklok metal masterpiece. One of my favorite tracks off Dethalbum IV is track ten (10), “SOS” is an epic 4:39 minutes’ worth of Dethklok’s ability to formulate a barrage of crunchy riffs mixed between double bass blast beats and Nathan/Brendon’s vicious lyrical accompaniment.
Track eleven (11), “Murmaider III”, closes out the unforgettable saga of Dethklok just as it began with “Murmaider” on The Dethalbum. Dethklok (allegedly) closes out their discography with the following quote, “The Murmaids sing/The Blackened fire/The blazing sky/The pluming ink/The sea beast cry/His final sleep/But we survive”.
While knowing that this might be the swan song for Dethklok, you can take solace in knowing that this entire album owns up to this enormous task. Dethalbum IV from start to finish is a testament to Dethklok’s growth and maturity in recording new material. From The Dethalbum to the latest Dethalbum IV, the evolution of their technical production and prolific songwriting is brutally illustrated with songs like “Gardener of Vengeance”, “Aortic Desecration”, “SOS”, and “Murmaider III” off Dethalbum IV. For 17 years, Dethklok has captured the attention of metal heads across the globe and now before the possible final chord is played on their current tour in Los Angeles, they have cemented themselves in the halls of the metal pantheon. Brendon Small had a vision with Tommy Blacha that spawned a movement in comedic callousness and extreme metal.
You can still order/save Dethklok's new album, Dethalbum IV, and listen to "Aortic Desecration" by following this link today!
Track listing
1. “Gardener of Vengeance”
2. “Aortic Desecration”
3. “Poisoned by Food”
4. “Mutilation on a Saturday Night”
5. “Bloodbath”
6. “I am the Beast”
7. “Horse of Fire”
9. “Satellite Bleeding”
10. “SOS”
11. “Murmaider III”
  Don’t miss DETHKLOK on The Babyklok Tour with BABY METAL!
 Wed-Aug-30-23 - Houston, TX- 713 Music Hall
Thu-Aug-31-23 - Dallas, TX - South Side Ballroom
Sat-Sep-02-23 - Orlando, FL - Orlando Amphitheater
Sun-Sep-03-23 - Atlanta, GA - Coca-Cola Roxy
Tue-Sep-05-23 - Nashville, TN - Nashville Municipal Auditorium
Wed-Sep-06-23 - Cleveland, OH - Agora Theatre
Fri-Sep-08-23 - Pittsburgh, PA - UPMC Events Center
Sat-Sep-09-23 - Wallingford, CT - Toyota Oakdale Theatre
Sun-Sep-10-23 - Alton, VA - Blue Ridge Rock Festival
Tue-Sep-12-23 - Philadelphia, PA - The Mann Center
Thu-Sep-14-23 - Boston, MA - MGM Music Hall at Fenway
Fri-Sep-15-23 - New York, NY - Hammerstein Ballroom
Sun-Sep-17-23 - Sterling Heights, MI - Michigan Lottery Amphitheatre
Mon-Sep-18-23 - Toronto, ONT - RBC Echo Beach
Wed-Sep-20-23 - Grand Rapids, MI - GLC Live at 20 Monroe
Thu-Sep-21-23 - Chicago, IL - Byline Bank Aragon Ballroom
Sat-Sep-23-23 - Louisville, KY - Louder Than Life Festival
Sun-Sep-24-23 - Milwaukee, MN - The Rave/Eagles Club
Mon-Sep-25-23 - Minneapolis, MN - The Fillmore
Wed-Sep-27-23 - St. Louis, MO - Saint Louis Music Park
Thu-Sep-28-23 - Omaha, NE - Steelhouse Omaha
Sat-Sep-30-23 - Denver, CO - Fillmore Auditorium
Sun-Oct-01-23 - Salt Lake City, UT - The Complex
Tue-Oct-03-23 - Vancouver, BC - PNE Forum
Wed-Oct-04-23 - Seattle, WA - WaMu Theater
Sat-Oct-07-23 - Sacramento, CA - Aftershock Festival
Sun-Oct-08-23 - Las Vegas, NV - Pearl Theater at Palms Casino Resort
Tue-Oct-10-23 - Phoenix, AZ - Arizona Financial Theater
Wed-Oct-11-23 - Los Angeles, CA - YouTube Theater
Thu-Oct-12-23 - Los Angeles, CA - YouTube Theater
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girlwholovesturtles · 4 years
The most frustrating part of getting into Metalocalypse is that now I want to write fan fiction for it but when I started brainstorming I remembered that every one of the main characters has a specific and very distinct accents and/or pattern of speech.
And I know if I try to write literally anything for this series it's going to drive my crazy trying to get everything right.
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little-murmaider · 3 years
Hmm, do you have any true-life-is-stranger-than-fiction kind of stories you've heard or experienced that you've been wanting to work into a fic, but haven't had the chance to yet?
Not to out myself as a former obsessive Beatles fangirl but there’s this one story about their last tour (I think it was 65-66, it was before Sgt. Pepper). They were riding away from a show in some kind of a topless truck, in a torrential downpour, and they were being chased by a crowd of fans because you know, they were the Beatles in the mid-60s. All of a sudden a woman darts out of the crowd and throws her baby at them yelling, “CATCH HIM PAUL!” Which thankfully he did!!! And when he got out of the truck and gave this woman her baby that she threw at him she started sobbing, “oh thank you, he’s healed! He’s finally healed!”  There are a lot of Beatles stories that are so bizarre and out of this world and could have only happened to these four individuals at that specific moment in time, and the parallels to Dethklok are obvious. (Brendon even described them as “The Beatles if they were a billion times richer and a trillion times stupider” or something.) But that story in particular has been stuck in my head for a while, and I’d like to use it for something in a fic but I don’t know what. (There’s also a story about how on one of their early tours they were riding in a van without heat so they laid on top of each other and rotated who got to be on the bottom and I KNOW I’m going to use that one eventually.)
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