#Finally found it in my drafts and decided it was time to finish fleshing it out
mauesartetc · 9 months
A while back I got a comment that demonstrated a misconception as to what the character design process actually entails, and I thought it had real "teachable moment" potential. So let me make this perfectly clear:
Drawing a character is NOT the same as designing one.
Let's say I wanted to draw a guy. No backstory, no defined personality traits or preferences, no details about his current life, just doodling some random, generic guy who popped into my head.
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That's just a drawing.
But what if I decided to flesh him out more? What if I wanted his appearance to reflect his lifestyle and inner life as well? Here's where the note-taking comes in.
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And now for the visual research:
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I thought the bodybuilding angle would provide a fun contrast with this guy's profession. The mental image of a huge, burly dude working on a clock or watch with tiny, precise movements just makes me smile. Perhaps I could give him small, nimble hands that would suit his line of work.
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Now that I have a better idea of how Mikhail's face and body will look, it's time to establish a pose.
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Of course, I never expected to employ all the personality traits I started out with inside this single pose; those were just a jumping-off point. No one drawing will ever be able to encapsulate every single facet of a character, unless they're extraordinarily flat and generic (see also: random guy I doodled at the start of this post). If I wanted to write a story with this guy, I'd have to figure out how all the traits play off each other and how they'd cause him to react to different situations. There would be a lot more note-taking and development involved, but for the sake of keeping this post (somewhat) brief, let's just focus on visuals for now.
On to color!
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I decided to give Mikhail a carnation in his pocket (for its round shape), specifically a red one, which represents deep love and an aching heart. Thus, the flower needed to maintain its red color for the symbolism to come through.
For some reason I initially pictured this guy wearing a pink shirt (perhaps as an offshoot of the "romantic" angle), but I wanted to try some different colors inspired by the 70s catalog pages I found. I ended up really liking the contrast of the cool blue shirt with the warm red pants, and that option made it into my top three as a result. I lined them up next to each other to compare them, and in the end, blue won out over pink. I think it also reflects the "colder", more cerebral, less-emotional parts of his personality well (namely "systematic", "stern", and "callous"- one from each column!). Just goes to show that you shouldn't get too attached to your first draft, as better ideas are just around the corner.
I then lightened the blue of the shirt so it wouldn't compete so much with the rest of the outfit, and wouldn't be quite as loud and "in your face". Mikhail strikes me as a bit of an introvert, so the calmer, quieter blue is a better fit. I added a darker belt and watchband and de-saturated the flower just a bit to make the values feel more balanced, and I think we've got it!
Let's see the final result!
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Y'all, I was not expecting this process to make me emotional, but there's something special about fully realizing a little guy you've spent hours working on. All of a sudden you look at him and go, "Oh my god, there he is. That's him." This man wasn't even a twinkle in my eye a couple weeks ago and now I'd protect him with my life.
And the thing is, the only reason I'm calling this design "done" for now is that I basically just brought it into existence to make a point. But if this dude were attached to a larger story, he'd be nowhere near finished. I'd have to make a ton more iterations and go a lot more in depth with my research than I did (especially with the Armenian cultural stuff). Overall, though, I hope this quick project properly highlighted the difference between a single drawing and a more fleshed-out character.
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cardboardclownery · 4 months
HI HI IM ALIVE!!!! sorry for the relative radio silence on here ;v;
on the topic of that actually!!!! finally have a proper folie a deux au update for you!! though its slightly different than expected?
me and professional buddy and fellow au creator @cookiecaker decided to share a summary of the story we're making for the au beforehand since we'll be taking a whileeee to finish it,,, got a lot of life to live and horrors to create "-v-
after this though you mayyyy or may notttt see some out of order chapter drafts posted for the story as well,,, or atleast one? eh youll see ;Pc
ANYWAYS!!!! this is gonna take a while so lets get on with...
a summary!!
or story pitch? idk-
(cookie please lemme know if i miss or improperly describe anything here feel free to correct me-)
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the first three chapters follow alex just after the end of volume 1 as theyre abducted by lankmann and confined to his asylum as a "patient." eventually they get sent to winfrey as food, but winfrey refuses to eat them. theyre left to die in room 66 by lankmann for a Long While, until eventually he gives up and just puts alex back in their room
while alone in confinement, alex starts noticing strange things happening... dark patches start appearing on their skin, they get random pains as if someone were kicking them, and they hear a voice... a much clearer voice than the ones they used to hear while working in the asylum, and it seemed to be able to read their thoughts. though they originally just assumed it was due to being part of their thoughts as well, they find that they start knowing things they had no way of knowing and never learned prior to being confined. when lankmann typically entered room 66, how long hes inside, certain areas of the asylum patients found that theyd never heard of before...
this "voice" managed to help alex find a way to escape, leading to them running away and moving to another, smaller town in eastridge than the one they originally lived in to avoid lankmann's pursuit
[ ! tw for cannibalism. yes you heard me- ! ]
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so after getting far away from the asylum, alex assumes that their hallucinations and weird symptoms of... Something would wear off, since subject 02 was no where near close enough to affect them
well uh. nope! theyre still there!!
so eventually alex figures out "oh shit that thing is in my head somehow" and is obviously quite concerned!!! to say the least!!!! but theyre also oddly comforted by the idea of having The Voice in their head, since now theyre not entirely alone while on the run and i mean it helped them escape so it cant be that bad?? either way theyre not exactly excited about the whole ordeal and theyre starting to look different and theyre really hungry all the time and its not fun
so! at some point (with winfreys suggestion) alex decides to run off to another town a bit farther away just to be safe. but Uh Oh theyre all out of food!! so theyre extremely hungry, forcing themself through it so they can get food when they arrive but. they see someone in the woods while walking
and for some reason that makes them even hungrier
they try to ignore it and keep walking but they cant
and the next thing they know
theyre looking down at a person
chewing off the flesh on their leg
covered in blood
even after regaining their senses they cant stop themself from eating. it tasted... so good... they were so hungry... they felt awful but it really did taste so s o g o o d .
in a haze, they discard the body, clean themself off and reach the next town. just after unpacking in an apartment, they collapse, flooded with the emotions they fought off on the way there
the next day, alex finally confronts winfrey (or winfreys voice rather-) about all their grievances and they eventually reach an understanding, as winfrey opens up about fearing the outside of the asylum despite longing to escape through alex, so they eventually agree to let winfrey pilot their body for a few days to get a feel for how the world has changed since the time winfrey had been free
in doing so, winfrey realizes how small and helpless humans are in comparison to them and how terrified the patients they devoured mustve been. this allows them to appreciate human life (specifically alex's) much more and want to escaped in their own body to join alex outside and introduce clyde to what they learned after finding it again
while piloting alexs body, winfrey is suddenly forced back into their own after lankmann inflicts enough pain to wake them from the dissociative state that piloting alex left them in. soon after this, winfrey overcomes the fear that was originally keeping them from escaping the facility and breaks out
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this section is a lot less figured out than the rest so uhh bear with me please ;v;
essentially this couple of chapters just follows alex and winfrey as they get used to life on the run, figuring out where to go from there and how they could potentially find clyde, along with just talking face to face and getting used to that. its a weird feeling talking to someone that you share thoughts with yknow? like talking to yourself but its... not... yourself...
around the start of this section winfrey also expresses that they feel drawn to feminity as a human concept, thus being referred to with they/she from this point on in the story!! transfem winfrey yippee!!! it just makes sense in our head idk-
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alex and winfrey start noticing news broadcasts and posters asking around for a "dark figure" lurking around, as well as warnings about alex being missing from lankmanns asylum. this fuels alex's paranoia, leading them to seeing lankmanns caretakers everywhere, feeling as if theyre being watched wherever they go... until eventually their home is ambushed and theyre taken back into lankmanns custody
alex is essentially used as bait to get winfrey to come save them from the asylum, since lankmann couldnt find a solid lead on where winfrey could be. alex tries to convince her not to fall for it, since they can both tell this is what lankmanns trying to do, but winfrey eventually caves and breaks back in to help alex, getting trapped inside once again
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depsite the circumstances, winfrey and alex do their best to stay determined and keep looking for a way out, but they dont make much progress. to make matters worse, lankmann tries "live feeding" patients to alex in the same way he did with winfrey due to realizing that alex has veldigun traits and assuming that theyd have the same appetite as her. this isnt the case, and eventually lankmann switches to dead patients as food for alex, which theyre forced to accept due to lacking any other options
both winfrey and alex are miserable in the situation, the helplessness sinking in fairly quickly as alexs body begins rejecting the growing veldigun portions of itself, decaying under the immense stress
during their final moments, winfrey pilots alexs body to allow an atleast somewhat peaceful death as their consciousness fades away, leaving winfrey alone to reflect on all that had happened...
...and thats the official end of the story!! i had like,, a hypothetical epilogue/alternate ending where lankmann forces a Mind Merge with winfrey somehow and then gets killed and she breaks out again but like. idk the logistics of that are iffy and i kinda prefer the more melancholy end for something like this ":]c
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ANYHOW!!!! hope that was!!! something!!!! please feel free to ask questions or provide feedback or anything else im always happy to engage with my fellow freaks (affectionate) :]
ALSO IF YOU MAKE CONTENT BASED ON THIS AU LET ME KNOW I WILL DIE FOREVER alright thats it for real this time- stay safe broskissss BP
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mryaksalot · 1 month
Plans for the rest of 2024 and beyond.
2024 has been a turbulent year for me, to say the least. I went into this year with an entire agenda as for what I wanted to accomplish in terms of writing. Little did I know how differently things would turn out for me.
My mental health back in March/April was not great if I’m being honest. I found myself not having nearly as much motivation to write as I did before. I decided to take a break from social media, fic-writing included, in order to work on my mental health. I’m happy to report that I’m doing a lot better now, and my motivation to write fics has increased significantly since June.
During my time away from the internet, I had time to reconsider what my intentions were when it came to my writing. I always enjoyed writing for the fun of it, but I also wanted my stories to stand out from the rest. I wanted to create something that was entirely unique, something that I can look at and be proud of.
The following is a list of all of the things I want to accomplish for the rest of 2024 and beyond, highlighting future stories as well as major changes in regards to my writing.
Backstory AU/The Road To Success
I’ve always viewed The Road To Success as my flagship story. I created this AU all the way back at the beginning of 2021. Hours upon hours have been put into fleshing out this AU into the multi-chapter saga. So many changes had to be made along the way(including starting the whole story over from scratch back in 2022). The story is now over 140k+ words, and it’s nowhere near finished.
Admittedly, I went a little overboard with how much thought and ideas went into this AU. I was not aware that this project would take so many months, even years, to put together. I don’t have an editor – I write, edit, proofread, and publish every one of my stories by myself. That takes a while to do.
Back in January 2023, The Road To Success went viral. This was around the time the 3rd and final season of the reboot came out, and AO3 was flocked with fans eager to catch the hype train. For a good few months, my story was gaining an immense amount of readership, which encouraged me to pump out as many chapters as possible in a short time frame.
But, like all hype trains, the excitement from the new season release cooled down. By the fall, the only fans left were diehards like myself. I was also experiencing some major burnout from pushing myself so hard. I had other responsibilities outside of social media like work, school etc. This burnout led to several delays of new chapter uploads.
During my break, I had time to rethink several components of my Backstory AU. I made a handful of changes to The Road To Success. The most prominent one was making the story much more Yakko-centric. I wanted to make a story showing how hard work and dedication to your craft can get you to places in life you’d never imagine. Yakko is the perfect character to convey that sort of message.
Initially, I wanted to include more character perspectives beside Yakko, but I ultimately decided to size it down. We’ll still see some of their perspectives (Wakko will get his own chapter at some point), but for the most part, the spotlight will remain on Yakko. This is his story, after all. Because of this, the current version of TRTS is much shorter than I originally drafted 2 years ago.
I have thought about expanding the universe even more with additional stories, but I have decided to hold off on that until I reach a certain number of chapters (you’ll understand when the time comes). I’m currently working on a 2-parter, chapters 17 and 18, which will take priority for the time being. I will save an announcement about bonus content for another day.
The Backstory AU has really become a passion project of mine. You can say it’s my magnum opus. I intend to take my time with future updates going forward. I used to pump chapters out as fast as I can, but I don’t really feel like I need to do that anymore. I feel like my content is better when I take my time to make sure everything is right. I want this AU to be executed to its full potential. Rome wasn’t built in a day, as the saying goes.
Oneshots/Additional projects
I have always been open to doing external projects on top of working on the Backstory AU and The Road To Success. Though recently, I have cut back on the amount of oneshots that I put out. There are two reasons for this:
1. The time I spend on these oneshots takes away time that I could be spending to write up the next chapter of The Road To Success. That story is a much higher priority to me, so I would like to put my time and effort into that before I decide to work on something else.
2. There really isn’t much demand for me to pump out as many oneshots now than there was 2 years ago. As I said in the hype train analogy, when a show gets new seasons/episodes, it draws fans to social media – it gives fic writers the motivation they need to push out new content. But now that the Animaniacs reboot has ended, a majority of the casual fanbase who had jumped onto that hype train had left to other fandoms.
But while the Animaniacs fanbase is much smaller now than it used to be, it allows me to focus less on the demand and more on the product itself – that product is the Backstory AU. I feel like I can take my time on new chapters knowing the diehard fan base will still be there. As long as there is an audience, I will write for as long as I still feel value in my work.
With that being said, I am going to be putting most of my focus on the AU going forward, rather than adding onto the load. I feel less anxious that way, knowing that I have a clear path in getting a fic done with little delay.
However, I am still open to doing oneshots in the not so distant future; I’m just putting priority on a bigger project at the moment. That might offset some readers who enjoy shorter content, but do know that all of my oneshots currently posted will remain on the platform for anyone to enjoy. Not to mention all the other great content getting posted on AO3. We’re a small, dedicated community, working together to make content for our own enjoyment.
But while I’m cutting back on individual oneshots going forward, I have something that you might enjoy.
Splats Of Ink/The Drabble Collection
Back in January, I decided to try my hand at a drabble collection. I saw that a couple of my fellow Animaniacs writers were doing it, so I thought “Why the heck not?” So far, I have written 6 entries to the collection, all of which have received decent feedback from readers.
I’m really enjoying doing the collection so far, because it gives me the chance to write out those strands of ideas floating around in my head. None of the drabbles in the collection are directly related to anything major, but that was the intention. The drabble collection is like my own personal sandbox – a place where I can figure out what works and what doesn't.
I won’t say yet what you can expect for future ideas for the collection; the collection itself is sporadic for the most part. But I would like to write out some deleted/extra scenes from The Road To Success which didn’t make it into the story. There is a lot of cut content from that story which I feel is still worth sharing. Other entries will include character study, and characters which I feel aren’t shined upon that often.
These drabbles will take the place of oneshots, and will typically be released during a wait period(when I’m in the midst of working on the next chapter of TRTS). As I said previously, I will still do oneshots on occasion, if I am able to come up with an idea that I can expand upon. For the most part, however, expect much more of the drabble collection in the near future.
If you made it all the way to the end, I just want to express how thankful I am to everyone who has supported me and my fics after all this time. I’ve been at this for 3 years now. I have made several new friends during my time here, and I’ve seen the talent of so many people in this community.
With that being said, I will be taking my time with my fics going forward. That doesn't mean I’m gonna quit necessarily, but I will be taking my time with my fics to ensure that they can hold up to their full potential. As long as there is still engagement in the fanbase, I will continue to write fic for as long as I still hold value to my craft.
If you have any questions about any of the information above, do not hesitate to ask. I will answer any questions you have, whether it’s about the Backstory AU or another project of mine. I want to be as transparent to you guys as I can.
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artemiseamoon · 10 months
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Still stuck on this Decided by Fate finale, sorry to my 1-2 darlings who are waiting 😩. So I’m using my writing time today to flesh out and hopefully finish this oneshot i stared early October. Listing to one of my many vampire playlist is really fueling the fire 🔥 plus it’s rainy and cloudy out. The vibes…( plus a long sneak peak below)
Made some revisions in my draft, not reflected below. It’s coming along nicely. I might be able to share the 1st one shot of the universe soonish.
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In three months Ambrosia’s life did a 360, no, screw that, more like a 720. A month ago she was divorced, 20 pounds heavier than she was 2 years ago, living alone, and jobless, minus the trickle of money from her novels.
When that asshole left her, leaving the divorce papers on her writing desk, her world imploded, like that goddamn tower card, and all this just months before her 39th birthday.
Ambrosia’s life wasn’t perfect, and that asshole John was picked for her. She wasn’t even that attracted to him, but everyone kept pushing them together and eventually, after a run of shitty luck in love, she chose the security and familiarity of John, who also made a shit load of money and told her to just write and create, to not worry about working. That alone was the biggest selling point.
Sure she worked, more out of need, you had to in this life. But if she could just focus on writing and creating without a 9-5 ,that was a dream, and being married to boring, semi attractive John gave her access to that dream.
On the outside, John was sweet, the all around good guy type, but he was also a passive aggressive asshole, mediocre in bed, and a whole list of things she just dealt with for the last 12 years because he gave her room to live the life she preferred.
Ambrosia never fell in love with him, the words spoken at the wedding were empty, and the attraction was strongly onsided. John was very into her. She thought of leaving so many times, but dragged her feet. Then 12 years and 5 months in, John divorced her. She was pissed.
Once the settlemnt was over, he left her with a nice sum and the house. But eventually, that money would run out and she had to figure out a plan. At 39, after 11 years of not working in the professional world, trying to figure out next steps was anxiety enducing.
Ambrosia was looking for jobs related to her degrees when she found out about this. It started with a late night search, related to the current books she’s working on. It seemed unreal, an escort service catering to vampires, like a story good enough to read, and that's what led her to look deeper.
A week later, after some shady searches and conversations she was led to a secret website and found out one of the women who works for it, lived in her area. It was a risk, what if the woman was a killer, or a creepy man? But this was too good to stop tracking down. They talked for a couple of weeks, then met in a bookshop, and that conversations changed her life. Though there was a lot the woman couldnt say, she said enough.
Ambrosias curiosity peaked for several reasons. Vampires, of course, and second; a secret fantasy. While she was tucked away in her perfect (on the outside) marriage, she secretly fantacised about sex work, about life as an escort, down to her name, her wardbrode and her clients. It was something she never spoke aloud or intended to act on. She applied on a whim, as a joke, then nearly had a heart attack when she was picked.
In the Immortal Doves, there were three tiers of escorts. The highest level was Vampire Couteasan, they were for feeding and sex. The Mistressess, a level under, were for company and feeding, no sex, unless a vampire paid a heafty price to upgrade his mistress. Third was the Sweets, they were for feeding purposes only, even if a vampire wanted to upgrade, he couldnt and the Immortal Doves took security and the rules, even with vampires, very seriously.
Once a woman applied, she started at the Sweets level and either stayed there, or worked her way up. Some were immediately upgraded to the higher levels if the owners saw potential. Ambrosia was fine with the third level, this was an experiment, she just wanted to see what it would be like and it was sort of comforting to know she didn’t have to sleep with anyone, yet.
But Antonio and Adaris loved her instantly, and she did exceptionally well in all her studies, so they elevated her to Mistress level just a week ago, and tonight would be her first job.
The women sat in the larivsh waiting room, music playing in the background and red pillar candles lined the matal place and tables. To the left was a love chair, where Ravana sat. Some of the women in the group have been here before, and talked a little about it in the limo ride over.
As the doors opened, one of the most commanding, alluring, interesting people she’s ever seen walked in. Dark brown skin, bone structure and cheek bones to die for, tall and fit with sleek muscles and dressed in some sort of white draped dress fit for a goddess.
“Madame Kimora, “ Ravana stood and presented the women. “ the 5 Doves as requested, it is an honor.”
Kimora offered a slant nod at her, then sauntered over, her penetrative stare studying each of the womens faces.
“I am Kimora. This is the home I share with my husband. You are guests for a very special occasion, some of you have been here before. For those of you that haven’t, you have been hand selected by a guest tonight, each of you is the ideal treat for one of our vampires, including my husband and I, we will share one of you.
In a minute, I will play a video, pay attention. Follow these rules and this night will be as pleasurable for you as it will be for our vampires. Once the video is over,” she passed all 5, turned, then walked the other way, making direct eye contact with each of them, “you will be led upstairs to bathe, what is in your bath will depend on your vampire’s tastes. Then, you will be led to your dressing room. Afterwards, we will have dinner before tonight's festivities begin. Each of you will have a curated, light three course meal, as requested by your vampire.
When addressing me, you may call me Madame, or Madame Kimora. I prefer They/them over she. Please use it. I will see you shortly, do enjoy the quality clothing, adornments, and perfumes that await you. Not all of you will have makeup or perfumes as your vampire did not desire it so. I have handpicked everything myself to best accentaute all of your features and forms.”
As she left the room, Ravana quickly had all the women on their feet and led the way to the second floor baths where attendants waited. Ambrosia was led to the third bath, in a room mainly lit by candles.
As soon as Ambrosia and her assistant stepped in, they were met with the scent of the most exotic, sensual smelling rose she’s ever smelled, petals of it were littered across the water.
“You will find your soap there, it is the same Rose. In 15 minutes, I will return for you, then lead you to your dressing quarters.”
“Thank you.”
Ambrosia watched the assistant step out, and closed the door. She wondered if they were human or vampire. In her pre-event instructions, she was told what and what not to say and ask, and though she was very curious who her vampire was, she bit her tongue, and kept the question to herself….
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
2, 11, and/or 30 for the ask game!
2. Favorite part of writing.
Aside from putting characters in situations, it's a dead tie between 'finding increasingly specific ways to describe something' and 'finding ways to sneak in jokes'.
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
Ooooh-OOOH. OH. Ok ok jot that down- what was that? Oh, okaaaay. Huh. That's a good start- what do you mean there's more? That's, no. No, I said we have other things that we're working on- okay, no, you're right that is a really good idea and it would be emotionally satisfying, Alright, I'll jot this down, but then we're definitely writing it this time, ok? We are going to focus, we will not leave another project unfinished- where are you going?
It's like that. But here's a more coherent answer.
Step 1- I have an idea. Perhaps it's a scene. Something I would like to see happen, out of pure need or a spiteful malaise from not seeing it happen, whichever.
Ex: I saw Mom City and the Finale and decided I hated what they did with Jamie's dad. I thought up a scene where Jamie and Roy talk about that.
Step 2- I spin the giant wheel in my brain. Without consulting me, it finds an unrelated topic. I then hold the first bit - the THING I want to write - up next to the second bit. I cross my eyes until I figure out what pattern exists between the two that my brain wants me to use.
Ex: The scene with Roy and Jamie talking about Jamie's dad + Roy going to therapy = There are two angry men in Jamie's life. Both of them have taken a step towards becoming better, but I only believe that one of them means it. Why?
Step 3- I start figuring out the whys. I think about which scenarios will strain the narrative. I find the uncomfy bits of dialogue that other authors skip over, and I make the characters talk about it at length until I figure out what the problem is. Slowly, a form comes together in the shape of a narrative. I usually have my climactic moments drafted from the start. I usually have a beginning. If I do not know the end, I find it soon enough. The rest I build with sticks. If dramatic moment one happens, what caused it? What tracks need laid to get me there. I sketch those in. Eventually, I have an outline.
Ex: The dissatisfaction from the end of season three becomes where the post season fic starts. The climactic bits breed out of the Roy Jamie conversation I began with. An ending takes shape- this is the final goal, the place I'd like my character to be. From there I work my way in, tying the moments together, until I can say 'yeah, that looks like a full story'.
Step 4- By exploring all of these scenarios and building a narrative architecture, a theme starts to emerge. I use that theme, and reflect it back on the vague bits I don't have written yet.
Ex: At this point I have realized that the entire impetus of the post-season fic is to stack ammo in the discussion of 'should Jamie's father be allowed back in his life?' The answer is no. What began as a simple comparison in step 2 has now become a multi-armed demon, fleshing out the motivations and backstories of every character it touches. The theme is family--born, found, and made--and so now every other character (Roy, Colin, Isaac, Sam, Keeley, Dani) has their family history being dragged into the light to serve as an example.
Step 5 - Legos. I have my outline (the sketch). I have my themes (the paint). Now I have to write it. Fuck. This step lasts forever.
Step 6 - I just keep trying. Because the story exists already, you know? It's not told, but it exists. I just have to keep putting in the work to make it into the physical world.
Step 7 - I print the things out and I scribble on them until I feel better. Then I take the scribbles, and I put them back into step 5.
Step 8 - Repeat steps 5-7 until you are out of legos. Then you are done, for now.
Step 9 - Walk around in a daze, feeling like you're about to cry. Keep repeating to people, "I can't believe it's over." It is never over. That feeling never truly goes away. You are forever surprised that you created something.
Step 10 - Become annoying to everyone you know by blogging about it online.
Ex: In progress
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.
Oh, I have lots. Shameless self-plug though, everything I wrote about Moe on his quest to do spoken word poetry in chapter 1 of the post-season fic was a goddamn delight. Up to and including the Machiavelli quotes.
One of my other other favorite parts goes to Isaac in the epilogue. It is the bookend to Moe's poetry. I'm literally so excited about it.
Actually I take that back. I just realized I do have a favorite line, and it's a stupid one.
Right now my favorite line is a running joke, wherein I the author put in the placeholder '[whatever Higgins said]' into Roy's internal monologue about being a better person. This in regards to the scene in the finale where the Diamond Dogs talked about learning how to be better, not perfect. Higgins made some good points. I meant to go back and pull the quote from the episode. It was going to be in italics, the way you do when you're bringing back quotes into an internal monologue.
The only thing is I, uh. Did not do that. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense that Roy, who got the gist of what Higgins was saying, maybe didn't necessarily jot down the exact phrasing in his head, the way he does with other lines (the ones that are detrimental to his emotional health and well being.) Also it made me laugh. So now it's just peppered in sometimes, when Roy is trying to be a better person.
'Whatever Higgins said.'
Like I said at the start- I love to sneak in a joke.
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thelordofgifs · 11 months
26, 34, and 35 for the writer asks! :)
(questions for fanfiction writers)
Answered 26 here.
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
From my adored favourite child, Ilimbë, I'm very proud of the romantic resolution, especially considering how rarely I write romance:
Fëanor had never been kissed before. It took him a moment to respond, but then he found he was kissing Nerdanel back and it was the easiest, most familiar thing in the world; her messy curls were brushing his face and one of her strong sure hands had travelled down to rest against the small of his back and there was nothing that had ever been more real than the warmth of her pressed against him; she was certainty itself, as solid as marble, no crafted thing to be shaped and changed, but a maker and a preserver and a promise of forever; and her mouth against his was hot and sweet and golden as the taste of a Laurelin-ripened peach. They broke apart at last. Fëanor’s hair was a mess. Nerdanel’s lips were rosy and a little swollen. “Nerdanel,” said Fëanor, breathlessly. Nerdanel grinned at him. “Not only a boy, I will allow,” she said. Fëanor embraced her, and kissed her again. “I did not think you could love me,” he said against her neck, some time later. “I thought — I thought you would make a better version of me, fairer and less Marred, and love him instead.” “Oh, Fëanáro,” said Nerdanel, almost sadly. “But I love you.” And she spoke with such simple finality that he could muster up no further protestations. He was filled now with a miraculous lightness. All the despair of the preceding weeks seemed to have evaporated like early-morning dewdrops in the light of Laurelin, leaving only bright joy singing in his veins. “And I love you,” he said. “I was made for loving you. I love watching you work. I love how excited you get when you sketch out a design, and that you are strong enough to lift your stones by yourself. I love it when there is stone-dust in your hair and clay on your nose and you are so absorbed in your work that you must be reminded to eat. I love that you are so often travelling, and never content to stay still. I love your laugh. And I think you very beautiful.” Nerdanel’s eyes were shining. “Do you!” she said. “Come here,” and she held out her arms, drawing him close again. Fëanor went without protest, although he had always prided himself on his self-will: so perhaps love was a yielding of sorts, the softening of hard stone into bruisable flesh. He could not stop kissing her! Her mouth was so dizzyingly sweet.
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
So I MAY have left this ask half-finished in my drafts for like a week. Oops. Sorry about that. Every time I opened my drafts and saw it, I also saw the draft of tfs and decided to work on that instead. BUT I have finally published part 30 and have several essays’ worth of thoughts to share which I will do so in a separate post, so stay tuned! ❤️
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headcanonthings · 4 years
Zukka Hockey AU
(with a hint of Social Media AU bc why not?)
Sokka and Zuko meet in the later years of college due to mutual friends
Sokka is an engineering student with a full ride hockey scholarship; Zuko entered as a business major but by the end of his first term he realized he was doing that because it’s what was always expected of him, he then changes to a double Lit & Theater Major (he decides to minor in business so he can help Uncle with the shop)
Neither of them are really looking for a relationship with being so busy with school, sports and jobs but thanks to their mutual friends they start hanging out and become pretty good friends
After college Sokka gets recruited to the pros and quickly becomes a fan favorite; Zuko becomes a moderately successful screen actor
They don’t lose touch so much as they just don’t stay close, they’ll message each other every now and then but mostly through social media like congratulating through tweets or instagram
But then Aang and Katara finally set the date for their marriage and Sokka is Aang’s Best Man and Zuko is invited as one of their dear friends which leads the two of them reconnecting
Zuko’s been out as gay since college and has been vocal in his career about his sexuality and mental health; Sokka on the other hand, while comfortable with his bisexuality, hasn’t been as open due to the heteronormative culture of sports, plus he’s always leaned more towards women then men so he never feels like he’s really hiding anything (the important people like his family, Aang, and Suki all know)
But during the Kataang wedding the two realize how much they’ve really missed each other and something really clicks between them over the few days they spend together
Before heading back to Caldera Zuko decides to shoot his shot (after a prep talk from Mai and Ty Lee) Sokka hesitates which has Zuko going from some what suave to his usual awkward turtleduck self as he quickly tries to backpedal, Sokka immediately jumps in to calm him down saying he’d love to but he’s not out publicly and sports as a whole ain’t that open let alone hockey and Sokka knows Zuko’s been out and doesn’t want him to like go back in the closet or anything
Zuko says he understands, but he really likes Sokka and Sokka has mentioned a few times over the past couple days that his hockey career isn’t a forever thing and Zuko’s willing to keep it on the downlow if it means giving them a try; neither of them are that big of celebrity that’ll be hard, they just need to be careful
It actually goes really well; they have to deal with virtual dates at first with Zuko in Caldera and Sokka on a southern Earth Kingdom island where his Southern Water Tribe team is located
About two months in Zuko’s between acting projects and he’s been wanting to try his hand at writing (he’s had a few short stories published under a pseudonym) so he rents a place on the southern earth island
(it’s a complete accident on Zuko’s part but very intentional on Mai’s part that the place happens to be only a few blocks away from the hockey training arena)
Being so close makes everything easier; being together is so easy in a way neither of them expected; their close friendship in college means they already know a lot about each other like Sokka losing his mom and Yue and Zuko’s entire family situation
By the end of Zuko’s first month on the island Sokka’s pretty sure he’s gonna ask Zukos to marry him someday; by month four of the relationship they agree it’s time to start telling their friends and family
Their six month anniversary hits and Sokka being RomanticTM sets up this huge display at his house I’m talking roses everywhere and fairy lights strung up on his back patio with specially ordered food and drink from the most romantic restaurant in town and a lit candle on the table and soft music playing from a little BT speaker and Zuko almost cries because he is also a RomanticTM but no ones ever done anything like this for him before
And the night is wonderful and there is absolutely nothing wrong but Sokka can’t help but think about how he really wishes he could have taken Zuko out to the restaurant and maybe done some kind of activity before hand and he’s got some really cute selfies with Zuko that he wishes he could share with the world instead of just spamming the gAang group chat
A few days later he’s scrolling social media after practice and realizes that it’s National Coming Out Day and he sees all of these cute and inspiring messages and he wants so badly to be apart of that
Later while he’s laying in bed with Zuko he can’t get those posts out of his head and he’s looking at Zuko curled up into his side and thinks Fuck It
He tells Zuko what he wants to do cause he’s going to come out but if Zuko doesn’t want to be part of it he’s not going to make him but all Zuko does is ask if he’s sure and Sokka is so he snaps a quick pic of them curled up together gets Zuko’s approval of the pic and posts it with a little message (including a bi and pride flag emojis)
Zuko in solidarity makes his own post using one of the photos they took during their anniversary
Sokka gets a call first thing in the morning from his coach and the PR guy asking him to come in; Sokka’s a little worried he’s about to get sacked but reminds himself that he’s still fairly young and he’s been smart enough to get his masters online during the off seasons
To Sokka’s minor surprise everyone is pretty ok with it; the PR guy is a little annoyed they didn’t have a heads up to help cut off the a-holes on the internet but they’re like the only statement we’re gonna put out is one that says the team supports all sexualities but they don’t want to make a big big deal out of it if Sokka’s not comfortable with that
All of Sokka’s teammates flood his mentions with support messages and follow Zuko’s account as another sign of support
The GAang are also quick to share a lot of pics and messages supporting the couple; Katara is super happy to share some of the mushier and embarrassing texts Sokka’s sent her like a whole paragraph about how pretty Sokka thinks Zuko’s eyes are
Mai is Zuko’s best friend since childhood, she went to school for something like Poli Sci and somehow in the process of helping him move to Caldera she ended up moving to; she helped him with his theater classes like running lines and studying and actually picked up a lot of the behind he scenes info so before she knows it she’s helping Zuko get auditions and PR and when someone asks if she’s his manager she only hesitates for a second before saying yes; she asks a family friend to help write up a contact that Zuko barely looks over because he trusts her
Once the initial fervor calms down, Sokka agrees to do an interview but specifically requests a little known journalist (Korra? A different Krew member?) he picks them based off of Zuko’s recommendation, Zuko remembers how kind and easy it was to speak with them; when Sokka tells the interviewer that they nearly faint
 Sokka loves Twitter but Zuko is more of an Instagram guy
Sokka and Zuko eventually end up having two weddings, a small personal one that is mostly family and really close friends and then a much larger event type one where they invite Sokka’s full team and the many celeb friends Zuko’s made like other actors and directors
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forevamark · 2 years
Preview: Looking for Attention (l.jn)
I’M BACK! What it do cookie boos ★~(◡﹏◕✿)
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(If that dont work lol im sorry but its the latest post on my blog lmao)
looking for attention (l.jn) 
After a couple months of hiatus, I finally found the inspiration to finish all these drafts of fics I have in my WIP folder... sorry for the wait, I want quality out here.
Here’s a delulu scene that I have had rotting in my brain the past couple of months starring no other than the man of the hour: Lee Jeno. I started fully flesh out writing this fic at around 11:45pm and its currently 6:25am and I’m still not done with it LOL shooting for 10k words with this to make it worth while to read! Enjoy this teaser/preview, after my beta readers do a read through and make edits, I’ll post the full length fic hopefully tomorrow! <3
Pairing: Jeno ft the ‘00 line dreamies x fem! reader insert
Tags: gamer idol au, secret girlfriend reader, slice of life, needy reader, jeno is a nerdy hard head,  substantial amount of plot leading up to the nasty, possessive jeno, lowkey the ‘00 line wants you so bad, jeno knows everyone wants you so bad, y’all can look but not touch vibes, camera voyeurism
Warnings: teasing, voyeurism, exhibitionism, oral fem reader and male receiving, masturbation, unprotected sex (wrap it up ya’ll!), mentions of potential five way, multiple partners (not directly), possessive domination, degradation, reader is a simpy subby sub sub, dumbification/bimbo kink, mentions of referring to reader as ‘pet’/’kitten’, (probably more knowing me... I’ve been brewing on this one for a WHILE)
Word Count: final product: ~10k, teaser: 640 
** I haven’t proof read this yet, and this may not make the final cut, please be aware of that !
Summary: Between Jeno being an idol and you being a current nursing school student, it’s hard to find time to be there for each other and actually feel like you two are dating. So when Jeno makes time to spend a whole day with you but actually spends the whole time playing with the boys online instead of helping you study for your exam, you decide it’s time to play some games of your own.
“Are you kidding me? Hyuck open your fucking eyes!” Jeno screamed at his screen while throwing his hands in the air, “I’m tired of us not moving on because of you!”
It’s been three hours since you have arrived at Jeno’s apartment. You’ve been insisting on spending more quality time with him and he finally promised to put more effort in by agreeing to spend the day with you.
 Maybe you should have seen it coming when Jeno insisted on you bringing your study materials for your upcoming exam, mentioning that he will help you study. When he opened the door you were expected to be bombarded with warm hugs and maybe even some cuddles and suggestions to bake cookies. Would it be so presumptuous to even be looking forward to being savagely ravished in some long awaited sexy time? The thought of having uninterrupted alone time with Jeno bounced around your mind as you anticipatingly waited for him to answer the door.
However much to your chagrin, you were begrudgingly and briefly greeted with a breathy irritated Jeno that barely made eye contact before running back to the room shouting, 
“I swear I’m here! I’m here! Just had to open the door for y/n! I’m back! I’m back!” leaving you confused and rooted to the welcome mat of his front door.
Sighing, you slowly removed your shoes and made your way to his kitchen to grab some water and place your stuff on his table. Making your way to Jeno’s room, the volume of his excited shouting elevated and as you rounded the corner you saw him slouched over staring at the screen with intent eyes and hands frantically moving. 
“Hey babe,” you knock while leaning against his desk, his eyes not meeting yours once again. 
“Just go towards the back Jaem that way they won’t see you,” he called out adjusting his mic. 
“Babe,” you raised your voice.
“No Hyuck, stay there, we need you later,” he replied while checking his second monitor briefly then shooting you a quick smile before clicking repeatedly, “hey babe sorry I’ll be done with this game soon, one sec.”
“Will you really be done soon? It’s fine if it won't just let me know so I’m not just waiting around.” 
“Yeah, yeah swear,” he nodded while playing.
You made your way back to the table in the living room and placed all your textbooks down and opened up your laptop to finish a lecture that you needed to finish taking notes on.
Fifteen minutes passed and your feet were tucked under your body in the seat and highlighters were scattered around. As you cracked your knuckles closing the lecture video tab, Jeno walked out of his room shirtless, sporting a pair of gray sweatpants and his gaming headset on, making his way to the fridge. Jeno was a dream. Only he could look so insanely attractive while having the personality of the biggest nerd you’ve ever met. 
“Let’s fucking go!” he hollered while rummaging through the shelves to find a carton of banana milk and drinking it, “can’t believe we made it out of there, Hyuck fucking sucks at stealth missions, so it must have been a miracle for them to not see him,” he laughs while heading towards you. Jeno flicked his hair to the side and tucked a hand into his pocket making his arms slightly flex, effortlessly gorgeous as always.
Straightening your back you leaned forward awaiting him to finally sit with you, lips sitting prettily puckered awaiting your overdue kiss. Excitement erupts and you can barely sit still as you think how you will escalate this further today. A long list of positions and roleplay fill your head excitingly. However Jeno wasn’t nearly on the same page as he walked straight past and into the pantry to take out a bag of chips and jog back into the room. Disappointment -and a bit of sexual frustration- sets in as you hear a faint, “hell yeah I’m down for another round lemme log back in really quick!”
You have got to be kidding me.
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todrokishoto · 3 years
“i’m fine, idiot”
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character(s): bakugou katsuki x reader 
warning(s): mentions of blood, injuries and passing out. swearing bc of bakugou. i think that’s it?
a/n: just found this in my drafts and decided to finish it. might do a part 2 if you guys want - let me know! 
also, i could not find a gif i liked for this so just,,, bear w me
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“’m fuckin’ fine,” he grumbles, voice gruff. you both know that is an obvious lie as the dark pants of his hero costume continues to grow darker, the green garters around his thigh also tinted crimson. 
while you often admire the hot-headed blond for his never-ending perseverance, today is not one of those days. sure, an ounce or two of determination never hurt anybody but his stubbornness was threatening to snap the last string of patience within you. 
rolling your eyes at his words, you poke a booted toe into the side of his injured leg. his jaw clenches tightly and his teeth comes in contact with his bottom lip in - what you assume - is an attempt to keep from voicing his pain. 
your gaze flickers toward his tightly wound fists, focusing on the telltale sign of his fingernails almost piercing skin. you roll your eyes again before letting your eyes move back to inspect his face. he’s clearly not fine. 
vermillion eyes finally meet your own but there is nothing but conviction swimming within them. and you want to punch him for it. if he doesn’t give up soon and admit defeat, he will have another injury added to the list, you swear to god. 
“stop fucking starin’ at me like that. i’m fine, you idiot.”
you inhale deeply, resisting the urge to pinch pinch the bridge of your nose in annoyance. “shut up already. you’re clearly not fine and we need to get out of here before the whole place collapses.” 
“then start walkin’,” bakugou snaps, using the back of his hand to wipe the sweat of his face. admittedly, it only makes it worse, red liquid now smeared on his skin as well. “i’ll be right behind ya.” 
you sigh this time, hopefully loud enough for him to understand that you’re not messing around. ignoring the protests from your joints, you kneel down beside him, reaching a slightly trembling hand out toward the tear in his hero costume. before you can do so, firm fingers wrap around your wrist. 
with questioning eyes, you glance up at him, not bothering to mask your increasing frustration. his crimson orbs trail your face briefly before he reluctantly loosens his grip. he groans quietly as your nimble fingers come in contact with the exposed flesh of his thigh. 
you eliminate the few obstacles keeping you from properly inspecting his most critical injury. this includes ever-so-gently pushing back the thick material of his cargo pants with your fingertips and using your discarded gloves to wipe away some of the blood. you quickly deem it hopeless, though, as the liquid just keeps oozing. 
he jolts. “ah - fuckin’ watch it - so what’s the diagnosis?” 
“if we don’t get out of here soon, you will more than likely bleed out at one point. by the way you’re sweating and how pale you’re looking, i give it maybe another ten to fifteen minutes until you pass out.” 
he scoffs, swatting your hands away forcefully. planting his palms on the dirty ground - which also most definitely need medical attention since his gauntlets were long gone - he goes to push himself up. you reach out a hand to stop him, which he slaps away without thought. 
and, so, you watch quietly (mostly from pure frustration and disbelief - some worry too, but you’d never tell him that) as he attempts and fails. a string of curses fall from his lips and he tries again, this time succeeding, just barely. 
he sways momentarily, unable to put any weight on his left leg. his body isn’t strong enough to keep up with his strong-willed mind, you can tell, and you’re able to catch him before he stumbles forward. the blood loss surely isn’t helping either. 
he groans in protest as you wrap an arm around his torso, grabbing his wrist in your other hand and maneuvering it around your neck. you ignore it, your worry only growing at how faint his pulse feels underneath your fingers. 
“stop being so fucking stubborn, katsuki,” you huff, the weight of his body only adding to the strain of your own. “accepting help doesn’t make you weak. you need medical attention. now. i refuse to let you die on me, so just let me help, okay?” 
you begin walking and he follows along to the best of his ability. he’s heavy - god, he’s heavy - but you keep moving. you need to get out, you need to get him out. he does nothing to ease your apprehension when slurred words leave his mouth that you can’t quite decipher. 
at the sound of a murmuring crowd and sirens, your speed picks up despite your legs crying out from doing so. bakugou feels so heavy in your grasp that you’re almost sure he’s passed out already. 
while soft - and beautiful, but you don’t have time to admire it - the twilight is still so bright that you struggle to keep your eyes open when you finally exit the crumbling building. the blond protests weakly and you realize he’s still conscious, although he seems to be right on the border of succumbing to his injuries. 
there are reporters. way too many of them and you ignore every single one as you focus in on the awaiting ambulance in front of you. still, you’re able to catch one of them saying something along the lines of ‘pro heroes dynamite and y/h/n just exited the ruins together and’- 
you stop listening. 
“bakugou- hey,” you pat his cheek a little more force than necessary as the medics help you load him onto the gurney. “stay with me, yeah?” 
“mm,” he hums, his eyes fluttering shut briefly before opening again. “like it bett’r when yer use m’first name.”
you chuckle, ignoring the look the medic shoots you. you’re not gonna cry, damn it. at a loss for words, you squeeze his hand instead. the anticipated squeeze in return never comes and you realize he’s lost his battle; he’s no longer conscious. 
“ma’am, you should—” 
you swat away the fretting hands, your eyes immediately scanning the crowd. there are sounds of metal clinking and doors being slammed, and then the ambulance takes off behind you. you spot a familiar mop of red spikes fairly quickly. 
the sturdy hero jogs over, his easygoing grin faltering slightly when he realizes you’re alone. “where’s bakugou?” 
“passed out in an ambulance. are you good here?” you leave the ‘do you need me to stay?’ unsaid because, as a hero, it is your duty to stay until every civilian has been evacuated and all villains are properly apprehended. 
kirishima nods eagerly and the relief you feel when he does instantly plants a seed of guilt in the pit of your stomach. but they look like they have things handled and you wouldn’t be of much help regardless, mind too preoccupied on the status of bakugou’s condition. 
“just go, we’ll handle the rest! he’d want you there when he wakes up,” kirishima admits, patting your shoulder reassuringly. “and do me a favor, yeah? get yourself checked out while you’re there. you don’t look too good, either.”
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coveredinsweetpea · 3 years
Thigh Riding!! Sweet Pea
I know I said I'd work on my requests in chronological order, but I had just the thing waiting in my drafts for this one!!!
Warnings: 18+, implied smut, light breath play.
You watched the knife slowly sink into the cucumber you were cutting for the sandwiches, as Sweet Pea laid on the couch, half asleep. The movie you two had chosen no more than one hour ago turned out to be probably one of the worst and most infuriatingly dumb horror movies of all time, so to say boredom had gotten to you, would be the biggest understatement of the evening. You offered to go make sandwiches as an excuse to not have to watch another completely foreseeable scene unfold, and now there you were, beyond fascinated with your irregular cucumber slices. 
When you were finally done and there was no way you could push it any further, you grabbed the food you had just prepared and walked back into the living room. 
"She died" Sweet Pea mumbled unimpressed, as you sat down next to him.
"Did she? Would have never seen that coming." you joked, shuffling against his side in an attempt to make yourself comfortable enough in order to get through the rest of the movie. You tucked your legs underneath yourself, rested your head in the crook of his neck, then in his lap, and then, right when you thought you found your position, Sweet Pea's spoke up.
"Are you that bored?"
"I mean..." you whined, sitting normally on the bed and turning to look at him, "Aren't you?"
"I am" he chuckled, "3 out of 5 are dead. One more dies and then the last one escapes and the movie ends, shouldn't be that long"
You threw him a disappointed look, but eventually decided to let him finish the movie. However, this attitude didn't last too long, as a couple of minutes later, you were already snuggled into his side with your face tucked into his chest. You weren't looking at the screen anymore, just enjoyed the way his frame rose and fell with ever breath he took as you held him tighter by the second.
"We can stop the movie" he laughed, wrapping an arm around you and settling his hand on your ass. He lightly squeezed your flesh between his fingers, and you couldn't help but sink deeper into his hold.
"No it's fine" you eventually whispered before kissing his hoodie clad chest.
"There's not long left anyway, babe" he said, pecking the top of your head as his hands shamelessly explored your hips and thighs. The movie went on, and by now, with one leg over Sweet Pea's lap and cuddled under his left arm, you couldn't feel more comfortable. You slipped your left hand under his hoodie, allowing your fingers to caress the burning skin of his sides. Most likely mindlessly, his hand started applying pressure to your hips, before moving right between your legs. 
"You smell so good, what the fuck" you said rubbing the side of his neck with the tip of your nose.
"I shower from time to time, love" he said sternly, sarcasm flowing through his lips as he brought his other hand to your ass, trying to guide you to sit on his lap. You followed his movements and straddled his hips, cuddling into his chest. Pea pulled you closer and tucked your head under his chin, as he proceeded to watch the rest of the movie.
As you laid pressed against him, you felt your heart warm up with sudden realisations as in - he's real, in your arms, he's holding you; his small gestures like scratching his nose or scoffing because the main character is dumb beyond repair, hit hard on the inside of your chest. So, on impulse, your lips connected to the base of his neck. You circled your fingers around the collar of his worn out hoodie and pulled down to expose new areas of untouched skin. His fingers tightened their grip as he let out a soft moan when you allowed your teeth to graze his collarbones.
"Baby" you whined, grabbing the sides of his face and pushing yourself up so that your body was pressed flush against his.
"I'm here, angel" he cooed, rubbing his palms up and down the back of your thighs. You could already feel a familiar tingle form in the pit of your stomach as your lips finally met his. He opened his mouth without hesitation and tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss.
With your legs on either side of his lap, there was no way you could rub your thighs together in order to release some of the tension that was already building up so you just settled on pushing yourself against his abdomen. It was useless and frustrating, as all it managed to do was get you even more riled up. You lowered yourself slowly without breaking the kiss, so that you were sitting in his lap again. His hands continued their teasing, breathy whimpers escaping your lips every time you felt his fingers dig into your flesh.
What was once a passionate kiss, turned now into a full on make out session, both of you getting lost in the moment. With every bite he laid upon your lower lip, every tug and squeeze, you felt the pain between your legs grow bigger and bigger. Maybe unconsciously, you shifted a lit to the side so that you were sitting on his left leg, and forced your body to sink down into his', with the hopes of releasing some of the tension.
Every time his hands tried to pull you closer, you crawled back, creating a painfully small amount of friction between his thigh and your core.
"Enjoying yourself?" Sweet Pea smirked, breaking the kiss just enough so that his burning breath would fan over your swollen lips.
"A bit" you groaned, before shifting slightly so that your legs were sprawled around him. Prompting your weight on your knees, you started rolling your hips back and forth along Pea's thigh.
"That's it" he chuckled, feeling you press down on him harder, "Come on, baby.."
You steadied yourself by placing one hand on his abdomen and pushed yourself up to meet his lips again. This time it was sloppier and mostly out of control as your body kept rocking against his'. His tall frame made it difficult for you to reach his lips comfortably so you moved lower, gripping the back of his neck as you mercilessly bit into his skin. The barrier your clothes created between the two of you made it difficult for your release to approach, but the moans Sweet Pea let out under your careful touch worked wonders on bringing you closer to your edge.
"Are you gonna cum like this?" he asked 
"I'm gonna try" you huffed, not pulling away from his neck.
"Let me help," he said. You felt one of his hands leave your ass before it connected to it once again, this time with a loud, powerful slap that sent waves of pleasure propagating throughout your entire body. Sweet Pea circled his arm around your ass to keep you in place and help you press down on him, as his other hand traveled up your body, under your shirt. His palm reached your chest before he let his fingers sink into your skin as he gripped your breast harshly.
"Oh fuck" you whispered as your head fell into the crook of his neck, "Pea, this is gonna take me ages, it's not gonna work"
"Underestimate me again, babe" he grinned, bumping his leg up and causing you to lose your balance. He smiled even wider when you fell against his chest, and started contracting his thigh muscles. You kept going, determined to get your high, Sweet Pea apparently having the same intentions. His hands found your ass again, slapping and gripping it uncontrollably and seemingly more and more aggressively each time. 
"You needy little thing" he whispered lewdly in your ear, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine, "Need me that bad, huh?"
"Pea?" you panted, looking up at him, "Please"
"I got you" he said, cupping your cheek and kissing your forehead. His hand slipped lower and his fingers wrapped themselves tightly around your neck, "Come on, baby, I know you can ride harder than this"
You chucked drily, feeling your orgasm start to build up as he applied pressure to the sides of your neck. You felt his metal rings against your skin, and when he clenched his thigh muscles the right way - teasingly brushing against your core, your eyes fluttered shut as your head tilted back in pleasure.
"Oh- oh" you mumbled, gripping his wrist, "Ok, fuck-"
"Look at me" he commanded, and as your eyes met his', Sweet Pea let his fingers sink down into your ass again, a touch so greedy it almost sent you over the edge. You kept going as you maintained eye contact, and the second you felt your orgasm start to envelop you and your movements became more irregular, Sweet Pea made sure you got to ride your high the right way. His hips bucked upwards meeting your tired thrusts as his hand worked on keeping you flush against him. The chain of whimpers that escaped your lips as your orgasm rolled through your body put a smile on his face, however you didn't get too much time to look at his proud features as you crashed down into his arms once your high had washed over.
"Was that good?" he asked smugly, wrapping his arms protectively around your frame and kissing the top of your head.
You just nodded in response, too busy catching your breath and enjoying the last waves of pleasure that travelled down your legs.
"I wanna eat you out," he said.
Despite being quite surprised by his statement, you didn't protest, "Just give me a second"
"No" he shook his head, "I want you now"
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cowboy-anon · 3 years
Finally, some more content! Lol, I found this bad boy half finished in my drafts and I decided, sure, let’s finish it! AKA the one where Apple really starts to miss Clay. 🍏
CW: Bruises, food, emeto mention (not graphic), hitting and punching oneself, implied past neglect, starvation, and torture, implied thoughts of running away, nudity (nonsexual), pet whump, self depreciating thoughts, self harm, Stockholm Syndrome
The Apple Whumpin’ Gang™: @getyourwhumphere​, @milk-carton-whump​, @unicornscotty​, @sideblogformindtrash​, @whither-wander-whump, @whumpinggrounds​, @happy-whumper​, @whumperfulart​, @starnight-whump​, @melancholy-in-the-morning (Let me know if you want to be added or removed!)
Apple’s only been with Temporary Master Jimmy for a week and the bruises have already begun to fade. 
It’s especially noticeable in the foggy bathroom mirror today because Apple’s missing Master Clay. He’s missing his rough touch and the sound of his voice when he orders Apple to the extra bedroom. Most of all, he’s missing him, and right now he doesn’t have him. All he has left are these fading bruises.     
So he doesn’t want them to go. They’re everything, a reminder of what he has left, of all he’s ever had. He wants them to stay or for them to be replaced by fresh new ones, not by Temporary Master Jimmy but by Master Clay, so they feel loving and painful and right.
Apple tentatively touches over the one on his stomach, big but barely there anymore. He remembers how much it hurt in the days after Master Clay gave it to him, so bad and tender that the fabric of his shirt had him sucking in pained breaths. 
Now he hardly feels it at all. 
Apple wants the pain to stay. There’s only one way to make it stay. 
He balls his hand into a fist. He hits himself. 
He thinks if he wasn’t so thin and weak and him, it wouldn’t have hurt so bad, but as he looks down at his body, he realizes that can’t be enough. He didn’t hit himself nearly as hard as Master Clay did, not nearly as much. 
Apple clutches his fist and hits himself in the stomach again, harder this time, more self-assured. He wants this to hurt. He wants to keep the bruises fresh and painful and blue for Master Clay, so that when Apple is back, he won’t have to waste any time getting him ready again. It’ll be like he never left, and Master Clay will love the dedication, won’t he? The sheer devotion of it all?
Apple hits himself again and again and again, until the flesh stings and he’s aching and he’s sure he’ll be bruised. 
But that’s only one. 
He peers over at his left shoulder, sees the fading markings there too. He raises his fist.
By the time he’s done, big patches of his skin are red and his body hurts. Apple smiles. It feels like he never left home. 
He crosses the bathroom and sinks into the now-lukewarm bath Temporary Master Jimmy ran for him over an hour ago. It’s good that it’s not hot. He thinks he would wince, that his beaten body would be unable to handle the burn.   
Not fifteen minutes later—although fair, since Apple’s been in the bathroom for far longer than he usually is—there’s the faltering knock on the door that Apple’s come to recognize as innately Temporary Master Jimmy’s. “Apple, hey, I, uh… made dinner,” he calls through the door. “It’s soup again. so—just, whenever you’re ready.”  
Apple waits until he hears Temporary Master Jimmy’s receding footsteps before getting up and out of the bath. He can’t help it that he waits. Temporary Master Jimmy is so strange.
That first night, Temporary Master Jimmy gave him a whole meal of leftover chicken and mashed potatoes and greens. Apple made himself sick trying to eat it all. After that, Temporary Master Jimmy was on his computer a long time, and since then it’s been oatmeal and soups and smoothies. Trying to get his body used to eating enough again, he said. 
Master Clay never did any of that. Temporary Master Jimmy should just stop trying to change things. It’ll only make things harder when he finally gets to go back to Master Clay. 
But in this weird, horrible way, Temporary Master Jimmy seems to care about him, and there’s no doubt in his mind that he’d try to stop him if he knew Apple was hurting himself, tell him what he’s doing is bad and wrong. Apple will keep this a secret for now, even though the thought makes his stomach churn. Keeping secrets from masters, even temporary ones, could only really end in pain and regret. 
Whatever. Apple will keep making the bruises, Temporary Master Jimmy will eventually discover them, and he’ll inevitably be punished. Apple decides he loves Master Clay too much to care. 
He dries himself, pulls on a pair of sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt—over his soon-to-be-bruised arms, Apple reminds himself excitedly—and he steps out of the bathroom. Temporary Master Jimmy is already waiting at the dinner table. 
More soup… Apple thinks boredly as he takes a seat. But with this ever-increasing appetite, he’s too hungry to complain. He picks up the spoon to eat and winces at the way his shirt ghosts over freshly beaten skin. That makes him feel better at least. 
By tomorrow, his bruises will be nice and dark and blue. Apple feels a little better digging into his soup after that. Someday, someday soon, Master Clay will get to see all the love he’s put into keeping himself this way. 
He just has to deal with Temporary Master Jimmy a little while longer…
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peakyscillian · 3 years
What You're Missing | Part Three
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Summary: Reader & Cillian have been so busy, spending time together hasn't happened, Reader needs to show Cillian just what he's missing over the course of a week. Pairing: Cillian x Fem!Reader Part: 3/4 Warnings: Smut & Language. Requested: No. A/N: This has been sat in my drafts for a while, so I've decided to actually post it.
What You're Missing
Masterlist | Part One | Part Two
Part Three
'got an early finish planned today baby x' You glanced at his text, you'd finally had an idea for your article and didn't want to be distracted. You already had your plan for this evening. Finishing up in the bathroom, you made sure your hair was perfectly waved, light on the make up, his favourite lingerie set fitting your body perfectly. You padded into your shared closet looking for one of his shirts, ideally his favourite navy one, that was soft and nicely oversized on you. You grabbed some laundry from the hamper and made your way back down the stairs, loading the washer, you made sure beers were chilling in the fridge. ~~~~ Cillian froze at the front door, the picture of you filled his screen, his eyes lingered on the shot of you in the bathroom, a t-shirt scrunched over your breasts and a high waisted thong. His eyes flicked to the guys behind him as he opened the door "Y/N?" He called out, hoping your reply came from the bedroom as the guys piled in behind him. You stepped out of the kitchen, the high waisted thong sat on the soft flesh of your hips, the low cut bra was fitted on your breasts leaving a small amount to the imagination, his shirt thrown over you, he loved you in his shirts. Your eyes widened at the sight of Paul and Anto behind your husband "shit" you cursed a blush rising up your chest to your cheeks. Cillian ushered the guys into the lounge. "I mean we can go Cills" Paul chuckled "yea we don't want to interrupt you getting laid" Anto jibed at him. "ah fuck off you three I'll be right back" he closed the door behind him striding down the hall. He found you in the bedroom tugging on some sweats, hair now piled in a messy bun "I'm sorry" he started you glared at him still in the bra, his shirt discarded on the floor just a warning text would of been enough Cillian" you huffed pulling open the door to the closet "I didn't get the picture or text until just now" he was holding back a smirk. You reappeared from the closet pulling a cropped sweat over your head "wipe that smirk off your face Murphy and go have boys night" you rolled your eyes. "but I can send them home" he protested pulling you into his arms, you shook your head "surprisingly not in the mood" you pecked his cheek. Cillian nodded kissing you on the corner of your mouth "if you're sure" he pouted a little. "I'm sure Cill, I have work to finish off anyway" you nudged your nose against his "I guess there's always later" he whispered against your ear "maybe if I'm over my embarrassment" you laughed lightly. You stopped in the door way of the office "there's beers in the fridge and can you switch the dryer off" you blew him a kiss "anything love" he blew one back, skipping down the stairs. ~~~~ Cillian made his way up to the bedroom a few hours later, kicking the guys out finally after a lot of teasing from them. A smile pulled on his lips at the sight of you in the bed, laptop in front of you, friends on the tv, glasses perched on your nose "hey baby" he lent over you kissing your temple "hey" you smiled up at him "just going to get a shower" he mentioned to the en suite "I'll be here" he nodded making his way to the bathroom. You closed your laptop, resting it on the bedside table placing your glasses on the top as Cillian slipped into the covers smelling fresh and comforting, his hair still slightly wet. "Really am sorry about this evening darling" he lifted his arm so you could slide up next to him, you shook your head "it's fine Cill, just felt stupid" you mumbled hand on his chest. He sighed "no need to feel stupid love, should have told ya" he dropped a kiss to the top of your head. You looked up at him, eyes searching his face "what's wrong?" He asked brow furrowed in concern "nothing" you kissed his chest. Cillian shook his head he knew youso well "somethings up, don't get me wrong baby, I've loved these past couple of days, love having you love on me and being able to love on you, but even with our healthy sex life it hasn't been like this" he gave you a small smile as you buried your face in his
chest with a groan. You moved sitting up, taking his hands inyours "I guess I just felt like we haven't been together in so long and I just don't want you to forget about me" you felt the blush creep on to your cheeks, the smile dropped from his lips "forget about you? Darling I could never" he pulled you on to his lap hands on your hips "I don't think it's possible, I think about you every second of the day whether I'm with you or not and have done since the day I met you seven years ago" he continued. You kissed his lips softly "I just missed you, all of you and wanted to show you" you shrugged as he nodded understanding you "I get that pet, a few more weeks and we can have some downtime" His hands were roaming up the back of your pyjama top "also for the record I love those outfits and all the fancy stuff but my favourite you is like this, relaxed and comfortable in our home" he kissed your neck as you held back the tears in your eyes "sweetest thing you've ever said Murphy" you giggled softly as he huffed out a laugh. *** Taglist @missymurphy1985 @janelongxox @queenshelby @heidimoreton @being-worthy @elenavampire21 @cloudofdisney @datewithgianni @magicalpieex @uchihacumdump @vhscillian @otterly-fey @inkandpen22 @pocket-of-possibilities @cilleveryone
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nanowrimo · 3 years
5 Tips for Fast Drafting from a New York Times Bestselling Author
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NaNoWriMo is basically an exercise in fast drafting: getting as much of the first draft of the story as you can on the page as quickly as possible. Today, bestselling author J. Elle is here to share some pro tips for fast drafting: My first middle grade novel took me nine days to write. 
The first draft was about 40,000 words or so. And yes, it needed to be revised before it sold to a publisher. But the meat of the story was on the page in just over a week’s time. I’d never drafted anything quite that fast before. Within a single month I’d written an entire novel, revised it a couple times and readied it for sale. A few months later that novel sold at auction and will be on shelves May 2022. 
I still look back on this feat with a bit of shock and awe. To date I’ve sold five novels to major publishers, two young adult, two middle grade and one non fiction and my experience fast drafting has forever altered the way I approach writing. I should mention, fast drafting isn’t for everyone. Writing is such a personal thing and each storyteller has their own process, but in the event getting the first draft out is the biggest hurdle for you, like it is for me, I’m going to share five tips for knocking out that first draft in record time. 
1. Start with a SHORT story pitch.
Pitching a story in a few words is tough. But it’s a worthy effort and the best use of your time before you get any words on the page. Why? Because it helps you hone in on the core of your story and its hook. A good short pitch involves the character, their dilemma, and a hint of the stakes. In October of 2018 I pitched my YA debut novel in a tweet which then blew up. Not many words can fit in a tweet, but by choosing the right set of words, I was able to convey the heart of my story and it really resonated. (From that tweet, I signed with a literary agent and sold my debut novel to a Big 5 publisher in a six-figure-deal.) The biggest favor you can do for yourself is understand the story—its essence, its core—you’re trying to tell before you start drafting. And that’s hard. But the more you play around with creating a short pitch, you’ll begin to see a clear snapshot of what your book is going to be about. That’s your jumping off point. 
2. Expand your pitch into tent pole beats.
From your short pitch, spend some time deciding on what your major beats are. Now, yes this is a bit like outlining. And for you pantsers out there, I empathize with you. I was a pantser and still am in many ways. But I still do this step because this step ultimately saves me time. The beauty of fast drafting is that you know what you need to do when you sit down to type. So a lot of these steps are about doing pre-work so that when you sit down to type you’re not spinning your wheels to figure out what to type. Instead you’ll have a clear goal and you’ll be ready to execute it. Also, note that the goal isn’t to perfect each of these steps, but instead to try to do each step, to the best of your ability, and in a way that makes sense. 
I could write an entire piece on beat sheeting novels (which I love and do for all my books), but for the purposes here, I’ve organized the main things you want to know below in a series of questions. Simply answer each, make a chart if you like that sort of thing, and once you have each question filled out in a way that logically makes sense, move on to the next step. (NOTE: It’s a good idea to get feedback on this step if you have critique partners and fellow writers you trust.)  
Opening Scene - Who is the character before the world changes?
Inciting Incident - What happens that forces them to make a choice, changing their lives forever? What are they choosing between? 
“A” Plot - What is that choice they make? What are they pursuing or working toward? Finding information? Going on a quest? Uncovering the truth behind a murder?
Stakes - What are the stakes of the “A” plot? What’s at risk if they fail to accomplish whatever they’re pursuing? It should be something that personally affects them or someone / something they care about. 
“B” Plot / Character - Who or what is the theme of the story? What character in your story is going to embody that theme and play a key role in helping the main character change?
Midpoint - what happens in the middle of the book to change the character’s direction. Usually it’s some bit of new information or they realize things are not as they seem. 
Stakes Raise - How do the stakes (what’s at risk if they fail) raise after the middle of the book? 
Character Arc - what does your character believe about the world in the beginning of the book that by the book’s end they will no longer believe? (An extension of this question is: what things can happen in this character’s life to facilitate them incrementally learning this big truth? If you don’t know this question right off, that’s okay. But this is a question you want to go back to every now and again, even after you finish the first draft, to ensure your character is actively involved in a plot that is resulting in their change.)
Failure - How will your character fail big? This happens at about the 75% point of the book and it's the final moment of failure, usually, before they pick themselves up off the ground (figuratively or literally) and learn the lesson they’ve needed to learn. There forward they act on their new belief to the end of the book, demonstrating how they’re changed. 
If you’d like a more in depth look at how to beat sheet a novel, I strongly suggest reading Jessica Brody’s Save The Cat Writes A Novel. 
3. Flesh out your beats into a detailed synopsis. 
Now the fun part! This step is the most helpful thing you can do to enable yourself to fast draft. 
Write a mini version of your story, also known as a detailed synopsis. The key to writing synopses is not to worry about the voice, but instead what happens. Try to convey what happens and its impact on the character to show how the story moves from tent pole moment to tent pole moment (per the step above). This takes some trial and error and you may get annoyed with yourself because it’s not as easy as it seems. But, I’ve seen that if you can write a compelling and cohesive synopsis, the draft that you execute will be far stronger and more efficiently executed. 
Definitely get beta feedback on your synopsis from writing friends you trust. It’s worth going over this a few times to get it right. In terms of length, aim for 3-4 pages for a middle grade novel and 5-10 pages for a young adult or adult novel. These are just general guidelines. My latest YA novel required a fifteen page synopsis and I am very glad I did it because it conveys the tone, arc, and plot of the novel and the main plot threads quite well, which allowed me to draft the first 23,000 words of the story in five days. 
4. Summarize each scene. 
(Note: a chapter can have more than one scene.)
Okay, we’re getting really close to writing! Now that you have a mini version of your story, consider how you will break it up into scenes. This doesn't need to be perfect, but spend some time figuring how to stretch your synopsis into a full novel. Give each scene a short summary. Aim for a few sentences, no more than a paragraph, just so you know what needs to happen in that scene (or scenes). Do not skip this step. I repeat, do not skip this step. This step allows you to sit down and execute the scene without figuring out what to write. The “figuring out” part is where a lot of writers slow down. Do that in the summaries so when it’s time to draft you are ready to execute, not sort out details. 
5. Write with a goal in mind.
Plan your writing days. I’m not talking anything extensive here. Just grab your phone calendar or a post-it note and write down which days you want to do which scenes. Then on writing day re-read that summary and execute it. If you’ve done all the pre-work the words will fly from your fingers. Don’t worry about grammar, typos, reading back what you did. Insert fillers such as, “TITLE” or “NAME” for details you haven’t worked out yet. Just get the scene that you’ve summarized out. The goal is to finish the draft. After that is when you make sure it all works together through revisions and fill in the details. Right now the goal is finishing the draft. It literally just needs to exist! 
If you’ve done all five steps, pat yourself on the back because congrats, you’re ready to fast draft! Don’t hesitate to tag me on socials if you try this method out and it works for you. I’d love to hear how it goes!
J.Elle is the New York Times bestselling author of Wings of Ebony. Elle has a Bachelor’s of journalism and an MA in educational administration and human development.  She grew up in Texas, but has lived all over, from coast to coast which she credits as inspiration for her writing. These days the former educator can be found mentoring aspiring authors, binging reality TV, loving on her three littles, or cooking up something true to her Louisiana roots.
Website: WingsOfEbony.com
Twitter: @AuthorJ_Elle
Instagram: @AuthorJ.Elle
TikTok: @authorjelle
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caker-baker · 4 years
The Fall Guy
Ah, hell. Maybe the hero didn’t think this through. This was more of a myth than anything, if myth was the right word.
Or maybe it was just a pizza place and the hero was overthinking things.
Regardless, it wouldn’t hurt to try.
“Uh, hi.” The hero greeted the lanky cashier. “Can I get the hero’s special? I’m willing to pay extra.”
The cashier regarded this with a blink, then another, then finally, to finish off his grand display of emotion, he sighed.
“With or without the ‘save the day’ toppings?”
The hero scrambled to remember what to say. “With, please.”
Now with mild interest, the cashier leaned over. “Down that way, second door on your left.”
“Thank you.” The hero said with narrowed eyes.
Holy hell, that whole interaction felt like a strange dream that was a little too realistic. And that cashier was a bit too intrigued.
Jesus, their heart was beating in their ears at this point.
It could all be a lie, all of it, this could all be an intricate and carefully crafted lie told by a villain, made to lure in unsuspecting heroes to their deaths.
Too late now, their hand was already turning the handle.
Where the hero was expecting some small room that fit logistically with the rest of the joint, there were stairs.
No, they didn’t like this at all. But what was the choice, go down there, or go back outside?
Downstairs it was.
Surprisingly, it got lighter, and larger, a hard contrast to the ominous setting. And with the light came music. Something very upbeat, lots of drums and guitars, and loud.
With their final step, the hero was able to see the cause of the music, two large speakers attached to a phone.
They also got to see the apparent villain, sitting and humming along to the beat.
The villain, who’s head snapped up, reached to turn down the music before turning around.
If the hero was unsure before, they definitely were unsure now. They couldn’t help being nervous as an oil stained face looked them up and down.
“I know you.” The villain finally said.
“You do?”
The villain hummed in thought. “You were the one involved in the bridge incident two weeks ago, yeah?”
A strange bout of pain overcame the hero.
“Yeah, that was me.”
“Well, no need to look all guilty about it.” The villain stood from their stool, still shielding whatever caused the oil on their face. “Everyone screws up. Is that why you want to leave?”
“No! I’m not running away from that, I’m running away from-”
“You’re getting away from the heroing part. I get it.” The villain reached behind them, grabbing measuring tape. “Mind if I get your measurements?”
“What for?”
“The decoy. Did whoever told you about this not tell you about how it works?” The villain spoke while they untangled the tape.
“No. I didn’t even know if this was real. I thought the cashier was just annoyed by me.”
“Yeah, Paul, he’s just judgy.” The villain stepped closer. “Step on this.”
The hero put a foot on one end of the measuring tape while the villain pulled the rest of it up to the top of the hero’s head.
The villain seemed fine in silence, the hero, however, felt like their whole being was vibrating with questions.
When the villain moved away, the hero felt themself breathe out heavily.
“You alright there?” The villain asked, turning away to write something down. “Don’t tell me you’re nervous.”
The hero chuckled awkwardly. “It wouldn’t be very heroic if I was, would it?”
Turning around again, the villain spoke. “Well, considering you won’t be a hero much longer, I won’t hold it against you.”
It all seemed to fall out of the hero at once, words carefully hidden away now in full sight.
“I didn’t even want to be a hero, then one day I was drafted. I don’t know how they found out what I could do, I never registered. All I wanted was to keep my head down, but suddenly I was out with the big leagues.”
Several creases had formed on the hero’s head.
“And then the tracking, oh, God, the tracking. I went out for fast food once without telling anyone, just for a moment of peace, and it was like the world imploded.”
The villain rested their chin in their hand, nodding emphatically every once in a while.
“You know there’s three days of training before they shove you into the world. They don’t care what you run into, as long as you defeat it. ‘Real heroes don’t run’ type bullshit. Ironically, that’s the most freedom we get, going up against something or someone three times our sizes.”
The villain turned their head to the side.
“And there’s a seminar on meeting foreign dignitaries! Meetings on how to address the general public, correct customs for different world leaders. Jesus, I don’t even get a choice on where I stay! I could be shipped off to Japan tomorrow.”
The hero stopped, their eyes glazing over with a strange numbness.
“Then I messed up, put on house arrest. God, that’s the happiest I’ve been in a while. Of course, I did have to beg to go and get ‘pizza’, even after the house arrest. That was the only downside, I guess.”
A beat.
“Are you finished?” The villain asked.
A brilliant scarlet color bloomed across the hero’s face. “Sorry. I got carried away.”
The villain waved them off. “Happens to nearly every one of my customers, sometimes the best therapy is just venting to the fall guy.”
“Fall guy?” The hero echoed, eyebrows furrowing.
That made the villain pause. “Yes? If this was all found out, who do you think would take the fall? Paul?” They laughed.
“Are you never, I don’t know, worried about being caught?”
The villain shrugged half heartedly. “Well, last time it happened, I just packed it up and moved. This time I had to make it pizza. Used to be donuts.” Their lips pursed. “I miss the donuts.”
The hero opened their mouth, then closed it again, trying to figure something out.
“What if-” Those weren’t quite the right words. “What happens if one of your, ah, customers gets loose lips, talks to the wrong person?”
“That, my dear hero, is a matter of trust. And it helps I am financially gifted, powerful. It’s a matter of who would last longer, and it will always be me.”
“I see.”
The villain leaned against their work table. “Hey, do me a favor.”
“Can you portal something?”
The hero blinked, not expecting that. “Depends on what and how far.”
“Yourself, to a rendezvous point, say, oh, twenty six miles from here.”
The villain was grinning, waiting patiently for the hero to realize their plan.
“You use the heroes who come here, their powers to help them.” They concluded.
“While my decoys certainly do last quite a while, it’s not forever, and heroes often don’t realize the assets they have available. Speaking of, how come you haven’t tried it?”
The hero swallowed. “Portalling a living person is complicated.”
At that, the villain motioned with their hand, urging the hero to tell them what they weren’t saying.
“And,” the hero began. “my portals don’t like technology. The tracker in me could malfunction, electrocuting me before I get all the way through.”
“How did you learn that?” The villain asked, turning to scribble something down.
“The bridge incident was my first mistake as a hero, not a person.”
The villain let out a laugh. “Seems you’re just as morally gray as me.”
“It’s why I can’t be a hero.”
The villain smirked at the self righteousness of the hero, who probably didn’t even realize they were being self righteous.
“And the tracker,” the villain switched subjects. “standard GIM-14U?”
Wait, something wasn’t adding up here. There was something too certain, too familiar about the way it rolled off the villain’s tongue.
“How’d you know?”
The villain tensed, as if they hadn’t expected anyone to pick up in their certainty.
“My clientele often times have the same one.”
“And?” The hero prodded.
They could hear the villain mumble a curse under their breath.
“I used to have one. First prototype, in fact.”
Something else didn’t add up. The first GIM-14U came out several years ago, when the hero was a kid. The villain was barely older than the hero, maybe the same age. Why did the villain have one when it just came out?
It took a moment too long to realize. “You were the child prodigy, the one who vanished.”
The villain did a mock bow, their muscles relaxing slightly. “In the flesh, although technically, I’m M.I.A.”
“Oh, God. Now you-now you get other heroes out.” The hero almost laughed. “That’s genius, it’s the perfect payback, it’s-”
“What makes you think it’s payback? Maybe I just like helping people.” The villain had a raised eyebrow.
“Oh, oh, gosh. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed-”
The villain held up a hand. “It’s a little bit payback.”
A familiar shade of scarlet crept across the hero’s face, and the former prodigy decided they liked that.
“Now this part is the part most of my customers don’t like - waiting. Your decoy will most likely only take two months. In that time, you need to work on your portalling.” The villain made sure to hold the hero in their gaze. “I will contact you when and where to meet and set up the decoy. I already have your information.”
“How do you-”
“Door frame. Like a metal detector, but more precise. If you are registered on any system anywhere, I’ll know you.”
The hero had relief coming off them in waves. Two months, and all they had to do was practice some portals. And do some heroing, but they could manage.
“You know, you interrupt people a lot.” The tone was joking, and the hero was far too busy trying to contain a smile, there was no time for chiding.
“So I’ve been told.” The villain did smile. “Now, about my payment.”
“Right.” For a second, the hero fumbled around in their pockets, before pulling out a wad of cash.
The villain took it, and began counting the bills, their eyes getting wider.
“‘I’m willing to pay extra’ is just part of the code. You know that, don’t you?”
The hero shrugged. “Do you not want it?”
In the blink of an eye, the money was pocketed by the villain. “I didn’t say that. Pleasure doing business with you.”
The hero nodded, and turned on their heel, then stopped suddenly to ask one final question.
“If you know everyone from the door frame, why bother with the measuring ordeal?”
“Gets people to open up, relax a bit.”
Oh. That was sweet.
“You aren’t a bad person, are you?” Asked the hero.
“Hey now, don’t go telling everybody. My scary reputation could be ruined.”
The hero, a ghost of a smile on their lips, left, back up the stairs, through the pizza place.
Two months.
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semischarmed · 4 years
People say that college is where you “find yourself” and I can’t help but agree. It’s just, well, how I truly found myself was through my roommate Kyle. Or rather, inside him.
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How to describe Kyle? He’s basically the perfect roommate. He’s kind, quiet, studious, relatively clean. He goes to soccer practice for some kind of campus league every weekend. Kyle is also rushing one of the frats on campus- Sig something or the other, so I get quite a few long nights to myself. Long, hot nights where I can’t help but scramble over to his side and pleasure myself in a pile of dirty Kyle-scented undergarments. The biggest treats were the nights when he had to do his frat stuff after a match. The nights when I could slip on his unwashed sweaty gear and just lie in the bliss of being surrounded in him. Every few days, we go out to grab a bite to eat and shoot the shit- the guy’s been a great friend to me, despite his typical serious demeanor. Since he was rushing this semester, he’s been busier and busier but he still makes time for me, even inviting me to some of his soccer team or frat bro hangouts. What can I say? I lucked out with Kyle. Still, I’m a greedy son of a bitch, and I wanted more of him. 
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I decided fairly early on that I would possess him, make him wholly mine. I can’t even quite explain why Kyle specifically. He’s cute-sure, tone-definitely, but he isn’t super buff, he isn’t red-carpet-movie star hot, so it’s really hard to place why, out of anyone I could take in this entire school, I decided he would be my target. My forever home. Something about him was just enticing. Maybe it was the way his coffee brown eyes relayed a sense of mystery and serious matters, but lit up with the faintest twinkle of amusement when he recapped his games. Or maybe the way his body only gave me the briefest of glimpses at his musculature when he switched shirts. Maybe it was his kindness, unexpectedly bright for a frat-boy-soccer-star-roomate. Or maybe the way his scent lingered in the room after a workout. God, that scent. Pleasant, warm, humid, musky- like summer rain. Doesn’t matter. I wanted him. I wanted to spend my every moment with him. In him. I wanted to be wrapped up in Kyle’s flesh till the end of time, to wake up with Kyle’s eyes, to take every breath with his lungs, feel every beat of his heart pump as mine.
This possession was going to be special. I prepped for weeks- months even. Truthfully, it’s not all that difficult to possess someone for sometime and when you’re as good at it as I am, you can even maintain it indefinitely by putting the smallest pieces of yourself in them. Kyle would be different. Full, integrative possession- a one-way ticket. I wanted this shit to be permanent. I was going to stuff my entire physical form inside his. To take someone at their core, to violate every law of nature both physical and metaphysical- this, this needed setup, needed planning, needed Kyle to be present during the entire process. Therein lies the issue- how to get a lucid Kyle to sit still long enough for me to complete the slow process of integrating to him. 
I came to the conclusion that a catalyst of sorts was necessary. Something that could lock us in together physically, could stop him from leaving or stopping process, could break open after let the new and improved me emerge. Guess who drafted plans for a one such catalyst? Guess who switched majors to Material Science, who befriended a professor just to figure out a good semi-permeable material to use? No one can say I didn’t love him- at least in my own special way. After weeks of trial, weeks of iteration, I decided on a tight-fitting, sleeping-bag-esque contraption. The material and shape were special- virtually impossible for a human being to break out of, kept fluids in but let some air flow through for ventilation, shaped such that we could only fit directly stacked on top of each other, leaving him unable to escape the process. I also set the release mechanism in the back, so only a completed Kyle could escape. Like any good invention, I gave it a name befitting its purpose: Chrysalis.
I settled on a day where he would be weakest- cardio day, a day where I could easily slip some compound into his post workout mix. I finished preparations with the chrysalis, secretly hidden in his bed.
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“Hey dude, sup?” He asks nonchalantly with a slight head nod, as he enters our room, visibly tired from the workout. “Nothing, man” I reciprocate in amusement. I watch in secret anticipation as he downs his special post-workout mixture, scratches his cock through his boxers- unconcerned, comfortable, and gives off a loud yawn. “Hey man, I-I-don’t....feel..” I rush to help him, corralling the grimy, tired, post-workout Kyle into place. He asleep almost immediately. I strip us both naked, marveling at my new vessel. Damn. A light pelting of hair covers the deceptively muscular soccer star. A blanket of sweat surrounds him while a bit of the spiked post workout drink pools at the corners of his plump lips. Deliciously plump lips beckoning for a taste. I aim to lick it off and give him a kiss before I immediately realize what the repercussions would be. Shit. Close call. I stroke his hair, leaning in to tell him how much I wanted this. I take a quick sniff at his pits, at his groin and god they smell fantastic. I roll him to his side, as I take my naked form beside him and pull the Chrysalis around ourselves. I roll to have my back face the bed and the bottom of my cocoon, pulling Kyle on top of me and engaging the the contraption to wrap around us. I find the button to tighten it, effectively locking the position of our stacked bodies in place. I find the final button to lock the Chrysalis into its release valve. No going back.
When I seal us together in my little love cocoon, I begin to feel the gravity of his form above mine, slick with perspiration. My future body was dense, probably from years of building muscle, perfectly tempered, toned, streamlined by every game, every win. Inside our encasement, I rocked back and forth, getting into as comfortable of a position as I could and rubbing our sweaty bods together. I lock my legs around his, intertwine our fingers together and wait patiently for Kyle to come to.
The scent was indescribable, orgasmic even. I’ve never felt closer to him. I am in tune with his slightest movements as he lay on top. With every breath, every inhale our bodies rise and fall in sync. With every steamy inhale I draw in his breath. like we were breathing in each other. No one else deserved to experience Kyle this way, not even his girlfriend Steph. Kyle was mine and mine alone. With mine still intertwined with his, I drag Kyle’s limp hands around his belly, his light abs, give him a feel for himself.
An intrusive wave of uncertainty hits me. Oh god what am I doing? Am I really doing this? This, this is unnatural. I release my hands from his grasp and reach them around him, lightly dancing them across my future body and feeling the new vessel so close, feeling his damp, gently sculpted abs for myself, squeezing his supple ass. Stupid natural order shit. I tug on his hefty, limp dick, which begins to harden involuntarily at my provacation. This is mine. Fuck the natural order, not giving you up baby.
He wakes, disoriented in the Chrysalis. “Uh...I...What the fuck...” Panic sets in, as he feels my immobile flesh behind him and he tries to get his bearings to no avail. He keeps moving back and forth, trying to dislodge himself from the Chrysalis, from me, but it’s far too tight and too strong. I made sure of that. “Oh god, oh god...” he trails as he tries to rationalize the past events. I decide at that point to reveal my identity, faking the sounds of myself waking up before sleepily asking him “Kyle? Uh... w-what are you doing here? What are we doing? W-Where is this? Did you do this? Kyle? Kyle!” I’m a shitty actor but he seems to have bought it. I relish the moment when he sighs in relief at the realization that the naked form on his back was mine. I guess he trusts me. Cute, but you shouldn’t trust me, Kyle.  
“Oh thank god, dude I don’t know, I just woke up. I- uh- sorry, I’m gonna try to get us out of this thing,” He states as he wiggles to try to release us from my cocoon. And fuck did that feel good. 
“Mmmmm Kyle” I trail, as my dick starts to harden and poke at his ass. The wiggling does not helping him, as every movement gets me harder and pushes my dick further in him. 
“Oh! EW! Fuck! What the fuck man!” He shouts, before he realizes all this was turning me on. “Fuck dude stop!” he exclaims. 
“Why would I stop this, baby, we’re just getting started.” I give his back shoulder a quick lick. “I’m gonna make you feel like a new man”.
“Y-You! YOU! You did this! the Fuck! Get me out of here!!” He spat, only for it to rain back on to us through gravity. 
He squirms, trying to escape once more only to be met with the Chrysalis’ tight hold on our forms and my engorged cock. “Only one person can come out of this thing” I moan, as I start gyrating myself into him. “Get the fuck off me, Fag!” He screams in vain as parts of me already start connecting into him. The parts of his body connected to mine light up, like sparks dancing across mine. Euphoria. “There’s that soccer rage” I state seductively as I wrap my arms around his torso and abs and push us impossibly closer. “Suits you... suits...me”.
By this point, My body was halfway submerged into his and he finally starts to feel my nerves, my cells as his. With our shared senses, he feels my arms pushing us together as if his own self was doing the deed. “AHHHH OH MY GOD. Oh! nonononono” He exclaims in terror. He is reduced to incoherent babbling as he smells the suffocating concoction of his post-workout filth. The air is thick and brimming with pheromones. He is reduced to disgust, when he tastes the droplets in the air of our putrid selves locked inside my Chrysalis. Of course, in our connected state, I taste them too, only I love this taste. His taste. Our taste. I can only moan as I continue merging into him and my limbs and his are one. I feel my new biceps as I trace them around the new me. Tone. Nimble. Champion. And I feel my new, experience-tempered legs. Vascular. Virile. Powerful. I’m a goddamn athlete.
Animalistic, guttural sounds escape his mouth as the last of my torso and neck coalesce into his, and all that remains is my head, firmly planted to the back of his. I take a deep whiff of his now-drenched hair with our new, shared, workhorse lungs. “We’re so close, baby.”
Inserting myself into his mind was equally orgasmic. He screams at contact. The first plunge of my forehead tp the back of his was some useless frat shit. Whatever. I dig my head deeper into him and felt his years of soccer practice leak into me. More goodstuff. Then deeper still- and fond memories with friends, fond memories of school bleed into me. I plunge further and further in, taking in every piece of him I could, while he pants and winces at my insertion. His first kiss, grandfather’s funeral, deepest urges all MINE. Fuck. I pull back slightly, as I feel his him gently sob, before I push more myself deeper into his psyche. He screams at the injection of more of my memories and at the realization that this was a one way trip for both of us. “FUCK! FUCK! Stop Please! Too much! Too much!” I mentally sneer as I thrust even deeper into his mind, grabbing some more of him, and leaving more of myself. Childhood memories and feelings flood into my mind and I experience everything that has led to Kyle becoming Kyle. The feeling of winning my first game. The feeling I felt the first time I masturbated. More. Kyle’s deep love for Steph.
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Damn, this guy was ready to pop the question and start a family with her-Not Anymore baby. You’re with me now, Kyle. I corrode this particular aspect of him with my own innermost desires. My perversions, the pure lust I felt in finally taking him. He laughs, moans at the lust he now had, before catching himself.
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“Oh god what... doing... me!” he whimpers as his body convulses and drools. Our shared pupils dilate at the process as his body thrashes in futility. And yet, I press into him deeper still. Deeper and deeper inside until all but the very last of my old self is left. His deepest secrets, his dreams, self worth belong to me. He cries, mouth mumbling incoherently into a crescendo as I worm in that last bit my head into his and my own life become his. My old body’s childhood memories, My old thoughts, feelings, knowledge, secrets flood his. I give all of it to my new self, ingraining me in him, and cementing us together.
“AHHHH DAMN IT! Fuck Fuck! get-get the fuck out!” he screams as his hands start pulling on his hair, as his head shakes left and right trying to get the intrusion of my mind out of his. He recoils as I briefly take control. “No way dude, this [moan] oh god this is fucking great.” We continue panting, continue convulsing as his body is forced to accept me. “M-My name is Kyle, and I feel fucking good!” He shakes a bit more. “STOP-“ I cut in to force him to tell me “God I fucking love you inside me. Take me! Use me!” He begins gently sobbing, but I make him do it with a smile. “My name is Kyle and I’m a sick fuck who’s gonna cum inside and possess his closest friends”. I make us moan. 
Eventually, the seizing stops, and Kyle finds a moment of clarity. With my memories in him, He finds the release built into the Chrysalis and we emerge out of our slick cocoon as one. Sweat and cum trickle out as we come out a new man. A changed man. He walks to mirror in horror, checking himself to look for any wounds in his form. Instead he finds pulsing of my flesh-or what used to be my flesh-at various parts of his body beneath his skin. Abberant. Inhuman.
“Oh god oh god oh god this-this-this, this can’t be happening”. My new heart quickens as Kyle continues to panic. He tries to slap himself awake, but with each slap my control tightens and I make him moan in approval. He feels impossibly full with something-someone pulsing deep inside his skin, integrating. A natural violation of the highest order. He whimpers as he takes nervous, shaking hands all around him, feeling the intrusiveness of the eroticism I feel in being in him. The pulsing in him stops. “Keep going, baby [moan] fill me up. Make me you,” I force him to tell me with a tone that oozed sex. A tone that was alien to his voice. “My name is Kyle and I love dick. I love dick because the man inside me, the man controlling my every action loves dick. And he’s never leaving me. I love that too, because he’s inside me, making me love that.”
“Kyle I’m giving you one last morsel choice before I take it all the way- I decide everything for us from now on” I state to my reflection in the mirror, giving it a slobbery kiss. “We got a cute ass...I’m sure we can snag a few more bodies to play with... I wanna get a little party going. You know, our teammates are pretty cute, aren’t they? Maybe we can stick some me inside them”. I make him lick his lips. “Your frat bros are pretty cute too [moan] you wanna be frat president? I can arrange that, once I make you put me inside them...I’m getting ahead of myself... Let’s start with one. Pick someone...someone we can take, can use, can fuck” I force his face into an out of place, lustful, deranged smile before returning control to him. “Stay the fuck away from my bros! I..... uh...sorry. S-Sorry for shouting. Just please-please! Get out!” he whimpers in desperation, before descending into more hysteric sobbing. Hysteric sobbing which becomes cute, unsettling giggling, which becomes a roaring laughter as I wrestle back control of my new meat-suit. I wipe his tears off my new face, giving it a quick taste before taking a tour of the new me. “You and I both know there is no going back. The old me? Doesn’t exist. I am You, now. This is your body doing these actions, your brain thinking these thoughts”.
A tremor begins from our extremities, limbs become numb as our shared nerves light up in stimulation. More internal sparks fly through us. This was it. Like an earthquake in my new body, a wave of new feelings wash over me, rocking me to my core. The world around us shook, as the final pieces of my physical self interlocks with his and two become one. 
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I reach down to pleasure myself, before deciding instead to first push Kyle’s consciousness to the front so he can watch. This would be my first time in this body. Lets make it special. I do a quick reverse crunch, holding the position. Fucking easy in this body. And then pull the crunch close till the body starts to struggle “Arrgh Fuck! Stop!” he screams. I pull even further and he cries from the uncomfortable position I put us in. “This is mine now” I state with his voice, “I decide how far..[pant]..how far we go” And decide I do, as I pull us even further back, prompting another pained “FUCK” from Kyle. I line my growing hard on-our growing hard-on, up to our shared mouth. “Look.. look at what you can do” I moan as him, before letting his consciousness back in front, leaving only control of his face. He is in hysterics as I keep him locked in his position and continue breaking this new bod. 
“Look at what we’re capable of when I’m driving” I state in our shared mind. His head thrashes back and forth before I freeze it in place. I take brief control of just his plump lips and mouth, and position his thick dick inside. Fuck we taste good. Salty, with the smallest hint of bitterness. I continue, pumping head faster and faster, forcing my occupant to feel every motion. We make little noise beyond the soft smacking sounds as we continue. The feeling was fucking euphoria. Im sure he feels it too, since he’s been uncharacteristically quiet. I’ve seen him do his warmup stretches before. I knew what he was capable of- with just a little push from me. When he shoots, when I let him shoot, I keep our shared mouth firmly wrapped around our engorged dick, guzzling our creation greedily. This mouth cannot contain it all and a bit spill below. Even more dribbles out of as I slowly release our position. Wet cum spills and pools on our shared chest and abs. I smear it around like a lotion. 
I jump and stretch myself into straight standing abruptly, forcing a slight jolt of pain from previously contorting this new body in a way it never had to before. His blood rushes through me, through us, and I let out a sigh of relief and contentment in the afterglow of my possession. I lick my new self clean, exploring all of Kyle’s crevices, before I coat our mouth in my new seed for a taste and swallow the excess in one gulp. We taste Delicious. Kyle, you sexy, tasty fuck, I knew there was something different about you. That last stunt seemed to have satisfied him as he recedes into me. I am in a dreamy smile as I tap my head gently with my finger. “All me now”.
The alarm on Kyle’s phone-my phone rings suddenly. Oh Shit. Kyle-er I had a game in a few minutes. I head over to the field with a breeze behind me, to the sight of slight discomfort and subtle gagging from my teammates. Fuck that. Smell more of me motherfuckers. They smile with strained faces as we do some small warmups for the game. His teammates really were cute- I briefly consider possessing them right there in broad daylight. Fuck it, what can anyone fucking do? I’m Kyle. And when Kyle wants something, Kyle gets it. Still, I only came for a test drive, so I decide to postpone their fates.
The match was tense. My teammates were alright, sure. But Kyle? Me? I played his body like an expert- no movement wasted, every single action carefully considered and executed. It was my brain in here after all. Onlookers stared in awe as, almost inhumanly, I block everything that goes my way. Despite my brain’s expert calculation, his body also deserved to praise. His muscled legs gliding my form through the grass, effortlessly, the twisting his body at just the right spot for the most efficient block. This body following my every command, like I’ve owned it for years. The old me was not one for sports, but this? Working his musculature into these complex maneuvers? Straining his form to just the right amount to maximize performance? Bliss. I can see why some people like this shit. The more I move through him, the closer I felt. Despite my heavy panting at the end, I can’t help but feel energized. Being in him is invigorating. I could keep going at this for days and days- this was truly an athlete’s body. 
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I do a little dance as, in the end, we squeeze a 1-0 victory. All thanks to me, of course. My teammates brace themselves slightly-likely from the deep, concentrated musk and gallons of sweat I was emanating- before they surround me in a group huddle. New and improved Kyle is kinky little shit though, so I grab and pull their sweaty bodies uncomfortably close, and then squeeze them to me even closer so they can leave with the scent of my sweat on them. They recoil at my actions, at my words, as the normally stoic Kyle gently coos “Great job, team”. They laugh nervously and try to pull away, but I keep them in the embrace just an awkward second too long, sniffing each of them and remarking them. One day, you’ll all be mine.
After the game, I return to our room and look at my sweaty, dirty self in the mirror. I take a whiff of the freshly filthy soccer game and  soccer team smells we impregnate our room with. I take a quick sniff of our shared armpits, deciding to forgo showering this bod. Exquisitely noxious. Not getting rid of this.
I called his girlfriend Steph to break up abruptly over phone, citing my “newfound” sudden onset homosexuality. She was upset, understandably, but supportive. Really, I had no issues with the girl, and in another life, we’d be best friends fawning over the same straight dude. But this was Kyle, new-Kyle, new-gay-Kyle-who-only-loves-possessed-dick. My Kyle. He was mine, and mine alone.
Having finished my short list of post-takeover errands, my new self was on the prowl for some new recruits, new bodies to take, to possess, to pleasure me. Since he never really gave me an answer to my question earlier, I search through the remnants of the Old Kyle in my mind, force them to give me the name of someone to to take. I smiled. In the echoes of my mind, one face, one name reverberated in my head.  
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I start giggling in a cute tone, out of place coming out of jock Kyle before I break out into a full cackle. “Kyle, you sick, sick, fuck...Red? Big Bro Red? After all he’s done to try to bond with you? Sick, incestuous son of a bitch.” I let out a soft moan as I drag my new vascular hands all over myself, stopping at my new nipples to give them a slight tickle, and my eyes flutter. I give them a hard twist, whining in elation when his body delivers the sensations to me. The smells we’ve been emitting has been pungent, concentrated, putrid from that sweaty group hug earlier. “Traitorous, depraved fucks like me don’t deserve a shower” I make him say in dirty whispers.
Red was Kyle’s big bro at the frat, and someone I had only met once previously. Once was enough to leave an impression. Unlike cute, naturally introspective, reserved athlete Kyle, Big Bro Red was extroverted, artsy, and fucking hot. Apparently, he’s been trying to connect to Kyle ever since the two were paired. Well, Kyle’s under new management, and I planned to use every bit of their tenuous relationship to get Big Bro Red under that same management. This was going to be fun. 
I am stopped abruptly as my phone vibrates. “Hey, wanna grab a bite to eat?” I close my eyes in sweet satisfaction, lick my lips seductively and shift my mouth into a filthy smile when I catch the name of who it’s from:
Took a bit of inspiration from some past stories I’ve read in writing this one. The story implies a continuation but I’m still a bit on the fence. Hope you liked it/ Happy New Year’s!
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alltimesos · 4 years
Three Thousand- Ashton Irwin
Another fic I found in my drafts ♡ This week is spring break for me so I am hoping to sit down work on a few requests! 🍑
word count: 2.3k
warnings: cursing, brief mentions of unprotected sex, tooth-rotting fluff
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“Ashton! Will you come in here for a minute?” you called from the doorway of one of your son’s bedrooms. A few moments later your husband appeared into the room and walked over to you with confusion all over his face.
“What’s going on babes?” he questions, kissing your forehead.
“Will you please tell your firstborn son that fifth grade isn’t scary and he’ll make plenty of friends?” Ashton grins, kneeling in front of the bed to talk to Ethan. You sigh as you walk out of the bedroom, leaning against the wall.
You and Ashton have five kids together. Your eldest son, Ethan is 10, your second-born son, Jaxon is 7, your third-born son, Oliver is 6 and your twin daughters Amelia and Charlotte, are 4. “Mummy! Jaxon stole my toy!” You hear Oliver shout from the room over. You rub your temples before stepping into the boy’s room, to take care of the situation.
The following morning was chaos, to say the least. It was the first day of school and nothing was going right. Your alarm never sounded, meaning you woke up twenty minutes late. You scramble to get out of bed to get dressed and at least attempt to fix your hair.
You jog down the stairs to smell bacon cooking. You furrow your eyebrows as you take the last step, appearing into the kitchen. A huge weight is lifted from your shoulders as you see Ashton standing at the stove, cooking bacon and waffles, not wearing a shirt but your pink apron wrapped around him. You giggle, walking towards Ashton to steal your daily morning kiss. “I didn’t even notice you were missing from the bed,” you tell him against his lips.
“Well, thanks a lot babe,” he replies sarcastically. You giggle once more, wrapping your arms around his neck. He presses his lips against yours slightly pressing you up against the counter.
“Ew!” you hear your small children yell. You push Ashton off of you, turning towards the twins standing in the doorway. “Good morning babies!” you pick both of them up, placing them on each hip. Both of them inherited Ashton’s sandy curls and hazel eyes, which you admired deeply.
“Are you guys excited for your first day of school?!” you ask carrying them upstairs. Charlotte, the older twin, only by a few minutes, nods against your shoulder. “X’cited mummy, I have butterflies in my tummy.” Once you reach the bedroom you place the girls down on their beds. “What about you Miss Amelia?” She was the shyer one of the two, a girl of a few words.
“Nervous, mummy.”
You open the closet door to pick out their outfits for the day. “No need to be nervous, darlings. School is lots of fun and you will make new friends!”
You help both of your daughters get dressed before styling their curly hair. You kiss their cheeks before patting their bum lightly. “Go downstairs, daddy made you breakfast.”
You walk down the hall, knocking on Ethan’s door. A few moments later he opens the door and steps out. “Did you make your bed?” “
Yes, mum,” he groans. You pull him into a hug, kissing the top of his head. “No matter how old you get you will always be my baby. Fifth grade will be awesome!” Much to your surprise, Ethan squeezes you tightly. “I love you, mum.” He lets go of you, grabbing his backpack and going downstairs.
“Hey there rockstar!” you hear Ashton yell at your son. Since Jaxon and Oliver were close in age you allowed them to share a room. The door was wide open already so you walked in, ignoring all of the toys scattered around the room. “Mummy!” Oliver yells running over to you. “Hi, sweetie! Are you almost ready?” Oliver nods, grabbing his backpack. “Daddy made you breakfast!” you barely finished your sentence because Oliver was already running downstairs.
“Is my soon-to-be second grader ready?” Jaxon doesn’t say anything, just pushes past you and walks down the stairs. You stand there confused but don’t say anything.
“All right does everyone have their backpacks and lunches?” Ashton asks before opening the front door. All your kids’ nod, Oliver saying “yep!”
“Okay let me get a picture!” Ashton lines all the kids up by height and snaps a few photos as a group and then individually. “My babies are all grown up.” You laugh, taking Ashton’s hand in yours.
“Okay, let’s go before daddy starts crying.”
The crew gathers in the car with only a slight fuss, the boys arguing who’s going to sit where. You buckle the twins up in their car seats before sliding into the passenger side of the vehicle.
“Let’s rock and roll,” Ashton says pulling out of the driveway. “Gosh, I swear you become cornier by the day,” you joke with him.
The drive to the first stop wasn’t too long. Ethan slipped out of the car after giving you both a kiss on the cheek muttering out a “see you later”. You and Ash call out a “bye have a good day!”
The next two boys get dropped off as well without too much of a hassle. Ashton pulls into a parking space at the last elementary school. The two of you help the girls out of the car, Charlotte grabbing your hand and Amelia grabbing Ashton’s.
The four of you walk into the school, searching for the right classroom. Once you find it, you walk the girls into the semi-quiet room. The teacher walks her way up to the girls, kneeling down. “You must be the Irwin twins! Charlotte and Amelia right?” Charlotte starts babbling her head off while Amelia tucks herself into her daddy’s side.
“I’m Mrs.Penner, I’m very excited to have you guys in class!” Charlotte hugs you and Ashton before grabbing the teacher’s hand. Ashton bends down and picks up his littlest one. “Hey, there pretty girl. Pre-K is gonna be awesome! It’s only for a few hours okay? Mummy and daddy will be here at 12:30 to pick you and Charlotte up!” Amelia nods, snuggling into her dad.
Ashton puts her down after kissing her forehead. She turns to you, hugging your legs mostly. “Bye mummy.” She tells you, turning around to join her sister. “Bye baby.” You whisper back. Ashton wraps his arm around your waist, walking towards the car. Once inside, he high-fives you then pulls you in for a kiss. “We did it, Mrs.Irwin! And we only let out a few tears.”
“Way to go daddy-o!”
When you guys get home you immediately plop down onto the bed with your husband. Ashton sprawls out onto his stomach, one arm around your body. “Hey babe?” he asks. “What’s up?” You answer him, closing your eyes.
“Can we have another kid?”
You lay there for a moment before propping yourself up on your elbows.
“Ashton, we already have five. I don’t think we need any more,” trying to keep your voice calm. He sits up himself as well to look at you.
“But I really want another one. I think it would be great to have a huge family!”
“I don’t know Ash… it just doesn’t seem like a good time to have one.” He nods, crawling on top of you. “But baby, in nine months from now it will be almost June. The kids won’t be in school. It just seems like the perfect time to have one…” You nudge Ashton over so you’re the one on top of him.
“We’ll discuss it later babe. But right now we have three hours to kill before we go pick up the twins.” your voice dropping an octave, sliding your hands up his shirt to feel his abs. Ashton sits up to slide his shirt off and then taking yours off after. His hands rub and down your sides, causing goosebumps to form. “You’re so beautiful babe,” he says honestly. Before having kids you weren’t small and now five kids later, you’re definitely not small. You hadn’t lost all of the baby weight yet from the last pregnancy, due to being a stay-at-home mom.
“Thank you, Ash,” you whisper. He firmly grabs your pudgy waist and flips you onto the bed. He unhooks your bra, setting it aside as well as your panties. He smirks down at you as he tugs his underwear and shorts off. His hand comes to rub circles on your clit, creating a slow movement.
While he thumbs at your sensitive nub he places his head into your neck to suck softly on the exposed flesh. “A-ash,” you moan out. “Feel good darling?” he mumbles against you. “Yes, always so good.” He places a final kiss below your ear before pulling off. You are now dripping wet from him playing with your clit. “Relax baby girl.”
“Fuck..” you whined already needing more of him. Your husband has the power to string you apart like a tangled mess of Christmas lights. You feel Ashton thrust slowly into you, ecstasy building up in your stomach. “What a pretty girl you are,” he compliments you, quickening his pace. “Such a good girl taking me like this.” He leans down to suck on your nipples, the wetness of his tongue sliding around on your skin.
You groan, knowing you’re going to cum any moment now. It had been a while since you and Ash had some intimate time. Any time you were without kids the two of you always caught up with each other or took a nap. It’s always quick handjobs or sloppy blowjobs before the kids wake up.
You still yourself as Ashton slows his pace, dragging out the moment and all you can think about is how sweet his release will be. “Ashton please,” you beg but words are broken. “Please what?” he prompts. “Please go f-faster” you moan and your husband finally picks up his pace. With one hard thrust that has your vision dancing, Ashton is releasing a hot load inside of you, making you cum as well. He pulls out of you, caressing your cheeks, words of praise escaping his lips. He helps you get dressed and he slips his clothes on too. You are lying on your back with Ashton on his side next to you. “My pretty girl,” Ashton whispers and you beam back at him. “I love you.” He kisses your cheek, sliding underneath the covers, catching up on some sleep before you two go pick up the twins.
The first month of school goes by smoothly. It is now a Saturday morning and you have family pictures planned. You usually do it during the fall but decided to do it this year with the weather being warm. Everyone is dressed in matching colors, you and the twins are wearing sundresses, the boys and Ashton wearing colored short-sleeved button-ups and jeans. As you’re putting on your last earring, Ashton sneaks up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.
"My beautiful wife. Still looking good even at thirty.”
You and Ashton had started your family young, with Ethan going to be eleven soon. You turn around and pecked his lips, grabbing your shoes on the way out of the bedroom. “Boys, let’s turn on the video games please.”
“But mummy-” Jaxon starts.
“Boys. The video games will be here when we get back, please listen to your mummy,” Ashton warns them lightly. The boys nod and turn the television and game console off, standing by the front door. Amelia grabs your hand, wanting to be picked up. “You’re so pwetty, mummy.” You smile and kiss her cheek. “You’re so pretty too, miss Amelia.” Ashton locks the front door behind everyone and helps the girls into their car seats. The car ride to the fairgrounds was thankfully short, Oliver becoming somewhat fussy.
“I think it’s really cool we’re doing carnival-themed pictures!” Ashton tells you after getting everyone out of the car.
“Yes! I’m very excited. It was time for a change.”
After meeting up with the photographer, an old friend of yours, she snaps a few photos of the boys and the girls. She takes some of just you and Ashton and then Ashton with the boys. After she snaps a few of you and the twins, she lines you up in front of the Ferris wheel for a family photo.
With everyone in position, she says “ 1, 2, 3, Y/N’s pregnant with twins!” the camera clicks.
Everyone’s heads whip in your direction. “Did she just say you’re pregnant with twins?” Ashton asks you, eyebrows furrowed. You nod excitedly as he picks you up to twirl you around. You can hear the photographer taking pictures of the precious moment. “How long have you known?!” his voice high and squealy.
You giggle as Ashton puts you down, giving you another kiss. “Just a few days. I called Lindy, our photographer, and told her and she came up with this idea!”
Charlotte comes up to you, tugging the end of your dress. “Mummy? What’s going on?”
Ashton smiles brightly and kneels down to meet her at eye level. “You’re going to have either little sisters or brothers, or one of each! Mummy has babies in her tummy!”
Amelia and Charlotte pat at your stomach while the boys surround you with a hug. After taking more photos, you and Ashton treat the kids to ice cream.
They all sit in the booth next to yours and Ashton’s, talking about names for their future siblings. Ashton smiles and leans over to you, wiping the chocolate ice cream off your chin.
“I have some pretty powerful sperm,” he whispers in your ear and plants a kiss on the side of your face.
Your hand meets the bottom of his ice cream cone, the cold cream hitting him in the face. Ethan looks over and says, “look at daddy!” The rest of the table laughs, smearing their own ice cream on their face. You chuckle, watching this perfect family of yours, knowing this is true happiness.
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