#Family wouldn't be pleased but I miss having a snake :(
oculusxcaro · 4 months
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One thing that makes me sad about Khare is that even if by some slim miracle she does end up getting cured (or her body somehow manages to fight off the mutation), she's still going to have a hard time living a day-to-day life given she's an amputee. Cooking, cleaning and other chores would be much harder to do with only one hand and some tasks becoming downright impossible to do. The scarring she could live with but Khare would feel even more useless only having some of the functionality she used to.
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chaedomi · 4 months
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SUMMARY . after visiting her mother, lyrica finds herself learning about the mysterious crown princess who resides inside the sun palace.
WARNINGS . YANDERE, female child reader, platonic, ooc (if i missed any, kindly alert me)
LETTERS . i'd like to make it known that this fanfiction was inspired by lyomeii's works ─ ( one / two ) yeah, i do plan to make this into a little platonic yandere series. and since this is a little introduction to it all, there won't be as much action in this compared to others that (hopefully) will come. 'breanna' is a character made by me on the spot. oh, God, this is so bad
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LYRICA WAS having the best day of her life. Her mother had just bestowed upon her something truly precious—a silver coin, unparalleled to all the riches that could be offered. Honestly, when she lost the first silver coin she had earned back in the slums, she felt a sense of disappointment. That coin had been her pride, marked and stained with all the times she held it, dreaming of a better future. She never aspired to acquire another, as it couldn't compare to the first one she had cherished for so long. But, who cared? Even if it wasn't the same coin, it was still a silver coin—her precious silver coin.
"Ah... Huh...?" Lyrica's footsteps halted as something interesting captured her attention. The Black Dragon Chamber next door was The Crown Prince's room, and right next to it was another door—the entrance to The Crown Princess's chambers. It occurred to Lyrica that she had never laid eyes on The Crown Princess before. The Crown Princess hadn't even been present at her mother's and His Majesty's wedding!
Lyrica lifted her gaze to examine the sign above the chamber door. Said signs depicted the theme of the chambers and, by extension, identified the type of dragon associated with The Crown Princess.
However, instead of the expected dragon imagery, there was what Lyrica recognized as a constellation.
"Oh my," Brinne spoke beside Lyrica, causing the little girl to startle, as the voice was unexpected. "It seems that Your Highness has stumbled across something very interesting. Would you like me to explain, Your Highness?"
"Huh...?" Lyrica blinked at her servant before finally catching on. "O... Oh, yes, please!"
Brinne laughed in response to Lyrica's enthusiasm. "Recall when I mentioned that His Majesty and House Takar trace their lineage to dragons? I also explained that House Wolfe descends from wolves, and House Sandar's ancestry is tied to a colossal snake as thick as a tree."
Brinne’s eyelids fluttered open, and Lyrica could see for herself the fondness swirling in her amethyst-hued eyes.  Lyrica's curiosity deepened even more as a result of this reaction. Minor details about The Crown Princess's existence are known, yet she already fascinates Lyrica. In the 'White Dragon Chamber,' Lyrica remembers the information Brinne shared with her. The Founder of the prosperous Takar Nation was a dragon, leading to the Imperial Family (comprising Takars) being named after these mythical creatures.
So, why is it that you, The Crown Princess, aren't named after a dragon? Your hand was given to The Crown Prince, which rightfully places you within the Imperial Family. However, you carry the identity of something different—a star, or more precisely, a constellation of stars known as Pollux.
Lyrica resisted the urge to ask, concerned about overwhelming Brinne with questions she might not have answers to. However, the more she thought, the more she wanted answers. Despite the unsettling tales she had heard about The Emperor, her stepfather had proven to be benevolent. It wasn't as if The Emperor despised you otherwise, he wouldn't have permitted you to reside in The Sun Palace and ''''marry'''' The Crown Prince. So, why...?
Lyrica bit her lip and groaned, ultimately yielding to her curiosity. "The Family Crest of High-Ranking Nobles symbolizes their ancestry. However, considering House (L.N) bears the crest of a star, does that suggest that The Crown Princess is descended from a star?" Brinne tilted her head and beamed, satisfied with Lyrica's analysis. "Exactly!"
Although Brinne appeared content, Lyrica felt the opposite, her eyebrows furrowing in dissatisfaction. "But... I thought all Takars were named after dragons. What about The Crown Princess?" It's only at that moment that Brinne understands the confusion of The Young Princess. Brinne's smile widened further, momentarily causing Lyrica to worry about the strain on her jaw muscles.
"It's as you mentioned, Your Highness. All Takars, even those married into The Imperial Family, bear dragon names. But, The Crown Princess is only engaged to His Highness.” Brinne replied, a sly smirk gracing her stunning features. Lyrica's expression faltered as she processed her servant's words. “Your Highness, let me make it known that His Majesty deeply admires House (L.N), especially The Crown Princess."
As the realization dawned on her, Lyrica almost jumped in surprise. Tolerance and respect were one thing, but admiration? Another question was… why did Brinne tell her all of this when she had first moved into her chambers? Did she forget…?
Brinne giggled at Lyrica’s reaction. "With admiration comes a deep bond. As we know, His Majesty cannot rule forever, nor will it be advised for his nephew to rule alone. And so, because His Majesty trusts no one as he trusts House (L.N), he decided that one of them shall ascend to the throne alongside his nephew. Despite the many good suitors House (L.N) had to offer, The Crown Princess was chosen as she not only captured him with her abilities but her personality as well."
“Of course, to be a Crown Princess, you need to marry The Crown Prince first. However, His Majesty’s instructions to address Her Highness as such regardless is a way of showcasing her permanent ascension.”
Lyrica's eyebrows rose at the revelation. Well, now it makes sense why you weren’t identified as a dragon. Forget what she said about the marriage thing too. "But wait! Even if The Crown Princess didn’t receive that privilege, would she still be considered important, perhaps more so than High-Ranking Nobles?"
Brinne hummed in thought. “She would still be considered as a High-Ranking Noble even if she and those in House (L.N) hold more privileges than the others in the same noble class. …It’s all because of His Majesty’s orders. Everything is. You are aware of how absolute His Majesty’s orders are, right? If His Majesty commands people to act like animals, they will do just that. If His Majesty says to idolize an object, they will do just that! Even more so if His Majesty orders his people to respect House (L.N) just as they respect House Takar, they will do just that. It doesn’t matter if people are pleased with the arrangements or not. ...His Majesty’s reason for doing so all aligns with the shared history of House Takar and House (L.N).”
Lyrica became intrigued by that bit of information. "Shared history?" She leaned in, eager to learn more. "Can you tell me more, Brinne?" Unfortunately, Brinne responded with an apologetic smile, disappointing Lyrica.
"Regrettably, that's the extent of my knowledge regarding the relationship between House (L.N) and House Takar. It's a limit for anyone," Brinne's lips tightened. "The narrative unfolds after the nation's expansion and the allegiance of House Sandar and House Wolfe, undoubtedly including the deeds of House (L.N) that earned His Majesty's favor."
"However, crucial details of this significant historical period somehow vanished. Consequently, over time, people began crafting theories about how House (L.N) and House Takar evolved into their current relationship. Some theories were logical, while others were entirely nonsensical. And, of course, some seized the opportunity for profit, as seen in the widely popular children's fairytale, 'The Dragon Who Fell In Love With A Star.' You must have heard of it, haven't you?"
Lyrica recalled hearing a similar story in the slums, never imagining its connection to something so crucial. "That's incredible!" she exclaimed.
"Despite these theories, none have been confirmed. House (L.N) and House Takar are the only ones capable of such confirmation. However, His Majesty has maintained silence on the matter, and House (L.N) feels compelled to align with his decision."
"Yet, certain aspects remain clear. Regardless of factual evidence, His Majesty holds House (L.N) in high regard. Thus, we are to treat them with respect, just as we will respect House Takar. Whether others agree or disagree is unimportant."
“Either way, the latter is not a concern,” Brinne continued. “Everyone in this nation is fond of House (L.N), or in this case, The Crown Princess.”
Lyrica cocked her head to the side. “Even you?”
"Yes, Your Highness! Why wouldn't I?" Brinne laughed. "Allow me to explain how House (L.N) operates. As we are aware, High-Ranking Nobles align themselves with the symbols on their crests. Given that House (L.N) traces its lineage to a star... it's worth noting that House (L.N) is the largest Noble Family in the nation. This serves as a symbolic representation of the countless stars that adorn the sky."
"B-Billions!?" Lyrica stammered, staring at Brinne with widened eyes.
"Oh, dear." Brinne covered her mouth. "Your Highness, House (L.N) doesn't quite literally have billions. However, like certain traits are inherent to specific Noble Families, having large kin is one characteristic of House (L.N). So, fear not, Your Highness; having a small family circle is normal. House (L.N) just happens to multiply at a very alarming rate... to the extent that they are scattered throughout all corners of the nation."
"Due to their extensive family, House (L.N) has implemented a system within their household to maintain order. Drawing inspiration from astrology, where eighty-eight constellations are recognized, House (L.N) has structured itself into eighty-eight classes, each with varying levels of power and status. However, within these eighty-eight classes, there exist twelve classes that house the highest positions. I find myself intrigued by the method they use to organize it all..."
"But, moving on!" Brinne placed her hands on her knees. "Your Highness, are you familiar with the twelve constellations of the universe?"
"Yes! Glendelyn taught me about them! It's uh... Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces... right!?" Lyrica grinned, pleased with herself for recalling both the names and pronunciation.
"And those would be the twelve classes of House (L.N) with the highest status and power! The Crown Princess oversees Class Gemini of House (L.N), in part. As we know, Gemini is a twin star encompassing both Pollux and Castor. Therefore, Gemini is responsible for two individuals, with The Crown Princess having authority over Pollux."
Brinne's eyes crinkled with amusement. "It makes me wonder... if House (L.N)'s class sorting is also influenced by personality traits..."
"What makes you think that...?" Lyrica inquired, tilting her head to the side.
"Pollux means 'very sweet' or 'fit for royalty.' And when compared to both Castor and Pollux, Pollux is the brighter star of the two." Brinne giggled. "'Fit for royalty'... truly describes The Crown Princess! The Crown Princess can also be characterized as... bright and pure. Undoubtedly, she possesses the most beautiful soul in the entire nation."
In Lyrica's thoughts, she argues that her mother is the most beautiful soul of all!
"Generous, selfless, and loving. The Crown Princess consistently treats everyone impartially and respectfully, ignoring class or personality. When she had more freedom before getting engaged, The Crown Princess frequently visited the lower class, playing with the little children there. She gave them gifts, food, and clothes, disregarding the opinions of those in the Noble Status," Brinne explained.
"Now, with increased power, The Crown Princess has expressed her intent to enhance the quality of life for the lower class. His Majesty has already given his approval, leaving the timing of the project's initiation to The Crown Princess." Brinne hummed. "In summary, The Crown Princess is admired not just for her history and status. It's her demeanor and how she treats others, whether good or evil, that truly highlights her charm."
By now, Lyrica's eyes were gleaming. "She does sound amazing..." As someone who had previously lived in the slums, hearing about how The Crown Princess cared so tenderly for her fellow people deeply touched Lyrica. Typically, individuals of higher status tended to be snobbish and avoided those from lower classes, using harsh and insulting labels. Lyrica was all too familiar with that. However, there were exceptions—The Crown Princess, who cared for them despite their backgrounds, striving to improve their lives! Lyrica's thoughts began to wander, imagining what her life might have been like if she had encountered The Crown Princess in the past.
The only issue in her thoughts was, "Brinne, how exactly does The Crown Princess look?"
"Hmm... Let me think about how I can describe this. Your Highness, when you gaze at the stars at night, what's the first thing that comes to your mind?" Brinne inquired.
"Well, I always think about how beautiful the stars look tonight," Lyrica responded promptly.
“It’s the same for House (L.N). They possess a certain essence that makes them shine, glitter, and sparkle. The Crown Princess is no exception. She has gorgeous (h.c) hair that sparkles under the sunlight, and (s.c) skin that glows with the moonlight. However, what truly sets The Crown Princess apart within her House is her eyes. Those eyes of hers... are the physical embodiment of her lineage. With (e.c) eyes that sparkle like fine jewels, she carries the entire universe in them."
Lyrica's jaw dropped in amazement. "Is that another form of symbolism...?"
Brinne shook her head. "This time, it's quite literal." Seeing Lyrica's face scrunch up in suspicion, Brinne resisted the urge to giggle. "Oh my, Your Highness. I assure you, I'm not making fun of you for thinking House (L.N) consisted of billions of members. I don't blame you for being skeptical. Eyes resembling the universe? It does sound far-fetched, especially when no one else is known for having such a trait. But, it is the truth."
Lyrica pouted, fiddling with her clothes. "All of this talk just makes me want to meet The Crown Princess!"
"Huhu~ I'm certain The Crown Princess would have loved to meet you too, Your Highness. Unfortunately, current circumstances just won't allow her to do so. With The Crown Prince currently absent, The Crown Princess has temporarily taken over his responsibilities, attending to any work that needs to be accomplished in his stead."
"I can recall a day when The Crown Princess looked like a disaster, seconds away from collapsing onto the ground," Brinne shivered. "As much work as it may be, it's what needs to be done. Again, The Crown Prince and The Crown Princess are destined to ascend to the throne one day, signifying the future management of the nation. Thus, they must demonstrate their capabilities to the people, and most importantly, His Majesty."
“Oh!” Lyrica blinked.
“Hmm… Now, I’m not sure, but, come to think of it, you should be able to see The Crown Princess soon, Your Highness.” Brinne added.
“Oh!?” Lyrica exclaimed in a louder tone.
“His Highness should be returning from his feudal territory very soon. And once he does, Her Highness should be able to take a breather from her piles of work.”
Lyrica fell silent, staring at Brinne with a soft expression. Lyrica then smiled fondly, clasping her hands together. “I know The Crown Princess isn’t fully inside the family as yet… Even so, she would be my cousin. But, still… The Crown Princess… would be some form of big sister, right…?”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“YOUR HIGHNESS! I come to you with great news! His Highness should be returning soon!” Gracefully entering the 'Constellation Pollux Chamber,' a maid carrying a golden tray of food and treats hastened toward you, seated upright in your bed, gazing at the scenery beyond your window.
Turning your attention forward, you stared at your maid with widened eyes. "Is that so?" Your surprise quickly morphed into happiness, a smile spreading across your lips as you interlaced your fingers. A flowery aura surrounded you, and your excitement was visible. "That is good news! How long has it been since Atil was gone...? Six months?"
"Precisely," your maid, Breanna, hummed, gently placing the tray on your bed tray table, which you wasted no time digging into. "I can tell that you have many ideas running through your head, Your Highness. I, too, would want to greet someone I cherish with a warm welcome after not seeing them for so long."
"For Atil...? Erm... No, that's not why I'm so excited... I'm excited because I won't have to work as hard as I did anymore!" You beamed without shame. "Ugh, it was torturous... Left, right, and center, it was just piles of paper. Any more, and I would have begun to see the pearly white gates of heaven..."
"Oh, my, is that all? His Highness would be upset if he heard that's the only reason you missed his presence," Breanna giggled.
"And then there are your new family members, Your Highness."
You paused, fingers clasped around the handle of your spoon. Slowly, you lifted your head to meet your maid's gaze, (e.c) eyes locking with amethyst eyes. "Yes, I have heard about the news. How His Majesty has taken a commoner as his bride, and her child as his daughter."
Your smile widened, lips encased around the tip of the spoon. As if nature were in sync with you, the sunlight cast an ethereal glow on your frame, making you appear more enchanting. Even your maid, who wore a sly smirk seconds prior, jaw slackened, staring at you in awe.
"It's a shame I am unable to do anything at the moment. I can't express just how eager I am to meet them. But one thing's for sure... I already see them as family."
In your eyes was the universe. Stars served as pupils, they glowed with endless glee and anticipation.
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©chaedomi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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hypewinter · 11 months
There he was, across the room and blissfully unaware. Good. Danny's hand curled around the mini blaster. It had taken him a while to compact all the components but now he was ready. He would finally make Vlad pay for taking away everything from him.
He stalked across the room carefully. He had to make this shot count. If he missed or the older halfa noticed him in any way, he wouldn't be able to get off another. That's why Danny was going no ghost powers. He couldn't risk the old man sensing him.
Danny was so close now. Just a few more steps. His fingers found the trigger. He began to raise his arm.
"You don't have to do this," someone whispered in his ear, catching his arm.
Danny attempted to wrench his arm out of the stranger's grip without drawing attention. "Let go," he hissed.
Instead the grip tightened. "Whatever that man has done to warrant this, I'm sure we can deal with another way."
Danny almost scoffed at that. What did this person know? Absolutely nothing. There was no other way to resolve this. What legal channel would believe him? That the man in front of him was a half ghost that had killed his friends and family in an explosion to trigger his dark side? He was likely to be locked up in a mental institution.
The young halfa could still smell the smoke in the air. If he closed his eyes for too long he would see the flames. The echoes of gloating mixed with cackling still rung in his ears. No, there was no other way.
Danny applied a bit of ghost strength and ripped away from the stranger only for a hand to now fall firmly on his shoulder. "Please, don't do this. Don't throw your life away," the same voice begged.
Danny finally whipped around to confront the one stopping him. He came face to face with blue eyes filled with concern and surrounded by a mop of black hair. "I don't have a life. Now let. Go," he gritted out.
But the stranger didn't. He even went as far as gripping Danny's other shoulder as well. "Believe me. I've been where you are," he said. "There's another path to take."
Anger boiled in Danny. He had taken the other path damnit! He had done everything in his power to go down a different road and life had just forced him right down the original one anyway. This was the only way. A way to prevent the future and make sure Vlad could never harm anyone again.
Danny applied more ghost strength, once away prying himself from the stranger's hands. He turned, resolved in his actions, only to make eye contact with Vlad. No. No no no. He quickly raised the blaster and shot at him but it was too late. The older halfa grinned devilishly as he easily dodged the blast.
Panic immediately spread and the crowd whipped into a frenzy but Danny didn't care. He aimed again but Vlad was quicker. He snaked his way towards the boy and knocked the blaster out of his hand.
"Ah Daniel," he said. "And here I was beginning to think I'd have to hunt you down myself."
Danny curled up a fist and swung at Vlad only for the man to easily catch it. "Come now Daniel. That isn't really the best you can do now is it?"
"No," Danny growled. "This is!"
With his cover now blown and nothing left to lose, Danny shot an Ecto blast from his free fist right into Vlad's chest. The man staggered back and sneered.
"You shouldn't have done that," he hissed.
"And you shouldn't have killed my family!" Danny yelled as he let his transformation wash over him. He would not let this man get away again. Even if it meant sealing his fate with the Bats. Even if it meant death.
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kaciidubs · 6 months
A Pun-y Thanksgiving
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❣ Summary: A random thought about Chan and terrible Thanksgiving puns. ❣  ❣ Word Count: 739 ❣ Warnings: Fluff, corny puns [2], slice of life, discussions of family, implied Black! Reader [but neutral overall], Chan gets emotional over being loved ❣  ❣ Female! Reader [No use of Y/N] | You/Your pronouns ❣  ❣ Additional Tags: Chan is referred to as Chris, Christopher, Channie, and Baby, lightly edited, that plate of food was not mine but it's close enough ❣ Stray Kids Masterlist ❣ General Masterlist
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"I'll give you more than thanks tonight."
"Baby, please."
"A turkey isn't the only thing I'd like to stuff."
"Christopher, walk away from me."
"What?! You can't tell me that wasn't funny!"
"I can," you hummed, looking over your shoulder to see him leaning against the kitchen island with a cheesy grin, "and I will - that was not funny!"
"So why are you smiling?" He goaded, dimple pressing into his cheek as his grin grew.
An astonished laugh fell from your lips, though you couldn't reign in the smile that stuck to your face, "Because you're corny!"
"Or, because you did find it funny!"
"Oh my god." Turning back to the pot of boiling elbow noodles, you stirred away some of the foam, "You're gonna drive me insane before my own family does."
A pair of arms snaked their way around your waist, Chris tugging you slightly against his chest as he pressed the side of his face against yours. "You know you love me."
"I do, but if you say anything related to 'gravy', I'm leaving you here and telling my grandmother you couldn't make it to dinner."
He dramatically gasped, shaking his body with yours, "You wouldn't! I think I'll actually die without her yams this year, and Christmas is way too far away to have them again!"
You laughed, turning off the stove and grabbing the oven mitts that were on standby, "You're so whipped for her cooking - I'm surprised you haven't figured out she makes extra just for you."
"She does?" His hold on you slipped as you picked up the pot of macaroni, stepping back to let you pour it into the strainer waiting in the sink. "Since when?"
"Our second Thanksgiving together when I had to make a to-go container full of them alone, and she asked if I was making you a plate and I had to tell her that, that was your plate." You placed the empty pot back on the stove, "And I still think it's unfair because I'm her grandchild! I asked her so many times to make me a separate batch, I'd even buy her the stuff! But no, she wouldn't do it for me but anything goes for her grandson Chris!"
In the midst of your teasing rant, you hadn't noticed the silence from your boyfriend behind you until you had started the sauce mixture for the macaroni and cheese, urging you to turn around to look at him suspiciously.
He gazed at you with soft eyes, an almost delicate pout set on his lips as a fine blush turned his ears red. "She likes me that much?"
Family had always been a huge factor for him, and the desire of having your entire family love him the way they loved you was something he had strived for since the first time they met. So, it was no surprise that hearing that your grandmother would go out of her way for him and his admiration for her cooking made his heart swell.
"Aw, Channie," you cooed, turning the stove to low before making quick steps over to him, your hands cupping his slightly puffed cheeks from rest. "She absolutely loves you - my whole family does! My aunts ask about you whenever they call, my younger cousins always ask to see you, and even though my uncles joke about putting you in a shallow ditch if you break my heart - they can see how much you care about me and they honestly look forward to having you around."
Guiding his head down, you placed a quick kiss on his lips, giggling when he followed you away to steal another.
"My family loves you, my extended family loves you, and you already know I love you."
His pout melted into a smile, one you embarrassingly missed for the few moments it was gone, "Even with my corny jokes?"
You rolled your eyes but nodded in agreement, "Even with your corny jokes. Now, help me finish the mac and cheese and we can start getting ready - I'm sure if we stay here longer we're gonna be the last ones to get a plate, and I'll be damned if I let my cousin get to the corn pudding first."
Slinking your way our of his arms, you took to stirring the sauce mixture before speaking over your shoulder;
"Then when we get home, I'll show you what else I'm thankful for."
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✧. ┊Tagged lovelies: @goblinracha, @having-an-internal-crisis-rn, @midnightfrog625, @anyhow-everything, @bangchanbabygirlx, @sweetracha, @j-onedrabbles, @happilydeepestwonderland, @nightimescapes, @caitlyn98s, @ch4nn13luv, @ihrtlix, @sometimesleeknows, @jeonjungkookenthusiast1997, @instabull, @maximumkillshot, @bandolls, @y-ur--i, @acker-night, @dreamescapeswriting, @sunnyhonie, @specialstay, @broken-glowsticks, @s00buwu, @all4innie, @dancerachaslut, @junglyric
✧. ┊If your username is in bold italics that means tumblr won't let me tag you. If you’d like to be added to the taglist, fill out this form!
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toxic-aries · 2 years
He gets jealous of you and Steve, so he’s shows you who you belong too?
I belong to you (1.2k words)
paring: eddie munson x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ (minors get out), dom!eddie, cowgirl style activities, doggy style, mentions of handcuffs, degradation/name-calling, daddy kink, jealous!eddie, implied fucking in his van, and my cringey writing, please let me know if i missed any.
a/n: thank you for the prompt (ily), I got a little too carried away. also, ignore the grammar mistakes it's late, I'll fix them tomorrow.
feedback & criticism is very appreciated. please let me know if you have any thoughts on how I can approve. thank you :)
Family Video's shelves were crammed with movies, and you spent some time scanning them, looking for the right one for movie night. So many options. You walked down the horror aisle and came across a copy of The Shining. Picking it up, you proceeded to the counter to rent it out. You strolled down the aisles reading the back of the tape while mired in your own little world.
Wandering aimlessly, you bump into someone organizing shelves. The many VHS tapes that fell created such a big ruckus in the store, with you constantly apologizing and trying to assist him. "Hey," he laughed, shrugging it off. “It's all right, you wouldn't believe how often this happens here." He smiled, reaching for the movie you had dropped. Your hands graze awkwardly, both ripping away from the VHS tape right away.
“The Shining, huh? Planning for a movie night tonight.” he asks with a smile, as he hands you the tape he has just picked up. Your eyes finally drew your attention to the guy's name tag as you reached for the VHS tape. Steve. Steve ‘The Hair” Harrington. The known douchebag of Hawkins high. He leaned his body against the shelves, crossing his arms, with that dumb cheeky grin plastered on his face.
“Yeah, I was planning on watching it with -” you began, but were interrupted. “You know…It’s a horror movie..” Steve interrupted, “I could stop by and we could watch it together, if you want?”. What a douchebag line, how cheesy can he get? You could feel the awkwardness in the air, and you laughed awkwardly, "Yeah, I don't think that would work out”. The sound of 80's classics echoed faintly in the background, but the silence lingered. You rock on your heels, not really sure how to escape this awkward situation.
“Harrington.” A familiar grasp landed on your hip, pulling your body against his side. It was Eddie, finally. "I don't think we'll have a movie night tonight…" he hisses, his jaw tightening as you watch him. His grip tightens around your hip, emphasizing each word, "Other plans came up." he says. Steve's eyes widened as he realized what was happening. Taking a deep breath, he smiles and sucks his teeth, “I see…if you change your mind.” He pauses for a moment, looking at you, “Just let me know.”
There is silence in the store as Eddie takes a deep breath and tries to hold his tongue. His hand slips from your waist and grips your hand. You find yourself trailing behind him through the aisles before storming out.
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A hard smack on the ass of your body sent shivers down your spine, causing your hips to thrust forward. Eddie gripped your hips tightly, slamming your body against him. With each thrust, his grip became tighter. Fortunately, your cries were muffled by the shaggy carpet beneath you. While grasping the chain of the cuffs, Eddie repositioned himself to get in a different angle by using it for leverage.
“You wish it was Harrington's cock and not mine?” he says through gritted teeth, his thrusts becoming harsher and harsher. “No Eds!” you cry out. You feel as his pace slows, till he’s completely still inside you. Everything stopped. There was nothing but the sound of your deep heavy breaths and Eddie's breathing. A hand snakes down your body, feeling your hip, brushing past your throbbing clit, and grazing your hard nipples before landing on your jaw.
Your head is lifted in a tense grip, and he asks, "What did you say?" sending shivers down your spine. You feel his body tense and push your hips back as a sign of reassurance. “E-E…” you started, pausing for a moment as his hips pulled back. “Shit. I meant ‘No daddy’!” You yell, arching your back more. He pulls out, and his hand moves from your jaw, snaking its way back down to your empty cunt.
You whimper, craving his touch, "D-Daddy, I'm so sorry." His fingers brush against your swollen clit, easing between your folds. You keep insisting, "I'm yours! Only yours!" He fucking loves teasing…especially in this case. A pair of harsh digits push into your hot cunt, pulsing in and out repeatedly. “Who’s pussy is this?” he grunts out.
“Only yours!” you exclaim, “Daddy, I belong to you!” your words followed by unholy moans. Each time his thick fingers touch your core, you feel a warm sensation build in your stomach. As he pulls out his fingers, your wet pussy becomes empty again. You feel your legs shaking from this position. You first hear it before you feel it: a harsh slap against your warm cunt. As your knees buckle out, you collapse, smashing your face against the floor and muffling your screams.
"That's a good girl." he mumbles, "Now I want my good girl to fuck daddy's cock all on her own." he quickly undoes your cuffs, helping you change positions. You hover inches from his dick, feeling his hands guide your pussy back and down. Your breaths stiffen as you sink back until your ass meets his skin, curses falling from both of you and Eddie’s lips.
Rolling your hips forward, you rest your hands on Eddie's thighs to adjust to this new position. Gripping your nails into them as his cock twitched and a growled moan left his full lips as he reached the new depth inside your warm cunt. You begin rocking your hips, allowing his cock to slip in and out. “Come on babygirl…fuck daddy like the dirty slut you are.” he groans.
Lifting yourself up and down from his cock, you tighten your grip on his thighs, speeding up your pace. Your plump ass smacking down on his hips creating wet slapping sounds as his dick drives in and out of your cunt. “You’re such a good little slut aren't you?” he moans out, his hands traveling up your back to your knotty hair, tugging it back making your hips stall.
“I’m daddy’s good little slut.” you exclaim, your hips bucking again. Your head falls back as you bounce painfully against his cock, his tip bumping over your g-spot. You feel his hand move from your hip to your swollen bud to support you. As you bounce onto his lap, he circles your throbbing clit with his calloused fingers. “Fuck, this feels so good.” you mewled.
“Keep riding me.” he grunts, his hand yanking your hair and snapping your neck back as you cried out from the mix of pain and pleasure. His fingers moving in a faster pace around your clit. You start feeling that warm feeling build again in that pit of your stomach as your bounces become faster and faster.
“ ‘m close.” you moan out, his cock hitting your cervix repeatedly. Causing your walls to become tighter and tighter and pace getting slower. “Cum with me, slut.” he grunts between his teeth, snapping your head back as you tried lifting off his cock, slamming you back down onto his length.
It was a sensation of pleasure coursing through your body, the walls of your cunt shudders around Eddie’s cock, squeezing him and pushing him into the deep recesses of your inner self until he released in rapid spurts, your name a snarl behind his pretty plump lips as you cried, ‘Eddie’.
He sits up, his cock twitching as he slowly softens inside you. Still grasping your hair, he pulled you back until you touched his chest. “You know who you belong to now? He hums softly in your ear.
“Y-Yes daddy.”
if you enjoyed please consider commenting or reblogging, it makes a huge difference ♡
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mediocre-stories · 25 days
The Game
TW: some vulgar language
Authors Note: well gang, we made it to the 10 heart event! I’m a little embarrassed about how little I know about sports, and I think you can tell through this story, but other than that I hope it’s good! As always, enjoy and feel free to leave any constructive criticism you have!!
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It was five pm as you walked towards the bus stop. This morning, Shane had shown up at your doorstep, asking if you wanted to go to the Tunnelers game with him in the city that night. You happily agreed, partialy excited to get off the farm for an afternoon, but even more excited to spend time with Shane. Ever since the night on the cliffs, you two had grown close, close enough that you considered him your first real friend in town. You watched him grow from a scared boy, struggling to get by in the world, to a man who loves his family, his chickens, and you.
As you apporached the bus stop, he spotted you. He gave you a small smile and a wave as you walked up to him.
"Hey Y/N, I'm glad you made it!" He pulled you into a friendly hug.
"I wouldn't miss it." You replied.
"After you." Shane gestured towards the bus doors. You laughed and stepped inside. You and Shane picked seats near the back of the bus. You took the window seat while he took the aisle. As the bus began to depart the valley, you watched the hills pass by. The colourful leaves of the trees swayed in the autumn wind. You appreciated the beauty of the nature behind the glass. You looked back towards Shane and found him smiling at you. He quickly looked down, a faint blush creeping across his cheeks. You softly chuckled at his shyness, deciding to break the silence,
"So, why did you ask me to come with you?"
Shane pondered for a moment before he spoke, turning his attention back to you. "You're the first friend I've had in a longtime, and this is what friends do."
"You big sap." You teased, he smiled.
"Oh shut up." He teased back.
You and Shane passed the time by chatting. You found that you two never ran out of things to talk about. Before you knew it, you had reached the stadium. The two of you exited the bus and stepped into the crowded streets of Zuzu City.
"Do you need to hold my hand? Just so you don't get lost in the crowd." Shane asked, that familiar blush spreading across his cheeks. You felt that heat under your face as well as you nodded a yes. He grabbed your hand and led you through the packed stadium. You found your seats in the very first row, closest to the playing turf.
"Holy shit, how much did these cost?" You ask as you sit down.
"You know, ever since I've stopped drinking, I've been saving a lot more money, so these actually weren't too bad. I'm gonna go grab some food, do you want anything?"
"Just a Joja Cola please."
"Coming right up."
It was the last period of the game and the score was tied. Shane bounced his leg nervously, his eyes focused solely on the game. You watched the game intensely, the electricity of the stadium vibrating through your veins. The Tunnelers made their move with only a few seconds on the clock, you grabbed Shane's arm tightly in anticipation. You observed as the players passed the ball down the field, and you could hear Shane muttering under his breath. All of the sudden, the crowd around you erupted into cheers as a Tunnelers player scored with winning goal. You and Shane stood up and the same time. You threw your hands in the air and cheered.
"Goal!!!" Shane hollered. You looked over at him and laughed. He turned to you with a grin and before you knew it, he kissed you.
It was a quick kiss, so quick you didn't have time to close your eyes or register what just happened. As he pulled away, his smile dropped.
"Oh shit I'm so sorry Y/N, I got carried away. I was just so excited I-"
You cut off his nervous rambling by grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him in for another kiss. As your lips crashed together you felt the warmth of his hands snake around your lower back. Your ears buzzed as the crowd around you continued to cheer, and your heart thudded in your chest. When you finally pulled away, Shane kept his grip on your waist and smiled down at you.
"You don't know how long I've been wanting to do that." He grinned.
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numberonenat · 9 months
nightbringer lesson 8-11 my goodbye letter to all the seven brothers, but with a plus...
lucifer, hopefully you found me helpful from time to time? don't push yourself too hard, "big brother". and please, do not blame yourself for anything that may have happened, never. your the best brother they could ask, know that, because i do.
mamms... thank you for always thinking of me. I always had fun when we were together and i wish i had spent more time by your side. you make me smile, genuinely, a lot. you know how important is that for me? make sure you're a good example for your younger brothers, i know how much you care about them.
levi, make sure to take good care of snake, okay? i know you'll make an amazing demon. keep going with your passions, it's beautiful. you're not "just a gross otaku", you're my favorite fanboy. let's share more about our interests when we meet again, hm?
satan, someday we should both go bookstore hopping! you're fine just the way you are, satan. your brothers love you, and it's okay to admit you love them too. i believe in your good side. i've seen it. when we meet again, i'll present you to my cat.
asmo! looking forward to the next asmo night! i love how you always stay positive. when i'm with you, i feel like i can be myself. you are your greatest version and you're always beautiful, from the inside and the outside.
beel... put your name on any treats you put in the fridge. keep your brothers safe okay? i feel safe and warm when i'm with you and i'm sure they do too. beelzebub, you are my family. all of you. i wish i had stayed more time here so i could cook and bake for and with you...to show you how much i want to see you smile. i love your smile. i love to see you happy.
belphie, someday I'll buy you the ultimate alarm clock. i love that happy look you have while you sleep. people usually tell me that when i sleep too much i'm 'wasting' my lifetime. i don't agree with that, i think i'm using my time the best way possible. sleeping makes me happy, that's what matters, right? you make me happy too.
to all of you...i feel lucky to have met you. it's really, really hard to say goodbye. i hope that every one of you finds happiness. I look forward to the day i see you all again. you guys are more important to me than you can imagine. i'll miss you...so, so much. thank you. i hope i'll always have a space in each one of your hearts, because you guys took all of mine's.
i felt like i had to add things... i literally almost cried choosing the answers in the lesson AND I STILL NEEDED MORE 😭 so yeah- i did.
i love them so much OH MY GOD nb is killing me
i did good in taking a break from even entering the game cause I KNEW I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO NOT PLAY, AND I WOULD GET OBSESSED ALL OVER AGAIN AND PLAY IT ALL DAY... THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED 😊🥺
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wedonthaveawhile · 9 months
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The Serpents Hold // Chapter One
When Sebastian turns to dark magic to cure his sister, Nova and Ominis find themselves reluctantly thrust into a partnership to aid him. Amid the disapproval of Ominis' family, Nova wrestles with her growing feelings for him and also with the growing suspicion that Ominis knows more about Anne's condition than he's letting on.
AO3 // Masterlist
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Nova had read the letter close to a hundred times, though she felt no more prepared now than she did the first time.
Kings Cross Station, Downtown London, platform 9 ¾.
The witch furrowed her brow, running a finger along the creases of her uncle's map she'd unearthed from the recesses of his bureau.
A fingernail sliced through the paper as the sharp crack of his apparition made her jump out of her skin.
"When do you leave my premises?"
Nova casually propped an elbow on the map to conceal the chasm she'd ripped straight through Covent Garden.
"Oh, splendid news!" The robust wizard flopped into his office chair, spinning around with a flair and sending dust swirling around his cluttered office. "You have  quite  the talent for overstaying your welcome."
"I've been here three days."
"I know what I said."
With a snap of his fingers, he conjured a brass flask and downed a swig. Nova recoiled as the liquid cascaded from the edge of his overflowing mouth and leaked into his greying beard, which was already gummed with unsightly additions.
"If you felt this way, why'd you even agree to take me on?"
"If I had known it was  you  from the start, I likely wouldn't have."
The witch yanked a letter sitting hallway down his disorderly stack of paperwork, deliberately triggering a landslide of documents that fluttered across his desk.
She unfurled the parchment and began to read, "Dear Mr Ralph Jones, I regret to inform you of the unfortunate decline in the health of your brother-in-law, Archibald Fenwick. As the next of kin to his daughter, Miss Nova Fenwick, we hereby request-"
"Bahhh," Ralph flailed his arm in her general direction as if swatting a pestering fly. "You expect me to recall which one you are by name? Could have been any of my nieces."
"You have two."
"Yeah, too many."
"The other one is four years old."
"I wasn't aware there was an age limit to having your father committed."
Nova released a defeated huff. It was a low blow, but he had a point.
Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
"Do you have any of this stuff from when you were at Hogwarts?" She asked, turning to pass him the list, but he had already bolted out the door.
Nova's bloodshot eyes clung to the festering black mould lurking in the corner of the ceiling. Sleep eluded her as she contorted on the couch to avoid the mystery stain sullying the fabric. A foot away, Ralph's chair groaned beneath his weight as he hammered away at his typewriter, burying any hope for a peaceful night with an onslaught of unnecessary work.
With a resigned groan, she dragged herself out of the pitiful excuse for a bed, threw on her robes, and stormed out of the front door with her trunk in tow.
As Nova staggered through the smoggy backstreets of London, she had regrets.
The sturdy leather suitcase awkwardly trailed behind, inflicting painful blows to the back of her heels as if punishing her decision to forgo the promised morning lift. Refusing to humble herself and turn back, she pressed forward, guided by her uncle's stolen map, until she eventually reached Kings Cross station.
With a minor limp, Nova aimlessly roamed the heaving train station, trying to decipher the route to platform nine and three-quarters.
"You sit on the tracks and patiently wait for the train to arrive."
She doubted her uncle's directions.
Instead, she snaked through the crowd, honing in on a family engaging in a heated discussion about their disdain for Muggle-borns. After enduring Ralph's onslaught of slurs for the past three days, the topic struck a nerve but left no room for interpretation — they were en route to Hogwarts. Unbeknownst to the throng of purebloods, they directed Nova toward the bricked-up wall dividing platforms nine and ten.
I should have figured that one out.
Ravenclaw material, I am not.
She imitated the actions of her guides and sprinted directly towards the solid wall. It gave way and evaporated to reveal the dormant Hogwarts Express. In the quiet early hours, the platform lacked the frenzied chaos she had expected, so she limped wearily to the train's rear and boarded the last carriage.
Sleep was continuously interrupted as the platform steadily increased in volume. Weeping first years, boisterous teenagers, and fretful parents yelling lists of forgotten belongings thwarted any chance at rest. 
Perhaps the mayhem subsided after the train departed, or it could be that her exhaustion mercifully took her. In any case, she found sleep, and the rhythmic motion of the train gently cradled her through the entire nine-hour journey.
Like a ruptured dam, students burst forth from every carriage door. They flooded Hogwarts Station, hauling Nova along in the forceful current. Still groggy from her nocturnal habits, she squinted through the crowd, fending off rogue bags and errant elbows while trying to make sense of her surroundings.
The Hogwarts caretaker staggered across the platform, slurring his words and rounding up the younger students like the pied piper, readying them for the trek down to the boats. Nova's anxiety rocketed as she wrestled with the decision to stand out like a giant among the newcomers or attempt to blend in with the students her age. Her limited research told her that students wearing yellow would be the most helpful, but all she could see were blurred swarms of green and red.
"Miss Fenwick, I presume?" A professor's hand gently rested on her shoulder, prompting an audible sigh of relief as tension melted away.
"Yes, sir."
"I'm Professor Fig. I'd like to extend the warmest welcome to Hogwarts."
"Thank you…" She glanced around at the mob of students, "How did you know who I was?"
"Not many older students avoid proudly displaying their house colours. Come, we've got a sorting ceremony to attend."
Nova trailed behind Professor Fig as he led the procession into the Great Hall.
Her eyes roamed over the tapestries fluttering from the lofty beams, deducing which one she found most appealing. Mutters of confusion drifted from the long tables regarding the new student towering head and shoulders above the cluster of eleven-year-olds.
Someone was droning on, explaining the mechanics of the sorting hat. It wasn't until the Professor called her name that Nova jolted back to reality.
She felt the collective stare of hundreds of students boring into her back as she dragged her feet toward the wooden stool.
The crotchety hat shifted and wriggled as it was lowered on her head, tatty threads nipping at her hairline.
"Ahh, a little older than I'm used to…"
It was infuriating, the way it jerked around and mercilessly tickled her scalp. She felt an impulse to delve her fingers in and scratch at the persistent itch but was uncertain if that would considered be rude.
"You come with preferences and expectations," it continued, its movements intensifying tenfold, leaving Nova with an uneasy sense it could somehow monitor her thoughts. "I observed your particular interest in the Hufflepuff flag. Care to share why?"
Nova's mind blanked as she fought to devise a noteworthy response.
Don't say something stupid.
"I like badgers."
An eager whoop erupted from the Hufflepuff table, and Nova opted to believe that the laughter was directed at the enthusiastic Hufflepuff rather than her response.
"I'm afraid that's not a compelling enough reason," the hat chided. "I detect something in you—a sense of ambition and resourcefulness. I'm confident you'll employ both to great lengths this year, so I believe Slytherin is the house where you truly belong!"
The Great Hall exploded in deafening applause from the table adorned in emerald flags. Nova slid off the stool once Professor Weasley retrieved the hat and walked over to join her new housemates.
With the final students settling into their seats at one of the four house tables, the headmaster signalled the start of the feast.
The Slytherins had already formed into their respective cliques, but with Nova's stomach protesting loudly from nearly twenty-four hours without a meal, she paid little attention to the social circles.
She hadn't even registered her eyes were closed in bliss as she savoured a few hearty bites of a chicken wing. Only when the desire for a second one hit did she reluctantly open them to locate it and instead lock onto a pair of big brown eyes a few seats away.
The student beamed at her and offered a friendly wave, to which Nova responded with a shy smile. Leaning toward a friend, the student whispered something that provoked either laughter or gasps from his blonde companion, resulting in a spray of crumbs across his pumpkin pie. Nova lowered her head, suddenly feeling very self-conscious.
Students who had indulged in more substantial meals earlier in the day began to filter out of the hall not long after the feast had begun. Meanwhile, Nova savoured the feast like her next meal would never come. She blinked in surprise when the brown-eyed boy smoothly moved up the bench to occupy the now-vacant space opposite her.
"Quite the appetite you've got there," he said as Nova navigated her third chicken, a fleeting concern crossing his freckled features when she nearly choked.
"Is that why you were laughing?" Her words slipped out with a sharper edge than she had intended.
Thankfully, he took it in good humour, "No, no. That was... something entirely different… I'm Sebastian," he gracefully steered away from the subject and extended a hand across the table.
Nova reached out to shake it, but her attention was caught by the encroaching shadow of a professor.
"Don't even think about recruiting our new student into your little circus, Sallow."
"Circus? Absolutely not, Sharp. Over the holidays, I've undergone a complete metamorphosis."
"Professor Sharp. And we'll see, although with your ringleader knocked down, maybe you'll surprise us all and actually adhere to the school rules."
Sebastian's eyes darkened, prompting Nova to stand and offer a handshake to the head of the house to break the tension.
"I've arranged for Professor Rowan to guide the first-year student's introduction to Hogwarts," he informed her. "Considering your circumstances, I thought you deserved a private tour. Navigating the castle without a troupe of bewildered peers might be challenging."
"Oh, sir, you should have enlisted your favourite student for the job," Sebastian interjected, snagging the last of the cookies from under the grasping fingers of a nearby student. "My tour guide skills are legendary."
"In your dreams, Sallow. I won't risk you filling Miss Fenwick's head with your interpretation of the school rules."
Nova glanced regretfully at her unfinished meal and half-heartedly waved at Sebastian as she scurried after Professor Sharp.
He led an exceptionally detailed tour of the castle, concluding in the corridor that housed the Slytherin dormitories.
The walls were adorned with ornate arched doors, each embellished with delicate stained-glass panes casting a kaleidoscope of colours on the stone floor. Professor Sharp paused outside one of them and gestured for Nova to open it.
She entered the bedroom and discovered her luggage artfully arranged by the door. The subdued flicker of sconces illuminated three carved beds, each draped in green and silver fabrics with serpentine motifs.
"The standard is four students to a dorm, but lucky for you, it just so happened we were low in numbers," Professor Sharp noted. With a flick of his wand, an extra bed sprouted from the ground, prompting the existing three to screech across the floorboards as they rearranged themselves to accommodate the new addition.
Nova wondered about her roommates reaction to losing a sizable chunk of their living space to her, but Sharp whispered another incantation, and the stone walls began quivering in response.
The chiselled bricks wrenched apart and dragged forth more to fill the voids left behind. The room extended by a quarter of the size, carving out a new alcove for Nova's bed.
"That should suffice," Professor Sharp lowered his wand to admire his handiwork. "If there's nothing else, I'll leave you to settle in and unpack. Professor Weasley will arrange for a student to assist you in acquiring essentials from Hogsmeade in the morning."
Perching on the rigid mattress, Nova sifted through the meagre contents of her trunk: A collection of mismatched garments, a handful of treasured photographs and a stuffed badger from her dad she'd managed to snatch before they were evicted from their home by the Ministry.
She shoved him back into her case as the dormitory door creaked open, and three girls barged in. Nova caught only one word before they saw her and fell into an uneasy silence.
Nova swung her legs off the bed to stand up and greet her roommates, only to watch them traipse past her without acknowledgement.
"Hi, I'm your new roommate. I was at the..." she gestured vaguely in the direction of the Great Hall.
"The badger girl," one of them said, accompanied by a mocking snicker.
"My father's an architect, not a builder. Architects design—" Nova's attempt to correct them was silenced as the velvet curtains on all four sides of her bed snapped shut. Her hair fluttered at the sudden gust while her roommates erupted into even louder fits of hateful ridicule on the other side.
"Sure, the mudblood with a penchant for badgers." Nova said, wincing at the simmering hostility. "Is there anything else you know about me?"
"We know about your muggle-fucker mummy and the daddy locked up in an asylum," declared the undeniable the ringleader. Her words provoked forced chuckles from her two lackeys. "And that your father was what, a builder?" Their boisterous jeers echoed off the stone walls, cackling as though the profession was utterly preposterous.
With humiliation clouding her mind and a ribcage splintering with each enraged breath, Nova mentally compiled an arsenal of offensive spells, her fingers itching to unleash a retaliation.
Count to ten, and don't go apeshit.
Her father's advice echoed in her mind, a mantra she begrudgingly repeated until she felt a fraction calmer.
After sleeping all day, bed was the last place she wanted to be, but she refused to emerge after that humiliating display. Nova spent the first night in her new home staring absently at the patterns of the serpentine curtains, the cold castle stone pressed against her back, wondering how much simpler life might have been if she had been born a Muggle.
More chapters available on AO3
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thatwritingho · 6 months
Please i am begging hands and knees post the "Yer home" wip POST THE WIP
SO glad you asked. This is easily one of my favorite things I've ever written. Have some Relish comfort with sides of a found family music metaphor, and Pickles reflecting on his relationship with music❤️
"There's a million other things you could be doing right now. Better things. Things you like."
Pickles levelled her with an unimpressed look, "I like bein' wit' yew."
"No, you don't," Olive scoffed, harshly wiping the tears from her face as she leaned back, "Not like this, at least. Not when I'm like this. I'm a fucking mess."
Softly running his fingertips over the backs of her hands, Pickles sighed. How could he put this in a way that she wouldn't brush off? An idea struck him, then, one that left him with an ache in his chest — not quite uncomfortable, but not quite pleasant either. But… it was a damn good comparison, if he did say so himself.
"Yanno… I've tried a lot'a instruments."
Brows furrowing, Olive sniffled, blinking at him in confusion, the expression on her face funny enough to make him crack a crooked smile.
"Shh. Jest, lemme finish."
Licking his lips, Pickles laced their fingers together, continuing, "I tried a lot of em when I was younger. Piano, saxophone, fuckin' violin. Guitar was the easiest. I was a natural. It was easy, but it wasn't... right. It wasn't what I wanted. I didn't know what was missing, not fer a long time. I couldn't place it. And then…"
Pausing to inhale a breath, Pickles swallowed down a lump in his throat.
"...then I joined Snakes, and Sammy let me fuck around on his drum kit, and it just fuckin' clicked, yanno? Like, fuck, this is it, this is what I've been missin'. But I wasn't a natural at it, naht like wit' guitar. It didn't come easy. But, man, I put so much fuckin' time into it. Begged Sammy to teach me. I was on dat set every fuckin' day fer months. It finally felt right, yanno? Like I found myself, found what I was supposed ta be doin'. It felt like home. And then… then we broke up, and I was broke, and I couldn't play fer so fuckin' long. So fuckin' long-"
Old heartache cracked his voice at the memory, tears stinging against the backs of his eyes, and Pickles cleared his throat. Olive gave his hands a gentle, encouraging squeeze.
"And, like, I was homeless, fer a bit. But, shit, without bein' able ta play, it didn't fuckin' matter if I had a roof over my head 'er naht. Didn't matter if I was sleepin' on a park bench 'er someone's couch 'er in my own damn bed. I couldn't play, so I didn't have a home. But, finally, I joined up with Dethklok, and, gahd, dood, nothin' has ever felt so fuckin' right. We lived in a shithole of an apartment, everyone shared rooms, had to sleep on the couch more often than naht. But it didn't matter. The shitty landlord, the neighbors gettin' domestic every night, the bugs, naht having AC 'er heat 'er any money 'er food. None of it fuckin' mattered. Because I could play. I was finally home again."
Tears had slowly been gathering on his lashes as he spoke, a few finally spilling over, and Pickles shook his head, wiping them away with a strained laugh and a small fuck.
"I'm- I'm okee. Jest, let me finish. Prahmise I'm goin' somewhere."
With a shaky breath, he continued, "And then we blew up. All dat hard fuckin' work, all dat strugglin' and sufferin', all the shitty, sleepless nights, all those hours I poured inta that crappy, pieced together drum set. It all paid off. It was all worth it. And now, I get ta do it all the time. Now, I'm always home."
Pickles paused, rubbing his hands over her arms as he chose his next wording.
"I figure, people are kinda like instruments, yanno? Most of 'em suck. Most of 'em you'll never learn to play, because they're naht right fer ya. But sometimes, ya find the right instrument. Ya find it, and it might be hard, take a lot of effort, and there might be blood and sweat and tears that go inta learnin' it, inta gettin' it right, but it's worth it. It's worth it, because, at the end of the day, it's home."
Leaning back far enough to see her properly, he gently gripped her shoulders as his eyes bore into hers, willing her to understand his meaning.
"So... I finally got my own set. It's all I'd wanted for years. My own set. My own home. And it's been great, fuckin' great but… but I think… I think I could maybe use an expansion kit, yanno?"
Olive's eyes watered, hoping, praying he was saying what she thought he was.
"Somethin' new to add on, shake up my sound a bit. Like repainting the walls, 'er gettin' a better door after the old one gaht kicked in. Jest… somethin' that'll make it feel even more like home. Y'get what I'm sayin'?"
The tears in her eyes finally spilled over, and she smiled at him through a sob, nodding.
"Good. Good. So, uh, whadaya say? Wanna help me customize?"
Choking on a laugh, Olive leaned forward, closing the space between their lips, a series of watery, chaste kisses shared between them as his hands shifted to cup her jaw. Pickles broke the kiss only to meet her gaze once more, tips of their noses touching.
"So, yer naht a burden, ok? Yer naht a mess. Yer our girl. Yer home."
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trashcankitty12 · 8 months
First off: Sasha, let Cody kill Montague. No one important will miss him.
Besides, you're probably not the first person he's done this shit too. And you wont be the last if someone doesn't put him down. (If not Cody, than let Sonny do it.)
Secondly: go off Maxie!
Maybe its because I'm not someone who has watched GH from the VERY beginning, but Lucy was given what appeared like a good offer. She should have taken it.
Yes that means the ELQ share would be Tracy's, but at least no one would go bankrupt and Maxie wouldn't be in danger of losing everything she worked for.
(Poor James. He just wants to fucking sleep guys.)
Third: go off Brook Lynn!
Maybe this will wake up Tracy and she'll find that money and power isn't everything. That family is truly important. Maybe.
Fourth: gregory... Please tell Chase. Don't let him be the very last to know. Dude is stronger than y'all give him credit for.
Yes he's the personification of a golden retriever, but he's also proven to be great in a crisis, when he's let in on the crisis. Just a thought.
Finally: It's interesting to see one of the "kids/tweens/teens" having a "villain era". (Or a mischief/delinquent era if you prefer since they're young).
That said... Considering its a Cassadine, and Charlotte specifically, are they gonna do a thing like her being a reincarnated Helena or a mini!Helena? (Don't say it can't happen, this show has done plenty of shit before that didn't make complete sense outside of GH land).
And if its not something like... What's Charlotte's motive? She always acts out with a purpose. (The snake in Ava's bag after Ava and Nikolas "stole" her home.)
Does she not like Anna as much as she claims? Is she trying to secretly hook Valentin and Nina back up? Did she read the article on Anna and decide she wasn't good enough for her Papa?
Or is this about trying to make her dad hurry up about a "safe" home? Is it something else? Some unknown disorder?
Also.... Is Charlotte also behind the house fire? Because that seems a bit extreme for her, given her age.
But then they did add in that tarot detail (which always means more in Soap Opera land than it does in the real world) so maybe the spirit of Grandma Helena told her to do it? Or possessed her or something?
I dunno.
What I do know, however, as someone who had a cousin start off with "innocent/kids will be kids" vandalism turn into full-on criminal activity is that Valentin needs to try and nip this in the bud ASAP. Otherwise, Charlotte's gonna find herself in real hot water and there will be very little he can do about it.
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hannya-writes · 2 years
Deleramentum [chapter I]
Chapter: I. I need to be a Slytherin
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Other characters: professor McGonagall
Category: slow burn romance, serie of drabbles, drabbles, enemies to lovers,
Warnings: this may not make sense… YET, also I didn't check my spelling or redaction bc then I wouldn't publish it.
Author's note: everything started with this idea so if you want to have a sneak a peek of what's coming, just go check that post! Also, I want to thank the anon who asked me why didn't I write this idea myself, you made me ask myself "why the hell no?" THANKS!
By the way:I couldn't find some gif of Ben Barnes as a child so this is the best I got!
• • •
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"You are brave, you'll be a Gryffindor" the over excited words of Sirius Black echoed in your mind.
You remember this, it happened 5 years ago, when you were starting first grade. Everything looked the same, it felt too real to be a dream.
"Can't we be friends even if I don't go to Gryffindor?" Your own childish voice asked worriedly while Professor McGonagall called out for the students.
"Yeah, as long as you don't go to Slytherin" he said with a smile and even when it sounded like a joke, it felt like the truth… and it was the truth. Sirius hated Slytherins, he hated everything that was aligned to the blood purist ideals.
Sirius smiled at you until professor McGonagall said your name for the third time and you stepped up. His smile vanished like stars in the morning overpowered by the sun. Only in this situation, the sun was an expression of surprise, confusion and anger. You looked back twice as you walked towards the chair where the Sorting hat waited for you.
Professor McGonagall took the sorting hat, she saw you take a seat and noticed that your eyes were stuck on one of the new students.
— Everything will be fine — she told you, trying to soothe you. But you knew the truth, nothing was going to be fine. If you were sorted in Gryffindor your mother was going to torture and abandon you only for your name to be burned from the family tree.
You nodded, incapable of thanking your professor for trying to make you feel better. She put on the hat on you and you fisted your clothes afraid.
The Sorting Hat hummed inside your mind.
'a sharp and quick mind, a prodigious memory…ohh such a strong character, always sacrificing yourself for others, noble and brave, an excellent addition to Gryffindor" his words made you look up and around before going to Sirius. You wanted desperately to be friends with him, he was just like you.
"Please, I need to be a Slytherin" you thought, looking away from him. No, you weren't the same. If you were the same he would understand the logic behind your actions.
"a Slytherin?" It asked only to Humm again."the snakes will devour the lion in you, you will suffer with their venom. With the Lions though, you will shine and set an example"
"I'm no Lion, I'm a Snake!" You refuted doubtful.
"It is fine, little cub I know what to do.'' The wise voice calmed you down, you sighed in relief only to be surprised with the next word.
—GRYFFINDOR— yelled the sorting hat and you froze.No, it was impossible. You belonged to Slytherin, your mother and father would be disappointed. They will torture you and focus on your little sister. How could you be so stupid? How…
Everything trembled around you and the images in front of you disappeared to leave darkness. You opened your eyes slowly. It was a nightmare but, When did you fall asleep?
— Miss Y/l/n, the library is a temple to study not to sleep — the librarian informed you and you made a bothered face even when you were embarrassed. After all, no Slytherin would ever admit to be wrong and you were a Slytherin. You were a perfect example of the Snakes and no nightmare could change that.
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horrorslashergirl · 1 year
🔥New Dark Romance Novel🐍MAFIA🐍
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"The snake was lurking deep within the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to see a little mouse and strike. That's when he saw her... His little innocent mouse."
"Every little girl's dream is to live in a castle with her prince charming. I recall the Disney movies I would watch on the old TV I had in the bedroom I shared with my big brother. Even at a fragile age, I knew these movies were only fairytales never to become reality."
From birth, I had a hard life. All my life, I've lived in a desolate and dangerous district in the capital of Romania. Violence, drugs, and prostitution were at each corner, and even for the little girl I used to be, I understood what was happening. I lost my family at some point. I was all alone and after finishing high school, entering college, and one year of studying, things started to brighten. The hopes of having a normal life.
My biggest mistake? The decision to go on a vacation to Turkey with my best friend, only for the relaxation to turn into a nightmare. I thought I would never have to face the style of life it had surrounded me with when I was a child. Although... if I didn't make that choice... I wouldn't have met HIM.
His nickname and reputation precede him. I never thought I will cross paths with the Albanian Mafia.
He is deadly, brutal, violent, manipulative, and sly like the serpent himself. His inked body reminds me of the beautiful scales of this snake, but the beauty is only a veil for the venom running through his system. The scars that litter his inked skin make me aware of what he's been through and what he was capable of. He was handsome in a beastly way. I know I shouldn't let my guard down around him, especially not after he bought me at a human-trafficking auction. Curse these Turkish bastards.
Little by little, my defiance crumbles down, much like the plan I set into motion. Earn his trust, get the opportunity to escape, and run. This plan vanished as the days in the serpent's den passed by. I was falling for him... falling for the snake's charm. I was his little mouse after all, no? Tightly held in his wicked coils.
Just like Britney Spears' song...
But Mama, I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
Mama, please don't cry, I will be all right
All reason aside, I just can't deny, I love that guy
Scroll up and don't miss this rousing and steamy dark romance that features a Romanian young girl with a dark past that haunts her but with a flaming fire deep into her heart and an Albanian mob boss who has more scars than he can count, inside and outside, who got the nickname, KING COBRA, not only for his malevolent and sadistic personality but for a... certain physical aspect too.
WARNING! This book contains sensitive topics which may trigger the reader. In this novel, there are dark themes such as street violence, family abuse, death, kidnapping, drugs, human trafficking, and trauma.
There are also graphic and descriptive sex scenes on the darker side, which include fetishes and kinks, such as consensual non-consent, use of bondage in sexual activities, predator/prey, choking, spanking, high dirty talk, restraint, oral on both female and male, loss of virginity, rough sex, degradation, humiliation, Dominant/submissive power-play, overstimulation, begging, high creampie/breeding kink, kink size, gun kink, combat boot kink, mask kink.
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figgiforever · 8 months
My first story set in Figgiverse is ready! 🎉🎉🎉
I decided to post it here because it wouldn't exist without Tumblr and my dear mutual @mandalorian-general <3 but I will upload it to my new account on Ao3 too.
This short (3 916 words) story is a sneak peek into my my AU called Figgiverse which focuses on my OC Tiggnella and her husband clone commando Fi. It's also my first try to write in English so I hope you'll like it :)
The title: Double date
Contains: some fluff, some angst, no gore or blood
It was another warm summer day in Kyrimorut. Tiggi was working in the garden. It was so hot and dry that they had to water the plants to get any vegetables and fruit this year. Their independence from outside sources of food improved since moving in here. The fields were full of golden wheat – almost ready to harvest. They had now plenty of nunas, marlello ducks and robas. The garden was full of vegetables and few kinds of berries brought here from other planets. After a few years of hard work and many mistakes they have learnt a lot and could be proud of setting up their own family farm. Somehow clones managed to become great farmers. But other residents were of great help, too. Right now Makke and Aku were assisting Tiggi in watering the garden. While her older daughter was using a watering can with a gentle manner, her youngest son was roughly splashing water from the bucket. Tiggi didn’t tell him anything because she was glad that he was helping her at all. He would rather be with his buir but Fi was helping Darman prepare roba before it will go to those chosen for the kitchen duty this week. He didn’t want his young son to accompany him during such a dirty job.
Tiggi put down a watering can and stretched her back. She missed using garden hose. The last one got broken in mysterious circumstances that involved Burk’yc and a sharp knife (rumors says Sh’ehn freaked out that it was a snake about to attack Makke). He was now with Mij on the barn’s roof. They were repairing it after the last thunderstorm. Briikase and Shukur were collecting vegetables for today’s dinner. The first one apparently enjoyed being on the kitchen duty while the other was just happy he didn’t have to do his chores with Sh’ehn and Kot. Those two were helping Levet with the animals. Tiggi looked around trying to find the last of her clone children when a piece of mud landed on her face. Aku was playing in the pool of muddy water he made between the loth carrots and marble-berries. She sighed.
“Could you stop wasting water, please?’’ she said in the nicest tone she could manage. “The plants need it to grow.”
Aku just ignored her.
“Maybe you would like to help ba’vodu Mij with the marlello ducks? I heard that one of them decided to have ducklings later than others and now ….”
“No.” he said and continued to play in the mud.
Tiggi just added two bars of soap to the already long shopping list. Their children were better in making clothes dirty than she had ever been. Without Fi she wouldn’t be able to take care of them. He seemed to find himself well in the role of the father. He was caring and helpful. Changing diapers and doing the laundry wasn’t a problem for him. It was making her happy that everything seemed to go well in their new life. Together they were able to face all the challenges. Tiggi just wished that she could spend more time just with Fi. Taking care of nine children was really time consuming and they barely had an occasion to be just with each other.
The movement at the edge of the garden caught her eye. It was Etain going somewhere with her younger child, Werda, in a baby carrier. Tiggi called her to come.
“Have you seen Baatir?” she asked when Etain managed to find the path between the carrots.
“He’s with Niner. They are hunting in the woods.” the younger woman replied. She looked much healthier than during the war. She finally gained some weight and didn’t look like a skeleton. Her skin got tanned from working in the fresh air.
“Oh, right. I’ve forgotten. Thanks.”
“Remember he’s not a child anymore, right?”
“He may be biologically twenty but for me he is still that seven-year-old-looking-fourteen frightened ad’ika I adopted…”
Etain smiled softly. “I guess it’s going to happen with all of us eventually, eh? You’ve just happened to experience it earlier… Anyway it’s easy to lose track with so many children. Maybe you need a break? One free day or at least an evening? I know you’re trying to do your best as a mother… but it’s not going to hurt to think about yourself sometimes. Soon you’re gonna develop bags under your eyes so big that they’ll fit Kandosii! Wait… Where is she?”
“With Lenne.” Tiggi’s voice tensed slightly.
“… I still can’t believe you let her take care of your baby.”
“She’s my mother. She can teach her things I can’t. Not since I’ve lost my wings…”
Two women were standing there in awkward silence for a moment.
“So… How do you sleep recently?” Etain asked to change the topic.
“The right question is: DID I sleep recently…”
“You really need to take a break.”
“And leave Fi with all our kids? I couldn’t do that.”
“Maybe you and he could take a break together?”
“And leave NINE kids with someone else?”
“Asking wouldn’t hurt. Someone might agree. You know, it’s not a bad thing to ask for help. We’re all family now. It’s been a hard time for all of us trying to find ourselves in this new reality. We all get tired. You don’t know how many times I think about how I used to spend time just with Darman… Our little dates on Coruscant… Or when you, me, Dar and Fi were just sitting and chatting like average young people who are in love... Of course, Qibbu’s Hut wasn’t the most romantic place. And the food wasn’t the best. But these memories are priceless. I wish I could relieve them... Being a parent demands to do some sacrifices but I wouldn’t change it for anything else.”
Etain affectionately kissed the top of Werda’s head. The toddler replied with a joyful giggle.
Tiggi smiled softly at them. She wished she could find herself in the role of the mother as easily as Etain did. It made her more mature and wiser compared to the young girl they met on Qiilura.
“If you’re so eager to help… Do you have any idea what to do with him?” she pointed her head at Aku playing in the mud.
Etain looked at the boy then she came closer and crouched next to him.
“What a nice paddle of mud you have here.”
Aku looked at her suspiciously.
“Can I join you?” she asked with a friendly smile.
The boy stared at her for a moment as if he was wondering if he could trust her. Eventually he accepted her and moved aside to make some space in the mud for her.
“I made it myself!” Aku said proudly.
“Wow! That’s amazing! Good job!”
Tiggi just stared at them in confusion while Etain started to play in the mud with Aku. Werda was wiggling in the carrier. She wanted to join them. One of the balls of mud that Aku had made earlier started to shake and then move slowly towards her.
“Hey! It’s mine!” Aku yelled and stopped the ball. Werda stared at him angrily.
“Why don’t you share some mud with her too?” Etain asked politely.
“Because then you will tell me to bath her!”
The young woman almost chuckled. “How about sharing the mud with the plants instead? And make them some nice fortresses to protect them from ants!”
She put some mud around the stem of a berry bush and shaped it into a little fortress. Then she added a leaf as a flag. Aku liked the idea and soon all mud was put under the nearby bushes.
“Good Job! They look amazing! And now the plants are safe.” Etain praised the boy. “Now, after you clean yourself, would you like to join Kad and ba’vode Vau? They are making wooden ships to launch on the lake later this afternoon.”
Tiggi watched in shock as Aku happily agreed and ran to the bathroom in the main building.
“How’s that possible that everyone has better relation with my own son then me?”
“Be patient and understanding. I believe you’ll find a common ground with him in the right time.”
“Yeah… Anyway. Remember what you said about relieving those romantic moments on Triple Zero? How about doing that again?”
Etain blinked in surprise. “You mean… You want the four of us…”
“…to go back to Triple Zero…?”
“No, no ,no, no, no! I meant setting up an event here on Mandalore.”
“You mean… a date? For the four of us?”
“Regular folks call it a double-date. So what do you think?”
“I would love to but… how? Where? I don’t remember any romantic places in Enceri. Unless you want to go all the way to Keldabe…”
“Not necessary. How about preparing a romantic dinner nearby home, at the lake? Let’s say tomorrow evening? You and I could do the shopping in Enceri in the morning – I have a long list of things to buy anyway – and get something special for our boys, eh?”
“Uh-huh. You’re really into this idea, I see. Okay but who will take care of the children?”
“We’ll find someone.” Tiggi said with confidence. She was already setting up everything in her head.
Next morning Tiggi and Etain took the speeder and travelled to Enceri. Nobody got suspicious because it wasn’t uncommon for the two women to go shopping together. Few people even asked to buy something for them. In the city they split to find everything faster. Few hours later they were coming back home with all stuff from the list and more…
“Woo-hoo! You’re back! Did you buy extra spicy warra nuts I asked for?” Fi was already searching through the bags.
“Hey! Maybe help us bring everything inside first!” Tiggi said with a chuckle.
“Alright, alright!” he picked up few bags.
“Wait! Not this one!” she took one package from him.
“Oh? What’s inside?” Fi got intrigued.
“It’s a surprise.”
“A surprise? I love surprises! Is it something to eat?”
Tiggi chuckled. “You’ll see later! I hope you don’t have any plans for the evening…”
“No, I don’t. Why?”
“You’ll see~”
“Tell me!”
“No! It’s a surprise!”
“I don’t want to wait!”
Darman watched them argue playfully while bringing bags inside the house. He said to his wife:
“I wonder what they are up to.”
“I have no idea.” she replied in innocent voice. “But I hope you too have a free evening.”
“Huh? Yeah, I do.”
“Great.” she stated and left him even more confused to bring her secret package to the kitchen.
Much later that day Darman found Fi walking impatiently near the closed door to the kitchen.
“Hey, have you seen Kad’ika and Wer’ika? I can’t find them.”
“Nope. Sorry, vod.” Fi tried to look through the keyhole.
Darman stared at him in curiosity.
“What’s going on, vod?”
“They locked themselves in the kitchen!”
“Our wives! They are preparing a surprise for us.”
“Oh? I’m curious what it will be…”
“Me too! Do you still have the hydraulic ram? We could use it to open the door slightly and try to sneak in…”
The door suddenly opened and Tiggi came out of the kitchen. “No need to do that. It’s ready.”
“Yay! Where is it? Can I see it now?” Fi couldn’t constrain himself. His wife chuckled.
“It’s in the basket. And no, you can’t see it until we reach our destination.”
“Which is?” he followed her closely in excitement trying to take a peek into the basket.
“The lake.” Etain explained. She was holding another basket. “We’re going to spend this evening nicely… Just the four of us.”
“Yay!” Fi yelled happily and rushed to help his wife with carrying everything.
“But what about our children? I can’t find them anywhere!” Darman worried.
Fi froze in the middle of opening the basket. Tiggi used this moment to take it back from his hands.
“Don’t worry. We’ve found babysitters.”
“For all of them? For... ELEVEN children in total??” Darman was in a shock.
“Yes, darling. No worries.” His wife assured him. “This evening we can rest, relax and spend some time only with each other.”
“Perfect!” Fi grinned and picked up Tiggi with the basket. Darman and Etain just giggled, grabbed each other hands and followed the other couple to the lake. It was going to be a pleasant evening.
After a few minutes of walking they reached the lake. No one wanted to go all the way around it to reach their spot so they took the wooden boat. It wasn’t very impressive (the clones built it themselves) but big enough to fit the four of them and two baskets. The men persisted to paddle instead of using engine attached to the backside of their vehicle. In the meantime their wives were supposed to sit on the bench and enjoy the view.
The surface of the water was shining in the rays of the setting sun. Insects with glittering wings were flying right above the lake all around them. It reminded Etain of Qiilura and how she met Darman. It still wasn’t a fully pleasant memory – she had a very tough time there. But it made her stronger and gave her the most loving and loyal husband she could ask for.
Darman was staring at his wife with adoration while paddling. For him she looked beautiful everyday, even early in the morning, but in this moment she was even more stunning. Her gaze focused far away while she watched the nature around them, apparently lost in her thoughts. Her ginger hair seemed to burn in the last rays of the sun. He felt so happy at this moment.
In the meantime Tiggi was half-heartedly arguing with Fi.
“I can’t let you do all the work while I’m just sitting here and resting.” she stated.
“You and Etain have prepared everything for this date so it’s fair enough if we pay off by taking us all to the destination.” Fi replied while admiring how pretty his wife was while trying to be frustrated at him. Her eyes were betraying her. Whenever she looked at him they were always full of love and it was making him feel like the luckiest man alive.
“Besides, I thought you like to stare at me…” He winked.
Tiggi chuckled. “Oh, I absolutely love to admire your body~” she wiggled her eyebrows. “So… I suppose I can’t make you change your mind, huh?”
“No. Unless you swap me and I’ll be able to take a peek inside the basket...”
“Absolutely not!” Tiggi pulled the basket closer to herself and they both burst out with laugher.
Soon they reached their destination and pulled the boat onto the shore. There was a small beach with soft, golden sand. Close enough to see the bastion between the trees but far enough not to be bothered by anyone.
Together they spread out the a picnic blanket. Fi gazed at Tiggi pleadingly.
“Okay, okay!” she chuckled. “You can unpack the basket now.”
Fi grinned cheerfully and attacked the basket with the shout of victory. Darman followed him closely. They laid out on the blanket all the goods they had found. Smoked roba strips, roasted nuna wings, baked sweet potatoes, four types of warra nuts, some fruit from their garden plus some exotic ones from the market. And a bottle of wine.
Their eyes were sparkling in excitement as they started eating without hesitation. Etain and Tiggi giggled. The feast begun. The men let their wives take as much food as they wanted then consumed the rest with a great delight.
When their stomachs were full the couples snuggled together and enjoyed the wine. Fortunately Etain remembered to pack the glasses.
“Mmm… This tastes much different than ne’tra gal… Where did you get it from? Keldabe?” Darman asked.
“From Xi’leen.” Tiggi replied.
The rest stared at her in a shock.
“What? I’ve got it as a present from senator Mevena, my dear friend. He said to use it for a special occasion. I managed to take it from the Jedi Temple before… you know…”
“So is this occasion special enough?” Fi tried to steer the chat away from painful memories and nuzzled his head against her.
“Surely.” she kissed his temple with affection.
“You know, I like it now. We should do it more often.” Darman stated while rubbing Etain’s arm. “I mean, I love our children but… it’s nice to have some time just for ourselves.”
Etain rested her head on his shoulder. “I absolutely agree.”
They all sat in silence. Two couples in their loving embraces enjoying the peacefulness, their company, the last rays of the sun above the trees, the beautiful nature around them, just their special moment…
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“I’m going to ask one last time… Where is Aku?” Mij had been staring with a deep frown at the group of young clones. All of them had perfectly neutral faces. One of them stepped out to the front.
“I’ll talk with them and find out… but please leave us alone for a moment.”
Mij sighed.
“Fine, Baatir. You have three minutes.”
He went to the other room where Tallisibeth was showing something on the microscope to Makke. The little girl seemed fascinated. Not too far behind them, Uthan was watching the children with a proud smirk.
“How are the ladies doing?” Mij asked his wife and stood next to her.
“Very well, my dear. Tall’ika is showing Mak’ika what’s hidden in the water from the lake. The young one is curious about everything yet very careful for her age. She is skilled to be a scientist one day.”
“I’m glad to hear that. We’re going to have another apprentice soon.” he said with a proud smile while he watched their daughter patiently teaching Makke how the microscope works.
“How about the boy?”
Mij sighed heavily.
“That bad?”
“They locked him somewhere and don’t want to tell me where.”
“Heh. I’m glad I’m taking care of the girl then.” She smirked.
“You’re not helping…”
Baatir’s head popped through the door.
“Sir, I know where he is.”
Uthan patted her husband’s shoulder. “Good luck, dear.”
Mij walked towards the door.
“It seemed easier back then on Kamino… Maybe I’m just getting too old for that.” He mumbled to himself and entered the other room. The clones stood in a perfect line. Baatir spoke for them.
“Sir, I’ll tell you where Aku is and I’ll take the blame on me...”
“No way! You can’t do that!” one of the clones opposed.
“We’ll take the blame on us as a team!” the third one said and the rest agreed.
Mij had to stop himself from sighing again.
“Fine, just please tell me where he is.”
All of them pointed at the bulletproof chest in the corner of the room. Gilamar walked over there, unlocked it and slowly opened. Aku burst out immediately, punched him in the face and sprinted towards the door. He tried slaloming between his brothers but Burk’yc managed to catch him. The boy started screaming and wiggling in his arms.
“Let him go…” Mij groaned while holding a hand to his bleeding nose. Burk’yc let his younger brother go and they all watched him storming out of the room in silence. Baatir just gave Mij a tissue.
Aku ran at full speed through the corridor, dodged Laseema and Jilka chatting and slipped into a random room. He closed the door, turned around and realized where he got himself locked. Next to now empty fireplace in an old armchair Walon Vau was sitting and knitting. Nearby Kad was playing with his toys on the floor. Werda was laying in her carrier and being closely watched by Mird. The old man didn’t even look up.
“Greetings, young one. You seem lost. Come, sit down. I bet Kad will gladly share his toys with you.”
The boys stared at each other in silence. Eventually the older one extended his hand holding one of his toy speeders.  Aku came closer, took it and started quietly playing with him. Suddenly something hit him in the back. He turned around and realized it was Werda’s teether. The little girl was grinning at him cheerfully. Mird made disappointed growl and took the teether back to her only for it to be thrown at Aku again. Mird whined in frustration and stared at its owner.
“Mird’ika, the young ones have to train their aim somehow. Besides I would be grateful if you could keep your own offspring in line…” Vau raised a thread of wool from which the tiny strill hung.
“Lord Carud, please, let it go.” he gently unattached it and put it back on the ground. The puppy whined in protest.
“Go play with your siblings.”
It looked at the other two puppies playfully fighting nearby. The last thing it wanted was to get another beating from its siblings. It walked over to Werda and curled up on her belly. She began gently petting it and soon both of them fell asleep.
Walon smirked slightly. He enjoyed the peaceful moment and continued knitting another blanket for Werda.
The sun was almost fully set. In the last of rays of the sun on the rooftop a winged woman was crouching. First wrinkles were decorating her face. The evening breeze was blowing her loose hair gently. A sharp gaze of her blue eyes was wandering across the lake to the opposite shore. She smiled softly at the view of two couples relaxing and enjoying each other company on the blanket. Some voices reached her ears and she looked down at the front yard beneath her bare feet.
It was already covered in shadow so the residents of Kyrimorut started bringing the tables and benches out to eat dinner there. She closed her eyes and breathed in a cooling evening breeze. The infant in her arms cooed.
“Shh…” she rocked it and wrapped her wings tighter around them both.
Below some children were laughing and running around. The older ones were helping adults bring the food and plates to the tables. Briikase and Shukur were arguing on which side of the plates forks should be placed.
The baby cooed again.
“Shush… Don’t worry little one, I’m here…” She smiled softly and gently stroked baby’s pouting face. “Your mamawill be back soon. Don’t worry, she didn’t abandon you. She wouldn’t…” the woman’s voice cracked. “She’s not like me…”
She gazed down again. The view of the family full of life, with lots of joyful children running around, with everyone helping each other, with their laughs and little talks… It all reminded her of her own home. The one she lost long time ago.
“Hey, Lenne!” Ruusan shouted from the ground. She was holding her little daughter in her arms. “Come down! The dinner is ready!”
Lenne smiled at the two. Not everybody in Skirata clan accepted her presence (Fi hardly ever gave her more than a disgusted look) but Ruu was always nice to her. The woman waved at the young girl in her friend’s arms. She smiled and waved back.
“I’m coming. Hold on, Kandosii.”
The moment she spread her wings the baby giggled happily. Lenne couldn’t help but chuckle.
“You surely have an allasian soul… Off we go!”
She floated down to join her… companions. She wouldn’t dare to call them family. Not yet… Maybe never.
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prettysquishygirl · 8 months
Little fluff piece
Little fluff piece - it felt appropriate
"There's been a murder!"
Crowley leant forward in the chair and stared at the table and the evidence Aziraphale gathered together. The little black envelope sat in the middle, carefully assembled and neatly set within the square. He glanced up at his companion and although the words to mock formed neatly, he reached instead for the wine glass and swirled the contents before draining it. "You do realise this is a children's game."
"Not at all," said Aziraphale as he tilted the box. "Ages eight and up. There's no upper limit on fun."
"Fun?" Crowley said. "If you want to have fun, Angel, I can think of at least ten other things we could do."
"There's Cabernet Sauvignon," said Aziraphale and topped up the glasses. "And this is a reasonable  pastime for adults."
"Might as well be playing Happy Families," said Crowley. "Get the French version out. You could practice."
"Yes, well, Monsieur Fromage will have to wait," said Aziraphale and shuffled the cards at the side of the board. "You'll need to pick a colour."
Crowley groaned. "Oh I don't want to be bothered with any of this. Just pass me the black one."
"There isn't a black one, remember," said Aziraphale. "He's the dead body."
"Fine, red," said Crowley and looked round at the squares, rolling the token between his fingertips. "Where does this go?"
"Miss Scarlett sits there," said Aziraphale, pointing. "Next to the billiard room."
"The billiard room?" Crowley shook his head as he glanced over the board. "The lounge seems a much more comfortable place to commit a murder."
"And the rules are quite clear and you'll have to start over there," said Aziraphale as he picked up the red token and put it in its proper place. He settled the yellow token and sat back, pleased with the set up. "And I'm Colonel Mustard. So next we roll to see who goes first."
"Fine," said Crowley and gestured. The dice in the middle flipped over neatly. Two sixes. He smirked and raised an eyebrow at Aziraphale. "What do I do now?"
Aziraphale picked up the dice and dropped them into the shaker. "We start by not cheating," he said and rolled. He frowned at the snake eyes. "Did you do that?"
"Nope, just your bad luck," said Crowley and drank before he moved the token into the hallway. "Right, how do I get out of this place?"
"It isn't to get out of," said Aziraphale and huffed. "Really, Crowley, if you're not going to take this seriously then I'll put it away."
Crowley sighed and set down the wine glass. "No, listen. Fine. We'll play. Can't be any worse than anything else I had planned this evening."
"As a matter of interest, what did you have planned?" asked Aziraphale. "Doing evil?"
"I don't do evil, as such," said Crowley. "Not lately. Not really a need for it now. I mean, what's the point?"
"The point is…" Aziraphale paused and took a drink. "I suppose there isn't one. Same as me doing good."
"But you do good," said Crowley. "I've seen it. Heard the undying gratitude of the masses."
"I assure you I haven't done anything of the sort," said Aziraphale. "It's just that sometimes the things that I want naturally coincide with what the humans want."
"Clotted cream teas and something terrible by Chopin."
"Chopin is not terrible," said Aziraphale and drank again. "Admittedly having high tea is becoming a little heavy on the waistline."
"Wouldn't worry about it," said Crowley. "Anyway, what were you planning before you became Mr amateur detective tonight?"
"Nothing much," said Aziraphale. "I thought I might bring up that new box from downstairs. You know, get a little organised."
"This place doesn't need any more organising," said Crowley. "What were you really planning to do?"
"I didn't have a plan," said Aziraphale. "I mean I called you. I thought you'd have a good idea."
"I did," said Crowley, tilting the bottle and frowning at the emptiness. "You got another one of these?"
"Dozens," said Aziraphale. "Only you seem to be out of bright ideas too. Funny how that happens when you're not reporting to anyone."
"There's a lot to be said for doing nothing," said Crowley. "Just enjoying the moment."
"I've enjoyed plenty of moments," said Aziraphale. "But…you know it's rather nice when you can tell someone about what you've achieved. And just lately there's not exactly been anything I could put my finger on and say, 'I did that'."
"I did that, aren't I clever," said Crowley and considered carefully before he leaned in. "You are, you know, so ridiculously clever."
"You really think so."
"Course," said Crowley. "I mean obviously you are, which is why I don't know why we're playing a boardgame for kids."
"It's not for-"
"I know, I know. Eight and up. Still a kid's game," said Crowley and looked back at the board. "Listen, if I'm going to have to accuse Mr Bun the baker of killing whoever it is with a bloody candlestick, then you fess up that we're playing a game for babies."
"All right," said Aziraphale and uncorked the next bottle. "I'll admit it's not exactly the most mature game, but as I said, it can be rather fun. And Mr Bun the baker isn't in it."
"Shame," said Crowley. "I bet he'd be great at a bit of poisoning in your croissant."
"You know, I've always thought there was something to be said for a baker who could pull something like that off," said Aziraphale. "In a completely theoretical way, of course."
"Of course," said Crowley and grinned. "Is it the candlestick?"
"What?" asked Aziraphale and frowned as he checked the cards in his hand. He carefully drew one out and, cupping it carefully, showed the front to Crowley.
Crowley stared pointedly at the card and then up again. "Angel, who are you hiding it from. We're the only ones playing."
"Oh yes," said Aziraphale and sighed heavily. "I was just rather getting into it."
"Wouldn't want to stop that," said Crowley. He drained the glass and reached over to top both of them up. The red liquid swirled as he drank and gestured to the board. "Go on then. Make your move. Can't wait to be accused of something I actually didn't do."
Aziraphale nodded and rolled the dice. He didn't get very far and Crowley absolutely didn't have the cards he wanted. Several times. By the time he'd managed to get through the secret passageway and landed in the library, he was both certain that he knew the contents of the envelope and that Crowley hadn't made any serious attempt to do any of it. "It was Miss Scarlett with the revolver in the library," he said and when Crowley didn't so much as glance at his cards, he huffed. "You know."
"Well of course I know," said Crowley. "I mean we could both know. It's just a little black envelope. Not exactly the hardest thing to see through. Either of us could have done it."
"Yes, but you were the one that did!" Aziraphale emptied the glass and huffed. "I thought you were going to play properly."
"Demon," said Crowley. "That was playing it properly."
Aziraphale didn't quite pout, but it was very close. "I thought when you'd come over that we'd have a little fun. A little innocent fun and you've cheated again."
"Only once," said Crowley and clinked his glass against the angel's. "I mean you did work it out legitimately. No cheating in that. You did well."
"Don't try and flatter me," said Aziraphale. "I'm not about to be tempted into doing something silly."
"I'm not tempting you at all," said Crowley. "Not in the least." He tilted his head and then reached for the black envelope and tipped out the contents. "I mean, I could."
"If you wanted me to?" Crowley lounged back in the chair. "Just a little one. Something very small."
"There's nothing small about that," said Aziraphale and frowned heavily. "What kind of thing were you thinking of? We're already drinking wine."
"I'll think of something," said Crowley and dangled the glass from his fingers. "What are you in the mood for? Cake? Sushi? A banquet?"
For a moment, there was silence. The traffic passed by outside the bookshop and the lights dimmed a little inside. And if the world seemed to hold its breath, then it was just for a fraction of a second before Aziraphale offered a wry smile.
"Happy Families it is then," he said and took a quick breath as he started to gather up the game. "Seems appropriate."
"Not quite," said Crowley and rolled the glass before he opened his hand and glanced down as the pack manifested itself in his palm. "How is the old French, then?"
"Magnifique," said Aziraphale. "And yours?"
"C'est parfait," said Crowley and passed over the cards to Aziraphale. His index finger pressed, held and drew down his companion's palm. Just a moment. Just a touch and his tongue flicked briefly against his bottom lip as he sat back in the chair. "Bonne chance, mon ange."
Aziraphale glanced across at Crowley, quirked a smile. "I assure you, this time I feel quite lucky," he said and dealt the first card.
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theboarsbride · 2 years
Can I get some Wyrm's Bride thoughts/headcanons, please? (Sorry if this comes in twice, your ask box was acting a little weird earlier!)
BUT👏👏 Wyrm's Bride AU!! Kinda of a 'fairytale au' that's based off the fairytale Lindworm Prince and Russian film I Am Dragon! Grima is a beeg ole snake/lindworm creature, Tathareth is someone offered up as a sacrifice to him but PLOT TWIST he doesn't kill her and romance shenanigans ensue 😩💦
Grima became creature because of Sauruman because.... of course! Wizard is petty and mean enough to curse him like that lmao, probably as some sort of punishment for being a shitty spy in Rohan once the Fellowship shows up like the gang of absolute Giga Chad Madlads that they are😔😔😔
Never put TOO much thought into this curse but I love the idea of it being a 'man at night, creature during the day' !
Snake!Grima makes lots of gator sounds! The deep, growling purrs, especially. XD
Probably has a HOARD! Some small treasures, but mostly hoards stuff like books, scrolls, etc. Prefers bookish materials over finery, lowkey 🥺
In terms of like... inner turmoil Grima wants to try and separate HIMSELF from his Wyrm self. Sort of like he does in Serpentine Whispers, where there is Grima, a man who is cunning and has the capacity to do good (but chooses not to), and then there is Wormtongue, the sly, dark ugly and unwanted aspects of his character.
So in this AU there is Grima, the man, and the Wyrm, an embodiment and manifestation of everything awful about him
Tathareth is offered as a sort of sacrifice to him because elves of Lothlorien (or off brand Lothlorien in a separate fantasy setting lmao), in a moment of infinite wisdom, think that giving a giant Wyrm that made himself at home in some caves just on their realm's borders a maiden to "wed" (or eat lmao) would appease him......also they wanna make peace with the beeg scary lizard before it becomes a nuisance 😩💦....also they could slay him themselves but for plot convenience we'll just say that elves aren't privy to slaying dragons anymore
And she is given as a sacrifice since she's no (living) family to be remembered by and she makes no effort to be social, and create social bonds, with elves soooooooo needless to say she wouldn't be missed 😩😔
She gets all done did and elaborately dressed in a gaudy bridal gown of lace and gossamer and silks, wears a veil and jewelry adorned with bells to garner attention, wears wreaths and headdress made of various red flowers, wears gaudy red makeup, and spent the previous night drinking a FUCKTON of wine so her blood tastes sweet..... and she also has a blade hidden on her, a fancy bejeweled one, that she hopes to use to slaughter her wyrm husband
A whole procession ensues, including the elves bringing various elven treasures and luxury foods, even having Tathareth riding atop an elaborately adorned horse with the intention of Grima devouring it as an offering as well. LOOKS like a wedding procession, but the somber folk hymns being sung and dour atmosphere make it feel like one for a funeral.
Tathareth has a whole internal meltdown realizing how her people never truly cared for her, thinking so little of her that they throw her away to be eaten by a wyrm. Realizes that she must be undesirable and wretched if that's the case.
Grima never devours her (or the horse) and spares her life, but accepts her as an offering for a wife because 1) pretty lady and he feels bad 🥺 2) .......actually 1 is one of the only reasons because why not
Tathareth is too scared to really do anything, let alone try to slay him as she planned, so she just tries to hide and cry her feelings out
Nighttime comes and BAM! She meets human Grima😩
She believes him to be a prisoner of the Wyrm as well, so she begins to cling to him as a companion so she feels less alone 😔
Grima just tries to distance himself from his Wyrm self because he is terrified of being reminded of his shitty behavior lmao
So she gets sad whenever he leaves her during the day for reasons that are a mystery to her, buuuuuuutttt she gradually puzzles out that Grima and the Wyrm are one in the same because obviously lmao
Because it's quite the coincidence that Grima disappears in the day only to he replaced by the Wyrm, and vice versa
And because both exhibit melodramatic, sneaky, intelligent, and overall cold attitudes
But a friendship develops when Tathareth realizes that Grima ain't so bad 🥺
And friendship turns to love ofc😭😭😭🥺🥺
Love confession scene would deadass look something like this scene:
Tathareth wonders if she can heal him at all, but comes to terms that her powers as a healer can only go so far when it comes to healing black magic 😔
So Grima is snake forever
But they manage
As beeg snake and hippie elf wife lmao
thank you SM for this ask, bro!!!!!🥺🥺🥺💛💛💛 I hope ya like my crazy aah rambling
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Wolfwalkers au: Antonio Madrigal
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Wolfwalkers au
Antonio was the last born of the madrigal family. Having said that, Antonio thought he was the only child in the Madrigal home. Any trace of the other residents was either taken or thrown out. After the other family "disappeared" his parents and Alma made sure to keep a close eye on him.
Antonio loved them dearly but they smother him a lot and wherever he goes they go. Encanto is supposed to be the safest place on earth right? wrong, children have been reported missing and it must have been "the forest people" who took them.
This made the three elders even more anxious when it came to Antonio. The times when he could get time to himself were completely obliterated. The only time he ever got to himself was when he was in the bathroom. And he sometimes had to confirm he was there.
He is completely closed off and sheltered. He has barely any friends,(if you count a rat), doesn't get time to himself, and can never do anything fun.
When he got his gift at the ceremony Alma, Pepa & Felix were completely horrified. Alma quickly shut the ceremony down and told Antonio to get rid of all the Predatory animals then she changed it to all of them had to leave. The only thing he was allowed to keep was his room. Casita insisted on it and threatened alma that it would lock him in there if she didn't let him keep it.
A few months pass and Antonio was allowed to use some of his gifts. He was allowed to talk to small animals and birds. no snakes of any kind regardless if they were poison or not.
Tonito wasn't happy. He knew his family loved him and wanted to protect him. But from what? he always asked himself. There were times Antonio would sneak out and talk to animals of all kinds. But Alma, Pepa, And/or Felix would catch him so he just stopped trying.
During one of these visits, he heard some kids talking about the "forest people". He was very curious about the conversation. When he heard one of them say "they take you and you never come back" some part of him didn't believe it.
For the rest of the month, he couldn't stop thinking about them. Do they actually hurt people? what do they look like? are they the ones howling at night? are they mean? maybe there's some sort of misunderstanding? These questions echoed through his mind constantly
when he tried to in the jungle to see them one of the elders or villagers always caught him and took him back to Casita.
Pepa was already on the verge of literally strapping him to her or chaining him up to his bed and him running away to the forest was making it more of an option.
But he wouldn't have to worry about it after he finally gets to meet "the forest people"
Hello, I hope you enjoyed this! If so please leave a like and/or comment. Or at least reblog it so others can enjoy it. If you have any questions or ideas/prompts for the au leave them in the ask box and I'll get to it sooner or later.
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