#Fey Touched Book 1
author-a-holmes · 1 year
Hi there 👋 and Happy Saturday.
What's your favorite thing about your current wip? The thing you're most proud of or excited about or the thing that makes you want to gush the most? (Something like a particular character dynamic, scene, theme, worldbuilding facet or something else?)
Heya Avra!
This has been sitting in my inbox since February, I'm so sorry for the delay!
I didn't want to spoil anything on the leadup to Changeling's release, and then since it was actually launched out into the world I've been struggling with some powerful burnout.
when you first sent this I had finished Changeling and was just counting down to release date, so for Changeling what I was most excited about people finally reading about Lizzy and Booker and Andric.
To choose one specific scene, I was really curious to see how readers reacted to Lizzy's greatest fear. I feel like I tried to get it come through the narrative throughout the book, but there's one moment where she admits it aloud to Andric that I've felt was quite powerful ever since I wrote the scene. (And one reviewer did mention it in their review, that it broke their heart! So success!)
As a bonus, and an apology, for making you wait so long for a reply, I'll share the thing I'm most enjoying about writing Darkling...
So Darkling spoilers beneath the cut, but...
I'm REALLY enjoying writing the character dynamic between Lizzy and a new character in Book 2, Connorbar Moore.
There are loads of spoilery things I could say about their growing dynamic, but I'm just enjoying every scene where I get a moment to put them together.
In some way's they're very similar characters. Very stubborn, both refusing to back down, and every time they interact there's a growing level of respect between them that neither of them are comfortable with.
It's just a LOT of fun, and I can't wait to share more about Darkling with everyone but it's much harder to know what I can safely share with a sequel than it is with a book 1.
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lostlegendaerie · 5 months
Veritas Ratio and Autistic Representation
Chances are you know autistic people in your life; autism itself is a fairly recently coined term, dating back to 1911, and can encompass a wide variety of symptoms and eccentricities which have existed since the dawn of humankind. (The 'fey-touched' child or changeling in European lore shares a lot of traits with autistic children.) Autism is a spectrum, encompassing and overlapping a lot with ADHD and other neurological disorders. There are probably millions of people out there, especially from older generations, who are on the spectrum and have no idea. I did not even get my diagnosis until I was 27.
So it is entirely possible that the creators of Veritas Ratio from Honkai: Star Rail did not intend to write him as autistic and based him on people they knew in their own lives, who, diagnosed or not, are on the autistic spectrum. However, the point of this piece is to talk about the ways in which Veritas Ratio is good autistic representation (in my opinion as a autistic person), and how people who want to write characters like this can take a page out of Honkai's book in their own work.
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1) SPECIAL INTEREST. Ratio shows a *staggering* amount of dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and his quest to cure the world of ignorance. This quest of his tends to supersede everything else in his life, with no mention of any friends, family connections or romantic partners in his character story. (Said as a Ratiorine shipper - not sinking any 'ships, here) His dedication to education started early, with reading college undergraduate education levels while still in middle school - seven or so years ahead of his peers. Autism is considered a disability, yes, but it does not exclude you from being smart, and the fixation on your chosen topic(s) can be extremely useful in motivating you to reach the top of your field. His path being The Hunt also outlines this dedication; he is seeking his target without rest or distraction.
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2) SENSORY ISSUES. Ratio very explicitly can become distracted and disgusted by the feeling of dirt or sweat on his skin, something that tends to be more prevalent with specific clothing textures but absolutely can manifest in a need to feel clean. He also can apparently become very irritated and overwhelmed by lights and sounds, and wears his plaster mask as a way to deaden and deafen the amount of sensory input that he receives. This allows him to think better, and is a fantastic example of what it feels like to suffer from sensory overload. (If you find yourself getting stressed in crowds, try bringing earplugs and putting them in the next time you're in a noisy restaurant and see if doesn't help you out.)
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3) STRONG SENSE OF MORALITY. Autistic people tend to suffer from a somewhat black-and-white feeling of right and wrong, and can hold themselves and other people to an extremely strict moral code. This does not mean that they are always correct in what they believe is right and wrong, but it means that they can be extremely passionate about following those rules. Ratio's beef with the Genius Society and their selectivity is indicative of his unwavering passion towards sharing knowledge with the masses, but the tactless way in which he wishes to cure ignorance bleeds into our fourth point.
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4) DIFFICULTY WITH SOCIAL CUES. In one of his earlier conversations with Aventurine (where he is clearly irritated at how careless Aventurine seems to be about their entire mission), Ratio inadvertently insults Aventurine's his lack of education and parents. He apologizes afterwards, stating he did not intend to come across that way, but he maintains the same imperious tone of voice. Autistic people often, but not always, struggle with social cues and can often be considered rude when we are trying to be direct and easily understood; and we can especially struggle with understanding sarcasm or sounding sarcastic when we intend to be sincere.
With my reasons for believing Ratio to be Autistic coded firmly established, let's move onto why I think he is good representation. The two most important parts of representation, in my lived experience as an Autistic person, are RELATABILITY and EMPATHY.
Ratio exhibits some of the same mentalities and symptoms I've had, such as being misunderstood and accidentally offending people and becoming extremely stressed in large crowds due to overstimulation, so he checks off the first box. But the way that the other characters in the game respect him and do not ridicule him for his eccentricities marks the second. Whether in marketing material or in character dialogue options, Ratio's love of baths, his plaster bust, and his ceaseless drive to educate other people (whether they need it or not) are seen as charming and generally positive, and those attributes are not constantly brought up (and mocked) in his interactions and dialogue with other characters. Aventurine doesn't constantly ask Ratio if he needs to leave the Dream to take a bath, and the TB's text conversations with him allow you to engage with his special interests such as his requests for problems to solve and debates to wage against you. He is canonically seen and respected as a brilliant individual, and not reduced to a joke or viewed as comic relief (e.g. Sampo, who almost exclusively is given negative dialogue options for the player to use when interacting with him and who almost every character in the story openly despises.)
Some of you are going to disagree with me in the comments (which is fine, it's my opinion), but for the few of you who read this all the way through, thank you. I hope that this helps you view Ratio and Autistic people overall in a new light, and I am excited to see where else we go from here with him and the rest of the cast!
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mlbfemslashfebruary · 9 months
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Miraculous Ladybug Femslash February 2024 is here…! 
I tried to include most female characters in these ship lists, including some newer characters from Season 5.
All main girls get at least one or two pairs, but some are more popular in this chart than others. Once again, f/f starring older female characters are double-booked to allow more pairings.
• Any fanart, fic, playlist, or edit is welcomed in this event. Just tag your work #mlbfemslashfebruary or @ this blog so your work can be reblogged here!
• You don’t have to follow all the key words or ships for each day, they’re just prompts to help the creative process.
• If you have another femslash pairing you want to write over a certain day’s theme, go ahead! This includes creating content for poly femslash ships.
• Please no male characters or m/m ships that are genderbended. Male characters and slash ships get much more attention in fandom spaces than female characters and femslash ships. This event is supposed to help elevate femslash content, which is much rarer in fandom (and especially lacking in Miraculous Ladybug outside of a small handful of ships.)
• This event is meant to be for romantic pairings, but you can also write platonic or queerplatonic interpretations.
• No NSFW content will be reblogged for this event, but can still be created and posted on your own time.
Below is also a written out list of the prompts, for accessibility purposes and in case the image is too hard to see.
[Image ID: A calendar for February 2024 filled with prompts for Miraculous Ladybug Femslash February 2024. Each day has two prompt words and one f/f pairing, with some days instead having two f/f pairings to showcase adult women f/f.
Day 1
• Warm • Lipstick
Day 2
• Lovely • Blush
Day 3
• Wicked • Mascara
OR Olympia/Barbara
Day 4
• Fixed • Shirt
OR Emilie/Nathalie
Day 5
• Equip • Sweater
Day 6
• Method • Jacket
Day 7
• Succinct • Jeans
Day 8
• Lonely • Skirt
Day 9
• Successful • Shorts
Day 10
• Hold • Dress
OR Amelie/Nathalie
Day 11
• Mercy • Classical
OR Miss Bustier/Gisele
Day 12
• Lucky • Jazz
Day 13
• Belong • Pop
Day 14
Day 15
• Faulty • Rock
Day 16
• Enthusiasm • Hip-hop
Day 17
• Brave • Country
OR Miss Bustier/Ms. Mendeleiev
Day 18
• Learned • Lightning
OR Anarka/Penny
Day 19
• Giddy • Fire
Day 20
• Beautiful • Ice
Day 21
• Trace • Earth
Day 22
• Quaint • Air
Day 23
• Indoor • Light
Day 24
• Atmosphere • Water
OR Anarka/Claudie
Day 25
• Gentle • Hear
OR Nora/Clara Nightingale
Day 26
• Idea • Taste
Day 27
• Redeem • See
Day 28
• Lament • Touch
Day 29
• Scrape • Smell
End Image ID]
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littlebosslady7 · 2 months
Thank you for the comic con updates and your cm fanfics during the downfall arc. You set them in Nicodranas more than once. What does their beach house look like?
You're very welcome. I had fun writing those over the BH hiatus.
Outside Ocean view. Right on the beach, but far enough away from the sea to avoid monsters and high tide. Bricked walkway. Two vehicle garage. 1 of which stores Ashton and Fearne's crawler/tools. Their crawler is essentially a Harley motorcycle, but with steam pipes. The other side stores any brumestone vehicles that they rent and boxes of their treasures. It's cream colored, brick reddish brown shingles, dark wood front door. All arched doorways.
Living room has a couch that could double as a guest bed. Overhead torch lights that have a touch of fey whimsy. Two maroon arm chairs, a crystal that gets that same channels as Nana Morri, plants that Fearne constantly has to reinvigorate with her druidic magic because the hot sun can sometimes be too much. A decorative hour glass on the wall, but instead of sand, it may or may not be healing water. (It does) A second sturdy wood coffee table built by Chet. A portrait of Mister on their crawler by the sea.
Kitchen: Bar like. Blue tile backsplash. Ice box. Stools at the long island. Stove, not as nice as their cabin, but it works. Fearne likes to do outdoor bonfires. Little nook in the corner with cushioned bench seats. Tropical fruit in a bowl.
Hallway has mirrors, various crawler race portraits, and abstract paintings of gems and flowers.
Upstairs: Always gotta have a playroom for Mister with his indoor climbing tree. Next room has a writing desk for Fearne. Ashton also occasionally does graffiti art on canvas or their clothes. Also there's a long day bed should they relax in other ways.
Their bedroom: Always a huge bed to fit their Titan forms. Canopy style, they always need replace the curtains. Metal trunk for Ashton's winnings and Fearne's beginning deals with impressionable sailors. Grey chaise/daybed. Balcony with little outdoor table and chairs. Spy glass. Wood floors cuz carpet would be too hot.
Their closet: Blue double doors. An array of rainbow color. Things are always left on the floor. A silver full length mirror that's easy for Ashton to move. If I’m being honest, I feel like Fearne and Ashton keep their smutty stuff here — lingerie, swimsuits, books, and toys for both of them. There may be some Burlesque style paintings poorly done after a paint and sip night. Obscured by a trophy or two.
Their backyard: Lounge chairs. Crappy falling apart umbrellas, but Fearne prefers to make shade with giant plant growth leaves.
Bathrooms: Powder room downstairs: Peeling palm tree wallpaper. Upstairs: Chisels of various sizes for Ashton's hair cuts. Tons of fur conditioners and shampoos for Fearne.
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veilody · 4 months
Azúcar - Archfey Warlock Githyanki
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"Oh, you insult me! I assure you, I'm Baldurian born and bred........ No, I'm actually not."
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Background: Folk Hero
Known as: Slayer of Monsters
Patron: Archfey Titania - Queen of the Summer Court
Love Interest: Karlach
Friends: Wyll, The Dark Urge (in a "Resist the Urge"-Route), Lae'zel, Halsin, Jaheira, Shadowheart
Azúcar is a stray egg. For some reason, she can't remember, she grew up in Feywild instead of a Githyanki Crèche and only starts to question her upbringing after meeting Lae'zel. She has the slightest hunch that her Faerie Patron might be involved with this... Although she isn't mad, since she has an unique perspective towards the undying Lich Queen Vlaakith and how she rules her empire.
As someone who has a pact with Faeries and grew up among their kind, she's prone to deceiving people, to get what she wants. Though, once you earned her trust, you're privileged to get her honest opinions and support. If you need an ally who will go through the nine hells with you - you oughta gain her friendship.
She grew up under her patrons - Archfey Titania - watchful eyes and thus grew to respect nature. It was necessary for her to gain a silver tongue and keen insight to not get tricked by the other feys. Azúcar faced different trials than the Githyanki growing up in Vlaakiths reigns. Instead of spilling blood she had to - first and foremost - sharpen her senses to deception and trickery.
When she turned 12 Titania revealed that Azúcar is a child of the stars and she brought her to her realm to see if such a child can be worthy to become her Champion. Titanias Champion felt like a goal she needed to reach. So she started to train her magical skills. Within the realms of the Archfey magic flowed easily.
As teenager she was devoted to become Titanias champion and trained for it the entire time she was awake, honing her skills with magic, daggers and books. It was a determination that drove her almost into insanity. With the humble age of 15 she started to prove herself in various trials made for her by the Archfey, to test her skills, her cunning, her smarts and her faith. Four tests.
With each test passed, she gained a Tir'su slate, that provided her some of the Astral Knowledge her kind was famous for. The final test, gained her the favour of her Archfey.
Azúcar has spent 10 years devoted to hunt monsters in the name of her patron, growing to be an excellent slayer of monsters, sometimes praised as hero by common folk that was afflicted by the terror these monstrosities brought with them. The only ones who understood the purpose behind her actions were oftentimes Druids - as they recognized her as touched by Titania, bringing summers' light into the dire times.
The Nautiloid
During her adventures in Faerûn she was teleported into the Nautiloid amidst the chaos that its arrival caused. As she was still trying to process what just happened, she already got probed with that detestable worm. That... is problematic. Not even her patron can help her with this affliction. Luckily she found allies with the same problem. She's especially curious about the cure her kin is talking about - yet, she is suspicious of the Githyanki empire - after all she's heard about their actions on Toril. Actions, that oftentimes brought strangers to point with the finger on herself.
If they want to survive and win over the cult of the absolute they need to build trust to each other... And have a keen sense when it comes to honeyed words, speaking of hidden potential.
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She has a strict hygienic routine.
Very playful. Will try to make you believe she's a nymph in disguise.
She has a weak stomach when it comes to... Gore. Thanks, absolute.
If diplomacy fails, burn the place.
Plays the Lyre.
Her right eye is a glass eye, provided by Volo..
-1 strength. Give her the club of Hill giants strength!!
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
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Image © Paizo Publishing, accessed at Archives of Nethys here
[I mentioned earlier that Bestiary 3 is my favorite of the PF2e main monster books. The brainchild is part of the reason why. I was going through the As and Bs with a fair bit of enjoyment, but this is the first monster in the book that made me sit up and take notice. I’ve streamlined and regulated the urban legend ability a bit more than the PF2e version, which states that the same brainchild might have different abilities in the same combat against different characters! That’s a lot of bookkeeping, so I wanted to make it a bit easier to play. I also expanded the types of spell-like abilities it could have access to. So if you want to make Candyman and have him summon swarms of bees, or give a brainchild Freddy Krueger’s nightmare ability, you can.]
Brainchild CR 11 CE Aberration This humanoid creature appears as a twisted, shadowy hag, her grin filled with sharp teeth and her claws perpetually blood-stained.
A brainchild is an urban legend come to life. In places where fears run high, especially where the boundaries between the Material and Shadow Planes are thin, any mysterious death or unexplained sighting might inspire the creation of a brainchild. No two brainchildren are alike, and they may take humanoid, bestial or stranger forms. Most people in a community haunted by a brainchild believe the creature to be a fiend, an undead, a monstrous beast or some other more tangible entity. As stories expand and rumors spread, the same brainchild may even take on new appearances or abilities.
Because of their disparate legends, no two brainchildren fight with exactly the same strategy, but there are some common themes. A brainchild’s most powerful attack is an illusory weapon of some kind, a signature move that inflicts mental, not physical damage (although it may certainly resemble a gout of flame, a hyperextensible claw, or some other more mundane weapon). They prefer ambush and slaughter to a straight up fight, attempting to kill the weakest seeming enemy at once with a phantasmal killer spell. Enemies that recognize that a brainchild is a mental creature can use that to weaken the monster, disbelieving its abilities until it is a shell of its typical power.
Areas haunted by a brainchild tend to attract other monsters. Fear-obsessed fey such as bogeymen and meenlocks are drawn to a brainchild the way a moth is drawn to a flame. Popobawas love brainchildren as if they were literal children, and try to bring them into existence in a community by hiding their own presence. All of these added horrors tend to reinforce a brainchild’s existence, as the stories get blurred together and the reputation of the region as monster-haunted increases. The only way to permanently destroy a brainchild is to convince everyone living in the area that it truly is dead. Most brainchildren accumulate rumors of their weaknesses—a particular sword can slay one, they can only die if a specific song is sung over their fresh body, etc. Some of the most dangerous and powerful brainchildren are those that return after a long absence. When an old diary is read or regional folklore is collected, a brainchild may be called back into existence, and the means to put it down again may not be as well remembered.
Brainchild              CR 11 XP 12,800 CE Large aberration Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +18 Aura frightful presence (100 ft., Will DC 25) Defense AC 27, touch 15, flat-footed 21 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +1 dodge, +12 natural) hp 136 (16d8+64) Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +13 DR 10/cold iron; Immune cold, death effects, disease, fear; SR 22 Defensive Abilities persistence of memory, undetectable Offense Speed 40 ft., fly 40 ft. (good) Melee 2 claws +15 (1d8+4 plus bleed), bite +15 (2d6+4 plus bleed) Ranged illusory weapon +16 (8d6+7) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks bleed (1d6) Spell-like Abilities CL 11th, concentration +18 (+22 casting defensively) At will—ghost sound (DC 17) 3/day—dimension door, phantasmal killer (DC 21), sending 1/day—cone of cold (DC 22) Statistics Str 18, Dex 21, Con 18, Int 15, Wis 16, Cha 25 Base Atk +12; CMB +19; CMD 35 Feats Blind Fight, Combat Casting, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Skill Focus (Bluff) Skills Bluff +25, Fly +22, Intimidate +22, Knowledge (local) +17, Perception +18, Perform (oratory) +19, Sense Motive +15, Stealth +16 Languages telepathy 100 ft., truespeech SQ urban legend (bleed, blindsense, cone of cold, DR/cold iron, frightful presence, immune to cold, SR) Ecology Environment urban or any land Organization solitary Treasure standard Special Abilities Illusory Weapon (Su) As a standard action, a brainchild can make an attack with an illusory weapon. Treat this as a ranged attack with a range of 100 feet and no range increment. A creature struck takes d6s of damage equal to ½ the brainchild’s HD, plus the brainchild’s Charisma modifier (8d6+7 for the average specimen). This damage is typeless, but creatures immune to mind-influencing damage are immune to this effect, and the illusory weapon is treated as a mind thrust III spell for the purposes of interacting with mental barrier and similar effects. Persistence of Memory (Ex) A brainchild is restored to life 2d4 days after it is slain, unless everyone in the community it haunts believes it to be truly dead. Undetectable (Ex) A brainchild is immune to divination spells and effects that would detect it or determine its alignment or other auras. It is not immune to divination spells and effects that deal damage, such as mind thrust spells. Urban Legend (Su) All brainchildren have a suite of abilities, based on what people believe about them. A brainchild may choose from any of the following abilities, and may take multiple abilities of the same type as long as they do not cancel each other out (for example, two immunities).
An additional natural weapon that deals damage as normal for a creature of its size
All natural weapons deal an additional 1d6 points of damage. This damage may be acid, bleed, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative energy or sonic damage.
Damage reduction 10/cold iron or DR 10/silver
Spell resistance equal to 10  + CR
Immune to an energy type or school of magic
A 5th or 6th level spell usable as a spell-like ability 1/day, or a 3rd or 4th     level spell usable as a spell-like ability 3/day
Blindsense or tremorsense 60 ft.
Frightful presence (100 foot radius)
A brainchild may have a number of abilities equal to its Charisma modifier (+7 for the average specimen). A brainchild may take an 8th ability if it also takes a vulnerability to an energy type. As a standard action, a character within 100 feet of a brainchild may attempt to make a Perception or Sense Motive check, opposed by the brainchild’s Bluff check. If it succeeds, it treats the brainchild as if it doesn’t have one of its abilities (of the character’s choice) for 24 hours. If it fails, it cannot attempt to disbelieve that same ability for the next 24 hours. During that time, that character can spend a standard action to aid another character’s Perception or Sense Motive check against the same ability and grant them a +4 bonus on their skill check to disbelieve.
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nemaliwrites · 7 months
Ooh, are you doing separate fics for Angstpril this year instead of one long one? Can we see some of the ideas?
Yup! Figured it would be a good opportunity to finish up some of the ideas in my drafts.
And YES you can indeed see some of the ideas! These are all working summaries btw which is why they're....Like That lol. As always, if any of these appeal to you, I am always happy to provide excerpts and/or expand on these ideas!
Fandoms: Danganronpa (v3 and Thh), Avatar, Persona 5, Miraculous, Paranormasight, Ace Attorney, Persona 4, Vampire Diaries, Wind Waker, Animal Crossing, JJBA, Age of Mythology
1. homesick | danganronpa thh
The survivors take a road trip after the end of the world.
2. frozen | avatar the last airbender
outsider pov, Yue being touched by the moon spirit manifests in strange ways.
3. broken-hearted | persona 5
Akira and Shiho get together. Ryuji and Ann deal the only way they know how (hooking up)
4. longing | miraculous
Zoé is used to loving people who don't love her back.
5. rise from the ashes | paranormasight
Ayame and the men in her life (derogatory)
6. this isn’t going to work | ace attorney
Dahlia is poison. This is not a good thing.
7. bad dreams | miraculous
falling in love with your sleep paralysis demon (mariblanc)
8. lost battle | miraculous
They say snakes can't feel love. Luka wishes this were true.
9. trust issues | ace attorney
Two children visit Lamiroir in the hospital, and they say they are hers. She doesn't believe them.
10. phantom pain | miraculous
Adrien and Marinette are body swapped; but why is she unable to resist any order Gabriel gives her as Adrien? Suspicious....
11. no way out | ace attorney
Mia promises to take Maya away from Aunt Morgan. It's a promise she never fulfills.
12. a little too late | persona 4
Yosuke starts training with Chie after Saki's death. It doesn't help.
13. learning the truth | ace attorney
Godot finds Morgan's letter to Pearl hidden in Kurain.
14. surrender | vampire diaries
Caroline/Tom Avery - they're both never anyone's first choice.
15. confrontation | ace attorney
Miles is a Fey. This changes things.
16. cry for help | new danganronpa v3
Miu doesn't have a soul mark. She definitely doesn't care.
17. last chance | persona 4
The fog's closing in, but they'll save Yukiko in time...right?
18. left behind | wind waker
Grandma's always wanted to be a hero.
19. trembling | miraculous
Masochism as a character study - Claw Noir Cataclysms Shadybug, but only after she asks him to.
20. broken | ace attorney
Phoenix offers poison; Kristoph takes it willingly.
21. faking a smile | animal crossing
Your friend is not the same; you pretend you see nothing.
22. drained | ace attorney
A children’s book author and a blind singer walk into a bar.
23. swept away | vampire diaries
Lexi and Alaric finally meet - but they're trapped together in the 1994 prison world.
24. the ghost of you | jjba
Shinobu and her husband swap bodies - whoever is in her now seems far too used to controlling a body that's not theirs.
25. cold shoulder | age of mythology
Kastor asks Arkantos for help. But the gods do not answer, and Arkantos is a god before he is a father.
26. grief | paranormasight and ace attorney
Harue travels to Kurain Village.
27. panicked | miraculous
Shadybug has the same mark for her soulmate and her greatest enemy.
28. never see you again | danganronpa thh
Outsider POV of the survivors after the killing game - but they think they're not alone.
29. betrayal | vampire diaries
It's far too easy for Jeremy to trust someone with his sister's face.
30. the last time | ace attorney
Thalassa forms a triangle; Zak and Valant are the other two points.
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demi-shoggoth · 1 year
2023 Reading Log pt 12
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56. Life Between the Tides by Adam Nicholson. This book really, really wants to be High Literary Art. The author writes about tide pools and coastal organisms, but is much more interested in dissecting what these have represented in art, culture and a Jungian sense of shared humanity more than he is in the actual animals, algae and other things he encounters. Throughout the book, he builds three artificial tide pools, each time devising ways to carve rock and set up filters to catch water but exclude some organisms, and I couldn’t help but think, why? Why not find natural tide pools and observe them? Why must you put your stamp on a coastline? His whole thesis seems to be something about the beauty of how the shore is a liminal place, between land and water, where ecosystems and humans alike exist in an unstable equilibrium, and yet he feels the need to attempt to control it, and does not reflect much on the contradiction. I did not care for this book, as either a work of natural history or philosophy.
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57. Spirit Beings in European Folklore 1 by Benjamin Adamah. A birthday gift from my girlfriend, @abominationimperatrix. This is one of a four part encyclopedia of European monsters—this volume focuses on Scandinavia and the British Islands. The decision to edit it into multiple volumes was made relatively late in the book’s development, and it shows—there are cross references to entries that do not appear in this book, but are in other volumes. The author is an occultist, and so plays somewhat coy with whether or not he believes in the literal existence of supernatural entities; near as I can tell from this volume, he’s a believer in the idea that they have material reality as thoughtforms created by human imagination. Putting aside that quirk (which is fairly easy to do), this is a pretty good compendium of monsters, especially but not limited to the sorts of things that would be called “fey” and “undead” in RPG terms. I do have the whole set, and am looking forward to reading the rest of them.
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58. If It Sounds Like a Quack… by Matthew Hongolz-Hetling. This book is a look into “alternative medicine” grifts and cranks, following the stories of six quacks from their origins to the modern day. This modern day is the COVID era, where even the most reasonable-sounding of them goes off the deep end into conspiracy theories and anti-immigrant hysteria. The author does an excellent job of using alternative medicine as a lens to look at how consensus reality has been damaged in the United States, and there are a surprising amount of connections, both direct and indirect, between these frauds and perhaps the most successful con artist of the modern era, Donald Trump (who the book refers to exclusively as “the game show host”). The book has a light touch and is very funny throughout, which makes the ending, where he discusses how people are committing real murders in the belief that COVID vaccines are turning people into zombies, hit all the harder.
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59. Remnants of Ancient Life by Dale E. Greenwalt. This is a book about biomolecules found in fossils, from the famous (like pigments found in dinosaur feathers) to the rather more obscure (using trace elements to pinpoint the affinities of conodonts and Tullimonstrum). The author is an entomologist by trade, and so is a little bit unclear about the appropriate taxonomy for other groups—an editing pass over the chapters about dinosaurs would have been useful. Perhaps the most interesting chapter is on the supposed discovery of dinosaur proteins, such as collagen and even intact blood vessels, which have been almost entirely done by the lab of Mary Schwietzer, and thus are the subject of a lot of debate and skepticism.
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60. Strange Bedfellows by Ina Park. This is a book about sexually transmitted infections. It can be divided roughly in half—the first half is chapter long looks at particular topics, like the stigmatization of herpes and the possible health risks of vigorous pubic hair removal. The second half is a historical survey of the history of government investigation of sexual health, including both unethical human experiments such as at Tuskegee and Guatemala, as well as the history of contract tracing in public health offices. The author’s voice comes through strongly—she’s funny and opinionated and not at all ashamed at working in a sex related field. Mary Roach wrote one of the blurbs on the back of the book, and that seems like a pretty apt comparison.
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mejomonster · 8 months
Okay so. My ability to focus is weak af recently. Regardless, gonna liveblog if I do manage to read ToT. I found Huai Dao Way of Evil on one of ur recommendations, as an older priest novel that kinda felt like the rough first try at the vibe Modu would nail later? (Also i have heard in reviews its uh best case cringe worst case insensitive at handling mental health issues which... modu handles so well and nuanced so, i mean i guess worst case at least things improved? But ive ran into enough (unfortunately) novels that handle the topic shittily that i hope im kind of hardened to it. Like i suspect sci mystery probably handles mental stuff suckily but im still gonna give it a shot one day for its other qualities, etc.) Anyway back to my point: huai dao may not be lets say up to spec of "wow one of my new top fave stories ever" like modu was. But hey! Still lets go on this journey! See how skills evolved, see what ideas were older and got cherished and improved ya know. (Also reasons id love to read Iterant Doctor and The Blue Seal by priest).
Also? Frankly. I love a good murder mystery. I read the first few pages. And already I can tell, at least writing style wise, ill like huai dao more than In The Dark (sorry ITD i just dont click as much style wise). Huai Dao doesnt open on a scary or mysterious scene to make me wonder whats going on: which Lie Huo Jiao Chou, Zhenhun, Modu, and Can Ci Pin all do fairly quickly (and its a good choice from my perspective lol as it gets me sucked in). But it does open with solid CHARACTERS. A couple pages in and i already have a much firmer Feel of the characters than 100 pages of In The Dark. I can tell the police girl has some vibes in common with Zhu Hong and Lang Qiao (but priest just loves a few certain Types in the investigator work groups), but she also distincrly doesnt have a Little Sister big mouth vibe of Lang Qiao and also doesnt have a cold judging but fond vibe like Zhu Hong, she feels distinct enough for me to get a sense of her as unique (something i think priest does well that... again ITD just did not really give me until maybe halfway thru book 1). The main chief boss seems a lot like ITD's chief, and Modu's. Except modu even early on had hints the chief had secrets, was a certain social class and tied to powerful city people. This chief, at least on opening pages, seems more close and friendly to his entire team and closer to their level.
And the main guy. Shen Yexi. On first impression, oh boy. I like him. Hes around my age, he got shot and just got cleared to come back to work. The setup is standard for many a mirder mystery and danmei crime novel (Poyun and In The Dark open similarly, its just a common setup). But immediately i can tell who he is on some level. He's friendly but not nearly in the way Zhao Yunlan is (not charismatic and big) and not in the show offy almost perfotmance Keep In Control way Luo Wenzhou is. He exudes a certain Serious nature (more like shen wei maybe? If anything) but also is sincere to people he considers somewhat close (like his team). Again, i deeply appreciate the way priest can immediately establish at least some specific sense of character quite quickly. Ive read bits of a few other novels lately that couldnt do that as fast, and for me unique characters i can really grasp goes a Long way into holding my attention.
Shen Yexi is about my age, as stubborn as me, probably too much of a workaholic and a touch too sincere about doing what hes intending to do (at least on first impression). And i can tell im gonna like him. As the 3rd case solving murders type priest story ive checked out (after zhenhun and modu), i was a bit worried the lead might feel like a less refined version of zhao yunlan or luo wenzhou or tao ran. Happy to say, so far, he does not. (Tao ran may be closest in temperment but... fei du and luo wenzhous point of views painted tao ran as so perfect and put on a pedestal of normal sweet noble Great that Shen Yexi just has NONE of tao rans vibe).
Anyway, expect more commentary at some point.
Btw I am reading The Way of Evil 坏道 on WOC Translations, the translation is complete:
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flower-of-the-desert · 2 months
More Modu Reading Notes
I'm so bad at this lmao I've been trying to keep up with my notes as I was reading but I just keep getting sucked into the story and forget to write down anything. Anyway, I wanted to put down some thoughts here tho before I start on book 4 properly. Under the cut for spoilers from books 1-3 and rambling a lot I guess lol
Ok so! The cases are interesting and I like following along with the investigations and whatnot but I have to say I have way less interest in them than I do in watching the development between Fei Du and Luo Wenzhou. Like oh my god that is just?? CHEF'S KISS MUAH.
It's so much fun seeing Fei Du start to open up to LWZ and their romance progress to so much intimacy and flirting and cute banter. Especially with the way book 3 ended with Fei Du saving LWZ?? That's my hissy cat developing human attachments! I think I've added Fei Du to my list of favourite catboy characters lmao. He's my new precious mew mew and I think he should have everything he wants. The way his backstory is slowly coming to light (breaking my heart in the process) and how that impacts his thought processes and actions and how he views LWZ and other characters makes me so hnnggggg I wanna sink my teeth into him and not let go.
I love the way Priest creates these characters seriously. And like during the last flashback to Fei Du's childhood when I realised why exactly he had a panic attack about touching Yiguo when he went to feed him and why he didnt react at all to LWZ grabbing his neck and the text made a point of saying that it looked like he knew exactly how to avoid choking like he had previously done so-
I just have a strong need for LWZ to swaddle Fei Du in a blanket and keep him there for the foreseeable future pretty please. Speaking of which, also loving the way LWZ is coming into his own way of learning more about Fei Du and what he needs and how to take care of him. He's so gentle dom daddy coded in my head mmmmm. The way he wont leave Fei Du alone anymore even when he's pushing LWZ away and even when he's provoking and /trying/ to get LWZ to blow up on him like before, maybe treat him roughly and leave, anything else but LWZ noticing that something is really wrong - BUT THEN!! lwz sees through that act and breaks through Fei Du's masks with this gentleness and no nonsense care that promises Fei Du stability and safety and help to understand the things he's not had the chance to experience before. When LWZ told him he can ask about the human things he's struggling with and LWZ will explain them and they'll figure them out together I was so 🥺🥺
Basically Zhoudu is my new addition to favourite priest ship list hahaha, joining the ranks of wenzhou and changgu 😍😍😍
The rest of the characters are so lovable too! I LOVE TAO RAN BEST BOY EVEN IF HE IS STRAIGHT AS A POLL LOLOLOL. He reminds me so much of Gu Xiang and Cao Weining, my precious cinnamon rolls babies 😭
Lang Qiao is so cute and the new nerdy glasses boy fits right in with their shenanigans. I love seeing their interactions with LWZ (emperial father lmaooo) and how they're slowly figuring out the gay disaster that is brewing between him and Fei Du lmao.
Speaking of which the last thing I want to scream about omg that scene in the hospital when LWZ just declares Fei Du will be his lover in front of his parents and Tao Ran?? GOT ME FEET KICKING AND SCREAMING skjadsdjksd
Overall 10/10 so far, another banger book from queen Priest. I can't wait to finish it and get more Zhoudu and cat dads?? PLEASE I NEED ZHOUDU CAT DADS!
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yougetoneshot · 11 months
Stardust: Royal Pains
Chapter 1: Blood Moon
Two mysterious figures resurrect all of the Stormhold princes but they come back in the wrong bodies.
All of the princes’ bodies are exactly as they were when they died. Elements of body horror associated with their injuries will be present.
Based on events from the 2007 film- not the book. The Stormhold family is Fey and all have unique Fey traits. None of the traits or ages are canon.
Primus: 58 (Killed at 58). Badger Fey. Has tripes down his back, smells like parchment and wax, and super strength when angry. Sixth to die. Throat slit in bathtub by the witch Lamia. Possessor cannot talk.
Secundus: 52 (Killed at 52). Platypus Fey. He has webbed toes, smells like almond butter, and can speak to animals. Fourth to die by Septimus pushing him off a balcony. Body is completely unusable.
Tertius: 48 (Killed at 48). Fish Fey. Has gills, smells like fresh brownies, and can teleport. Fifth to die. Poisoned by Septimus. Possessor suffers from shortness of breath and random intense chest pains.
Quartus: 46 (Killed at 34). Bird Fey. Has a feathered spine, smells like mint, and darkvision. The second to die frozen to death in a freezer at the hands of Secundus. Possessor is constantly shivering.
Quintus: 42 (Killed at 28). Dragon Fey. Has small bat wings, smells like sandalwood, and can breathe fire. The first prince to die in his bed with an axe to the head from Septimus. Possessor suffers from memory loss and impaired mental capabilities.
Sextus: 40 (Killed at 35). Lizard Fey. Has a lizard’s tail, smells like coffee, and can camouflage. 3rd to die. Killed in a fire set by Septimus. Possessor cannot touch things without part of their skin sticking to it.
Septimus: 38 (Killed at 38). Shark Fey. Has a second hidden row of sharp teeth, smells like the ocean, and never sleeps. Last to die and was drowned via voodoo doll by the witch Lamia. Sustained fire damage, piercing and slashing wounds to the chest along with a broken leg and arm. Body is partially unusable and possessor struggles with breathing.
Una: 42. Una and Quintas are fraternal twins. Traded off by Septimus to Ditchwater at the age of 27. Has cat ears she hides under her hair, smells like lavender, and has the ability to charm any man that gets close. Still living.
Chapter 1: Blood Moon
Amidst rubble and broken glass, buried beneath a heavy chandelier lay the body of Prince Septimus. Only a matter of hours had passed since his death and partial reanimation at the hands of Lamia the witch. Over the chandelier, two cloaked figures stood and lifted it off his corpse.
“You’re sure this is one of the princes?” The taller of the two figures whispered.
“I’m sure. Let’s get the body and put it with the others.” The shorter replied while grabbing Septimus at the shoulders to start lifting.
“We have all seven now?” The other lifted his feet.
“Yes. Now we can commence reanimation.” They took the body out to a wagon and set it in the back next to six other bodies. The two figures rubbed their hands together as a cool wind whipped their cloaks about and a red moon rose in the distance.
“Quickly. There isn’t much time.”
The wagon was pulled into a large clearing where a circle was formed of seven large stones painted with varying symbols surrounding a pedestal holding an iridescent crystal.
“Now, we just set them by the correct stone and their bodies will reanimate at the height of the blood moon.”
“How do we know which stone goes to which body?” The taller cloaked figure looked around at the stones.
“…I thought you knew that?”
“No, I thought you knew that?!”
“Why would I know that?!”
“You painted the stones!”
“Yea but I wasn’t told what the symbols mean!”
“Well, I’m sure it won’t be a problem to guess.. we were just hired to bring them back. The boss didn’t say they had to be in the correct bodies, right?”
“Right. Now let’s move them.” The two cloaked figures moved the bodies, all in varying degrees of decay, positioned with their heads just below the stones and their feet at the base of the pedestal in the middle of the circle. As the crimson moon rose directly over the circle, the crystal and paintings on the stones lit up crimson red and the bodies underneath them began to rise into the air. They floated for a moment before illuminating and falling back to the ground with thuds.
“..did it work?” One of the cloaked figures looked around at the bodies as the other pointed and moved towards the body of Quintus.
“That one moved.”
The two slowly moved to the body as it suddenly sprang up with a loud gasp and wide eyes set on the two cloaked figures as they screamed in surprise.
“Would you quiet down! I’ve got a splitting headache-“
The two figures exchanged looks as Quintus suddenly stood up and walked over to the body of Septimus. He stood over it as Septimus sat up spewing out water with pained gasps before looking up surprised.
“Quintus? You’re alive?”
“..I’m not Quintus.”
“You sure look like Quintus to me- wait… why do I sound like-“
“Septimus? Because I’m Septimus and that’s my body.”
“Septimus?! Why am I you and why are you Quintas?!”
“Who are you?”
“I think I preferred the witch controlling my body.” Septimus rolled his eyes as he held his- or rather Quintas’s- head. He grimaced as his fingers felt a large axe shaped hole in his head. “What is happening?”
“I think they know.” Primus pointed to the cloaked figures watching them. He attempted to stand but yelped as his -or rather Septimus’s- right leg wouldn’t bear any weight. Primus moved to touch it but found Septimus’s right arm was broken in multiple places as well. “What didn’t the witch break?” He groaned as he decided to just sit in despair at his condition.
“Maybe we should have asked which bodies went with the different stones.” The taller cloaked figure mused out loud as the brothers began reanimating one by one- not a single one in the correct body.
“Too late for that now. Let’s just get them back to the boss.” The smaller one gestured to the wagon as they spoke to the group of resurrected princes. “Please climb into the wagon and we will take you home.”
The princes groaned as they complained about their swapped bodies that were still in various stages of deterioration. Primus sat grumpily in Septimus’s broken body while Secundus- shivering in Quartus’s frostbitten body- tried to help him to the wagon. Tertius fumed as he tried to speak out of the body of Primus but to no avail as the slash to his throat had cut the vocal cords. Sextus, who possessed Tertius’s body, stared at his own charred body that was possessed by Quintas and sighed in relief that he got one of the few healthier bodies instead of his own. Quintas was smiling ear to ear at Septimus having to endure the splitting headache from the axe blow he’d delivered to kill Quintas while he was sleeping- a well deserved irony in his humble opinion. Both Quintas and Sextus had to help Quartus as he had the misfortune of possessing Secundus’s body, which had taken a rather lengthy fall from the top of Stormhold tower and broken every bone in his body. Once all of the princes had managed to climb on or be helped into the wagon, the cloaked figures began the journey to Stormhold castle.
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Powerset for a Sylph of Light
one who enchants and creates clarity, relevance, and risk
Basic Light powers: Wealth of knowledge - this may include book smarts, technical skills, memory of important events, and anything you could reasonably hyper-analyze. This knowledge has a way of coming in handy during the session - Light players are lucky like that.
Sylph special: When you are facing imminent death, you immediately recall any information that'd help you stay alive, and can incorporate it into a plan on the spot. Once per game, any parts of this plan that hinge on luck will inexplicably succeed. (You may also use this for a gambit to self-resurrect.)
Enchantment Skills
You can weave Light into equipment and objects, as easily as a fey casts a spell. If someone wears the equipment, or spends time near the object, they enjoy enchanted effects. Pick 1 enchantment skill you know at the start of the game. You can unlock and master more as your session progresses.
Steeped in Certainty: Draw or engrave an intricate solar symbol on an object, and charge it in Skaia's light for 12 hours, to turn it into a Good Luck Charm - with the faint glitter of gold. Equipment enchanted this way gives the wearer +7% crit chance, +3% dodge chance, and +25% crit damage. If you turn a non-equipment object into a Good Luck Charm, plot-important people and events will tend to cluster around it, but the effect drastically decreases the more objects you enchant this way.
Steeped in Knowledge: Draw or engrave an intricate flame symbol on an object, charge it in Skaia's light for 7 minutes, and speak or type as much information as you can convey on a single topic in that time, to turn it into a Mystic Codex - redolent of vanilla and warm to the touch. Anyone who touches the Mystic Codex gains the knowledge you'd conveyed while preparing the enchantment; they "remember" you explaining it, even if they weren't actually there to hear. If someone wears the Mystic Codex as equipment, they gain the same effect, plus a hit of confidence any time they try to put this knowledge into action.
Steeped in Splendor: Draw or engrave an intricate sparkle symbol on an object, attach a colored gem or ribbon, and charge it in Skaia's light for 12 minutes, to turn it into a Dazzling Beacon - glowing and sparkling. The Dazzling Beacon shines like a lantern, in the same color as the gem or ribbon you attached, for 12 hours. If someone picks it up, the light makes them look especially gorgeous, mesmerizing, or menacing. Equipment enchanted in this way gives the wearer immunity to Blindness; this effect persists after the shining effect ends.
Steeped in Relevance: Draw or engrave an intricate star symbol on a piece of equipment, and charge it in Skaia's light for a minimum of 7 days, to turn it into a Plot Device - beautiful, blazing, and golden as sunlight. Whoever wears the Plot Device will use it to take an action that inexplicably shifts the session's relevance to them, before the time used to charge it has elapsed. When you prepare this enchantment, there is no maximum charge time, and longer charge times afford greater relevance. For example, if you charge a tumbled stone for 7 days before you turn it into a Plot Device, the user might throw it and smash a window that distracts someone at a critical moment, within the week they put it on. If you charge it for two months, they might crack someone's skull with it, incite a riot in Derse's streets, and force the Black King to split his time preparing his army and silencing dissenters.
Healing Skills
You can mend bodies and more with the power of Light. Pick 1 Healing Skill.
Sensory Salvage: Lay your hand on someone's injured eye, ear, or other damaged sensory organ. Fiery orange light will bathe the person being healed, and when it clears, their injury will be healed and their lost sensory perception will be restored.
Return to Brilliance: Draw the seal of the sun on what you want to restore - perhaps on the door of a library afflicted by censors, or around someone who lost their memory, or around the ashes of a burnt book. After 7 hours and 7 minutes, the lost knowledge will be restored - the books appearing where they belong, the memories returned, and more. Brighter, attention-grabbing seals will offer more clarity, and perhaps richer information than there originally was; experiment with colorful paint, glowing enchantments, and alchemy.
Flourishing Fortune: Shine a bright light, magical or otherwise, on yourself or an allied player in crisis. Their eyes and fingertips flash a sunlit orange, as they undergo the effects of your Sylph special (see above). This skill only works on each player once per game.
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trashbins-stuff · 1 year
bin can handle it!! (except for the one time it cant) (ttc fan fanfic)
heads up: this work have angst, attempted murder, attempted suicide, actual suicide, and blood please dont read if it triggers you <3 also this is a 5+1 things (>v0) also i know bin should have die immediately but can u rlly blame a guy for wanting to romanticize his death? THIS IS HOW I COPE WITH MY DEATH U CANT TELL SOMEONE HOW TO GRIEF ESPICALLY WHEN THEY'RE GRIEFING THEMSELVES WAAAAAAA
"i can handle it!!"
"its doable!!"
"fuck it we balllll"
Bin wipes the tear off his face, his dad had already stop banging on the door forever ago, probably off watching sport or something, Bin couldn't stop crying, whenever he thought he had calm down, another wave of sadness wash over him and he's wet again.
His mom sit across the mattress, Bin didn't want to talk to her, she'll say its his fault.
And maybe it was.
His dad isn't entirely at fault here. He's trying his best, Bin did too, but he guess it wasn't enough, his dad wouldn't chase him up here if it did, threatening to kill him and all that.
Even when his mom bought a bunch of books on parenting, he's the only one who even reads them, he didn't even plan on having kids, he was just bored.
But that's okay, so what if his dad tried to kill him and his mom was rarely ever there? that's okay!! Bin can handle a bit of loneliness, he have friends!! And his cousin sometime too!! Bin can manage this.
He stand up and unlock the door, repeating "I'm sorry, ba" like a mantra in his head.
The four of them have been sticking together like glue in the entirety of elementary school.
Bin, Puffball Keychain, Baggy and Fluffy Carpet, that is.
They made craft together, they played the same game, Bin and Carpet raves over Melanie Martinez, hanging out in the school cafeteria afterschool, making up their own version of stories and songs they find in textbooks, the usual.
Bin thought it'll stay that way when they go to middle school.
It didn't.
For Carpet, they went to a different school, didn't have a choice.
For Puffball Keychain, too much had happen, didn't want to remember.
For Baggy, it's complicated, didn't know who we are.
That night, Bin cried and wept.
"Your personality is annoying, if you won't change, no one would want to be friend with you"
"I agree with her, sorry"
All those god damn EIGHT YEARS meant NOTHING to them, Pk have been there since 1st grade, sure, she abandon fem once in 2nd grade to hang out with Carpet and Baggy but that's seven years ago.
And Baggy were the nicest one, the kind one, and even she get tired of Bin, fey miss going to her house, they would play together with her cousin.
Now they barely look at each other.
And Bin was lonely.
But that's alright, Bin can still make new friends!! It's not the end of the world!! Fey can always start a new!! Bin can get through this.
And Bin met a new friend, Bin play more of the therapist role then best friends usually but that was fine, if it keep this friendship afloat, fey will do anything.
Bin cried in class, she couldn't handle the bullying, the teasing, the isolation, she was EIGHT for frog's sake!! Would it kill them to be nice to her? She couldn't stop crying, through her wet glances, she can see her bullies staring back at her, and then one them spoke.
"Crocodile tears"
Bin feel something broke, she isn't sure what but she realized.
It's a dog-eat-dog world out there and if she want to survive, she's gonna need some mask and a tough persona. Bin can get use to this.
After years of kids leaving and joining the class, Bin found herself enjoy talking to a few kids, they still treat her differently but as long as they tolerate her, it was enough.
Bin feel ugly, a bit on physical but mostly mentally, it didn't like when people commented on it's efforts.
"Your hair look like a bird nest, when was the last time you brush it?" they'll touch its hair without its consent and try to brush it, its hurts like its scalp is going to be ripped out in any minutes.
"Your a female, why are your hand writing worse than all the boys?" it was trying its best, it put so much time writing and making it look legible, and this is the thanks it get? Tch, figures.
"..bla bla bla..."
It didn't want to change, it didn't like how they look at it, there's always something that separate it form other people, that wall have been there since forever. No one needed it, no one wanted it.
It didn't want itself either.
It never asked to be here, it never looked forward to it's existent. But Bin fix this.
Over years it thinks, Bin start to love parts of itself that it had previously hate, Bin start to feel a bit better. But what is it even-?
Bin couldn't tell, if the kid died from bashing their head or the stab wound. Either way they're laying on the kitchen floor, looking at the lights above, not from heaven-they just have a long lightbulb in their kitchen.
They roll their head back to look at their other self, Bin immediately look away, after staring for a second or two, their gaze went back to the lights.
Bin walk to the chair and turn on the tv.
Leaving the kid to bleed out and die.
Leaving Bin to bleed out and die.
A year later, a soaking wet Bin was walking to it's bedroom, it was it's cousin birthday today, but its not time to eat yet. It walk in and its eye turn left.
Bin found the same kid with the fan's string tied around their neck.
They couldn't even get a proper rope.
Bin couldn't even get a proper rope.
"We gotta stop meeting like this"
The kid stood up and walk away, leaving Bin alone in it's bedroom
With a thud, Bin fall down on the cold hard floor in Galaxy Journal's lab.
He wasn't the best person, he had done a lot of wrongs, he had done a lot of rights too, maybe he'll end up in purgatory, or are we all clotted in the same afterlife? like Journal said, or will he be reincarnated? or maybe there's nothing after death at all.
He doesn't know, and that scare him a little.
A part of her still hopes, a part of her still hope that maybe, just maybe, Journal would burst through that door any second now and fix her up. Or if it's too late, she still hopes that someone-anyone! would kick down that dammed door and hold her, hold her tight.
Her death would have looked cuter in someone's arm.
She want to be held, one last time.
The door didn't even budge.
So (So)
Instead (Instead)
It's (It's)
Gonna (Gonna)
Die (Die)
As (As)
Lonely (Lonely)
As (As)
It (It)
Felt (Felt)
Last (Right)
Night (Now)
But at least Journal's lab have a very nice ceiling.
And the maggots will surely enjoy my rotten flesh.
Classic Bin, always so silly, but i fear your positivity will not save you this time.
Bin took it's last breath in the dark lab, alone.
Becoming as cold as the blood-covered floor below it.
The cassette tape sits on the table, it contain words contradicting what Bin have said the night before.
And the lab fell silent once more.
Bin might have ended it all right then and there.
But the Earth will keep on spinning.
And tomorrow will be a brand new day.
"Remember Me".
A/N: Haiiii this is the end, i hope u enjoy it!! htis is my first fic so plz go easy on me,,,<3 thanks for reading :3
Also all the things that happen to bin may or may not actually happen irl hehe-
words count: 1,244
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amanita-phthalo · 9 months
This account is a fun little roleplay account I've made to pass the time and flesh out this character before I use it in a campaign. I will also post/reblog here all the fun D&D stuff that I see.
So, without further ado, here are some details about it:
Name: Amanita Phthalo
Nicknames: "Nita" by family and close friends, "A. phthalo" by Witherbloom friends
Species: Fairy
Species Features: Standard Fairy features, +2 Wis., +1 Cha., Use Wis. for Fairy Magic feature
Species Spells: Druidcraft, Faerie Fire (at 3rd level), Enlarge/Reduce (at 5th level)
Species Languages: Common, Sylvan
Class, Sub-Class: Druid, Circle of Spores
Class Proficiencies: Typical Druid proficiencies, Insight, Arcana
Class Features: Typical Druid features, typical Circle of Spores features, Additional Druid Spells, Wild Companion
Class Ability Score Improvement: Feat - Magic Initiate (Druid)
Magic Initiate (Druid) Spells: Shillelagh, Thorn Whip, Speak with Animals
Class Cantrips: Mending, Poison Spray, Primal Savagery
Class Spells (Prepared): Cure Wounds, Entangle, Inflict Wounds, Blindness/Deafness, Gentle Repose, Hold Person, Moonbeam, Wither and Bloom, Animate Dead, Feign Death, Gaseous Form, Revivify, Vampiric Touch
Ability Scores: Str. 8, Dex. 10, Con. 12, Int. 14, Wis. 17, Cha. 14
Background: Witherbloom Student
Background Features: Typical Witherbloom Student features
Background Proficiencies: Typical Witherbloom Student proficiencies, Alchemist's Supplies
Background Language: Primordial
Witherbloom Initiate: Spellcasting Ability is Wis. for Witherbloom Initiate Spells
Witherbloom Initiate Spells: Chill Touch, Spare the Dying, Sleep
Character Details: Chaotic Good, Ignostic, Modest Lifestyle
Hair: Plantlike, soft
Skin: Pallid, fungal
Eyes: Inky, reflective
Height: 2' 8"
Weight (lbs): 13
Age (Years): 24
Gender: Genderflux
Personality Traits: "I love brewing up a new recipe, even if some might be repulsed by my choice of ingredients. Or the final product. Or both." and "I live by my own set of weird and wonderful rules."
Ideals: "Purpose. I study because there are things I need to know. I'll find my place in the world, and I'll make the world better. (Good)"
Bond: "I do what I can to protect the natural world."
Flaw: "I speak without really thinking through my words, invariably insulting others."
Fey Characteristics: Bovine lower legs, mushroomlike body (appears outwardly normal, but has various places from which spores are released, such as the palms), plantlike hair (excluding fur), long tail
Sexuality: Asexual, Lesbian
Pronouns: (she/they)
Starting Equipment: Sling (with 20 Sling Bullets), Quarterstaff, Leather Armor, an Explorer's Pack, a Druidic Focus, an Ink Bottle and Pen, a Book on Plant Identification, an Iron Pot, an Herbalism Kit, a School Uniform, a set of Common Clothes, a Pouch containing 15 GP (Gold Pieces)
Trinkets: A child's parasol covered in moss and leaves. A pair of earrings modelled after her favorite toadstool, A. muscaria, that were gifted to her by her childhood friend before she left for Strixhaven.
(For sake of consistency/comprehensiveness, I never use she/her and they/them in the same paragraph)
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(Portrait made using the Forest Fairy meiker by @elequinoa)
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writeblrcafe · 1 year
Digital interview with Arista Holmes @author-a-holmes
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Arista Holmes comes into Writeblrcafé and orders a coffee. With a hot mug of coffee in hand, they sit down on a bench. We start talking about their writing journey. They are currently writing a book and sometimes flash fiction in their favourite genres fantasy and fiction.
What got you into writing?
Honestly, I don't truly know. I've been telling stories since my earliest memories, so around the age of 2, where I'd pull out old second hand toys and use them as characters. The first time I remember actually writing down one of my stories, I was about 7 or 8, and wrote a story for class called "Rosie the Rabbit Goes On An Adventure".
What inspires you to write?
I get my inspiration from all over the place. Observing the world. An interesting character trait. Overheard snippets of conversation. But what usually starts an idea is something that makes me wonder: "What if... XYZ happened?"
Which are recurring themes in your writing?
Slow burn romance, found family, and protagonists getting into more trouble than they know how to handle alone!
How would you describe your writing style?
Oooh, that's a tough one. I know how I hope my style comes across; clear, fun, whimsical, realistic. But whether I successfully pull that off? I think that's up to the readers to decide.
How do you deal with writer's block?
Depends on the source of the block. The first thing I usually try is stepping away from the manuscript for a couple of days in case it's the start of burn out. If I recover quickly, that's usually what it was, and I can get back to work. If I'm still feeling blocked a couple of days later, that tells me there's something wrong with the manuscript. I've gone wrong somewhere, and need to tweak something. I'll usually read back over the current chapter, or if I'm near the start of the previous chapter, and see if I can spot where I went off the tracks. As a last resort, I'll rewrite the previous chapter from another point of view. More often than not, this trick solves my block, either because it's given me a different perspective on the scene, or because it's just managed to get the words flowing for me again.
Do you have a wip? Tell us about it:
I do! My current work in progress is called 'Darkling' and it's book two of my debut series, The Fey Touched Trilogy. Book one launched last month, and is available at all the major stores e-book stores, and as a paperback and hard cover via Amazon.
Have you already published your writing?
Changeling (book 1 of the Fey touched trilogy)
You can tell us more interesting stuff about you here:
I'm an English writer living in the south-east of England. When I'm not cuddling my demon cat, or drinking coffee, I'm usually writing, reading, or playing computer games to relax.
Thank you for the good talk and keep writing!
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rhetoricandlogic · 10 months
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The Helm of Midnight (The Five Penalties, 1) - Marina Lostetter
Reviewed by:  Mark Everett Stone
A world created by mysterious gods filled with a variety of fanged, winged, and clawed death. A great valley made to house the frail humans who cannot survive in the hostile environment beyond and a wall of magic surrounding the valley to keep the monsters out. The is the world of The Helm of Midnight and it is a firecracker.
Krona is a Regulator (a cross between a midlevel knight and a police detective), for the great city of Lutador in the country of Lutador. She is a conflicted woman who suffers from vargerangaphobia, a paralyzing fear of monsters called Varger, elemental bear/wolves that embody a particular emotion ranging from love to despair. On her watch a valuable, and horrible, relic is stolen, the Mayhem Mask of the famed serial killer, Louis Charbon.
Masks are magical items that house the knowledge/talents/skills or memories of the people society deems valuable. They do this so their talents are not tossed into the dustbin of history, preserving them so when a person wears mask, the wearer, for a time, are endowed with those talents. The mask of Louis Charbon, a dark and evil relic, was crafted in secret by an unethical Enchanter, and thus was held by the state as a cautionary item.
This is the world of The Helm of Midnight, where emotions can be infused into gems and even time can be collected like taxes and used as the coin of the realm. The gods are an ambiguous lot the with names like Zhe, She, Fey, He, and They and are the children of the first elemental god, the Thalo, who is often seen as a terrifying entity, if not downright evil, with little regard for human beings.
With this as a backdrop, Lostetter sends the reader right into the action, diving deep into a murder mystery as well as flashbacks into the emergence of Louis Charbon as a serial killer who crafts his victims’ corpses into a semblance of flowers. A gruesome touch to add to serial killer lore.
What makes this book a captivating read is not merely the tight prose and exquisite use of language to create tension, but the master craft level of world building that offers much more to the fantasy genre than the usual fare. Unlike Donaldson’s generic The Land, to the hyper-realized marvel of Tolkien’s Middle Earth, the Valley, comprising the countries of Marrakev, Lutador, Asgar-Skan, Winsrouen and Xyopar, is a unique microcosm of humanity set in a wasteland of barely breathable air and ferocious monsters, protected by the magic wall. Every now and then one of the immortal vergers pierces the protective magic and rampages across the countryside until the Regulators can contain them.
The first of a series, The Helm of Midnight offers readers so much more than what is currently available, bringing a fresh voice to a genre that has become a little stale as of late. Don’t pass this one by, it’s too good.
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