horizon-verizon · 23 days
"That and Jace came from TWO Valyrian lineages (officially) and if Harwin was is father, he has little-to-no Northern "blood"." Exactly! House Strong does have roots in the First Men, but they've mixed with several other houses over the generations, so at best, they’re distant cousins to the Starks. Still, people keep insisting about the Strongs being the "Wolves of the Riverlands," as if that somehow makes Jace and Cregan proper close kin. That likely comes from Jace reminding Cregan of his younger brother and people pushing the idea that Jon is the only other Targaryen ever mistaken for a Stark 🙄. I see some fans latch to Mushroom’s tale, where Jace supposedly falls for a “wolf girl” and leaves dragon eggs at Winterfell, insisting that adding Sara Snow to the show would have made Jace’s character less “boring.” I'm still confused about this take because she was only mentioned twice in the book. Feels more like trying to force an “Ice and Fire” parallel here. It’s a recent thing, probably because Jon Snow fans weren’t exactly thrilled with Daemon’s vision implying Jon might not be the prince that was promised. It’s like they’re clutching at any connection they can find—Jace is a “bastard,” Jon is a “bastard,” "Sara Snow is a bastard"—so suddenly, Jace and Sara Snow become the new Rhaegar and Lyanna. Valyrian and First Men, an oath sealed in blood. So...yeah
Anon's quoting what I said in this post.
They see Jacela and Jace himself as "boring" bc they are pretty close to a "perfect" couple and people as you can get in this world, and some feel they and what I said comes mainly from the class privilege that allows them to be so. Jace having an affair with some random Snow-Stark girl feels very age-appropriate, "real love" Rhaegar-Lyanna to some as you mentioned, too, as a fantasy-of-appeal, esp when Baela is part of the "mad" Targs and is thus "tainted". Finally, for most, as Baela's black in the show and Black girls can't have nice things, Jace should be with a white bastard everyday-next-door neighbor girl (for all our self inserting queens, esp bc apparently it's impossible for white people to self insert or relate and feel "kin" with black characters the way PoC and Black readers/watchers have always been able to with white characters).
Dragons don't like the cold and they don't go underground for shelter. As George said in his blogpost abt dragons, they like high places and not to travel very far from their territories, hence the volcanoes of Old Valyria and on Dragonstone. It seems unlikely to me that there are damn dragon eggs at Winterfell, no not even with the hot springs warmed by probable magma there.
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folktaylor · 4 months
listen im not ngl i’m feeling some type of way about conservative white straight republicans claiming caitlin clark and using IN GAME actions by other wnba players as an excuse to be racist pieces of shit. the connotation of that is going to create a huge issue where eventually, if you vocally defend CC or disagree with a call on the court, it’s going to be assumed you’re a conservative POS. on the flip side, acting like CC is heavens gift to women’s basketball will only fuel other players resentment and rightly so, because they’ve broken their backs and risked their safety to play in other counties because the W historically has been unable to pay them and a white girl being touted as the savior of women’s basketball is gross and dismissive on an entirely different level. while there’s undeniable truth that CC has made an entirely new audience tune in, i think it’s worth examining why that is. black women with incredible skill and talent have been playing in this league for years. why wasn’t that enough to get more of white america to tune in? i understand the players who are in their feels about this because once again, america PROVES that black women excelling and being top athletes is not enough. white america needs to see themselves. it’s a slippery slope - right now, the loudest folks defending CC esp on twitter are trumpers who will look for any reason to insult and bring down black women. claiming they’re all being racist to white people, comparing the black players to animals, and just using the most disgusting rhetoric. if this continues, CC is going to end up alienated because she’s going to be associated with conservative trumpers, which is to her major detriment considering how many OG fans of the league are POC, queer, or both. players won’t want to play with her. it’s enough as it is that the media is so focused on her. let these players play the game they’re all so very good at and let their play speak for itself. if the media used CC’s popularity to showcase talented black players, even just a little, the game would grow even more AND it just might help how she’s being treated.
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seeingivy · 8 months
Do you draw inspiration from.your own life (events, emotions...) to write ?
I think this is something I do specifically for my longer form fics...the one shot tend to be more of the sporadic, cute scenarios I imagine while I go to sleep. but longer form fics are where I really start digging into my own life and putting my own thoughts/feelings into it
a few examples:
roommate eren: actually doesn't really apply, because that was so early into my writing.
method acting eren: (gets bullet points)
eren as a character and y/n as characters I feel have parts of myself that I often feel like are at war with in my own head lol (which is why they have conflict!!)
y/n gets swayed by people around her so quickly and cares about what people think - a little too much. eren is also just deeply self destructive at times and so in his own head that he can't see what's in front of him at all. those two things combined are not a pretty combo, which is why x y and z happens in method acting.
historia's whole being jealous of y/n arc is based of me in real life!!! struggle with real life comparisons so hard and it can be something that is so obsessive for me. when the song lacy came out, it was the first time I really felt seen in the way that wanting to be like someone else so bad can be so all consuming that I wanted to kind of include that in the fic, esp how it pertains to female friendships (will say, all the reception I got about that character and that friendship soothed a lot of rough spots in my heart about that so I appreciate you all)
lana's struggles with love - particulary the part that she has bad relationships of love modeled to her, hence why she originally puts up with ricky in the first place is also based on me (guys this fic is so self indulgent please leave me alone ok) and I haven't reached the whole self actualized love part but i'll get there! (thank you for all the love on the lana character I could cry if I thought about it)
also a bit more deep, but a lot of criticism that I got about the fic (esp after the whole reveal of why eren did what he did) was like "oh he could have just told her" "I don't get why he didn't" was kind of meant to be a more subtle thing of how when you love someone who is struggling with mental illness/bad environments (which at that point he was in a kind of abusive relationship with his producer so), it's often that the way that they cope or react as a byproduct is sometimes something that doesn't make sense/isn't logical - and is no way that something to put up with (which is literally why she doesn't), but it's also why eren is more logical and rational when he gets help. you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped (which at that point he didn't want to) and they need to put their own work in (which eren obv does after everything that happens)
^^ (this is based on relationships that i've had in my own life but also feeling put in that position of doing things that weren't rational and didn't make sense that hurt people and later realizing when I put the work in what a lot of that actually was and trying to have grace with it)
kind of random, but I always imagine method acting sasha as poc. I didn't want to say it explicit so people didn't start beefing with me about x y and z, but that's why she doesn't get the same treatment as y/n or mikasa. (not saying that y/n is white or fits beauty standards, but she's a self insert so I can't exactly assign her a race so the same point can't be made). but for the sasha character, it's kind of those feelings that poc/darker skinned girls get of not being the person anyone is interested in, the girl who is always funny and never pretty, super motherly but never the girl anyone has a crush on. anyways. (sincerely the token mom friend in highschool!!!)
best friends older brother sukuna:
so like. ive never talked to my best friends older brother. he is thirty. and he's also married to a sweetie pie.
a big part of that fic is obviously intimacy - but more the fact that there's a lot of depth to intimacy beyond sex - especially for people who have bad first experiences and how they kind of have to grapple with that afterwards (I will not elaborate on how I relate to this. connect dots.)
AND ALSO. sibling relationships is a big part of that fic. I have two older siblings (and the fic also has two older siblings). the relationships that I have with both of them are so dynamically different - in terms of good sibling/bad sibling (if that's even a thing, which the point is kind of that it's more complicated than that) and also younger/older dynamics
^^I won't elaborate more on that but just know in that fic that i've had my fair share of sammy and my fair share of sukuna - but also had my moments where i'm immature and not fair like y/n and yuuji. so.
thanks for this ask it was so fun!!! so sorry I yapped....and overshared.....
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theloveinc · 2 years
YALL PLEASE IK WE LOVE DILF DEKU BUT WHAT IF YOU TWO ARE DILFS AND MILFS. Like YALL met in the 90s when he was JUST hitting his peak of being #1 and ALL THE HOT 90s/2k PHOTOS OF HIM AND HIS GF TOGETHER (Who is now his wife) LIKE JUST TWO PEOPLE YOUNG AND IN LOVE. Him holding her hand and laughing as they are trying to quickly get away from the paparazzi and he has his arm out and trying to wiggle through fans and having the other around her waist. He’s always wearing every day clothes in all of them cause he was young probably early 20s and didn’t really see the reason of dressing up! OH and if his wife is a poc she has those hot make up looks black girls did back then! OH I loVE IT! There’s definitely pics of the two of them like him sitting on the floor while watching a early 2000s music video from America while she is sitting behind him on the couch practicing corn rolls on his BIG HEAD OHHH YALL. AND IF THEY HAVE LITTLE MIX KIDS OMFG LET ME STOP
normally i'd stick two asks together but i'm gonna answer you in separate parts bc i wanna respond to all of your thoughts, if that's alright!
but this reminds me a little of my childhood lover post (here!)... and how deku is always so sweet to you in public, so confident with your love that he's not afraid of showing it off .... and esp how well you've both aged, still both beautiful as the day you met.
i'm sure this is what you were going for with your imagery (which def brings this imagery to life) , but this also makes me think of the tik tok trends of people sharing pics of their parents from the 90s, or getting their photos done at vintage studios. the funny but sweet poses of people standing together in y2k clothes in front of colorful backgrounds. OR even prom pictures, with the silly background drapes hehehe.
also imagining having some 90s love song being your + deku's SONG. like the song you always dance together to in the kitchen, that your kids make faces at🥺
and they're definitely cute, just like u say! either dressed up in all the cute little tracksuits you can find or in daddy's nice hero merch and similar big, chunky sneakers. or maybe u even buy them jelly sandals to match the color beads and clips in their hair... so nostalgic :(
this is such a deku vibe!!
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m0tel6mxzzy · 2 years
idk how to explain but i swear there is nothing “youthful” and thus inherently attractive abt being a girl who is suffering mental illness.
i feel like being 19, you’re hit with the realization you are finally adult and are either forced to manage your internal battles w mental illness and what you can control in terms of how you treat yourself and others vs creating spaces where you can harm yourself and others and perpetuate the idea that cassie feeling so alone and isolated in her disorder was something attractive.
i look at myself from ages 12-17 and i do not miss her for her sickness. i miss her because i am now trying to build a better life for her, who is now myself. i do not miss her for the fact that she was struggling silently with zero resources to assist her mental issues attractive or desireable. i find it sad that i was too young to understand i was deserving of help and that if you have to ask yourself if something is bad enough, it usually is.
you can put on a confident online façade, but it is very obvious when ur a pro ed/sh account hidden under a pretty aesthetic that occasionally cross tags, you are hurting. no one thinks you’re effy stonem and cool and calm and collected. people think you need help but have little resources, but that it is no excuse to encourage any sort of toxicity toward others esp to online communities that have nothing to do w that.
i bring up age bc usually when it comes to characters glamorized for dealing with mental illness manifesting itself in maladaptive behaviors, it’s often young women, usually white and between their late teens to early 20s being glamorized rather than older people or poc.
speaking as a black girl, we often do not get the luxury of glamorizing our illnesses as in older black generations, their mental health was largely ignored in favor of resiliency during civil rights and many of them internalized that and passed that emotional suppression onto their children.
i felt that firsthand which is why it took so long for my family to even grapple with the fact i struggled mentally. it just wasn’t talked about unless in “extreme” circumstances where it could no longer be ignored.
tldr: literally nothing cute or romantic abt “being” cassie howard and daisy randone but devoid of the personalities they had. these were very sensitive, traumatized girls and cassie was able to rise above and recover while daisy sadly did not have a strong enough support system.
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diorncoke · 1 year
welcome to my blog!!!
ੈ✩‧₊˚ about me, I am .. :)
seven ( yes that’s my legal name :)
afro-latina 🇵🇷
bisexual ( & she|her )
twenty 🫶🏽
an age regressor ( 1-4 )!
*:・゚✧*:・゚misc ..
i LOVE LOVE halloween or anything horror.
⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ╰┈➤ I do enjoy stupid shit and hyper-feminine things., and speak in that manner, so don’t be mean. please leave if you don’t enjoy or like that :)!
my posts will definitely be anything, if not all, about pedro pascal esp, joel miller ˘ ³˘
this blog is a safe place for girls, gays and theys! ( lgbtqia+ friendly esp., for poc )
⋆。 ゚☁︎ ゚。⋆ ╰┈➤ please keep this blog safe for work for all the little ones who will eventually discover my blog. thank you ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ * cussing is allowed * *+:。.。
。 * 。ʚɞ°。 fandoms I write/dabble for! ( agere incl! )
the last of us 🧟
night agent 🕵🏻‍♂️
true blood ☠︎︎
stranger things 🔦
outerbanks 𓇼
slashers ( xcpt., freddy krueger )
avatar 𓆛
criminal minds 📑
vampire diaries 🧛🏼
twilight ✨
the goo goo dolls 🎧
jennifer’s body
spiderman 🕸️
teen wolf
victorious 🎶
call of duty; war zone 2.0 🔫
euphoria 💸
╰┈➤( also incl. side characters! )
REQUESTS ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
🍂 please, if you are going to request, make sure you have some format.
。 * 。ʚɞ°。 that has to/can include:
sending in a song you would like the dabble to be centred around.
I am a strictly sfw account. any requests must be sfw, fluff, angst, etc. I will not be writing anything smut related.
a sentence or a paragraph must be provided in order for me to understand what you want.
please make sure you are referring to the characters I provided at the top.
okay that’s it, hehe! let’s be friends. 👴🏾
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irisewinnow · 3 months
i saw that u had read babel by r.f kuang and do u recommend it?? cause ive been thinking of reading it and i just want to know ur opinion on it!!
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ cynthia reviews: babel by rf kuang !
hi anon!! thank u sm for sending this first of all im honoured that you trust my opinion of it 😭 first of all, i'd like to preface this review with three things: 1) i read this early in the year (started late dec 2023 finished early jan 2024) so my memory of it is hazy 😣 2) i am a woman of colour so i do understand the struggles kuang is tackling in her book 3) i know i rated it 5 stars originally but after you sent this ask i thought about it a little more and may change that because of the reasons i'm about to discuss below!
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ok so i would like to start with the good things about this book since i rated it five stars originally for a reason
first of all, this is SUCH a fun book to read in the winter months!! the vibes are immaculate when reading during colder weather and i think thats def part of the reason why i rated it so high (i fear i'm a huge vibe reader and this results in me changing my star rating of books MONTHS after ive read them LMAO)
i really liked the footnotes kuang included to tell us extra info about the latin/other languages thats used and things about the time and anything basically that the modern reader may not understand 😣 a lot of people disliked these for some reason but idk i personally really enjoyed reading them LOL (i have to admit some of the footnotes were pretty unnecessary common sense type things but idk it didnt bother me v much!! other people did say it sounded pretty condescending tho)
despite being a super long and heavy book, it was a pretty easy read!! as in i could get through a lot of it in one sitting :) its def the kind of book i'd pick up when i'm in a slump just because its pretty quick to get through
at surface level, kuang does portray the struggles of both women and people of colour pretty accurately!! (makes sense considering she's a woc too)
the last couple chapters were PHENOMENAL!!! def the highlight of the book
now for my criticisms
it's pretty hard to get into i cant lie 😣 it took me a little bit to understand what was going on in terms of the fantasy bit of the world 😭 this is something that bothers me a lot when it happens esp when a book is good later on cz then i have to keep telling ppl "just get thru this first bit!!" however no one does this worse than leigh bardugo with the shadow and bone trilogy omfg the grisha lore is a NIGHTMARE to understand i'll never forgive her for it
kuang's characters lowk don't have personalities 😣 i feel like she has characters in this book just for the sake of getting her point across about the struggles of women and people of colour, but part of showing us these struggles is humanising them and treating them like actual people instead of just spokespeople for the issues you wanna tackle!! as im thinking right now, i gen cannot remember what they were like as people all i can remember is that the three poc struggled and the white girl was a racist. they feel very 1d and i think this makes it hard for readers, esp those who are more privileged in society, to fully understand the struggles less privileged people face!!
she (kuang) desperately needs to show and not tell 😭 so much of the book was just her directly telling us things instead of showing them to us through the events that happen!! also she just kept repeating a lot of the same things 🙁 like i get your point i promise! a lot of ppl on goodreads have said that the political and social debates read like a twitter debate and lowk i agree 😣 at times i tended to forget we were in the 1800s because the chars would act pretty 21st century LOL
the fantasy bit of this book is super weak 😭 her idea w it was super cool but idk i feel like it didn't add much and it was super hard to understand in the beginning 🙁 i think this would've been better if it were just marketed as a historical fiction or wtv since the history bit she does well!! but it didn't feel very fantasy it just felt like our world w a bit of magic sprinkled in it and i tended to forget they had the whole magic bit as well
the middle bit was very hard to get thru tbh i dont remember much of it but it was just super repetitive and monotonous LOL genuinely all i remember of this book was the beginning cz i was super focus n trying to grasp the world and then the end because it was really good i cant remember what happens in between AT ALL except for one major plot point
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okay so i think i’m def gonna take it down a couple stars LMAOOO SORRY ANON 😭😭😭😭 i tend to rate books really high in the moment and then when i think about it more i realise they weren’t acc that good 😣 idk to me it wasn’t awful but the cons are pretty prominent and not like minor pet peeves LOL idk if i’d recommend it … i think if you want a dark academia type book to read i’d go w the secret history by donna tartt! (however please search up trigger warnings)
ALSO id highly recommend you read reviews from goodreads because i’m so so bad at wording my thoughts and feelings it lit took me an hour to answer this ask just because i didn’t know how to explain it all 😭
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
The list just shows hiw colorist holywood is tbh Zs the only WOC and shes half white and light skinned. Obviously love her and she def deserves to b on the list, bt i wuld def love to see some black (and esp dark skinned) men/women. Ayos apart of a hit show and def shined in Bottoms bt i really hope to see her leading a lot of movies (ik shes going to b in a Luca film so good for her!). I want to see more maintstream movies including Ashton sanders, kiki layne, jharrell jerome, etc.
Obviously shes nt black bt simome ashley is so gorgeous, i want to see her everywhere
Z def deserves to be on this list, and she's bankable, and has a HUGE following. I'm not even shocked that directors and studios have her on their list of actresses that they want to call up for a role. 😏
I def feel like Ayo is certainly going places. And I think it's important for black little girls to have a "quirky black girl" that they can look up to and realize that it's OKAY to have a different personality than what is typically assigned to us as "black women".
But I agree, it's kinda sad that Z is the only poc on this list, and she's biracial at that.
Colorism DEFINITELY plays a huge part in Hollywood.
When you realize that casting directors are made primarily of white women, then everything starts making sense. 👀
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elix8r · 5 months
Any time I see someone talk about being in a sorority I have a moment of realization that those still exist and I just went to a shitty school. Like my college banned sororities and fraternities since a fraternity had a giant rager off campus and a group of freshmen went, got wasted and were doing various drugs, got back in their car to drive back to campus, and drove off a bridge.
Like my college didn't have any of the 'top' sororities or fraternities, they were all just small college based ones, that honestly were just a few years old, not associated with the National Panhellenic Conference or anything like that. Like I didn't join them or anything, but I had friends that did at my college and friends that joined at unis that had ones that were NPC associated, the whole they want skinny pretty girls, is true for some, but honestly not most. Like my college had 4 local sororities and 4 local fraternities, only 1 of the 4 was the whole cliche pretty size zero blonde girls with bad tans, the other 3 were extremely diverse, in both race and body size. I feel like so many people view media regarding sororities and get this idea that that is what Greek life is like, which for some it is, but most sororities I know would rather take someone with good grades than someone that meets the beauty standard. Even my friends that went to colleges with big Greek lifes, like one of my friends went to the university in our state with the biggest Greek life, like this is a big college they are joining the SEC this year. Like my uni had 8 in total, her uni had 55 different Greek organizations, 11 of which are sororities, and she only had bad experiences with 2 of the 11, one of which later went on to get a violation for hazing and almost got kicked off campus. But like I didn't even join a sorority but from all my friends that did, I know the first thing most look at is GPA, a lot of the sororities I know don't accept anyone under a 3.0, then they look at things like your extracurriculars, how many community service activities you do, then does your personality mesh with the other members, will you be sticking out in a bad way, and how you will look in regards to their public image, like they don't want someone that is going to make them look bad. And another big thing people need to remember, legacies, like at least here, most of the time if you are a legacy, like I'd say 75% of the time, you get a bid unless there is some glaring issue that will not allow you to fit in with everyone else, like having a horrible GPA or felonies or something. To reduce everything they look for in a person to 'are you pretty and skinny and white' is extremely derogatory, to the people that do get in based on their merit, and the equivalent of calling those who aren't that diversity hires so they don't look racist.
Also these people saying idols would want to fuck you are weird as fuck, like is that supposed to be a compliment, are they saying you are so pretty it would make them want to pull that NDA out or something. Yet, I will say on the topic of sororities and frats, I genuinely believe if Jake didn't become an idol, he would have went to uni and definitely been a frat boy, like that man right there would have been the frat president.
you literally perfectly described everything with how recruitment works!! like yes i def agree esp cause i go to a pwi in the south where greek life is huge that a majority of my sisters are white but it's never really intentional because you guys have to realize that the ratio of poc rushing to white girls in colleges like this are so little that even if we hand out bids to all the pnm who aren't white, it'll still look incomparable to how many white people got bids therefore the narrative of sororities only going after pretty skinny white girls continues and while looks can play a part just like you said there are SOOO many other things. you literally got it to the tea esp with the whole reputation part like we will look at all pnms and make sure that we are not inviting someone who will be a liability into our house so many girls do get cut for having shady pasts or other issues and my sorority once we get to like round 2 or 3 do huge cuts due to gpa and most times we want people with 3.3+ and most times not having that that will be enough to fully get you off our list no matter how much we liked you because at the end of the day we want sisters who are dedicated and care about their grades and future. legacies aren't really held up too high now for my school but instead we usually find more weight in if people who are current sisters know you because that'll give us more of an understanding of who you are and if you'll mesh with us well but all in all there are so many factors and to say people got in only due to looks is demeaning esp when schools like mine have like 20 different npc sororities not to mention so many non Panhellenic ones so like that's not realistic at all and diminishing all the other hard work put in. i think you eloquently explained this especially as someone who wasn't involved in greek life and I'm glad to hear that your friends have had good experiences!
and lmao yeah i guess it's a compliment? i mean I'll take it 🤪 but it's still kinda weird lol and yeah jake def gives frat boy energy like i can so easily picture him on my campus so i def understand where they're coming from honestly all of enhypen are such good frat boy candidates and i think it's highkey why i don't struggle writing them in my frat universe
but thank you for this huge message and giving your insight as i hope it'll help people understand how the whole recruitment process works better and hope you have a great day!
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ad0rechuu · 10 months
hi hi! I’m your secret elf for the event and I’d like to know if you have any more additional preferences. like things that definitely need to be included or the setting you would like for your story. for example, are your characters in uni or working? if they’re working, what type of job do you imagine yourself doing? or do you prefer fantasy aus? and so on, just give whatever information you find important for the story! you could tell me a little more about the things you usually enjoy reading or even your hobbies just so I can make the main character a little bit more like you so that it feels personal to you. have a great day/night! <3
hello! this unexpected, now i can’t wait to find out! i like most settings so just do whatever aligns with your ideas but personally if there would be any job id like to it would be either in music (like an idol or in a band)/something with visual art like painting or drawing or anything creative/teacher as long as im not teaching math lmao. i do like fantasy aus esp things about sirens or gods (anything with the water element is my shit), i often search for that but i tend to write more modern stories, when it comes to reading anything is fine. i’m a girls girl first and foremost so i wouldn’t like to read anything that pits yn against another girl and i don’t like the idea of marriage but i do like the idea of having kids (esp a daughter). i also really hate reading things writing in first person because that makes understanding english even harder for me personally! my personal style is pretty alternative but flexible, i like things from goth to gyaru styles. oh and lastly i always write with a dark skinned poc in mind.
this might be confusing to read and i apologize for that but i hope it’s helpful. i’m fine with whatever u write so please don’t worry 😽
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theunstoppablekit · 2 years
all my homies hate marvel film bros hating on ms marvel
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4kadhd · 3 years
This old white dude asked if my coworker was from around here since she asked if he was gonna barbeque instead of "cooking out"
Sir shes from the same place u r ur just white jsbfbbvnfnc
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zhuhongs · 4 years
Sometimes I get very concerned when ppl (including myself, I'm always trying to keep myself in check) will just call any and all East Asian people they see on social media "gender" bc sometimes like.. it gets borderline close to using a culture as an aesthetic. Like not any of my mutuals but I'll be online in general and just be like... Hmmm why do some ppl see any random kpop boy or Asian model and think "gender envy" like... Is it rlly gender envy or do u just see East Asian ppl as like an aesthetic. This isn't to say that u can't see a kpop idol or a c drama actor or anything like that as being gnc af as the kids put it. Like I say the same stuff too but!! Sometimes ppl (again mostly young white kids) are getting dangerously close to using a group of ppl as an aesthetic and just dressing it up in progressive and trendy terms.
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riphimopen · 3 years
non-white mikeal is so fucking based your mind is so insanely large...........do u have any other poc hcs tell me now
lmaooooooo <33333 idk idk girl...... i just think everybody deserves to b mixed/nonwhite i think theres an integral part of "othering" inherent to slashers that is so easy to grab with my mixed little hands lol (esp in mikaels case just bc of the stark contrast of him vs. picket fence suburbia). i think carrie as a mixed kid could play into how her white mom treats her, harry warden is definitely mixed desi just bc i like him lol.... idk itd be easier to specify whos definitely White lmao
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howelljenkins · 3 years
2, 17, 28
2. what would you name your future kids? idk if i‘d want kids 🤒 but i’d probably name them after family members <3 we have a lot of distinct + beautiful + meaningful names esp for girls
17. opinion on insecurities. i can appreciate them as vehicles for both self and societal reflection. kind of sick seeing kids on social media comment “ugh new insecurity 🙄” on posts of ppl they find attractive though
28. i’ll love you if… we can talk about anything and bounce off each other but also can have comfortable silences. if ur straightforward and reasonable and have common sense. poor poc get bonus points. also ppl who notice little things abt me and comment on them..<3
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tenderforgs · 2 years
something in me curls up and dies a little when someone uses your best american girl and strawberry blonde for something which is completely unrelated to the poc experience, like obv u can interpret things the way you want but these two songs are just so obviously meant for poc, esp woc so like [rattles cage]
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