#Drew this a week ago and this is when I started experimenting with adding a stronger light source in my illustrations
This started more as a self indulgent joke I made in the tags of @unclewaynemunson’s post that I ended up running away with.
I just really like baseball and I think Eddie would agree with me that Steve with a nail bat could convince me to do anything.
If you were to tell Eddie Munson that within 3 months he would watch a girl die, become wanted for murder of said sweet sweet girl, steal an RV, almost die himself in a hell dimension, get carried out of said hell dimension by his high school crush, and then have his name mysteriously cleared of all charges and /those/ events led to him playing a sport for the first time in his life, he would ask who sold you the drugs you were on because it definitely wasn’t him. But somehow, there he was, in the middle of a small clearing with Steve Harrington’s chest pressing gently against his back, hands over his own while they swung a bat through the air. Eddie and Steve were both sweaty and the repetition of the motion was actually nice. Eddie felt Steve slip from behind him and he caught himself from sighing at the loss of contact. 
“Alright, think you’re ready to take a swing at a moving target?”
Eddie eased into the stance they’d been practicing and closed his eyes while he drew a steadying breath. 
“Throw it.”
In truth this chapter of Eddie’s life had started a week ago when Steve asked him to grab Dustin’s backpack from his trunk. 
“What the fuck, Harrington!”
Steve jogged over as Eddie gestured to the contents of his car. “Oh! Yeah, that’s my bat.”
Steve said it like it was the most casual thing in the world to own a baseball bat with FUCKING NAILS sticking out of it! Eddie blinked and gestured again, more forcefully since it seemed to him Steve missed the whole point of What The Fuck Harrington-ing him. Steve rolled his eyes and chuckled as if Eddie was putting on just for Steve’s amusement. (Which to be honest, he was, but only a little bit.) 
“It’s /the/ bat, Munson. Y’know, the one I took on those dog things with.” He said it with an almost shy smile like he was embarrassed to be bragging about himself. 
Eddie blinked at him. Yeah, that was something Dustin had filled him in on, but he’s only heard it in snippets till then, and at no point did anyone mention the nails. 
“You still drag that around in your car?” Dustin added as he grabbed his backpack from Eddie’s loosening grip.He’d thought it before, but it never ceased to absolutely floor Eddie how casually his new friends talked about near apocalyptic experiences. He shook himself a little as a hard reset before taking a deep breath and reminding himself he did in fact care about these weirdos, who were now bickering over the merits of being able to swing a bat. 
“I taught Nancy how to swing it, and then I kicked that demogorgon’s ass at the Byers’! You cannot disparage the bat Henderson.”
“Oh you taught Nancy? That explains why she’s crap with melee weapons and sticks to her guns. Literally! She could blow your bat out of the water with her aim!”
Steve put his hands on his hips and leveled Dustin with a glare. “S’not my fault she found something she was better at. Plus, I bet I could teach any one of you how to swing. I was in charge of batting practice Sophomore and Junior year.”
“Then teach me.”
Both boys turned and looked at Eddie like they just remembered he was there. Eddie was even a little surprised he’d spoken up, but he was never one to back down from a challenge and with a chance to be close to Steve on the line there was no limit to the type of fool he’d make of himself. 
“You sure about that?” Steve asked cautiously. 
Eddie shrugged. “If it gets you two to stop giving me a headache then I’ll even let you teach me what order to run the little baggies in, Steve-o.”
Steve looked at him hard for a beat before breaking out into a huge grin. “Alright. You asked for it man.” 
With that Steve slammed the trunk and the three of them went inside. Eddie should have felt nervous, but with the way Steve’s face lit up he was honestly just trying not to swoon. He looked so excited and Eddie would do anything to see Steve’s face light up like that again. So they made plans, next afternoon Steve had off work he was going to teach Eddie how to swing his nail bat. 
The day came fast and Steve had given him specific instructions to wear pants and shoes he could run in. They met at Steve’s house and walked out into the woods; Steve carrying a navy blue bag that Eddie was sure was hiding the nail bat from prying eyes. There was a giddiness in the air between the boys as they made their way to a small clearing deep in the trees. 
“Alright,” Steve clapped his hands together as he rounded on Eddie, “time for batting practice, Munson.”
He unzipped the bag and dropped it before pulling out two normal bats and a baseball. 
For a split second Eddie was confused at the lack of nails and a grin on Steve’s face that could only be described as shit eating. It took him a half second longer to realize he’d been tricked by Steve Harrington into playing real, actual baseball for an entire afternoon. 
Eddie’s silence stretched on a beat more and Steve’s smile faltered. 
“I was-“
“Let’s hit balls.”
Steve’s worried look morphed into a smile as he hid a snort behind his hand. “I think you’re looking for ‘Let’s play ball.’”
Eddie rolled his eyes and huffed, “Whatever you say, oh Royal Knight of the field,” bowing low before taking the bat Steve was holding out to him. 
“Ok, I know you’re just trying to make fun of me, but actually the Kansas City Royals won the World Series last year so that’s actually a compliment.”It was Eddie’s turn to hide a laugh as Steve idly twirled his bat in his hands—a move Eddie was sure if he tried to replicate would end up with him smacking himself in the head—as he looked Eddie up and down. 
“Alright now, I want to see what we’re working with.” Eddie started feeling fidgety under Steve’s gaze. “Give me a swing.”
“Ok man, you asked for it.”
Eddie planted his feet wide and leaned over at the hips before swinging fast, almost losing his grip on the back swing. He looked up (when had he started looking down?) at Steve to see him with his brow furrowed, biting his bottom lip. Eddie winced and shrugged. “Like I said...”
“No. I mean it’s not great, by any means, but,” Steve’s brow softened, “it’s not the worst I’ve seen. And you didn’t almost hit me so you’ve got that over Nance.”
Eddie felt something in his chest brighten involuntarily. He smirked at Steve, “So you’re saying I have a shot at making the team, Harrington?”
Steve laughed and Eddie felt like his chest was visibly glowing. “You already made the cut, Eds. We just gotta whip you into playing shape now.”
And as light as Eddie felt, making Steve smile and sharing something he obviously loved so much, so began one of the sweatiest afternoons of Eddie’s life.
They started with his grip, which according to Steve wasn’t too horrible actually, but needed to be more relaxed so it didn’t affect his overall swing. Steve used his own bat to tap at Eddie, moving his feet closer together so they were shoulder width apart, raising his hands up higher and lengthening out his neck so he was actually looking up and not at his feet. All the while he gave instructions about how Eddie should position his weight over his back foot and step into the swing, lead with his hips, and don’t try to end the swing till he finishes following the movement all the way through.
Steve made him do a few more, even doing a few swings of his own so Eddie could see what he meant, but it seemed like both of them were just becoming more frustrated, till Steve ran a hand through his hair and groaned.
“Fuck it.”
Steve dropped his bat and moved behind Eddie, dropping his hands firmly to his hips and pulling them back. Eddie let his bat fall slack, stuck between telling Steve off for not warning him first and melting into his grip. 
“You’re rotating too fast. You’re throwing your hips too much and you’ll get hit by the ball if you’re not careful.”
Eddie could feel Steve’s words like a cooling breeze on the back of his neck. He nodded, not trusting his voice with Steve pressed this close, right behind him.
“You have to let every part of your body flow through the swing.” Steve was pulling his hips, “Bat up Munson,” and Eddie let himself be dragged through the motion. 
Back, step forward, pull through. Again. Back, step forward, pull through. All the while Steve was guiding his body through the motion, it felt hypnotic and fluid. Much better than how Eddie had been doing it before. 
“Good.” Steve moved his arms up and wrapped his hands over Eddie’s. “Keep the bat up higher. You want to let it fall back a little when you wind up.”
They moved through the swing together some more—back, step forward, pull through—and Eddie felt himself sink into the motion fully for the first time that day. It’d only been a couple hours they’d been practicing but his swings were getting surer. The bat was loose in his grip but he didn’t feel like it was going to go sailing into the trees like it almost had earlier. Eddie felt a tingle of something start to well up and spread through his limbs with every swing. Steve’s body was warm behind his. He was just starting to relax into the strong arms around him when Eddie felt Steve slip from behind him and he caught himself from sighing at the loss of contact. 
“Alright, think you’re ready to take a swing at a moving target?”
Steve had gone to stand in front of him, pulling the baseball out from his pocket. Eddie squared up. Weight over his back foot, knees and feet shoulder width apart, knuckles lined up and fingers loose around the bat handle. He closed his eyes, took a final breath to steady himself before looking up at Steve with a sure smile. 
“Throw it.”
Steve matched his smile before jogging back a few paces and taking a stance of his own. He tossed the ball underhanded towards Eddie and he wound up, stepping forward, and swinging sure through the pitch. He only caught the edge of the ball and it soared straight up into the air before coming back down and landing a foot behind where Eddie was standing. Steve’s laugh was bright as it cut through their clearing. 
“Nice! You tipped it!” Eddie was scowling at the ball but looked up as Steve continued. “Toss it back and I’ll throw you another one.”
Eddie wanted to stay pissy but it was hard when Steve was obviously having so much fun. He threw it back the same way Steve had tossed it to him and it rolled the last few feet to where he was standing. He laughed again.
“Maybe next time I’ll teach you how to throw.”
Eddie laughed back, “How about we master one feat of athleticism at a time?”
They were smiling at each other as they reset their positions. Steve nodded at Eddie before tossing the ball, only for him to tip it again, this time landing in front of him. Eddie tossed it back quickly before squaring up again. 
“Come on Steve! Give me a good throw!” He called out. He was long past denying that he was enjoying himself too.
Steve threw his head back, his mirth was palpable and it made Eddie’s face flush. “All right, you asked for it.”
Steve’s stance changed. It felt more serious, standing profiled as he hiked his leg up and let a real pitch go. 
Eddie still swung at it. Of course he swung at it. He felt his hips pull forward and lead his shoulders and hands through his swing, eyes wide as he saw the bat make full contact with the ball and send it flying over Steve’s head and out into the trees beyond. There was a millisecond where the world was quiet before they could faintly hear the ball hit the first few leaves as it went through the canopy and suddenly Eddie felt pride explode in his chest. Steve began cheering as Eddie took off, running where he imagined the bases to be, egged on by Steve’s laughter. 
“Eddie, dude! You’re running the wrong direction!” He doubled over as Eddie made a show of going around base numbers one and two. “Fuck it! Run home, Eddie! Run home!” 
Eddie rounded close enough to base three before turning and sprinting directly at Steve. He jumped at him the last few paces crashing into him with a giant hug, sending them down to the forest floor. Both of them were too happy to care, they continued holding on to each other as they celebrated. 
“Safe! Touchdown, Kansas City!” Eddie crowed from half on top of Steve. 
“I know, you know that’s not right.” Steve said as their laughing died down. Eddie looked down at Steve below him and felt a pull in his gut. Sweaty and still so beautiful, he let his eyes flicker down to Steve’s lips. 
“Is this part of the game too?” He asked quietly. 
“Nah,” Steve’s smile practically sparkled up at him, “but I can still probably show you a thing or two.”
“You’re on.” Eddie grinned as he closed the gap between them and gave Steve a soft kiss. 
He felt Steve’s hands come up and gently thread through his hair, not to deepen but to hold. They lazily let their lips slide over each other’s, Eddie more than happy to stay in their little clearing for the rest of the day, till Steve broke the kiss with a giggle. 
“Y’know, again, I know you were joking but Kansas City’s also got a football team and-“
“You know what Steve? Let’s just stick with baseball for now.”
Please let me know what you think. I personally think there needs to be more fics about Eddie getting into Steve’s hobbies too. I love the ones where Steve learns he’s amazing at DnD but please, we also need the reverse because there’s really something so homoerotic about the rituals we have for men to touch other men. 😂
I’ll probably refine this a little more and throw it up on my Ao3 in the morning, if you wanna read it there. In the mean time thank you so much for reading. Ok I love you buh-bye. 💕
*edit: since I finished this at like 3 am I didn’t really give it a thorough read through for spelling and grammar errors. Little bits have been edited. Hope this makes it read a little better! 
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mothdruid · 10 months
The Physics of Love - Part Three
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series masterlist | part one | part two | part four
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robert ‘bob’ floyd x afab!reader (nickname Nova)
word count.
this content is meant for those who are 18 and older, fluff, kissing, alcohol consumption, lots of science talk in this part
authors note.
ahhhhhh!!! they kissed!!! fianlly!! i was smilling like a silly goose the entire time i was writing this chapter. it made me so freaking happy. also, Cranbrook is a real place and you totally check it out if you're ever in that area of Michigan! also no, this story is not based in Michigan, i just needed to think of a cool museum i like to go to.
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starboy: I’m at the front of the Institute.
A smile grew on your face as you drew closer to the Institute. Bob had texted you only a few minutes ago. No matter how many times you had been here, Cranbrook never ceased to amaze you. Whether it be the seasonal display, the new mineral added to the collection, or even the ice age display they had, it was all fun and captivating.
You slipped your phone into your coat pocket, making your way to the front of the building. There wasn’t many people around, seeming how it was the middle of the day during the week. The two of you had decided to skip out on one of your tutoring session this week to make it work. Between Bob’s grad experiments and your full time schedule, it was hard to find time.
You had suggested doing it during the weekend, but Bob explained that he didn’t want many people around. It left you confused, curious as to why he didn’t want others around. There were only two things that you had thought of. One, he has social anxiety, and two, he disliked kids. And maybe even a third possibility of kids just plain out making him nervous. No matter what the reason, it didn’t bother you.
All morning you couldn’t stop daydreaming about your date today, which both of you were hesitant to call it that. Excitement was bubbling in you, the promising thought of being able to captivate him. Being able to explain all of the minerals to him, breaking down all of the make ups off them, what element made them appear a certain color, all of the things you loved about mineralogy. But some of that excitement was wrapped around the idea of him explaining the stars to you.
As you were coming around the almost barren fountain you saw him. You put a hand up high, waving to get his attention. He was wearing a denim jacket, burnt orange beanie covering most of his hair, a soft gray sweater underneath the jacket, and all of it complimented with black jeans and basic vans. It was all so him that your heart started to flutter. He smiled and gave you a small wave back.
“Hey,” he said once you got a little closer.
“Hey, I hope you didn’t have to wait too long,” you pushed your hands into the pockets of your long wool blended coat.
“Oh no, not at all,” Bob shook his head no.
The both of you sat there for a second, smiling a little awkwardly. Bob eventually broke the silence.
“Ready to check it out?” He asked, nodding up towards the front doors.
“Yeah,” you said with a smile.
The two of you headed up the small bit of stairs to the front doors. Bob quickly made his way up the steps, opening the door for you when he got to them. After thanking him, you both stepped inside the foyer. Bob held the next door open for you, his hand gracing the small of your back. A heat crept into your cheeks, nervousness pooling in your stomach. Even though you were excited, you could barely believe this was happening.
Bob went to the counter, talking with the employee behind the desk. You waited for him only a few steps away, just looking around. It wasn’t anything new, but you still loved the presence this place had. When you looked back over at Bob he making small talk with the employee, accepting one of the maps of the institute before heading back over to you. He adjusted his glasses a little before flashing the map.
“I got this just in case,” Bob smiled at you.
“Do you think we really need that?” You asked as the two of you headed across the lobby like area to a small set of stairs.
“Probably not, but it never hurts.”
The two of you stepped up the stairs, headed to the first section of the museum. Your favorite section. The mineral gallery.
Glass cases adorned every wall with more glass cases jutting out to create sections. Glimmers of light bounced off the minerals already. There were a few benches placed around in the clear areas. Two specimens were placed in the center walk way. The first specimen that was out in the open was a massive fossil, one that was still embedded into the rock it was found in. The second specimen was an enormous rock, half of it broken to display the clusters of amethyst crystals inside.
Bob felt a flutter in his chest when he watched your eyes light up, lips turning upward. You immediately headed down the center walk way, rounding the corner of a glass case into a small section. Bob took his time getting over to you, making sure to look at a few of the cases on his way over. He knew all of the minerals existed, but seeing them all in person was still astounding. All the colors and different types of crystalline structures they came in. Even though he was a space nerd, this always made him appreciate the earth a little more.
“What did you find?”
Bob turned away from the intriguing silvery gray mineral to see you peering around the corner of a glass case. It made his heart warm seeing you so comfortable. He was always so used to seeing you in a school setting. This was a nice change of pace, something he could get used to.
“I was looking at this,” he beckoned you over with a nod of his head.
You took a look at the mineral he was pointing at. A smile grew on your face as you took a few steps towards him.
“Muscovite,” you said while looking at him, “it a really weak mineral, flakes off in layers.”
“It looks pretty,” Bob looked back at it, taking in the layered effect of the mineral.
“Wanna hear something crazy?”
“Hmm?” Bob looked at you, ready for the fact you were about to tell him.
“Muscovite is used in a lot of make ups, especially the shimmery ones. They bust it up into a fine powder and boom, shiny glittery like substance.”
“Minerals are everywhere in our lives, even when you don’t think about it,” Bob looked at you we a small smile.
“Science is everywhere,” you replied.
“The essence of life is science,” Bob added.
The two of you continued your exploration around the mineral gallery. Bob learned about your favorite mineral, and you urged him to pick a favorite mineral. The both of you took pictures of each other with your mineral, setting them as your contact pictures. Bob couldn’t remember the last time he had smiled this much. There was just this infectious passion that flowed through you about every mineral. Even when you told him that ‘gold was overrated’, it felt only half-hearted like you didn’t want to actually say it.
All of it made Bob’s heart flutter and do back flips. He had met people who were passionate about science, but you were a lot cuter than most of them. The way your eyes lit up when you looked at one you loved. How sometimes a look of focus would consume your face while looking at one. It made him feel warm and fuzzy.
Once you two had looked over every mineral, you moved to the next section of the institute. It was now time for Bob to explain everything to you. Well, almost. The first section was meteorites and space rocks. Bob could tell you weren’t as excited about these minerals as the previous. But it was different.
“I mean, obviously space is going to make neat things. It just seems more exciting when it’s from earth,” you explained.
“How so?”
The two of you were standing close, shoulders almost touching as you two looked down at the collection of meteorites in a glass case. It took almost everything inside of Bob to not brush his shoulder against yours. Little did he know, you were hoping he would.
“I don’t know. I’ve been on earth my whole life, so seeing the cool minerals it can produce. Things that are so rare. It feels almost impossible that they came from the same place I’ve lived my whole life,” you paused for a moment, “space is so unknown, it’s like obviously something neat would come from it. Space has nebula’s for fuck sake.”
Bob couldn’t help but chuckle at that. He looked over at you and smiled, your gaze still focused on the meteorites.
“Yeah, nebula’s are pretty cool,” Bob said.
You broke your gaze for the little black rocks, meeting his eyes. There was this look in his eyes, one full of adoration. Those blue eyes always made your heart melt. They were like beautiful orbs of kyanite, deep but yet light at the same time. A hypnotizing shimmer drawing you in.
The two of you stood there staring at each other for a moment. The world around you starting to fade, both of you only focused on each other. Both of you had been waiting for weeks for a moment like this. Every soft brush of hands while passing an assignment back and forth, late night texts that elicited giggles and smiles, all the early morning coffees he started buying you. You could stay here forever in this moment.
There was a door off to the side, one that led to the constellation room. Without warning the door burst open, two young kids running out. It broke the two of you out of your moment. The kids came running around, coming close behind you two. Bob put his hand around your back, pulling you close to him and keeping the kids from running into you. Two parents followed out the door, trying to catch up to the kids.
One of your hands moved to his chest, steadying yourself against him. The fabric of his sweater was soft against your fingers, almost distracting you from how close you were. All you could do was stare forward, afraid of what might happen if you looked at him. Something soft touched your cheek then moved to touch your jaw slightly. His hand was softer than you imagined. It was guiding you to look at him.
“You okay?”
Your brain went blank, forgetting every word you had ever learned. All you could do was study his face. You had never been this close to him. It felt like you were looking at someone completely new. You were starting to wonder if he could feel the heat in your cheeks or the intense thumping against your rib cage. Eventually you nodded, letting him know you were okay.
A smile pulled at Bob’s lips, eye crinkling a little bit. His thumb brushed over the skin of your cheek lightly. He was assuming that this was all okay, especially if you weren’t pulling away from him. It felt like a good sign at least.
“Do you want to check out the constellation room?”
“Sure,” you said, finally being able to speak. “Are you gonna speak all space like when we get in there?”
Bob chuckled, leaning a little closer to you in the process. There was this boyish grin on his face, eyes twinkling with excitement. “Only if you want me to.”
Your faces were only mere inches away from each other. Someone could simply bump into one of you and the inevitable would happen. The fateful kiss that the both of you were secretly hoping would happen by the end of this date. Was it a date? Neither of you had officially called it that, or at least to each others faces. Mickey had definitely heard Bob gush about you accepting his invite, to which he only called it a date twice.
“I’d be more than happy to hear you talk space to me.”
Bob’s hand loosened from around your body, grabbing your hand instead. He guided you over to the door, opening it for you. But you didn’t let go of his hand, instead turning around and walking in backwards so you could watch him. Bob couldn’t get rid of the smile on his face, nor did he want to. He happily followed you through the short hallway, watching as you remained backwards and walked through the blackout curtains.
The room was almost pitch black. Little projected constellations covered the walls and ceiling. All of them were labeled, tiny projections of their names near them. You had barely any idea of what all of them were. The constellations you had learned during your freshman astronomy class had faded. Only the Big Dipper and Ursa Major stood out to you. But you were more than excited to have Bob tell you about them. After all, he did let you tell him about Muscovite being in makeup.
You tugged at his hand, pulling him a little closer to you. Bob happily stepped closer to you. The two of you had slowly wandered towards the middle of the room. Bob squeezed your hand, his free hand coming up to adjust his glasses lightly. Neither of you could make out the others eye color. All that was there was little glints reflecting in your eyes.
“Which one is your favorite?” You asked.
“Favorite constellation or star?” He replied, earning a barely visible eye roll from you.
“Both,” you said playfully.
Bob paused for a moment, looking around the room for his specific favorites. It wasn’t too hard for him to find them, his trained eyes knowing the exact shape of the constellation and exact brightness of the star. The constellation was the first one he found.
“There,” Bob turned your body the right way to see the constellation.
His chest was practically flush with your back. His left hand grabbed your left shoulder, pointing at the constellation with the other one. Sudden;y you felt hot breath on your neck and ear.
“Do you see it?” He whispered.
It was hard to focus on the constellations with Bob this close. But you found it, with the help of his pointing. You turned your head barely, eyes flicking down to where his lips should be for a second.
“Yeah,” the word almost came out as a whisper.
“It’s called Delphinus,” Bob’s eyes were trained on your face now, “it’s the shape of a dolphin, representing Poseidon’s messenger Delphini.”
“Is your favorite star in that constellation?”
“No,” Bob started to turn your body with his. Once he found it he stopped the two of you. “There.”
You saw the star immediately. It was a bright star, brighter than some of the other projections. The name attached to the constellation it was a part of was Lyra. The dusty old astronomy cogs in your brain started to turn.
“The swan,” the words passed your lips before you could think.
“Yeah, but the star is Vega,” Bob’s hand drifted down from your shoulder to your back, “the fifth brightest star in the sky. A lot of people over look it cause it isn’t the brightest, but it’s two point one times as massive as the sun. The sun just happens to be older. Plus, I like the bluish white light it gives off.”
Even though it was still dark in the room, it felt like Vega had brightened it up since Bob had explained it. You turned to him, who was still impossibly close to you. There were only a few layers of clothing separating your bodies, but nothing separating your lips. His lips were soft as they moved against yours. It wasn’t anything intense, but it was everything you had been hoping for in a first kiss with him.
Little fireworks were going off in your mind. His hand was resting at the small of your back, applying just enough pressure to keep you pressed into him. Your hands came up to rest on his chest, the denim of his jacket and wool from his sweater rubbing your palms. The wire frame of his glasses was bumping into your nose as the kiss continued. Lips melding together, two beings that were destined to be together finally connecting. It was a perfect science.
“I’ve been waiting to do that,” Bob whispered while resting his forehead against yours.
“Me too,” you replied, biting your lip with a smile.
The rest of the date went just as perfect. It was full of hand holding and giggles, the occasional photo being taken by one of you. Bob happily took a picture of you squaring up with the taxidermied grizzly bear, which became your contact photo. You took one of Bob with his hands up and fake yelling in front of the T-Rex, earning contact photo status as well. You had a hard time deciding on his contact photo, torn between that one and one of him in the black light space room. The goofy one just seemed more him to you.
Neither of you had planned on going to dinner afterwards, but it happened anyways. Since it was last minute it wasn’t anything too nice. A simple bra that was full of people having fun. It helped relieve the small bit of anxiety about it all for the two of you. Bob nursed a draft Blue Moon while you sipped on a draft papaya Cider Boys. You shared a tray of loaded nachos, order of soft pretzels, and plate of deep fried green beans.
“Wait, wait, wait,” you laughed, “you stole a street sign sophomore year?”
“I was really drunk,” Bob replied, “but it wasn’t only me. Without Mickey and Jake it wouldn’t have happened, I don’t think I would have even gone out that night if not for them.”
“Do you still have it?” You asked, then shoveled a heavily covered nacho into your mouth.
“Jake does,” Bob smiled at you before taking a swig of his beer.
“Your friends sound fun,” you held your hand in front of your face, not wanting to flash him the food you were chewing.
“They are,” Bob looked at his beer for a moment, “they are a lot of things, but without them I wouldn’t be here. Here in this very bar with you.”
“Oh really?” A playfully questioning look covered your features while you drank from your cider.
“Really,” Bob adjusted his glasses, “Mickey was the one who encouraged me to, well,” Bob gestured between the two of you and around the table.
Your face lit up, smiling brightly then biting your lip. It was something truly special, hearing that Bob had talked about you with such close friends. Your roommates were the only people that knew of him, but they were your closest friends, so it made sense. Thoughts of meeting his friends and introducing him to yours started to fill your mind. Were Bob’s friends like him? They didn’t sound to be like him. But it made you wonder.
“I’ll have to thank him if I meet him,” you replied.
Bob smiled and nodded, taking a drink of his beer. Him not saying anything worried you a tiny bit. Was what you said too much? Was it assuming something this wasn’t?
Bob noticed your worry immediately, even if it wasn’t that obvious. He set his glass down and reached across the table. The warmth of his hand encapsulated yours. You met his gaze, finding something soft and welcoming in it.
“They are, they’re a lot sometimes,” Bob told you.
“Trust me, mine are too.”
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mando-fando · 1 year
Blue Sky Thinking
Idek I have CEO Miguel brain rot (esp bc I started my new corporate girlie job two weeks ago!)
So here’s this!!
Pairing: CEO Miguel O’Hara x Corporate!Female Reader
Words: 1.6k
You’d been a CXO at Alchemax for two weeks now. You’d done some consulting work beforehand, and when the job opened up, an old mentor gave you a call to set up the interview.
“Alchemax needs a strong Chief Experience Officer,” she said over the phone. “Their products are good, but their image is…lacking. With no help from the CEO.” She added.
Oh yes, the CEO whom you haven’t even met yet, Miguel O’Hara. He had no interest in partaking in the several interviews you had for this position, and he was out of town for your first full week.
What a nice way to welcome a colleague, you thought.
Regardless, everyone else was competent and friendly, and you already had big ideas for the next few months.
The elevator doors opened and you began walking towards your office. Your heels click-clacked on the marble as you made your way down the hall.
You stepped into your office and began powering up your computer. You had a meeting this morning with the fellow chiefs of staff, and you wanted to go over your notes one last time before delivering your presentation.
“Good morning!” A chipper voice drew your attention from your screen. You looked up and saw your assistant Jeanine.
“Good morning Jeanine,” you smiled at her.
“Are you excited for your meeting? Nervous?” She grinned.
“A bit of both,” you leaned back in your seat, “but mostly excited. We have unlimited potential, and I intend to tap into that!”
“Let me get you a coffee,” she said with a wink.
You turned back to your computer and began rehearsing your presentation. It had taken you the entire weekend to gather all the data and put the slideshow together. You spent hours practicing, and you could probably deliver every word in your sleep.
“Here you go,” Jeanine returned with your coffee, exactly the way you liked it.
“Thank you.” You stood up and gathered your things and headed to the board room. “Wish me luck!” You called over your shoulder.
20 minutes later, a small bead of sweat ran down your back as you stared at your fellow chiefs of staff. Only one was missing: the CEO.
You’d been waiting anxiously for him to show up, silently cursing him for delaying something you’d worked so hard on.
“I think we’ll go ahead and start without him,” the CFO said.
You nodded. “Alright, let’s get started.” You turned towards the projector. “Firstly, I wanted to th-“
The conference room door opened, interrupting your introduction.
He’d finally decided to show up, the minute you began talking.
Although you’d seen photos of Miguel, they did him no justice. He was tall, taller than any of the other men sitting in the boardroom by almost a foot. He filled out the expensive Armani suit in a way you’d never seen before, and his hair was perfectly groomed.
His face was gorgeous, but it took you a moment to realize that his breathtaking eyes were gazing at you with an unimpressed look.
“I don’t think we’ve had the chance to-“ you stuck your hand out to shake, but he interrupted you for the second time that morning.
“I’m well aware of who you are. I’m also well aware of the fact that you hijacked this meeting to go over your silly ideas rather than going over the financials for Q3. Hi This,” he gestured to the presentation on the board, “can be sent out as an email. We have real work to do.” He said dismissively.
Frustration flooded your chest. You’d worked all freaking weekend on this presentation! Who was he to tell you it wasn’t ‘real work?!’
“Excuse me?!” You said with a raised brow. It had come out of your mouth before you realized it.
The other chiefs of staff looked up at you with wide eyes. You had heard that Miguel wasn’t one to take any kind of back talk.
A look of surprise flashed across his face before a stern expression replaced it.
“What did-“ he began.
“No.” You said firmly, taking a step towards him. “Myself and my colleagues had decided to change the theme of this meeting, so we can discuss some changes that need to happen this quarter to ensure client satisfaction. I’m not hijacking anything.” You spoke in a calm and eloquent manner as you felt every set of eyes in the room trained on you.
“Client satisfaction is not more important than the quarterly financials.” He challenged.
“Yes, it is.” You stated factually. “Since you stepped into your position, it’s gone down drastically. There have even been whispers amongst the board blaming you for the decrease.” You crossed your arms and looked at him.
Miguel blinked at you. You could tell he hadn’t been challenged this way in quite some time.
“This is a discussion we’ll be having in my office.” He said flatly before turning around to walk out.
“I’ll see if Jeanine can squeeze you into my calendar,” you clipped.
He turned back to you for a moment with a deathly glare before leaving the room.
“Apologies for the interruption, everyone,” you turned back to your colleagues and began delivering your presentation again.
After the meeting was over, the gravity of your interaction with Miguel began setting in. Your second week at the job, and you’d all but made enemies with the CEO.
You sat in your office and ruminated over the encounter. Emails began flooding your inbox as your colleagues began looping other employees into the process of implementing your ideas.
You scrolled through them mindlessly when a message came through from Miguel’s secretary.
Please meet Mr. O’Hara in his office at your earliest convenience.
You rolled your eyes and stood from your desk. Your office was on the opposite end of the hall from his own. You trekked down the long corridor towards his secretary’s desk.
“Is he available?” You asked flippantly.
“Yes, go in.” She said dismissively without making eye contact. She was just as rude as her boss.
You walked into the office and found him sitting at his desk with a pair of glasses sitting on the end of his nose, looking intently at his computer screen.
You waited for him to acknowledge your presence for a moment as you closed the door behind you.
You waited at least 2 minutes. He still hadn’t said a thing to you.
“You know what? I’ll come back later.” You turned towards the door.
“Sit down,” he said, still not looking up from his screen.
“I was under the impression that this was urgent,” you said, still standing with a hand on the doorknob.
He sighed and looked over at you as he took off his glasses.
“You’re mouthy for a new hire.”
“Did you call me over here to insult me?” You scoffed.
“That wasn’t an insult. Sit.” He gestured to the chair on the opposite side of his desk. You finally sat across from him.
“Then what is it, if it’s not an insult? A compliment?”
“I suppose. You’re new to this position. You’re young, too. Standing up to me, especially in a room full of other people is not something most people would do.” He said.
“So you’re commending me for undermining your authority in front of our peers?” You questioned skeptically.
For some reason, that made him chuckle. The sound reverberated through your ears, and a slight blush tinted your cheeks. The animosity you had towards him seemed to vanish.
“How did your presentation go? I heard that you have ‘big plans.’” Miguel leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms with a smile.
“It couldn’t have gone better,” the excitement in your tone was obvious. “And I do have big plans. I’d like to get our stock back up to its former glory, and maybe get the board to stop churning the rumor mill about our chiefs of staff. It freaks out the shareholders,” you said casually.
“Rumor mill?” Miguel questioned.
“Oh don’t play dumb,” you smiled. “They say you’ve been genetically experimented on.”
He laughed. His eyes lit up and his white teeth glimmered as he bared them. “And I take it you don’t believe the ridiculous rumors?”
“Of course not,” Your shoulders relaxed a bit. Whatever tension there was between the two of you had melted.
“Well, that’s good to know,” he sat back up in his chair and looked back towards his computer.
“Look, I’m going to be transparent with you about something: I’m not super personable. But my job isn’t to be personable. It’s to strategize and manage our operations. I’m good at what I do, but the board always loves the ones who they can show off at their fundraisers and shit like that.” He looked you in the eyes as he said it. You could swear that his eyes had a touch of red in them, but told yourself it was a trick of the light.
“I understand,” you nodded. “I am personable. I actually really enjoy those events. I’d also like to make a better name for CXOs since the position is becoming more popular, so I don’t mind the attention,” you smiled.
“Well, it’s settled then.” He stood up and you followed suit. “You’ll take care of our horrendous client satisfaction, and go wherever those assholes on the board need you to go.”
“Sounds like a plan,” you stuck a hand out to shake. He met your grasp and you almost gasped at the size of his hands.
“Glad we ended things on a better note than we started them on,” he winked. Your heart fluttered.
“Me too.”
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drtanner · 2 months
God I should be drawing but I'm pissed off about how long drawing takes for me and you're all going to hear about it now.
I'll admit it! I'm sickeningly envious of the artists whose work I see on social media every day when they call something a "quick doodle" or say that they "try not to take more than an hour" on pieces like it or whatever and it's like. Full colour, shaded, usually at least somewhat rendered, meanwhile I've been working on my poxy lineart for several hours and it's still not finished. If I were colouring and shading this fucking thing it would take me two weeks.
All of the advice for getting faster at art is along the lines of "OH JUST FOCUS ON DRAWING QUICKLY AND DON'T WORRY ABOUT QUALITY! THE QUALITY WILL COME ON ITS OWN WHEN YOU GET BETTER AT DRAWING FAST! :))))))))" and it makes me want to chew glass because that's already my fucking drawing technique. I know it's going to take me an age to draw anything so it's a hustle from the start; no warmups, just get straight into it, there's no time for shit like that or we're going to miss our deadline. This sketch isn't as good as it could be but it's good enough. It felt like I was focusing well but it's already nearly midnight and we're only half done. Oh, that doesn't look right - but there's no time to fix it now, I need to get the colours down. Doing it that way looked good when I did it over there, why does it look like shit when I do it again over here? I can't remember how I did it the first time, surely I'm doing it the same way, but if I was, it wouldn't look so terrible. This would look a lot better if I knew how to blend but I don't have time to learn, there's too much to do and I can't afford the time it'd take to experiment when I can't guarantee it'll get the result that I want. This piece looks like dogshit to me but it's the best I can do; here's hoping no one notices how bad it looks! Aaaaaand post! 👏
It's exhausting! Having the Patreon means I draw at least a couple of times a month when I might otherwise just gravitate towards doing nothing for years at a time, but god. It takes up so much of my time and I'm seldom happy with what I make, and for all of the effort I put into it, it feels like I haven't improved in a decade. There's shit I drew years ago that looks better than the stuff I put out now and it's fucking infuriating. How did I do that? I can't remember. I've added all kinds of new techniques to speed up my art but it still seems to take just as long as ever and actively looks worse for it (but it's a cinch that if I went back to doing things like I used to, it would take substantially longer now). What's wrong with me? Why can't I get better?
I work so fucking hard, and for what?
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a-salmon-good-time · 1 year
Hello I would like to ask if you could give me a critique and any tips on this artwork I recreated. Your art is very inspiring and has kept my attention for weeks. You had answered my question about Cohozuna in a very detailed way and I got the idea to draw one of his parties. Though I wanted to practice this style of drawing so I followed along to your speed paint of Steelhead. The sketch went well but once I added color everything seemed flat. I still am very new to drawing so any tips would help. Also I don’t mean to infringe on your idea by any means if it seems that way. I wanted to mention this before I even try to post anything so I am not just copying your talent.
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I also tried to make a sketch of Cohozuna himself.
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Thank you very much for the art and inspiration.
That really means a lot that my art is a form of inspiration!! 🎉🎉 I'm honored to have inspired you!
These drawings all came out amazing (no worries about the Steelhead, it's okay with me if you drew from reference)! I know you asked for a critique, but admittedly I'm not as confident with offering professional/critical advice; so I do apologize if that's what you were looking for!
With the Steelhead drawing, I know you mentioned the colors came out too flat for your liking. I can see what you mean though, as Steelhead in this series is a character mostly made of greys! One thing I can suggest is if you're coloring with greys and want to make them more full & less flat, you can play around with changing the hue/saturation of the greys! Here's what I mean:
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The Hue changes the colors, and the Saturation determines how subtle or intense a color appears. And the Value is what makes colors lighter or darker, so you can adjust those as well if need be!
Hue/Saturation/Value can be be changed as much (or as little) as needed to give any shade of gray little/more color.
Here's an example of me shifting the Saturation & Hue just a liiiittle bit while not changing the Value (to keep it at the same lightness:
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(Character designs with various shades of gray are just as great! This tip is only for if you're wanting to color with grays to make them look less flat)
As you say you're just starting out drawing, I do have a couple of art advice I can offer! While they can be applied to most artstyle, these tips are mainly geared towards cartoon styles. (The first tip is a basic one while the second moreso goes off of feeling/emotion rather than being a visual guide.)
Practice with Shapes!
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This goes for any aspect of a character (head, body, etc). You can experiment and have fun with different shapes for characters!
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These are only a few shape examples of different head/body shapes (as well as weight/mass), though there's many other shapes to explore when designing/drawing characters!
Become Your Inspirations
This is how A Salmon Good Time came to be! The art direction of this series is heavily inspired by the Don Bluth animated films.
How I got to where I am is a result of me studying the artsyle and familiarizing myself with it by watching some Don Bluth films, drawing characters from the films (from reference and memory), studying how the characters move or talk, etc!
Heck, I even had some people tell me that they study/wanna study my artsyle and it makes me feel honored, to be honest 🥺❤️ I'm not against it if anyone feels inspired by my art and wants to study it— in fact, I encourage it!
(I responded to an ask on my main Tumblr a year ago that also talks about becoming your inspirations as well: image is below!)
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lex-n-weegie · 1 year
Ok ok SO over a year ago now I drew some kind of "concepts," and now I've redone them since we got an actual design for one of them!! Also also, since a bunch of stuff I've been doing is super far from canon, I've made it a separate little AU! I present to you all...
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The "Under New Management" AU!!
These are the designs of Glamrock Bonnie(now fixed) and a "Glamrock" Foxy, or as he's known as, Captain Foxy.
The TLDR for the AU is that Hazel brings back/fixes a couple of animatronics, adding 4(technically 5) new animatronics to the Pizzaplex! These are just two of em.
Also here's a random alt for Foxy to see his chest better lol
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Rambles about these two's roles and the old drawings underneath the cut!
Art Taglist [pm or send an ask off anon if you’d like to be added or removed from my taglist]: @amessageonthewind, @nerdstreak, @starlitships, @eggsywifey, @swapthewoz, @queenieboo22, @in-broken-mirrors, @little-miss-selfships, @little-bullheaded-shit
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Glamrock Bonnie
At the start of the Pizzaplex's life, it was just Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Roxanne(The company deemed Foxy as too "different" from the main three, so making Roxanne was their attempt to add a new four member). Soon after the success, they had started to experiment by making extra robots to occupy different areas and attractions, like the Daycare Attendant or DJMM. Montgomery was one of them, and he and Bonnie actually bonded quite well. Unfortunately, Bonnie was blind to the worse treatment non Glamrocks got, the workers usually viewing them as "experiments." It caused Monty to sometimes lash out, but he usually remained chill.
One day however, a horrible accident happened. Bonnie went to talk to Monty on the Gator Golf catwalks, but the Gator had another small outburst and in anger, pushed Bonnie away. The safety railing broke, and Bonnie fell and snapped off his legs and arms. Monty tried to fix him, even tried to get help, but at one point things suddenly went black, and the next thing he remembered was waking up in parts and service, apparently having had an "accident." A guard, Vanessa, said she found Monty in a broken state, and took him to be repaired. She claimed to have not seen Bonnie, and Monty was then used as a replacement, millions of theories spewing as a result.
Years later, when Hazel is turned into a attraction, she sees a new wall in Bonnie Bowl that wasn't there before, and low and behold she finds Bonnie's broken body. She slowly repairs him, but due to some blunt force head trauma he's lost some memories and skills, such as his bass playing. Since he's back and all fixed up, he's now reduced to a mascot for Bonnie Bowl, the company stating that he's now "retired from the band life."
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Captain Foxy
While Roxanne semi replaced the fox fiend, the company still had plans to include him in some way. Tying in with the old show, the plan was for Captain Foxy to be a seasonal animatronic. For a week or longer he'd "kidnap" the Glamrocks and claim to now own the Pizzaplex. As time went on however, they randomly decided he wasn't worth it and was scrapped in the middle of building.
Hazel later found his endo and the scrapped plans, so she did what she does best and built him, her programming and experience with Bonnie making the process go smoother and quicker this time around. With him up and running and the company not wanting to waste a perfectly good opportunity to test him out, he was set out to do what he was planned for: take over the Pizzaplex every once in awhile. Only the main four Glamrocks were captured, the other animatronics being spared for not being Glamrocks, or in Bonnie's case, no longer being one.
While his performance has him acting like his show counterpart, behind the scenes he was actually super kind, like an uncle. He doesn't hate the Glamrocks like his performance implies, he actually really likes them and is particularly close to the OG three: Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie. He's of course close to Hazel too, as she's the reason he's even there.
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blyszczopies · 1 year
9 people you would like to know better: i was tagged by @blisseylesbian ty for tagging me !!
3 ships: rozkurwrory fionobianka and małgosia x sawyer (my bffs sim). easy
first ever ships: flippy x flaky from happy tree friends is the oldest i can think of. look at this fanart i drew in 2011
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last movie: avatar the way of water that i even watched in the cinema (wow!) but only because i was invited by my sisters friend. normally i would just watch it years later on a sus russian website. the movie was a cool experience but after it wears off youre just like. almost nothing in this movie makes sense. oh also last week i finally finished watching wednesday. also very cool but i think enid should have been a sparkledog
currently reading: watchers by dean r. koontz. my mom borrowed some books from her friend like 2 years ago and shes not reading them because all the characters have foreign/fantasy names and she cant memorize them. so im borrowing these books from her so at least somebody reads them also i like reading borrowed books so i dont have to put any effort in looking for books to read 👍 i just started reading it so i cant say much but i like that theres a dog
currently watching: nothing in particular but when i open youtube i usually end up watching steph0sims videos thank u hania for showing me her channel
currently chomping: eating some mashed potatoes with beetroot that my grandma made yay
currently craving: im eating rn so lets say all my cravings are being satisfied. tho i wish i added more salt to the boiling potatoes
I TAG @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle @bambipickle aand whoever is reading this and wants to do this. i hope thats enough people 💚 peace and love
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This is an OC i redesigned a few weeks ago, her name is crystalline and i first created her when i was 11.
I stopped using her a long time ago due to the fact that i would always get really passive-aggressive comments whenever i posted art of her on ifunny and it hurt me so bad (especially considering crystalline was originally meant to be a representation of myself) that i mostly stopped posting art for 2 years. Though i've decided a while ago to bring her back and start using her again to show that i've healed from that experience and i decided to use it as a basis for crystalline's story (which is under the cut)
Her full name is now "crystalline silverwood"
Instead of being a generic fairy (....or a christmas fairy like she was in my very first drawing of her) she is now the fairy of emotion. Basically in her world: fairies are born with the ability to perform basic magic such as telekinesis but once they reach a certain age they stay inside a cocoon for a while and come out with much more powerful magic; more often then not, they specialize in a certain type of magic depending on their environment and what they were already skilled in before metamorphosis. Crystalline was surrounded by a world full of hate before her metamorphosis and was badly injured because of it so it took 6 years for her to finally be reborn, much longer than normal fairies. Because of this, she is now an emotion fairy; she has the ability to sense emotions in other people and is highly sensitive herself. The pink tip in her hair changes color depending on her emotion and she has a pet corgi named blueberry whom she's small enough to ride like a horse
The design of her on the very left was the final version of her design i made before i stopped using her (and one of the few designs where her outfit WASN'T just what i was wearing that day) albeit with a few small details added since it was way too simple for me. Though in the context of crystalline's new story, this was just what she looked like before metamorphosis.
I gave crystalline shorter hair and different looking wings in her redesign because when i originally used her, i eventually tried redesigning her to try and make people like her; in said redesign i removed her ponytail (leaving her with just a pixie cut with emo bangs) and changed her into a human. I've decided to repurpose this into her cutting her hair and clipping her wings off and they just grew back when she was in her cocoon
The corgi is a COMPLETELY new idea for this character, i've been wanting to make more OCs with pets and i remembered this folk tale about fairies riding corgis into battle so i just went with it. I named him blueberry because that was the name of a preposed mascot i was gonna make for my ifunny account at the time (she was a blue duck and i would later go on to remake her into a human OC named skyla who had the power to transform into a duck, though i don't use her anymore) also i gave THIS blueberry star eyes as a reference to Underswap!Sans who is often called "blueberry" by the undertale fandom
I was originally going to make a short comic to introduce crystalline after i was done with mundane believers though i decided against it soooo uhhh....here she is...
Also i drew this before i created alive, carrie and makeighlyn
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heath-product1130 · 5 months
My Experience with CollaGenius Supplements.
I've always been an active person. Whether it's hitting the gym, going for a long run, or keeping up with my energetic kids, I'm constantly on the move. But as I've gotten older, I've noticed a decline in my flexibility and recovery time. I started experiencing stiffness in my joints, especially after intense workouts. This made me realise it was time to take some proactive steps to support my active lifestyle.
Collagen is a vital protein that keeps our skin looking plump and youthful. Unfortunately, collagen production naturally declines as we age. This is where CollaGenius Supplements came in for me.
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Combating the Signs of Ageing
I started noticing the signs of ageing in my skin a few years ago. Fine lines were beginning to form around my eyes and mouth, and my skin felt less elastic. I knew I needed to take action to prevent further damage. I tried various skincare products, but the results were underwhelming. That's when I came across CollaGenius Supplements through a friend's recommendation.
A Unique Blend of Ingredients
What initially drew me to CollaGenius Supplements was the unique blend of ingredients. The product contains hydrolyzed collagen peptides, which are easily absorbed by the body. It also includes hyaluronic acid, known for its incredible moisturising properties, and vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production. We discovered a way to concentrate Lion’s Mane along with other mushrooms to make the effect of each mushroom significantly stronger. This combination of ingredients seemed to address all the factors contributing to my ageing skin.
Visible Improvements in Skin Health
After using CollaGenius Supplements for a few weeks, I started noticing a visible difference in my skin. The fine lines around my eyes and mouth appeared less noticeable. My skin felt more hydrated and had a newfound elasticity. I was thrilled with the results!
Beyond the Surface: Enhanced Joint Health
One of the unexpected benefits of using CollaGenius Supplements was the improvement in my joint health. I had occasional knee pain, especially after long walks. However, after using the product consistently, the pain significantly subsided. I learned that collagen also plays a role in joint health, and CollaGenius Supplements seemed to be addressing this aspect as well.
An Easy-to-Use Routine
CollaGenius Supplements come in a convenient powder form. I simply mix a scoop of the powder with my morning juice or smoothie. The powder is flavourless and dissolves easily, making it a seamless addition to my daily routine.
Overall, a Positive Experience
I'm incredibly happy with the results I've achieved using CollaGenius Supplements. My skin looks and feels younger, and the improvement in my joint health is an added bonus. The product is easy to use and incorporates high-quality ingredients. If you're looking for a way to combat the signs of ageing and improve your overall well-being, I highly recommend giving CollaGenius Supplements a try.
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sunnybubblezzz · 8 months
okay well first of all i’ll start with just how great this weekend was. like UGHHESAHDH and then im just gonna say how grateful i am to God because woah im soo happy.
okay well first of all, DUHHH BIRTHDAY WEEK. i genuinely forgot this week was my birthday and MANNASND IM SO HAPPY. like i didnt get to do ALL the things i wanted for my birthday and i didnt get everything i wanted ofcofc but woah this week was amazing.
I GOT TO SEE THE HUNGER GAMES. THAT MOVIE WAS INCREDIBLE and i got to go with two of my close friends. i was really really sad bc i thought we wouldnt be able to go and i DOOO wish more of my friends were able to come with me.
you guys are never gonna see this but i loved that day and it brought me sm joy you have no idea. PLUS I GOT TO SEE SNOW???
my birthday day was eh BUTBUT EVERYONE SENT THEIR BIRTHDAY TEXTS TO ME AND I NO LIE GOT SOO HAPPY. i didnt expect all my friends to remember idk but they did and i was OVERJOYED.
THEN I GOT TO GO ICE SKATING FOR A BIRTHDAY PARTY? it was SOOO nice and was SOO much fun plus that was an amazing time with my friends
and my friend gave me a birthday gift..
I LEGIT SHED TEARS (okay not in front of her but still) LIKE I CANNOT. it was only one person but man sometimes i forget how good it feels to get a gift from someone.
like… im always the one giving gifts but it really really touched my heart to get one from her and I LOVE HER SM AND I CANTTT IT MADE MY DAY.
i love you i really do.
then ofc i saw one of my closest(?) friends (and i lowkey felt we were drifting apart) like FOUR TIMES THIS WEEK BACK TO BACK. okay okay trust me thats a lot for us 💀.
we went to the mall together which was lowkey weird bc she never asks me to hang out like that. AND I GOT THE PERFECTT DRESS LIKE I LOVE IT SMM??
moment of silence for just how GRATEFUL I AMMM.
i love you SMMSMM for getting me tickets like the opportunity of a lifetime?? ngl i lowkey was kinda mad bc the friend we took wasnt as grateful as i felt she should have been… thats how grateful i was like “how can someone not thank this girlie with all her might”
it was a WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE and im only sad that one of out other friends couldnt go.
okay and now for one of my favorite moments..
okay so we were taking pics with some of the cosplayers and then this other cosplayer talks behind us… i look behind me, look at her cosplay and immediately say, “YING?” AND SHE SAYS YES???
like in the car we were looking at twitter for who’s going and was AMAZED that ying was and hoped we get to see her. I DID NOT EXPECT US TO?
LIKE I JUST RECOGNIZED HER FROM HER VOICE. the last time i listened to this girls voice was months ago but SHHH that’s unimportant.
i wouldnt call myself an unlucky person (luck isn’t real). but i will say that a lot of unfortunate things happen to me usually and ive just learned to go with the flow. but idk im just just so HAPPY and so GRATEFUL and and im scared that it’ll all get ruined when i wake up but man cant i live in this moment of happiness forever?
then today was just such an amazing day like such a great end to my birthday week i just. im just.
anyway to end it off, one of my friends from a while ago texted me asking if i ever drew this picture for this girl named sarah.. it took a sec, but i recognized the drawing and remembered.
she said she really loved it sm, kept it for years, and that i was super nice.
its just SO encouraging and so so idek im just so happy.
i love you God so much.
just i was feeling so down this past idek month or more because i just have such idek its just so much things happen to me and i just have to go along with it and not let it phase me. i feel so much emotions but none of them bring me down yknow? like i have to be happy and i dont FEEL happy…
but this.
this week makes me feel like God loves me and all of these things happened because of Him. I love him and I love all my friends, I really do love all of you guys.
some of you guys DOO get on my nerves, some of you guys ARE confusing, some of you guys are kinda weird, and i do feel like i love some of you more then you love me.. but in the end you guys are my friends. i love you guys.
and i love you God. I love you for everything you do and I dont know why you love me but I’m sososo happy you do. no one will ever love me like you do. thank you for always being there for me. i love you.
and so we end this. i KNOW that ill cry bc of sadness again (probably in the near future ngl) and I KNOWW that this happy feeling wont last. but for right now im gonna treasure it… please ANDDD thank you.
happy birthday to me.
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breakingarrows · 1 year
Games Media in Review: Giant Bomb
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I don’t have as long a history with Giant Bomb as I do IGN or Kinda Funny but the love and enjoyment from when I was a fan is definitely equal to those two. I have strong memories of listening to the Giant Bomb Game of the Year discussions in 2014 while pushing shopping carts around outside the Wal-Mart I worked at. I was a premium subscriber from June 2016 until I let it expire in March 2022. About a year ago I sat down to try and narrow down what my personal “golden age” of Giant Bomb was by counting the various shows or highlights put out in each year, this narrowed it down to the 2017-2019 period as being the strongest. Drew Scanlon’s departure was softened by the hiring of Abby Russell and Ben Pack, later joined by Jan Ochoa. Abby and Ben’s later departure, the COVID pandemic making in-person recordings no longer possible, and the later departures of Vinny Caravella, Alex Navarro, and Brad Shoemaker pretty much killed any and all enthusiasm I had for the site. Jeff Gerstmann’s firing (still such a strange warped reflection of his firing from GameSpot due to external ad-pressure which led to founding Giant Bomb, now being fired from that website) didn’t help any interest that may have remained, especially given the site’s response following his sudden departure.
Watching and listening to the current Giant Bomb for these past two weeks has been the most disappointing experience of this series so far. Kinda Funny may not have very strong critical bones, and I can’t say Giant Bomb really does either, both are more to provide entertainment than thoughtful critiques, but only one of them ever provided any laughs: Kinda Funny. I know some of this has to do with finding Dan Ryckert more obnoxious than funny, but also just the overall content I watched (34 videos checking over my YouTube history) wasn’t very fun to watch along with.
When discussing Kinda Funny I mentioned their adherence to enthusiast press talk of excitement and positivity above all else, and while I don’t think that is true of Giant Bomb, I did find their critical talk similarly lacking. Most of it I can attribute to the shadow Dan Ryckert casts over the site. Dan loves wrestling, and specifically loves reenacting the role of the “heel” from wrestling in his work life, a term referring to someone who plays the bad guy who is supposed to make the audience and other cast members mad at them for their behavior. Dan finds this funny, I find it obnoxious. At least during his previous employment at Giant Bomb he had Jeff Gerstmann, Vinny Caravella, and his fellow GameInformer coworker turned Giant Bomb staff Jason Oestreicher to somewhat counter his heel tendencies. All of them are gone now and it shows. During the Giant Bombcast 808 Dan explains why he didn’t like Red Dead Redemption 2 or The Lord of the Rings around 1:42:37, and it was at an early point in my watching that I began to question whether or not I really wanted to continue. It isn’t that I disagree with the opinion being expressed, that either can be/is “boring,” but it is the way this thought is explained that irritates me. This feeling is expressed by others as well. This has always been an issue with people when watching Dan, as I remember my wife never liked him once he started showing up in Giant Bomb east videos with Abby. To me, I’ve always found his critical thought skills severely lacking, and am still surprised he was a writer at GameInformer and for several years and was contributing his voice to the greater critical volume.
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Blight Club is their “playing through a bad game” show, but since bad games are so different from bad movies, especially given the time required and the lack of any editing on the backend (which is completely understandable from a production standpoint), it never reaches the sort of fever pitch of RedLetterMedia’s Best of the Worst series revolving around watching bad movies together. I also just don’t find the concept of dressing up in cheap halloween costumes that amusing. Additionally, they’re never together; they're always on video calls with each other, something which really killed a lot of game coverage/channels for me when COVID hit. No more Business Dave Top 10’s on UPF as everyone was working from home now. This has led to some hijinks, such as Dan using layers to replay video during livestreams to the bewilderment of the participants. Again, the specter of his character casts a shadow that makes it something I find mildly amusing instead of laugh out loud funny. Zoom/Discord video chat recordings just do not have the same energy as being in the room together. It is unfortunate because I do support remote work but there is just something magical lost when you transition from doing UPF in the same room together to doing it over a video chat service. This is primarily why I never kept up with Nextlander despite consisting of the Giant Bomb members I’ve followed the longest, and would likely kill Jeff Gerstmann’s channel for me if he ever ends up expanding beyond being a solo show.
The Bombcast continues to be their general gaming podcast of “whatcha been playing?+news+reader emails”, Voicemail Dumptruck is an extension of reader emails in voicemail form. Quick Looks remain a varying-in-length playthrough of recent releases. Unprofessional Fridays are still mostly a grab bag of cooperative games to play together. Game Mess Mornings is the newest show to me, but is basically a version of Kinda Funny Games Daily, itself a version of many familiar morning shows viewed everywhere that runs through the news, now with commentary from Jeff Grubb and a guest. Demo Derby returned recently though with Dan at the wheel it went about as well as I thought it would, that is: he called Final Fantasy X [ten] “Final Fantasy X [x]”  and called Final Fantasy X-2 “Final Fantasy Twelve” to annoy Mike Minotti and beat it into the ground by the end of the demo.
In addition to the standard shows they also have Mortal Kombat playthroughs, and miscellaneous streams such as F-Zero 99 and Counter Strike 2. Checking the video feed from even just a year ago and I was wishing I had done this then instead of now as my perspective would probably be much more popular. They had these shows plus Albummer and Arcade Pit. Two years ago they didn’t have Arcade Pit but did have Bak 2 Skool, VoidBurgers Hot Takeouts, and the Very Online Show. Not only was the video feed more varied but the community was more populated. Comparing the most commented video for the last couple of weeks in September from 2013-2023 paints a pretty bad picture.
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Essentially the trend has been ever downwards for the community participation on the site. I previously used comment counts to gauge the audience size of IGN versus GameSpot, and here on Giant Bomb comments on their main site are even more valuable due to their premium subscription. Prior to June 2022 when all premium shows were made free and premium subscription was changed to give you behind the scenes stuff and discord access (though knowing how discord works for large communities this is not a benefit for all but the terminally online), premium would get you exclusive shows like Unprofessional Fridays (where the crew would each bring a game of their choosing to play and show off for the others or for entertainment), Metal Gear Scanlon, Playdates, Game Tapes, Demo Derby, Mario Party Party, and many more. It is important to note in the chart above that prior to the change, five of the nine top commented videos were premium videos, meaning you also needed a subscription in order to comment.
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A lot of Giant Bomb’s best content was on these premium shows, but now with premium no longer having any exclusive content, at least none that appear on the site’s premium feed, there doesn’t appear to be much draw to give them money. This conduit of funding was previously what set Giant Bomb apart from most other games media sites before the advent of Patreon, as their fan’s directly helped fund them meaning they could rely on more than just click-through rates to earn them money. Nowadays, with dwindling community engagement, I’m not so sure they have solid footing, especially given the ownership changes and layoffs. CBS sold off Gamespot, Giant Bomb, and CNET to Red Ventures in September 2020. Red Ventures then turned around and sold off everyone but CNET to Fandom in October 2022. Despite promises to keep things as they were, Fandom laid off around 40-50 people in January 2023, including Jess O’Brien and Jason Oestreicher of Giant Bomb.
Other signs of diminished community are that qlcrew has essentially stopped updating its member tags, instead pretty much serving as an RSS feed for the new content but still remains a great filter for older content based on timestamps and tags. Best of Giant Bomb stopped uploading in mid-2021 and has returned for monthly installments for the back half of 2022 and only three videos for 2023 as of this writing. The subreddit is clogged with posts from Jeff Gerstmann and Nextlander, speculation about potential drama and collaboration between those two new channels, and the usual doom-posting about the site you often find on dedicated subreddits. Some of that doom is warranted, however, not only by the comment metrics but also the YouTube views. Out of IGN, GameSpot, Kinda Funny, and Kinda Funny Games for the past four weeks of uploads (discluding trailers), Giant Bomb is at the bottom with an average of 6.68k and GameSpot surprisingly at the top with 257k average view, mostly thanks to their “ALL Fatalities - Mortal Kombat 1 4K Gameplay” video hitting 5.7 million views. Kinda Funny with 12.65k average, nearly twice as many as Giant Bomb, is the second-to-last ranking.
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I’m just not sure what you can do with Giant Bomb at this point. I’m sure the backlog of premium content doesn't help with server costs, and with a low view count on YouTube and a guaranteed lower premium subscriber base than ever before I’m just not sure how long you can expect them around, especially given how much they rely on outside staff to help pump up the staff count and variety on their content. It’s sad to see how far the site has fallen. Despite my complaints I think Dan Ryckert is a capable production lead, some of the shows he created for old Giant Bomb were among the best (Burgle my Bananas and Mario Party Party), and I don’t have any ill will or blame for the individuals currently working there. It just is sad to be so disappointed returning to a channel that was once so beloved, and to see that this sentiment appears to be the prevailing one amongst the, admittedly, minority of online forum posters.
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danikoshi-doodles · 2 years
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Since national hero José Rizal's birthday is right around the corner, might as well finally post this lol
Shush let me indulge in drawing dead people
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sanctus-ingenium · 2 years
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WIPs of some of my drawings where i made a full little painting for the sketch to nail colours or values first. i thought it would be fun to do a Behind The Scenes and also show u how some drawings changed, what i kept and what i discarded and at what point i just started adding unplanned details
all these were done using a mixture of sai and procreate
more comments on The Process under the cut
eye of the otherworld is inspired by a real photo i took two weeks ago!
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i soooo wanted to draw water that looked like this, weeds and all, so the original colours of that sketch were picked direct from the photo. but i wasn’t satisfied with it so i changed it using a gradient map (you can see it’s crunchy on the borders between colours). for the final, i re-painted everything again using the sketch colours as a guide so that i would not end up with the crunchy edges a gradient map will give u, and so that i could add in extra contrast over the top. the black swirl pattern in the final was an ad lib lol but i’m really happy with how it gives the impression of water or liquid even if it’s not realistic... i will try again to recreate something like this photo tho because i am obsessed. the birds were originally swans but the necks were driving me crazy i needed a bird with a shorter neck and grebes are associated with this location in canon so it was perfect. they have very funny feet. the last detail i added to this was the white flashes in their primary flight feathers (which do not occur in nature btw)
hanged man was an interesting one because it’s based on a sketch i made in 2020 when i first wrote this fun impalement scene
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here is félix being impaled for the first time in 2020 by a rusted harpoon that essentially rips his human disguise off to reveal the black carapace underneath
for the coloured sketch in the photoset i re-lined this exact sketch in sai to update it to match my current lineart style, but as you can see i realised the pose itself needed work and not just a re-line so i completely redid it in procreate to exaggerate the pose and gestures. i went into this one already knowing exactly what bg colours i wanted so that was no issue but the hardest part was weirdly figuring out what he was going to be standing on. in canon he is standing on top of a very high wall and leaning back over a fatal drop. the black pencil lines in the clouds and the bird were ad libbed but i liked the idea of throwing the bird in as some extra symbol of freedom the likes of which you will not experience if you have been shot with a harpoon. the green was not working at all so the swap out to more purpley pink tones was last minute. i unified the different colours by using a colour-shifting brush (you’ll see that his gaiters are different colours - i didn’t hand pick those, the colour jitter did)
for Big Pascal... originally it was going to be a confrontation between the guy on the ground and pascal but i wasn’t feeling the standing pose and it ended up being... if not restful then at least maybe a little more benevolent than the shadow of colossus shit it was before. the white cracks in the sky were originally going to be black but it just didn’t work. a lot of people tag this one as some form of cowboy aesthetic which is funny to me. there’s no cowboys here
i do like the lens flare effect in the b&w thumbnail tbh and i think i kind of lost the low camera angle effect in the final
i drew a bonus comic of the two characters interacting during this scene (mostly the lil guy just trying to ignore what’s happening in the sky)
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superherotiger · 2 years
A Pair of Silver Wings (Dadneto fic)
Oh boy, I’m absolutely hyped to be sharing my first Dadneto fic with you all today! X-Men (and specifically Dadneto and his Speedyson) have captured my heart and consumed my soul entirely ever since I watched the movies a couple of weeks ago! We were robbed of amazing Dadneto content in the films, but I’ve arrived with the fix it and the fluff in this gift for the bestie that started it all, the lovely @sunsetuniverse!! Hope you all enjoy!! - Superherotiger
“Hey Mags, what’re you doing up?”
Erik raised a brow as he rounded the back of the couch, observing the silver-haired speedster who was lounging back with his eyes glued to that obnoxiously loud game device in his hands. “I could ask the same of you,” the man replied, lifting his hand and dragging the device out of Peter’s grip with ease.
“Hey! Not cool,” Peter protested half-heartedly, though he made no move to snatch it back.
For a moment Erik simply observed the device the speedster admired so much, turning it over in his magnetic grip and noticing the buttons that had become worn down from overuse. Eric didn’t have much experience with video games. He preferred things like chess- methodical and strategic. Something that actually drew him out of the rabbit hole that was his mind, instead of the quick reactions and rush of adrenaline that this new era of games demanded. No, Erik had experienced enough of that on the battlefield as it was.
But he supposed for someone as fast both physically and mentally as his son, it was a fitting pass time.
“You’re supposed to be in the medical wing,” Erik stated matter of factly as he moved to sit beside his son on the couch.
“Yeah, well, you’re supposed to be asleep,” Peter shrugged, as if that were somehow a valid defence.
“Perhaps,” Erik mused, before the ghost of a smirk passed his features as he added, “But you see, I have this thing called an ‘injured child’ in my care-“
-A burst of laughter exploded out of the boy beside him-
“-and no matter what I do, said child insists on endangering himself despite how many times he is instructed to simply rest,” Erik continued with a strange mix of exasperation and fondness. Something he had only ever felt in the presence of his chaotic son.
“Please pops, give me a little bit of credit. I’m 27!” Peter huffed in faux offence. “I may be injured, but I ain’t no child.”
You shall always be my child, Erik thought warmly, before nudging Peter’s knee with his own and saying “Nevertheless, you should be resting. In the medical wing too preferably.”
Rolling his head back with a groan, Peter complained, “But it’s so boring down there man. There’s absolutely nothing to do, and time just drags on forever and ever- and trust me, for a guy who already feels time drag as it is I can tell you it’s a nightmare-“
Erik just made himself comfortable as he listened to his son ramble on about the severe boredom he had been forced to endure over the past few days. It was tempting to remind the speedster that his foot was only in a cast because he had ignored Hank’s earlier advice to rest his sprained ankle and gotten himself more injured in the process, but Erik knew the words would fall on deaf ears. Peter could be as stubborn as a mule when he wanted to. A trait Erik had not so proudly passed on, it seemed.
But deep down -underneath the menial complaints and over-confident façade- Erik could see Peter’s true struggle, which was his inability to run.
Speed was not just a power or a trick to Peter, it was his entire life. It defined him- gave him purpose. It was his weapon and his shield, leaving him practically invulnerable to anything that dared to threaten him or those he loved. Without his swiftness, he was defenceless. And Erik knew how awful that could feel- remembering those ten long years trapped at the bottom of the Pentagon, or the years he had spent trying to hide and restrain his gifts long after that. So detached from his true identity… from the power that could have saved his loved ones had he just been fast enough-
Erik quickly shook the thoughts away, turning his attention from the family he’d lost and back onto the family he still had. One look at those warm, dark eyes and that bright, mischievous smile again immediately reminded Erik of how lucky he was to have Peter in his life. Two survivors of a family that had only known hardship and pain and grief- but somehow through it all, they found each other. It didn’t right the wrongs of the past or return all that was stolen from them, but it was enough.
They were enough…
And when Peter’s ramblings were eventually slowed by the occasional yawn or scrub of his eyes, Erik took it as his sign to intervene. “If you insist on evading your bed downstairs, then will you at least attempt to sleep here?”
“What? Dude, no- I’m not even tired,” Peter bemoaned tiredly. “But hey, if you need to get some shut eye old man I completely understand, what with those aching bones and all-“
With the call of his birth name and the stern furrow of his father’s brow, Peter’s smirk quickly dropped with a displeased huff. A sign of defeat, if you would. One that Erik couldn’t help but celebrate with a coy smile of his own.
But always the one to have the last word, Peter rolled his eyes and threw a pillow at his father’s chest, saying dryly “If you’re gonna force me to sleep, at least be a decent pillow, yeah?”
Erik didn’t offer a reply, just raised his brow inquisitively and watched the boy lie down along the couch with his clunky cast stretched out and his head resting easily on his father’s cushioned leg. Neither of them said a word. Neither of them wanted to either; content to sit in the silence of familiarity. It didn’t take long for Peter to get himself comfortable, but sleep was clearly still out of reach judging by the little tremors and twitches that passed along the speedster’s hands and fingers. The residual instinct to move -be quick, be vigilant- now keeping him awake.
Noticing his struggle, Erik felt an old instinct of his own spark to life as he gently pulled a blanket off the arm rest and laid it over his restless son. It stilled the shuddering for a short while, but despite Peter’s clear attempts to subdue it, that pent up energy returned before long. So, with a careful turn of his wrist, Erik switched on the power to the record player sitting in the corner of the living room and lowered the needle down onto whatever vinyl Charles had last left on the turntable.
Gentle, soothing melodies echoed faintly into the air, and Erik felt his worries ease as Peter’s shifting and twitching soon settled against his side.
 ‘Although some people say he's just a crazy guy,
  To me he means a million other things.
   For he's the one who taught this happy heart of mine to fly.
  He wears a pair of silver wings.’
Glancing down at his son through the dim glow of the hallway light, Erik felt his heart bloom with fondness at the sight of Peter’s peaceful expression and his wild nest of silver strands. All mutations both great and small were a wonder in Erik’s eye, but his son’s hair was undoubtedly his favourite. As bright as Peter’s spirit; as soft as his generous heart. It suited him to perfection, despite the doubts and concerns that plagued the young mutant so.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, Erik ghosted his fingertips over the waves of his son’s hair, admiring their silky touch. It wasn’t often that Peter let him or anyone else touch it -at least not after the whole ordeal with Apocalypse the year before- but it was a scar they were slowly working to heal. The fact that Peter hadn’t smacked his hand away by now meant he was neither nervous nor uncomfortable by the gesture, and Erik took it as permission to gently comb his fingers through those heavenly silver waves, soothing them both more than they could ever know.
 ‘But when I'm left alone and we are far apart,
  I sometimes wonder what tomorrow brings.’
Closing his eyes for a heartbeat, Erik soaked in the warmth that had coiled around his bones in a soothing embrace. Promising a host of things he had only ever caught glimpses of in his dark past; safety and belonging, and serenity and love. Things he never thought he deserved…
Things that his beloved Pietro had given him anyway.
‘For I adore that crazy guy who taught my happy heart,
To wear a pair of silver wings…’
Lyrics from the song ‘He Wears A Pair of Silver Wings’ by Dinah Shore
Tag list:
@joyful-soul-collector @lost-lunar-wolf @lbigreyhound13 @aixabi @zanderljones @milstrim @anarinette @sfabsha @appleschloss @sdottkrames @katthebookiestnerd
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lex-n-weegie · 1 year
Ok ok SO over a year ago now I drew some kind of "concepts," and now I've redone them since we got an actual design for one of them!! Also also, since a bunch of stuff I've been doing is super far from canon, I've made it a separate little AU! I present to you all...
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The "Under New Management" AU!!
These are the designs of Glamrock Bonnie(now fixed) and a "Glamrock" Foxy, or as he's known as, Captain Foxy.
The TLDR for the AU is that Hazel brings back/fixes a couple of animatronics, adding 4(technically 5) new animatronics to the Pizzaplex! These are just two of em.
Also here's a random alt for Foxy to see his chest better lol
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Rambles about these two's roles and the old drawings underneath the cut!
Art Taglist [pm or send an ask off anon if you’d like to be added or removed from my taglist]: @amessageonthewind, @nerdstreak, @starlitships, @eggsywifey, @swapthewoz, @queenieboo22, @in-broken-mirrors, @little-miss-selfships, @little-bullheaded-shit
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Glamrock Bonnie
At the start of the Pizzaplex's life, it was just Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Roxanne(The company deemed Foxy as too "different" from the main three, so making Roxanne was their attempt to add a new four member). Soon after the success, they had started to experiment by making extra robots to occupy different areas and attractions, like the Daycare Attendant or DJMM. Montgomery was one of them, and he and Bonnie actually bonded quite well. Unfortunately, Bonnie was blind to the worse treatment non Glamrocks got, the workers usually viewing them as "experiments." It caused Monty to sometimes lash out, but he usually remained chill.
One day however, a horrible accident happened. Bonnie went to talk to Monty on the Gator Golf catwalks, but the Gator had another small outburst and in anger, pushed Bonnie away. The safety railing broke, and Bonnie fell and snapped off his legs and arms. Monty tried to fix him, even tried to get help, but at one point things suddenly went black, and the next thing he remembered was waking up in parts and service, apparently having had an "accident." A guard, Vanessa, said she found Monty in a broken state, and took him to be repaired. She claimed to have not seen Bonnie, and Monty was then used as a replacement, millions of theories spewing as a result.
Years later, when Hazel is turned into a attraction, she sees a new wall in Bonnie Bowl that wasn't there before, and low and behold she finds Bonnie's broken body. She slowly repairs him, but due to some blunt force head trauma he's lost some memories and skills, such as his bass playing. Since he's back and all fixed up, he's now reduced to a mascot for Bonnie Bowl, the company stating that he's now "retired from the band life."
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Captain Foxy
While Roxanne semi replaced the fox fiend, the company still had plans to include him in some way. Tying in with the old show, the plan was for Captain Foxy to be a seasonal animatronic. For a week or longer he'd "kidnap" the Glamrocks and claim to now own the Pizzaplex. As time went on however, they randomly decided he wasn't worth it and was scrapped in the middle of building.
Hazel later found his endo and the scrapped plans, so she did what she does best and built him, her programming and experience with Bonnie making the process go smoother and quicker this time around. With him up and running and the company not wanting to waste a perfectly good opportunity to test him out, he was set out to do what he was planned for: take over the Pizzaplex every once in awhile. Only the main four Glamrocks were captured, the other animatronics being spared for not being Glamrocks, or in Bonnie's case, no longer being one.
While his performance has him acting like his show counterpart, behind the scenes he was actually super kind, like an uncle. He doesn't hate the Glamrocks like his performance implies, he actually really likes them and is particularly close to the OG three: Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie. He's of course close to Hazel too, as she's the reason he's even there.
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
Based Off Of This Ask
And This One
A/N: So this was going to be the second theme/element to my New Years fic a couple weeks ago!! And I just wanted to write some filth tonight…it’s crazy hot and just filthy!! Anddd I’m adding this one to A Series of Firsts!! Enjoy🙃
4.3k wordsss
Harry wasn’t afraid to test the limits and explore when it came to pleasure. He wanted to learn about and explore the different parts of his pleasure so that he could really know what made him feel good and what would give him that euphoric high he craved when it came to his releases. He was always willing to try something in the bedroom (or in the car or bathroom or backyard...you and Harry went at it all over the place), even if it was just once. That is, anything that didn’t involve sharing; he was a bit selfish when it came to having you. Which speaking of you, Harry consider himself to be the luckiest man in the world. Not only were you the sweetest person he’d ever come across, you were also a minx that could to the smallest thing ever and get him riled up for days. You also had this innocence that captivated and drew him to you. 
Since Harry was a bit older and you were pretty inexperienced in the bedroom, Harry assumed the role of teacher and guided you through your own pleasure and helped you find the things you loved and didn’t love. And in teaching and making you feel amazing, Harry’s pleasure reached new levels. Despite the fact that you followed his lead, you were able to transcend all of his expectations and ideas when it came to you pleasuring him. You were able to give him the euphoric high he loved, and in turn, make him crave you and that high even more. He felt incredibly lucky to have such a pretty little girlfriend who worked wonders when it came to pleasuring him. 
Now in you and Harry’s time together, you guys’ sex life was nothing short of eclectic and beyond fun and exciting . After the first six months of just getting to know each other and growing closer, eventually breaking the ice when it came to intimacy, you and Harry charged on full speed ahead. Things got rougher, which you quite enjoyed, and things also got more interesting. But even with exploring and having a very active sex life, there were still things that were just waiting to be explored by you and Harry. And there were still so many more things for Harry to teach you. No matter how good you sucked his cock or rode him, Harry would always be your teacher. He’d always be the one guiding you through your own and his pleasure. 
With that being said, Harry decided to sit down with you and create a set of New Years resolutions or goals for the bedroom. While he wasn’t afraid to try things, you were still learning and felt the exact same way. You wanted to explore and feel good and pleasure Harry even more. So when Harry brought up the idea of creating a list of things to try out in the bedroom in the new year, you were completely on board. The both of you were able to come up with a list of things that you two wanted to try out together. And by the end of it all, there was a very healthy amount of things on the list for the two of you to cross off in the new year. The two of you were really excited to try out everything on your lists, so excited that the two of you couldn’t help but push the lists aside and go at it right then and there. 
And when the new year came around, you and Harry didn’t waste any time diving right into the list. To start off, the two of you ordered two of the toys that were on you guys’ list. There was so much excitement on you and Harry’s end and neither of you could wait until they arrived in the mail so that the two of you could jump  right into using them. But since there would be a little wait for the toys, the two of you moved on to trying one of the new positions on the list. And thanks to Harry, this week the two of you would be on to another one. After a long day of work, you and Harry loved winding down in and around each other. After dinner and good conversation, the two of you whisked yourselves away to the bedroom to take care of the final “step” of you guys’ mission to wind down. 
The two of you were quick to lock your lips and fully undress each other. You were ripping each other’s clothes off while keeping your lips moving, the both of you desperate to pleasure one another and feel good. Again, you and Harry were constantly craving that euphoric high that came along with pleasuring each other. And this time was no different. Once the two of you were completely undressed, you made it to the bed where you’d be spending the rest of your night together. You and Harry were so wrapped up in each other, completely engulfed in how amazing the pleasure felt. Harry completely ravished you, taking you in so many positions, and changing the speed of his hips pushing his cock into you. One minuet he was quickly slamming himself into you and the next he was giving you slow but incredibly deep thrusts. He managed to make your head spin in the most amazing way possible. 
The way he crammed himself into you over and over again as he groaned into your mouth, above, or behind you was beyond incredible. He even wrapped a hand around your throat, making you work for every breath you took was astonishing. And when he didn’t, you were letting out strings of moans and whines from the pleasure you were receiving. You were also clawing at the sheets when you couldn’t dig your nails into his biceps or back. While you were falling apart over how full he made you feel, how deep he was pushing himself into you, and how he was taking you, Harry was obsessed with how amazing your cunt felt against his throbbing cock. He said this in the beginning and he vowed to keep saying it for as long as he possibly could, Harry was certain that your pussy was made for him. As cliche as it may have sounded, he was confident that your walls were designed just for him. He never failed to be in awe at how you engulfed his cock and took every pounding that came your way. On top of that, your walls were always warm and spongey and just perfect for his cock. It didn’t matter if he was pushing a finger or two into you, his tongue, or his entire cock, you never failed to be absolutely amazing to Harry. And because of your ability to never fail him, Harry made sure to give it all to you. Anything you wanted, he gave and let you have. 
In this first round alone, he took you in three different positions. You two started off with you on top of him, riding him and essentially tiring yourself out on his cock. After feverishly moving yourself on top of him and riling him up even more at how desperate and cute you were bouncing your little cunt on his cock, Harry was quick to pretty much toss you off of him and flip you into the position he wanted you in which was on your front where he pinned you down by your hips and just pumped his cock into you. As he did this you could hear his skin slapping against yours and you could hear his grunts and moans as he continued on. Eventually, after a while of full on mounting you from behind, Harry decided to flip you onto your back so that as he continued to take you and just destroy the area between your legs he watched you fall apart. And he figured by the way you were whining about how tingly and warm your body was feeling that you were getting closer and closer to your first release of the night. And he too could feel himself getting closer to the tipping point of his first release of the night as well. He could feel his body becoming a bit shakier and a warmth spreading through him as well. As he pistoned himself into you, Harry Had his hands firmly wrapped around your calves, pushing your legs apart and up to continue on. When he didn’t have a sturdy grip on your throat, Harry was pushing your legs up to keep your entrance easily accessible to him. At one point, he had his arms wrapped around your legs, hugging them to his chest as he fucked into you. He’d even push up towards your chest a bit so that he could hear you whine a little louder.
Everything, whether it was Harry’s filthy words to you or your moans or Harry’s thrusts or your movements against him, all contributed to the mountain of pleasure that had formed and was ready to explode inside of you both. It had been growing and growing all the way up to this moment. After reaching the very edge, your legs were trembling and Harry had laid himself on top of you, mouthing at the sensitive area of your neck as your clawed at and dug the heels of your feet into his back. The two of you were dying to just let go and experience that tidal wave and euphoric high that came from letting go. And after holding it all the way down to the last second, the two of you finally let go. It was like a bubble of euphoria bursted and showered you two with the high that was craved. The two of you too drained in that moment to even move a muscle as you continued to enjoy the intense shocks and aftershocks of your releases. 
Now this is where the next part of you guys’ list of bedroom New Years resolutions came into play. After about fifteen minuets of laying there trying to gain back some feeling in your bodies, Harry’s mind began to wander over to that one position he’d been dying to try. To not over complicate it, Harry wanted to sit on your face. The same way you rode his face and brought your cunt to his mouth, Harry wanted to do the same thing and bring his cock up to your mouth. He loved having your mouth on him and he knew that you could really work your mouth on his cock, his balls, and his tight entrance. He couldn’t take his mind off of doing this with you. He loved it so much that his cock began to harden inside of you, causing you to begin to stir a bit below him. After a few more minuets, finally regaining most of his feeling, Harry pulls himself from on top of you and pulls your hips up so that your lower half would be resting in his lap so that you could keep his cock inside.
“Can I have your mouth this time daddy?” You mumble sweetly, feeling your clit beginning to buzz again. 
“Want daddy’s mouth on your pretty little peach baby?” He replies, resting a hand on your lower stomach where he’d pumped all of his cum beforehand. 
“Mhm, s’so good.” You moan happily.
“Actually, daddy had another idea sweet girl.” He begins, bringing his hands to your thighs to give the flesh in the area a good squeeze. 
“What is it?” You ask confusedly, opening your eyes to look up at him. 
“Well I was thinking that we could knock another one of those resolutions we made off our list.” He replies vaguely, digging his fingers into your sensitive thighs.
“Which one is it daddy?” You press on, wanting to know what you were going to do next. 
“It’s one of the new positions we wanted to try.” He proposes. “And don’t worry sweets, you don’t have to do any work.” He quickly adds in, knowing how tired your mind and body were right now. 
“That sounds like fun, what’s the position?” You ask. 
“I wanna sit on your face.” He replies bluntly, causing your eyes to widen.
“Really?” You ask softly, wanting to make sure you heard him correctly. 
“Mhm. Wanna do it?” He asks excitedly, hoping that you’d say yes. 
“I’d love to do it daddy.” You reply, mirroring his excitement. You loved when he fucked your face and when you were able to lick around and play with him down there so it was like the best of both worlds. You’d never tried it before but you were incredibly excited to. 
 As soon as you agree, Harry leans down to press a couple of quick and giddy kisses to your lips before slowly pulling himself back and out of your heavily cum stained walls. He then moves out from between your legs, inching up your body a bit before straddling your body and moving his way up to your face. As he does, you watch his cock twitch in excitement. Seeing this sent a shock right to your center, and made you want to just wrap your hand around him and take him into your mouth. So you did. When he was really close to your face, you wrapped your hand around his shaft and lifted your head a little to take the incredibly swollen head of his cock into your mouth and you began sucking on him, causing Harry to immediately stop in his tracks and enjoy this pleasure from you. Figuring that you’d essentially be a bit powerless once he’s fully on top you, you decided to take a little control in this moment and work a little bit of your magic. When it came to your mouth and and hands, you knew how to work him. You twisted your hand perfectly around his shaft and tightened it perfectly and tugged so well as you sucked on his head and pushed the tip of your tongue down against his slit. After giving him a good suck and tug, you let go of Harry’s cock, allowing him to move the rest of the way up. 
“I can tell someone’s excited.” He chuckles, gaining a little hum yes from you in response. Since you weren’t close to the headboard, Harry was able to really ride your face and have control over the entire situation. “You ready doll?” He asks once he’s positioned on top of your face, wanting to make sure you were ready for him.
“Yes daddy.” You reply sweetly, so ready to do this with him. 
“Good girl.” He breathes out as he spreads his thighs over your face and sinks down onto your open mouth. As he does this, he watches as you dart your tongue out and let his large cock glide against your tongue and down into your warm and wet mouth. “Fuck!” He groans, tightly gripping onto the sheets below him as he continues to cram himself into your mouth. He was so big that in no time you were gagging around him and reaching your arms up to claw at his hip a bit. “It’s okay baby, you can take it.” He moans, circling his hips around a bit to move his cock inside your mouth and throat. The familiar feeling of your throat contracting against his cock would never get old to Harry. He then lifts his cock up a bit so that you can breathe and he can start fucking your face. He begins to push himself back and forth into your mouth every once grinding down a bit further so that he should push into your throat a bit.
 As he fucks his cock down into you, you’re fully moaning and gagging around him, squeezing at his ass and balls as he stuffed and fucked your mouth. You could hear his moans and pants above you telling you how much of a good girl you are and how perfect your mouth is for him. You loved the way he was fucking down into you the same way he would if he was fucking you between your legs. Which speaking of between your legs, it was becoming harder and harder to hold Harry’s cum inside of you because of how turned on you were by him fucking your face. After thrusting into your mouth for a while longer and letting you slobber all over him for a bit, Harry sits back up from his hunched over position and pulls his cock from your mouth. As he empties your mouth, he can see the strings of your spit clinging to his cock and to your wet lips. 
“You did such a good job with m’cock that I just know you’re going to do even better with my ass.” He breathes down in your direction, tugging at his glistening shaft that was fully coated with your spit. “Right doll?”
“Yes daddy.” You smile up at him with watery eyes. You were beyond ready to suck on his balls and eat his ass until he came. Giving you a quick wink in response, Harry then moves himself up your face, keeping his eyes trained down to try and see where he was, making sure that his ass was right above your mouth. 
“Now I want you to spread daddy apart.” He instructs, waiting for you to follow this instruction before going any further. “Now I want you to eat my ass real good baby, I know you can do it.” He says when he feels you pulling his ass apart. And without saying anything more, Harry sinks down onto your mouth. 
You were all ready for him too. Not only did you spread him out nice and wide, you also stuck your tongue out so that once he sank down onto your mouth, you’d be able to start licking into him right away. And that’s exactly what you did. You wasted no time licking into him and moving your tongue around as Harry sank down onto your wet muscle. Your tongue was amazingly lapping up and down the expanse of his ass, at moments stopping to just to lick and prod at his puckered hole. As you continued licking into him, Harry was heavily breathing and moaning above you. There was no doubt in his mind that your tongue would be nothing short of amazing. But again, you transcended all expectation and made him feel even more incredible. So incredible that he began grinding down onto your tongue.  
“Such a good little slut, letting daddy use her face to make himself cum.” He pants, pushing himself back and forth against your tongue, pushing down a bit harder at times to feel your tongue glide against his puckered hole a bit harder. As he moves against you, Harry has a hand wrapped around his cock, tugging at his rock hard shaft and thumbing at his once again, throbbing head. Your tongue buried in his ass combined with the feeling of his hand tugging at his cock created a feeling that was indescribable. Harry was feeling so good that he began to bounce on your tongue. When you realized what he was doing, you pushed your tongue up and he began moving himself up and down on you, continuing to mess around with his cock. But eventually that stops. Ultimately, Harry lets go of his cock and brings his hands behind him so that he could grip onto your chest for leverage and just ride your face.
As he continues to alternate between bouncing and grinding on your tongue, Harry’s head is completely thrown back, heavy pants and groans and moans tumble out of his mouth, a veil of sweat begins to form on his chest that highlights all of his tattoos and muscles, and his cock just bounces and twitches in the air with his movements. It was a sight you desperately wished to see. You were absolutely going crazy below him. The way he was using your face to get himself off was undeniably and unbelievably hot. You couldn’t stop yourself from getting wetter and wetter. The area between your legs was a complete mess as of right now. It was a slick and sticky mixture of your growing arousal and Harry’s cum from round one. You were so turned on and tingly from all this that you couldn’t help but squirm a bit and whine against him. Riding your face unlocked and an almost primal instinct or feeling that was centered around his pleasure. All he cared about was getting himself off, not you getting turned on and needy. So when he heard you whining and feels your body moving around a bit, Harry stops his movements all together and pushes himself up your face a bit. In doing this, Harry is removing himself from your ass and practically smothering you with with his balls, stopping you from breathing through your mouth all together. 
“Make anymore noise and I won’t let you breathe until I cum. Got it?” He growls, tightly pressing his balls into your nose.
“Yes daddy!” You gasp, trying to catch your breath with the little bit of air you are being limited to.
“Good.” He pants, continuing to keep his balls pressed up against your nose. Even though your promised to be a good girl, Harry just enjoyed the feeling of your nose pressed right up against the middle of his sac while you heavily breathed below him and clenched your thighs and cunt as tight as possible. After holding his balls against you like this, he pulls back to let you breathe a bit before demanding you stick your tongue out for him to play with. He goes back to grinding back and forth, and bouncing on your tongue, falling right back into his incredibly pleasured trance. He though your tongue felt so fucking good buried in his ass. He was feeling so good that he could feel his second, and just as heavy release rumbling about in the pit of his stomach. 
Continuing on, Harry keeps moving himself against your mouth, desperately trying to push himself to his release. You could hear his moans become more strained and more like whines. So to be a good girl and help daddy cum, you begin to squeeze and rub at all the extremely sensitive points of Harry’s lower body. You rub and squeeze at his ass, you dig your gingers into the backs of his thighs, and you even push your hand up a bit more and you squeeze on his heavy balls.
 “This is the only thing your pretty little face is good for, letting me rub one out on it.” Harry groans as he nears his second release, really digging into your mouth and pushing his hole down onto your tongue. As he does this, Harry stares at his cock. His cock was all red, the head almost purple as he pushes himself to his release. “Want you t’slobber all over me now. Want my ass nice and wet.” He instructs you further. When you hear this and he stills on top of you and you go back to where you two started. You gather some of your spit onto his tongue and you just lap your wet tongue up and down his puckered hole. You even pull at his balls and push your head back a bit to quickly suck them into your mouth. 
And with that, Harry lets go for the second time of the night. But this time, he was completely out of control. His cock just started spurting his cum all over the place. He came on the pillows a bit before quickly lifting himself up so move and cum all over your face and in your mouth. As he moved though, Harry got a little cum in your hair and all over your face, continuing to cum. You could even feel his balls twitch a bit when he first started cumming. His poor slit was so sensitive and achey from how much hot cum was shooting from him. Once he was finally done letting go and emptying his balls, Harry had made a mess of some pillows, your hair, your face, and your mouth. His loud whines and groans and whimpers from his throbbing and incredibly euphoric second release. Harry then moves from on top of your face and begins to clean your cace up a bit.
“You were such a good girl for daddy. A perfect little fuck toy for my ass.” Harry hums proudly down at you, scooping up the drops of cum from your face and pushing them into his mouth. Once he’s cleaned you up a bit, he gives your cheeks a couple kisses before going back in between your legs and coaxes out another release from you. He manages to make you cum in less than ten minutes; that’s how riled up you were. All he did was circle his fingers around your clit and play with your nipples. That was all he did to make you go wild and cum again, making an even bigger mess between your legs and on the sheets. Now that the both of you had two releases a piece, Harry reaches over your completely dizzied out body to toss the cum stained pillows onto the floor before turning out the lights and getting you two under the covers and ready for bed. You two were nice and warm and his cock was nice and snug inside of you. And in no time the two of you were fast asleep.
If tonight was any type of foreshadowing to the year ahead, you and Harry were pretty confident that it was going to be absolutely amazing. 
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