#Everyday witchcraft
witchcraftwithgodless · 5 months
If I have learned anything about witchcraft, everything has to do with intention and protection. You have to be clear in your intentions. You have to make sure you are protected and practicing safely.
Remember you are continuously learning and growing. You’re allowed to stop practicing regularly and then come back to it later. You’re allowed to change how to practice. You’re allowed to make mistakes but always make sure you still putting your safety first.
Your practice is valid and so are you🫶
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ladyastrelle · 8 months
Keep my name outta
yo f***ing mouth jar 👄🫙
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How to:
You need 1 small jar (like a baby food jar) or glass vial/container with cork or a top, and another larger jar you can seal it in, with room around it to add herbs.
In the small jar make a name paper with your name (full name) and any nicknames, business names etc. Then add a petition that says "For Every time you speak ill over me, my life becomes more beautiful and my wealth grows, while your life becomes more unbearable, and your wealth and health fade." Sign the petition with your full name.
Fill the small jar with those papers, lavender, basil, sage, cloves, rosemary and patchouli. Optionally, you can add small sized Quartz stones. Then seal that jar well. If the jar is corked, seal with wax.
Place it in the large jar and fill the rest of the large jar with any of the following: salt, peppercorns, chilis, chili powder, red peppers, nightshade, belladonna, pokeroot, garlic, hotfoot powder, tobacco, small rusted nails, small mirror shards, dead bugs, spider webs, cloves, poppy seeds, small sticker burrs, cat claws- once you've added what you like, top it with more salt, chili powder and your baneful herbs (you want most of the smaller vessel covered) then twist that jar top tight. Seal as you desire.
Lastly, place intent into the jar- you can do this by burning a tealight candle over it and focusing on your intended outcome, or similarly by burning a separate petition or sigil you create on top and scattering the ashes to the wind.
You may bury this jar or keep it hidden somewhere close to you as it does its task.
-Lady Astrelle xx
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
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https-witch · 11 days
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More Actually Simple Witch Tips! 🎐
🫙Shop for products in sustainable packaging that you can reuse for witchcraft like spaghetti sauce in glass jars. They're not more expensive, I swear!
🌿Oven dry or air dry fresh herbs & fruits that might go bad or just chop them finely to use in a spell.
🕯️Melt the bottom of you candles when it doesn't stay lit anymore & pour in a smaller container (post coming up on how to do so!)
🃏Keep cards by your bed to pick a few everyday. This will help you learn & also know what your day will be like!
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The goal with these is to make things as affordable, cheap & doable without going out too much. Hope it helps 🎉☁️⛅
Tip me if you want idk
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motherwytch · 2 months
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Another very basic, very Wicca based, beginner's book. At least this one I finished, though I mostly think that's due to my listening to the audiobook, and I found Rebecca Mitchell's voice very soothing.
I didn't personally gain anything new from this one, but I do think it's a decent book for anyone who is just starting out or looking for some ideas for less formal spellwork.
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lorenzaargent · 2 months
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The pandemic sourdough craze hit me about four years late, but seeing as how Emma Jean is the only creature I can keep alive besides myself, l'll be riding this train to the end.
This one came together fairly easily, it's moist enough without falling apart, and it's the right amount of sweet. And having real apples in it means it's basically nutrient dense; right?
Apple Fritter Bread from Living Bread Baker.
I didn't make any substantial changes to this recipe other than a few accidental glitches.
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the-virgo-witch · 9 months
I recently started learning how to crochet, and I came up with a little chant to repeat to work in some knot magic. This one is for a scarf I’m making as a gift for my friend:
You are beautiful, and you show it,
You are divine, and you know it.
With this knot and all the rest
It holds my intention, this scarf is blessed.
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thevioletmoonwitchery · 3 months
Be the Witch They Deserve
Yes, you read that correctly. I am often asked what type of Witch I am. More often than not my answer is, “What type of Witch do you want me to be?”. This will usually result in either a chuckle or confusion. But this is simply my way of telling people that the Witch they get to deal with is a direct result of their behavior.
Let’s be honest as much as we might prefer to be do no harm, healing, love and light Witches, not everyone we have dealings with deserves that version of us. Yes I certainly understand that those people could just be ignored. However I feel that does nothing but instill in such people that their behavior is acceptable. Which is the furthest thing from the truth.
Most of our mundane selves would not be kind, caring and respectful to a person or persons who were treating us poorly. So why should your Witch self do it? The simple truth of the matter is that he or she should not. Trust me when I say there are some people out there that deserve to meet the dark Witch inside you. The one with the fuck around and find out attitude. Do not be afraid to let that Witch out if the situation warrants it. It’s called matching energy, and if people don’t like it they should behave better.
Brightest Blessings,
The Violet Moon Witchery
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glitchwitchenby · 2 years
A breakfast spell to gain power over your enemy
6 vegan sausages (or meat option, idk)
4 slices of bread
Plenty of low-fat spread (or butter, I guess)
Sage, for flavour (very important)
Put the sausages on a baking tray in a cold oven, then turn the oven on to 200 (390F).
35 minutes later, toast and butter all four slices of bread. Sprinkle a little sage on slices one and three. It doesn't take much.
Carefully, with considered intent, slice the sausages lengthwise using a sharp knife while uttering the name of your most hated enemy. My most hated enemy right now is cancer*, because sod cancer. Visualise the knife emasculating your foe.
Assemble two sandwiches, three sausages on each. Place three sausages on top of each of the saged slices of bread.
Symbolically devour your enemy, by devouring your sandwich.
Give the other sandwich to your partner/best friend/local homeless person.
Maybe don't tell them about your enemy. Or do. I'm not your parent, I'm not gonna tell you what to do.
*Addendum based on kind anonymous person's contribution: Intent is everything. Invoking cancer every time you make breakfast, without specific intent, probably isn't a good idea.
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Y’all wanna know the first book that I can trace my interest in witchcraft to?
It’s a book by Alvin Schwartz called Cross Your Fingers and Spit in Your Hat.
It’s a children’s book on superstitions and I still go back and reference it. It’s beautifully written (as anything by Schwartz is) and impeccably researched. Schwartz is a historian as much as he is a storyteller.
Every time I return to this book I find a little bit of myself again. I’m reminded of what magic means to me. I’m reminded of what my folks have always told me. I’m reminded that folk have been practicing magic of one sort or another as long as there’s been folks.
It makes me want to look a little closer at the little idiosyncrasies that make up my magic.
I guess what I’m trying to say is go back to the books that first brought magic to your mind when it seems like it’s gone missing.
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witchcraftwithgodless · 6 months
Welcome to my witchy blog✨💃
The name’s godless and I’m an omnist, belief in all religions but no religion is 100% correct, but it’s important to know every omnist has their own perspective on it. I practice a little bit of every kind of witchcraft (more often than not I focus more on low energy practices)
Safe space for all except for those who want to make it feel unsafe
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stonesbyhaille · 11 months
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cavorta · 1 year
New blog post about everyday magic and witchcraft.
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moonlaughs · 2 years
It's a selenite-in-the-bra kind of day.
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wee-witchy-woman · 2 years
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Drawing a sigil on your baggy to make your stash a little more magical ✨
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outoflizworld · 2 years
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I need help affording school supplies! Please consider contributing!
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