#Elizabeth killing it as usual as Wanda
tastetherainbow180 · 9 months
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So how are my fellow sapphics feeling after Marvel What If Season 2. I'm doing fine like Wanda in Ep 7 in Wandavision.
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doudouneverte · 2 years
Shapeshifter and Valentine's Day | VW (d-four)
a/n: day four of the valentine week i hope you had a great day. here it is the fourth fic and it is in the same univers of my mama!nat fic and liked to write so i hope you'll like. And of course Happy Birthday to the gorgeous Elizabeth Olsen. See you tomorrow for the [Y.B] or [A.D] fic, i don't choose yet.
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*not my GIF*
Wanda Maximoff x Romanoff!Reader; Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!Reader; Yelena Belova x Female!reader(aunt-niece); Pietro Maximoff x Female!Reader(best friend)
summary: today it's valentine's day but Wanda seem upset
Type: Fluff
Warning : me who don't know how to write a meal name and nothing else i thinks
word count: 1850
day one | day two | day three | day five | day six | day seven
You've unlocked a lot of skills since you grew up with your mom, but even if you could lie like a professional, there were three people who were able to tell when you weren't telling the truth: your mom, of course; your auntie Yelena; and your girlfriend Wanda (because of her power). But today you had planned something special, and you couldn't let anyone find it. It was a Tuesday; you came to school like you usually do, and you were greeted by Peter, Ned, and MJ. You talked about everything and nothing before you spotted silver hairs in front of your locker. "Hey Piet, how are you?" you asked, and he looked at where the voice came from.
"Oh, you're here," You looked confused. "Wanda wants to kill you, like literally, and I'm fast but not enough to stop her, so do something," he said and disappeared. You and your friends were stunts. Why would your girlfriend want to kill you? You started to remind yourself the last week to find out if you did something that could upset the Sokovian, but the answer came when you opened your locker. A wave of letters, and at the color and the heart stickers, that was Valentine's letter.
"Wow, you have a lot of fan Y/N" MJ commented, and you started to connect the dots. You picked up the letters and grabbed your things before heading to your math class. At the lunch break, you tried to speak with the witch, but she didn't even look at you. Okay, she gave you a cold treatment, and it was not your fault; that's not fair.
You thought about something to do, and you heard Pietro talk about training this afternoon, and you found a plan. After school, you rush to the compound "Good afternoon, Miss Romanoff, and happy Valentine's Day." Friday greeted you.
"Thanks you, Friday. Do you know where my mom is?" you asked
"Mrs. Romanoff is in the kitchen," the IA replied.
"Thanks you," and you ran to the kitchen, but before you met Maria, Steve, Sam, and Bucky, they seemed to talk about a previous mission, but you didn't mind; you greeted them and continued your course. In the kitchen, you found Natasha with a PBJ sandwich and Yelena, who was trying to cook something else except mac'n'cheese. Okay, it was weird, but you had the whole day to ask more about it. "Hey mom, hey auntie Yelena," you said loudly to not freak them out.
"Hey little poser, how was school?" The blonde asked, and you rolled your eyes at the nickname before replying.
"Horrible," you said, and Natasha frowned and raised her eyebrows. It was not uncommon for you to say 'school was... school' but this time it seems more than that.
"What happened, my love?" your mom asked with concern in her voice. You didn't reply; you just opened your bag and threw all the letters on the table. "What is that?" The sisters asked before they grabbed one letter and started to read it.
"Oh, the little witch is so romantic," your aunt commented.
"It's not from Wanda," you replied, and they both stared at you. They were expecting more: "It's from a girl or a guy in school, I don't know, but Wanda saw one of them put one letter in my locker, and she was upset all the day," when you explained you were making a PBJ sandwich too. You took a bite and spoke again: "I have to do something to tell her it was a misunderstanding, and Pietro tried to tell her, but even he didn't change anything." You took another bite: "I planned something, but I need your help," you said, and they gave you all their attention: "I need someone to distract her while I prepare a special date or something." Your mom was about to say something, but you cut her off: "Don't worry, we will stay at the compound."
"So what do you want to do?" Yelena asked
"I need you to help me cook something for her," you said to the younger widow and looked at the older, "and I need you to reschedule her training to this afternoon to give us the time to prepare anything."
"Hey, I can help in the kitchen too," your mom argued, and you both raised your eyebrows at her. "Okay, maybe I'm not as good as your auntie, but I can do something too, like be your sous-chef." You didn't lower your eyebrows and look at her sandwich; the redhead looked at the sandwich too. "Okay, but you own me a lot of cuddles for this," she said before exiting the kitchen.
After twenty minutes, you finally found a meal to do: chicken paprika. It's her favorite food, so you couldn't fail. Wanda came to the kitchen and said, "Hello, Yelena." She grabbed a bottle of water and some snacks.
"Hey little witch, how was school?" Yelena asked
"Like usual, you know school is school." She started to walk away until Yelena called her.
"Where are you going?"
"Training, Natasha, reschedule for today." She restarted walking when you spoke.
"Don't hurt my mom too much, babe," you said, but she didn't reply and walked away for good. "Oh no, don't worry, you know I love you too much to do something like that, darling. Okay, I love you. Bye,  honey. "I love you too; see you later, detka" you whispered to yourself, and your aunt couldn't hold back her laughter at your antics.
"She didn't even look at you; you're really fucked up, little poser," you sighed, and you both started to cook. It was hard, like really hard and tiring, and you failed twice, but now it was 9 p.m. and you finally made something that looked and tasted like Wanda's paprishka. You were glad and decided to take a shower before seeing your pouty girlfriend. On your way to your mom's room, you met Pietro.
"Hey little spider, how is my sestra?" He asked and walked with you.
"She was mad the last time I saw her; she didn't even look at me." Pietro lands his hand on your shoulder to show you his support, "But don't worry, Piet, I decided to make something that will bring my girlfriend back," and without another word you rush to the bedroom, then to the bathroom.
You needed this shower; like, really, the day was exhausting with Wanda, who was in a bad mood, your mom, who pouted because you didn't want to cook with her, and Yelena, who almost killed you when she tried to show you how skilled she was with a knife. Yeah, you needed this time alone. After changing yourself, you rush to Wanda's room, but before you steal a rose from the bouquet Tony wanted to offer to Pepper (they won't see), you were here in front of the door, and you were... stressed? Yeah, of course, because you know she could decide to not forgive you or, worse, not talk to you, and that would mean you did all this for nothing.
'Knock knock' the witch looked at the door and waited a little longer before hearing someone knock again. "Come in," she said, and you opened the door. She saw your face and the apology look on it; she saw the rose; and she saw your smile when she didn't throw you across the hallway after seeing it was you. Honestly, she had already "forgiven" you, and she wanted to apologize. No,  she needed to apologize. It was not really your fault if they put letters on your locker, but it was too much for her.
"Hey Wands, I want to apologize for this morning. I should've known..." She cut you off.
"Y/n stop." and you did "You don't have to apologize; I should do it, and I'm sorry. I knew it was not your fault if you received those letters, but I was scared that maybe you would want to be with them, so I acted like a child. I know I shouldn't be jealous or something; I know you love me, but I needed to be mad at someone, and I can't hurt people, so I was mad at you. You didn't deserve it, and I'm really sorry. Forgive me, Y/n, please."
You were speechless. You came to apologize and remind her that she was the only one you wanted, but now you didn't really know what to do, so you had to improvise. "Okay, I accept your apology on two conditions." She nodded hesitantly. "One, you took this rose because I think I cut myself with a thorn." She took the flower carefully, and she smirked. "And two, I want you to kiss me; like, really, I missed you all day. I start to know what Tony feels when Pepper is busy with work—"you were cut off when she crashed her lips against yours.
When she pulled away, you wanted to complain, but you both heard a voice from the doorframe: "It was like the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life." Pietro said you both blushed before you noticed what he had in his hands.
"Pietro, what do you eat?" You asked and secretly hoped he would not say what you thought.
"Oh, someone made the dinner and we were about to eat that's why I'm here." You were about to say something, but the speedster was... faster. "I don't know who prepared this paprishka, but it's pretty good." he look at Wanda "not good as yours but it's good you should taste"
"Pietro, that was not for you," they both looked at you, "it was for my date with Wanda," you added, and the witch blushed. Suddenly, Yelena appeared next to your best friend.
"Y/n, they are ruining your date with the little witch," she said, and then looked at the boy. "Oh, is it good?" She asked, and he nodded, "Good because we spent a lot of time to do this." She then looked at you and said, "You should come to eat and have 'family dinner'." She made air quotes, and you laughed.
When she and Pietro left to eat, you were alone with Wanda. "I think I hate them," you said, and she chuckled.
"We both know it's not true," she replied.
"Yeah, but I wish I could."
"If you hate them, can you keep loving me?"
"Always," and you kissed her. "Now let's go before they finish everything." You stood up and started to walk to the kitchen.
"Y/N?" Wanda called you, and you turned around to look at her "I love you."
You blushed. "I love you too, Wanda," you replied, giving her an air kiss. "Now the first at the kitchen, choose the film for tonight." You started to run.
"Hey, that's not fair!" the Sokovian started to run too. "I hate you, Y/N!" she yelled.
"We know it's not true!" you yelled back.
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braveclementine · 2 months
Excuses and Planning
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Warnings: 18+readersonly
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OCs, which consist of Penny Fury, Elizabeth Nelson, Elijah Chan, Katya Venice, Violetta Moscow, Lan Le, Josh, Trang Tien, Ahni Jallow, Mai Ito, and Ghaida Kashual as well as other OCs that will come up throughout the story.
Rumlow stood with his arms crossed over his chest. Elizabeth stood behind him, her eyes glowing blue as she was ready to freeze him into an ice cube at any moment if he tried to escape. Fury was standing side-by-side with Rogers, with Barnes standing just slightly to the side of him, glaring at the HYDRA agent.
"What was the plan Rumlow?" Rogers asked. Wanda was hovering in the background, her eyes flickering between red and normal. "What did HYDRA want with Penelope?"
Rumlow glowered, "Like I would tell any of you."
Loki glared at him. He wished he had Wanda's ability to read Rumlow's mind from so far away, but he didn't. He had to be touching the person in order to see their thoughts and memories.
"Right, well I'm thinking you took my daughter as bait for HYDRA. A captive to get something from me." Fury responded.
Loki thought the pirate was being way to calm, which usually meant he was on the brink of doing something rash. The pirate was always scary calm, but this was a new level of scary calm that he'd never seen before.
"Possibly." Rumlow grumbled. He looked like he was itching to do something rash as well, but Loki knew there was absolutely nothing he could do that wouldn't result in his immediate death.
"What does HYDRA want from me?" Fury glared. "And why haven't I already received threats and promises?"
"Because HYDRA doesn't have her." Rumlow said, a small grin appearing on his face. "You and Barton made sure of that by attacking HYDRA the same night as our retrieval. You nearly destroyed HYDRA, which made them rethink the plan. But I'd already stunned Penny-"
"You don't get to call her that." Fury spat.
"Fine. Penelope." Rumlow snarled. "I knew I couldn't let her go free. She'd tell immediately and everything would be over."
"But why did you take her in the first place?" Rogers asked. "What was her initial purpose?"
Rumlow grinned now, "HYDRA was failing. We were going to make Fury trade Barnes for Penelope. We needed the Winter Soldier back."
Barnes immediately grabbed the gun at his hip, though Wilson grabbed his arm, muttering into his ear. Rogers jaw locked tightly. "We wouldn't have complied."
"Oh no?" Rumlow disagreed. "Perhaps you and Wilson would have fought tooth and nail to make sure we never got Barnes back, but Fury would've handed him right over. She's his daughter. And Barnes, well, Barnes would've handed himself over for her. He'd never let an innocent girl get killed because he didn't step up."
"How come I don't remember you?" Bucky snarled at Rumlow.
"It was a stroke of luck." Rumlow shrugged, "Considering I was literally your one and only handler besides Pierce, you should've remembered me."
Bucky took a step forward and both Steve and Sam grabbed his arms to hold him back.
"Where is Penny?" Fury asked harshly. "What'd you do?"
"I had to get rid of her somehow, but I also couldn't kill her." Rumlow said. "Might've been a mistake, but I liked the girl to much. Kind, sweet, great in bed-"
"Keep talking about her like that and I'm going to put a bullet through your most manly parts and leave you bleeding to death." Fury snarled, lowering his gun a little.
Rumlow tensed and immediately changed his tune. "I called some friends of mine. Well, not really friends. But people I knew in the business. From what I know, they took her to Germany to one of the sell houses and the made almost $800,000,000 on her."
"You sold my daughter into sex trafficking!" Fury roared and he almost pulled the trigger right then and there but Nat quickly stepped in to calm him down.
"We need him alive." Nat murmured.
"Well, I wasn't quite sure where she'd go." Rumlow admitted. "I only knew I got part of the profit."
Clint quickly joined Fury's side as well so the man didn't blow off Rumlow's head. Or worse, his dick. (Not that, Clint decided, he didn't deserve it).
"Where'd they sell her to?" Steve asked. Loki could detect a note of rage in his voice and Loki had to agree. He detested men that preyed on women like that. Not that he hadn't preyed on his own selection of women, but at last the women he'd chosen wanted it. They wanted to be preyed on, they liked being preyed on- especially by him.
They also quite like being preyed on by Bucky, so sometimes the two of them joined forces. But that was another story for another time.
"I don't know. Probably somewhere in the Middle East. Well, Probably Sri Lanka, right?" Rumlow shrugged. "Other than that, I have no idea."
Steve glanced over at Fury, probably wondering what the next move was. Fury spoke up, glancing around at all of them, "I want you lot in Sri Lanka by tomorrow at the latest. I don't care if you have to search every house and every inch of the island, you find her. Take this piece of filth down to the holding cells. We'll ship him off to the raf-"
As Fury had been giving out orders, Rumlow had clearly been planning. He suddenly whipped around, knocking Elizabeth's feet out from underneath her. In a split second he had a gun pointed to her head. He stepped on her chest with his booted foot and everyone froze.
"Put your weapons down." Rumlow said calmly. "And I won't shoot her through the head. And you," He glared down at Elizabeth. "Keep your hands down as well. I know how your powers work."
"No." Elizabeth smiled a little, "You don't."
Suddenly, Rumlow grabbed his own throat, choking. Elizabeth was on her feet in second's, blocking the bullet that streaked towards her with a suddenly summoned trident. Loki could actually see the strands of water that were boiling in his nose and choking him in his throat. Her eyes glowed an even brighter blue.
"Elizabeth stop." Bucky said, grabbing her arm.
Elizabeth blinked, the powers stopped, and Rumlow collapsed to the floor. "No one threatens me and gets away with it."
Bucky soothed her and Clint and Steve moved forward to grab each of Rumlow's arms.
"Make sure you search him." Fury ordered. The two of them nodded, and dragged Rumlow out of the room.
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"I have an idea." Loki proclaimed.
Tony looked over at the God of mischief. They were busy assembling the team that was going to Sri Lanka, which was actually quite a few of them. They had no idea where to start, so they were all willing to listen to whatever Loki had to say.
Tony thought they had a good team. Steve, Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Loki, Stephen, Clint, Bruce, Pietro, and himself. Then there were some of the new 'kids' as he liked to call them, though they were older than Peter and most of them were out of college. Elizabeth Nelson, who had water and ice powers. Elijah Chan who had fire powers. Lan who could shapeshift into animals. Violetta who was an excellent Black Widow, though she had adopted the name 'Black Cat.'
"Alright, hit us with it reindeer games." Tony drawled.
Loki scowled a little at the nickname, but continued on, "What if F.R.I.D.A.Y. finds us known locations in Sri Lanka where slave traffickers might go. Or even sites that might. . . the videos? What are those called again?"
"Porn?" Clint offered cheerfully.
"Yes, that." Loki replied with distaste. "Is there a possible way for F.R.I.D.A.Y. to match locations?"
"Yes, but it will take her a while." Tony admitted. "There are millions and millions of videos out there. Sri Lanka looks like a small island, but with all that jungle, the comparisons are going to take time. Even if I start her searching now, it could be we won't get results until tomorrow."
"Well start." Steve said. "At any rate, maybe we'll get lucky and F.R.I.D.A.Y. will hit something soon. Meanwhile, everyone gets ready for whatever they need for this mission."
Tony saw Loki's eyes spark and then Loki looked up. "Say, does anyone know where the King of Wakanda is?"
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T'Challa was disgusted about the contents of the mission but he agreed to join them on the mission after Loki explained the mission plan.
F.R.I.D.A.Y. had surprisingly come up with great results almost immediately- two hours roughly. It seemed that there was an abandoned villa that was under some foreign name none of them except Vision could pronounce. There was no notice about whether or not there was anyone occupying the residence before.
However, there were almost ten videos F.R.I.D.A.Y. had pulled up that showed the villa (and outer surrounding buildings which were also all owned under the same name) being used in something called "Cabo, the Return." None of them knew any of the men that were used in the videos, nor the women.
"Would Rumlow really sell Fury's daughter to complete strangers?" Clint asked, looking confused and T'Challa felt a rush of affection towards the bird.
Tony shook his head, "I doubt it. But then again, he gave her over to acquaintances of his. If he didn't tell them who she was, then it's possible they would sell her to a stranger."
"That might mean there won't be guards." Elijah replied, eyes smoldering. Literally, there were flames in his eyes. Elizabeth put a hand on his arm and where ice met heat, smoke wafted through the air.
"Exactly." Natasha said grimly. "Which means Loki's plan is going to either completely work or fail spectacularly."
"Thanks." Loki grumbled.
"Lay the plan out one more time." Lan said distractedly.
Loki sighed, but complied. "I can use my magic to transform our looks into men who are looking to buy a slave-"
"Or multiple. The ultimate plan is to free all of them." Steve interjected.
T'Challa nodded. That was the best idea. If they weren't able to, he would send some Dora Milaje to clear out the base.
"Anyways," Loki snarked, obviously annoyed at being interrupted, "Once we can find Penelope, we all know what she looks like so she'll be easy to spot, we propose the idea of buying her. We either buy her, or we kill whoever we're dealing with and take her anyways. And knock out any guards that might be there."
"And where does T'Challa come in?" Lan asked, biting down on his bottom lip. "I mean, King."
T'Challa raised his hand, "You can simply call me T'Challa. The King part is unnecessary."
Lan nodded and Loki said, "I was thinking instead of doing something complicated with fake money and whatnot, T'Challa can propose vibranium instead. Which is even more valuable than money. The man is clearly rich, look at the house and location. He owns nearly two hundred acres of land surrounding the place just to make sure no one gets close to the house. I don't even know if Tony could offer enough to tempt him. But Vibranium. . ."
T'Challa nodded. "It's a good plan. I like it."
Steve nodded as well, "Do we have Vibranium to offer? Obviously we'll be taking it back regardless, but at least enough that he can see we're 'serious?'"
"And also, how do we plan on getting in touch to tell him we want to offer?" Sam asked. "I doubt he's going to take kindly if we just land our plane on his property."
"Stark, of course, can get a message to him." Loki replied. "And yes, T'Challa already brought several creates of Vibranium. Bruce is watching over them with Thor. The only problem is, I can't cover to many people with disguises and we have quite a few agents coming on the trip."
"Not a problem." Elizabeth said quickly. "Elijah and I will do better if we're outside anyways. Lan can become a fly or something else small and won't need your cover. Violetta would much rather take cover in the trees as well."
"And when I'm running by, I'm basically invisible." Pietro said, "I can run circuits through the land to see if she's being kept in any of the other buildings."
"There's one other problem." A new voice said behind them and T'Challa looked over his shoulder to see Fury standing there.
"And what is that?" Steve asked.
"I might've forgotten to mention, that Penny might just be your soulmate." Fury finished.
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Steve blinked at Fury's words. "Penny is my soulmate?"
"How would you possibly know that?" Bucky asked.
Fury crossed his arms over his chest. "Not necessarily just yours Rogers. I suspect my daughter is soulmated to quite a few of you. I don't know for certain, but I have a hunch. And my hunches turn out to be pretty good."
"Wait, if she's our soulmate, why'd you keep us from knowing her?" Bucky asked hotly.
"You have your little den of iniquity here." Fury said, gesturing around. "All of you sleeping with each other, even when you're not soulmates. And I don't care because I'm not your guys daddies. But I don't want my daughter to be a part of that. And I don't want her to get hurt when you're not loyal to her."
"Why would this be a problem to the mission though?" Rhodey asked. He'd been quiet for the most part, but he spoke now. He wasn't going and decided it was best if he spoke up.
"Because the minute one of us touches her, a tattoo's going to appear on her skin." Stephen responded, cheeks tinged pink from Fury's decree. Only today he'd pulled someone who wasn't his soulmate on his lap- but to be fair Elizabeth had joined them several times in their 'den of iniquity.' So had Elijah, Mai, Lan, Violetta, Katya, Kate, Josh, and a lot of the newbies. Not to mention, Penny might not even be his soulmate. "They'll realize it's more of a rescue mission that anything else."
"Okay, change of plans then." Elizabeth said. "Loki can just completely hide Elijah, Vi, and I- we'll also grab Mai to be on the safe side- and keep us completely invisible. We'll take her and none will be the wiser. And if someone gets in my way, I'll drown 'em."
"No." Bucky shook his head. "The original plan is better. We'll just have to be careful in whoever takes her isn't a soulmate."
"Well I know I can't be her soulmate." Elizabeth argued.
Bucky waved his hand. "You already said you'd be better outside."
Elizabeth scowled.
Steve decided it was time to make peace, "We stick to the original plan. T'Challa can act like the buyer anyways. Fury, do you suspect T'Challa could possibly be Penelope's soulmate?"
"No." Fury shook his head. "I don't believe so."
"That's that. Let's go." Tony said.
Steve yanked his shield up off the chair. "Avengers-"
"If you say 'assemble' I'm turning you into an ice cube." Elizabeth warned him.
Steve shut his mouth and tried not to blush or become aroused. He'd always loved her feisty side. But after Fury's proclamation, he wasn't entirely sure he should engage with her anymore.
They all filed out and Steve left the room last. "Assemble." he muttered under his breath.
Fury smirked.
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taschamonnii · 1 year
More Than A Woman - Part 4 (Take A Chance On Me) 
You x Shirley Carter (70s-80s Southern Housewife Original Character  - Elizabeth Olsen) 
Read Part 5
*Disclaimer/Summary: This completely Fictional Character is based on the way Lizzie plays old-fashioned Housewives. (Some inspo is taken from WandaVision, I Saw The Light, and Love & Death) This character is in no way a portrayal of any real-life people. Audrey Williams and Candy Montgomery were real people that Lizzie has portrayed for entertainment purposes in tv & film. This story is not about them. I just want to see Lizzie play a 70s-80s housewife that is secretly Gay and stuck in a religious small-town in the South. Since she has never done that but has played the part of perfect housewife I decided to make my own character.* I will be using edited pictures from the characters she has played and unaltered gifs since it's way too hard to edit those.*
Character Description since this is a made up character: mid length-wavy-dark brown hair (think more the length in I saw the Light like it falls to her collar bones but the deep dark brown from goth Wanda era, Emerald Green eyes, Wears form fitting dresses and high waisted pants and skirts.  
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
TW: SMUT, 18+, Cheating on husbands to be GAY together, 
I am so obsessed with Lizzie playing housewife that I made a playlist! More Than A Woman
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AN: This is part Four to this Original Series
Her nose scrunch! And EYES in this scene!
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Word Count: 3,046
Imagine This:
You contemplate life on the drive home. You daydream of the life you could have with her if only it were more accepted. You can't help the tears that race down your cheeks. You shudder and take a shaky breath as you pull into your driveway. You sit in your truck for an unknown amount of time. Time doesn't matter. You are lost in your mind. 
Reality bites. You want to live in a fantasy where you can be with her and have a family with her and it's normal. You come crashing back to reality as knocks on your window startle you. Theo is standing there with those concerned eyes of his. You wish you could sink into the seat and disappear. You wipe the tears from your face as he opens the door. 
"What happened?" 
"Don't Y/N. Come on."
He takes your hand and pulls you out of your truck. He holds you close as he walks you into your home. He takes you to the living room and sits you down. You can feel tears track down your face but don't bother to wipe your face. He sighs as he sits next to you still holding your hand. 
"Talk to me Y/N."
"I just, I can't stop thinking of the life I could have with her. I Love her, Theo." 
"I know you do. Maybe someday we will be able to have the lives we want."
“I just want a normal life with her, I wish I was John.”
“I know sweetie, how about I make us some tea and we watch your favorite movie?”
You nod and swipe away your tears. He gets up and pulls you up as well. “Come on go get in comfy clothes.”
You change into your favorite comfy clothes and wash your face. When you make it back into the living room Theo is setting some tea on the coffee table and has also changed into his favorite pair of comfy clothes. A wave of relief floods you and you are overcome with gratitude. You would be lost without Theo. He is your best friend and the only one who knows everything about you and you know everything about him. The night in with Theo helps, well until you see her again which just happens to be at the church BBQ. 
The BBQ you learn is a huge event in this town to kick off summer and you usually love things like this but watching Shirley be the perfect church going, wife and mother is killing you. You try to enjoy the event but can’t stop finding her in the crowd. Theo has nudged you at least 20 times to get you to stop staring but you really can’t help it. The way she laughs at his dad jokes and pats his arm makes you feel more depressed. 
The worst part is that she has been watching you and has caught your hurt expression multiple times and you can tell she wants to talk to you but there hasn’t been a good time. She has been pulled in every direction she is everyone’s favorite person to talk to and the life of the whole BBQ. Theo is talking work with some old guy, his name has slipped from your mind, not that you care. You are pouty and tired and honestly just want to go home so you can stop torturing yourself. 
You wander off to the far bathroom away from everyone and the long line at the one by the picnic tables. The walk to the other side is refreshing. You hadn’t realized how hard it had been to simply breathe in the crowd until you escaped it. 
You are happy when you enter the bathroom and don’t see anyone else. Lazy fucks would rather stand in line than walk around to the other side. You take your time and as you wash your hands stare at yourself in the mirror. You analyze your reflection. You don’t really want to be a man but it would be easier to love women if you were. Your vision blurs as you stare at yourself. You don’t even realize you are crying until you feel a hand on your shoulder. You jump startled by their presence and quickly wipe at your tear stained face. 
“Y/N why are you crying what’s wrong?”
Of course it’s Shirley. 
“No. Something is wrong. You have been looking at me all day with the saddest face I have ever seen and it’s killing me. Did I do something wrong?”
“No. No. it’s me. I’m stupid I’m being stupid.”
She sighed and turned back to the door, locking it. You tilted your head in question at her. But she didn’t answer. She walked back over to you and turned on a sink and turned you fully away from the mirror. She held your hips for a minute before slowly wrapping you up in a hug. Your arms clung to her on instinct. All your body wanted was to be close to her. 
She pulled back after a moment and cupped your face softly in both her hands. She leaned in slowly and pressed her lips to your forehead then your chin and then your lips. You melted into the softness she offered you. This was different from the heated passionate kisses you both shared. This kiss was full of longing and dare you say it love. You couldn’t help the tear that escaped your eye as she slowly pulled away. Her thumb softly caught the tear and swiped it away.
“Can you please talk to me?”
You bit your bottom lip. “I just, I think,” you shook your head, “I’m falling for you.”
Her gaze softened and she rested her forehead on yours. “I feel it too.” 
Your heart ached. You didn’t want to deal with all this here now in the church bathroom. You kissed her in a rush pushing her back into the wall. “Mmmph.”
You pressed yourself as close as you could get. Her fingers grabbed at the back of your neck and tangled into your hair. You gripped her hips hard, probably too hard but you couldn’t help it. You bit her bottom lip and sucked on it. She met your urgency and multiplied it as she slipped her tongue into your mouth. You slipped a hand under her blouse and aggressively cupped her breast. You moved the other hand down and grabbed at the long fabric of her skirt. You pulled it up and she reached down helping you get it bunched up between you. Her hands gripped your shoulders tightly as you cupped the wet fabric covering her center. You moved to the band and slipped your hand inside. You quickly coated two fingers in slick heat as you slid up and down grazing her clit. You kissed her lips trying to make sure she stayed quiet and squeezed her breast still in your other hand as you slid two fingers into her with ease. 
She lifts her left leg up and pins you close to her. One of her hands slips out of your hair and pulls on your blouse. Her hips rock into your fingers as you move your fingers inside her. Her nails dig into your shoulder as you feel her tighten around your fingers. 
You press your palm harder against her clit as you move and curl your fingers inside her. She bites your neck hard to suppress her moans. Her hips falter but you go harder and faster. Her walls flutter and contract around your fingers. You move your other hand from her breast to her hip to keep her steady against the wall as her legs tremble. She clings to you and you press as close as you can and hold her up as she rides out her high. The leg she had wrapped around you falls and helps her gain stability. She presses her forehead to yours and kisses you like she's not done. 
She moves and switches your positions pressing you against the wall. She kisses down your neck and unbuttons your blouse to bite at your skin and mark you as hers. She moves to remove your blazer for more access when the door clanks in place like someone tried to open it but the lock stopped it. 
You both part in a rush as you hear it again. "Give us one minute just getting a stain out of Y/N's skirt." 
"Shirley is that you?" 
"Oh hi Bev, yes it is. One sec!"
She turns to you and splashes water on your skirt as you button up your blouse and she fixes her lipstick with the swipe of her finger. She turns the water off and you grab a paper towel. She unlocks the door and you pat at your skirt. 
"What happened to Y/N's skirt?"
Candy smiled "BBQ sauce. One of the kids got her. You know how all the kids love her. But we got it out."
You nodded "Shirley rescued me."
Bev smiled. "She is the best at everything, that's why we all love her so much." 
"Very true." You nodded. 
"You two are full of it. I'm not the best at everything." 
Shirley shook her head. You were honestly in awe of how quickly she recovered and turned back into the housewife everyone loves. It's funny you never noticed how much she forces her voice higher and emphasizes a southern accent when she's talking to everyone else. You feel lucky that you get to hear her deeper authentic voice. You wonder if her husband ever hears her real voice. You are pulled from your thoughts as Bev passes you to get to the sink. She washes her hands and you all head back to the BBQ. The rest of the event is spent closer to Shirley laughing with the other ladies as she charms them all. By the time it's all ending you are tired from the rollercoaster of events and emotions. You end up sleeping the next day and only awake to your doorbell ringing. 
You try to ignore the ringing but can’t. You get up and throw a robe on not caring that your hair is a mess and it’s obvious that  you just got out of bed. When you open the door you regret your choice because of course it’s Shirley. And as always she looks incredible. She is wearing a knee length dark blue dress and has her hair down in loose waves with her sunglasses on top of her head. You are a bit shocked today was not one of your usual days. 
She gave you a soft smile. “Is it a bad time?”
You shake your head. “No. No. Come in. I just wasn’t expecting you and I slept in.”
You feel frazzled as you move to let her in. She walks in and sets her bag down, dropping her sunglasses into the open bag. She is comfortable in your house and wanders toward your kitchen. You follow and smile as she starts to brew some coffee. 
You grab two cups and set them next to the pot. She turns to you and tilts her head. “Did you just wake up?”
“Maybe. Did my hair give me away?”
“That and your robe.” 
She tugged the tied belt of your robes and it came undone. Her gaze trailed down your body and she smiled discovering you slept in just a big t-shirt. The coffee beeped, pulling her attention away from you. 
“Do you have milk or half and half?” She asked as she poured the coffee.
You got the half and half out of the fridge and set the carton next to her. She poured some in each cup and you put it away. She handed you a cup and slowly walked over to your couch. You followed, still unsure what she was doing here. She sat at an angle and you decided to again just copy her. She sipped her coffee and so did you.
“So from the look on your face I can tell you are waiting to see what I’m doing here.”
You nod. She continues. “Well, yesterday was a lot and I just had to come see you and make sure we are okay. So, are we?”
“That is a good question. We basically admitted that we are falling for each other in the church bathroom.”
You sip your coffee then set it on the table. You turnt o her fully and give her a sad sort of smile. “How do you feel about me?”
She set her coffee on the table and moved to invade your space. Her hands are warm from holding her coffee as she cups your face. You close your eyes for a moment just enjoying her softness. “Look at me.”
You open your eyes and her deep green eyes lock onto yours. “I love you Y/N. I’m in love with you.”
“And I love you Shirley, so much. But it’s not that simple.”
She leans in and presses her forehead to yours. “No, it's not simple at all. But you are worth the work of figuring this out. I can’t lose you.”
No one has ever said anything like that. You are so used to rejection. You don’t know how to respond, words have left your mind and all you can do is kiss her. She kisses back with a fever. She lightly tugs your bottom lip between her teeth as she breaks the kiss and stands up. She grabs at the collar of your robe and pulls you up. She kisses you again and starts leading you back to your room. You take turns pulling and pushing and pressing each other against every wall on the way until you make it to your room. She quickly gets rid of your robe and you unzip her dress to reveal a turquoise knee length nightgown. 
You kiss her and lead her to the bed where she uses one leg to give her leverage to scoot back and lay down completely you follow crawling over her. You use one hand to hold you up and the other travels up her long leg. Her skin is so soft and warm! 
You move your kisses to her neck and she sighs. “Bite me.” You do. “Ah, softer.”
You bite her softer and soothe each bit with your tongue. Her hips rock up in search of friction. You move to slot your legs together and grind your own hips against hers. You quickly learn she didn’t even bother to wear panties and had been too lazy last night. The skin on skin contact makes you both sigh with relief. Her breath is hot in your ear. Her voice is deep and raspy “I love you, Y/N. I love you.”
You kiss her lips once again and look down at her “I love you, Shirley. I love you.”
She pulls you down and kisses you harder, slipping her tongue in your mouth and it's the best feeling, the best high you have ever experienced. You slow things down wanting them to last, wanting to show her how much you love her. 
You move your hips with a purpose and kiss her pouring all your love into it and it makes her moan against your lips. She matches your hips and you both enter a delicate and passionate dance. Everything feels different like it’s all been escalated by the love you are both pouring into it. The passion is still hot but it's slow and you both savor the feeling of having each other like this. The build up is beautiful and better than you’ve ever had. There is nothing but her. Her soft skin. The smell of her hair and skin. The taste of her lips. It’s overwhelming in the best way. As you both reach the peak you cling to each other. Your bodies arch and the best feeling of bliss travels from your toes to the top of your head. You moan against her neck and she moans against yours and you cling to each other as you slow your movements.
You roll off her and she rolls to be half on top of you making the straps of her nightgown fall off her shoulders. Her hair is a mess and she is glowing. She looks at you softly and you can see the love she has for you. “Tell me something nobody knows about you?”
 You tilt your head at her “Like what?”        
“I don’t know maybe a secret or something you are proud of.”
“Hmm I have something I am secretly proud of but pretend to hate.”
She rested her head on her hand and smiled “Oh I love this already.”
You tap her nose and she scrunches it up and swats your hand away. “Tell me.”
“Okay, okay. When I was like two years old my mom put me in those stupid beauty pageants and I won several years and my mom still has the trophies.”
“No way! How long were you in the pageants?”
She scoots up and you run your hand over her arm. “It didn’t last long. I apparently threw a huge fit and destroyed a dress and that was the end of it. I don’t know why but the whole thing makes me proud. I have trophies that are proof that I won and then I had so much attitude I put a stop to it at like four years old like a tiny badass.” 
She nodded and you could tell she was holding back her laughter. “You can laugh, I know you want to.”
A soft laugh escaped her lips. “Sorry. Sorry. Just picturing a tiny little you in the over the top dresses is an adorable and funny image. Oh my god do you have pictures?” 
“I don’t have them here. They are at my parents house in Cali with the trophies.”
“Oh what I’d give to see them.”
“Maybe someday you could. We won’t be here forever. Theo's company estimates maybe a few years.”
Her face drops and you can see the sadness in her eyes. “Oh.”
AN: Sorry to leave it on a bit of an angsty cliff but I honestly pulled the last 2000 words out of nowhere just now. I don't know for sure where this story will end but I am probably only going to do two more parts. Let me know what you think. Where do you want it to go? How do you want it to end?
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delfiore · 2 years
don’t fear the reaper [part ii]
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pairing: wanda maximoff x reader
synopsis: wanda finds a little help to figure out why she is stuck in this reality from her host.
word count: 1.0k
a/n: hey thank you for 1000+ notes on the 1st part everybody 😭 this is my first 1k post so it’s very exciting and i just wanna say themks 👉👈
part i, <<>> part iii, part iv
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Her sleep has become dreamless ever since she started inhabiting Elizabeth Olsen’s body.
It was nothingness, and when she woke up, you were right beside her. It was strange not being able to see Billy and Tommy anymore, but she knew she had to make peace with it, especially now that she had you with her.
She also no longer had access to her magic, because Elizabeth Olsen never had the need to unlock it. Besides, it wasn’t magic that brought her here. Wanda would know.
Camera flashes everywhere. People were calling at her, telling her to look their way. There were, what she presumed, fans dressed up as in her suit, waving at her.
She saw your lips move, but could barely make out what it was over the commotion. “Are you alright?”
It was strange. She had never had so many people cheer for her before. People have always been too afraid of her and her powers.
“Elizabeth! Elizabeth! Over here!”
“Over here, please!”
“Jamie! Give her a kiss!”
At this, you chuckled, and leaned in for a chaste kiss on her cheek. At your slight smirk, heat crawled up her neck.
You went by a different name in this reality. Jamie Vossman. She didn’t mind the change, because it was still you; your mannerisms, your sense of humor, the way she felt most secure when she was with you. She could be flung across the multiverse, but she’d still recognize you, her love, even without magic.
You were sitting by the island in the kitchen, eyes glued to your phone.
When looked up at her with raised eyebrows, it was as if Wanda forgot how to breathe. Smiling warmly, you extended your arms, beckoning her to come closer. Once she did, you pressed her to you, and nuzzled your head into her neck.
“People are going crazy about the movie. I know you don’t like seeing people’s reactions on social media, but they’re loving Wanda.” You mumbled quietly, and pressed short kisses onto her collar bone.
She was in the movie theater watching it with you. She feared people’s reaction to her, but surprisingly, a lot of them was whistling and cheering when she appeared on-screen.
There was a part of her that was relieved that some people could see where she was coming from. After all, she was just a mother desperate to see her children again.
“Can I,” she said, “can I see the things that people are saying?”
You nodded, and handed her your phone. There were many positive comments of people understanding why she did what she did, how she fell under the Darkhold’s influence, how loss has pushed her down this path.
Those were easy to read, but the ones she remembered more were the ones criticizing her.
“She’s a murderer. She killed all those people!”
“I really don’t care that she died. Like, goodbye.”
“She was ready to kill a child just to get what she wants. I’m sorry, but there’s no way I can sympathize with her after that.”
She put your phone back down on the counter. She knew she deserved that.
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You stirred beside her, and stretched with a cute whine. “Morning.”
“Good morning, darling.” She smiled and pushed some hair out of your face.
You leaned over to kiss her. “Breakfast?”
She nodded and watched with a giggle as you begrudgingly left the comfort of your shared bed.
But it wasn’t as if she didn’t try. The effort she usually put in to produce the tiny spark of magic in her hand now had to be tripled, quadrupled at times.
She could feel Elizabeth fighting relentlessly in her mind, her yells and screams clouding her head.
She didn’t even know there was a universe in which she was an actor playing a role of herself. Why was she here? Is this some kind of trick? A prison reality made just to trap her in?
Wanda needed answers. She closed her eyes, and conjured up the most magic she could to infiltrate her own mind, searching through the storms of her own memories and consciousness, to find Elizabeth.
The actress was behind a yellow door, and when Wanda opened it, was looking just as surprised to see her.
“You’re Wanda, aren’t you?” She asked, her American accent foreign on her own tongue.
“Yes.” She answered.
“Look, I don’t know what you want in this . . . reality, but there’s nothing here. I need my body back. Please give me back to Jamie.”
“I’m sorry.” Wanda shook her head. “I don’t know how I got here either. I-I’m trying to figure it out, but I just don’t know where to start.”
I was hoping you could help me.
Elizabeth was pensive for a moment. “What if . . .”
She hesitated, as if what she was thinking of sounded absurd. “What if you could revisit your history?”
Wanda tilted her head, perplexed.
“What if there was a way for you to look back on what happened?”
“Are you talking about time travel?” Wanda gulped, remembering what happened with Agatha forced her through her memories.
“No.” Elizabeth shook her head. “I’m talking about rewatching yourself, o-or myself, on film. I’m not saying to watch the entire MCU, just maybe the parts in which you appear.”
Wanda blinked. This world contained an entire cinematic franchise of lore that resembled her own reality, that the people watched for entertainment. She appeared in the newest installment . . . How crazy could this be?
“Do you really think this will work? That I’ll find my answers in some movies?”
“It can’t hurt to try.” Elizabeth shrugged.
Wanda nodded distantly. She turned to leave, but hesitated. Elizabeth was looking back at her expectantly.
“Thank you, Elizabeth.” Wanda said, flashing her variant a tight smile. “And I’m sorry for all of this.”
“If your reality is anything like what was written in the script for those movies,” she shook her head, “you mustn’t have had it easy. And please, call me Lizzie.”
When Wanda opened her eyes again, she was back in the bedroom. Lizzie’s words echoed in her mind.
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part i, <<>> part iii
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
WandaNat x Reader : Confusion
Summary: If they had twins you would still choose them.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,362
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Long red tresses. Deep green eyes. Flawless porcelain skin.
Long brown hair. Sea green eyes. Equally as flawless skin. 
The two women you love, sitting at your sides and. . . in front of you?
A deep frown sets on your face as you stare at the women in front of you. Who’ve just introduced themselves as Scarlett and Elizabeth. And who also had just appeared in the common room of the compound from a very complex looking portal. 
It’s not surprising but still a shock. 
You’d time traveled for crying out loud. You’d brought both of your girlfriends back from the dead. So a portal to an alternate universe isn’t bizarre.
What was bizarre was this unexpected event. 
Waking up you thought it’d be another normal day, being lazy with your girlfriends in the midst of this quarantine. Just as the three of you were settling on the couch to watch some Netflix movie Wanda begged to see, a giant(almost magical looking) hole opened in front of the tv. 
Out stepping your girlfriends’, doppelgangers it seems.   
“So, is there any way you can help us get home?” The woman named Elizabeth asks, soft green eyes full of worry.
You have to force yourself to break eye contact, a reminder in your head that she may look like her but she is not your Wanda. 
Leaning back, you find yourself inadvertently in Natasha’s embrace. Her arm around you as her other hand plays with Wanda’s hair. 
“I’m sure Tony could help. He and Bruce have been dying to do some big science shit.” 
Wanda smacks your leg when you curse and an amused smile crosses your lips as you mumble a sorry. She’s not a fan of your profanity and in your defense you haven’t cursed as much lately.
Both women across from you eye the closeness between the three of you, the little gestures and comfortability. Scarlett is the one to lean forward just a little,“ I don’t mean to overstep but are the three of you-”
“In love? Yes.” Natasha says, seriously but with a joking undertone. 
And the women take it for just that. No judgment, just nods and smiles. 
“I’m curious,” you say, leg crossing over the other,“ you said that you’re actresses that play characters exactly like Nat and Wan? And that’s why you look exactly the same?”
They nod. 
You hum, trying to process the information. Understand how there is a world where the women you love are merely characters being brought to life by people with their own lives off a screen. 
Natasha and Wanda aren’t real in another universe. Are you?
Before you can ask the very men that can fix the current problem appear, Mister Jolly Green Giant, Professor Hulk carrying a carton of his own ice cream while he and Tony talk amongst themselves.
Their eyes go as wide as yours had when they see the additional women in the common room. 
Bruce’s large spoon falls from his mouth and clatters against the floor, the sound pulling Tony from his state of shock. 
“Uh, either this is multiversal or cloning.” He says, looking from Natasha and Wanda to Scarlett and Elizabeth, a deep frown on his face.
Natasha sighs,“ they aren’t clones Tony.” 
“This is Scarlett,” Wanda points to the redhead actress,“ and Elizabeth.” She points to her doppelganger.
Bruce waves at them.
You scoot to the edge of the couch,“ think we can get them home?” You direct to the two geniuses. 
And in true Tony fashion, he cockily states that he’s probably the only one who can. He may be right but it’s still annoying. 
But you know it won’t take a day, so you show the women to spare rooms where they’ll be staying until they get home. 
“Hey,” you rejoin your girlfriends in the common room,“ I don’t want to bail but-”
“You’re going to work with Tony and Bruce.” Natasha finishes, looking back at you.
A sheepish grin spreads across your face and your girlfriend’s laugh at you and your nonverbal asking for permission. You don’t need it but you want to make sure they’re okay with you ditching them for science. 
They nod to you and you press a kiss to Natasha’s lips before leaning over the couch to kiss Wanda who’s head rests on Natasha’s lips. 
“Promise we’re spending all day tomorrow together.” You call as you jog away. 
Like usual, when you get caught up in your work with Bruce and Tony, hours pass without you acknowledging it.
By the time you leave the lab it's well past midnight but the sun’s still down. 
Craving a snack before you go to bed, you quietly head to the kitchen. Surprised to see the light already on. But not surprised to find Natasha in the room. 
You assume she’s having one of those nights, waking up on and off. 
With a soft smile and a quiet sigh, you approach the woman, arms encircling her waist as you ask,“ can’t sleep?” And press a kiss to her cheek. 
Only for the woman to jolt away from your embrace with wide eyes. And it’s then that you realize your mistake. The green eyes may be familiar but they aren’t the ones of the woman you love.
“Holy shit!” You raise your hands as if you’re not trying to startle her.“ Oh my fucking- I’m so sorry I didn’t. I forgot-” 
Forgot how you don’t know! You literally just left from working on a way to get the women home and you forgot they were here! 
Burying your face in your hands you groan,“ I swear I didn’t mean to do that. I mean I did just not to you. I’m sorry.”
“It’s- it’s fine.” Scarlett speaks, voice so familiar it makes you groan again. 
You’re such an idiot!
“I’m gonna-” you point to the door, nodding, and then leaving. 
Heading to your shared room, you keep repeating how idiotic you are in your head. Once inside, you lean against the door, and slowly slide down it. Face back in your hands.
“Y/n?” Light fills part of the room from the bedside lamp and you look up to see Natasha staring back at you with tired narrowed eyes.
You sigh and drop your head back against the door.“ I just kissed Scarlett. I fucking thought it was you. I forgot about them so fucking quick and I was jus-”
The laughter coming from Natasha makes you frown. Is she losing her mind? 
Quirking an eyebrow, you lift your head up,“ is that a you’re about to kill me laugh?”
“No,” Natasha shakes her head and holds her hand out to you,“ it’s an I love you but figured something like this would happen laugh.”
Now frowning, you stand, strip to your underwear, and take her hand, letting her pull you into the bed.
“So you aren’t mad that I kissed another woman?” 
Her fingers gently stroke your bare leg,“ a little. But I know it was genuinely a mistake. In any other circumstance I would definitely be killing you and her.” She smiles sweetly despite her deadly words.
Both your gazes snap to Wanda, who you both thought was asleep. If her words weren’t enough, she rolls over and wraps her arm around Natasha’s waist. 
“Where did it even happen? Did you not assume we were asleep?” The youngest woman asks, one eye peeking open.
You nod,“ I thought you were asleep, and having forgotten about them, I assumed Tasha was having one of those nights and had gotten up.” 
“Well all is forgiven. Let’s not keep talking about it though.” Natasha says.
Noticing the flicker in her eyes, you gently grab her chin, and press a kiss to her lips.
You go to sleep happy that they weren’t mad but still feeling bad because no matter how much they look alike, you definitely kissed another woman. 
It’s safe to say that you were more than happy when Scarlett and Elizabeth went home. As nice as they were, you aren’t sure if you’d  be able to handle having the women around so often. It was far too confusing.
* * * * * *
taglist: @trikruismybitch
310 notes · View notes
twh-news · 3 years
How Loki's finale sets up season 2 and the future of the MCU
Loki finale spoilers follow.
Just minutes into the season-one finale, Loki and Sylvie finally arrive at their destination following last week's big castle reveal. When the doors to their destiny swing open, Miss Minutes suddenly appears and congratulates the pair on completing this "awfully long journey."
Sure, season one was only six episodes long, but Loki's story started way before this. Combine all of his movie appearances with the wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey hijinks of this show, and it sure does feel like we've been on a long journey with the God of Mischief.
And now, following that post-credits reveal, Marvel has confirmed that Loki will indeed return for a second season. Thank the gods this journey is continuing, because there are more loose threads in that final episode than there are in all of Asgard's finest tailories combined.
Loki ending explained
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Upon arriving at the Citadel at the End of Time, Loki and Sylvie are promised all of their greatest desires, including an infinity gauntlet, the Throne of Asgard and a win against those "self-righteous' Avengers. Christmas came early for our Lokis, but despite all that, they both end up turning Miss Minutes down.
And with that, the Big Bad of Loki (and now the MCU as a whole) is revealed to be Lovecraft Country's Jonathan Majors, AKA He Who Remains AKA Kang the Conquerer AKA "a jerk" (his words, not ours) AKA the villain that comic book fans predicted all along. What follows is a hefty amount of exposition that puts even the first episode to shame, so we'll do our best to summarise.
While He Who Remains bops around to avoid Sylvie's sword, he serves the pair tea and begins to explain his big origin story. Eons ago, in the 31st century, our guy (let's call him Kang, even if the show didn't) discovered the multiverse around the same time that other Kang variants did. At first, they shared knowledge and tech amongst themselves, but as time went on, those who were not "pure of heart" began to invade other realities, which erupted into all-out war.
This Kang was different from the rest, because he discovered Alioth, a creature born of the tears in reality that this war created. He Who Remains weaponised the creature, thereby ending the multiversal war. To preserve cosmic harmony, this variant then decided to isolate the "sacred" timeline, his own, and prune the rest to avoid another war. He then created the TVA to maintain this peace and thereby keep his other variants at bay.
According to He Who Remains, the only way Loki and Sylvie can move forward is if they either take over the TVA or kill this variant, which would unleash the multiversal war along with an "infinite amount of devils." So either "stifling order or cataclysmic chaos."
Pressure mounts once they cross the threshold, the point beyond the timeline that Kang knows. Everything from this point on is a surprise to him, so he's content to let his fate rest in the hands of two Lokis because… he's tired, he says.
Sylvie thinks that He Who Remains is also He Who Fibs A Bunch, so she tries to kill him. Loki isn't so sure though, and as you might expect, the pair try to settle this with a cheeky knife fight. This ends with a big kiss (cue the strings!) and then a double cross.
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That's right. Sylvie chooses vengeance over love and shoves Loki through a portal, sending him back to the TVA. And with that, Lady Loki guts Kang like a fish. He seems pretty chill about it though, promising that she'll see him soon... Ominous much?
At that point, all of the timelines start branching out like crazy, creating the multiverse of madness that Kang tried to stop, until he got bored of it. We then cut back to Sad Loki at the TVA where he tries to tell Mobius that a terrifying new threat is on the way. But Mobius doesn't even know who he is anymore.
Does this mean that the timeline has been altered? Or has Loki been thrown into a new reality? Either way, it's not looking too good for the God of Mischief because a statue of Jonathan Majors has replaced the Time Keepers one we usually see in the TVA lobby.
How Loki's finale sets up season 2 and the MCU's future
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Season two is going to throw plenty of new challenges at Loki, and hopefully a lot less exposition. First of all, our God of Mischief will need to figure out what the Hel's going on in this new version of the TVA. How will he get Mobius on side if Kang has always ruled this timeline or rewritten history in some way?
And it's not just one Kang he needs to worry about. He Who Remains has now become They Who Remain, which means that there are an infinite number of time-travelling villains to fight. And the worst thing of all is that Loki doesn't even have Sylvie on side now either following that savage betrayal.
Things could soon change in that regard though given the pair's connection. With Kang's tempad, Sylvie can go anywhere now, and we wouldn't be surprised if she ends up drawn back to Loki in some way.
Ravonna will almost certainly pop up again too. The TVA is all she's known, before the mindwipe anyway, and her quest to discover free will could end up transforming the Judge into an ally of sorts. And boy does Loki need all the help he can get.
Beyond the show itself, Loki's finale also just changed Marvel's entire trajectory. Not since we saw America's Ass has the MCU been left so shook by one event, but here we are, about to dive into the multiverse of madness.
The most obvious connection is between this and Doctor Strange's next film, which happens to be called The Multiverse of Madness. The good Doctor must be having heart palpitations after watching this episode, and rightly so, because he's perhaps the only one strong enough to fix this mess, aside from Wanda of course. In fact, the Scarlet Witch could turn out to be the key to everything going on here.
As a Nexus Being, Wanda can reshape reality itself, and that's going to come in handy given all of the Nexus shizz happening from this point on. Elizabeth Olsen's involvement in the film has already been confirmed, and at the end of WandaVision, it was strongly implied that Wanda will visit another reality to try and rescue some version of her now deceased children. Could this help fix things somehow or perhaps make them worse?
Doctor Strange and Wanda aren't the only ones caught up in all this. An animated show called What If...? will dive into some of Marvel's alternate realities firsthand, and the upcoming Spider-Man sequel will also tackle the multiverse with cameos from franchise stars who appeared pre-Marvel. Who knows? Maybe Spider-Ham will turn out be the one who saves everyone.
All this multiverse tomfoolery also opens the gates for X-Men and Fantastic Four characters to finally join the MCU. Marvel's First Family, as they're known in the comics, are already confirmed to star in their own film, and those Merry Mutants won't be far behind either. Whether those teams end up being recast or whether they ask the original actors to come back, one mutant whose return has already been confirmed is Deadpool.
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phasefourmarvelgeek · 4 years
4 Awesome Links To The MCU Found In The First 3 “Wandavision” Episodes
Usually, all of us are always looking forward to Fridays, the start of the weekend, and now, with Wandavision airing once a week on that day, it simply doesn’t come fast enough. The first three episodes of Wandavision, which started airing on Disney+ on January 15th, take a look at Wanda’s life after the events of Avengers: Endgame. We don’t know much, but fans all over the globe have been speculating, and what we all think is that Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) is trying to keep Vision (Paul Bettany) alive in any way possible, which has driven her to create an alternate reality for her and Vision to live in, out of grief. Fans also say she’s even got real people trapped in it to make it more realistic. 
Even if you’ve already seen the first three episodes of Marvel’s newest show, there are a lot of amazing links to the Marvel Cinematic Universe you might have missed. Let’s take a deep look at the coolest ones I’ve found.
1. Vision is “A walking computer.”
In the first episode, we see Vision going off to work at an office. He isn’t quite sure of what his job is about, and his coworker, Norm (Asif Ali), is happy to tell him they produce computational forms, and then goes on to tell him that their productivity has risen above the roof since Vision started working for them. Then, Norm tells him this:
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Wandavision, courtesy of Disney+. 
The quote “You’re like a walking computer” is obviously a nod towards the fact that Vision was, at some point, J.A.R.V.I.S. (Just A Rather Very Intelligent Computer System), Tony Stark’s (Robert Downey Jr.) computer system. Vision was created when J.A.R.V.I.S.’s protocols were uploaded onto Ultron’s vibranium body and combined with the Mind Stone. Vision is obviously alarmed by Norm’s statement, since he is, in fact, a walking computer.
2. The Stark Industries Toaster
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Wandavision, courtesy of Disney+.
Later on, we can also see a commercial promoting the new “ToastMate 2000”, a product created by Howard Stark for Stark Industries. Sound familiar? Of course, it does, Stark Industries is Tony Stark’s company, and it has a very deep connection with Wanda’s past. Wanda is Slovakian, and when she was just a little girl, her, and her twin brother Pietro (Aaron Taylor Johnson) were having dinner with their parents when a mortar shell hit their building and killed both of their parents. Wanda and Pietro were both stuck beneath the rubble and a second mortar shell fell close to them but didn’t go off. On the side, the mortar had the written inscription “Stark Industries”. The twins resented Stark for a long time, because a Stark Industries product killed their parents and put them through a lot of trauma. The toaster’s beeping is clearly an allusion to that mortar shell, because it sounds a lot like a bomb.
3. The Strücker Watch
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Wandavision, courtesy of Disney+.
In the second episode, we can see a commercial about a watch, “Strücker”. We can also see that the brand is “HYDRA”. These two names both have a deeper meaning. HYDRA was the organization founded by Johann Schmidt (Hugo Weaving) during World War II, that was focused on world domination and infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., corrupting it. On the other hand, Wolfgang von Strücker (Thomas Kretschmann) was an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division), and secretly a HYDRA member. He was the one who experimented with energy from the Infinity Stone in Loki’s (Tom Hiddleston) scepter on Wanda and Pietro, which led to them gaining powers that they wanted to use to end the war in Slovakia.
4. Hydra Soak
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Wandavision, courtesy of Disney+.
In the latest Wandavision episode, which, unlike the last two episodes, is full of color, we can see a third commercial, this time for “Hydra Soak”. As I’ve mentioned before, HYDRA infiltrated and corrupted S.H.I.E.L.D. In the fourth season of  Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. , Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) tells Daisy Johnson (Chloe Bennet) about HYDRA making a blue “mind control soap” to mess with people’s heads.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., courtesy of Disney+.
Hydra Soak could definitely be it, and it could be an allusion to everyone around Wanda and Vision being controlled into playing along in Wanda’s fake world. The commercial is also an allusion to the Mind Stone in Loki’s Scepter “giving” Wanda and Pietro powers (the scepter emits a blue light). According to the Marvel Studios Visual Dictionary, the scepter unlocked these powers, that were rooted deep inside of Wanda, “Finding the goddess within”.
The Bottom Line
Wandavision is still very new, and all of these links may have a deeper meaning than we think. We’ve got to keep our eyes open, in case Wandavision decides to bless us with more nostalgic links to the past.
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jameslovestowrite · 3 years
My Controversial (I think?) Marvel Cinematic Universe Opinions
I'm not sure what to post first on my Tumblr, but let's make it something spicy, I guess. I love the Marvel Cinematic Universe and (most) of the characters and films/shows. I do, however, have a bone to pick with the MCU for certain things that they've done over the years. But first, let's upset the fans.
DISCLAIMER- I don't actually intend to upset anyone. I would love to hear how some of your opinions differ from mine, though! That would be cool. :D
1. Tony Stark...
Let’s face it, Tony was a horrible human being and I wasn't at all upset when he died. I honestly thought his attitude and actions throughout the first three phases were just...gross, to say the least. He is responsible for destroying all of Sokovia and indirectly killing god knows how many people (and Pietro) through the years. He also put Peter in a horrible position, not to mention how he treated him so poorly as opposed to how Steve treated Wanda. Nothing quite beats have a child fighting grown-ups who can easily take him in fight just from experience alone, ya know? I love Robert and he did a fantastic job as Tony, but I can't like his character. He's just so awful. And for those who say that his “intentions” were good, that literally doesn’t matter. Intention doesn’t matter anywhere near as much as impact. His intention with choosing to create Ultron was to create world peace. The impact of that choice was 177 innocent people dead and an entire country becoming nothing but a crater in the ground. Smooth. He lied and went behind the team’s back and that’s what happened? Yikes.
2. It wasn’t Brie’s fault. 
Yes, Captain Marvel was horrible. But, it’s not Brie Larson’s fault. I see that a lot of people blame Brie for how poorly done the Captain Marvel movie was...but it’s not really on her. I sincerely believe her appearance in that movie (and her appearance in Infinity War, which no one knew how to write her then either, apparently) is a serious case of an actress working with a shitty script the best way she knew how. I’m not saying her performance was one for the history books, but the movie would’ve been bad no matter who was cast. It’s not on the cast, so much as it is the people in the screenwriting room.
Steven and James should’ve been a couple. If you’re gonna lay the subtext there...and drop little breadcrumbs, don’t be a coward and pull out of it at the last second, Marvel. Commit, damn it. Don’t leave us gay people out just because you’re scared! We deserve representation too, hoe.
4. Star Lord and Peter Parker are LGBTQ+? 
I LOVE that we are finally getting some much needed LGBTQ+ representation in the MCU. Frankly, it’s overdue. I am, however, a little concerned about how they’re going to pull this off. Good writing means they simply can’t just throw it in the audience’s face that they’re not straight, since most audience members never thought they could be anything but straight. Marvel is completely at fault for that. They never hinted at any possibility that either could be bisexual. All I hope is that they can write it well and represent bisexual people properly, instead of the usual stereotypes they get slapped with in media. Pray Marvel sticks the landing.
5. Scarlet Witch was underutilized and it took Wanda-Vision for me to really start enjoying her character.
Though I have to say, this is definitely the screenwriter’s fault for AOU being such a damned clusterfuck. Wanda and Pietro could have been on screen so much more, but they wanted to give us a Natasha and Hulk subplot that literally no one asked for and no one wanted. I love Elizabeth and I think she’s one of the top 3 most skilled cast members in the MCU. That doesn’t erase the fact that they gave her basically nothing until Infinity War and a sliver in Civil War. Shame on Marvel.
That’s all I can think of right now, but I’m sure I’ll think of something else to add-on to this later. 
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jbbarnesnnoble · 4 years
Hurts A Little Less
Summary:  Bucky knew he was never at his best. But you were a constant, helping him on the days where things were difficult. 
Features/Warnings: Minor angst; mentions of Bucky’s trauma 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader
Notes: Based off of ‘Hurts to Know’ by 1551, which I highly recommend you listen to while reading. Spot the Hallmark Channel reference 😂
Word Count: 2394
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He stood, staring blankly out the window. The sun was shining, but you knew a darkness was battling inside. You stood by him, day in and day out. The line between friends and more had blurred a long time ago. You sighed as you stood from where you sat on the couch, heading for the kitchen. 
You loved him, more than you loved anyone before. You had been down that road before, thinking you could fix someone, heal them. You knew you couldn’t. It wasn’t a healthy mentality to have. He wasn’t a broken toy. He was a human being, one who had been through unimaginable things. You knew the only thing you could do was make sure he knew you were there, that you cared, that you loved him. You couldn’t fight that battle for him, as much as you wished you could. It was the one battle he had to face one on one. At the end of the day, when the fighting became too much, you would be there to hold him, to support him, but you weren’t the one healing him. No. That was something he had to take charge of. 
He stood, staring blankly out the window. Thoughts swirled around his head. Every failure. Every life he had taken. In startling clarity. The Starks hit hardest, especially now that he had worked through that trauma with Tony. It had taken multiple counseling sessions for them to reach an understanding, to reach common ground. It had surprisingly been Tony’s idea. 
“If we’re going to work together, you and I have problems to resolve and Pepper has informed me that punching you repeatedly is not a productive way of resolving our issues,” Tony said. Bucky looked at him with an unreadable expression.
“Buck?” you asked, looking at him with concern. 
“What’s the catch? You would’ve killed me if Steve had let you,” Bucky said. Tony glared at him.
“You killed my parents. I think I’m entitled to a bit of anger. You in or not? Because we’re not going on missions until we resolve this because no one trusts that we won’t kill one another,” Tony said. 
“Okay,” Bucky said, stunning everyone in the room. Tony opened his mouth, prepared to continue arguing his case.
“Wait...you agreed?” Tony asked. Bucky nodded. Dr. Thornton had been telling him he needed to start working through accepting his past. She had been encouraging him to work things through with Tony if Tony approached him. Elizabeth Thornton was a force to be reckoned with. Her husband had been a SHIELD agent, close to Fury. She worked with the children and adults involved with the Avengers initiative now. 
“Well, alright then,” Tony said.
Their sessions had been filled with tension to start. You were the one constant, always there like his own Northern star, guiding him home again, back to some sense of stability. You gave him space to breathe, to exist, to process. Steve was well meaning, but his oldest friend could be overbearing at times with his need to check in on Bucky. Sam, as much as Bucky hated to admit it, had been a help there. Reminding Steve that Bucky needed to adjust on his own terms. You were different. 
You were a quiet person, in his periphery from the day he set foot in the compound after he was cleared and the Accords were thrown out. You didn’t give him looks of pity. You didn’t crowd his space. You would enter a room and sit down in his line of vision. Sometimes you had a book, other times some sort of handheld device, what he had learned was a Switch. You were there, existing in the same space, but giving him his. 
The dark days had outnumbered the good days back then. And when it was dark, it felt like no light could break through. Like he would never be able to move forward. And then you’d ask him a question, something off the wall. At first he wouldn’t respond. He wanted to be left alone. God, did he want to be left alone. But you persisted. If it wasn’t an off the wall question, you’d launch into a story about the team, about your childhood, anything that came to your mind. Slowly it had gone from an annoyance to something he looked forward to, something that pulled him away from the dark turn his thoughts constantly took. He remembered the day he told Dr. Thornton about you.
“How have you been since the last time I saw you?” she asked. Bucky was quiet for a moment, looking around the familiar office. Her desk had a photo of her with a group of people, friends from home, he guessed. She came from a small town in the Pacific Northwest, Hope Valley. 
“I don’t know. There’s this agent. And she’s annoying,” he said, a small smile on his face. Elizabeth kept her expression neutral, writing something down. It was the first time she’d seen him smile about something that wasn’t long since passed. It was progress. He launched into a rant about you.
“But she’s real nice. Doesn’t make me try to talk like Steve. Don’t get me wrong, he’s like my brother...but...he can be overbearing,” Bucky said.
“And how’s your relationship with Sam?” she asked. At this, Bucky laughed. It was a rare sound. Elizabeth wrote that down too. He might not have seen it himself, but James Buchanan Barnes had made progress since the first day in her office. He was starting to let the walls down for someone who wasn’t Steve Rogers. She knew you well. You popped in from time to time, sometimes after a difficult mission, other times because you needed to talk. 
When Bucky left his appointment that afternoon, he had a soft smile on his face and you on his mind. 
Bucky was pulled from his thoughts by your voice. He turned to see you sitting on the couch, two mugs of hot chocolate with extra whipped cream in front of you. 
“I think today is a favorites kind of day, what do you think, Buck?” you asked him, a small smile on your face. He nodded. 
“I think that’s a great idea, doll,” he said, his voice low. You still heard him. He made his way over to you, picking up his mug. You had learned since meeting Bucky that sometimes on his bad days, if you gave him choices on low effort things, it helped him. There were days where he wanted to be left alone entirely. On those days, you would make sandwiches for him and leave them in a container on his desk in his room after making sure he took his medication. What you would do after varied. Sometimes it was shopping with Natasha and Wanda. Other times you would sit and talk with Steve for a while or resort to baking if you wanted to be alone. If it wasn’t baking, you would sit and journal, occasionally checking in on Bucky through FRIDAY, something he had given you permission to do. 
“Can we order pizza? And mozzarella sticks?” Bucky asked quietly. You nodded. It was one of the things Bucky had slowly adjusted to. Being his own person again. Having agency and making decisions for himself. He had had time to start adjusting while he was recovering in Wakanda. But coming back to the US had presented new challenges, new decisions to be made, and a society that hadn’t been ready to accept that he was an Avenger until at least part of the truth had come out. 
“FRIDAY can you please order that for us? And two orders of garlic knots,” you said. FRIDAY knew your usual order. 
“The usual then?” the AI asked. 
“Yes please. Thank you,” you said. Bucky stifled a laugh at your manners. You always made sure to say please and thank you to the AI when asking for something. It was something he found endearing. 
“What?” you asked him. 
“Nothing, nothing. Just you,” he said, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. You took a sip of yours, coming away with a whipped cream mustache. He laughed a little before swiping his finger across your upper lip.
“You had a little,” he said, holding up his finger. The two of you got comfortable, turning on a movie he hadn’t seen yet.  As the movie credits started to roll, you looked over at him.
“How have you been sleeping, Buck?” you asked him. He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. The two of you weren’t at the point yet of sharing a room and you had been gone all week on a mission. He always hesitated before telling you when things had been bad. He didn’t want to place that burden on you, no matter how many times you insisted you wanted to know, that he could tell you anything. He was scared. Scared that if he told you some of the things on his mind that you would walk away, even though everything he knew about you told him that wasn’t who you were. 
“Not great. Nightmares,” he said. You nodded. 
“Did you try the tea?” you asked him. It was one of the new things you were trying. Something to help settle him down. Whether it was a placebo effect or not, it had been helping at least a little before you left. 
“Wasn’t the same as when you made it for me,” he said.
“Fair enough,” you said. The two of you sat talking for a bit. He was more relaxed than he had been earlier. As the two of you spoke, you smiled as you thought about how far he had come from those early days. 
A few days later found you sitting on the balcony late in the night. You hadn’t been able to sleep. A sense of something being wrong had settled in and you couldn’t shake it. You drained your cup of tea before checking on Bucky. You were alarmed when FRIDAY told you he was in distress. She usually was on top of letting you know, and if you weren’t there, letting Steve know. 
You barreled into his room to find him hunched over. You sat beside him as his shoulders shook. 
“May I touch you, Bucky?” you asked. He shook his head. 
“Do you want to tell me what’s bothering you?” you asked. Again, he shook his head. You stood up and grabbed a bottle of water from where they were stored in the refrigerator and looked around for the other things you needed. It used to be more frequent that he would have nightmares bad enough to shake him like that. More like memories, you had thought. He had said they hadn’t been to that level while you were gone, just bad enough to keep him from wanting to go back to sleep. 
You handed him the bottle of water while you busied yourself in the kitchenette making a cup of tea for him. It was routine now. You never pushed him. He would talk if he was ready. If not to you, then to Dr. Thornton or Steve. If he really didn’t want to talk, he would write about it. It was progress from where he had been when you met him, when the two of you weren’t even friends. Back then he never spoke, unless it was short sentences, and even then it was mostly to Steve. 
You brought him the tea, sitting down beside him. He reached for you after finishing the tea, pulling you on to his lap and into a hug. You wrapped your arms around him, holding him more than he was holding you. 
Bucky’s thoughts were still racing. You were there. You were alive. You were okay. His nightmares had taken a new turn. One that saw you ending up hurt or worse because of him. His biggest fear now was hurting you. He knew he wasn’t perfect. He knew that his trauma would be a lifelong process of working through. He knew that he would never fault you for walking away. But you still hadn’t. You stayed, patiently waiting, listening, helping. You were his reminder that there was still good. It wasn’t you alone, but you were who he was around most.
He saw good in how Wanda would sneak off to volunteer at the children’s hospital, reading to the kids and spending time with them, entertaining them with her magic, a reminder that she wasn’t only a force for destruction. He saw it in how Peter Parker helped out at a local soup kitchen, both in the city and near the compound. Peter Parker, who had taken time to explain to Bucky what the hell a meme was, knowledge that Bucky had one hundred percent weaponized against the team, making them groan on more than one occasion. Bucky saw good in how Natasha spent some of her time off helping victims of abuse, in how Tony had started an actual internship program for students from low income backgrounds. He spent a lot of time watching, observing while lost in his own head. He wasn’t sure the team knew what the others really did in their free time away. None of them ever broadcast those things. But Bucky saw them. It grounded him, in a way. Another beacon of light, of hope.
You felt Bucky slowly start to relax. His arms loosened and you pulled back a little. He was looking at you, a small smile on his face.
“Thank you,” he said.
“For what?” you asked.
“Everything you do. You don’t have to do the things you do for me, but you do,” he said. You shook your head.
“Because I love you. Our friends love you. And we never want you to forget that you’re loved, Bucky,” you said. He placed a soft kiss to your forehead. He knew the road was long, but with you by his side, with his friends by his side, he knew it would be easier. It would never be easy, life so very rarely was. But if there was one thing James Buchanan Barnes was sure of, it was that he would never be alone, not truly, and that made all the difference. 
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vicstwashington · 4 years
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Seen this on Variety website. Though it was really good!
The 9 Biggest Burning Questions Ahead of Friday's WandaVision Finale
SPOILER ALERT: If you haven't seen Episode 8 "Previously On" of WandaVision please don't read!!!
Who is "Fietro"?
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Evan Peters arrived at the end of Episode 5 "On A Very Special Episode" , claiming to be Wanda's brother, Pietro. Since then the internet has been in a tizzy over why Peters was playing Pietro Maximoff, and not Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who originated the role in “Avengers: Age of Ultron.”
In Episode 8 ("Previously On"), it was revealed *it was Agatha all along*, having magically pupeteered an alt-Pietro to prompt Wanda into confession over how she is using complex magic (now revealed as Chaos Magic) to control West View.
But why Evan Peters' Quicksilver? Many thought this was Marvel Studios President, Kevin Fiege's way of introducing X-Men into the MCU but it seems likely now - with only one episode to go - that this plot point will go unresolved. Maybe he really was a way for Agatha to get Wanda to spill the magic beans.
Are The Twins Real?
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In one of the comic book inspirations for “WandaVision,” Agatha explains to Wanda that the twins she had with Vision disappear from existence when she’s not around to conjure them into beings.
Wanda's magic expands vastly in WandaVision, but it's not perfect and West View townspeople were real before Wanda showed up. Billy and Tommy however, were "conceived" inside the Hex, and grew to 10-year-olds in roughly 48 hours.
Was Agatha behind Billy and Tommy’s rapid aging when she sprayed “lavender” on them as babies? Or did she merely take advantage of the situation as a way to manipulate Wanda and will take them away to provoke emotion from Wanda?
In the [West Coast Marvel] comics, Billy and Tommy end up getting reabsorbed into the soul of Mephisto, the devilish Marvel Big Bad some have surmised is behind Agatha’s set-ups. It’s only later that Billy and Tommy’s souls are freed and placed inside actual human boys, who become the Marvel superheroes Wiccan and Speed - and become part of the Young Avengers.
In Episode 8 we see Wanda create Vision from a yellowish haze that could signify Mind Stone powers are behind his resurrection (inside the Hex) and it's clear here he is his own being, with his own thoughts and dawning awareness (he explores West View and leaves without Wanda's knowledge), but he also cannot survive outside of the Hex. Will this be the same for Billy and Tommy?
Is Monica the MCU's First Mutant?
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After Monica dives back into the Hex for a second time (this time willingly) in Episode 7 "Breaking the Fourth Wall" - we see her develop abilities like glowing blue eyes, super strength and the ability to spark blue-tinged energy - though we don't yet know the full extent of her powers.
All evidence seems to point to Monica Rambeau becoming the superhero Photon, who in the comics has also gone by the names of Spectrum, The Lady of Light, Sun Goddess and even in some storylines Captain Marvel.
In the X-Men films and comics, mutant biology is explained as human mutants possessing an X-Gene - that gene is then activated usually by aging, stress or trauma.
If Marvel Studios somehow ties in that Wanda is, in fact, a mutant, then Monica Rambeau would technically not be the first one to step into the MCU scene.
What is Agatha's Book?
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In the 7th and 8th episodes of WandaVision we see this book in Agatha's dungeon, emitting a strange mystical orange aura. The focus on it as Wanda first enters the dungeon couldn't mean a mere coincidence; just another prop in a creepy dungeon.
There are plenty of magical books in the MCU - Doctor Strange has seen/read his fair share - including the Darkhold, the Necronomicon and the Tome of Zhered-Na - but none of which have been explored in the films.
It could be the Book of Cagliostro, the book of dark mysticism that was stolen from the Ancient One’s (Tilda Swinton) private library in the first “Doctor Strange” movie. Agatha owning the book is a sure possibility of Doctor Strange's' tie-in for the sequel, Multiverse of Madness, and making his cameo in the season finale highly potential.
Is There a Bigger Bad Beyond Agatha?
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Only in Episode 7 did we come to realise that it was *Agatha All Along*, before fingers had been pointed at Wanda for the actions inside of the Hex. But it turns out Wanda wasn't entirely to blame.
Agatha revealed to Wanda in Episode 8 that she sensed Wanda's powers and decided to come check out what was happening, since then it's seemed like Agatha is desperate to know the full extent of Wanda's powers and where she got them from (especially as she knows what Wanda supposedly is - "This is Chaos Magic, Wanda. And that makes you, the Scarlet Witch").
Whether or not Agatha has existing alliances with other Big Bads in the Marvel comics that could become relevant in this current MCU phase (and/or in future ones) — such as Mephisto, the Grim Reaper, Nicholas Scratch, Salem’s Seven, Nightmare, Chthon, Ghost Rider, etcetera - it doesn't necessarily mean they'll be introduced in WandaVision.
That said, this is the MCU and there's no clear "Big Bad" for the next few phases of the MCU for our heroes to fight against. Will they follow a similar route that of Thanos with someone like Mephisto?
Who Is The Mysterious Guest Star?
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This could be the trolling of the decade - and we all fell for it.
For weeks Paul Bettany had teased us with a surprise actor popping up at the latter end of WandaVision. He reported that it's been an actor he's “always wanted to work with” and in the show “[they] have fireworks together."(He announced this after Evan Peters' reveal).
Actors including Al Pacino, Mark Hamill, Patrick Stewart, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy have been theorised from the clues Bettany hinted at, playing various roles such as Professor X, Mephisto, Magneto etc.
At the end of Episode 8, in a post-credit scene, S.W.O.R.D Director Hayward awakened White Vision, who is also played by Bettany. Did Bettany mean himself all along? It's likely we may see White Vision (of S.W.O.R.D creation - he has no memories and doesn't speak in the comics) come head to head with Wanda's Vision in the finale.
Will Vision Survive the Finale? Can He?
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Episode 8 heavily showed us the trauma and loss Wanda has experienced in her life, including Vision, who helped her after she lost her twin, Pietro in Sokovia. And the Hex is an example of just how powerful Wanda can be in grief.
If “WandaVision” were to end this season without Wanda confronting what she’s done, and finally allowing herself to accept Vision’s death and move forward, well, this wasn’t the show that we all thought it was going to be.
White Vision may come head to head with Wanda if he manages to kill Wanda's Vision - if she can help create him, surely nothing can stop her from destroying the evil doppelganger of her soulmate in the blink of an eye?
Either way, it looks like Vision will have to die in order for Wanda to move forward.
Will S.W.O.R.D Survive the Finale?
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Before WandaVision we had never heard of S.W.O.R.D (Sentient Weapon Observation Response Division), but the organisation has been around for years, in the trusted hands of Monica Rambeau's mother, Maria (played by Lashana Lynch) who was then followed by Tyler Hayward (played by Josh Stamberg).
S.W.O.R.D is like the F.B.I, but for space, and Director Hayward's focus has seemed to be entirely on resurrecting Vision and what powerful weapons can be created from Tony Stark's (and Bruce Banner's) creation.
White Vision could be the end or the beginning of S.W.O.R.D, but with upcoming Marvel films set in outer space incuding Thor Love and Thunder, Guardians of the Galaxy 3, The Eternals, Captain Marvel 2, it's unlikely that the organisation tieing Earth to these other-worldly characters (including the Skrulls) will be wiped out after it's first introduction.
Will Doctor Strange Show Up in the Finale? Or any other Avengers?
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We already know that Elizabeth Olsen will be reprising her role as Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch in Doctor Strange 2: Multiverse of Madness, as will Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange, in March 2022.
Marvel Studios chief Kevin Fiege has remarked repeatedly, that WandaVision directly links up with the events of the Doctor Strange sequel. So it's not entirely unbelievable that Doctor Strange will pop-up in Wanda's self-created reality. Whether this arrival will be a happy visit or not, is the question.
Will he be taking Wanda away to protect her from the likes of Agatha Harkness or S.W.O.R.D? Will he be taking her on a journey through the multiverses to help him save the world? Or will he be taking Wanda to help her study the Chaos Magic and her Mind Stones' powers (like the Ancient One did with him in the first Doctor Strange film)?
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irithyll123 · 5 years
So i watched Endgame and I'm not okay
I need to get this off my chest cause its literally making me stay up at night. Here's my spoiler-ridden post-movie thoughts:
The death of Tony Stark was honestly expected. Although I thought it could have been done a lot more tastefully.
They gave him a family, a child, and then took it away. I just...... that's just cruel after everything the character has suffered.
They choose a rather convoluted form of time-travelling mechanic. It's definitely a breath of fresh air, yet its very difficult to follow at times.
Thor's downward spiral into depression is over-the-top too. Just leaving at the alcohol and pot belly was more than enough.
Seriously, Fortnite? Really?
Bruce and Hulk's union was a missed opportunity for story telling. I get why they did it. But it took a lot out of the character's development.
Steve's decision in the end doesn't sit right with me. Both Peggy and Steve were who they eventually are because of the things they experienced while apart. Choosing to spend his time with Peggy meant taking those away from both their characters.
This also opens up a can of worms about the events in the intervening years. What about Hydra? Peggy's time in SHIELD? Did Bucky kill Tony parents?
That's the thing about time travel. Timelines are convoluted things as it is. Steve's decision makes this story's timeline mechanics even more so.
It is abundantly clear that Tom Holland did not have a full script with his scenes with RDJ. The spoiler concern is reasonable, yet i feel like it seriously caused Tom's performance to suffer. Those scenes had so much potential.
Captain Marvel had little screen time. While i understand that they dont want her overshadowing the OG team, her appearances don't have much impact to the plot. She's literally only here to blow shit up.
All that built up on her friendship with Fury, and it was barely addressed in the film.
They brought back the Black Order only for them to be useless. They were actually plot relevant threats in IW. Here, they are little more than fodder and extra pixels. I would have loved to see a rematch between Proxima and Okoye or Wanda; or Dr. Strange with Ebony.
The shot with all the Ladies (tm) were just a bit too on the nose I think. If they wanted to go for that direction at least devote some time for individual ass-kicking scenes for them. Mantis and Hope barely got to do anything!
The special effects were amazing as usual. Its a step up from Infinity War.
Some incredible performances from the cast. Karen Gillan, RDJ, Jeremy Renner, and Paul Rudd are some of my favourites.
Cap with Mjolnir. Hell to the Y E A H. The fandom called it years ago and it was so incredibly satisfying to know we WERE RIGHT.
Thor dual wielding.
Thor's little moments with Frigga were great. He never did get closure with her death I think.
Hawkeye finally have some great moments!!!
"You took everything from me."
"I don't even know you."
"You will."
They did great work with her glowy eyes. Her hatred and pain and sorrow. Everything was so palpable. And she's not pulling any punches. STRONGEST AVENGER HENLO.
No kidding I'm gay as heck but seeing Elizabeth Olsen powered up like that did Things to me.
"It was either him or a tree."
At the end there where Wanda and Clint talk. That was great. The both lost people outside of the snap and are forever gone. Clint has always supported Wanda. It's sweet that Wanda can try to help Clint this time and hold them both up.
A part of me wanted Bucky to do so but i think this is better. Bucky had enough happened to him and he should get to be himself for a bit instead of shouldering a new identity.
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honest and unmerciful endgame thoughts
a sequel to this post
this is deadass one of the worst movies i’ve ever seen.
a few brief thoughts before i get into the more or less play by play.
- making jokes about how time travel in movies isn’t really how time travel works doesn’t work if you’re a fucking movie dude
- fat thor was a fucking disgrace
- professor hulk has to have been 80% ad-libbed because there’s no way someone actually wrote that garbage dialogue
- using a past thanos was a mistake because we don’t actually give a shit about him
actually fuck it i was gonna do plot point by plot point but i’m just so exhausted i don’t have the strength to do it. i’m gonna go in broad strokes and if you want me to elaborate on WHY something was bad feel free to yell at me in the DMs
okay lets go
right away the whole thing with clint fucking turning on the spot as his family disappears was goofy as all hell. i know exactly what they were going for but having him literally turn on the spot instead of go into the house or go into the shed just draws attention to the absolute hilarity of how fast they vanished compared to others.
why the fuck was tony skin and bones when he got back to earth. i know he was in space for three weeks but they clearly show him eating during the montage of him and nebula doing.... things?
also everyone just kind of trusts nebula? okay? i’d be wary of purple aliens in light of what just happens but inclusivity i guess
also you mean to tell me that in three weeks they scanned the entire universe for gamma radiation? also enough gamma radiation that would show up on a scan from light years away but not fry everyone nearby when thanos snapped?
as soon as they killed thanos i knew the climax of this movie was gonna suck ass.
the writers have no idea how fast human hair grows if five years later natasha still has that godawful blonde dye on her tips
a fucking rat got scott lang out of the quantum realm. i don’t have any commentary for this because this scene speaks for itself. a rat.
moreover how did they even get the van down from the rooftop it was on at the end of ant man 2
fat thor. i don’t have any commentary about this either. the whole thing reeks of the russos looking at taika and going “you wanna be a funny man? you want thor to be fucking funny? you think he’s hilarious? fuck you”
oh i guess i did have commentary on that after all
i’m glossing right over the gay scene because again, taika fought tooth and nail to get bisexual valkyrie and now the russo shitters get to say they had the first canon lgbt character and it’s a couple of throwaway lines that can be redubbed for china. seriously. i don’t think there’s ever a scene where he says “he” or “him” while his lips are on screen.
apparently i am doing this relatively plot point by plot point but i digress
if i was keeping points like cinemasins (ew) i’d take a few off for morgan stark. i’m an bitch but not that much of one.
oh yeah pepper potts’ first of, i believe, four lines in this movie is “yeah i’m reading about compost”. i have no commentary for this either. it speaks for itself.
tony hits upon time travel in a day
i’m so glad we couldn’t get any real character development for anyone but we had time for the four minute “ant man becomes various aged forms of himself and then makes a peeing your pants joke in 2019″ scene.
“that’s how time travel works in movies this is real life” that’s great except that joke falls flat cause you’re a fuckin movie bro
i’m skipping over the entirety of the battle of new york thing because that was just fucking.... *benny hill music*
oh no i’m addressing the ancient one thing. love to have characters retconned into previous movies so they can try and explain the time travel in a way that actually makes it more confusing and also isn’t the way the movie follows
steve leering at peggy through the blinds was creepy, i’m sorry. actually the way he was suddenly obsessed with her this whole movie was really creepy.
howard potts
tony meeting his dad was so awkward and uncomfortable and they really meant for it to be heartwarming but i’m sorry it was fucking hilarious and i was howling with laughter in the theater
likewise thor with frigga. a really nice, emotional moment where thor gets closure with his mom and she overtly says she knows she’s going to die soon but she loves him and she’s so proud of him....
..... and then tops it off with a fat joke. the russos can’t let any kind of emotion hang without making a joke.
when they killed natasha a guy three rows down said “if they were killing her here why the fuck did they greenlight her movie then”
why did thanos get a scene confronting the cost of the stone but clint just wakes up in a puddle? are you gonna tell me thanos cared more about gamora than clint did about natasha? ok.
okay i’ll admit seeing quill dancing on morag without the background music was funny as fuck. rhodey explaining the punchline was not funny as fuck though
three cheers for nebula inexplicably having new abilities
as soon as they brought in past thanos i knew the climax of this movie was gonna suck a big ass
hulk snaps the iron infinity gauntlet because he’s the only one that can withstand the gamma radiation that it allegedly emits and has been mentioned only once before in this movie
the fact that it works is demonstrated by not anyone coming back, but ant man looking out the window at some birds. yeah. gee.
okay i have a question here that may take a little bit to explain.
earlier in the movie it’s explicitly stated they only have enough pym particles for one round trip each. that’s why steve and tony had to go back to 197X to get the tesseract and more particles. 
past-nebula takes current-nebula’s place and uses her particles to travel back to the present, leaving current-nebula with no particles
so how did past-thanos bring his ship to the present with no pym particles
anyway past-gamora and current-nebula kill past-nebula to get the iron infinity gauntlet back
the final battle was whatever. i couldn’t for the life of me tell you what happened or where anyone was in relation to anyone else because it was cut so poorly
everyone comes back. remember at the end of my infinity war thoughts when i said the end had no stakes because obviously everyone snapped came back and you all got mad at me? everyone comes back.
the ladies all running the gauntlet would be cool if it wasn’t encompassed by shots of all the men running the gauntlet, drawing attention to the fact there’s literally only like seven ladies and one of them isn’t even a hero
joss whedon was the cinematographer the day they shot wanda fighting thanos, judging from all the gratuitous shots down her shirt. i know elizabeth olsen has nice boobs. believe me, i do. i’m envious. but for the love of christ stop being creepy voyeurs about it
also “you took everything from me” “i don’t even know who you are???” that was a great setup for her to use her mind powers and make thanos experience some suffering but they just didn’t do that so those lines are hilarious
tony gets the stones and snaps, killing thanos and all his army. thanos fades away into dust while a woman vocalizes in the background in a manner that’s less satisfying than when voldemort did the exact same thing in deathly hallows part 2
tony dies because i guess?
at the funeral everyone is there and there’s shots lingering on everyone including this weird kid who looks like he’d microwave a gerbil? i had to google him and it’s supposed to be the kid from iron man 3. i feel like seven years later you should probably put in a line like “thanks for coming <whatever that kid’s name was>
okay we’ve reached the part i have the absolute most beef with.
steve’s ending
from the start of this movie he’s been inexplicably obsessed with peggy. the ending is telegraphed from a mile away and i was still shocked and stunned that they actually did this.
so steve just gives up everything, all his friends and family, to go back in time to be with a woman he knew for max a year, in the heat of war, where emotions run high and they may very well have latched onto each other in case they died.
steve rogers, the man who wielded mjolnir, the man who broke his friend’s mental conditioning just be refusing to fight him, just sits back through the 50s and 60s and 70s and 80s and 90s. the cuban missile crisis, the LA riots, the assassination of JFK, the death of howard and maria stark, the infiltration of shield, the berlin wall, 9/11, the war on terror, and he just.... did nothing?
what the fuck was that
sam is captain america now though so i’m down with that
but i’m still so angry
this is beyond character assassination for steve. it’s... outright brutal murder and mutilation. anywhere i can, i give endgame a half star review FOR THIS ALONE. setting aside fat thor and how they treat Ragnarok, the fact they think steve rogers would, after everything he’s done and learned, go back into the past where there was still a chance he could help his friends in his own way, and do NOTHING, is the most infuriating thing about this barely-polished turd of a movie.
IN CONCLUSION i said infinity war was the worst movie marvel had ever put out and marvel went “haha we can do you one better”
endgame is just three hours of setpiece, gag, setpiece, gag, setpiece, gag, occasionally punctuated with emotional moments that aren’t allowed to hang long enough for the emotion to sink in before a joke is made, usually at thor’s expense.
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unofferable-fic · 5 years
Do You Fear the Devil? (Loki x Reader): 6 - Elizabeth Stride
Summary: You are one of the many working women roaming the streets of Whitechapel when a madman begins to murder your comrades one by one. The attacks are so gruesome, that the detectives can only describe his work as that of “a devil than of a man”. Loki Laufeyson is a Metropolitan police detective and surgeon who is assisting on the case. As more bodies pile up and you and your friends fear for your lives, the police remain well and truly stumped. When Detective Laufeyson turns to you for help to find the murderer, you must face your fears to save yourself… But who can you really trust when you are the prey being stalked at night by someone who calls himself Jack the Ripper?
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Gif originally posted by maryxglz
Victorian London AU
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of injuries/violence, gore, language, angst, a bit of sexual tension.
Word Count: 5,954
Previous Chapter   Next Chapter
Playlist: “Snuff” — Slipknot, “Raised by Wolves” — U2, “Not in Blood, But in Bond” — Hans Zimmer, “Lead Me Home” — Jamie N Commons
A/N: Also available on AO3. My apologies for the delay. I have been swamped with projects lately, and I genuinely appreciate those who still anticipate updates. You guys are, as always, a delight. I have brought in some sexual tension between Reader and Loki that will hopefully make up for the delay! Feedback and any thoughts at all are always welcome. Hope y’all enjoy!
30th September 1888, 12.00 am.
It was late on Saturday night when Sgt Rogers showed up at the brothel asking for your help yet again. You thought he seemed more urgent than usual and, upon asking for an explanation, he explained that Tony was beginning to get a little desperate for leads. Apparently, Strange was getting impatient too. You were no fool to this matter either, and completely aware of the current public displeasure being spread throughout the press.
So, when Steve came asking for your help, you, Natasha, and Wanda were more than happy to assist.
It was near enough to midnight when you wandered into the Princess Alice Pub on Commercial Street with your friends. You recognised some of the patrons who would have been considered regulars in the pub. While you and Wanda grabbed a table near the window, Natasha ordered a round of gatters for the group. You went about your usual business, drinking and chatting with the patrons. You turned down any advances, calmly explaining that you were actually waiting to meet someone. Your excuse was never questioned, as most men were reserved when they asked for your services in the first place. Though you were keeping an eye on your surroundings, no one sketchy really stood out — nothing bar the usual ones drinking that bit too much.
When the second round of beers arrived, you offered to go and order them, leaving Wanda and Natasha together at your table. You weren’t standing at the bar long before you grabbed the barman’s attention and asked for the same drinks again.
As you handed him payment, you were surprised to hear a familiar voice address you. “I say, we must stop meeting like this, my dear.”
You turned to see a grinning Loki standing behind you. You couldn’t stop your own smile forming on your lips. “Loki!”
He’s here? Did he just arrive, or have I failed to notice his presence until now?
“That is my name, yes.”
Your retort was swift. “If I didn’t know better, I would say that you were stalking me, Doctor.”
“Funny, I was about to say the same thing about you.” He took a seat on the stool beside you as your beers were placed on the counter. “Are you here with your friends?”
“Indeed I am. They’re over there.”
You pointed to your companions, who waved at Loki when he saw them. The smirks they wore said a lot and you felt like rolling your eyes at their teasing. Natasha turned to Wanda, saying something in her ear before she got up and all but ran to the bar.
“Excuse me, you two,” she said and took two of the gatters. “I will just take my drinks and go back to my table. Don’t let me interrupt.”
You grew wide eyed. “Nat—”
“Bye, Y/N! We shall be over there working if you need us.”
For the love of… I am going to give her a smack for that later.
You knew that her intentions wouldn’t go over Loki’s head, and the slightly raised brow he wore was merely confirmation of this fact. He met your gaze. “Working?”
“Eh, we are out on detective duty tonight,” you elaborated, hesitating to take a seat. “Stark’s orders. And you?”
“Out gallivanting as always. I have been out most of the evening as my private appointments finished early. Please,” he said, gesturing to the stool. “Join me for a drink.”
“I do not wish to interrupt your night.”
“Though I came here with the intention of drinking alone, your company is welcome.”
You hesitated again but, after giving him a once over, finally relented and sat down. He seemed pleased with your decision and ordered himself a gin. When the glass was placed in front of him, he turned his attention back to you. “So, Stark has you lot out working this evening?”
You nodded. “Steve came by earlier to ask. He said they are getting desperate for leads.”
“Quite,” Loki agreed, eyes drifting down to his drink. “There has been little progress on the case and I think Stark is beginning to feel the heat. The press are quite… demanding.”
“Rightly so. Though I like Tony, they really need to pick up a lead soon, or else more women will be killed. It is a matter of life or death, after all.”
“And I am sure you do not take that lightly, given your current employment and its ties to the victims.”
You chuckled dryly. “Yes, it’s not exactly comforting knowing that there’s a mad man out there murdering women like me. It’s not even necessarily about that either — not all of them are regular prostitutes. He seems to be just killing vulnerable women for the sake it.”
He tilted his head slightly at that. “I would imagine so. How is Wanda faring?”
“A lot better now, thank you.” You threw a cautionary glance her way and happened to catch her laughing happily at something Natasha had said. “I heard from Tony that the post-mortem showed that Annie was already quite sick. I know it was likely that she would die soon regardless, but it doesn’t really make it any easier.”
“I did not expect it to,” he said before pausing to sip on his drink. “It made my job no less harrowing as well.”
“The papers said it was awful. Apparently you lot think he may be a doctor now?”
He nodded. “A doctor or someone with basic anatomical knowledge, yes.”
“Jesus, this really is dire.”
“You aren’t wrong, I shall give you that… Perhaps we should converse with regards a lighter subject? This is hardly something to discuss over a drink.”
“Well,” you drawled, resting your chin in the palm of your hand. “What do you usually talk to street walkers about?”
It was a bold and risky statement, but you thought it was worth it to see his reaction. He hummed at that, seemingly amused by the comment, and you briefly thought about how you quite liked that sound of his voice. It held a delicious tone to it — deep and low. There was something so elegant and otherworldly about this man, and it intrigued you to no end.
“I do not usually spend time in the company of such women,” he admitted, green eyes portraying nothing but honesty. “So I cannot really answer that question.”
“Really?” You couldn’t hide the surprise, but perhaps Dr Laufeyson was married? It was entirely possible, though he had admitted to having no family to you already. That being said, he was certainly handsome and charming, so him having a wife would not have surprised you. “Are you wed?”
The question seemed to entertain him. Either that or he was trying to hide any discomfort with such a thought. “No, no. As I told you, I do not have any family to speak of. I have had women, yes, but no, I am not married. And I leave all the consorting with street walkers to Dr Banner.”
“You know he’s one of Natasha’s regulars?”
He nodded. “He is a bad liar.”
“He is certainly a soft sort,” you agreed. “But that is not exactly a bad thing. He has been nothing but kind to her for years. If I’m honest with you, I think he is quite taken with her.”
“Possibly. Although I suppose you see them together far more than I ever would.”
“Definitely, but it’s not like it could ever work between them.”
As you paused to take a swig of your beer, Loki considered your words. “Yes, although many men in various social circles rely on prostitution.”
“I meant if he wished to make it something more. Their backgrounds are just too different. Many prostitutes are married yes, but Dr Banner could never do that. He works for the police, for God sake.”
There was a brief silence, in which Loki’s gaze drifted to focus on his glass. “Though I know that Dr Banner would be foolish enough to try, I think you may be right about that, Y/N.”
“I’ve worked long enough to know that it would not. Perhaps someday we will marry if we wish, but I doubt it would work for them in particular.”
It wasn’t a nice thought — realising that a couple could never be was harsh business — but you needed to be honest with yourself and your friends. Living in blissful ignorance would do you about as much good as living in self-pity. They were fierce beasts, and honesty and acceptance was what kept you alive and protected so far in life. And yet, despite your knowledge that succumbing to such notions would do you in, the thought that you would probably never marry a man in Loki’s profession was somewhat sad. No, you certainly weren’t desperate for a husband or children, but the option would have been nice. You certainly would have liked to in the future, but no, perhaps it wasn’t to be for you. At least not with someone like him. And yet, Loki had already told you that he was quite content in his own company, so maybe his desires were quite different to yours. You weren’t exactly sure why you were spending so much energy contemplating being with someone like him. Bar your childhood sweetheart, you had no experience with relationships, so what was the point?
Boredom, loneliness, curiosity… Take your pick.
“Are you speaking from experience?” he asked, gauging your reaction with an analytic expression.
“It is very rude for a gentleman to ask after a lady’s status,” you joked playfully. “Very rude indeed.”
“I am no gentleman.”
“You certainly look like a gentleman to me.”
His thin lips stretched into a smirk. “Looks can be deceiving.”
“So you’re telling me that I have been socialising with a scoundrel this whole time?”
“I prefer the term trickster. I think it is a more accurate description of my character.”
“Ah…” You drawled, letting your eyes wander up and down his defined torso. “I think I know men of your character quite well.”
He flashed you a smile, one that had your heart fluttering. “There are no men like me.”
Why is it that the more he spoke, the more you wanted to hear him continue? His voice was a weapon — one from which honeyed words flowed like an unstoppable torrent. The tone alone did things to you that were unfamiliar and oddly pleasing. You couldn’t help it — his mysteriousness, proud personality, and gorgeous appearance had you hooked. Whether he had intended to or not, Loki had ensnared you in his sinfully elegant hands.
Yes, you thought. I think I might push my luck with this fellow.
“No men like you?” you teased, looking sceptical. “That’s a bold statement to make.”
“Bold, but true, darling. Of that I can assure you.”
“Perhaps you can enlighten me then?”
For the briefest of moments, you saw the slight twitch in his eye and upturned corner of his mouth. You didn’t know Loki well enough to know whether this was positive or negative, but you knew the brazenness of your query had caught him off guard. “Oh?”
“And I can teach you how to speak with… women of my sort.”
You weren’t exactly sure why you suddenly felt so daring. Perhaps you were just going with the flow of the conversation, or perhaps your curiosity of Dr Laufeyson had gotten the better of you. You knew you weren’t throwing yourself at him, but rather tentatively dipping your toe in the pond. It was harmless flirting really; harmless flirting with a man you couldn’t help but be in intrigued by.
It’s no big deal, you thought, trying not to get distracted as he loosened his neckerchief. I’m not getting myself into a situation like Nat and Dr Banner. This is just friendly banter!
“Teach me?” he repeated lowly. You distinctly caught how he leaned a little closer to you, his head tilted at an angle. You liked this — perhaps his mischievousness accounted for a flirtatious attitude as well?
Your smile widened, confidence and amusement growing with each positive response. “Yes. Consider it an education, from which we can both benefit.”
“I think you are playing with fire, my dear.”
After taking another slug from your beer, you set it back down and rested your hand in the counter. “Perhaps I like playing with fire. Had you considered that, Doctor?”
His green eyes were piercing — incredibly so — and you couldn’t have looked away from them even if you tried. You couldn’t help but fuel that part of you that craved adventure. It was one of the reasons why you had taken on assisting Inspector Stark and his men. Despite knowing little of Loki, you couldn’t stop that part of you that kept tugging your form closer to his, eager to find out more. With the usual arrogance and mischievous attitude you had come to recognise, Loki mirrored your actions — he drank from his glass and then set it down on the countertop. When he let his arm rest beside it, it was also left dangerously close to yours. For a beat he remained silent, the time in which your mind raced with whether he had intentionally put himself in close quarters with you.
He cleared his throat then, and began to delicately run his fingers up and down the bare skin of our arm. His touch was feather-light but calculating, and sent goosebumps through your body. Whatever uncertainty that possessed you with regards his intentions was well and truly dashed.
“I suppose I should have,” he murmured, looking between you and the gentle movements of his hand. “And if you are so eager to play with it, then it is only fair that I provide.”
With the smashing of glass, the spell was broken. Loki discreetly removed his fingers from your arm, and lowered his gaze to his drink. A group from which the noise had come began to cheer, teasing their drunken friend who had dropped his early empty pint on the floor. You swallowed, brought out of the inappropriate daydream of this doctor that your mind had concocted.
He cleared his throat and finished the end of his gin. “I mustn’t take up all of your time this evening — especially if you are supposed to be working.”
“It is alright,” you began, probably embarrassingly quick as he got to his feet. “I promise you’re not bothering me—”
Despite your words, he hastily pulled on his coat. “That is reassuring, but I also think I have had quite enough to drink tonight.” He paused, grabbing his hat with unsteady fingers. His green eyes met yours and, although you presumed your expression to be hopeful and pleading, he pursed his lips and nodded. “Goodnight, Y/N. Thank you for the pleasure of your company.”
You barely had any time to register what had just occurred before the man’s lithe form had all but raced out of the pub. Equally disgruntled and confused with what went down, you turned to see Natasha and Wanda looking back at you. Once they had beckoned you over, you returned to their table.
“What the hell happened there?” Wanda asked, her face the epitome of bewilderment.
“I’m not sure,” you replied. “The conversation was going fine beforehand. I think he might have even been flirting with me a little bit.”
Natasha rolled her eyes. “Yes, we could see that from over here. He may like to come across as very aloof, but it’s obvious to me that he fancies you.”
“I’m not trying to be a smart arse, but people look at us like that all the time. It somewhat comes with the profession.”
“Yes, but there’s not harm in having a little fun with him,” Wanda shrugged. “Especially if he wants to as well.”
“Running out of here with his tail between his legs hardly conveys that, now does it?”
“Perhaps he, you know, prefers men?”
You shrugged. “That is a valid excuse, but I doubt it very much.”
“The good ones are always a challenge, Y/N,” Natasha explained. “But they’re certainly worth it for the fun.”
Wanda laughed slightly. “And then you can join Nat’s club of shagging a doctor.”
Before Natasha could even retaliate, the Sokovian had dashed over to the bar for another round. You couldn’t help but smile at seeing her happy after all she had been through, but soon your own thoughts clouded your mind yet again.
“Don’t worry about it,” the red-head reassured you with genuine concern. “Men are unusual sometimes, but you will navigate this situation just fine.”
“I don’t really know what I want out of it,” you admitted sheepishly. “Yes, Loki is a good looking bloke, and yes I wouldn’t necessarily mind temporarily joining your club, but beyond that…”
With a wave of her hand, she hushed you. “You are getting way ahead of yourself. Stop overthinking and play this by ear, alright?”
“Alright. I shall try to relax a bit more.”
“Good, because I am always right. Not to mention, we are on the job tonight and we have a murderer to catch. This is no time to be worrying about boys.”
Leave it to your friends to ease your mind. They never failed to stop your overactive imagination from creating never-ending loops of anxiety. You soon managed to (mostly) banish any thoughts related to Dr Laufeyson, and instead focused your energy on helping to prevent more women being killed. It was near enough to 1.00 am when the three of you left the pub. The outside streets were still relatively busy despite the hour. You suggested that it might be a good idea to do a few laps of the surrounding area before you met PC Barnes later to regroup.
You and your friends were chatting idly as you veered off the mainstream and down another one of the many laneways scattered throughout London. In the midst of making notes of some of the shadier characters that Wanda had noticed in the pub, the distant noise of police whistles cut threw the windy night air.
“Did you hear that?” you asked, standing dead still where you stood.
Natasha looked from you and then quickly turned to the other end of the lane, from which another whistle blew. “That cannot be good.”
“It might just be a fight,” Wanda suggested with a slight quiver in her voice. “A brawl, or a robbery.”
The temporary hope that maybe nothing serious had occurred was quickly dashed when cries of “Murder!” came swiftly from both civilians and policemen sprinting down the street.
“Come on!” one shouted to another. “There has been another murder.”
“Shit,” you muttered under your breath. “What do we do?”
Natasha’s reply came without a hint of hesitation. “Follow the crowd.”
You nodded, knowing she was right. You turned to gauge Wanda’s reaction, and she too agreed. “We came out here to do a job.”
“That we did.” You took a deep breath, and looked back at the street ahead, the cries for police still rising on the howling wind. She was right. “So let us go help whoever we can.”
Despite your thumping heart or you shaking hands, despite the nervous twisting in your gut that only rose with each passing second and each planted step, you forced yourself to move. Inspector Stark took you on to help other women who roamed these streets, and you weren’t about to turn your back on them. Not even with the terrifying thought of whatever horrors or beasts may await you in the darkness.
You ran as quick as you could, being sure to keep Wanda and Natasha close. It was easy to know where to go once you had locked on to a policeman and followed him as he sprinted towards the action. Gasping for breath and trying to ignore how the cool night air burned your lungs as they fought to work hard, you veered back on to Commercial Street.
Rounding the corner, you weren’t prepared to hit a solid body at high speed. A pair of strong arms wrapped around you tight, preventing your body from slamming backwards into the pavement. You were about to fight off whoever had their hands on your body until you heard Natasha announce behind you.
“Dr Laufeyson!”
Your breath caught in your throat. With the adrenalin running high, you forced yourself out of his arms and, sure enough, was met with the wide green eyes you had been staring into not long ago.
“You’re alright!” Loki declared, ignoring all forms of pleasantries. He seemed relieved as he spoke, despite being obviously dishevelled and out of breath. “It is good to see you ladies.”
“I thought you went home?” you nearly barked, far more accusatory than you had intended. “What are you doing out here?”
“I…” He paused and quickly tried to gather himself as he pushed some hair out of his eyes. “I was nearly home when I heard there had been another murder in the area. I was worried about you three out working and… I wanted to make sure you were alright.” He blinked, then frowned. “Why are you lot still out here? Did you not hear that a woman was killed?”
“It is kind of hard to miss it,” Wanda replied impatiently, gesturing around them. “What with all the policemen running around screaming about it!”
“We have a job to do, Doctor,” Natasha added. “And we shan’t run away when there are women in danger. It could have been any of us.”
In the heat of the moment, you had little time to register that Loki had sprinting across Whitechapel to make sure that you were alright. Had you been more relaxed, you might have even blushed like a school girl, but you could barely think straight. Instead, you looked at him curiously. “Should you not be on the scene?”
“Dearest Bruce was sent for,” he answered. “He is tending to matters there, and I am sure that Natasha will be happy to see him.”
Natasha rolled her eyes before restlessly ordering you and the others onwards. “Sod off. I do not have time to argue with you when there is a murder scene to find. Priorities, Doctor!”
Sensing the urgency, he eagerly agreed. “Come then. She was found on Berner Street.”
Now with another member of the group, you set off running once more. The streets came to life with panic, and people either headed towards the commotion or away from it. It was shortly after 1.00 am when you arrived on the street, and Loki quickly led you and your friends into Dutfield's Yard, a narrow yard situated between No. 40, also known as the International Working Men’s Educational Club, and No. 42. The crowd of onlookers had already grown to around twenty to thirty people, and police were desperately trying to control the rabble. Amongst the throng you spotted PC Wilson and Sgt Rogers.
When they noticed your arrival, the latter was quick to approach, despite the chaos. “Ladies, I was not expecting you. And Loki, you know that we have Dr Banner here working now.”
Loki nodded. “I know, Sergeant, but they wished to come and help if they could.”
Though Steve looked a little skeptical, he seemed willing to oblige. “Very well. We have alerted Inspector Stark by telegram, but perhaps you could identify her while we wait for his arrival?”
“Maybe,” you offered. “Where is she?”
Steve lead you away from the crowd to where the victim lay. Around the body stood a number of police constables, overseeing Dr Banner as he stooped over her and studied her injuries. Your eyes immediately veered to the ugly deep gash in her throat, partially hidden beneath a torn checked silk scarf. A pool of blood lay beneath her, and it was tough for you to focus solely on her face when such a sight lay before you.
Get it together, Y/N, you thought to yourself. You are here to help. It does not look good for her, but you can still help somehow.
Though her still face was turned into the wall, you did your best to take in her features. She had a pale complexion, light gray unmoving eyes, and curly dark brown hair atop her head. She was dressed in all black, topped with a long black cloth jacket, fur trimmed around the bottom with a red rose and white maiden hair fern pinned to its breast. You studied her for what felt like a long time, feeling the eyes of Sgt Rogers boring into the back of your head. And yet, you were disappointed to admit that you didn’t recognise this poor women.
“I do not know her,” you said, unable to hide the disappointment in your tone. “I’m sorry.”
“I might,” Natasha offered and, upon speaking, caused Dr Banner to nearly jump out of his own skin. Apparently so transfix with his work, he only noticed your arrival when hearing her voice.
“At ease, Bruce,” Loki said, hushing him as his colleague steadied his eye glasses. He squatted down to help exam her cut throat. “Our friends are here to help.”
“O-of course,” Dr Banner replied, blushing deeply and avoiding eye contact with the red head.
“You know her, Nat?” Wanda asked curiously.
“I do not know her personally, but I know her to see. I think I have heard people calling her Long Liz.”
“Long Liz?” Steve repeated before quickly jotting it down into his notepad. “Good, that will hopefully help to identify her.”
“I am sorry I can’t offer you much else, handsome, but that is all I have. Ask around and I am sure you will find someone who knows the poor woman.”
“It is more than enough,” he replied with a slight cough. “As always, you ladies have my thanks, and that of the Metropolitan Police.”
“She is most definitely dead,” Dr Banner announced, checking her pulse as Loki studied the wound in her neck. “But she is still slightly warm. She cannot have been killed more than twenty or thirty minutes ago.”
“I agree,” Loki offered, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. “And that means he cannot have gone far.”
“Who cannot have gone far?” announced a voice from behind them, and you turned to see Inspector Stark shimmying his way through the crowd with PC Barnes in tow. He seemed slightly frazzled, even when he gave you all a pleasant greeting despite the circumstances. “Please tell me there is some good news. Strange is going to have my arse if he wakes up tomorrow morning to another murder and no leads.”
“The killer might still be in the area,” Steve offered, before gesturing to you, Natasha, and Wanda. “And we have a small lead, in the form of a nickname for the victim. Thanks to these ladies.”
Stark turned to you, and placed his hand softly on your shoulder. All sarcasm had left his body, but you supposed it was an inappropriate time. There was action, which meant that the leader had arrived to help. “As always, you three are much appreciated. But unfortunately we also have another dead woman on our hands, so a nickname is being quite overshadowed at the moment.”
Wanda shook her head. “Trust us, we agree. We would much rather this had not happened, as do the angry crowd it would seem.”
“Ah, yes, that.” He threw a dissatisfied glance at the crowd. “They are the least of my worries right now. This lady and her killer come first. Report, Dr Banner?”
“Her throat has been cut, but other than a small abrasion under her right arm, there has been none of the usual goings on. No disembowelment, no removal or organs…”
“Is this still the work of our apparent Ripper?”
You were confused by the nickname while Bruce continued. “Well, she was discovered at 1.00 am, and going off my time of death judgement which is between twenty and thirty minutes ago, it is quite possible that he was walked up on and interrupted. The throat seems hastily cut.”
“Who found her?”
“A man called Louis Diemschutz,” Sgt Rogers explained and pointed to a nearby figure who was being questioned by police. “The Steward of the International Workingmen's Educational Club. He had spent the day hawking cheap jewellery at Westow Hill Market in Sydenham Hill before returning here. He was turning his pony and cart into the yard  when the pony noticed the woman on the ground and refused to go any further. He said that when looking into the yard, he saw a dark form lying on the ground close to the wall of the club, and proceeded to poke it with his whip, and then tried to lift it. After being unsuccessful, he jumped down to investigate and struck a match to get a better view, though the wind extinguished it rather quickly. He did manage to see that it was a woman lying on the ground. Apparently, he assumed it to be his wife, who was attending the club tonight, so he ventured inside and, upon finding his wife alive and well, gathered some more club member to discern if the woman in the yard was dead or drunk. Now with a candle in hand, he noticed blood by her body, and her slashed throat.”
“Be sure to double check that his alibi is a valid one, just to be safe.”
“Of course, Inspector. He also said that he thought the killer may have still been in the yard when he arrived, given his pony’s unusual behaviour.”
“Dr Laufeyson, you said this lunatic may be nearby?”
“Quite. Given Dr Banner’s conclusion with regards her time or death, he cannot have gone too far.”
“Blast it… Then here is what we shall do. Sergeant, I want policemen on as many streets as we can manage, searching for this sick bastard before he gets his hands on someone else. You shall remain here and get the names and addresses of every single onlooker in that crowd. Dr Banner and Dr Laufeyson, continue your examination for as long as you like, and gather all you can from the scene.”
“I would very much like to accompany the men on patrol, if that is alright,” Loki requested as he got to his feet. “Bruce well and truly has this covered, and I know you could use an extra man.”
Though Tony appeared momentarily perturbed, he agreed, allowing Loki to join the other constables in their search.
“Do you want us to search too?” you asked, eager to get out and lend another hand.
“With all due respect, ladies, I would much rather if you three were off the streets for the rest of the night. I will have PC Barnes accompany you back to Commercial Street Station.”
You argued with his decision — of course you did — but you knew it was foolish. This man was an Inspector, and his word was final. Nor did Steve or even Loki vouch for you. They all wanted you hidden away for your own safety and, despite the burning urge you had to incite revenge on the monster that did this, you couldn’t win. All of them agreed that you had to go. The only one who seemed a bit torn with the whole affair was Loki, who watched you intently as Bucky lead you back to the station.
The place was practically deserted when you arrived, with only Happy there to welcome you inside. Bucky had been charged with keeping you in the station until Inspector Stark returned and, with no idea how long they would be, immediately offered to make you tea and sandwiches. Needing something to distract yourself, you accepted the food. You spent two hours there snacking on sandwiches and drinking your weight in tea. Bucky didn’t seem eager about discussing the case, and chose to talk to you aimlessly about your work and life in general. It was only when you questioned him about Stark’s new nickname for the killer did he allow himself to talk about it.
He looked at you and asked with a mouthful of bread and ham. “What do you mean?”
“When we were at the scene, Tony called him Ripper — has he even gifted the murder his own nickname?”
“Oh,” he mumbled and swallowed his food. “It’s uh, it’s not a nickname that Stark gave him. I suppose I can tell you ladies about it because you are part of the investigation.”
You and your friends couldn’t help but look at him in an accusatory manner. You set your tea down with a sigh. “So, you are hiding information from us now?”
“No! Course not. We had not yet released the information the public. Look, yesterday, Inspector Stark was passed on a letter for the Central News Agency. They claimed to have received it themselves a few days before, and it was apparently signed by the killer. He bragged about the killings and laughed about our struggles to find him. Even wrote the bloody thing in red ink like a nutter… But he called himself Jack the Ripper.”
“How theatrical,” you said evenly. “And uncurbed.”
“He sounds like a right piece of work,” Wanda added.
The constable agreed. “Right you are. But don’t speak a word of this to anyone, alright? We do not know when we shall make it public knowledge—”
Whatever further explanation Bucky was ready to divulge was cut short. Chief Inspector Strange burst through the entrance to the station, rather unceremoniously and visibly enraged.
Despite the intrusion, the constable remained in his seat beside you, and drank a sup of his tea. “Mornin’, Chief Inspector.”
“Morning?” Strange spluttered. “Morning, Constable? That is all you have to say?”
“Uh, tea?”
“Oh, for God’s sake… I was woken from my sleep to hear that another woman was killed! Did I not order you all to find new leads?”
“You did, and we were all out in the field tonight trying to find them.”
Strange ran his eyes over you, appearing both exhausted and frustrated in every sense of the word. It was the first time you had seen him legitimately frazzled, and you wisely kept your mouth shut. Even Natasha seemed unwilling to tease him.
“This is to be the last one,” the chief inspector remarked. “When this hits the papers tomorrow, the public is sure to go mad. No more bodies, I shan’t have it. This is the final one, yes?”
You had not expected another interruption so soon after the first, but it seemed that the night was about to get much worse.
In the door came a burly-looking man, decked out in a police uniform somewhat similar to that of PC Barnes. Slightly out of breath, he removed his helmet and greeted Strange with a nod. “Chief Inspector? I am PC Grillo of the City Police. I was told to come find an Inspector at this station as quickly as I could.”
Strange’s face hardened almost immediately. “What is it?”
PC Grillo reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a torn piece of apron, stained deep red with spilled blood. “There has been another murder, Chief Inspector, on our territory this time.”
“Another one?” you exclaimed before you could hold yourself back. Your hands shook as you clasped them together. “In the same night?”
PC Grillo nodded, his lips pulled into a tight line. “You best follow me as quickly as you can. You need to see this.”
Taglist: @heysliver @lisalisa007 @ava-royal @eloisemacguffin @tvdplusriverdale @trickster-grrrl @mellow-mischief @arttasticgreatnessoftheawesome77
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
Harem au
N/A: Kitty, the lady necromancer can´t ever stopping trolling him...well, wizard Kurt is a bad detective. Ryder should give him some tips. Loosely based on a webcomic and some documentaries I watch.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
By all intentions and purpose, the carriage is one of the fastest transportation out there, not really, but the nobles love to use the fanciest carriage available, even if they can fly or teleport, either way, Kitty Pryde is using this transportation to head to her new destination.
The driver seems to enjoy talking in a vulgar manner with the passenger and is gritting on Kitty´s nerves.
"You know, usually he asks for prettier women, you are pretty average, your chest, for example, is really small, maybe he wants to try an average woman for once" the man gives a crook smile and Kitty only rolls her eyes.
"Do you speak like that with all the women? Thinking talking poorly of them, hurting their self-esteem they will accept you, oh, child, not in a million of years" Kitty said close enough for the man to hear "in fact, I think you should benefit in never talking again"
The carriage arrives in the place where the Necromancer is waiting, the silence was the golden rule in the carriage and in the castle, however, Kitty has no problem to chat with the intimidating figure of one Kurt Wagner.
"Nice to meet you, Mr Evil Necromancer," Kitty said shaking his hand after Kurt makes an airy question to the man who drove the carriage but didn´t care enough to get the answers(nor the lack of answers)"I´m your new acquisition to your ever stupid harem, please, let´s not make this a bloody mess" Kitty said smiling and Kurt can admire her sense of humour.
"Well, Katzchen" seems natural to call her like that, she is such a catty person, Kurt likes that, oh...maybe he can play favourites again and see those women tear each other apart, it has been a long time since he has any favourites "I´m an evil Necromancer, I can´t promise anything" then Kurt gives a smirk full malice, however, the man noticed something not entirely peculiar about the woman.
"Oh, you are wearing blue? I thought the monarch thought this was a tasteless colour" Kurt replied a bit curious as no other woman ever put blue in any circumstances.
"This shade is from Lady Zaorva´s own form and I like to homage the goodness, however, not even her is the owner of the blue colour, now, my dear Mr Evil Necromancer, where shall I be?" she asked in such chipper way that Kurt shakes his head amused. Giving an order to the driver to take her luggage and take to the room, again, Kurt is not minded the lack of answers. _______________________________ His mansion is bigger and dark and Kitty would have to control herself from not make a quip about men and the ever need of overcompensation, why Kurt needs such a bigger mansion is a mystery to Kitty.
Walking through towards the room, a green door appeared in her panoramic view and Kitty has no problems in knocking first then phasing. The room, behind the door, is a luxurious place, worthy of a princess. A woman with green hair is painting something not minding to reply.
"No, you evil monster I won´t tell anything about my father," Lorna said only to realize Kitty is not the monster who keeps her arrested. Her hand drop the brush as she runs to hug here saviour.
"Hello, Lorna," Kitty asked too akin of a mother"Are you alright?" Kitty asked and the question has a hidden meaning that Lorna picks up.
"No, he never touches me, but keeps me here as his prisoner, my father is a flawed man and makes a bad deal with a Necromancer" Lorna gritted her teeth angrier at each moment.
"Magneto asking help from a Necromancer is never wise, especially if he wants to destroy his enemies, I know, Magneto asked for help to get rid of the Meridith, an old thorn on Magneto´s side, and now the country is under Magneto´s power, however, I don´t think the man intended to things to go that gruesome, which makes him a fool in my eyes" Kitty declares as Lorna only nods "you were helping the resistance, aren´t you? That´s why you are here?"
"It´s more than that, the necromancer request one of the royal children as Magneto hasn´t paid everything yet. Oh,  if he hasn´t...I wouldn´t be here" Lorna sighs dejectedly "Wanda was supposed to be here, but...no, she suffered too much, I don´t want her to be away from her family, Vision was almost killed in their last diplomatic mission and Wanda needs to be on his side" Lorna then looks away from Kitty "but don´t think so highly at me, maybe, I just want to be close of one of the prisoners, Marco Diaz"
"I know, I understand, we fall in love in the strangest place, Lorna, I was sent here to free you, however, I can take this Marco as well, after all, no kid deserves to not know their father" Kitty speaks brightly looking at the belly who is no longer under an illusion. Lorna would ask how, but, it´s better not ask.
Lorna did notice how his guards are taking Kitty´s suggestion to the heart, the monster the man created to keep the prisoner of Meridith away suddenly decides to take a walk, of course, opening the cell of each prisoner(the political prisoners are extremely confused and thankfully) as Lorna hugs Marco.
Kitty only looks at the couple and wishes the best for Marco as he gets a really bad and scary father-in-law now. ___________________________________________ Kitty is sewing a blue dress as the Necromancer shows up in her room, ignoring the other gazes of the women (envious, fearful and hateful) and is in a foul mood. Kitty stops sewing as Kurt puts his head on her lap.
"...Bad day?" Kitty asked cooly "It was Lorna´s and the other prisoners vanishing from your grasp"
"Sort of" Kurt speaks tired now" Magneto did pay the last part of his deal, so, Princess Lorna is no longer important, no do I care for Meridith, I just want to know how that happens"
"Oh, maybe is the guards, you know, you could replace them with seals, it works better, living things have the need of breathing and need to eat and drink, so, maybe the prisoners got luck, a bit of luck with a good plan" Kitty replied huffing his hair. Kurt looks astonishing at this revelation and smiles now.
"I know what happened" Kurt´s golden eyes are on her form"It´s the Blue Lady´s work" the smile is a tad bit maniacal. Kitty looks apprehensive at this, biting her lips the woman tries to speak gulping now.
"I know who the Blue Lady is, it was obvious from the start"Kitty can feel her heartbeat increasing loudly, can he hear it?! "Is Kymri, the priestess from the Zaorva´s temple, of course"
"Yes, of course, good on you, Mr Evil Necromancer" Kitty feels at easy now and smiling serenely at Kurt. ________________________________________ Elizabeth Braddock is a woman with great beauty but a cold heart. Jean Grey is also a great beauty but is a woman with no soul or brain. Both prime themselves to be Kurt´s favourite and love the idea of cashing favours, however, Kurt is not even looking at them anymore, no matter what they wear, Kurt is not even remotely interested, yet, the new welcomer, Kitty Pryde with her blue dress is clearly his favourite.
Betsy wanted a diamond ring, a pink one that she thought Kurt would give to her, she is beautiful, however, Kurt gave a pink diamond ring to Kitty, who in turn, does not seem to care all that much.
Jean wanted new clothes, a fine new dress that she thought Kurt would give, after all, Jean is the most beautiful woman in the world, however, Kurt gave the dress to Kitty, who in turn make the dress be blue. Jean is enraged at this.
The two women thought it is time to pay a visit to Kitty Pryde. At first, they tried to read her mind, somehow they failed(gaining a strong headache), then they tried to poison her, put enough Belladonna to kill an army, yet, Kitty shows up fine in the next day.
In fact, she summons the poison Jean used and drinks in front of her, Jean can´t lie here and say that didn´t freak her out, however, this won´t stop. Kitty needs to go.
Betsy got violent and stab the woman in the heart. Betsy´s victorious smile twisted her gorgeous face as she laughs now Kurt will have to like her more, that´s was the end goal. Next day, Betsy scream in fear as Kitty Pryde just get out of the shower, a wet towel in her hair claiming it was hard to take all the dirty, the towel was only on her hair as Betsy could see the woman´s chest...no mark of her blade.
"Ah, stop staring at it, I know I´m pretty" Kitty jokes and takes the towel to reveal Kitty´s chestnut hair. Betsy runs away. The image of her skin untouched haunts Betsy, after all, she did stab the woman through the heart.
Jean and Betsy united force and decides to confront this...woman.
"What are you?" Jean asked trying to read Kitty´s mind again and failing.
"My name is Kitty, miss Grey and you are really pretty but...rotten inside, in fact" raising her fingers the red hair fall from the ground " it is nauseating to look at you" Jean tries to summon the Pheonix, yet, nothing happens, actually, nothing happens as she can´t read anyone´s mind or lift anything.  Where are her powers?
Betsy tries to attack, tries to, as Kitty Pryde make the woman fall from the ground without as so much looking directly to her. It was something was pushing her down forcing her to obey, it was really painful and some of her bones certainly are in a poor state now.
"You are really, really pretty Betsy, yet, your beauty only hides your rotten self" Kitty speaks calmly as Betsy´s skin turns in a putrefied state "you were a horrible woman in life, maybe in death, you can be something better" Jean tries to speak but no sound comes out."Child, I haven´t forgotten about you"
On the next day, Betsy is gone and in Jean´s room has a woman no one recognizes, she is without any shadow of a doubt, the most hideous woman in the planet. ________________________________________ Kymri is a priestess in the oldest temple dedicated to Zaorva and is a woman in love, just like the goddess herself, she is in love with a man who can create chaos for fun(wait, is it a sin to compare herself to Zaorva?) and ever since they sleep together, Kymri knew he was the one.
"Say, if you were to purify a haunting home, how you would do it?" Kurt asked a bit peeved after Kymri just healed someone with just healing powers, Kymri´s lover is an odd man, but, Necromancers are odd by nature.
"It´s easier, I would pray to Zaorva to clean the house or maybe ask for a monk, that´s their speciality"Kymri is a tad bit afraid of saying she would ask Jude for help, she has no idea if Kurt and Jude are in good terms.
Kurt is crestfallen (much better than angry) and scratching his head the man concludes the obvious.
"You aren´t the Blue Lady" Kurt speaks and for a moment Kymri is ready to defend the colour of her skin, when, it finally hits on her quite violently that Kurt is not referring to her skin.
"Oh..that Blue Lady, no, I´m not her, however, funny thing, I heard that the Blue Lady is one of the Zaorva´s oldest followers. Her followers always wear blue, as a symbol of her grace, in fact, the most blue you wear the better" Kymri speaks closing her eyes and remembering all the details.
"What?" Kurt can only speak/ask not minding the curious stares being delivered to him. " Who told you that?"
"Ah, one of our regular followers,"then Kymri stops "in fact, I´m new here, not sure if she is an old member or not, it´s rude to ask such things, either way, Kitty Pryde told me that, the Blue Lady prefers to wear blue as a way to honour Zaorva" And Kymri points to a painting of Zaorva herself, well, one of the interpretations of the entity, and the blue hue is the same Kitty uses.
Kurt´s eyes twitch at that as he bamfs ignoring Kymri´s pleas and confusion. _____________________________
Kitty is exploring Kurt´s mansion and finally meet one room she never saw before, strangely enough, this is a room with advanced seals prevent the woman to enter. She got a hand to Kurt when he wants to make something impossible, he does. Kitty couldn´t enter in the room, thanks to the seal, yet, manages to open the door and see glimpses of what is there.
"Wait, is that the news about the fire in Rome?" Kitty asked knowing what really happened. Seeing by this distance the words "It was her doing"make the woman steps back until she hits on someone. Someone fuzzy.
"That´s the room where I ponder about the Blue Lady, I always want to meet her, she is a mystery to everyone" Kurt explained letting Kitty entering in the room. "See this? Is about the time Rome was burned completely, no one knows what happened. I think someone must have upset her, could be jealousy?"
"Jealousy? No, they tried to harm ...her son, and the Blue Lady does not forgive such travesty"
"It´s you, isn´t?" Kurt asked looking into her eyes. "Blue Lady as in your clothes, not skin, right?"
"Oh...you are bound to found out, eventually"
Kitty crosses her arms and looks into his eyes.
"Nice to meet you Mr Evil Necromancer, I´m the Blue Lady, how was your day?"
"You are a cheeky thing, aren´t you?"
"I need some sense of humour"
After that, the harem lost his interest completely, no one mind the fact the driver is still mute, as the remains members were sent away to their home. For now, it seems Kurt is no longer interest in a harem.
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
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Marvel Phase Four has been a mixed bag, man. Just on the film side, there is so much missed potential. Outside of No Way Home, every MCU theater entry has been mediocre, compared to Phase Three at least. I mean, it’s going to be hard as f*ck to top the liked of Infinity War and the first two Spider-Man flicks but still. Having to start from scratch after relegating your big three to oblivion was, in my opinion, a bold take. Stark is dead. Rogers is old as f*ck. Hulk is a cripple. All you have left is Thor and a bunch of B-listers. Beyond that, you need to build the world all over again. Stuff needs to fit together and the grandeur needs to stack. The films have stumbled out the gate with this. Th films. The shows? Yeah, they’ve fared much better. With She-Hulk approaching the halfway mark, i wanted to look back and kind of rank the available Disney+ outings we have to date.
7. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
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Now, i want to stress this, i actually like She-Hulk. I enjoy this show. I think it’s a nice little lighthearted romp. Slice of life with gamma monsters. Tatiana Maslany is perfect as Jen and I'm always glass to see Ruffalo as Hulk. That aid, this one is, without a doubt, the weakest of the shows. She-Hulk feels like it has no identity. It wants to be a fourth Wall breaking take on Bad Judge but Disney doesn’t have thee teeth for that and it’s readily apparent the writers have no idea how to craft courtroom shenanigans. This should have been The Practice with Superheros but instead it’s kind of bad fan fiction. Interestingly enough, She-Hulk shares a lot of the same issues i have with Eternals, which is the weakest film in Phase Four. Also, the effects aren't that bad. You guys are just mean.
6. Ms. Marvel
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I really enjoyed Ms. Marvel. I thought they cast this show perfectly and Iman Vellani is a an absolutely PERFECT Kamala. To be honest, i don’t even like ol’ girl as a character. I think Kamala is annoying as f*ck but the version Vellani portrays? Mad endearing. She absolutely lives that fangirl aspect and seeing this version of Kamala grow into her powers was a real treat. Even if they are kind of problematic with that djinn reveal. More than anything, i love that this was a distinctly Pakistani story. This felt as authentic to those people as Black Panther felt to mine and i hope the next season, or at least her next appearance, is as genuine.
5. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
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This one hurts. Listen, I'm a black dude. I grew up poor, in the ghetto, during the late Eighties and all of the Nineties. Falcon and Bucky’s underlying themes of race, class, and acceptance rings dumb true to my life experience. I enjoyed the fact Sam had to battle with being a legacy and that Bucky needed to make amends for his past transgression. Any time Zemo shows up, I'm all aboard and the reveal that Sharon was the Powerbroker really set things up for The Thunderbolts going forward. Wyatt Russell’s USAgent was spot on and the absolute zeal the nation had for this “new” Captain America was perfect. And then Flag-Smasher ruined everything. Erin Kellyman is bad at her job and every time she appeared on screen, she ruined every thing. Completely took me out of the show.
4. WandaVision
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WandaVision is arguably the best thing about Phase Four just based on Elizabeth Olsen’s performance. Seriously, she KILLS it as Wanda. Finally given room to, you know, act, Olsen gives us a nuanced, heartbreaking, portrayal of someone who has lost everything. Someone who has hit rock bottom and lashes out as a means to feel something. Anything. That’s not to disregard the others in this show. I mean, Katherine Hahn was wonderful and Paul Bettany is his usual excellence but this is, without a doubt, Olsen’s show. Which is why the last two episodes of WandaVision are so f*cking disappointing. What even was that final battle? What even were those effects on Agatha? Why did we have to wait until MoM to get the pure, furious, massacre, goodness of full-on Scarlet Witch Wanda? This show started so good and hen just dropped the f*cking ball with those last two episodes.
3. Hawkeye
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Listen, Clint’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, Christmas Misadventure, was everything to me. Admittedly, it took a little while to get going but, after the third episodes, this thing was in full sprint. Hawkeye was able to do so much, in such short time, while simultaneously giving me a decent story and origin for Kate Bishop. Not only that, but w got Echo, Kingpin, and more of the adorable murder cinnamon roll, Yelena Belova. There is a surprisingly heartfelt and earnest narrative woven throughout this show and it’s for that reason i ranked it so high on this list. One can make the argument that WandaVision is superior in every way but, for me, Hawkeye is the better show.
2. Loki
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Loki is the big one of the new shows. This is the one that has all of the ramification of where Feige wants to take the MCU going forward. Kang. The TVA. The Multiverse. Variants. All of them, introduced in Loki. Obviously, anytime i can get more Hiddles in that green and gold, i am all for it but Loki turned out to be so much more than that. I had no idea what to expect when they announced that Loki Laufeyson was going to get his own show but color me surprised when it turned into something really f*cking special. Strong performances from an amazing cast really helped this thing along the way, too. That said, if I'm being honest, it was Gator Loki for me.
1. Moon Knight
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Look, objectively, Loki and WandaVision are better than Moon Knight. Hell, I'd even say Hawkeye has an argument for that position, too. But f*ck all of that, i LOVED Moon Knight! I legitimately thought this thing was going to be as terrible as Eternals when it was announced. Who the f*ck knows anything about Moon Knight? And then Feige blessed me with one of the strongest character studies in the entire MCU. I can’t say i cared for the villain, Ethan Hawke came across as too placid for my tastes, but Oscar Isaac pulling double duty as Steven Grant and Marc Specter was sheer brilliance; Both being manipulated by an F. Murray Abraham voiced Konshu. Add in the absolute vision that is May Calamawy as Layla El-Faouly and you have my number one spot. Plus, they made Engelbert Humperdinck relevant! That, alone, should put it in the top three. Moon Knight might be kind of goofy at times, it has a giant Kaiju fight between a crocodile with boobs and a bird-skulled mummy for a climax, but it has the strongest cast in all of Phase Four, save NWH. More than that, the dynamic between Steven and Marc hit so close to home for me. I’m a big brother. I know them feels. I've taken those licks for my kid brothers when we were young. Moon Knight was much, much, better than it had any goddamn right to be and that’s why it’s my favorite of the MCU shows. So far.
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