#Fan Education Agency
faneducationagency · 4 months
Facilitez votre accès aux universités américaines avec Fan Education Agency
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Fan Education Agency est une agence spécialisée dans le conseil, l’assistance et la mise en contact des étudiants à Madagascar avec des universités aux États-Unis. Elle facilite l'accès à l'enseignement supérieur américain en fournissant un accompagnement à chaque étudiant durant la procédure d’admission à l’institut. Les États-Unis sont reconnus pour leur système éducatif de qualité, leur diversité culturelle et la chance de saisir de carrière. En choisissant de poursuivre leurs études dans ce pays, les étudiants bénéficient d'une expérience d'apprentissage enrichissante qui les prépare à réussir dans un environnement international compétitif.
Les universités partenaires de Fan Education Agency dans des lieux stratégiques
Les universités partenaires de l'agence profitent d’un emplacement privilégié dans des villes dynamiques à travers les États-Unis. Parmi celles-ci, on retrouve des métropoles telles que New York City, Houston, Washington, l’Indiana, la Californie et la Floride. Chaque ville offre un cadre propice pour les études universitaires, combinant une excellente qualité d'enseignement, des possibilités de recherche innovantes et une vie étudiante animée. Les étudiants ont ainsi la possibilité d'explorer différents aspects de la culture américaine tout en poursuivant leurs études dans des institutions de renommée mondiale.
Inscription et délais
Aux États-Unis, les rentrées académiques ont lieu à différents moments de l'année, donnant aux étudiants à Madagascar une certaine flexibilité pour commencer leurs études. Les périodes de rentrée principales sont en janvier, mai, juin et septembre. À noter que la procédure de demande d'admission peut prendre entre 2 à 4 mois, en raison de la nature détaillée des demandes, de la préparation pour les tests de compétence en anglais et de l'attente des résultats. Il est donc conseillé aux étudiants de commencer le processus dès que possible pour s'assurer qu'ils sont prêts à débuter leurs études aux États-Unis à la date de rentrée de leur choix.rendez-vous sur cette page https://faneducation.com/etudier-aux-etats-unis-depuis-madagascar/ pour plus de détails.
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batboyblog · 8 months
2024 Senate Elections: You'd Better VOTE!
Yes it's election year yet again in America! but not just for President, almost as important will be the US Senate!
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I'm not gonna lie this is a rough map for Democrats, we're playing a lot of defense in some pretty red states with even our best hopes for a pick up being pretty long shots. But even with narrow control of the Senate we've managed the biggest climate bill in American History a huge infrastructure bill thats bring high speed rail to America capped the price of insulin changed the law to allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices bring savings to everyone, and put over 160 federal judges on the bench, 2/3rds of whom are women and/or people of color the first time white men haven't been the majority of nominees by a President. So let's keep progress going by voting for, supporting, donating, and volunteering for the following candidates in the races that will decide the US Senate this year.
Ruben Gallego (Hold)
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After frustrating Democrats by repeatedly voting against major Democratic priorities, supporting the filibuster and putting donors over voters, Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema left the Democratic Party to become an independent in 2022. Democratic congressman Ruben Gallego was running to primary Sinema before she left the party and is now the likely Democratic nominee to unseat her and give Arizona the Democratic Senator it deserves. Gallego is a former Marine, combat veteran, Harvard grad, a former state representative, and since 2014 a member of Congress. Gallego is a member of the Progressive Caucus and is known for his blunt and combative style standing up to Republicans. In Congress Gallego has been a strong supporter of native rights advocating for tribes on health care and child welfare issues. Gallego is also the sponsor of a bill to bring about nation wide, free, all-day kindergarten which isn't available in many states. If elected Gallego would be Arizona's first hispanic Senator. Republicans hope that the Democratic vote will split between Sinema and Gallego allowing them to win this important seat. The Republican front runner is conspiracy theorist and Trump super fan, Kari Lake. Lake rose to national fame in 2021 for pushing conspiracy theories about Trump having won the 2020 election, as well as anti-mask and anti-vaccine Covid conspiracies. Lake was the Republican nominee for Arizona governor in 2022. During that campaign she ran on an aggressive anti-LGBT platform, saying she'd ban drag, and was against trans rights. Lake also is against Abortion in all cases. After losing to Democrat Katie Hobbs, Lake refused to concede, and still pushes the conspiracy theory that she's the rightful governor of Arizona. If you live in Arizona please make sure you vote, but more if you have any time between now and November, volunteer to help Gallego! and if you don't live there you can still Donate or buy a pro-choice shirt from his campaign!
Vote Volunteer Donate Shop
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell (Flip)
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Florida's current Republican Senator Rick Scott is a right wing extremist pushing dangerous ideas even by the standards of the Modern GOP. During his first term as Senator Scott has pushed to defund the IRS, and the Department of Education. He's sponsored bills to punish schools that allow students to use preferred pronouns, to ban affirmative action, bans teaching critical race theory, and ban trans people from women's sports. Scott is against abortion in all cases. Most alarming Rick Scott proposed a radical plan that would "sun-set" ANY and all federal laws after 5 years, including Social Security and Medicare, Scott would place all federal programs and agencies on the chopping block every 5 years for a radical Republican minority to block their renewal and leave us without Social Security, or the EPA, to name just two examples. The likely Democratic nominee is former Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. Born in Ecuador, Mucarsel-Powell immigrated to the US when she was 14 and had work to help support her family. When she was elected to Congress in 2018 she became the first South American born immigrant and first person of Ecuadorian heritage to be elected to Congress. In Congress Mucarsel-Powell was a member of the Progressive caucus, she fought to expand medicare, and secured $200 million for Everglades restoration. After a narrow defeat in 2020 Mucarsel-Powell joined the gun control advocacy group Giffords to fight for gun control a personal issue for her after her father was murdered when she was 24. If you're in Florida please make sure you vote, and Volunteer to help remove on of the most extreme Senators, If you're not in Florida you can help Debbie win by donating.
Elissa Slotkin (hold)
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Long time Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow is retiring this election, so there will be a tough fight for control of this important swing state Senate seat. The likely Democratic nominee is Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin. Slotkin is a former CIA analyst, after retiring from the CIA she worked in the State and Defense departments during the Obama administration. Slotkin was first elected to Congress in 2018 winning and being re-elected in a tough swing district. In Congress she's fought for common sense gun control, supported the cap on insulin prices and Medicare drug price negotiation, she helped pass a law on drug price transparency, she championed the CHIP act to bring high tech manufacturing jobs back to America, and was a big supporter of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Slotkin is centering a pro-choice message in her campaign as well as gun control and bring down medical costs. Who the Republicans will pick isn't totally clear, it seems like it's between Former Congressman Mike Rogers and former Detroit Police chief James Craig. Craig ran for Michigan governor in 2022 before he was disqualified for fraudulent signatures on his nominating petition. Craig has listed cutting off US support to Ukraine as one of his top priorities, and endorsed Trump's 3rd run for President early in the primaries. Mike Rogers is also trying to win over Trump voters and has attacked the rights of LGBT students in schools calling it "social engineering". If you live in Michigan make sure to get out and vote, and also volunteer! And for everyone outside the state you can donate or buy some merch.
Jon Tester (re-elect)
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In most contexts Montana is a deep red state going for Trump in 2020 57% to 40%. This makes the reelection of Montana's only Democratic member of Congress and only statewide elected Democrat, Jon Tester maybe the toughest election for Democrats this year. A Senator since he was first elected in 2006 Tester has won a series of upset wins in Montana over the years. A 3rd generation farmer Tester has been as strong for small farmers and ranchers in Washington. Tester has always been a champion of accountably and transparency in government pushing ethnics and campaign finance reforms. Tester is rated one of the most effective senators and managed to pass more bills last year than any one else in Congress. He's never been afraid to stand up for the Democratic side even if it'd be an unpopular vote in Red Montana. Tester voted to impeach Trump twice, and he voted against all 3 of Trump's nominees to the Supreme Court. He supported President Obama on The Affordable Care Act and Dodd-Frank, and has supported President Biden on the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. Republicans seem likely to nominate right wing influencer and former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy. Sheehy promises to get drag queens out of schools and the Lord's Prayer in to the classroom. He also hopes to repeal Obamacare calling for a "total privatization" of health care and made statements against the very idea of health insurance, insisting people should pay full price at point of use. If you're a Montanan make sure to vote to re-elect a champion of the little guy, and also volunteer! if you're not please think of donating what you can, if you can only give to one campaign this cycle this one, or Ohio are the most important!
Jacky Rosen (re-elect)
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First elected to Congress in 2016 Jacky Rosen moved up to the Senate in 2018. In her first term as a Senator Rosen has championed green energy for Nevada. Together with fellow Democratic Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, Rosen has gotten millions for solar manufacturing in Nevada as well as millions to replace the state's school buses with electric, and programs to study new groundbreaking green technology. Senator Rosen has been a supporter of gun control, is in favor of banning assault weapons. She sponsored a bill, the Background Check Expansion Act, that would require background checks for all gun sales closing loopholes for on-line sales and gun shows. Rosen is pro-choice and has sponsored a bill to protect doctors from being prosecuted across state lines for providing reproductive care, and is a co-sponsor of a bill to codify Roe V. Wade into federal law. Rosen will likely face Republican celebrity and army veteran Sam Brown. Brown ran and lost a race for the Texas State House in 2014 and ran and lost for Nevada's other Senate seat in 2022. Brown stated he was in favor of getting rid of the Departments of Education, Transportation, and Energy. Brown is against Red Flag gun laws that allow police to temporarily remove fire arms from the home of someone deemed a danger to themselves or others. Brown also has refused to say if he supports a national abortion ban, but does say he's pro-life and wouldn't support any judges that weren't. If you live in Nevada make sure to get out to vote and volunteer to protect the state's green future and the right to reproductive care. If you're not in Nevada consider donating or buying some merch.
Sherrod Brown (re-elect)
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Ohio together with Montana represents the toughest re-elect for Democrats this year. The state went for Trump twice, elected a right wing radical, JD Vaince, to the Senate in 2022 and has had a Republican governor since 2010. To complicate thing more Democrat Sherrod Brown is one of the most progressive members of the Senate, regularly scoring along side Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren for the most left wing in the Senate. From the time he was first elected to Congress in 1992 Brown refused to take the Congressional Health Insurance until all Americans could be covered. Brown first supported a Medicare for all bill in 2006 and has supported different efforts to expand Medicare and health coverage. He was a key supporter of the Children Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Brown is a strong supporter of unions and has struggled his whole career to protect unionized manufacturing jobs in Ohio. He was one of the first Senators out on the picket line during the UAW strike of 2023. Brown's hard work has help make Ohio the center of a new booming lithium battery manufacturing in America, a green manufacturing future for the state. Republicans look likely to nominate former used car dealer and father-in-law of Republican Congressman Max Miller, Bernie Moreno. Moreno's main qualification seems to be having been endorsed by Donald Trump. He lists among his priorities "End Socialism in America" and "End Wokeness and Cancel Culture". If you're in Ohio make sure to vote to re-elect a progressive giant and volunteer too! If you live out of Ohio donate, if you're looking for the race where your dollar will matter the most, this one or Montana guys.
Bob Casey Jr. (re-elect)
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First elected in 2006 Bob Casey famously beat incumbent Republican homophobe Rick Santorum by 17 points. Since first entering the Senate Casey has moved leftward on a number of issues. First elected as a pro-Gun Democrat since 2012 Casey has sponsored a number of bills to expand background checks, ban assault weapons, ban extended magazines, and well as supporting mental health funds for victims of gun violence. For a number of years Casey was called the last pro-life Democrat in the Senate, however in 2022 he came out in support of Roe V Wade and voted twice on bills that would have codified the right to an abortion into federal law. Casey voted against all 3 of Trump's Supreme Court picks and has long supported Planned Parenthood's contraception efforts with federal funds, seeing easily available birth control as key to reducing the number of abortions. In 2021 Casey published a plan he called "The Five Freedoms for America's Children" modeled after FDR's famous speech. He proposed automatically enrolling all kids in Medicaid, an expanded child tax cut, a federally supported college fund for all kids who's parents make under $100,000, expanded free school meals, more funds for head start and abuse prevention programs. Republicans are rallying behind Mitch McConnell's hand picked candidate, hedge fund CEO David McCormick. McCormick worked for the Bush administration during Bush's second term. McCormick's wife Dina Powell also worked for the George W. Bush administration and was a senior aid to Trump as well. If you're in Pennsylvania make sure to get out and vote for a solid Democrat out to solve child poverty in America and keep the Hedge Fund guy from Connecticut out, and Volunteer if you can. Remember you can donate where ever you are.
Colin Allred (flip)
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Texas is currently represented by likely the most hated man in Washington, Ted Cruz. Republicans hate him, Democrats hate him more, he has a very punchable face, he might be the zodiac killer (thats a joke and meme). From shutting down the government in 2013 to try to overturn Obamacare, to leading the charge in Congress to overturn the 2020 election on January 6th Ted Cruz is a greatest hits of the worst parts of the Republican Party of the last 10 years. When Texas lost power in the middle of a historic ice storm in 2021 Ted Cruz and family ditched the state to go on vacation in Mexico, classy. Cruz in the Biden years has cast himself as a culture warrior fighting against "woke" publishing a book "Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America" in 2023 to kick off his re-election campaign. Texas is a traditionally red state but things are starting to shift and in 2018 Cruz narrowly won re-election over Beto O'Rourke. Democrats hope with the right candidate they can turn Texas blue and beat the most hated Senator in America. Democrats think Congressman Colin Allred is the man for the job. Allred is a former NFL Linebacker for the Titans. After the NFL he went on to get his law degree from UC Berkeley, and work in the Obama administration. Allred was first elected to Congress in 2018, unseating a Republican who'd been in office since 1997 and becoming the first Democrat to represent the area in Congress since 1968. In Congress Allred has supported bills to expand voting right and protect abortion rights, as well as gun control. In the Senate he promises to address Texas' shaky power grid and make sure Texas is never left in the dark again with its leaders missing. Lets do this Texas, make blue Texas a reality if you live in Texas remember to vote and volunteer, if you're an American who hates Ted Cruz you can donate to make in unemployed.
Tammy Baldwin (re-elect)
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When Tammy Baldwin first ran for Congress in 1998 she was the first openly gay person elected to the US House and the first open Lesbian to serve in Congress. In 2012 she became the first openly gay person elected to the US Senate and the first Lesbian to be a Senator, she is still the only openly gay Senator. Through out her time in office Baldwin has been a tireless voice for LGBT rights, in 2022 she helped spear head the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act to help protect gay marriage, she's also a sponsor of the Equality Act to protect all LGBT people from discrimination. Baldwin is a progressive who was a member of the House Progressive caucus, opposed the Iraq War and supported impeaching Dick Cheney. In the House she introduced bills for a single payer healthcare system in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2005. In the Senate Baldwin is regularly listed as one of the most progressive members, voting against tax cuts for the rich, supporting a bill to require companies to have workers on their boards, she sponsored a bill to create a public option in Health Care, and has supported gun control efforts. The Republican field to challenge Senator Baldwin is uncertain, but former Milwaukee sheriff David Clarke dominates the polls if he decides to run. Clarke's sheriff's department is accused a number of human rights violations from his time as sheriff, including allowing a prisoner to die of dehydration after 6 days without water in the Milwaukee County Jail. Clarke is a Trump super fan who has pushed conspiracy theories about mass shootings being fake, attacked Black Lives Matter, called Planned Parenthood "Planned Genocide", and called for the mass detention without trial of Americans because he believed there were a million ISIS supporters in America. If you're in Wisconsin make sure to get out and vote for a trailblazing icon and also volunteer if you can, all Americans can donate and support Baldwin wherever they are.
If you're an American citizen and will be 18 years old (or older) by November 5th 2024, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! make sure you're registered to VOTE please check Vote.Org to find out what you need to do, what deadlines there are and act NOW
If you're an American living outside the US, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO VOTE. Please checkout Vote From Aboard they have literally all the information you need to get registered and get your ballot wherever in the world you are, and Check out Democrats Abroad to take part in the global primary
Where ever you live in the US, there is an important life changing election happening! Get off your phone or computer and get involved, There are Events happening all around you right now Volunteer
Finally if you're a US citizen of any age any where on earth you can donate, donate to elect Biden/Harris donate to elect Democrats to the Senate, To the House, to Governorships, to local office
and the smallest thing you can do is reblog this very long post, thank you!
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prying-pandora666 · 6 months
I don’t know how to say this tactfully, but I’ll do my best.
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If other fans online have convinced you to see the gentle, optimistic, empathetic, fun loving, whimsical, forgiving, wise beyond his years genocide survivor, as a sexist, racist, xenophobic, abusive, pro-colonization, sexual assault perpetrator who doesn’t care about anyone else and doesn’t understand trauma…
You have been LIED TO.
Please just think for a moment!
ATLA was banned in China from the beginning for a reason. Because they didn’t want anyone empathizing with a character based on Tibetan monks. Why? Because they are an actual oppressed and persecuted minority IRL. Their religious leader lives in exile. Their second most important spiritual figure is the youngest political prisoner ever taken (and to this day no one knows if he’s alive or dead!). China has actual prison and labor camps. Tibetan people get sent there for “re-education”.
Can you please think about what these “fans” are saying when they stomp all over this allegory in TLA and try to frame Aang as the oppressor?
Do you really think it’s appropriate or these people who call Aang all these horrible (and inaccurate) things are being in anyway fair when they call Aang “white coded”???
Even without the real world context, Aang is explicitly the only survivor of a genocide. The last of his people. He has lost more than anyone else in the entire franchise. There’s a reason he clings so hard to Appa.
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Do you think it’s fair to compare a 12 year old misreading signals and trying to kiss a girl who already consensually kissed him before, and immediately backing off and giving her space when she says no, to rape?
Tweens and teens miscommunicating and trying to comfort each other with kisses, only to realize that’s not what their friend needed and immediately backing off is the same as having your body violently violated against your will? The same as having your “no” ignored?
How do you think this makes survivors feel? To see people use their experiences as a shield and cudgel for ship discourse? It certainly upsets me as someone who experienced intimate partner violence, let me tell you! And I know I’m not the only one.
And how is it in anyway feminist or pro-Katara to ignore her own agency and deep love she shows for Aang? Yes, that includes her own crush on him! It IS reciprocated!
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Lastly, you don’t need to demonize Aang to ship whatever you want to ship. Please understand that the majority of these takes are bad faith and born out of bitterness and insecurity over a friggin FANON SHIP.
And none of it is necessary! You can ship whatever you want! You don’t need permission or excuses. You can just ship them! You can make your case for why you like another pairing better without misrepresenting what happened in the show and what these characters are like, let alone what they represent.
There’s already plenty to work with in the show as it is! Otherwise why bother?
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I’m imploring fans taken in by persuasive and manipulative metas to please just think about it. Get off social media and rewatch the show for yourself thoughtfully.
It doesn’t need to be like this.
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saerotonins · 9 months
actor!yuuji & actor!sukuna headcanons
ft. itadori yuuji and ryomen sukuna 
content warnings: fluff, itadori twins au, overall cuteness, implied x reader (separated), jjk manga spoilers, characters are aged up to 20+
wc: 2.3k (jesus christ lol)
note: i miss my little actors so much lol. also, i think this is a bit too long, my bad 😭
jjk actor au masterlist
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as twin actors:
believe it or not, jjk is like one of the roles that had them cast together 
both of them usually like to play different roles in different shows because they just don't want to be known as each other's twins
love that for them, they're so real for that
but when they were cast, they accepted it since the script and plot were interesting 
yuuji is a sweetheart inside out and sukuna is the quieter one between the two, sukuna is soft for his brother though so don't get fooled by his tough persona
yes, he is the older twin LOL and always holds it against yuuji just to be petty
"dude can you get me that can of soda?""why are you ordering your older brother around? have some shame"
yuuji just rolls his eyes but before he gets up and get it himself, sukuna will wordlessly stands up and does it anyway
checks on yuuji whenever he does intense fight scenes
both of them do the stunt themselves since they ate both so physically active
education wise, yuuji graduated as a marketing major and sukuna has a degree in physical therapy 
which explains why him and his brother always practice fight scenes together and he helps yuuji with his stance and warm ups!
it's adorable really and he's so tsundere about it too
"no not like that, put your legs this way dumbass" like that typa stuff
sukuna started off as a model but was later on casted because casting agencies thought he has that great villain face
yuuji started off as a side character and really likes acting (he is the theatre kid between the two and sukuna is the quiz bee kid, their mom is BOOKED and busy) and later on recognized because he's just THAT good
yuuji is usually a romance lead or 2nd lead and a slice-of-life guy so when fans found out he will be in an action show, they are excited!
sukuna on the other hand has been casted as a tsundere in romance shows, sometimes a bully and an antagonist in action shows, but a villain that is literally so powerful??? that is so new so his fans are anticipating 
both of them usually arrive on the set together (sukuna is the one driving btw and yuuji just sleeps during the trip)
yuuji prepares both of their bento boxes btw
sukuna loves it
he can cook, but that's it LMAO
he won't admit it but yuuji is the better cook
lowkey a picky eater so yeah
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sukuna is the intimidating one (obv) so when him and the other casts first met + the first few readings, it was sooo awkward 
turns out he's lowkey a goofy guy
has fun with his costars and helps them with fight scenes too, gotta put that physical therapy degree into good use
both him and nanami have this silent bond because whenever they're together they just don't talk and bask in the silence as they sit, they just peace amidst their crazy schedule
also an avid toji fan so when this guy found out he's in the same show with his idol he's almost shitting bricks
let out a really loud cheer when he found out and only yuuji knew about it LOL
has a deep-rooted respect towards him and it's sooo obvious whenever toji is around
he is such a fucking fangirl
he just thinks he's so badass and feels so honored to be casted in the same show as him
feels bad that he has to beat up almost everyone 😭 he is also a sweetheart deep inside
deep inside, he's such a caring and protective brother for yuuji because even though he doesn't have any scenes to be filmed, he still joins him on set whenever time allows him
he may not show it but he's sometimes lowkey terrified about fans tearing him up into shreds whenever he kills their favorite character 
imagine sukuna dripping big sweats by the time THAT episode with [redacted] aired oh my GOD he was so fucking nervous considering their fanbase is so big
yuuji has never seen his brother THIS nervous before and he's enjoying it
luckily though, not much hate happened and most of the time it's just memes and playful banter
his ass is barely on social media LOL
in the years of his instagram existing he only has like 90+ posts or even below 😭 usually it's just promotion, being an ambassador, magazine shoots— very lowkey 
doesn't have much digital footprint and i love that for him
whenever he posts, his fans are EATING IT UP since it happens every once in a blue moon lmfao
as tough as he looks, he actually can be quite clingy, just behind closed doors though
lowkey feels bad when he has to beat up children (LMAO) and his co-actors and asks for cuddles from you for comfort
it's actually kind of adorable 
sometimes if his schedule doesn't allow him to have time to visit you, you'll get messages like "babe i just beat up megumi :(" 
since he's not active on social media, he knows some stuff online through you or yuuji
kind of a sad reason why he doesn't go online as much is because as tough as he looks, he's just a guy scared of the hate he's going to have just because he plays a villain or antagonist most of the time
he knows it's not his fault, he just knows that some people just don't know how to separate reality from acting
especially when that scene where he had to off a certain jujutsu sorcerer actor with a huge fanbase
oh boy was he so fucking scared and ran into your arms for comfort :(
he's a softie deep inside ok
when they have to go out of town or even overseas to film, he gets incredibly homesick and misses you so much 
expect a lot of "i miss you" messages, including selfies and candid pictures that he took around the set to
practicing his lines with you is close to impossible, this guy gets all blushy and shit because you're in front of him
and since most of his lines are mean as hell, he just doesn't want to be mean to you
he wants to impress you so bad but when you're around he just becomes a little high school boy with a big crush LMAO
he's such a sweetheart deep inside oh my god
when he decides he wants to post a new photo in his ig, you're the first and only person he'll ask for opinions
so this just means that most, if not all of his posts were handpicked by you
wears your matching stuff like accessories on set and gets sad when he has to take it off while filming
when he learned that his character would have face tattoos, the first thing he did was come home to you with his face makeup on (he had to ask his makeup artist to let it stay) and imitate it on your face
i have this headcanon that sukuna knows how to draw (and is very good at it) so it takes almost no effort to draw the tattoos on your face
you two then have a mini photoshoot (aka just taking a lot of selfies) with the both of you with sukuna marks on the face
it looks so cute that he made it his lock screen
he's lowkey such a sap don't let the character he's playing fool you
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he is literally a sunshine in or out of acting
so polite and so kind it's hard to hate him (not that he is even worth hating on)
so naturally, everyone on set loves to work with him!
unlike his brother, before acting, he doesn't really know a lot of fighting stance (he's a marketing major ffs lol) BUT ever since he was casted, he doubled up on his working out routine with the help of sukuna
even invested his time learning boxing which later on paid soooo much
can literally make everyone on set "aww" whenever his script requires him so cry or even witness a gruesome death scene *cough* nanami and nobara *cough*
during breaks, him and nobara do tiktok challenges and even those kpop challenges all the time and the crew enjoys watching them do it and the fans like it too
he does it too with choso and todo
this guy literally has 3 older brothers who are protective of him it's so cute
this man is so talented, he can cook, sing, dance, act, and is pretty smart too during his university days, it's so hard not to be in love with him
the greenest of the green flags (just like nanamin!) the girls the guys the folks LOVE him so much, literally the standard 
just like sukuna, he was fangirling so hard when he found out he's going to be in the same drama with THE nanami kento
he's such a big big BIG fan 
has a fan account of him on twitter that is pretty popular but you didn't hear that from me
it's so cute when they're together because they're literally THE father and son duo EVER
has the time of his life whenever he visits nanami and his wife's house and just chill there, sometimes brings his first-year trio besties too (both nanami and his wife don't mind at all)
aside from sukuna, he sometimes practices fight scenes with nanami too!
he is so active on social media 😭 interacts with as many fans as he can and posts all the time on ig and twitter 
has a lot of cute interactions with fans too
by extension, his account is sukuna's behind the scene account LOL
since his brother doesn't post a lot, sukuna's fans tune in to his posts and stories of sukuna behind the scenes or even just some pictures of him that he doesn't post
some of it are just pics of the brothers chilling or going out
yuuji is literally the sukuna fan's saint because of the amount of sukuna content he's giving them LOL
ok but don't get fooled by yuuji's sunshine personality, because he knows how to bite too
whenever he saw hate tweets his brother is getting for playing a villain, he is quick to respond and defend his brother
lowkey a nightmare for the PR team but they know where he's coming from
and despite sukuna telling him to just ignore it, he appreciates his little brother more than anything 
one word: ANGEL
he's literally so lover coded oh my goodness
leaves you some post-it notes on the fridge every single day before he leaves to film
if the trip goes on for days he will leave at least three long love letters for you to read when you miss him and he's busy
creates personal vlogs JUST FOR YOU so if the both of you can't facetime, you'll still know what he is up to
when he was contacted to be the main character of the show, he confided in you whether or not he should accept the offer
don't get him wrong, he is beyond grateful the people think he's capable enough to be the main lead but it makes him nervous 
this is his first main character role and the pressure of it all is heavy on his shoulders 
he asked for his brother's opinion too but he trusts you enough to talk about his feelings regarding this
of course, when you said that you'll be there with him in every step and support him all the time and do everything to keep the communication between the two of you going despite his soon-to-be hectic schedule, his heart is finally set on accepting the role
you are so proud of him! your baby finally getting the recognition he deserves? hell yeah
his busy schedule was never a barrier between the two of you, yuuji never forgets to update and call you whenever his time permits and he always appreciates every cheer you have given him
type of actor boyfie to show you off his social media platform!
he posts your dates and even hangouts with each other
his fans find it quite adorable and is in love with your whole relationship 
likes to do those couple tiktok challenges with you and post them online, you guys even have shippers lol
of course, if you're the lowkey type, yuuji would respect that and will only include you in his online shenanigans when you feel like it or allow him to post it
practicing lines with you is always exciting but never productive LOL
you both just end up giggling and laughing 
in the end you just both opt to cuddle instead (or even make our LMFAO)
yuuji just feels so lucky to have his ever-supporting partner along the way
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stoat-party · 1 year
Big fan of The Charon Situation being just so incurably screwed up. If ever there were a person equipped to have full control over an adult man’s free will, it’s definitely not the Lone Wanderer. Even the most educated, well-meaning, and genuinely righteous LW couldn’t handle the responsibility. She’s a teenager raised in an insular totalitarian ant farm who’s suddenly been thrust into a world with no authorities, no guidance.
Which creates a wonderful dynamic with Charon. If Ahzrukhal is to be believed, he was raised this way - he never had the chance to be an adult, taking risks, shouldering responsibility, gaining independence. His parents probably weren’t in the picture for long. I imagine his lack of agency causes him to be emotionally immature sometimes - how can you learn to solve problems like an adult if all the adults in your life treat you like a weapon or a dog or a houseplant?
This guy has to be so screwed up in every way. According to the game guide, he just doesn’t sleep?? Or Azzy never let him sleep? He has that idiosyncratic formal speech pattern, he worries a lot, and the only personal detail we know about him is that guns make him happy. He also kind of openly hates the player’s guts sometimes (he’s sarcastic when given certain commands, is joyfully mean about the GECK, and basically sentences you to death in the non-canon base game ending). No matter how hard the LW tries, some damaged part of him will always resent her authority. She could be a thousand times kinder, fairer, and more just than all his previous employers combined, but she’s still one of them. He still doesn’t have free will.
That power is illegitimate for a reason. There’s no way not to misuse it eventually, especially for a teenager with endless stress and trauma of her own. You’re fighting and you tell him to shut up so you can have the last word. You get a significant other and he gets left home with the dog some nights. You take a quest path he doesn’t approve of and he has to grit his teeth and go along with it.
It’s not fair, can never be fair, and that’s the perfect dynamic to explore. Because as much as he hates her, he loves her too. She literally saved him from Hell on earth, gave him the opportunity to be a force for good. He’s not dumb, he knows that the problem is the contract, not her. Over the years they’ll mature together and learn how to fix a lot of these problems. There are so many unique challenges to creating a healthy relationship out of… that.
(A lot of writers have the contract get destroyed, especially for 😉 reasons. There’s nothing in the game indicating that can’t happen, and it works fine for their purposes. I just think it’s more fun for it to be a continuous obstacle.)
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akutasoda · 10 months
helloo, i hope you’re doing well!
may i request kunikida, akutagawa, and atsushi who are just… a bunch of lovesick mess? T_T down bad for their co-worker but too shy and / or stubborn to admit it. i imagine they would have pent up feelings for months, until one day these men could barely behave properly being in the same room with said co-worker, even having trouble getting their paperwork / workload done (heavy on kunikida, poor man). thank you in advance 🫶🏻 (and ty for feeding us bsd fans w/ ur writings)
nothing but my love for you
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synopsis - love makes people do crazy things and for some reason they can't function properly around you
includes - atsushi, kunikida, akutagawa
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight angst, denial, hinted confessions, down bad characters, wc - 921
a/n: hii!! im doing alright, hope you're doing well too? :D
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atsushi nakajima ★↷
it was a correct assumption that atsushi had never fallen in love nor really knew what it meant or how it worked. afterall he never really had time to learn something like that and he definitely just overall never had the best education.
so working in the agency and more specifically working alongside you gave him loads of new feelings that he didn't know whta to do with. and soon he developed his crush on you but he had absolutely no idea what to do ot how to get across to you that he liked you.
and even if he did, he was way to shy to admit himself. when he figured out that he was indeed crushing on you he panicked and started overthinking. further deterring him from confessing as he feared you would reject him. so he settled for bottling up his feelings and awkwardly stumbling on his words around you.
you weren't blind to the signs but you knew that confrontation would make him feel more awkward and worse than he clearly was feeling. but what you hadn't really anticipated was the fact that because you tried to let him figure out his feelings, he carried on for months.
he was so deeply in love with you but for months was too shy to properly address it. and he got worse by the day. if you even were stood in the same room he would constantly get distracted and often lead to him messing up his reports or jumbling his words up and stuttering like crazy.
and even though you wanted him to figure it out on his own, you feared he may only get worse. so eventually you had to take matters into your own hands and tell him your feelings. validating his feelings and giving him the confidence to also confess.
doppo kunikida ★↷
kunikida's love life was in simple terms complicated. of course he had his oh so famous 'ideals' which quite frankly was absurb and sometimes he would realise that himself. but he also never had much dating experience because of that fact.
so when he noticed how distracted he became when you were on the area he became very confused. he didn't understand at first why he always found himself staring at you or how his heart would always beat that little bit much faster whenever you were nearer.
he began denying any signs that he formed a crush on you and instead always chalked it upon stupid reasons that he was eventually sure he had run out of excuses. and so even when he knew he had to come to terms with the fact that he did indeed have a crush on you, he denied it.
he denied and ignored everything. he denied how his face would heat up and he had to look away so you wouldn't see the blush forming, how if you were in the room he would constantly stare at you.
and the worst one for him was the fact that he simply couldn't focus anymore. he seemed to not be able to properly finsih his paperwork as his mind constantly drifted to you. so much so that even dazai started teasing him about how he was on his downfall.
for months he pushed it to the back of his mind. but eventually he started longing for you even more and the amount of mistakes he was making was starting to annoy him. so he got over his denial and told you point blank that he liked you. admittedly rather stuttery and with a face full of blush but he had finally got it out there.
ryunosuke akutagawa ★↷
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it would be yet another correct assumption that akutagawa has never fallen in love or really been bothered to even know much about that. he saw it as unnecessary and especially growing up in the port mafia it wasn't really the biggest priority for him. if anything it was irrelevant.
and in honesty he barely knew what those types of feelings were or the signs of them. so when he finally started letting his wall down around you he started noticing these new feelings creep up on him.
he noticed how you made his heart beat slightly more and how he felt his face heat up. and yet he still kept that nareow faced mask so for a while you barely had a clue and it didn't really help that you always expected him to never gather feelings for you. but eventually you would notice because he didn't understand these feelings and therefore not be able to hide them well.
he hates how you made him so distracted. you didn't even have to be there and his mind would drag to you, why were you consuming his thoughts? he was so confused on why he was acting so uncharacteristically.
and this would continue for months until gin realised how much her brother was struggling all because of his feelings. she told him straight and he finally realised but immediately began being in denial as he never thought he would have such feelings for someone. gin quickly got rid of those ideas.
and then you started realising how weird he was acting around you. even weirder than before, like he had something to tell you but didn't want to. it became very awkward for you and you eventually just confronted him and that's when you managed to fully realise why. and while it may take him time to properly come to terms, you could wait.
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threepandas · 3 months
Your Biggest Fan: Part 2
-Villian Yandere Izuku-
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Did you know his Hero~ was blacklisted at twenty-six different agencies, for publicly calling them out on Quirkist policies they refused to change? The most recent was for blatant mutation Quirk discrimination. The lead hero not only ignored it! He PARTICIPATED! She blasted it EVERYWHERE~
He's going to lose his license.
There are entire CITIES where she's not welcome. Agencies that won't answer her calls. Step after stubborn step, ever forward, as she stands the only thing between the SUFFERING, the WEAK, and the endless SEWAGE that spews and spews their hate! Ah~♡
She's so COOL~♡
Her costume's super practical, you know? She got it designed over seas! You can really see the western influences! They like focus on protection first, THEN Quirk. Instead of the other way around! Not like the Japanese. We also focus on marketability when designing, where as she went into a tax funded Heroics system for her education.
It makes her look INTIMIDATING. Foreign. Vaguely militaristic. Ha ha! As though that's not what Heros ARE! What they have BECOME! But not Her~ oh no, no no no, SHE took their tools and made KINDNESS out of it!
Safe parks to play in! Eco-friendly lighting for roads at night! Donating time and money to old pre-quirk cultural heritage sites. So she can help preserve history and traditions! Because before Quirks? We were still PEOPLE. Our past is IMPORTANT.
Community and kindness, mercy and... and...!
He whines. Squirms in his chair. So cool! SO COOL~♡!
It's so hard to keep his hands to himself. To keep them respectful. He shouldn't-! He CAN'T-! But... ah~ look at how REGAL she looks! And in THIS photo? She looks so soft and kind? Giving a speech to kids~ He wishes it was him. He would listen for HOURS. It'd be amazing.
He bet he could ask SO many questions! And... and she'd answer ALL of them! She'd be so happy to have an active listener. Someone engaged. Attentive. He'd remember ALL her talking points and ask after each one~ They'd talk for HOURS. P-probably get thirsty. She notice the time.
Go "ah, look at the time, Izuku-chan! It's been so long! Getting so LATE! But I still want to talk to you! We should get dinner." And he'd say YES, of course!
He can't resist anymore. The thoughts, his fantasy, too much to endure. His eyes flick from photo to photo. Not enough, not yet, but soon... so they WILL be. He'll get MORE. Right now... right now he needs... ah! There. Graduation. Formal dress.
He can pretend it's a date~♡
All dressed up, just... just to meet HIM! He can barely breath at the thought. The audacity of it. She would NEVER. B..But he could dream, right? No one needs to know. What he IMAGINES. What he thinks about as his hands unbuckle his belt, drag his pants down and open wide.
Runs hands across his skin, up under his shirt and vest, down and across where he wants it most, like he's EXPLORING. Like he's someone else. Someone with gentle, powerful, hands. His back arches, hips lift, but he refuses to stop his teasing. He wants to be rough. Would want HER to be rough.
She would refuse him.
He... he just KNOWS she would. Would tell him everyone else has been rough enough. Their first time should be gentle~♡ Ah~
She would grind the tip until he couldn't STAND it, just like he is. Listen to him babble and beg. Hips bucking in her grip. Begging her to let him WORSHIP her. To slide to his knees between her legs and never come out. Use his tounge and his fingers to make HER feel good. Make her MELT. Over and over, forever~
Just the thought of it has him spilling into the fist of his hand. All but milking himself dry. It's not enough. His body rides the aftershocks of pleasure and still... drinking in HER, plastered up all around his desk, brought up on his screen, it's not ENOUGH.
He needs audio. Videos. Enough for that high end deep fake program he had made. He... he could make her say ANYTHING. The thought sends a sharp, shuddering, jolt of pleasure through him. He could have SO MANY videos of their dates and... and intimate moments and casual conversations! All before he gets the courage up to TALK to her!
It's perfect~♡
Like a scrapbook of their lives to come! W-well, a FANTASY scrap book... Cool as she is? Busy as she is? She probably doesn't even have TIME to date. And what could a deku like him even OFFER? But... but ah~♡
He can DREAM can't he?
Look out for her, like she looks out for everyone else?
He's her number one FAN! They didn't talk for very long... but he can already TELL. He IS. She's the BEST. And she's gonna be his number one too~
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misscammiedawn · 4 months
it’s literally your own fault that you have trauma from personality play, idiot. why the fuck would you EVER engage in intense kink with people you didn’t trust/people who didn’t believe in hypnosis/etc. and not practice the most obvious safety precautions during lmao. moronic behavior honestly.
Wasn't 100% sure if I should reply or delete-- My rule is to delete anon-hate without a second thought and the moment the word 'idiot' was brought out it fell into that category. So firstly, no sympathy/support either for the message or the circumstances please. I'm not here for that and it undermines the point if people focus on that.
Buuut here's the thing. I know. This isn't an accusation or an insult or even mean. Everything you say is in the body of the Ethical Personality Play post. Like-- uuuh--- I dunno what to say? Congrats, you read the post?
Fact is these events happened 15+ years ago and the community lacked the support, education and structure that it has now. I'm trying to help build something which I needed back then. Will I save everyone? No. Can I help like one person? I hope so.
But like, I was a self-destructive moronic idiot 15+ years ago and I am sorta open about it?
Like here are direct quotes (key quotes bolded):
I have experience with this fallacy myself. In utilizing hypnosis to ignore my triggers I did severe damage to myself and I am now plagued with intrusive memories and nightmares of events that happened during scenes that I was able to effortlessly indulge in during the scene but as they say "The body keeps the score" and I was in fact doing further damage to myself. Something which my partner at the time was not equipped to deal with because I'd failed to disclose or even treat the situation as worth being safe about. Now I am just burdened with further damage by ignoring my brain's defenses on my existing pain.
Likewise I want to note the power imbalance that comes from play like this. A motivated hypnotee can fling themselves into this arena and do harm to the hypnotist. This does fly both ways. A hypnotee not advocating for themselves or exercising their agency will make a hypnotist accessory to the damage. This is a sin I have committed.
...look... I don't want to be an old lady yelling at the kids for doing things when I did them myself at that age. I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't pretend I didn't see the allure on both sides of the watch.
I just... there weren't 20+ year experienced hypnosis veterans who had been in my character play abusing position when I was growing up. No one warned me. I learned all this the hard way and I hurt people. People I loved. Moreover I hurt me. In ways that will never heal. I just want to spare anyone I can the pain of going through this.
So--- like
Yeah. You read the post and understood it. I'm glad you read the post and understood it.
The landscape was different back then but that's no excuse. We were a fucking dumb child who wanted to be anyone but ourselves and acted recklessly because of it. We were a dangerous and toxic hypnotee and we should have known better.
That's the lesson. That's the point. I'm not here to ask forgiveness from the people I hurt or sympathy for the fact we fucked up. We just want to help build framework that didn't exist when we were starting out.
History on the hypnokink community is a topic that probably does need to be taught-- but if you're young enough that you've never known a place without framework, education and support then I'm glad, honestly. It means a lot of good people, dedicated people, have done work building houses my silly little essays can only manage to move pebbles with. I'm glad for that. Really.
The post isn't there for you to think "Poor Cammie :(" it's there for you to think "What an idiot, I'm never going to be like her"
So-- yeah-- I don't post anon-hate as a rule-- so thank you for the fan mail. Knee-jerk reaction aside, it makes me happy that you got the point.
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lance-space-mommy · 1 month
Men Would Do WHAT With A McChicken?
Major BNHA Manga Spoilers Ahead
It was a difficult time after the war for Midoriya. Despite his victory, there was a lot he had to deal with in the aftermath. By the time he graduated, the backlash from the war died down and he was able to enjoy his time as the greatest hero.
Midoriya started a lot of programs for people being discriminated against because of their quirk. He also worked hard to start organizations that protected quirkless people. Even if he’d never be the number one hero, he’d still find ways to save people. The phantom of Shigaraki always reminded him to continue forward at the same rate he had been going.
Interviews were a very common thing for Midoriya. He did interviews more to bring awareness to problems going on rather than to be personally recognized. That was one thing people admired about him. Nonetheless, he was popular, and people were interested in him. There would always be times when he couldn’t necessarily avoid talking about himself.
Many individuals looked up to the hero Deku and some even developed deep parasocial relationships with him. Midoriya, of course, tried not to think about it much. He appreciated all of his fans, but he didn’t believe he was someone people could idolize.
There was a popular company that would make support items for everyday individuals to help them handle their quirk. A lot of quirks go against usual human anatomy making it hard to live normally. For instance, having a quirk where the individual grows drastically every time they eat.
The company worked closely with Midoriya as he funded a lot of their bigger projects to make it cheaper for those who need the gear. It was brought to Midoriya’s attention that they were being sought out by a popular talk show for an interview.
Midoriya was volunteered by the company to be the one to attend.
Not worrying much, as their biggest investor, he happily agreed to attend the interview. It was another chance to talk about the company’s goals and how those in need of help should remember there are always places to go. The pro of being popular was that he could use his platform to do good in the world no matter how big or small the goal.
Class 1-A had been super close, but the war made things rather awkward. There were a lot of unresolved traumas, and a lot of important discussions were avoided. When the class graduated their communication only declined further. A big part of their lack of communication was the tight schedules they were given during their first years as hero interns at big hero agencies.
There was no bad blood, but the lack of communication when serious conversations needed to be held broke the strong bond. Midoriya was the main victim of it. Everyone avoided him, worried he’d tear open the wounds they wanted to hide away.
When they realized that Midoriya had been reaching out for help and not to help, it was already too late. Midoriya finished his schooling to be a hero but never went to an agency or had a career as a pro hero.
Only those who stayed in touch knew he went to college to get a degree in business and education. Aizawa was more than happy to give him a recommendation as well as to vouch for him to be hired. Nezu didn’t have to be convinced to hire Midoriya when everything was said and done.
Who would have thought the first thing they would hear about their old friend for the first time in years would be a crazy news article?
Fuck a McChicken Izuku Midoriya, formerly known as hero Deku, opens up during his recent interview. He describes his relationship with the public and reveals more intimate parts of his life as a public figure. ... Despite the heavy topics throughout the interview things take a hilarious turn of events when talking about the public's perception of him.
Everyone who knew Midoriya in U.A. rushed to watch this recent interview he had. Much to their surprise, he looked amazing. His skin glowed and his style significantly changed. He carried himself with great confidence and remained incredibly welcoming.
Many tried skipping the part that was the most replayed but found that they needed a bit more context and backed up to the beginning of that conversation.
“Moving on to something more lighthearted! Let’s talk about modeling!” began the interviewer, Katagiri Nanao, as she flashed a bright smile.
Midoriya perked up, a bit surprised by the question. “Oh, okay! I’ve never been asked about my modeling gigs before!”
Katagiri nodded, raising a hand to exaggerate her agreement. “Which I have to say is crazy! Those magazines immediately sell out whenever you’re in them!”
“Thank you, I appreciate it. Now, what would you like to know?” questioned Midoriya, leaning back in his seat calmly.
“What was it like to be in the public eye as a model and representative than as a popular hero figure?” inquired Katagiri, her body language and expression signaling she wasn’t eager to get gritty details but rather a bigger picture of who Midoriya is.
Pausing momentarily, the question seemed to only grow louder in Midoriya’s head. “Well, it was strange but incredibly freeing.”
“Why do you say that?” pressed Katagiri, finding Midoriya to be an incredibly interesting person.
“I harbored so many bad memories during my time as a hero. My body has been damaged beyond repair. Through the fight with All for One, I lost my quirk. I lost the respect of many people when the news broke. I didn’t see a point in trying to become a hero anymore. It didn’t seem fulfilling, and people deserve someone better than me. Changing careers was the best decision of my life.”
With his back straight and tall, Midoriya looked directly into the camera with a shameless smile. He wasn’t going to sugarcoat how it had been a hellish experience for him.
Katagiri slowly shook her head, aware of how bad things had been for Midoriya. “I must applaud your perseverance. You were only sixteen years old when the first war broke out and freshly seventeen when the final war occurred. To have the entire world depend on you must have been scary.”
“I believe the scariest part was the lack of empathy I received from the public. It was a scary point in time, but I had grown adults screaming at me and calling me a monster. It was extremely dehumanizing,” confessed Midoriya with a tone that sounded rather distant as the memories rushed back.
“It’s a shame what the world did to you. I’m very happy to know you are in a much better place now,” shared Katagiri, her finger tenderly wrapping around Midoriya's heavily scarred hand.
Midoriya took a deep breath, doing his best not to cry. Giving Katagiri’s hand a quick squeeze he went back to where they left off. “I think being in the public eye is much easier now that they don’t expect anything out of me.”
Katagiri grinned, slapping her hands against the arm of her chair. “I believe it! I don’t think I’ve seen one negative thing said about your appearance in magazines.”
“Oh really? I mean, I purposely avoid seeing anything negative written about me,” meekly admitted Midoriya, scratching the back of his neck.
“This may be a personal question, and you don’t have to answer, but would you say you are an insecure person or are sensitive to hateful comments?” asked Katagiri hesitantly. She did not want to put Midoriya in an awkward position, but she wanted to know if there was a reason he avoided negative comments.
“No, not necessarily. I don’t see much of a point worrying about what people think of my body as much as I care about what they think of my motives,” answered Midoriya fluidly, a calmness returning over both him and Katagiri as the question didn’t offend him.
Katagiri couldn’t help but be surprised to hear that Midoriya didn’t care too much about what others thought about his body. Sure, models appear to be confident, but most people have something they are insecure about or would want to change. If strangers were saying rude things or pointing out the insecurity, Katagiri assumed it would affect anyone including Midoriya.
“Why’s that?” asked Katagiri with amusement in her tone.
Midoriya’s expression surprised everyone watching. A charming smirk spread across his lips and his eyes returned to the screen with a dangerous glint of mischief.
“It's flattering knowing men desire me. But then I remember a man would also have sex with a McChicken. So, I don't let it get to my head.”
It's hard to imagine that that interview was everyone’s reintroduction to Midoriya. Well, at least that was the case for everyone who abandoned and forgot about Midoriya when he left the hero sphere. Nonetheless, people found themselves missing that space Midoriya used to fill. Guilt was quick to accompany that loneliness.
Meanwhile, those who remained close to Midoriya were thriving when they saw the hilarious moment in the serious interview.
Bakugo, one of the few people who remained in contact with Midoriya after they graduated from U.A., laughed uncontrollably. Without hesitation, he pulled out his phone to call the freckled nerd. Todoroki, another one of the few people, smiled at the screen and scooted closer to Bakugo to also get in on the call.
Unaware of how he had just broken the internet, Midoriya quickly picked up the call with a happy greeting. “Kacchan!”
“Hey Izuku. Icy-hot is here too,” warned Bakugo, looking at Todoroki who was creepily smiling at the phone.
“Hi Shoto,” welcomed Midoriya gently, having a soft spot for Todoroki after everything he’d been through.
“Hi Izuku,” replied Todoroki calmly, shoving his head in front of Bakugo’s to get closer to the phone speaker.
Bakugo quickly swung the phone away as he shouted, “Ever heard of personal space Icy-Hot Bastard?”
The duo’s mini fight was cut short by the beautiful laughter emitting from the other end of the call. Midoriya needed that laugh; he missed his lunch break and was in desperate need of comic relief.
“So,” drawled Midoriya from the other end of the call, “not that I mind you calling, but what do you need?”
Bakugo smirked, looking at the captions of the video he had just watched. “Does sex with a McChicken sound familiar?”
Silence was the only response Bakugo got. Midoriya practically melted off his chair and into a puddle on the floor. While he knew that his interviews did reach far and wide, he didn’t think that his friends watched them, let alone Bakugo and Todoroki.
“Izuku?” called out Bakugo, the happy tone prior had been replaced by a concerned one.
Feeling guilty about ruining the mood, Midoriya complained, “I can’t believe you saw that.”
“It’s all over the news, Nerd,” chuckled Bakugo, watching as Todoroki instantly relaxed.
“What!?” Midoriya’s scream nearly caused Bakugo to drop his phone.
“Yeah, everyone is talking about how funny it is you said guys would fuck a McChicken,” pitched Todoroki, feeling proud for helping his friend process the information.
“Oh god… while I am happy this grabbed people’s attention, this is not what I want to be known for,” sighed Midoriya as he ran his fingers through his bangs.
Bakugo rolled his eyes while Todoroki frowned.
“Come on Freckles. Now that people have seen that viral clip there is a chance they’ll watch the whole interview or follow you on social media. One way or another, this is not only funny as hell, but it’s a good business opportunity,” offered Bakugo. He was aware Midoriya was used to unwanted press, but he has never had to worry about people focusing on something that could overshadow his mission.
Midoriya let out a soft huff before focusing on Bakugo’s words. “You’re right! Besides, I didn’t lie. I shouldn’t care about a man’s opinion of my appearance when they would fuck my armpit if I let them.”
Let’s just say Kirishima was highly concerned when he came back to the agency for his lunch break only to see Bakugo and Todoroki knelt over laughing.
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wri0thesley · 2 months
btw i am now reasonably far in the process of applying to go back to uni... to finish my musical theatre degree!!! i've spoken to various government agencies etc about how me going back would effect haz and i's benefits and stuff, i've asked my singing teacher for a reference, i've written a personal statement and narrowed down some places i'm applying
(the first time i applied i got frightened and just went to the first place that accepted me which also meant i didnt even audition for my dream school! this year i'm going to do the Big Drama Schools as a practise run with a view to going back in september 2026 in my second year of auditions)
scary!! but exciting!! my nervous breakdown at uni fanned by the uni i was at and my undiagnosed autism was a really big low point for me because i'm such an Overachiever Perfectionist that not getting that degree felt like a lot . . . i'm so excited to maybe get back into education and be in a better place to pursue it!!!
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reading-hub · 3 months
Teachers Pet 🍎💋 [ part 9 ] Weekday Rescue!
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We’re back in business, babes! ✨ we finally made it ! enjoy a long cute chapter <3
[part eight]
🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅 〰️ 🔅
Aizawa was currently fixated on exams and hero work. Even though he still had a hero mentor to check up on his progress out in the field, Aizawa was able to catch up with the big leagues.
Even his older peers were shocked by his maturity and professionalism.
With the help of his team, he was able to bind down a sketchy villain. He was easy to pin down, a low level goon for sure but he was quick on his feet and had super speed.
The team from his hero agency found themselves thanking the young third year for the help. Without his erasure quirk, they probably would’ve ran around in circles looking for the low tier villain till sunset.
Aizawa could only tug his scarf and muttered thanks. He still wasn’t use to receiving compliments.
“Truth be told, but I think you gotta give yourself more credit, Aizawa.” One of the masked heroes chuckled lightly.
Another one chipped in. “Yeah, I admit, I was afraid of your quirk being a danger to us but you’re a natural at using it against those villains.” They laughed nervously. “Glad you’re on our side.” A sidekick added after.
To Aizawa, it feels weird after finally receiving recognition. The last time he had this amount of support was from only one teacher…
But sadly, the semester was close to the end and his studies were more focused on hero work than ever before. That meant general education became sidelined or given not much time at all.
Aizawa got to see less and less of Miss (Y/n) as hero agencies contacted UA and scooped up promising third year students.
Yes, he knew this would happen when he applied at UA but that was before he knew he’d catch feelings for a certain teacher that was kind and caring to him for the first time.
You were the very few people that encouraged him and wanted to see him succeed. And it actually felt genuine when you said it.
It felt..nice to hear…
Maybe he’ll go visit her after field training..it is a weekday so she’ll definitely still be at UA teaching. He concluded to himself.
Patrolling around his assigned town, his mentor told him he should probably take a break.
Aizawa found himself hungry and walking to the closest convenience store nearby to grab a snack.
As he walked, two young kids approached Aizawa with a cute curiosity.
“Whoa! A hero in training!!” Aizawa had to admit, after receiving looks from adults who passed by him with some passive looks, it felt weird hearing a kid praise and gush about him.
“That costume is super cool! What’s the scarf made of?” the kid pointed directly at Aizawa's bandaged scarf. The teen was at a loss for words, he didn't expect so much attention this quick. He told Hizashi that this was the only part of being a hero he wasn't the biggest fan of. The attention and media stuff.
"It's actually a special bandage made especially for my powers." Aizawa let it slide since they were kids and were curious about a hero's costume.
"When I become a hero, I'm getting a cool scarf!"
"Whaaaat?? No fair! I called dibs!"
"Since when?" "Since now!"
The kids soon ran off, still going back and forth about hero costumes, leaving Aizawa confused and by himself again.
He strolled into the convenience store and was greeted by a friendly clerk at the register. He could use a snack for today. He sighed as he walked around the small aisle of chips. All these looked pretty good. But alas, he was short on cash, only enough for a small bag and a subway back home.
Aizawa could take what he can get. Hopefully, there's some home-cooked food waiting for him.
A bell rang as the store's door opened, Aizawa could faintly hear small heels clanking against the store tile floor.
Aizawa didn't think much of it until he heard a voice.
"Got any scratchers today?" A woman's voice perked his ears a bit. His head peeked from the aisle, viewing the women standing in front of the register as the clerk looked behind him.
Aizawa walked towards her, chips he found in hand.
"Miss (L/n)?"
She let out a small gasp and turned her heels, facing her student. "Oh! Aizawa, what a nice surprise!" She warmly smiled at the third-year student. Aizawa admitted it, he was happy to see her again. Her smile was kind and sweet, and her figure was also something he missed too--damn it! Now is not the time...
"How are hero studies going?" she asked. "I've been told third-year students are working as heroes full time now." She added.
Gosh he missed hearing your voice so much! He felt his neck feel hotter by the second seeing your pretty smile.
Aizawa did his best to look cool and unbothered, unfortunately that left him stunted with his words. He tugged at his scarf a bit and replied, “Yeah, we’re getting a lot more involved with the police and crime is getting a lot more overwhelming to patrol around towns and cities.”
Aizawa may have over exaggerated with the work stuff in order to sound busy then he was. He didn’t wanna be cottled but at the same time, wanted Miss (L/n)’s praise on how hard he’s worked…just a bit of an ego stroke…please.
His English teacher only nodded and hummed at his reply, eyes winded in shock when he mentioned the overwhelming assignments.
“Well I must say Aizawa, you seem to be holding your own, despite the circumstances.” She smiled. “Keep this up and you might surpass all the pros and adults in the near future.” She winked, teasing but encouraging the young hero. Aizawa was taken aback but humbly thanked her afterward. Definitely reminding him why he still has a small crush on you…
“Five scratches for you, miss?” The clerk spoke up, waving the lottery cards behind her. She turned her heels and attention away from the third year, she smiled and perked up, “Oh yes! Thank you sir! These will do fine.”
Aizawa walked his way back to the corner aisle where all the chips were and went straight to the fridge doors to find a cold drink to wash down his chips with.
Aizawa knew that this fantasy crush wouldn’t make sense in reality. Miss (L/n) clearly saw him as just a kid, nothing more. Although the teasing was friendly and a nice ego boost, it was just that, friendly.
It could never be.
Another bell ring chimed the store. Aizawa heard but wasn’t in view of who it was. (Y/n) was leaning by the counter, scratching her lottery tickets with a coin, taking her time.
The soles of military boots stomped down against the thin tile. The clerk perked his head and smiled.
“Welcome sir! Just browsing through or—“ A gun clocked and silence came almost immediately.
A rough scuffed voice could be heard. “Give me everything in the register.” He warned. (Y/n) gasped immediately, dropping her penny that she was using to scratch her ticket. She and along the clerk raised their hands up slowly, fear and worry on their faces.
Aizawa sharply turned, panic ensued. He immediately laid low within the small aisle. Gulping as sweat beads followed. This was not good. At least he knew the robber didn’t know he was here.
The celebration didn’t last though as his anxiety shot through the roof when he peaked his eyes through the counters and saw Miss (L/n) shaking, her standing frozen solid in fear. Crap! She’s a hostage too!
“Anything else s-sir?” The clerk muttered lowly. The robber hummed to himself.
“Get me some smokes! Actually, on second thought, some cigars.” The robber chuckled.
He gritted his teeth and brows frowned. The lowlife of robber wasn’t gonna get away…not on his watch.
Although anxiety got the better of him as he came back to reality. He couldn’t call for backup! Any communication would make too much noise and draw attention to himself. Making three hostages in the process. If was gonna prevent this robbery with no one getting hurt, he had to make his moves count!
The clerk gave the man a small package of cigars, as he did the man turned his attention to (Y/n), darkly smirking as he looked at her figure up and down. The teacher blushed and a look of discomfort followed.
“I’m taking this sexy minx with me!”
(Y/n) tried to get away but was pulled by her collar and her back was against that scumbags chest who soon chuckled darkly after. He’s hand grabbed both her wrists together and the other held a gun to her head. She gritted her teeth and struggled at his grasp.
“Let me go you, dick! You got what you wanted!” She spat, hatred and spite lingered in her words as she cursed at him.
“Nah doll, with this cash and cigars, we’re gonna have some fun together.” She was absolutely disgusted. Such scum, so greedy and pathetic that he could’ve just walked away with the money. The robber meanwhile was smitten and full of life, even after receiving a death glare from her.
“Oh don’t give me that, doll!” He teased, tightening his grip on her. She winced in pain, still eyeing him up with hate and scorn.
“I don’t see any pros here..” he laughed. “So who’s gonna stop me?”
“Nothing can! That’s what!” He answered himself confidently.
Aizawa knew that was his cue, he wiped his scarfs as far as he could, taking him by surprise!
Just then, the robber slipped on the tile, landing on his side. Unbeknownst to him as he boasted his victory, Aizawa wrapped his scarf around the robber’s ankles, pulling it caused his legs to fused and fall on his face against the tile.
Miss (L/n) quickly followed suit and elbowed the scums’ stomach to keep him down, running away as Aizawa rushed in.
Aizawa took the liberty of pinning the robber down on the cold tile as he had him all tangled up to make sure he wasn’t gonna move a single inch!
Aizawa called the police and said they were on their way. Miss (L/n) approached the clerk and ask if he was alright. Clerk nodded his head, still pretty shaken up. The teacher gently took him outside the store for some fresh air and assured him. “It’s all over, sir. The police are on their way.” She looked back and saw Aizawa still restraining the guy, and noticed how knocked out cold he was. Thank goodness.
She was immensely proud of Aizawa tonight! He handled that scum robber like a pro (no pun intended) and did his best to immediately call for back up. He was improving fast and had the marks of a future pro hero, no denying that! She never doubted Aizawa in the slightest.
After the police and some local pros came to assist the aftermath, media reporters interviewing witnesses or as many people that could be asked questions about what went down.
You opted to only report to the pros, to be honest, it was mostly you praising young Eraserhead. Police questioned and asked you if you were hurt but you assured them nothing crazy happened. You mentioned that the robber was being kind of a creep but you decided to not press charges.
Aizawa was a lot more quieter than usual, seeing all these media reporters and onlookers at the scene wasn’t what he expected to be in the middle of. He originally came for some cheap chips for lunch and few hours later, he’s being bombarded with reporters asking who he is.
He just wanted lunch…
Although he’s glad you’re safe and sound. He didn’t expect to be your savior today. It genuinely annoyed him how that criminal was treating you like an object and asking you for ‘a good time’. Pathetic.
He didn’t realize how mad he got, that he must’ve pinned down the guy a little too aggressive that he accidentally knocked him out cold when the police carried him away.
Aizawa turned his head, Miss (L/n) smiled, ear to ear, approaching him.
“You did an amazing job today, Eraserhead…” she warmly praised, winking as she said his hero name. Aizawa’s heart skipped a beat.
“Not your scene huh?” She asked simply, noting his quiet demeanor at the cameras and loud bystanders. Aizawa only sighed and shook his head.
She gasped, an idea sprung from her head. Aizawa cocked his head in confusion.
“How about we get outta here, lunch will be on me.” She flashed a smile. Young Aizawa couldn’t agree more!
Maybe patrol wasn’t so bad after all…
((To Be Continued…))
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I know the last chapter was back in 2019 but thank you for sticking by my blog regardless 🥺 to show my appreciation, I made a tag list for those that wanna support and see new chapters for this series. Comment below if you wanna be apart of the taglist as well! You all give me inspiration and motivation to keep going with this series! Thank u ! <3 (see ya in 2027! haha jkjkjk)
@lhcartoonist @bleachdeadbunny
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
I think there are a couple of reasons why the Sussex Squad became so prolific.
1. Initially, this is between late 2015 to 201, MM spent a lot of money and time, buying bots and then consolidated this bit army to make herself popar on social. Mainly via her website and her personal+tig insta.
2. She used very strategic PR, short videos, cutsey appearances, interviews, pre-election political soundbyttes etc, to make it seem like she was very popular and in demand. Then used paid bots to make these videos and articles popular via engagement. So, then when she blew up on the world stage it seemed like she had a fan following already. New people became fans. And more bots and paid accounts padded the numbers.
3. Sunshine Sachs was a huge win for her. They literally created a fan army for her and then made it seems like a bigger deal than it was. I do think they ran a lot of parallel fan campaigns along with hate campaigns for her to make it seem like she was a bigger celebrity than she was.
4. She bought or paid off the more vocal social media accounts covering her. YouTube, twitter, Tumblr accounts. I think she also created fake accounts, dummy profiles and proxy handlers for YT, Ig, Tumblr, Fb etc as both fan accounts and hate accounts, which garnered followers and pushed her desires narrative. She created cults in either side this way.
5. She employeed certain people, who became the face of her hate campaign or defence campaigns. She also recruited the fans, made a group, and gave them directions about what to do. These individuals in turn, ran their own bots, and ran multiple accounts. Which made it seems like their were more people in the squad, when in reality it may just have been 2 people running 15 accounts between them.
This is just my assumption from whatever has become public knowledge about her more fanatic fans. And from what I know of how PR agencies manage/orchestrate fan followings for celebs.
Apart from all the above, MM also benefits from being - a Hollywood celeb. A biracial American celeb. A woman. A College educated and articulate celeb. An LA girl. Relatively unknown, pre-harry. An American. An American married into the whitest, most privileged, very well known high profile family. The underdog and the inherent bias most people have against Britain's colonial past. Being married to an idiot.
Makes sense.
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tallbarbershopman · 7 months
All of the employees at the Wright Anything Agency are Like That because they're all Abba fans
-Athena is the most die hard into it because there is no Abba fan like someone who spent their secondary education in Europe. She owns every album on every medium and knows all the deep cuts
-Phoenix is mainly into the classics - basically his discography is limited to Abba Gold and More Gold - but he gives it 110%. For 3 minutes and 53 seconds at a time, that 35 year old man is the dancing queen, young and sweet, only 17
-Maya was never much into their discography, until Mia got her to watch Mamma Mia - viewing parties of which quickly became a biannual tradition. Phoenix thought that part of his life was over until Trucy suggested Mamma Mia 2 for daddy-daughter movie night
-Ema was much more actively into them when she was younger but she retains an encyclopedic knowledge on each of the four members
-Everyone thought Apollo was the exception because, despite his parentage, he gave no indication of really being into music on the whole, until one day, when he thought no one was in the office, he sang an uncharacteristically pitch-perfect rendition of "Knowing Me, Knowing You" while doing paperwork, which Trucy has a recording of
And, as a bonus:
-Edgeworth, though he will never admit it publicly, has made his way through every male role in Mamma Mia (including numbered ensemble members) over the course of several theater productions and aliases. He owns signed copies of the vinyl albums.
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raquellemonsta · 1 year
MY BABY SAKUSA WITH A BABY. he is such a girl dad. i thought of this more as headcanons because i couldn't think of a single specific direction i wanted to go with it, so there's just kind of everything. hope you like!
headcanons of single dad sakusa kiyoomi ft. reader
- we all know that sakusa isn't the biggest fan of germs and bacteria
-and babies are basically breeding grounds for the stuff
-so i feel like at first he would be hesitant to really get involved and have a kid at first
-plus it might be hard for him to find someone he'd like to have a baby with
-imo he seems like the kind who would adopt rather than be left with a kid via hookup or past relationship etc. for that reason
-it just makes sense to me that he would have a kid when he finally wants one and knows he will be able to take care of a child himself
-maybe some of his friends and teammates talk about their kids
-like atsumu brags to him about his girls and it starts to make sakusa really think about a kid
-especially having a baby girl
-he is soooooo girl dad
-does that make sense? like you can tell just from the everything about him
-so he basically started researching the adoption process and scheduled an appointment with a nearby agency to learn more
-plus he obviously has the money for adoption so it's no problem for him
-they matched him with a little baby girl that was left in a baby box and is a few months old
-he fell in love with her as soon as he saw her in person
-even though they aren't genetically related she coincidentally has dark curly hair (though smaller tufts due to how young she is)
-he would definitely have a room already completely ready for her when he gets home
-probably painted it a light purple and would theme it around flowers, even though he's not a big fan of them in real life
-he definitely disinfects everything (though it probably didn't even need to be cleaned in the first place), and babyproofs his house with socket covers and bumpers and things like that -has done a lot of research on parenting strategies -he would read to her as opposed to letting her watch tv or an ipad
-or if he was to have her watch tv it would be those educational baby genius things
-bathtime is his favorite time (and hers too), he has one of the small baby bathtubs and 
-he likes doing her hair and is actually very good at it
-big ponytail, pigtails and all that stuff
-when she gets older and does dance classes he goes to every concert and even some practices so he can dance with her
-he doesn't get embarrassed if its for his daughter
-but anyway back to baby
-he also has a very good support system
-he gets busy with practices and games, so he realized he would need someone to take care of her while they happen
-you offer to watch his daughter so that he doesn't need to go through the hassle of finding a babysitter
-not like you mind anyway, she's a total sweetheart
-you also take her on his days 'off' since they are very rare for sakusa, not that he doesn't love spending time with his daughter
-but this poor soul needs a break!
-if you're busy, he usually has one of his old msby teammates watch her
-i'm thinking it's usually hinata, since atsumu is already busy with his own kids and bokuto always has something
-you also bring a new toy for her every time (to her dad's somewhat annoyance)
-sakusa tells you you're going to spoil her but she's so cute you can't resist
-you guys will have 'family' dinners together to show how grateful he is to you
-even though you always joke you do it for her and not him
-you're basically her other parent anyway
-the two of you watch his games
-he gets her a mini version of his jersey
-he's not big on social media but he will post the occasional picture of her, like after his team wins a tournament and she chews his medal
-which also brings me to this \/
-he doesn't care about her germs
-like 10 years ago he probably would have died if a baby slobbered on him
-but when it's her it's okay
-'dada' 'papa' or any version of dad is definitely her first word and he literally cries the first time she says it
-moral of the story: sakusa kiyoomi loves his daughter more than anything
-he is best girl dad
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red-raven-reading · 2 months
I love Martha Jones - her character is one of the best and least appreciated, in my opinion - but I'm dreading if it's true that she'll be back for the spin-off. Because:
1) I hate RTD's writing and general direction right now because it's so bitter and smarmy.
2) Also, the plots are rubbish, and characters lack agency and/or likability.
3) There's been a whole lot of returning companions recently, and I think they need to stop propping up their show on known faces. That was one of the biggest lures of the soft-reboot with Tennant and Tate back. Once in a while, it's good and effective, but they should give it a rest for a bit, or it'll just get boring and incredibly obvious as fan-bait.
4) If they do a whole disillusioned, depressed hermit who is hiding from their past sins shtick with Dr Martha Jones, Woman Who Walked the Goddamned Earth, I swear to G*d... I want Martha living in the countryside as a country doctor with a happy family and a positive cottage core life post-UNIT retirement but gets dragged into alien hijinks in a series of bizarre incidents.
5) I think UNIT needs to be rethought a bit because it's been looking like a discount S.H.I.E.L.D, which is dull, uninteresting, and done. Also, we've seen a lot of them recently, and their appearances have been lacklustre and inconsistent. Especially Kate Stewart, who I adore, but I feel has been just kind of there for a while.
6) This one is slightly controversial, and since I'm white, I'm ready to be told otherwise, but I find it a little alarming how much people are like: "OMG Martha and 15! He's going to FINALLY apologise for 10's racism and they'll understand each other so much!" Firstly, in universe, the Doctor is an alien, and his understanding of human cultures comes from observation and visiting. He was never raised with any racial stigma, any bias or prejudice, and has always held themselves as separate and above humans. So how would him being (again, in universe) black help him understand Martha's life experience. To him, it would be like hair colour except for any passing racism he faces, which he has no qualms dismissing as petty small mindedness from 'lesser' beings. Secondly, Martha does deserve an apology for the treatment she faced (from the Doctor and the bloody writers) but not one that is almost glazed over because the Doctor has experience now as a woman and a POC. The Doctor, as a widely travelled and highly educated person who has seen suffering through the universe, had to have known that was wrong before that, and Martha should get an apology that isn't full of "that white cis man past version of me just didn't get it." Accountability and sincerity are important components to an apology, and I don't know if RTD can write that from his recent, hollow efforts.
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joesalw · 9 months
Just went through the r/SwiftlyNeutral and saw a post about her firing her manager back in 2005 and him suing her and her parents in 2008. Holy hell. The audacity of this woman to make herself seem like she came from this humble background when in reality her daddy bought her a record deal AND HIRED BRITNEY SPEARS' MANAGER. There's a court doc attached to the post.
So basically they hired Dan Dymtrow who shopped her to major labels and invited execs to see her perform at the Blue Bird Cafe. He hired consultants to help her improve her skills, educated her and her family about marketing, branding, imaging to 'help develop a satisfactory press kit to present to music industry executives and for press/media coverage'. Got her A&F deal, scheduled meetings in New York and Nashville with major record companies. "Due in significant part to her young age, not one major record label would even meet with Artist before Mr. Dymtrow agreed to represent her".
In 2004 he had a "press-package" sent to Scott Borchetta (who was the Executive Vice-President for Universal Music Group at the time) and invited him to see her perform at the Blue Bird Cafe and sent her demo to him. After that Borchetta left UMG and started his own label. He told Dymtrow that he wanted to sign Taylor. Dymtrow "worked closely with Borchetta to ensure that Artist would get the most favorable record contract terms". In July 2005 Scott Swift told Dymtrow that he was terminating his contract and a few weeks after Taylor signed with Big Machine (they fired him to avoid paying him I'm assuming). Before he was fired, he was pursuing Creative Artists Agency "CAA" to represent Swift. In June 2005 they offered to sign Taylor as their client and the contract was signed after her manager was fired (his contract was officially terminated in August 2005).
In about May 2005 Scott Swift began to systematically and wrongfully discredit Dymtrow's efforts and interfere with management, created a division between his daughter and her manager. Prior to firing him, her father requested and obtained Dymtrow's goals and plans for his daughter's career and contacts he was relying on. In July he demanded Dymtrow to draft NINE different business plans to chart her career for the next five years. The following day he asked him about WHO OWNED ARTIST'S MASTER RECORDINGS(!!!). That was before the deal was even signed.
The story she's selling is completely re-written. They hired a top industry manager with lots of contacts in the industry, nosed out his plans and a list people that can help, fired him without paying. They knew about her possibly not having the ownership of her masters even before the contract was signed. The lawyer that represented her when she was 13-years-old is currently the Global Head of Artists at YouTube Music. Just scums.
After his contract was terminated, Andrea and Taylor had a dinner with him where Taylor told him that she didn't want to fire him and her father made her choose between him or the manager *ew*. Her father also threatened to cut-off any financial support related to her career if she didn't fire the guy *again,ew* which Andrea confirmed.
Someone mentioned that the skeletons in her closet will fall out on their own and I think that's true. Her own fans (former fans?) will be her downfall. I mean, I found this in a supposed Swiftie Reddit sub. If this kind of stuff gets more traction she *may be* screwed.
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