#Food Liquid Multivitamin
vitabase121 · 4 months
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tocura · 16 days
The pharmaceutical industry is an essential sector that plays a significant role in ensuring the health and well-being of individuals across the world. In recent years, Pharma Manufacturers in Turkey has emerged as a prominent player in the global pharma market. With its pharmaceutical manufacturers gaining increasing recognition for their quality products and competitive prices.
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sudsrunner01 · 1 month
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Stressomed is the ultimate solution for those looking to alleviate stress and anxiety in their lives. Available on tocura.com.tr, Stressomed is a natural remedy designed to promote relaxation and calmness, helping individuals manage their stress levels effectively. With Stressomed, you can say goodbye to stress and embrace a more peaceful state of mind.
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entomolog-t · 1 year
A borrower and his pregnant wife hunker down in a new and safer house after a last minute move due to their old residence adopting a cat. She is dealing with constant cravings, so the husband takes it upon themselves to try and steal more and more random (and frustratingly hard to open/carry foods).
Prying open the fridge, stealing whole cans to try and crack open, trying to figure out how to steal various liquids without just puncturing the cartons...
Inevitably, this risky behavior gets them caught. They managed to pry the fridge open again, only for the human ( who moments ago was asleep) to sleepily open up the fridge. In their panic they manage to get their legs stuck in the barred rack, leaving them in full sight of the human.
The human shouts falling back at the unexpected sight and for a moment the two just stare.
The human reaches for him and this time it's the borrower who falls back, leg still stuck between bars. Their pleas just slip out-
"Please, I have a wife and a child on the way- "
The human pauses, his hand changing orientation, going from reaching to grab to offering an open palm to help the borrower stand.
They're caught by a young man roughly the same age as them. Though taken aback by the bizzare scenario, the human offers a nervous smile and asks them what they were trying to get.
The borrower sheepishly admits they were trying to get pickles and peanut butter.
The human man lets out a genuine laugh, nodding as if agreeing.
"Dude, my wife gets the same craving!"
The borrower is surprised at the revelation, but for some reason he finds the similarities between their situation reassuring.
The man helps him out of the fridge and packs up some food for him, adding a few extra snacks as well as multivitamins for his wife. All the while the two quickly bond over their situation. Both are first time fathers, both are terrified yet excited, both are head over heels for their wives etc...
The borrower doesn't leave right away. They stay up talking, opening up a beer or sharing a late night coffee. Regardless, the two somehow manage to put the bizzareness of their situation on the back burner due to the excitement of finding someone else that can relate.
Just two soon to be Dad Bros trying to navigate uncharted water.
Bonus points if both their wives are listening in like "What the fuck is going on?" But neither of them want to go through the hassle of getting up to investigate because they're sore and everything sounds fine..
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What supportive care do senior snakes require? Like, as they reach their later years, what should a responsible keeper do to keep them comfortable and thriving?
Great question!
The single most important thing that can be done for a senior snake is ensuring they have regular vet visits. A good yearly (or even twice yearly) check-up can do wonders for spotting common issues before they cause the snake any discomfort.
In general, here's what I do for senior snakes to make sure they stay healthy and happy!
Senior snakes will often have mobility issues. Their skin and muscles aren't as stretchy as they used to be! Thicker climbing branches that are easier to hold onto, shorter vertical enrichment that's closer to the ground, and softer substrate (working moss into your regular substrate is easy and effective) can help prevent injury from falls.
Senior snakes might have trouble digesting large food items. Cutting down on the size can help the snake digest comfortably and prevent regurgitations.
Taking them out for short handling sessions to get their bodies moving encourages exercise and keeps those muscles healthier for longer!
Senior snakes often have trouble shedding. Extra humidity boosts during shed cycles are often appreciated.
Senior snakes' immune systems aren't as strong as they used to be, so it's important to make sure your enclosure stays clean!
Supplementing their meals with vitamins can help keep their bones, muscles, and organs going strong! Ask your vet about good liquid multivitamins that can be injected into their meals. Even just an occasional calcium supplement can help keep their bones healthy.
With any senior pet, it's important to keep track of how they're doing. I recommend keeping a journal to track their feeding habits, shedding, and activity levels. Be sure to watch for any signs that your snake is in pain. Many senior snakes still have many happy and healthy years ahead of them, so it's important to do all you can to keep them comfortable and thriving!
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lambtotheslaughterr · 6 months
Rise : Chapter Ten
A Rafe Cameron Series
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WC: 2.5k
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
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79 days since the world ended
            It’s been roughly a month since you & the others left the lake house behind in wake of Rafe’s invasion. The gas inn Sayyed’s tank got the four of you nearly two hours north before it became low. There was still a can of gas left in the trailer, but it would be necessary to go out & scavenge more to keep his wrangler working. Fortunately, when Sayyed pulled off the main highway, easily maneuvering around abandoned cars, he happened to pull off near a cabin. It could be seen from the road, but only if one was looking hard to see it through the trees. It would be your new home if those even existed anymore.
            The group dynamic between the four of you changed drastically. Though you didn’t feel the need to prove yourself, your warning about Rafe’s plans gave the group enough time to get away, far away. And so Nuha & Sayyed were as warm towards you as Bear had been. You were wary of their change in attitude early on but soon enough thought nothing of it as the four of you lived with one another for the next month.
            On this day, it was especially warm. Sayyed guessed it was mid-July or so, which meant that the summer heat of the south had yet to peak. The days would only get hotter.
            You were down by a pond that was a five minute walk away from the cabin. Bear was out scavenging & you were waiting by the pond for him to return. The sun was just above the trees so he would be back any minute. Unlike the lakehouse, scavenging took longer here. Your cabin was quite literally in the middle of nowhere, despite direct access to a major road. Most scavenging days required a stay overnight in the woods. But scavenging was more essential than ever.
            Food & water was low, dangerously so. What you guys managed to take from the lakehouse only lasted so long, & the garden at the cabin hadn’t yet begun to produce anything. Everyone was on edge, & looking it. Nuha & Sayyed, who were already slim, were skinnier. You could see it in Sayyed’s face: his sunken cheeks, the clothes he wore hanging more loosely off him. And Nuha, you hadn’t realized how bad she had gotten until you two washed together the other week. When she took her top off you could see her ribcage, & her collarbone was especially more prominent than before. You had been losing weight too, but you still looked healthy as could be. You hoped Bear found something significant.
            “_____.” You glanced over your shoulder at the sound of your name. It was Sayyed.
            “It’s Nuha. I’m getting worried about her.” You swallowed nervously at his words. Of course he would notice her state, too.
            “Whatever Bear brings back we’ll give her.” You told him, “She needs it more than us.”
            Sayyed sat beside you, staring into the pond water, “What if it isn’t enough?”
            You knew where his thoughts & concerns were heading. You placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, “Can’t think like that Sayyed. She’s strong. She’ll pull through.”
            “I hope you’re right.” Sayyed replied softly.
            The two of you sat there in silence for some time until you hear the nearby brush moving. A few seconds later, Bear appeared. By looks of it, he was carrying something heavy, but there was a relieved smile on his face. You shot up & took off for him, Sayyed was hot on your heels.
            “Finally brought something good.” Bear shared as Sayyed took the heavy duty bag from him. Sayyed placed it on the ground & unzipped it. Inside was a health-nut’s pantry. Liquid IV’s, sport drinks, multivitamins. The three of you shared wide grins.
            “This is amazing, Bear!” You rejoiced, hugging him.
            Sayyed gathered two bottles of the sport drinks, a handful of the liquid IV’s, & a bottle of multivitamins, “Thanks, Bear. I gotta get these to Nuha.”
            Sayyed took off back towards the cabin, & you helped Bear carry the rest of the stuff back inside.
            “We really needed this, Bear.”
            “Better yet.” He started as you handed him items to place into a cupboard, “There’s more where this came from. Whoever lived there was stocked on nutritional shit. I can go back, but it’d be easier if you came with, ya know, a second pair of hands & all.”
            You nodded in agreement, “Yeah, we’ll go the day after tomorrow.”
            With Bear’s lucky find, your future at the cabin looked hopeful.
            But hope was a silly thing to cling to.
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            Nuha plummeted overnight. You woke in a panic when Bear shook you awake. You followed him to the second floor. Inside one of the bedrooms, Sayyed was at Nuha’s bedside, helping her to drink some more water.
            “What’s wrong?” You rushed out as you looked at Nuha. Your heart fell. She looked bad. Her normally shiny skin had turned ashen & was beginning to gray. Her hair was a matted mess on her head & there were beads of sweat dotting her hairline. Her lips were chapped & peeling.
            “Bear…” You glanced at him warily, “Does she…”
            “She doesn’t.” Sayyed cut you off, “It’s not any of those symptoms. She’s dehydrated and malnourished. And this fucking heat isn’t helping.”
            You bit your lip, not wanting to point out to Sayyed how deathly she looked. Her eyes were closed & her breathing was shallow. You were unsure if she was sleeping, or even aware of the conversation happening around her.
            “What else can we do?” Bear questioned, “Everything I got today is gonna help, it just might take some time.”
            “She doesn’t have time.” Sayyed forced out, his voice strained as he placed a damp cloth on her forehead. “I can keep forcing her drink the liquid IV’s & to take the vitamins but…”
            It was too late…
            But was it?
            You glanced from Sayyed to Bear, gesturing to the hallway. Bear frowned at you but followed you out. He closed the door quietly behind him.
            “What is it?”
            “There’s another option.” Your voice shook as you even dared to think about it, “It’d take longer but it’s our best chance. Nuha’s best chance.”
            Bear said nothing, waiting for you to continue.
            You licked your lips, fearful of his reaction to your suggestion, “Adrianna. When we left base, Tobias loaded us up on basic medical care shit. Real IV’s. With hook-ups & everything. Adrianna has all of it.”
            “_____...” Bear lowered his head, knowing exactly where you were heading.
            “Just hear me out.” You stopped him before he could deter you, “We leave tonight. You go back to the health nut’s house, I’ll backtrack. Find them.”
            “Find Rafe?” Bear shook his head, “No, no. That’s a shitty idea.”
            “Not Rafe, Adrianna. We need her. Nuha needs her.”
            “It’d take you days to get back there, _____. Not hours, days.”
            “I know.” You nodded, “But I won’t stop. Not even for a brief water break. I’ll just keep running until I get there.”
            “Look, under other circumstances, I’d support it. But Rafe is unhinged. It’s been a month since we saw them, they could be long gone by now. It’d be a wasted effort.”
            “No.” You shook your head. Rafe wouldn’t leave the lakehouse with all that it had. Everything you guys needed would be there, & he wouldn’t pack everything up just to move again. You felt strongly on the fact that they would still be there. “They’ll be there.”
            “And how do you know that?”
            Because he said I could find him. But you didn’t say anything, “I just know him. And, if it’s me who goes, he may let me take Adrianna.”
            Bear shook his head, leaning against the wall to contemplate your words, “And if he doesn’t? Then we lose you & Nuha.”
            “Just trust me, Bear.”
            “I do. What I’m saying is I don’t trust him.” Bear frowned, “He’s a liar, _____. A murderer. Who knows how far gone he is now.”
            “We have to try.” Your voice cracked as you tried to keep it low, “We have to.”
            Bear stared hard at you, his lips pursed. Then he shook his head, “Okay. We’ll go. You head for them, I’ll go back to the house, see what else I can find.”
            “Thank you, Bear!” You hugged him & he returned it half-heartedly.
            “But we don’t tell Sayyed.”
            “You & I both know he won’t let you leave if he knows you’re going to Rafe. It’s best we just tell him you’re coming with me to the health nut house.”
            You didn’t want to lie to Sayyed, but Bear was right. Sayyed would never take a risk that involved Rafe.
            “Go get packed. I’ll let him know what we’re doing.”
            Taking Bear’s advice, you leaped down the stairs to head to your bedroom. You quickly changed out of your loose fitting pj’s & into an outfit that would be fit for the couple day hike back tracking. Once you were all changed, you went into the kitchen to stock up on a few water bottles, the little snack foods you all had, & a couple items from a med kit.
            Bear joined you in the kitchen shortly after in a change of clothes & his own gear.
            “Got everything you’re gonna need?”
            “Yeah. I’ll be okay.”
            As you too finished gathering your things together, Bear led the way out. You two walked alongside one another towards the pond where you two would split off.
            “What’d Sayyed say?”
            Bear shrugged, “Not much. He’s scared. But he didn’t argue. Just said to be fast.”
            You nodded, “And what are you going to tell him when you return tomorrow night without me?”
            Bear gave a half-hearted laugh, “Hadn’t thought that far ahead but don’t worry about it. Just get Adrianna back here, without Rafe.” 
            You winced internally. You knew better than to think you could bring Adrianna back & only Adrianna. But Rafe did have a soft spot for you. Hopefully he’d let you two go. Alone.
            “Be safe, Bear.” You turned to him. Bear ruffled the hair at the top of your head, “You, too. And if you’re not back by the time you should be…”
            “Don’t come looking for me.” You told him.
            Bear said nothing but you saw it in his eyes. He wouldn’t. He too wouldn’t risk bringing Rafe to where you all escaped to.
            “We’ll see you soon.”
            Hugging once more, you split off. Bear heading west, & you south.
            A full moon hung over the woods as you stared into the dark depths of them. There was no going back, you reminded yourself. Nuha needed Adrianna. And you wouldn’t stop until you got to her. Rafe be damned.
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            Your body was aching, desperate to take a break, but you pushed forward. Time you had little of & there was a lot of backtracking to do. You were glad you have kept track of your movements with a map, sure that you were heading towards the lakehouse. The escape from it by car had been roughly two hours, but on foot, it’d take you over a day. The only time you would stop would be to sleep for a couple hours, then you’d be taking off again.
            But ultimately, the trek was easy, if not tiring & stressful. You didn’t have time to think of a real plan to get Adrianna back. After all, Bear was right. It’d been another month since you had seen everyone & Rafe along with the others could’ve likely grown worse. His soft spot towards you may have hardened indefinitely. And if you appeared, there would be no guarantee to how he would react or treat you. You were taking a major risk. But you told yourself that if you felt deep in your gut that you couldn’t trust him, or them, then you would not be leading them back to where the rest of you were hidden out at. Even if it meant never returning again yourself. But you had to try, for Nuha.
            Your couple hour nap in the woods had been restless, sleep never fully coming for you. But once it began to get just a little brighter out, you decided to finish the rest of the trip as quickly as possible to prevent yourself from overheating in the summer sun. If you were reading the map right, you were within ten miles of the lakehouse. You’d be there by midday. So, you hiked your backpack further up your shoulder & moved quickly.
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            When you reached the lake, you took to the woods. Not wanting to approach from the access road. You wanted to get a view of the lakehouse before moving closer, to even see if anyone was still there. As you stayed hidden along the trees by the shore, you slowly came near to the lakehouse. You crouched, peering through the bush to observe. At first, it looked totally abandoned. There was no movement from inside or outside the house. But as you crawled closer, you did spot a truck. Rafe’s truck.
            You swallowed. They had to be here. Rafe wouldn’t leave his truck behind.
            You weren’t one for religious practices, but you took just a moment to pray to a god, any god, to please make sure you’d be okay, that you’d succeed in recruiting Adrianna, & that you would make it back to Nuha in time.
            Just as you were standing up, preparing to step out & make yourself known to anyone who may be nearby, you heard a twig snap directly behind you, making you freeze.
            “Who the fuck are you?”
            You cautiously raised your hands, showing that you were not a danger. But you didn’t dare look behind you.
            The person behind you stepped closer, & you didn’t mistake the feel of the muzzle of a gun getting pressed against your shoulder blade.
            “I said ‘who the fuck are you’?” You didn’t recognize the voice though. This was bad.
            You fluttered your eyes closed, licking your lips, “I’m here to see Adrianna.”
            “Adrianna?” The voice sounded suspicious, “How the fuck do you know Anna?”
            This person was calling her Anna, too?
            “We’re friends.” You replied softly, “At least I hope we are.”
            Slowly, the person behind you circled to your front, & you finally faced with the man who was holding a gun to you.
            You briefly recognized him as one of the men who was with Micah down by the shoreline that one day over a month ago. This was not a friend, not someone you could trust.
            The man was rugged, the bags under his eyes prominent. He looked you from head to toe, clearly untrusting of you. When he finally met your eyes again, he smirked haughtily, “We’ll see about that, won’t we?”
            You opened your mouth to respond, but before you could, the butt of his gun came flying towards you. And the next thing you knew, you were swallowed by darkness.
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i apologize in advance for the late update. there has been a lot on my plate in my personal life that i'm still currently dealing with, but i wanted to at least get this filler chapter in. it's a small one & pretty rushed tbh because my head wasn't fully in it, but i hope it is adequate.
as always, please share your thoughts w me via comments, reblogging w reviews, or dropping an ask. they help more than you know.
thank you for reading!
Requests are currently CLOSED.
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striderl · 6 months
Does Polaroid need to use multivitamins or nutritional tablets? Well, you know, the human body always needs a large amount of Vitamins and nutrients every day to ensure stable functioning. Vitamin deficiency will cause inflammatory diseases and musculoskeletal degeneration. Every day I have to use about 7 different vitamins, so I'm quite curious about half-machine bodies
Holy, that’s a lot of vitamins you are taking each day, are you even eating anything? I’m concerned because I don’t take vitamins, and I never experienced vitamin deficiency before.
Talking about Polaroid’s nutrient problem…TBH, he had been underweight since the war started, and scavenging for food was a tough task for him. As a person with a height of 6’1” (1.85 m), he was only 170 lb, not to mention the fact that over 2/3 of his weight comes from his metal prosthetics. And now he can only ingest liquids, which makes gaining weight or getting enough nutrients each day an even harder task for him.
Sometimes he would drink vegetable smoothies but he absolutely abhorred the feeling of smoothies passing his throat. Alternatively, he felt slightly revolted every time he took the tablets because he bet he looked like a literal drug addict when he had to crush the tablets into powder, mix them into liquids, and drink them. But for the sake of his health and not to experience Sawmus forcing something down his throat, he decided to switch things up a bit. Taking smoothies sometimes, and having tablets for the rest.
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Foley: [Oh really? I thought most humans loved something that's called ... a Boba tea?] Polaroid: [THIS IS DIFFERENT!]
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 month
sooo im going through of phase where i randomly decided to take a bunch of supplements which we have in the house lmao which i thought was kinda ridiculous and i was doing it somewhat for the shits and giggles w my mom but i be damned its been a week/ week and a half and ive been waking up not feeling as exhausted!!!! which is very rare for me and only happens a few times of the year. and also my brain hasnt been as foggy!! my digestion also seems better!
in case this helps anyone (i have eds chronic fatigue pots chronic pain) i have been taking b12, magnesium, food multi vitamins, another multivitamin liquid thing which also contains collagen (yes this is overkill), d3 and cordycepts mushroom extract. yes the multivitamins and the drink stuff also contain this stuff so all together im probably taking pretty high doses and i also cant say Which of these things have helped bc theyre all together so this isnt exactly the most scientific review lol. but. maybe it helps someone to know that Something seems to be helping. if anyone wants i can send photos of the lables
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goodnessandgrief · 1 year
When I’m feeling depressed, it can be nearly impossible to take care of myself, and that includes eating. Here’s a list of some foods that require little to no effort (aka: can be eaten right out of the package or just need to be microwaved), mainly for my personal reference, but also so others can find easier alternatives when they’re struggling.
Water bottles or canned water - stay hydrated!!
vegetables - green beans, peas, corn, black/kidney/pinto beans, chickpeas (all canned or microwaveable frozen bags) - I’ve also tried Harvest Snaps, which are baked snap peas & they’re v good
Fruit - grapes, raisins (or any other dried fruit like apricots/dates), mandarin oranges, apples, applesauce cups, bananas, pears, peaches, etc. (most fruits require no prep anyway, but especially if they’re canned - you can also buy frozen bags)
Canned soup or chicken, beef, or veggie broth
Pasta (ramen, spaghetti, mac and cheese, chow mein) or instant rice are my go-tos. You can buy these in individual cups or bulk packs.
Any microwaveable food - frozen/tv dinners, burritos, toaster strudels (they make an egg bacon & cheese version too!), mini pizzas, breakfast sandwiches… there’s a lot you could do here :)
Dairy - Yogurt, cheese sticks, (or just straight up eat cheese slices, there are no rules here), cottage cheese, almond/oat/soy milk, powdered milk (if you want something shelf-stable)
Grains & carbs - cereal, crackers, chips, popcorn, toast or bagels (I’ve eaten plain bread before tbh and it kinda slaps), Oatmeal (these packets are dinosaur themed & have little sugar eggs!! - https://www.quakeroats.com/products/hot-cereals/instant-oatmeal/dinosaur-eggs)
Nuts - peanuts, peanut butter, almonds, cashews, walnuts, trail mix, etc.
Meat - deli turkey, trail bologna, spam, jerky, frozen chicken strips or nuggets, Morningstar vegetarian corn dogs, canned tuna
Fast food or take-out is also a good option if you don’t feel like making anything yourself.
A little tip - most foods you would take on a camping or hiking trip are great! for some, all you need to do is add water & heat it up. they are usually on the expensive side, though!! here’s some I’ve found that are decent:
Things to keep on hand for particularly bad days:
⁠Boost/ensure/Soylent - liquid meals for when the idea of chewing or mixing anything is too much.
⁠disposable cutlery/bowls/utensils so you don’t have more dishes to worry about.
Liquid IV, Gatorade, or some other form of electrolytes. It’s too easy to get dehydrated!
If you do have a little energy to cook or make something, here’s some ideas:
If you have a blender: frozen spinach + frozen banana + shelf stable almond milk + peanut butter makes a great smoothie.
frozen fruit + frozen spinach/kale for smoothies
Adding whey protein makes it more filling.
⁠dried pasta + jarred pasta sauce (Rao’s is low sugar and awesome, but pricey) + frozen meatballs
Boil tortellini on hand. Its as easy as boiling water. You can eat it plain, add a spoonful of pesto, sprinkle with a little olive oil or butter and some garlic salt, or pour it back in the pan after draining and add a little pasta sauce
⁠frozen fried rice + frozen stir fry veggies
⁠favorite frozen protein and veggies for sheet pan meals
⁠canned refried beans with a tortilla and some cheese to microwave, can add extra toppings too
⁠oatmeal + pb + dried fruit of choice
⁠rice cakes + pb + jam (or substitute bread if you have it)
Rotisserie chicken in a salad, soup, sandwich or wrap
Frozen salmon with some veggies
air fryer foods - chicken nuggets, tenders, fries, etc. You can also toss different vegetables (baby carrots, Brussels sprouts, etc.) in a little olive oil and throw them in there
chicken broth & frozen dumplings - you can dress it up a little with some miso, soy sauce or other seasonings. You could also add some frozen vegetables.
snack type food - a combination of canned Garbanzo beans and black olives. The olives are salty enough that you can get low sodium beans and it will still taste good.
A lot of these ideas I stole from the good people of Reddit (particularly r/depressionmeals)!Here’s the post I referenced if you’d like to look further into it:
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tocura · 16 days
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Find restful sleep and claim your mind with TRELEST- your natural solution for stress and insomnial
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spitefulreturn2 · 2 months
Personal tips
My experience is just going to be different from others because I actually have been coming down from a highway. I’ve gone from like obese class too to just overweight, I swear to God I’m literally hovering above average. But there are some things that made a huge difference for me, especially with binging behavior. • liquid calories must be extremely restricted, I’ve become very dependent on caffeine so I allowed to have 0 cal caffeine like G fuel, or coffee under very specific conditions where I had counted for the amount of sugar and milk, or I substituted sweet sweetener and cream with a scoop of protein powder. DO NOT MIX HOT DRINKS AND PROTEIN POWDER IT WILL COOK IT. But this meant I could have my caffeine, it could taste good, and I was actually able to excuse the calories. One scoop of protein powder is 180 cal, with a lot of nutrients I actually need. • I had to hold my word, if I said that I was going to have a fasting day, then it was going to be a fasting day, and I couldn’t just change my mind halfway through. what if this was any other substance then food and I couldn’t go a single day without it? It suddenly wouldn’t be OK or as excusable.
• I had to be consistent about weighing myself on the scale, and I wanted to know accurate numbers, so I would weigh myself when I got up in the morning after my first pee, but before I consumed anything. I would do this every morning, and at the end of the week take the average. It helped me get used to the fact that my weight would definitely fluctuate through the week, even if I was doing everything right, it also helped keep me on track to remember that a single night of binging could lead to weight stall or gain.
• 👏🏻safe 👏🏻 foods!!!!!! Seafood honestly look different for everyone, but for me, they had to follow a specific parameters. One of my favorite safe foods is a frozen salmon fillet. I can buy a pack at the beginning of the week, and there’s no reason why I should be all out before the week is over. I know how many calories are in each portion, and if I’m unsure, then I can just wait on a food scale. I know that it has vitamins I need, fats that I need to absorb my vitamins, and protein that I need. I can’t possibly his junk food, and I happen to be a big fan of raw fish so that means I don’t have to count for cooking oils in calories. I also became a huge fan of soup, because the liquid will make my stomach feel full, but usually calories are under 50. Eggs were also great for me, as long as it was just egg and not tons of cheese and cream added in. • DANGER FOOD AWARENESS! There were definitely also foods that were very dangerous for me, because they would directly lead to a binge or leave me feeling hungry than I was before I started eating. For me? That was a lot of baked goods. I’m just one of those people where I can’t have one cookie. I have to have all of them. A PB&J makes me hungrier, peanut butter in general is actual crack for me. Gotta avoid it.
• I avoid diet talk with others IRL because they end up accusing me of concern farming, of RED behaviors, or just lying. I’ve had people actually tell me I must be lying about my weight loss, and at the beginning essentially say “HA yeah sure ok”. Demoralizing for no damn reason, and concern when I’m literally not dying or even sick. I feel better than I ever have. • Use your hair and nails to tell you where your nutrition is! Breaking and crumbling nails means you’re deficient, take a fish oil pill and a multivitamin because some vitamins NEED FAT to be absorbed by your body.
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babycatlix · 3 months
Toothless is doing fine now.
I think she was a little put off by the amount of liquid in her food during her little "jealousy" stint. Once she was mostly back to normal, I decided to cut the liquid for the cat's meals in half and she seemed to like that a lot more. She is happily eating her meals now, with no hesitation, isn't walking away mid-way, and isn't leaving anything over.
That being said, I re-evaluated their food (again) and decided that cutting the liquid in half and adding a no-calorie count once-a-day multivitamin (they have a 2x a day right now) would not only be cheaper but more beneficial to the cats. They're getting fewer liquid calories and it frees up room for me to add things like smaller whole prey items that would be great for their teeth!
But thank you to those who checked in with me, Toothless was just a little jealous baby for a few days. I wish she would show her jealousy differently. Honestly, I would've preferred her to be aggressive, biting and scratching me over her not eating. But what's done is done.
I hope you're having a good week. If no one's told you recently, I'm proud of you and you're doing great! Happy 4th of July to my American moots and followers. Keep a close eye on your pets with all the fireworks going off and be smart about setting off your own fireworks, please! Anyway, make good choices, stay safe out there, and stay hydrated my friends! 🩵
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sac-bestsupplements · 5 months
Exposed: Money Waste? What Multivitamins REALLY are & Should You TAKE Vitamins at all? Do This Before Wasting Your Money...
Discover the Best Multivitamin Supplements for Men: https://super-achiever.com/best-multivitamin-for-men
#multivitamins #multivitamin #vitamins
Hello, Health Enthusiasts! 🌟 Today we're tackling a topic that's everywhere: Multivitamins. Are they the magical pills for health, or just an overhyped trend?
Before we dive into the vitamin vortex, make sure to subscribe and hit the bell icon so you never miss our health hacks and facts. Now, let's dissect the multivitamin mania! Decoding Multivitamins: What’s Inside the Bottle? Multivitamins, affectionately known as "multis," come in various forms: pills, gummies, powders, and liquids. But here's the catch – there's no standard recipe! Each brand could have a different concoction of vitamins and minerals, making the landscape a bit murky. Over half of American adults are popping these supplements, but the million-dollar question is: do they really need to? 🤔💊 In places with diverse food availability, severe vitamin deficiencies are rare, thanks to enriched foods and varied diets. Sure, multivitamins can be lifesavers in certain scenarios, especially for those with specific nutritional needs. But for the average Joe and Jane, is it an essential or just an added expense?
The Multibillion-Dollar Question: To Spend or Not to Spend? The supplement industry is massive, with brands vying for your attention (and wallet). Yet, splurging isn't necessary; even basic, store-brand supplements can meet your needs if they contain the Recommended Daily Allowance of essential nutrients. A pro tip: look for the "USP" seal, ensuring what's on the label is what's in the bottle, tested for purity and safety. 🏷️🔍 The Great Multivitamin Debate: Miracle or Myth? Here's where opinions diverge. Some champion multivitamins as dietary gap-fillers, while skeptics argue they're just leading to fancy urine. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force steps in with a reality check – there's insufficient evidence to claim these supplements prevent cancer or heart disease. And while we're busting myths, let's talk alternatives: organic compounds like Shilajit might offer what multivitamins lack, but that's a story for another video (check it out if you haven't!). Navigating the Vitamin Verbiage: Hype vs. Health Beware of bold promises like enhanced brain health, boundless energy, or flawless skin.
These claims are often more about marketing than measurable benefits. If you're contemplating the multivitamin route, a chat with a registered dietitian could illuminate your actual needs versus what's just vitamin hype. 🧠✨ Your Turn: Vitamin Voyages and Tales Now, we want to hear from you! Have multivitamins been a game-changer in your wellness journey, or do you consider them unnecessary? Share your vitamin ventures in the comments below.
Stay tuned, as our next video will delve deeper into the benefits of multivitamins – are they truly beneficial, or is it all just a placebo effect? Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on this vital vitamin verdict. Until then, keep striving for your healthiest life, and goodbye for now! 🍏👋
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d3ad-gir1 · 6 months
some of my ana tips:
1. liquid fast till 5pm (water and 0 cal drinks only)
2. at least 1 hour of exercise every day (my favorites are walks and stationary bike)
3. no more than 500 cals a day
4. NO DAIRY!!!
5. take a multivitamin every day
6. no eating past 8pm (or at least 2 hours before you go to bed)
7. don’t let yourself get bored! always have something to do. anything to keep you from thinking about food.
8. allow yourself to have a cheat day once a month
been doing these for about 2 months now and i’m down 15 lbs!! keep in mind that what works for me might not work for you. results don’t happen overnight; it takes time, so don’t get impatient.
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jcmarchi · 9 months
Engineers develop a vibrating, ingestible capsule that might help treat obesity
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/engineers-develop-a-vibrating-ingestible-capsule-that-might-help-treat-obesity/
Engineers develop a vibrating, ingestible capsule that might help treat obesity
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When you eat a large meal, your stomach sends signals to your brain that create a feeling of fullness, which helps you realize it’s time to stop eating. A stomach full of liquid can also send these messages, which is why dieters are often advised to drink a glass of water before eating.
MIT engineers have now come up with a new way to take advantage of that phenomenon, using an ingestible capsule that vibrates within the stomach. These vibrations activate the same stretch receptors that sense when the stomach is distended, creating an illusory sense of fullness.
In animals who were given this pill 20 minutes before eating, the researchers found that this treatment not only stimulated the release of hormones that signal satiety, but also reduced the animals’ food intake by about 40 percent. Scientists have much more to learn about the mechanisms that influence human body weight, but if further research suggests this technology could be safely used in humans, such a pill might offer a minimally invasive way to treat obesity, the researchers say.
“For somebody who wants to lose weight or control their appetite, it could be taken before each meal,” says Shriya Srinivasan PhD ’20, a former MIT graduate student and postdoc who is now an assistant professor of bioengineering at Harvard University. “This could be really interesting in that it would provide an option that could minimize the side effects that we see with the other pharmacological treatments out there.”
Srinivasan is the lead author of the new study, which appears today in Science Advances. Giovanni Traverso, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at MIT and a gastroenterologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, is the senior author of the paper.
A sense of fullness
When the stomach becomes distended, specialized cells called mechanoreceptors sense that stretching and send signals to the brain via the vagus nerve. As a result, the brain stimulates production of insulin, as well as hormones such as C-peptide, Pyy, and GLP-1. All of these hormones work together to help people digest their food, feel full, and stop eating. At the same time, levels of ghrelin, a hunger-promoting hormone, go down.
While a graduate student at MIT, Srinivasan became interested in the idea of controlling this process by artificially stretching the mechanoreceptors that line the stomach, through vibration. Previous research had shown that vibration applied to a muscle can induce a sense that the muscle has stretched farther than it actually has.
“I wondered if we could activate stretch receptors in the stomach by vibrating them and having them perceive that the entire stomach has been expanded, to create an illusory sense of distension that could modulate hormones and eating patterns,” Srinivasan says.
As a postdoc in MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Srinivasan worked closely with Traverso’s lab, which has developed many novel approaches to oral delivery of drugs and electronic devices. For this study, Srinivasan, Traverso, and a team of researchers designed a capsule about the size of a multivitamin, that includes a vibrating element. When the pill, which is powered by a small silver oxide battery, reaches the stomach, acidic gastric fluids dissolve a gelatinous membrane that covers the capsule, completing the electronic circuit that activates the vibrating motor.
In a study in animals, the researchers showed that once the pill begins vibrating, it activates mechanoreceptors, which send signals to the brain through stimulation of the vagus nerve. The researchers tracked hormone levels during the periods when the device was vibrating and found that they mirrored the hormone release patterns seen following a meal, even when the animals had fasted.
The researchers then tested the effects of this stimulation on the animals’ appetite. They found that when the pill was activated for about 20 minutes, before the animals were offered food, they consumed 40 percent less, on average, than they did when the pill was not activated. The animals also gained weight more slowly during periods when they were treated with the vibrating pill.
“The behavioral change is profound, and that’s using the endogenous system rather than any exogenous therapeutic. We have the potential to overcome some of the challenges and costs associated with delivery of biologic drugs by modulating the enteric nervous system,” Traverso says.
The current version of the pill is designed to vibrate for about 30 minutes after arriving in the stomach, but the researchers plan to explore the possibility of adapting it to remain in the stomach for longer periods of time, where it could be turned on and off wirelessly as needed. In the animal studies, the pills passed through the digestive tract within four or five days.
The study also found that the animals did not show any signs of obstruction, perforation, or other negative impacts while the pill was in their digestive tract.
An alternative approach
This type of pill could offer an alternative to the current approaches to treating obesity, the researchers say. Nonmedical interventions such as diet exercise don’t always work, and many of the existing medical interventions are fairly invasive. These include gastric bypass surgery, as well as gastric balloons, which are no longer used widely in the United States due to safety concerns.
Drugs such as GLP-1 agonists can also aid weight loss, but most of them have to be injected, and they are unaffordable for many people. According to Srinivasan, the MIT capsules could be manufactured at a cost that would make them available to people who don’t have access to more expensive treatment options.
“For a lot of populations, some of the more effective therapies for obesity are very costly. At scale, our device could be manufactured at a pretty cost-effective price point,” she says. “I’d love to see how this would transform care and therapy for people in global health settings who may not have access to some of the more sophisticated or expensive options that are available today.”
The researchers now plan to explore ways to scale up the manufacturing of the capsules, which could enable clinical trials in humans. Such studies would be important to learn more about the devices’ safety, as well as determine the best time to swallow the capsule before to a meal and how often it would need to be administered.
Other authors of the paper include Amro Alshareef, Alexandria Hwang, Ceara Byrne, Johannes Kuosmann, Keiko Ishida, Joshua Jenkins, Sabrina Liu, Wiam Abdalla Mohammed Madani, Alison Hayward, and Niora Fabian.
The research was funded by the National Institutes of Health, Novo Nordisk, the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT, a Schmidt Science Fellowship, and the National Science Foundation.
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Bariatric Advantage Vitamins
You've most certainly heard about Bariatric Advantage Vitamins, especially for those who're taking into account or have undergone bariatric surgical procedure. These are usually not your average multivitamins; they may be above all designed to counteract the nutrient deficiencies that Discover more may manifest post-surgical treatment. With standard foodstuff like nutrition B12, D, iron, and calcium in bureaucracy which are more with no trouble absorbed by using your altered digestive manner, they look gold standard. But you could possibly marvel, are they truely priceless? Can't a balanced food regimen suffice? The solutions to those questions will not be trustworthy, and as you inspect your post-surgical supplementations, it is easy to uncover that the possibilities you make can enormously have an bariatric impact on your restoration and long-time period healthiness.
Understanding Bariatric Vitamins
Understanding bariatric nutritional vitamins is most important for all people who has undergone weight loss surgical operation. After bariatric surgical treatment, your frame's skill to soak up supplementations decreases somewhat, that can bring about deficiencies if no longer safely managed. It's vital to grasp the transformations for your gastrointestinal tract and the way these ameliorations have an effect on diet absorption.
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Post-surgery, your smaller stomach size and the that you can think of bypassing of portion of your small gut suggest you won't be able to soak up vitamins and minerals as successfully as sooner than. This altered nation calls for a particular mind-set to diet that seriously is not well-nigh dining much less but ensuring what you devour is wealthy in important foodstuff. You're now not just on a event to shed extra pounds yet to handle a wholesome, nutrient-wealthy vitamin that helps your new digestive procedure.
To adapt, you'll need to concentration on dietary supplements which might be above all formulated for bariatric patients. These should not your widely wide-spread over-the-counter supplementations. Bariatric vitamins are designed to be more truthfully absorbed via your physique. They repeatedly are available bariatric vitamin patches types that dissolve improved or are more bioavailable, which suggests your body can use them extra conveniently.
Essential Vitamin Types
Continuing from the importance of tailored diet intake after bariatric surgery, that's imperative to be aware of which definite nutrients you may want to attention on. Post-surgery, your body's skill to take up foodstuff is particularly altered, which necessitates a focused way on your dietary dietary supplements.
Firstly, Vitamin https://us-southeast-1.linodeobjects.com/bari-liquid-force/best-bariatric-multivitamin/uncategorized/unlocking-the-power-of-bariatric-liquid.html B12 is critical; it helps inside the formation of pink blood cells and DNA synthesis. You also can face challenges with B12 absorption caused by changes on your abdomen's format. Sublingual drugs or injections may well be more efficient in verifying you accept this extraordinary nutrient. Similarly, Vitamin D storage.googleapis.com is relevant for bone wellbeing and immune function. After bariatric surgical operation, your consumption and absorption of Vitamin D may want to be monitored intently to steer clear of deficiencies.
Iron is an alternative key nutrient; its deficiency is conventional by means of reduced abdomen acid and altered gastrointestinal anatomy, which can impair iron absorption. Taking iron vitamins with diet C can enrich absorption, however it's worthy to have your stages aas a rule checked to tailor your consumptio
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