#Doctor Adam Terry
crewman-penelope · 1 year
Rami Malek's Birthday! 🥳 Part 1
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10 TV appearances from Rami Malek
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If I missed one of your favorites, please leave it in the tags/comments! I’m always looking for more depictions of libraries in fiction!
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reachingforthevoid · 1 year
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Doctor Who: Destiny of the Daleks
I rewatched this first serial of the seventeenth season on 30 March 2023. I have vague recollections of this story being new when I first saw it back in the day. 
We begin in the TARDIS with the Doctor treating K9’s laryngitis (!) and Romana trying on bodies while she regenerates. All women, and I’m fairly sure they’re all white. She settles on that of Princess Astra in The Armageddon Factor, which brought Tom Baker and Lalla Ward together as Time Lords travelling together in a TARDIS with a randomiser to thwart the Black Guardian. In that sense, it’s a rare Doctor Who story that hooks up to continue with the previous season.
Douglas Adams is in full script editing mode, and his mark is all over it. As a Hitch-hikers’ fan, I approve of the cross-reference to Oolon Colluphid. Unfortunately, this serial also contains the joke about Daleks being easy to escape from… 
It’s Terry Nation’s last script for Doctor Who, in which he brings back the Daleks (after a long break of 25 stories/4 years), and Davros, on Skaro…. instead of the Thals, we meet the Movellans. While the Movellans all wear white and silver, they are actually a rather diverse lot in terms of gender and skin colour. The silver braided hair they all have and similar make-up creates an intriguing aesthetic. Actually, the Dalek labour force are incredibly diverse, too.
Bravo to a fun story that deals with a few interesting real problems.
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puppetmaster13u · 10 days
It's the last day of Mermay...
So have my most common headcanons on who would be which (or take inspiration from such) for if they were merfolk <3 Yes, this is DCxDP but can be used for either separately if you want.
Bruce- Ray
Alfred- Remora
Kate- Angel Shark
Dick - Guppy
Cass- Cuttlefish
Jason- Thresher Shark
Tim- Bichir
Steph- Spanish Shawl Sea Slug
Duke- Anglerfish
Harper- Cichlid
Cullen- Rasbora
Damian- Stingray
Carrie- Dusky Batfish
Jarro- Starfish
Terry- Devilfish
Matt- Koi
Barbara- Jellyfish
Gordon- Squirrelfish
Ghostmaker- Moray Eel
Harvey- Tiger Shark
Selina- Catfish
Harley- Clownfish
Poison Ivy- Leafy Seadragon
Riddler- Corydoras
Joker- Piranha
Bane- Pufferfish
Mr. Freeze- Leopard Seal
Scarecrow- Anglerfish
Waylon- Saltwater Crocodile
Solomon Grundy- Coelacanth 
Penguin- Longfin Icedevil
Ras Al Ghul- Sturgeon
Talia- Pike
Dusan- Pike 
Deathstroke- Tiger Barb
Clark- Sea Lion
Connor- Fur Seal
Jon- Fur Seal
Kara- Sea Lion
Martha Kent- Ribbon Seal
Jonathan Kent- Manatee
Lex Luthor- Cardinalfish
Barry Allen- Marlin
Wally West- Swordfish
Bart- Marlin
Iris- Trout
Thawne- Wahoo
Captain Cold- Beluga Whale
Heatwave- Guppy
Captain Boomerang- Discus Fish
Mirror Master- Mahi Mahi
Green Arrow- Goby
Arsenal- Arapaima
Artemis- Grouper
Black Canary- Orca
Diana- Lionfish
Cassie- Lionfish
Cheetah- Spotted Snapper
Vandal Savage- Dunkleosteus 
Marvel- Whale Shark 
Billy- Wrasse
Mary- Wrasse
Freddy- Killifish
Eugene- Loach
Pedro- Danio
Darla- Goby
Black Adam- Gar Fish
Dr. Sivana- Dolphin
Mister Mind- Bristle Worm
Martian Manhunter- Octopus
M’gann- Octopus
Aquaman- Hammerhead Shark
Kaldur- Blue Tang
Oceanmaster- Ray
Plasticman- Oarfish
Booster Gold- Goldfish
Blue Beetle- Blue Shrimp
John Stewart- Sailfish
Hal Jordan- Neon Tetra
Red Tornado- Mantis Shrimp
Zatanna- Swordtail
Constantine- Fighting Fish
Doctor Fate- Wrasse
Deadman- Glass Fish
Klarion- Platy
Cyborg- Mola
Raven- Squid
Beast Boy- Triggerfish
Starfire- Koi Fish
Beast Boy- Fluffy Sculpin
Lobo- Wolf Fish
Deadshot- Ruby Barb
Killer Frost- White Koi
King Shark- Great White Shark
Doctor Light- Dolphin
Catman- Tigerfish
Angel Breaker- Redtail Black Shark
Trigon- Giant Squid 
Martha Wayne- Mako Shark
Thomas Wayne- Devil Ray
Lucious Fox- King Mackeral 
Jack Drake- Freshwater Angelfish
Janet Drake- Comet Goldfish
Danny- Betta Fish (Or Giant Phantom Jelly)
Dan- Lancetfish
Ellie- Betta Fish
Jazz- Oarfish
Sam- Lamprey
Tucker- Devil's Hole Pupfish
Valerie- Cherry Shrimp
Vlad Masters- Vampire Squid
Maddie Fenton- Lion's Mane Jelly
Jack Fenton- Whale
Ida Manson- Gulper Eel
Mr. Lancer- Hatchetfish
Spike- Gourami
Wes Weston- Carp
Kyle Weston- Perch
Paulina- Dragonfish
Star- Cichlid
Dash Baxter- Short Beaked Dolphin
Kwan- Goldfish
Box Ghost- Boxfish
Lunch Lady- Killifish
Skulker- Sea Turtle
Ghostwriter- Lyretail
Sidney Poindexter- Shubunkin
Jonny 13- Corydora
Kitty- Loach
Ember- Basslet
Desiree- Seahorse
Spectra- Eel
Walker- Frogfish
Nocturn- Lanternfish
Overgrowth- Sea Pig
Fright Knight- Swordtail
Pariah Dark- Skate
Princess Dora- Dragon Goby
Pandora- Leaf Scorpionfish
Frostbite- Crabeater Seal
Clockwork- Colossal Squid (or Congor Eel)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you want pics of any of the fish/creatures I am happy to put them out, I just can't put that many links on one post lol. (Also apologies if I missed anyone)
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dailyjsa · 3 months
Welcome to DailyJSA's JSA Member Tournament!
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Sixty four enter, one takes the crown!
These are characters who were either explicitly stated to be members of the JSA, or very involved with the team to the point that they're basically a member (mainly applies to Thunderbolt). Some are in a grey area due to retcons (such as Hippolyta) or were barely involved with the team, but they still count. Batman, Wonder Woman (Diana), Superman, and Robin have been excluded from this tournament to give other less popular characters a fair chance.
These initial matchups were made with a randomizer to be as fair as possible.
Each week, a round of polls will be posted. All polls will be a week long.
Since there are so many matchups to start, Round One will be split into two parts. The matchups are below the cut for those who may have trouble reading the bracket.
Feel free to send in an ask if you have any questions.
Round One (3/20):
Darknight vs Terry Sloane (Mr. Terrific)
Jesse Chambers (Jesse Quick/Liberty Belle) vs Al Pratt (The Atom)
Jennifer Pierce (Lightning) vs Al Rothstein (Atom Smasher)
Salem Nader (Salem The Witch Girl) vs Jeffrey Graves (Mister America)
Earth 2 Helena Wayne (Huntress) vs Jay Garrick (The Flash)
Dinah Lance (Black Canary) vs Sonia Sato (Judomaster)
Hector Hall (Doctor Fate) vs Pieter Cross (Doctor Mid-Nite)
Rick Tyler (Hourman) vs Ted Grant (Wildcat)
Matthew Tyler (Hourman) vs Joan Dale (Miss America)
Tom Bronson (Wildcat) vs Grant Emerson (Damage)
Jakeem Williams (Jakeem Thunder) vs The Thunderbolt
Jim Corrigan (The Spectre) vs Hippolyta (Wonder Woman)
Khalid Nassour (Doctor Fate) vs Jack Knight (Starman)
Kent Nelson (Doctor Fate) vs Thom Kallor (Starman)
Maxine Hunkel (Cyclone) vs Markus Clay (Amazing Man)
New Golden Age Helena Wayne (Huntress) vs Roxy
Round One Continued (3/27):
Billy Batson (Captain Marvel) vs Yolanda Montez (Wildcat)
Todd Rice (Obsidian) vs Dinah Drake (Black Canary)
Anna Fortune vs Beth Chapel (Doctor Mid-Nite)
Carter Hall (Hawkman) vs Red Tornado (John Smith)
Shiera Hall (Hawkgirl) vs Sand Hawkins (Sand/Sandman)
Michael Holt (Mr. Terrific) vs Alan Scott (Green Lantern/Sentinel)
Sylvester Pemberton (Star-Spangled Kid) vs Courtney Whitmore (Star-Spangled Kid/Stargirl)
Karen Starr (Power Girl) vs Wesley Dodds (Sandman)
Sara Butters (Red Beetle) vs Nathan Heywood (Citizen Steel)
Kent V Nelson (Doctor Fate) vs King Chimera
Kendra Saunders (Hawkgirl) vs Teth-Adam (Black Adam)
Ri vs Ted Knight (Starman)
Pat Dugan (S.T.R.I.P.E.) vs Libby Lawrence (Liberty Belle)
Rex Tyler (Hourman) vs Johnny Thunder
Charles McNider (Doctor Mid-Nite) vs Jennie-Lynn Hayden (Jade)
David Reid (Magog) vs Kate Spencer (Manhunter)
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henrysglock · 1 year
I fully and truly believe ST1 Brenner was trying to kidnap Will to restart his “program” using El. All the Henry paralleling with Will, all the Edward paralleling with El…it screams “New Adam and Eve”.
1983 was set up perfectly to be 1959 all over again. Dead mother, dead sibling, kidnapped kid, father blamed for it and sent away. The only difference is that Jonathan was unexpectedly away during the attack, and Henward got to Will before Brenner could. Brenner had a fully realistic body ready for Will, he had the police set to cover it up, all the same as 1959 with the Creels.
I maintain that Joyce and Jonathan would have died that night like Virginia and Alice if they had been home, and that the Creel murders were doctored after the fact by HNL to make it look like Victor did it. If they could do it to Victor “Family Man” Creel, then Lonnie “Abusive Screw-Up” Byers would have been a no-brainer.
Henward just got there first, in our timeline (Not that he didn’t end up doing something similar with those slugs, but he’s not Brenner about it if you catch my drift. Less of a calculated breeding program, and more of a “pompilid spider wasp using a golden cartwheel spider as a host for its egg”.)
I can’t say the same for his timeline, though:
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This newspaper, which also happens to be the one that conflates Joyce and Terry, putting Will and El in narrative similar positions to Henry and Edward in the 1959 papers. Henry and Edward, taken as genetically pure identical twins. El, kept in the lab because her genetics are pure. Will, taken because Brenner sees a new Henry to restart the program.
So while no, I don’t think Will was ever a number/lab kid pre-1983…I do think Brenner wanted him, since El brought his little breeding program to a screeching halt in 1979. And as every funded scientist knows…no subjects-> no results -> no money. Brenner needed another half for El, and desperately so.
Will was meant to be his brand new Henry.
Also, not to mothergate this too much, but…
Will with all his young Henry parallels (sensitive artist child, queer)…El with all her lab Edward parallels (Angela’s attack and her killing the agents in ST1 are direct parallels with the massacre in ST4)…Henward being “twins” not by birth but by circumstance via timelines…Jane and El seeming to be in a similar position as timeline twins like Henward…Willel also being “twins” not by birth but by circumstance…
Brenner looking to replace Henward, the first Adam and Eve. Brenner just couldn’t DIY a boy from Jane the way he could DIY a girl from Edward. Thus: needing Will, who seems similar enough to Henry (if not even more docile) that the program should be able to continue as it had been in 1979.
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davenportlvr · 11 months
spiderman!chase davenport
introducing SpiderByte.
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I have so many headcanons for him. ask me about him i will go insane.
(more pics + hcs under the cut)
- he was bit by a radioactive spider experiment he was helping Mr. Davenport with. (ABC are not bionic in this au)
- has a twin brother named Chandler "Spike" Davenport. He becomes Venom (aka S.P.I.K.E - Symbiote under Protective Intel from Kalderan Embassy [yes ik it doesn't make sense shut up])
- His canon event was his 'best friend' Sebastian trying to take down Spiderbyte, in the process ending up as the this universes Lizard, and then dying.
- Leo finds out in a similar fashion to Ned from the movies, catching Chase in his suit, and then becoming his man in the chair.
- His goggles have cybermask technology in them, to shift his features so he's not recognizable (my boys got sensory issues let him LIVE)
- autistic + adhd + bisexual
- is a regular at Mighty Med (maybe it's bc of the cute, normo doctor(s)...)
- Adam is a Cheerleader and Bree is a football player and track runner. Thank you.
- His MJ is a boy in his science class named Mercer Jackson.
- Some of his villains include Marcus Davenport Osborn/Green Goblin and Douglas Davenport Osborn/Doc Ock
- Sidenote. Principal Perry is J. Jonah Jameson. (Terry Cherry Perry...)
- When the revelation comes out and Adam realizes Chase is stronger than him, he cries a lil bit.
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bracketsoffear · 11 months
Songs for the 15 Fears (w/ links to the spotify playlists I made):
Bottom of the River by Delta Rae
Choke by Poppy
Hey, Little Songbird from Hadestown
The Yawning Grave by Lord Huron
Neglected Space by Imogen Heap
Parasite Eve by Bring Me the Horizon
Decay by Pitou
Fear the Fever by Digital Daggers
You Want It Darker by Leonard Cohen
My House by PVRIS
Dark Matter by Les Friction
Enter Sandman by Metallica
Home by AlicebanD
Ashes by The Longest Johns
Eyes On Fire by Blue Foundation
Hellfire by the Mechanisms
Ex-Mortis by Ice Nine Kills
The Doomed by A Perfect Circle
Old Black Train by The Blasting Company
This Too Shall Pass by Danny Schmidt
1,000,000AD by QBomb
First Light by STARSET
Carnival of Rust by Poets of the Fall
This is Not a Place of Honour by Jessica Law
Watcher in the Sky by Ghost
Evil Eye by Franz Ferdinand
Somebody's Watching Me by Rockwell
She Doesn't Sleep by Anthony Amorim
Infamous Butcher by Amigo the Devil
The Red Means I Love You by Madds Buckley
Misery Meat by Sodikken
Kitchen Fork by Jack Conte
Devil's Flesh & Bones by Eliza Rickman
Kill of the Night by Gin Wigmore
Werewolf Gimmick by The Mountain Goats
Actaea and Lyssa by The Mechanisms
Forsaken by Adam Hurst
Emerald Star by Lord Huron
No Face by Haley Heynderickx
Ship in a Bottle by fin
Drumming Song by Florence + the Machine
War Pigs by Black Sabbath
Rose Red by The Mechanisms
Go Get Your Gun by The Dear Hunter
The Little Man Who Wasn't There by Glen Miller
I'm Going Slightly Mad by Queen
Mr. Doctor Man by Palaye Royale
Hotel California by The Eagles
Terry's Taxidermy by Teddy Hyde
Human by Anavae
Toys in the Attic by OMNIA
The Greatest Show Unearthed by Creature Feature
On the Mountain Tall by The Oh Hellos
Vertigo by Alice Merton
The Balancer's Eye by Lord Huron
Diving Bell by STARSET
Mother Knows Best from Tangled
House of the Rising Sun by Lauren O'Connell
Telekinetic by STARSET
Twisted Threads by The Mechanisms
Finally, here is the playlist for all 15! and yes, the order is the same as the 160 invocation ;)
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Ask List, Rules & Updates - PLEASE READ!
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Please do not solicit me to read your work by tagging me or sending it to me unless I have asked you to.
The Schedule - See what's coming up this month!
Works In Progress - A visual up to date list of what I'm working on currently and their status.
Luna Creative Academy
Prompt Lists:
Character Tag List:
I have updated my ask list below so please only pick from the characters below if you want to submit.
The Rules:
Only pick people off the character list below for each fandom.
One prompt per ask - you can send as many asks as you want within reason
Include the whole prompt in the ask, not just the number.
I don’t write things like Voight’s daughter/Hondo’s friend/Adam’s sister
I also don't write specific asks on this blog eg: reader is a firefighter/doctor/cop who has this/does this. They meet and do this/and this and say this... I usually work from prompts.
I don't write other people's stories so if you have a long detailed idea you want writing, this is not the blog for you.
Fandoms & Chars I write for:
Chicago Fire:
Jeff Clarke
Chicago Med
Connor Rhodes
James Lanik
Crockett Marcel
Sam Abrams
Mitch Ripley
Dean Archer
Sean Archer
Cobra Kai:
Daniel LaRusso
Johnny Lawrence
Terry Silver
Criminal Minds:
Luke Alvez
CSI Vegas:
Trey Cahill
Josh Folsom
Jubal Valentine
O.A Zidan
Stuart Scola
FBI International:
Scott Forrester
Damien Powell
FBI: Most Wanted:
Remy Scott
Clinton Skye
Fire Country:
Bode Leone
Luke Leone
Manny Perez
Vince Leone
Dwight Hendrickson
Duke Crocker
Nathan Wuornos
Hawaii Five-O:
Danny 'Danno' Williams
Adam Noshimuri
Mic Brumby
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb
AJ Chegwidden
Law & Order:
Nolan Price
Nicholas Baxter
Jalen Shaw
Vince Riley
Cyrus Lupo
Michael Cutter
Law & Order: Organised Crime:
Bobby Reyes
Law & Order SVU:
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Terry Bruno
Mayans MC:
Bishop Losa
Taza Romero
Micheal 'Riz' Ariza
Nestor Oceteva
Angel Reyes
EZ Reyes
Neron 'Creeper' Vargas
Frank Castle
The Mentalist:
Wayne Rigsby
Kimball Cho
The Musketeers:
Horacio Carrillo
Alden Parker
Nick Torres
Gage Winchester
NCIS Hawaii:
Jesse Boone
Vostanik Sabatino
Arlo Turk
Harmon 'Harm' Rabb
Marty Deeks
AJ Chegwidden
NCIS: New Orleans
Dwayne Pride
Chris LaSalle
NCIS Sydney:
JD Dempsey
De Shawn Jackson
Michelle Mackey
Ian Egerton
Don Eppes
Sheriff Graham/The Huntsman
Carlton Lassiter
Jack Reacher
The Rookie:
John Nolan
Wade Grey
Ejiah Vestri
Ryan Caradine
Aaron Thorsen
The Rookie Feds:
Matt Garza
Brendon Acres
SEAL Team:
Sonny Quinn
Brock Reynolds
Trent Sawyer
Eric Blackburn
Greg Lestrade
Silent Witness:
Jack Hodgson
Juan 'Juice' Ortiz
Filip 'Chibs' Telford
Alexander 'Tig' Trager
David Hale
Rodrigo Sanchez
Donovan Rocker
Ted Lasso:
Roy Kent
Top Gun Maverick:
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson 
The Umbrella Academy:
Diego Hargreeves
Cordell Walker
Captain Larry James
Dan Miller
White Collar:
Matt Keller
Will Trent:
Will Trent
Rip Wheeler
Travis Wheatley
Feel free to send me prompts if you see anything you like with one of the characters.
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fremulon · 11 months
is there any masterposts on easter eggs or some analysis on good omens s1?
im rewatching it and i want to be more aware of the little hidden things
Ooh I don't know of anything but @fuckyeahgoodomens might have something!
Some that I can think of off the top of my head:
You can see Terry Pratchett's hat and scarf in Aziraphale's bookshop
The guard at the airbase is reading American Gods
Crowley's license plate is NIATRUC which is "curtain" backwards and a reference to a scene from Monty Python
Arthur Young's license plate is SIDRAT or "Tardis" backwards and he addresses Crowley as "Doctor"
There's a number of little tells that Aziraphale and Crowley aren't who they appear to be at the end of episode 6, I think
I think there's a set of Just William books in Aziraphale's reconstituted bookshop which iirc was one of the inspirations for the Them/Adam parts
Neil Gaiman is sleeping in the movie theater when Crowley is there
I think there's various times where you can see some of the other Agnes Nutter prophecies onscreen
This isn't an Easter egg but in the Globe scene if you just listen to Hamlet doing his monologue, I'm pretty sure he's repeating lines: he does the part starting "for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil" twice. Also, Shakespeare calls him "Burbage" who was the star player of the Lord Chamberlain's men and the original Hamlet.
When Newt is introduced, the camera malfunctions a bit in apparent reference to his technological curse.
Newt's scene at his new job is filmed in a camera style similar to "The Office." Also I THINK but I'm not positive that the group doing management training at Tadfield Manor is the same as the company Newt gets fired from.
The movie "Witchfinder General" is playing on the TV in the background of Crowley's meeting with Shadwell
I think everyone knows this but the use of Queen songs is a nod to the book which has a running gag that all cassette tapes left in a car for more than 2 weeks become a Best of Queen album
Also not really an Easter egg but in the book the third baby DOES survive and have tropical fish and he's a minor character named Greasy Johnson! JUSTICE FOR GREASY
You can see Elvis in...I think the restaurant Famine is in? As a reference to the conspiracy theory about Elvis still being alive (in the book Death also comments that he never took him)
There's a TON more though I know, so if anyone has a link to a full list, chime in to help anon!
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jellyjack-cheese · 6 months
I have NOT been posting my art here lately goddamn
New actually original character, Terri Vise, who can broadcast anything ever with cameras he pulls out of hammerspace
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New refs for Adam and a new character called Judas, Judas is basically just [REDACTED] from Ghost Trick piled high with headcanons beyond recognition
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Judas again but sexy
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Shipped Adam with Lynne from Ghost Trick for awhile
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Files the serial numbers off of the Tenth Doctor and calls it a day
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crewman-penelope · 1 year
Rami Malek as Dr. Adam Terry in Believe Pilot
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terrence-silver · 11 months
could we get more terry with clingy beloved? My fav duo Love your blog♥️
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He did the unthinkable. He just did it.
He pretended to have sprained his ankle, mid-training.
Of course, the very notion Terry Silver would have combat mishap during his strenuous, routinely exercises, least of all, that he'd be hindered by it, slowed down by it, limited by pain in any sense was preposterous and entirely laughable, but you didn't need to know that. You really didn't. Or if you did, it was simply better that you were occasionally led to forget what his body could really endure. The same way you didn't need to know the fact that his injury was entirely made up. Invented. Just for you. Because of you. For this occasion. He supposed he enjoyed it. The way you instinctually jumped around him when you perceived him down. When you thought he needed it. When you thought him, and the word sat like a living wound on his tongue --- weak. Was this was what weak was? Being doted on? You giving his sparring partners the wry looks because you were convinced they carelessly injured him during their allotted training hours even though he went around injuring them several times mid-session instead of it being the other way around and they were simply paid to take it like professionals should? Touching him, carefully, as if fearing to break him? Cooing him? Helping him to a nearby seat like he was some sort of martyr having just gone through penance even though there was literally nothing wrong with him and he didn't even need to put in too much acting to convince you of the opposite? A mere 'Ow' was often enough to send you spiraling like an expertly programmed robot. If this is what collapse meant, Terry rather relished his time down there, trying very hard not to show his satisfaction anywhere on his face and finding it even harder to control it manifesting on his body when your expression furrows in worry and he feels himself harden.
-"I'm not leaving your side until I'm certain you're okay."-
You say, with conviction, cradling his whole foot after practically shouting for the staff to call a doctor. Oh. That felt good. It felt good to see you catastrophically overreact.
It felt warm.
His chest filling with tingles. He imagines himself a giddy school girl with a scraped knee, being lifted up and carried by the brave class jock. How was it that you didn't notice his foot was absolutely alright --- in prime condition, same as always --- and that the surface of his skin didn't even do as much as grow red from the pressure of whatever impact it supposedly suffered? How did you not notice? It was great that you didn't --- infinitely amusing, a testament to his skills, in fact --- but were you wrapped around his finger to the degree that he could tell you anything, just about anything, and you'd believe it? Staunchly? That the sky was made from dogshit and ice cones? That a Blackbelt and a former Black Ops Veteran just goes around, tripping and falling over himself randomly, like some sort of klutz? Terry supposed that was the case, deciding to amp up the pressure and play the role of the martyr just a bit more, acting hard to get and unnecessarily humble. Just to reap a bit more of what you had to offer. -"Huh? No. That's fine. I'll walk it off. Karate's all about walking it off. Walked off worse."- He clicks his tongue, ever the good sport, shaking his head, pretending to be in pain and acting courageous about it, waving his hand, putting in an Oscar-worthy performance in the department of fake limping. It takes every bit of willpower in him not to laugh when he spots Margaret from the other end of the lobby giving him a speculative, unimpressed gaze. -"Out of the question, Terry!"- You're adamant, holding him by his hand and easing him back into his seat. And that point, it was hard not to burst. -"You've been pushing yourself too hard and now look what happened!"- You stare down at his completely healthy foot like it was about to be amputated or some bullshit, pointing at it with your nose, outraged and oh so sweetly delusional.
-"Now you're in pain."-
You add, with the sort of grieved, whiny voice that could melt an iceberg.
-"Pain's a part of training."-
He pretends to nobly relent all while entirely pain-free, never confessing to there being any ache in the first place even if only for the purposes of the lie itself, not wanting to appear too much of a mush even while going out of his way to appear as just that, maintaining a careful balance between the two, tip toeing the line between artificial victimhood and a knightly sort of deliberate Zen detachment to keep you titillated further, feeling the warmth in his chest grown even hotter at the attention you provided, never taking his eyes off of you, concocting plans of what he can act like he hurt tomorrow next, finding that he rather liked this game.
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flipper-kisses · 10 months
lol anon back (same anon that listed why Rami is amazing)! I got more 🙃
He’s our clumsy king and owns it
He fell at the Oscars, fell/pushed off a side railing, did parkour only to fall when he started running on the ground (it was a Mr. Robot blooper), fell backwards in a fucking chair, and tripped during the Red Carpet at the Met Gala. This man literally trips over air and himself but we still love him ❤️
Spending time with Emma who is non-binary
Literally does make a difference because it helps non-binary people feel like they’re noticed!
Puts so much thought and consideration i to his characters and roles!
Just think about all he had to do for “The Pacific”, “Mr. Robot”, and “Bohemian Rhapsody”! Definitely lots of dedication and hard work and passion for his roles, like wow. 
Rami’s hair
Never gets old and I love his curly hair era! Also wavy hair too! Wonderful hair lol
He has great expectations for his roles
In an interview, Rami was asked if he was happy about “Night at the Museum” casting a pharaoh correctly. Rami’s reaction literally said, “that shouldn’t be something to be super overly happy about, it should just be casted correctly”. Good expectations honestly. 
Rami was the side character for so damn long and steals every scene he’s in
Rami is literally amazing in all scenes he does and even if he’s not the main character, all eyes are on him (at least mine are 😌)
He’s one of the best versatile actors I think I’ll ever witness!
This man has literally played: a gay teenager who was crushing on his best friend
traumatized war veteran who has a thick Cajun accent
an iconic and memorable lead band singer
Alcatraz prisoner who plays the violin
ancient mummy pharaoh that comes to life at night
hacker with d.i.d and ptsd
a doctor named Adam Terry
random dude in Battle Ship
a vampire with a cool scarf
a mountain man and in real life Rami gets the chance to squabble in a tiny boat with his identical twin lmao (best sibling fight we’ll ever witness, @the-real-ramimalekpeen have you used this scene for Twin Tuesday yet?)
a 6’0 tall guy in a video game who was said to most likely have schizophrenia
a dude with a beard
a weirdo guy in the literal fucking show “BoJack Horseman”
and like so many other characters I’m choosing not to describe
Already said he was a “bad boy” and pranks people but he’s literally really funny 
Have you seen him in different interviews? Such a charmer and pretty funny as well.
Like the interview with Charlie Hunnam where there was a question about Rami’s eye color and he and Charlie were teasing each other and trying to find out Rami’s eye color. Then some pictures are also pretty funny.
Also the “DoLittle” game with Robert Downey Jr (Rami’s whole outfit and appearance during the Ellen Show with Robert Downey Jr 😩👌 literally here for his outfit, freaking immaculate lmao)
“wE sHot LiVe aiD oN dAy onE” 
That’ll be in my head forever, thanks Rami
“A playful smooch”
I don’t think I’ll recover from the shocked looks on everybody’s faces when Rami exposed how he had a kiss with Daniel Craig. 
His fans are wonderful 
This man has the best real fans. Which includes the fan artists, fanfic writers, and people who just appreciate him and/or his films! also people who stand up for him which is YOU Flipper and RamiPeen 👏
Photo shoots
How can you look at his photo shoots and NOT smile??? Precious but also sexy man. 
Again he has a literal soft spot for children
That one time where I’m pretty sure he read a book to a few children
Best hugs
He seriously gives the sweetest and warmest hugs. Like can I get a hug?? 🫂 
Oppenheimer moments
I don’t care what anyone says about his role in Oppenheimer. He had literally eight minutes of screen time yet still went for the fucking jugular and was successful. 
The bulge
He has no shame and no, I won’t expand on this except… @the-real-ramimalekpeen 😉
Doesn’t give a fuck about haters
Lmao y’all hated Rami in Amsterdam and thought his character was stupid? Well he probably doesn’t give a shit (or is obliviously living his best life) lmao. 
Ages like fine wine 
God he looks like he’s in his fucking thirties in so many pictures. Raise your hand if you ever looked at a picture of him and thought, “oh a picture when he was in his twenties!” and it turns out the picture was taken in his fucking 40s… a few days ago… Unproblematic people age perfectly. 
His smile makes me smile
Could he be any cuter??? His smile literally is so wonderful.  
Most caring thing you’ll see all day and is husband material
When he was giving Emma his jacket, comforting the woman (friend) who was crying and thanking the waitress, and so many other events 🥺
Okay anyways got even more than this lol… sorry for rambling on about our Rami. I’m just so happy I finally get the chance to share my Rami findings and thoughts I’ve collected over the years.
I love your love for him!
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Flooded Earth DC Merfolk AU
So continuation of This Au right here
What is Everyone? Lemme make a list to ramble about later:
Bruce- Ray
Alfred- Remora
Kate- Angel Shark
Dick - Guppy
Cass- Cuttlefish
Jason- Thresher Shark
Tim- Bichir
Steph- Spanish Shawl Sea Slug
Duke- Anglerfish
Harper- Cichlid
Cullen- Rasbora
Damian- Stingray
Carrie- Dusky Batfish
Jarro- Starfish
Terry- Devilfish
Matt- Koi
Barbara- Jellyfish
Gordon- Squirrelfish
Ghostmaker- Moray Eel
Harvey- Tiger Shark
Selina- Catfish
Joker- Piranha
Harley- Clownfish
Poison Ivy- Leafy Seadragon
Riddler- Corydoras
Bane- Pufferfish
Mr. Freeze- Leopard Seal
Scarecrow- Anglerfish
Waylon- Saltwater Crocodile
Solomon Grundy- Coelacanth 
Penguin- Longfin Icedevil
Ras Al Ghul- Sturgeon
Talia- Pike
Dusan- Pike 
Deathstroke- Tiger Barb
Clark- Sea Lion
Connor- Fur Seal
Jon- Fur Seal
Kara- Sea Lion
Martha Kent- Ribbon Seal
Jonathan Kent- Manatee
Metallo- Sea Turtle
Brainiac- Pinecone Fish
Toyman- Parrot Fish
General Zod- Sea Lion
Lex Luthor- Cardinalfish (if a merfolk, still debating)
Barry Allen- Marlin
Wally- Swordfish
Bart- Marlin
Iris- Trout
Green Arrow- Goby
Arsenal- Arapaima
Artemis- Grouper
Black Canary- Orca
Reverse Flash- Marlin
Captain Cold- Beluga Whale
Heatwave- Guppy
Captain Boomerang- Discus Fish
Mirror Master- Mahi Mahi
Diana- Lionfish
Cassie- Lionfish
Cheetah- Spotted Snapper
Vandal Savage- Dunkleosteus 
Marvel- Whale Shark 
Billy- Wrasse
Mary- Wrasse
Freddy- Killifish
Eugene- Loach
Pedro- Danio
Darla- Goby
Black Adam- Gar Fish
Dr. Sivana- Dolphin
Mister Mind- Bristle Worm
Martian Manhunter- Octopus
M’gann- Octopus
Aquaman- Hammerhead Shark
Kaldur- Blue Tang
Plasticman- Oarfish
Booster Gold- Goldfish
Blue Beetle- Blue Shrimp
John Stewart- Sailfish
Hal Jordan- Neon Tetra
Red Tornado- Mantis Shrimp
Zatanna- Swordtail
Constantine- Fighting Fish
Doctor Fate- Wrasse
Deadman- Glass Fish
Klarion- Platy
Cyborg- Mola
Raven- Squid
Beast Boy- Triggerfish
Starfire- Koi Fish
Lobo- Wolf Fish
Deadshot- Ruby Barb
Killer Frost- White Koi
King Shark- Great White Shark
Doctor Light- Dolphin
Martha Wayne- Mako Shark
Thomas Wayne- Devil Ray
Lucious Fox- King Mackeral 
Jack Drake- Freshwater Angelfish
Janet Drake- Comet Goldfish
Catman- Tigerfish
Angel Breaker- Redtail Black Shark
Trigon- Giant Squid 
Now there's definitely more to be added, and if you have a favorite DC character I missed, lemme know and I'll make sure to add them.
Also I will definitely be rambling about all of these guys separately at some point lol.
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mappingthemoon · 5 months
Books Read 2023
Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations / Mira Jacob
A Grief Observed / C. S. Lewis
Grit Lit: A Rough South Reader / ed. Brian Carpenter & Tom Franklin
Two or Three Things I Know for Sure / Dorothy Allison
Weather: Air Masses, Clouds, Rainfall, Storms, Weather Maps, Climate (A Golden Nature Guide) / Paul E. Lehr, R. Will Burnett, Herbert S. Zim ; Harry McNaught (ill.)
Improbable Memories / Sarah Moon
Endless Endless: A Lo-Fi History of the Elephant 6 Mystery / Adam Clair
The Difference Between / Billy McCall
The Submissive (The Submissive #1) / Tara Sue Me
Last Night at the Casino [v. 1] / Billy McCall
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing / Marie Kondo ; Cathy Hirano (tr.)
Pnin / Vladimir Nabokov
My Heart Is a Chainsaw / Stephen Graham Jones
"Waltz of the Body Snatchers" / Alfred Bester, in Andromeda I: An original SF anthology / ed. Peter Weston
Blue Highways: A Journey Into America / William Least Heat-Moon
The Stars My Destination (The Gregg Press Science Fiction Series) / Alfred Bester
Laughter in the Dark / Vladimir Nabokov
Man and His Symbols / Carl G. Jung
Mysteries of the Unexplained / ed. Carroll C. Calkins
The Westing Game / Ellen Raskin
The Seven Ages / Louise Glück
The Wild Iris / Louise Glück
Vita Nova / Louise Glück
Doctor Who: Impossible Worlds: A 50-Year Treasury of Art and Design / Stephen Nicholas & Mike Tucker
Where's Waldo? (Where's Waldo #1) / Martin Handford
Where's Waldo? The Fantastic Journey (Where's Waldo #3) / Martin Handford
Doctor Who 50 Years #3: The Doctors / ed. Marcus Hearn
Rabbit, Run / John Updike
Mother Night / Kurt Vonnegut
Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Books) / Bibliographic Standards Committee, Rare Books and Manuscripts Section, Association of College and Research Libraries, in collaboration with The Policy Standards Office of the Library of Congress
"Descriptive Bibliography" / Terry Belanger, in Book Collecting: A Modern Guide / ed. Jean Peters
The Essential Doctor Who #2: The TARDIS / ed. Marcus Hearn
Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited / Vladimir Nabokov
Chicago: City on the Make / Nelson Algren
Gustav Klimt, 1862-1918 / Gilles Néret
American Gods: A Novel / Neil Gaiman
Marcel Duchamp, 1887-1968: Art as Anti-Art / Janis Mink
The Empathy Exams: Essays / Leslie Jamison
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men: Three Tenant Families / James Agee & Walker Evans
Hallucination Orbit: Psychology in Science Fiction / ed. Isaac Asimov, Charles G. Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg
Dream Street: W. Eugene Smith's Pittsburgh Project / W. Eugene Smith ; ed. Sam Stephenson
Twilight / Gregory Crewdson ; Rick Moody
Magic Eye: A New Way of Looking at the World / N.E. Thing Enterprises
Bowie: Stardust, Rayguns & Moonage Daydreams / Steve Horton & Michael Allred ; Laura Allred (ill.)
After the Ecstasy, the Laundry: How the Heart Grows Wise on the Spiritual Path / Jack Kornfield
The Gin Closet: A Novel / Leslie Jamison
The New Kid on the Block / Jack Prelutsky ; James Stevenson (ill.)
A Book of Common Prayer / Joan Didion
Mariette in Ecstasy / Ron Hansen
Camp Damascus / Chuck Tingle
The Mass Production of Memory: Travel and Personal Archiving in the Age of the Kodak (Public History in Historical Perspective) / Tammy S. Gordon
Unfathomable City: A New Orleans Atlas / Rebecca Solnit & Rebecca Snedeker
Other Voices, Other Rooms / Truman Capote
Fabulous New Orleans / Lyle Saxon ; E.H. Suydam (ill.)
Weird Pennsylvania: Your Travel Guide to Pennsylvania's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets / Matt Lake
Griffin & Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence (Griffin & Sabine #1) / Nick Bantock
Sabine's Notebook: In Which The Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Continues (Griffin & Sabine #2) / Nick Bantock
The Golden Mean: In Which The Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin & Sabine Concludes (Griffin & Sabine #3) / Nick Bantock
Breath, Eyes, Memory / Edwidge Danticat
Last Night at the Casino, v. 2 / Billy McCall
What If? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions / Randall Munroe
Collection-Level Cataloging: Bound-with Books (Third Millennium Cataloging) / Jain Fletcher
Speaking Pittsburghese: The Story of a Dialect (Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics) / Barbara Johnstone
My Misspent Youth: Essays / Meghan Daum
Slender Intuition: Essays on Artist's Block / Brian Hitselberger
The Mister / E L James
Crapalachia: A Biography of a Place / Scott McClanahan
The Transcriptionist: A Novel / Amy Rowland
Explanations/Opinions below the cut:
Ok so I have several reading lists/stacks that I rotate through: my to-read spreadsheet (which has almost 300 titles listed in chronological order by date added, with the oldest being from 8/22/2014), my to-read bookcase/nightstand (which holds ~50 books I’ve acquired over the past few years but haven’t yet read), a stack of oversized unreads that don’t fit on the nightstand shelves (this gets its own list bc I need to read them and find a permanent home for them before the stack gets too tall), and “interruptions” (books that override the list order bc I didn’t want to wait to read them, for whatever reason).
Maybe it’s weird that I’m so attached to reading things “in order”? Idk. I’ve always been like this. It’s only a mild compulsion – obviously, I am perfectly capable of ignoring what’s supposed to be next on the list, in favor of reading something that catches my interest more strongly in the moment, but in general, I like to read things either in the order I added them to the list, or the order I personally acquired a physical copy (if I went by the list only, I’d be drowning in unread books [yay, college town thrift stores], so I gotta stay on top of that pile pretty regularly). So that is why I am often reading things that I first became aware of/added to my list nearly 10 years ago. Sometimes this practice results in feelings like, “Dang, I wish I would’ve actually read this 10 years ago,” but also sometimes, “WOW, I’m so glad I’m reading this RIGHT NOW, as opposed to 10 years ago when I first heard about it!”
I think my favorites this year were Mariette in Ecstasy; Other Voices, Other Rooms; Crapalachia; and Speak, Memory.
Mild disappointments were the essay collections by Leslie Jamison and Meghan Daum, two authors I’m pretty sure I discovered via popular and relateable quotes reblogged on tumblr ca. 2014, but the collections taken as a whole just had too many moments of cringe – casual classism, arrogant self-absorption, and other annoying and unrelateable qualities typical of privileged 20-something writers (this tone definitely appealed to me when I was a naïve and melodramatic snotty 20-something, so there’s that).
As a kind of memorial, Rachael and I read David’s three favorite books: The Stars My Destination, Mother Night, and American Gods. In all the time I knew him, including all the times we used to sit on the porch together, reading quietly while he drank whiskey, I never thought to ask him his favorites. I kept looking for pieces of him in the stories, wondering what lines stood out, what made a book memorable, what did it say about him that these were his favorites.
Being an elder Millennial, I’m in the stage of nostalgically re-acquiring important artifacts from my childhood, so that’s why there are some children’s books on my list. Where’s Waldo? was one of the most coveted books in my grade-school library! There was always a list of people waiting to check it out, but usually, whoever actually had the book that week would let the other kids gather around and look together.
My Heart Is a Chainsaw was a recommendation from my goth teenaged birthdaughter <3 which I probably read too much personal symbolism into but maybe not!
I thought John Updike was overrated, lol.
Favorite photography book: W. Eugene Smith’s Dream Street. His pictures made me so homesick, and it was wild because he took them from 1955-1957 but they still really, REALLY, to me, looked like the Pittsburgh of my ‘80s/’90s memories (bc Pittsburgh doesn’t change, and also the “idea” or “brand” of Pittsburgh in the ‘80s/’90s was ofc consciously referencing its industrial working-class past). He took over 10,000 photos but was never able to “finish” the project to his intense, obsessive standards of perfection (I KNOW THAT FEEL) and felt it failed to capture the multifaceted essence of the city. WELL, not in my opinion at least!
PS I'm moonmoth on LibraryThing.
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