frogeyedape · 2 years
1 whole banana is too much :(
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brosis-medical · 2 days
Brot in der Ernährung: Wie gesund ist es wirklich?
Brot und Gesundheit Brot ist ein Grundnahrungsmittel in der deutschen Ernährung und wird sowohl zum Frühstück, als Snack oder Abendessen genossen. Während einige Menschen es täglich essen, meiden andere es aus gesundheitlichen Gründen oder im Rahmen einer Diät zur Gewichtsabnahme. Doch ist Brot wirklich ungesund? Und wie viel Brot ist tatsächlich gut für den Körper? Brot und Gesundheit sind eng…
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We cordially extend an invitation to researchers from all around the globe to submit their research work for publishing in our Global Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Research. To know more, visit here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/ghucg-journal/ WhatsApp Us: +447723493307
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impactofhealth · 6 months
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Women’s Optimum Nutrition: Unlock Peak Wellness
Women’s Optimum Nutrition refers to the specific nutritional needs of women to support their overall health and well-being. It focuses on providing women with the essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are crucial for their health at different stages of life. Understanding and meeting these nutritional requirements is key to unlocking peak wellness in women’s lives. Read More...
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portaldenutricao · 7 months
Porque Alho e Cebola pode Gerar Cólica no Bebê?
Você restringe alho e cebola das suas pacientes que amamentam? São alimentos deliciosos e nutritivos, mas também são ricos em FODMAPs, uma classe de carboidratos fermentáveis. Para algumas pessoas, especialmente aquelas com sensibilidade e/ou imaturidade gastrointestinal, como é o caso dos bebês recém nascidos, a ingestão desses alimentos pode desencadear sintomas como distensão abdominal,…
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fitnessmith · 1 year
Guide nutrition sur les FODMAPs et antinutriments
NOUVEAU 👉 Guide nutrition sur les FODMAPs et antinutriments
Devez-vous arrêter les FODMAPs et les antinutriments ? Vous avez déjà ressenti des inconforts digestifs sans savoir pourquoi ? Vous êtes ballonné après les repas ? Vous vous privez de sortie à cause de vos intestins capricieux ? Cela pourrait être lié à votre consommation de FODMAPs et d’antinutriments.   Vous allez savoir  Découvrez comment les FODMAPs peuvent être la clé de vos maux. Quels…
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crowley1990 · 11 months
I’m opening a tumblr restaurant. How much of a headache is my chef going to have?
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morethansalad · 7 months
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Vegan Antipasto Salad (Low FODMAP)
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bloodrock-lobster · 2 months
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this too is baking. will be baking
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jmtorres · 1 year
The Fig (Food Is Good) app, an app that helps you check whether foods meet your dietary restrictions and/or allergies, just added a feature I requested: you can now create multiple profiles for friends/family members to help when you're shopping for a group meal!
A vegan, a celiac, and an IBS-sufferer walk into a bar,,,,
(this new feature is a paid feature, but if you haven't played with Fig before I recommend downloading it and playing around with the profile customization for single/free user, because really extensive customization is possible! and if you like it and you know a bunch of people you eat with who have with food restrictions, consider the subscription for the multiprofile option.)
This app is actively being developed! see also I requested this feature and it came to pass! also if you can't afford the subscription but it would be useful to you, there's a button in the sign up process to request financial aid, which i think is pretty punk rock of them
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narcpocalypse · 7 months
TMI but having NPD and IBS is crazy like I put ALLLLLLLL this work to put up this super suave charismatic front only to have it ruined by clutching my stomach and BOLTING to a bathroom before I shit my pants. Or shitting your pants and ultimately crashing from embarrassment because u could've avoided it by just not eating an apple or something
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We cordially extend an invitation to researchers from all around the globe to submit their research work for publishing in our Global Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology Research.
To know more, visit here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/ghucg-journal/
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walkawaytall · 2 months
My GI doctor wanted me to meet with a dietitian that he specifically suggested. New dietitians always make me nervous because my ED dietitian was so amazing, but I have heard horror stories about others over the years. I just had my telehealth visit with this new one and she was so delightful and well-informed. I made mention of the weight gain I've experienced and how I'm not exactly happy with it, and she was like, "You have a bunch of symptoms that we need to figure out before you even think about that." And then when she was going over this elimination diet she wants me to try, she said, "I know you have a history with an eating disorder. We are not trying to make another one." And it was just really comforting to know that she takes all of that seriously.
Anyway, I get to go low FODMAP. Which means no garlic or onions for a month (also other things, but the rest are all things I don't really eat daily. Garlic and onions. Garlic and onions. I have to not eat for a month.)
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xiaq · 1 year
Hey low-fodmap diet friends. I 10/10 recommend this garlic-infused olive oil. I’m Italian and the celiac disease hit hard but possibly not as hard as suddenly being incapable of eating even small amounts of garlic without disastrous consequences. My fiancé went in search of something that could fill the garlic sized hole in my heart (large) and he outdid himself with this olive oil. It’s subtle, but it absolutely adds garlic flavor to anything you cook with it. Glorious.
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fullcravings · 2 years
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GF Scones (FODMAP Friendly)
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fcukfodmap · 2 months
Day 34: Low-FODMAP Gluten-Free Scooby Doo Sandwich on Potato Waffles
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Yesterday I made these easy and delicious potato-egg waffles -- basically eggs and hash browns mixed together, and poured into a waffle iron -- and I had the brainwave that those waffles would make a completely decent bread substitute. Especially because actual gluten-free bread is ass.
So this morning I made them again, and then made bangin' breakfast sandwich that I devoured. Insofar as there's a recipe, the sandwich was made of two potato-egg waffles, a slice of co-jack and one of provolone, two slices of ham, sliced tomatoes, iceberg lettuce leaves, and mayo. I really wanted sour cream again, but that's still not allowed, sob. (Also, as usual, check labels carefully when getting the hash browns: a lot of brands have onion.)
Now I'm wondering if I could do a similar thing with the French toast waffles I made a couple days ago, only with sweet fillings instead of savory. Worth some thought.
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Disclaimer: I am no dietician. I'm doing my best to minimize FODMAPs in my diet, but it's possible for me to be misinformed or mistaken about various ingredients.
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