#Empower Your Creative Vision
doink · 8 months
Capturing Winter Magic: Subject Masking in Green Screen by DoInk – Stuck in a Snow Globe Lesson
Step into a winter wonderland of creativity with our latest blog post and video tutorial! In this guide, we'll explore the enchanting world of subject masking using Green Screen by DoInk, focusing on the delightful and always popular "Stuck in a Snow Globe" project. Whether you're an educator bringing seasonal magic to your lessons or a content creator looking to add a touch of whimsy to your videos, this step-by-step tutorial is your key to unlocking the magic of subject masking in all time favorite Winter project of being stuck in a snow globe.
What you will learn:
Introduction to the Subject Masking Tool in Green Screen by DoInk
Crafting the "Stuck in a Snow Globe" project from start to finish
Tips for optimal subject masking in various scenarios
Enhancing your project with overlays, animations, and text
Real-world examples for inspiration and application
Empowering your creative storytelling with subject masking
Subject masking in Green Screen by DoInk opens up a world of creative possibilities, and the "Stuck in a Snow Globe" project is just the beginning. Whether you're telling a winter tale or creating festive content, subject masking adds a touch of magic to your storytelling.
Unlock the magic of subject masking and transport your subjects into a winter wonderland. Share your enchanted projects with us, and let the seasonal storytelling begin!
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flutterflowdevs · 13 days
Mastering Flutterflow: Tips and Tricks for Aspiring App Developers Why Every App
In today’s fast-paced digital world, app development is more crucial than ever. With millions of apps available, standing out is a challenge for aspiring developers. This is where Flutterflow comes into play. Imagine being able to design and build beautiful applications without the steep learning curve of traditional coding. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your journey, Flutterflow offers innovative tools that can simplify the entire process. What if you could create mobile apps with minimal effort while maximizing creativity? That’s the magic of using Flutterflow as your go-to platform. It's not just about building an app; it's about mastering an art form that blends functionality with stunning visuals. If you're eager to dive into the world of app development and want to make waves in this vibrant ecosystem, let’s explore how Flutterflow can elevate your skills and help you become a proficient Flutterflow App Developer!
Benefits of Using Flutterflow for App Development
Flutterflow revolutionizes app development with its no-code approach, making it accessible for everyone. You don’t need extensive programming knowledge to create stunning applications. This feature empowers designers and entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to life quickly. The platform’s drag-and-drop interface streamlines the design process. It allows you to visualize your app in real time, reducing the back-and-forth typical of traditional coding methods. You can see changes instantly, enhancing creativity and efficiency. Another key advantage is the built-in integration with Firebase and other services. This means developers can add backend functionality without hassle, saving valuable time during project execution. Collaboration is seamless too. Flutterflow enables team members to work together effortlessly on a single project, ensuring that feedback loops are short and productive. With these benefits combined, it's clear why so many are choosing Flutterflow as their preferred development tool.
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#In today’s fast-paced digital world#app development is more crucial than ever. With millions of apps available#standing out is a challenge for aspiring developers. This is where Flutterflow comes into play. Imagine being able to design and build beau#Flutterflow offers innovative tools that can simplify the entire process.#What if you could create mobile apps with minimal effort while maximizing creativity? That’s the magic of using Flutterflow as your go-to p#let’s explore how Flutterflow can elevate your skills and help you become a proficient Flutterflow App Developer!#Benefits of Using Flutterflow for App Development#Flutterflow revolutionizes app development with its no-code approach#making it accessible for everyone. You don’t need extensive programming knowledge to create stunning applications. This feature empowers de#The platform’s drag-and-drop interface streamlines the design process. It allows you to visualize your app in real time#reducing the back-and-forth typical of traditional coding methods. You can see changes instantly#enhancing creativity and efficiency.#Another key advantage is the built-in integration with Firebase and other services. This means developers can add backend functionality wit#saving valuable time during project execution.#Collaboration is seamless too. Flutterflow enables team members to work together effortlessly on a single project#ensuring that feedback loops are short and productive. With these benefits combined#it's clear why so many are choosing Flutterflow as their preferred development tool.#Designing Your App with Flutterflow#Designing your app with Flutterflow can be a seamless experience. The platform offers an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that simplifies#Start by exploring pre-built templates tailored for various industries. These templates provide inspiration and save time#allowing you to focus on customization.#Utilize the extensive widget library available in Flutterflow. Widgets help you craft unique layouts while ensuring responsiveness across d#there’s something for every vision.#Pay attention to color schemes and typography; they define your brand's voice within the app. Consistency is key when it comes to user expe#Harness real-time collaboration features if you're part of a team. This ensures everyone stays aligned without losing creativity during the#Adding Functionality with Actions and Interactions#When it comes to enhancing your app’s capabilities#Flutterflow shines with its intuitive approach to adding functionality. The platform allows you to incorporate various actions and interact#Widgets are the building blocks for interactions in Flutterflow. You can easily set up buttons or gestures that trigger specific actions wi#triggering animations
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kajmasterclass · 3 months
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just-a-ghost00 · 1 month
What is the nature of this connection?
I will probably do another PAC reading like this in the future. Decks used for this reading : Threads of fate shadow version, Journey of love oracle, Rumi oracle.
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Group 1 - You've been thunderstruck !
Power, Higher perspective, The Creator, 22 Loving all that is, 18 distant shores, 19 Shakti, 34 Layla, 18 A new gown, 23 Star mother Arrakasis
Right from the get go I am getting strong twin flame vibes from this group. The twin flame connection, in my opinion, is one of the most challenging ones spiritually. It completely uproots and changes your perspective and beliefs on relationships, on love. It impacts the way you see yourself and deeply transforms you. Chances are that whenever you interact with this person, you feel both deeply moved and incredibly inspired. They ellicit intense reactions from you, whether it's an energy that pushes you to love and embrace or one that urges you to resist and challenge. In many ways, this connection makes you question yourself and the world. It can trigger a lot of self doubt, depending on where you are in your journey. But it can also feel very empowering. Many people who claim to be in such connections often mention that they were struck by the other person's gaze. That looking at their eyes, they just knew something incredibly special was unfolding. Though they couldn't point out what it was. Looking at their eyes, they instantly felt like this person knew them at their very core and likewise, that they knew this person though they barely met. I guess this type of connection matches the saying "love at first sight" very well. I believe that going through such a deep spiritual awakening, cause that's one of the key features of such bonds, would definitely feel like being struck by lightning. There were a few things that caught my eye when I read through the different booklets for each card. When it comes to Power and The Creator, they both refer to a source of energy, to creativity and one's inner power. These two cards were depicting a wooden object emmitting a source of light, wieled by a hand. So in a way these two energies are mirroring each other and mirroring is also a common theme in twin flame connections. For the Journey of love oracle, the three cards had a common theme of change and shift in someone's energies. They were mentioning how confusing and sometimes painful our spiritual awakening could be. And that also is something I would attribute to twin flames. Such connections can be so triggering that they make you doubt your intuition or your vision. As our wounds are being healed, we sometimes may feel the urge to revert to our primitive ways, to hide again behind the masks we thought we'd gotten rid off because it is so intense a part of us wants to run away from it. Again, I recall a person telling about their journey, saying that this connection was so intense for them they had struggled with depression to the point where at some point they decided that for their own good they would cut ties with the other person.
As for the last three cards, Layla was speaking about the feeling of being left in the dark, not knowing whether you were going in the right direction as the outward circumstances weren't reflecting the subtle changes going on in the 5D. Whereas A new gown refered to the triggering effect one's spiritual awakening could have on other people, who did not know how to react to such transformative changes in people's energy. And the last card mentioned how, though the outside world may not be a reflection of who we are and may not understand us, we have to keep having faith in ourselves and fight for what we believe in. All these descriptions can match the twin flame experience, as it can often times make one feel like no one around them understands what they are going through. It is such a unique experience that not many people can relate to the feeling. And even in the TF community, there are differences in opinions as to what this connection is and is not. Each TF journey is special and unique to the people who experience it.
Group 2 - I believe I can fly ~
Ascension, Versatility, The Warrior, 6 Angel of Jupiter awaken, 47 Soft, 9 Heart of God, 10 Celestial rose of Ma, 21 Sacred phoenix heart, 25 Beyond the threshold of fear
This to me feels like a soulmate connection but I wish to investigate further before jumping to conclusion as their may be more clues in the cards that will help us clearly identify this connection.
First of all, the elements linked to the Threads of fate cards are : Ether, Air and Ether again.So this feels like a very lighthearted, up in the air kind of thing. The kind of connection that would give you the so called "butterflies". Chances are that, in the presence of this person, you would feel very cheerful, like you're floating on a cloud. In the presence of this person, you would tend to take more risks, feel bolder. They give you wings to do things you would never do alone. This is the type of connection that can sometimes make you out of balance and a bit obsessive because of how addicting it may feel. In this type of connection, you're constantly on a spiritual high. You may suddenly feel hyperactive, restless, you may act differently from what you are used to because this person brings out the unfiltered version of you. Whether you're at a high or a low in your life, this person makes you feel unstoppable and encourages you to do better, to be better, to reach new hights. And I guess such feelings can match the energy of a soulmate connection, whether it's a platonic or a romantic one.
Another thing that caught my eye was the number of certain cards. Especially the contrast between the 6 and the 9. For some reason it reminded me of the Yin Yang symbol. And though this symbol isn't particularly specific to soulmates, it reminded me of how often times people referring to their soulmate would say that they were the opposite of them but they perfectly matched them. That they felt like this person could bring out the best in them because they embodied what they were not and thus highlighted what they needed to work on. I myself have been in soulmate connections, both platonic and romantic. And that is definitely something I relate to. These people would enlighten me in how different they were in their lifestyle, in their energy but also in their upbringing. I think I learned the most from these types of connections because it always felt exciting. No matter how harsh the lessons were, I always enjoyed it because I knew it made me better and it strengthened our bonds. This is the type of connection that never makes you second guess yourself. There is little to no doubt left in these types of connections because both are very eager to be in the presence of each other, no matter what it takes. This is also the kind of connection that may be unsettling to others. For instance, your friends or family may be skeptical of this connection because from an outer perspective it looks like two individuals that are so different would never get along. Think of duos like Naruto and Sasuke, Goku and Vegeta, Sanji and Zoro ; for those of you that are anime fans. These characters seem like they are worlds apart from another and yet, somehow, not only do they make the best team ever but they are also insanely close despite appearances.
The Beyond the threshold of fear card was really special to me because at the end of the interpretation, it mentioned wings and that idea of soaring high. Which really matched the vibe I was getting. This connection is one that challenges you in a positive way and helps you reconcile with your fears. It is one that is soothing and exciting. Every moment spent with this person feels like an adventure in itself. The cards number 10 and 21 were mentioning the utility of pain as an indicator of progress and how important it was not to fear it. The card 21 specifically mentioned the feeling of deception we can be faced with when things don't go as we'd hoped. This made me think that maybe some of you were hoping that this connection would be a romantic one or just a completely different type of connection. And to that I have to say that I can understand the feeling, though I encourage you not to underestimate the power of the love of a platonic soulmate. These connections are incredibly precious and must be valued at all costs.
Group 3 - The way you make me feel...
The Sovereign, Withdraw rx, Trust, 18 A new gown, 2 Passion for purpose, 10 Celestial rose of Ma, 33 God speaks, 6 Angel of Jupiter Awaken, 47 Soft
The energy of this group is interesting. Because it feels like a mix of Group 1 and Group 2. And upon first glance, it feels difficult to attribute a label to this connection. And maybe that is the whole purpose of it. This is the type of connection that doesn't need labels. Above anything, what matters in this connection is how you feel about one another and the teachings you receive from each other. I feel like the first meaningful purpose of this person is to be a spiritual guide / teacher. And they would like you to remember them this way. To them, what matters is not whether you are together or not, whether you are viewed as lovers or friends, but whether you can grow together or not. In presence of this person, you are gently pushed to stand in your true power and embody who you're meant to be. This person gently takes your hand and guides you on the way to your purpose. They teach you how to get out of your shell and trust life and people, including yourself. So really, this person could be anything to you. They could be a soulmate or a twin flame, it doesn't matter because in both cases, they are your soul teacher. Chances are that this person awakens new interests in you or reignites passions that you left aside for fear of not being good enough. It could be that this person has a similar background and/or their spiritual journey is similar to yours. In terms of awakening, they are slightly forward. They are maybe a few steps ahead of you because they've done their leap of faith. They took a step aside and risked everything, while you are on the verge of doing that. This person gives you a comforting presence to rely on as you are going through this transformative stage of your life. They are here to reassure you and uplift your spirits in times of struggle. In their words and passionate rants, you may find echoes of your own thoughts or innate desires. In their speech, you may find guidance from your angels and guides. You may idealize this person a lot and view them like a mentor, more than anything else. This connection is one that teaches you how to see your own value and assets, how to nurture yourself and give yourself the opportunity to shine in your own beautiful and unique way. A connection that helps you find your footing and calling in life. You may find that you and this person have common interests, hobbies, life circumstances. You may be amazed at how similar you are. Compared to the image of a mirror evoked by TF or the image of complementary opposites associated with soulmates, it's more like this person is a replica of you. The only difference is that they are in a higher resolution. Meaning, they're maybe wiser or more skilled because of their experience and how far they've come in their journey. This person can be, in your eyes, an ideal version of what you wish to embody as a person and serve as a role model. Signs that this could apply to you might be : there is a significant age difference between you, if you are of similar age they're either more advanced in their career than you are or their life has made them more mature, for some reason height difference seems significant as well. Another sign is that this person makes you feel incredibly safe and supported. You feel a calmness around them that you feel with no other. They ease your mind and make you forget about your worries. They make you want to believe in yourself. They reflect back to you an image of you that is positive. They make you feel nurtured and understood. This may be the kind of person that you have no problem speaking about personal issues with and may think afterwards that you are over sharing information. They are likely to soothe your mind with positive affirmations, to give you compliments unexpectedly. Your inner child feels very at ease with them.
Group 4 - I'm still loving you <3
The Revolutionary, The Weaver, Shadow, 8 Yin Yang lover, 22 Loving all that is, 36 Cosmic butterfly, 30 Whirling goddess, 44 Merciful mother Jamal, 10 Celestial rose of Ma
Okay first of all for some reason I kept thinking of group 1 when asking the question "What's the nature of group 4's connection with the person on their mind?" as I shuffled the cards. Also, cards from group 1 kept wanting to interfere in the reading. So if you hesitated with group 1, this is your sign to check this group's reading as well. I'm getting multiple vibes from this group and this may be because of the small amount of choices to pick from. But to tell you my honest feeling, I picked up on karmic soulbonds the most. I also thought of romantic soulmates and twin flames. One thing is sure, this connection is singular by it's intense passion. The carnal desire for your person is the strongest in this group. This was not as strongly depicted in other groups. The reason I am picking up on karmic ties is because of the intensity of the first three cards combined together. And also the imagery on those cards. Specifically the snake and the bat. To me, these animals evoke Karma. This connection is a very fiery and challenging one. You may often argue with this person or feel the need to compete with them. This person tends to bring out the parts of you that are unhealed, the ones that are the most unperfect or challenging. There is a lot of energy surrounding cleansing, releasing blockages and fears. They may trigger fealings of jealousy or envy within you. You may often feel compelled to compare yourself to them or to the people around them. They also tease you a lot and appeal to your sensuality. Chances are that you feel more attractive, hornier around this person than around others. In some ways, they can make you feel powerful. There seems to be a push and pull, runner/chaser dynamic between you, which can be associated with the Twin Flame journey. But I feel like this can also be applied to very passionate soulmate connections or karmic ties. You would do the most shadow work being with this person compared to other connections because they really push you to your limits and ask of you a lot of patience and resilience. There can be a bit of mind games going on or instances of power play. Of course, a lot of flirting as well. This connection teaches you the importance of self worth and boundaries. It also teaches you that you shouldn't have to fight for what is your right, that what is meant for you will naturally find you through the laws of attraction. Above anything, this person's purpose in your life is to ignite a rebirthing process. They are the spark that will light your fire. If you're feeling depressed or apathetic, chances are you feel the most alive around this person. Also, a lot of times, you may feel like this person is unpredictable. You never know how they're gonna react or what they think or feel. There's a lot of repressed feelings and energy, a lot of second guessing yourself and the other. There's a lot of uncertainty and confusion around what this means to you, where you'd want it to go, what this person's role in your life is. If this is a TF connection, you're likely in a dark night of the soul stage and probably not in contact with this person. If this is a romantic soulmate or a karmic tie, you could be going back and forth with them. Or you're currently in a phase where you have a hard time communicating and understanging each other, handling each other's mood swings. This could be enhanced by other circumstances in your life like issues at work or problems with your family. Ultimately, this connection teaches you the meaning of compassion. It asks of you to stand firmly your ground without using violence or manipulation. If this is something you resonate with, a time of separation might be needed to gain a higher perspective on this connection but also to find a healthier dynamic between the two of you.
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aeth-eris · 11 months
Solar Return Jupiter House Placements
Solar Return Jupiter in the 1st House:
Theme: Personal Growth and Optimism. This year emphasizes personal growth and expansion, encouraging you to embrace new opportunities and cultivate a positive outlook on life, enhancing your self-confidence and sense of adventure.
Solar Return Jupiter in the 2nd House:
Theme: Financial Expansion and Abundance. This year highlights the potential for financial growth and abundance, encouraging you to make the most of opportunities that enhance your material wealth and stability, fostering a sense of security and prosperity.
Solar Return Jupiter in the 3rd House:
Theme: Intellectual Expansion and Communication. This year encourages intellectual growth and expanded communication, fostering a thirst for knowledge and encouraging you to engage in meaningful conversations and share your ideas with others.
Solar Return Jupiter in the 4th House:
Theme: Home Expansion and Emotional Fulfillment. This year emphasizes the potential for expanding your emotional connections within your home and family, fostering a sense of security and joy through nurturing and supportive relationships.
Solar Return Jupiter in the 5th House:
Theme: Creative Expansion and Joyful Expression. This year highlights the potential for creative growth and joyful self-expression, encouraging you to embrace new forms of self-discovery and find pleasure in artistic endeavors and passionate pursuits.
Solar Return Jupiter in the 6th House:
Theme: Health Expansion and Productive Well-being. This year emphasizes the potential for improving your overall well-being and productivity, encouraging you to adopt healthy habits and expand your knowledge in areas related to wellness and self-improvement.
Solar Return Jupiter in the 7th House:
Theme: Relationship Expansion and Harmonious Partnerships. This year highlights the potential for growth and expansion within your partnerships and collaborations, fostering mutual understanding and creating opportunities for positive and meaningful connections with others.
Solar Return Jupiter in the 8th House:
Theme: Transformative Expansion and Empowered Growth. This year emphasizes the potential for transformative experiences and personal growth, encouraging you to embrace deep changes and harness your inner strength for positive transformation and empowerment.
Solar Return Jupiter in the 9th House:
Theme: Philosophical Expansion and Broadened Horizons. This year encourages you to seek spiritual and intellectual growth through philosophical pursuits and meaningful experiences, fostering a sense of openness and exploration in your quest for knowledge and understanding.
Solar Return Jupiter in the 10th House:
Theme: Professional Expansion and Recognition. This year highlights the potential for professional growth and recognition, encouraging you to embrace new opportunities for advancement and success, fostering a sense of achievement and fulfillment in your career.
Solar Return Jupiter in the 11th House:
Theme: Social Expansion and Collaborative Endeavors. This year emphasizes the potential for expanding your social connections and involvement in group activities, fostering a sense of community and shared vision in your collaborative pursuits.
Solar Return Jupiter in the 12th House:
Theme: Spiritual Expansion and Inner Growth. This year encourages you to embark on a journey of spiritual expansion and inner discovery, fostering a deeper connection with the divine and a sense of compassion and understanding for the world around you.
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sensualnoiree · 7 months
Feb 16th Venus ingresses into Aquarius immediately connecting with pluto and mars. This suggests a period of intense transformation and empowerment in matters related to love, creativity, and finances. It may be a time where deep-seated desires and issues come to the surface, requiring a careful balance of assertiveness and diplomacy to navigate successfully.
Aries Rising - Aquarius in the 11th House: This transit activates your 11th house of friendships, groups, and aspirations. Venus conjunct Pluto here can intensify your relationships within social circles, bringing about deep transformations in your friendships or associations. You may feel compelled to purge toxic connections and align yourself with those who share your vision for the future. Mars adds a sense of urgency, motivating you to take action towards your goals, especially those related to social causes or humanitarian efforts. It's a time to assert your individuality within group dynamics and pursue your aspirations with passion and determination.
Taurus Rising - Aquarius in the 10th House: This transit activates your 10th house of career, public image, and reputation. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your professional life. You may be faced with power struggles or confrontations with authority figures, leading to a purging of old career patterns or ambitions. Mars adds a drive to succeed and assert your influence in your chosen field. It's a time to reassess your long-term goals and take decisive action towards achieving them, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.
Gemini Rising - Aquarius in the 9th House: This transit activates your 9th house of higher education, travel, and philosophical beliefs. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring profound shifts in your worldview and belief systems. You may be drawn to explore new philosophies or spiritual practices that challenge your existing beliefs. Mars adds a sense of adventure and a desire to expand your horizons through travel or education. It's a time to embrace new perspectives and engage in intellectual pursuits that stimulate your mind and broaden your understanding of the world.
Cancer Rising - Aquarius in the 8th House: This transit activates your 8th house of transformation, shared resources, and intimacy. Venus conjunct Pluto here can intensify your emotional and sexual connections, leading to deep transformations in your intimate relationships. You may be confronted with issues of trust, power, and control, requiring you to purge old patterns of behavior that no longer serve you. Mars adds a sense of urgency to address these issues, motivating you to assert your needs and boundaries in your most intimate connections. It's a time of profound emotional growth and empowerment through facing your deepest fears and desires.
Leo Rising - Aquarius in the 7th House: This transit activates your 7th house of partnerships, marriage, and open enemies. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your relationships, particularly in your one-on-one partnerships. You may be faced with power struggles or confrontations with your partner or significant others, leading to a purging of old relationship patterns. Mars adds a drive to assert your needs and desires in your partnerships, but it can also lead to conflicts if not managed carefully. It's a time to redefine your relationships on a deeper level and commit to those that are truly supportive and empowering.
Virgo Rising - Aquarius in the 6th House: This transit activates your 6th house of health, work, and daily routines. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your work environment or health regimen. You may be compelled to purge unhealthy habits or toxic work situations that are detrimental to your well-being. Mars adds a drive to take action towards improving your health and work life, but it can also lead to overwork or burnout if not balanced with self-care. It's a time to prioritize your well-being and make necessary changes to create a more fulfilling and sustainable daily routine.
Libra Rising - Aquarius in the 5th House: This transit activates your 5th house of creativity, romance, and children. Venus conjunct Pluto here can intensify your creative expression and romantic encounters, leading to profound transformations in these areas of your life. You may be faced with intense passion or power struggles in your romantic relationships, requiring you to purge old patterns of behavior that hinder your ability to experience true intimacy. Mars adds a drive to pursue your creative passions and assert your desires in your romantic pursuits, but it can also lead to impulsive actions if not tempered with consideration. It's a time to embrace your creative potential and pursue joy and pleasure in your life.
Scorpio Rising - Aquarius in the 4th House: This transit activates your 4th house of home, family, and roots. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences within your family dynamic or home environment. You may be confronted with issues of power and control within your family relationships, leading to a purging of old familial patterns. Mars adds a drive to assert your independence and create a sense of security and stability in your home life. It's a time to confront deep-seated emotions and make changes that allow you to feel more grounded and supported in your personal life.
Sagittarius Rising - Aquarius in the 3rd House: This transit activates your 3rd house of communication, siblings, and local environment. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your communication style and relationships with siblings or neighbors. You may be compelled to purge old patterns of communication that no longer serve you, leading to a more authentic and meaningful way of expressing yourself. Mars adds a drive to assert your ideas and opinions, but it can also lead to conflicts if not expressed diplomatically. It's a time to engage in open and honest communication and cultivate relationships that stimulate your mind and broaden your horizons.
Capricorn Rising - Aquarius in the 2nd House: This transit activates your 2nd house of finances, values, and self-worth. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your relationship with money and possessions. You may be confronted with issues of power and control in your financial affairs, leading to a purging of old patterns of spending or saving. Mars adds a drive to take action towards securing your financial future and asserting your worth, but it can also lead to impulsive financial decisions if not managed wisely. It's a time to reassess your values and priorities and make changes that align with your true sense of self-worth.
Aquarius Rising - Aquarius in the 1st House: This transit activates your 1st house of self, personality, and appearance. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your sense of self and how you present yourself to the world. You may undergo a profound personal transformation, shedding old layers of identity to reveal a more authentic version of yourself. Mars adds a drive to assert your individuality and take action towards personal goals, but it can also lead to conflicts if not balanced with consideration for others. It's a time to embrace your uniqueness and express yourself confidently and authentically.
Pisces Rising - Aquarius in the 12th House: This transit activates your 12th house of spirituality, introspection, and hidden matters. Venus conjunct Pluto here can bring intense and transformative experiences in your spiritual practice and inner world. You may be confronted with deep-seated fears or desires that require purging and healing. Mars adds a drive to explore your innermost thoughts and emotions, but it can also lead to inner conflicts if not directed towards constructive introspection. It's a time to delve into your subconscious mind and embrace the process of spiritual and emotional renewal.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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psychics4unet · 1 month
100 Mind-Blowing Ways to Supercharge Your Spirituality 🚀✨
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Start a daily meditation practice 🧘‍♀️
Create a spiritual vision board 🌟
Share your favorite spiritual quotes 📜
Explore different types of meditation 🕉️
Write about your spiritual growth journey 🌱
Engage with spiritual communities 🤝
Practice gratitude daily 🙏
Use crystals for energy healing 💎
Follow and interact with spiritual bloggers ✨
Share your tarot card readings 🔮
Write about your dreams and their meanings 🌙
Read and discuss spiritual books 📚
Explore and practice different forms of divination 🃏
Practice and share mindfulness techniques 🌸
Create and use affirmations ✨
Participate in spiritual challenges or prompts 🏆
Discover tips for finding inner peace ☮️
Explore meditation apps 📱
Experience and reflect on spiritual retreats 🏞️
Learn about and practice different spiritual rituals 🛕
Listen to spiritual podcasts 🎧
Experience and share energy healing 🌈
Set up a sacred space or altar 🕯️
Reflect on the benefits of a spiritual practice 📖
Share how spirituality impacts your life 🌟
Connect with your higher self 🌌
Study and understand spiritual symbolism 🖼️
Learn from various spiritual teachers 🧑‍🏫
Set spiritual goals 🎯
Curate spiritual playlists 🎵
Explore spiritual rituals for different seasons 🌿
Practice self-care 🛁
Connect spirituality with creativity 🎨
Maintain spiritual balance ⚖️
Discover spiritual websites 🌐
Engage in spiritual journaling 📔
Try guided meditations 🎙️
Explore spiritual practices from different cultures 🌏
Develop and trust your intuition 🔮
Understand spirituality's impact on mental health 🧠
Explore chakra healing 🌈
Include prayer in your spiritual practice 🙏
Create spiritual art 🖌️
Embrace spiritual rituals for the seasons 🌿
Experience different types of yoga 🧘‍♂️
Align with your spiritual path 🔗
Stay spiritually motivated 🌟
Use spiritual practices for stress relief 🌿
Cultivate compassion in spirituality ❤️
Discover and explore spiritual blogs 🌐
Recognize the personal growth benefits of spirituality 🌱
Learn about spiritual symbols and their meanings ✨
Build a spiritual routine 📅
Practice forgiveness as part of spirituality 💖
Use spiritual practices to manifest desires 🌠
Embrace rituals for abundance 💰
Connect with nature in your spiritual practice 🌳
Create a spiritual self-care checklist 📝
Explore past-life regression 🌌
Connect with spiritual guides 👼
Maintain spiritual boundaries 🚧
Experience different energy work practices 🌟
Reflect on spiritual quotes and their meanings 🗣️
Understand spirituality's impact on relationships ❤️
Explore spiritual cleansing rituals 🌊
Balance spirituality with daily life ⚖️
Embrace mindfulness 🌿
Try spiritual DIY projects 🎨
Use spiritual practices for healing 🌸
Participate in spiritual ceremonies 🎉
Focus on living in the present moment ⏳
Explore various spiritual healing practices 💫
Build spiritual resilience 💪
Empower yourself through spirituality 🌟
Engage in spiritual challenges 🎯
Join spiritual group activities 🤝
Use and learn about spiritual tools 🛠️
Overcome obstacles through spirituality 🏔️
Seek spiritual mentorship 🧑‍🏫
Integrate spirituality into your routine 📅
Practice self-love in spirituality ❤️
Make a spiritual vision board 🖼️
Use spiritual practices for relaxation 🌸
Express spirituality through art 🎨
Practice gratitude 🙏
Enhance creativity with spiritual practices 🌈
Nurture spiritual connections 🧩
Transform personally through spirituality 🌟
Use journaling prompts for spiritual growth 📓
Experience spiritual awakening 🌅
Boost energy with spiritual practices ⚡
Utilize rituals in your spiritual life 🧙‍♀️
Ground yourself spiritually 🌍
Build a spiritual support network 🤝
Increase spiritual self-awareness 🧠
Improve yourself with a spiritual plan 📋
Make daily decisions with spirituality 🌟
Create spiritual art 🎨
Incorporate meditation into your practice 🧘‍♂️
Practice regular spiritual activities 🌱
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Converting Your Suffering into Strength: Exiting Survival Mode and Entering into The Soft Life .
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Remember, transitioning from survival mode to your strong nurturing feminine energy is a process that takes time and patience. Each step you take towards healing and self-empowerment is a step towards living a more fulfilling and balanced life. It's important to note that healing trauma and embracing your feminine, nurturing energy is a deeply personal and diverse process. Each individual's journey may look different, and it's important to honor and respect their unique experiences and perspectives.
Let’s start with the HOW:
1. Acknowledge and Validate Your Experiences: Recognize the impact of generational trauma, personal trauma and fears on your life. Find safe ways to validate your experiences and emotions without judgement.
2. Seek Support and Healing: Engage in therapy or counseling, to address and heal past traumas. Find support groups or communities where you can connect with other women who have experienced similar challenges. Surrounding yourself with supportive and uplifting individuals is crucial for your growth and healing journey. Seek out mentors or even community leaders who embody the strong nurturing feminine energy you want to cultivate. 3. Embrace Self-Expression: It’s time to cut out the toxic patterns ladies! Find creative ways outlets to express your emotions. Create new hobbies to get your feelings out (journaling, painting, exercising, dancing etc.) This will help you connect with your inner voice and nurture your feminine energy.
4. Practice Self-Compassion: Accountability is a part of this process but please give yourself grace. Be gentle and kind with yourself. If mistakes were made handle yourself the way you would handle a loved one. Practice self-care activities that nourish your mind, body and spirit. Create a self-care routine that can help you feel strong, safe and soft.
5. Cultivate A Positive Aura: (The LUXURY Mindset/Becoming HER) Develop a list of positive affirmations that counter the negative beliefs and fear that are keeping you bounded. Write your affirmations, favorite bible verses and loved ones on sticky notes and put them on your mirror. Remind yourself everyday. Download an affirmation / Bible verses app on your phone and turn on the notifications for daily motivation. Visualize yourself at your highest, honorable, healthiest and successful level. Surround yourself with HER support system, ideas, body and etiquette. Make a vision board both physical and virtual (we recommend using pinterest!) and post it everywhere you can see it (bedroom, locker, screensaver etc)
We have a free EGuide that explains our concept on how to adopt “The Luxury Mindset” HERE … Ladies it only takes 66 days to form a habit! Meditating on this concept and follow us on our socials for guidance, support and community 🫶🏽
6. Practice Balancing Self-Empowerment & Purpose: It's time for you to only engage in activities that will EMPOWER you, not just in education and achieving goals but all aspects of life, Balance is key and you will develop a yearning for resting in your feminine energy. What impressions do you want to leave on your loved ones hearts? What path do you want to carve out for your future bloodline? What’s the standard? What is your purpose? (God. Family. Love) Pour into those areas and let them give you purpose outside of all the accolades of being independent. Tap Into what you wanted/needed from your environment as a young girl.. what healthy things can you give / show to her now?
Now Let’s Address Why ?
The importance of black women healing their trauma and finding empowerment in their feminine energy :
Breaking The Cycle: Healing trauma, both personal and generational, is a key part of your journey to becoming the best versions of yourself you can be. (friend, love, mother, grandmother etc.) It's essential for breaking the cycle of pain and creating a healthier future for yourself and those around you.
Reclaiming Femininity: For many black women, societal pressures, lack of representation, and stereotypes can contribute to why we do not fully embrace our femininity. By healing trauma we can explore and reclaim our unique expression of femininity such as compassion, nurturing, healthy communication, and strength.
Empowerment and Resilience: Healing trauma is empowering as it allows black women to regain control over their lives and emotions. By acknowledging and processing their experiences, individuals can develop resilience that enables them to navigate challenges more effectively and with a greater sense of self-assurance.
Building Healthy Relationships, Families & Communities: Healing trauma can positively impact interpersonal relationships. By understanding and healing past wounds, black women can develop healthier patterns of communication, establish boundaries, and foster deeper connections. Nurturing energy can contribute to creating a safe and supportive environment for both self and others in our homes and our communities.
For Support and Community Join & Follow Us! 💗 Instagram | Facebook | FB GROUP | BFS Group Chat
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hayatheauthor · 7 months
Ten Websites Every Author Should Know In 2024
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When I started this blog, one of the first posts I penned was "Websites Every Author Should Know in 2023." Now, as I return to breathe new life into this platform in 2024, it feels only fitting to offer an updated edition of that beloved post. 
Whether you're struggling with brainstorming ideas, organizing your plot, finding publishing opportunities, or simply seeking some writing motivation, here are 10 websites that every author should know in 2024. 
1. Artbreeder
If you're anything like me, you know the frustration of staring at a blank page, waiting for inspiration to strike. Well, say goodbye to writer's block because Artbreeder is here to rescue you from the depths of creative stagnation.
At its core, Artbreeder is a brainstorming tool that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to help you generate ideas and explore new avenues of creativity. Whether you're crafting characters, creating scene locations, or conceptualizing entire worlds, Artbreeder's AI can help you create any image. 
But don't just take my word for it. Countless writers, from aspiring novices to seasoned pros, have sung the praises of Artbreeder for its role in fueling their creative fire.
2.  OneStopForWriters
If you've ever found yourself drowning in a sea of character arcs, struggling to untangle a convoluted plot, or simply searching for that elusive spark of inspiration, then OneStopForWriters is here to be your guiding light.
At OneStopForWriters, you'll find a treasure trove of resources designed to empower writers at every stage of their journey. One of the standout features is its unparalleled collection of writing tools and resources. From character development worksheets and plot structure guides to brainstorming prompts and writing exercises, this platform offers a wealth of resources to help you hone your craft and overcome any writing challenge that comes your way.
3.  Milanote
With Milanote, organizing your thoughts has never been easier. Whether you're plotting out your next novel, storyboarding a film, or brainstorming ideas for your next project, Milanote's intuitive interface and versatile features make it a breeze to bring your ideas to life.
But Milanote isn't just about organization – it's about inspiration, too. Dive into Milanote's vast collection of templates, images, and resources, curated to spark your creativity and fuel your passion for storytelling.
And let's not forget about collaboration. With Milanote, you can seamlessly collaborate with fellow writers, sharing ideas, giving feedback, and working together to bring your collective vision to life. Let me know if you'd like to collab! 
4. Inkarnate
Whether you're a fantasy author crafting intricate realms, a sci-fi writer mapping out distant galaxies, or a historical fiction enthusiast recreating the past, Inkarnate is your ultimate tool for world-building.
With Inkarnate's powerful mapping tools and customizable features, creating stunning and detailed maps has never been easier. From sprawling continents to intricate cityscapes, Inkarnate allows you to bring every aspect of your world to life with breathtaking detail and precision.
But Inkarnate isn't just about maps – it's about storytelling. Dive into Inkarnate's vast library of assets, from characters and creatures to landmarks and landscapes, and use them to enrich your world and enhance your storytelling.
5. World Anvil
With World Anvil's array of interactive tools and features, you can meticulously craft every detail of your world, from its geography and history to its cultures and languages. Whether you're creating a sprawling fantasy realm, a dystopian future, or an alternate historical timeline, World Anvil provides the tools you need to breathe life into your creations.
But World Anvil is more than just a repository for world-building information. It's a platform for storytelling, collaboration, and engagement. Share your world with readers, invite them to explore its intricacies, and immerse them in the rich tapestry of your imagination
6.  Scrivener
At its core, Scrivener is a comprehensive writing software designed to meet the unique needs of authors, screenwriters, academics, and more. With its flexible interface and robust features, Scrivener allows you to organize your thoughts, structure your writing, and bring your ideas to life with ease.
One of Scrivener's standout features is its ability to break down your writing into manageable chunks, or "scrivenings," making it easy to focus on individual scenes, chapters, or sections of your manuscript. With its intuitive corkboard and outlining tools, you can visualize your project's structure and rearrange it on the fly.
But Scrivener is more than just a writing tool – it's a creative hub where ideas flourish and projects take shape. With its built-in research capabilities, you can keep all your notes, references, and inspiration in one place, ensuring that nothing gets lost in the shuffle.
7. Dabble
One of Dabble's standout features is its seamless integration of plotting, outlining, and writing tools. Whether you're a die-hard plotter or a pantser at heart, Dabble has the flexibility to accommodate your preferred writing style, allowing you to create detailed outlines, jot down notes, and dive into writing whenever inspiration strikes.
But Dabble is more than just a writing tool – it's a community of writers united by their love of storytelling and their commitment to helping each other succeed. Here, you'll find support, encouragement, and invaluable feedback as you navigate the ups and downs of the writing process.
With Dabble's cloud-based platform, you can access your work from anywhere, on any device, ensuring that your novel is always at your fingertips, whether you're at home, at work, or on the go.
8. Literature Map 
Literature Map is a visual mapping tool that helps you discover new authors and books based on your literary preferences. Whether you're a fan of classic literature, contemporary fiction, or niche genres, Literature Map provides personalized recommendations to help you expand your reading horizons.
Using Literature Map is as easy as typing in the name of an author you love. Instantly, a constellation of related authors appears, each connected by their thematic, stylistic, or genre similarities. From there, you can explore new authors, discover hidden gems, and embark on new reading adventures with confidence.
But Literature Map is more than just a recommendation engine – it's a gateway to a world of literary exploration and discovery. Here, you'll find a community of fellow book lovers, eager to share their favorite authors, discuss their latest reads, and connect with like-minded readers from around the globe.
That concludes our exploration of the 10 essential websites every author should know in 2024. May these tools and resources empower you on your writing journey, from the spark of inspiration to the final flourish of your manuscript. Happy writing, and may your creativity know no bounds!
I hope this blog on Ten Websites Every Author Should Know In 2024 will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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harlronica · 2 years
psychic/intuitive astro placements for Pluto
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In Astrology, Pluto symbolises regeneration, transformation, and spiritual rebirth. This planet represents subconscious forces, ruling all that is below the surface. A Starseed origin in alignment here is the origin in which you're most connected to in the underworld. This is your 1st and 2nd dimensional origin expression. 
Pluto is a generational planet that changes signs between every 12-31 years, and governs the sign of Scorpio.
*Psychic/Intuitive Astrological placements for the planet Pluto* "I Empower"
Sagittarius: (1995-2008) great prophetic abilities were stimulated during Pluto's time in Sagittarius. These natal chart holders were born with natural visionary abilities and a faith in human nature. Especially if Pluto is in alignment with Lyra or the Shaula Starseed origin which run along the Sagittarius degrees.
Scorpio: (1983-1995) these natal chart holders were born with a strong intuition and a great psychic ability that is likely to be well-developed. Especially if Pluto is in alignment with the stargate Antares (The Family of Archangel Uriel) which runs along the Scorpio degrees. Pluto is most comfortable here in its home sign, but since Pluto is a generational planet other psychic/intuitive aspects/natal placements are needed to activate it.
Pluto in 1st house: intuitive. These chart holders radiate intensity naturally and are likely to have well-developed instincts. Especially if Pluto is running along an Aries degree (regardless of what sign Pluto is in) which is connected to the stargate Pleiades.
Pluto in 3rd house: mystic, intuitive, and prone to prophetic visions. Especially if Pluto is running along a Gemini degree which is connected to the Orion stargate. These chart holders have a very analytic mind and they instinctively search for hidden meanings. They are very observant and they learn through observation of others.
Pluto in 5th house: intuitive, creative, and possess powerful visionary capabilities. These chart holders act as creative catalysts for the collective and they possess powerful creative impulses. Especially if Pluto is running along a Leo degree which is connected to the Regulus Starseed origin (The Family of Archangel Raphael.)
Pluto in 8th house: these chart holders possess a strong intuition and are possibly clairvoyant. They're likely to experience more unusual events than others due to their fascination of all that is hidden, taboo, or "dark." They are gifted with great healing abilities that come naturally to them. Especially if Pluto is running along a Scorpio degree which is connected to the stargate Antares (The Family of Archangel Uriel.)
Pluto in 9th house: intuitive, drawn to psychology and/or occult topics, very mystical. These chart holders possess a great inner depth to them and a profound, unique inner wisdom. Some of these chart holders make for the greatest spiritual teachers/leaders. Especially if Pluto is running along a Sagittarius degree which is connected to the Lyra and Shaula Starseed origin.
Pluto in 12th house: possess a deep healing power, intuitive and mystical in nature. Especially if Pluto is running along a Pisces degree which is connected to the Andromeda Galaxy. These chart holders are inclined to go deep, explore the meaning behind their dreams, and analyze their personal psychology. They are quite adept at comprehending others' motives, and it's possible that they discover they have healing powers and tune in quite quickly to others' struggles and vulnerabilities. Understanding more than most. They have a strong empathy with a sense that we are all capable of good and evil. (This goes for most 12th house placements, though. Especially Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, and/or Pluto in this position.)
Note: not all astrological placements for Pluto are listed. If your Pluto house/sign is not listed that does not mean that you do not have other intuitive/psychic indicators in your chart. Everybody has intuitive and psychic placements to one degree or another in their astrological chart. This is why it is important to refer to the entire astrological chart as a whole! <3
What house/sign is your Pluto in? Note below! Mine's in 5th house Sagittarius! :)
For business inquiries please email [email protected] ! I'm currently offering Full Starseed Origin chart readings for $30 and Half Starseed Origin chart readings for $20 which is a shorter reading than what you receive with the Full Origin reading. I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
What you will receive in each reading:
Full Starseed Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological natal chart. You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with birth location. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Half Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological natal chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. You will not receive a detailed description of where each origin is located and what it means for you as you would with the Full Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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12 Chakra System
Understanding Your Root Chakra
The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine and is connected to our sense of security, stability and grounding. When the Root Chakra is balanced, we feel secure and connected to the Earth. We can trust our intuition and move forward with confidence. When the Root Chakra is unbalanced, we may feel anxious, fearful and disconnected. Practices such as grounding, meditation and yoga can help to balance the Root Chakra.
Understanding Your Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is connected to our creativity, sexuality and pleasure. When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, we feel confident and creative. We are able to express ourselves freely and to explore our sexuality. When the Sacral Chakra is unbalanced, we may feel stuck, blocked or disconnected. Practices such as creative expression, dance, and sensual massage can help to balance the Sacral Chakra.
Understanding Your Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located just below the diaphragm and is connected to our personal power, self-esteem and ambition. When the Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, we feel empowered, courageous and confident. When the Solar Plexus Chakra is unbalanced, we may feel powerless, anxious and overwhelmed. Practices such as affirmations, visualization and breathwork can help to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Understanding Your Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra is located in the center of the chest and is connected to our ability to love, compassion and connection. When the Heart Chakra is balanced, we feel open, loving and compassionate. When the Heart Chakra is unbalanced, we may feel disconnected, closed off or resentful. Practices such as self-love, forgiveness and gratitude can help to balance the Heart Chakra.
The heart rules emotional healing, and love of self and others, as well as overseeing your appreciation of beauty, and your willingness for compassion. The heart is a sacred portal, which when open allows you to access the gifts of your higher energetic centers, and in and of itself is the doorway to the realms of angels and Divine love.
Understanding Your Throat Chakra
The Throat Chakra is located in the throat and is connected to our communication, truth and creativity. When the Throat Chakra is balanced, we feel confident and creative. We are able to express ourselves clearly and truthfully. When the Throat Chakra is unbalanced, we may feel blocked, quiet or uncertain. Practices such as writing, singing and speaking can help to balance the Throat Chakra.
Understanding Your Third Eye Chakra
The Third Eye Chakra is located between the eyebrows and is connected to our intuition and inner wisdom. When the Third Eye Chakra is balanced, we feel connected to our intuition and inner guidance. We are able to trust our instincts and make decisions with clarity and confidence. When the Third Eye Chakra is unbalanced, we may feel confused, uninspired or disconnected. Practices such as meditation, journaling and dream work can help to balance the Third Eye Chakra.
Your Third Eye chakra also plays a role in your feeling, sensing, and hearing ability. This chakra also connects your energies beyond the physical.
Your Third Eye chakra regulates the decisions you make, and what you consider to be important. It oversees your dreamtime, and connects you with the subconscious mind and with the higher realms of Spirit. Learning, memory, telepathy, clairvoyance, mediumship, aura sensing, are all ruled by the Third Eye chakra.
Understanding Your Crown Chakra
Your Crown Chakra connects you to the higher spiritual realms. It rules your dreams, visions, hopes, and Divine realizations. Spiritual downloads, connection to Spirit, and alignment with your higher purpose are all possible through an awakened and balanced Crown Chakra.
When your Crown chakra is open and you are linked to the infinite light of the Divine above, anything is possible in your life, including the fruition of your dreams, a true connection with Spirit, and even enlightenment.
Understanding Your Causal Chakra
The Causal Chakra is located just above the Soul Star and is connected to our connection to the past, present and future. The Causal chakra is located 3 to 4 inches behind the center of the back of the head. When it’s above the Crown it’s governed by Archangel Christiel and twin flame Malory, and this chakra is white and has feminine qualities of love, compassion, purity, and intuition.
When the Causal Chakra is balanced, we feel connected to the flow of life and to our inner truth. We are able to see the bigger picture and to trust that we are exactly where we need to be. When the Causal Chakra is unbalanced, we may feel stuck, uncertain or overwhelmed. Practices such as visioning, journaling and releasing can help to balance the Causal Chakra.
Understanding Your Soul Star Chakra
The Soul Star Chakra is located just above the crown and is connected to our spiritual gifts and higher purpose.
When activated, Divine light is able to flow through this energetic center to access higher consciousness. Here Divine love can be truly felt and experienced, and awareness of your power as a Divine soul and spiritual being is recognized.
When open, Divine light flows up through this chakra, connecting you to the infinite power of the Divine light above before flowing back down to your entire being to replenish, empower, and enlighten, before flowing once again.
In many senses, your Soul Star chakra could be called your chalice of soul energy as the full essence and power of your accumulated soul experiences are available here. Want to access the Akashic records? This too is possible from within your Soul Star chakra as is total soul realization.
When the Soul Star Chakra is balanced, we feel connected to our passions and gifts. We are able to access our innate power and to use it to create a life of purpose and joy. When the Soul Star Chakra is unbalanced, we may feel disconnected, uninspired or unclear. Practices such as visualization, intention setting and energy healing can help to balance the Soul Star Chakra.
Understanding Your Divine Gateway Chakra
The Divine Gateway Chakra is located just above the Soul Star and is connected to our connection to the divine and our connection to the greater universe.
With your Divine Gateway chakra activated, your Divine essence is intact. This chakra center is the Divine light portal allowing you complete connection to Divine Source, and offering an open doorway to explore other worlds and realms.
Here, full ascension, advanced spiritual skills, complete oneness with Divinity and full connection to the cosmos, other worlds, and beyond is realized.
Here you enter the Super Galactic Realms, access the Divine Mother, and the Womb of the entire universe.
Activating this chakra allows you to access the Goddess Light, become one with the Mother, and become a star gate yourself enabling peace, balance, and ascension to enter into humanity through you.
All the rays of the Divine, and all the qualities of the Divine represented by the higher vibrational beings align with you here.
Activate this chakra, and allow all the blessings to then flow back down. Divine light pouring down through your higher chakras, in through your Soul Star and down your spinal column, through your Earth Star chakra, and directly connecting to the light at the core of the Earth before flowing up in an unending loop of Divine awakening, presence, growth, and advancement once again.
When the Divine Gateway Chakra is balanced, we feel connected to the divine and to the greater universal energy. We are able to access our higher consciousness and to use it to create a life of peace and joy. When the Divine Gateway Chakra is unbalanced, we may feel blocked, disconnected or confused. Practices such as meditation, prayer and gratitude can help to balance the Divine Gateway Chakra.
Understanding the Earth Star Chakra
As a physical being on Earth, you have a unique connection with the Ascending Earth, and to All That Is.
Your Earth Star Chakra is your personal link to the Earth’s life force, to the crystalline grid, and to the Divine light contained within the Earth.
The development of this chakra is carefully monitored by Archangel Sandalphon. As your soul progresses through the primary ascension stage, your Earth Star chakra expands in size and power.
Its role is to guide you to the location allocated for your mission.
When you are born, your 5th dimensional chakra blueprint is programmed with the content of the life mission for your master self. Your Earth Star chakra knows exactly where you are supposed to be on the planet.
Using the 12 Chakra System for Personal Transformation and Growth
By working with the 12 chakra system, we can gain insight into our individual energetic make-up and how it is affecting our lives. We can also use the 12-chakra system as a tool for personal transformation and growth. By activating and balancing the chakras, we can begin to access our true potential and to cultivate inner peace and balance. We can also use the 12 chakra system to gain insight into our life purpose, and to make positive changes in our lives. By understanding and working with the 12 chakras, we can unlock our true potential and create a life of joy and fulfillment.
The Divine Gateway by Talon Abraxas
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sunshinesmebdy · 5 months
A Powerful Day for Business: Clarity, Intuition, and Transformation (April 25, 2024)
Today brings a potent astrological alignment with key planetary transits influencing our decision-making, intuition, and drive in the business world. Understanding these cosmic influences can empower you to make strategic choices and propel your business forward. Let’s delve deeper into each transit and explore how you can leverage their energy for financial success.
Mercury Stations Direct in Aries
After a potentially confusing period with Mercury retrograde, the fog finally clears as the communication planet moves forward in fiery Aries on April 25th. This shift marks a prime time to relaunch marketing campaigns that were put on hold during the retrograde. With clear thinking and renewed focus, you can effectively communicate your brand message and re-engage your audience. This is also an excellent time to clarify financial reports and address any lingering uncertainties. With a firm grasp on your financial standing, you can make informed investment decisions. Additionally, Aries’ boldness can spark innovative investment strategies. Don’t be afraid to explore new financial avenues, but ensure you conduct thorough research before committing.
Moon in Scorpio Trine Mars in Pisces
The emotional Moon in transformative Scorpio harmonizes with dreamy Mars in Pisces throughout this week, creating a potent mix of intuition and drive. This transit is a double-edged sword for business owners. On the one hand, it fosters a strong sense of gut instinct. Pay close attention to your intuition, as it can guide you towards lucrative strategic investments. However, temper the idealism of Mars in Pisces with a healthy dose of market research. Don’t let emotions cloud your judgment — ensure your investment aligns with market trends before diving in. This transit also favors partnerships. By appealing to your counterpart’s emotional needs and values, you can negotiate win-win partnerships that benefit all parties involved.
Moon in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces
The Moon in Scorpio connects with mystical Neptune in Pisces, fostering compassion and imagination throughout this week. This transit is a goldmine for creative marketing campaigns. By tapping into the emotional depths of Scorpio and the imaginative power of Neptune, you can develop marketing strategies that resonate deeply with your target audience. Consider exploring new marketing channels that align with your brand’s emotional message, such as storytelling or cause-related marketing. However, be mindful of the potential pitfalls of this transit. Neptune’s influence can lead to unrealistic profit projections. Ensure your creative vision is grounded in financial reality before implementing any major marketing campaigns.
Moon in Scorpio Trine Pluto in Aquarius (Ongoing)
The Moon in Scorpio aligns with transformative Pluto in Aquarius throughout this week, pushing for deep change and letting go of what no longer serves you. This transit is a powerful catalyst for business transformation. It’s the perfect time to restructure your business model to increase efficiency and profitability. Consider eliminating underperforming products or services that are draining your resources. Embrace innovative technologies that can streamline your operations and enhance your customer experience. This can also be a great time to secure funding for transformative projects. Investors are likely to be impressed by your vision for the future and your willingness to embrace change.
By understanding these key planetary transits and leveraging their unique energies, you can navigate this powerful week with confidence. Remember, astrology empowers you to make informed choices and seize the opportunities that lie ahead. So, embrace the clarity, intuition, and transformative power of this cosmic alignment, and watch your business flourish!
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
stephanie mcmahon falling for a girl instesd of a guy like her parents thought and then reader ends up doing kinda what triple h does with being head of creative and a co ceo and the two of them starting the authority?
The Authority || Stephanie McMahon x Reader
Summary: Steph's parents always though she would be with a man, but when she falls for you a whole new chapter of WWE opens.
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You stand by Stephanie's side, a force to be reckoned with. The journey that brought you here was nothing short of extraordinary – a tale of love, determination, and the power to rewrite the rules. As co-CEOs of WWE, you've not only shattered glass ceilings but have created an era of change that will be remembered for generations.
Stephanie's parents, Vince and Linda McMahon, had envisioned a different path for their daughter. But when her heart found its home in yours, a new destiny began to unfold. Love knows no boundaries, and your love story defied expectations, reshaping the landscape of WWE in the process.
Together, you seamlessly stepped into the role of the Authority. Your passion for the business, coupled with Stephanie's unrivaled knowledge and experience, created a dynamic duo that propelled WWE to new heights. The talent felt your genuine care, and the fans saw a company that embraced diversity and innovation.
As you both took the reins, the company flourished. Your commitment to empowering female athletes, providing opportunities for underrepresented voices, and creating compelling storylines that resonated with the audience turned WWE into a cultural phenomenon. The product became more than just wrestling – it was a celebration of strength, heart, and the power to overcome any obstacle.
Your love story served as an inspiration not just within WWE, but beyond its borders. People saw two individuals who stood up for what they believed in, who defied norms, and who proved that love is a force that can shape destinies. Your journey showed that authenticity and dedication can change the world.
Now, as you stand at the forefront of the company, your shared vision continues to evolve. You've transformed WWE into a platform for stories that matter, voices that deserve to be heard, and dreams that deserve to be realized. Your leadership style is one of compassion, collaboration, and a deep understanding of the business – a perfect blend of Stephanie's expertise and your innovative spirit.
In boardrooms and creative meetings, your presence is a testament to the power of love and partnership. Your influence reaches every corner of WWE, from talent development to storytelling, from community initiatives to global expansion. Together, you've built an empire that reflects your values and the incredible journey you've undertaken.
As the sun sets on another day of hard work, you and Stephanie exchange a knowing glance. The company you've nurtured, the stories you've told, and the legacy you've created all bear witness to your love's enduring strength. The Authority, co-CEOs, partners in life and business – you've proven that love's path is the most extraordinary journey of all.
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shamandrummer · 2 months
"The Shamanic Drum" Audiobook Release
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I am excited to announce the release of the audiobook version of my bestselling books The Shamanic Drum: A Guide to Sacred Drumming and Shamanic Drumming: Calling the Spirits. The Shamanic Drum is my definitive guide to shamanic drumming, a form of repetitive rhythmic drumming. Its purpose is to induce ecstatic trance states in order to access innate wisdom and guidance. The essence of shamanism is the experience of direct revelation from within. Shamanism is about remembering, exploring and developing the true self. Shamanic practice heightens the ability of perception and enables you to see into the deeper realms of the self. Once connected with your inner self, you can find help, healing and a continual source of guidance. To practice shamanism is to reconnect with your deepest core values and your highest vision of who you are and why you are here.
Drawing from 30 years of shamanic practice and teaching, I present the first practical guide to applying this ancient healing art to our modern lives. Through a series of simple exercises and lessons, I teach the basic shamanic methods of drumming. The focus is on creating sacred space, journeying, power practice, power animals, drum circles and the therapeutic effects of drumming. There are no prerequisites to learning shamanic drumming. Whether you are an accomplished percussionist or a total beginner, this user-friendly book will help you harness the power of drumming. Listen to a sample of The Shamanic Drum.
In my book Shamanic Drumming: Calling the Spirits, I recount my journey into shamanic practice and explore what someone should do if they feel the call to become a shaman. Many people in today's world are being called by spirit to become shamans. A yearning exists deep within many of us to reconnect to the natural world. It is a call to a life lived in balance with awareness of nature, of spirit, and of self. Following up on my book, The Shamanic Drum, I provide a new series of exercises and lessons that allow for a deeper understanding and utilization of this core shamanic practice. I have written a guide to becoming a shamanic healer that encompasses the power of the drum, of community, and of the accountability inherent in authentic shamanic practice.
This empowering book is a call to build relationships with helping spirits. Spirit helpers are the caretakers in the unseen world who want to support the earth and her inhabitants at this time. They are here to teach us how to gather wisdom from the spiritual realms, the natural world, the past, the present and the future in order to give birth to new ways of being. The shamanic relationship between humans and helping spirits supports our spirit's quest for self-realization. Helping spirits, if engaged regularly and skillfully, offer flexibility, creativity and perseverance in fulfilling our own unique path. The spirits are here to assist us in doing the principal, unique thing we have come here to do in a way that benefits all living things. Listen to a sample of Shamanic Drumming.
Virtual Voice Narration
These audiobooks use Virtual Voice narration. Virtual Voice is a computer-generated speech technology designed explicitly to create Audible audiobooks. Audible is an Amazon-owned company renowned for its vast library of audiobooks. Audible's Virtual Voice is a cutting-edge technology that utilizes advanced artificial intelligence (AI) to generate lifelike voice narrations for audiobooks. Unlike traditional methods that require human narrators, Virtual Voice can create high-quality narrations using synthesized voices. This technology leverages deep learning and natural language processing (NLP) to produce voices that sound remarkably human.
One of the significant advantages of Virtual Voice is the consistency it offers. Human narrators, while talented, can introduce variability in their performances due to factors like mood, health, or fatigue. Virtual Voice eliminates these inconsistencies, ensuring that every chapter of a book is narrated with the same level of quality and energy. I was hesitant to publish any of my books using Virtual Voice, however the quality of the narration is much better than I could have ever imagined it would be.
The Rise of Audiobooks
In the fast-paced digital age, the way we consume content has significantly evolved. Audiobooks, once considered a niche market, have surged in popularity, providing a convenient and engaging way for people to enjoy literature. Audiobooks have grown exponentially over the past decade, thanks in part to the proliferation of smartphones and the increasing popularity of multitasking. People can now listen to books while commuting, exercising, or performing household chores. This convenience has turned audiobooks into a preferred medium for many readers. Audible has been at the forefront of this transformation, offering a vast selection of titles across various genres.
For those who listen to audiobooks, the arrival of Virtual Voice will be seamless to the existing customer experience. Audible users will be able to easily discover and enjoy audiobooks featuring virtual voices, and audiobooks created with Virtual Voice will be clearly marked to avoid any confusion with traditional, human-narrated audiobooks. Customers will be able to listen to samples prior to purchase, just like with any other audiobook, and decide for themselves whether they want to give this new technology a chance. Whether you're a long-time audiobook enthusiast or a newcomer to the format, Virtual Voice promises to enhance your listening experience in ways you never imagined.
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aeth-eris · 11 months
Solar Return Uranus House Placements
Solar Return Uranus in the 1st House:
Theme: Personal Liberation and Self-Discovery. This year emphasizes the importance of embracing your individuality and pursuing personal freedom, encouraging you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and assert your unique identity.
Solar Return Uranus in the 2nd House:
Theme: Financial Innovation and Resourceful Change. This year highlights the significance of embracing innovative approaches to financial management and welcoming changes that lead to greater resourcefulness and stability.
Solar Return Uranus in the 3rd House:
Theme: Mental Stimulation and Intellectual Breakthroughs. This year encourages you to seek intellectual stimulation and foster groundbreaking ideas, promoting a sense of curiosity and innovative thinking in your communication and learning endeavors.
Solar Return Uranus in the 4th House:
Theme: Domestic Revolution and Family Freedom. This year emphasizes the significance of creating a revolutionary change within your domestic environment and fostering familial freedom, encouraging you to establish a more liberated and authentic sense of home and family life.
Solar Return Uranus in the 5th House:
Theme: Creative Liberation and Expressive Innovation. This year highlights the importance of embracing creative liberation and fostering innovative self-expression, encouraging you to explore unconventional forms of artistic pursuits and passionate endeavors.
Solar Return Uranus in the 6th House:
Theme: Work Innovation and Progressive Wellness. This year encourages you to introduce innovative approaches to your work routines and prioritize your well-being through progressive health practices, fostering a more dynamic and efficient daily life.
Solar Return Uranus in the 7th House:
Theme: Relational Transformation and Collaborative Change. This year emphasizes the significance of transformative experiences within your partnerships and collaborations, encouraging you to embrace unconventional dynamics and promote greater equality and freedom within your relationships.
Solar Return Uranus in the 8th House:
Theme: Transformative Awakening and Empowered Change. This year highlights the potential for transformative awakenings and revolutionary changes in your life, encouraging you to embrace inner freedom and harness your personal power for positive transformation.
Solar Return Uranus in the 9th House:
Theme: Philosophical Revolution and Intellectual Expansion. This year encourages you to embark on a philosophical revolution and foster intellectual expansion, promoting a sense of open-mindedness and innovative thinking in your quest for higher knowledge and understanding.
Solar Return Uranus in the 10th House:
Theme: Professional Rebellion and Career Advancement. This year emphasizes the importance of challenging the status quo within your career and pursuing innovative paths to achieve professional advancement and greater recognition.
Solar Return Uranus in the 11th House:
Theme: Progressive Networking and Collective Change. This year encourages you to engage in progressive networking and collaborative efforts that promote positive societal change, fostering a sense of community and shared vision for a better future.
Solar Return Uranus in the 12th House:
Theme: Spiritual Awakening and Subconscious Liberation. This year highlights the significance of spiritual awakening and subconscious liberation, encouraging you to embrace inner freedom and tap into your intuitive wisdom for personal and collective growth.
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kensanwrites · 11 months
7 Hz Alpha Wave Creative Life Series: Artist Affirmations
Welcome to our transformative video, "7Hz Alpha Wave Affirmations for Artists" – Your Gateway to Empowering Manifestations, Positive Creativity, and Artistic Mastery! 🎨🌟
In this session, we've crafted an experience that combines the power of 7Hz Alpha Wave Binaural Beats with positive affirmations, I AM affirmations, and the transformative energies of the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction. Join us on a journey of artistic manifestation, positive thinking, and the profound influence of binaural beats.
🌌 Here's what you'll experience in this video:
🎨 **Alpha Wave Affirmations for Artists** - Immerse yourself in affirmations tailored for artists, enhancing your creativity, and empowering your artistic journey.
🌟 **I AM Affirmations for Self-Belief** - Cultivate a deep sense of self-belief, knowing that you are a master of your craft and capable of creating impactful art.
🧘‍♂️ **Manifestation Technique and Meditation** - Deepen your connection with the Law of Assumption and the Law of Attraction, employing manifestation techniques to bring your artistic visions to life.
🎵 **Binaural Beats and Alpha Waves** - Elevate your creative frequencies with the soothing influence of 7Hz Alpha Waves, enhancing your focus and artistic flow.
Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the realms of artistic manifestation, guided by positive affirmations and the harmonious frequencies of Alpha Waves. Like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay connected with our empowering content.
🌟 Manifest your artistic dreams and elevate your creativity with us. Let's begin this incredible journey! 🌟
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****** Here are some user listening instructions to enhance your experience and maximize the benefits:
1. **Background Listening:** Let the affirmations play in the background during your daily activities. Whether you're working, exercising, or doing household chores, allow the positive messages to permeate your surroundings. The subconscious mind is receptive, even when you're not actively focusing on the affirmations.
2. **Meditation Mode:** Set aside a few minutes each day for a dedicated meditation session. Find a quiet and comfortable space, play the affirmations, and focus on your breath. Let the positive words guide you into a state of calm and mindfulness, reinforcing the affirmations at a deeper level.
3. **Interactive Affirming:** Engage with the affirmations actively by repeating them aloud or in your mind. Use the video as a guide and affirm along with the positive statements. This participatory approach can strengthen the impact of the affirmations as you internalize them consciously.
4. **Loop for Maximum Benefit:** The affirmations in this video loop three times for maximum effectiveness. Feel free to let the video replay or manually loop it to extend your listening experience. Repetition is a key factor in affirmations' efficacy, reinforcing positive beliefs and intentions.
Remember, consistency is key. Choose the listening style that resonates most with you, and make these affirmations a regular part of your routine. Whether in the background, during meditation, or actively affirming, these positive messages are designed to uplift and empower you on your journey. Enjoy the transformative experience! 🌟
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