bnck · 1 year
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haunteddollgender · 8 months
Happy Allergy Season to those who celebrate.
IF YOU TAKE PROZAC/FLUOXETINE, DO NOT TAKE MUCINEX DM‼️ Mixing these 2 medications can create TOO MUCH serotonin in your blood and this can cause complications.
If you’re in either of these 2 categories, normal Mucinex is okay.
Stay safe!
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bipolarkaren · 1 year
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existential-queeer · 1 year
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could you make a "this user uses fluoxetine" userbox, similar to the sertraline one? your userboxes are lovely !! <3
ofc!! and tysm <3
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feel free to reblog/download and use on your profile but keep my username visible ty! :)
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elvlogdevane · 1 year
No me gusta el sabor de la fluoxetina.
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p-perkeys · 2 months
Totally personal post, but:
^ did I do this right?? I always thought the
Did the cut line and realized today people *apply* the cut line.
Googling stuff because I’m tired of living life based off compulsive obsessions and thinking of killing myself one week out of every three.
I read that Prozac/Fluoxetine is a great SSRI to treat OCD and PPMD, both of which are diagnoses that I that I have which truly make life feel like it’s not worth living.
Thing is, because of the OCD, I am emetophobic. In short, emetophobia is an intense, irrational fear of nausea and vomiting. It’s way more than not liking it. I think about it every day. I have taken zofran and phenergan in excess. I take zofran almost daily, which can cause serious heart problems.
Basically, it’s out of hand and I’m tired of being alive like this.
But because of the emetophobia, I’ve always been afraid of SSRIs; they increase serotonin, which is also the hormone your brain releases that triggers nausea and vomiting. Zofran actually lowers serotonin levels, which is how it relieves nausea and vomiting.
Taking the two together increases the risk of serotonin syndrome.
I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I need help. It might seem silly or not real but it’s real and it’s scary to thoroughly think I don’t want to live much longer.
Has Prozac been a life changing drug for anyone? Especially if you suffer with OCD/Emetophobia and PPMD? If not Prozac, then what? Did you have the common side effect of nausea/vomiting? Did anything relieve it? Was it manageable?
Help me lol.
If you’re not comfortable commenting, you can message me too. I don’t know what to do. I’m panicking now because I feel sick and I took a zofran and my stomach still hurts and I just genuinely hate my life.
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not-kate-at-all · 1 month
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stay safe and stay hydrated ! ! !
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kingmariel · 1 month
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Someone over 30 still using Tumblr??? 🙋‍♀️
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b0yint3rrupt3d · 2 months
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“Sometimes it feels like we're all living in a Prozac nation. The United States of Depression.”
- Elizabeth Wurtzel
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fionaappleloverrr · 18 days
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roachemoji · 1 year
hello my fellow freaks and weirdos (positive) (full of love) is anyone here on Prozac willing to share their experience with me (especially if you're also on any ADHD meds too) (specifically concerta) I'm starting 10mg soon and want to be as prepared as humanely possible for what I might experience
EDIT: hi!!! thank you to those who shared their experiences! I've already been on and am now permanently off prozac due to it affecting me horrifically 👍
I don't know how to turn replies off so I just turned notifs off - please don't reply to this anymore thanks
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ai-thne · 2 years
by the way re: my previous post, i feel like a few of you might want to know that there's a thing in pharmacology called a medicine's half-life (which varies depending on the med), during which a quarter of the dose you took is still in your body and working.
everyone who takes any medication should be aware of it, but imo people who take antidepressants should especially know what this shit is because it can very easily make or break the deal.
example: i was prescribed 50mg of sertraline. the amount in my body on the first day i took it was 50mg, but on the second day it was 50mg + ¼ of the 50mg from the previous day, because Zoloft (and any other sertraline med) has a half-life of 24 hours. That ¼ did me in. I lowered the dose to 25mg daily, now i'm fine.
the takeaway is: look up the half-life of your meds and have the dose adjusted accordingly if the stacking of dose + half-life makes you feel bad!! meds are supposed to make you feel more functional, so if you feel worse, it means you're taking too much! talk to your doctor!!
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swifteainthesummer · 10 months
Help my don't-feel-horrible pills aren't making me feel any less horrible
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joopiterjesus · 1 year
when I first started meds I looked it up here to see if anyone had tagged their experiences with it because I was nervous. Unsurprisingly, there was mainly just negative side effects so I wanted to make a post myself in case anyone else is looking
I started fluoxetine and it has been such a good experience. Obs some people will have other effects but for me, it's been great
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weirdpersonifiedpills · 3 months
I need zoloft lore. Where did the silly come from.
Also, adderall being a squirrel is funny to me bc that means it's highly likely meth is also a squirrel. Ah yes strung-out squirrel spending 3 hours sorting good acorns
He gives me trust fund nepotism vibes, but not in the “I’m an entitled brat” way, more in the “I know I kinda got special treatment but I’m still gonna do my best with the opportunities I was lucky enough to receive” way, but that’s more of a personal headcanon than anything. He gets lighthearted flack from the other meds for getting in on recommendation.
(Doodle of Zoloft with the Zoloft Blob from those old commercials‼️)
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Zoloft was approved in the US on December 30th of 1991 on recommendation from the FDA Psychopharmacological Drugs Advisory Committee, which, funny enough, had convened regarding Prozac on September 20th of that same year, their vote exonerating Prozac and letting his parent company Eli Lilly off the hook for the controversies that had been going on.
Similar to how Prozac is related to the antihistamines, Zoloft is related to the antipsychotics (distantly) and the norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (parent compound). His parent drug was tametraline, but side effects caused its development to be stopped in 1979, which allowed sertraline to be developed from it. Zoloft and Celexa actually have a very similar creation, both being developed from an NRI drug that either showed or was likely to show concerning side effects that halted its development and meant it never hit the market, allowing it to be turned into an SSRI. (Technically tametraline is norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor but given a lot of NRIs weakly act on other neurotransmitters, it’s close enough).
They’ve got super thick fur, I designed him with that because when I was on Zoloft all I did was sweat constantly and feel overheated lol, but depending on what I end up personifying the NRIs as (which I need to decide because there’s a bunch I wanna draw) it’ll probably make sense family wise as well.
The way Pfizer chose to market Zoloft lead to an upset between companies. Zoloft hit the US market in 1992, (the same year as Paxil) and had been on the European market as early as 1990 (Paxil had been on the UK market as Seroxat since 1991). Once again, similar to how Celexa was developed and released later than some of the other SSRIs, Zoloft was as well, and Pfizer knew this. To counteract this fact, Pfizer took to advertising Zoloft as “cleaner” than the other SSRIs (mainly Prozac and Paxil, the two biggest SSRIs). Despite not having much, if any, clinically relevant research on their side, the constant pushing of the idea that Zoloft was somehow safer and cleaner helped make it a worthy contender in the market space. Technically Zoloft was the first “enantiomerically pure SSRI drug to hit the market” so that’s probably where that came from. The parent companies of these meds responded to each other as they all fought for dominance on the market. Zoloft was Prozac’s other closest competitor aside from Zoloft. It was only when Lilly realized Prozac had an advantageously long half life that wouldn’t cause nearly as severe discontinuation syndrome that they were able to shake the other two meds off of Prozac’s tail.
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(This should say 1992 not 1993 oopsie)
Prozac would’ve met Zoloft first, as they both had launched in other countries before Paxil did, however, Zoloft is closer to Celexa and Lexapro than they are to Prozac and Paxil, who bonded over shared struggles that Zoloft didn’t have. Celexa and Lexapro had a lot more in common with him, both age, experience, and personality wise, and him and Celexa were seen as the “backing chorus” to Prozac and Paxil, the two biggest SSRIs. Zoloft was considerably younger than Prozac and a bit younger than Paxil when he hit the US market.
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Zoloft kept his nose squeaky clean compared to Prozac and Paxil, with Prozac’s prime being entangled with controversies about him as a medication (80’s-early 2000’s) and Paxil’s parent company GSK getting into plenty of hot water by withholding and suppressing unfavorable data on Paxil, among other things regarding the medication (early 2000’s to mid 2010’s).
Honestly, Zoloft has a very standard history compared to Prozac, and even to Paxil. They were wrapped up in the same black box warning issues of the early 2000’s, but so was every other antidepressant at the time. Zoloft experienced the blowback from Prozac’s controversies like the other SSRIs did, but still looked up to him as a leader and role model all the same. I remember being surprised to learn that Paxil was the other big SSRI back in the day because it seems like literally everyone I meet is on Zoloft. I’ve got friends on it, my sister is on it, a bunch of her friends are on it, and if I’m talking to someone about antidepressants, there tends to be a good chance they’re on Zoloft as well, even I’ve taken Zoloft. He’s a good guy, he’s the “and Brian” of the group honestly, just an all around decent dude who leaves the drama to the other crazies of his class. They do their job and do it well, he’s soft spoken compared to the high-energy personalities of Celexa, Lexapro, and Paxil, and it’s one of his strengths. He’s empathetic and emotionally intelligent, able to provide comfort as well as confidence that he’s able to protect whoever needs it. They were also the second SSRI and third overall med that I officially designed, he has a special place in my heart 🩵🤍
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(Art by @/craftzombie on Instagram who I’ve commissioned to draw all of my medication designs)
Edit- yes meth is a squirrel as well, one day I will sit down and design a meth squirrel 🐿️
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