#Did I Draw His Bed Too Small Or Did I Finally Draw It The Correct Size For Once? a series
cockroachesunite · 4 months
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ssahotchnerr · 8 months
Can I request a fic based on these thought ❤️Aaron would 100% be the kind of dad that would spend all night building a barbie house or dolls house and would also very willingly sit and play barbie’s with his daughters.
well worth it
YOU'RE SO RIGHT THAT'S TOO CUTE cw; girl dad!aaron, bau!fem!reader, fluff <3
growing impatient and nearly beginning to doze off without him, you exited your bedroom in search of aaron. you've waited all day to be cozied up with him, and you simply couldn't wait any longer.
you've been comfortably waiting for over an hour; having gone through your full night routine, getting into bed, reading a few chapters of your current read. aaron even came in to change into his pajamas at one point, but trailed out again.
"hey you," you peeked your head into the living room, finding aaron laying stomach-down on the plush carpet. "you coming to bed? it's getting late."
"in a minute." aaron mumbled gently in response, his voice vaguely muffled into whatever it was he had in front of him. "as soon as i finish up here."
you ventured further into the room in curiosity, the closer proximity allowing you to see your daughter's new dollhouse set before him.
your nose crinkled lightly in amusement, a small smile forming on your face. and as if aaron could sense it - he peered up at you, a matching smile on his own lips as he saw your tickled expression, his brown eyes aglow.
"i promised i would have it ready in the morning." aaron admitted with a soft chuckle as he sat up, you scrambling down on the carpet to join him. "it's done, there's just so many damn stickers that have to be in certain spots." he grabbed the instruction pamphlet, studying it for a moment. "wallpaper for every room, that was a pain. things like a bath rug for the bathroom. even some go on the furniture - they're tiny, tiny stickers..."
as he trailed on and on, listing all the details, you fell quiet the more you followed along to his words, your eyes analyzing his face in slight astonishment.
"what?" aaron laughed breathlessly again, his eyebrows furrowing quizzically as he tossed the pamphlet aside, the paper creating a fluttering sound as it fell. he grasped onto the sticker sheet once more, his lips drawing into a frustrated line as he struggled to peel one off - his large hands all to blame.
"it still surprises me out of nowhere sometimes, despite how much time has passed." you shook your head slightly in content, swiping the sheet from his hands. you easily removed the sticker, handing it to him. "you're listing off the necessities for a dollhouse. for our daughter. there was a time where the most i heard you talk was while giving a profile, and just, here we are now. i dunno, does that make sense?"
"completely." aaron agreed as his smile retook form on his face, placing the sticker where it belonged. "happens to me every day. how lucky i am to have you. never thought i'd be dad to another, yet alone a girl dad at that."
"it suits you." you grinned, leaning over to press a quick kiss to his cheek. "want some help? anything to get you to bed sooner."
aaron looked at the instructions again, a soft hum leaving his mouth as he thought. "again, it's pretty much finished foundation wise. but if you wanna start setting the furniture inside, be my guest darling."
side by side, the two of you worked together, rather giddily at that. quiet quips, playful comments how your own home could use these and whatnot (aaron groaned at your suggestion of wallpaper). warm but soft laughter, to prevent waking up jack and your little girl. you continued to help aaron peel the stickers as needed, and he, the notorious stickler, double checked you were putting items in the correct places 'according to the instructions'. you both knew once your daughter had her hands on her dollhouse, would nothing remain where it belonged, but that didn't stop him from teasing you; "did you put it in the-" "aaron, yes!"
finally, once in bed with aaron at your backside this time, one of his arms draped securely around your waist, you fell asleep with the heartwarming thought that your daughter's very first request in the morning - after her initial excitement - would be for aaron to play dolls with her. and of course, would he comply (just for a bit, and as long as she finished breakfast first). five minutes would surely turn into ten, fifteen, twenty depending on how early she awoke.
such brought up the potential risk of aaron being late to work, but if it allowed just a few more smiles to come from baby girl, it was well worth it.
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aealzx · 6 days
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Update Post
Prologue | AO3
“So…Let me just summarize to make sure I understand,” Jazz requested, feeling a little overwhelmed by all the new information Bruce, Barry, and Leslie had explained to her, but at least not so overwhelmed to the point of breaking down anymore. She’d just never heard of something like hemoperfusion before, so it had been a lot to take in. “Danny has blood blossom toxin throughout his blood stream, and since blood blossoms don’t exist here there’s no antitoxin to inject him with. And since developing one would take too long and be too risky, you want to try hemoperfusion. Which is like hemodialysis, except it removes toxins instead of fluids. And since hemoperfusion is known to cause a mild decrease in various common blood components, you want to have a blood donation from Danielle to offset that. Because she’s the only one here who also has ectoplasm in her blood, and you don’t want to dilute that in Danny since he’s already low…Did I get all of that?”
“Yes,” Bruce answered simply, giving a small nod. He was ready to go over anything they needed to again, a tablet in his hand ready to be used to open any of the files he’d already shown Jazz a second time. She had reacted to the information about Danny’s condition with anxious fear, but overall she was managing to remain significantly calmer than earlier that day.
Jazz was silent as she ran through everything she could remember just one more time, as well as trying to think of anything that they may have missed. Either because it was an oversight, or they simply just didn’t know. But she couldn’t see any risks other than the ones they had already told her they were aware of. She honestly wasn’t sure she would have caught the risk of diluting the ectoplasm in Danny’s blood herself. Amity always had an abundance of ectoplasm leaking everywhere, so even when Danny has spent a lot he’d always been able to recover some from the ambient. It, and the way they had addressed this situation, was enough for her to finally look to Bruce and nod. “Okay. Go ahead.”
Bruce was admittedly pleasantly surprised at the response, but kept his response in check other than a content smile. Barry’s shoulders sagged with his sigh of relief, and he barely waited for Bruce to give him a nod before he dashed from the room in a blink.
“Barry and Wally will take care of getting the supplies. We’ll test the types of resin with the blood samples we already have to make sure we use the correct one. But it shouldn’t take too long. Is it alright if we inform the rest of your family of what’s going on?” Bruce requested, not wanting Sam, Tucker and Danielle to be left out just because his own children were doing a good job keeping them occupied. Barbara had come over to meet them already, and she and Tim were indulging Tucker’s questions as well as getting some of their own answers. Then Stephanie and Cass had spent some time letting Danielle pick out some different clothes before they had joined Wally in the gym. Danielle had been ecstatic to find out about Wally’s abilities, and all four of them were having fun showing off and messing around together. Which left Sam talking with Duke, Damian, and Alfred about some of Duke’s adventures, Damian’s menagerie of pets, and Alfred’s recipes and food sources. The news would be an interruption to their fun, but Bruce had confidence that his team could help them stay occupied and taken care of instead of relying only on Jazz.
“...Sure,” Jazz agreed once more, giving another nod. They had already told her that they would have Danielle stop by the room to draw her blood, so having the three of them back in the room for a bit wasn’t a bad idea.
It didn’t take long at all for Barry and Wally to return with the equipment, getting it set up in record speed next to the bed before Barry joined Bruce back in the lab to test the different resins. They were simple tests that could all be done at the same time, so they were back upstairs soon after Leslie had finished drawing Danielle’s blood.
“Here’s the lucky winner,” Barry chimed, holding a second canister of the resin that they had found cleared the blood blossom toxin from Danny’s blood while having minimal effect on the important parts that needed to stay.
“Woah… I was expecting something bigger,” Sam admitted, watching Barry from where she was hovering near Danielle.
Barry just chuckled as he headed to the machine and popped the canister in. “It doesn’t need to be that big. We’re only pulling a tiny amount of toxin from him and putting the rest back after all.”
“Fair enough,” Sam accepted, attention shifting slightly as Danielle flexed her arm and moved around to make sure she wasn’t dizzy or anything.
“And you’re sure it’s going to work?” Tucker asked, his nervous nature prompting him to reach for reassurance despite the procedure not being used on him.
“It’s not as common as dialysis, but it’s still something that’s been used thousands of times on thousands of different people. I’m sure it’ll get most, if not all of the toxin,” Barry assured, stepping out of the way so Leslie could proceed to get Danny connected to the device. Unfortunately the IV needle that had been used was too small, so Leslie couldn’t use it for one of the tubes, even if it had been in the right place. So it was simply pinched closed, and disconnected to use again later while the other two tubes were inserted.
The others continued to chatter lightly, but Jazz was more focused on what Leslie was doing. How she was prepping Danny’s arm, where she put the tubes, trying to guess what she was looking for. She didn’t think this would be the last time Danny, or Danielle got poisoned, so she felt she should learn as much as she could while she could. It also helped her feel like she was being useful. Adding to her skillset to maybe use later instead of just sitting and being worried. It certainly helped even though once Leslie finally started the machine nothing seemed to be happening. It was a good thing though. No immediate adverse reactions, no sudden drop in vitals. Nothing but the quiet hum of the machine added to the soft beeps of the heart monitor and puffs from the oxygen tank.
Within an hour the others had gotten bored enough to easily be lured away by the rest of Bruce’s family once again.
Thirty minutes after and Jazz was the only one left, having moved to sit on the floor at the side of the bed. She wanted to be close to Danny, but she felt in the way if she sat on the bed. There were too many tubes now. Before he could have been mistaken for just sleeping. But now he really was looking like a coma patient. It made it hard to watch him, even though she refused to leave.
A short time later Jason was knocking on the doorframe to announce his presence, causing Jazz to look up.
“...Hey,” she greeted, a little confused.
“Hey,” Jason returned, “Just checking in. You need anything?” A half lie. He’d actually volunteered to hang out for a while to make sure the hemoperfusion process was going well. Luckily it looked like Danny’s vitals hadn’t changed much from two hours ago.
Jazz blinked in mild surprise at the offer, but even after thinking for a moment she couldn’t come up with anything. Part of her knew there were probably a multitude of things that she should be at least curious about, but mostly she just felt tired. The near quiet of the room while she knew everyone was okay and having fun was nice. She was content to just relax as well as she could for now. “No, I’m good,” she responded.
Jason didn’t quite believe her, his brow raising. “Says the girl sitting on the floor wearing random spare clothes borrowed from someone else, and doing nothing but stare at the other side of the room,” he commented dryly with a half smirk, stepping into the room and taking a seat on the floor near Jazz.
The comment caught Jazz off guard, but she could only give a small giggle. She probably did look at least a little unwell huh. “...I guess I just haven’t fully realized I’m safe yet,” she admitted. “It’s hard to think about anything.”
“Fair enough,” Jason accepted, being able to understand the feeling. “...Do you mind if I ask you something then?”
Another mild surprise, but Jazz just nodded after a moment. “Sure.”
“You mentioned before…” Jason started, thinking back to something Jazz had said before lunch, “that your parents tried to hurt Danny before they knew….” The reminder was potentially a very unhappy topic, but it was prodding he felt was necessary. Were they safe at home? Were they runaways? Were their parents involved with the ones that had hurt Danny recently? They needed to know if it was a good idea to try and get these kids back to their family or not. And if he was going to keep Jazz company and monitor the hemoperfusion process he didn’t feel like spending the time in silence.
“....Yeah… Our parents used to be ghost hunters,” Jazz admitted, a sorrowful smile as she stared at her hands. It seemed she was in the mood to talk, for she continued unprompted. “We grew up with their crazy antics. Making machines that could track down and destroy ghosts. Always talking about dissecting them, or using them as a power source. They had so many studies supporting the idea that ghosts were just residual emotions from people, given human form, but not actually human. So many things that convinced others that ghosts weren’t people anymore.”
“And yet… all it took was them finding out that Danny was half ghost, half dead, and it made them rethink everything they had developed. He was fourteen when… And I didn’t find out until a few months later. I didn’t even tell him I knew, because I knew if I did he would get scared. Why wouldn’t he, after all? With the idea that his mom and dad might cut into him just to satiate their curiosity looming over his head. It was an accident that they found out, and I was so scared he was going to run away. But mom just tried her best to treat him like Danny, and nothing else. Dropped her gun and told us we should go home and get a snack, because we were probably hungry. It…. it was enough to keep him home, but it wasn’t enough for everything to be okay. It was like everyone was trying to pretend everything was normal, but we all knew it wasn’t. They stopped doing their experiments. Started pretending they were oblivious to anything related to ghosts. It was awful. I felt so… so useless.”
“It was months of this stupid, awkward fake normal family facade before it finally broke. Danny accidentally got burned when mom was cooking, and she had a breakdown. We found out that our dad was okay with everything, but mom was having a hard time because she couldn’t believe that she had hurt Danny before. Even if she didn’t know it was him. But, after she had a really long talk with my brother, things started to look more normal again. Only this time, instead of being ghost hunters my parents dove headfirst into trying to figure out how to help ghosts. We realized we couldn’t take Danny to the doctors anymore, so my parents and I tried to make sure we could fill in that role. Mom would try all sorts of new, ectoplasm rich meals for him, making sure they tasted good to him. She started making smoothies for him every morning once she found ones he liked. On top of helping him study for school every day when there weren’t other ghosts causing trouble. There’s so many nights I found them asleep together on the couch. Danny was always mom’s favorite, and I think dad got jealous about how close they got. Until Danielle came back from her world exploration adventures and Danny convinced her to officially meet my parents. Then Dad and Danielle latched onto each other so quickly, and became inseparable.”
The retelling had seemed a little painful at first, but it was easy to see that Jazz was at least content with the way her family life was now. It wasn’t perfect, but then again families never were. Jason couldn’t help notice the tone of voice she took when talking about her parents favoring her siblings. She didn’t seem too upset, but there definitely wasn’t complete indifference to the facts. “...Does it make you upset? Having your siblings be your parents’ favorites?” he couldn’t help asking.
Jazz could only snicker at the question, falling quiet for a beat before answering. “Sometimes,” she admitted, then looked over with a mildly mischievous grin that made Jason semi think of Danielle. “But then I remember I’m Danny’s favorite, and I’m usually okay.”
The proud declaration made Jason snicker, glad to hear she had at least one thing keeping her from devolving into jealousy. She didn’t seem to want to talk much more though, and Jason wanted to leave the conversation on a happier note and therefore didn’t ask about the ‘Guys in White’ Danielle had mentioned before. So instead, after another stretch of quiet, he just chose to reassure her. “... He’ll be okay.”
Jazz didn’t answer immediately, drawing in a sigh and letting it go. She seemed to be doing much better as the day had stretched on, handling the news that Danny had poison throughout his bloodstream much better than the suggestion of drawing his blood. And being reassured that he would be okay, she gained a smile. “... He better be,” she commented, gaining a glint in her eye that Jason had seen in others he knew. “Otherwise the government back home will have to deal with a new super villain family.”
The comment only caught Jason slightly off guard, eyes widening just for a moment as he looked at Jazz before bursting into a hearty laugh. “Fair enough,” he agreed. The son of a family getting killed by the government was a legit enough back story for super villains in his opinion.
lil bit of home situation dump and hopefully the last bit of the part that was giving me trouble. Nice to get to draw Jason without the suit XD though I almost forgot to draw the bandage on his fingers.
Tag list: @galaxy-sharks-and-bottled-ships, @starscreamlover, @nerdynonnativenarnian, @dragongoblet, @megacharizardx99
@bellathecatastrophe, @cj-ghostemoji-destielpie, @asexual-insomniac, @wolfeyedwitch, @tkiesai, 
@fanaroff, @raven1508, @nebulainajar, @serasvictoria02, @oliocelottafanfics,
@honeysuckletook, @omniithe-deer, @wolf-under-the-stars, @gingernutcalo, @that-random-fangirl,
@op-sys-chaos, @kirasigncomics, @ehobep
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v0rewhxre · 8 months
Your writing is so good, pls keep it up! Also if possible could you do headcanons or smth for Noah taking the reader (his so/gf) virginity ?
Of Course!!!
I will write it as a head cannon!
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18+ MDNI
CW: [protected p in v, mentions of m and reader oral, slight praising, mention of condoms and lube, mentions of penetration, mentions of sexual positions, mentions of taking virginity, implied unprotected p in v]
This one was a little harder for me to write cause my first time was absolutely terrible! I hope y'all enjoy it :)
You were always embarrassed that you had waited so long to have sex, but you trusted that waiting for the right person was the correct path for you. And when you started dating your boyfriend, Noah, you felt the timing was correct.
Noah knew it was a big deal, but didn't want to make you feel 'othered' cause of your choice to wait. He would never push for anything, and you often pulled away when things got a little too intense. But one day, you just WANTED Noah and you wanted ALL of him.
You took an everything shower for the first time and boy was it TEDIOUS! You shaved everything, used exfoliant, washed your hair, washed your body, and made sure everything was smelling perfect. You used lotion on your entire body, brushed your hair, and put comfortable clothes complete with cute undergarments that you knew Noah would love.
Noah also spent a lot of time preparing. He made sure his room was spotless and lit your favorite candle. He grabbed a towel just in case there were sex juices everywhere. And of course, his bed had clean sheets and was nicely made. Noah took his everything shower, though not as intensely as yours, he wanted to make sure he smelt great. Noah bought you flowers, placing them in a vase on his desk. He wanted to make it a big deal, but not draw too much attention to the big moment that was about to take place.
Of course Noah had the most perfect playlist, full of all your favorite slower songs and some he added for their sensuality. He even threw a few Bad Omens songs in there for haha's to lighten the mood.
When you arrived, you felt awkward for the first time in your relationship with Noah. The air was a little heavier, and you were on edge. Noah gave you small touches as you made your way to his room, putting his hand on the small of your back and holding your hand. When you walked in your heart filled with love. He bought you tulips, your favorite flower, and the room smelled so heavenly that you felt you were floating on a cloud. He even had your favorite song playing quietly in the background. His LED's were set on white, but were dimmed to a lower level.
You were very nervous. Noah gave you lots of kisses, even humming along with the playlist to keep the nerves down. He was very verbal in asking if you wanted to continue, making sure you consented to each thing he did. He asked if certain things felt good, adjusted if it didn't. He tried to give you oral, but you weren't quite comfortable with that intimacy yet.
You weren't quite confident in doing things for Noah. You had given him oral a few times, and had even snuck a few handjobs at the movies but never when you were this nervous. Noah was patient and kind as you figured out the rhythms and movements he needed, praising you with 'Like that, yes I love that' and 'Good girl'.
Noah bought 'For Them' condoms to make sure there were all the ridges for extra pleasure for his partner. He wanted to make sure you felt as good as possible. The condom also had lube on it, and he even bought more lube on the side just in case. He wanted to make sure everything was perfect, pleasurable, and comfortable as possible.
When it was finally time, Noah entered you very slowly. You were in missionary, a classic first sexual position and one where Noah had control to please you. At first he put just the tip in, and moved inch by inch until you took him all the way in. You were slightly embarrassed by your body's reaction, it wasn't something you had experienced yet, but Noah didn't seem to mind. He waited a few minutes for you to adjust, receiving a verbal cue that you were ready.
As he proceeded to do slow soft thrusts for a few minutes, your body needed him in different ways. Your nerves were replaced by pleasure you had never experienced. It was deeper, more intense, and you wanted to chase the feeling for eternity. Noah gave you soft kisses the entire time but once you bit his lip and started practically sucking his face, Noah understood. His pace quickened, thrusts becoming harder and deeper. And Oh that felt GREAT.
You had always heard losing your virginity could be painful and usually you wouldn't feel pleasure, but what society didn't always mention is that it could be amazing when you loved/trusted someone. And you loved and trusted Noah a lot.
"I think I am gonna cum" you whispered in Noah's ear. You weren't really sure, but the way your body felt and the noises coming from under the blanket were evident something was near.
"Me too" is all you heard before you both crashed over the edge. You moaned so loudly that you were sure his roommates heard, but you did not care because Noah also moaned just as loudly. You came together, with Noah's lips pressed to yours. His thrusts were sloppy but still worked you through the orgasm you had.
When the pleasure dulled, and you were both panting, you looked in his eyes and said "Thanks for making that special, I love you" and Noah responded "I love you more than I love anything, thanks for making my life feel special".
Noah provided the best aftercare ever, using the towel to clean you up. He made sure that you peed afterwards. He ran a bath for you to relax in, allowing your body to 'cool' down. Of course... the bath was the perfect opportunity to practice riding Noah...
Hope you enjoy!
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maybankwrites · 3 months
Killing Time (Sihtric x Edyt AU)
iv. Oral
Sihtric and Edyt find themselves spending months on end in a small room together when Guthred sells their Lord Uhtred. Bored and alone they find various ways to kill their time.
Word Count: 1643
Warning: Smut
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Part Four of Killing Time. Sihtric notices that as Yule draws nearer Edyt becomes increasingly more tense. Determined to help her relax and take her mind off the people she misses in Wessex, he introduces her to a side of sexual pleasure she had yet to explore.
Edyt pulled her cloak tight around her as she stood in the open window watching as more snow fell onto the land below. She didn’t move when the door behind her opened, having seen Sihtric pass over the ridge and approach the inn. His footsteps stop just behind her, his arms encircling her waist. He pressed a kiss to her cheek and she relaxed back into his embrace. 
“Right now,” she told him, still staring off into the cold distance, “priests and lords preparing are flock to Winchester.”
“To celebrate Yule?” he asked. Edyt shook her head, finally looking up at him.
“Christmas,” she responded, a fond smile finding its way to her lips, “Uhtred says your Yuletide celebrations are far more enjoyable, but I find there is nothing like spending the Christmas season with those you love.”
“You miss them, don’t you?” he asked, “The people you left behind in Wessex.” 
“Yes,” Edyt nodded, leaning her head back against his chest, “when Uhtred talked of heading north, I didn’t think it’d be for so long. Just like every year, in three days time, Lord Odda’s party shall arrive in Winchester. We always arrived before the other lords. When Aethelred was king, it often felt as if we spent more time in Winchester than we did in Devonshire.”
“Did you like Winchester?” he asked, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“I do,” she sighed, “Father used to complain about all the prayers. He said that prayers killed his knees, and Cenric always said it was because he was old. Every year, Eanflaed would go to the market with Father and help him pick out fabric for my new dress and Cenric’s wife would make it in the spring.”
Sihtric smiled down at her, letting her reminisce about the people she left behind.
“Aelswith would take a break from eating as her husband must and she and I would enjoy a small feast after prayers one day,” she continued, “Alfred didn’t mind, he’s normally off humping a servant girl anyways.”
“That sounds nice,” Sihtric commented. Edyt raised an eyebrow and cast him a teasing grin.
“A small feast or humping a servant girl?” she asked playfully. Sihtric laughed and shrugged.
“Both actually,” he answered, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “There’s this one servant girl. I heard she worked for Lady Aelswith. Maybe she’ll be there when I travel south.”
“Oh?” she asked, playing along as she turned to face him.“I used to work for Aelswith. Tell me about your girl and maybe I can tell you if she’ll be there.”
“Let’s see, she had blonde hair and was about yay height,” he said, raising his hand level to the top of her head, before his eyes flicked downwards and he offered her a playful grin, “Great tits too.”
Edyt snorted a laugh before dissolving into giggles, hands coming up to cover her face. Sihtric grinned widely at her, sharing in her mirth. Regaining her composure, she looked up at him, attempting to put on a serious face.
“Blonde, short, great tits,” she listed, pretending to ponder.
“Extremely short,” Sihtric cut in, causing Edyt to scoff in offense, “Ridiculously tiny.”
“Barely below average,” Edyt corrected, shoving him lightly as he laughed at her. He caught her hands, leaning down to peck the tip of her nose. Edyt stuck her tongue out at him, before returning to their game. “Hmmm… I might need a little more information.”
“Well, I hear she was a dreadful healer’s apprentice, but a very skilled swordswoman,” he told her. He brought his hands to chest, squeezing her breasts lightly, as he backed her towards the bed. “Did I mention the great tits?”
“You did,” she laughed, pulling him down to kiss her. Sihtric broke the kiss, rubbing his nose playfully against her own. 
“Another thing about my girl,” he said, and Edyt hummed at the phrase, her face flushing, “is she needs some help relaxing.”
“Oh?” she asked, excitement pooling in her stomach as his fingers inched up her dress. “Are you going to help her with that?”
“I am,” he confirmed, capturing her lips in a heated kiss. His hands continued their task of removing her dress, parting the kiss briefly so he could toss it to the floor. Edyt’s hands tugged at his tunic. He pulled the unnecessary fabric over his head before wrapping her in his arms and jumping onto the bed. Edyt laughed as her back hit the furs. 
“Sihtric!” she laughed, attempting to scold him as the bed creaked beneath them. “The innkeeper is going to complain!” 
“You worry too much,” he told her, leaning in to kiss her, interlacing their fingers above her head. Edyt smiled into the kiss, her free hand cupping his face. Sihtric broke away, pressing kisses along her neck. “Just relax. ”
“I am relaxed,” she protested, gasping as he sucked a mark onto the base of her neck. He chuckled, continuing south with open mouth kisses along the tops of her breasts. 
“Not yet,” he commented, “but you will be.”
“Oh?” she laughed, “someone’s confident.”
Sihtric didn’t answer, eyes flicking up to hers briefly as he smirked against her skin. He moved lower, kissing down between breasts. He wrapped his lips around her nipple, tugging it into his mouth as she gasped. Bringing a hand to the other breast, he tweaked the nipple, eliciting a whimper from her. He flicked his tongue across the sensitive bud. Edyt’s hands gripped at his shoulders. Sihtric released her breast from his mouth, scattering kisses along her ribs. He nipped and sucked at the skin just below her breast, until he was satisfied a mark had been left. Her hips rocked as he trailed open mouth kisses along her stomach, blowing gently on the wet flesh. 
“What are you doing?” she asked as Sihtric yanked her down the bed, shifting to kneel beside it. He looked up at her, mouth moving along her inner thigh.
“Helping you relax,” he said, fingers teasing her entrance. “Just lay back and enjoy it.” 
“I-” Edyt began to protest, nerves fluttering in her stomach, before she stopped herself. She nodded, leaning back, fingers drumming against the furs at her sides. Sihtric paused, chuckling slightly at her still tense form. Edyt pouted at him, before laughing herself, “Hush! I am trying.”
“I know,” he said, resuming the task of littering her inner thighs with kisses. His fingers moved along her opening, spreading her for him as he shifted his focus. He swiped his tongue along her slit, grinning as she gasped at the unfamiliar feeling, hips shifting involuntarily. “Edyt, try and stay still for me.”
Edyt nodded in response, heart racing, lip pulled between her teeth as she looked down at him. Sihtric leaned back to her, moving up licking around the sensitive bud until Edyt was whimpering, desperate little pants coming from her. Finally, he centered on it, applying the lightest bit of pressure with the flat of his tongue. Edyt's hands clutched the furs as she moaned, his name falling from her lips. Slowly, he increased his pressure and pace as she rocked slightly. Her self control dwindled as he worked.
“Please,” she gasped, hands curling into his hair. He hummed in response, the vibration sending another wave of pleasure through her. His fingers skimmed up her stomach, hand closing around her breast. He squeezed lightly, before focusing in on the nipple, tugging it lightly. Edyt’s back arched, breathing becoming ragged as her orgasam built. Two of the fingers teasing her entrance slipped inside, curling immediately. 
Edyt’s head fell back, the last of her self control keeping her from clasping his head between her thighs. Sihtric increased his tempo, curling his fingers as he brought her to her climax. Her walls clenched around his fingers as her legs shook. She laid, panting for a moment as she relaxed against the furs. 
“Relaxed?” he asked, wiping his mouth with his thumb as he looked up at her. Edyt smiled at him. 
“Come here,” she muttered, still a little breathless as she reached for him. She pressed her lips to his, tasting herself on his tongue. She could feel his clothed cock pressing insistently against her thigh. “You need out of those trousers.”
“I think I can manage that,” he said, sitting up on his knees to undo the lacings. Edyt looked him over, eyes trailing shamelessly down his chest. 
A cold breeze blew through the room, causing her to sit up wide eyed, arms crossing instinctually over her chest. Her face burned as she looked at the open window, suddenly very grateful that they did not face the neighboring building.
“Sihtric,” she whined, pointing at the window, before covering her face in embarrassment. Sihtric looked over and shrugged.
“What?” he asked, standing from the better and moving towards it trying to figure out what he was missing.
“It’s open,” Edyt told him, stressing the second word harshly. Seeing the confusion still on his face, she sighed, “It means everyone down below, absolutely heard me.”
“So?” he asked, grinning cheekily at her as he pressed it firmly closed.
“I-” Edyt shrugged, shaking her head, unable to find the words to explain herself. Sihtric kissed her gently, pulling off his trousers before climbing into their bed.
“Next time,” he said firmly, “I’ll make sure the window is closed, okay?”
“Okay,” she mumbled, attempting to shrug off the feeling as she leaned in to kiss him again. Sihtric tangled his hand in her hair, shifting closer. Edyt pulled him down with her as she laid back in the bed, hoping he’d distracted her from her embarrassment. Sihtric pulled back, running his eyes over her naked form. Edyt couldn’t help the excited grin that overtook her as the look on his face told her he would not disappoint. 
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aarcanechaoss · 4 months
“I’m sorry.” Her eyes widened as he fell to his knees before her. “I’m sorry Lyubimaya.”
Warnings: swearing | Fyodor & Higuchi
Note: according to Google Lyubimaya means sweetheart and Koibito means person you love - also let me know if you want more Witch Higuchi she’s fun to write.
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It had finally happened. They had him, they’d won and yet something far worse than Fyodor Dostoevsky was awaiting them all.
He sat in the pitiful cell, having grown board of counting every imperfection he could see, he’d never wished for a book more in his life.
The Armed Detective Agency, Port Mafia and the Hunting Dogs had grown tired of asking him questions it seemed and he couldn’t even entertain himself with the notion of killing the guards… they’d nullified his ability with some serum… how annoying.
He felt very sleepy all of a sudden, probably due to boredom and allowed himself to drift away from this sinful world.
“Higuchi we may need to…” Mori’s voice was hushed, eyes only locked on her- and quite clearly ignoring the strange looks being sent their way.
“If it cannot be helped.” She sighed, spinning on her heel. “I need to… change.”
She was out of the room before anyone could question the interaction.
Some time ago when Fyodor first started (or, well was first noticed) his Yokohama crime spree she’d gone digging- his name having rung a bell.
Of course she had been correct but not quite how she had expected… and only Mori knew of her discovery both having brushed it off as a strange coincidence.
Her ancestor Natsuko Higuchi- the woman she had been named after though she did not use her name at work- had been married twice, the first had tried to burn her at the stake while the other… well she wouldn’t have been born if he had done that too.
What amused her though was how similar she looked to the woman too… and how eerily similar Fyodor looked to her first husband… his name matched too.
Her looks however, was not all she inherited from the woman.
Then there was that mass reveal by Sigma and now here she is with a plan Mori and she had only whispered about. So here she was staring in a mirror as she braced herself for what was to come.
With a sigh Ichiyo Higuchi tugged the blonde wig from her head, raven black hair having been hidden beneath. Her natural hair had been sat in a crown braid, the hairstyle she had been known for as a child and conveniently quite close to how the drawings of Natsuko’s depicted her.
Next was her clothes as she tugged away her usual suit, pulling on a nice black dress instead, nothing too drastic, just enough for the plan to work.
Barefoot, no heels, no makeup. Just her hair, the dress and the heirloom ring she carried for good luck.
It was enough.
It would have to be.
Sakura blossoms had always been a scent Fyodor could not stand. Not for any reason par how they reminded him of the life he had destroyed.
He had ruined something good, something beautiful all because she’d had a gift. One she never used until one of his men had attacked her…
His eyes shot open, the memory of his wife’s face burning behind his eyelids just as she had done.
The room was different.
No this was not a room but the old cottage… of all times to dream of this place.
He was on the bed he’d shared with Natsuko, he could still feel her, taste her even after all these years.
A humming came from the kitchen, a song he had not heard in so long.
He was up in a second, bare feet hitting the cold ground. Shoving away open the crooked door that led out of their small bedroom he paused.
There she was, stitching a hole that had formed in one of his shirts (in the back of his mind he vaguely remembers catching it on a broken branch). Natsuko was as beautiful as ever, her dark hair in a braid, brown eyes focused on each and every stitch, her perfectly kissable lips pursed in concentration and her dark grey dress bunched around her- her legs must have been crossed.
He could hear her excuse too “I’m at home koibito I should not need to uphold the world’s standards here.”
Each step he took towards her was agony. He missed her so, so much and yet he had been the reason she was no longer alive… this had to be a dream, or perhaps a message- yes a message from the one he loves.
Natsuko paused her work, looking up to him with a smile, though one laced with concern.
“Are you alright?” She questioned. “That was a nasty fall you had the other day.”
Had he fallen?
“I feel quite fine Lyubimaya.” He pulled out the chair beside her and sat.
It was her, it had to be her.
“That’s good.” She placed the shirt and needle onto the table where he spied the wedding band on her left hand… she wore it even in death… “Viktor stopped by- said he and Maria would like us over for dinner by weeks end.”
Viktor… his fists clenched. That day when Fyodor decided his wife’s fate he’d seen Viktor slam into a tree, had seen Finn’s hands welt with heat so blistering… his wife was a witch.
But when she looked at him like that, like he was her world, he couldn’t bear to think her as anything but that too.
“Fyodor?” He sucked in a breath. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
He clasped her hands in his, warm, smooth- calloused exactly where he remembers them being- and just held them, bringing one to his mouth to kiss before simply holding them again.
“I had a terrible dream my love.” He lies, like his conscience wasn’t ripping him apart. “I did terrible things.”
It was dream after all wasn’t it? He could tell her these things, he could be weak with her.
Though if it was a message… maybe some truth was necessary for his sins to be lifted… just that little bit as his God torments him with the woman he loves.
“Tell me.”
He smiled at her, blunt as usual- it was her, it truely was.
So he told her.
Told her how he snuck into Bram Stoker’s castle, ready to blame him for her death instead of himself. How the guard had impaled him and a curse had come full force.
Told her how in the future more people were sinfully gifted and how he wanted to exterminate that- needed to.
He told her every single detail, every gruesome plan he’d concocted- he didn’t spare a single detail, nor his glee when he told her how he finally had Bram under his control.
That glee faded when he looked at Natsuko, a worried frown etched on her beautiful face. He kissed her hand again, promising he would never do such a thing to her, promised that if she had magic he would not go down that path.
It was true. If he had the chance to do it again… he’d choose her this time.
What he did not tell her was that he had killed her. He had burnt her at the stake for witchcraft and regretted it.
A tear fell down Natsuko’s cheek and as he always did he cupped her face in his hands, resting his forehead against her’s.
“The fall must have made me insane.” He whispered.
She felt so real and warm and…
The room shifted, no… it set alight and all those warm happy feelings came to a halt.
“Why?” Natsuko whispered. “Why did you kill me?”
His breath caught in his throat… she already knew what he had done.
Flames licked at his feet, at her dress- no longer that dark grey but the chemise he had once stripped her to.
He had no answer for her. Not one that didn’t sound like an excuse for his ego.
“Because I am a monster.” He said instead.
“Why did you kill me?” She asked again.
“I’m sorry.” Her eyes widened as he fell to his knees before her. “I’m sorry Lyubimaya.”
His hands grabbed whatever he could, her chemise, her hands, her legs- he just needed to hold her, to show how deeply sorry he was.
She slipped from her chair too, the smell of smoke wafting as she did. He stared up at her, watching her mouth move, but all he could hear was her screams. He wrapped his arms around her legs, silently begging for her to stay- he would never beg aloud no matter who was before him.
And so he did, following the command instantly, though his hands travelled up the smooth expanse of her legs as he did.
She tucked a strand of dark hair behind his ear and he could do nothing but lean into the touch, lean into her until he was but a breath away.
“Natsuko.” He whispered.
Kiss her, make it up to her, anything- do anything. He needed to.
“Thank you for your cooperation.” She stated, breath fanning over his lips as she did. He froze as the world melted away, the cold white cell forming once more and the woman before him… she still looked so much like Natsuko though she wore a black dress that left little to the imagination.
He had her pressed against the wall, when he’d done that he didn’t… no he’d gone to kiss the woman before him- a woman who was not his wife.
“Take five steps back.” And so he did, eyes wide and jaw clenched. “I apologise for resorting to that method.”
“No you aren’t.” He snarled.
“You wouldn’t tell us a thing Dostoevsky… we needed information and so I did what I do best.” The woman stated, his wife’s face stone cold as she stared at him.
“An illusionist?” He questioned.
“No.” She answered with a sickeningly sweet smile then shrugged. “I just got into your head… maybe it was witchcraft.”
“You pretended to be my wife… all so I would talk?”
“I think that is obvious…” She sent a look to the camera in the corner of the cell. “Though in a truely hilarious turn of events Dostoevsky Natsuko Higuchi is my ancestor- I was even named after her.”
“Bitch.” That was impossible.
He tried to surge forward.
“Don’t move.” She commanded. “Natsuko Higuchi did not burn, in fact she’d escaped amidst the flames… found another beau and here I am- with zero relation to you thankfully.”
He seethed. A lie, he’d watched her burn.
“Higuchi we have everything we need.” Mori’s voice intercepted over the speaker.
“Rest well koibito.” She hummed, turning on her heel and out the door to the cell. “You can move now.” Was all she said as the door slammed shut.
She had her name, her face, her voice and even had an ability he’d akin to witchcraft. Fyodor laughed as he collapsed onto his bed, the interaction replaying over and over in his mind.
Perhaps she was Natsuko reincarnated…
Maybe he’d get a second chance after all.
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our-chaos · 2 years
you asked for matt murdock requests and Id like to kindly request some fluffy content, if that’s up your alley. Maybe like Matt taking you to bed after falling asleep on the couch and the morning conversation afterward. Could lead to smut if you want too.
fun fact I don’t think I’ve written fluff before….
It was late, extremely late. One thing had led to another at the office and he was finally leaving the firm close to two in the morning. His eyes were heavy, burning, and all he wanted to do was collapse into the bed. With you.
You and Matt were new, and although he seemed to be the perfect partner, it was hard dealing with how busy he could be sometimes. You wanted to see him, fuck, you needed to see him. Being around him was intoxicating, almost like you could get drunk off of that cheeky smile and deep draw in his voice.
That’s how you had gotten yourself in this situation, bundled up on his couch waiting for him to come back to the apartment. You had stayed over the night before and had opted to stay with him again with the excuse of ‘oh I’ll cook some dinner when you get home! I know how exhausted you get’. But with Matt, you never had to worry if he didn’t want you to stay any longer. Matt liked having you around. He loved having you around. You were a distraction for him, and while he usually hated distractions, you might have been the only kind he adored. Instead of throwing him off course, you kept his head on straight. That was one of the reasons he was so desperate to get home. Matt needed his little distraction, he needed you to settle his brain and wash away all the stress of being, well, him.
He unlocked the thick wooden door, the soft click of the metal key inside the slot being the only thing besides your light breathing he could hear when he walked inside the silent apartment. There you lay, covered in his muted red throw blanket and curled up into what resembled a ball. He smiled, the kind of smile that warms up your chest and makes you feel all gooey inside. This was because he could tell by the way your heart thumped steadily, gently, that you had been asleep a while. He inhaled the scent of your perfume and his stomach twisted at the slight hint of his own cologne mixed in your aroma. God, the simple things. Your scent becoming your lover’s, their scent staining your skin as well. Even the soap on your body smelled like him after you had showered there the night before.
He walked to the couch you were resting upon, his strong hand falling upon the back of it. His calloused palm slid across the soft material, gradually, until it was met with where your head lay so gently. He was careful in touching you, mindful of the way his fingers ran over the top of your pretty head.
“Sleepyhead..” he mumbled, his tone all gruff from all the talking he had done that day. From talking to Foggy, Karen, clients, and everything in between, his voice was worn. If you were awake you’d have probably told him how hot it sounded, and then you’d kiss him by his ear like you always did and try to replicate the roughness of it. This would in turn make you both laugh, fuck, how he loved your laugh. Even the thought of it made him smile as he caressed the top of your head, your light breathing sounding like small huffs in his ears. You looked cold, you had to be cold from the way you clutched the thin blanket in your hands. New York was freezing this time of year and you weren’t even in the comfort of his bed. He reached down over the couch, his left hand meeting the tips of your toes. Even over your thick cotton socks, he could feel the chill on your feet.
“Cold sleepyhead..” he corrected himself to no one in particular. He was quick and quiet to set his things down, suit jacket, keys, and briefcase. He had discarded his walking stick by the door as soon as he stepped inside. After coming around to the front of the couch, he slid his arms as gingerly as possible under your resting body and scooped you up. Matt held your body against his, taking in the way you hardly shifted under his touch. He hoped that until he could get you to bed his body heat might warm you up. Each step he took was slow, and calculated. He knew every creak in the wood, every shift in the foundation, everything he needed to avoid just so that you’d stay sleeping soundly in his arms. Once he passed the doorway to his bedroom, he laid you onto his bed, making sure you were on your side of the mattress. He made sure you always slept on the inside furthest from the door, just out of protectiveness. He was glad you hadn’t made the bed that morning, making it easy for him to lay you down onto the sheets and cover you with the thick grey comforter. Matt is the type to pull the covers up to your chin, tucking you in like a child afraid of monsters. So, he did just that. You were in tight, warm, his job was done for the night.
The sunlight stung your eyes when you woke up, all of your senses coming back one by one and you couldn’t help but notice the warm and rather heavy something around your waist. You shifted a bit, running your hand slowly along the soft fabric of the sheets you were laying on. Matt’s bed. Therefore, that heavy something that was straining your breathing had to be your boyfriend. Your loving, sweet, charming boyfriend who had brought you to bed. You turned, carefully, but no matter how slow you could have moved it would have woken him up anyway.
“Don’t go,” Matt mumbled, face up against his pillow, his words muffled by the fluffy cotton. You couldn’t help but smile, his morning voice giving you butterflies with the way it showed off its scratchiness.
“I fell asleep on the couch last night, didn’t I?” You asked, already knowing the answer from the way he grinned.
“And you brought me to bed?”
There was a brief moment where you weren’t sure whether to thank him or apologize. As you raked a hand through your hair, Matt brought his hand to your cheek, pinching it gently.
“Stop,” you protested, wafting his hand away, but he only pinched your other cheek.
“Stooop,” you whined, trying to move his hand from your other cheek now. It was no use, your complaining only spurred him on while he annoyed you. Well, tried to annoy you, but with the way you giggled, he wasn't getting very far.
“Matt please,” you interjected, going to pinch at his cheeks now with both of your hands, but he caught your wrists in his grip.
“You owe me.” He stated, Matt’s pretty brown eyes were a golden hazelnut color with the way the sun shined down into the irises.
“What? You want me to carry you to bed next time?” You joked, only for Matt to kiss the inside of each of your wrists and shake his head.
“No, just don’t drool on my blanket anymore..”
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Trace Against His Body Absentmindedly ~ Seventeen Vocal Unit
Your smile was wide as your hands reached out to start playing with Jeonghan’s hair, plaiting small strands through it as your hands kept massaging through the top of his scalp too to try and keep yourself occupied.
“Having fun?” He sniggered, tilting his head back to be able to look up at you sat behind him.
“I am,” you laughed, lifting up one of the plaits that you had made so that Jeonghan could see what you were up to.
“I’m so going to regret letting you play with my hair,” he teased in reply as you showed him a couple more of the plaits that you had made, “my hair will be curly.”
Your head shook in reply to him, “your hair will be cute,” you corrected with a soft smile, “I’ll untangle them all once I’m finished, they won’t be in long enough to get any curl in them.”
“Are you sure?” Jeonghan quizzed, “because if my hair is curly, I will make sure to point all of my stylists in your direction.”
“It’ll be fine,” you laughed once again, “just let me keep playing with your hair for now and I promise once I’m done, I’ll return it to exactly how it was before I started.”
“Not a strand out of place once you’re done.”
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Lazy kisses were pressed into the crook of Joshua’s neck as you kissed him from behind, barely realising what you were doing as you moved up and down with your lips, struggling to keep yourself awake.
“You’re making me ticklish,” Joshua whispered across to you as yet again you hit his sweet spot.
“What did you say?” You murmured, completely distant from what was going on as sleep weighed down on you.
“I said you’re tickling me with all of your little kisses,” Joshua repeated, feeling your lips pull away from his neck as soon as you finally worked out what he was saying.
A frown appeared on his face as he felt you disappear, “I think I might head to bed,” you whispered, not wanting to get in the way of what Joshua was doing, “you can do your own thing then.”
“Don’t go,” Joshua whispered, taking a hold of your hand, “if you’re tired, why don’t you stay here with me and cuddle up to me.”
“I don’t want to tickle you though,” you pouted, only to see Joshua shake his head as he led you across to the sofa to give you a more comfortable spot to close your eyes.
“You won’t tickle me with a cuddle, promise.”
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Your hands reached out as soon as you came up behind Jihoon and rested against his shoulders, drawing light circles of the top of his muscles as you watched him busy at work, not really concentrating at all.
“Are you alright?” Jihoon asked you once he managed to find a moment to pause his work.
“Sorry,” you shyly spoke, sensing that you were being a bit of a distraction and stepping away from where he was.
“Where are you going?” Jihoon queried, reaching back for your hands so that he could move them back to where they were, “I was beginning to quite enjoy that.”
Your eyebrows furrowed back at him, “I wasn’t even doing anything,” you tried to tell him, but just the feeling of your hands running over his knotted muscles was more than enough for him.
“Sometimes thinking that you’re doing nothing is a lot for other people,” Jihoon replied, keeping his words as poetic as ever.
“You want me to stay?” You asked in surprise, carrying on drawing your random circles as soon as Jihoon nodded back at you, “won’t I get in the way of your work?”
“Not at all, if anything, you’re helping me.”
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It didn’t take long before a shy giggle came from Seokmin as your fingertip continued to trace against his palm, catching his ticklish spot several times before he could no longer hold in the laugh that threatened.
“You seem pretty in thought there,” he noted, meeting your eyes as you heard him chuckling.
“It’s nothing,” you replied, continuing to trace against Seokmin’s hand, “it’s just been a busy day, I could do with a relax.”
“Is that it?” He pushed, looking over you closely to really be able to check that you were alright. “You draw in my palm usually when something is on your mind.”
Your head shook reassuringly back across at Seokmin, “I could just do with distracting myself for a little while, I didn’t want to interrupt you too much, so drawing seemed like a good idea.”
“You want to talk?” He enquired, not wanting to let you get lost in yourself, “drawing in my palm might not solve anything.”
“I don’t want to disturb you,” you tried to tell him, but Seokmin’s head shook back at you, holding onto your hand instead so that you could no longer draw on him.
“Talk to me, I promise that I’m all ears.”
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The feeling of a hand drawing against the small of his back caught Seungkwan’s attention straight away as he stirred in his sleep, hearing you sigh lightly, unaware that you were wide awake laying behind him.
“Y/N?” Seungkwan questioned, glancing past his shoulder to see you as you hummed back at him.
“Did I wake you?” You fretted, making your finger draw much more lightly against him, “I didn’t think I was disturbing you.”
“You’re not, I’m having a bit of a tough time falling asleep myself tonight,” Seungkwan sympathised, trying his best to look at you, “I’m guessing that you are too.”
Your head nodded as you hummed once again, “I keep trying to close my eyes, but then I just want to wake up again. I’ve tried just about everything but none of the usual tricks are working.”
“Was drawing against my back helping?” Seungkwan then asked, continuing to focus on what you were doodling against him.
“A little,” you admitted, feeling Seungkwan reach back and take your hand, pressing it much more tightly against his back to let you know that you could carry on doing it.
“Keep going, hopefully you’ll fall asleep soon.”
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little-fics · 3 years
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Stucky x Reader; platonic!uncle!Tony
Summary: Reader is teetering the edge of a slip when her buddies Sam and Clint are mean to her, daddy stucky to the rescue
Warnings: age regression, scary bees, bottle, pacifier, anxiety, a little violence, angry!Steve (not at you), mean!sam and mean!clint, I may have missed some, read at your own risk
Word count: 2.2K
A/N: I had fun with this one! I hope you like it!
Disclaimer for my blog!
Life with Bucky and Steve was great, you'd officially been together for about a year, and they'd been your daddies about half that time. You didn't always regress, just when the world got a little too big and you needed to leave it all behind. The avengers didn't know about your coping mechanism, at your own request, save for Tony who has programmed Friday to detect when you're little and were about to do something that babies shouldn't do, such as cooking or showering because babies makes messes and get hurt. It was something you'd kept private and to yourself for a long time, and it took months to feel comfortable enough to talk with Steve and Bucky about it. You weren't always feeling little, and had the capability of being a very vital part to the team, but on your days off, it was easy to find yourself slipping into that headspace.
That's how you got to sitting on the balcony, slowly slipping into that headspace after a difficult mission. You'd woken up between Steve and Bucky, crawling out of the bed quietly, not quite feeling small but you know it's coming. Clint and Sam find you outside, sunbathing and staring at the clouds. Sam is the first one to come outside, Clint following close behind.
"Mornin' sunshine," Sam sits next to you, Clint moving to the other side of you, relaxing in his seat, Sam holding out a glass to you, "want some lemonade? I know that coffee makes you jittery on your days off." You take the glass, smiling at the yellow straw poking up from the top, "Thank you! And a straw!" You twiddle with it gently, pulling it out to take a sip. "Gosh," your shoulders sag and your head leans back in ecstasy, "Clint's lemonade is the best, thank you." Clint pointedly looks at Sam, smug, "Why thank you Y/n, I'm blushing." Sam scoffs, "You wouldn't have even made it if I didn't beg!" Clint shrugs, "I made food," he looks to you, "speaking of," he has you a plate with a sausage and egg biscuit. You tentatively take it from him, "Oh thank you, are you sure?" Clint laughs, leaning back in his seat, "Yeah, honey, me and Sam already had some."
Once you finish your biscuit, you're back to staring at the pretty sky, sipping on your lemonade listening to Sam and Clint bicker back and forth. A bee comes out of nowhere, eliciting a small yelp from you and you're quickly standing from your seat. They're laughing, which hurt your feelings, the fear of the bee causing you to slip fully. You try to go inside but hear Sam speak to the AI, "Friday, lock patio doors under code Falcon," before you make it to the door. When you pull on it the door won't budge. "Sam," your voice is meek, "that's not funny," you whine and shake the door again, getting nervous over the buzzing around your lemonade on the table. "Friday, open the door." Clint laughs again, "It's just a bee, you've been shot before and you can't handle a bee?" A tear slips down your face, and you feel your heartbeat pick up.
You shake on the door, trying to get away from your mean friends, wiping a tear away, "Open the door Sam." He's laughing, he thinks this is funny, "It's just a bee, it'll be gone in a minute Y/n, it's fine." You shake the door more violently, and it's clear Sam wasn't going to open the door. You bring your hand to the bracelet that lays around your wrist, a fail safe if something is wrong, to immediately notify Steve and Bucky that you need them. You find the tiny sun charm, pressing the tiny button that notifies your daddies of your state of mind and that you're in trouble, different from the other charm, a moon, who notifies your boyfriends of an emergency.
Bucky is the first one to hear Friday, "Mr. Barnes, Mr. Rogers," he groans groggily, "Friday, it's too early for this, what is it?" Bucky reaches over to find just Steve, no tiny baby to love on as he hears Friday once more, "I am sorry Mr. Barnes, but it seems munchkin has requested your presence with signs of distress." Bucky's eyes snap open at the use of the programmed name for when you're in your little space, throwing the covers off and slapping Steve's shoulder. "Bucky, what the-" Steve stops when he realizes that Bucky is already out the door, he's quickly behind him, not bothering to put a shirt on, as Bucky hadn't.
"Friday, where is munchkin?" Bucky spits, FRIDAY speaking up once more, "Munchkin is on the patio with Mr. Wilson and Mr. Barton." Their brows crunch together in confusion, Steve finally speaking up on their way to the patio, sleep still heavy in his voice, "Is something wrong?" Bucky shrugs nervously, "Friday said she was showing signs of distress." The system speaks up once more, "That is correct. Munchkin's heart rate seems to be elevated and she is showing signs of high stress. She notified me by her emergency contact Sun Ray." At this, Bucky and Steve speed up, trying to get to you as quickly as possible.
The bee is still there, attracted not only to the lemonade, but the brightly colored pajamas keeping its attention as it flies back and forth between you and the lemonade. When it flies towards you, you hide in the corner of the patio, screaming, running to the other corner to hide from it when it follows you, a tear streaking down your face. Sam sees the stray tear, immediately his stomach sinking while you're piddling with your bracelet, ignoring the tears on your face, not hearing Sam when he stands and calls out gently, "Friday unlock the doors." Sam's in front of you, "Let's go inside, come on." When he reaches for you, you flinch back from him, causing his heart to break a little. You're now frantically pushing the button on your charm.
"Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes, munchkin has sent a distress call 13 times, up to 17, 23," and then they're at the doors to the patio, slinging them open.
Bucky takes in your appearance, you look afraid, tears freely streaming down your face, now surrounded by Clint and Sam, who are violently moved by Bucky. He's lifting you by your thighs, bringing them around his waist, glaring at Sam and Clint before carrying you inside. When you're back inside, feeling the rush of AC, you let loose, heavy thick tears falling with sobs. "Shhh my little bunny, I've got you."
Steve remains on the porch, staring at a shell shocked Sam and Clint, "What happened?" They shrug, "It was just a bee, we didn't know it would scare her so bad." Steve rolls his eyes at the men, following Bucky back to your room. When he gets there, you're straddling Bucky on the bed, hands tucked under you, fists balled up tightly, hiccuping sobs. "'S mean," Bucky is rubbing your back, shushing softly while you try to explain what happened, "wouldn't let me 'nside daddy, I try." More sobs erupt from you, Steve's brow furrowing, wondering what you meant.
"Friday, show me what happened with munchkin on the patio before Sun Ray was activated." He watches as the TV screen starts playing the scene, fury creeping up in his bones, while Bucky continued to console you, but matching the fire Steve has in his eyes. Steve saunters out of the room when the TV shuts off, heading straight for Sam and Clint. Bucky holds you closer when you whimper, "Oh doll, dada will be right back, he's just gonna go get you something to drink." You continue to sob, you refused to take your pacifier, dropping it out of your mouth every time he tried to put it in, sobs not allowing it to stay. "Baby baby baby, you're okay, that little bee isn't gonna getcha in here, only daddy." He tries to tickle you, but you just sob louder. He's thankful for the soundproof walls, knowing you don't like to draw attention.
Steve finds Sam and Clint in the common room with Nat and Tony. Tony stands when he sees Steve, anger on his face still shirtless. Steve comes up from behind Sam and Clint, grabbing their shirts roughly, pulling them up and off the couch, feet dangling a foot above the floor, turning them to face him. They're shouting, trying to get Steve to let go. Tony is trying to pull Sam away from him, Nat trying to hit his weak spots so he will drop Clint but he doesn't budge.
"Did you think it was funny?" Steve spits, bringing his face closer to theirs, "Did you? You think it was funny when she cried? Think it was funny when she screamed and pulled on the door? How would you feel huh? If someone laughed at you because you were scared? If your friends laughed at you?" Tony and Nat are confused, "Steve calm down, what happened?" Steve scowls, overpowering the men easily as he turns them around, still holding them in the air. "Friday, pull up the patio clip and my bedroom feed on the common room television."
"Voice identification confirmed. One moment." The video starts playing, but all they can hear are your sobs, not able to hear the small consoling your daddy is trying or the talk from the patio clip as it plays. "Is it still funny bird boy? Is it still funny when you know you're the reason she's like this? No? Good." Steve throws them down on the couch, Tony is furious, Nat is scolding them, and Steve's on his way into the kitchen.
Tony follows Steve after shutting off the video feed, Nat still scolding the two perpetrators. Steve is piddling around, heating up some milk in the microwave. "You okay man?" Tony asks, placing a hand on his back, when Steve glares at him Tony sighs. "Man you can't go back to her seething like this." Steve lets out a huff, "I've never wanted to throttle someone like I do right now." He grabs the milk from the microwave, mixing some hot chocolate power in it, something that frequently happens when you're having a very bad day. Tony hands Steve a bottle, hidden in a thin cabinet, only unlocked by four people in the tower; Uncle Tony, your daddies, and you. "She's your baby, and she hasn't stopped crying because her buddies were mean to her and she doesn't understand, if you go in there angry, she will think you're mad at her." Tony chides, Steve, resonating with Tony's words, takes a deep breath, filling up your bottle and continuing to shake it. "Want me to come cheer her up with you?" Steve sighs, "Let us calm her down a bit, get her feeling right and we'll play some games later yeah?" Tony starts to rummage through the fridge, "Have Friday notify me." Steve nods, leaving Tony and going back to his baby.
When he opens the door, you're still crying, but when Steve sits he pulls you into his lap, holding you like a baby and rocking you. "Shhh, it's okay baby, I know they were mean, but papa's here now. It's okay," he's rubbing your face gently, your sobs turned to weak whimpers. "That's it baby, you want some milk?" You nuzzle into his chest, Bucky taking a sip of the bottle making sure it's not too hot and gives it back to Steve. He holds the tip to your lips, you instantly wrap your lips around it and hum happily.
"There she is, sweet girl," his fingers tangle in your hair, massaging your scalp gently while Bucky rubs your legs with a feather light touch. You hiccup on the milk, Steve moving it away from you and wiping away a stray tear. Your fingers clutch around his shoulder, whining, "Papa." He coos at you, "Drinking too fast aren't we love?" You let out another whine, your bottom lip wobbling, "Pease papa." He traces your jawline before bringing the bottle back to your lips, "Slower, you hear me dove?" You nod gently, closing your eyes and continuing to drink the bottle.
You're teetering on the edge of sleep, Steve wiping away a drop of milk that finds its way to the corner of your mouth. He takes the bottle very carefully, stopping when you suck on it a little harder, trying to hold it in your mouth. "Bunny," Bucky's voice sings to you, "let daddy have that, okay?" Steve tries to pull it away again, this time with no fight, Bucky pressing your pacifier to your lips, which you take happily. He clips it to the top of your pajama shirt so if you drop it, it'll stay relatively within reach. "Friday, put on munchkins lullaby playlist."
Soft music starts playing through the room, bringing you all the way under, soft snores against Steves chest alerting them to your slumber. "Mr. Rogers, Mr. Barnes, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Barton are outside, requesting entrance." Bucky rolls his eyes as he slides back down into the bed, "Friday, decline entrance and leave us be to nap for an hour." Steve moves you to Bucky, your sleeping form habitually wrapping around him and his warmth. Steve huddles behind you, wrapping his arm over you and resting it on Bucky, rubbing small circles. "She's gonna be a handful today," Steve comments, letting Bucky know that he thinks today is going to be one of those days where you regress further than usual. "She's gonna have such a good time with Tony." Bucky laughs, his eyes flutter shut, "Don't count her daddies short."
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
Hello can I request where draco in fourth year having a crush on a hufflepuff reader but acts as arsehole cuz he doesn’t know how to show affection , leading it to her avoiding him which makes him depressed about what did he do wrong ?
Hi love. Thanks for the request.💕
I love writing Draco x hufflepuff!reader stories! I am a sucker for a slytherin x hufflepuff pairing.
I added a few extra details here and here. Hope you like it. X
Hopeful (Draco Malfoy x Hufflepuff!Reader)
Word count: 2100 sorry got a bit carried away. 😅
Warnings: None. Soft!Draco being an absolute blubbering idiot.
Draco’s thoughts are written in green
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Spring had arrived. 
It could be felt in the cool and gentle zephyr that made the shiny new leaves on top of the once barren and dead trees rustle. 
Daisies were in full bloom and the wind had managed to carry some of the petals away—making them fall to the ground, acting like a harbinger of the fast approaching summer. 
Draco couldn’t be bothered if it was spring, or autumn or winter. 
In that particular moment, all he wanted to do was get away from the Slytherin common room and Pansy Parkinson. 
He had taken her to the Yule ball and things had sort of fizzled out afterwards. He couldn’t get himself to see her as anything other than a friend. 
Having ran all the way to a far and secluded area of the Hogwarts grounds, Draco leaned against a tree trunk and panted heavily in an attempt to catch his breath. 
“Are you—are you alright?” 
Your voice startled him and he quickly stood up straight to look around. 
You were sitting criss-crossed on the grass with your transfigurations textbook opened on your lap. Your shirt sleeves were rolled up and your yellow and black tie hugged very loosely around your neck. 
“Fine.” He muttered as he slowly sat down noticing a single daisy tucked behind your ears. 
After sitting there in complete silence for the next few minutes, he finally spoke up. 
“What are you even doing here anyway?” 
“Just wanted some peace and quiet to be honest.” You said, shrugging your shoulders. “It’s a beautiful day.” 
Draco just hummed in response and kept staring at the daisy in your hair that swayed lightly with the breeze. 
“What?” You asked when you noticed. 
“You have—you have a twig stuck in your hair.” 
“A daisy.” You corrected him as you closed your book and moved a bit closer to where he was sitting. “It’s a daisy.” 
“Yeah I know that. I’m not stupid.” He said quickly. “But why?” 
"Well, Daisies are essentially two flowers blended together in complete harmony." You said pulling the daisy out of your free falling hair before putting your hand forward to hand it to him. 
“And?” Draco reluctantly took the flower from you and blinked his eyes in confusion. 
“They are said to resemble innocence—true love even.”  You explained getting comfortable next to him.
“You believe in all that?” Draco scoffed, twirling the flower between his index finger and thumb. He couldn’t tell if the floral fragrance was coming from you or the air but it made him slightly queasy nonetheless. 
“Merlin. No.” You scrunched up your nose. “It just gives me hope I guess.” 
Draco gave you another hum in response. For someone who came up with snarky and sometimes witty comments on the spot, he found himself weirdly tongue tied. 
“I know you were hiding from Pansy by the way.” You remarked, making a small smile pull at his lips. 
“How come?”
“What do you mean how come?” You rolled your eyes. “Everyone can see that she is obsessed with you for some reason that I personally can't seem to comprehend.” 
The next day during potions class, Draco slowly opened his book and started to absently doodle on it with his quill while Snape talked about the upcoming potions essay that had to be done in pairs. 
Draco knew he should be paying attention but he just couldn’t get the interaction between you two out of his head. 
And just when he took a deep breath and decided to focus, a familiar scent started to fill his lungs up. 
Fruity, almost spicy notes of strawberry and pink grapefruit mixed with gardenias, vanilla and musk. It felt like someone had tossed a huge bouquet into the room. 
He knew it was you without even bothering to look up from my book. 
"Ah, Miss y/l/n. Late again." Snape muttered. “Five points from Hufflepuff house.” 
You quietly sat down next to your friend with your head hung low and Draco fought an unexplainable urge to give you a hug. 
"The essay must be done in pairs.." Snape said.
"Ronald Weasley and Gregory Goyle." 
This is exactly what I needed right now. Thanks Snape. 
"Blaise Zabini and Hannah Abott." 
The last thing I need is someone weighing my essay down. 
"Draco Malfoy and y/n y/l/n." 
You turned back to look at Draco and gave him  an apologetic smile and he didn't understand why you kept smiling at him. It's not like the both of you had suddenly formed an unlikely bond with each other. 
Draco scowled at you in return and quickly raised his hand. "May I work on my essay alone?" 
"No. You may not Mr. Malfoy."
You and Draco had been studying in the library for almost an hour. Because you were quietly sitting next to him, his elbows and knees slightly brushed yours every few seconds and as much as he hated to admit it, He secretly enjoyed it. 
Contrary to yesterday, Draco was trying very hard to make a conversation with you. You seemed somewhat offended that he had asked Snape to work on the essay alone. 
“I am happy to do most of the writing if you can look up all the ingredients.” You offered.
You don’t have to do all of that yourself. I am happy to help with the writing too. Is what he should have said. 
“Fine whatever.” He said instead as he reached for a copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. 
That night, Draco stayed up tossing and turning in his bed before giving up on getting any sleep for the night. 
He lethargically walked towards his dresser and put his hands in his blazer pocket pulling out the now dried and pressed daisy from the other day. 
Taking a deep breath, he put the flower in between the pages of his copy of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi. 
You were drawing him in, undoing him, unraveling him even. 
He knew that. 
But did you?
"Draco! Open up." 
His head jolted towards the door and He quickly walked over to open it. 
You stood on the other end with books tucked in your arms, wearing your denim shorts and a plain white tank top—looking like summer personified. 
The more time he spent with you, the more he started to notice your quirks. Like that the way your skin glowed as the days got warmer. 
Compliment her. Do it. It’s not Difficult. 
“Did you do something different to your hair?” 
“Uh—no why are you asking.” 
“It just looks a bit strange.” He commented wanting to slap himself. 
"Okay, well are you going to let me in?" You questioned, wondering why he was blocking the way and asking you about your hair. 
Why did you have to wear that God damned tank top-
"Sorry?" You asked stepping inside making his cheeks burn when he realized he wasn’t meaning to say that out loud. 
"Just shut up and get back to working in the essay or whatever it is that you were doing." Draco grumbled feeling embarrassed as he grabbed some fresh parchment. 
Okay. Focus. The Strengthening solution requires...
You stretched a little and pushed your hair away from your face. 
several days to mature...
"Staring is rude Draco." You suddenly interrupted his thoughts as you set your eyes on his—peering right into his soul.
Draco felt like he was giving you some sort of power over him and the possibility of you using that power and leaving him heartbroken made him feel so very vulnerable.
He couldn't take the vulnerability a second longer.
 "I don't think we should study together anymore." He blurted quickly standing up. “It's for the best.”
"Huh?" You stood up contorting your face in total confusion—wondering just what you had done to piss him off. "What's wrong Draco? Did I do something wrong?" 
"Leave. Now." He muttered with his teeth clenched. 
Please don’t go.
"Just go—leave please."
You couldn’t help but feel a sharp sting burning your insides as you gathered all the books that were on the floor and ran made your way towards hufflepuff dormitories with tears threatening to flood your eyes. 
As soon as you ran off, he punched his wall and muttered out the plethora of angry curses when the impact bruised his knuckles.
During the following week, Draco failed to show up to any of your shared classes after you had refused to talk to him after what happened. 
Even if you did manage to see him walking down the halls or walking with Crabbe and Goyle, you noticed that he looked like he hadn’t eaten or slept in days. 
On a Tuesday, Draco looked at the Hufflepuff table during breakfast and when you caught his eye, all you did was look away. 
Everyone at school had their opinions about him—most of them weren’t good opinions. 
But when you were with him under that tree, he seemed different. His smirk was more playful than condescending. It managed to charm you in a way. 
You took a final bite of your toast and gathered all your books, walking to your Potions class. 
His seat still remained empty and you shook your head, trying to snap away from the thoughts of him as you flipped open your book. 
Only it wasn’t your book. 
You didn’t remember writing on the margins and making annotations on your book. 
Running your fingertips along the pages, you flipped to the very first page of the book. 
D. Malfoy was written in ridiculously neat handwriting and you shook your head when you realized that you had grabbed his book with you that day by mistake. 
And just when you were about to put his book away, something fell from in between the pages and fell onto your desk. 
It was the daisy you had woven into your hair the other day. Even in its dried state, the petals remained intact like her had done something to keep them that way.
When class was finally over, you made a quick beeline towards the slytherin dungeons, bumping into people along the way. 
“Some hufflepuff girl is standing outside the dungeons asking to see you.” Theo shrugged when he saw Draco at the common room sofa. “Says it's urgent.” 
He felt terrified yet so elated as he quickly stood up and made his way outside. 
“Here’s your book.” You said taking a step towards him. “You never told me what’s wrong by the way.” 
“Thank you.” Draco quickly took his book from you and stared at the ground. 
“Why did you stop talking to me y/n?”
“You told me to go away—If I remember correctly.” You said shaking your head at him. “Tell me Draco, what’s wrong?”
“Everything.” He said quietly, meeting your gaze. 
"What do you mean?" 
"You make me feel all weak.....and smiley...and I hate it." He looked at you with agitation.
"Weak?" You ran your  fingers through your hair in confusion. 
"And your ridiculous white tank top." Draco half yelled. 
"What's wrong with my top?" You asked, raising your voice slightly as if you had had enough of this. 
"Nothing is wrong except for the fact that you look stunning in it.” He blurted involuntarily. "It is absolutely distracting when one is trying to study!." 
He watched you open your mouth in shock and close it. Before he could spend another minute trying to solve the riddle that was your expression, you grabbed him by his tie and placed your lips on his. 
His brows furrowed as he kissed you back tenderly. Tasting the sweetness of your lips—pouring out every bit of suppressed passion and adoration he felt for you with his lips.
There was something so strange and euphoric about finally kissing someone he had been longing to kiss for so long. 
Something so magical about holding the person that fits perfectly into his arms. 
Freaking Finally. 
He was slightly disappointed when you slowly backed away, but the glow on your skin and the glossy ness in your eyes made him smile. 
"I guess I'll leave before I realize the consequences of what I have just done." You said softly as you held his face and placed a small peck on his lips.
The next day, you found a tiny box and an envelope on your desk when you woke up. Your roommate let you know that Draco Malfoy had stopped by late last night when you were asleep and half begged and half threatened her to leave the box on your desk. 
You slowly opened the box and found a bedazzled and whimsical looking daisy necklace, encrusted with gems.  
A Daisy for my daisy. 
You give me hope.
- D.M
Draco Taglist: @dracomalfoyisindahouse @dracomalfoys-wh0re @maybesandohnos @justfangirlthingies @desiredmalfoy @dlmmdl @trainintersection @fa-me @dracoswhore007 @paulina1998 @wh0re4blaise @marrymetheonott @quacksonsssandtea @letoof @rvaldez7569 @loloo22 @emma67 @berriemalfoy @thegaudess @itchywitch33 @louweasleymalfoy @lunar0se10 @savagelysarcasticslytherin @fleursbabe @teawineaddict @thebitchybeatle @malfoyxxdraco23 @fantasyfairysworld @trashyvicks @h0ggyw0ggyh0gwarts @l0vely-lupin @linasylveon @amwitherspoon @the-bisexual-bitch
Love you all sm. (if i was unable to tag you, please look into your privacy settings)
Fell free to send me reuests. My other stories can be found here.
Join my taglist here.
- violet-Anne
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jenoismydad · 4 years
hello, can i request nct dream reaction to s/o kissing their neck a lot? tysm 🧡
A/N: adding jisung but nothing sexual for his part okay :) reaction is under the read more
he’s just playing his guitar
when you come up behind him and rest your head on his shoulder
he smiles to himself but doesn’t stop strumming
your arms wrap around his waist and start pressing light and warm kisses onto his shoulder
he doesn’t react to your actions and continues playing
eventually, your kisses start trailing up his neck
and soon enough your sucking small marks into it
he absentmindedly tilts his head to give you more access
the melodies he plays become simpler and quieter
which tells you that you he’s focusing on you now
when you halt your kisses, the music stops
he turns to look at you
so you use it as an opportunity to crash your lips onto his
he pulls away and stares at you knowingly
“you’re horny aren’t you?”
you don’t even need to answer him because he knows he’s correct
he smirks and places his guitar to the side, pulling you onto his lap instead so that he can give you what you want
he’s sound asleep, peacefully napping in the middle of the day
you’re bored and you have nothing to do
plus, you might just be craving his cock after the wonderful night you spent with him
so after minutes of contemplating, you peel the blanket off his body and straddle him, careful not to wake him up
staring at his face as he rests, you can’t deny how breathtakingly beautiful he looks
so you press a soft kiss to his temple
then to his cheek
next his jaw and after that, his neck
he’d marked you up pretty well last night so you figured the least you could do was return the favour
and hence you softly suck on his exposed skin, running your tongue over the faint bruises your created
it makes him stir in his sleep
that doesn’t matter to you though and you continue doing what you’re doing
finally, he wakes up, hands flying to grip your waist as he assess what’s going on
he sits up, bringing you with him and cups your jaw
“i guess last night wasn’t enough for you huh?”, he says in amusement
he then pushes you down on the bed, fingers hooking straight into your shorts which he peels off with ease
content to see that you’re not wearing anything else underneath, he shares one last look with you before diving in between your legs and making you scream
he’s playing video games
well he has been for the past 4 hours
and you’re having serious separation anxiety even though you’ve been in the same room as him for so long
he leans back, yawning tiredly while stretching his body
you take that as an opportunity to come up behind him and give him a hug
he smiles and pulls you onto his lap where you return to hugging him again
his game resumes, fingers aggressively clicking away at the keyboard
you kinda want him to stop playing and more attention to you
so you decide to distract him by kissing his neck
he doesn’t react and so you keep kissing him
eventually small pecks turn to wet open mouth kisses
before you know it, you’re sucking dark marks into his skin while your hips roll over his
his breaths start getting deeper so you know you’re having quite the affect on him
soon enough, he switches the computer off and pushes his chair back, unable to control himself any longer
“get on your knees”, he speaks, voice low and raspy
you don’t hesitate to confide, doing as he says without wasting a second
he stands up from the chair, freeing his cock from its restraints
“keep your mouth open and take me like a good girl.”
you both are cuddling in bed
you’re laying on top of him, face snuggled comfortable between his neck and shoulder
he’s telling to you about what happened when he’d gone to visit his family
but you stopped paying attention ages ago
his skin is warm against your lips and you can feel the faint beating of his heart
the sensation is transfixing
and you just can’t resist any longer
so you kiss his neck
he pauses
his fingers that were drumming on your back too come to a halt
“aren’t you gonna do it again?”, he asks
you push yourself up and look at him with a happy smile
“did you like it?”, you ask, leaning down to kiss his lips
just as your about to pull away, he cups your jaw, bringing your mouth back on his
“it was fine, but i prefer getting kissed here.”, he says, puckering his lips dramatically
the action makes you both burst out into a fit of laughter
pecking his lips one last time, you lay your head on his chest, smiling to yourself
you asked him to help you organize your closet
so now he’s busy hanging up your coats and jackets
meanwhile your hugging him, humming random tunes into his neck and giving him a few kisses here and there
you might even have marked him up just a bit
he pays you no mind and continues about his task as if you aren’t clinging onto him
that is, until you softly sink your teeth into his skin
he freezes and looks down at you cautiously
“did you just bite me?”
instead of answering him, you stand up on your toes and kiss him, biting his bottom lip as you pull away
something just flips in him when you do that
letting go of the clothing hanger in his hand, he narrows his eyes and holds you close
“what are you up to?”, he asks, voice low and demanding
you don’t say anything, enjoying his demeanor more than you’d ever like to admit
“come on, say something. if you don’t i’ll just have to suck it out of you.”
the suggestiveness in his voice is exciting and so you decide not to give in
nothing needs to be said further and he picks you up, throwing you on the bed
he tugs his shirt off before hovering over you and leans down so that his lips ghost over your ear
“since you don’t feel like talking, i don’t want to hear a word from you. if you make a single noise, then i’m sure you’re smart enough to know what to expect.”
you both are playing a game where you kiss each other somewhere and the person who reacts first is the loser
the penalty is that the loser gets a hickey from the winner
for your turn, you decide that you’ll attack his neck
cause you know he’s the most ticklish and sensitive there
you also know the exact spot where he’s the most sensitive
using this knowledge to your advantage, you press a long kiss on his skin
his hands ball into fists on either side of him and you know he’s trying hard not to give in
but the way you’re kissing his neck is so tantalizing and he can’t help but let out a shaky breath
you draw back and point at him, beaming excitedly
you’d won the game
he groans defeatedly and falls to the ground
“now sir, where would you like to be marked.”, you ask giddly, dancing about
he tugs his shirt down and looks at you with a smirk
“here please.”, he says pointing to his collar bone
you return his smirk and sit down next to him, licking your lips as you prepare to deliver your token of victory
“scandalous, i like it.”, you giggle, leaning down and sucking a dark bruise on his skin
let’s just say that he didn’t mind returning the favour
while you’re busy finishing your homework, he’s laying on your bed with his nose stuffed in the game he’s playing on his phone
once you feel like you’ve done enough for the day, you come and sit down next to him
he’s still very much occupied in the game so he pays you no mind
you decide to be cheeky and lay down next to him, cuddling into his side
he doesn’t react to your proximity and so, you snuggle your face into his neck
he freezes for a moment, but once he gets accustomed to the ticklish feeling of your breath on his skin, he resumes his game
that’s when you stick your tongue out and subtly lick his neck
the action makes him jolt and he looks down at you with wide eyes
you only smile at him and reach up to quickly kiss his lips
which makes him go red in the face because you caught him off guard
he gets back to his game and you start dotting kissing on the space of his neck
he keeps flinching because it tickles but he doesn’t complain
he actually likes it very much and would like for you to continue
eventually, you get tired of his unresponsiveness
so you begin peppering kissing on his jaw, his cheeks and his nose
soon enough, your straddling him, staring into his eyes with a knowing grin
he tosses his phone to the side and cups your cheek, pulling your lips down on his and simply kisses you for hours on end
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link4eva · 2 years
Kiro’s Dream Come True Date Translation [CN]
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Hi! Thanks so much for your patience! 
This translation was done with the power of Duolingo and Google Translate.
The translation below contains spoilers for content that has not yet been released to the ENG server. If you wish to not be spoiled, then please don’t look below the cut.
*Spoilers for future content below!*
[First Part]
It was late at night, and I was huddled in bed bored while swiping through videos. Suddenly, a crisp “ding dong” sounded, and a push notification popped up on the screen.
– [Special Announcement on Weibo] Kiro: This “Wish Collection” event has ended. The one who won the final wish prize is… [Click for details]
MC: ! It’s actually time for the prize draw of this event, let me see who is the lucky one…
Immediately, my spirit came to me, and I stretched out my finger to the link on the screen–
At the same time, an incoming call popped up on the screen, and the moment my fingertip touched the screen, a familiar voice came from the receiver.
Kiro: MC? You answered too quickly, did you stay up all night playing on your phone again and get caught by me?
MC: Pfft- I saw the push notification that the event you held before had a draw, and I want to take part in this grand prize. I hope I win!
MC: After all, what the winner gets is a chance for Kiro to grant their wish, how rare it is~
Kiro: It seems that Miss Chips is quite interested in this event? Then I can rest assured.
MC: Eh?
Kiro: I called you just to say this.
Kiro: Because this wish in the draw was a bit special, I wanted to celebrate the fourth birthday of a little fan named “Nini”.
Kiro: But the other party emphasized that she wanted a relatively cozy and private birthday party, so the address was set at her home. 
Kiro: That being said… don’t schedule shoots as much as possible.
MC: Is there a reason for being so mysterious?
Kiro: You can rest assured that the other party provided information very cooperatively, and it should be Nini’s sister according to her age, only…
MC: Savin must still have concerns.
A muffled response came from the other end of the phone.
MC: But even so, Kiro must be very persistent in granting this wish. So he is now thinking…
MC: “It would be great if MC came with me. It would not only convince Savin to rest assured, but also not disappoint the fans.”
MC: Am I guessing right?
Kiro: …correct, correct, correct, correct! Oops, I guess I can’t hide anything from you.
He pretended to sigh helplessly, but his tone was undisguised and lightened.
I can seem to imagine what his expression was like at this time. How could I live up to such a Kiro?
[Second Part]
On Nini’s birthday, Kiro and I showed up at the address of the apartment on time.
After confirming the apartment number again and again, and consolidating the measures to deal with what Savin had told me so many times, I nodded toward Kiro.
Kiro picked up the cake he had prepared and rang the doorbell. Soon, a young girl with a ponytail appeared before us.
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Kiro: Surprise– 
The girl opened her eyes wide and looked at Kiro in a trance. After a while, she blushed and covered her mouth.
Girl: It’s really Kiro!
Kiro: Hello, I’m Kiro. Next to me is…
MC: I’m his manager, MC, hello.
As I said that, I blinked at Kiro, but he was not surprised.
Kiro: We were invited to celebrate Nini’s birthday. You are the one who contacted us before, Nini’s sister, right?
The girl seems to have come out of her trance, looked at us apologetically and smiled at us.
Girl: Sorry, I’m just so excited. Hello, I’m Nini’s mother.
Perhaps our expressions were too surprised as she seemed to have realized something and waved her hands.
Girl: I think you have misunderstood… come in first. Nini, hurry up, come out and see who’s here!
(In the apartment)
As soon as I walked into the entrance, I heard something jumping down the stairs. There was a sound, and then a small furry head appeared at the corner of the stairs.
Two ears stand high, and a pink tongue hangs out like a soggy noodle. The small lace scarf on the neck is extraordinarily delicate, and it looks like it has been carefully dressed.
As it approached, its round buttocks trembled.
MC: Such a cute little corgi!
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Kiro: So chubby, it looks like Mango Shake! *Reference to his Intimate Date*
As if it had seemingly understood the compliment, the little corgi sped up its small steps and jumped down the stairs step by step, its naive look made it so that people couldn’t help but want to approach it.
Girl: Nini, look, your favourite Kiro is here to celebrate your birthday!
Kiro: It’s… Nini?
Seeing us looking at each other, the girl blushed and lowered her head, a hint of guilt and unease was mixed in her tone.
Girl: I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hide it… and I didn’t mean to answer your questions so vaguely.
Girl: I didn’t expect you to come today. I… I am really surprised and thankful!
The girl’s somewhat bewildered expression cleared up any doubt that we had before. *Changed some wording*
Girl: Nini is not only a pet but an actual child to me. And… she’s a hardcore Kiro fan!
Girl: As long as Kiro appears on TV, she will sit right in front. I can’t even pull her away!
As if to prove that she is indeed a genuine “little soda”, Nini excitedly rubbed around Kiro’s legs.
Kiro squatted down and shook Nini’s paw in a friendly way.
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Kiro: Hello, little Nini, nice to meet you. Happy Birthday to you today! 
Kiro: I never thought I had a special and lovely “little fan” like you.
Kiro: It’s all thanks to this wonderful fate, right?
Kiro’s voice is gentle and sincere, I can hear him say something to Nini as he gently patted her shoulders.
MC: It seems that Nini has successfully captured Kiro.
Nini opened her grape-like eyes and gently rubbed Kiro’s hand with her soft nose.
Seeing this scene, the girl’s face finally showed a smile.
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Kiro: Come on Nini, let’s start your birthday party! 
Nini: Woof woof!
Looking at the small and delicate chocolate cake on the table, we fell into a brief silence.
Nini in Kiro’s arms stuck her tongue out, anxiously waiting for her own birthday ceremony. She probably didn't understand what the strange human was thinking.
The girl leaned beside me and whispered.
Girl: Actually, I ordered a special little cake at the pet store, but I don’t know why it hasn’t been delivered yet. If you could stay here, I’d go directly to the store to have a look.
MC: I’ll go with you!
Girl: No, it’s already very troublesome for you! And I didn’t make it clear before.
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Kiro: What are you saying so mysteriously? 
Kiro and Nini’s heads came into sight at the same time, and their eyes were inexplicably synchronized.
Kiro: Watch us, Nini, she is just going to go out for a bit. *Changed some wording*
Kiro: Although the cake is not perfect, what is important is the sense of ceremony to celebrate the birthday!
Nini sighed in cooperation, Kiro raised his hand quickly, covered the pair of small ears, and lowered his voice.
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Kiro: I can’t help but comfort this little gal, I think she’s going to jump up any second. 
Kiro: The puppy cake you’re talking about, we’ll pick it up later, okay?
Listening to his urgent tone, I tried my best to hold back a smile, picked up a golden birthday hat from the side, and adjusted it. After adjusting it, I put it on Nini’s head.
MC: Well, the little birthday star’s hat is ready!
Kiro stood up, put on a serious look, raised his palm, and stretched it out to Nini.
Kiro: You sit here, be good, and don’t move. Do you understand? High five!
Nini: Woof!
The fleshy little paw scratched Kiro’s palm twice and then sat on the spot obediently.
Kiro put the four candles on the cake with satisfaction and lit one of them.
The orange halo flickered, outlining his face very softly.
[Third Part]
In the gentle happy birthday song singing, Nini’s birthday ceremony is completed.
At the girl’s request, she went to the pet store to pick up the cake while Kiro and I stayed to accompany Nini.
Perhaps because she didn’t eat the cake, Nini was running back and forth excitedly. Kiro, who was following behind her, finally lost after several rounds of chasing.
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Kiro: Phew- Miss Chips, you say she’s so small, so where does she keep all that energy in her little body? It’s almost like when I walk Apple Box and he wants to take me for a run! *Changed some wording* 
Kiro: Oh wait, where is she going?
I followed Kiro’s line of sight and saw Nini jumping upstairs strenuously with her short legs, leaving us with a stocky little butt.
Kiro: Oh no, am I falling out of her affection so quickly?
MC: No, Kiro is too charming for that to happen. Have more confidence!
The next second, Nini’s figure reappeared on the stairs with a big bag in her mouth, and she diligently put the bag into Kiro’s hands.
After reaching in the bag for a short while, Kiro took out a can of fresh meat.
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Kiro: Clever little ghost, do you want to eat this? 
Nini sat obediently at Kiro’s feet, her big eyes flickering.
Kiro slowly opened the tab of the can, but suddenly raised the can when Nini approached.
Kiro: What should you do first if you want to eat meat?
As soon as he finished speaking, Nini raised her two short front paws with difficulty, using the other two short back legs to hold herself up. *Changed some wording*
Kiro patted Nini’s head with great satisfaction and handed over the opened can of meat.
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Kiro: Very nice, this can is your reward! 
Nini raised her ears proudly, leaned over to take a few bites of canned food, and then turned her attention to the chew sticks in the bag.
Kiro followed her gaze and opened the packaging of the chew sticks and shook it in front of Nini.
Kiro: If you want to eat it, you have to say “thank you” again.
Nini responded with a crisp sound, raised her short front legs, and then unexpectedly put them back down and spun around.
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Kiro: Nini, how much skill do you have that I don’t know about? 
Nini paused, jumped suddenly, and snatched the chew stick out of Kiro’s hand.
Kiro: Hey, you! This “skill” is not something a good child should learn!
The fluffy little butt seemed to be provocative, but soon after, Nini took out another bag of jerky.
Kiro: Only after you eat this can of food. Be a good girl who doesn’t waste!
Kiro earnestly tried to educate Nini about saving money, but Nini didn’t seem to be interested as her short legs kept digging at the bag of jerky under her feet.
I couldn’t help laughing when I saw Kiro being helpless with this dog.
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Kiro: Miss Chips, don’t snicker, come and help me. 
I restrained my smile and bent down to get the jerky when Nini suddenly rushed up and took it back, making a threatening cry.
MC: She actually stole it… It seems that Nini is a dog who will not give up so easily.
Kiro: This little gal is really possessive. *kinda like a certain boi with golden retriever energy, lol*
Kiro said, naturally reaching out to straighten my messy hair.
Who would have thought that Nini would suddenly let go of the jerky and run over to squeeze between me and Kiro, making sure to lick Kiro’s hand constantly?
MC: Nini, this is… *not your man, bitch!! 😤*
Kiro had a novel look on his face and reached out his hand to deliberately rub my hair again.
Nini: Woof woof!!
Nini jumped on the spot twice and even rolled over to reveal her fat belly. Kiro had to rub it before she would stop.
I couldn’t help laughing at the realization.
MC: Nini is also very possessive towards you.
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Kiro: No way, too much charm is also a trouble. 
Kiro pinched Nini’s fat little face and deliberately made a sour expression. The corners of my mouth twitched as a little mischievous idea came to mind.
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I walked behind Kiro, put my hands on his shoulders, looked at him defiantly, and then looked at Nini. 
MC: Kiro– is mine!
[Fourth Part]
Nini: Arf!
Nini didn’t flinch in the slightest and barked back, making sure to not be outdone.
MC: He’s mine, not yours!
Nini: Ruff!
MC: You two just met today, we have known each other for a long time, you know!
Nini: Ruff ruff!
Listening to me and Nini bickering back and forth, Kiro couldn’t stop laughing.
He picked up the can and the chew stick and handed them to Nini, exaggerated sounds were falling out of our mouths. *Changed some wording*
Kiro: Alright, enough already, stop fighting!
MC: This is a war between me and Nini, don’t interfere!
Kiro: Pfft– come on, Miss Chips.
Kiro leaned towards my ear and whispered something. My ears felt a little hot for a moment and I felt as if I was quietly being favoured. *Changed some wording*
MC: Nini, aren’t you going to admit defeat?
Nini: Woof!
The fleshy front paws rested on Kiro’s legs, and her eyes were still full of confidence.
MC: Nini, look, he’s mine!
In front of Nini, I held Kiro’s right hand.
MC: Look… look!
I walked around in front of Kiro and deliberately sat gently on Kiro’s right leg.
Nini jumped onto Kiro’s left leg without hesitation.
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Kiro: Ah, am I hugging from left to right? 
Although he said it jokingly, I felt that Kiro’s hand didn’t know where to go.
I didn’t expect Nini to be so obsessed with Kiro. It seems that I will lose to this dog if she doesn’t move.
I tilted my head, looked at the side of the face that was close at hand, and subconsciously pecked his cheek.
Kiro seemed to be stunned for a moment, and when he looked over, I looked away with a guilty conscience.
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MC: Nini, do you still dare to fight? 
Nini immediately propped her upper body and stuck out her pink tongue to Kiro’s face.
At this moment, Kiro suddenly stretched out his hand, took Nini’s chubby body into his arms, tilted his head and then leaned down.
Before I could react, a warm and soft touch fell on the corner of my lips.
Shallow breathing fluttered on the side of the ear, and a chuckle sounded in my ear–
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Kiro: Congratulations to Miss Chips for winning the “Kiro Battle”. 
Kiro: This is your trophy, please take it.
After playing with Nini for a while, Kiro and I sat on the floor panting.
Nini still happily walked around us with her short legs and pushed me with her soft nose reluctantly, and rubbed Kiro again.
Seeing that we really had no energy, she went off to play by herself in disappointment.
I turned my head and saw the beads of sweat on the tips of Kiro’s golden hair and the dog fur on his clothes. I subconsciously raised the corners of my lips.
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Kiro: What is Miss Chips giggling about? Did I get caught again? 
MC: Because I’m looking at you, I can’t help but laugh. After all, seeing Kiro like this is rare~
MC: But you played with Nini for a whole day today. Will Apple Box be jealous? After all, dogs have really keen noses!
Kiro: You reminded me that Apple Box’s always good-natured in appearance, but he gets jealous very easily.
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Kiro: Usually whenever I touch another dog outside, he gets unhappy when he finds out. 
MC: Then when you go back today with Nini’s scent, he will definitely ignore you, right?
I looked at Kiro, a bit of schadenfreude in my tone.
Kiro: Yes. Luckily… I think I have a solution.
MC: Eh?
Before I could react, Kiro’s whole body was already tilted towards me, getting closer and closer–
The next second, his head was resting on my lap.
Kiro: There we go.
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Kiro: How about you let me bring more of your scent home so that Apple Box won’t smell Nini? 
Saying that, Kiro rubbed against me like Apple Box, as if to rub in more smell.
From time to time, the soft ends of hair brushed against the skin on my arm, giving an itching sensation.
My heart beat faster involuntarily and I subconsciously reached out and pushed him away.
MC: How could this approach work…
Kiro: I think it should work.
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Kiro: If you don’t believe me, try smelling me first? 
Kiro said that as he took off his jacket and put me in his arms. My whole vision suddenly turned black and only a fresh, youthful scent was left.
In the dark with a cozy atmosphere, only the thumping of heartbeats was alive and present.
MC: Kiro, you…
“Woosh!”, the dark curtain suddenly pulled away from my world again and a face with a familiar smile gradually became clear in my sight.
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Kiro: So, is it just your scent? 
MC: I, I’m not Apple Box, how would I be able to smell it? Come on!
Nini: Arf arf!
With a crisp bark, the figure with short legs jumped onto my lap and pushed Kiro away.
MC: This is…
Kiro wanted to lean over again, but received a warning look from Nini.
Kiro: It seems that after you played with her just now, she now thinks of you as property and wants to monopolize you… What a special little gal!
As if to confirm Kiro’s speculation, Nini turned towards Kiro again and barked twice provocatively.
Kiro: Well, since today is your birthday…
Kiro stretched out his hand and a chew stick was stuffed into Nini’s mouth.
Kiro: The chew sticks and cans are yours.
Kiro: But Miss Chips–
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Kiro: Is mine alone. 
You can read/listen to the call that comes after this date here!
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
Fun fact: demon slayer starts in 1912 and ends in 1927(or at least that's when the Tashio era ends). Using that math Tanjiro (as long as he kept his health good) would very well be alive today at the ripe age of like 78 if my math is correct since he started as 13 in the series. (My math probably wrong asf)
Power imbalance, power bottom reader, knife play,  blood but not blood play...
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He hated you.
Your very being irked him more than anything he'd ever experienced in all his centuries of living. You were clumsy, boisterous, and played that arrogant music all throughout your home while walking around half naked. Well in Muzan's opinion you were half naked, he couldn't even begin to describe his disbelief at the trend of exposing skin. 
It didn't help that you had that insignificant filth running through your veins. At first he was unsure, after all this was a completely different country than Japan, not to mention your darker skin and coiled hair. But no, he could smell and recognise the Kamado blood running through your veins just as strongly as it had run through all your ancestors. 
Completely undiluted. 
At the very beginning when you first moved in, you  came to his home. Knocking aggressively on his front door already getting off to the wrong start. When he opened it, you slipped past him and walked into his living room barely even saying hello as you put poorly decorated sugar cookies on his obsidian coffee table. "This is a nice place you got here Mj." 
Muzan's eyes twitched, that joke had long since gotten old since he moved to America. 
Now that you were closer he could definitely smell, the century old stench of rivaling bloodlust simmered just below your onyx skin. At any moment he expected you to attack him in some way or form. "Anyways I'm here to say hello neighbor, my name is Y/n and I'm your new best friend!"
Your happy attitude also agitated him to no end. Even though the knowledge of demons had dwindled down to only a few select families, even basic humans were wary of him as their baser instincts made them aware of his dangerous origins. This fact had long since forced Muzan to only prey on the elderly to survive. You had stayed a bit longer babbling about some nonsense that Muzan never acknowledged as he watched you from a good distance.
"You know you really got to add more to your wardrobe than 1963 suits." You walked from the back of his home, an area that he didn't even notice you wandered to. Finally getting bored, you open his door bidding your farewells. 
Just before leaving you stop and with a cheeky grin say, "If you ever need anything just come on over. We Kamado's are known for our kindness." 
Since then he'd been on edge around you. The point of relocating was for him to keep a low profile but now it seems he'd have to come face to face with an old nemesis reborn. 
Muzan snapped out of his thoughts with a flinch as he pierced his hand with his nail. He watches the dark blood well up from the wound and drip down his wrist. In the end this world had long since lost its hostility dwindling the average human incapable of basic combat. Giving you were no doubt a great descendant, Muzan failed to see you as a true threat.  
But one can never be too sure
You heard a knock on your door, soft and hesitant. "I don't think I'm expecting company." You checked your watch and peered out of a nearby window. It was at least 8 at night, you were braless wearing sweats with a red T-Shirt and on your way to bed.  In the back of your mind you visualize your two grand-uncles Inosuke and Zenitsu coming over to make you spectate their fights. For two old dudes they still had enough strength in them to do hip breaking nonsense.
You open the door shocked to see your next door neighbor standing before you. For once he wasn't wearing a suit that cost more than your house. His attire was still expensively dressed but in a more casual sense, that being a black dress shirt and slacks. His sleeves were rolled up displaying his pale skin. "Can I come in?" A dazzling smile you had never seen before practically blinds you as he walks past you into your home.
When Muzan walks in his eyes immediately dart to the clear as day Nichirin Blade sword displayed recklessly on your living room wall above your couch. "You like it?" A hand on his shoulder makes him jump, "Got it from my grandpa, he says it's really special but I feel like he's exaggerating. You know how old people are." Muzan shakes out of his stupor. "I don't quite understand what you mean by that, however I do know that it's much more wise to listen to your elders than ignoring…..It could save your life."
Muzan replicates you and puts a hand on your shoulder gently squeezing. This was it, he'd go in for the kill and it would be over, the amount of blood he'd pump into you would be enough to watch you meet a satisfying end of combustion completely untraceable if the police were to get involved. How he wishes he'd be there when your poor grandfather walks along your remains splattered on every surface in your living room. Unable to do a thing as he's finally in his last stretch of life. 
The beauty.
Muzan's finger only twitches in the slightest before pain sparks from his own neck. "The thought of you coming into my own home unprovoked and at night no less, was the most obvious sign one could ask more." You had his hand gripped so tight your veins popped while your other hand held a small pocket knife that burned  brighter than any Nichirin sword he'd ever encountered. He didn't understand, he was quick enough to kill even the best of the ancient Hiroshima. So how did a little foreign girl like you get the upper hand?
It was embarrassing and almost laughable if any of his pillars were alive to tell the tale.
You press the blade harder before bringing your other hand to caress Muzan's cheek,  "Did you think I'd be just an ignorant descendant of an infamous hero?" You clicked your teeth disappointingly. "How naive, you've really become lazy after all these millennia huh?" You walk forward, pushing Muzan back with seductive strength. He allows you to push him into your couch,  I say allow because at any time he could have stopped you.  
Muzan is most definitely not holding me at gunpoint right now. 
The knife never wavers even as you climb into Muzan's lap, pressing it even closer against his jugular. "You do know getting beheaded will not kill me, and I doubt this petty little kitchen knife will get the job done in the first place." Your lips draw into a smirk and you press the knife closer as you trail it down his chest, "That may be true but it's gonna take one hell of a time for you to grow back." Your hand jerks down, popping his shirt buttons open.
Muzan watches with interest, your eyes light up as more skin becomes exposed. The tones of your dark skin contrast strikingly as you caress his pectoral with the tips of your fingers. "For a 1,000 year old grandpa you look decent." Still threatening his life with your blade, you kiss him. It's deep and carnal. Your lustful desires being made known as you grind in his lap. The flesh of your ass snuggly hotdogs the forming outline of his cock. "I've always wanted to be with a demon. You've had to of become a real freak after living this long!"
When you pull away Muzan's thin lips are pink and a bit swollen. He is out of breath despite needing none, "You have a lot of nerve for a mere human." With your free hand you loosen the belt of his slacks, only standing to pull them off, pleased when Muzan voluntarily raises his hips to aid you. 
Don't get him wrong, he was still planning on killing you and ending your wretched bloodline once and for all, he just needed his mind to clear itself. Your scent, your confidence, strung him along like a puppet. His hands grip onto your ass cheeks like a lifeline. Molding them between his fingers, even giving them a shake through your sweats. His nails elongate and puncture the thick fabric as if it was nothing more than a spider web. 
Your sweats are tugged off completely leaving your lower half nude. Muzan moves his hands to hold your ass again but your blade politely makes itself known. You are out of breath and clearly flustered. "Watch yourself, demon, I'm the one calling the shots, don't forget that." Muzan bites his tongue with sharp glare. He raises his hands in surrender, "Of course." 
Muzan can feel your wetness against his leg and it's driving him insane. "Hey…" red eyes refocus on yours, "You ain't got any diseases do you? And you can't get me pregnant right?" Muzan smirks hands enclosing around your ass despite your protest. "I can, however it will cost a lot more than doing it once." The odds didn't seem in your favor but you were in no position to stand down and grab a condom and Muzan knew it.
You curve the blade towards his chin, "If you are lying and give me some ancient unknown disease or I find out you have superman sperm, I will kill you." Muzan links his lips, "Wasn't that the plan from the beginning or have you had a moment of level headedness?" Your wrist is quick and precise, cutting a thin slash along his jawline., not enough to scar and it barely even bled, but the threat was clear.
You grab Muzan's dick and use your thumb to attack the underside with fast strokes. Said man doesn't react outwardly, the only sign being his eyelids lowering by a fraction. "Were you always this well endowed or did you adjust this part too?" Muzan was not amused by your insinuation. Deciding to once again display the true power imbalance this situation had, he loops his arms underneath your large thighs and lifts you just enough to thrust his cock against your hole. 
From there he let's go, making you plop down on his length, making you yelp and allowing him to lean back with a relaxed sigh. You were so warm and tight. Now even though I explained what had happened with great detail,  keep in mind that in reality it all happened within a fraction of a second. 
Your large and in charge persona was cracking.  You gripped Muzan's sides tightly as your pussy spasmed around his girth. "F-Fuck it's too….." you trail off not wanting to give Muzan the credit he was truly due. 
It takes a few moments for you to get your bearings all the while Muzan and his dangerous jaw swayed in the crevice of your neck. A viper playing with its prey. The blade is back against his neck once again making his cock twitch. If he were human this would be a dangerous feat.  Your grip never slacked nor lessened against his neck, slicing into a growing wound that dropped dark blood down his chest and to his abdomen. 
His dick stretched your pussy and made it weap on each downstroke. Muzan's hands grip onto the cheeks of your ass with gritted teeth.  Your insides gripped him ever so slightly.  Sucking him back in as if he belonged there.  He felt used and it felt good.  His black ringlets stuck to his face from sweat and his red eyes grew in intensity. 
He couldn't see much of your body, hell he could barely even touch. In the back of his mind humorous thoughts such as how he knew Tanjiro would lose his sanity if he knew his granddaughter was being bedded by the man he despised. But the more you bounced, the more you squeezed, the deeper you cut into his neck proved that you were truly the one in charge. 
"Oh God you're so deep!" Your deep almond eyes shut themselves with pleasure. Muzan could feel your legs shaking with exertion at the same rhythm your pussy twitched. His balls felt tight after having no action in over a dozen years. "F-Faster." He has no care for your blade, only wanting to cum and feel the sweet ecstasy he knew your creamed pussy would provide. "Come on human, go faster." Muzan locks lips with you, gaze hardened and intent on proving some sort of point.
Tossing the knife you wrap your arms around his neck pulling his head closer. Red eyes target brown ones as his hands take a stronger grip on your ass. He uses his strength to bounce you. The sound of his balls slapping against the curve of your ass is just as disgusting as it is sexy. Your nipples rub against his through your tank-top making you both moan. The feeling blood stains your shirt making you shiver from the cool wetness
The couch you rest on bangs against the wall behind you the faster you both go. Muzan's feet are planted firmly in the ground, his fangs further elongated. He looks feral and it is in this moment where you get a glimpse of the horror many people felt when he took their lives. "Focus little Kamado, you wouldn't want to disappoint me now would you?" 
Muzan's hips meet yours, spreading the tempo. Your juices coat his lap before finally you tense up completely into a cramp inducing stance as Muzan impaled you on his cock one last time. "Ahh.." Muzan empties himself within you with a relieved sigh. 
Maybe the Kamado bloodline could go on.
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bukojuiice · 3 years
— genshin boys as your late night study buddy
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ೃ ft. childe, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, xiao and albedo x gn! reader
ೃ 200-299 words per character!  (they are your bfs in this! bc MAN do i desperately want one of the genshin boys to cram school works with and shower me with luv and affection.) ♡
ೃ tags: college au, modern au, and lots of fluff. 
ೃ thank you so so much for 1k notes on my very first batch of genshin hcs! i appreciate all the luv it received and i can never thank all of you enough 🥺 i’ll be making a genshin masterlist soon to compile all of my current and future works so pls stay tuned for that!
ೃ if you want to be a part of my taglist, answer this form! ♡
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– Zhongli would be a very chill study partner. He will always keep his cool and focus, never letting his attention stray away from less trivial things. If he can focus, he’ll focus. There’s always this sense of comfort surrounding him that brightens up your mood and productivity. The both of you are sat in this long table, papers, books, and cute matching pencils are sprawled about. You lean your head on his shoulder, as he serenades you with his deep and butter voice, explaining all the formulas to you. Being able to study in peace and quiet with him is always a blissful experience. He never fails to brew you green tea (as it helps the brain function) even if that meant going down to the kitchen at 2 in the morning. He always brings a small humidifier and some essential oils with him that can help brighten up the study mood and that emits a wafting vanilla pinecone scent to keep you happy. (He’s just fancy like that.) When he doesn’t understand the concepts right away, he’d turn to you, his sharp amber eyes gazing at yours with nothing but innocent and love, and asks: “(Y/N)... what reference is this supposed to be? pepe the frog? kermit the frog? here come dat boi? aren’t they all just amphibians? what are the differences between them? I am very intrigued.”
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  – Childe loves a challenge. An academic challenge. He loves the thrill of finishing school works the night before the deadline, he loves studying for a pop quiz twenty minutes before the bell rings, and most importantly, he loves to pretend he doesn’t know how to solve point a to point b if that means getting to spend time with you as you tutor him on how to do so. He’s at the top of the class, He’s popular and friendly, He’s the captain of the Archery Team, and one of the vice council members of the Fatui Club. But, no other title will ever come close to being your study buddy. You and Childe always chill on the bed whenever you study. Especially when the both of you have the sudden urge to just laze around. Well, it is the wee hours of the night, so just lounging around and trying to resist the urge of sleep is pretty understandable. Sometimes, the two of you would take power naps in between study sessions. This meant cuddle times! Childe will always cuddle with you, (he’s the big spoon and you are the smol spoon) and often times you would be immersed into your textbook while he’s scrolling through his phone and looking for some of the current and popular memes. He’d poke you on the cheek and show you what he’s found. It was quite annoying sometimes and you would reprimand him for it, but it never fails to make you laugh. You jokingly suggested one time that the two of you sneak in the library after closing hours, and your chaotic boyfriend turns to you with the biggest smirk plastered on his face. “Let’s do it baby. I know the law.”
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–You and Diluc are the cutest pair of night owls. So, studying late at night is never a problem with him because with the help of each other, the both of you are unstoppable. An actual power couple. Batman and his love interest who? I only know (Y/N) and Diluc. Mondstadt University should be giving you the title of #NoSleepGang for the “Campus Cuties” awards because the two of you are able to ace every test still despite lack of sleep.  You and Diluc are very very organized. The both of you own matching couple planners (that the both of you had gifted to each for Christmas) and have your entire study schedule planned out already. Since the two of you prefer to study at night, your dates are usually done during the day. Which meant never having to worry about the upcoming finals whilst you’re at a cute little café with him. The both of you have respective desks whenever you study together, but you never fail to gaze at your crimson-haired boyfriend with the cutest pout and biggest puppy eyes. He always gives in and next thing you know, your swivel chairs are practically glued next to each other and the both of you are cuddling in your seats. One thing that Diluc never fails to do is pamper you with comfort food or little gifts that you love after a long and tiring week of hell (aka exams) It’s such a sweet gesture and the blissful relationship that you have can’t get any better than this.
“I got you some boba and that necklace from Pandora that you’ve always wanted. I-I’m so proud of you (Y/N). You did great, my love.”
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- You are the Lawful Good to Kaeya’s Chaotic Evil. Kaeya is always tempted to ask for answers from your professors. He’s quite the teacher’s pet, but with good intentions. That’s just how he rolls. Every time he jokes about going to the faculty to help out and the answer sheets are just out in the open, waiting to be snatched, you always glare at at him and punch him softly on the arm, every time he tries to bring up the idea. To which he would always reply with, “I’m kidding. Just kidding my love.” You and Kaeya have amazing study hacks. He is always able to find a movie that is somewhat related to the topics that the both of you are currently studying about. For example, when the topic was an introduction to different branches of science, Kaeya chose Big Hero 6  as the “Educational Movie Of the Day.” He is always able to find something fun and informative for the both of you to watch. Well, Kaeya does find fun and interest in everything. Another effective strategy that both of you do is every time you or him get an answer right, you reward each other with either a kiss on the cheek or a bear hug. Both of these affectionate gestures give you butterflies in your stomach anyway, so it doesn’t matter which is which. With the ideas that Kaeya constantly makes up every single day of your study sessions, there’s a high chance that you’ll never fluke a test ever again.
“Oh. That’s pretty cool of you (Y/N). You got 30 correct answers! If we count everything, so I basically gave you 15 forehead kisses and 15 bear hugs. Congrats! I know we’re going to ace our finals!”
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– Xiao is extremely intelligent and talented in a myriad of things. However, he lacks self-confidence. You’ve sworn to your boyfriend that you’d help him gain confidence in his academic abilities. Which is why you became study buddies in the first place. It served as dates with him too! Although he stubbornly refused at first, his reasons being that he can do things by himself and he doesn’t need any help. You continued to encourage him that this was going to help the both of you and it was a way for the two of you to bond, and Xiao hesistantly agreed right after. As the captain of the soccer team, “The Liyue Adepti”, The only free time that Xiao has was during the evening which is the reason for your scheduled late night studies with him. This brought so much more intimate and sweet moments with him though! It meant sleepovers with him, midnight snack runs, and casual early morning strolls in the park. It became sort of a routine. Your hand interlaced with his, the crisp morning air, the little chirpings birds, and the tranquil swaying of the trees brought so much comfort to the both of you. Xiao would be the type of student to not speak up unless he’s called. Even if he knows the answer. The both of you sit on some floor pillows whenever you would study. So, whilst you read aloud, Xiao always hugs you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder.
“I don’t deserve the patience and love you give me, (Y/N). I am eternally grateful for everything you’ve done for me. I hope you know, that I’ll always be here for you.”
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- Being the university’s library assistant has it’s perks. Access to infinite knowledge, quiet solitude within the library walls, and being able to hang out with your boyfriend. It was truly a perfect deal. After classes, Albedo would be heading straight over to the library to do his work. You’d meet him there and wait until he gets his work done, and then the two of you head home together or have dinner. Albedo likes to plan things in advance. He’s quite busy, being a part of university’s alchemist group and as a library assistant, but, he will always study with you. He even brings Klee with him at times too! She’s always an energetic and cute addition, + she tattles on and on about how in love Albedo is with you and how he would never shut up about you at home. Albedo puts a lot of effort into creating review materials for the both of you. He makes very intricate drawings of modules, dioramas of certain science models, and has all the formulas memorized for him to list down. He’s a genius after all, and although you’ve constantly told him time and time again that he doesn’t have to make a review paper specifically catered to you, he still insists. He always gifts you one whenever it’s exam week (he adds extra detail to them during your finals) The cutest thing about these papers are scribbled about in all of the pages. The cutest doodles of the two of you with hearts and flowers drawn all over. Albedo + (Y/N) is even written in the last page, along with a heartfelt message: 
“I put all my faith and belief in you, (Y/N). I know you can do this. I’m proud of everything you’ve reached so far, my beloved. and I know you’ll reach greater heights. Let’s continue to excel and thrive together. I can’t wait to spend the rest of this journey with you.”
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dear-yandere · 4 years
yandere! zhongli, childe, xiao, scaramouche x gn! reader.
not sfw (18+) scenarios, liyue + fatui edition.
tw: dubcon + alcohol (xiao), noncon (childe, scaramouche), blood (childe), implied physical abuse + exhibitionism (scaramouche).
disclaimer: this is not a healthy relationship (apart from zhongli’s...maybe).
art belongs to ぐみ, kaskia, and kureiiro.
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he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
your lips are someplace they shouldn’t be and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. his fingers—fingers that have conquered humans and gods alike—sit awkwardly on your hips, twitching with embarrassment and pleasure for each kiss you lay upon his neck. he’s warm there, just how you like it, and you waste no time laying hotter, wetter kisses along the apex of his jawline.
“t...” he catches himself before he can stutter like a fool. “this is inappropriate, my beloved.” he clears his throat, and you’re quick to silence him with another kiss.
“this is what you wanted.” you playfully remind, not once missing the pink blush on his cheeks. 6,000 years old, and he has never done this with someone he loves; you suppose you should take that as a compliment, but really, you’re just excited by the thrill of dominating a god in bed. 
“i suppose you’re correct, but this still doesn’t feel...” he starts, but his eyes get caught on the way your legs are straddling his hips;  he draws a sharp breath, an embarrassment washing over him.
you laugh, and it’s like music to his ears. “this is what lovers do, zhongli. that’s what we are, isn’t it?” you tilt your head, your smile coy. “it says so right in the contract.”
ah. he can’t argue with that, so he shuts up.
you giggle in triumph and continue your ministrations, paying his awkward touches and clumsy kisses no mind. it’s cute, the way he’s trying so desperately to restrain himself; you sort of want to see him... snap.
the lower your kisses get, the more he questions why he’d ever want you to stop. and he reminds himself that you’re right, that your lips belong there. they belong on him... just like lovers do. then... as it stands, letting you straddle him to the futon is fulfilling no such obligation. as your loving husband, it’s his duty to see to it that you’re well taken care of.
it’s in the contract, after all.
you’re on your back before your lips can reconnect with his skin. 
“allow me.“
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tartaglia + fatui! darling
"does my little mouse want to cum?”
childe pushes his hair back to get a better look at your pitiful state. you’re standing on your knees, battered and blooded from the fight he’d forced you into, and your cheeks are stained with tears and dirt. his gaze locks onto your face, analyzing your reaction to the cock stuffed down your throat—and the dagger pressed against your jugular. 
your whimpers died down a while ago. must’ve realized you lost this battle in its entirety.
“you were so full of yourself earlier.” childe jeers, enjoying the way you squirm with humiliation at the thought. you’ve always been aware that the difference in skill between you and him was far too great to warrant anything close to a win in battle, but the situation you’re in now does nothing but add insult to injury.
just how he likes it.
“now that i have a fistful of your hair and i’ve brought you to your knees, you have nothing to say.” his laughter bounces from the walls without a care for who hears. “for all that strength you tout, you can’t even handle this?” he tugs your head back, admiring the way your bloodied face contorts with pain when a few strands of hair come with it. “how pathetic.”
you’re tempted to bring your teeth down onto his—
“bite and i’ll cut your tongue off.” he smiles. you’re not safe even in your own thoughts. “if you’re good, i’ll even help patch those wounds up for you. doubt you can reach most of them by yourself.” he chuckles, and you recall that he deliberately aimed at places you can’t reach. your back is covered with a litany of fresh wounds and blood, and your arm have so many small wounds it’d be impossible to reach your back on your own.
your lips instinctively squeeze around his dick; to your displeasure, he moans, and a laugh soon follows. “careful, sugar. don't squeeze so hard my cock slips out.” he hums and bucks into your mouth. you nearly gag when he hits the back of your throat.
“we’ve hardly started.”
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“oi, take responsibility.”
your eyes are shameful when they avert to the side, your skin dusted with hot embarrassment and arousal. the sight before you was one you could’ve imagined only in your wildest dreams —the esteemed adepti xiao’s legs spread around either of your ears, his eyes blurry with excitement and sake. his pale skin is red with the effects of liquor and arousal, and his lips are twisted into a lopsided smile; it looks like it’s taking all of his facial muscles to keep the expression intact.
he’s not in his right mind, but you know better than to disobey his orders. xiao is a patient man lest you cross him; and, despite his keen affections for you, you’re no more exempt from those rules than the archons themselves.
so you purse your lips and nod; he seems pleased at that. 
you hear him draw a sharp, excited breath when your fingers venture to the belt keeping his pants up; on his exhale, he can hardly contain his delight when the fabric around his waist loosens and slides down his thighs. atop his warm skin, your fingers twitch with fear and elation.
even in his drunken state, he senses your hesitation. you nearly yelp when his hand shoots out and grabs hold of yours, but his grip is nothing short of gentle. they hold yours as if you are something to be treasured; despite all he’s threatened to do to you when he’s in a fit of rage, you can’t help but feel more at ease.
you let him take your hand.
his hands are flushed and shaky as they guide yours to the tip of his cock. you draw a shaky breath, the feel of his skin foreign. this will be your first time with him; you remind yourself that you shouldn’t be doing this. he’s drunk, he’s not in his right mind. but if you don’t, he’ll...
he cuts your train of thought with a sharp tug of your chin, pulling your head closer to his throbbing member. he doesn’t have to speak for you to understand what he wants.
if you don’t, there’s far worse in store.
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“aw, are you going to cry? beg me to stop?”
you hurriedly shake your head.
“go on then. tell me what’s the matter, pet.” he nudges your bruised cheek with his knee; the skin there still stings from his earlier assault. you’ve learned since then—to be a good pet, to listen to him when he speaks, to do as he says without question nor hesitation. “have you gone mute already?” he sighs and rests his head against his knuckles. “that’d be no fun...”
you just want him to let you go.
you shake your head once more, uttering a small ‘no’ to sate his admonishments. you’ve learned not to speak unless spoken to. you’re better off that way.
“you were running your mouth earlier. where did all that bravado go, i wonder?” scaramouche’s lips twitch into a cruel smile. looking at you now, no one would ever think you were talking back to him only minutes ago. poor little thing, you had to be put in your place. you’re curled onto your knees now, shaking like a newborn pup, and he likes you better that way.
you deserve a reward.
he offers a pitying caress against your raw cheek; his skin is frigid to the touch, and you lean into it more so to relieve the hot ache of your bruise than because you’ve been instructed to do so. he accepts your subservience all the same, so long as you’re subservient to him.
he barks another order and your body immediately goes stiff. normally, you would have shot up and done exactly as he wished, but you didn’t. not this time, not with the prying eyes of his envoy watching your humiliation in full display. you didn’t want it to come to this, to be disrobed and ridiculed before anyone other than him. if you were alone... it was just him, you could’ve lived with the shame, because no one would know but him. 
and he knows that.
when you don’t move fast enough to his liking, he kicks into your stomach—light enough that there won’t be bruises. you’ve been so wonderful lately; it’d be a shame if you ended your good streak now.
 “my precious, stupid little pet. you’ll do well to remember that when i say something, you do it. quickly.” his tone is final. 
“else i’ll have my men strip you themselves.”
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dear-yandere, all rights reserved.
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
Could you do a fluff Regulus x fem!reader where it’s snowing and they jump into the black lake with their cloths/uniform on and yk ✨main character vibes✨ and then afterwards they both have a cold
Sorry this took so long! thank you so much for this request, I think I made regulus a bit more softer than usual.  🌻
Meant To Be [ Regulus Black ]
word count: 2148
[ warning: fem reader, a little bit of soft Regulus, description of pain caused by temperature, clothes sharing, kissing, hand holding, nicknames such as “love” “princess”, description of sick/colds, medicine taking ]
Hogwarts wasn't as fun with only a small percent of the students left. Most Students were home with their family's, making memories and building snowmen.
You, however, had stayed for the Christmas break. All your roommates had gone home, even some teachers. It felt so quiet walking down the hallways, no gossip or news being shared. Snow had fallen from the sky, coating the Hogwarts grounds with sparkling white.
Luckily, your boyfriend Regulus had convinced his mother to let him stay for the break. You almost squealed at the news. Finally, you could get your boyfriend all to yourself, he was always covered in girls.
You weren't the only one who hated the encounters, Regulus was furious every time a girl would come up to him and completely push you aside.
So here you were, Hands laced together as you run down the empty hallway. You giggled as you heard Regulus ask for you both to slow down, he was curious about where you were taking him.
You flipped back, slowing your speed as you walked backwards. You smiled bright, eyes sparkling like the snow as you tighten the grip on his hand.
"I heard from a 7th year that if a couple jumps in the black lake together, they will stay together forever!" You explained, pushing him further along as you made it to the outside. You looked up at the warm sun, feet crunching against the snow as you basked in the glow.
"I'm sorry what? That's completely insane, you do realize that right?" Regulus said, eyes slightly wider as he thought about jumping in a cold lake.
"Oh Regulus, if we believe it to be true then it is!" You told him, smiling up at him as you pulled him closer to you. The wind pricked at your exposed skin, your hair getting tossed in every direction.
"Yeah, if you believe in fairies. But I'm not jumping in a frozen lake for you to proclaim some bogus myth" Regulus said while planting his feet, drawing you closer to him as he cupped your jaw.
"I'm not letting you jump in a frozen lake, I already know I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with you," Regulus told you, leaning down to press his lips to yours. You smiled with closed eyes, pushing into his kiss as you held onto his forearm.
"I know our love is forever, but we might as well make it official" you whispered, slipping from his hands as you dashed towards the doc.
You heard Regulus call out for you, immediately running after you as you reached the wooden steps. You almost slipped on the ice, sliding down the doc as your arms sprawled out around you.
"Hey! Be careful!" Regulus yelled, now on the doc as well as he couldn't help but laugh at your attempt to stay upright.
"I love you," you told him, letting your feet slip off the edge of the icy wood as you fell back into the cold lake.
Water engulfed your body, the temperature sending stabs to your body as you swam up to the surface.
You broke free just as soon as another splash ruffled the water, Regulus had jumped in after you. You giggled, watching as his head popped up over the waves, his hair flat against his face.
"You jumped in with me!" You yelled, he didn't reply instead he went under the water. His arms wrapping around your waist as he lifted you into his arms.
His face came next to yours, his face pales from the cold as he held onto you tighter.
"You little menace," Regulus said while letting out a laugh. You hardly ever got to hear Regulus's laugh, he was always so quiet and shy. It was nice to finally get loose with him, it felt like you truly were going to live forever with him.
His lips met yours, kissing you with his cold thin lips. You smiled, letting your eyes shut as you leaned closer to the kiss. He pulled away quickly, leading you towards the doc.
"Okay, we must get out now. I don't want you catching a cold" Regulus tried to sound persistent and firm, but when he saw you laugh he couldn't help but take a moment to laugh with you. This moment with like a dream, it all happened so fast that you couldn't even process the cold nipping at your wet clothes.
"Regulus it's freezing!" You yelled out when your adrenaline ran out, your arms wrapped around yourself as you try and find warmth.
"I told you! Your so demanding," Regulus muttered, looking around for your shoes before he saw them wash away down the lake.
"Oh you love it," you teased, kissing his cheek with your shivering lips as you look for your shoes as well. When you saw them halfway past the water, you shivered on impact.
"Come on, I'll get you new shoes," Regulus said, leading you to the castle as you crept along with the snow. Your feet froze, pale and raw as you make it to stone.
Regulus looked over you, sighing before shaking out his hair and picking you up quickly. You wrapped your arms around him instantly, afraid you'd fall.
"Regulus, this is unnecessary," you told him, but you secretly loved it. Regulus rarely ever went out of his way to do affectionate things in public, and though there were no people around to witness, it still made you feel loved.
"No, it's my responsibility as your boyfriend," he proclaimed, striding down the hall until he made his way to the entrance of the Slytherin common room.
"Future Husband," you corrected, your head leaning against his chest as you felt the bumps every time he took a step.
Regulus grinned to himself, opening the door with his foot as he plopped you on the nearest chair.
"What jumper do you want to wear?" He asked, peeling off his wettened tie and shirt as he slipped on a clean white long-sleeve. He went off to the bathroom quickly to grab you a towel.
"The green one," you say, ringing your hair out with the towel as you shiver. Regulus glanced over at you and gave you a look, his lips in a thin line.
"Well, that's real specific isn't it," Regulus said, holding up 3 different jumpers, all in green. You laughed, pointing to the one in his left hand.
He tossed you his jumper, turning around so you could undress without staring eyes. Later on, he tossed you his sweat pants, which were way too big for you.
Both of you had gotten dressed in warm clothes, Regulus had insisted you wear 2 pairs of socks to make sure your feet won't freeze. He looked at you, his clothes were abnormally large on you, he absolutely loved it.
Regulus led you to his bed, helping you under the covers as his hands wrapped around your waist. He pulled you closer, kissing your forehead. You smiled at the feeling, relaxing back into his chest. You felt warmth wash over you, you interlocked your fingers with his before falling fast asleep in comfort.
The morning after you woke up to the sun shining through his window, Regulus pressed against your side. His head buried into your neck as he pulled you ever so closer.
"Morning," you mumbled out, your eyes opening slightly. His room was dark, it usually smelt like burning wood and men's cologne. Your nose was clogged, making you twitch it as realized how sore your body felt.
"Morning, princess," he muttered tiredly, his voice was raw. You heard him clear his throat, realizing that you both had been sick from the lake jump.
"We're sick," you declared, rolling over to face Regulus. His nose was slightly red, his eyes looked tired. You brought your hand up to his cheek, rubbing your thumb over his smooth features.
"I don't get sick," Regulus said while his hand rubbed the small of your back in a comfortable manner. You giggled, your head resting on his shoulder.
"Why are you all stuffy then?" You asked, closing your eyes as you adjusted to the feeling of being awake. You had to force yourself to open your eyes, blinking back sleepiness.
"I'm not, your hallucinating because you're sick," his words were almost convincing, but you heard him hold back a sneeze. You pulled out of his grasp, sliding to the edge of the bed.
"Where are you going?" He asked, sitting up as he rubbed his eye with the palm of his hand.
"Getting supplies to heal you," you explain, going into his bathroom. Regulus flopped back down on his bed, closing his eyes with a flustered expression. He felt silly having someone care for him.
You grabbed a cloth, running it in warm water as you squeezed the excess out. You did the same to another cloth, dipping it in cold water. You left the bathroom after a few moments, going back to Regulus.
You climbed atop of his bed, your fingers coming to comb through his hair. He grew it out over the school year, much like his brother. His hair was jet black, waves spinning out everywhere.
"Hi," you whispered, placing the warm cloth against his pale skin. You pressed it firmly against his forehead then moved to press it against his cheek. The cloth left red imprints, you smiled as you dabbed his face.
"This is silly," Regulus commented as you switched to the cold cloth, pressing it against his warm skin. You let the cloth rest against his forehead, smiling down at him.
"Taking care of you isn't silly," you replied blankly, moving the cloth to his cheeks. You walked to the bathroom again, grabbing some cold medicine.
Regulus groaned as he saw you leave the bathroom with the medicine in your hand, you rolled your eyes. Pouring the liquid into the small measuring cup, you pass him the cup. He eyed it, giving you a long frown.
"Drink," you told him, walking over to the jug of water that sat by the window. Ice cubes swam in it, never melting. You poured him a generous glass as he drank the medicine.
He made a small face, making you giggle. Passing him the water, he held you out the medicine cup.
"You're sick too," Regulus said, placing the glass down on his nightstand. You made a small face at the thought, pouring yourself some medicine. You downed it quickly, gagging at the bitter taste.
You reached for his glass, taking a sip as you washed down the remaining taste. You took the cold cloth from his face, pressing it against your own. You flopped down beside him, exhaling in relief from the cold compress.
"My mother never did this for me," Regulus whispered in a small voice, you opened your eyes, casting your vision to where he laid.
"Well now you have me, I'll always take care of you Reggie," you told him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. You placed the cold compress back against his forehead.
"I'm so lucky to have you," Regulus looked like he was about to cry, his voice was strained and his eyes were red. You stroked his cheek, a gentle smile forming.
"You deserve me Regulus, it's not luck. I'm meant to be with you," you avowed, leaning down to capture his lips against yours. Every time you kiss him, it feels like the first time again.
Slowly pulling away, your eyes squinted slightly as you stare into his dark ones. His hand found yours, overlapping his fingers over yours.
"You're my soulmate, every life I'm given I promise I'll find you," Regulus promised and he meant it. He rose on his elbows, tossing the cloth to his bedside table. His empty hand coming to hold your face. He pulled you into a heart-stopping kiss, every ounce of love he offered you poured into this kiss.
"Not if I find you first," you exhaled, resting your forehead against his. Regulus stared lovingly into your eyes, a small smile embedded on his face.
"Come on, I wanna sleep for a little longer," he said, relaxing back onto the bed. He brought you down with him, holding you close. His chin propped up against yours, you lean into his shoulder. He smelt like home, your hands still encased with his.
"You promise you'll find me in our next life," you asked, sleep slowly starting to take over your body. You stayed awake long enough to hear his answer.
"Always," Regulus claimed, hearing your breath even as you slept. He smiled to himself, kissing your forehead. He let his eyes close, contempt with having you in his arms. Regulus fell asleep shortly after you did, finally happy about having someone that he cared so deeply for.
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