#Doctor!Sam Winchester x Doctor!Reader
moosekateer13 · 1 year
Settling Down
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Doctor!Sam Winchester x Doctor!Reader
For @supernatural-jackles’ tell me story bingo 
Square-filled doctor au.
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Teasing
Summary: Y/N wasn't planning on staying long in Kansas.Just enough to get practical for med school. Fate has other plans when it leads her to the Winchester family clinic.
Inspired by Miranda Lambert's Settling down 
Am I looking for comfort? Am I looking for an escape?
Am I looking for you? Am I looking the other way?
Winchester’s Clinic
"Hey love what are you looking at?" Sam asked as he set down my tea.
"Just thinking about our wedding can't believe it's been 5 years already. Where did the time go?" I replied.
"I don't know but I'm glad you stayed," Sam said.
"Me too, the best decision I ever made," I replied with a smile 
Flashback 6 years …
Last Day of Y/N's residency
I loved this place but I can't stay. It's never been too good for me to get attached. My friendships rarely last. It's only a matter of time before this one burns out too. I throw my stuff in my bag and try to make my escape before the Winchesters see me.
The familiar sound of Sam's footsteps fault me in my tracks.
He spins me around to look at him. That famous puppy dog look with Sam's gorgeous hazel eyes silently begging me to stay.
I shake my head at him. That's when he speaks up.
" Y/N please stay the patients love you. They'll miss you. Hell, I'd miss you. Even Dean would." Sam said. 
I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. At the statement, he'd said he'd miss me. This encourages me to close the short distance between us. I reach up and lightly caress his cheek. Sam melts into my touch. I give a feather-light kiss.
Pulling back slightly I speak words barely above a whisper.
“Okay, I'll stay. Sam.” I replied. 
End of flashback 
"Dr. Y/N Winchester stop daydreaming. Our friend Noe is here for her appointment." Dean said.
“Okay, I'm coming. You are so pushy sometimes Dean. Also, don't you mean your mom?” I retorted as I started walking down the hall.
Noe has been married to John for a decade.
"I'll go pick Celandine from Chelsea's. I'm sure she'd love to see another one of her aunts." Sam chimed in as he grabbed his keys.
Sam rushed out of the clinic, desperately trying to escape the situation. Yeah my husband and brother-in-law don't like me saying that. They love Noe to pieces but it's a little awkward to call her mom. When she's around the same age as them.
Exam room 
I look over the charts and the latest results from her test.
Looks like all the strengthening exercises have been helping. I don't see why you won't be back up in a month.
"Thanks Y/N." Noe said.
Noe gets up to leave.
"Stay for a moment. We've got a surprise for you." I said. 
Cel comes running into the room with the biggest smile on her face.
Noe hops off the exam bed and bends down to hug her.
"There's my little starlet I missed you," Noe said.
"I missed you too auntie," Celandine replied.
I just love the bond she has with people. She's just like Sam that way, so warm and welcoming. Cel is the spitting image of him too.
I am so glad I stayed. This family I have I wouldn't trade it for the world.
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wildwallflower24 · 6 months
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Me waiting excitedly for my favorite author to post the fic I requested
(But also patiently because I respect that fic writing takes time and that authors have lives outside of Tumblr)
(Seriously though I love and respect every fic author on tumblr, and I hope you’re all having a wonderful day)
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welldonebeca · 9 months
Trust Your Doctor (2)
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Sam’s eyes watched slowly as Nancy undressed behind the curtains, her tight little body creating the sexiest of silhouettes, and his hands just itched to pinch her small tits. 
He remembered very well how she usually dressed. Sam had been seeing her for nearly 4 years now, since she had turned 15, and this was probably the first time she didn’t just come in baggy clothes, but a pretty dress.
It was adorable, she was trying so hard to look like a grown-up but still looked like just a little girl.
She wasn't even 19 yet, and was just a little virgin planning to fuck a random boy who didn't deserve such an opportunity, and would certainly not know what to do.
Sam couldn't let her do that.
He was older and wiser, a doctor who knew everything about her little body and what he was doing. 
So he was going to help her.
He watched as she put her clothes on the nearest chair, and moved his eyes away when Dean's message popped up on his computer. 
'I just locked up. Have fun with your girl.'
Sam rolled his eyes.
He raised his gaze up again, and she was already standing up and waiting. 
“Are you ready, Miss Sousa?” he called out.
Sam stood up, and she just stood frozen on his spot. 
"Yes, sir," she answered quickly, voice high and cute.
He walked around the room, eyes never leaving her as he pulled the curtains away, and smiled softly when she looked up at his face.
"Please, lay down," he told her.
Nancy rushed to obey him, little hands clenching the ugly gown to cover her tiny body, and Sam had to control himself from just telling her she didn't need to do that. 
But the gown would be off soon enough.
Sam raised his eyes and held back a grin as her pretty cheeks reddened up in a flush, and she chewed her lower lip. 
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Nervous," she mumbled.
He rubbed her foot softly. 
"It's okay," Sam assured her. "You're safe."
Nancy nodded, little fingers clenching the gown. 
"I know," she mumbled. "I'm just... not used to being naked around hot men." 
Sam raised his eyebrows, surprised at the compliment.
"Men," she corrected herself quickly, blushing even more. "Around men."
He looked away, licking his lips, and his mind rushed to what she was hiding for him. He remembered her nipples, tiny and pink, mouthwatering. Maybe they were hard right now; that was why she was hiding so much.
Sam remembered very well the last time she had been in his office. Her mother was right there, hovering over him, sitting right by her side as he worked and listening and taking notes. She was right there when her little teen daughter got wet for him as he examined her with his fingers, little clit swelling and virgin hole drooling.
And now, mama wasn't around.
And he was going to show it to her before she made the mistake of letting her stupid little fling into her. 
"Alright," he pulled his chair. "Ready?"
She nodded, and Sam walked to her side, raising his hands to hers and slowly prying them away.
"Did you notice any lumps or changes since I've seen you?" he asked, pressing on the soft flesh of her breasts. 
They were proportional to her body, so small he could cover them with a single hand of his.
Nancy gulped. 
"No, sir."
Sam hummed softly, thumb touching her tiny nipple, already feeling it hard, though he had barely touched her. 
"Any leaking I should be worried about?" he asked. 
Nancy shook her head.
"No, sir," she mumbled again.
"Good girl," he answered back. 
She gasped, and Sam raised his gaze to her face, finding her brown eyes wide. 
"Uh?" she asked. 
"When you were here before, your mother always had all of the answers written down," he reminded her. "Good job."
Her shoulders relaxed, and Sam wondered if she had bought it.
"Any pain?" he moved down her body, fingers skimming down her little stomach.
He watched as she shivered, and pressed on her lower stomach, checking for any differences over her uterus.
"Just some period cramps," she told him. "Nothing much."
"All going fine," she whispered.
He nodded, yet unsatisfied. 
"When are you expecting your period? I need some data to help you with the pill."
Her face reddened. 
"I'm ovulating today," she told him. "So... I think it's... next week or something?"
Sam tried not to scoff. 
She shouldn't have come when she was ovulating. Didn't she know it would make things too risky?
He couldn't cum inside her.
Not yet, at least. 
He'd fill her up soon enough.
"Okay," he mumbled.
Sam moved to pull his chair and sit between her legs, and exchanged a look with Nancy when he realised she'd cover herself up again. He would spank her hands away if he could. Soon enough, though, she'd be comfortable with him not to hide, he knew it. 
"Sorry," she mumbled, pulling the gown up from where it was covering her pussy. 
Sam didn't answer, just adjusting himself as her little pussy was exposed, bare and hairless. 
She had waxed just for him. What a lovely girl.
"Sorry," she mumbled. "The guy I'm seeing likes hairless girls, so I waxed." 
He looked at her, surprised, and clenched his jaw. 
Not for him, then. 
"I know you don't care about that," she added quickly. "But... yeah..."
"It is up to you," he told her. "But being hairless isn't that good for you. The hair protects you from some infections and is very hygienic. Don't let people tell you otherwise."
She blinked, brown eyes watching his face very curiously. 
"The beauty standard is constructed around prepubescent girls," he added. "No wrinkles, no hair, tiny... you are an adult. You shouldn't let a random boy tell you what to do with your body."
She should have the freedom to look however she wanted to look like. No random boy should be telling her what to do with herself.
Nancy nodded slowly, pretty cheeks blushing again as she stared at him in awe.
"Thank you, Sam," she smiled, much sweeter and relaxed, and her eyes widened when she realised her slip. "I mean... doctor. Thank you, doctor."
He just smiled. 
"You can call me Sam," he assured her.
He watched as her little body relaxed, and her legs spread a little wider.
Sam moved his eyes back down and licked his lips under his mask. 
There it was, the pretty cunt that had him hooked.
It looked just as tight as he remembered, and he recalled very well having to will himself into not sliding a finger into it when her mother was right there. But they were alone now; he could do whatever he wanted with her.
She jumped when he touched her, very softly, and he watched as she relaxed on her spot. 
"Are you okay?" he asked, rubbing a finger on her folds.
"Yes, sir," she nodded. 
Sam hummed positively, and watched as her little cunt squeezed around nothing, begging for his finger. 
"Tell me if anything hurts," he told her. 
Nancy nodded and he bit his lower lip when he heard a little whimper from her when moved a finger over her clit. 
Such a hot little thing. 
Sam could see her pussy swelling up a little bit, clit engorging, and wetness just starting to show on her little hole, escaping the hymen-covered entrance.
Sure, Sam had touched her clit once or twice, faking an accident or two, but now... now he could play with it as he wanted.
And when he did, he had the pleasure of watching her clench and gasp.
He could see how she was a little confused, squirming and looking at him. 
"Any pain?" he asked again, moving his glove-covered thumb down to her entrance, collecting wetness and going back to her clit. 
He traced two circles over her sensitive bud, waiting for an answer, and raised his head, finding her looking at his face with her lower lip between her teeth.
"No," she stuttered. "I... no. No. But..."
He moved his eyes down again, and spread her. 
"I need to check," he reminded her.
She moaned softly, and he smirked behind his mask.
Sam continued to play with her clit, watching her pussy reacting to him so perfectly. 
He wetted his finger on her hole, hearing as her moans and cries grew, legs spreading wide and hips moving, looking for more.
"Good girl," he cooed, unable to keep himself quiet. "Very good girl."
Fuck, he loved little virgins. They were always so sensitive. 
Her legs trashed as her felt her little clit throbbing under his finger, and Sam held her hips down with his free hand. 
"Doctor," she protested with a loud cry, as if unable to control herself. "I..."
"It's okay," he assured her. "It's okay, baby. Let go. It is so good for you." 
Her eyes fell on him, and her face was just curled in pleasure. 
"Sam!" Nancy cried. 
"I know, baby," he assured her. "You can trust me. I'm a doctor."
. . .
Chapter 3 to 5 (DM me to buy the PDF to the full story for just a single payment of $5. You can also subscribe to my "Space Explorer" tier on Patreon and request this as your monthly PDF).
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trektraveler · 1 year
My Hero
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Summary: Doctor Sam WInchester had fallen hard for the woman living just down the hall. She was easily the most adorable and the most accident-prone creature he had ever met! Yet for all the times he came to her rescue, he was too shy to make a move. Maybe he could work up his courage, if he got just one more chance...
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader, Sam x Reader, Doctor!Sam Winchester x You
Characters: Sam Winchester, Reader, Garth, Dean Winchester
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, fluff
One Shot
Word Count: 3700
Author’s Notes: I swear, every time I get sick all I want is a Winchester to come and take care of me. Is that really so much to ask?? I think not! This is my very first Sam x Reader fic! I have a few more ideas rattling around for the youngest Winchester brother, but this is decent practice. For now. Enjoy!
     Bang.  Bang.  Bang.
     “Coming, coming!”  Sam pulled t-shirt over his head as he trotted to the front door.  He’d been getting ready for bed when the insistent knocking started.
     The door swung open to a very nervous young man in a Wong’s delivery uniform.  Sam recognized him from the few times he ordered from them. 
     “Hey, its Garth, right?”
     “Yeah,” he shifted on his feet, his eyes round with worry, “You’re a doctor, aren’t you?”
     Sam’s instantly shifted into his professional mode.  He was currently an attending at Lawrence General Hospital, having just moved back a year ago from L.A.  It had been an adjustment, but a welcome one.  Big city life didn’t suit Sam at all. 
     “I am.  What’s going on?’
     “I was dropping off an order down the hall to the lady in 302 and I heard this thud behind the door and now I can’t get her to answer.  I think something’s wrong.”
     Sam was already grabbing his medical bag, “Show me.”
     302.  He knew the woman who lived there.  More or less.  They kept running into each other.  He first discovered her fighting with the soap dispenser in the laundry room.  Then again when she locked herself out of the building during a thunderstorm.  And then last week when the elevator got stuck between floors.  He always seemed to be wandering by when she needed a rescue.  She was funny, smart, accident prone, and completely adorable. 
     Sam had been working up the courage to ask her out, but something always seemed to crop up.  An extra shift at the hospital or a birthday party for a colleague.  He knew it was an excuse.  For all of his professional success, Sam was, and always had been, extremely shy.
     “Y/N?”  He knocked loudly on the closed door, then tried the handle and found it locked. 
     “Alright, stand back,” he said to Garth.  In one powerful move, Sam kicked the door in, the heel of his foot landing in just the right spot to splinter the doorjamb. 
     “Damn,” Garth blew out an impressed breath, “You aren’t even wearing shoes.”
     You were laying in the foyer.  Curled on your side with your hair spread out like a halo.  A wallet sat a few inches away from outstretched fingers. 
     Sam was at your side in an instant, gingerly turning you over and searching for a pulse, “Y/N?  Can you hear me?”
     Garth hovered nearby, nerves in his voice, “Is she okay?”
     Sam ran a hand over your forehead, “She’s burning up.  Go see if you can find a washcloth and a glass of water.”
     His worry only grew when he carried you to the couch and you still didn’t come to.  He held your limp body up with one hand while he worked your hoodie off with the other, leaving you in a tank top and yoga pants.  He’d strip that off you too, if he had to.  Every inch of bare skin he touched felt like it was on fire! 
     “Why isn’t she waking up?”  Garth asked handing Sam a kitchen towel.
     ���Dehydration.  With a fever this high, it can happen quick.”  Sam dipped the towel in the water filled coffee mug and bathed your face and neck.  Sure enough, his efforts were rewarded.
     You groaned, even that soft sound reverberated through your pounding head.  Everything hurt and all you wanted was to slip back into the blankness of sleep.   But it was so noisy!  Someone kept talking, like the parents in a Snoopy cartoon.  Unintelligible, insistent, and so annoying!
     Sam gently tapped your cheeks, “Y/N.  Come on, darlin.  Open your eyes for me.”
     With a bit of coaxing, you did as he asked.  Everything around you swirled and slowly came into focus.  Your head felt heavy and fell to the side, Sam was there and smiled down at you.  As a reflex, you smiled back before your fevered brain could catch up and tell you who you were looking at.
     “Hey… it’s my hero.”
     Sam chuckled in relief, “Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty.”
     “You’re here.  That’s so nice… why are you here?”
     “You passed out,” he replied, pressing the cool cloth to your brow.  “Do you remember what happened?”
     You tried to search your memory, but everything was so fuzzy!  “Um, I came home from work… I was sick.  Felt really bad.  Everything hurt.  Achy and cold.  Headache.  Then I ordered soup from the place down on Main Street.  I dunno…I feel a little out of it.”
     There was a blood pressure cuff wrapped around your bicep that was inflating.  Where did that come from?  Sam was doing that doctor thing where they listen to you talk while taking vitals at the same time.   
     How did doctors do that?  Did they teach that in med school?  It seemed especially confusing to you as your thoughts kept skipping away and going down rabbit holes.
     Cool fingers felt under your jaw, pressing against swollen lymph nodes.  He always had such a gentleness about him.  Such grace.  Surprising for a man of his size, but he seemed to take such care with you.  Like you were the most rare, delicate creature in the world.
     Last week when you found yourself stuck in the elevator, it was Sam who answered your call.  He muscled open the doors single handed and lifted you up though the opening without breaking a sweat.  You were more than a little awe struck by his display of strength and chivalry.  If you’d had half a brain, you’d have invited him for coffee as a thank you.  As it was, you were preoccupied with being late to work.  A sadly missed opportunity with your handsome neighbor.
     “You came home from work, was that last night?”
     “Um, yeah.  Yes.  As if Mondays aren’t sucky enough.”
     Sam’s eyebrows rose, “That was two days ago.”
     “Today’s Wednesday.”
     That information had you on the move.  You sat straight up and instantly went white.  The room titled and if it weren’t for Sam’s hands steadying your shoulders, you probably would have slid right off the couch.
     “Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Not so fast,” Sam advised, forcing you to recline.
     “I gotta go call work… or… somebody.”
     “The only place you are going is to the E.R.”
     “No, I can’t go to the hospital.”
     “Y/N, listen to me.  You’re dehydrated to the point that you fainted.  Your fever is 103, that’s dangerous territory.” 
     Sam tried to be stern, but he just didn’t have it in him.  You looked so pitiful with your hair sticking to the sweat slick skin and the dark smudges under your eyes.  You were desperately sick and he wasn’t going to simply leave you without treatment.
     “I know a lot of people are scared of the doctor, but I promise I’ll be right there with you.”
     You swallowed, wincing at the feeling of knives in your throat.  “I’m not scared, I’m uninsured.  My job is new, benefits don’t kick in for thirty days.”
     Garth piped up, “You’re a doctor, can’t you just prescribe something and treat her here?”
     “It’s not that simple.  She needs to be admitted so they can get an I.V. going and get some fluids into her system.  And bring that fever under control.”
     He felt your head loll against him.  He looked down in alarm and found you’d lost consciousness again. 
     “Y/N?  Wake up, Y/N!” 
     This time no amount of effort would bring you around. 
     “Damn it,” Sam growled as he got to his feet.  He grabbed a notepad from your entry table and scribbled a list down.  “Do you know that walk-in clinic on 42nd street?”
     Garth followed him, “Yeah, I pass it on my way to work.”
     “Great.  My brother is on call there tonight, go in and ask for Dean.  Tell him it’s for me, he’ll help you.”  Sam tore off the list and thrust it into Garth’s hand, “Get everything and hurry!”
     Garth shoved the paper in his pocket, “What if they don’t believe me?  That clinic isn’t in the best part of town, junkies hassle them all the time.”
     “Dean will believe you but in case he doesn’t say Poughkeepsie.  It’s our go word, means drop everything.”
     “A secret code word, you guys must be brothers,” Garth muttered on his way out the door.
     You woke feeling warm.  Bundled up in something soft and secure.  Your eyes stayed closed as you enjoyed the luxurious feeling.  Most mornings you woke up stiff with your muscles complaining about the ancient futon you had yet to replace.  It was left over from college and the wood slats dug into your hips, but moving to a new town was expensive!  Anything like a proper mattress would have to wait until you had a few more paychecks under your belt.
     You stretched a bit, content to roll over and fall back into your dreams, but something tugged on your hand and pinched.  You frowned and tried again; it was like you were caught in a fishing net. 
     “What the hell…?”  You grumbled unhappily, determined to keep your eyes closed out of stubbornness.  You blindly felt around and found a tube and tape attached to your right hand.
     Your eyes popped open.  An I.V.?
     You weren’t in your bed.  You weren’t in your room!  Where the hell were you? 
     The dimensions matched your bedroom, but it wasn’t bare bones like yours.  This one was painted a lovely smoke grey.  Bookshelves lined one wall and a mahogany dresser matched it on the other.  The bed was the biggest you’d ever seen.  The headboard was massive and intricately carved.  The mattress was firm but yielding. 
     The bedside table housed bottles of medication, a stethoscope, a digital thermometer, and a glass of water.  You remembered being sick.  Sicker than you’d ever felt.  You remembered your boss sending you home then… nothing.  Just a blur. 
     You sat up slowly.  When the room didn’t spin, you decided to press your luck.  You pulled back the covers enough to dangle your feet over the edge.  Your toes found plush carpet.  You felt weak, but not dizzy.  And you were cold without the blankets.  Looking down you found bare legs.  You were wearing only your tank top and Wonder Woman underwear. 
     Fuck.  Where the hell are my clothes?!
     With a quick yank, you pulled the I.V. out and headed for the door. 
     “Yeah, Dean I know.  If I promise to wash and wax your car, will you get off my case?”
     “No way in hell you are waxing my Baby, do I need to remind you about Liza Raffaella in the eighth grade?”
     “Please don’t,” Sam groaned into the phone. 
     “It’s wax on, wax off.  Not wax on, go chat up a nerd girl for three hours while the wax bakes on in the sun!”
     Sam spun at the raspy voice behind him.  You were standing in the hall, your hand braced against the wall for balance.  You looked a little wobbly, but far better than you had in hours.
     “I gotta go,” he told his brother before ending the call.  “Y/N, hey.  How you feeling?”
     “Confused.  How did I get here and where are my clothes?”
     “Oh!”  Sam’s cheeks colored instantly as he grabbed a soft, woven throw from the back of an over-sized chair.  He draped it over your shoulders and ushered you to the sofa.
     “Sorry about that, your fever was sky high.  Needed to bring it down in a hurry.  Here, sit.”
     You sank down onto a couch that was just as comfortable as the bed you’d woken up in.  Sam disappeared into the kitchen then returned with a glass of ginger ale and some crackers.  He was rattling off something about Chinese takeout and your pants being in the laundry.  All the while he was fussing over you.  His long fingers found the pulse point on your wrist, and he produced a pen light from somewhere to check your pupils.
     After a few minutes, he realized you were staring at him, “Y/N?”
     “Sam, grateful that I am for your hospitality and bedside manner… I still don’t understand why I’m here.” 
     “Well, I figured it would be a better place for you to recover… with all the construction.”
     Now you were really confused, “Construction?”
     Sam rubbed the back of his neck and embarrassment turned his ears pink, “Yeah.  I ah… I kinda broke down your door.”
     “You weren’t answering!  I just had a really bad feeling, and I would never have forgiven myself if something happened to you.”
     His gaze traveled your face then locked on your eyes.  “I was worried about you.”
     You looked at him, really looked.  He was beautiful, as he always was, but there was an edge of exhaustion to his features.  His five o’clock shadow was darker than you’d ever seen it.  The fine lines around his eyes and lips were etched deeper and his hazel eyes were slightly red.  Even his enviable hair was disheveled. 
     “So, you committed destruction of property to save my life?”
     “I did.”  He gave a nod, his tone teasing, “You gonna turn me in?”
     A small smile played around your lips, “Nah.  I might need your services again.  I have a habit of getting into trouble.  Nice to know I’ve got my own personal hero on call.”
     “You call, I’ll come running.”
Two Years Later:
     “That was not our first date!”
     “We spent the entire weekend curled up in my bed, it counts.”
     “I was unconscious!”
     “Not the whole time,” Sam countered, threading his fingers through yours, “Sometimes you’d wake up.  Of course, you were delirious.  You did have some of the most creative fever dreams… what was that one about the Catholic church hiding the existence of extra-terrestrials by dressing them up like the clergy?”
     “They were hiding dinosaurs, not aliens.  Tiny dinosaurs under their creepy old lady robes.  And still, not a date.  I think you’ll find most dating experts would agree with me on this.”
    “Dating experts?”
     “Your brother.”
     Sam huffed out a laugh, “Don’t be fooled by the rumors, he’s not the Casanova everyone thinks he is.”
     “I dunno, guy gets a lot of dates.”
     “First dates.  Ask him about his batting average for second dates.”
     “Oh yeah?  Got him beat, do you?”
     “Hands down.”
     Sam curled a finger under your chin and brought his lips down to meet yours.  You hummed happily as an electric spark zinged all the way down to your toes.  It was crazy that even after two years he still managed to excite you with just a touch, or a look.  You never had to doubt his feelings for you, he wore them openly and proudly.  He never missed the opportunity to hold your hand in the grocery store or to wrap his arm around your shoulders at the movies.   A kiss to the temple, a hand at the small of your back.  Every touch was filled with the warmth of the sun on a summer’s day.  Every night was filled with the heat and passion of desire that could never be sated. 
     You leaned into Sam’s side as he guided the two of you down the winding path that cut through the willows.  “So, tell me Doctor Winchester, why haven’t I been to your family’s estate before?”
     “I wouldn’t call it an estate, it’s just a few acres.”
     “I don’t care if it’s a patch of dead grass… you have horses!  Horses, Sam!  I’ve wanted to go horseback riding since I was ten.”
     “We might be able to squeeze in a lesson for you before we head home.”
     “I’ll bet you’re a natural, you’re already an expert with a riding crop,” he whispered in your ear.
     “Sam!”  You admonished him, instantly turning red, “That was a one time!”
     “Best birthday ever.  And to answer your question; you haven’t been here before because I was waiting.”
     The path curved and opened up to a decent sized pond.  A dock jutted out onto the clear, still waters and ended in an elaborate gazebo.  Painted a picturesque white and topped with a copper finial, hundreds of tiny fairy lights hung from the rafters glittering with magic and romance. 
     “Oh wow,” you breathed, following Sam down the planks.  “This is like something out of a book.  God, it’s beautiful!”
     “My parents built this place from the ground up.  Mom had this vision in her head about a pond where she could come and watch ducks.  Teach her kids to swim and fish.  So, one summer, Dad started digging.  I don’t think he even had a plan, all the neighbors thought he was crazy!  But he was stubborn and determined.  And he loved my mom more than anything.”
     You walked out to the end of the platform and leaned out on the railing.  Dragonflies danced along the surface of the water as the sun began to set and the crickets started to sing.  “He did a great job.  Did he build the gazebo too?”
     “Anniversary present,” he confirmed, joining you by the railing.  “This was my favorite spot when I was a kid.  Dean loved the garage, hanging with Dad and tearing apart trucks with the radio blasting.  I couldn’t stand the noise, so I’d come out here.  Even in the winter.”
     Suddenly, a swan flew down and landed in the middle of the water.  Graceful and noble, it glided across the water sending the slightest of ripples out in its wake.  As it turned, you could see a single black feather against the white of its tail. 
     “Oh!  I’ve never seen a swan with one black feather.”
     “He’s always had it, never could figure out why.  He showed up when I was ten and just never left.  I call him Solomon.”
     “Is it just him?  I thought swans always paired up?”  
     “Well, that’s the thing, they do have mates for life, but he showed up alone.  And I know it sounds silly, but he was mopey.  He didn’t take a lot of interest in anything; he didn’t interact with the ducks or even pay any attention to me when I tried to feed him.  He was sad.  Some animals grieve and I think he was grieving for his lost mate.”
     “Poor guy,” you murmured, watching as Sam took a packet of birdseed from his pocket and tossed a bit out on the water. 
     “When I left for college, Solomon migrated and didn’t come back in the spring.  I thought I’d seen the last of him, but then I got a call from Mom this past summer.  He was back and he brought someone with him.”
     As if on cue, a second swan swooped down and landed beside Solomon.  Pure white and just as lovely.  They looked like a postcard, gliding on the sunlit water.
     “You’re kidding!  He found another mate?  I didn’t know swans would do that!”
     “Some do, special cases.  And Solomon’s no fool, he might have been content to be alone forever, but when that right one came along, he snapped her up.”
     “That’s amazing!”  You turned to Sam with a beaming grin, but stopped short when you realized he wasn’t standing there beside you.  He was kneeling. 
     He took both of your hands in his, tipping his face back to gaze up at you with such tenderness and devotion it made your breath catch.
     “I’ve been thinking about this moment for a long time.  I knew what I wanted to do and how I wanted it to look, but the words never came.  Everything I wrote seemed inadequate.  Even the word love falls short.  It’s not enough, it’s not big enough.  Being with you is a revelation, Y/N.  You call me your hero, but baby… it’s the other way around.  You rescued me.”
     Tears had already gathered in your eyes when he pulled out a blue velvet box.  A diamond solitaire sparkled inside like a star in the sky. 
     “I don’t know if I’ll ever have the words, but I swear to show you.  To treasure you, to make your happiness my mission.  To answer your call and to love you for all my days.”
     You dropped down to your knees and tackled him.  Your arms flung around his neck, nearly knocking him over in your enthusiasm.   He caught you with a laugh and kept the two of you from tumbling off into the water.  You kissed every square inch of the face you’d loved since he first rescued you.  And you laughed.  Joy bubbled up from your heart like effervescent Champagne.
     “You astonishing,” Kiss. “Brilliant,” kiss. “Romantic,” kiss, kiss. “Beautiful,” kiss, kiss, kiss.
     “Y/N… baby…”
     “Yes?” Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.
     His hands wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you back slightly so he could look into your eyes.  He traced the curve of your face, fondly tucking your hair behind your ear.  You were always moving, always racing towards everything in life.  It was something he loved about you, your exuberance.  Your passion!  You burned so bright, his light even on the darkest days. 
     “Will you marry me?”
     Your brow creased in confusion before you realized, he didn’t actually say the words a moment ago.  You been so excited that he never got the chance. 
     “Yes,” you nodded, your forehead coming to rest against his. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
     Sam slipped the ring onto your finger, “Will you look at that?  Perfect fit.”
     “Guess that means you’re stuck with me now.”  You shifted so that you were sitting in his lap, your hand cupped his jaw, “I should tell you up front that I tend to get into trouble, there’s a good chance that you’ll be required to rescue me from time to time.”
     “Good thing rescuing you is my second favorite activity.”
     “Second favorite?”
     “Yeah,” he murmured against the curve of your neck, “Let me show you the front runner.”
     Before long, Sam had swept you away in a haze with his deft fingers and clever tongue.  The title of Hero that you bestowed on him became a running joke through the years and then a loving nickname.  But that didn’t make it any less true.  He’d always been a hero, and now he was yours. TAGLIST @deans-baby-momma @muchamusedaboutnothing @peterpangirl21 @ficbreaks @teresa-67 @sacriceria @verytoadpapersoul @heartbreak-of-a-marauder @savspersonalproperty @deanwanddamons @jenwinchester40 @perpetualabsurdity @starryeyeseunbyul @sexyvixen7 @katsbratsupernaturalwhore @agirlwithdemonblood @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @imthedoctorlove @roonyxx @smellingofpoetryy @deanwinchesterswitch @thinkinghardhardlythinking @pink-sparkly-witchly-witch @barewithme02 @deadlynightshadeindustries @jc-winchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @kinderousmaster @lyarr24 @aphorism-001 @onlinecemetery @allonsy-yesiwill @myeagletoadmaker @panicking-outside-the-disco @haylie-spnfam4evr @lauraashley93 @foxyjwls007 @bluedragonflylady @foxyjwls007
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mattmurcock · 3 months
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𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥 𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞!
𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝, 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞! 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐣𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬 24 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲! 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞!
𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏 𝐎𝐍𝐄: Head over to your camera roll. The last celebrity or fictional character saved to your gallery is your time-travelling companion --- are you safe? 🔮
𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏 𝐓𝐖𝐎: Sneak a peek at my Time Dilation scenario chart --- fancy, right? Here’s how it works: Choose your birthstone, the last number of your birth year, and your star sign to reveal the intricacies of your journey. 🥀
𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄: Share your trip and share the love! Tag any adventurous moots or followers that might like to participate!
Safe travels! 🥂
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I’ll start things off! 
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Save, thriving, and happy. I trust Aragorn with my life and he totally seems the type to stay cool during a trip like this. Looks like we’re travelling to 16th century Venice to scout the library and fall in love. Oh my gosh, imagine all the books!!! Was this intentional? Maybe, possibly...
moots, assemble! *no pressure, of course!*: @starstruck-loner​ @goldencherriess @astudyinlaura @lumosouls @misaverawrites @selcouthangel @asherloki @baby-bloos @thespiritoflife @lydiablack-m @starryeddie @andthevillainshallrises @bakerstreethound @silverdaydreamer @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @classickook @lucywrites02 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @blogthebooklover @imeternallylove @fictional-hooman @waiting-for-cas-to-save-me @amplifyme @frostandflamesfanfic @mindibindi @foxmulderlovebot @space-helen @inlovewithfictionalcharacters666 @paperheartsarts @aephereal @christinasyellowflowers @natti-ice
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aloneatpeace · 8 months
In Another Universe
Chapter 20
Mount wundagore
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You float on midair with Darhold Infront of you with branches of numerous realities around you, Wong held captive by the red mist, hands tied and bloody and bruised face. Eyes closed you reach out the universe where you could dream walk, to get close to your family faster. While you still hear your subconscious reach earth 838.
Earth 838 y/n was making table as you watch, Alex and your boys watching a new movie that the boys wanted watch for a quite some time. As the variant y/n move to get more dishes you follow, feeling the presence the variant glance back but you hide behind the staircase that led to second floor of the house. An ominous feeling crept through her spin as the wind starts to get harsher, the floor felt slippery as her legs tumbled the picture of her earlier birthday seems to look at her making her breath gets shorter the lights creaked. The broth dish starts to move she take the dish her hands but the wind gets harsher and more made her almost drop it and place it on the side her breath gets shorter a massive headache that made her hunch over the front of the sink.
Shaking her head, she stands a sigh leaving her lips she unintentionally glance at window to see a reflection of her but in different clothes, she doesn’t look like her at all even the though the facial features are same. She can see its not her its someone else someone more cruel, cold hearted, she seems to glare at her.
 She tries to move but her feet kept her an excruciating pain exploded in her chest she closes her eyes face pinched at the pained expression, suddenly everything went quite as she opens her eyes a red hue shine in her iris.
You sigh as you able to get inside your variant.
“Mom, are you alright?” a small voice called you from behind.
“yeah” you slowly turn to see your son Charlie stand there with a worried look on his face. At the sight of him you melt inside. He slowly walks towards you as you watch with adoration.
He stands Infront of you kneel before him, his put his little hands on your forehead puzzled pout on his lips when he feels no temperature but he heard you wince. “You alright mom?”
You smile wholeheartedly a tenderness that only received for your boys you run your hands through his hair “I'm alright sweetheart”
He hums satisfied with the answer he turns his head “get ready I’m coming with mom”
“Just come then” Oliver impatient voice yell back
Charlie takes your hands in his “come on mom” you let him pull you wherever he wants with a soft smile on your face.
As you get to the table Oliver and Alex stands beside a large cake on the table Charlie run towards them, together they start to yell happy birthday to you. The boys try to copy their fathers voice Alex smiley smile at there antics as he sings wishes to you.
This what it like to leave with them.
  One of the warriors slowly walk towards Wong, to avoided get caught by the scarlet witch. Wong left his head up weakly “you are alive “
The witch node “but not many other have lost”
“Set me free, I need to destroy the book”
“no. it’s can’t be you” she softly whispers before caring his cheeks, she silently moves towards the darkhold that hover the air, unsheathing the knife that hidden in her robes.
“NO, sara no”
She grabbed the darkhold and stab it forcefully with the knife.
The connection to dream walk break making both you and earth 838 you fall. In earth 838 Alex and your boys run towards shouting your name in concern at the sudden fall. You look up from the kneeling ground to get the boys, your variant also kneels to comfort the worried boys.
“Boy…... boys ……...”
“Love are you alright?” Their voice echoes in your head as faint connection still there before it all lost.
Sara body burned as she destroyed the darkhold, you hastily grab the book tears threating to fall a sob screaming inside you.
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Quickly the saddens was replace by furious anger, glaring at Wong you throw him by blasting a red mist to the destroyed temple front.
“I need the darkhold spell’s, you’re the sorcerer supreme. Tell me what you know”
Wong spit out the blood “you’re gonna have to kill me, witch”
You shake your head “no not you, them” you lift your hands and the survived warriors held in midair as you bind them with red magic binds, they squirm in pain whimpers and pained plea for life reach Wong’s ear
“y/n stop. y/n please”
You flick your wrist more pain shoot through them making the scream for life. Seeing them in pain Wong give in
“The darkhold was just copy”
You stop “a copy”
“Legends speaks of a mountain with the wretched spells you seek carved into its wall. Its is where darkhold was transcribed. Mount wundagore, Wanda Maximoff mother of all witches and witchcraft worshiped there it centuries ago”
“no one survived the journey, no one is welcomed there”
You lift a finger letting the dead man’s sling ring fly and throw it to Wong “perhaps we will the exception”
Sam, dean and Klaus was handcuffed and an electric device that shocked them was placed on their neck. America stands next to them with a guilty look her face, they are put in glass box all they don’t remember how they got here when they wake up this how they found themselves. the door of the lab and a guy walk in Sam’s and dean eyed widen “CAS?”
The cas in question give them a blank questioning look dean gulp he just saw him getting vanished because of you. “This is a highly secure research facility you three will be tested and will be in surveillance under us”
“I am no lab rat to be tested” Klaus seethes
“What you mean? cas?”
“I am not your cas as you speak of and test are being done because you are unwelcomed here traveling from one universe to another is not a normal thing. We need to run some test to identify you”
“Wait… what earth are we on/” Sam asks
“This is earth 838” the monitor near beep alerting cas “he walks towards the system transferring the data to his tablet “let’s take look, you all are from earth 616.”
“How…. How do you know all about this how are you even here working for whatever this guy is? “Dean stutter out
“Well……. I’m here because something you both did” cas said walk towards them “it was not like that; you both brought a massive apocalypse here every dead and living in affected by that not just that every creature of hell was unleashed “
 “What did we do?” Sam asks hesitantly
“You brought the mother of all monsters Echidna”
Dean shrug “but we made it right”
Cas tilt his head side “no the illuminate did”
“So where are we? “Sam point at Klaus “where is he… the other him”
“Well Klaus and every vampire that broke the law was killed” Klaus glare at cas “Sam and dean died during the battle. That’s how I got this job “
“Great we all dead then”
A message pop in cas tablet as Ultron enter the lab “now you will be meeting the illuminate
 “So, is this illuminate we speaking are they bad guys or good?” dean glance at Ultron warily
America watches as the guys were walked out Sam turns to cas “take care of that kid” he node at America “its going to be okey”.
The winds blow harshly on the mountain tops as orange glow portals open Wong step out of it behind from him you step out. The wundagore stand proud and tall carved with stones “you couldn’t portal us up there”
“My magic can only take us here; master of mystic’s arts is not welcomed here. It’s a forbidden ground.”
You thrust your hands to side lifting yourself above as we as Wong and levitate to the temple, as you enter you could see carving of symbols and spells on stones some of the pillars have broken missing parts.
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“Eons ago, the first demon, chthon, carved his dark magic into the tomb “he speaks as you taken the tomb. Some of the stones fall down but you and Wong continue walking after casting final glance at behind “there is no telling what soulless monstrosities lies within”
You let the red mist lit the fire cauldron in the corners all around when you lit one behind Wong, a creature that reside in the tomb stalk towards you with loud roar, Wong summon shields to defend him as one more come and when the last giant creature revels itself you levitate yourself to on to the stone table.
Your breath heavy and prepare yourself for the fight as three close the distance and both to your and Wong’s surprise they kneel Infront of you holding left hand to the right side of them “they’ve been waiting for me”
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You look down at Wong glancing back at the statue that oddly similar to you “this isn’t a tomb” the red glow on your palm “it’s a throne”
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Sam, dean and Klaus is leading to the illuminate by the Ultron’s, hands cuffed. They get pushed into the room.
“Sam Winchester dean Winchester and Klaus Mikaelson, you are now called before the illuminati. I, Baron Karl Mordo, the sorcerer supreme, do hereby. Captain carter the first avenger, Blackagar Boltagon”
“You all bunch of comic dudes” deans’ eyes wide looking at them “I thought it was captain America?” Sam sigh at his brother comment. “Hidigy hidithere” he said lifting his hands
Karl gives him a look before continuing “captain marvel defender of the cosmos” from a blue teleportation light square a guy turns “and the smartest man alive Reed Richards of the fantastic four”
Dean turns to Sam with a frow “your title is gone”
“Hello dean”
“Fantastic four? Didn’t you guys’ chart in the 60’s”
“Dean just …. Just shut up” Sam said to his brother in a whisper
“I’m sorry, is this a joke to you?” the captain marvel asks dean already not pleased with his behavior
“Well, there’s a guy over there with a fork on his head. So, yeah, a little bit.” Dean answer beside him Klaus chuckle at that 
Black bolt glare at the two and gesture with his hands to keep their mouth shut
“Be grateful black bolt doesn’t engage you in a conversation” captain carter state
“Why does he have bad breath?”
“This dean is even more arrogant than ours” captain America share a smile with captain marvel
“No, just more alive”
Captain marvel recounter “for now”
“I am sorry for their behalf” Sam speaks up finally “we don’t want any trouble. Trust us we don’t even know how we got here. We were just trying to a help a kid”
Reed smile at Sam “Sam, your arrival here confuses and destabilize reality. The larger the footprint you leave behind the greater the risk pf an incursion”
“An incursion occurs when the boundary between two universe erodes and they collide destroying one or both entirely” reed tell them in all seriousness
 “The illuminate created to make difficult decisions that no one else could. Today, we’re here to determine what to do with you all and the child” captain carter state
“So, before we vote, if you got anything serious to say, now’s the time” captain marvel says
“Yeah, I do.” Dean walk towards them “if its incursion you’re worried about. Do you seriously think we are a bigger threat than the scarlet witch?”
With great confidence and determination captain marvel look said “oh, we can handle your little witch if she decides to dream walk”
“No. no, you cannot. Not unless you give us the book of vishanti” Sam firmly asserts
“We appreciate your concern, Sam but it’s not the scarlet witch that we fear, from our greatest danger to the multiverse, it turns out is Sam Winchester “
Dean frown as well Sam at the statement wondering what he did wrong
“He what did he do?” Klaus speak for the first time he was trying process everything that happened last couple of hours ago and he didn’t want to talk to the people that massacre his species.
“We should tell him the truth” a new voice said, everyone turns to the voice fancy wheelchair come in the view
“Our final member, professor Charles Xavier”
“What truth?” dean asks aggravated 
“that’s not how our Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester died”.
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Series masterlist
Not really satisfied but i think I like it .
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My Hero
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Summary: Doctor Sam WInchester had fallen hard for the woman living just down the hall. She was easily the most adorable and the most accident-prone creature he had ever met! Yet for all the times he came to her rescue, he was too shy to make a move. Maybe he could work up his courage, if he got just one more chance...
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader, Sam x Reader, Doctor!Sam Winchester x You
Characters: Sam Winchester, Reader, Garth, Dean Winchester
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, fluff
One Shot
Word Count: 3700
Author’s Notes: I swear, every time I get sick all I want is a Winchester to come and take care of me. Is that really so much to ask?? I think not! This is my very first Sam x Reader fic! I have a few more ideas rattling around for the youngest Winchester brother, but this is decent practice. For now. Enjoy!
Bang.  Bang.  Bang.
     “Coming, coming!”  Sam pulled t-shirt over his head as he trotted to the front door.  He’d been getting ready for bed when the insistent knocking started.
     The door swung open to a very nervous young man in a Wong’s delivery uniform.  Sam recognized him from the few times he ordered from them. 
     “Hey, its Garth, right?”
     “Yeah,” he shifted on his feet, his eyes round with worry, “You’re a doctor, aren’t you?”
     Sam’s instantly shifted into his professional mode.  He was currently an attending at Lawrence General Hospital, having just moved back a year ago from L.A.  It had been an adjustment, but a welcome one.  Big city life didn’t suit Sam at all. 
     “I am.  What’s going on?’
     “I was dropping off an order down the hall to the lady in 302 and I heard this thud behind the door and now I can’t get her to answer.  I think something’s wrong.”
     Sam was already grabbing his medical bag, “Show me.”
     302.  He knew the woman who lived there.  More or less.  They kept running into each other.  He first discovered her fighting with the soap dispenser in the laundry room.  Then again when she locked herself out of the building during a thunderstorm.  And then last week when the elevator got stuck between floors.  He always seemed to be wandering by when she needed a rescue.  She was funny, smart, accident prone, and completely adorable. 
     Sam had been working up the courage to ask her out, but something always seemed to crop up.  An extra shift at the hospital or a birthday party for a colleague.  He knew it was an excuse.  For all of his professional success, Sam was, and always had been, extremely shy.
     “Y/N?”  He knocked loudly on the closed door, then tried the handle and found it locked. 
     “Alright, stand back,” he said to Garth.  In one powerful move, Sam kicked the door in, the heel of his foot landing in just the right spot to splinter the doorjamb. 
     “Damn,” Garth blew out an impressed breath, “You aren’t even wearing shoes.”
     You were laying in the foyer.  Curled on your side with your hair spread out like a halo.  A wallet sat a few inches away from outstretched fingers. 
     Sam was at your side in an instant, gingerly turning you over and searching for a pulse, “Y/N?  Can you hear me?”
     Garth hovered nearby, nerves in his voice, “Is she okay?”
     Sam ran a hand over your forehead, “She’s burning up.  Go see if you can find a washcloth and a glass of water.”
     His worry only grew when he carried you to the couch and you still didn’t come to.  He held your limp body up with one hand while he worked your hoodie off with the other, leaving you in a tank top and yoga pants.  He’d strip that off you too, if he had to.  Every inch of bare skin he touched felt like it was on fire! 
     “Why isn’t she waking up?”  Garth asked handing Sam a kitchen towel.
     “Dehydration.  With a fever this high, it can happen quick.”  Sam dipped the towel in the water filled coffee mug and bathed your face and neck.  Sure enough, his efforts were rewarded.
     You groaned, even that soft sound reverberated through your pounding head.  Everything hurt and all you wanted was to slip back into the blankness of sleep.   But it was so noisy!  Someone kept talking, like the parents in a Snoopy cartoon.  Unintelligible, insistent, and so annoying!
     Sam gently tapped your cheeks, “Y/N.  Come on, darlin.  Open your eyes for me.”
     With a bit of coaxing, you did as he asked.  Everything around you swirled and slowly came into focus.  Your head felt heavy and fell to the side, Sam was there and smiled down at you.  As a reflex, you smiled back before your fevered brain could catch up and tell you who you were looking at.
     “Hey… it’s my hero.”
     Sam chuckled in relief, “Welcome back, Sleeping Beauty.”
     “You’re here.  That’s so nice… why are you here?”
     “You passed out,” he replied, pressing the cool cloth to your brow.  “Do you remember what happened?”
     You tried to search your memory, but everything was so fuzzy!  “Um, I came home from work… I was sick.  Felt really bad.  Everything hurt.  Achy and cold.  Headache.  Then I ordered soup from the place down on Main Street.  I dunno…I feel a little out of it.”
     There was a blood pressure cuff wrapped around your bicep that was inflating.  Where did that come from?  Sam was doing that doctor thing where they listen to you talk while taking vitals at the same time.   
     How did doctors do that?  Did they teach that in med school?  It seemed especially confusing to you as your thoughts kept skipping away and going down rabbit holes.
     Cool fingers felt under your jaw, pressing against swollen lymph nodes.  He always had such a gentleness about him.  Such grace.  Surprising for a man of his size, but he seemed to take such care with you.  Like you were the most rare, delicate creature in the world.
     Last week when you found yourself stuck in the elevator, it was Sam who answered your call.  He muscled open the doors single handed and lifted you up though the opening without breaking a sweat.  You were more than a little awe struck by his display of strength and chivalry.  If you’d had half a brain, you’d have invited him for coffee as a thank you.  As it was, you were preoccupied with being late to work.  A sadly missed opportunity with your handsome neighbor.
     “You came home from work, was that last night?”
     “Um, yeah.  Yes.  As if Mondays aren’t sucky enough.”
     Sam’s eyebrows rose, “That was two days ago.”
     “Today’s Wednesday.”
     That information had you on the move.  You sat straight up and instantly went white.  The room titled and if it weren’t for Sam’s hands steadying your shoulders, you probably would have slid right off the couch.
     “Whoa, whoa, whoa.  Not so fast,” Sam advised, forcing you to recline.
     “I gotta go call work… or… somebody.”
     “The only place you are going is to the E.R.”
     “No, I can’t go to the hospital.”
     “Y/N, listen to me.  You’re dehydrated to the point that you fainted.  Your fever is 103, that’s dangerous territory.” 
     Sam tried to be stern, but he just didn’t have it in him.  You looked so pitiful with your hair sticking to the sweat slick skin and the dark smudges under your eyes.  You were desperately sick and he wasn’t going to simply leave you without treatment.
     “I know a lot of people are scared of the doctor, but I promise I’ll be right there with you.”
     You swallowed, wincing at the feeling of knives in your throat.  “I’m not scared, I’m uninsured.  My job is new, benefits don’t kick in for thirty days.”
     Garth piped up, “You’re a doctor, can’t you just prescribe something and treat her here?”
     “It’s not that simple.  She needs to be admitted so they can get an I.V. going and get some fluids into her system.  And bring that fever under control.”
     He felt your head loll against him.  He looked down in alarm and found you’d lost consciousness again. 
     “Y/N?  Wake up, Y/N!” 
     This time no amount of effort would bring you around. 
     “Damn it,” Sam growled as he got to his feet.  He grabbed a notepad from your entry table and scribbled a list down.  “Do you know that walk-in clinic on 42nd street?”
     Garth followed him, “Yeah, I pass it on my way to work.”
     “Great.  My brother is on call there tonight, go in and ask for Dean.  Tell him it’s for me, he’ll help you.”  Sam tore off the list and thrust it into Garth’s hand, “Get everything and hurry!”
     Garth shoved the paper in his pocket, “What if they don’t believe me?  That clinic isn’t in the best part of town, junkies hassle them all the time.”
     “Dean will believe you but in case he doesn’t say Poughkeepsie.  It’s our go word, means drop everything.”
     “A secret code word, you guys must be brothers,” Garth muttered on his way out the door.
     You woke feeling warm.  Bundled up in something soft and secure.  Your eyes stayed closed as you enjoyed the luxurious feeling.  Most mornings you woke up stiff with your muscles complaining about the ancient futon you had yet to replace.  It was left over from college and the wood slats dug into your hips, but moving to a new town was expensive!  Anything like a proper mattress would have to wait until you had a few more paychecks under your belt.
     You stretched a bit, content to roll over and fall back into your dreams, but something tugged on your hand and pinched.  You frowned and tried again; it was like you were caught in a fishing net. 
     “What the hell…?”  You grumbled unhappily, determined to keep your eyes closed out of stubbornness.  You blindly felt around and found a tube and tape attached to your right hand.
     Your eyes popped open.  An I.V.?
     You weren’t in your bed.  You weren’t in your room!  Where the hell were you? 
     The dimensions matched your bedroom, but it wasn’t bare bones like yours.  This one was painted a lovely smoke grey.  Bookshelves lined one wall and a mahogany dresser matched it on the other.  The bed was the biggest you’d ever seen.  The headboard was massive and intricately carved.  The mattress was firm but yielding. 
     The bedside table housed bottles of medication, a stethoscope, a digital thermometer, and a glass of water.  You remembered being sick.  Sicker than you’d ever felt.  You remembered your boss sending you home then… nothing.  Just a blur. 
     You sat up slowly.  When the room didn’t spin, you decided to press your luck.  You pulled back the covers enough to dangle your feet over the edge.  Your toes found plush carpet.  You felt weak, but not dizzy.  And you were cold without the blankets.  Looking down you found bare legs.  You were wearing only your tank top and Wonder Woman underwear. 
     Fuck.  Where the hell are my clothes?!
     With a quick yank, you pulled the I.V. out and headed for the door. 
     “Yeah, Dean I know.  If I promise to wash and wax your car, will you get off my case?”
     “No way in hell you are waxing my Baby, do I need to remind you about Liza Raffaella in the eighth grade?”
     “Please don’t,” Sam groaned into the phone. 
     “It’s wax on, wax off.  Not wax on, go chat up a nerd girl for three hours while the wax bakes on in the sun!”
     Sam spun at the raspy voice behind him.  You were standing in the hall, your hand braced against the wall for balance.  You looked a little wobbly, but far better than you had in hours.
     “I gotta go,” he told his brother before ending the call.  “Y/N, hey.  How you feeling?”
     “Confused.  How did I get here and where are my clothes?”
     “Oh!”  Sam’s cheeks colored instantly as he grabbed a soft, woven throw from the back of an over-sized chair.  He draped it over your shoulders and ushered you to the sofa.
     “Sorry about that, your fever was sky high.  Needed to bring it down in a hurry.  Here, sit.”
     You sank down onto a couch that was just as comfortable as the bed you’d woken up in.  Sam disappeared into the kitchen then returned with a glass of ginger ale and some crackers.  He was rattling off something about Chinese takeout and your pants being in the laundry.  All the while he was fussing over you.  His long fingers found the pulse point on your wrist, and he produced a pen light from somewhere to check your pupils.
     After a few minutes, he realized you were staring at him, “Y/N?”
     “Sam, grateful that I am for your hospitality and bedside manner… I still don’t understand why I’m here.” 
     “Well, I figured it would be a better place for you to recover… with all the construction.”
     Now you were really confused, “Construction?”
     Sam rubbed the back of his neck and embarrassment turned his ears pink, “Yeah.  I ah… I kinda broke down your door.”
     “You weren’t answering!  I just had a really bad feeling, and I would never have forgiven myself if something happened to you.”
     His gaze traveled your face then locked on your eyes.  “I was worried about you.”
     You looked at him, really looked.  He was beautiful, as he always was, but there was an edge of exhaustion to his features.  His five o’clock shadow was darker than you’d ever seen it.  The fine lines around his eyes and lips were etched deeper and his hazel eyes were slightly red.  Even his enviable hair was disheveled. 
     “So, you committed destruction of property to save my life?”
     “I did.”  He gave a nod, his tone teasing, “You gonna turn me in?”
     A small smile played around your lips, “Nah.  I might need your services again.  I have a habit of getting into trouble.  Nice to know I’ve got my own personal hero on call.”
     “You call, I’ll come running.”
Two Years Later:
     “That was not our first date!”
     “We spent the entire weekend curled up in my bed, it counts.”
     “I was unconscious!”
     “Not the whole time,” Sam countered, threading his fingers through yours, “Sometimes you’d wake up.  Of course, you were delirious.  You did have some of the most creative fever dreams… what was that one about the Catholic church hiding the existence of extra-terrestrials by dressing them up like the clergy?”
     “They were hiding dinosaurs, not aliens.  Tiny dinosaurs under their creepy old lady robes.  And still, not a date.  I think you’ll find most dating experts would agree with me on this.”
    “Dating experts?”
     “Your brother.”
     Sam huffed out a laugh, “Don’t be fooled by the rumors, he’s not the Casanova everyone thinks he is.”
     “I dunno, guy gets a lot of dates.”
     “First dates.  Ask him about his batting average for second dates.”
     “Oh yeah?  Got him beat, do you?”
     “Hands down.”
     Sam curled a finger under your chin and brought his lips down to meet yours.  You hummed happily as an electric spark zinged all the way down to your toes.  It was crazy that even after two years he still managed to excite you with just a touch, or a look.  You never had to doubt his feelings for you, he wore them openly and proudly.  He never missed the opportunity to hold your hand in the grocery store or to wrap his arm around your shoulders at the movies.   A kiss to the temple, a hand at the small of your back.  Every touch was filled with the warmth of the sun on a summer’s day.  Every night was filled with the heat and passion of desire that could never be sated. 
     You leaned into Sam’s side as he guided the two of you down the winding path that cut through the willows.  “So, tell me Doctor Winchester, why haven’t I been to your family’s estate before?”
     “I wouldn’t call it an estate, it’s just a few acres.”
     “I don’t care if it’s a patch of dead grass… you have horses!  Horses, Sam!  I’ve wanted to go horseback riding since I was ten.”
 ��   “We might be able to squeeze in a lesson for you before we head home.”
     “I’ll bet you’re a natural, you’re already an expert with a riding crop,” he whispered in your ear.
     “Sam!”  You admonished him, instantly turning red, “That was a one time!”
     “Best birthday ever.  And to answer your question; you haven’t been here before because I was waiting.”
     The path curved and opened up to a decent sized pond.  A dock jutted out onto the clear, still waters and ended in an elaborate gazebo.  Painted a picturesque white and topped with a copper finial, hundreds of tiny fairy lights hung from the rafters glittering with magic and romance. 
     “Oh wow,” you breathed, following Sam down the planks.  “This is like something out of a book.  God, it’s beautiful!”
     “My parents built this place from the ground up.  Mom had this vision in her head about a pond where she could come and watch ducks.  Teach her kids to swim and fish.  So, one summer, Dad started digging.  I don’t think he even had a plan, all the neighbors thought he was crazy!  But he was stubborn and determined.  And he loved my mom more than anything.”
     You walked out to the end of the platform and leaned out on the railing.  Dragonflies danced along the surface of the water as the sun began to set and the crickets started to sing.  “He did a great job.  Did he build the gazebo too?”
     “Anniversary present,” he confirmed, joining you by the railing.  “This was my favorite spot when I was a kid.  Dean loved the garage, hanging with Dad and tearing apart trucks with the radio blasting.  I couldn’t stand the noise, so I’d come out here.  Even in the winter.”
     Suddenly, a swan flew down and landed in the middle of the water.  Graceful and noble, it glided across the water sending the slightest of ripples out in its wake.  As it turned, you could see a single black feather against the white of its tail. 
     “Oh!  I’ve never seen a swan with one black feather.”
     “He’s always had it, never could figure out why.  He showed up when I was ten and just never left.  I call him Solomon.”
     “Is it just him?  I thought swans always paired up?”  
     “Well, that’s the thing, they do have mates for life, but he showed up alone.  And I know it sounds silly, but he was mopey.  He didn’t take a lot of interest in anything; he didn’t interact with the ducks or even pay any attention to me when I tried to feed him.  He was sad.  Some animals grieve and I think he was grieving for his lost mate.”
     “Poor guy,” you murmured, watching as Sam took a packet of birdseed from his pocket and tossed a bit out on the water. 
     “When I left for college, Solomon migrated and didn’t come back in the spring.  I thought I’d seen the last of him, but then I got a call from Mom this past summer.  He was back and he brought someone with him.”
     As if on cue, a second swan swooped down and landed beside Solomon.  Pure white and just as lovely.  They looked like a postcard, gliding on the sunlit water.
     “You’re kidding!  He found another mate?  I didn’t know swans would do that!”
     “Some do, special cases.  And Solomon’s no fool, he might have been content to be alone forever, but when that right one came along, he snapped her up.”
     “That’s amazing!”  You turned to Sam with a beaming grin, but stopped short when you realized he wasn’t standing there beside you.  He was kneeling. 
     He took both of your hands in his, tipping his face back to gaze up at you with such tenderness and devotion it made your breath catch.
     “I’ve been thinking about this moment for a long time.  I knew what I wanted to do and how I wanted it to look, but the words never came.  Everything I wrote seemed inadequate.  Even the word love falls short.  It’s not enough, it’s not big enough.  Being with you is a revelation, Y/N.  You call me your hero, but baby… it’s the other way around.  You rescued me.”
     Tears had already gathered in your eyes when he pulled out a blue velvet box.  A diamond solitaire sparkled inside like a star in the sky. 
     “I don’t know if I’ll ever have the words, but I swear to show you.  To treasure you, to make your happiness my mission.  To answer your call and to love you for all my days.”
     You dropped down to your knees and tackled him.  Your arms flung around his neck, nearly knocking him over in your enthusiasm.   He caught you with a laugh and kept the two of you from tumbling off into the water.  You kissed every square inch of the face you’d loved since he first rescued you.  And you laughed.  Joy bubbled up from your heart like effervescent Champagne.
     “You astonishing,” Kiss. “Brilliant,” kiss. “Romantic,” kiss, kiss. “Beautiful,” kiss, kiss, kiss.
     “Y/N… baby…”
     “Yes?” Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss.
     His hands wrapped around your shoulders and pulled you back slightly so he could look into your eyes.  He traced the curve of your face, fondly tucking your hair behind your ear.  You were always moving, always racing towards everything in life.  It was something he loved about you, your exuberance.  Your passion!  You burned so bright, his light even on the darkest days. 
     “Will you marry me?”
     Your brow creased in confusion before you realized, he didn’t actually say the words a moment ago.  You been so excited that he never got the chance. 
     “Yes,” you nodded, your forehead coming to rest against his. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”
     Sam slipped the ring onto your finger, “Will you look at that?  Perfect fit.”
     “Guess that means you’re stuck with me now.”  You shifted so that you were sitting in his lap, your hand cupped his jaw, “I should tell you up front that I tend to get into trouble, there’s a good chance that you’ll be required to rescue me from time to time.”
     “Good thing rescuing you is my second favorite activity.”
     “Second favorite?”
     “Yeah,” he murmured against the curve of your neck, “Let me show you the front runner.”
     Before long, Sam had swept you away in a haze with his deft fingers and clever tongue.  The title of Hero that you bestowed on him became a running joke through the years and then a loving nickname.  But that didn’t make it any less true.  He’d always been a hero, and now he was yours. TAGLIST @deans-baby-momma @muchamusedaboutnothing @peterpangirl21 @ficbreaks @teresa-67 @sacriceria @verytoadpapersoul @heartbreak-of-a-marauder @savspersonalproperty @deanwanddamons @jenwinchester40 @perpetualabsurdity @starryeyeseunbyul @sexyvixen7 @katsbratsupernaturalwhore @agirlwithdemonblood @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @imthedoctorlove @roonyxx @smellingofpoetryy @deanwinchesterswitch @thinkinghardhardlythinking @pink-sparkly-witchly-witch @barewithme02 @deadlynightshadeindustries @jc-winchester @mrswhozeewhatsis @kinderousmaster @lyarr24 @aphorism-001 @onlinecemetery @allonsy-yesiwill @myeagletoadmaker @panicking-outside-the-disco @haylie-spnfam4evr @lauraashley93 @foxyjwls007 @bluedragonflylady @foxyjwls007
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skyahri · 9 months
Man... going through my drafts right now for some inspo and seeing all of my red flags laid so clearly out in front of me...
Anyways, please enter some submissions. I'd really like to get back into writing now that my life has claimed down a bit <3
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Halloween 2022: World’s a Hungry Place (Supernatural x Dr. Sleep (2019) AU)
Years after the events that took place in the Outlook Hotel, the Winchesters and Ellie pick up a new case. A group of what seems to be some sort of psychic vampires feed on children. Special children. The ones that shine. As the 3 of them are trying to find a way to defeat them and put a stop to them once and for all, they start receiving visions of things that they wish they could forget. But theses visions could be the answer to their problem.  The True Knot, as the creatures call themselves, and their leader, Rose the Hat are hungry. And they feed on what shines. Just like the Outlook Hotel that has been starving all these years. So they have to go back. Back to the Hotel. Back where everything started. And rule Rose there for a final confrontation. The battle has to be held in the most dangerous grounds, as the Winchesters and Ellie decide to wake up the hotel and all the spirits that reside in it. And it’s a battle for everyone’s soul. 
You don’t know where you are standing. This place is not special. It’s starving. 
Sequel to Welcome to Overlook. 
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geeks-universe · 2 years
One Fic a Day Challenge
Choose a character & a prompt.
More information below for those who would like it.
For the next few months, I will practically be off from work, which allows me the mental capacity to actually create stories. I’ve lacked a lot of creativity in my life lately, and would like to get back to what actually makes me happy. SO, each day (starting tomorrow) I will be writing a one-shot or drabble, depending on how inspired I am. I would like to write requests, but will also be constructing my own stories. Feel free to ask for practically any character, and if I’m unable to write for them, I’ll let you know.
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writercole · 2 years
Illicit Affairs
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Part 2
Summary: How can something so wrong feel so right? Squares: Illicit Affairs (song) @taylorswiftbingo Words: 1763 Warnings: 18+, infidelity, smut, p in v, toxic relationship Credits: @flamencodiva for looking over this for me like the babe she is. A/N: This is all @b3autyfuldisast3r's fault. Yes, I know it's the same as last time. No, I don't care because it's still Shawna's fault.
There are no tags for this series. Please follow the #illicitaffairs tag or the newly created @coleslibrary
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Sam arrived back at his house around the same time as Amelia. He smiled at her and held the door, getting a kiss on the cheek as she passed.
“How was work?” he questioned as he headed to the bedroom to get changed.
“It was great,” she chirped as she stripped off her scrubs and started the shower. “A cat had a litter of kittens, we had a snuggly husky, and no one had to have any heartbreaking news.”
“Good,” Sam hummed. “I’m gonna go start dinner.”
“Okay!” Amelia called over the running water.
Sam trudged to the kitchen, pulling his phone out and checking for any messages, disappointed when he found none. He thought that maybe he should have gotten your number but he had noticed how uncomfortable it made you when he asked so he hadn’t pressed the issue.
As Sam began pulling out the ingredients for dinner, his thoughts started piecing together little things that he noticed, little behaviors and tells that told him that your relationship may not have been the most healthy. He diced the onions as he pondered the way you looked at your ring, not with a smile, but with a heavy sadness.
He considered the lack of detail that you volunteered about the man you were set to marry, the way you rejected all of his calls. He noticed the subtle glances you tossed towards the door every time it opened, the way you kept your face turned away from the window.
By the time that Dinner was finished and Amelia had joined him at the table, Sam had concluded that you were in a toxic, possibly abusive, relationship. He wondered if you realized it yourself, eating in silence, pretending to listen to what Amelia was saying. He knew one thing, though.
He knew he was still in love with you.
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You stopped at a little boutique on the way home and bought the first thing that caught your eye, intending on telling Steve that you and Brooke had gone shopping during your outing.
You had made sure to tuck Sam’s business card in the back of your wallet, hidden in plain sight as just your doctor’s information.
As you walked in the house, you heard Steve in the kitchen cooking dinner, loud eighties music filling the air.
“Honey, I’m home!” you called as you toed off your shoes and padded through the house to find him chopping veggies for dinner. You approached him carefully and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “How was your day?”
“It was fine,” he replied flatly, not bothering to look up from his task.
“I picked up a little surprise while I was out,” you teased, the tiny bag hanging off your finger swinging back and forth.
Steve grunted in response and turned to the stove, his back facing you as he cooked. You narrowed your eyes at him and tilted your head, disliking the cold way he was treating you. You headed towards the bedroom, deciding that you were going to spend the night in your own home. At least there you could be comfortable without judgment.
You walked back through the house with your overnight bag hanging from your shoulder. 
“Going to your place?” Steve mumbled over his shoulder.
“Yeah. Brooke just texted me about a crisis so it’ll be easier to be at my place,” you replied easily, the earlier guilt you felt about lying to your fiance not making itself known.
“Okay,” he said.
When he didn’t turn around or continue your usual goodbye, you walked out of the door. Pulling out your phone, you entered the new contact information from your wallet before sending a short message.
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Sam was just stepping out of the shower when he heard his phone ding. He swiped it open and smiled when he saw a text from an unsaved local number. He knew it was you even before he read the message.
When he saw the message, however, his mouth went dry and his heart started pounding. You asked if he still wanted to see you and sent an address. He knew he was going to go but he had to figure out something to tell Amelia.
He dressed quickly and stepped out of the room, finding Amelia lounging in the living room watching TV in her pajamas. He walked over and kissed her forehead.
“Going out?” she asked through a yawn.
“Yeah,” Sam told her, “I’ll be home late so don’t wait up.”
“Okay, baby, have fun,” she smiled, blowing a kiss to him as he opened the door.
He felt a little bad about leaving to go meet another woman, an engaged woman at that. Sam knew what he was doing was wrong, but he couldn’t stop himself. There was a magnetic pull to you, to the past, to his future.
Sam drove to the address you sent him, a small, quaint apartment complex. He stayed parked for nearly ten minutes trying to convince himself that he shouldn’t go upstairs to apartment 36. He knew that he should turn the car around and go back to Amelia.
Instead, he looked around and, seeing no one lurking in shadows or sitting in cars like him, he pulled a ball cap down over his eyes and shuffled to the building, hitting the buzzer for unit 36.
The door clicked and Sam walked inside calmly so as not to draw attention to himself. He took the stairs up to the third floor two at a time, ready to see you in private, in closed quarters where he could take you in his arms again.
Three knocks on your door, three seconds of waiting, and there you were, wearing a tiny, pink, satin robe. Sam stepped inside quickly, slamming the door behind him and taking your face in his hands, kissing you hard.
You squeaked in shock before melting into the kiss, all the longing of the past eleven years manifesting into unbridled passion. Your hands tangled into Sam’s hair as you pressed yourself against him. 
You pulled away suddenly, leaving Sam chasing your lips. You looked into his eyes, the beautiful, multi-colored irises you’d loved mere slivers as his pupils were blown with lust. You took his hand with a soft smile and led him down the dim hallway to your bedroom.
Sam’s hands gripped your hips and spun you around, pulling you close to him, his erection grinding into your core.
“Hang on, Sam,” you whispered breathlessly, “let me close the curtains.”
Sam let go of you reluctantly but his eyes followed you around the darkened room. You slid the curtains closed, blocking out all of the light, before lighting a candle on the side table, the flame reflecting in the mirror, bathing the room in a soft illumination.
You sauntered towards him, toying with the belt on your robe. You watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard. His eyes trailed up and down your form, entranced by the sway of your hips and the sultry smirk on your lips.
“You know, Sam,” you started, batting your eyes up at him when you stopped in front of him, “you’ve gotten a lot bigger since high school. I gotta wonder, though…did all of you get bigger?”
“I plan on showing you, gorgeous,” he replied as he yanked the sash holding your robe closed, letting it fall open, revealing your naked body. “You’re even more beautiful than I remember.”
Sam closed the minuscule gap between the two of you with one step, pulling you flush against his chest and kissing you hard. 
Your hands tugged at his shirt, making Sam break the kiss to pull it over his head while your hands began to fumble with his belt. He helped you take off his pants and pushed you backwards towards your bed. He laid you down and crawled over you, kissing his way up your soft stomach, stopping to lavish attention on your nipples, making you arch your back into him with a wanton moan.
“I’ve missed you so much,” Sam muttered against your skin as he nipped and kissed along your collarbone. “Missed the way you sound, the way you feel, the way you taste.”
“Sam…” you whined, “need you inside of me.”
“Condoms?” he panted as he raised himself up on his elbows.
“Left drawer,” you answered as you pointed towards it.
Sam reached over and grabbed a silver packet, ripping it open with his teeth and rolling it down his large, hard cock. He dragged the tip through your dripping folds, coaxing moans out of you as he gathered the juices already there and spread them down his shaft. 
He pressed the head of his cock to your weeping entrance and pushed in slowly, letting your walls stretch around his girth. One arm was bent at the elbow, propping himself up while the other hand traced up your side, tripping your hip bone tightly as he bottomed out.
Sam kissed you hard as he started to move, his pace needy, yours just as desperate. You came around his cock quickly, his size filling you up better than you’ve ever been filled, hitting all of the spots deep within you that begged to be touched.
“That’s my good girl,” he whispered, “don’t hold back.”
His praise made your walls clench around him and you felt another release building up inside of you, the familiar coil tightening in your belly.
“I’m not going to last long, baby,” Sam panted as his thrusts became faster. “Come for me again.”
Your back arched as you orgasmed, your pussy throbbing around him as he chased his own release, spilling into the condom moments later.
Sam kissed you softly as you both relaxed from your highs, your heart rates and breathing returning to normal. He shifted to lay beside you, making sure to dispose of the condom before getting settled.
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You laid in bed with Sam, his arm tight around you as you trailed your fingernails over his bare chest, back and forth, your thoughts surprisingly calm considering you had just started an affair with a man you were in love with, a man that wasn’t the one you were engaged to.
“I hate that you can’t stay,” you muttered.
“I know,” he sighed in agreement, “maybe one day.”
“Maybe,” you repeated.
Both of you knew that whatever was between you was far from over, the night you had shared reigniting the strong feelings that lay dormant for eleven years. Now it was just a waiting game until the next time.
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welldonebeca · 9 months
Trust Your Doctor (1)
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Nancy squeezed her bra strap tightly as she waited for someone to call her name.
The front room was completely empty after the last lady - a pregnant woman - had gone in, and left over five minutes ago.
And yet, Nancy hadn't been called.
The room was in complete silence, so much that was just making her grow more anxious than ever before in her life.
This was the first time she was at Doctor Winchester's office alone. All times before, Mum was just by her side.
Right now, though, she was going to go in alone. She was an adult, after all.
It was a little weird to have a male gynaecologist, but he was highly recommended by her mother's doctor, and was covered by her insurance.
After turning eighteen, she didn't feel the need to go back for quite some time. But now, she was thinking that maybe it was time to get on birth control. That meant that she needed to see her doctor again.
Doctor Samuel Winchester.
"Nancy Sousa?" she heard, and looked up quickly, finding a green-eyed man staring at her.
A nurse in blue scrubs was standing in front of her, looking at her with a little smile on his face.
"I'm Nurse Dean Winchester, are you Nancy Sousa?"
The little brunette's eyes stared at him in awe. She didn't know nurses ever came out this pretty.
"Uh..." she mumbled. "Where do I go?"
"I'll take you," Dean smiled.
She nodded slowly, a bit surprised.
Didn’t they have a specific person at the front desk for those things? 
Why did the nurse have to come to get her?
And his name…
He threw her a look, and Nancy felt her face burning hot as she blushed. 
"Call me Dean, sweetheart," he told her.
She nodded. 
"Mister Dean," she corrected herself. "I've never seen you around before." 
He raised his eyebrows at the question. 
"I'm new," he told her. "Got the job because of my brother, Doctor Samuel."
She looked down at her own hands. Of course. To be this good-looking, he had to be related to doctor Winchester. 
"He told me about you," he said, sounding like he was smirking. "You're even prettier than I thought."
Nancy looked at him with wide eyes, surprised and flustered.
"I'd stare at your pussy for free, and Sammy is paid to do that," he chuckled. "Lucky guy."
She choked on her saliva, shocked, but before Nancy could say anything about it, the door to the doctor's office opened, revealing doctor Winchester. 
"Thank you, Dear," Samuel said quickly. "Come in, Miss Sousa. I was waiting for you."
Nancy stepped through the door with her face still on fire, and sat down quickly in front of the large white desk in the room.
"I hope I didn't make you wait too long," Doctor Winchester shot her a charming smile. 
"Not really," she mumbled. "Uh... the nurse...."
"My brother," he pressed his lips together, looking bothered. "He didn't get the memo that he doesn't have quite that charming of a personality."
She giggled a little, and Sam grinned. 
"I suppose your mother is waiting outside?" he asked, writing something down on his computer.
Nancy shook her head, pushing her hair behind her ears. 
"No, sir, it's just me today," she mumbled.
Doctor Sam hummed a confirmation.
"Of course," he said simply. "A young woman like you needs her privacy." 
She nodded, agreeing. It was a little scary to do this, but he was right. She was an adult now, and should consider herself and be treated as such.
"Alright," he looked away from the screen. "Is there anything you're worried about? Any pain, any lump?"
Nancy shook her head. 
"And your period?"
"As regular as always," she assured him.
He hummed positively again. 
"Any pain during sex I should be worried about?"
She shook her head. 
"No pain and no sex," she mumbled. 
He hummed a little, looking a little intrigued.
Nancy waited for him to say something about that. It was normal, right, for her doctor to be asking her about her sex life? He was her gyno, after all.
"But I'm dating someone," she said, a little too quickly. "And I may need birth control. Soon."
Doctor Samuel raised his eyebrows, and though he was wearing a mask, Nancy could see he was surprised. 
"Well, it is very wise and smart of you to come to me before you do it," he said, finally.
Nancy exhaled, forcing herself to relax.
"Yeah, I... I wanted to make sure I'm doing the right thing," she mumbled.
Doctor Samuel nodded. 
"And are you sure you know what you're doing?" he asked. "That you want to do it?"
Nancy frowned, looking at him, though it was hard to read his expression under the mask. 
Why was he wearing a mask? Wasn't she supposed to be seeing his face before the physical exam? 
"I... I don't know?" she stuttered.
He rested his hands on the desk between them, and she couldn't help noticing how big they were. 
"How long have you known this guy?" he asked. "I mean, I suppose it is a guy, that is the only sort of relationship that demands you to get birth control."
She nodded, a little embarrassed. 
Yes, it was a guy. She had been dating him since before graduation, she trusted him a lot now, he was both her friend and a really good boyfriend. 
"I mean, it's been almost a year?" she answered, confused. "It's enough right?"
Doctor Sam sighed, moving to the computer again and writing something down.
"And do you want the pill, an IUD..." he listed. "Maybe an implant?"
Nancy looked in his eyes, realising he wasn't so sure about the last one. 
"Which one is quicker?" she mumbled. 
"The pill," he told her. "It's the one I recommend the most for someone in your age group."
She nodded slowly. 
"You know, it is the most comfortable one in terms of pain and management..." he listed. 
That made her frown, confused.
"Pain?" she asked.
Sam confirmed, looking a little worried. 
"Well, you know... The insertion and the adjustment period of the IUD and the implant are really hurtful," he told her.
"Oh," she sighed. 
Nancy sat back in her seat. 
"And with the pill, you just have to remember to take it every day," he said, looking like he was smiling with the way his eyes were squeezed.
She nodded, and he chuckled. 
"And if you forget, you'll get a little bum in the oven," he giggled.
Her cheeks heated up in response, and Nancy clenched her hands at the hem of her dress. 
"I should put on my gown," she realised.
Doctor Samuel nodded. 
“You can go behind the curtain,” he told her. “I’ll just write you a prescription and meet you there in a minute.”
Nancy shot him a confused look, but hurried up when he raised her an eyebrow. 
She distinctly remembered how he usually left the room and only came back once her mother told him she was ready. Maybe undressing behind the curtain was the norm, and he was just trying to accommodate mum before?
The short brunette tried to be quick, undressing in a hurry while she listened to him typing something down in his computer, and put the ugly gown on before folding her dress and underwear, placing them on the chair.
“Are you ready, Miss Sousa?” he asked, and she could see his silhouette as her doctor rose from his seat.
Nancy’s eyes widened once she saw him on his feet. She had never realised how tall and strong he was before. 
"Yes, sir."
She watched as he walked around the door and took the things that were supposed to keep her feet up, and swallowed down, a little nervous. 
Doctor Winchester slowly pulled the side of the curtain facing the wall open, and looked at her with soft and sweet eyes. 
“Lay down, please.”
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33 @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunters7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega
​Supernatural tags: @its-daydreamer23​​ @imagefanfictionlover​​ ​​ @smalltowndivaj​​ @tayrae515 @oneshoeshort​​ @andkatiethings​​ @wakanda-sometimes​​ @akshi8278​​ @xoxabs88xox​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112 ​ @isabelle-faith @flamencodiva @lyarr24 Supernatural Kinky Fics (+18): @littlecassisub @stoneyggirl @death-unbecomes-you @phoenixblack89 @that-dark-girl
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nescaveckwriter · 2 months
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🐞...Dean Winchester - One Shot...🐞
Don't Leave Me
Somewhere In The Sunshine
Comforting Arms
🐞... Beau Arlen - One Shot ..🐞
Invisible Wall
Just One More
🐞... Supernatural Book Series ..🐞
Smoky Old Barrooms, Saving Grace & Guitars - Dean x OC
Hurting Angel - Crowley x OC
Wandering Love - Benny Lafitte x OC
Stethoscopes & Triangles - Sam x OC
🐞... Teen Wolf Book Series ..🐞
Moonflowers & Werewolves - Derek Hale x OC
🐞... Criminal Minds Book Series ..🐞
Finding Hope - Spencer Reid x OC
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aloneatpeace · 3 months
In Another Universe
Chapter 24
The end of scarlet witch
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When America closes the portal you shed a few tears, lifting yourself of the ground to the table you kneel on it. the building starts shake “what now” she asks as they stand Infront of you.
“I opened the Darkhold. I have to close it. No one will ever be tempted by the Darkhold Again” you said
Sam node at you “well then you close it then we all leave”
“Sam” cas call him.
Sam shakes his head looking at you “that’s suicidal, she can’t scarify herself”.
You glance at America and node at her as she opens the portal, klaus and dean drag Sam to through the portal, before the portal can close, they see you breakdown the pillars that hold the temple up and huge rubbles starts to fall down.
Sam thrash around in klaus and deans hold he goes rigid as the large stone fall up on you. The whole temple collapses.
 A red glow cover the whole place and Wong walk out the place to see everything in place as if the battle happened. Suddenly cas appears with bonnie along with them they gasp at them, seeing them klaus speed to the front to see all his family as well the mystic falls gang alive looking around puzzled, his knees buckle as red mist cover him as well feeling his vampiric part of him coming back.
“Were we dead?” Kol asks his brother
Klaus look up to them “oh brother you have no idea” he rushes to them, the mikaelsons brother embrace bonnie rush out the as well running to her friends embracing her friends. 
Inside cas and earth 838 cas look at each other with a tilted head “your me from another universe and your human as well”
“Yes correct” other cas node before turning to America “could you sent me back my home?”
America nodes and open a portal other cas walk inside turning back to them “it was good to see you again. Sam and dean.” He nodes at them 
Dean look at Sam who was blue, he slowly walks outside to the front of the temple he sighs in relief when he sees the others alive.
Sam, dean and cas watch them as they talk among them. Dean glance at Sam “it was her decision sam, you can’t beat yourself up for that”
Cas sigh at that “I’ll take it that she sacrificed herself”
“You were right, she was just like us” dean adds ‘don’t worry sam it’s going to okey”
“I’m fine. It’s just sad that even in the end she only had herself to comfort her” sam state. “But she made everything right at the end”
“Guys what happened to y/n” bonnie ask them
Sam shook his head “No”.
Bonnie inside hurt a little at that she heard klaus saying you died she just sam or dean to say, and now hearing from sam lips part of her sad yet there was little peace knowing that you died. After thanking everyone America had gone back to her universe. Finally, everything seems to be going back to normal as it can be, after all lots of warriors were died during the battle hopefully earth 838 also able to overcome the loss of their superheroes.
Series masterlist
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 9 months
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boo! surprise bitches! i'm doing kinktober this year! finally doing it! bet you didn't see that one coming, did you hehe 🕸
there is a good mix of both short and long stories coming your way throughout this (and i will also still occasionally post other fics this month that aren't related to this). also, a handful of these fics are darker in nature, thought it was fitting for halloween, so remember to read the warnings, if there's something that's not for you then please, as always, be kind to yourself and don't read the story.
masterlist | join my taglist
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day one | sore
stepbro!sirius black x cheerleader!reader + dubcon massage
day two | don't smile
steve rogers + throat fucking + size kink
day three | stuffed
devil!eddie munson & angel!steve harrington + tentecles + double penetration in one hole
day four | a little fashion show
best friend!stiles stilinski + lingerie
day five | stay still
peter parker + bondage
day six | hold up, let me record this
jj maybank + tittyfucking + sextape
day seven | the palace guards
guards!poly!marauders x princess!reader + secrets relationship
day eight | it’s practically like we’re down there with them
mob boss!bucky barnes + exhibitionism
day nine | keep that pretty mouth shut
tommy shelby + keep quiet quickie
day ten | I couldn’t find it in me to wake you
poe dameron + somno thigh fucking
day eleven | I just want you a little longer all to myself
matt murdock + secret office sex
day twelve | nothing more than a toy
rafe cameron + using you like a toy to masturbate with
day thirteen | I still got a few rounds left in me
boxer!steve rogers + bathtub sex
day fourteen | open your fucking mouth
dark!wild west cowboy!joel miller + gun kink
day fifteen | tiny
miguel o'hara x fairy!reader + extreme size difference
day sixteen | the wall between us
cult member!steve harrington + fem glory hole + breeding
day seventeen | be a rebel, be bad, stay here and cuddle with me
spencer reid + aftercare
day eighteen | pleasant pile of pillows
brother's best friend!james potter + pillow humping
day nineteen | ring ring
sam winchester x reader x bf!dean winchester + phone sex + cheating
day twenty | window
perv!neighbour!billy russo + voyeurism
day twenty-one | say yes
fiancé!bruce wayne + possessiveness
day twenty-two | i can think of something better than that
bucky barnes + anal
day twenty-three | double check
dark!professor!ben solo + power imbalance + manipulation
day twenty-four | maroon
vampire!remus lupin + biting + blood kink
day twenty-five | i want you
pirate captain!miguel o'hara + sex as payment
day twenty-six | teamwork
pro football team!avengers (bf!steve rogers, bucky barnes, pietro maximoff, clint barton, sam wilson, tony stark, thor odinson) + gangbang
day twenty-seven | my little flower
din djarin + fantasy au + cockwarming
day twenty-eight | hysteria
doctor!aleksander morozova x hysteria patient!reader + historical au + fuck machine
day twenty-nine | can't fight the moonlight
werewolf!bucky barnes x gf!reader + predator/prey + monsterfucking
day thirty | magical mimic
eddie munson x witch!reader + magical mutual masturbation
day thirty-one | you can’t put it in
stepbro!peter parker + halloween pussyjob
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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