#Either they’re extremely selfish
glitterfairy-21225 · 2 months
Honestly, I like that we’re only now seeing Demetri feed into anger and make decisions he’ll probably regret later. Now, after Hawk has already had his redemption arc and rejected Cobra Kai’s ideology. I don’t think any sane viewer would have blamed him for going a little dark after Hawk broke his arm, but he didn’t. In fact, Demetri forgave Hawk extremely easily. He’s better than me, I don’t think most people would be willing to look past that so quickly.
So why now? Why does MIT hurt more than all the far worse stuff Eli did when he was in Cobra Kai?
Demetri has been learning Miyagi Do since s2. Before that, he disliked Cobra Kai’s way of doing things and only really clicked with karate when he was taught balance and self defense. Demetri is probably behind Sam and Anthony as the teen character with the least amount of experience in Cobra Kai.
But there’s a reason all the adult characters keep talking about balance. It can’t just be either all rage or all forgiveness. I can imagine Demetri harboring some pent up resentment over Hawk’s actions, buried so deep he doesn’t even realize it’s there until they have another fight.
And this time, it’s not Kreese’s brainwashing. It’s not that his best friend was angry about their lots in life and lashed out to extreme extents. There’s not a greater bad guy to point at behind Hawk, there’s not even really a bad guy. They’ve just been through a lot and they’re different people than they were when they first picked a college. Eli is telling him, “You’re my best friend but we’re never going back to how we used to be. We cannot go back and I’m not sure I want the same future as you.”
And this is after Demetri gets his best friend back. Apart from everything with Silver and Kreese, his life is going relatively uphill; Eli is good again, they have plenty of other friends, he’s dating Yasmine, and he’s learnt karate. Other than his friends’ success, he really isn’t looking for more than to preserve what he’s already gained. Losing MIT with Eli is a curveball he didn’t expect, just another thing he’s supposed to accept and move on from, and it happens when Demetri thinks he’s found security.
And then there Demetri’s motivation for wanting to compete in the Sekai Taikai. It’s not ambition. Demetri already got what he wanted out of Miyagi Do, he knows how to defend himself. In past seasons, he stayed because there was safety in numbers and of course he was against Cobra Kai. But now that Kreese is out of the valley, Demetri is still with the dojo because all his friends are there and he has developed a genuine enjoyment of martial arts. He doesn’t really want more. He says multiple times that he’s okay if where he’s at is the farthest he’ll go in terms of karate.
Demetri is comfortable being a side character. He doesn’t think he’ll ever outdo the core four or Hawk so he doesn’t see a point in trying. He wants to ride out the rest of his senior year with the dojo and then go to MIT, where he’ll do what he’s always been good at, where he might actually excel.
And Yasmine calls him out on this. They bonded when they were both at their lowest and she dated him while Demetri was helping the fight against Cobra Kai. She does not want him to throw in the towel too early and grow stagnant.
So, at first, Demetri really trains and tries his best to get picked for the Sekai Taikai to please her. But then Hawk tells him he’s unsure about MIT, and, “You chose my path?!” There was such genuine hurt in his voice, but Demetri could never hurt Hawk as much as Hawk hurt him. And Barnes said you have to be ruthless to get into the Sekai Taikai, yet Hawk showed him mercy, which Demetri exploits.
Demetri is clearly unsure of his actions when he takes the flag and runs. He seriously considers helping his best friend up. But when Eli decided to be selfish, he did so much damage, so why can’t Demetri be selfish this one time? Why can’t he lash out and take the victory he wants at the other’s expense? It’s not like he does anything worse than what Hawk’s done to him?
Sometimes you just need to hash it out and make up. It’s why Sam and Tory couldn’t spar properly after becoming friends; they realized they liked each other so they didn’t address their baggage. But because they didn’t, they felt at risk of falling into bad habits whenever the past finally did catch up to them. But they talked it out, they apologized for the things they regret, they brought up lingering resentments. Demetri wanted his best friend back so he forgave too easily, and now that they’re fighting again, so much past hurt is being brought to the surface.
Now that Cobra Kai is out of the valley, Demetri has started falling back to old habits. It’s been noted that he does most of the talking on Eli’s behalf in the early episodes of s6, his resignation about the Sekai Taikai reminds me a lot about his apathy towards high school in s1, and he assumes they’ll still go through with the college plans they made before their falling out. I do think Demetri genuinely wanted to be a part of the tournament but resigned himself after the team number was announced. When Hawk came clean about applying to MIT, Demetri finally decided to take more.
The show is about balance, it’s about finding a middle ground between defense and offense, Daniel and Johnny. I don’t think Demetri is gonna have a full blown villain arc or join Kreese or anything overly dramatic (we’re already getting that with Tory). He’s been loyal to Miyagi Do for too long. But that’s kind of the issue, he never fully let himself get angry at Hawk, and this is the result. Like Johnny said about Tory, if it takes a fight to process all your emotions, then fight, because holding it in will only make everything uglier.
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rosesnbooks · 26 days
Virgo placements
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Sun-kind people who often watch out for their manners and are very thoughtful. they try to live their life peacefully and because they tend to overthink much, they try to create a creative environment where they can relax and explore their minds and different things. they like to be in control and they dislike people who boss them around and don’t care about being respectful. they aren’t as easy to read as people may think because they keep a lot to themselves and only open up when they think it’s safe. even then, there are some mysteries that are locked in their hearts. this placement is tricky because i’ve learned it’s better not to generalize; for example, not all of them are hard-working and detailed. i think it depends on what is important to them and if that’s school they’ll study a lot. if it’s more hobbies-related, they’ll spend most of their time on these. therefore, it depends on their values. a lot of them feel overwhelmed with their mind and the world, so they need lots of peace and alone time. they appreciate people who know how to discuss various topics and those who are funny. they might have been a bit naive as kids because they thought people were as honest and respectful as them, and then they learned the truth the hard way. despite being harsh on others sometimes, they want people who are reasonable and kind because deep down they want to be taken care of (since they try most of their time to make sure everyone else is happy and safe). they are creative, curious, practical but there is a fun side to them as well. put them in any situation and even if they experience lots of stress sometimes, they manage to finish everything in time (and well). there is a balance that allows them to focus on the more practical talents and those that are more philosophical and emotional. they have it all. they can get stuck in their own ways, so keeping an open mind and exploring different things and meeting new people could help them grow a lot. needless to say, they can worry a lot so finding ways to talk about it and process it is necessary (*coughs* therapy and writing *coughs*) lastly, some of them might have had periods in their life when they were seen as selfish because they only took care of their needs
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Moon-these people are extremely curious about everything. once they are focused on something, they won’t stop for hours and hours until they have finished. they tend to procrastinate sometimes, but they are thorough with their work. they can be really kind because they are often calm and sensitive, and they pay attention to you and remember things you say. however, if they’re feeling too stressed, they kind of drift away and their emotions get the best of them. they can worry a lot and they put a lot of pressure on themselves to fulfill their own expectations. they overthink a lot and they analyze everything to the last detail! they care about people and they want to be helpful to the ones they love. whenever you contact them for help, they’ll do everything in their power to help you. they are very careful about everything they do, so taking risks does not come lightly to them, but they do it anyway. they can be so sweet and those they love feel seen and cared for around them. their moms can be strict, organized, and detailed so they expect their child to behave this way which may cause pressure. they tend to be introverted because they analyze a lot and need alone time to process things and relax. their hobbies mean a lot to them. anxiety can be an issue for them (sending hugs). even if they get annoyed with you because of some small issues, you won’t be able to tell easily. you’ll know it if you truly cross a line.
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Rising/ascendant-they often look kind, attentive, down-to-earth, and smart, possibly even calm most of the time. they can smile a lot and they like to look presentable. their style is either really colorful and bold or more minimalistic and put-together. depends on the other elements in their chart. for example, if they have fire placements, their outfits attract more attention. they either look really soft or a bit edgier and scarier to approach. nevertheless, if you’re respectful toward them, expect a lovely response from them. they like talking to people a lot but they like to spend time alone as well. some of them look a bit nervous for whatever reason which reflects in the way they hold themselves and speak a bit over the place. they often exercise or think about their health, sometimes even to an unhealthy amount. they prefer working alone. this placement likes to feel needed and they try to help others. they care about the stories of individuals and they have lots of empathy. they can be charming, but you’ll see their true personality once they’ve made up their minds about your character. they can be perfectionists toward themselves and others at their worst: even judge how others look and behave. they are very logical and smart! unless they have water/fire placements, they can be slightly clueless about people’s emotions and even their own. they are really responsible individuals. they need to work more on trusting their intuition. 
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Mercury-they tend to be very blunt and honest. if you’re kind to them, they try to be more careful with their words. they are highly intellectual and super smart, and often gifted in different fields. their problem-solving skills and creativity are high. expressing themselves with words is something that fulfills them and helps with their mental health. they are sensitive, no matter the reputation they try to uphold, and they can be harsh if you hurt them intentionally. like seriously, they will hit you where it hurts. they usually have an excellent memory, unless they’re really stressed (headaches are possible and weaker memory). keeping lists helps them feel less chaos in their daily life and they like making them. you can count on them to give you reasonable and practical advice, especially if they have water placements as well because they learn to balance logic and emotions. sometimes it is hard for them to feel satisfied with things if they don’t look/behave the way they envisioned it. they can be amazing at what they do, but until they reach the level they imagined, it is hard for them to like it, which can be silly and exhausting because nothing can be perfect, and they’re really talented anyway. it can be hard for them to do anything in pairs or groups because they like doing things their own way, even if they think you’re smart and capable. it just saves them a lot of stress. they remember everything you say and might even write down some of your funny “gems”. they hate small-minded people. lastly, they are extremely funny. 
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Venus-they definitely don’t jump from relationship to relationship because they don’t trust people that easily and they want to protect their peace. they tend to like intellectual and mysterious people that are secretly really kind to those selected few. they can fantasize a lot about love, trust me they are not as cold as they may seem sometimes, but they care a lot about practicality and stability at the end of the day so they won’t settle for anyone who doesn’t meet such criteria. they also want someone who is a good conversationalist. if they notice that you’re mean and fake, they’ll force themselves to move on and succeed. their love languages are often acts of service and words of affirmation (if not the latter then quality time). for example, they will cook you delicious food or clean the entire apartment, or buy you snacks from the store unexpectedly. they put a lot of thought into their gifts too. they will observe you attentively to realize what you like and dislike, and make sure you feel loved. they are calm most of the time so it’s comfortable to be around them. if someone hurts the people they love, they lose that peace quickly. they are modest and don’t ask for too much, but don’t ever take them for granted. cleanliness is of utmost importance to them. similarly to virgo moon, they will offer their help to you whenever you need it. they may be too judgmental sometimes though, which can create lots of tension and insecurity if they don’t keep it under check. they don’t tend to approach their love interests first because they can be very shy in the beginning. they will analyze you and look at you when you’re not aware of it. they need someone who will assure them that they love them very much! honestly the whole flirting part stresses them out lol, they just want to skip that and enter a healthy relationship
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Mars-i don’t know anyone with this placement so i will write what i have learned over the years. these individuals are very organized, even if they are the only ones who know how to approach their “organized” environment. they pay attention to detail and they aren’t afraid to put the necessary work. they need to take care of themselves though because once they are focused, they can overlook their needs. bringing snacks and drinking loads of water is a must. severe perfectionists who tend to be harshly critical, especially if they think you’re lazy and disrespectful. when they take care of themselves, they pay attention to what their bodies need so they work out and meal prep. they work to keep their emotions under check and take pride in that, so if they let themselves snap around you, this means you’ve done something really bad. they work well in a clean and organized environment and can’t function properly in messy places and with overly chaotic people. they are talented with their hands because they can be precise, patient, and creative! that’s why many like arts and crafts, gardening, cooking, etc. they are a mutable sign after all, so they can actually adapt to any environment and try to tame it. changes scare them immensely but they also crave it, it’s a complex relationship.they succeed in things most of the time, so their work is highly appreciated. i think they need people who aren’t too sensitive and aggressive, and they need to be attentive, smart, and kind. their silly and funny side comes out when they are surrounded with these people and this takes their mind out of things. they have a strong sense of duty and they like to plan things ahead
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Saturn-practical, hard-working, detail-oriented, perfectionists, a bit selfish and insensitive sometimes. it’s not easy for them to open up and talk about their emotions, but they need to learn that just like everyone else. when they’re upset they can become small and let their thoughts dictate their well-being and self-image. they can put themselves under lots of pressure until they crack. finding balance between relaxing and working diligently is important. they understand empathy, but sometimes it is hard for them to understand others and getting out of their bubble will help with that. they can also isolate a lot when hurt. having hobbies and a good support system ironically helps them to achieve their practical goals, as well as relax and have more fun. everybody needs people in their lives to a certain degree. they are very observant and people can rely on them! if they get stuck in their ways, it takes them more time to experience more novelty and progress than for the regular person. they can be easily annoyed when things (and people) don’t act the way they want them to. they need to be more patient and give people a chance. they can be too realistic, but honestly more on the pessimistic side. they also need to work more on their spiritual side because it can be very rewarding once they figure out what they believe in and it can bring them more peace and love. they need to rely on others more and accept others and themselves with all their faults and virtues. this is also true for saturn in the 6th house
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Jupiter-at their best, they can use their attention to detail and practical nature to excel at their work and form meaningful relationships with others. instead of being overly-critical, they respect everyone’s differences and build a love language that lets people know just how much they love and appreciate them. their wisdom that grows steadily as they grow older is admirable. they can give lots of good advice and be there for others in need (which can be used for work as well). they could promote a healthier lifestyle and urge others to do the same. super humble individuals who don’t need lots of money or glory to feel happy. their wise nature could produce contagious  optimism because they learn to value life and the smallest things, and learn to deal with small issues that can annoy the non-developed virgos. spiritual growth is also a huge possibility!! they take care of themselves and others, and they know when to stand up for what they believe in, especially in the face of injustice. they learn a lot and nurture their intellectual nature, and they experience lots of self-improvement. their self-awareness can be amazing. they think before they speak and know how to respect others. they are very adaptable and know how to handle any situation. basically, they are very well-balanced
🍄‍🟫Disclaimer: i am not a professional and i do this for fun. these are my observations i've gathered over the years 🍄‍🟫
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richeeduvie · 2 months
Birds of a Feather || PART TWO
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TWO: Take It From The Top Darkish!Aaron Hotchner x Reader
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How you got onto the team. When it was over for him, and as tragedies and love stories go, it's always at the beginning. Aaron knew it even then, the way he was thinking about this woman who he just met - the way his head twisted slight attraction into...not so much more. Aaron can always convince himself, for the sake of you and team and his mind, that it's nothing at all.
But this is only the beginning, even then, he knew it was going to get worse as the months went on.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.
WARNING: Same as Part One. Slow burn? Mentions of death, violence, things of a graphic nature. Criminal minds stuff. pre-Jealous, possessive, and overprotective Hotchner. Entitled behavior. Toxic thought process, not behavior and relationships yet. OC!Hotch sorta cause I don't think he'd turn into this crazy of a person, but reader's just that hot lol. More tags to come maybe cause Hotch is only going to get worse. Maybe reader POV next part?
BCS AND SUCC SUCC GIRLIES I'M SORRY MY MOM IS MAKING ME REWATCH CRIMINAL MINDS AND SHE'S JUST GOTTEN SURGERY, YOU CAN'T BLAME A WOMAN WHO HAS GOTTEN SURGERY...You should be thinking Hotch Daddy any writing motivates me to write about Princesa chugging Lalo's cock down her throat, or a mewling Roman.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.
Six Months Earlier. Following The Day You Met The Team.
As you got around to reading about him, Hotch got around to reading about you in his hotel room, just an hour and a half away from his actual home. It was easier to ignore the way you looked in the station, the bright ray of life that was searing in your smile. It was also too easy to ignore how ridiculous it is to feel that way about a person, a young woman he just met. 
But the others saw it too. 
It didn’t take an FBI profiler to know that you have a habit of…brightening the world around you. When he didn’t know you all that well, it was a fact. Barely interesting at most. There isn’t a need for, and yes, it’s a juvenile description, but a bubbly person…bubbling when three women are dead and there’s supposed to be two more on the way. But it doesn’t take away from anything, the same way Garcia’s demeanor never takes away the fact that she gets the job done every time. 
It didn't take FBI agents to see what you were. Young, bright, and extremely talented when it came to your work. An ebullient woman at her most nervous. You were there helping them and in that, he saw his team become bright themselves under the way you spoke. Even when you curse a bit too much under your breath, the one thing they would learn goes against your wholesomeness, things like that and your general self-deprecation, your inward agitation, they all found it endearing. 
Aaron would not. He would not find anything platonically endearing as much as he did not find those sorts of things attractively endearing. But maybe now, it’s those things he takes as reason to see you as a person to protect, to shelter. 
In the six months he’s had you on the team, you’ve proven you’re more than capable of protecting yourself, that a bubbly, kind personality doesn’t mean defenselessness. With time passing, Aaron has slowly cared less and less about attempting not to see you as the opposite for his own selfish reasons. 
But if they’re there, he doesn’t know what the reasons are. If he can’t, isn’t it more likely for you to be more defenseless and in need of safety than you seem? But it shouldn’t matter, either way. He won’t do anything with it. 
Won’t act on anything. 
A profile (which is what people call them actually, he's sure) in the New Yorker is objectively impressive. Aaron can't beat around that. 
It was bare when it came to the personal aspects of your life, nothing much outside of your self-subsistent career. At the time, it felt disrespectful of a talented, well-meaning and investigative stranger to press thought onto the parts that detailed questions and paragraphs of your familial issues with your previous partner, family in general - bits of it went into questioning on how it affected your career, your desire to help people, even your obvious and innate skill on empathic investigation. Aaron wished he could say there was no reason to ask those questions. With morals? There was every reason not to go there, but in his career, he makes those relations day after day. 
No, he did not press on it. 
Name, age. A more detailed version of what you gave when you met the team. He did not press thought onto the little personal aspects that were given.  
‘In scribblings on blogs and smaller articles, there’s always the implication that the reason why Girl Sherlock is so motivated within her work is that said motivation is a result of her past issues surrounding her family, particularly with her father and ex-boyfriend, Anthony. When pushed on this, the young investigator makes sure to make no comment of substance.’ 
“There’s nothing there that would help people realize who I am and why I do what I do.” 
‘Out of respect, I do not ask further. Out of the need for the truth, more in-depth research done after the actual interview leads to records of her parent’s divorce papers. Family-wise, there is not much information that can be found besides the separation of the mother and father. But, it’s the multiple domestic violence charges against Anthony Bogosian that bring concern. There was no conviction. Though the assumption is that the general audience of her work as well as this profile is an audience not made up of private profilers, it doesn’t take much to assume that if Girl Sherlock was the recipient of abuse, it would explain why she especially takes to cases of a domestic nature.’ 
The actual day, the first one with you went smoothly. There would not be a chance where the team didn’t make a comment on you the moment you left the room. 
“I lost my red-bottom heel at a bar called Charm’s Chamber when I was twenty-six.” 
“I’m not that much older, but when I was twent-” 
“We know which degree you finished earning while at the BAU when you were her age, Reid.” 
Reid went silent after Emily’s needed interruption. 
“Three serial killers. Or…what she thought was three at first, doing all that? Bringing this here?” Derek’s leanback was a gesture to the table, the files. “It’s crazy, and were these all cases the FBI rejected?” 
Aaron saw the way J.J’s eyes and its blue shift were a flinch in a way. He didn’t blink as he stood to look at the board. “There were cases I thought took priority, I mean…I remember the Wyoming Skinner but we had-I mean…I don’t know how we, I didn’t go back on it-” 
“It’s not your fault, don’t dwell on it.” 
He could imagine J.J looking at him. “Yeah, J.J. I didn’t mean to call you out. It’s not your fault there’s too many psychos across the states, we’ve seen it. But I don’t know how I haven’t heard of her, a private investigator can have their hits, I know some who were former feds but this? I was reading up on her-” 
“Me too.” 
“I already knew.” 
“It’s crazy, man. It’s a real help anyway. But a big accusation, one killer with three northern state personas - with different signatures. But she explained.” 
That you did. Well and nervous. Aaron could see how you took Rossi’s word, but the bite of your lips, the slow-down of your fingers tapping unevenly on the table. 
“You can take it slow.” 
Rossi’s compassion for his team has always worked better than his spitefulness towards an unsub.
He turned away from the board. Then they were looking at you just outside of the station, on the ground squatting in search of a hairclip. 
“She explained.” 
He still doesn’t understand how you could’ve been so caught up in looking for it. And Aaron didn’t know the team thought he was going to say more. 
He turned away. 
They were all just looking at him. 
“But Morgan’s right, it is a big accusation. I think we’ll have to find more substantial evidence that can prove it could be the same unsub. I already have Garcia working on similar cases in Ohio and Montana in general, more vague research. We have to start big.” 
He turned back, your hair was falling over. He didn’t sigh, but he felt like he should’ve. You were getting your hands dirty.
“Should somebody help her?” 
It was Morgan again. 
“I’ll go, I’ve been meaning to ask her what she meant when she described her investigative method as ‘interpreting the evidence’.” 
Reid went quickly, leaving his messenger bag behind. Aaron turned back to the group, he watched Emily and she shuffled through the files. 
“Well, even though I think she meant her method was a glorified version of profiling, it’s all impressive. I mean…this is, I don’t mean to fawn…we’ve had good men and women in stations all over who knew how to do their job and do it more than well but she’s done all of this alone and she does it as if it’s a door-to-door salesman sort of deal.” 
Emily put that slight and dragging emphasis on every sixth to seventh word as she leaned over the table. 
He remembers thinking then, that maybe he did press a little. Aaron thought that Garcia most definitely could’ve done a better job finding out about your life than that New Yorker journalist could’ve done about you. 
“It’s obvious she’s very skilled. But we haven’t seen her out in the field.” 
There was silence that he didn’t know meant something, Rossi’s eyes meeting Morgan’s. J.J’s meeting Prentiss’s.
“Out in the field? I don’t think she’s even been out in the field, she’s a talented investigator with what looks to be a budget of seventy dollars, not an official agent in training.” 
Aaron pressed his middle finger to the tip of his thumb, eyes unblinking at Rossi leaned back in his chair. 
“Are we taking her out for investigational interviews…or to wherever the unsub drops the next victim if he has a chance?” 
They were all staring at him. Again. To him. 
“If she came out from San Diego to be here and if she’s been allowed on three cases where victims were being skinned, decapitated, brutalized, then there shouldn’t be the assumption she can’t handle what we’ll find here. She’s come here to make a stretched accusation, she’ll make herself useful. 
It came out harsher than expected. Not in tone, every word is punctual, calm as Aaron makes them, maybe slightly lower. But the words themselves were nearly demeaning. He didn’t know why. There was nothing about your cheerful, bloomed nature that he came to resent yet. Maybe it was how Hotch himself came to be, a man already cold and colder and closed off due to everything and everything, so a beautiful woman who smiled too much, who managed to get Doctor Spencer Reid on the concrete was someone his brain immediately chose to be more cautious around. Showing any other personality that wasn’t stoic, but not unkind would not be suitable. 
Maybe his subconscious was already trying to save himself from the beginning. 
“There goes his germophobia.” 
“It doesn’t take a lot to get a man doing something he’d never think to do for a woman he thinks is pretty.” 
Prentiss scoffed, arms crossed with a stare on Morgan. “He’s known her for twenty minutes.” 
“It usually takes less.” 
The women of the team shook their heads, a humorous and semi-truth from Rossi that Hotch guessed they agreed with, but Prentiss’s head gestured towards the station’s door. “She’s…bubbly. With the mouth of a sailor.” 
His exact description. He followed her stare to the doorway, Reid was there. He couldn’t fault the younger agent on his team for thinking you were pretty. It was amusing as well, to see Reid with his knees digging into the concrete. Good exercise for him, really - and it was even more amusing to see him so readily open…almost in admiration for Girl Sherlock. 
When Hotch thinks of this memory, it’s near-guilt. What he felt at the sight of you and you and Spencer was humorous amusement, it didn't feel that way. 
There’s less near-guilt when he feels like he should blame you. 
“Let’s move before she loses something else.” 
Aaron didn’t mean it as a joke, but with the way he saw the team react, it’s like he did - which usually when he does, they always act as if it’s the first time he’s ever made one. But they went, Rossi pulling on Reid’s ear on the way out. 
A smile from you to each profiled passing by, a clip now in your hair. 
Why couldn’t he look away?
A smile up at him. 
“Are you willing to come with us to the dumpsite?” 
Eyes widening and the smile up at him. A pretty girl who has nothing to smile about, but it was exciting to you, he guesses. Aaron can’t remember if it was ever exciting to him, the means of the job were always just a duty, even when he was younger. 
“Yes, I’d be honored - or…not…it’s dumpsite so not particularly excited that it’s happening, but-” 
“You’ll take the car with me and Rossi.” 
You nodded. “Yes, sir.” 
And like the stereotypical mimicry that exists when you stand in front of someone so open - objectively attractive, he nodded too. 
His eyes flickered. 
“Hotch…or Hotchner will do. But if you’re used to sir, I can’t stop you.” 
That was the first time he talked to you outside of when you met him. It was met with another smile. 
“No figure of authority has ever been able to stop me.” 
Hotch was sure you meant that to be a joke, and he gave it to you. It was funny. You’re a funny girl. You know how to light the room up even without an intentional joke, which you might find a negative - when your cursing or stumbled ramblings end in someone else’s laughter. But it’s not, it could never be. He’s sorry enough that he doesn’t give in more often, nothing more than a small, sly smile. 
Like the one he gave then.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.
Aaron flexed his hand in the hotel bed, it was 2:12am. In a few days, you were found to be right about the killers being a singular monster. One for no particular reason other than a dangerous mix of sadism and psychopathy. A man born in Montana who traveled the northern states for his job, and with each state - five women were to be killed. In all the Northern U.S states. Every single one. 
There was difficulty in finding him to be that one unsub because in his words….in his words, 
“I wanted to, I could. I did.” 
Michael Bakalova. The Akron Phantom, the Wyoming Skinner, the Northwind Killer. When the news broke of his capture, the outlets named him the North American Butcher. Those were names Hotch didn’t want to remember, he was to go against the news cycle and the grain and remember his victims because he knows there’s more outside of what they found. But he thought of Michael Bakalova and what he said when they caught him. 
Those women weren’t surrogates, not one was a target of his rage for a reason other than he wanted to, he could. He did. But in the brutality, there wasn’t any rage, no. 
Pure satisfaction, bliss. It’s what Aaron couldn’t find even after they caught him. But they found that sort of reaction in the kills with you at the station, team in a circle. Penelope on the screen. 
“I see we’re just letting any cutie waltz right into a case, huh?” 
“Sorry, sorry, Boss! I’m Penelope.” 
“What did you find?” 
Aaron doesn’t know when he doesn’t have his arms crossed or straight at his sides. But you were there before you went to look for that clip of yours and your eyes would meet his. And Aaron…he’s lucky enough that he feels that it’s absurd that he prides himself in the way he doesn’t bash and turn away like a schoolboy. That pride acknowledges there’s something in his hands and chest when he looks at you, and feels it’s absurd is self-awareness. 
You always turn away first. He won’t ever be the first one to look away. 
“I like your pink pen edging into view.”
“She has a similar one.” 
They looked to him. You looked to him, eyes wide and bright. That’s all you, you can’t force that type of light to shine. Heaven knows he tried with Haley, for her. To let up on his serious nature, it was easier earlier in their relationship, it’s easy with Jack. But you make figurative gleaming seem like there’s nothing to it. 
But sometimes, in the dark, Aaron thinks about you and realizes that the light can’t be figurative, that he sees it on your skin and through your clothes. In your smile, it’s why he can’t look away. 
“...I didn’t pull that one out.” 
The fluffy blue pen that hid in your bag, Aaron could make the deduction that you, already nervous and having presumably little experience with federal agencies and this area of professionalism, that that pen would not be suitable, it would demean you by looks alone. And he doesn’t know why…to put it objectively, called you out. 
“It’s peeking out of your bag.” 
But Garcia’s presence let you know a pen that’s fluffy is more than okay. And…Aaron wanted that out of his presence too, though he still thinks that’s unnatural. It’s not possible when you’re you in the saw and he’s him in crossed arms. 
“Sir…I don’t know how to respond to that, because that has never happened before - so yes, what I’ve found-” 
Moth to a flame, bird into the sun. Something he’ll forget he thought about himself to convince himself that there are no feelings. There is nothing different about you. 
Michael Bakalova and his names and names made Aaron’s chest break back against his lungs every time he took a breath, it made him feel like he would drown in the sheets - but then he’d flex his hand and unfortunately, a breath would let up when the movement would trigger the memory of helping you over a step. 
“Thank you, Sir Hotchner.” 
It wasn’t a joke, you brought your voice to a lower tone. You meant to call him that with maturity. 
Amusing girl. 
Soft hands, kind squeezes so carefully that Aaron can assume that you think you’ll somehow hurt him. That’s not possible. Not just because you’re you, but he’s him…
What could you do that’d hurt him? Nothing, he’s sure. Maybe if he could think of things, he wouldn’t view you as defenseless as he does. But Aaron knows he’s wrong in that too. 
They couldn’t have done it without you. Ignoring the unfortunate name Girl Sherlock, you were extremely talented. Are. But then, to see you in your element and in the field. You were natural within the investigative questioning when it came to people relevant to the victims. The questions and insights you had at the dumpsites (Talent and passion didn’t defeat the fact they needed Michael Bakalova to kill another victim while they were on the case to find him, it never does). 
You were amazing. And the sun shined down on you well. You take light in well. 
“You can take off that coat.” 
He didn’t see the way Rossi’s head tilted his way, eyes slightly smaller. A thought growing in smugness. You smiled.
Aaron looked at the grass under his shoe, there was mud on leather. There was dirt on your knees. Why are you getting yourself dirty when you don’t have to? What’s so important about a clip that you brown the softness of your hands? Where did you learn that that was okay? That it was okay to take the help of strangers? Reid, a good, overzealous and well-meaning stranger, but a stranger nonetheless. 
He stared right into you, unsmiling. His suggestion was genuine and unhumorous, but you brightened under the sun nonetheless. 
“It’s cold. That’s Virginia's fault. Not mine. But thank you. And this, obviously it’s miles - across state lines but I’m telling you, if you look at the dumpsites in Wyoming, Ohio, and Montana. It’s nearly the same. Country-like backroads. They’re all distant from each other, but it’s an area he feels comfortable in. That couldn’t be just chance.” 
“But change in signature, that means we need to make up for that assumption with more evidence.” 
His head followed yours as you looked around. 
“It has breaks in between, there’s no physical evidence to say he’s just picking a method of kill and torture to have fun with it…but it’s not like it’s different with each victim. Five decapitated one state, five skinned in another.” 
You were looking towards a tree, and it would’ve only been you to know that that tree made a difference, you were there three states before. 
“What is it?” 
“..I’ll be back.” 
He remembers the way he and Rossi looked at each other while you were off with a confused-looking police officer. 
“So this is what Arthur Conan Doyle was going on about.” 
“Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sorry, Sir Hotchner.” 
Aaron nearly glared. Rossi and him slowly made their way towards you. 
“Think of it, we’re Scotland Yard. Have you talked to her officially? Besides when she greeted us and when you asked her to come with us.” 
“What do you think there is to talk to her about? Officially and alone?” 
“I don’t know, I think she’s an interesting case. I like her, she’d be a good fit. Reid can give you a detailed recommendation, apparently.” 
“It’s a lot, and she’s just a consultant. We’ve had those before, she is…unique. It’s admirable, but it’s a stretched suggestion.” 
“You’ve used that word twice today, and I do understand. But I don’t know why you would say it as if you haven’t been observing her like this case is her pre-BAU assessment.” 
Aaron stepped over a leaf. “Have you taken to her, David?” 
“...Wouldn’t hurt to have another nice newbie agent around. Work on the lectures and lessons through someone who needs it.” 
“You mean a fan?” 
“Oh, she knows you too. Remember?” 
He wouldn’t indulge Rossi with a slight smile and softening on a brow with that one as they met up with you. 
“Before I ramble on again, I apologize for the rambling and the murder exposition vomit back at the station. I don’t mean to toot my own horn - or use the word toot but I am proud of my work…but you guys are the agents, I could’ve just thrown you the papers and you would’ve gotten here with me.” 
“Nevermind that, kid. We’ve had worse. Speaking of which, if Reid comes at you again with his tangents, don’t be afraid to tell him to stop. Or walk away.” 
Aaron remembered Reid’s ramblings, ones that were fascinating, not in topic - but to see Spencer believe you’d be interested in what he had to say, another person around his age with interests he knew…from your online, blogging persona. The team saw you. 
“Nightmare on Elm Street was actually inspired by Wes Craven reading the news. Throughout 1981, the Los Angeles Times ran a series of articles about otherwise healthy Laotian refugees who had mysteriously died in their sleep, apparently after experiencing violent nightmares-” 
He saw you. 
Of course, he didn’t give you a gun and let you on a chase through streets for a serial killer even though he’s sure Rossi would’ve let you if given the chance. 
He didn’t let you anywhere near Michael when it came down to catching him. And that was right, what he said gave him reason to let you on a plane back to San Diego, despite the team’s (Rossi’s knowing eyes, Reid not so obvious obvious platonic gushings over you) want to let you have at the BAU, despite Hotch himself knowing if he give someone a chance, it’d be you. But Hotch tries to forget about what he said, because he didn’t let you go home to San Diego. And he’s finding himself more of a fool every time he convinces himself that it was for the team. 
It was for the team. 
But the one who brought the case together for the team sat at the police station, waiting patiently to see if the case she worked so hard on for months, through victims and victim’s parents, loved ones. 
“It’s over?” 
He nodded. 
“It’s over.”
And in the fluorescent lights of the station, he saw your smile as he did and has and will a thousand times over. But it wasn't genuine. The cases you worked so hard on, the passion you put in to bring families closure - not out of government duty with a team that’s family, but instead alone…there was no closure for you. You weren’t satisfied. 
You were like them at the end of every other case. 
“I have to stop through Wyoming. And Ohio. And Montana. I need to tell those families in person, they’ve probably already caught the news but…I think it’ll do good. Or maybe it’s selfishness, because I know I have to.” 
His head lowered slightly. “It’s not selfish. Those families came to you, you became attached to their closure. You deserve to let that in with them as much as families do.” 
You nodded, but then you disagreed. “Maybe a little less than them?” 
Aaron took a pause. You asked like he would change his mind on what he just said. 
Amusing. Taunting. Teasing. 
Maybe he was thinking your smile was cheekier than it was, because what would it mean that you would do that to him? That you liked him then? No, not you. Not a young, beautiful woman who sees he doesn’t smile or laugh because it’s not the job, it’s not just him and he won’t indulge you. Not when you just met him and you know he’s a widower with a six year old son. 
It’s that, or it’s just that you were having your fun. He wouldn’t appreciate that. 
Not at all. 
He didn't think of his slight smile through then. He couldn’t, you were in front of him - he wasn’t in bed flexing a hand. 
“Maybe a little less, then.” 
And there was silence between the both of you, but the world around kept itself busy because the team was all over, exhausted. There was still paperwork to do, reporters everywhere. But Hotch can’t remember how it just got to be the two of you. 
He pressed his middle finger into his thumb, trying to mimic a heartbeat because it was fatuous, the way his heart sped up. 
You’re just a talented woman that would make a great profiler. But he would have to think logically. He did in the moment. Maybe it’s an exaggeration to say he knew from the start that you would be on his team, there were slew of issues to expand on. One, the fact that you weren’t an FBI agent. You (according to your New Yorker profile) had no law enforcement experience to begin with. You didn’t live in Virginia. You were twenty-six. Reid was barely thirty but he had five degrees or so to make up for it. And heart. 
You had heart. He could see it, smile or not. 
Aaron remembers making the choice to turn his head away from you. 
“So…is the BAU hiring?” 
It snapped back. So quickly to the point where it caught your smile dropping. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, that was-that was a joke-” 
“Let’s get you back to the hotel.”
“...Really, I-” 
“It’s alright. Let’s go back.” 
And his hand just hovered over your back. It’s not like he’d feel the way your back curved under the coat you wore for the whole case. Hotch didn’t, still doesn’t want to realize that he would’ve let his hand touch, actually touch if it was anyone else - but with you, this woman with her hair behind her ears - the one who waited patiently at the station and watched aimfully as Michael Bakalova passed her and into a cell. It felt like it would’ve been disrespectful. 
The thoughts towards you aim differently than everyone else, even then. His touch would make his heart beat quicker and he would think about the one moment where he did touch you. Over and over in his hotel room, then in his own bed. 
And it was as if the thoughts would’ve shifted further down if he did touch the small of your back. 
But Aaron should’ve, because it didn’t matter anyway. The thoughts shifted down nonetheless, and they do with every passing night and smile. Your smiles have to be natural, effortless - unknowing and naive to what it does to him, which wouldn’t be your fault, his face and stern lines never give way. 
But if the smiles aren’t, the giggles, the head tilts, if they are not naive and defenseless and in need of protection and are instead purposeful flirtations, moments where you revel in making him suffer and harden…Aaron will not appreciate it at all. He will not tolerate that sort of behavior. That won’t get past him. 
And he wouldn’t put punishing you past him. 
“Thank you, Sir.” 
Then you smiled at him. 
He led you up to your hotel room, a fortunate coincidence that you took the same hotel the tema did, Aaron didn’t have the means or awareness to think those kinds of thoughts. 
He was trying to remember when he saw a face he couldn’t stop staring at. Maybe never, but hopefully not never. Maybe Jack. and for the sake of Haley, for the sake that at that moment, you were supposed to be just a woman, hopefully not never. 
“Have a nice night.” 
“You too, Sir.” 
Nice wasn’t what he would describe the night he had before they left for Quantico. You, Aaron, both were lucky they didn’t have to catch the plane. He closed his eyes, opened them - stared into the ceiling with one hand flexing and fingers tapping together, the other hand lying flat on his stomach. 
What were you wearing to bed that night? 
He thought something along the lines of that before he dug his nails into his palm with the curl of his fists. 
What was the point of not touching you if it meant he would think those kinds of things? He tried. 
He thought that. Michael Bakalova. 
“I wanted to, I could. I did.” 
He pressed his hand into his forehead. Aaron needed to think of anything else and quickly. 
The team was right, he was right against the surface logic and challenges that would ensue the minute he would put you with the BAU. You would be an asset to this team. You were an amazing consultant. You would be an even better agent. Of course, that would be if you wanted to join in the first place. 
That not being the case would only be the case if you were just having fun - flirtations and head tilts. He said he wouldn’t tolerate that. You were to join the team, there was no doubt about it. 
He knocked on your door in the morning and dreamt about opening it in silence in the night.
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My lord i would give you my firstborn for more Erik content, hes literally my babygirl.
Hello my darling!! I decided to do some cuddling headcannons for you as well as some random tidbit headcannons!!! {it’s extremely unorganized} this can be read as any Erik of your choosing, but some specific phantoms are mentioned once or twice!
I’m not super proud of this, but I felt like I had to feed you guys something.
I am not officially back to my full tumblr writing, but I am hoping to make a steady return! Also, I made a Lerik bot on Character.ai if you guys want me to un-private it and post the link. :)
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When you cuddle with Erik, no matter which version, you basically have to plan on taking the first or second half of the day off.
He’s very touch starved, so he doesn’t like letting you go unless he absolutely has to, and even then Erik will probably throw a fit of some kind, too desperate for your touch to even think about how it may affect the rest of his opera house.
He’s not ashamed about voicing his need for you either; if you try to leave, he will drop down to his knees and blubber like a child, begging for you to stay and love on him. If it’s a specific person that is causing you to leave, Erik will threaten to kill them! It doesn’t matter if it is the managers, Meg and Madam Giry, or even Christine (should she stay there after the whole final lair scene and the phantoms activities die down)! It doesn’t matter! They don’t matter! The only thing that matters is you and your love! Erik needs you, (Y/N)! He needs you to love him until he can’t think! For you to cuddle him and kiss him like he’s your beloved pet!
Concerning you being friends with Christine, Erik absolutely despises it! She had already abandoned him for the Vicomte, she can’t take you away from him too! She mustn’t! No, if Christine even tried to advise you away from him, he would make sure she wishes she never approached you!
Please, if he starts on one of his tangents about you leaving him for someone else, make love to him and tell him what a good boy he is. It’s a sure fire way to calm him down, and Erik, even though he is likely significantly older than you, loves being coddled and reassured that you won’t leave him.
you will find that almost all versions of Erik prefer to be held rather than just hold you, with the exception of Cherik. It’s not because they’re selfish! It’s because Erik needs you to hold him in order for things to feel okay, and it feels good that you would hold him of your own free will and kindness. If he was the one completely holding you, he would be worried you didn’t actually want to be close to him!
To expand on that a little more, Cherik is the only phantom that prefers to be the big spoon. All the others want you to press against them from behind and wrap your arms around their waist, pressing kisses into the sensitive skin of their neck. {as mentioned in one of my previous posts, Kerik is a horny bastard and will probably start getting hard if you’re not careful.}
Get them to lay on top of you.
Do it. Well… do it if you can handle them crying from emotional release, anyway.
Laying on top of you will give Erik the feeling of maternal care and nurturing he never received as a child, and it’s bound to make him cry from the sheer love he feels for you and the feeling of love you’re giving him, and even then the abandonment issues and childhood trauma just overflows from him like a fountain of sadness.
For versions of Erik where his deformities are a little more open and wet, like Meriks, you’ll have to reassure him that you don’t mind touching it. That the feeling of his open flesh against your skin doesn’t bother you, and that you’d love to cuddle him regardless.
Phantoms with deformities like Meriks are almost always between a rock and a hard place when it comes to cuddling you because on one hand, they’re worried about you seeing their deformities up close and so they’ll want to lay their bad side on your chest so you can’t see it as well. On the other hand, they’re paranoid about you finding the feeling of their deformities gross against your skin and making you uncomfortable.
It’s a lot to unpack when you cuddle Erik, or even give him attention in general, but you will find that it is well worth the effort. Erik loves you and would burn down the entire world to make you smile, and yet he finds himself feeling he is unworthy of even mere scraps of your attention and love, but you always reassure him otherwise. :)
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nayatarot777 · 5 months
Karma For Your Fake Best-Friend
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• Pile One •
The first message that I’m seeing is that your fake best friend will have to give birth (figuratively) to a very difficult beginning. This is part of their karma because this beginning is full of Saturnian energy, and Saturn is the planet of karma. They will have to help other people with very difficult times in their lives which may be something that they didn’t do before because I’m picking up on a very selfish energy from this person. However, now other people’s situations and what other people have created for themselves and their lives will leave your best friend as the helper - which they’re clearly not happy about. I’m hearing that this person made their bed and now they have to lie in it. They’re stagnant. They feel restricted from creating anything new in their life. For someone in particular, I’m getting a very dark message and that’s about how your best friend could experience difficulty either literally giving birth or difficulty getting pregnant which will cause a lot of distress. The burdens that they are feeling from this karma are going to make them feel extremely aged. They are going to feel like they’re the one who is being forced to be responsible in comparison to everyone else - for the sake of everyone else - while they’re feeling like this should be in reverse. They feel like everyone else should feel responsible for them but that’s not going to happen.
They’re going to lose a lot. Their life is going to seem empty and bare. This could be about them losing possessions that they found integral to their identity such as clothing and jewellery, or they could lose their money which was a huge part of their identity. I’m just seeing this person really having to count their blessings and the little that they have left. I’m also hearing that this person is going to become physically sick due to anxiety and this will show on their face and in their body. They’re going to look physically unwell and that feeds into the message about them feeling like they’re physically and internally aging under this difficult change. One of the things that they are going to have to count as a blessing are the positive memories that they have from the past. They’re going to have to hold onto these memories quite tightly because they are incapable of creating new and positive memories for themselves again. They feel restricted from creating anything in their life. They’re not going to see a way out of their anxiety. They are constantly being placed in positions that confuse them. That make them worry and that leaves their minds incapable of interpreting what they need to clearly. They’re going to be trapped in their head and feeling like there is no way out.
For some in this pile, this fake best friend downplayed your anxiety or treated your anxiety as if it wasn’t a real thing or as if it wasn’t important, and now they’re experiencing severe anxiety that’s trapping them in a mental space that they don’t want to be in. There are three cards in total here about new life and new creation, so there’s a major emphasis on how nothing new will come into their life for a very long time because the energy of Saturn is very slow moving. It’s the one of the slowest moving planets in our solar system, so any karma - positive or negative - that we experience due to Saturn is prolonged for a very long time. This person‘s life will consist of the same-old stressful, burdensome routine. They have to watch everyone else around them in their life, moving onto bigger and better things. Moving onto new pathways and lifestyles that clearly fill them with inspiration and joy and happiness, but they’re going to be left out of this. This is definitely affecting their dating life too. They’re not going to experience meeting anyone new and their dating life could be something that they identified with. They could be very relationship-oriented people and they might feel like they don’t know what to do without a partner. Whether this is a committed partner or someone who is just entertaining them for the time being. Either way, they’re not going to experience any new flame or any new passions in the area of dating. This person is having to feel fragmented. There’s a lot of dissociation here. They feel like they can’t get up off the ground and they feel like they can’t move forward in their life because they’re plagued with a sense of weakness and fragility. Their mind is very fragile too. They feel like they are a very fragile person who’s easy to damage and break. They feel very broken. Especially mentally. Their intuition is also going to be damaged. Their perspective on people and things as well as themselves will also be very distorted. They won’t be able to see clearly in an intuitive way.
Extended Reading: How Do They Feel + What Do They Think About You/This Situation?
Personal Reading Info
• Pile Two •
This fake best friend pretended to be innocent. They wore a mask of someone who was all about helping and healing, as if they were someone who couldn’t hurt a fly. But in actuality, they pretend to embrace and accept others for the sake of helping people who they’re actually leading to their demise. It’s almost like this person sees people as lambs who they lead to slaughter. They underestimate other people’s intelligence and it’s probably because they prey upon genuinely innocent and soft people - and you are most likely one of them. However, as their karma, they’re going to end up being seen as the innocent lamb being led to someone else’s slaughter house. This sounds very graphic because it is. It’s very sinister - just like their energy is. They’re going to be baited by someone who also portrays themselves as innocent, just like they do, and whoever this person is that meets your fake best friend, they are going to see your best friend as a genuinely innocent and unassuming victim of their’s. This person is encountering someone who is exactly like them and this is someone who they’ll be in a very strange romantic relationship with.
They are going to be drained by this person energetically because this person is a huge energy vampire and this person is also very possessive over this fake best friend. However, the possessiveness is overlooked by onlookers because this person pretends to be loving and innocent towards your fake best friend, but there’s something very strange about their relationship. This fake friend is clearly not happy in this relationship but they feel trapped. And they might not even know why because, on the surface, there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong. But energetically they are picking up on the fact that this person that they’re in a relationship with is someone who is actually very dangerous for them to be around - although they can’t pinpoint why. This person who they’re with has a very good mask of innocence. It’s funny how this works because you’d think that your fake best friend (being a master of glamour magic to the point of being able to lure people in with an innocent facade) would also be good at pointing out another person’s fake and innocent facade - but they’re not. This fake friend will be trying to practice positivity but they’re going to struggle with this. They’re not going to see a happy horizon for them to move towards.
They are going to feel a sense of emptiness as if there are holes in their soul that they can’t fill. As if there’s a hole in their mind that they can’t mend. They’re going to feel like they can’t make sense of anything nor can they feel anything. This person is hitting rock bottom. There’s something about this person’s ability to learn being painful for them. This is a very painful learning experience for them. The lesson that they attract what they are. And that because of the fact that who they are is not a good person, they’ve attracted someone who is not a good person either. It seems like whatever they feel like they know about relationships or people or themselves is being shattered. They might have perceived themselves as a very intelligent person who could get away with anything if they were sly enough, but that ego is being shattered and it’s almost like they’re seeing the Uno reverse 😂. They felt like they were the one in control of others this entire time. When in reality, they’re the ones being controlled and encroached upon. People aren’t going to have sympathy for this person when they cry about how depressed they are. Nor about how much pain they are in. Nobody is going to have sympathy or empathise with them and that’s most likely because people can’t really see or feel the sinister energy from their partner like they can. I’m also seeing that people will dismiss their feelings and tell them to just be positive. Kind of like toxic positivity. Their anger and triggers in this relationship will also be downplayed and dismissed by their partner, so there’s an energy of them forcing themselves to pretend to be happy when they’re actually the complete opposite.
Extended Reading: How Do They Feel + What Do They Think About You/This Situation?
Personal Reading Info
• Pile Three •
This fake best friend was someone who enjoyed invading your boundaries and violating your boundaries too. This is someone who tried to dominate. This is someone who makes people feel like they are vulnerable and powerless. This person brought a lot of death moments to your life. A lot of permanent endings. They could’ve tried to dominate your energy and your boundaries through clinging to you in someway or trying to always be around you, and this was the way that they tried to cause permanent endings in your life. By distracting you from the things that you needed to do or not leaving you with enough space and time to focus on yourself. They made you feel obligated to do this. As for their karma, they’re experiencing all of this for themselves. They’ve invaded someone else’s boundaries and that person is getting vengeance. Your fake best friend is going to feel the need to go into hiding. And this is some intense isolation which is something that they are not used to because I’m seeing that they are quite vampiric towards others’ energy. They feed off of other people. So this intense isolation will cause them to feel very alone and ignored.
I’m seeing a lot of paranoia for this person. They’re not going to let anyone in because they’re trying to get away from the person who is now trying to invade their boundaries - but this is someone who your fake best friend invaded the boundaries of first. This person acts like they’re not aware of how they hurt people, but this person’s karma is that they’re going to hurt themselves and not even realise it. They’re going to be blinded to the pain that they are causing themselves through this paranoia and through this overprotective energy that they have over themselves. This person is trying to find peace inside of that isolation, but this is out of reach for them because they know that someone is extremely vengeful and out to get them. Someone is looking for them and waiting to act on their vengeance and this fake best friend can’t relax.
Extended Reading: How Do They Feel + What Do They Think About You/This Situation?
Personal Reading Info
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tojiscumdumpster · 9 months
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀✧ summary page
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  I usually don’t become swoon by seeing attractive women. Working security at a luxury club, I come across them almost every day. At one point in my life, I even slept with them for money because I needed survival after the Zen’in Family disowned me about twenty years ago.
But when I stare in the direction of the bar, I’m convinced I’m looking at one of the prettiest women I’ve ever seen in my life. 
 She’s fucking gorgeous. The deepest and richest shade of brown. Thick curls falling to her shoulders. Full thighs that are being constricted by the material of her denim mini skirt. 
 God, I don’t fucking care if I sound like a pervert, but every time I saw her cross and uncross her legs, I hoped to see a sneak of her panties. 
 I don’t care to be in a relationship. 
 I just had to fuck her. Hard and slow until she’s screaming my name. 
 Insta lust isn’t really my thing. However, my cock is feeling extremely uncomfortable in my pants right now. 
 “Fushiguro!” Shiu Kong’s voice blares through my ears. 
  Shit, I forgot I wasn’t alone. 
 He continues, “You heard anything I said or you’re too busy drooling over that pretty girl at the bar?” He points with his chin, taking a drag of his third cigarette tonight. 
 That fucker needs to give it a break. 
 “I’m not fucking drooling, Kong,” I answered. “And what did you say?”
  He chuckles. “I asked, are you going to consider that contract I gave you?”
 “No. You know I don’t do that kind of shit anymore. I have a kid.”
 “And how’s your relationship with Megumi going?”
 I hate using the term friend , but Shiu Kong would be the closest thing that I would have of that sort. We met back in Tokyo after I left the Zen’in Family.
 Our friendship consists of business, banter, and talking shit to one another. He’s not a bad guy. Pretty decent and not as annoying as other people. And I guess you can say I kind of owe him since he helped watch Megumi after his mother passed. 
 He’s been in the States for a few days now to visit, trying to convince me to take this damn contract. But he knows I left that part of me back in Japan.
 “It’s going,” I finally responded. “He’s still adjusting to being here.”
 “English working well for him? You’re helping him I assume.” 
 I give him an annoyed look. “Trying to make sure I’m being a dad?”
 “Someone has to,” he says, boringly, while putting out his cigarette to like another one. “Maybe you should get a girlfriend. Make her a housewife. Being a single parent to a fifteen-year-old boy isn’t the easiest.”
 I let out a mixture of a scoff and chuckle. “And how would you fucking know?”
 “Considering that I helped take care of your boy, I would know.”
 “Hm,” I say. 
 “And I’m frankly tired of having to babysit your old ass, too. You’re forty-two, Fushiguro. I can’t be your lover forever.” 
 And here goes the shit talking. 
 “Funny. I don’t remember you having anyone.”
 He smirks. “I have my options.”
 “Yeah, whatever.”
 My attention is back to the woman at the bar, and this time she’s not alone. Some guy occupied the seat next to her, and by the looks of it, she’s annoyed. I’m almost positive that he’s hitting on her. I mean, who wouldn’t? Her beauty steals the attention of the bar. Still, even I know when to read the fucking room. 
 If a woman isn’t interested, then she isn’t interested. You can tell by their body language and how they engage with you. 
 Her body is telling him to fuck off, and she’s doesn’t look like she’s engaging either. And despite that, the fucker can’t keep his hands to himself. 
 You would think the other men seeing what’s happening would be decent enough to fucking defend her but they’re just sitting around with stupid grins on their faces. 
 Kong was talking some type of shit before I got up from the table and walked toward the bar. 
 I had two reasons to go over there. 
 One, to get that motherfucker away from her, and two, my selfish intent to see how pretty she is up close. 
 The closer I got to the bar, their conversation became more coherent. 
 “Come on, sweetheart. Why are you playing hard to get?”
 “You don’t know how to fucking take no for an answer?” 
  Her voice… 
 Get it together, Fushiguro. 
 “I do, but this feels like a game of cat and mouse.” He’s definitely drunk. 
 “She’s not interested,” I interrupted. 
 The moment I uttered those words, it’s like on cue, her and I locked eyes. Her hues are the color of coffee with a touch of milk. I drink them in. The almond shape. The small creases underneath. The length of her lashes. I don’t think I could ever get tired of looking at them. 
 Then, her face. It has this type of softness yet definition. Those full lips that are brown and pink, even prettier up close. 
 No. She’s more than pretty. 
 She’s beautiful. Sexy. Tempting. 
 It’s like I almost forgot what I came here for before this shithead opened his mouth again. 
 “And who the fuck are you?” He’s trying to remain calm. Confident, even. But I’ve been told how intimidating my presence can be for people. It’s clearly affecting him. 
 “The guy that’s fucking telling you she’s not interested and to leave her the fuck alone,” I bit out. “You look desperate.”
 He gets off the stool to buck up to me. 
 “What happens if I don’t?”
 “I don’t think you want to find out.” Is all I say to him. 
 This guy is about three inches, maybe four inches shorter than me. He’s intoxicated. He is barely confident in the words he’s saying to me. But somehow he thinks he wants to find out if he doesn’t listen to my warning. 
 The other pieces of shit that didn’t say anything listen into our heated conversation. I even feel her eyes still on me. Why am I being overprotective over a woman I don’t know? Like she’s mine? Not sure, but I am. 
 Though, it looks like he made the right decision by walking away, his friends going right along with him. 
 “You okay?” I ask her, after the drunken fuck leaves. 
 “I am. Thank you for defending me.”
 Velvety. Smooth. Soft. Raspy. Mature. All the words that come to mind when I hear her voice. I feel the fucking hair on the back of my neck standing up. I just know she would sound so sweet while taking me. 
  Fushiguro .
 I know. I’m a pervert. Fucking shoot me for being attracted to her. 
 I nod and say nothing else to her, beginning to walk away but she stops me. 
 “What’s your name?” she asks, smiling. 
 “Toji Fushiguro.”
 “Do you usually give out your full name like that, Toji Fushiguro?” 
 Charming, I think. I give her a small smile. 
 “And yours?”
 “Y/N. Just Y/N, for now.”
 I quip a brow. “You say for now, are you suggesting there will be a later?”
 “Hm, it depends. Do you want to sit down and keep me company? Your scary boyfriend demeanor can probably keep away the rest of the creeps.”
 “Scary? Do I scare you?”
 She laughs, and it’s like music to my ears. “No, Toji. You don’t scare me.”
 My name from her lips sounds like pure sin. It drips like honey. I want to taste how it sounds when she’s moaning it. 
 “I wouldn’t mind, but I have a friend-” I look back to the table where Kong and I were at to see that he left. 
 And I’m pretty sure he didn’t cover the fucking bill. 
She shrugs. “I don’t mind your friend joining. As long as he’s not weird, which I’m assuming he’s not since you associate yourself with him. The more, the merrier.” 
 “Looks like he left.”
 “Then it looks like you’re going to keep me company.”
 Now, she’s not asking me. She’s telling me. 
  Shit . 
 I have no reason to protest, so I fill the seat next to her. The bartender comes to me to take my order, but I tell him just a refill on ginger ale and remind him I have a tab open. 
 “You don’t drink?” 
 “Nah, not really. I don’t like the taste of alcohol. It’s not the type of burn that I like,” I tell her. 
 “What kind of burn do you like, Toji Fushiguro?” Is she…
 “You flirting with me, Y/N?”
 She smiles. “Just making conversation. That’s all.”
 “Hm. Well, to answer your question, the workout burn feels good. Help clears my mind.”
 “You have a lot going on in your mind?”
 “I’m a forty-two and a single dad. My mind feels like a Formula One track.”
 She giggles. “I can only imagine. How old is your…”
 “Son, and he’s fifteen. 
 “I don’t have kids, but I teach at a high school. Teenagers are definitely not a walk in the park.”
 “A classroom full of kids sounds like hell.”
 This time her laugh is louder and clearer than before. 
 “I swear it’s not that bad. I used to teach elementary school kids. They are a bit more handful since they’re younger. I was their temporary mom for the day,” she explains. “Teaching isn’t the easiest, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
 “I see you’re very passionate about it.”
 “I am.” Y/N takes a swig of her martini, licking the sugar off her lips that coats them. And like the creep she doesn’t think I am, I stare at that pretty mouth of hers. 
 A visual of Y/N on her knees with her full lips wrapped around my cock plays in my mind. It’s like she knows what I’m thinking because when she looks at me after putting down her drink, she shies away but quickly gathers herself. 
 “So, uhm, what do you do?”  
 “I work at a luxury club. VIP security,” I answer. 
 “Very fitting.”
 “How so?”
 “You ask me if you scare me. I said no, but you give off protective vibes. It’s only right to put a good trait to use to make money, no?”
 I hum, taking a sip of my ginger ale. “I guess you’re right.”
 Over the course of hours, Y/N and I carry conversation. Talking to her feels… nice. Easy, almost. Like the more we talk, the more familiar she becomes. I’m not into that artificial crap, but I feel like I’ve spoken to her before. 
 Like I knew her in another lifetime. 
 Usually, I talk about myself when I’m talking to people, especially women. However, with Y/N? I listen to her. The words she says. Her opinions about insightful topics. She’s breathtaking. Smart. Addicting. 
 My cock isn’t aching only from her looks, but also from the high I feel from her mind. 
 I sound like a sap. I know I do. It’s just… I haven’t felt this way since my wife died seven years ago.
  Maybe you could try again.  
 Absolutely not. My heart and any kind of decency I had left was buried in the grave next to my wife. 
 There’s nothing wrong with a good conversation before an attempted fuck, so that’s all I’m doing. 
 That’s what I’m trying to convince myself, at least. 
 “So, Toji, you from around here?” 
 “Nah. Born in Japan. I’ve only been in the States for three years with my kid.”
 “What about your son’s mother? She didn’t move with you?” She questions. 
 I toy with the black band that I still keep on my finger. “No. She moved somewhere I can’t go, unfortunately.”
 “Where is—Oh…” Before asking her question, she realized what I meant. “I’m so sorry, Toji. I shouldn’t have invaded like that.”
 “Nah, it’s okay. It… was a while ago.”
 “Is that why you said your mind feels like a Formula One track?”
 I manage to let out a hoarse chuckle. “Yeah. Her death affected me and my son badly, but we’re handling it differently.”
 “Not everyone's grieving process is the same,” she reassures. 
 “Right, but does it normally cause your kid to hate you?”
 Why am I saying this? Why am I showing my vulnerability to a woman I just met two hours ago? In the middle of a fucking bar for Christ’s sake. I can’t even blame it on the alcohol because I don’t drink. 
 All I wanted to do was fuck Y/N until she’s screaming my name, but that sole intention went completely out the door the more we talked. 
 My slight insecurity from my vulnerability isn’t even because of Y/N. She doesn’t look bothered or taken off guard from my confession. She just waits for me to talk… like she wants to listen to me. 
 She turns her body around to face me and while doing so, our knees brush. I don’t know if she felt that slight electricity when making contact, but I did. Hopefully she just has a good way of masking her reactions. 
 “Why do you think your son hates you?” 
 I shrug. “We’re just not as close as we used to be. It feels like his mom was the glue that kept us together. Then, when she died, so did my bond with Megumi.”
 A soft smile of pain shows on her face. “Megumi… that means blessings . She picked it?” 
 “I did, because that’s what he feels like.”
 “Hm, I see,” she says, simply. “I’m not a therapist, but I wouldn’t automatically assume Megumi hates you. Like I said, grief is different for everyone. I’m pretty sure it can cause distance between loved ones, too. I would say he’s still adjusting. Just like you are.”
 “Sure you’re not a therapist?”
 She pats my thighs without realizing what that does to me. “Nope, just a high school reading teacher.”
 “Sorry guys. We’re about to close. Mind paying your tab?” The bartender says to us. 
 Were we talking for that long? Guess that happens when conversation is good.
 “Ah okay.” Y/N reaches for purse to pull out her wallet, but mine is already out, giving enough cash to cover both of our bills with a tip. “You didn’t have to do that, Toji.”
 “Maybe I wanted to?”
 She doesn’t bother to argue with me. “Well— thank you.”
 “Let me walk you to your car?”
 “Oh, I don’t drive when I go out. Never know how much you’re going to drink.”
 “Okay, call your ride share and I’ll wait with you.”
 Y/N nods and starts walking towards the exit. I can’t help but take a look at her ass. So fat and naturally shaped. Her legs look so smooth. Thick. I want them to wrap around my waist while I pound into her. 
 And don’t fucking get me started on the top she’s wearing that shows a peak of her belly. I can tell she’s not wearing a bra.
Fuck, Y/N. 
 Why is looking at her making me sexually frustrated?
 Typically, I’m direct about my intentions. If the woman wants to fuck, cool. If not, also cool. But for some reason I can’t open my mouth to ask. My dick presses against my pants and I’m glad I wore black tonight rather than my normal grey sweats. 
 “Looks like my ride is about five minutes away,” she says. “I had a really good time talking to you, Toji. Your company wasn’t bad.”
 “Better than that motherfucker from before?” I ask.
 She rolls her eyes at the thought of him. “Way better. Gosh, that guy was so fucking annoying. He does that every time I come here. I’m hoping since you showed up, he won’t be an issue anymore.”
 “He won’t.”
  She arches her brow. “Why so sure?”
 “I think I made my scary boyfriend message clear,” I joke. 
 “Ha, ha, real funny.” Silence is now between us. We look at each other, and on her face is a soft smile while mine is probably the same. 
 Unlike before, Y/N doesn’t shy away. Instead, she speaks. 
 “Can I be honest?” 
 “I want to kiss you, but I’m not sure if it would be appropriate,” she admits. 
 “And why wouldn’t it be?”
 “Well, you vented to me about your late wife, which is perfectly fine. I appreciate you being that comfortable with me. I just don’t want to take advantage of your vulnerability.”
 I chuckle. “You can’t take advantage of me.”
 She places her hands on her hips, shifting her weight onto one leg. “Is that your way of consenting to a kiss?” 
 “Can I be honest, too?” She nods. “I want to do more than just kiss you, but I would be no different from that shithead.”
 “No, you would. The difference is you’re not a creep and I’m consenting to your honesty, which I’m attracted to.” Y/N closes the space between us. Even with heels, she still looks up to me because of my height. “Consent is sexy.”
 “I agree,” I affirmed, cuffing around her chin to tilt higher. The whiff of her sweet alcoholic breath fills my senses, and that alone can make me drunk. 
 Her breath hitches. “Do you?” 
 “I do.”
 “Kiss me, Toji.”
 And I do. I kiss her hard. Aggressively. Passionately that has my blood rushing straight to my groin. Y/N’s lips are so fucking soft, sweet, succulent, every descriptor you can think of while kissing someone as pretty as her. 
 I force her mouth with my own, licking around to explore and get a better taste of her. She whimpers and I utter fuck from how sexy she sounds. That alone can tell me she’s probably needy, proving my point that she would take my cock in her pussy like I’m all she knows. 
 Like I give a fuck about us being in the middle of the street, making out like we’re horny college kids. I want to feel more of her, this fucking body of hers that I know I will have wet dreams about and fist my cock to in the shower when I wake up the next morning.
 “Y/N, can I–” 
 “Stop talking,” she whispers. It’s like Y/N knew what I was going to ask because she cut me off by grabbing my hands to place on her ass so I could squeeze.
 Fuck, it’s so soft and big. It feels jelly and perfect in my hands. While I busy myself with my own, her hands slip through my locks to deepen our kiss. Her full lips overpower mine, sucking and biting on my bottom lip.
 It’s not a want, but I need to fuck her.
 “Let me fu-” And before I was able to ask, the honking of her rideshare interrupted our heated kiss, reminding us we’re not alone.
 We break apart and ogle at each other. Those pretty fucking eyes roars with pure lust and hunger. Her lips are swollen, gloss completely gone from my excessive sucking. 
 My hand is still at her ass while the other feathers along her collarbone and the mountain of her breasts, causing her breaths to shallow. I pull her closer to me so she can feel what she did to me.
 Again, the driver honks the car and I’m two seconds away from breaking his window if he doesn’t fucking wait. 
 “I can come over?” I ask.
 “I want you to, but I can’t. Not tonight,” she declines. “School night. I’m already out later than I planned. Now it’s going to be harder for me to go to sleep after-”
 “This.” I wrap my hand around her throat to give her a quick sensual kiss.
 “Yes,” she breathes, squeezing my arms. “After that.” 
 Y/N hesitantly breaks away from me to head into the backseat of the car. I open the door for her, but before she goes in, I grab her arm to pull back into my chest so I can kiss her–again. 
 She’s just so fucking addicting
 “Toji, I have to go,” she tells me with a smile on her face. 
 “Alright, alright.” I let her go so she can get in the car and roll down the window. “You say not tonight. So when? “Hm, I’ll let you know,” she teases. The driver got sick of our shit, so he slowly started driving away but kept close enough for me to hear Y/N. “Good night, Toji Fushiguro.”
 “Night, Y/N.” And she’s gone, leaving me in front of the bar with a hard dick and pornographic thoughts. 
 Y/N is so fucking sexy, and she’s a good woman. Has a career that she loves. A good listener and honest without coming off as judgemental. Not like it would hurt me if she did, but I didn’t realize how calming it felt to talk to a stranger about my lack of confidence with being a single dad. She’s almost like a ray of… sunshine. 
 Too perfect for me.
 We didn’t even exchange numbers, so the likelihood of me fucking her is slim to none. 
 Oh well. Maybe I was only meant to meet her to hear her reassurance and taste her lips… feel her ass… 
 Shit, my dick is harder than before.
 Jacking off isn’t going to work. Not tonight . 
 I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts to see who can help alleviate my pleasure. 
 Maybe I’ll run into Y/N someday. Hopefully in this lifetime. 
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physalian · 2 months
Creating Tragic Backstories Through Agency
This is absolutely a biased-as-hell post and not a rule of thumb for what you should do. This is me taking an opportunity to gush about my favorite method of designing backstories, which happen to end up tragic, and they’re something I’d like to see more of in fiction.
The thing that I want to see more of is, well, “tragedy”. Not necessarily the ‘terrible, awful, no good, very bad time’ aspect, but the ‘doom’ of one’s fate being sealed. Tragedy didn’t always mean a bad thing, just like doom didn’t. They meant an outcome that was inevitable, which usually happens to be a bad one.
So when I’m thinking about what TB I want to give a character, my very first thought is this: What single seemingly small choice did this character make that led them to this moment after snowballing out of control?
I like happenstance backstories as much as the next guy—little Orphan Annie an orphan by circumstance and not her own doing—but what I find equally if not more compelling is the character who is tragic because of their own choices. But instead of that choice killing them, it’s the genesis of the character they come to be.
Once again. This is not a rule. It’s just fascinating.
I wrote a character, princely type, and his tragic backstory contained a lot of awful shit. He was my therapy character and I put him through hell to make myself feel better, hence why that sci-fi WIP all over my posts remains unpublished. Half of his tragedy was out of his control: Mother, the queen, died suspiciously in childbirth with her only heir and his dad, queen consort, both never expected to have to do this without her and hates and blames his son for her death.
But the other half all began with a single choice. I had another character kind of like a warped Aladdin. This kid, his age, played on MC’s desperate need for a friend of any kind. Kid shows up, commits a crime against MC punishable by death, and MC breaks protocol (at like, 7 years old) and very publicly denounces the death sentence of another 7 year old. Kid takes this pardon and absolutely runs with it, manipulating what MC thinks is a genuine friendship into an extremely abusive power play all to get the throne, and MC can’t do shit about it.
The point was that it was MC’s humanity and compassion, and how that was taken advantage of, that was the foundation of his tragedy. This one choice, to spare the other kid’s life because it was the right thing to do, completely ruins MC’s life and snowballs into so many other tragedies as he grows up.
I’m all for the dead parent cliche, don’t get me wrong, but there’s something about a hero grappling with the consequences of their life unraveling because of one seemingly small choice, or a choice with seemingly only one good option. There’s something about a hero knowing that they are on this path because of decisions they made, and having to reckon with asking themselves if they would do it all again if given the chance. There’s just something about a hero blaming themselves for their circumstances, focusing on that one small act, when the big picture really can’t possibly all rest on their shoulders.
This is a very specific personality and backstory and is hardly applicable to every story you could tell, there’s just something about the agency of the tragedy that gets to me.
It doesn’t have to be necessarily big, either. Tragic characters like the divorced dad who’s divorced because he’s the one that cheated. The squad leader who made one bad call and got the rookie killed in action.
Choices that these characters would make, because it’s who they are fundamentally, over and over and over again even knowing what future was in store, whether that’s a selfless trait or a selfish one—the dad who still cheats because he’s got weak willpower, the squad leader who would still put the needs of the many first, the mission first.
This tends to work for characters who’ve had time to grow up and truly marinate in the repercussions of their actions. Kids who blame themselves get told by everyone around them trying to cheer them up that it couldn’t possibly have been their fault. An adult who’s had time to reflect and think and brood has cemented the idea that it’s their fault, in some capacity, and nothing is going to change their mind.
Perfect, poster boy example: Zuko.
Now I can’t speak for him and I don’t think the answer ever came in canon, but he fits that balance of “tragedy by circumstance” vs “tragedy by choice” perfectly.
Zuko’s circumstances being that though he’s the elder child, his sister is the ambitious prodigy and his dad is a power-hungry narcissist, whose machinations lead to Zuko’s mom murdering the current firelord so he can get the throne, which leads to her disappearance, which leads to Zuko having very little support systems, which leads to an incredibly fraught childhood.
Zuko’s choice, though, is the one everyone knows: To stand up for those soldiers at the war meeting, and to not fight his father in the Agni Kai. He probably knew at the Agni Kai that refusing to fight would define the rest of his life, however long it lasted, but I bet you he had no idea what would befall him at that meeting. It’s just who he is as a person, and I think he would do it all again, because to not would be a betrayal of his character.
Aang, too, his impulsive choice to run away during the storm wasn’t done knowing that he’d then survive the air nomad genocide (at least in the original). He was just angry and afraid and wanted some alone time that circumstances demanded came at the absolute worst/best moment possible. Aang would be tragic already being the last of his kind but being forced from the fight, like if he was knocked out or ordered to leave, wouldn’t hit the same. That he did it unknowingly just gives him so much more depth.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with TBs that are only tragedy by circumstance and you can get depth from other means. Orphan Annie isn’t any less valid because she had no control over her fate. Dead parents aren’t any less debilitating if they die in a house fire via gas leak, freak accident.
I just think one extra layer of depth and agency can propel a character that much higher.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
What would happen if Aunt reader had died rather than Lily? Like she takes the curse while protecting Harry but Lily and James are still alive?
Lily and James would be distraught. Lily especially takes it the hardest, she’s absolutely torn apart by the death of her sister. All this time she made it her life goal to protect and keep her younger sister safe, it was her responsibility as an older sister to do so after all, but in the end her beloved sister died protecting Lily and her family. Her sister died protecting Lily’s child and Lily would be forever grateful but that loss would never go away.
Lily would never truly recover from the loss of the Reader, she tries to go on with her life and raising Harry but she can’t help but think about how her sister should be alongside her every step of the way. Harry wouldn’t get to experience and make memories of his own with his precious aunt, he’ll never get to have any of it all because some crazed dark wizard stole it from him. From all of them. If anything the only thing he’ll ever really remember of his aunt is her sacrifice and the last words she ever said protecting him from Voldemort. Something that will later on haunt him once they’re made more apparent. But Lily wouldn’t let him grow up completely without the Reader, she makes sure he grows up knowing everything possible about his aunt, how much she cared about him, and how much of a prominent pillar she would have been to him. Every happy and meaningful moment ever regarding the Reader would be shared with him, to the point that he could recite them all on his own. Not to mention how much meaning was held for her among Lily, James, Sirius, Lupin and others as a whole. Lily would want Harry to know just how loved his aunt was and for him to grow up loving her all the same.
Petunia would wholeheartedly blame their sister’s death on Lily and her family, but mainly on Lily and Harry. If it weren’t for them her sister would still be alive. It overall causes an even more intense and detrimental riff between the two. Lily already blames herself enough for the Reader’s death but Petunia takes it to a whole other level. She even once told Lily that it should have been her who died, along with her freak child, that she selfish lives on when it should be their sister who should be here right now. Even though it was only ever uttered once it was more than enough to forever affect Lily, those words echoing in her head whenever the chance arose. Words she herself believed more and more as the days went on.
James would feel utterly defeated and useless. Of course he was happy and extremely grateful that his family was alive and well but his sister-in-law was his family too it was all at the cost of her that they were here now. If only he could have done something. If only he had his wand that night maybe the Reader would still be alive. If only. James knows very well what his wife is going through, they were all destroyed by the Reader death; Lily, him, Sirius, Remus, they all were going through it but he knew damn well his wife was having the hardest time and understandably so. All he could do was be there for her and help as much as he could/needed to with Harry to take some stress off of her. Although, caring for Harry seemed to be a way to keep herself occupied so her mind wouldn’t stray too far into the depths. James desperately tries to help Lily in water way he can, he doesn’t want to lose her either and there’s a good chance he might given just how severely she’s been affected by not having her beloved sister in her life anymore.
As heart wrenching and how selfish she knows it is to leave James and Harry, Lily would be more than temped to follow the Reader into the afterlife. She knows it’s terrible, she knows she needs to be strong for Harry especially and to be there for him but she can’t help but contemplate being reunited with her sister again and more times than not it sounds so appealing. But than Lily is reminded of the fact that her sister died so that Lily and her family could live, so giving that up would take away from the Reader’s sacrifice and Lily couldn’t do that. Instead she would live for the both of them.
Also, Lily would be absolutely over the moon if she and James had another child who grew up to look and act just like the Reader. Not only does she get a second chance at having a piece of her precious sister again but Harry will get to have some semblance of his aunt too. And seeing Lily so overjoyed is more than enough for James. The only difference is that this time around Lily will only be all the more intense and over protective of lookalike!Reader and she wholeheartedly will raise Harry to do the same. James takes notice of the overwhelming extremes his wife is taking this time around but he can’t blame her and would only enable her further.
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cezqstar · 3 days
haven’t been active in the rykter fandom in awhile, but i’ve seen quite a lot of opinions floating around on here & twt that i had quite a lot of thoughts about!
someone said the show is queerbaiting… and i genuinely cannot believe how anyone can see a character figuring out his queer identity and only see the matherik ship & dumb it down to queerbaiting.
edit: i want to clarify this part i said on queerbaiting because i didn’t articulate my thoughts in depth. at the end of season 2, mathias initiated a kiss with erik ultimately implying his queer identity. and his season 3 storyline has confirmed him as a queer character, who is crushing on erik & struggling with acceptance whilst getting bullied by his ex-best friend. however, erik’s pov is open to interpretation, which leaves a lot of space for fan theories (that i eat tf up) but at the moment, that’s all they are. fan theories. erik’s actions can be interpreted as both platonic & non-platonic, and i don’t see the show dangling matherik in the audiences faces. since they’re very focused on mathias’ story and his perspective rather than erik’s. whose own story seems to focus on him hanging around the wrong crowd and his questionable behaviour. it leaves the storyline open to go down two very different routes: erik could have his own queer realisation and the two of them eventually end up together. or mathias’ has unrequited feelings for his straight (or aro 👀) friend but those feelings helped him with his own queer journey to acceptance. and i think with how they’ve set erik up, it could genuinely go either way and make sense.
^^ that’s why i believe the queerbaiting claims are a stretch.
it’s become very clear why people began watching rykter: matherik. but people NEED to remember that the show is not solely about them. it never has been. this show is about the chaotic lives of ‘sheltered’ (i can’t think of the word i’m after) teenagers who all have the capability to be stupid, immature and selfish. which yes, includes felix as one of those characters and yes, includes erik as a teenager capable of being a bad person at times.
these teenagers are also all (well almost all) capable of redemption. mathias has proved his own ability to be redeemed after his s1 antics, erik will surely have his own redemption path regarding his current s3 antics and thea is currently having her redemption this season. just because erik has been generally good in the first two seasons, doesn’t mean he isn’t prone to poor decision making & shitty actions. remember: they’re all 15-16 years old.
i’ve seen a few people suggest that the rykter writers are ‘getting off’ on or ‘enjoying’ the homophobic abuse that mathias has been subjected to, but i think that’s a massive stretch. and an extremely poor outlook on the shows writing in my opinion. many people forget that even though norway is a progressive country that homophobic shitheads still exist. and the way mathias is being treated by someone as horrible as felix & no one saying anything due to being ‘sheltered’ followers is quite real.
and when someone as jealous, hateful & spiteful as felix who clearly puts up with his own share of prejudice gets to put someone else down (someone who he also feels ‘betrayed’ by), he’ll jump at that opportunity in an attempt to make himself better and stronger. from victim -> perpetrator. i understand the frustration around this season focusing on felix quite a lot but people need to stop seeing his storyline as ways to ‘excuse’ his actions and moreso to explain them & simply SHOW his life. they seem pretty hellbent on showing you that he’s a shitty person regardless of his home life & personal issues.
anyways rant over! time to disappear again lol. feel free to disagree with anything i said. always happy to have a discussion!
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Hi can request a not-yandere Yoriichi X Dying! Reader? Reader got a terrible illness that basically has no cure and they lay in bed losing all motivation to do anything while the illness slowly takes away their life. When Yorichi came to visit them again, they were gone and there was only an empty bed. (means they are already gone/dead.)
(A bit about Yoriichi and reader's past, reader is one of Yoriichi and Michikatsu/kokushibo's childhood friend and was friend with them until reader dies, reader was always there for Yoriichi whenever he is in a rough time/shape and always comforts him like when his mom died, Uta and his unborn child died, Michikatsu gone and more. Yoriichi fell in love with reader a few months after Uta died but never confessed. Reader got their ill a few months after Michikatsu became a demon.)
Aaah! That’s sooooo sad! Why Yoriichi, he doesn’t deserve more pain! But okay, okay. I’ll write this as I cry
Tsugikuni Yoriichi- Terminal Heartbreak
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The only thing Yoriichi could lay his eyes on was a empty, hollow futon with the blankets flipped back. The house the futon belonged in was just as dull and lifeless. It broke his soul as he slowly approached the futon, kneeling down and sitting on his knees before it. He just stared down at the creased cooling fabric as his eyes swelled in tears, unable to keep himself composed any longer
First his beloved mother disappeared from his life, his incredible wife and unborn child was taken away, his brother abanonded his humanity to turn to the darkness and now, you can’t even be here for him to say goodbye to… why was this world so cruel to him? You were with him from the very beginning, even as childhood
You weren’t necessarily either of the Tsugikuni Twins’ assigned bride. No, your parents are extremely wealthy and have been business partners with the Tsugikuni family before you were even born. Throughout most of your childhood, you were pretty healthy and kicking but then. Tragically, you contracted a strange disease your hysterical parents couldn’t find the cure for and you were truly dissipating each day. It got so bad that it drifted your past closeness with the Tsugikuni Twins
Michikatsu was furious, you couldn’t play with him and Yoriichi like you use to. You were basically useless in this state and it drove him away whilst Yoriichi stayed. He never left, he never walked away. He sat besides you and did everything he possibly could for you, as he grew up, he was determined to try find… something to help you. Every disease has a cure, they’re must be a cure! Yoriichi always told himself before he tucked you into bed and left the house to continue his fruitless search
In exchange, you adored Yoriichi. He wasn’t that rotten selfish anomaly Michikatsu made him out to be, he was a pure loving man with a golden heart and your view never changed, despite how bad your condition grew. Even though you could barely walk, you always got up to be besides Yoriichi, you basically crawled your way to him when he founded the Demon Slayer Corps and you were there to defend him when he ran into Kibutsuji Muzan but failed to dispose of him
Yoriichi, despite being married to the lovely woman Uta, felt himself falling deep in love with you. It was wrong, he knew it. Especially since he lost Uta and his unborn child only a few months ago, but he can’t help himself. You were one of the first people who ever truly loved Yoriichi, and the fact that you’re gone now hurts his soul tremendously. He can’t do anything to save you, he always did everything right… on his first try!
Yoriichi always suffered and suffered and suffered, and for what did he suffer for? Everything he loved in his life is taken away from him and it’s growing unbearable, is he really suppose to be with anybody? Illness takes away all the people he devotes his life too. It seems that he is a plague among people and anybody who associates with him will end up dead or immoral
Yoriichi stared at the empty futon silently, his calloused fists curled up on his own thighs as his kind screamed at the outrage. Why couldn’t he save you? Your sickness ruined your life and it took away your will to continue forward with genuinely living, to do anything as you laid down and stared blankly. Yoriichi could tell how much you struggled and his heart broke for you over and over
If he could, he’d trade places with you. He’d happily die for you so you could walk and run outside freely with no problems. He’d be livid to give you the freedom of perfect health again… but he just can’t. Yoriichi gave up on medley hopping you’d return back to your home, anytime you came out, he was by your side and helping you. He left for a few hours and your gone, nobody has helped you. He doesn’t know where you could have gone
Yoriichi does want to look for you, you could still be alive somewhere but then again. You could have taken the easy way out when his back was turned, to get away from all the pain your illness tortures you will. He wouldn’t be able to stop it if he wasn’t around and that could be the case as he gently grabs the futon blanket, lifting it to his chest whilst tears poured down his defined cheeks
He couldn’t keep himself together any longer as he cried, his head dropped down to brush over the blanket as his heart shattered before him. Yoriichi fell into a deep slumber by the futon, he cried himself to exhaustion as his emotions were truly haywire now. It was too early. You left him too early… he never even got the chance to tell you…
That he loves you
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duckiemimi · 1 year
I’m so tired of people pushing the narrative that Gojo is a psychopath who doesn’t care about others at all. If he truly didn’t care he would’ve blitzed all the curses in Shibuya at once.
He cares about others in his own way. He did his best for a girl he knew for a day and was willing to go against the system for her. In the novels he asks Nanami to train Yuji because he knows he isn’t able to give Yuji what he needs from the mental side of things (I know not everyone considers the novels canon but it’s a nice touch). Even though it isn’t his nature he still goes out of his way to help others. In a way I find it more honourable than people who save others for their own gratification which he doesn’t do. He is the strongest being on earth, yet he never abuses his power to hurt others. He uses jujutsu for his own enjoyment but he doesn’t feel like he’s on the right side/better because he saves people.
He cares but he just doesn’t care enough. Isn’t that okay tho? Personally I also find it hard to genuinely care about other people unless they’re extremely close to me and I don’t think I’m a psychopath.
Also a psychopath wouldn’t be yearning for someone to be on his level/to understand him.
i hate how because of this chapter, more people see gojo as sukuna’s mirror, the both of them sharing this thrill for power only. as if hidden inventory didn’t happen. as if shibuya didn’t happen. as if any other arc where he saved people didn’t happen. do you think sukuna would spare a glance at other beings?
in broader terms, you could say sukuna was a human who wanted to become “god” (after all, he started out as a sorcerer and gained his title as “strongest” as a curse, not as a human) and gojo was a “god” who wanted to become human (born shifting the balance of the world; having everything at his fingertips and yet what he yearns for is connection).
gojo isn’t altruistic. no human is capable of pure altruism. gojo is human and the way he cares is human. if geto is being used as the comparison here, to determine whether gojo’s “selfish” or “selfless”, then it’s a moot point because geto isn’t altruistic, either. they are all complex characters that have small contradictions because hypocrisy is a part of human nature. it sucks to see them flattened for any reason at all.
and what i also dislike about this “psychopath narrative” is how it paints people who struggle with empathy as “evil” or “other.” there’s nothing wrong with struggling with empathy. most of these people try their best not to hurt other people anyway, though i’d agree that gojo wouldn’t even fit this description in the first place.
i don’t mean to psychoanalyze a group of people, but perhaps people think this way because they see these (fictive) qualities in gojo and find them desirable, “cool.” perhaps, due to lack of knowledge and willing reading, they equate him to being a psychopath because they find it “cool,” and edgy and different. or perhaps they perceive the word “psychopath” in negative connotation, and so they label gojo as such to help bolster their favorite character. either way, whatever it is, i hope they learn and heal.
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slickfordain · 2 years
𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐱 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Yandere-themed, extremely gory, different AUs of Link x reader, genuine loving Links yes
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The Links have been watching you for some while now. They even took you in some adventures of their own, holding you so closely to them so you wouldn’t get hurt. Ah. It was simple as that… Just that… Holding you and coo’ing themselves into you as they protect you from hideous monsters and Ganon. That wrenching man doesn’t deserve to even see you, let alone breathe next to you.
They won’t let a single strand of your hair get hurt or damaged, so, after taking a small liking to you when they have gotten to know you— The Links realized you usually talk to yourself, which, clearly was something they didn’t except but… They didn’t want to ruin your imaginations and wonders.
After all, it was better than letting you talk to anyone else in the village. A boy your age simply flirted with you and that was fine if he never did it again, but the same time, he did. He got uncomfortably too close to you and never respected boundaries, even if you said no many times. It angered the Links… No, actually, it enraged them. That’s the better word for it.
What’s more lovely than having Time ordering Legend and Hyrule to gauge the man’s eyes out… What is more than loving when Wild and Warriors team up on chopping the man’s legs, leaving him limp and having no limbs at all?
Oh, how loving they were, cutting the man’s arms and using it as a “sword” for their own selfish needs. You wouldn’t realize it, would you? Sure there’s a metallic smell wafting throughout the air but… You’re dumb, aren’t you? Their sweet beautiful/handsome breathtaking sweetheart, the cutest and the most prettiest person to exist. Doesn’t matter what the fuck you look like.
They’re obsessed with the idea of you, and Wind is regretting the day he had introduced you to the Links, for he, wanted you all to himself. But that wouldn’t be so easily either when Legend can easily tell what is going on…
Let yourself get dragged further into the chain of darkness, getting held delicately by Twilight as he coo’s into your touch and kisses your cheek, pampering you with nothing but love, your eyes shut closed, melting into the wolf’s chest. As you are not looking to the feast the Links have put upon the place, eating the citizens who has dared to assault you or harass you. Laughing, enjoying, and smiling all together.
Simple days pass by and things got more extreme when they’re with you. They’re obsessed with the idea of you, again. The Links doesn’t even understand why, but whenever it’s just a simple wording of your name when it’s not even about you— lights them up and makes them extremely needy by just that.
Shaky, heavy, loving, needy breaths, would be exhaled from their throats, observing you from afar as you sleep on the couch, being their sleepy lamb falling into their trap.
You’re absolutely breathtaking. Oh, Time couldn’t help but to pamper you with words due to not being amazing with actions, trying his best as he compliments you every now and then, telling you how much he adores you. Flustering you, being blushy blush, he knew he could win one way or another into your heart…
Just don’t go into their basement, darling. Don’t open the door, where humans hung from the hooked chain that lead from their leg to their neck. Don’t leave them for the basement, who has dead headless people laying on the pool of blood on the floor, don’t, don’t go realizing their skin and flesh had been completely ripped off to the point their skeletons even, showed.
They were just basic tools for food, don’t you see? So don’t go realizing that this entire time, the village was their servants, obeying and doing everything in character. For they, feared the almighty heroes they once knew before. The Hyrule girls wouldn’t ever want to talk with you without permission, and it pisses them off. Malon wants to have your attention too, but it seems like Time is so stubborn about it. She hated it.
Oh, won’t your sleepy self just talk with her out of nowhere for once? Please open your eyes… She needs to see it, she has to see it, she needs your eyes, she will turn those humans into necklaces if she has to and burn the village to the ground— Oh… But not yet. Not yet. She has to be patient.
And she knew the Zeldas were the exact same, waiting, and waiting, for your soft touch and the soft feeling of your skin and flesh.
It’s so lovely, that you were just born simply and they were already whipped. It’s like they knew that they only wanted to marry you, to have you… And Hyrule is in ethereal whenever you pay attention to him.
Never show your eyes to Four or Wild please. If you do they’ll have their face red, completely red, and will let out shaky breaths of need to pamper you with kisses and lock you in a luxurious bedroom of theirs to cuddle and feel you being close to them.
They need you. You needed them.
Isn’t that how it was always supposed to be?
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I’m here with more Linked Universe 💅
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florallylly · 8 months
my PERSONAL OPINION on ro//nance: 
so a disclaimer: feel free to ship whoever you want to ship. these are just my thoughts and my perspective on the explosion of ro//nance since season 4. it’s not my intention to condemn or tell anyone to stop producing their content, i just want to scream into the void before it festers. 
your wish fulfillment is valid, but so is my opinion. so if that’s not smth you want to see feel free to skip !! 
diving straight in… i wanna talk about nancy wheeler. 
to be clear: i don’t hate nancy. i think she is headstrong and determined and knows what she wants. she sticks to her guns and definitely has the potential to be a truly good person. that being said, she is extremely selfish in canon. 
from season 1, my interpretation of her is that she’s infatuated with the concept of steve harrington and the status that he could bring. he’s a fantasy that’s suddenly become attainable to the nerdy miss wheeler. of COURSE she’s going to relish his attention. 
note: i actually don’t think anyone else except barb, mike, and steve himself, ever called steve an asshole. so . do with that what you will. 
anyway, nancy and jonathan act like steve suspecting that nancy is cheating is SO unreasonable. which honestly? it’s not. catching your girlfriend alone in her bedroom with a guy who TOOK NONCONSENSUAL ILLICIT PHOTOS OF TWO UNDERAGE TEENAGERS… that’s suspicious. perhaps his reaction wasn’t the best, but he’s also like 17 years old and protecting himself the way he knows how to. and of course his friends aren’t going to take that laying down either. 
i don’t know if any of the supporters of ro//nance have ever been cheated on, but it’s not just heartbreaking… it’s HUMILIATING. and such a hit to the self esteem. and i don’t care what the circumstance is, unless it’s nonconsensual. cheating is cheating and i firmly believe that a cheater will always be a cheater. 
in this case, it’s also reasonable for nancy to be pissed when she sees the movie theater because she didn’t actually cheat at that time. both of them had bad reactions but they also both had good reasoning behind their actions. 
YES steve called jonathan a queer, but keep in mind it’s a common insult in the 80s, especially with the AIDS epidemic going on. don’t use modern standards to condemn him, but also don’t excuse his behavior. YES he was wrong, but he grew (obviously what with his friendship with robin). and do you really think he’s not going to go for the throat when he thinks that jonathan slept with his girlfriend? 
it’s a classic case of everyone’s the asshole but everyone’s not the asshole. 
moving onto season 2. BULLSHIT. nancy was projecting. like she felt so guilty about barb and associated that night with the first time she had sex with steve, so she associated steve with barb’s disappearance/death. she was processing her trauma which is totally fine, but also not an excuse to treat steve like that. to be fair, drunk words drunk words. 
what she forgot was that steve also experienced the same thing. maybe not the grief and loss that she felt, but it’s HIS house. he has to stare out at that pool every night and know that it’s a murder scene and a grave site. he may be processing his trauma by trying to forget and be a “normal kid.” and that’s fine. 
and to be SO clear: they didn’t technically break up. you could say that they did, or take that as your interpretation, but in my opinion they’re not broken up until they have a conversation explicitly discussing ending things. couples fight all of the time. it’s not uncommon to want a little space afterwards before apologizing/making up. 
so yes. nancy cheated. and she never thought about the consequences of her actions, especially regarding steve. imagine how he felt. in season 3, he admitted to being IN LOVE with her. and she called him bullshit and cheated on him. be so real, if this happened in real life, you wouldn’t be as kind as steve. he stayed friendly with BOTH nancy and jonathan, and continued to babysit their brothers. 
steve called himself a bad boyfriend, but did we ever see evidence of that? he was constantly wooing her and romancing her. like if she didn’t want that, she could have communicated that throughout the YEAR they were together. the only possible way that steve could be a bad boyfriend was regarding their difference in trauma response. which is not being Bad. it’s having different personalities and perspectives. so ??? just a gripe. 
SEASON 3…. so YEAH nancy is selfish. her and jonathan’s job at the hawkins post … like YES fight misogyny and feel infuriated because of your treatment. however, don’t strong-arm jonathan into supporting you when he NEEDS that job. unlike miss picket fence upper middle class nancy wheeler, the byers don’t have a lot of money. they’re living on a single income and jonathan works too. like he doesn’t have the ability to just drop the job. of course, he follows her in the end though. honestly, that only validates nancy’s perspective that she’s always right and her crusade for whatever is righteous. 
but she doesn’t care about collateral damage. she never took into account jonathan’s feelings. she never took into account the effect this could have on future jobs. employers DO check references sometimes fyi. (also i KNOW that it was due to a lot of misogyny, but irl new hires are often the company mule. like she could have tried to work her way up. she hasn’t even been working there that long, and she a high school student expects to be published within months?? just be a little realistic here) 
i honestly commend her because she’s bold and she’s brave. she makes a GREAT reporter. but she makes a bad friend and a bad girlfriend. from what i observe, she takes things for granted and gives too much credit to herself. these are just character flaws and that’s human to have flaws. it’s possible to be a good person and also do bad things. i actually like nancy a lot, but it has to be acknowledged that she rarely faces consequences for her actions, and has never been confronted with the fact that she constantly puts herself first with no regard for other people. 
just a quick note for season 4 bc this is getting SO long: when nancy told steve he “almost deserved” to get shot in the face. okay bitch. now i’m mad. bc? what did he do? and like. tbh WHO deserves to get shot in the face. i don’t care if it was supposed to be a flirty statement, it was SO out of pocket. 
it’s also clear that nancy takes credit for steve’s “transformation.” if i’m being honest, the only thing she really pushed him to do was to drop tommy and carol. STEVE made the decision to run back in to fight the demogorgon. STEVE made the decision to help dustin and fight the demo dogs. STEVE made the decision to stay behind to watch the kids while they stormed the lab. show me one instance where nancy influences his actions, and i’ll acknowledge it, but i just don’t see it. and i think she gives herself way too much credit. because she wasn’t there by his side working through it with him. she was dealing with her own problems (which is okay), but she can’t act like she completely transformed him and made him a heroic babysitter. think on that. 
into my thoughts on ro//nance: 
robin is steve’s best friend. she’s not JUST his best friend. he’s her platonic soulmate. when they were conceived, they were a being with four arms and four legs. but they were Too Cunt and Powerful so they had to be separated. they are literally two parts of one soul. 
now imagine: ur best friend admits he’s IN LOVE/HAS BEEN IN LOVE with his ex. and she broke his heart. that in itself already has me livid, but if i found out about the “bullshit” spiel, i would have to start throwing punches. 
i believe in season 4 that the reason why robin is so curious about nancy is because she wants to know what type of girl steve fell in love with. like what’s so appealing about nancy that she’s the only one he said he fell in love with? and i also believe she didn’t know about the cheating at this time because NO WAY would she have been nice to nancy if she knew. 
maybe you guys can forgive cheating, but i sure can’t. and especially when it happens to my best friend… it’s over. like sorry i treasure my best friend…. 
reiterating that nancy isn’t a bad person, but she just Doesn’t work with robin. putting aside robin’s opinions, nancy fucking hates her LMFAO. like she is So cold to robin out of? jealousy (a cheater is a cheater is a cheater). so it only really proves me right that nancy doesn’t actually care about the people she’s with. does she think that flirting with steve is okay after playing around with his heart before? has she ever taken into account the fact that steve may have been healing or emotionally unavailable? did she ever consider how steve felt after they broke up? 
robin did. and she’s ride or die. 
and a rebuttal to a post i’ve definitely seen before: yes, lesbians do tend to have a small dating pool which leads to a lot of friends dating exes. (i, a lesbian, have experience with this). HOWEVER, a cheater is different. because you have to acknowledge that a lot of lesbians stay friends with their exes. steve and nancy are AT BEST friendly in canon. if you would date someone who cheated on their friend, FULL OFFENSE, you’re not a good friend. that’s just a fact. 
you’re not only completely disregarding their experience, but you’re also forcing them to be in the same space as someone who betrayed them. and that’s more of a betrayal than the actual cheating imo. sorry but IN MY OPINION, i’d never want to be friends with anyone who ships ro//nance lol. it just shows me that you don’t care about your friends’ feelings like that. 
this is kind of a rant and totally nonsensical, but i have to yell about this bc i feel like it’s not even talked about. nancy is always characterized as a perfect girl, but she’s not. and that’s OKAY! but you can’t erase her history just to have two cute girls kiss. 
it’s also completely ignoring CANON love interests (vickie). which i get because she didn’t get a lot of screen time, but god can’t we find another alternative. 
and be honest: a lot of people ship ro//nance so that jonathan/argyle can get together too. or they act like it’s okay bc steddie get together and steve is happy now. 
THOUGH steve would approve of the relationship bc he’s a GOOD guy and KIND, i think that robin would have rejected it. she’d defend that man to the DEATH. 
so when you ship ro//nance, you’re erasing stobin. because robin would want someone who loves steve just as much as she does. someone who understands that he’s her soulmate and she can’t live without him. and nancy just isn’t that person. their history and nancy’s perception of steve just stand in the way of that kind of relationship. 
not to mention that steve and robin are One. like this is more conjecture but they are Literally the Same Person. and if steve wasn’t compatible with nancy, what makes you think that robin would be?  honestly, the whole concept of ro//nance just completely bamboozles me. i’m confused and i’m irritated. because it’s almost like none of you have actually had a REAL relationship. or YOU don’t care about other people’s feelings. nancy kin i guess. 
again again, my personal opinion. i choose not to consume ro//nance content, but somehow it keeps cropping up so i do have to put in my two cents. by all means, keep shipping and supporting them, but it would be nice if you read through this and thought about the characterization. 
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yuikomorii · 9 months
After thinking more deeply about it, people shouldn’t get mad when seeing the majority shipping AyaYui because they are the most perfect for each other…not always in the good way. They are both obsessive weirdos that are unable to communicate properly and end up doing so much dumb shit that not only hurts them but also the ones around them.
Now I’m not saying they are the most problematic characters in the game, but they just are such menaces for whoever is connected to them. They be wondering why Yui wouldn’t make such a good couple with Subaru and Azusa but the reason is that they’re exactly too soft for her. They just want a kind and motherly girl but Yui keeps putting them in uncomfortable situations, doesn’t respect their boundaries and is unable to comprehend their introversion. Ik she was in a dangerous situation at first but that’s over after the second game, isn’t it? They started dating so if that’s what she truly wanted, she has to take responsibility for that and bring her brain to work.
Now about Mr. Yours Truly, he wasn’t irredeemably bad in the first game but he was such an asshole, let’s be frank. After the first game, Yui started treating him poorly or, again , not paying attention to whatever he was going through but I just couldn’t feel bad for him. They both fucked eachother up so bad but in an equal way so I can’t say any of them is better than the other, like some of their individual fans do. I’m not saying this about the Admin but some Yui and Ayato stans must actually hate the characters and only love their fanon version of them. Just because they forgive their abusers and are friendly doesn’t make them the kindest character anyone has ever seen. They did too many bad things to be considered the kindest and I’m not gonna follow the “they went insane” excuse because I really don’t care. All characters are insane and broken but not all of them did as much shit as they did.
I’m not justifying anything from that dick but e.g. when Karlheinz commits a genocide to make ghouls, he is said to have abused his powers and is evil but when Yui commits a genocide because her cute Ayato-kun 〜 died and kills all living things on both worlds, that’s seen as romantic? Like that’s extremely evil and selfish of her too. Or when others complain about the vampires being possessive and jealous, when Yui is the same person that stabbed Shu and threw him in the dungeon afterwards out of jealousy and she also paralysed Ayato then used him as her pleasure slave only because he drank blood from other chicks. Again, I’m not excusing them but she’s just as worse when triggered enough. All the fanwars are stupid when the game only has characters that wouldn’t be perceived as mentally sane or innocent angels in real life.
// Uuh… you kinda worded it a bit too harshly but I do get where you come from.
The thing is Yui, Ayato, Azusa, Subaru and Yuma are characters described by Rejet as either pure or kind-hearted, yet this doesn’t mean they necessarily have to be saints sent from above 24/7. Good people can react horribly under stress, pressure or shock. Yes, they can do wrong stuff and treat others badly as a result, but this doesn’t mean they have a bad soul. Trauma is not the same from person to person and everyone reacts to it differently. It can turn good people into monsters depending on the severity of the circumstances and some might never come back to their original nature. And, even if they do, this will not excuse their actions, but as long as they try to change for the better and take accountability, I believe they deserve a second chance.
Rejet makes Yui go mad in some endings and After stories to demonstrate that she is capable of doing something as awful as the Diaboys if an event hits her hard enough, just like it did to them. And, to be honest, that's realistic. Of course, not the story, but the fact that every person, no matter how strong, has a breaking point.
Speaking of the genocide committed by Yui, the reason why it’s considered romantic is not the deed itself, but the fact Yui created an Ayato ghoul after exterminating everything, only because she wanted to be killed by the man she loved. I think this was the only time Yui seriously used her brain, and the fact she was crazy when doing that, makes it hilarious.
As for the Yandere endings, Yui does that to Shu in MB, if I recall correctly but it was so unexpected because she really didn’t get any vibes throughout the route, therefore I guess it was just random writing. In Ayato’s route, the obsessive tendencies were obvious when she started looking through Ayato’s swimsuit magazines and tried measuring her boobs to the ones of those girls. I was pretty sure she would pull a possessive move on him later on, lol.
Truth be told, I don't mind that in fictional couples as long as they're both obsessed with each other and it's not one-sided. Besides, it’s funny how even Ruki called Yui “Ayato obsessed” in CL.
As a DL fan, I understand that no character is a total green flag because they all display toxic behavior in regular circumstances, no matter if intentional or not. Nonetheless, that shouldn’t stop us from loving them. Some people prefer the softer aspects of DL, while others prefer the darker, but keep in mind that those who prefer talking well about their favs don't want to be always reminded of all the bad things they did, especially if those characters regret them or weren't in the best mental state at the time.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
Im not too sure if I am too late for the error and killer debate, but as someone who also thinks they'd get along I wanted to add my thoughts into the mix AKJSHD (as a hardcore error fan.... om btw sry for the wall of text). Even though error wants to destroy anomalies, he literally considers himself as the biggest anomaly (he even calls himself "#1 anomaly"). His entire shtick is being a hypocrite and he contradicts himself constantly. So while killer might be a huge anomaly in his eyes, if they'd meet under normal circumstances (aka error is not actively trying to destroy AU's) i think he'd just talk with Killer normally because yes Error is extremely lonely. And regarding errors emotional outbursts, those mostly happen when he is being extremely paranoid. Which might be an issue with killer on occasion? But I think error would realize that killer has no ulterior motives with him(i think?), which would calm him down for the most part. Either way, error is mostly calm though.
Also I think they are similar in ways too, that error, even though he wants his boundaries to be respected, has no idea how to treat other people and their boundaries (he literally kidnaps people and has no clue how to react to people who are also being emotional). Error is kind of rly selfish in that way lol. Not to mention, error most likely has schizophrenia/psychosis himself, considering he is delusional and hallucinates too (he literally "initiates" physical contact with his hallucination). Which is why I think, that once error would deal with his haphephobia and be more aware of his mental state, he would most likely be craving touch as well (because one he has been in isolation for a long time, and two to also make sure that the person he is talking to isn't just in his head).
Honestly for the most part, I like to imagine that they'd get along really well once they both kinda dealt with their major issues.UGH IDK THO??? (I rly have minimal knowledge of killer but lots of error sooo any more thoughts on this?).
Don’t worry, you aren’t too late. Anyone’s always welcome to add their insights whenever they want!
And I’m glad to hear your views on this, it sounds pretty reasonable and realistic. And the only time I can see Killer having any ulterior motives when interacting with Error specifically would be if Nightmare sends him to get something from Error, he gets bored and starts attempting to provoke Error just to see what happens, or possibly if he thinks Error could help him with his codes.
That last one, however, is something I feel is unlikely to actually happen even if Killer considers the notion a bit; simply because Killer would not want to ask for help from someone he hardly knows or trusts with something so vulnerable about himself. I’m sure he’s aware that Error is aware of his reprogrammed/altered codes, but I doubt he’d tolerate it being brought up outside of “you’re a fucked up little anomaly aren’t you?” type of thing.
I’m sure the two of them would have a lot of meta conversations that would make anyone else who overheard believe they’re absolutely insane and delusional. Voices? Players? Creators? It sounds insane to anyone who doesn’t know.
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mysterycitrus · 10 months
i dont know who a writer would be who could handle it (more ignorance on my part than lack of good writers though there is that too) but i’m curious what you think a real, earned redemption could look like for jtodd and if you would even want it.
i definitely think there’s a path, esp because so much of bruce’s philosophy relies on a genuine and earnest commitment to rehabilitation and restorative justice, but i also think (and maybe i’m wrong if anyone has comics recs lmk) but i don’t think i’ve seen a comic with the hard work of reaching out and healing/moving on from the past from both bruce + co and jason
i really love his character but especially now i don’t think dc knows what it wants to do with him so he’s in this perpetual limbo where he’s always on the edges of the batfam, a fringe black sheep member but a member nonetheless, still entangled with them
personally i would love either way but i wish dc would either separate him and let him do his own thing that’s not just punisher lite or really actually go through the process of making amends and fully integrating with the crew, learning to love and trust again and all that
omg this really got away from me so apologies for just word vomiting in your asks but yeah im curious dc puts you in charge of j todd’s next big character arc, what would you do with him
i don’t think that’s ignorance — dc is not known for hiring writers who can include and explore complex themes in their comics lol
personally i think the easiest way to trigger a redemption arc for jason would be take him away from the batfamily and force him to interact with other villains, specifically amanda waller and the suicide squad. task force z came kinda close to this, but didn’t push the concept far enough imo. jason’s interactions with black mask were some of the best parts of utrh — i want to see his ideology be questioned by people who do the exact same things as him, and are fully aware that they’re selfish and destructive.
the truth is that while jason is acting out and murdering people, he’s still bound to bruce. he is autonomously making decisions, but fundamentally he is choosing to stay. he’s choosing to be tethered. he’s choosing to care. seeing the indentured recruits of the suicide squad would be confronting to him.
i don’t think the happy family fanon dynamic will ever be possible without ruining every included character simultaneously, but that’s okay. that’s not what jason truly wants anyway.
specifically, i don’t think he’ll ever be able to work with bruce, which is why i find the jason + dick dynamic so interesting. you’re right — bruce’s fundamental mission is about restorative justice, and he would continue to reach out. dick, however, is a realist, and is extremely protective and territorial of the people in his care (tim, damian, the titans, etc) all of whom jason has hurt. jason has been shown on page to respect dick and his position, and simultaneously think he’s pathetic because he refuses to lose control.
for me ideally, he’d be someone on the very outskirts. i feel like dick and babs would be his point of contact — dick because he’s keeping an eye on jason, and babs because she has way less hangups about working with killers. otherwise? i think he’s lost the chance to properly bond with anyone who knew before he died. that’s the risk he took when he decided to become the red hood. that’s the tragedy.
but to be perfectly honest, the most restorative thing jason could do would be to leave the game entirely, and relearn how to live.
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