#Elie & her grandpa
bleakbluejay · 1 year
maybe it's just bc i was raised by a woman who grew up a farm girl during the Great Depression but i just don't understand how people don't use things until they're unusable -- wearing clothes until they fall off and are too threadbare to repair anymore, don't finish their plates (and even more heinous, don't store leftovers and instead opt to throw leftovers away entirely), don't force their old car to run far past the end of its life, don't keep their shoes until they can feel every pebble through the worn-down soles, don't keep their electronics with the glitchy screens until the picture becomes unusable or the damn thing doesn't turn on anymore. we used to fill near-empty bottles of soap and shampoo with water to try to help them last longer. we used to count the exact number of toilet paper squares we used. the living room couch i grew up with was already old and full of holes by the time i was born, and we kept it near 20 years more.it is such a striking cultural difference comparing my family and how we descend and behave from the arms of my great-grandmother and our matriarch, to other people's families that didn't struggle the same, or didn't keep their elders in close enough proximity to be affected by their history. how well did you know your grandparents? did you ever meet your great-grandparents, or hear stories about them?
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hnting · 2 years
V!Jess is so funny because she's experiencing the world's worst case of 'never meet your idols' ever 😭
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netmors · 5 months
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STAR WARS: Eleventh Fleet AU
Hey-hey, I worked, caught a cold, got sick and that’s enough… …so, concept art for the Eleventh Fleet.
Ar'alani and Vah'nya's designs are fairly simple, but the problem with them in particular, and the Chiss in general, is their clothing and style. There are many official references, including those from Legends, but each artist still has his own vision regarding, for example, the shape of the fleet. Somewhere there is a strong homage to the design from the old canon, somewhere it was modernized, and in the latter they added the same “honor's chains”, which look a little strange on the laconic form. It seems to be in the Chiss style, but very impractical.
As a result, I am reworking the design of the expansion and defense fleet uniform, but more on that another time. Let's return to Ar'alani and Vah'nya.
At the beginning of the events of the "Eleventh Fleet", Senior General Ar'alani on his flagship "Vigilant" is increasingly confronted with the Grysks. A year will pass since her last meeting with Thrawn, when the invaders of the Ascendency space will openly attack the Chiss ships.
Such cat and mouse would continue for another year until the disappearance of another Night Dragon class war cruiser, subsequently leading to disaster in the heart of the Chiss Ascendancy. The Senior General will be one of the few superiors who, along with Ba'kif, can survive. Much of this will be down to Vanto and Ronan - unaccounted for variables in the Grysk's plans. The trust placed in Thrawn's "alien protégés" paid off in full.
The Senior General was often accompanied by Senior Navigator Vah'nya. "Vigilant" almost always accepted missions to search for missing navigators. Vah'nya not only guided the ship through the stars and darkness of outer space, but she was much better at rehabilitating rescued navigators, as well as leading the other navigators on the ship. Friendship with Eli played an important role in this.
Because of her "anomaly" as a Navigator who hasn't lost her powers into adulthood, many of the regulations and rules simply don't work for Vah'nya the way they do for other girls. And to be an “anomaly” for Sindikure is a very subtle walking on the edge of a charrik. And yet, to the dissatisfaction of some aristocrats and syndics, the girl manages to balance on it for quite a long time.
+ bonus Ba'kif timeline concept art.
Because I’m not entirely sure that I’m right, but I really wanted to think about what this gorgeous grandpa would have looked like during the Thrawn. Ascendency Trilogy. And I also reworked his “chains” and other form elements quite a bit. And yes, I’m more than sure that Thrawn adopted Ba'kif’s “style” in his time.
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matan4il · 2 years
Buddie 610 meta
Holy shit, this ep.
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Okay, what shall we start with? Maybe with what 911 itself starts, lots of foreshadowing. At the beach call, we have Eddie looking at Buck and replying to him (about the lightning), “I really hope it doesn’t strike twice, though.” Which, of course we know it will. But the foreshadowing continues, as Buck talks to Omar about unexpected things in life coming out of nowhere. That suggests we need to pay extra attention to other elements in this ep that might act as foreshadowing for later events along 6b. ~~
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That kind of connects to me with Buck being closely tied to Ely, the pregnant lady (he saves the day there twice, first by realizing the oil is dripping and if they use the saw, it might prove fatal, then by helping Bobby with the baby). First off, it made me chuckle when we learned that, despite being driven to the hospital by a man, he’s actually not her partner. 911 made sure we knew Ely has a wife, and that she has another kid with her. Is it a coincidence when Buck, who practically has a husband and a kid with him already, is the main firefighter taking care of her? Maybe, but it still amused me. What really made me take note is when he told her not to push, trying to stall her childbirth, and she replied that it doesn’t depend on her. That made me wonder if perhaps this is also in a way foreshadowing what we might end up seeing with the sperm donation storyline. I’m not sure, I can’t be, but I was not surprised to see that storyline brought up later in the ep. ~~
In general, this ep’s title, “In a Flash,” might seem to refer to the lightning storm the team experiences, but the real tempest is the havoc our families can wreak on us, tied to the unexpected nature change can sometimes take on. Chim’s dad suddenly shows up, raining on his parade. Albert suddenly thinks Chim should give their dad a chance to be Jee Yun’s grandpa, but decides against giving his brother a warning. The Buckley parents are suddenly making an effort, yet leaving everyone suspicious and unnerved. Albert suddenly leaks Buck’s sperm donation to everyone and unleashes hell between the in-laws. Denny’s changes, probably influenced by getting in touch with his dad, come as a surprise to Hen. And of course, at the climax of the ep, Bobby as the unofficial adoptive father of Buck might lose his son in a flash. The whole ep is filled with these parallels of abrupt familial disquiet, especially in relation to dads, on all 118 fronts. And as Buck deals with maybe the biggest of these questions, because he doesn’t even yet know what he wants for himself and how does the life he helped create (but only as a donor) fit into that, it’s no wonder his life ends up hanging literally in the balance. ~~
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One of the most painful things in this ep for me was seeing how much Buck’s parents are willing to accept him as a donor, because not for a second do they think he can be a father. That would be the natural conclusion from him looking at a sonogram on his phone, but his parents find it easier to believe their daughter is pregnant again than to think Buck would be a dad (ironic, because he already is one. Just not to the baby in the sonogram). It reminded me of how Eddie’s parents also didn’t believe in his ability to be a dad, and actively petitioned to have Chris taken from him to be raised by them in 315. It amazes me every time anew just how much Buddie are compatible, because their stories parallel so much that they can understand each other in ways most other people can’t. ~~
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And it gets to me that this whole episode also insists on reminding us how good Buck is with kids, first with the ones on the beach, calming them down and answering their questions to help them make sense of the whole ordeal. Then with Ely’s baby, a callback to how we saw him with the pipe baby in 101. It connects to him looking at the baby sonogram, all excited, once again acting so much like an expectant dad would (parallel to him and the firefighter onesie in 609), when we know he’s not actually going to be that baby’s father. It very much does feel like 911 is signaling to us Buck has some realizations coming his way in this context. ~~
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Speaking of the kids on the beach, Buck telling the boy he wants to fix everything, then adding that Buck gets it, had me screaming into my fists, because hey, remember who said that to Buck? That’s right, his Eddie, back in 504. A reminder of how much Eddie sees Buck, accepts him and allows him to be himself, enabling Buck in turn to reflect that back to that kid. Of course, in the context of the sperm donation, Buck’s tendency made him want to help “fix” things for Connor and Kameron, and we might learn in 6b that Buck comes to realize he sometimes lets this tendency take him to places that aren’t actually good for him, without fully considering the consequences, and then hopefully, he’ll get to find a way to balance this, to be himself, but not derailed from his life goals by this part of himself. ~~
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At the same time that the ep shows us how good Buck is with kids, it also serves to remind us of the one kid that we’ve seen him co-parent all along, the one who has always demonstrated what a good, loving dad Buck is, Christopher. Yes, when we see Buck working on his cooking with Bobby, it’s a part of the many parallels revolving around dads in this ep, so Buck and Bobby’s r/s is the immediate focus, but at the same time, we know who Buck is learning this FOR. Lazania kitchen scene from 601, anyone? Oh, but the best part? It’s when Buck tells Bobby, “Something’s missing.” He can’t quite put the finger on what, but he knows something in his domesticity isn’t fully there. I wonder what, Buck... And this is again in an ep full of foreshadowing! ~~
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It may seem like a minor thing, but remember how in my past meta, I was more or less losing it over the many times Buck and Eddie did rope rescues together as their own team within the 118 team, even having their assigned roles where Eddie connects Buck to the line and then becomes an anchor himself to keep Buck safe, to the point where I wrote a smut fic involving this very meaningful act? Yeah, so imagine me seeing that the most intense Buddie call we’ve had since the end of 413 starts with them doing this subtextually intimate thing, Eddie hooking Buck up to the rope, becoming his literal life line, and even teasingly calling him “cowboy” while at it. No, I was not breathing for a full minute at least. ~~
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But since I brought up the shooting in 413, can we talk about the insanity of the parallels? Take the meaningful staring once disaster strikes. Back in s4, it was mutual, right before Eddie collapsed. In 610, Buck is unconscious, so you wouldn’t think they could stare at each other at this moment, right? Plus, back in 413, it was just the two of them present at the scene out of the 118, the other members of the team weren’t there. The lightning strike seems a lot less intimate in comparison... But in this ep, the camera plays a role in recreating that same dynamic, singling out the connection between Buddie. Because when Buck is hit by lightning, we get shots of every 118 member looking up and being terrified of what just happened to their friend.
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The only exception in terms of this shot? Eddie. He’s the only one that isn’t being filmed from the side as he looks up, he’s filmed from above as he looks straight into the camera. Essentially, the shot recreates Buck’s POV for Eddie, and for him alone. It shows us what Buck would see and how he would stare down, back at Eddie, if he only could. The fact that the camera has to do this instead of Buck himself further emphasizes the horror of Buck being unconscious, but the choice to do this only with Eddie highlights their connection and makes it clear that Buddie’s bond IS different to what the other team members have with Buck, no matter how close the others are to him or how much they love him. What’s insane is that DESPITE having all of the 118 there, there is still a bubble within this whole situation that is Buddie and Buddie’s alone, even as Buck himself is unconscious. It’s no wonder Eddie jumps up that electrocuted ladder without even thinking about it, it’s no wonder no one even tries to stop him or warn him of the danger in that. That is a man on a mission to save the other half of him, and the show tells us that in more than one way.
That’s gonna continue through Eddie’s attempts (and eventual success) in getting Buck away from immediate danger, as well as when the team tries but then fails to revive Buck, because Eddie will be the one to push past Bobby to see Buck, and Eddie will be the one Bobby has to keep in line by assigning him driving duty, maybe the most important thing anyone can do for Buck once all the medical assistance they can give him in the field is of no further use. ~~
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One more thing regarding the comparison with the shooting arc in s4, as well as talking about camera shots, is that we get to see the difference between a platonic friend resuscitating his teammate and a man desperately trying to keep the love of his life alive. If you look at Chim doing compressions on Buck, he’s giving it his all, because he DOES love Buck, Chim’s doing his best for his friend and brother in law. But the shot is not an intimate one, we don’t get close ups, we don’t get to focus on the eyes and see the frantic look of a man who knows he CAN’T fail, we don’t see the intimate touch of a hand laying a gauze on an exposed chest and trying to keep this treasured body together, we do get “come on, Buck,” but we don’t get personal speech, begging the other man to hold on and just “stay with me.” While back in 414, in the ambulance, we had ALL of those as Buck, almost on the verge of losing his sanity, fought for Eddie’s life. ~~
Lastly, I’ve made in the past a gifset of times when we’ve seen Buck screaming Eddie’s name in horror at the face of danger (including in 413), and I love that we can finally add to that Eddie doing the same thing for Buck. But I think it’s particularly meaningful that it happened not as a matter of when Buck would be in danger, but rather it was a question of just how significant Buck had to become to Eddie for this former, highly decorated soldier to go from the stoic man he was in 218 to what we see in 610 (as seen in my latest weekly gifset). Because Eddie WAS incredibly worried back in the s2 finale. He was gritting his teeth, you can see the tension on his face, and the second it was safe, he sprang to Buck’s side. Eddie also held on to him while everyone else was lifting the truck (even though Chim, as a medic, would have been a more natural choice to hold on to Buck, while Eddie the firefighter helps lift engine 118). And Eddie wouldn’t even let go of Buck’s hand on the way to the truck. HE WAS DISTRAUGHT. But the man who kept his facade up in the hospital after Shannon, his wife and mother of his son, died just one ep earlier, did the same thing with Buck. What I find so telling is that he can no longer do that by 610. Buck has become such an integral part of his life, of his family, of who Eddie is as a person and how he deals with life, way more than even Shannon managed to be. And that’s why Eddie loses it, confirming what we’ve known for a while: Buddie are life partners. ~~
I now have direct links to my weekly meta posts, my Buddie gifs and more of my content in my pinned post. Loads of love to @whosoldherout​​ for making unbelievable gifs for my very unique requests. You’re a star! Tag list will follow in the reblog. Thank you in advance for any reblog and like! I’m operating on 1.5 hours of sleep to get this posted ASAP, so I really appreciate any and all encouragement to keep doing this. xoxox
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 8 months
meet y/n
jack hughes x teen mom!reader
is born and raised in New Jersey
born in 2002
she got pregnant with Abigail and Elijah when she was 15 but had the twins when she was 16
only has a 10th grade education, she found out she was pregnant with the twins late February, and decided to just finish that school year then drop out to work and raise her babies
she got kicked out of her house when her parents found out she was pregnant because "they didn't want to take care of another spoiled brat" and she began to live with her best friend to this day, Lia's family
she lived with them until she was 18 and they always helped her, never excepting pay for babysitting while y/n was at work, y/n just refers to them as her parents, Abby and Eli call them Nana and Grandpa
she began working as a barista at local cafe and now owns the place even turning it into a cafe/bakery
and thats where she met Jack
Jack's main cafe was closed for renovations so he ended up going into y/n's (blurb coming soon)
Abby and Eli love Jack.
even before they started dating they loved him cause the twins stay at the cafe after school so when Jack would come in later in the day those two were all over him
and when they eventually meet everyone Trevor is Eli's fav and Quinn is Abby's fav
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gennyanydots · 2 months
Big Bay Boom
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Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x f!reader
Summary: It’s the Fourth of July and your family is spending it with the rest of the daggers in San Diego.
Warnings: vague mention of sex,
Part of the 'Spitfire' Universe
Can be read as a standalone but makes more sense if you've read some of the other stories.
You were learning that being stationed at the same place for an extended period of time came with a few perks. Not having to pack your things every five minutes was a big perk. Settling into your own home. Your husband’s Captain making friends with people who can arrange for your husband’s entire squad to watch the San Diego fireworks show on a ship in the harbor (and then later finding out Mav just asked Warlock and used a picture of your son looking sad and told him he would be responsible for your son’s sad face if he couldn’t make it happen. Where or when Mav got that picture is a mystery).
Getting to see the fireworks without having to fight the crowds sounded like an amazing idea. One year you decided that your family should see the fireworks in downtown San Diego and you quickly learned that had been the stupidest idea you had ever had. Jake and you taking Eli all the way into the city had been a disaster. There were too many people. Parking was a mess. You didn’t find much to eat that a toddler would even like. You were terrified you were going to lose Eli in the crowd despite your husband and you watching him like a hawk. The only person who had a good time was Eli and you had been thankful for that at least.
When Jake had come home the week prior and said the squad wanted to go to San Diego for the Fourth of July you were quick to shoot that idea down. A toddler AND a baby? No. No way. Not even with the extra adults.
Jake promised that you wouldn’t be downtown for the fireworks and that you wouldn’t even be downtown as it got dark. You begrudgingly agreed after you heard the squad decided to go downtown not for the fireworks but to take your children to the zoo. It still blew your mind that your husband’s Navy squad cared so much about your children.
When the day came around you packed up your two children along with all the stuff you needed for the day and headed off to the San Diego zoo.
Upon arriving you found the entire squad ready to help get your kids in gear for the zoo. Grandma Penny took your daughter from the car seat faster than you could even get out of your seat. She quickly covered your daughter in a layer of sunscreen before passing her off to Bob’s wife who was so excited to snuggle her. She then wrangled your son out of Bradley’s arms to do the same before passing him right back because nobody could keep those two separate for long except Bradley’s girlfriend who seemed happy to let him hold your wiggly boy.
It definitely helped your anxiety to see so many adults surround your children. Their own security team. You’re pretty sure you heard Javy growl at someone just walking by who just happened to glance in the squad’s direction. You knew in your heart that no matter what Javy would protect your babies forever.
By the time you made it into the zoo, everyone was acting like children from the excitement of the zoo. Poor Maverick had at least five adults yelling at him to get them ice cream before your son and daughter joined in which meant Grandpa Mavvie had to follow through. The day Grandpa Mavvie told your children “No” was the day hell froze over.
You couldn’t help but laugh as poor Maverick tried to wrangle his elite squad of pilots and wso’s as he attempted to get them all ice cream. Maybe one day you should record it so you can send it into “America’s Funniest Home Videos” because you’re positive you’d win.
You felt extra sorry for the poor worker who was trying their best to keep up with everyone yelling out their ice cream order before you quickly pulled out your phone and made everyone come and tell you what they wanted so you could have an accurate count for Maverick. Penny watched the entire ordeal while laughing at Mav as he tried to keep up with everyone.
Everyone finished their ice cream quickly due to the hot day and you were all off again.
Upon seeing the “Skyfari” that went high above the zoo your daughter started to demand going on the “ride” so that’s where you all went next. It ended up being her favorite part of the entire day. Jake decided it was because Ella clearly takes after him and wants to be in the air. You figured she just enjoyed the ride.
You enjoyed what happened beforehand.
Before getting in the little zoo tram car your husband easily folded Ella’s stroller. There was just something about watching a competent man easily fold a stroller and then lift it one handed that was just so attractive to you. You don’t even care that Jake gave you a funny look after he noticed you staring at him after he got the stroller ready for the ride. Maybe tonight you’d be able to celebrate with some “fireworks” of your own with your husband. Fingers crossed.
The zoo took several hours to get through and you were pretty sure you still didn’t see everything. You’re sure you’d have to come back another day to see it all and to go on Ella’s favorite part again since you knew your daughter well enough to know she would demand to go again soon.
You all decided to eat dinner at the zoo since trying to find somewhere that everyone liked that could fit such a large group would be impossible.
Penny decided that she was taking Ella home as you all walked back to your vehicles for the next part of your day after eating. She didn’t feel like staying up to watch the fireworks when she could instead go to bed early which was something that didn’t happen often being a bar owner. Plus one less child to keep track of helped your mama brain. You’re pretty sure Ella would not do well with the loud booms so you quickly agreed to Penny taking your daughter for some extra snuggle time with grandma that your daughter was not against in the slightest. You knew Penny would never play favorites with your children but being a girl mom made it much easier for her to bond with Ella than with your rough and tumble son who’s favorite thing to do at their house was to wrestle with Grandpa Mavvie. Ella was still happy to snuggle with Grandma Penny.
With one less child you moved onto the next part of your day.
Eating at the zoo gave you all just enough time to get to the base so that Jake could show Eli his plane- for the billionth time. Eli LOVED to see his daddy's plane especially since there was a picture of him in it so it was like he was flying with his daddy every time he flew. The other daggers tried to show Eli their planes too but he only sort of liked Bradley's because there was a picture of his teacher in it so it was like his teacher was flying too if Bradley and his daddy were flying together. All the other planes were less fun but he still looked at every single one so he didn't hurt his aunt's and uncle's feelings.
As Eli was occupied you took the moment with everyone else to really stress how someone needed to have a hand on your son at all times while on the ship. You were excited about seeing the fireworks in the bay but you also needed to know that your son was safe.
Maverick just rolled his eyes at you and gathered you into his arms for a hug before kissing your forehead and promising that nothing would happen to Eli and he personally would be the first one to jump off the ship to save him if the unthinkable happened, not that it would ever happen.
Maverick then nodded his head towards Bradley who had your Eli on his shoulders both wearing matching lifejackets, "Rooster didn't want Eli to feel singled out. Also I highly doubt Rooster is going to put your son down any time soon and if he does I don't think he would be on his feet long before someone else sticks him on their shoulders so he can see."
You take a deep breath and nod at his words. You know that none of the daggers would ever let anything happen to Eli, it's just hard to let go.
Once on the ship it wasn't long before everyone was laughing and dancing around to the music that the bay was playing as you all waited for the fireworks to begin. Eli loved watching the drone show that went on before the fireworks.
When the fireworks started you were amazed by how close you really were to them regardless of being a safe distance away. You felt the booms deep in your chest as they went on. From the water you could see the different barges in the ocean that were shooting fireworks off so instead of one show you got to watch multiple. Every few booms you made sure to check where your son was, finding him always on the shoulders of someone. Apparently now was Javi's turn as you see Bradley snuggled up close to his girlfriend much like you currently were with Jake. In fact you could see Bob and his wife in much the same position but when you looked closer you could see Bob's hand lightly rubbing his wife's stomach. He must not have meant to because he immediately stopped and quickly looked around to see if anyone noticed. Upon catching you looking he quickly put his pointer finger to his lips. You winked at him and made the same motion back to let him know you'd keep their secret.
"What was that?" Jake asked you, bending down to make sure you could hear him.
You shake your head, "None of your business. Super secret married people things, you wouldn't know anything about."
Jake groans, "But I am married. To you. I am married to you."
You shrug, "Doesn't mean you get to know. Sorry baby."
You smile as you look around at all the friends around you and lean back against your husband's chest as he holds you tighter. Holidays, including the fourth, are much better spent with your new found family.
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amyunshader · 5 months
Yenna & people headcanons
Zack Lee: still planning a kidnapping #forthelasttimehernameisn'tZami
Mira Kim: c'mon Zack give Yena back to her father
Jay Hong: PANIK what do you do with children, very very afraid to drop her, Daniel how did I end up here
Vasco/Euntae Lee: MUST PROTECT. *loud Burnt Knuckles cheering in the back* excited to play with Yenna, very reckless, he's the don't in the 'how to play with baby' meme.
Jace: trying to stop Vasco from recklessly throwing Yena in the air again
Vin Jin: who? What? All this time Eli Jang had a kid? That coy bastard!
Like What & So Funny: lil' sis'!
Tom Lee: granddaughter is to be spoiled. Whoever touch a single hair from her head become top priority hit list.
Manager Kim: spiritual grandniece. Also a very rare bond of his not to turn out creating professionalism crisis as she's the granddaughter of Baekho's superintendent, NEVER to be harmed even when Tom Lee is himself happily smashing his adoptive son's face. Tho the grandpa childcare left disturbing pictures Manager Kim would rather forget.
Johan Seong: the cat bastard had a daughter? *forgets because he doesn’t care*
Jake Kim: Lipstick amplify. Give her a grand tour of Big Deal Street in Sinu's car
Jerry Kwon: manly protectiveness of Hostel's cherished darling.
Luah Lim: *stress building up in front of potential trigger to next crew war*
Samuel Seo: *looking at myth-like tragic birth story of living legend's daughter* inferiority complex triggered
Eugene: Hostel and Eli Jang's fatal weakness. *cunning intensify*
Mitsuki Soma/Neko: "Oh, an irresponsible father, all men are the fucking same" — considers kidnapping/taking in Yena as she cute and kinda reminds her of herself
Ryuhei Kuroda/Nomen/Kagiroi: *explained Hostel's tragedy* enthused about the myth-like love story, tho blaming Eli for failing his girl (and a bit complexing because)
Kenta Magami: the grandmaster's favorite student's daughter? Vengeance target? Or is it also a victim of the White Ghost?
(Han)gyeol Baek: she will grow to have a so incredibly pretty face like her father!!
Logan Lee: [censored rude shit about Eli and condoms]
Goo: she's technically Gun's granddaughter right? Right?
Gun: strong teachers & protectors + potential to start a war + they all want to kill him *satisfaction intensify*
James Lee/Diego Kang: this is neither an enemy of his nor Daniel nor a way to backstab Charles Choi, why should he care
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dandylion240 · 2 months
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“Ethan’s just jealous,” Eli said, “and he’s upset that Dad decided to quit the orchestra that Grandpa started and manages. Dad has his own manager and plays a different genre of music and he did that on his own without anyone’s help.”
“That’s not what Daddy told me,” Jolene said. “He says that Dad paid the manager to take him on and that he got the money from Grandpa. But don’t worry you won’t need to cheat to become famous.”
Stopping outside the house “Jolene you listen too much to Ethan. He doesn’t know everything and I’m not just saying that because I don’t like him. Just think about it. Dad has never tried to keep us from seeing Ethan and he’s never said anything bad about him to persuade us to like him more than Ethan. But Ethan has done just the opposite. If I were you, I’d wonder why he’s always trying to make Dad out to be worse than he is.”
Jolene glared at him, “Daddy doesn’t do that.”
Eli’s eyebrows rose but all he did was shake his head and walk into the house. He couldn’t help but wonder what it would take to open her eyes.
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sterekmpreg · 1 year
can you do stiles mpreg headcanons for me? like him preggers with eli🫶🏼☺️
FOR SURE😭 I love getting these😩 a few notes first: Derek never lost his alpha status and Scott gave him up after Derek confronted him about Stiles being his mate and never letting Scott take Stiles away from Derek's pack. Some of the people who were dead aren't dead.
LET ME HAVE MORE ASKS! but for real, feel free to ask me for more headcanons or more in detailed specific asks. I love answering them.
Stiles loves Derek adoring his pregnant stomach and Derek loves showing Stiles his Love for the full-rounded tummy. Kisses, tender touches, rubbing, stroking…. Derek does it all. He's even been caught a few times talking or singing to the bump softly early in the mornings or late into the hours of sleep.
Stiles sobs like a maniac when his jeans don't fit and the pack makes a day of buying new clothes for all so Stiles wouldn't feel singled out and they spoil the hell out of a very hormonal Stiles. The day was filled with eating, bonding, Lydia doing her well-known fashion shows in fitting rooms, and pictures. All at the expense of Derek's Bank account.
Noah, after being explained the possibility of Stiles' pregnancy through makes and mating by Peter's Education on the subject, stands and shouts “I'm gonna be a good damned grandpa!” before high-fiving every pack member he can reach.
Stiles goes into overload with the whole wolf theme. I'm talking wolf-themed onesies, bottles, binkies, hats, sweaters, baby booties, etc. And Derek, he doesn't have the heart to tell his excited mate that the dresser and closet are almost full after Stiles, Issac, and the girls go baby shopping.
The pack sometimes has a hard telling if Grandpa or the expecting parents are more eager to meet the tiny bundle of Joy that would become Elias Claude Stilinski Hale (Eli). And Noah definitely didn't help to stop Stiles with the Wolf theme because if anything he was enabling it.
Stiles has cravings for many things but his most frequent are Deer burgers, Onion rings, pickle wraps, and peanut butter milkshakes. Malia of course loves Stiles's first craving, Noah likes his son not being able the get onto him about greasy onion rings they'd eat together, Derek was glad pickle wraps were normal cravings, and Peter indulges in Peanut butter milkshakes with his favorite nephew-in-law.
Stiles has a hard time in the later months of the pregnancy and is basically left on bed rest after 8 months. Eli liked to kick Stiles all night in the bladder and on multiple occasions, Stiles would just cry after waking up and throwing his legs over the bed because everything just fucking hurt! Derek, being a good mate would wake up and help the heavily pregnant man by taking some pain as the walked to and from the bathroom and even as his mate fell asleep beside him after each slowly agonizing bathroom trip.
The Pack runs wild with the pack mom Stiles idea and can't stop making jokes about having a new “baby brother”. Erica and Issac go out of the way and get custom shirts labeled dad, mom, Grandpa, favorite uncle, big brother, big sister, etc. with everyone's name on the back if their own shirt as a cute pack idea when Stiles said he wanted to do a family photo shoot of their pack. (the shirts were a surprise for Derek and Stiles and they couldn't stop laughing as the pack forced them into their shirt for the photos.)
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gremlinbabe · 2 years
Things I would’ve liked seeing in the teen wolf movie:
-Laura being the birth mom of Eli & the story of how Derek ended up adopting his nephew
- Scott as a veterinarian following deatons steps but he decided to relinquish his true alpha powers to Derek when he realized he really isn’t cut out to be alpha because he never wanted to be a werewolf but with therapy realized he wouldn’t mind being a beta because it’s much calmer and if he stayed in the area wouldn’t become an omega. Making Scott happier maybe he finds himself a gf/bf
-Alpha Derek encouraging his pack by leading by example became a mechanic and a consultant (also show more mechanic Derek 😭😭)
-Grown fbi emissary stiles with little magics & werewolf strength. Happy & dating Derek with a newly fixed jeep
-Stiles and Lydia reestablishing a good friendship after the break up and the whole thing with the Jeep
- CEO & fashion icon Lydia using banshee powers to find out when corporate Headhonchos die to bet on stocks that will increase pack funds a little but not make it suspicious. still being on top of her game ceo wise excluding her powers
-Seeing more of Lydia’s powers.
-Jackson and Lydia sass offs (but with Margo/Elliot from the magicians dynamics and not whatever they did in the movie)
-Jackson and Ethan wedding👀 or at least cute domestic life
-Liam in meditation classes & a financial analyst, in charge of pack finances (+Liam and Hayden together and maybe have a kid)
-If Liam has a kid Mason to be the godfather
-Peter as a stockbroker so Lydia doesn’t have to dirty her name & maybe some art galleries around the world for when he needs to step away from stocks to not be suspicious.
-Issac happy with a French husband who treats him amazing back in beacon hills & neighbors with Derek & regularly does community bbqs. i’d like to think that Isaac would become an amazing social worker for how badly social workers handled his case.(Maybe a little bit of father figure Chris cuz he took care of him and grieved with him after Allison)
-Chris argent allowed at pack bbqs and functions because he’s proved himself over and over and the pack is the only ppl who can also understand the lost of his daughter
-Peter and Chris regularly attend therapy and grief counseling and sometimes together
-Peter and the sheriff do lunch sometimes and we get stories about all the on goings of become hills cuz they like to gossip like old ladies
-Malia back in beacon hills after traveling the world and has become a pilot and constantly brings gifts for the pack ( maybe she introduces 2 poly partners)
-Kira back from the dessert with a mastery of her powers and maybe a journalist now
-Jordan retires as a cop to get his powers under control & becomes a fitness instructor to keep active but have a more chill pace job. I’d like to think that he recommended meditation classes to Liam.
-Erica and Boyd alive well and happy with some kids(let me be delusional)
-The hale house remodeled to fit all the pack when they visit
- I liked John & Mason as sheriff & deputy. ITs Mason following stiles steps in his own way
-Mason get a cute bf
-Deaton left town to go work with his sister but stays as a hale pack ally /mentor of emissary! stiles
-Cora being a cool aunt, ufc fighter 👀
-Discount kira can stay but she’s just introduced as a part of Satomi‘s pack and not as discount Kira and maybe kira occasionally mentors her
-Eli is adorable as is, maybe give him some friends and show his interactions with his pack and how they spoil him to death 
-Some low-key Chris, Peter, and Melissa dates
-Give the sheriff a girlfriend
-Show the sheriff being a grandpa
-Derek regularly cooking and bringing lunch to the sheriff for stiles
-Kira and Scott getting back together would’ve been cute
-Would’ve rather Allison stay dead for storyline consistency and the emotional development and growth of all the characters. But if she’s sticking around then I would’ve liked for Scott to fill her in and they be friends. She gets to visit Isaac and we get to see that reunions reaction and they’re both happy for each other. we get to see her and her dad reuniting and him fumbling over explaining his current relationship with Peter & Melissa. And maybe she leaves Beacon Hills with Malia to learn more about herself & the world. And when she’s ready to come back she becomes a self-defense teacher. NO HER AND SCOTT DATING HATED THAT.
-For Malia and Parrish to have not been a thing because why🤢
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Would you mind explaining why some people don't like Allison? And no I don't think she would be good mother, considering she's been dead for a decade and never graduated so yeah definitely don't mind ignoring Jeff and his bad writing for scallison.
Idk if you were responding to a particular post, so I'm gonna answer as if it were a random question.
Actually I don't like Allison myself. I liked her back in the first season: she was sweet, innocent and a good match for Scott. The problem for me is how insane she became after her mother died.
She had never been taught to hunt, had never hurt or killed anything or anyone in her entire life. And yet, as soon as she discovered her mother's suicide, she transformed into a Kate Argent 2.0.
And the problem to me is not even the anger towards Derek, it's the repeated attempted murder of people who had nothing to do with it.
Erica and Boyd were innocent. Apart from the fact that Derek was innocent too, even with all the brainwashing done to her by her aunt and grandpa, if you are not the kind of person who enjoys hunting and killing, you never will be. No matter what they tell you.
I'm not joking, I was (and still am) shocked by the scene of Allison on the bike chasing Erica and Boyd and shooting arrows at them. I watched the scene again just right now and she shot seven arrows at Boyd. SEVEN arrows in the body of a 16/17 year old boy just for the fun of it, because it wasn't even about revenge since according to her Victoria had died because of Derek.
Also, Erica yelling "Please, Allison, stop" and Allison not batting an eye... Chris Argent had to stop her. The same Chris Argent who hunted and killed werewolves all his life, who hadn't had his character development yet, the same Chris Argent who helped his wife commit suicide realized that if he didn't stop Allison, with that one last shot she would kill Boyd.
When she was hallucinating a the party, her other self teased her that she's always yelling for help. You see? It's not revenge, it's always been power.
And what's worse is that she never apologized. Even after learning that Derek had bitten Victoria to protect Scott, she continued to play the victim. She has erected herself on a pedestal assuming the right to judge the actions of others, Derek in the first place.
Somehow in her mind loosing a parent entitles her to get away with multiple attempted murders. She despised Derek from start to finish and she never stopped to think about the pain her family had brought him, and this time on purpose.
And we want to talk about Isaac? She stabbed Isaac several times, and then they got together despite her not really being interested, and it shows in her last words before dying: not a thought, a gesture or a glance at poor Isaac.
And I'm deliberately ignoring her complete forgetting -in the movie- that she was once Isaac's girlfriend and not Scott's.
However, some might say that for some reason she convinced herself that Erica and Boyd were equally guilty of their mother's death and that therefore, in her view, it was right to kill them. Fine, then how do you explain the fact that in the movie, as soon as she wakes up, she doesn't just try to kill Derek but chases, hunts and even tries to kill a 15-year-old boy who is practically not even a real werewolf?
I like Kate for how her character was built, I even like Victoria. I don't like them as people but I like them as villains. The problem is that Allison acted just like Kate but neither the other characters nor part of the fandom see her as a villain.
They did the hunting in the forest (thrice btw: 1) season 2 with Derek and Scott; 2) season 2 with Erica and Boyd; 3) movie with Eli and Scott) for telling us what? That she's a badass, that she's powerful? What is it? A twisted way of saying girl power?
If we don't want to call her a villain, at least we need to realize that she's the female version of Peter Hale (only Peter at least had valid reasons. Questionable actions, but valid reasons). She helps when and how she wants, and especially just to help some specific people: she does it for Scott and Lydia, if it weren't for them, she would never have helped Derek.
She is not good. And we have to come to terms with this. She did wrong things and not only never apologized for it but she never even realized she did something wrong in the first place.
Btw I laugh at the idea that she, 17, (girlfriend of a 30+ man) should be a mother to the boy she tried to kill and almost succeeded in killing his father, not forgetting whose family was killed by her own family members... because if I stop to think about it, it would only make me cry.
So... yeah. This is it. This is why some people, myself included, don't like Allison.
The real question, at least to me, is why some people do like her? She is a Kate Argent evolved into a Peter Hale but praised as a Scott McCall.
Let me know your opinion about it.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 1 year
One of my favorite things about Righteous Gemstones is that the adult kids who lost their mom as adults hold her up on a pedestal. They don't really give two shits about making their dad mad or disappointing him. But, oh, they care what mama thinks.
But then you see Eli who absolutely holds Aimee-Leigh in the same regard. He makes a lot of dumb decisions based on what he thinks SHE wants him to do.
BUT THEN we get flashbacks that show us without question that Aimee-Leigh sure as shit wouldn't have been okay with Eli's decision.
BUT BUT THEN Aimee-Leigh is ALSO unquestionably as loving, caring, and determined as everyone remembers. It's just that she's no longer there to speak for herself, and so her family makes decisions about what she WOULD have wanted based on their best memories on top of idealized memories based upon their own feelings.
And the end result is they make a bunch of dumb fuck decisions on the back of someone who would have stopped them three steps before and gone, "Honey, no. That's fucking stupid."
It's the story of a beloved, strong matriarch and everyone--after her death--imposing their own perfection onto her that she never asked for or wanted.
In the second ep of season 3, when Gideon becomes Eli's driver, Eli smells the cigarette smoke on him and Eli tries to cover it up by saying, "I must have worn these clothes out shopping." And Eli says, basically, "Don't lie. Your grandma smoked."
But earlier in the episode, we saw Jesse say to Gideon "Don't smoke near you grandpa; he hates it."
And it tells a story, doesn't it? Jesse thinking his mom never smoked. Eli knowing she did but not telling the kids.
But also, Eli so clearly holding Aimee-Leigh at an elevated level. We see it in Season 3 so far when he can't even get through a simple story about her in his latest autobiography. It's a beautiful, heartbreaking moment. Eli not only loved Aimee-Leigh, he ADORED her. He held her opinion above anyone else.
But there's a flip side to that adoration. He can't always see what she truly WOULD have done in his shoes. Meanwhile, the audience sees that Aimee-Leigh is as ready to white trash fight as anyone else in the family, and what holds them all back in some ways is putting her on a pedestal she never wanted.
She'll kick your ass at 5'3" from the ground if that's what it takes, goddamnit. That's the fucking truth of Aimee-Leigh.
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deeptrashwitch · 26 days
Two truths and a lie
*Alicia, Luke, Jackson, Edward and Alejandro were playing two truths and a lie during a free time they had during a deployment together*
Edward: *sighs* Alright, let's see. One, I once tried to adopt a baby gator during an outing with my mother. Two, during Mardi Gras I hid inside a carnival float and traveled all around the city. Three, my mom gave Marcel and I some fireworks during a 4 of july and we almost blew up our house.
Luke/Jackson: This one's difficult
Alejandro: I'm not sure there's something true there *raises an eyebrow*
Alicia: *narrows eyes* I think the lie is the one of the carnival float, I have the hunch
Edward: Nope, it's the one about the gator
Luke: You really almost blew up something? *confused*
Edward: Ehh, Marcel and I have some wild stories of our childhood
Jackson: Weird *rolls his eyes* alright, my turn. One, I like winter more than summer because of the clothes. Two, surprisingly I like this place and people. And three, I have a saint's patience
Alicia/Edward/Luke: The third is a lie
Alejandro: That was quick
Luke: He never has patience for anyone, not even for us
Jackson: True, true, but it's not my fault you're all idiots
Alejandro: Okay...? Well, my turn. *smiles* One, Rudy has a video of me completely head over heels for Alicia, like kicking my feet and all. Two, I once got lost while riding a horse and thought on becoming a wandering cowboy. Three, I like sunflowers and strawberry juice
Luke: Wha-?
Alicia: The last one is a lie, he likes orchids and mango juice
Alejandro: Yep
Luke: I'll go get Rudy, I need to see if it's true *laughs and tries to go* ahh, this will be a great blackmail
Alejandro: Hell no! No, no, no, don't you fucking dare!
Alicia: *grabs Luke by the shirt to stop him* Your turn, boy, before my boyfriend kills you *chuckles*
Luke: Yeah, yeah, ehem. One, my scar was made by a piece of scrap during the training to become a Ranger. Two, I once screwed a car so bad that it lit on fire. Three, when I first moved to my house with Eli I though I could pass through a window to get some flowers in secret...and I ended stuck for an hour
Edward: *holding in laughter* The first one is a lie
Alicia: *nods* Your scar was during your teenage years, you told us once *chuckles* but I have a question, when did you screw that bad a car?
Luke: I was younger, way younger *ashamed*
Alejandro: How big was the window?
Luke: Not so much...
Alejandro: ...Then why you thought you could pass through it? Have you seen yourself? You're a giant even for us
Luke: I know, shut up, it was in the middle of the night and I didn't see it right
Jackson: *dying of laughter in the background* Ha! How stupid!
Luke: Oh, shut up, little shit!
Alicia: Anyway, my turn *smiling* one, I've been thrown to a river six times and only two times were as an adult. Two, as a child I managed to force a lock for my grandpa's storage room. And three, I don't really like to eat leftovers for breakfast, no matter what they are
Alejandro: Lie, you always eat the leftovers in the breakfast even if it's something really heavy for an early food *chuckling*
Alicia: Yeah, you're right *laughing*
Jackson: Oh, great, you were weird since you were little *sighs*
Edward: Why a lock?
Alicia: My grandpa had a whole bucket of peaches in storage and with my cousisns we stole it, so I forced the lock mostly by accident *shrugs*
Edward: Gremilns *laughs*
Alicia: Kinda, yes *smiling*
Luke: Alright...? I think I know the two times you were thrown on a river as an adult, but what about the other four?
Alicia: *scratches her cheek with an ashamed smile* That's how I learnt to swim, my uncle and aunt always were in the river to keep us safe...but we all were thrown inside
Edward/Luke/Alejandro/Jackson: What?!
Alicia: What?
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doueverwonder · 10 months
Heam and I were discussing giving Zea a show where she just observes other nations like she's filming nature documentaries; when she gets to India and China's episode involves things such as
playing bluff and swearing at each other in sanskrit
arguing over the right way to prepare tea but agreeing how Zea does it Is Wrong
"when were you born, Eleanor?" "1840's" "oh my gosh INFANT"
"When I was a kid I didn't have fancy toys, I had a stick" "okay grandpa, you also didn't have half the domesticated animals"
they keep trying to give her Bits of Wisdom and she will not retain any of it
she asks them 3 separate times if they remember the wheel being invented. They keep avoiding the question.
lovely little segment called "Tai Chi vs. Yoga (i'm bad at both!!)"
basically she ends up interviewing them instead bc they're a little too boring to just Observe Them
Eli standing there with her little microphone "These two are proof dinosaurs once roamed the earth"
solid 30 min of complaining about English ppl
"are u guys dating" "no more questions" "i'll take that as 'its complicated'" "no" "too late"
"I spent the first three hours here bored out of my mind, and i'm leaving with two new great-great-great-great-great-grandparents, see you next week :)"
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harlstiel · 1 year
***There will be spoilers for the Teen Wolf Movie below. Because I, like an idiot, actually watched the damn thing.***
Everything wrong with Teen Wolf: The Movie
• Eli's Mother plothole. Who is she? Idfk. Personally, I want it to be Braeden. He was born somewhere around the s3b/s4 mark as the movie is 13 years after s6.
• I'm not a Sterek person. I was actually extremely (still kinda am) against Sterek for a very long time. But this movie? I'm questioning a lot of things. What are the complicated feelings, Derek? Hmm? Oh wait, that's right. He can't answer me because he's fucking dead.
• While we're on the topic. Why, Jeff? Why. Not only did he die of fire (like the rest of his fucking family), but he died in front of his son. Derek Hale allowed his son to watch him die. I'm not saying Derek wouldn't die for Eli (because he absolutely would), but to traumatize him like that? No. The man who was kidnapped, tortured, groomed, sexually assaulted at 15, forced to kill the girl he loved, whose family was burned inside their own home by the woman who molested him... was killed off by burning him with hellfire.
• NOBODY making a move to stop Derek from sacrificing himself in the first place? Scott just stared. Stood there. Did nothing. Wtf? Even though Jordan could've just held Void himself, like, dude. You're a Hellhound. He's a werewolf/demon thing. You were destined to kill bigger.
• Derek allowed Scott to take in Eli? Excuse? The man who hates being a werewolf and his 17(?) year old 10th grade girlfriend who died before Eli was born, and who just so happens to be related to the woman who molested him and murdered his family? Yeah, no. Why not his perfectly capable(sorta) and healthy(physically, not mentally) uncle, cousin and sister. Or at least his Grandpa Noah, Grandma Melissa or Uncle Chris. (I'm a Peter/Chris person. Sue me.). These people have been in Beacon Hills and has known him his entire life. Scott met him once when he was three.
• What happened to Stydia? Like, you can't tell me Stiles just allowed her to walk out that door without talking in some way? He loved her for fucks sake.
• Jordan and Malia? I'm not saying it's bad. It's not, I actually kinda like it. But where did it come from? No buildup whatsoever. Just BOOM sex scene.
• Liam gets like, 5 mins screen time. Despite preparing to take on the role of Alpha in s6, he's like a side character put there just to be there. He slayed those 5 minutes tho holy shit.
• Liam doesn't say a single word to Mason. Mason doesn't say a single word to Liam. Why? They were best friends and had this seemingly unbreakable bond in the show but now it's like mom and dad are fighting and don't acknowledge each others existence.
• Speaking of Mason, why is he (a gay black man) a cop? This could've been interpreted as either good or bad depending on how you personally want to take it, but during the time this movie was in production, the BLM movement was still pretty big.
• It's an entire game of 'Where's Waldo' but instead of Waldo actually being there, Waldo is both a giant motherfucking plothole and multiple people. Where is Corey? Where is Theo? Where is Cora? Where is Braeden? Where is Kira? Where is Isaac? WHERE. IS. STILES?
• On the Isaac and Stiles Topic, they're the two that should've been there. Isaac had the Nogitsune at the end of season 3, and took it with him to France. Why do Hikari and Liam have it in FUCKING JAPAN? How'd it get there? Why do they have it? What happened to Isaac?
• Stiles. Where is he. You're telling me that the one person who probably knew the Nogitsune more than it knew itself, wasn't at the battle. You're telling me that Stiles, the one person able to out-fox a fucking fox on multiple occasions when he was FUCKING 17 wasn't there? In all his F.B.I. glory? Because ehe could've had Cora, Braeden, Isaac and Kira in tow, and showed up in the final battle guns blazing, killing the Nogitsune, and saving his pack in his tactical F.B.I vest fresh off a secret important case like sorry I'm late, had shit to do? Then Eli could've met his father's beta, his (possible, cause I love Derek and Braeden) mother, AND the badass F.B.I. guy whose jeep he steals 24/7 and had saved his father on multiple occasions? (Bcus it's confirmed Derek talks about Stiles to Eli) And a cutesy pack scene to finish it off? (With maybe some Stira, Stisaac and/or Stora cause he showed up with them and could be dating one (or all) of them)
• Each antagonist of the movie has (or at least a reason to have) a vendetta against Stiles. We know all about the Nogitsune. Harris hated Stiles' guts, albeit for no particular reason. Even Allison could've blamed Stiles for her death in some way (not that she would, of course.) It reads as though it was written for DOB but when he didn't want to do it, they decided not to rewrite it as such.
• Why Mr. Harris in the first place-? Like, he was one of the sacrifices in S3A, so surely the NEMETON would've known he didn't actually die. And the fact that he still has beef with them just blows my mind :/
《I'll add more as I think of them》
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gennyanydots · 2 years
One Year Old Wingman
Tumblr media
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x f!reader
Part of the Spitfire Universe
Christmas was your favorite holiday. You loved finding the perfect presents for people. You loved seeing all the lights people put up. You loved all the decorations everywhere. Your whole apartment was decorated. You were so excited once everyone else started to celebrate too. (You started the day after Halloween)
You’re especially excited for the Dagger Christmas party. This was your second year coming to the Dagger Squad Christmas party with Bob. Last year even though you had known everyone for almost a year you still felt a little weird going to the Christmas party. It was a new experience so you were ever so slightly uncomfortable. Bob said it was a white elephant but so many people did them differently.
This year however you were sooooo excited. You knew what you were getting into. You understood how their white elephant exchange worked. Plus you had the best gifts.
The gift exchange rules were that everyone brings three presents. The more random the better. Then everyone picks out one gift from the pile and opens it. You can trade presents but each present can only be traded three times. Once it’s been traded three times whoever ends up with it keeps it. Then it starts again. Sometimes the presents were bought with certain people in mind and sometimes they weren’t. There was a $20 limit on the presents. It was also decided that kids were excluded so they could get all the presents imaginable from their adopted extended family. Which meant Eli was about to be in heaven. Plus you heard that Grandpa Mav got him an entire platter of chicken nuggets just for him.
Last year had been pretty funny. You’re pretty sure you remember Rooster ending up with a lacy nightie and Payback going home with a Christmas cat sweater.
When Bobby picked you up you skipped to his truck with your gifts in a bag and a tray of cookies and homemade chocolates in your hand. You made a ton of fudge, Oreo balls, and so many Buckeyes since everyone had loved them last year. Nobody had heard of them before you brought them and now they were everyone’s favorite because who wouldn’t want a sweet peanut butter ball dipped in chocolate to look like a Buckeye? They’re the best Christmas time treat and a long standing tradition in your family.
On the drive to Maverick’s hanger Bob tried to swipe something off your tray at least five times like he hadn’t had at least one of each of the things last night when you made everything. He was your official taste tester, something he took very seriously. Every time he tried though you smacked his hand and glared at him. The whole tray has to at least make it in the door.
And it did. However the second you walked in Bob took it from you and the whole dagger squad was on it in an instant. You just rolled your eyes. It wasn’t like you didn’t have whole containers at home filled with more treats. Bobby knew about the containers but he didn’t care. It was more fun this way.
The party was fun. Lots of yummy food. Lots of singing along to Christmas songs old and new.
Soon it was time for the present exchange. Jake ended up with one of your gifts, a photo frame with a bunch of scratch lottery tickets. He guarded that with his life. His wife rolled her eyes at him. Fanboy ended up with another one of your presents, a candle you found that came in a tin that says “I love you for your personality but that dick is a huge bonus.” Payback got your third gift, a Snuggie. He immediately got it out and wrapped himself up in it. Someone had put in pregnancy tests, you’re pretty sure it was Jake’s wife, and Mav ended up with them. Poor guy just looked confused. Rooster ended up with a swear word coloring book with crayons. He almost missed the third round because he was coloring. Bob got a yodeling pickle. You ended up with a ugly Christmas sweater skirt. All in all it was a really fun time.
You all watched as Jake and his wife helped little Eli open his presents. He was so excited to get so many new toys. You and Bob got him a piano floor mat which you have a sneaking suspicion that Rooster is going to steal it from Eli one day and see if he can play ‘Great Balls of Fire’ on it. You saw him eyeing it when Eli opened it. Coyote got Eli a pair of aviator sunglasses. Eli hadn’t taken them off yet, clearly wanting to be cool like his dada.
After all the presents were opened everyone was just hanging around and spending time together before everyone parted ways for leave to visit family and friends. You were chatting with Jake’s wife and Phoenix. Eli came toddling over to the three of you. All three of you started to coo over him telling him how cute he is. It didn’t occur to you that he had changed onesies until Jake’s wife picked him up and turned to you.
“I think Eli has a question for you, babe,” She says and hands Eli to you.
You look at her confused and take Eli.
“Read his shirt,” She says winking at you.
You hold Eli out a little bit in front of you to get a better view of it, “‘Will you marry my Uncle Bobby?’ Huh?”
Jake’s wife smirks at you and takes Eli from your hands while Phoenix turns you around to see Bobby down on one knee holding out a velvet box. Both of your hands immediately cover your mouth as you stare at Bob.
“Eli is cuter than I am. He makes a good wingman,” Bob says with a chuckle. “So baby, will you? Please?”
You start nodding your head afraid to say anything because you’re pretty sure you’ll start sobbing.
Everyone cheers as Bob stands up. You practically throw yourself into Bob’s arms who catches you easily.
You kiss all over his face repeating “yes” over and over again while a few tears leak from your eyes.
Bob grins and holds you close before pulling away to grab your left hand to put the ring on your finger.
You knew Christmas was your favorite holiday for a reason.
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