#Flower Demon Damien AU
Random Luci misadventures stuff that nobody fuckin' ask for PT 5:
This one is about Lance! About time there is something about him!
Lancelot Damien Florus Perez Morningstar is as you know the youngest child of Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith(Ex-Wife)
Like Arthur, Lance is a prodigy in magic, though, his magical properties are more into the divine angelic side than the demonic side. He's interested in floral activities such as Gardening, Weeding, Flowering etc. he's also interested in poison, hence, his magic is more tune to floral and poison.
Again, Like Arthur, Lance is a Mama/Daddy's boy toward Luci, he doesn't remember anything about Lilith or rather anything good about her as like Arthur he was born aware, he doesn't know Charlie very well and she didn't give him a very good impression when they finally met for the first time, so, he stick more to Arthur as he admires him and looks up to him.
Lance always carries a basket full of flowers, he would give flower necklaces and crowns to cheer someone up or show he likes and trust them or when he sees someone and decided he doesn't like them and if he wants to be a sadist, he would give them poisonous flower crowns or necklaces and would poison their lungs as the flower scents were because Lance puts some of his magic into them, (he gave Alastor a poisonous flower crown in an overlord meeting once as it was their second encounter, the poison was enough for him to just pass out in pain, Lance even grabbed his mic staff and threw it out the window)
Lance has a goal to make Hell have some of their greenery and plants all over and not just in some places like in the noble demons and overlord's factions, he could wait till he's older but he decided to just start small and made small gardens all over the pride ring.
Lance always loves to take naps on trees, especially The Morningstar trees(The trees are one of the most important parts of this blog/AU). He finds them comforting, sometimes he even drag his big brother and cousins to read and nap with him on the trees.
As Lance is still a kid, he would follow either Luci or Arthur like a baby duckling as he just wants to stay near them and some experiences, plus, he loves his Mama/Daddy and Big Brother.
Lance is a quiet boy, who's also a blunt bastard child(Runs in the whole family), he doesn't people he doesn't know very well or doesn't like touches him out of nowhere. Charlie did it once and it did not end well for her, to Lance just because she's his big sister doesn't mean he get to touch her as he doesn't even know her, despite that, he's very affectionate and clingy towards the ones he love and adore, like Luci and Arthur,
His favorite out of the sins is Leviathan and Belphagor, his reasons are his opinions similar to Arthur's towards them.
Doesn't like the heaven hierarchy, he doesn't know as much as Arthur as he is still young but he knows enough to have an opinion about them.
He has a stuff duck he loves very much(It was a gift from Luci), touch it or take it from him and you'll face the consequences!
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blazenfire223 · 2 years
[ID in Undercut]
Ineffable Inktober Days 8-14:
Day 8: Stars/Wings (Ophaniel, Fusion AU, before the split)
Day 9: Tartan is Stylish
Day 10: Before Earth (Aziraphale training his squad and Crowley as creating the stars)
Day 12: Reversed Omens (I have 2 Reverse AUs! Ario, (Demon Az) and Zaraphim (Angel Crow) and Damien (Demon Az) and Sariel (Angel Crow) are their names.)
Day 13: Friends/Reunion
Day 14: Flowers/Gift (POV You're Zaraphim)
Prompt list belongs to: koko.iep on insta and koko_iep on Twitter
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ID: Day 8- Stars/Wings: A traditional marker Illustration. Ophaniel, a fusion OC between Aziraphale and Crowley, is holding a star. This is before the split where Ophaniel is a star maker. Ophaniel has bright flowing red hair and multiple sets of green eyes that float all over the place. They have wings on the side of their face and another set that sets normally on their back. They are wearing a standard white robe. Ophaniel smiles down at the star, proud of their creation. The star they are holding is a shade of green, purple, and blue. Above them are different colored stars against a dark background.
Day 9- Tartan is stylish!: A traditional marker illustration. Fem! Aziraphale stands with her arms crossed as she shouts "Tartan is stylish!" She is wearing a baby blue ruffled shirt that has a blue and gold gem on the collar, a warm gray corset with ruffles at the end, and a tartan skirt. Her hair is curly and shoulder length.
Day 10- Before Earth: A traditional colored inked illustration of Aziraphale and Crowley before Earth was created. The page is split into 2 by a horizontal line across the middle of the page. On top is Crowley holding a star. Multiple eyes float around them along with other shining stars. On the flip side is Aziraphale with their arms behind their back and a serious look on their face. They are training their platoon. They say "Am I understood?" And the other angels say "Sir, yes, sir!"
Day 11- First Meeting: A traditional marker illustration of Aziraphale and Crowley during Eden times. Aziraphale is distressed and has his eyes closed and shouts "I gave it away!" Crowley is standing off to the side with wide, sparkling eyes and shouts, "You wot!?" at Aziraphale.
Day 12- Reversed Omens 1/2: A traditional inked drawing of one of my Reverse AUs it shows a 3/4ths angle bust of Ario and Zaraphim. Zaraphim facing the right and is wearing a simple turtleneck, overcoat and his cross necklace. He has hooped lobe earings and two helix earings. Zaraphim is wearing round sunglasses and has angel bite piercings. His face is covered in freckles and he is grinning. Ario is faced to the left and is wearing a simple collared shirt and overcoat. He has a worried expression on his face and round glasses. He has scars on his nose, his lip, and right side or his jaw. His hair is fluffy and dark. At the bottom of the page is a chibi version of them. Zaraphim has his right arm around Ario's shoulder and he is smiling. Ario has his arms held in front of him and is also smiling. Off to each side of them is a representation of them. Zaraphim's is angel eyes and wings with floating sparkles and Ario's is his animal form, an arctic fox.
Day 12- Reversed Omens 2/2: A traditional inked drawing of my second Reverse AU, The Blind Bear AU. It is set up like the previous one. Damien, demon Aziraphale, is positioned to the left with him looking to the right and Sariel, Angel Crowley, is positioned to the right and facing the left. Damien has shoulder length curly hair and a fluffy beard. Damien has freckles on his face and scars on the right side of his face under his eye; a small circle one and a spiky star like one. Damien is wearing a plaid collared shirt and overalls. Sariel has a big burn scar on the right side of his face, long hair tied in a half up style that's tied with a bow, and a colored shirt with a sweater over top of it. At the bottom of the page is a chibi version of them. They are facing away from each other. Damien is wearing an apron and is holding a bowl and whisk and Sariel is holding a plant and smiling bright. He had one foot out and looks like he's about to start walking. Behind them are representations of themselves. Damien's is a growling bear and Sariel's is the the angel version of himself with little floating swirls around him.
Day 13- Friends/Reunion: A traditional inked illustration of Adam and Dog. Adam is on his knees and happily petting an enthusiastic Dog.
Day 14- Flowers/Gift: A traditional inked illustration of Ario. He is very nervous as he holds flowers out to the camera. His face is a bright red as ge says "T-These are for you..." Little hearts float around him. /End ID]
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zykaben · 7 years
Snapdragons and Demons: Chapter 1
Title: Snapdragons and Demons Fandom: Dream Daddy Rating: Teen Pairing: None yet Warnings: Demonic summoning Word Count: 3112 Summary: Mary accidentally summons a demon with magical powers over plant life and flowers. A/N: So I spammed @radio-silents​ on anon with my ideas for this AU and quite a few people seemed to like it! Thus, I’m writing it. This is only the first chapter. Happy reading! Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Mary knocked back another shot of vodka before she drunkenly surveyed the summoning circle one last time. The demonic summoning book was opened to a random page, the nigh-ancient tome tossed in the corner of the dimly lit basement room.
Joseph was a prick. He had… he had… Mary didn’t remember what he’d done to get her so pissed, but she distinctly remembered being absolutely furious and hell-bent on petty revenge. And what better way was there to get back at her church-going husband than to paint a summoning circle in sloppy, bright red paint strokes on the floor of their basement? Joseph would probably have to clean the whole damn thing up with holy water. Mary snorted to herself as she poured herself a glass of wine. She noticed that only half of what she poured out of the bottle actually made it into her glass, but she could truly care less. Just something else for Joseph to clean up. Hopefully he would think it was blood for a bit. That would freak him out.
Man, fuck Joseph.
Mary raised her wine glass to her mouth and placed her lips on the rim, enjoying the feeling of the cool, smooth glass against her face. The summoning circle was done… mostly right. Probably. It sure as hell looked demonic enough to get Joseph to piss his khakis. Mary giggled to herself.
She stumbled as gracefully as she could manage over to the summoning tome and used one to pluck it from off of the ground. The damn thing was heavier than she had remembered and she pitched forward for a moment before she quickly regained her footing, but not before bumping into the small, rosewood table and knocking the vase of assorted snapdragons onto the ground inside of the summoning circle. Mary smirked as the glass shattered and the flowers tumbled across the floor. Another thing for Joseph to worry about. Perfect. She was great at this petty revenge shit.
Mary place her wine glass down and grasped the book with two hands, reading over the incantations. It looked Latin and seemed demonic as all hell (Mary giggled to herself at the pun). Maybe if Joseph came down to her reciting incantations he would faint. That would be fucking gold.
Mary started to read the incantations aloud. She fumbled over the words and she was fairly certain that she mispronounced a good amount of everything, but it still sounded menacing enough. She read the last line and closed the book with a swift and satisfying thump. She dropped it back onto the ground. She started giggling again
This was great. Joseph was going to freak out and he had to clean this and she would have exacted her revenge.
… was the paint glowing?
No, she must have drunk too much wine. But that hadn’t happened to her since college. And she had never thought anything had been glowing faintly before…
Nope. The paint was definitely glowing. And it was getting brighter.
Well. That… probably wasn’t good.
Scratch that. This was probably really bad.
Mary stumbled backwards until she felt the press or drywall against her back through her sweater. She could feel her heart pounding, breath harshening, and hands shaking as she slid to the floor, her legs slowly losing their strength. By the time she was sitting on the floor, the light emitting from the ring was so bright that Mary had to shut her eyes. She scrunched up her face and threw her arms over her head, curling in on herself as the room grew brighter and brighter, the light piercing through her eyelids.
Suddenly, everything went dark. The light had stopped.
Mary didn’t move.
Mary let out a sigh of relief.
“If I had to venture a guess, I would say that you’re rather an amateur at this.”
Mary’s head snapped up.
There in the middle of her summoning circle, looking like he had gotten his clothes by raiding a very high class historical reenactment group or from a vampire’s wardrobe, stood a tall man with long dark hair. The clothes were odd but they only held Mary’s attention for a few moments.
The guy’s eyes were purple. And they were glowing.
“What the fuck, I want contacts like that,” Mary blurted. Damn, she was losing what little amount of brain-to-mouth filter that she already possessed.
The man graced her with a bemused look. “I am not wearing contact lenses at the moment, so I rather fail to see what you are trying to communicate to me. Regardless, I am unable to comprehend how you would see it fitting to not place down a salt circle—”
“Your eyes can’t actually be that color,” Mary protested. Her muddled brain was insisting that there was something else she should have taken away from whatever this stranger had just said, but damn his eyes were beautiful.
“I… beg your pardon?”
“No one has eyes like that,” Mary explained. Damn, she could hear her voice slurring. “You… you gotta be wearing contacts.”
The man’s face simply grew more and more baffled. Wow, he had a really nice face. Very chiseled jawline. “My dear, are you aware of what I am?”
Mary blinked. “Uh…”
“I am a demon.”
Mary felt her brain shut down before it kicked into as a high a gear as it could possibly go while drunk.
This man wasn’t a man. He was a demon. In the middle of a summoning circle in her basement. A circle that she had made. And read incantations for.
She had summoned an actual demon.
“Oh fuck me with a pogo stick,” Mary breathed. All of the fear from earlier returned to her with a vengeance. She was going to die. She had summoned a real, living demon and it was going to kill her and with her luck it would eat her soul and she would go to hell and—
A hand landed gently on her shoulder. Her vision came back into focus. The demon was crouching in front of her at eye level, his hand resting on the wool of her sweater. His face seemed… softer. More concerned.
“Miss, I assure you that I have to intention of harming you nor cause to do so. Please, attempt to calm yourself.”
Mary took a deep breath. The demon smiled encouragingly.
“Excellent. I believe I understand what is happening. This is your first time summoning, is it not? I must confess that your reactions have made it quite obvious in my eyes.”
His teeth weren’t long and pointy. He didn’t have fangs. Actually, he looked like he was the kind who used to wear braces. His teeth were so straight.
“Yeah,” Mary breathed out, “can’t say that I’ve ever done this before. Never meant to.”
The demon’s face scrunched up again and his head cocked to the side. “How does one not mean to draw out a full summoning circle, place flowers inside of it, then recite the incantations necessary to summon a demon?”
Mary made a noise that was somewhere between a sigh and a groan. “I was really drunk, okay? And I am still completely shitfaced. This is not how I was planning this to go.”
The demon regarded her with a surprised expression, his eyebrows high and eyes wide. “Do you mean to tell me that you accidentally summoned me here?”
“Pretty much, yeah.”
The demon’s perplexity appeared to fade away. “Were you… aware of which demon you meant to summon? Why did you choose me?”
Mary shrugged. “I just flipped to a random page and got cracking.”
The demon’s face went blank and appeared to lighten by several tones.
“Well then,” his voice rasped. He cleared his throat. “I suppose that you’re lucky that it was I you summoned. You did not take any of the proper precautions that are necessary when one is summoning a demon. Had you chosen any other page, I am certain that you would have met your death in a rather bloody fashion.”
Mary gulped.
“Fortunately,” the demon smiled, “I have no interest in killing you.”
“Don’t you dare kill my husband,” Mary said.
The demon shook his head. “No, of course not. I apologize, I should have stated that more broadly. I have no interest in killing anyone. Rather, it goes quite against my nature and my morals.”
“Demons have morals?” Mary asked.
The demon giggled. What the fuck, demons could giggle?
“I suppose that I am more of an exception rather than the general rule,” the demon said. “Most all other demons I’ve been acquainted with are quite unlike me.”
Mary nodded. Made enough sense. This guy dressed like she pictured a demon would but he acted like… a pretty swell guy, actually.
Oh god. She used the word swell. Joseph was infecting her.
“So… what do you do?” Mary asked. “Like, the whole fire and brimstone thing. Can you, I dunno, set stuff on fire?”
And then the demon did something Mary never would have guessed. He ducked his head and bit at his lip. If Mary didn’t know better, then she would say that the demon was almost ashamed.
“Ah, no. Not quite,” the demon whispered out. Holy shit, he sounded dejected now and it tugged on Mary’s cold, dark heartstrings more than it ought to have. “If you would like the truth, my abilities have nothing to do with that.”
“Then what can you do?” Mary wondered.
The demon placed the hand on her shoulder onto the floor and inhaled deeply. Green sprigs of soft light started to flow through the creases in the tiled floor and wrapped around the demon’s hand. The flowing green… magic (?) weaved itself together as it began to take form. Mary blinked and in the next moment there was a beautiful, perfectly healthy snapdragon resting in the palm of the demon’s hand. The whole thing had taken maybe two seconds.
“I am what many have called a flower demon,” he said, raising the snapdragon in front of him, holding it with something that bordered reverence. “I… create flowers and have the ability to manipulate plants in a number of different ways. In fact, I believe that you could consider me the opposite of ‘fire and brimstone’.”
“Dude,” Mary gently took the flower from the demon, “that is the some of the coolest shit I’ve seen in forever.”
The demon beamed. “I’m glad that you find my powers to be impressive. Now, forgive me if I’m being too forward, but could I inquire as to what your name may be?”
“Call me Mary,” she said with a lopsided grin. “Any what about you, sailor?”
“Ah,” once again, the demon appeared flustered. “I don’t truly have a name. I am to be called by whichever title is deemed appropriate by my summoner.”
“I get to name you?”
“In a way of speaking, yes,” the demon conceded, “though it’s only done when a contract is made. However, I care little for what I am called by and will likely agree with any suggestion you make so long as it is acceptable.”
“Awesome,” Mary grinned. She paused. “Wait, are we not in a contract right now?”
The demon shook his head. “No, we are not. That was a factor in determining that you had never engaged in this practice before. What you did, Miss Mary, was summon a demon—nothing more and nothing less. There is nothing binding the two of us to each other nor any other specifications. The only thing you did was bring me onto the mortal plane.”
“So you can just up and leave whenever you want,” Mary surmised. At the demon’s nod, she continued, “Could you go back to… wherever you were before then?”
The demon scowled. “I can indeed, Miss Mary. However, I have no desire to do so. To find out I may exist on the mortal plane without the presence of a contract is rather exciting. I have no intentions of leaving any time soon.”
An idea was starting to form in Mary’s head. “So you’re gonna stay here for a while?”
“I believe that is what I just stated, yes?”
“Okay, so you need a place to live. You have one of those?”
The demon sighed. “Unfortunately, I do not. I have an account that I made with a bank over in London. Or rather, I had an account. It has been a long while since I have been summoned and I am uncertain as to whether or not that account is still in place. If it is, there should be a sufficient amount of funds to purchase a home. Why do you ask?”
Mary grinned. “I’ve got an idea.”
It was three days later when Damien moved into the house in the cul-de-sac.
Mary had decided to name him Damien Bloodmarch, a conclusion reached both by practicality and Mary’s sense of amusement. Damien was quite used to responding to cries of ‘demon’ so a name with similar auditory properties would make it much easier for him to realize when someone was addressing him and left him with little worry of forgetting it. He was still lost on the surname, but Mary insisted it was ironic and she seemed pleased with herself so he left it at that.
Damien had been pleased when he was able to track down his bank account and found out that his funds had accumulated a rather healthy amount of interest. He was quite well-off now. Rich, Mary had said. Damien supposed that she wasn’t exactly wrong.
They used the money in order to but clothes from the current century and though Mary insisted Damien looked wonderful, he very much longed for what had become his typical wardrobe.
“Don’t worry,” Mary had said. “We’ll get something that you like later. For now you need to blend in.”
Mary had assisted him in getting all of his affairs together. She informed Damien that should he retain the desire to remain on the mortal plane for any extended period of time, he needed the proper certificates and documentation to be able to do much of anything. Damien was quite skilled at forgery, considering his status as a demon and all, but he did not have a strong understanding of the current governmental workings of America and thus was largely removed from the process. Mary hadn’t seemed to have the best grasp of it, though hers was certainly better than Damien’s. She assured him that she was getting assistance from a friend of hers and was being as discreet and non-descript as possible. She had yet to lie to Damien yet, so he had little reason to doubt her.
The documentation and forgery process took a short amount of time. Mary told him it was because her friend was secretly a genius and between the two of them they could get just about anything they wanted. Damien thanked Mary profusely. The next day, Damien was the owner of the only non-inhabited house in the cul-de-sac. It was one house removed from Mary’s and nestled between the house on the end of the cul-de-sac and the somewhat run down one that was beside Mary’s home.
Damien had yet to meet any other humans with the exception of Mary’s husband, Joseph. Mary usually refrained from speaking about him at all if she could help it. Damien wasn’t quite sure what he thought of Joseph. The man appeared kind-hearted but his voice would gain an underlying layer of steel when he spoke to Mary and, while he was polite, seemed to give Damien the cold shoulder. Damien wondered what he could have done to draw Joseph’s ire and could not even begin to fathom why the man would be anything but delightful to Mary. Mary was wonderful. Her sense of humor was something he was still adjusting to and she had a few vices, but she was altogether a lovely lady who had summoned him from what was literally hell and was helping him to live on Earth.
In Damien’s eyes, Mary was a good person. Not a perfect or an unfailingly kind one, but a good one all the same.
Damien tended to stay away from Joseph if it was possible.
Not that Joseph went out of his way to be around Damien. The man seemed uneasy around him and generally avoided Damien, though the manner in which he did so was somehow subtle and strangely polite.
Regardless, Joseph wasn’t someone Damien had been around often in the past three days. Mary, however…
“Hey Dames,” Mary greeted as she swung open the front door. She surveyed the not-really-a-foyer foyer and the plain walls and the neutral colored furniture. “Wow, this is super dull. I would expect a Victorian demon to have a dope house.”
Damien shrugged. “I believe it was you who mentioned ‘blending in’, Mary.”
“Guess you’re right. You got any wine?”
“Cupboard above the icebox,” Damien replied. One of the first things he had learned about Mary was that the woman could drink like a fish without so much as getting tipsy. Damien couldn’t even begin to imagine how much alcohol she had consumed the night that they had first met.
“Thanks Dames, you’re the best.”
Damien gave a fond, exasperated sigh as Mary sauntered into the kitchen. He continued to move furniture and unpack the items he and Mary had purchased for the house the previous day.
Hopefully, once Mary decreed that he had blended in enough, he could don and purchase Victorian garb. He felt exposed without his cloak and jacket and vest. The only problem he could truly foresee was that others might become suspicious at his behavior and that he may not even be able to acquire the correct garments.
Still, giving up those clothes would be a small price for escaping hell for the first time since the Victorian Era. Damien couldn’t say that he was upset.
When Mary returned to the living room, it was with two glasses filled with red wine. She handed one to Damien.
“A toast,” she said, her voice louder and fuller than normal, a grin playing at her lips as she rose her glass, “to Mister Damien Bloodmarch and the beginning of his new life.”
Damien raised his own wine glass and gently tapped its rim to Mary’s glass. A soft, chiming note played out before they each took a sip.
Yes, Damien thought with a smile as he watched Mary throw back the rest of her wine and down it all in record time, I could get used to this.
If you want, let me know what you think! I would really appreciate feedback.
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seaofghouls · 4 years
Gravity Falls Iplier AU Part 5 [ Dark x Reader ]
Hello! We’re here with part 5! This is mainly focused on Dark and Y/N. How it used to be. 
Episode: Irrational Treasure Warnings: None Taglist: @a-frozen-bag-of-corn @crazy-obsessed-fangirl @lunariasilver “I know it’s your day off, but would you like to go into town with me?” Dark asked as he walked in.Y/N, who was bored on the couch, shot up.
 “Sure!” Grinning, they grabbed the stuff that they needed and leapt out the door. 
Driving into town, Y/N laughed at the sight before them.
The two of them got out of the car, parking it just in the outskirts of the town.
“It’s like old times, Dark!” They giggled.
“I suppose it is.” He smiled. “Before everything happened and every time we would walk into town, it looked like this. Not in this town, of course. But still, it’s a bit of a refresher.” Y/N mused.
“Of course. As government officials, taking a break like this was the best of days.” Dark said.Y/N hummed in delight.
“Oh my god! Look at all of these old snacks! I can’t find these anywhere nowadays!” Y/N gasped.
Pulling Dark by the hand, Y/N walked to the stands with a grin. Dark smiled as Y/N gasped in amazement. He felt himself looking back at the past once again.
When he was Damien. Every year, the town that he was the mayor of would hold an extravagant festival. Every year, he would go with Y/N and enjoy the festival. They would always be so amazed by the festival, even if they had seen it a hundred times before. It used to be Mark, Y/N, and him, but Mark stopped coming about seven years before the incident. 
Even so, Y/N and him would go every year. To him, it felt like it was just the two of them, even if there was a lot of other people around. 
“Woah! Damien, look at these snacks! They look so fancy!” They would say.
“They do indeed. Would you like some? I can pay for them, dear.” He would say back.
“Nonsense! You can’t be spending your money on me!” They would insist. 
Then they would get into a playful argument about who would pay and Y/N would always lose. They always insisted that they had to get Damien something in return. They always did, in the end.
Because, after the festival was over and they both went home, when Damien woke up in the morning, he would always find a bouquet of flowers and his favorite chocolate. There would always be a little note signed by Y/N. 
Snapping back into the present, he sighed. They were happy now, of course, but they were so much happier back then. Always had a pure, genuine smile on their face. Nowadays, a genuine smile would occur much less often. In the public, most of their smiles were fake, though most of the people couldn’t tell. 
Here at this festival, though, they once again had the genuine smile that they had lost. As they walked through the festival, they had ran into the twins a couple of times.
They had said something about solving a serious conspiracy to put Pacifica in her place. To prove that Mabel could be serious and to prove that Pacifica wasn’t all she seemed to be.
“Just be careful!” Y/N said. 
“Well, well, well! Who do we have here?” Someone said.
Y/N groaned. “What do you want, Gideon? I can dropkick you, y’know. Probably could do a lot worse than that.” 
“Oh, I know. Both you and your demon bodyguard here could probably throw little old me into the sun if you really wanted to.” Gideon shrugged. 
“Don’t give them any ideas.” Dark chuckled.
“I’m here to ask you something. You guys are supernatural, right?” Gideon asked.
“Yeah, why?” Y/N narrowed their eyes. 
“Well, I’m here to ask if you guys accept deals! Just to get my revenge on somebody. Like a demon deal!” Gideon fantasized. 
“In your dreams. I would never help you, especially since I know exactly who you want to get revenge on.” Y/N growled.
“Hm, I agree with my dear Y/N, here. We would have nothing to gain, anyways.” Dark said.
“Very well then.. I’ll just have to turn to other options.” He said darkly. 
When Gideon was out of ear shot, Y/N sighed.
“That kid is a serious freak, huh?” They said.
“Tell me about it. Getting involved with demons for your own personal gain never turns out to be good. I just hope whatever alternative methods he has doesn’t involve anything too dangerous.” Dark said.
“Yeah, let’s hope so.” Y/N sighed. 
Y/N looked up at the sky. The sun was setting. 
“We should probably get home, huh?” Y/N said.
“Yes, that would be wise.” Dark said.
Climbing into the car, Y/N yawned. They were exhausted. 
Halfway back home, they had fallen asleep. Dark smiled at their sleeping figure.
“Just like old times.” He mumbled. 
He parked in front of the house and gently picked them up, putting them in their bed.
“It seems with them, every festival goes like this.” Dark laughed to himself a bit.
He sat down, closing his eyes. 
Maybe, it wasn’t so bad to think of the past.
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coxinhadoce47-ocs · 4 years
OC List
This is a list for every oc i have, it will be edited kinda frequently, and it's divided by story/universe/that kind of thing
The ones with a (?) are the ones im not sure if I'll keep them
And the ones without a name before i start to list the characters is because i don't have a name for the story/they don't have a story/they're very casual ocs without story/aren't related to anything or other ocs/things like that
Total number at the moment: 275
Last updated at: 26/06/2021
Shockwave: Alan, Aiden, Josiah, Renesmee, Aaron, Andrew, Mika, Anthony, Kennedy, Thomas
EAD: Seth, April, Dereck, Alexa, Magnus, Alexander, Adam, Alex, Steve, Leyla, Jordan, Jafarael, Jonathan, Lauren, Louis, Martha
BRY: Douglas, Robin, Flavian, Ginger, Oliver, Violet, Bruno, Rose, Aurel, Bert, Cendrine, Albino, Maurice, Maggie, Skie, Blondie
WTML: Hunter, Annie, Aeryn, Hortense, Allen, Hyazinth, Selenie, Amber, Malwine, Laila, Fiona, Kerry, Yasemine, Misa, Elliot, Octavian, Noah, Madison (?), Skye, Delilah, Madeline, Hermes
HCWT (Undertale AU): Bethany, Lancer, Belle, Aster, Cherry, BlackJack, Cooper, Delfi, Obelia, Levi, Berry, Strin, Ariel, Taylor, Epaminondas (Epa), Bárbara, Mistral, Mabel, Claire (?), Nathaniel, Dani, Bettle, Jay, Nico, Juneau, Laertis
VM: Cameron, Ethan, Dante, Nathan, Carter
BTTW: Ciel, August, Sabrina, Jean, Heitor, Caleb, Aisha, Venus
LZZ: Linth, Zack, Lanye
Blue Peppermints: Sam, Antony
Pluto: Pluto, Bailey, Bowie, Audrey, Stephen, Connor
Fangs And Paws: Ester, Matthew, Aurelie
OOE: Othelo, Orian, Elias, Josh, Geraldo, Cole, Marygold, Oscar, Pandora, Carla, Erion, Rosa, Abel, Dalila, Miri, Tadeu, Varian, Jack, Ptelieu, Liriam, Gosif, Busconereu, Edivaldo, Liliam, Atena, Jana, Caim, Afonso
Starchildren: Miranda, Anya, Lari, Eve, Orion, Cassiopeia (Cassi), Skylar, Callisto, Bianca, Celeste, Tyler
Witchery Shenanigans: Alec, Todd, Kaia, Heloise
Cats And Butterflies: Max, Clover, Skips
BirbLove (Raven & Paloma): Raven, Paloma, Dalia, Neil, Eden
Phoenix & Dominic: Phoenix, Dominic, Lilith, Morgana, Caesar, Azatoth
Dead Hearts: Chiller, Autumn, Summer, Amarílis
Undertale fansoul: Leo
WTAE: Gabriel, Pedro, Apolo, Samira, Sandra, Maria Fernanda (Maria F.), Laura, Barb, Carlos
Friends Not Dates: Jay, Jamie, Eacyn, Dalien, Kyle
Connectedsim: Naomi, Penélope
AGG: Ariest, Garcodeu, Ghaterieu, Hirian, Aestry, Rocal, Sarin, Edgar, Sion, Karel, Lastres, Kion, Jarvel, Tanue, Vercoga, Darsoto, Liare, Pentarieu, Fael, Bell
Blessed Damnation: Arkak, Sarandiel, Leslie, Mihr, Adriel
Catboys: Kevin, Sammy
Flower Fairy: Miosótis, Rosalie, Quincy, Hydrangea, Hille, Dianthus, Chevi, Meg, Bonnie, Miace
Story without a name #1: Bruno, Vitor, Amanda, Eva
Minecraft OCs: Erin, Darien
Story without a name #2: Jasper, Isaac, Holly, Jade
Vessel oc: Leaf 
Dnd: Edrian
Valiant Heart: Valiant, Credence, Enol
The Demon’s Shadow: Elijah, Davi, Jonas, Zagan
mlm/nblm blog mascots: Hyacinth, Galanth
Royal Demon: Samuel, Tadeu, Jed, Hector, Tobias, Verônica, Ester, Theo
Changeling: Jackson, Charlie, Dylan, Aspen
HNK Oc; Jeremejevite
In Your Graces: Grace, Raphael, Gabriel, Damien, Safira
Dragon elfs: West, North, East
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maxdark158 · 5 years
This is chapter two of my fic based on @ozmav ‘s Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng au that I LOVE, please check them out.
Angel in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Ao3
Demon in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Ao3
Fanart for AiG: Riddler ~ Joker thank you @thegreysman
Please tag me in any fanart you draw for this guys ^^
“Marinette, seriously?” The annoyed voice of Marinette’s once-best-friend Alya Cesaire was grating to her now. “You need to stop running away just for attention, it won’t work.”
It had been a long day for Marinette. It started off well, even after being forgotten by her class, because she got to hang out with Damian. But The Riddler kind of spoiled that. After her talk with the police, Damien waited with her for a teacher to pick her up from the station. They parted when her teacher arrived, Marinette promising to text him when she got to her hotel room.
The teacher that picked her up was Professor Mendeleiev. While the science teacher’s strictness had unnerved Marinette for years, lately she had begun wishing she was in her class instead of Ms. Bustier’s. Ms. Bustier’s tactics of being a better example for a bully were starting to wear on her. Professor Mendeleiev wasn’t perfect, but Marinette would have taken being in her class over being in Ms. Bustier’s now.
When the teacher asked why Marinette had been away from the group in the first place, Marinette told her that she had been forgotten by Ms. Bustier and her class. Professor Mendeleiev went silent after that.
The rest of the ride was silent too.
It was silent until Professor Mendeleiev dropped her off at her room where Alya was waiting to rip into her about being attention-seeking and rude.
“Hello?” she sounded angry now. “Are you even listening to me? Do you think if you ignore us we’ll believe you were ever nice again? Lila told us the truth about who you are, you-”
“Alya!” her teacher snapped. “Your classmate was caught in a villain attack today. Leave her alone.”
Alya gaped. “But”
“That was not a request,” Professor Mendeleiev growled. “Do you think you can escape my detentions because we are on vacation?”
Alya squeaked and ran off to her room.
Marinette blinked, not quite sure what just happened. Relief was the cool feeling applied to a headache, stopping the pain.
“Thank you,” she mumbled. Professor Mendeleiev nodded and stalked off, mumbling something about having a long overdue talk with ‘Caline’.
Alya must have gone back to her hotel room, as Marinette didn’t encounter her or anyone else on her way back to her room.
The relief hit again, but the hint of sadness was like mint in her mouth and wetness on her cheek, despite her not actually crying.
It was hard to remember that Alya used to be her best friend. It got harder every time Alya got after her for bullying or lying or anything else that she didn’t actually do. Marinette almost wishes they hadn’t ever become friends, the betrayal would have hurt less.
It seems some wounds take years to heal.
Marinette arrived at her room and unlocked the door with her room key. She entered and immediately flopped on her bed.
“Marinette, are you alright?” she heard Tikki ask.
“I’m just tired,” she mumbled. “I’m more used to akumatized villains, not insane people with riddle obsessions.”
She felt Tikki brush aside some of her hair. “I’m just glad you’re alright. You scared me for a moment, Marinette. I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you.”
Marinette smiled. “Thanks, Tikki.”
“It’s simply the truth! Also, didn’t you tell that boy you would text him?”
Her eyes widened. Marinette rolled over and got her phone out of her purse. “Thanks for reminding me!”
Tikki giggled out a, “no problem,” and rested on Marinette’s stomach.
Angel: I’m at the hotel now.
Damian: That’s good Damian: Did you get in trouble?
Marinette smiled to herself. It felt nice, being worried about… Even if she didn’t want him to worry. But the fact that he cared felt like a warm hug.
Angel: Professor Mendeleiev must’ve been tired or something. Angel: She didn’t leacture
She frowned. That had to be wrong.
Angel: Lecture?
Damian: *lecture
Marinette rolled her eyes. In the two days she had known Damian, she knew he was a stickler for grammar. Though he wasn’t harsh about his corrections, as he knew English wasn’t her first language, it was a tad annoying. Marinette was much better at speaking and reading in English than she was at spelling.
Angel: Quiet, English is hard
Damian: Understandable. Damian: In my original question I meant any of your classmates btw
Angel: btw? Angel: Oh by the way
Damian: yeah
Angel: I’m good at text slang in French, okay
Damian: I don’t doubt you
She rolled her eyes and smiled. Annoying, but the banter was nice. It wasn’t like with Chat Noir when he was trying to flirt with her.
Angel: Anyway Alya tried to bother me but I’m good now Angel: Professor Mendeleiev told her off for bothering me after my ‘traumatic’ encounter with a Gotham villain
Damian: Speaking of, are you SURE you’re alright Angel
Ooh, capital letters. He must be really worried. Guilt rested on her shoulders again on that day.
Angel: I’m fine Angel: I’ve survived akuma for three years, I’m not about to let some riddle fanatic with terrible clothing choices ruin my day
Damian: His clothes are that bad?
Good, subject change. Maybe she can get him to stop worrying.
Angel: Too much green, for one Angel: Green shouldn’t be used in large portions when it’s that bright of a shade Angel: Also the cloth itself was cheap, but the kind of cheap meant to look expensive if you don’t know cloth good
Damian: *well
Marinette smiled. She hoped her little intentional mistake would make him stop worrying.
Angel: Whatever Angel: Also his hat didn’t match the type of suit he was wearing Angel: If he wants to go old fashioned he should at least match the time period Angel: Longer coat, more layers Angel: He is an atrocity
Damian: he is
Angel: If I had time to cry then my tears would had been blood
Damian: *have
“Seriously,” she grumbled to herself. The guilt had long since lifted but Damian’s need for correct grammar was going to drive her mad.
Angel: istg
Damian: It appears you’re learning
Angel: Yepp
Damian: Also the Gotham news posted an article online about you Damian: “Unnamed Teenager From France Holds off The Riddler Until Batman Arrives!”
Angel: Wait what? Angel: But we both held him off?
Damian: I was kind of useless, you did most of the work Damian: I left shortly after you solved his riddle because the Robins had arrived
Marinette breathed a sigh of relief. She had been scrolling through the article Damian had mentioned, realizing that it did not have any mention of her throat punching The Riddler. It did say she took him down with physical force, but it was in self-defense and she was okay.
She just didn’t want Damian to find out she punched someone in the throat. It would make him think she was violent and he’d hate her forever and never talk to her again and she’d loose the only friend she’s made in the last three years and-
Her phone, which had fallen asleep, buzzed again.
Damian: You there?
Marinette sighed, mentally reining her anxieties in.
Angel: Yeah. I was just reading the article Angel: The Riddler was bad at hand to hand combat. It was easy to take him down with the practice I have from Paris
Damian: I bet. Damian: It’s getting late, Angel. We should go to bed. Damian: Goodnight
Angel: Goodnight Angel: Also I’ll find a chat name for you soon, promise
Damian: lol okay
Marinette smiled and put her phone away. Hopefully, she would get to spend more time with him tomorrow.
This was day three of their trip to Gotham. The entire trip lasted nine days. She wanted to make the most of her trip by spending time with her friend until she had to leave.
While the thought brought a brief sadness, she put it out of her mind and continued to get ready for bed.
Marinette managed to get up on time this morning.
Meaning, she woke up from a nightmare at around four am and couldn’t go back to sleep after that because she started fully sketching out some of her outfit ideas she had yesterday. She even made a few based off the Gotham heroes, coloring those ones in.
Despite all the designing she finished, Marinette was still the first one ready and in the lobby where the class is supposed to meet every morning.
Marinette was wearing her messier clothes today. After yesterday where she confronted The Riddler in leggings, she decided to stick to pants today too. She loved the dress she brought but it would not work if she managed to confront another villain.
Besides, the dress code was more lenient today. Marinette had on a white crop top with her signature flower pattern and dark gray overalls on. She had her hair in a French braid so it was out of her face. Her tennis shoes were the same pink as the flowers and as always, she had her purse for Tikki.
When the teachers came down to wait for the class, they saw Marinette there. Professor Mendeleiev gave her a nod, to which Marinette smiled. Ms. Bustier looked conflicted for a moment before ultimately deciding to sit down away from both her and Professor Mendeleiev.
The class began to filter in. Marinette made sure to stay out of sight from everyone but the teachers. They grouped together, talking about mindless things. Mostly about what they’d do with their afternoon. Today they were going to the Gotham City Heroes and Villains Museum in the morning, then after lunch the rest of the day was free until 5:30 pm.
Lila arrived last. Marinette knew that she likely did it so everyone noticed her entrance. She also realized that Lila arrived a few minutes before everyone had to get on the busses, so people had time to talk to and about her.
The designer simply tuned the liar out. She didn’t care anymore.
Well, she didn’t until she heard a certain name.
“Damian is such a sweetheart,” Marinette glanced up from her phone. “We might get back together again soon, I’m not sure though. I hope so.”
“I forgot that you’re on and off,” she heard someone else say, though who didn’t matter.
“Did you say Damian?” Marinette asked before she thought out the action. Her voice was loud enough that suddenly everyone was staring at her as if they forgot she was there in the first place.
They likely had.
“Uh, yeah,” Alya scoffed. “Lila and Damian Wayne are an on and off thing. You’d know that if you weren’t skipping the field trip for attention.”
“Alya, it’s alright,” Lila sighed. “We keep it out of the tabloids and Marinette doesn’t like me, it’s not her fault she didn’t know.”
“That sounds like it’s her fault! Marinette just needs to get over herself!”
Marinette was tuning her classmates out. She felt like an idiot. But at the same time, he never told her. He must have had a reason for telling her.
But there was no mistaking it. The Riddler called him, “Wayne.” They met when she was trying to get into Wayne Enterprises. His first name was Damian and he knew the tour guide…
She tuned back into her classmates’ conversation.
“Anyway, Damian and I went and got ice cream last afternoon. That’s why I was gone, you see. He would have walked me back, but we would have attracted a crowd. Plus he got a little chocolate ice cream on his shirt, he’s so messy.”
Marinette closed her eyes. Rage is hot and fiery, her nails dug into her palms.
Calling Lila out does nothing.
But she couldn’t help but remember Damian telling her that chocolate ice cream was among his least favorites when they went to get ice cream yesterday.
And he isn’t messy.
Marinette found the museum interesting. It gave her some anxiety, learning about everything villains did to the city was nerve-wracking.
She wondered if there would ever be a Paris Museum for Akuma.
It also gave her some ideas. Learning about the Gotham Hero’s greatest feats and how they accomplished them was eye-opening.
She was doing this whole battling-Hawkmoth-thing wrong! Instead of a case by case akuma battle, which are much less frequent nowadays, she should partner with the police! There were cameras all over Paris and, unlike Kwami, corrupted butterflies appeared on them. Hawkmoth may only be attacking around once a month now, but he still needed to own up to the terror he reigned on Paris and the world.
Marinette felt a little stupid for not realizing all of this before, she realized as she whispered her ideas to Tikki in the bathroom. She could have ended it sooner if she thought to get investigative about her enemy.
But as interesting and terrifying as the museum was, the trip only took the morning. By lunch, her classmates were waiting for the teachers to decide who to take where, as no restaurant had enough room for all of them.
She pulled out her phone and opened her text chat with Damian.
Angel: Kill me now
Damian: What’s wrong?
Angel: We have to all get lunch as a class before I’m free Angel: I’m in the group with Liar Rossi Angel: Death would be sweatier
Marinette mumbled a curse under her breath. She meant sweeter! Stupid autocorrect.
Damian: *sweeter
Angel: Rude
Damian: Anyway Damian: You can’t die yet Damian: We still technically didn’t get ice cream
She managed to smile. Damian made her do that a lot now that she thought about…
Her phone pinged again.
Damian: Also you’re at the Gotham City Heroes and Villains Museum right?
Angel: Yes I am
Damian: I’m nearby
Marinette’s eyes widened. What?
Damian: I can pick you up for lunch
Angel: OMG really? Please do I’d really really like that
Damian: omw
She looked up, seeing that her teachers were still discussing. She walked up to them, waiting until they saw her.
Ms. Bustier did first. “Marinette! What did you need?”
“My friend invited me to eat lunch with him,” she looked at Professor Mendeleiev as she spoke, not Ms. Bustier. “May I go?”
“After what happened yesterday? I don’t thi-” Ms. Bustier was cut off by Professor Mendeleiev.
“Is this the friend you were at the station with?” she asked, voice sharp. Marinette nodded.
Professor Mendeleiev hummed, contemplating. Ms. Bustier gaped at her. “You can’t be considering allowing her to go!” she said, “Not after how mad you got at me-”
“Caline, I got mad at you for forgetting her. Allowing her to go is not the same thing,” Professor Mendeleiev glared at her, “We’re allowing you to go on your own after lunch anyway, as long as everyone has a buddy. Finding you a buddy in this class, however, is likely going to be difficult…”
She trailed off before digging into her bag. “We got trackers for this free afternoon, though we couldn’t afford them for everyone,” she brought out a black bracelet that looked plastic. “This will only give me your general location. We will still have enough for everyone else as long as they’re in pairs. If you take one, I will allow you to go to lunch and such with your friend.”
Ms. Bustier’s brows furrowed. “You’re giving her special treatment? But-”
“Caline, you forgot her twice,” Professor Mendeleiev sounded patient, as if she were an adult talking to a toddler. “Marinette earned this and she will be with a friend from Gotham, something nobody else in this class truly has besides her.”
“This is my class,” Ms. Bustier was beginning to fume. “You accompanied because two teachers were needed, but these are my students-”
“Caline,” Professor Mendeleiev sounded more annoyed. “I am allowing her to go. Since I’ve been teaching for longer and because you told me to hand out the tracking bracelets, my decision overrules yours. Your argument is pointless.”
Marinette stared as Ms. Bustier tried to find words to retaliate with and failed. She took the bracelet from Professor Mendeleiev and thanked her.
It felt nice to have someone stand up for her again.
In the corner of her eye, Marinette noticed Alya walk toward the teachers and her. She looked angry and upset, a face she nowadays wore often around Marinette.
She remembered what she thought last night, about Alya’s betrayal. How it hurt remembering the good times they shared. Marinette took a deep breath.
It still hurt. It still hurt remembering the good times they had as friends, but she had to be fair to herself. She had to remember the bad times too.
She had to remember the times Alya demanded every detail, said friends tell each other everything. She had to remember the times Alya pressured her into things she wasn’t comfortable doing. She had to remember the times Alya took her for granted, the time Alya decided she wasn’t worth as much as a liar.
She has to remember what Alya is doing to her now.
“Where is the liar going now?” Alya scoffed. “Getting permission to run away this time?”
Marinette rolled her eyes and slipped the bracelet on. She would be okay. Alya wasn’t her friend anymore, she had better ones to look out for her.
“I don’t owe you anything.”
Alya gaped.
Luckily for Marinette, Alya didn’t have time to think of a response. A car drove up, and Marinette saw Damian wave to her from the backseat. She smiled.
The door was unlocked, so she opened it and got in. She didn’t look back at her classmates faces as the driver, an aged man in a suit, drove away.
“Where would you like to eat, Angel?” Damian asked.
Marinette shrugged. “I’m not sure, I don’t know what’s here.”
Damian frowned. “Angel, you okay?”
That’s when her previous realization hit. He was Damian Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne. He was one of the celebrities Lila liked lying about the most. And he was her friend, currently best friend.
“I’m okay,” she mumbled. “I’ve got a lot on my mind right now.”
Damian looked like he wanted to press the issue, but decided against it. He told his butler to take them to a restaurant she didn’t recognize the name of while she took deep breaths. She felt Tikki press gently against her hip, trying to reassure her.
Alya was a bad friend. Marinette wanted to be a better friend to Damian. He already made her so happy! Warm fuzzies and smiled and giggles were rare in the last few years, but she experienced them all with Damian. He kept a secret from her, likely for his own reasons, and she found out what it was behind his back.
Damian deserved better than that.
“I know,” she blurted out. “I know you’re Damian Wayne. I just want you to know that doesn’t change anything. You’re still my friend, and I don’t care who your dad is and who you are.”
Damian gaped at her for a moment before shaking his head. “I’m sorry you had to find out on your own. I should have told you-”
Marinette interrupted, “you didn’t have to. You don’t owe me that.”
He looked confused. She chose to elaborate.
“As a stranger or even a friend, you don’t owe me any details about who you are. Ever,” Marinette told him. “You’re allowed to keep secrets and not tell me things you aren’t comfortable sharing. It isn’t fair of me to demand you tell me everything.”
She was going to be the friend she needed to Damian. It was the least he deserved.
Marinette pushed down any disappointment that came with the word friend, not knowing why it was there. Maybe it was left over from her classmates’ treatment of her.
Damian was staring at her. She wasn’t sure what his expression meant, but it looked… Awed?
“Thank you,” he said earnestly. “I… nobody’s ever said secrets are okay…”
Marinette shrugged. “I can’t help if I feel left out, but forcing you to tell me everything isn’t how friendship is supposed to work. If you don’t want to tell me, it’s okay.”
Damian’s smile was small, but it made Marinette feel warm. Was he the sun?
“Perhaps instead of a restaurant, I can take you both to the mansion for your lunch?” the driver said, his accent different from Marinette’s.
“You sure Alfred?” Damian asked.
She saw his nervousness. “You don’t have to if you aren’t comforta-”
“No, it’s not that,” he assured. “My brothers can be… rambunctious.”
Oh. Marinette smiled. “I can handle them if that’s the only reason you’re nervous.”
Damian thought for a moment before sighing. “Alfred, please talk us to the mansion.”
“My pleasure, Master Damian.”
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spookyhugsandkisses · 4 years
More of the creepypasta au(?)/Coven au(?) I know I said this before, but I like the beauty and beast dynamic/trope, and the power of love. Sometimes a show will get that one dark season
Damien translation(s):
"Hey, Joy."
"Hey, Doll, I got a meeting with my Dads. Could be awhile."
"Love you too, Vicky. See ya soon, have fun with the witch."
(Inspired by a creepypasta ROs mod.)
One of the Covens' most popular season was the most intense one they've ever been through.
There were close calls.
They spent every episode following a trail of destruction left by the big bed.
There was the big bad's sidekick. Who spent her every waking moment throwing them off his trail.
There was the big bad himself. They didn't learn his name until the two-part finale, but he was always a lingering thought in the back of there minds. They saw the aftermath of wherever he caused destruction.
But in the center of it all, was their nonhuman sidekick for the season. The coven owes her, even though she sees it otherwise.
Joy stands inside a circle drawn using chalk, waiting.
Hope is finishing drawing the pentagram inside the circle.
Faith was placing candles, lit, on the outside.
"You sure you're okay with going alone?" Faith asks. "We could all go."
"Yeah, I'm sure," Joy says, nodding her head. "I need to make sure she's okay, and I know that more than one of us would make suspicious."
Hope groans, "he's so paranoid."
"You can't help but get a little protective of her though, "Faith smiles, a small one, and then lights the last candle.
Joy shakes her head, smiling. Even she got protective of their old friend.
"Just in case," Hope tosses Joy a small bottle of holy water and then says, "Say hi for us?"
Joy catches the bottle just as Faith sets the final candle outside the circle. She pulls out a small vial, full of blood, and pours a drop on the outer ring.
The circle starts to glow, and the lights in the room shut off.
The candles seem to glow brighter.
Joy's body starts to tingle.
Faith says, "Let her know we got all her letters and that we miss her."
Joy nods, "you got it."
There's a flash of red, and then she's gone.
At first, Joy feels like she's fly; the air moving around her makes her feel like that.
But in reality, she's falling.
She casts a levitation spell and floats to the ground below. She gathers her bearings and takes a quick look around. The area surprisingly is very green; her feet crunch under grass. Right in front of her lay rows of roses.
Joy smiles at the voice behind her and turns around.
A girl made of stitches stares at her in shock.
"Hey, Vick," Joy says with a grin.
The girl, Vicky, sprints over to her and slams into Joy, hugging her tight.
"Joy!" Vicky squeals, "What are you doing here? Where are Faith and Hope?"
"I'm Visiting you, obviously," Joy says, laughing. "Faith and hope are busy, but they say h-"
A shadow suddenly falls over them.
Joy looks over Vicky's shoulder and meets the eyes of a Demon. Joy tightens her grip.
A melting halo.
A torso that bleeds eternally.
Eyes, and a permanent smile, that glowed white.
Damien Lavey. The prince of Hell.
Last seasons big bad.
Vicky's boyfriend.
A flower crown, made of daisies, sits atop his head. It would have been funnyl had Joy not witness the destruction he caused in the past.
"Damien, Joy came to visit!" Vicky chirps, breaking the tension.
Damiens voice echoes in Joys mind as he speaks, ""̴̨̋H̸̩̀e̴͍̊y̴͖̚,̵̥̽ ̵̡̂j̵̬̓o̵̪͠y̶̠̔.̸̻͝"̵̼͊"
"Mhmm." Joy esponds, she can hear the smugness in his voice.
Damien tilts his head in Vicky's direction.
"̸͉̈H̵̝͊e̶̼̾y̷̲̎,̵͈̕ ̴̩͑D̴̨̃o̷̡̓l̶͇̈́l̴̦͠,̷̗͝ ̵̞́I̶̖͆ ̷̤̄g̴͓̚o̸̰͗t̸̨̓ ̶̣̆ȃ̸̘ ̶̣̀m̷̥͠e̸̠̒e̵̜͒t̸̜͂ì̸̡n̴̰͝g̴̼͑ ̸̢̛w̷̱̽ì̴̱t̴͇̐h̶̘̿ ̵̟̎m̸̪̒ȳ̸̯ ̷̲̆Ḍ̸̿a̷̡̓d̸̮̓s̵̗̓.̷̝̐ ̴̙́C̴̟͘ȯ̶͓u̷̖̔ļ̸̂d̷̻̒ ̸̳́b̷͓̀e̸̖̒ ̴̗̊ă̶̠w̸̫̍h̴̡́i̶̫̓l̶͕̓ė̸̪.̶̜̏"̸̦̀ Damien says.
"No problem," Vicky says, releasing joy from her hold.
She walks over to him and stands one her tiptoes, him kneeling a bit, and kisses his cheek.
Vicky then hugs him snuggling to his chest, "Love you!"
"̴̨͝L̶͂ͅó̸͎v̸̱͒è̸̤ ̴͈̚y̷̘̎o̶̞͝u̴͓̾ ̵̩̔t̷̠͝o̶̭͘ǒ̸̯,̵̼́ ̸͇͆V̶͇̐į̵̾c̷̫͐k̴̭͆y̶̕ͅ.̴̻͂ ̸̨̛S̶̡̊e̶̥͗ẽ̴͙ ̵͓̃ỹ̶̤a̶͉͋ ̸̹̚s̸͕̈́o̸̠͐o̶̲͊n̷͙̍,̸̮̎ ̸̙̈ĥ̷͔ã̷͖v̶̻͆e̷̼̍ ̵̑͜f̵̮͘u̴̹͗n̵̺͆ ̸̥̅w̵̻͌i̷̠͑t̶̥̔h̵̢͑ ̷͉̆t̷͓͆h̴͈͂e̷̫͠ ̷͙̃w̷͔̅i̷̻̿ţ̴́c̶̲͝h̴̲̍.̶͕̐"̵̗͑
He takes a step back and disappears in a burst of flames.
Vicky turns around and grins at Joy, "So, fill me in, how have you guys been?"
Damiens sidekick is actually Amira. She's a mercnary hired by Damiens dads to mess with the coven.
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ziocho · 5 years
Vlogger AU
#Seduce Me September: Prompt 4, Hobbies
Semi-educational and aesthetic channel on gardening and flower!
He also covers romantic history, but not intentionally! Like he’d show off his daffodil planter and he’ll talk about where Narcissus comes from, then the proverbial Pandora’s box is opened.
Half of his videos is holding the camera at flowers and James’s ramblings on history, mythology, and slight bit of politics; stop him
Occasionally he does videos of his cooking, but not just food. He makes cuisine.
His cooking videos are almost as if it’s an informational “Life as a human in Chicago” kind of mood?? It’s hilarious for humans cause it’s so extra, but for the stealthy demons with internet connection out there, it’s inspirational! 
And you'd listen cause damn, okay this guy's voice is illegal.
How can someone sound so hot while talking about Victorian meanings and bouquets??
Vlogs about his music compositions and outfit ideas
He’s infamous for his weekly live streams where he intends to talk about his drafts but it ends up being fanservice night, every night.
“Welcome, my princes and princesses~ As a thank you for taking time out of your day to visit, here’s a kiss for each one of you.” (blows kiss to camera)
There’s obviously papers in his hand when he opens up his videos, but he’s a sucker for pleasing the crowd. Live piano playing? Design a dress for a birthday girl? Give relationship advice? He’ll do it all for his lovely followers!
He lowkey feels guilty that he doesn’t show off his content on live broadcasts as he plans to, so he releases videos much later like “Autumn 2017 Revamped Trends” or “Incubus-Inspired Street Casual”
Doesn’t do live broadcasts unless it’s really early in the morning and he wants company on his walks, but he’d never say it outright.
Angry meditation videos
It starts off gruff and filled with curses with calming music in the background, but you settle into digging deep in yourself and casting aside all the BULLSHIT that your brothers put you through. 
Or something silly like "Man vs Tree"
"Man vs Local Brat", "Man vs Broken Table" 
You'd watch for laughs cause omg this guy is ridiculous
Mukbang videos; imagine Matthew on live stream, eating food 
Around dinner time, so you can watch while he's eating and talking to stream chat
It's very soothing imo
Matthew eats regular meals that he's made himself 👀
Inviting his brothers to join him with hot pot, fresh spring rolls, the bigger stuff!
"Hi! Hi! It's Matthew!... Hi! Welcome to another episode of Eat Adventures with Matthew!"
"Today, I'm going to eat grilled beef and rice, with stir-fry vegetables. Is everyone ready for dinner?"
Readings of short poems, fluffy stories, nice things
Talks about ideas for books
Videos of his trip out in the city, a cat cafe, ice cream shops, you name it
Sometimes by himself, sometimes with Matthew
He also tries different coffees and teas while he’s out
Occasionally he’ll post samples of his singing, at Erik’s request
Erik: “Dear brother, consider sharing your singing voice with your fans”
Damien: “...?”
Travel vlogginggg
Beautiful cinematography, landscapes, cityscapes
“Hello, my dear followers~ I’m out in Norway tonight for a beautiful sight. Tonight, we’ll share a glass of wine under the aurora borealis. Drink in the sights, my dears~”
Often her videos would have accompanying guests from wherever she’s visiting; her friends introduce themselves as cute nicknames like “Rabbit” or “Shadow”
She’s so considerate and understanding?? She lets other people talk in her videos and you feel so much respect going both ways between her and her friends. You want to be there with her when she travels! YOU WANNA BE HER FRIEND/WITH BENEFITS/LOVER
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tyrannysaurusfloof · 5 years
This is a list of all my fics, all fandoms, complete, WIPs, oneshots, from my old blog and from this blog. It does not include prompts I’ve written on this blog, search the tag “prompts” on my blog for those. 
Jacksepticeye/Markiplier Egos
The Devil Beside You (WIP) Mark has to move, again, and this time the house he chooses is already occupied…but not by natural forces. When the two finally clash, Mark manages to come out on top, until Jack ends up getting involved. When things finally settle, the two are left with a major problem - how do they manage their demons? Characters; Mark Fischbach, Sean McLoughlin, Signe Hansen, Amy Nelson, Darkiplier, Antisepticeye, Original Characters. Pairings: Amyplier, Septishuu, Danti. Warnings: None that I can think of.
A New Homeworld (WIP) During a hiatus from Youtube, Mark travels out into the desert in search of some peace and quiet. A crash in the middle of the night thrusts Mark into the middle of a terrifying roller coaster ride with a being that he never thought he would ever meet in his entire life - an alien.  His life is set for some interesting changes - for better or worse? That’s anyone’s guess. Characters: Dark, Mark, Amy, Wilford, Author, The Government.  Pairing: Dark/Mark, Platonic familial Dark/Wilford/Author, Platonic Dark/Amy Warnings: Mentions of injuries. 
Draconis (Unum Maledictus) (WIP) The legend of the dragon stretches far over the Kingdom of Oa’hule and the people are bound to the sacrifices the beast demands in order to secure their safety. Prince Mark grows tired of this constant sacrifice, and takes it upon himself to stop the dragon, but it is soon revealed to him the true monsters are closer to home. History is written by the victors, after all. Characters: Dark, Prince Mark, Prince Wilford, King Marc, Prince William, Prince Thomas, Amy, Kathryn, Tyler, Ethan and Chica.  Pairing: Dark/Mark, Platonic familial Darkstache, Familial Dark/William/Marc (a different one for the main Prince) Warnings: Mentions of sacrifice and death. 
Once Bitten, Never Shy Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Bite Night, Danger Mark meets a mysterious man that turns his life upside down, and is a serious pain in the neck.  Characters: Dark, Mark, miscellaneous others.  Pairing: Dark/Mark. Warnings: Violence, vampires, blood. 
Magic Manipulation Series Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four. Jackieboy has been fighting against one villain for the longest time, and the identity of that villain is about to be revealed...to the heartbreak of all.  Characters: Jackieboy, Marvin the Magnificent, Darkiplier, Antisepticeye, the Jims.  Pairings: Marvelsepticeye. Warnings: None that I know of. 
Pride and Regret Series Characters: Darkiplier, Antisepticeye, other Egos Pairings: Danti.  Warnings: Toxic relationships, torture, gore, manipulation. Leave. And Never Come Back Anonymous asked:“Leave. And never come back.” With Danti….? Cause GAY ANGST!!! I Can’t Wait to See you Bleed Anonymous asked:❝I can’t wait to see you bleed. It’s only a tenth of how I feel.“ starter with Danti but a continuation of Leave and never come back if its ok? Warnings: Torture, gore, manipulation. I loved you, I loved you...Why? “I loved you! I loved you… why…?” Dark to Anti? (I love this story line that you are doing!)  Did You Think I’d Let You See Another Person? Anonymous asked:Could you do the “Did you think I would let you see another person? Really?” prompt as a continuation of the “I loved you! I loved you…why..?” Danti story, please? Or is that sorta over with? (Kinda want Dark to get his tongue back somehow, don’t know how its possible tho) -awkward asking anon You Deserve It, Don’t Kid Yourself Anonymous asked:Hey, so. I am addicted to your writings, you’re so talented! Do you think you could do “You deserve this. You deserve it. Don’t kid yourself” with the Danti storyline? Maybe it is Dark having a break-down while waiting to see if Anti will come back? I’m So In Love Or mayhaps “I’m so in love with him, I don’t know what to do” from Anti’s perspective of the story? Sorry if this isn’t clear I’m in two minds at the moment I just love the story so much! -awkward asking anon  You’re Wearing My Clothes Anonymous asked:Can you do an danti make up fluff to the last angst of them where anti cut off dark’s tongue. With dark telling anti: “No, like…. It’s just, I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes.” With this fluff sentence starter.
Amnesia (In Memoria) Series 1. An Act of Self-Defence Summary: Mark shoots in self defence. Characters: Darkiplier, Antisepticeye, Mark Fischbach, Sean Mcloughlin (brief), Signe Hansen (brief) Pairings: Danti Warnings: Gun violence 2. Resurgence Summary: Mark shot in self-defence. Anti waits with patience. Things don’t always go according to plan. Characters: Antisepticeye, Darkiplier, Mark Fischbach, Sean McLoughlin, Signe Hansen (brief) Pairings: Danti Warnings: Anxiety, Amnesia, Violence
Darkiplier vs Antisepticeye (You Gave Me a Reason) (Living Together AU) Anti is done with not having access to Jack’s channel, and it leads to a bad situation between them. When he runs away to Dark, the other Ego has an idea on how to fix the problem Anti is having, and it’s rather light-hearted. Characters: Darkiplier, Antisepticeye, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye Pairings: Danti, Dark & Mark  Warnings: None. 
Kneeling at My Predetermined Grave Dark didn’t believe he was capable of love, but the petals on his pillow tell a different story. Characters: Darkiplier, Mark Fischbach, Antisepticeye Pairings: Dark/Mark (One-sided), Danti (Implied) Warnings: Hanahaki Disease, Unrequited Love 
Coughing Up Flowers and Wasted Breath Hanahaki fic with the opposite twist to “Kneeling at my Predetermined Grave” Characters: Mark, Dark Pairings: Mark/Dark Warnings: Hanahaki Disease, Unrequited Love
Retrograde Mark is used to scam threats via email, but when Dark ends up kidnapped by someone the threats become very real. Rescuing Dark may not be difficult, but the damage runs deeper than just simple torture. Characters: Darkiplier, Mark Fischbach, Tyler Scheid (minor), Ethan Nestor (minor), Dr Iplier (minor). Pairings: Dark/Mark Warnings: Torture, Kidnapping, Minor Character Death, Temporary Amnesia 
Welcome to the Red Room Censored Version, Uncensored Version The only experience Dark has with Red Rooms is via video games, but he’s about to get a taste of what the Red Room really is. Can Anti save him in time? Characters: Darkiplier, Antisepticeye Pairings: Danti Warnings: Red Room, Torture, Electric Torture, Ripping out nails, Eye Trauma, Beating, Broken Bones, Hurt/Comfort, Tooth Extraction 
Becoming Series Wilford, Darkiplier, Markiplier. Small stories about how Wilford, Dark and Mark became who they are today.  Characters: Wilford Warfstache, Darkiplier, Markiplier Warnings: None.
All I Want for Christmas is Santa Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. The Septic Egos finally figure out what Christmas is...with a little help from the Survival Hunter.  Characters: Angus the Survival Hunter, Robbie, Antisepticeye, Dr Schneeplestein, Chase Brody, Marvin the Magnificent, Jackieboy Man, Jackesepticeye.  Pairings: Implied Angsti.  Warnings: None.
Fever Dreams Based on a headcanon that floated around a little while ago, Damien comes from a broken home, and William has to help him through that.  Characters: Damien, William. Pairings: Implied Dilliam. Warning for referenced child abuse
Caring for the Broken Part 1, Part 2,  Following the events in Markiplier Mansion, Dark has many, many problems...and one day, those problems could become permanent.  Characters: Dark, Wilford. Pairings: Darkstache Warnings: Paralysis, implied character death, implied possession.
What the House Wants As children, nothing ever seemed wrong with the house that Mark lived in, until Damien’s chance encounter with something that lives inside the house and he finds out the secret of the mansion - death is not permanent.  And that...leads to concerns for Damien when the future unfolds.  Characters: Damien, William, Mark.  Warnings: Suicide
When Life Falls Apart Wilford is determined to find out the truth of where he came from, and where his memories disappear to, despite all of Dark’s attempts to stop it. And Wilford’s plot to get his memories back puts so many people in the firing line, including Marvin, Jackie, Dark and Wilford himself.  Characters: Wilford Warfstache, Darkiplier, Marvin the Magnificent, Jackieboy Man, Celine, Damien. Pairings: Darkstache, Marvelsepticeye.  Warnings: mental breakdown, gun violence, character death, corpses
Stricken Voice Siren Mark escapes turbulent seas and a dangerous villain and runs into Elven Jack, who is not a big fan of the Elven lifestyle he’s stuck with.  Characters: Siren!Mark, Elf!Jack, Siren!Dark. Pairings: Septiplier Warnings: None. 
The Keg-stand Incident Dark’s past as Damien - and the experience on the Kegstand - comes to light during an ego meeting. Characters: Dark, Wilford, other egos Pairings: Darkstache
Mindless Indulgance A little bit of Angus/Reader Slightly NSFW Characters: Angus, Y/N Reader Insert Pairings: Angus/Reader Warnings: None.
Blind Magic Marvin the Magnficent and the Host spend some soft times together Characters: The Host, Marvin the Magnificent. Pairings: Marvin/Host Warnings: None.  
Comfort Zones Chase wants to go a little further with Bing...and Bing isn’t sure it’s the right way. Characters: Chase Brody, Bingiplier Pairings: Bingaverage Warnings: Dubcon, NSFW 
It Hurts dilliphowlter asked:Hi there! I just read a bunch of your writing and it’s SO GREAT! I’m not sure if you’re still taking prompts, but I was curious if you could do ❝It hurts–stop it! STOP IT!❞ with Wilford possibly being yelled at/hurt in some way by Dark? If not, it’s totally fine. I hope you have a nice day! Characters: Wilford, Darkiplier, William, Damien. Pairings: Darkstache. Warnings: Nightmares, panic. 
Old Wounds Anti gets up close and personal with wounds from Dark’s past. Characters: Antisepticeye, Darkiplier Pairings: Danti Warnings: None.
Nightmares The new dimension to Dark/Wil’s relationship.  Characters: Darkiplier, Wilford, William, Damien. Pairings: Darkstache Warnings: Nightmares.
Accidents Happen Wilford doesn’t understand death, and how could he considering the place he lost his mind? And when his trigger finger slips, Dark pays ultimate consequences. Characters: Darkiplier, Wilford, Dr Iplier, other Egos Warnings: None.
Duvet Day Duvet days with Danti Characters: Dark, Anti Pairings: Danti Warnings: None.
Unspoken Words Damien sees William for the first time in a long time when the Colonel walks through the doors at the reunion party they’d all been invited to at Markiplier Manor. There are so many things he wants to say, but he knows there will be time later. Right now, he wants to spend time with William.  Characters: Damien, William, other WKM characters Pairings: Dilliam Warnings: None.
That’s Not my Name The other Egos don’t understand the connotations of the name “Damien”, until Dark breaks at the sound of the name and Wilford has to step in. It’s not his name.  Characters: Dark, Wilford, Silver Shepherd, Ed, Bim. Pairings: Darkstache.  Warnings: None.
Take Back Control Part One, Part Two, Part Three. Dark steps in to take control and Mark fights back. Characters: Dark, Mark, Teamiplier. Warnings: Possessions.
The Waiting Game Dark was not a patient man, but he knew how to wait. Characters: Dark, Mark.  Warnings: None.
Let Sleeping Demons Lie Mark finds Dark asleep at his computer, editing videos for Mark to give the man some time to rest because he definitely overworks himself. And Mark takes his demon boyfriend back to bed. Very fluffy. Characters: Dark, Mark. Pairings: Dark/Mark Warnings: None.
Secondary Objective Engage Google is very protective of Y/N, and when movie night at the Egos turns into a night of jokes against you, Google’s “secondary objective” engages. You have to stop him, before he kills them all.  Characters: Google, Y/N, Dark, Wilford, Bim, Dr Iplier, Ed, Silver. Warnings: Violence, Google’s “Secondary Objective”.
Unexpected Housemate Dark finds out that Anti is hiding a new member of the family, and Anti is surprised when Dark let’s them stay.  Characters: Dark, Anti Pairings: Danti. Warnings: None.
Cookies It’s Anti’s Anniversary, and Dark is currently putting all his skills into baking something sweet in celebration.  Characters: Dark, Anti.  Pairings: Danti Warnings: None.
Apologies Highschool AU where Dark is Mark’s big brother and takes revenge on  bullies after his little bro. Characters: Dark, Mark, Unnamed bullies.  Warnings: Bullying, violence. 
Happy Antiversary Angus gives Anti something for his “anniversary” as Anti mopes. Characters: Anti, Angus, other JSE Egos mentioned. Pairings: Angsti. Warnings: None. 
The Mayor and the Colonel Damien faces some feelings about the Colonel, and his feelings in response.  Characters: William, Damien, Mark. Pairings: Dilliam Warnings: None. 
Sleeping Arrangements Dark and Wilford share a bed, but their arrangement is not always great. Characters: Dark, Wilford Pairings: Platonic Darkstache Warnings: None.
I Can’t Stand to See You "I can’t stand to see you. Get up and leave. And clean this mess up before you do.” Characters: Dark, Wilford Pairings: Darkstache Warnings: Angst.
In Sickness DarkMark Softs featuring Sick Dark 
Take Care of Your Human DarkMark Softs featuring sick Mark 
Sanders Sides
Adventures in Babysitting (WIP) Roman, Logan and Patton Sanders are enjoying their quiet life as brothers in Florida with their dad Hugh and their Uncle Thomas. When Thomas gets surprising news from England, their family grows as one more member joins them - Thomas’ son, Virgil Prince, recently released from a Secure Children’s Home into Thomas’ care after not seeing his father for over 12 years. The three brothers are excited, and as Virgil learns where to fit in with his new family, there are a lot of adventures to be had. Characters: Virgil, Roman, Logan, Patton, Thomas, Remy Sanders (and a few other OCs for good measure) Pairing: Platonic LAMP/Polyampsanders, Platonic Thomas & the Sides Warnings: Mentioned violent crime (may change as more chapters get added)
Snake Bite Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Summary: Virgil should be more concerned by the random snake in his room, and the fact that it bit him. He should. But his family are good at calming him down, and there’s one Side in particular that doesn’t want to feed his concern. Characters: Virgil, Roman, Patton, Logan, Thomas and Deceit.  Pairings: Platonic LAMP, Platonic LAMP & Thomas. Warning: Implied Character Death, Fear of Death, Lowkey Panic, Character Injury.
The Mystery of the Missing Shirts Logan, Roman and Patton’s pyjama shirts start to go missing, and they work together to try to come to the bottom of it. Pairing: Platonic LAMP/Polyamsanders (could also be read as romantic) Warnings: None, just lots of fluff. 
Halloween Pranks Unlike Thomas, Virgil is actually pretty good at makeup, as Patton accidently finds out. And when he does, it gives him the perfect idea with Halloween just around the corner Pairing: Platonic Moxiety really Warnings: None. 
The Most Dynamic Duo A little short based off the discussion between Patton and Thomas at the nd of the most recent Sanders Side video.Cute little platonic Moxiety C:
Sleeping Patterns When Thomas is relaxed, Virgil finds it easy to nap and catch up on lost out sleep. His sleeping pattern is all over the place and Patton does not approve when he finds out. Determined to change it, he finds it a lot more difficult than he intended, not only because the premise of napping with Virgil - and knowing he was trusted to see the anxious side in such a vulnerable state - is hard to refuse, but Patton likes naps. And he ends up napping with Virgil more than he intended to. 
In This Together Following the newest Sanders Sides episode I wanted to write some soft platonic!Moxiety. It helped me get back into the writing game 
Pistrix (Human Sides AU) (Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, End) A lone mansion sat on the cliff overlooking the sea. Locals told stories of the sea monster that called the mansion it’s home, and affected all around it, including the abandoned beach. It could be summoned, they said, by a single person sitting on the beach at night, as someone said a prayer to the cracked mirror in the hallway of the mansion. When Roman hears of these rumours, he wants to explore the house, and summon the monster from the depths. Unluckily for Virgil, he’s the one chosen to sit on the beach and wait for the monster to appear. And when it seems to take a liking to him, Virgil learns that the sea is a treacherous place. Characters: Virgil, Dark, Roman, Logan, Patton, Deceit. Pairing: Platonic LAMP/Polyampsanders, Dark/Virgil
The Sleeping Series:  Help Me Sleep (1), Let Me Sleep (2), Comfort in Sleep (3), Questions Without Answers (4), Deceptions (5), The Dangers of a Good Nights Sleep (6), We Will All Have Restful Sleep (7).  Characters: Virgil, Dark, Antisepticeye, Patton, Roman, Logan, Deceit.
Buzzfeed Unsolved
From a God, With Love “Only a Soulmate can see your scars” -  Shane Madej learnt there was something special about scars as a child, but he didn’t believe in soulmates over love. Ryan Bergara wears all his scars with pride and believes that one day he will find his perfect match. When they see each other’s scars for the first time, things are revealed to be a lot more complicated than it seems, and Shane’s scars have a deeper meaning than just revealing his soulmate. As a child Shane had spoken to the darkness, and the darkness had spoken back. Characters: Shane Madej, Ryan Bergara, Amadeus. Pairing: Shyan. Warnings: Attempted demonic possession, nightmares, gore, implied character death. (shit got real xD)
A Family Affair (WIP) Warnings: implied child abuse, referenced child abuse, referenced character death. AN: I’ve wanted to post a bit from mine and @authorsathenaeum AU where demon!Shane becomes the adoptive father of Ryan and Jake after killing their parents, and raises them, with magic and twists galore.  So, here it is! A bit of my WIP. No disrespect to Ryan and Jake’s actual parents btw, it’s just a story. 
Shyan/Tinsworth (Romantic or Platonic) AU Idea Time Travelling CC Tinsley!Shane and Reborn Ricky Goldsworth.
Star Wars (Sequel Sequels aka the Force Awakens onward)
A Father’s Legacy When Kylo Ren met Major Armitage Hux for the first time he did not expect to find him looking after an eleven-month-old, copper haired baby. Left as the primary carer of his baby brother by his father in his will when Brendol passed, Hux’s life is thrown into chaos. Sent to confirm Hux is still able to act as General - a role that had all but been his before the appearance of the child - Kylo soon confirms he is, which Snoke never doubted, but this in itself comes with a new problem - Kylo Ren and General Hux, waging war while looking after a child. Kylo has never felt so unprepared in his life. Hux seconds that. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Clan Techie, Captain Phasma, Snoke, Brendol Hux Pairings: Kylux, Hux and Techie Warnings: NSFW, Choking, Force Choking, Inappropriate Use of the Force. 
Oculorum In a routine mission after the destruction of Starkiller Base, General Hux is shot out of the sky. While suspended in death he meets a ghost claiming to be Anakin Skywalker that reveals a plan to resurrect Hux and use him to rescue Kylo from Snoke’s influence. When Hux wakes again he’s alive, but true to his word, he’s being haunted by the ghost of Anakin Skywalker, who wants nothing more than to help Kylo. But as both have learnt throughout life, things don’t always go according to plan. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Anakin Skywalker, Snoke Pairings: Kylux, Armitage Hux & Anakin Skywalker, Kylo & Anakin Skywalker Warnings: Posession.
Messages to the Universes Series Regretful Message Hiding from the Resistance should be easy when they already believe they’ve killed you. But when you’re General Armitage Hux and you can’t seem to recall becoming Emperor to the entire Galaxy, it becomes a little more difficult. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, “Brendol” Hux, Clan Techie, Matt the Radar Technician, Knights of Ren, Stormtroopers. Pairings: Kylux, Techie/Matt Warnings: Temporary Amnesia, Hand jobs, Smut, Mental Instability, Character Death.  Musical Surprise Kylo surprises Hux with a serenade of his favourite song. Characters: Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux Pairings: Kylux Warnings: None 
Here We Go Kylo Ren doesn’t know to deal with the feelings brought on by Han Solo’s death. Snoke decides to send him to General Hux to find out how to deal with family murder. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Brendol Hux, Han Solo (mentioned), Snoke (mentioned). Pairings: Kylux Warnings: Patricide. 
Sharpshooter When Snoke sends Hux on a secret mission Kylo learns something new about the General he assumed had no military training except for the studies he did in books. It draws them closer together and Kylo thinks they’d make an unstoppable team. But fate has other plans for them. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, Snoke, Stormtrooper Characters. Pairings: Kylux Warning: Loss of Limbs, Implied/Referenced Drug Use 
Broken Chains Hux has been harbouring a secret. When it’s revealed Kylo has a lot of decisions to make. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Snoke, Sheev Palpatine (mentioned), Darth Vader (mentioned) Pairings: Kylux Warnings: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Manipulation. 
Thalassophilia Red hair was uncommon on Alderaan but it wasn’t unheard of. It was a different story on the exotic island of Naboo. Han said that people born with red hair on Naboo were called “children of the se” because they were usually born close to the ocean, and had rich, sea coloured eyes. Ben Solo falls in love with the sea. Or rather, he falls in love with red-headed Armitage, who comes from the sea. Characters: Armitage Hux, Ben Solo, Leia Organa (minor), Han Solo (minor), Anakin Skywalker (minor), Padme Amidala (minor) Pairings: Kylux Warnings: None 
Sick Hux returns from a mission on Arkanis, and Kylo knows immediately something is wrong with him. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Stormtrooper Characters, Brendol Hux Pairings: Kylux Warnings: None
Loss Hux and Kylo are ordered by Snoke to go on a mission together. Things don’t go as planned with disastrous consequences. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Pairings: Kylux Warnings: Ambigious Ending, Implied Character Death
Happiness Kylo accidently admits he loves Hux. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Snoke (mentioned) Pairings: Kylux Warnings: None.
After the Storm All Hux wants is to be free and with Kylo again. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Leia Organa Pairings: Kylux Warnings: Character Death
A Refresher Session Kylo breaks the door to Hux’s Refresher, trapping them inside so they decide to play a game. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Pairings: Kylux Warnings: None
Snowfall In the battle between Armitage Hux and ice, Kylo Ren wins. Characters: Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux Pairings: Kylux Warnings: None.
Supernatural Messages Armitage is a sceptic, he does not believe in ghosts. But when he goes on a ghost tour with his high school class, his boyfriend Ben is convinced this can change. Armitage doesn’t believe, but the ghosts have other plans. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Clan Techie, Captain Phasma, Matt the Radar Technician, Dopheld Mitaka, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Pairings: Kylux Warnings: None
Family Secrets Hux receives an invitation from his father to bring Kylo to Arkanis to “celebrate” their engagement. Things go as well as Hux assumed they would. Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Brendol Hux Pairings: Kylux Warnings: Homophobia, Referenced Homophobia, Referenced Child Abuse, Parental Abuse, Physical Abuse.
Tolkien Verse (Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit etc.)
His Father’s Son Post BOFA Everyone Lives AU. After surviving and recovering from his wounds at the Battle of Five Armies Thorin is crowned rightful King under the Mountain with Fili and Kili at his side. Dis arrives from Ered Luin and the family are finally reunited in their true home again. However, a family secret kept hidden for over 80 years is soon revealed and the lives of the heirs of Durin are changed forever. Complete. Characters: Fili, Kili, Thorin Oakenshield, Dis, Bofur, Bilbo Baggins, Balin, Dwalin, Legolas, Thranduil. Pairings: Fili/Kili, Dis/Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo/Bofur. Warnings: Incest (this is an exploratory fic over the custom of “ones” in this Universe, dysfunctional families. 
To Heal a Sickness Fili is sick and nothing seems to be curing him. At only 50 no one is convinced he will survive. Kili makes the decision to leave Ered Luin, despite Fili’s condition, to find a cure for him in the wide world of Middle Earth. He is determined to do this because if there is one thing he cannot afford to lose from his life, it’s his best friend and brother. Complete.  Characters: Fili, Kili, Thorin Oakenshield, Dis, Dwalin, Balin, Bofur, Oin, Elrond, Elladan, Elrohir, Glorfindel, Erestor. Warnings: Sick fic, character injury.
Dances With Elves Glorfindel is extremely excited about the arrival of the dwarves and yet also seems to be excited about the prospect of dancing with Erestor a midnight gathering he has organised for some reason. Kili is bored because Thorin is gone and he wants to explore so Fili makes up a reason for him to. They stumble over the little midnight dancing session of the elves and decide to join in, but only if it could be done dwarven style. Cue some fun between the heirs of Durin and Glorfindel. Complete.  Characters: The entire Hobbit cast (dwarves, Bilbo etc) Warnings: None.
Battles Fought Before AU where Legolas fought the Battle of Five Armies alongside Thranduil and did not go off to Gundabad. Legolas reflects on the death and destruction during the Battle of Five Armies on the eve of the Battle of Helms Deep and wonders how he had ended up in the same position again. Complete.  Characters: Legolas, Thranduil, Bard the Bowman, Aragorn. Warnings: Discussion of war.
Bonding Aragorn worries about the lives of the people of Rohan but Legolas can see that his worry goes down deeper than that and he challenges him about it. The two friends discuss Aragorn’s choices and what they might mean. Eowyn’s stew features. Complete.  Characters: Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Eowyn.  Warnings: None. 
Elrond’s Suspicions Elrond suddenly realises that since the elves of Greenwood (Mirkwood) have such strong magic that when he has had dealings with Thranduil in the past, after Legolas had passed his majority, it could have actually been his young son in disguise of an illusion. Thranduil and Legolas are approaching Rivendell so Elrond decides to investigate and see if he can find out if his suspicions are true. Complete.  Characters: Elrond, Thranduil, Legolas, Lindir, Felefin. Warnings: None.
Dragon Age (I and II)
Advice from a Ghost Fergus and Gilmore don’t exactly see eye to eye over marriage, but they don’t have to worry because they both have someone looking out for them that gives the best advice. AKA Fergus and Gilmore hallucinate about their dead brother/friend after an argument. Complete  Characters: Fergus Cousland, Ser Gilmore, Aedan Cousland (Warden OC). Pairing: Fergus/Gilmore Warning: None.
To Be By Your Side I Would Willing Storm the Gates of the Black City   a collection for zevwarden week on tumblr /o/ 1: Zevwarden meeting 2: Zevwarden pirate AU 3: Zevrwarden first time eue 4: Zevwarden and the Crows 5: Zevwarden earring 6: Zevwarden sparring 7: Zevwarden after the Blight
A Teryn and His Knight  Fergus Cousland has a problem. And that problem has a name - Ser Gilmore. There’s only one resolution.  Characters: Fergus Cousland, Ser Gilmore. Pairing: Fergus/Gilmore Warning: None.
Milk Adventures  Fenris wants milk. Hawke has no idea where to buy it. Shenanigans ensue. Characters: Dragon Age 2 Cast. Male Hawke. Pairings: FenHawke. Warning: None.
Ferelden Flowers Carver wants to give flowers. He has no idea what he’s doing really. Characters: Carver Hawke, Merrill, Male Hawke.
Fire Emblem Kakusei/Fire Emblem Awakening Verse
The Thief and the Priest Libra is a priest of Naga and keeps to himself as well as he can. He looks after everyone that he can, but he doesn’t get too close to people. That doesn’t stop people trying to get close to him. He looks feminine and people assume he’s a woman and try to come onto him. This starts to change when he meets Gaius. Gaius is a thief from all over the place and he just happens to be in the right place at the right time to save Libra from his not so welcome admirers. That is the start of a strange relationship between them, something neither of them really regret. Complete.  Characters: Priest Libra, Thief Gaius, Chrom, Frederick, the Shepherds.  Pairings: Gaius/Libra Warnings: Character Injury.
Materialistic Possessions Four times Virion presented Libra with elaborate presents. Four times Libra couldn’t refuse. Complete. Characters: Libra, Virion Pairings: Libra/Virion Warnings: None.
CSI: Miami Verse
Fallen From Heaven AU where Ryan Wolfe is not all he seems. Eric Delko finds many strange things start happening involving Ryan after he meets the strange man Ryan calls dad and he becomes determined to find out exactly what the reason behind all this is. Ryan however tries his best to keep Eric in the dark but when their emotions get mixed up in Eric’s search it makes it a lot more complicated. Horatio seems to know more than he’s letting on. Complete. Characters: Ryan Wolfe, Eric Delko, Horatio Caine, Calleigh Duquense, Alexx Woods, Natalia Boa Vista, Frank Tripp. Pairings: Ryan/Eric, Horatio/Marisol Warnings: Characters Injury, implied character death. 
Parental Advisory Alternate Universe. When Horatio and the team are called out to a homicide they find Ryan Wolfe, an eighteen year old boy who has been locked up for his entire life by his paranoid - and now dead - parents. As Horatio unravels the story surrounding Ryan and the death of his parents he faces a revelation unique and disturbing. Complete. Characters: Ryan Wolfe, Eric Delko, Horatio Caine, Tim Speedle, Calleigh Duquense, Alexx Woods. Pairings: Ryan/Eric, Horatio/Tim. Warnings: Child abuse, kidnapping, family drama. 
[K] Project Verse
[K] Project Murder Series An Act of Patricide Yata is depressed after Homra disbands and Mikoto dies, and he spends a lot of time dwelling on Fushimi. When he comes across someone toxic from Fushimi's past his emotions get the better of him and he ends up going too far.  Characters: Fushimi Saruhiko, Yata Misake, Fushimi Niki, Munakata Reisi, Awashima Seri. Pairings: Saruhiko/Yata Warnings: Implied/referenced child abuse, character death, extreme rage, extreme violence.
Dealing with Regicide Munakata Reisi killed Suoh Mikoto, it was a well known fact. It was well known as fact. But no one knew the consequences of committing regicide, least of all the Blue King. And he's about to learn the true burden of killing another King. Or Munakata Reisi is sure Suoh Mikoto is living on inside his head and he doesn't quite know what to do. Characters: Munakata Reisi, Suoh Mikoto, Awashima Seri, Kusanagi Izumo, Fushimi Saruhiko, Yata Misaki, Sceptre Four. Pairings: Reisi/Mikoto, Seri/Izumo, Sarumi/Yata. Warnings: Character injury, character death, insanity, fire.
Admitting the Truth Misaki goes and sees Sarumi to admit what he had been arrested for just before the fiasco involving Mikoto and Munakata. It leads to some unforeseen events. Characters: Fushimi Saruhiko, Yata Misaki, Fushimi Niki, Munakata Reisi, Domjoyi Andy. Pairings: Saruhiko/Misaki. Warnings: None.
Yu-Gi-Oh Verse
I Shall Recount to You (Re-Write) (WIP) It’s been twelve years since the fateful duel that sent Atem to the afterlife and led Yuugi to a life alone. Life carried on as normal, until a dream leads Malik to the discovery that Atem wants to return to the modern world. Cracking the mystery and bringing the Pharaoh back, Malik, Yuugi and friends, end up with a bit of a mess on their hands caused by the ancient ritual that was used. Features a lot of ships. Characters: Malik Ishtar, Yami Malik, Yami Yugi, Pharaoh Atem, Mutou Yuugi, Bakura Ryou, Jounouchi Katsuya (Joey Wheeler), Kujaku Mai (Mai Valentine), Honda Hiroto (Tristan Taylor), Otogi Ryuuji (Duke Devlin), Amelda (Alistair), Kaiba Seto, Kaiba Mokuba, Thief King Bakura, Mazaki Anzu (Tea Gardner). Pairings: Atem/Yuugi, Malik/Ryou, Katsuya/Mai (Mai/Joey), Kaiba/Amelda (Seto/Alistair), Anzu/OC (Tea/OC), Thief King Bakura/Yami Malik. Warnings: N/A.
Dramatical Murder (Dmmd) Verse
Interesting Experiment (A look at what Aoba’s Dmmd Virus/Trip bad end and Re:Connect Virus/Trip route would have been like had it been Mizuki and not Aoba.) Virus and Trip have never heard of anyone recovering from having their mind completely broken by Scrap before, especially someone who was controlled by Morphine. And yet right before their eyes it was happening and they knew in that moment they would get more excitement from Mizuki than they could from Aoba. Complete. Characters: Mizuki, Trip, Virus, Seragaki Aoba, Koujaku, Noiz, Seragaki Tae. Pairings: Mizuki/Trip/Virus. Warnings: Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Character Death.
Things You Said When You Were Scared kaieru asked:things you said when you were scared + noiao? ^q^
Tales of Vesperia Verse
Whirring Heart Yuri notices that something is bothering Raven the night before Brave Vesperia are due to go to the Tower of Tarqaron. Concerned with the timing Yuri goes to talk to Raven and finds out the old man is not as confident as it seems. Yuri offers some comfort almost without realising it. Complete. Characters: Yuri Lowell, Raven, Flynn Scifo (mentioned) Pairings: Yuri/Flynn. Warnings: None.
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blazenfire223 · 2 years
[ID in Undercut]
Ineffable Inktober Days 8-14:
Day 8: Stars/Wings (Ophaniel, Fusion AU, before the split)
Day 9: Tartan is Stylish
Day 10: Before Earth (Aziraphale training his squad and Crowley as creating the stars)
Day 12: Reversed Omens (I have 2 Reverse AUs! Ario, (Demon Az) and Zaraphim (Angel Crow) and Damien (Demon Az) and Sariel (Angel Crow) are their names.)
Day 13: Friends/Reunion
Day 14: Flowers/Gift (POV You're Zaraphim)
Prompt list belongs to: koko.iep on insta and koko_iep on Twitter
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ID: Day 8- Stars/Wings: A traditional marker Illustration. Ophaniel, a fusion OC between Aziraphale and Crowley, is holding a star. This is before the split where Ophaniel is a star maker. Ophaniel has bright flowing red hair and multiple sets of green eyes that float all over the place. They have wings on the side of their face and another set that sets normally on their back. They are wearing a standard white robe. Ophaniel smiles down at the star, proud of their creation. The star they are holding is a shade of green, purple, and blue. Above them are different colored stars against a dark background.
Day 9- Tartan is stylish!: A traditional marker illustration. Fem! Aziraphale stands with her arms crossed as she shouts "Tartan is stylish!" She is wearing a baby blue ruffled shirt that has a blue and gold gem on the collar, a warm gray corset with ruffles at the end, and a tartan skirt. Her hair is curly and shoulder length.
Day 10- Before Earth: A traditional colored inked illustration of Aziraphale and Crowley before Earth was created. The page is split into 2 by a horizontal line across the middle of the page. On top is Crowley holding a star. Multiple eyes float around them along with other shining stars. On the flip side is Aziraphale with their arms behind their back and a serious look on their face. They are training their platoon. They say "Am I understood?" And the other angels say "Sir, yes, sir!"
Day 11- First Meeting: A traditional marker illustration of Aziraphale and Crowley during Eden times. Aziraphale is distressed and has his eyes closed and shouts "I gave it away!" Crowley is standing off to the side with wide, sparkling eyes and shouts, "You wot!?" at Aziraphale.
Day 12- Reversed Omens 1/2: A traditional inked drawing of one of my Reverse AUs it shows a 3/4ths angle bust of Ario and Zaraphim. Zaraphim facing the right and is wearing a simple turtleneck, overcoat and his cross necklace. He has hooped lobe earings and two helix earings. Zaraphim is wearing round sunglasses and has angel bite piercings. His face is covered in freckles and he is grinning. Ario is faced to the left and is wearing a simple collared shirt and overcoat. He has a worried expression on his face and round glasses. He has scars on his nose, his lip, and right side or his jaw. His hair is fluffy and dark. At the bottom of the page is a chibi version of them. Zaraphim has his right arm around Ario's shoulder and he is smiling. Ario has his arms held in front of him and is also smiling. Off to each side of them is a representation of them. Zaraphim's is angel eyes and wings with floating sparkles and Ario's is his animal form, an arctic fox.
Day 12- Reversed Omens 2/2: A traditional inked drawing of my second Reverse AU, The Blind Bear AU. It is set up like the previous one. Damien, demon Aziraphale, is positioned to the left with him looking to the right and Sariel, Angel Crowley, is positioned to the right and facing the left. Damien has shoulder length curly hair and a fluffy beard. Damien has freckles on his face and scars on the right side of his face under his eye; a small circle one and a spiky star like one. Damien is wearing a plaid collared shirt and overalls. Sariel has a big burn scar on the right side of his face, long hair tied in a half up style that's tied with a bow, and a colored shirt with a sweater over top of it. At the bottom of the page is a chibi version of them. They are facing away from each other. Damien is wearing an apron and is holding a bowl and whisk and Sariel is holding a plant and smiling bright. He had one foot out and looks like he's about to start walking. Behind them are representations of themselves. Damien's is a growling bear and Sariel's is the the angel version of himself with little floating swirls around him.
Day 13- Friends/Reunion: A traditional inked illustration of Adam and Dog. Adam is on his knees and happily petting an enthusiastic Dog.
Day 14- Flowers/Gift: A traditional inked illustration of Ario. He is very nervous as he holds flowers out to the camera. His face is a bright red as ge says "T-These are for you..." Little hearts float around him. /End ID]
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zykaben · 7 years
Snapdragons and Demons: Chapter 2
Title: Snapdragons and Demons Fandom: Dream Daddy Rating: Teen Pairing: None yet Warnings: Cursing Word Count: 3147 Chapter Summary: Robert meets a flower demon and what he thinks is the Dover Ghost. Damien is worried and protective. Mary needs more alcohol to deal with this shit. A/N: @radio-silents​, here’s the second chapter! Robert is introduced. Happy reading!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
There was something up with the new guy. Robert knew it. He had that feeling in his gut and his gut had never been wrong before.
Well, it had been wrong. It was a gut. But his gut feeling was accurate most of the time and she even ate salad for lunch one day just to make sure it was actually a gut feeling and his stomach. Totally different things but they felt too damn similar.
The feeling had started two days after he had moved in when the man came and knocked on Robert’s door. Robert had been hungover and had ignored it. He hadn’t come back, but Robert’s interest was piqued nonetheless.
It had been a week since then and the feeling had not left him.
He watched his new neighbor go in and out of his house, most times with Mary and sometimes without. But he was usually with Mary. Robert hadn’t known that Mary had that many friends other than him, but then again the two of them were essentially drinking buddies. They could both hold their liquor like fucking champs and both were closed off so it wasn’t that odd that Robert wouldn’t know about one of Mary’s friends. But still, the guy was… weird? No, that wasn’t the right word. The guy wasn’t weird. He was more…
Fuck it, Robert had no idea what to call it.
They guy just walked different. His stride seemed to be that of royalty, he was always reaching to fidget with something that wasn’t there, his hair was too damn perfect, and from what Robert could see through the window of the guy’s living room (Robert wasn’t fucking creep, there was just a window and he had looked through it, that was all) it was pretty bland.
It was like the guy was trying to be too normal when he was obviously anything but.
It made Robert suspicious.
And then there was Mary who had asked him about how documentation worked. Robert had been able to answer some of her questions and he knew a guy from the army who was crazy good at bullshitting papers. It wasn’t much trouble to hook him up to Mary and the two of them had worked on whatever the fuck it was that they were working on. Robert had been curious but hadn’t cared enough to follow up.
Now he wished that he had.
Whatever, couldn’t change it now. He would just have to wait for a bit and then start figuring stuff out on his own.
Two weeks later, it was the gargoyles that got Robert curious about Damien again.
Damien had started what looked like a foundation for a huge garden, which Robert could appreciate. Flowers were nice. Pretty. Smelled good. He had nothing against flowers.
He only started to give Damien’s garden the side-eye when he saw gargoyles.
Who the fuck even used gargoyles anymore for anything, let alone a garden?
Something was up.
Well. A friendly visit wouldn’t be a bad idea now, would it?
Damien was surprised when he heard his doorbell ring at around eight in the evening. Mary had never come over this late without warning before and Damien hardly expected Joseph to willingly enter his home. Maybe it was his next-door-neighbor, Hugo? But the man seemed far too nice and polite to ever consider coming over at this hour.
Damien narrowed his eyes and placed the book he had been reading on the coffee table. Well, no sense in not opening the door. He didn’t want anyone thinking he was rude.
Damien opened the door.
The man in front of him was rugged and his eyes spoke of pain. The man gave the feeling of someone whose soul was aging faster than their body.
Damien smiled.
“Hello, I don’t believe we’ve ever met before,” Damien greeted cheerfully. “My name is Damien Bloodmarch. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
Damien restrained himself from bowing, but just barely. Mary had quickly informed him that it was not a common practice to bow or courtesy as a form of greeting a new person after he had done so with one of the salesclerks at a clothing shop they had gone to. Poor thing had been red in the face and Damien couldn’t help but wonder how an act of respect had become something that even strangers felt embarrassment at when done to them. He had told as much to Mary and she had simply rolled her eyes, telling Damien that embarrassment had had nothing to do with the salesclerk’s reaction.
Damien didn’t really get it, but accepted it and moved on.
The man on his doorstep looked him up and down rather obviously before seeming to nod to himself. “Yeah. The name’s Robert.”
“Once again, a pleasure to meet you, Robert.” Another thing Mary had said: don’t call other people “mister” or “miss” or “sir” unless they asked you to because that, too, was apparently an oddity now. “Would you like to come inside? I will admit I wasn’t expecting company tonight, but I would be more than happy to get to know you. Are you a member of this cul-de-sac?”
“Uh, yeah.” Robert jerked his head to the house between Damien’s and Mary’s. “I live next door.”
Damien let his smile widen. “Oh, how wonderful! I had tried to introduce myself when I first moved in, but it didn’t appear as if anyone was home. I was hesitant to do so again, you see, and I’ve been rather busy what with moving in.”
“Uh huh,” Robert said. “Well, I don’t have anything for you, just wanted to swing by. You friends with Mary?”
“Oh yes, Mary is delightful,” Damien beamed. “I’m incredibly grateful that I may count her as one of my few friends. I don’t know where I would be without her.”
Robert cocked an eyebrow. “Alright.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, please, come in, come in,” Damien stepped out of the way of the doorframe. Robert hesitated a moment before coming through. Damien shut the door. “Would you like anything to eat or drink? I suppose it may be a bit late, but—”
“You got whiskey?” Robert asked.
“I’m afraid not, no,” Damien headed over to the icebox and opened the cabinet above it. “I do have wines that I know Mary enjoys, though.”
Robert waved him off. “Never mind. I don’t need anything.”
“Oh, alright.” Damien closed the cupboard and made his way to one of the chairs at the kitchen table. Before he could get there, he heard Robert make a noise not dissimilar to a grunt. Damien stopped and turned to face him.
“I just wanted to say ‘hi’, try to seem a bit neighborly,” Robert said. His voice wasn’t monotone, but there was a quality that Damien could only describe as static to it. “I don’t really want to sit down and… talk. So I’m going to leave. If you never see me again, assume I’m dead.”
“Those cryptids are nasty,” Robert continued as he walked back to the door and opened it. ‘Any hunt may be your last.”
The door closed and Robert was gone.
Joseph startled, the cookie dough almost flying from the mixing bowl. He looked up from his baking. Someone had just knocked on the door. Not loudly enough to be scary, but Joseph had been too absorbed in his batter. He placed the bowl down and walked to the door. Who came over and knocked when it was past eight at night?
It was Damien.
Of course.
Joseph didn’t mind Damien. He really, truly didn’t. Damien was unfailingly polite and respectful from he had seen thus far. There was just something about the man that left Joseph feeling off-balance. He just couldn’t put his finger on it.
“Damien, great to see you again,” Joseph smiled. “Are you looking for Mary?”
“Yes, I am. Would you happen to know where she is?” Damien asked. He seemed more tense than usual.
“You’re in luck. She’s just upstairs in our room.” Joseph turned to the stairs. “Mary, Damien is here!”
There was a pause then a loud “I’m coming!” came rolling down the stairs.
“Thank you, Joseph,” Damien said. Even with the cheerfulness that Damien usually exuded, the man seemed stressed. Joseph couldn’t help but hope that Damien would feel better after talking about whatever he wanted to talk about with Mary.
Mary appeared at the top of the stairwell and descended the steps far more quickly than any woman who drank copious amounts of wine and wore high heels had right to.
“Dames, hey,” Mary greeted. She looked over Damien. “Something’s wrong.”
“I wouldn’t exactly say ‘wrong’, per se—”
“Nope, something is wrong,” Mary interrupted. “Joseph, honey, I’m going over to Dames’s place for a bit, okay?”
“Of course,” Joseph agreed. He turned to Damien and teased, “Have her home by midnight.”
Damien nodded as Mary dragged him outside.
“Okay, now you tell me what’s wrong, Dames,” Mary declared as she sat on Damien’s couch.
“I’m just worried,” Damien answered, his words drawn out and quiet. “Do you know that our mutual neighbor is going out and hunting supernatural beings?”
“… are you talking about Robert? And cryptid hunting?” Mary asked.
“Does he have any idea how dangerous some of these creatures are?” Damien implored. “Any semblance of the harm he risks putting himself in? I’m aware that there is not a full moon tonight, but what if there were and he went seeking a werewolf? He could get himself killed or bitten, and I highly doubt that a lone human—”
Mary cut Damien off, “Woah, hold up. Are you telling me that cryptids are real?”
Damien gave her a quizzical look. “Why would they not be?”
“Jesus Christ, Dames. Bring me two bottles of wine.”
“Not until you tell me what qualifies Robert to go out at night and attempt to track down creatures that could easily dispose of him!”
“Holy fuck, Damien. No one believes in cryptids.”
Damien’s fury began to fade fast, “Truly?”
“Yeah, no one thinks that they exist. Maybe Robert really does, but I can tell you that he’s never gotten attacked by one before. He’s probably just going to the bar and getting drunk or whittling somewhere by himself.”
“Oh,” Damien let himself practically fall onto the big, plush chair. Mary had never seen him do anything with that much lack of grace.
“Yeah, Robert is fine, Dames,” Mary assured. “He knows how to take care of himself and even if he didn’t, you don’t need to worry about… werewolves and shit. He’s more likely to get mugged than anything else, and I can’t see that happening anytime soon.”
Damien snorted. “No, I can’t imagine anyone considering him to be a helpless victim. I may not have felt intimidated by him, but I can easily imagine how others would.”
Mary scoffed. “You didn’t think Robert was intimidating.”
Damien did that thing where he shrugged without actually moving his shoulders and damn if Mary wasn’t once again struck with just how elegant he was. “I think if I were a human I would have been babbling and stuttering. Mayhap not, but I would have been nervous. However, I am not a human. I am a demon. I don’t believe there is much anyone but you can do to seriously injure me or send me back to hell.”
“Me? Why me?”
“You summoned me,” Damien answered. “While we may not share a contract or a bond, you still summoned me and thus are the only human who could cause me harm through non-supernatural means or banish me from the mortal plane. I suppose another human could as well, but it would be much more challenging if they were to endeavor on such a task.”
“Huh, good to know. But Dames?”
“I wasn’t kidding about the wine. Holy fucking hell, cryptids exist.”
Damien walked Mary home once she had indulged in enough wine to kill most humans. Not that Mary needed him to walk her home. She was walking in her typical, flowing stride with her head held high. Mary had the alcohol tolerance of a demon, which was no small feat, and Damien wasn’t entirely certain that she wouldn’t be able to outdrink some demons he knew.
Mary’s mythical drinking abilities aside, Damien made the short trek to Mary’s front door, wished her well, graciously received a hug from her (he still wasn’t used to all the casual touches that many humans seemed to be accustomed to), and made his way back to his home.
He had only just met Robert, and while Damien was sure that the man wanted little to nothing to do with him, he couldn’t just let him go off and hunt mystical creatures which he knew nothing about. Damien knew about them. Oh, he knew all about them. Almost every demon had extensive experience in dealing with such creatures. Some could be incredibly helpful while others could kill enough humans to fill a small village. Most demons found knowledge to be paramount to any operation and they all had millennia to figure out as much as they could.
It was also helpful that demons, as more magical creatures, could sense the auras and presence of other beings that possessed traces of magic. Vampire, werewolves, howlers, ghouls… the list of dangerous creatures went on and on. Most would never be foolish enough to cross a demon, but a human?
Damien but as his lip. He reached back to fidget with his cloak before he realized that he wasn’t, in fact, wearing it. He let his hand fall to his side. Mary had said that Robert had never been attacked before and that no one in Maple Bay had so much as seen a supernatural being, but… that didn’t mean one couldn’t pass through. Damien had kept some tabs on the human world, enough to not be startled by the technology and know some of the vernacular. He also knew that werewolves had taken to drifting from town to town, never staying in one place for too long. What if Robert met one? He wouldn’t get bit—like he had ranted at Mary, it wasn’t a full moon—but werewolves, regardless of their form, had incredible strength and senses.
Perhaps… perhaps he should just check on Robert. It would not do well for Mary’s next-door neighbor to die a gruesome death.
Something was up. Robert could feel it in his gut.
Damien was odd. A bit fidgety, kinda wordy, and pretty formal, but he was also ridiculously friendly and wore his heart on his sleeve. Jesus, Robert could practically feel the excitement radiating off of Damien while the guy was talking. The gargoyles were weird, yeah, but Robert guessed that everyone had some weird quirks. Those in glass houses shouldn’t cast stones or masturbate during the daytime and all that.
Satisfied that Damien wasn’t an immediate threat, he had made his way from the cul-de-sac and towards the park, forging through it and into the woods. It was dark at night. Obviously. But it was darker in the woods than it was on the street or in the park. The trees kept out the light. Perfect time for strolling around. Looking for cryptids. Not just enjoying the night. Nope, Robert was gonna find Bigfoot. He’d even settle for Mothman. He just wasn’t… looking too hard. Not tonight. He was just patrolling now. Making sure that nothing had changed.
Yeah. That sounded good.
Only problem was that he felt like something was watching him. Something dangerous and something powerful. Something… evil.
It had to be the Dover Ghost. Robert had never encountered it before, but there were rumors of it. They were few and far between and inconsistent but damn if it didn’t make him want to find the bastard.
Robert hunched his shoulders inward, slowed down. He had to seem oblivious. If it knew that he knew it was there, it would attack.
If it thought that he didn’t know, it would attack.
… fuck.
Robert tried to scan the area as subtly as he could. Not exactly easy to do it when it was dark as fucking pitch, but you know it never hurt to—
What in the name of all that was sharp and stabby was that.
There, perched in the canopy of the trees not even ten yards behind him, was a humanoid figure. Creepy, sure, but whatever. But this thing—
It had glowing purple eyes.
When Robert told the story later about the Dover Ghost, he would say that he looked it in the face, stared it down, slashed at it with his knife, nearly got dragged into the woods, and then valiantly escaped into the night.
He would never tell them that he shrieked out a noise that was almost at the pitch of a dog whistle and fucking bolted for the tree line, managing to trip over three roots before landing in a heap just outside the woods. He quickly rolled off of his stomach and scanned the woods.
The eyes were gone.
Yeah, okay, fuck that shit.
Robert stood up and ran home.
Damien felt like an idiot.
He had forgotten about his eyes. When he was simply going about mundane, non-magical tasks on the mortal realm, his eyes were brown, “dark honey” Mary called them. Damien could appreciate the imagery, but he believed that hazel would be a more than adequate descriptor when applied to him.
But when Damien channeled any amount of magic, even just reaching out to find other auras, his eyes took on a purple hue and a bioluminescent quality. He had forgotten that he had to take care to hide them when tracking and now he had terrified poor Robert. He hadn’t meant to scare the man, simply watch over him to make sure that nothing more dangerous than a pixie crossed his path. And now he had gone and made a mess of it.
Damien felt guilty yet he couldn’t bring himself to regret it. If this scared Robert off of hunting cryptids, then the man would be much safer. Maple Bay wasn’t exactly a paranormal magnet, but it did have a pull to it, an allure, that most mundane areas lacked. Damien had no doubt that magical beings visited the area, if only for a short time. He hadn’t crossed anything on Robert’s admittedly short journey, but there was still a whole town.
With a sigh to himself, Damien dropped down from his perch on the tree branch and landed with all of the grace of a cat onto the ground.
Well, this hadn’t gone quite as planned, but Damien would happily consider this a success if it kept Robert from his “cryptid hunting”.
If you want, let me know what you think! I would really appreciate feedback.
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ao3feed-jily · 6 years
In Contrast
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2K7GI7z
by pinkdogdog
Living in a society where caste and instincts govern your life, it's hard enough for an anomaly like Tsunayoshi live normally, but being forced to train to be the future mafia boss under the demon tutor Reborn and insane friends just popping up one after another with their own baggage following them, you would think that he'd be given a break by now. Well, nope, you're wrong.
I adopted this fic from fanfictionnet's flower deep, they gave their blessing to continue their work.
Words: 9023, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Katekyou Hitman Reborn!, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Gokudera Hayato, Sawada Tsunayoshi, Yamamoto Takeshi, Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Dino Cavallone, Tim Drake, Damien Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Remus Lupin, Bianchi (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Trident Shamal, Sasagawa Ryouhei, Sasagawa Kyouko, Hibari Kyouya, Clark Kent
Relationships: Gokudera Hayato/Harry Potter, Dino Cavallone/Jason Todd, James Potter/Lily Evans (past), Bruce Wayne/James Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & James Potter & Severus Snape, Tsunayoshi Sawada/Harry Potter, Dick Grayson/Sirius Black, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Female!James, Omega!Harry, Alpha!Gokudera, Alpha!Tsuna, no really, he really is, trust me - Freeform, Alpha Takeshi, Cute!Damien, sorry no I lie about this things, Overprotective Wayne family, Alpha!Richard, alpha!bruce, Alpha!Damien, Omega!Jason, Hahahahah!, Alpha!Dino, Omega!Timmy, Alpha!Kon-El, Bat Family, AU, Mafia Bat Family, Cloud!Jason, Lightning!Harry
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2K7GI7z
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lisianthoma · 7 years
Master Post! (mishmash of headcanons and stories, no particular order) (i’m so serious with names but pls read all of them :D) (will update as i write more)
Nightmares, continued
Sweet Tooth
Late Night
Overprotective Google
Magic Trick…?
i have no logic but pls
Demons, Jim…
“Let me see Damien again…please…”
Pink Mustache?
Sweet Dream, Saccharine (was abandoned. this is the original post of it.) (This is when I stopped with the Sweet Dream, Saccharine story. Got too long.) (Sweet Dream, Saccharine was moved to Wattpad recently, for easier reading.)
The Nicest Smile
i hate this one with a burning passion
Dancing in Moonlight
Pet AU Marvin and Anti
ADWM, Just A Joke, Vanilla Ending
Mermen AU Schneep and Anti fighting
my bestie bb bois
Equal Power
Pet AU returns–
in a reblog chain, but Dark Losing His Temper
How Bim Was Hired
“I’m Sorry, You’re Dying” Continuation of “I’m Sorry, You’re Dying”
Drunken Overdose
Practical Prank
This one I might not continue, but here you go
mad libs went to shit
Bim Torture Part 1…?
Flower Dark? I think? More Flower Dark Flower Dark part 3 and end(?) Flower Dark epilouge
some,,,orignal bullshittery
D&D AU that I might continue
Valentine’s Day
A Chat (gets really meta)
A Recount (from Nancy’s story)
Something. What do I call this. Again, Something. Part 2. What to call.
Tiny Egos!
original shit wow
A Coffee? Part 1 A Coffee? Part 2
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victorianpastel · 7 years
v: Flos Daemonium
Damien is a flower demon.
Flower demons, sometimes known as Flos Daemon(singular) or Flosdaemonium(plural), have been around for centuries. Unlike most demons, Flos Daemonium are generally benign in nature. These beings were most commonly summoned in ancient days to guard sacred sites, and were actually secretly responsible for the booming natural growth seen around many of these sites. 
Since ancient times, the need to summon the Flos Daemonium dwindled as respect for the old ways and the sacred sites attached to them declined, however in the Victorian era there was a revival in mortal desire to have these Daemonium under their control- for much more superficial reasons. Some of the largest and most fantastic Victorian gardens were not, in fact, cultivated solely by hard work, but instead by the presence of the Flos Daemonium dwelling there. 
A Flos Daemon is bound by the contract created when they are summoned, which lasts either until terms are met, or, more commonly, for the full lifespan of the one who summoned them. This contract can be extended if another agrees to the contract, thus adding their lifespan as well. While they are in the mortal realm, the Flos Daemon will feed off of the positive energy of those around them- meaning it is in their best interests to bring joy to the one who summoned them and those around the, as they will only grow stronger by feeding off of positive energy. Note that this does NOT mean that they sap the energy from the people around them- it is a symbiotic relationship!
Flos Daemonium appear mostly humanoid, and can even disguise themselves as humans, however even when disguised they have some notable differences. Their eyes are almost always a pinkish hue, though some will be bright green(to a point that looks unnatural), and they have noticeably pointed canine teeth(top and bottom, however the top teeth are longer, while the bottom are simply very sharp). In their true form Flos Daemonium have a vine-like tail, which often has thorns, leaves and/or blossoms growing from it, and sharp, thorn-like claws on their hands and feet that they can retract at will. Flowers and other plants will often grow right out of their skin or in their hair, or along the ground in the wake of their steps when they are not wearing their human guise. On some, ‘crowns’ of thorn-like horns may grow from their heads.
In either form, Flos Daemonium are extremely durable against physical attacks and in possession of inhuman strength, however they are very vulnerable to fire. l While a Flos Daemonium does require nutrients, they are able to take these nutrients from the nectar of plants  and from clean water, and therefore do not need to eat- however they are very much capable of doing so, and will often even enjoy human food. Most Flos Daemonium have no qualms about eating plants or meat, however they do generally care that it was humanely sourced, and avoid non-organic foods, as sometimes the chemicals humans use on their food can make a Flos Daemon sick to their stomach.
Damien’s Story
Damien is a fairly old Flos Daemon, however most of his time in our realm came during the Victorian era. He can be personally held responsible for some of England’s most famous Victorian gardens,  as he guarded them for generations, and unlike most of his kind, taught those who had summoned him the proper ways to care for his creations after he left.
Since then, he has been summoned and cast away much more like his more malevolent kin, something which he detests.
However, one particular summons went just a little differently. 
It was the dark of night, and he was summoned by a woman with light brown hair- who seemed more horrified than most to see him. Mary Christiansen hadn’t actually meant to summon a demon with the old tattered book she’d found in the basement of the church and taken home to read. She’d just been drunk and lacking company and decided to be funny. After the initial panic slowed, and after Damien had repeatedly assured her that he wanted nothing to do with her soul, she helped arrange matters so that he could move in like a normal person until matters could be better sorted out. 
Damien lives fairly normally, and while his social skills are almost a century behind, he is adapting quickly to modern life. It hasn’t stopped him from completely redecorating his home and the garden behind it in a manner that makes him more comfortable and reminds him of his past, but he has managed to adapt to technology fairly well, and can be reached through most normal means. He is much less likely to invite others into his home than in canon, however, and there are a great many differences as to the interior of his home from canon(namely, a lot more plants).
Being of the supernatural realm himself, Damien is aware of some of the elements at play in Maple Bay, however beyond defending those of the cul-de-sac and attempting to combat the misery generated by what lies beneath with joy, he is not likely to take active steps against any of it unless prompted by someone else.
Notes:  1. This verse was inspired by this post, however Flos Daemonium are something I personally cooked up. So while you are welcome to use the concept for RP or fic, it’d be really great if you let me know! 
2. Why yes, yes I did just run the words ‘flower demon’ through google translate. yes, technically daemonium is singular. who cares?? not this guy it’s a fantasy concept for a tumblr rp blog and it sounds good.
3. As of yet, I have not found a way to integrate Lucien into this AU. While I am working on it, this does mean that for the time being Damien is NOT a dad in this verse. It will be edited later on after some discussion with some of my partners who play Lucien to figure out how best to involve him in this storyline.
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ao3feed-timkon · 6 years
In Contrast
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2K7GI7z
by pinkdogdog
Living in a society where caste and instincts govern your life, it's hard enough for an anomaly like Tsunayoshi live normally, but being forced to train to be the future mafia boss under the demon tutor Reborn and insane friends just popping up one after another with their own baggage following them, you would think that he'd be given a break by now. Well, nope, you're wrong.
I adopted this fic from fanfictionnet's flower deep, they gave their blessing to continue their work.
Words: 9023, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Katekyou Hitman Reborn!, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Gokudera Hayato, Sawada Tsunayoshi, Yamamoto Takeshi, Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Dino Cavallone, Tim Drake, Damien Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Remus Lupin, Bianchi (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Trident Shamal, Sasagawa Ryouhei, Sasagawa Kyouko, Hibari Kyouya, Clark Kent
Relationships: Gokudera Hayato/Harry Potter, Dino Cavallone/Jason Todd, James Potter/Lily Evans (past), Bruce Wayne/James Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & James Potter & Severus Snape, Tsunayoshi Sawada/Harry Potter, Dick Grayson/Sirius Black, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Female!James, Omega!Harry, Alpha!Gokudera, Alpha!Tsuna, no really, he really is, trust me - Freeform, Alpha Takeshi, Cute!Damien, sorry no I lie about this things, Overprotective Wayne family, Alpha!Richard, alpha!bruce, Alpha!Damien, Omega!Jason, Hahahahah!, Alpha!Dino, Omega!Timmy, Alpha!Kon-El, Bat Family, AU, Mafia Bat Family, Cloud!Jason, Lightning!Harry
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2K7GI7z
0 notes
ao3feed-timdrake · 6 years
In Contrast
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2K7GI7z
by pinkdogdog
Living in a society where caste and instincts govern your life, it's hard enough for an anomaly like Tsunayoshi live normally, but being forced to train to be the future mafia boss under the demon tutor Reborn and insane friends just popping up one after another with their own baggage following them, you would think that he'd be given a break by now. Well, nope, you're wrong.
I adopted this fic from fanfictionnet's flower deep, they gave their blessing to continue their work.
Words: 9023, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Katekyou Hitman Reborn!, Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Gokudera Hayato, Sawada Tsunayoshi, Yamamoto Takeshi, Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Dino Cavallone, Tim Drake, Damien Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Remus Lupin, Bianchi (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Trident Shamal, Sasagawa Ryouhei, Sasagawa Kyouko, Hibari Kyouya, Clark Kent
Relationships: Gokudera Hayato/Harry Potter, Dino Cavallone/Jason Todd, James Potter/Lily Evans (past), Bruce Wayne/James Potter, Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & James Potter & Severus Snape, Tsunayoshi Sawada/Harry Potter, Dick Grayson/Sirius Black, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Female!James, Omega!Harry, Alpha!Gokudera, Alpha!Tsuna, no really, he really is, trust me - Freeform, Alpha Takeshi, Cute!Damien, sorry no I lie about this things, Overprotective Wayne family, Alpha!Richard, alpha!bruce, Alpha!Damien, Omega!Jason, Hahahahah!, Alpha!Dino, Omega!Timmy, Alpha!Kon-El, Bat Family, AU, Mafia Bat Family, Cloud!Jason, Lightning!Harry
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2K7GI7z
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