#Divine Sovereignty
thinkingonscripture · 11 months
The Role of God the Father in Salvation
God the Father is seen as the initiator, planner, and orchestrator of the salvation of mankind. God the Father is loving, merciful, and kind, and “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim 2:4), and is “not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance” (2 Pet 3:9). Salvation is necessary because of the problem of sin in the human race. All…
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jasrandal · 1 year
He does whatever he pleases
Our God is in heaven. He does whatever he pleases. Psalm 115.3 NET. God is sovereign. He cannot be manipulated or forced to act. He acts according to his character and his eternal plan. (more…) “”
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biblebloodhound · 2 months
Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility (2 Samuel 8:1-18)
"God's sovereignty does not negate our responsibility; it empowers us to live out God's purposes." D.A. Carson
In the course of time, David defeated the Philistines and subdued them, and he took Metheg Ammah from the control of the Philistines. David also defeated the Moabites. He made them lie down on the ground and measured them off with a length of cord. Every two lengths of them were put to death, and the third length was allowed to live. So the Moabites became subject to David and brought him…
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slowtumbling · 3 months
The Aeon Allegory
Divine Sovereignty and Redemption Across the Multiverse In the infinite expanse of the multiverse, there exists a cosmic tapestry, each thread representing a life of Aeon, a soul split into myriad forms. Each seeks redemption through the labyrinth of existence, navigating the complexities of their world while striving to reunite with the divine essence that binds them all.World Alpha: Aeon the…
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1whoconquers · 6 months
The Garments of Christ: Symbolism in the Soldiers' Dice Game
As Jesus hung on the cross, the soldiers cast lots for His garments. This seemingly mundane act holds profound symbolism. Let’s explore the layers of meaning behind the soldiers’ dice game. Scriptural Foundation 1. John 19:23-24 (ESV) “When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took His clothes and divided them into four parts, a part for each soldier. They also took the tunic, which was…
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gettzapped · 2 years
Free Gift 4 You!
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ankhmeanswombman · 5 months
God is an intricate designer who’s art is often misunderstood and misinterpreted by small-picture thinkers who are confused at the outcome of their lives, confused by the mission they’re graciously given and confused about the fact that some peoples karmic mission is to be cycle-breakers, no it’s not always easy but it can certainly be easier when you lay your burdened heart down on God’s eternal shoulder and find comfort and healing within. When I say God is everywhere I’m not being facetious, and by no means am I being wishy washy, perhaps this is the best kept secret, and that’s why the nefarious elites are capitalising on those staring at the sky and waiting while God’s all seeing eye within their very cells is crying amidst the calamities they have spurned for themselves. You are a face of God and that is a fortunate truth, which means you have some power to act when the 3D walls begin to fall, but you can only do so individually. You cannot force change but you can be the thread that unravels the spiral of inspiration for others who feel a heavy heart. Happiness is just around the bend. Those who feel stuck catering to faux friendship groups and fearing political motives set out by wolves in sheep’s clothing will always find it difficult to envision themselves in their divine purpose as a cycle-breaker because they have become invested in the realm of the infested just as much as the next decaying person. The good news is that the process of decay can be halted and even reversed with a clean mind and constant contemplation on the Divine Within and Without. Karma can appear ruthless and militant but it is fair nonetheless because it doles out retributions in accordance with prior actions, the result of which isn’t always seen immediately but is acted upon immediately, triggering a chain of events leading up to karmic happenings that, to the uninitiated, seemed to have “come out of nowhere”. Every action has a reaction and that’s the cold hard fact. Regain your focus and see the big picture, and suddenly every small-picture jigsaw piece will reveal itself to you as a karmic tidbit, and only then will clarity dawn upon you as to why the world is as it is. You are the world and the world is you, so be a cosmic beacon of light to those drowning in endless sea of darkness, shine independently and be so luminous and light-filled that they cannot help but be drawn into you like a black hole that sucks in all objects in its path. Influence the Earth by being the living embodiment of righteousness, innocence and purity and watch your magnetism radiate, churning positives out of negatives.
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intothegenshinworld · 2 years
C1 || The Legend of a Creator
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『 "Let there be light." 』
...and light was.
THE DIVINE ONE dreams of nothingness.
A cluster of radiance rises from the east while a cluster of luminosity gathers on the west, painting an eternal twilight. Fragments—likened to the former yet complementing the latter—scatter across the sky to bequeath the morning grace and illuminate the evening gaze. Time has yet to flow yet life already breathes, unconquered by any unit of measure at the face of divinity. A bewitching alto flirts with a gallant bass, while the tenors of pandemonium courted the harmonizing soprano.
The choir sang together as They descend unto the water's surface, causing ripples.
One final note sustains, and it too fades.
『 I, begin carving the land and mountains 』
THE ASTRAL GODDESS has no tangible form, yet resembles a humanoid figure.
A mere will projected through a lucid dream, She moves according to the whims of her childish heart and pensive mind. From specters of light, desires beckon life into various shapes of existence. Her hands spread out and rise like a conductor about to begin an orchestral performance. The world stills obediently, and incandescent eyes flutter close with a deep inhale. A flick of the wrists turns Her palms up, and Her eyes snap open with a sharp exhale.
Just like that, the world moves again.
"Do you want a naptime story?"
"Yes, please!"
The divine conductor motions for an uprising and, by Her holy command, stone henges answer from sand like marble columns yet to be sculpted. Many sets of jagged rocks line up in random patterns to form dangerous cliffs. Landmasses took shape amongst barren dunes, blessing it with somewhat dry yet nonetheless fertile soil. Unrefined pillars were sharpened as mountains. A few sets of them softened to be hills and valleys, making way for something that is yet to come. Countless more transfigured into canyons and plateaus, occupying the shores of a desolate world where She walked with pride. Soft touches grazed the dancing grains, as Her feet dig into its cushioning surface.
As the beat and tempo changed by motions of the conductor, so did the land that transformed candidly according to the movements of Its creator.
How dull. She mused.
Thus, provoked by Her word, rain begins to fall.
The limitless blue sky gave parts of itself, dividing this unconquerable ocean into two.
『 Then, forge the cauldrons— 』
The Astral Goddess pauses.
Her hands gracefully lower to a forward push, tilting as if to scale. Clenched into fists, they cross over each other and pull back to chastely kiss the skin of delicate shoulders. It is a position reminiscent of a pharaoh about to be laid in their sarcophagus for the final departure. Alas, this goddess in human form is far from done with Her masterpiece.
Rather than halting like previously, the world seems to rumble in anticipation.
With a much softer and longer exhale, Her eyes narrow in glinting passion. Then, tight fists snap to their respective sides as if pulling a rope taut. They release only for the right to rise while the left lowers, dual cues assigned simultaneously. The movement is careful and deliberate yet holds a paradoxical flamboyance, much like the dance of a gypsy.
By Her will, the landmasses conformed.
"We're here, Sol. You're safe."
"Nothing will ever harm you, little sis."
The ground cracked open as sand falls to trenches that show burning hot lava. Distance is so far apart from the peak to the depths, showing only a line of vermillion left aglow. The rumbling turned into raging quakes, and soon, an eruption is nearly afoot. The magma was boiling, liquid fire beginning to run wild like turbulent rapids. This heat seeps into growing fissures, succumbing to the pressure which beckons forth and above.
Wrists bent and arms flailed to every other direction, persuading the elements to submit.
The Astral Goddess shapes the gaps between the landmasses. Her fingertips twitched like a master puppeteer at work. One hand rose to point to the sky, two fingers left to stand. It spun around to resemble an impromptu magic wand, before finally striking down and forward as if an order to charge.
What once was a drizzle turned heavier. A downpour precipitation of the sky's tears.
How lively. She mused.
Thus, encouraged by Her word, the sky poured until it could cry no more.
『 —that hold the oceans 』
The fiery depths are fed with raindrops, cooling the lava at the bottom. Steam erupts from the clash of heat and cold. The vermillion shades of liquid flame become black tar, until everything solidifies into an igneous rock surface. Throughout the process, the sands still run down as if within an hourglass and it fills the gap of the chasms alongside the rain.
The world begins to flood, and only the highest peaks serve to remain as landforms.
Tectonic plates now connect through seas and their shorelines. Waves sway and dance to drag against the rocks by the cliffs, heavy pebbles lining along the sandy coves. Continents remain afloat amongst the oceans, mountains standing tall as they relish the rainfall. Water feeds the soil which soon grows life that paints the landmasses green and brown. Flat muddy ground transformed into luscious plains, as orchards bore fruit and gardens sprung flowers.
Everything flourished while nurtured by Her caring touch and thoughtful guidance.
Amongst the sands, there is an oasis. Amongst the forestry, there is a meadow. Amongst the coves, there is a coastline.
Alas, there had been too much tears.
"Did you make new friends?"
"Be careful! Don't let them peck you."
The Astral Goddess concluded everything to be too scattered with neither grace nor finesse. By ruling of Her summoned scepter, She calls forth the might of both skies and seas. The holy staff spins to put the currents in motion, whirlpools abound and typhoons stirred by winds. The mountains brace against the calm before the storm. A discreet tremble vibrated against the soles of Her feet, yet She only smiled in doting reassurance.
How brave. She mused.
Thus, empowered by Her word, the storm brewed.
The lands, the seas, and the skies converge to make the world. By will of Her Eminence, this planet shall be reformed.
Therefore, spring passes so this complacent realm can experience the wonders of summer.
Alas, it is not the heatwave that awaits.
『 I project a storm 』
The Astral Goddess swiftly brings the scepter down as an unspoken command.
Lightning strikes and thunder closely follows in a raging uproar. The oceans sing louder like a choir of alluring merfolk and sirens. Scorchmarks imprint on countless areas, signatures of the mighty lightning's glow. The continents shake at the loud snarls of thunder, accompanied by untamed waves.
Then, autumn and winter arrive.
"Maybe we can visit again someday!"
Viridescence is met with the passing of seasons, as what once bloomed have now dried and wilted. The ones that linger to brave the frost are encased in numbing ice. Morning dew halts upon its trail, and morphs as icicles by the breath of bitter cold. Mist and fog slither across the lands similarly to a corpse bride's ghastly veil. The steam becomes vapor which condenses from the compacting cold.
Then, the hailstorm began to descend.
Every drop of sleet hit with precision and accuracy, acting as the pottery wheel to Her Eminence while the land as Her clay. Everything bent and broke before being remade anew. The cycle repeats over and over again. When the sky ran out of clouds, pressure gathered below so a volcano can erupt and produce more vapor against the waters.
How dreary. She mused.
Thus, emboldened by Her word, the skies provided a more ruthless aid and called the winds.
『 A whirlwind of gales and torrents 』
The Astral Goddess danced blissfully.
Her tiptoes touched the torrential waters, rippling as whirlpools while executing one jeté to another. When She lands on a mountain peak or cliff edge, a playful fouetté is demonstrated. Being a supportive partner, the gales blow to help Her glide and flutter whenever a plateau is much too far. The currents direct a song to the rest of the elements that performed alongside their prima ballerina, reminiscent of the fairies with their sugar plum princess. Typhoons and hurricanes come together, either to destroy or to recreate.
1, 2, 3...
1, 2, 3...
1, 2, 3...
The hailstorm gains direction through the whirls of violence, yet calms by opposing breezes. The rays of lightning enlighten the gloom. The magma burns in embers which transition into an inferno beyond the ashclouds. Waves rise to heights that appear as monsters from the depths comparable to a kraken or a leviathan. It is the calamity before the dawn of creation, an enactment of genesis. It is a mass catastrophe of poetic irony in dramatic proportions.
This is chaotic anarchy before the unifying order...
...and it was magnificent.
『 Give TEYVAT its form 』
In Cosmogenesis, the realm is emptied.
Therefore, nobody was present to witness as its gateway displays a planet being born from a galaxy far away. The gaping maw vibrantly shines in a flurry of starlight and cosmic dust. It then beholds a world, so meek and so young, without even a solar system that kept it afloat. This celestial body is sustaining itself by the powers which lie within its epicenter. If anything, a new system was being born alongside it—perhaps even originating from it.
"What do you wish to see next, Sol?"
It began as a mere orb of light, changing colors like an indecisive child.
Then, a projection of divinity and mystique shoots out with radiant wings. The silhouette of imperial brilliance possesses a feminine bodice. Her luscious locks of hair waved like an ebony veil of the starry nightsky. This is a stark contrast to everything else about Her stature which sparkled. The planet in Her altruistic grasp is sculpted according to an old montage of memories and dreams. It transforms from a round beacon into a sphere that pulses with renewed vigor.
How precious. She mused.
Thus, enriched by Her word, creation begins to take its first breath and first beat. Upon Her palms, a gem brilliantly gleams amidst the starry void.
TEYVAT shath be thy name.
『 A cosmic array so vibrant 』
The Astral Goddess smiled triumphantly.
Her mystical figure begins to fade as She holds this new fragile jewel in hand. A young celestial body, It is the first of all Her creations that have yet to come and be born. Its sheer potential awaits discovery and refinement, both of which will someday be unraveled to a grand fruition. All it would take is patience with a touch of passion and determination.
"Little Traveler, wherefore art thou?"
Then, She returns from whence They came.
As if the universe welcomes Its existence, a galaxy surrounds It. Clouds of stardust kiss It in welcome, and vibrant gas of colors danced in celebration. The other stars twinkled in greeting from afar while Its sun and moon beamed at each other.
Long may It thrive in the cosmos.
『 Born, emerging from heat and flames 』
PRIMO STELLA pulses to the beat of The Divine One's heart, steady yet profound.
Alas, the heat continues to be repressed. It seethes like a fury that refuses to simmer down, yet also not quite willing to lash out. From the hearth of embers procured by the planet-star, pieces were shed like glass fragments. They revolve around the radiant core, glinting as ethereal light reflected upon each surface. White flames burn amongst the blues, searing as the shards took shape—all of them were spherical yet imperfect.
Each of these spheres were fed by the Primo Stella's gracious light. They shine like beacons, glimmer like diamonds. Resembling the art of blowing glass, every one is a masterpiece born from the heat and flames of a planet-star.
Then, in a blink, they all dispersed.
Amongst the magma of Teyvat's crust, the children of the earth and sky had risen.
A solar chariot brought forth heat and life which burned unlike any fire. It was an unmatched lord of daylight, piloted by stars which go unseen. Behind the wheels, ivory smoke take the form of clouds amidst the freshly painted sky. To provide life upon the land, Teyvat eludes the dreamy gaze of the starry void by donning this azure mask.
Following is the silver carriage that carried three: the ruling ladies of the night. The moons held different shapes, brimming with uneven luminosity—labelled as the quarter, the gibbous, and the crescent. Rule of sovereignty over the nightsky switches thrice before completing the lunar month with a full moon. In the world of Teyvat, there was no such thing as a moon coated in complete darkness...for the night must remain illuminated.
Thus, the overlords of heaven above reigned as the keepers of time.
Nevertheless, they are all mere husks wherein lies the holy grails of divine light. For the sacrament of wishes have yet to begin, all laid still upon the unreachable until sentience be giveth unto thee.
『 Withstand waves of destruction 』
The Astral Goddess takes a theatrical bow.
The world croons as if in applause, elements uniting to engulf Her within an encompassing embrace. It was strangely warming despite the chill. The winds surrounded Her in a gentle whirlwind. The seas spun along the same direction, as if to safeguard Her in a whirlpool barrier. A pillar rises from below, elevating Her to new heights. Magma and flame burst from the column, interjecting the intimate pas de deux between maelstrom and monsoon. Vines crawled and clung to petite limbs as well as long locks of wavy hair, blooming as decorative accessories. The sky is lit by the lightning's glow as frost and snow is condensed by the stratosphere. Her divine silhouette concludes the curtain call with a final fouette, and then followed by a flawless arabesque.
"Goodnight, my sweet little one."
Then, She disperses in fluttering curtains of aurora borealis. Some spiral as the rays spread across the ebony blanket, and a few fading into gray clouds of the night. Immaculate wisps playfully twinkle upon the capes, blending with the farther stars of Outer Space. These mischievous wisps hid in plain sight whenever the chariot rode, but remain constant as the cycles of the moon.
Meanwhile, the coalescence of elements found their respective places in Teyvat. It reached a pinnacle of clarity to never forget this momentous birth. The dawn of creation is something that will be engraved unto every lifeform which shall exist onwards.
From the sands, gigantic sets of pillars grew and were shaped into mountains. Some became valley and others softened into lower hills, all bearing the geometric lines of golden geo. Rain fell to water the dry dunes, bestowing oasis with the noble mark of hydro. Barren soil is then enveloped with greenery and life, showering the lands in wise dendro. Only then, the storm arrived as the pavane for the eternal electro. Sleet and hail were delivered by violent whirlwinds, accompanied by the torrential oceans in a collaboration of anemo and cryo. Then, beneath it all, flames burst forth with eruptions of ashes and magma as the proud regards of pyro.
Teyvat persevered as a meager kimberlite in pursuit of an ambition to become a diamond.
『 Unaltered in Heaven's wake 』
THE DIVINE ONE remained in darkness, having lost track of how long They spent in solitude.
Only memories kept madness at bay, taking a vague semblance of dreams. It filled Their heart with many wishes, a searing desire to live. Melodic blues are soothed by the calling of an abyss where stars and planets gleam amongst nothingness. A spectrum of twilight cloaked the dimension as a theatrical replica of a legitimate landscape. Alas, it lacked the will and quintessence of a true purpose.
Perhaps, with time, those will come too—
"We love you, little sister."
—and perhaps, that time amounts to ten years.
Unbeknownst to She Who Sleeps, the cradle burns with new life. The first star expands around Them, shifting into another form by the demands of She Who Awakened. The memories of one provides the guidance which enables the other to create. They waited in purgatory while months blend together as if they were mere hours.
From the light of a cosmogenic star, a planet has finally reached completion.
It is a surge of nostalgia, the explosion of heat and flames with sparkling stardust. Two delicate hands welcome the orb of life, shaping and painting it like a porcelain vase. A once in a lifetime phenomenon has imprinted itself unto the universe, taking root in order to thrive.
『 Time and space 』
SOLSTICE holds no clear recollection of the past ten years she had spent asleep.
Instead, she dreams of a vague memory when she was so little. Her body felt feverish and sore, overall uncomfortable. This greatly worried the twins as they thought she was not taking their travels well, perhaps due to her age. Lumine held her close while Aether activated the gateway of Cosmogenesis to summon an omnipotent presence. It was the first Outlander, the great Ancient amongst the Elders.
Elder Odin was his name.
His voice sounds as old and wise as his reputation has preceded. Nevertheless, the authority behind it stood strong and proud. It demanded respect yet chivalrously welcomed those who seek counsel.
"Your sister," he said, "holds unique powers like the few that came before her. It is something that slightly differs even amongst Outlanders."
Aether frowned, "You mean the fact she was born from a nebula rather than from a star?"
Odin grunted affirmatively, "Yes. This is just a phase and it shall pass soon. The fever is merely her body transitioning to accept that power little by little."
Lumine bit her lip anxiously before adjusting her hold on their youngest sibling.
"Is there any way to prevent these fevers from getting too bad?" She asked.
The Elder chuckled warmly, "It will likely be a rare event after this so fret not. As long as you keep her star—the Primo Stella, as I recall—sealed and near her, everything shall be good until her 16th year."
"What if the seal breaks prematurely?"
The Lord Elder is quiet for a while, creating a mild tension that made the twins shiver.
"Nothing good, I would assume." Odin answered.
He sighs, "It brings me great sorrow to tell. All other Nebula Outlanders have been lost, and so too their older siblings. We assume that they have all chosen mortality to permanently lose their potential, to not risk its unpredictable awakening. In solidarity, their siblings have likely joined them. Unfortunately, the price of such choice is the severance of their bonds to Cosmogenesis. Therefore, we hold no further records of them to speak as example."
The twins listen attentively, swallowing a small hitch of anxiety in their throats.
"Only one particular instance," the Elder continues, "was a seal prematurely lifted. They too—the Nebula Outlander involved and their sibling—have vanished from the watch of Cosmogenesis, as if having either perished or detached like the rest."
Aether and Lumine stared in astonishment. They simultaneously look at their sickly sister, hearts clenching at her heaving breaths.
"Alas," the Elder interjected, "you could be different."
"How so?" Aether asked eagerly.
"Not only is your sister a rare existence, but so are both of you—twin Outlanders and their younger sibling. There is a reason why Luciel brought forth more than one miracle."
Lumine tilted her head, "I don't understand."
"Someday, you will. Destiny finds a way."
The memory fades into soot, like a picture burning away to the greedy touch of fire.
From that same touch, she felt herself float. As a drowning sailor would perceive the surface, a light ripples just beyond her grasp. Her hand reaches up and the waves helped her get closer rather than weigh her down. The starry dreamscape was left in the abyss where the void previously cradled her.
It is a rebirth that she now can remember.
No supernova exploded from the depths of oblivion, but the sensation is strikingly similar. Unfathomable forces compressed within her being, impatiently trying to break free. It was a knot, tightening and tightening, until the rope finally broke.
『 Born, emerging from heat and flames 』
The Divine One can feel wings spread from Their shoulder blades, resembling satin ribbons made of fluorescent lights. A tattoo embeds unto the skin of Their back, tracking down the entire spine. Amidst the void where time serves no merit, They begin to transcend a plane of existence to divinity. A decade of slumber paves the path for spiritual resonance between Primo Stella and the child of Luciella.
Now, it is time to awaken as a whole.
The day has come to leave the void of dreams. The present beckons Her to listen. Much like Her birth in cosmogony, She is reborn through heat and flames of the star she bore.
"What are you wishing for, sis?"
Let thy fair lullabies of yestereve be replaced by thy mellifluous hymns of morrow.
Thus, from the shadows, She is revived.
『 Tempered by violent rays 』
Teyvat rejoices for The Creator.
A magical surge spreads across the sands, the seas, and the skies. No stone was spared, nay even a drop of innocent dew. Everything and everyone felt Their Eminence rise to the surface, henceforth all shall bow in humble delight. Elemental essence took form in sentient globes, a species of monsters living as condensed energies of the planet. Diamond ores sprouted wings to flutter across the continents, and flora bloomed amidst the saturated energies that lingered from the cosmic wave. The power that ran through the veins within this celestial body had bestowed animated existence, similar to an angel's breath. These ties that bind function as unspoken links to The All-Creator, as if weaving strings of fate by demon's blood.
To those whom bore witness, no words could attest their euphoria. The All-Creator was a sight unlike any other, a Grecian marble statue embellished with white gold and draped in silk.
Wings unfold, She grants divine light to all that witnessed the awakening. The seven elements had converged in a wild fugue which ironically tempered the celestial energy. Her Eminence descends to a bed of flowers where glowing eyes closed, not to rest but to regain cognizance of oneself. The holy wings dispersed into feathers of light, a thousand wisps vanishing as fleeting dreams.
From afar, a giant wolfdog watches shrewdly.
Heterochromatic eyes of sapphire blue and emerald green glower at the resplendent light. A furcoat of auburn brown swayed alongside the gales, mocking the novelty of pottery clay. Unlike his realm brothers, his purpose is not to guide but to observe. In turn, his territory is far more accommodating and leaves the planet plenty of means to communicate. If truly necessary, his presence can simply be an extension of disciplinary aid. When that is no longer required, he can fade back to the dull peace of nonexistence.
Thus, as The Creator was delivered upon the land, the colossal wolfdog sprints.
It is time to uphold his duty.
Then, Solstice snaps her eyes wide open.
『 Come, come see her withstand 』
It was an overall surreal experience.
Solstice barely registers anything around her as she woke up to this new world. There is a passing of soft murmurs that buzzed in her ears. It sounded as if something was cooing at her. Her sight is still mildly blurry, a case of drowsiness lingering which her eyes try to blink back. Some of her limbs feel numb yet she exerts the effort to regain a sense of feeling, at least enough to move. Nose twitching, she follows the scent of freshwater and the sound of steady running streams. She crawls her way through the blades of grass that oddly seem to part as she went.
Alas, with her muddled mind, the young lady failed to notice such peculiarities.
As soon as her hand touched water, Solstice did not waste a second to wash her face. Once she gained clarity, she hydrated herself after making sure it was clean enough for consumption. A breath of relief escaped past her lips, eyes closed in comfort. Rays of sunshine warmed her skin, bathing every pore with morning grace. Though her locks were tangled, they gave a lustrous gleam as drops of water touch the wavy strands.
The current location is filled with greenery yet not as imposing as a forest and jungle would feel. Walls of stone unevenly surrounded her from the eastside, judging by the sun's rise, curving around as cliffs of medium height. The plateaus smelled like flowers, and petals rained to decorate the unseen gentle breeze with an array of colors. Grass encompassed the ground in varying shades of green and cleared areas were coated in rich bronze soil. A number of flat stones are spread and scattered like unfinished pathways, accompanying a small orchard that range from thin bamboo trees to tall oaks. At the wayside, there is a river leading to a lake and waterfall at the heart of the curvature.
"Where am I?" Solstice wondered.
Immediately, she was struck with a bout of anxiety despite the wonderful landscape. This moment of unease displayed her inexperience in the wild. She tries to remember everything else that had plausibly happened which led to this predicament. Her mind was coming up with blanks, and she really wants her siblings to just be here.
That is it.
Her siblings...
As she always did, her first instinct was to call out for the two people that grounded her to security.
"Atti..? Mimin...?"
The lonely Outlander pauses in shock, touching her throat swiftly. Was that her voice? Why did it sound so unfamiliar, as if belonging to an adolescent?
At that realization, Solstice finally paid attention to the changes in her body. Looking down, her hands turned this way and that while flexing her fingers in demonstration. They were longer and more slender, reminding her of Lumine's hands yet less calloused—a stark reminder of inexperienced youth. She also notices that her hair was longer than how she last left it, likely reaching her knees if she stood up. At the moment, the wavy strands only trailed on the ground where she sat. Her eyes trailed towards her torso as her breath hitched upon finding the source of heaviness—a grown chest.
"Am I in Mimin's body?!" She exclaimed.
The astonishing conclusion made her crawl back towards the lake. Instead of seeing her older sister's reflection, a young adult version of herself stared back with hysterical confusion. As the water showed her the truth, fear ensnared her heart.
Solstice screamed, recoiling in horror.
Her chest heaved as she hyperventilated, panic coursing through her veins. Goosebumps slithered on the surface of unblemished skin.
"Calm down."
Aether's voice echoed from her memories.
"Calm down. Take deep breaths, Sol."
Solstice closes her eyes in an attempt to focus. She grasped onto the memory of her brother amidst a stormy night. It was the first time she experienced thunder and lightning in one of their travels. Lumine was out for a week-long commission, leaving Aether to care for their little sister. She can recall his warm embrace and the way he drowsily rocked her while sitting on the bed.
Then, he began to hum their old lullaby.
In unison with the distant memory, the young lady began to sing the verses under her breath. The mere sound was too achingly strange to be as real of a comfort as it ounce felt. It cracked here and there due to lack of use. Otherwise, it shook uncertainly like a lost child's weeping for a guardian to guide them back home. However, as the lullaby came to a close, a very miniscule hint of acceptance registered within the young woman.
This is her voice now.
Solstice hesitantly went back to the water, checking her reflection again. Her slender fingers pulled on her cheeks, pinching the skin and turning it rosy after letting go. She swept back her long fringes and leaned forward, squinting at the fine lady staring back at her skeptically.
"Is this...me?" She questioned.
A gasp escaped her lips as if hearing herself for the first time all over again, but calmer. She definitely sounded more mature and less pitchy, resembling Lumine yet much softer. Her eyes dampened a bit, slightly overwhelmed by these abrupt changes. It was partially due to hormones suddenly spiking as she has just recently awakened to this older body, sending it to a gradual overdrive.
Solstice shook her head firmly, determined to stay composed and on track.
"That's right, baby sis! You can do it."
Lumine's voice echoed in her mind this time, a sign of encouragement to push forward. It had always been that way. While her older brother protects and keeps them grounded, her older sister enables them to pursue things out of their comfort zones. It is also how the twins worked even before their little sister was born.
Aether pulls back and defends.
Lumine pushes forth and attacks.
Solstice is the anchor, their balance, and a pillar of support that provides rest.
"Now, let's keep moving!"
There is always time and method to adapt.
First is traverse. Never stay in one place for longer than necessary if she wants to make progress. It is always advisable to scout for safe routes that will lead to anything of value. The priority in this step is to seek an acceptable camp or shelter before night strikes, a time where predators are prowling.
Second is observe. Always know one's limits and never engage anything unless beyond certain it is not a threat. If required, only take a risk when there are no other options for survival. Trust is earned both ways when addressing strangers.
Third is forage and scavenge. Once a settlement has been decided, search for resources and provisions for tonight. If possible, gather as much supply that will last until tomorrow so full health is guaranteed for further travels. Being near a freshwater source such as rivers and lakes is always ideal.
Finally, repeat all three steps. In some cases, hunting is part of step two. However, as mentioned, it is vital to always assess the target before engaging. In such situations wherein confrontation is not an available option, use step three as a way to gather materials for entrapment.
With that in mind, the wayward sister regains the confidence to carry onward.
『 Waves of destruction— 』
Solstice wasted no time after regaining composure, running off to find her siblings.
It was a strange venture into the unknown that oddly felt familiar as well. Everything was so new to her yet a nagging part in her mind found this world to be nostalgic at the same time. Her current attire is not quite appropriate for a trek in the wilderness, let alone a hike in the mountains. Furthermore, this is the first time she is left alone to fend for herself in the wild. In the rare instances neither Aether nor Lumine could stay with her for a day, there would be an appointed guardian to babysit her—the rare close friends her siblings allowed themselves to trust and have. If they were in a world lacking a populace, she was given every resource she would need in their temporary shelter.
Now, the little traveler only has her wits to use every single thing her siblings had taught.
"I can do this," she nodded nervously to herself, "I'm an Outlander too! I can figure out a way to survive on my own...at least, until Atti and Mimin come back."
A pessimistic thought strays into her mind, placing doubts within her subconscious.
What if...her siblings do not come for her?
Solstice shook her head firmly to dissuade herself from believing such negativity. It may take a long time but the twins will come for her. They always will because they promised. Aether and Lumine never break their word once they have given it, especially to their little sister. Her faith in them is stronger than anything in the universe, rivaled only by their love for each other. Right now, she just has to endure and wait patiently until they arrive. Besides, she can never forget the basic skillset routine she has been taught to master since she could walk and talk.
The young Outlander did not know how long she ran but it was enough to start feeling hunger and slight fatigue. Keen eyes observe their surroundings yet detect nothing but trees. She has delved deeper into the forest, and she can hear running water becoming clearer to her ears. It is not the harsh impact of a waterfall from whence she came, but more like the softer flow of cold streams. That was her cue to make a beeline towards the sound.
Hopefully, there will be some fish she can catch or fruit trees she can climb to harvest. This body still moves a little clumsily due to the new height and weight added to her formerly small size. It does not help that she is currently barefoot and clothed only in a flowy dress. Nonetheless, she feels far from dejected about her circumstance. If anything, she is starting to reawaken her sense of adventure with excitement and anticipation.
Solstice pulled and cut a few strings of vines to tie up her hair. Then, she searched for a stick and stone she can sharpen into a spear. Her soft palms are likely going to get blistered by the end of the day, but a part of her relishes the possibility. It will be like an achievement for her age of independence.
"I'm coming for you, fishies!" Solstice exclaims.
The process was rambunctiously done yet she did not forget to pay respects in her mind. After all, she was reaping life in order to serve her own. Even for the littlest fish or the mightiest of boars, the twins raised her to respect each one.
Thus, she prayed.
"May thou spirit forever swim amongst purest waters, as thou body serve to sustain thy life of mine."
The young wanderer managed to catch at least one fish large enough to keep her full for tonight. A lot of berry shrubs were found by the riverbank, ripe and juicy for the taking. They function as good garnishes and tasty desserts. A campfire kept her warm and she was satisfied despite the splinters the firewood gave her. By the time she was all tuckered out, the moons reached the apex and her eyes eventually drifted shut in sweet dreams.
Unfortunately, the campfire fizzled out in the middle of the night. It was haphazardly made in the first place so it was to be expected.
Solstice shivered as her body instinctively curled up to a tighter ball. Unbeknownst to her, a few vines crawled to gather up more logs and arrange it on the campfire spot. A lone pyro crystalfly flutters ever so gracefully and lands on the lumber. It glows before releasing a small fiery burst, flickering away once the embers began to burn. The tree branch of the willow that provided shade for the sleeping beauty bent down like an extended limb. It stretched over the fire to feed it by shaking off a few leaves, and then returned to its prior position. The flame spread to devour the entirety of the logs, burning brighter in gratitude. The evening breeze warmed just as it blew from the seashores.
Teyvat wishes Its maker goodnight.
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Solstice knew she was being watched.
If she had been sound of mind since the beginning, she would have noticed sooner. Alas, she needed time alone to regain her bearings. The moment she did, a piercing shiver went down her spine. It was neither hostile nor dangerous, just very meticulous and shrewd. This watchful warden followed her at all times, no matter where she went. Although, it seems to respect her privacy by theoretically looking away whenever she needs to relieve herself.
"Show yourself." She demanded.
Nothing happened.
Huffing irately, she tried for a different approach—a mannerly one.
"Please reveal yourself." She amends.
For a moment, nothing happened and she thinks it did not work.
However, there was the faint sound of rustling grass as the being took steps towards her. The pads of a paw swiftly passes, and then in a blink, a creature emerges. Whatever it was, the thing appears to be a huge quadrupedal animal. A single paw—almost the size of two human heads—steps out of the shadows, revealing dark brown fur that shines in bronze under the moonlit night. Thick black claws with sharp tips of white elongated to dig into the dirt. A mismatched pair of blue and green irises with slit pupils glares back at her, stern yet not unkind. It seems to emit flamelike tails at the end of its lashes, similar to the spirits of nature that guard the realm.
Apparently, that was all it planned to show of itself.
The second Solstice blinked, the eyes vanished—
—yet she still felt them watching.
『 —unaltered in Heaven's wake 』
It took a few weeks for her to learn.
Solstice was willing to admit that she grew up a little spoiled by her siblings. The twins denied her almost nothing and did all they can for her sake. It was not farfetched to say that she was sheltered in that sense, despite traveling to countless worlds. She was still disciplined when necessary, but being naturally optimistic yet mild-mannered helped avoid any scolding. Granted, she did not have the typical childhood that allowed her stability and friends—which likely played a part to her occasionally taciturn behavior. However, for the most part, she had everything she could need and want in life.
Aether and Lumine did their best to raise her well, which honestly was enough for Solstice.
Now, she has to educate herself how to survive alone and get the hang of things.
Being adventurous, Solstice sincerely did not mind this new arrangement. Of course, she struggled a lot with this sudden independence; but like always, her curiosity for the world made it all worthwhile. She did pay attention to how Aether lit their campfires, and how Lumine set up a temporary shelter. She watched attentively from afar whenever they set up traps or hunted, how they create fishing rods out of sticks and vines. All Outlanders were built to gather information like that for survival.
Honestly, what bothered her the most was her own body and its abrupt transition.
Outlanders technically do not have birthdays. They are all born in cosmogony, the center of eternity where time is an absent construct. There was no way to tell apart the days, weeks, months, and years from each other. Nonetheless, every one of them can feel a change in their bodies every technical year they turn older; and by hopping to their first world just as this subtle transition occurs, they can figure out their supposed birthday through that world's calendar cycle. These rites of passage will only stop on their 16th year, the pinnacle of maturity for all cosmic Outlanders. The Elders had told them that an Outlander will be capable of aging past that boundary at varying circumstances and in different rates of speed. Some could do it upon reaching their hundredth, thousandth, or even millionth world; and others only attain such ability after finding their true home. The oldest physical age that Outlanders have gotten so far—without giving up their immortality, of course—is 35-years-old, which applies to most of the Elders excluding Odin. It is said that Odin's physical form resembles a man in his late 70s.
Solstice stared down at her reflection on the river, filled with both intrigue and a tinge of fear. She had changed while asleep. From a child to a teenager, she deduced that at least a decade has passed. She reached the age of maturity while in slumber, and Primo Stella was no longer in the relic. The rattle is still kept on her person, but the star it had sanctified is long gone.
She distinctly recalls what fate may have befallen it, the day she got separated from her siblings.
Horrified, Aether and Lumine urgently reached out for their little sister. For that brief moment, even the small child felt that something went terribly wrong—a tiny mistake she never meant to happen. Solstice looked back at the twins and also reached out.
"Solstice—!!!" They cried out.
Alas, the moment she blinked, the world turned black and everything else felt like a dream.
Solstice bit back a grimace at the blurry memory, ashamed by her foolhardiness.
"Aether and Lumine said it was supposed to merge with me on my 16th year." She murmured, "Is that what happened? Or..."
She did not finish her thought and instead pursed her lips shut. A delicate hand reaches up, tracing the contours of her throat. Her voice has changed as well, losing its pitchy squeaks to a lower tone that seems more refined. It was very strange to hear this rich tone come from her. A part of her feels anxious and timid, as if she does not belong in her own skin; but it was not as if she felt like rejecting this body either, proving it is truly hers. Fortunately, she is now getting used to it the more she talked. Although, a fellow conversationalist would have made all of this a better prospect.
Speaking of which, this world is peculiar.
Solstice began to encounter more wildlife as she explored further. It is unknown whether her sheer inexperience or her love for animals held her back from hunting often. The general preference in meal routines seem to center on the fruits and vegetation she could pick. She can see that the expanse of the continent holds varying terrains. As of now, she has managed to visit a few beaches and traversed the majority of the jungle. At some point, she managed to settle down in a hidden cavern by a rapid creek that flowed onto a huge lake—the perimeters of which were surrounded by an orchard of fruit trees.
The location was too good to be true, yet she found it by following a kaleidoscope of crystalflies. The notion of finding a sanctuary through them was a little too convenient. Although suspicious, she knew better than to look at a gift horse in the mouth. Thus, she merely counted her blessings gratefully.
Time also passes inconsistently and a part of her is confused whether the climate is to blame. On some weeks, she felt as if the sun stays up too long; and on others, she felt as if it arrives too late. The cycles of night and day were weird yet—in all honesty—far from inconvenient. If anything, it was almost as if time itself aided her in getting a better schedule.
In fact, it was almost as if the sun was a personal spotlight that protectively looms over her.
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It was three months later that Solstice made a very impactful discovery.
After finalizing a settlement for herself, she began to notice the peculiarities of this world—especially the utter convenience of resources. It is not so obvious that the strange occurrences warranted suspicion, only confusion. There has been a lot of times in her travels wherein an unexplained phenomenon occurs at the most convenient opportunity. In particular, this is applicable to whenever she is facing more trouble than she could handle.
Solstice can be rather clumsy with self-care due to her spirited nature. She never had to worry in the past since the twins were present to remind her or, better yet, dote on her. A rosy hue flushed on her cheeks in embarrassment at the remembrance, now realizing how much they really pampered her. It made her all the more appreciative of those days, and longing to experience it all again. Sometimes, these reveries can lead to serendipitous encounters.
Once, she spent too much time adventuring into the woods and neglected to bring food. As if to pacify the growls of her stomach, an apple fell on her head with a resounding thud. It came all the way from the tree by the ridge hovering above her, which was a little ridiculous. She could have sworn that tree was not in season to bloom. The lone traveler did not complain as she rerouted to reach the tree.
Imagine her shock when an entire blooming garden welcomed her at the top of the ridge.
On the following week, Solstice has reached a rather humid area. This was a section of the woodland that catered more to the tropical plants. The environment is either a marsh or a rainforest, with a desert on the farther westside. Sweat stuck like second skin as the climate bore down on her. Just as she was about to collapse from the heat, thunder bellowed from the skies and rain began to pour. It was not as odd since she was in a rainforest, but the timing was a little too abrupt. Alas, a bit delirious from the heat, all she felt was relief amidst the refreshing cold.
As they say, third time is the charm.
Solstice had gone hiking with her siblings countless times in previous worlds. She knows the protocol when trekking uneven terrains without a map, and what to do when stranded or trapped. A particular mountain range gave her quite the challenge amidst her explorations. There was a bunch of ruins spotted at one of the highest peaks, but it was practically unreachable from the rest of the hilltops. Climbing it from all the way to the base was impossible without proper gear. While Solstice knows Outlanders have wings, she has yet to either grow hers—as far as she knows—or control it to unfurl. She lost count how many times she had to retrace her steps after, once again, reaching a dead end. Dejectedly, she had to give up as she grew tired and night began to fall.
Then, the next morning, Solstice decided to try one last time to figure out how to reach the ruins.
Lo and behold, a stone bridge had formed.
The structure was honestly hazardous due to how it looked half-done. Fortunately, the foundations are stable and rigid. Only the overall appearance seems to be asymmetrical, as if a storm had ravaged the bridge while it came into existence. At that point, the young lady can confirm an astonishing fact.
This world bends to her will.
A zephyr blew, carrying a soothing hymn alongside the whistling gales. It sounded joyous yet almost timid, like a child meeting a new playmate.
"What is your name?" Solstice asked.
The question was instinctive, unbidden by rationality as the words escaped her lips. It just felt right to ask, to inquire the sentience of this world. The idea may be ludicrous but she can feel it now. A rumbling of the soil, a whisper from the winds, a rustle of the leaves, and a sway of the waves all communicated with her earnestly. Even her nights were comforted by the warmth of the fires that remained vigilant in the dark, fierce yet nurturing.
Teyvat, It responded to her unspokenly.
Solstice does not understand how effortlessly she can converse with this planet.
Her thoughts reach out to the world but It does not respond with words this time. Instead, It releases a faint pulse that sang to her very being—
—with a nostalgic chime.
She gasped, "Primo Stella...?"
Teyvat croons proudly, ecstatic to now be officially introduced to Its creator.
『 Sworn, stood by her [ siblings' ] place 』
Much like how Aether and Lumine pampered their sister, Teyvat catered to Its maker.
Solstice fully embraced the possibilities that this world had presented to her. Whether it be resources or entertainment, the planet responds by giving what It perceives she needed or wanted. Even time itself moved according to her whim. Day brings out the sun when she wishes to explore, and night brings out the moon when she wishes to rest. That tidbit finally explained the strangely uneven hours of her day-night cycles. The conclusion gave her a bit of a headache to deduce the accuracy of time, but she supposed it barely matters for now.
However, limits were put into place since Teyvat was still learning—much like her.
It only knows as much as she can understand of the universe. She vaguely asked for a book she has yet to read. It gave her one with blank pages because It did not possess the grain of knowledge she sought, a saddening thought. The revelation amplified the loneliness of her circumstances, but she tried not to retain that kind of mindset too long.
There are still so many questions about how this worked, and she found answers in the scattered ruins across the continent. Details she overlooked were hidden in the most unexpected nooks that archived bits of history. The few ruins she found told stories of creation rather than a civilization that had long past. Teyvat is a young planet that does not have much to tell, but one truth did make sense of almost everything.
She created Teyvat.
She did it while asleep throughout the decade.
Her Primo Stella cradled her after being separated from her siblings. It protected her and then gradually expanded into a world that can provide for her. The memories of the process are slowly coming back in clearer recollections. The images of her astral form dancing amongst the stars and commanding the elements to take shape—it all unraveled like a fairy tale montage. Every aspect of the planet took a hint of inspiration from her memories of previous worlds she visited with her siblings.
Her siblings, the twins...
The thought makes her wonder in hope.
"Teyvat," she murmured, "will you bring Aether and Lumine to me?"
Suddenly, everything went still as if time stopped and the elements silenced.
Minutes later, nothing happened.
Then, everything moved again.
Solstice knew the answer and a somber smile took over her countenance. Her trembling hands folded together over her lap, head bowed. Long fringes shielded her eyes as small droplets fell upon her pale knuckles, the scent of salt wafting in the air.
Teyvat hummed morosely, wishing to comfort yet unable to comprehend.
"I understand." She reassured shakily.
That was the first time she ever lied.
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The Creator gave the wolfdog a name.
Invictus, to be unconquerable, is the honor of this entitlement. Words hold power, and even more so the names bestowed upon any lifeform. He knew not why his fleeting existence would even deserve a name, but he was in no position to question the will of this world's maker. However, he did wonder why The Creator would choose such a powerful name when She barely knew of him. Nevertheless, to show gratitude, he left resources in the Outlander's abode or somewhere along the common path. Whenever She felt lost, he creates trails as a helping nudge of direction. In slumber, he allows himself to approach and provide warmth; but he makes himself scarce just as quickly as dawn arose.
As his purpose entailed, he watched as the young lady—his ward—named Solstice began to learn. First was to survive in the wild, and the next was to speak with Teyvat. The experience was both enthralling and sobering for him, a matter which astounds him in some ways. He and his brothers hold no capacity to feel deeply, at least not for their own behalf. They are mere extensions of the three realms in Teyvat—the Mortal Realm, in his own case. He resolved to just let it be without further inquiry, unable to delve into further comprehension.
When the time comes, Invictus knew the girl would be ready.
Then, his departure will follow.
Despite his resolve, a part of him had wavered when Solstice wept. He felt raw yearning and grief as She spoke of Her siblings. That was the precise moment he realized that The Divine Creator is but a child, nearly as young as the world She had molded. This caused great concern within him, whether the right thing is to bestow the burden of reign on her petite shoulders. In his eyes, she has always been delicate due to her appearance; but now, her heart is clearly just as fragile. That had been the only time he ever questioned the term of his obligations as her distant shield—even though he desired to soothe her.
As consolation, Invictus approached the lonely Outlander once again when she slept. He bowed his head to ever chastely kiss her brow. In his mind, he gave a solitary vow.
Lord Aether and Lady Lumine will arrive in Teyvat, someday surely.
Heterochrome eyes stared up at the three moons, contemplating. Then, he turned to walk away into the night. In his ruminations, the wolfdog stood valiantly upon the highest mountain peak. He howls, protectively and defiantly, as a proclamation of his faith to The Divine One.
I, by name of Invictus, shall protect all souls within the Mortal Realm and preserve their bonds—
Then, his eyes of sapphire and emerald glowed with fervor. It demands power which Teyvat granted in turn, for the planet itself acknowledges his oath.
—until that fateful day arrives, wherein these three star-crossed siblings can reunite.
『 Dancing with astral grace 』
Solstice never stayed down for long.
Teyvat may not be able to grant her one true desire, but that was no excuse for slacking. In fact, she channels all her frustration into determination. From now onwards, she needs to do better by herself. Her powers became a good focus, as well as training for swordsmanship. The primary motivator is to achieve mastery of oneself in order to figure out her abilities and use them to hopefully reunite with Aether and Lumine. If they cannot be brought to her, she will find a way to bring herself to them. Of course, lacking a proper mentor makes everything a little tedious; but Outlanders never back down even with a handicap, and she is no exception. The sentient world even supports her by providing monsters that can be her sparring partners.
It was bizarre at first, especially the slimes.
The creatures do not emit any sort of ill will, but they attack once she has readied her stance. Whenever they are supposedly slain, it was more like they have dispersed. Then, after a few minutes, they always return with an array of fruits and berries to offer for her as snacks. Solstice has no idea whether it was still the exact same set of slimes but they at least do not hold a grudge. If anything, they all celebrate with her when she succeeds in the sparring sessions.
Most of them lack high intelligence but they are certainly challenging enough for a beginner like herself. They all have synergy, as if capable of team work just by instinct. It makes sense since they all attack as a group and can merge in bulks—only applicable for slimes of similar element—to create armors or transform into a bigger slime. Accidents do happen occasionally, wherein the monsters seem to panic comically whenever she gets injured. Their varied elements give different displays of emotion, showing the funniest sights.
That was another shred of knowledge that Teyvat had helpfully supplied: elements.
There are seven main elements that flow through nature's veins: anemo, the element that tames the elusive winds; geo, the element that governs the lands of stone; electro, the element that dictates the might of lightning; dendro, the element that nurtures the soil of flora; hydro, the element that controls the torrential waters; pyro, the element that sparks the wildest flames; and cryo, the element that thrives under the coldest reign of ice. With these seven, she eventually learns the value of elemental reactions which are the coalescence of the natural order.
A youthful warcry echoed as pyro breaks through a shield of frost. It shattered just as Solstice raised a pillar behind her to counter the recoil, propelling herself back into confrontation. In a swirl of anemo, lightning strikes accompanied by a splash. The conduit paralyzes surrounding foes as vines crawl from the soles of Solstice's feet. They clung to cryo slimes that tried to flee and, with a menacing glint in her eyes, she commands.
In a blink, the slimes of coldest ice melted at the face of infernal divine fury.
However, in another second, Solstice shivered as she approached the other slimes watching.
"I'm so sorry for killing your buddies!" She said.
The blob creatures only bounced with reassuring eyes that seem to connote happy smiles. To comfort their lovely girl, the cryo slimes were quick to return with help from the planet.
As such, Teyvat bent to her will once more as she slowly but surely mastered these elements.
Solstice fought with a sharp ferocity overlapped by the elegance of her dance. For now, her choice of weapon is the reformed vessel of Primo Stella—from a mere rattle into a noble scepter. It grew long via transfiguration magic, an acceptable length for a working staff in combat. In the field, the young lady resembled more a quick-footed majorette than a vicious mercenary. However, that did not lessen her capability as a fighter.
The stronger this Outlander grew, the farther she ventured into what Teyvat held in store.
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Regardless of her childish heart, Solstice admits the merits of hunting.
Unlike the rest of her survival skills, this particular one is less honed than the rest. She did not like harming animals. Fishing was already a chore for her, which is why she stuck to a vegetarian lifestyle most of the time. It was unavoidable sometimes due to the demands of her own body. Lumine taught her that the bodies of Outlanders tend to need more sustenance after reaching full maturity, especially females. In a way, the life from the preys they hunt turn into essence that feed their magical abilities. It is not to an extent they devour the soul, but rather the remnants that linger in the physical vessel. She was so young when that lesson was brought up so she barely understood enough to recall it.
Aether reinforced that lesson by taking her hunting with him a few times whenever Lumine was busy.
Sometimes, a lonesome heart must be hardened in order to keep beating.
A bow and arrow set is always the preferred choice of weapon. It is less confrontational, yet precise and swift when delivering efficiency. Of course, it took her a while to truly master it; and in the end, Solstice remains strongly reliant upon her blades. Moving targets are very difficult for her, but she found it to be a good excuse to avoid hunting unless absolutely necessary. At worst, her trapping skills can get the job done when all else failed.
Henceforth, with a quiver of arrows on her back and a bow in hand, she ventured into the wild.
Solstice watched out for any sign of life that could lead to an animal. Bigger is better as it can last longer if she used the freezer method of the hydro and cryo slimes to preserve the meat. That means it will take longer before she needs to hunt again. With that in mind, she relies on the elements of Teyvat whispering guidance to her ears. It may be slightly considered cheating, but she honestly prefers to address it as part of her cunning.
Against the occasional doubt, she found solace in the vigilant gaze of Invictus. He feels like a keeper whom gives encouragement in his own way, and scolds her with a random snarl whenever she lets her curiosity grow too much. Despite the harshness, there was no judgment to be detected from it—only patience and understanding.
Soon enough, keen eyes spotted tracks leading to a meadow. It is a renowned spot to the Outlander, a famous area where she found dandelions in heavy abundance long ago. Crouching low, she silenced her steps and swiftly followed the trail. By sheerly raw instinct, her senses intensify as the hunt had become the focal point of concentration. It was a subconscious effect for all Outlanders on a prowl.
Then, she froze once target was in sight.
A majestic buck stood vigilantly beside an elegant doe. The male deer's antlers stood tall and branched wide, revealing that it may be quite aged. From the closeness, they are likely a mated pair yet no fawn in sight. For some reason, the lack of offspring eases the heart of this young huntress.
Solstice always preferred a quick death for those she hunts. Sadly, she has not mastered the bow to exert enough power and commit the precision of one-shot kills. In fact, she would say her skills for the hunt are below average. However, what she lacks in technique, she makes up in resourceful tactics. The terrain can be used to her advantage with strategic traps and manipulations. After all, she already knows the area like the back of her hand. For any hiccups, the planet itself shall bend to her will.
Henceforth, her first arrow was shot as a misdirection.
Animals are highly intuitive and show intelligence when self-preservation is at stake. Hence, they deduce options by analyzing their surroundings in the blink of an eye. Afterwards, they adapt and then it becomes a question of fight or flight. Deer are herbivores and are naturally the prey type rather than predator. Their course of action is thus usually to flee danger than confront. Stags can put up a fight by lunging with their antlers when cornered in close proximity.
Therefore, the young huntress kept her distance.
The first arrow removed directions for the two deer: its origin, for they know their predator hides there in wait; and its destination, due to their natural instinct to flinch away from the deadly projectiles that were thrown at them. Upon calculating which option is farthest from both, the stag and the doe chose said path to flee. However, even that decision has already been calculated by their huntress.
Solstice had placed traps which would assure that the deer would follow a linear route. That way, they can never entirely escape her even if she lags behind her targets. Nonetheless, she sprints as fast as she could with her senses at an all-time high. At some point, she swings herself up to a tree and prepares another arrow. Keen eyes sharpen to lock on target, ever patiently waiting.
Then, the second arrow is fired.
It activates a trap that blocks any other route but forward, slamming down high obstacles. Without a choice, the stag and the doe move towards the flowing stream. Alas, the huntress has another three arrows pulled back. The lengths are infused with a swirl of anemo to enhance the speed. The tip of the arrowheads glow with frosty shots of cryo. In a blink, a trio of arrows are simultaneously fired much faster than the previous attempts.
All three landed upon the stream in a triangular formation. The timing coincides the exact moment four pairs of hooves made contact. The two preys are paralyzed by solid ice as the cryo arrowheads froze the stream, and its cold grasp crawled along their flailing limbs. As the deer struggled to break free, they are distracted by the rustle of leaves.
A shadow loomed over them.
The last thing both animals saw was a huntress and her dual daggers.
Solstice hardened her heart as she lands the final blow, propelling her body into a spin to gain a faster and more powerful trajectory. She had stabbed her daggers unto the pair whose hearts shall cease to beat in her hands. Geo energy gleamed like molten gold upon the blades and then petrified the veins of life that had been cut, preventing any from bleeding out. The ice shattered as the water flows again, as if to cleanse the hunt. Quick as a fleeting dream, two bodies fell as a pair of lifeless heaps.
It was painless and clean...
...yet Solstice still felt tainted.
Crouching down, delicate hands gently slid lifeless eyes to close. It is an act of compassion as well as gratitude, accompanied by solemn prayer. A few dendro slimes sprouted along the riverbank and then extended the leaves of their flowers. With respectful holds of the large petals, the carcasses are carried back to camp by the bouncing blobs. The young huntress follows at a leisure pace, collecting her arrows along the way.
"May thou forever prance," she prays, "in everlasting freedom amongst meadows of paradise."
Solstice, for a moment, believed that a mated pair of souls passed by her. The aurora borealis shimmers in welcome like a mystical veil above for the recently departed fayths.
The forest echoes a quiet dirge.
That night, Invictus was gone.
Despite its abruptness, a part of her understood so she only spoke her sincerest thanks. There was no time to say goodbye, so she did not call it that.
Hopefully, they can meet again.
『 Still, withstanding time and space 』
Teyvat is a peculiar abode.
It was not the first time Solstice had landed on a sentient planet. She can recall a memory about one named Gaia, back when she was a much younger Outlander. The dwellers call themselves Cetra and can speak to the planet itself. Aether claims to hear the whispers of the earth, while Lumine claims to hear the songs of the sea. As for their youngest sister, she claims to feel the emotions of something called the Lifestream—as informed by the Cetra for the siblings. Everyone had been so shocked when the little traveler, at the tender age of four, was able to manifest this intricate power into solid spherical forms. It was called materia, which are memories of the planet and used to channel the lost arts. It spoke of Solstice's great aptitude for magic, especially one that simulates creation, as she was able to resonate with Gaia despite not being one of Her children. In fact, the two materia are composed of the planet's oldest memories: a black orb later named as Meteor, the epitome of nothingness; and a white orb later named as Holy, the designation of renewed creation. When the trio of siblings had left, both materia were surrendered to the Cetra—and, in retrospect, that may have been the only time they left a trace of their existence amidst their journey.
Solstice wonders if this world she had apparently created took inspiration from Gaia. She explored every ruin she can find, delving into dark caverns to uncover whatever secrets that lay hidden. Through each hieroglyph, Teyvat had told her of Its creation by divine grace of The Astral Goddess—an alter ego, specifically a projection of her powers. She scoured every mountain and crevice of the continent, before riding the waves to reach quaint islands. Whatever little history she can grasp, the young lady spared no effort to investigate every scrap of knowledge she can gather.
Now, the lone Outlander has a crucial decision to make: north, or south...?
Solstice sighed as she scurried hastely towards the tallest plateau. The scent of plum wafted in the wind as its petals colored the intangible. Plopping down on the vibrant grassland, she watched the stars twinkle on the nightsky. Despite the lively sight, a part of her thought the sky to be rather dull. It is a window to the Outer Space, embellished by three moons and fragments of starlight. Rather than a pitch black abyss, the colors of the cosmos beyond Teyvat can be seen flickering like an angelic halo. On stormy days, clouds of gray will cover the horizon. Then, as the solar chariot rode its fiery trail, everything will brighten in a coat of cerulean with puffs of white.
This sky is a protective shell created by opposing realms at the poles of Teyvat. Although, "opposing" in this context refers more to the fact that one is made of light while another of darkness. Regardless of contrast, these realms complement each other and coexist peacefully in one dimension—with a third one keeping balance at the middle.
The Light Realm of the north...
The Void Realm of the south...
The Mortal Realm at the median...
Solstice bestowed each realm their names after the memories of creation displayed its purview. Where she presently sat is the territory of the Mortal Realm, a paradise for all that is mortal—thus an apt name for it—yet welcomes any entity originating from Light or Void, as is the balance it represents. There were times she went to the borders where the realms sort of blend together. It was inconceivable to witness, a triad of realms existing as one conjoined world. The elements echoed that it was only made possible by a focal existence—The All-Creator, They who have awakened from slumber.
A rumbling growl snapped her out of reverie, looking sideways. There is a noble wolfdog staring back at her with eyes of shimmering crimson, alike to rubies and garnets. The beastly beauty stands tall enough to be the size of a mammoth, proud yet seemingly humbled by the mere presence of the petite woman amidst the grass. Its fur is sleek black, emitting an aura of phantom smoke that was fast to dissipate upon notice. A tail swayed in dignified confidence, not once touching the dirt of ground. A display of neutrality is most uncanny for this creature which thrives from bloodlust and primal dominance. It stalks towards Solstice whom smiled and inclined her head politely. The canine returned the cordial gesture as it purred pleasantly, almost playfully and teasingly. More of its sharp teeth gleamed as it seems to twitch a smile back at her.
"Well," she chuckled, "aren't you quite charming?"
She wondered if Invictus looked this gallant—but in shades of brown. It was dark when he showed his paw, but she recalls its shade of moonlit auburn by the firelight.
This one is relatively the same size.
A tender hand presents a trusting palm and was then met by a nudging snout. It combed through soft ebony cloak reminiscent of a fleece blanket amidst the winter cold. Ruby eyes glanced imploringly, a sly glint of alluring mischief beckoning the lady.
"Very well." Solstice giggled.
Thus, she stood and looked towards the south—where the world is most sublime at its darkest shadows.
"Will you escort me to your realm?"
The wolfdog howled haughtily.
A journey to the abyss began with a display of its neverending night. In far distance from the Mortal Realm, the chariot gave daylight that did not extend to the Void Realm. Nonetheless, a reaction can be observed as the deep darkness roused. It was as if every soul of nocturnal lifeforms took sanctuary in the labyrinth as soon as the sun rose to shine. As such, the void appears to grow deeper and thicker yet almost welcoming due to its familiarity.
Contrary to belief, Solstice did not stay in endless shadows. The wolfdog—to whom she gave the name, Morpheus—proficiently tours her around the limitless corridors of the abyss. Much like one can expect from the void, the place held no definite structure or form to draw direction. Only a creature of this realm can navigate its entire territory. Amidst the dark, there are doors brimming with light. Each one shows what is supposed to be the reflection of a different world. Some display nostalgic views of stars that have come and gone from magnificent yet faraway galaxies. The rest give picturesque displays of the territories in Teyvat's Mortal Realm. Solstice would occasionally reach out to these doors, yet an invisible and indestructible glass would prevent her from passing through the threshold.
Morpheus only shook his head as if in confirmation of her deduction.
"These worlds through the looking glass..." Solstice murmured, "do they envision the abyss? Or is it the abyss which stares back?"
She pets Morpheus behind his ears, smiling at the resulting purr. The young lady finds some strange comfort to his warming sound in juxtaposition to the coldness of his coat. Once she halted her motions, that was his cue to move onward.
Soon, they have reached a dominion that hits a little closer to home.
For Solstice, it was quite literal.
Morpheus lowers himself when she makes a move to dismount. He kept near like a loyal pup, feeling the tremble of his creator's knees. This is a domain that represented the heart of the dark abyss. It is a single circular platform amidst a starry void, the call of an ancient memory. On the surface at the center, a triquetra mark pulses in eager salute. If one could embrace their dreams, figments will manifest into existence.
"Cosmogenesis," she whispered, "this is...without a doubt...Cosmogenesis."
As if on cue, starlight gathered in clusters until they turned into a pair of sparkling silhouettes before her baffled gaze. The outlines are strikingly familiar, so achingly nostalgic that Solstice wondered about the time that has passed. Back then, at the beginning, the differences between the self that fell asleep and the one that woke up scared her. Everything felt just like a surreal dream until now, in which the weight of a full decade finally wore her down.
Because whilst her body and soul may have grown, her heart remained that of a child.
Tearful eyes blur her sight yet the smiles of Aether and Lumine retained all their clarity. They intertwine their hands together and stretched out the other to their younger sibling.
"Hello, Sol."
"Our sweet, little sister..."
Their voices tinkled gently like the old chimes of her rattle. It consumed her so painfully, a constricting boa that is just short of asphyxiation.
Then, as her hands touched theirs, the images of her siblings dissolve into starlight once again.
"Even if only as fragments of memory, our love stays true forever."
"We will always be here for you, Sol."
Solstice has been made aware, time and time again.
Teyvat was created by her through the powers which joined with Primo Stella. Her memories gave It form with the continent that mimicked the worlds she had seen with the twins. These diverse ecosystems have birthed wildlife that behave so similarly to beasts she had favored and adored. However, a part of her—the side so petulantly frustrated and aggrieved—believes that this planet cannot truly understand the complexity of emotional value...at least, not to an extent that It did not feel shallow.
This has proven her wrong.
Teyvat does understand. It may not be capable of granting her heartfelt wish; but It can work hard to provide her the home she yearns to have. Even if they are only illusions made by fragile memories and dreams, the genuine emotions which nurture Its existence can be neither denied nor forgotten.
Rendered to her knees, Solstice cried once more in homesickness.
"Goodnight, baby sis."
She misses Aether. She misses her older brother whom protected her from everything, and supported her in anything she dreamed.
"Sweet dreams, Lil Sun."
She misses Lumine. She misses her older sister whom told her stories of the stars beyond reach, and humored her whimsical imagination.
"I love you, Atti. I love you, Mimin."
"We love you too, Sol."
She just wants them back.
She loves Teyvat and everything It symbolized; but It is not the family she needed by her side.
A world without Aether and Lumine is just a barren dreamscape.
Morpheus bows his head to tuck her into his neck, a demonstration of his empathic solidarity. The fluff engulfs the weeping girl into a loving embrace. It is an affection she returned fully, even as she wailed for siblings whom—to be frank—cannot hear her.
Deep in the abyss, secret grievances are wordlessly confessed in tears.
『 Ever relentlessly, 』
As the Elders always said, what does not kill an Outlander will make them stronger.
It admittedly took a while for Solstice to willingly part from the Void Realm in the end. The domain managed to effectively simulate Cosmogenesis and it was so cozy for her. It may not have captured every detail, but the atmosphere was enough. The regions in the Mortal Realm are comparable to leafing through a bunch of postcards—stories of adventures that feed the spirit. Meanwhile, the Void Realm reminds her of family albums—every reel of photograph vividly shows precious moments within a still frame. Both are valuable yet the latter always weighs heavier on the heart for its personal bonds.
Surprisingly, it was Morpheus whom encouraged her to depart.
Thy final realm awaits thee, he seems to tell her with his expressive glare.
Solstice pouted sadly, shoulders deflating in mock disappointment. An adoring lick to her cheek breaks the facade as she giggles at the giant wolfdog. With a thankful smile, she mounts him again to ride back to the Mortal Realm.
Much to her surprise, another greeted them back.
It was another wolfdog but white, the antithesis of Morpheus yet rivals him perfectly in size. A pair of yellow eyes, resembling golden topaz, stares kindly yet stoically. Slit pupils dilate in silent ardor, a rare sentiment for what seems to be an entity of utmost amour propre. While Morpheus wears an obsidian furcoat of phantom smoke, his elegant counterpart amasses an ivory cloak of soft clouds. It had been sitting pristinely before they arrived, and remained poised when it stood to meet them.
Morpheus seems to know this fellow hound, or perhaps it only takes brief eye contact for them to be introduced. Either way, he entrusted his charge to this other beastly beauty before sprinting back to his home realm. According to him, the existence of his ilk are as ephemeral as most dreams in the waking world—a mere guide to the realm from whence they came, no more and no less. Now that she has no need of it, he is unlikely to emerge again. With that warning, the young lady—whose fondness he earned—felt melancholic after this farewell.
Perhaps, when she masters every aspect of her powers, she will see him again. On that fateful day, he will be part of her creations.
The auburn wolfdog, Invictus; the black wolfdog, Morpheus; and this wolfdog too will be another.
"Are you going to escort me to the Light Realm this time?" Solstice asked.
The canine bows gracefully with a reverent groan.
Solstice smiles in anticipation, opening her palm as a silent request. The creature rose to the test and pushed its head towards the proffered appendage, dignified yet ecstatic. In a blink, the Outlander found a fitting name for the colossal dog.
"I think I'll call you...Arcadius."
Similar to Morpheus, the newly dubbed Arcadius howled proudly.
Then, they were off to head north.
Unlike the abyss, the Light Realm is not untouchable by its opposing element. While the Void Realm lacks daylight since it is unventured by the sun, the Light Realm can resonate with both night and day. While the stars and the moons are constantly seen in the abyss, they are elusive amongst the brightness of the heavenly order in the north. It is also susceptible to the temperamental ferocity of storms, yet just as adept in shining a rainbow after they pass.
However, these directly contrasting realms do share three particular similarities.
First, both possess doorways to different worlds or various corners of Teyvat. While the abyss functions as a looking glass that shows the world it perceives, the Light Realm presents an idealized version of the respective dimension. These sets of conceptual ideals symbolize unified ambitions and aspirations, likely of the majority if not of the god that either created it or oversee its existence. Unfortunately, these assorted doorways are all inaccessible even to Solstice. It did give her a plausible idea, which sparked a hopeful anxiety in her chest.
Can she influence these worlds to leave a trail or message? If so, can she use that to help Aether and Lumine find her someday?
It is a curious endeavor for another day.
Second is the aurora borealis that connects the two realms and bridges over the middle one. It can only be seen above the region of frozen tundra within the Mortal Realm. In Solstice's first few weeks in Teyvat, she mistakenly and somewhat dismissively thought it to be the fictitious Rainbow Road that leads to a leprechaun's pot of gold—an old tale, as imparted to her by Lumine. Knowing Teyvat is an amalgamation of her dreams and memories, the connection may not be too farfetched. When Solstice asked, the wolfdogs provided disparate answers to her inquiry.
Morpheus claims that the aurora is a shelter for the souls of creation yet to be born. Essentially, it is a fabric of time and space which can also manifest as dreams for those capable of it. In a few other pious beliefs, it can be treated as the plane in-between the living and the dead—basically the preconception of "the other side" in subtext.
Arcadius claims that the aurora is an ultimate mix of the akashic records and holy grail, like an archive of Teyvat's unified knowledge. It is the accumulative testament that drives the world to progression and evolution. If every life is a cog in the gears of fate, the ties woven by the aurora borealis is the chain that drives them to move and connect. In some way, it is also a loom that weaves the threads of fate to complete destiny's tapestry.
Solstice would love to either believe in both, or just leave it as the pretty curtains of the celestial order.
Once again, her thoughts went to the likely eldest hound from not so long ago—Invictus. What would he have replied to her? Morpheus and Arcadius did not speak of their brother, mostly because they knew little about him. They did not exist simultaneously so they did not meet him, unlike the duo whom got to cross gazes. What they do know is that his purpose was slightly different from theirs, which explains why he insisted to keep his distance from Solstice to the very end.
The last similarity between the Void Realm and Light Realm is that they both lack a definite structure. The former is composed of darkness where nocturnal lifeforms thrive in shadows and illusions. The latter resembles an imagery to the phrase "heaven on earth" amidst the foggy mirage and a radiance that never fades whether it be day or night. However, they do possess a focal domain that functions as their respective hearts.
For the Void Realm, it was the central dominion of a starry void.
For the Light Realm, it is a floating isle amongst the sea of clouds.
Solstice tilts her head in speechless wonder at the ethereal sight. Her eyes never strayed as Arcadius glides up and then pauses once his paws touch the ground on the isle. It was quite barren, and unlike the blossoming paradise of the Mortal Realm. As far as the eyes can see, there is only dry land with spots of greenery due to weeds. A geyser at the middle fed streams of water to spread to ravines. They form a perfect cross by heading towards the directions of the compass. Each one becomes a waterfall raining upon the unseen bottom of the Light Realm, where nothing but thick mist lingers.
This dull wasteland is a stark contradiction to what should have been a piece of celestial heaven; but to the young Outlander, it could not be anything else.
Because the idea of "heaven" is built upon the basic fundamental notions of faith.
Where is faith to be had in a world entirely devoid of believers and worshippers?
She is the only one here aside from the monsters of lesser intelligence and wildlife of nature. As she turns to her companion, she is further reminded that Arcadius too shall soon fade to nothing. He, like Morpheus and even Invictus, is an evanescent guide without any standing to exist once their roles have been fulfilled.
However, the elements remind her of another truth.
It is thy birthright to ascend and conquer, thy destiny to create and prosper.
Solstice feels a familiar thrumming in her veins. It flowed freely, practically singing within her pulsing bloodstream. The surge is provoked by her desires as evoked by her heart. It caters to the divine will, eager to quell this ageless sorrow and loneliness.
If Teyvat could not bring the esteemed Lord Aether and Lady Lumine—
—then perhaps, a new family will suffice for now.
If henceforth be thy desire, then thy will shath be done.
As she closed her eyes to embrace this dormant power, the overflow became searing heat. It boiled in anticipation of release, yet not quite hurting her.
In response, the geyser bursts with more water as if a dam has been released. Below the isle, the oceans form a towering column that reveal the root of the geyser. The isle itself is flooded as water devoured every surface area.
A swirl of starlight gathers around Solstice, dancing in circles like pixies. Some gather in her right hand as it clenched into a fist. The relic of Primo Stella comes into being, an effervescent beacon reborn unto its sphere. Her attire is then transformed into a free-flowing white dress. Long wavy hair fluttered like an opaque veil, trailing behind her.
For Thou art The Divine One—
Eyes reopened, Solstice steps down from her wolf mount and Arcadius graciously stays. She walks barefoot and her golden anklets jingled. Rather than sinking into the flood, the soles of her feet remained above the surface as ripples form with every step.
Arcadius was just as unfazed by the running water drenching his paws in contrast. His sapphire glare is utterly transfixed upon this goddess whom created him. Within the remnants of his will, he lamented how neither Invictus nor Morpheus could witness this alongside him.
—only for Thee,
Before cloaks of white faded and topaz eyes closed, Arcadius clung to the vivid memory of Her...
Shath Teyvat bend Its knee.
...until it too was relinquished from his feeble grasp.
『 SOLSTICE ascends to reign. 』
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『 Thy will forevermore only one, 』
Sunfall and Moonrise harmoniously danced, painting the world in eternal twilight. Fragments of light, the morning and evening stars, have scattered across the sky. Time has begun to flow yet life stood still in rhythms of soft heartbeats and slow breaths sealed in conches. The entire world is asleep yet The Divine One remains awake with loneliness as company.
The gales could spare no song to ease this solemn melancholy of Their Eminence.
Above the water's surface, They stood alone.
It has been a year since the birth of Teyvat, yet the young woman traverses by Herself. While physically grown, She stays a child at heart even with a brilliant mind. Her beloved siblings could not be wished unto Teyvat, not like many things in Its realms.
A distant bell chimes, henceforth She walks. The wind howls as the three moons glisten. The waves roar as the sun looms. Not once She faltered, for only rebirth awaits Thou Imperial Grace.
She walks with confidence, head held high to display nothing less than dignified elegance. Nevertheless, Her regal gait remains far from haughty arrogance or smug defiance. Every step ripples across the calm as eyes are kept close in mimicry of somber psalms.
A star falls before Her and morphs into an old relic, the former vessel of Primo Stella. It rests upon Her left palm as Her right hand runs along its intricate bodice. Fair fingertips brush against crystal, and by will, extends a toy into a weapon of range. The orb at the top produced luminous tendrils of incandescent splendor. They entwine to form an intricate pattern similar to a four-pointed celtic knot, enacting a starlight bloom. Like pixie dust, a trail of glitter flutters briefly behind its wake whenever it moved.
Beauty and grace, Solstice is the light.
『 いえゆい のぼめの 』
TEYVAT sang as a choir of voices to serve as Her accompaniment. It delegated a language that was both local and foreign. On the other hand, the feeling of the message carried through the melody—one of reverent worship.
Meanwhile, Solstice hummed as an oxymoron lead.
Simultaneously, her body is the conductor of this orchestral performance.
Her limbs move fluidly as if she is learning a classic waltz or sway. Alas, she needs no partner other than the rhapsody that reverberated through the searing heat within her veins. Her scepter spun with the simplest flick of her wrists, a show of dexterous coordination by her fingertips. She first faced the moons which shyly peek behind the clouds, before basking the sun's warmth from its perch by the floating isle's end.
At the edges, columns of stone begin to rise from where the four ravines used to pour. Vines slither along the shaft like vipers, constricting in place as flowerbuds began to form. The top of the columns took shape as torches of vermillion flame, while a gloom of fog thickens in-between the pillars as crystallized shields. The waterfalls halted entirely, and for that one moment, the world held its breath.
Only The Divine One moved, with the grace and poise of a swan.
『 れんみり よじゅよご 』
The lady in white paused as she took a deep breath.
Her right arm pulled back, rearing the scepter as if to strike. Instead, it spun over the back of her palm to adjust her grip to its middle. Swiftly, she brought it over her head with another baton twirl. Both hands now held the staff, spread evenly as if an offering to the nonexistent gods of Teyvat. Her feet began to tread farther—crossing deliberately over each other much like a cunning cat does—ascending to the podium that was once the isle's geyser, currently inactive. Its surface was covered by water, which now resembles glass to the young woman whom stood over it. Ripples formed beneath her soles, the only proof that it was not crystallized or frozen.
As Solstice reached her spot, her right foot lifted with a small kick. The short hop gave momentum to firmly plant said foot unto the water, yet it still did not submerge. Alas, the ripples it did form this time spread more urgently and evoked a wave across the isle's surface. The solitary girl bent backwards as she lowered her staff to her upper chest. Chin tilted upwards, her eyes closed while her arms pulled and then pushed in succession as her foot-pivot spun behind the other. She bends the knee as her torso bows forward, putting her into a crouching position.
Before the scepter can touch the water, adept hands slid closer. In a sharp motion, they alter its position to a vertical stance. Its bottom tip, in a show of control, grazed the water and steadied. Nonetheless, much like the wings of a butterfly, gentle flutters can create typhoons.
Therefore, when the staff disturbed the waters, the waves rose in command.
『 いえゆい のぼめの 』
Raising her head, Solstice focused her gaze forward passionately.
Effortlessly elegant, she spun the staff while keeping a proper posture. A bit more carefully, she begins to stand back up as her arms once again lifted the staff over her head. Four of the main fingers on each hand let go, a pair of thumbs staying to hook the scepter in place. Eyes slid to a solemn close, head tilting up. The sea breeze blew tenderly, fluttering her long hair and carrying the scent of salt.
It was mesmerizing to witness as the rising tides followed, as if dancing alongside her. They surged like wild waves yet tamed to obey the will of a relic and its wielder. The geyser seems to produce more water again, a calm stream under the surface that starts elevating the Outlander whom rigidly kept upright. What was formerly a barren wasteland is now a magnificent aquaria displaying hydro vessels in various shapes of underwater fauna—fish, turtles, jellyfish, dolphins, manta rays, and more freely swim along the currents.
The tidal waves swirled, a hurricane or perhaps whirlpool in the making...
...and at its eye is Solstice.
『 れんみり よじゅよご 』
The solidified pillars took its turn to rise and shine, literally and figuratively.
As if to rival the tides and reach for the skies, they extend to higher heights. The flowerbuds open into full blossoms, transforming into white petals and glowing ember corolla. The vermillion fires burned brighter and hotter, turning into a breathtaking bluish white. Their luminosity perfectly depicted the image of newborn stars. It is a complementary hue upon the flowers which also seem to connote a hint of periwinkle on its dainty petals.
Solstice resumes movement, wielding the scepter of Primo Stella with one hand again. The geyser also returned to its rambunctious nature, bursting a fountain of clear water. It grew as a rising stage in the shape of a hibiscus flower, while the dancer gave a series of twirls as she swung the elongated baton around her. The sphere's celtic knot halo shone as vibrantly as the sun. It gradually engulfs the lady in white and crawls on her skin like ink, whose power began to reach a climax.
Snowflakes slowly drift into the impromptu stadium, momentarily freezing parts of the pool. The frost created unique patterns but just as quickly melted back into liquid. As the lovely radiance swayed, the ephemeral ice acted like a prism of iridescence—and reflected upon its fragile state. The fall of snow was consistent with the winds that influenced it. Soon, it becomes like a meteor shower that leave imprints of frost before vanishing.
In hindsight, this scenery depicted the dance of sugar plum fairies.
『 はさてかなえ くたまえ 』
Solstice pauses as the choral hymn transitions into a deeper octave.
The scepter twirls over her wrist once before she throws it upwards. It spins midair, ascending to greater heights due to sheer force. The pair of hands which previously held it now clasp together in prayer, determined eyes close to concentrate. Henceforth, she summons the core of her dormant powers—to envision, to dream, to create, and to enlighten. As she does, the hydro hibiscus expands to divide into seven bursting petals. The clear water begins to reflect across the spectrum, flashing from one color to another. It moves as if the petals dance beneath the young lady's feet, swaying and bouncing gently to not disturb her.
Above her, the scepter of Primo Stella freezes into a straight vertical. The magical knot brightens into a blinding white light, essentially becoming the North Star of Teyvat.
Meanwhile, the Outlander glows in the same intense radiance. Her long wavy hair is swept and blown by the whirlwinds, exposing her back. The familiar sigil, a tattoo that bound her soul to Primo Stella, emits an iridescent aura. Ribbon wings sprout from her shoulder blades, unfurling just as her eyes snapped open. However, this time, the whiteness of her sclera has completely taken over them without restraint.
Much like the three wolfdogs, her eyes produced mystic tails along fluttering lashes.
『 はさてかなえ くたまえ 』
As the relic descended, Solstice caught it again with her left hand.
She repeats the series of pirouettes that had once been done, but now in reverse. What once gathered are now implored to scatter. Petals of the aquatic blossom steady into seven colors, an act of division from the immaculacy that is The Divine Light. These colors segregated as rays that burst forth to their respective directions. They head towards the Mortal Realm, where they shone upon a particular territory as if to proclaim it their birthright.
These lands react intriguingly to their presence, as if the raw elements embrace them.
It is a homecoming for new life.
Solstice nears the denouement of her performance, as does the hymn. She smoothly guides the polearm before her chest level. Both of her hands once again held the staff, horizontally as if she were entrusting it to another. A foot kicks up to step forward yet a little to the side, and her arms motioned as if to come hither. She kicks up her other foot to adjust her position, now facing sideways when her heels click into place at rest.
Then, in nigh slow motion, her hands tilt the staff downwards. The stance is somewhat reminiscent of a swordsman about to sheathe his sword into its scabbard.
Teyvat waits in anticipation.
The relic touches the hibiscus flower.
The seven lights are cut from its petals—from the original brilliance that had birthed them. Waves of the aurora borealis seem to flail in lively, jubilant celebration. These rays of light glided towards their destinations, blessed by The Creator's fayth.
Although having parted from The Divine Light, each produced a resplendence uniquely their own—and upon the territories of the Mortal Realm where they shone...
...seven draconic lords are born.
They emerge from the lands coated in raw elemental essence, saturating their designated birthplace.
As Their Esteemed Holiness smiled, the roars of Their newborn creations echoed across the realms of Teyvat.
These are the Seven Sovereigns.
『 Yet forget not thyself when done. 』
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© intothegenshinworld || © starlight anon . Do not copy, repost, translate or take heavy inspiration from my content. Thanks for reading.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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Summer Sisterhood Aesthetic 🌼🦋
"When women work together, the energy of the planet will change so drastically...Like a group forming, not a ritual but similar. Groups of women listening to each other without judgment. So that others can feel safe to open up and rise up and start reclaiming their sovereignty. Sovereignty is what we are here to remember. So, when they are tearing somebody down, it means you are not remembering you are a sovereign being. And every soul is a sovereign being. So, when you rise and every person remembers that they are sovereign, then they can’t, they can’t be pulling others down. And if they do then they will correct themselves very fast because they know that this is a sovereign journey where you walk individually to make the collective stronger. We understand it’s tough. But we all knew it was going to be tough. But it’s the sisterhoods, groups of women starting a business, starting a meditation group, creating. Or whatever it is, prayer, singing, chanting. Without any agenda just to raise the frequency for each other, holding space for each other to be vulnerable. Hold space for each other to break down. Break your own barriers, break your own fear, collapse the system within yourself and then you will collapse the system outside yourself." - Archangel Ariel in Galactic Soul History of the Universe (Book 1)
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osovereign · 3 months
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the sun, the moon, the wind, the stars, will forever be around, reminding you of the love you shared […] upon a memory someone wiped away a tear, held me close and loved me.
commission from @jenner_arts on twitter
the way i have been staring at this so intensely since midnight… i love it so much. taking place before cruxis finally caught up to them i like to think they was so so so happy together and truly, when kratos was at his actual happiest. look at the bomb ass lighting jenny did ( ignore that exspheres aren’t on kratos or anna shushhh ): also they never formally exchanged rings but they did exchange lockets when lloyd turnt one and there’s a photo of the three of them inside 🥺🙏🏼
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Ordo Salutis: Election
3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, 4 just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless before Him in love;
13 But we are bound to always give thanks to God for you, beloved brothers of the Lord, because God has from the beginning called you to salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief of the truth. — Ephesians 1:3-4 and 2 Thessalonians 2:13 | Modern English Version (MEV) The Holy Bible, Modern English Version. Copyright © 2014 by Military Bible Association. Published and distributed by Charisma House. Cross References: 1 Corinthians 1:21; 2 Corinthians 1:3; Ephesians 1:4; Ephesians 1:20; Ephesians 2:6; Ephesians 3:10; Ephesians 6:12; 1 Thessalonians 1:4; 1 Thessalonians 2:12; 1 Thessalonians 4:7; 1 Thessalonians 5:9; 2 Thessalonians 1:3
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God Works All Things Together for Good
The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Christians in Rome, acknowledged “the sufferings of this present time” (Rom 8:18), our inner “groaning” (Rom 8:23), and our “weakness” as humans (Rom 8:26). However, he shifted the focus away from our difficulties and onto God, stating, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love Him, to those who are called according…
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dylansansarette · 8 months
Dylan Sarette
I love You Dylan!
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biblebloodhound · 2 months
Everything Belongs to God (Psalm 24)
“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!” Abraham Kuyper
By Stushie Art The earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it,    the world, and those who live in it,for he has founded it on the seas    and established it on the rivers. Who shall ascend the hill of the Lord?    And who shall stand in his holy place?Those who have clean hands and pure hearts,    who do not lift up their souls to what is false    and do not swear deceitfully.They will receive…
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urloveangel · 2 years
it’s ok to feel overwhelmed and anxious sometimes but also it’s not ok or normal at all if you know what I mean? it’s crazy to me how the mainstream’s trying to normalize how everyone is ultra stressed and burnt out and treats it as just an integral part of living in the modern society instead of identifying and actually actively solving the root problem… I’m not even exaggerating when I say our community is under attack and our society and systems are literally designed to make us feel miserable and exhausted…
but as long as we’re here, we have a choice and options, we can take control over our life and happiness and refuse to accept the mainstream narratives and lifestyle 💗 we can normalize happiness and contentment again 🥰
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1whoconquers · 1 year
Psalms 68:1 - The Triumph of God's Presence: Scattering Enemies and Fleeing Hate
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