#Didn't even notice but I guess I looked at them and subconsciously went ''I FOUND MY PEOPLE!''
totallynotlx · 1 year
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A/N: In honor of my precious, beloved boys. You both deserved the world but they did you so wrong. Also yes, I hurt myself writing this thankssssss
Tags: Dad!Gojo Agenda, a bit of fluff I guess?, Hurt / No Comfort coz I am hurting rn
Word Count: 745
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It's the word that Megumi would always associate Gojo with. He wasn't particularly fond of the man, but he doesn't despise him either... not always anyway. He owes him that much, at least. The man had no business adopting two kids when he was just sixteen. But he did it. Sure, he wasn't the perfect role model, but he remembers how much he cared for them. 
He made the effort to celebrate his and Tsumiki's birthdays the first year he took them in. Christmas was extravagant, too. That's where Megumi discovered his disgusting addiction to sweets. The table was full of it. Some of which he and Tsumiki haven't tried before. Tsumiki was ecstatic, with bits of icing on her cheek as she ate, while Megumi was more content with the peppermint candy canes. He also made sure they had presents. 
When school came around, Gojo took care of everything. He was still too young to enter Jujutsu High, so he ensured they had a proper education. He made sure they had everything, from their needs to their wants. 
"He's weird. But he's not a bad adult." He remembers Tsumiki's words all those years ago after Gojo took them in. Megumi would argue that she shouldn't be too trusting since it may still be a political ploy, but it never happened. 
Gojo genuinely did care for them. He made Tsumiki laugh. When he found out they comforted him, he gave Megumi stuffed animals that resembled his curse techniques. He vaguely remembers him tucking them both to bed when they fell asleep on the couch. He made sure they had a roof over their heads. He ensured Megumi pursued his other interests that didn't revolve around jujutsu sorcery. And even though Megumi was mature for his age, he tried his best to give him a sense of a normal childhood. Even when he became such a rebellious teen, Gojo was there, always patient with the same stupid grin. He didn't reprimand him as Tsumiki did, but he tried to guide him in his own way. The training sessions would be longer, harder even, but he never shouted at him, was never mad at him, or was never frustrated with him. 
"You have the potential to be on par with me, Megumi." Gojo's words echoed in his mind, crystal clear. "So you gotta keep a level head."
Thoughts began to swirl endlessly in his clouded mind as the memory faded. It was like almost seeing a ghost, always flitting through, never materializing. Images came and went like his own shallow breathing. It was getting harder to breathe. His chest felt like it was getting constricted by some unknown force, and he felt hot all over.
He recognizes the sensation. Pain. 
Subconsciously, Megumi grits his teeth, his nails digging into the inside of his palm. The dull sensation becomes more and more apparent with each second. His head was throbbing, and his vision blurred for a moment.
Take a good look, brat.
The voice that invaded his mind was unwelcome and brash. Slowly, the darkness morphs into a blurry scenery, like his eyes are camera lenses trying to focus on a subject. And that subject is at his feet.
He can make out the gray concrete now, rough and cracked as someone laid down on it. 
Why is someone lying on the concrete?
Megumi hears a sharp intake of breath, eyes trying their best to focus on the source of the sound. Red liquid pooled on the ground. Blood. That's when he notices a familiar white tousled hair. Albeit he doesn't see it often, he grew up seeing him casually wearing his hair down around both of them siblings. His senses were sharper now. His vision finally focuses on the figure on the ground.
It's that one word that Megumi would always use to describe Gojo to everyone if asked about their relationship. But right now, he can barely remember the word.
"Gojo-sensei..?" His words were a mere whisper. Gojo only blinks away the tears in his eyes in response, eyes slowly losing their luminescent blue luster. Warm streaks drip down from Megumi's eyes. Tears. 
A faint smile appears on Gojo's lips, and with one final blink, he loses the life behind those signature blue eyes of his, and silence descends upon them both. It was a grief so great that Megumi could only stand there in silence, mourning the only father he ever knew.
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Inspired by this tweet that shared this very hurtful tiktok :')
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
It'll be long post, so i understand if you decide to ignore it, sorry :)
You know, there were a lot of people that were convinced loumand kiss we saw in trailer was goodbye kiss, because of Louis' expression. I was one of them.
Turns out that it's NOT truth and everyone just accepted it and moved to talk how romantic it was and that apparently Louis just has this face when horny or whatever.
And I truly struggled to see it. And at first I felt incredibly guilty because I'm loustat shipper first, other ships appreciator second. I thought my mind doesn't let me see romance in other ship because I'm too loustat centric.
I tried to rewatch that scene and tried to brighten it up to see kiss and expression better (I'm sorry but while almost silhouette kiss is beautiful I'd prefer see character's expressions better in show like this, wish lighting was different)
But still! While during date Louis had more carefree and flirtatious expression, that kiss felt very off. I get that it's after talk about lestat but shouldn't he show more... Joy? Anticipation of more to come? Basically don't look like he does it because he HAS to.
So I thought, well, it CAN'T be jacob slacking, he's terrific at his job. And it can't be that I'm THAT biased, right?
So, let me tell you, I'm SO GLAD to found your post about this kiss! I saw too many people writing about Louis being fucked up to invite Armand to fuck after being threatened, that he loves them dangerous (he kinda does, but that's not the point), that he thinks only with dick, ignores red flags (again he does,but we talk about this particular moment) etc
He knows Armand is interested in him. He knows Armand has power. Armand technically didn't lay his hands on him but he COULD'VE and WOULD'VE if it's not for his affection to Louis.
I truly don't believe Louis viewed this as "I HAVE to kill Louis, you committed a crime, no hard feelings though, that's just my job! You know what?... You're cute so I'll let you go actually"
Maybe I give Louis too much credit but he's smarter than that. He also knows power play intimately, was on giving and receiving end countless times in his human and vampire life.
Add to it that tale Armand told about his old coven killing themselves when he actually threw them in fire. It was 100% to position himself as someone who has way less power over other vampires that he actually does. I don't believe coven can pressure Armand into ANYTHING. And glimpses of him abusing his power over Claudia prove it (CONSENT TO LOOK IN THE EYES? ARE YOU SERIOUS?)
And Louis was THERE to witness all this and I absolutely believe he noticed it. That scene with dreamstat where lestat says he's the only one who Louis can trust made me think Louis is not as blind to Armands red flags as he appears.
And what we know about ep4 confirms it. Lestats "HA!" in museum already indicates that Armand is telling some bullshit and Louis at least subconsciously doesn't believe it. There's also scene in park from teaser "I want you" "You sure about that?" Maybe it's misleading or maybe it goes like this, guess we'll see
I wrote so much, again, i'm sorry.i just wanted to say, I agree so much with your post, and I hope crazy people in fandom already blocked you so you don't get any hate for pointing out that consent under threat of potential death is not really THAT consensual. Hope it won't be repeat about people attacking you like for post about hate sex in ep6
All good. And I wasn't, and I have seen I wasn't the only one clocking in on things (just reblogged a post wrt that).
Jacob is too good an actor to not show the fitting emotion if it was meant to be something positive. But he didn't.
The show went dark, real fast. And they're about to go even darker. A lot.
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writing-with-gremworm · 6 months
A Bothersome Herbivore
I'm not sure when it happened, this tiny herbivore started clinging to me. It's hard to get a break since they follow me everywhere. When I nap, they nap beside me. When I eat, they follow along. Though, the latter is better than the time they slept so soundly I was able to leave them for a few days. When I went back to my normal napping spot they were sitting like a dejected mouse. They had teary little eyes, and their complexation was terrible.
I learned later that they slept through lunch, so they ended up just not eating the first day, and they refused to move during the weekend when I hadn't retuned yet. The worst part about it is they were so happy when I came back. They were like a stupid dog, so happy to cling to me again.
I let them be for a while. It wasn't really my problem, and they didn't actually bother me most of the time. They were surprisingly quiet.
"Why exactly do you follow around like a lost dog?"
"I dunno. I just like you. So, I stay with you, because you're safe."
It was weird. I shouldn't be safe for them. I'm just a lousy second prince with nothing in my future but disappointment. I am, and will always be, second best in the eyes of anyone else, so why is it that this creature clings to me? I still don't understand it.
The thing that irks me the most is that I started to worry about them. I woke up from a nap as usual, expecting them to be beside me. They weren't there. The little mouse had scurried off somewhere and that made me uneasy.
"This is bullshit."
I must have done so subconsciously, but I ended up looking around the places I usually went, expecting to find them there. I only found them when I returned to the greenhouse. They were sitting, waiting for me to come back.
"Leona!" They sounded so happy, their eyes lighting up as if the best person in the world was standing right in front of them.
"Ah." I had so many questions, but none of them mattered. 'Why did you wait? Where did you go? Are you okay?' They were here, so why did it matter?
We returned to routine. But one thing did change. I started leaning on them. I don't know if they noticed, they never mentioned it to me. This change ... felt necessary.
In time it felt stranger to be separate from them than to be near them. In a way, I guess I must have found them comforting too. So, it felt strange when one day, they started crying.
"What's with the tears?" I asked, not really expecting an answer.
"I don't know. I just- I." They sobbed quietly, sniffling and rubbing their eyes. They tried so hard to calm down, only to sob more. It hurt, hearing them quiet their sobs. I felt like I saw a bit of myself in them. Maybe that's why I spoke up.
"Don't force it, just sob okay?" It was a useless comment. They would probably cry for a while anyways. They did stop trying to choke back their sobs, though they kept sobbing quietly, as if they forgot how to cry loudly.
"I'm scared. I don't know if I want to go home or stay here. I feel unwanted either way. I don't know if anyone would miss me if I left, of if anyone in my world even realizes I'm gone. I'm terrified because it doesn't matter which world I choose. I'll be alone again in either world."
A beat.
Right, they needed to go home eventually. They weren't from this world. I forgot that somehow. Unlike Yuu, who was social, this one wasn't particularly close to anyone. Except maybe ... me.
"Oh? Aren't I right here? Do you think I'll forget you because you vanish for a little?"
"I-I ... I thought you were annoyed by me."
"Then why would I let you cling to me? I could have actively ignored you."
"But you ... you left me alone and I ..."
"So? People can change their minds. I'm not running from you anymore, so don't go running from me, okay?"
"Heh, hehehehe."
"Why are you laughing?"
"Sorry I just- I didn't expect you to say something like that. It's so sweet."
"Don't get used to it."
"Hehe, I know. I'm just ... Thank you."
"... It's fine."
Things were nice after that. We returned to routine.
Or, as close to routine as possible. I found myself gazing at them for longer than I intended. If they were still asleep when I was up, I would pick them up. If they were hungry, we'd eat early, or I'd get Ruggie to buy us snacks.
'Fuck.' I had fallen for them. It was confusing. They weren't particularly pretty, or smart, or even useful. Even so, I found them undeniably breathtaking. I couldn't look away from them.
It was juvenile, but I couldn't help but touch their hand. Just to feel their skin against mine. I wanted to kiss their forehead, to hold them in my arms, to claim them.
I'm no idiot. I know I'm handsome, I know my position, though lesser than my brother's, is coveted. I understand that being a member of royalty limits my options for love. Despite everything, I wanted them to stay with me. If nothing else, I just wanted to continue our days like this. The litte moments of warmth, their laughter, their joy. I wanted to bask in it.
When did my world stop being gray?
No, not my world. Just them.
It's still hard to justify waking up, to find a reason to move forward every day. But even still, I want to be selfish and be beside them. I wonder if this is what it means to feel safe with someone.
"I'm going to graduate this year. You've still got a few years left."
"... Yeah ..." They smile sadly.
"Come to me. When you finish. Find me, and I'll have a napping spot ready to share." It was a stupid promise. They might be blocked from my side. They might not even be able to understand me outside of school property.
But I think their smile was worth it.
"You've been sulking in that window every day, brother." A grating voice says, a smirk decorating the words.
"So what?" I glare, irritated by the interruption. I come to this window whenever I think about them. It seems like a spot they'd like. Or maybe they just liked me. Maybe after all this time they forgot me. It would be better that way. For them to forget me, they can live a different life, instead of being tied to the second prince.
"I was just worried. How can I not worry a little when you're my brother?"
"Piss off."
"Ah, I see you don't want company. Should I send your visitor away?" My ears twitch. It's rare I receive visitors. It's even rarer my 'perfect' brother bothers to tell me about them.
"A visitor? Haiz. I have enough sense not to turn visitors away." I shift, hopping down from the window ledge.
My heart is beating faster than I would like. It seems like my chest is going to burst at this rate. It will be disappointing if it's not them, so I shouldn't keep my hopes up.
"Leona?" A familiar voice chimes as I enter the room. They smile warmly at me and walk over, looking at me somewhat reluctantly.
"I'm surprised you actually came here." I hold out my hand. They take it carefully and I pull them into a hug, "Welcome home." I add with a whisper.
They tear up, hugging me tightly.
"Yeah, I'm home." They mutter. They feel warm in my arms. They feel like the keystone of an arch, holding me together despite being so small.
'So, I still love you.' I think to myself, closing my eyes and forcing myself not to do too much. I want to give them soft kisses, I want to whisk them to my room and cuddle with them. I want to tell them how much I love them. But the words don't leave my throat. I can't love them, not as a royal.
"Well, isn't this a nice reunion." That ruined it.
"And you're still here because? This is my guest. I thought you'd leave." I hiss, glaring at my brother.
"There's no need to be hostile. I'm just surprised you have someone close to you."
"Oh? Thanks, I didn't realize I needed to tell you these things."
"I'm not chastising you, I'm glad. Really. Ah, I should probably introduce myself to your lover."
"Are you two not? Ah, I'm sorry for misunderstanding." He doesn't sound even slightly apologetic.
"I-It's fine."
"... This is my brother. That's it, don't worry about getting close to him."
"Oh- okay." They smile sadly.
"Well this does complicate things a little. I had just convinced the elders to let you have your lover join you here. But if they're not your lover, then I'll have to clear that up."
"That won't be necessary. It'll be more convenient if everyone assumes we're lovers anyways." 'Though I'm not particularly fond of receiving help from you, I won't turn it away when it benefits me.'
"S-So then- Do I- have to pretend to be your lover?" They seem surprised, their face flushed a bit. It's cute. It makes me want to lick their cheeks and nibble on their ear.
"No, just act like before. Us spending so much time together will get the point across."
"Oh! Okay." They nod, seeming perhaps a little disappointed.
"Last time we spoke, I promised to have a napping spot pick out for us. I think I found one. Though, you'll have to sit on my lap if you want to lean on me." The window ledge wasn't wide enough to sit side by side unless you laid against the window.
'This spot is chosen partially out of my selfishness. If nothing else, then I can hold you tightly. Not that you need to know my reasoning.'
"That's okay. If you're okay with it, I mean. I've always kind of wanted to hug you when napping." They admit wanting to cuddle closer.
'I wonder.'
I pick them up, cupping their rear as they cling to me. They seem a bit surprised.
"W-We could just walk there-"
"We are walking there. What? Did you never wonder how I carried you before?"
"I never thought about it- This is embarrassing. I could just walk with you."
"Hm, no. You clung to me this long, cling to me more, won't you?"
"Leona." They whine.
I can't help but chuckle a little. This was warm. It felt nicer than just remembering them.
"Hey, do you love me?"
"What? I mean- yes. You're the closest person I have."
"I mean, romantically, sexually. How, do you love me?"
"T-This is very sudden- and I don't know how to answer- aah."
"That's fine. We've got plenty of time." I sit down, letting them situate themselves on my lap as we sit by the window. I wrap my arms around their waist, and rest on my chin on their shoulder.
"You're more affectionate than I remember."
"Well, I have to make up for the missed nap time cuddles somehow, right?"
"What? Hah, hahaha. Sure, let's go with that. Leona. I missed you."
"Yeah ... me too."
"I never thought you'd admit it ... so ... the question."
"Do you love me?"
"Yeah, that one ... was it, because you love me?"
"W-wait really? Um! How so?"
"Hm, I'll tell you after you tell me. I did ask first."
"Hahaha, okay, that's fair." They lean into me, resting against my chest, relaxing in my arms. We sit there for a while, just enjoying each other's company. It doesn't really matter how they answer. We'll stay beside each other anyways. I can tell that much. They wouldn't have found me if they didn't intend to stay.
"Hey ... Leona ..."
They turn their head and move so their mouth is close to my ear before whispering their answer. Perhaps embarrassed, or worried that telling me loudly would hurt me. Regardless, the action was cute.
"I'm not sure. I've never felt anything like this before. I've never had the chance. So, I may not get it right the first time. I don't know what type of love this is."
"Okay, then let's figure it out together." I've waited this long, waiting a little longer should be fine. Besides, I'm with them now, so that is enough.
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thelaughtercafe · 7 months
Sell Your SOUL*
Tea Type: Coffee
Potential Triggers: Mildly dubious consent for hypnosis
Pairing: Baggs/Reader
Length: 2.7+
Summary: You are a Human who opens an Empath clinic for monster kind; giving them a safe place to let out any emotions they may be feeling. Unlike the clinical and typically detached touch of therapists, you mirrored their emotions back at them, telling them what you felt, gently whenever possible and occasionally harshly if they refused to acknowledge their pain. Alphys finally allows you to meet Baggs, the one you know let them be released in the first place and you find yourself enraptured...he's just as curious about you. Oops. So much for keeping your distance. An interested doctor is a determined one. Hopefully it'll pay off.
After all...
Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.
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It didn't take him long to notice. You tried though.
God, did you try.
You did everything possible to avoid looking at him when he did it. Actually, it was more like you found an excuse to leave altogether the second it began happening.
Becoming friends with monsters was something that came easily to you, being an Empath. Feeling others' pains and helping them through it in any way you could was what you were used to, and loved doing and none needed it more than Monsters when they came to the Surface. While Humans didn’t even consider Empaths real, Monsters had informed you it was actually a well-known and documented form of healing magic that Human’s once possessed long ago. With their help and support you'd even managed to open your own little practice, mainly catering to Monsterkind. Toriel has been the gateway to meeting everyone, but they all had such pain hidden within that you tried to help with. General had been no exception, nor had Undyne, Asgore or Alphys. Alphys...was how you ended up meeting him and experiencing his ability first hand.
Instantly a chill went up your spine. A subconscious warning from your intuition that you should be careful, despite Alphys' introduction.
"Th-This is Baggs! He's really only allowed here for research, a-a-and his home of course, which is w-why you've never met him before on our outings, but t-truth be told, I'd say he spends more time here than home. Always hard at w-work on some e-e-experiment."
Her voice was light and chipper, but you'd come to know her well enough to see the signs of discomfort, the slight tremble of her voice, the stutter that slipped out here and there, and, perhaps most notably, the way she was very carefully avoiding looking Baggs in the eye, despite the skeleton looking directly at her
"I'll l-leave you two to get acquainted and make some tea and snacks alright? I'll be j-j-just in the other room!"
A warning for him and a reassurance for you.
You winced at the literal sting that went to your SOUL, quick and barely there as you pasted on a smile and nodded at her.
"Sure thing, Alph. I'm sure we'll be fine. I'm not worried."
She smiled despite it trembling at the edges and you felt her relax some before she was gone in a swish of fabric.
"not worried? heh. that's cute, for someone who hasn't deigned to meet my gaze yet. scared, little human?"
You weren't sure what you expected his voice to sound like but it certainly wasn't that. Dark, inviting, damn near on the cusp of being outright seductive while somehow still emanating danger.
You shivered and he snickered again.
You swallowed hard, and then you met his gaze, pushing through the shivers you'd just gotten and instead focusing on the pain you felt coming off of him in waves.
"Actually, I was just waiting for you to introduce yourself. I guess I should've gone first though, huh? Sorry. I'm pretty shy on first meetings, the lack of eye contact has to do with that, not because of what you did. If I was scared I wouldn't be here at all."
His expression didn't change but you felt how he was slightly taken aback, then the apprehension and finally the slight twinge of mischievous glee just beneath the surface.
You withdrew your Empathy just a tad. You didn't like going deep into what everyone was feeling without their permission, but you'd accidentally let your guard go up thanks to nervousness.
His eyes were just as pretty as you'd heard. Pink glowed vibrantly from his left eye as he drew closer, smile unflinching.
"you're certainly quite bold for a human. heh heh. or maybe just naive judging by that adorable blush on your cheeks."
You looked away briefly to try and collect yourself, huffing as you realized he was right. You were so focused on feeling your cheeks and calming yourself down you didn't even register your SOUL had been gently pulled from your chest until its purple glow was in front of you.
"hm. that explains it then. but what's-"
His browbones went down in concentration and confusion as he attempted to reach for your SOUL but you were already reacting, swiftly pulling it back into your chest protectively.
"No! I-please. Don't."
His once mildly friendly demeanor had turned to full on mistrust and you could see it from the blue starting to swirl in his left eye socket without any need for your Empathy.
"what are you hiding, little human?"
You merely shook your head, retreating slowly towards the door but you yelped as it abruptly closed without any input that you could see, whirling to see it slam.
You heard a whistle and when you jerked back, Baggs waved the remote with an eerie grin.
Oh, how the tables had turned.
"No offense, sir, but my SOUL isn't any of your business."
His smile widened, yet somehow he only seemed more menacing despite the even, soothing steps he took towards you. They echoed, perfectly in sync and never faltering. His tone sounded genuine but you could feel the underlying condescension and mocking.
"well that's not very nice of you, now is it? i thought you wanted to be friends. i'm merely curious. perhaps i can even help "
You gasped as your back hit the door and he easily caught your chin between his phalanges, and tilted your head to make you look at him, blue and pinknow both swirling evidently in his left eye. his voice was a purr.
"and please, do call me baggs. i much prefer to be referred to with the appropriate amount of reverence when that name is used, and i’ve no doubt you will use it…but not quite yet."
You felt...oddly heavy and the urge to squirm and shiver was palpable. What was happening? You knew you needed to look away, you had to, or else he was going to-
Well, what was the worst he could do? Alphys was just in the other room after all. She'd hear you if anything bad happened. Besides, Baggs was nice. He was handsome. He just wanted to help.
Why were you being so resistant again?
Resistant? Now why would you do that? Baggs was your friend. Don't you confide in your friends?
You searched for something, anything.
Grasped, struggled, for something to lock on to.
Something to feel-
Pure, sadistic, addictive, control
You awoke out of your trance with a gasp violently breaking away from Baggs' grip on your chin before cradling your head, hands shaking, eyes slammed shut and face turned away.
"Don't do that a-again."
You chattered a little, still shivering from the aftershocks of ecstacy forced into you. At least he hadn’t forced you to do anything.
"guess everyone is scared of something after all, hm? pity. i think you're cute when you're all helpless like that, you know. even scared as you are now you're adorable."
Your face lit in flame and the words were the spark you needed to lunge for the door again with a gasp, suddenly recalling the manual switch on the side and nearly bolting out in your haste.
When did you forget? Just how long had he been in your head?
Baggs' alluring laughter followed you all the way to the exit, as did his final words to you.
"see you soon, little human."
Despite your...intense first meeting he hadn't made any effort to antagonize you since when you began seeing him again. He acted as if nothing had happened in fact, merely smiling your way and returning to chatting with Toriel nearby as if you'd had a normal meeting.
Alphys, the only other person who knew vaguely what had happened, as she’d ran out after you, merely sighed.
"A word of advice from someone who's k-known him and worked with him. Don't let him get to you. Or at least, don't let h-h-him know he's g-gotten to you. And...try not to let him do it a-again. It'll just-"
Her voice had quieted conspiratorially with every sentence but she was cut off as familiar bony arms latched around both of your shoulders.
"It'll just what, al?"
His voice was bright but you felt the anger ebbing off him in waves and Alphys abruptly smiled shakily, turning to him in an attempt to not seem afraid.
"you wouldn't happen to be talking about me would ya? haven't ya ever heard-"
"Actually, sounds to me like you misunderstood. You're not interesting enough to warrant talking about Baggs, hate to break it to you. We were talking about a game character. Jeez, are you always so self-centered~?"
Your tone was teasing but your light glare of warning for him trying to frighten Alphys into silence was evident. He didn't seem concerned.
"with a face this handsome? can ya really blame me? anyway, what game? sounds fun."
Alphys was sweating nervously, staring at you wide-eyed but you were quick on your feet.
"Nathan Prescott from Life is Strange. It's choice based, so it's important to not let him know he gets to you or frightens you when he defaces your room in game with a threat. After all, what good is a threat if you don't let yourself be affected by it?"
His eyes lit up then, and you swore you saw his swirl start up, along with the growl that left his lips but Alphys distracted you both by pulling you away.
"Speaking of, I just remembered! We forgot to save! Come on, before Undyne changes the game without realizing!"
You were so proud of her for not stuttering that you missed the swirling eyes following your exit, before he looked down at the object clutched in his digits.
Your phone was held in his grasp, his grin widening as he noticed you didn't have a password.
silly girl.
It didn't take you long to realize your phone was missing, and you told Alphys to go on ahead, and that you'd hang with her later on in the week. Papyrus' car was gone by the time you made it back so he must've gone to drop Toriel and Frisk back home Of course it'd started raining so you were damn near soaked as you knocked.
A few moments later the door opened to a surprised, and then amused Baggs.
"back so soon? told you I was irresistible."
You shook your head, shivering a bit more intensely, making Baggs' eyes immediately scan your body before he grew business-like and moved to walk away.
"come inside, i will make you something warm and then you may take a hot shower. i shall lend you some of my clothes so you do not get sick."
You blinked and then hesitantly entered and nodded, just as you sneezed. Better trust him than get sick right? He was a doctor. He'd been bearable lately; maybe your first meeting had just been a test and you'd passed?
By the time you reached the kitchen he was already setting down a steaming mug in front of you.
"i'll go and get my clothes together. sit tight, and be sure to drink that entirely. it would be a pity if your stubbornness made you ill."
You watched him turn and leave before looking down at the drink in your hands, contemplative. A sip confirmed it was tea, sweet, somehow just as you took it. Paps must've told him about how you always had a mug in your hand. The slight tingle as it went down your throat confirmed it must've been a tea infused with monster magic, which you attributed to be the reason for the extra sweet aftertaste as well. You continued to drink as you let your thoughts take you.
Perhaps General had been right. He'd sensed your nervousness when you'd next seen Baggs while baking cookies with him and had reassured you that his brother was just untrusting of people he didn't know but would warm quickly. Maybe you'd been wrong to be so scared. The propaganda was everywhere; warning of his danger and perhaps you'd taken some of it in subconsciously.
You stifled a yawn and inhaled sharply as when you went to stand and move you swayed; making you grip the table tightly. Familiar fear rushed to the forefront of your mine, one you were used to having around Humans but never with monsters. No. He couldn't have-
"you alright there pet? you're looking a little pale."
His worry was evident and you couldn't help the slight tone of accusation as you sluggishly looked towards him, still not able to move, even as a pleasant shiver shot down your spine at the new nickname..
"What was in that tea?"
He blinked, before a slow smile broke across his face and he casually strode over.
"just a little something to calm you down. the warmth will spread through your system faster if you're calm."
"Why didn't you tell me first then? Or better yet ask? You have to know how this makes you look."
Fuck. Your words were slurring a little, your lips tingling in an almost numb, but not quite way. Everything felt so…hazy.
"how what looks? Giving my shivering friend a warm drink and tucking her into bed, so I know she's safe? it's not as if I drugged you. even small doses of my magic can help soothe. I suppose I overestimated how much you could take, human."
He chuckled, his amusement evident, but you swore you detected worry in his eyes.
"i doubt you can take a shower in this state. come. i'll give you my clothes, leave you to change and then get you settled."
"But- I have to go home."
You tried to protest, struggling to think clearly.
"well, I'm not letting you leave in this state. i'd walk you home if I could but...heh. pretty sure my bro would lose it if i left and he found out later I played hooky. best give in."
You frowned at that, glaring at him as you made to move towards the door.
"Good thing it's not your choice then-"
You were cut off as you were whirled to face him when he grabbed your arm, your equilibrium way off as you struggled to focus on the skeleton in front of you. By the time you realized you were looking directly into his eyes it was too late. That feeling from last time washed over you, blue joining the magenta and spiraling outward. You couldn't deny you felt oddly...safe, and the feeling of his phalanges carding through your hair as you slumped into him was nice.
Baggs is safe, Baggs won't hurt me. Why...am I so tired?
"that's it, good girl. doesn't it feel nicer when you give in?"
Feels...nice. Sleepy. Safe.
You nodded weakly, your filter which would typically make you deny on instinct completely gone. You blushed at your admission and felt Baggs chuckle beside your ear.
"you really do fall quickly for me. how curious. come, let's get you into bed, hm?"
You felt yourself moving and when you all but crumbled into the bed after quickly changing into clothes you didn't bother looking at, you were out like a light to the soothing feeling of bone carding through your hair.
You didn't even hear his parting words before slipping off into unconsciousness.
"what was that you said? what good is a threat if you don't let yourself be affected by it? i think you're right, pet. actions speak louder than words, wasn't that the analogy?"
A/N: There's the first chapter, finally out into the world! So, funnily enough; I've had this fic near done for 2 years now, but just been petrified to publish it for some reason. I think I was panicking over not nailing Baggs as a character well enough, in particular, as well as the way he speaks. Still, I'm glad it's out there now and I can start working on the second chapter- I really hope you all enjoy it!
Please do tell me what you thought; it keeps me writing and motivated as an author!
This fic and also be found at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47766418/chapters/120411676
The amazing (and flustering) Megalosomnia belongs to @megalommi! Please go and shower her in love and adoration <3 This fic would not exist without her!
This is a fic set after Megalosomnia's characters have reached the surface. It's very much non-canon! I don't even believe the creator has brainstormed this portion yet so this is all just me spitballing and having fun with it!
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raquellemonsta · 1 year
kiss me more (bokuto x reader)
previous || next
chapter 5: a date
You made pleasant casual conversation with Bokuto as you two walked down a main sidewalk. You looked into the windows of shops as you passed, eyeing all sorts of new fashion and gadgets.
"Here we are!" he loudly interrupted the somewhat peaceful conversation you had been having. The two of you faced an average sized shop.
The sign outside of the shop read 'Onigiri Miya'. You thought back to meeting Atsumu today. Maybe it was a coincidence that the shop was named so similarly to the man, but it was strange to have no relation.
A little bell dinged when the two of you walked in. There was only a few people scattered at tables in the restaurant. When you went up to the counter, you felt a strange feeling of familiarity as you made eye contact with the man behind the counter: a near exact replica of Atsumu.
Bokuto, of course, began with his signature 'hey hey hey!', while you giggled at his funny quirk. That didn't stop you from looking back at the carbon copy of Atsumu.
"Look who it is, whaddya want?" clearly the man knew Bokuto, as he looked at him. He felt another pair of eyes on him and looked to you, and his demeanor slightly changed, "or anything for you miss?".
You chuckled at his change in attitude but went silent when Bokuto put his arm around your shoulder. You eyed him and noticed the change in the look on his face. It was similar to the one he had made when you interacted with Atsumu earlier. He subconsciously squeezed your shoulder as you looked the menu over, before finally deciding what you wanted. Your date ordered as well, and you looked around for places you could sit.
The two of you sat down at a table towards the back corner of the shop, to try and have some semblance of privacy. Your mind was still elsewhere, on the man behind the counter.
"That's Osamu, Atsumu's twin brother", he explained to you. It seemed that he had noticed your confusion.
"That makes sense" you responded. It then made sense to you on why Atsumu had preferred you call him by his first name despite not even knowing him. He was probably used to everyone calling him that to not confuse him and his twin. You found Osamu very handsome (which I guess by association means you find Atsumu attractive too? But do you get what I'm saying when you find him in particular attractive), but not as much so as the man sitting in front of you. You would have to remember to ask if you could call him by his first name as well.
"He actually reminds me of Sakusa's siblings. Honestly, that whole family can seem a little cold, but once you get to know them you see how they really are" you were surprised to learn that Sakusa had siblings.
"He has siblings?" you questioned.
"Yeah, so does Hinata. He has a little sister. I have sisters too" he said excitedly, thinking about his siblings. You remembered back to the bar, when he had said that he would want someone to do the same thing for his sisters if they were in your situation.
"They're both older than me, but we've always been really close. I hope you get to meet them someday" he gazed into your eyes. Your heartbeat fastened and you felt your hands become a little sweatier than before. He grabbed your hands from across the small table as the two of you slowly leaned in. You were absolutely ready to finally kiss the handsome man in front of you. Your eyes shut when-
"No PDA in my shop please and thank you" Osamu interrupted with your two bowls of (whatever you ordered). Bokuto's hair quite literally deflated at the ruined moment but the smell of his food quickly distracted him. You had to snap out of the intense emotions you were experiencing, and reel over the fact you almost just kissed a mega-hot volleyball star.
"Enjoy" Osamu said before making his exit. Bokuto had already dug in, and you decided it was time to try it. You weren't disappointed, and you weren't at all surprised to hear from Bokuto that food had always been a passion for Osamu. It was clear that he put a lot of heart into his meals.
Before you knew it, both of your bowls were empty and you had more casual conversation to get to know each other even more. You even had debates about different movies, like if Heathers was actually better than Mean Girls. It was all exciting, playful, and fun. You loved talking with him and couldn't help but imagine if you got to have this kind of conversation around a dinner table with him every night. It was just very domestic.
After the bill had been paid (Bokuto absolutely insisted on paying, and you let him on the condition that you would return the favor some time), the two of you still lingered at the table, not wanting your time together to end. That was when Bokuto suddenly spoke.
"I have somewhere I want to take you" he said. He offered you his hand. Yet again, he was being slightly secretive with his plans and where he wanted to take you. It didn't matter to you though; you trusted him completely. You took his hand and went with him to your next destination.
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sunset-peril · 5 months
"😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?"
Original Ask Game reblog
Whoo boy lemme see here.....
Under the cut for anyone not wanting the awkwardness of this wowie
Zelda was thanking the Golden Goddesses for Urbosa's intervention.
Not Hylia. Zelda still had problems with her. 
But Fayroe, Nayru and Din? Thank you thank you thank you. 
It was almost the Summer Breeze festival, where the cool breeze from the Highlands drafted into the desert for about a week to make the desert more tolerable for other races. 
For vai stuck in town, it was one of the best ways to find their voe.
But that wasn't why Zelda was excited. 
...okay not entirely. 
But she wasn't looking for a voe!
She'd already found one. 
When the Gerudo held events, she was no longer Princess Zelda, Heir to the Hyrulean Throne. She was Missy Zelda of Gerudo Town.
All the pressures of Hyrule were, for the most part, gone. She could just be herself. 
Maybe… she and him could interact a little more comfortably. 
She didn't know quite how Urbosa found out, but she pulled strings to get her and him to Gerudo Town for the festival. 
The whole festival… with no suspicious eyes on her or Link.
She just hoped… the night wouldn't go in vain. 
"Missy Zelda!" A Gerudo poked her head into Zelda's Gerudo Town bedroom. "It's time to get ready for the evening." 
Zelda nearly jumped, slamming the Sheikah Slate down on the bed and subconsciously trying to hide it. 
"Oh, my apologies! I didn't mean to spook you!"
"It's alright, Esosu. I guess I'm just on edge." She rose and half-jogged to Esosu, who hugged her before leading her towards Fashion Passion. 
The shopkeeper excitedly greeted her in Gerudo, leading her into a dressing room and explaining what she believed would look nice for her. “I believe a white ceremonial skirt, like yours Lady Urbosa, will suit Missy Zelda splendidly tonight along with a traditional Gerudo top. I don’t want the blue. She wears no blue.” 
Zelda, who’d grown nearly fluent in Gerudo in the past five-ish years, blinked at the last remark. “Sáei, Natufi?” Why? 
The shopkeeper, Natufi, gave a gentle smile. “Because I want nothing more than for you to be free tonight. That color is a chain for you. Tonight, you shall be above this world. As a princess, you are chained; but as a goddess, you will be free.” 
She nodded almost solemnly, knowing her prison full well. 
“Vehvi…” Urbosa kissed her head. “What’s the matter?” 
Zelda smiled. “Nothing. That sounds lovely.”
“Splendid! Let us get dressed!” 
Zelda’s skirt blew behind her in the late afternoon sun. Natufi was right. She was stunning.
“No voe will be able to ignore you!" She had declared in satisfaction.
Zelda didn't need all the voe to notice her. She just needed one. And because he was the most stoic of them all, she desperately hoped Natufi was right. 
By the time they arrived, there were already members of all the tribes dancing in the sun and relaxing by the lake of Kara Kara. 
Natufi gave Zelda a comforting pat on the back before gesturing her towards the crowd, voice soft as the breeze. "Go find your voe." 
Zelda looked around for a moment. No Hylian knights. The fact sent a wave of relief through her, and she settled into the dancing crowd like she'd been one of them for all her life. 
A familiar Gerudo song began, one she regarded as one of her favorites, and her restraint further fell away. 
Stars and sand will never fade
Within each part of every day
Though time passes throughout the land
Forever, we’re conquerors of sand
Just as she reached a point where she was lost in this beloved melody, numb to any self-consciousness, she opened her eyes to find the one she’d been waiting for; gently looking at her. “L-Link!”
He seemed to panic for a second before dropping to his knees.
Out of her own curiosity, she went over to him and lifted his chin with a gentle hand. “How long were you standing there?”
"J-Just a second… I-I didn't even know it was you…"
Her brain jumped to odd conclusions. "Why? Because tonight I'm pretty?" 
"Huh? No!" He suppressed an awkward blush. "I-I mean, you're always pretty but- ack." He clamped his mouth shut for a few seconds before blurting "Free! You just looked so free!"
"Oh…" Her gaze at him grew softer. 
"Y-You like this song?"
Zelda nodded. "It is one of my favorites."
"Would you teach me? After all… I am your knight."
Now it was her turn to blush. "Of course… Link."
Just like her previous dancing session, Zelda completely lost the world around her and Link. At the end of every set, he would bend down lower on one knee and hold out a hand for her to take. 
Hylia, he was such a knight! 
After the night had grown dark and late, both were tired enough to crash into each other, but instead of their earlier awkward reactions, Link just curled Zelda's head into the crook of his neck, securing her body as the white fabric continued to flap in the strengthening breeze. "Princess…" He softly whispered, eyes blinking slowly into the world behind her as his chin tucked her closer.
"Please." She mumbled from his warmth. "Just call me Zelda…" 
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kaluawoo · 5 years
GX Headcanons
Very much Not Sorted because what is organizing but oh well. Doubly unsorted bc I decided to start typing up the ones I already had and add on if I found new ones.
Me:”Yeah I only have five HCs or so.” Also me: *Ends up with this long list* “Where do all these come from?”
(Anyway I’m putting them under a cut bc. Length. And I guess it’s because one HC tends to lead me to another ashdjkhlkhjk)
@lecliss You said you wanted to see them? They ended up a bit rambly sorry
Johan’s family is from Northern Germany and Denmark, and sometimes even he and his parents aren’t quite sure which family members come from where
He grew up in Germany, but went to a Danish Kindergarten and a Danish elementary school* but afterwards went to a normal German high school (Gymnasium**, to be exact) until he switched to a duelling school
Johan is really good with languages, and the most fluent in Japanese out of the Exchange Squad. He also started learning it the earliest of them, mainly via Volkshochschule***
Speaking of Japanese proficiency: When they all arrive, Jim is the one who knows the least Japanese, though he quickly improves
Other way round, among Judai’s group, Kenzan is the one who’s the best in English
Judai isn’t that good in English, but that doesn’t stop him from using whatever English he knows to talk to the Exchange Squad. With charades and quickly scribbled pictures if need be. As a former exchange student I say from the bottom of my heart that the world needs more Judais
Sho is actually really good, but he’s too insecure to try talking English with the Exchange Squad, and is relieved that they’re all pretty fluent in Japanese
Jun thinks he’s awesome in English regardless of his actual skill. He fairly often confuses everyone else because “No this is not a word”. (Yet. They all end up adopting quite a few of the words Jun made up/is convinced are real English words, so at some point, they are words. To this group, at least.) Again speaking as a former exchange student, the world also needs more Juns
People are sometimes convinced the Exchange Squad has a secret language but they don’t. Theoretically they speak English to each other, but every now and then they throw in Japanese words because they remembered that one first, Johan sometimes talks to O’Brien in Portuguese, meanwhile O’Brien tries to teach Jim Portuguese, Jim knows like 10 German words he likes saying to Johan, Johan once tried mimicking Karen’s crocodile noises to talk to her, Jim got taught how to count to 5 in Thai by an exchange student who came to his school in Australia and now tries to teach the others how to do it, too... Etc
Meanwhile, Amon has been taught some phrases in many different languages, and uses those occasionally. Sometimes in a language one of the others speaks, sometimes in one he thought nobody knew. And at least once Johan surprised the heck out of him when he answered in the same language. Also, he can tell that everyone is pronouncing the Thai words really wrong, but decides to let them have their fun.
O’Brien is from Brazil I don’t remember if there’s canon info so I’ll add it here lol
The Exchange Squad is Shocked(TM) when Jim tells them he’s never watched Crocodile Dundee. A movie night commences, obviously including Judai’s group.
Jim is kinda neutral about the movie but he does lowkey wanna quote the “That’s not a knife - This is a knife!” scene (He’d be willing to substitute a different noun if the situation arises. Part of him hopes he can even go “That’s not a reptile, this is a reptile!” and show Karen but like, the chance for that is low. Also, mood)
Ra Yellow’s Dorm Teacher is the Home Economics teacher (I’m assuming that since they have PE, physics and alchemy they have more classes than just duelling lmao)
Daichi used to think he was bad at maths when he was a kid because he had a shitty teacher who got mad at him if/when he found other/easier ways of doing stuff :( (Which doubly sucked because Daichi really enjoyed math, especially finding other solutions, just to be told he was wrong)
However he did at some point get a better teacher and absolutely thrived in math class after that
He sometimes forgets that most people, especially his age, really don’t like maths. He at least once invited Judai to do Math together or help Judai with his math homework and was lowkey hurt when Judai declined, before Daichi remembered that, right, he probably just dislikes math.
Of course Judai noticed that Daichi was missing for a long time in the Society of Light arc, he just played it down so he wouldn’t worry Sho and Kenzan. And it’s part of the reason he was so hell-bent on getting Johan back, because he felt as if this was the second time he was at fault for a friend getting hurt!
Idk what gender Martin is but he’s not a cis dude.
Post-canon, Jim does a gap year to volunteer at a wildlife preserve in Australia
Fujiwara uses they/them pronouns
Fubuki had a crush on Fujiwara at some point
O’Brien gets nervous in cars and prefers pretty much any other method of transport (even busses, though if he has a choice, he’ll pick trains etc over busses, too). He does have a driver’s license though.
Judai’s Winged Kuriboh and Yugi’s Kuriboh are brothers (Idk if spirits can actually have family but let’s assume they do)
* Close to the Danish border, there’s schools and kindergartens called “Danish School/Kindergarten”, where the lessons are taught in Danish etc. Different ones have different rules which kids can enroll there, e.g. some only accept kids with at least one Danish parent, others accept everyone, but afaik all or at least most have all the lessons etc in Danish, and after a few years the parent-teacher-conferences are also in Danish, so non-Danish parents are expected to learn Danish if they want their kid there.
** German school system is confusing af; elementary school is until grade 4, then grade 5+ are high school (or secondary school I guess). There’s multiple types of high school, Gymnasium
*** One dictionary says it’s community college in English, but the English wikipedia page calls it Folk High School... Either way, it’s technically aimed at adults, you can take specific classes including languages, and I know at least one teen who took Japanese in one.
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helloalycia · 3 years
The Wrong Lifetime — Fourteen // Wanda Maximoff
chapter thirteen | story masterlist | main masterlist | wattpad | epilogue
author’s note: the last chapter is finally here! i hope you like it 😊
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There were many times when I'd get distracted by thoughts of Wanda.
I could be going for a walk and remember that time she tripped over the flat pavement, almost bringing me down with her. I could be shopping for stationary and remember that time she almost bought the whole shop in one visit. I could be sitting by the water fountain and remember that time she tried to make a wish, only to drop her whole purse in it.
This time, I'd just woken up to the sun streaming through my curtains. I rolled over to an empty bed, hand brushing against the cold sheets as they expected more. For some reason, my subconscious decided to taunt me with a memory taking place just after we'd first made love in her room...
"I love you so much," Wanda told me with an enchanting smile.
I turned to face her, one arm comfortable under the pillow as the other rested outside the duvet, covering my bare chest. She raised her hand, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear before resting her hand there. I smiled at the contact and felt a warmth spreading all over me at the affectionate gaze she sent my way.
"I know, love, you only said it several times," I teased lightly, making her chuckle. "I love you, too, though, in case you didn't know."
She sighed contently, eyes closing. I admired how beautiful she looked with her hair sprawled over her bare shoulders, smile on her lips and freckles dusting her skin. Her touch still ghosted my body, taste still embedded between my lips, scent still wavering in my nose. She was permanent and I was certain she'd never leave.
"We should probably get up in case somebody comes to check on us," she said, interrupting my moment of admiration.
Her eyes flickered open slowly, blue with golden flecks glistening right back at me. Suddenly, anything that happened after this didn't matter to me. For once, I appreciated where we were, what we had and nothing more or less. No wedding, no future... just now.
"We should," I agreed regretfully, though her leg moved closer to mine and made me wish we could stay here longer. "I wish we didn't have to."
She smiled halfheartedly, hand moving down my cheek, caressing the skin, before they rested at my chin. She outlined my lips with her thumb before leaning forward and stealing a kiss.
"Can't we have a few more minutes?" she asked, lips brushing mine as she spoke.
She was making it very hard to deny her and judging from the playful smirk on her lips, she knew that.
"I guess we can," I agreed quietly, making her smile with satisfaction.
She rolled on top of me, capturing my lips in a kiss as her bare chest pressed to mine and my hand found her waist for support. As usual, the effect she had on me was indescribable and I couldn't imagine us ever leaving the bed. I knew for sure that I'd never been happier than I was in that moment.
It was such a perfect moment, but it haunted me. Nothing felt right without her. She'd overwhelmed all of my senses and remained, even when I didn't have her by me in person. The wedding was literally in a few weeks, but I hadn't managed to get over her.
How could I be her maid of honour when I could barely speak to her? Not without wanting to curl in a ball and cry afterwards. Every thing I did seemed to be filled with memories of her. She was inescapable.
A groan left my lips as I dragged my hand down my face with frustration. I couldn't let her get to me yet again. I had an interview with the local paper today. The last thing I needed was Wanda as a distraction.
So, with that lovely thought lingering in my mind, I dragged myself out of bed to get ready for the day ahead.
Press interviews weren't something I was used to.
Whenever Y/B/N had them with journalists for his books, I wasn't present. The only thing I heard was when he came back and told me how it went, then I proceeded to read about it in the paper the next day.
I was sat in Steve's office at Maximoff Publishing with Steve sat by my side, sending me a supportive smile. A journalist from the local paper sat before us, notebook and pen in hand as he watched on with curious eyes.
"So, Y/N," he began. "I'll start with the obvious, if you don't mind."
I glanced at Steve who nodded encouragingly. Clearing my throat, I looked to the journalist. "Sure thing."
He smiled and glanced at his notebook before asking, "How does it feel to be published? You're Pietro Maximoff's first female author."
"An author who happens to be female," I corrected, hoping I didn't come off as rude. "And that isn't something that should be new, in my opinion. It should be normalised."
He nodded, noting it down in his notebook. "Controversy... I like it."
Swallowing hard, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.
"I think the readers would like to know how you managed to score a publisher," he began his next question. "How exactly did you get noticed amongst the many authors that look to be published?"
Okay, not so difficult, I could answer that.
"Well, it was actually my–" I paused, Wanda's face flashing to mind. Okay, maybe a little difficult.
"Your...?" the journalist prompted.
I blinked, attempting to find my words.
"Wanda," Steve answered, starting me off.
I looked to him with grateful eyes before looking back to the journalist. "Right. Yes. Wanda."
"Your brother's fiancé, right?" the journalist asked for clarification.
"Yes," I answered, with an accidental clipped tone. "She... she was the one who gave my work to her brother. Asked him to look at it. And the rest is history."
The journalist was making notes as I spoke, nodding and humming in response, before looking to me with raised brows.
"So, the wedding," he said, making me wince subtly. "Are you excited?"
Forcing a smile, I said, "Ecstatic."
"How does it feel to have your two families uniting?" he asked, and I chewed on my lips, unsure how to respond.
"I– er–"
"Are you afraid that Y/B/N marrying Wanda may put him in Pietro's good graces?" he interrupted eagerly, leaning forward in his seat.
I opened my mouth to answer, but I didn't know what to say that wouldn't land me in hot water or make me look like a jealous sibling. Glancing to Steve questioningly, he thankfully noticed my speechlessness and gave the journalist a warning stare.
"Can you stay on topic, please?" he asked the keen journalist. "Y/N is here to talk about her book and nothing more."
"Okay, okay," the journalist gave in, making me exhale slowly. "What's next in store for your readers, Y/N? A sequel, perhaps?"
"I'm not sure," I answered truthfully. "I'm still in awe at the reception from the first one."
He nodded, note taking as he listened. "How many books do you think you'll get out of your career before getting married like your brother?"
I raised my eyebrows with disbelief. But I didn't get to answer as he was already moving onto his next question.
"Are you not worried about getting married? You know, men don't like smart women."
Narrowing my eyes at him, I clenched my fists by my side and was very close to strangling him before we were interrupted. A servant whom I recognised from home knocked on the door and earned everyone's attention.
"Oh, tell him to go away," the journalist said dismissively, waving his hand.
Steve looked to me and I plastered a bitter smile on my lips as I glanced at the journalist.
"I'd let him in if I were you," I told Steve, and he seemed to understand that I was about to pummel the journalist if I wasn't distracted, because he nodded and motioned for the servant to enter.
The journalist sighed rudely and I clenched my jaw before looking to the servant with a quirked brow. He looked out of breath, panting for air and face flushed red.
"Did you run here?" I realised, cocking my head to the side with confusion.
He nodded, straightening up and attempting to catch his breath. "Yes, Miss Y/L/N. Very sorry to interrupt, but your mother insisted I hurry."
My eyes widened. "Oh, God, what happened? Is she okay?"
"Kind of," he answered, before clarifying, "The wedding between your brother and Miss Maximoff has been cancelled."
"What?!" everyone in the room asked at the same time.
What did he mean the wedding had been cancelled?! Wanda and Y/B/N weren't going to get married?
"I don't know the details," the servant got out quickly. "I just know that your mother sent me to fetch you as soon as possible. She's distraught and requires you home immediately."
I nodded instantly, already making a move to stand up, then I remembered where I was.
"You mustn't publish anything you just heard," I told the journalist with a stern finger, but he seemed over the moon at the news.
"Go, Y/N, your mother needs you," Steve said, resting a hand on my shoulder as he, too, stood up. He side-eyed the journalist as he added, "I'll take care of this tool."
At that, the journalist's eyes widened with fear and judging from the smirk on Steve's lips, I knew things would be okay.
"Thank you," I told him, hugging him quickly, before looking to the servant. "I'll go now. Thank you."
After giving the servant some money to grab a treat and calm him from his breathless state, I got a carriage home with my mind racing a million thoughts a minute.
Why was the wedding off? My mum was distraught, according to the servant, so that could only mean it hadn't been her choice. Was it Y/B/N? Had he broken it off? Or maybe it was Wanda? But no. She'd never do that. She wouldn't hurt her family like that.
I wasn't sure what it was, but I definitely didn't know how to feel. This could either be heavily in my favour or go against me in the worst way possible...
When I arrived home, I found my family in the dining room. My mum was sat down, upset and shaking her head in her hands, tear marks on her face. My dad was sat beside her, rubbing her back soothingly and whispering calming things to her as my brother stood to the side, looking apologetic and uncomfortable.
"It's okay, mum, it'll be okay," he was saying to her from across the table. "It's not a big deal. I can find somebody–"
"Hello...," I began awkwardly, standing in the doorway and hesitant to move forward. "I just got the news from our servant. What happened?"
"Oh, Y/N, you shouldn't have–" my father began regretfully, before my mum slammed her hand on the table and glared at my brother.
"Y/B/N broke off the engagement!" she shouted with frustration.
"There you go...," my dad mumbled before returning his attention to his wife.
"Mum, I–"
"You did what?!" I cut Y/B/N off with raised brows. "You broke off the engagement? You dumped Wanda?"
He looked to me with sad eyes. "Y/N–"
"You idiot!" I shouted, feeling angry as I imagined the effect this must have had on the Maximoff family. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you–?!"
He grabbed my waving arm and dragged me out of the dining room, making me shove him off when we reached the hall.
"Why the hell did you break it off?!" I yelled at him with a glare. "Why would you–"
"I didn't!" he whisper-shouted back, looking down at me with a downcast expression. "She did!"
My anger faded as I realised he was telling the truth. He looked genuinely hurt, eyes glassy and a frown on his lips. Wanda was the one to break it off? What?
"She broke it off with me," he elaborated quietly, so our parents couldn't hear. "She told me this morning. She said she didn't love me and that she couldn't marry me."
I swallowed hard, looking away from him momentarily. "Why did you tell mum and dad that it was you who broke up with her?"
He pinched his forehead with agitation. "Because it looks a lot less foolish if I say it was me rather than her. She doesn't love me, Y/N. She never did."
I risked looking at him, seeing his disheartened expression. Part of me felt guilty because I knew it was my fault this had happened, but I couldn't exactly say that to him, so I stayed quiet. He shook his head once more before walking away, leaving me standing there with shock.
"Er, Miss Y/L/N?"
I spun around when one of our servants approached me.
"I know now isn't the best time," she began, "but a letter came for you earlier. I left it on your desk as you were at work."
Nodding, I offered the servant a halfhearted smile before watching her leave. There was so much to unpack right now...
I headed upstairs and to my room to see what letter was here for me. But I was finding it hard to focus since all that was on my mind was the broken engagement and Y/B/N and Wanda... I needed to see her. What the hell was I doing here?
Planning on going to see Wanda as soon as possible, I grabbed the letter from my desk with the intention of reading it on the way out, but then I recognised the handwriting on the front and paused at my desk.
It was Wanda's handwriting.
I hurried to tear open the envelope, wondering what she had to say. It was no doubt related to the broken engagement.
Dearest Y/N,
I hope that you manage to read this letter before you hear the news, but knowing our families, you'll read it afterwards. In which case, you will know that I have broken off the engagement with Y/B/N.
It was the right thing to do. I chose to do it and I'm sorry if it's caused tension between your brother and your family, but I knew that I couldn't go forward with it when I'm in love with you. I'm not expecting you to come back to me and run away together all dramatically – this isn't about that.
I did this for myself. I'm not in love with your brother and I never was. He should have known that. He had to. Because if not, I'm afraid I broke his heart. And that's the last thing I wanted.
I also did this for you. I need you to know that I'm not heartless or horrible and I didn't expect you to sacrifice anything for me. Cheating on your brother with you... I never meant for this to happen, nor did I mean to get in the way of you both. Falling in love with you was completely accidental, but I don't regret it.
I don't want to go on too much, but I just needed you to know the truth, from me, that I am truly sorry for causing you such pain. I'm still in love with you and I'll never forget what we had. In another lifetime, maybe we could have worked. I'm certain that you were always perfect for me, as was what we had. You are magic, Y/N. I just wasn't powerful enough to keep you.
When I finished reading, I flipped the page over, expecting to find more, but it was blank. She'd ended it there and I didn't know what to think. My heart was racing, mind adjusting too slowly for my liking. She'd broke it off with him for me. I knew she loved me, but I guess I'd never realised just how much.
After recovering from my shock, I put the letter away and left for Wanda's, not bothering to tell my family where I was going. My dad was attempting to console my disappointed mother as Y/B/N moped around somewhere else, so I took that as my chance to nip out without them noticing.
I was trying to plan what to say to her – I didn't even know what I wanted to say to her. She said she didn't expect me to get back with her, and even without Y/B/N and their engagement in the way, we still couldn't be together. Not like how we wanted to be. But I wanted to. I wanted her. All this time without her had been heartbreaking – I didn't want to leave her again. I didn't know the specifics of how we would work, but we could work. We had to.
When I reached her house, it was her mother who opened the door. And that's when I realised that I wasn't sure if she blamed Y/B/N or her daughter for the engagement breaking apart.
"Iryna, hi," I greeted with a nervous smile. "I'm sorry if this is a bad time–"
"Y/N, I'm glad you're here," she cut me off, immediately pulling me in for a hug. "Thank you for coming."
I nodded with mild confusion, returning the hug, before pulling away.
"I'm so sorry for the pain Wanda has caused to your family," she said regretfully. "I hope that your parents aren't as distraught as we are."
I eyed her strangely, still not sure what Wanda had told her. Either way, I didn't bother questioning it as my urgency to see Wanda was overpowering my curiosity.
"It's okay, Iryna, there's no need to apologise," I reassured her. "My family will be okay... I just thought I'd come and check in on Wanda. It's a lot, what happened."
She nodded sympathetically. "Thank you, sweetheart. You're such a good friend to her." She stood to the side to let me in. "Go on up. She's in her room. Hasn't come out since this morning."
I offered a small, awkward smile Iryna's way before letting myself in and going upstairs to Wanda's room. My palms were sweaty and my mouth was dry – stupidly juxtaposed – when I stopped before Wanda's door. On the way over here, I still hadn't decided what to say. I figured it would just come to me when I saw her. One could hope.
Knocking on the door, I heard her sweet, accented voice give me permission to enter. My stomach flipped at the sound and I did as she said. Closing the door behind me, I turned and saw Wanda sat at a stool before a canvas.
Noticing I didn't say anything, she glanced over her shoulder casually, probably expecting a family member. She widened her eyes when she realised it was me and immediately stood up, smoothing out her paint-covered smock in an attempt to look neater. The simple action warmed my heart – she was adorable and I couldn't help but smile.
"Hi," I said quietly.
She cleared her throat, eyes darting around nervously. "Hey. I didn't– what are– hi."
I let my eyes wander, admiring her messy ponytail and the strokes of paint on her face that she definitely wasn't aware of. She was stunning, even with her confused eyes and pursed lips. Better yet, her hand was ring-free and I was reminded of the fact that she wasn't engaged anymore.
"I assume you're here because you read the letter," she began apologetically, but I didn't let her finish because the longer I was in her presence, the more I realised I wanted to kiss her.
Approaching her, I found her eyes before pressing my lips to hers. My hands cupped her cheeks as I held her close, revelling in her taste and scent and touch. She was quick to react, her fingers curling around my waist and tugging me towards her, squeezing our bodies together. Breathing became a problem and we regretfully had to pull away, but remained close enough to exchange breaths and swim in each other's eyes. I'd never been more relieved to see the colour green.
"You're not mad," she realised, looking between my eyes as if trying to search for some anger.
"How can I be mad that you broke off your engagement for me, knowing we can never be together in the way that you deserve?" I asked with disbelief.
She smiled beautifully, making my heart flutter in my chest. "You still love me."
I stole another kiss from her lips. "I never stopped, Wanda. Of course I still love you."
She rested her forehead to mine and closed her eyes peacefully. "Thank you for coming back."
I laughed, feeling tears brim my eyes. "I'm not leaving again, love. We'll find a way to make this work. I promise you that."
Wanda Maximoff deserved the world. And I was going to give it to her in this lifetime and beyond.
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petiteyoon · 4 years
Goose bumps — myg [M]
ATTENTION: if you’re a minor and/or uncomfortable with mature themes please don’t read... or do it, but I warned you.
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Pairing: Yoongi x fem!reader
Genre: fluff, smut
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, not-so-innocent baths in a lake, no pull-out game lmao, kind of sex with a stranger?, cum play, light spanking, slight daddy kink (yg calls himself daddy like o n c e), cum eating, Yoongi is a shy boi at first but gives up easily <3 if you hate being called princess then i’m sorry
Word count: 3k more or less
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Of course I am technically ✨L A T E✨ but I guess it was worth it (even if in my country it’s still the 9th) so,
I’m still getting used to writing those things so let’s pray that there’s nothing wrong here, hope you like it!
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As you woke up you silently thanked whoever was up there for having such a sunny morning, compared to the storm you were surprised with the day prior, as you reached the camping site.
The situation at hand was unexpected and quite messy since you were sleeping in your camper with seven boys, five of them scattered on the couch or in the driving seats. But it was more fun that way, you guessed.
You were traveling with your best friends, Namjoon and Jungkook, when you saw five people standing on the side of the road, with their car nearby surrounded by a thin layer of smoke.
Assuming they needed help and since they were directed to the same destination as the three of you, you offered them a hand and brought them to the camping site with you in your camper.
You slowly got off the bed, tiptoeing towards the exit and careful not to step on any hand or foot. You opened the door and hopped down, feeling the fresh grass beneath your feet. Everything around was still quiet, the only sound that could be heard was the sweet chirping of the birds that populated the trees. The area was well covered by tall, green plants and a few sun rays slipped through their leaves, creating puddles of golden light on the ground.
Before cooking yourself something to eat, you went exploring a bit, finding a couple of cute bunnies near the place and beautiful flowers, until, a bit down the path, you found a little entrance that hid a beautiful tiny lake and without a second thought you went in.
It wasn't really deep so you decided to sit on the moss that engulfed the sides and corners of the natural pool.
After contemplating the nature around you, you slipped in the cold water and slightly moved your limbs in order to get used to the low temperature.
The place was well hidden by the plants and trees, only giving you another open spot on the other side, just to admire the mountains nearby and you allowed yourself to relax. Said mountains were clearly visible and they created a stunning landscape, giving you the possibility to clear your eyes from the dull cities full of skyscrapers.
It seemed like the place was settled on another planet. Spots like this were truly a rare sight and deserved to be protected from the rest of the Earth, you thought.
"What are you doing here?"
As you were absorbed in your own world, a deep and groggy voice spoke up, making you snap your head towards the intruder.
Yoongi stood there, standing on the border of the pool and keeping an eye close to you, a veil of curiosity was wrapped around his sleepy voice.
You took a big breath and slumped your shoulders, the brief tension already subsided. "I was just looking around… this place is beautiful" you contemplated, shifting your eyes towards the landscape again. You felt the water ripple and you just assumed that Yoongi slipped in with you.
"It really is" he breathed, the sound reached your ears quicker than you thought. Turning around, the boy was really closer than you imagined, but he didn't seem to notice because his eyes were settled on the rural view as well.
You slightly shifted, tightening your shoulders as goose bumps emerged on your skin. Yoongi sensed your stiffness right away and moved towards you. With his eyebrows bent in a frown, he asked you if you were cold but you quickly shook your head.
The cold wasn’t the cause of your goose bumps, Yoongi was. You were totally feeling at ease, but having him this close was kinda unusual.
Ever since you two met the other day, you observed how his eyes always lingered for a moment on your figure, how he was always out of words and much more shy when you talked to him. Maybe he was really introverted, you assumed.
But while you were thinking about his behaviour, you have to admit that deep down you briefly daydreamed about him being attracted to you, which would be the reason for his behaviour; and if that was the case you were surely flattered about the idea of a cute guy like him feeling that way towards you.
Another couple of minutes passed by in silence, enjoying the company of the other. Yoongi slowly moved towards you, still keeping his hands on the border and his head bent down slightly.
He pressed his lips together, his whole body screamed shyness and you could perfectly feel how nervous he was. You knew he was trying to tell you something but his throat was completely shut, making it difficult to swallow.
That was when you decided to take the matter in your own hands, "Is everything okay Yoongs?" you asked.
The nickname almost made him blush but he just nodded, without opening his mouth. Your question wasn't much of help so you just tried to put him at ease without any words, just resting your head on his shoulder, to see how he would react.
Yoongi felt like the world had come to a stop and as he realized how close you were. He just stood there, eyes automatically fixated on you.
His hands were tingling. He just wanted to hold you tight against him, but he had to control himself. He had been infatuated with you since the second he laid his eyes on you, but he still didn't know you yet.
He just slipped his right arm around your shoulders, finding a comfortable position to look at the landscape. You smiled a little, content with how he was cuddling you. Even if you met him just the other day, he seemed such a sweet guy and you felt as if you wanted to spend as much time as possible with him.
You closed the space between your bodies by inching closer and closer to him, until your face was buried inside his neck. You took a deep breath and your nostrils were flooded by the masculine scent of his cologne and this made you want to pull him towards you and engulf him in a tight hug, just to be blessed by his presence.
These thoughts of him kept racing in your mind and, as if you were possessed by an unknown force, you placed a hand behind his neck and brought him down to your level, suddenly pressing your lips against his.
Maybe you were being reckless but, hell, you wanted to taste those lips so badly.
For a moment he didn't move at all, totally taken off guard; but when the action processed in his head and felt your sweet lips against his, he finally gave in. His fingertips caressed your sides while he moved his lips on yours, enjoying their softness.
Your other hand found its way between his locks and lightly gripped them, earning a small grunt from him.
His chest was flush against yours as he subconsciously pushed your body against the border of the pond. You were trapped and the only thing you could do was wrapping your legs around his waist. After doing so, his body moved even closer to yours, if that was possible. You two were caught by a sudden passion that didn't let you separate from one another.
His tongue stroked your lower lip, asking for entrance. You swiftly opened your mouth and your tongues danced, wrapped around each other. That warm feeling made you feel tingles all over your body as you caressed the back of his head. After what felt like hours, Yoongi finally broke the kiss and looked at you deeply, contemplating what you had just done.
He regained himself and pushed himself off of you, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that" he blubbered, his head bent down again.
You felt your chest tighten for a moment, confused about why he was apologizing. Maybe he didn't want to do that? You were the one that pulled him in at first, maybe he just kissed you so you wouldn't feel rejected.
But as soon as he spoke up again, your doubts were cleared, "don't get me wrong,” he shook his head when he saw your worried expression “you're really beautiful and you seem a kind and sweet person. But I shouldn't have rushed like that" he blushed, rubbing the back of his neck.
You smiled at him, observing his face, and got closer to him once again, "Don't apologize, I enjoyed it" you whispered and licked your lips, "We can do whatever you want to do".
He sighed once he heard your words, still unsure about the situation. He had you on a silver plate and he was mere inches away from a good time or from something that could be deeper, as he let his mind daydream; but still, he didn't know you. Maybe you just wanted to use him for one time, and maybe he would even let you do that. The tension was strong and he couldn't make a decision: he could leave aside his morals for one day, or risk it all and try for something real with you.
Was it really worthy to give in so easily to a stranger? You occupied his mind since he saw you the other day and maybe he could really try and take action on his new feelings.
After thinking about it deeply, he lifted his head and watched you with a slight pained expression "I've known you for just one day, even less, but you already make me go crazy", so he conjoined again your bodies and kissed you.
The tension that built up inside you while waiting for an answer left your soul as soon as you felt his warm presence again against you. You didn't have time to reflect on his confession as you tightly wrapped your arms around his neck, lightly biting his lower lip and tasting him.
He sighed, his breath hot on your lips and you felt his fingertips brush your sides, slipping under your shirt. You unconsciously arched your back, giving him more access to explore your body. His cold hands gripped the flesh where your ribs were, picking you up and placing you on the border, with his hips in between your legs. A small whimper left your mouth as you felt his crotch push against your centre, pressing your nails into his shoulder blades.
His lips slightly turned into a grin, the sweet sound reaching his ears. Your moans were heaven to him and as he secured an arm around your waist, his other hand started to caress your thigh, slowly inching closer and closer towards the hem of your shorts.
Your heart was beating fast against your chest and it was difficult to breathe. His finger slid in your thin shorts that were soaked and clinging to your skin. He gently stroked your sensitive bud, earning another delicious moan from you. A new wave of pleasure washed over you as you felt hot pressure against your clit. He soon reached your entrance, he circled his fingers around it, collecting your arousal and teasing you. You broke the kiss and whimpered again while trying to catch your breath.
Your hips involuntarily pushed towards his hand, wanting just to feel his fingers in you, but before you could express your needs he removed his hand from your shorts and gripped at the hem of the clothing. Immediately taking the hint, you placed your hands on the hard surface and raised your hips, allowing him to take off your pants and underwear together.
His hand returned to its place as he rubbed the wet skin around your entrance, thanks to how wet you were, his finger dipped with ease in your heat, disappearing between your folds. The delicious burn made you cry out his name, throwing your head back, your nails scratching the ground at your sides.
Your hips slightly rolled with the movement of his hand, his face was buried in your neck, leaving wet kisses and bites that will surely leave a mark on your skin. Your hand reached Yoongi's locks, pulling them and making him groan against you, fingers pushing even deeper inside you and stroking your sweet spot.
You felt your orgasm approach quickly, a string of moans and whimpers left your lips. Yoongi's thumb pressed against your clit, circling it harshly and finally bringing you to the edge. Your hand gripped his hair even tighter and you cried out his name, legs shaking as a pang of pleasure exploded in your lower abdomen.
But Yoongi didn't stop, with his lips attached to yours, blocking your screams, he kept pistoning his fingers in and out of you, prolonging your orgasm until your shaky hand gripped his wrist, as you were too sensitive to continue.
He broke the kiss and brought his fingers to his mouth, tasting your sweet cum on his digits, "You taste delicious, princess" he spoke with his deep voice, planting another kiss on your lips.
You smiled at him in your post-orgasm haze, cheeks flushed with droopy eyes. "I should return the favour now, what do you think?" your legs moved closer to him on their own, and you found your hand already making its way towards his tummy.
He took your hand in his, shaking his head "I don't wanna waste time, I want to be buried inside you right now" he claimed, grabbing your arm and spinning you around, trapping you again between the ground and his waist.
You whined at his sudden action, but Yoongi didn't give you any time to understand what was happening as he brought his hand down your butt cheek harshly, a light smack reached your ears.
You moaned at the sudden contact, feeling your plump skin burn under his tight grip, "M-More… please," you cried out for him, feeling an unknown pleasure from what he was doing. You never minded that much, a bit of spanking was always there in your bed activities but Yoongi literally lit up a fire inside of you and you melted every time his palms touched your hot skin.
"Is princess that needy?" you could feel the smug grin in his voice, satisfied with the effect he had on you. You bit hard on your lip and pushed back your butt, nodding fervently. He quickly pulled down his pants, his warm cock now rested heavily against your backside as he stroked your cheeks.
However, instead of giving you what you wanted, he wrapped a hand around himself and pressed his tip in your entrance, without entering fully. You whined again, sick of all his teasing while you squirmed under him, desperate to feel him inside.
He blocked your movements with one hand and bent down towards your ear, growling "Stop being a brat, or else daddy won't give you the fuck that you deserve today" his teeth grazed the shell of your ear, biting it and finally pushing his length fully inside of you.
A loud moan left your throat at the sudden intrusion. Yoongi gave you some time to adjust as he wrapped his arm around your waist, "But for now I will let that pass, I don't wanna play games" as he said this, he began moving his hips. His thrusts weren't fast, but slow, deep and intense, making you feel at every movement that delicious stroke against your walls that almost made you go crazy.
You searched his hand with yours until you found it on your hip, and squeezed it. The tender gesture of holding hands was in stark contrast with the things he was doing to you. While his right hand was occupied with yours, his left one travelled towards your swollen bud, ready to give it again the attention deserved.
As his thrusts sped up, slamming his hips against you, his digits quickly worked their magic on your clit. "Yes…! Yoongi, oh my god," you mewled, the pleasure difficult to bear, "You're so big, it feels too good," you praised him, pushing your head back, trying to meet his thrusts.
You could hear him gasping from time to time, in sync with his dick coming in and out of you. Another wave of pleasure washed over you when you realized how strained he sounded, proud that you were making him feel this way.
His hips stuttered and the pace he was maintaining started to falter. You knew he was near the edge by the small grunts that left his glistening lips with every thrust and you were close as well.
As you finally managed to match with his thrusts, setting a new, hard pace, Yoongi dug his nails into your soft skin, "Fuck princess, you're squeezing me so tight" almost out of breath, he gripped onto you as if his life depended on it.
Another couple of quick, rough thrusts and he found himself slumping over you, whispering your name in a broken moan, right into your ear. You shuddered as you felt his cum coating your velvety walls, milking him as you reached your climax as well for the second time.
As the after waves of the orgasm wouldn't let your legs stop quivering, Yoongi squeezed his arms around you, keeping you close to him as he rested his head on your back, eyes closed and catching his breath. 
You two stood there, without moving for a moment, your limbs slowly relaxing.
"That was amazing" he whispered with a raspy voice, getting off of you and caressing your arms. You smiled to yourself and nodded, agreeing with him without a single word, turning towards him and putting on your long-forgotten shorts.
Yoongi kissed your forehead with a foreign sweetness, enveloping you again in a warm hug. You closed your eyes and buried yourself deep into his chest as your mind slowly came back to reality. You glanced up, staring into his eyes and playing with your nails, you suddenly had many questions swarming inside your head but maybe… it was better not to open your mouth for now.
You suddenly took a look at your hands and noticed how wrinkled they were, you scrunched up your nose and showed your palms to Yoongi. "I think it's better if we get out of here" you pouted and Yoongi nodded, soon following you.
When you returned to the camping site, everyone was awake and eating breakfast. Jimin spotted the two of you first and waved at you, calling for Yoongi. "Where were you, lovebirds? You're totally soaked" he took a close look on you, going inside the camper to take two warm towels and you kindly thanked him.
"We discovered a little pond down there, it's really nice and it's not even that deep," Yoongi explained, sitting on the bench next to Hoseok, with you next to him.
Currently, Jin had just finished cooking breakfast for everyone, while Taehyung already had his nose deep in his precious strawberries. You remembered him mentioning his love for those fruits, and at first you didn't understand his excitement but after he let you try his strawberries… you swear that was the sweetest thing you ever tried.
In front of you sat Jungkook, playing some game on his phone, with Namjoon by his side, who was eyeing you in a weird way. But you didn't mind his behaviour at that moment.
For now you just wanted to eat and enjoy the rest of the day with the boys. You still felt butterflies in your stomach while thinking about what happened at the lake and you were excited to discover what that day would bring to you.
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ink-on-the-brink · 3 years
Yandere Engie x Reader ~ Dark Nights Come With A Cost (Part 3)
Chapter Selection
Both you and Dell, after packing up, had begun silently walking to the diner. The silence was tense but. Somehow not entirely uncomfortable. It felt more like the both of you had too much to say rather than nothing to say at all, even though the words never really did fall off your tongue. It was about halfway there that a small conversation began. It wasn't anything too significant. Just chatting over small random things, like what he'd been up to that week and what you were planning to do later. Just small stuff like that. It did, however, get rid of a bit of tension as the two of you became used to the sound of each other's voices. It wasn't long before the both of you were at the diner. It wasn't a fancy place by any means. It was small and people came in and sat wherever they wanted to while waiting for someone to come take their order. At the moment two other people were dining, though neither of them took notice of the two of you walking in. Following you, you lead Dell to a table a bit out of the way, preferring the quieter corner.
After taking a seat he began to look over the menu, seemingly not having seen it before. You, on the other hand, already knew what you were getting since you'd practically lived at this place.
"So I'm guessing you haven't been here before?" You asked, your fingers lightly tapping on the table as more of a nervous tick than anything. He didn't look at you, instead still scanning the menu.
"Nope. Been plannin to but Ah never really found the tahme, or anyone ta go with really...got any suggestions?" He explained the mundane answer, the question afterward almost too easy for you to answer. As you went into waitress mode and began reciting your recommendations he slowly looked up from his menu, realizing he probably wouldn't need it. At one point a slightly amused smile fell on his face, your words slowly dwindling as you noticed the grin.
"What?" You asked, wondering if maybe you had said something funny or weird that you hadn't noticed. He let out a short laugh before responding.
"Well ah just find it a lil' funny that you're a walkin' menu" he pointed out, his grin not leaving.
Most times you'd think it was an insult. That he was mocking or belittling you in some way since that's what most people you interacted with tended to do. But something about his harmless smile and his, so far, kind nature made you smile back, taking the comment in jest.
"We'll I hope I'd be after working here for as long as I have" you spoke back, a slight snarkiness in your tone that you rarely used these days. His smile grew as he enjoyed the short banter.
Soon someone walked over. A waiter in his uniform coming to serve you two is what Dell had thought. That was until he spoke.
"Hello Y/n...odd of you to come here on your day off" the man spoke, his eyes purely on you. You quickly turned up to the familiar face with Dell following in the action as he subconsciously began to analyze everything about the person standing near him
The man seemed to be in his late thirties, maybe early forties. Deep brown hair that almost matched the color of his eyes. He had a clear five o'clock shadow that he maybe forgot to shave back down. He held a serious and well put together appearance that almost made him look strange in his uniform.  His eyes felt cold but not uncomfortable, his expression being rather stone-like and unreadable, something that greatly put off Dell already.
"Oh uh, hey Alen. I just came to get something to eat with a uh, um...the tutor I've been seeing. I'm guessing someone didn't show up today?" You spoke hesitantly, your eyes failing to make contact with his.
Dell had to admit being called just 'the tutor you've been seeing' kinda stung. He wasn't entirely sure why, I mean this was the first time the two of you had done anything together besides schoolwork, but he would at least consider you more than an acquaintance.
Maybe he just enjoyed the time with you more than you did...
Or maybe he was reading too much into it, as he is so inclined to do.
Besides that Dell also found his focus falling on the man's strange ways with words and his even more foreign gestures. Dell would have even been entertained by his rigid posture and high-class tone if it didn't seem so out of place.
"Indeed. Anyway, I will be taking your order since this is my job today I suppose. Can I start you with any drinks?" He asked the question and Dell had to hide the look on his face with how strange this situation felt.
Quickly you both ordered your drinks and your meals along with them which meant that, to Dells great satisfaction, the odd man walked away and back to unseen parts of the diner. Once he was gone Dell shot you a confused and put-off look.
"Any particular reason he talks lahke that?" He asked with a slight chuckle in his tone to keep the conversation light. Your hesitance to answer the question only made it worse.
"Oh um that's uh...it makes him sound smarter I guess" you answered calmly, though your eyes seemed to shift to look where Alen had left.
"Hm...it kinda has the opposite effect" Engie playfully insulted, his eyes gauging your reaction to the comment. He found a smirk unwillingly crawl onto your face before you quickly wiped it off and cleared your throat.
"Everyone has their preferences I guess" you tried to hold a monotone voice but it was hard considering the grin you were holding back.
The two of you continued talking, the air seeming lighter than a few minutes ago. Conversation flowed well between the two of you and it seemed almost as if the two of you could continue forever. Even the bits of silence didn't seem too awkward. He seemed to always find a way to keep everything upbeat, whether that was through his smile or his entertaining stories that you couldn't help but laugh at. The food didn't come too long after you ordered since there wasn't really anyone else to wait on. Even with the food the two of you kept the conversation going.
This moment was probably the most relaxed you've felt in a while, which was strange considering you were around someone you didn't fully know.
Or maybe that's exactly why it was so relaxing...
After a bit of a long silence, and a question Dell couldn't bear to keep on his tongue any longer, your peace was about to be ruined.
"...you mahnd if Ah ask somethin maybe a bit personal?" He broke the short silence, earning your attention as your eyes turned back to him, slight confusion and worry poorly hidden in your features.
"...Well I guess it depends on the question" you answered, now not turning away from him as curiosity ate at you.
What could he possibly want to know?
There was another short and this time rather uncomfortable silence before he finally asked.
It shouldn't be too personal, right?
"That uh, lady back there...she seemed ta know ya...ya mind me askin why she was so nasty to ya?" His gauge for exactly how personal that question was wasn't really accurate, especially with the slight shock and clearly uncomfortable feeling it seemed to bring to you. Your eyes quickly averted from him, your mind racing at a million miles a minute.
Why did he want to know? What was he gaining from this? If anything at all.
Why did he care?
"Oh uh U-Um it's...it's a long story- She uh. She used to be my best friend before um...she...uh..." You trailed off, stuttering and falling through your sentences as you tried to explain in short terms what had happened.
He was intently analyzing your reaction. The quickly averted gaze, the tired and hurt expression, the small nervous ticks found throughout your body. Realizing just how uncomfortable the question made you he decided it might be best to let it go.
"Ya don't have ta tell me if ya don't want to. Ah was just a bit curious s'all. Haven't seen much of that hostility around here." he tried to give you an out, a way to dip out of the question.
An opportunity you gladly took.
"Yeah, it's uh...yeah...anyway is the food good?" You completely deflected and, not wanting to push anything, especially after only being called 'the tutor you've been seeing', he let the conversation move on.
"Yeah actually. Better than Ah was thinkin it would be for how little business it has" he complimented, relief moving through your system with his willingness to change the subject.
"Good! I'm glad you like it!" You replied maybe a bit too enthusiastically, nervousness still heavily moving through your system.
It was a bit awkward as you two finished your meals, the flow of conversation slowing slightly as you began to give murmured answers.
It wasn't long until you both finished and the meal was paid for. It felt a bit strange to have him pay for the meal, but he did say it was his treat and hey, who are you to refuse free food? After that the both of you left, the glaring sunset not failing to catch your attention.
"Hm...I probably should have kept an eye on the time..." You spoke mostly to yourself, a sudden unease gripping you at the thought of walking home alone in the dark.
"Ah'd have ta agree..." Dell found himself answering before his eyes slowly turned to you, recognizing the look on your face as he pieced together why that was a problem.
"How far out do ya live?" He asked, a slight bit of concern found in his tone. You turned down to your phone, your dread only increasing as you realized the true time.
The sun would be gone way before you were able to get home...
"Far enough that I'll be walking in the dark" you commented as you quickly turned your phone back off, not wanting to stare at the many messages you have yet to read today.
"Do ya want me ta walk ya?" He asked the question, quickly earning your wondering attention. Your body tensed, your eyes turning to him with an unreadable expression.
Many thoughts ran through your mind at the moment. How much did you trust him? Was he trying to help or get you alone? Was he safe? Well you've known him for a few months now, and he hasn't been anything but kind. And the last thing you wanted was to walk alone in the dark. That was practically begging to get attacked...
You decided it would be best to take your chances with him over whatever you could possibly face alone.
"Would I annoy you if I said yes?" You asked cautiously, still not sure what his intentions were or why he was helping you so much. You felt like you were annoying him, that maybe he was only doing this out of courtesy and you were pushing it.
But then he smiled...
It was a warm, comforting smile, one that shocked still every nerve in your body. His eyes were calm and his features kind. He wasn't annoyed or angered, he seemed almost happy to oblige. You weren't really used to such a caring look so he couldn't have known how strange it was for you to see it.
"Not at all" he answered, his voice somehow calming you further, his presence now seeming more than safe. You couldn't have stopped your growing smile even if you wanted to. Something about his smile was almost too contiguous. It was annoying, but some part of you wished it wouldn't ever stop, just so that you could keep your rare smile, as fleeting as it always seemed to be.
"Thank you" you spoke gratefully and with the genuine sound of your voice alone he found his grin growing. He didn't think he'd actually seen a full smile on you before and he could only feel the slight burning of his chest intensify.
Damn did you look good with a smile on your face-
'Alright, keep it together Dell. Ya don't even know 'em that well' he chastised himself as the two of you began walking, though the shared smiles on each other's faces didn't leave
"No fucking way. That's not possible!" You spoke while shaking your head, disbelief found on your face. A proud smile grew on him, his ego showing a bit.
"Yep. Eight full PhDs. Ah've been doin college courses since Ah was twelve" he spoke confidently, his chest slightly puffed out as if he was the most intelligent man to have roamed the Earth.
"Sure, and I live in a mansion five minutes from a private beach" you rebutted, clearly not believing him. It didn't seem to deter his confidence though, likely because it was rare anyone would believe that just on his word alone.
"Hey, ya don't have ta belive it for it ta be true" he spoke without a wavering tone, his wide smile still spread across his face which gained a small grin from you.
"Just because you tell me it's true doesn't mean you're not lying" you quickly replied, his shoulders slightly shrugging in response. You lightheartedly rolled your eyes, taking your attention away from him long enough to realize your apartment was only a few steps away.
"Oh! We're here!...that was quicker than I thought it'd be..." You mumbled the second part, though he still heard you in the quietness of the rather empty street. A slightly disappointed look grew on his face, the walk with you having been one of the more relaxing things he's done all month. Those last few steps came quick and soon you were both standing outside of the building. You both turned to each other, a hidden dilemma soon growing in each other's minds.
"Well uh...it was nice gettin ta know ya a bit" Dell started, his smile faltering ever so slightly. You didn't notice it as a few thoughts began to run through your mind.
He had been so kind to you...
"Yeah uh...it was nice getting to know you too"
He'd stood up for you when he didn't have to.
"Ah'd best be headin off now then, it's a bit of a walk back ta mah car"
And he'd taken the time to talk to you, to listen.
"Um...yeah...that's probably a bit far huh?"
He'd been so inviting, so warm in a world that had always been so cold toward you.
"Yeah..." Slowly he began to turn away, a pit dropping in your stomach at the thought of being alone. The thought of having to deal with the silence that only ever got to your head.
You didn't want to be alone in that silence...
"Wait" you called out, immediately earning all of his attention. He quickly stopped his body, turning his head back to you with a questioning glance. You felt your throat tighten ever so slightly, the words threatening to leave your tounge burning with shame found in what you truly wanted to tell him.
'Don't leave'
"Do you maybe want to come up for a drink? I mean uh...you've helped me a lot today and um...I want to repay the favor you know?" You settled on those words, your eyes turning to look at anything that wasn't him in fear of the annoyance you might find on his features or the blunt no that you believed would receive. When your eyes did flicker towards him though you caught his smile again. You weren't sure what it was about the silent expression, but it seemed to almost numb any anxiety you were feeling.
"Sure. Ah wouldn't mahnd a drink rahght about now" he answered, relief strangely falling onto him at not having to leave yet, especially with the walk he would have had ahead of him.
At least that's what he tried to convince himself was the reason for his relief anyway.
Next Chapter
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rims-things · 3 years
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Lost in Your Arms 
Genre : Romance / Fluff / Comfort 
Pairing : Myul Mang ( Kim Saram) / Tak Dong Kyung 
Show : Doom at your Service 
Warning : Do not read if you are not comfortable with a little passion between the couple + wound kissing 
Setup : It takes place right after episode 12 last elevator scene 
Tak Dong Kyung watched him as he stood out of the elevator, with a wrecked look on his face. She was anxious to even think about the fact that this person might be someone she knew. But he, on the other hand, looked confused and afraid at the same time.
She took a step forward to step out of the elevator, but he vanished in thin air. With sheer disappointment, she walked towards her room, blaming everything on her illness.
The next day was a bit hectic for her. She had to go through a lot of tests and some of her initial treatments were getting started. Hardly did she have any time to think of the events of last night. But as the sun went down and midnight approached, she subconsciously waited for him to appear.
She wore her usual hospital dress and an oversized jacket, with her hair loosely tied up in a bun. After unknowingly waiting for him on the terrace, she tried her luck in the parking area.
All she could do was Sigh, looking at all the cars that appeared to be staring at her and asking what exactly was she expecting.
She looked at her bracelet and wondered why it was so precious to her.
I better get back to my room -- she thought.
But just when she was about to head back, she saw the headlights of a car lit up and her eyes instantly fell on a kitten sitting near the tire.
Tak Dong Kyung rushed towards the car and stood right infront, making the person hit the brakes instantly.
She quickly bent down and took the kitten away from the tire.
"Are you okay ? "- she said, caressing the young cat.
"Do you want to die too ??? "  yelled the man who came out of the car.
Dong Kyung let the cat slide away as she stood up to face the man. He looked extremely furious.
"I'm sorry Sir, there was a ..." she tried to give an explanation when she noticed a Knife and blood on his hand.
"Is that blood ? What did you do? " She asked, suspecting that he was some sort of a criminal. 
Her guess was right, and she could hear a buzz in the hospital. But before she could act on it, the man grabbed her by the hair and tried to put her into the car.
"I'll kill you too " he declared as he opened the door to put her inside, but Dong Kyung couldn't give up so easily. She resisted and tried her best to scream but he covered her mouth with his hand.
"Just get inside the car if you want to live " the man shouted, he wanted to run away before the security got to the parking area and he couldn't leave a witness.
He was almost about to put her inside the car when he sensed a weird tension in the air. Everything was strangely silent all of a sudden.
It was then, that Dong Kyung noticed a tall figure standing at a short distance. As he approached them, she could see who it was. He wore a long wine colored coat with a sweater allowing a generous display of his neck.
He walked towards them with his hands in the pockets of his loose trousers. His face looked pale and eyes red with anger. She noticed the lights starting to flicker, the same way it had happened the night before.
"Who are you " the killer asked.
"Myul Mang " He said , tilting his head slightly to dart his eyes at the killer's hand which had grabbed Dong Kyung's hair.
The killer instantly left her and she fell to the ground.
"Aah.." she said, as she hit the surface.
Myul Mang stared at the killer with fury in his eyes.
The criminal picked up his knife again and tried to reach Dong Kyung, but she was quick enough to get up right on time and run towards Myul Mang.
She crashed on him against his chest and grabbed on to him as tightly as possible.
Myul Mang didn't move. He kept staring at the killer.
"He has killed someone " Dong Kyung whispered to him in terror.
He looked down at her and it was then that he noticed a small scratch on her neck because of the force with which the killer might have grabbed her.
He frowned and looked back at the man who was frozen near his car.
"I would have simply handed you over to the Police, if you had not done that to her " Myul Mang informed before blinking his eyes which was enough to bring doom on the killer.
His neck suddenly tilted and with the sound of a bone crack, he fell to the ground.
Tak Dong Kyung shut her eyes and hugged Myul Mang tightly, scared to imagine what was happening at her back. He gently put one of his hand on her head.
"Are you okay ? " He asked in a whisper, to which she nodded.
When she lifted her head up to look at him, she felt something change around her. When she looked towards her right, she found herself in an entirely different place.
It was a large mysterious hall, with lamps lit with fire. She could see a large circular window behind him which had a dark shade of blue.
Her eyes widened and she looked at him in confusion.
"Where are we ?" She asked.
"It's my home " he said with a straight face.
She walked away from him and looked around. The place felt familiar but she couldn't remember anything.
"Have I been here before?" She asked.
"I hope not. " he said nervously.
She gave him a scared look and went ahead to sit next to the large window. She could see the night sky and twinkling stars.
"It's beautiful.." she exclaimed.
Myul Mang walked up to her which made her stand up instantly. She guessed he was there to say something, but he stood merely inches away from her.
She coughed slightly and looked away, feeling his intense gaze on her.
"Where did he hurt you? " He asked, taking his hand near her neck where he had seen the injury.
But she instantly grabbed his hand and looked back at him.
"What did you mean back then? "
Myul Mang raised his brow.
".. when you said, you would have simply handed the killer to the police if he had not done this to me "  she questioned.
He instantly took his hand off from her grip and moved back. He sighed and looked away. Obviously, he had no answer.
" Did you kill him ? " She asked, swallowing a lump in her throat.
Myul Mang stared back at her.
"Would you hate me if I did ? " He asked.
"No." She replied, without giving it a second thought. She herself was clueless how she was so confident that she wouldn't hate him.
"Why?" He asked.
"Because I'm sure you might have done it for a reason. You're that kind of being." She answered in a go, as if it was already there in her subconscious.
He felt he had heard that before, but when? He couldn't recall.
It made him anxious and he walked back to her, raising his hand towards her neck again.
"Let me see please.. " he pleaded, but she backed off.
"Keep your hands away until you answer me " she said.
"What ? " He asked.
Tak Dong Kyung sighed.
"I think.. I know you..  but I dont remember, have we met before ?" She said, searching for answers.
Her questions made him confused, as he already had his doubts. He gulped in and looked away,  unable to understand what to say.
"I don't know " he said.
Tak Dong Kyung took a deep breath before continuing.
"I don't remember anything, but I feel, I was happy with you..I feel....
.. I.. loved you" she spoke.
What she said, made him restless and he walked to her staring deep into her eyes which were welling up.
He pursed his lips and tried not to react to what she just said. He wanted to escape the situation as soon as possible, but he was concerned for her as well. And somehow, he knew what she was saying might even be true.
He sighed and gulped in before speaking up.
"Let. Me. See." He said sternly, clearly trying to avoid what she was saying.
She shook her head for a No.
"Keep your hands off. Answer me first."
It was enough to make him loose patience and he instantly pulled her towards him, encircling his hands around her waist.
She was taken aback as she immediately grabbed his coat to prevent herself from falling.
"What are you doing? " She asked, trying to catch her breath.
His gaze pierced her soul. It was just a little scratch she had on her neck, but he wanted it gone as soon as possible. Even he didn't know why he felt that way, given that he already knew she was going to die soon.
"You want me to keep my hands off. Fine."
She looked at him, confused about what he exactly meant.
To her surprise, he suddenly tilted his head, leaned down to her neck, and planted a soft kiss on the scratch.
Her stomach twisted as she felt his lips on her skin. She inhaled sharply and clenched the collar of his coat tighter.
He lifted his head up and looked at the scratch disappear. But he soon realized that he had escalated the tension between them. She had shut her eyes and was gasping for air.
"It's gone now" he said, looking at her intently.
She opened her eyes slowly and gathered courage to look up at him.
She felt a strange comfort when their eyes met.
"It was just a scratch" she whispered.
"Then just thank me " he said, his voice cracking.
She swallowed and gasped, but her mind wasn't working well at all. Without much control on herself , she let her feelings take over and she stood on her toes to reach his lips and cover the gap between them.
He did not know she would do something like that all of a sudden, but given the situation, he surely was expecting it to happen.
He shut his eyes as he felt her lips move against his. It took him few seconds to let his guard down and let his heart decide what was to be done.
She inhaled rigorously when she felt him responding to the kiss. His grip around her waist tightened and he pulled her closer into his himself.
She wrapped her hands around his neck and deepened the kiss. She felt giddy with the rising heat within her. For some reason, his lips felt familiar, she knew she had kissed him before, but she couldn't remember.
He played with her lips as if they belonged to him, and suddenly felt a slight touch of her tongue in his mouth.
She wanted more. Subconsciously.
He gasped and let her enter his mouth, pushing her back against the wall next to the window, without leaving her lips for even a second.
She winced as she felt her back hit the wall and his strong chest pressed against her tiny physique.
He pulled her up a little by her waist so she could stand on his feet, making it easier for her to kiss him back.
He explored her mouth, sending shivers down her spine. She moaned and struggled to breath. He passionately delved into her mouth, making her dig her fingers in his hair and pull it gently.
He groaned and kissed her fervently, feeling her tiny fingers tugging on to his hair.
She felt his hands kneading the soft skin on her waist.
Her hands instinctively grabbed the colar of his coat and with a little effort, she pushed it back. He made a slight movement of his arms to let the coat slip off his body and fall on the ground.
He gave her little time to catch her breath before cupping her face and kissing her back.
She slid her hand to his waist and clenched his sweater. She felt her toes curl with each movement of his tongue in her mouth.
He slipped his hand in her soft hair and opened the loose bun she had, letting her hair flow open.
He carressed her neck as he kissed her more.
After a while, he stopped and looked at her, his face was crimson red with the rush of blood and lips slightly swollen.
Both of them struggled to breathe as he spoke.
"Tak Dong Kyung.. " he panted.
She gasped and felt nervous with the way he took her name. His eyes were filled with passion.
"I don't remember why.. I don't remember how and I don't remember since when.. but.. I love you..."
She smiled a little and a tear rolled down her cheek.
"I feel I Love you too.. Kim Saram" she whispered, before kissing him back.
A/N : Thank you so much reading! This is my first work on the doom couple! :) Sorry if there were any mistakes :( Please leave your reaction here :) I will write more if you all liked it <3 
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serenityseventeen · 3 years
♪ The Last Day of Summer With You
Dino/Lee Chan : Firefly Meadow
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Chan groaned in exhaustion as he continued walking down the dirt road with you on his back.
On the way up the hill, you had tripped over a thick tree branch and sprained your ankle, which was to you, a complete disappointment. You had waited until the last day of summer to take him to a forest meadow to see fireflies only for an unplanned disaster to occur.
“Just a bit more,” You said quietly, after hearing Chan's exhausted breaths. Even though you got hurt and felt bad for having Chan carry you, you wanted to desperately see the lightning bugs. You rested your head on his shoulder and said, “I told you that you don't have to carry me all the way over here, I could walk.”
Chan, despite being quite obvious about the fact that his energy was getting drained, smiled and chuckled. “It's okay. If that sprain was not enough for you to go back, I'm just going to trust you that there's something beautiful up here,” Chan replied, looking ahead. He could see the dirt path slowly fade to just green grass.
It was getting dark and if you had to estimate, you would guess that it was probably around 9 pm. The way up wasn't easy but now that you two have reached a certain point, it was quite easy to tell that the floor was evening out. Trees were surrounding the path and Chan felt a bit skeptical about the place as he looked around.
He didn't know about the fireflies yet.
As you two traveled further away from your car that was parked at the street nearby, deeper into the forest, you could see hints of the destination approaching. You found this place when you were following a rabbit while you were young, and though you've always somewhat hated the look of bugs, whenever you saw fireflies, you'd get reminded that everything ugly in life still had beauty in it.
You wanted to share this special place, that you were sure no one knew of, with the most special person in the world. You wanted to thank Chan for being the kindest, most loving, caring, and helpful boyfriend. Through thick and thin, snowy storms and sunny weather, Chan was always there by your side. Now that another summer with him was about to pass by, you wanted to tell him how special he was.
While he continued to walk, you took out your phone and turned on the flashlight, making sure that it was bright enough to light up the night. Then, in a reassuring voice, you told him, “I have a small surprise for you, do you mind if I cover your eyes?”
“Cover my eyes??” Chan was taken aback by the question but he knew that if he wanted a good surprise, he had to at least follow your conditions but even so, Chan tilted his head doubtingly. “How long will you cover them for?”
You estimated how long it would take for Chan to walk to the firefly heaven, and concluded, “Around 30 seconds? Just keep walking forward, the path onward is flat but the grass is tall.”
As your hands went on to cover Chan's eyes, he adjusted his grip and your position on his back with a little jump and continued.
Of course, Chan was terrified. As if walking in a forest during the late evening wasn't scary enough, he had to walk with his eyes covered. Sometimes, he would even become paranoid, thinking that he'd be carrying a ghost or something, so he'd always ask you something and hear your warm responses to chase away the fear.
The meadow was like a clearing in the forest. The grass gradually grew taller and there weren't many trees anymore, only one or two in the middle of the field.
At first, you were afraid that the glowing bugs wouldn't be there, or if there were, there wouldn't be many, since fireflies were primarily present during late spring to early summer. You did know, however, that sometimes fireflies could live on or have twinkling bottoms a bit later in the humid weather. You just had to hope that there were some.
With a soft sigh, you looked down at the meadow.
More disappointment. You should have checked for fireflies the day prior. You felt stupid for not doing so.
There was nothing.
No twinkling bugs, no fairyland.
With a sigh, your hands slipped off of Chan's eyes.
“We're too late. The fireflies are gone.”
“Fireflies? What fireflies?” Chan asked. You let yourself down and while hopping on one leg, you took a hold of the tree behind you. The bark was rather smooth rather than rough.
“In the summer, there are fireflies here. I should have taken you here earlier, at the beginning of summer, not at the end...” You looked down, plucking a piece of long grass and fidgeting with it, feeling that everything had been ruined. You continued to mutter, “I wanted to make it special so that you could know that you're special to me.”
Chan felt his heart smile. “Well, it's okay, we don't need to see fireflies... I don't like bugs anyway.”
He had a joking tone, meant for you to laugh, and he didn't fail at that. You just found yourself chortling at what he said because you knew it was somewhat sincere.
“The fireflies are really beautiful,” You commented, looking ahead at the darkness of the forest. “I will make sure to take you here again to see them.”
“I'll wait for that then, but you don't need to wait to tell me that you adore me,” Chan replied, putting his arm around your shoulders to help you stabilize and comfort you. “I mean, you already make me feel special everyday. Who needs lightning bugs? You're already the sun of my world, I don't need anything else.”
You chuckled softly and confessed, “I thought you were gonna say that I was already like a lightning bug, but fortunately, you called me the sun instead.”
Chan chuckled and looked forward, where in the distance, he saw the faint blink of a neon yellowish light with a tint of green.
You dropped your head, and commented quietly, “Still, I think we wasted our time coming up here.”
There was a silence of words as Chan stared at the firefly, subconsciously reaching his hand out toward it. It flew rhythmically, from left to right, high to low, eventually landing on Chan's hand. You were staring at the ground, still bummed, when you felt a slight tap on your shoulder.
You looked up and were met with a cute little beetle. The bottom of the beetle was glowing and its little light was somehow enough. You and Chan looked at each other, amazed at the little beauty. You both smiled, your eyes reflecting the bug's neon glow, your eyes following it as it flew off into the distance.
“I think the climb was worth it,” Chan said, turning to you. He took your hand and gave it a soft kiss. “We got to see a firefly like what you wanted.”
“That's not what I wanted, I wanted a whole pack of them. It would have made this meadow light up like a magical land!” You smiled as you complained, knowing that you felt satisfied.
Chan clapped his hands together. “I've never seen a firefly up close but it looked and made this land so magical, it almost felt unreal. Anyway, I'm happy to have come here with you. It felt special.”
You smiled, chuckling at your boyfriend's simple but sincere words. You could tell that not one of his words was an exaggeration even if it did seem like it since the sentences were so brazen.
“Thank you,” Chan said, brushing his thumb across your hand softly.
You didn't know how to respond. You just felt euphoric at the beautiful moment, making it seem like a hundred fireflies were lighting up the place brilliantly when there was only darkness and the flashlight from your phone as a light source.
You felt thankful to that one lightning bug that was like a blessing.
Noticing the shifting weather, Chan slipped his hand away from your shoulder, walked in front of you, and crouched down. You couldn't see his face but you were sure that he was smiling as he said the next sentence in a gentle voice.
“Climb on, honey, let's head back.”
© serenityseventeen
a/n: Today's IN THE SOOP ep made me cry- I cried when Seungkwan and Chan had their talk at the Tarp Zone because that was so wholesome and just so- beautiful to see them care for each other... But then I must've looked crazy because after that, I began laughing when they began reminiscing their past lol (and why are they so effortlessly funny lol) + I need to get that Dino fic done... I don't want to work on many things simultaneously, I can see the end!! + And guys- what if- what if i become a dinonara!?!? considering switching my bias to dino, sorry wonu... but I might not change??
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stellarrmoon · 4 years
Before I die, I'm tryna fuck you, baby
Pairing: Bokuto Koutaro × fem!reader
Genre: Smut
Honorary Mention: name??? kink
Status: unedited
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You were at a volleyball tournament that your cousin was playing at. You had to support him since you hadn't seen him in a year or so and his team was playing against the nationally known Fukurodani volleyball team. The actual game hadn't started yet but you were there early because you wanted to cheer him up before he had to go play.
"You're gonna do amazing, cuz. I believe in you!"
Your aunt's eldest son looked down at you with a smile, embracing you in a hug of gratitude. "Thanks, y/n. I hope we win but if we lose then we'll lose with dignity. The country's 4th top ace is in their team after all."
"Wait really? That's insane. I wonder what he looks like."
You didn't know that that curiosity of yours would be solved in the next 5 minutes. When it was time to go to the stands, you bumped into a quite beefy (in your words) person's chest and judging by the number 4 on the front of his shirt, you guessed that he was on one of the teams in the tournament.
"Hey, hey, hey, be careful, pretty lady." He had a pretty playful voice and you looked up to see a smirk on his handsome face.
"Oh. Excuse me, sir." You bowed your head and walked on when he stepped aside for you. But you couldn't help but look behind you as you continued your journey and the grey and black back of his head stayed in your mind the whole walk to the stands.
Once you got there, you saw that the teams were already on the court, in their huddles, getting themselves fired up for the match. People were cheering all around you for their respective teams and you called out your cousin's name in support. He looked up and found you instantly, putting a thumbs up in the air.
The Fukurodani team did a small warcry before dispersing to their positions and when you saw who their wing spiker was, your jaw dropped. The smirk that was on his face was a bit different that the one you saw earlier and as soon as the whistle blew, you figured out why.
The match was intense and while you were meant to be looking at your cousin, your eyes were stuck on the wing spiker, who you realised was the 4th ranked ace your cousin was talking about. He flew and slammed each and every ball that was set to him and after each spike, he let out a cry of victory. You thought it was quite attractive, seeing how fired up he got but at the end of the match, your heart broke a little for your cousin seeing how they were beaten 2 sets to 1.
"I'm so sorry, cuz, you'll get them next time."
You spent the next 20 minutes cheering him up and catching up with him before his team had to leave for their next match. Before you knew it, the tournament was over and you bid your cousin adieu as their team bus left for their home school.
"Was that your boyfriend, pretty lady?"
You gasped when a sudden presence appeared beside you. It was the beefy dude. Aka the wing spiker, ace and captain of Fukurodani. "Wow, when did you get here?"
"I've been watching since the other team entered the bus. Wanna answer my question?"
You shifted your position to face him and damn, you could've swooned right there. His nose bridge was perfectly straight and the only curve was the upturn between his nostrils. His lips were a luscious baby pink and his eyes a golden brown. Coupled with his confident aura, this man was hot.
"Enjoying the view? I don't blame you."
You smiled in amusement, "If you must know, that wasn't my boyfriend, that was my cousin."
"Oh, well that's good news for me."
"And may I ask why?"
He looked you up and down before biting his lip and saying, "That means you're free to take."
You couldn't help but get embarrassed at his statement and suddenly, you wondered why you hadn't called a taxi yet. "You're very... confident with your words sir."
"It's my specialty." He smirked again but this time, it was a bit lazy, which made him seem more attractive to you. "Are you waiting for someone?"
You got out your phone and started to call a local cab agency, "No, I've got to order a cab."
Unexpectedly, he gently took the phone from your hands and ended the call just as the number had answered. "Don't worry about it, sweetheart. I've got a car."
Even though you had just met this guy, you decided to accept his offer. He told you that his name was Bokuto Koutarou, which had a nice ring to it once you got used to the pronunciation. You told him your address and before you knew it, you were back home. "Hey, I didn't even give you directions."
"Well, sweetheart, that's because I live right next door to you." He said it so casually as if it was a mystery why you hadn't met each other till then.
"What?! Since when?"
"We moved in last month but since I'm always having practice, I usually come back home later than everyone else in the neighbourhood. Anyways, it was nice meeting you, pretty lady. I'll be sure to see you again."
You exited his car and walked to your porch chuckling at the odds. You had a feeling there was more to happen than you thought.
Weeks went by and it turned out that your room was directly across Bokuto's, which meant that you could wave to each other through your windows every morning when you got ready. He'd be wearing his uniform to go to his school and so would you when you saw each other before leaving.
He didn't take his car though, which meant that you couldn't get any more car rides from him. But it was probably for the best since you couldn't stop having dirty thoughts about him. It's how your day would start, seeing as you imagined having his school tie wrapped around your neck while he pulled you towards his face so you could-
Sometimes you would have conversations through your windows but they were often short seeing as you were both in your final year and had to study for the last exams and for some reason, everytime he cut your chats short to go back to the books, it made your heart pound.
But it wasn't to say that it wasn't the same for him. Seeing you in that short, plaid skirt did something to him and he didn't particularly enjoy having a boner while going to Fukurodani High.
One day, he came back home early since there wasn't any practice and saw you changing through your window. Well, not exactly, but he could see your silhouette through your thin curtains and my, my, did he not almost drool.
You took off your shirt first and threw it on your chair, then your skirt came off next. The curve of your spine blended perfectly with the rounded shape of your butt and he subconsciously bit his lip while his eyes stayed glued to your form. He guessed that you were now only in your underwear and the thigh high socks you had to wear and his pants immediately felt tighter at the image. "Fuck."
Before you continued to take anything else off, he turned away and went to go have a cold shower. Deep down, he was nervous wreck. The confidence was natural to him but when it came to you... it seemed that it was wearing thin.
Only a few days went by and Bokuto caught you every time after school when you were changing. He felt like a pervert for using the short scene to masturbate every single night.
That saturday, your mother asked you to go take over some muffins to the house next door, because she had met the parents of the home earlier that week. You were fine with it until you realised that it was the Bokuto Residence and you would see... him.
Softly, you knocked on the door and unbeknownst to you, a shirtless Bokuto Koutarou answered the door. Both your eyes widened, his with shock and yours with embarrassment. He was sweating and you watched as a few drops travelled down his hard chest, six-pack abs and into his shorts via his very prominent v-line. "Woah..."
"Hey, hey, hey. Nice to see you in front of me again, pretty lady."
He propped his elbow on the side of the door so you could see his laterals and biceps become more prominent and you felt yourself swallow. "Uh- my, uh- mom. Cupcakes. Bring over. I–"
He took the container from you and opened it, while raising an eyebrow. Inside were red velvet cupcakes, with white, cream icing on top and they looled good so he took one. One bite in, he closed his eyes and moaned, "Mmm, sweetheart, that's delicious."
When he opened his eyes, they were lazier as he licked the icing on his lip off. "T-thanks. I'll tell her that..."
You left immediately after that and as soon as you entered your room, jumped onto your bed and screamed into the pillow. Even Bokuto heard it from his kitchen while finished his 3rd cupcake and he furrowed his eyebrows.
You couldn't believe you saw him like that. He looked so... hot. His black and white hair was drenched in sweat and instead of classically being styled up, it fell over his forehead. Not to mention his amazing body and the... the veins that disappeared into his shorts.
"What the hell? What just happened?"
You stared at the ceiling for longer than you thougt and before you knew it, it was nighttime. Looking over to Bokuto's window, you saw that it wasn't covered by curtains. His bedroom door opened and he plopped onto his bed without noticing you. You were about to greet when he flopped onto his back and suddenly, his dick sprung up in the air.
What. The. Fuck?
You were frozen in astonishment and it was worse when you saw his hand start to slowly move up and down his shaft. He was moaning softly from the little you could hear through the open window and before you knew it, he was thrusting into his hand. He seemed so desperate trying to catch his high that you clenched your thighs as you felt yourself get wet.
"Mm, fuck, Y/N!"
And he exploded. You saw his cum shoot up into the air before it landed somewhere, you didn't know the exact place but, as soon as it happened, you closed your curtains and went to your shower.
Bokuto heard the noise but when he looked back, nothing was out of the ordinary. Except... his window. Wide open. "Shit."
When you were done with your (cold) shower, you saw a text from Bokuto that read:
Bokuto Koutarou: Hey, did you hear anything weird today?
You: what do you mean?
Bokuto Koutarou: like... from my house.
You contemplated your answer before responding.
You: nope.
He left the message on read and let out a huge sigh of relief. Thank God you didn't hear him or else he would've buried himself alive.
Both of you went to sleep feeling weird that night; none of you knew of the rest to come.
On Sunday, you were home alone and suddenly remembered that your mom asked you to fetch your container from the Bokutos before she left on a business trip. "Oh shit!"
You went over immediately, without thinking of what you were wearing and knocked. Luckily, Mrs Bokuto answered the door but she looked as if she was leaving. "Hi Mrs Bokuto. May I please fetch my mom's container?"
"Oh, of course, darling. Me and my husband are going away on holiday for the week and we have to leave for the airport now so help yourself, please? It's on the counter. The kitchen is to the right."
With that, she exited her house and her husband followed with two suitcases on either of his hands. He smiled in acknowledgement and without any more time to waste, their white Lexus sped off.
Like she said, you helped yourself in and went to the said kitchen. You were glad it was easy to spot the container because it really was on the counter. But what you didn't particularly enjoy was freezing when you heard a familiar voice speaking to you.
"Hey, hey, hey, pretty lady. Any reason why you're in my house?"
You turned and saw Bokuto Koutarou leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. Thankfully he was dressed today. "Bokuto. Hi. I'm here to fetch my mom's container."
"Oh. And here I thought you were here to visit me."
You smiled sheepishly and started moving forward, container in hand. As you were about to exit the room, he moved in front of you, arms still crossed.
"Um..." you stepped to the side but he followed you. "Can I get passed?"
"You can't get passed. I'm tired of playing your games, pretty lady."
"Koutarou. Call me by my name."
For some reason, his hostile behaviour was making you... horny? The way he crossed his arms so his jacket stuck to his muscles like a second skin; the way his jaw was locked as he looked down on you with his golden eyes. The way he towered over you with his legs apart, his stance mimicking that of a predator about to catch its prey.
"Go on. Say it."
You hesitated and stammered. Instead of you usual strong voice, his name came out as a defeated whisper, "Koutarou..."
He took the container in your hands and threw it into the counter so that it banged against the wall between the cupboards and the former. You flinched at the loud sound, but impressed with how good his aim was. He took steps forward which made you step back in turn. This continued until your back hit the island in the middle of the kitchen and you had nowhere else to go. "You know what I'm talking about right?"
It sounded more like a statement than a question. "No..." You had a feeling that:
"I know, y/n. I know you saw."
"Saw what?" You didn't know why you were still acting clueless because it didn't seem to be working. But what made you finally succumb to his interrogation was when he forced his knee between your thighs and pressed his body against yours.
It was hot. Or was it you? Maybe him? You couldn't think straight with his cologne engulfing you. "Mmm... just like you to get sll flustered. You know how cute you look when that happens? Now I'm going to give you one more chance to admit to your actions."
"I... I did see." You sighed.
"Mhm. Tell me what you saw, pretty lady."
You closed your eyes and went limp, "I saw you cum. When you said my name."
He grabbed your thighs and lifted you so you could sit on the counter of the island, situating himself between your legs. "And did you enjoy that, princess?"
"I don't know."
He squeezed your waist.
"I think you're lying." He moved his head so that his lips were by your ear. "You know what I hate? It's how you don't know how sexy you are to me. Look at you." He was speaking so lowly and slowly that you were hooked on his every word– it was making your pussy quiver. "You think you can come into my house wearing that thin fucking sundress?"
Suddenly, his other hand moved under your dress, caressing your thigh and stopped at the apex where he rubbed his thumb back and forth on the soft skin.
"You don't even have any panties on." You could feel his smirk against your ear. "It's like you knew you were going to see me."
He pulled back and you could breathe again. He walked away, his large back moving further and further away from you as he stopped his antics. "Bokut- Koutarou, wait!"
He stopped and craned his head. He had such a beautiful side profile.
"I did see. And... I liked it. I liked it a lot. In fact, I've fantasized about you so many times since we met and I can't take it anymore."
"So what am I supposed to do about that, sweetheart?"
"Bokuto Koutarou... please fuck me."
It sounded like a plea for help and honestly, it was all he needed to unleash himself. The next few moments were a blur for you because you went from being on the island to being in Koutarou's bed, watching him strip down to nothing without shame.
"Koutarou." You breathed when you saw his dick – it looked even bigger than before. Was that going to fit inside you?
"I'll make it fit, princess." He grinned and beckoned you over to him at the edge of the bed.
You crawled on all fours, feeling your dress ride up over your ass and it was met with cold air. So now you were face to cock with Bokuto Koutarou and it looked like you were about to know the true meaning of choking.
"You're staring at it like you want it in your mouth." He caressed your cheek and let his thumb run along your bottom lip, pulling it down before releasing it. His strong hand grabbed a hold of his hard shaft and you felt a sudden slap against your face. "Is that what you want, princess?"
He slapped you with his dick. Due to the size of it, it was a bit painful but instead of feeling offended, you felt your wetness drip down your thighs. It was still in his hand, but this time, when he moved it, he placed the tip against your lips.
"Hm? You want this cock down your throat?"
You were looking up at him with your pretty brown eyes that looked like they were tearing up and it turned him on to no end.
He leaned over and to your surprise, swiped his hand across your slit from behind, collecting a sticky puddle of your wetness in his hand and placing it on his dick. Your eyes widened as he coated his shaft with it while your lips were still on his tip. "I'm gonna need you to be a good girl for me and take my cock well, okay?"
You nodded without hesitation and finally, you opened your mouth. In went his dick and you gagged immediately at the shear size as it touched the back of your throat. It was already slippery due to the coat of your juices but one thing was prominent.
"Can you taste yourself on my cock, baby? Hm? Do you like it? The way you're slobbered all over my dick?"
You couldn't do anything except blow him. Your cheeks hollowed out as you took him in and out, and in and out. Eventually he had his head thrown back and he was moaning out every other word like "baby", "fuck", and "you're killing me, princess".
It was another 5 minutes before he had enough and he pushed you onto your back, spread your legs as wide as they could and dived into your cunt. "Fuck, Bokuto!"
He slapped your thigh hardly which led you to yelp, making you wonder what you did to deserve it. "I told you to call me by my name."
You understood him perfectly. But the way his tongue moved against your clit didn't warrant any say of his name, or any word, even. All you sounded like was "Mmm" and "yes" and "please"; it was music to his ears. He coupled his tongue movements with two fingers inside you. You were tight around them so that he could barely separate them but the way he curled them towards himself hit a spot you didn't know you had. "Ohhhh my God, Koutarou."
"That's right, say my name, princess." He growled against your clit. He started getting more aggressive as time went on and eventually, he started hitting you on your abdomen, your thighs, and even your clit. Your nipples were straining against your dress as you arched your back, feeling a particular knot get tighter and tighter.
"Koutarou, I'm going to-"
"Do it, baby. Cum on my face."
He sucked and fucked until you did as he said, hips locking as lapped his tongue along your slit while you rode out your orgasm. Your legs were trembling by the end of it but he didn't feel like giving you a break.
"I'm going to fuck you so good, princess." He said as he climbed over you, kissing you deeply and letting you taste yourself on his lips. His tongue entered excitedly and he moaned into your mouth. Your dress was long gone now seeing as he ripped it straight down the middle.
Your chests were pressed together so your boobs were against his pecs and it felt so good to you that you let out a small mewl. While he planted kisses and bites down your neck, you caught your breath and looked up to the ceiling to see... a mirror. There was a mirror on the ceiling and that meant you could see everything that was happening.
Your worn out face. Koutarou's back muscles rippling as he paid attention to your chest and neck; his ass that you could imagine gripping onto as he thrusted hard into you.
He stopped what he was doing and looked into your eyes, "Are you ready?"
"For what?- Ohhhhh." You looked at your own face through the mirror above as he slowly pushed himself in. The stretch of your cunt felt so good that it hurt and you couldn't help but cry. "Fuck, Koutarou."
"Say it again." He started thrusting, "Say my name again."
"Koutarouuuu." You droned out.
His hips moved relentlessly. It seemed that he was waiting for this for a long time and now you understood why. It felt so good. "I fit so perfectly inside you, princess."
As his dick slipped in again, he hit the spot from earlier except, it felt so much more intense. "Yes, Koutarou, do it again."
And so he did. He was moaning along with you, whispering dirty words into your ear and the deeper he went inside you, the closer you were to cumming. You pushed his shoulders up so that you could see his face and as soon as you made eye contact, he smiled. It was so devilish and hedonistic and it fit him perfectly.
He bit his lip as he looked down to see yourselves colliding. In, out. In, out. That's what his dick was doing. In and out of your squelching pussy and so easily, that he could've sworn that your hole was made for him. "Koutarou, I'm going to cum again."
"That's a good girl. Do it for me, princess. Cum on my cock."
He went back to thrusting deeply and languidly and as you watched his big form move above you, you went over the edge creamed with him inside you. "Oh yes, oh yes, Koutarou, I love it."
"You love it?" He asked as he pumped through your climax.
"Yes, baby, I do. Give it to me, more, please, Koutarou."
He groaned, "I love it when you say my name. Can I cum inside, princess?"
"You ca- do whatever you want, Ko- koutarou." You belted out as more orgasms overtook you.
"Say it again."
That was what it took for him to cum inside you. He stayed in there for a while, sweat dripping from his chin onto your face. Your bodies were sticky and sweaty from his sex and it both of you were worn out.
"Koutarou..." you started but were interrupted by him pulling out and roughly turning you onto your stomach.
He pulled your hips up so you were face down, ass up and licked his lips when he saw your combined cum squeezing out of your cunt. "Round Two, pretty lady."
I guess, you were the only one worn out?
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monsoonblooms12 · 3 years
Eumoiriety (Ethan x f!MC)
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Summary: Four Years of Pooja Sharma's Birthday, from her first year as an Intern to her first year as an Attending.
Eumoiriety: Happiness due to state of innocence and purity💕
A/N: It's my baby's birthday and I went overboard. This is purely self indulgent and since I have zero to negative self control, this turned out way longer than I expected it to. Anyway, I hope you still like it💙
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey X f!MC (Pooja Sharma)
Word Count: around 3.7K (I am sorry!)
Rating: General
Category: A bit angst, A bit fluff
Warnings: None that I saw.
Prompts: @choicesaugustchallenge Day 29 - Birthday
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Intern Year:
She walks barefoot on the green floor as the dews clinging to grass tips, soothe her like the cold breeze on a summer day.
A few golden rays filter through the canopy that acts as a barrier to the shining sun overhead. When they fall on the grass, the view looks like gold intermixed with emerald.
She wears a white gown, which flutters behind her, as her heart dances with the bees going flower to flower to get their prize of nectar in return for their favour of pollinating them.
There is a calm spreading through her soul, an ease, a slow infusion of tranquillity with her heart beats.
A swish makes her turn. Her eyes capture a silhouette, drifting farther and farther, as if taking her calm along with it.
It's replaced by restlessness.
There is a cajole, a whispered cajole, that urges her feet to run, her mind to think, her heart to wonder.
She follows. One step, and another.
The scene changes.
There are no more trees, no more green with the sun's shine.
At a distance, the waves crash on the sandy shore, their meet with their shore echoing in the silent surroundings.
She looks around and sees it.
The silhouette, now apparent that it was a man, standing with his back to her. He looks unbothered. As if he stole her peace and gave her his unrest in return.
She tries to walk slowly towards, footsteps imprinting on the sand, but the distance never seems to lessen or end.
She tries running, but to no avail.
The waves continue crashing, the footprints continue to get imprinted and the man continues to remain still and silent.
The only change has been in the sky, which is now leaden, dark with humongous clouds.
The thunder begins to cackle.
Once, Twice, Thrice.
She closes her ears with her hands, eyes shut to reduce the impact of the thunderous noise reverberating through every single one of her bones. But the roar keeps getting louder and louder until...
Her eyes snap open, but the echo from her sweven doesn't leave her. She turns around to find her phone ringing, straining her eyes with incredulous bright light (that she forgot to dim). The caller ID is barely registered, but the voice gives away the identity.
It's her sister.
With a flash, all the haze from the peculiar dream gets lost and bubbly happiness takes up the emptied space.
It's their birthday.
The first one since she came here. She had been so busy unknotting the twisted knots of circumstances in which she found herself tangled, that she had forgotten about the once unforgettable occasion of her life.
Maybe she has really lost that childhood she held on so tightly to, she thinks.
But not without a hope. Of a chance to get it back.
Maybe differently.
But the want to relive those carefree days, where the colour of pens you get as gifts, and the decision of who gets the piece of cake with the chocolate masterpiece on it were the only things that held importance. All other worldly, societal woes were secondary, trivial, uncared for.
She wishes her sister and she wishes her back.
3..2..1.. Happy Birthday! To Us!
They scream-whisper together, carrying on the years' long tradition.
The only thing different? They were on their cellulars, ecospheres apart, instead of snuggling and shouting together, and annoying their brother for an entire day.
Subconsciously, a tee-hee escapes her. Thinking about her brother, she takes a look at the clock. Correct 12:03 am on 12th August. If she knows him, he is probably counting the seconds.
At 12:05 am to the dot, another shrill echoes through the silent apartment. Her guess is correct.
On the other side of the screen, sits Idhayan arranging the cake so that Pooja can see the eloquent buttercream designs he has hand made on it.
In the background, there is a blurry motion. It turns out to be Alekhya.
She jumps onto the couch beside their brother, putting an end to his steady concentration.
He makes an irritated face, while she laughs.
And Pooja just watches, giggling alone.
The pang in her chest reminds her, once & once more, about just how much she misses them.
How empty, monochromatic her life is, with all these miles between them.
For the past year, every time any event took a turn for the worse, broke her, or hurt her, she wanted to go back to her safe haven.
The place where the chronicles of her life begun.
Many times, she had found herself convinced (by others as well as her self doubting mind) that she didn't belong here. That she didn't have the calibre, the skills to strive in this fight of dogs, in this race of horses where she felt like a donkey.
Or maybe a snail.
She dreamed of sleeping in her mother's lap when she first found herself in the crossroads of feelings and reason. Making her muddled head clear with words that never crossed the barrier between dream and reality.
When Mrs Martinez died, she imagined herself sitting on the swing, her brother's comfort brownies reduced to messy crumbs, as she let the mountain winds take away the burden of dread that pressed upon her heart.
And the day when Landry's backstab became eminent? She visualized her sister ripping him down, shredding him with knives of words because that's what he deserved.
She knew her father would have made them both coffee like he always did when he came home during breaks from piloting. He would have said a mere few words, which would have been enough for her to see the path ahead.
The mini virtual celebration ends, and the silence settles again. Tendrils of sleep come and go, but never stay.
She is left alone with her thoughts and worries, and a fear of the unknown which is hidden by the curtains of the future.
The day passes like a swift blowing wind in a desert.
It's quiet, too quiet.
And probably for the first time in her life, she adores it. To be away from the hustle of a celebration, which would have been a noise in the cacophony, given the situation.
To get a period of silence for her thoughts to drift away, to think about the unknown, to predict a make or break.
The pages are turned swiftly by her fingers, one of which is clad with a minimal gold ring, another old ritual of hers.
The library harbours the overworked interns, who are now pushing the boundaries of time to find a way to help their friend out.
Their tired eyes pain with the lack of sleep, coffee fuelling through their veins, and mind engrossed in picking up any clue, any line, any tip that could be supportive for them.
Hours pass, no-one utters a word. Pens run on empty notebooks, hands managing to create only messy scribbles. Black and Blue fill the white as if it never existed.
The clock strikes the end hour.
They all get up.
They go home together, for discussions and relaxation.
At the doorstep, everyone enters before her, while she stands still, too engulfed in worries to notice the happenings.
Confetti pops, her reverie is broken.
The smile shines like a jewel in a priceless necklace.
The arrangements are minimal, just champagne, cake and friends, but that's more than enough for her. To make her forget the dark fog of pessimism.
Maybe there is hope left.
Second Year:
12th August.
The day that is drifting closer by the minute.
It has always been Alekhya's birthday for her.
On her phone, In her diary, In her mind.
People might regard it as a beautiful flaw of her nature, the flaw of always placing others before herself.
But to her, the instinct seemed natural, obvious. She had never delved into the whys, and she doesn't want to begin now.
For Alekhya, the circumstances became vice-versa.
And this was the beauty of their bond.
Strong, Pure and Selfless.
They never seem to realize that, though.
They hold onto the strings of simplicity, of sweet uncomplexity. And that is what helps them to bridge the gap between siblings and best friends.
After the tumultuous year, that very much resembled the completion of a voyage through the rough Indian Ocean, where storms ravage through days and endless nights, thunders crack, and waves that scale the heights between the ocean and sky to become mountains of water, crash on the feeble pieces of wood barely held together in the form of a boat, coming back to her origin, her hometown is a necessity.
Especially for her to find that normalcy again.
She survived.
Even though she fell, almost drowned, gasped for a breath more times she could count and nearly accepted her fate.
Until that is, the pale faces of the ones she holds close, the endless stream of tears that scale their cheeks, their breaking hearts, came to haunt her in her reverie and prevented her from closing her eyes & from letting that almost undetectable beat of heart stop.
The wishes from last year come back to her. This time, it wasn't virtual anymore. This time, it wasn't just painted in pixels, but written in buttercream letters, one which she could taste.
This time, the hugs weren't just virtual. They were very real, and very needed.
As she sits amidst the bushes of phenomenal florals, she lets her mind project in vivid colours, the extremities of the last year.
Her heart, breaking into tiny glass pieces, not perceived by the eye but sharp enough to draw blood.
The fear of losing and letting so many others lose along.
The coming close and going away, almost kisses and slide of unassuming hands, those which could easily be perceived as a mistake, but were anything but.
Competing in a nameless competition and almost dying in the process.
Getting the lost love back. Slowly, Gradually. (even if it felt too early to call it that)
And then... Her mind stops as the playful tunes start emanating out along with florescent light from the cellular, and the face of the one who has been a regular image of the thoughts that lull her to sleep.
On the other side, his voice is soft.
She can visualize him in the Diagnostics Office, leaning back on his chair.
Most probably on a break.
The new day hasn't even started for him, yet he remembers that it has, for her.
Their talks are interspersed with comfortable silence. For them, just the knowledge that the person on the other side is still there with them is enough.
All through the conversation, she waits.
In a hope that the irrelevant and unimportant date is written in faded letters somewhere in that brilliant mind of his.
As the line approaches its end, talks slowly halt, she feels a faint pang of sadness.
Maybe he doesn't remember it after all.
She bids her farewell, and as his finger hovers close to the end call button, she hears it.
Crystal Clear but still seeming unreal.
Happy Birthday, Pooja.
Her thanks are intermixed with a light giggle, unable to hold back the pleasure that erupts within her, along with the flutter called butterflies in her stomach.
Maybe there is always hope left, after all.
Last year of Residence:
There have been countless moments when she has asked the time to wait, to slow its rushing footsteps that leave no mark behind.
Sometimes it's a beg, while in other vespertine hours, it's a mindless murmur.
This moment is one of them.
When a handful of sand is slowly released on a windy day, the swooshes and swishes carry them away, farther and farther, leave them with no choice but to fly along.
The minutes were being carried away by the same current, where they had no choice but to pass.
No one had the power to hold it, not even the mighties, the richest, the most supreme.
The conditions now extensively mimic the conditions during her first year.
Just this time, it was textbooks on internal medicine and medical procedure instead of ethics.
The wishes that day are hushed, the minimal party comprising of cupcakes and mug cakes and the gang, christened "The Invincibles" after they successfully tackle one hurdle and another but remain strong and together, in their PJs.
It must be one of the first nights since who knows how long when they spent their time doing an activity that doesn't involve colour coded tabs and complicated biological drawings.
And even though some of them make faux complaints about the wasted time, they all needed this break more than they could express.
The morning sun rays filter through the white curtains guarding the windows way too fast, making them unable to pinpoint the exact moment when the black of the night ceased to exist, when the sky became melanocrysus and when the golden took over the entire stretch.
A single text message pushes her to drop the blanket of laziness, the cocoon she inhabited. Getting up and placing a smile has never been as easy as it was now.
Come Over
The condo is inhabited by a stark silence when she reaches there.
She knocks. The click of the doorknob on the other side is almost instantaneous.
His hand wraps around her waist like a reflex deeply etched in his encephalon. For the first time in forever, their kisses are not chaste. Or momentary.
When he whispers a happy birthday wish against her forehead, that's what she would call intimacy.
The purity of the action touches her heart and makes it swell, with an emotion that she predicts will not remain unnamed any longer.
First-year as an attending:
The celebratory vibes are in the air today.
Her stride is confident, heels playing a mellow harmony on the shining floors.
No one doesn't recognize her.
The intern who nearly lost her license to the Head of Diagnostics team, it was a journey that had thrown her off-road a million times.
Sometimes the barriers were pinpricks leaving no marks, and sometimes they were boulders crushing her.
And sometimes, one of these on-lookers would tear down her faith by stabbing her from the back, the cowardice of their soul, being mirrored in the blades of those knives of betrayal.
And yet she stands strong, her resolve unperturbed, as she faces the demons, those of others and those of her own.
It's a fight she has been learning to fight since she was eleven.
To curtain her tears with a glow in eyes, to hide the broken heart behind pretty lies. And just like practice makes one perfect, she has almost perfected the art of having to hide the real her inside.
As she passes the numerous congregations, amalgamations of patients and staff, she is greeted by wishes from old acquaintances whose kindness is apparent in their smile and by wishes of employed enemies, whose disinterest or sometimes blatant hate is too, completely apparent in their voice.
But they are not the ones she is worried about.
Interspersed between these two extremities are people who speak kind and in flattery lines with a sword behind their back.
Those who know how to hide their true intentions in the modulations of voice.
Every time she hears a wish where nothing is apparent, her heart stops for a while.
Strings of thought muddle her head and she tries to figure out the reality behind their words.
Sometimes she succeeds, sometimes she fails.
And sometimes she faces vehement opposition of her tired nerves who ask her to stop caring about those who are passing by.
But she never stops.
Her legs carry her to the Diagnostics office.
Her Office.
The swell of pride, of a fulfilment she last felt when she got into Edenbrook, make her head light.
She tries to stop but gives up the efforts soon.
If she has realized something through the twists of lawsuits and turns of almost dying, it is that if you keep waiting for the turns of the clock to approach a "right moment" for a chance to celebrate, you will probably keep waiting your entire life until your breath is being taken away and all that is left are regrets and missed opportunities of happiness.
So she twirls like a princess in her imaginary ball gown, beaming with satisfaction, and taking pride in giving herself the give of success.
Of making her loved ones and herself proud.
She gets so carried away in the train of thoughts, in which one bougie is connected by another, and one more, that she doesn't notice the person who preoccupies the room.
The halt is so sudden, that she almost tumbles upon the man. Almost.
She manages to get hold of herself, her hand on his back.
He turns, eyes meet.
If someone would have asked her what is cosmic, she would have said "The melt of glowing ambers into ice blue." Sure, she has looked into them more times than she can count or recollect. But every time their orbs meet, the reactions the action produces, she can only give the word seraphic to it.
When Ethan left for Amazon, she would often wonder why is she still keeping the lamp of hope alive. His absquatulation broke her, acted like a spark to her over-thinking mind. She would lie on her bed, eyes tracing the same lines on the ceiling above her over and over again, thinking just what she did wrong. She never reached the end of the path though, never really achieved the answer, even after meandering through a hundred courses of thoughts.
But now, she thanks her old self for living through it all. For not letting that lamp extinguish. For keeping it safe in a little corner of the labyrinths of her heart. Wordlessly, she hugs him, the plethora of emotions becoming quite too much to be expressed in minute syllables.
His whisper next to her ears, the innocently simplistic words induce a shiver in her spine.
But the last word.
4 letters, 1 word.
It hangs in the air like a diamond necklace around a maiden's neck. Like a tiny pendant that shines brighter than all elaborate jewels, all lengthy anecdotes.
It's enough, more than enough for her.
And as their smiles slowly spread like the slow rise of the golden sun, gently letting the rays spread through the humble earth. And those smiles, they shine together, brighter than the Sirius.
Happy Birthday, Love.
Her casual gown, bearing floral patterns, flutters along with the soft grass, she feels a sense of wonder. Whether at the shimmering moon, the stardust spread through the stretch in the woods, or at the simplicity of her surroundings, she does not know.
Her unassuming footsteps walk slow, observant of her surroundings. After walking down the trail, she stops at the clearance.
At a distance, something shines under the silver moonbeams. Her mind beckons her to return back, but her intuition asks her to move on. She listens to the latter's plea.
A small cuboidal box and a bunch of white tulips lay peacefully out of place. She usually would have left it, just in case it was a trap.
But this time curiosity overtook reason and she picks the bouquet up. A small note amidst her favourite flowers.
I love you
No name. No initials. But she knew exactly who had written it. Not because he was the one who asked her to come here, in the heaven hidden amidst the chaos, but because those flourishes of his fanciful lettering would never escape her notice. Even if the only source of luminance was distant fairy lights on trees and the faint moonbeams.
Her eyes travel away from the articles. At a distance, the silhouette stands. The same silhouette from her sweven. But this time, there is no restlessness, no rush, no tension in the air. No thunder cackles and no waves crash. This time the silhouette waits for her, unlike the last time when it was her waiting for him.
He turns, only the shine of his orbs visible. And the shadow of the gorgeous smile that dances on his lips. The last time, his stone mask was too heavy, too powerful for any of them to break or move.
But this time? This time, the mask has fallen off, it has met the end of its existence.
He comes closer, the shadow now a clear image. He goes and picks up the cuboid and hands it to her.
"Open it" He whispers in a soft voice, that disappears as soon as it appears.
She takes it and opens it, as per his words. Everything is perfect and normal.
Except for the space in the middle.
Something sparkles, in silver lustre. Her first instinct is, Diamond? She decided to pick it up
It's a key.
She looks up to him, bewildered. Is it what she thinks it is?
Move-in with me?
She places the box of chocolates down, the key held tight in her fist.
And then she kisses him.
She doesn't have to speak a word, but he understands. After all, why would two intertwined hearts need verbal responses to know what the other one feels?
Only his home, can fill the brick walls of his house with love, and make it a home.
They both lay side by side on the lush grass, hands intertwined, hearts beating in unison, silence filling their souls like air fills their lungs.
They look at the stars and the moon. Or more appropriately, the gaze at the starry screen, but the mind plays significant moments from their time together.
Pooja's mind however thinks about the four of her birthdays since she set foot in Boston. The mundane softness of them, contrasting all the birthdays she has had in the rest of her years.
The photo frame of the interns from the first year. The group video call, her life from the second year. The PJ party from the third year. And the key from the fourth.
They are puzzle pieces of the saga of her life, the absence of friends from early years, the gap, the void now filled.
And after years of searching, she thinks she has finally found it. Hidden in the normality, the simplicity, the mundanity of life.
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PS: If you are reading this, I am very grateful for you. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day🤎
Tags🤎 (Please let me know if you want to be added or removed or if I forgot you):
Perma: @gkittylove99 @neotericthemis @udishaman @aestheticartsx @twinkleallnight @schnitzelbutterfingers @sophxwithers @sweatyrysconnoisseur @nikki-2406 @choicesfanaf @trrfanaddict @starrystarrytrouble @gardeningourmet @parkbarks @mvalentine @lovablegranny @mercury84choices @izzyourresidentlawyer @phoenixrising308 @adiehardfan @quixoticdreamer16 @a-crepusculo
Open Heart (All fics and edit): @lucy-268 @maurine07 @bellcat2010 @headoverheelsforramsey @estellaelysian @shanzay44
Ethan x Pooja: @aleynareads @choicesaddict5 @stygianflood @mysticaurathings @jamespotterthefirst @ilikemenbutonlyethanramsey @takemyopenheart @mm2305
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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harpyloon · 3 years
“ginny, i always want to sleep with you” // hinny
Pairing: Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley
W.C: 2.5k+
Summary: Harry Potter is always a blubbering mess when it comes to Ginerva Weasley.
Warnings: pure fluff! sprinkles of angsty angst, squint and you’ll find mentions of war/battle and death. everybody lives AU!
A/N: A fic written for the @harryandginuary Ginuary gift challenge. Happy Ginuary @/gins-potter​ 😍😍😍I hope you ENJOY!!!
Read on AO3
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Harry didn't think this through.
After defeating the Dark Lord and winning a wizarding war, he assumed he'd never have to think about anything ever again—at least not for a while. But gazing at her small blinking dot for almost half a year on a rotten piece of parchment apparently made him delusional, because at the moment—months after the battle of Hogwarts—sitting in the kitchen at the Burrow, his longing stare almost bore a hole through Ginny Weasley's face.
His Ginny.
Wincing to himself, Harry prodded on the peas in his plate. His subconscious when it came to Ginny was his greatest enemy and his biggest embarrassment. If anyone even came close to guessing what kind of dreams he had when it came to her... well... He breathed away the flush threatening to creep up his neck.
"More peas, Harry dear?"
Mrs. Weasley peered at him from the head of the table, a frown on her freckled face, "You've hardly eaten anything. Don't think I've noticed how skinny you've been getting again. I'd be having a word with Alastor about your Auror training. Ever since he got back he's been more insufferable—"
Snatching the dish of treacle tart in front of him, Harry filled his plate with a slice.
"I'm up for dessert now actually, Mrs. Weasley, thanks."
This seemed to satisfy her well enough. "Well, I whipped that up just for you so eat up."
He felt a nudge on his knee as Ron leaned in to whisper once Mrs. Weasley was out of earshot, "Save me some, will you? She goes barmy when we touch your treacle tart."
Harry smiled and nodded. Meals at the Burrow he was used to but he knew he'd never get tired of. His Auror training held him back a ton of weekends in the past few months, and being home felt splendid. Of course, he was never one to wear his heart on his sleeve, but Harry hoped Mr. & Mrs. Weasley knew how grateful he was.
Risking a glance across the table once again, Harry saw Ginny serving herself second helpings of mash. Her favorite, Harry thought. He remembered her hating Madame Pudifoodt's Tea Shop for its lack of savory spreads, the one time they attempted a visit during his sixth year. It ended up turning into a laugh as she snorted at all the snogging instead of actually drinking tea.
"So this is your kind of place, huh?" Ginny teased as she sifted through the menu.
Harry blushed, "Er—you don't like it? I kind of reckoned girls like this place..."
He chuckled nervously as she gave him a pointed look.
"Really, Potter?"
Breathing out a sigh of relief, he snatched the menu away from her, already standing.
"Three Broomsticks then?"
He knew he'd buy her all the Butterbeers in the world for the smile he earned.
A foot prodded Harry back to the present.
"What, Ron?" he grumbled.
Ron frowned at him. "What'd you mean 'what'"?
"You just—"
Someone coughed loudly across from them.
Both turning, they saw Ginny heaving over her mash, a fist in her mouth. Fred was rubbing her back soothingly beside her.
Harry blinked. It was her. She kicked him.
"Alright there, Gin?" Fred mused. "I told you to take it easy on the potatoes, you crazy woman."
"Do the Harpies know what kind of stomach they'll be feeding once they sign you in?" said George. "I bet you they'll break a sweat once they find out your appetite."
Ginny threw George a withering look after downing a glass of water. "Don't jinx it, you idiot."
"Have you heard back yet, Gin?" Ron asked over a mouth full of pudding.
"More like they haven't heard from Ginny," chuckled Hermione.
All the Weasley brothers gaped. Even Harry.
"What?" sputtered George, "You're making the Holyhead Harpies wait?"
The youngest Weasley scoffed. "I'm not making anyone wait. I was just standing by for the holidays before I give a reply."
"Well, it's the holidays now."
Ginny rolled her eyes and Harry's gut clenched. The mad part of his brain loved it when she did that.
"I am well aware," she said, "If you all are so eager, does anyone want to take my place then?"
Her brothers merely grumbled while Hermione laughed. It's been the talk of the town for a while now, after Ginny received a letter from the Harpies a few months after the beginning of her seventh year. The whole house went completely ballistic, even Hogwarts as well—or so Harry heard.
It took a month to bury the dead from battle and a whole summer to rebuild Hogwarts from the rubble; the Ministry was still in the process of rehabilitation, and the whole wizarding community was yet to heal, licking the wounds that Voldemort left behind. Ginny's Quidditch scouting was the first good news they'd received in a long time.
He didn't get back together with Ginny after the war, and there was no reunion like he'd always imagined in those long nights without her, in search for the Horcruxes. It wasn't as if they both avoided it, there just wasn't any time—time to talk, time alone, time for anything. Everyone had their hands full following the battle, and when things started to fall back into place, they've simply slipped through each other's fingers; Ginny whisked away by the Hogwarts Express, and Harry to the Ministry to begin his training as an Auror.
He considered moving on, especially on days when he'd think about her roaming the halls of Hogwarts, her fiery red hair blazing after her. She'd find someone, he thought bitterly. If she hasn't already.
But they'd written to each other, sparingly, although they did still. Short snippets of their day, what they ate for breakfast, the new set of professors at school, Mad-Eye's torturous lessons; Harry was the first person outside the castle to find out about her Harpies letter.
He caught her eye from across the table and she raised a brow at him as if to say What, Potter?
Chuckling under his breath, Harry shook his head and tapped the bowl of uneaten mash beside his plate. He saved it for her.
Ginny's gaze landed on it and her face lit up. If Harry didn't know any better, her hair seemed to glow even redder. His imagination loved to exaggerate his visuals when it came to her.
He felt a tiny poke on his toe as if to warn him not to react violently—she gave him a look and he pursed his lips, looking back down at his peas and moving them around once again. Then slowly, an ankle wrapped itself around one of his own and rested there.
Harry exhaled slowly, willing his pulse to calm.
He was not over Ginny Weasley at all. Not one bit.
Creeping quietly down the steps, Harry tried his best to avoid the noisy floorboards (that he still didn't memorize to save his life). His two best friends didn't mention anything, but he knew they wanted some alone time. And he certainly didn't want to be around once the candles dimmed and Ron and Hermione started making eyes at each other.
He was almost at the first landing when the door to his left creaked open.
"Sorry. It’s me."
Ginny opened the door wider, gazing up at Harry, her face bemused. She was dressed for bed. "They kicked you out already?"
Laughing quietly, he said, “You know they’d never. I volunteered.”
She smiled knowingly. “Of course you did. Well, come on in then.”
Harry stared at her retreating form, clearly confused.
In? In where? In her room? Just the two of them?
Ginny disappeared inside but the door remained open.
Should he knock and ask her what she meant? Should he just go inside? It's not like he hasn't before.
Suddenly, the most recent memory of Ginny's room flashed through his consciousness—his 17th birthday.
"Something to remember me by."
Harry's ears grew hot. He refused to let that specific recollection surface when he wasn't alone, or in the confines of his own quarters. It made his brain go fuzzy.
"Harry?" he heard Ginny's faint voice from inside, then footsteps. She appeared by the door once again. When she saw his face, her brows furrowed. "What happened?"
Harry attempted to clear his throat without sounding like a retching toad. "Er—I'm—" he was sure his face was now as red as her hair, "I was going to take the couch actually," he managed weakly.
"The couch," Ginny said flatly.
He swallowed. "Y-yeah. Downstairs."
The silence was deafening and it stretched on for minutes. Or at least that's what it felt like in Harry's rowdy head. He needed to meditate. Merlin. He was losing it.
Finally, she said, "Okay. Goodnight then."
She gave him a strained smile then quietly shut the door before he could reply.
Harry stood there, mouth hanging open slightly.
Ginny Weasley just invited him inside her bedroom and he refused. He refused. Of all the things in the world that made him a blubbering idiot, it was his best friend's little sister. He always seemed to be dumbfounded whenever she was in the vicinity of his space.
"Idiot," he muttered to himself as he descended the stairs, no longer bothering to mask his footsteps. "Idiot, idiot, idiot."
Harry sulked his way to the living room, his mood most definitely dismal. Girls were a nightmare. He had no idea how their brains ever worked and every time he felt like he finally had a grasp at a situation, he was suddenly ten steps back.
He waved his wand mindlessly over the Weasley's tweed couch and leaned by the fireplace as he watched it transform into a small sofa bed.
Would he wake anyone if he flooed Sirius at this hour? He knew his godfather would still be up at Grimmauld Place, and would doubtlessly jinx him between the eyes if he found out what Harry had just done.
"You're just like James," he heard Sirius' voice say in his head. He never seemed to let this fact go, even when he knew that Harry was well aware of how he was a spitting image of his father. Sirius especially loved to point this out when it came to matters about Ginny.
"Dad actually ended up with Mum didn't he, Sirius," Harry growled under his breath as he settled on his makeshift bed, patting his pillow down with more force than necessary. He was in the mood for a petty fight and he wished his godfather was around for one.
Suddenly, he heard footsteps thumping down the stairs. Harry jostled into a sleeping position at once and took off his glasses, planting himself still in the awful case that Mrs. Weasley found him huddled on their living room couch. She wouldn't have the heart to wake him would she? He didn't want her causing a scene with Ron and Hermione. Harry tried as best as he could to look as wasted as possible, even attempting at a snore.
The footsteps came nearer, and he felt them stop by the door of the living room. He tried to even his breathing.
His eyes shot open.
Sitting up suddenly, he found Ginny standing by the doorway, her arms crossed. Only the dim moonlight illuminated the room, and Harry had to squint before he remembered he took off his glasses. His hands fumbled as he perched them back on, his eyes meeting Ginny's vexed gaze.
"Ginny," he said lamely.
"Are you seeing someone?"
Her hair glowed in the dark space, like a warm halo around her head.
"You heard me."
Harry's pulse seemed to be skyrocketing. "Seeing someone? I don— no. No. I'm not seeing anybody at all."
Ginny looked skeptical. "Right."
Almost tripping over his own slippers, Harry barely managed to scramble to his feet in front of the only girl who plagued his dreams. He wanted to embrace her. Could he do that? Was he allowed to, still?
"Ginerva," he was breathless. "You have no idea..." Harry tried to calm his racing heart. Just get the words out, idiot. "You have no idea how much I think about you."
Her eyes gave nothing away as she looked up at him, and only her crossed arms kept the space between them. Harry saw tendrils of her hair stir as he exhaled. He wanted to kiss her.
When she said nothing, he lifted his hand experimentally, waiting for her to flinch or back away. Not sensing rejection yet, Harry trailed his fingers through the wisps of hair by her ear. He could smell her. He held himself from inhaling too deeply.
"Different shampoo?" he murmured.
Ginny sniffed, "Mum tried a different witch brand."
"Hmmm. Jasmine was my favorite."
She rolled her eyes. "I know."
Harry threaded his fingers through her hair, brushing her scalp now, and Ginny leaned into his touch.
He smiled. "But I like this one too."
"We should just share shampoos."
"Good idea."
They were silent for a moment. Just listening to each other breathing while Harry combed his fingers through Ginny's soft hair. The ends were still damp, he noticed.
"I missed you," she said suddenly, quietly. Her eyes were roaming all over his face as if gauging his reaction.
"I missed you too."
"But you don't want to sleep with me."
Harry's cheeks turned pink in the dark as he breathed out a laughed. "Ginny, I always want to sleep with you."
"I meant sleep sleep, you perv!" she pinched his stomach.
Trying to stifle his chuckle so as not to wake the rest of the house, he drew her in, finally bracketing her in his arms. "Ah, well, I mean that too, I guess."
Ginny huffed but melted with his touch. "I will have you know that I've turned down suitors for you, Harry Potter. So if you won't stake your claim, then I'd better take one of them up on their offers."
Harry's gaze narrowed. "Will you, now?"
"Watch me. Apparently, I'm quite popular with the Hufflepuffs—"
He leaned in lightning-quick, aiming for her luscious mouth. She expected it because her eyes closed in instinct, waiting for him to seal the connection. But Harry hovered. He felt the feathered touch of her lips on his but he stayed there, eyes open—trailing over her closed lids, the bridge of her nose, and the aggressive spread of freckles over the expanse of her cheeks.
"May I kiss you?" he asked against her lips.
Ginny's eyes blinked open but she didn't pull away. "Since when have you started asking?"
Harry was glad they were so close that she wouldn't be able to see his neck flush. "Since I let you go once."
This time, she did pull away, but only a tiny fraction. Just enough for him to witness her wrinkle her nose. "So saving the world has made you a complete sap."
She was teasing.
He shrugged, but grinned sheepishly nonetheless, "For you, yeah. I always have been though, haven't I?"
Twirling her arms around his neck and brushing her fingers through his unruly hair, Ginny pressed herself against Harry fully, her face shining with emotion.
"Then snog the living daylights out of me, Harry Potter."
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Bakugou and the reader are best friends --that he refuses to admit he's in love with-- but when it comes to other dudes, he acts like their guard dog. He overhears some jerks laughing about it calling the reader names and saying he could have anyone else in his class and goes off. The reader catches him fighting and stops it wondering what got into him but he refuses to tell them
2 things before we start
1. I'm gonna start doing tagging, so comment if you want to be tagged on the next posts. Starting out with 10 tags.
2. I listened to the song home by Catie Turner while I was writing this bc I wanted to be in my feels. So put that song on repeat while you read it.
Bakugou Katsuki honestly had no intentions of falling in love. He didn't have intentions of being friends with anyone really. Obviously Kirishima changed that- with the Bakusquad. But with you he fell deeper than he meant to with friends.
But Bakugou Katsuki was in deep. He was in so deep. And he fucking hated it but he wouldn't change it for the damn world.
Bakugou Katsuki, could not see himself with anyone but you. He's in full denial about it, of course. He could have any girl in the class, school even. Girls doted on him. His first year not so much, but after valentines day during his second year, he noticed (you did too) that women flocked to him. Some of them were cute, he'd admit, but if he tried to picture himself with any of them he felt weird. Sick almost. He figured it was just because he didnt know them- or he didnt want a relationship at the moment. But then came the fatal mistake.
You'd made him lunch, his favorite to be exact. You made him snacks every once in a while but this was new. You gave it to him, telling him it was extra from your lunch and walked away. He smiled to himself at the thought of making lunch for him, because you wanted to, not because it was extra- and that's when it happened. He thought of himself with you. This time he didnt feel weird, he didn't feel sick, he felt content, happy.
He ate his lunch that day in silence, away from the rest of his friends, hidden in the 1-A classroom. Aizawa didn't question it.
He tells his mom and his mom only. He'd be damned if shitty hair found out. He'd be even more damned if Mina or Kaminari found out because the two couldn't keep their mouths shut for the life of them.
"Katsuki you have a crush."
"Great, how do I get rid of it?"
"You don't? Katsuki have you never had a crush before?"
"Absolutely not."
"Wow, i just assumed you'd kept them from me and your father like every other teen."
"No I just don't have feelings, hag."
For the next half hour, he and his mother discuss what he could do. If he would do anything.
"Does she like you back?"
"How the fuck would I know?"
"Has she done anything out of the ordinary?"
"I mean she made lunch for me yesterday."
"Wow shes literally in love with you."
"Shut UP."
"Katsu, why dont you try making a move? They flirting?"
"Because she doesn't like me and I don't feel like dealing with rejection."
His mother sighed.
He went to school the next day, unsure of how to proceed when he spoke to you. How would it go down in the dorms? Theoretically he could just deny any attraction to you and be on his way- but he didnt want to loose you. He didn't want you out of his life, he knew that much. So he settled for just treating you as he always had.
However, when it came to other boys- he was on top of it. Just because he woukdnt make a move on you, didnt mean he'd let the greasy boys that flocked you. You deserved better than them. You knew it too. You were quietly thankful for his protection against unwanted attention from the boys.
He could pick up your signs of gratitude and he had no intention to stop. Especially when he heard guys talking, about you specifically.
Just listening to the words that oozed put of his mouth about you pissed him off.
"I could have any girl in the school." The boy scoffed. "Especially her- god I bet she's really fucking easy. She's never had a boyfriend and based on her personality it wouldn't be hard to hit it and leave-"
Katsuki had never swung on someone so quick in his life. His body acted before he could even think. Asshole boy stumbled back a little before lunging for Katsuki, grabbing his shirt and throwing his bodyweight on him to push him back. However- it wasn't really a match for him. A kid from the business class against Katsuki bakugou- part of the great three? No.
He refrained from using his quirk, knowing this- you'd rubbed off on him more than he cared to admit. But that didn't stop his fist from coming down on his face.
"Don't you DARE talk about her like that- she's not a fuckin object for your enjoyment you asshole-" He growled, his fist making contact with his face again.
"Katsu!" A voice yelled before he was being pulled off. A gentle hand cupped his cheek and turned his head. You. He saw you- through the red there was you. "What are you doing?" You ask softly- bowing slightly in apology before dragging him off.
He didn't say anything as he was lead down the hallway. That guy deserved what happened. He deserved every second of it.
"Katsu? Katsu- are you listening?"
"I was asking if you were okay. Your cheek is bruised." You stopped, gently touching his cheek.
You were always concerned with his wellbeing. How he was- before anything you made sure he was okay. Regardless of the circumstances- before he was scolded or cursed out, you made sure he was okay. Physically and mentally.
"'M fine." He mumbled, looking down. "M okay."
You nodded, leading him down the hallway once more- walking into the dorm. You grabbed something from the kitchen and then lead him to your room, having him sit on the bed.
"Katsu, what happened?" You mumbled, sitting next to him and pressing and ice pack (wrapped in a thin shirt) to his cheek. He struggled to not lean into it.
In all honesty, all he wanted to do what high you. He had this overwhelming feeling to hold you, bury his face in your neck and just stay there.
"Nothing. Just a brawl." He muttered, unmoving '
"A brawl? Really."
"Yeah. A brawl."
"Well something started 'your brawl'. You gonna tell me what it was?"
"I'm telling you it was nothing. Don't worry about it." He couldn't tell you- he didn't want you to feel weird or self concious. He knew how words from people affected you, even though you fought on and on to ignore them and keep them from affecting you. There was too much going on in your head to completely ignore them, even subconsciously.
"It is something though! Because you're hurt. That other guy, a douche bag I'm sure, is hurt."
"He deserved it."
"Why are you so concerned with it."
"Because you're hurt! I know it's not very hero like- but I couldnt care less about his injuries. You are my priority. And I walk into you in a beatdown-"
Katsuki pushed the ice pack away from his cheek. He leaned in and wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face in your neck. He wasn't expecting much after that- so when your hand came to play with his hair and the other holding his back, he felt like he was going to cry.
God he was so fucking in love with you. It made him want to scream- why would you ever want to he with him? Why were you doing this?
"I just want to make sure you're okay." She whispered.
"M okay. You don't have to worry about me."
"Doesn't mean I won't. I always worry about you Suki. I don't think that's going to stop." You continued threading your fingers through his hair.
"Then I'll be here, to remind your dumbass I'm okay."
"I know you will." You whispered. "Katsu, look at me." You mumbled- voice unsteady. He frowned and slowly lifted his head up. You were looking at him with such intensity in your eyes, he was unsure why.
You leanws forward, gently pressing your lips to his- ah that's why. He was surprised for a moment- stilling unmoving. You pulled away.
"Sorry- I guess that was uncalled-" he wouldnt let you finish, his lips were back on yours, pulling you close. You leaned into him, eye closed, guard down. Just you and him.
"I can't see myself with anyone but you." He grumbled, when he finally pulled away, lips inches apart. "I never have been able to."
"Good." You smiled softly. "I don't want you with anyone else."
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