#Dr. Aiden
rachlovesactors · 6 months
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All of my Teen Wolf items from Epic Cons Chicago, March 23 & 24, 2024. Crystal Reed was very sweet, she told me she loved my top, and JR said I was beautiful. I was so happy to get a smushy hug with Seth and Posey! I added 7 autographs to my Teen Wolf board this time, including Max & Charlie Carver, Ryan Kelley, Shelley Hennig, Dylan Sprayberry, Michael Johnston, and Madison McLaughlin. Ryan was especially sweet, hugging everyone, and Max Carver is a bit of a charmer!
I have a Facebook album full of photos from the Teen Wolf panels at Epic Cons Chicago (also Twilight and Pretty Little Liars) and the Tyler Posey and Phem concert from Friday night. It's a public album, so anyone can take a look. If you share any of my photos, please credit me. You can tag me on Instagram and X at rharsin
Link to my album:
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terracomets · 1 year
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birthday gift for the author of aidens memoir<3 cosmo is a very beloved friend of mine so i got very silly with this
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dicktat · 10 months
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Dr. Aiden Caldwell
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aidenpriceless · 2 years
In your professional opinion, is Director Church a DILF?
This phenomenon for which the general population tends to address someone as a MILF or DILF I believe we can easily trace back to the concept of breedability. In light of his child [INFORMATION CLASSIFIED] 's performance, we can assess that the Director has overall good genes and most definitely scores high enough in the UNSC Standard Breedability Test to qualify.
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accirax · 18 days
So which DC duo would you assign to each one? :3 You can name any or all of them.
alright, i'm going to challenge myself by not repeating any characters as well >:)
Moon & Sun
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(thank youuuuu to the DC wiki for making it easier for me to find screenshots!)
a classic pairing to start us off. Aiden has kinda moon-colored eyes, while James is wearing a bright yellow shirt. Aiden is more introverted and "cool," while James is more extroverted and "bright." it may be basic, but it works really well! (<- that's a good summary of jaiden's relationship, honestly.
Coffee & Tea
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well, this one was definitely inspired by Kristal canonically having a personal espresso machine, haha. but, i think it also makes sense. Kristal has to always be full of energy-- to the point it can cause her to crash-- while Oliver is the warm and calming force in her life. and, at the end of the day, they're more similar than they are different, wanting to make a good show not at the cost of their employees' health, ingredients steeped in water.
Water & Fire
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also inspired by Riya having the fire powers in the superhero episode! even though Grett is the one who actually had the water powers. but, trust me, Connor has enough associations with water to pull this off. first of all, he makes perfume, which is water-based. he also throws that perfume into the water in that one scene where he sees how far Riya's fallen. oh god, and being in the deep water is Riya's greatest fear, too! both Connor and water bring out Riya's weaknesses, and thus she wants to stay as far away from them as possible. and he has a go-with-the-flow attitude befitting of water, too. i'd elaborate on Riya's associations with fire, too, but i think those are a bit better known because of the superhero episode already.
Monochrome & Colorful
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Tess was actually my first thought of who could be monochrome, before i realized that Hunter is actually even moreso. i guess Ally just likes to surround herself in people who like to wear black and white. that's kind of befitting of the other aspect of this dynamic too, though-- Ally is colorful because she's always focused on a million things all the time, while Hunter (and Tess) are more monochrome in their singular focus on one thing. in Hunter's case, that's making sure that Ally is okay. and winning challenges, i guess.
Fall & Spring
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alright, so the association on this one is Ashley is like Applejack -> Applejack is associated with apple bucking picking -> apple picking is a fall activity. and then, Will wears a green shirt, which is spring enough for me. also, Ashley was born in November, and Will in March! i didn't consciously remember that when i assigned them this pairing, but clearly i was on to something if ONC agrees with me.
Vintage & Futuristic
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well, i didn't have much to go off of for vintage other than... old, so Miriam winds up on vintage with her hip and young son figure representing the futuristic. he was in the space episode, alright? and he's worn some kinda sci-fi/video game inspired outfits in the greetings! Jake is totally futuristic!!!
Blue Hour & Golden Hour
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this was the closest i could get to "grumpy & sunshine," which Derek and Trevor absolutely are.
Salty & Sweet
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you really can't argue that Ellie isn't salty. and it's hard to say that Gabby isn't sweet, either.
that was really fun! :D i'm curious to know if you had any thoughts on which pairings would go where, and if we had any in common.
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notwithoutmyvices · 10 months
This is @willstapeworms askblog about his ocs and the zine/comic/general series surrounding them This blog might be altered in the future to only post about the series but for now it's just an ask blog It's fun and it also helps me further establish the characters so Please send in asks i'm begging you
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aidenlyons · 3 months
It's been a couple weeks and Aiden has settled into his room. He hasn't been out and about, mostly working on his art while he processes.
He's also been making a few calls. Finding a therapist like he told Tony. Who is raving about city life when he talks to her.
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The doctor's office is in her basement, and it's a beautiful day so she's actually outside when Aiden arrives for his first appointment.
A: Dr. Hackett, it's nice to meet you.
Dr. H: And you as well, Aiden.
(House by ChrissieYT , Sim made for me by @lilith--simmer!)
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The office is plain and when she sees him looking, the Doctor smiles.
Dr H: I know. I just had my office redone, I haven't QUITE gotten it back together.
A: No! It's nice, I just...
Dr H: Not what you expected?
A: Kind of.
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Dr H: Why don't we start with why you made this appointment?
A: I.. there are a lot of things. I wouldn't call my life tragic, but it's been.. difficult. I.. just want to stop feeling like.. like..
He pauses, gathers his thoughts.
A: I just want to feel better.
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Dr H: I think that's a great place to start. I hope we can achieve that goal. Why don't you start by telling me about your life until now? So I can understand what you mean.
A: O-ok.. um.. It's.. it's not something I've talked about a lot, but it started...
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ella-the-fella · 7 months
more trylax stuff
Warning: some characters may be spoopy.
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There will be more infecteds and scientists heheh.
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kr9vorebeazt · 9 months
Cr art: @dicktat and aiden_bobayden in twitter
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Doing Some Science.
A one shot of a Dying Light 2 swap au in which a half volatile Kaito is caught and examined by a Doctor Waltz, but not the one he's expecting.
TWs: medical examination, suggestive themes, canon typical violence, kidnapping
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To say that Kaito was in trouble would be a gross and comical understatement. The fact that he was tied to a metal chair which was bolted to the ground would be a nice clue. The fact that his bindings were metal industrial zip-ties would be another- and he could say the same for the blindfold bound tightly over his eyes.
Where had this all begun again? Right. The Renegade camp... Go take care of the shit heads at the border they said, it'd be easy they said...
“Easy my ass...” Kaito mumbles to himself in the silence. His head felt like it was stuffed with cotton wool and his ears rang incessantly... Must have been from the concrete pillow his head was very graciously slammed into...
From what very little they could see from behind the cloth covering their eyes, the room he was in was dimly lit. Nearly entirely shrouded in darkness save for the single overhead light that shone down on him from above based on the angle of the sharp shadows. He could also just about make out the shape of a table to his left, which could only mean a limited amount of things that came to mind. Undoubtedly there were some array of tools and sharp implements on it. The thought made Kaito's stomach churn.
The thing that the big mother fucker who had slammed his head into the concrete didn't really settle well either.
“Doc's gonna be real happy we found this little morsel...” And that could only mean Waltz. What other doctor could the Renegades have available to them? Aside from maybe some amateur dentist from before the Fall who called himself a surgeon... That idea was maybe worse. Waltz would at least have actual surgical precision when he tore him apart.
As they struggled to keep their thoughts in order in the midst of what must certainly be a concussion, Kaito heard a door behind them creak ominously open with a rusty groan. Reflexively they stiffened, straining to listen for footsteps, a voice- anything. After a moment he was treated to the telltale sound of the door slamming shut and a lock clicking into place, then footsteps. They were light but purposeful stepping around him and towards the table, where he could make out the fuzzy shape of the owner's outline as it began to take on the task of messing around with the objects on its surface. Odd... That couldn't have been Waltz, it was too slim.
“Who the fuck are you?” Kaito croaked. The figure did not seem to acknowledge him at all, instead muttering something under his breath.
“No that's not it...Did they take it? Dumbasses...“ He growled out that last word with a sigh, before finally turning to face Kaito, still stuck in the chair. After some deliberation the figure crouched on his haunches and without warning reached forward and used his gloved hands to pry open Kaito's jaw with little effort. The pilgrim made an unflattering noise and instinctively attempted to snap his teeth closed around the bastard's fingers. This earned him a chuckle and the tightening of an already rough hold on his face.
”I'm going to have to ask you to hold still- I mean if you prefer I could pry your teeth out of your mouth one by one so I could look at them without problems, but I don't think either of us want that...“ The voice was smooth and all too light for the sentence that was just spoken with it, though it had an underlying edge that sent a chill down Kaito's spine, ”After all, it would be really painful on your part and I'd really rather not have to clean up the mess...“
Kaito tries to make a retort, though around the strong grip on his jaw the words 'What the fuck', came out more like a strained gurgle. The person laughed at him again, loosening his hold a fraction.
”If you'll just be patient I'll take that blindfold off and I'll properly introduce myself, but uh as it stands it would be pretty awkward to just be staring at eachother with my hands in your mouth wouldn't it? Don't try to speak again, just nod.“ He says, and Kaito had to admit that yes he would find the entire interaction rather awkward indeed...not that it wasn't already. With some reluctance he obeys the strange man's command and gives a slight nod in response. He can practically feel the figure grinning in front of him, the glee radiating off of him, giving off a literal smell...'Sweet' is the adjective Kaito's brain offered as a descriptor.
The dental examination continued for a few minutes after that, the gloved fingers poking and prodding at each individual tooth, occasionally the man would speak some scientific jargon allowed as if making verbal notes.
”He was right...The mutation has changed your bone structure, there's an extra set of canines here...“ he mumbled. It took every shred of self control Kaito possessed not to put those extra canines to use, but from the harsh grip on his jaw Kaito could tell that his earlier threat of pulling out his teeth was more of a promise. He shuddered as a gloved thumb pressed itself onto their tongue and held it down as the figure leaned in to get a better look at his back teeth.
”Sorry for the odd angle, we're almost done if that helps.“ He sounded genuinely apologetic, which didn't help the odd sensation Kaito was beginning to experience in his gut, a twisting feeling that was rather loud and impossible to ignore. This close Kaito could make out fuzzy details from behind the blindfold. The shape of his jaw, hair cut short, eyes focused intently on the task at hand. Something about it all made Kaito queasy in a way they didn't entirely hate. Were this any other situations that could be...well pleasant? Is the only idea his mind would supply. Maybe he really was concussed.
Finally after what seemed like eternity the figure sighed and pulled his hands away, allowing Kaito's jaw to close, which Kaito did with speed, teeth audibly clicking together with a grimace.
”Ok you've fucked around with my teeth enough and you haven't even bought me dinner first- Now would you please take this thing off, I wanna see who threatened to fuck up my mouth thank you very much...“ Kaito finally says with righteous malice. The figure barks out a laugh.
”I suppose it's only fair, I did say I would after all... Give me a minute to change gloves if you wouldn't mind.“
”It's not like I can go anywhere...“ Kaito sneered. The figure futzed with things on the table, before pulling on a fresh pair of gloves with an audible snap of latex. The pilgrim shivered at the sound, flinching as the man stepped back over and once again crouched to be at eye level with him. Gingerly he reached up and undid the knot in the cloth behind his head and pulled the blindfold away from his eyes. Kaito hisses from the brightness that invaded his vision, blinking in the harsh overhead lights. He watches the figures back as he steps back over to toss the scrap of cloth on the table and begin digging through the implements on display.
He was tall, that was certain. Shoulders broad and adorned in a lab coat that might have been white once but was a muddy shade of gray from all the grime and dust that seemed to have stained it over the years. Oddly though, in place of the typical shoes you would expect from a scientist like a pair of loafers or even a pair of boots, this guy wore a simple pair of red sneakers from a brand that Kaito recognized but couldn't name if he tried. When he finally turned around to face him, Kaito was horribly surprised how much like Waltz this guy looked.
”There we are, now we can talk.“ He says simply with an air of friendliness that felt wholly uncomfortable to Kaito.
”You're not Waltz, but you sure as hell look like him, so who the fuck are you?“ Kaito says back, eyes narrow with suspicion. The guy grinned at him, actually beamed with an odd twisted sort of pride.
”You are perceptive! You're right on both of those fronts, he's my father actually, and I know who you are!“ he pauses and looks mildly puzzled, ”Well sort of. In the general way that all of the Renegades, Survivors, and those PK idiots do. Maybe just a bit more though considering- would you mind holding your eye open for me?“ He says casually, stepping up to tower over Kaito and once again takes a rather wicked grip on his jaw to push his head up to face him. Kaito grunts with the suddenness of it and then yelps with a bright penlight shown into his face, blinking on reflex.
”Hey I said open...“ the scientist chides, ”Or am I going to have to do it for you like your jaw?“ Kaito didn't exactly enjoy the implication of that. Obediently he strained to keep both eyes open as the light was moved to and fro, then clicked on and off repeatedly.
”Interesting...Your eyes dilate much more than the average human being...Also they're quite the pretty color, like a seafoam green almost...“ He mumbles. Kaito blinks up at him owlishly.
”You still haven't told me your name, you bastard...“ Kaito snaps quickly, because thinking about that last comment too hard was making the itchy feeling in his guts worse. The scientist's nose wrinkles a bit as he shuts off the penlight and slips it into the pocket of his coat.
”Uncalled for, but understandable I suppose, I would probably be just as jumpy as you are if I were in your position.“ He grins very suddenly at nothing and then shakes his head with a sigh that sounded almost satisfied in a way. Clearing his throat into his gloved hand the scientist presents a hand as if to have Kaito shake it, and then seems to remember himself and instead brings it behind his back.
”I'm Aiden Waltz, people around here call me Doc or just Aiden though. I already know who you are, Kaito- though oddly dad doesn't seem to have your last name on file...“ Aiden ponders. Kaito narrows his eyes at him.
”So what's the plan here, Aiden...“ He says the name like it's a curse, ”You gonna poke and prod me until your daddy gets here to rip me to shreds or what? If it's the GRE key you want I don't have it with me, I don't exactly keep it on my person for obvious reasons...”
Aiden looks at him like he just called the sky green, and then begins to laugh at him incredulously, doubling over and holding his stomach.
“What? What's so funny?” Kaito growls, the itch growing in intensity with each wheeze of laughter that bubbles up from the scientist's mouth. Aiden takes a second before wiping his eyes with a sleeve and sighing, straightening up and crouching down to be at eye level with the pilgrim.
“No actually! Waltz doesn't actually know you're here...at least not yet- not if you agree to help me...” Aiden intones.
“Help you with what...” Kaito says warily.
“I want you to help me kill him.” Aiden says casually, as if commenting on the weather. Kaito opens his mouth to reply and gets stuck.
“...I think my concussion is making me hear you wrong- you want me to do what?” Kaito asks with a note of horror in his tone.
“You heard me right, Pilgrim.” Aiden smiles at him wickedly, all teeth and deviousness, “You're going to help me kill Doctor Vincent Waltz.“
”Or...?“ Kaito prods tentatively.
”Hmm... Or...“ Aiden takes a moment to think, standing back up and pacing around in a small circle in front of the bewildered Pilgrim. An expression crosses his features as an idea seems to dawn on him, and he once again smiles in a way that was not at all pleasant, stepping over to lean over Kaito with a predatory air. ”Or I speed up your infection...and make it. Hurt.“
Kaito swallows almost audibly, eyes wide. Aiden's smile softens a fraction.
”How about you think it over, I have a little errand to run, and when I get back you can tell me what you've decided!“ He says disarmingly, straightening up and without waiting for a reply from the stunned pilgrim, heading out of the room.
Kaito sits with his thoughts and the feeling in his gut, now trying to place it. Horror? Probably. That ultimatum certainly sounded like a promise rather than a threat. Confusion? Most definitely. However the other big feeling that he was doing his best to ignore and file away for further thinking later would not let itself be unacknowledged, made plain by the growing buzz in the base of their spine. Not only was Kaito scared to death of this strange young man who threatened to kill him in the worst way imaginable, he was also somehow strangely attracted to him as well.
He would not think about that now thank you very much. He would blame it on the head trauma until the day he died- which now that he thought about it wouldn't probably be all that far off in retrospect.
A indeterminable stretch of time later Aiden returned, looking slightly sweaty and with a slightly manic look on his face.
”So? What is the verdict you've reached?“ He breathed out, leaning his back against the table and watching him intently. From the chair Kaito could feel how hard his heart was beating, practically hearing the blood rushing through his veins like a siren's song. He swallows, blinking slowly. What choice did he exactly have here? He either says no and dies a long drawn out death at the hands of this...scientist? Who clearly would derive a substantial amount of joy in the prospect. Or he dies trying to kill this guy's dad, coincidentally the exact man who ruined his life.
Kaito sighs and looks Aiden in the face with a grim determination.
”Where do we start?“ they ask. Aiden's grin sent a shiver down his spine again, that wasn't wholly unpleasant.
“We do some science...” He replies with a wild delight. Kaito's stomach does a flip and he feels his heart beat a staccato rhythm against his ribs. A deep little part of his wretched soul liked the sound of that.
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trainofcommand · 2 years
Time for some more Major Lorne-centric fic recs! Awesome. This is a mixed bag of things that I love.
The Long Way Home, by Requiem: This is Aiden Ford and Evan Lorne timeloop genfic. I love Ford. I love Lorne. I love timeloop fics. And I love things are super-well written, absorbing, and have a great resolution. Therefore, I adore this story. Just over 10 000 words, this fic is amazing. Read it with a yummy cup of hot chocolate, or maybe some nice biscuits.
Tu ferais quoi?, by Saschka: A very short Lorne/McKay fic where Evan asks Rodney what he would if DADT was repealed. Sweet, with a nice, gentle tone. In French, and just over 1000 words. A great little pick-me-up fic.
take this longing from my tongue, by MistressKat: A lovely Lorne/McKay fic that has Lorne pining, while also be awesome and great at his job. I love the longing here, and the story unfolds so well. I also love the way the author sets up the first sections of the story, with Evan's first, second, third, fourth, and fifth impression of McKay. It's awesome just brings you into the fic. At about 16 500 words, this is a great one to sit down to read with a nice cup of tea on a sunny afternoon.
a state of mind, not of the world, by @escriveine: This was written for me (me!!) and gosh, I LOVE it. It's Lorne/Zelenka, and also stars Teyla being amazing, and she gets nice things. Teyla deserves nice things. The central plot idea for this fic is so interesting and unique, and the writing is just beautiful, with such great descriptions and visuals. The Lorne POV is wonderful. I love everything about this fic, it makes me giddy. At about 7100 words, this is a great read to get cozy with.
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terracomets · 1 year
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a fully ahded halfbody of dr ellis from aidens memoir as a gift for the author ! this is also a sample on my commission site for my halfbody fully shaded offer
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RvB meme dump #3
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hoffmans-hoffman · 2 years
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The men I am currently obsessed with
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aidenpriceless · 2 years
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