#Espacially when you don't have a lot of time
k1rby-sucks · 2 years
Got my first day of winter semester today, which also came with another reason to further hate AI. Teachers are now more and more requesting long papers to be written by hand in class because they are afraid that students will use text AIs to fake their own dissertations. Like, students have always cheated, and will always cheat. Don't punish everyone by having to write by hand because of it...
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flamingpudding · 9 months
Substitute City Ghost
Clockwork had a plan. Their young king needed to learn how to take care of people without the kind of hero like fighting he did in Amity Park. There was a lot to learn for the young halfa and his king classes could only cover so much. Thus he had found a plan that would give his king the perfect learning expirence while also helping out his recently new friend. Well not that new since his friend was quite an old ghost of their own. But he had only recently made direct contact with her.
Lady Gotham was an old and powerful ghost. Born from the beliefs of her city and strengthened by the once living and protecting it. But she was stretching herself thin. Managing her city, helping the dead find their way, looking out for the shades, and protecting the weaker entities, was already a lot of responsibilities for a city ghost. But Lady Gotham has added more to her plate, supporting those that protect her city. Mortals that she called her knights. Aiding them by controlling the shadows, guiding those that need help toward them, or the other way around, guiding her knights to those that needed help. She was strong, but even a ghost like her could grow exhausted. His friend needed rest and recharge. Surely Lady Gotham wouldn't say no if he invited her to a vacation to the Realms, and in that same invitation, he would direct his king to his new hands on training.
The bats and birds knew something was different about Gotham lately. It was strange and slightly unsettling. The change felt like it had just happened overnight. They were suspicious, wondering if they were sensing one of their rogues planning something big. Jason and Duke appeared to sense it the most.
At first, it didn't appear to be too big of a problem, but then strange things started to happen. Their rogues started tripping over, seemingly nothing. And if that wasn't enough it appeared like their rogues were a whole lot more inattentive to their surroundings. Now the Bats and birds were good at sneaking, but they had human limits. Yet there were times they snuck up on them like they weren't even seen.
Dick swore that one of the goons had stared at him and didn't see him, even though he had tried to pull the tap their shoulder and greet them before punching them act. The guy had turned around and stared at him before looking around like no one was even there until he punched the guy anyway.
And that wasn't even the weirdest part. Bullets, throwing knives or anything aimed and thrown at them never hit their marks. Not for the lag of them dodging but for the things they were sure they shouldn't have been able to react in time for. Tim espacially had pointed out that a bullet should have hit him once but it never even graced him. Yet when he checked the place after the arrest. There had been a clear bullet hole in the wall where he had been.
They weren't sure if it was a blessing or a curse. They had even tried to get a member of the Justice League Dark to look into it. But strangely enough Constantine had refused to even set foot into Gotham for once, and even insisted that the other do not either.
To say that Batman was not amused would have been a very big understatement. The man was brooding. And of course Dick had to jinx them too. The eldest bat kid had to mention that it at least wasn't getting worse.
And don't you know it. It got worse. Like weirdly alarming strangely worse.
Because, how else would you define it when you're in the middle of a briefing with your patrol partner for the night when suddenly a Lazarus Pit look alike portal opens below your feed swallowed you up and the freaking drops you into the middle of a crime scene or mugging.
It was only thanks to their training that they were able to react quickly enough after a bound of disorientation. But fuck did that gave them all a good damn heart attacks when that happened the first time to Damian of all people.
Something was definitely wrong with their city. Thankfully they had some sort of hint, because the first time the Pit portal happened to Duke, he claimed that he saw a white haired figure right before it had swallowed him hole and spit him out at a bank robbery.
Danny was honestly believing he was doing a good job as substitute city spirit while Lady Gotham was enjoying her vacation. Sure , he still had trouble with some things, but he was sure he was getting the hang of the whole supporting the cities vigilantes gig Lady Gotham had going on. The whole managing the shades and the dead spirits was still up in the air, though. But at least he had figured out a way easier way to guide the vigilantes towards the once that needed help.
Now he just needed to figure out what was wrong with that one guy in the red helmet and he was sure that both Clockwork and Lady Gotham would be proud of him and how he had managed her city during her vacation.
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inbarfink · 1 year
The answer to the question of ‘is Manfred von Karma German?’ Is actually a surprisingly complicated one. 
Because in the original version of ‘Ace Attorney’ he is supposed to be a local. That is to say, Japanese. He has a Japanese name (Gō Karuma), he has Implied Off-Screen Japanese Ancestors implied in TGAA2, we pretty much exclusively see him prosecuting cases in Japan, and official media created by official Japanese creatives primarily shows him living in Japan (eg. the Anime).
And then you have Mei/Franziska. Who, in the original Japanese version, was born, raised and studied law in the USA. (And yes, both the Japanese and Localized version say born, I checked).  And she does occasionally refer to herself as Separate and Different from the ‘local’ Japanese characters, there’s this little piece of official art riffing on how much she differs from Larry/Yahari’s idea of an American Woman.
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 But she also still has a Japanese name (although I’ve seen some speculation that ‘Mei’ was chosen for the character because it’ll be an easy name to Englishize as ‘May’) and is, you know… still the daughter of the guy we exclusively see running around Japan. The only scene they have together in Game-Canon is when Mei is visiting Japan for vacation in ‘Turnabout Reminiscence’. So while the implication is that Mei did spend most of her time growing up in the US, we don't know how much time Gō spent there. 
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And then the American Localization came along, switched Japan to America and America to Germany and then also added the extra wrinkle of giving Gou Karuma the decidedly German-sounding name ‘Manfred von Karma’. Thereby giving him a much bigger implied connection with the country-where-his-daughter-was-born-and-raised then the original, even though every other piece of textual evidence remained the same. He is STILL only seen prosecuting cases in 'America' and, if you add in the Anime narrative and TGAA2 espacially, the plot really doesn't make sense if you assume he lives for any significant amount of time in Germany.
Sure, with the name and all it's hard to deny that he probably has some relation to Germany, but with how the actual text of the game work it's easier to say he's a German expatriate or just an American of German ancestry, then how the Fandom often depicts him - as a man who lives and work in Germany and only occasionally jumps over to also do some work in Japanifornia.
But.... then there's the whole thing with Franziska/Mei being born and raised in Germarica. And I would like to say something like, ‘well, considering this fact, obviously regardless of version Manfred still did actually do lot of business in both Japanifornia and Germarica and spent a lot of time in both countries. It's really just a matter of us not seeing his Amerigerman cases cause they are all obviously Off-Screen for our manin characters. And while Gou Karuma might come across more as a Japanese man who occasionally also works in the US, the changed implications of the name means that Manfred von Karma is probably meant to be read as a German man who occusionally does work in the US. Because OBVIOUSLY he must have spent many years in Germarica considering his own daughter was born and raised there.’
But I can’t.
Because if there is one character who would watch his wife give birth in whatever country has the best law schools and then fuck off back to his homeland while leaving his baby to fend to herself across the the Pacifitlantic ocean - it would be fucking Manfred von Karma!
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viaviv124 · 6 months
Cotl Orphan AU
So bc i would never in a million years finish writing this as a fic i'll just write everything i have so far here so its out of my head and y'all can also do whatever you want with it. This will be a long ass post so get a drink and get cozy. Of course i won't get on full Detail like characterizations etc, in this post at least, so feel free to ask questions! I'd love to answer them!
This post includes content warnings for all sorts of very dark topics, but especially murder, body horror, torture, cannibalism, suicide, depression, slightly implied sexual abuse, implied abuse in general and other stuff like that. If you're sensible to this please click off or proceed with caution.
It all starts with 5 siblings, Shamura(16), Kallamar(14), Narinder(13), Heket(10) and Leshy(8). When Leshy was barely able to walk they ended up on the streets because one of their parents killed the other before taking their own life. They struggled a lot but they got by.
One day, when Narinder was out looking for food, he found an injured lamb, around his age, in an ally. They seemed starved and the life had already left their eyes as they barely managed to look up at him. Being unable to just leave them there he knelt down to them, ripped off parts of his own clothes to wrap around them as makeshift bandages and left them all the food he gathered so far whilst telling them to keep living, that they shouldnt have to die like this. Once making sure the lamb will be fine alone he left, thinking he can just collect some more food anyway.
Around 3 - 4 years pass and in that time 4 of the siblings were gravely injured. Shamura suffered a devistating blow to the head from someone they stole food from, cracking their skull just enough to keep them alive but also to damage the brain. Kallamar's ears were ripped off by other homeless people that succumbed to insanity. Heket's throat was slit by an older, privileged child who thought it was funny after Heket expressed that she didn't want anything to do with them. Leshy's eyes were all shot during a heist, requiring his siblings to gouge out the remains. It's unclear how they survived all that. From then on the siblings, espacially Narinder, decided that murder is okay and justified if necessary.
More years pass and they reach their current ages. Due to a dispute they're chased out of the current ally they lived in for a long time. Now they're on the search for a new home, but it's very hard. Once they're on the other side of town, where they've never been before, yet still unable to find a suitable place especially Shamura starts to despair, blaming themself internally for being unable to help their siblings. Narinder and Kallamar do their best to try and reassure them.
One night, as they're wandering, they get found by a lamb dressed in rags, covered in scars and dirt and wearing a bag, they're around Narinder's age, who smiles kindly at them and offers a hand, promising a secure home and food. All of the siblings distrust this child, however out of necessity Shamura feels forced to accept the offer, they take the lambs hand. The lamb's smile turns gentler as they introduce themself as Belphy before starting to lead the way.
Belphy leads them to an old, abandoned factory at the outskirts of town, in which are several children of various ages and states, some coming to greet Belphy and asking if they brought new friends. At first the siblings don't trust anyone, keeping to eachother instead of interacting with the others, however eventually Leshy starts to get along with a yellow cat barely younger than him and with a missing arm. Heket becomes friends a bunny girl, who's quite the oddball, detesting touch in one moment and then clinging to Heket the next. Seeing their siblings get along with the other children Shamura and Kallamar also slowly start interacting with the others. However, Narinder only really socializes with Belphy, as they seem to cling to him whenever they're not busy. Seeing them first as an annoyance, Narinder soon learns to trust and appreciate this strange lamb. He also learns that this is the lamb he helped many years ago, being the leading cause of Belphy helping other children in need too.
However, Narinder notices some very odd behaviour from Belphy. He can't say what exactly it is, but it bothers him. But no matter how often he decides to trail them when they go out, they seem to always be a step ahead of him, greeting him with a sweet smile and going home with him before he could even get a rough glance of anything the lamb was doing. Whenever he asks questions Belphy smoothly avoids them or tells him not to worry about it, that everything is fine and nothing's out of the ordinary. Narinder can't help but get a bit scared, though. Because as nice and sweet as the lamb is, whatever they hide, he knows they must hide something, must be horrifying.
But one day, on the day he finds out. This time he wasn't even trailing Belphy, he was just out on a walk of his own when he suddenly heard a scream. He hid behind the corner and glanced into the back ally, having never seen something so horrifying before. In the ally was a bloodbath, Belphy in the middle of it, surrounded by two or three gruesomely mutilated corpses. Belphy licked the blood off their hand with a terrifyingly satisfied smile as the black knife in their other hand turned into a black snake with only a red eye as a face and curled around their arm, conveniantly hidden under the fleece. Confused by the transformation of the knife-snake they looked at their arm "Hmm? What was that for? I'm not done yet." As they look up again their eyes meet Narinders and Narinders blood runs cold as he freezes. His heart beats up and almost out of his chest as Belphys smile softens and they walk torwards him, covered in blood. The closer Belphy gets, the faster and louder Narinders heart beats as he squeezes his eyes shut.
Despite his expectations Belphy just gently cups his face, pulls his head down to their height and leans their forehead against his. They gently caress him and with a soft and gentle voice they attempt to soothe him, telling him that everything is okay, that he is okay and that he doesnt have to be scared. They tell him to breathe. To Narinders own surprise this works unexpectedly well and he manages to steady his breathing and calm down a little, however once he can move again he moves away from Belphy, opening his eyes only for a glare as his fear turns to fury. Narinder hisses not to touch him.
Belphy smiles and puts their hands in the air to show they're not a threat, the snake, now more exposed, stares at Narinder. When Narinder demands answers, Belphy complies with no hesitation.
They tell him that the snake found Belphy several years ago, not too long after their first encounter with Narinder. It said it needed blood and if Belphy provides it'll help them in turn too. So as proof it turned into a black crown with its red eye in the middle, its true form it said, and sat on Belphys head, healing every wound as good as it could it its weakened state. Once Belphy agreed to do it the crown now turned into a combat knife. Belphy only ever kills adults. When they first killed they let out all their pain and sorrows, following the crown's advice to make it easier, and as a result they came to like it. Torturing and killing adults, the ones that made their life so horrible in the first place. Now these despicable creatures are at their mercy as they scream and cry in pain, just like the lamb did too, before taking their lifes at last. Over the years they also grew fond of the taste of their victim's blood and flesh, what once was a necessity now was a guilty pleasure, allthough, they added, they cannot stand the smell.
Belphy reassures Narinder, who is a mix of heavily disturbed and (for reasons he doesnt quite understand) somewhat unfazed, that they won't ever harm him, the other children and his siblings, not now and not when they're all grown. They also make him promise to please not tell anyone, not even his siblings, before suggesting he can help them if he'd like.
With that Narinder is now Belphys partner in crime. He did come with them on a few massacres, he calls it that because of how messy Belphy is, and whilst he's still somewhat disturbed, mainly by Belphy's cannibalistic tendencies and a level of merciless sadism he didn't expect of them considering their sweet and gentle demeanour, he can't help but admit that he also bears a deep rooted spite for adults and that this is a great way to vent all this pain, it made him discover he might also be more sadistic than he thought. Maybe murder for fun was okay and not just a necessity.
Yet all of this still bothered him. Deep inside he was not only scared of Belphy but also himself. Shamura noticed Narinder's off behaviour and after weeks, maybe months, of observing him they finally asked what's going on. Narinder's deep trust in Shamura makes him forget about the promise he made and so he tells the everything. Everything about Belphy, the murders, his own sadistic tendencies, his fears and worries about all of this. Shamura didn't say much about it. They just held him close as he spoke.
It took less than a day for Belphy to find out. They're not happy. And Narinder is going to feel the consequences of a broken promise. Some cuts and bruises, maybe a broken bone or two, but nothing more than a severed finger. They care too much about him to do more. They cant bring themself to do more. So this'll do. It should teach Narinder to keep a promise next time.
They did it. They hurt him. As much as they hate seeing him scared, him accepting their embrace for comfort afterwards was very nice, considering how often he told them to not touch him. Maybe they'll ask the crown to heal Narinder, the message they wanted to send seemed to arrive so there's no need for him to be in even more pain.
AND THATS ALL I HAVE FOR NOW :D Thank you so much reading through this! If you have any questions about the AU and characters etc, feel free to ask!!
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nanamiwifeyy · 6 months
Headcanon: Being Daryun's S/O
Anime: Arslan Senki- The heroic legend of arslan
• I believe Daryun is a man of few words, espacially outside. But,but when you guys are inside he will tell you sweet things
• It's a bonus point if you can fight well, he won't have to worry about your safety
• You will get extra points when you can protect the crown prince
•Talking about the crown prince, I think Daryun needs you to have a great bond with Arslan.Without that I don't think the relationship will last long...
• Daryun will love your cooking! Like, have you seen those muscles///0.0///
•The man is soft heartend, don't break it
• Loves to go one horse rides with you, whether that means riding next to each other or you sitting behing/infront of him.
• Childeren? Hmmmm, I think Daryun would think he won't be a good father.Worries about leaving you and the child alone because he is a knight, a marzban at that. Worries he would die and won't see his child grow up.
•You probably reassure him that that won't happen, restoring the faith of the black knight. You also made him fantasize him and his child having sword practice so the guy is now looking for good wood to make pratice swords and dummies out of scratch.
•About your relationship with Arslan, how can you not love the white head?He so cute and thinks the best for everyone so it was easy to love him.
•You three sometimes walk together in the city
•Be prepared to see alot of blood,A LOT
•He is a marzban after all
•Protective but not possesive. He is devoted to protect you and Arslan so he must know where you go most of the time our this man will go ape shit.
•He will get possesive when guys will hit on you what is probably the worst move the poor soul could have made in his life because now he is a target of Pars strongest knight.
•Scenery dates, yes.
•Espacially the ones with sunset or just a warm day to picnic.
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bubblepopsims · 7 months
To whom it may concern,
This pains me...
I know a lot of posts have been floating around the whole "system" of Tumblr.. i.e. the reblogs, likes, shares blah blah numbers. yeah.
And to start this off with, I don't care if you like my posts or reblog them.. this is not about me... I am saying this for the people that put a lot of time and effort into their content.. the people that push through this shit with blood, sweat, and tears... out of excitement to share their vision with people. the ones who are now feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and defeated from the lack of support that is given on this SOCIAL MEDIA platform, the ones who face dms of people attempting to control what they post, and how they post it.
first of all.... who the fuck are you to go into anybody's DMS and think that it's alright for you to BELIEVE you have any power here?
If you don't like something... move. on. Don't follow them. Don't interact with them. that's it!... the audacity, the fucking ego trips some of these people are on, it's unbelievable... get a life, read a book, drink some tea, masturbate... do something other than genuinely making someone feel like shit on a daily bases...
I am not saying you have to be a kiss-ass to everyone... a matter of fact. DO NOT. don't be fake. but if you like something why not tell them? SHARE IT! In this day and age when everyone has so much to say about everything else... you have nothing to say for someone who shares a common interest with you? when did everyone forget to support each other? has the world made you that cold?
I am beginning to see many content creators that I adore so much... drop off all social media (slow down, quiet down.. fade off) platforms due to the lack of support and the hate.... the hate... Stealing from each other, not just content but ideas too... belittling each other, asking people for stuff and not even having the common decency to say thank you or share what you have been gifted by another creator... talking behind each other backs, the envy, the stupid made up rule of "if you like and share one of my posts I'll do the same hehe" *rolling my eyes* This is called a community for a reason... but by the looks of it we are more divided than together... The fact that I read posts of people talking about how "stressed the fuck out" over this they are, or "Am I the problem?" is upsetting...
This is supposed to be fun... and for those of you who say "Well, they are just insecure, don't worry about the numbers, it's about you" go fuck yourself. because you probably get the likes and reblogs, who don't give to their community at all.. just shove that up your ass. respectfully -clears throat- excuse me that was rude... but I meant it. But it's supposed to be fun... there should be no malicious intent here... no undermining, no masterminding the system. what the fuck even? anyway... there should be none of that. Nobody should have to feel like that... ESPACIALLY HERE. did you all forget that we are a bunch of fucking NERDS! cool nerds. But A bunch of fucking nerds playing dress up and storytellers and builders and photographers in a goddamn video game. so what about someone is better than you. and? Did you forget that's how you get better?
[Yeah yeah fight me, bite me, whatever me about the whole nerds shit. It's a compliment in my eyes. I love being a fucking nerd.]
being prideful has its perks but it can also turn ugly real quick if used wrong...
I posted this for a reason so if you have words you want to say to me or just in general by all means.
if you disliked my post and feel icky by me now.. you can unfollow me.. because I will not ever NOT speak my mind, and this generally hurts me... because these people I see fading away... are fucking great people. These genuine people just want to play a game, share the content of that game, and tell you about themselves... Just. like. you.
I just wish people were nicer to each other...
some hippy dippy shit but I am one.
peace and love
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honestlyshifting · 2 years
What’s your main DR and how do you stay motivated? I have trouble with staying motivated a lot sadly.. loved your post btw !
hi! Thank you for your question and I am more than grateful to be able to answer it! :))
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Feeling unmotivated
It's totally normal and fine to feel unmotivated, espacially when your journey takes a lot of time. I do catch myself feeling unmotivated sometimes too, but that's okay!
It's just our nature and as long as you don't give up completely, breaks are necessary. Like, there is nothing that you just always feel motivated for. (but if there is, I am kinda jeleaous of you ;))
I do breaks all the time, sometimes, I just feel very comfortable in my current reality, so that I do not have the urge to shift.
Often I also just script, knowing that I don't intend on shifting there or something like that...
But how do I keep myself motivated?
If I feel very unmotivated, I am also not really doing anything against it because forcing it on yourself just builds up a toxic realtionship between you and shifting. You may see it as something you have to force yourself to or maybe even worse.
I rarely try to make myself motivated anyway, it just comes naturallly.
For example, when I'm in the cinema and I get a random thought about how I could watch that exact same movie with my DR S/O in the cinema. That just really motivates me.
I was shopping recently and a similar thought came to my head.
"I could go shopping rn with my DR S/O and I'm certain it would be so much fun"
It's the little things that matter, everything will feel like it does in this reality. Everything smells the same. Isn't it exciting?
My Main DR
My main DR is my StrayKids DR, which I already mentioned in my previous post.
If you want to know more abt it, feel free to ask me anything :))
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I hope I could help you a bit!
That's it for today. Stay hydrated and take care of yourself. You deserve it.
Love you,
Lena <3
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grantlbartdisaster · 1 year
top 9 people you want to get to know better
tagged by @stukagoggles big thank you 💚💚
favourite color: Green!! I love every shade of green, but espacially emerald green. Purple is a close second
currently reading: Currently reading "This is how you lose the Time War" by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. It's this romance novel with a vague sci-fi setting of two female spies from rival organizations who started leaving messages to each other when they foiled each others operations as a taunt, constantly wanting to one up the other, but over the course of this they started falling in love. Also I am reading "QUEERCORE How to Punk a revolution - an oral history", which is about well queercore, a wave of punk music. You get big inside into the early queer and punk scene (espacially those who were outsiders in both scenes) Also big thing to know about me I start things and sometimes don't end them: So I am always reading The Shining lmao last song: I currently listening to music so Undone - The Sweater song by Weezer
last series: On my rewatch of "The Melancholy of Harumi Suzumiya" Season 1 (I am already saving my energy up for Season 2's Endless Eight...)
sweet, savory or spicy: hmmm, I think either savory or spicy, like I love sweets, but I can't eat a lot of sweet things at once (I say that after having eaten like half a bag of peanut M&M)
currently working on: updating my portfolio, anatomy and trying to get character ideas onto page
tagging (don't feel pressured): @aliennuudles @polnareffrights @klaviergavinrockgod @bellpepper-hubris @toadminte @miloticmiku @its-a-coffin @jarbaje-truck @rosabienfuerte
I also I dare my irl friends who made a tumblr just to follow me to do this as well
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dottielovegood · 2 years
Hey i actually don't know where to start but how should i say but i adore like everything, like everything you write, like i make little jumps when you post something or I leave everything lying around just to read it.
I found you through you fic Pretty little Angel (bless that one person recormending it) and it was the hottest fic i ever read and the bookclub part *me faint* 🔥. Your other fics are just as good i have found here of paradise at Elriel smut i love it XD 🤍.
I love you writting stlye, you write in character, that intimacy you can convey so beautifully and so much more. I am a little fangirl haha. Also the poems you wrote were so beautiful 🌸 (espacially because i write one Elriel poem myself, you can be so creative with their aesthetic).
Moreover to you latest fic Trick and Treat, first of all amazing and hot as always can't wait for the next part, i really sit down and write options what their couple costume could be XD.
My first thought was basic Jack and Sally but then I noticed when implementing Jack either he needs to wear a mask that just looks like a sack and that would be nothing for him or he dyes his hair and that was his veto.
Now my two favourites are Emily and Victor or Aladdin and Jasmine. Because hear me out, in both options he doesn't need to color his hear and please image the scenarios.
With Aladdin he can tease Elain with his body and can show off with his muscles. Lean on that we could have a jealous Elain because everyone is looking at her man and a Cass and Az comparing their muscles XD
With Emily and Victor he basically would dress up Elain as his bride. Our boy understood the assignment! (*Dancing in Elriel*)
This is so kind! Thank you so much. It really means a lot to me to hear that you like my writing 💕 This message made my week, if not month! Thank you <3
Okay, thinking of Az and Cassian comparing their muscles at a party made me laugh. Like, imagine them being slightly drunk and then Nesta says that Azriel is bigger than Cassian (just to get under Cassian's skin) and Cass just CAN'T LET IT GO! He even asks someone to bring out a measuring tape because *numbers don't lie* and then Elain drunkenly murmurs "it's not the size of Azriel's muscles that's impressive". And then Mor and Feyre almost die from laughter because ✨wingspans✨
And I actually love the idea of them going as Victor and Emily! Corpse Bride was one of my favorite movies as a teen and I could definitely see Azriel wanting to put Elain in a wedding dress, haha. If I had more time on my hands, I might have written this too! But for now, I have something else planned.
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dimilethtrash · 2 years
Hi! Thank you for your work! Your blog is stunning! 😍
Can you break down the romance of Felix, sylvain and Dimitri for me?
Any idea how many children they will have and the „happy ever after“ looks like?
Do you think there will be a new game setting with the Three houses?
Thank you!! I'm not as active as I used to be but I do like thinking about them time to time, espacially now brave Byleth is out!
I love Sylvain and I like Felix but I don't ship them with Byleth. If that's what you're looking for me to breakdown, I ship Sylvain with Mercedes and Felix with Ingrid. I could break those down if you'd like!
I have a old twitter thread where I break dimileth down, but I never finished the thread. I don't think I will go back to it, as I lost all the research materials I had for it. I did get up to the point Dimitri and Byleth meet again in timeskip.
I think dimileth would have up to 10 children, I imagion they would have a ridicilous huge family, they love all their children equally I have two diffrent headcanons for to why that varies on what I feel for the moment.
One is that their first 9 children are sons and Dimitri really wants a little princess he could spoil, with the 10th being their daughter.
The second one is that most weren't planned, just happy accidents.
I always had the headcanon that after a few years they make so the church doesn't have as much power, they're not allowed to step in political debates or the power to execute anyone in the name of their religion, ect. After it's in tact, Byleth leaves her role as the archbishop to seteth and later helps Dimitri with fódlan. They still can have heavy debates, seconds after they're out of their work place they're loving spouses.
We did get 3 hopes, which takes in an alternive time line, I still haven't finished the game yet sadly. I'm very slow when it comes to hack and slash games, it take out a lot of energy from me also I always end up grinding a lot and right now I'm grinding supports that's exclusive to AG route.
I don't think we will get another game about Fódlan, mostly because then they have to imply one of the routes as canon, but with the success of 3 Houses I defentily think they're going to make more games in the future where you choose a route!
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DRAMAtical Murder
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Action, Cyberpunk, Drama, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Sci-Fi
Average Rating (Google): 96% positiv feedback
Synopsis (Steam):
"I will destroy you"
Midorijima. Situated to the south of Japan, this beautiful island was once a place where people lived in harmony with nature. Then the Toue Company took over, (only Aoba, master of the gay could stop them but when world needed him most he decided to have sex instead of saving the world because he knows his priorities) driving off most of the island's residents and forcing those who would not leave to live in the shadow of Platinum Jail, a walled-off megaresort where the wealthy wallow in luxury.
Aoba is a young man living with his grandmother in the Old Residential District, the last refuge of Midorijima's people. While his peers join gangs and fight for dominace on the streets or immerse in the virtual reality game Rhyme, Aoba works part-time at a junk shop and only hopes that his peaceful life will last. (Spoiler: it doesn't ... shocking I know, I was surprised too that this game had a plot outside of gay sex.)
But strange things are happening on Midorijima, and Aoba will soon have to fight ... or lose everything he holds dear.
My Opinion:
Welcome to my obsession of the month! I got into this game back in the day, when I was too young to play an 18+ game. To my defense, I didn't play it, I watched a let's play by a Youtuber I watched at the time and was mostly there to hear him make a lot of dick jokes and see how he censors the spicy scenes. Also fyi, I 100%ed the game, so I don't just talk about the route I got first try.
Honestly though, this is a great game. It doesn't have phenomenal world building, or the best story but what it has is a really fun and colorful cast of characters that never fails to entertain and have incredible developement ... except Mink ... we don't talk about Mink ... for the sake of this whole segment, we just act as if Mink doesn't exist for a few seconds. This was so much fun to read, espacially since each love interest has their own route with one good and at least one bad ending and let me tell you: the good endings can hit all the cute feels ... or sometimes make you cry because your favorite just died ... or make you question if the MC even has a brain ... to be fair, he never said he had one. Maybe he wear that jacket with a brain on the shoulder in hopes of becoming smarter ... Aoba, honey. I love you but it's not working. Get a plan B. Anyway while the good endings hit the right places in all the right ways, the bad endings hit the bad spaces in all the right ways and I'm a giant sucker for well done bad endings.
My Ranking (with Mink): 8
My Ranking (without Mink): 9
(WARNING!: This visual novel is hella fucked up! There is sexual abuse, emotional abuse, rape, physical abuse, Mink, the MC making terrible life choices that make you question his sanity because of fucking Mink, sentient tattoos, having sex with someone who is about to die, because that's what you do, apparently, a German guy, who's real name is Willhelm ... it's not offensive but it's pretty funny to someone who's German, his parents really wanted him to get bullied when they game him that name, that's for sure, the bad endings can also be extremely disturbing and can feature dissected limbs, kidnapping, suffering in pain for all eternity, last but not least the true ending of the game is debatably beastophilia/objectophilia, selfcest and incest and fans are still debating until this day what exactly it is because it is all of them and none of them at the same time and this game is just weird and complicated but I still love every Mink-less second of it.)
Recommended to:
Everyone who sees the trigger warnings and still thinks they could get through the game. It is really good and you should stop what you're doing right now and go buy it on Steam! ... Plus the 18+ patch from the publisher if you're feeling like playing it the way god intended.
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neacle · 3 years
all headcanons for greaseball pls :3 (or as many as you feel comfortable answering)
My Man <3 My husband <3
☾ - sleep headcanon
Heavy sleeper, falls asleep super easily and then *snores*, a looot. He often sleeps on his belly and spreads out a lot if he's not spooning ya
★ - sad headcanon
Got teased a lot when he was younger cause he has difficulty reading and spelling.
☆ - happy headcanon
He has a very nice singing voice, although he doesn't actually actively sing. He hums in the shower or when he's really focusing, sometimes he can't tell that he does it, to his great embarrassment
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
He gets angry very easily, and violent too if it's someone he really doesn't like. He tries not to get into fights tho, but sometimes you just have to punch a guy or headbutt 'em, espacially if they insult him or someone he cares about.
✿ - Sex headcanon
Famous ladiesman, very talented, and certainly knows what he's doing. Surprisingly a very quick learner, and he likes to use his hands a lot, so when Electra introduces him to bondage, he takes great joy in tying up his Lexi 😌 Coming up with new and fun ways to play with him
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Kinda spartan, but very clean too because of this. He has his own shed with the built in cot and washing stall, table and chairs, closet and a TV, some shelves with knick-knacks and trophies. Electra later makes him get a couch to snuggle on
♡ - romantic headcanon
Smoothtalker, knows how to make you melt <3 Likes to hug and cuddle, pressing his forehead against his S/O, rumbling long and hard. Knows how to show you a good time, dance, drinking, great sex
♥ - family headcanon
Youngest of maaaany siblings. Wasn't really planned actually but completely spoiled by his parents. His siblings have gone on to do a lot of great things and established themselves so he's felt like he's had to try extra hard. Because of this and also kinda being the "fave" child, he's gotten kinda self-centered and blown-up, turning into the asshole we know today 😌 His momma is mexican and his pa is american.
☮ - friendship headcanon
His gang are his friends, but not very super close, they more admire him than actually know him. He sees C.B as his lil' buddy tho, and their friendship will only grow after the championship. He kinda took him for granted before, not really realising he bossed him around lol
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
he runs his hands through his hair a lot when he's nervous or stressed.
he likes to work with his hands and build stuff, his shelves that are filled with knick-knacks are small and messy figures he's carved. He also loves nature and hikes a lot, like sto be in the woods and just think his thoughts, even if they are few-
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Likes: Electra, asses, barbeque, swimming, 50's rock music (obv), sitting in the sun, a good whiskey, working out
Dislikes: Rain, word puzzles, losing, cucumber, sitting still and waiting
▼ - childhood headcanon
Already kinda mentioned but the youngest of a huuuge family, rather happy and spoiled childhood. Very priveleged his whole life and thusly used to getting his way. He was very short for a long time and worried he would stay like that until he had a sudden growthspurt one summer and just turned into a tree-
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
Again, they don't age. But looks wise he's at like 34-35 ish.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Dinah taught him to cook, and he's rather good at it, growing up with a mother that was a dining car as well, so he likes to learn. He doesn't cook a lot tho, but when he does it turns out kinda good!
☼ - appearance headcanon
Tall, 6,2 ish. Broad, biggest train in the yard and *knows* it. Tanned with black hair, tho in the sun it has some brown tones, with gold thicker strands. All diesels have some metal strands in their hair, and his happened to be gold from his dad. Dark golden eyes, and when it's cold his chrome body heats up and you can see the molten heat shining through at certain parts, like ribs and arms and pecs.
Dimples the bastard, charming face and smile
ൠ - random headcanon
he may be awful at reading and spelling but he's surprisingly good at math
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jotunvali02 · 3 years
Let's talk about The Deep Blue Sea movie...
First of all, I'm one of the earliest fans of Tom Hiddleston and his work. I'd melt into a puddle of happy tears if he ever just smiled at me, even from very far away. I'm the first to squeal like a hungry otter when he smiles or talks in French. Get the picture? Good.
I've watched The Deep Blue Sea only once and I'll never watch it again because for the first and only time, it genuinely made me hate Tom's character and genuinely scared of Tom for a moment. In a way, that means he did an excellent job.
I explain:
the first time we see Freddie (Tom's character), I immediately identified as Hester (the protagonist, played by Rachel Weisz). I mean, the movie is constructed around her POV and he really appears like a beautiful, pure angel about to lead you to Heaven. ^///^
Then she tries to commit suicide. And instead of comforting her or just ask her why she did that, Freddie goes to get shit-faced in a bar before roaring atrocious, horrible things to her while she's still in tears and recovering from her suicide attempt. I swear I was crying in fear and disgust at that scene. I really craved to punch him -or have him punched- to make him shut up.
I know, I know, you guys already told me: Freddie has PTSD, etc. As if I didn't got that! Yeah, PTSD, ok. But still this is a awful, monstrous behavior to have with your beloved one, especially when they don't feel well at all, espacially to the extent of committing suicide!
Later in the movie, he snaps and yells at her in public because she didn't laugh at his joke. There she finally tries to stand her ground but she clearly is scared he might do more than just yelling. He even goes away to calm down because I'm sure he knew he could really lose it and actually hit her.
Even later, Hester's husband (whom she left to live with Freddie) comes to see if she's alright, if she's happy with her lover, but he clearly sees that she's not happy at all. She even hesitates and climbs into his car. Then she ends up coming out of it (because she prefers a difficult, abusive but hot lover than a caring but boring as fuck husband, I guess) Then...
then Freddie comes up from the end of the street, completely smashed and wasted, he SEES that Hester is talking with her husband in the middle of the night, I really, GENUINELY thought he was going to punch and beat her.
If you ever asked me, "which of Tom Hiddleston's performances scared you the most?" I'd answer THAT precise scene! I wanted to scream at Hester: "Run away! Climb into that car and save your life! Maybe your husband is a boring, submissive mama's boy but he will never treat you like shit! He'll never guilt-trap you, gaslight you, scream at you or hit you!"
Turns out Freddie doesn't even touch Hester. I could huff out. But he says to the husband sth like "You better never forget her birthday or she'll try to kill herself, LOL".
I gasped in shock at that. That was as horrible as hitting her. The level of contempt and cynism in that line! This even confirms Hester's husband idea that Freddie doesn't treat her right and MY idea that this husband is one of the most caring and loving husbands ever and that Hester better go back to him quickly instead of staying with a mentally unstable douche who treats her like shit.
Lots of people, mostly Hiddlestoners, bash Hester because she stays with Freddie "only for sex" and are apologetic of Freddie's behavior because PTSD.
First: Hester LOVES Freddie, you can feel it, you can see it and after her suicide attempt and Freddie's drunk acts, she still asks people to call her "Miss Page (Freddie's fam name)". And, oh yeah, she STAYS with him even when she obviously sees that's not a good idea and that she has another home with a caring husband in it!
Second: If Freddie Page hadn't been played by Tom Hiddleston, would you have defended him and excused him so ardently? Would you have turned into monstrous misogynists who despise abused women? I don't think so.
Oh, and the movie ends with Freddie leaving Hester because he also saw that relationship was unhealthy for the both of them. Probably also because he knew that if he stayed any longer, he would hurt her more as he saw Hester wouldn't be the one to initiate the breakup.
So no, Freddie isn't a bad guy and loves Hester, but when you treat your girlfriend (or boyfriend) like he does, I will ALWAYS side with the oppressed one. No matter if you're played by Tom Hiddleston or not.
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manjiroro · 3 years
Hi! Congrats on 500+ followers! Can I ask for tokrev matchup? Preferably male.
About myself
My top kins : Draken and Hakkai in between, and sometimes Yuzuha
Introvert (INFJ specifically)
I have short black hair, hourglass figure w/ little chubby tummy and legs that make me sometimes insecure 💦
I might seem intimidating at first due to my preference in all-black clothes (including a mask, I luv wearing them so I don't feel bad about my face, it's not that pretty btw) But the more they get to know me, the more they know that I can be laid back, considerate, straightforwardly kind, reliable,  hard-working, and I can be sarcastic and sassy... a little. I'm more serious when I'm in work tho. But mostly I might to act intimidating because I'm shy and nervous!
I have bad habits that I sometimes lazy and tend to keep my emotions to myself. I'd prefer crying alone to calm myself down.
Likes : cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters and non-venomous snakes.
Dislikes(scared) : spiders and scary insects (bees, etc.), when people yell at me
Dislikes : inconsiderate people
My love languages are physical touch, gifts, and acts of service.
Hobbies : drawing, writing, singing, dancing
Interests : art, fashion, cafe, museums, perfumes, history, music(any kind tho I'll listen to it repeatedly if it's good)
Fav traits in people : mature, kind, serious but a wild person would be nice i guess? 😅 But mainly prefer a person who make me feel protected and secure. (And I kinda have a trauma of a man yelling at me, espacially when they're furious for no reason)
What would I like to do with my s/o
My preference of dates are cafe (coffee dates), shopping, movie (can be either way between theatre or netflix), beaches, library, museum, just not crowded place in general (except book fair) and I love riding motorcycle at night, it kinda feels good smh
Thank you for reading this and I hope you are having a good day! Remember to have a rest and take you time! 💘💗💟💕💞💓❤❣💝💖💌
500 milestone event (closed!!)
hi hun!! thank you for joining and im so sorry for the delay!! i hope you like this <333
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i match you with.. MITSUYA TAKASHI
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ooh yesyes mitsuya is the man who will love every single aspect of you
will hype you up or tell you how pretty you are but if youre still being insecure he’ll shower you with everything he has
that includes lots of affection, gifts, service anything he can offer
mitsuya is the one to help you with any shyness, he encourages you and supports you when you need it
oftentimes when he overhears people saying how intimidating you are, he laughs because to him youre his beloved princess <3
he’s a sensible and understanding guy, he’ll give you the space when you need and will be more than happy to help you out with anything bothering you as well
and he has such a gentle voice when soothing you too
yes he’ll also help with any bug problems youre having uhuhu
watch him make clothes for you and watch with love in his eyes as you wear them out
he’ll shower you with all sorts of compliments telling you to perfect you look
maybe he’ll sneak in some kisses here and there
honestly i dont see mitsuya and you getting into fights or him getting pissed at you, if he does get pissed he’ll probably isolate himself for a moment before coming to talk it out with you
i see mitsuya as the kind of boyfriend to take you to anywhere you’d wanna go just tell him and he’ll bring you
because to him anywhere is fun as long as he’s with you <33
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hwauas · 4 years
🕊️: "the song"
kim hongjoong | 김홍중 - 964 words
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you gave your everything the past hour, and the crowd was on fire. they were singing with you, they were screaming, they were jumping or dancing. the light coming from their phone, phone flashlight or lightstick was illuminating the crowd beautifully, and gave you sparkly eyes.
a break was coming, meaning you'll have time to discuss a little with your fan and catch your breath.
you gave your everything for the last performance before the break, all sweaty.
“y'all, are you enjoying the show ? ~” you asked through the microphone, drinking right after while they were screaming.
“tonight is the last date of my world tour. and i'm so happy to be here with you. aren't you ?”
the screms were louder again and, this time, the fans also jumped in aim to be louder. you giggled at their cute behaviour. you sat on a high chair, this way everybody could still see you.
“are y'all old fans ? or are there new fans too here ?” a huge part of the fans shook their phones or lightsticks the moment you asked about them being old fans. “i see there are a lot of people who are looking after me since months or years. yet, there are also new fans. then i'd like to thank you, the new fans, for giving me your time, for looking after me like you're doing, and i hope you're feeling good enough by our side.~”
tears were forming into your eyes as you heard them awing at you, and screaming 'i love you'. you give them back some hearts, a beautiful smile on your face.
after minutes of interactions with them, you sat up and took a deep breath.
what you were a out to say and announce was resulting of weeks of endless discussions with your company and boyfriend's company. it's been months now you don't have dating restrictions anymore, yet your boyfriend still had months before being free dating someone. after some talks, and by seeing your past together since you started dating in secret years ago, they allowed you making your relationship public. but no one of you said something yet because you asked Hongjoong to wait a little. you wanted to make it special..
”one of the reasons of my happiness, tonight.. of course it's you! but, i met someone years ago. an amazing guy. and i know he is here tonight.” you scanned the crowd to find your boyfriend. he was standing in the VIP area, your lightstick in his tiny hands. he was shocked by your actions; he knew you wanted to make it special, but he didn't think you would have done this.
and the fans, on an another hand, were touched by your actions. they, again, were awing.
“you know him as an idol. but you don't know him as my someone. there is this song i really like, by an artist who inspires me. do you guys know The Cure by Lady Gaga?” you smiled as they all said no. “then, i'd like to sing it tonight. for him espacially. can i ?”
you smiled as they all screamed in agreement. the light went dim, bright enough for them to see you. the music started, your eyes were shining, and you started singing the song.
the flashlight and lightsticks, which seemed to be diamonds, were swinging from left to right.
it was such a beautiful and romantic moment for a romantic song..
as the first chorus came, you stared at your boyfriend in the crowd, and sang wholeheartedly.
“if i can't find the cure i'll,
i'll fix you with my love.~
no matter what you know i'll,
i'll fix you with my love.~
and if you say you're okay,
i'm gonna heal you anyways.~
promise i'll always be there,
promise i'll be the cure.~”
you saw that Hongjoong was crying, trying to hide himself so you don't see him. you smiled as you saw him being that touched, knowing the lyrics had a huge importance for both of you.
you looked again at the crowd, singing the rest of the song still wholeheartedly.
at the end, you were about to interact again with the crowd when you heard quick steps coming to you and arms taking your form in a soft embrace. as you felt this someone's face in the crook of your neck, you immediately knew it was Hongjoong.
earning screams from your fans, you smiled brightly. you brushed his hair softly, allowing him to calm himself in your neck.
“i said to the security guards they could let him come on stage if he wanted to.” you said to your fans, hushing them. “and see, he is here now..~”
you turned over to face Hongjoong, and wiped his tears away with your thumbs.
keeping your microphone far away from your mouth, you whispered to Hongjoong. he was the only one that could hear you.
“don't cry baby, don't cry. everything will be good as long as we are together. okie ? ~” he only nodded in return, rubbing his eyes with his sleeve. you kissed his cheek softly, giggling at your fans awing at this moment between you.
you took your boyfriend's hand softly, and faced your fans.
“maybe you recognised him already. Hongjoong is sharing my life since years. i'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner, but we couldn't because of our careers. please, from now on, i'd like you to look after us.~”
as the fans was applauding you, Hongjoong took the microphone from your hands.
“i promise i'm gonna take good care of her. please, support us a lot in the future.~”
you needed anything else, at this moment. your fans, your boyfriend. reunited together. sharing a good moment all together.
and the future by their sides seemed to be amazing.
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midorithegreen · 5 years
BTS reaction to their s/o realiving stress with sex
Author’s note: yeah, I wish I had someone like that
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You had an espacially stressing situation. Every your test was stressing but this one was so important you absolutely couldn't fail it. You spent whole nights and days learning from it but when you saw the questions you weren't so sure you won't fail anymore.
Right in the moment you went through the door and took of your shoes, you glued to Seokijn pulling him into a very deep and passionate kiss. "You were that stressed?" he asked between kisses. "Still am" you said taking his shirt off. "Whole night should be about you then" with that he took of your clothes and positioned between your legs. He took your hands in his so you could give him squeezes when pleasure was too good.
You just couldn't deal with that much stupid at one time. Stupid being your coworkers. Sometimes you look at them and think they might be clever but then they speak and that theory crashes down.
When you came back home you still had to wait for Yoongi. At least you had time to take shower and change into his favourite underwear.
"Wow, baby..." you heard "you look so so good, sad that I have to take it all off"
He did as said.
You came back from holidays with your family. You never worried about it this much, but this time you just couldn't not stress. Hoseok could feel your anxiety. That's how you landed fucking in the bathroom even though that wasn't his plan. He didn't know how horny you can get when you're stressed.
But know that he was pounind into you and sucking on your neck, it didn't matter. Everything felt too good to worry. Except that his hand was placed on your mouth so you don't make too loud noises. You enjoyed it even more becuase of that. 
Namjoon always knew about your way to feel better and he gladly accepted it. He could get turned on by you in seconds so that wasn't any problem. Today when you jumped into his arms with "daddy, take care of your princess" he knew what was up. "Where is please, baby doll? Beg for daddy's cock" which you gladly did. "daddy, I need you so so much, please" you whined. "and he got to his work showing you that he's not only strong in word.
You got fired. Why? God only knows (maybe your ex-boss does to, but I wouldn't be so sure about it).  You got home with difficulty due to crying. You loved your work and totally couldn't understand their decision. Maybe your ceiling was only floor to them.  When you called Jimin, you were still sobbing hard and he probably couldn't understand a word, but still came home to you.
By the time he got there, you already stopped crying and felt somewhat needy.
It all started with deep kiss and soft praises. You just love that guy.
Taehyung was with you when that happened. You fell and hit your elbow. It didn't hurt that much but you got really scared and started crying. He left a lot of soothing kisses on your face until you demanded him to take you here in that forest. "What a crazy girl I have here" but he still agreed.
His hands all over your body and his long cock in you made your accident forgetten.
Speeches weren't anything you liked to give. You would like giving a blowjob to a horse more. But that was part of life, right? You couldn't only do things you like.
There's one more thing, or maybe person you liked to give blowjob too. It was your boyfriend Jungkook. So what did you do? Attacked him after he took shower. You even let him cum on your face, just like he liked to. His satisfaction is your satifaction.
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