#Even while not having a great relationship with her two cousins since they all were much younger - she is very worried about them.
kiruamon · 7 months
Cursed Princes AU - Emittere
Have another side character introduction for this au! Infos are under the picture.
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Luckily you have a close friend at the castle. When you were new at the castle Emittere was the first person that tried learning more about you. She is Sun's and Moon's cousin (which you didn't knew from the start. It took you a month or two to figure that out and it was quite the surprise!) Her mother, Nebula, is the king's sister. Emittere is quite the opposite of her mother and for being part of the royal family she is very humble and shy. Just a sweet girl. You like spending time with her. Drinking some tea together at the fountain in the castle's garden or talking about the books she lends you and listening to each others thoughts after reading them. Sometimes she will even surprise you with some self-made cookies! You like to call her Em or Emi, when it's just the two of you. She doesn't mind the nickname and is just happy to have found a friend around her age in you.
Other than Sun and Moon Emittere is rather wary of her mother's words and actions. She doesn't know what Nebula is trying to achieve. But she doubts that it's anything good... Too bad that she doesn't know more to be able to proof it to someone.
Emittere's name is the latin word for emit:
So where her mother (Nebula) is based on a dark nebula that absorbs the light behind it. Emittere is based on an emission nebula that emits light in different colors. (At least that's what the wiki page told me.)
I really like her design. She looks so sweet. Please, be nice to her.
Also have the sketch version from before I made the digital drawing:
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9 notes · View notes
bellaxgiornata · 3 months
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If We're Being Honest [1/2]
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Fem!Reader Word Count: 6.8k [Part 2]
Summary: Already having an awful week, you're a bit out of it while at Josie's with your friends, too busy sulking and drinking down your feelings to keep up with conversation. The sight of Matt wandering off with a beautiful woman yet again certainly doesn't help. But when you stay behind by yourself to finish your drink and wallow a bit more, you're surprised when Matt reappears and offers to let you stay the night at his place. Eventually, the night takes a turn you weren't anticipating.
Warnings/Tags: Angst with a happy ending, confession of feelings (with a twist), delayed comfort, anxious/depressed inebriated Reader
a/n: This is a two part little fic with angst in this first half and the comfort y'all want in the second half. I was craving angst and a twist on the typical confession of feelings fic, so here y'all go! Feedback is always appreciated!
Matt Murdock One Shot Tag List: @pazii @shouldbestudying41 @kmc1989 @ebathory997 @mattkinsella @yeonalie @shiorimakibawrites @xxdrixx @wkndwlff @leikelle @pinkratts @lazyxsquirrel @1988-fiend @marvelcinematiquniverse @carstairswife @stilldreaming666 @kiwwia-wiwwia @willwork4dilfs @will-delete-this-later-probably @mattmurdocks6thscaleapartment @theetherealbloom @yarrystyleeza @dramaholic18 @ladywholikesreading @sleepysleepymom @tartbeanpuzzles @harleycao @sunflower-tia
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Absently spinning your bottle of beer on the table with one hand, your eyes were fixed on the little droplets of condensation along the side of it. Your chin rested in the palm of your other hand as you watched one of the droplets begin to snake its way down the side of the brown glass, moving as if it was in slow motion. Outside of the bar, the downpour of summer rain battered against the window to your left.
Foggy’s hand loudly and abruptly slapping the table broke through your daze, causing you to jump in your seat. Eyes flying over towards him beside you, you watched as he let out a boisterous laugh, throwing his head back over his shoulders. Karen and Matt both quickly followed after, breaking into a fit of laughter along with him. Meanwhile you sat in your seat with absolutely no idea what had them laughing so hard because you hadn't been paying attention to the conversation for the past few minutes. 
You'd been having a rough week, both emotionally and mentally, and were currently trying your hardest not to sit and wallow in self-pity tonight–but you weren't doing a great job of that so far. Not only had you received a wedding invitation to your cousin's wedding the other day, but last night Marci had asked you to be a bridesmaid at her and Foggy’s upcoming wedding. Which of course you'd said yes to, ecstatic for your friends to finally be getting married and having an actual date set for their big day. But all of that had made you increasingly aware of your own single-ness this week in particular, especially after Karen had spent the first part of tonight gushing about the new guy she'd been seeing. 
You were happy for your friends, honestly. They were amazing people who deserved nothing but the best. You absolutely couldn't wait for all of the wedding festivities coming up that you'd be celebrating with everyone, either–for Marci and Fog's wedding and your cousin. You even thought the guy Karen was seeing sounded like an actual great catch for her for once. 
But you just couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong with you tonight. It had been far too long since you'd last had a date, and even longer than that since you'd been in a relationship. It didn't help that you certainly didn’t feel like you fit in with this group of friends you’d somehow found yourself a part of for the past almost year now. 
It had been by sheer accident that you’d met Foggy and Karen one morning all those months ago. And it was only because the three of you had had a coffee mishap at a coffee shop near the office where they worked. It was Foggy who’d chased you out of that shop for the drink you'd accidentally grabbed by mistake. Apparently it had been for his law firm partner Matt, who happened to be very particular about his coffee. They needed to be at the courthouse in time for a court case that morning so he didn't have time to get back in line to reorder the coffee. Having not had a chance to drink from the cup in the time you'd managed to grab it and make your way out the door, you'd readily swapped Matt's drink with your actual coffee that Foggy had grabbed. You’d apologized profusely for the mistake, but you'd formed the opinion that his firm partner sounded like an ass to be that particular about his coffee.
And for the next few mornings before work after that, you kept noticing Karen and Foggy at the same coffee shop. The pair of them were always excited to greet you, jokingly dubbing you the ‘coffee thief’ from that moment forward. It wasn’t long before the morning small talk in the line for coffee eventually led to them inviting you out to this little dive bar at Josie’s where you had finally met him .
Matthew Michael Murdock.
As the laughter subsided at the table, your eyes shifted over to Matt as if they were magnetically drawn to him. There was a broad smile stretched wide across his face, displaying his perfect, white teeth. The adorable, lone dimple in his right cheek was visible tonight just beneath the stubble that was a bit darker and thicker than he usually kept it. His dark hair was partially windswept but now finally dry from the rain that had dampened it earlier. Somehow that had just made his hair look messy in a way that seemed intentional. His tie was partially undone, loose around the collar of his light blue dress shirt; and as usual by the time he’d reached Josie’s, his sleeves had been rolled up exactly two times to reveal those muscular forearms of his covered in that smattering of little dark hairs you’d always longed to touch. 
He looked good– so good. But he always did. 
And of course, you were aware that you weren't the only one who ever noticed that.
The tall brunette you’d caught eyeing Matt all night finally appeared just over his shoulder and you released a sigh, already knowing what was coming next. Matt always attracted attention from beautiful women wherever he went because he was handsome and charismatic and sweet. He was impossible to miss in a room full of people. Which was honestly true of Karen, Marci, and Foggy, too. They were all attractive, successful, and exceptionally well-spoken individuals with big personalities that you couldn’t help but be drawn to.
But not you. You stood out like a painting on a hotel wall wherever you went–common, bland, and not remotely out of the ordinary. 
“Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt,” the brunette began as she stopped beside the table. Her eyes landed on Matt as she flashed a stunning smile his way. “I couldn't help but keep stealing glances at you all night and I figured I'd finally just say hello.”
Matt turned in his chair towards the woman, a charming smile already prepared on his face for her. “Well I'm flattered,” he told her. “I only wish I could say the same about stealing glances at you in return all night, but well–”
Matt gestured at his red glasses as the woman laughed, the sound itself somehow even perfect and attractive. That dark feeling of jealousy and despair began knotting together, swirling in your gut and mixing with the beers you'd already downed. Movement across the table from you caught your attention and you glanced over, catching the sight of Karen playfully but discreetly rolling her eyes at you and Foggy. Foggy chuckled lightly in response, nodding a little. Your attention returned back to the condensation on your beer bottle, not interested in having a front row seat to watching another one of Matt's hook-ups pan out.
“Would it be alright if I bought you a drink?” you overheard the brunette ask. “I mean, if I'm not interrupting?”
“I can assure you that you’re absolutely not interrupting anything,” Matt told her, already sliding his chair back and rising to his feet. “I think these three have endured my company long enough for this evening anyway, and it isn't often a woman offers to buy me a drink.”
Matt said a quick round of goodbyes to the three of you as that beautiful brunette’s perfect laugh trilled over the sound of the rock music playing on the bar’s speakers. You muttered something back half-heartedly, not even bothering to glance up from your beer. It wasn’t like he’d have noticed anyway.
“Well maybe it’s about that time,” Foggy said, pulling the sleeve of his dress shirt back to check the time on his watch. “Marci had appointments for cake tastings tomorrow morning and I do not want to miss out on that.” 
Across the table, Karen raised her bottle up to her lips, downing the rest of her beer before setting the empty bottle back onto the table. “I might see if Alex wants to stop over tonight, actually,” she told you both. “Since it’s Friday and I don’t need to show up at the office for once on a Saturday morning.”
As both of them began sliding their chairs back, gathering their things from the table, you remained seated. Fingers tapping against the beer bottle, you watched as a droplet of condensation raced another over the curve of the glass. Out of your peripheral, you caught the way both Foggy and Karen’s movements slowed, the two of them exchanging an uncertain look with each other. Then you heard the way Karen said your name softly in question. Eyes shifting upwards, you focused on her on the other side of the table.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” she asked. “You’ve been oddly quiet all night.”
You forced a tired smile onto your face, nodding as you continued to rest your chin in your hand. “I’m fine,” you lied. “Just going to finish my drink before I leave, I think. Been a rough week at work and I just need to relax a little.”
“Do you…want us to stay?” Foggy asked.
You shook your head, releasing the bottle from your grip long enough to wave the pair of them off. “I’m fine drinking by myself, don’t worry about me,” you told him. “Go on. You both have someone to get back to tonight anyway, I’ll be alright.”
Karen hesitated beside the table, her concerned eyes landing back on Foggy still standing next to you. It looked like they were having a silent conversation with each other, but the thought of them staying here to keep you company when you knew there was somewhere they’d rather be–some one who’d they’d rather be with–only made that uncomfortable and sickening feeling of jealousy in your gut worse. 
Forcing that smile back on your face, you sat upright in your chair, ignoring the way the bar around you briefly spun in your vision from the beers you'd drank. Attempting to play the part of being just fine, you hoped that neither of them could see the truth behind the mask you’d thrown on. You just wanted to sulk back for a few minutes and finish your beer while you unhealthily forced yourself to acknowledge the fact that Matt looked far better next to a woman like the one he was currently laughing with at the bar than someone like you. Then you’d go home, throw on your stained and worn pajamas that weren’t remotely sexy, and probably watch a bit of mindless television before going to bed. Alone. Like every other night.
“Alright, well…hopefully you enjoy your drink,” Karen replied hesitantly, still looking uncertain.
“Make sure you call for a ride, too,” Foggy said, pointing a finger at the window beside you. “Still raining cats and dogs out there. You don’t want to step in a poodle–I mean, puddle–on your way home.”
You laughed lightly at his joke, though not as much as you would’ve done any other night. Exchanging goodbyes with both of them afterwards, you sighed in relief when they finally turned and headed towards the exit. Slumping back down in your seat, you focused on the window to your left as you drew your bottle of beer back up to your lips, watching as the rain continued to come down hard. 
Maybe Melissa at work was right. Maybe it was time you tried downloading one of those stupid dating apps, even though the thought of weeding out so many assholes who just wanted sex was the last thing you wanted to do. But maybe it would beat being alone all the time. It wasn’t like you were having any luck trying to meet someone the old fashioned way–in person.
Taking another drink from your beer, your attention returned to Matt's back as he sat at the bar beside the attractive woman. Drinking down a few deep gulps, you wondered what it would be like to ever have his undivided attention like that. To have him throw jokes your way because he was trying to win you over, not because you were just one of his friends. To have his hand linger on your thigh while he spoke to you because he wanted you and he wanted you to know that. Or to have him lean in towards your ear and whisper literally anything to you. 
Swallowing your beer down, you tore your eyes away from the sight of Matt at the bar. He'd never once flirted with you like that, the thought only increasing the lingering pain of jealousy now spreading to your chest, feeling like it was sucking your heart into a blackhole of nothingness. You just weren't good enough were you?
Ducking your head, you tried to hide the emotion on your face even if the only person left at this bar to notice and comment would be Josie herself. Still, you'd rather not be asked to explain why you looked quite so miserable. But it hurt to realize that every single one of your friends had someone else to go home to tonight, and here you were drinking alone. Going home to an empty apartment after.
Figuring it was time you just downed the rest of your drink and headed home, you grabbed your beer and quickly drained the rest of its contents. Maybe being drenched in the summer rain on your walk back home would make you feel something tonight besides the growing ache of loneliness. 
Setting the finished bottle of beer back onto the table, you clumsily pushed your chair back. Rising to your feet, you nearly lost your balance when you slid out of the chair. Your hands darted out, grabbing onto the table to steady yourself for a moment. Maybe you'd drank those beers back faster than you'd realized, clearly a little more buzzed than you'd expected.
“Not a big deal,” you mumbled to yourself, maneuvering around the chair, “I can still manage to walk back inebriated in the rain.”
Slipping your purse from off the back of the chair, you tossed the strap over your head and readjusted it on yourself. Then you pushed the chair forward so as not to trip over it before turning. 
Immediately you stopped when you saw you weren't alone, a surprised gasp coming from you. You would’ve stumbled backwards if it hadn't been for your hand that flew out, grabbing onto the back of the chair you'd just pushed in. Matt was standing at the edge of the table, his cane unfolded and in both of his hands.
“Hey,” he said, his attention clearly fixed on you. “Josie said you were still here by yourself.”
Brows knitting together in confusion at him suddenly appearing over here when he had just been at the bar, you glanced back over to where you'd last seen him. The brunette he'd been talking to had disappeared entirely, no longer sitting on the bar stool. 
“Yeah, I was just…finishing my drink,” you replied, still scanning the bar for the woman. “Weren't you with someone just a minute ago?”
“Well I was,” he answered, “until Josie pointed out how you were sitting here all by yourself after Fog and Karen had already gone home. Had me worried. Are you doing alright?”
Your gaze returned back to him, taking in the look of concern etched across his handsome face. The same look Karen and Foggy had shared tonight. 
“I'm fine,” you said, repeating the same lie. 
Matt's head tilted curiously to the side, a mannerism of his that you always found adorable. Except for right now, because it felt like he was analyzing what you'd said far more closely than your other friends had.
“If you're heading out, I can call you a car,” Matt suggested. “I can even wait with you if you'd like.”
You shook your head, beginning to make your way past him. “I'm fine, Matt,” you told him. “I was just going to walk back.”
“In the rain?” he asked. “I might be blind but I'm not deaf. It's pouring outside. And you've had quite a few drinks tonight, let me just call you a car. You shouldn’t be walking home in that.”
“Maybe I want to take a walk in the rain,” you countered, coming to a stop beside him. “Something wrong with that? It's just rain.”
His brows drew up onto his forehead behind his glasses as he shifted on his feet. “You really want to walk almost two blocks in the pouring rain right now? Stumbling down the sidewalk alone?” he asked. “You sure about that?”
A frown settled onto your face. When he put it like that, no, you sort of didn't. But you also didn't feel like waiting to grab a cab, either. Especially if it meant waiting with Matt and being the cause of further ruining his evening.
“Alright, how about this,” he continued when you hadn’t answered. “You come back and stay at my place tonight. I think we can both manage a walk around the corner in the rain. I'll let you borrow something dry to sleep in and you can take the bed. That way I won't have to worry if you made it home alright and you can still have your walk in the rain.”
As his offer made its way past the alcoholic fog in your brain, your body stiffened. Had Matt really just invited you to stay the night at his place? Because he was worried about you getting home? And he'd walked away from what was clearly going to be an obvious hook-up? For you ?
You could feel your heart beating a little faster in your chest as all these things gradually began to register in your mind. Why would he do that? He’d never invited you to stay at his place before.
“I–” you began.
You could barely find the words to reply, your brain too muddled by the alcohol to think clearly. Was this just an invitation as a friend, or was it something more? 
“Is that a yes?” he questioned. “Because it sounds like the rain has eased up a bit, now would be the perfect time to head out before it downpours again.”
Slowly you nodded, the ‘yes’ coming out of you before you even realized you’d agreed. Because could you really pass up the chance to stay over at Matt’s place? You knew you’d always be left wondering what might’ve happened if you didn’t go. 
His hand extended out towards you, the movement drawing your gaze downwards. It hovered there in the space between both of your bodies, your eyes lingering on it. 
“Should we go then?” he asked.
Swallowing hard, you hesitantly reached your hand out, slipping it with uncertainty into his. But when his fingers curled around your hand in return, you realized that’s what he’d been silently asking. For you to hold his hand as you walked back with him in the rain.
“Probably will make it easier to keep either of us from tripping,” he told you, turning the pair of you around in the bar until you were both facing the exit. “Though I suppose now if one of us falls down, we both do.”
His head turned towards you, a cheeky grin on his mouth directed solely at you. You could feel the way your heart skipped in your chest at the sight, the cold, miserable feeling that you’d been experiencing all night easing its way out of you just a little. 
“So, do you care to lead the way or…?”
Snapping out of your daze staring at him–something you were grateful he couldn’t see–you quickly nodded. “Right, sorry,” you muttered, beginning to lead the pair of you towards the door.
The moment you’d led the pair of you out of Josie’s and out from beneath the little overhang at the entrance, the warm rain had already begun to soak your hair and your clothes. It had felt good though, especially with Matt’s warm, calloused hand wrapped around yours. As you sidestepped a puddle, you found yourself surprised at the unexpected turn that your evening had taken. Though there was still something on your mind and your inebriated brain just couldn’t resist finding out the answer as the pair of you neared the corner of the block.
“So…how much did I ruin your night tonight?” you asked Matt cautiously.
He glanced over his shoulder towards you, his cane tapping along the sidewalk and occasionally splashing up water each time it hit a puddle. Your bottom lip rolled back between your teeth as you began nervously gnawing on it, afraid of his answer.
“You didn’t ruin my night,” he replied easily. “Though I’ve been a bit worried about you. You’ve been quieter more than usual tonight. Is something on your mind?”
Yeah, you , you thought.
But of course, you couldn’t say that aloud.
You shrugged, your gaze dropping to the pavement ahead of you. “Just feeling a little down on myself, I guess,” you muttered. 
Hearing the words aloud had you cringing as you walked. You hadn't exactly meant to be honest and tell him that. 
“Feeling down on yourself about what, exactly?” he asked.
The pair of you rounded the corner, your blouse already drenched and sticking to your skin. Glancing up at Matt from beneath your lashes beside you, you couldn't help but notice the way his dress shirt was soaked and clinging to his muscular torso. It was physically painful how attractive he was. 
“It's stupid,” you mumbled, focusing back down on the pavement. 
Matt's hand squeezed yours, your heart practically slamming into your ribcage in shock at the gesture. You hoped he didn't notice the way your palm was gradually beginning to dampen with nervous sweat.
“Tell me what's on your mind,” he urged. “You know I won't judge you.”
The pair of you were quickly approaching Matt's apartment building as his words hung in the air between you. It was true though, in all your time knowing Matt he'd never once been mean to you. Never once had he made you feel bad about yourself. If anything he'd always been sweet and supportive, which only made you like him that much more. You sighed, and then suddenly you felt your drunk thoughts spilling out of your mouth faster than you could stop them. 
“I feel like I'm not good enough,” you confessed, the words spewing from you. “I haven't had a date in a long time. And then there's Marci and Fog who're getting married soon–and that's great. They're perfect for each other. And Karen, well, she might usually have poor luck with men, but she gets dates left and right. And she's gorgeous and smart so I get it. And then you–” you continued, wincing at the memory of him next to that brunette at Josie’s, his hand on her thigh, “–you could have a new fling for every night of the week in this damn city. But me?” You roughly shook your head, a tear managing to slip out of your eye and camouflaging itself with the drops of rain on your cheeks. “No one looks twice at me. I'm not special and I'm certainly not Karen or Marci. I don't even remember the last time a guy showed up to my place with flowers. It's been a long time since someone actually asked me on a date. And–”
You stopped short, your brain finally catching up and realizing all the things you'd just said aloud. You sucked in a breath as the wave of embarrassment hit you, your mouth promptly closing. How could you have possibly just admitted all that to Matt of all people?
“You know that's not true, right?” Matt said gently, his hand once again squeezing yours. “I'm sure plenty of guys have given you second or third looks. You're an incredibly smart and talented woman and you're being far too hard on yourself.”
You scoffed loudly, rolling your eyes as heat burned at your cheeks. But at the sound of your disbelief, Matt's hand gave a sharp pull on yours, drawing you both to a stop in front of his building. 
“Hey,” he said, tugging your hand and pulling you towards himself. “You should stop thinking about yourself like that. Stop being so critical of yourself. You're so much more than you give yourself credit for.”
Hearing his kind words, you couldn't bear to look him in the face. Feeling awkward, your gaze fixed down on your wet dress flats. “Easy for you to say,” you muttered, the alcohol once more loosening your tongue, “because you're successful and don't remotely have an issue attracting the opposite sex. It's not like that for the rest of us.”
Matt said your name firmly, the tone of his voice practically commanding you to focus back on him. His expression was serious despite the red glasses he wore obscuring his eyes, making it impossible to see the entirety of his face. His hair was soaked and clinging to his head from the rain, a few droplets streaming down his handsome face as he fixed his attention solely on you. Your hands instantly began to grow clammier under his undivided attention and you hoped he thought it was just from the rain.
“You're an amazing person and some lucky guy is going to come and sweep you off your feet,” he told you. “You'll find him, I can assure you of that.”
As you gazed back at him on the sidewalk, the rain still falling over the pair of you, your buzzed brain tried to understand if there was something else hidden in Matt's words, some other thing that he was trying to tell you. Because just like he'd never invited you to stay at his place, he'd never said anything like that to you before. He'd certainly never looked at you like he currently was before, either. 
“Please try to be kinder to yourself,” Matt nearly begged. “Okay?”
Unsure what to make of his behavior tonight, you nodded slightly. “Okay,” you agreed quietly.
He smiled back at you, the sight nearly knocking you off your feet. It was quickly becoming far too difficult to just stand here trying to look at him as only a friend. And it was getting harder and harder to keep your mouth from blurting out how you felt with that stunning smile on his perfect mouth. Thankfully he continued on towards the entrance of his building, breaking you from your thoughts and leading you into the small lobby and over towards the elevators.
The entire way up to Matt's apartment had been silent after that. You were too busy trying to analyze everything he had been doing and saying tonight to even remotely think of conversation. Because it was supposed to have been that pretty woman at the bar coming up to his apartment tonight, not you. Yet here you were, still holding Matt's hand as he led you down the hallway to his place.
And while this certainly wasn't the first time you'd been here before, it was the first time you'd been here alone at night with him. The thought of staying here overnight in his bed still had your insides buzzing along with the beer you'd downed this evening. 
Was there something more you were missing? Every step closer to his apartment had you feeling like there was.
Matt eventually pulled you to a stop in front of his door, fishing his keys from out of his dress pant pockets. You watched in silence as he unlocked the door, your nerves only growing as you stood there. 
“You can come on in,” Matt told you, swinging his door open and gesturing for you to step inside. “Make yourself comfortable.”
Chewing the inside of your cheek, you hesitantly stepped forward and made your way past Matt into the apartment. Your shoulder gently and accidentally brushed against his damp chest as you tried to squeeze past him. Immediately you wrapped your arms over your chest, feeling your heart beat a little harder from the brief touch. His chest was so incredibly solid, you'd never understood how he was so in shape.
Glancing down as you paused in his entryway, you noticed the damp patch you were making on his floor as he shut and locked the door behind you. 
“I'm sorry, I'm dripping water everywhere,” you told Matt. “Do you have a towel or something?”
“How about I grab some dry clothes for you to change into,” he replied, slipping out of his dress shoes. “Then we can worry about the mess we're making.”
As he made his way down the short entryway, you stood awkwardly in place, arms still wrapped around yourself. When Matt reached the end of the little hall, he paused, glancing back at you with a charming smile on his face.
“It's just water, it's fine,” he assured you. “You can come in.”
Slowly you began to make your way into his apartment, cautiously making your way over to the side of his leather couch. Matt once again assured you he would grab some dry clothes for you to change into before disappearing into his bedroom, leaving you alone.
The lights were off in his apartment, but truthfully you didn't even need them. Looking out the window to your right, your eyes landed on the eyesore of a billboard just across the street. It had been awhile since you'd been here at night with your friends and you'd forgotten just how bright it was. Currently it was advertising a nearby hospital, the blue light shining through Matt's windows and coating the room in a navy glow. In a way it was beautiful, but you could absolutely understand why he’d gotten such a great deal on the place. 
“Hopefully these will work,” Matt said.
Tearing your eyes away from the window, your attention returned to Matt as he was leaving his bedroom. But your breath immediately caught in your throat at the unexpected sight of him sauntering his way towards you with some neatly folded clothes in his hands. It felt like you suddenly couldn't breathe as you watched each of his casual steps towards you.
He'd taken his damp shirt off and removed his glasses when he'd gone into his bedroom to grab you some clothes. The sight of which had left you damn near speechless because you'd never seen him shirtless before. It was impossible not to just blankly stare at the sight, taking in all of the defined muscle along his chest along with the girth of his muscular arms. You curiously noted the scars on his chest, but you were too busy trying to control your now violently beating heart at the view before you to think much more of them.
Matthew Murdock looked far too good to actually exist in real life. 
But why hadn't he thrown a shirt on before he'd come out to hand you the clothes? It would’ve taken him barely any time to do so. Had it been intentional that he'd done that? Was it…possible that Matt might’ve been trying to make some sort of move on you tonight? Was that why he’d invited you back here this evening instead of the other woman at the bar?
He stopped just before you, a smile on his face as his eyes fixed somewhere along your chest. You always loved when he took his glasses off around you, but unfortunately it wasn't often. He always seemed far more vulnerable, which was probably why it was a rare sight. But he’d removed them now, and as you watched him, you noticed the faintest twitch to the corner of his eyes. You wondered what that was about as he extended the clothes in his hands out towards you. 
“Here,” he said softly. “Hopefully they're comfortable, but if not, I can always get you a towel to dry off. Though really you can sleep however you're comfortable.” His smile turned cheeky–a smile he didn’t often flash your way–as the corners of his eyes creased. “Not like I can see anything anyway.”
Your fingers tightened around your damp blouse at the implication of his words. Had he just said he didn't care if you slept in nothing? In his bed?
Swallowing hard, your eyes dropped down and focused on the shirt and sweatpants that were neatly folded in his outstretched hands. His clothes. He was offering you his clothes to sleep in. Nervously you unwrapped your arms from over your chest as you took a step towards him, your trembling hands carefully reaching out and accepting the clothing from him.
“Thanks,” you whispered.
Glancing up, you realized how close the pair of you were now standing to each other. Barely any distance was left between you two. Had he even managed to move closer or were you imagining that?
“Of course,” he whispered back.
He was still smiling down at you as you drew the clothes in towards your chest. His head had tilted ever so faintly to the side as you observed him, the heat of his body warming you in your damp clothes. Why hadn’t he moved? Why was he still standing so close? 
A thought struck you as you stood there, your attention turning towards his lips. Was he…wanting to kiss you? No, that couldn’t be it.
…could it?
He had invited you back to his place after all. He’d walked you home with him in the rain hand in hand–which had been his idea. That had been far more intimate than anything the pair of you had ever done before. And now he was letting you stay the night in his bed, offering you his own clothes to change into. Saying such nice things about you. And he was just standing there, gazing down at you in nothing but a pair of damp dress pants because he’d removed his shirt without bothering to put on another one. 
This had to all be intentional, right? He could’ve easily gone home with the brunette from the bar, but he chose you, didn’t he? Maybe what he’d been saying earlier outside the building in the rain had meant something more. Could he have been talking about himself being the guy to come along and sweep you off your feet? Had that been what he’d meant all along?
Hope instantly sparked in your chest at the thought. Everything seemed to make sense, everything seemed to point at the fact that Matt might possibly view you as more than just a friend. So was this your moment then? Your chance to tell Matt how you felt and to hear he felt the same in return? Because he was still just standing there, so close you could kiss him. Why else hadn’t he moved?
Without even thinking–most likely due to the alcohol in your system–you leaned forward and boldly closed the rest of the distance between your mouths. It was a hesitant kiss, your lips ever so gently pressing against Matt’s in an uncertain connection. You couldn’t believe how incredibly soft his were, how warm they felt against your own. Your stomach began somersaulting inside of you because you were kissing Matt. It was everything you’d wanted for almost a year now.
Until he gently but abruptly pulled away from you.
Your eyes fluttered open as you drew back from him, taking in the look of utter confusion on Matt’s face. Panic immediately set in, your hands tightening around the bundle of clothing in your hands. 
“What–what are you doing?” he asked.
“I–I thought–” you stammered, struggling to form a sentence. “Was that–is this not…?”
Matt’s head only tilted further to the side, his dark brows furrowing further together on his forehead until there was a deep crease between them. You weren’t sure if it was the alcohol or your nerves at this point, but you felt on the verge of vomiting now.
What the hell had you just done?
“Did you think I was inviting you here to sleep with you?” he asked in disbelief. He said your name, the sound like a stab to your chest as he shook his head. “I had no intention of that. You’re drunk and you’re my friend. I wanted to make sure you got to somewhere safe tonight. I wasn’t trying to take advantage of you. That’s not–that’s not what I was doing.”
“Oh my God,” you breathed out, taking a step back from him. “Oh my God, I thought that–that you…”
Your words trailed off, eyes growing wide as the urge to bolt quickly took over you. You could feel the sting of tears burning in your eyes already, absolutely mortified at what you’d done and how you’d wildly misread the entire situation. How could you have been so incredibly stupid?
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, vision blurring from the tears welling up in your eyes. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have–that wasn’t okay. I shouldn’t have done that. I’ve had too much to drink and–and I wasn’t thinking,” you blabbered on. “I absolutely misread things, I just thought that–that maybe you liked me, too and–”
Matt said your name softly, as if he was trying to calm a panicked animal. “You’re my friend,” he told you. “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression at all this evening but–”
You practically threw the bundle of clothes back at Matt’s bare chest. His hands flew up, somehow catching them, but the gesture had cut him clean off. That spark of hope that had formed in your chest moments ago quickly sizzled out. A roiling, churning instead grew in your stomach, making you certain that you’d throw up soon if you didn’t get the hell out of here. 
“I need to go,” you blurted.
Turning abruptly, you hurried through Matt’s living room and down the entryway hall. Behind you, you heard him calling your name, but you didn’t dare stop. You couldn’t face him, not after what you’d just idiotically done. Especially not now as the tears were finally falling down your cheeks in hot spurts, embarrassment and rejection both burning inside of you. You just needed to get out of here, needed to get away from this entire horrible situation. You couldn’t believe you’d just gone and kissed him like that.
Your frantic hands fumbled with the lock on his door, but you managed to undo it and wrench it open in a rush. Continuing to ignore him calling after you, you pulled the door shut after yourself before you darted across the hall and straight to the door leading to the stairwell. Throwing it open, you began racing down the stairs as fast as you could, a hand covering your mouth as you tried to muffle your pathetic sobs. Your heart slammed away against your ribcage as the tears began to fall faster down your cheeks. As you descended the stairs, your vision blurred from tears and the alcohol you'd drank, causing you to stumble a few times on your way all the way down to the main floor. 
Ignoring the looks from the few people you sprinted past in the lobby, you headed straight towards the building’s exit. Forcefully pushing the doors open, you made your way back out onto the sidewalk and into the rain. A choked sob slipped past your fingers as you continued to hurry down the pavement and back towards your own apartment, your flats quickly becoming soaked as you stepped through a few puddles, splashing water up onto your dress pants. 
You’d just gone and kissed Matt like an absolute idiot. Of course he’d told you that he only saw you as a friend. Why would Matt ever be interested in someone like you? Someone awkward and average, nothing special. 
You’d absolutely ruined that friendship now, too. There was no way in hell you could ever face him again. You weren’t sure how you were going to survive Marci’s wedding months from now. Maybe if you were lucky you could try to ignore him all day. He’d probably be more than happy to do the same after tonight.
“ Why did I kiss him?” you lamented to yourself. “How stupid !”
Your tears continued to fall, mixing with the heavy rain drops pelting your cheeks as you rushed back to your place. All you wanted to do was get up to your apartment and crawl beneath the blankets in your bed and hide. You just wanted to forget this entire nightmare of an evening. There was no way to salvage what you’d done, to take it back. 
You should have never gone out tonight.
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totalswag · 1 month
Drew Starkey and Actress Reader are together for a while now, they're in a place, you know celebrities meet at a party or parade or exhibition something like that. That's when they meet the Reader's ex boyfriend, they get along well, they've moved on, on good terms but Drew seems a little jealous, i see him asking little questions, but in reality he has nothing to fear since he trusts her a lot, he knows she loves him so much back. Can you do this please ?
unexpected encounter — DREW STARKEY
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authors note thank you for the lovely request! sorry this took awhile to be posted. life has been very busy. i hope this is what you were looking for lovie.
summary drew meeting your ex for the first time and he seems to be jealous.
warnings jealous drew thats it
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Golden Globes after-party is tonight.
Since you announced your relationship to the world, this will be your second public appearance together. Drew was dressed in an all-black suit to compliment her basic black dress with a bit of shine to draw attention. You like to match your outfits here and there.
This was also an excellent opportunity for Drew to meet new people in the film industry as well as some of his favorite actors and actresses. When he met some of his favorite people, it warmed your heart to see him so happy and giggly.
As usual, there was a large crowd at the after party. You were able to communicate with other actors and actresses. Your father is a well-known actor, and seeing some of his former co-stars is always pleasant.
In the middle of a conversation with Margot Robbie talking about her recent film, Barbie, you heard a familiar voice call out your name.
Margot excused herself, saying, "I'll see you later." She tells you, "Love you, sweet girl," before pulling away from the hug.
She’s amazing.
"Oh, hello, Y/N. It's been a while; how are you?" Your ex-boyfriend, Adam, came into view, astonished to find you there, but smiled at the end.
“Yes, it has been a while and I’ve been great, you?” You reply with a normal tone. “This is my boyfriend Drew, he’s also in the film industry” wrapping your arm around his, looking up at him with a soft gaze.
No matter how you ended things with Adam, you still had love for him at the end of the day.
You can feel the stress increasing in Drew’s body. He only becomes like this when he detects a threat and he wants to protect you at all cost. You’ve stated to him in the very beginning of your relationship you were in a two year relationship with Adam, also in the film industry. You ended on good terms and moved on from each other.
You have no feelings for Adam.
The only thing on your mind was why your partner was acting like this. A million thoughts race through your mind as you try to figure out why.
You can understand why he is suddenly acting this way. You would have the same reaction if you met Drew's ex for the first time. He knows you just have eyes for him.
"Nice to meet you, Drew," he adds confidently, extending his hand.
"Adam," he said, firmly shaking his hand. "You play Rafe Cameron on the Outer Banks, correct? "My cousin loves you," he says with a chuckle.
Drew was taken back by the chuckle from Adams mouth, “Yeah I play him in the show and I appreciate it, you can tell them that I said thank you” his response was calm.
The two begin conversing, getting to know one other. You continue to stand beside the two grown men, even joining in on the conversation. Drew's questions or comments drew your attention.
Adam nods, turning his body towards you, “Congrats on your movie by the way, you did amazing,” talking about your newest movie you starred in with Sydnee Sweeny.
“Thank you Adam, filming that movie was a hassle but a lot of fun all together” you kept your arms around Drew’s arm the whole time.
Eventually, you realized it was time to leave Adam and finish your night with Drew. The night has just begun, and there is food calling your name.
"It was nice to see you, but it appears that we should get going; I hope you have a good rest of your night, Adam," Drew said, indicating between Drew and you. 
"Of course, yes, enjoy the rest of your night" Adam claps his hands together before shaking Drew's hand and hugging you.
By the end of the night, Drew and you are sitting down at the table with a few of your friends while music plays from the band on stage.
Drew and you were facing each other, your hand fiddling with his gold chain while he questioned you about Adam.
"Baby, you understand how much I love you and value our relationship. I'm sorry if I was acting like a dosh," Drew rambles on, but you cut him off by kissing him to silence him.
"You weren't acting like a dosh; you were professional the entire time, and I understand why you were the way you were," you said, placing your palm on top of his and softly pressing your thumb on his hand.
"I actually love you a lot more," he says, smiling.
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✰ if you would like to be added to my taglist and be notified whenever i post please let me know in the comments or in my ask box. if there's a line across your name that means i couldn't find your account.
@diqldrunks @chenslucy @winterrrnight @rosezza @solanathascientst @runningfrom2am
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merchen-aeravellae · 1 year
Under your balcony
Warnings: suicide, arranged marriage, manipulation, stalking, use of poisons
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The beautiful city of Valvevia hides more than great museums and palaces that people can admire during the day, it also hides desperate monsters that hide at night without anyone observing them.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who is supposed to hate you, after all, both families have been enemies for centuries and it doesn't seem like that situation will change anytime soon.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who couldn't help but have a crush on you since you two were teenagers, always looking for an opportunity to be close to you or to be noticed.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who already has all his friends annoyed, he only talks about you day, afternoon and night, and even when he sleeps, you are the only thing on his mind.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who infiltrates your family's parties just to see you up close, but he is careful that the rest of your family does not notice his presence, he would not like you to see him while he fights with a relative yours.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who can't help but feel bitter and at times angry, if only the two families were not in disputes and fights all the time, he would have already asked for your hand in marriage a long time ago.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who thinks you might be interested in him too, in his mind there is no other man who loves you as much as he loves you and that should be one of the reasons why he is the one for you.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who is oblivious to the fact that you also hate his family, including him, that you would rather jump off a bridge or stick a sword in your heart than date him voluntarily.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who sneaks into your house every night to be able to watch you under your balcony wishing he could watch you before going to sleep.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who once tried to recite a poem to you under your balcony and having the moon as a witness, described the eternal love that he felt for you and that he wanted nothing more than to be by your side for all eternity.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who ended up running if he didn't want to end up with a pot on his head, in his hideout he could hear you yelling curses and threats, but that didn't make him fall in love less, quite the opposite.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who can also be very manipulative and unstable, and that side of him came out when he found out that your family were planning to marry you to the son of a marquis, his room became a mess after hearing the news.
Desperate Romantic Yandere thought of a thousand ideas to avoid that marriage, but nothing seemed good enough.
Desperate Romantic Yandere had an idea when one of the many nights of visiting you under your balcony, he dazzled a young woman who was walking near where he was.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who recognized the young lady, it was your younger cousin who he had only heard very little about her and who at that moment he had decided to use her as a pawn to get to his lover, you.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who began to court her in secret, filling her with "love" and gifts, reciting poems about a future together and pouring out all a passionate love poems that are really for you, refuses to write poems for another person that is not you.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who can't help but laugh maliciously, in less than 3 weeks he made this woman fall at his feet begging for more of his love, every day he was closer to reaching the last facet of his plan.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who convinces her that everyone wants to separate them when in fact no one but them knows about their "relationship" and that they should go to more extreme measures to avoid being separated, he tells her that they should commit double suicide.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who advised her to write a letter describing how she had fallen madly in love with a member of the enemy family excluding his name, he would not risk them discovering his plan, much less you and that they had decided of their own free will to end their lives so as not to have to live another day without each other.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who gives her the white widow poison, a poison so deadly that the person dies in minutes without a cure to reverse the effect, convinces her that after her, he will also take the poison a lie and while he watches her die, thinks about who will be the poor soul of his own family who will take the role of the unfortunate lover.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who chooses his older cousin, if he disappeared, Desperate Romantic Yandere would be the next on the list to be the successor to take the title of duke, that would give him more advantage in being able to be with you.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who watches with joyful eyes as the city of Valvevia goes into a state of panic when they discover the tragedy of the ill-fated lovers, the two families involved are devastated and have no time to continue their quarrel as they are so busy mourning their dead.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who convinces his family that they should make a peace deal with the other family, but not just any deal, but a marriage deal and convinces them that you and he would be the best option, if the family wants to protest he reminds them about the recent tragedy and how they could avoid a similar event in the future.
Desperate Romantic Yandere that his plan was a complete success when he discovered that your marriage with the maques had been canceled and that your family had accepted the marriage proposal that his family had sent in a letter while explaining the advantages of a union of the two families.
Desperate Romantic Yandere who is so ecstatic to see you walk down the aisle of the church towards him, daydreaming about what married life would be like and that he finally had everything he deserved. Instead, you were dying inside, first you had lost your darling little cousin and now you've been forced to marry the worst man you've ever known, and you were convinced that somehow he had planned all of this.
Desperate Romantic Yandere "to be with you is my dream, everything I long for and desire, it is my need and my reason for being"
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lixieisgod · 1 year
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𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠⤷ there is like zero Caribbean representation in fics so you know ya girl has try to fix that shit. Caribbean girls on top🕺🏽 so it’s not right that we ain’t got shit. please reblog and lmk if y’all like this.
𝑠𝑦𝑛𝑜𝑝𝑠𝑖𝑠⤷ 𝐸𝑟𝑒𝑛 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝑔𝑖𝑟𝑙𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑. 𝐸𝑟𝑒𝑛 𝑌𝑒𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝑥 𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑏𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑛! 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
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since the night you and eren met at a party you’ve basically been inseparable since. you two have been together for a while now and it’s safe to say you guys are the IT couple.
lmfaoo at first when your friends would catch you simping they’d be like “what happens to gazah forever” and start laughing. But they mean well it’s all jokes they like seeing you and eren so happy with each other.
a few people thought it wouldn’t last that long, thinking he wouldn’t be able to handle you. BUT BABYY were there wrong ! you two have a good balance in your relationship, your energies align so well.
there’s no getting between you two. “my man tie me, I’m on him badd”
you were a little nervous at fist to let him meet your family, you know they can be a little judgmental sometimes but you weren’t too worried. Everything went really good when he met the fam. Your male relatives were a bit over protective but you can’t blame them too much, you’ll always be their baby.
At the family events he eats his weight in food lmfaoo. He’s a big fan of rotis, jerk chicken with white rice, green bananas and salt fish, as well as chutney. It melted your heart to see him enjoying traditional foods.
this man lives to see you dance, from the first grind he got at that party, he’s been hooked since. He’s actually got really good rhythm. So he’s great at any party, whether it’s holding onto your waist slow dancing with you singing the lyrics “ gyal, mi wan’ if hold yuh put me arms right around yuh” in his ear.
this one time you brought him to a family gathering and he danced western with the older ladies of the family, your grandma love him sm, he even calls her ma or mum.
this man can really turn tf up. like REALLY turn TF up. for example when you two are at a Bacchanal all his composure flies out the widow. But he never lets other girls try to dance with him and you do the same when it comes to other men.
lemme tell youuu, there’s a video of you two dirty dancing to vybez kartel at the fette. that shit was wildd like giving him mad fast wine and him positioning you with his hands on your lower back watching your movements
He loves when you make him breakfast, his favorite thing that you make him is fried bakes and cocoa tea. It’s like his comfort food at this point.
he loves hearing all the folklore stories, they’re so fascinating to him. he was low-key kinda scared when you told him you’d send a dupply after him as a joke.
He likes trying Caribbean snacks, he likes half frozen chubby and icelollies.
A DOMINOS FIEND !! your uncles and him were playing together and that shit was heateddd. He smacks the dominos hard asll lmfao. Your uncles lowkey started respecting him more after he won a few games.
He lovesss playing football in the rain with your cousins. your grandma puts oil in the middle of the head to make sure he doesn’t get sick.
LATE NIGHT DRIVES ARE A VIBEE. The two of you have this long ass playlist that you guys bump while driving in the middle of the night with the roof down.
Play from 0:45 before reading next slide
it’s the middle of the night and the two of you are speeding through the mostly empty streets with cold Heineken’s screaming the lyrics to the songs in you guy’s playlists. “ LONGING FOR MY BABY TO LOVE ME MOREE, WHAT AM I LONGING FOR? BABYLON RELEASE THE CURE” !
he sings you all of the old school love songs
he loves and appreciates you so freaking much, you’re the best thing in his life, and he lets everyone know it. you two are such a good couple.
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© 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝗼 𝐥𝐢𝐱𝐢𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐠𝗼𝐝. 𝐂𝗼𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐡𝗼𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝗼𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝗼𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝗼𝐧 𝗼𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝗼𝐫𝗺𝐬.
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honeycomx · 10 months
Late Night Tip (3:15)
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Stiles Stilinski x Black!reader
This story will contain… Cursing, Drugs, Drug Usage, and Smut. PROCEED WITH CAUTION 18+
a/n: Stiles is a bit of an asshole in this but kinda not, if you understand his reasoning. Idk, it’s up for you to decide. Plus this take place after season 3b and before season 4. And Listen to 3:15 by Russ.
Stiles had a secret no one knew about, not even Scott. And that was you. Boy, did Stiles love him some you. Contrary to what many people believed, Stiles wasn’t virgin. Before he had first slept with Malia, he had his fun with you. You had that boy wrapped around your finger, and if it weren’t for you wanting to stay friends with benefits, he probably would’ve put a ring on your finger.
But now, Stiles was at point where he wanted to be in a relationship. He wanted someone he could claim as his other half and be by his side. It would’ve been you, but you made it clear you didn’t want that right now. But Malia did. In fact, things between the two were getting quite serious. Especially since a night ago while the two were having, protected sex, she blurted out that he was her boyfriend. Stiles wasn’t sure how to react, he told her he thought they needed to give it some time before they rushed into things considering they have only started hanging with each other two months ago. Despite what he said, He did want a relationship plus him and Malia had built a great rapport with each other.
That has led him to his current dilemma, Malia had decided to be home with her dad tonight, since he complained about her staying out too much and his father was currently sleeping after a hard day of work. It was 1:00 in the morning and Stiles was awake. He was seated in his gaming chair, headset halfway on, as his fingers constantly tapped against the keyboard. In the middle of his battle, his phone starting vibrating violently against his desktop. Pausing his game, he reached for his phone. His heart immediately started racing as he saw your name coming across the screen. He hadn’t heard from you in two weeks since your last encounter, that thought alone gave him shivers. He knew it was wrong, since he was considering him and Malia being together but his rationale was that he didn’t verbally agree to it yet. The angel on his shoulder told him to ignore it, it was better to leave it where it stayed. But the devil was tempting him like Eve and you were the apple. He sighed, shaking his head at his next move, he cleared his throat before pressing the green button.
“Hello?” He asked in the phone.
“Hi Mitchie! I missed you.” You answered gleefully, making his stomach flutter. In those two weeks of your absence, he definitely missed hearing your nickname for him.
“I missed you too baby girl.” He replied, making your stomach flutter now.
“Sorry, I kinda ditched you for a while. My cousins were staying with me and taking up all of my time.” You explained remorsefully, hoping he’d accept your reasoning.
“It’s fine. I was kinda caught up in some things too.” He responded coolly, making you sigh in relief.
“Are you busy right now?” You asked.
“For you, never.” He replied smoothly, making you giggle and kick your feet like a schoolgirl.
“Come over then. I’m home alone and could use some company.” You knew he would, every time you called he would answer and be there.
“I’ll be over in 15.”
“I’ll be waiting, Mitchie.” You stated seductively, before the line clicked.
Stiles sighed, feeling his groin twitch, he knew it was shameful for someone to get this kind of reaction out of him from just a few words, but with his clouded mind, he could care less. He was thinking with his other head. Stiles quietly ran to his bathroom to brush his teeth, he was grateful he took a shower not to long ago. He grabbed his cologne, spraying a few pumps before tucking his phone and keys into his pocket. He slowly creaked open his bedroom door, not wanting to disturb his father or alert him of his departure, before tip toeing down the hall then the stairs and out the front door, making sure to lock and close it softly behind him. He made his way to his prized baby blue Jeep, parked just across the street. He unlocked his door before getting in, cranking his loud car, hoping his father didn’t hear before peeling off in the direction of your home.
The trip to your house was quick, seeing as he could speed due to the empty road and it only being a 10 minute drive from his. He pulled into your empty driveway, signifying that no one was home. There were times where your father’s car would be parked there, but Stiles deduced that he might’ve been at work. Stiles cut his car off before shooting you a text letting you know he was outside. Stiles sat back in his seat, staring out in thought while waiting for your response.
His mind wondered between you and Malia. He didn’t like the thought of leaving you alone at all. He loved being around you, even if majority of the time it was during the night. It was the way he saw your eyes lit up every time you saw him, they way y’all naturally clicked, how y’all shared similar interests. It was like y’all were a perfect match, or that was what he felt like. But with Malia it was different, he knew they had different personalities and interests, it wasn’t bad though he was all for learning and teaching new things. He liked how possessive Malia was over him, something about that turned him on. He thought her nonchalant and some clueless words and actions were just adorable. He genuinely liked Malia as well. Plus, the Pack was familiar with Malia and knew they were messing around. He nervously thought about how they’d react if he randomly brought you around, especially Malia, despite you knowing him longer.
Suddenly a rapid knock came from the passenger window, making Stiles violently jump. He sighed in relief seeing your bubbly expression through the glass. He reached over to unlock the door.
“You scared the hello outta me.” He said, looking at you incredulously as you climbed inside his car. To which, you lightly laughed at, picturing his scared reaction once again. In the midst of you laughing, you failed to witness Stiles bite lip as his eyes roamed your thick curves and it’s attire. The baby blue satin pajama shorts you sported, were being consumed by full bottom. Your button up was opened at the top, giving Stiles a beautiful view of your inviting chest being secured by a black lace bra. You were going to be the death of him.
“Sorry Mitchie,” You state apologetically, oblivious to his intense staring. Your words snapped him out of his raunchy thoughts.
“I wanna try something with you.” You announced before digging in the pockets of your pajamas, fishing out a small baggy, fill with a green substance.
“What is that?” Stiles inquired, face scrunching as it’s pungent smell hit his nose.
“Weed, my cousin gave it to me.” You answered, holding up the baggy higher for him to see. He took the baggy from your hands, inspecting the crushed up substance closely,
“What do you wanna do with this?” He asked curiously. You gave Stiles a ‘really’ look.
“Obviously smoke it. I want you to do it with me.”
“I didn’t know you smoked.” He stated, shocked by the news.
“I don’t but I caught my cuz smoking and she let me hit it. She said it supposed to make you feel horny and it does. Afterwards, all I could think about was you,” You explained casually. Stiles couldn’t lie, his stomach did backflips when you said that, though he kept his composure.
“But I couldn’t do anything about it until they left but she gave me some to try with you and some papers to roll it in. She said it should be enough for one blunt.” You continued, now showing him the neatly folded, white rolling papers.
As much as Stiles’s curiosity was peaked, he was hesitant. The most he ever did was drink, he never did drugs before. Of course, as a high schooler, he had multiple chances to but ultimately never did, it just wasn’t his thing.
“You don’t have to try it if you don’t want to, I just thought I would ask.” You reassured, sensing his hesitation. You didn’t mind if he didn’t want to, the last thing you wanted him to feel was pressured. You, however, were still were going to though.
Stiles thought about his decision, weighting his options. He settled on dismissing his uncertainty, before declaring, “Fuck it, let’s roll up.”
You gave him a mischievous smile.
“Come on we’re going to my room.”
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You both were sitting out on the small couch of your furnished bedroom patio with a throw blanket tossed over you both, while smoking the blunt. Your back laid comfortably on the pillow against the rail, with your feet resting on Stiles lap underneath the covers. Stiles scrolled the twitter, while absentmindedly rubbing your feet. It was your turn to hit, you slowly inhaled, holding it in before releasing with blow. Stiles had stopped halfway way through the blunt, which didn’t surprise you due it being his first time smoking. Surprisingly he didn’t cough on his first time, which was shocking. You were new to it too but he seemed to handle it better than you, though both of you were equally stoned. You placed the roach blunt in the empty cup, you and Stiles used to dump the ashes. You were out of your body, feeling everything yet nothing at the same time. Stiles felt similarly, the weed lived up to your standards, he was high and horny.
“I’m definitely buzzed. What bout you?” He asked putting his phone away, turning to face you, only to find you already staring at him intensely, your eyes low and red.
“Me too.” You retorted, pulling your perfectly pedicured feet from him.
“I feel it but I’m feeling other things as well.” You uttered, sitting up on your knees, pushing Stiles back into the couch before you straddled his lap. His sizable hands rested on your hips. You avoided kissing him, wanting to work him up first. You traced kisses lasciviously to his collarbone. Stiles lightly moaned and shivered, feeling your luscious lips against his neck. His hands made their way into your blue satin pajama bottoms, he groaned, feeling the absence of your underwear.
“You ready to go back inside?” He asked, clearly captivated by your actions, he was becoming hard as a rock. You pulled away from his neck, pecking him on his lips before nodding. You climbed from Stiles lap, standing, holding out your hand, which he graciously accepted. You pulled Stiles with you inside, toward your bed. You sat down on the plush comforter, with an insatiable looking Stiles standing over you, awaiting your next move. You tugged Stiles closer by the pull strings of his pajama pants, as the other unbuttoned your top the rest of the way. Your amorous gaze never left Stiles the entire time. You shrugged your top from your shoulders, letting in pool behind you, showcasing your see through bra. Stiles’s heart thudded heavily in his chest as he watched you, feeling all his blood rush below. You were satisfying his carnal desires, in the most teasing way and he couldn’t take it anymore. You let Stiles push you against the bed for you to lay back. You giggled at his eagerness before you were silenced by his lips meeting yours. You opened your legs, allowing him to nestle himself between your thighs as he hovered you. You gasped feeling his hard girth rest against your pussy. Stiles took that opportunity to sneakily slip his tongue in, effectively deepening your kiss. Your hands slipped up his arms to wrap yours around his neck, carting your fingers through the back of his hair. Stiles groaned, pulling away from your kiss, giving you both a chance to breathe. You both stared at each other with this wanting look. Both of you seemed to silently communicate, it wasn’t long before your soft plump lips met his soft bowed ones. This time, Stiles lifted up, you felt his fingers ghost your sides, causing you to quiver at his light touch. His hands found the front of your shorts, he began tugging your snuggle short down. You pulled away from the kiss, lifting your bottom to helping him remove them. You mouth gaped as you watched him descend to your leaking mound, which was still covered by your lace undies. He eyes found yours, making your heart thud faster. You whined as his tongue glided gently over you clothed clit, as he tossed the pajama bottoms from around your ankles. You wanted Stiles badly, He had your heart feeling like it was imploding. But the way you felt was more than just sexually you loved Stiles, and you wanted to tell him. You weren’t sure if it was your intoxicated mind but you felt the need to tell him before y’all went any further. Just as he was to part your legs open,
“Wait.” You exclaimed, gently pushing Stiles away from you. You set up from the bed, anxiously watching as Stiles’s half naked stand over, he casted you a concerned look.
“What wrong?” He questioned, clearly confused by your shut off, he tell you were anxious, your leg started jumping. You eyed him, little did he know you fighting a battle in your mind. Your previous thoughts of Stiles being just a fling had blossomed into something more. You were infatuated with him, you were internally praying that he felt the same.
Going against everything screaming fiber and nerve in your body, you spouted out, “Stiles I like you.” Your eyes meeting his. He saw as your eyes glimmered with hope.
Those four words, made Stiles’s mental crack. As much as he wanted to hear those words before, they also made him panic now. He struggled deeply to collect these three words, but ultimately he felt like it was for your own good.
“Y/N I can’t.” He stated, his head hanging in defeat, his eyes avoiding yours. He was feeling were more conflicted than before, he hadn’t thought you actually like him back. It was like his wish came true but right now, considering his circumstances, he couldn’t accept it, not right now.
That spark you had, dwelled instantly and was replaced with sadness and embarrassment. A ache in heart begin to form, you, now, thought you read the situation wrong. You forced your tears back, masking the hurt like a pro.
“Stiles I understand if you don’t feel the same way but I just couldn’t take it anymore.” You confessed, swallowing the large lump in your throat.
“You told me you only wanted to be friends Y/N.”He reasoned, looking at you with a remorseful expression. Unknowingly to him, his reaction added fuel to fire, that is the ache in your heart.
“I know but I tried. I tried to convince myself and I tried to remind you that I wanted to stay friends but I couldn’t help it. The more we started to see each other, the less we started being ‘beneficial’ and more like friends, I started to feel things I shouldn’t have,” You expressed, ignoring the painful burn behind your eyes.
“The last time we were with each other and you spent the night with me was the last time I was supposed to see you Stiles because I fucked up. I fell for you, I went against my own words, I knew I wasn’t supposed to but I couldn’t help it. I tried to stay away from you Stiles but I like being with you. The way you are, the way you smile and laugh, they way you kiss me and hold me, it does something no one else can do.” You elaborated further, letting months of feelings off your chest. You words made the pit of Stiles stomach ache, he wanted to say so much but couldn’t. Stiles knew it was wrong to get with you in the first place, you pulled him so easily into your current, it swept him away. He would love to be with you but he couldn’t risk pulling you into something that’s hard to get out of.
“I can’t do this right now.” Stiles grumbled, going for his discarded shirt.
“Stiles wait,” You called out, standing to stopping him from gathering his belongings to leave. You knew it was stupid, but you wanted to feel Stiles one last time, even though it wasn’t the way you hoped.
“Now I know how you feel. I just want be with you one last time. Please?” You pleaded, looking to the floor, trying to suppress your shame.
Stiles’s mind was running a mile a minute. Part of him knew he shouldn’t have came here but ultimately he couldn’t have himself either. He knew he liked you way before you realized you liked him. He was in love from the start. But he liked Malia as well, plus Malia knew about the supernatural world, and could protect herself. Seeing what he caused with Allison messed him up, no matter what anyone told him, he felt guilty because sacrificing himself to the Nemeton was his choice and many innocent people had gotten killed for it even one of his friends. He wouldn’t be able to handle life well if he’d known he brought you into something that had gotten you hurt.
So he stood in these few moments staring at you with confused expression, debating whether he wanted to leave of not. This was his second chance before he made another mistake.
You stood there watching Stiles watch you with this unreadable expression, you could tell he was thinking. Part of you knew you were fucked up for asking him to be with you one last time, after spilling your heart out, but you couldn’t hold out any longer. Given the reaction for Stiles, you were certain he didn’t feel the same way. He loved you for your body, not you. Tears started to fall from your eyes as your head dropped further in shame, that seem to snap Stiles out of his train of thought.
“Y/N” He tried, walking towards you but you moved back. You watery eyes met his, and through your quivering lips, you stated,
“Just leave then Stiles. It’s better if we leave it off like this anyways.”
Before your mind could register anything, Stiles’s shirt was at your feet and his lips met yours. Your defensiveness instantly faded away, you melted like butter against Stiles, immediately accepting his passionate kiss. Your lips moved to together sensually, as Stiles backed you up against the door of your closet. Your hands latched to the lining of his jaw, as his hands clasped firmly onto your hips, pulling your bodies closer. You both wanted the same thing in this moment, and it was to feel each other, even if it was for the last time. You just wanted to pretend everything didn’t happen before this, you wanted to live in the moment, you wanted savor what you could from this situation.
You felt his tongue ease its way into your mouth, causing you moan. You willingly accept his actions, following his lead. Your hands trailed to his brunette strands, gently combing through them, as you both made out. Then Stiles pulled away, a single line saliva connecting your lips. You greedily followed his lips with a whine. You didn’t want it to end. Then you felt his palms on the sides on your face.
“Do you want this?” Stiles asked gruffly, his large hands cradled your cheeks as he wiped the stray tears from your face.
Not trusting your words, you nodded.
“I need words baby girl.” Stiles affirmed. Your teary eyes finally meeting his watery ones.
“Yes Mitchie.” You whimpered out, staring longingly at his bowed lips.
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You and Stiles clothes were scattered across the bedroom floor. You laid on your back on the bed, with kneeling between your legs. You cried out in pleasure, as Stiles’s reddened lips, slurped hungrily against your clit. You couldn’t believe Stiles had you folded like this, your feet were at your ears, his hands was tucked firmly on the creases behind your thighs. You bottom poked out in the air, as Stiles devoured you like it was his last meal.
“Stiles.” You moaned, scratching at the messed up bedding beneath you.
Stiles groaned, sending shockwave through your body, he soaked up everything that leaked from you. Your juices covered in and around his mouth, he wasn’t sure if it was the weed making him this thirsty or you were but his flittering tongue never left your pulsating clit and his mouth didn’t stop drinking from your delicious fountain. The euphoric burn that settle in your lower stomach spread and intensified. You reach out, pushing against Stiles shoulders,
“Fuck Stiles, I c-can’t.” You whined, tears coming from your eyes. “‘S too much!” You slurred drunkenly.
Your cries fell on deaf ears as Stiles had released one of your thighs, letting your leg drop. You sharply gasped, eyes rolling, back arching high as Stiles ease his two digits into your sopping entrance. As he alternated between dragging his thick fingers against your walls to french kissing your clit.
“I-I’m cu-” You tried to warn him but it was too late. You started shaking, your vision whiting out, your moans and whimpers were caught in your throat. The intense feeling took over your body, causing you to lock up, your thighs squishing his head as your quenching essence flowed into his awaiting mouth. You were seeing stars as Stiles released you, watching as your bottom half flopped back to the bed. You were completely spent, your box braids had fell from it’s perfect bun, now flowing aimlessly from your scalp, your bronze skin had a glazed look from the layer of sweat that coated it. In your mind, Stiles had you looking an absolute mess but to him you looked stunning. It made him impossibly harder looking at how out of it you were.
Stiles hissed as he slowly jerked his painfully hard dick. Thick droplets of precum oozed from his angry red tip. He knew he couldn’t wait any longer, your fucked out expression, the way you moaned his name, the way you tasted had him stuck, like he had you.
He watched your dazed eyes meet his dark and lustful ones. Stiles placed a single kiss to your overly sensitive clit, making you twitch and whimper, before placing a gentle one to your full lips.
“You okay?” He asked, trailing sensual kisses along your rounded cheeks to your neck, all while layering his slender form overtop of your thick one, his arms cradling your head.
“Yes Mitchie.” You mewled breathlessly, arms wrapping around his neck. You were wondering how every little touch this man gives you nearly sent you over the edge.
“Good.” He placed one last kiss to your neck before sitting up. He placed your legs on his shoulder before pulling you to edge of the bed. You groaned, feeling his harden dick onto of your throbbing mound. You braced yourself, Stiles had this dark glint in his eyes, you had strong feeling he was going fuck up your feeling more than they already were. You held on tightly to the edge of the bed, knuckles turning white from the grip.
You shuddered, feeling Stiles drag his thickness between your slippery folds. It was seconds later that you felt his thick mushroom tip push into your hole, making you practically boneless as a shaky gasp left your lips. A strangled groan left Stiles lips as he tossed his head back in pure bliss, savoring the feeling of your gummy walls sucking him in.
“Fuck you feel so good.” He moaned. He pushed yours legs back further, hooking his arms underneath, pinning you down with his weight, sinking his thick harden inches fully into your saturated cunt.
“Stiles!” You wailed, clinging to his biceps, slightly clawing at them. The slow yet sudden intrusion, left you with a full feeling you couldn’t shake. He groaned loudly as your body graciously welcomed him.
His lips found yours in a fiery passion as his he set his pace, his restraint vanished. You felt his teeth gently tug at your lower lip, he way of telling you to open up to him, which you obliged. The sounds coming from the searing tongue filled kissed, as well as the small grunts and moans that escaped you both, were masked by the creaminess of your purring kitty. Stiles was feeding off of every sound you produced, the way you clung to him as he were going to disappear, all while he stuffed you full of every inch he had to offer.
Stiles broke the kiss, his redden half lidded eyes watched as you tried hang on as his hips speed up. You squeaked, eye squeezing shut from the overwhelming stimulation.
“Oh shit.” You weakly cried, parting your kiss swollen lips. You couldn’t breathe, the way Stiles’s heavy phallus consistently pummeled into you quivering soaked snatch left you unable to breathe. You whined, feeling Stiles at your neck, softly suckling and nibbling on your sensitive skin. You hands moved to grasp the back of his head, pushing him further into your neck. Stiles took the initiative to move his kisses down further to your bouncing breast, Stiles looked memorized by movement. Stiles arms moved from behind your legs, he guided them around his waist, his nimble pace never stalled. His hands gripped your bobbing tits harshly causing you to yelp. Your darkened areolas resembled the richest of chocolates to Stiles in that moment. He couldn’t resist greedily sucking them both in his mouth. Your back arched high from the bed, moaning, as you continued to cradle his head while he practically ‘fed’ himself from your ample breasts. His skillful tongue alternated between sensually fondling each of your hardened peaks, adding on to the immense pleasure he was already providing by deliciously pounding into you. He released the one in his mouth with a soft pop.
“You look so beautiful,” he rasped, trailing his kisses back to your exposed neck. You moaned weakly at his praise, it made the fervent feeling in your stomach spread.
“Taking me so well like a good girl.” He growled, grinding his narrowing into you. You mewled loudly, eyes shutting, at the feeling of his pelvis stimulating your clit, while he dug deeper into your velvety canal. The feeling that emerged strongly in your stomach had grew more fierce, the more he plunged himself deeply inside you.
“You’re a good girl. Right?” He voiced huskily, watching the aesthetic beginning of your debauched undoing. You were too out of it to give a full response, you could only muster a frail nod despite the grip of your arms and legs around his waist and shoulders tightening.
Stiles tsked, placing teasing kiss to your lips, wanting your attention back on him. You whined slightly, falling for his trap, your teary low eyes found his deep brown ones. “You know I don’t like that. I need words babygirl.” His pace slowed slightly, you knew it was his way telling you to speak or he’d stop.
“Y-yes.” You stuttered out quickly, not wanting him to let up. Stiles groaned feeling you squeeze him tightly.
“You’re my good girl. Aren’t you?” Stiles pressed further, watching you start to squirm. Stiles felt you clutch around him once again like a vice. You head shook from side to side, at the almost unbearable feeling of Stiles’s fucking into like his life depended on it. His words didn’t help either, you ignored the ‘my’ for own sake, not wanting to ruin this earth shattering moment. Instead you focused on reaching your impending high.
“Stiles please! I-I” You croaked before words had gotten caught in your throat. Tightening in your stomach finally snapped. You let a broken moan, tucking your head in the side of Stiles neck, as you drug your acrylic nails down the side of his bicep, clinging tightly as you trembled violent over the edge, body locking up.
“Shit!” You heard Stiles cursed through your muddled hearing. You felt an ungodly amount of slick gush from you, coating Stiles completely. He groaned continuing to fuck you through your release. You whined weakly, pushing against Stiles moving hips, causing him to stop. He watched you lay motionless beneath him, eyes shut and breathing heavily, completely spent from cumming.
You felt Stiles lips on forehead before he eased his hard on from you. You hissed at the feeling of him dragging himself against your overly sensitive walls. As weak and out of it as you were, you complied when Stiles asked you to turn over, he helped you do so.
“Ass up, baby girl.” Stiles commanded, tapping your behind. You feebly moaned, despite your exhaustion from your second mind blowing orgasm, you listened to his command. You grasped the sheets underneath, wearily resting your head on your arms, arching the middle of your back, poking your butt out.
Stiles groaned upon seeing how exposed and drenched you were. Not wanting to waste anymore time, he positioned himself at your heated entrance, and without a warning he pushed himself in.
You shuddered and groaned feeling Stiles ease himself into once again, stretching you to the brim. Stiles sighed seeing you greedily swallow him whole. Gripping your hips in place, Stiles started moving his slowly, giving you time to adjust.
You whined feeling Stiles, once gentle and slowed pace, start to gradually increase, his hips started battering against your pillowed bottom. Stiles grunted, his grip on your hips tightening, surely going to some bruising, as he fucked harder into you. The sounds of thunderous wet clapping, a mixture of pleasured sound coming from both you and Stiles, and the concerning rattling of your bed frame, echoed through your room.
Stiles peels one hand from your hip, to wipe his sweaty strands from his forehead. He moaned feeling you constrict tightly around his length. The tightness in his stomach grew with thrust of his hips, and from the way you start clenching around him and the heightened frequency of your melodic moans and loud pants, told him you were feeling the same.
He pressed his free hand in the middle of your back, deepening your arch. Stiles’s thrust became deep and erratic. He put his weight behind his thrusts as he leaned over you, groaning and breathing heavily in your ear. You squealed loudly, trying to push yourself from the intense feeling.
Stiles huskily chuckled in your ear, he leaned back up while gripping your hips, “Where you going?” Stiles asked, holding you tightly in place. You babbled aimlessly in response. He chuckled at your state. Your mind was clouded, you heard what he said but couldn’t respond.
Stiles hips didn’t falter as he gathered your braids into one hand, holding it in a ponytail. “Stiles!” You pleaded as he tugged you to your hands and knees by you long braids, pulling you back towards his thrusts.
“Come on sweetheart, you know what to do.” He stated, halting his movements. Immediately you started thrusting yourself back onto his length. “Fuckkk.” Stiles dragged out in ecstasy, as you fucked yourself onto him. The way your ass rippled like waves against his pelvic as you moved, building up a creamy froth around the base of his dick, as you cried out, head tilted back, in complete euphoria. To him, it was picture worth painting.
“Mitchie, I’m ‘bout to cum!” You keened, feeling the familiar burn twist in your lower stomach. Little did you know, he was too.
“Me too.” He rasped, gripping your cheeks tightly. He started meet your thrusts again, only this time his thumb started massaging your other hole. You gasped feeling his thumb caress your asshole, it sent a exhilarating tingle up your spine.
You both worked with each other, chasing your awaiting release. Stiles rutted faster into you, feeling his high coming on strong. He moaned loudly, as the knot in his stomach started to peak. You chased your orgasm like a bitch in heat, the volume of your moans grew, like the pending explosion in your stomach.
Stiles was close, too close. He wanted you cum first. His fingers found their way to your pulsing clit, gently stroking the sensitive nub, pushing you closer to the edge. You hummed in delight, feeling him stroke you closer to your peak in every way. Then, unexpectedly, the thumb he used to massage your virgin hole, eased inside of you, effectively opening your flood gate.
You wailed, feeling the burn in your stomach burst, your climax hit you like a freight train as your vision blurred out. Stiles cursed feeling you grip him tightly. Your gushing slick coated Stiles’s shaft, as you trembled from the magnitude of your orgasm. Your top half collapsed, not being able to hold yourself up any longer. Stiles panted loudly, erratically pounded into you, pursuing his brewing end, fucking you through your intense orgasm. You whine in overstimulation, the feeling of him dragging against your walls was starting to become too much, you needed him to cum, or you would surely pass out. You mustered up enough strength to move.
“Cum for me, baby,” You muttered softly, moving you hips against his to help him finish.
Stiles whimpered loudly, the flame in the pit of his stomach intensified. He was teetering over the edge.
“I want you to fill me up.” You whined, feeling him throb heavily inside your aching walls. That statement was enough to send him over the edge.
“Fuck Y/N I-I” Stiles stuttered, unable to finish his sentence, before groaning loudly, his cum shooting in your canal in thick loads. You moaned tiredly, stop the movement of your hip, the feeling of Stiles seed permeating your walls made you quiver. Stiles shuddered before collapsing on your back, completely spent. Your body fell flat to the bed underneath his weight.
You both stayed like that for a while, trying to level your breathing. Stiles had softened inside you by the time, y’all breathing regulated. He lifted his sticky body from yours, his body feeling extremely weak and heavy, from either the weed or the mind-blowing sex you just had. Stiles could you body rise and fall in a steady rhythm.
“Y/N?” He called out, look at your face to see if you were awake. You weren’t, your eyes were glued shut as your mouth hung open slightly. Stiles smiled softly at your peaceful expression. He smile soon faded as he realized he fucked up with you, and that was the last thing he wanted to do. Everything that conspired this past year, has left Stiles’s damaged. He had trouble eating and sleeping, his mental health was deteriorating. Had he known going out in the woods that night would’ve lead him to these deadly consequences, he wouldn’t have went. All this started because of him, and he couldn’t regret it more. But you, you were his escape from it all, you were his peace. Whenever he needed to be away from all things supernatural, you were there to put him at ease. And as he stared at you, he felt guilty, tears started brewing in his eyes as he now realized, once again, that his actions have consequences. He felt like a fuck up. And those revelations made him realize he had to go. He couldn’t bare watching you be heartbroken over him.
You whimpered in sleep, feeling him ease his flaccid appendage from you. You didn’t feel the mixture of his spend and your slick, leak out of you. Stiles pushed away his egregious thoughts, he went to your attached bathroom, grabbing a fresh linen cloth and towel from the closet, making sure to wet cloth with warm water. He knew from the light snores that sounded from you, that you were out for the night. The least he could do was get you cleaned up. You didn’t even budge as he opened you legs and wiped you clean and patted you dry. Stiles was depleted on all levels, he just wanted to go to bed and try to forget all the bad. He fished his clothes from the ground, tossing on his Star Wars graphic tee, boxers, and pajama pants.
As he went to gather the rest of his belongings, the sound of his phone vibrating from pants made him reach for it. He finally looked at the time, it had been a little after 2 since he last looked at the time, It was 3:15 in the morning. She then looked at the message, it was Malia asking if he was up. He looked back at your sleeping form, guilt was starting to eat at him bad.
He sighed stuffing his phone back into his pocket, choosing to ignore her text. He started straightening up, making sure to lock your patio door, and clean up any evidence of y’all smoking. He slid your silk bonnet over your freshly braided scalp, he knew you’d be upset if you woke up to you hair being messed up. He also turn on the fan, knowing you get hot at night. He glanced at your sleeping form, longingly before placing one last kiss to your forehead while covering your nude body with your blanket.
He gathered his keys and slipped on his shoes before making his way out of your home, securing it, then getting in his car, driving away like a thief in the night…
Please be nice, this is my first time writing smut so I hope I did well and excuse any mistakes I didn’t see👍🏾. Anyways, this post will a receive an update, which I already started writing. So part 2 coming soon…
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maremartinelli · 2 months
Sirius Black X fem!reader
Summary: Y/n and Sirius had broken up. The boy with dark hair was going through difficult days with his family and this was the only way to protect his girlfriend. However, on a rainy holiday day In the summer he appears at the girl's cousin's house, just on the day she was there. What happens when his ex sees him all bruised and burned?
Words: 2.3K+
Warnings: I cry, break up, swear words (I don't remember), bruises, burns, but a happy and happy ending.
Author: Of course, English is not my first language, I apologize for any writing or spelling errors. And by the way, this imagine came through a song that I love. I'll leave it here at the end, for anyone who wants it to hear. (The music is Brazilian).
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Sirius and Y/n had broken up.
Their relationship had lasted for two long, beautiful years. However, lately Sirius was facing several problems with his family and for some reason he distanced himself from his girlfriend, Y/n made a thousand proposals for him to tell her what was happening. But nothing was working.
He didn't spend time with her, he made excuses not to go on dates, he avoided her in the common room, he sat further away in class and so on.
Y/n even thought he was cheating on her, but with a conversation with Prongs and Moony, they explained that he was also acting strangely and it was the Black family's fault. Like always.
And after a lot of talking and trying to help, Sirius decided that it would be better to separate, but that it wouldn't affect Y/n's life. But he said he still loved the girl unconditionally.
The days leading up to summer vacation were the worst for Y/n. While she wasn't studying for finals with Lily, she was in her dorm crying deeply while the same redhead comforted her.
The weeks passed and everyone was boarding the Hogwarts express to head home to enjoy their summer vacation. That day, Sirius was quieter than usual. Thus, causing James to have an idea.
Upon entering the train after the girls, James walked to the carriage they were in and when he was about to enter, he saw his cousin lying on his girlfriend's lap while crying sobbing.
Lily just shook her head saying that it was better for the two of them to be alone and then James asked the boys to find another carriage for them, however, Sirius who was right behind Prongs ended up seeing the scene.
The redhead just smiled slightly at Pads and continued to comb Y/n's hair as a form of consolation.
The holidays have definitely arrived, and as always the sun was shining brightly. However, Y/n just wanted to stay at home and cry until her eyes couldn't open anymore, she just wanted to stay at home and lay on her mother's lap while the older one consoled and felt sorry for her little girl.
But, since she was little, Y/n spent half of her summer holidays at her Uncle Potter's house together with her cousin James - now better, Prongs. And this summer would be no different, he called asking his cousin to come there to distract his mind and have fun with his friends.
Y/n said she would think carefully about the offer.
Until the next day in the morning Remus called her with the same request and in the afternoon her best friend - Lily. I was also making the same proposal. Until she accepted.
She packed her bags and the next day she asked her mother to take her to her aunt and uncle's house. Where already, all the friends were gathered. Except Sirius, James said that he was facing a lot of conflicts at home and that his mother forbade him to go out and be with his friends.
On one hand Y/n felt relieved, on the other, she knew that her love was suffering at Walburga's hands.
It had been 3 days since Y/n and her friends had been sleeping at James' house and having a great time.
Today, they were in the large yard behind the house trying to catch a golden snitch that Prongs had released. The first person to pick it up could choose tomorrow's menu. Just as Aunt Euphemia had said.
And obviously, everyone was so excited after the golden animal.
"Hey Hey!!" Y/n catches everyone's attention.
Remus, Lily, James and Peter turn to look at their friend.
"It's raining. Wouldn't we better go inside?" She says looking at the sky, which had huge, dark clouds.
"Let's enjoy it more, I'm almost catching this snitch" James says as he runs.
Remus rolls his eyes.
"No, it's not. I'm the one who's going to ask Aunt Effy to make us pumpkin pie tomorrow." Lupine says as he ran after James and the Snitch.
"Ew" James and Y/n mumble.
"Come on, we have to take Moony out of the competition. No one deserves pumpkin pie" Y/n laughs and runs after the golden object.
Moony just rolls his eyes and they all continue to chase the snitch as the raindrops were getting more and more violent.
The game lasted until Euphemia appeared at the door and asked them to come in, as the rain was getting heavier and the lightning was close to the Potter house.
Everyone entered quickly and each went to the room they were staying in. Y/n and Lily went to the room they shared and drew odd or even numbers to see who would take a shower first, like they did in the Hogwarts dormitory.
With that, Lily always won and today was no different. While the redhead took a shower, Y/n took her favorite pajamas out of the closet and looked at them.
The clothes matched what Sirius had too.
She had given them matching pajamas on their first Valentine's Day together. Sirius and Y/n made a point of showing off to everyone as they paraded around the common room in matching pajamas.
Now, every time Y/n wore those pieces of clothing, she felt like something was missing.
It doesn't take long for Lily to come out of the shower with wet hair and make the room available for Y/n to take a shower.
The Potter girl smiles friendly and enters the bathroom. When she feels the hot water run down her body, the tears flow together and wash the girl's face.
And after composing herself, she left the bathroom and sat at the vanity to brush her hair, until James, Remus and Peter ran in front of their room. They seemed hurried.
"Huh, what happened?" Y/n stops with the brush in her hand and looks at Lily who was on the bed putting on her socks.
"I don't know. But don't worry too much, they're really crazy" Lily says and Y/n smiles.
Upon returning to the mirror, Y/n starts to comb her hair again until they hear a bang coming from the main building downstairs. The two friends look at each other and run to the window to see who it was.
When they arrive, they can only see James holding someone as they enter the house.
Soon after, they hear someone running up the stairs and passing by their room.
Y/n runs to the door and to Remus.
"Moony, what's going on?" She asks worriedly.
"I'm going after Effy and Mont. Sirius is here. He's hurt!!!" With that said, Remus runs to the older people's room and knocks on the door.
Lily, who was behind Y/n, widened her eyes and in a quick gesture, the two girls were running down the stairs like lightning. Skipping one or two steps every time.
Arriving in the main room, Y/n stops at the sight she sees.
Sirius was all soaked from the rain, his perfect hair was all messed up, his fingers and hands were burning, there were bruises all over his face and his clothes were torn in some parts, and you could also see some deep cuts.
James and Peter were asking him questions while Moony was behind Euphemia and Fleamont, Y/n had stopped and couldn't move for the life of her. Lily even stopped next to her and said something that Y/n's ears insisted on not hearing.
Her eyes were glued to Sirius as he also looked at her.
Y/n only managed to come out of her trance when Remus accidentally hit her on the shoulder as she walked by with Effy and Mont.
"Son, what happened?!" Fleamont asks as he crouches down next to Sirius on the couch.
There was so much movement that Y/n didn't even realize she was crying. Crying with sobs.
"Lily, take Y/n upstairs. I'll come after you" Effy says to her daughter-in-law while looking at her niece.
And that was when Y/n saw that his face was full of tears and that his breathing was not controlled.
When did all this crying start??
It hurt Sirius. Seeing your loved one crying like that. Of course, he had several injuries on his body, but nothing compared to the pain he had in his heart.
So, Lily took her best friend upstairs to help her calm down. Meanwhile, Y/n tried to say something, but the crying wouldn't allow it.
"I-I should stay with him. B-but I can't c-with you. I should…"
"Shii, it's going to be okay" Lily runs her hands through Y/n's wet hair. "Everything's going to be okay..." She takes a deep breath.
Hours had already passed and everyone - almost everyone. They were already asleep.
After Euphemia helped Mont with Sirius and the boys, she went up to the girls' room and comforted Y/n.
The oldest knew about the relationship they had. For the first Christmas they were together, she brought the boy to spend the holiday with them. And it's not like Effy has never met Sirius either, he's her son's best friend.
Euphemia and Lily spent hours comforting Y/n until the Potter girl ended up falling asleep in their lap.
But now, four hours later, she was awake again.
She was sneaking out of her room so she could go to the kitchen for some tea to feel better.
Shifting foot by foot, she reached the room without waking anyone.
Y/n put the electric kettle with water on to heat up while she grabbed the tea bags that were in the upper cupboard in her aunt's kitchen. The scene of Sirius suffering on the couch with his pain still played in her head as she got her tea ready.
Until she felt another breath in the kitchen and quickly turned around, pulling out her wand that was stuck in her hair bun.
"Hey hey, doll. It's me!" The male voice says weakly while standing at the door.
Y/n takes a deep breath when she hears Sirius' voice.
Thus becoming a little embarrassed while the brunette stared at her. Potter began fidgeting with the checkered pajama pants she was wearing, while she waited for him to say something or for the hot water from the kettle to signal that it was ready.
"You wear it" Sirius smiles pointing to his pants and Y/n looks down at his leg.
"A, yeah. Yes. I love them" She says weakly. "They're comfortable and...I feel like I'm close to you." She says the last sentence quietly, but Black hears it.
"Me too. But well, I left mine at home when I escaped here"
Y/n bites her lower lip and looks at the ground, trying not to remember everything he could have suffered until he arrived at her aunt and uncle's house.
"Well, about earlier... y--do you want to talk? We may be apart, but I'm a good listener" She tries to smile, but ends up grimacing.
"It's okay now, Effy helped me with the bandages and the boys distracted me until I fell asleep. But I couldn't sleep anymore."
"I imagine..."
"Well, what about you? I was worried about you" he approaches the counter.
Y/n was in front of the sink, on the other side of the counter as she looked at Sirius. Which was now more visible, due to the weak light that the island provided.
"Yeah. You were desperate when you saw me." He swallows hard and Y/n looks away from the mug he was holding.
"Yeah...I...well, yes...it was hard to see you like that. I imagined your mother humiliating you and seeing you so small there, it made my heart break even more" she says weakly and drops a few tears . "I wanted to come help you, but the last few days you just kept me away and I didn't know what to do. And my reaction was that, I didn't want to. I'm sorry" Y/n lowers her head and sheds more tears.
Sirius walks around the counter and stops in front of his lover.
"Hey, you don't need to apologize for anything. I confess that I felt really bad when I realized that I was moving away from you, but I couldn't keep you with me. My family threatened me in every way and said that the next person would be you . I was so shaken that the only thing left for me was to break up with you. I'm sorry for leaving you aside" He lifts Y/n's face with his index finger, while she showed that she was still crying.
"I tried to help you in many ways, but it seemed like something was missing in you"
"What I'm missing is you." Sirius runs his hand over Y/n's cheek.
Y/n looks into Black's gray eyes.
"Siri, I'm so sorry for everything you've been through. I should have been on your side." She says tearfully.
"You're here now, aren't you?! He smiles and places his other hand on Y/n's cheek.
She shakes her head.
"I missed you so much" Y/n confesses.
"Me too" Sirius cries, but still smiles. "I know you're missing me, come get your half soon" Black flirts making Y/n roll her eyes and laugh.
"Not even in this situation can you stop your jokes" she smiles. "but yes, I want my half back."
"Great" Sirius smiles and pulls Y/n into a kiss.
It was as if everything was falling into place again. The kiss felt more passionate and stronger.
One couldn't live without the other and now they realized.
"Promise that you will stay now until death do us part?" Y/n asks when they break away from the kiss.
"Always, doll" Sirius smiles and then pulls his girl into a cozy hug. "I love you so much, my life."
"I love you, my love"
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Author: Here below is the song I said in the synopsis👇🏽
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
Pretty Boy
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Robin brings the boys to help move her cousin and you mistake Eddie for Steve at first.
Word Count: 1940
Eddie Masterlist
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You’re Robin’s cousin and that means that you just have the best damn cousin anyone could ask for. She’s not just your cousin but also your best friend, the two of you have always been two peas in a pod. When either of you were visiting the other you were basically attached at the hip and you’d call each other almost every night and be on the phone until one of your parents told you to get off. So when your dad got offered a job a few states away he was worried how you would take it because you’d be so much farther away from her than just a thirty minute drive. 
When he did tell you about the job offer your main worry was college. You knew you and Robin would still talk everyday but you were already enrolled in your current school and working towards your degree. You told him you could see if you could move to the dorms last minute but since he also went there he knew you wouldn’t be able to. So after a phone call to your mom's brother you were moving in with Robin and you couldn’t be happier.
Robin brings the boys with her to pick you up because Eddie’s van would come in handy in a way Steve’s BMW wouldn’t. And she really wanted you to meet Steve and vice versa. She’s told you all about pretty boy Steve Harrington and how he’s her best friend who isn’t related to her along with everything they’ve been through together. She was hoping to possibly play matchmaker because she’s tired of Steve pining after Nancy and you haven’t had a relationship since your ex broke your heart.
“Oh thank god!” Robin exclaims as they finally pull up in front of your house. “You know you two suck for road trips. Remind me to never do this again.” Eddie and Steve had basically been arguing about music the whole second half of the trip. “I mean seriously you couldn’t not be annoying with each other for a full thirty minutes.” Robin rushes out of the van and up to your front door as soon as Eddie opens the back doors for her. She basically vibrates with excitement as she makes it up the walkway. Her uncle opens the door shortly after she knocks.
“Hey Robin, Robin’s friends. Y/n’s up in her room finishing up packing if you wanna head up.”
“Thanks Uncle Jay. C’mon boys hurry up!”
“Robin!” You squeal and tackle her into a hug as soon as she opens your door.
“Hey there cuz.” She laughs as she returns the hug completely. “Are you ready to move in with your favorite person ever?”
“I can’t believe I get to live with you. I’m so excited to be able to hang out everyday. I’ve been packed for the last few days. Like I literally packed up everything but my bed stuff and some clothes three days ago and even then I’ve been slowly packing up my blankets and pillows. I slept with just one pillow and one of the couch blankets last night. But now everything is packed away and I’m ready to go.”
“Wow, she’s even got the Buckley ramble.” Steve’s voice brings your attention away from your cousin and to the two men standing in your doorway.
“Hi! I’m Y/n.” You walk up and offer your hand to Eddie. “You must be Steve. It’s great to finally meet you, Robins told me so much about you!”
“Apparently not enough darlin’. I’m Eddie, one of Robin’s newer friends.” And your face heats up at the mistake while Steve silently scoffs over someone thinking Eddie was him. 
“So then you’re Steve?” You tilt your head as you look him up and down taking him all in. “I guess I see it.”
“See what?”
“Well I mean Robins always referring to you as Steve ‘the hair’ Harrinton or pretty boy Steve. And I get it, you’re pretty and all but honestly I think Eddie might just be the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen. So he’s so much prettier than you, and he has a lot more hair so I just figured he was Steve.” At this Robin lets out the laugh she’s been holding in while Eddie’s face goes red and a smile appears on his face. He’ll never let Steve live this down.
“Sorry Steve, did I mention she doesn’t really have a filter?” She’ll have to throw out the idea of playing matchmaker with you and Steve now with how Eddie’s looking at you like you just lit up his whole world with that statement. But maybe she could play it with you two. “Alright grab some boxes and let's go dinguses.”
“So you’re the metal head then right?” You ask Eddie as the two of you make your way out of the house boxes stacked in your hands.
“Yeah, I guess that’d be me. Did Robin say anything about me?”
“Umm,” You start to try to think about what she would’ve told you about Eddie.
“It’s alright if she didn’t, we really haven’t been friends for that long.”
“No, no she did tell me some stuff. You’re in a band right? Oh what was it called? I remember telling her it was really cool.”
“Corroded coffin.” He answers while putting his boxes in the back of his van before taking the ones out of your arms.
“Yes! Robin told me she’d take me to a show the next time I was in town and you guys were playing. Let’s see what else did she say? That you play dungeons and dragons and the last time there were issues in the upside down you almost died because of the demobats right?”
“You know about the upside down?”
“Of course I do. Robin tells me everything.”
“And you believed her?”
“She’s never lied to me before.” You shrug nonchalantly before walking away from the van to get more stuff from your room and to get out of Robin and Steve’s way when you see them getting closer.
“So what kind of music do you listen to?” Eddie asks as he catches up to you.
“A little bit of everything I guess. My parents have very different music tastes so I grew up with a lot of different things so it’s just what I like now. Currently I listen to a lot of Metallica, Queen, and Dolly Parton.” Eddie groans as you say her name.
“Oh come on you were doing so good!” When you started with Metallica he thought you were a woman after his heart but ending with a country artist could’ve ruined it. 
“Oh god don’t tell me you’re one of those metal heads.” You huff and roll your eyes picking up another box.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean. One of those pretentious I only listen to metal or rock and anything else is disgusting. And if you listen to the stuff they listen to but also something different you’re automatically not a real fan.”
“I listen to other things! I just don’t think country music deserves all the hype it gets.” He’s quick to defend himself.
“Oh yeah? What else do you listen to? And have you ever listened to Dolly before?”
“Okay, don’t tell Steve because the fucker will tease me if he knew, but I listen to a lot of Abba. Like an unhealthy amount. And no, I just know the genre she is.”
“Well she’s the best.” You shrug before nudging him with your shoulder. “And Abba fucking rocks. I own every single one of their albums twice, once on vinyl and once as a cassette.”
“What could they be talking about this enthusiastically?” Steve asks Robin as the two of them come out of the house with the last of your boxes.
“Who knows.” She shrugs. “Could be music or movies or comics. Now that I think about it they have a lot of the same interests. Maybe I should’ve been hyping Eddie up instead of you.”
“You were hyping me up?”
“Tried to be your wingman, play matchmaker a bit maybe. That’s out the window though, look at them.” Eddie’s sitting in the back of his van, legs dangling off the edge as he leans back and watches you pace and talk with your hands about something Steve and Robin can’t hear from where they’re stopped. You both have smiles on your faces and the two friends can just tell by the look on Eddie’s face that he’s already smitten. “I haven’t seen Y/n take to a man like this in a while, she’s friendly sure but this is something different. And Eddie’s well, Eddie. I wouldn’t be able to take it if her falling for someone else broke his heart and I constantly had to look into those big broken puppy dog eyes all the time.”
“Well then let’s go play matchmaker Buckley.” Steve starts heading towards the van again with purpose.
“What are you planning Steve?”
“Just sit back and let the master work his magic.” Eddie hops up as Steve gets to the two of you so they can get the rest of the boxes in. 
“Is that it Y/n?”
“Yeah that’s it Robs, I had packed up the rest into my car last night.”
“Hopefully there’s room for three people in your car because I can’t handle any more metal or Eddie yelling at me when I ask to listen to something else. And Robin’s obviously going with you.”
“What? You’re gonna drag me all the way out here to drive home alone? No offense darlin’.”
“None taken. Guys that’s sort of a dick move don’t you think? Eddie shouldn’t have to drive with all my shit by himself.” 
“Sorry man but I’m all Eddied out.” Steve jabs Robin with his elbow to tell her to say something about it.
“Sorry Eds I’d go with you but the weed smell is really bothering me.”
“It’s not even that strong.”
“Robin’s always had a sensitivity when it came to scents.”
“Y/n why don’t you go with Eddie? I can drive your car that way Robin and I get a break from the van and Eddie doesn’t drive alone.” Steves normally an idiot but Robin has to admit this is kind of genius.
“I’m fine with that. Eddie, you good if I go with you?”
“I’m fine with that.” 
“Okay cool. Let me go say bye and grab my keys and we can go.” You head inside and spend a solid twenty minutes saying goodbye to your parents and promising to come visit before they leave in a week and then to call them as much as possible after that. On your way out you yell a bye one more time while grabbing your keys from the holder and excitedly hurry to the trio waiting at the van. You toss your keys Steve’s way before climbing into the passenger seat. “Hurry up pretty boy I wanna get unpacked!” You yell out the window causing Eddie to blush and smirk Steve’s way as he passes him.
“You hear that Steve, I'm the pretty boy now.”
“God I’m starting to regret this already.” Steve says as he and Robin climb into your car. “He’s so damn smug.” Robin laughs at him while watching Eddie get into the driver's seat before looking over to find you shoving a tape into his stereo.
“If it helps Steve I think he’s starting to too. How much do you wanna bet he comes out of this drive liking Dolly Parton?”
Eddie Taglist: @starbxcks @phluffybunny-blog @sadbitchfangirl @notbeforelong @kenzi-woycehoski @celestialsxturn @daisyellsong @urmomashleyyy​ @ofherscarlettwitchways​ @munsonswhore86​ @katsukis1wife​ @violet-19999​ @navs-bhat​ @that-chick212​ @dixontardis​ @bubsonnobx​ @ruinedbythehobbit​ @pikapickabitch​ @emotionaldreamer​ @kodakoalabear @chaoticevilbakugo @thatsamegirl​ @fromasgardandback​ @lupinpetersclearwaterodairparker @fangirl199812 @greenclues​ @isshecrazyorissheclever @rockchickrebel​ 
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thoughtsforsoob · 1 month
Txt as your little brother?
a/n: hello! i do not have any little siblings (let alone any siblings) so this may not be 100% accurate. I do know a lot of people with siblings though and i've had a lot of cousins my whole life :) hopefully this will be enjoyable :D please feel free to request anytime! inbox is always open for requests and ideas!
tags: f!reader
he admires his older sister and want's to be just like her, even well into his teen years
he has his little group of friends that he's had since pre-school and once they all get older, some of them start to hit on his sister and he tf flips out!
"hey! no one talks to my sister! just imagaine it as dating me...the same DNA!"
they all gag and despite the gross image, they do not stop hitting on you until they have all found relationships
he is used to you driving him around but as soon as he gets his license, he takes you everywhere!
he even lies for you when your parents ask where you are.
he'll open the door for you at night and even better, he will go pick you up from whever you went that night.
goes all out on chrismas and birthday gifts because his sister is amazing and deserves the best
sweetest older brother in the whole world
he is always watching over you to make sure you are okay but he knows when to bud out of something
he is the type of brother that would drive you around and if you insist on driving, he is holding on for dear life to persude you to let him take over the wheel
he always seems to come home with something for you. food, clothes, skin care, candy...
he buys you a lot of your skin care and he always takes you shopping! what a great brother
he is also always down for a late night skin care sesh where you both gossip about drama at school and work and eat a ton of junk food
omg he is type to take care of you when you're sick too
he's your older brother so no matter how old you are or where you are, he is always going to take care of his baby sister.
he is the brother that comes into your rooms, throws something at you, turns off the light and leaves...without closing the door
so so annoying
his main goal in life is to torment you! he does not take this job lightly at all
he is very fun to go places with
when you both were younger, you'd play hide and seek in the store and if you both got caught, you'd both giggle while your mom scolds you.
you two would also hide in the middle of the circular clothing racks and jump out to scare each other and your mom
needless to say, you both are always in trouble but it's okay because you keep each other company when you're grounded
you both were the type to make up songs, games, or performances as kids
you both also get into lots of trouble at school together
as adults, he becomes your partner in crime and you go out everywhere together
taehyun is the type of sibling to pretend he does not care about you. like, "oh my sister? idk i don't care what she's doing."
news flash, he does care
he shoes he cares in the most lowkey ways ever
if he knows your mom isn't going to make dinner because she's going out with dad, he will take you out to get food or he will make you whatever you want to eat.
he's also really comforting, which is suprising to those who do not know him much
when your first s/o breaks up with you...all hell breaks loose
he barges into your room with sweets you like he lets you tell him everything...
god forbid you tell him who this person is...he will ask around with your friends until he finds out where they live and he will eggs their house or some shit
he also let's you have full access to his clothes since he knows you like his clothes
he does get annoyed when suddenly all of his t-shirts are missing but he could never stay mad at you
huening kai
being a group of 4 siblings was quite chaotic but you and kai seemed the have a different connect bc .... ya'll were twins
you both grew up wearing matching clothes, practicing the same instrument, and singing.
of course, you and your sisters connected well but you and kai, again, had a little bit of a deeper connection
he comes straight to your room after school and starts to spill all of the gossip about what happened to his friends and him that day
he is the type of brother is also be very caring of not just you, but all three of his beautiful sisters!
buys expensive birthday gifts once he get's his first job and he loves when you three use your gifts
when it comes to dating, he is opposite of yeonjun in the sense that he would rather you date one of his friends
he knows them well and he knows that they are less likely to hurt you
(heheh he loves seeing you and his best friend soobin as a couple. he def gives the "if you hurt her, ill castrate you" talk).
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little-pondhead · 2 years
Fenton Family on Vacation (part 1)
Original Post⬅️
"You know, when you revealed yourself as Phantom, I thought it would be much harder to adjust." Madeline Fenton, ghost-hunting extraordinaire and mother of two, stared at the swirling green portal in her basement. Despite building the darn thing herself, with its glowing wires and simple design, Maddie felt like she was seeing the whole thing for the first time.
It was late afternoon on a Saturday. At least, Maddie assumed so. She hadn't stepped foot outside their lab for a while now. Too busy modifying all their ghost-hunting equipment. The blinking red numbers of the digital clock on their desk said it was almost six in the evening. Then again, it has been six in the evening for the past several months. The clock was very much broken, and no one had bothered to fix it. 
It was summer, so the time spent in the Fenton lab drastically increased. And with the reveal of their son Danny, Maddie practically breathed ectoplasm with the amount of time she was spending in the basement. Danny said it was no big deal, but both Fenton parents were determined to re-evaluate their research and inventions completely. Basically, starting from scratch. 
So imagine her surprise when, two days ago, both Jazz and Danny sat them down to propose a memorable family vacation. 
And for some reason, she couldn't say no. Was it her guilt? They were prepared to shell out the money for any dream destination the kids proposed. But no, Danny had invited them to a different dimension via the Ghost Zone. This was tremendous progress, not just in her relationship with her kids but also for their new research. (Let's not mention the headache she got from learning parallel dimensions exist.)
Apparently, the kids had been planning this for a while because now everyone was packed and armed to the teeth, two days later. Jazz had taken care of the logistics-when to leave, how to get there, what to bring. Danny was the one to choose the location since he was the most familiar with the Ghost Zone. Maddie learned much later that he had just thrown a dart at a lineup of names on a corkboard.  
"Are you sure it's okay for us to enter?" Maddie looked concerned.
"Yeah! It'll be fun, mom!" Danny reassured. "It's just a week off-I've always wanted to show you the cool parts of the Ghost Zone without the immediate threat of horrible death." Maddie gave her son the stink eye. He was grinning a bit too innocently for her liking.
"Well, I think it'll be a great bonding experience!" Jack announced, winking at Danny. Badly. "Someone was being a little paranoid about the mall trip yesterday; I hardly got a chance to spoil our new little princess."
Ah, yes, their new granddaughter. Danielle. Maddie had been furious to discover how horrible Vlad had been to her family. Attempting to murder her husband, trying to recruit Danny as a weird evil son/apprentice, outright disrespecting and dismissing Jazz's existence, and wanting to marry her?? "Furious" was putting it lightly. The man slept with a doll version of herself, for heaven's sake! And then Danny just offendedly mentions that Vlad had cloned him. Several times. Only one clone survived; a little girl with no identity of her own. And here was her son sheepishly asking if they might consider letting the clone stay? Even for a little? She was traveling around right now but didn't really have a place to call home-
Maddie and Jack immediately offered to adopt the girl into the family as their youngest. 
(Jazz giggled. "Danny already beat you to it. They tried being cousins at first, but he acts like a total dad around her—the fastest case of ghost adoption that I've ever seen. Instead of a new child, Elle's more like a new grandchild.")
Danny blushed, hunching his shoulders in. "I don't know if Elle wants to be a grandkid-we haven't talked about it, really."
The trio startled and turned, watching the last two of the Fenton family work their way down the stairs into the lab. Jazz was gripping her backpack in one hand and Elle's arm in the other, using her superhuman strength to keep Elle in line. Probably so Elle wouldn't run down the stairs and permanently kill herself. Jack quietly chuckled at the sight of Elle's ghost-themed backpack, so painstakingly picked out the day before. It was a tad too big and looked just adorable on her. A few tiny blob ghosts floating around her head whizzed in excitement, sometimes using the backpack as a place to hide. Maddie, personally, loved the pink light-up sneakers that Elle showed off as much as possible. Her husband had done well shopping by himself. 
It was evident Elle was excited about the trip. Despite all her travels abroad, satisfying her wanderlust, she'd never been to another dimension. When they had reached the bottom, Elle phased out of Jazz's grip, bolting to collide with Jack in a hug. "Yesterday was loads of fun." She exclaimed. "I loved shopping around for new stuff. And if being Danny's kid means I get two new grandparents in the deal, then I'm taking it."
Danny made a face. "But isn't it weird to have a dad so close in age to you? What if people look at you weird?"
Jazz snorted at her brother's words, picking her way around the lab mess. "Danny, you'd be the one they would look at funny. A fifteen-year-old-"
"I'm almost sixteen!"
"A fifteen-year-old who has a physically thirteen-year-old daughter? People will be ready to call CPS."
"And besides!" Elle detangled herself from Jack's grip and stomped over to Maddie with a shit-eating grin as she looked at her dad. "Technically, I'm only a year old. You're not going to leave your poor, unstable clone daughter alone in the world to fend for herself, right?" Danny just grumbled. Something about not even being old enough to drive. 
Maddie cooed a bit and enjoyed the hug from her new granddaughter. It was cold but in a good way. Elle's response was a low hum that vibrated through her body. It reminded Maddie of a cat's purr.
"I've been meaning to ask," Maddie said. Elle clung tighter as she adjusted her grip. "What is ghost adoption?? You mentioned that before when explaining your relationship with Elle."
Their son shuffled his feet a little. "Uh, it basically means my core has connected to hers in a parental way, I guess." He was obviously nervous. "When we first met, even before I knew Elle was a clone, my core recognized her as a "baby ghost," so to speak. There was enough of a connection that I kind of adopted her subconsciously."
"But it doesn't happen with between all ghosts." Jazz cut in. It felt like their eldest was giving them a lecture on this and that every week. "Frostbite explained it a while ago, something about similar cores and ambient ectoplasm. Kind of like pack bonding?"
Maddie nodded, barely following. "And Frostbite...you said we were visiting this person?"
Danny perked up, actually floating a few feet off the ground in excitement. "Frostbite is the best! He's the leader of the Far Frozen and looks like a giant yeti. He helped me figure a bunch of things out and makes the best cocoa."
"Well, I'm excited to meet him."
And they were. Going through the portal was an experience and a half. It wasn't the first time they'd done this, but it was still memorable. Danny and Elle had gone ghost and chased each other around the Specter Speeder while Jazz piloted, hunched over the steering wheel. The Ghost Zone was a wonderful mix of greens and purples; Jack lamented his lack of a camera.
("We don't want to give Technus something to use." Tucker explained. Danny's friends had come by to help them all pack properly. "The Fenton Cameras haven't been ghost-proofed all the way, and Technus is an insufferable b-uh, idiot when he manages to get his hands on new tech. I'll never hear the end of it.")
It was just so much colder than they expected. The "Far Frozen" certainly lived up to its name. So did Frostbite and his legendary cocoa. The giant yeti (did he count as a ghost??) also took the opportunity to give each Fenton a checkup (ghosts have doctors???) to make sure everyone was healthy enough for inter-dimensional travel. They were, and Frostbite even handed over a few extra vials of pure ectoplasm to tide the kids over in case they didn't land near a natural source in the new dimension. Jack and Maddie took a few vials each, one for each of their ghost kids, and Jazz just tucked hers away in her luggage with a little pat.
Then they were off sightseeing. Understandably, most of Danny's allies were a bit wary around the (mostly former) ghost hunters but did their best to hide it. Jack and Maddie got to meet Princess Dorathea, who could turn into a freaking dragon how cool was that, Jack-
There was Pandora, a towering woman with blue skin and four arms. She took a liking to Maddie and gifted her an engraved xiphos. "To match her fighting spirit." The woman explained. She did not tell anyone what the engraving meant. At some point, they saw a towering castle in the distance. It was hard to see, but the towers looked like spiraling ice. Jack asked about it.
"Oh, that's nothing special." Danny waved them off. "Don't worry about it. We DO need to worry about Walker's prison, so duck down for a bit. He doesn't like it when the living are in his territory." Maddie didn't bother pushing the subject, so they moved on.
Then there was Wulf, a werewolf who could make portals and was the kids' teacher on that subject. Jazz was especially excited, greeting Wulf with a bear hug. (Maddie vaguely remembered something about her daughter being a werewolf now, but she very rarely changed while in the living world. Maddie had almost forgotten.) Jack was pleasantly surprised to learn Wulf spoke Esperanto. In fact, that was the only thing he could speak. It turns out Esperanto was something Jack had learned during their college days. The two hit it off, and Jack had to be dragged away from whatever conversation they were having.
Time moved a bit sluggishly, but eventually, they got around to "the least annoying ones." Elle had a blast messing with someone named Fright Knight, who just kept calling her 'my lady' for some reason. Danny got a few potshots in when one of his rouges (was that a robot?) got too close to the Speeder. They met Ghost Writer, Amorpho, Lunch Lady, Nocturne, Technus, Ember, Cujo, and a few others. Their final stop was Clockwork's.
The flight there was exceptionally long. It felt like forever, yet the clock in the Speeder only moved forward five minutes. Jazz explained that this was Clockwork's influence. He was the Master of Time, and the closer they got to his lair, the weirder time was. Eventually, the Fenton family arrived. Clockwork's lair was, well, a clock tower.
("Really, I don't know what we expected, Maddie.")
It was dark and green, sitting on a tiny island they could barely land on. Ectoplasm was thick in the air; Maddie was sure that if she weren't already ecto-contaminated, it would have been increasingly difficult to breathe. Multiple ticking sounds filled the air as if the tower was filled with nothing but clocks. Maddie took a wild guess and thought it probably was. A glowing green sticky note drew their attention as they approached the door.
Danny scowled as he read the note. "Daniel, something has come up with the Observants. I would appreciate it if you wouldn't make the Watchtower your new haunt. A natural portal will open next to the Speeder. Enjoy your vacation, Clockwork. Drat, I was hoping he'd be home. I really wanted you to meet him."
Maddie pats his shoulder. "It's okay. I'm sure we'll find time later." Elle giggled at the pun.
"I know." He sighed. "It's just, he can be so cryptic. Why would I make a watchtower my new haunt? I've never even been to a real watchtower! But the note says a natural portal will spawn next to the Speeder so that we can wait for that."
"You mean this portal?"
Jazz was closely examining a small tear in reality that had popped into existence next to her foot. It was small and low to the ground. Small enough that the Specter Speeder definitely couldn't get through. Maddie doubted they'd be going in all at once.
Elle peered over her shoulder. "That's it! Come on, old man, I'll race you!" She dove in without waiting for a reply.
"DANIELLE MADELINE FENTON!" Danny immediately chased after, disappearing into a swirl of green.
"Oh yeah, she's definitely related." Jazz said. "Come on. I'll follow behind once you two go through." Maddie looked at Jack, and Jack looked at Maddie. Fine with them.
Jack went first, knuckles tight from gripping his bag straps, doing his best to suck in his gut before dropping out of existence. Maddie went next, standing on tiptoes and still having Jazz bend down to press a kiss to her cheek before she left. "Make sure to lock up the Speeder."
Jazz smiled, her eyes glowing with the barest hint of green. She had a hand on the Fenton thermos clipped to her belt and if Maddie squinted, she could see the barest outline of a crown on her head. "See you on the other side, mom."
Maddie stepped into the portal, feeling nothing but open air, and fell through.
(the fix was kind of rushed but there is an extra line or two now that actually mentions it)
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blue-aconite · 7 months
let me drown || chapter IV - jake's summer part I
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Summary: Moving on is all about accepting what has happened to you. Jake reflects on his visit to Virgina while finding out that the future has in store for the Floyd siblings.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of jealousy
Word Count: 4.6k
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x OC (past), Jake Seresin x OC (future)
Authors Note: And we're finally moving on from Bradley's summer. Let's see what the future has in store. Minors DNI. Each chapter will be labelled with warnings individually.
Thank you to my betas @demxters & @imjess-themess! I love and appreciate you ♥️
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California, Lemoore Naval Air Station, Spring 2019
Jake waited patiently for his mother to pick up the phone, leaning against the wall. He only had a few minutes to spare and he hoped she was home. As he waited, Jake let his mind drift. 
It had been two weeks since he left Virginia after visiting his cousin. He hadn’t heard from Athena since but Jake hadn’t reached out either. There had been something strange about her when he came to visit but Jake hadn’t pushed, not wanting to be on the receiving end of another of her somewhat half-witted stories. 
His father has expressed his concern about her the last time they spoke but Jake had been too busy to genuinely spend time thinking about it. Something about her parents. Jake couldn’t truly remember. 
Thinking about his cousin brought up another memory to mind. Thea. She had been a breath of fresh air as he spent time in Virginia. He vaguely remembered Bob talking about his sister when they were deployed together but meeting Thea in person was different. 
He couldn’t deny that she was beautiful and her smile stirred something in him that he hadn’t felt in a long time. But she had a boyfriend, so Jake had settled for getting to know her as a friend. Despite people’s opinions of him, he wasn’t a complete asshole. Even though Jake felt like she could have done better than Bradshaw, he wasn’t about to get in between the two of them. 
Thea was as easy to get along with as her brother and Jake was delighted to find out that she could beat both Bob and him at golf as easily as he flew a jet. They had a great round and spending time with the Floyd siblings was easy. He had known Bob for years and it felt the same with Thea. Their relationship, however, had made Jake miss his own siblings and home. 
Just as he was about to hang up, his mother picked up the phone. “Jake, is that you?” 
“Ma, hi! Am I interrupting?” Jake asked, finding solace in his mother’s voice. Whenever he missed home, talking to her always made him miss it less. Her voice was warm and soothing. 
His mother laughed and he could see her prancing around the kitchen, phone pressed to her ear. “Of course not. I hope you’re calling to tell me that you’ll be coming home in time for Oliver’s birthday. It’s in three weeks, if you haven’t forgotten.”
“No, I haven’t forgotten. But I won’t make it.” He told her sadly. He didn’t want to disappoint his nephew or mother but this time he didn’t have any choice.
“JACOB THOMAS, you’ve known about his party for weeks,” Claudia scolded, making Jake hang his head, even though she couldn’t see him. “You know how excited he is.” 
“Ma, I did try, but getting a leave for a birthday party isn’t exactly standard protocol. I’ve sent a gift and an apology that I can’t attend. ” Jake sighed, leaning sideways against the wall. He scrubbed a hand down his face, listening to how disappointed Oliver would be that Uncle Jake wouldn’t show up to his sixth birthday.
He felt bad, he did. But without a leave he wasn’t going anywhere and his family knew that. “Ma, I would be there if I could, you know that.” 
Claudia sighed. “I know, baby. I just wish you could be here. He looks up to you.”
Torpedo appeared in the hallway, patting Jake on the shoulder as he walked past. “Hangman, five minutes, and then we have to get ready.”
Jake nodded and straightened up. “Ma, I have to go. I’ll call you when I can. I’ll try to call Oliver and wish him a happy birthday. I love you. Say hi to dad.”
Hanging up the phone, Jake leaned his head against the wall for a moment before straightening up and following Torpedo down the hall. As he entered the rec room, he knew it was going to be a long day. Critter and Blaze were already arguing over something stupid, no doubt. 
“Alright,” Torpedo clapped his hands together excitedly. “Hangman, you’re with Maple and Silver for today’s exercise. I’ll be with you two idiots.” He pointed to the arguing duo in the corner, both of them saluting sloppily. 
“Captain Porter has the rest of the instructions for you in the hangar. I’ll see you up there.” Torpedo nodded towards the door, Jake following closely. 
They walked in silence for a while, the rest of their squad chattering behind them. Critter and Blaze could still be heard arguing and Jake was glad he wasn’t supposed to fly with them. They were a good match but got on each others’ nerves all the time, as well as the rest of the squad. 
Jake wished Torpedo good luck as they parted ways, heading to their respective aircraft. He felt a sense of comfort and calm as he prepared his jet, going through the familiar motions. 
Jake tapped the nose of the plane for good luck, a ritual he’d kept up since he started flying. Maple saluted him as he climbed into the seat, making sure that all the safety straps were adjusted and he saluted back, winking. He hoped they’d touch down in time for dinner, he was in no mood the spend the entire evening doing the same exercise over and over. 
As the familiar rumble of the engines washed over him, Jake felt himself relax as he adjusted the final touches. As the jet took to the skies, Maple and Silver hot on his tail, he finally felt at home.
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Jake left the locker room after his shower, hoping for a quiet evening. For once he wasn’t in the mood going out with his squad. Keeping his head down, he navigated the halls on his way to his room. He knew Torpedo wasn’t going to be in for the evening so he looked forward to catching up on some reading and just relaxing. 
As he kicked off his shoes and slung himself across the bed, his phone lit up with a text. Groaning, Jake reached for the device to see Coyote’s name. 
Did you hear the news?
Floyd is transferring here. Replacing Cork in Eagles. 
Shit! What made him leave Oceana?
I was hoping you knew, since you saw him a while back!
No idea, he didn’t say anything.
Jake dragged a hand down his face, falling back against the pillows. Bob hadn’t mentioned a transfer while he was in Virginia. He wondered if there had been any trouble. Pulling up Athena’s contact info, he sent off a quick message. 
Hey, you know anything about why Floyd is transferring to Lemoore? 
He didn’t have to wait long before his phone buzzed again. 
Why the fuck do you care?
No need to be a bitch Athena. I was just asking. He didn’t say anything about it when I was over there
Jake sighed, already regretting reaching out to his cousin. Her behaviour during his visit was suspicious, especially her attitude towards Rooster. She had spent a significant portion of their time together complaining about Thea as well. It didn’t sit right with Jake but he also didn’t want to get involved in whatever beef she seemed to have with her pilot. 
Something about his sister? Idk, higher-ups quoted some bullshit about personal reasons. Not my problem honestly 
Jake sent a simple thumbs up back before tossing his phone aside. 
‘Something about his sister’ could mean that something was wrong with Thea. Jake wanted to reach out to Bob and ask but didn’t feel like it was appropriate either. They were friends but Jake didn’t know if interfering in family matters was the right thing to do. Hopefully, he’d catch Bob on base at some point. 
Jake felt the worry creep up and tried his best to force it down again. What had happened? Why would Thea be involved in anything having to do with a relocation for her brother? He hoped everything was alright. He liked both Floyd siblings and hated that either of them would have run into some kind of problem. 
Trying to get his mind off the matter, Jake picked up the most recent book he was reading, flipping through the pages until he reached the bookmark. It was a worn picture of him and his siblings, taken the summer before Jake was supposed to start first grade. He smiled, remembering how Paul had ruffled his hair right before the picture was taken, somewhat ruining Jake’s good mood.
His phone pinged with another text but this time from his sister. She told him that she understood that he wouldn’t make it for Oliver’s birthday. The “we miss you” at the end made his heartache. Jake hadn’t seen his sister or parents in person for almost two years and he missed them a lot. He almost pressed the button to call her but Torpedo’s key in the lock interrupted him.
“We missed you tonight.” the man chucked his shoes off, before haphazardly removing his jacket. 
Jake snorted. “Sure you did. I’m the life of the party.”
Torpedo slung himself onto the top bunk, not bothering to undress. Jake groaned as the familiar fumes of sweat and alcohol filled his nostrils. “Dude, at least take a shower. You reek.”
“Fuck off, Seresin.” the man jabbed but did as Jake asked anyway. 
Jake closed his eyes, putting the book down as he leaned back against the pillow. Maybe if he was lucky, he could fall asleep before Torpedo came back or at least ignore the other pilot.
A short buzz from his phone alerted him to another text. Jake wondered what the hell Coyote could want now. But it was Bob’s name that showed on the screen and Jake was embarrassed to say that he struggled to unlock the phone. 
I’m transferring next week. You still with the Vigilantes?
Hey man, yeah, heard it through the grapevine. I am!
Let me guess, Coyote? He’s always been a gossip
You said it, not me. How come you’re coming out west?
Personal reasons. Anyway, I thought I’d give you a heads-up. See you soon!
Appreciate it man! Glad to have another sane person around.
The indication that Bob was typing popped up but disappeared and his friend only reacted with a thumbs up instead. 
Jake wanted to pry and ask what the personal reasons were since they concerned Thea. Was she coming with him? And what about Rooster? Was he transferring too? After what Jake had seen at dinner, he didn’t think Bradshaw would like to be away from her. The man’s possessiveness had bothered Jake but it wasn’t his place to say anything, so he kept his mouth shut, hoping that Bob had seen it too and voiced his concerns to Thea. 
He didn’t know if Bradshaw had acted the way he did because Jake was there or if it was just how the man behaved but the way he had demonstrated that he and Thea were a couple didn’t sit right with him. He respected it, of course, but Rooster made it look wrong, making it look too possessive. 
Jake hadn’t really asked Thea about her relationship during golf, getting to know her instead. She had been kind enough to indulge in his inquiries. He had found himself feeling very drawn to Bob’s sister, who shared the same easygoing and kind nature as her brother. Jake knew that he had developed some sort of attraction to Thea during his short visit to Virginia but she was spoken for and that was it. 
Suddenly curious about whether Bradshaw would be showing up as well, Jake sent his cousin a text.
Is Bradshaw transferring as well?
Fucking coward got himself deployed out to sea with a new squadron. 
Jake didn’t bother to answer, brows creased as he read the text over and over. So Bradshaw wasn’t coming to Lemoore. Athena’s text told him more than he needed to know, her choice of words regarding Rooster very similar to the ones she’d sprouted during his visit. 
Jake realised that he shouldn’t speculate too much and just hoped he’d catch Bob at some point to ask what was really going on. Whatever it was, he just hoped Thea was alright. 
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“So, did you get any information?” Coyote asked as they sat down in his seat across from Jake. He rubbed his hands together, eyebrows raised, and a hint of excitement in his voice. 
They had their weekly dinner, if their schedules allowed it and this time Javy had chosen a quiet but nice Japanese restaurant not far from Lemoore. 
Jake studied the menu, rolling his eyes. “Information on what?”
“Floyd? About how he’s coming here! You’re the last one that talked to him.” Javy exclaimed excitedly, almost bouncing in his seat. Jake couldn’t help but snort as he thought back on his and Bob’s conversation last week.
“Bob was right. You are such a gossip!” Jake joked. 
Javy made a faux wounded noise, hand over his chest. “I’m hurt. I simply like to be in the know.”
Jake shook his head, putting the menu down and reached for his glass of water. “You’re like an 80-year-old lady who keeps track of everything that happens on her street. Sitting there with binoculars, just waiting for the drama to happen. I don’t know how Phoenix puts up with you.”
Javy pretended to sniffle, putting on his best puppy eyes. “Nat loves me for who I am. Same can’t be said for you, asshat, who is supposed to be my best friend.”  
Jake subtly kicked his friend under the table, rolling his eyes at the same time. “Being your best friend is exhausting, I’ll have you know.” 
Javy gasped dramatically, shaking his head. Their server interrupted the moment to take their order and then they were left in peace for the time being. Jake thought back to his exchange with Bob earlier that week and pulled out his phone to show Javy.
“That’s all I know.” He concluded, hoping that Javy would be satisfied. 
“So both Bob and your cousin said personal reasons. Do you know anything about it?” Coyote asked. 
Jake leaned back in his seat, putting the phone screen down on the table. “I just said this is all I know,” he paused, Athena’s words seeping into his mind. “Joanna mentioned his sister as well but I don’t know how much of what she says is true. She talks a lot of shit.”
Javy snorted into his water as their server came back with their food. “She does talk a lot of shit.”
“Either way, I don’t know anything else. I just hope Thea and Bob are okay.” Jake said, pushing the wakame salad around on his plate. 
“Thea, huh?” Javy asked with a smirk, expertly picking up a salmon roll with his chopsticks and dunking it in soy sauce. Jake had made the mistake of telling Javy all about his trip to Virginia, including Thea, a few weeks prior. Javy had immediately picked up on the way Jake had talked about Bob’s sister and had not so subtly asked what the deal was. 
“So, is she pretty?” Javy wiggled his eyebrows, knocking their knees together. 
“If I say no, will you stop asking about it?” Jake grumbled, reaching for his beer on the coffee table. Fleetwood Mac poured from the speakers, people chatting all around them. A beer pong table was set up in the corner and Jake could spy people on the garden through the open glass sliding doors.  
Javy shoved a handful of peanuts into his mouth, chewing obnoxiously loudly. “Stop that, it’s disgusting.” Jake shoved at him and Javy shoved back before they leaned into each other, giggling as they watched Torpedo school one of Javy’s squad mates in darts. 
Their laughter died out and Jake sighed. “She’s beautiful. But that’s not the point. She’s funny and quick. You should have seen her beat both me and Bob out on the course.” 
“Man, you sound like a love-sick school girl.” Javy teased but raised an eyebrow questioning as well. 
“I found her interesting, that’s all. But she’s got a boyfriend. And that’s fine.” 
Coyote opened two new bottles of beer, handing one to him before answering. “Bradshaw, right?” 
Jake hummed. “Yeah.” 
“Bummer. Sounds like you really like her.” Javy nudged his side, in a way Jake guessed was supposed to be a comforting gesture but he didn’t know if Javy was trying to comfort him or insult Thea’s choice in boyfriend. 
Jake sighed. “I did. I do. But she’s also a really good friend. We had a lot of fun together,” he paused, peeling off the label around the bottle. “You’d like her. She’s a lot like her brother.” 
“Man, I love Floyd. He’s the quietest guy I’ve ever met but snarky as hell. And his dog is the cutest, - OH, speaking of dogs, I’m trying to convince Nat that we should get one and I need your help -“ Javy rambled. 
“Javy, there’s no way you two can have a dog. Both of you are still on active duty and don’t have a permanent place. Floyd’s got a civilian girlfriend, which probably helps.” Jake interrupted, bumping their shoulders together. 
Coyote gave him a side eye before rolling his eyes. “Couldn’t you have pretended at least?” 
“What kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t give you a reality check every now and then?” Jake joked. 
“We’ve been over this. She’s got a boyfriend, end of story. Yes, she made me feel.. something, but it’s not relevant.” Jake picked up a roll and shoved it in his mouth. 
“Did Bob say anything about her?” 
Jake shook his head. “‘Nah.” 
“What about her? Have you two talked?” Javy inquired, picking apart the sushi on his plate. 
“Not really? We texted back and forth after the golf session but she’s been quiet since. She’s probably busy.” 
Javy stayed quiet, prompting Jake to stay quiet as well. Maybe he should have reached out to her when he found out Bob was coming to Lemoore. Being around Thea had been easy and he genuinely thought they’d make great friends. 
“So, you said Bradshaw acted like a child?” Javy interrupted his musings. 
“Rooster? You said he behaved like a dick while you were visiting?” Javy glanced around as if they were being spied on. 
Rolling his eyes at his friend's antics, Jake leaned back in his chair. “Yeah. I didn’t like how he acted with her. I smiled and introduced myself and he put on a whole show making sure I knew she was off limits. Like, I know I’m an asshole but I wouldn’t go after a girl who’s taken. His behaviour just struck me as odd.” 
“Well, you’re not his favourite person,” Javy joked. Jake made an agreeing sound and they sat in silence. Javy was shifting back and forth, face drawn in a tight grimace despite his earlier jab. 
Jake sighed. “Spit it out.”
“What?” Javy rebuffed, crossing his arms defensively across his chest. 
“You obviously have something to say.”
Coyote hesitated a moment before speaking. “Don’t you think you’re looking too much into this? I understand that you’re worried but I’m sure that if something was wrong, Bob would have picked up on it. From what you’ve told me, he and Thea seem pretty close and I don’t think Floyd would let anyone hurt his sister.” 
Jake opened his mouth to protest but Javy beat him to it. “I’m not saying I don’t believe you. I do. But I just don’t want you to get too attached to Thea. You said it yourself, she’s got a boyfriend. It’s not your job to worry. Bob would probably put his foot down if Bradshaw is acting up.” He finished, face apologetic. 
Jake knew Javy was right. It wasn’t his problem and he was sure Bob would keep an eye on Thea. It just felt off. But he knew he needed to take Javy’s words to heart. 
Thea had a boyfriend. He was just a friend. He had no right to say anything about their relationship. All he could settle for was to be a good friend to Thea. 
“You’re right.” Jake admitted defeat. It didn’t feel right but it was for the best. 
Javy nudged his shin, face still drawn into a tight smile. “Of course I’m right, I’m always right. But for what it’s worth, I’m sorry. I know you like her.”
Jake gave him a tight smile, shrugging slightly. “Like I said, you’re right.”
They made small talk for the rest of the dinner and promised to try and get together the next week.
As Jake walked back to his place, he tried his best to not think about Thea. He thought about what he should send as a present to Oliver for his birthday, if Torpedo would have left his stuff all over the floor as usual. 
He tried so hard to think about anything else than Thea. And as his phone lit up with her name, he failed spectacularly. 
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After a gruelling day consisting of mostly everything going wrong, Jake just wanted to lie down and forget that world existed. 
But he opted to head to the gym, headphones on to not be disturbed. There weren't many people there when he arrived and he claimed a spot in the far back for his warm up routine. 
He checked his messages once more, hoping that there would be a text but was met with disappointment. Not that his latest message required an answer but he had hoped for the conversation to continue after Thea reached out after dinner. 
Her message had been short, a question only and Jake had probably answered a little too quickly. 
Are you still stationed out in CA? - Thea 
Jake had immediately replied yes and then tentatively let her know that he knew Bob was being transferred. She never replied and Jake wondered if he crossed a line. 
In hindsight he was probably overthinking the whole thing and as he stretched, he decided that he was going to try and take Javy’s advice. Whatever was going on, he didn’t need to get involved. 
Even he desperately wanted to know. If something had happened to Thea, he wanted to be able to be there for her if she needed it. But it wasn’t his job. So he put his phone on ‘don’t disturb’ for the reminder of his time in the gym. 
On his way back, he spoke briefly with Paul about Oliver’s birthday party and its success. His brother made sure he knew that Oliver got Jake’s gift and how excited he was even though Jake couldn’t attend. 
“…and then Maria said she met this guy at a study group and wanted to know if she can go on a date? Over my dead body.” Paul whined and Jake could imagine his brother's horror at his eldest daughters dating adventures. 
“If I remember correctly, we were all allowed to date at 16.” Jake mused, waving to Torpedo as he passed him by. 
Paul snorted. “Yeah and I also remember what being 16 is like. She’ll go on that date when hell freezes over.” 
Jake opened his mouth to respond but the sight of Bob Floyd had him backtracking and quickly ending the call. 
“Floyd! Didn’t know you were here yet.” Jake greeted as he approached the WSO, extending his hand for a handshake. Bob, as usual, surprised him by pulling him into a brief hug before leaning back. 
“Just left the air boss's office actually. Heading out soon, I just wanted to catch you before I left.” Bob explained, shoving his hands in his pockets. He looked on edge, a tenseness in his shoulders that Jake hadn’t seen the last time they were together. 
“Not staying on base then?” 
Bob shook his head. “I’ll get my bunk tomorrow. I'm staying with Thea tonight.” 
At the mention of Bob’s sister, Jake felt his heart accelerate but tried his best to hide it. “Oh, so she’s here? Didn’t think she’d leave.” 
Bob shrugged, hands still buried deep in his pockets. “She needed to leave.” 
He doesn’t elaborate and Jake’s dying to ask why but he doesn’t want to come across as nosy. So he settles on a safer topic. 
“What about that fiancée of yours, where’s she?” 
Bob starts toward the parking lot and Jake follows, his gym bag slung across his shoulder. 
“She’s still in Virginia. Her job won’t let her leave right away. She’ll join us when she can.” 
Jake clicked his tongue, mimicking Bob’s stance by shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Bet you miss the dog more, huh?” 
Bob snorted and huffed a laugh, opening the car door. “Listen, you should come over for dinner soon. Thea will be happy to see you.” 
“Will she?” Jake heard himself ask, hoping that the nervousness that had snuck up on him the moment Bob mentioned Thea wasn’t noticeable. 
“Yeah, she will. I think she needs it.” Bob assured, handing him a handwritten note with an address on it. 
Jake thanked him and they decided on a day next week, so the siblings could have some time to settle before bringing guests over. 
Bob requested that he bring Javy along if the man was free and Jake promised to let his best friend know about the invite the next time they spoke. 
As Bob got ready to start the car, Jake voiced the question that had been nagging him since he found out about Floyd’s transfer. 
“Hey, is Thea okay?” 
Bob stopped short of turning the key in the ignition, taking a deep breath. The lines around his eyes hardened and Jake felt like he had asked the wrong question. 
“No, she’s not. She will be, eventually. It’s not my story to tell. All I can say is that Bradshaw isn’t in the picture anymore.” 
So they broke up. Jake’s suspicions had been right. 
“How come?” He wondered, toeing the line between being polite and outright asking. 
Bob leaned back in his seat. “Like I said, not my story to tell.”
He felt mildly disappointed but took it in stride, the corners of his mouth curling upwards. “Well, if you need help to hide the body, you have my number. See you Wednesday, yeah?” 
They parted ways, bidding each other good night and Jake headed back towards his room. As he walked, he pulled out his phone and opened his text messages, scrolling until he found his conversation with Thea. 
Spoke with your brother. Whatever happened, I’m here for you, if you need a friend. Don’t hesitate to reach out. 
He put away the phone, reaching for his book as he made himself comfortable on the bed. Jake felt slightly calmer now that he knew something rather than nothing but he still wanted to reach out. If Thea didn’t want to answer him, that was okay. He just wanted her to know that he was there for her, for whatever she needed. 
He turned out the light after two chapters, exhaustion hitting him. As he turned out the light, a quiet chime from his phone alerted him to a notification. 
It wasn’t an answer but it was enough for him to know that she had gotten his message. A red heart marked his last sent message and Jake fell asleep with a smile on his face.
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @ryebecca @imjess-themess @reels-and-wheels @antiquitea @writercole @hederasgarden @yanna-banana @bobfloydsbabe @hollandorks @anniesocsandgeneralstore @ereardon @luminousnotmatter @roosterscock @thedroneranger @fandomxpreferences @top-hhun @princessmisery666 @bradshawsbitch​ @a-reader-and-a-writer @green-socks @angstybluejay @seresinhangmanjake @ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl @gigisimsonmars @girl-in-the-chairs-void@bradshawbabes @unhinged-btch @horseshoegirl @sadpetalsstuff @bradshawbaby @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @kmc1989​ @demxters @amortentiadrops @teacupsandtopgun @hangmanscoming
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huntingrays · 1 year
wrightworth fake dating au
one day, phoenix gets a wedding invite in the mail from a family member. as he’s reading it, he realizes it’s from his least favorite aunt that he had beef with. he doesn’t see her often due to some comments she’s made about his bisexuality (she’s not overly rude or homophobic but the comments still don’t fly with his gay moms), but the encounters he’s had still leave a bitter taste in his mouth and his blood boiling. normally, he’d rsvp no, but he’s petty and desperate to show her up at her wedding to her third husband.
he decides the best way to do this is to propose to his gay lover at her wedding.
the only problem is that he doesn’t have a gay lover.
he’s going to have to fake date someone and make their relationship look real enough for a proposal to be believable. he comes to the realization that only one qualified enough… is miles.
it takes a lot to convince miles (he’s sure it’s a horrible plan and he has no clue why he’d agree to a deal where the only thing in it for him is more unnecessary feelings), but he eventually gives due to phoenix’s incessant begging.
since phoenix wants their fake relationship to be perfect, he has them go on fake dates (that are weirdly similar to the dinners they often go on) as well as go over the details of their “relationship” (they make it similar to their current friendship, just with them falling in love and getting together after phoenix gets his badge back). it took a lot of convincing for miles to agree to the proposal plan on top of the fake dating scheme, but he can’t win arguments with wright when he’s dead set on a crazy idea, so he begrudgingly gives in (as long as he gets to pick out the ring, because he doubts wright would pick a good enough ring for their fake engagement).
the day comes and the two are confident in their plan. the only problem could be wright’s moms, since he’s close to them and he’s not sure if they’d buy him not telling them about him being in a relationship. however, to their great surprise, they buy it pretty easily. one of them said she suspected it would happen sooner or later with how much phoenix talks about miles while the other assumed that they had been dating for years and just didn’t outwardly say it due to it being obvious (“i mean, i had a feeling you were in love with him after you confessed you wanted to go into law to help him after seeing him in the paper” -mrs. wright).
the wedding is fairly uneventful, and phoenix makes sure to show off his “partner” to everybody he interacts with, since he’s sure loudly and proudly being in love with another man at her wedding would piss of his aunt more (by the time the reception rolls around, miles is incredibly flustered despite the whole relationship being fake).
their proposal goes off without a hitch, and phoenix relishes in the furious look on his aunt’s face.
phoenix expects it to end after the wedding is over. after all, he and miles part ways after, and all he has is the memories and his intense feelings for his dear friend.
however, it does not, in fact, end there.
what phoenix didn’t know was that an old acquaintance was the plus one for one of his cousins. she saw the proposal and had to take a picture, confident that a story about the engagement between chief prosecutor miles edgeworth and defense attorney phoenix wright would be just the thing to really kick off her career.
turns out, lotta hart was very right, and phoenix and miles had to deal with their fake proposal being very public (as well as their friends being upset that they weren’t even told that the two were dating in the first place)
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your-nanas-house · 1 year
Are you taking any requests for Tom?
If so, can I ask for a reader and their brother Tom? You can either make them hate each other or a team that gets along great, or maybe somewhere in between.
Sending you lots of love and happiness 😊
Hi! 🥰 I am and sure thing. Thank you very much, I send you lots of love and happiness back. 🥹❤️
Disgust when you care
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(Not my pictures, credit to the owners)
◇ Pairing: Tom Riddle & Twin sister!Reader
◇ Warnings: mention of murder, angst, fluff, machismo, crudely.
◇ Summary: Tom and Y/n Riddle find themselves thinking about their brother-sister relationship.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. Also sorry if it took me so long. Also the list I use is not mine so credit to the owner.
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Both of the Riddle twins' eyes were fixed on the young Slytherin boy who was holding a paper in his hand while discussing with the other Slytherin followers of Tom who were watching the scene trying to hide the fear of their reaction.
If it had been a day like any other no one would have dared to push into such a personal side of the Riddle twins' lives but it was not a day like any other since earlier there had been a celebration of something with Slughorn during the Slughorn Club to which they had been invited and that was why that bit of courage had come out of that Slytherin boy, probably one of those who had had a little too much to drink during the little party.
There was a perceptible tension in the room that even the tipsy ones could sense as they stared at the two heirs of Slytherin waiting for their reaction as the young man continued to talk about how normal it was to do activities with your siblings and that it is wonderful to have someone of your own blood of your own age. Everyone knew that brother-sister relationship and family were sore points that should not be touched in their presence, which is why everyone started placing bets on who would lose their temper first and drop the mask of neutrality and emptiness that they both wore at the moment.
Strangely, that did not happen but Tom Riddle himself reached out and took the note they had handed them, to start reading the bulleted list they had created, moving it slightly so that Y/n could glance at it as well.
It was a list with all the activities that were recruited as normal and things that ALL siblings did at least once in their lives:
make fun of their parents together
make fun of the other siblings.
take each other's clothes
fight over chores
gossip about cousins
help with mean teachers
help cheat on assignments for school
call each other "bro" and "sis"
There was a prolonged silence as the two wizards studied the items on the list carefully, then cast a glance at each other before shifting their cold eyes to them "childish" they murmured in a synchronized way making everyone change the subject.
As the evening and the party in the common room continued the mood of the two Riddles had totally changed, there was something that looked like anguish or almost fear, it was not obviously perceptible but you could see a glimmer in their eyes that were both still fixed on that list.
○ make fun of their parents together ○
Tom sat elegantly on his bed in the orphanage reflecting on what had happened that day while Y/n sat in the chair present near the small table, staying all night with him together talking about the future and gossiping about their origins that they had discovered, joking as if it was something irrelevant despite the fact that they had killed the entire Muggle Riddle family dynasty and dealt with the Gaunt family.
It was one of those days when there was genuine laughter and satisfied smiles full of pride, a different pride than when they were taking top grades at Hogwarts.
○ make fun of the other siblings ○
An amused snort escaped Y/n's lips as she watched her twin try to maintain control while the potions partner he happened to have ruined the potion they were to perform by blowing it up in both of their faces.
○ take each other's clothes ○
Tom looked up from his book when he heard his followers whispering things to each other while looking in a direction he followed only to find himself frowning, clenching his jaw "are you wearing my sweater?" Y/n merely nodded, adjusting it slightly as she listened to Avery's offer to lend her his clothes whenever she wanted, answering him with a smile only to turn and roll her eyes as she walked away, ignoring her twin's annoyance.
○ fight over chores ○
The twins cast a glance at each other when Mrs. Cole ordered one of them to wash the remaining dinner dishes, referring to that person simply by the last name starting what became something of a battle between the two since they both had no desire to wash dishes in a Muggle way.
"I'm pretty sure she meant you, Tom, she was looking right in your direction."
"I don't think so, Y/n, the intonation suggested she meant you."
"In my opinion you are wrong, it is normal to be wrong when you are the second"
"I'm not the second and you're aware of that too, plus it's a job you've often undertaken so I don't see why she was talking to me"
"That sounds like a macho statement, Tom...is that how you treat women?"
○ gossip about cousins ○
The noises in the room were loud but still allowed for chatting at a decent volume, Tom sat down trying to sound disinterested while talking to Y/n who was reading "you know I don't like gossip but I've discovered new things" he murmured in a low tone, an amused smile appeared on the witch's face while listening to his twin gossiping even though he claimed he didn't like it and wasn't interested in gossip at all.
○ help with mean teachers ○
A murderous look crept over Tom's face as he watched how Y/n was being scolded and teased while she kept looking at the teacher with a blank expression waiting for him to stop so she could focus on the task again and fix the little mistake she had accidentally made.
An annoyed expression appeared on Y/n's face as she watched Dumbledore blame Tom for something, already thinking how only she could behave that way toward Tom and that no one else should dare; the exact same thought Tom had when she was laughed at.
○help cheat on assignments for school○
Tom showed up at the very last minute to transfiguration class and quickly sat down next to his twin, preparing the things as he apologized to the teacher, muttering a quick excuse that came to his mind before shifting his gaze as he saw how Y/n moved some papers toward him muttering "it's the transfiguration assignment that needed to be done, I did it for you.... don't worry you'll get top grades anyway" Tom frowned slightly but then decided it was better than nothing so he handed it in with the others receiving as expected a high grade exactly like Y/n.
○ call each other "bro" and "sis" ○
When the word "sis" came out of Tom's mouth they both cringed, looking at each other almost shuddering in disgust promising each other that they would stay at: brother, sister, twin or their name.
No abbreviations of brother and sister were allowed in their brother-sister relationship.
The Riddle twins turned at the same time looking at each other with a disgusted expression after realizing that they cared about each other, they both were seeing it as a weakness of them that they would never talk openly about with anyone.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @lostmyremembrall
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fangirlforeversthings · 3 months
Obi wan anakin and ahsoka family soap blurb
So i just rewatched one of @zengers star wars ai videos on youtube (which i can only highly recommend they're the best) and heard obi wan calling anakin and ahsoka 'kids'. And this combined with their relationship what was always big bro little sister and their tired single dad i had an idea of soap about obi wan ahsoka and anakin and their daily life:
Anakin and ahsoka being the kids, anakin the older broher and ahsoka the younger sister and obi wan is their tired single dad raising them (also the mom role with their mom satine already passed away who had loved her beloved kids and husband uncondicionally and was so fun and warm and sweet and is missed every day so badly) and r2 d2 being their pet which dad never wanted but the kids found it lost without a home and begged him that they please could keep it an that they would ofc take care of it (obi dad has to take it on walks and feed it and we know it) but in the end he still loves it aswell. Yoda being their unhinged great grandvather already in retirement home telling dirty jokes at the dinner table on thanksgiving and qui gon being their grandfather living nearby teaching them dumb shit joining them on their stupid adventures. Mace windu being their neighbour who hates kids but especially them two who always destroy his peace and quite, windows and lawn. Yelling over the fence to kenobi to get his fucking brood in control while they always play pranks on him all the time. Padme being anakins girlfriend, rex their cousin and cody, quinlan and obi single dad besties, a bros since childhood trio.
Them (the kids and the dad bros) spreading chaos wherever they go. Kids making the dumbest decisions and going on the stupidest adventures together every day, going on their dads very last nerve and not listening to him most of the time. Them accidently almost blowing up the entire city by trying to get him the best gift for fathers day/ his birthday (they probably forgot it in the first place and gotta apologice) trying to show him how much they love and appreciate him and how sorry they are. They would do everything for him and love him uncondicionally. Obi dad sometimes even joining them on their dumb adventures or himself making the stupid decicions and them experiencing all kinds of chaotic days in normal day to day life.
Episodes where the dad bestie trio and all their kids together go on roadtrips camping and get lost and then get chased by a moose through the woods while some funny song playing the background. Or a funny day trip and then at the drive home anakin would be like "...and that was so funny you should have heard that loud splash when i threw her into the fountain, she was so mad tho. But it was so worth it cause it was sooo funny" "Well certainly not for your poor, soaking wet sister" "oh by the way while we are talking about her....where is she?" "What do you mean anakin? She's right th..." and obi dad then turning blank white in the face after looking in the backmirror while driving realising they had forgotten her in the hotel lobby (still dripping wet) and him than doing a 360. turn weels screaching and yeeting of to get her. Her pouting all the way home and obi wan apologizing the whole time "dear i'm so sorry i don't know how that could have happen your brother was going on my nerves with the pool animal and" and anakin just laughing.
Then in the end of the episodes they'd be sitting on the couch in the living room like "dad you know that we love you so much thank you for being the best of all dads" and these were the rare moments they'd be so serious and he'd be like "aw kids even tho you k*ll my very last nerve every day of course i love you guys too more than everything and i could never imagine my life without you two in it" "and r2" "yeah ofc and r2" and then after a cute warm cuddle anakin would say something like "even tho you're old as f*ck" and crack the moment with the invicible audience laughing and obi dad shaking his head sighing and laughing and then the episode ends.
Just their daily life that would be an awesome, fantastic family comedy soap.
Any show title ideas anyone?
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flowerisevil · 2 years
Just saw ur post ur reqs are open👀
I'm requesting for a aemond x oc!Savaelle!Targaryen (silver haired and has violet eyes) a daughter of Daemon with Rhea Royce, her having a large three headed dragon (the dragon egg is given to her when she was born) and ofc a strained relationship with her father rather with everyone
Hold to me | Oc x Aemond Targaryen
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a/n: is Savaelle a name? if it is that's what I named the oc here but if its not a name im sorry in advanced😭. Also I change the story a bit
"There's no way we are going back in King's Landing" Savaelle screamed at her father and tucked inside her comforter.
"We are going, the King is sick you have to meet him atleast" Daemon reasoned.
Savaelle can only rolled her eyes "Yeah and my dragon has one head" she sarcastically spoke.
"I am not a fool father, we are going there because you're dear wife wants to" Savaelle added, it's the truth her father wouldn't bring her to King's Landing to meet the King he's giving his new wife a favor.
"This is not about Rhaenyra"
"No it is! Ever since you're married to her everything is about her, you even cared for her sons than your own!" she snapped and pushed him out of her room.
"Stop being a spolied cunt! and listen to what I say" he gripped her arms tightly causing to her to groan in pain.
"A spoiled cunt huh? you're barely even present in my life" she pushed him with her full force and closed her door.
She leaned against the door and let out a big sigh, the only thing she's excited about going back in King's Landing is meeting her cousin Helaena again they're too young the last time they saw each other.
In the end she didn't have any choice but to obey her father, she was packing her clothes when Rhaenyra entered her room.
"Are you done?" She nicely asked, Rhaenyra has always been nice to her but the young princess doesn't do the same, she can't help but to be mad at them Rhaenyra, her sons and Daemon, they're all happy and expecting for a new child while her here miserable carrying the fact that her own father killed her mother. She was about to help Savaelle but she already pulled away before she can even help her.
"I didn't remember inviting you in my chambers leave now I do not need your help" She said pissed and pull out a cigarette from her drawer and lit it up.
"You shouldn't be smoking"
"And you shouldn't be invading my privacy leave" she said again.
"Savaelle I'm really trying to make this work between us were a family now" Rhaenyra softly said, she don't want the princess to feel that she's not part of them. "Your father loves you Savaelle"
"Yeah tell that my mother and watch as she rise from the dead and laugh at your face" Savaelle chuckled and huff another smoke.
Rhaenyra leave her room defeated.
They all arrived in King's Landing when the doors opened in the Halls a pair of arms immidietly wrapped to her it was Helaena.
"Savaelle! I missed you so much finally you decided to visit here, it's been so long" she said and wrapped her hands around Savaelle's arm.
She can only nod at Helaena while they're walking she was drifted away from Daemon and Rhaenyra as they entered a room.
"Savaelle this is my brother Aegon you remember him don't you?" Helaena introduced her to a guy with a sideways medium hair.
"Greetings to you prince Aegon, how are you?" Savaelle greet and gave them a warm smile.
"I'm great, I am actually married now?" the prince only answered.
"That's great who's this lucky lady?" she tried to sound genuine because if she's being honest no woman is lucky to have this man.
Aegon and Helaena looked at each other, she noticed the way their hands intertwined and reveal their marriage ring.
Holy shit sometimes she forgot that interbred is common in his father's family but she didn't expect this.
"Oh apologies! Congratulations" she said awkwardly, after that she excused herself from them to find her two brothers and she saw them at the grounds where they used to train with their mentors when they were still kids.
"Jace, Luke" she called them the two boys looked at her back, she steps closer to them.
She noticed that they're playing and looking at the new swords, Jacaerys was too mesmerized with that swords while Lucerys seems distracted or bothered.
"What's wrong?" Jacaerys asked him but Savaelle's attention was caught by people whispering behind them.
"That's the bastard right? tsk tsk shame on them"
"How dare they go back here?" is what some of the whisper she heard.
"No one would question me being a heir to Driftmark  if I looked more like Ser Laenor Velaryon and not Ser Harwin Strong" the young prince said, Savaelle softly rub his back to give him comfort.
"It doesn't matter what they think, people will always have judgement in everything we do" Savaelle said as she looked around.
The two prince agreed to her and soon their attentions were caught with a sudden cheering from somewhere Jace and Luke pulled Savaelle with them and pushed themselves to the crowd finally getting in the front, Savaelle saw to men duelling.
One has a white hair and an eyepatch, Aemond Targaryen and the other man was his trainor Ser Criston Cole.
"Is that?" Jacaerys traced as he looked at her.
"Is he your uncle or cousin?" Lucerys asked confused which make her chuckle.
"I don't know, perhaps cousin well I'm not your mother's child" she explained, why does her father's family tree is fucked up.
"Still you're our sister right?" Jacaerys said.
Savaelle looked at them, she might hate their mother and her father but she can never hate these two boys in front of her.
"Look that's Lady Royce daughter right?" The three seems to hear it at the same time.
She sighs and just ignored them, of course she could never run from being one of the topics of nosy cunts here.
They realize that the person that's talking about her was just behind them.
"How dare they talk about you" Savaelle stopped her brothers before they can even start a scene.
"Ignore them" she said and continue to watch the duel between Aemond and Criston.
"There's whisper said that her mother was killed by her father and he would call her a bronze bitch" Savaelle's ear refuse not to listen to their gossips, she  gulped and try to distract not until she heard what they said next.
"Her mother is a bitch no wonder the prince didn't let her live" A dropped of tear fell in her eye and she immidietly grabbed a sword and ran towards the man, she swing the sword meeting the head of the guy a loud screams echoed as soon as his head dropped on the floor.
"Take my mother's name out of your mouth" she said tears are now flowing in her eyes but her face remained emotionless. "If anyone try to disrespect my mother you will have the same fate as his" she added.
"Disarm her!" a knight shouted but before they can even touch her she already threw the sword.
"Savaelle!" Luke and Jace run to her when the knight forcefully make her kneel and put her arms behind her.
"She's the princess let go of her!" Jacaerys shouted.
"Let her go" A voice from behind spoke.
"Prince Aemond..." The knight bow his head to him.
"As I said let the princess go" the knight nod and follow his order, her brothers help her stand up and wipe her tears.
"They disrespect my mother..." Savaelle finally broke down in tears, Luke hugged her while Jace rubbed her back and guide her inside the castle.
She wants to go home, not in Dragonstone, not here in Keep, she wants to go back in Runestone her mother's hometown.
The two boys didn't spoke Savaelle never cried in front of anyone but maybe what she have heard was too foul to make her cry like this. She was hugging her knees and buried her blood stained face between them.
The door in the room opened revealing their parents behind her was the Queen and her three children.
"Savaelle" Daemon called her and went to her, he tried to comfort her but Savaelle pushed him away.
"You're the reason why this is all happening to me..." she whispered, she felt so drained like she was so empty inside.
The Queen and her children left to give them some privacy.
"I want to go back  home, I want to be in Runestone..." she added and cried more.
Daemon stared at her daughter's state, her upper part of dress has stains of blood up to her face, he and Rhaenyra have heard the action she did earlier.
"This is now your home..." Daemon states but she shake her head.
"Savaelle, I regretted all of my actions before I was selfish that time and unmindful but I'm not anymore since I took care of you and watch you grow up" He explained.
"I realized that I shouldn't did that, I know you're looking for a mother's love but Rhaenyra is here she will be your mother" He continued.
"No I don't need your love and certainly I do not need her love" she snapped and leave the room.
Daemon sighs as she walked out, Rhaenyra went to him and rub his back comforting him, what else does he have to do for his daughter to finally accept him and their new family.
"Just give her more time" Rhaenyra smiled to him.
On the other hand, Savaelle stumbled in Helaena in the halls and she askes for her help to lead her in her chambers.
"This is your chamber, beautiful right?" Helaena said, it is indeed beautiful. The color theme of gold and red around the room and a large square window.
"Yes, thank you Helaena" Savaelle's smile was sad and her cousin Helaena noticed it.
"Okay tell me, what happened?" Helaena said but she refused to tell her, she don't want her to pity or sympathize her.
Helaena left her in her room she said that sooner dinner will be ready.
She took a bath in her room in a clean bathtub she filled it with water a soap and dive in there. She relaxed herself a book is in her hand reading it and the other one is a cigarette.
She heard the door open and a voice spoke.
"Helaena? Where are you? Mother is- oh princess I'm sorry to intervene" It was prince Aemond he quickly looked away when he saw your state.
"It's okay my prince, I think you stumbled in a the wrong room" she said and go back to reading.
Aemond gulped and nod immidietly leaving the room, he was embarassed god how he can be so careless.
That night a welcoming feast was gathered in between the families, Savaelle was brushing her hair she's already late but she can't leave with her hair untouched. She ran towards the dinner hall everyone was already there Jace, Luke, The Queen and King and their three children, her father and Princess Rhaenyra and two unfamiliar princesses but her guess that it was her half sisters Rhaena and Baela she heard that they're engaged to Jace and Luke maybe that's why they're here.
She sat beside Jacaerys and three seats are unoccupied before Aegon.
"You're late" an old man said, it was Otto Hightower.
"No need to point it out" she rudely said earning a slight chuckle from her brothers and father.
She walked towards the King and kisses his cheek.
"I am sorry for being late your Grace" she smiled, Viserys can't help but to hugged her in her small time staying here when she was a kid Viserys and her bonded.
"It's nice you see you again" Viserys said sounds like he's about to cry.
The dinner turned out great and peaceful....surprisingly they all laugh, smile it's Savaelle first time eating with all of them and complete.
"I would like to raise a toast for Rhaena and Baela they're getting married soon" Helaena stood up raising a glass of wine. "Even though he mostly ignores you, except when he's drunk" Helaena continued.
The sound of Savaelle and her father's mixed laughed echoed around the room.
"I am definitely enjoying this" She whispered to Lucerys.
She watched as Jacaerys walked towards Helaena inviting her for a dance, Helaena's brother and... husband ugh glared at her brother Jace. They both danced together she can see how her cousin look so relief and happy she was clapping when a hand was placed in front of her.
"May I have a dance with you, princess?" she looked at where the voice came from it was prince Aegon.
She pursed her lips and accepted his offer they both walked near the other two, Aegon placed his hands on her ass and gently squeezing it, her face tinged with discomfort, Daemon stood up from his chair but before he can even come near his daughter, Aemond already took actions, he gripped his brother's arm.
"I do think that this isn't the right way to dance a lady, if you don't mind I would like to show you" Aegon rolled his eyes as Aemond took his place to her.
He guide her arms gently to wrap it around his neck and his arms wrapped around her waist "Is this fine?" he asked for permission and she can only nod.
Aemond stared at her examining her perfect sculpted face, her silver hair same as him but her eyes is violet, not purple or lavender but a beautiful violet unlike him he get his eyes from his mother.
"You're very beautiful princess" he suddenly blurted as they intertwined their arms and dance.
"Why thank you, my prince" Savaelle smile making him drop his heart, her smile seven fucking hell she's gorgeous.
After they dance they go back to their sits the King already asked to rest while in the middle of feast while the servants guide him to his chambers, new foods was served it was a roasted pig Savaelle can clearly see Luke's chuckling.
He's laughing at something and when she followed his gaze it was Aemond who's he's laughing at, everyone flinched when Aemond softly slammed his fist at the table before grabbing a goblet.
"For the final tribute for my nephews, prince Jace, prince Luke, and prince Joffrey, they've grown into a wise, handsome and STRONG boys" he emphasizes the word strong, Savaelle looked at them god why would he bring this up again?
"I dare you to say it again" Jacaerys said warning him, Aemond tilts his head to the side pretending to be confused.
"Cheers for the three Strong boys"  he still continued.
Jacaerys walked towards him but he was quickly pushed by Aemond to the ground, Luke stood up to defend his brother but Aegon quickly held his head and pushed it on the table, Savaelle took the knife near her and stabbed the prince hand.
"Fuck!" Aegon shouts as he let go of Luke, she immidietly went to him and check him
"I'm okay, thanks" The boy said, Luke and Jace both tried to fight the two other brothers when the guards held them both.
The guards let go of them when Rhaenyra and Daemon came, Savaelle held their arms and looked at Aemond he was talking to her mother while smirking to them, pissing her brothers
"Don't" She said as she tightly gripped their arm, soon Aemond stormed out of the room.
After the fight that happened Savaelle decided to have a small fly, she changed her clothes and leave her chamber.
She whistled when she was finally outside the castle she heard a growl from a far and slowly she saw her dragon, Yrael a three headed dragon with black scales.
She was smiling and was about to go to the dragon when a hand grabbed her.
"And where do you think you're going princess?" Aemond asked teasingly, he snakes his arms around her waist.
"I need fresh air and get your hand off me" Aemond immidietly did what she said and muttered an apology.
"It's dangerous to be out in the middle of the night"
"Oh please there's no safe place for women my prince" Savaelle rolled her eyes while walking towards her dragon and pet him.
"A three headed dragon? Impressive" Aemond complimented.
"He's beautiful right?" Savaelle said and mount him.
"My prince you have two choice either you're gonna come with me and accompany me somewhere or you're going back to the castle and your chamber and pretend like didn't see anything, choose" Aemond chuckled at her proposal.
"Wait for me up in the sky" Is what he only said before leaving her.
She did end up waiting for him in the sky, she was about to leave when Yrael was distracted by a dragon's growl, he saw a big dragon Vhagar stopping beside her dragon.
"Shall we?" Aemond said and they both flee in the sky.
They take their time up in the sky until they get tired they both stopped in a Lake, Aemond took off his robe and put it on the grass so they can sit comfortably.
"So what's with your problem with my brothers?" Savaelle broke the silence between them
"They're not your brothers, you're a Targaryen their aren't"
"To me they are"
Aemond sighs "When I was young they use to tease me for not having a dragon one day they told me that they have a surprise for me that they found a dragon for me turns out it was a pig" Savaelle finally understand why was Lucerys laughing earlier when a pig was placed in front of him.
"I just returned what they did to me, earlier Lucerys was making fun of me because of the big so I made fun of their legitimacy" he added
She don't know what to respond honestly, she do know what it felt like being questioned by her legitimacy but she don't know what it felt like making fun of for not having a dragon.
"You looked like Lady Royce" she looked at him, surprised no one has ever told her that people often tell her how she looked like Daemon because of her eyes and hair it makes her irritated knowing that people can see her father's resemblance to her and not her mother.
"Are you teasing me?" she asked it was a genuine question.
"No haha, I know people often tell you how you looked like your father but no I can see Lady Royce I saw her once when I was a child" he replied and went closer to her.
"I don't have any memories of her, but my uncle show me some paintings of her" She murmured "They told me that they never seen her happy until the day that I was born" she added a small tears escaped her eyes.
Aemond wiped it for her, "You deserve the world princess" he professed.
Savaelle smiled finally a person who can umderstand her, they sat there and just watch or talk about the stars surprisingly the prince knows alot about astronomy.
He watched as the starry sky reflect in her eyes, she's so magically gorgeous.
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takaraphoenix · 5 months
My Ranking of D20 Campaigns
So I actually managed to watch all of them (or all that are out so far; not counting the still ongoing Junior Year yet) and since I like making lists, I drafted this post early on to keep track of which I love the most and how that love changed whenever I started watching a new campaign.
A Starstruck Odyssey
The Seven
A Court of Fey and Flowers
The Unsleeping City: Chapter II
The Unsleeping City
Mice and Murder
Burrow’s End
Fantasy High: Sophomore Year
A Crown of Candy
Pirates of Leviathan
Escape From the Bloodkeep
Coffin Run
Dungeons and Drag Queens
Misfits and Magic
Fantasy High
Ravening War
Tiny Heist
Shriek Week
This was actually really, really hard, because the recency bias usually has me go “this is SO SO GOOD”.
I started watching D20 back in April last year, Misfits and Magic was the first campaign I watched - and The Seven was, I think, maybe the fifth or so? And it was my number one for the longest time. I love the girls, both the characters and the players, I love the plot, I love everything about that campaign. It is so heart-wrecking with the emotions it goes through for them all.
But then I watched A Starstruck Odyssey and it just hit all the right spots - the found family crew of a spaceship having wacky space-adventures is just something I deeply, deeply love and these characters were so much fun - and has the benefit of being longer and giving me more to fall in love with, I suppose. Still though, the difference between first and second is very narrow.
And I consider 4 and 5 a tie, to be honest. The Unsleeping City is one story, to me, I know the seasons are very distinct, but the flow of it and also my love for both is near equal. This campaign has the highest concentration of favorite PCs for me, like, when I made a list of my favorite Intrepid Heroes characters, their TUC characters all came in as either first or second place. Sophia Lee is the best Emily character ever, I will fight for her.
I am so madly, deeply in love with A Court of Fey and Flowers, which features my favorite PC romance so far, plus an impeccable cousin dynamic between Lou and Emily, also... there’s no fighting. While most fights are somewhat entertaining in DnD, I still remain Just Not An Action Gal and could skip on those in favor of more roleplaying scenes of character development and relationship exploration. And this campaign absolutely hit that spot just right. Plus, the fantasy fairy setting, and Aabria’s wonderful storytelling (how is this woman so talented? She was my first introduction to DnD as a DM, and then I got to see her as a player in the Seven and Pirates of Leviathan and she makes such great choices as a player too).
This list was ridiculously hard to make, because I look at it and I see Mice and Murder only on 6th place even though that definitely was the campaign where I had the hardest time to stop watching, I pulled an all nighter to watch half of it because it had the greatest grip on me, but then I look at the ones I placed higher than it and I can’t find it in me to move any of them lower either.
Recency bias definitely made placing Burrow’s End very hard. Not to repeat myself, but I am madly, deeply in love with Aabria’s storytelling. Combined with talking animals, the family focus, Brennan playing a mom as a PC (moms are my favorite Brennan characters), I have a lot of love for this campaign and I hope so badly that we’ll get a second part.
And here’s the reason why I couldn’t count TUC as one. Because Fantasy High: Sophomore Year ranks so much higher than the first FH for me. This was such a fun, ridiculous story, and it introduced my two favorite NPCs of all campaigns; Ayda and Garthy. It set the bar for FH3 really high and I am looking at Brennan to keep up the great work.
A Crown of Candy is well-placed in the middle. I am not the biggest fan of tragedies and definitely not into character death, but the characters and the world, are so very compelling still, even if I prefer the ones that died over the replacement characters - and that’s what puts it in the middle. Good, but could have been better.
Pirates of Leviathan was short but the characters, the players. Aabria is so so so good in this, it kills me. And she’s not alone. Bob is one of the greatest PCs of Dimension 20, to me, and that is vastly due to Krystina’s talent.
Escape From the Bloodkeep is one of the most surprising campaigns for me. This is a LotR parody that turned out to be way too heartfelt and much more found family than expected and it is great.
And Coffin Run is honestly one of the funniest D20 campaigns and I am wildly in love with about every single decision Izzy Roland made in this campaign. I am also entirely and absolutely gay for every decision Erika Ishii made.
Dungeons and Drag Queens was a very... standard adventure, but the players were so much fun to see. This would honestly be such a good campaign to start your D20 journey with, because the way Brennan eases them in and explains everything is so wonderful, and the excitement and joy of everything new they’re trying is contagious.
Mentopolis was cute, though I’m not big on noir and detective stories so that factors into why it ranks relatively low for me, even though the players and the characters were amazing. Dan Fucks is brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
And though the very first campaign I watched, Misfits and Magic didn’t make it too high. Some of it is the bytaste of HP, which I have come to just... not be able to stand anymore even though I am well aware that it’s a parody of it, and the other factor is the length. It’s hard to compete with 10 to 12 episode campaigns, that had so much more time to flesh out dynamics, worlds and characters and make me fall in love with them all, and that’s not really a reflection of the quality of this campaign.
I remain not much of a fan of the first Fantasy High. Maybe because I watched The Seven before this so when I watched FH, it gave me more of a feeling of “why is there a prequel spin-off about Zelda’s boyfriend who never had a proper appearance anyway? My girls should have bigger roles in this??”, but I largely feel that FH1 was more set-up, and the Bad Kids and their story really took off for me in the sequel, which I greatly enjoyed.
While I enjoyed the characters and the players’ dynamic in Ravening War, I am just... I guess I’m generally not much into “and it’s all futile anyway because I know how the story continues and these guys are not in it”? Matter of taste, I guess, but if that has to compete with others, it will lose.
Honestly, I enjoyed Tiny Heist when I watched it and I don’t dislike it, but it’s just so short and didn’t have anything that incredibly stood out to me in a manner that gripped me, so it had a hard time competing with other campaigns that gave me something I deeply fell in love with. 
I don’t like Neverafter, it had some good characters in it but on the overall this absolutely did not vibe with me. Which is a huge disappointment for me as a lover of fairy tale crossovers, but the dark horror approach does not work for me at all.
The only thing that was easy was the bottom of this list, honestly. Shriek Week was, hands down, the only campaign I absolutely did not enjoy. The storytelling was a mess, even before watching the Adventuring Party for it, it was clear that the whole ~villain plot~ was improvised and I still wish it had just... not... been in there.
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