#Disease prevention through cycling
baharlivings · 5 months
Pedal Your Way to Wellness: Unlock 13 Health Benefits of Cycling for Body and Mind
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kohanakonohana · 1 year
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The silkworm makes a cocoon to protect itself when it becomes a pupa. The length of the thread that is ejected while swinging its head in a figure eight motion is said to be as long as 1,300 meters or more. 1,300m or even longer in some varieties.
The raw silk I usually use to weave kimonos is a thin, fine thread, and those threads I usually use to weave kimonos is made by twisting 10 strands of 7-grain yarn. In other words, it is the thickness of 70 cocoons.
When drawing raw silk, cocoons are boiled and the protein (sericin), which is like glue that holds the yarn together, is broken down and drawn out. The figure of eight(8) is the secret to prevent tangling in the middle.
So. we could find a silkworm or moss after we pull and take a long thread from inside. (They will not become adult silkworms, though, because they are boiled.
Raw silkworms can be boiled, or the amount of work required to take the thread from them is limited. Recently, we have been drying, freezing, salting (salting method), and steaming (steaming method), etc., to produce raw silk. In short, it is necessary to prevent the silkworms from leaving their cocoons as adult worms.
Because …silkworms first hatch in cocoons, but they have to make a hole in the cocoon they made themselves to get out.
For the time being, they finish their transformation into the form of a moth inside and tear the skin of their chrysalis, the silkworm then breaks through the chrysalis skin and expels an enzyme called cochonase, which is produced in the organ called the bird's crop sac.
The moth then breaks through the chrysalis skin, and exhales an enzyme called cochonase, produced in the organ called the bird's craw sac, to soften the sericin at the exit, then emerges from the chrysalis by pushing its way through the threads.
Furthermore, when it comes out, it also produces urine, or water, which is called "moth urine". and coloured and stains the inside of the cocoon. The rest is the skin of the shed pupa, which also sticks to the inside of the cocoon.
The silkworms hatch and the quality of the cocoons changes,
The quality of the cocoon changes and raw silk cannot be obtained. The enzyme does not break the thread itself, but the cocoonase is alkaline, so it does not do much damage to weakly acidic fibres.
However, cocoonase is alkaline, so there is no small amount of damage to weakly acidic fibres. Nevertheless, at least some of the silkworms have to be made into adult worms, because the silkworm eggs for the next cycle cannot be obtained.
The cocoons from which raw silk was not obtained, and the rest from disease, or the cocoons that did not produce raw silk, cocoons that were too small because of disease or poor growth, and so on.
It is Japanese culture not to waste such things. The cocoons are boiled, the sericin in the paste is broken down, and the pupal skin is removed as much as possible, and the result is cotton-like material known as "mawata".
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Mawata sheets
The "tsumugi" thread is made by stretching and twisting the cotton, either by pulling it out or twisting it, or neither, or both. Then, fabrics woven using the tsumugi thread is called tsumugi weaving.
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The left is raw silk and the right is tsumugi yarn spun by myself.The texture is different. Such is the case even with purchased products.
To be precise, the silkworm's thread is called "kibiso"
The silkworm's thread is made up of three parts: the beginning part, called kibiso ; the long, long raw silk part; and the end part, called "bisu".
Both kibiso and bisu have different textures from raw silk, and sometimes only these parts are collected and sold as separate yarns.
The beginning of the spit is still unstable and the end is the residue of the body, so in essence, I have heard that they are made slightly differently...In the case of the easily recognisable coloured silkworm cocoons, the hard yellow-green outer part is the kibiso,
The bis has a light yellow-green raw silk part inside, and the bis is slightly yellowish white.)
The bisu ends up looking leathery and unravelling…
Those different textures remain in the mawata, so, even if you try to stretch them out homogeneously, it is sometimes impossible to do so. That is the true nature of the knots that remain in the silk threads.
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Kibiso (left) and bisu (right) of wild silkworms.(Silkworms ones do not peel so much)
In the end, what I wanted to say was that thread is a gift of life,I think it is lovely that the thread is born out of such a sense of waste.
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hubristicassholefight · 4 months
Hubristic Assholes Tourney Round 1 Part 4b
Five Pebbles (Rain World) vs Achilles (The Illiad)
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Propaganda below cut (Beware spoilers)
Five Pebbles
Five Pebbles is an iterator, a city sized sentient and partially biological supercomputer. An ancient civilization built the iterators to essentially try to calculate a way for the Ancients to ascend beyond this mortal world and leave behind the cycle of reincarnation. He and the other iterators were left behind after their creators all disappeared/ascended. The iterators are as close to man made gods as anything can be, yet they are trapped - both by their huge physical forms, unable to move from the place they were built in, and by a taboo in their programming, which prevents them from attempting to self-destruct. Five Pebbles grew frustrated with his fate as a "bug in a maze". He was convinced that if he could just break the self-destruction taboo, he would find a way to ascend himself, thus escaping the mortal world. He started a series of massive experiements that consumed so much cooling water, the drought in the area destroyed his sister and fellow iterator Looks To The Moon. In her efforts to stop him, she distracted him. The experiement failed catastrofically. Five Pebbles had not only callously killed his own sister in the pursuit of his impossible goal, but he had also created a sentient, mobile disease growing inside his own body. The Rot would eat through his mountain sized body, no matter what Five Pebbles tried to do to stop it. It takes it thousands of years, but piece by piece the Rot breaks him down, until all that remains of Five Pebbles, once a mortal god, is a trembling, frozen puppet sitting alone inside the completely destroyed ruins of his own superstructure. It's a fate much worse than the death he was seeking; epic fail bug man lol
He is a city sized supercomputer who was built with one goal in mind; to produce a solution to the great problem, that being how to allow all things to escape the cycle of life and death without the use of void fluid. A different character claimed to have a solution, but died before they could say it. Five Pebbles believed that the death itself was the solution, despite the fact that it only effects the machine, and the inability to kill themselves is ingrained in every cell of their body(he's a meat computer btw). The culture that produced these supercomputers good high respect for their ancestors, so defying them is very heretical. In his attempt to break the self destruction taboo he drains all the local water, causing looks to the moon to also run out of water. Looks to the moon, being older than Five Pebbles, eventually used her seniority to force five Pebbles to stop trying to kill himself, after she was too damaged to survive for very long, and in doing so, gave five pebbles giga-cancer that world slowly, and I mean slowly, eat him alive, stopping him from trying again; He was artificially made with every cell of his body having a code that stops him from killing himself. When he tries to overcome it he accidentally kills someone else and gives himself giga-cancer.
No propaganda allowed to be used
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covid-safer-hotties · 15 days
Hospitals are killing patients because they don't feel like doing infection control - Published Aug 23, 2023
An oldie but a goodie from The Gauntlet's Julia Doubleday
By: Julia Doubleday
People who have gone “back to normal” (ignore the existence of COVID-19) often justify their decision by pointing to their own health status as “not high risk”. Implicit in this statement is the existence of a high-risk group of people who should still be taking COVID precautions. Also implicit is the abandonment of collective care and public health, since the “back to normal” crowd places the burden of COVID precaution on disabled, immunocompromised and vulnerable people alone.
For the most part, high risk groups indeed shoulder this burden alone. They are no longer safe in public and many limit their time in critical spaces like grocery stores and pharmacies; forget going to concerts or other “inessential” activities. Millions of Long COVID patients in particular, all too aware of what a single COVID infection can do, have to expend inordinate time, energy, and money simply to continue existing in a society hellbent on infecting them again and again and again. But you might guess that healthcare settings- specifically designed to accommodate the sick and injured- are still a safe haven for vulnerable groups.
Guess again! As COVID continues to cycle through new variants and surges, hospitals are stripping away even the inadequate infection control measures they implemented at the beginning of the pandemic. Come in for heart surgery, leave with a heart-damaging virus. What a business model!
As of early 2021, it was scientifically established beyond any doubt that COVID, like TB, is a fully airborne virus. This means that it spreads and can hang in the air like smoke; it means that contrary to early public health instructions, you can indeed become infected at distances greater than six feet, and that unsealed masks like the blue surgical ones often seen in hospitals are inadequate to prevent infection. (To be clear, surgicals are far better than nothing; they are simply not the proper type of mask to best prevent infection with a fully airborne disease. For that, you need a mask that forms a seal around your nose and mouth.)
The pandemic might have been controlled in early 2020 if the WHO had defaulted to the precautionary principle and acted as if COVID-19 could be airborne. Instead they confidently announced that COVID was droplet spread- as in, spread via coughs and sneezes- and discouraged people from proper mask wearing. Their incorrect guidance also trained people to adopt measures like social distancing and hand washing, which are inadequate to control COVID, yet are still mentioned in public health guidance to this day. Even some healthcare workers remain under the impression that surgical masks are a proper tool for prevention of COVID spread, a reality that can be observed by stepping into any doctor’s office.
You might assume that the WHO had a very good reason to announce that COVID was droplet spread in 2020; I also made that incorrect assumption. In truth, the WHO and other bodies made a guess about the way COVID spread based on decades of bad science, as is fully explored in this fascinating paper, “What were the historical reasons for the resistance to recognizing airborne transmission during the COVID-19 pandemic?” I encourage you to read the entire thing, but essentially, the health establishment did not like to be challenged on something it had long considered conventional wisdom (most respiratory viruses are droplet spread), and those who dismissed those challenges additionally did not understand physics very well.
The WHO’s announcement and subsequent bad public health advice should be a major scandal, not least because there was never any solid evidence demonstrating droplet spread of COVID-19. Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez, an aerosol expert and an author on the above linked paper, goes further and notes that “[Droplet transmission] has NEVER been demonstrated directly for any disease in entire history of medicine.” The lessons of COVID could revolutionize infectious disease control, if the medical establishment would learn them. Instead, two and a half years after a watershed discovery, the medical establishment is still struggling with the game-changing revelation that most diseases thought to be “droplet-spread,” like colds and flus, are in fact fully airborne.
Infection control is a primary duty of hospitals. If you’re like me, meaning a human being with a brain and heart, you probably think allowing the leading cause of infectious disease death in the US to spread freely in hospitals is both immoral and incomprehensible. But of course, our media always sees two sides to every story. For example, we have the incredibly titled Washington Post piece, “Masks come off in the last refuge for mandates: The doctor’s office”. I want to take a moment to really appreciate the amount of bias packed into this short title. It’s not “Masks come off in the place really sick people are forced to go,” it’s not “Masks come off as patients die,” it’s not “Masks come off as disabled people avoid care.” No. It’s “Masks come off in the last refuge for mandates.” The last refuge for mandates! The hospital could more accurately be called “the last refuge for people who might die of COVID,” but no, the subject being protected by masking in hospitals was the scary right-wing buzzword mandates. Wow! Another win for freedom.
In this article about the defeat of the horrible mandates, the victims, sorry I mean patients, are framed as having one perspective about whether their doctors should purposely infect them with diseases, while the lovely professionals who simply “don’t wanna” are framed as having an equally valid point of view.
Disabled, sick, immunocompromised and vulnerable people seeking care at a hospital, have the right not to be exposed to a virus that has killed 1.1 million Americans in 3.5 years. They have the right to seek care without having to fear that their care team will quite literally kill them with a preventable illness. Practitioners, on the other hand, have no right to compare the irritation of having to wear a mask at work with the moral injury of infecting vulnerable people who then go on to die at high rates.
No one has the right to compare the inconvenience of masks with the pain of parents begging their 6-year-old child’s oncology care team to stop forcibly exposing their vulnerable daughter during hospital visits. If you are unaware, cancer patients undergoing treatment are often severely immunocompromised. Even prior to the pandemic, people did their best not to expose cancer patients to milder diseases like flus and colds. The family of the 6-year-old is considering moving to another state- if they can find one that still cares about not giving high-risk kindergarteners deadly viruses for the crime of getting cancer treatment.
While the US attempts to bury data around hospital acquired COVID infections, we fortunately have access to statistics from other parts of the world which haven’t quite reached our level of Negligent Patient Murder Conspiracy. A study in BC found that as of November 2021, 1,619 patients were infected, and 274 patients died. A rate of 16.9%. A study looking at all of the hospital acquired COVID within the NHS system found at least 69,377 cases and 14,047 deaths- a staggering rate of 20.2%. Let’s take a look at data collected only after the availability of vaccines- in 2022. Victoria Health Authority data from Australia found that that year, over 3,000 patients acquired COVID in the hospital in the province, and at least 344- just over 10%- died of their infections.
1 in 5. 1 in 10. Would you take those odds as a vulnerable patient in need of treatment?
Of course, looking only at deaths doesn’t incorporate the other negative outcomes of COVID infection, including Long COVID, new onset health problems, delayed recovery, lost income, higher medical bills, and poorer prognosis. Why should patients seeking care have to risk any or all of the above?
I can’t believe I have to say this, but infection control is not something that can happen part time, in some cases, or only during surges. As with gloves for bloodborne or hand washing for fomite transmission, protocols for airborne infection control are a set of practices implemented permanently and consistently to protect patients and healthcare workers alike. We don’t stop hand washing because norovirus cases are down. We don’t stop wearing gloves because HIV cases are down. As a doctor, if you’re arguing that you should be able to expose patients to COVID because infection control annoys you, you should not be a doctor. Find a new career. I bet you’d love denying insurance claims. I bet you’d be a natural.
Making this picture even more hair-tearingly frustrating for disabled people avoiding healthcare settings is that the counter-argument for proper airborne infection control really is nothing beyond “don’t wanna.” There is no logical argument for allowing the spread of COVID-19 in healthcare settings. There is no scientific debate about the ways in which COVID is spreading. There is no risk analysis which shows that cancer patients or people who’ve just had heart attacks should consider a COVID infection to be no big deal. There is literally no excuse for this bizarre, unscientific mistreatment of patients other than gross incompetence, institutional negligence, and systemic ableism.
I should note that in the weeks and months since I have been made aware of and worked on this issue, I have met dozens of wonderful healthcare workers who are appalled by this medieval treatment and stand in solidarity with the many patients now avoiding care. Doctors, nurses, surgeons, researchers, aerosol experts and more are on the frontlines arguing against continued violation of patient and worker rights in the form of forcible exposure. While some healthcare workers are certainly sneering at infection prevention, many others are well aware that their profession puts them at high risk for long COVID, and that even spikes in short-term illness translate to absences and staff disruptions in an industry that was already suffering prior to the pandemic. A study in Brazil found the rate of Long COVID following infection among healthcare workers to be a shocking 27%. In this 2022 article, Infection Control Today notes that Long COVID is exacerbating worker shortages in all industries, but particularly healthcare.
A recent survey from the British Medical Association found that, among doctors who contracted Long COVID, about one in five were no longer able to work due to ill health, and nearly half reported lost income. Three quarters of those surveyed attributed their infection to the workplace; the massive labor rights issues at play here have been largely ignored by most unions, with the notable exception of NNU. The nurses’ union is currently organizing to push the CDC and its infection control advisory body, HICPAC, to fully acknowledge airborne transmission as they consider loosening guidelines even further.
I had the dubious honor of attending a HICPAC meeting yesterday, where after two hours of discussion that somehow evaded the elephant in the room, public commenters were finally given an opportunity to point it out. While none of the infection control experts had mentioned either COVID or aerosol transmission, every single commenter brought up both. Armed with studies, personal experiences, and common sense, commenters pointed out the obvious as the panel squirmed. COVID is airborne. So where is the airborne infection control? Mere hours after the meeting concluded, the CDC removed access to a publicly-available recording of the session.
The reluctance to adopt proper infection control in hospitals ultimately stems, not from employees, but from the financial interests of the hospitals themselves. Proper airborne infection control isn’t limited to high-quality masks; you also need things like testing upon entry, space for isolation of positive cases and negative pressure rooms, improved indoor air quality and CO2 monitoring, and HEPA filtration. You’d need to test your staff consistently and give them paid leave when positive. All of that represents a large and costly investment; and our for-profit medical system is hardly known for its generosity nor its value for human lives.
As to the bewildering reality of practitioners who chose not to mask in their pathogen-laden workplace and continue to downplay the dangers of the virus, I would posit a psychological explanation. Since 2021, this country has been in the throes of a post-pandemic delusion that continues to disable and kill millions as COVID spreads and evolves. President Joe Biden declared the pandemic “over,” and article after article after article informed us that continual reinfection was just fine for our health. As a result, most doctors, like most other people, went “back to normal.” They sent their kids to school. They visited their parents. They traveled. And, relevantly, they watched as their loved ones were infected 2, 3, 4 or 5 times, likely on their advice and with their blessing. They are therefore, incredibly, personally, terrifyingly, invested in the hope that COVID is actually a cold.
I don’t even know how to touch on the creepy “but we need to see smiles” thing, which is better evidence of some sort of psychological denial at play than I could possibly invent. Patients in hospitals don’t need to see smiles to get proper medical care, obviously. They need infection control measures that prevent further illness. Is this a real argument?
Historically, doctors and the medical establishment are slow to adopt new infection control measures. If you’ve spent some time reading about the ongoing reluctance of medical bodies to acknowledge fully airborne transmission, you’re probably familiar with the story of Ignaz Semmelweis by now. An OB-GYN who observed a significant reduction in mortality when he washed his hands, he attempted to introduce hand washing to other doctors as an infection control measure. He was met with mockery and rejection by the medical community, ultimately had a nervous breakdown, and died in a mental institution. The “Semmelweis Reflex,” a phenomenon where people reflexively reject new information that would contradict their prior beliefs, is named for him.
I would characterize what is happening in hospitals- which, to put it plainly, is the murder of vulnerable people for convenience- as the point where the “back to normal” delusion collides with the inconvenient reality that vulnerable people exist in society. In any other context, it’s easy to imagine that sick, disabled and immunocompromised people can simply remove themselves from danger, or properly mask themselves for short periods of time. In the hospital setting, we have to choose. Either COVID is not very dangerous, or we’ve been purposely exposing our friends, family, loved ones and communities to a disease that disables and kills. The mental burden of the latter is impossible to accept; so some working in the hospital system default to the former. Sad though it may be, I do not believe patients should have to cosplay 2019 for their practitioner’s mental health.
Airborne infection control is not new. TB clinics implement it; nurses and doctors in TB clinics do not contract TB. Hospitals are refusing to implement COVID infection control because of the costs; many practitioners are going along because it’s hard to understand how “back to normal” could logically exist side-by-side with a healthcare system employing such stringent controls. If COVID is bad for sick people, might it be bad for everyone? If hospitals have to expend such resources to control infections, maybe schools should be doing so. If schools are doing it, why not workplaces? Or public transit? It’s almost like controlling infections in hospitals would challenge the comforting narrative that constant COVID reinfection is just dandy for your health. So we pretend it’s 2019. We pretend COVID is a cold. And our collective fantasy of “normality” continues to sicken and kill those who seek care.
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sol-consort · 27 days
Wait until the other species find out that the only thing preventing Earth from being pummeled to death by the asteroid belt is the gravitational pull and orbit of Jupiter holding the belt and other space rocks back. (Sometimes Jupiter lets one slip tho and flings it right at us or the other inner planets. The dinosaurs got the last rock that Jupiter threw at Earth.)
that's just Jupi being in a silly goofy mood <3 such a diva sometimes i swear
I know there is this trope of "Earth is actually a deathworld" in the human space orcs prompts, but Earth is genuinely the closest to a heaven you can get naturally from a planet.
The other species would envy the humans for getting such a starting advantage. Turians had to adapt to a radioactive planet after their ozone layer fizzled out, quarians became the disease carriers in their world for the lack of bugs to spread pollen around which completely shattered any resemblance of immune system they could've had.
Compare it to our Earth that's impossibly diverse, the rich evolution history it gave humans. It's not normal for an animal to have such a varied diet as us! So many of the stuff we are able to eat would kill them. Our bodies have biological clocks that sync with the day and night cycle. Our hands have fully articulated 5 fingers, and one of them is a thumb! Having a thumb is so vital to creating/using tools that it's a miracle species without it even managed to get through the stone age. So many of the aliens have fewer fingers, paws, or claws.
Our hands are insanely complex, not even counting the unique per-person fingerprints. Each finger has 4 joints, totalling 20 joints per hand. Allowing us extremely precise movements and the perfect limb to grab any shape whatsoever with. We wouldn't have had any of that wasn't it for the long line of ancestry we hold, we would've probably ended up as another aquatic species wasn't it for Earth developing the ozone layer and allowing us to go on land + plants and actually liveable wide areas of land.
So back to earth—Not only is the ozone layer and the Earth magnetic field constantly protecting us, but so is the moon! So is Jupiter! So are the remaining planets in the outer rings that filter out all the large asteroids. Jupiter flinging one asteroid at us once a couple millennias is so much more preferable to the shower of asteroids we would've been heralded in every single day.
Or how convenient Mars' existence is to us. So close by, mineral rich and ready to be explored, the perfect test planet to attempt to integrate into. A clear set goal for the future. How humans in Mass Effect got handed all the advanced space travel technology from the remains of Prothean bases there, ones previously used to observe us. Did the other species get the same? Asari, sure, yeah, but salarians and turians had to actually work to master space travel.
9 planets and 181 moons. Our solar system is even located at the outer edge of the Milky Way, where it's nice and less crowded. We're literally living in the suburban housing equivalent of planetary systems.
Earth is genuinely a haven, the perfect cradle to nurture sustainable life. All the other species have problems and mutations caused by their less than ideal planet environments, which they had to overcome with science—even the asari, don't forget the glaring problem of how reproducing with each other can results in Ardat Yakshi— Meanwhile, humans can be suited up and ready to go.
Our faulty expiring spines and only two sets of teeth pale in comparison to salarian bodies needing extreme support for each joint, drell breathing diseases, and hanar inability to carry their own bodyweight. Humans' bodies are very adapt, even in space, your brain starts adjusting the blood flow and regulating it's own pressure.
We might not have 4 eyes or other advantages like the protheans, but we definitely can get a passing grade in space survival with little to no modifications, only regular exercise.
That's why the theory of "unique earth" is so popular. Even when we do find an earth-like planet, it's rarely in a suitable star system. It's bare and defenceless with nothing to protect it. It's only a matter of time before it's flattened by asteroids or melted by radiation.
The sharks on earth are older than the forming of the literal north star. If that's not proof enough of Earth being perfect for propagating and maintaining life, then I don't know what is.
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illuminatedquill · 5 months
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Prologue Summary: Thrawn has been defeated. The Imperial Remnant has fled in full retreat, disappearing into the Unknown Regions. All across the galaxy, citizens of the New Republic celebrate - free, at last, from the Empire's long shadow. But as the galaxy looks forward to a new era of peace and prosperity, not all are able to share in the celebrations. Mandalore, once again, finds itself on the brink of civil war. A new, violent faction of Mandalorians - vowing to punish the traitors who led Mandalore to ruin - has risen, sowing fear and anger wherever they strike. With the violence reaching a fever pitch, a clandestine meeting takes place in the dark ruins of the once great Mandalorian capital city of Sundari . . . one that has ominous consequences for the hard-won peace enjoyed by the New Republic. And as the future of Mandalore lies at stake, Bo-Katan Kryze makes a desperate call to the planet Lothal, hoping to reach the only two people she trusts to help prevent another war that will destroy any chance of a brighter tomorrow for her people . . .
Overture: RUIN
Ruins of Sundari, Night
Walking through the ruins of Sundari, Kaizer reflected, was a perfect illustration of the current state of Mandalorian society. He had been present during the Night of a Thousand Tears and, like countless others of his kind, believed that to be the true end of Mandalore.
Thankfully, he had been proven wrong. The planet - and its people - survived, as they always do. But it had come at a great cost. Countless wars throughout Mandalore's history, waged with outsiders and with each other, had left the planet barren. Rock and steel and ancient traditions are all that had survived until now.
Some saw it as a victory; proof that Mandalorians could survive anything the galaxy threw their way.
Kaizer knew different. It was the death of a thousand cuts. His people were starving; everything they subsisted on was imported. Crime, disease, and a general air of hopelessness pervaded the population. They had no economy to speak of; nothing to trade with other nearby planets, except for their services as mercenaries or bounty hunters.
The New Republic offered little help. They were too far from the Central Core, and they were still cleaning up the mess from Thrawn's campaign of conquest. At least, that was the official excuse.
Bo-Katan Kryze, newly installed in her position of Mand'alor, was desperately trying to find help where she could. But she was running out of time.
Yes, he reflected darkly, Mandalore survived. But survival cost more every time - and at some point, the cost would be too high to justify. There wouldn't be anything - or anyone - left to pay that price.
His steps echoed in the hollowed-out subsection of the city's underside. There were no city lights to guide his way, but the natural light from the stars and moon above were enough for him to see his way. The larger rubble and debris had been moved aside for somewhat safe passage; thin pools of murky water covered the exposed ground. Small insects and reptiles scattered in his wake as he made his way to the meeting spot.
Finally, ducking through a narrow opening between two chunks of large rock, he arrived in a secret alcove that appeared to be the remains of an archive. He gazed around at the shelves, holding countless data pads; all ruined, he was sure, by the wear and tear of time over the years.
He sighed. The valuable history and knowledge of his people lost so senselessly.
Would it end someday? The cycle of violence that plagued Mandalorians?
Kaizer clenched his fists. I will end it, he thought. I know the way to save us all.
I will do it for you, Melody. I will make it right. As you asked.
"You're late," came a voice in the dark.
He turned to find a cloaked figure, their robes shimmering crimson in the dim lighting. Kaizer barely made out a face: a hooked nose and a cruel twist of a mouth, along with amber eyes that glinted with a dark intelligence. Humanoid, male, and middle-aged.
Kaizer eyed the man apprehensively, weighing his response. He still had no name for this man or any other distinguishing information on his purpose or why he was here. He had appeared months ago, offering him the resources to kick-start his plan - a plan that would have taken years to get off the ground. Now everything was in place, mere months after his first initial appearance.
Their goals were aligned, was all that the man offered about himself. Suspiciously so, Kaizer thought at the time.
"Planning a coup happens to be a time-consuming activity," Kaizer replied.
"Indeed," said the man. "But my master asks for a progress report. He grows impatient."
"Your master," Kaizer repeated. "You've never said why he's so interested in helping our cause."
"As I've said before: our goals are aligned. Bo-Katan must not remain in power. New leadership would be beneficial to Mandalore's future in the years to come."
Kaizer studied him. "You're that scared of her?"
"Not so much her, but who she has chosen as her successor."
Kaizer arched an eyebrow. "You've heard the rumors regarding Countess Wren, I see."
"As have you," stated the man, a touch of impatience entering his voice. "I would hope you have a plan to counter Bo-Katan. Sabine Wren is a problem, one that must be handled swiftly."
He leaned against a nearby wall, arms crossed. "We do have a plan. Sacha is ready. She has long prepared for her role in the events to come."
"Yes, your young ward . . ." The older man sounded doubtful.
"Is there a problem?" asked Kaizer sharply.
"The prophecy. Is she aware of it?"
"Of course she is. Her whole life is based around it."
"So is Sabine Wren's," countered the other man.
"Only she is not aware of it," replied Kaizer. "That gives us the advantage. The Countess remains in the dark without that knowledge. My sources tell me that Bo-Katan has not informed her about any of it."
The cloaked man went quiet for a moment. Then, he said, "I worry about your ward's lineage. It could affect her loyalties."
Kaizer gritted his teeth. "Sacha is loyal to me. To the cause. I have no doubt of that."
"She is a Wren. They are known traitors."
"Rebels," corrected Kaizer. "They fought for Mandalore. Even misguided as they were. And Sacha is only half-Wren, on her father's side."
The other man snorted disdainfully. "Your continued affection towards Clan Wren baffles me considering your own lineage, Kaizer. Your own clan - "
" - Deserved what happened to them," retorted Kaizer. "I don't need to be reminded of my own history, old man. Sacha and I will see the plan through. Bo-Katan will fall, and Countess Wren will never take the throne. I stake my honor on it."
"And what of my master's gift? Should your plan fail, are you willing to use it?"
Kaizer paused, feeling sick at the thought.
The Endfire. Kyr Tracyn.
"Better Mandalore be turned to dust, then let it fall into the hands of Sabine Wren in the future," urged the cloaked man. "She will bring your people to ruin. My master has seen it. You have seen it. That is why you agreed to accept our gift."
Kaizer chose his next words carefully. "It is to be used as a last resort, only."
The other man settled into dissatisfied silence but said nothing further. Kaizer took that as his cue to leave.
"I wonder what your father would think of you now, Kaizer Saxon," said the cloaked man to his back.
Kaizer slowly turned around, his blood freezing at the mention of his surname. It had been many years since he had last heard it uttered out loud. He had long ago chosen to walk away from it.
He shrugged. "He's dead, old man. And you will be too if you mention him again in my company."
A flash of a malicious grin underneath the cloaked hood. "You are so much like him, my dear boy. Not just in looks - your heart, as well."
Kaizer's eye twitched. His fingers rested on the butt of his blaster, holstered on his side, tapping away gently.
After a few tense moments, he finally restrained the impulse to murder the other man and stalked away into the ruined city.
Minutes passed and the cloaked figure stepped out and made for his own exit, taking short, cautious steps through the ruins.
When both men were long gone, Koska Reeves - personal guard to Lady Bo-Katan - stepped out of her hiding spot nearby. Checking her comm-link to ensure that their conversation had been recorded in its entirety, thanks to a data-recorder cleverly hidden in a shelf within the ruined archive, she then sent a quick message to her lady.
"Lady Kryze," said Koska. "You heard everything?"
"Yes," came the reply. "Are you safe? Did they see you?"
"I'm safe for the moment. They never saw me, my Lady."
"Good work," said Bo-Katan, her voice full of pride. "Come to my private suite immediately. We have much to discuss. The Elders are already here."
"At once," responded Koska. She paused. "Permission to speak informally, my lady?"
"Granted, Koska."
She let out a deep breath. "This is real kriffing bad, Bo."
"Understatement of the century," came Bo-Katan's dry reply. "We are knee deep in bantha poo-doo, I admit."
Koska thought back to what was said in the clandestine meeting. "Is it true?" she whispered. "There was another survivor of Clan Wren?"
There was a long pause - so long, Koska thought the signal had died. Finally, Bo-Katan said quietly, "Yes. Very few knew about it outside of the family."
"Even Sabine?" asked Koska.
"No. She was the exception. Her mother made sure she never knew."
"Why?" she asked. "Why wouldn't she want her to know?"
"Ursa had her reasons," said Bo-Katan. "But the main thing, as always with her, was that she was protecting Sabine."
Koska only knew Ursa Wren by reputation and from the stories told by Bo-Katan. The idea of a family member keeping the existence of one of their own a secret from another . . . she couldn't fathom it. How would that secret serve to protect Sabine?
"How - how does Sacha exist?" asked Koska. "And how did the son of Gar Saxon come to find her?"
"That's a long story, Koska. I'll explain it more when you return."
She nodded to herself and prepared her jetpack for take-off. The dark, ruined city around her suddenly felt malevolently alive - and it also felt like it was watching her.
But, one last question remained. "Bo?"
"Yes, Koska?"
"Are you going to call them?" she asked.
"Yes, I am," said Bo-Katan. "We need their help."
Koska thought for a second. "Everything will change once Sabine knows the truth," she said solemnly. "And this prophecy, too . . . she'll hate you, Bo. She might not be on Mandalore's side, once this is all over."
A deep sigh emitted from the comm-link. "I'll take that chance. But you don't know her like I do, Koska. I know her heart. I know who she gets it from. She'll make the right choice."
Koska didn't have anything to say in return. The words from Bo-Katan were hardly comforting. But it was all she had.
The future of Mandalore rested upon Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger's shoulders from here on out. Their choices in the days to come would decide everything.
Koska shook herself mentally. There was still work to be done, and Bo-Katan would need her.
A Mandalorian and a Jedi, she thought, dark amusement flickering through her. They'll definitely cause problems, for sure. I just hope it's for the other side and not us.
She sighed. It was going to be a busy couple days ahead, full of violence and history shaping events.
Koska Reeves activated her jetpack and flew into the long, dark night.
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darkmaga-retard · 24 days
I explained that Socrates has honed in on 2026 as the subsequent uptick for the disease cycle. The World Health Organization identified Mpox (monkeypox rebranded) as the latest global health emergency. This disease is not novel and the US Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) began developing a vaccine back in 2022. However, the disease was predominately spread through sexual contact, until now with the latest variant — Mpox Clade 1B.
A man in Thailand was diagnosed with the Clade 1B variant, as was an unidentified person in Sweden. Cases of mpox were on the rise in Africa but the WHO warned that it could spread. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 99% of all cases were found in men, and 94% have had male sexual encounters. Then the media began reporting on cases in children and women who were in close proximity with someone infected.
I warned that “the science” could not use this disease to promote the next pandemic as it was not airborne. I mentioned that the media was also blaming extreme heat due to climate change for an increase in cases in Africa. All of this came together to brew the perfect storm for the next pandemic, but only if it could “organically” mutate and become airborne. An airborne virus would highlight the need for masks, social distancing, and even lockdowns.
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acti-veg · 1 month
Hey, acti!
I wanted to ask if you have any resources on vegan pregnancies. Maybe some of your followers can recommend books or the like (English or German)? I found a few cookbooks but maybe some are more in-depth than others. I mostly want to be able to calm down "worried" relatives and be prepared for things that I might have to supplement differently (or whatevs).
Thanks a bunch in advance!
Hey anon, congratulations first and foremost! The American Dietetic Association state the following:
It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes. The NHS holds a similar position, with some more advice on particular nutrients to look out for and supplements to take here. healthline have a good guide too, that one is here. World of Vegan have an excellent page with a lot of other recommended reading here. There is an exhaustive guide to vegan pregnancy nutrition by a doctor here, you also may find this post interesting from the perspective of someone who has been through it. There are loads of books on the topic, you can find a list here. I hope that helps!
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brown-little-robin · 4 months
This information came to me while working on Reigen and his "Miasmas & Such Consultation Agency". Reigen is still a fraud in this au, claiming to have knowledge and powers that he really... doesn't. But instead of spiritual powers, Reigen pretends to have the ability to see clouds of "miasma" in the air, which are (of course) caused by zombies, and this "miasma" causes all kinds of problems from fences breaking down to stiff shoulders to dirty pond water.
And the thing is, Reigen is making all of this up. But he's not... exactly wrong. Reigen knows how diseases work, in general. In the process of scamming people, he actually gives them excellent advice to keep themselves healthy. And he sometimes accidentally prevents miasma from spreading—just not exactly the way he claims he does.
The thing is, every instance of zombie disease is a physical colony of little germy guys. (Bear with me, I'm not a biologist, I'm just speculating.) The germs have two life stages—juvenile and adult. "Juvenile" zombie disease is indeed a sort of miasma that hangs around harmlessly in the air in little cloud colonies. But when a miasma colony finds waterlogged flesh—a drowned animal, for instance—it migrates into that flesh, grows into its adult water- and human-borne disease form, and spreads from the water to any human that ingests it. The adult disease colony, located in a human, spreads the adult form of the disease through any water/fluid the zombie's saliva comes in contact with. The adult colony also reproduces in the fully infected zombie's lungs, causing their breath to expel new juvenile miasma colonies every so often, starting the cycle over again at the juvenile stage.
So Reigen doesn't actually exorcise miasma with any of his visual tricks (like throwing salt around), but his insistence on clean living, clean environments, and extreme care to keep your water unpolluted probably has saved lives before.
In this AU, Reigen is more of a traveling consultant, by the way! He sticks to the relatively stable and safe collection of townships and residences that used to be Seasoning City, but he's usually on the move. He often "charges" his clients a fee of hospitality, staying at their homes and eating their food for two or three days while he gives them "spiritual advice" on how to keep the "evil miasma" from "haunting" their homes again. His home base, an office in Salt Township, is often empty.
Mob doesn't realize that anyone else can sense what he thinks of as "zombie-breath clouds" until he sees Reigen's sign outside his office: MIASMAS & SUCH CONSULTATION AGENCY (OPEN)!
It's a wild guess on Mob's part, that Reigen might be like him. But the word for "miasma" on the sign is spelled with the kanji for "zombie", so he knocks on Reigen's office door and waits until the door opens.
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supremebirdbracket · 2 years
General Vulture Fun Facts
Just to share some more love!
Vultures in general
Vultures are critically important to keeping an ecosystem healthy by cleaning up carcasses and preventing the spread of disease. They have incredibly acidic stomachs with a pH of about 1, causing them to be able to digest diseases including rabies and anthrax. Through eating carrion, they destroy harmful bacteria found in rotting meat.
Vultures are a major conservation concern. Of the 23 species of vultures, 9 are critically endangered, 2 are endangered, 2 are vulnerable, 3 are near threatened, and 7 are least concern.
Most vultures have featherless necks and heads. This is partially to help them stay clean when they feed by reaching their heads into carcasses; with bald heads, they can more efficiently clean their heads and the sun can bake off detritus more easily. This adaptation also helps them regulate their temperatures.
Old World and New World vultures are only superficially similar in filling similar ecological niches. I'll go into more depth below!
Old World Vultures
Old World vultures are members of the order Accipitiformes and family Accipitridae, which includes hawks and eagles. Many of these vultures are no more closely related to one another than they are to other members of Accipitridae.
They can be generally divided into two major clades, Aegypiinae (cinereous, red-headed, lappet-faced, white-headed, hooded, and all Gyps vultures) and Gypaetinae (bearded, palm-nut, and Egyptian vultures).
While some New World vulture species forage using their sense of smell, Old World vultures have poor senses of smell and find food exclusively via sight.
Many Gyps vultures are known as griffon vultures in at least one of their common names (G. fulvus, Eurasian griffon vulture; G. coprotheres, cape griffon; G. rueppelli, Rüppell's griffon vulture; G. himalayensis, Himalayan griffon vulture).
Most Old World vulture species are of conservation concern. The most dramatic declines are in Asia due to accidental poisoning by diclofenac, a problem known as the Indian Vulture Crisis. It is caused by cattle being treated with the drug diclofenac; when these cattle die they are consumed by vultures, but diclofenac causes fatal kidney failure in vultures. This crisis largely affects Gyps and red-headed vultures and has caused a 99% decrease in Indian vulture populations since about 1990. Major declines in Africa are caused by poaching and intentional poisoning.
In ancient Egypt, vultures were associated with purity and motherhood as well as the cycle of death and rebirth.
New World Vultures
New World vultures are placed in the family Cathartidae, but nobody can agree where to put Cathartidae. It was originally in the order Falconiformes. It was then moved to the order Ciconiiformes (storks and herons) due to erroneous studies but later removed. New World vultures are now considered to be most closely related to Accipitriformes raptors, and Cathartidae may now be placed in Accipitriformes with the Old World vultures, or in its own closely-related order Cathartiformes.
These vultures can be generally grouped into two clades, one consisting of the black vulture and the Cathartes vultures, and the other including the king vulture and both species of condor.
New World vultures do not posses a syrinx (bird voice box), and so can only hiss and grunt as vocalizations.
Cathartes vultures, meaning the turkey vulture and both yellow-headed vultures, are some of the few birds to have a good sense of smell. This sense makes them the most efficient birds at finding carrion.
Black and king vultures as well as condors will follow Cathartes vultures to carcasses, where they generally tend to dominate. Condors and king vultures are larger than Cathartes vultures, while black vultures are more aggressive. However, these larger vultures are needed to tear open tough carcasses. Therefore, large vultures and Cathartes vultures rely on one another to effectively access food.
New World vultures do not build nests but rather lay their eggs directly on bare surfaces such as cliff ledges.
They cool off via urohidrosis, or urinating on their legs. They cool off as the waste evaporates, similar to how humans cool off as sweat evaporates. This process also kills bacteria accumulated on the legs at carcasses.
King and black vultures are often found depicted in Mayan codices. The king vulture is considered a divine messenger and used to depict the thirteenth day of the month, while the black vulture is associated with death and aggression.
New World vultures may vomit when threatened in order to distract the threat and to lighten themselves enough to take off quickly.
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fallenclan · 1 year
Before Grassroot's death, Otterslip was tempted to just let all of Stormsight's offenses pass by. The remarks, the rumors, the arguments.. he was willing to let it all go.
Then his son was mauled by dogs, and Stormsight failed to save him. With all the herbs and medicines, Stormsight failed to save his son, who had only become a warrior so recently.
Otterslip felt something inside of him snap that day, like a spider's web brought crashing down by the simply flap of a bird's wings.
Then he overheard Stormsight talking to himself. Wondering.. how to.. reveal his late mother was a murderer. How to reveal she had been the one to kill Sunwish.
All hesitation Otterslip had vanished in that moment.
When he asked around for Stormsight the following day, he had been told by others that the medicine cat had "gone out to get herbs". Some cats told him not to be too rough on Stormsight, that he tried his very best to save Grassroot.
Otterslip paid them no mind, but he also knew not to be obvious.
So he made it look like he gave up looking for the medicine cat.
(Something inside of him told him to give up for real. To not go through with. Please, that voice screamed, don't.
Otterslip ignored it.)
When he knew the clan wasn't paying attention, they wouldn't notice his absence, he slips out. His pawsteps as quiet as can be. Scorchstar never taught him the technique Oaktuft had taught her, but he had seen her using it.
He knew how to use it. Not to her level, but he know now.
It was easy enough to find Stormsight's scent trail. The medicine cat was easy to trail behind once Otterslip found him. The warrior stayed hidden, in the bushes and greenery.
Stormsight was not looking for herbs. He was walking, talking to himself.
Talking about how to reveal Scorchstar's sin.
Otterslip felt like something was clouding his mind. Vengeance, his heart cried, vengeance. His mind cried the same thing, and so he followed Stormsight to the cliffside.
His brown fur blended well with the dirt and rock walls. His blue eyes were a hindrance, but Stormsight never heard him.
Otterslip watched as Stormsight sat at the edge of the cliffside, deep in thought.
(No, the voice deep inside cried. Don't do this.)
He began walking, pawsteps quiet.
(No, no, no, the voice cried again. You can't. Don't!)
He was far from the medicine cat, but he was picking up speed. His heart was pounding in his hearts and his jaw was clenched.
Grassroot.. mother..
(Don't let the cycle repeat, the voice inside wailed. You can't let it repeat! Be better! Please!)
Otterslip's eyes narrowed to a fierce glare as he got closer to Stormsight's back, and he turned his body a bit.
You're a disease, just like Sunwish was. If I want to protect the clan..
(Don't! the voice shouts. Don't make the same mistake!)
I need to eradicate the disease!
Otterslip squeezed his eyes shut as he rammed his side into Stormsight, causing the medicine cat to yeowl. He opened his eyes soon after and dug his claws into the cliff top, preventing him from falling down..
Just as Stormsight was falling now.
Otterslip lets out a breath, body going slack as he watches Stormsight fall to the pointed rocks below.
They lock eyes.
"OTTER-!" Stormsight tries to shout, but he falls directly onto a pointed rock. His shout turns to a gurgle as blood fills his throat.
(The cycle continues, the voice deep inside weeps.)
- 🐆
im on the floor dude. i just. whuwhwwh
blood in Stormsight's throat preventing him from speaking. just like Scorchstar. i. have no words this is so fucking good aughaghg
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pipzeroes · 1 year
I have been thinking: COVID consciousness is like climate crisis consciousness.
People can pretend it isn't real (e.g. "climate change isn't happening," or, "COVID is over," fallacies such as this).
Others can acknowledge it is real, but be despairing, choosing to focus on "the futility of things" (e.g. "maybe we could have changed CO2 emissions in the seventies, but we're past the point of no return, and the Earth is going to burn and there is nothing we can do; DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL etc." or, "humanity brought it upon itself, there's no point in trying to prevent the spread of COVID; now everyone is going to get sick," defeatist attitudes such as this…)
But one can come to appreciate the interconnectedness of everything, and, that while one might not have the ability to control one's destiny, let alone the destiny of future generations, one does have the ability to keep trying to make things as… good as possible? As beneficial to as many as possible? Most heartening? Most loving? Even when it is difficult!
We are all interconnected!
Caring about you makes sense because you caring about me makes sense because we inhabit a common reality! Caring about one another makes our mutual reality better for ALL of us, instead of being caught up in whatever this ridiculous pretense is that everything is fine, this weird attitude that the "immune compromised don't matter, because they'd be dying anyway,"
And even though I think you should care about others
I also keep thinking
do some people
COVID infection has been documented to reduce immune function
for like
you do not have a better immune system because of moral superiority! A virus does not care about that kind of thing when it's floating through the air in tiny bits of airborne moisture!!!
And even those with previously of the most robust health do not have the assurance that their immune system will prevent long term impairment because of COVID infection; those who were previously athletes have found themselves sidelined by COVID infection.
COVID is NOT over
Some people could be brought around to taking more careful measures if they knew the actual reality of things:
COVID floats like smoke, meaning that to prevent infection whenever one is indoors with strangers (e.g. public places!) one should be wearing an effective, well-fitting mask,
COVID hampers one's immune system
It's bad to spread it to others!
Why is this a controversial opinion?!
Like, let's stop the spread of disease!
This seems like a good idea!
And some people would agree with this, but for whatever reason they're isolated/cut off from the truth, and the trick is finding ways to inform these folks…
But then…
For whatever reason…
It seems like some other people somehow cannot acknowledge reality…
And I find it the weirdest thing!
And I mean, I've been around the internet ("I've seen things you people wouldn't believe…")
I've seen how people can get into echo chambers, affirming realities they want to be true…
In the spring of 2020, I would not have imagined that things would be like this, in 2023…
I don't know what else to say?!
Care about other people?!
Take care of yourself?!
Take care of the biosphere and consider how the output of human activity impacts climactic cycles and the way the living situation will be for coming generations!?!?!?!
Avoid spreading disease because it can impair and kill yourself and/or others?!?!?!
Getting beyond the
Because the "Yes" can mean
"Yes it is irreparably bad so there is no point in caring,"
Maybe everything will fry! Maybe the next meteorite will come and wipe us out as one did the dinosaurs, and the next species to evolve will have no idea we ever existed! And caring about climate change was pointless?
So I should be the-right-amount-of-despairing?! It was better to be hopeless instead of hopeful?! No hope is the appropriate response? What if I hope, anyway?
What if somehow I make things better for someone three generations from now, even if I never meet them, even if humanity dies in five generations? Even if the world is hit by a meteorite tomorrow, why is it cringe if I try to make things better on what turns out to be the last day on the Earth?!
What if you cared about others, even if these others are coming generations and you will never meet them?
Why give into despair?
Even if things are REDONK.
There is PLAGUE; should we not be avoiding it?!
We could get beyond Yes- to but!
"Yes- there is a terrible situation!"
"...BUT this does not have to lead to despair…!"
"…BUT what we do now makes a difference, and cooperation is integral!"
Danged if I've got all the answers, but I'm pretty sure that caring about one another is a good place to start.
I may never meet you, but I can care about you.
And not saying it isn't hard. Like. It can be hard not to despair.
Keep on keepin' on!!! <3
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droctaviolovecraft · 3 days
TW: Body deformation, self surgery, vermins
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ANM №: ANM-590
Identification: Parasitic Gingival Larvae
Danger Level: Kali 🟠 | Contained ⭕️
Responsible Researcher: None
Anomaly Type: Parasitic, insectoid
Confinement: All instances of ANM-590 larvae are to be contained in a standard containment chamber at Department-05, equipped with a positive-pressure ventilation system to prevent the spread of eggs or larvae. The chamber is to be regularly monitored by Level 2 personnel, and entry is restricted to medical staff or researchers with Level 3 clearance or higher.
Any personnel exposed to ANM-590 are to undergo immediate decontamination and report to D-05's medical wing for examination. If signs of infestation are found, the affected individual is to be quarantined and treated with oral surgical removal procedures followed by a course of antiparasitic medication.
All captured instances of ANM-590 adult specimens are to be kept in an airtight containment chamber and destroyed by incineration. Under no circumstances are live adult specimens to be allowed to escape or reproduce outside of containment. Field agents are tasked with monitoring dental clinics, hospitals, and any locations with reported cases of unexplained gingival inflammation or infestations of unknown parasites.
Description: ANM-590 refers to an anomalous species of parasitic botfly (Diptera: Oestridae) that exclusively targets the gingival (gum) tissue of human hosts. Adult ANM-590 specimens are visually similar to non-anomalous botflies (Dermatobia hominis) but exhibit several key deviations. Most notably, ANM-590 demonstrates a unique parasitic reproductive cycle, wherein its larvae (designated ANM-590-1) develop within the soft tissues of the human oral cavity, specifically targeting the gums.
Life Cycle and Reproduction:
1. Adult Stage:
ANM-590 adults resemble a typical botfly in appearance, with iridescent green and black coloration and an approximate body length of 12-14 mm. Unlike common botflies, ANM-590 adults are active primarily during nighttime, seeking out human hosts through a combination of chemical signals, including pheromones produced by the human body and trace amounts of blood from gingival irritation or damage, or from bacteria likely to appear if the individual does not brush their teeth.
During oviposition, an adult ANM-590 will release a specialized neurotoxin via its ovipositor to numb the host's gums. Once the host is anesthetized, the fly deposits eggs directly beneath the gum line. This process is generally painless and often goes unnoticed by the victim.
2. Egg and Larval Stage (AMM-590-1):
After approximately 48 to 72 hours, ANM-590 eggs hatch into larvae (ANM-590-1). The larvae possess highly specialized mandibles, which allow them to burrow into the soft tissue of the gums. As they develop, ANM-590-1 larvae feed on both blood and gingival tissue, causing localized swelling, bleeding, and irritation. This stage lasts 10 to 14 days, during which time the larvae grow to a size of 8-10 mm in length.
Hosts report symptoms similar to periodontal disease, including:
Persistent itching or tingling sensation in the gums
Swollen or bleeding gums, especially when brushing teeth or eating
Unexplained tooth sensitivity
In rare cases, sensations of "crawling" or movement within the gums
Once mature, the larvae migrate toward the surface of the gums, often concentrating around the base of the teeth. At this stage, they secrete an enzyme that dissolves part of the gum tissue, creating small abscesses or lesions that allow the larvae to escape. In some cases, larvae can be manually expelled by squeezing the affected area, though this can lead to secondary infections.
3. Pupal Stage and Emergence:
Once the larvae emerge, they fall to the ground and burrow into the nearest soft substrate, where they enter the pupal stage. After approximately 1-2 weeks, adult ANM-590 flies emerge and the cycle begins anew.
Anomalous Properties:
ANM-590-1 larvae exhibit rapid tissue regeneration and healing properties in their host, preventing severe damage to the gums despite extensive feeding. This is believed to be a survival adaptation that ensures the host remains functional until the larvae reach maturity. The host's immune system is also suppressed, minimizing inflammatory responses, which further allows the larvae to go unnoticed.
While ANM-590 infestations do not typically result in fatalities, they can cause long-term dental damage if untreated. In severe cases, ANM-590 larvae may become dislodged and enter the bloodstream, causing embolisms or systemic infections, although this is exceedingly rare.
Psychological effects have been noted in several cases. Infested individuals frequently report anxiety, insomnia, and obsessive-compulsive behaviors related to oral hygiene, often excessively brushing or flossing their teeth in an attempt to alleviate the sensation of crawling or itching.
ANM-590 was first identified in 20██ after a series of reports surfaced from rural villages in Belford Roxo, Brazil, where several individuals had been admitted to local hospitals for extreme gingival irritation. Initial reports were dismissed as cases of severe periodontal disease or fungal infections, but further investigation by Institute agents revealed that the symptoms were caused by an unknown parasitic entity.
Subsequent containment efforts led to the identification of several breeding sites in tropical forested regions, where adult ANM-590 specimens were captured for study. Due to the widespread nature of non-anomalous botfly species, it is believed that ANM-590 may have existed undetected for decades before being formally classified by the MOTHRA.
Addendum 590-A:
Interview Log 590-04:
Interview with Dr. Moron, a Institute dentist and researcher who was exposed to ANM-590 while examining a patient.
Interviewer: Dr. █████
Date: 20██
Dr. Moron: "The itching. It was unbearable. At first, I thought it was just dry gums, maybe an allergic reaction to something. But then… I felt it, like something was moving under the surface. I had this irrational urge to dig into my gums, to get whatever was inside me out."
Interviewer: "You performed a self-extraction, correct?"
Dr. Moron: "Yes. I used a pair of sterilized dental tweezers and started probing around one of the swollen areas. That's when I saw them. Tiny, wriggling white larvae, right at the base of my molar. I can still feel it sometimes, even though they’re all gone. It’s like they left something behind."
Interviewer: "Did you experience any psychological effects?"
Dr. Moron: "Every night I dream about it. The sensation of them moving, feeding, growing. I keep imagining they’re still in there, just deeper. Hiding."
Addendum 590-B:
Following the interview, Dr. Moron was placed on temporary medical leave and has been referred to psychological counseling due to ongoing symptoms of parasitosis and persistent gum irritation. No further ANM-590 larvae were found during follow-up examinations.
Note: Personnel exposed to ANM-590 should be monitored closely for similar psychological aftereffects, even after physical decontamination and removal. Further research into the long-term effects of ANM-590 infestation is ongoing.
Addendum 590-C:
Due to increased reports of ANM-590 infestations in urban areas, containment teams have been deployed to dental clinics and hospitals in high-risk regions. Task Force "Mouthwashers" has been created to respond to outbreaks and prevent ANM-590 from spreading into densely populated areas.
End of File
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learnwithmearticles · 3 months
Technology's Use of Water
While water is renewable, it is finite. Its renewability depends on us using and managing our water resources responsibly.
Previous articles on this page have discussed hydropower and how it produces less waste and costs less than other resources. We have also briefly discussed how other energy sources consume water as a coolant or receptacle for waste. Entire university courses are dedicated to human uses of water.
Water Scarcity
Only 3% of water on Earth is freshwater. Of course, we need this to drink, but we need it for many more services beyond that.
Many plumbing fixtures are made of copper, which saltwater severely corrodes, same as lead and, over a longer time, PVC. Toilets on average use 1-5 gallons of water per flush. If we want to preserve freshwater by switching to saltwater plumbing, we would have to rethink and re-pipe entire plumbing systems.
We lose safe water in rain, as well. Supported by a study in Environmental Science and Technology, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 2022 stated that rainwater is not safe to drink. Chemicals known as per-/poly-fluoroalkyl substances break down extremely slowly, and have leached from many products like cleaners, fabrics, and shampoo into the water cycle. Removing PFAS from water requires filters of activated carbon or reverse osmosis membranes, which also require frequent maintenance.
A lot of water is also not available to us because it is in ice caps and glaciers, which are estimated to be about 68% of Earth’s freshwater. This water is also being lost, because as glaciers melt at increasing rates, that freshwater becomes saltwater in the ocean.
These limitations mean that water is not necessarily renewable yet, especially because treating water produces its own waste and pollution. We have to be responsible with the small percentage of water we have access to.
Irresponsible Use
There are a ridiculous amount of ways in which we waste water. Leaks, watering lawns, and leaving taps running are some of the big household wastes of water. While individual accountability and changes can still make a big difference, I want to focus on bigger impacts.
One example is in nuclear power production. Nuclear power plants use water to cool down used fuel when it is done being used in the reactor. This results in radioactive and thermal water pollution.
Agriculture is another common cause of water pollution. Excess water from rain or artificial watering runs off of agricultural fields and flows towards streams and bodies of water. This runoff often includes amounts of fertilizers and pesticides ranging from minimal to extremely harmful. This leads to improper levels of oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen within the water. Like water contaminated by pharmaceuticals, this is not safe to drink, and something not safe for skin contact.
Technology is also a major factor of water demands. Artificial Intelligence and cryptocurrency are heavy water consumers.
AI is beneficial within waste management, as it is able to quickly analyze information and identify issues, potential problems, and potential areas of improvement. Unfortunately, AI training requires a large amount of water. One study states that training GPT-3 alone can evaporate 700,000 liters of freshwater. In 2027, AI is predicted to consume 4.2 to 6.6 billion cubic meters of water. In comparison, Denmark nationally consumes around one billion cubic meters in a year.
Cryptocurrency is even worse. It goes through a process called mining in which transactions are verified and new ‘coins’ are generated into the system. This process is extremely water-demanding. For example, in 2021, mining of Bitcoin consumed more than 1,600 gigaliters of global water. On average, each cryptocurrency transaction consumes 16,000 liters of water in cooling down the computer equipment and the power plants that provide the electricity.
Saltwater as an alternative in these situations does exist; however, this process has the disadvantages of one-time use, large water intake, sewage discharge, and ocean pollution. Technology has begun to improve on this method with seawater circulation cooling technology, which reduces sewage discharge and water intake, but remains an imperfect solution.
Technology has the potential to drastically improve environmental management and restoration, but still has a long way to go before we offset the huge impacts we have made. Freshwater is taken for granted by many people, and the systems that disproportionately consume the most of it are not held accountable. This cycle must stop if we want to make water a truly renewable resource.
Additional Resources
1. Water Renewability
2. Corrosion on Plumbing
3. Treating PFAS
4. Household Water Waste
5. Nuclear Water Waste
6. AI Helping Water Management
7. AI Water Consumption
8. Crypto Mining Water Consumption
9. Seawater cooling technology
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chronal-anomaly · 1 month
The Switzerland Rehab Garden, nicknamed The Gardens, was a long term medical rehab facility for extremely private and protected clients. Members of their alum include world leaders, billionaires, and one plucky pilot destined to make history.
Lena was taken to The Gardens once she completed half of her training regimen. Her body was strong and her mind was set; they no longer referred to Lena by her name, but by The Pilot, or The Asset, for those unaware of the project. Another six months of training and she would be embarking on the Slipstream project.
The Gardens, as the name suggested, was a medical center nestled in the mountains, and overlooked both the ocean and a beautifully arranged garden that aimed to "improve the mental and physical recovery of their patients." It was several acres large, with tailored paths and places to sit and enjoy your surroundings.
Lena was booked into a private suite in a private wing, with high level contagion restrictions. This meant a portion of the garden was accessible by her balcony, but she was otherwise cut off from the other patients of the facility. To enter, a full hazmat suit was required. As such, her twenty-four hour guard was stationed outside of the ward doors and along the fence of the garden, to prevent anyone from breaking in - or breaking out.
Her care was handled entirely by Overwatch scientists, doctors, and researchers stationed there. Everyone else was excluded from knowing who resided in the north wing of the Gardens.
The vaccination schedule consisted of 2-4 vaccines a cycle, with 10 cycles. Vaccine schedule was determined by the magnitude of the disease, along with the rate of antibody production. These often came with significant side effects, usually a moderate case of whatever disease they were treating.
Lena was ill for the greater part of six months, body processing the likes of yellowfever, tuberculosis, shigella, and other international and regional viral and bacterial illnesses, both modern and ancient. Her vitals were monitored consistently in a strict quarantined environment.
There were a handful of moments where it did feel like the end, that she would succumb to the burning fever or near-constant exhaustion, but the doctors were well practiced in keeping her alive, at least until the next day. The Pilot left the Gardens approximately 9 months after arriving, labeled as 'one of the most vaccinated people in the world.'
And they worked, for the most part. The few infections she had resulted in recovery in a few weeks, while others from similar time periods succumbed to the illness. In one case, she was the only one left alive when a bout of the flu tore through a rural town she landed in for a few weeks.
Today, those antibodies are still around, still protecting her. Lena very rarely gets ill, but when she does, it can be pretty bad. Lain up in bed for days, ache in her bones, fever borderline deadly, unable to keep anything down or sleep or find much in the way of comfort. Jack and Angela are the only ones who know of this particular issue.
When it gets bad, Lena will often lock herself in her room for days, sweating through sheets and getting food delivered to her room by a medical team. They'll check her vitals, ensure she's not going to die, and give her whatever meds to make her comfortable as possible. It's usually passed in a week, two max, and Jack will typically make excuses for her enough that people don't ask questions.
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optimal-living-lab · 5 months
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Unlocking Vitality: The Importance of Cardiovascular Health
Cardiovascular health is the cornerstone of overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked in our busy lives. The heart and circulatory system play a vital role in sustaining life, delivering oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body. In this article, we will delve into the importance of cardiovascular health and explore how maintaining a healthy heart can enhance longevity, vitality, and quality of life.
The Foundation of Vitality: At the center of our cardiovascular system is the heart, a powerful muscle that pumps blood throughout the body. The health of our heart and blood vessels, collectively known as the cardiovascular system, is essential for optimal functioning. When the heart is strong and efficient, it can deliver oxygen-rich blood to tissues and organs, supporting their growth, repair, and metabolic processes.
Preventing Chronic Disease: Maintaining cardiovascular health is crucial for preventing a range of chronic diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and hypertension. These conditions are leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, yet they are largely preventable through lifestyle interventions. By adopting heart-healthy habits such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress management, individuals can reduce their risk of developing cardiovascular disease and enjoy a longer, healthier life.
Enhancing Physical Performance: Cardiovascular fitness, often measured by metrics such as aerobic capacity and VO2 max, is a key determinant of physical performance. A strong cardiovascular system enables the body to efficiently transport oxygen to working muscles during exercise, improving endurance, stamina, and overall athletic performance. Whether it's running a marathon, cycling up a steep hill, or simply climbing stairs without getting winded, a healthy heart is essential for optimal physical performance.
Boosting Energy Levels: Cardiovascular health is closely linked to energy levels and vitality. When the heart and circulatory system are functioning optimally, oxygen and nutrients are efficiently delivered to cells throughout the body, fueling metabolic processes and supporting cellular energy production. Individuals with good cardiovascular health often report higher levels of energy, improved mood, and greater resilience to stress. By prioritizing cardiovascular wellness, individuals can experience a sustained boost in energy levels and overall vitality.
Supporting Brain Health: The link between cardiovascular health and brain health is well established. A healthy heart ensures an adequate supply of blood and oxygen to the brain, supporting cognitive function, memory, and mental clarity. Research has shown that individuals with poor cardiovascular health are at increased risk of cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. By maintaining a healthy heart, individuals can support brain health and reduce their risk of age-related cognitive decline.
Promoting Longevity and Quality of Life: Perhaps most importantly, cardiovascular health is closely associated with longevity and quality of life. Studies have consistently shown that individuals with good cardiovascular health tend to live longer, healthier lives compared to those with poor heart health. By adopting heart-healthy habits and prioritizing preventive care, individuals can enjoy a higher quality of life well into their later years. Whether it's spending time with loved ones, pursuing passions and interests, or simply enjoying everyday activities, a healthy heart is the foundation for a fulfilling and vibrant life.
Conclusion: Cardiovascular health is the cornerstone of overall well-being, impacting every aspect of our physical, mental, and emotional health. By prioritizing heart-healthy habits such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, stress management, and preventive care, individuals can enhance longevity, vitality, and quality of life. Whether you're striving to prevent chronic disease, improve physical performance, boost energy levels, support brain health, or promote longevity, investing in cardiovascular wellness is an essential step toward unlocking vitality and embracing a life of health and happiness.
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