mrpee777 · 3 months
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Prismatic Miku
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nemfrog · 5 months
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"Objects for diffraction." Practical exercises in light. 1914.
Internet Archive
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Max Theodor Felix von Laue (9 October 1879 – 24 April 1960)
A German physicist, Max Laue worked in a variety of different fields across his career, including thermodynamics, optics, and relativity. In the field of materials science and engineering he is most known for his research into diffraction and crystallography. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1914 for his work on the X-ray diffraction of crystals. Laue diffraction patterns still carry his name (such as the right image pictured above) and the term Laue diffraction is still used to describe certain methods of obtaining crystallographic information.
Sources/Further Reading: (Images source - Wikipedia) (The Nobel Prize) (SciHi Blog) (Physics Blog)
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canmom · 7 months
sometimes you run into something that just overturns your understanding and builds a new, more coherent picture. this is one of them.
they taught us about diffraction theory at uni - Fresnel, Fraunhofer all of that, we did experiments with lasers - but it never occurred to me to analyse lenses in terms of diffraction. it makes so much sense now! i was never entirely satisfied by the ray approximation to light, so seeing what's really going on in the lightfield and how you can use a diffraction plate as a lens, with each ring contributing higher order Fourier terms to the image, is like. crazy cool.
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webdiggerxxx · 9 months
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simpsforscience · 5 months
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Have you ever marvelled😲 over those 3D projections in sci-fi movies? 🤔How many times could you tell the difference between real and fake 🥸 when you saw these holographic displays ? Of course, the reality of how holograms work isn't quite as flashy ⚡ as Hollywood portrays. But that doesn't make it any less fascinating! Tap & swipe ➡️ through this post to decode the science behind them.
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art-of-mathematics · 1 year
Icosahedron net - "coiling up"
This icosahedron net is really cool, as it is just like a "string of triangles" you can just roll up to form the icosahedron.
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The hexagon grid is really helpful for drawing equilateral triangles.
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It reminds me of this:
Diffraction - Source: German PDF [found at TU-dresden website]
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knotty-et-al · 8 months
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Metamorphestra of entangled states of a life's unfolding and reshaping process - shapeshifting of the shapeshifter
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amarantine-amirite · 8 days
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whats-in-a-sentence · 29 days
The Watson-Crick model (see figure 25.6) was based on molecular modelling and two lines of experimental observations: chemical analyses of DNA base compositions and mathematical analyses of X-ray diffraction patterns of crystals of DNA.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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vertvids · 2 months
🌈🌚🌞 Moment of totality through diffraction grating Spectral deconstruction of total solar eclipse - 16x speed boomerang for generation hyper deficit (audio)Laxcity-landing/homesick #totality #solareclipse2024 #solareclipse #solareclipseglasses #eclipse #sun #moon #rainbow #art
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futureselfbeats · 2 years
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DAY 394 - F
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brainviolation · 1 year
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Small Scale Length Measurements
Many different techniques to measure length at small scales (typically microns to nanometers), including X-ray diffraction/crystallography, electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy, among others. X-ray diffraction can be used to measure atomic spacing and lattice parameters (thereby determining crystal structure) using the wavelengths of the X-rays in question. Electron microscopy differs from many other techniques because they use, as the name implies, electrons to make their measurements, rather than any form of light. Though electrons are reflected back to a detector, the transit-time is not used to make measurements. Instead, Fourier transforms are used to generate an image.
Sources/Further Reading: (Images 1 and 4 - XRD Wikipedia) (Images 2 and 3 - SEM Wikipedia) (Measuring Length Wikipedia) (University of Wisconsin-Madison XRD) (University of Pennsylvania XRD) (University of Colorado XRD) (SEM Book Chapter)
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elkement · 6 months
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Feeling festive!!
This is my latest piece of physics-inspired art, called "Diffracted Surge in the Negative"
It is part of a recently started series called "Not Connecting the Dots"
I have inverted the spectral colors of the rainbow - and I still like it! Way better than any "random" combination of colors I tried! Perhaps there are aliens out there whose eyes conceive our world in colors like this?
More on my blog here:
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stillreeloading · 7 months
90 days of productivity
Day 49/90
With @academiawho and @docta1228
6th November 2023, Monday
No classes today though fest ended yesterday.
Again, chill day. Woke up at 7.
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Pretty colourful day huh
Watched one c programming video.
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Did some gen bio notes.
Did some trigonometry.
Made a formula sheet for gen physics chapter.
Wanted to slap whoever discovered engineering graphics.
Had all 3 meals 🥰
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