#Fight Club quote poster
digitalartuadesign · 4 months
Welcome to Fight Club - digital poster print
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You can buy digital bookmarks in my Etsy shop here:
Immerse yourself in the chaotic world of “Fight Club” with our tough digital poster. This poster embodies the rebellious spirit of the cult classic movie. The poster is perfect for Fight Club fans or anyone who appreciates edgy, thought-provoking artwork. Add a touch of rebellion to your space with this vibrant poster and let Tyler Durden's words echo in your mind: “Welcome to Fight Club. First rule of Fight Club: you don't talk about Fight Club.”
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bexybat456 · 2 months
I feel like Kai Anderson would adore Fight Club. I feel like he quotes it often and he draws a lot of inspiration from it for his own cult. He's definitely a big fan of the whole 'male manipulator' genre of cinema.
He would definitely watch The Boys and completely misinterpret the whole message. He would end up with a Homelander poster probably.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
Ocean View
Fandom: Superfam, Batfam, DC Comics
Summary: A pair of shoes, a fragmented memory, and a collection of newspaper clippings.
An empty box of cigarettes, a second phone, and a beach house with locked rooms.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Laney Kent, Jason Todd, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Chris Kent, Tim Drake
Relationship(s): JayLaney, Clois
Additional Tags: No Powers AU, No Capes AU, Secret Identity, Social Media, Romance, Angst
Chapter One: Allow Me To Introduce Myself
He forgot his shoes. I always thought it was weird that he left his shoes after our little one-night stand. But hey, I can't judge him because I kept them. It seemed like a waste to throw out such cool shoes. Besides, they looked brand new.
Sometimes I wear the shoes to clubs, wondering if he'll be there and he'll recognize me. It's unrealistic, but it gives me something new to daydream about. Then at night, I dream of him. I wake up gasping for air, my skin clinging to my sheets, and I feel him. He's on my lips, in my hair, and when I get the courage to face him, I open my eyes, and he's gone. I shower and rinse the thought of him down the drain. I couldn't remember what his name was. I know I'd called it out in the dark of my room, but I can barely remember anything from that time.
You see, I was in what I like to call, 'a shitty place'. Other people, like my parents, would say I was smack dab in the middle of a breakdown.
Fuck, I feel like I'm rambling. Anyway, it'd been almost six months since my one-night stand with the hydro-dipped shoe guy when I finally started working again. My mom came to check on me just as she did every morning.
You see, I work with my parents. For most people, that would be weird. For me, though, I just fade into the background and watch the Lois Lane-Kent and Clark Kent do what they do best.
My dad asked me to take pictures for him at a community event. I was a photographer, but I was just as driven as my mom. It frightened my dad. Not without reason, though. When I was sixteen, I ended up in the hospital for smoke inhalation after trying to get a picture of an apartment fire. My parents were horrified. I was so proud of the picture. That was all I cared about. I think that's the first time my dad ever yelled at me. The only other time he yelled at me was six months ago. Both times I burst into tears. But what else do you do when the kindest person you know screams at you?
My dad and I worked well together, but he worried about me. "Lane, stay close, okay?" he requested. I nodded and stood off to the side. He still walked on eggshells with me after everything happened. I knew he hated yelling at me, but I wished he would get over it.
The Waynes had an event in Metropolis, and since Bruce Wayne and my dad were friends, he wanted to give my dad a few quotes for an article. We got there early and beat the crowd, and Bruce and a handful of his kids came to greet us. "Hi, Lane, it's nice to see you again," Bruce smiled. I shook his hand and introduced myself to his kids.
Tim, the clever one. He was a little odd, but it was rumored that he'd be Bruce's successor someday. Dick was the one I was most familiar with. He used to babysit me whenever our dads hung out. Jason, the poster boy of Gotham in a derogatory sense. He'd been in trouble for arson and fights and breaking and entering, among other things, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity with him. When I got close enough to shake his hand, I could smell his cologne. It was something I'd smelt before, but it wasn't something you would smell on just anyone. "You can let go of my hand now," Jason leaned close and whispered in my ear.
He resumed his place in line with his family, and I went back to work as a photographer. Bruce Wayne and my father got along well, and Bruce's sons seemed to sort of kick back and do their own thing. "Lane, how's Christopher?" Dick asked. I looked up from my camera and smiled.
"Kit's alright. I haven't seen him in a little bit," I answered honestly. Dick frowned. He knew about my breakdown. I knew he did.
"How're you doing, Lane?" Dick asked. I raised my camera and took Dick's picture.
I sometimes used my camera as a wall between myself and other people. It was a bad habit that I had no intentions of breaking. "I'm okay... Thanks for visiting me when it was bad," I mumbled.
"Of course, I'm just glad you're alright—."
"Mind if I cut in, brother dear?" Jason asked as he grinned at me. Dick sighed.
"See you around, Lane," Dick waved.
I looked up at Jason, and he looked at me as if he knew something that I didn't. "What are you doing after this?" he asked. I furrowed my brows. "I'm not—. I mean, I am hitting on you, but I'm not trying to be a jerk about it."
I chewed my lip. I didn't go on dates. I didn't connect well with others, but I noticed a change in Jason's face after he asked. "I'm gonna go get a drink at Peppercorn down the street... If you're not leaving right after the ceremony, you can meet me there," I mumbled. I looked away from him and went back to my job.
"I'm kind of a lightweight," he smiled awkwardly. I nodded. I didn't think to smile back at him. I had my own idea about who Jason Todd-Wayne was, and from what I heard, I didn't like him. I only said yes to the date because our fathers were friends. "I've seen some of your work," Jason whispered, "I really liked the photo you took of that mother who applied a tourniquet to her son's leg when her ceiling collapsed on him. I cried when I saw it."
I wanted to call bullshit, but I remembered taking that picture. "When did you see that? I took that photo two years ago," I replied.
"Our dads are friends. I read everything your family posts, just in case I run into you guys at something like this," Jason replied. Jason chewed his lip before looking back at Bruce.
The ceremony started nearly an hour, and Bruce Wayne opened the community center. I took a few photos once we moved inside, and I sat on the sidelines while my dad did his job. I looked the pictures over before e-mailing them to my dad, and I left my stuff with him.
I walked to Peppercorn, and I sat at the bar. I got a hard cider and french fries. Jason took the seat next to me. "Peppercorn, so what do you usually drink here?" he questioned.
"Pear hard cider... I'll foot the bill if you order a cocktail. If you order a naughty one, I'll share my fries with you," I whispered in reply.
"Are the fries here good?" Jason asked. I nodded, trying to keep a straight face. "Fuck me hard, please." I pushed my face into his shoulder and laughed.
Jason nudged me with his forehead, and I smelled him again. His scent was hot and mature, like some sort of spice. Not cloves, no. The french fries came, and I didn't even notice. I lifted my head and made eye contact with him. "So, you remember me?" Jason asked. I heard him, but I wasn't listening. His cologne drove me crazy. Our lips touched, and his kiss set my body on fire. He bit my bottom lip, and I pulled away.
"You left your shoes at my apartment," I gasped. Jason nodded. I felt him like electricity in my body.
"Your fries are gonna get cold," Jason whispered.
I wanted to say, "Fuck the fries," and get out of there with him right then and there, but I turned away awkwardly and started eating.
Jason ate a few fries and took a gulp of his drink before choking. "Jeez, that's a strong drink," Jason grinned. He let out a breath before taking a few sips. "Fuck." He laughed, and I could tell that that was his limit.
"Want me to order you some bread?" I asked. Jason shook his head. "No shame in being a little tipsy."
"No, I'm fine. I just don't need anymore–." He laughed and went back to eating my fries. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have finished that drink so quick... I just didn't want–. I wanna go on a date sometime. A real date."
I nodded. "When you sober up, I'd like that. Now move, you're eating all my fries," I teased. Jason laughed and nodded. I wanted him so bad it drove me crazy. I'd dreamt about it almost every night since it happened.
"Okay, my dad has a beach house here that he never uses. I can come back on your day off, and we can spend the whole—. That sounds like I'm just trying—."
I handed him my phone. "Put your number in. I've got the weekend off," I interrupted. Jason nodded, and I ordered another round of fries. We finished eating, and I called Jason a cab and walked back to work.
I met my mom out front, and she looked me over. "Where'd you go?" Mom asked.
"I met somebody at Peppercorn," I replied, "Why? Am I in trouble or something?" Mom looked me in my eyes. "I'm not using. I had a cider at Peppercorn and some french fries. I'm even back at work on time."
Mom gave me a hug and a kiss. "Can you do dinner with the Waynes at our house?" she asked.
"Tonight?" I asked. Mom nodded. I chewed my lip. "Alright. Do you want me to bring anything?"
"Can you work your magic with your special hamburger pasta... For Christopher?" she requested. I knew what that meant. My little brother Christopher (or Kit) was the closest I'd ever gotten to having a real best friend. Hamburger pasta was what I made for him whenever he was upset. It was an 'are we okay?' dish.
I knew that he was upset with me. I nodded. "Yes, Mom, I can... You know that's not gonna fix what I did, right?" I reminded her. She nodded solemnly, and we went back inside. I suppose that was a talk for another time. She took me back inside, and we went to our workspaces.
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dailyanarchistposts · 1 month
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A.5 What are some examples of “Anarchy in Action”?
A.5.7 The May-June Revolt in France, 1968
The May-June events in France placed anarchism back on the radical landscape after a period in which many people had written the movement off as dead. This revolt of ten million people grew from humble beginnings. Expelled by the university authorities of Nanterre in Paris for anti-Vietnam War activity, a group of anarchists (including Daniel Cohn-Bendit) promptly called a protest demonstration. The arrival of 80 police enraged many students, who quit their studies to join the battle and drive the police from the university.
Inspired by this support, the anarchists seized the administration building and held a mass debate. The occupation spread, Nanterre was surrounded by police, and the authorities closed the university down. The next day, the Nanterre students gathered at the Sorbonne University in the centre of Paris. Continual police pressure and the arrest of over 500 people caused anger to erupt into five hours of street fighting. The police even attacked passers-by with clubs and tear gas.
A total ban on demonstrations and the closure of the Sorbonne brought thousands of students out onto the streets. Increasing police violence provoked the building of the first barricades. Jean Jacques Lebel, a reporter, wrote that by 1 a.m., ”[l]iterally thousands helped build barricades… women, workers, bystanders, people in pyjamas, human chains to carry rocks, wood, iron.” An entire night of fighting left 350 police injured. On May 7th, a 50,000-strong protest march against the police was transformed into a day-long battle through the narrow streets of the Latin Quarter. Police tear gas was answered by molotov cocktails and the chant “Long Live the Paris Commune!”
By May 10th, continuing massive demonstrations forced the Education Minister to start negotiations. But in the streets, 60 barricades had appeared and young workers were joining the students. The trade unions condemned the police violence. Huge demonstrations throughout France culminated on May 13th with one million people on the streets of Paris.
Faced with this massive protest, the police left the Latin Quarter. Students seized the Sorbonne and created a mass assembly to spread the struggle. Occupations soon spread to every French University. From the Sorbonne came a flood of propaganda, leaflets, proclamations, telegrams, and posters. Slogans such as “Everything is Possible,” “Be Realistic, Demand the Impossible,” “Life without Dead Times,” and “It is Forbidden to Forbid” plastered the walls. “All Power to the Imagination” was on everyone’s lips. As Murray Bookchin pointed out, “the motive forces of revolution today… are not simply scarcity and material need, but also quality of everyday life … the attempt to gain control of one’s own destiny.” [Post-Scarcity Anarchism, p. 166]
Many of the most famous slogans of those days originated from the Situationists. The Situationist International had been formed in 1957 by a small group of dissident radicals and artists. They had developed a highly sophisticated (if jargon riddled) and coherent analysis of modern capitalist society and how to supersede it with a new, freer one. Modern life, they argued, was mere survival rather than living, dominated by the economy of consumption in which everyone, everything, every emotion and relationship becomes a commodity. People were no longer simply alienated producers, they were also alienated consumers. They defined this kind of society as the “Spectacle.” Life itself had been stolen and so revolution meant recreating life. The area of revolutionary change was no longer just the workplace, but in everyday existence:
“People who talk about revolution and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive about love and what is positive in the refusal of constraints, such people have a corpse in their mouth.” [quoted by Clifford Harper, Anarchy: A Graphic Guide, p. 153]
Like many other groups whose politics influenced the Paris events, the situationists argued that “the workers’ councils are the only answer. Every other form of revolutionary struggle has ended up with the very opposite of what it was originally looking for.” [quoted by Clifford Harper, Op. Cit., p. 149] These councils would be self-managed and not be the means by which a “revolutionary” party would take power. Like the anarchists of Noire et Rouge and the libertarian socialists of Socialisme ou Barbarie, their support for a self-managed revolution from below had a massive influence in the May events and the ideas that inspired it.
On May 14th, the Sud-Aviation workers locked the management in its offices and occupied their factory. They were followed by the Cleon-Renault, Lockhead-Beauvais and Mucel-Orleans factories the next day. That night the National Theatre in Paris was seized to become a permanent assembly for mass debate. Next, France’s largest factory, Renault-Billancourt, was occupied. Often the decision to go on indefinite strike was taken by the workers without consulting union officials. By May 17th, a hundred Paris Factories were in the hands of their workers. The weekend of the 19th of May saw 122 factories occupied. By May 20th, the strike and occupations were general and involved six million people. Print workers said they did not wish to leave a monopoly of media coverage to TV and radio, and agreed to print newspapers as long as the press “carries out with objectivity the role of providing information which is its duty.” In some cases print-workers insisted on changes in headlines or articles before they would print the paper. This happened mostly with the right-wing papers such as ‘Le Figaro’ or ‘La Nation’.
With the Renault occupation, the Sorbonne occupiers immediately prepared to join the Renault strikers, and led by anarchist black and red banners, 4,000 students headed for the occupied factory. The state, bosses, unions and Communist Party were now faced with their greatest nightmare — a worker-student alliance. Ten thousand police reservists were called up and frantic union officials locked the factory gates. The Communist Party urged their members to crush the revolt. They united with the government and bosses to craft a series of reforms, but once they turned to the factories they were jeered out of them by the workers.
The struggle itself and the activity to spread it was organised by self-governing mass assemblies and co-ordinated by action committees. The strikes were often run by assemblies as well. As Murray Bookchin argues, the “hope [of the revolt] lay in the extension of self-management in all its forms — the general assemblies and their administrative forms, the action committees, the factory strike committees — to all areas of the economy, indeed to all areas of life itself.” Within the assemblies, “a fever of life gripped millions, a rewaking of senses that people never thought they possessed.” [Op. Cit., p. 168 and p. 167] It was not a workers’ strike or a student strike. It was a peoples’ strike that cut across almost all class lines.
On May 24th, anarchists organised a demonstration. Thirty thousand marched towards the Palace de la Bastille. The police had the Ministries protected, using the usual devices of tear gas and batons, but the Bourse (Stock Exchange) was left unprotected and a number of demonstrators set fire to it.
It was at this stage that some left-wing groups lost their nerve. The Trotskyist JCR turned people back into the Latin Quarter. Other groups such as UNEF and Parti Socialiste Unife (United Socialist Party) blocked the taking of the Ministries of Finance and Justice. Cohn-Bendit said of this incident “As for us, we failed to realise how easy it would have been to sweep all these nobodies away… .It is now clear that if, on 25 May, Paris had woken to find the most important Ministries occupied, Gaullism would have caved in at once… . “ Cohn-Bendit was forced into exile later that very night.
As the street demonstrations grew and occupations continued, the state prepared to use overwhelming means to stop the revolt. Secretly, top generals readied 20,000 loyal troops for use on Paris. Police occupied communications centres like TV stations and Post Offices. By Monday, May 27th, the Government had guaranteed an increase of 35% in the industrial minimum wage and an all round-wage increase of 10%. The leaders of the CGT organised a march of 500,000 workers through the streets of Paris two days later. Paris was covered in posters calling for a “Government of the People.” Unfortunately the majority still thought in terms of changing their rulers rather than taking control for themselves.
By June 5th most of the strikes were over and an air of what passes for normality within capitalism had rolled back over France. Any strikes which continued after this date were crushed in a military-style operation using armoured vehicles and guns. On June 7th, they made an assault on the Flins steelworks which started a four-day running battle which left one worker dead. Three days later, Renault strikers were gunned down by police, killing two. In isolation, those pockets of militancy stood no chance. On June 12th, demonstrations were banned, radical groups outlawed, and their members arrested. Under attack from all sides, with escalating state violence and trade union sell-outs, the General Strike and occupations crumbled.
So why did this revolt fail? Certainly not because “vanguard” Bolshevik parties were missing. It was infested with them. Fortunately, the traditional authoritarian left sects were isolated and outraged. Those involved in the revolt did not require a vanguard to tell them what to do, and the “workers’ vanguards” frantically ran after the movement trying to catch up with it and control it.
No, it was the lack of independent, self-managed confederal organisations to co-ordinate struggle which resulted in occupations being isolated from each other. So divided, they fell. In addition, Murray Bookchin argues that “an awareness among the workers that the factories had to be worked, not merely occupied or struck,” was missing. [Op. Cit., p. 182]
This awareness would have been encouraged by the existence of a strong anarchist movement before the revolt. The anti-authoritarian left, though very active, was too weak among striking workers, and so the idea of self-managed organisations and workers self-management was not widespread. However, the May-June revolt shows that events can change very rapidly. “Under the influence of the students,” noted libertarian socialist Maurice Brinton, “thousands began to query the whole principle of hierarchy … Within a matter of days the tremendous creative potentialities of the people suddenly erupted. The boldest and realistic ideas — and they are usually the same — were advocated, argued, applied. Language, rendered stale by decades of bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo, eviscerated by those who manipulate it for advertising purposes, reappeared as something new and fresh. People re-appropriated it in all its fullness. Magnificently apposite and poetic slogans emerged from the anonymous crowd.” [“Paris: May 1968”, For Workers’ Power, p. 253] The working class, fused by the energy and bravado of the students, raised demands that could not be catered for within the confines of the existing system. The General Strike displays with beautiful clarity the potential power that lies in the hands of the working class. The mass assemblies and occupations give an excellent, if short-lived, example of anarchy in action and how anarchist ideas can quickly spread and be applied in practice.
For more details of these events, see participants Daniel and Gabriel Cohn-Bendit’s Obsolete Communism: The Left-Wing Alternative or Maurice Brinton’s eye-witness account “Paris: may 1968” (in his For Workers’ Power). Beneath the Paving Stones by edited Dark Star is a good anthology of situationist works relating to Paris 68 (it also contains Brinton’s essay).
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Trigun Book Club! Trigun Book Club! (@trigunbookclub)
Way back in the mid-2000's, a young Pancake Ray was working their first job out of college at a local Giant Chain Bookstore and discovered that no one else working the store cared if they spent their breaks sitting on the floor in front of our rather impressive two and a half bays of manga we had and just... read them right there. Much manga was read, and among the titles read were both Trigun and what was available at that time of Trigun Maximum.
I remember very little from that initial read aside from 1) confusing fight scenes, and 2) enough deviation from the anime (which I had recently watched) that I didn't really have a place for at that time. The anime had wormed itself into a very special place in my heart, so between the differences and just not being in a good place spiritually to handle some of its more religious themes, I wasn't really sure what to do with it. It probably didn't help that, back then, the manga was nowhere near finished.
I still read every volume we had, because gods, I read anything that looked even remotely interesting on the manga shelves at that time.
Now, an older and (debatably) wiser Ray is going to be reading these along with the rest of the Trigun Book Club Denizens. But first, I want to start of with a quote from the notes in The New Oxford Annotated Bible (3rd Ed.) in their prelude to I Kings, which is what I'm currently studying:
There is, on the other hand, no neat correlation between sin and judgment in Kings, largely because of the compassionate character of the Judge who accepts the repentant sinner, who does not desire final judgment to fall upon his creatures, and who is always ready to find cause why such judgment should be delayed or mitigated.
It just seemed like something to keep in mind when thinking about the character of Vash... but YMMV.
Stream-of consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 1, Chapters 1-3 below. (More detailed thoughts will be their own posts.)
Trigun Volume 1 Covers
Ok, first off... I love the alternate covers Nightow did. The stark contrast between the serious cleanliness of the covers and the crazy tongue-in-cheek alternate version really sets the tone.
LOL, "Deep Space Planet Future Gun Action!!" Yep, that's it. That's all it is.
How have I never seen Meryl as Luke Skywalker before??
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Chapter 1: The $$60,000,000,000 Man
This poster says "Appearance: Unclear," but it also has a picture of him. I'm not sure what to make of that.
Vash's face is so goofy. It's like if his world isn't ACTIVELY ON FIRE, he doesn't know how to be serious. I do like the belts. When watching S1 of Stampede, I missed the belts. I hope S2 has more belts. Something something fetish gear.
I love that there's actually a tally of all this on a wall somewhere. SEVENTY FREAKING TWO MURDER CASES.
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Kid: "Mom, I want a gun." Mom: "You already have a gun at home." The Gun At Home: *only shoots toy darts when you, a child no older than 8, are living in the Space Wild Wild West and think you need real bullets*
I love how quickly Vash goes from "OMG FOOD" face to SERIOUS EATING FACE.
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And it's immediately followed by this CLOSE-UP ASS SHOT. WHYYYYYY???
I don't know who this cloaked guy who's cocking his shotgun by shaking it vertically is, but I love his stupid hair.
Yeah, you don't get to kill the protagonist THAT fast....
WW isn't even here yet and Nightow's already filling panels with man-tiddies...
LOL, he counted ALL the bullets in that page that was... just... it was just bullet fire. Somehow he counted them all. For every gun. And now everyone else has to leave stripped down to their boxers.
I love that someone, somewhere decided they needed to have a pinball machine all the way out here in nowheresville.
Ah there are the girls. Milly looks so worried about the catcalls, but Meryl? Meryl looks bored.
Chapter 2: Looney Tunes
Ok, first off, this chapter title just makes me think of ep 12 of Stampede when So-and-So starfishes his way out a window before floundering in the air for a second of hangtime and then falling.
Exposition! Huzzah!
Population decline slowing = humans adapting to the new environment. Resilient little buggers.... I know someone who probably HATES that statistic.
So, basically... before July, Vash was small beans. Or going by another name.
Aaaand straight into his goofy poses. This man is made of rubber, I swear.
LOL, why is he talking in French?! I guess a guy's gotta have his hobbies....
But Meryl... I'm with Milly here. Is it really that dangerous??
Ah, yes. The ol' "they'll understand me better if I just speak louder" trick. A favorite of Americans traveling in non-English-speaking countries when said American hasn't bothered to learn even the tiniest bit of the local language.
Current favorite Vash Chaos Pose:
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LOL, "MY DEEPEST APOLOGIES FOR INTERRUPTING THIS CONFUSION." This feels like such a Japanese thing to say. It's like, "I know you're all engaged in frantic chaos right now, and because you're engaged in it, it must be very important to you, so I, the intruder, must offer my sincere regret for interrupting it."
I wonder how this version of Milly will merge with a Milly who was crazy enough to volunteer for the position of Meryl's partner in Stampede.
This Vash is definitely not so keen on being caught, even in the face of suffering women and children.
But here he is, protecting the very people who had guns in his face a second ago.
Chapter 3: Hard Puncher
Current favorite Vash Serious Pose:
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Ok, I have thoughts here.
Sooooo many shonen speed lines....
Current favorite Vash Action Pose (That intense side eye is *chef's kiss*.)
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Man, poor Gosef. But Vash standing over his prone form looks badass.
LOL, the Insurance Girls finally have everyone's attention, and.. they look like they don't want it anymore.
Hahahahaha, there goes the bounty. Can't put a bounty on a natural disaster. The federal government has officially labeled him "not human." *pats Vash*
Actually, he looks kinda happy about this. I guess not having a bounty on your head anymore might do that.
He can still have the head-pats.
The difference in his expression when greeting Meryl versus greeting Milly....
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For as terrible as Mr. Nebraska himself is, I always appreciated how much he seems to genuinely care about his son in his own weird way.
Gods, I'm glad every other version got rid of his gun legs, though. That's... a Thing, and I don't like this Thing.
And just like that, Vash goes from "concerned about these girls constantly being around him" to "mildly intimidated by them." Beautiful.
(Thanks to @trigun-manga-overhaul for their translations and making this series accessible!)
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ncon29 · 6 months
2 Posters - Refinement + Final for Formative
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"F I N A L" for now
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Rationale: The state of the mental health care system in New Zealand is dire. People face many obstacles to getting the help they need, having to fight for lacking facilities and services. Accordingly, I aimed to convey feelings of disorder and frustration with my diptych. I made the letterforms fragmented and geometric, so that the composition is reminiscent of shattered glass. Negative space also gives the impression of an incomplete, broken system, with variation in type size suggesting haphazardness, and the bold font provoking a sense of urgency. The quotes are from Hiran Thabrew, a mental health specialist in New Zealand.
Introduction (v3)
My name is Neena Contreras and I have always been a creative, expressive person. As a visual artist, I am meticulous, versatile and curious. I try out every medium I can, such as linocut, painting, and jewellery-making. I also tend to hoard miscellaneous materials because everything has potential !
I like that communication designers have something to say. I love words and the way that intentional design choices can amplify the power that words hold. I have a passion for illustration, and I enjoy experimenting with typography and texture. I’m fond of impressionism, and I appreciate anything emotive or thought-provoking. My experience in design includes taking Design and Visual Communication, Photography, and Art Design in highschool. I have also done digital commissions and volunteer design for my local community.
I’m indecisive and conciseness escapes me, so I’m working on knowing when less is more and when more is more depending on the context. I want to use my sketchbook regularly, master watercolour, participate in Zinefest, create animatics, and make it all the way through Inktober. Some dream design opportunities would be book covers and merch. Currently, I’m navigating show design for a theatre club and contributing to the AUTSA’s Debate Magazine.
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mzannthropy · 1 year
Okay, let's talk about this
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Sam Claflin + supporting Johnny Depp.
I'm using this screenshot purely as an example, not to attack the poster. It's the only screenshot I have re this topic, I've had it saved since April 2023. Last I checked, this account has been suspended from Twitter. (ETA it has now been re-instated.)
I'm not here to fight Sam's battles or argue; if you're determined to cancel Sam, don't let me stop you. If you, however, would like to know more on Sam's background and why he may have supported Johnny--read on.
What the above screenshot tells us is that Sam liked, and commented on, Depp's Instagram post celebrating the win of his defamation trial. Some time later, Sam deleted his comment, unliked the post and unfollowed Depp. (I didn't even know about all that as I'm not that deep into Instagram, but I can see Sam doesn't follow Depp and there is no like from him on that post. Anyway, you can check for yourselves.) I think there are worse crimes than liking a social media post and as Sam deleted the comment and unfollowed Johnny, he clearly realised his mistake. But this is not about that.
Sam and Johnny Depp
Sam started his career in 2010 in the mini series Pillars of the Earth. He had a couple more TV jobs, until he landed his first big movie role, which was Philip in Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides (the 4th instalment of the franchise). For Sam, this would have meant a lot--more than a lot. Sam comes from a normal background--by which I mean his parents are regular people and not in entertainment. His father makes dad jokes on social media. (His younger brother Joe is also an actor, but he's very low-key.) Like I keep saying, Sam's just a boy from Norwich, essentially the exact opposite of a nepo baby. He didn't even plan to become an actor in his childhood, his dream was to become a professional football (soccer) player. It was only after suffering ankle injuries that he switched to acting. What I'm saying is, for Sam to get a role next to a star of Johnny Depp's calibre would have been HUGE.
Check out this snippet of an interview with Joe Wicks (dated Spring 2021), where he talks about how nervous he was on the set:
No doubt he was starstruck about working with Depp. A quote from Sam's IMDb page: "Johnny Depp gave me the best advice. He said, 'Keep your feet on the ground. Stay grounded. Remember where you came from.'" It's something that must have resonated with Sam. Sure, Depp didn't come up with it, it is, after all, a good old common sense advice--but that doesn't matter, bc you always remember the person who gave you the good advice, even if it was not something they invented themselves.
Timeline-wise, POTC4 was released in 2011, which means it was probably filmed the previous year. So before Depp got into a relationship with Amber Heard.
Sam has, as you know, forged a respectable acting career for himself, but that POTC experience is something he would never forget. More than a decade later, he still goes back to it. And why not--you don't just let go of your first blockbuster that easily.
I seriously, SERIOUSLY, doubt Sam watched any of that notorious trial. He was filming Daisy Jones and The Six at that time and at least for a portion of the time he had his kids with him and homeschooled them.
Sam and Women
Sam has worked with female directors, as well as doing female-centric projects, or projects featuring strong female characters. (Whatever your opinion on how DJATS diverged from the book in this regard, he can hardly be blamed for it. Ask yourself instead why Reese Witherspoon, with her female character centred book club, let the male writers get away with what they did.)
And let's not forget that Sam is also, like Depp, divorced. Unlike the beloved pirate star, he has not a bad word to say about his ex-wife, Laura Haddock. "We're still a family." Laura is also an actress, you may know her from the Guardians of the Galaxy films.
Recently, Sophie Turner had to deal with being smeared in the media by her (soon-to-be)ex-husband. No such behaviour from Sam. Of course, you can argue that Sam's conduct in this matter should not be praised, bc it should be the default. Probably, I'm just pointing it out as it's relevant to the topic.
Sam and being down to earth
I always laugh about the fact that (nearly) all of Sam's interviews include the following 3 items: 1. Sam praising the people he works with, be it fellow actors or other crew, 2. Sam saying something self-deprecating and 3. Sam mentioning his kids, or the fact that he's a father. Read any of his interviews--or watch this, filmed by yours truly (sorry for the poor quality):
As I said above, Sam is from a regular family and started earning his own money from the age of 13. When he was at SXSW 2023, where they were served food, he cleared the dishes after himself [source].
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Sam is not one of those big name Hollywood stars. I'm not sure he can even be called a Hollywood star. He could have been one, he could have been on the level of Marvel's Chrises, after playing Finnick in Hunger Games. But he chooses smaller, quieter projects. He maintains the just right level of fame that brings him enough money, while allowing him to keep his personal life private.
Sam being a dad:
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Sam has also been open about struggling with his worth and his insecurity. I guess this circles back to Johnny Depp. When you don't know your true worth, you might believe certain people, who have been in the business for a long time, to be more than what they are. But I'm getting into some armchair psychology now, so let me end it here.
In conclusion, you could do worse than be a fan of Sam Claflin.
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storiesofsung · 4 months
𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 ☽。⋆
Now playing: Piece of My World by Night Ravens
ׂ: ̗̀➛ ▶︎ •၊၊||၊|။||||။‌‌‌‌‌၊|• 0:10 ‹𝟹
tฬเรtє๔ ฬ๏ภ๔єгlคภ๔
「 ✦ HCs ✦ 」
Garlgussy 🗿🪨 - Yuu joins Gargoyle Studies Club! Artist!Yuu 🎨- Malleyuu (married) hc TWST!Harry Potter ⚡️ - Crossover (AcexYuuxMal) TWST!SVTFOE 🪄- Crossover pt.2 Spread Thyn Wings 🪽 - Draconia Fam wing HC
「 ✦ Art ✦ 」
TWST Mulan AU Poster Malleus Kid OC 🐉🐲 Random General Lilia Sketche
「 ✦ AU ✦ 」
Mulan Yuu ⚔️ (Intro) Mulan AU Poster 🐉⁉️ A Girl Worth Fighting For (Incorrect Quote) Reflection - comic crack
「 ✦ HCs ✦ 」
Mammon saying goodbye 😢🥲 - OM! demon singing hc
Obey me (plans) for a rewrite - my delulu ambitious ass
Grand Admiral Leviathan HC
Demons eat ppl hc (💀) - TW: eating people
𝒮𝑒𝒶𝓇𝒸𝒽 𝐿𝒾𝓈𝓉 ☆
#malleus draconia
#obey me
Note: ik I look like a fake ass Vil simp but I like his aesthetic and overall personality more than his lore ok don’t me 🙂‍↕️
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megsdesign · 10 months
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"Climate Change Is the Symptom. Consumer Culture Is the Disease." Poster collection on consumerism and climate change. Quotes from fight club.
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
2/2 ‘Justin for fucks sake, GET AWAY FROM CODY. TAKE YOUR ASS BACK TO SCHOOL. AND GET A FUCKING GRIP. Why are we at a construction site? (It shows Hobbs) YOU FUCKING PIECE OF MANIPULATIVE SHIT. I AM ABOUT TO STOMP YOU ALL THE WAY TO HELL MYSELF. JUSTIN FOR FUCKS SAKE WILL YOU NOW RUN AWAY?! WHEN WILL YOU REALIZE THAT THIS FUCKER WILL BE THE DEATH OF YOU? JUSTIN PLEASE. *covers his face and starts sliding off the couch and then looks at me and says it in a kinda angry voice* i hate you for making this show my problem. (Hobbs says what the fuck is he doing there) you know what? Fuck this guy too but I too am asking myself that. GO AWAY JUSTIN. Please Justin go home to Brian. Tell him you saw this fucker and make him deal with Cody. THERE! That should be the rest of the season.’ ‘Oh for fucks sake Ben, i dont have time for your boring self and your boring book and your boring relationship.‘ now the Deb/Vic scene is about to happen ‘oh fuck. Theres a whole party and Deb wasn’t invited. Nooo. That’s kind of sad. *turns to look at me* promise me we will never be like that. Even tho i am annoying at times like Debbie’ ‘oh for fucks sake Mel, get off your high fucking horse and realize that not everything is about you. EXACTLY! ITS ABOUT THE KID.’ ‘YES DAPH HE NEVER SHOULDVE AND HE WOULDNT HAD YOU NOT SAID HIS NAME! CODY SHUT THE FUCK UP, you werent there. JUSTIN NO’ *puts his hands up and like shakes them as if he wants to choke cody?* ‘brian is all alone at the club, drunk. SEE THIS IS WHAT JUSTIN RUNNING AROUND DOING STUPID SHIT DOES TO A MAN! Why is he quoting Shakespear? Violence for violence is fucking stupid. The anger you’re feeling now might be keeping you warm at the moment but what good does that do when you die because of it? Life should just be vibes and fun. Brian stop justifying it for fucks sake, i thought we were on the same side!’ ‘Well fuck he really told him his book sucked. Good but also DAMN. Fuck you ben. Dont ask questions you dont want answers to’ the Daphne and Brian scene is up ‘a young woman? I swear if its his sister again, i am gonna flip th- OH DAPHNE! So technically i was right. FINALLY SHE FUCKING COMES TO HIM! (It cuts to Justin staring at that gun range poster or whatever) i will do anything to have this storyline wrapped up and done. I hate this shit. This is not my baby Justin, that cody brainwashed him. BRIAN THERE IS SO MUCH YOU CAN DO! LIKE I DONT KNOW, FIGHT CODY FOR HIM OR SOME SHIT. *pauses on Brian when daphne asks what if he gets hurt and points to him* see that? That is a face of a person who is terrified of that idea and yet we are for some reason not doing shit about it. Justin, please stop being a dumb bitch. Id get if this shit happened after season 1. But this came out of fucking nowhere.’ WE ARE NOW AT THE HOBBS SCENE ‘what the fuck is going on? Justin, go home. Cody, go to hell. PAUSE *pauses tv* he still gets nightmares? And i just find out about this now? Now you see this bullshit would make more sense if you fucking showed me that shit! Or maybe showed me Brian taking care of him after a nightmare *looks at me* don’t. There is not nearly enough of Brian and Justin sweet scenes! Anyway..*hits play* NO! NO! NO! JUSTIN NO! PLEASE DONT! JUSTIN! CODY SHUT THE FUCK UP! NO JUSTIN NO! BRIAN WHERE ARE YOU?! *looks at me confused* WHY AM I ASKING FOR BRIAN THE FUCK? JUSTIN STOP THIS SHIT. Justin, this isn’t you! (Justin puts the gun in hobbs’ mouth) COME THE FUCK ON! JUSTIN NO! Dont become like him! WHY THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPENING?! NO NO PLEASE NOOOO FUCK YOU CODY! FUCK YOU ALL THE WAY TO HELL! Justin, youre better than this. (He takes the gun away) *takes a dee breath* thank fucking hell. (Justin starts walking away) FINALLY YOU HAD A REALIZATION BABY! FUCKING FINALLY! YES GO HOME! PLEASE LET THIS BE DONE’ he then sat back on the couch and went ‘ive never been more stressed in my life. This was my hell. *there was a knock at the door from delivery guy* and then i heard him go ‘have you even seen queer as folk? Watch it’ then he just closed the door like thats normal.
i hate you for making this show my problem LMAO!!!
Brian really does try to see the whole Pink Posse thing from Justin's POV. He really does try. But it's really the worst and he eventually sees that!
And it is so satisfying when Justin finally walks away. Phew. You're done with this arc.
Soon all the hospital employees and delivery people in your area are going to be watching qaf...
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Whumptober Day #5
Quote: You better pray I don't get up this time. Prompt: Pinned Down Pairing: Hangman PagexNolee Angle (OC) Mentions Of: The Blackpool Combat Club, The Elite, The Dark Order Verse: Cowboy AU
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Everyone in the world knew of the group of men who called themselves The Elite. Maybe it was the tales of their exploits or maybe it had been the wanted posters that once lined town boards. Either way, tales and posters had greatly exaggerated the truth and Nolee Angle had learned that when she had begun the relationship with the man who called himself The Hangman, Adam Page.
Maybe it wasn't the romantic relationship that the saloon girl had always dreamed of, but the traveling outlaw had always made time for her. It had started more physically, but with each visit, the duo had fallen more and more in love. It wasn't long before they had staked their claim on their own little farmstead. Adam traded a life of crime for ranchwork. His old friends were traded in for a new group of former criminals turned religious lot called The Order.
That hadn't stopped the lawmen from coming and when they did, it had been with the worst the law had to offer.
Nolee's half-sister Angel was the daughter of the town sheriff, but even worse, she was married to a man by the name of Jon Moxley. Jon was a rugged man, rough in all sense of the word. He worked as a bounty hunter along with a group of men who called themselves the Blackpool Combat Club, founded by railroad baron William Regal. William had employed men who all had a longing to rebuild the world in their image, even if it wasn't one of justice.
Claudio Castagnoli had come to the new world looking for somewhere to belong. After moving west, he had found that spot while working for the railroad. That's where he had met both Mr. Regal and a young man named Wheeler Yuta. Wheeler was the adapted son of law clerk Drew Gulak. Wheeler had looked for his own place in the world and finally found it on the rails. The last member was Bryan Danielson, a soft spoken but dangerous former lumberer.
William Regal had helped these men to become dangerous, hunting bounties and running their own farmstead. The latest bounty, judging by the dust cloud Nolee could see from the porch, were The Elite.
Nolee stood from her chair on the porch, hand wiping against her apron, "What are ya'll doing here?"
"We know he's here, Nolee," Angel spoke softly as she got off of her horse, "just let us in and-"
"No!" Nolee protested, blonde ringlets bouncing with the shake of her head, "Angie, he's changed! I promise he-"
"I told you that she wouldn't allow us inside, Angela," Claudio spoke as he placed his hands on his hips, "we would have to get past her if she were home."
"She'll do the right thing, Claudio," Angel took a step forward, towards the porch in an effort to talk to her sister, "Won't you, Nolee?"
"I am doin' the right thing!" Nolee shouted, stepping between the bounty hunters and the front door. She closed her eyes as she felt the door behind her open and who she could only assume was her beau.
"Now what's all this?" came Adam's thick accent.
"Adam Page, yer under arrest," Jon spat as he moved towards the porch, his hand on his pistol. "Now you gonna come quietly or-"
Adam moved to stand in front of Nolee, his eyes narrowed and his hand on his own pistol, "Nolee, get in the house..."
"Adam, I ain't gonna leave ya," Nolee protested, gently putting her hand on his arm, "Please we can-"
"You should listen to your husband," Bryan spoke up, plainly, "Things could get messy out here. Wouldn't want you to get hurt."
"Lay one hand on her an' I'll blast yer brains out," Adam snarled as he stepped off the porch. Almost as quickly as he had stepped off the porch, Claudio Castagnoli had tossed his lasso around Adam's neck, pulling until the tall blonde was on his knees. He tried to fight to get the lasso from around his neck, but Claudio placed a foot in the center of Adam's back and pulled even tighter. He sputtered and choked as Wheeler bound Adam's hands.
Nolee tried to rush to help her beau, but Angel grabbed her sister, stopping her from getting too close, "Angie...Angie please! He..."
"I can't Nolee! I'm sorry, but I can't..." Angel tried to soothe her sister.
Jon smirked as he knelt in front of the kneeling Adam, a hand tilting his head up to look in his eyes, "Yer gonna get us a damn good bounty."
Adam spat at Jon, "You better pray I don't get up this time, Jon. Cause when I get outta this? I'm gonna show you why they call me The Hangman."
0 notes
Gerry Butts and John Duffy on How Canada Works
Last year when John Duffy, a Canadian political strategist and writer, died at the age of 58, I noticed an outpouring of genuine love, and sadness, on Twitter, along with frequent references to his book Fights of our Lives. It was called one the best ever written on Canadian politics. So I picked up a copy. It's filled with dozens of old photographs, and images of period posters, and flyers, buttons, correspondence, and other fascinating bits and pieces of ephemera and memorabilia: the 'confetti of history' as Walter Benjamin liked to put it, plus it features these great 'diagrams' of game plans, 'playbooks,' that John came up with to explain the strategies and tactics used in what he considered to be the five most consequential elections in Canadian history. It was visually captivating, and a fun informative read, so I decided to feature it on The Biblio File Book Club. But who to engage with?
  Several people suggested Justin Trudeau's close friend and advisor, Gerry Butts. After a bit of toing and froing, and my prematurely and, as it turns out, quite erroneously, dismissing him as a typical political bounder, it all came together. Gerry agreed to play ball. We met in person several days ago at the Chateau Laurier hotel in Ottawa. 
  Gerry is currently Vice Chairman of The Eurasia Group, a risk management firm with offices around the world. We talk here about John Duffy's optimism, about whether or not elections matter; about cynicism, championship debating, Canada's business elite, the PBO's report on income inequality, the urban-rural divide, 1300 Dollarama stores, lifting children out of poverty, the King-Bing Affair, SNC Lavalin, the Manitoba School crisis, Wilfred Laurier and Justin Trudeau's 'Sunny Ways,' kicking the can down the road; Lament for a Nation, and Mel Hurtig. There's a James Joyce quote. Gerry tells a joke about Franz Kafka on the way out the door, and I recommend that he reads Nora Krug's illustrated edition of On Tyranny. 
  Plus another thing: we're both convinced that John Duffy's Fights of our Lives (egregiously it's both out of print and published by an American multi-national) should be made into a TV Series as soon as possible.  
Check out this episode!
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prettysweetocean · 3 years
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symptomsofaqua · 3 years
I am Jack's broken heart.
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adelements · 4 years
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Who you gonna be?
The harder I try, the more I lose my sense of who I am. It's like my identity's an orbit that I've strayed far away from.
It’s as if I’m living half of a full life.
But you must remeber:
What you own, ends up owning you. It is only once you’ve lost everything that you're free to do anything.
I’m drawn to the theme of identity and these three film posters really stood out to me. I like the simple background and the merged faces. The viewer immediately knows this is going to be a character-driven film. They are all fantastic films which each portray the them of identity in a different way.
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whereimfeminine · 3 years
another thing i love about fight club is it's a perfect signal when you're thinking about dating someone. a man tells you he loves fight club? run. a woman tells you she loves fight club? marry her
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