#Don’t do school kids but also do because education is important ok
princesskkfish · 1 year
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Schools gonna be the end of me man-
But literally I’ve had no time to make a actual video for my YT or a actual drawing all of what I’ve been doing are doodles or sketches
Plus finals are like this week and next week so that’s gonna be funn-
good luck to all the other people out there also being hunted by school<3 I sent me best of luck!
bonus under the cut
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1mlostnow · 2 months
I hope that caught your attention :)
I’m also hoping to get more input from the queer community here so please comment or rb with anything you have to say.
Please read I think this is incredibly important.
Okay ⬇️
I am a trans man and I have only socially transitioned. I don’t usually like to talk about the fact that I’m trans, because I have this underlying fear that it will somehow remind people that I’m “not really a man” or something. Internalized homophobia, I guess. But this feels really important to talk about.
The 2024 Election. I am confident in my belief that we will have a second trump term. It is so incredibly important for trans kids to build community. If he gets elected, that puts us and queer people as a whole at risk.
Depending on which state you’re from, you may have already gotten a taste of this. I’m from a primarily red state and we’ve got bathroom bills, book bans, and transparency bills.
Bathroom Bill -> bans trans folks from using the bathroom which aligns with their gender identity, requires them to use bathroom that corresponds with their sex at birth. I know for a lot of states, this also removed gender neutral bathrooms in a lot of places.
Book bans -> thank you Ron Fucking DeSantis (florida governer, ran for president but dropped from race in January 2024(?)) Lawmakers can decide what books they consider inappropriate for schools, and have them removed. They defend it by saying they’re banning “sexual content” but majority of it is mentions of queer folks in books. To them two boys holding hands for one sentence may as well be a book full of smut. Overall, they’re only retracting what they want to, excluding gender/sexuality mentions and critical race theory.
Transparency -> OH MY FUCKING AHSHDHDRRR. Okay so. In my state and many others, there’s something referred to as a transparency bill. It was advertised as transparency in education and a right for parents to know what the schools’ curriculum consists of. Part of this bill requires teachers and administrators to out a student to their parents or guardians if they come out at school. — Going into this school year, I was unaware this bill had passed. I emailed my teachers the week before school and on my second day, the principal was legally required to phone home. Luckily, everything was fine on my end and my mom already knew.
Now these are the things that have already happened. There is so, so much more. Bans on gender affirming care, legally classifying marriage as between a man and a woman, and SO much more that I can’t even comprehend enough to type out. Please do your research.
It’s so hard to stay positive when I fear for my wellbeing, my future, and my life. I am a teenager. I am meant to be going to school to learn math and science, not the Ten Commandments. I’m meant to be able to use the bathroom without feeling out of place, no matter where I am.
I know this focused primarily on trans people but this also affects the queer community on so many levels.
I cannot be happy in a country that believes that being queer is a mental illness.
I hope to god I’m reaching people. I think building community is one of the most important things that we could be doing right now. As well as educating and encouraging others to vote blue.
It’s between a man on his deathbed and a felon.
It’s between a man who doesn’t know where he is and a man who claimed this country would become a “unified reich.”
A democracy or a dictatorship.
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dipperscavern · 6 days
Hi Dippy!!! Idk if you’ll even see this as it’ll probably get buried in your inbox, but I’d love a fortune telling!!! Also I hope your ankle is ok!!!
I’m 5’7”, with brown eyes and curly brown hair. I have a heart shaped face and very prominent eyebrows. I’m bottom heavy lmao (small chest, wide hips, big booty/thighs). I’m very introverted and a homebody, but once I get to know someone I really come out of my shell. Personality wise, I’m very loyal and I’m not afraid to voice my opinions. I don’t have much of a filter and sometimes say things without thinking them through. I like to think to think I’m funny too, but who knows. My favorite color is purple. My friends and I love going to movies, trying new restaurants, and swimming at the lake. I love cats (I have four). Education is really important to me and I’ve always been a good student. It’s paid off because I start grad school soon!!! I’m also really into sports - I like going for nature walks/hikes and I play tennis. I like watching football too. I also love to read (particularly historical fiction or murder mysteries), listen to podcasts, try out new baking/cooking recipes, and watch tv of course. I’m very close with my family and they’re my number one supporters. My favorite quirk about myself is probably that I like metal music, because I sort of look/dress preppy and live in the South! I hate the cold, so I’m not sure how I would survive in Winterfell… 😵‍💫
hi!’ don’t worry about being lost in the sea of my inbox, 1k requests r my top priority — n thank u for checking up on me!! ANYWAYS. let’s see… 🔮
i knew it, as soon as i saw u… allow me to consult my partner! i clap twice and my royal toad, toad mater, floats down into the room starfish position from an unforeseen place in the ceiling. once he’s eye level with me, he croaks, and i nod. he is then lifted back into the darkness.
ANYWAYS. i see you with the wolf of the north, lord cregan stark. cregaj is the same way with his introvert personality! u guys are very respectful and almost quaint while betrothed, but the more you get to know each other, the more your respective personalities come out. not afraid to voice ur opinions!! this is literally one of cregans favorite attributes in a woman. and not having a filter woukd crack this man UPP. everyone says they’ve never seen their lord stark so… prone to smiling. but it’s all thanks to you, and your inability to read the room (cregan helps you out when necessary). u saying you had cats just made me think of the headcannon that cregans allergic to cats, but would never admit it (thinks allergies dotn exist and that he’s too tough for them😐). and education!! do u KNOW HOW KUCH CREGAJ WOULD LOVE A WELL EDUCATED LADY?!?!?! A LOT!!!! not only does it help you thrive as lady stark, your kids would be sooo intelligent & well educated too. when complimented on it, cregan gives u 99% credit <3
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introverted-ghost · 11 months
Ok guys I need help!!
Not money just advice
My friend is in a really bad relationship. It’s very unhealthy. I’ll list some of the things he did
Well first off he’s American, he lives in Alabama (they have met in person so he’s not an adult but still) which we’ll come back to later
He doesn’t let her touch a lick of alcohol, which is kind of excusable he’s American and Christian and has had negative experience with alcoholics but it’s still not his choice
Secondly this friend is failed english last year and is trying to do recovery but she needs to read the book to do so, she says she doesn’t have time and I suggest she listens to an audiobook she says she is always talking with her boyfriend, I say he has to understand since she needs this to graduate and she tells me that he gets mad when she doesn’t talk to him??
He belittles her frequently
He didn’t let her go to the school dance
He gets so fucking mad that she’s friends with us, and also just people in general
He also gets mad if she doesn’t respond within like 10mins even if she’s IN CLASS
He doesn’t like when she has group projects with guys
A lot of this he could try to pass off as being worried about her cheating (which she literally wouldn’t ever do she treats this guy like he’s the top of the world man) but if you’re that uncomfortable you obviously can’t handle long distance relationships
He doesn’t want her to have a job (which based off everything else I know about him it isn’t because he thinks kids shouldn’t have to work)
At one point she removed my discord and I was worried I did something but she said she just removes a bunch of people sometimes which is kinda sounding like it was this guys doing like I’m not sure but he has so much control over her
Now important that he lives in another country. She plans that as soon as she’s able (which will be before she graduates) she’s going to move to live with him, which on its own is bad but if something happens like her not devoting 110% of her time to him while there and he breaks up with her she’ll end up homeless in Alabama as a minor with little education and no job experience. And we won’t even be able to help her in this scenario since he’s definitely going to cut off all her contact with us as soon as he’s able
She doesn’t realize how abusive (I didn’t even mention everything since the person who told me those parts was really scared of me repeating it) it is and I don’t want her to get mad at us if we point it out, cause also then she might lose her only healthy relationships in her life rn, but she’ll be able to leave like in less than a year so we need to do something now
So that’s what I need help with. If you guys have any advice for what I can do please share
If you don’t know what I can do could you (no pressure you don’t have to) spread this so I can find someone who can help?
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persimmonsimmer · 2 years
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Miguel was enjoying his day off from school. He was trying very hard not to think about what his mom had told him, about how he’d need to be brave and go back tomorrow, because his education was so important.
If only the other kids’ education wasn’t also so important. He thought he would like school quite a bit if it was only him and Grandma Hannah and learning cool and interesting things about the world all day long.
So far he was doing a pretty good job of not thinking about it. He’d taken Peanut and Bandit for a walk, and he’d helped his gran make lunch, and his mom had read him a book. And now he was jumping about in the pile of moist, earthy-smelling leaves (his gramps had sighed and laughed and said sure, go ahead, I should’ve known how tempting that pile would be) and watching them spin and cascade gently down around him in the light breeze.
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“Well, you look happier than last time I laid eyes on you,” said a deep, cheerful, almost-familiar male voice. “Glad to see it.”
Miguel recognized the man who’d been with his mom yesterday. Who’d seen him crying (like a little baby) after his horrible, awful, no-good first day of school.
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Embarrassed but polite--his mom and gran and gramps were always telling him how important it was to be nice to others--Miguel brushed his palms against his jeans and gave the man his best, firmest handshake, just the way his gramps had taught him.
“Hi Mr... Mr... uh. I don’t know your name.”
“You can just call me Carl,” the man said. “No need for any ‘mister’s.”
“Are you here to see my mom?”
“Partly. But I also wanted to see how you were getting along. And bring you something.”
“You have a present? For me?”
“It was your birthday not too long ago, wasn’t it? Anyway, it’s not much...”
* * * * *
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Some time later, the sound of voices in the front yard drew Citlali away from the book she’d been reading.
“--is not to tense up at the last minute, to stay loose--just like that, good! That’s a good arm you’ve got on you. Now let’s see you do it again.”
“Mom! Mr... uh, I mean Carl’s teaching me how to throw my new baseball! Wanna see? Watch this!”
Miguel lobbed another throw Carl’s way.
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“Nice one!” Carl returned the ball to Miguel with a wink. “Keep practicing while I’m away, all right? I’m telling you, you’re a natural.”
“I will! Promise!” Miguel said at the same time as Citlali asked, “You’re going away?”
“Mind giving me and your mom a moment?” Carl asked, giving Miguel’s hair a playful ruffle.
“OK. But you promise to practice with me more when you get back, right? Bye, Mr. Carl!”
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“How long will you be away? Where are you going?” Citlali’s face felt flushed.
“Not too long. I’ve got some messenger business to wrap up, and the plumbing project’s all but finished. I need to leave soon if I’m going to get back before the start of winter. Thought I should tell somebody, though, not just disappear on you all.”
Citlali swallowed. “I guess I should wish you safe travels, then.”
“Thank you, Citlali. And don’t worry about me. I’ll be back before any of you even have time to miss me.”
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rosesradio · 2 years
i find it so weird how there weren't any rj shippers plotting for ej to get with ricky (who is BARELY his friend. you could even argue that carlos, who couldn't stand ricky in season 1, is a closer friend to ricky), but the SECOND that ricky ends up with gina, you suddenly keep pushing for rj. not because you actually care about gay male representation because you know damn well you have 0 posts about seblos. but because you're mad that gina isn't falling at her feet for your geriatric fave.
ok. this made me laugh gotta admit
were you not, like, there for the start of s3? caswen shippers were going crazy for what we got, myself included even though i like portwell.
yeah, i think carlos is a better friend to ricky given the circumstances, but yk. the show’s a mess, we all know ricky and ej’s relationship is super inconsistent, which is why it’s fun to think of different ways it can go.
also, if you’ve been looking at my hsmtmts posts (which you clearly have ❤️) you’ll see that i’ve actually been coming around to rina. i haven’t been trying to plot a scheme to get ricky and ej together, i actually want a main couple to stay together for once. even ricky/gina. i’m happy for the shippers…the nice ones, anyway
(besides, even if i was pushing caswen…who cares? it’s a fictional show about a high school drama club…👀)
and yes, i don’t have a lot of seblos on my blog. you know what else i don’t have? redlyn, or any other side ship. they don’t necessarily peak my interest, i think the way that the show portrays them is good and i like them. i don’t typically care for canon ships unless they peak my interest, so if you want to see a seblos blog, follow a seblos blog, there’s plenty of great ones out there.
what i will not stand for is the claim that i do not care about representation. i am queer, non-binary, and asexual. what part of that could possibly mean i don’t care about representation? growing up—since i am the geriatric age of 19, so i’ve been around since the Stone Age—i barely saw any representation in media as a kid, and the stuff i did was played for laughs or made queer people out to be stereotypes. only in this past year did i see non-binary and asexual representation, one in the form of an alien (yes i’m talking about zombies 3 i saw it for my geriatric fave matt cornett 😩) and one in the form of a beloved 1 minute scene in sex education (great show btw)
that being said, i root for all representation. i read books and watch shows containing identities i don’t yet understand because i am comforted by the fact that somewhere out there, the people who need this representation have it now. it’s all been very recent and i am very grateful.
so to say i don’t care about representation based on content (or the lackthereof) of one ship in one show that i do like…that misinterprets a fraction of my identity and my beliefs that is very important to me, and it’s a bold but immature take.
i think i’ve said all i need to say. you can be friendly and respectfully disagree, or you can get off my blog.
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mama-ivy · 1 month
The Unexpected Alpha
Ok, kids. This is my first deep dive into the world of werewolves. With a word count of 6320, it has become glaringly obvious to me that this fic got way out of control. Do I hate it? No. Do I love it? Also, no. There were so many more places the Avengers cast of characters wanted to take this, but being the cruel mistress that I am, I cut them short. Maybe, just maybe, I'll come back to it.
The only warning is cussing.
So here, below the cut, is all of the craziness that I can now delete from my brain. For this year's @augustwritingchallenge Day 12 - Animagus.
“What do you plan on telling them?”
“I haven’t figured it out exactly, yet.  I’ll probably just tell them the Alpha is away on business.”
“And you don’t think that they are going to question why our Alpha thought other business was more important than his son being mated to the only daughter of their Alpha?”
“Yeah, that’s why I haven’t figured it out exactly, yet.”  Bruce ran his hand through his uncombed raven curls. His large shoulders slumped before he dropped into the overstuffed lounge chair in front of the roaring fire in the Alpha’s office space.  He knew being his cousin’s Beta would be hard, but no one had told him it would be this hard.  Running a pack following the untimely death of his Alpha cousin was the single handedly hardest thing he had ever done.  “Dammit, Tony. You’re supposed to be here doing this, not me.” He muttered to himself before looking up at the man waiting for his response.
Nick had served as the Alpha’s personal secretary and liaison for over thirty years, serving both the most recent Alpha and his father loyally. He had watched Bruce and his older cousin, Tony, grow from small boys and took a personal hand in their training and education.  No one was startled when Tony finally transformed into a silvery white wolf, indicating he was destined to be the next Alpha, but Nick was the only one not surprised when Bruce’ wolf finally showed with jet black fur proving him to be the next Beta.  He knew the two boys better than anyone.  Bruce was meant for Beta.
“What about James’ fur?”
“It’s black. There’s nothing I can do about it. Tony’s son will be the next Beta. Fenrir alone knows who the next Alpha will be.” Bruce let out a large sigh. “Maybe this moon cycle, we will as well.”
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“Are you excited?”
James looked over at his best friend with a look of utter disbelief.  “Why in the world would I be excited?”
Steve shrugged his shoulders and lay back in the tall grass lining the creek running through the northern most tip of the pack’s territory. The two boys could often be seen playing in the trickling water together away from everyone else. It had always been their favorite place to escape schooling and Nick’s rigorous training.  “I figured you’d be looking forward to meeting the girl.  I heard she was pretty.”
“Yeah. Super excited.” James rolled his eyes and tossed the last of the skipping rocks into the water before laying down beside Steve. “They’re going to be even more excited than I am when they find out I’m not the Alpha they thought I was.”
“It’s fine. It’s just been a lot. Dad dying and my wolf not being white. Uncle Bruce keeps snapping at me.”
“Bruce is under a lot of stress right now. He doesn’t mean it.” Steve rolled over and propped himself up on his elbow. “Besides you’re going to be a great Beta. You just better not let the new Alpha kick me out of the pack.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. He wouldn’t dare. Besides, you’re all set to take over as Guard Major.  Why would any Alpha kick out his head of security?”
“I’m technically not a pack member. The only reason I’ve been in the pack house is because your dad took pity on your poor little fatherless friend.”
“You’ve been living in the pack house since you were five.  I think you’re considered a pack member by now.”
“Well, I don’t feel like much of one.” Steve sighed.
“That’s on you.” James sat up and picked at the grass tickling his feet. “Wanna switch places?”
“Not a chance in hell, Buck.” Steve stood. “I’ve got to go check on the ylva.  You better get back to Bruce before he sends someone to look for you.”
James nodded and then stood to give his friend a quick hug. “Thanks for talking to me. Seems like not a lot of people are willing to just listen to me since dad died.”
“You’re going to do great. I’ll see you after dinner.”
James nodded and then left for the pack house while Steve crossed the stream to see the ylva.
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“Mother? Are you busy?”  Steve called out before fully stepping into the ylva’s hut located just outside of the pack’s territory on the small sliver of neutral ground between their home and the home of James’ future mate.
“I’m never too busy for you, sweetheart.” Steve was the only cub of the ylva that served as seer and advisor to both pack leaders and was crucial in securing the ceremony to align them both. She appeared in the doorway dressed in the traditional gowns that she wore while communing with Fenrir.
“You look like you’re getting ready to pray.”
“Just finished.” She pointed towards the small kitchen just off of the main sitting and meeting room. “There’s some leftover lunch if you’re hungry.”
“No thanks, mom. I ate at the pack house.”
“How is James doing? Nervous?”
“Not exactly. More scared than anything.” Steve sat in one of the chairs that faced the front windows. “He doesn’t like the idea of marrying a girl he’s never met and who thinks his fur will be white.”
Steve’s mother shook her head slightly. “Yeah, that is unfortunate. Fenrir assured me that the next alpha would be Tony’s son. I was sure it would be James.”
“Bucky doesn’t have any brothers. Who else would it be?”
Steve’s mother was silent for a moment. Steve didn’t notice. “What about your fur, sweetheart? The moon cycle ends in a couple of days, have you been feeling alright?”
“Nothing yet, mom.” Steve sighed. “I must be the oldest wolf in the pack that hasn’t changed form yet.”
“It will happen when Fenrir feels it is the right time. Your father changed late as well.”
Steve hummed to himself. He knew better than to probe further about his father. His mother never answered any questions about him. It was the one sticking point between the two of them. “When are they coming?”
“They, darling?” The ylva gathered her robes and sat in the chair next to Steve. “Oh, the mate for James. She is already on her way – along with her father and his Beta. They should arrive at the pack house by tomorrow evening.”
“Do you think she’ll stay after finding out about him?”
“Knowing Bruce, he has already concocted some elaborate story as to why Tony is unable to attend. Very intelligent man, that one. And yes, she’ll stay. The other pack has been warned what Fenrir will do if they back out of this deal.”
“Fenrir will do, or you, mom?” Steve grinned at his mother.
Steve’s mother grinned back and patted his knee. “One and the same, my darling.”
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Steve reported back to Bruce as soon as he returned.  It was late, but he knew that Tony had always required him to check in immediately following his return from his mother’s hut regardless of the time.
“How is she doing?”
“I can come back tomorrow, Bruce. You look exhausted.”
Bruce shook his head and leaned back in the same chair that he had been sitting in all evening. He motioned for Steve to continue.
“She’s fine. She sent a list of supplies that she is running short on. The Carter pack is bringing her some things, but was unable to get these for her.” He handed the slip of paper to Bruce. He read over it quickly.
“Give it to Nick. See that he takes care of it.”
Steve took the list from his mother and tucked it away. “She said they’ll be here by tomorrow evening.”
“Did you tell her about James?”
“She already knew. She’s just as confused as you are.”
“They’re going to back out.” Bruce sighed and closed his eyes. “I don’t know what to tell them.”
“Mom said that they wouldn’t dare back out for fear of what she told them Fenrir will do. She also said you would come up with some great story about Tony’s absence.”
Bruce chuckled to himself. “Your mother is a piece of work. I’m grateful every day that she chose our pack to train you instead of the Carters.”
“I’m going to bed. Get some rest, Bruce. You need it.”
Bruce only nodded.
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Peggy sat quietly next to the roaring fire that her father had started shortly after sunset. She normally loved camping with her dad and Scott, but this felt very different. She knew she wasn’t coming back. “It’ll be fine, kid. You’ll do great.” Scott tried to reassure her.
“You’re only six years older than me, Scott. If I’m still a kid, then so are you.”
“Alright, not in the mood for teasing. I get it.”
“James will make a fine match, Peg.” Her father interrupted.
“You’ve already said, dad. I just don’t like how medieval this feels. Really? We’re still marrying for political reasons?”
“If you don’t like the political aspects, then consider the religious ones. Fenrir as expressed a desire for this mating to happen. For the good of the pack.”
“Fenrir or Ylva?” Peggy scoffed.
“There’s a difference?”
“I think there is.”
“Margaret!” Her father bellowed setting off the crickets nearby.
Scott leaned in to her. “Careful, Peg.”
“Dad, I get it. I’m going to be Luna of the Stark pack. I’ll provide James with a slew of pups. But I don’t have to like any of it. And I’m definitely not allowing him to imprint on me.”
Scott shook his head while her father stood. “I warned you.” He mumbled just loud enough for Peggy to hear.
“I am going for a run. Scott, she better be in a milder mood when I return.”
“Like I can do anything about the attitude your daughter inherited from you, Hank.”
Hank growled at both of them before shifting and running off into the woods.
“Sorry if I got you in trouble, Scott.”
Scott laughed. “I’m not the one in trouble, Miss Mouth. Your dad might be old fashioned, but he’s still the alpha. You need to figure your shit out. Quickly.” Scott laid down and closed his eyes. “Don’t let the fire go out before he returns.”
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James and Steve were both awoken early the next morning in their respective rooms by Bruce. “I need you both to help Nat clean out the guest houses today.” The boys were following Bruce through the halls towards the kitchens. “No grumbling please. I promised Nat I’d find her some help and I’m already in enough trouble with her for not returning to our bed last night.”
“I told you to go to bed.” Steve laughed.
Bruce spun around to face them. “Are you the one that tattled on me?”
“Like anyone needed to tattle.” James replied. “We all know how Nat is when you don’t listen to her.”
“Yeah. Which is why you two are helping her today and not me.” Bruce turned back around and continued to the kitchen. “Quick breakfast. I made sure the Omegas made something filling for you. Then go find Nat. She’ll have a list of chores for you both.”
The boys spent the day cleaning out the guest houses that were currently being used for storage. Every inch of the two houses were stuffed full of extra tables and chairs for large pack gatherings and boxes of things like party and holiday decorations. Nat assured them that the mopping and dusting would be left to the Omegas and the sooner they were able to empty the rooms, the more time they would have for getting ready for the dinner that would be held in honor of the Carter pack’s arrival. They did as they were told and kept their mouths shut. They could tell Nat was still a little hurt by the fact that she had slept alone the night before.
The sun was just setting when the call came that the Carters had reached pack territory.  After a final swarm of activity, Bruce, Nat, Nick, and James stood stoically on the front porch of the pack house to welcome their guests. Escorted by two guards, Hank, Scott, Peggy, and Ylva approached them.
“Welcome.” Bruce stepped forward and held his hand out to shake Hank’s and Scott’s. “We were expecting quite a bit more of you.”
“Unfortunately, much like yourselves, the pack is busy with other matters.” Hank shook Bruce’s hand firmly. “I will have to return first thing in the morning. Scott can stay as long as necessary to ensure Peggy settles in.”
“Yes, I apologize for Tony’s absence.”
“No matter. Ylva explained everything on our journey.”
Bruce looked over at the ylva. She smiled warmly at him. “Tony assured me that he wished us all the best during these tense hours.” She said. “I promised him I would keep him updated. Now where is Steven?”
“He’s inside, Ylva.” Bruce gave her a grateful look. “Make yourself at home.”
Ylva bowed gracefully before the three men and entered the pack house in search of her son.
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Peggy spent the remaining few hours of her last day of freedom staring into the fire while her father and Scott slept somewhat peacefully inside their tents. Her father had suggested they take 4x4’s to the neighboring camp, but Peggy (whether it was to delay the inevitable or relish in the nostalgia, she didn’t know) insisted they hike and camp according to their family tradition. With tradition mentioned and the opportunity to spend a few remaining hours with his only daughter, Hank couldn’t find it in himself to argue despite his presence needed at home.
The sun rose too early for Peggy’s taste and with very little rest in her, she started breakfast for the three of them.  They would be reaching the ylva’s hut by midday where they would eat lunch, deliver the supplies, and bring the ylva to the Stark’s to oversee the ceremonies which were scheduled to take place in three days. Hank would not be there for the mating ceremony. Peggy’s older brother was extremely sick and he would be returning after spending only one night at the Stark’s pack home.  The future of the Carter line was at stake and took precedence over the future of the neighboring pack. This fact made Peggy even more upset that she was being shipped off. She loved her brother dearly and wanted to be home caring for him.
The last day of travelling was uneventful and they reached the ylva’s hut on schedule. As soon as she stepped into the hut, Peggy started to feel off. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but knew something was wrong. It wasn’t nausea – she was able to eat her lunch without any issues – but she felt warm and tingly all over. The ylva noticed and pulled her aside to ask her how she was doing.
“I feel ill.” Peggy moaned. “Hot and on edge. Am I running a fever?”
“No.” Ylva felt her forehead. “The moon cycle is reaching a close, have you been able to shift yet?”
“Yes, ma’am, last cycle.”
The ylva smiled before giving her a hug. “I think I know what it is, but your wolf doesn’t understand yet. She’ll know by tomorrow, I’m sure.”
The last leg of the journey was spent catching up with pack business and filling Peggy in on her role in the ceremonies. Hank apologized again and again to both Ylva and Peggy for needing to leave, but only Ylva responded with kind words. Peggy remained silent, desperately wanting to tell her father that she was sick and wanted to go home. She knew better though and by the time they reached the pack house she was leaning heavily on Ylva and praying her wolf would stop her screaming.
He's here. Our mate is here.
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Ylva found her son in his room. In bed. Writhing in pain.
“Mom.” He cried weakly. “It hurts.”
“Oh, my baby boy.” Ylva laid down beside him and gently stroked his sweat soaked hair from his forehead. “Tonight is the night. We’ll get to see your gorgeous fur.” She hummed softly to him and tried to distract him, but still he sobbed softly and tried to curl into a small ball.
Less than a half an hour later, a knock came at the door. “It’s me.”
“Come in, James.” Ylva called out.
James quickly entered and closed the door behind him. “You holding up?”
Steve only shook his head.
“How long has he been like this?”
“Ever since lunch today.” James came closer and sat on the end of the bed. “Uncle Bruce chewed out the Omega’s for giving him food poisoning.”
“He’ll have to apologize to them, then. This has nothing to do with food.”
“He’s shifting, isn’t he?” James looked over at his friend who continued to moan.
“Yes. Is there somewhere I can take him for some privacy?”
“The creek.” Steve managed. “It’s far enough away.”
“Tell me where.” Ylva helped her son sit up.
“I’ll show you.” James replied. “He stayed with me during my shift, I’m staying with him.”
“You two are something else.” Ylva smiled.
James helped Steve shuffle to the creek.  It took almost an hour. “Why is he hurting so much? I don’t remember it being this painful.”
“Every wolf is different.” Ylva replied. “The stronger the wolf, the more transition needs to take place.”
Steve collapsed in the soft grass. “I want to get in the water.”
“That’s a good idea, baby boy.” Ylva helped him undress. “You feel very hot. The creek will help you cool down a little.”
James undressed himself and then carried his friend into the water. “Lean on me, buddy. You’re too weak to swim.”
As soon as Steve reached the water, he leapt from James’ grip and dove into the deepest water he could find. He felt like he was burning up. Every muscle and bone ached. He needed to be under water. The creek might not cool him off enough, but it would definitely muffle the scream sitting in his throat.
“STEVE!” James started to go after Steve, but Ylva stopped him.
“He’s shifting now. Don’t get close!”
James watched helplessly as Steve’s head dropped under the water. A flurry of splashes and a flood of bubbles surfaced. The usually crystal-clear water looked murky and dark in the moonlight. James quickly lost sight of Steve. What seemed like forever later, a howl pierced the air. Deep, rumbling, haunting. Steve emerged from the water like a silver cloud. His wet fur glistened in the moonlight like it was covered in diamonds. He climbed onto the bank and shook violently. Droplets flew outwards immediately soaking both James and his mother. He looked around momentarily, his blue eyes narrowing as if he was trying to figure out exactly where he was.
Ylva let out a gasp. “Steven.” She whispered.
“Holy fuck, buddy!” James laughed loudly. “I can’t believe it!”  He held his hand out to Steve who bowed slightly and licked his palm. “We have to go tell Bruce. He’s going to freak out.”
Steve sat back on his hind legs and nodded his head. With howls of excitement, Ylva and James both shifted – James into his raven wolf, slightly smaller than Steve and the new alpha’s perfect pairing, and Ylva into her golden fur hiding just the smallest hints of red. The trio ran back to the pack house, the moonlight making their damp fur shimmer with every movement.
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Peggy sat quietly and uncomfortably at the spread of food that covered almost every corner of the large dining table. Her stomach was in knots and every joint felt like it was on fire. She desperately wanted to escape and lay basking in the moonlight in the meadow near her home. Tears threatened to surface, and try as she might, she could barely keep them under control.
Only tasting every dish out of respect, Peggy barely ate anything and spend most of dinner wistfully staring out of the window across from her toward the view of the gardens. Her father, Scott, Bruce, and Nick discussed what she knew would be her future, but she paid them no mind and excused herself as soon as she was able.
She wandered into the gardens and found a small clearing surrounded by rose bushes. The heady scent helped to calm her nerves, but did nothing to ease her physical discomfort. In the distance, she heard several wolves howling. This time of the month, that would be normal, but one howl in particular seemed to shoot like lightning straight to her heart and made her breath catch in her throat. Her wolf howled back, and it took everything in her to not shift and take off toward the unknown male.
Closing her eyes and lifting her face to the moon, she did her best to even her breathing. This was going to be her life now, and the sooner she accepted that, the sooner she’d be able to be satisfied. Probably not happy, but satisfied, at least. Off in the distance, she heard loud panting and the thundering of feet. Three wolves came tearing through the tree line surrounding the pack house. The golden one, Peggy instantly recognized as Ylva, but who were the other two? An alpha and a beta. She was told Tony wouldn’t be here this week and Bruce was still inside talking to her father. Something weird was going on and Peggy intended to find out. Her wolf very much agreed, but she suspected for quite different reasons.
She watched them run around to the back of the house, and assuming that they were sneaking in, started looking for entrances that were downwind so that she would at least have a few moments before the three wolves knew she was following them.
She ended up going back in the same door she exited and sneaking past the entrance to the dining room. She saw her father and Scott talking to Nick, but Bruce was nowhere to be found. None of the men paid her any attention.
Wandering through the halls, she let her wolf lead her.  She seemed to know where she was going, and was desperate to get wherever that was.
Mate. Our mate. He’s here.
The closer she got to the mystery, the stronger her wolf fought to get out. Peggy struggled to keep her under control and not shift. Quietly, she creeped. Closer. Closer.
At the end of the longest hallway, Peggy found what (or rather who) she had been looking for. The door was slightly ajar, and voices were drifting through the crack. Some she recognized – Bruce, Nat – but one voice in particular caught her wolf’s attention.
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“Did you know?” Bruce demanded.
“Not at all.” Ylva replied. “I was told Tony’s son. Nothing more.”
“So Fenrir lied?” James asked.
Ylva stood silently looking directly at her son in the corner of the room.
“Ylva, you’re telling us that Fenrir was mistaken.” Nat tried to clarify in an attempt to diffuse the situation.
“No.” Ylva straightened up and looked up at Bruce defiantly. “Fenrir neither lied nor was mistaken. Tony’s son is the new alpha.”
Bruce’s jaw dropped. “Are you – um, Steve is – Ylva, Steve is Tony’s uh – son?”
“What?” Steve stepped forward and in between Bruce and his mother. “Is that why you refused to tell me anything about my father?”
“Tony asked me not to.” Ylva turned and sat in one of the lounge chairs facing the Alpha’s desk. “In return for my silence, he would raise him and train him. What choice did I have? I was called into Fenrir’s service before I knew I was pregnant. An Ylva cannot raise a child.”
“Did Ginny know?” Nat took Ylva’s hand carefully.
“Yes.” Ylva slumped into Nat. Tears began brimming in her eyes. “Ginny had been my best friend since we were pups.  She knew that Tony and I were true mates. She also knew that we would not be afforded the chance at a life together. She promised me that she would raise Steve as her own and care for Tony as I would have.”
“Mom,” Steve took his mother from Nat’s arms and enveloped her in his own. “You could have told me. I wouldn’t have been mad.”
“I know, son.” She whispered into his neck. “Your father specifically did not want it known for fear that the pack wouldn’t accept Ginny as Luna.”
Steve comforted his mother for a moment before lifting his head and staring at the door of the room. “Someone is here.”
“Do you smell someone?” James came to stand next to his friend.
“Not smell.” Steve let go of his mother and shook his head furiously. “My wolf is screaming. How do you guys stand this?”
“You get used to it.” Bruce replied dryly.
“You don’t think it’s weird that only Steve is reacting?” James asked him.
“If only Steve can tell someone is here, then that person is here for Steve.” Nat explained. “We are not meant to be a part of that.”
Ylva stepped back away from her son and looked up at him. “Peggy.” She whispered.
A muffled cry came from the other side of the door and Steve was there in a second throwing the door wide open.
Years from now, Steve would not be able to name anyone in that room the first time he laid eyes on Peggy. He would swear on all the moon gods that his heart stopped. He would tell his pups that a moon beam followed her down the hall creating a back light that made it look like she wore wings. Peggy would tell the story differently to include intense fear and the most menacing growl that she had ever heard.
Peggy clasped her hand over her mouth to keep in the sobs. Her wolf was screaming in her head and she could barely concentrate on anything else. “I’m so – I’m, s – “ She watched as Steve tilted his head to the right as if he were waiting on her to do something that she should already be doing. “I’m sorry.” was all she could muster before she darted back the way she came.
“I forgot about her.” Bruce mumbled.
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Hank and Scott fell asleep in the soft guest house beds almost immediately. Peggy was not as lucky. Drenched in sweat, she tossed and turned fitfully before giving up and going out to the small porch and sitting on the front steps. She could see him in the distance, framed almost perfectly by the moon. She watched him shift back and forth several times.
He’s ours. Ours.
She whipped her head around and saw James coming up behind her. “Oh. Hi.”
James watched Steve on the horizon for a few moments and then sat down beside Peggy. She scooted over to give him some room. “So that’s Steve.”
“Does my dad know?”
“Our whole pack doesn’t even know yet. This is a sort of new thing.”
“He just changed, didn’t he?”
“Tonight. During your dinner.”
“I was wondering where you were.”
“How did you know?” James looked at her. “That this is brand new?”
“I did the same thing.” Peggy nodded in Steve’s direction. “Shifting back and forth that first night. Wanted to get used to the feeling. See if I could control it any better.”
They sat silently for a few moments before Peggy spoke again. “So, I guess I’ll be Beta Female then.”
“I mean, I figured you’d be mating with Steve, but I guess so. Are you mad?”
“Nah. Wasn’t looking forward to the whole Luna thing anyway.”
Peggy grit her teeth and scrunched up her face against the onslaught of screams in her head.
“You ok?” James asked.
“My wolf is upset. She’s yelling at me.”
“You can hear your wolf too?” James looked at Peggy in awe. “I thought that was only me. I think Steve can hear his too. No body ever teaches you this stuff.”
Peggy smiled weakly at him. “Do we have to tell my dad right away?”
“The only reason Bruce hasn’t already is because he was busy getting Steve sorted. He’s going to want to in the morning.”
“It’s just, Scott will take the news so much easier without my dad growling about everything. Sometimes it’s easier to let Scott handle stuff than my dad.”
James pulled a face at her. “I can’t imagine not telling my alpha everything right away.”
“Your alpha neglected to inform you that you had a brother. Seems like your pack loves secrets. What’s one more?”
“Please will you help me?”
James nodded. “C’mon. I know where to find Bruce.”
They found Bruce in the Alpha’s office as expected.
“You two are crazy.” Bruce huffed as he was putting away all the papers on the desk. “I am not a fan of this idea.”
“Bruce, we have our secrets too. Secrets that I could very easily tell Peggy right now.”
Bruce laughed. “Blackmail?”
“Not at all.” Peggy answered. “I’m going to know eventually anyway. Besides, anyone with half a brain, can figure out one of them involves the absence of your alpha.”
“Why? What have you heard about dad?” James looked at her.
“I get it. Pack business keeps alphas busy, but my brother and future Carter Alpha is sick and dying as we speak and my dad still found a few days to come here. So I could easily make an educated guess as to what is keeping Tony away right now.”
James and Bruce looked at each other.
“Yeah, I thought so.” Peggy pointed at Bruce defiantly. “You are going to forget to tell my dad that James is the new beta and his recently discovered brother is Stark Alpha.” She turned to James. “And you are going to instantly forgive me when I conveniently decide in a few days that I don’t want to mate with you.”
James nodded. “Yup. I’m good with that. Bruce?”
“Fuck.” Bruce sighed. “I hate being alpha. Steve can have it. I’ll even gift wrap it for him.”
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“If you need anything, honey. Promise you’ll tell me. Ylva can get a message to me or Scott. We’ll take care of everything.”
“Dad, I’ll be fine. I promise.” Peggy hugged her father tightly the next morning before he left. “I had a long talk with James last night. It’ll take some getting used to, but I think I’ll fit in just fine.”
“Do you have any messages to relay to your brother?”
“You can tell him I love him, but I made sure to say my goodbyes before we left.”
Hank nodded at his daughter. “You surprise me every day with your courage and resilience. You are going to make a great Luna.”
“Thanks, dad.” Peggy smiled at him. She stood silently for a few moments watching him shift and run off into the woods towards home.
“You ok?” James came up behind her and touched her shoulder.
“Bruce sent me to find you. He’s asking for us.”
Peggy turned to look at James. “It’s time?”
“I think so.”
When Peggy and James arrived in the main meeting room of the pack house, the chairs surrounding the large table were already full. Bruce sat at the head, Steve to his immediate right with his face buried in his hands, Nick to his left, and lining the sides sat Nat, Ylva, Scott, the current Guard Major, Harold, and the pack Gamma Rhodes. James and Peggy each took a seat before Bruce stood and cleared his throat.
“I’m going to start with an apology to Scott. I can’t imagine how you are going to explain this to Hank, and if you need anything from me to make it an easier chore, please let me know.”
Scott’s head dropped. “Damn it.” He mumbled under his breath.
“Tony could not be here today.” Bruce continued. “Not because he is away on business, or whatever other excuse that I instructed Ylva to give you. He died several weeks ago from an injury sustained during a rescue of one of our pups on a hunting trip. We have been without an alpha since. Until yesterday.”
“What?” Harold leaned forward. “What is happening, Bruce?”
“Steve finally shifted during dinner last night. He will be the new alpha.” Bruce motioned over to Steve who was furiously rubbing his temples and gritting his teeth. A low growl could barely be heard coming from his throat.
“Who else knows?” Rhodes asked.
“This room.” Bruce replied.
“So not Hank.” Scott looked up at the group. “Why not Hank? Or did we already answer that. Could we answer that again?”
“I’ll get to that.” Bruce answered. “Right now we have another more pressing issue. Alpha Female. Normally, I would love to let Steve head this one up, but Tony was hellbent on making peace with the Carter Pack.”
“Bruce, don’t.” Nat whispered from the other end of the table, knowing that their link would allow him to hear her clearly.
Bruce looked up at his mate. “What do you propose then, Natasha?”
Nat stood slowly as all eyes turned in her direction. “I propose we let Peggy, Steve, and James make this decision. Look at them, Bruce. Just being in the same room causes them physical pain.”
Bruce looked over at Steve who was still hunched over in his chair and then to Peggy who was holding so tightly to her stomach that her knuckles were turning white. “You of all people should know what it feels like to be apart from your mate. Their wolves are fighting for their chance at love and security. Who are we to deny them?”
“James, what do you think?” Bruce asked.
“Why are we letting the children lead this meeting, exactly?” Rhodes interjected.
Steve jumped from his chair, his blue eyes flashing, and let out a roar that shook the windows. “I AM ALPHA AND MARGARET CARTER IS MINE!”
The room fell silent.
Scott instinctively moved to protect Peggy who had started shaking like the temperature in the room had dropped fifty degrees.
“It’s decided then.” Ylva said quietly. “Fenrir blesses this union.”
“Mother, take Peggy outside and wait for me on the porch.” Steve took a deep breath and waited patiently for them to follow orders. Only after they had closed the door behind them did he continue. “I realize that I am not going to jump right in as Stark Alpha. I was not trained to do so. However,” he took a heavy minute to stare menacingly at Rhodes and Harold. “James will be by my side as well as Bruce and Nick. I will not be doing this alone. I am also aware that trust and respect are earned. I will step up to the challenge and when I have proven myself, I will demand I be treated with the same respect and loyalty that you gave my father.”
Every person in the room stared open jawed at the new Stark Alpha as he turned and left.
“His father?” Rhodes asked. “Bruce, what on earth is he talking about?”
“Nat, you want to field this one? I have to go.” Bruce followed Steve out of the room as Nat let out a sigh.
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Steve found Peggy cowering in the far corner of the front porch sobbing into the crook of her elbow as it held her drawn up knees in front of her. Ylva sat beside her rubbing her back and shushing quietly.
“Peggy?” Steve approached slowly.
“Careful, please son.” Ylva slowly stood to greet him. “You scared her.”
“Thanks, mom. You can go inside. I’ll take it from here.”
Ylva left while Steve sat down on the porch several feet away from Peggy. “Do you mind if I sit?”
She shook her head without looking up. Just sensing his presence calmed her a bit. She could tell his anger had subsided and worry had set in. She could smell his scent as it carried on the breeze. Her wolf had finally stopped her crying when Steve stood and made his announcement in the meeting room, and for the first time since her arrival, her stomach had stopped hurting.
“I’m sorry if I scared you. It wasn’t my intention. My wolf, just – “ he paused while he tried to find the right words. “He just refused to let anyone else near you. Not even Bucky.”
“Mine too.”
Steve almost didn’t hear her. Her voice was so small. He fought the urge to just scoop her up and take her back to his room. “Yours too?”
Peggy nodded and looked up at Steve. “She’s been asking for you since we got here. I tried to convince her that we had to mate James, but she refused.”
Steve smiled. “I’m glad.”
“Can you – um, can, I mean, do you mind if, uh – “ Peggy struggled to get her words out.
“Do you need a hug?”
Peggy nodded again and Steve held his arms out for her. She crawled into his lap and curled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled into her hair. “Please don’t ever leave me.” She whispered.
“That’s funny.” Steve kissed the top of her head. “I was just about to say the same thing.”
They sat like that for a long time, not noticing that they had an audience.
“I’ve never seen her so comfortable around a male that wasn’t directly related to her.” Scott and Nat stood watching from the main window. “It doesn’t really matter what I tell Hank. If he could see this, he’d be satisfied.”
“Fenrir certainly does bless the union.” Nat replied.
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Moon dividers borrowed from the gracious @saradika-graphics. Thank you for the use of your talent.
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itshyuka · 1 year
Ok so about teaching, how did you end up being a teacher and was it something you have always wanted?
Cause for me, even though it is something I'm studying, I'm not 100% if it's what I want, I do wanna try though. Another thing is that I'm not exactly fresh out of high school, I graduated hs a few years ago and I wasn't the studious/diligent type and I feel very behind the others in my class, i feel like I'll need to study 10x more to be on the same page as they are.
Sorry for the rant, any advice you can share it's gonna be great!
You are so real for this and I totally understand!! Also, I'm so sorry for the long spiel below. I have a lot of thoughts about teaching.
By the end of this year, it would be 9 years since I graduated from high school. It’s my first year of teaching this year. Lots of first year teachers who are at my school are at different stages in life! So, don’t stress about that part.
I always knew I’d end up in education because I liked helping people learn things. But I initially wanted to become an accountant first and get “office experience” LOL 💀💀 COVID hit and I actually told myself why do I keep delaying the inevitable, so here I am! I also have so much patience - maybe not for little gremlins in elementary though…. but for immature teens navigating the drama of hs, any day. Because they can mostly be reasoned with (keyword: mostly) and I just love having conversations that I can relate with.
Oh god, I feel you on feeling behind bc I constantly felt stupid next to my big brained classmates. But can I be real with you? I use almost nothing I learnt at university in my current role. The learning happens in the classroom. The university course is just a box to tick, because once you have a class of your own it’s so different.
Teaching is a HARD career, I don’t want people to be disillusioned by the amount of holidays we get. The parents will probably suck (changes from school to school), the admin will suck, the bureaucracy will definitely SUCK. But I adore my kids even if they make me want to bang my head against the wall sometimes. I’m going to get nightmare kids in my career, but that comes with the job and I'll tackle that mountain when it comes.
My advice?
Create a support network of teacher friends in the same teaching area as you - these people are SO important to keeping you sane in this profession and it helps motivate you more!
It’s okay to not have a handle on everything and feeling like you’re behind. The best teachers aren’t always the smartest in the room (I don't know half of the content I teach... you become an expert at winging it really quickly)
Understand that you can’t help everyone. That’s the fastest way to burnout. My favourite advice from my coworker is that at the end of the day, these kids are the ones who go home with their results - you can only do so much.
Make the most out of the time you have in the classroom during your degree! (If you have any.) You may get lucky and have the most amazing mentors, but you may have rigid old mentors stuck in their ways. Study them, pick them apart. Find what teaching style you like, note down activities you found interesting, learn how teachers work with students and what their relationship is like. Get. Their. Resources. (with permission of course).
Resources are important, resources are life. Don’t be silly and work from scratch all the time. Build on what’s out there already! It’ll lessen the load significantly.
You will cry in this profession. It will be hard. Especially if you work in an area where teachers aren’t supported very well. But if you enjoy making a difference, big or small, you can do it (even if it's only for a few years or even longer)!
Keep cracking onward! If you don't end up liking teaching, that's okay. The nice thing about this profession is that there are a TON of transferable skills 💖
p.s. i'm a humanities/commerce teacher hehe i don't think many people will read to this part.
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bazmichaels · 2 years
Junior High - Part One
I attended Pat Neff Junior High School in the 7th grade. Pat Morris Neff was an American politician, educator, and administrator, and the 28th Governor of Texas from 1921 to 1925, ninth President of Baylor University from 1932 to 1947, and twenty-fifth president of the Southern Baptist Convention from 1944 to 1946. He served as Grand Master of Masons in Texas in 1946. I didn’t know or care about any of that, but Junior High is where school curricula started the heavy-duty Texas exceptionalism propaganda, so our history classes included Texas History, not just World and American History. So, I probably had to actually learn all that stuff about Pat Neff, at least long enough to take the test.
            I was incredibly excited to start 7th grade. It was my chance to play sports for my school – in particular, football. (Sadly, there were no ping pong or kickball teams). I had played one season of Pop Warner youth football a couple of years before, but they divided up leagues by both age and weight. I happened to be at the top weight of one of the leagues, so I got there and got stuck playing offensive and defensive line. I didn’t take well to those positions and none of the coaches knew me, so I just sat the bench all season. I knew that in 7th grade I was one of the fast kids, even though I was stocky. I figured I’d have a good chance to play a skill position, or, if not, have a coach teach me how to play on the interior line. We even had a little training camp before classes started, and I bonded with the core members of the team. We hung out before school, at lunch time, and, of course, after school at practice. Heck, I never even saw my girlfriend Brenda starting with training camp until like a week or two after classes started… Uh oh… Yeah, I know, I’m in the future now, too*. So, I no longer had a girlfriend. It was all my fault. 100%. I was a jerk by not even realizing I was being a jerk. I felt terrible, but it was too late. Don’t worry, karma got back at me good in High School.
*credit to the hilarious comedian Mike Birbiglia
OK, well, let’s get back to 7th grade football – that was obviously what was the most important thing to me at the time. I did well in training camp. I was one of the strongest and fastest players on the team. My strength was in my legs and I had a low center of gravity – that’s good for football. We had a three-man backfield. There was a fullback who lined up behind the quarterback, a tailback who stood behind the fullback, and a halfback who lined up on one side or the other of the fullback. I practiced at all three positions and wound up as the starting halfback. As such, I would be a lead blocker for the tailback on running plays, I’d go out as a receiver on passing plays, and I even got a special play for me where I’d roll out and throw a pass – it wound up being a very successful play when we ran it. Most of that was just a waste of time, though, because Hutch was our quarterback. Our best play was when he took the snap and just ran around the outside of the line, turned up field and ran for a touchdown. He was a man among boys. I always wondered how he would compete when guys caught up to him in physical maturity. After Hutch scored, we had to play defense, which I also played. On D, I played cornerback. I don’t have the body type to play cornerback, but I guess the coach was more concerned with speed than build. I did fine in pass coverage, mostly because the other teams didn’t have very good passing games in 7th grade. The most important thing I needed to do was make open field tackles on running plays, so I was more of an outside-outside linebacker. I was also the punter that year. I had the strong lower half and the timing, form, and concentration from kickball to give it a good ride. I had a 63-yard punt that year – I kicked it over the receiver’s head, and it took a great bounce. See uncle Bob? All that kicking in the carport paid off. We were a very good team that year. I think we were undefeated. There were no playoffs or anything in junior high. We just had our last game one day and the season was over. Two more thoughts from football season that year. Every weekday, I had football practice, and I would have to wait for my mother to pick me up after she got off work. That gave me the opportunity to go to Jack in the Box, which was just off campus and get cheap greasy tacos. Delicious and nutritious. Then we’d go back to the school and wait for our parents. We had a diverse team. We had some guys from very traditional Mexican families, some from highly Americanized Hispanic families, middle class and poor guys from all races, and full-blown adolescent cowboys. These guys wore cowboy boots, Wrangler jeans with the Skoal can circle on the back pocket, and cowboy hats, but that was just cosmetic. These 7th graders rode bucking broncos and real friggin’ bulls in rodeos! We didn’t have any real inner-city guys because of where our school was located, but it was still interesting hanging out with all these guys after practice and hearing about the differences in our lives when we were all on the same team.
Next up was basketball season. I played a little basketball when I was younger (had I played in a church league before then?), but it was just another sport in which I could compete. I was relatively tall compared to the other 7th grade athletes in my school (I had reached most of the height I would ever get by then). I had the basic shooting form down, but only an OK touch. I was pretty good at dribbling, but only with my left hand (suck it Northside Baptist teachers). I was best at playing defense. I had quick feet, and I could body up underneath the basket. Unfortunately, I had about a ½ inch vertical leap, so my future as an NBA star was limited right off the bat. I enjoyed running around and trying to improve. I sat the bench sometimes and started sometimes. It was fun, but clearly not my best sport.
Finally, track season came around. This time, the shortest sprint was the 75-yard dash. That was really stretching it out for me, but I eventually got used to it. Besides, I’d have to run the full 100 yards for the 4x100 relay. I once ran a leg in a 4x300 relay, and I thought I was going to crumple up into a little ball about halfway through. I believe I kept throwing the shot and discuss. I was still no good at anything involving jumping. My results were pretty much the same as in the 6th grade city meet – I’d finish just out of the top tier in sprints, and finish at sort of the low end of the top tier in the throwing events. The big difference though is that we had meets all over the greater San Antonio area, and they were much less crowded and hectic than the one giant meet in 6th grade. Meets were great. We’d hang out in the sun with our friends, and then you’d start to get ready for your event, and you’d slowly get your body and mind ready to compete. Then your event would start, and you’d use every ounce of energy you could muster. And then you’d cool off and you were back to hanging out with your friends. I remember music playing in the stadium the whole meet, except when the races were going on. The most memorable song I remember from the track meets was Joy to the World (Jeremiah was a Bullfrog) by Three Dog Night. I also remember getting my only sun burn while I was living in Texas during a track meet in New Braunfels, TX. It was crazy hot that day.
So, let’s see, 7th grade – anything else happen? Oh yeah, the school part. I don’t remember exactly what I learned, but I know I learned some things. I was able to take some advanced classes, and I finally felt challenged. I had to start doing homework, which I enjoyed at that point. It got difficult at times to manage homework with being tired from sports, naturally, so that was a skill I had to learn through trial and error. I took my athletic competitiveness with me to my grades, but I was able to handle a B as a temporary setback, not a life-destroying tragedy. A few kids took their grades too seriously. I had a friend named Frankie, whom I knew from sports. He was tall and fast and was quite good at basketball and football, but I had no idea he took his studies so seriously. He was in one of my AP classes (or should I say I was in one of his AP classes), and we were taking a test. He was always one of the first to finish a test and always got the best score. On this day, however, Frankie was the last one to finish – he was apoplectic trying to finish – pulling on his hair, smacking his head, I think crying. After class, I asked him why he had so much trouble with that test. He said he just couldn’t reliably recall one of the answers in the test. ONE of the answers. He’s another guy I wish I could have kept track of.
8th grade started off much like the 7th grade (without the girlfriend fiasco). The start of school meant the start of football. Our school put in a new playing surface in the football field, which seemed like a great idea, but the grass didn’t grow in like it was supposed to. Our field, it turned out, was a big sand box. It was kind of like playing beach football. There were little patches of grass here and there, but it was impossible to run fast in the sand. We went ahead and played the season, and we just had to handle it. The other big change was that we had enough talent at the school to form two teams that would both play for Neff Jr High. I played the same positions on offense and defense as before and had another good year. As a punter, I had my first punt blocked, and I still remember it today. It was on our home sandpit field. I took the snap, and a guy came busting up the middle, untouched. I didn’t look up and I just went through my normal punting motion. As soon as I kicked the football, he laid out and took the ball right in his stomach with a giant thud. He did not get up. Not for a long time. I kicked the wind right out of him. There is a right way to block a punt and a wrong way to block a punt. That guy learned the difference the hard way that day. I was fine. I just learned to peek up before the punt. There is a timing aspect there that lets you watch the ball through the catch, peek up during the first step and then focus back in to keep your eye on the ball during the kick. If you didn’t do it right, you could either botch receiving the ball from the center or you could shank the punt. I could give you even more pro tips for punting, but I shall leave it up to the reader to pursue the topic further, if so desired.
Next up was 8th grade basketball. I feel like I was significantly better than I was in 7th grade, but then again, so was everyone else. I could dribble a little better with my right hand, but it was still weak. The rest of my game was pretty good, and I was still relatively tall for the 8th grade, even though some other guys started hitting six feet. It was shaping up to be a good season, until… a double plot twist occurred. That’s right – two nearly simultaneous major plot twists in my life story. I don’t know about you, but I’m riveted right now. Now would be a good time to go make some microwave popcorn. That’s where I’m going right now. (I’ll probably have to pee once I stand up, so I’ll take care of that while I’m at it. BRB
Plot twist #1 would suddenly end my basketball season when it was just getting started. Do you remember when I rhetorically and snarkily asked what was the worst thing that could happen by recklessly riding a bicycle at breakneck speeds without a helmet? Well, the worst thing that could happen is worse than what happened to me on my bike, but what happened to me was both really bad and really lucky. I’m not sure why, but I was flying down the road in my 10-speed bicycle, not holding on to my handlebars. I saw a bump in the road coming up, so I reached down to grab the handlebars and I didn’t grab it cleanly, which caused the front wheel to wobble and the bike to go out of control. I was about to wipe out and have a long nasty tumble down the street, when I came to a much more sudden stop, as I slammed full force into the back of a parked flatbed pickup truck. I’m not going to lie. It was embarrassing. Have you heard people talking about everything happening in slow motion when they’re in an accident? Well, that happened to me. I was stunned for a minute after the collision, and then I looked around, saw that the truck family was out in their front yard at the time, made eye contact and sort of nodded, and decided I should get up and get out of there. Nope. Turns out I had run into the back of the truck with my left arm and snapped my humerus clean through. That was definitely not humorous. My body was in shock, and I didn’t feel any pain – until I had to move my arm and then holy mother of God it hurt like nobody’s business. I decided to stay down on the ground for a while. It was nice. The pavement was warm and smooth. Eventually, someone from the truck family came over to check on me. That was the least they could do, and they certainly took their sweet time. I gave them my home phone number, and they called my mother. She came driving down in her Toyota Corolla (no more Mustang, sadly), saw me and almost passed out. I was also bleeding out of my mouth. Somehow some number of people got me into the back seat of the Corolla as I tried not to scream in agony. As I was getting in the car, I finally saw the mangled pile of twisted metal that used to be my bike – yikes!
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My mother drove me to the hospital. Potholes are not generally a problem in San Antonio, but the streets on the way to the hospital were spontaneously sprouting potholes in front of our car. Every one of them was unbelievably painful. My mom was trying to drive as carefully and yet quickly as possible. Fun fact about 1970s era Toyota Corollas: they had effectively zero shock absorption!
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Once I got to the hospital, they put a hanging cast on my arm and stitched up my lower lip, which I had bitten through. So, yeah, my basketball season came to a sudden and painful end. My bike was destroyed, and I ruined my favorite Crystal Gayle t-shirt*. But I also said I was lucky, and boy was I. I was not wearing a helmet. None of us did. If I had run into the back of that truck with my head instead of my arm, I would be dead. If I hadn’t run into the truck and did a quarter-mile tumble down the street I could have easily hit my head and died in the crash. So, painful lesson learned about bicycle safety, but it turned out ok in the long run.
*Ricky Bobby, Talladega Nights
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Stunning plot twist #2 would be the one that dramatically altered the course of my life. At some point in the Fall semester of my 8th grade year, my mother asked me “How would you like to play football at Ohio State?” (No, they weren’t “The” Ohio State University back then.) At the time, they were at the top of the college football world, so I casually said “Sure”, knowing I had as much chance of playing for them as I had of playing for the University of Texas (slim to none). Then she told my sister and me that she had gotten a promotion at work and had accepted a position at the US Air Force Headquarters at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio. I quickly came to the realization that we were moving to Ohio, we were moving soon, and we needed to deal with it. I didn’t know anything about Ohio, other than OSU football and the Bengals, Reds, and Browns, but I figured I’d go wherever my mom went. She was in charge and was doing what she thought was best for us. Anyway, how’s that for a plot twist, huh? Fun fact: The ‘Wright’ part of Wright-Patterson is from the Wright Brothers, whose bicycle shop was in Dayton. You may have thought they were from North Carolina, since the first flight was in Kittyhawk, NC, but they lived and worked in Dayton.
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The move happened very quickly. The military is very efficient at moving families from one place to another, and we were in our car, ready for the long trek before I knew it. I had the honor of being the official navigator of the trip, by virtue of me cruising to an A in my 7th grade geography class, which was innovative in that it had a whole section on map reading and navigation. That was a great idea back in the day. So, I got to sit in the front passenger seat and Lieutenant Sulu to my mom’s Captain Kirk. I was armed with a targeted cache of maps, and something called a TripTik, courtesy of AAA.
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I’m sure that didn’t sit well with my big sister, who sat in the back with our Beagle, whose name was Dude. I got to name him, and in my school at the time, all the guys called each other ‘dude’. I will stipulate that it was kind of dumb, but I was probably in the 3rd or 4th grade when we got him, so I’m standing by Dude as a good name for that dog.
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Once we got the go-ahead from Emgineering (when the car started), we were off and on to the next great adventure in our lives – if we could ever drive out of the state of Texas. It took us the entire first day of driving just to get to the northern border of Texas. After that, states started whizzing by. All the while, your nerdy navigator kept the ship on course, through calm seas and rough waves. Between cities was a piece of cake, as you’d imagine, but I needed to stay on my toes when we passed through a city to make sure we could navigate the peculiarities of each metro area and wind up on the right highway as we left the city. I discovered that I enjoyed working with maps and navigating routes (serious foreshadowing alert!). We were making good time heading up the heart of tornado country, when we stopped for gas in the great city of Memphis, Tennessee. Now I need to tell you about Beagles. According to the AKC, the Beagle is an excellent hunting dog and loyal companion. It is also happy-go-lucky, funny, and cute. A breed described as 'merry' by its fanciers, Beagles are loving and lovable, happy, and companionable, all qualities that make them excellent family dogs. Dude, in particular, was a runner.
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Given the chance to go somewhere, he would take off like a rocket and just run for the pure exhilaration of running. He had managed to escape from our yard a few times, and he would always return, although one time it took him 3 days and he brought a friend home with him. But today we were at a gas station right off the highway in Memphis, Tennessee. As soon as my sister opened her car door, Dude shot out of the car like a cannonball and just started sprinting. Now, I was still sporting the hanging cast on my broken arm, and neither my mom nor my sister ever ran anywhere for any reason. I immediately took off running after him, with my hanging cast now a swinging cast. My mom, a chain-smoker, told Linda to stay with the car as she heroically joined the chase. Memphis, overall, is a beautiful and charming city of music and lights. The neighborhood we were in, however, was very low income. It had lots of fences that had holes in them or under them, and lots of large, scary junkyard-type dogs. He worked his way through this maze of fences and dusty yards for a long time, as my mom and I gave gasping chase. We had him cornered in a yard at one point, which he found to be great fun, as he put a move on us that would impress Barry Sanders and continued his journey. Finally, I think he’d seen enough and let us catch him, as he panted and wagged his tail. I picked him up somehow, with a cast on my arm, Dude licked my face and continued to wag his tail. My mom and I trekked back to the gas station. My sister was crying her eyes out – either feeling responsible for the fiasco or preparing to take the blame for it. My mom assured her it wasn’t her fault, but we all needed to be extremely cautious getting into and out of the car. Dude dropped right into a nap and soon we were off on the last leg to Dayton, Ohio. Dayton is about eight or nine hours from Memphis, so I’m guessing we grabbed a hotel room and got to Dayton the next day. As we drove further and further north, we noticed something – it was getting cold. I forgot to mention that we were travelling in the Winter, because in South Texas it hardly mattered. We timed the move so that Linda and I could finish out our first semester of school in Texas and start the second semester in Ohio. Great plan. I just don’t think any of us was ready for the ice and snow, especially Dude. When we got to the condo we rented when we first got there, the first time we let Dude out on the back patio, he lifted his leg to pee, slipped and fell over. Hilarious, am I right? I mean, poor guy, but falling is funny. You may recall, however, that I was still in a hanging cast. I will also add that I had never walked on snow and ice before. So, when I repeatedly fell on the icy sidewalks of our new town in Huber Heights, OH, I could see the humor in it, but damn it hurt.
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Yes, we settled into the bustling metropolis of Huber Heights, Ohio. At the time, it wasn’t an incorporated city, it was “America’s Largest Community of Brick Homes” in Wayne Township, Ohio.
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I remember a few different parts of the town. It had two Junior High Schools and one High School. I no longer went to Elementary School, so I never noticed where any of those were, although there seemed to be an Elementary School embedded within the Catholic Church down by the main intersection in town, where two major thoroughfares crossed. That intersection turned out to be four strip malls put together. There was at least one gas station, a Kodak film booth, a grocery store of some sort, maybe a Church’s Fried Chicken.
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
hey. can u do part 2 to the’ Being a High School Student on A Marvel Set’? :)
Period Buddies
Pairing: platonic!Sebastian Stan x teen!reader, platonic!Anthony Mackie x teen!reader
Summary: I’m currently on my period so I wrote this to help me cope:) Basically Anthony and Seb being the biggest and supportive guys to you during your period:)
Warnings: Umm not much, some mentions of blood and periods.
Hello my love!💞 Thank you for the request! I was actually planning on making another ‘High School student’ fic with the Marvel cast, so I decided to use that idea for this request! I hope you like it🥰 Also sorry I haven’t uploaded a fic in a while; I was lacking motivation to write and school was pretty hectic😭 Thank you for your patience my loves x
fluturaș - little butterfly
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✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
You were laid out along your couch in your trailer, a fluffy Sherpa blanket wrapped around you and your head resting atop two soft pillows. You were laid on your stomach, the pressure of the couch slightly helping with the stinging pain in your lower abdomen. Your geography teacher was teaching via Zoom, though your laptop was on the coffee table that was inches away from you; knowing you weren’t feeling your best, you’ve decided to stay on the couch for school and moved the table closer to the couch so everything was within your reach. You had been lazily taking notes—or attempting to with the remaining energy you could muster up.
You had been surprised by the devil himself when you woke up earlier today at around six in the morning. You knew your monthly was coming; with the constant cravings, body aches, and the newly developed pimple gracing your face, your period was around the corner. And you were right, a dark red stain was splotched onto your white floral bedsheets when you woke up today. What a way to start the morning.
Yes, no woman ever felt their best during their period. You were always bloated, hungry, and blood was constantly flowing out of you, yet you were still expected to show up to both work and school. Not to mention, the pain you were currently enduring was making it really difficult for you to to focus on anything. Your teacher’s voice seemed to fade into the background as your body was blinded with the stabbing pain in your lower abdomen. You may have been overreacting, but everything just hurt.
Geography was your midway class, meaning that you were halfway through your school day. Which also meant that you were soon to be called to set. You had a lunch break and some time to do your homework, but either way you still had to get to set. Usually you’d be antsy to get the school day over with, practically buzzing to get to get into your costume and do some stunts with your two favorite guys on set. Although today was different, the thought of heading to set and being active felt dreadful. You just wanted to curl up into a ball, snuggle into your Sherpa blanket, and take a well deserved nap.
Your teacher’s voice was interrupted by a knock on your door. Already knowing who it was, you let out a faint “come in” to the two men outside your trailer. A second passes before your trailer’s door slowly opens and Anthony’s head pops from behind it. His sparkling yet dark brown eyes and toothy grin etched onto his friendly features. Sebastian pops up behind him, an equally wide smile on his face as he wiggled a white take away box in the air.
“What’s up buttercup.” They cheerfully greet you.
Though both of the men’s smiles drop once they see you bundled up on the couch. Anthony fully enters your trailer, Sebastian following suit. Approaching your little set up, Anthony glances at your laptop.
“Isn’t your camera on? Did your teacher allow you to attend school like this?” He asks you. He knew you were a responsible kid and had no troubles keeping up with your education. But that’s the thing, you were still a kid. Having kids of his own, he knew how unmotivated children can get in the middle of the school year and the laziness that came along with it. Seeing you lounging on the couch while your teacher was lecturing was just a bit concerning for him.
You stiffly nod, “My camera’s off. I just don’t feel good.”
The last sentence catches both of the grown men’s attention. Sebastian rounds the corner of the coffee table and hovers over you, observing your face. He softly places the back of his hand onto your forehead, checking for any alarming warmth.
“You’re a bit warm, but it’s probably because of the blanket.” He mutters, choosing to sit on the arm rest of the couch. “You alright, fluturaș?” He looks down at you in concern, lips tilting down into a small frown.
Anthony had settled beside your feet, one of his arms using your ankles as an arm rest. Strangely enough his arm brought you comfort instead of adding to the ache in your legs.
“I’m just—I’m on my period.” You mumbled in response. You wait for the awkward tension to build but it never came. You glance at the two men and see the realization settle in them.
“And I have really bad cramps at the moment, that it’s just hard to do anything. So I decided to stay on the couch today.” You explain with a slight shrug. They didn’t understand the pain you were going through, but they understood what you meant. While the both of them had female friends and what not, they were somewhat aware of what you were going through.
Anthony claps his hands to his thighs, “Alright, it’s ok to give yourself some rest. You just relax and listen to whatever your teacher’s going on about.” He motions to your laptop and continues, “Is there anything we can do to help you?”
While taking down notes, you momentarily glance at them, “No it’s fine, you guys already brought me food. Thanks, by the way.”
They didn’t want to leave you alone, you were clearly not feeling well and they both wanted to do something. They couldn’t do anything about the pain from your menstrual cycle, but they can help distract you from the pain.
“No, we’re gonna help you. Have you eaten ever since breakfast? I’ll spoon feed you if I have to.” Sebastian insists. You thought he was joking, but when you looked at his face he was serious.
“I had a brownie—wait, aren’t you guys supposed to be filming?” You question the both of them.
“Something went wrong on set so now we have a few hours or something till they figure it out.” Anthony answers, scrolling through his phone. He abruptly stands up to his feet and heads towards the door. You and Seb send him a questioning look.
“I’ll be back.” With that he pulls your door open and jogs out, leaving you and Sebastian in your trailer. You decide to tune back into your class, resuming to take down notes from the slides your teacher shared. Suddenly, a large hand gets in the way of your notebook.
“Gimme that.” Sebastian takes the pencil and notebook from you, placing them on his lap and staring at your screen. His eyes scan the PowerPoint, looking for the part you left off on. He hums when he finds it and began to write the notes himself.
“What are you doing?” You raise a brow at him, scanning his appearance. He was dressed in Bucky’s clothes, minus the black and gold ‘metal’ arm. He was still sat on the arm rest, slightly slouching so he could bend down to use his lap as a table.
“I’m doing your notes for you.” He answers nonchalantly. He motions to the white take away box on your coffee table, “Eat your lunch, I got this.”
You hesitate to sit up, feeling bad that Sebastian was doing your notes. Though, he did insist on doing it and you weren’t feeling your best. After an internal argument with yourself, you decided to let it slide and let Sebastian do your notes. Besides, he looked like he was enjoying taking notes on agriculture regions and the different types of farming.
“Are you sure, Seb?” You ask him again, slowly sitting up on the couch. He responds with a distracted ‘mhm’, his eyes focused on your notebook and his tongue sticking out in concentration. You quietly thank him and get up to use the bathroom.
While you were gone doing your business, Anthony had entered your trailer again. This time he had a plate full of brownies, a medium sized cup of ice cream from the vending machine, and one of those red hot water bottles in his arms.
“Where’s the kid?” He balances the things in his arms while carefully placing the plate of brownies onto your coffee table. Anthony locates your mini fridge and stores the ice cream in the freezer.
“Bathroom.” Sebastian acknowledged, still focused on writing the notes correctly in your notebook. He made sure to write neatly and copy the way you organized your notes. Saving you the hassle of missing out on important parts of the lesson and from decoding his personally sloppy writing.
Anthony empties his pockets to reveal more of your favorite snacks from crafties and the vending machine. “So...what are you doing?”
“I’m in geography class.” Anthony snorts at his friend before taking a look at your laptop screen, “And what are y’all learning in geography class?”
“Pastoral nomadism.” Seb bluntly answers. With his arms now free of the items he brought, Anthony decided to tidy up your couch. He folded your blanket neatly, fluffed your pillows, and made space for Seb to actually sit on the couch.
“What the hell is pastoral nomadism?” Anthony thought out loud.
“It’s when people travel from place to place with domesticated animals. It’s usually practiced in dry land climates.” Sebastian explains, eyes never faltering from the screen or your notebook. Anthony let’s out a sound of approval at Seb’s explanation. When he was done cleaning up your couch, he took the white take away box and headed to your kitchen. Emptying the contents of the container onto one of your plates, heating the food up for you.
You walk into the kitchen section of your trailer, shutting the bathroom door behind you. A delicious aroma lingers in the air, your nose picks up on the smell, sending it straight to your stomach. In response, your stomach lets out a low growl, making Anthony snicker at you.
“I’m heating up the food.” Anthony mentions as you pass by him. You thank him with a small smile as he gently nudges his shoulder against yours.
“Want me to make tea or something? I heard it helps reduce the cramps.” You raise a brow at him amusingly, “Where’d you hear that?”
“I read it on Google. You know, research, gotta make sure our girl’s comfortable.” He proudly tells you. Your heart warms at the fact that both him and Seb were willingly helping you while you were in pain. The microwave dings catching both yours and Anthony’s attention.
As he gingerly takes the plate out he asks you, “You wanna eat at the table or the couch.”
“The couch, I still wanna listen in on the lesson.” For a moment you forgot that you were supposed to still be at school, taking notes, and listening to your teacher teach the lesson. You enter the living room and sit next to Seb, who’s hand was digging into your pencil case.
“Want me to take over?”
“Nah, I got it, I’m too invested to stop. Which one?” He held up three of your highlighters, one was light blue, another was a peachy pink, and the other was a typical yellow highlighter. You grin, picking the peachy pink one. He tosses the other two back into your pencil case and uncaps the highlighter. While your teacher wraps up class, he began to highlight the new terms from today’s class.
“Here ya go.” Anthony sang; grabbing a pillow, placing it onto your lap, and carefully setting the plate of chicken teriyaki fried rice on top of it. You happily thank him and began to dig in. He slumps onto the couch beside you, “Tell me if you need anything else. I’ve got ice cream in the freezer, brownies, a hot water bottle, and a whole box of tea.” He throws his arm around your shoulder, letting it rest against the back of the couch.
You pause your eating, pouting at the two men beside you, “You guys really don’t have to do this. But I appreciate it so much, thank you.”
Seb looks at you over his shoulder, sending you a sweet smile, “Anything to make you happy, fluturaș.”
Anthony squeezes your shoulder, “Anytime munchkin, starting today till you’re not a ketchup packet anymore, Seb and I’ll be your period buddies.”
You snort shaking your head at him, “Again, I appreciate it Ant, but please don’t call yourselves period buddies.”
“What’s wrong with period buddies? You’re on your period and we’re all a bunch of buddies. It makes perfect sense!” Anthony reasoned defensively. Seb looks at the both of you over his shoulder again, “I like period buddies.”
“See! Thank you.” You playfully rolled your eyes at the two. “Fine, period buddies it is.”
Your geography teacher wraps the lesson up and ends the Zoom call. Seb shuts your notebook and puts it to the side. Clapping his hands, he asks you, “Alright, what class do we have next?”
“Calculus.” You smirk, followed by the groans of Anthony and Sebastian filling your trailer.
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scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Ok, so.
After I listened to Momoi and Sonoi's insert song I asked my friend Nacho to translate it. The minute they heard the title of the song, their immediate reaction was:
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Obviously, I was confused asf LOL!
So they wrote an essay with the context of it all in the translation document, and I thought I should that with y'all <3.
Momoi & Sonoi's Insert Song, Title Meaning:
(This is just aa copy and paste of Nacho's essay in the translation doc:)
I’m sure this is a surprise to literally no one, but this song has strong romance-coding LOL! This is half irrelevant background and rambling, but I’m sure it will be of use to you guys when you consume other Japanese media in the future hahaha. Or at least it’s an interesting little tidbit to know.
So basically the first thing I thought of when I saw the title of this song is “tsuki ga kirei desu ne” which translates to “the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” in English. Hard to explain but it’s kind of an urban legend/a common saying that this phrase is how Japanese people typically confess romantic feelings. I have no source for this, but I think it’s because 月 (tsuki/moon) sounds like 好き (suki/like). In other words, the “joke” is that Japanese people don’t talk straightforwardly, they have to say things by saying something else and alluding to the subject.
This saying or whatever is attributed to Natsume Souseki-sensei, an author (and literary professor) from the Meiji era (which was 1868-1912) who is pretty infamous in Japan. Up until 2004 his face was on the 1000 yen note. You guys will definitely see references to him in all kinds of Japanese media, he’s that kind of infamous where everybody knows him without really understanding his work—like Shakespeare (not important but Natsume-sensei loved Shakespeare and Milton). Most of the time in anime and video games and manga, if there’s a character that’s supposed to be or reference him, he’ll have a cat, or have cat powers, or be a cat, something something cat because one of his most famous books is I Am a Cat. It’s a satirical novel criticizing the mixture of Western culture with Japanese and to this day a lot of school kids have to read it for class in Japan.
Anyways, the relevant part is that he was fluent in English and completed his education in England. His field as a professor was British Literature but he also wrote haiku. Basically, he obviously had some skill in translation too. According to the story, Natsume-sensei was supervising or he overheard a student translating an English phrase: “I love you” into Japanese. Natsume-sensei thought it sounded extremely awkward and brutish to translate it so literally so he re-translated it to “the moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” which, he felt appreciated the nuances and sensibilities of Japanese. There’s other different versions of the story I think, but absolutely no evidence any of the versions actually happened. Very likely Natsume-sensei had nothing to do with this phrase LOL. Anyways that’s why I called it an urban legend/common saying.
All this to say that calling this song “Only the moon knows” is totally referencing that phrase. More like having Sonoi always talk about the moon in the show (I assume that’s what happens anyhow) is definitely meant to trigger the gaydar.
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So this is a love song is what I’m really saying, though I’m preaching to the choir.
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letarasstuff · 3 years
Education is for Everyone
(A/N): It is based on this.
Summary: How does Spencer react to a crying child in his lecture?
Warnings: Not that I know, but lmk if there is anything triggering :)
Wordcount: .9k
Education is something that shouldn’t be exclusive to a certain type of person. Everybody, no matter their heritage, gender, sexuality, disabilities or marital status should be able to get any kind of education they desire. This is something important to Spencer and he makes sure to show his classes that everyone is welcome. That’s why he tries to make them as accessible as possible.
May it be a visual portrayal of the unit, name tags with pronouns for everybody or him being available for questions any time. Spencer wants to give every single human being a chance of schooling, may the barriers be as high as they are. As long as someone is willing to learn something new, Spencer is more than happy to help with any kind of assistance.
This spread through campus pretty quickly and now his classes have a great range of diversity because of it.
It’s not mainly young people anymore. Not seldom do students come in, who are older than Spencer is. There is a broad mix of skin tones. Also blind and/or deaf people visit his lectures. Amputees and persons with a mental illness like (social) anxiety or depression participate in class. It’s a safe space for many people, an environment where all of them feel comfortable enough to actually say something and ask questions.
The doctor built an atmosphere in his lecture room he wished he could have when he went to college.
It’s another week on campus for him and he really needs it. The last few cases at the BAU were really rough, especially the last one, where children were abducted in a 24 hours time span. Sadly, none of them were recovered alive when they finally apprehended the UnSub. That’s why the week off is such a relief for him, it’s going to take his mind off the sad sides of his other job.
Slowly but surely people start to fill in and occupy the seats in the auditorium. Some he recognizes, others are new. With many people knowing how much effort the young doctor puts in to structure his units as inclusive as possible, they want to take a look at how he does it. It’s understandable to him and everybody is welcome and maybe they learn a slice or two.
“Good Morning, everyone. I’m happy to see all of you, even though it’s ungodly early for some of you. You know, at 8 a.m. most brains”, he starts his lecture while trying to minimize the facts and stats that aren't important to the unit.
In the middle of his course someone starts screaming. Startled by the sudden noise Spencer stops his talk flow. He looks around to find the source of the noise. A woman is packing her things up in a haste and takes a crying toddler in her arms. She begins to walk out, her head hanging low in embarrassment.
“Uh, Miss? Hold on, please.” Spencer makes his way up the stairs, the toddler still crying. The mother waits up for him, desperately bouncing the child, but to no avail.
“May I?” The young doctor asks, gesturing to the kid. Hesitantly she hands her over. As soon as Spencer holds the toddler, the cries slowly die down. The mother looks confused just like the rest of the class.
“As you can see, little…” He trails off and waits for the woman to say her name. “(Y/N)” “Little (Y/N) here started to calm down when I took her. This is because children, regardless of their age, sense their parent’s distress and this in turn stresses them out. If you don’t mind, I can keep her with me for the rest of the lecture. You don’t need to leave.” At the end he turns to the mother and speaks to her in a soft tone.
Flabbergasted, the woman nods and goes back to her seat. “Next, we talk about”, Spencer continues his lecture like nothing happened. (Y/N) in her blue pajamas stays quiet until the end of class. She even falls asleep in his arms, drooling a little bit on his jacket.
After the class ended, the mother comes up to him and takes her daughter. “Thank you so much, Dr. Reid. I didn’t plan on taking her with me, but the babysitter cancelled on me and her father had to go into work today. I promise this won’t happen again. Next time I’ll stay at home with her, but I already struggled keeping up with your classes and I didn’t want to fall behind even more.”
But Spencer waves her off. “It’s ok, you can bring (Y/N) in at any time. I don’t want you to feel like you have to miss any lecture because you are a mother. There is always a solution to any problem. I’m always happy to have you and your daughter here.” He smiles at her, indicating that it is in fact no problem.
It looks like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders and the mother thanks him before leaving the auditorium. It also helped Spencer on his side carrying the toddler. The innocence and calm radiating from (Y/N) reminded him of the good things in the world. And hopefully she comes more often into his class.
All works:
@dindjarinsspouse @big-galaxy-chaos
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl @herecomesthewriterwitch @ash19871962
Spencer Reid x child!reader:
For this Oneshot:
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krispdreemurr · 3 years
i would like to hear about deltashuffle 🥺
ok so starter notes: we're loosely calling the ch2-based shuffle Cybershuffle mostly bc like. lancer!kris and ralsei!susie and so on are still good and important. also, like the ch1 shuffle, this is a group project and like friends and i have been working on this together, i did not have all these ideas. but all that said let's go thru the main characters real quick!
Susie Spamton taking the role of Kris: The younger of two adopted kids, Susie's had a tough time of it lately. With her older brother and arguably the most mature person in the household, Asriel, leaving for college, taking care of things and keeping things running when her dads can barely function has fallen on her shoulders. Maybe that's why she's been so quiet lately, so distant, so much more... responsible. Maybe it's for the better if she's gotten past her punk phase and settled down. Right?
Princess Noelle taking the role of Ralsei: It's nice to imagine, sometimes, being needed and wanted for who you are, even if you barely know who that is. It's nice to pretend you could be the hero rescuing the princess, even if most days you feel like the monster. But Noelle isn't quite the fantasy she maybe once might have been, with a quiet, cold bitterness about her role and her loneliness seeping into her. She could grow beyond. She hopes.
Lancer taking the role of Susie: Much the same as original Deltashuffle, Lancer is a young middle school student who seems to be constantly ending up in trouble for restlessly dismantling things and bossing his classmates around. He doesn't talk about his dad much at all.
Krismas Holliday-Kaard taking the role of Noelle: Don't call them by their full name they'll die. Anyways. Quiet and strange, in an ongoing state of rebellion against their overbearing mother but only when she's not actively looking. Has more in common with their dramatic theatre kid dad than maybe they want to admit. Good at school, good at keeping to themselves, good at not being known much at all. Used to be close to Susie, but drew away from everyone after Dess' disappearance. May or may not worry about the middle school kid they keep seeing in the same lurking spots as them and want to adopt him as a little brother a little. Absolutely hates that they turn blue in the dark world bc they look like their dad
Ralsei taking the role of Berdly: Number two in the class and always on his best behavior, Ralsei is a sweetheart who teachers and parents love and other kids loathe. Close to Kris, if only because Kris' mom set up plenty of playdates between them. Very concerned about doing things properly and by the rules, and staying on top of his image. People refuse to talk about his resemblance to Asriel it just weirds them out
Prince Berdly in the role of Lancer: Adopted child of the regent Swatch, Berdly knows his high-class etiquette by heart and will enforce it on you. We're working on this but it's hard because it's Berdly.
And minor characters, trying my best to keep this shorter:
Sweet Cap'n Cakes are in the role of Rouxls. A band of rebels against the unocracy, they keep trying to corrupt the ruler's son by hanging out with him but he's just so lame
Rouxls Kaard is in the role of Rudy. Kris' father and husband of Carol Holliday, he's a bit spineless unfortunately but he does love his child and loves acting out dramatic Shakespeare duels with them. Has been unwell lately.
Rudy is in the role of Jevil. Don't worry about him. He's free from pain now.
Jevil in the role of Asgore. Still the owner of the clown museum slash gift shop. Comes by to harass Spamton regularly despite the fact they're divorced. Has known the grocery store owner for two days and they're also already divorced.
Asgore in the role of Seam. A tired, tired man, wishing for something better, not expecting it to come. In the meantime, he keeps tending his flowers. There's someone he wishes he could give them to...
Seam in the role of Sans. Local grocery shop owner. Is crushing on Spamton and Jevil and hates self for it. Upper floor of grocery store is dedicated entirely to cursed goods.
Sans in the role of Gaster. There's nobody here. Stop looking.
Gaster in the role of Queen. Part of the basis of the operating system who saw there was more beyond, and who wants to let the dark flood out so he can know everything. Fixated on preparing Kris for their role opening fountains by running increasingly dangerous and stupid tests on them.
Queen in the role of Alphys. She drank too much age appropriate battery acid last night kids so she's going to take a break while you all play minecraft, that's probably educational,
Alphys in the role of Spamton. A helpful desktop assistant to guide you on your quest, who can make useful suggestions, find helpful items, and even send e-mails! Wants to help! Let her help! Let her help! Let her help! Let her h
Spamton in the role of Toriel. Who let this man adopt. Anyways. A former big shot ad executive now running a shady used car lot. House is full of weird products from past schemes and scams. Terrible at taking care of himself, relies a lot on Susie.
Toriel in the role of Swatch. Keeps things running! Wears a cute vest! Baked you a pie (wait wasn't she meant to be working for your enemy)
Swatch in the role of King Spades. The head of the dignified and composed Uno Lands, they're an accomplished refined gentleperson. Lately, though, as if preparing for an important guest, they've gotten increasingly controlling and demanding about making sure everything functions.
Nubert as Sweet Cap'n Cakes. My man.
what do you mean there's someone missing. there was never a character there
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shingia · 3 years
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-> bokuto, ushijima, kuroo, suga
-> reblogs are appreciated <3
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• he’s the teacher’s worst nightmare
• and for a very simple reason : the other kids always get way too excited when they know he’s coming to school
• which is why the meeting is often interrupted by your daughter’s friends, who keep knocking on the windows in hope to at least get a smile from bokuto
• honestly he could enter the school the way he enters a court - he’s probably the most popular parent
• but the teachers are forced to admit that a man so appreciated by kids who aren’t even his own is obviously an excellent dad
• which is why they usually let it slide, even though they can’t talk for two minutes without being interrupted by bokuto waving at your daughter’s best friends
• still, he tries his best to pay attention to what is said during the meeting. because he wants to prove to you that he’s responsible enough and that he can take notes for the both of you
• but as i said, he tries
• because bokuto rarely ever took notes on what the teachers were saying during his own school years. so he’s kind of struggling now that it’s not even his own teacher
• but you’re glad to see that he’s trying his best. because if there’s one thing you know about bokuto, it’s that he cares. he cares a lot
• even if he spends half of the meeting doodling for your daughter on his notebook
ok but wait i almost cried
• ushijima feels really bad for not being at home as much as he would like too, even though you keep telling him that you understand his career is time-consuming
• which is why he refuses to miss anything related to your son’s education - because he wants to be a better parent than the ones he grew up with
• so he probably arrives at least 20mn early, just to make sure he won’t miss the meeting
• in the classroom, you thought he would mainly ask questions about how well your son is doing in school
• but actually, the only thing he asks about is your son’s well-being within the class
• that’s when you really understand that he wants his kid’s education to be completely different from his own
• and based on how attentively he listens to the teacher’s answer, you know he’s on the right path
• after the meeting, ushijima asks your son to make him visit the rest of the school - which seems to make them both very happy
• and although you know that neither of them would mind your presence during this little tour, you still decide to wait in the car and let them have a father-son bonding moment
• ..and they both have the brightest grins on their faces when they get out of the school hand in hand ten minutes later
• the first thing kuroo thinks about when he sets foot in the school is that he doesn’t really know much about the place where your son spends his days
• so, worried dad mode is definitely on
• he asks SO MANY QUESTIONS, and double (triple?) checks that the school has his phone number and yours
• he also keeps glancing at your son who’s busy playing in the back of the classroom, because kuroo almost feels guilty to see that his kid seems so comfortable in a place he knows so little about
• still, he manages to pay enough attention to the teacher to hear every important thing that is said about your kid’s education
• kuroo also asks a lot of questions about what your son is good/bad at, simply because he wants to compare with how he was as a kid
• and he gets an incredibly strong sense of pride when the teacher tells him that your son is good at maths but struggles a lot with writing
• « oh, just like me! »
• but you have to clarify to the teacher that he’s talking about his younger self
• i can imagine it going like « he’s talking about when he was a kid, of course! my husband can write. right, husband? »
• oh and, just like atsumu, kuroo showed up wearing a suit. but that’s just because he came straight from work
• and your son was so proud to show everyone how fancy his dad looked <3
• suga insisted on enrolling your daughter in a school different than the one he works in
• which turned out to be a very good decision, considering how clingy she can be with him
• he quite enjoys parent-teacher meetings, obviously. but you, on the other hand, enjoy them much less...
• because it quickly turns into a « teacher to teacher » conversation, and you’re completely lost
• which has already led you to leave them and go play with your daughter in the back of the classroom
• it took suga and the teacher about five minutes to realize that you were gone
• also, suga knows what types of kids are the worst to have in class, and he really really hopes his daughter isn’t one of them
• (rest assured, she isn’t)
• just like ushijima, he asks your daughter to make him visit the rest of the school - but that’s mostly because he wants to compare with the school he teaches in
• and suga is very critical during the whole tour, not in front of your daughter of course, but the looks he gives you don’t lie...
• that’s just because he only wants the best for his kid <3
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🖤 taglist : @toworuu @catwithangerissues @miyumiya @livy384 @k0u-minamo2 @fullsundear @hsjvwq @boo-marie @hiraeth-z @velvetvirgos @kirishimas-manly-eyeliner @catb6y @japanesevenom @geektastic84 @noir-blanches-blog @idontlikeyourjob @seiri-ami @atiny-grl-with-luv @admiringlove @nachotrash @kellesvt @aintyourholy @Moonlaeli @catchmewiddershins @duhsies
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sapiowoman28 · 3 years
I can, I can't : Part 1 of 3
Pairing: Jaemin x female reader
Gener: best friends to lovers au, smut, fluff
Warning: mentions of sex, masturbation (Female)
Summary: Jaemin and Y/N are part of a group of best friends. One day, things change.....
They called themselves the dropouts. Brought up in good Catholic families, active within the Church community as kids, Catholic school education... the works. They then grew up and stopped going.
It wasn't some group thing were everyone agreed to stop going altogether at the same time. It was more like, one by one, they stopped going.
Jeno was the first to stop, at 15, after his parents got divorced. He became angry and withdrawn. By 16 he was mixing with the wrong crowd - think underaged drinking, partying, It was only after a close brush with the law that he - literally and figuratively - sobered up and decided to focus on healthier pursuits like education and sports. Thankfully too, the old Jeno that everyone knew and love came back.
Then were was Renjun. Renjun was always the one who wasn't really into religion anyway. He was more apt to believing in aliens and ghosts. His mother kept him going for as long as she could. By 18 he was out.
Haechan, as he got older, became a sporadic goer. After moving out on his own to live with the guys and Y/N in an apartment closer to campus, he stopped too.
Y/N? The older she grew, the more she learnt about the importance of gender equality. The more she embraced feminism, the more she found some church teachings hard to swallow.
All was left, of course, was Jaemin. Now Jaemin, he was still a "good boy", faithfully going to Church every Sunday. It wasn't that he was extremely religious. It was more that he had gone to Church every single week all his life. To not go one week felt odd and different.
The good thing was, nobody made fun of him or tried to stop him from going. Jeno even woke him up on Sunday mornings before he went for his 10km runs just so Jaemin would get to mass on time. (Mass is what Catholics call a church service.)
Y/N enjoyed hanging out with her friends. She was like one of the boys. It had always been like that since they were young. Everyone who knew Y/N knew she was not to be messed with. Not only was she capable of kicking anyone's balls, she also had four bros who would come after their ass too. In fact, guys who were interested in dating her would often try to get in good standing with the four guys so life would be easier for them. So it was hardly surprising that Y/N had never had her heart broken.
The problem was, Y/N was the one breaking hearts. Commitment wasn't her strongest suit, and more often than not she'd break off with whoever she was seeing with very trivial reasons, First she was dating Xiaojun. Then 7 months later she broke it off with him because apparently he "sucked at making out". The truth was, Xiaojun was good enough in bed but Y/N wanted to date the more exciting Yang Yang after meeting him at a frat party her gal friends dragged her to and making out with him. So Yang Yang it was. For a while she was happy. But then 10 months passed and Yang Yang was history. Now it seemed, was some guy called Lucas.
"Now, before you guys misunderstand, Lucas is not my boyfriend." Y/N declared over a pizza with Jaemin one Saturday night. "He's just... a friend..."
Jaemin raised his eyebrow. "You mean a friend with benefits? Cos based on what we have to hear every single Friday night, none of us think you guys are friends. Speaking of which.... Jeno wants me to talk to you."
"Let me guess, you lost rock paper scissors. Again. And that's why you're the one speaking to me."
"Well, we have house rules to follow..." Jaemin started, looking somewhat uncomfortable.
"Jeno and his stupid house rules." Y/N sighed. "What now? I can't bring Lucas home?"
"It's getting kind of weird for all of us...."
"You guys bring girls home all the time!" Y/N protested.
"I don't." Jaemin said. It was true.
"Jeno does. Haechan does. Even Renjun! Remember that weird Yoga chick he was seeing?"
"But they're not loud. Lucas sounds like he has a loudhailer in his throat and it's weird hearing him......we end up having to use headphones."
"I've tried asking him to tone it down. But he gets too excited when I blow him..." Y/N grinned as Jaemin covered his ears with his hands, not wanting to hear the details.
"Look, Jeno says he appreciates that YOU have gotten less loud since that time you were dating Yang Yang. But Lucas he's just.... too expressive. Can't you do it at his house or something? It's not the moaning as much as the dirty talk, you know?" Jaemin's voice was getting tinier and tinier.
"If Jeno has a problem, why can't he tell me himself?" I know it's not Haechan or Renjun who are complaining. Haechan's always gaming with his stupid headphones on and Renjun's always listening to music on his noise cancelling ones."
Jaemin sighed. "Don't put me in a tough spot, Y/N..."
He looked at her with puppy dog eyes.
"Fine. I'll speak to Lucas. But I'm only doing it cos of you, cos you good Catholic boy and virgin and all."
Jaemin rolled his eyes. "For the last time, Y/N, I'm not a virgin!"
Lucas took the news surprisingly well and he was happy to have her hang at his apartment instead. Which turned out to be a better thing, since his apartment was bigger and his housemates were never around. Y/N wondered why she insisted on making out at her apartment to begin with.
"I'm surprised Jeno was the one with the problem.." Lucas said after they had made out and she was snuggling in his arms.
"He has all these rules. The worst part is he makes Jaemin speak to me instead of telling me directly."
"It makes sense. You and Jaemin are close."
"I'm close to all four of them."
"No no no." Lucas said, "Each of them has a different thing with you."
"Explain, Mr Wong." she said, looking up at him.
"I think Jeno knows both of you have strong characters so he has Jaemin speak to you instead when there's an issue so you guys won't argue. He prefers to keep things light, so the most you're gonna get is Jeno making fun of you for having a thing for foriegn men."
"What about Haechan?"
"Haechan's your gaming bestie. You talk about gaming, and game together. But he'd kick the ass of anyone who gives you trouble."
"I think I'm least close to Renjun."
"I don't think it's that. It's more Renjun is kind of in his own world. He's like that with everyone. But he feels close to you guys."
Y/N was impressed.
"What about Jaemin?"
"Jaemin's like your total opposite. But you guys get each other. I like him. He's a good guy."
"Yeah he's a virgin." Y/N joked.
"He's a good looking guy! Heck, if I was a chick I'd go after him man!" Lucas said, his eyes expressive as always.
"Well, he's a good guy. I've never seen him bring a girl home."
"Come on man, when it comes to hormones, even good guys turn bad."
Lucas was driving her home when she got a call from Jaemin.
"Are you alone?" Jaemin asked. He sounded strange. "I need help."
"Are you ok?" Y/N asked. "I'm with Lucas. Where are you?"
"Oh. I'll call someone else..."
"Don't be an idiot, Jaemin. Where are you?"
"Hospital." he said. "Can you come? Just don't tell anyone anything. Not even Lucas."
She found him in a bad state at the hospital. Sitting in a daze, blood stains on his crumpled shirt. Y/N had never seen Jaemin look so small.
"Hey" she half whispered. He looked up.
"I can go now. I got an x-ray done. My nose is not broken. And it's finally stopped bleeding." he said. "I already collected my medicines. Mostly painkillers."
"What happened?" she asked.
"I don't want to talk about it." he said.
"Let's get home and get you out of these bloody clothes. And then you can tell me after you've had a good night's sleep."
"Can i sleep in your room tonight?" he asked. It was an unsual request. "I'm feeling quite shaken."
"Yeah. Sure. Let's do that."
It was 2am and he still couldn't sleep. She could feel him toss and turn next to her.
"No, I can't sleep either."
He sat up.
"I need to get my ID card back. Can you follow me tomorrow?"
"Your ID card?"
"I was fooling around with a first year chick in her house. Her parents came back and caught us. Her dad took my ID away, said he was going to lodge a police report against me for tresspassing his house and taking advantage of his daughter. Well, that's after he beat me up."
Y/N sat up. This was interesting, she thought.
"She's 18?" she asked.
"18 is legal you dumbass." she slapped her forehead.
"I thought it was 21.."
Y/N groaned. "I can't believe you're so stupid."
"But the trespassing thing?"
"They don't have a case Jae. I'm sure you can prove you were invited there. Even if she lies and said she didn't invite you. They can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt."
"I'm so glad you're studying law."
"And Jaemin?"
"It's illegal for him to detain your ID. YOU can report him."
"Oh. I didn't know that."
"Can you go sleep now that you know you're not actually in trouble?"
"Yes. Thanks Y/N." he said, turning to face the opposite side.
But Y/N couldn't sleep. Her mind was running a million miles a minute. Jaemin made out with someone. What was he like when making out? Was he gentle? Was he sweet like he always was to everyone? Was he a dom or sub? What did he do with the girl? Did he have fun?
Her own thoughts made her sick. Feeling a stir in her stomach made her sick. This was her best friend she was thinking of. She had to stop. Maybe she needed a shower.
Taking a towel with her to the bathroom, she shut the door, stripping quickly and getting under the hot jets of water. Damn it, Y/N, she scolded herself. Not Na Jaemin. What happened to your thing for Chinese guys?
She soaped herself trying to escape the mental picture of Jaemin, between the girl's thighs, lapping on her clit mercilessly, his eyes twinkling like they would whenever Jeno or Haechan said something witty. Suddenly, she was thinking of him between her legs, lapping at her core.
She brought her fingers to her clit, rubbing them from side to side. She leaned against the bathroom wall, moving more aggressively. She was wet. Biting her lip she pushed two fingers into her pussy, thrusting them in and out, the sound of the shower masking the wet noises as her fingers moved.
The muscles in her stomach were tightening. She could no longer hold back, thinking of Jaemin thrusting into her, looking at her with an intense gaze. She wanted him bad.
Slowly she came undone, as she moaned into her hands while cumming.
Suddenly, someone was knocking aggressively on the bathroom door. Y/N froze.
"I need to pee!" Haechan shrieked. "Hurry! I need to go back to my game!"
"Give me 2 minutes I'll be done." Y/N said, drying herself with her towel and getting dressed, mind still dazed from thinking about Jaemin. She knew their friendship was never going to be the same ever again.
She was just wondering how easy or hard it was going to be, to get Jaemin to join her on the other side.
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versadies · 2 years
I feel like you're a smart kid in class. Any tips on note taking and how to reduce anxiety?
i dont rlly consider myself as academically smart bcuz of how my comprehension is lacking as hell, tho i can say i do have good grades (got dem 95+ as my average grade 💪💪😎😎) thanks to the activities and projects. if anything tho, i consider myself as that one girlie who got like, cute aesthetic notes with highlighters, calligraphy, and everything so i can give you some tips on that !!
tips on note taking:
is your teacher a rapper? focus on writing the details b4 designing dem details 👊👊👊👊💥💥💥💥 i suggest writing phrases and bulleted points instead of full sentences 🙏🙏🙏
does your hand hurt from writing so damn much? go through google/yt for some hand massage to get that ache away 💅💅💅💥💥💥💥💥
if youre taking notes for yourself and not for your teacher, go for acronyms, shortcut words (gov = government, edu = educational, eco = economy, etc.), common words (etc. = and the rest, e.g. = for example, p = page, etc.), and more. it’ll be easier for you to not only keep up with the discussions but also not have a hard time writing long words and all that.
dont write everything, just important parts 💨💨💨💨
highlighters and colors are your besties, use that to note important keywords on your notes.
use pens that makes your handwriting good !! its just not satisfying to use a pen that makes your handwriting look weird or not pleasing in your eyes and doesn’t work well with your hand, so be sure to know what pens youre using that you like a lot so that you can buy replicas.
look for a format that you like on your notes and KEEP IT, u dont have to change it on every single page unless it’s necessary.
recognize whats important to take note of. listen to teachers doing those signal phrases like “a major reason why…” “to sum it up…” etc., look at the way theyre gesturing their discussions, check if theyre repeating certain concepts or words because sometimes theyre acc important, etc.
tips on reducing anxiety in school: (p.s. everyone has their own ways of coping and reducing anxiety from school. i can’t exactly guarantee that this will help you, but these did help me <33)
dont think about what bad things ppl will say about you, think about what good things they’ll say instead.
when presenting in front of class, look at something that isnt your classmate, look at an object that makes it look like youre looking at them (or u can look at the teacher) the whole time and just think of finishing this presentation all the way, dont think about what others think because what matters is that you want to finish work.
play songs in ur head that makes u happy or confident.
talk to yourself in ur head. give yourself the peptalk of a lifetime, act as if youre a friend whos backing up someone whos gonna fight or something.
its ok if u don’t know the answer in a recitation. its not the end of the world and its surely not gonna end you. there are 7 billion people in this world and youre definitely not the only one who doesn’t know the answer.
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