#FFN can have a little glow-up. as a treat.
threewaysdivided · 1 year
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Decided to update the original FFN-style ‘book cover’ art for my fanfic Young Justice: Deathly Weapons. 
It’s fun to see how the visual identity of this fic has evolved from when I first came up with and posted the initial idea (right) to now (left) that it has a fully-detailed plan that’s developed a vibe of its own.
[Art pieces inside the background-portals can be seen here and here.  Teaser summary for upcoming “episodes” here.]
Original Summary:
Hunted. Haunted. Hero. Kryptonians aren’t the only species with weaponisation potential.
New FFN Summary:
A business agreement. A small-town hero, on the run and struggling. A danger few people even believe is real. When an unexpected face intervenes on a mission gone wrong, the Boy Wonder begins to realise that there's more to the story. And what started out as a hunt for answers draws the Duo - and the Team - into a more complex web than any of them could have seen coming.
New AO3 Summary:
A business agreement seems like such a small thing.
In the eyes of the world, Phantom and the Fentons are long gone.  But accidents aren’t always accidents and, when an unexpected face intervenes on a mission gone wrong, the Boy Wonder begins to realise that there’s more to the story.
The stubborn fugitive they find isn’t the easiest lead to work with.  But those powers have potential, and partnership could be an asset - so long as Robin can play his cards right.  And, while he may not want to admit it, their offer might be exactly what a struggling half-ghost needs.
Which turns out to be a lot less one-sided than any of them knew.  As the paranormal starts coming out of the woodwork and clues begin piling up, a new recruit might just be what the Team needs too.
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pianomanblaine · 3 years
Down Once More
This story was written for the Potober prompts “Down Once More” and “And Now, How You Betray Me”, particularly with the words “taken hostage” and “betrayal” in mind. It resulted in an alternative version of the final lair. Fair warning: this one does not have a happy ending. 
He dragged her along the dark and damp corridors beneath the opera house at a frantic pace, his grip on her arm harsh and unrelenting, not even sparing her a backward glance as she stumbled over her own feet trying to keep up with him. Her head was still reeling from the events leading up to this moment. It had all happened so fast, yet here and now, time seemed to lose all meaning. Every separate moment seemed to fade into the next one, forming one big hazy blur. It might have been several hours or merely a few minutes before they reached the shore of the underground lake and Erik was steering the little boat across the water towards his house.
Once inside, he pushed her into the bedroom which she had come to think of as hers, and roughly thrust the wedding dress he had so painstakingly crafted for her into her arms. He did not leave the room, did not even turn around to give her the smallest bit of privacy as he forced her to change into it. He immediately started yanking at the fastenings of the dress she was wearing, undressing her with great urgency, letting the garment pool around her feet, and for a moment she feared that he had gone completely mad and would try to violate her. But he only barked out an order for her to put on the wedding gown as he began to agitatedly pace the floor, only occasionally glancing in her direction while she got dressed again.
When she was finished, Erik retrieved a veil – she did not see where from, he might as well have pulled it out of thin air – and forcefully pushed it onto her head. Under any other circumstances, she might have been able to appreciate how delicate and beautiful it was, with its wreath of white and pale pink flowers that contrasted so nicely against her dark brown hair. It hardly weighed anything, but to Christine it felt incredibly heavy, carrying with it the full weight of Erik’s expectations.
Now that her wedding attire was complete, Erik finally stood still long enough to fully look at her. She wondered if he was happy with what he saw. He must have imagined her in that very dress so many times. Was he satisfied now that he had what he wanted, even knowing that it was against her will? Was it all really worth it?
Before she got the chance to ask him, he turned his back on her and walked away without saying a word. She followed him into the sitting room, where a fire was burning brightly in the hearth, its warm glow a striking contrast to the icy atmosphere in the room.
“So what now?” Christine asked, breaking the tense silence between them. “Are you planning to keep me hostage here, hoping I will suddenly change my mind and agree to marry you after all? Or will you just drag me in front of a priest and threaten me until I say ‘I do’?”
“This is not exactly how I had imagined it to go either, Christine,” he snapped as he stood by the fire with his back turned towards her. “I had a plan, and it would have worked if your precious little Vicomte didn’t have to ruin it all.”
“Raoul was only trying to protect me.”
“And look where his protection got you,” Erik sneered, turning to face her with a grotesque grin on his bare face as he gestured around the room, “in the Phantom’s lair, captured by the madman!”
“I never believed you to be mad, Erik,” she replied, “but I have come to understand how dangerous you can be.”
Christine’s heart twisted painfully as she recalled the early days of their acquaintance, when she still believed he was the Angel of Music. How kind he had always been to her, how gently he had treated her. But that had changed drastically when she learned of his deception and discovered his true identity. He had continued to act as her tutor, coaxing her voice to unknown heights, and although he was never harsh or violent towards her, he had grown defensive and suspicious, always on his guard around her, as if he could not believe that she could still feel any genuine kindness towards him now that she had seen his face.
“Well yes, I suppose I am like a wild animal in that regard. When feeling threatened, I can be extremely dangerous indeed,” Erik agreed. He took a few steps towards her, closing the distance between them, his tall frame towering over her. He seemed to be challenging her, daring her to look at the face of the monster.
“Should I be afraid then?” she asked, rising to the challenge and looking straight into his strange yellow eyes.
At first he merely seemed surprised, maybe even impressed, by her bravery as she stood her ground and faced him without flinching, but by the way his face fell only a moment later, she could tell when the meaning of her words hit him. He turned away as he spoke.
“Of course not. I never meant for you to be scared of me. I never intended you any harm.” He took a few steps back, as if to prove his point, as if he hoped to seem less threatening if he stood a little further away from her.
“Kidnapping me is a strange way of showing it,” Christine huffed.
His posture stiffened at the accusation. “You didn’t exactly leave me much choice, did you?” he said through clenched teeth. “You betrayed me!”
“I betrayed you?” she gasped in disbelief, her hands balling into fists by her sides. “Do you want to talk about betrayal, Erik? Do you want to discuss how you lied to me for years, pretending to be an angel sent by my dead father to watch over me? How you blackmailed the managers into doing your bidding, how you terrorized Carlotta and God knows how many others?”
“Don’t you understand? I did it all for you! Because I love you!” he roared.
“Don’t you dare blame this all on me! You killed two innocent people, Erik! How does that have anything to do with love?”
“Buquet was not innocent,” he snorted. “He was a vile lecher, a pervert preying on young defenceless ballerinas in the dark behind the stage. He got what was coming to him.”
The man was certainly no saint, Erik was right about that and Christine knew it, but how could he not see that that did not justify his murder? Even so, she might have been able to forgive him for it eventually, if it had not been for Piangi.
“Piangi never hurt anyone.”
“Piangi was in the way!” he exclaimed. “I did not mean to kill him, merely to incapacitate him long enough to take his place on the stage, but I ran out of time and I became careless. He was the only thing standing between us and I was not about to let him ruin my plan, no matter the cost.”
“You are delusional if you truly believe he was the only obstacle standing in your way. What did you expect to happen tonight, Erik? You would take Piangi’s place, sing with me in an opera of your own creation in front of a full theatre, and then what? I’d fall into your arms and we’d live happily ever after?” She tore the veil out of her hair in frustration, throwing it at his feet. If he thought that after all the times he had tried to force her hand, had tried to manipulate her into choosing him, she would now willingly become his bride, he was sorely mistaken.
“I cannot deny the truth of that, although it now becomes painfully clear how foolish I was to entertain such hopes.” Although his words seemed to imply that he blamed himself for having such unrealistic expectations, the glare he directed at Christine made it clear that he also faulted her for his disappointment. “I was ready to lay my heart at your feet tonight, Christine, and how did you repay me? By tearing off my mask and revealing my monstrous shame for all of Paris to see! I trusted you!”
His angry shouting turned into a sob of betrayal and despair, and for the briefest of moments, Christine’s anger was overshadowed by compassion for the man in front of her. She was well aware of how badly she must have hurt him by doing what she did, but she had no other options. If she hadn’t done something drastic that would enrage him enough to take action, the gendarmes waiting behind the stage would have closed in on him and captured him, or worse.
Raoul must have thought she was in her dressing room or somewhere else out of earshot as he gave his instructions to shoot Erik when the time came, but she had been too nervous to sit still for long, choosing instead to wander the hallways and eventually finding her way behind the stage, pacing back and forth in the dark as she waited for the inevitable tragedy of the night to unfold. She had heard every word. If she hadn’t acted when she did, Erik might have been dead by now.
“I understand that my actions hurt you too, Erik, truly, I do, but you gave me no choice. Can’t you see it was wrong to pin all your hopes and dreams on me? You’ve told me you love me, and I believe that in your own way you really do, but I cannot be held responsible for your feelings, Erik. I do not owe you anything simply because you love me.”
At the crestfallen, heartbroken look on his face, she almost went to him, almost closed the distance between them and embraced him in a futile attempt to offer him some comfort, a silent apology for having shattered his dreams in a few sentences. Almost. Whatever she had to offer him, it would not be enough now. He would always want what she could not give him.
“I know that I cannot make you love me,” Erik began after a long, heavy silence. “God knows I have tried long enough.” His voice sounded softer now, his bitter and accusatory tone completely gone. “But do you not care for me even a little bit? That could be enough for me. We could start over somewhere new, where no one knows who we are. I could still tutor you and you could still sing.” He was pleading now, with his eyes as well as his words, hoping against all odds that he could still convince her to share her future with him.
“I would expect nothing from you, Christine. I’d do anything to make you happy, I’d give you anything you want. You would only have to ask and it would be yours, and you would not have to do anything in return other than stay by my side. Dammit Christine, I am beyond pride. I’ll fall to my knees and beg if I must. Stay with me. Please.”
And for a moment, Christine was truly tempted to throw caution to the wind and go with him. She did care for him, how could she not? Despite everything, he was still her Angel of Music. She could not deny he had been an integral part of her life since the first moment she met him. Erik had been her sole companion during those terrifying first few years after her father’s passing. Through music he had brought her soul back to life. The connection between them was irrefutable, and she could hardly imagine a world where she would never see him again.
Yet she knew that what he asked of her was impossible. Even if he claimed that he had no expectations from her, she knew that he would never be truly happy until she returned his affections, that he would always continue to hope, and she could not bear to disappoint him. Besides, she already had a fiancé. Raoul. Her childhood sweetheart. Sweet, protective, kind-hearted Raoul, who was probably trying desperately to find a way to save her, even if he had to risk his own life to do so, at this very moment.
Where Erik’s love for her was obsessive and at times almost frightening, being with Raoul would be as easy as breathing. He might not be able to give her a life of music, but she would be safe and cared for. She would not want for anything, and unlike Erik, Raoul was not a wanted man. Choosing a life on the run with Erik over a comfortable and uncomplicated one with Raoul might be romantic, but it would also be foolish.
“I do care for you Erik,” she finally replied, “but I cannot stay.”
He did not try to convince her after that. He merely nodded in resignation, as if he had always known this would be the final outcome.
“Go then,” he said. “You can choose a change of clothes from the wardrobe in your – in the spare room. You would draw too much unwanted attention if you returned dressed the way you are now.”
Christine wondered if that was his true reasoning, or if he simply wanted to keep the wedding dress as a memento to torment himself with.
She obeyed his instructions for the last time, selecting a simple yet elegant dark blue day dress out of the assortment of clothes Erik had kept on hand for her since the first time she had spent the night in his home.
When she re-entered the sitting room to say her final goodbyes, Erik was kneeling on the floor, desperately clutching the veil she had so carelessly discarded earlier, a look of terrible sorrow etched across his distorted face. He brought the fabric to his misshapen nose, trying to inhale the little bit of her perfume that might cling to it.
His eyes flew open and he looked up at her in surprise when he heard her footsteps. He clearly had not expected her to come back.
Erik stood up slowly, wiping invisible dust from his trousers, straightening his jacket, as if after all that had transpired, it was still of the utmost importance that he look presentable to her. Maybe his habit of dressing so nicely was an attempt to compensate for the imperfection of his face, she suddenly realized.
A tentative smile formed on his lips as he watched her, silently waiting for whatever last scrap of kindness she would offer him before stepping out of his life for good. Christine could almost feel her heart breaking as she removed the ring he had thrust on her finger earlier that night, holding it out towards him. The ring was supposed to be a promise, a physical sign that their lives would forever be entwined. It did not feel right to keep it.
Erik’s smile disappeared as he reached for the ring, holding her hand in his for a moment while he looked into her eyes, silently begging her to change her mind. She gave a minute shake of her head before letting go of the ring and withdrawing her hand, a single tear trailing down her cheek.
Christine did not say goodbye, her voice unable to get the word out. She turned around and walked away, forcing herself to set one foot in front of the other until she had reached the door. If she did not leave now, she never would, and she knew she had to.
At the door, she stopped and looked back at him over her shoulder. One last glance at the man who had taught her voice to soar. He was still watching her, and when he noticed her looking at him he nodded once, as if to say: “It’s alright. Go. I understand.”
Trying to keep her tears at bay, she stepped over the threshold and made her way to the jetty, where the boat lay waiting for her. She knew she was making the right decision by leaving. But then why did it feel as if she was leaving a part of her heart behind?
As Christine steered the boat to the other side and removed herself from his life forever, Erik’s almost inhuman scream of loss and despair echoed across the underground lake. It was a sound that would haunt her for the rest of her days.
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jobrookekarev · 3 years
When Chip Babies Turn Into Real Babies
Chapter One of One
Words: 3463
Summary: Since Jo and Meredith managed the whole Hospital while the rest of them are high, as a special treat, Arizona and Alex plan a night for them to have a weed cookie get high. However, Arizona insists that Jo takes a pregnancy test beforehand just to be sure. 
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson. 
Characters: Alex Karev, Jo Wilson, Meredith Grey, and Arizona Robbins.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Additional Tags: Weed, Unplanned Pregnancy, Surprise Babies, and of course chips.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
“It was totally not fair,” Jo said a few days after the weed incident as they got ready for work. “Meredith and I kicked ass yesterday and we had an amazing presentation planned, but then you all got high as kites and we dropped everything to basically manage the whole Hospital. I did a solo surgery, a partial gastrectomy, and I saved a man's stomach all by myself while you ate chips and hung out with a baby, which are your two favorite things.”
“Yeah,” Alex could only nod and agree because babies and chips were his two favorite things, and he remembered the day with the chips and little Leo very fondly. “Hey, do you think Owen would let me babysit sometime?”
Jo just gave him a deadpan look before she continued to put the files in her bag. “And we didn't even get to do our presentations and now the whole thing is canceled! I’ve been stressed for weeks. I puked and got stress hives for nothing.” 
Alex put down his plate of eggs and walked over to her. He wrapped his arms around her waist. Jo remained stiff in his arms for a second before she sighed and relaxed, leaning against him as he kissed her cheek. “How about I make it up to you tonight, yeah? We'll get some pizza and beer and dirty the bed sheets.” 
Jo giggled and smiled as he rubbed his thumb over the bit of bare skin under her shirt. “That sounds great and maybe you could put your tongue to good use?”
“You know I love to please you,” Alex said with a smiled as he kissed her cheek and trailed his hand lower to the button of her jeans. 
He punctuated his words with kisses down her neck as his other hands slipped under the hem of her jeans. Jo giggled and turned her head to give him a proper kiss as their lips melted together before he pulled her over to the bed. There were some perks to dating an attending, in that, no one batted an eye when Alex made them late for work.
Alex looked around the halls of the surgery ward for Arizona. She was usually here after rounds and Alex spotted her coming out of a patient’s room and waved her over. 
“Hey,” Alex said, leaning in closer to her as Arizona gave him a weird look. “Do you by any chance have any of those weed cookies left over?”
Arizona immediately smiled and raised her eyebrows, giving him a nod. “Yeah, I’ve still got half the tin. You want another one after work?”
“Not for me, for Jo. She’s pissed I got to get high and eat chips a day, so I thought I’d make it up to her and let her try one,” Alex said with a smile.
He couldn't wait to see Jo when she was high. He could only imagine how cute a high Jo would be, as she was absolutely adorable when she was drunk. 
“Look at you being all considerate and doing something sweet for your fiancée,” Arizona said with a sickly sweet smile as she lightly slapped his arm with the back of her hand. “Yeah, of course. Do you want me to drop them off at the Loft?”
“Well, actually, I was thinking you could come over too,” Alex said, spotting Meredith as she walked by. “Hey Mer?”
“Yeah,” Meredith said, putting down her tablet and coming over to them. 
“I'm going to surprise Jo with one of the weeds cookies. Do you want to come over tonight and have one too?” Alex asked, if there was one thing he loved as much as a drunk Jo, it was a drunk Meredith. The two of them together would be absolute chaos but so fun, and he couldn’t wait to watch the two of them get high together.
“Oh, that’d be great,” Arizona said, as she tapped the counter in excitement. “Plus, it would help with the pain relief for your hand.”
“I don't know, I don't have anyone to watch the kids tonight,” Meredith said, looking a little hesitant. 
“Well, I heard Pierce and Zola we're going to have a Scrabble night, so enjoy that,” Alex said, raising an eyebrow at her.
He knew that Maggie and Zola's scrabble games were avoided by everyone else as much as possible, lest they get roped into being the judge between the two competitive girls.
“All right, I'm in,” Meredith said, immediately agreeing.
“Great! Why don't you both come over a little after eight and Jo and I should be home by 8:30 pm? I was gonna take her to get her favorite pizza as well. She’s been craving it for days,” Alex said with a smile, he figured if he was going to do this, he would go all out and treat his girl. “And I'll make sure that you and Jo can get the rest of the day off tomorrow.”
“Oh, that's smart,” Arizona said as she nodded with a little giggle. “I always feel a little extra lingering effects the next day and after the cookies, I was so out of it.”
“Sounds good,” Meredith agreed with a smile.
The two of them left and Alex looked around. He spotted Bailey walking down the hall and went to ask her about getting the next day off for Jo and Meredith. After getting everything set up, he wandered over to the balcony above the 4th floor nurses station. Alex couldn't wait for tonight as he paused and leaned against the railing. 
He easily spotted Jo at the nurse’s station ordering the interns around. Her brown hair was tucked back in the twin braids he had done for her that morning, although a few strands still stuck out around her face like a halo, and her skin glowed in the morning sun that streamed in through the windows. She worked so hard and had risen so far this year. She had forgiven him when he didn't deserve it, she had divorced Paul and fought for Jenny, and she had relentlessly worked on the mini-livers with Meredith. Most of all, she had grown in the confidence and assurance in herself that allowed her to succeed in her career. 
Jo must have felt his eyes on her as she finished sending off the interns and looked up to catch his eyes, giving him a smile. He easily smiled back and lay down to put his hand on his arm just to stare at her. He could hear Jo’s giggle from all the way up there as she wrinkled her nose when she smiled up at him again, before she held her head high and walked away. She had grown into an excellent surgeon and he was so proud of her. She deserved a night off to relax and have fun and let loose. 
After Alex took her out for pizza at her favorite spot, Jo was a little suspicious as he didn’t order them beer. Still, she let him lead her up the stairs to the Loft, as he pulled open the rusted red door. 
“Hey,” Arizona's perky voice greeted them and Meredith waved as they came in.
Jo looked over at her wide eyed before she glanced back at him, wondering why their friends were in their Loft. Arizona bounded over to them and quickly pulled Jo in for a hug. If Jo didn't know better, she would have thought Arizona was drunk or high, but it was just her bubbly personality. Alex took Jo’s bag and coat as Arizona led Jo over to the couch. 
“Hey, guys, what are you doing here?” Jo asked them before looking back at Alex, but he just smiled.
“Well, Alex mentioned you wanted to try the weed cookies, so I brought the cookies and some cheeses and chips, and a couple of other snack foods, and we decided to make a little party of it. Oh, and Meredith is here to try the cookies as well,” Arizona said, gesturing to where she had set up several snacks as well as water and a few sodas on the coffee table. 
“I started in on the crackers and cheese since you guys were taking so long,” Meredith said with a shrug as she took another bite of her little cheese sandwich.
“Okay, so Alex and I are going to remain sober, so the two of you are free to get as high as you want and will take care of you and make sure you don’t get hurt or anything,” Arizona explained, giving Jo’s shoulders a squeeze.
Alex grabbed a handful of chips for himself and Meredith gave her an excited smile before her eyes went over to Alex, who was just staring at her. He leaned against the blue chair with this little smile across his face, and she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. 
“You did all of this?” Jo asked, tilting her head and sharing his happy little smile. 
“Yeah, well, you said you are jealous that I got the day off and you didn't, and since you've been working so hard lately, I thought I'd give you the night and tomorrow off as well,” Alex said as he licked his lips, his eyes glanced from her lips to her eyes. 
“You're too good to me,” Jo said, leaning in to kiss him as he melted against her.
He leaned forward into her kiss and she had to lean back as he pressed himself against her as he often did. He just wanted to be as close to her as possible and she loved him for it. 
When he pulled back, Alex whispered against her cheek, words only for her to hear. “I love you too.”
Jo giggled as she untangled herself from him, although Alex didn't let her get far and put one hand around her waist as they walked back over to Meredith and Arizona. 
“Alright, let's get this party started,” Jo said, reaching for the cookie tin on the table and Meredith let out an additional cheer.
“Hold up,” Arizona said, sliding in front of Jo to prevent her from reaching the cookies. “There's one last thing I need you to do Jo, is there any chance you could be pregnant?”
“God no,” Jo said immediately as she shook her head at the ridiculous question. She reached for the cookies again, but Arizona just gave her a look and crossed her arms in front of her.
“Jo,” Arizona said, raising her eyebrows at her and Jo only glared at her. 
“No, there's no way. We're always consistent with birth control and condoms. Alex and I have been together for years and we've never even had a pregnancy scare,” Jo said, looking back at Alex as he just nodded in agreement, and even Meredith just shrugged from where she sat on the couch, munching on her cheese.
“Then it shouldn’t be an issue for you to take this,” Arizona said, holding out a box of pregnancy tests. 
Jo groaned and rolled her eyes as she grabbed the box out of Arizona's hands and walked over to the bathroom. This was ridiculous. There was no way she was pregnant. Her period wasn't late, she didn't have any symptoms, and she was always on top of her birth control. She reached the bathroom door and pulled it open before turning around to glare at all of them.
“Fine, but when this comes back negative, which it will, I'm going to get absolutely plastered, and you're all going to have to put up with me,” Jo said, giving them a smirk, and she could hear Alex laugh before she slammed the door shut. 
Exactly three minutes later, Jo emerged from the bathroom pregnancy test in hand and that same annoyed look on her face. As much as he knew he shouldn't, Alex loved her adorable little look of annoyance. He loved the way that her eyebrows raised up and her eyes glared at him. Her annoyance was just so funny to him, her anger, however, he would never wish that on his worst enemies. Still, he couldn't help but smile at the annoyed look that she gives him now. She clenched her teeth and crossed her arms, just standing there in the doorway of the bathroom, glaring at him. Alex just smiled from where he was sitting on the edge of the couch with his own bowl of chips. 
Arizona and Meredith looked up from where they were munching on the snacks and Arizona gave her a smile, picking up a cookie and waving it at her. “Well, are you ready to have a cookie?” 
“Oh yeah,” Jo said, as she tossed the pregnancy test at Alex.
He quickly caught it with a smile and got up to go over and toss it in the trash, but then he glanced at it. There were two pink lines, two of them, two pink lines that together spelled out a positive pregnancy test. Alex could feel his breath freeze in his lungs. His jaw dropped and the chip in his hand fell to the ground. He could feel his eyebrows raising as he just stared down at the test. His whole world changed around him in that instant. 
Jo was pregnant. They were going to have a baby.
He looked up at her and her annoyed look had faded into a small smile that graced her cheeks. She bit her lip and her smile only got wider as she saw his expression. 
“But I should probably wait nine months or so.”
“You're pregnant?!” Meredith and Arizona both asked at the same time.
Their excited voices rang in his ear as Arizona shrieked with excitement and slapped him on the back as he remembered how to breathe, just as Meredith crashed into him from behind and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Alex Karev is going to be a freaking Daddy!” Meredith screeched in his ear as both she and Arizona continued with their excited screaming. 
Alex practically dropped the bowl of chips, fumbling with it, but a few chips fell out before he just set it on the floor and rushed over to Jo. 
“You knocked me up,” Jo said, glaring at him, her arm still crossed as he reached out to her, but her annoyed look disappeared the second he put his hands around her waist and pulled her in.
“Did I?” Alex is still not quite believing it as he looks down at the pregnancy test in his hand, if only to confirm it again, the shock finally wearing off. “We're going to have a baby.”
“We are,” Jo said, looking up at him as she reached out to put both of her hands on the side of his cheeks, leaning in to kiss him before she wrapped his arms around her neck and buried her face in his shoulder. 
“Is this okay? Are you happy about this?” Alex whispered to her, putting his hand on her back, his fingers gently trailing down her spine. 
It wasn't planned, it wasn't discussed, they weren’t even talking about trying for kids. Sure, they had talked about wanting kids, but they had only spoken about having kids in the future, not having one today.
“I'm going to be pregnant on our wedding day,” Jo said as she pulled back, she had tears on her cheeks, but a little smile on her face. He could tell she was a little overwhelmed as she continued to nod her head. “But, yes. I'm so happy,”
“It would be fitting for us to have a shotgun wedding anyway, but none has to know, and you're going to be the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen. I'm so happy about this too,” Alex said, pressing his forehead against hers before he tilted his head to kiss her again. Jo closed her eyes as he reached out to hold her face, as a few tears dropped from her cheeks as she hid in his shoulder again.
They stayed in the moment together, just the two of them, and Alex held her. He moved his hand down to put it on her waist, over where their baby was growing inside of her. Then, once Jo was ready, she unhid herself from his shoulder, and they both turned back to Meredith and Arizona, who were still caught up in their excitement. 
As soon as they noticed the two of them, Meredith came over to hug Jo and whispered a few words in her ear as Jo nodded against her shoulder. Arizona brought over a bottle of champagne and apple juice, handing them two glasses before pouring him a drink and pouring Jo some apple juice. 
“To the newest addition to the Grey-Sloan family,” Arizona said as they all toasted their drinks. “I'm sorry about this Jo, I honestly didn't think you were pregnant.”
“It's okay, I should have realized it sooner. I've actually been pretty sick the last couple of days, and I just thought it was all because of the upcoming presentation for the mini-livers, but I guess not,” Jo said, looking up at him with a sneaky little happy smile. 
“I can't believe you two are going to be parents,” Meredith said, leaning over to give his shoulder a little push. 
“I know, right,” Arizona said as she and Meredith exchanged a smile. “Your guys' babies are going to be so stinking cute, though.”
“Their first word is probably going to be a swear word,” Meredith said as they all exchanged a laugh, knowing it was probably true given Jo and Alex's sailor worthy language.
“Yeah, well, we got nine months to clean up our act, and I think we could do it,” Jo said, looking over at Alex as they exchanded a smile. They got lost in each other's eyes for a moment in happiness as he leaned down to kiss her again, all while Meredith and Arizona's whooping and shouting brought them apart.
Arizona and Meredith stuck around a little while longer after that as they enjoyed the snacks and the rest of the champagne. They decided to save the cookies for when Jo could enjoy them as well. After a few rounds of drinks, Alex put them in a cab and sent them home. Afterwards, he walked back up to the loft and got into bed next to Jo. She was already settled in bed, so he crawled up her body and pulled up the sleep shirt that she was wearing. It was originally his, but he let her have the faded old black Hawkeyes wrestling shirt years ago. He pulled down the hem of her panties just a little bit so he could lay a kiss on her belly right where he knew their baby was. 
“Hey you,” Alex said, kissing her belly again as Jo’s hand went to the back of his head, tangling in his little curls, curls he hoped their baby had to. “Your mama and I are so surprised to find out that you're in there, but we're so happy that we unknowingly created you. We love you so much already. I want you to know that. Your mommy and I, we love you, and I don't want you to worry because I'm going to work so hard to give you everything you ever need or want. You are going to be brought up in a house full of love.”
Alex placed one last kiss over their baby before he placed his hand over her belly and looked up at Jo. She had tears in her eyes, but a soft smile across her face, as she placed a hand on the back of his neck and pulled him up to kiss him. 
“Thank you for that,” Jo whispered against his cheek when she pulled back.
“I mean it, Jo,” Alex said, reaching out to hold her cheek. “I want our baby to know that they were made with love and I want them to know that they are loved every second of the day.” 
“They already know that, because I know that. Every day I know that you love me because all I have to do is look at you, and I know that you love me. You say it to me every morning and every night.” Jo said in her eyes shone and her lips turned up into a smile. “And, I want you to know that I love you too. I love you so much, more than words can ever say.”
“I love you too,” Alex said as he leaned down to kiss her again. “I love you.”
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by-nina · 3 years
For Tonight
AO3 | FFN Rating: T (suggestive content) Genre: Romance Word Count: 700
A/N: Dedicated to my friend @pataytayo, a kindred spirit from afar. I wanted to write straight fluff for you after all the angsty crap I made for Royai Week, but you can have a little spicy romance, as a treat. Happy birthday! ❤ Song inspiration: "So Slow" by Freestyle.
It’s a strange new way to know fire, but not nearly as strange as the fact that they have gone this long without allowing themselves a taste of this pleasure. It’s a natural desire, something that they both know has always been there, something that has grown the more time they have spent jointly devoted to the same dreams.
Fire is an old friend.
It has burned for Riza in every imaginable form in her life. Indeed, in many ways, Riza has been fire herself. Strong and persistent throughout her desolate childhood, unwavering in this life that she has devoted to protecting the lives of innocents and the ones she loves.
Riza has also been forged by fire in the hands of others. Her father had chained her with it by making fire her burden. Roy had freed her from it, with physical flames far less painful than the secrets he burned off her back. Fire has since been an ambivalent force in her life; something she needed to protect, and yet also something she needed to protect the world from.
But it is only tonight, in the dim, secluded comfort of the couch in her apartment, that Riza is meeting fire for the first time in the form of passion. It’s a gentle rush in Roy’s hands as he runs them through her hair, over the curves of her face down to her waist, across her skin as he helps her slide aside piece after piece of her clothing, slowly. It’s an ache and a glow in her chest, in the pit of her stomach and further below, on her lips and his as their breathy, tentative kisses set off sparks.
It’s a strange new way to know fire, but not nearly as strange as the fact that they have gone this long without allowing themselves a taste of this pleasure. It’s a natural desire, something that they both know has always been there, something that has grown the more time they have spent jointly devoted to the same dreams.
It’s persuasive—it easily leads Riza’s fingers down Roy’s chest where the buttons of his shirt come undone one by one, and it guides her against his body as Roy pulls her close into the spaces between his arms and legs.
It comes out in whispers of each other’s name—their first names—and breathless pleas of “touch me here” and “come closer” and “I want you”—“I need you”—
“I love you.”
Roy whispers it first, all at once certain and yearning and nervous—as if he never imagined that Riza has known his feelings for a long time, or that she has been secretly, guiltily hoping for the world to make room for them to find shelter in each other’s embrace.
Riza looks up, interrupting the kisses she has been planting on his partly-bare shoulder, and she can’t even describe the way he looks at her in the dark. She only knows that he looks the way she feels now.
“I love you,” she whispers back. She’s unable to hold back a dazed laugh, a breath of relief from finally being able to say the words. “I’ve loved you for so long.”
His chest falls with the release of tension. He smiles, strokes her hair with a trembling yet gentle hand. “I’ve loved you all my life.”
When they kiss again, the fire that has been burning between them seems to have changed. It’s just as ardent, just as warm, just as all-consuming as it always has been throughout their lives. But it has stopped pushing them to touch every part of each other that they can reach, or occupy as much space around each other as they possibly could. Their words have done that—filled the gaps between them and made them feel whole without even becoming one.
The fire tames them now. It lays Riza’s head onto Roy’s chest, where she can hear his heartbeat, loudened by want and yet slowed by contentment. It plants Roy’s arm firmly around Riza’s shoulders—he keeps her close and steady as she presses into his body and traces lazy shapes on his abdomen during the silence that has replaced their hunger to make love. It keeps them intertwined in the tiny space they have carved out together—never mind how their plans for the night have changed now that it is at last clear what they are, what they mean to each other.
Fire is the form that their love takes, even in a moment like this.
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headcanonsandmore · 3 years
“Fell In Love With A Girl”, Chapter Three
Summary:  As Ginny and Luna touch down in Brazil, they discover the thrills of Rio itself, but also the dangers awaiting them as the investigation deepens.
Tagging: @cheeseanonioncrisps @lytefoot
              Read on FFN.                                        Read on AO3. 
‘Ladies and gentlemen, we will be touching down in approximately half an hour. The local time is…’
Ginny dimly opened her eyes. Luna was still dozing softly on her shoulder, and the blonde woman’s weight was gentle and warm.
Yawning, Ginny blinked repeatedly, and wiped the sleepy-dust out of her eyes. She took care not to disturb Luna, but her girlfriend began to rouse herself nonetheless.
‘Morning,’ Ginny whispered, smiling. ‘Slept okay, Lu?’
Luna nodded, smiling shyly back.
‘You have a very comfortable shoulder.’
Ginny chuckled, and intertwined their fingers together.
‘Thanks,’ she said, pressing a quick kiss to Luna’s forehead. The blonde woman’s cheeks dimpled and flushed. ‘You ready for Rio, then?’
‘With you with me,’ Luna replied. ‘I could take on the whole world, Ginny.’
 Tonks insisted that they all get to the hotel as soon as possible. MI6 agents had already scoured the place for bugs, and had agreed that the place was safe. However, Remus and Tonks did a precautionary sweep around the rooms before they let Ginny and Luna inside.
After unpacking, Luna and Ginny were escorted by Tonks to a room in the hotel cellar that had been made the base for operations.
Two security guards stood inside, and only let them pass after Tonks nodded at them.
The room was dominated by a large round table, upon which was the paraphernalia of paper, telephones, mobile phones, and even a few computer monitors that Ginny presumed was common for such a mission.
‘So… any developments?’ Tonks asked.
A man stepped forward. He was short, with a scar running over one of his eyes. Unlike the other people around him, he was wearing a bullet-proof vest and seemed unconcerned about his appearance as long as it was protected. A strange tattoo was on his right hand, almost like an eye with a long forked tail.
‘Ha!’ His voice was gruff. ‘We haven’t been just sat around waiting for you lot to turn up. The local indigenous groups have been in contact with us; they’ve been reporting strange activities across the entire Amazon delta for several months, but no-one took them seriously until these burglaries started happening. Typical upper-crust attitude.’
‘Thank you, Sam,’ Remus said, with a long-suffering tone. ‘Have we any idea where the activities are originating from?’
The short man nodded, and slammed his finger down on a point on the map spread across a section of table. It was deep in the rainforest, and seemed only accessible by dirt tracks.
‘A testing facility?’
‘Probably,’ Tonks said. ‘It would certainly explain why all those plants and research were being taken.’
‘Speaking of the plants,’ Remus said, turning to Luna. ‘Ms Lovegood, you said that the Amazonian Octarine-Flame was the species of plant you were being asked about, just before the break-in?’
Luna nodded.
‘Yes,’ she said, taking a step towards the table. ‘I thought it was very strange, since the plant isn’t normally kept domestically in the UK.’
‘Now, that’s a name that keeps cropping up,’ the agent called Sam grunted. ‘The locals we’ve been talking to have mentioned it about three dozen times.’
He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a cigar. He put it in his mouth and was about to light it when Remus gave him a look. From where Ginny was stood, it was clearly a look Remus had gotten used to showing.
‘Sam, please do that outside. You know the fire hazard.’
Sam rolled his eyes, and made for the door.
‘Ginny, Luna; you two should head back upstairs,’ Remus said. ‘We’ll let you know if anything else crops up; you both need some rest before you can think properly.’
‘I’ll take them up,’ Sam muttered. ‘I need to head up that way anyway.’
Ginny shot a look at Tonks, who nodded in approval. Apparently, Sam was trustworthy.
Luna slipped her fingers around Ginny’s, and the two women followed the older policeman out of the room.
‘Er… nice tattoo,’ Ginny offered, pointing at the man’s hand as he struck a match to light his cigar.
Sam smiled. The effect wasn’t much better than when he was frowning, but it was nice to know that even a grizzled man like him could smile.
‘Not a tattoo, but thanks, kid,’ he said, breathing out a large amount of foul-smelling smoke. ‘Got it on the job.’
‘These things happen in my line of work,’ he replied, conversationally as they headed up the stairs. ‘Truth be told, I needed to get out of that room.’
‘It is a bit dank, isn’t it.’
‘I’m used to dank, but yeah. Also, it’s almost six and I need to give the family a call. I’ll just see you to your room.’
He did a quick sweep of the room, and then closed the door behind them. Ginny could hear him punching numbers into a phone.
‘Hello Sybil.’ Sam’s voice drifted through the door, sounding far softer than it had done previously. ‘How is everyone back home? Good. Yes, it’s that time… can you put young Sam on?...’
 Ginny and Luna had passed out from jetlag more-or-less instantaneously after their heads hit the pillow. Just before she completely lost consciousness, though, Ginny was vaguely aware of… a song about cows? Maybe it was just the jet-lag playing tricks on her. Weird.
When she eventually woke up about… how many hours later? It was the next morning, anyway.
After rousing Luna, the two (plus Tonks) grabbed a quick breakfast in the hotel restaurant, before heading to the cellar planning room.
The planning was less fun than Ginny had been expecting. James Bond certainly didn’t need to deal with stuff this dreary, she was certain. Eventually, after struggling through several hours of it, Ginny had to stifle a yawn.
‘Er, sorry,’ Tonks said, shooting her a sympathetic look. ‘I know this is a bit stuffy.’
‘No, it’s fuu-fuuu-fiiiine,’ Ginny replied, trying to disguise another yawn behind her hand. ‘I’m just…’
Luna interlaced their fingers together.
‘You don’t need me for a while, so how about me and Ginny go back to our room?’
Remus nodded.
‘I’ll escort you both back upstairs,’ Tonks said. ‘Sam, let us know if anything happens.’
Sam nodded, the scar on his hand seeming to glow in the half-light. But Ginny blinked, and it was just a normal scar again. Strange.
Still holding Ginny’s hand, Luna pulled her girlfriend out of the room. Tonks followed, at a distance.
‘You’re too much of a trooper,’ Luna said, smiling. ‘Ginny, just tell me if you’re getting bored.’
‘Didn’t want to be rude,’ Ginny mumbled. ‘It’s important stuff.’
‘So is you not feeling bored out of your mind,’ replied Luna. ‘How about we get some fresh air?’
Luna pulled Ginny out of the front lobby, and onto the streets. Ginny shot a nervous look back at Tonks; surely this was a security issue?
But Tonks instead smiled and gave a small, almost imperceptible, wink. Taking strength from this, Ginny looked back at Luna.
‘Come on, we’re in Rio!’ Luna said, squeezing her girlfriends hand. The blonde woman was giggling, happily, as the two of them set off.
The streets around them were vibrant and full of people. Stalls bustled with all manner of sounds and smells. People were laughing, yelling, and chatting to each-other all around them. There was the sound of traffic nearby, as Luna had led them down what seemed to be a pedestrianised street. Or, at least, a street where there were too many people to let cars and motorbikes through. Looking around, Ginny couldn’t see Tonks anyway, but there were so many nationalities and ethnicities present that no-one took much notice of the two women. The phrase “hiding in plain sight” was apt. She guessed they would be okay like this, at least for a little while.
‘Drink?’ Luna asked, as they approached a cafe. ‘My treat?’
The two of them ordered two coffees and sat down at a table. From what Ginny could gather, the radio was playing a Brazilian band called Fresno.
Luna lounged back in her seat, and Ginny couldn’t help her heart beating faster as she looked at the blonde. Man, her girlfriend was so lovely. It still blew Ginny’s mind that, of all people, Luna had wanted to be with a plain redhead from the country like her.
‘Ginny, you’re making me blush,’ Luna giggled, her cheeks flushing.
‘Can’t help it,’ Ginny said, stroking her hand. ‘You’re really cute. Your girlfriend must be really lucky.’
Luna nodded.
‘As must be yours.’
It was Ginny’s turn to blush.
‘I… I’m really glad you’re here, Ginny,’ Luna said, intertwining their fingers together. ‘This has been really wonderful.’
Ginny felt her heart ache with love for the blonde.
‘You two didn’t half give us the run-around.’
Ginny felt her stomach squirm with guilt. Turning, she saw that Tonks had sat down on a table nearby. Out of the corner of her eye, she could also see Remus stood a few metres further away, somehow managing to blend into the crowd despite himself.
‘Er… sorry, Tonks,’ Ginny said. ‘Honestly, it was my fault, I shouldn’t have gotten so bored earlier…’
‘As long as you’re both safe,’ Tonks replied. ‘Besides, you’re young and in love. I… I guess I can understand that.’
Tonks’s eyes drifted over to wear Remus was stood. His mousy brown hair was reflecting the sunlight.
Sounds about right, Ginny thought.
The three of them left the café. They were about to return to the hotel, when Ginny heard a very familiar noise.
Turning, she saw that a basketball had rolled over the pavement towards her. She stopped it with her foot, and picked it up.
A group of young Brazilian children and teenagers were stood a few feet away, a court behind them.
‘Oh, I know that look.’
Ginny turned. Luna was smiling at her, a very knowing look in her large grey eyes.
‘Sorry, I know we can’t-’
‘Ginny Weasley, since when do you avoid stuff you want to do?’
Ginny stared at her.
‘Come on,’ Luna said, encouragingly. ‘Tonks, she can; right?’
‘I… oh, alright,’ Tonks said, sounding a little exasperated. ‘But try not to stand out, okay?’
Ginny nodded, and walked over to the court, bouncing the ball on the ground as she did.
The kids stared at her, raising their eyebrows. Ginny imagined that seeing some random British tourist using the ball like a pro was a bit perplexing. Especially a tourist who had bright red hair and was barely five and a half feet tall.
Ginny grinned, and performed one of her little tricks, sending the ball up round her shoulders and back down on the ground again, before passing it between her hands.
The kids giggled, now smiling.
Darting forward, Ginny dodged several of them, and headed towards the hoop at one end of the court. Onlookers were starting to grin and clap. The kids were laughing as they tried to keep up with her.
Ginny looked over to wear Luna was stood. She winked at the blonde.
Ginny then jumped, latching onto the hoop and dropping the ball through it in a slam dunk. The crowd cheered.
As Ginny landed, the teenagers surrounded her, cheering and slapping her companionably on the back. She couldn’t understand what most of them were saying, but a couple of older kids exclaimed ‘bravo!’.
After the group had disbursed, Ginny returned to where Luna was stood with Tonks.
‘What was that about “not standing out”?’
‘Don’t worry, it was good to see you having fun,’ Luna said. ‘Not to mention looking very attractive while you do it.’
Ginny blushed. She smiled around at the kids.
But something caught her eye. Or.. someone.
A figure was stood in a small alleyway between two buildings. They were dressed in black, with large sunglasses obscuring most of their face.
‘Tonks, do you…’
But the figure had disappeared before Ginny could point them out.
They returned to the hotel. Tonks took up her usual spot outside Ginny and Luna’s room, and the blonde florist closed the door, turning to face her girlfriend.
‘Well, that was… fun.’ Ginny said, stood by the bed.
‘Oh, definitely,’ Luna said, crossing the room and putting her arms around Ginny’s waist. ‘Have I mentioned you look great when you’re all sweaty from basketball?’
‘Y-you may have mentioned it once or twice…’ Ginny breathed, as Luna began to place kisses on her neck. ‘But my memory isn’t the best…’
‘Well, maybe I should remind you, in that case…’
Luna placed a kiss against Ginny’s lips, and the two of them fell backwards onto the bed.
Ginny smiled against Luna’s lips. It was a good afternoon.
 ‘Your hair is so pretty.’
Ginny giggled, as Luna played with a strand of her hair.
‘It’s just red hair, Lu.’
‘Correction; it’s your red hair. Therefore, it’s very pretty.’
‘Oh, stop it,’ Ginny giggled, sitting up and pulling her t-shirt over her head. ‘You’re got a bit of a crush.’
‘You say that like I’m the only one.’
Ginny felt herself blush, and smiled to herself as she did up the belt on her shorts.
‘I’m just gonna talk to Tonks about something; be back in a mo.’
‘Okay, but hurry back,’ Luna said, putting her own t-shirt and shorts on. ‘We need to go downstairs and talk to Remus about any updates they’re received.’
‘Course,’ Ginny replied, pressing a quick kiss to Luna’s forehead. The blonde smiled.
Ginny closed the door behind her, and walked over to Tonks, who was stood a couple of feet away.
‘Are you absolutely sure that we weren’t followed?’ Ginny asked, after Tonks had finished talking into her ear-piece. ‘I could have sworn I saw someone looking at us in the café.’
Tonks frowned.
‘I don’t think so, but it’s always good to be cautious. Get Luna and we’ll head downstairs to-’
Ginny’s blood suddenly turned to ice, as she turned round. The door of the room she had just vacated had shaken on its hinges.
There was a cry of alarm from inside. It sounded like-
‘Luna!’ Ginny screamed, barging through the door. Tonks was a step behind, yelling into her own earpiece.
The room was a mess. The window had been smashed, and the chest of drawers had been knocked over.
Luna was gone.
Ginny stumbled forward, through the debris.
As she reached the bed, she saw that a piece of paper had been left on the pillow. It was written in English.  
If you want the Lovegood woman alive, leave South America immediately, and stop the investigation into the rare plant thefts. Stay out of our business. This is your only warning.
There was a symbol scrawled at the bottom, of a skull with a snake intertwined through the eyes.
Ginny fell to her knees, as MI6 agents swarmed into the room. Sam was cursing angrily, while Remus and Tonks were scrambling to figure out what was going on. There was yelling and loud noises around her, but Ginny found that they appeared to be reaching her as if from a great distance. The world around her turned into a blur of muddled voices and sounds.
For the first time in a very long time, tears began to fall from the redheads eyes, and her body was racked with sobs.
She’d broken her promise. She hadn’t been able to protect Luna. And how Luna was gone.
Thanks for reading, everyone; hope you enjoyed the chapter!
And eagle-eyed viewers may have been able to spot the cameo from a certain character not normally seen on our roundworld. I couldn't resist putting old Stoneface into this fic. 😁
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Argo ch. 2
Friday the 13th - Friendship/Romance - Jason Voorhees/OC M/M ship
2084 words, 3rd person POV
I love to hear feedback on my fics so please don't be shy! You can also tell me your thoughts on anon if you don't want your name on your comments!
Cross-posting on FFN under PyroTheWereCat
Meeting Lijah face to face threw off Jason's rhythm for the rest of the day, and for the entire day after. He had no idea what to do with himself. He could go home, but his mother would want progress by now and he did not want to try to explain how he let Lijah go when even he didn't know exactly why he did it. He could start planning the killings of the other counselors, but he couldn't focus long enough to think about that. His mind was stuck on Lijah, and he determined the only way to get unstuck was to see him again. He had to know why he wasn't afraid and treated him so kindly. There had to be some sort of motive.
Darkness fell over the camp that Friday night, and Jason patrolled the outskirts until every last fire went out and all noise had subsided. His blood was on fire, and he could not rest until his curiosity was sated. He quietly crept to the counselor cabins, searching for number five. Would Lijah be alone? Was this a good idea to come here at all? Jason berated himself internally for his interest in this person. This was stupid. Why was he here? He could easily just kill them all and return to his mother as usual. What was different this time?
There, a little distance from the other cabins, Jason saw a large number 5 painted on the side of the building. The lights were off, save for one room where the soft yellow glow spilled out into the woods where Jason stood. He steeled himself, prepared to fight if an ambush awaited him. Not quite ready, but ready enough, he approached the window and peered inside.
Lijah's bedroom was relatively tidy, minus the small heap of dirty clothes in one corner, and some posters with ragged edges and some tears that were taped to the walls. A dresser stood on the right side of the room next to the door, a small radio and some books resting atop it. Above the dresser hung a simple mirror, and it reflected Lijah's slim legs as he lay on the bed on the opposite end of the room. Jason turned his gaze to the left, seeing Lijah in a thin t-shirt and boxer briefs, reading a book on his bed. Was there ever a time he did not look so at peace?
Jason contemplated simply letting himself in, but he felt compelled to avoid scaring Lijah as long as he could. He sighed heavily and knocked on the window, hoping this wasn't the worst decision he could possibly make. Lijah gave a small start at the sound and turned to see who had made it. To Jason's surprise, Lijah's eyes lit up and he smiled as he set the book down and hopped off of the mattress. He lifted the window open and stepped aside for Jason to climb through.
"Hey!" Lijah greeted cheerfully, "I was hoping I'd get to see you again!"
Jason awkwardly clambered into the room, his size proving troublesome for the space provided by the window. He grunted as he heaved himself through, but he managed without Lijah's offered assistance. He closed the window behind him and turned back to Lijah, the closeness of the walls and ceiling emphasizing just how much of a height and width difference there was between them.
"Have a seat!" Lijah insisted, patting the bed, "Make yourself at home. I was just reading a few chapters to make myself tired enough to sleep, but I can stay up to hang out with you."
Jason sank into the mattress, watching Lijah the entire time. Was something wrong with him that he didn't perceive a threat from Jason? Or maybe he was just leading him on and tricking him into trusting him, and then he would turn against him later. Lijah stepped over to his dresser to retrieve one of the books. Jason saw that it was a spiral bound notebook with a pencil jammed in the binding. Lijah brought the notebook to the bed and climbed up to sit next to him, folding his legs underneath himself.
"I figured since you don't talk, this might help if you want to tell me something about yourself or ask me questions," Lijah explained, "Are you comfortable with writing?"
Jason shrugged. It had been a long time since he had written anything, not counting his own name in the dirt yesterday. He was able to read, but he wasn't confident in his spelling or handwriting. He accepted the notebook anyway, having some questions for Lijah that he could not express through body language.
"cant rite good. ELijah college?" he wrote, needing to spell the full name and crossing out the 'E' to get it right.
"Do I go to college?" Lijah checked, and upon Jason's nod, he elaborated, "Yup, I'm on break right now, but I'm going back in the fall for my senior year. I'm studying psychology and sociology. I'm hoping I can get into social work or therapy or something and help a lot of people."
Jason's frustration increased at this declaration. There was no way he was this good. There had to be some dark side to him somewhere.
"What about you?" Lijah asked, "Do you live around here? And, I don't mean to be rude, but how old are you?"
Jason nodded and returned to the notebook.
"live with Mother by camp. im 23."
"Oh, nice, you're only two years older than me!" Lijah commented, "Do you get along well with your mom?"
Jason nodded and pointed to Lijah as a means to ask him the same question.
"I don't live with my parents anymore," Lijah answered, his tone changing very slightly to hint at some discomfort, "They're good people, but I couldn't live in that environment anymore once I started college. I've pretty much been living either at school or at summer camps for the past few years, but I'm looking into apartments for myself so I can have a place to live after I graduate."
There was the lead. Something must have been wrong with Lijah's family life to force him out on his own, and the implication that he didn't have friends to stay with made the mystery all the more enticing. He remembered the female counselor from the day before who had asked to go with Lijah before he and Jason had met.
"frends?" Jason wrote, "girl frend?"
Lijah laughed, and Jason felt a shiver at the sound for some reason.
"I get along with everybody, but I don't really have any close friends," he said, "I haven't dated anyone for a while now either. I've been focusing on myself and getting through school, though also the people I tend to date are...not the best for me."
From what Jason had seen of Lijah from afar, he seemed like he had lots of friends and was close with many people, but now it seemed he was just as alone as Jason himself. He stared at Lijah for a moment, trying to figure him out. It was then that he noticed some tiny details about Lijah's face that he hadn't seen in the woods yesterday.
Lijah had freckles on his nose, and his eyelashes were long. His eyes were a greenish hazel, and crinkled at the corners when he smiled. His usually fluffy brown hair was somewhat damp looking, possibly from a recent shower. Jason couldn't explain it, but Lijah was rather pleasant to look at.
"So you don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I'm a little curious," Lijah prompted, snapping Jason back to reality, "Why do you wear a hockey mask? Is it good for keeping bugs out of your face?"
Jason tensed. He didn't want Lijah to see his face under the mask. That would surely scare him and make him hate him like everyone else. Jason shook his head and tried to think of an excuse to write down, but all he could think of was,
"i like it."
Lijah nodded upon reading this.
"That's a good, solid reason for anything," he agreed, "I should start living by that a little more, honestly."
Jason relaxed at this, relieved that Lijah accepted that answer. He wasn't sure why, but he was beginning to want Lijah to like him. It was almost like when he was a child and wanted to be friends with the other kids at camp, but this felt different somehow. Lijah didn't have friends of his own either, so they would only have each other if this worked.
Jason did not even think about possibly killing Lijah at this point. He was far too invested in who he was as a person, as well as excited at the possibility of having a real friend, to remember what his mission was. Mother wasn't expecting him back until August. It should be fine.
"Alright, Jason, I'm gonna tell you something and I don't want you to get upset," Lijah began, scratching the back of his head, "But I figure if you wanted to, you could have easily killed me a few times by now, so I think I'm safe. I honestly thought you were gonna kill me yesterday in the woods - we've all heard the stories of the Killer of Crystal Lake or whatever; they warned me of the history of this place when I was hired - but I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and treat everyone the way I'd want to be treated. I figured if I died, I would die putting my best foot forward, and, wouldn't you know it, I did that literally."
Jason blinked. Was that really all he'd needed to not kill people? Someone being nice to him?
"For the record, and I'm sure you know this already, but I'm not scared of you now. People don't have to look a certain way to be good or bad. And, hey, if you helped me out and came to visit me like this, you can't be all bad, can you?"
Either Lijah was too naive for his own good or he was very good in the field he was studying. Perhaps both? Jason wasn't sure. He picked up the pencil again to write,
"can i see u more?"
Lijah read this and nodded.
"I'd love that!" he enthused, "Please, come see me this time of night any night you want. I've got lots of books to read, I've got food in the fridge, you can shower here if you want to...I'm the only one who uses this cabin, so really, I don't mind you being here and making yourself comfortable."
Jason wasn't an expert at body language or understanding people in general, but it was clear to him that Lijah desperately wanted a friend. He felt a twitch at the corners of his mouth, a small smile breaking through. Whatever this was between them, they both wanted it, needed it, and Jason looked forward to exploring an actual friendship with someone his own age. Maybe he could bring Lijah back to Mother and show her that there was someone special in the outside world, someone who cared about everyone.
It was a nice thought, but nice thoughts never lasted long.
Jason and Lijah spent several hours that night getting to know each other. Jason could not believe how easy it was to communicate with him and even more so how easy it was to let his guard down. He found himself having fun, something he couldn't remember the last time it happened. Lijah did grow quite tired after midnight, however, so Jason excused himself through the window to allow Lijah to sleep.
He returned to his temporary campsite in the woods to get some rest as well, wanting to have plenty of energy tomorrow to spend more time with Lijah. He wondered if he had tried to approach the counselors he'd killed differently, if he had a more approachable mask and cleaned up the rest of his appearance, would he have been able to befriend them too? He doubted that notion the instant it materialized in his mind; those counselors weren't like Lijah and would have been afraid of him either way. Lijah was special...Jason could feel it deep within him. Just a few hours with him made Jason reconsider killing anyone this summer.
He hoped Mother would approve.
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Meet me in the afterglow
Summary:Cat thief Nami, world’s leading navigator, an absolute bombshell who had men falling at her feet wherever she went. She could have anyone she wanted, but she chose him. Sanji doesn’t understand why.   Rating: M. Explicit. 
It wouldn’t be me if I didn’t do vulnerable Sanji for the event- he’s such a wonderful character… unfortunate that I’ve written this on his birthday though. Oh well, he gets sex so it’s all square.
For @sannamiweek, day 2- Sunrise/Sunset.
This is a sequel to ‘Take your time (I’ll wait)’.  
This can also be found on AO3 and FFN. 
Light filtered through the crack in the curtains where they weren’t quite drawn shut properly across the porthole and Sanji stirred. He was tired, his body felt heavy and he wanted to go back to sleep but couldn’t with the light flickering behind his eyelids. One eye cracked open to glare at the window but it didn’t do anything, light still invasively entering the room.
Despite the light filtering in, it was still fairly dim and considering how quiet it was outside, it must still be early. As much as he wanted to go back to sleep, he knew it wasn’t going to happen as he started to take in the room, brain waking up.
The bed opposite was empty and the room slightly chaotic, from the chair knocked over at the dresser to clothing haphazardly strewn around. Memories of the night before flooded back.
The rush to Nami’s room, quickly locking the door in fear of being interrupted.
The scramble to remove clothes and giggling between themselves as he stumbled over his trousers.
Nami’s soft lips against his neck and hands mapping out his body.
Soft hands in his hair.
The taste of her on his tongue.
The feeling of her wrapped around him.
Nami, underneath him, moaning for him, for him, as he squeezed every ounce of pleasure from her.
The way she clutched at his body as they experienced bliss together.
The breath taking, soft smile she gave him and the gentle kiss as they came down from their high together.
Said person stirred next to him, also disrupted by the light but settled as she turned towards him, successfully escaping its onslaught. She let out a little sigh but stilled again, and he used the opportunity to take her all in.
Her skin glowed underneath the light bleeding into the room, ivory skin turning luminescent under its caress and orange hair twined with gold as it fanned across the pillow.
She was beautiful, otherworldly.
It felt wrong to touch her, to spoil the work of art before him, but it was too hard to resist. He brushed the hair from her face, thumb taking a moment to trace across her cheek bone before following the slope to her neck. He lingered over the sensitive spot he’d found long ago and took full advantage of last night. A soft shoulder led to the side of her breast and the sensitive skin there that caused goosebumps to erupt. His fingers danced under the covers to find the dip in her waist and smooth up to the flare of her hips.
The disbelief he still felt that she’d still wanted to do this with him.
That she was still there.
He’d said he’d wanted to wait when they’d got together, and it was for many reasons. He wanted her to know he was serious about this, wanted to treat her how she deserved… and maybe wait to see if she’d change her mind.
It didn’t make sense looking at the both of them, seeing her settling for someone when she could have whoever she wanted, but he was never going to question his good luck. However it didn’t mean he didn’t think about it, think about when she’d come to her senses and it’s why he’d wanted to wait. He couldn’t take this step with her, not without being sure. Or as sure as he could be.
A hand on his chest stopped his thoughts. Nami was awake, one eye cracked and looking up at him. “Hi.”
He smiled at her, his hand covering the one on his chest. “Hi.”
“Is there any chance you’d close the curtains properly? I’ve been thinking about it for the last five minutes, but I don’t want to move,” she pouted, and his heart melted a little bit.
“Anything for you,” he said, taking the hand on his chest and pressing a kiss to the palm of her hand.
After adjusting the curtains, he turned and almost lost his breath. He wanted the sight before him burned into his brain. If he thought she looked angelic before, it’s nothing compared to now, leaning up on her arms to look at him, duvet falling around her hips and the most sinfully enticing breasts on full display.
But it’s the domesticity of it that does it for him. The way he’s the only person that’s going to see her like this. Open, vulnerable and so warm.
For him.
… Him?
“You okay?”
He could feel the frown on his face, so he could only imagine how it must look from the outside. He needed to snap out of it or he’s going to ruin it before she even realised it herself.
“Taking in the view,” he said cheekily, winking at her.
“I was expecting a much different reaction… more zealous,” her voice taking on a teasing lilt at the end.
“No nose bleeds I’m afraid, I can’t afford to miss a moment of this,” he replied, matching her tone.  
It’s the right thing to say because she laughed, tension gone from her face and then she’s sitting up so she could open her arms for him.
He’d be a fool not to take up that offer.
They arranged themselves until he’s lying on his back with her cuddled up on his chest, his hand listlessly running up and down the soft skin of her back. It was surreal that he was here, in this moment, with Nami. He must have done something in his previous life, because he wasn’t deserving of it in this one.
“I can feel you thinking,” Nami said, voice still thick with sleep, with her chin resting of his chest to look up at him. “Thinking about last night?”
“Was it okay?” The first thought that came to mind tumbling out and he cringed, it didn’t come out right. Unsure, insecure.
She looked at him for a moment and he thought the jig was up, but then she smiled, “Amazing. Far better than I’d imagined. You?”
“Last night was everything I’ve ever wanted. You always exceed my expectations.”
He’d have her for as long as she let him stay by her side, he settled on.
“Okay, that’s the third time you’ve frowned and I’m naked right now. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong.” He smiled at her, but it mustn’t have looked convincing because she was leaning back then, one arm supporting her on the bed to look at his face properly.
“Did I do something you didn’t like?” She asked, eyes probing.
“No!” As if, last night was the best night of his life. He wouldn’t change anything.
“Is… it to do with me?” She looked wary then.
“Absolutely not!” He said without hesitation. That was the last thing he wanted, for her to doubt herself. She was perfect.
Nami looked at him then, really looked at him and it made him nervous. It was never good when she was silent. Then she sat up, looked around the room and leaned down to grab his shirt to put it on.
Oh god, she was leaving. He’d opened his big mouth and drove her away.
He must have shown it, mouth trying to find the words because she stopped him with a stern, “Stop panicking, I’m not leaving.” She slipped the shirt on, slowly buttoning it up from the bottom. “We’re about to have a serious conversation, I don’t need you distracted.”
Yeah okay. Fair point. It didn’t stop him mourning the loss of her breasts though.
But that was all thrown out of the window when she straddled him and Jesus, what a view. If she didn’t want him distracted, she definitely shouldn’t have put on his shirt. She made it look so good on her effortlessly and although she was covered, it didn’t make her any less irresistible. She’d only buttoned if halfway, so the top was left open into a deep ‘v’ that did nothing but tease him.
“Focus! If you’re good you can take it off of me shortly,” her tone suggestive and her hands rested on his chest.  
She was an angel.
“Start talking or I’m going to put on more clothes.” She was joking, he knew she was, but it got him somewhat talking.
“It’s nothing, really.” His hands rubbed along her legs, fingers just skimming the fabric of his shirt before going back down.
He didn’t want to have this conversation, not now. Not ever really.
She ignored him. “So, if it’s not something I did and it’s not me, then it’s you?” She paused. “Are you worried you did something? I would have said something if I didn’t like it and you’re so attentive.”
The more she reassured him, the worse he felt.
There was no running from this. “It’s not that. It’s just, you know, look at you.”
Her confused face was adorable. It almost helped relieve the pit that was forming in his stomach.
“… and then look at me.”
“I’m not following.” Her head tilted to the side, but she rubbed his chest, trying to persuade him to continue.
“You’re too good for me.” His voice defeated as he admitted one of his darkest thoughts. He spent a lot of time trying to push it down.
He was met with silence and possibly the most intense stare down of his life, which is saying something considering he did that on the daily with Mosshead. She wasn’t impressed, it was written all of her face. The confusion was long gone, her eyebrows were furrowed, and mouth downturned.
“Says who?” Displeasure thick in her voice.
He broke first, crumbling under her stare, glancing to the side. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it. It’s not important.”
“It is important. Says who?”
He looked down, avoiding her face and his hands had stopped moving, sitting at her hips stubbornly. “No one. It’s just an elephant in the room.”
She sighed and it felt like he was being scolded for a second, before she said, “It’s a relief though, this I can deal with. You looked like you were having second thoughts.”
“No!” He blurted and without thinking said, “I should be saying that to you.”
“You don’t see yourself clearly,” she answered back.
There was a lump in his throat, he stayed silent. He had an idea of where this was going, and he honestly wasn’t sure he could bear hearing it.
It didn’t matter because she was on a roll. “You don’t see the way people look you up and down as you walk around. How jealous they look when they see your hand in mine.”
Okay, he could deal with that.
She pushed his hair away from his face and he had to resist the urge to smooth his hair back over his face. He felt exposed but he presumed that was kind of the point. He was faced with the full force of her gaze and it was a mixture of softness and seriousness.
“You don’t see the way I look at you. How in love with you I am.”
… That he could not. His throat burned.
“I can’t see it changing either and I don’t want it to. I want your kindness, your strength, the ridiculous way you trip over yourself to please me,” she laughed lightly at the end and her thumbs traced over his eyebrows affectionately. “You make me so happy and the distracting way you fill out your suit is just the cherry on top.”
“You make me happy too.” It was the biggest understatement of his life, but he’s not sure he’s capable of anymore right now. For once in their relationship, he’s the one struggling for words.
It was enough though; the seriousness was gone from her face and in its place was earnestness. “And I want you. Only you.”
He felt winded.
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to get rid of those thoughts, but I’ll spend forever trying to do it.”
In his fantasies, he’d never imagined this. He’d imagined a whole lot of things, but never the softest words that got him to his core. She understood his insecurities better than anyone, had seen where they came from and was still here. She was incredible.
And she’s still looking at him, but he doesn’t have words for her. He’s still blown away, but he did give her the softest look he had in his arsenal, nodding, and apparently that was enough as she leaned down to close the distance.
It’s a slow kiss, and he tried to convey everything he could through it. How much she meant to him, how lucky he felt, how grateful he was that she understood him and still wanted him. He cupped the back of her neck, thumb brushing just underneath her ear, like he knew she liked, and she shivered. They stayed that way, exchanging long, soft kisses back and forth, neither wanting to change the pace as they enjoyed the moment.
He pulled away from the kiss, but not by much. He found his voice as he reciprocated, “I love you too.”
“I know, you’re not subtle,” she joked, and her lips found his cheekbone. “But I love that about you.”
She pulled away slightly, her hands cupping his face to get his full attention.
“I wish you’d talked to me about this before, because you know, we’re in a relationship. I signed up for the good and the bad, the whole Sanji package,” she lectured softly. “I want to know everything, we’re a team.”
“Sorry, it’s just…” He trailed off, unsure how to explain himself. How would he even begin to start that and not sound like a total loser?
He never had to worry; she was on his wavelength. “I know, but just talk to me in future. I never not want to hear about this.”
Even he knew this conversation wasn’t over, they’d have to talk about it more in the future, which he understood, but he’s glad she’s letting him somewhat off the hook. It was enough but not too much.
He smiled up at her, bringing her into a quick kiss, because he didn’t know what else to do. The constant thought going around in his head was how incredible she was.
“It’s sunrise,” Nami said, glancing at the slowly brightening glow coming through the curtains. “The sun’s barely up and I believe I promised you could take this off me. We have some time.” Her eyebrows raised suggestively.
Any of his previous thoughts disappeared in an instant, instead replaced by his enthusiasm to get his beautiful girlfriend naked again.
He didn’t need any further encouragement before he was sitting up with her in his lap and his fingers were swiftly unbuttoning the shirt that had taken away his glorious view and throwing it to the floor in disdain. His hands cupped her breast in greeting and she sighed into his neck.
“You know,” she said lowly, and that was a tone he recognised all too well, he could feel himself stirring in anticipation, “you’ve tasted me, but I’ve never been able to return the favour.” Her lips brushed against his ear and she rolled her hips down against him.
He groaned, hands finding her hips to keep her there but his face steadily turning red at the thought of why. “Because I’d embarrass myself.”
“It’s never embarrassing, it’s the biggest compliment I’ve ever received,” she reassured him, kissing along his jaw. “Do you want me to?”
Oh god.
Deep breaths. Deep breaths!
He’s going to lose his load if he doesn’t calm down and nothing’s even happened yet. But just the way she phrased it and the thought of it! She’s the sexiest woman alive.
“Only if you want to,” he replied wobblily.
“So considerate, Sanji-kun.” She fluttered her lashes at him and left him with a quick parting kiss.
His heart beat steadily picked up the further south she went until it felt like it was going to burst out of chest when she settled between his legs. Which is ridiculous considering they’ve had sex, but there’s something different about this. It’s the way she’s looking up at him and that, in the darkest corners of his imagination, he’s pictured this but not even his active imagination could live up to the real thing.
Her mouth on his thigh put an end to his scattered thoughts and he’s throwing his head back when her lips kiss along his length, slowly moving upward. But it’s nothing compared to when she reached the tip, tongue lapping up the leaking fluid before taking him into her mouth.
And holy shit. Her mouth felt incredible, so hot and… there’s no words anymore. His brain’s scrambled.  
It’s overwhelming and he didn’t realise he’d closed his eyes until he opened them to look down at her. It’s a sight that almost made him lose it. Her hairs gathered over one shoulder, one hand splayed over his hips and the other working the section her mouth can’t quite fit in, pumping in rhythm with her mouth.  
If there were blood anywhere else in his body right now, he might have actually passed out.
The pleasure was building, he felt like he was already soaring, and he wanted to last longer, but it’s not looking likely. Not with the way she’s moving her mouth and just generally being her, she’s intoxicating. He could feel the tension building, a tingling sensation spreading through his body and he can’t hold back the sounds tumbling from his mouth.
He does not last.
It’s the combination of everything that sent him soaring off the deep end. Of having the woman of his dreams between his legs. The woman of his dreams sending him smoky looks from under her eyelashes. The woman of his dreams humming around him and looking so enthusiastic that it’s killing him.
Like an elastic band, he snapped, just managing to warn her but she’s not bothered. She barely blinked as she swallowed it down, continuing her ministrations to see him through his orgasm. And it made him see stars behind his eyes.
There’re a few seconds where he’s not sure what’s going on around him, but Nami’s back up with him, hand carding through his hair soothingly.  
“I’d ask if it was good, but the way you look is indication enough,” she sounded pleased and she had every right to. He felt incredible.
Panting, he nodded. That’s all he could offer at the moment, his brain still trying to piece everything together and failing spectacularly.
What he did do, was cup her face and draw her into a searing kiss, trying to convey everything he wanted to say through it. She melted against him, slotting their lips together and he can definitely taste himself on her tongue, but it doesn’t bother him. She’s just blown his mind.
They parted slowly, lingering kisses thrown into the mix, before he’s asking, “I won’t be able to… you know, for a while but is there anything else I can do for you?” And brushed his nose along her cheekbone.
Considering everything they’d done together, she still blushed prettily. “You’re really good with your fingers,” she trailed off.
It’s something he’s more than on board with. He loved to taste her, but this way he could drink in her expressions as he made her toes curl.
Loud laughter and thumping footsteps outside broke the atmosphere.
She sighed at the ruckus and said, “For later I suppose, that’s the alarm.”
He tightened his hold on her before she could get up, rolling them so he was on top. “Put it on snooze, the chefs already got something cooking.”
I was speaking to Beastprince/Ray on discord, and they mentioned their headcanons for Sanji, they were skirting around the edges of this. The whole conversation fuelled me to sit down and complete this.
As always, please excuse any errors.
Thanks for reading.
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mamabearcatfanfics · 3 years
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I’ve had a lot of sinus pressure in my teeth recently... and it made me remember this little fic.
If you prefer, read it on AO3 where I’ve just posted it as a ‘new’ work, or on FFN, where it’s the last chapter in my InuKag short stories collection Dog Tails
Tell Me Toothfully
Kagome had felt totally fine when she went to bed last night. She’d been a little tired from staying up late to study for her maths test the night before, and then of course Inuyasha had arrived to demand she come back through the well as soon as she’d arrived home. But that had been fine. It was actually refreshing, walking out along the road in the afternoon sun with her friends after being shut in a stuffy classroom all day. They’d set up camp after walking for a few hours, not having any particular leads to follow at the moment, and it had been a lovely evening.  
Inuyasha had complained less than usual about her ‘abandoning’ them to go complete her test, which, wonder of wonders, she thought she’d done okay on. Sango and Miroku had spent the evening in friendly conversation, with only one hand slap breaking the gentle camaraderie around the fire. Shippou had fallen asleep without getting on Inuyasha’s nerves too much, after quickly devouring the lollipop she’d bought back for him as a treat. He had snuggled down next to her as soon as she’d climbed into her sleeping bag, happy that she was back with them. The last thing Kagome had seen before closing her eyes was Inuyasha in the tree above her, the slight glow of his golden eyes in the darkness and the moonlight reflecting off his silver hair. With his comforting presence above her and the rumble of Kirara’s purr in the background, she’d had no trouble drifting off into peaceful dreams.
But right now, as the sun’s rays tipped just over the horizon, she was in agony. The whole right side of her face was swollen and tender to touch. The pain was so intense that Kagome couldn’t pinpoint where exactly in her mouth it was coming from; it felt like the whole of the right side of her skull was throbbing.
She rolled over gingerly in her sleeping bag to see if the others were awake yet and gasped as the simple movement made the lancing pain in her face flare white hot. Miroku and Sango were still asleep, Kirara curled up close beside Sango. Shippou was still snuggled against her. She couldn’t see Inuyasha anywhere, but that wasn’t unusual – he often went fishing before the others awoke if there was a stream nearby. She sat up gingerly and turned her head towards the direction he’d probably disappeared off to, and a small pained whimper escaped her before she could silence it. Shippou blinked at her sleepily.
“Kagome, you okay?” He stared up at her face in puzzlement, then scrambled up her shoulder to poke gently at her swollen cheek. Even that very slight pressure from Shippou’s tiny finger made tears instantly spring to her eyes and she couldn’t control the pained whine that escaped. She breathed in and out through her nose for a moment, then managed a watery smile.
“M’okay Shippou, don’worry”, she managed. The kit continued to look at her doubtfully with a concerned expression, sniffing as he watched her rifle through her backpack to look for the medical kit. If she could just take some pain relief before Inuyasha got back from wherever he was…
Inuyasha strode back through the forest, clutching one of Kagome’s useful plastic containers to his chest. It was filled to the brim with cleaned and gutted fish; only small ones, because the stream was really no more than a trickle off a larger tributary, but there were plenty of them and they would cook quickly strung up over the campfire. He grinned as he imagined Kagome’s pleased smile - she loved fish for breakfast, even though he would have been happy with just ramen.
He was looking forward to getting out on the road again. He hated waiting in the village when Kagome was away – it felt stifling and always made him annoyed and irritable. Absolutely nothing to do with the wench being on the other side of the well. Nope. Then why does it feel so much better when she’s back?
He discarded that thought with a grunt as he strode back into camp, plonking the container holding the fish off to one side as he stooped to feed the fire with twigs and leaves to get it going again. Shippou bounced over to him, landing noiselessly on his shoulder, his small back paws treading nervously as he tugged on Inuyasha’s ear.
“Kagome smells sick!”
His head swung towards Kagome as he gave a few careful sniffs, and there it was. Something was definitely wrong.
“Oi, do ya feel sick?” he questioned, eyes widening as he took in the sight of her swollen reddened cheek. Kagome shook her head vehemently in denial, then whimpered quietly, closing her eyes with a pained expression.
Inuyasha frowned as he made his way over to her sleeping bag, squatting down next to her. He glared at her swollen cheek and sniffed, then snarled quietly when he scented the beginning of a bad infection. His clawed fingers went to her chin, gently tipping her head slightly to the side.
“What the hell happened to you wench?” His expression softened a little as she looked up at him tearfully, and he placed his palm gently against her forehead. She had the beginnings of a fever too.
“Open up, lemme see.” Kagome pressed her lips tightly together and glared at him, even though he could see that holding her mouth like that was painful for her.
Sango, Miroku and Kirara were now awake.
“What’s wrong?” asked Sango, peering over Inuyasha’s shoulder, and she made a small noise of sympathy as she noticed Kagome’s swollen cheek.
“I’m pretty sure Kagome has a rotten tooth, but she’s bein’ a baby about it and won’t show me”, he growled softly. “If it’s bad, it’s gotta come out wench, or otherwise you’ll get really sick!”
Kagome glared at him, her eyes narrowing, despite her pain.
“Si’!”, she hissed, and Inuyasha flinched, his ears flattening as he braced himself in readiness for his face to be pulled earthwards with a solid smack. Nothing happened.
“Keh! Beads don’t work when ya can’t talk properly, huh?” he gloated, baring his own pointed teeth as he grinned at her.
Kagome’s eyes filled with tears, and Inuyasha blinked in alarm.
“Hey, don’t cry about it! I promise, you can sit me as soon as your tooth is out, okay?”
Kagome shook her head slightly, indicating that wasn’t what the tears were for.
“Hur’s”, she whimpered. Her bottom lip trembled as she kept her mouth tightly shut, and she blinked some more tears away.
“C’mon ‘gome, just show me”, he sighed, stroking his fingers lightly over hers where they lay on the sleeping bag, not feeling comfortable with showing any other form of gentleness with the rest of them gathered around. “I’m sorry I called ya a baby. I know how much a rotten tooth can hurt – felt like cryin’ myself when I had one as a pup.”
Miroku chimed in. “I assume you have healers in your own time that can deal with a toothache Kagome?” She nodded carefully. “What if Inuyasha promises that he won’t pull the tooth himself, but will take you back through the well to receive treatment – does that sound fair?”
Sango jabbed Inuyasha in the ribs when he failed to give his agreement; his attention still focused on Kagome’s tearful brown pools of misery, and he winced at the sudden poke to his side. Damn, that woman could be so pointy!
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll take her”, he grunted at Sango, pushing her hand away. He turned his attention back to Kagome. “I promise I won’t pull it – jus’ show me so I know it’s not somethin’ else.” His tone was a lot more gentle than usual; he could read in her scent just how much pain she was in, and he didn’t want to cause her any more distress.
Hesitantly Kagome opened her mouth, whimpering a little at a sudden spike in pain, and Inuyasha wrinkled his nose as the smell of infection increased dramatically. He peered into her mouth, past the other little white teeth to see a slightly blackened tooth growing crooked right at the back, only halfway out and surrounded by reddened swollen flesh.
“Yeah, it’s a bad tooth, right up the back. Let’s get you home wench, your Mama’ll know what to do, right?”
Kagome shut her mouth. “M’sorry”, she whispered, gazing at everyone tearfully. “I jus’ go’ back. An’ now m’goin’ again.” She swallowed as the pain spiked as she tried to talk, and Sango stroked her shoulder reassuringly.
“It’s okay Kagome-chan. We’re less than half a day’s journey from the village. It’s better that this happened now, rather than somewhere far from the well. Inuyasha will take you home, and we’ll wait at Kaede’s until you are healed okay?”
Shippou leaped onto Sango’s shoulder and stroked Kagome’s unswollen cheek hesitantly with tiny fingers. “I’m sorry I hurt you before”, he said softly. “I hope you feel better soon.”
Miroku smiled reassuringly at her. “Don’t worry about us Kagome. I’m sure all will be well. The sooner you leave, the sooner to return, hmm?”
Inuyasha knelt down in front of Kagome with his back to her, indicating she should climb on. “You lot may as well have breakfast before you leave. Don’t waste that fish.” As soon as he felt Kagome had a good grip with her knees and hands, he was off, determined to get her home as quickly as possible.
Inuyasha grumbled as he sat next to Kagome’s bed, waiting for her and her mother to return. Mama Higurashi had taken one look at her daughter’s swollen face after listening to Inuyasha’s description of the rotten tooth, and had got on the phone to the family dentist. They were in luck; someone had cancelled earlier in the day and she’d managed to secure her daughter an emergency appointment. But they’d been gone for a while now, and he was both worried and bored. A bad combination, because it gave him time to think about… things.
A soft giggle out in the yard alerted him to their return, and he bounded down the stairs as the front door opened.
“Oh good, Inuyasha, you’re still here”, Mama Higurashi panted. “Could you help me get Kagome up to her room please?”
Kagome’s arm was draped over her mother’s shoulder, and she was giggling. As soon as she noticed Inuyasha she launched herself at him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck and leaning her full weight against him.
“’n’yasha! I miss' youuuu!”
Inuyasha’s eyes widened as he felt Kagome rubbing her cheek against his chest, making happy mewling sounds like a kitten. He glanced down at her in alarm, bracing her around her waist with his arm as she staggered slightly and giggled, and then looked back at her mother, his cheeks flushing.
“What’s wrong with her?!”
“She’s fine”, smiled Mama. “She had an impacted wisdom tooth, and another ready to erupt too, so the dentist removed both of them and gave her some strong pain relief. It seems to have made her a little… happy.”
Inuyasha’s eyebrow raised as he looked at Mama Higarashi – that was the fucking understatement of the century. He glanced back down at Kagome, who chose that moment to gaze up at him innocently, a wide grin on her face and her doe-like brown eyes sparkling with joy.
“’ake me ‘oo bed ‘n’yasha”, she cooed, and Inuyasha spluttered in embarrassment.
“Ya what?!” he blustered, averting his eyes from her adoring gaze. He tried to untangle the small fingers clutched about his neck, but she was gripping on like a monkey, her body weight leaning against him like she was suddenly boneless, and he didn’t want to use any force and accidentally hurt her. He could hear Mama Higurashi trying to hide her laughter behind her hand, and he turned his eyes to hers helplessly.
“Why don’t you take her up to her room Inuyasha and get her settled into bed before the pain medication wears off”, she agreed soothingly. “She won’t be able to eat anything solid for a few days, so I’m going to make some soup. I won’t be long.” He heard her burst into laughter as soon as she was safely in the kitchen and he snorted in irritation. Small fingers tugged on the his collar of his kosode.
“I ma' you angry”, Kagome slurred, her bottom lip trembling. “Why’ I make you angry ‘n’yasha? Issa’ why you leave me behin' n’ go see her, ‘cause I make you angry?” Sudden hot tears dribbled down her flushed cheeks, and he was quick to wipe them away with his thumb, one arm hooked around her waist to keep her steady as she clung to him. Fuck.
“You…”, he stuttered, trying to make the right words come, but it was difficult for him to focus when she was looking at him like that, her pain so close to the surface, unfiltered by her usual cheerfulness. “You don’t make me angry wench. You irritate me sometimes, jus’ like I irritate you, but the only time I feel angry at you is when you get yourself hurt ‘cause ya didn’t listen ta me. Okay?”
“Yay.” The tears evaporated and her smile was blinding. “You’re so pre’ey”, she sighed. “Di’you know your eyes are golden?” Her voice was serious as if she were stating an important fact.
“Fuckin’ hell”, he sighed, scooping her up off her feet and carrying her up the stairs to her bedroom.
“N’ you’re s’rong”, she cooed as he carried her along the hallway. “Makes my ‘ummy go all funny when you swing your ‘essaiga.”
He grunted in answer, heat flushing his cheeks. Maybe if he could coax her to go to sleep the medicine would wear off and he’d get his regular Kagome back – he didn’t know how to handle this one.
He walked into her room and held her close to him with one arm while he turned down her coverlet, huffing a little as she snuggled herself against his neck.
“Y’r so warm. You make me feel warm ‘n’yasha.” She made a little ‘oof’ noise as he settled her on the bed, then she giggled as he pulled off her shoes then tucked the covers up over her. She grabbed one of his hands, tugging on his fingers, then placed his hand on her chest, pushing his fingers between the gap of her button shirt, directly over her heart. “S’rue. You make me warm here. My hear’ bea’s fr you.”
His fingers twitched under hers, no doubt struggling under the same quandary his brain was – he wanted to pull away and run, but at the same time he wanted to keep his hand there, feeling the warmth of her skin forever. He’d dreamed of the moment she might ask him to touch her there, and it was better than he had imagined - so soft and warm, with the pulse of her heart beating strongly against his skin.
He gulped, as his mouth went dry and his own heart rate escalated. If she had said and done this at any other time, he would have taken the chance to act on his driving impulse to caress the delicate flesh directly beneath his fingertips, and lean in to kiss those softly parted lips. But this wasn’t fair. She was looking at him so trustingly, her eyes adoring, but she wasn’t her usual self, and would no doubt be embarrassed by this.
He gently pulled his hand back, entwining his fingers with hers and placing their joined hands down on the top of her pink quilt. He sat down on the edge of the bed, close to her knees underneath the covers, trying to keep a respectful distance between them.
“You need to get some rest Kagome. Time ta sleep, okay?” He patted her legs gently with his other hand, hoping it would soothe her.
“Will you s’ay?” Her eyes were already drooping, and she blinked at him sleepily, as if trying to keep him close by with her gaze alone.
“O’course”, he said a little wistfully, watching as she drifted off.
He wondered if she’d remember any of this. He tucked a stray wisp of hair that had dropped down over her cheek behind her ear, his fingers lingering. A small part of him hoped she would, but the other part, the much larger part that had no trouble informing him that he was a useless worthless hanyou who deserved nothing good, hoped to keep things as they were to save him from certain disappointment. But he couldn’t contain his whispered thought, as soon as he was sure she was asleep.
“I’ll always stay when ya want me to Kagome." He sighed heavily, almost not wanting to admit it aloud, but unable to lie to himself any longer. "I'll stay, ‘cause my heart beats for you too.”
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catflorist · 4 years
Markings (ao3 / ffn) catflorist Summary: After the war, Sakura steals the hearts of Team Taka. Sasuke doesn’t know how to feel about this. All about healing and friendship for Sakura and Sasuke (and Team Taka/Team Seven). SasuSaku Month 2020, Day 14: Battle Scars @ssmonth 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Markings Chapter 1 A sprawling mass of canvas tents at the edge of a plateau formed the armed forces encampment. After the final battle, shinobi returned there to rest and recover. It was a village in its own right, existing because war needed time to transition into peace.
Sakura knew her way around the encampment like she knew how to recite the bones in a human body. She could tell the urgency of a request by what kind of sound a tent flap made when a medic rustled it open. She knew which boulder at the edge of camp provided the best view of the sunset. But Sakura didn’t have time to watch sunsets anymore. The war had wounded many, and she spent most of her time tending to patients and working shifts in the infirmary.
“Medic,” Sakura called, then entered the tent housing the members of Taka, the last stop on her daily rounds.
Suigetsu looked up and smiled.
Jugo stood. Once Sakura had taken up assignment as their medic, he started bringing her the wounded animals that crossed his path. In thanks for her service, he awarded small gifts—smooth stones, curved twigs. This time he presented her a speckled blue eggshell.
“It’s beautiful!” Sakura said. “Will you keep it for me until I go?”
Jugo bowed his head. A bird landed on his shoulder—Sakura’s most recent patient.
“How’s our favorite medic?” Suigetsu called, smiling wide.
Sakura nursed a secret curiosity for the people Sasuke had hand-picked as his teammates. There was Suigetsu, with his laidback speech and flirtatious smile. Jugo, the wild killer, the gentle giant who comforted injured animals. Karin, with her mess of red hair, whose tired eyes glazed over whenever someone mentioned Sasuke’s name.
Sasuke himself was a simple patient. They had exchanged few words since their reunion. Since his apology.
Jugo’s bird chirped, bringing Sakura back from her thoughts.
“I’m fine, thank you,” Sakura replied, bright and professional. “How are you all feeling?”
“I am well,” Jugo said. “As is my friend.”
“Suigetsu? How’s the sprain treating you?”
“Better every day.” He spun his chair around and straddled the seat backwards. His sprained ankle failed to diminish his level of swagger.
“Karin?” Sakura prompted.
Karin sighed and shifted in her cot. She had never said so, but it was clear she was less than enthusiastic about Sakura’s visits.
Today the red-haired kunoichi wore a cropped shirt, exposing the thick knot of scar tissue on her stomach. Sakura had not seen this injury since she had healed it herself.
Karin followed Sakura’s gaze and looked away.
Sakura had healed thousands of injuries in thousands of circumstances. She would never forget this one. The edges of Sakura’s vision blurred, and she slipped back to that day: a chidori aimed at her skull, electricity standing up the hair on her arms, the air red and thick with the scent of blood. Sasuke with the intent to kill in his eyes.
Sasuke had pierced clean through Karin’s body in his attack on Danzo. As if she were no more than a layer of clothing.
Sakura still had nightmares, but she did not wear Sasuke’s betrayal on her body as scar tissue.
“Everything is fine,” Karin reported, adjusting her glasses. “I don’t need you to look me over.”
Sakura pulled a chair next to Karin’s bedside. She rubbed the sleeve of her white coat. “How’s the old wound?” she asked softly.
Karin’s eyes widened, then she crossed her arms. “It’s fine.”
“If you like…” Sakura began, “I might be able to heal this scar away.”
To Sakura’s surprise, Karin’s lip trembled.
Jugo silenced a squeak from his bird. Even Suigetsu didn’t speak.
Two stubborn tears slipped down Karin’s cheeks. Sakura’s throat grew tight.
“No,” Karin said. “I don’t want to forget.”
Sakura understood Karin a little better then. “You’re strong,” she said.
Karin raised her head, not hiding her tears.
A pang of kinship struck Sakura’s heart. She squeezed Karin’s hand. Karin squeezed back.
“Has he apologized to you?” Sakura asked.
Karin sniffed. “I can tell he’s sorry. In his own way.”
Sakura could not hold back a scoff. “Idiot.”
The two kunoichi exchanged a look. They both knew him.
Karin mumbled, “Idiot.”
Smiles broke out on their faces. Karin wiped her eyes.
“You knew Sasuke. Before,” Suigetsu said. It was not a question.
Sakura thought, And you knew Sasuke. After.
Sasuke was the kind of person who split the landscape of time into before and after, leaving a deep chasm between. On one side, Sakura, before, stared at the members of Taka, after.
She sighed. “Yes. We were teammates.”
The faces in the room grew soft, contemplative. This was the first time they all acknowledged their mutual connection to Sasuke. Sakura felt a door open, a weight lift. They had slung a rope across the chasm.
“Well,” Suigetsu resolved, “you can heal my old scars.” Forgoing all modesty, he lifted his shirt over his head. A long white scar marred his stomach. “I got this a few years back. It messes with my look.”
Karin snapped, “You’re so fucking vain.”
“You’re jealous I’m prettier than you.” Suigetsu balled up his shirt and tossed it into her lap. Karin bristled like a cat.
Sakura could not fight her smile. She gestured for Suigetsu to approach. He sat on the edge of Karin’s cot.
“You’re both very pretty,” Sakura granted, and pooled healing chakra into her palms.
Both Suigetsu and Karin beamed at her.
“I like her,” Suigetsu said to Karin, bobbing his finger towards Sakura’s face.
“She’s out of your league,” Karin snorted.
Suigetsu sputtered, shifting under Sakura’s touch. Then he added, snide, “Sasuke’s really the one who needs a touch-up. He looks like a cat’s scratch-post.”
Karin smirked. “He would never want that.” She glanced at Sakura.
Sakura rolled her eyes. She confirmed, “Too much pride.”
“Can I call you Sakura-chan?” Suigetsu asked.
“Whatever helps you heal faster,” Sakura said.
Jugo chimed in from the corner. “Next time, I will bring you a bird’s nest.”
Once it was all over, and Sasuke lay bleeding on the ground next to Naruto, he felt himself floating away. The sound of skittering rocks and urgent footsteps reached him through a thick haze. Then a gentle warmth spread throughout his body. The feeling returned to his limbs in a rush. He could not help gasping in pain, everything heavy and hurting.
He concentrated on the warmth. It was soft, precious, like the first glimmer of light on a cold morning.
Sasuke blinked his eyes open and understood why the sensation felt so familiar.
“Leave me,” Sasuke mumbled.
Sakura chewed her lower lip as she worked, eyebrows drawn. The green light of her healing chakra danced across her face. She gave no sign that she had heard.
Sasuke tried to roll away. His body obeyed with the slightest twitch. At this, Sakura glared at him. “Don’t distract me,” she ordered. “I’m trying to concentrate.”
“Sakura.” Breathing was easier now. “I’m sorry.”
Her mouth curled. “For what?”
Sasuke did not have the right words. There were too many things for which he was sorry. He muttered, “For everything until now.”
“Good,” she said. “I hope you’re sorry.”
Slow tears spilled down Sakura’s cheeks, tracing the same paths over and over.
“You fucking asshole,” she added.
The flow of chakra never wavered. Sakura did not hesitate to save him yet again.
To keep himself from drifting, Sasuke watched the green glow on her face.
Afterwards, Sasuke spent his days in the medic encampment. He relearned the balance of his body, feeling the air where his left arm once existed. He discovered new patches of scar tissue on his skin. At night, he could not sleep.
Sasuke’s visitors bombarded him with questions and urgent topics of discussion.
Naruto limped in on crutches, asking Sasuke, “Aren’t you excited to finally come home?”
Kakashi touched a thoughtful finger to his masked mouth and asked, “Let’s talk about what will happen next. It’s possible you’ll be branded a criminal.”
Tsunade charged into his tent demanding, “Tell me why I should convince the council not to brand you a criminal.”
Sasuke’s answers didn’t satisfy any of them.
Sakura was his other regular visitor. She came each day to check his injuries. Only Sakura didn’t ask anything of him, though Sasuke felt she deserved his answers the most.
It started off small. Jugo fretted over an injured bird. The next day, the bird perched alert and unharmed on his shoulder.
“The medic healed him for me,” Jugo told Sasuke.
Sasuke hadn’t asked.
“The pink one,” he elaborated. Sasuke somehow already knew.
Then one day, Suigetsu could not stop smiling as he lounged in Sasuke’s tent.
“What are you so happy about?” Sasuke finally asked.
Suigetsu raised an eyebrow. “Sakura-chan is really something.”
Sasuke’s stomach clenched.
“She’s cute,” Suigetsu said. “Tough. Nice smile. Interesting hair. And she healed up my old scar.”
With a flourish, Suigetsu pulled up his shirt to reveal his unmarred abdomen.
“What’s with the long face?” he protested. “She’d probably do the same for you if you asked.”
“I’m not interested,” Sasuke muttered.
Suigetsu’s smile transformed into a shit-eating grin. “You’re as predictable as they said,” he laughed.
Sasuke did not take the bait.
No fan of subtlety, Suigetsu elaborated on his own. “Karin and Sakura, I mean.”
Sasuke should not have been surprised, that with her warm smile and sweet disposition, Sakura had befriended his teammates.
The next time Sakura appeared at his tent, Sasuke was in a bad mood.
She paused in changing a bandage. “Are you feeling more pain than normal?”
She frowned. “You seem upset.”
“I’m not.”
Sakura held his stare.
“You’ve been talking to my teammates,” Sasuke said.
Sakura blinked. “Well, they’re my patients. Just like you.”
Sasuke regretted speaking. “Never mind.”
“What does it matter if I’m talking to them?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
A shadow fell across her face. Sakura checked his injuries without another word, a green thundercloud of healing chakra.
She stood up the instant she finished. “I don’t know what’s bothering you today. But I suggest that instead, you should think about how you still owe Karin an apology.” Her mouth opened again, then shut.
Sasuke stared at his lap, because she was right.
Her jaw set. She stormed away.
Sasuke broke his bedrest early and apologized to Karin outside of the Taka tent. His throat was dry, and his words were too curt. He could not look her in the eye.
Karin nodded once. In a thick voice, she said, “Thank you.” After a while, she retreated inside. It was far more forgiveness than Sasuke deserved.
For the first time, Sakura did not leave right away after her next visit. She shrugged off her white coat, smoothed back her hair, and took a seat by Sasuke’s bedside. She peeled and sliced two apples, then arranged the fruit on a plate.
“Antioxidants,” she explained, dropping the plate on Sasuke’s lap. The apple slices jostled on impact.
“Thank you.” His voice was quiet.
Sakura didn’t blink. “You apologized to Karin.”
“Good,” she said.
Sasuke opened his mouth, his face hot, yet another imperfect apology burning on his lips.
“I already know you’re sorry,” Sakura interrupted. “Just finish your fruit.” She hummed her approval when he lifted a slice to his lips.
Sasuke offered the plate to her. She paused, then picked a slice. They took turns until the plate was empty.
It was the best apple Sasuke had ever eaten.
Through messages relayed by Sakura, Naruto pestered Sasuke to stop by his tent. After a week of rest, Sasuke gave in one late afternoon and made his way through the lively encampment.
The encampment had grown in purpose beyond a location to house troops. Medics darted in and out of the infirmary tent, the tall landmark at the center of camp. Shinobi from each nation mixed and mingled together. They lined up for meals, called out to each other in greeting, or gathered to swap stories and spar. They transformed rows of tents into neighborhoods.
For its community of shinobi, the encampment served as a space to celebrate, mourn, and heal before returning home. For Sasuke, it was the unexpected reprieve of a clearing in the middle of a dark forest. But it only gave way to more uncharted forest.
Sasuke opened the flap to Naruto’s tent. Naruto dozed open-mouthed atop his futon. Next to him, Sakura lay coiled on her side, her loose hair strewn across a pillow, fingers curled up next to her cheek.
A gust of wind sent the entrance of the tent flapping. Sakura shot up at the noise, already reaching for her white coat.
When she saw Sasuke her shoulders dropped, and her sleepiness returned. “Naruto was supposed to wake me up,” Sakura murmured, rubbing her eyes.
Sasuke could not shake the image of their closeness. He said, “I’ll come back later.”
“You better stay. He’s been annoying me all day about you.”
Caught in her pleading gaze, Sasuke joined Sakura on the ground and crossed his legs. She gently shook Naruto’s shoulder. Naruto sat up and yawned with vigor.
“I love napping,” he announced, stretching, then grinned at Sasuke. “Look who finally showed up!”
“You’re keeping busy,” Sasuke said.
“Sleep is important, teme.”
“You were supposed to wake me up,” Sakura reminded him.
“Ah! Sorry Sakura!” Naruto offered a sheepish grin. “Do you need to run?”
Sakura waved a hand. “Shizune would have found me by now if they needed me.”
The three teammates regarded each other. They had not been alone together in a long time.
“Look at us. We’re old now.” Naruto beamed.
Sasuke scoffed under his breath.
“We aren’t old,” Sakura said. “But we are veterans.”
Her words weren’t bitter. But it was a candid acknowledgement of their reality. They were young, and already fighting so hard.
Sasuke examined the slight shock he felt at her introspection. For a long time, Sasuke had convinced himself that Sakura was nothing more than a weak and silly girl. She never had been, but Sasuke rewrote his memories of her until it became true. He did this to make leaving easier. To make being her enemy easier. It was time to let go of this falsehood.
“Only four arms between the three of us,” Naruto joked.
Sakura didn’t respond. Then she drew a shaky breath.
“You idiots,” she whispered. “You could’ve killed each other.” Her eyes shone with unshed tears.
Naruto’s face fell. He rubbed her back. “We’re sorry, Sakura-chan. We really are idiots.”
As Sakura cried, Sasuke froze. He did not know how to match the comfort Naruto so easily offered. He reached out, faltered, and withdrew his hand. After all this time, after all he had done, would his words, his touch, mean anything?
Naruto caught Sasuke’s hesitation. With the smallest movement of his chin, he gestured, get over here.
Sasuke touched a thumb to her knuckles. “Thank you, Sakura.”
He didn’t know what he was thanking her for. He only knew that he would never get to the bottom of everything he owed her.
“You saved us. Again,” Naruto said.
Sakura took a deep breath and threatened, “Next time, I’ll kill you both myself.”
She gripped Sasuke’s hand and squeezed.
“I don’t doubt it,” Naruto said with a nervous chuckle. “But it won’t happen again. Eh, Sasuke?”
“Never,” Sasuke promised, dazed by the sudden warmth of her small hand in his. Her hand was illogical to Sasuke. A rough, calloused palm met slender fingers and a graceful wrist. Her hands promised both to break bones and to mend flesh.
Sakura tilted her head back. She closed her eyes and smiled.
A thought entered Sasuke’s mind as he sat next to his old teammates, listening to Naruto coax a laugh out of Sakura.
So this is what I missed.
. Note: thank you to @diwatafolk for beta-ing! up next: Taka banter, healing lessons, sparring, and Sasuke builds a table.
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avasharpe · 3 years
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Chapter: one/one
Summary: "What about a chick magnet and a chick?" Sara asked, pulling up the picture on her phone to show Ava.
"No," Ava said, scrunching up her nose in disgust.
The couple was lounging on the bed at Ava's house that night. With Sara laying on her stomach sideways across the bed and Ava leaning against the headboard with a glass of wine.
"Okay, what about a coffee barista and a frappuccino?" Sara asked.
Fandom: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.
Relationship: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe.
Characters: Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe, Charlie, Zari Tomaz, Mick Rory, Nora Darhk, and Ray Palmer.
Chapter Rating: General Audiences.
Additional Tags: Halloween, Costume Party, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Avalance Halloween fun! (This is an old one but It’s not posted here so!)
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
"Hey, Sara?" Zari asked, pulling her yogurt spoon from her lips. "Can I turn the bridge into a haunted maze for the party?"
"What party?" Sara asked, sitting her oatmeal breakfast down on the table next to Ava.
It was a fairly late morning and the crew was lazy in their efforts to get up and start the day. The majority of them were still in their pajamas as they got breakfast and were not too chatty as they ate. Apart from Zari, Ray, and Ava who were always the early birds of the team.
"The Halloween party? We are having a party, right!" Zari exclaimed.
"A party?" Nate said, popping up his head from where he had been staring into his coffee.
"A party?" Ray sang, as cheerful as ever that morning.
"Oh no," Ava said, knowing exactly where this was going.
"Can we have a party?" Mona sang, perking up.
"Can I get drunk?" Mick added, smiling despite the weary look he had a moment ago.
"Can I get laid?" Charlie sang as they all broke out in song for the last verse.
"Will there be a pretty girl for me to serenade?"
"Not you too," Ava said looking over as had Nora joined in. "It’s too early for this."
"A party, a party. Can we have a party?"
"Can I get drunk? Can I get laid?"
"Will, there be a pretty girl for me to serenade?"
Ava dropped her head into her folded arms as everyone else sang the rhyme again, but Sara wrapped her arm around Ava’s shoulder giving her a quick squeeze. "All right that's enough. We can have a party, but keep it to the bridge."
"Yes!" They all shouted.
Zari pulled out her tablet and pulled up the Pinterest board she had made with all her ideas. Her enthusiasm was contagious as they all talked over each other about the drinks and decorations they wanted. Ava gave Sara a weary look knowing how out of control these things could get, but Sara just smiled and leaned in. She kissed her lips and scooted her chair closer to her.
"Relax, it’ll be fun. I promise."
"I don’t know," Ava said, still not on board with the party. "I’ve never even been tricking or treating, much less an actual Halloween party."
"All the more reason for us to do this, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. We can dress up, have some fun food and drinks and if you’re lucky I’ll dance for you."
Ava blushed and hind her pink cheeks in Sara’s shoulder, kissing her bare skin. "Okay."
Sara leaned her head down onto Ava’s and they enjoyed the quiet moment together, despite the loud and busy conversation happening in front of them. That is, until Zari decided to try out the strobe lights and dubstep music. Causing Ava to jump and fall back in her chair.
"Zari!" Ava shouted as Sara helped her up. "A little bit of warning next time okay."
"What about a chick magnet and a chick?" Sara asked, pulling up the picture on her phone to show Ava.
"No, it just seems wrong," Ava said, scrunching up her nose in disgust.
The couple was lounging on the bed at Ava's house that night. With Sara laying on her stomach sideways across the bed and Ava leaning against the headboard with a glass of wine.
"Okay, what about a coffee barista and a frappuccino?" Sara asked.
"No, what about Marcie and Patty from Peanuts?" Ava asked showing Sara the photo she had found on her phone.
"No," Sara said, with a shake of her head. "We could do a cat lady and her cat."
"No, Mona said, she's doing that. Or something like that." Ava said, trying to think about what Mona was saying about her costume the other day.
"What about a skeleton and the grim reaper."
"No, but, what if we did Edgar Allan Poe and his raven?"
"No, what about a skeleton and a vampire!"
"No, if we're going to do a couples costume I want us to match more and why do I get the idea that all of your costumes are the sexy kind?" Ava asked looking down at Sara with her eyebrows raised.
Sara gave her a sultry smile and a wink. Ava just rolled her eyes and looked back down at her phone. It wasn't necessarily Ava’s first Halloween with Sara, but it was her first Halloween party. Last year they had just watched Halloween movies and handed out candy to trick-or-treaters and that was Ava's plan for this year as well, but Sara had never needed an excuse to dress up or to party.
"What about a pair of Beanie Babies?" Ava suggested.
"NO!" Sara yelled, rolling over onto her back and onto Ava's feet.
"Okay, Sara just admit it. You want to wear a skin tight costume, so I can try and find something we can agree on," Ava said, fed up with the current argument that was going nowhere.
"I just want to wear a sexy skin tight costume," Sara said, rolling over until she was resting in Ava's lap. "It's Halloween, I just want to have fun, get drunk, and wear a costume that has you staring at me all night."
"Okay fine," Ava said, letting her fingers run threw Sara's hair. "But I would rather wear something fun."
"Okay," Sara agreed.
They went over several options that they have been throwing at each other for the last hour. They had been having this fight all week as they tried to figure out something that they could do together. Now, they were down to the wire as it was October 30th.
"You really want to be a skeleton?" Ava asked.
"Yes," Sara said, smiling up at her.
"Okay, well I guess I could be a ghost, but like one with a white suit and hair."
Sara smiled imagining Ava in a suit with blood. She watched has Sara wiggled in excitement and got up from the bed. She went one grabbed Ava's Time Courier and opened a portal into their bedroom on the Waverider. Ava followed her threw the open portal as Sara opened the second drawer in the cabinet that was built into the wall and pulled out She held up the costume for Ava to see. It was definitely a sexy skin tight costume. It was a three piece skeleton corset, leggings, and black with white rimmed tutu.
Ava just shook her head and smiled. "Okay but now we need to get a costume for me."
The Halloween party was in full swing. The majority of the lights had been turned off, leaving only red and gray lights. Zari had gotten an actual smoke machine that had flooded the ground. With ghosts and skeletons hung up around the room and a vast array of spider webs crisscrossed the ceiling Zari had gone all out. Ava had already managed to get caught up in one of the spider webs and after a cup of blood punch that was heavily spiked, she was happy to sit for the rest of the party talk with Nora at one of the tables.
"Why a witch?” Ava asked Nora as she set down her yellow and black scarf on the table narrowly avoiding one of the candles set up among the pumpkins.
Nora just shrugged, "I think Ray just wanted an excuse to wear the beard and I couldn't say no."
They both looked over to where Ray was dressed as Dumbledore complete with a long white beard, standing next to the food table and talking with Nate who was dressed as Indiana Jones.
"I suppose I don't have to ask why you chose your costume,” Nora said, referring to the ghost white and gray suit that Ava was wearing along with the skull makeup and splashes of blood and cuts, before looking over to where Sara was dancing with Mona and Charlie, the white skull face makeup and bones of her costume glowed in the dark light. Accenting the low cut corset and short skirt.
"It’s what she wanted."
Nora laughed and Ava rolled her eyes at her friend, looking back at Sara. She caught Ava’s eye and now was purposely dancing seductively until Charlie pulled her aside and they went over can grab another drink.
"We’re not whipped," Ava said looking back at Nora.
"No absolutely not," Nora said with a shake of her head and a frown on her lips, as she quickly took another sip of her drink.
"Yeah, of course not," Ava said shaking your head too fast.
They took one look at each other and burst out into a fit of giggles. They both knew that they were head over heels for their partners.
"Hey, did you finish the book club book?" Ava asked thinking about the Halloweenish, boy wizard book set in England. Mona had been appalled when both of them admitted they had never read it.
"Yes," Nora said reaching over and slapping Ava's arm. "And you should too it's actually pretty good. "
"I know," Ava said frowning at the thought. "I just read the first few pages, but it was just dull and childish and the way his family treats him…"
"It gets better," Nora said. "And you know how disappointed Mona is going to be."
"What's going to disappoint me?" Mona asked appearing at their table out of breath I'm dancing but smiling, complete with cute cat whiskers headband and cat ears.
"The fact that we didn't save you any of Lady Bird Johnson's pecan pie," Nora said, quickly covering and trying her best to not look guilty.
"Oh that's okay," Mona said, waving them off. "Besides I've already had three pieces of pumpkin pie, it's my true favorite."
"I'll have to remember that for Thanksgiving," Ava said with a smile.
Mona squealed and did a whole body wiggle. "I love the holidays! Now come on you have to come dance with me."
She grabbed both Nora and Avas’ arms ignoring their whines and groans of protest as she dragged them onto the dance floor.
Ava barely lasted for fifteen minutes, before she was making up an excuse that she was thirsty and headed for the drinks that were set up on the table in the parlor. It was a bit better lit than the rest of the bridge, although not by much. Ava almost tripped over Charlie who was crouched over on the floor with a broom and dustpan picking up shards of glass. Ava looked over the mess and grabbed a rag to help whipped up the spilled drinks.
"Are you all right?"
"Yeah, Charlie nodded. “It's just those fancy glasses Zari insisted on using. They just shatter the second they hit the floor."
"Are those part of the decorations?" Ava said looking closer to see the outline of bloody footprints leading out of the room.
"Oh bullocks. It must be from Sara, she said she was gonna go get the vacuum."
"I'm going to go check on her."
There was a heavy trail of blood from mostly side or heel footprints and Ava's worry grew as she followed them over to the bathroom across the hall, rather than to the Med-Bay where Sara should have gone. They stopped at the door to the bathroom and she quickly knocked.
"Hey Sara, it's me honey. Can you open the door?"
The door to the bathroom slid open to reveal Sara on the other side of the bathroom. She was sitting on the edge of the tub with one foot resting on her other knee underneath a towel.
"Thank you Gideon,” Sara said.
Ava stepped into the bathroom and followed the blood trail. When she saw the small pool of blood on the towel, she quickly rushed over, kneeling down next to Sara and taking a look at her foot.
"It's not as bad as it looks,” Sara assured her.
Ava wasn't quite so sure. Sara's whole foot was bloody with thousands of tiny pieces of glass shards embedded across the sole of her foot. Sara grabbed a small piece of glass out of her toe with a pair of tweezers and dropped it into a bowl to her left. Ava grabbed the edge of the towel and tried to lightly press it against the blood that gushed from the now open wound.
"We have to go to the Med-Bay,” Ava said looking up at her.
"No," Sara began to protest.
"Sara," Ava said grabbing her hand and gave it a squeeze. "You're bleeding quite profusely and at this rate, it's going to take at least an hour to get all this glass out."
"That was what I advised the Captain to do as well," Gideon sniped at her.
Sara rolled her eyes at both of them.
"I saw that," Gideon said.
"No, I'd rather do it myself, I'll go to the Med-Bay after I get everything out," Sara said taking out another piece of glass.
Ava just shook her head and looked back down at Sara’s foot. She got up and went over to the cabinet, grabbing another towel and bring it over. Sara switched it out with the drenched bloody towel and Ava took it straight to the trash shoot. Ava knew Sara wouldn't listen to anyone's medical advice but her own. Even if it meant withstanding a significant amount of pain and blood loss.
Ava sat down next to Sara and loosely wrapped up her foot in the new towel as carefully as possible, before pulling one arm under her knees and the other behind Sara’s back and picking her up.
"Ava what the... Put me down," Sara protested wiggling in her arms, but Ava just held onto Sara tighter as Gideon open the door for them.
"Sara, it's not going to kill you to just go to the Med-Bay straight away," Ava said, as she walked down the hall.
Sara let out a long drawn out and dramatic sigh but, she stopped wiggling and put one arm around Ava's neck.
"You don't have to carry me, you know, I can hop."
"I know," Ava said with a smile. "But one must always carry their damsel in distress."
Sara laughed at that and leaning up to kiss Ava’s collarbone, since she couldn't quite reach her lips.
When they reached the Med-Bay Ava set Sara down and snapped the bracelet around her wrist. Gideon quickly got to work on Sara's foot, as the robot arms came out and took multiple pieces a glass out at once. The bleeding hadn’t stopped but, Gideon applied a mist over the wounds and it was slowing down. Ava watched as Sara relaxed back into the chair, before lazily looking over at Ava with an easy smile.
"Gideon? Did you drug Sara?"
"Of course, I gave Captain Lance something for the pain as well as a light sedative that I give to all my difficult patients. It should wear off within a few minutes."
Ava couldn't help but laugh, especially when Sara pouted at her so adorably.
"It's not funny," Sara said.
Ava didn't respond, she just leaned in and kissed Sara, reveling in the fact that she quickly smiled against Ava's lips.
Gideon was quick and efficient, as soon as the robot hands disappeared back into the walls Sara sat up and pulled her foot back to inspect it. All the glass and blood were gone leaving only fresh new pink skin.
"Thank you Gideon," Ava said, briefly looking away from Sara and up to the ceiling. "Ah hem?"
Ava nudged Sara who prodded the new skin of her sole. "Yeah, thanks Gid."
"You’re welcome Captain."
"Ready to go back to the party?" Sara asked looking up at her.
Ava’s face betrayed her with a disgruntled look, she leaned down and rested her elbows and upper body on the chair.
"Not a fan of the party?"
"It’s fun, it’s just not really my thing, but I know it’s your thing, so we can go back for a little while longer."
Sara leaned forward and placed a kiss on Ava’s forehead. "It’s okay, I’m kinda partied out too. It’s not as fun as it was when I was 20."
Ava giggled and got back up, she held out her hand. "Want to go home, watch a movie, and hand out candy to all the cute kids."
Sara grabbed her hand and swung her legs around. She stood up and let Ava pull her in for a kiss, that was soft and sweet as they melted into their lips.
"I’m gonna go grab some candy and some wine and I’ll meet you back at the house," Sara said smoothing out the lapel of Ava’s suit.
"After you put on shoes!" Ava insisted.
"Of course."
Sara smiled and kissed Ava again, before untangling herself from Ava’s arms. She walked out the door, but not before she stopped, she held onto the door frame and winked at her. Teasing Ava with a shake of her tutu-clad butt before she disappeared.
Ava let out a breath as the heat rose in her cheeks and programed the Time Courier that was around her wrist. She opened a portal and stepped into the dark living room. She pulled out her phone and used it to turn on the lamp lights and start the fire. She ran upstairs and stripped out of her suit costume, and into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Ava was relieved to be able to wipe away the heavy makeup and went back downstairs.
After grabbing two wine glasses and pulling up Beetlejuice on the tv, she heard the sound of the portal opening behind her and turned to see Sara walking in. She had traded her corset for a skeleton shit, but kept the tutu and tights, and had also wiped her face clean. Sara held up the bottle of wine and a bowl of candy that she placed on the table in the hall, then flicked on the porch light and walked back over to her. Ava reached out her arms and Sara ran up to her, Ava picked her up with ease as Sara wrapped her legs around her waist.
Sara giggled as Ava sat down on the couch with Sara in her lap and relaxed back into the cushions. Sara leaned forward and poured them each a glass of wine as Ava started the movie. They both settled in as the movie started and Ava couldn’t help but sigh in content.
"This is nice, Thank you," Ava said looking down and Sara. Sometimes she was so overwhelmed by how much she loved this woman. She felt like she was floating on cloud nine when Sara smiled at her.
Which she did, Sara smiled and kissed her lips. "I’m happy anywhere you are."
Ava kissed her again and they settled in to watch the movie. However, the quiet didn’t last long as the doorbell rang.
Sara eagerly jumped up and ran to the door with Ava trailing behind her. She leaned against the wall as she watched Sara open the door and great the kids, giving them each a handful of candy and complemented their costumes. This, a quite domestic holiday with Sara, this was perfect.
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kinglazrus · 3 years
Double Date
Phic Phight
Submitted by @ghostgothgeek: Danny/Sam and Johnny/Kitty double date
Summary: All Danny wanted was some dating advice from the only couple he knows, but of course he got more than he bargained for. At least going to the boardwalk sounds like a nice first date, right?
Word count: 9464 | links to ffn and ao3 in my bio
Danny stares at the tickets in Johnny's outstretched hand. He looks up at Johnny's slanted grin, then back down again. On the other side of the roof, Shadow lurks in the shade of the Ops-centre, drifting dangerously close to the supports.
"When I asked for dating advice, this isn't what I meant," Danny says. He thought Johnny dragged him up to the roof of Fenton Works for some "man to man" talk, not... whatever this is.
Johnny shrugs and stuffs the tickets into his jacket pocket. "Maybe so, but it's what you're getting! You want to treat your girl right? What better way to learn than watching the best boyfriend you know in action?"
"Johnny, I've seen you in action. Downtown. Driving around the community college and looking at all the girls while Kitty is off doing whatever," Danny says.
"Is that really such a big deal? Come on, kid. Listen to me." Johnny throws his arm around Danny's shoulder and drags him toward the edge of the rooftop. "Look how big this place is." He sweeps out his arm, gesturing toward the city. The sun is nearly set, but lots of people are still out at this hour. A warm haze of light glitters on the northern edge of the city, at the beachfront. Danny can almost see the top curve of the Ferris wheel from here.
Johnny continues. "Lots of people down there. Who knows who you actually saw doing what? I bet there are loads of blond guys with bikes around here. And I've got two tickets to the pier that says so."
Danny turns away from the glowing city to stare incredulously at Johnny. "You're using a double date with you and Kitty to bribe me into not telling her I caught you ogling college girls?"
"You said it, not me."
"Did you steal those tickets?"
"Kid, I know you're the goody-two-shoes type. I bought them fair and square with money right of pocket."
Danny snorts. "Whose pocket?"
"I don't think that matters. Come on, it'll be fun. I don't give advice for free, you know." Johnny squeezes Danny's shoulder, a little too hard for what's meant to be a casual chat. The desperate sheen in Johnny's eye kind of ruins the threat, though.
As Danny considers the offer, a shiver goes up his spine. His next breath leaves in a puff of pale blue air. With a sigh, he goes intangible and extracts himself from Johnny's hold, smiling a little when the older ghost stumbles at the sudden loss of Danny's support. Looking over the rooftops, he can't see another ghost, but they can't be far if they set off his ghost sense. He hopes with all his heart that they might be here for a friendly chat, like Johnny, but doubts it. Danny isn't lucky enough for that.
"Okay. I'll go," he says.
"And?" Johnny's grin stretches as he gestures for Danny to go on.
Danny tips his head back and sighs. He doesn't have time for this. "And I guess I didn't see you at the college last week."
"Great!" Johnny gives Danny a hearty slap on the back and climbs back onto his motorcycle. "You're not so bad, kid. When you're not kicking my ass. Just stick with Kitty and me on the day and I'll show the ropes." He kicks up the stand on his motorcycle and revs the engine. "Oh, and before I forget. If this date doesn't go perfectly, then... Shadow!"
The murky ghost rises from beneath the Ops-centre.
"Wait, don't!" Danny shouts, too late, as Shadow zips across the roof, cutting through as many of the Ops-Centre's supports as he can before melting into the darkness. Johnny takes off cackling as the whole thing comes crashing down.
The next morning, Danny keeps his head low, his gaze locked on the bowl of soggy cereal in front of him. Across the kitchen, his father stops to slap the counter.
"Didn't even hear a thing! Can you believe that?" Jack asks.
"Must have happened while we were sleeping."
"Must have."
"When I find the ghost that did it, they're gonna get a face full of Fenton grade vengeance! You know what happens when a ghost looks in a mirror, Danno? Makes 'em go crazy. We're working on this new gun that makes them see—"
"Look at that, time for school!" Danny shoots to his feet. He can't meet his father's gaze as he dumps his cereal bowl—still half full—into the sink and scurries out of the kitchen.
"Have fun!" Jack calls after him.
"Yeah, sure, I will!" Danny shouts back. Under his breath, he adds, "as long as I never have to see that gun." He grabs his backpack as he leaves, snagging the strap and swinging it over his shoulder on his way out the door. Once he is outside, and there's a solid barrier between him, his ticked-off father, and whatever ghost-fighting monstrosity his parents have made now, he stops to take a deep breath.
There are still a few minutes before Tucker should arrive for their walk to school, but Jack does not know that. Danny did not want to sit there and listen to his own father talk about all the ways he could make Danny double-dead, much less re-experience his first death. In fact, he usually tries to avoid people like that. Unfortunately, that does not always work when he lives with two of them.
Danny shakes his head. He can think about those things later. Right now, his conversation with Johnny is the only thing he cares about. Only time will tell if he made a huge mistake agreeing to the double date, but it would be nice if at least one thing could go right for Danny for once.
Inside the house, something slams, followed by a shout from Jack that rattles the window. Danny jumps away from the door and nearly tumbles down the stoop, his front foot slipping off the top step. He latches onto the bannister to keep from falling back, and his foot thumps against the next step. The landing jars his leg as his knee locks, a jolt shooting up his thigh.
"Whoa, it's freshman Danny." Tucker's voice drifts through Danny's ears.
Danny turns, rubbing his now aching knee, and scowls. "What?"
"You know. Freshman Danny." Grinning wide and smug, Tucker motions to Danny's entire person first, then his leg. "Clumsy as hell and too chicken to ask Sam out."
"Shut up! Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not!"
"Are too!" Tucker waves his hand in an airy gesture of finality, turning up his nose. He spins away from Danny, a signal that their little squabble is over. His mistake.
With a final cry of "Am not!" Danny launches himself at Tucker, pouncing on his back. Tucker shrieks in surprise, a peal of laughter echoing off his cry, and stumbles under the new weight. He tries to beat Danny off with the flat of his palm. In response, Danny clings tighter. He wraps his legs around Tucker's waist and hooks his arms over his shoulders, latching on to his wrists to keep a firm grip.
"Holy shit. You're so short, why are you so heavy." Tucker wheezes as he tries to pry Danny's arms off.
Danny throws his head over Tucker's shoulders, shifting his weight forward enough that Tucker bows underneath him. "Ghost fighting muscles, baby."
"Ugh." Tucker's palm finds Danny's chin and he pushes, shoving his head back. "You totally could have asked Sam out for homecoming but nooo, you had to go with me as a hot young bachelor."
Danny's cheeks burned. "It was your idea!"
"Only because you were getting all pouty about not going with Sam, and the only reason that didn’t happen is because you never asked!"
"Well, I'm asking today!"
Tucker freezes. For a second, Danny wonders how ridiculous they must look to anyone watching, with him clinging to Tucker worse than Klemper to literally anyone, and Tucker stretching back to push Danny's head as far back as it will go. Actually, maybe they wouldn't find it so strange. Danny's neighbours have seen a lot of weird things in the past four years; him and Tucker being their usual selves can't be high up on that list.
"You're really gonna ask today, finally?" Tucker asks.
Danny nods, as much as he can Tucker still shoving his head back. "Johnny was here last night."
"Oh yeah?" Tucker pauses, giving Danny a chance to elaborate. He doesn't, waiting for the gears to click in Tucker's head instead. It takes a moment, but he gets there. "Oh! Oh, right, yeah. He finally got back to you? Is that why, uh... you know." Tucker finally withdraws his hands and points to the roof of Fenton Works.
"Oh. Yeah." Danny's limbs go intangible, slipping through Tucker's torso in one final act of petty vengeance as Danny rights himself. Tucker shivers, shooting Danny a glare, before looking back at the Ops-Centre. Normally a pinnacle of Fenton genius that stands proudly above their home, now it lays on its side. Danny managed to catch it, barely, before it could crash into the roof, but overnight the saucer-like body crushed itself under its own weight. Now, the side touching the roof is a crumpled mess, the supports that once held it up rusted beyond repair.
"Shadow," Danny says. It's all he needs to say. Tucker nods, understanding perfectly what happened here. "Other than that it went... okay. He asked me out."
"What?!" Tucker's head whips toward Danny, his eyes wide. "I hope nobody tells Kitty. But he does give off bi energy, doesn't he?"
Danny rolls his eyes. "Not like that. He invited me and Sam on a double date with him and Kitty."
"Oh, so they're swingers."
Tucker snickers. "Okay, okay. I'm serious now. Promise." The cat-like grin he gives isn't the most reassuring, but Danny will take what he can get. "You're really gonna ask her out today?"
"Got carnival tickets and everything."
"Well, shit, man. Don't blow it."
Danny grabs Tucker's beanie and yanks it down over his face. Tucker's teasing laughter chases Danny all the way to school.
At lunch, Danny pulls Sam aside. He meets her at her locker, which is two halls away from his and Tucker's, waiting along the opposite wall for her to finish switching out her books for her lunch bag. The hall is still fairly crowded since it's only been a minute since the lunch bell went. Down the way, Danny can see Paulina and Elliot, standing with their heads tucked together by Paulina's locker, working on the local rumour mill no doubt. When Sam looks done digging through her bag, and Danny pushes off the wall toward her, Elliot happens to glance in their direction. His sharp eyes go from Danny to Sam, then back. A wicked smile takes over his face.
Danny ducks his head, letting his hair flop forward and hide his slowly reddening cheeks. In two quick strides, he crosses the hall and thumps against the closed lockers beside Sam's.
"Done lurking?" Sam asks without looking up.
"I wasn't lurking."
"Sure you weren't." Sam knocks her elbow against her locker door. Danny's eyes catch the small, black-framed mirror taped to the inside, which reflects the exact spot Danny was standing when it hits the right angle.
At this rate, Danny's face will be red as his shoes. "Oh."
"Yeah, oh. What's up?" She finally looks up from her bag as she yanks the zipper closed. When she turns toward him, she hits her locker door with her elbow once again, this time to knock it closed; but, as the door swings, Danny glimpses Paulina and Elliot again. This time, they are both watching, and the way they cover their mouths as they talk is far from reassuring.
Danny's hand jerks out. He stops Sam's locker, shoving it back open, and holds it in place to block the gossiping duo's view.
"I wanted to ask you something," Danny says.
Sam shoots a raised eyebrow at her locker door, then turns it on him "Are you okay? You've been acting kind of weird all day."
"No, yeah, I'm fine. I was just­– you know. This weekend, yeah?"
Sam looks entirely unimpressed with his fumbled words. "I can't say that I do."
"I have tickets to the boardwalk," Danny clarifies. "For this weekend. We don't have anything planned and I know you're free. So, want to go?"
As he waits for Sam's answer, he is struck by the realization that she could say no. They have been friends for years, and he has had an inkling, the past little while, that she might like him back. But he doesn't know it. No matter what Danny feels for her—and thinking about his own feelings makes his face hot and his heart stutter—she still might not feel the same. She could say no. And it's not that Danny hasn't thought about this before; there's a reason he is only asking her out senior year even though he has had a crush on her since they were freshman. But worrying about it in the back of his mind is very different from standing in front of her knowing it could actually happen.
This was such a bad idea. He is asking her out in the hallway. Within sight of Paulina and Elliot. He should have waited until after school, at least. Oh, god. Should he have gotten her something? Are you supposed to bring something when you ask someone out? Oh, this is so bad. She is going to say no, and then Danny will have to tell the story to Tucker, and Tucker will laugh because of course she said no, this is terrible.
"Sure, sounds fun," Sam says.
Danny blinks. He shakes his head, goes over her words in his head to make sure he heard it right, then blinks again. "Yes?"
"Absolutely. It's been so long since we've gone to the boardwalk. Maybe Tucker can win that stuffed shark he couldn't get last time." Sam nudges Danny's hand off her locker door and closes it, then snaps her padlock back into place.
Danny watches her blankly, slowly processing what she just said. "Tucker," he says.
"Yeah. At the ring toss booth, remember? I think he wasted fifty bucks on that thing. I told him it was a scam, but whatever." Sam starts down the hall toward the cafeteria, but Danny stays rooted in place.
He remembers the ring toss, of course. After Tucker finished emptying his wallet on the booth, Danny took a turn and got the top prize in one go. He might have had a little telekinesis to help him along, but no one else needed to know that; the giant stuffed alien was worth it. But that had nothing to do with this, right?
Before his thoughts can spiral too far, Danny shakes his head. "I meant without Tucker."
Sam pauses mid-step. Slowly, she sets her foot down and turns back around to face Danny. Her grip on her backpack tightens, and he can see the muscle along her jaw working as she clenches her teeth. Those are... probably not good signs. "Like, just you and me?"
In the background, Danny hears Paulina and Elliot snicker. He groans, dragging a hand down his face, and glares over Sam's shoulder at them. "Can you not?"
"Not our fault you're doing this in the middle of the hall," Paulina says.
"Seriously. I had way better class," Elliot adds.
Paulina looks at Elliot and beams. "You so did. But I've been rooting for this since the beginning, and I am so invested right now."
"Oh my God, this is so embarrassing." Danny has to fight off the urge to go intangible. He almost wishes his ghost sense would go off so that he could have an excuse to leave. This is not how he imagined this going, and Paulina and Elliot are making it so much worse than it has to be.
"Come on, Danny." Sam's voice snaps him out of his pity party. At some point, while he was wallowing, she walked back toward him and now has her hand on his wrist. She tugs him forward. He gives in, letting her drag him along the hall past the tittering pair until they disappear around the corner. Once they are out of sight, Sam's hand slips down into Danny's. It's warm. She squeezes his hand, just once, then tugs him into the nearest empty classroom and closes the door.
Neither of them says anything for a long moment.
Danny's hands flex at his sides as he tries not to fidget. Sam won't pull her gaze up from the floor.
"So, uh. Just you and me?" she repeats.
Danny nods vigorously, then stops and shakes it instead. "Yeah, but no. Johnny and Kitty will be there."
Sam's head snaps up.
The first thing Danny notices is the red tinge to her face, a rosy band stretching across her cheeks and nose. Her lips pinch together, not in a show of disapproval, but an expression of hers that he has become familiar with over the years. Sam doesn't usually do hopeful most of the time. Nerves aren't her thing either. But when she wants something bad enough, and she dares to look on the brighter side, she gets this look on her face. It's like she wants to smile but she holds herself back, sucking on her lips as she tries to keep composed.
That expression wavers now, her mouth relaxing as a frown tugs at her lips instead. "Now I'm confused. Are you trying to ask me out or not?"
"Yes!" Danny bursts out. "To the boardwalk with me. But it's, like, a double date with Johnny and Kitty, because he got the tickets. Actually bought them, although I'm pretty sure he stole the money." He considers telling Sam about the deal but holds back. "I really thought this was gonna go better but now I kind of want to punch Elliot in the face or something."
"Please don't punch my ex-boyfriend in the face."
"Right, not a good look. Got it."
Silence falls again. Neither of them can meet each other's eyes, although Danny keeps stealing glances at Sam. One hand hovers in front of her mouth, but when she turns her head away from him, he sees the full-blown grin on her face. Her eyes sparkle in a way he hasn't seen before. It sounds cheesy and dumb, but it's the truth. He looks at her and all he can see is how genuinely happy she is. Soon enough, Danny wears a grin to match hers.
"So," Sam says, and that one syllable sounds so much lighter than her usual tone. "It's a date."
In retrospect, asking Sam to go out with him on Saturday on a Wednesday wasn't the best idea. Danny floats around school for the rest of the day with a dopey grin on his face. He actually lifts off his feet a few times and Tucker has to clamp a hand down on his shoulder to keep him down. Over the next two days, he asks Tucker no less than five times if that really happened, if Sam actually said yes. Tucker, naturally, teases Danny relentlessly over it.
By Friday, Paulina and Elliot have made good work of spreading Danny's disaster attempt to ask Sam out all around the school. More than once, he sees money changing hands in the hallway, trying to be discreet and Danny and Sam pass by, so close together that their knuckles keep brushing as they walk.
He hasn't held her hand since she dragged him to the classroom on Wednesday, even though he wants to.
When Saturday rolls around, Danny phones Tucker an hour before he and Sam are supposed to meet.
"Do I dress normally?" he asks.
On the other end of the line, Tucker sighs. "Why are you asking me?"
"It's the boardwalk. People don't get dressed up for the boardwalk. And Sam has already seen everything in my closet. Should I try to look really nice, or should I just be myself?"
"We are talking about Sam, right? Relax, man. You know what she'd like."
In the end, Danny decides to go mostly normal. He throws a button-up over his usual outfit, rolls the sleeves up, and calls it a day. If he knows Sam, she would appreciate him not making things weird by getting too fancy and not like his usual self. He maintains that attitude up until he gets to the boardwalk and sees her waiting by the ticket booths.
"I should have dressed up," he whispers.
At a glance, Sam's outfit doesn't seem too different from her usual attire. Black on black with a few purple accents thrown into the mix. He has seen her in dresses before, but rarely outside school dances, and he has never seen this one with Flowing lace sleeves that slope down her shoulders and a flared skirt. She even has a new wide brim hat to go with it, even though it's already sunset.
Before Danny even considers turning back around and putting something nicer on, Sam's gaze roves over the parking lot and settles on him. She gives his outfit a good look. A second passes. She bursts on laughing.
"Oh, come on," Danny whines as he approaches.
"I'm sorry," she says, but she is still hunched over clutching her stomach. "But your face. You should have seen your face."
It takes a good minute for her to get her giggles under control. Even still, a few quiet snickers breakthrough when she finally composes herself, smoothing out her dress and righting her hat.
"Tucker texted me," she says. "He told me all about your little fashion dilemma."
"I'm gonna kill him." Tucker just had to get in one last jab before the date began, Danny supposes. He hopes it was worth it because Tucker is going to pay dearly. Although...
He subtlety takes in Sam's outfit again, the way the dress hugs her waist, and those boots. He didn't notice them at first but now he can't stop staring at them. Slick, black, buckled up to the knees, with the purple lace edging of a pair of stocking peeking out the top. The only exposed skin on her legs is a few scant inches of her thighs between the end of the stockings and the bottom of her dress. And it's a damn good few inches.
Danny silently amends his earlier statement. He won't kill Tucker; he will collapse into his best friend’s arms crying tears of gratitude for helping him spend a whole evening with Sam dressed like that.
Realizing that he is staring, Danny quickly drags his eyes back up to Sam's face. The last thing he wants on their first date is for her to punch him because he is being a creep. Except Sam doesn't look angry to have caught him staring. In fact, she is blushing again, nervously plucking at her sleeves with her nails.
"For a second I thought you had bought a whole new outfit just for today." Danny chuckles, his own nerves showing through. Despite how long they have known each other, he feels wholly unprepared for tonight.
"Not exactly," Sam says. She drops her sleeves and smooths out her skirt again, this time pinching some of the fabric in her hand and swishing it back and forth. "I've had this outfit for a while, but I haven't worn it yet."
"Oh, man. I'm really underdressed, aren't I?" Danny tugs at the collar of his NASA shirt with a grimace. The button-up, at least, is black, because he knew she would like that. But otherwise, he is plain old Danny.
"Not that you don't look good all dressed up, but I like it when you're yourself," Sam says.
The rumble of a motorcycle approaches from the distance.
"Besides, I think you'll look pretty fancy next to Johnny."
At least Danny has that going for him. They both turn toward and watch Johnny's motorcycle peal into the parking lot. It goes intangible, along with its riders, and phases through the parked cars, only coming back into the physical world when it screeches to a stop in front of Danny and Sam.
Johnny runs a hand over his slicked-back hair—is that gel? "You're really setting the tone for your first date, huh."
To Danny's horror, Johnny is dressed up. He switched his dusty gray jacket for a shiny leather one, and instead of his usual shirt, he wears his own button-up. But unlike Danny's, Johnny's shirt is white and crisp, and actually buttoned up.
Kitty, meanwhile, looks the same as always. "Come on, don't tease the kid. He ain't half bad looking. He snagged me for a couple weeks, didn't he?"
Danny opens his mouth, about to remind her that she had been using him to make Johnny jealous the entire time; one look at Johnny's scowl and Sam's glare has him shutting up before he can utter a single syllable.
"Uh, should we go in? You do have the tickets, right Johnny?" he says instead.
Johnny scoffs and reaches into his jacket, pulling out the tickets. "Cool it, little man. I got us covered."
"Johnny! You actually bought tickets?" Kitty gasps.
"Only the best for you, babe. Let's go." Johnny holds out his elbow for Kitty to take, which she goes with glee, her steps bouncing as they take off for the ticket booth. Over his shoulder, Johnny shoots Danny a wink.
"Oh, uh. Shall we?" Danny cringes as the words fall from his mouth, but offers his arm to Sam nonetheless. She looks between Danny and Johnny, a questioning look in her eye. Just when Danny thinks she is going to leave him hanging, she shrugs and loops her arm through his.
They follow Johnny and Kitty. Already at the booth, the ghostly couple is passing the tickets over when Danny and Sam get close.
"The pipsqueaks are with us," Johnny says.
The girl at the counter, who looks only a year or two older than Danny, stares at Johnny with wide eyes. His aura, a dull grey that's usually hard to see, is much brighter at night. With the poorly lit parking lot at their back, it's impossible to ignore. Kitty's soft green aura is far more noticeable, but she stands just behind Johnny, her arm still curled around his, staring ahead at the twinkling lights of the boardwalk.
The sun hasn't completely set yet, but the top of the Ferris wheel touches the darkest part of the sky, and its colourful lights flash in a mesmerizing pattern, beckoning people in.
Johnny seems to have forgotten the whole reason he arranged this date in the first place because he takes full advantage of Kitty's distraction to lean in close to Ticket Girl, looking her up and down.
Behind them, a line is forming.
Ticket Girl's lip curls in disgust, but Danny can see fear shining in her eyes. "Sorry, sir, but I don't know if I can let a ghost in."
The fawning curl to Johnny's smile drops away abruptly, twisting into something more similar. "That's a bit rude, don't you think?" Shadow rises from Johnny's feet, growing taller until he looms over the booth, a menacing grin stretching his blank face wide.
"Johnny!" Danny slides up to the booth, nudging Johnny over with the arm not held by Sam, and beams at Ticket Girl manning the booth. "Hey. You might recognize me­—Danny Fenton, son of Maddie and Jack Fenton."
"The ghost hunters." Ticket Girl nods.
"Right. We're actually doing an experiment right now. See, some ghosts actually have really human behaviours. Like Phantom, I bet you love him. But any good scientist has to test their hypothesis multiple times. So me and my– uh, my girlfriend?" He glances at Sam, whose red face matches his, but nods in agreement. "Are here to observe these too ghosts"—he tips his head to Johnny and Kitty—"doing normal human things. Such as getting into the boardwalk with paid tickets, just like everyone else wants to do."
"But he...." Ticket Girl glances nervously at Shadow.
"The big guy will be so chill. Super chill. You won't even know he is here, because you'll be at the booth, far away from the ghosts that just want to get inside and definitely not hurt anyone here."
The kid snatches up the tickets before Danny finishes his sentence, ripping off the stubs, and shoves a handful of wristbands across the counter, along with a whole roll of game tickets. "Just don't come back, okay?"
"Thank you!" Danny grabs the items and hustles everyone along.
"Nice work, Danny." Kitty gives him a thumb up under her and Johnny's intertwined arms. "Way to use your head."
"I could have thought of something," Johnny grumbles.
"Sure you could have, babe. Now let's check out the roller coaster first!" She drags him off, both of them without their wristbands, but Danny doesn't think it will be a problem. Everyone steers clear of them as they plow through the crowd. Every second the sun gets closer to setting, every shade darker the sky turns, the more obvious it becomes that Johnny and Kitty aren't human as their auras grow brighter.
"What should we do first?" Sam plucks four of the wristbands from Danny's fist—the kid gave him seven—and puts them on, grinning at her little collection. She takes the remaining three and puts them on Danny.
"Roller coaster sounds fun. Go with the thrills first?" He watches her slip the bands around his wrist, looping them together so that all three are intertwined.
Sam pauses on the last bracelet. "But you like saving the big rides for last."
He peeks over Sam's shoulder. Johnny and Kitty are halfway across the boardwalk already, well on their way to the coaster. Johnny twists mid-step, catches Danny's eye, and beckons him forward.
Right. Stick together. See how it's done.
"Yeah, but it might be fun to shake things up." He takes over putting the last bracelet on, hurrying to slap the sticky pieces together. In his rush, he catches some of his hair, drawing out a wince, but Johnny and Kitty are nearly there, and they've fallen way too far behind. "Come on!"
Danny takes Sam's arm and pulls her along. Focused on the path left by Johnny and Kitty's charge, he misses the frown on Sam's face as she looks down at him.
It goes better than Danny expected. Kitty leads the way, picking attraction after attraction with such gusto that he thinks she has never been to a theme park of any kind, which may very well be. Danny doesn't know much about Johnny and Kitty's life before ghost-hood, except that they died young and poor.
More than once, Danny catches Johnny watching other girls. Kitty doesn't seem to have noticed, so far, but Danny is not taking any chances. He remembers Johnny's threat and Shadow's piercing eyes watching them every step of the way serves as a constant reminder. Whenever he catches Johnny in a moment of distraction, he nudges the ghost and draws him back to the present. It earns him a few glares, but it works.
Despite Johnny's mounting annoyance, he still fulfills his side of the deal, giving Danny quick advice, either through vague gestures or whispered words while the girls are distracted.
"Let her choose what to do." Johnny feigns examining the bright bulbs overhead as they wait in line for the bumper cars. The golden lights dangle from the tent, flashing intermittently. Neither Sam nor Kitty are paying attention to the boys. Sam leans against the railing, cheering on the current bumper car drivers. A quick glance into the rink shows Valerie Grey ramming her cart against Dash Baxter.
If Johnny weren't dispensing important advice, Danny would be right next to Sam cheering along.
"It makes her feel like you care about what she likes when you do," Johnny continues.
"I do care," Danny says.
"Perfect, then you won't have a problem."
The bumper cars don't provide ample opportunity to use Johnny's advice, but when Kitty drags them to the Tilt-a-Whirl next, he gets the perfect chance. At the front of the line, he and Sam get first pick of the available seats. The Amity Park boardwalk, unlike other theme parks, has an eclectic collection of Tilt-a-Whirl cars ranging from a cupcake, to a plain seat, to a bat to a spaceship. Danny already knows which one Sam would like.
"You want to take the spaceship?" Sam asks, tugging Danny in that direction.
He resists her pull. "Don't you like the bat?"
"Yeah, of course. But you like the spaceship."
It's the strangest tug of war Danny has ever found himself in. He nearly gives in, but Johnny kicks the back of Danny's leg—lightly—and coughs "lady's choice" under his breath.
"It's just a car. We can take the one you like," Danny says.
Sam frowns, her grip slackening. It's all that Danny needs, and he eagerly pulls her toward the bat, sliding in before she can protest further. When he turns to face her, instead of a smile, she meets him with a frown.
"Is something wrong?" Danny asks, startled. Panic rises within him. Oh, no. She is not having a good time. It's a disaster after all.
"No, it's fine," she says after a moment of silence, which does nothing to assuage Danny's worries. Everyone knows "fine" doesn't actually mean "fine." It's one of the most used words in Danny's vocabulary, typically after a nasty ghost fight that leaves him limping and bruised.
Desperate, Danny leans out of the car, searching the ride for Johnny. He finds him across the way, sliding into the cupcake next to Kitty. Johnny meets Danny's gaze and motions for him to watch. In one smooth move, Johnny stretches his arm out with a feigned yawn, then settles it down around Kitty's shoulders and tugs her close. When Danny leans back into the car, Sam is watching him.
"You're acting weird," she says.
"I'm just a little tired." Danny stretches his arm up, just like Johnny did. Sam's gaze follows it all the way until he drapes it over her shoulder. It isn't until he has settled that he realizes he forgot the yawn.
The rest of Johnny's advice follows that same vein: do what Sam wants and use every chance possible to invite her closer. Danny follows it to the letter, mimicking everything Johnny does. Take the lead when walking, but let her choose where to go. Keep her close, but let her wander when she wants to. The hardest part, though, is finding excuses to stick with Johnny and Kitty.
"We don't have to spend the whole night with them," Sam says.
They are loading onto the Ferris wheel, Johnny and Kitty taking one side of the four-person carriage while Sam and Danny get the other. Danny had hoped to save this for the end of the night, for just him and Sam, but Kitty wanted to go now. When Danny tried to suggest otherwise, or even suggest he and Sam take a different carriage, Shadow's low growl cut off his protests.
"I want to make sure they don't get into trouble. You know they like to cause drama," he whispers needlessly. Neither Kitty nor Johnny is listening.
"I don't think we have to worry about that. We've been here for three hours already and they haven't done anything. I think they just want to have a good time. Mostly." Sam tilts her head, shooting Johnny a pointed look.
To Danny's dismay, Johnny is once again feasting on the local sights. As Kitty braces herself against the rail of the carriage, staring out over the beachfront, Johnny leers at the woman who helped them onto the ride. His posture mimics Kitty's as the Ferris wheel turns for the next passengers to load on, and he leans over to get one last look at the woman.
"It's a double date. Aren't you supposed to stick together on a double date?" Danny draws Sam's attention back to him with the question and uses that moment to kick Johnny's ankle.
"Ow!" Johnny cries. He whips around, fixing a glare on Danny. "The hell was that for?"
"Do I have to say it?" They both know he won't, though. With the threat of Shadow hanging over the evening, Danny won't risk letting Kitty on to what's happening behind her back.
Sam, however, has no such qualms. "I can't believe you. You're literally on a date and you're not even paying attention to your girlfriend?"
That grabs Kitty's attention. She turns, eyes wide, and looks at Johnny. "What?"
"I bet she spent a long time getting ready for today, trying to look good for you, but here you are, faking interest when she watches, then looking to someone else whenever you think she isn't." As Sam berates Johnny, her voice slowly growing louder, Danny gets the sinking feeling that she isn't just talking about the ghost. "I wonder how long she has been looking forward to this. Probably a really long time, but you're so distracted that you can't even see she isn't enjoying herself."
Danny's stomach plummets. He really screwed up, didn't he?
"You. What?" Kitty's ice-cold voice reminds Danny that there are real stakes on this date.
"I was checking out her jacket, not her! It looks like the kind of thing you like to wear," Johnny rushes to explain.
Kitty's eyes narrow. In a blink, she lurches across the carriage and takes Johnny's place at the rail, peering back at the receding woman. Damningly, she isn't wearing a jacket.
"You! You! I can't believe you!" Kitty shrieks. "I thought you wanted to take me on a nice date. I didn't even care that you the ghost kid and his girl were coming, because he's nice, and you were finally taking me to a theme park like I always wanted!"
Viridescent tears streak down Kitty's cheeks. Danny has seen her livid and raging plenty of times over the past few years, but now she looks downright distraught. Her face crumples, scowl giving way as a sob wrenches from her throat. Johnny looks as stricken as Danny feels.
"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean it. You know you're the only girl for me," he says, dropping to his knees.
"I thought this– this meant something." Kitty struggles to speak through her tears, fighting against the tightening of her throat and gasping sobs. "How could you?"
She takes off, then, launching herself out of the carriage with enough force that she sends it rocking. Johnny reaches after her, but it's no use. She streaks across the sky, a blur of red and green, and disappears into the sparkling lights of the game booths, out of sight in seconds.
An oppressive silence descends for one long moment.
Johnny, shoulders trembling, turns to Danny. His shadow bubbles and bulges as two furious eyes blink open. "Kid, I am going to kill you!"
Sam jumps forward, sending the carriage rocking again, and brings her leg up. Danny glimpses the neon sole of her boot before she slams her heel down on Shadow's growing face. Shadow screeches in pain and withers into the floor, disappearing into a grey blob with a pathetic sizzle.
"Shut the hell up, Johnny, and go after your girlfriend!" Sam shouts, thrusting an arm out toward the game booths.
Johnny gnashes his teeth but doesn't fight. "This isn't over, kid." He falls through the floor of the carriage, intangible, and takes off after Kitty.
With a huff, Sam drops onto the bench opposite Danny, crossing her legs and arms, and glares at a point over Danny's shoulder.
Danny fidgets, pinching the fabric of his jeans and rolling it between his fingers. He looks up at Sam, down, then out after Johnny and Kitty. "Should we–"
"They can wait until the ride is done," Sam snaps.
Danny nods, afraid to say anything else and screw this up even further. He should have noticed Sam wasn't enjoying herself. It started off great, and now... he is not sure if there will be a second date. He wouldn't blame her. With that realization comes the dawning horror of what that might mean for their friendship. It would end because of this, right? They have fought a few times over the years, and it never lasts long, but this is different. They tried dating; that changes things. If it doesn't work and they go back to just being friends, it won't be the same. They will both know that they like each other, and they will know that it didn't work.
What would happen then? Danny can't imagine not having Sam in his life, but if she is really mad at him... she has dropped people for less. Everyone in Casper High remembers the middle school debacle that led to Sam cutting off all ties with Paulina. They might be better now, but it took six years for them to become friends again. Danny couldn't wait that long.
"Danny!" Sam jostles him, her hand on his shoulder, and yanks him back to the present. She stares into his eyes, assessing him. Once she is satisfied that he is back in the moment, she returns to her seat, this time with her gaze fixed on him.
Looking outside the carriage, Danny realizes they are over the crest. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he missed half the ride, including the best moment. The realization hits him worse than one of Skulker's ecto-seeking missiles. He nearly spirals again, but Sam reaches out and clamps onto his knee, keeping him grounded.
"Danny, I think we need to talk."
This is his nightmare. Literally, he has had nightmares about Sam rejecting him. They usually end with the haunting echo of Elliot's pompous laughter as Sam chooses him, old jealousies thriving in his dreams. Sometimes Valerie is there, too, her face overlayed with Sam's as they turn him down in unison. But the worst ones are when it is just Sam, looking him straight in the eye, and saying no. Right now, this is all too close to those nightmares.
He swallows, unable to find the right words, and nods instead.
"Why did you ask me out if you weren't even going to pay attention to me?" she asks.
Danny's mouth stays clamped shut as his earlier fears are realized. Her rant was for more than just Johnny.
"You asked me if this outfit was new." Sam skims her fingers along the lace of her stockings, tracing the spiderweb patterns hidden within. "I didn't lie when I answered. I bought this a few months ago for homecoming. It was our last one, and I thought... I thought you were going to ask me to it."
"But that's not..."
"Yeah, I didn't wear it."
The dress she did wear was fancier, with layered skirts and glittering black beads.
"I bought this one because I knew you wouldn't care if I dressed fancy or not. And I know you don't like to unless you have to." She nods to Danny's casual outfit. "So when you asked me out, I already knew what I wanted to wear, because I know you. But this whole time, you haven't acted like the Danny I know and care about. You've been clingy, and overly accommodating, but at the same time ignoring everything I wanted. And when you weren't doing that, you were watching Johnny?"
Sam ducks her head and looks away. With the brim of her hat hiding her face, he can't see her, but the quiet sniffle she makes is unmistakable.
A rotten taste seeps through Danny's mouth. This was supposed to be a nice first date, but all he did was make Sam cry.
"I know I say I don't care about this stuff. I say it all the time, but..." She reaches up, carefully dabs at her eyes so she doesn't ruin her makeup. "I wanted you to look at me."
Danny finally finds his voice. "Sam, God, no. You're beautiful. When I saw you? Holy crap, I couldn't breathe. You're always beautiful. Not that that's the only reason I like you! You're my best friend. I love your passion, and your smarts, and how you won't put up with guys like Johnny getting away with any of their shit. Or me getting away with mine. I love so much about you, and I love­–"
He cuts himself off before the last word, the unsaid "you" hanging between them. He knows what he meant. She probably does, too. Now isn't the right time to say it, though, so he lets his voice fade to quiet.
The Ferries wheel jerks to a stop, their carriage rocking back and forth, and the ride technician opens the door for them.
"Hey, weren't there for of you before?" she asks.
"They got off early," Danny says. He ignores the startled look on the technician’s face as he rises to his feet. On instinct, he reaches toward Sam but holds back at the last moment. Clingy. The word echoes in his head. He wavers, unsure what to do.
Sam takes the choice away from him, jerking to her feet before he can decide. She touches his hand, but doesn't take it and brushes past him, exiting the carriage onto the boardwalk.
"Harsh," the technician whispers.
"I deserve it," Danny mutters back before running after Sam. She walks at a brisk pace, weaving through the crowd toward the line of booths. Danny catches up as she reaches the first tent. "Where are we going?"
"We need to make sure Johnny and Kitty haven't trashed anything, don't we?" Sam says.
"Right, yeah." Danny wishes his ghost sense would go off. At the very least, it could tell them if Johnny and Kitty were close by, but that only worked if they left his range in the first place. In his freshman year, they might have, but today his range stretched over most of the boardwalk, if not the whole thing.
As it turns out, tracking them is easy even without Danny's sense. When he and Sam reach the tightest cluster of game booths, they find a trail of destruction. Fallen stands, scattered prizes, and shattered lights guide them through the maze of booths and back out into the main thoroughfare.
"This looks tame for Shadow," Sam comments.
"Twenty bucks says Johnny did it," Danny says as they pick their way through shattered boards.
"Not Kitty?"
"Right now, the only person she's mad at is Johnny. But when Johnny gets mad, he isn't the only source of bad luck in their trio," Danny explains. It doesn't come out often, since Shadow does most of the fighting, but he has seen it often enough to recognize the effects.
When they leave the booths behind, they find themselves near the boardwalk entrance. In the middle of the wide path, Johnny and Kitty are locked in a screaming match. Or Kitty screams while Johnny wilts with every new word.
"It was always supposed to be our place, Johnny! And you ruined it!" She beat her fist against his chest, wailing all the while.
Johnny's silence under the onslaught speaks volumes. He doesn't even look mad anymore, just heartbroken.
"All I ever wanted, and you couldn't even—!" She stops, shuddering, and takes a deep breath. Her next words come out quiet. "If you hadn't tried to look at that stupid girl! If you had just watched the road like you were supposed to!" A gut-wrenching sob cuts her off. "Leave me alone, Johnny."
She turns on her heels and runs toward the nearest building. For a moment, it doesn't look like Johnny is going to follow. His legs tremble, seconds from collapsing beneath him. He manages to lift his gaze, though, and finally notices the sign hanging over the building that Kitty missed: Hall of Mirrors.
"Shit! Kitty, wait!" he calls, but she ignores him. With another swear, he leaps up and flies after her.
"Oh, no," Danny says. He sprints across the boards, Sam following without question. They're halfway to the house of mirrors when they hear a piercing scream followed by a crash. The building crackles. Something inside pulses, imperceptible to regular humans, but it makes Danny stagger.
"Danny, what's going on?"
Before he can answer, a wave of power surges from the house and everything goes back.
Danny wakes to a sharp ringing in his ears. Hazy light edges his vision. His hearing returns slowly. First, the muffled sound of his name, then the fizzle and pop of broken lights, and finally the soft rumbling of a gathered crowd.
All at once, Danny becomes aware. Sam hovers at his side, her hair tousled, a thin cut on her temple, and her hat in her hands. He sits up, squeezing his eyes shut when the world spins around him. Sam provides a steady hand, rubbing small circles on his back until he can open his eyes again. Around them, the stalls are dark. Thirty feet out in every direction from the house of mirrors, every light is broken. Glass litters the boardwalk. The normally glowing entrance to the park is dark, the metal twisted. Beyond that, the ticket booth lies on its side.
Directly ahead of them, a large crack splits the house of mirrors.
"What... what was that?" Sam asks. "It was like Shadow's power but way bigger. I've never... did Johnny do that? I didn't know he could."
Danny groans, rubbing his head. The piercing ring lingers in the back of his head, and it probably won't fade for a while, but it is not so bad that he can't ignore it. "Normally, yeah, but..." He grimaces. "We should get in there."
Sam nods and helps Danny to his feet, pulling him up by the arm. He staggers toward the broken attraction with Sam at his shoulder, casting wary glances all around them.
The gathered crowd isn’t big, yet. It looks like Danny was the only one knocked off his feet, the only one really affected by the ghostly surge—three guesses as to why that is, and the first two don't count. Judging by the sparks still raining down down from the shattered lights, it has only been a minute since the surge. Security isn't here yet. That gives them some time.
The employee manning the attractions sits on the boards, staring wide-eyed at the broken building. He doesn't even blink as Danny and Sam slip through the curtain.
Inside, it's dark. The lights are all down. Glass crunches under their shoes, every mirror in sight shattered, leaving blank boards behind. Johnny and Kitty aren't far from the entrance, no more than a few feet. Sam sees them first, catches the glow of their auras in the corner of her eye, and points toward a dead-end alcove after the first bend in the maze.
Kitty is tucked against Johnny's chest, her jacket pulled up around her head. Johnny has his arms around her waist, and his soft voice provides the only noise beyond the glass under Danny and Sam's feet.
When Johnny hears them, lifts his head, just enough to glare at them through the darkness. No threats spill from his lips, though, and he goes back to comforting Kitty soon enough.
Danny can't help it. He looks down at the mirror shards below them, and immediately wishes he didn't. Bloody road rash stretches up Kitty's right side, torn to the bone. Her face, protected by the darkness around them, and the shadows of her jacket, remains hidden from Danny's prying eyes. He prefers it that way.
A gentle nudge at his side reminds him that Sam is with them.
"What's going on?" she mouths.
Danny crouches, carefully not to make too much noise, and picks up a shard of glass. Johnny still hears him, though, and Shadow rises threateningly at the sight of the glass. Danny holds up a placating hand, then motions to Sam, the glass, then himself.
No matter what low opinion Johnny has of Danny right now, he wouldn't stoop so far as to expose other ghosts like that. To Danny's surprise, however, Johnny thrusts an arm out and motions for the glass. Danny raises his eyebrows. Johnny sticks his hand out further. Without complaint, Danny passes it over.
Johnny holds the glass up, angling it so that they can see his face. He and Kitty have matching road rash.
Sam gasps.
"Come on," Danny says to Johnny and Kitty. "Security will come soon. And if they see a couple of ghosts, you know they'll call my parents."
Kitty sniffs. Danny can't see her well behind the jacket, but the way her hair bobs, he assumes she nodded. All four of them go intangible, Danny lending his power to Sam. They slip through the mirrors toward the side of the building and step out into the open air. As Johnny continues to comfort Kitty, Danny creeps toward the corner of the building and peers out into the open. They left just in time. A security guard pushes through the gathered crowd and heads for the front entrance.
Danny retreats before anyone can see him, leaning against the side of the building. He shudders.
"I didn't know that could happen," Sam whispers as she comes up beside Danny.
"Not your fault. Ghosts don't make a point of going near mirrors," he says.
"You do, all the time. I saw you in a mirror this week."
"In your locker, yeah. But I'm not a ghost all the time. It doesn't work when I'm in human form."
"So, when you picked up the glass..." Sam trails off. Danny doesn't answer, letting her fill in the blanks for herself.
Neither of them says anything for a long moment. They hear the shout of the security guard, calling an al clear. Danny feels sorry for the workers at the park who have to deal with the aftermath. It didn't affect the whole boardwalk—he can see the Ferris wheel operating just fine, and a glow in the air from the game booth lights.
"Hey, kid."
Danny lifts his head toward Johnny.
"We're heading out. Consider us even."
"Thanks for showing her." Danny tilts his head back and thumps it against the wall of the house of mirrors. "You know, so I didn't have to."
Johnny shrugs. "Yeah, whatever. You're too young to deal with that shit, is all. Take care of your girl, alright?" He doesn't wait for an answer. Kitty is already gone, and Johnny goes invisible before Danny can think of a reply, leaving him and Sam alone.
"You never actually answered," Sam says, breaking the silence between them. "About why you took the double date."
Thank God it's too dark for Sam to see Danny's face go scarlet. In retrospect, of course Johnny's idea wouldn't end well, Danny was just so desperate he was willing to risk it.
"I asked him for dating advice," he mutters.
Sam splutters, a startled laugh bursting out of her. "What?"
"I couldn't think of anyone else to ask, so we made a deal. He invites us on a double date and gives me some tips, and I don't tell Kitty I caught him at the girl's college."
"You are such a dork." Sam snickers. "Is that why you kept watching him? I thought for a second me and Kitty might need to band together to keep you two apart."
Danny groans. "Please don't say that. Tucker already got me with that."
"Good. I hope he did." Sam shuffles over, leaning against Danny, and rests her head on his shoulder. "Danny, I don't need to hang off you like some soul-bound lovebird. We've known each other for ten years. I don't need some idealized romance, I just need you."
Danny feels like an idiot for ever thinking otherwise. The date might have been a train wreck, but half the boardwalk is still functioning. Maybe the evening doesn't have to be a total waste. He pulls the roll of game tickets—a precious commodity at the boardwalk—from his pocket and holds them out.
"Want to win Tucker that shark?" he asks.
Sam laughs, her shoulder shaking against his. "Only if we can ride the spaceship car on the Tilt-a-Whirl."
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astaralys · 4 years
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A Frozen modern AU oneshot
Oneshot collection can be read on: FFN | AO3
[Backstory chapter, direct continuation of oneshot #3, Searching] In which Anna officially moves in with Elsa.
Anna sifts through the stranger and collects details like flecks of gold buried in the sands of time.
When she follows her sister through the airport and realises she still has to look up even though Elsa is only wearing flats: Wow, she's taller than me.
When Elsa tries to help her with the luggage and nearly drops it on her own foot: … But not exactly stronger. Got it.
When they get into a small white car: Oh, she does drive.
When Elsa struggles so badly to merge lanes she misses their exit on the freeway: Oh my God. She can't drive.
Anna tries so hard not to grip the door handle for security that she can't remember what she spends the ride rambling about. Her sister is mostly silent, all hums, terse nods and white-knuckled hands on the steering wheel. Anna tells herself it's because all of Elsa's focus is going into keeping them on the road, and not because Elsa, like, hates her or anything. That's absurd.
When they reach the city, Elsa's driving suddenly improves; Anna suspects it's because there's so much traffic they're barely moving. Sitting at a red light (Elsa slammed on the brakes when it turned yellow), Anna is so captivated by the bustle beyond her window that she nearly misses her sister tentatively asking, "Do you have your license yet?"
Anna snaps her head around too keenly, and winces when she sees Elsa flinch. Is she scared of me? "Sorry? Oh—my license? Ah, no, I kinda, um, failed the test. Twice. But I know how to drive!"
Elsa blinks, and Anna panics—crap, she thinks I'm a total dunce for failing twice—but then the lights go green. Almost immediately, the car behind them honks impatiently and startles them both.
Seeing her sister's shoulders tense up again ignites something inside Anna. She twists in her seat, stares straight through the rear window, and glares at the other driver. She can't tell if they can see her, but she likes to think it was the heat of her wrath that sent them scurrying into the nearest side street.
"What a stinker," Anna huffs as she turns back around. Then she remembers that it's not Kai in the seat beside her, and flushes as she glances towards Elsa. "Am I embarrassing? I'm embarrassing, aren't I? Hans always says so—i-in a nice way, of course. Like, you know, 'you adorable dork' or—"
"You're not embarrassing," Elsa says quietly. There's a pause as she carefully navigates an intersection. Then, "Hans is a friend?"
Oh, Anna realises. I'm not the only one playing detective.
"He's, um, a little more than that."
Elsa's surprise manifests as an especially jerky stop at a pedestrian crossing. "You're dating someone?"
The urge to defend him rises from nowhere. "You'll like Hans! He's a perfect gentleman with the sweetest sense of justice. He just graduated from law school. And he likes chocolate and sandwiches, just like me."
He didn't like you moving across the country, a niggling voice reminds her. Anna purses her lips and pushes the thought to the back of her mind.
"I'm sorry. That question came out strange." Elsa glances at Anna, adding softly, "Sometimes I forget that you're not five years old anymore."
"Well, we're lucky you remembered today, or you never would have found me in the airport. Waaait a minute… why didn't we just go to the information desk and tell them to make an announcement?"
To her surprise, Elsa laughs. "Haven't you had enough of that for a lifetime? You used to get lost every time we went shopping with Mom and Dad."
The memories come flooding in like a storm carving up a forgotten river. "Hey, you got lost all the time, too!"
"You got us both lost all the time."
The warm glow fills Anna's chest and remains there as Elsa turns into a long driveway leading down into the basement of one of the tallest apartments. Elsa takes a full five minutes to park, and then they're zipping up in the elevator.
Following Elsa down the plushly carpeted hallway, Anna discreetly pinches herself. Ow. It's actually happening. It doesn't matter that Hans planted that horrible question in her head ("You haven't lived with your sister in over thirteen years, Anna. How do you know she even loves you anymore?")—she's here. Elsa's here. They'll be coming home together from now on.
Then they reach the door at the very end of the hallway, fitted with one of those fancy keyless locks, and as Elsa reaches for it, she seems to remember something and says rather awkwardly, "It's your birthday."
She forgot.
It shouldn't be so surprising—Elsa hasn't been there for thirteen years of birthdays. Their parents would always give Anna 'a present from Elsa', but Anna knows how hard it is to pick out something for a sister she sees once a year at Christmas ("She likes books," Grandpa replied every time Anna called for research). And Elsa's presents are always a little too perfect, as if she still sleeps on the top bunk and can't escape twelve-year-old Anna gushing about skateboards. And after Anna noticed that, it became harder to ignore the voice that kept wondering if those presents were really from Elsa—a voice that is now smugly saying: I told you so.
"Y-Yeah! It was actually two months ago but time sure does fly. It was a super fun day—Hans and I went to an amusement park. I spent, like, two hours at the bottle toss trying to win this cute Baymax plushie. I've got it in my suitcase; I'll show you later. It's the best cuddle buddy ever."
This gets her an odd look from Elsa, but a beep from the lock distracts them both. Elsa opens the door. She steps back, gesturing shyly for Anna to enter first.
"There had better not be a trapdoor in there," Anna jokes. She doesn't know why she's nervous about this moment. It's a door. It's open.
She steps through.
Her first thought is that everything is minimalistic and very white. An open kitchen with an oak splashback against pale tiles. Cream carpet visible through a glass coffee table sitting in front of a light grey leather couch that looks more like a recliner for one than a place to watch Netflix with friends or sisters.
Even the bookshelves standing sentry on either side of the wall-mounted television contain neat rows of books with the stark pages facing outward. Anna opens her mouth to make a quip about finding any books—but then her curious gaze falls on the small dining table with its single placemat and chair.
Why does this detail hurt so much?
"This place is amazing! I bet myself ten bucks that you had great taste." Even Anna can tell she sounds too loud, too bright. "Remind me to treat myself. I'm craving chocolate fondue right now. Actually, scratch that. I'm always craving chocolate fondue. Any good places around here? Please say yes."
She hopes Elsa still likes chocolate and building snowmen.
Elsa hovers by the shoe cabinet, her left hand loosely gripping her right elbow. "Yes. I'll take you someday. Would you like to see your room?"
Anna catches herself on the verge of saying something stupid like 'Of course! It's the whole reason I'm here.'
"That's the bathroom." Elsa points to a door at the end of a short corridor, then gestures to two other doors on either side. "My room. Your room. I was only using it as a study, so it's very empty after I moved the desk to my room. We can—"
"Relax, sis! I'm so easy. All I need is a—" Anna throws open the door. "—bed."
It's literally the only piece of furniture in the room.
"Woooow. You really weren't kidding about empty, huh?"
Behind her, Elsa sounds apologetic. "I wasn't sure how you wanted to set it up, so I only got a bed. If the mattress is too hard or too soft for you, we can exchange it tomorrow. Or if you don't like the view, you can take my room instead. It really doesn't—"
"I love it." Anna spins around with a grin. "This means we get to go shopping together! But let's get IKEA to deliver to us, yeah? Your Mini Cooper can only fit, like, two-thirds of a flatpack. Ooh, I've seen apps that let you drag furniture onto photos to see how the room looks with—" She's interrupted by a shockingly huge yawn. "Goodness, 'scuse me. Where was I? Right—apps… Elsa? Where are you going?"
Her sister returns with the suitcase. "You just got off a plane; change into something comfortable and get some rest. Dessert and furniture can wait until tomorrow."
"But I'm not—" Another yawn swallows up the rest of Anna's sentence. "—sleepy… Okay, fine. But promise you'll wake me up for dinner, or my rumbling tummy will wake you in the middle of the night."
Elsa promises, and then the door closes with the softest of clicks.
Anna listens, but there's carpet and her sister moves so quietly that it feels like she's back in the big house. Alone. Except she's not.
She checks her phone. Nothing from Hans. She sends him a quick message to say she's arrived at Elsa's place, then looks around at her new room, and decides not to add a photo.
Her suitcase springs open as soon as she unlocks it, spilling her life across the floor. Gerda helped her pack, but none of her neat folding survives the trial of Anna digging for something to sleep in. Anna changes into pyjama bottoms and one of Hans' shirts.
Then her gaze catches on a grey, threadbare sweater.
There's a cartoon graphic of a single slice of pizza. The rest of the pizza is on her father's sweater; a matching Father's Day gift that immediately became a game of chicken. If one of them wore their sweater in the house, the other had to wear theirs, no matter how sweltering the day. It drove her mother crazy. "Can you two please stop wearing those long enough for me to wash them?" she used to sigh.
Now, pulling the sweater over her head, Anna realises in the darkness that it's the little details. It's the fact that their sweater streak was still unbroken when she answered the door to find two police officers solemnly waiting. It's electricity and phone bills that continue to pay themselves, because direct debits don't care that Anna's parents are gone. It's not being able to send videos of Elsa's horrible driving to the group chat because no one else will see them.
A knock on the door startles her. She whirls around with her head still stuck in the sweater and—oh no, bad idea.
"Anna? I forgot to give you… are you okay? I heard a loud noise."
Lying winded on her back, Anna wheezes, "Nothing! My shirt just fell."
"That was very loud for a shirt."
"Yeah, um, that's because I was kind of in it."
The door opens as she sits up. "Did you break anything?" Elsa asks as she helps Anna get her head through the sweater.
"God, I hope not. Keep all your favourite mugs away from me. Actually, keep all your expensive stuff away because I'm ridiculously uncoordinated. As you can see."
"I meant bones, Anna. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Oh." Anna lets out a laugh, rubbing an elbow. "Totally fine. Super thick skull. What did you forget?"
Elsa gestures towards the bed, where she's placed a stack of bath towels. "To give you towels in case you want to take a shower first."
"Thanks. Wow. That's… a lot of colours."
"I wasn't sure which ones you liked."
Anna blinks at her sister. Who might have given her a spare room with nothing but a bed, yet bought towels in literally every colour of the rainbow, just for Anna.
"Oh, and this." Elsa holds out a silver key. "In case the keyless lock fails for any reason. There's a panel you can slide down to open the door normally with this key."
The key feels both light and heavy in Anna's hands. She flashes Elsa a grateful grin. "I'm going to use this every day because that pin code looked so long, I'd forget it every day."
"I don't think you will."
"Hah. You don't know how bad my memory is." And Elsa really doesn't know, does she? There are so many things they don't know about each other.
But then Elsa cocks her head to one side and says, "You can't forget it. I told you: it's your birthday. Month, date, year."
When Anna stares speechlessly for too long, Elsa hurriedly adds, "When I moved in, I was told not to use my own birthday because it's too obvious, so the first thing I thought of was yours—b-but we can change it to your phone number if that's easier for you. Or maybe… Anna? Are you okay?"
The details Anna has collected scatter as she throws her arms around Elsa for the second time that day. Except this time, it doesn't feel like she's hugging a stranger.
When Elsa awkwardly rubs her back, Anna wipes her eyes on her favourite sweater and thinks: That's my sister.
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flutteringphalanges · 4 years
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                                    Caught in a Riptide
Summary: After the infamous Count Dracula is discovered and taken into custody by the Jonathan Harker Foundation, former nun and now guardian to her young niece, Zoe, Agatha Van Helsing is tasked with keeping tabs on the vampire after a mishap leads to his release into modern day society. Can Agatha remain levelheaded, or will fate turn her onto a new path?
Pairing: Dracula/Agatha Van Helsing
Rated: M
Read on FFN and AO3
A/N:  It's good to be back writing this story! And such a long chapter too! Thank you as always for such the lovely feedback you leave! There is a scene/dialogue between two certain characters that’s roughly based off a conversation between Trixie and Lucifer in 1x01 on Lucifer. Feedback is great loved and appreciated! I hope you enjoy it! -Jen
                                               Chapter Two
Zoe watched her aunt through the rear view mirror as she sat in the backseat with a pout. This wasn't what she'd envisioned her night to look like. Sure, there had been pizza, but cuddling up with Agatha enjoying a Disney movie was a more ideal choice. Nevertheless she remained rather quiet as her guardian veered down the road and towards The Foundation.
"I'm sorry to drag you along." Agatha apologized, turning her head to meet the girl's stare. "But Mrs. Avery was already turning in for the night. I didn't want to ask more of her."
"Why are we going to your work?" The child inquired, tugging at the safety build as Agatha pulled into a parking space. "I thought you were done for today."
"Something came up," Agatha explained, turning the car off. "Look, it shouldn't take too long." That was a lie and she very well knew it. "You can play in the lobby on my phone. There are some games on there. You like to do those, yes? Consider it a special treat."
The young girl seemed to perk up a bit as she and the former nun exited the vehicle. Taking Zoe's hand, Agatha pulled her along considerably fast for the child's legs to keep up. Before her niece had a moment to complain, she produced her key card and slid it into the awaiting slot. It was an odd sensation, the sound of her own heart pounding so loudly she could hear it in her ears. Oh how she had waited for this moment. Dreamed of it even.
Shoes clicking against the floor, she took only a moment to pause. Agatha knelt down eye level with Zoe. She smiled warmly, but the girl didn't return the look. She'd make it up later. Maybe ice cream or something the kid liked. There'd be time later to figure that out.
"Now I need you to be good and stay here." The woman instructed, handing Zoe her unlocked phone. "If you need anything, you just ask one of the security men. I'll be right down the hallway past a few doors, okay?" She kissed her forehead and the girl scrunched her brow making a face. "I love you."
Zoe made a remark about dying from boredom, but Agatha was too focused on much greater things. Count Dracula. The Count Dracula. As she ventured deeper and deeper into the institute, she was soon met by a crowd of scientists filing into one of the lecture halls. Almost instantly, her eyes met Jack. The doctor grinned at her, pushing past the others so that they were now face to face.
"I didn't think you'd be here until the morning." He admitted, looking her over. "Where's Zoe."
"Preoccupied out front." Agatha explained, following him into the room and taking a seat in the back. "So, how much did I miss?! Where is he?!"
In the front of the room, a large screen began to descend. Agatha watched as Dr. Bloxham made her way down the aisle causing a hush to fall over the attendees. When she stepped behind the podium, the former nun took notice of the scientist's now bandaged hand.
"What happened to her?" Agatha whispered into Jack's ear.
"Dracula bit off her thumb." The doctor replied in a low voice. "And she refused to go to the hospital too. We had to take care of it here. It was...it was hard to look at."
The woman's stomach knotted at the thought. Drinking blood was one thing, but this… If anything, it only proved further evidence that the man was a monster. She settled back in her seat, watching as the video started. A morbid part of her wished she had some popcorn to go along with this film, but it wasn't exactly that kind of tape to enjoy.
"So some good did manage to come out of the loss of my thumb." Bloxham continued, pulling Agatha from her thoughts. "We managed to detain Count Dracula while he was distracted. It wasn't an easy feat, but I would like to thank those involved." A round of applause sounded and the former nun found herself clapping too.
It was a rather curious thought trying to consider how exactly they had managed to capture the creature so easily. In the back of her mind, Agatha wondered if it was possible that the vampire wanted to be taken into the Foundation's custody. Maybe even having some ulterior motive. But then again, it was a silly idea. He'd just come out of his century long comatose state after all. How would he even begin to have such plans?
"Agatha, might I have a word with you?"
The woman looked up to see that Bloxham locked eyes with her. Throwing Jack a cautionary look, she stood up and walked towards the scientist. Trying her best not to stare at her hand, Agatha focused her attention on her co-worker's face.
"I'm glad you were able to make it tonight." Bloxham admitted, motioning for the former nun to follow her. "I know you have a lot on your plate with that neie of yours. How is Zoe doing by the way?"
"She's fine, thank you." Agatha replied, giving her a half smile. "I'm sorry about your...injury."
"Don't be." The other woman chuckled. "I'd gladly give up all ten fingers if it meant capturing the bastard." She exhaled, tugging the identification card from around her neck. "Agatha, have you ever come face to face with a vampire before?" Agatha began to open her mouth to reply but Bloxham immediately cut her off with a wave of her hand. "I was only kidding."
A red beam of light glowed out of the edge of a little, white box on the door. Holding the back of her card to it, there was a click and the color turned green. Bloxham threw Agatha an overconfident smile as the entrance opened to reveal still one of the oddest rooms the woman had seen to date.
The round, intricately painted clock stretching to the near edges of the stone floor. A triangularly shaped prism-esque cell made out of thick, see through bullet proof glass. Surprisingly enough, there didn't seem to be much security around. One would expect as much all things considered. These thoughts ran through Agatha's mind as she scoped the place out. It wasn't until she saw the figure standing calmly in the center that a chill ran up her spine.
"Have you brought me dinner, Dr. Bloxham?"
Cool. Calm. Collective. Do not show emotion. Agatha followed Bloxham's lead as they entered the outside of the holding cell. Dracula's eyes never left the former nun as both women moved to stand in front of him. The scientist didn't smile as she addressed the vampire.
"Count Dracula, this is Agatha Van Helsing." She began, motioning towards the other woman. "I think you're familiar with her family?"
The way his face lit up in a mix of recognition, excitement, and menacing delight caused Agatha to feel slightly nauseated. But her curiosity again was getting the better of her. After years of yearning for this moment, it was finally opening. She'd ask Bloxham to pinch her to make sure it wasn't a dream, but that would've been inappropriate-especially since she was missing a thumb.
"Ah, a Van Helsing." Dracula smirked, taking in a deep whiff of air. "Oh, it's been so long since I've encountered one of you."
"The pleasure is all mine, Count Dracula." And she was surprised how nonchalant the words came out. "I believe our visit has been way overdue."
"At least well over a century," he agreed. "Now tell me. Whatever did happen to your dear grandfather? After we lost contact, I was rather worried."
"From what I was told, he lived a long, happy life. No thanks to you." Dracula's sneer seemed to broaden at her words. "You've caused a lot of damage, Count Dracula. Do you know where you are?"
"The Jonathan Harker Foundation I've been told." His gaze flickered over to Bloxham. "I was given a brief history lesson. And forgive me for not addressing it immediately. How is your hand, Doctor?"
"Still has the same strength to grip a stake." Bloxham remarked, pleased with her retort. "Now, if you don't mind. I'd like to show Agatha how your cell works. Just in case we are forced to take action."
"Naturally," he breathed. "Don't let me get in your way. Safety is of the utmost importance after all." There was a glimmer of mischief in his eye as he spoke, attention still drawn to the former nun. "Isn't that right, Agatha?"
Making a mental note to invest in a few more crucifixes, the two women approached a panel attached to the wall. Agatha watched as Bloxham began to fiddle with the knob and lever. Just as the scientist flipped a switch, the groaning sound of metal slats sliding against one another caused her to look up. The ceiling had opened to reveal a large hole that allowed the light from the moon to stream right into the vampire's cage. Dracula glanced upwards, seemingly unfazed by what was happening.
"I'm sure you're already aware of what this is." Bloxham spoke, motioning to the device. "But there were alterations made. If there is ever a concern, no matter how minor, of him ever endangering any of us, this can be used to release sunlight into his prison." She stared hard at Dracula. "Which would instantly incinerate him."
"An impressive invention." Dracula commented, studying his sharp nails. "I applaud you for your efforts. Now," he strode forward dangerously close to the glass. "If it's alright with you, Dr. Bloxham, I'd much enjoy some alone time with Miss Van Helsing. It's nothing personal. I'm just feeling a little...nostalgic about the family line."
As much as she didn't wish to humor him, being able to sit down and actually talk to the vampire was such a fascinating idea. Grill him. Get every ounce of what he was, what makes him tick, from his cold, dead being. But Bloxham interrupted before she could even reply.
"Agatha has other matters to attend to," the scientist said curtly. "But fear not, she'll be back eventually." Her eyes fell to Agatha, lips pressed into a thin line. "There is paperwork I need you to fill out. Some consent forms. If you wish to really be involved with this, I need to know immediately." The woman paused, then adding in a low voice as if Dracula's keen hearing couldn't pick up. "And your blood."
"My what?" Agatha's brows knitted in confusion. "Why on Earth would you need that?"
"He needs to feed," Bloxham explained. "And despite what he is and what he's done, we won't stoop to his levels...yet. We'll remain as humane as one can when dealing with a vampire." She glanced over her shoulder, noting that Dracula was still watching them hungrily. "Let's go."
Reluctantly Agatha did as she was asked. Peering back one last time at Dracula, who merely waved in response, she trailed behind Bloxham, disappearing as the door closed.
"So," Agatha began as the door hissed, locking behind them. "Why is there a lack of security present in there? Aren't you concerned about what he could do?" She knew well enough what he was capable of. The stories she'd been told from her childhood. "I don't think it's a wise decision to just leave him in there unsupervised."
"All of our doors are being monitored and we're setting up a team to take shifts." The woman replied, her pointed shoes clicking on the floor. "Mind you it's only been hours since we've captured him."
"Yes," the former nun insisted. "My point exactly as to why we need to be more thorough with keeping an eye on him."
Bloxham stopped in her tracks, pausing momentarily before rounding on her heels to face Agatha. "Look," she sighed. "I am very happy you've decided to join us. And you are a very important asset to the Foundation. But I won't have you questioning my authority or my decisions, is that clear?" It was the first time the scientist had ever spoken remotely harsh to her. "Don't take being her for granted, Miss Van Helsing. Things can easily change. And I quite like you." Once more she smiled, but it lacked any friendliness. "Shall we continue? It'd be nice for you and your niece to get home at a decent hour. Tomorrow will certainly be one for the books."
Zoe hummed loudly to herself as she kicked her feet back Agatha's now dead cell phone resting beside her on the bench. She was bored. Incredibly so. And her aunt was taking much, much longer than she promised. Had she forgotten her? Surely not. But with nothing else to do, in that moment, the little girl made a conscious decision to search the place out and locate the woman. It had to be past her bedtime-not that she really minded the minute detail.
Peeking around the corner, she noticed one of the security officers sitting at the front desk. Her eyes immediately caught sight of the key card hanging haphazardly from his pocket. It was like the game "capture the flag" in school. She just needed to be sneaky enough to snatch it off of him without being caught. That wouldn't be too hard. She was awfully good at stealing an extra cookie or two out of the jar at home when Agatha wasn't looking. This was just a really, really big jar and a funny looking cookie.
Abandoning the phone, she slipped off of the bench and made her way towards the preoccupied man. Considering her age, she was a rather bright and a crafty little thing. As the guard watched his cricket game, yelling on occasion at the tiny screen on his device, she delicately plucked the card from his person and made her way towards the doors. Hopefully Aunt Aggie wouldn't be too cross. After all, she was the one who was late.
Since the departure of the two women, Dracula had been studying the circumference of his cell looking for any weaknesses in the glass. Not to his surprise, it seemed very well made. No matter, he'd figure something out. At the sound of the doors opening once more, he turned to look in the direction half expecting to see Bloxham and Agatha again. But instead, waltzing straight into the room was a little girl.
How the child had managed to sneak past the guards undetected he wasn't quite sure. But the vampire had to admit he was rather impressed. Zoe walked confidently over to his prison, looking it over with such curiosity. His lips curved into a friendly, and yet also edging on menacing grin.
"Hello," she said cheerfully.
"Why hello yourself." He responded, eyes scanning the room half expecting an entire army to barge in. Somehow they were alone. Maybe this Foundation wasn't as well thought out as he was previously led to believe. "What, might I ask, are you doing here?"
"My baby-sitter couldn't watch me, so my Aunt Aggie brought me here." She shrugged. "I'm trying to find her. She promised we'd go home soon. But it's been hours and hours and hours…" she took a deep breath. "And hours!"
"Oh." Now things were getting interesting. "So you're Agatha Van Helsing's niece?"
"Yep." Zoe nodded her head vigorously, smiling brightly. "What's your name?"
The little girl gasped and the vampire couldn't help but grin wider. "Like the vampire?" She whispered, watching him with wide eyes.
She seemed to consider this new information for a moment. Then, folding her arms over her chest, Zoe furrowed her brow in an expression of comical seriousness. "Show me your fangs."
It was his turn to be taken aback. After centuries of existence, the mere aspect of a vampire struck fear in the hearts of many. Now here stood a little girl, void of such fright, demanding to see his razor sharp teeth. So, without a reason not to do so otherwise, Dracula allowed his fangs to pop out. The girl gaped at them mesmerized.
"Cool!" She exclaimed. "Oh, and my name is Zoe by the way."
Dracula eyed her with a cocked brow. "That's a harlot's name."
Zoe tilted her head in confusion. "What's a harlot?"
He smirked as the sound of panicked footsteps drew closer and closer to the room. "Ask your aunt." The Count chuckled as an out of breath Agatha sprinted through the sliding doors. "Pleasure speaking with you, Miss Zoe."
It was almost comical how Agatha's face was etched in both concern and utter relief. Roughly tugging the girl behind her, anger flared across her features as she stared Dracula down like a mother goose protecting its offspring from a fox.
"Don't you dare talk to her!" The woman hissed, nudging Zoe back once more when the girl tried to look at Dracula again. "Don't even look at her!"
"He didn't do anything, Aunt Aggie," Zoe mumbled sheepishly. "We were just…"
"Not a word until we get into the car." Agatha said through clenched teeth. Fucking Bloxham and her fucking failed security. If a seven year old could get past the system, then a centuries old vampire could get out. "I told you to stay in the lobby! You nearly gave me a heart attack when I saw you weren't there! You don't do that to me, Zoe!"
"I'm sorry…" The little girl sniffed, rubbing a hand under her nose. "I just wanted to find you."
"Give the child some credit, Agatha. She's rather brilliant for her age." Agatha's blood began to boil as the Count crouched down, trying to get a good look at Zoe from behind the former nun. "Don't cry, dear Zoe. There is nothing wrong with being adventurous. Why, the best of us are." His gaze flickered to her aunt. "Nothing wrong at all. Right, Agatha?"
She had a few choice words to say. More like an entire novel. But Zoe was in earshot and she didn't need to deal with a call from the school because her niece repeated them. Inhaling deeply, she pushed aside the idea of staking Dracula. For now. Tomorrow when they had their proper "interview" Agatha could say what she wanted.
"Let's go home." Agatha said quietly, taking one of Zoe's hands. "You have school in the morning."
"Bye, Mr. Dracula!" The little girl waved, her mouth forming a smile once more. "It was nice meeting you!"
"Farewell, child." He nodded, smirking as Agatha threw him a dirty look. "I look forward to our next visit."
She didn't look at anyone as she pushed past those standing in her way, Zoe hurrying at her side. She was pissed. Furious. Not so much at Zoe. She was a child, after all. But Bloxham. And without a doubt Dracula. Goddamn Count Dracula. Right now her fascination and wonder about him had become rage. Fury brought on by the idea that her niece could've been injured. Or worse. Now that she really thought about it, she was pissed off at herself too. Endangering her child like that. What would her brother say?
"Am I in trouble?" Zoe asked hesitantly once they were on the road.
"No." Agatha sighed softly. "No, Zoe, you're not. I just got scared...I didn't know where you went and I was worried. I don't want you wandering off again like that, okay? Especially where I work."
"Why was that man in the triangle?" The girl inquired, looking at her aunt through the rear view mirror. "Is he in jail?"
"Sort of," the woman admitted. "He did some bad things a long time ago." Not to mention that day. Though she really didn't really feel as sorry about Bloxham's thumb now. "He's going to be in there for awhile."
"Oh." And Zoe felt silent for a moment. Just as Agatha went to pull into their driveway, she spoke up again. "Aunt Aggie?"
"Yes, baby?" The woman asked, turning her head to meet her niece's stare. "What is it?"
"What's a harlot?"
Never before had Agatha ever hit her car brakes as hard as she did that night, the squeal of her tires causing the neighbor's dog to bark loudly. Fucking Dracula.
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pulaasul · 3 years
Virtuous Blood - Chapter 7
Beings and creatures all over the world are suddenly attacking one another. Is this a work of the recently released villains or someone else is behind the scenes? Set after Descendants 3 and The Last Battle
A/N: The non-italicized paragraphs denote a present setting while the italicized paragraphs denote a past setting.
PLG I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6
Carlos was busy working on something with the three Erlenmeyer flasks filled with clear liquid and the flowers Carlos had requested as it boiled on top of Bunsen burners.
"Care to fill us in now C?" Jay asked impatiently as Carlos did his work.
"The mushroom Dude ate is of the hallucinogenic kind," Carlos answered. "This bulb's extract can ease the victim's hallucination." He explained. "That and I'm also extracting the bulbs' sedating properties." He added. "Or at least most of them."
"Hallo-what?" Jay's eyes narrowed in confusion.
"It causes hallucinations." Evie answered. "Where'd you learn this C?" She asked the other boy in the chemistry room.
"I happened upon someone with the same condition and together we discovered this flower's ability to cure the affliction," Carlos answered the question.
Jay and Evie looked at each other then watched Carlos separate the liquid extract from the dry extract.
"Let's hurry to Dude." Carlos exclaimed as he hurriedly placed the dry powdery extract in a container and capped it with a cork.
"That is what happened during my patrol," Arlus bowed at the elders present. "I deeply apologize for failing to return on schedule."
Carlos looked around, it seemed like Arlus brought him to a palace, the palace's audience chamber. He was surrounded by elderly centaurs, dwarves, dryads, and even satyrs. They made the council of elders in this place.
"At peace General Arlus," One of the elderly centaurs commented. "It is by Aslan's grace that you met a son of Adam during your patrol Arlus," She continued. "However, you may have just confirmed our fears."
"Why don't we make use of the Son of Adam's cure on everyone with this affliction?" An elderly dwarf suggested. "We need to administer them as quickly as possible, that we may restore peace in this land."
"I would really advise against that esteemed elder." Carlos voiced out in a respectful tone. "It may be too dangerous if the mushroom the others ate wasn't the same as that brown closed umbrella-looking mushroom." He cautioned the council.
Let it not be stated that Carlos and the rest of the VKs never learned how to talk to the ruling monarch or council during his stay in Auradon.
Ben may not mind the informality from his peers but, their AK friends, especially the AKs whose parents carrying a huge grudge on their respective villain counterparts, insisted that they learn the etiquette.
It was for their safety after all.
"Why do you say so, milord?" Another elderly dwarf questioned.
"It may do more harm than good," Carlos answered. "From where I came from, people's conditions worsened as soon as they ingest a cure meant for another sickness instead of their own." He shared.
"The Son of Adam makes a good point." One of the elderly dryads voiced her agreement as the others nodded.
"We have eyewitnesses claiming that those who made one tiny bite off of the devil's mushroom suffered the affliction." An elderly satyr relayed.
"Devil's mushroom?"
"It's the mushroom you saw me nib at milord," Arlus answered. "That's what eyewitnesses have also relayed to the council." He shared. "Even when I was cautioned about the toadstool, I was still entranced by its appearance, and for some reason, I was convinced to eat it."
"We have long suspected that magic was involved in those mushrooms," A Naiad commented. "Even those of us who don't eat those toadstools were entranced by it and were convinced to at least nib at them." She added.
Carlos frowned at the information shared. As far as he knew, none of the villains used food to gain an advantage against their enemies. There was Evie's mother, but other than her, no one used food to gain the upper hand.
As much as he wants to go back home, or at least find Ben, he can't, in good conscience, leave these Ainrans to this fate.
"If that is indeed the case, then I am willing to help," Carlos announced. "Just fair warning about the probable harm that this will cause."
"A son of Adam has never lead us astray before." One of the dryads shared.
"Haunted no more When Adam's brain is in fore. Seeing red they shan't be, clear skies they shall see, hauntings will cease and they will know peace." A few of the elders recited.
"We have complete faith in you Son of Adam." The elderly centaur from before smiled.
Mal had just arrived at Evie's Castle when she noticed that the workshop had a sign saying that the business was closed due to an emergency. She opted to enter the castle's main entrance when she heard a dog growling and barking incessantly from inside.
Mal opened the door and went inside her home and followed the sound of barking and growling. She followed the growls up to a closed room she knew was vacant.
"Mal don't enter!" Carlos shouted as he ran up to his friend carrying with him a vial of purple powder.
"Where were you guys?" Mal asked. "What's happening?"
"Dude ate some bad mushroom and he's on a rampage," Carlos explained. "I'll just let him get a whiff of this powder and he'll be fine in a matter of minutes."
"Rampage?" Mal questioned in alarm. "Wait, wha-"
Carlos went inside the room without even registering Mal's response as Jay and Evie entered the castle.
"Carlos don't go in there alone!" Jay managed to yell as soon as the pair got to the hallways.
Jay's words fell on deaf ears as Carlos closed the door and locked it from the inside.
"What's happening?" Mal questioned in confusion.
"We don't know ourselves," Evie admitted. "Dude and Jay came back from their walk as I got Carlos new measurements when the dog fell ill." She narrated.
"That's when Carlos went panic-ky on us." Jay supplied worriedly. "Dude ate some bad mushroom and he got us to pick some flowers and extracted something from them." He finished.
"No." Mal's eyes widened. "This sickness has reached Auradon." She gasped in realization.
"What sickness?" Evie's eyes frowned.
Mal relayed to everyone present what happened in the King's castle.
"That's horrible!" Evie exclaimed.
The room's door opened once more as Carlos, with an unconscious Dude in his hands, got out. He gently carried his canine friend and faced his friends.
The trio looked at the state Carlos was in. His clothes had scratches and bite marks. Tears and dangling threads clung to his shirt's fabric while his pants were relatively unharmed.
"It's too early to assume if Dude's, Timon's, Pumba's, and Phil's case are connected, let alone one and the same." Carlos voiced. "For all we know, it could very well that they ate different kinds of mushroom that produced the same results.
"It couldn't hurt to try the cure you've concocted right?" Evie asked.
"Yes, it does." Carlos shook his head. "That's why it's ill-advised."
"Why?" Jay voiced out.
"They'd suffer overdosing effects," Carlos sighed. "The main ingredient, the only ingredient, for this cure is a plant known for making tranquilizers," He gently petter his unconscious friend. "It's not a guaranteed cure if the mushroom they've ingested is different than the one Dude has eaten."
"I see." Mal frowned.
Carlos was being cautious. Ever since he got out of the isle, he knew that anything in excess is bad for anybody: be it human or otherwise. There was a high chance that the cure for the brown mushroom would simply overdose the people who haven't eaten the mushroom.
Carlos was also cautious for another reason. He knew how the other VKs, who were enjoying their lives in Auradon, would be treated once the cure he made fails.
"If it turns out that what Phil, Timon and, Pumba ate the same mushroom that Dude ingested, then I'd be happy to help." Carlos smiled. "If you don't mind, I'd tuck the little guy in, he's still under the flower's sedating effects."
"Go." Mal nodded. "Go take care of Dude."
As soon as Mal gave her approval, Carlos immediately walked to his room.
"I'll call you later tonight for another fitting Carlos." Evie called out.
Carlos merely nodded in response as he immediately went to his room to tuck his canine confidant on the bed and observe what other side effects the cure had on normal animals. As opposed to the mighty creatures in Ainran.
"Carlos said that Dude ate a brown mushroom that looked like a closed umbrella." Mal explained to her audience.
"And what of the dog?" Rafiki voiced his question. "Was he cured?"
"He's still under the flower's sedative effects," Mal answered. "Carlos is sure that he gave Dude the cure."
"Then what are we waiting for?" Rafiki questioned. "Shouldn't he share his discovery with the rest of the populace instead of hogging it for himself?"
"Tell me esteemed healer, Rafiki," Mal responded after taking a few breaths to calm herself. "What do you think would happen if the cure Carlos has concocted turns out to be a dud?" She questioned. "What then?"
"What are you implying milady?" Rafiki's simian eyes narrowed.
"Not implying anything esteemed healer," Mal replied coolly. "Merely letting you see the bigger picture. Not everything revolves around you, Simba and his subjects." She finished.
"Calm down Mal." Ben placed his hand on his fiancé's shoulder. "I'm sure Rafiki's aware of that." He assured.
"I apologize if I implied something uncomfortable milady." Rafiki bowed. "I think it's worth the risk to administer his cure." He offered. "I assure you no one will think ill of Mr. De Vil if the cure turns out to be, as you say, a dud."
"No!" Mal yelled as her eyes glowed green. "You don't get to make that promise!" She growled. "Not when a misplaced pen is immediately written off as 'stolen by some VK'." She snarled. "Just like what you just did."
"Mal is that true?" Ben asked worriedly.
"Oh dear!" Fairy Godmother gasped. "That won't do! That won't do."
"I understand what Lady Mal is trying to say." Simba voiced out. "Remember Kovu, Rafiki?"
"If I remember right, he's Scar's cub." Rafiki hummed.
"Lady Mal is merely saying that they have a lot more to lose if the cure turns out to be a dud." Simba stated as he glanced at the High King's fiancé. "Mr. De Vil more so than the others."
"I believe there to be more reason than simply prejudice Lady Mal." Lumiere offered. "If I remember correctly and, I'm sure Rafiki is aware of this as well."
"What would that be?"
"Overdose." Evie helpfully supplied as she entered the room before Lumiere closed the door behind her.
"Mal, when will you learn to stop making assumptions?" Evie sighed.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Mal pouted. "I'm only thinking of everyone's safety."
"Closing the Isle for good?" Evie raised an eyebrow.
"Then why won't he help Auradon? Everyone?"
"Like I said he's mindful of the victims getting an overdose," Evie placated her best friend. "We may not have known about that concept before Auradon, but it's a huge problem that has lethal consequences."
"Overdose aside, Carlos is not a licensed doctor, not yet at least." Evie stated as she walked towards her friend. "Practicing medicine without a license is illegal." She helpfully supplied. "The medicine Carlos made was for personal use, a small loophole he unconsciously exploited in the hopes of curing his friend as early as possible."
"She's good!" Rafiki whispered to Simba.
"She'd make a good lawyer." Simba agreed.
"Not unless the King gives Carlos the authority and a team of medical professionals to supervise Carlos's work." Evie finished.
"Ben?" Mal looked at the King.
"As much as I hate it, Miss Evie is right," Simba announced. "I think we need to make sure of what my subjects, Timon, Pumba, and Phil have eaten before making any approval regarding Mr. De Vil's cure."
"I have no doubt that it's the same mushroom." Rafiki stated. "However, it can't hurt to confirm things for ourselves."
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headcanonsandmore · 4 years
‘Breakfast in Bed’ a Romione drabble
                   Read on AO3.                       Read on FFN. 
Tagging @abradystrix @princesserica84 @thehufflepuffpixie and @hillnerd; thought you all might like a little bit of Romione cuteness. 
Hermione Granger-Weasley opened her eyes.
The bedroom around her was lit softly by the pale sunlight drifting through the curtains. She could hear Ron singing to himself in the kitchen downstairs, and she stretched out, enjoying the feeling of the silk sheets on her skin.
Presently, she heard the staircase creak.
The door opened, and Ron walked through, levitating a tray of food into the room. As he set it down on her lap, she could see it was covered with toast, croissants, orange juice, coffee, plus a bowl of Hermione’s favourite granola cereal.  
‘Ron, you really didn’t have to-’
‘But I wanted to. We can scourgify any crumbs that fall onto the bed and, besides, we deserve a treat once in a while.’
‘We? You still had to make all this.’
Ron winked at her, as he climbed into bed. Hermione felt her face glow.
‘You’re so sweet,’ she said, pecking him on the cheek. ‘How did I end up this lucky?’
‘I ask myself the same thing every morning,’ Ron replied, grinning. ‘Especially when you’re wearing that transparent-’
The redhead laughed, before planting a kiss on her cheek. His facial hair tickled her skin.
‘I love your beard, you know.’
‘I noticed,’ Ron said, wiggling his eyebrows knowingly. ‘Believe me, I’ve noticed.’
Hermione giggled, leaning into his side as she chewed on a slice of toast.
‘I know what I like.’
‘Oh, I’m not complaining,’ Ron cheeked, wrapping an arm around her. ‘Not complaining at all, ‘Mione…’
Hope you liked that, everyone!
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teamhook · 4 years
My Fate is Darkness:: CSSNS18 *take 2, with some edits*
Hello! Did you miss me? Probably not but I’m still here bringing you an update. Sorry for the delay.
Beta’ed by @hookedonapirate​​ and @ultraluckycatnd​​ both lovely ladies. Once my anxiety hits, my patience flees. To calm my nerves, I had a second pair of eyes look the chapter over.
Thank you, @kmomof4​​ and the @cssns​​
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FFN |CH 8|  |CH 9|
AO3 |CH 8|  |CH 9|
Chapter 9:
The road so far...
The Savior is born. Hidden talents emerge and the start of a friendship.
Emma had been visiting the Stranger since she was a young girl. His fingers would twitch and the candles would shine brighter. The visits hadn't gone unnoticed, though. For years she was observed as she visited the man. Finally, on one of her visits, she was confronted by Merlin. She thought he was going to lecture her like the fairies had when they caught her.
He simply smiled at her as he looked around the room. "Young one, why do you visit him?" he asked as he nodded in the direction of the bed.
Emma bit her bottom lip, contemplating her answer. No one had asked her that question, she was only told not to do it. The fairies had simply ushered her out of the room and told her parents. Her answer was simply, "he is my friend."
Merlin kept a small smile on his face. "Do you think he is a bad person?"
She studied the slumbering man. "No. No, he is not. I just know. I feel it here," she said, pointing to her heart. "No, he is not a bad man," she stated firmly.
"I agree, I don't feel any darkness in him. What do you do when you visit him? I ask because I know you have a reputation for not staying still. Visiting him seems like a very boring activity for you," Merlin said.
Emma rolled her eyes. "I tell him about my day and I read to him too. Mostly archive stuff."
"About past hunters?"
Emma nodded. "Yeah. I read to him about my grandparents and my favorite hunter, Alice Burkhart."
"Why do you like Alice so much?" Merlin asked, curious about her answer.
"She was amazing and because she didn't want to be told what to do."
"Rules can be a good thing, young one."
Emma looked over to the bed. "Is he in pain?"
"Why do you ask?"
Emma sighed. "He is still sleeping because of rules. To me, that makes rules not such a great thing. He sometimes feels agitated."
"And you can feel his agitation?"
"Yes," she responded as if it were perfectly normal. "I can feel it; he feels really warm as if he is burning."
"To answer your question, no, young one. He is not in pain." Or so we thought, he thinks. "Do you want him to wake up?"
"Yeah, that would be nice." Emma smiled and nodded.
Merlin replied, "Well, wake him up, you can do it."
Emma's mouth opened and closed. "I don't have magic, I'm not magical." Her eyes returned to the bed.
"Young one, can I tell you a secret? This would have to stay between you and I. No one can know; the others are not ready."
Emma quickly nodded. She was always being treated like a little kid. Soon she will be out hunting and it irked her. She loved the idea of knowing something the others wouldn't know.
"Young one." Merlin smiled and approached her.
"You can call me Emma."
"As you wish. Emma, come with me." They moved closer to the bed.
"Magic is about emotion. You want to help your friend, correct?"
"Yes, I do," Emma replied honestly.
"Hold your hands above him like this." He held his hands above the body and they glowed a little. "Now, let your emotions awaken your power. All you have to do is look inward."
Emma mirrored his actions, scrunching her face in concentration. "That's all?" she asked before gasping as she noticed her hands glowing.
"Think of how much you care for him and your parents. Feel the love flow through you. Now send it to him."
She felt warmth in her fingertips and then a hoarse voice filled her ears. "Water, please."
Her eyes went wide. She looked down at her friend and his eyes met hers. He was awake.
Merlin smiled. "The secret is you have magic, very powerful white magic."
Emma still cannot believe her eyes. Her friend was awake, and she was the reason for that.
The raw power of Emma's magic was felt throughout the Isle. Blue instantly felt drawn to the source. She arrived at the open door of the stranger's room. She had to bite her tongue as she walked inside the room.
Blue was greeted with the Stranger sitting on the bed with eyes wide open. Merlin was standing next to Emma. "Merlin, what's the meaning of this? We had an agreement!" As she finally noticed Emma, she cried "What is she doing here?"
Emma squirmed under the glare of Blue. The girl wasn't a fan of the fairy; she was always so bossy.
The Stranger stared at the loud woman. He turned to look at the girl and smiled. The man the woman was yelling at seemed calm considering he was getting an earful. He was so confused; where the hell was he? Okay, it was obvious he was in an infirmary, but nothing else made sense. "Excuse me." He cleared his throat. "Where am I?"
Blue glared at him. "Excuse us a second." She grabbed Merlin and pulled him outside the room.
Emma's eyes followed Blue and Merlin. Once they were outside, she turned to the man. "Hello, I'm Emma. What's your name?"
The stranger looked at her and smiled. Her voice sounded so familiar. "Hello, lass. My name is Liam Jones. Can you tell me where I am?"
Emma smiled. "Sure, you're at Haven Isles."
"Haven Isles? What kingdom is this?" Liam needed to get his bearings so he could figure out how to get back to his little brother.
Emma raised a brow. "No kingdom here. This is a special Island."
"Lass, I need to get back to my brother and in order to know how I go about doing that, I need to know where I am. You say there's no kingdom?" Liam sighed.
"Mr. Jones, I'm sure they will explain everything to you," Emma assured him. "You're safe."
Outside the closed room, Merlin was still getting an earful. "How dare you wake him up! We had an agreement!" Blue crossed her arms.
"We did," Merlin smiled. "I didn't do anything."
"You expect me to believe he just woke up?"
"All I said was I didn't wake him up."
"Merlin, I felt magic. Very powerful magic."
"Blue, let me ask you, was I the only one in the room?"
Blue shook her head. "No, Emma was in there, but she doesn't have magic. Humans don't have magic, much less magic as powerful as what I felt."
"Are you sure?"
"What are you saying? You expect me to believe a human girl has magic?"
"Not only does she have magic, but she has the most powerful magic. She was born of True Love. I know you felt it. The raw power that girl has is immeasurable."
"But she never displayed any signs."
"It was dormant, Blue."
"And you knew all along, didn't you?"
"I did, from before the moment that girl took her first breath."
"Why didn't you tell me? Us? Do her parents know?"
"No one knew, just my Apprentice. Blue, you were not ready, I don't think you're ready now. That girl is going to save us all."
"I highly doubt that," Blue muttered.
"Blue," he scolded, "she is special."
"Merlin, she is reckless and-" she sighed.
He interrupted her. "Our salvation."
"You sound like Tinkerbelle and Tiger Lily. Humans will not save us, much less themselves." Sometimes she felt guilty for the way she treated them, but they were too trusting.
"Blue, I know you wish you could exile me as you did with them but you don't have the power to do so," Merlin reminded her.
Oh, she definitely would love to exile him or turn him into a tree at the very least. "So Emma woke him up, we should tell her parents. We need to discuss this new development."
After a brief discussion with Snow and David about Emma's newfound magic, they decided to finally find out how the stranger got on the Isle.
The group arrived in the room as the man was trying to get out of bed. He grumbled about having to get to his brother.
Blue was the first to enter the room, clearing her throat. "Excuse me." She arched a brow. He stilled and turned to face her.
"I have to get out here, my brother is out there alone and I'm stuck here!" he screamed.
Merlin was the one who tried to calm the situation. Blue glared at the man. "Please stay calm, young man. We will sort this out."
Snow and David kept their eyes on their daughter. How was it possible that she had magic? They would need to find out why.
Emma was fidgeting under her parents' gaze. She felt them looking at her, not with the normal adoration, but with wariness.
The man sat still as he prepared to listen to what they had to say.
"Alright, Mr…" Blue nodded, urging him to respond.
He cleared his throat. "My name is Captain Liam Jones. I was on a mission for my King. My ship was destroyed and I appear to be the only survivor. Now, can you tell me how to get away from here? I have to get back to my brother."
"What kind of mission?" Merlin asked.
Liam's eyes met his.
"For crying out loud, we can make you tell us the truth and you wouldn't be able to stop us," Blue added, annoyed.
Liam's hands curled into fists. "Ask your questions then."
Emma finally met her parents' gaze. She was waiting for them to tell her to leave, that she was too young. She wasn't a kid anymore. She would be hunting soon and her parents refused to see that.
"Mr. Jones, what kind of mission? And what does it have to do with Haven Isles?"
Liam looked at his hands. "King Fergus sent us - me - to retrieve healing waters from an Island. We didn't have an exact location, but it was rumored to be within White Waters Triangle. My crew perished, and I have no idea how I got here. Or where I am."
Blue and Merlin shared a look.
Blue nodded. "Well, you have reached your destination but the thing that still makes no sense is how you reached us. Haven Isles are protected. You shouldn't be here."
Liam contemplated the words. He should be dead alongside his crew. Why was he still here? He looked at Blue. "Then why am I?"
Blue walked toward him and leaned in closely as if she were inspecting him. "That's something I would love to know. You shouldn't be here." She turned away and paced back and forth.
Merlin leaned on the wall while Snow and David sat in chairs just glancing between Emma and Blue.
"How did you get past the blood barrier?" she muttered, sighing and turning to look at him. She pulled a pin from her hair and pricked him.
Liam winced.
Emma, Snow, and David looked horrified.
Emma glared at Blue. "Why did you do that?"
Blue turned to her and sweetly smiled. "Young girl, I'm going to give you a quick lesson. Seamen," she paused, "they are not to be trusted. This way, I know the truth. Magic doesn't lie. You will learn that soon enough." With that, she turned away to inspect the pin in the light.
Emma's eyes darkened a shade for a brief second. Sometimes she felt spurts of uncontrolled anger that frightened her. Yet other times they helped her train. Currently, she tried to calm her anger toward the fairy.
Blue was completely unaware of the turmoil in Emma. She was focused solely on the pin. The blood had a light glow, it was faint but she could see it. She said an incantation and the glow got brighter. "Impossible," she muttered. She turned to Liam who was just sitting, staring at the fairy. "Your parents' names, what are they?" she demanded.
Liam confusedly answered, "My mother was Alice, and my father was Brennan Jones."
"Alice." Blue closed the distance between them. "Her last name, what was it?"
Emma's anger had dissolved. She was intrigued by the turn of events.
"Her last name was Burkhart. She died when I was young. My brother was a baby."
Blue gasped and turned to Merlin. "How is it possible her blood is still connected to the Isles?"
Merlin only shrugged.
Blue glared at him. "Then what good are you? You're supposed to have all this knowledge and yet share none of it with us." She turned to Liam. "It appears you are alive because of your mother. She was one of us. A long time ago. She abandoned us."
Liam faintly remembered the weapons his father had found that had once belonged to his mother. He had sold them to get money and never really questioned why she had them. There was no history of his mother's family. "What do you mean my mother was one of you?"
Emma answered with a smile. "Your mother was one of the best hunters. She was friends with my grandmother and after her last hunt years ago, she never came back, so it was assumed she was killed. During your sleep, I would read to you about her."
Liam nodded slowly. "How long was I asleep?"
Blue answered, "Long enough for the people you love to be gone. Time here moves differently. You see, the day Emma was born was the day you arrived."
Liam turned to Emma. "How old are you?"
Emma smiled. "I'm seventeen."
"Seventeen years, but I don't understand. My brother was younger, he could be alive. He probably thinks I'm dead."
"Yes, seventeen years here. In your world, it has been decades. Sadly, you cannot leave the Isles. Only Hunters leave, and although your mother was one, you are not."
"I was a naval captain, I had training."
"I'm sure you had some training, but the training is different here. You have to master swords, bow, hand to hand combat, and anything that will lead to your victory over monsters, witches, all sorts of creatures. We are not fighting mere mortals. You wouldn't survive out there." She laughed. "You will stay here."
"You're telling me you would rather send young girls out there to die, then let me go and help fight. If what you say is true, my brother is dead and I have nothing left. This was my mother's home once. I would like to help."
Merlin smiled. "Blue, he has a point. He should have a choice."
"Merlin, who knows what kind of man Alice mated with to spawn him. The Island makes the pairs so that we can have the best protectors possible."
Liam glared at the woman. "My parents loved each other. Perhaps we weren't spawned because of magic, but I'm an honorable man who would do anything to protect the ones I care for."
"So tell me, great protector, why wasn't your brother with you? This brother you care for so much. Why did you leave him behind?" Blue mocked as she walked away from the bed.
Liam stood up and wobbled toward the fairy. "That wasn't by choice. I would never leave Killian behind."
Emma and Merlin help steady him.
Snow and David notice Emma's protective stance for the man. "Emma, sweetheart, maybe you should go to your room."
Emma turned to her mother. "No, I'm not a little kid. I will be hunting soon and I want Liam to be my partner. He is Alice's son. He isn't just some outsider."
"Emma, Duckling, you heard Blue. He has no training. He can get you killed."
Emma crossed her arms. "He can train with me. I'm sure he will be a natural just like his mom was." She smiled at Liam.
Liam smiled back at the young girl.
Blue turned to Merlin, who only shrugged. "He can train."
Blue was incensed. "We'll see how he does, but for now he has to stay put."
Emma glared at the fairy. "You had him sleeping for years! You didn't care if he suffered or not. Fine, he will train, and as soon as he is ready, he will be my partner. I'm not going to go on my first hunt until my birthday." Emma turned to Liam. "You have a few months to train."
David and Snow turned to Emma. "Sweetheart, maybe we should leave your friend to be checked to make sure he is alright. You can come back later."
Merlin, Blue, and Liam stayed in the room while the others took their leave.
Liam sat on the bed. "I don't understand how a young girl like that can go hunting, but you don't think I'm capable."
Blue scoffed. "Emma has been training for years. Yes, she is reckless but she is a natural. She excels in all of her training. Merlin, you will need to train her in magic. I just don't have the patience for her stubbornness."
Liam and Merlin both snickered.
"Blue, I will do that. Now perhaps, Mr. Jones would like to rest a bit."
Liam yawned. "Thank you. This has been a lot to take in."
Meanwhile, in the Enchanted Forest, Killian was tracking a monster who was terrorizing a small village. The irony wasn't lost to him. There was a monster out there who wasn't him. He was faster than other trackers out there in the forest.
He had been in the small village with Whale and had overheard a rally to go hunting a monster said to be terrorizing the neighboring village.
Killian, no Hook. He had stopped being Killian years ago. He was Hook, the monster. He picked up the trail fast. It was of a large animal. He didn't see the problem. Whale said the beast was only attacking farm life. Animals, cows, goats, and maybe some deer. It wasn't hurting humans, but that could change if it ran out of things to eat.
In the middle of the forest, he found a big wolf hunting a deer. Killian paused as he looked on. The scene in front of him was that of nature in its simplicity. Predator and prey in the oldest dance of time. Except this animal wasn't just a beast. He had gotten better with his magic after all the years since he was first cursed. He didn't like using it but in this case, he might need it.
The wolf had caught wind of his scent because it turned to face him with a growl.
Killian slowly took a step toward the beast which snarled at his advance.
Killian hissed and his fangs emerged. "Lass, I'm not here for a fight." He raised his hands in surrender.
The wolf took a step back.
"Lass, I'm here to help you," he soothed. "Your Granny sent me."
The wolf's golden eyes focused on him with recognition for a second. She growled and attacked. He was fast so she missed him. Killian's own eyes turned icy blue as he held his stance, a small syringe held between his fingers as he twirled it.
"I'm sorry, love," he said as he released the syringe in the wolf's direction while his magic controlled the trajectory of it. He ensured the impact wasn't felt until the liquid danced with the animal's blood.
With his concentration on the task, Killian called out for his friend. "Whale, you can come out now and bring the cart. I know I'm strong, but it's a long way back to the horses." He made sure the wolf was slumbering. He had heard a faint heartbeat just before he had injected the wolf with the tranquilizer.
Silence. No witty reply. Killian looked around. "Whale?" He wasn't about to go looking for him. It was just too quiet but he knew he had heard a heartbeat. He knew he didn't imagine that. Unless the good doctor was unable to misdirect all the hunters looking for the wolf.
His attention turned to the wolf. He had promised Granny he would find and return her. The old lady was trusting him with the safety of her grand-daughter, Ruby. Killian agreed to help because he had smelled dark magic. They both knew the girl wasn't acting like herself. Granny had also noticed the cloak she had was missing. It had been given to their family by a powerful witch generations ago. It was enchanted.
"Step away from the wolf," said a voice that came from the trees.
"Sorry, mate. This is my bounty. I captured it," Killian replied. He was genuinely curious about the owner of the voice. He had managed to sneak up on him. No one had done that since he became what he was.
The broken branches and dried up leaves rustled as the man stepped out of the darkened thicket. A man with rugged features stood tall with a determined gaze as he looked on to the sleeping wolf. "You need to step away from the wolf," he said.
Killian's gaze turned to the wolf as he answered, "Mate, this is not your fight."
The man slowly pulled out his knife. "I won't let you hurt the wolf."
Killian couldn't stop the eye roll. "Look, mate, I'm not going to hurt it. I'm taking her home."
The man pounced, and Killian moved effortlessly. The man was getting frustrated and his movements became frantic.
Killian growled, "I don't want to hurt you." He hissed as the knife nicked him and as a reflex, he backhanded the man, who flew back because of the force and bounced off a thick tree trunk. The man stumbled trying to get up. Killian sauntered to him and knelt next to the man. He grabbed him by the neck and squeezed enough for the man to gasp for air. His eyes turned icy blue, his voice becoming a silky whisper. "You will forget what happened here," he smiled. "You were tracking a wolf but lost the trail." The man simply nodded. "Sleep." The man's eyes rolled back and his body relaxed.
Killian got up and walked back to the wolf. Where the bloody hell was Whale?
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