#FUCK that guy all my homies hate that guy
selfinserttothestars · 11 months
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Listen I know the event is technically over but I came here to bully this delusional man and I’m not done
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“oF fOrGotTEn hEroEs liKe hAns aSperGeR, uNfAirlY tAiNtEd by n*zi linKs” bestie idk how to tell you that having n*zi links at all is still a problem
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clickerteeth · 1 year
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Mystra telling Gale to blow himself up
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aropride · 5 months
typing speed test
reblogging with a poll for people on mobile as well
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washmchineheart · 5 months
sorry but rhysand had no business sticking his nose in feyre’s and nesta’s relationship. what do YOU know what about siblings dynamic sir? not much, that’s for sure ⚰️
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tg-headcanons · 2 months
This is out of nowhere but I feel like Kaneki would read a book from a “booktok” section of a bookstore, absolutely hate it, download tiktok just long enough to post a 38 part series of ten minute videos about why it sucked shit, start a million fights, then delete the app leaving a deranged mess of discourse in his wake. He just had to get that out of his system and he is not aware that people are still having deathmatches in his comments a year later
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yardikins · 9 months
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Jumping on this meme- The guy they’re gonna have to kill is one or both of their fathers
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blankinspace · 5 months
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I did the thing y a y:D
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artheresy · 1 year
Dan Heng, Dan Feng, and Unreliable Narrators
WARNING: Some Leaks Discussion, don’t read if you don’t want to know any leaks
A bit of a rant regarding Dan Feng and Dan Heng and where I think their story might go if Hoyoverse doesn’t contradict in their lore hopefully ?
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No because let me tell you how this recent animation is all setting up to an eventual reveal of how Dan Heng is an immensely unreliable narrator and the story then at that point will want the players (at least those who havent yet read every little bit of lore) to come to question the Vidyadhara Preceptors and the Ten Lords Commission because THINK, THINK WITH ME GUYS
First off, the whole image we see of Dan Feng is absolutely not the real Dan Feng, but people who aren’t looking into lore leaks and story leaks and looking in every single crevice won’t have that point clear to them. Think of the description of the literal animation:
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“Never a person with love, hatred, sorrow, or joy like everyone else in this world.”
The view Dan Heng has of Dan Feng has only ever been shaped by the consequences of the sin he committed that condemned Dan Heng as well despite being a different incarnation of him. That sin was the reason for his imprisonment for much of his childhood until he was eventually banished once again due to that sin. Even once he had left the Luofu, the reason behind being pursued and hunted down by Blade IS their shared sin. All that he knows of Dan Feng is a curated by the Higher Powers of the Xianzhou Luofu, he does not truly understand the man who came before him. (Something he has admitted to by the way, but let’s also look beyond just his own admittance.)
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Fundamentally, the biggest evidence of such comes from how Dan Feng appears in his mind in the Animated Short that was just released. In it, Dan Feng haunts him, and specifically when he speaks, he talks of the High Elder succession. He speaks of it as something that cannot be broken, something that he cannot run from. That death is the only redemption for those who defy it.
But the thing is, this doesn’t sound like Dan Feng AT ALL. (Specific warning for Jingliu voiceline and character story leaks)
If you have kept up with leaks, you’ll see that Dan Feng would never EVER say such things as he did in the animated short to his next incarnation. And why you may ask? Because it is evident from the VLs and CSs that… Dan Feng himself seems to have longed to escape his role as High Elder. There is not any firm confirmation of either what the sin he and Yingxing committed nor what his motivations exactly were. However, there is a strong case to be made that the sin committed could be related his attempt to create a new high elder with the possible motive of wishing to escape his role of High Elder and the loss of identity he had to experience due to that role.
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But of course… Dan Heng doesn’t know this, he is unaware of whatever gripe or distain Dan Feng may have had for the role he carried out, the one he couldn’t escape. He only knows the words of the Preceptors and anyone else he was allowed to have contact with while imprisoned after his rebirth. And y’know… when you listen to what Dan Feng says in the animated short, it sounds more like something the Preceptors would say instead. Those words read more as Dan Heng’s projection of them instead placed upon Dan Feng who he has always been taught to view as a traitor, a sinner, rather than a person.
And hmm, who could stand to benefit the most from Dan Heng viewing Dan Feng as a villain…
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HMM I DUNNO, PERHAPS THE PEOPLE WHO LIED TO DAN FENG AND PURPOSEFULLY SET HIM UP!!! The same people that Dan Heng has confirmed were his primary source of information regarding who Dan Feng was just as I said before.
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Additionally, I’m tryin to find screenshots of it, but there are memories that come from certain Vidyadhara eggs when you interact with them that further suggest that the Preceptors sabotaged Dan Feng likely for the goal of wishing to maintain control over him/fear of the fact that he was becoming to powerful, that he was wavering from his role. So of course again, who else could benefit quite as much as them from Dan Heng hating Dan Feng? It is a way they still exercise control over his next incarnation. They control the narrative of his past self, they control what he knows about him to paint a specific picture that they want him to see. And once he is old enough, they further take care of him and exorcise a last bit of control by banishing him from ever returning. Sending him out into the universe having shaped his views and behaviors and of course what not to be like through their propaganda.
I just want to emphasize here how deeply important Dan Heng’s view of Dan Feng is for shaping his character as well as through the insight into him from that angle, we gain information on the Judges and the Preceptors.
With all of this known, I want to talk about where I think their story could be heading! Of course, please note this is strongly speculation and I don’t think my interpretation and prediction of what could happen is the objective truth or only way to view things. I could be very wrong honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised lol! But I think, at some point, we will in fact get an event where Dan Heng will realize the truth of who Dan Feng was. What he wanted, what he truly did, and why he did it. With the continued emphasis on what he was taught and how his perception is based upon what he learned in his imprisonment, I think it would simply make sense to have a turning point where he learns the truth.
A turning point that shines suspicion upon the Preceptors and Ten Lords Commission. However, I don’t think such a thing will happen for a LONG while given a few different reasons that I will outline here! So I don’t think this realization will be anytime soon due to the following:
1) We like literally just helped the Luofu. Its the beginning of the Xianzhou story as a whole given us being in the beginning of HSR, there are other ships to look into as well. Highly doubt they would cast suspicion upon the higher powers of the Luofu through Dan Heng’s lens so soon. It wouldn’t make much sense when there’s a lot left to work with
2) We know for Kafka that we will definitely come back or be back in contact with the Xianzhou Luofu given the whole reason she had us come to the ship in the first place being that she needs them in debt to the Astral Express for a future plan. Of course, they might not coincide, but in the cast that they do, I think it gives more justification to push back such an occurrence since the order would likely be Kafka’s thing first and then the realization? Of course again, I could be wildly wrong, time will tell in the end
3) and lastly, I think that Dan Heng having a realization of the truth of Dan Feng, his motivation and most of all his sin, especially if that would include finally having a true reveal and confirmation of what his sin exactly was, could very well relate to the relic lore line, “Pairs of objects are destined for an eventual reunion. The long years of grudges and hatred between them should be savored, like ice-cold aged liquor, one slow sip after another until the bottle of resentment is finally empty.” involving Blade. I mean think about it, Dan Heng finally having the full picture could very well lean into the event that the line is foreshadowing. And paired with the finality of that line, plus Dan Heng and Blade’s importance each individually as a Nameless and Stellaron Hunter respectively… yeah no way in hell would they get a conclusion so soon.
So yeah, I’m convinced Hoyoverse will absolutely stretch out and drag out the story, keep up waiting keep us on the edge of our seats, but I think eventually Dan Heng will be given the chance to realize the truth and not only will his view of Dan Feng change, but the view of those who had taught him and punished him as well. Or at least, I severely hope he will get the chance. To end his character so soon would be a true shame.
And for anyone struggling to understand my rant because I tend to go on tangents and become incoherent (I get it and I’m sorry!), here’s a tl:dr! From officially posted sources as well as some leaks, it can already be seen that Dan Heng is a unreliable narrator regarding Dan Feng. His perception of him in the animation directly contradicts the desire Dan Feng is shown to have to escape his role. I think at some point in the story, he will be given the chance to find out the truth given the continued emphasis of his lack of understanding regarding who Dan Feng truly is as well as the fact that he learned who Dan Feng was from the very people that punished him. Given the fact that different sources directly hint to the fact that Dan Feng was set up by the Preceptors to fail for the sake of maintaining control, Dan Heng’s realization about Dan Feng would likely be utilized to cast suspicion upon the Ten Lords Commission and the Preceptors.
Even that was still long but, I tried to condense as much as I could. Please forgive me if I make any spelling mistakes in this post or if the whole post itself seems completely weird or smth. Im writing this at 3 am after hours of brainrot. I am unwell to be true, anyways! Night night!
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ppl just don’t talk ab this ENOUGH. Bruce is a better parent than Talia?? PU-LEASE! Talia would be so proud her baby was listening and taking what she said to heart and trying his best to do better!! she would give him a soft, private smile, and not make a super big deal ab it, but would make sure her child knows he’s heard.
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pitrsattabhaadmeinjaa · 8 months
i’m so sick of all the percabeth posting about the show like i was also as excited in the start but now i’m so tired of every post being about the romance
im so tired of only a small minority of posts being not about percabeth like THEYRE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ROMANTICALLY LINKED THIS EARLY. IS NO ONE ELSE BOTHERED BY THAT. and also fuck us allos bro i get the aromantics now why is everything about romantic love
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snakesinsocks2005 · 1 year
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(Click for quality!)
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Okay so this post is for Artists that are trying to save some money while vending at conventions.
A few cons that I've gone to have been charging extra for wifi access. (Extra costs?! In THIS economy??) This has lead to some artists/vendors paying the extra cost to use said wifi, or to use their phones as a hotspot (your phone bill!! nooo!!!) or having to switch to cash only (you might lose on sales! also having to do MORE math? plus the trips to the bank to get change?? 😭).
May I present to you: Library Hotspots!
This, of course, hinges on your local library having said service. Luckily, a good chunk of them do! Check your local library if they have hotspots to borrow. If they don't- ask them wtf why not? (DON'T ACTUALLY DO THAT. Write them a nice email saying you're a patron that is interested in this service. That will show their administration that they should invest in hotspots).
Okay so you've checked your library's website and it DOES have hotspots you can borrow- what now? Check the policy for borrowing their hotspots! They often let you know how long you can borrow the hotspot for AND you might be able to request one through an online form. (Listen I get phone anxiety so this is a bonus for me). Now all you have to do is wait to get a notification to pick up your hotspot, pick it up, test it out with your vending equipment (important step!), take it with you to your next convention/vendor event, use it, and finally bring it back to the library once you're done!
okay okay okay so those were a lot of steps. BUT! would you rather be saddled with unexpected costs of having to pay for convention wifi? I sure wouldn't with how expensive everything is already 😭
You might be thinking: "Weirdo-Librarian, why are you telling me this? What do you get out of this?" Well-
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swedenis-h · 2 years
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Sofia & Katya breaking up..?? 😨😨
Inspo (X)
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Saw this ad today and it reminded me how idiotic the people who think that AI “art” is good somehow are because like-
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Are you gonna look me dead in my eyes and tell me that the first one isn’t leagues better????
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meat-pvppet · 1 year
I dont really have the "i can fix him" approach with shane
Its more a "hes so me (depressed)" and i was eventually swoon by his goofy chicken man rizz (i just find him silly /pos)
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